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BLM Oil and Gas Booklet 2003

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Department of the Interior

Bureau of Land Management

Colorado State Office
Fluid Minerals Program

A Booklet Containing:

Code of Federal Regulations

25 CFR Parts 211, 212, and 225 (BIA)
36 CFR Part 228 (FS)
43 CFR Groups 3100 and 3200 (BLM)

Onshore Oil and Gas Orders

National Notice-to-Lessees

Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982 (FOGRMA)

Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Reform Act of 1987 (FOOGLRA)
Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Simplification and Fairness Act of 1996 (FOGRS&FA)
Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976
Prepared by the BLM/FS Rocky Mountain Regional Coordinating Committee (RMRCC)

January 1989

Copies of this brochure are available in limited quantities, free of charge, from RMRCC member BLM
State Offices or FS member Regional Offices. These member offices are identified on the map on page
45 of this brochure. This brochure has been developed for use primarily in the Rocky Mountain states
Surface Operating Standards for Oil and Gas
Exploration and Development
“Gold Book”


Introduction 1
1. Geophysical Operations 3
2. Procedural Guidelines 4
3. Surface Use 9
4. Drilling Operations 28
5. Producing Operations 30
6. Reclamation and Abandonment 33
7. Appeals 38
Index 43
Acronyms 44
Maps/Office Locations 45


Figures Page Page

1 - Reserve Pit Construction 11 13 - APD 40

2 - Commonly Used Terms in Road Design 12 14 - Sundry Notice Forms 41

3 - Cross Sections and Plans of Typical Road Sections 18 15 - Example Spill, Blowout, Fire, Etc., Report Data 42

4 - Typical Road Plan and Profile 19 Photographs

5 - Drainage Dip Illustration 21 1 - Properly Constructed Drillsite 9

6 - Drainage Dip Profile 22 2 - Well-Constructed Crowned and Ditched Road 22

7 - Diagrams for Proper Culvert Installation 24 3 - Acceptable Culvert Installation 23

8 - Typical Culvert Construction 25 4 - Typical Onsite Produced Water Disposal Pits 32

9 - Low Water Dry Creek Drainage Crossing 27 5 - Production Facilities with Firewall 32

10 - Waterbreak Construction for Pipelines 34 6 (A-E) - Well site Reclamation 36

11 - Well site Restoration by Terracing 35 7 (A-B) - Completed Road Reclamation 37

12 - Sample NOS Submittal 39


Introduction Authorized Officer

Geophysical operations may be conducted on most The authorized officer shall contact the operator after
federal lands by bonded geophysical operators, the "Notice of Intent" is filed and apprise the operator
regardless of whether the federal lands are leased. of the practices and procedures to be followed.

Prior to conducting operations, the operator must The authorized officer shall complete a final inspection
contact the SMA. With prior approval, lessees may and notify the operator if the terms and conditions of
conduct geophysical operations on their lease as a the "Notice of Intent" have been met or that additional
lease right. action is required. Consent to release the bond or
termination of liability shall not be granted until the
terms and conditions have been met.
BLM Requirements
The responsibilities for geophysical operations on FS Requirements
public lands are as follows:
Geophysical operations on National Forest System
Geophysical Operator lands are authorized under a Prospecting Permit
issued by the FS. The sequence of actions by the
An operator is required to file with the BLM authorized geophysical operator and the FS authorized officer is
officer a "Notice of Intent to Conduct Oil and Gas as follows:
Exploration Operations" (Form 3040-1) and be
apprised of practices and procedures to be followed
prior to commencing operations on BLM administered Geophysical Operator
lands. The "Notice of Intent" shall include a map
showing the location of the line, all access routes, and The operator is required to file an application for a
ancillary facilities. The map should be a minimum Prospecting Permit detailing all proposed operations
scale of one-half inch equal to one mile. A 1:24,000 on National Forest System lands. The application will
U.S.G.S. topographic map is recommended. The party include map(s) showing access routes and location of
filing the "Notice of Intent" (named on the top of the lines and all other activities. The map should be a
Notice) shall be bonded. A copy of the bond or other minimum scale of one-half inch equal to one mile. A
evidence of satisfactory bonding shall accompany the 1:24,000 U.S.G.S. topographic map is recommended.
Notice. Holders of statewide or nationwide oil and gas After the application has been reviewed by the FS, a
lease bonds may obtain a rider to include coverage of permit will be sent to the applicant for review. The
geophysical operations. For geophysical operation operator will sign and return the permit with any fee (if
methods involving surface disturbance, a cultural applicable) and bond requested.
resources survey may also be required.
The operator must have an approved Prospecting
The completion and signing of the "Notice of Intent" Permit prior to initiating operations on National Forest
signifies agreement to comply with the terms and System lands and must comply with all stipulations.
conditions of the Notice and subsequent practices and The operator must notify the authorized officer of
procedures specified by the Authorized Officer. A scheduled entry and receive prior approval of any
prework field conference may be conducted. Earth changes in the original plans. A prework conference
moving equipment shall not be used without prior may be required. For geophysical exploration methods
approval. Upon completion of operations, including involving surface disturbance, a cultural resources
any required rehabilitation, the operator is required to survey may also be required.
file a "Notice of Completion of Oil and Gas Exploration
Operations" (Form 3045-2).
The operator is required to notify the authorized officer Other Federal SMA Requirements
when operations are completed.
The requirements of other Federal SMA's may vary.
FS Authorized Officer Authorization of the SMA is normally required prior
to entry on the land.
Upon receipt of the application, the FS will review the
proposed activities to determine the stipulations
necessary to protect surface uses and resources. The Split Estate Minerals Administered by
operator will be sent the resulting Prospecting Permit the BLM
indicating the stipulations, any fee to be paid (if
applicable) and amount of bond required.
Where the minerals are federally owned and the
The FS makes final inspections prior to approval of surface is private or state owned, no authorization is
termination of the permit and release of bond. necessary from the Federal Government. Operators
must work with the surface owner to obtain access.
State and Local Requirements
There may be State or local requirements for
geophysical operations. It is the operator's
responsibility to be aware of these requirements.


The summary on the following pages is provided to On National Forest System lands the FS has approval
acquaint the operator with the basic procedures for authority on the surface use plan of operations.
approval of lease operations. The procedures are
presented in chart form which summarize the federal Access roads and pipelines located on federal
agency requirements and responsibilities contained in surface outside of the leasehold or the unitized area,
Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 1. It also contains a require a right-of-way (ROW) for BLM lands or a
synopsis of the timeframe requirements and Road Use Permit or Special Use Permit (SUP) for FS
corresponding field activities associated with the lands. The NOS or APD for BLM land will be accepted
federal and operators' responsibilities. The major as a ROW application for these off lease facilities and
actions are presented in relative order and time the application should, therefore, detail the entire
perspective to assist the coordination efforts of both development proposal. At the NOS or APD onsite
the operator and Federal agencies. inspection, the operator will be provided form 2800-14
(ROW/Temporary Use Permit) containing standard
Two procedure options, namely the Notice of Staking terms and conditions, and form 1323-2 (ROW cost
(NOS) and Application for Permit to Drill (APD) (see recovery and fee determination record) for any
table below), are available to the operator for securing involved ROWs on BLM land. Complete APDs
approval to drill. Although timeframes set forth in the involving a BLM ROW should include a signed form
regulations are the same for both options, they do 2800-14 and any required ROW cost recovery fees.
contain individual advantages. The NOS system, H APD conditions of approval will also apply to ROW
properly coordinated at the beginning of the action, portions of the permit.
may expedite final permit approval; however, the APD
system is the most familiar to the oil and gas Bonding
operators and often requires less upfront coordination
effort. The choice is the operator's as to which option
Bonding is required (43 CFR 3104, 36 CFR 228 E) for
to use.
oil and gas lease operations in order to indemnify the
United States against losses associated with failure to not less than $25,000 for statewide operations or
meet royalty obligations, plugging wells not properly $150,000 for nationwide operations may be furnished.
abandoned on a lease, and/or surface restoration and When submitting APDs, operators should state the
cleanup on abandoned operations. Bond coverage for bond they will utilize. In extraordinary cases, the
operations is to be provided by the operator. The authorized officer may require additional bonding
operator may post the bond itself, or obtain a consent coverage. Bonded principals may request partial bond
of the surety under an existing lessee's bond or releases when portions of the abandonment or
operating rights owner's bond, extending coverage reclamation process are deemed complete by the
under that existing bond to include such operations. authorized officer. Upon the completion of all
The bond may be a surety or personal bond backed leasehold abandonment and reclamation, the
by cash, negotiable securities, Certificate of Deposit, operator should notify the authorized officer.
or Letters of Credit in the minimum amount of
$10,000. In lieu of a $10,000 lease bond, a bond of


STEP I Staking Notice Submitted Application for Permit to Drill

STEP II Onsite Inspection Onsite Inspection

STEP III APD Submission and Processing APD Review and Processing


STEP IV Operations Conducted Under an Approved Plan

STEP V Production/Dry Hole-Subsequent Actions

STEP VI Abandonment

Step I Step II Step III

Staking Notice Onsite Inspection APD Review and Processing

Operator Action: 1. Contact SMA prior to 1. Arranges participation of 1. Prepares surface use & drilling
staking for potential conflicts drilling and dirt contractors, programs. Incorporates onsite
and concerns. (Operator's and if necessary, surveyors and inspection information.
option) archaeologist at inspec-
tion. To be scheduled by the
BLM or Forest Service.

2. File Notice of Staking with 2.Participates in inspection, 2. Files complete APD with
BLM and SMA. secures information for BLM.
surface-use program or devel-
ops program onsite.

3. If necessary, files private surface

agreement & archaeo- logical
report with SMA.

4. Files application for off lease

permit with SMA, if other than
BLM. APD serves as formal ROW
application for BLM lands.

Federal Action: 1. Upon initial contact, SMA 1. BLM/FS schedules and 1. BLM & FS upon receipt of
apprises operator of conflicts conducts inspection with APD, reviews surface use and
and concerns. operator, contractors and drilling programs for complete-
SMA. ness. Returns incomplete APDs.

2. Upon receipt of NOS, 2. BLM/FS apprises operator 2. Completes environmental

schedules onsite inspection of requirements for a complete analysis and completes neces-
with operator. APD at onsite or within 5 sary documentation.
3. BLM consults with or obtains
3. BLM and SMA initiates 3.Identifies on lease ROW or FS/SMA approval of surface-use
environmental review. Posts other permit needs. program.
notice of proposal action.
4. Completes conditions of

5. APD and permits approved

or rejected.

6. Ensure adequate bonding or

surety to cover approved opera-

Field Activities: 1. Operator surveys and 1. Conduct onsite inspection.

stakes well, access road and
ancillary facilities prior to
2. Stake location of well site,
roads, and ancillary facilities
as agreed at onsite.

3. Operator secures cultural

resource inventory, if required.

Timeframe: 1. Onsite inspection to be 1. Onsite inspection conduct- 1. Operator submits complete

scheduled within 15 days of ed within 15 days of receipt APD within 45 days of inspec-
NOS receipt. of NOS. tion.

2. Furnish operator with 2. BLM advises operator within

additional requirements at the 7 days as to completeness of
onsite or within 5 working APD.
days of inspection.
3. BLM processes complete
APD and either approves or
rejects within 10 days of receipt.
Step I Step II Step III
Application for Permit to Drill Onsite Inspection Final APD Review and

Operator Action: 1. Contacts SMA for potential 1. Arranges participation of 1. Corrects, revises and/or
land-use conflicts, areas of drilling and dirt contractors amends APD and permit applica-
concern and permit needs. and others, as applicable. tions, as needed.
(Operator's option.)

2. Prepares APD (surface-use 2. Participates in the onsite 2. Files revised and completed
and drilling programs) and inspection. APD with BLM and permit
files with BLM. application amendments with
the SMA.

3. Files for permits required 3. If necessary, files private

by SMA. On BLM lands APD surface agreement & archaeo-
serves as rights-of-way (ROW) logical report with SMA.
4. Files application for off-lease
permit with SMA, if other than
BLM. APD serves as formal
ROW application for BLM lands.

Federal Action: 1. Upon initial contact, SMA 1. BLM/FS conducts onsite 1.Upon receipt of any APD
apprises operator of conflicts predrill inspection with opera- revisions, reviews for complete-
or concerns and other permit tor, contractors and SMA. ness and approvability.

2. Uponreceipt of APD, BLM 2. Location of well, access 2. Completes environmental

conducts preliminary review road and facilities and con- analysis and prepares necessary
for completeness. struction standards agreed documentation.

3. Posts Notice of Proposed 3. Additional permit needs 3. Consults with SMA or obtains
Action. identified. FS approval of SUP and condi-
tions of approval.

4. BLM sendssurface-use - 4. Operator advised of any 4.Completes conditions of

plan to SMA. deficiencies in surface use or approval.
drilling programs and provid-
ed with additional require-

5. Upon receipt of APD, 5. APD and permits approved

BLM/FS schedules onsite or rejected.

6. BLM/SMA initiates environ- 6. Ensure adequate bonding or

mental analysis. surety to cover approval opera-

Field Activities: 1. Operator surveys and 1. Conducts inspection.

stakes well, access road and
ancillary facilities for onsite
2. Operator secures cultural
resource inventory, if required.

Timeframe: 1. BLM advises operator 1. Onsite inspection conduct- 1. Operator submits complete
within 7 working days asto ed within 15 days after receipt APD within 45 days of inspec-
completeness of APD. of complete APD. tion.

2. Onsite inspection to be 2. Operator furnished with 2. BLM advises operator within

scheduled within 15 days additional requirements onsite 7 days as to completeness of
after receipt of complete APD. or within 5 working days of APD
onsite inspection.

3. BLM processes APD and

either approvesor rejects within
30 days of receipt of a complete
Step IV Step V Step VI
Operations Conducted Under Producer/Dry Hole Actions Abandonment
Approved Plan

Operator Action: 1. Conducts operations in 1. Files Well Completion Report 1. Files Subsequent Report
accordance with approved (WCR) and, if needed, proposed of Abandonment (SRA)
plan etc. (See Chapter 3.) modification to the surface-use plan following plugging of well.
if well is productive. (See Chapter

2.Files necessary reports and 2. Files Notice of Intent to Abandon 2. Files FAN (Final Abandon-
Sundry Notices. (NIA) if well is dry hole or well no ment Notice) upon comple-
longer productive. Prepares aban- tion of reclamation and site
donment plan for wells which do is ready for inspection.
not have an approved abandonment

3. Files monthly report of 3. Participates in onsite inspection 3. Applies for release of the
operations. if requested. period of bond liability, if
4. Files required reports & applica-
tions related to production oper.
(e.g., 5 day stan upnotice: site
security diagrams, etc.)

Federal Action: 1. Conducts Compliance In- 1. Reviews WCR/NIA and proposed 1. Performs compliance
spections. plans. checks of final reclamation.

2. Reviews, and when applica- 2. Conducts field review or requests 2. Obtains FS approval of
ble, approves Sundry Notices. joint field exam with operator and abandonment on FS lands.
SMA, if needed. Develops conditions
of approval or additional reclamation
measures for abandonment.

3. Requests information/revision of 3. Approves final abandon-

plans, as needed. ment and release of bond
liability, as appropriate.
4. Prepares environmental documen-
tation, if necessary.

5. Consults with SMA as to approv-

ability of plan or obtains FS approval.

6. Approves or rejects plan.

Field Activities: 1. Operator begins construction 1. Field review or joint field exam 1. Operator completes all
and drilling operations. conducted. work and well site, road,
etc., are reclaimed and ready
for inspection.

2. Federal agencies conduct 2. Operator begins construction, 2. Field inspection conducted

compliance inspections. completes well and installs produc- by BLM and SMA
tion facilities.

3. Operator plugs well.

4. Operator initiates reclamation of

well site, etc., in accordance with
abandonment plan.

Timeframe: 1. APD approval is valid for 1 1. Required timeframes for various 1. Files SRA within 30 days
year. production related reports and following completion of
applications are detailed in Chapter plugging.

2. Review, approve or reject plans 2. Final abandonment ap-

or applications normally within 30 proval timeframe variable,
days. usually 1 to 2 years, depend-
using on acceptable

3. Inspection and bond

release normally completed
within 30 days (if final
abanonment approved).

Well Sites
Locations Well sites should be located on the most level location available
that will accommodate the intended use. The site layout should
be oriented to conform to the best topographic situation given
To the extent permitted by the geologic target, the locations
the geologic target and any safety considerations. However,
selected for well sites, tank batteries, pits, and pumping
safety considerations may be an overruling factor (such as
stations, etc., should be planned so as to minimize long-term
operations in a hydrogen sulfide area). Steeply sloping locations
disruption of the surface resources. Design and construction
which require deep nearly vertical cuts and steep, fill slopes
techniques and other practices should be employed that would
should be avoided or appropriately mitigated. The location of the
minimize surface disturbance and effects on other resources,
well site should also be reviewed to determine its effect upon the
and maintain the reclamation potential of the site. The following
location of the access road. Advantages gained on a good well
guidelines can be used to assist in meeting these objectives
site or tank battery location may be negated by adverse effects
and reduce the overall impacts from well sites and other
of the access road location. A well constructed drillsite is shown
construction areas.
in Photograph 1.

Photograph 1 - Properly Constructed Drillsite

Construction drill mud, and cuttings. The reserve pit should be
located in cut material. If this is not possible, at least
50 percent of the reserve pit should be constructed
Construction procedures must conform to the
below original ground level to prevent failure of the
approved surface use plan of operations. Generally,
pit dike. Fill dikes should be properly compacted in
all surface soil materials shall be removed from the
Iifts (i.e., by rubber-tired construction equipment,
entire cut and fill area and stockpiled. The depth of
sheeps foot roller, etc.). The necessary degree of
topsoil to be removed and stockpiled should be
compaction depends on soil texture and moisture
determined at the predrill inspection and should be
stated either in the proposed surface use plan of
operations or specified in the conditions of approval.
Pits improperly constructed on slopes may leak
Surface soil material stockpiles should be located to
along the plane between the natural ground level and
avoid mixing with subsurface materials during
the fill. There is a significant potential for pit failure in
construction and reclamation. Stockpile locations
these situations. When constructing impoundments
should be located so wind and water erosion are
by fill embankment, a keyway or core trench 10- to
minimized and reclamation potential is maximized.
12-feet wide should be excavated to a minimum
depth of 2- to 3-feet below the original ground level.
Normally, excavation of the cut and fill slopes is
The core of the embankment is then constructed
guided by information on the slope stakes. Fills
with water-impervious material. An alternative
should be compacted to minimize the chance of
method of reserve pit construction on steeply sloping
slope failure. If appropriate, terraces can be used on
sites is to locate the pit on the drill pad next to the
cut and fill slopes to reduce land impacts, such as
high wall. The pits are constructed totally in cut at
length of slope, to prevent excessive water
such locations.
accumulation and erosion. If excess cut material
exists after fill areas have been brought to grade, the
It may be necessary to line reserve pits to prevent
excess material will be disposed of or stockpiled at
contamination of ground water and soil. Bentonite,
approved locations. Snow and frozen soil material
plastic, or other synthetic liners are most commonly
shall not be used in the construction of fill areas and
used. In some environmentally sensitive areas,
self-contained mud systems may be required with
the drilling fluids, mud and cuttings being transported
The area of the well pad that supports the drilling rig
to approved offsite disposal areas. Fencing of
substructure should be level and capable of
reserve pits may be required to prevent access by
supporting the rig. The drill rig, tanks, heater-treater,
persons, wildlife, or livestock. A plan of a typical,
etc., are not to be placed on uncompacted fill
reserve pit is shown in Figure 1.
material. The area used for mud tanks, generators,
mud storage, and fuel tanks, etc., should be slightly
The operator's representative shall ensure
sloping to provide surface drainage from the work
compliance with all plans and designs. The
area. Runoff water from offsite areas should be
representative should be designated prior to
diverted away from the well site by ditches,
construction and have immediate access to an
waterbars, or terraces above and below the cut
approved copy of all maps, drawings, templates, and
construction standards and authority to order
changes prior to initiating dirt work.
Reserve or "mud" pits are normally a part of a well
site and are used for storage or disposal of water,
Roads and Access Ways
INTRODUCTION require special consideration when roads and access
ways are involved. In areas of high environmental
sensitivity, special road location, design and
These guidelines have been developed to provide
construction techniques may be required. The
oil and gas operators with BLM and FS policy and
operator is encouraged to contact local offices of the
standards relative to planning, location, design,
appropriate SMA prior to submission of an APD or
construction, maintenance and operation of roads
NOS. This early contact will provide the operator with
and access ways on public and National Forest
specific requirements and identify any special access
System lands. This chapter provides minimum
guidelines. It is the policy of the BLM and FS that all
permanent roads constructed by nongovernment
Figure 2 illustrates commonly used terms in road
entities across public or National Forest System
design, and should be referred to when reviewing this
lands must be designed by, or constructed under
the direction of, a licensed professional engineer.

Special concerns such as steep slopes, erosion

hazards, visual resources and other concerns
The goal of transportation planning is to identify and The field reconnaissance of alternative routes
analyze feasible alternatives for access which meet should provide information on such factors as type
the objectives of the SMA and include the needs of of excavation, landslide areas, subgrade
users of federal lands. The planning process conditions indicating the need for surfacing,
considers other resource values, public access potential cut slope problems, surface or
needs, and future use of the road and avoids subsurface water problem areas, suitability of fill
“leapfrogging” from one well site to another. material, potential gravel pits or quarries for road
Transportation planning can prevent the unnecessary aggregate, potential borrow and waste sites. A
expenditure of time and money and prevents good road location analysis may avoid costly
unnecessary surface disturbance. problems and identify cost-saving opportunities.

It is the policy of the BLM and FS that existing roads Other factors to be considered that are unique to
will be considered for use as access routes and may the oil and gas industry include:
be used when they meet agency standards and
transportation objectives. When access involves use 1. The prevailing wind direction in relation to the
of existing agency roads, operators may be required potential for encountering sour gas (H2S) and the
to contribute to road maintenance. Existing multiple need for a clear escape route from the drillsite.
use roads may be used by oil and gas operators when
approved by the SMA, usually this is authorized by a 2. The potential for year-round operation: drill sites
joint use agreement in which each user's pro rata and producing locations may require all-weather
share of costs is based upon the anticipated use of access and special maintenance considerations
the road. for snow removal.

Road locations and design criteria are developed to 3. The potential for exploratory drilling to result in
implement the goals of transportation planning. New a producing operation. Usually the initial road
road construction, or reconstruction, by the operator alignments will be such that the road can be
will be done to BLM/FS standards consistent with the upgraded.
needs of the users.
When the road location information is submitted to
Road Location the SMA, the acceptability of the proposed route,
and if applicable, alternative routes, can be
Road location is the most critical stage for the evaluated. Final selection of the road location will
engineering and environmental success of a road be approved by the SMA at the predrill inspection
construction project. The surface and subsurface or during final APD processing.
conditions of a road location largely determine the
cost to survey, design, construct, and maintain a road. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION
Operators are strongly encouraged to contact the Road Classes
SMA about possible route locations before surveying
and staking. Early SMA contact will inform the
BLM Temporary or FS Short-term Roads
operator of any environmental concern that may affect
road location.
These are low volume, single-lane roads built for
a specific purpose or use. They normally have a
The initial steps in road location are (1) determination
12-foot wide travelway and are located, designed,
of the intended use of the road, planned season of
and constructed for temporary use. In many cases
use, type of vehicles to be used, and road class, (2)
they may be constructed with little or no grading or
examination of the SMA's transportation plan which
blade use. They are usually built for dry weather
may already have identified feasible routes for the
use, but may be surfaced, drained, and maintained
area, and (3) examination of existing data, including
for all-weather use if the SMA concurs. Such roads
maps and air photos, of administrative, biological,
are to be made impassable to vehicle travel and
physical, and cultural conditions of the area.
returned to a near natural condition upon
completion of use.
BLM Resource or FS Local Roads DEFINITIONS
These are low volume, single-lane roads, which may Design Criteria. Requirements that govern the
be reclaimed after a particular use terminates. These selection of elements and standards for a road, such
roads normally have a 12-14 foot travelway with as resource management objectives, road
intervisible turnouts. They are usually used for dry management objectives, safety requirements, and
weather, but may be surfaced, drained and traffic characteristics.
maintained for all weather use. These roads connect
terminal facilities, such as a well site, to collector, Design Elements. Physical characteristics such as
local, arterial, or other higher class roads. They the traveled way clearing limits, curve widening,
serve low average daily traffic and are located on the slopes, and drainage characteristics.
basis of the specific resource activity need rather
than travel efficiency. They may be developed for Design Standards. Lengths, widths, and depths of
either long- or short-term service and operated either design elements, such as 14-foot wide traveled way.
closed or open to use as determined by the SMA. The design terms are illustrated in Figure 2.

BLM Local or FS Collector Roads Design Vehicle. This is the vehicle that the road is
designed to carry. Usually it is a low-boy, with
dimensions and typical use patterns.
These roads may be single- or double-lane with
travelways 12-24 feet in width, with intervisible
Critical Vehicle. At times a limited number of
turnouts. They are normally graded, drained, and
vehicles wider than the design vehicle may use the
surfaced and are capable of carrying highway loads.
road. The travelway and shoulder width should be
These roads provide access to large areas and for
large enough to accommodate this occasional use,
various uses. They collect traffic from resource or
however, these vehicles will usually be unable to
local roads or terminal facilities and are connected to
traverse the road at the design speed of the road.
arterial roads or public highways. The location and
standard are based on both long-term resource
needs and travel efficiency. They may be operated DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS:
for either constant or intermittent service, depending
on land use and resource management objectives BLM Temporary or FS Short-term Roads
for the area being served.
1. Design Requirements
BLM Collector or FS Arterial Roads a. Design speed is 15 miles per hour or less.

These roads are usually double-lane, graded, b. Travel width is normally 12 feet.
drained and surfaced, with a 20-24-foot travelway.
They serve large land areas and are the major c. Recommended minimum horizontal curve radius,
access route into development areas with high 100 feet. Where terrain will not allow 100 foot curve
average daily traffic rates. The locations and radii, curve widening is necessary. Specifications are
standards are often determined by a demand for available from SMA offices.
maximum mobility and travel efficiency rather than a
specific resource management service. They usually d. Normal road gradients should not exceed 8
connect with public highways or other arterials to percent except for short pitches of 300 feet or less.
form an integrated network of primary travel routes In mountainous terrain, grades greater than 8
and are operated for long-term land and resource percent may be allowed with prior approval of SMA.
management purposes and constant service. e. Turnouts are generally naturally occurring, such
as additional widths on ridges or other available
areas on flat terrain.
f. Drainage must be provided over the entire road. BLM Resource and FS Local Roads
Usually this is accomplished by use of drainage-dips
insloping, and naturally rolling topography. Ditches 1. Design Requirements.
and culverts may be required in some situations, but
are not expected as the norm. a. Design speed 15 miles per hour.

g. Generally, gravel surfacing is not required, but if b. Travelway width--minimum 12 feet with
all weather access is needed, it may be necessary. turnouts.

2. Field Survey Requirements. These vary with c. Recommended minimum horizontal curve
topography, geologic hazard, or other concerns. Each radius, 100 feet. Where terrain will not allow
SMA has survey requirements based upon the design 100-foot curve radii, curve widening is necessary.
requirements and concern specific to the area. The Specifications are available from appropriate SMA
SMA should be contacted as early as possible to offices.
determine survey requirements. The following general
requirements are imposed to control the work and d. Normal road gradients should not exceed 8
produce the desired road: percent except for pitch grades (i.e., 300 feet or
less in length). In mountainous terrain grades
a. A flagline is established along the construction greater than 8 percent may be possible with prior
route. Flags should be placed approximately every approval of the SMA.
100 feet, or be intervisible, whichever is less.
e. Turnouts are required on all single lane roads
b. Construction control staking may be required (travelway of 12-14 feet). Turnouts must be
depending on conditions of the site. located at 1,000-foot intervals or be intervisible,
whichever is less.
c. Culvert installations are located and flagged.
f. Drainage control shall be ensured over the
3. Construction. entire road through the use of drainage dips,
insloping, natural rolling topography, ditch turnouts,
a. Drainage Dips. Drainage dips are an integral part or culverts. Culverts, drainage crossings, and
of temporary and short-term roads. They should be other controls should be designed for a 10-year
located and spaced according to directions of SMA frequency or greater storm, with an allowable head
for the locale. Construction of drainage dips is of one foot at the pipe inlet.
described and illustrated in Figures 5 and 6.
g. Roadbed culverts should be used to drain
b. Construction Standards. Standards for each road inside road ditches when drainage dips are not
are provided by the SMA. The operator is responsible feasible.
for ensuring that each road is constructed according
to plans and specifications approved by the SMA. The h. Surfacing with gravel should be required where
degree of construction control should complement the all weather access is needed.
survey and design methods. Lower standard surveys
and design may require more intensive construction i. At times a limited number of oil field vehicles
control and inspection to assure acceptability of the (critical vehicles) larger than the design vehicle
end product. An inspector designated by the operator may make occasional use of the road. The
and acceptable to the SMA should be readily operator should consider these needs in road
available during construction to provide quality design.
2. Field Survey Requirements. These are the
same as for Temporary and Short-term roads.

3. Design Drawings and Templates.

a. On slopes of 0-20 percent, where horizontal

and vertical alignment can be worked out on the
ground, a plan and profile drawing may not be c. Roadbed Construction: Roadbed material
required. Standard templates, drainage dip spacing, should never be placed when the materials or the
culvert locations, and turnout spacing guides would surface are frozen or too wet for satisfactory
be acceptable. compaction. Equipment should be routed over the
layers of roadbed material already in place to help
b. A plan and profile view would be the minimum avoid uneven compaction anywhere along the
drawing required on steeper slopes and in areas of travel route.
environmental concern. This would identify grade,
alignment, stationing, turnouts, and culvert Borrow material shall not be used until material
locations. from roadway excavation has been placed in the
embankments, unless otherwise permitted.
c. Standard templates of road cross-sections and Borrow areas used by the operator must be
drainage dips are required for all Resource, Local, approved prior to the start of excavation.
and higher class roads. Figures 2 and 3 illustrate
these sections. Roadside ditches should conform to the slope,
grade, and shape of the required cross-section
d. Additional information may be required in areas with no projections of roots, stumps, rocks, or
of environmental or engineering concern. similar debris. Side ditches must be excavated to
a depth of one foot minimum below finished road
4. Construction. The lessee or operator's surface. Backslopes on the road ditches should
representative shall ensure compliance with all not be cut flatter than two to one. Drainage
plans and designs. The representative should be turnout spacing on these ditches should not
designated prior to construction and have exceed 500 feet; slopes greater than 5 percent
immediate access to an approved copy of all maps, would require closer spacing of turnout furrows
drawings, templates, and construction standards (wing ditches or relief ditches).
and authority to order changes prior to initiating dirt
work. BLM Local and FS Collector Roads

The operator must take all necessary precautions 1. Design Requirements.

for the protection of the work and safety of the
public during construction of the road. Warning a. Design speed 15-25 miles per hour.
signs must be posted during blasting operations.
b. Traveled way minimum 12 feet (single lane),
a. Clearing and Grubbing: Clearing and grubbing maximum 24 feet (double lane) with intervisible
will normally be required on all sections of the road. turnouts as may be required.
Exceptions would be allowed in areas of sparse,
nonwoody vegetation. c. Recommended minimum horizontal curve
radius 100 feet. Where terrain will not allow
All clearing and grubbing should be confined to a 100-foot curve radii, curve widening is necessary.
specified clearing width (see Figure 2) which is Specifications are available from SMA
usually somewhat wider than the limits of actual engineering offices.
construction (roadway). Branches of all trees
extending over the roadbed should be trimmed to d. Maximum grades should not exceed 8
give a clear height of 14 feet above the roadbed percent. Pitch grades for lengths not to exceed
surface. All vegetative debris must be disposed of 300 feet may be allowed to exceed 8 percent in
as specified by the SMA. some cases.

b. Excavation: All soil material and fragmented e. All culverts must be sized in accordance with
rock removed in excavation is to be used as accepted engineering practices and any special
directed in the approved plan. Excess cut material environmental concerns. The minimum size
shall not be wasted unless specified in the culvert in any installation must be 18 inches.
approved plan. Drainage crossings and culverts should be
designed for a 1 O-year frequency or greater
f. Turnouts will be required on all single-lane Drainage and Drainage Structure Section and is
roads. Turnouts must be located at 750-foot illustrated in Figures 7 and 8.
intervals or be intervisible, whichever is less. The
length should not be less than 100 feet with c. Construction standards are the same as
additional 25-foot transitional tapers at each end. given in the BLM Resource and FS Local Roads
g. Surfacing is required for all weather access.
Aggregate size, type, amount, and application BLM Collector and FS Arterial Roads
method would be specified by the local office of
the SMA. Subgrade analysis may be required to 1. Survey and Design Requirements.
determine load bearing capacities.
a. Vertical, horizontal, and topographic data as
2. Field Survey Requirements. Generally, the well as significant features should be plotted on
survey requirements for these roads are similar to standard plan profile sheets to a scale of 1" =
those for Short-Term and Resource roads. 100' or as otherwise directed by the SMA.
However, these roads are designed for higher
average daily traffic (ADT) rates and greater b. Plot "L" (layout) line along "P" (preliminary)
speeds. Thus, in addition to flagline and culvert line using the following design standards criteria:
survey requirements, a transit survey with
prelim inary center line staking and 1. Design speed 20 miles per hour minimum
cross-sectioning is usually required on steep unless otherwise directed.
terrain and in areas requiring special engineering.
Specific survey requirements are available at the 2. Travel width--minimum 20 feet, maximum
local office of the SMA. 24 feet.

