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Physics Education in Model of Learning Cycle: International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (Ijsbar)

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International Journal of Sciences:

Basic and Applied Research

ISSN 2307-4531
(Print & Online)
Physics Education in Model of Learning Cycle

Rita Destini*

Faculty of Education, Universitas Muslim Nusantara AW Medan, Indonesia



Physics Education needs an adapted teaching model. This paper applied a learning model which was designed to
strengthen students' knowledge of Physics Education subjects at senior high school in Indonesia. Learning Cycle
directs students to the materiasl they that live in and helps them to recall information related to previous
information. Research Model Learning Cycle was applied to know the improvement of physics learning
outcomes. This research was conducted in class X in the 2nd semester of Public Senior High School 2
Perbaungan in 2016/2017 academic year with the Dynamic Electricity as subject topic. As a tool of data
collection, it is used multiple physics test result of students multiple choice as much as 20 questions. Data
analysis technique in this research used ttest calculation with tcount > ttable. From this research, it is obtained: =

14,15 and = 12,4, s12 = 166,41 and s22 = 163, 84, tcount = 2,97 and ttable = 1,67. Hypothesis test of this research

was th > tt that 2,97 > 1,67 then Ha is accepted, it means that there is significant effect from the use of Teaching
Learning Cycle model to physics learning outcomes of students of class X Public Senior High School 2
Perbaungan Academic Year 2016/2017.

Keywords: Teaching Learning Cycle model; learning; improvement; achievement.

1. Introduction

Some students of the problems found in the Physics education learning process; they commonly find it is such a
difficult and boring. It was found that too many formulas that make the Senior High students to remember let
alone to apply. Thus, monotonous teaching methods are also the reasons why Physics lessons give the matter for
most of the students; they do not understand to read the matter, and determine what formula would be used. This
fact illustrates that the learning model used in the class is not right, the lesson model applied in it less varied.

* Corresponding author.

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2018) Volume 37, No 3, pp 163-172

This indicates that students only receive knowledge from the teacher alone without taking the initiative to find it
themselves. In reality students are less able to link the information that has been obtained from the teacher with
the information to be learned.

Furthermore, based on observations of test results conducted by teachers of physics studies, it is known that the
results of students' learning about 60% dynamic electrical material has not reached the target according to the
value of 70. To overcome the low learning outcomes of physics students, it needs to use a student-centered
model. One alternative that can be used is using the Teaching Learning Cycle model. As a model for planning
instruction, the learning cycle “can help teachers ‘package’ important instructional goals into a developing
conceptual ‘storyline’ that accommodates both selection and sequencing of learning opportunities” [1].

Learning Cycle is a way to construct new knowledge from the old knowledge that students already have and
takes a series of stages of activity (phase) organized in such a way to form a continuity so that learners can
master the competencies to be achieved in learning by playing an active role. The use of Teaching Learning
Cycle model is expected to improve student learning outcomes.

1.1. Formulation of the problem

Based on the background of this study, then the formulation of the problem in this study is: Is there any effect of
Teaching Learning Cycle model on the physics learning outcomes of students of Public Senior High School 2

1.2. Hypothesis

Hypothesis in this study was: “there is a significant effect of Teaching Learning Cycle model on the results of
Physics Education achievement of students in the Public Senior High School 2 Perbaungan of North Sumatra?”

2. Theoretical reviews

This part discuses the learning process. Argues Jerome Bruner [2] that the learning is an active process where
students build new knowledge based on experience or knowledge they already acquired. In Sardiman [3] it was
said that, according to the views of constructivist theory, the learning is an active process of the subject learning
to construct the meaning of something good text, dialogue, experience and so on. Learning has the purpose to
develop the knowledge, attitudes, and basic skills that learners need in life [4]. Bruner [5] suggests that the
learning involves three processes simultaneously; (1) obtaining new information; (2) information
transformation; and (3) examining the relevance and accuracy of knowledge.

From theories of learning above, it may conclude that the learning is a process of reconstructing new knowledge
received so that a learner has more permanent learning experience. Each learning activity will end with learning
outcomes. Learning outcomes are the abilities students have after receiving their learning experience [6].
Learning outcome is a description of learning achievement in following the teaching and learning process at a
level that followed. Learning outcomes are the result of the interaction of learning acts in experiencing a

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2018) Volume 37, No 3, pp 163-172

process; it improves a learner’s ability and learning interaction within classroom and outside school.
Furthermore, stresses; "Learning outcomes are the abilities that a child acquires after through learning activities,
the acquisition is in the form of a relatively settled behavior as a result of knowledge, attitudes and abilities
possessed learners [7]".

2.1. Teaching Learning Cycle Learning (TLC) Model

Models of learning are very complex and various. In this theory, the Teaching Learning Cycle model one of the
learning approaches basically generated from the Constructivists [8]. Nuhoğlu and Yalçin [9] contends that the
learning Cycle is a teaching model based on the knowledge organisation process of the mind. Additionally,
Learning Cycle is a series of activity phase organized in such a way to form the continuity of education; so that
learners can master the competencies to be achieved in learning by playing an active role.

