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MCQ in Engineering Mechanics

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1. What is the magnitude of the resultant force of the two forces reactions if reaction A at the left end and reaction B at the right
which are perpendicular to each other? The two forces are 20 8. Given the 3-dimensional vectors: A = i(xy) + j(2yz) + k(3zx) and end.
units and 30 units respectively. B = i(yz) + j(2zx) + k(3xy). Determine the scalar product at the A. RA = 810 N, RB = 700 N C. RA = 830 N, RB = 680 N
A. 36 C. 25 point (1,2,3). B. RA = 820 N, RB = 690 N D. RA = 840 N, RB = 670 N
B. 42 D. 40 A. 144 C. 132
B. 138 D. 126 16. A man can exert a maximum pull of 1,000 N but wishes to lift
2. A rope is stretched between two rigid walls 40 feet apart. At the a new stone door for his cave weighing 20,000 N. If he uses a
midpoint, a load of 100 lbs was placed that caused it to sag 5 feet. 9. Determine the divergence of the vector: V = i(x2) + j(-xy) + lever how much closer must the fulcrum be to the stone than to
Compute the approximate tension in the rope. k(xyz) at the point (3,2,1). his hand?
A. 206 lbs C. 280 lbs A. 9.00 C. 13.00 A. 10 times nearer C. 10 times farther
B. 150 lbs D. 240 lbs B. 11.00 D. 7.00 B. 20 times farther D. 20 times nearer

3. What is the effective component applied on the box that is 10.The three vectors described by 10 cm/ at 120k degrees, k = 0, 17. A certain cable is suspended between two supports at the
being pulled by a 30 N force inclined at 30 degrees with 1, 2 encompass the sides of an equilateral triangle. Determine the same elevation and 500 ft apart. The load is 500 lbs per horizontal
horizontal? magnitude of the vector cross product: 0.5 [(10/ at 0 deg) x (10/ at foot including the weight of the cable. The sag of the cable is 30 ft.
A. 36.21 N C. 15.32 N 120 deg)]. Calculate the total length of the cable.
B. 25.98 N D. 20.62 N A. 86.6 C. 50.0 A. 503.21 ft C. 505.12 ft
B. 25.0 D. 43.3 B. 504.76 ft D. 506.03 ft
4. A post is supported by a guy wire which exerts a pull of 100 N
on the top of the post. If the angle between the wire and the 11. The 5 vectors: 10 cm/ at 72k degrees, k = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 18. The weight of a transmission cable is 1.5 kg/m distributed
ground is 60 degrees, what is the horizontal component of the encompass the sides of a regular pentagon. Determine the horizontally. If the maximum safe tension of the cable is 60000 kg
force supporting the pole? magnitude of the vector cross product: 2.5 [(10/ at 144 deg) x (10/ and the allowable sag is 30 m, determine the horizontal distance
A. 86.6 N C. 76.6 N at 216 deg)]. between the electric posts supporting the transmission cable.
B. 50.0 N D. 98.5 N A. 198.1 C. 285.2 A. 897 m C. 967 m
B. 237.7 D. 165.1 B. 926 m D. 976 m
5. The resultant of two forces in a plane is 400 N at 120 degrees.
If one of the forces is 200 lbs at 20 degrees what is the other 12. What is the angle between two vectors A and B if A = 4i – 12j 19. A cable 45.5 m long is carrying a uniformly distributed load
force? + 6k and B = 24i – 8j + 6k? along its span. If the cable is strung between two posts at the
A. 347.77 N at 114.85 degrees C. 357.56 N at 114.24 A. 168.45 degrees C. 86.32 degrees same level, 40 m apart, compute the smallest value that the cable
degrees B. 84.32 degrees D. -84.64 degrees may sag.