3. Design Drawings and Templates. 3. Minimum horizontal curve radius, 200 feet
width unless shorter radius is approved.
a. Generally, a plan and profile view would be
the minimum required drawings for this road 4. Design vertical curves for a maximum
class (see Figure 3) . This would identify grade, change of 2 percent per 50 feet of road length.
location, stationing, turnouts, culvert locations,
and drainage dip spacing. 5. Maximum grade 8 percent (except pitch
grades not exceeding 300 feet in length and 10
b. Standard templates of the proposed road percent in grade).
cross-section(s), (see Figures 2 and 3) and
drainage dip design are required for these roads. 6. Mass diagrams and earthwork balancing
may be required. Obvious areas of waste or
c. Additional information may be required in borrow shall be noted on the plan and profile as
areas of environmental or engineering concern. well as proposed locations of borrow or waste
disposal areas.
4. Construction.
7. All culverts would be designed for a
a. Drainage dips, construction, and spacing is minimum 25-year frequency storm with an
the same as for resource and forest local roads. allowable head of one foot at the pipe inlet.
However, the minimum acceptable size culvert
b. Culvert cross-drains should be used in lieu diameter is 18 inches. Show all culverts planned
of drainage dips for road grades in excess of 10 to accurate vertical scale on plan profile sheets.
percent. Culvert installation is discussed in the
2. Design Drawings and Templates in the BLM Resource/FS Roads or the BLM Local/FS
Collector Roads Sections.
a. Complete plan and profile drawings are
required for any BLM Collector or FS Arterial road. Excavation and fill construction will be performed to
(See Figure 4 for example.) These identify grade, secure the greatest practicable degree of roadbed
location, stationing, and all culvert sizes and compaction and stability. Roadbed materials shall be
location. (See Figures 7 and 8 for examples). placed parallel to the axis of the roadway in even,
continuous, approximately horizontal layers not more
than eight inches in thickness. The full cross-section
b. Standard templates of road cross-sections, of the fill must be maintained as each successive layer
drainage design, and culvert location and is placed. Place successive layers of material on
installation are required (see Figures 3 through 9 embankment areas so as to produce the best practical
for examples). distribution of the material. The materials throughout
the roadbed shall be free from lenses, pockets,
c. Mass diagrams and materials investigation streaks, or layers of material differing substantially in
and classification may be required. texture, gradation, or compaction from the surrounding
3. Construction. Except for the specific items
provided below, construction standards are given


Ordinarily stones coarser than a three-inch square mum compaction while placing the material and to
mesh opening should be buried at least four inches avoid uneven compaction anywhere along the travel
below the finished surface of the roadway. route.

The operator should route construction equipment Use excess excavation material, insofar as practical,
over the layers of roadbed material already in place to improve the road grade line or "flatten" fill slopes.
and shall distribute the gravel evenly over the entire Other waste areas must be approved prior to
width of the embankment so as to obtain the maxi- placement of waste material.

Drainage and Drainage Structures

The proper design and construction of structures for may need to allow for debris passage, mud flows, and
the drainage of water from or through the roadway water heavily laden with silt, sand, and gravel.
often contributes the most to the long-term success of
the structure and minimizes the maintenance and b. Subsurface Road Drainage. Subsurface
adverse environmental effects, such as erosion and drainage is provided to intercept, collect, and remove
sediment production. groundwater that may flow into the base course and
subgrade, lower high water tables, and drain locally
Road Drainage Design. The most economical control saturated deposits or soils.
measure should be designed to meet resource and
road management objectives and constraints. The Drainage Structures. Proper location and design can
economic considerations shall include construction provide economical and efficient drainage in many
and maintenance costs. The need for drainage cases. However, structural measures are often
structures can be minimized by proper road location. required to ensure proper and adequate drainage.
However, adequate drainage is essential for a stable Some of the most common structures are drainage
road. A proper drainage system should be the best dips, ditches, culverts, and bridges.
combination of various design elements, such as
ditches, culverts, drainage, dips, crown, in-slope or a. Drainage Dips. The primary purpose of a
out-slope, low-water crossings, subsurface drains, and drainage dip is to intercept and remove surface water
bridges. from the traveled way and shoulders before the
combination of water volume and velocity begins to
a. Surface Drainage. Surface drainage provides erode the surface materials. Drainage dips should not
for the interception, collection, and removal of water be confused with water bars which are normally used
from the surface of roads and slope areas. The design for drainage and erosion protection of closed or
blocked roads. See Figures 5 and 6 for illustration and
construction specifications.

Spacing of drainage dips depends upon local c. Road Crowning. Roads which use crowning and
conditions such as soil material, grade, and ditching are common and can be used with all road
topography. The SMA should be consulted for classes. This design provides good drainage of
spacing instructions. water from the surface of the road. Drainage of the
inside ditch and side hill runoff is essential if the
b. Ditches. The geometric design of ditches must traveled way is to be kept dry and passable during
consider there source objectives for soil, water, and wet weather. Snow removal becomes a simple task
visual quality, maintenance capabilities and for common road maintenance equipment.
associated costs, and construction costs. Ditch Because the roadbed is raised, wind often blows
grades should be no less than 0.5 percent to provide the snow off the travel way. Photograph 2 illustrates
positive drainage and to avoid siltation. The types of a properly constructed and maintained, crowned
ditches normally used are: drainage, trap, and ditched road.
interception, and outlet.
Photograph 2 illustrates an example of a properly maintained roadway. The crown is well defined, the roadbed is
smooth, and there is no disturbance outside of the roadway. This level of maintenance is much more cost efficient
in the long- term due to reduced travel time, wear on vehicles, emergency road work, and driver fatigue.
d. Culverts. The outlet of all culverts should extend at least one
foot beyond the toe of any slope. Culverts should be
Culverts are used in two applications on oil and gas installed as shown in Photograph 3.
access roads; (1 ) in streams and gullies to allow
normal drainage to flow under the traveled way, and All culverts used in construction of oil and gas
(2) to drain inside road ditches. The latter may not access roads should be concrete or corrugated
be required H drainage dips are used. metal pipe (CMP) made of steel or aluminum. Only
undamaged culverts are to be used, and any culvert
The location of each culvert should be shown on should be inspected for damage prior to installation.
the plan and profile or similar drawings submitted All spots on the pipes where the zinc coating has
with the APD or ROW application. All culverts been injured should be painted with two coats of
should be laid on natural ground or at the original zinc-rich paint or otherwise repaired as approved by
elevation of any drainage crossed. Culverts should the surface managing agency.
be placed on a 3 percent minimum grade; reverse
camber is not allowed. SeeFigures 7 and 8for Excavation, bedding and backfilling of culverts
installation details. should be conducted according to requirements of
the SMA and good engineering practices.


e. Ditch Relief Culverts. Ditch relief culverts are The culvert should be designed with a flat grade so
installed to periodically relieve the ditch line flow by water can flow either way and maintain its natural
piping water to the opposite side of the road where the water level on both sides. The culvert may become
flow can be dispersed away from the roadway. The partially blocked by aquatic growth and should be
spacing of ditch relief culverts is dependent on the installed with the flow line below the standing water
road gradient, soil types, and runoff characteristics. level at its lowest elevation. Special attention must be
given to the selection of culvert materials that will
A culvert with an 18-inch diameter is the minimum for resist corrosion.
ditch relief to prevent failure from debris blockage.
h. Low-Water Crossings. Roads commonly cross
The depth of culvert burial must be sufficient to ensure small drainages and intermittent streams. Here
protection of the culvert barrel for the design life of the culverts and bridges are often unnecessary. The
culvert. This requires anticipating the amount of crossing can be effectively accomplished by dipping
material that may be lost due to road use and erosion. the road down to the bed of the drainage. Material
moved from the banks of the crossing should be
Ditch relief culverts can provide better flow when stockpiled near the right-of-way. Gravel, riprap, or
skewed 15 to 30 degrees downgrade from a line concrete bottoms may be required in some situations.
perpendicular to the centerline of the road. This In no case should the drainage be filled so that water
improves the flow hydraulics and reduces siltation and will be impounded. See Figure 9 for acceptable and
debris plugging the culvert inlet. Culverts placed in unacceptable low-water crossings.
natural drainages can also be utilized for ditch relief.
The design of culverts for later removal may be i. Subdrainage. If water is not removed from the
beneficial for intermittent use roads that will be closed subgrade or pavementstructure, it may create
for extended periods of time. instability, reduce load bearing capacity,
increasepossible damage from frost action, and create
f. Bridges and Major Culverts. The BLM and FS a safety hazard by freezing on the traveled way.
Manuals require that all single or multiple culvert
installations with end- or aperture-openings totalling Perforated pipe drains and associated filter fabric or
more than 35-square feet have engineering approval aggregate filters may be used when necessary to
at Regional or State Offices. This is also true of all provide subdrainage. Other methods may be
bridge installations. Operators are encouraged to approved by the authorized officer.
prepare applications requiring major culverts or
bridges in sufficient time to allow for agency Subdrainage systems may effectively reduce final
engineering evaluations. road costs by decreasing the depth of basecourse
needed, thereby reducing subgrade widths. This, in
g. Wetland Crossings. Wetlands are especially turn, results in less clearing and excavation.
sensitive areas. Generally, these areas require Maintenance savings may also be realized as the
crossings which prevent unnatural fluctuations in result of a more stable subgrade.
water level. Marshy and swampy terrain may contain
bodies of water with no discernible current. The design The solutions to subdrainage problems can be
of culverts for roads crossing these locations requires expensive. Road management techniques, such as
some unique considerations. Construction of some reducing traffic loads or removing traffic until a
stream and wetland crossings may require a section subgrade dries out, should be considered as an
404, Corps of Engineers permit, in addition to the alternative.
approval of the SMA.
ROAD MAINTENANCE Blading of pipeline routes located on gentle
topography should be limited to removal and
Users may perform their share of road maintenance or smoothing of brush and surface irregularities, leaving
may be required to deposit sufficient funds with the most of the under story vegetation undisturbed. When
SMA to provide for their share. If the road has only clearing is necessary, the width disturbed should be
one permitted user, other than incidental use, that kept to a minimum. Bladed materials should be placed
user has the total responsibility for maintenance. back into the cleared route upon completion of
construction. Surface soil material should be
When required, the operator shall submit a road stockpiled to the side of the routes where cuts and fills
maintenance plan for all roads which will be or other surface disturbance occur during pipeline
constructed or used in conjunction with the drilling construction. Surface soil material should be
program. The maintenance plan will contain provisions segregated and should not be mixed or covered with
for perpetuating the traveled way, protection of the subsurface material.
roadway appurtenances, requirements for road
management, and the method to be used in carrying Pipeline trenches should be compacted during
out the maintenance activities. The activities normally backfilling. These pipeline rights- of-way should be
required include: blading, surface replacement, dust maintained in order to correct backfill settling and
abatement, spot repairs, slide removal, ditch cleaning, prevent erosion.
culvert cleaning, brush removal, litter cleanup, weed
control, and snow removal. Specific areas shall be Pipeline routes should be graded to conform to the
identified in the road maintenance plan for disposal of adjacent terrain. Cuts and fills on pipelines should be
slide material, borrow or quarry sites, stockpiles, or made only where necessary. After construction cut
other uses which are needed for the project. and fill slopes may need to be water barred or
regraded to conform to the adjacent terrain.
Pipeline construction should not block, dam, or
Construction. Steep hillsides and water courses change the natural course of any drainage.
should be avoided in the location of pipelines and Suspended pipelines should provide adequate
flowlines. Flowline routes should take advantage of clearance for runoff debris, wildlife, or livestock.
road locations wherever practicable to minimize
surface disturbance.

All proposed drilling operations and related surface By filing a NOS, the operator triggers an onsite
disturbance activities, as well as any change from an inspection prior to filing an APD and is then furnished
approved Application for Permit to Drill (APD), must appropriate surface use and reclamation
be approved before such activities are conducted. requirements for incorporation into their APD. NOS or
Approval will be in accordance with: (1) lease ter and APD filing also triggers the mandatory BLM/FS
conditions of approval, (2) 43 CFR 3160, (3) 30-day public notification requirement. This may
appropriate Onshore Oil and Gas Orders, and (4) result in a more complete and readily approvable
Notices to Lessees (NTLs). For NFS lands, approval APD at an earlier time. There is no required form for
must also be in accordance with 36 CFR 228 E. a NOS but the informational requirements are
specific. See Figure 12 for an example. If the
Initiating the Process APDoption is selected, the onsite inspection is held
after the filing of the APD with the BLM. The APD
The process of obtaining approval to drill is initiated form is shown in Figure 13. When the lands involved
by filing either a Notice of Staking (NOS) or an APD. aremanaged by a Federal agency other than the
The choice of options is the operator's, but eventually BLM, the NOS must be filed with the appropriate
a complete and acceptable APD must be filed. SMA and the BLM.
Surveying and Staking evidence of bond coverage, and such other
information as may be required by applicable Orders
Regardless of the option selected, the well location and NTLs (e.g., H2S Contingency Plans where
must be staked and access roads to be constructed needed). Onshore Order No. 1 describes the specific
flagged prior to the onsite predrill informational requirements of the drilling plan.
inspection.Surveying and staking may be done without Operators are strongly encouraged to consult with the
advance approval from BLM or the SMA except for appropriate SMA as early as possible to identify
lands used for military purposes, Indian lands, or potential concerns. Prior to beginning construction
where significant surface disturbance is likely during activities, the operator may be required to contact the
the staking process. Operators are strongly BLM and appropriate SMA. Approved APDs are
encouraged to notify the SMA prior to entry to allow generally valid for 1 year.
the SMA to advise them of difficult or problem
conditions. With respect to private or state surface, the Onsite Inspection - Environmental Review
operator is responsible for making access
arrangements with the surface owner prior to entry An onsite, predrill inspection will normally be
thereon (see Chapter 6). conducted within 15 days of BLM's receipt of a NOS,
or an APD if no NOS was previously filed. The
Staking includes the well location, two 200-foot inspection team will include a BLM/SMA
directional reference stakes, the exterior dimensions representative, the operator or agent, and other
of the drill pad, reserve pit, other areas of surface interested parties, such as the operator's principal dirt
disturbance, cuts and fills, and centerline flagging of work contractor and, if known, the drilling contractor.
new roads with road stakes being visible from one to When the inspection is on private surface, the surface
the next. Cut and fill staking is required for the well owner will be invited by BLM.
site, reserve pit, and any ancillary facilities. Slope
staking may subsequently be required for road The purpose of the onsite inspection is to identify
locations on steep terrain, stream crossings, and for problems and potential environmental impacts
other environmentally sensitive locations. associated with the proposal and methods for
mitigating these impacts. The BLM/FS, with the
Application for Permit to Drill (APD) assistance of any other involved Federal agencies, will
complete the environmental analysis process.
No drilling operations or related construction activities
may be conducted without an approved APD. The Other Authorizations
APD must be approved by the authorized officer of
BLM, in consultation with the SMA as appropriate. On The BLM approval of an APD does not relieve the
National Forest System Lands, the FS must approve operator from obtaining any other authorizations
the surface use plan of operations of the APD. A required for drilling or subsequent operations. This
complete APD consists of a drilling plan (comprised of includes requirements of other Federal, State, or local
a surface use program and a drilling program), authorities.

General Operating Standards and Objectives for routine fracturing or acidizing jobs, or recompletion
in the same interval. A subsequent report of these
Onshore oil and gas lease operations are subject to operations must be filed on Sundry Notices and
applicable laws, regulations, lease terms, Onshore Oil Reports of Wells, Form 3160-5 (Sundry Notice) or
and Gas Orders, NTLS, written orders, and Form 3160-4 for recompletion within 30 days of
instructions of the authorized officer. These include completion of the operations.
but are not limited to, conducting operations in a
manner which ensures the proper handling, No prior approval or subsequent report is required for
measurement, disposition, and site security of well cleanout work, routine well maintenance, bottom
leasehold production; protecting other natural hole pressure survey or for repair, replacement, or
resources, environmental quality, life and property. modification of surface production equipment provided
The objective is to maximize ultimate recovery of oil no additional surface disturbance is involved.
and gas with minimum waste and with minimum
adverse effect on ultimate recovery of other mineral Approval Procedures
When prior approval is required, the operator must
Drilling and production reports are required to be submit a Sundry Notice, or APD, as applicable. With
submitted to Minerals Management Service (MMS) the appropriate form, a detailed written statement of
pursuant to their regulatory requirements (form MMS the plan of work is to be provided to the authorized
3160). officer. When additional surface disturbance will occur,
a description of any subsequent new construction,
Well Completion Report reconstruction, or alteration of existing facilities,
including roads, damsites, flowlines and pipelines,
A Well Completion or Recompletion Report and Log, tank batteries, or other production facilities on any
Form 3160-4, is required to be filed within 30 days lease, must be submitted to the authorized officer for
after completion of a well either for abandonment or environmental reviews and approval. On NFS lands
production. The completion report is to reflect the the BLM will coordinate with the FS to obtain their
mechanical and physical condition of the well. approval on surface disturbing activities. Emergency
Geologic information and, when applicable, repairs may be conducted without prior approval
information on the completed interval and production provided the authorized officer is promptly notified.
is required.
Production Startup Notification
Subsequent Well Operations
Operators will notify the authorized officer no later than
Producing wells in active oil and gas fields will the 5th business day after any well begins production
periodically require repair and workover operations. anywhere on a lease site or allocated to a lease site,
Operations involving no new surface-disturbance to or resumes production in the case of a well which has
redrill, deepen, and plug-back require the submission been off production for more than 90 days. The date
and prior approval of the authorized officer of the BLM. on which a well commences production, or resumes
And in some cases, these operations may require the production after having been off production for more
approval of the FS. Proposals to perform casing than 90 days, is defined as follows:
repair, alter casing, perform nonroutine fracturing jobs,
recomplete a different interval, perform water shut-off, 1. Oil Wells. The date on which liquid hydrocarbons
commingling production between intervals and/or are first sold or shipped from a temporary storage
conversion to injection or disposal well, etc., will facility, such as a test tank, and for which a run ticket
require the submission of a Sundry Notice (Figure 14) is required to be generated or, the date on which liquid
for prior approval of the authorized officer. hydrocarbons are first produced into a permanent
storage facility, whichever first occurs.
Unless additional surface disturbance is involved and
if the operations conform to standard and prudent
operating practice, prior approval is not required
2. Gas Wells. The date on which associated liquid instances, an additional SMA authorization may be
hydrocarbons are first sold or shipped from a necessary. In most cases, water disposal pits should
temporary storage facility, such as a test tank, and for be fenced and flagged.
which a run ticket is required to be generated or, the
date on which gas is first measured through
permanent metering facilities, whichever first occurs. More information on Bird Mortality Associated with Oil
For purposes of this requirement, a gas well shall not in Pits or Open Vessels
be considered to have been out of production unless
it is incapable of production. Pollution Control/Hazardous Waste

Painting of Facilities All spills or leakages of oil, gas, produced water, toxic
liquids or waste materials, blowouts, fires, personal
As specified in the Conditions of Approval (COA) of an injuries, and fatalities shall be reported by the operator
APD, or a Sundry Notice for approval or modification to the BLM and the SMA in accordance with the
of additional production facilities, a standard color may requirements of Notice to Lessees-3A, (NTL-3A),
be specified. Standardized color charts are available Reporting of Undesirable Events, or an applicable
from RMRCC member offices and most FS and BLM Onshore Oil and Gas Order. The BLM requires
District offices. immediate reporting of all Class I events (more than
100 barrels of fluid/500 MCF of gas released or
Measurement of Production fatalities involved). Volumes discharged during any of
the above incidents will be estimated as necessary. An
If economically feasible, all oil, other hydrocarbons example of the information normally required in
and gas produced from the leased lands are to be put reporting of spills, blowouts, fires, etc. is shown in
in a marketable condition. Figure 15.

Oil production is to be measured by tank gauging, Firewalls/containment dikes are to be constructed and
positive displacement metering system, or other maintained around all storage facilities/ batteries. The
methods acceptable to the authorized officer. In the containment structure must have sufficient volume to
absence of prior approval from the authorized officer, contain, at a minimum, the entire content of the largest
no oil is to be diverted to a pit except in emergency tank within the facility/battery, unless more stringent
situations. protective requirements are deemed necessary by the
authorized officer. (See Photographs 4 and 5).
Gas production is to be measured by orifice meters or
other methods acceptable to the authorized officer. Inspection and Enforcement
The flaring/venting of gas from leasehold operations
must meet the requirements of Notice to Lessees-4A, The BLM and FS have developed procedures to
(NTL-4A) Royalty or Compensation for Oil and Gas ensure that leaseholds which are producing or
Lost, or an applicable Onshore Oil and GasOrder. expected to produce significant quantities of oil or gas
in any year, or have a history of noncompliance, will be
Disposal of Produced Water inspected at least once a year. Other factors such as
health and safety, environmental concerns, and
Produced water from leasehold operations will be potential conflict with other resources also determine
disposed of by subsurface injection, lined pits or other inspection priority. Inspections of leasehold operations
methods acceptable to the authorized officer in are made to ensure compliance with applicable laws,
accordance with the requirements of Notice to regulations, lease terms, Onshore Oil and Gas
Lessees-2B (NTL-2B), Disposal of Produced Water, Orders, NTLs, and other written orders of the
or an applicable Onshore Oil and Gas Order. Disposal authorized officer.
of produced water by disposal/injection wells requires
permit(s) from the primacy state or EPA. In some

Reclamation Plan newly drilled dry holes, failures, and in emergency

situations, oral approval may be obtained from the
A reclamation plan will be a part of the surface use authorized officer subject to written confirmation by
plan of operations. Reclamation may be required of application. In such cases, the surface reclamation
any surface previously disturbed that is not necessary requirements will have been discussed with the
for continued well operations. When abandoning well operator and stipulated in the approved APD.
and other facilities that do not have a previously Additional surface reclamation measures may be
approved reclamation plan, a plan should be required. For older, existing wells not having an
submitted with a Notice of Intent to Abandon (NIA). approved surface use plan of operations, a
Additional reclamation measures may be required reclamation plan must be submitted with the NIA.
based on the conditions existing at the time of Reclamation requirements will be made part of
abandonment. Any additional reclamation approval of abandonment. The operator must contact
requirements would be made a part of the condition of the BLM prior to plugging a well to allow for approval
approval of the NIA. The following are generally and witnessing of the plugging operations.
components of the reclamation plan.
Pit Reclamation
Disturbed areas should be revegetated after the site
All pits must be reclaimed to a natural condition similar has been satisfactorily prepared. Site preparation may
to the rest of the reclaimed pad area. In addition, the include ripping contour furrowing, terracing, reduction
reclaimed pit must be restored to a safe and stable of steep cut and fill slopes, waterbarring, etc. The
condition. In most cases, if it was necessary to line the operator will be advised as to species, methods of
pit with a synthetic liner, the pit should not be trenched revegetation and seasons to plant.
(cut) or filled while still containing fluids (squeezed).
Pits must be allowed to dry, be pumped dry, or Seeding should be done by drilling on the contour
solidified in situ prior to filling. The pit area should whenever practical or by other approved methods.
usually be mounded to allow for settling. The Seeding and/or planting should be repeated until
mounding will also allow for positive surface drainage satisfactory revegetation is accomplished, as
off the reclaimed pit, to help lessen the leaching or determined by BLM/FS. Mulching, fertilizing, fencing,
lateral movement of undesirable substances from the or other practices may be required.
wellpad area into surface streams or shallow aquifers.
Visual Resources
The concentration of hazardous substances in the
reserve pit at the time of pit backfilling must not For all activities which alter landforms, disturb
exceed the standards set forth in the Comprehensive vegetation or require temporary or permanent
Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability structures, the operator may be required to comply
Act of 1980 (CERCLA). All oil and gas drilling-related with visual resource management objectives for the
CERCLA hazardous substances removed from a area. Site-specific practices may be required by BLM
location and not reused at another drilling location or FS.
must be disposed of in accordance with applicable
state and federal regulation. Additional Guidelines

Prior Approval of Abandonment Supplemental guidelines and methods may be

available that reflect local site and geographic
Well abandonment operations may not be started conditions. These guidelines or methods may be
without prior approval of the "Sundry Notices and obtained from the local BLM/FS office. Technical
Reports on Wells," Form 3160-5, by the authorized advances in reclamation practices are continually
officer. The Sundry Notice serves as the operator's being developed that may be successfully applied to
Notice of Intention of Abandon (NIA). In the case of oil and gas construction practices.
Pipeline and Flowline Reclamation settling and prevent erosion. Waterbars and other
erosion control devices must be repaired as
Reclamation and abandonment of pipelines and necessary. Pipeline routes shall not be used for roads
flowlines may involve replacing fill in the original cuts, unless they are properly constructed and authorized
reducing and grading cut and fill slopes to conform to for such purposes.
the adjacent terrain, replacement of surface soil
material, waterbarring and revegetating in accordance Abandoned pipeline routes must be waterbarred as
with a reclamation plan. shown in Figure 10. Supplemental guidelines and
methods may be available that reflect local site and
Pipeline trenches are to be compacted during geographic conditions. These guidelines or methods
backfilling and must be maintained to correct backfill may be obtained from the local BLM/SMA office.
Well Site Reclamation desirable and practical. Figure 11 illustrates this type
of restoration on a typical sidehill section. In
Reclamation Procedures: Recontouring involves recontouring areas which have been surfaced with
bringing all construction material back onto the well gravel, the gravel is to be buried deep in the
pad and reestablishing the natural contours where recontoured cut to prevent possible surface exposure.
Well site reclamation should be planned on both reestablishment of desirable vegetation and reshaped
producing and abandoned well sites. The entire site or to blend with the natural contour. Such practices may
portion thereof, not required for the continued include contouring, terracing, gouging, scarifying,
operation of the well, should be reclaimed. Final mulching, fertilizing, seeding, and planting.
grading of backfilled and cut slopes should be done to
prevent erosion and encourage establishment of All excavations, pits, or drillholes should be closed by
vegetation. (See Photographs 6(A-E).) backfilling when they are dry and graded to conform to
the surrounding terrain. Waterbreaks and terracing
Cut and fill slopes should be reduced and graded to may be installed to prevent erosion of fill material.
blend the site to the adjacent terrain. The disturbed
sites should be prepared to provide a seedbed for
Road Reclamation following techniques: (1) recontouring to the original
contour; (2) recontouring to blend with natural
Roads not on the SMA Transportation System shall contours; (3) recontouring only selected section of the
be abandoned, closed, and obliterated. Reclamation roadway; and (4) obliteration of the roadway surface
of abandoned roads will involve one or more of the with no other modification of the profile.
Reclamation may include ripping, scarifying, Water Well Conversion
waterbarring, and barricading. See Figure 10 for
details on waterbreak construction. Stockpiled soil, In some instances, the SMA or private landowner may
debris, and fill materials should be replaced on the wish to acquire a well that has encountered usable
roadbed and cut slopes so as to conform to the fresh water. In those cases, requirements for
approved reclamation plan. abandonment may be modified. The operator will be
reimbursed for any expenses incurred solely because
Spacing of the waterbreaks is dependent on slope and the well is to be completed as a water well.
soil type. For most soil types, the following table may
be used for determining the space needed. Final Abandonment Approval

The operator must file a Subsequent Report of

SLOPE SPACING Abandonment (SRA) following the plugging of a well.
A Final Abandonment Notice (FAN) must be filed upon
2% 200 feet completion of reclamation operations which indicates
that the site is ready for inspections. Upon receipt of
2-4% 100 feet the FAN, the SMA will inspect the site. A water supply
well drilled in association with drilling an oil and gas
4-5% 75 feet well must be plugged and abandoned before the FAN
is approved, if the water well is not acquired by the
+5% 50 feet
SMA or private landowner.

Release of Bonds
All disturbed areas should be revegetated where
practical. Native perennial species, or other plant
materials specified by the SMA, will be used. If the well is covered by an individual lease bond, the
period of liability on that bond can be terminated once
the final abandonment or phased bonding release has
been approved. The principal can request termination
of the period of liability from the State Office holding
Final abandonment will not be approved until the
the bond. If the well is covered by a statewide or
surface reclamation work required by the APD or NIA
nationwide bond, termination of the period of liability of
has been completed and the required reclamation is
these bonds is not approved until final abandonment
acceptable to the SMA.
of all activities conducted under the bond have been

Administrative Relief (BLM) approval or stipulations, inspection and enforcement
actions, APD or Sundry Notices, etc. SDRs and
State Director Reviews (SDRs) are conducted appeals must be filed in the appropriate office
according to 43 CFR 3165.3. Appeals are processed according to the regulatory timeframes prescribed.
according to 43 CFR 3165.4. All actions and decisions
of the BLM pursuant to the oil and gas program as Forest Service Appeals
governed by 43 CFR 3160, and all Onshore Oil and
Gas Orders and Notices to Lessees promulgated Forest Service appeals are conducted according to
therefrom, are subject to SDRs, appeals, or both upon currently approved regulation. Decisions requiring FS
request. Note that before pursuing an appeal under consent or approval for use of National Forest System
this set of regulations, a SDR must be conducted first. Lands are generally subject to appeal under these
SDRs apply to decisions related to APD conditions of regulations subject to the additional provisions and
limitations given in 36 CFR 228 E.
Not to be used in place of Application for Permit to Drill (Form
3160- 3)

1. Oil Well ______ Gas Well _____ Other (Specify) 7. If Indian, Allottee or Tribe Name

2. Name of Operator: 8. Unit Agreement Name

3. Name of Specific Contact Person: 9. Farm or Lease Name

4. Address & Phone No. of Operator or Agent 10. Well No.

5. Surface Location of Well 11. Field or Wildcat Name

Attach: 12. Sec., T., R., M., or Blk

a) Sketch showing road entry onto pad, and Survey or Area
pad dimensions, and reserve pit.
b) Topographical or other acceptable map
showing location, access road, and lease

5. Formation Objectives(s) 16. Estimated Well Depth 13. County, Parish, or 14. State

17. Additional Information (as appropriate; shall include surface owner's, name, address and, if known,
telephone number)

18. Signed_________________________________ Title _____________________ Date _____________

Note: Upon receipt of this Notice, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will schedule the date of the onsite
predrill inspection and notify you accordingly. The location must be staked and access road must be
flagged prior to the onsite.

Operators must consider the following prior to the onsite:

a) H2S Potential
b) Cultural Resources (Archeology)
c) Federal Right of Way or Special Use Permit
To: (Appropriate BLM or FS Office) From: (Oil & Gas Operator)

__________________________________ ________________________________

__________________________________ ________________________________

__________________________________ ________________________________

Subject: Report of Undesirable Event (NTL-3A; CDM 642.3.36)

Date of Occurrence: ________________ Time of Occurrence: _____________ a.m., p.m.

Date Report to BLM: ________________ Time Reported to BLM: _____________ a.m. p.m

Date Report to FS: ________________ Time Reported to FS: _____________ a.m. p.m.

