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A Parametric Study of Layered Bed PSA For Hydrogen Purification

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Chemical Engineering Science 63 (2008) 5258 -- 5273

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Chemical Engineering Science

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A parametric study of layered bed PSA for hydrogen purification

Ana M. Ribeiro, Carlos A. Grande, Filipe V.S. Lopes, José M. Loureiro, Alírio E. Rodrigues ∗
Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engineering (LSRE), Associate Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto
Frias, s/n, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal


Article history: The production of high purity hydrogen (99.99+%) at reduced cost is an important and sought target.
Received 30 November 2007 This work is focused on the separation of hydrogen from a five component mixture (H2 /CO2 /CH4 /CO/N2 )
Received in revised form 8 July 2008 by pressure swing adsorption. A complete mathematical model that describes the dynamic behaviour of
Accepted 14 July 2008
a PSA unit is presented. This model is applied in the study of the behaviour of both single column and
Available online 20 July 2008
four columns PSA processes with layered activated carbon/zeolite beds and with an eight steps cycle. In
the single column simulation, a 99.9994% purity hydrogen stream is attained at the end of the feed step
Hydrogen purification for a process hydrogen recovery of 51.84% and a productivity of 59.6 molH2 /kgads /day. The multicolumn
Layer PSA simulation predicts a hydrogen recovery and purity, respectively, of 52.11% and 99.9958%. The influence
Mathematical modelling of feed flow rate, purge to feed ratio and lengths of both adsorbent layers on the system performance is
Dynamic simulation assessed. It is shown that the introduction of the zeolite layer improves both the purity and recovery of the
Adsorption process. Reduced models are formulated based on the sequential identification of controlling resistances
Separations in the complete model. The predictions of the reduced models are evaluated by comparing their results
with those obtained from the complete model. It is shown that the model that merely takes into account
the micropore resistance (described by the LDF model) and assumes thermal equilibrium only between
the gas and solid phases satisfactorily predicts the behaviour of the pressure swing adsorption unit.
© 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction different adsorbents (Bomard et al., 1997; Golden et al., 1990; Le Bec,
2005; Plee, 2002) and more recently the development of rapid PSA
Hydrogen is used in many important applications in the chemi- processes (Golden et al., 2006).
cal process industries, such as, hydrocracking, hydrogenation of fats The use of multiple adsorbents, placed as layers in the beds, is
and oils, methanol production, manufacture of silicon, etc. Due to an important characteristic of the currently employed PSA technol-
environmental concerns, the use of hydrogen for fuel cell has also ogy for hydrogen purification. As the number of gases to be removed
received much attention lately. from the stream is considerable, the different layers of adsorbents
The most economical way to produce hydrogen is the catalytic are used to remove a particular contaminant or group of contami-
reforming of natural gas combined with a water gas shift reaction nants. Commonly the first layer is either alumina or silica that will
step, from which a hydrogen stream containing several impurities, preferably retain the water vapour. Then an activated carbon layer
namely water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, carbon monoxide is used to selectively adsorb carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons such
and nitrogen, is obtained. These impurities must be removed in or- as methane. The last layer is a zeolite with enhanced capacity for
der to attain the required high purity H2 (99.99+%) for fuel cell appli- carbon monoxide and nitrogen. CO2 and water vapour are strongly
cations. This separation is usually performed with a pressure swing adsorbed in the zeolite and cannot be readily desorbed by decreas-
adsorption (PSA) unit (Ruthven et al., 1994; Yang, 1987). An increase ing the pressure and start to accumulate in this adsorbent as the
in the demand for hydrogen has promoted a strong economic moti- cycles proceed. This imposes an additional constraint in the design
vation for the development of new improved PSA processes, namely of the layered PSA, that is, besides the fact that the lighter impu-
the development of multibed processes (Batta and Island, 1971; rities (CH4 , CO and N2 ) cannot break through the entire bed, CO2
Fuderer and Rudelstorfer, 1976; Yamaguchi and Kobayashi, 1993), and water vapour must be prevented from reaching the zeolite layer
the application of pressure equalization steps, the combination of (Chlendi and Tondeur, 1995).
There are different publications concerning the study of the dy-
namic behaviour of layered beds (Jee et al., 2001; Park et al., 1998)

Corresponding author. Tel.: +351 22 508 1671; fax: +351 22 508 1674. and layered PSA (Ahn et al., 1999, 2001; Park et al., 2000; Yang et al.,
E-mail address: (A.E. Rodrigues). 1995; Yang and Lee, 1998; Zhou et al., 2002) for the purification of

0009-2509/$ - see front matter © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.M. Ribeiro et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 63 (2008) 5258 -- 5273 5259

hydrogen with the aim of getting a better understanding of the sys- Column wall Tw
tem and also seeking for optimal (or at least increased) performance.
Nevertheless, the production cost of hydrogen should be reduced to Gas phase Cg, Tg, P, u0
implement it as an energy vector, either in energy production or as
fuel, and thus, further improvements that reduce the capital and op- Solid phase Tp
erating costs are yet crucial. These performance improvements can
be achieved by the development of superior adsorbents, by chang-
ing the PSA operating scheme, as well as, by the optimization of the
operation parameters of the process.
In this study, hydrogen purification by a layered activated car-
bon/zeolite PSA process is considered. A cycle scheme with eight Macropores Cp
steps, including two pressure equalizations is presented. A complete
mathematical model that takes into account multicomponent ad- Micropores q
sorption, velocity variations inside the column, non-isothermal be-
haviour and both external and internal (micropore and macropore)
resistances to diffusion is presented. Single column simulations were
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the adsorption bed.
performed to assess the general behaviour of the system and also
the effect of feed flow rate, purge to feed ratio, length of activated
carbon layer at constant total length, length of activated carbon at
constant zeolite length and length of zeolite at constant activated fixed bed was based on the following assumptions:
carbon length on the system performance. In order to improve the
performance of the process an optimization study is needed which
1. Ideal gas behaviour throughout the column: within the operating
is an extremely time consuming task. The use of simplified mod-
conditions under study (up to 7 bar), the gases follow nearly the
els which need less computational time are desirable to facilitate
ideal gas law.
the optimization study. The simplified model should be capable to
2. No mass, heat or velocity gradients in the radial direction.
satisfactorily predict the PSA behaviour. Based on the sequential
3. Axial dispersed plug flow.
identification of controlling resistances in the complete model, two
4. External mass and heat transfer resistances expressed with the
different simplifications are discussed and two reduced models are
film model.
obtained. The reduced model predictions are evaluated by compar-
5. Bidispersed adsorbent particle with macropore and micropore
ing their results with the ones obtained from the complete model.
mass transfer resistances, both expressed with the linear driving
Pure hydrogen is used in the purge and pressurization steps of
force (LDF) model.
the one-column PSA simulations. In real multibed PSA systems re-
6. No temperature gradients inside each particle as the heat transfer
cycled streams are used (in pressurization, purge, etc). In order to
in the solid particles is much higher than in the gas phase.
evaluate the effect of stream recycling, we compared the results of
7. The column wall interchanges energy with the gas phase inside
one-column simulation with the simulation of a four column system.
the column and with the external environment: constant heat
The objectives of this work are: (i) the implementation of a model
transfer coefficients and constant external environment were con-
reduction strategy that results in shorter computational time; (ii)
the evaluation of the reduced model predictions by comparison with
8. Constant porosity along the bed.
the complete model; (iii) to get an insight on the PSA process for
9. The Ergun equation is valid locally: in the momentum balance,
purification of hydrogen through a parametric study that assesses the
only the terms of pressure drop and velocity change are consid-
influence of some operating parameters on the system performance.

