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To: From:: Assignment List ICS 204-OS

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1. Incident Name 2.

Operational Period (Date / Time)

From: To: ICS 204-OS
3. Branch 4. Division/Group

5. Operations Personnel Name Affiliation Contact # (s)

Operations Section Chief:

Branch Director:

Division/Group Supervisor:

6. Resources Assigned This Period "X" indicates 204a attachment with special instructions
Strike Team / Task Force / Resource # of
Leader Contact Info. # Notes / Remarks
Identifier Persons

7. Assignments

8. Special Instructions for Division / Group

9. Communications (radio and / or phone contact numbers needed for this assignment)
Name / Function Radio: Freq. / System / Channel Phone Pager

Emergency Communications
Medical Evacuation Other
10. Prepared By (Resource Unit Leader) Date / Time 11. Approved By (Planning Section Chief) Date / Time


Electronic version: NOAA 1.0 June 1, 2000

Special Note. The Assignment List, ICS form 204-OS submits assignments at the level of Divisions and Groups.
The Assignment List Attachment, ICS form 204a-OS shows more specific assignment information, if needed. The
need for an ICS form 204a-OS is determined by the Planning and Operations Section Chiefs during the
Operational Planning Worksheet (ICS form 215-OS) development.

Purpose. The Assignment List(s) informs Division and Group supervisors of incident assignments. Once the
assignments are agreed to by the Unified Command and General Staff, the assignment information is given to
the appropriate Divisions and Groups.

Preparation. The Assignment List is normally prepared by the Resources Unit, using guidance from the Incident
Objectives (ICS form 202-OS), Operational Planning Worksheet (ICS form 215-OS), and the Operations Section
Chief. The Assignment List must be approved by the Planning Section Chief. When approved, it is included as
part of the Incident Action Plan (IAP). Specific instructions for individual Task Forces / Strike Teams may be
entered on an ICS form 204a-OS for dissemination to the field, but not included in the IAP.

Distribution. The Assignment List is duplicated and attached to the Incident Objectives and given to all
recipients of the Incident Action Plan. In some cases, assignments may be communicated via
radio/telephone/fax. All completed original forms MUST be given to the Documentation Unit.

Item # Item Title Instructions

A separate sheet is used for each Division or Group. The identification

letter of the Division is entered in the form title. Also enter the number
(roman numeral) assigned to the Branch.

1. Incident Name Enter the name assigned to the incident.

2. Operational Period Enter the time interval for which the form applies. Record the start and
end date and time.

3. Branch Enter the Branch designator.

4. Division/Group Enter the Division/Group designator.

5. Operations Personnel Enter the name of the Operations Chief, applicable Branch Director,
and Division Supervisor.
Item # Item Title Instructions

6. Resources Assigned Each line in this field may have a separate Assignment List Attachment
This Period (ICS form 204a-OS). Enter the following information about the
resources assigned to Division or Group for this period:
Strike Team / Task List identifier
Force / Resource
Leader Leader name
Contact Information Primary means of contacting this person (e.g., radio, phone, pager,
etc.). Be sure to include area code when listing a phone number.
Number of Persons Total number of personnel for the strike team, task force, or single
resource assigned.
Special Notes / Special notes or directions, specific to this strike team, task force, or
Remarks single resource.
Assignment List Enter an "X" check if an Assignment List Attachment (ICS form
Attachment 204a-OS) will be prepared and attached. The need for an ICS form
204a-OS is determined by the Planning and Operations Section Chiefs
during the Operational Planning Worksheet (ICS form 215-OS)

7. Assignments Provide a statement of the tactical objectives to be achieved within the

operational period by personnel assigned to this Division or Group.

8. Special Instructions for Enter a statement noting any safety problems, specific precautions to
Division/Group be exercised, or other important information.

9. Communications Enter specific communications information (including emergency

numbers) for this division /group. If radios are being used, enter
function (command, tactical, support, etc.), frequency, system, and
channel from the Incident Radio Communications Plan (ICS form
205-OS). Note: Phone numbers should include area code.

10. Prepared By Enter the name of the person completing the form, normally the
Resources Unit Leader.
Date/Time Enter the Date (month, day, year) and Time (24-hour clock) the form
was prepared.
11. Approved By Enter the name of the person approving the form, normally the
Planning Section Chief.
Date/Time Enter the Date (month, day, year) and Time (24-hour clock) the form
was approved.

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