Location: State ________________ County _________________________

___ ¼ ____ ¼ Section ____ T. ____ ___, R. ____ ____; ___________ Meridian

Operator: _____________________________________________________________________________

Surface Ownership [FEDERAL (FS, BLM, Other), INDIAN, FEE, STATE]:

Lease Number: _______________________; Unit Name or C.A. Number ________________________________


Cause of Event:___________________________________________________________________________

Volumes of Pollutants I. Discharged or Consumed: _______________________________________

II. Recovered: ___________________________________________

Time Required to Control Event (in hours):________________________________________________________________

Action Taken to Control the Event, Description of Resultant Damage, Clean-up

Procedures, and Dates:_____________________________________________________________________________________

Cause and Extent of Personnel Injury: _____________________________________________________________________


Other Federal, State, and Local Governmental Agencies Notified: ________________________________________


Action Taken to Prevent Recurrence: ______________________________________________________________________


General Remarks: _________________________________________________________________________________________


Signature ________________________________ Date _____________________________

Title _______________________________



District ________________________ Date Reported to BLM of FS

Optional ________________________ Event Classification ____________________

Date of Onsite Inspection ________________________ Remarks__________________________________________


abandonment 2,33,38 other authorizations 2,29

acronyms 44 other permits 2
appeals 38 painting of facilities 31
application for permit to drill (APD) 2,4,5,7,29,40 pipeline and flowline reclamation 33
approved drilling plan 8,12 pipelines and flowlines 28
authorized officer 3,4 pit reclamation 33
BLM collector roads 14,17 pollution control 31
BLM local roads 14,16 privately owned surface 1
BLM resource roads 14,15 producing operations 30
BLM temporary roads 13,14 production startup notification 30
bonds 4,38 prospecting permit 3
bridges and major culverts 26 reclamation plan 33
Bureau of Indian Affairs 1 report of undesirable event 42
constraints 2 reserve pit 10,11
crowned and ditched road 22 revegetation 33
culverts 23,24,25 right-of-way (ROW) 4
disposal of produced water 31 road classes 13
ditch relief culverts 26 road crowning 21
ditches 21 road design 12
drainage dips 20,22 road drainage design 20
drainage structures 20 road location 13
drilling operations 29 road maintenance 28
environmental analysis 2 road plan 19
federal jurisdiction 1 road reclamation 37
FS arterial roads 14,17 road use permit 4
FS collector roads 14,16 roads and access ways 12
FS local roads 14,15 special use permit 4
FS short-term roads 13,14 spill report 42
gas wells 31 split estate 1,4
geophysical operations 3 staking 28
hazardous waste 31 subdrainage 26
inspection and enforcement 31 sundry notice forms 41
low water crossings 26 surface management agency 1
measurement of production 31 surface use plan of operations 4,10
Notice of Completion of Oil and Gas surveying 29
Exploration Operations 3 subsequent well operations 30
Notice of Intent to Conduct Oil and Gas transportation planning 13
Exploration Operations 3 visual resources 33
Notice of Staking (NOS) 2,4,5,6,12,29,39 water disposal 32
oil wells 30 water well conversion 38
Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 1 4 waterbreak construction 34,38
onsite inspection 2,29 well completion report 30
operating requirements 1 well sites 9
operating standards 30 well site reclamation 35,36
wetland crossings 26

ADT - Average Daily Traffic

APD - Application for Permit to Drill
BLM - Bureau of Land Management
CA - Communitization Agreement
CERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability
Act of 1980
CFR - Code of Federal Regulations
CMP - Corrugated Metal Pipe
COA - Condition of Approval
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
FAN - Final Abandonment Notice
FS - Forest Service
MLA - Mineral Leasing Act
NEPA - National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
NIA - Notice of Intention to Abandon
NOI - Notice of Intent
NOS - Notice of Staking
NTL - Notice to Lessee, National, State or District
POD - Plan of Development
RMP - Resource Management Plan
ROD - Record of Decision
ROW - Rights-of-Way
SDR - State Director Review
SMA - Surface Managing Agency
SN - Sundry Notice
SRA - Subsequent Report of Abandonment
SUP - Special Use Permit
SWD - Salt Water Disposal
UA - Unit Agreement
§ 211.1 25 CFR Ch. I (4–1–01 Edition)
AUTHORITY: Sec. 4, Act of May 11, 1938, (52 parts 213 (Members of the Five Civ-
Stat. 347): Act of August 1, 1956 (70 Stat. 774): ilized Tribes of Oklahoma), 226 (Osage),
25 U.S.C. 396a-g; and 25 U.S.C. 2 and 9. or 227 (Wind River Reservation).
SOURCE: 61 FR 35653, July 8, 1996, unless
otherwise noted. § 211.2 Information collection.
The information collection require-
Subpart A—General ments contained in this part do not re-
quire a review by the Office of Manage-
§ 211.1 Purpose and scope.
ment and Budget under the Paperwork
(a) The regulations in this part gov- Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501; et seq.).
ern leases and permits for the develop-
ment of Indian tribal oil and gas, geo- § 211.3 Definitions.
thermal, and solid mineral resources As used in this part, the following
except as provided under paragraph (e) words and phrases have the specified
of this section. These regulations are meaning except where otherwise indi-
applicable to lands or interests in lands cated:
the title to which is held in trust by
Applicant means any person seeking a
the United States or is subject to a re-
permit, lease, or an assignment from
striction against alienation imposed by
the superintendent or area director.
the United States. These regulations
Approving official means the Bureau
are intended to ensure that Indian min-
of Indians Affairs official with dele-
eral owners desiring to have their re-
gated authority to approve a lease or
sources developed are assured that
they will be developed in a manner
that maximizes their best economic in- Area director means the Bureau of In-
terests and minimizes any adverse en- dian Affairs official in charge of an
vironmental impacts or cultural im- area office.
pacts resulting from such development. Authorized officer means any em-
(b) The regulations in this part shall ployee of the Bureau of Land Manage-
be subject to amendment at any time ment authorized by law or by lawful
by the Secretary of the Interior. No delegation of authority to perform the
regulation that becomes effective after duties described in this part and in 43
the date of approval of any lease or CFR parts 3160, 3180, 3260, 3280, 3480 and
permit shall operate to affect the dura- 3590.
tion of the lease or permit, rate of roy- Cooperative agreement means a bind-
alty, rental, or acreage unless agreed ing arrangement between two or more
to by all parties to the lease or permit. parties purporting to the act of agree-
(c) The regulations of the Bureau of ing or of coming to a mutual arrange-
Land Management, the Office of Sur- ment that is accepted by all parties to
face Mining Reclamation and Enforce- a transaction (e.g., communitization
ment, and the Minerals Management and unitization).
Service that are referenced in §§ 211.4, Director’s representative means the Of-
211.5, and 211.6 are supplemental to the fice of Surface Mining Reclamation
regulations in this part, and apply to and Enforcement director’s representa-
parties holding leases or permits for tive authorized by law or lawful delega-
development of Indian mineral re- tion of authority to perform the duties
sources unless specifically stated oth- described in 30 CFR part 750.
erwise in this part or in such other Gas means any fluid, either combus-
Federal regulations. tible or non-combustible, that is pro-
(d) Nothing in the regulations in this duced in a natural state from the earth
part is intended to prevent Indian and that maintains a gaseous or rar-
tribes from exercising their lawful gov- efied state at ordinary temperature
ernmental authority to regulate the and pressure conditions.
conduct of persons, businesses, oper- Geological and geophysical permit
ations or mining within their terri- means a written authorization to con-
torial jurisdiction. duct on-site surveys to locate potential
(e) The regulations in this part do deposits of oil and gas, geothermal or
not apply to leasing and development solid mineral resources on the lands.
governed by regulations in 25 CFR Geothermal resources means:


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§ 211.4 25 CFR Ch. I (4– 1– 01 Edition)

per year of common varieties of min- under this part. To the extent the par-
erals from Indian lands. ties to a lease or permit are able to
Secretary means the Secretary of the provide reasonable provisions satisfac-
Interior or an authorized representa- torily addressing the functions gov-
tive. erned by MMS regulations, the Sec-
Solid minerals means all minerals ex- retary may approve alternate provi-
cluding oil, gas and geothermal re- sions in a lease or permit.
Superintendent means the Bureau of § 211.7 Environmental studies.
Indian Affairs official in charge of the
agency office having jurisdiction over (a) The Secretary shall ensure that
the minerals subject to leasing under all environmental studies are prepared
this part. as required by the National Environ-
mental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) and
§ 211.4 Authority and responsibility of the regulations promulgated by the
the Bureau of Land Management Council on Environmental Quality
(CEQ), found in 40 CFR parts 1500
The functions of the Bureau of Land through 1508.
Management are found in 43 CFR part (b) The Secretary shall ensure that
3160—Onshore Oil and Gas Operations, all necessary surveys are performed
43 CFR part 3180—Onshore Oil and Gas and clearances obtained in accordance
Unit Agreements: Unproven Area, 43
with 36 CFR parts 60, 63, and 800 and
CFR part 3260—Geothermal Resources
with the requirements of the Archae-
Operations, 43 CFR part 3280—Geo-
thermal Resources Unit Agreements: ological and Historic Preservation Act
Unproven Areas, 43 CFR part 3480—Coal (16 U.S.C. 469 et seq.), the National His-
Exploration and Mining Operations, toric Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 470 et
and 43 CFR part 3590—Solid Minerals seq.), The American Indian Religious
(other than coal) Exploration and Min- Freedom Act (42 U.S.C. 1996), and Exec-
ing Operations; and currently include, utive Order 11593, Protection and En-
but are not limited to, resource evalua- hancement of the Cultural Environ-
tion, approval of drilling permits, min- ment (3 CFR, 1971 through 1975 Comp.,
ing and reclamation, production plans, p. 559). If these surveys indicate that a
mineral appraisals, inspection and en- mineral development will have an ad-
forcement, and production verification. verse effect on a property listed on or
These regulations, apply to leases and eligible for listing on the National Reg-
permits approved under this part. ister of Historic Places, the Secretary
§ 211.5 Authority and responsibility of
the Office of Surface Mining Rec- (1) Seek the comments of the Advi-
lamation and Enforcement (OSM). sory Council on Historic Preservation,
The OSM is the regulatory authority in accordance with 36 CFR part 800;
for surface coal mining and reclama- (2) Ensure that the property is avoid-
tion operations on Indian lands pursu- ed, that the adverse effect is mitigated,
ant to the Surface Mining Control and or;
Reclamation Act of 1977 (30 U.S.C. 1201 (3) Ensure that appropriate exca-
et seq.). The relevant regulations for vations or other related research is
surface coal mining and reclamation conducted and ensure that complete
operations are found in 30 CFR part 750. data describing the historic property is
Those regulations apply to mining and preserved.
reclamation on leases approved under
this part. § 211.8 Government employees cannot
acquire leases.
§ 211.6 Authority and responsibility of
the Minerals Management Service U.S. Government employees are pre-
(MMS). vented from acquiring leases or inter-
The functions of the MMS for report- ests in leases by the provisions of 25
ing, accounting, and auditing are found CFR part 140 and 43 CFR part 20 per-
in 30 CFR chapter II, subchapters A and taining to conflicts of interest and
C, which, apply to leases approved ownership of an interest in trust land.


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Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior § 211.20

§ 211.9 Existing permits or leases for (b) Indian mineral owners may re-
minerals issued pursuant to 43 CFR quest that the Secretary prepare and
chapter II and acquired for Indian advertise or negotiate (if the require-
tribes. ments of this section have been met)
(a) Title to the minerals underlying mineral leases on their behalf. If re-
certain Federal lands, which were pre- quested by an applicant interested in
viously subject to general leasing and acquiring rights to Indian-owned min-
mining laws, is now held in trust by erals, the Secretary shall promptly no-
the United States for Indian tribes. Ex- tify the Indian mineral owner, and ad-
isting mineral prospecting permits, ex- vise the owner in writing of the alter-
ploration and mining leases on these natives available, including the right
lands, issued prior to these lands being to decline to lease. If the Indian min-
placed in trust status or becoming In- eral owner decides to have the leases
dian lands, pursuant to 43 CFR chapter advertised, the Secretary shall consult
II (and its predecessor regulations), and with the Indian mineral owner con-
all actions on the permits and leases cerning the appropriate royalty rate
shall be administered by the Secretary and rental. The Secretary may then
in accordance with the regulations set undertake the responsibility to adver-
forth in 30 CFR chapters II and VII and tise and lease in accordance with the
43 CFR chapter II, as applicable, pro- following procedures:
vided, that all payment or reports re- (1) Leases shall be advertised to re-
quired by a non-producing lease or per- ceive optimum competition for bonus
mit, issued pursuant to 43 CFR chapter consideration, under sealed bid, oral
II, shall be made to the superintendent auction, or a combination of both. No-
having administrative jurisdiction over tice of such advertisement shall be
the land involved, instead of the officer published in at least one local news-
of the Bureau of Land Management paper and in one trade publication at
designated in 43 CFR unless specifi- least thirty (30) days in advance of
cally stated otherwise in the statutes sale. If applicable, such notice must
authorizing the United States to hold identify the reservation within which
the land in trust for an Indian tribe. the tracts to be leased are found. No
Producing lease payments and reports specific description of the tracts to be
will be submitted to the Minerals Man- leased need be published. Specific de-
agement Service in accordance with 30 scription of such tracts shall be avail-
CFR chapter II, subchapters A and C. able at the office of the superintendent
(b) Administrative actions regarding and/or area director upon request. The
an existing lease or permit under this complete text of the advertisement, in-
section, may be appealed pursuant to cluding a specific description, shall be
25 CFR part 2. mailed to each person listed on the ap-
propriate agency or area mailing list.
Individuals and companies interested
Subpart B— How to Acquire Leases in receiving advertisements of lease
sales should send their mailing infor-
§ 211.20 Leasing procedures. mation to the appropriate super-
(a) Indian mineral owners may, with intendent or area director for future
the approval of the superintendent or reference.
area director, lease their land for min- (2) The advertisement shall offer the
ing purposes. No oil and gas lease shall tracts to the responsible bidder offer-
be approved unless it has first been of- ing the highest bonus. The Secretary,
fered for bidding at an advertised lease after consultation with the Indian min-
sale in accordance with this section. eral owner, shall establish the rental
Leases for minerals other than oil and and royalty rates which shall be stated
gas shall be advertised for bids as pre- in the advertisement and shall not be
scribed in this section unless the Sec- subject to negotiation. The advertise-
retary grants the Indian mineral own- ment shall provide that the Secretary
ers written permission to negotiate for reserves the right to reject any or all
lease. Application for leases shall be bids, and that acceptance of the lease
made to the superintendent having ju- bid by the Indian mineral owner is re-
risdiction over the lands. quired.


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Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior § 211.24

surety shall furnish a power of attor- (d) Personal bonds shall be accom-
ney. panied by:
(b) A corporate applicant proposing (1) Certificate of deposit issued by a
to acquire an interest in a permit or financial institution, the deposits of
lease shall have on file with the super- which are federally insured, explicitly
intendent or area director a statement granting the Secretary full authority
showing: to demand immediate payment in case
(1) The State(s) in which the corpora- of default in the performance of the
tion is incorporated, and that the cor- provisions and conditions of the lease
poration is authorized to hold such in- or permit. The certificate shall explic-
terests in the State where the land de- itly indicate on its face that Secre-
scribed in the instrument is situated;
tarial approval is required prior to re-
demption of the certificate of deposit
(2) A notarized statement that the
by any party;
corporation has power to conduct all
business and operations as described in (2) Cashier’s check;
the lease or permit. (3) Certified check;
(c) The Secretary may, either before (4) Negotiable Treasury securities of
or after the approval of a permit, min- the United States of a value equal to
eral lease, assignment, or bond, call for the amount specified in the bond. Ne-
any reasonable additional information gotiable Treasury securities shall be
necessary to carry out the regulations accompanied by a proper conveyance to
in this part, or other applicable laws the Secretary of full authority to sell
and regulations. such securities in case of default in the
performance of the provisions and con-
§ 211.24 Bonds. ditions of a lease or permit; or
(a) The lessee, permittee or prospec- (5) Letter of credit issued by a finan-
tive lessee acquiring a lease, or any in- cial institution authorized to do busi-
terest therein, by assignment shall fur- ness in the United States and whose de-
nish with each lease, permit or assign- posits are federally insured, and identi-
ment a surety bond or personal bond in fying the Secretary as sole payee with
an amount sufficient to ensure compli- full authority to demand immediate
ance with all of the terms and condi- payment in the case of default in the
tions of the lease(s), permit(s), or as- performance of the provisions and con-
signment(s) and the statutes and regu- ditions of a lease or permit.
lations applicable to the lease, permit, (i) The letter of credit shall be irrev-
or assignment. Surety bonds shall be ocable during its term.
issued by a qualified company approved (ii) The letter of credit shall be pay-
by the Department of the Treasury (see able to the Bureau of Indian Affairs
Department of the Treasury Circular upon demand, in part or in full, upon
No. 570).
receipt from the Secretary of a notice
(b) An operator may file a $75,000
of attachment stating the basis thereof
bond for all geothermal, mining, or oil
(e.g., default in compliance with the
and gas leases, permits, or assignments
lease or permit provisions and condi-
in any one State, which may also in-
clude areas on that part of an Indian tions or failure to file a replacement in
reservation extending into any contig- accordance with paragraph (d)(5)(v) of
uous State. Statewide bonds are sub- this section).
ject to approval in the discretion of the (iii) The initial expiration date of the
Secretary. letter of credit shall be at least one (1)
(c) An operator may file a $150,000 year following the date it is filed in the
bond for full nationwide coverage to proper Bureau of Indian Affairs office.
cover all geothermal or oil and gas (iv) The letter of credit shall contain
leases, permits, or assignments with- a provision for automatic renewal for
out geographic or acreage limitation to periods of not less than one (1) year in
which the operator is or may become a the absence of notice to the proper Bu-
party. Nationwide bonds are subject to reau of Indian Affairs office at least
approval in the discretion of the Sec- ninety (90) days prior to the originally
retary. stated or any extended expiration date.


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§ 211.25 25 CFR Ch. I (4– 1– 01 Edition)

(v) A letter of credit used as security shall continue as long thereafter as the
for any lease or permit upon which op- minerals specified in the lease are pro-
erations have taken place and final ap- duced in paying quantities. Absent spe-
proval for abandonment has not been cific lease provisions to the contrary,
given, or as security for a statewide or all provisions in leases governing their
nationwide bond, shall be forfeited and duration shall be measured from the
shall be collected by the Secretary if date of approval by the Secretary.
not replaced by other suitable bond or (b) An oil and gas or geothermal re-
letter of credit at least thirty (30) days source lease which stipulates that it
before its expiration date. shall continue in full force and effect
(e) The required amount of bonds beyond the expiration of the primary
may be increased in any particular term of lease duration (‘‘commence-
case at the discretion of the Secretary. ment clause’’) if drilling operations
have commenced during the primary
§ 211.25 Acreage limitation. term, shall be valid and shall hold the
A lessee may acquire more than one lease beyond the primary term of lease
lease but no single lease shall be grant- duration if the lessee or the lessee’s
ed for mineral leasing purposes on In- designee has commenced actual drill-
dian tribal or restricted lands in excess ing by midnight of the last day of the
of the following acreage except where primary term of the lease with a drill-
the rule of approximation applies: ing rig designed to reach the total pro-
(a) Leases for oil and gas and all posed depth, and drilling is continued
other minerals except coal are to be with reasonable diligence until the
contained within one United States well is completed to production or
Governmental survey section of land abandoned. However, in no case shall
and shall be described by legal subdivi- such drilling hold the lease longer than
sions including lots or tract equiva- 120 days past the primary term of lease
lents not to exceed 640 acres; in in- duration without actual production of
stances of irregular surveys, including oil, gas, or geothermal resources. Pro-
lands not surveyed under the United vided, that this extension does not
States Governmental survey, lands allow a lease to continue past the 10-
shall be considered in multiples of 40 year statutory limitation. Drilling
acres or the nearest aliquot equivalent which meets the requirements of this
thereof; section and occurs within a unit or
(b) Leases for coal shall ordinarily be communitization agreement to which
limited to 2,560 acres in a reasonably the lease is committed shall be consid-
compact form and shall be described by ered as if it occurs on the leasehold
legal subdivisions including lots or itself. If there is a conflict between the
tract equivalents. In instances of irreg- commencement clause and the haben-
ular surveys, including lands not sur- dum clause of a lease, the commence-
veyed under the United States Govern- ment clause will control.
mental survey, lands shall be consid- (c) A solid minerals lease which stip-
ered in multiples of 40 acres or the ulates that it shall continue in full
nearest aliquot equivalent thereof. The force and effect beyond the expiration
Secretary may, upon application and of the primary term of lease duration if
with the consent of the Indian mineral mining operations have commenced
owner, approve the issuance of a single during the primary term (commence-
lease for more than 2,560 acres, in a ment clause), shall be valid and hold
reasonably compact form, upon a find- the lease beyond the primary term of
ing that the issuance is in the best in- lease duration if the lessee or the les-
terest of the lessor. see’s designee has by midnight of the
last day of the primary term of the
§ 211.26 [Reserved] lease commenced actual removal of
mineral materials intended for sale and
§ 211.27 Duration of leases. upon which royalties will be paid. If
(a) All leases shall be for a term not there is a conflict between the com-
to exceed a primary term of lease dura- mencement clause and the habendum
tion of ten (10) years and, absent spe- clause of a lease, the commencement
cific lease provisions to the contrary, clause will control.


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Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior § 211.40

§ 211.28 Unitization and (f) Unless otherwise provided in the

communitization agreements, and cooperative agreement, approval of the
well spacing. agreement commits each lease to the
(a) For the purpose of promoting con- unit in the area covered by the agree-
servation and efficient utilization of ment on the date approved by the Sec-
minerals, the Secretary may approve a retary or the date of first production,
cooperative unit, drilling or other de- whichever is earlier, as long as the
agreement is approved before the lease
velopment plan on any leased area
expiration date.
upon a determination that approval is
(g) Any lease committed in part to
advisable and in the best interest of
any such cooperative agreement shall
the Indian mineral owner. For the pur-
be segregated into a separate lease or
poses of this section, a cooperative leases as to the lands committed and
unit, drilling or other development lands not committed to the agreement.
plan means an agreement for the devel- Segregation shall be effective on the
opment or operation of a specifically date the agreement is effective.
designated area as a single unit with- (h) Wells shall be drilled in con-
out regard to separate ownership of the formity with a well spacing program
land included in the agreement. Such approved by the authorized officer.
cooperative agreements include, but
are not limited to, unit agreements, § 211.29 Exemption of leases and per-
communitization agreements and other mits made by organized tribes.
types of agreements that allocate costs The regulations in this part may be
and benefits. superseded by the provisions of any
(b) The consent of the Indian mineral tribal constitution, bylaw or charter
owner to such unit or cooperative issued pursuant to the Indian Reorga-
agreement shall not be required unless nization Act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat.
such consent is specifically required in 984; 25 U.S.C. 461–479), the Alaska Act of
the lease. However, the Secretary shall May 1, 1936 (49 Stat. 1250; 48 U.S.C.
consult with the Indian mineral owner 362,258a), or the Oklahoma Indian Wel-
prior to making a determination con- fare Act of June 26, 1936 (49 Stat. 1967;
cerning a cooperative agreement or 25 U.S.C., and Sup., 501–509), or by ordi-
well spacing plan. nance, resolution, or other action au-
(c) Requests for approval of coopera- thorized under such constitution,
tive agreements which comply with the bylaw or charter; Provided, that such
requirements of all applicable rules tribal law may not supersede the re-
and regulations shall be filed with the quirements of Federal statutes applica-
superintendent or area director. ble to Indian mineral leases. The regu-
(d) All Indian mineral owners of any lations in this part, in so far as they
right, title or interest in the mineral are not so superseded, shall apply to
resources to be included in a coopera- leases and permits made by organized
tive agreement must be notified by the tribes if the validity of the lease or per-
lessee at the time the agreement is mit depends upon the approval of the
submitted to the superintendent or Secretary of the Interior.
area director. An affidavit from the
lessee stating that a notice was mailed Subpart C— Rents, Royalties,
to each mineral owner of record for Cancellations and Appeals
whom the superintendent or area direc-
tor has an address will satisfy this no- § 211.40 Manner of payments.
tice requirement. Unless otherwise specifically pro-
(e) A request for approval of a pro- vided for in a lease, once production
posed cooperative agreement, and all has been established, all payments
documents incident to such agreement, shall be made to the MMS or such
must be filed with the superintendent other party as may be designated, and
or area director at least ninety (90) shall be made at such time as provided
days prior to the first expiration date in 30 CFR chapter II, subchapters A and
of any of the Indian leases in the area C. Prior to production, all bonus and
proposed to be covered by the coopera- rental payments, shall be made to the
tive agreement. superintendent or area director.


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§ 211.41 25 CFR Ch. I (4– 1– 01 Edition)

§ 211.41 Rentals and production roy- than $2.00 for each acre or fraction of
alty on oil and gas leases. an acre payable on or before the first
(a) A lessee shall pay, in advance, be- day of each lease year.
ginning with the effective date of the (b) Within twenty (20) days after the
lease, an annual rental of $2.00 per acre lease year, an itemized statement, in
or fraction of an acre or such other duplicate, of the expenditure for devel-
greater amount as prescribed in the opment under a lease for minerals
lease. This rental shall not be credited other than oil and gas shall be filed
against production royalty nor shall with the superintendent or area direc-
the rental be prorated or refunded be- tor. The lessee must certify the state-
cause of surrender or cancellation. ment under oath.
(b) The Secretary shall not approve
leases with a royalty rate less than 16– § 211.43 Royalty rates for minerals
2⁄3 percent of the amount or value of other than oil and gas.
production produced and sold from the (a) Except as provided in paragraph
lease unless a lower royalty rate is
(b) of this section, the minimum rates
agreed to by the Indian mineral owner
for leases of minerals other than oil
and is found to be in the best interest
and gas shall be as follows:
of the Indian mineral owner. Such ap-
proval may only be granted by the area (1) For substances other than coal,
director if the approving official is the the royalty rate shall be 10 percent of
superintendent and by the Assistant the value of production produced and
Secretary for Indian Affairs if the ap- sold from the lease at the nearest ship-
proving official is the area director. ping point.
(c) Value of lease production for roy- (2) For coal to be strip or open pit
alty purposes shall be determined in mined the royalty rate shall be 121⁄2
accordance with applicable lease provi- percent of the value of production pro-
sions and regulations in 30 CFR chap- duced and sold from the lease, and for
ter II, subchapters A and C. If the valu- coal removed from an underground
ation provisions in the lease are incon- mine, the royalty rate shall be 8 per-
sistent with the regulations in 30 CFR cent of the value of production pro-
chapter II, subchapters A and C, the duced and sold from the lease.
lease provisions shall govern. (3) For geothermal resources, the
(d) If the leased premises produce gas royalty rate shall be 10 percent of the
in excess of the lessee’s requirements amount or value of steam, or any other
for the development and operation of
form of heat or energy derived from
said premises, then the lessor may use
production of geothermal resources
sufficient gas, free of charge, for any
desired school or other buildings be- under the lease and sold or utilized by
longing to the tribe, by making his the lessee. In addition, the royalty rate
own connections to a regulator in- shall be 5 percent of the value of any
stalled, connected to the well and byproduct derived from production of
maintained by the lessee, and the les- geothermal resources under the lease
see shall not be required to pay royalty and sold or utilized or reasonably sus-
on gas so used. The use of such gas ceptible of sale or utilization by the
shall be at the lessor’s risk at all lessee, except that the royalty for any
times. mineral byproduct shall be governed by
the appropriate paragraph of this sec-
§ 211.42 Annual rentals and expendi- tion.
tures for development on leases
other than oil and gas, and geo- (b) A lower royalty rate shall be al-
thermal resources. lowed if it is determined to be in the
best interest of the Indian mineral
(a) Unless otherwise authorized by
owner. Approval of a lower rate may
the Secretary, a lease for minerals
only be granted by the area director if
other than oil, gas and geothermal re-
sources shall provide for a yearly de- the approving official is the super-
velopment expenditure of not less than intendent or by the Assistant Sec-
$20 per acre. All such leases shall pro- retary for Indian Affairs, if the approv-
vide for a rental payment of not less ing official is the area director.


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Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior § 211.48

§ 211.44 Suspension of operations. (b) Protect the lease from drainage

(a) After the expiration of the pri- (if oil and gas or geothermal resources
mary term of the lease the Secretary are being drained from the lease prem-
may approve suspension of operations ises by a well or wells located on lands
for remedial purposes which are nec- not included in the lease, the Secretary
essary for continued production, to reserves the right to impose reasonable
protect the resource, the environment, and equitable terms and conditions to
or for other good reasons. Provided, protect the interest of the Indian min-
that such remedial operations are con- eral owner of the lands, such as pay-
ducted in accordance with 43 CFR part ment of compensatory royalty for the
3160, subpart 3165 and under such stipu- drainage);
lations and conditions as may be pre- (c) Carry on operations in a good and
scribed by the Secretary and are con- workmanlike manner in accordance
ducted with reasonable diligence. Any with approved methods and practices;
suspension shall not relieve the lessee (d) Have due regard for the preven-
from liability for the payment of rental tion of waste of oil or gas or other min-
and other payments as required by erals, the entrance of water through
lease provisions. wells drilled by the lessee to other
(b) An application for permission to strata, to the destruction or injury of
suspend operations or production for the oil or gas, other mineral deposits,
economic or marketing reasons on a or fresh water aquifers, the preserva-
lease capable of production after the tion and conservation of the property
expiration of the primary term of lease for future productive operations, and
duration must be accompanied by the the health and safety of workmen and
written consent of the Indian mineral employees;
owner, an economic analysis, and an (e) Securely plug all wells and effec-
executed amendment by the parties to tively shut off all water from the oil or
the lease setting forth the provisions gas-bearing strata before abandoning
pertaining to the suspension of oper- them;
ations and production. Such applica- (f) Not construct any well pad loca-
tion shall be treated as a negotiated tion within 200 feet of any structures or
change to lease provisions, and as such, improvements without the Indian sur-
shall be subject to review and approval face owner’s written consent;
by the Secretary. (g) Carry out, at the lessee’s expense,
all reasonable orders and requirements
§ 211.45 [Reserved] of the authorized officer relative to
prevention of waste;
§ 211.46 Inspection of premises, books (h) Bury all pipelines crossing till-
and accounts. able lands below plow depth unless
Lessees shall allow the Indian min- other arrangements are made with the
eral owner, the Indian mineral owner’s Indian surface owner; and
representatives, or any authorized rep- (i) Pay the Indian surface owner all
resentative of the Secretary to enter damages, including damages to crops,
all parts of the leased premises for the buildings, and other improvements of
purpose of inspection and audit. Les- the Indian surface owner occasioned by
sees shall keep a full and correct ac- the lessee’s operations as determined
count of all operations and submit all by the superintendent.
related reports required by the lease
and applicable regulations. Books and § 211.48 Permission to start oper-
records shall be available for inspec- ations.
tion during regular business hours. (a) No exploration, drilling, or min-
ing operations are permitted on any In-
§ 211.47 Diligence, drainage and pre- dian lands before the Secretary has
vention of waste. granted written approval of a mineral
The lessee shall: lease or permit pursuant to the regula-
(a) Exercise diligence in mining, tions in this part.
drilling and operating wells on the (b) After a lease or permit is ap-
leased lands while minerals production proved, written permission must be se-
can be secured in paying quantities; cured from the Secretary before any


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§ 211.49 25 CFR Ch. I (4– 1– 01 Edition)

operations are started on the leased vided interests in the lease must join
premises, in accordance with applica- in the request for surrender;
ble rules and regulations in 25 CFR (f) No part of any advance rental
part 216; 30 CFR chapter II, subchapters shall be refunded to the lessee, nor
A and C; 30 CFR part 750 (Requirements shall any subsequent surrender or ter-
for Surface Coal Mining and Reclama- mination of a lease relieve the lessee of
tion Operations on Indian Lands), 43 the obligation to pay advance rental if
CFR parts 3160, 3260, 3480, 3590, and Or- advance rental became due prior to the
ders or Notices to Lessees (NTLs) date the request for surrender was re-
issued thereunder. ceived by the superintendent or area
§ 211.49 Restrictions on operations. (g) If oil, gas, or geothermal re-
Leases issued under the provisions of sources are being drained from the
the regulations in this part shall be leased premises by a well or wells lo-
subject to such restrictions as to time cated on lands not included in the
or times for well operations and pro- lease, the Secretary reserves the right,
duction from any leased premises as prior to acceptance of the surrender, to
the Secretary judges may be necessary impose reasonable and equitable terms
or proper for the protection of the nat- and conditions to protect the interests
ural resources of the leased land and in of the Indian mineral owners of the
the interest of the lessor. lands surrendered. Such terms and con-
ditions may include payment of com-
§ 211.50 [Reserved] pensatory royalty for any drainage;
§ 211.51 Surrender of leases. (h) Upon expiration or surrender of a
A lessee may, with the approval of solid mineral lease the lessee shall de-
the Secretary, surrender a lease or any liver the leased premises in a condition
part of it, on the following conditions: conforming to the approved reclama-
(a) All royalties and rentals due on tion plan. Unless otherwise provided in
the date the request for surrender is re- the lease, the machinery necessary to
ceived must be paid; operate the mine is the property of the
(b) The superintendent, after con- lessee. However, the machinery may
sultation with the authorized officer, not be removed from the leased prem-
must be satisfied that proper provi- ises without the written permission of
sions have been made for the conserva- the Secretary.
tion and protection of the property,
and that all operations on the portion § 211.52 Fees.
of the lease surrendered have been Unless otherwise authorized by the
properly reclaimed, abandoned, or con- Secretary, each permit, lease, sublease,
ditioned, as required; or other contract, or assignment,
(c) If a lease has been recorded, the thereof shall be accompanied by a fil-
lessee must submit a release along ing fee of $75.00 at the time of filing.
with the recording information of the
original lease so that, after acceptance § 211.53 Assignments, overriding royal-
of the release, it may be recorded; ties, and operating agreements.
(d) If a lessee requests to surrender (a) Approved leases or any interest
an entire lease or an entire undivided therein may be assigned or transferred
portion of a lease document, the lessee only with the approval of the Sec-
must deliver to the superintendent or retary. The Indian mineral owner must
area director the original lease docu- also consent if approval of the Indian
ments; Provided, that where the request mineral owner is required in the lease.
is made by an assignee to whom no If consent is not required, then the
copy of the lease was delivered, the as- Secretary shall notify the Indian min-
signee must deliver to the super- eral owner of the proposed assignment.
intendent or area director only its copy To obtain the approval of the Sec-
of the assignment; retary the assignee must be qualified
(e) If the lease (or a portion thereof to hold the lease under existing rules
being surrendered) is owned in undi- and regulations and shall furnish a sat-
vided interests, all lessees owning undi- isfactory bond conditioned for the


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Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior § 211.54

faithful performance of the covenants whether or not actually paid, shall not
and conditions of the lease. be considered as justification for the
(b) No lease or interest therein or the approval of abandonment of any oil and
use of such lease shall be assigned, sub- gas or geothermal well or mining oper-
let, or transferred, directly or indi- ation. Nothing in this paragraph re-
rectly, by working or drilling contract, vokes the requirement for approval of
or otherwise, without the consent of assignments and other instruments
the Secretary. which is required in this section, but
(c) Assignments of leases, and stipu- any overriding royalties or payments
lations modifying the provisions of ex- out of production created by the provi-
isting leases, which stipulations are sions of such assignments or instru-
also subject to the approval of the Sec- ments shall be subject to the condition
retary, shall be filed with the super- stated in this section. Agreements cre-
intendent within five (5) working days ating overriding royalties or payments
after the date of execution. Upon exe- out of production, or agreements desig-
cution of satisfactory bonds by the as- nating operators shall be filed with the
signee the Secretary may permit the superintendent unless incorporated in
release of any bonds executed by the assignments or instruments required to
assignor. Upon execution of satisfac- be filed pursuant to this section.
tory bonds the assignee accepts all the
assignor’s responsibilities and prior ob- § 211.54 Lease or permit cancellation;
ligations and liabilities of the assignor Bureau of Indian Affairs notice of
(including but not limited to any un- noncompliance.
derpaid royalties and rentals) under (a) If the Secretary determines that a
the lease. permittee or lessee has failed to com-
(d) Agreements creating overriding ply with the terms of the permit or
royalties or payments out of produc- lease; the regulations in this part; or
tion shall not be considered as inter- other applicable laws or regulations;
ests in the leases as such provision is the Secretary may:
used in this section. Agreements cre-
(1) Serve a notice of noncompliance
ating overriding royalties or payments
specifying in what respect the per-
out of production, or agreements desig-
mittee or lessee has failed to comply
nating operators are hereby authorized
with the requirements referenced in
and the approval of the Secretary shall
this paragraph, and specifying what ac-
not be required with respect thereto,
tions, if any, must be taken to correct
but such agreements shall be subject to
the noncompliance; or
the condition that nothing in such
agreements shall be construed as modi- (2) Serve a notice of proposed can-
fying any of the obligations of the les- cellation of the lease or permit. The
see, including, but not limited to, obli- notice of proposed cancellation shall
gations imposed by requirements of the set forth the reasons why lease or per-
MMS for reporting, accounting, and au- mit cancellation is proposed and shall
diting; obligations for diligent develop- specify what actions, if any, must be
ment and operation, protection against taken to avoid cancellation.
drainage and mining in trespass, com- (b) The notice of noncompliance or
pliance with oil and gas, geothermal, proposed cancellation shall specify in
and mining regulations (25 CFR part what respect the permittee or lessee
216; 43 CFR parts 3160, 3260, 3480, and has failed to comply with the require-
3590; and those applicable rules found ments referenced in paragraph (a), and
in 30 CFR chapter II, subchapters A and shall specify what actions, if any, must
C) and the requirements for Secretarial be taken to correct the noncompliance.
approval before abandonment of any oil (c) The notice shall be served upon
and gas or geothermal well or mining the permittee or lessee by delivery in
operation. All such obligations are to person or by certified mail to the per-
remain in full force and effect, the mittee or lessee at the permittee’s or
same as if free of any such overriding lessee’s last known address. When cer-
royalties or payments. The existence of tified mail is used, the date of service
agreements creating overriding royal- shall be deemed to be when the notice
ties or payments out of production, is received or five (5) working days


