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Study On Fuel Injection System

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The document is a study report on fuel injection systems submitted for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.

The study is about fuel injection systems in internal combustion engines.

The objectives of the study are to understand fuel injection systems and their components and working principles.


In Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in

Mechanical Engineering


1. MD. TANZIMUL ISLAM ID: BME 1403004210

2. MD. SALIM REZA ID: BME 1403004211
4. MD. SALMAN KHAN ID: BME 1403004201
5. MD. SAMAUL HUQUE ID: BME 1403004208

Under the Supervision of

Mahbubur Rahman
(Lecturer & Co-coordinator)
Department of Mechanical Engineering


Department of Mechanical Engineering

July, 2018


Approved By




Department of Mechanical Engineering


Date of Approved: 15 July 2018

We hereby declare that the thesis report carried out by us under the supervision of
Mahbubur Rahman, Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sonargaon
University. We have tried our best to make the thesis report with accurate information &
relevant data.

We hereby ensure that, this thesis has not been submitted to anywhere for the award of
any degree.

1. Md. Tanzimul Islam

ID: BME 1403004210 ……………………….

2. Md. Salim Reza

ID: BME 1403004211 ……………………….

3. Md. Mahabubur Rahman

ID: BME 1403004224 ……………………….

4. Md. Salman Khan

ID: BME 1403004201 ……………………….

5. Md. Samaul Huque

ID: BME 1403004208 ……………………….



Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Objective 1

Chapter 2 2.1 IC Engine 10

2.2 Improving Combustion Engine 10
2.3 IC Engine Working Principal 11
2.4 Principal of Operations 11
2.5 Ignition system 12
2.6 Internal combustion engine efficiency 12

Chapter 3 3.1 Fuel System 14

3.2 Purpose of fuel 14
3.3 Type of Fuel 14
3.4 Properties of Fuel 15
3.5 Diesel Fuel 16
3.6 Cetane Number 16
3.7 Octane Number 16
3.8 Purpose of diesel Fuel Injection System 17
3.9 Component of Fuel Injection System 17
3.10Firing Order of Engine 18

Chapter 4 4.1 Fuel Injection System 19

4.2 Type of Fuel Injection 19
4.3 Working principle of Fuel System 22
4.4 Inline Injection System 23
4.5 Rotary Distributor Injection System 24
4.6 Advantage of Common Rail Direct Injection System 25
4.7 Development of Injection Systems 25

Chapter 5 5.1 Functions of Nozzle 26

5.2 Component of Nozzle 26
5.3 Types of Nozzle 27

Chapter 6 6.1 Emission Standards 28

6.2 Vehicle emission performance standard 30
6.3 European emission standards 30
6.4 Indian emission standards 32
6.5 Comparison between Bharat Stage and Euro norms 35

Chapter 7 7.1 Fuel of Bangladesh 36
7.2 Experimental Test 36

Chapter 8 8.1 Emission Standards of Bangladesh 37

8.2 Current Emission Standards For New Registration
Vehicles In Bangladesh 38

Chapter 9 9.1 Fuel Injection Effects of Engine and Humans Body 40

9.2 Fuel Injector Problems 40
9.3 Effects of Particulate matter (PM) in humans’ body 40
9.4 Effects of Hydrocarbons (HC) 41
9.5 Effects of Nitrogen oxides 41
9.6 Effects of Sulfur dioxide (SO2) 41
9.7 Hazardous air pollutants (toxics) 41
9.8 Fuel System Failure Report 42

10.1 Conclusion 43

10.2 Recommendation 44

10.3 Reference 45

Sl. Table Description Page

No. No. No.
1 Table-1 Fuel Properties 15
2 Table-2 European emission standards for light commercial vehicle ≤1305 kg reference 30
mass (Category N1-I), g/km.
3 Table-3 European emission standards for light commercial vehicles 1305–1760 kg 31
reference mass (Category N1-II), g/km.
4 Table-4 European emission standards for light commercial vehicles >1760 kg reference 31
mass max 3500 kg. (Category N1-III & N2), g/km.
5 Table-5 EU Emission Standards for HD Diesel Engines, g/kWh (smoke in m−1). 32
6 Table-6 Emission standards for large goods vehicles. 32
7 Table-7 Indian Emission Standards (4-Wheel Vehicles) 33
8 Table-8 Indian Emission Standards (2 and 3 wheelers) 33
9 Table -9 Emission Standards for Diesel Truck and Bus Engines, g/kWh 34
10 Table-10 Emission Standards for Light-Duty Diesel Vehicles, g/km 34
11 Table-11 Emission Standards for Light-Duty Diesel Engines, g/kWh 35
12 Table-12 Diesel Fuel Quality in India 35
13 Table-13 Fuel Test Report from Bangladesh Council of Science and Industrial Research 36
(22 March 2018)
14 Table-14 Bangladesh Emission STD for heavy duty diesel vehicle. 38
15 Table-15 Proposed Level of Emission Standards for the new registration vehicles 39


CI Compression Ignition
SI Spark Ignition
LDO Light Diesel Oil
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
API American Petroleum Institute
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
CRDI Common Rail Direct Injection
IDI Indirect Injection
DI Direct Injection
LDO Light Diesel Oil
HSD High Speed Diesel
ICE Internal Combustion Engine
HC Hydrocarbon
THC Total hydrocarbon
CO Carbon Monoxide
PM Particulate Mater
CO2 Carbon di oxide
NOx Nitrous Oxide
ECM Electronic Control Module
EUI Electronic Unit Injection
AC Alternating Current
VPI Vacuum Pressure Impregnation
CDVR Cat Digital Voltage Regulator
ONAN Oil Natural Air Natural
ONAF Oil Natural Air Forced
BS Bharat Stage
EU European Union
ISO Internarial Organization for Standardization
ASTM American Society of Testing and Materials
BSTI Bangladesh Society of Testing Institute.
BCSIR Bangladesh Council of Science and Industrial Research


Bangladesh is a small developing country with a huge potentiality to improvement

of transportation. In the present situation, Government of Bangladesh identified
that the vehicular emission is the second largest contributor of environmental
pollution after the brick field resulting vehicular emission as one of the major issue
of Air Population. With increased economic activity and automobile population,
reducing emission level is attaining paramount significance for safekeeping the
environment. Present study was conducted to investigate different fuel injection
system. Merits and demerits of each system were analyzed and it was found that
common rail fuel injection system provides a unique combination of high power,
better mileage, and low environmental pollutant emission with moderate cost. Data
analyses shows that Common rail system are better from others fuel injection
system. Study was conducted regarding effectiveness of fuel system along with the
emission norms to maintain vehicular emission effectively.


At we would like to express our heartfelt thanks of almighty ALLAH for his kind
blessing for complete of this thesis successfully. This thesis work has been carried out
under the able supervision of Mahbubur Rahman, Lecturer, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Sonargaon University. We would like to express our deep respect to him for
his valuable guidance and supervision throughout the entire work

We are very much grateful to Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaq Akhanda, Dean,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Soanrgaon University & other faculty members
of SU.

We are grateful to Md. Alimuzzaman, Manager, Head of Product & Warranty

Management, Nitol Motors Limited for his sincere help & constructive suggestions.