2. Mathematical model The resulting mass, momentum and energy balance equations are
presented in Table 1.
2.1. Complete model In order to solve this system of partial differential equations,
boundary and initial conditions are needed. As mentioned before,
In a cyclic adsorption process there are two actions involved: the a PSA cycle is a sequence of elementary steps which require ap-
adsorption, where the more adsorbed species (heavy components) propriate boundary conditions. The most common steps encoun-
are retained in the adsorbent and the lighter component(s) elute at tered in PSA processes are pressurization, feed, blowdown, purge,
the column end; and the desorption, where the heavy components rinse and pressure equalization. The boundary conditions associated
are removed from the bed partially regenerating the adsorbent for with each of these steps are given in Table 2. The pressure equal-
the next cycle. A PSA cycle is a sequential combination of elementary ization steps are frequently used in multicolumn processes to re-
pre-defined steps where the regeneration is made by reducing the duce the energy consumption of the system (Ruthven et al., 1994).
total pressure of the bed. A generic mathematical model employed In the pressure equalization—depressurization step and in the blow-
in the description of the behaviour of a PSA process should couple down step, Pexit is considered to decrease exponentially with time
mass, momentum and energy balances over a packed bed with the during the steps, representing a valve equation. In the case of the
appropriate boundary conditions for each of the steps comprising equalization—pressurization step, the inlet pressure increases with
the cycle. time such that the molar flow rate (u0 Cg ) entering the column is
In a fixed bed, three phases can be distinguished: the gas phase, equal to the molar flow rate that exited the column during the de-
the solid phase where adsorption and diffusion take place and the pressurization. At the layer interface no additional boundary condi-
column wall where energy may be transferred to (or from) the sur- tions are used as the model takes care of the change by using, in the
roundings. A schematic representation of this system is shown in balance equations, the appropriate adsorbent properties.
Fig. 1. This model has already been used in the simulation of fixed
The development of a complete mathematical model capable to bed behaviour and PSA applications of different mixtures showing
describe the dynamic behaviour of multicomponent adsorption in a very good agreement between predictions and experimental data
5260 A.M. Ribeiro et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 63 (2008) 5258 -- 5273

Table 1
Mass, momentum and energy balance equations of the complete mathematical model of a fixed bed adsorption system

Mass Balances
Gas phase:
j jy j jCg,i (1 − )ap kf
Dax Cg,T i − (u C ) −  − (Cg,i − Cp,i ) = 0
jz jz jz 0 g,i jt 1 + Bii

Solid phase—macropore:

jCp,i M Dp,i Bii p jqi

= 2 (Cg,i − Cp,i ) −
jt Rp (1 + Bii ) p jt

Solid phase—micropore:

jqi c Dc,i ∗
= (qi − qi )
jt rc2

Momentum balance

jP 150(1 − )2 1.75(1 − )

− = u0 + |u0 |u0
jz 3 d2p 3 dp

Energy balances
Gas phase:
j jT jTg jCg,T 4hw jTg
 g − u0 Cg,T Cp + R g T g − (1 − )ap hf (Tg − Tp ) − (Tg − Tw ) − Cg,T CV =0
jz jz jz jt dwi jt

Solid phase:

jTp jCp,T n
(1 − ) p Cp,i Cv,i + p qi Cv,ads,i + p Ĉps = (1 − )p Rg Tp + b (−Hads )i + (1 − )ap hf (Tg − Tp )
i=1 i=1
jt jt i=1

Column wall:

j Tw
w Ĉp,w = w hw (Tg − Tw ) − w U(Tw − T∞ )