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§ 211.55 25 CFR Ch. I (4– 1– 01 Edition)

after the date it is mailed, whichever is the terms and conditions of any lease,
earlier. or the regulations in this part, or fail-
(d) The lessee or permittee shall have ure to comply with a notice of non-
thirty (30) days (or such longer time as compliance or a cessation order issued
specified in the notice) from the date by the Secretary, or, in the case of
that the notice is served to respond, in solid minerals the authorized officer,
writing, to the official or the Bureau of may subject a lessee or permittee to a
Indian Affairs office that issued the no- penalty of not more than $1,000 per day
tice. for each day that such a violation or
(e) If a permittee or lessee fails to noncompliance continues beyond the
take any action that is prescribed in time limits prescribed for corrective
the notice of proposed cancellation, action.
fails to file a timely written response (b) A notice of a proposed penalty
to the notice, or files a written re- shall be served on the lessee or per-
sponse that does not, in the discretion mittee either personally or by certified
of the Secretary, adequately justify the mail to the lessee or permittee at the
permittee’s or lessee’s actions, then lessee’s or permittee’s last known ad-
the Secretary may cancel the lease or dress. The date of service by certified
permit, specifying the basis for the mail shall be deemed to be the date
cancellation. when received or five (5) working days
(f) If a permittee or lessee fails to after the date mailed, whichever is ear-
take corrective action or to file a time- lier.
ly written response adequately justi- (c) The notice shall specify the na-
fying the permittee’s or lessee’s ac- ture of the violation and the proposed
tions pursuant to a notice of non- penalty, and shall specifically advise
compliance, the Secretary may issue the lessee or permittee of the lessee’s
an order of cessation of operations. If or permittee’s right to either request a
the permittee or lessee fails to comply hearing within thirty (30) days from re-
with the order of cessation, or fails to ceipt of the notice or pay the proposed
timely file an appeal of the order of penalty. Hearings shall be held before
cessation pursuant to paragraph (h), the superintendent and/or area director
the Secretary may issue an order of whose findings shall be conclusive, un-
lease or permit cancellation. less an appeal is taken pursuant to 25
(g) Cancellation of a lease or permit CFR part 2.
shall not relieve the lessee or per- (d) If the lessee or permittee served
mittee of any continuing obligations with a notice of proposed penalty re-
under the lease or permit. quests a hearing, penalties shall accrue
(h) Orders of cessation or of lease or each day the violations or noncompli-
permit cancellation issued pursuant to ance set forth in the notice continue
this section may be appealed under 25 beyond the time limits prescribed for
CFR part 2. corrective action. The Secretary may
(i) This section does not limit any issue a written suspension of the re-
other remedies of the Indian mineral quirement to correct the violations
owner as set forth in the lease or per- pending completion of the hearings
mit. provided by this section only upon a
(j) Nothing in this section is intended determination, at the discretion of the
to limit the authority of the author- Secretary, that such a suspension will
ized officer or the MMS official to take not be detrimental to the lessor and
any enforcement action authorized upon submission and acceptance of a
pursuant to statute or regulation. bond deemed adequate to indemnify
(k) The authorized officer, MMS offi- the lessor from loss or damage. The
cial, and the superintendent and/or amount of the bond must be sufficient
area director should consult with one to cover the cost of correcting the vio-
another before taking any enforcement lations set forth in the notice or any
actions. disputed amounts plus accrued pen-
alties and interest.
§ 211.55 Penalties. (e) Payment in full of penalties more
(a) In addition to or in lieu of can- than ten (10) days after a final decision
cellation under § 211.54, violations of imposing a penalty shall subject the


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§ 211.55 25 CFR Ch. I (4– 1– 01 Edition)

after the date it is mailed, whichever is the terms and conditions of any lease,
earlier. or the regulations in this part, or fail-
(d) The lessee or permittee shall have ure to comply with a notice of non-
thirty (30) days (or such longer time as compliance or a cessation order issued
specified in the notice) from the date by the Secretary, or, in the case of
that the notice is served to respond, in solid minerals the authorized officer,
writing, to the official or the Bureau of may subject a lessee or permittee to a
Indian Affairs office that issued the no- penalty of not more than $1,000 per day
tice. for each day that such a violation or
(e) If a permittee or lessee fails to noncompliance continues beyond the
take any action that is prescribed in time limits prescribed for corrective
the notice of proposed cancellation, action.
fails to file a timely written response (b) A notice of a proposed penalty
to the notice, or files a written re- shall be served on the lessee or per-
sponse that does not, in the discretion mittee either personally or by certified
of the Secretary, adequately justify the mail to the lessee or permittee at the
permittee’s or lessee’s actions, then lessee’s or permittee’s last known ad-
the Secretary may cancel the lease or dress. The date of service by certified
permit, specifying the basis for the mail shall be deemed to be the date
cancellation. when received or five (5) working days
(f) If a permittee or lessee fails to after the date mailed, whichever is ear-
take corrective action or to file a time- lier.
ly written response adequately justi- (c) The notice shall specify the na-
fying the permittee’s or lessee’s ac- ture of the violation and the proposed
tions pursuant to a notice of non- penalty, and shall specifically advise
compliance, the Secretary may issue the lessee or permittee of the lessee’s
an order of cessation of operations. If or permittee’s right to either request a
the permittee or lessee fails to comply hearing within thirty (30) days from re-
with the order of cessation, or fails to ceipt of the notice or pay the proposed
timely file an appeal of the order of penalty. Hearings shall be held before
cessation pursuant to paragraph (h), the superintendent and/or area director
the Secretary may issue an order of whose findings shall be conclusive, un-
lease or permit cancellation. less an appeal is taken pursuant to 25
(g) Cancellation of a lease or permit CFR part 2.
shall not relieve the lessee or per- (d) If the lessee or permittee served
mittee of any continuing obligations with a notice of proposed penalty re-
under the lease or permit. quests a hearing, penalties shall accrue
(h) Orders of cessation or of lease or each day the violations or noncompli-
permit cancellation issued pursuant to ance set forth in the notice continue
this section may be appealed under 25 beyond the time limits prescribed for
CFR part 2. corrective action. The Secretary may
(i) This section does not limit any issue a written suspension of the re-
other remedies of the Indian mineral quirement to correct the violations
owner as set forth in the lease or per- pending completion of the hearings
mit. provided by this section only upon a
(j) Nothing in this section is intended determination, at the discretion of the
to limit the authority of the author- Secretary, that such a suspension will
ized officer or the MMS official to take not be detrimental to the lessor and
any enforcement action authorized upon submission and acceptance of a
pursuant to statute or regulation. bond deemed adequate to indemnify
(k) The authorized officer, MMS offi- the lessor from loss or damage. The
cial, and the superintendent and/or amount of the bond must be sufficient
area director should consult with one to cover the cost of correcting the vio-
another before taking any enforcement lations set forth in the notice or any
actions. disputed amounts plus accrued pen-
alties and interest.
§ 211.55 Penalties. (e) Payment in full of penalties more
(a) In addition to or in lieu of can- than ten (10) days after a final decision
cellation under § 211.54, violations of imposing a penalty shall subject the


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Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior Pt. 212

lessee or permittee to late payment purposes, unless specifically so stated

charges. Late payment charges shall be in the permit; and
calculated on the basis of a percentage (c) Copies of all data collected pursu-
assessment rate of the amount unpaid ant to operations conducted under the
per month for each month or fraction permit shall be forwarded to the Sec-
thereof until payment is received by retary and the Indian mineral owner,
the Secretary. In the absence of a spe- unless otherwise provided in the per-
cific lease provision prescribing a dif- mit. Data collected under a permit
ferent rate, the interest rate on late may be held by the Secretary as privi-
payments and underpayments shall be leged and proprietary information for
a rate applicable under § 6621(a)(2) of the time prescribed in the permit.
the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. In- Where no time period is prescribed in
terest shall be charged only on the the permit, the Secretary may release
amount of payment not received and such information after six (6) years,
only for the number of days the pay- with the consent of the Indian mineral
ment is late. owner.
(f) None of the provisions of this sec- § 211.57 Forms.
tion shall be interpreted as:
Leases, bonds, permits, assignments,
(1) Replacing or superseding the inde-
and other instruments relating to min-
pendent authority of the authorized of-
eral leasing shall be on forms, pre-
ficer, the director’s representative or
scribed by the Secretary, that may be
the MMS official to impose penalties
obtained from the superintendent or
for violations of applicable regulations area director. The provisions of a
pursuant to 43 CFR part 3160, and 43 standard lease or permit may be
CFR Groups 3400 and 3500, 30 CFR part changed, deleted, or added to by writ-
750, or 30 CFR chapter II, subchapters A ten agreement of all parties with the
and C; approval of the Secretary.
(2) Replacing or superseding any pen-
alty provision in the terms and condi- § 211.58 Appeals.
tions of a lease or permit approved by Appeals from decisions of Bureau of
the Secretary pursuant to this part; or Indian Affairs officers under this part
(3) Authorizing the imposition of a may be taken pursuant to 25 CFR part
penalty for violations of lease or per- 2.
mit terms for which the authorized of-
ficer, director’s representative or MMS PART 212— LEASING OF ALLOTTED
official, have either statutory or regu-
latory authority to assess a penalty.
§ 211.56 Geological and geophysical
permits. Subpart A— General
Permits to conduct geological and Sec.
geophysical operations on Indian lands 212.1 Purpose and scope.
which do not conflict with any mineral 212.2 Information collection.
212.3 Definitions.
leases entered into pursuant to this 212.4 Authority and responsibility of the
part, may be approved by the Secretary Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
with the consent of the Indian mineral 212.5 Authority and responsibility of the Of-
owner under the following conditions: fice of Surface Mining Reclamation and
(a) The permit must describe the area Enforcement (OSM).
to be explored, the duration, and the 212.6 Authority and responsibility of the
Minerals Management Service (MMS).
consideration to be paid the Indian 212.7 Environmental studies.
owner; 212.8 Government employees cannot acquire
(b) The permit will not grant the per- leases.
mittee any option or preference rights
to a lease or other development con- Subpart B— How to Acquire Leases
tract, or authorize the production of, 212.20 Leasing procedures.
or removal of oil and gas, geothermal 212.21 Execution of leases.
resources, or other minerals, except 212.22 Leases for subsurface storage of oil or
samples for assay and experimental gas.


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§ 212.1 25 CFR Ch. I (4– 1– 01 Edition)
212.23 Corporate qualifications and requests by the United States or is subject to
for information. restriction against alienation imposed
212.24 Bonds. by the United States. These regula-
212.25 Acreage limitation.
tions are intended to ensure that In-
212.26 [Reserved]
212.27 Duration of leases. dian mineral owners desiring to have
212.28 Unitization and communitization their resources developed are assured
agreements, and well spacing. that they will be developed in a man-
212.29 [Reserved] ner that maximizes their best eco-
212.30 Removal of restrictions. nomic interests and minimizes any ad-
212.31–212.32 [Reserved] verse environmental impacts or cul-
212.33 Terms applying after relinquishment. tural impacts resulting from such de-
212.34 Individual tribal assignments ex-
cluded. velopment.
(b) The regulations in this part shall
Subpart C— Rents, Royalties, Cancellations, be subject to amendment at any time
and Appeals by the Secretary of the Interior. No
regulation that becomes effective after
212.40 Manner of payments. the date of approval of any lease or
212.41 Rentals and production royalty on oil
permit shall operate to affect the dura-
and gas leases.
212.42 Annual rentals and expenditures for tion of the lease or permit, rate of roy-
development on leases other than oil and alty, rental, or acreage unless agreed
gas, and geothermal resources. to by all parties to the lease or permit.
212.43 Royalty rates for minerals other than (c) Nothing in the regulations in this
oil and gas. part is intended to prevent Indian
212.44 Suspension of operations. tribes from exercising their lawful gov-
212.45 [Reserved] ernmental authority to regulate the
212.46 Inspection of premises, books and ac-
conduct of persons, businesses, oper-
212.47 Diligence, drainage and prevention of ations or mining within their terri-
waste. torial jurisdiction.
212.48 Permission to start operations. (d) The regulations of the Bureau of
212.49 Restrictions on operations. Land Management, the Office of Sur-
212.50 [Reserved] face Mining Reclamation and Enforce-
212.51 Surrender of leases. ment, and the Minerals Management
212.52 Fees. Service that are referenced in §§ 212.4,
212.53 Assignments, overriding royalties,
212.5, and 212.6 of this part are supple-
and operating agreements.
212.54 Lease or permit cancellation; Bureau mental to these regulations, and apply
of Indian Affairs notice of noncompli- to parties holding leases or permits for
ance. development of Indian mineral re-
212.55 Penalties. sources unless specifically stated oth-
212.56 Geological and geophysical permits. erwise in this part or in such other
212.57 Forms. Federal regulations.
212.58 Appeals. (e) The regulations in this part do
AUTHORITY: Act of March 3, 1909, (35 Stat. not apply to leasing and development
783; 25 U.S.C. 396 (as amended)): Act of May governed by regulations in 25 CFR part
11, 1938, (Sec. 2, 52 Stat. 347; 25 U.S.C. 396 b- 213 (Members of the Five Civilized
g: Act of August 1, 1956, (70 Stat. 774)); and 25 Tribes of Oklahoma), 226 (Osage), or 227
U.S.C. 2 and 9.
(Wind River Reservation).
SOURCE: 61 FR 35661, July 8, 1996, unless
otherwise noted. § 212.2 Information collection.
The information collection require-
Subpart A— General ments contained in this part do not re-
quire a review by the Office of Manage-
§ 212.1 Purpose and scope. ment and Budget under the Paperwork
(a) The regulations in this part gov- Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501; et seq.).
ern leases for the development of indi-
vidual Indian oil and gas, geothermal § 212.3 Definitions.
and solid mineral resources. These reg- As used in this part, the following
ulations are applicable to lands or in- words and phrases have the specified
terests in lands the title to which is meaning except where otherwise indi-
held, for any individual Indian, in trust cated:


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§ 212.4 25 CFR Ch. I (4– 1– 01 Edition)

silt, or any other energy or non-energy § 212.4 Authority and responsibility of

mineral. the Bureau of Land Management
Minerals Management Service official (BLM).
means any employee of the Minerals The functions of the Bureau of Land
Management Service (MMS) authorized Management are found in 43 CFR part
by law or by lawful delegation of au- 3160—Onshore Oil and Gas Operations,
thority to perform the duties described 43 CFR part 3180—Onshore Oil and Gas
in 30 CFR chapter II, subchapters A and Unit Agreements: Unproven Area, 43
C. CFR part 3260—Geothermal Resources
Mining means the science, technique, Operations, 43 CFR part 3280—Geo-
and business of mineral development thermal Resources Unit Agreements:
including, but not limited to: opencast Unproven Areas, 43 CFR part 3480—Coal
work, underground work, and in-situ Exploration and Mining Operations,
leaching directed to severance and and 43 CFR part 3590—Solid Minerals
treatment of minerals; Provided, when (Other Than Coal) Exploration and
sand, gravel, pumice, cinders, granite, Mining Operations, and currently in-
building stone, limestone, clay or silt clude, but are not limited to, resource
is the subject mineral, an enterprise is evaluation, approval of drilling per-
considered ‘‘mining’’ only if the extrac- mits, mining and reclamation, produc-
tion of such a mineral exceeds 5,000 tion plans, mineral appraisals, inspec-
cubic yards in any given year. tion and enforcement, and production
Oil means all nongaseous hydro- verification. Those regulations, apply
carbon substances other than those to leases or permits issued under this
substances leasable as coal, oil shale, part.
or gilsonite (including all vein-type
solid hydrocarbons). Oil includes lique- § 212.5 Authority and responsibility of
fiable hydrocarbon substances such as the Office of Surface Mining Rec-
drip gasoline and other natural conden- lamation and Enforcement (OSM).
sates recovered or recoverable in a liq- The OSM is the regulatory authority
uid state from produced gas without re- for surface coal mining and reclama-
sorting to a manufacturing process. tion operations on Indian lands pursu-
Permit means any contract issued by ant to the Surface Mining Control and
the superintendent and/or area director Reclamation Act of 1977 (30 U.S.C. 1201
to conduct exploration on; or removal et seq.). The relevant regulations for
of less than 5,000 cubic yards per year surface coal mining and reclamation
of common varieties of minerals from operations are found in 30 CFR part 750.
Indian lands. Those regulations apply to mining and
Permittee means a person holding or reclamation on leases issued under this
required by this part to hold a permit part.
to conduct exploration operations on;
or remove less than 5,000 cubic yards § 212.6 Authority and responsibility of
per year of common varieties of min- the Minerals Management Service
erals from Indian lands.
Secretary means the Secretary of the The functions of the MMS for report-
Interior or an authorized representa- ing, accounting, and auditing are found
tive. in 30 CFR chapter II, subchapters A and
Solid minerals means all minerals ex- C, which apply to leases approved
cluding oil and gas and geothermal re- under this part. To the extent the par-
sources. ties to a lease or permit are able to
Superintendent means the Bureau of provide reasonable provisions satisfac-
Indian Affairs official in charge of the torily addressing the functions gov-
agency office having jurisdiction over erned by MMS regulations, the Sec-
the minerals subject to leasing under retary may approve alternate provi-
this part. sions in a lease or permit.


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Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior § 212.20

§ 212.7 Environmental studies. mation to the appropriate agency or

area office for future reference.
The provisions of § 211.7 of this sub-
(2) The advertisement shall offer the
chapter, as amended, are applicable to
tracts to a responsible bidder offering
leases under this part.
the highest bonus. The Secretary shall
§ 212.8 Government employees cannot establish the rental and royalty rates
acquire leases. which shall be stated in the advertise-
ment and will not be subject to nego-
U.S. Government employees are pre- tiation. The advertisement shall pro-
vented from acquiring leases or inter- vide that the Secretary reserves the
ests in leases by the provisions of 25 right to reject any or all bids, and that
CFR part 140 and 43 CFR part 20 per- acceptance of the lease bid by or on be-
taining to conflicts of interest and half of the Indian mineral owner is re-
ownership of an interest in trust land. quired. The requirements under § 212.21
are applicable to the acceptance of a
Subpart B— How to Acquire Leases lease bid.
(3) Each sealed bid must be accom-
§ 212.20 Leasing procedures. panied by a cashier’s check, certified
(a) Application for leases shall be check or postal money order, or any
made to the superintendent having ju- combination thereof, payable to the
risdiction over the lands. payee designated in the advertisement,
(b) Indian mineral owners may re- in an amount not less than 25 percent
quest the Secretary to prepare, adver- of the bonus bid, which shall be re-
tise and negotiate mineral leases on turned if that bid is not accepted.
their behalf. Leases for minerals shall (4) A successful oral auction bidder
be advertised for bids as prescribed in will be allowed five (5) working days to
this section unless one or more of the remit the required 25 percent deposit of
Indian mineral owners of a tract the bonus bid.
sought for lease request the Secretary (5) A successful bidder shall, within
to negotiate for a lease on their behalf thirty (30) days after notification of
without advertising. Unless the Sec- the bid award, remit to the Secretary
retary decides that negotiation of a the balance of the bonus, the first
mineral lease is in the best interests of year’s rental, a $75 filing fee, its pro-
the Indian mineral owners, he shall use rated share of the advertising costs as
the following procedure for leasing: determined by the Bureau of Indian Af-
(1) Leases shall be advertised to re- fairs, and file with the Secretary all re-
ceive optimum competition for bonus quired bonds. The successful bidder
consideration, under sealed bid, oral shall also file the lease in completed
auction, or a combination of both. No- form, signed by the Indian mineral
tice of such advertisement shall be owner(s), at that time. However, for
published in at least one local news- good reasons, the Secretary may grant
paper and in one trade publication at extensions of time in thirty (30) day in-
least thirty (30) days in advance of crements for filing of the lease and all
sale. If applicable, such notice must required bonds, provided that addi-
identify the reservation within which tional extension requests are sub-
the tracts to be leased are found. No mitted and approved prior to the expi-
specific description of the tracts to be ration of the original thirty (30) days
leased need be published. Specific de- or the previously granted extension.
scription of such tracts shall be avail- Failure on the part of the bidder to
able at the office of the superintendent take all reasonable actions necessary
and/or area director upon request. The to comply with the foregoing shall re-
complete text of the advertisement, in- sult in forfeiture of the required pay-
cluding a specific description, shall be ment of 25 percent of any bonus bid for
mailed to each person listed on the ap- the use and benefit of the Indian min-
propriate agency or area mailing list. eral owner.
Individuals and companies interested (6) If no satisfactory bid is received,
in receiving advertisements on lease or if the accepted bidder fails to com-
sales should send their mailing infor- plete all requirements necessary for


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§ 212.21 25 CFR Ch. I (4– 1– 01 Edition)

approval of the lease, or if the Sec- § 212.25 Acreage limitation.

retary determines that it is not in the The provisions of § 211.25 of this sub-
best interest of the Indian mineral chapter are applicable to leases under
owner to accept any of the bids the this part.
Secretary may re-advertise the tract
for sale, or subject to the consent of § 212.26 [Reserved]
the Indian mineral owner, a lease may
be let through private negotiations. § 212.27 Duration of leases.
(c) The Secretary shall advise the In- The provisions of § 211.27 of this sub-
dian mineral owner of the results of chapter are applicable to leases under
the bidding, and shall not approve the this part.
lease until the consent of the Indian
mineral owner has been obtained. The § 212.28 Unitization and
requirements under § 212.21 are applica- communitization agreements, and
ble to the approval of a mineral lease. well spacing.
(a) For the purpose of promoting con-
§ 212.21 Execution of leases. servation and efficient utilization of
(a) The Secretary shall not execute a minerals, the Secretary may approve a
mineral lease on behalf of an Indian cooperative unit, drilling or other de-
mineral owner, except when such velopment plan on any leased area
owner is deceased and the heirs to or upon a determination that approval is
devisee of the estate have not been de- advisable and in the best interest of
termined, or if determined, some or all the Indian mineral owner. For the pur-
of them cannot be located. Leases in- poses of this section, a cooperative
volving such interests may be executed unit, drilling or other development
by the Secretary, provided that the plan means an agreement for the devel-
mineral interest shall have been of- opment or operation of a specifically
fered for sale under the provisions of designated area as a single unit with-
section 212.20(b) (1) through (6). out regard to separate ownership of the
(b) The Secretary may execute leases land included in the agreement. Such
on behalf of minors and persons who cooperative agreements include, but
are incompetent by reason of mental are not limited to, unit agreements,
incapacity; Provided, that there is no communitization agreements and other
parent, guardian, conservator, or other types of agreements that allocate costs
person who has lawful authority to and benefits.
execute a lease on behalf of the minor (b) The consent of the Indian mineral
or person with mental incapacity. owner to such unit or cooperative
(c) If an owner is a life tenant, the agreement shall not be required unless
procedures set forth in 25 CFR part 179 such consent is specifically required in
(Life Estates and Future Interests), the lease.
shall apply. (c) Requests for approval of coopera-
tive agreements which comply with the
§ 212.22 Leases for subsurface storage requirements of all applicable rules
of oil or gas. and regulations shall be filed with the
superintendent or area director.
The provisions of § 211.22 of this sub- (d) All Indian mineral owners of any
chapter are applicable to leases under right, title or interest in the mineral
this part. resources to be included in a coopera-
§ 212.23 Corporate qualifications and tive agreement must be notified by the
requests for information. lessee at the time the agreement is
submitted to the superintendent or
The provisions of § 211.23 of this sub- area director. An affidavit from the
chapter are applicable to leases under lessee stating that a notice was mailed
this part. to each mineral owner of record for
whom the superintendent or area direc-
§ 212.24 Bonds. tor has an address will satisfy this no-
The provisions of § 211.24 of this sub- tice requirement.
chapter are applicable to leases under (e) A request for approval of a pro-
this part. posed cooperative agreement, and all


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Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior § 212.33

documents incident to such agreement, §§ 212.31–212.32 [Reserved]

must be filed with the superintendent
or area director at least ninety (90) § 212.33 Terms applying after relin-
days prior to the first expiration date quishment.
of any of the Indian leases in the area All leases for individual Indian lands
proposed to be covered by the coopera- approved by the Secretary under this
tive agreement. part shall contain provisions for the re-
(f) Unless otherwise provided in the linquishment of supervision and pro-
cooperative agreement, approval of the vide for operations of the lease after
agreement commits each lease to the such relinquishment. These leases shall
unit in the area covered by the agree- contain provisions that address the fol-
ment on the date approved by the Sec- lowing issues:
retary or the date of first production, (a) Provisions of relinquishment. If the
whichever is earlier, as long as the Secretary relinquishes supervision at
agreement is approved before the lease any time during the life of the lease in-
expiration date. strument as to all or part of the acre-
(g) Any lease committed in part to age subject to the lease, the Secretary
any such cooperative agreement shall shall give the Indian mineral owner
be segregated into a separate lease or and the lessee thirty (30) days written
leases as to the lands committed and notice prior to the termination of su-
lands not committed to the agreement. pervision. After notice of relinquish-
Segregation shall be effective on the ment has been given to the lessee, the
date the agreement is effective. lease shall be subject to the following
(h) Wells shall be drilled in con- conditions:
formity with a well spacing program (1) All rentals and royalties there-
approved by the authorized officer. after accruing shall be paid directly to
the lessor or the lessor’s successors in
§ 212.29 [Reserved] title, or to a trustee appointed under
the provisions of paragraph (b) of this
§ 212.30 Removal of restrictions. section.
(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of (2) If, at the time supervision is relin-
any mineral lease to the contrary, the quished by the Secretary, the lessee
removal of all restrictions against has made all payments then due and
alienation shall operate to divest the has fully performed all obligations on
Secretary of all supervisory authority the lessee’s part to be performed up to
and responsibility with respect to the the time of such relinquishment, the
bond given to secure the performance
lease. Thereafter, all payments re-
of the lease, on file in the appropriate
quired to be made under the lease shall
agency or area office, shall be of no fur-
be made directly to the owner(s).
ther force or effect.
(b) In the event restrictions are re-
(3) Should relinquishment affect only
moved from a part of the land included
part of the lease, then the lessee may
in any lease approved by the Secretary, continue to conduct operations on the
the entire lease shall continue to be land covered by the lease as an en-
subject to the supervision of the Sec- tirety; Provided, that the lessee shall
retary until such times as the holder of pay, in the manner prescribed by the
the lease and the unrestricted Indian lease and regulations for the benefit of
owner submits to the Secretary satis- lessor, the same proportion of all rent-
factory evidence that adequate ar- als and royalties due under the provi-
rangements have been made to account sions of this part as the acreage re-
for the mineral resources of the re- tained under the supervision of the
stricted land separately from those of Secretary bears to the entire acreage
the unrestricted. Thereafter, the unre- of the lessee, and shall pay the remain-
stricted portion shall be relieved from der of the rentals and royalties directly
the supervision of the Secretary, the to the remaining lessors or successors
lease, the regulations of this part, and in title or said trustee as the case may
all other applicable laws and regula- be, as provided in paragraph (a) (1) of
tions. this section.


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§ 212.34 25 CFR Ch. I (4– 1– 01 Edition)

(b) Division of fee. If, after the execu- Subpart C— Rents, Royalties,
tion of the lease and after the Sec- Cancellations, and Appeals
retary relinquishes supervision thereof,
the fee of the leased land is divided § 212.40 Manner of payments.
into separate parcels held by different The provisions of § 211.40 of this sub-
owners, or if the rental or royalty in- chapter are applicable to leases under
terest is divided in ownership, the obli- this part.
gations of the lessee shall not be modi-
fied in any manner except as specifi- § 212.41 Rentals and production roy-
cally provided by the provisions of the alty on oil and gas leases.
lease. Notwithstanding such separate (a) A lessee shall pay, in advance, be-
ownership, the lessee may continue to ginning with the effective date of the
conduct operations on said premises as lease, an annual rental of $2.00 per acre
an entirety. Each separate owner shall or fraction of an acre or such other
receive such proportion of all rental greater amount as prescribed in the
and royalties accruing after the vest- lease. This rental shall not be credited
against production royalty nor shall
ing of its title as the acreage of the fee,
the rental be prorated or refunded be-
or rental or royalty interest, bears to
cause of surrender or cancellation.
the entire acreage covered by the lease; (b) The Secretary shall not approve
or to the entire rental or royalty inter- leases with a royalty rate less than 16–
est as the case may be. If at any time 2⁄3 percent of the amount or value of
after departmental supervision of the production produced and sold from the
lease is relinquished, in whole or in lease unless a lower royalty rate is
part, to rentals and royalties, whether agreed to by the Indian mineral owner
said parties are so entitled by virtue of and is found to be in the best interest
undivided interest or by virtue of own- of the Indian mineral owner. Such ap-
ership of separate parcels of the land proval may only be granted by the area
covered, the lessee may elect to with- director if the approving official is the
hold the payment of further rentals or superintendent and the Assistant Sec-
royalties (except as the portion due the retary for Indian Affairs if the approv-
Indian lessor while under restriction), ing official is the area director.
until all of said parties shall agree (c) Value of lease production for roy-
upon and designate a trustee in writing alty purposes shall be determined in
and in a recordable instrument to re- accordance with applicable lease provi-
ceive all payments due thereunder on sions and regulations in 30 CFR chap-
behalf of said parties and their respec- ter II, subchapters A and C. If the valu-
tive successors in title. Payments to ation provisions in the lease are incon-
sistent with the regulations in 30 CFR
said trustee shall constitute lawful
chapter II, subchapters A and C, the
payments, and the sole risk of an im-
lease provisions shall govern.
proper or unlawful distribution of said
funds by said trustee shall rest upon § 212.42 Annual rentals and expendi-
the parties naming said trustee and tures for development on leases
their said respective successors in title. other than oil and gas, and geo-
thermal resources.
§ 212.34 Individual tribal assignments The provisions of § 211.42 of this sub-
excluded. chapter are applicable to leases under
The reference in this part to Indian this part.
mineral owners does not include as-
§ 212.43 Royalty rates for minerals
signments of tribal lands made pursu- other than oil and gas.
ant to tribal constitutions or ordi-
nances for the use of individual Indians The provisions of § 211.43 of this sub-
chapter are applicable to leases under
and assignees of such lands.
this part.


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Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior § 212.56

§ 212.44 Suspension of operations. § 212.56 Geological and geophysical

The provisions of § 211.44 of this sub-
chapter are applicable to leases under (a) Permits to conduct geological and
this part. geophysical operations on Indian lands
which do not conflict with any mineral
§ 212.45 [Reserved] lease entered into pursuant to this part
may be approved by the Secretary with
§ 212.46 Inspection of premises, books, the consent of the Indian owner under
and accounts. the following conditions:
The provisions of § 211.46 of this sub- (1) The permit must describe the area
chapter are applicable to leases under to be explored, the duration and the
this part. consideration to be paid the Indian
§ 212.47 Diligence, drainage and pre- (2) The permit may not grant the per-
vention of waste. mittee any option or preference rights
The provisions of § 211.47 of this sub- to a lease or other development con-
chapter are applicable to leases under tract, authorize the production of, or
this part. removal of oil and gas, or geothermal
resources, or other minerals except
§ 212.48 Permission to start oper- samples for assay and experimental
ations. purposes, unless specifically so stated
The provisions of § 211.48 of this sub- in the permit; and
chapter are applicable to leases under (3) Copies of all data collected pursu-
this part. ant to operations conducted under the
permit shall be forwarded to the Sec-
§ 212.49 Restrictions on operations. retary and made available to the In-
dian mineral owner, unless otherwise
The provisions of § 211.49 of this sub-
provided in the permit. Data collected
chapter are applicable to leases under
under a permit shall be held by the
this part.
Secretary as privileged and proprietary
§ 212.50 [Reserved] information for the time prescribed in
the permit. Where no time period is
§ 212.51 Surrender of leases. prescribed in the permit, the Secretary
may, in the discretion of the Secretary,
The provisions of § 211.51 of this sub-
release such information after six (6)
chapter are applicable to leases under
this part. (b) A permit may be granted by the
§ 212.52 Fees. Secretary without 100 percent consent
of the individual mineral owners if:
The provisions of § 211.52 of this sub- (1) The minerals are owned by more
chapter are applicable to leases under than one person, and the owners of a
this part. majority of the interest therein con-
sent to the permit;
§ 212.53 Assignments, overriding royal- (2) The whereabouts of one or more
ties, and operating agreements.
owners of the minerals or an interest
The provisions of § 211.53 of this sub- therein is unknown, and all the re-
chapter are applicable to leases under maining owners of the interests con-
this part. sent to the permit;
(3) The heirs or devisee of a deceased
§ 212.54 Lease or permit cancellation; owner of the land or an interest therein
Bureau of Indian Affairs notice of have not been determined, and the Sec-
retary finds that the permit activity
The provisions of § 211.54 of this sub- will cause no substantial injury to the
chapter are applicable to leases under land or any owner thereof; or
this part. (4) The owners of interests in the
land are so numerous that the Sec-
§ 212.55 Penalties. retary finds it would be impractical to
The provisions of § 211.55 of this sub- obtain their consent, and also finds
chapter are applicable to this part. that the permit activity will cause no


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§ 212.57 25 CFR Ch. I (4– 1– 01 Edition)

substantial injury to the land or any 213.21 Rate of rents on leases other than oil
owner thereof. and gas.
(c) A lessee does not need a permit to 213.22 Expenditures under lease other than
oil and gas.
conduct geological and geophysical op-
213.23 Royalty rates for minerals other than
erations on Indian lands, if provided for oil and gas.
in the lessee’s mineral lease, where the 213.24 Rate of rents and royalties on oil and
Indian mineral owner is also the sur- gas leases.
face land owner. In instances where the 213.25 Free use of gas by lessor.
Indian mineral owner is not the surface 213.26 Rate of royalty on casing-head gas.
owner, the lessee must obtain any addi- 213.27 Rate of rental for nonutilized gas
tional necessary permits or rights of
213.28 Royalty payments and production re-
ingress or egress from the surface occu- ports.
pant. 213.29 Division orders.
§ 212.57 Forms. OPERATIONS
The provisions of § 211.57 of this sub- 213.30 Permission to start operations.
chapter are applicable to leases under 213.31 Restrictions on operations.
this part. 213.32 Wells.
213.33 Diligence and prevention of waste.
§ 212.58 Appeals. 213.34 Inspection of premises; books and ac-
The provisions of § 211.58 of this sub- 213.35 Mines to be timbered properly.
chapter are applicable to leases under 213.36 Surrender of leased premises in good
this part. condition.
213.37 Penalties.
213.38 Assignments and overriding royal-
LANDS OF MEMBERS OF FIVE 213.39 Stipulations.
CIVILIZED TRIBES, OKLAHOMA, 213.40 Cancellations.
Sec. 213.41 Leases executed but not approved be-
213.1 Definitions. fore restrictions removed from land.
213.42 Operations after removal of restric-
HOW TO ACQUIRE LEASES tions from leased lands.
213.43 Relinquishment of Government su-
213.2 Applications for leases.
213.3 No Government employee shall ac- pervision.
213.44 Division of royalty to separate fee
quire leases.
213.4 Sale of oil and gas leases. owners.
213.5 Term of oil and gas leases. 213.45 Restrictions especially continued as
213.6 Leases for minerals other than oil and to certain lands.
gas. 213.46 Field clerks.
213.7 Fees. 213.47 Forms.
213.8 Filing of lease deemed constructive 213.48 Effective date.
notice. 213.49 Scope of regulations.
213.9 Noncontiguous tracts. AUTHORITY: Sec. 2, 35 Stat. 312, sec. 18, 41
213.10 Lessor’s signature. Stat. 426, sec. 1, 45 Stat. 495, sec. 1, 47 Stat.
213.11 Minor lessors. 777; 25 U.S.C. 356. Interpret or apply secs. 3,
213.12 Leases executed by guardians of mi- 11, 35 Stat. 313, 316, sec. 8, 47 Stat. 779, unless
nors. otherwise noted.
213.13 Inherited lands.
213.14 Corporations and corporate informa- CROSS REFERENCE: For oil and gas oper-
tion. ating regulations of the Geological Survey,
213.15 Bonds. see 30 CFR part 221.
213.16 Additional information may be re- SOURCE: 22 FR 10599, Dec. 24, 1957, unless
quested by Area Director. otherwise noted. Redesignated at 47 FR 13327,
213.17 Government reserves right to pur- Mar. 30, 1982.
chase minerals produced.
§ 213.1 Definitions.
213.18 Manner of payment of rents and roy- Area Director. The term ‘‘Area Direc-
alties. tor’’ in this part refers to the officer in
213.19 Crediting advance annual payments. charge of the Five Civilized Tribes In-
213.20 [Reserved] dian Agency.


