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Services in High Rise Buildings-Grp Sub-13-10-20

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Services In High Rise

Kiran Ahire -01
Tejaswini Deshmukh -04
Indrajit Gaikwad- 05
Gautami Kale-
Building services are the systems installed in buildings to make them comfortable, functional, efficient and safe.

High Building services might include

• Lighting (natural and artificial).
• Energy supply (gas, electricity and renewable sources such as solar, wind, geothermal and biomass).
• Escalators and lifts.
• Water, drainage and plumbing (including sustainable urban drainage systems)
• Fire safety, detection and protection.
• Building control systems.
• Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC).
• Security and alarm systems.

Considering the housing aspects , working from living space or home space or having various activities ( sports,
entertainment, relaxation etc. ) in a housing society the perfection of services is very important in high rise structures.
This aspect can also be a ideology of designing high rise buildings.


• Lighting
• Fire Safety
• Water Supply
• It is defined as a multi-storied building of
height between 15 m to 150 m .
• Buildings having height more than 150 m are
considered as “skyscrapers” .

• Damage Distribution of High-Rise

• Apartments (62% of all high-rise fires)
You may, in fact, be safer in a high-rise building than in a short
• Hotels (4% of all high-rise fires) structure, even if fire breaks out. One reason for this is because
• Dormitories (4% of all high-rise fires) most high-rise buildings are equipped with a variety of fire
protection features designed to allow occupants sufficient time to
• Offices (2% of all high-rise fires)
escape, such as smoke detectors, sprinklers, alarm equipment, fire
• Facilities where care is provided for the extinguishers, emergency lighting, emergency exit signage, and
sick (1% of all high-rise fires) fire-containment construction design. The same is not always the
• Mixed-use residential or office buildings case in lower-rise buildings. Regardless of the age or design of any
(Remaining 27% of all high-rise fires) particular building, safety features, alone, cannot guarantee
personal safety.
Services In High Rise Buildings

During the rapid growth of the Roman Empire under the reigns of Julius and Augustus Caesar,
the city of Rome became the site of a large number of hastily constructed apartment
buildings — many of which were erected to considerable heights. Because building collapse
due to structural failure was frequent, laws were passed that limited the heights of buildings
— first to 70 feet (21 m) and then 60 feet (18 m). In the 1870s, steel frames became
available, gradually replacing the weaker combination of cast iron and wood previously used
in construction. Until then, the walls had to be very thick to carry the weight of each floor.

● The use of noncombustible construction materials that reduced the possibility of