The Teaching Learning Cycle (TLC) from Constructivist instructional model, as published by Akin and Karplus
(1962), is an instructional model that comprises of concept discovery, concept instruction, and concept
application [10]. Implementation of Learning Cycle in learning in accordance with view of constructivism that

1. Students learn actively. Students study the material meaningfully by working and thinking. Knowledge
is in the construction of the student experience.
2. New information is associated with a scheme that students already have. The new information that
students have comes from individual interpretations.
3. Learning orientation is investigation and discovery which is problem solving.

Figure 1: Learning Cycle Phases

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2018) Volume 37, No 3, pp 163-172

Table 1: Learning Process Activity With Learning Cycle

NNo Learning Cycle Teacher's Activities Student’s Activities

1 Interest Awaken interest and curiosity (student Develop interest, curiosity on the
11 generation stage curiosity) topic
1 (Engagement)

Asking questions about factual processes Responding to teacher questions

in everyday life
Associating the topic discussed with Trying to remember the day-to-day
student experiences. Encourage students to experience and relate it to the
memngat their daily experiences and show learning topics to be discussed
their relevance to the topic of learning
being discussed
Exploration Stage Establishing groups, providing Forming groups and work in groups
2 opportunities to cooperate in small groups
Facilitating and motivating students Creating a new prediction
Encouraging students to explain concepts Trying alternative solutions with
with their own sentences group mates, recording observations,
and developing new ideas
Requesting proof and classifying students' Showing evidence and clarifying
explanations, hearing critically new ideas
explanations among students
Providing definitions and explanations Observing and trying to understand
using previous student descriptions as the the teacher's explanation
basis for discussion

3 Explanation Stage Encouraging students to explain concepts Explaining the found concepts
with their own sentences
Requesting proof and clarification of Using observations and notes in
student explanations explaining
Hearing critically explanations between Proving the concept proposed
students or teachers
Guiding the discussion Discussing
44 Elaboration Stage Reminding students of alternate Applying concepts and skills in new
explanations and consider data / evidence situations and use formal labels and
as they explore new situations definitions

Encouraging and facilitate students Asking, propose solutions, making

applying concepts / skills in new settings / decisions, conducting experiments
others and observers
55 Evaluation Stage Observing students' knowledge or Evaluating its own learning by
understanding in terms of concept asking open questions and searching
application for answers using observations,
evidence, and explanations gained

Encouraging students to conduct self- Taking further decisions on the

evaluation learning situation undertaken
Encouraging students to understand the Viewing and analyzing shortcomings
shortcomings / advantages in learning in learning activities

Here is a picture of Teaching Learning Cycle model (Learning Cycle) [8].

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2018) Volume 37, No 3, pp 163-172

Based on the stages in the cyclical learning method described above, it is hoped that students will not only hear
the teacher's information but can play an active role in exploring and enriching their understanding of the
learned concepts.

Table 2: The Advantages and Disadvantages Teaching Learning Cycle model

No The Advantages The Disadvantages

11 Increasing motivation to learn because students are actively involved in It takes longer.
the learning process.
22 Students can get the experiences and understand others. It is difficult for students who
can not communicate well.
33 Students are able to develop the potential of individuals who are
successful and useful, creative, responsible, actualize and optimize
himself / herself to the changes that occur.
Learning becomes more meaningful.

2.2. Contextual Learning Model (CTL)

Contextual learning is a learning concept that can help teachers connect between material taught to real-world
situations and encourage students to make connections between their knowledge and application in their lives as
family members and society [11].

Table 3: Learning Process Activity With Contextual

No. CTL stage Teacher activities Student activities

11. Constructivism Conditioning students in a position ready Answering the teacher's apperception
to learn and motivating students to apply and listening to the explanation.
their own ideas.

22. Inquiry Providing a mistake and providing Explaining, revealing facts in

opportunities for students to find accordance with its content, provides a
solutions. convincing argument.
33. Asking Motivating students by raising curiosity asking about the incomprehensible
and asking questions. things that are related to the problem.

44. Society learns Providing opportunities for students to Brainstorming with group mates about
learn in groups (two-way the problems the teacher provides.
55. Modeling Presenting material is accompanied by Paying attention and listening to teacher
modeling. explanations.
66. Reflection Providing an opportunity for students to Answering and concluding the material
deduce the material they have just learned. being studied.

77. The actual Providing assessment to students in

assessment various ways.

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2018) Volume 37, No 3, pp 163-172

Contextual learning is a learning model that provides facilities for student learning activities to find, process and
find learning experiences that are more concrete. Thus, learning is not just seen from the product side, but the
most important is the process [11]. The CTL system is an educational process that aims to help students see
meaning in the academic material they learn by connecting academic subjects to the contents of everyday life,
that is, to the context of personal, social and cultural life [11].From the description above, it can be concluded
that the contextual learning model is the learning model that connects the subject matter with the real world state
of the students. So that students easily to understand and remember the subject matter taught by the teacher.
Operationally, the activities of teachers and students during the learning process can be described as follows [2].