B. 435.77 N at 104.37 degrees D. 477.27 N at 144.38 A. 12.14 m C. 9.71 m
degrees 13. Given the 3-dimensional vectors: A = i (xy) + j (2yz) + k (3zx), B. 10.12 m D. 8.62 m
B = i (yz) + j (2zx) + k (3xy). Determine the magnitude of the
6. Determine the resultant of the following forces: A = 600 N at 40 vector sum |A + B| at coordinates (3,2,1). 20. A pipeline crossing a river is suspended from a steel cable
degrees, B = 800 N at 160 degrees and C = 200 N at 300 A. 32.92 C. 27.20 stretched between two posts 100 m apart. The weight of the pipe
degrees. B. 29.88 D. 24.73 is 14 kg/m while the cable weighs 1 kg/m assumed to be uniformly
A. 532.78 N, 55.32 degrees C. 522.68 N, 111.57 degrees distributed horizontally. If the allowed sag is 2 m, determine the
B. 435.94 N, 235.12 degrees D. 627.89 N, 225.81 degrees 14. What is the cross product A x B of the vectors, A = I + 4j + 6k tension of the cable at the post.
and B = 2i + 3j + 5k? A. 9047.28 kg C. 9545.88 kg
7. A collar, which may slide on a vertical rod is subjected three A. i – j – k C. 2i + 7j – 5k B. 9404.95 kg D. 9245.37 kg
forces. Force A is 1200 N vertically upward, Force B is 800 N at B. –i + j+ k D. 2i + 7j + 5k
an angle of 60 degrees from the vertical and a force F which is 21. The distance between supports of a transmission cable is 20
vertically downward to the right. Find the direction of F if its 15. A simply supported beam is five meters in length. It carries a m apart. The cable is loaded with a uniformly distributed load of
magnitude is 2400 N and the resultant is horizontal. uniformly distributed load including its own weight of 300 N/m and 20 kN/m throughout its span. The maximum sag of the cable is 4
A. 41.61 degrees C. 40.13 degrees a concentrated load of 100 N, 2 meters from the left end. Find the m. What is the maximum tension of the cable if one of the
B. 43.52 degrees D. 45.52 degrees supports is 2 meters above the other?

A. 415.53 N C. 427.33 N 29. A simply supported beam is 5 meters in length. It carries a What is the magnitude of the resultant force vector, R?
B. 413.43 N D. 414.13 N uniformly distributed load including its own weight of 300 N/m and A. 14 C. 13
a concentrated load of 100 N, 2 meters from the left end. Find the B. 12 D. 15
22. A cable weighing 0.4 pound per foot and 800 feet long is to be reactions if reaction A is at the left end and reaction B at the right
suspended with sag of 80 feet. Determine the maximum tension end. 36. Given the 3-dimensional vectors:
of the cable. A. Ra = 810 N & Rb = 700 N C. Ra = 810 N & Rb = 780 N A = i(xy) + j(2yz) + k(3zx)
A. 403 kg C. 416 kg B. Ra = 700 N & Rb = 800 N D. Ra = 700 N & Rb =8 10 N B = i(yz) + j(2zx) + k(xy)
B. 456 kg D. 425 kg Determine the magnitude of the vector sum |A + B| at coordinates
30. A beam of span ‘x’ meters with uniform loading of ‘w’ (3,2,1).
23. A cable 200 m long weighs 50 N/m and is supported from two kilograms per meter is supported at one end (A) and a distance of A. 32.92 C. 27.20
points at the same elevation. Determine the required sag if the 2 m from the other end (B). Find the reaction at support A. B. 29.92 D. 24.73
maximum tension that the cable can carry shall not exceed 8000 A. (wx^2)/[2(x-2)] kg C. [wx(x-2)]/[2(x-2)] kg
N. B. [wx(x-4)]/[2(x-2)] kg D. wx/[2(x-2)] kg 37. At what angle does the force F = 6.23i – 2.38j +4.92 kN
A. 35.1 m C. 40.3 m makes with the x-axis?
B. 28.2 m D. 31.3 m 31. When one boy is sitting 1.2 m from the center of a see-saw, A. 39.2 deg C. 41.3 deg
another boy must to sit on the other side 1.5 m from the center to B. 40.2 deg D. 42.2 deg
24. A transmission cable 300 m long, weighs 600 kg. The maintain an even balance. However, when the first boy carries an
tensions at the ends of the cable are 400 kg and 450 kg. Find the additional weight of 14 kg and sit 1.8 m from the center, the 38. Assume the three force vectors intersect at a single point.