the collapse of structural members during a fire.
Monadnock Building, 1889. This 16-
● The inclusion of assemblies rated for a particular fire resistance. The enclosure story building is the tallest load-
of vertical shafts with protected openings. bearing brick structure in the world.
At their base, the building walls are
● The use of compartmentation. six feet (1.8 meters) thick.
High-rise buildings play an increasingly important role in contemporary architecture. Their raising is a necessity for
the process of population growth and its concentration in cities, as well as for the high demand for areas in city
centers. It can be observed the dynamic development of their construction in terms of both quantity and quality.
The high-rise buildings implemented today are astonishing in terms of the multitude of their architectural and
constructional solutions, as well as their technology. Conducting a comprehensive analysis of technological
innovations used in these buildings, due to the size of the issue, requires a special approach.
Building services play a central role in contributing to the design of a building, not only in terms of overall strategies
and standards to be achieved, but also in façade engineering, the weights, sizes and location of
major plant and equipment, the position of vertical service risers, routes for the distribution of
horizontal services, drainage, energy sources, sustainability, and so on.
This means that building services design must be integrated into the overall building design from a very early stage,
particularly on complex building projects such as hospitals. Whilst it is usual for a building design team to be led by
an architect, on buildings with very complex building services requirements a building services engineer might
be appointed as the lead designer. This means that building services design must be integrated into the overall building
design from a very early stage, particularly on complex building projects such as hospitals. Whilst it is usual for a building
design team to be led by an architect, on buildings with very complex building services requirements a building services
engineer might be appointed as the lead designer.
This is the phenomenon of erecting “iconic” buildings, which are distinguished by their shape and scale.
It is reasonable to believe that the next generation of tall buildings will be more towards aerodynamic
and curvilinear shapes and forms.
Natural Lighting
Daylighting is the controlled admission of natural light, direct sunlight, and diffused-skylight into a building to
reduce electric lighting and saving energy. By providing a direct link to the dynamic and perpetually evolving
patterns of outdoor illumination, daylighting helps create a visually stimulating and productive environment for
building occupants, while reducing as much as one-third of total building energy costs.
The science of daylighting design is not just how to provide enough daylight to an occupied space, but how to do
so without any undesirable side effects. Beyond adding windows or skylights to a space, it involves carefully
balancing heat gain and loss, glare control, and variations in daylight availability. For example, successful
daylighting designs will carefully consider the use of shading devices to reduce glare and excess contrast in the
workspace. Additionally, window size and spacing, glass selection, the reflectance of interior finishes, and the
location of any interior partitions must all be evaluated.
Benefits of Natural Lighting Principles of Effective Natural Lighting
 Occupant Satisfaction
 1. Orientation of the Building
 Occupant Comfort
 2. Form of the Building
 Occupant Health-Circadian rhythm
 3.Glazing Ratio and specifications
 Time orientation
 4. Window Height and location
 Colour rendition
 5. Overhead day lighting
 Colour Temperature
 6. Daylight Redirection
 Reduced electrical load
 Reduced internal heat gain
• The science of daylighting design is not just how to provide enough daylight to an occupied space, but how to do so
without any undesirable side effects. Beyond adding windows or skylights to a space, it involves carefully balancing
heat gain and loss, glare control, and variations in daylight availability. For example, successful daylighting designs will
carefully consider the use of shading devices to reduce glare and excess contrast in the workspace. Additionally,
window size and spacing, glass selection, the reflectance of interior finishes, and the location of any interior partitions
must all be evaluated.
• A daylighting system consists of systems, technologies, and architecture. While not all of these components are
required for every daylighting system or design, one or more of the following are typically present:
• Daylight-optimized building footprint
• Climate-responsive window-to-wall area ratio
• High-performance glazing
• Daylighting-optimized fenestration design
• Skylights (passive or active)
• Tubular daylight devices
• Daylight redirection devices
• Solar shading devices
• Daylight-responsive electric lighting controls
• Daylight-optimized interior design (such as furniture design, space planning, and room surface finishes).
• Since daylighting components are normally integrated with the original building design, it may not be possible to
consider them for a retrofit project.
Artificial Lighting
• Artificial light is generally easily manipulated to achieve the required lighting outcome. The light can be increased
or decreased, directed, focused and colored. This allows lighting to create a range of effects according to the
requirements of a space.
• The type of artificial light source chosen will depend on the type of space the lighting is for (office, living
room, bathroom etc.); the quality and type of light required for the space, and the energy consumption of the light
• Artificial light has the capacity to create a number of different ambiences in the same space making it a sort of
“space shaper”, adapting the atmosphere according to the consumers’ needs. The use of warm lighting can
produce cozy and calm atmospheres, whereas cold light stimulates mental and physical activity. So, it is clear that
the lighting requirements for a living room, for example, are not the same as those needed for in an operating
room. Whereas dim lighting generates a relaxing ambiance in spaces created for this purpose, this same lighting
could affect vision and cause health problems if it is used in working environments.
Fire Safety

For the purpose of Fire Safety, all buildings 15 m or above in height shall be considered
as high rise buildings (National Building Code of India 2005).

Fire Safety in High Rise Buildings are implemented as per the requirement specified in
by-laws of Local Govt. bodies in respect of High Rise Building
Fire Safety
• Fire safety is the set of practices intended to reduce the destruction caused by fire. Fire safety measures
include those that are intended to prevent ignition of an uncontrolled fire, and those that are used to limit
the development and effects of a fire after it starts.
• Fire safety measures include those that are planned during the construction of a building or implemented in
structures that are already standing, and those that are taught to occupants of the building.
• Threats to fire safety are commonly referred to as fire hazards. A fire hazard may include a situation that
increases the likelihood of a fire or may impede escape in the event a fire occurs.
• Fire safety is often a component of building safety
Generally, the owner of the building is responsible for the preparation of a fire safety plan. Buildings with
elaborate emergency systems may require the assistance of a fire protection consultant. After the plan has
been prepared, it must be submitted to the Chief Fire Official or authority having jurisdiction for approval.
Once approved, the owner is responsible for implementing the fire safety plan and training all staff in their
duties. It is also the owner's responsibility to ensure that all visitors and staff are informed of what to do in case
of fire. During a fire emergency, a copy of the approved fire safety plan must be available for the responding
fire department.