3. Research design

A quasi experiment was applied to observe the learning result of a new treatment for subjects (students) that
proved by the data found [12].

Notes: X1 = Learning with LC model

X2 = Learning with CTL model

Y = Students’ Physics learning outcomes

4. Results and discussion

After the research was conducted in Public Senior High School 2 Perbaungan, it was seen the influence of
Learning Cycle learning model on learning outcomes. Then the data were analyzed by hypothesis testing.

4.1. Data analysis

Learning Cycle Class

Ʃxi = 566 Ʃ(xi)2 = 2296 n = 40

1. The average

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2018) Volume 37, No 3, pp 163-172

∑X i
= = 14,15

2. Stardard Deviation

n∑ X i − (∑ X i )
2 2

n(n − 1)

S =

S2 = 166,41

S = 12,9

Contextual Class

Table 4: Calculation of Average and Deviation og CL Class

No. Value f Xi Xi2

1 9 1 9 81
2 10 3 30 100
3 11 4 44 121
4 12 4 48 144
5 13 3 39 169
6 14 6 84 196
7 15 7 105 225
8 16 4 64 256
9 17 4 68 289
10 18 3 54 324
11 19 1 19 361
Ʃ 40 566 2296

Table 5: Calculation of Average and Deviation of Contextual Class

No. Value F Xi Xi2

1 7 2 14 49
2 8 3 24 64
3 9 1 9 81
4 10 3 30 100
5 11 3 33 121
6 12 5 60 144
7 13 7 91 169
8 14 6 84 196
9 15 6 90 225
10 16 3 48 256
Ʃ 39 483 1405

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2018) Volume 37, No 3, pp 163-172

Ʃxi = 483 Ʃ(xi)2 = 1405 n = 39

1. The average

∑X i
= = 12,4

2. Standard Deviation

n∑ X i − (∑ X i )
2 2

n(n − 1)

S =

S2 = 163,84

S = 12,8

4.2. Hypothesis Testing

The result of data calculation postes students, it is obtained as follows:

S1 = 166,41
X 1 = 14,15 n1 = 40
X 2 = 12,4 S 2 = 163,84
n 2 = 39

Then :

S2 =
(n1 − 1)S12 + (n 2 −1)S 2 2
n1 + n2 − 2

S2 =
(40 − 1)(166,41) + (39 − 1)(163,84)
40 + 39 − 2
S = 165,1416

S = 12,85

Because of the data from two samples is homogeneous then to test the hypothesis used the formula:

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2018) Volume 37, No 3, pp 163-172

X1 − X 2
t hit =
1 1
S +
n1 n 2

14,15 − 12,4
t hit =
1 1
12,85 +
40 39
t hit = 2,97

By comparing tcount and ttable then tcount > ttable = 2,97 > 1.67. Based on the criteria of hypothesis test if tcount > ttable
then Ho was rejected but, Ha was accepted. It can be concluded that there is an effect of Teaching Learning
Cycle model on student learning outcomes on the subject of dynamic electricity in class X at Public Senior High
School 2 Perbaungan.

5. Discussion

From analysis of research data, it indicated that the students’ learning result of class X1 (Learning Cycle) it is

obtained 1 = 14,15 dan = 166,41 while X2 (Contextual) it is obtained 2 = 12,4 and = 163,84 then Sgab =
12,85. In testing the hypothesis of the analysis of differences in the average calculated tcount = 2.97 while the
value of ttable for significant level 1.72 and degrees of freedom 0.05 is 95%, it means tcount ˃ ttable (2.97 ˃ 1.72).
So it can be said that the hypothesis was accepted in other words the data show that the results of student
physics learning from the Learning Cycle Learning Group is better than the results of contextual learning.

The above finding, it explained that the learning by using the Teaching Learning Cycle model was better and
more effective for the Physics learning, in the Dynamic Electric subject topic, This model improved the
students’ learning outcomes. The Teaching Learning Cycle model made the students understood the material
deeper and had the initial knowledge before receiving the new material presented by the researcher. In the use of
Teaching Learning Cycle model students were more effective in observing learning materials and getting new
things from learning materials. With the Learning Cycle Learning Model the teacher created the strategies for
the material conveyed and chose; it took the right strategy in the delivery.

6. Conclusions

Based on the results obtained from the data analysis, hypothesis testing and data processing, finally it had
obtained the findings with the following conclusions: The results of physics learning taught by using the
Teaching Learning Cycle model has an average score of 14.15. The result of physics learning taught by using
Contextual Learning Model has an average score of 12.4. The statistical calculations t test was tcount ˃ t table or
2.97 ˃ 1.72. So it can be concluded that there was a significant effect of learning using Teaching Learning Cycle
model to the students' physics learning outcomes of the subject "Dynamic Electricity" in the X class of Public
Senior High School 2 Perbaungan in 2016 / 2017 academic year.

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2018) Volume 37, No 3, pp 163-172


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