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§ 217.5 25 CFR Ch. I (4– 1– 01 Edition)

§ 217.5 Management decisions. PART 225— OIL AND GAS, GEO-

In arriving at management decisions THERMAL, AND SOLID MINERALS
concerning the assets, the business AGREEMENTS
committee shall be entitled to cast
72.83814 votes and the board of directors Subpart A— General
shall be entitled to cast 27.16186 votes. Sec.
Any total number of votes cast exceed- 225.1 Purpose and scope.
ing 50 shall be sufficient to determine 225.2 Information collection.
an issue submitted to the joint man- 225.3 Definitions.
225.4 Authority and responsibility of the
agers for resolution. A majority of Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
votes cast will decide an issue. 225.5 Authority and responsibility of the Of-
fice of Surface Mining Reclamation and
§ 217.6 Method of casting votes. Enforcement (OSMRE).
225.6 Authority and responsibility of the
Within 30 days after an issue and any Minerals Management Service (MMS).
analysis provided for in §§ 217.4 and
217.5 have been submitted to the joint Subpart B— Minerals Agreements
managers for resolution, they shall
225.20 Authority to contract.
each notify the superintendent in writ- 225.21 Negotiation procedures.
ing of the number of votes cast for and 225.22 Approval of minerals agreements.
against the proposed or alternative so- 225.23 Economic assessments.
lutions. If either of the joint managers 225.24 Environmental studies.
fails or refuses to cast his votes and to 225.25 Resolution of disputes.
225.26 Auditing and accounting.
notify the superintendent thereof with- 225.27 Forms and reports.
in the time specified, the super- 225.28 Approval of amendments to minerals
intendent may conclude that such joint agreements.
managers’ votes have been cast against 225.29 Corporate qualifications and requests
the proposed solution or solutions; or, for information.
225.30 Bonds.
if no solutions have been proposed, for 225.31 Manner of payments.
the maintenance of the status quo. At 225.32 Permission to start operations.
the time they notify the super- 225.33 Assignment of minerals agreements.
intendent of the votes cast on an issue, 225.34 [Reserved]
each joint manager shall furnish to the 225.35 Inspection of premises; books and ac-
superintendent a certified copy of a 225.36 Minerals agreement cancellation; Bu-
resolution of the business committee reau of Indian Affairs notice of non-
or the board of directors, as the case compliance.
may be, authorizing such vote. 225.37 Penalties.
225.38 Appeals.
§ 217.7 Implementation of decision. 225.39 Fees.
225.40 Government employees cannot ac-
The Secretary shall issue such docu- quire minerals agreements.
ments as are necessary or expendient AUTHORITY: Indian Mineral Development
to implement the decisions of the joint Act of 1982, 25 U.S.C. 2101–2108; and 25 U.S.C.
managers, insofar as such issuance is 2 and 9.
authorized by law, and he shall execute SOURCE: 59 FR 14971, Mar. 30, 1994, unless
and/or approve such documents for and otherwise noted.
on behalf of the joint managers, or ei-
ther of them, and on behalf of the Subpart A— General
United States, as necessary. If it be-
comes necessary for the Secretary to § 225.1 Purpose and scope.
execute an instrument on behalf of one (a) The regulations in this part, ad-
or both of the joint managers and to ministered by the Bureau of Indian Af-
approve the same instrument as trust- fairs under the direction of the Sec-
ee, two different officials having dele- retary of the Interior, govern minerals
gated authority from the Secretary agreements for the development of In-
shall serve as executing and approving dian-owned minerals entered into pur-
officers, respectively. suant to the Indian Mineral Develop-
ment Act of 1982, 25 U.S.C. 2101–2108


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Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior § 225.3

(IMDA). These regulations are applica- 225.5, and 225.6 are supplemental to
ble to the lands or interests in lands of these regulations, and apply to min-
any Indian tribe, individual Indian or erals agreements for development of
Alaska native the title to which is held Indian mineral resources unless specifi-
in trust by the United States or is sub- cally stated otherwise in this part or in
ject to a restriction against alienation other Federal regulations. To the ex-
imposed by the United States. These tent the parties to a minerals agree-
regulations are intended to ensure that ment are able to provide reasonable
Indian mineral owners are permitted to provisions satisfactorily addressing the
enter into minerals agreements that issues of valuation, method of pay-
will allow the Indian mineral owners to ment, accounting, and auditing, gov-
have more responsibility in overseeing erned by the Minerals Management
and greater flexibility in disposing of Service regulations, the Secretary may
their mineral resources, and to allow approve alternate provisions in a min-
development in the manner which the erals agreement.
Indian mineral owners believe will (d) Nothing in these regulations is in-
maximize their best economic interest tended to prevent Indian tribes from
and minimize any adverse environ- exercising their lawful governmental
mental or cultural impact resulting authority to regulate the conduct of
from such development. Pursuant to persons, businesses, or minerals oper-
section 4 of the IMDA (25 U.S.C. ations within their territorial jurisdic-
2103(e)), as part of this greater flexi- tion.
bility, where the Secretary has ap-
proved a minerals agreement in com- § 225.2 Information collection.
pliance with the provisions of 25 U.S.C. It has been determined by the Office
chap. 23 and any other applicable provi- of Management and Budget that the In-
sion of law, the United States shall not formation Collection Requirements
be liable for losses sustained by a tribe contained in part 225 do not require re-
or individual Indian under such min- view under the Paperwork Reduction
erals agreement. However, as further Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
stated in the IMDA, the Secretary con-
tinues to have a trust obligation to en- § 225.3 Definitions.
sure that the rights of a tribe or indi- As used in this part, the following
vidual Indian are protected in the terms have the specified meaning ex-
event of a violation of the terms of any cept where otherwise indicated.
minerals agreement, and to uphold the Area Director means the Bureau of In-
duties of the United States as derived dian Affairs Official in charge of an
from the trust relationship and from Area Office.
any treaties, executive orders, or Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs
agreements between the United States means the Assistant Secretary—Indian
and any Indian tribe. Affairs of the Department of the Inte-
(b) The regulations in this part shall rior, a designee of the Secretary of the
become effective and in full force on Interior who may be specifically au-
April 29, 1994, and shall be subject to thorized by the Secretary to disapprove
amendment at any time by the Sec- minerals agreements (25 U.S.C. 2103(d))
retary; Provided, that no such regula- and to issue orders of cessation and/or
tion that becomes effective after the minerals agreement cancellations as
date of approval of any minerals agree- final orders of the Department.
ment shall operate to affect the dura- Authorized Officer means any em-
tion of the minerals agreement, the ployee of the Bureau of Land Manage-
rate of royalty or financial consider- ment authorized by law or by lawful
ation, rental, or acreage unless agreed delegation of authority to perform the
to by all parties to the minerals agree- duties described herein and in 43 CFR
ment. parts 3160, 3180, 3260, 3280, 3480 and 3590.
(c) The regulations of the Bureau of Director’s Representative means the
Land Management, the Office of Sur- Office of Surface Mining Reclamation
face Mining Reclamation and Enforce- and Enforcement Director’s Represent-
ment, and the Minerals Management ative authorized by law or by lawful
Service that are referenced in §§ 225.4, delegation of authority to perform the


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Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior § 225.20

including, but not limited to: opencast clude, but are not limited to, resource
work, underground work, in-situ leach- evaluation, approval of drilling per-
ing, or other methods directed to sever- mits, approval of mining, reclamation,
ance and treatment of minerals; how- and production plans, mineral apprais-
ever, when sand, gravel, pumice, cin- als, inspection and enforcement, and
ders, granite, building stone, lime- production verification. These regula-
stone, clay or silt is the subject min- tions, as amended, apply to minerals
eral, an enterprise is considered ‘‘min- agreements approved under this part.
ing’’ only if the extraction of such a
mineral exceeds 5,000 cubic yards in § 225.5 Authority and responsibility of
any given year. the Office of Surface Mining Rec-
Oil means all non-gaseous hydro- lamation and Enforcement
carbon substances other than coal, oil (OSMRE).
shale, or gilsonite (including all vein- The OSMRE is the regulatory au-
type solid hydrocarbons). Oil includes thority for surface coal mining and rec-
liquefiable hydrocarbon substances lamation operations on Indian lands
such as drip gasoline and other natural pursuant to the Surface Mining Con-
condensates recovered or recoverable trol and Reclamation Act of 1977 (30
in a liquid state from produced gas U.S.C. 1201 et seq.). The relevant regula-
without resorting to a manufacturing
tions for surface mining and reclama-
tion operations are found in 30 CFR
Operator means a person, proprietor-
part 750 and 25 CFR part 216. These reg-
ship, partnership, corporation, or other
ulations, as amended, apply to min-
business entity that has entered into
an approved minerals agreement under erals agreements approved under this
the authority of the Indian Mineral De- part.
velopment Act of 1982, or who has been
§ 225.6 Authority and responsibility of
assigned an obligation to make royalty the Minerals Management Service
or other payments required by the min- (MMS).
erals agreement.
Secretary means the Secretary of the The functions of the MMS for report-
Interior or an authorized representa- ing, accounting, and auditing are found
tive, except that as used in § 225.22 (e) in 30 CFR chapter II, subchapters A and
and (f) the authorized representative C. These regulations, unless specifi-
may only be the Assistant Secretary cally stated otherwise in this part or in
for Indian Affairs (25 U.S.C. 2103(d)). other regulations, apply to all minerals
Solid minerals means all minerals ex- agreements approved under this part.
cluding oil, gas, and geothermal re- To the extent the parties to a minerals
sources. agreement are able to provide reason-
Superintendent means the Bureau of able provisions satisfactorily address-
Indian Affairs official in charge of an ing the issues or functions governed by
agency office. the MMS regulations relating to valu-
ation of mineral product, method of
§ 225.4 Authority and responsibility of payment, accounting procedures, and
the Bureau of Land Management
(BLM). auditing procedures, the Secretary
may approve alternate provisions in a
The functions of the Bureau of Land minerals agreement.
Management are found in 43 CFR part
3160—Onshore Oil and Gas Operations,
43 CFR part 3180—Onshore Oil and Gas Subpart B— Minerals Agreements
Unit Agreements: Unproven Areas, 43 § 225.20 Authority to contract.
CFR part 3260—Geothermal Resources
Operations, 43 CFR part 3280—Geo- (a) Any Indian tribe, subject to the
thermal Resources Unit Agreements: approval of the Secretary and any limi-
Unproven Areas, 43 CFR part 3480—Coal tation or provision contained in its
Exploration and Mining Operations, constitution or charter, may enter into
and 43 CFR part 3590—Solid Minerals a minerals agreement with respect to
(Other Than Coal) Exploration and mineral resources in which the tribe
Mining Operations. These functions in- owns a beneficial or restricted interest.


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§ 225.21 25 CFR Ch. I (4– 1– 01 Edition)

(b) Any individual Indian owning a (12) Provisions establishing audit

beneficial or restricted interest in min- procedures;
eral resources may include those re- (13) Provisions for resolving disputes;
sources in a tribal minerals agreement (14) A force majeure provision;
subject to the concurrence of the par- (15) Provisions describing the rights
ties and a finding by the Secretary of the parties to terminate or suspend
that inclusion of the resources is in the the minerals agreement, and the proce-
best interest of the individual Indian dures to be followed in the event of ter-
mineral owner. mination or suspension;
(16) Provisions describing the nature
§ 225.21 Negotiation procedures. and schedule of the activities to be
(a) An Indian mineral owner that conducted by the parties;
wishes to enter into a minerals agree- (17) Provisions describing the pro-
ment may ask the Secretary for advice, posed manner and time of performance
assistance, and information during the of future abandonment, reclamation
negotiation process. The Secretary and restoration activities;
shall provide advice, assistance, and in- (18) Provisions for reporting produc-
formation to the extent allowed by tion and sales;
available resources. (19) Provisions for unitizing or
(b) No particular form of minerals communitizing of lands included in a
agreement is prescribed. In preparing minerals agreement for the purpose of
the minerals agreement the Indian promoting conservation and efficient
mineral owner shall, if applicable, ad- utilization of natural resources;
dress provisions including, but not lim- (20) Provisions for protection of the
ited to, the following: minerals agreement lands from drain-
(1) A general statement identifying age and/or unauthorized taking of min-
the parties to the minerals agreement, eral resources; and
the legal description of the lands, in- (21) Provisions for record keeping.
cluding, if applicable, rock intervals or (c) In order to avoid delays in obtain-
thicknesses subject to the minerals ing approval, the Indian mineral owner
agreement, and the purposes of the is encouraged to confer with the Sec-
minerals agreement; retary prior to formally executing the
(2) A statement setting forth the du- minerals agreement, and seek advice as
ration of the minerals agreement; to whether the minerals agreement ap-
pears to satisfy the requirements of
(3) A statement providing indem-
§ 225.22, or whether additions or correc-
nification to the Indian mineral
tions may be required in order to ob-
owner(s) and the United States from all
tain Secretarial approval.
claims, liabilities and causes of action
(d) The executed minerals agreement,
that may be made by persons not a
together with a copy of a tribal resolu-
party to the minerals agreement;
tion authorizing tribal officers to enter
(4) Provisions setting forth the obli- into the minerals agreement, shall be
gations of the contracting parties; forwarded by the tribal representative
(5) Provisions describing the methods to the appropriate Superintendent, or
of disposition of production; in the absence of a Superintendent to
(6) Provisions outlining the method the Area Director, for approval.
of payment and amount of compensa-
tion to be paid; § 225.22 Approval of minerals agree-
(7) Provisions establishing account- ments.
ing and mineral valuation procedures; (a) A minerals agreement submitted
(8) Provisions establishing operating for approval pursuant to § 225.21(d)
and management procedures; shall be approved or disapproved with-
(9) Provisions establishing any limi- in:
tations on assignment of interests, in- (1) One hundred and eighty (180) days
cluding any right of first refusal by the after submission, or
Indian mineral owner in the event of a (2) Sixty (60) days after compliance,
proposed assignment; if required, with section 102(2)(C) of the
(10) Bond requirements; National Environmental Policy Act of
(11) Insurance requirements; 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)) or any other


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Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior § 225.23

requirement of Federal law, whichever (d) The determinations required by

is later. paragraph (c) of this section shall be
(b) At least thirty (30) days prior to based on the written findings required
approval or disapproval of any min- by paragraph (b) and paragraphs (b)(1)
erals agreement, the affected Indian through (b)(4), inclusive, of this sec-
mineral owners shall be provided with tion. The question of ‘‘best interest’’
written findings forming the basis of within the meaning of paragraph (c)(1)
the Secretary’s intent to approve or of this section shall be determined by
disapprove the minerals agreement. the Secretary based on information ob-
(1) The written findings shall include tained from the parties, and any other
an environmental study which meets information considered relevant by the
the requirements of § 225.24 and an eco- Secretary, including, but not limited
nomic assessment, as described in to, a review of comparable contem-
§ 225.23. porary contractual arrangements or of-
(2) The Secretary shall include in the fers for the development of similar
written findings any recommendations mineral resources received by Indian
for changes to the minerals agreement mineral owners, by non-Indian mineral
needed to qualify it for approval. owners, or by the Federal Government,
(3) The 30-day period shall commence insofar as that information is readily
to run as of the date the written find- available.
ings are received by the Indian mineral (e) If a Superintendent or Area Direc-
owner. tor believes that a minerals agreement
(4) Notwithstanding any other law, should not be approved, a written
such findings and all projections, stud- statement of the reasons why the min-
ies, data or other information (other erals agreement should not be approved
than the environmental study required shall be prepared and forwarded, to-
by § 225.24) possessed by the Depart- gether with the minerals agreement,
ment of the Interior regarding the the written findings required by para-
terms and conditions of the minerals graph (b) and subparagraphs (b)(1)
agreement; the financial return to the through (b)(4), inclusive, of this sec-
Indian parties thereto; the extent, na- tion, and all other pertinent docu-
ture, value or disposition of the min- ments, to the Secretary for a decision
eral resources; or the production, prod- with a copy to the affected Indian min-
ucts or proceeds thereof, shall be held eral owner.
by the Department of the Interior as (f) The Secretary shall review any
privileged and proprietary information minerals agreement referred with a
of the affected Indian mineral owners. recommendation that it be dis-
The letter containing the written find- approved, and the Secretary’s decision
ings should be headed with: PRIVI- to disapprove a minerals agreement
LEGED PROPRIETARY INFORMA- shall be deemed a final Federal agency
TION OF THE (names of Indian min- action (25 U.S.C. 2103(d)).
eral owners).
(c) A minerals agreement shall be ap- § 225.23 Economic assessments.
proved if, at the Secretary’s discretion, The Secretary shall prepare or cause
it is determined that the following con- to be prepared an economic assessment
ditions are met: that shall address, among other things:
(1) The minerals agreement is in the (a) Whether there are assurances in
best interest of the Indian mineral the minerals agreement that oper-
owner; ations shall be conducted with appro-
(2) The minerals agreement does not priate diligence;
have adverse cultural, social, or envi- (b) Whether the production royalties
ronmental impacts sufficient to out- or other form of return on mineral re-
weigh its expected benefits to the In- sources is adequate; and
dian mineral owners; and, (c) Whether the minerals agreement
(3) The minerals agreement complies is likely to provide the Indian mineral
with the requirements of this part and owner with a return on the production
all other applicable regulations and the comparable to what the owner might
provisions of applicable Federal law. otherwise obtain through competitive


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§ 225.24 25 CFR Ch. I (4– 1– 01 Edition)

bidding, when such a comparison can rental, royalty, net profit share and
reasonably be made. other payment requirements arising
from the provisions of a minerals
§ 225.24 Environmental studies. agreement. Procedures and standards
(a) The Secretary shall ensure that used for accounting and auditing of
all environmental studies are prepared minerals agreements will be in accord-
as required by the National Environ- ance with audit standards established
mental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) and by the Comptroller General of the
the regulations promulgated by the United States, in ‘‘Standards for Audit-
Council on Environmental Quality ing of Governmental Organizations,
(CEQ) found at 40 CFR parts 1500–1508.
Programs, Activities, and Functions,
(b) The Secretary shall ensure that
1981,’’ and standards established by the
all necessary surveys are performed
and clearances obtained in accordance American Institute of Certified Public
with 36 CFR parts 60, 63, and 800 and Accountants.
with the requirements of the Archae-
§ 225.27 Forms and reports.
ological and Historic Preservation Act
(16 U.S.C. 469 et seq.), the National His- Any forms required to be filed pursu-
toric Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 470 et ant to a minerals agreement may be
seq.), the American Indian Religious obtained from the Superintendent or
Freedom Act (42 U.S.C. 1996), and Exec- Area Director. Prescribed forms for fil-
utive Order 11593 (3 CFR 1971–1975 ing geothermal production reports re-
Comp., p. 559, May 13, 1971). If these quired by the BLM (43 CFR part 3260,
surveys indicate that a mineral devel- §§ 3264.1, 3264.2–4 and 3264.2–5) may be
opment will have an adverse effect on a obtained from the Superintendent,
property listed on or eligible for listing Area Director, or the Authorized Offi-
on the National Register of Historic cer. Applicable reports required by the
Places, the Secretary shall: MMS shall be filed using the forms pre-
(1) Seek the comments of the Advi-
scribed in 30 CFR part 210, which are
sory Council on Historic Preservation,
available from MMS. Guidance on how
in accordance with 36 CFR part 800;
(2) Ensure that the property is avoid- to prepare and submit required infor-
ed, that the adverse effect is mitigated, mation, collection reports, and forms
or that appropriate excavations or to MMS is available from: Minerals
other related research is conducted; Management Service, Attention: Les-
and see (or Reporter) Contact Branch, P.O.
(3) Ensure that complete data de- Box 5760, Denver, Colorado 80217. Addi-
scribing the historic property is pre- tional reporting requirements may be
served. required by the Secretary.

§ 225.25 Resolution of disputes. § 225.28 Approval of amendments to

A minerals agreement shall contain minerals agreements.
provisions for resolving disputes that An amendment, modification or sup-
may arise between the parties. How- plement to a minerals agreement en-
ever, no such provision shall limit the tered into pursuant to the regulations
Secretary’s authority or ability to en- in this part, whether the minerals
sure that the rights of an Indian min- agreement was approved before or after
eral owner are protected in the event of the effective date of these regulations,
a violation of the provisions of the must be approved in writing by all par-
minerals agreement by any other party ties before being submitted to the Sec-
to the minerals agreement. retary for approval. The provisions of
§ 225.26 Auditing and accounting. § 225.22 apply to approvals of amend-
ments, modifications, or supplements
The Secretary may conduct audits
to minerals agreements entered into
relating to the scope, nature and ex-
under the regulations in this part.
tent of compliance with the minerals
However, amendments, modifications,
agreement and with applicable regula-
tions and orders to lessees, operators, or supplements that do not substan-
revenue payors, and other persons with tially alter or affect the factors listed


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Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior § 225.30

in § 225.22(c), may be approved by ref- (b) An operator may file a $75,000

erencing materials previously sub- bond for all geothermal, mining, or oil
mitted for the initial review and ap- and gas minerals agreements in any
proval of the minerals agreement. The one State, which may also include
Secretary may approve an amendment, areas on that part of an Indian reserva-
modification, or supplement if it is de- tion extending into any contiguous
termined that the underlying minerals State. Statewide bonds shall be filed
agreement, as amended, modified, or for approval with the Secretary.
supplemented meets the criteria for ap- (c) An operator may file a $150,000
proval set forth in § 225.22(c). bond for full nationwide coverage to
cover all geothermal or oil and gas
§ 225.29 Corporate qualifications and minerals agreements without geo-
requests for information. graphic or acreage limitation to which
(a) The signing in a representative the operator is or may become a party.
capacity of minerals agreements or as- Nationwide bonds shall be filed for ap-
signments, bonds, or other instruments proval with the Secretary.
required by a minerals agreement or (d) Personal bonds shall be accom-
these regulations, constitutes certifi- panied by:
cation that the individual signing (ex- (1) Certificate of deposit issued by a
cept a surety agent) is authorized to financial institution, the deposits of
act in such a capacity. An agent for a which are Federally insured, explicitly
surety shall furnish a power of attor- granting the Secretary full authority
ney. to demand immediate payment in case
of default in the performance of the
(b) A prospective corporate operator
provisions and conditions of the min-
proposing to acquire an interest in a
erals agreement. The certificate shall
minerals agreement shall have on file
explicitly indicate on its face that Sec-
with the Superintendent a statement
retarial approval is required prior to
redemption of the certificate of deposit
(1) The State(s) in which the corpora-
by any party;
tion is incorporated, and a notarized
(2) Cashier’s check;
statement that the corporation is au-
(3) Certified check;
thorized to hold such interests in the
(4) Negotiable Treasury securities of
State where the land described in the
the United States of a value equal to
minerals agreement is situated; and
the amount specified in the bond. Ne-
(2) A notarized statement that it has gotiable Treasury securities shall be
power to conduct all business and oper- accompanied by a proper conveyance to
ations as described in the minerals the Secretary of full authority to sell
agreement. such securities in case of default in the
(c) The Secretary may, either before performance of the provisions and con-
or after the approval of a minerals ditions of a minerals agreement; or
agreement, assignment, or bond, call (5) Letter of credit issued by a finan-
for any reasonable additional informa- cial institution authorized to do busi-
tion necessary to carry out the regula- ness in the United States and whose de-
tions in this part, or other applicable posits are Federally insured, and iden-
laws and regulations. tifying the Secretary as sole payee
with full authority to demand imme-
§ 225.30 Bonds. diate payment in the case of default in
(a) Bonds required by provisions of a the performance of the provisions and
minerals agreement should be in an conditions of a minerals agreement.
amount sufficient to ensure compli- (i) The letter of credit shall be irrev-
ance with all of the requirements of ocable during its term.
the minerals agreement and the stat- (ii) The letter of credit shall be pay-
utes and regulations applicable to the able to the Bureau of Indian Affairs on
minerals agreement. Surety bonds demand, in part or in full, upon receipt
shall be issued by a qualified company from the Secretary of a notice of at-
approved by the Department of the tachment stating the basis thereof
Treasury (see Department of the Treas- (e.g., default in compliance with the
ury Circular No. 570). minerals agreement provisions and


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§ 225.31 25 CFR Ch. I (4– 1– 01 Edition)

conditions or failure to file a replace- (b) Applicable permits in accordance

ment in accordance with subparagraph with rules and regulations in 30 CFR
(d)(5)(v) of this section). part 750, 43 CFR parts 3160, 3260, 3480,
(iii) The initial expiration date of the 3590, and Orders or Notices to Lessees
letter of credit shall be at least one (1) (NTL) issued thereunder shall be re-
year following the date it is filed in the quired before actual operations are
proper Bureau of Indian Affairs office. conducted on the minerals agreement
(iv) The letter of credit shall contain acreage.
a provision for automatic renewal for
periods of not less than one (1) year in § 225.33 Assignment of minerals agree-
the absence of notice to the proper Bu- ments.
reau of Indian Affairs office at least An assignment of a minerals agree-
ninety (90) days prior to the originally ment, or any interest therein, shall not
stated or any extended expiration date. be valid without the approval of the
(v) A letter of credit used as security Secretary and, if required in the min-
for any minerals agreement upon erals agreement, the Indian mineral
which operations have taken place and owner. The assignee must be qualified
final approval for abandonment has not to hold the minerals agreement and
been given, or as security for a state- shall furnish a satisfactory bond condi-
wide or nationwide bond, shall be for- tioned on the faithful performance of
feited and shall be collected by the the covenants and conditions thereof
Secretary if not replaced by other suit- as stipulated in the minerals agree-
able bond or letter of credit at least ment. A fully executed copy of the as-
thirty (30) days before its expiration signment shall be filed with the Sec-
date. retary within five (5) working days
(e) The required amount of a bond after execution by all parties. The Sec-
may be increased in any particular retary may permit the release of any
case at the discretion of the Secretary. bonds executed by the assignor upon
[59 FR 14971, Mar. 30, 1994; 60 FR 10474, Feb. submission of satisfactory bonds to the
24, 1995] Bureau of Indian Affairs by the as-
signee, and a determination that the
§ 225.31 Manner of payments. assignor has satisfied all accrued obli-
Unless specified otherwise in the gations.
minerals agreement, after production
has been established, all payments due § 225.34 [Reserved]
for royalties, bonuses, rentals and
§ 225.35 Inspection of premises; books
other payments under a minerals and accounts.
agreement shall be made to the Sec-
retary or such other party as may be (a) Operators shall allow Indian min-
designated, and shall be made at such eral owners, their authorized rep-
time as provided in 30 CFR chapter II, resentatives, or any authorized rep-
subchapters A and C. Prior to produc- resentatives of the Secretary to enter
tion, all bonus and rental payments, all parts of the minerals agreement
shall be made to the Superintendent or area for the purpose of inspection. Op-
Area Director. erators shall keep a full and correct ac-
count of all operations and submit all
§ 225.32 Permission to start oper- related reports required by the min-
ations. erals agreement and applicable regula-
(a) No exploration, drilling, or min- tions. Books and records shall be avail-
ing operations are permitted on any In- able for inspection during regular busi-
dian lands before the Secretary has ness hours.
granted written approval of the min- (b) Operators shall provide records to
erals agreement pursuant to the regu- the Minerals Management Service
lations. After a minerals agreement is (MMS) in accordance with MMS regu-
approved, written permission to start lations and guidelines. All records per-
operations must be secured by applying taining to a minerals agreement shall
for the permits referred to in para- be maintained by an operator in ac-
graph (b) of this section. cordance with 30 CFR part 212.


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Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior § 225.37

(c) Operators shall provide records to retary, adequately justify the opera-
the Authorized Officer in accordance tor’s failure to comply, then the Sec-
with BLM regulations and guidelines. retary may cancel the minerals agree-
(d) Operators shall provide records to ment, specifying the basis for the can-
the Director’s Representative in ac- cellation. Cancellation of a minerals
cordance with OSMRE regulations and agreement shall not relieve the oper-
guidelines. ator of any continuing obligation
under the minerals agreement.
§ 225.36 Minerals agreement cancella- (g) If an operator fails to take correc-
tion; Bureau of Indian Affairs no- tive action or to file a timely written
tice of noncompliance. response adequately justifying the op-
(a) If the Secretary determines that erator’s actions pursuant to a notice of
an operator has failed to comply with noncompliance, the Secretary may
the regulations in this part; other ap- issue an order of cessation. If the oper-
plicable laws or regulations; the terms ator fails to comply with the order of
of the minerals agreement; the require- cessation, or fails to timely file an ap-
ments of an approved exploration, peal of the order of cessation pursuant
drilling or mining plan; Secretarial or- to paragraph (k) of this section, the
ders; or the orders of the Authorized Secretary may issue an order of min-
Officer, the Director’s Representative, erals agreement cancellation.
or the MMS Official, the Secretary (h) This section does not limit any
may: other remedies of the Indian mineral
(1) Serve a notice of noncompliance; owner as set forth in the minerals
or agreement.
(2) Serve a notice of proposed can- (i) Nothing in this section is intended
cellation. to limit the authority of the Author-
(b) The notice of noncompliance shall ized Officer, the Director’s Representa-
specify in what respect the operator tive, or the MMS Official to take any
has failed to comply with the require- enforcement action authorized pursu-
ments referenced in paragraph (a), and ant to statute or regulation.
shall specify what actions, if any, must (j) The Authorized Officer, the Direc-
be taken to correct the noncompliance. tor’s Representative, the MMS Official,
(c) The notice of proposed cancella- and the Superintendent or Area Direc-
tion shall set forth the reasons why tor should consult with one another be-
cancellation is proposed. fore taking any enforcement actions.
(d) The notice of proposed cancella- (k) If orders of cessation or minerals
tion or noncompliance shall be served agreement cancellation issued pursu-
upon the operator by delivery in person ant to this section are issued by a des-
or by certified mail to the operator at ignee of the Secretary other than the
the operator’s last known address. Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs,
When certified mail is used, the date of the orders may be appealed under 25
service shall be deemed to be when re- CFR part 2. If the orders are issued by
ceived or five (5) working days after the Secretary or the Assistant Sec-
the date it is mailed, whichever is ear- retary for Indian Affairs, and not one
lier. of their delegates or subordinates, the
(e) The operator shall have thirty (30) orders are the final orders of the De-
days (or such longer time as specified partment.
in the notice) from the date that the
Bureau of Indian Affairs notice of pro- § 225.37 Penalties.
posed cancellation or noncompliance is (a) In addition to or in lieu of can-
served to respond, in writing, to the cellation under § 225.36, violations of
Superintendent or Area Director actu- the terms and conditions of any min-
ally issuing the notice. erals agreement, the regulations in
(f) If an operator fails to take any ac- this part, other applicable laws or reg-
tion that may be prescribed in the no- ulations, or failure to comply with a
tice of proposed cancellation, fails to notice of noncompliance or a cessation
file a timely written response to the order issued by the Secretary may sub-
notice, or files a written response that ject an operator to a penalty of not
does not, in the discretion of the Sec- more than $1,000 per day for each day


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§ 225.38 25 CFR Ch. I (4– 1– 01 Edition)

that such a violation or noncompliance retary. In the absence of a specific min-

continues beyond the time limits pre- erals agreement provision prescribing a
scribed for corrective action. different rate, the interest rate on late
(b) A notice of a proposed penalty payments and underpayments shall be
shall be served on the operator either a rate applicable under section
personally or by certified mail to the 6621(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code
operator at the operator’s last known of 1954. Interest shall be charged only
address. The date of service by cer- on the amount of payment not received
tified mail shall be deemed to be the and only for the number of days the
date received or five (5) working days payment is late.
after the date mailed, whichever is ear- (f) None of the provisions of this sec-
lier. tion shall be interpreted as:
(c) The notice shall specify the na- (1) Replacing or superseding the inde-
ture of the violation and the proposed pendent authority of the Authorized
penalty, and shall specifically advise Officer, the Director’s Representative,
the operator of the operator’s right to or the MMS Official to impose pen-
either request a hearing within thirty alties under applicable statutory or
(30) days of receipt of the notice or pay regulatory authorities;
the proposed penalty. Hearings shall be (2) Replacing, superseding, or repli-
held before the Superintendent or Area cating any penalty provision in the
Director whose findings shall be con- terms and conditions of a minerals
clusive, unless an appeal is taken pur- agreement approved by the Secretary
suant to 25 CFR part 2. If within thirty pursuant to this part; or
(30) days of receipt of the notice of pro- (3) Authorizing the imposition of a
posed penalty the operator has not re- penalty for violations of minerals
quested a hearing or paid the amount agreement provisions for which the Au-
of the proposed penalty, a final notice thorized Officer, Director’s Representa-
of penalty shall be served. tive, or MMS Official has either statu-
(d) If the person served with a notice tory or regulatory authority to assess
of proposed penalty requests a hearing, a penalty.
penalties shall accrue each day the vio-
lations or noncompliance set forth in § 225.38 Appeals.
the notice continue beyond the time Appeals from decisions of Officials of
limits presented for corrective action. the Bureau of Indian Affairs under this
The Secretary may issue a written sus- part may be taken pursuant to 25 CFR
pension of the requirement to correct part 2.
the violations pending completion of
the hearings provided by this section § 225.39 Fees.
only upon a determination, at the dis- (a) Unless otherwise authorized by
cretion of the Secretary, that such a the Secretary, each minerals agree-
suspension will not be detrimental to ment or assignment thereof, shall be
the Indian mineral owner and upon accompanied by a filing fee of $75.00 at
submission and acceptance of a bond the time of filing.
deemed adequate to indemnify the In- (b) An Indian mineral owner shall not
dian mineral owner from loss or dam- be required to pay a filing fee if the In-
age. The amount of the bond must be dian mineral owner, pursuant to a pro-
sufficient to cover the cost of cor- vision in the existing minerals agree-
recting the violations set forth in the ment, acquires an additional interest
notice or any disputed amounts plus in that minerals agreement.
accrued penalties and interest.
(e) Payment of penalties in full more § 225.40 Government employees cannot
than ten (10) days after a final decision acquire minerals agreements.
imposing a penalty shall subject the U.S. Government employees are pre-
operator to late payment charges. Late vented from acquiring any interest(s)
payment charges shall be calculated on in minerals agreements by the provi-
the basis of a percentage assessment sions of 25 CFR part 140 and 43 CFR
rate of the amount unpaid per month part 20 pertaining to conflicts of inter-
for each month or fraction thereof est and ownership of an interest in
until payment is received by the Sec- trust land.