Fire safety plan structure

• Key contact information
• Utility services (Including shut-off valves for water, gas and electric)
• Access issues
• Dangerous stored materials
• Location of people with special needs
• Connections to sprinkler system
• Layout, drawing, and site plan of building
• Maintenance schedules for life safety systems
• Personnel training and fire drill procedure
• Create assemble point/safe zone
Fire Safety Challenges

• Modern Open-floor Office Design

Cubicle Work Stations
Dwarf Partitions
• Movement of smoke within building – Stack Effect
• Central Air Conditioning System
• Difficulty in Reaching the Fire Seat
• Upper floors evacuation only from inside
• Access only through internal staircase beyond aerial apparatus reach
• Staircases is availed by fire-fighters and occupants simultaneously.
• Ventilation is complicated and critical.
• Reaction time is higher.
• Communication can be difficult
• Maintenance of in-built protection system

• Fire resistance is provided to stair enclosures,

service risers, lobbies and ancillary areas.
• Fire resisting construction includes the provision of
self-closing fire-resisting doors.
• Smoke control systems are used to protect
communal means of escape.
• Flats are fitted with smoke alarms and heat alarms
• High rise blocks do not normally require a
communal fire alarm system.
• Automatic fire suppression is installed in newer
blocks .
• Facilities are provided to assist firefighters .
• The surface of internal construction materials
should restrict fire spread .
• The nature and construction of external cladding
systems and facades (including spandrel and
window panels) should limit external fire-spread .
• To restrict fire and smoke spread, each flat is a
fire-resisting enclosure bounded by non-
combustible separating walls and floors that
will resist the passage of fire for a period of
• Separating walls and floors are also provided
between flats and the common areas and to
enclose stair and lift wells.
• While there will be fire separation to each flat,
when the fire and rescue service tackle a fire
in a flat, its hose will prevent doors from fully
closing and may result in smoke spread into
common areas.