1.1 Introduction:
Fuel Injections play an Important role in the optimal performance of the vehicles because
they delivery fuel in the Engine. Failure of the injectors affects the performance of the
vehicle. In this article discuss the role of the fuel Injection System. Fuel injection is the
introduction of fuel in an internal combustion engine, most commonly automotive
engines, by the means of an injector. All diesel engines use fuel injection by
design. Petrol engines can use gasoline direct injection, where the fuel is directly
delivered into the combustion chamber, or indirect injection where the fuel is mixed with
air before the intake stroke. A petrol engine (known as a gasoline engine in American
English) is an internal combustion engine with spark-ignition, designed to run on petrol
(gasoline) and similar volatile fuels. The pre-mixing was formerly done in a carburetor,
but now it is done by electronically controlled fuel injection, except in small engines
where the cost/complication of electronics does not justify the added engine efficiency.
The process differs from a diesel engine in the method of mixing the fuel and air, and in
using spark plugs to initiate the combustion process. In a diesel engine, only air is
compressed (and therefore heated), and the fuel is injected into very hot air at the end of
the compression stroke, and self-ignites. The correct air-fuel ratio is required for an
engine to provide good drive ability, reduce vehicle emission and prevent internal damage
to engine parts. The ideal fuel injection system requires pre-determined local air-fuel ratio
distribution for maximum combustion and energy efficiency and minimum generation of
pollutants. Spray characteristics and is the most important factors for achieving the
required local air-fuel ratio distributions [3]

The average compression ratio of a diesel engine is much higher (about 15:1) than that of
a gasoline engine (about 8:1) and this is the reason for the higher thermal efficiency of the
diesel engine (about 33% as compared to about 25% of the gasoline engine) which makes
for economy in operation. [6]

1.2 Objective:

1. Objective is to study on Fuel Injection Systems.


Internal Combustion Engine

2.1 IC Engine:
Combustion, also known as burning, is the basic chemical process of releasing energy
from a fuel and air mixture. In an internal combustion engine (ICE), the ignition and
combustion of the fuel occurs within the engine itself. The engine then partially converts
the energy from the combustion to work. The engine consists of a fixed cylinder and a
moving piston. The expanding combustion gases push the piston, which in turn rotates the
crankshaft. Ultimately, through a system of gears in the powertrain, this motion drives the
vehicle’s wheels.

There are two kinds of internal combustion engines currently in production: the spark
ignition gasoline engine and the compression ignition diesel engine. Most of these are
four-stroke cycle engines, meaning four piston strokes are needed to complete a cycle.
The cycle includes four distinct processes: intake, compression, combustion and power
stroke, and exhaust.

Spark ignition gasoline and compression ignition diesel engines differ in how they supply
and ignite the fuel. In a spark ignition engine, the fuel is mixed with air and then inducted
into the cylinder during the intake process. After the piston compresses the fuel-air
mixture, the spark ignites it, causing combustion. The expansion of the combustion gases
pushes the piston during the power stroke. In a diesel engine, only air is inducted into the
engine and then compressed. Diesel engines then spray the fuel into the hot compressed
air at a suitable, measured rate, causing it to ignite. [8]

2.2 Improving Combustion Engine:

Over the years, research and development has helped manufacturers reduce ICE
emissions of criteria pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter
(PM) by more than 99% to comply with emissions standards. Research has also led to
improvements in ICE performance (horsepower and 0-60 mph acceleration time) and
efficiency, helping manufacturers maintain or increase fuel economy. Learn more about
our advanced combustion engine research and development efforts focused on making
internal combustion engines more energy efficient with minimal emissions. Internal
combustion engines provide outstanding drivability and durability, with more than 250
million highway transportation vehicles in the United States relying on them. Along with
gasoline or diesel, they can also utilize renewable or alternative fuels (e.g., natural gas,
propane, biodiesel, or ethanol). They can also be combined with hybrid electric
powertrains to increase fuel economy or plug-in hybrid electric systems to extend the
range of hybrid electric vehicles. [8]

2.3 IC Engine Working Principal:
The internal combustion engine is an engine in which the burning of a fuel occurs in a
confined space called a combustion chamber. This exothermic reaction of a fuel with an
oxidizer creates gases of high temperature and pressure, which are permitted to expand.
The defining feature of an internal combustion engine is that useful work is performed by
the expanding hot gases acting directly to cause movement, for example by acting on
pistons, rotors, or even by pressing on and moving the entire engine itself. [9]

2.4 Principal of Operations:

a) Two Stroke Cycle
b) Four Stroke Cycle


A two-stroke (or two-cycle) engine is a type of internal combustion engine which

completes a power cycle with two strokes (up and down movements) of the piston during
only one crankshaft revolution. This is in contrast to a "four-stroke engine", which
requires four strokes of the piston to complete a power cycle during two crankshaft
revolutions. In a two-stroke engine, the end of the combustion stroke and the beginning of
the compression stroke happen simultaneously, with the intake and exhaust (or
scavenging) functions occurring at the same time. Two-stroke engines often have a high
power-to-weight ratio, power being available in a narrow range of rotational speeds called
the "power band". Compared to four-stroke engines, two-stroke engines have a greatly
reduced number of moving parts, and so can be more compact and significantly lighter.


A four-stroke (also four-cycle) engine is an internal combustion (IC) engine in which the
piston completes four separate strokes while turning the crankshaft. A stroke refers to the
full travel of the piston along the cylinder, in either direction. The four separate strokes
are termed:

Intake: also known as induction or suction. This stroke of the piston begins at top dead
center (T.D.C.) and ends at bottom dead center (B.D.C.). In this stroke the intake valve
must be in the open position while the piston pulls an air-fuel mixture into the cylinder by
producing vacuum pressure into the cylinder through its downward motion. The piston is
moving down as air is being sucked in by the downward motion against the piston

Compression: This stroke begins at B.D.C, or just at the end of the suction stroke, and
ends at T.D.C. In this stroke the piston compresses the air-fuel mixture in preparation for
ignition during the power stroke (below). Both the intake and exhaust valves are closed
during this stage.

Power: Also known as power or ignition This is the start of the second revolution of the
four stroke cycle. At this point the crankshaft has completed a full 360-degree revolution.
While the piston is at T.D.C. (the end of the compression stroke) the compressed air-fuel
mixture is ignited by a spark plug (in a gasoline engine) or by heat generated by high
compression (diesel engines), forcefully returning the piston to B.D.C. This stroke
produces mechanical work from the engine to turn the crankshaft.

Exhaust: also known as outlet. During the exhaust stroke, the piston once again returns
from B.D.C. to T.D.C. while the exhaust valve is open. This action expels the spent air-
fuel mixture through the exhaust valve. [11]

2.5 Ignition system:

Internal combustion engines can be classified by their ignition system. The point in the
cycle at which the fuel/oxidizer mixtures are ignited has a direct effect on the efficiency
and output of the ICE. For a typical 4 stroke automobile engine, the burning mixture has
to reach its maximum pressure when the crankshaft is 90 degrees after TDC (Top dead
centre). The speed of the flame front is directly affected by compression ratio, fuel
mixture temperature and octane or cetane rating of the fuel. Modern ignition systems are
designed to ignite the mixture at the right time to ensure the flame front doesn't contact
the descending piston crown. If the flame front contacts the piston, pinking or knocking
results. Leaner mixtures and lower mixture pressures burn more slowly requiring more
advanced ignition timing. [12]

2.6 Internal combustion engine efficiency:

Most internal combustion engines waste about 36 percent of the energy in gasoline as
heat lost to the cooling system and another 38 percent through the exhaust. The rest,
about six percent, is lost to friction. [9]

Engine efficiency of thermal engines is the relationship between the total energy
contained in the fuel, and the amount of energy used to perform useful work.