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§ 228.80 36 CFR Ch. II (7–1–02 Edition)

Management and Budget and assigned pacts on the resource values identified
clearance number 0596–0081. pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) of this sec-
(b) The public reporting burden for tion and if the operations are con-
this collection of information is esti- ducted in accordance with the plan.
mated to vary from a few minutes to (2) In evaluating the feasibility of
many hours per individual response, mitigating measures, the authorized
with an average of 2 hours per indi- officer shall, at a minimum, consider
vidual response, including time for re- the following:
viewing instructions, searching exist- (i) The effectiveness and practicality
ing data sources, gathering and main- of measures utilizing the best available
taining the data needed, and com- technology for preventing or mini-
pleting and reviewing the collection of mizing adverse impacts on the resource
information. Send comments regarding values identified pursuant to paragraph
the burden estimate or any other as- (b)(1) of this section; and
pect of this collection of information, (ii) The long- and short-term costs to
including suggestions for reducing this the operator of utilizing such measures
burden, to Chief (2800), Forest Service, and the effect of these costs on the
USDA, P.O. Box 96090, Washington, DC long- and short-term economic viabil-
20090–6090 and to the Office of Informa- ity of the operations.
tion and Regulatory Affairs, Office of (3) The authorized officer shall not
Management and Budget, Washington, require implementation of mitigating
DC 20503. measures which would prevent the
[55 FR 51706, Dec. 17, 1990] evaluation or development of any valid
claim for which operations are pro-
Subpart D—Miscellaneous posed.
Minerals Provisions (d) In accordance with the procedures
described in subpart A and paragraphs
§ 228.80 Operations within Misty (c)(1) through (c)(3) of this section, the
Fjords and Admiralty Island Na- authorized officer may approve modi-
tional Monuments, Alaska. fications of an existing plan of oper-
(a) Mineral activities on valid mining ations:
claims in the Misty Fjords and Admi- (1) If, in the judgment of the author-
ralty Island National Monuments must ized officer, environmental impacts un-
be conducted in accordance with regu- foreseen at the time of approval of the
lations in subpart A of this part and existing plan may result in the incom-
with the provisions of this section. patibility of the operations with the
(b) Prior to approving a plan of oper- protection of the resource values iden-
ations, the authorized officer must con- tified pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) of
sider: this section; or
(1) The resources of ecological, cul- (2) Upon request by the operator to
tural, geological, historical, pre- use alternative technology and equip-
historical, and scientific interest likely ment capable of achieving a level of en-
to be affected by the proposed oper- vironmental protection equivalent to
ations, including access; and that to be achieved under the existing
(2) The potential adverse impacts on plan of operations.
the identified resource values resulting [51 FR 20827, June 9, 1986]
from the proposed operations.
(c) A plan of operations will be ap-
proved if, in the judgment of the au- Subpart E—Oil and Gas Resources
thorized officer, proposed operations
are compatible, to the maximum ex- SOURCE: 55 FR 10444, Mar. 21, 1990, unless
tent feasible, with the protection of the otherwise noted.
resource values identified pursuant to
paragraph (b)(1) of this section. § 228.100 Scope and applicability.
(1) The authorized officer will deem (a) Scope. This subpart sets forth the
operations to be compatible if the plan rules and procedures by which the For-
of operations includes all feasible est Service of the United States De-
measures which are necessary to pre- partment of Agriculture will carry out
vent or minimize potential adverse im- its statutory responsibilities in the


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Forest Service, USDA § 228.101

issuance of Federal oil and gas leases the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act
and management of subsequent oil and (7 U.S.C. 1010 et seq.), and other lands,
gas operations on National Forest Sys- waters, or interests therein which are
tem lands, for approval and modifica- administered by the Forest Service or
tion of attendant surface use plans of are designated for administration
operations, for monitoring of surface through the Forest Service as a part of
disturbing operations on such leases, the system (16 U.S.C. 1609).
and for enforcement of surface use re- Notices To Lessees, Transferees, and
quirements and reclamation standards. Operators. A written notice issued by
(b) Applicability. The rules of this sub- the authorized Forest officer. Notices
part apply to leases on National Forest To Lessees, Transferees, and Operators
System lands and to operations that implement the regulations in this sub-
are conducted on Federal oil and gas
part and serve as instructions on spe-
leases on National Forest System lands
cific item(s) of importance within a
as of April 20, 1990.
Forest Service Region, National For-
(c) Applicability of other rules. Surface
uses associated with oil and gas est, or Ranger District.
prospecting, development, production, Onshore Oil and Gas Order. A formal
and reclamation activities, that are numbered order issued by or signed by
conducted on National Forest System the Chief of the Forest Service that im-
lands outside a leasehold must receive plements and supplements the regula-
prior authorization from the Forest tions in this subpart.
Service. Such activities are subject to Operating right. The interest created
the regulations set forth elsewhere in out of a lease that authorizes the hold-
36 CFR chapter II, including but not er of that interest to enter upon the
limited to the regulations set forth in leased lands to conduct drilling and re-
36 CFR parts 251, subpart B, and 261. lated operations, including production
of oil and gas from such lands in ac-
§ 228.101 Definitions. cordance with the terms of the lease.
For the purposes of this subpart, the Operating rights owner. A person hold-
terms listed in this section have the ing operating rights in a lease issued
following meaning: by the United States. A leasee also
Authorized Forest officer. The Forest may be an operating rights owner if
Service employee delegated the author- the operating rights in a lease or por-
ity to perform a duty described in tion thereof have not been conveyed to
these rules. Generally, a Regional For- another person.
ester, Forest Supervisor, District Operations. Surface disturbing activi-
Ranger, or Minerals Staff Officer, de- ties that are conducted on a leasehold
pending on the scope and level of the on National Forest System lands pur-
duty to be performed. suant to a current approved surface use
Compliance Officer. The Deputy Chief, plan of operations, including but not
or the Associate Deputy Chiefs, Na- limited to, exploration, development,
tional Forest System or the line officer and production of oil and gas resources
designated to act in the absence of the
and reclamation of surface resources.
Deputy Chief.
Operator. Any person or entity, in-
Leasehold. The area described in a
Federal oil and gas lease, cluding, but not limited to, the lessee
communitized, or unitized area. or operating rights owner, who has
Lessee. A person or entity holding stated in writing to the authorized
record title in a lease issued by the Forest officer that they are responsible
United States. under the terms and conditions of the
National Forest System. All National lease for the operations conducted on
Forest lands reserved or withdrawn the leased lands or a portion thereof.
from the public domain of the United Person. An individual, partnership,
States, all National Forest lands ac- corporation, association or other legal
quired through purchase, exchange, do- entity.
nation, or other means, the National Substantial modification. A change in
Grasslands and land utilization lease terms or a modification, waiver,
projects administered under title III of or exception of a lease stipulation that


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Forest Service, USDA § 228.101

issuance of Federal oil and gas leases the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act
and management of subsequent oil and (7 U.S.C. 1010 et seq.), and other lands,
gas operations on National Forest Sys- waters, or interests therein which are
tem lands, for approval and modifica- administered by the Forest Service or
tion of attendant surface use plans of are designated for administration
operations, for monitoring of surface through the Forest Service as a part of
disturbing operations on such leases, the system (16 U.S.C. 1609).
and for enforcement of surface use re- Notices To Lessees, Transferees, and
quirements and reclamation standards. Operators. A written notice issued by
(b) Applicability. The rules of this sub- the authorized Forest officer. Notices
part apply to leases on National Forest To Lessees, Transferees, and Operators
System lands and to operations that implement the regulations in this sub-
are conducted on Federal oil and gas
part and serve as instructions on spe-
leases on National Forest System lands
cific item(s) of importance within a
as of April 20, 1990.
Forest Service Region, National For-
(c) Applicability of other rules. Surface
uses associated with oil and gas est, or Ranger District.
prospecting, development, production, Onshore Oil and Gas Order. A formal
and reclamation activities, that are numbered order issued by or signed by
conducted on National Forest System the Chief of the Forest Service that im-
lands outside a leasehold must receive plements and supplements the regula-
prior authorization from the Forest tions in this subpart.
Service. Such activities are subject to Operating right. The interest created
the regulations set forth elsewhere in out of a lease that authorizes the hold-
36 CFR chapter II, including but not er of that interest to enter upon the
limited to the regulations set forth in leased lands to conduct drilling and re-
36 CFR parts 251, subpart B, and 261. lated operations, including production
of oil and gas from such lands in ac-
§ 228.101 Definitions. cordance with the terms of the lease.
For the purposes of this subpart, the Operating rights owner. A person hold-
terms listed in this section have the ing operating rights in a lease issued
following meaning: by the United States. A leasee also
Authorized Forest officer. The Forest may be an operating rights owner if
Service employee delegated the author- the operating rights in a lease or por-
ity to perform a duty described in tion thereof have not been conveyed to
these rules. Generally, a Regional For- another person.
ester, Forest Supervisor, District Operations. Surface disturbing activi-
Ranger, or Minerals Staff Officer, de- ties that are conducted on a leasehold
pending on the scope and level of the on National Forest System lands pur-
duty to be performed. suant to a current approved surface use
Compliance Officer. The Deputy Chief, plan of operations, including but not
or the Associate Deputy Chiefs, Na- limited to, exploration, development,
tional Forest System or the line officer and production of oil and gas resources
designated to act in the absence of the
and reclamation of surface resources.
Deputy Chief.
Operator. Any person or entity, in-
Leasehold. The area described in a
Federal oil and gas lease, cluding, but not limited to, the lessee
communitized, or unitized area. or operating rights owner, who has
Lessee. A person or entity holding stated in writing to the authorized
record title in a lease issued by the Forest officer that they are responsible
United States. under the terms and conditions of the
National Forest System. All National lease for the operations conducted on
Forest lands reserved or withdrawn the leased lands or a portion thereof.
from the public domain of the United Person. An individual, partnership,
States, all National Forest lands ac- corporation, association or other legal
quired through purchase, exchange, do- entity.
nation, or other means, the National Substantial modification. A change in
Grasslands and land utilization lease terms or a modification, waiver,
projects administered under title III of or exception of a lease stipulation that


VerDate Aug<2,>2002 00:15 Aug 15, 2002 Jkt 197147 PO 00000 Frm 00155 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\197131T.XXX pfrm72 PsN: 197131T
§ 228.102 36 CFR Ch. II (7–1–02 Edition)

would require an environmental assess- view the following lands which are le-
ment or environmental impact state- gally unavailable for leasing:
ment be prepared pursuant to the Na- (1) Lands withdrawn from mineral
tional Environmental Policy Act of leasing by an act of Congress or by an
1969. order of the Secretary of the Interior;
Surface use plan of operations. A plan (2) Lands recommended for wilder-
for surface use, disturbance, and rec- ness allocation by the Secretary of Ag-
lamation. riculture;
Transfer. Any conveyance of an inter- (3) Lands designated by statute as
est in a lease by assignment, sublease wilderness study areas, unless oil and
or otherwise. This definition includes gas leasing is specifically allowed by
the terms: Assignment which means a the statute designating the study area;
conveyance of all or a portion of the and
lessee’s record title interest in a lease; (4) Lands within areas allocated for
and sublease which means a conveyance wilderness or further planning in Exec-
of a non-record interest in a lease, i.e., utive Communication 1504, Ninety-
a conveyance of operating rights is Sixth Congress (House Document No.
normally a sublease and a sublease also 96–119), unless such lands subsequently
is a subsidiary arrangement between have been allocated to uses other than
the lessee (sublessor) and the sublessee, wilderness by an approved Forest land
but a sublease does not include a trans- and resource management plan or have
fer of a purely financial interest, such been released to uses other than wil-
as overriding royalty interest or pay- derness by an act of Congress.
ment out of production, nor does it af-
(c) Leasing analyses. The leasing anal-
fect the relationship imposed by a
ysis shall be conducted by the author-
lease between the lessee(s) and the
ized Forest officer in accordance with
United States.
the requirements of 36 CFR part 219
Transferee. A person to whom an in-
(Forest land and resource management
terest in a lease issued by the United
planning) and/or, as appropriate,
States has been transferred.
through preparation of NEPA docu-
LEASING ments. As part of the analysis, the au-
thorized Forest oficer shall:
§ 228.102 Leasing analyses and deci- (1) Identify on maps those areas that
sions. will be:
(a) Compliance with the National Envi- (i) Open to development subject to
ronmental Policy Act of 1969. In ana- the terms and conditions of the stand-
lyzing lands for leasing, the authorized ard oil and gas lease form (including an
Forest officer shall comply with the explanation of the typical standards
National Environmental Policy Act of and objectives to be enforced under the
1969, implementing regulations at 43 standard lease terms);
CFR parts 1500–1508, and Forest Service (ii) Open to development but subject
implementing policies and procedures to constraints that will require the use
set forth in Forest Service Manual of lease stipulations such as those pro-
chapter 1950 and Forest Service Hand- hibiting surface use on areas larger
book 1909.15. than 40 acres or such other standards
(b) Scheduling analysis of available as may be developed in the plan for
lands. Within 6 months of April 20, 1990, stipulation use (with discussion as to
Forest Supervisors shall develop, in co- why the constraints are necessary and
operation with the Bureau of Land justifiable); and
Management and with public input, a (iii) Closed to leasing, distinguishing
schedule for analyzing lands under between those areas that are being
their jurisdiction that have not been closed through exercise of management
already analyzed for leasing. The For- direction, and those closed by law, reg-
est Supervisors shall revise or make ulation, etc.
additions to the schedule at least annu- (2) Identify alternatives to the areas
ally. In scheduling lands for analysis, listed in paragraph (c)(1) of this sec-
the authorized Forest officer shall tion, including that of not allowing
identify and exclude from further re- leasing.


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Forest Service, USDA § 228.104

(3) Project the type/amount of post- § 228.103 Notice of appeals of deci-

leasing activity that is reasonably sions.
foreseeable as a consequence of con- The authorized Forest officer shall
ducting a leasing program consistent promptly notify the Bureau of Land
with that described in the proposal and Management if appeals of either an
for each alternative. area or Forest-wide leasing decision or
(4) Analyze the reasonable foresee- a leasing decision for specific lands are
able impacts of post-leasing activity filed during the periods provided for
projected under paragraph (c)(3) of this under 36 CFR part 217.
§ 228.104 Consideration of requests to
(d) Area or Forest-wide leasing deci- modify, waive, or grant exceptions
sions (lands administratively available for to lease stipulations.
leasing). Upon completion of the leasing
(a) General. An operator submitting a
analysis, the Regional Forest shall
surface use plan of operations may re-
promptly notify the Bureau of Land quest the authorized Forest officer to
Management as to the area or Forest- authorize the Bureau of Land Manage-
wide leasing decisions that have been ment to modify (permanently change),
made, that is, identify lands which waive (permanently remove), or grant
have been found administratively an exception (case-by-case exemption)
available for leasing. to a stipulation included in a lease at
(e) Leasing decisions for specific lands. the direction of the Forest Service. The
At such time as specific lands are being person making the request is encour-
considered for leasing, the Regional aged to submit any information which
Forester shall review the area or For- might assist the authorized Forest offi-
est-wide leasing decision and shall au- cer in making a decision.
thorize the Bureau of Land Manage- (b) Review. The authorized Forest of-
ment to offer specific lands for lease ficer shall review any information sub-
subject to: mitted in support of the request and
(1) Verifying that oil and gas leasing any other pertinent information.
of the specific lands has been ade- (1) As part of the review, consistent
quately addressed in a NEPA docu- with 30 U.S.C. 226 (f)–(g), the authorized
Forest officer shall ensure compliance
ment, and is consistent with the Forest
with the National Environmental Pol-
land and resource management plan. If
icy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4331 et seq.)
NEPA has not been adequately ad-
and any other applicable laws, and
dressed, or if there is significant new shall ensure preparation of any appro-
information or circumstances as de- priate environmental documents.
fined by 40 CFR 1502.9 requiring further (2) The authorized Forest officer may
environmental analysis, additional en- authorize the Bureau of Land Manage-
vironment analysis shall be done before ment to modify, waive, or grant an ex-
a leasing decision for specific lands will ception to a stipulation if:
be made. If there is inconsistency with (i) The action would be consistent
the Forest land and resource manage- with applicable Federal laws;
ment plan, no authorization for leasing (ii) The action would be consistent
shall be given unless the plan is amend- with the current forest land and re-
ed or revised. source management plan;
(2) Ensuring that conditions of sur- (iii) The management objectives
face occupancy identified in which led the Forest Service to require
§ 228.102(c)(1) are properly included as the inclusion of the stipulation in the
stipulations in resulting leases. lease can be met without restricting
(3) Determining that operations and operations in the manner provided for
development could be allowed some- by the stipulation given the change in
the present condition of the surface re-
where on each proposed lease, except
sources involved, or given the nature,
where stipulations will prohibit all sur-
location, timing, or design of the pro-
face occupancy.
posed operations; and
[55 FR 10444, Mar. 21, 1990, as amended at 56 (iv) The action is acceptable to the
FR 56157, Nov. 1, 1991] authorized Forest officer based upon a


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§ 228.105 36 CFR Ch. II (7–1–02 Edition)

review of the environmental con- issued pursuant to this section are

sequences. binding on all operations conducted on
(c) Other agency stipulations. If a stip- National Forest System lands, unless
ulation was included in a lease by the otherwise provided therein.
Forest Service at the request of an- (b) Notices to lessees, transferees, and
other agency, the authorized Forest of- operators. The authorized Forest officer
ficer shall consult with that agency may issue, or cosign with the author-
prior to authorizing modification, ized officer of the Bureau of Land Man-
waiver, or exception. agement, Notices to Lessees, Trans-
(d) Notice of decision. (1) When the re- ferees, and Operators necessary to im-
view of a stipulation modification, plement the regulations of this sub-
waiver, or exception request has been part. Notices to Lessees, Transferees,
completed and the authorized Forest and Operators are binding on all oper-
officer has reached a decision, the au- ations conducted on the administrative
thorized Forest officer shall promptly unit of the National Forest System (36
notify the operator and the appropriate CFR 200.2) supervised by the authorized
Bureau of Land Management office, in Forest officer who issued or cosigned
writing, of the decision to grant, or such notice.
grant with additional conditions, or
deny the request. § 228.106 Operator’s submission of sur-
(2) Any decision to modify, waive, or face use plan of operations.
grant an exception to a lease stipula- (a) General. No permit to drill on a
tion shall be subject to administrative Federal oil and gas lease for National
appeal only in conjunction with an ap- Forest System lands may be granted
peal of a decision on a surface use plan without the analysis and approval of a
of operation or supplemental surface surface use plan of operations covering
use plan of operation. proposed surface disturbing activities.
An operator must obtain an approved
AUTHORIZATION OF OCCUPANCY WITHIN A surface use plan of operations before
LEASEHOLD conducting operations that will cause
surface disturbance. The operator shall
§ 228.105 Issuance of onshore orders submit a proposed surface use plan of
and notices to lessees. operations as part of an Application for
(a) Onshore oil and gas orders. The a Permit to Drill to the appropriate
Chief of the Forest Service may issue, Bureau of Land Management office for
or cosign with the Director, Bureau of forwarding to the Forest Service, un-
Land Management, Onshore Oil and less otherwise directed by the Onshore
Gas Orders necessary to implement and Oil and Gas Order in effect when the
supplement the regulations of this sub- proposed plan of operations is sub-
part. mitted.
(1) Adoption of Onshore Oil and Gas (b) Preparation of plan. In preparing a
Order No. 1. Until such time as another surface use plan of operations, the op-
order is adopted and codified in the erator is encouraged to contact the
CFR, operators shall submit surface local Forest Service office to make use
use plans of operations in accordance of such information as is available
with Section III.G.4(b), Guidelines for from the Forest Service concerning
preparing surface use program, of the surface resources and uses, environ-
Department of the Interior, Bureau of mental considerations, and local rec-
Land Management, Onshore Oil and lamation procedures.
Gas Order No. 1, 48 FR 48915–30 (Oct. 21, (c) Content of plan. The type, size, and
1983), published as Appendix A to this intensity of the proposed operations
subpart. and the sensitivity of the surface re-
(2) Adoption of additional onshore oil sources that will be affected by the
and gas orders. Additional onshore oil proposed operations determine the
and gas orders shall be published in the level of detail and the amount of infor-
FEDERAL REGISTER for public comment mation which the operator includes in
and codified in the CFR. a proposed plan of operations. However,
(3) Applicability of onshore oil and gas any surface use plan of operations sub-
orders. Onshore Oil and Gas Orders mitted by an operator shall contain the


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Forest Service, USDA § 228.107

information specified by the Onshore (4) The surface use plan of operations
Oil and Gas Order in effect when the is acceptable, or is modified to be ac-
surface use plan of operations is sub- ceptable, to the authorized Forest offi-
mitted. cer based upon a review of the environ-
(d) Supplemental plan. An operator mental consequences of the operations.
must obtain an approved supplemental (b) Decision. The authorized Forest
surface use plan of operations before officer shall make a decision on the ap-
conducting any surface disturbing op- proval of a surface use plan of oper-
erations that are not authorized by a ations as follows:
current approved surface use plan of (1) If the authorized Forest officer
operations. The operator shall submit a will not be able to make a decision on
proposed supplemental surface use plan the proposed plan within 3 working
of operations to the appropriate Bu- days after the conclusion of the 30-day
reau of Land Management office for notice period provided for by 30 U.S.C.
forwarding to the Forest Service, un- 226(f), the authorized Forest officer
less otherwise directed by the Onshore shall advise the appropriate Bureau of
Oil and Gas Order in effect when the Land Managemnt office and the oper-
proposed supplemental plan of oper- ator as soon as such delay becomes ap-
ations is submitted. The supplemental parent, either in writing or orally with
plan of operations need only address subsequent written confirmation, that
those operations that differ from the additional time will be needed to proc-
operations authorized by the current ess the plan. The authorized Forest of-
approved surface use plan of oper- ficer shall explain the reason why addi-
ations. A supplemental plan is other- tional time is needed and project the
wise subject to the same requirements date by which a decision on the plan
under this subpart as an initial surface will likely be made.
use plan of operations. (2) When the review of a surface use
plan of operations has been completed,
§ 228.107 Review of surface use plan of the authorized Forest officer shall
operations. promptly notify the operator and the
(a) Review. The authorized Forest of- appropriate Bureau of Land Manage-
ficer shall review a surface use plan of ment office, in writting, that:
operations as promptly as practicable (i) The plan is approved as submitted:
given the nature and scope of the pro- (ii) The plan is approved subject to
posed plan. As part of the review, the specified conditions; or,
authorized Forest officer shall comply (iii) The plan is disapproved for the
with the National Environmental Pol- reasons stated.
icy Act of 1969, implementing regula- (c) Notice of decision. The authorized
tions at 40 CFR parts 1500–1508, and the Forest officer shall give public notice
Forest Service implementing policies of the decision on a pan and include in
and procedures set forth in Forest the notice that the decision is subject
Service Manual Chapter 1950 and For- to appeal under the administrative ap-
est Service Handbook 1909.15 and shall peal procedures at 36 CFR parts 217 and
ensure that: 251, subpart C.
(1) The surface use plan of operations (d) Transmittal of decision. The au-
is consistent with the lease, including thorized Forest officer shall imme-
the lease stipulations, and applicable diately forward a decision on a surface
Federal laws; use plan of operations to the appro-
(2) To the extent consistent with the priate Bureau of Land Management of-
rights conveyed by the lease, the sur- fice and the operator. This transmittal
face use plan of operations is con- shall include the estimated cost of rec-
sistent with, or is modified to be con- lamation and restoration (§ 228.109(a)) if
sistent with, the applicable current ap- the authorized Forest officer believes
proved forest land and resource man- that additional bonding is required.
agement plan; (e) Supplemental plans. A supple-
(3) The surface use plan of operations mental surface use plan of operations
meets or exceeds the surface use re- (§ 228.106(d)) shall be reviewed in the
quirements of § 228.108 of this subpart; same manner as an initial surface use
and plan of operations.


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§ 228.108 36 CFR Ch. II (7–1–02 Edition)

§ 228.108 Surface use requirements. (iii) Remove, or control, solid wastes,

(a) General. The operator shall con- toxic substances, and hazardous sub-
duct operations on a leasehold on Na- stances;
tional Forest System lands in a man- (iv) Reshape and revegetate disturbed
ner that minimizes effects on surface areas;
resources, prevents unnecessary or un- (v) Remove structures, improve-
reasonable surface resource disturb- ments, facilities and equipment, unless
ance, and that is in compliance with otherwise authorized; and
the other requirements of this section. (vi) Take such other reclamation
(b) Notice of operations. The operator measures as specified in the approved
must notify the authorized Forest offi- surface use plan of operations.
cer 48 hours prior to commencing oper- (h) Safety measures. (1) The operator
ations or resuming operations fol- must maintain structures, facilities,
lowing their temporary cessation improvements, and equipment located
(§ 228.111). on the area of operation in a safe and
(c) Access facilities. The operator shall neat manner and in accordance with an
construct and maintain access facili- approved surface use plan of oper-
ties to assure adequate drainage and to ations.
minimize or prevent damage to surface (2) The operator must take appro-
resources. priate measures in accordance with ap-
(d) Cultural and historical resources. plicable Federal and State laws and
The operator shall report findings of regulations to protect the public from
cultural and historical resources to the hazardous sites or conditions resulting
authorized Forest officer immediately from the operations. Such measures
and, except as otherwise authorized in may include, but are not limited to,
an approved surface use plan of oper- posting signs, building fences, or other-
ations, protect such resources. wise identifyng the hazardous site or
(e) Fire prevention and control. To the condition.
extent practicable, the operator shall (i) Wastes. The operator must either
take measures to prevent uncontrolled remove garbage, refuse, and sewage
fires on the area of operation and to from National Forest System lands or
suppress uncontrolled fires resulting treat and dispose of that material in
from the operations. such a manner as to minimize or pre-
(f) Fisheries, wildlife and plant habitat. vent adverse impacts on surface re-
The operator shall comply with the re- sources. The operator shall treat or
quirements of the Endangered Species dispose of produced water, drilling
Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) and its fluid, and other waste generated by the
implementing regulations (50 CFR operations in such a manner as to min-
chapter IV), and, except as otherwise imize or prevent adverse impacts on
provided in an approved surface use surface resources.
plan of operations, conduct operations (j) Watershed protection. (1) Except as
in such a manner as to maintain and otherwise provided in the approved sur-
protect fisheries, wildlife, and plant face use plan of operations, the oper-
habitat. ator shall not conduct operations in
(g) Reclamation. (1) Unless otherwise areas subject to mass soil movement,
provided in an approved surface use riparian areas and wetlands.
plan of operations, the operator shall (2) The operator shall take measures
conduct reclamation concurrently with to minimize or prevent erosion and
other operations. sediment production. Such measures
(2) Within 1 year of completion of op- include, but are not limited to, siting
erations on a portion of the area of op- structures, facilities, and other im-
eration, the operator must reclaim provements to avoid steep slopes and
that portion, unless a different period excessive clearing of land.
of time is approved in writing by the
authorized Forest officer. § 228.109 Bonds.
(3) The operator must: (a) General. As part of the review of a
(i) Control soil erosion and land- proposed surface use plan of oper-
slides; ations, the authorized Forest officer
(ii) Control water runoff; shall consider the estimated cost to the


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Forest Service, USDA § 228.112

Forest Service to reclaim those areas ADMINISTRATION OF OPERATIONS

that would be disturbed by operations
and to restore any lands or surface wa- § 228.111 Temporary cessation of oper-
ters adversely affected by the lease op- ations.
erations after the abandonment or ces- (a) General. As soon as it becomes ap-
sation of operations on the lease. If at parent that there will be a temporary
any time prior to or during the conduct cessation of operations for a period of
of operations, the authorized Forest of- 45 days or more, the operator must ver-
ficer determines the financial instru- bally notify and subsequently file a
ment held by the Bureau of Land Man- statement with the authorized Forest
agement is not adequate to ensure officer verifying the operator’s intent
complete and timely reclamation and to maintain structures, facilities, im-
restoration, the authorized Forest offi- provements, and equipment that will
cer shall give the operator the option remain on the area of operation during
of either increasing the financial in- the cessation of operations, and speci-
strument held by the Bureau of Land fying the expected date by which oper-
Management or filing a separate in- ations will be resumed.
strument with the Forest Service in (b) Seasonal shutdowns. The operator
the amount deemed adequate by the need not file the statement required by
authorized Forest officer to ensure rec- paragraph (a) of this section if the ces-
lamation and restoration. sation of operations results from sea-
(b) Standards for estimating reclama- sonally adverse weather conditions and
tion costs. The authorized Forest officer the operator will resume operations
shall consider the costs of the opera- promptly upon the conclusion of those
tor’s proposed reclamation program adverse weather conditions.
and the need for additional measures to (c) Interim measures. The authorized
be taken when estimating the cost to Forest officer may require the operator
the Forest Service to reclaim the dis- to take reasonable interim reclamation
turbed area. or erosion control measures to protect
(c) Release of reclamation liability. An surface resources during temporary
operator may request the authorized cessations of operations, including dur-
Forest officer to notify the Bureau of ing cessations of operations resulting
Land Management of reduced reclama- from seasonally adverse weather condi-
tion liability at any time after rec- tions.
lamation has commenced. The author-
ized Forest officer shall, if appropriate, § 228.112 Compliance and inspection.
notify the Bureau of Land Management (a) General. Operations must be con-
as to the amount to which the liability ducted in accordance with the lease, in-
has been reduced. cluding stipulations made part of the
lease at the direction of the Forest
§ 228.110 Indemnification.
Service, an approved surface use plan
The operator and, if the operator of operations, the applicable Onshore
does not hold all of the interest in the Oil and Gas Order (§ 228.105(a)), an ap-
applicable lease, all lessees and trans- plicable Notice to lessees, transferees,
ferees are jointly and severally liable and operators (§ 228.105(b)), and regula-
in accordance with Federal and State tions of this subpart.
laws for indemnifying the United (b) Completion of reclamation. The au-
States for: thorized Forest officer shall give
(a) Injury, loss or damage, including prompt written notice to an operator
fire suppression costs, which the whenever reclamation of a portion of
United States incurs as a result of the the area affected by surface operations
operations; and has been satisfactorily completed in
(b) Payments made by the United accordance with the approved surface
States in satisfaction of claims, de- use plan of operations and § 228.108 of
mands or judgments for an injury, loss this subpart. The notice shall describe
or damage, including fire suppression the portion of the area on which the
costs, which result from the oper- reclamation has been satisfactorily
ations. completed.


