Thomas Benette Glass PQ
Thomas Benette Glass PQ
Thomas Benette Glass PQ
The business and design philosophy of Thomas Bennett
Thomas Bennett Group was founded 40 years ago
Group is totally performance orientated, manufacturing
and brings a wealth of experience for designers,
products that do not come back, to customers who
specifiers and contractors in the construction do! This is ensured by the efforts of an experienced
industry. The Group is split into various divisions
management team of professionals, with all products
concentrating on Aluminum, Glass, Steel, Small
conforming to British, European and American
works, Signs, Graphics, Exhibitions and interiors. The standards. This team uses some of the latest and most
major factor behind the success of the group is the
advanced equipment seen in the region. Thomas
commitment it shows to its customers in both the
Bennett Aluminium LLC was the first curtain
quality of the products and the quality of service it walling fabricator to be accredited with ISO 9001 :
offers them
2000 in the United Arab Emirates.
The Glass division of Thomas Bennett Group closely The combination of an experienced glass team coupled
follows the guiding principles of the Group. A team of with the latest glass processing machinery from Europe
highly motivated and professional glass specialists has and Asia gives Thomas Bennett Glass Division a strong
been brought together in the UAE. advantage over their regional competitors.
Light Transmission LT%: This is the percentage of visible light reflected away
from the inner surface of the glass, compared to the
This is the percentage of visible light transmitted total visible light that reaches the glass at a 90 degree
through the glass, compared to the total visible light angle (normal incidence) in accordance with the
that reaches the glass at a 90 degree angle (normal criteria contained in the ISO 9050-1990 standard.
Definitions Of Light And Energy Terms, Spectrophotometric and Thermal Insulation Criteria
Solar Energy:
Energy Transmission ET%:
Solar energy is made up of all three wavelengths of
energy within the solar spectrum: This is the percentage of the solar energy transmitted
through the body of the glass, in comparison to the
total incident solar energy.
Ultraviolet light (UV): 300 to 380 nanometers = 1%
Solar Factor SF:
Visible light (LT): 380 to 780 nanometers = 53%
The solar factor of glazing is the percentage of the total
Infrared radiation(IR): 780 to 2150 nanometers = 46% solar radiant heat energy entering the room through
the glass. It is the sum of the solar radiant heat energy
The standard parameters for the calculation of the entering by direct transmittance and the proportion of
energy values take into consideration all three the energy absorbed and re-emitted by the glazing to
wavelengths from 300 to 2150 nanometers, with the the interior space.
sun at 30 degrees above the horizon, a clear sky and
sun-strike perpendicular to the glass surface. Shading Coefficient SC:
To complement our range of Thermoglaze Double Glazed Units we offer a range of Thermoclad spandrel panels that
maintain and harmonize the aesthetics of the curtain wall
GlasKing Tempered (Toughened) Product
Heat Soaking:
Comparison between GlasKing Tempered Glass and GlasKing Heat Strengthened Glass
Maximum Operating
300ºC 150ºC
Note: Tempered Glass and Heat Strengthened glass can both be glazed in single form or incorporated
within our Thermoglaze Product Range.
GlasKing Processed Products
Using state of the art CAD software, our design Maintaining a manual drilling machine, allows us to
department is able to take your thoughts and ideas and support our customers when they require that one off
turn them into the finished article. item to be drilled or the when glass size required is
very small.
Designing with Glass
Using our state of the art Vinyl cutting software, we Thomas Bennett Glass have developed a complete
can custom design sandblasted and painted glass. range of colour coated glass for both external and
Whether you require basic opacfication, which is used internal design applications GLASKING™ PEARL is
in our Thermoclad range of products, or you require a the latest environmentally safe addition to our range.
multi coloured decorative finish, we can offer you a GLASKING™ PEARL provides architects and
bespoke service that will cater for your individual designers with an environmentally sensitive alternative
needs. to traditional Sandblasted and Acid Etched glass panel
systems. The diffused light creates an atmosphere of
calm sophistication within modern and traditional
GlasKing Decoshield
Even when broken, GlasKing laminated glass stays the glass stays in place in the frame even after being
firmly in place as it is bonded to the PVB interlayer. cracked, it also remains weather tight. This means that
This means that there are no flying shards of glass that the glass can be left in place and replaced when
can cause death or injury to people in the vicinity. As convenient.
Blast Resistance:
Unfortunately for us all, bomb attacks are frequent building and injuring people. Obviously some buildings
occurrences in many parts of the world. Laminated may be more of a target than others, however with
glass can help to reduce the injuries caused by the indiscriminate terrorist attacks from the likes of suicide
actual explosions themselves, as well as the injuries bombers or car bombs, all buildings can be at risk.
caused by the broken shards of glass flying out of a
Bandit Resistance:
By increasing the thickness of the PVB interlayer or or premises. This product is particularly suitable where
glass, the product is able to withstand penetration by valuable items are sold or stored, such as in jewelry
people attempting to rob or cause damage to property shops or banks.