The efficiency of an engine is defined as ratio of the useful work done to the heat

Where Q1 is the heat absorbed and Q1- Q2 is the work done. [13]

Otto Cycle: Automobiles the Otto cycle is the name for the cycle used in spark-ignition
internal combustion engines such as gasoline and hydrogen fueled automobile engines. Its
theoretical efficiency depends on the compression ratio r of the engine and the specific
heat ratio γ of the gas in the combustion chamber. [4]

Thus, the efficiency increases with the compression ratio. However, the compression ratio
of Otto cycle engines is limited by the need to prevent the uncontrolled combustion
known as knocking. Modern engines have compression ratios in the range 8 to 11,
resulting in ideal cycle efficiencies of 56% to 61%.

Diesel cycle: trucks and trains In the Diesel cycle used in diesel truck and train engines,
the fuel is ignited by compression in the cylinder. The efficiency of the Diesel cycle is
dependent on r and γ like the Otto cycle, and also by the cutoff ratio, rc, which is the ratio
of the cylinder volume at the beginning and end of the combustion process:

The Diesel cycle is less efficient than the Otto cycle when using the same compression
ratio. However, practical Diesel engines are 30% - 35% more efficient than gasoline
engines. This is because, since the fuel is not introduced to the combustion chamber until
it is required for ignition, the compression ratio is not limited by the need to avoid
knocking, so higher ratios are used than in spark ignition engines.


Fuel Systems
3.1 Fuel System:
Fuels burn faster, and more completely when they have lots of surface area in contact
with oxygen. In order for an engine to work efficiently the fuel must be vaporized into the
incoming air in what is commonly referred to as a fuel air mixture. There are two
commonly used methods of vaporizing fuel into the air, one is the carburetor and the
other is fuel injection. Often for simpler, reciprocating engines a carburetor is used to
supply fuel into the cylinder. However, exact control of the correct amount of fuel
supplied to the engine is impossible. Carburetors are the current most widespread fuel
mixing device used in lawnmowers and other small engine applications. Prior to the mid-
1980s, carburetors were also common in automobiles. Larger gasoline engines such as
those used in automobiles have mostly moved to fuel injection systems. Diesel engines
always use fuel injection. Auto gas (LPG) engines use either fuel injection systems or
open or closed loop carburetors. Other internal combustion engines like jet engines use
burners, and rocket engines use various different ideas including impinging jets,
gas/liquid shear, returners, and many other ideas. [9]

3.2 Purpose of Fuel:

A fuel is any material that can be made to react with other substances so that it releases
energy as heat energy or to be used for work. The heat energy released by reactions of
fuels is converted into mechanical energy via a heat engine. Fuels are contrasted with
other substances or devices storing potential energy, such as those that directly release
electrical energy (such as batteries and capacitors) or mechanical energy (such as
flywheels, springs, compressed air, or water in a reservoir). [1]

3.3 Type of Fuel: There are many kind of fuel. Such as-
a) Ethanol
b) Methanol
c) Gasoline
d) Diesel
e) Hydrogen

Ethanol is a good fuel for use in spark-ignition engines. It has a high octane number,
making it attractive as an antiknock additive in gasoline. It can be used as an additive for
diesel (biodiesel). Ethanol is also an important feedstock for the chemical industry. [4]

Methanol fuel Methanol is an alternative fuel for internal combustion and other engines,
either in combination with gasoline or directly ("neat"). It is used in racing cars in many
countries. [4] Methanol is far more difficult to ignite than gasoline

Gasoline (American English), or petrol (British English), is a transparent, petroleum-
derived liquid that is used primarily as a fuel in spark-ignited internal combustion
engines. [5]

Diesel fuel in general is any liquid fuel used in diesel engines, whose fuel ignition takes
place, without any spark, as a result of compression of the inlet air mixture and then
injection of fuel. (Glow plugs, grid heaters and block heaters help achieve high
temperatures for combustion during engine startup in cold weather.) Diesel engines have
found broad use as a result of higher thermodynamic efficiency and thus fuel efficiency.
This is particularly noted where diesel engines are run at part-load; as their air supply is
not throttled as in a petrol engine, their efficiency still remains very high. [2]

Hydrogen fuel can provide motive power for liquid-propellant rockets, cars, boats and
airplanes, portable fuel cell applications or stationary fuel cell applications, which can
power an electric motor. The problems of using hydrogen fuel in cars arise from the fact
that hydrogen is difficult to store in either a high pressure tank or a cryogenic tank.[3]

3.4 Properties of Fuel: The common fuels for internal combustion engines are given

Table-01: Fuel Properties. [14]

Name of fuel oil A. P. I. Gravity Specific Calorific value

(in degrees) Gravity kcal/kg B.T.U./lb
Light diesel oil (L.D.O.) 22 0.920 10300 18600
High speed diesel oil 31 0.820 10550 19000
Power kerosene 40 0.827 10850 19500
Petrol 63 0.730 11100 20000

3.5 Diesel Fuel:

Diesel fuel is heavier than gasoline because it is obtained from the residue of the crude oil
after the more volatile fuels have been removed. As with gasoline the efficiency of diesel
fuel various with the type of engine in which it is used. By distillation cracking and
bending of several oil, a suitable diesel fuel can be obtained for all engine operating
conditions. Using a poor or improper grade of fuel can causes hard starting, incomplete
combustion, a smoky exhaust and engine knocks. [15]

3.6 Cetane Number:

The percentage by volume of cetane in a mixture of cetance & α-methyl naphthalene
which has the same ignition delay as the given fuel. If a fuel has cetane number 45, it
means that the fuel is having the same ignition delay as a mixture of 45% cetane and 55%
α-methyl naphthalene by volume.

3.7 Octane Number:

A figure indicating the anti-knock properties of a fuel, based on a comparison with a

mixture of isooctane and heptanes.

Defined simply, viscosity means resistance to flow or movement. In metric system,
centistoke is the unit for its measurement. It is function of time taken in seconds for a
given volume of oil to flow through a calibrated viscometer under specified conditions.
Viscosity depends on temperature and decreases as the temperature increases, so no
numerical value has any meaning unless the temperature is specified. [16]

As a rule, the higher the viscosity of a liquid fuel, the lower its volatility. Therefore,
provided the viscosity lies within specified limits, a satisfactory volatility is automatically
ensured. However, the percentage recovered at some particular temperature e.g. 366 deg
C, is specified in the case of HSD mainly to control engine fouling due to incomplete
combustion of the higher boiling components. [16]

Pour Point
The pour point of a fuel is the lowest temperature at which the liquid of petroleum loses
its flow characteristics.

