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THIS DEED OF GIFT made at Mumbai this __________, 20_______


____________, aged about _______years, residing at _____________________

(the “Donor”, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof, be deemed to include his heirs, executors and administrators) of the One



_____________, age: ______ years, an Indian Inhabitant, residing at

__________________________________ (the “Donee”, which expression shall,

unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to include her

heirs, executors, administrators and assigns) of the Other Part.


a. The Donor is entitled to an undivided share, right, title and interest in a

_____________ more particularly described in the Schedule

appearing herein below on the terms and conditions recorded


b. The Donee is the ___________ of the Donor;

c. The Donor desires to gift his/her 100% undivided share, right, title and

interest in the _______ to the Donee as gift in consideration of natural

love and affection which the Donor bears towards the Donee, thereby

making the Donee own 100% undivided share right title and interest in the

said Flat;

d. The Donee has signified her acceptance to the gift by the Donor by executing

this Deed in testimony thereof;

NOW THIS DEED WITNESSETH that the Donor, without any monetary

consideration and in consideration of the natural love and affection which the

Donor bears to the Donee, doth hereby grant, convey, transfer and assure by way

of gift 100% of his undivided share, right, title and interest in

______________________ unto the Donee AND all the estate, right, title, interest

use, inheritance, possession, benefit claims and demand whatsoever of the Donor

in and to 100% of his undivided share, right, title and interest in the said

_________ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto and to the use of the

Donee absolutely but subject to the payment of all taxes, rates, assessments, dues

and duties now and hereafter chargeable thereon to the Government or

Municipality or other Local Authority.

AND the Donor, does hereby covenant with the Donee that—

a) the Donor has in himself, good right, full power and absolute authority to

grant 100% of his undivided share, right, title and interest in the said

Flat hereby granted as gift in the manner aforesaid;

b) the Donee may at all times hereafter peaceably and quietly occupy,

possess and enjoy 100% of Donor’s undivided share, right, title and
interest in the said ___ and receive the rents, issues, and profits and rents

thereof and every part thereof to and for his own use and benefit without

any suit, lawful eviction, interruption, claim or demand whatsoever from

or by the Donor or his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns or any

person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim by, from, under or in trust

for the Donor;

c) 100% of Donor’s undivided share, right, title and interest in the

said _____ is free and clear and freely and clearly and absolutely and

forever released and discharged or otherwise by the Donor and well and

sufficiently saved, kept harmless and indemnified of and from and against

all former and other estate, titles, charges and encumbrances whatsoever,

had made, executed, occasioned or suffered by the Donor or by any other

person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim by, from, under or in trust

for the Donor;

d) the Donor shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter at the

request and cost of the Donee do and execute or cause to be done and

executed all such further and other acts, deeds, things, conveyances and

assurances in law whatsoever for better and more perfectly assuring 100%

of his undivided share, right, title and interest in the said ____ unto and

to the use of the Donee in the manner aforesaid as by the Donee or her

counsel in law shall reasonably require.


[• ]
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Donor as well as the Donee (by way of

acceptance of the said gift) have put their respective hands the day and year first

hereinabove written.


withinnamed DONOR, )

___________________ )

in the presence of : )




withinnamed DONEE, )

___________________ )

in acceptance of the gift )

in the presence of )


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