(Cavenati et al., 2006; Da Silva et al., 1999; Grande and Rodrigues, resistance. For this reason, the reduced model formulation consid-
2005). ered that the film mass transfer and macropore diffusion were neg-
ligible and only the micropore diffusion is accounted for. With this
assumption, the macropore concentration in the pellets is equal to
2.2. Reduced model the gas phase concentration and therefore the macropore mass bal-
ance is eliminated from the model.
The simulation of a PSA process, until cyclic steady state (CSS) The complete model presented in Section 2.1 includes three en-
is achieved, takes a considerable amount of CPU time. Due to the ergy balances, one for each phase (gas, solid and column wall). If ther-
large number of variables and parameters, a substantial number of mal equilibrium is assumed to exist between two or more phases,
simulations are needed to find the optimal process/operating condi- the model can be further simplified. Preliminary simulation results
tions. To facilitate an optimization study, a reduced model with sat- showed that, at CSS, the temperature profiles of the gas and solid
isfactory predicting capabilities is needed to decrease the required phases were almost identical, while a considerable difference to the
computational time. column wall temperatures was observed. Based on this observation,
The reduced models were obtained based on the sequential iden- two possible simplifications are proposed. The first simplification
tification of controlling resistances in the complete model presented considers that only the gas and solid phases are in equilibrium and
above, either in the mass or energy transfer. For this reason, two pos- that a thermal gradient to the column wall exists. With these hy-
sible simplifications are provided: one within the mass balances and potheses, two energy balances must be included in the model (in-
another within the energy balances. The model reduction strategy stead of the original three equations of the complete model). With
presented below is based on data obtained for the hydrogen process. this simplification, one variable is excluded from the model: the
However, this same strategy, that evaluates the dominant/controlling temperature of the solid.
phenomena based on time constants analysis, can also be used for The second simplification assumes that all the system is in ther-
other systems. mal equilibrium. This means that the column wall temperature is
The simplification in the mass balances considers a limiting case the same as the temperature in the gas and solid phases. In this way,
where one of the mass transfer mechanisms controls. This simplifi- the model is reduced to only one energy balance.
cation is supported by a previous study (Lopes et al., 2007) where Taking into consideration the simplifications discussed above, the
the kinetic properties of pure gases on two commercially available balance equations presented in Table 3 are obtained and two re-
adsorbents were determined. It was established that for the gases duced models are formulated: the “two energy balances model” and
under study, micropore diffusion is the controlling mass transfer the “one energy balance model”. With the simplifications imposed,
A.M. Ribeiro et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 63 (2008) 5258 -- 5273 5261

Table 2
Boundary conditions associated with the steps commonly used in PSA operation

Co-current pressurization with feed

Inlet, z = 0 z=L
jyi jCg,i
u0inlet Cinlet,i = u0 Cg,i − Dax Cg,T =0
jz jz
P = Pinlet u0 = 0
jTg jTg
u0inlet Cinlet,T Cp Tinlet = u0 Cg,T Cp Tg −  =0
jz jz
Counter-current pressurization with the less adsorbed compound
z=0 Inlet, z = L
jCg,i jTg
=0 u0inlet Cinlet,i = u0 Cg,T Cp Tg − 
jz jz
u0 = 0 P = Pexit
jTg jyi
=0 u0inlet Cinlet,T Cp Tinlet = u0 Cg,i − Dax Cg,T
jz jz
Inlet, z = 0 Outlet, z = L
u0inlet Cinlet,i = u0 Cg,i − Dax Cg,T P = Pexit
u0inlet Cinlet,T = u0 Cg,T =0
jTg jCg,i
u0inlet Cinlet,T Cp Tinlet = u0 Cg,T Cp Tg −  =0
jz jz
Counter-current blowdown
Outlet, z = 0 z=L
jCg,i jCg,i
=0 =0
jz jz
P = Pexit u0 = 0
jTg jTg
=0 =0
jz jz
Counter-current purge with the less adsorbed compound
Outlet, z = 0 Inlet, z = L
jCg,i jyi
=0 u0inlet Cinlet,i = u0 Cg,i − Dax Cg,T
jz jz
P = Pexit u0inlet Cinlet,T = u0 Cg,T
jTg jTg
=0 u0inlet Cinlet,T Cp Tinlet = u0 Cg,T Cp Tg − 
jz jz
Co-current rinse with the most adsorbed compound
Inlet, z = 0 Outlet, z = L
jyi jCg,i
u0inlet Cinlet,i = u0 Cg,i − Dax Cg,T =0
jz jz
u0inlet Cinlet,T = u0 Cg,T P = Pexit
jTg jTg
u0inlet Cinlet,T Cp Tinlet = u0 Cg,T Cp Tg −  =0
jz jz
Pressure equalization—depressurization
z=0 Outlet, z = L
jCg,i jCg,i
=0 =0
jz jz
u0 = 0 P = Pexit
jTg jTg
=0 =0
jz jz
Pressure equalization—pressurization
z=0 Inlet, z = L
jCg,i jyi
=0 u0inlet Cinlet,i = u0 Cg,i − Dax Cg,T
jz jz
u0 = 0 u0inlet Cinlet,T = u0 Cg,T
jTg jTg
=0 u0inlet Cinlet,T Cp Tinlet = u0 Cg,T Cp Tg − 
jz jz

the seven balance equations of the complete model are reduced, re- sequence considered, which includes two pressure equalizations, is
spectively, to five equations in the two energy balances model or to schematically represented in Fig. 2. The extension of the proposed
four equations in the one energy balance model. cycle to a four columns process with continuous feed is given in
In the next section, simulation results of the complete and of the Fig. 3. The duration of the feed step automatically presets the du-
reduced models are compared in order to assess the validity of the ration of the cycle and also of the other steps through the relations
proposed simplifications. showed in Fig. 3. These relations were taken into consideration even
in the single column simulations.
3. PSA simulations The mathematical models were implemented in gPROMS en-
vironment (Process System Enterprise, London, UK) and numeri-
The models presented in Section 2 were applied for the simulation cally solved using the centred finite difference method, with 180
of a single column PSA process with eight elementary steps. The cycle discretization intervals and second order approximation for partial
5262 A.M. Ribeiro et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 63 (2008) 5258 -- 5273

Table 3
Mass, momentum and energy balance equations of the reduced mathematical model of a fixed bed adsorption system

Mass balances
j jy j jCg,i jCg,i jqi
Dax Cg,T i − (u C ) −  − (1 − ) p + ap =0
jz jz jz 0 g,i jt jt jt

jqi c Dc,i ∗
= (qi − qi )
jt rc2

Momentum balance

jP 150(1 − )2 1.75(1 − )

− = u0 + |u0 |u0
jz 3 d2p 3 dp

Energy balances—two equations model

j jT jTg jCg,T 4hw n n
 g − u0 Cg,T Cp + R g T g − (Tg − Tw ) − Cg,T CV + (1 − ) p Cg,i Cv,i + p qi Cv,ads,i + p Ĉps
jz jz jz jt dwi i=1 i=1

jCg,T n
+(1 − )p Rg Tg + b (−Hads )i =0
jt i=1

j Tw
w Ĉp,w = w hw (Tg − Tw ) − w U(Tw − T∞ )