distance of its lowest point to the ground. second boy must move to 3 m from the center to balance. F1 = i + 3j + 4k
A. 145 m C. 150 m Neglecting the weight of the see-saw, find the weight of the F2 = 2i + 7j – k
B. 148 m D. 153 m heavier boy. F3 = -i + 4j + 2k
A. 30 kg C. 34 kg What is the magnitude of the resultant force vector, R?
25. A 250 kg block rests on a 30 degrees plane. If the coefficient B. 42 kg D. 45 kg A. 15 C. 14.73
of kinetic friction is 0.20, determine the horizontal force P applied B. 13.23 D. 16.16
on the block to start the block moving up the plane. 32. A 40 kg block is resting on an inclined plane making an angle
A. 59.30 kg C. 219.71 kg of 20° from the horizontal. If the coefficient of friction is 0.60, 39. A certain cable is suspended between two supports at the
B. 58.10 kg D. 265.29 kg determine the force parallel to the incline that must be applied to same elevation and 500 ft apart, the load is 500 lbs. per horizontal
cause impending motion down the plane. foot including the weight of the cable. The sag of the cable is 30
26. Compute the number of turns of the rope to be wound around A. 82 C. 87 feet. Calculate the total length of the cable.
a pole in order to support a man weighing 600 N with an input B. 77 D. 72 A. 503.76 ft C. 504.76 ft
force of 10 N. Note: coefficient of friction is 0.30. B. 502.76 ft D. 501.76 ft
A. 2.172 C. 1.234 33. A 250 lb. block is initially at rest on a flat surface that is
B. 3.123 D. 4.234 inclined at 30°. If the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.30 and the 40. A cable supported at two points of same level has a unit
coefficient of static friction is 0.40, find the force required to start weight, ω of 0.02 kg per meter of horizontal distance. The allowed
27. A block weighing 500 N is held by a rope that passes over a the block moving up the plane. sag is 0.02 m and a maximum tension at the lowest point of 1200
horizontal drum. The coefficient of friction between the rope and A. 190 lb C. 125 lb kg and a factor of safety of 2. Calculate the allowable spacing of
the drum is 0.15. If the angle of contact is 150 degrees, compute B. 212 lb D. 75 lb the poles assuming a parabolic cable.
the force that will raise the object. A. 64.02 m C. 67.76 m
A. 740.7 N C. 770.5 N 34. A 600 N block rests in a surface inclined at 30°. Determine the B. 66.37 m D. 69.28 m
B. 760.6 N D. 780.8 N horizontal force P required to prevent the block from sliding down.
Angle of friction between the block and the inclined plane is 15°. 41. A cable carrier a horizontal load of 20 kg/m. Neglecting its
28. A circle has a diameter of 20 cm. Determine the moment of A. 160.75 N C. 164.60 N own weight, find the maximum tension on the cable if the distance
inertia of the circular area relative to the axis perpendicular to the B. 198.55 N D. 190.45 N between the supports is 100 m and the sag is 5 m.
area though the center of the circle in cm4. A. 5099 kg C. 5199 kg
A. 14,280 C. 17,279 35. Assume the three force vectors intersect at a single point. B. 5059 kg D. 5215 kg
B. 15,708 D. 19,007 F1 = 4i + 2j + 5k
F2 = –2i + 7j – 3k 42. Determine the sag of a flexible wire cable weighing 60 N/m
F3 = 2i – j + 6k over two frictionless pulleys 100m apart and carrying one 10 kN

weight at each end. Assume the weight of the cable to be A. 1834 in^4 C. 9214 in^4 58. An automobile moving at a constant velocity of a 15 m/sec
uniformly distributed horizontally. The cable extends 5 m beyond B. 384 in^4 D. 2304 in^4 passes a gasoline station. Two seconds later, another automobile
each pulley to the point they are attached to the weights. leaves the gasoline station and accelerates at a constant rate of 2
A. 7.2 m C. 7.6 m 50. An isosceles triangle has a 10cm base and a 10 cm altitude. m/sec^2. How soon will the second automobile overtake the first?