• Fire separation provides a standard of

fire resistance aimed at containing a
fire within the flat of fire origin.
• Accordingly, those in flats remote from
the fire are normally safe to stay
where they are.
• In some circumstances, residents
might place themselves at greater risk
if they do leave.
• Early warning of fire in a flat is essential to ensure that residents can evacuate
safely from the flat in a fire.
• Provision of appropriate smoke alarms and heat alarms in individual flats is a
basic component of fire safety design.
• Smoke alarms are successful in giving early warning of fire and reducing the
number of casualties in dwelling fires.
• Separate automatic fire detection is provided in the common areas in order to
automatically open vents used to clear smoke. Such systems do not incorporate
an audible warning.
• Only in unusual circumstances will a communal fire detection and alarm system
be appropriate for a high rise block of flats.
• However, there are circumstances when a fire alarm system could be provided
in the communal areas but without a simultaneous evacuation procedure.
• This is where the objective of the system is to compensate for a particular
shortcoming in an aspect of escape route design or fire separation.
• In such a case, system actuation would be notified automatically to a receiving
center and passed to the fire and rescue service but would not sound a general
• Use of such systems will only be applicable in specific circumstances, and will
require careful consideration.
• High rise blocks are provided with emergency escape lighting to
provide adequate illumination of escape routes for residents to
be able to see the way out in an emergency.
• In a single stairway building, there is rarely a need for fire exit
signs. But they might need to be displayed to assist in the use of
an escape route with which people are unfamiliar.
• It is not normally necessary to provide fire extinguishers and
other forms of fire-fighting equipment in common areas for use
by residents. Such equipment should only be used by persons
trained in its use - and it is not appropriate or practicable for
residents in a block of flats to receive such training. The
provision of fire extinguishers is therefore problematic. But this
does not preclude residents from providing their own fire
extinguishers and fire blankets in their flats if they wish.
• In addition, if a fire occurs in a flat, the provision of fire
extinguishing appliances in the common areas might encourage
the occupants of the flat to enter the common area to obtain an
appliance and return to their flat to fight the fire. Such a
procedure is normally inappropriate.
• Fire-fighting equipment may be required in plant rooms and
other rooms, for use by staff or contractors.
• It is a principle that escape from a fire should not rely on
external rescue by the fire and rescue service.
• High rise blocks of flats are designed so that escape or rescue
via windows should not be necessary.
• Above the third floor, rescue by fire and rescue service
ladder is unlikely to be possible; and high reach appliances
have their limits due to height and restricted access.
• It is the norm for many high rise blocks to have a single stair
escape route.
• Even in some blocks with two or more stairways, it is often
necessary to travel along a single common corridor to reach
either stairway.
• Escape routes from a flat to ultimate safety outside the
building rely on using the common areas, involving horizontal
escape from the flat entrance door using a corridor, lobby, or
an external balcony or deck – then vertical escape via a
stairway to a final exit.
• Lifts should not be used unless they have been designed and
constructed specifically for use as evacuation lifts and
appropriate management procedures are in place.
• Once out of the flat, escape for residents depends on the common areas being suitable for use in an emergency. Design of
communal means of escape in high rise blocks of flats is based on the following:
• there is fire separation between flats, between flats and the common areas, and between common areas and ancillary
accommodation - this provides a barrier to fire and smoke spread
• the materials used in the construction of the building or the protection afforded to them are such that fire is inhibited
from spreading through the fabric of the building
• the materials and construction of the building envelope resist external fire spread
• common areas are constructed and used in a way that any fire originating in the common areas should not spread beyond
the immediate vicinity
• corridors leading to stairways are enclosed in fire-resisting construction
• where there is only escape in one direction along a corridor, the extent of travel in such ‘dead ends’ is limited
• open decks and balconies are limited in extent if escape is only possible in one direction, with fire-resisting construction to
protect people passing other flats to reach a stairway
• escape stairways are enclosed in fire-resisting construction
• if a single escape stairway, the stair has protected lobby approach (with automatic ventilation in the lobby)
• any areas, rooms or service riser openings onto communal escape corridors and stairways are fitted with fire-resisting
doors that are self-closing or kept locked shut
• arrangements are provided for smoke control in stairways, protected corridors, and protected lobbies (often with control
provision for fire and rescue service use)
• the building’s elements of structure possess sufficient fire resistance to resist fire-spread, and to prevent structural
History of water supply
The history of water supply is one of a logistical challenge to provide clean water and sanitation systems since the
dawn of civilization Where water resources, infrastructure or sanitation systems were insufficient, diseases spread and
people fell sick or died prematurely.
Major human settlements could initially develop only where fresh surface water was plentiful, such as near rivers
or natural springs. Throughout history, people have devised systems to make getting water into their communities and
households and disposing of (and later also treating) wastewater more convenient
The Mesopotamians introduced the world to clay sewer pipes around 4000 BCE.
Ancient Egypt
The c.2400 BCE, Pyramid of Sahure, and adjoining temple complex at Abusir, was discovered to have a
network of copper drainage pipes.

During the Neolithic era, humans dug the first permanent water wells, from where vessels could be filled and carried
by hand.. The size of human settlements was largely dependent on nearby available water. Wells dug around 6500 BC
have been found in the Jezreel Valley.
During the Neolithic era, humans dug the first permanent water wells, from where vessels could be filled and carried by
hand.. The size of human settlements was largely dependent on nearby available water. Wells dug around 6500 BC have
been found in the Jezreel Valley.