Energybalances—one equation model

j jT jT jCg,T n n
4w Ĉp,w jT
 − u0 Cg,T Cp + R g T − Cg,T CV + (1 − ) p Cg,i Cv,i + p qi Cv,ads,i + p Ĉps +
jz jz jz jt i=1 i=1
w dwi jt

jCg,T n
jqi 4w U
+(1 − )p Rg T + b (−Hads )i − (T − T∞ ) = 0
jt i=1
jt w dwi




Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure

Feed equalization equalization Blowdown Purge equalization equalization Pressurization
D1 D2 P1 P2

Fig. 2. Cycle sequence used in the PSA simulations.

derivatives and integrals. The single column simulations started with 3.1. Single column results
the feed step considering that the column was filled with hydrogen
at the feed temperature and pressure. In the case of the four col- 3.1.1. Complete model
umn simulation, the first step of each column followed the scheme In this section, the simulation results obtained for the single
of Fig. 3 and as initial conditions the columns were also presumed column PSA process using the complete mathematical model are
filled with hydrogen at the feed temperature, but with each column presented. First, the general behaviour of the system will be dis-
at the zero time pressure of the corresponding first step. The imple- cussed considering the results of one simulation. Then, we will
mented multicolumn program solves the model simultaneously for evaluate the influence of several operating conditions on the PSA
all columns. performance.
A.M. Ribeiro et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 63 (2008) 5258 -- 5273 5263

Feed D1 D2 Bd Pg P1 P2 Pres

P2 Pres Feed D1 D2 Bd Pg P1

Bd Pg P1 P2 Pres Feed D1 D2

D1 D2 Bd Pg P1 P2 Pres Feed

tcycle = 4xtfeed ; tD1 = tD2 = tP1 = tP2 = tpres = tfeed /2 ; tblowd = tpurge = tfeed/4

Fig. 3. Four columns arrangement with continuous feed using the cycle sequence proposed in Fig. 2.

Table 4 Table 5
Fitting parameters of the multisite Langmuir model for the activated carbon and Column characteristics, physical properties of the adsorbents and operating condi-
zeolite tions of the PSA simulations

Gas qmax (mol/kg) ai (–) K∞ × 1011 (Pa−1 ) (−H) (kJ/mol) Adsorbent Layered bed of AC/Zeolite

Activated carbon Column length (m) 1

CO2 7.8550 3.0 2.125 29.084 Activated carbon length (m) 0.5
H2 23.565 1.0 7.233 12.843 Column diameter (m) 0.2
CH4 6.7329 3.5 7.904 22.701 Wall density (kg/m3 ) 8238
CO 9.0634 2.6 2.680 22.577 Wall specific heat (J/kg/K) 500
N2 5.8913 4.0 23.46 16.263 w (1/m) 195
w (1/m) 197
Zeolite Bed porosity 0.38
CO2 4.525 2.2 11.11 35.965 Particle porosity AC: 0.566; Zeo: 0.503
H2 9.954 1.0 50.76 9.2309 Particle density (kg/m3 ) AC: 842; Zeo: 1126
CH4 4.976 2.0 35.65 20.643 Particle specific heat (J/kg/K) AC: 709; Zeo: 920
CO 3.828 2.6 3.937 29.773 Particle radius (m) AC: 1.17 × 10−3 ; Zeo: 0.85 × 10−3
N2 4.148 2.4 30.83 20.413 Feed temperature (K) 303
Feed pressure (bar) 7
Feed molar fraction (%) CO2 :16.6; H2 :73.3; CH4 :3.5; CO:2.9; N2 :3.7
Feed flow rate (N m3 /h) 12.2
As mentioned before, the currently employed technology for the Purge pressure (bar) 1
production of hydrogen through cyclic adsorption processes uses Purge flow rate (N m3 /h) 3.5
two or more adsorbents placed in successive layers in the bed. This Feed duration (s) 40

kind of arrangements is normally employed to enhance the process

performance and reduce unit size and energetic costs.
In this work a layered bed of activated carbon/zeolite was
Table 6
employed. The adsorbents considered are two commercial sam- Transport parameters values used in the simulations
ples for which the physical properties, as well as, the kinetic and
Activated carbon Zeolite
equilibrium data have been determined previously (Lopes et al.,
2007). The adsorption equilibrium was represented by the multisite Dp (m2 /s)a CO2 : 3.43 × 10−6
H2 : 4.99 × 10−6
Langmuir model (Eq. (1)) and the corresponding parameters are
CH4 : 3.06 × 10−6
given in Table 4: CO: 3.01 × 10−6
    N2 : 3.02 × 10−6
qi   qi  ai Dc /rc2 (s−1 )a CO2 : 1.24 × 10−2 CO2 : 1.87 × 10−4
= ai Ki P 1 − (1) H2 : 8.89 × 10−2 H2 : 9.23 × 10−2
qi,max i
CH4 : 3.96 × 10−3 CH4 : 1.04 × 10−2
CO: 2.11 × 10−2 CO: 4.22 × 10−3
The column dimensions, the physical properties of the adsor-
N2 : 2.29 × 10−2 N2 : 2.13 × 10−2
bents and the general operating conditions considered in the first kf (m/s) 9.28 × 10−2
simulation are shown in Table 5. An adsorption bed with a length hf (W/m2 K) 219
of 1 m was considered. Constant and equal bed porosity on both hw (W/m2 K) 94
U (W/m2 K) 0
adsorbent layers were assumed in the simulations. The higher and
Values at feed inlet conditions (7 bar and 303 K).
lower pressures of the process were fixed at 7 and 1 bar, respec-
tively, and the feed temperature was 303 K. As a first approach, the
length of the activated carbon layer was considered to be 0.5 m (ze-
olite layer also with 0.5 m). The feed flow rate was 12.2 N m3 /h. This in Fig. 3, the pressure equalization and pressurization steps time to
value was established based on the space time of approximately 20 s and the blowdown and purge duration to 10 s.
20 s used in previous studies of layered bed PSA for H2 recovery The transport parameter values required in the mathematical
(Baksh and Ackey, 2002; Baksh and Terbot, 2003; Yang and Lee, model are summarized in Table 6. The macropore diffusivity took
1998). The feed stream was a five component mixture with CO2 , H2 , into account only the molecular diffusivities which were calculated
CH4 , CO and N2 . Pure hydrogen was used in the purge and pressur- with the Chapman–Enskog equation (Bird et al., 2002). A tortuosity
ization steps. The purge flow rate used was 3.5 N m3 /h, that is, the factor of 2 was considered for both adsorbents. The axial mass and
inlet gas velocity used in the purge step is equal to two times the in- heat dispersion coefficients, as well as, the mass transfer and heat
let gas velocity of the feed step. This corresponds to a purge to feed convective coefficient were estimated using the Wakao and Funazkri
ratio of 0.097, defined as the ratio between the amounts of hydrogen (1978) correlations (Da Silva, 1999; Yang, 1987). The internal con-
in the purge to that in the feed (Yang, 1987). The feed step dura- vective heat transfer coefficient between gas and the wall column
tion was 40 s which automatically sets, through the relations given was calculated with the Wasch and Froment (1972) correlation. The
5264 A.M. Ribeiro et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 63 (2008) 5258 -- 5273