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§ 228.113 36 CFR Ch. II (7–1–02 Edition)

(c) Compliance with other statutes and (e) Inspection. Forest Service officers
regulations. Nothing in this subpart shall periodically inspect the area of
shall be construed to relieve an oper- operations to determine and document
ator from complying with applicable whether operations are being con-
Federal and State laws or regulations, ducted in compliance with the regula-
including, but not limited to: tions in this subpart, the stipulations
(1) Federal and State air quality included in the lease at the direction of
standards, including the requirements the Forest Service, the approved sur-
of the Clean Air Act, as amended (42 face use plan of operations, the appli-
U.S.C. 1857 et seq.); cable Onshore Oil and Gas Order, and
(2) Federal and State water quality applicable Notices to Lessees, Trans-
standards, including the requirements ferees, and Operators.
of the Federal Water Pollution Control
Act, as amended (33 U.S.C. 1151 et seq.); § 228.113 Notice of noncompliance.
(3) Federal and State standards for (a) Issuance. When an authorized For-
the use or generation of solid wastes, est officer finds that the operator is
toxic substances and hazardous sub- not in compliance with a reclamation
stances, including the requirements of or other standard, a stipulation in-
the Comprehensive Environmental Re- cluded in a lease at the direction of the
sponse, Compensation and Liability Forest Service, an approved surface use
Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq., plan of operation, the regulations in
and its implementing regulations, 40 this subpart, the applicable onshore oil
CFR chapter I, subchapter J, and the and gas order, or an applicable notice
Resource Conservation and Recovery to lessees, transferees, and operators,
Act, 42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq., and its imple- the authorized Forest officer shall
menting regulations, 40 CFR chapter I, issue a notice of noncompliance.
subchaper I; (1) Content. The notice of noncompli-
(4) The Endangered Species Act of ance shall include the following:
1973, 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq., and its imple-
(i) Identification of the reclamation
menting regulations, 50 CFR chapter
requirements or other standard(s) with
which the operator is not in compli-
(5) The Archeological Resources Pro-
tection Act of 1979, as amended (16
(ii) Description of the measures
U.S.C. 470aa et seq.) and its imple-
which are required to correct the non-
menting regulations 36 CFR part 296;
(6) The Mineral Leasing Act of 1920,
30 U.S.C. 1981 et seq., the Mineral Leas- (iii) Specification of a reasonable pe-
ing Act of Acquired Lands of 1947, 30 riod of time within which the non-
U.S.C. 351 et seq., the Federal Oil and compliance must be corrected;
Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982, (iv) If the noncompliance appears to
30 U.S.C. 1701 et seq., and their imple- be material, identification of the pos-
menting regulations, 43 CFR chapter sible consequences of continued non-
II, group 3100; and compliance of the requirement(s) or
(7) Applicable Onshore Oil and Gas standard(s) as described in 30 U.S.C.
Orders and Notices to Lessees and Op- 226(g);
erators (NTL’s) issued by the United (v) If the noncompliance appears to
States Department of the Interior, Bu- be in violation of the prohibitions set
reau of Land Management pursuant to forth in 36 CFR part 261, identification
43 CFR chapter II, part 3160, subpart of the possible consequences of contin-
3164. ued noncompliance of the require-
(d) Penalties. If surface disturbing op- ment(s) or standard(s) as described in
erations are being conducted that are 36 CFR 261.1b; and
not authorized by an approved surface (vi) Notification that the authorized
use plan of operations or that violate a Forest officer remains willing and de-
term or operating condition of an ap- sirous of working cooperatively with
proved surface use plan of operations, the operator to resolve or remedy the
the person conducting those operations noncompliance.
is subject to the prohibitions and at- (2) Extension of deadlines. The oper-
tendant penalties of 36 CFR part 261. ator may request an extension of a


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Forest Service, USDA § 228.113

deadline specified in a notice of non- noncompliance is resulting in an emer-

compliance if the operator is unable to gency.
come into compliance with the applica- (1) Referral to compliance officer. When
ble requirement(s) or standard(s) iden- the operations appear to be in material
tified in the notice of noncompliance noncompliance, the authorized Forest
by the deadline because of conditions officer shall promptly refer the matter
beyond the operator’s control. The au- to the compliance officer. The referral
thorized Forest officer shall not extend shall be accompanied by a complete
a deadline specified in a notice of non- statement of the facts supported by ap-
compliance unless the operator re- propriate exhibits. Apparent material
quested an extension and the author- noncompliance includes, but is not lim-
ized Forest officer finds that there was ited to, operating without an approved
a condition beyond the operator’s con-
surface use plan of operations, con-
trol, that such condition prevented the
ducting operations that have been sus-
operator from complying with the no-
pended, failure to timely complete rec-
tice of noncompliance by the specified
lamation in accordance with an ap-
deadline, and that the extension will
not adversely affect the interests of the proved surface use plan of operations,
United States. Conditions which may failure to maintain an additional bond
be beyond the operator’s control in- in the amount required by the author-
clude, but are not limited to, closure of ized Forest officer during the period of
an area in accordance with 36 CFR part operation, failure to timely reimburse
261, subparts B or C, or inaccessibility the Forest Service for the cost of abat-
of an area of operations due to such ing an emergency, and failing to com-
conditions as fire, flooding, or ply with any term included in a lease,
snowpack. stipulation, or approved surface use
(3) Manner of service. The authorized plan of operations, the applicable on-
Forest officer shall serve a notice of shore oil and gas order, or an applica-
noncompliance or a decision on a re- ble Notice to lessees, transferees, and
quest for extension of a deadline speci- operators, relating to the protection of
fied in a notice upon the operator in a threatened or endangered species.
person, by certified mail or by tele- (2) Suspension of operations. When the
phone. However, if notice is initially noncompliance is likely to result in
provided in person or by telephone, the danger to public health or safety or in
authorized Forest officer shall send the irreparable resource damage, the au-
operator written confirmation of the thorized Forest officer shall suspend
notice or decision by certified mail. the operations, in whole or in part.
(b) Failure to come into compliance. If (i) A suspension of operations shall
the operator fails to come into compli- remain in effect until the authorized
ance with the applicable require- Forest officer determines that the op-
ment(s) or standard(s) identified in a
erations are in compliance with the ap-
notice of noncompliance by the dead-
plicable requirement(s) or standard(s)
line specified in the notice, or an ap-
identified in the notice of noncompli-
proved extension, the authorized For-
est officer shall decide whether: The ance.
noncompliance appears to be material (ii) The authorized Forest officer
given the reclamation requirements shall serve decisions suspending oper-
and other standards applicable to the ations upon the operator in person, by
lease established by 30 U.S.C. 226(g), certified mail, or by telephone. If no-
the regulations in this subpart, the tice is initially provided in person or
stipulations included in a lease at the by telephone, the authorized Forest of-
direction of the Forest Service, an ap- ficer shall send the operator written
proved surface use plan of operations, confirmation of the decision by cer-
the applicable Onshore Oil and Gas tified mail.
Order, or an applicable Notice to les- (iii) The authorized Forest officer
sees, transferees, and operators; the shall immediately notify the appro-
noncompliance is likely to result in priate Bureau of Land Management of-
danger to public health or safety or ir- fice when an operator has been given
reparable resource damage; and the notice to suspend operations.


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§ 228.114 36 CFR Ch. II (7–1–02 Edition)

(3) Abatement of emergencies. When the (2) Content of notice. The notice of the
noncompliance is resulting in an emer- material noncompliance proceeding
gency, the authorized Forest officer shall include the following:
may take action as necessary to abate (i) The specific reclamation require-
the emergency. The total cost to the ment(s) or other standard(s) of which
Forest Service of taking actions to the operator may be in material non-
abate an emergency becomes an obliga- compliance;
tion of the operator. (ii) A description of the measures
(i) Emergency situations include, but that are required to correct the viola-
are not limited to, imminent dangers tion;
to public health or safety or irrep- (iii) A statement that if the compli-
arable resource damage. ance officer finds that the operator is
(ii) The authorized Forest officer in material noncompliance with a rec-
shall promptly serve a bill for such lamation requirement or other stand-
costs upon the operator by certified
ard applicable to the lease, the Sec-
retary of the Interior will not be able
§ 228.114 Material noncompliance pro- to issue new leases or approve new
ceedings. transfers of leases to the operator, any
subsidiary or affiliate of the operator,
(a) Evaluation of referral. The compli-
or any person controlled by or under
ance officer shall promptly evaluate a
common control with the operator
referral made by the authorized Forest
until the compliance officer finds that
officer pursuant to § 228.113(b)(1) of this
subpart. the operator has come into compliance
with such requirement or standard; and
(b) Dismissal of referral. The compli-
ance officer shall dismiss the referral if (iv) A recitation of the specific proce-
the compliance officer determines that dures governing the material non-
there is not adequate evidence to sup- compliance proceeding set forth in
port a reasonable belief that: paragraphs (d) through (g) of this sec-
(1) The operator was not in compli- tion.
ance with the applicable require- (d) Answer. Within 30 calendar days
ment(s) or standard(s) identified in a after receiving the notice of the pro-
notice of noncompliance by the dead- ceeding, the operator may submit, in
line specified in the notice, or an ex- person, in writing, or through a rep-
tension approved by the authorized resentative, an answer containing in-
Forest officer; or formation and argument in opposition
(2) The noncompliance with the ap- to the proposed material noncompli-
plicable requirement(s) or standard(s) ance finding, including information
identified in the notice of noncompli- that raises a genuine dispute over the
ance may be material. material facts. In that submission, the
(c) Initiation of proceedings. The com- operator also may:
pliance officer shall initiate a material (1) Request an informal hearing with
noncompliance proceeding if the com- the compliance officer; and
pliance officer agrees that there is ade- (2) Identify pending administrative or
quate evidence to support a reasonable judicial appeal(s) which are relevant to
belief that an operator has failed to the proposed material noncompliance
come into compliance with the applica- finding and provide information which
ble requirement(s) or standard(s) iden- shows the relevance of such appeal(s).
tified in a notice of noncompliance by
(e) Informal hearing. If the operator
the deadline specified in the notice, or
extension approved by the authorized requests an informal hearing, it shall
Forest officer, and that the noncompli- be held within 20 calendar days from
ance may be material. the date that the compliance officer re-
(1) Notice of proceedings. The compli- ceives the operator’s request.
ance officer shall inform the lessee and (1) The compliance officer may post-
operator of the material noncompli- pone the date of the informal hearing if
ance proceedings by certified mail, re- the operator requests a postponement
turn receipt requested. in writing.


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Forest Service, USDA § 228.114

(2) At the hearing, the operator, ap- fore the compliance officer renders a
pearing personally or through an attor- decision pursuant to paragraph (h) of
ney or another authorized representa- this section, the authorized Forest offi-
tive, may informally present and ex- cer who made the referral finds that
plain evidence and argument in opposi- the operator has come into compliance
tion to the proposed material non- with the applicable requirements or
compliance finding. standards identified in the notice of
(3) A transcript of the informal hear- proceeding.
ing shall not be required. (h) Compliance officer’s decision. The
(f) Additional procedures as to disputed compliance officer shall base the deci-
facts. If the compliance officer finds sion on the entire record, which shall
that the answer raises a genuine dis- consist of the authorized Forest offi-
pute over facts essential to the pro- cer’s referral and its accompanying
posed material noncompliance finding, statement of facts and exhibits, infor-
the compliance officer shall so inform mation and argument that the oper-
the operator by certified mail, return ator provided in an answer, any infor-
receipt requested. Within 10 days of re- mation and argument that the oper-
ceiving this notice, the operator may ator provided in an informal hearing if
request a fact-finding conference on one was held, and the findings of fact if
those disputed facts. a fact-finding conference was held.
(1) The fact-finding conference shall (1) Content. The compliance officer’s
be scheduled within 20 calendar days decision shall state whether the oper-
from the date the compliance officer ator has violated the requirement(s) or
receives the operator’s request, unless standard(s) identified in the notice of
the operator and compliance officer proceeding and, if so, whether that
agree otherwise. noncompliance is material given the
(2) At the fact-finding conference, the requirements of 30 U.S.C. 226(g), the
operator shall have the opportunity to
stipulations included in the lease at
appear with counsel, submit documen-
the direction of the Forest Service, the
tary evidence, present witnesses, and
regulations in this subpart or an ap-
confront the person(s) the Forest Serv-
proved surface use plan of operations,
ice presents.
the applicable onshore oil and gas
(3) A transcribed record of the fact-
order, or an applicable notice to les-
finding conference shall be made, un-
sees, transferees, and operators. If the
less the operator and the compliance
compliance officer finds that the oper-
officer by mutual agreement waive the
ator is in material noncompliance, the
requirement for a transcript. The tran-
script will be made available to the op- decision also shall:
erator at cost upon request. (i) Describe the measures that are re-
(4) The compliance officer may pre- quired to correct the violation;
side over the fact-finding conference or (ii) Apprise the operator that the
designate another authorized Forest of- Secretary of the Interior is being noti-
ficer to preside over the fact-finding fied that the operator has been found
conference. to be in material noncompliance with a
(5) Following the fact-finding con- reclamation requirement or other
ference, the authorized Forest officer standard applicable to the lease; and
who presided over the conference shall (iii) State that the decision is the
promptly prepare written findings of final administrative determination of
fact based upon the preponderance of the Department of Agriculture.
the evidence. The compliance officer (2) Service. The compliance officer
may reject findings of fact prepared by shall serve the decision upon the oper-
another authorized Forest officer, in ator by certified mail, return receipt
whole or in part, if the compliance offi- requested. If the operator is found to be
cer specifically determines that such in material noncompliance, the compli-
findings are arbitrary and capricious or ance officer also shall immediately
clearly erroneous. send a copy of the decision to the ap-
(g) Dismissal of proceedings. The com- propriate Bureau of Land Management
pliance officer shall dismiss the mate- office and to the Secretary of the Inte-
rial noncompliance proceeding if, be- rior.


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§ 228.115 36 CFR Ch. II (7–1–02 Edition)

(i) Petition for withdrawal of finding. If and, if applicable, its accompanying

an operator who has been found to be statement of facts and exhibits, and if
in material noncompliance under the a fact-finding conference was held, the
provisions of this section believes that findings of fact. The compliance officer
the operations have subsequently come shall serve the decision on the operator
into compliance with the applicable re- by certified mail.
quirement(s) or standard(s) identified (i) If the compliance officer finds
in the compliance officer’s decision, that the operator remains in violation
the operator may submit a written pe- of requirement(s) or standard(s) identi-
tition requesting that the material fied in the decision finding that the op-
noncompliance finding be withdrawn. erator was in material noncompliance,
The petition shall be submitted to the the decision on the petition for with-
authorized Forest officer who issued drawal shall identify such require-
the operator the notice of noncompli- ment(s) or standard(s) and describe the
ance under § 228.113(a) of this subpart measures that are required to correct
and shall include information or exhib- the violation(s).
its which shows that the operator has (ii) If the compliance officer finds
come into compliance with the require- that the operator has subsequently
ment(s) or standard(s) identified in the come into compliance with the require-
compliance officer’s decision. ment(s) or standard(s) identified in the
(1) Response to petition. Within 30 cal- compliance officer’s decision finding
endar days after receiving the opera- that the operator was in material non-
tor’s petition for withdrawal, the au- compliance, the compliance officer also
thorized Forest officer shall submit a shall immediately send a copy of the
written statement to the compliance decision on the petition for withdrawal
officer as to whether the authorized to the appropriate Bureau of Land
Forest officer agrees that the operator Management office and notify the Sec-
has come into compliance with the re-
retary of the Interior that the operator
quirement(s) or standard(s) identified
has come into compliance.
in the compliance officer’s decision. If
(j) List of operators found to be in mate-
the authorized Forest officer disagrees
with the operator, the written state- rial noncompliance. The Deputy Chief,
ment shall be accompanied by a com- National Forest System, shall compile
plete statement of the facts supported and maintain a list of operators who
by appropriate exhibits. have been found to be in material non-
(2) Additional procedures as to disputed compliance with reclamation require-
material facts. If the compliance officer ments and other standards as provided
finds that the authorized Forest offi- in 30 U.S.C. 226(g), the regulations in
cer’s response raises a genuine dispute this subpart, a stipulation included in
over facts material to the decision as a lease at the direction of the Forest
to whether the operator has come into Service, or an approved surface use
compliance with the requirement(s) or plan of operations, the applicable on-
standard(s) identified in the compli- shore oil and gas order, or an applica-
ance officer’s decision, the compliance ble notice to lessees, transferees, and
officer shall so notify the operator and operators, for a lease on National For-
authorized Forest officer by certified est System lands to which such stand-
mail, return receipt requested. The no- ards apply. This list shall be made
tice shall also advise the operator that available to Regional Foresters, Forest
the fact finding procedures specified in Supervisors, and upon request, mem-
paragraph (f) of this section apply to bers of the public.
the compliance officer’s decision on the
petition for withdrawal. § 228.115 Additional notice of deci-
(3) Compliance officer’s decision. The
compliance officer shall base the deci- (a) The authorized Forest officer
sion on the petition on the entire shall promptly post notices provided by
record, which shall consist of the oper- the Bureau of Land Management of:
ator’s petition for withdrawal and its (1) Competitive lease sales which the
accompanying exhibits, the authorized Bureau plans to conduct that include
Forest officer’s response to the petition National Forest System lands;


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Forest Service, USDA Pt. 228, Subpt. E, App. A

(2) Substantial modifications in the (ii) No additional burden hours re-

terms of a lease which the Bureau pro- quired to meet the information re-
poses to make for leases on National quirements in § 228.106 (a), (c), and (d)
Forest System lands; and of this subpart;
(3) Applications for permits to drill (iii) 10 minutes for the information
which the Bureau has received for requirements in § 228.109(c) of this sub-
leaseholds located on National Forest part;
System lands. (iv) 10 minutes for the information
(b) The notice shall be posted at the requirements in § 228.111(a) of this sub-
offices of the affected Forest Super- part;
visor and District Ranger in a promi- (v) 5 minutes for the information re-
nent location readily accessible to the quirements in § 228.113(a)(2) of this sub-
public. part; and
(c) The authorized Forest officer (vi) 2 hours for the information re-
shall keep a record of the date(s) the quirements in § 228.114 (c) through (i) of
notice was posted in the offices of the this subpart.
affected Forest Supervisor and District (2) Send comments regarding the bur-
Ranger. den estimate or any other aspect of
(d) The posting of notices required by this collection of information, includ-
this section are in addition to the re- ing suggestions for reducing this bur-
quirements for public notice of deci- den, to Chief (2800), Forest Service,
sions provided in § 228.104(d) (Notice of USDA, P.O. Box 96090, Washington, DC
decision) and § 228.107(c) (Notice of deci- 20090–6090 and to the Office of Informa-
sion) of this subpart. tion and Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget, Washington,
§ 228.116 Information collection re-
quirements. DC 20503.
(a) Sections containing information re- APPENDIX A TO SUBPART E OF PART
quirements. The following sections of 228—GUIDELINES FOR PREPARING
this subpart contain information re- SURFACE USE PLANS OF OPERATION
quirements as defined in 5 CFR part FOR DRILLING
1320 and have been approved for use by
the Office of Management and Budget: I. Components of a Complete Application for
Permit to Drill
(1) Section 228.104(a) Requests to
Modify, Waive, or Grant Exceptions to (a) Guidelines for Preparing Surface Use
Leasing Stipulations; Program. In preparing this program, the les-
(2) Section 228.106 (a), (c), and (d) see or operator shall submit maps, plats, and
Submission of Surface Use Plan of Op- narrative descriptions which adhere closely
to the following (maps and plats should be of
erations; a scale no smaller than 1:24,000 unless other-
(3) Section 228.109(c) Request for Re- wise stated below):
duction in Reclamation Liability after (1) Existing Roads. A legible map (USGS
Reclamation; topographic, county road, Alaska Borough,
(4) Section 228.111(a) Notice of Tem- or other such map), labeled and showing the
porary Cessation of Operations; access route to the location, shall be used for
(5) Section 228.113(a)(2) Extension of locating the proposed well site in relation to
Deadline in Notice of Noncompliance; a town (village) or other locatable point,
such as a highway or county road, which
handles the majority of the through traffic
(6) Section 228.114 (c) through (i) Ma- to the general area. The proposed route to
terial Noncompliance Proceedings. the location, including appropriate distances
(b) OMB control number. The informa- from the point where the access route exits
tion requirements listed in paragraph established roads, shall be shown. All access
(a) of this section have been assigned roads shall be appropriately labeled. Any
OMB Control No. 0596–0101. plans for improvement and/or a statement
(c) Average estimated burden hours. (1) that existing roads will be maintained in the
same or better condition shall be provided.
The average burden hours per response
Existing roads and newly constructed roads
are estimated to be: on surface under the jurisdiction of a Surface
(i) 5 minutes for the information re- Management Agency shall be maintained in
quirements in § 228.104(a) of this sub- accordance with the standards of the Surface
part; Management Agency.


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Pt. 228, Subpt. E, App. A 36 CFR Ch. II (7–1–02 Edition)
Information required by items (2), (3), (4), priate. If a water supply well is to be drilled
(5), (6), and (8) of this subsection also may be on the lease, it shall be so stated under this
shown on this map if appropriately labeled item, and the authorized officer of the BLM
or on a separate plat or map. may require the filing of a separate APD.
(2) Access Roads to Be Constructed and Re- (6) Construction Materials. The lessee or op-
constructed. All permanent and temporary erator shall state the character and intended
access roads that are to be constructed, or use of all construction materials such as
reconstructed, in connection with the drill- sand, gravel, stone and soil material. If the
ing of the proposed well shall be appro- materials to be used are Federally-owned,
priately identified and submitted on a map the proposed source shall be shown by either
or plat. Width, maximum grade, major cuts quarter-quarter section on a map or plat, or
and fills, turnouts, drainage design, location a written description. The use of materials
and size of culverts and/or bridges, fence cuts under BLM jurisdiction is governed by 43
and/or cattleguards, and type of surfacing CFR 3610.2–3. The authorized officer shall in-
material, if any, shall be stated for all con- form the lessee or operator if the materials
struction. In addition, where permafrost ex- may be used free of charge or if an applica-
ists, the methods for protection from thaw- tion for sale is required. If the materials to
ing must be indicated. Modification of pro- be used are Indian owned or under the juris-
posed road design may be required during the diction of any Surface Management Agency
onsite inspection. other than BLM, the specific tribe and or
Information also should be furnished to in- Area Superintendent of BIA, or the appro-
dicate where existing facilities may be al- priate Surface Management Agency office
tered or modified. Such facilities include shall be contacted to determine the appro-
gates, cattleguards, culverts, and bridges priate procedure for use of the materials.
which, if installed or replaced, shall be de- (7) Methods for Handling Waste Disposal. A
signed to adequately carry anticipated loads. written description shall be given of the
(3) Location of Existing Wells. It is rec- methods and locations proposed for safe con-
ommended that this information be sub- tainment and disposal of each type of waste
mitted on a map or plat and include all wells material (e.g., cuttings, garbage, salts,
(water, injection or disposal, producing, and chemicals, sewage, etc.) that results from
drilling) within a 1-mile radius of the pro- the drilling of the proposed well. Likewise,
posed location. the narrative shall include plans for the
(4) Location of Existing and/or Proposed Fa- eventual disposal of drilling fluids and any
cilities if Well is Productive. produced oil or water recovered during test-
(i) On well pad—A map or plat shall be in- ing operations.
cluded showing, to the extent known or an- (8) Ancillary Facilities. The plans, or subse-
ticipated, the location of all production fa- quent amendments to such plans, shall iden-
cilities and lines to be installed if the well is tify all ancillary facilities such as camps and
successfully completed for production. airstrips as to their location, land area re-
(ii) Off well pad—A map or plat shall be in- quired, and the methods and standards to be
cluded showing to the extent known or an- employed in their construction. Such facili-
ticipated, the existing or new production fa- ties shall be shown on a map or plat. The ap-
cilities to be utilized and the lines to be in- proximate center of proposed camps and the
stalled if the well is successfully completed center line of airstrips shall be staked on the
for production. If new construction, the di- ground.
mensions of the facility layout are to be (9) Well Site Layout. A plat of suitable scale
shown. (not less than 1 inch=50 feet) showing the
If the information required under (a) or (b) proposed drill pad and its location with re-
above is not known and cannot be accurately spect to topographic features is required.
presented and the well subsequently is com- Cross section diagrams of the drill pad show-
pleted for production, the operator shall ing any cuts and fills and the relation to to-
then comply with section IV of this Order. pography are also required. The plat shall
(5) Location and Type of Water Supply (Riv- also include the approximate proposed loca-
ers, Creeks, Springs, Lakes, Ponds, and Wells). tion of the reserve and burn pits, access
This information may be shown by quarter- roads onto the pad, turnaround areas, park-
quarter section on a map or plat, or may be ing area, living facilities, soil material
a written description. The source and trans- stockpiles, and the orientation of the rig
portation method for all water to be used in with respect to the pad and other facilities.
drilling the proposed well shall be noted if Plans, if any to line the reserve pit should be
the source is located on Federal or Indian detailed.
lands or if water is to be used from a Federal (10) Plans for Reclamation of the Surface.
or Indian project. If the water is obtained The program for surface reclamation upon
from other than Federal or Indian lands, completion of the operation, such as configu-
only the location need be identified. Any ac- ration of the reshaped topography, drainage
cess roads crossing Federal or Indian lands system, segregation of spoil materials, sur-
that are needed to haul the water shall be face manipulations, waste disposal, revegeta-
described in items G.4.b. (1) and (2), as appro- tion methods, and soil treatments, plus


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Forest Service, USDA § 230.2
other practices necessary to reclaim all dis- Subpart B—Urban and Community Forestry
turbed areas, including any access roads or Assistance Program
portions of well pads when no longer needed,
shall be stated. An estimate of the time for 230.20 Scope and authority.
commencement and completion of reclama- 230.21 Implementation of the program.
tion operations, dependent on weather condi-
tions and other local uses of the area, shall AUTHORITY: 16 U.S.C. 2103b, 2105, 2114.
be provided. SOURCE: 56 FR 63585, Dec. 4, 1991, unless
(11) Surface Ownership. The surface owner- otherwise noted.
ship (Federal, Indian, State or private) at
the well location, and for all lands crossed by
roads which are to be constructed or up- Subpart A—Stewardship Incentive
graded, shall be indicated. Where the surface Program
of the well site is privately owned, the oper-
ator shall provide the name, address, and § 230.1 Purpose and scope.
telephone number of the surface owner, un-
less previously provided. (a) The regulations in this subpart
(12) Other Information. The lessee or oper- govern the operation of the Steward-
ator is encouraged to submit any additional ship Incentive Program as provided in
information that may be helpful in proc- section 6 of the Cooperative Forestry
essing the application. Assistance Act, as amended by title XII
(13) Lessee’s or Operator’s Representative and of the Food, Agriculture, Conservation,
Certification. The name, address, and tele-
phone number of the lessee’s or operator’s
and Trade Act of 1990 (16 U.S.C. 2101, et
field representative shall be included. The seq.). This subpart sets forth the rules
lessee or operator submitting the APD shall and procedures by which the Steward-
certify as follows: ship Incentive Program will be admin-
I hereby certify that I, or persons under istered by the Forest Service to estab-
my direct supervision, have inspected the lish forest stewardship practices on
proposed drill site and access route; that I nonindustrial private forest land.
am familiar with the conditions which cur-
(b) The cost-share assistance pro-
rently exist; that the statements made in
this plan are, to the best of my knowledge, vided under the Stewardship Incentive
true and correct; and that the work associ- Program shall complement rather than
ated with operations proposed herein will be replace or duplicate the existing Agri-
performed by lllll and its contractors cultural Conservation Program and
and subcontractors in conformity with this Forestry Incentives Program. Tree
plan and the terms and conditions under planting and improvement and other
which it is approved. This statement is sub- State priorities for program activities
ject to the provisions of 18 U.S.C. 1001 for the
filing of a false statement.
and practices funded under the Stew-
ardship Incentive Program shall be de-
Date llllllllllllllllllll signed to provide multiple resource
Name and Title llllllllllllll benefits not available through other
cost-share programs.
§ 230.2 Definitions.
As used in this subpart, the following
Subpart A—Stewardship Incentive Program terms shall mean:
Act means the Cooperative Forestry
Sec. Assistance Act as amended (16 U.S.C.
230.1 Purpose and scope. 2101, et seq).
230.2 Definitions.
Assignee means any person, corpora-
230.3 National program administration.
tion, government agency, or other
230.4 State program administration.
legal entity to whom a landowner
230.5 Eligibility requirements.
transfers legal rights to receive all or
230.6 Landowner forest stewardship plan.
230.7 Program practices.
part of federal cost-share payments.
230.8 Application and approval. Chief means the Chief of the Forest
230.9 Payment to landowners. Service.
230.10 Prohibitions. Committee means the State Forest
230.11 Recapture of payment. Stewardship Coordinating Committee
230.12 Reconsideration. established pursuant to section 19(b)(1)
230.13 Information requirements. of the Act.


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PART 3000—MINERALS (See § 1821–2–1 of this title for office lo-

MANAGEMENT: GENERAL cation and area of jurisdiction of Bu-
reau of Land Management offices.)
Subpart 3000—General (g) Public domain lands means lands,
including mineral estates, which never
Sec. left the ownership of the United States,
3000.0–5 Definitions.
3000.1 Nondiscrimination.
lands which were obtained by the
3000.2 False statements. United States in exchange for public
3000.3 Unlawful interests. domain lands, lands which have re-
3000.4 Appeals. verted to the ownership of the United
3000.5 Limitations on time to institute suit States through the operation of the
to contest a decision of the Secretary. public land laws and other lands spe-
3000.6 Filing of documents.
cifically identified by the Congress as
3000.7 Multiple development.
3000.8 Management of Federal minerals part of the public domain.
from reserved mineral estates. (h) Acquired lands means lands which
3000.9 Enforcement. the United States obtained by deed
AUTHORITY: 30 U.S.C. 189 and 359; and 40 through purchase or gift, or through
Opinion of the Attorney General 41. condemnation proceedings, including
lands previously disposed of under the
SOURCE: 48 FR 33659, July 22, 1983, unless
otherwise noted. public land laws including the mining
Subpart 3000—General (i) Anniversary date means the same
day and month in succeeding years as
§ 3000.0–5 Definitions. that on which the lease became effec-
As used in Groups 3000 and 3100 of tive.
this title, the term: (j) Act means the Mineral Leasing
(a) Gas means any fluid, either com- Act of 1920, as amended and supple-
bustible or noncombustible, which is mented (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.).
produced in a natural state from the (k) Party in interest means a party
earth and which maintains a gaseous who is or will be vested with any inter-
or rarefied state at ordinary tempera- est under the lease as defined in para-
tures and pressure conditions. graph (l) of this section. No one is a
(b) Oil means all nongaseous hydro- sole party in interest with respect to
carbon substances other than those an application, offer, competitive bid
substances leasable as coal, oil shale or or lease in which any other party has
gilsonite (including all vein-type solid an interest;
hydrocarbons). (l) Interest means ownership in a lease
(c) Secretary means the Secretary of or prospective lease of all or a portion
the Interior. of the record title, working interest,
(d) Director means the Director of the operating rights, overriding royalty,
Bureau of Land Management. payments out of production, carried in-
(e) Authorized officer means any em- terests, net profit share or similar in-
ployee of the Bureau of Land Manage-
strument for participation in the ben-
ment authorized to perform the duties
efit derived from a lease. An interest
described in Group 3000 and 3100.
(f) Proper BLM office means the Bu- may be created by direct or indirect
reau of Land Management office hav- ownership, including options. Interest
ing jurisdiction over the lands subject does not mean stock ownership, stock-
to the regulations in Groups 3000 and holding or stock control in an applica-
3100, except that all oil and gas lease tion, offer, competitive bid or lease, ex-
offers, and assignments or transfers for cept for purposes of acreage limita-
lands in Alaska shall be filed in the tions in § 3101.2 of this title and quali-
Alaska State Office, Anchorage, Alas- fications of lessees in subpart 3102 of
ka. this title.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3000.8

(m) Surface managing agency means § 3000.5 Limitations on time to insti-

any Federal agency outside of the De- tute suit to contest a decision of the
partment of the Interior with jurisdic- Secretary.
tion over the surface overlying feder- No action contesting a decision of
ally-owned minerals. the Secretary involving any oil or gas
(n) Service means the Minerals Man- lease, offer or application shall be
agement Service. maintained unless such action is com-
(o) Bureau means the Bureau of Land menced or taken within 90 days after
Management. the final decision of the Secretary re-
[48 FR 33659, July 22, 1983, as amended at 49 lating to such matter.
FR 2113, Jan. 18, 1984; 53 FR 17351, May 16,
1988; 53 FR 22835, June 17, 1988] § 3000.6 Filing of documents.
All necessary documents shall be
§ 3000.1 Nondiscrimination.
filed in the proper BLM office. A docu-
Any person acquiring a lease under ment shall be considered filed when it
this chapter shall comply fully with is received in the proper BLM office
the equal opportunity provisions of Ex- during regular business hours (see
ecutive Order 11246 of September 24, § 1821.2 of this title).
1965, as amended, and the rules, regula-
tions and relevant orders of the Sec- § 3000.7 Multiple development.
retary of Labor (41 CFR part 60 and 43
CFR part 17). The granting of a permit or lease for
the prospecting, development or pro-
§ 3000.2 False statements. duction of deposits of any one mineral
shall not preclude the issuance of other
Under the provisions of 18 U.S.C. 1001,
permits or leases for the same lands for
it is a crime punishable by 5 years im-
prisonment or a fine of up to $10,000, or deposits of other minerals with suit-
both, for any person knowingly and able stipulations for simultaneous op-
willfully to submit or cause to be sub- eration, nor the allowance of applica-
mitted to any agency of the United ble entries, locations or selections of
States any false or fraudulent state- leased lands with a reservation of the
ment(s) as to any matter within the mineral deposits to the United States.
agency’s jurisdiction.
§ 3000.8 Management of Federal min-
§ 3000.3 Unlawful interests. erals from reserved mineral estates.
No member of, or delegate to, Con- Where nonmineral public land dis-
gress, or Resident Commissioner, and posal statutes provide that in convey-
no employee of the Department of the ances of title all or certain minerals
Interior, except as provided in 43 CFR shall be reserved to the United States
part 20, shall be entitled to acquire or together with the right to prospect for,
hold any Federal lease, or interest mine and remove the minerals under
therein. (Officer, agent or employee of applicable law and regulations as the
the Department—see 43 CFR part 20; Secretary may prescribe, the lease or
Member of Congress—see R.S. 3741; 41 sale, and administration and manage-
U.S.C. 22; 18 U.S.C. 431–433.) ment of the use of such minerals shall
be accomplished under the regulations
§ 3000.4 Appeals. of Groups 3000 and 3100 of this title.
Except as provided in §§ 3101.7–3(b), Such mineral estates include, but are
3120.1–3, 3165.4, and 3427.2 of this title, not limited to, those that have been or
any party adversely affected by a deci- will be reserved under the authorities
sion of the authorized officer made pur- of the Small Tract Act of June 1, 1938,
suant to the provisions of Group 3000 or as amended (43 U.S.C. 682(b)) and the
Group 3100 of this title shall have a Federal Land Policy and Management
right of appeal pursuant to part 4 of Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.).
this title.
[53 FR 17351, May 16, 1988]
[53 FR 22835, June 17, 1988]


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§ 3000.9 43 CFR Ch. II (10–1–02 Edition)