B. 7.4 m D. 7.8 m Determine the moment of inertia of the triangular area relative to a A. 15.3 sec C. 13.5 sec
line parallel to the base and through the upper vertex in cm^4. B. 16.8 sec D. 18.6 sec
43. A copper cable is suspended between two supports on the A. 2750 C. 2500
same level, spaced 600 m apart. The cable hangs under the B. 3025 D. 2273 59. If a particle position is given by the expression x(t) = 3.4t 3 –
influence of its own weight only. Under these conditions, it is 5.4t meters, what is the acceleration of the particle after t=5
desired to calculate the maximum sag (at the center of the span) 51. What is the moment of inertia of a cylinder of radius 5 m and seconds?
when the maximum stress in the material is 1000 kg/cm^2. The mass of 5 kg? A. 1.02 m/s^2 C. 3.4 m/s^2
cross section of the cable is 1.77 sq. cm. weight of the cable = 1.5 A. 120 kg-m^2 C. 62.5 kg-m^2 B. 102 m/s^2 D. 18.1 m/s^2
kg/m. Use parabolic equation. B. 80 kg-m^2 D. 72.5 kg-m^2
A. 42.26 m C. 44.26 m 60. The distance a body travels is a function of time and is given
B. 43.26 m D. 45.26 m 52. What is the inertia of a bowling ball (mass = 0.5 kg) of radius by x(t) = 18t + 9t^2. Find its velocity at t=2.
15 cm rotating at an angular speed of 10 rpm for 6 seconds? A. 36 C. 24
44. A cable weighing 0.4 kg/m and 800m long is to be suspended A. 0.001 kg-m^2 C. 0.005 kg-m^2 B. 54 D. 20
with a sag of 80 m. Determine the maximum tension. B. 0.002 kg-m^2 D. 0.0045 kg-m^2
A. 414 kg C. 416 kg 61. Determine the velocity of progress with the given equation: D
B. 420 kg D. 400 kg 53. What is the acceleration of the body that increases in velocity = 20t + 5/(t+1) when t = 4 seconds.
from 20 m/s to 40 m/s in 3 seconds? A. 18.6 m/s C. 21.2 m/s
45. A cable weighing 60 N/m is suspended between two supports A. 5.00 m/s^2 C. 7.00 m/s^2 B. 19.8 m/s D. 22.4 m/s
on the same level at 300 m apart. The sag is 60 m. Compute the B. 6.67 m/s^2 D. 8.00 m/s^2
distance of the lowest point of the cable from the ground level. 62. A ball is dropped from a building 100 m high. If the mass of
A. 205.5 m C. 200.5 m 54. How far does an automobile move while its speed increases the ball is 10 gm after what time will the ball strike the earth?
B. 196.8 m D. 188.2 m uniformly from 15 kph to 45 kph in 20 seconds? A. 4.52 s C. 5.61 s
A. 185 m C. 200 m B. 4.42 s D. 2.45 s
46. Find the location of the centroid of the composite area B. 167 m D. 172 m
consisting of a 10-inch square surmounted by a semi-circle. The 63. A ball is dropped from the roof of a building 40 meters tall will
centroid of a semicircle is located 4r/3π above the base 55. A train passing point A at a speed of 72 kph accelerates at hit the ground with the velocity of;
(diameter) of the semi-circle of radius r. 0.75 m/s^2 for one minute along a straight path then decelerates
A. 6.0 inches from the bottom C. 6.4 inches from the bottom at 1.0 m/s^2. How far in km from point A will it be 2 minutes after A. 50 m/sec C. 19.8 m/sec
B. 6.2 inches from the bottom D. 7.0 inches from the bottom passing point A? B. 28 m/sec D. 30 m/sec
A. 3.60 km C. 6.49 km
47. A rectangle has a base of 3 cm and a height of 6 cm. What is B. 4.65 km D. 7.30 km 64. Using a powerful air gun, a steel ball is shot vertically upward
its second moment of area (in cm^4) about an axis through the with a velocity of 80 meters per second, followed by another shot
center of gravity and parallel to the base? 56. From a speed of 75 kph a car decelerates at the rate of 500 after 5 seconds. Find the initial velocity of the second ball in order
A. 64 C. 44 m/min^2 along a straight path. How far in meters will it travel in 45 to meet the first ball 150 meters from the ground.
