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Biology Lesson Notes Chapter 8 Gas Exchange in Humans: The Human Breathing System

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Biology Lesson Notes

Chapter 8 Gas exchange in humans

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8.1 The human breathing system

A. Why do we need a breathing system?

 The exchange of respiratory gases between the cells of an organism and the environment is
called (1) (氣體交換).

 Unicellular organisms are relatively small and have a large surface area to volume ratio.
Gas exchange takes place effectively by diffusion across their cell surfaces.

 Multicellular organisms, such as humans, have a small surface area to volume ratio.
Diffusion over the body surface is inadequate for gas exchange. Humans have evolved a
(2) (呼吸系統) to move air into and out of the body for
effective gas exchange.

B. General plan of the breathing system

nasal cavity (3)



right lung

intercostal muscle

(8) pleural

Lesson Notes 8 Gas exchange in humans

Challenge yourself

Complete the flowchart below to show the path by which air enters the lungs:

nostrils (a) (b) larynx

(d) bronchiole (c) trachea

in the lungs

1. Nostrils and nasal cavity

 Nostrils (鼻孔) are lined with (9) to filter out dust and other particles from
the air.
 On the wall of the nasal cavity (鼻腔):

 The mucus-secreting cells secrete (10) (黏液) which traps dust

particles and bacteria. It also moistens the incoming air.
 The ciliated epithelial cells (纖毛上皮細胞) contain (11) (纖毛), which
beat in a wave-like manner. This beating action sweeps the mucus towards the pharynx.
 The wall is richly supplied with (12) , which carry
blood that helps warm the incoming air.

2. Pharynx and larynx

 Pharynx (咽) is the common passageway for food and air. From the pharynx, air passes into
the larynx (喉) of the breathing system, while food and drink enter the oesophagus of the
digestive system.
Lesson Notes 8 Gas exchange in humans

 When we swallow, the larynx rises and the (13) (會厭) covers the glottis
(聲門). This prevents food and drinks from entering the trachea.

3. Trachea, bronchi and bronchioles

 The trachea (氣管) branches into two (14) (支氣管) which divide further
into many smaller tubes called (15) (小支氣管) in the lungs.

 The trachea is supported by (16) -shaped rings of cartilage. The bronchi are
supported by (17) rings of cartilage. Without the support of cartilage, the
trachea would collapse with the fall in air pressure when we breathe in.


C-shaped cartilage
lumen of the trachea

ciliated epithelial cell

 The inner walls of the trachea, bronchi and large bronchioles are lined with ciliated epithelial
cells and mucus-secreting cells.

4. Lungs and the associated structures

 The bronchioles end in clusters of tiny, thin-walled structures called (18)

(氣囊), which form the respiratory surface of the lungs.

 The air sacs are surrounded by dense networks of blood capillaries. These capillaries are
supplied with blood from the (19) (肺動脈) and are
drained by the (20) (肺靜脈).

Lesson Notes 8 Gas exchange in humans

Structures that protect the lungs and aid breathing

 (21) (肋骨籃) consists of 12 pairs of (22)

(肋骨), the (23) (胸骨) and the (24) (脊

 Between the ribs are the (25) (肋間肌). At the bottom of

the rib cage is a sheet of muscle called the (26) (橫膈膜). These two muscle
groups are involved in breathing.

 Each lung is surrounded by two (27) (胸膜). The space

between the two membranes is the (28) (胸膜腔), which is
filled with the (29) (胸膜液). The fluid reduces friction
between the lungs and the rib cage during breathing movements.

8.2 Gas exchange in the air sacs

A. How does gas exchange occur between air sacs and the capillaries?

 The pulmonary arteries carry (30) blood from the heart to the capillaries
surrounding the air sacs. Oxygen and carbon dioxide then diffuse across the walls of air sacs
due to the concentration gradients between the blood and the air sacs.

deoxygenated blood air in

from pulmonary artery and out
 
Air containing Carbon dioxide is
oxygen is inhaled. exhaled.

red blood cell 

Carbon dioxide diffuses
 to the air of the air sac.
Oxygen dissolves in
the water film. oxygenated blood
to pulmonary vein
 
Carbon dioxide diffuses
Oxygen diffuses across
across the walls of the
the walls of the air sacs
capillaries and the air
and the capillaries into wall of capillary wall sacs.
the blood. air sac water film

Lesson Notes 8 Gas exchange in humans

B. How are the air sacs adapted for gas exchange?

Feature Adaptation

Large in number  Provides a large (31)

for diffusion of gases

Water film covering the inner surface  Allows oxygen to dissolve in it and diffuse across
the walls of air sacs

Very thin (one-cell-thick) walls  Provide a short distance for diffusion of gases

Surrounded by a dense network of  Provides a rich blood supply that transports the
blood capillaries gases to and from the air sacs, maintaining a steep
(32) of gases

The walls of air sacs lie close to the  Provide a short distance for diffusion of gases
walls of blood capillaries

C. Differences in composition between inhaled and exhaled air

Practical 8.4 Comparison of the oxygen content of inhaled air and exhaled air
Refer to Coursebook p.8-13 and SBA Practical Workbook p.8-9.

Results and discussion

 Burning needs oxygen. When the oxygen in the jar is used up, the flame goes out.
The length of time a candle can burn in the jar of gas indicates the (33)
of the gas sample.

 The candle burns for a longer period of time in (34) air than in
(35) air. This shows that the (36) air contains more oxygen than
(37) air.

Practical 8.5 Comparison of the carbon dioxide content of inhaled air and exhaled air
Refer to Coursebook p.8-14 and SBA Practical Workbook p.8-12.