process was considered adiabatic, i.e. U =0. General properties of the The evolution of hydrogen purity and recovery as a function of
gases, like density, viscosity, and molar specific heat were obtained the simulation cycle number is shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen that
according to Bird et al. (2002). The specific heat and the viscosity CSS is achieved only after 500 cycles. The main reason of this de-
of the gas were estimated at the inlet conditions and taken as con- lay in achieving CSS is the stabilization of the temperature profiles
stants throughout the bed. The molar specific heat of the adsorbed within the whole bed. This can be seen in Fig. 5(a), where the gas
gas was assumed to be equal to the molar specific heat in the gas temperature profiles at the end of the feed step are shown for differ-
phase (Sircar, 1985). ent cycle numbers. On the other hand, the gas phase concentration
The performance of a PSA process is commonly evaluated ac- profiles of all impurities reach an apparent CSS much faster. As an
cording to basic parameters of product purity, product recovery and example, the methane gas phase profiles at the end of the feed step
productivity (Rota and Wankat, 1990) defined, respectively, by for the same cycle numbers are shown in Fig. 5(b) where no change
tfeed is observed after the 105th cycle.
CH u0 |z=L dt The pressure and molar flow rates obtained at the column outlet
0 t 2 (2)
n feed C u | during one cycle in CSS are shown in Fig. 6. It can be seen that
i=1 0 i 0 z=L dt

tfeed tpress tpurge

CH2 u0 |z=L dt − 0 CH2 u0 |z=L dt − 0 CH2 u0 |z=L dt
RECOVERY = tfeed (3)
CH2 u0 |z=0 dt
t tpress tpurge
feed CH2 u0 |z=L dt − 0 CH2 u0 |z=L dt − 0 CH2 u0 |z=L dt Abed
ttotal wads

The values obtained for this simulation were:

Hydrogen recovery: 51.84%. during the pressure equalization steps a considerable amount of hy-
Hydrogen purity: 99.9994%. drogen is “recycled” which improves the recovery of the process.
Productivity: 59.6 molH2 /kgads /day. The amount recycled represents approximately 79% of the amount
produced. Nevertheless a significant amount of hydrogen is still lost
100.0000 52.5 in the blowdown step (over 37% of the amount produced) and also
Purity part of the product must be used to repressurize the column.
Recovery The impurities observed at the feed outlet stream were CH4 and
99.9998 52.0 N2 , respectively, in the relative amounts of 0.0005% and 0.0001%.
H2 Recovery [%]

The high diffusion resistance of methane on the activated carbon

H2 Purity [%]

99.9996 51.5 (low Dc /rc2 ) is the reason why methane elutes to the bed end. The
activated carbon, having higher adsorption capacity for methane
than the zeolite, should retain it. But the low diffusivity value makes
99.9994 51.0
both the uptake and regeneration more difficult which broadens
the CH4 profiles along the bed. This can be seen in the next figures
99.9992 50.5 where the gas (Fig. 7) and solid (Fig. 8) phase concentration profiles
obtained along the bed at the end of each step at CSS are presented.
99.9990 50.0 Comparing the diffusivity time constant of methane in this activated
carbon with values reported in the literature (Jee et al., 2001; Park
0 500 1000 1500
et al., 1998, 2000) it is observed that the value used in this study is
cycle number
almost one order of magnitude lower. The only exception is a value
Fig. 4. Evolution of the hydrogen purity and recovery values with the simulation reported by Warmuzinski and Tanczyk (1997) where a value of the
cycle number. same order of magnitude as the one determined in our experiments

350 12
345 AC Zeo AC Zeo
Cg CH4 (mol/m3)

330 105
Tg (K)

325 15 6 210
210 300
300 406
406 4
315 105
510 510
305 15
300 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
L (m) L (m)

Fig. 5. Evolution of the (a) gas temperature and (b) methane gas phase concentration profiles at the end of the feed step with the cycle number.
A.M. Ribeiro et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 63 (2008) 5258 -- 5273 5265

8 Feed D1 D2 Bd Pg P1 P2 Pres

40 20 20 10 10 20 20 20 0.35


Molar flowrate (mol/s)

0.25 H2
P (bar)

0.20 CH4
3 0.15

2 0.10

1 0.05

0 0.00
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
t (s) t (s)

Fig. 6. (a) Pressure and (b) molar flowrates obtained at the column outlet at cyclic steady state.