Acoustic Control:
GlasKing laminated glass offers excellent noise glass can be glazed in the vicinity of airports;
reduction qualities due to the PVB interlayer which motorways or railways to reduce unwanted noise
helps to damp out the sound. For example laminated pollution.
Bullet Resistance:
GlasKing Bullet Resistant Glass (BRG) is manufactured can be designed to withstand attack from from various
by bonding together multiple layers of high quality glass types of firearms thus protecting those individuals
and tough plastic interlayers of PVB in an autoclave behind the glass. This product obviously has many
which combines both heat and pressure. The resultant applications, but especially where certain locations may
multi-layer product prevents the bullets from be particularly susceptible to attack such as embassies
penetrating through the BRG by absorbing and etc.
spreading out the force of their impact. GlasKing BRG
Solar Control:
Many types of our GlasKing high performance solar product can make buildings more comfortable to live
control / low emissivity glasses can be incorporated and work in. It can reduce the air-conditioning running
into our laminated glass to further enhance the range costs of the building, as well as making it more pleasant
of benefits for the end user. Combined with Solar sitting closer to windows, thereby increasing the
control / low emissivity glass, as well as being safer the useable space.
As well as violent winds, hurricanes also carry a huge reduce the damage caused to both property and
amount of debris they suck up and which can strike people.
other buildings. Laminated glass can be used to help
GlasKing laminated glass will help reduce the number broken glass falling from buildings in moderate
of injuries and collateral damage usually caused by earthquakes; where the buildings remain largely intact.
All GlasKing laminated products can be used within our Thermoglaze Product Range
Thomas Bennett Glass Quality System
Quality Policy
M/s Thomas Bennett group., a specialist contractor in Aluminium and Glazing works, aims to achieve customer satisfaction. In order to achieve customer satisfaction, the
organization aims to complete all projects as per agreed schedule while meeting the contract requirements.
All personnel within the organization are directed to contribute to the enhancement of customer satisfaction by implementing the provisions of the quality manual, which is
prepared in line with ISO 9001:2000, international quality management standards. The management is committed to co mply with the requirements of the standard and
continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system.
Thomas Bennett Gulf L.L.C., Glass Division, manufactures its products to the following internationally recognized standards:
EN 12150: 2000 - Glass in buildings. Thermally toughened soda lime silicate glass
EN 1863: 2000 - Glass in buildings. Heat strengthened soda lime silicate glass
EN 14179: 2005 - Glass in buildings. Heat-soaked thermally-toughened soda lime silicate safety glass
EN 14449: 2000 - Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass
DFC 4.1: Overall QMS process ‘flow’ across Thomas Bennett Gulf, LLC, lass Division.
OP 7.4.2 OP 7.5.2
Purchasing Process Validation OP 7.5.3 Product OP 6.2.2 HR Management
OP 8.2.4 OP 7.5.1 Job OP 4.2.3 Document Control
Incoming I/T Planning & Ctl OP 7.6 Control of
OP 4.2.4 Record Control
OP 7.5.5 Product OP 8.2.4
Preservation Inspect / Test
OP 8.2.2 Internal Audits
OP 7.2.3 OP 8.3
Invoicing NC Material Ctl.
OP 8.2.1 Customer
Feedback / Satisfaction
Sales Manager Engineering Manager Planning Coordinator Production Manager Quality Manager Dispatch Coordinator
Market Analysis
and Sales Quote Submission
Sales Order
Processing and
Product and/or New / Changed
Manufacturing Product or Mfg
Process Design Process?
Production Inspection and Delivery
Invoicing and
Feedback and
Reviewed by: S Fraser Approved by: R. Gulliver
TBG-GD – Planning Department Works Order Process Signature/Date: Signature/Date: Rev: 01/10/2007
Customer Purchase
Process Step 1
Overall Responsibility for Managing the Planning Department Works Order Process: ___________________________
Refer to
Approved Supplier List
Reviewed by: S Fraser Approved by: R. Gulliver.
TBG-GD – Fully Tempered Manufacturing Process Signature/Date: Signature/Date:
Rev: 01/10/2007
Is the Glass Single
Process Step 4
Product Dispatch
Process Step 3 Single Tempered to be dispatched in
Tempering Process accordance with customer
1. Glass to be Tempered in
accordance with procedural document
Glass Tempering Method
Reviewed by: S Fraser Approved by: R. Gulliver
TBG-GD – BS EN 12150 1: 2000 Test Process Signature/Date:
Rev: 01/10/2007
Overall Responsibility for Managing the BS EN 12150 1: 2000 Test Process: ___________________________
Process Step 1 Does the Process Step 2 Does the Yes Process Step 3
Glass Pass Glass Pass
Thickness Yes Dimension Flatness
Measure the Glass Thickness Measure the width and height Measure the the overall and
using a Vernier Caliper in tolerance using a tape measure localised bow using a Bow
No No
accordance with Section 6.1 in accordance with Section Gauge in accordance with
6.2 Section 6.3
No No
Process Step 6 Does the Process Step 5 Does the Process Step 4
Glass Pass Glass Pass
Documentation Yes Fragmentation Yes Holes
Carry out the Check the Hole Diameter and
Record the Test Results on Fragmentation Test Positioning in accordance with
Form TBG –GD 10.1.0 in accordance with Section 7.4
Section 8.0
Reviewed by: S Fraser Approved by: R. Gulliver.