Results and discussion

 Hydrogencarbonate indicator is used to test the carbon dioxide content of inhaled and exhaled air.

Lesson Notes 8 Gas exchange in humans

It changes colour with different concentrations of carbon dioxide:

Concentration of carbon dioxide Colour of hydrogencarbonate indicator

High (>0.04%) Orange / (38)

Atmospheric concentration (~0.04%) Red

Low (<0.04%) Dark red / (39)

 Inhaled air passes through the hydrogencarbonate indicator in flask X, while exhaled air passes
through the indicator solution in flask Y.

 The hydrogencarbonate indicator in flask Y turns (40) , while that in flask X

remains (41) . This shows that the carbon dioxide content of the exhaled air is

(42) than that of the inhaled air.

The major differences in composition between exhaled air and inhaled air:

 Exhaled air contains more (43) and less

(44) than inhaled air.
 Exhaled air is saturated with (45) , and is
(46) warmer / cooler than inhaled air.

Challenge yourself

Write ‘T’ for a true statement or ‘F’ for a false statement in each box provided.

(a) The pulmonary veins carry deoxygenated blood to the heart. □

(b) Exhaled air contains more carbon dioxide than oxygen. □
(c) When exhaled air passes through hydrogencarbonate indicator, the indicator turns yellow. □

8.3 Transport of respiratory gases

A. How is oxygen transported?

 Most oxygen in the blood is carried by (47) . Only a small

amount of oxygen is transported as dissolved oxygen in blood plasma.

 Red blood cells have the following adaptations for carrying oxygen:

Lesson Notes 8 Gas exchange in humans

Feature Adaptation

Packed with haemoglobin  Haemoglobin molecules serve as oxygen carrier

Biconcave disc shape  Increases the (48)

ratio to facilitate the
diffusion of oxygen into and out of the cells

 (49) the distance for oxygen to reach

and leave the haemoglobin in the cells

No (50)  Enables the cells to hold more haemoglobin and

in mature cells therefore carry more oxygen

1. Oxygen uptake in the air sacs

 The oxygen concentration in the air

sacs is high.
wall of air sac
 Oxygen diffuses into the red blood
O2 water film
capillary wall
O2 first dissolves
in water film  Oxygen binds to haemoglobin

red blood cell and forms

(51) ,
Hb HbO2
which is then transported in the red
plasma blood cells to body tissues.

Key: Hb = haemoglobin
HbO2 = oxyhaemoglobin

Lesson Notes 8 Gas exchange in humans

2. Oxygen release in body tissues

 The oxygen concentration in body

body cells
tissues is low.

 Oxyhaemoglobin in red blood cells

breaks down into oxygen and
O2 haemoglobin.

HbO2 Hb  Oxygen diffuses into the body cells.

B. How is carbon dioxide transported?

 Most carbon dioxide (about 70%) is transported as (52) ions in the

plasma. The formation and breakdown of hydrogencarbonate ions take place in the red blood
cells, catalysed by a specific enzyme.

1. Carbon dioxide uptake in body tissues

 The carbon dioxide concentration in

body tissues is high.
body cells

 Carbon dioxide diffuses into the blood

and enters the (53)
. It
CO2 + H2O H+ + HCO3- HCO3- then reacts with water in the red
blood cells, forming
red blood cell
hydrogencarbonate ions.

Key: HCO3- = hydrogencarbonate ion  Hydrogencarbonate ions diffuse from

H+ = hydrogen ion
the red blood cells into the
(54) , and are carried
to the lungs.

Lesson Notes 8 Gas exchange in humans

2. Carbon dioxide release in the air sacs

 The carbon dioxide concentration in

the air sacs is low.
wall of air sac
CO2 water film  Hydrogencarbonate ions in the
plasma enter the red blood cells, and

CO2 break down into carbon dioxide and


enzyme  Carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood

HCO3- HCO3- + H+ CO2 + H2O
into the air sacs.

Challenge yourself

Which of the following statements correctly describe the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide

respectively in the human body? Write the suitable letters in the space provided.

(i) Bound to haemoglobin

(ii) As hydrogencarbonate ions

(iii) Dissolved in blood plasma

(iv) Formation of hydrogencarbonate ions in red blood cells

Transport of oxygen Transport of carbon dioxide

8.4 The mechanism of ventilation

 (55) (換氣) is the movement of air into and out of the lungs. It is brought
about by breathing, which includes (56) (吸氣) and (57)
(呼氣). Ventilation helps maintain a steep concentration gradient of gases so that gas
exchange can occur effectively.

 Breathing is brought about mainly by the actions of (58) muscles and the
(59) .
Lesson Notes 8 Gas exchange in humans

Inhalation Exhalation

Intercostal muscles (60) . Intercostal muscles (65) .

The rib cage moves upwards and The rib cage moves downwards and
outwards. inwards.
Diaphragm muscles (61) . Diaphragm muscles (66) .
The diaphragm becomes flattened. The diaphragm returns to its original dome
 The volume of the thoracic cavity  The volume of the thoracic cavity
(62) . The lungs expand (67) . The lungs deflate
and the lung volume (63) . and the lung volume (68) .
 The air pressure in the lungs becomes  The air pressure in the lungs becomes
(64) than atmospheric (69) than atmospheric
pressure. Air is drawn into the lungs. pressure. Air is forced out of the lungs.

Lesson Notes 8 Gas exchange in humans

 Inhalation occurs when the pressure in the lungs is lower than atmospheric pressure.

 Exhalation occurs when the pressure in the lungs is higher than atmospheric pressure.


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