B. 34 D. 54 seconds? A. 65.3 m/sec C. 56.2 m/sec
A. 790.293 m C. 793.238 m B. 45.1 m/sec D. 61.3 m/sec
48. A circle has a diameter of 20 cm. Determine the moment of B. 791.357 m D. 796.875 m
inertia of the circular area relative to the axis perpendicular to the 65. A ball is thrown vertically upward from the ground and a
area through the center of the circle in cm4. 57. A train starting at initial velocity of 30 kph travels a distance of student gazing out of the window sees it moving upward pass him
A. 14,280 C. 17,279 21 km in 18 minutes. Determine the acceleration of the train at at 5 m/sec. The window is 10 m above the ground. How high does
B. 15,708 D. 19,007 this instant. the ball go above the ground?
A. 0.0043 m/s^2 C. 0.0865 m/s^2 A. 15.25 m C. 9.97 m
49. The moment of inertia of a section 2” wide x 2’ 0” high about B. 0.0206 m/s^2 D. 0.3820 m/s^2 B. 14.87 m D. 11.30 m
an axis 1’0” above the bottom edge of the section is:

66. A ball is dropped from a height of 60 meters above the A. 21.2 s C. 23.2 s
ground. How long does it take to hit the ground? B. 22.2 s D. 24.2 s 80. A particle moves along a straight line with the equation x = 16t
A. 2.1 sec C. 5.5 sec + 4t2 – 3t3 where x is the distance in ft and t is the time in second.
B. 3.5 sec D. 1.3 sec 74. In the last two second of NBA finals featuring Chicago Bulls Compute the acceleration of the particle after 2 seconds.
VS Utah Jazz, with the latter ahead by 2 points with the former A. – 28 ft/s2 C. – 17 ft/s2
67. A baseball is thrown from a horizontal plane following a 94-92 count. Bulls’ Michael Jordan decides to shoot from a certain B. – 30 ft/s 2
D. – 24 ft/s2
parabolic path with an initial velocity of 100 m/s at an angle of 30° point on the rainbow territory which counts 3 point if converted.
above the horizontal. How far from the throwing point will the ball During the play, if Jordan releases the ball at 7 m from the basket 81. Two cars A and B traveling in the same direction and stopped
attain its original level? and 2.15 m above the ground and an inclination of 40° with the at a highway traffic sign. As the signal turns green car A
A. 890 m C. 880 m horizontal and assuming no block was made by the opponents, at accelerates at constant rate of 1 m/s2. Two seconds later the
B. 883 m D. 875 m what velocity will the ball be given to cast the winning basket? The second car B accelerates at constant rate of 1.3 m/s2. When will
basket is 10 feet from the ground. the second car B overtakes the first car A?
68. A plane dropped a bomb at an elevation of 1000 meters from A. 8.57 m/s C. 9.03 m/s A. 16.27 s C. 20.32 s
the ground intended to hit the target at an elevation of 200 meters B. 8.86 m/s D. 9.27 m/s B. 30.45 s D. 10.45 s
from the ground. If the plane was flying at a velocity of 300 km/hr,
at what distance from the target must the bomb be dropped to hit 75. A projectile is fired with a muzzle velocity of 300 m/s from a 82. Two buses start at the same time towards each other from
the target. Wind velocity and atmospheric pressure to be gun aimed upward at an angle of 20° with the horizontal, from the terminals A and B, 8 km apart. The time needed for the first bus to
disregarded. top of a building 30 m high above a level ground. With what travel from A to B is 8 minutes, and of the second bus from B to A
A. 1024.2 m C. 1075.5 m velocity will it hit the ground in m/s? is 10 minutes. How much is the time needed by each bus to meet
B. 1055.6 m D. 1064.2 m A. 298 m/s C. 300 m/s each if they traveled at their respective uniform speeds?
B. 299 m/s D. 301 m/s A. 5.45 min C. 4.44 min
69. The muzzle velocity of a projectile is 1500 fps and the B. 10.7 min D. 2.45 min
distance of the target is 10 miles. The angle of elevation of the 76. A stone is thrown upward at an angle of 30° with the
gun must be: horizontal. It lands 60 m measured horizontally and 2 m below 83. A train changes its speed uniformly from 60 mph to 30 mph in
A. 21° 59’ C. 24° 43’ measured vertically from its point of release. Determine the initial a distance of 1500 ft. What is its acceleration?