Flash Point

Flash Point is the temperature at which liquid gives of sufficient vapor to ignite if an
ignition source is present

3.8 Purpose of diesel Fuel Injection System:

Fuel injection system is very important role to create engine power. The purpose of the
fuel injection system is to deliver fuel into the engine cylinders in order of firing order,
and accurately controlling the injection timing, fuel atomization, and other parameters.

In order for the engine to effectively make use of this fuel:

a) Fuel must be injected at the proper time, that is, the injection timing must be
controlled and
b) The correct amount of fuel must be delivered to meet power requirement, that is,
injection metering must be controlled. [17]

3.9 Component of Fuel Injection System:

The fuel injection system can be divided into low-pressure and high-pressure sides. The
low-pressure components include the fuel tank, fuel supply pump and fuel filter. The
high-pressure side components include a high pressure pump, accumulator, fuel injector
and fuel injector nozzle. A number of injection nozzle designs and different actuation
methods have been developed for use with different types of fuel injection systems. [17]

Low-Pressure Side Components

a) Fuel Tank and Fuel Supply Pump
b) Fuel Filter
c) Fuel Heaters & Coolers

High-Pressure Side Components

a) High Pressure Pump
b) Fuel Injector and Fuel Injection Nozzle
c) Accumulator

3.9 Fig: Low-Pressure and high Pressure Side Components

3.10 Firing Order of Engine

The order or sequence in which the firing takes place, in different cylinders of a multi
cylinder engine is called firing order.

Advantages of firing order

 Proper firing order reduces vibration

 Maintains engine balancing
 Secures an even flow power

Firing order differs from Engine to Engine are

3 Cylinders=1-3-2
4 Cylinders=1-3-4-2
6 Cylinders=1-5-3-6-4-2
8 Cylinders=1-5-4-2-6-3-7-8
12 Cylinders=1-7-5-11-3-9-6-12-2-8-4-10
18 Cylinders=1-6-3-4-5-2-7-1-9-3-8-5-6-7-4-9-2-8


Fuel Injection Systems

4.1 Fuel Injection System:
Diesel fuel is injected in diesel engine through injectors with the help of fuel injection
pump. The system using injectors, fuel injection pump, fuel filter, and fuel lines is called
fuel injection system. The main functions of fuel injection system are:

(i) To measure the correct amount of fuel required by engine speed and load,
(ii) To maintain correct timing for beginning and end of injection,
(iii) To inject the fuel into the combustion space against high compression pressure.
(iv)To atomize the fuel for quick ignition. [17]

4.2 Type of Fuel Injection: On the basis of type of Injection. These are generally
three types.

Types of Petrol Injection System

Petrol Injection System

Indirect Injection Gasoline Direct Fuel Injection

Single Point Injection Multi Point Fuel Injection


Throttle Injection Port Injection Throttle Injection Port Injection

4.2.1 Fig: Types of Petrol injection system [18]

In Direct Injection (IDI): Fuel is initially burnt in a pre-combustion chamber and

then transferred to the main combustion chamber. It’s also known as Divided Chamber

4.2.2 Fig: In Direct Injection System. [19]

1. Single Point Injection
The earliest and simplest type of fuel injection, single-point simply replaces the
carburetor with one or two fuel-injector nozzles in the throttle body, which is the throat of
the engine’s air intake manifold. For some automakers, single-point injection was a
stepping stone to the more complex multipoint system. [20]

i. Throttle Injection
For a car to run smoothly, it needs the proper mixture of air and fuel. The amount of air in
the engine is controlled by the air intake system. A throttle body is part of the air intake
system that helps control the amount of air that gets into the engine. [21]

ii. Port Injection

The injector is fitted in the inlet manifold near the inlet valve. The uniform mixture from
enters into the cylinders. [22]

2. Multi point Fuel Injection System

Multipoint fuel injection devotes a separate injector nozzle to each cylinder, right outside
its intake port, which is why the system is sometimes called port injection. Shooting the
fuel vapor this close to the intake port almost ensures that it will be drawn completely into
the cylinder. The main advantage is that MPFI meters fuel more precisely than do TBI
designs, better achieving the desired air-fuel ratio and improving all related aspects. Also,
it virtually eliminates the possibility that fuel will condense or collect in the intake
manifold. [23]

b). Gasoline Direct Fuel Injection

Direct Injection (DI): Fuel is directly injected into the combustion chamber for
combustion process.

4.2.3 Fig: Direct Injection System. [24]

Working Principle of SI Petrol Injection System

Petrol-injectors are quite different in construction and size than the conventional diesel-
injectors. The indirect Injection engine generates air-fuel mixture outside the combustion
chamber. The opening of inlet valve allows only the fresh air and fuel to come in and
burn the mixture in order of firing order. This enables higher engine efficiency due
to higher compression which, in turn, increases fuel efficiency and torque.

4.2.4 Fig: Working Principle of Petrol Injection System. [25]

Advantages of Petrol Injection System

1. A major benefit of EFI systems is the greatly improved cold and hot starting
2. Optimum air/fuel mixture
3. Superior atomization injection of the fuel as compared to fuel delivery from a
4. Lower Fuel Consumption
5. Low Compressor Ratio
6. Less Initial Cost
7. Lower maintenance cost
8. High speed Engine. [26]

Disadvantages of Petrol Injection System

1. Lighter
2. Frequently maintenance require
3. Less power output
4. Efficiency is less than diesel injection System
5. Fuel can be freezing. [26]

Types of Diesel injection system
a) Inline Injection System
b) Rotary or Distributor Injection System
c) Common Rail Direct Injection (CRDI)

Common Rail Direct Injection (CRDI): Fuel which is stored in an intermediate

rail is directly injected into the combustion chamber using electronic control injectors

4.2.5 Fig: Common Rail Direct Injection (CRDI)

4.3 Working principle of Fuel system

The function of the diesel fuel system is to inject a precise amount of atomized and
pressurized fuel into each engine cylinder at the proper time. Combustion in a
diesel engine occurs when this rush of fuel is mixed with hot compressed air.

First time fuel supply from Fuel tank through the fuel strainer, Water Separator, Fuel
filter, Ac pump, Fuel injection pump, High pressure pipe, Injector then spray to
combustion Chamber. We can indefinite by figure and diagram.

Fuel Tank Fuel strainer Water separator Fuel Filter Feed pump

Chamber Injector High Pressure Pipe Fuel Injection Pump

4.3.1 Fig: Block diagram of fuel system.

4.3.2 Fig: Working principle of fuel System. [24]

4.4 Inline Injection System

An Injection Pump is the device that pumps diesel (as the fuel) into the cylinders of
a diesel engine. Traditionally, the injection pump is driven indirectly from
the crankshaft by gears, chains or a toothed belt (often the timing belt) that also drives
the camshaft. It rotates at half crankshaft speed in a conventional four-stroke diesel
engine. Its timing is such that the fuel is injected only very slightly before top dead
centre of that cylinder's compression stroke.