was reported. With this value of methane diffusion within the acti- value after which the typical tendency is again observed. This inver-
vated carbon sample, the adsorption of this gas is not limited by the sion occurs when the activated carbon length is no longer sufficient
equilibrium capacity, but by kinetic effects. to retain the carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide enters the zeolite
Figs. 7 and 8 also show that carbon dioxide does not reach the ze- layer and, as it has a very favourable isotherm in this adsorbent, the
olite layer, which, as mentioned above, is one of the design requisites regeneration is extremely difficult just by lowering the pressure: it
for this process. In addition, the carbon monoxide stays well within starts to accumulate in the zeolite layer and “pushes” the other im-
the bed as it is strongly adsorbed in the zeolite, but also poorly re- purities towards the bed end and eventually also elutes through the
generated. On the other hand, the difference in capacities between bed. Note that all the points in this figure were obtained from sim-
the two adsorbents for N2 is very small and this is also illustrated in ulations stopped at the 1500th cycle. That is, for the simulation cor-
the bed profiles. As one of the duties of the second layer in the bed is responding to LAC /L = 0.1 the complete CSS was not achieved as the
to preferentially retain nitrogen, an adsorbent with higher capacity CO2 is still slightly propagating in the zeolite layer.
for N2 should be used. In graphic (f) of the same figure, the effects of the different pa-
Fig. 9 shows the temperature profiles obtained along the bed at rameters studied on the process performance are compared. As men-
the end of each step at CSS. Maximum temperature oscillations of tioned above, both the increase in flow rate and the decrease in
around 15 K are observed in some axial positions near the entrance purge to feed ratio induce a decrease in purity and also an increase
of the activated carbon layer. The temperature increases during ad- in recovery. However, from this graphic, it can be seen that, when
sorption and decreases when the adsorbent is being regenerated. comparing the relative influence of these two parameters, higher re-
In the zeolite layer, no significant temperature variations are seen coveries are obtained for the same purity with the change in the feed
in the entire cycle. This is a consequence of the small variations in flow rate. It can also be seen that the influence of the activated car-
the adsorbed phase concentration observed during the cycle as dis- bon length at constant total length is minor when compared to the
cussed above and shows that the benefits of using the zeolite layer influence of the other parameters. On the other hand, the figure also
are small. shows that higher recovery for the same purity is observed when
The effect of the following operating parameters on the PSA per- the activated carbon length is reduced at constant zeolite length.
formance were studied: feed flow rate, purge to feed ratio, activated As mentioned above, the value of the methane micropore dif-
carbon length at constant total length, activated carbon length at fusivity on the activated carbon obtained experimentally by Lopes
constant zeolite length and zeolite length at constant activated car- et al. (2007) and used in this study (Table 6) is one order of mag-
bon length. The results obtained are shown in Fig. 10. The hydrogen nitude lower than the value most frequently used in other pub-
purity decreases when the feed flow rate is increased (graphic (a)), lished hydrogen purification studies. Thus, simulations using a value
when the purge to feed ratio is decreased (graphic (b)) and also if of methane micropore diffusivity on the activated carbon 10 times
shorter beds are used either by decreasing the activated carbon layer greater than the value of Table 6 were also performed for compar-
(graphic (d)) or the zeolite layer (graphic (e)). In all cases, as the ison purposes. The results obtained are shown in graphics (a)–(e)
purity decreases the process recovery increases. On the other hand, of Fig. 10 as dashed lines. It can be seen that, although the process
a different trend is observed when the activated carbon length is recovery values do not change significantly, the hydrogen purity is
changed at a constant total length (graphic (c)). In this case, start- strongly affected. That is, if the mass transfer resistance of methane
ing with a bed completely filled with activated carbon, both purity on the activated carbon is lower, a purer hydrogen stream can be
and recovery improve as the zeolite layer increases until a limiting produced for the same recovery.
5266 A.M. Ribeiro et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 63 (2008) 5258 -- 5273

50 Feed D1
AC Zeo D2 Blowdown
45 Purge P1
P2 Pressurization
40 Feed
35 D1 250
Cg CO2 (mol/m-3)

AC Zeo

Cg H2 (mol/m-3)
30 200
25 Purge
20 P1
15 100

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
L (m) L (m)

14 12
AC Zeo
AC Zeo
12 10
Feed Feed
10 D1
D1 8
Cg CO (mol/m3)
Cg CH4 (mol/m3)

8 D2
Blowdown 6 Purge
6 Purge P1
P1 4
4 Pressurization
Pressurization 2

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
L (m) L (m)

AC Zeo

12 Feed
Cg N2 (mol/m-3)

10 D2

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
L (m)

Fig. 7. Gas phase concentration profiles obtained along the bed at the end of each step at cyclic steady state: (a) CO2 , (b) H2 , (c) CH4 , (d) CO and (e) N2 .
A.M. Ribeiro et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 63 (2008) 5258 -- 5273 5267

2 Feed D1
Zeo D2 Blowdown
AC Purge P1
1.8 0.18 P2 Pressurization
1.6 0.16
1.4 Feed 0.14 AC
qi CO2 (mol/kg)

1.2 D2 0.12

qi H2 (mol/kg)
1 Blowdown 0.1
0.8 P1 0.08

0.6 P2
0.4 0.04

0.2 0.02

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
L (m) L (m)

0.2 0.08
AC Zeo AC Zeo
Feed 0.06 Feed
qi CH4 (mol/kg)

qi CO (mol/kg)

0.12 D2 0.05
Blowdown D2
0.1 0.04
Purge Blowdown
0.08 P1
0.03 Purge
0.06 P1
Pressurization 0.02
0.04 P2

0.02 0.01 Pressurization

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
L (m) L (m)

AC Zeo

qi N2 (mol/kg)

0.04 D2
0.03 Purge

0.02 P1
0.01 Pressurization

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
L (m)

Fig. 8. Solid phase concentration profiles obtained along the bed at the end of each step at cyclic steady state: (a) CO2 , (b) H2 , (c) CH4 , (d) CO and (e) N2 .
5268 A.M. Ribeiro et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 63 (2008) 5258 -- 5273

325 3.1.2. Reduced model

320 In order to assess the validity of the model simplifications pro-
posed in Section 2.2, numerical predictions obtained with the re-
duced models (Table 3) were compared with those obtained with
310 the complete model (Table 1). The operation and adsorbent param-
Tg (K)

305 Feed eters given in Tables 4–6 were employed for the three simulations
D1 and the obtained results are presented in the following figures.
Blowdown Figs. 11–13(a) show, respectively, the gas phase, solid phase and tem-
295 Purge
P1 perature profiles along the bed at the end of the feed and purge steps
at CSS for the complete, the two energy balances reduced model and
285 the one energy balance reduced model.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Looking at these profiles, it can be seen that only small differences
L (m) are encountered between the results obtained with the complete
Fig. 9. Temperature profiles obtained along the bed at the end of each step at cyclic model and the two energy equations model. The positions of the
steady state. concentrations and temperature fronts are, for these two models,

100 75
100 60
Purity 70 59
99.98 99.998
Recovery 65 Purity
H2 Recovery (%)


H2 Recovery (%)
H2 Purity (%)