Jezreel Valley Skara Brae

Aqueduct (water supply)

• An aqueduct is a watercourse constructed to carry water from a source to a distribution point far away. In modern
engineering, the term aqueduct is used for any system of pipes, ditches, canals, tunnels, and other structures used
for this purpose. The term aqueduct also often refers specifically to a bridge carrying an artificial watercourse.
• Aqueducts were used in ancient Greece, ancient Egypt, and ancient Rome.
• In modern times, the largest aqueducts of all have been built in the United States to supply large cities. The
simplest aqueducts are small ditches cut into the earth.
Pont du Gard, in Roman Gaul.
The aqueducts supplied fresh water to public
baths and for drinking water, in large cities
across the empire, and set a standard of
engineering that was not surpassed for more
than a thousand years. Bridges, built in stone
with multiple arches, were a distinctive
feature of Roman aqueducts .

On the island of Samos, the Tunnel of Eupalinos was built

during the reign of Polycrates (538-522 BC). It is considered an
underground aqueduct and brought fresh water
to Pythagoreion for roughly a thousand years.
Water comes from one of or a combination of three types of water supplies: surface water, ground water and water
purchased from other water utilities
What is a watershed? A watershed is the area of land where any precipitation that lands within its boundaries drains
or seeps into the wetlands, streams, rivers, lakes, or groundwater that eventually ends up in your well or surface
water supply.
Surface Water: As the term implies, surface water is found at the surface of the earth and consists of rivers, lakes,
and reservoirs.
Ground Water: This water comes from precipitation that has seeped into the ground and becomes part of the water
flowing underground through the space between soil particles or fractures in local bedrock structures. This source of
water is tapped into wells that are inserted into the soils or rock fractures containing this water. Pumps within the
well pump water up to the surface where it can be treated (if necessary) and distributed to our customers.
Purchased Water: water from other water utilities through an interconnection between the two water systems.
The water supply system must be designed to achieve appropriate water pressure and flow, and to avoid
contamination to potable water.
Designing a water supply system involves getting all of the following elements right so that clean water is delivered to
the user at the appropriate rate and temperature-
• Water pressure
• Water flow rate
• Flow rate and pipe size Acceptable Solutions
• System layout
• Connection to the mains supply
• Backflow
• Mains connection
• Pipe materials and specifications
Water pressure
• If the aim is to provide for building users’ needs while also using water efficiently, the right water pressure is crucial.
• If water pressure is too low, this will be inconvenient for building users – for example, because showers have poor
water flow, and baths take a long time to fill.
• If pressure is too high, this will lead to wastage of water, as well as high wear and tear on the system.
• Typically, new buildings in areas with mains water supply will have mains pressure systems. Existing buildings, and
buildings that are not connected to mains water, may have low pressure systems or unequal pressure systems (with
different pressures for hot and cold water supply).
• Mains pressure systems require pressure limiting and pressure reducing valves to control water pressure and
temperature. Typically, pressure limiting or pressure reducing valves will be used to control pressure in mains-
supplied hot water systems or where high pressure may lead to problems such as burst pipes.
• Low pressure systems require few valves or controls. In low or unequal pressure systems, pressure can be increased
to adequate levels by storing water in a header tank (typically in the ceiling space) so that gravity can be used to
create water pressure.
Water flow rate
• As with water pressure, flow rates are crucial. A flow rate that is too high will result in water being wasted, whereas a
flow rate that is too low will mean that sanitary fixtures and appliances don’t work properly.
Flow rate is affected by:
•Water pressure
•Pipe diameters – The smaller the internal diameter of the pipe, the lower the pressure and flow rate.
•Water temperature – higher temperatures will tend to raise pressure and flow rates.
A flow regulator can be used to maintain a constant flow, independent of water pressure.
• Backflow is the unplanned reversal of flow of water (or water and contaminants) into the water supply system.
• The system must be designed and used to prevent contamination from backflow.
Mains connection
• Where the water source is a mains supply, the network utility operator is responsible for the water supplied to the
property boundary. The property owner is then responsible for providing the pipework to bring the water into the
• An isolating valve must be fitted at the point of connection to allow for maintenance and repair of the building’s water
supply system if required.
Pipe materials and specifications
• The pipes used in a building must not contaminate potable water supply, and must be suitable for the water pressure,
flow rate and temperature of water they will be carrying. This will be influenced by the materials used and also by other
factors such as the wall thickness.
• Other considerations are durability, ease of installation, cost, and sustainability. Common materials for domestic water
supply include copper, polybutylene (PB), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene , and cross-linked polyethylene (PEX).
System layout
In the design process, the layout of the plumbing system will largely follow room layout. Nonetheless, there are many
things to consider which relate to Code compliance, building users’ comfort, and sustainability.
When planning a water supply layout, the following must be considered:
•Pipe runs and lengths – Keep pipe runs as short as possible. Pass pipes close to fixtures to minimise the number of
branches and unnecessary elbows, tees and joints. Having longer pipe runs and more fixtures will reduce flow rate,
increase heat losses, and increase use of materials
•Point of entry into the building – This should be into a utility space such as garage/laundry and include an accessible
isolating valve, line strainer and pressure limiting valve (if required)