4.4.1 Fig: Inline Injection Pump

Advantages of Inline Injection System

1. Individual injection system

2. Low maintenance cost
3. Easy to repair
4. Less Service due to high product life cycle
5. Low parts price

Disadvantages of Inline Injection System

1. Pollution more difficult to achieve EURO Norms engine

2. Fuel cannot burn properly
3. Lubrication required weight more
4. Calibration time more
5. Low injection pressure

4.5 Rotary Distributor Injection System

A rotary pump can be defined by rotating member called a rotor within the pump which
distributes at high pressure to individual injectors in Engine firing order sequence

4.5.1 Fig: Rotary Injection Pump

Advantages of Rotary Injection System

1. Fuel burn properly

2. Calibration time less
3. High injection pressure
4. Self lubricated by used Diesel Engine
5. Less pollution achieve able in EURO Norms

Disadvantages of Rotary Injection System

1. Repair cost more

2. Compact design
3. Less product life cycle
4. Skill manpower required for Calibration
5. High parts price

4.6 Advantage of Common Rail Direct Injection System

1. Fuel pressure available on demand
2. Higher Injection Pressure and finer atomization of fuel
3. Injection pressure created as per engine speed.
4. Multiple injections per cylinder combustion is possible.
5. Reduction of overall exhaust emission
6. Reduction of particulate emission.
7. Reduction of noise emission.
8. Improved fuel efficiency.
9. Higher Performance. [27]

4.7 Development of Injection Systems:

We Can development injection systems by following tips,

1. High Pressure pump have to achieve much pressure: This helps to fuel
spray properly
2. High pressure pipe ends should be proper tightens: No change to fuel
3. Fuel quality should be good: Which minimize engine sound
4. Must be used water separator in fuel system: To separate water from fuel
5. Injector Pressure spring should be high tempering tension: to increased
fuel spray
6. Carbon should be cleaning schedules from injector ends (Every 60000kms:
To supply fuel in combustion chamber
7. Fuel filter should be change timely (Every 2 months/9000kms/5hours)
8. Modify injection rate of fuel pump and nozzle area


Function of Nozzle
5.1 Functions of Nozzle:
It should atomization fuel. This is a very important function since it is the first phase in
obtaining proper mixing of the fuel and air in the combustion chamber.

Atomize means fuel broken into small particles mixed with air and vaporized. Distribute
the fuel in require area within the combustion chamber. To prevent fuel from impinging
directly on the walls of combustion chamber or piston. This is necessary because fuel
striking the walls decomposes and produces carbon deposits. This causes smoky exhaust
as well as increase in fuel consumption. To mix the fuel with air in case of non-turbulent
type of combustion chamber.

5.1.1 Fig: Nozzle

5.2 Component of Nozzle

A nozzle is often a tube of varying cross sectional area, and it can be used to direct or
modify the flow of a fluid (liquid or gas). Nozzles are frequently used to control the rate
of flow, speed, direction, mass, shape, and/or the pressure

Nozzle holder
Nozzle holder or injector body refers to the part the nozzle is mounted on. The main
purpose of the nozzle holder assembly is to position and hold the

The fuel injector is a small nozzle into which liquid fuel is injected at high pressure. It
works like a spray nozzle.

5.3 Types of Nozzle:

The most common types of Nozzles are:

1. Pintle nozzle,

5.3.1 Fig: Pintle nozzle

In this type of nozzle, the stem of nozzle valve is extended to from a pin or Pintle which
protrudes through the mouth of the nozzle. The size and shape of the Pintle can be varied
according to the requirement. It provides a spray operating at low injection pressures of 8-

a) The main advantage of this nozzle is that it avoids weak injection and dribbling.
b) It prevents the carbon deposition on the nozzle hole.

a) It avoids dribbling of fuel in the combustion Chamber

2. Single hole nozzle

5.3.2 Fig: Single hole nozzle

In this type of nozzle at the center of the body there is a single hole which is closed by the
nozzle valve. The size of the hole is usually of the order of 0.2 mm. Injection pressure is
of order of 8-10MPa and spray cone angle is about 15 degree.

1. Suitable for open combustion Chamber

a) Gives Small Spray cone angle
b) Have a tendency to dribble
c) High injection pressure is required

3. Multi-hole nozzle hole nozzle,

5.3.3 Fig: Multi Hole nozzle hole nozzle

This nozzle consists of a number of holes bored in the tip of the nozzle. The number of
holes varies from 4 to 18 and the size from 35 to 200 micro meters. The hole angle may
be from 20 degrees upwards. These nozzles operate at high injection pressure of the order
of 18 MPa.

a) Lies in the ability to distribute the fuel
b) Gives good atomization

a) High injection pressure is required
b) Close tolerance in manufacture & hence costly.

4. Pintaux nozzle

5.3.4 Fig: Pintuax nozzle

This type of nozzle is a type of Pintle nozzle which has an auxiliary hole drilled in the
nozzle body. It injects a small amount of fuel through this additional hole which is called
pilot injection in upstream direction slightly before the main injection. [28]

a) The main advantage of this nozzle is better cold starting performance

a) A major drawback of this nozzle is that its injection characteristics are poorer than the
multi hole nozzle.
b) Tendency to choke the hole.


Emission Standards

6.1 Emission Standards

Emission standards are the legal requirements governing air pollutants released into the
atmosphere. Emission standards set quantitative limits on the permissible amount of
specific air pollutants that may be released from specific sources over specific
timeframes. They are generally designed to achieve air quality standards and to protect
human life. [29]

6.2 Vehicle emission performance standard

An emission performance standard is a limit that sets thresholds above which a different
type of emission control technology might be needed. While emission performance
standards have been used to dictate limits for conventional pollutants such as oxides of
nitrogen and oxides of sulphur (NOx and SOx),[1] this regulatory technique may be used
to regulate greenhouse gasses, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2). In the US, this is given
in pounds of carbon dioxide per megawatt-hour (lbs. CO2/MWhr), and kilograms
CO2/MWhr elsewhere. [28]

6.3 European emission standards

European emission standards define the acceptable limits for exhaust emissions of new
vehicles sold in EU and EEA member states. The emission standards are defined in a
series of European Union directives staging the progressive introduction of increasingly
stringent standards.

In the European Union emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), total hydrocarbon (THC),
non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC), carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate matter (PM)
are regulated for most vehicle types, including cars, trucks. [30]

Table-2: European emission standards for light commercial vehicle ≤1305 kg reference
mass (Category N1-I), g/km. [30]

Tier Date CO NOx HC+NOx PM

Euro 1 Oct-94 2.72 - 0.97 0.14
Euro 2 Jan-98 1 - 0.7 0.08
Euro 3 Jan-00 0.64 0.5 0.56 0.05
Euro 4 Jan-05 0.5 0.25 0.3 0.025
Euro 5a Sep-09 0.5 0.18 0.23 0.005
Euro 5b Sep-11 0.5 0.18 0.23 0.005
Euro 6 Sep-14 0.5 0.08 0.17 0.005

Table-3: European emission standards for light commercial vehicles 1305–1760 kg
reference mass (Category N1-II), g/km. [30]