H2 Purity (%)
99.96 Recovery 56
60 99.994
99.95 55
55 99.992
99.94 54
99.93 50 99.99 53
P/F = 0.097 Qfeed= 12.2 Nm3/h
99.92 LAC = 0.5 m 52
45 99.988 LAC = 0.5 m
99.91 Ltotal = 1 m 51
Ltotal = 1 m
99.9 40 99.986 50
10 15 20 25 0.02 0.07
Feed flow rate (Nm3/h) Purge/Feed ratio

100 53.5 100 65.0

53.0 99.999
99.999 99.998
H2 Recovery (%)
H2 Recovery (%)

H2 Purity (%)

H2 Purity (%)

99.997 Recovery 55.0

99.998 99.996
Purity 99.995 50.0
Recovery 51.0
99.997 99.994
Qfeed= 12.2 Nm3/h Qfeed= 12.2 Nm3/h 45.0
50.5 99.993 P/F = 0.097
P/F = 0.097
Ltotal = 1 m Lzeolite = 0.5 m
99.996 50.0 99.992 40.0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
AC Length [m] AC Length [m]

100 65.0 65

60.0 60
H2 Recovery (%)

H2 Recovery (%)
H2 Purity (%)

99.997 Recovery 55.0 55

Feed flow rate
Purge/Feed ratio
99.995 50.0 50
Activ. Carbon Length (Ltotal=1m)
99.994 Activ. Carbon Length (LZeol=0.5 m)
Qfeed= 12.2 Nm3/h 45.0 45
99.993 P/F = 0.097 Zeolite Length (LAC=0.5 m)
LAC = 0.5 m Multicolumn Simulation
99.992 40.0 40
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 99.985 99.99 99.995 100
Zeolite Length [m] H2 Purity (%)

Fig. 10.
A.M. Ribeiro et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 63 (2008) 5258 -- 5273 5269

50 Complete Model 14 Complete Model

45 Reduced Model -2 E.B. Reduced Model -2 E.B.
Reduced Model -1 E.B. Reduced Model -1 E.B.

35 10

Cg CH4 (mol/m3)
Cg CO2 (mol/m3)

Zeo AC Zeo
30 AC

15 4

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
L (m) L (m)

12 Complete Model 16
Complete Model
Reduced Model -2 E.B. Reduced Model -2 E.B.
10 Reduced Model -1 E.B. Reduced Model -1 E.B.
8 AC Zeo
Cg CO (mol/m3)

AC Zeo
Cg N2 (mol/m3)


6 8


0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
L (m) L (m)
Fig. 11. Gas phase concentration profiles obtained along the bed at the end of the feed ( ) and purge (—) steps at cyclic steady state for the complete and reduced
models: (a) CO2 , (b) CH4 , (c) CO and (d) N2 .

almost overlapped and only the peaks' height differs slightly. On The performance parameters predicted with these simulations
the other hand, if the energy balance is further simplified, assuming were, respectively, 51.90% hydrogen recovery and 99.9996% hydro-
complete thermal equilibrium within the packed bed system, the gen purity for the two energy balances reduced model; and 50.53%
profiles become noticeably different. A temperature difference of hydrogen recovery and 99.9997% hydrogen purity for the one en-
over 5 K is observed throughout the entire column and also the fronts' ergy balance reduced model. These values compare with 51.84% and
positions are closer to the bed inlet. 99.9994% reported in the previous section for the complete model.
In Fig. 13(b) a comparison between the gas, solid and wall tem- With these results it can be concluded that the assumptions made
perature profiles at the end of the feed and purge steps at CSS ob- for the formulation of the two energy equations model are accept-
tained with the complete model is made. It is shown that the gas and able. With this reduced model the unknown variables in the simu-
solid temperature profiles coincide, while a significant difference to lations are reduced by around 20% when compared to the complete
the column wall temperature exists. model.

←−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− 3.2. Multicolumn system results

Fig. 10. PSA performance: effect of feed flow rate (a), purge to feed ratio (b) and
activated carbon length at constant total length (c), activated carbon length at The single column simulations use a pure hydrogen stream for all
constant zeolite length (d) and zeolite length at constant activated carbon length
(e) on the obtained hydrogen purity and recovery ((—) micropore diffusivity values
the repressurization steps (in the pressure equalizations and in the
of Table 6, (- - -) micropore diffusivity of methane one order of magnitude higher pressurization itself) and also in the purge step. However, in mul-
than that of Table 6); and comparison between the effect of the different operating ticolumn arrangements, the stream entering the bed during these
parameters studied and the multicolumn simulation (f). steps will not be a “clean” one, but will instead contain impurities
5270 A.M. Ribeiro et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 63 (2008) 5258 -- 5273

2 Complete Model 0.25 Complete Model

1.8 Reduced Model -2 E.B. Reduced Model -2 E.B.

Reduced Model -1 E.B.
1.6 Reduced Model -1 E.B. 0.2

1.4 Zeo
AC Zeo
q CO2 (mol/kg)

q CH4 (mol/kg)
1.2 0.15

0.8 0.1


0.4 0.05


0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
L (m) L (m)

0.09 Complete Model 0.09 Complete Model

0.08 Reduced Model -2 E.B. 0.08 Reduced Model -2 E.B.

Reduced Model -1 E.B. Reduced Model -1 E.B.
0.07 0.07
AC Zeo
0.06 0.06
q CO (mol/kg)

q N2 (mol/kg)

AC Zeo
0.05 0.05

0.04 0.04

0.03 0.03

0.02 0.02

0.01 0.01

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
L (m) L (m)

Fig. 12. Solid phase concentration profiles obtained along the bed at the end of the feed ( ) and purge (—) steps at cyclic steady state for the complete and reduced
models: (a) CO2 , (b) CH4 , (c) CO and (d) N2 .