•Water heating system –

• Locate centrally to reduce the length of pipe runs to fixtures because longer pipe runs require more water to be drawn
off before hot water is discharged. Install a separate point-of-use water heater for fixtures that are more than 10 m from
the main water heater
•Noise prevention – Avoid running pipes over or near bedrooms and living areas.

• In the early days, a tank was placed on top of the tall buildings and a few constant speed pumps were required so
that the water could be supplied to the upper floors.
• However, roof tank incurred some challenges, such as the need of a super huge tank to cater a large population,
and hygienic issues in which birds often nest near the tank although it’s covered up.
• Eventually, in 1950s, community began to innovate and came up with the idea to replace the roof tank with a tank
on the floor level but still it required some pumps to keep it operated.
• his system is costly to install yet consume a large amount of energy in order to provide a required constant
pressure. With the chronological improvements and innovations, booster systems are used in today’s high-rise
Systems for boosting water pressure
Pressure- boosting systems can be of several different types:
• Pumping from a ground level or basement gravity tank to a gravity roof tank
•Pumping from a gravity storage tank or public water main into a hydropneumatic pressure tank that uses captive air
pressure to provide adequate drinking-water supply pressure
•Installation of booster pump sets consisting of multiple staged pumps or variable speed pumps that draw water
directly from a gravity storage tank or the public water main .
• System Configuration
1. Single booster system.
2. Zone-divided system.
3. Roof tanks
4. Series-connected systems
Single booster system
Zone- divided system

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is designed to achieve the environmental requirements of the
comfort of occupants and a process.
HVAC systems are more used in different types of buildings such as industrial, commercial, residential and institutional
buildings. The main mission of HVAC system is to satisfy the thermal comfort of occupants by adjusting and changing the
outdoor air conditions to the desired conditions of occupied buildings. Depending on outdoor conditions, the outdoor air
is drawn into the buildings and heated or cooled before it is distributed into the occupied spaces, then it is exhausted to
the ambient air or reused in the system. The selection of HVAC systems in a given building will depend on the climate,
the age of the building, the individual preferences of the owner of the building and a designer of a project, the project
budget, the architectural design of the buildings. HVAC systems can be classified according to necessary processes and
distribution process. The required processes include the heating process, the cooling process, and ventilation process.
Other processes can be added such as humidification and dehumidification process. These process can be achieved by
using suitable HVAC equipment such as heating systems, air-conditioning systems, ventilation fans, and dehumidifiers.
The HVAC systems need the distribution system to deliver the required amount of air with the desired environmental
condition. The distribution system mainly varies according to the refrigerant type and the delivering method such as air
handling equipment, fan coils, air ducts, and water pipes.
What is HVAC system?
• A ventilation system with highly efficient heat recovery provides the hygienically necessary air change.
• The ventilation system has been modelled to supply fully conditioned air (temperature and humidity).

HVAC system selection

System selection depends on three main factors including
the building configuration, the climate conditions, and the
owner desire . The design engineer is responsible for
considering various systems and recommending more than
one system to meet the goal and satisfy the owner of a
building. Some criteria can be considered such as climate
change (e.g. temperature, humidity, and space pressure),
building capacity, spatial requirements, cost such as capital
cost, operating cost, and maintenance cost, life cycle
analysis, and reliability and flexibility.