TBG-GD – Insulated Glazed Unit Manufacturing Process Signature/Date: Signature/Date: Rev: 01/10/2007
Material requisition,
Overall Responsibility for Managing the Insulated Glazed Unit Manufacturing Process: ___________________________
Does the
Does the Glass No Glass require No Process Step 3 Process Step 4
require to be to be Heat
Tempered? Strengthened? Unit Assembly Product Dispatch
1. IGU to be assembled in accordance
with process procedural document IGU to be dispatched in accordance
IGU Assembly Method with customer requirements
Yes Yes
Zebra lines are viewed through the inspected glass sheet. The sheet is rotated until deformation first disappears and angle
of sheet between final and normal position is noted. This angle is .
Zebra Angle 40 45 50 60
3 to 5 mm Critical Insufficient Correct Best
> 5 mm Sufficient
Three (3) adjacent reflected squares are selected which exhibit the largest and smallest reflected dimensions. The difference
between these dimensions is D
Dmm 40 30 20 15 10 5
3 to 5mm Critical Insufficient Sufficient Correct Best
> 5 mm
Flatness Quality:
Tempered and heat strengthened glass will have a maximum departure from flatness of:
Overall Bow:
Total bending divided by total length gives the flatness per Metre.
Local Bow:
Local bow on a line perpendicular to the edge. (To the edge to 100 to 300 mm)
(ii) Low E: Up to now the quality of tempered Low E glass is not acceptable for laminating.
4mm to 12mm 40
Float Glass
15mm to 19mm 30
pH pH 6 – 8
Conductivity μs <20 μs
Nominal Hole
Diameter, Ǿ
4 ≤ Ǿ ≤ 20 ± 1.0
20 ≤ Ǿ ≤ 100 ± 2.0
Distance c, from the edge of the hole to the corner of the glass 100 < Ǿ Consult the Manufacturer.
should not be less then 6 times the diameter of the hole.
The Minimum Hole Diameter Ǿ must be equal to the thickness if the glass and the minimum radius for internal cut outs must
be equal to the thickness of the glass.
Glass Division,
Production Capabilities.
Thickness: 4mm to 19mm
CNC Processing.
Thickness. 4mm to 19mm.
Manual Drilling.
Thickness. 4mm to 19mm
Minimum Size: 300mm x 200mm
Thomas Bennett Glass is one of the founding UAE, that such an organization is needed here to liaise
members of the Glass and Glazing Federation in the UAE. between the industry and Government, for the overall
The GGF is a British based organization which has done benefit of the final consumer. The GGF in the UAE will
much to raise standards within the UK Glazing Industry. It do much to safeguard the interests of the public, and we
is now recognized by the serious glass companies in the are proud to have been one of the main drivers behind it.
International Partners
Thomas Bennett Glass Division is one of the founder highest standards of processing and handling are used
members of the exclusive St Gobain “ClimaGulf” club, when utilizing these high performance coated products
and is in fact the only club member company based in from one of the premium glass manufacturers in the
Dubai. The stringent controls set by Saint Gobain ensure
that our customers are assured that only the very
Another example of our relationship with a renowned the whole of the Middle East, with their products meeting
international company is Tremco, the dominant sealant all relevant European and North American certifications.
supplier for insulated glass and structural glass throughout
Saint Gobain Glass - Product and Processing Certification
Guardian Glass - Product and Processing Certification
Thomas Bennett Glass / TBG Glass & Aluminum LLC
Location Map
04 880-3890
TBG Batuta Mall
R/A Emirates Road
Thomas Bennett Glass L.L.C.
Tempering machine
Machine Automatic Sealer Machine Type VL-12/5 washer
Dryer Automatic Washing Machine Lisec & Dryer Glass
Cutting Machine
Machine Single sided glass loading station ATH37/28
Machine - Straight Edging Machine Model FPS 20RB
Glass Edging Machine MOD SME10B
Bending machine Model PBN632 8 Station Auto Loader
Sand Blast Machine - GlassBlaster M260
Machine CXTD Double Girder Crane
Plotter Printer OLE TD3400
Compressor - Rotary Screw Air Compressor Model: L37 - 10A
Machine - Device for delaying the cure time of the mixed sealant type
Machine - Model XSFSX-4P X Type DC Vacuum lifter with manual
Machine - Model XSFSX-4P X Type DC Vacuum lifter with manual