Tier Date CO NOx HC+NOx PM

Euro 1 Oct-94 5.17 - 1.4 0.19
Euro 2 Jan-98 1.25 - 1 0.12
Euro 3 Jan-01 0.8 0.65 0.72 0.07
Euro 4 Jan-06 0.63 0.33 0.39 0.04
Euro 5a Sep-10 0.63 0.235 0.295 0.005
Euro 5b Sep-11 0.63 0.235 0.295 0.005
Euro 6 Sep-15 0.63 0.105 0.195 0.005

Table-4: European emission standards for light commercial vehicles >1760 kg reference
mass max 3500 kg. (Category N1-III & N2), g/km.[30]

Tier Date CO NOx HC+NOx PM

Euro 1 Oct-94 6.9 - 1.7 0.25
Euro 2 Jan-98 1.5 - 1.2 0.17
Euro 3 Jan-01 0.95 0.78 0.86 0.1
Euro 4 Jan-06 0.74 0.39 0.46 0.06
5a Sep-10 0.74 0.28 0.35 0.005
5b Sep-11 0.74 0.28 0.35 0.005
Euro 6 Sep-15 0.74 0.125 0.215 0.005

Emission standards for trucks and buses

The emission standards for vehicles for trucks (lorries) and buses are defined by engine
energy output in g/kWh; this is unlike the emission standards for passenger cars and light
commercial vehicles, which are defined by vehicle driving distance in g/km - a general
comparison to passenger cars is therefore not possible, as the kWh/km factor depends
(among other) on the specific vehicle.

The following table contains a summary of the emission standards and their
implementation dates. Dates in the tables refer to new type approvals; the dates for all
type approvals are in most cases one year later (EU type approvals are valid longer than
one year).

The official category name is heavy-duty diesel engines, which generally includes lorries
and buses.

Table-5: EU Emission Standards for HD Diesel Engines, g/kWh (smoke in m−1).[30]

Tier Date CO HC NOx PM Smoke

Euro I 1992, < 85 kW 4.5 1.1 8 0.612
1992, > 85 kW 4.5 1.1 8 0.36
Euro II Oct-96 4 1.1 7 0.25
Oct-98 4 1.1 7 0.15
October 1999
Euro III EEVs only 1 0.25 2 0.02 0.15
Oct-00 2.1 0.66 5 0.1 0.8
Euro IV Oct-05 1.5 0.46 3.5 0.02 0.5
Euro V Oct-08 1.5 0.46 2 0.02 0.5
31 December
Euro VI 2013[14] 1.5 0.13 0.4 0.01

Table-6: Emission standards for large goods vehicles. [30]

Euro norm emissions for category N3, EDC, (2000 and up)

Standard Date (g/kWh) NOx (g/kWh) (g/kWh) (g/kWh)
Euro 0 1988–92 12.3 15.8 2.6 NA
Euro I 1992–95 4.9 9 1.23 0.4
Euro II 1995–99 4 7 1.1 0.15
Euro III 1999–2005 2.1 5 0.66 0.1
Euro IV 2005–08 1.5 3.5 0.46 0.02
Euro V 2008–12 1.5 2 0.46 0.02

6.4 Indian emission standards

The first emission norms were introduced in India in 1991 for petrol and 1992 for diesel
vehicles. These were followed by making the Catalytic converter mandatory for petrol
vehicles and the introduction of unleaded petrol in the market.
On 29 April 1999 the Supreme Court of India ruled that all vehicles in India have to meet
Euro I or India 2000 norms by 1 June 1999 and Euro II will be mandatory in the NCR by
April 2000. Car makers were not prepared for this transition and in a subsequent
judgment the implementation date for Euro II was not enforced.
In 2002, the Indian government accepted the report submitted by the Mashelkar
committee. The committee proposed a road map for the roll out of Euro based emission
norms for India. It also recommended a phased implementation of future norms with the
regulations being implemented in major cities first and extended to the rest of the country
after a few years.
Based on the recommendations of the committee, the National Auto Fuel policy was
announced officially in 2003. The roadmap for implementation of the Bharat Stage norms
were laid out till 2010. The policy also created guidelines for auto fuels, reduction of
pollution from older vehicles and R&D for air quality data creation and health
administration. [31]

Table 7: Indian Emission Standards (4-Wheel Vehicles).[31]

Indian Emission Standards (4-Wheel Vehicles)

Standard Reference Date Region
India 2000 Euro 1 2000 Nationwide
NCR*, Mumbai, Kolkata,
Bharat Stage II Euro 2 2001 Chennai
2003.04 NCR*, 13 Cities†
2005.04 Nationwide
Bharat Stage III Euro 3 2005.04 NCR*, 13 Cities†
2010.04 Nationwide
Bharat Stage IV Euro 4 2010.04 NCR*, 13 Cities†
Bharat Stage V Euro 5 (proposed) Entire country

The above standards apply to all new 4-wheel vehicles sold and registered in the
respective regions. In addition, the National Auto Fuel Policy introduces certain emission
requirements for interstate buses with routes originating or terminating in Delhi or the
other 10 cities.

Progress of emission standards for 2-and 3-wheelers. [31]

Table-8: Indian Emission Standards (2 and 3 wheelers)

Standard Reference Date

Bharat Stage II Euro 2 1-Apr-05
Bharat Stage III Euro 3 1-Apr-10
Bharat Stage IV Euro 4 1 April 2016 (proposed)
Bharat Stage V Euro 5 1 April 2020 (proposed)

Exhaust gases from vehicles form a significant portion of air pollution which is harmful
to human health and the environment
Emission standards for new heavy-duty diesel engines—applicable to vehicles of GVW >
3,500 kg—are listed in Table 3.

Table -9: Emission Standards for Diesel Truck and Bus Engines, g/kWh

Year Reference Test CO HC NOx PM

ECE 17.3–
1992 – R49 32.6 2.7–3.7 – –
1996 – R49 11.2 2.4 14.4 –
2000 Euro I R49 4.5 1.1 8 0.36*
2005† Euro II R49 4 1.1 7 0.15
2010† Euro III ESC 2.1 0.66 5 0.1
ETC 5.45 0.78 5 0.16
2010‡ Euro IV ESC 1.5 0.46 3.5 0.02

Emission standards for light-duty diesel vehicles (GVW ≤ 3,500 kg) are summarized in
Table 4. Ranges of emission limits refer to different classes (by reference mass) of light
commercial vehicles; compare the EU light-duty vehicle emission standards for details on
the Euro 1 and later standards. The lowest limit in each range applies to passenger cars
(GVW ≤ 2,500 kg; up to 6 seats).[31]

Table-10: Emission Standards for Light-Duty Diesel Vehicles, g/km

Year Reference CO HC HC+NOx NOx PM

1992 – 32.6 2.7–3.7 – – –
1996 – 5.0–9.0 – 2.0–4.0 – –
2.72– 0.97– 0.14–
2000 Euro 1 6.90 – 1.70 0.25 –
2005† Euro 2 1.0–1.5 – 0.7–1.2 0.17 –
2010† Euro III 0.64 – 0.56 0.5 0.05
0.8 0.72 0.65 0.07
0.95 0.86 0.78 0.1
2010‡ Euro 4 0.5 – 0.3 0.25 0.025
0.63 0.39 0.33 0.04
0.74 0.46 0.39 0.06
† earlier introduction in selected regions, see Table 1
‡ only in selected regions, see Table 1

The test cycle has been the ECE + EUDC for low power vehicles (with maximum speed
limited to 90 km/h). Before 2000, emissions were measured over an Indian test cycle.