However, the selection of a system has some constraints

that must be determined. These constraints include the
available capacity according to standards, building
configuration, available space, construction budget, the
available utility source, heating and cooling building loads.
Basic components of an HVAC system :-
The basic components or equipment of an HVAC system
that delivers conditioned air to satisfy
thermal comfort of space and occupants and the
achieve the indoor air quality are listed
below :-

• Mixed-air plenum and outdoor air control

• Air filter
• Supply fan
• Exhaust or relief fans and an air outlet
• Outdoor air intake
• Ducts
• Terminal devices
• Return air system
• Heating and cooling coils
• Self-contained heating or cooling unit
• Cooling tower
• Boiler
• Control
• Water chiller
• Humidification and dehumidification equipment
HVAC system requirements :-
Four requirements are the bases for any HVAC systems . They need primary equipment, space requirement, air
distribution, and piping.

Primary equipment includes heating equipment such as

steam boilers and hot water boilers to heat buildings or
spaces, air delivery equipment as packaged equipment to
deliver conditioned ventilation air by using centrifugal fans,
axial fans, and plug or plenum fans, and refrigeration
equipment that delivers cooled or conditioned air into
space. It includes cooling coils based on water from water
chillers or refrigerants from a refrigeration process.

Air distribution considers ductwork that delivers the conditioned air to the desired area in a direct, quiet, and economical
way as possible. Air distribution includes air terminal units such as grilles and diffusers to deliver supply air into a space at
low velocity; fan-powered terminal units, which uses an integral fan to ensure the supply air to the space; variable air
volume terminal units, which deliver variable amount of air into the space; all-air induction terminal units, which controls
the primary air, induces return air, and distributes the mixed air into a space; and air-water induction terminal units, which
contains a coil in the induction air stream. All the ductwork and piping should be insulated to prevent heat loss and save
building energy. It is also recommended that buildings should have enough ceiling spaces to host ductwork in the
suspended ceiling and floor slab, and can be used as a return air plenum to reduce the return ductwork.
Central HVAC system :-
A central HVAC system may serve one or more thermal
zones, and its major equipment is located outside of the
served zone(s) in a suitable central location whether inside,
on top, or adjacent to the building. Central systems must
condition zones with their equivalent thermal load. Central
HVAC systems will have as several control points such as
thermostats for each zone. The medium used in the control
system to provide the thermal energy subclassifies the
central HVAC system.

The thermal energy transfer medium can be air or water or

both, which represent as all-air systems, air-water systems,
all-water systems. Also, central systems include water-
source heat pumps and heating and cooling panels. All of
these subsystems are discussed below. Central HVAC
system has combined devices in an air handling unit, which
contains supply and return air fans, humidifier, reheat coil,
cooling coil, preheat coil, mixing box, filter, and outdoor air.
Local HVAC systems :-
Some buildings can have multiple zones or have a large, single
zone, which needs central HVAC systems to serve and provide
the thermal needs. However, other building may have a single
zone which needs equipment located inside the zone itself,
such as small houses and residential apartments. This type of
system is considered as local HVAC systems since each
equipment serving its zone without crossing boundaries to
other adjacent zones (e.g., using an air conditioner to cool
down a bedroom, or using an electrical heater for the living
room). Therefore, a single zone requires only one-point control
point connected to a thermostat to activate the local HVAC
system. Some buildings have multiple local HVAC systems as
proper equipment serving specific single zones and controlled
by the one-point control of the desired zone. However, these
local systems are not connected and integrated to central
systems, but still part of a large full-building HVAC systems.
There are many types of local HVAC systems.
This chapter presents the types of HVAC systems. HVAC systems have several requirements including primary equipment
such as heating equipment, cooling equipment, and delivery equipment; space requirement such as HVAC facilities,
equipment room, and vertical shaft; air distribution; and piping. Type of HVAC systems can be divided into central HVAC
systems and local HVAC systems. This classification depends on zone types and the location of HVAC equipment. The
central HVAC systems can serve multiple and single zones and locate away from the building, which needs distribution
devices. They also can be sub-classified into all-air HVAC systems, air-water systems, all-water systems, water-source heat
pumps, and heating and cooling panel systems. The local HVAC systems are mostly placed inside or adjacent to the living
spaces and serve one single zone. They consist of local heating systems, local air-conditioning systems, local ventilation
systems, and split systems.

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