B. 22° 41’ D. 25° 18’ velocity of the stone in m/s. A. – 1.94d ft/s2 C. – 2.04 ft/s2
A. 22.35 m/s C. 24.35 m/s B. 2.04 ft/s 2
D. 1.94 ft/s2
70. A shot is fired at an angle of 45 degrees with the horizontal B. 23.35 m/s D. 25.35 m/s
and a velocity of 300 fps. Calculate, to the nearest value, the 84. A car starts from rest and has a constant acceleration of 3
range of the projectile. 77. A wooden block having a weight of 50 N is placed at a ft/s2. Find the average velocity during the first 10 seconds of
A. 932 yards C. 3500 yards distance of 1.5 m from the center of a circular platform rotating at motion.
B. 1200 yards D. 4000 yards a speed of 2 radians per second. Determine the minimum A. 13 ft/s C. 14 ft/s
coefficient of friction of the block so that it will not slide. Radius of B. 15 ft/s D. 20 ft/s
71. A projectile leaves a velocity of 50 m/s at an angle of 30 the circular platform is 3 m.
degrees with the horizontal. Find the maximum height that it could A. 0.55 C. 0.61 85. A man aimed his rifle at the bull’s eye of a target 50 m away. If
reach. B. 0.58 D. 0.65 the speed of the bullet is 500 m/s, how far below the bull’s eye
A. 31.86 m C. 30.62 m does the bullet strikes the target?
B. 31.28 m D. 30.12 m 78. Two perpendicular vectors are given in terms of their A. 5.0 cm C. 5.7 cm
components by U = Uxi – 4j + 6k and V = 3i + 2j – 3k. Determine B. 6.8 cm D. 6.0 cm
72. A shot is fired with an angle of 45° with the horizontal with a the component Ux.
velocity of 300 ft/s. Find the maximum height and range that the A. 5.67 C. 7.67 86. A man driving his car at a constant rate of 40 mph suddenly
projectile can cover, respectively. B. 6.67 D. 8.67 sees a sheep crossing the road 60 feet ahead. Compute the
A. 800 ft, 1600 ft C. 700 ft, 2800 ft constant deceleration (in feet/second2) required to avoid hitting
B. 923 ft, 3500 ft D. 1800 ft, 3000 ft 79. The motion of a particle is defined by the relation x = (1/3)t 3 – the sheep? Assume a reaction time of 0.5 second before the man
3t2 + 8t + 2 where x is the distance in meters and is the time in applies the brake.
73. A ball is thrown from a tower 30 m high above the ground with seconds. What is the time when the velocity is zero? A. 34.65 C. 55.65
a velocity of 300 m/s directed at 20° from the horizontal. How long A. 2 seconds C. 5 seconds B. 44.54 D. 67.87
will the ball hit the ground? B. 3 seconds D. 7 seconds

87. A ball is thrown vertically into the air at 120 m/s. After 3 to sliding friction between asphalt and rubber tire is at 0.50. The A. 40 s C. 58 s
seconds, another ball is thrown vertically. What is the velocity weight of the truck is 8000 kg. B. 45 s D. 96 s
must the second ball have to pass the first ball at 100 m from the A. 40.8 C. 35.3
ground? B. 48.5 D. 31.4 102. Water drops from a faucet at the rate of 4 drops per second.