that are leaving another column in the process. This is a more real- of the multicolumn simulation is compared in Fig. 10(f) with the re-
istic representation of actual PSA operation. Therefore, the complete sults previously determined for the single column process, showing
mathematical model presented above was applied to the simulation the inferior performance of the multicolumn process, that is, for the
of a four column PSA process in accordance with the column sched- same recovery, the purity of the obtained product is poorer. As men-
ule given in Fig. 3. tioned above the worsening of the process performance is due to
In the particular case of hydrogen, where product purities above the “dirty” streams used in the pressurization and purge steps which
99.99% are required, the purge and pressurization streams are al- lead to the accumulation of impurities near the bed end. This is il-
most pure and thus the single column simulations are not far from lustrated in Fig. 14 where the evolution of the gas and solid phase
reality. They allow a fastest route to search for the appropriate op- concentrations of N2 during the course of one cycle at the end of the
erating conditions that meet the process specifications. Of course column is shown for both the single and multicolumn simulations
even a small amount of impurities in the recycled streams has some as an example.
effect on the process performance which must be evaluated. Thus Nevertheless and as pointed out before, with such high purity
a multicolumn simulation using the same operating and adsorbent specification, the influence of the recycling stream is minor. In
parameters (Tables 4–6) that resulted in a high purity product was the case illustrated above, the product purity decreases only from
performed. A hydrogen recovery, purity and productivity, respec- 99.9994% in the single column simulation to 99.9958% in the multi-
tively, of 52.11%, 99.9958% and 59.9 molH2 /kgads /day were obtained, column simulation. However, if operating conditions that originate
with CH4 and N2 present as impurities at the end of the feed step less pure recycling streams are considered, the effect is much more
in the relative amounts of 0.0029% and 0.0013%. The performance important. This can be seen from the results of a multicolumn
A.M. Ribeiro et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 63 (2008) 5258 -- 5273 5271

325 325
Zeo Zeo

320 320

315 315

310 310

Tg,Tp,Tw (K)
Tg (K)

305 305

300 300
Complete Model Tg
295 Reduced Model -2 E.B. 295 Tp
Reduced Model -1 E.B. Tw
290 290

285 285
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
L (m) L (m)

Fig. 13. Temperature profiles obtained along the bed at the end of the feed ( ) and purge (—) steps at cyclic steady state: (a) comparison between the results of the
complete and reduced models; (b) comparison between the three temperatures in the complete model.

0.007 Feed D1 D2 Bd Pg P1 P2 Pres 0.00007 Feed D1 D2 Bd Pg P1 P2 Pres

0.006 0.00006

0.005 0.00005
Cg N2 (mol/m3)

q N2 (mol/kg)

0.004 0.00004

0.003 0.00003

0.002 0.00002

0.001 0.00001

0 0.00000
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
t (s) t (s)

Fig. 14. Nitrogen gas (a) and solid (b) phase concentrations at L = 1 m during one cycle obtained for the four columns (—) and single column ( ) simulations.

simulation using a feed flow rate of 17.1 N m3 /h. For this simulation able to describe the dynamic behaviour of the pressure swing ad-
a hydrogen purity of 99.9256% is obtained which compares to a sorption system was presented. The model was applied in the sim-
value of 99.9860% obtained in the single column simulation. In this ulation of a PSA process with an eight steps cycle scheme.
case a larger difference is observed between the two simulations. In a single column simulation, a 99.9994% purity hydrogen stream
was attained at the end of the feed step for a process hydrogen
4. Conclusions recovery of 51.84% and a productivity of 59.6 molH2 /kgads /day. Both
methane and nitrogen were encountered as impurities at the end of
The purification of hydrogen by a layered activated carbon/zeolite the feed step. The study of the influence of the feed flow rate, the
PSA process from a feed stream mixture containing as impurities purge to feed ratio and the length of the activated carbon layer on the
CO2 , CH4 , CO and N2 was studied by simulation. The complete model process performance revealed that, within the ranges of parameters
5272 A.M. Ribeiro et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 63 (2008) 5258 -- 5273

values studied, the best performance is obtained with the change of L bed length, m
the feed flow rate. It also showed that the introduction of the zeolite P pressure, Pa
layer improves, although slightly, both the purity and recovery of qi particle averaged adsorbed concentration, mol/kg
the process until a limiting value after which the activated carbon qi,max specific saturation adsorption capacity in the multisite
layer becomes too small to retain the carbon dioxide. Langmuir isotherm, mol/kg
An extension of the cycle under consideration was proposed for q∗i adsorbed concentration in equilibrium with Cp,i , mol/kg
a four column process. The multicolumn simulation showed that Qfeed feed flow rate, N m3 /h
the columns interconnection, which takes into account the impuri- rc “microparticle” radius, m
ties in the streams used for repressurization and purge, results in a Rg ideal gas constant, J/mol K
poorer process performance. With this simulation a hydrogen recov- Rp particle radius, m
ery, purity and productivity of, respectively, 52.11%, 99.9958% and t time, s
59.9 molH2 /kgads /day were obtained. Tg bulk phase temperature, K
The complete model was simplified based on the assumption that Tp solid temperature, K
one of the mass transfer mechanisms controls and also assuming Tw wall temperature, K
thermal equilibrium between system phases and reduced models T∞ ambient temperature, K
were formulated. The reduced model predictions were evaluated u0 superficial velocity, m/s
by comparing its results with the ones obtained from the complete U overall heat transfer coefficient, J/s m2 K
model. It is shown that the model that merely takes into account wads mass of adsorbent, kg
the micropore resistance (described by the LDF model) and assumes yi component I molar fraction, dimensionless
thermal equilibrium between the gas and the adsorbent satisfactorily z axial position, m
predicts the behaviour of the pressure swing adsorption unit.
Greek letters

w ratio of the internal surface area to the volume of the

column wall, m−1
Notation w ratio of the log mean surface to the volume of column
wall, m−1
ap particle specific area, m−1  bed porosity, dimensionless
ai number of neighbouring sites occupied by the adsor- p particle porosity, dimensionless
bate molecule in the multisite Langmuir isotherm, di-  heat axial dispersion coefficient, J/s m K
mensionless  bulk gas mixture viscosity, kg/m s
Abed bed area, m2  bulk gas mixture density, kg/m3
Bii mass Biot number of component i (Bii = p particle density, kg/m3
ap kf R2p / p M Dp,i ), dimensionless w wall density, kg/m3
Cg,i gas phase concentration of component i, mol/m3  LDF factor [ = (ks + 1)(ks + 3)], dimensionless
Cg,T total gas phase concentration, mol/m3
Cp gas mixture molar specific heat at constant pressure,
J/mol K
Cp,i average concentration of component i in the macrop- The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support
ores, mol/m3 from European Commission through the FP6 funded project HY2SEPS
Ĉps particle specific heat at constant pressure (per mass (SES6-019887).
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