Table-11: Emission Standards for Light-Duty Diesel Engines, g/kWh
Year Reference CO HC NOx PM
1992 – 14 3.5 18 –
1996 – 11.2 2.4 14.4 –
2000 Euro I 4.5 1.1 8 0.36*
2005† Euro II 4 1.1 7 0.15
* 0.612 for engines below 85 kW
† earlier introduction in selected regions, see Table 1

Table-12: Diesel Fuel Quality in India [31]

Date Particulars
1995 Cetane number: 45; Sulfur: 1%
1996 Sulfur: 0.5% (Delhi + selected cities)
1998 Sulfur: 0.25% (Delhi)
1999 Sulfur: 0.05% (Delhi, limited supply)
2000 Cetane number: 48; Sulfur: 0.25% (Nationwide)
2001 Sulfur: 0.05% (Delhi + selected cities)
2005 Sulfur: 350 ppm (Euro 3; selected areas)
2010 Sulfur: 350 ppm (Euro 3; nationwide)
2010 Sulfur: 50 ppm (Euro 4; selected areas)
2020 (proposed) Sulfur: 10ppm (Euro 5; entire country)

6.5 Comparison between Bharat Stage and Euro norms

The Bharat Stage norms have been styled to suit specific needs and demands of Indian
conditions. The differences lie essentially in environmental and geographical needs, even
though the emission standards are exactly the same.
For instance, Euro-III is tested at sub-zero temperatures in European countries. In India,
where the average annual temperature ranges between 24 and 28 degree Celsius, the test
is done away with.
Another major distinction is in the maximum speed at which the vehicle is tested. A speed
of 90 km/h is stipulated for BS-III, whereas it is 120 km/h for Euro-III, keeping emission
limits the same in both cases
In addition to limits, test procedure has certain finer points too. For instance, the mass
emission test measurements done in g/km on a chassis dynamometer requires a loading of
100 kg weight in addition to unloaded car weight in Europe. In India, BS-III norms
require an extra loading of 150 kg weight to achieve the desired inertia weight mainly due
to road conditions here. [31]


Fuel of Bangladesh
7.1 Fuel of Bangladesh
Petroleum type of products have an important role in different sectors of Bangladesh and
so their quality should be measured and controlled carefully to get higher performance of
engine. American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) and Institute of Petroleum
(IP) determines standard quality. Sometimes additives and essential chemicals are added
to the final product to enrich its quality or reduce its utilization abatements. It is proposed
that amendment of some parameters of BSTI and ERL should be carried out to sustain the
fuel quality. To enrich the diesel fuel quality cetane number, flash point, kinematic
viscosity and water content values set by BSTI and ERL should be modified according to
European, IS and PSI specifications.

7.2 Experimental Test

Day by day increasing vehicle quantity in the Bangladesh also increase emission due to
diesel fuel quality is very low. At present very good quality vehicle come in Bangladesh
market. For that purpose, we analysis diesel fuel test from BCSIR for that type of good
quality vehicle.
Sample Description: Sample-1: From Fuel Tank, Sample-2: After Fuel Filter With Parker,
Sample-3: After Fuel Filter Without Parker.
Table-13: Fuel Test Report from Bangladesh Council of Science and Industrial Research
(22 March 2018)
Sl Test Method Test Parameter Result Reference
No. S-1, From S-2, After S-3, After Value
Fuel Fuel Filter Fuel Filter
Tank With Parker Without
1. IP 1/58 Acid value, mg 0.63 0.58 0.44 Max 0.2
2. IP 4/58 Ash Content, (%w/w) 0.005 0.003 0.003 Max 0.01
3. IP 13/58 Carbon Residue, 0.30 0.14 0.15 Max 0.30
4. ASTM D 613-86 Cetane Number 49.5 49.6 49.6 Min 46
5. IP 160/57 Density at 15 Deg.C, 0.8402 0.8404 0.8406 0.840-0.860
6. ASTM D 6450 Flash Point, Deg.C 62 60 60 Min 32
7. Bomb Higher Calorific 10481 9511 8994 -
Calorimeter Value, kcal/kg
8. Bomb Lower Calorific 9956 9035 8544 -
Calorimeter Value, kcal/kg
9. IP 15/55 Pour Point, Deg.C -8.8 -8.5 -8.6 Min 9 (win),
Min 12 (sum)
10. IP 61/59 Sulphur Content, 0.87 0.89 0.54 Max 0.25
11. IP 73/53 Viscosity, At 40 deg 3.03 3.09 3.11 Min 2.0, Max
cSt 5.0
At 40 deg 1.27 1.32 1.29 -
12. IP 2016-65 Water Content, (%v/v) Nil Nil Nil Max 0.5


Emission Standards of Bangladesh

8.1 Emission Standards of Bangladesh
The Department of Environment (DoE) has devised separate emission standards for
vehicles powered by diesel, petrol and compressed natural gas (CNG), partly in line with
its 2012 study on air pollution by the transport sector.

On May 2, environment minister Anwar Hossain informed parliament of the revision to

the 2005 vehicular emission standard but did not disclose details of them to the cabinet.
Instead, he said that the standards were in the “process of approval”, without setting any
timeframe. “[The] reduction of pollutants from vehicles run by petrol and diesel will
improve air quality in Dhaka and other parts of Bangladesh,” Monjurul Hannan Khan,
director of the DoE’s clear air and sustainable environment (Case) project,

In 2005, for the first time, the government set detailed and comprehensive emission
standards to improve air quality in Bangladesh. The standards allowed a petrol-run
vehicle to emit 4.5% carbon monoxide and 1,200 parts per million (ppm) of
hydrocarbon. “In our new proposal, we have reset emissions of carbon monoxide for a
petrol-run vehicle at 0.5%,” says Rezwan Hayat, deputy director of the Case project.
“This is a big cut proposal, but we have not changed the level of emissions of

New emission standards for diesel-run vehicles are recommended at 60 Hartridge Smoke
Units (HSU) for turbocharged vehicles and 50 HSU for those that are not turbo charged,
instead of 65 HSU set in the 2005 standard. The proposed emissions for vehicles running
on CNG remain unchanged at 3%. Hartridge Smoke Units are used to measure the
opacity of exhaust gases, especially from diesel engines. [32]

The number of vehicles in Bangladesh has grown by almost 135% since 2003, according
to the DoE’s 2012 study. There are more than two million vehicles and one million
petrol-run motorcycles in use, says Shitangshu Shekhar Biswas, director of the
Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA). Of these, 290,000 are CNG-fuelled
vehicles, according to the state-owned Rupantarita Prakritik gas company which
supervises the conversion of vehicles to run on CNG.

In 2012, vehicles were the second largest air polluter after brick kilns, but the study
predicted that vehicles would soon claim the top spot. In addition, some 80% of petrol-
run motorcycles failed the inspection test carried out during the study.
The government could enforce new standards for petrol-run vehicles “but the main
problem lies with diesel-run vehicles”, says Professor Mohammed Ehsan, a teacher of
mechanical engineering at the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.
“Most of these are commercial vehicles [that are] not maintained properly, thus causing
huge air pollution.”