A. 105.89 m/s C. 108.12 m/s What is the distance between two successive drops 1 second
B. 107.72 m/s D. 110.72 m/s 95. A projectile is fired from a cliff 300 m high with an initial after the first drop has fallen.
velocity of 400 m/s. If the firing angle is 30o from the horizontal, A. 5.32 ft C. 7.04 ft
88. A ball is dropped from a height of 60 meters above ground. compute the horizontal range of the projectile. B. 8.24 ft D. 9.43 ft
How long does it take to hit the ground? A. 15.74 km C. 12.31 km
A. 2.1 s C. 5.5 s B. 14.54 km D. 20.43 km 103. A body which is 16.1 lb rests on a horizontal plane and acted
B. 3.5 s D. 1.3 s upon by a 10-lb force. Find the acceleration of the body if the
96. A 25 g mass bullet was fired at the wall. The bullet’s speed coefficient of friction between the plane and the body is 0.2. Note:
89. A ball is thrown vertically upward from the ground and a upon hitting the wall is 350 m/s. What is the average force (in 1 lbf = 32.2 lbm-ft/s2.
student gazing out of the window sees it moving upward pass him Newton) if the bullet penetrates 10 cm? A. 12.34 ft/s2 C. 15.57 ft/s2
at 5 m/s. The window is 10 m above the ground. How high does A. 14,543.2 N C. 10,543.3 N B. 11.57 ft/s 2
D. 13.56 ft/s2
the ball go above the ground? B. 11,342.2 N D. 15,312.5 N
A. 15.25 m C. 9.97 m 104. A man on an elevator weighs 180 lbf. Compute the force
B. 14.87 m D. 11.28 m 97. A girl tied 80-gram toy plane of a string which he rotated to exerted by the man on the floor of the elevator if it is accelerating
form a vertical circular motion with a diameter a 1000 mm. upward at 5 ft/s2.
90. A ball thrown vertically upward with an initial velocity of 3 m/s Compute for the maximum pull exerted on the string by the toy A. 207.95 lbf C. 190.56 lbf
from the window of a tall building. The ball strikes the sidewalk at plane if got loose leaving at the bottom of the circle at 25 m/s. B. 210.45 lbf D. 205.54 lbf
the ground level 4 seconds later. Determine the velocity with A. 0.002 kN C. 0.2 kN
which the ball strikes the ground. B. 0.05 kN D. 0.1 kN 105. A 10-lb stone is fastened to a 2-ft cord and is whirled in a
A. 39.25 m/s C. 37.75 m/s vertical circle. Determine the tension in the cord when it is rotated
B. 38.50 m/s D. 36.24 m/s 98. A gun is shot into a 0.50 kN block which is hanging from a at 100 rpm.
rope of 1.8 m long. The weight of the bullet is equal to 5 N with a A. 47.95 lbf C. 19.56 lbf
91. A player throws a baseball upward with an initial velocity of 30 muzzle velocity of 320 m/s. How high will the block swing after it B. 58.08 lbf D. 20.54 lbf
ft/sec and catches it with a baseball glove. When will the ball was hit by the bullet?
strike the glove? Assume the glove is position in the same A. 0.51 m C. 0.32 m 106. An archer must split the apple atop his partner’s head from a
elevation when the ball left his hand. B. 0.53 m D. 0.12 m distance of 30 m. The arrow is horizontal when aimed directly to
A. 0.48 s C. 1.20 s the apple. At what angle must he aim in order to hit the apple with
B. 0.60 s D. 1.86 s 99. A train weighing 1000 KN is being pulled up a 2% grade. The the arrow traveling at a speed of 35 m/s.
train’s resistance is 5N/kN. The train’s velocity was increased A. 8.35° C. 3.25°
92. A highway curve has a super elevation of 7 degrees. What is from 6 to 12 m/s in a distance of 300 m. Compute the maximum B. 10.55° D. 6.95°
the radius of the curve such that there will be no lateral pressure power developed by the locomotive.