A second problem is the adulteration of diesel and petrol. “Currently, sulphur content in
imported diesel is 500 ppm,” says Ehsan. A decade ago it was several thousand ppm.
“But the problem is that unscrupulous traders mix various impurities with the diesel and
petrol, so vehicles using these adulterated fuels spew out more pollutants.”

8.2 Current Emission Standards for New Registration Vehicles in

The vehicle emission standards presently in force in Bangladesh were implemented from
the Year 2005 (2). The standards are in line with Euro 2 limits for the light duty vehicles
and Euro 1 for the heavy duty vehicles.

Table-14: Bangladesh Emission STD for heavy duty diesel vehicle.

Vehicle Type Emission Standards (g/km) Test

CO HC+NOx PM Procedure
1 2 3 4 5
(i) Light duty (Not more than 8 seats in
addition to driver & max. weight up
to 2.5 tons)
New Type Approval (TA) 2.73 0.97 0.14 91/441/EEC
Conformity of Production (COP) 3.16 1.13 0.18
Imported used 3.16 1.13 0.18
(ii) Medium duty (More than 8 seats in
addition to driver but less than 15
seats & weight more than 2.5 tons
but up to 3.5 tons)
New Type Approval (TA) 6.9 1.7 0.25 93/59/EC
Conformity of Production (COP) 8.0 2.0 0.29
Imported used 8.0 2.0 0.29

Vehicle Type Emission Standards (g/km) Test

CO HC NOx PM* Procedure
(iii) Heavy duty (More than 15 seats in 91/542/EEC
addition to driver & weight more and ECE R
than 3.5 tons) 49.2
New Type Approval (TA) 4.5 1.1 8.0 0.36
New Conformity of Production (COP) 4.9 1.23 9.0 0.4
Imported used 4.9 1.23 9.0 0.4
*For the diesel engines with 85kw or less power the limits is to multiplied by factor of to
EC: European Council km: Kilometer
EEC: European Council Community TA: Type Approval
COP: New Conformity of Production ECE: European commission for Europe.

Table-15: Proposed Level of Emission Standards for the new registration vehicles

Vehicle Type Vehicle Standards from July 2014 Standards from July 2019
Class as
per the Dhaka & Rest of Dhaka & Rest of
proposed Chittagong Bangladesh Chittagong Bangladesh
All cars & light Class E Euro 3 Euro 2 Euro 4 Eur0 3
duty petrol & (Petrol &
CNG vehicle CNG)
All cars & light Class E Euro 2 Euro 1 Euro 3 Euro 2
duty diesel (Diesel)
vehicle with
All CNG Class Euro 3 Euro 2 Euro 4 Eur0 3
Commercial A,B,C, &
Vehicles>3500kg D (CNG)
All Diesel Class Euro 2 Euro 1 Euro 3 Euro 2
Commercial A,B,C, &
vehicles>3500kg D (Diesel)
Motorcycles Class M Euro 3 Euro 2 Euro 4 Euro 3
3 Wheeler Class T Euro 3 As at Euro 4 Euro 3
(CNG) present

Fuel Injection Effects of Engine and Humans Body

1.1 Fuel Injection Effects

Fuel injector symptoms for bad, faulty, dirty, clogged, or leaking

injectors are
 Starting issues
 Poor idle
 Failed emissions
 Poor Performance
 Engine does not reach full RPM
 Increased fuel consumption
 Rough engine performance
 Surging and bucking under various throttle loads
 Smoke from the tail pipe
 Engine Knock or Detonation which can lead to catastrophic engine failure
 Pollution

9.2 Fuel Injector Problems

 Increased Fuel Consumption

 Poor Idle
 Fuel odors inside and around the car
 Hard Starting
 Poor Emissions
 Oil thinning, which can lead to catastrophic engine failure
 Hydro lock, which can lead to catastrophic engine failure. [33]

9.3 Effects of Particulate matter (PM) in humans’ body

 Particulate matter (PM). These particles of soot and metals give smog its
murky color
 Hydrocarbons (HC)
 Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
 Carbon monoxide (CO)
 Sulfur dioxide (SO2)

9.4 Effects of Hydrocarbons (HC). [36]

 Can be cancer
 Destroy our plant growth
 Acid Rain

9.5 Effects of Nitrogen oxides. [37]

 Problem of lung function

 If NOX gone to high levels can have a negative effect on vegetation and reduced
 NOX also reacts with other pollutants in the presence of sunlight at ozone

9.6 Effects of Sulfur dioxide (SO2). [38]

 Skin Cancer
 Eye contact corrosive
 Stomach problems

Effects of Particulate matter directly linked to our healthy. [35]

 Irregular heartbeat
 Lung disease
 Difficulty breathing
 Coughing

Effects of Carbon monoxide our health

 Destroys our blood cells
 Physical Weakness
 Vomiting
 Dull headache

9.7 Hazardous air pollutants

 Lung cancer,
 Heart disease
 Even damage to the brain nerves, liver, or kidneys

9.8 Fuel System Failure Report
We are collected one year sales data as well as fuel system failure report to analysis
which fuel system is working very well in the present situation of Bangladesh. Although
fuel properties and qualities are not fulfilling the requirement of common rail system
vehicle. After all, we are recommended to implement CRDI fuel system each & every
vehicle as well as fuel quality of Bangladesh for environment in terms of necessity to
reduce emission levels significantly. According to service failure report we have find out
below figure.

Type of Fuel Running In Percentage

Sl Failure report
Injection Market of Failure
1 Common Rail 200 2 1.0

2 Rotary Fuel injection 12500 840 6.7

3 Inline Fuel Injection 10700 480 4.5


By Graph

9.1.1 Fig: Percentage of Injection system failure report

10.1 Conclusion

Due to increasing number of commercial vehicles running regularly, detailed research on

performance analysis of various fuel injection systems is of high importance. Present
study was carried out to understand the purpose and methodology of fuel injection system
to propose this system’s improvement in heavy commercial vehicles. Literature review
was conducted to on various fuel injection systems. Performances of different types of
fuel injection systems were also analyzed based on real life data. It was found that
common rail system provides the best combination of price and performance, providing
lower emission and less noise while providing high power comparing to other fuel
injection systems. Higher power also comes with better mileage, which is highly
desirable. Less vibration provides decreases the probability of mechanical failure.
Overall, a unique balance of price, lower environmental harmful factors and performance
can be achieved by common rail system. Technically, this system should have been
popular in a country like Bangladesh, where the environmental pollution created by motor
vehicles is increasing day by day. However due to not having strict guidelines from
government, consumers are not going to invest in common rail fuel injection system only
for economical reason. Outlining the rules of reducing environmental pollution and
providing standards of vehicle emission are a crucial responsibility of government to
control the environment.

10.2 Recommendation

Due to above mentioned circumstances of Bangladesh; we recommend that our

government implements common rail system in every heavy commercial vehicle. Due to
the advantages of common rail system vehicles, our environment will be eco-friendly and
further development of our economy will be achieved. So government should take
necessary steps on this matter.

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The End


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