between the tires and the roadway at a speed of 40 mph? A. 600 kW C. 520 kW 107. A hollow spherical shell has a radius of 5 units and mass of
A. 265.71 m C. 345.34 m B. 450 kW D. 320 kW 10. What is its mass moment of inertia?
B. 438.34 m D. 330.78 m A. 108.45 C. 187.54
100. Determine the angle of super elevation for a highway curve B. 123.34 D. 165.67
93. A baseball is thrown a horizontal plane following a parabolic of 600 ft radius so that there will be no side thrust for a speed of
path with an initial velocity of 100 m/s at an angle of 30o above 45 mph. 108. A coin 20mg is place on the smooth edge of a 25 cm-radius
the horizontal. Solve the distance from the throwing point that the A. 13.45° C. 11.23° phonograph record as the record is brought up to its normal
ball attains its original level. B. 12.71° D. 10.45° rational speed of 45 rmp. What must be the coefficient of friction
A. 890 m C. 858 m between the coin and the record if the coin is not to slip off?
B. 883 m D. 820 m 101. An airplane acquires a take-off velocity of 150 mph on a 2- A. 0.45 C. 0.64
mile runway. If the plane started from rest and the acceleration B. 0.56 D. 0.78
94. Compute the minimum distance that a truck slides on a remains constant, what is the time required to reach take-off
horizontal asphalt road if it is traveling at 20 m/s? The coefficient speed?

109. The acceleration due to gravity on the moon is 1.67m/s2. If 116. A man weighs 128 lb on the surface of the earth (radius =
an astronaut can throw a ball 10 m straight upward on earth, how 3960 miles). At what distance above the surface of the earth
high should this man be able to throw the ball on the moon? would he weight 80 lb?
Assume that the throwing speeds are the same in the two cases. A. 3000 miles C. 7546 miles
A. 58.67 C. 65.67 B. 2345 miles D. 1049 miles
B. 50.84 D. 45.67
117. A steel wheel 800 mm in diameter rolls on a horizontal steel
110. A tennis ball is dropped into a cement floor from a height of 2 rail. It carries a load of 700 N. The coefficient of rolling resistance
m. It rebounds to a height of 1.8 m. What fraction of energy did it is 0.250 mm. What is the force P necessary to roll the wheel along
lose in the process of striking the floor? the rail?
A. One-tenth C. One-third A. 0.34 N C. 0.44 N
B. One-fourth D. One-seventh B. 0.54 N D. 0.14 N

111. A car is a rest on a sloping driveway. By experiment the 118. An electron strikes the screen of the cathode ray tube with a
driver releases the brake of the car and let the car move at velocity of 10 to the 9th power cm/s. Compute its kinetic energy in
constant acceleration. How fast will the car be moving when it erg. The mass of an electron is 9 x 10-31 kg?
reaches the street? Note: The street is 4 m below the original A. 4.5 x 10-10 erg C. 2.5 x 10-10 erg
position of the car. B. 3.0 x 10 erg
D. 1.5 x 10-10 erg

A. 8.86 m/s C. 6.65 m/s 119. Determine the magnitude of the force vector F = 20i + 60j –
B. 50.45 m/s D. 9.65 m/s 90k (N).

112. A solid sphere is placed at the top of a 45o incline. When A. 130 N C. 100 N
released, it freely rolls down. What will be its linear speed at the B. 120 N D. 110 N
foot of the incline which is 2.0 m below the initial position of the
cylinder? 120. Determine the dot product of the two vectors U = 8i – 6j + 4k
A. 4.86 m/s C. 6.43 m/s and V = 3i + 7j + 9k.
B. 5.29 m/s D. 3.55 m/s A. 18 C. 14
B. 16 D. 12
113. A ball is dropped from a height y above a smooth floor. How
high will rebound if the coefficient of restitution between the ball
and the floor is 0.60?
A. 0.45y C. 0.60y
B. 0.40y D. 0.36y

114. A ball is thrown at an angle of 32.5o from the horizontal For the enhancement of Elements (Terms) in Mathematics &
towards a smooth floor. At what angle will it rebound if the Basic Engineering Sciences, please study/take our YELLOW
coefficient of between the ball and the floor is 0.30? BOOK (MESL ELEMENTS).
A. 11.33° C. 9.12°
B. 8.67° D. 10.82°

115. A 1.62-ounce marble attains a velocity of 170 mph (249.3

ft/s) in a hunting slingshot. The contract with the sling is 1/15th
second. What is the average force on the marble during contact?
A. 12.54 lbf C. 11.75 lbf
B. 14.56 lbf D. 10.67 lbf


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