§ 3000.9 Enforcement. Subpart 3102—Qualifications of Lessees

Provisions of section 41 of the Act 3102.1 Who may hold leases.
shall be enforced by the United States 3102.2 Aliens.
Department of Justice. 3102.3 Minors.
3102.4 Signature.
[53 FR 22835, June 17, 1988] 3102.5 Compliance, certification of compli-
ance and evidence.
PART 3100—OIL AND GAS LEASING 3102.5–1 Compliance.
3102.5–2 Certification of compliance.
3102.5–3 Evidence of compliance.
Subpart 3100—Oil and Gas Leasing:
General Subpart 3103—Fees, Rentals and Royalty
Sec. 3103.1 Payments.
3100.0–3 Authority. 3103.1–1 Form of remittance.
3100.0–5 Definitions. 3103.1–2 Where submitted.
3100.0–9 Information collection. 3103.2 Rentals.
3100.1 Helium. 3103.2–1 Rental requirements.
3100.2 Drainage. 3103.2–2 Annual rental payments.
3100.2–1 Compensation for drainage. 3103.3 Royalties.
3100.2–2 Drilling and production or payment 3103.3–1 Royalty on production.
of compensatory royalty. 3103.3–2 Minimum royalties.
3100.3 Options. 3103.4 Production incentives.
3100.3–1 Enforceability. 3103.4–1 Royalty reductions.
3100.3–2 Effect of option on acreage. 3103.4–2 Stripper well royalty reductions.
3100.3–3 Option statements. 3103.4–3 Heavy oil royalty reductions.
3100.4 Public availability of information. 3103.4–4 Suspension of operations and/or
Subpart 3101—Issuance of Leases
3101.1 Lease terms and conditions.
Subpart 3104—Bonds
3101.1–1 Lease form. 3104.1 Bond obligations.
3101.1–2 Surface use rights. 3104.2 Lease bond.
3101.1–3 Stipulations and information no- 3104.3 Statewide and nationwide bonds.
tices. 3104.4 Unit operator’s bond.
3101.1–4 Modification or waiver of lease 3104.5 Increased amount of bonds.
terms and stipulations. 3104.6 Where filed and number of copies.
3101.2 Acreage limitations. 3104.7 Default.
3101.2–1 Public domain lands. 3104.8 Termination of period of liability.
3101.2–2 Acquired lands.
3101.2–3 Excepted acreage. Subpart 3105—Cooperative Conservation
3101.2–4 Excess acreage. Provisions
3101.2–5 Computation.
3101.2–6 Showing required. 3105.1 Cooperative or unit agreement.
3101.3 Leases within unit areas. 3105.2 Communitization or drilling agree-
3101.3–1 Joinder evidence required. ments.
3101.3–2 Separate leases to issue. 3105.2–1 Where filed.
3101.4 Lands covered by application to close 3105.2–2 Purpose.
lands to mineral leasing. 3105.2–3 Requirements.
3101.5 National Wildlife Refuge System 3105.3 Operating, drilling or development
lands. contracts.
3101.5–1 Wildlife refuge lands. 3105.3–1 Where filed.
3101.5–2 Coordination lands. 3105.3–2 Purpose.
3101.5–3 Alaska wildlife areas. 3105.3–3 Requirements.
3101.5–4 Stipulations. 3105.4 Combination for joint operations or
3101.6 Recreation and public purposes lands. for transportation of oil.
3101.7 Federal lands administered by an 3105.4–1 Where filed.
agency outside of the Department of the 3105.4–2 Purpose.
Interior. 3105.4–3 Requirements.
3101.7–1 General requirements. 3105.4–4 Rights-of-way.
3101.7–2 Action by the Bureau of Land Man- 3105.5 Subsurface storage of oil and gas.
agement. 3105.5–1 Where filed.
3101.7–3 Appeals. 3105.5–2 Purpose.
3101.8 State’s or charitable organization’s 3105.5–3 Requirements.
ownership of surface overlying Feder- 3105.5–4 Extension of lease term.
ally-owned minerals. 3105.6 Consolidation of leases.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3100.0– 3

Subpart 3106— Transfers by Assignment, Subpart 3108— Relinquishment,

Sublease or Otherwise Termination, Cancellation
3106.1 Transfers, general. 3108.1 As a lessee, may I relinquish my
3106.2 Qualifications of transferees. lease?
3106.3 Filing fees. 3108.2 Termination by operation of law and
3106.4 Forms. reinstatement.
3106.4–1 Transfers of record title and of op- 3108.2–1 Automatic termination.
erating rights (subleases). 3108.2–2 Reinstatement at existing rental
3106.4–2 Transfers of other interests, includ- and royalty rates: Class I reinstate-
ing royalty interests and production pay- ments.
ments. 3108.2–3 Reinstatement at higher rental and
3106.4–3 Mass transfers. royalty rates: Class II reinstatements.
3106.5 Description of lands. 3108.2–4 Conversion of unpatented oil placer
3106.6 Bonds. mining claims: Class III reinstatements.
3106.6–1 Lease bond. 3108.3 Cancellation.
3106.6–2 Statewide/nationwide bond. 3108.4 Bona fide purchasers.
3106.7 Approval of transfer. 3108.5 Waiver or suspension of lease rights.
3106.7–1 Failure to qualify.
3106.7–2 If I transfer my lease, what is my Subpart 3109— Leasing Under Special Acts
continuing obligation? 3109.1 Rights-of-way.
3106.7–3 Lease account status. 3109.1–1 Generally.
3106.7–4 Effective date of transfer. 3109.1–2 Application.
3106.7–5 Effect of transfer. 3109.1–3 Notice.
3106.7–6 If I acquire a lease by an assign- 3109.1–4 Award of lease or compensatory
ment or transfer, what obligations do I royalty agreement.
agree to assume? 3109.1–5 Compensatory royalty agreement
3106.8 Other types of transfers. or lease.
3106.8–1 Heirs and devisees. 3109.2 Units of the National Park System.
3106.8–2 Change of name. 3109.2–1 Authority to lease. [Reserved]
3106.8–3 Corporate merger. 3109.2–2 Area subject to lease. [Reserved]
3109.3 Shasta and Trinity Units of the
Subpart 3107— Continuation, Extension or Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National
Renewal Recreation Area.
3107.1 Extension by drilling. AUTHORITY: 30 U.S.C. 189 and 359; 43 U.S.C.
3107.2 Production. 1732(b), 1733, and 1740; and 40 Opinion of the
3107.2–1 Continuation by production. Attorney General 41.
3107.2–2 Cessation of production. SOURCE: 48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, unless
3107.2–3 Leases capable of production. otherwise noted.
3107.3 Extension for terms of cooperative or
unit plan.
3107.3–1 Leases committed to plan. Subpart 3100— Onshore Oil and
3107.3–2 Segregation of leases committed in Gas Leasing: General
3107.3–3 20-year lease or any renewal there- § 3100.0– 3 Authority.
of. (a) Public domain. (1) Oil and gas in
3107.4 Extension by elimination. public domain lands and lands returned
3107.5 Extension of leases segregated by as-
to the public domain under section 2370
3107.5–1 Extension after discovery on other of this title are subject to lease under
segregated portions. the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as
3107.5–2 Undeveloped parts of leases in their amended and supplemented (30 U.S.C.
extended term. 181 et seq.), by acts, including, but not
3107.5–3 Undeveloped parts of producing limited to, section 1009 of the Alaska
leases. National Interest Lands Conservation
3107.6 Extension of reinstated leases. Act (16 U.S.C. 3148).
3107.7 Exchange leases: 20-year term. (2) Exceptions. (i) Units of the Na-
3107.8 Renewal leases.
tional Park System, including lands
3107.8–1 Requirements.
3107.8–2 Application. withdrawn by section 206 of the Alaska
3107.8–3 Approval. National Interest Lands Conservation
3107.9 Other types. Act, except as provided in paragraph
3107.9–1 Payment of compensatory royalty. (g)(4) of this section;
3107.9–2 Subsurface storage of oil and gas. (ii) Indian reservations;


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§ 3100.0– 3 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

(iii) Incorporated cities, towns and country, except oil, gas and other min-
villages; erals subject to leasing under the Act;
(iv) Naval petroleum and oil shale re- (vi) Lands reported as excess under
serves and the National Petroleum Re- the Federal Property and Administra-
serve—Alaska. tive Services Act of 1949;
(v) Lands north of 68 degrees north (vii) Lands acquired by the United
latitude and east of the western bound- States by foreclosure or otherwise for
ary of the National Petroleum Re- resale.
serve—Alaska; (viii) Lands recommended for wilder-
(vi) Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ness allocation by the surface man-
in Alaska. aging agency;
(vii) Lands recommended for wilder- (ix) Lands within Bureau of Land
ness allocation by the surface man- Management wilderness study areas;
aging agency: (x) Lands designated by Congress as
(viii) Lands within Bureau of Land wilderness study areas, except where
Management wilderness study areas; oil and gas leasing is specifically al-
lowed to continue by the statute desig-
(ix) Lands designated by Congress as
nating the study area;
wilderness study areas, except where
(xi) Lands within areas allocated for
oil and gas leasing is specifically al-
wilderness or further planning in Exec-
lowed to continue by the statute desig-
utive Communication 1504, Ninety-
nating the study area;
Sixth Congress (House Document num-
(x) Lands within areas allocated for
bered 96–119), unless such lands are al-
wilderness or further planning in Exec-
located to uses other than wilderness
utive Communication 1504, Ninety-
by a land and resource management
Sixth Congress (House Document num-
plan or have been released to uses
bered 96–119), unless such lands are al-
other than wilderness by an Act of
located to uses other than wilderness
Congress; and
by a land and resource management
(xii) Lands within the National Wil-
plan or have been released to uses
derness Preservation System, subject
other than wilderness by an Act of
to valid existing rights under section
Congress; and
4(d)(3) of the Wilderness Act estab-
(xi) Lands within the National Wil- lished before midnight, December 31,
derness Preservation System, subject 1983, unless otherwise provided by law.
to valid existing rights under section (c) National Petroleum Reserve—
4(d)(3) of the Wilderness Act estab- Alaska is subject to lease under the De-
lished before midnight, December 31, partment of the Interior Appropria-
1983, unless otherwise provided by law. tions Act, Fiscal Year 1981 (42 U.S.C.
(b) Acquired lands. (1) Oil and gas in 6508).
acquired lands are subject to lease (d) Where oil or gas is being drained
under the Mineral Leasing Act for Ac- from lands otherwise unavailable for
quired Lands of August 7, 1947, as leasing, there is implied authority in
amended (30 U.S.C. 351–359). the agency having jurisdiction of those
(2) Exceptions. (i) Units of the Na- lands to grant authority to the Bureau
tional Park System, except as provided of Land Management to lease such
in paragraph (g)(4) of this section; lands (see 43 U.S.C. 1457; also Attorney
(ii) Incorporated cities, towns and General’s Opinion of April 2, 1941 (Vol.
villages; 40 Op. Atty. Gen. 41)).
(iii) Naval petroleum and oil shale re- (e) Where lands previously withdrawn
serves and the National Petroleum Re- or reserved from the public domain are
serve—Alaska; no longer needed by the agency for
(iv) Tidelands or submerged coastal which the lands were withdrawn or re-
lands within the continental shelf adja- served and such lands are retained by
cent or littoral to lands within the ju- the General Services Administration,
risdiction of the United States; or where acquired lands are declared as
(v) Lands acquired by the United excess to or surplus by the General
States for development of helium, fis- Services Administration, authority to
sionable material deposits or other lease such lands may be transferred to
minerals essential to the defense of the the Department in accordance with the


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3100.0– 5

Federal Property and Administrative of Agriculture in accordance with the

Services Act of 1949 and the Mineral Mineral Leasing Act of February 25,
Leasing Act for Acquired Lands, as 1920, as amended (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.),
amended. or the Acquired Lands Mineral Leasing
(f) The Act of May 21, 1930 (30 U.S.C. Act of August 7, 1947 (30 U.S.C. 351–359),
301–306), authorizes the leasing of oil if he finds that such disposition would
and gas deposits under certain rights- not have significant adverse effects on
of-way to the owner of the right-of-way the purpose of the Central Valley
or any assignee. project or the administration of the
(g)(1)The Act of May 9, 1942 (56 Stat. recreation area.
273), as amended by the Act of October [48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 49
25, 1949 (63 Stat. 886), authorizes leasing FR 2113, Jan. 18, 1984; 53 FR 17351, 17352, May
on certain lands in Nevada. 16, 1988; 53 FR 22835, June 17, 1988; 53 FR
(2) The Act of March 3, 1933 (47 Stat. 31958, Aug. 22, 1988]
1487), as amended by the Act of June 5,
1936 (49 Stat. 1482) and the Act of June § 3100.0– 5 Definitions.
29, 1936 (49 Stat. 2026), authorizes leas- As used in this part, the term:
ing on certain lands patented to the (a) Operator means any person or en-
State of California. tity, including, but not limited to, the
(3) The Act of June 30, 1950 (16 U.S.C. lessee or operating rights owner, who
508(b)) authorizes leasing on certain has stated in writing to the authorized
National Forest Service Lands in Min- officer that it is responsible under the
nesota. terms and conditions of the lease for
(4) Units of the National Park System. the operations conducted on the leased
The Secretary is authorized to permit lands or a portion thereof.
mineral leasing in the following units (b) Unit operator means the person au-
of the National Park System if he/she thorized under the agreement approved
finds that such disposition would not by the Department of the Interior to
have significant adverse effects on the conduct operations within the unit.
administration of the area and if lease (c) Record title means a lessee’s inter-
operations can be conducted in a man- est in a lease which includes the obli-
ner that will preserve the scenic, sci- gation to pay rent, and the rights to
entific and historic features contrib- assign and relinquish the lease. Over-
uting to public enjoyment of the area, riding royalty and operating rights are
pursuant to the following authorities: severable from record title interests.
(i) Lake Mead National Recreation (d) Operating right (working interest)
Area— The Act of October 8, 1964 (16 means the interest created out of a
U.S.C. 460n et seq.). lease authorizing the holder of that
(ii) Whiskeytown Unit of the right to enter upon the leased lands to
Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National conduct drilling and related oper-
Recreation Area— The Act of November ations, including production of oil or
8, 1965 (79 Stat. 1295; 16 U.S.C. 460q et gas from such lands in accordance with
seq.). the terms of the lease.
(iii) Ross Lake and Lake Chelan Na- (e) Transfer means any conveyance of
tional Recreation Areas— The Act of Oc- an interest in a lease by assignment,
tober 2, 1968 (82 Stat. 926; 16 U.S.C. 90 et sublease or otherwise. This definition
seq.). includes the terms: Assignment which
(iv) Glen Canyon National Recreation means a transfer of all or a portion of
Area— The Act of October 27, 1972 (86 the lessee’s record title interest in a
Stat. 1311; 16 U.S.C. 460dd et seq.). lease; and sublease which means a
(5) Shasta and Trinity Units of the transfer of a non-record title interest
Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National in a lease, i.e., a transfer of operating
Recreation Area. Section 6 of the Act of rights is normally a sublease and a sub-
November 8, 1965 (Pub. L. 89–336; 79 lease also is a subsidiary arrangement
Stat. 1295), authorizes the Secretary of between the lessee (sublessor) and the
the Interior to permit the removal of sublessee, but a sublease does not in-
leasable minerals from lands (or inter- clude a transfer of a purely financial
est in lands) within the recreation area interest, such as overriding royalty in-
under the jurisdiction of the Secretary terest or payment out of production,


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§ 3100.0– 9 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

nor does it affect the relationship im- owner may obtain a reduction in the
posed by a lease between the lessee(s) royalty rate. Response is required to
and the United States. obtain a benefit in accordance with 30
(f) National Wildlife Refuge System U.S.C. 181, et seq., and 30 U.S.C. 351–359.
Lands means lands and water, or inter- (2) Public reporting burden for the in-
ests therein, administered by the Sec- formation collections assigned clear-
retary as wildlife refuges, areas for the ance number 1004–0145 is estimated to
protection and conservation of fish and average 1 hour per response, including
wildlife that are threatened with ex- the time for reviewing instructions,
tinction, wildlife management areas or searching existing data sources, gath-
waterfowl production areas. ering and maintaining the data needed,
(g) Actual drilling operations includes and completing and reviewing the col-
not only the physical drilling of a well, lection of information. Send comments
but the testing, completing or equip- regarding this burden estimate or any
ping of such well for production. other aspect of this collection of infor-
(h)(1) Primary term of lease subject to mation, including suggestions for re-
section 4(d) of the Act prior to the revi- ducing the burden, to the Information
sion of 1960 (30 U.S.C. 226–1(d)) means Collection Clearance Officer (783), Bu-
all periods of the life of the lease prior reau of Land Management, Wash-
to its extension by reason of produc- ington, DC 20240, and the Office of Man-
tion of oil and gas in paying quantities; agement and Budget, Paperwork Re-
and duction Project, 1004–0145, Washington,
(2) Primary term of all other leases DC 20503.
means the initial term of the lease. For (b)(1) The collections of information
competitive leases, except those within contained in § 3103.4–1(c) and (d) have
the National Petroleum Reserve—Alas- been approved by the Office of Manage-
ka, this means 5 years and for non- ment and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3501 et
competitive leases this means 10 years. seq. and assigned clearance number
(i) Lessee means a person or entity 1010–0090. The information will be used
holding record title in a lease issued by to determine whether an oil and gas
the United States. lessee may obtain a reduction in the
(j) Operating rights owner means a royalty rate. Response is required to
person or entity holding operating obtain a benefit in accordance with 30
rights in a lease issued by the United U.S.C. 181, et seq., and 30 U.S.C. 351–359.
States. A lessee also may be an oper-
(2) Public reporting burden for this
ating rights owner if the operating
information is estimated to average 1⁄2
rights in a lease or portion thereof
hour per response, including the time
have not been severed from record
for reviewing instructions, searching
existing data sources, gathering and
(k) Bid means an amount of remit-
maintaining the data needed, and com-
tance offered as partial compensation
pleting and reviewing the collection of
for a lease equal to or in excess of the
information. Send comments regarding
national minimum acceptable bonus
this burden estimate or any other as-
bid set by statute or by the Secretary,
pect of this collection of information,
submitted by a person or entity for a
including suggestions for reducing the
lease parcel in a competitive lease sale.
burden, to the Information Collection
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53 Clearance Officer, Minerals Manage-
FR 17352, May 16, 1988; 53 FR 22836, June 17, ment Service (Mail Stop 2300), 381
1988] Elden Street, Herndon, VA 22070–4817,
and the Office of Management and
§ 3100.0– 9 Information collection.
Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project,
(a)(1) The collections of information 1010–0090, Washington, DC 20503.
contained in § 3103.4–1(b) have been ap-
proved by the Office of Management [57 FR 35973, Aug. 11, 1992]
and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
and are among the collections assigned § 3100.1 Helium.
clearance number 1004–0145. The infor- The ownership of and the right to ex-
mation will be used to determine tract helium from all gas produced
whether an oil and gas operator or from lands leased or otherwise disposed


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3100.4

of under the Act have been reserved to to the option, including the date and
the United States. expiration date of the option; and
(4) The interest to be conveyed and
§ 3100.2 Drainage. retained in exercise of the option. Such
notice shall be signed by all parties to
§ 3100.2– 1 Compensation for drainage. the option or their duly authorized
Upon a determination by the author- agents. The signed copy or notice of op-
ized officer that lands owned by the tion required by this paragraph shall
United States are being drained of oil contain or be accompanied by a signed
or gas by wells drilled on adjacent statement by the holder of the option
lands, the authorized officer may exe- that he/she is the sole party in interest
cute agreements with the owners of ad- in the option; if not, he/she shall set
jacent lands whereby the United States forth the names and provide a descrip-
and its lessees shall be compensated for tion of the interest therein of the other
such drainage. Such agreements shall interested parties, and provide a de-
be made with the consent of any lessee scription of the agreement between
affected by an agreement. Such lands them, if oral, and a copy of such agree-
may also be offered for lease in accord- ment, if written.
ance with part 3120 of this title.
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53
FR 17352, May 16, 1988. Redesignated at 53 FR
§ 3100.2– 2 Drilling and production or 22836, June 17, 1988]
payment of compensatory royalty.
Where lands in any leases are being § 3100.3– 2 Effect of option on acreage.
drained of their oil or gas content by The acreage to which the option is
wells either on a Federal lease issued applicable shall be charged both to the
at a lower rate of royalty or on non- grantor of the option and the option
Federal lands, the lessee shall both holder. The acreage covered by an
drill and produce all wells necessary to unexercised option remains charged
protect the leased lands from drainage. during its term until notice of its relin-
In lieu of drilling necessary wells, the quishment or surrender has been filed
lessee may, with the consent of the au- in the proper BLM office.
thorized officer, pay compensatory roy-
alty in the amount determined in ac- [48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983. Redesignated at 53
cordance with § 3162.2(a) of this title. FR 22836, June 17, 1988]

[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53 § 3100.3– 3 Option statements.

FR 17352, May 16, 1988]
Each option holder shall file in the
§ 3100.3 Options. proper BLM office within 90 days after
June 30 and December 31 of each year a
§ 3100.3– 1 Enforceability. statement showing as of the prior June
(a) No option to acquire any interest 30 and December 31, respectively:
in a lease shall be enforceable if en- (a) Any changes to the statements
tered into for a period of more than 3 submitted under § 3100.3–1(b) of this
years (including any renewal period title, and
that may be provided for in the option) (b) The number of acres covered by
without the approval of the Secretary. each option and the total acreage of all
(b) No option or renewal thereof shall options held in each State.
be enforceable until a signed copy or [53 FR 17352, May 16, 1988. Redesignated and
notice of option has been filed in the amended at 53 FR 22836, June 17, 1988]
proper BLM office. Each such signed
copy or notice shall include: § 3100.4 Public availability of informa-
(1) The names and addresses of the tion.
parties thereto; (a) All data and information con-
(2) The serial number of the lease to cerning Federal and Indian minerals
which the option is applicable; submitted under this part 3100 and
(3) A statement of the number of parts 3110 through 3190 of this chapter
acres covered by the option and of the are subject to part 2 of this title, ex-
interests and obligations of the parties cept as provided in paragraph (c) of


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§ 3101.1 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

this section. Part 2 of this title in- fore making a decision about the appli-
cludes the regulations of the Depart- cability of FOIA exemption 4 to:
ment of the Interior covering the pub- (i) Information obtained from a per-
lic disclosure of data and information son outside the United States Govern-
contained in Department of the Inte- ment; when
rior records. Certain mineral informa- (ii) Following consultation with a
tion not protected from public disclo- submitter under § 2.15(d) of this title,
sure under part 2 of this title may be BLM determines that the submitter
made available for inspection without does not have an interest in with-
a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) holding the records that can be pro-
(5 U.S.C. 552) request. tected under FOIA; but
(b) When you submit data and infor- (iii) BLM has reason to believe that
mation under this part 3100 and parts
disclosure of the information may re-
3110 through 3190 of this chapter that
sult in commercial or financial injury
you believe to be exempt from disclo-
sure to the public, you must clearly to the Indian mineral owner(s), but is
mark each page that you believe in- uncertain that such is the case.
cludes confidential information. BLM [63 FR 52952, Oct. 1, 1998]
will keep all such data and information
confidential to the extent allowed by
§ 2.13(c) of this title.
Subpart 3101— Issuance of Leases
(c) Under the Indian Mineral Devel- § 3101.1 Lease terms and conditions.
opment Act of 1982 (IMDA) (25 U.S.C.
2101 et seq.), the Department of the In- § 3101.1– 1 Lease form.
terior will hold as privileged propri-
A lease shall be issued only on the
etary information of the affected In-
standard form approved by the Direc-
dian or Indian tribe—
(1) All findings forming the basis of
the Secretary’s intent to approve or [53 FR 17352, May 16, 1988]
disapprove any Minerals Agreement
under IMDA; and § 3101.1– 2 Surface use rights.
(2) All projections, studies, data, or A lessee shall have the right to use so
other information concerning a Min- much of the leased lands as is nec-
erals Agreement under IMDA, regard- essary to explore for, drill for, mine,
less of the date received, related to— extract, remove and dispose of all the
(i) The terms, conditions, or financial leased resource in a leasehold subject
return to the Indian parties; to: Stipulations attached to the lease;
(ii) The extent, nature, value, or dis- restrictions deriving from specific,
position of the Indian mineral re- nondiscretionary statutes; and such
sources; or reasonable measures as may be re-
(iii) The production, products, or pro- quired by the authorized officer to min-
ceeds thereof. imize adverse impacts to other re-
(d) For information concerning In- source values, land uses or users not
dian minerals not covered by para- addressed in the lease stipulations at
graph (c) of this section—
the time operations are proposed. To
(1) BLM will withhold such records as the extent consistent with lease rights
may be withheld under an exemption
granted, such reasonable measures may
to FOIA when it receives a request for
include, but are not limited to, modi-
information related to tribal or Indian
fication to siting or design of facilities,
minerals held in trust or subject to re-
strictions on alienation; timing of operations, and specification
(2) BLM will notify the Indian min- of interim and final reclamation meas-
eral owner(s) identified in the records ures. At a minimum, measures shall be
of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), deemed consistent with lease rights
and BIA, and give them a reasonable granted provided that they do not: re-
period of time to state objections to quire relocation of proposed operations
disclosure, using the standards and by more than 200 meters; require that
procedures of § 2.15(d) of this title, be- operations be sited off the leasehold; or


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3101.2– 2

prohibit new surface disturbing oper- ations would not cause unacceptable
ations for a period in excess of 60 days impacts. If the authorized officer has
in any lease year. determined, prior to lease issuance,
that a stipulation involves an issue of
[53 FR 17352, May 16, 1988]
major concern to the public, modifica-
§ 3101.1– 3 Stipulations and informa- tion or waiver of the stipulation shall
tion notices. be subject to public review for at least
a 30-day period. In such cases, the stip-
The authorized officer may require ulation shall indicate that public re-
stipulations as conditions of lease view is required before modification or
issuance. Stipulations shall become waiver. If subsequent to lease issuance
part of the lease and shall supersede in- the authorized officer determines that
consistent provisions of the standard a modification or waiver of a lease
lease form. Any party submitting a bid term or stipulation is substantial, the
under subpart 3120 of this title, or an modification or waiver shall be subject
offer under § 3110.1(b) of this title dur- to public review for at least a 30-day
ing the period when use of the parcel period.
number is required pursuant to § 3110.5–
1 of this title, shall be deemed to have [53 FR 22836, June 17, 1988; 53 FR 31958, Aug.
22, 1988]
agreed to stipulations applicable to the
specific parcel as indicated in the List § 3101.2 Acreage limitations.
of Lands Available for Competitive
Nominations or the Notice of Competi- § 3101.2– 1 Public domain lands.
tive Lease Sale available from the (a) No person or entity shall take,
proper BLM office. A party filing a hold, own or control more than 246,080
noncompetitive offer in accordance acres of Federal oil and gas leases in
with § 3110.1(a) of this title shall be any one State at any one time. No
deemed to have agreed to stipulations more than 200,000 acres of such acres
applicable to the specific parcel as in- may be held under option.
dicated in the List of Lands Available (b) In Alaska, the acreage that can be
for Competitive Nominations or the taken, held, owned or controlled is lim-
Notice of Competitive Lease Sale, un- ited to 300,000 acres in the northern
less the offer is withdrawn in accord- leasing district and 300,000 acres in the
ance with § 3110.6 of this title. An infor- southern leasing district, of which no
mation notice has no legal con- more than 200,000 acres may be held
sequences, except to give notice of ex- under option in each of the 2 leasing
isting requirements, and may be at- districts. The boundary between the 2
tached to a lease by the authorized of- leasing districts in Alaska begins at
ficer at the time of lease issuance to the northeast corner of the Tetlin Na-
convey certain operational, procedural tional Wildlife Refuge as established on
or administrative requirements rel- December 2, 1980 (16 U.S.C. 3101), at a
ative to lease management within the point on the boundary between the
terms and conditions of the standard United States and Canada, then north-
lease form. Information notices shall westerly along the northern boundary
not be a basis for denial of lease oper- of the refuge to the left limit of the
ations. Tanana River (63°9′38″ north latitude,
[53 FR 17352, May 16, 1988, as amended at 53 142°20′52″ west longitude), then westerly
FR 22836, June 17, 1988] along the left limit to the confluence
of the Tanana and Yukon Rivers, and
§ 3101.1– 4 Modification or waiver of then along the left limit of the Yukon
lease terms and stipulations. River from said confluence to its prin-
A stipulation included in an oil and cipal southern mouth.
gas lease shall be subject to modifica- [48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53
tion or waiver only if the authorized FR 17352, May 16, 1988]
officer determines that the factors
leading to its inclusion in the lease § 3101.2– 2 Acquired lands.
have changed sufficiently to make the An acreage limitation separate from,
protection provided by the stipulation but equal to the acreage limitation for
no longer justified or if proposed oper- public domain lands described in


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§ 3101.2– 3 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

§ 3101.2–1 of this title, applies to ac- their entirety, until sufficient acreage
quired lands. Where the United States has been eliminated to comply with the
owns only a fractional interest in the acreage limitation. Excess acreage or
mineral resources of the lands involved interest shall be cancelled in the in-
in a lease, only that part owned by the verse order of acquisition.
United States shall be charged as acre- [48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53
age holdings. The acreage embraced in FR 17353, May 16, 1988]
a future interest lease shall not be
charged as acreage holdings until the § 3101.2– 5 Computation.
lease for the future interest becomes The accountable acreage of a party
effective. owning an undivided interest in a lease
§ 3101.2– 3 Excepted acreage. shall be the party’s proportionate part
of the total lease acreage. The account-
Leases committed to any unit or co- able acreage of a party who is the bene-
operative plan approved or prescribed ficial owner of more than 10 percent of
by the Secretary and leases subject to the stock of a corporation which holds
an operating, drilling or development Federal oil and gas leases shall be the
contract approved by the Secretary, party’s proportionate part of the cor-
other than communitization agree- poration’s accountable acreage. Parties
ments, shall not be included in com- to a contract for development of leased
puting accountable acreage. Acreage lands and co-parties, except those oper-
subject to offers to lease, overriding ating, drilling or development con-
royalties and payments out of produc- tracts subject to § 3101.2–3 of this title,
tion shall not be included in computing shall be charged with their propor-
accountable acreage. tionate interests in the lease. No hold-
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53 ing of acreage in common by the same
FR 17352, May 16, 1988] persons in excess of the maximum
acreage specified in the laws for any
§ 3101.2– 4 Excess acreage. one party shall be permitted.
(a) Where, as the result of the termi- [48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 49
nation or contraction of a unit or coop- FR 2113, Jan. 18, 1984; 53 FR 17353, May 16,
erative plan, the elimination of a lease 1988]
from an operating, drilling or develop-
ment contract a party holds or con- § 3101.2– 6 Showing required.
trols excess accountable acreage, said At any time the authorized officer
party shall have 90 days from that date may require any lessee or operator to
to reduce the holdings to the pre- file with the Bureau of Land Manage-
scribed limitation and to file proof of ment a statement showing as of speci-
the reduction in the proper BLM office. fied date the serial number and the
Where as a result of a merger or the date of each lease in which he/she has
purchase of the controlling interest in any interest, in the particular State,
a corporation, acreage in excess of the setting forth the acreage covered
amount permitted is acquired, the thereby.
party holding the excess acreage shall
have 180 days from the date of the § 3101.3 Leases within unit areas.
merger or purchase to divest the excess
acreage. If additional time is required § 3101.3– 1 Joinder evidence required.
to complete the divestiture of the ex- Before issuance of a lease for lands
cess acreage, a petition requesting ad- within an approved unit, the lease of-
ditional time, along with a full jus- feror shall file evidence with the proper
tification for the additional time, may BLM office of having joined in the unit
be filed with the authorized officer agreement and unit operating agree-
prior to the termination of the 180-day ment or a statement giving satisfac-
period provided herein. tory reasons for the failure to enter
(b) If any person or entity is found to into such agreement. If such statement
hold accountable acreage in violation is acceptable to the authorized officer
of the provisions of these regulations, the operator shall be permitted to op-
lease(s) or interests therein shall be erate independently but shall be re-
subject to cancellation or forfeiture in quired to conform to the terms and


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3101.5– 4

provisions of the unit agreement with § 3101.5– 2 Coordination lands.

respect to such operations.
(a) Coordination lands are those
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53 lands withdrawn or acquired by the
FR 17353, May 16, 1988] United States and made available to
the States by cooperative agreements
§ 3101.3– 2 Separate leases to issue.
entered into between the Fish and
A lease offer for lands partly within Wildlife Service and the game commis-
and partly outside the boundary of a sions of the various States, in accord-
unit shall result in separate leases, one ance with the Act of March 10, 1934 (48
for the lands within the unit, and one Stat. 401), as amended by the Act of
for the lands outside the unit. August 14, 1946 (60 Stat. 1080), or by
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53 long-term leases or agreements be-
FR 17353, May 16, 1988] tween the Department of Agriculture
and the game commissions of the var-
§ 3101.4 Lands covered by application ious States pursuant to the Bankhead-
to close lands to mineral leasing.
Jones Farm Tenant Act (50 Stat. 525),
Offers filed on lands within a pending as amended, where such lands were
application to close lands to mineral subsequently transferred to the De-
leasing shall be suspended until the partment of the Interior, with the Fish
segregative effect of the application is and Wildlife Service as the custodial
final. agency of the United States.
§ 3101.5 National Wildlife Refuge Sys- (b) Representatives of the Bureau and
tem lands. the Fish and Wildlife Service shall, in
cooperation with the authorized mem-
§ 3101.5– 1 Wildlife refuge lands. bers of the various State game com-
(a) Wildlife refuge lands are those missions, confer for the purpose of de-
lands embraced in a withdrawal of pub- termining by agreement those coordi-
lic domain and acquired lands of the nation lands which shall not be subject
United States for the protection of all to oil and gas leasing. Coordination
species of wildlife within a particular lands not closed to oil and gas leasing
area. Sole and complete jurisdiction shall be subject to leasing on the impo-
over such lands for wildlife conserva- sition of such stipulations as are
tion purposes is vested in the Fish and agreed upon by the State Game Com-
Wildlife Service even though such mission, the Fish and Wildlife Service
lands may be subject to prior rights for and the Bureau.
other public purposes or, by the terms
of the withdrawal order, may be sub- § 3101.5– 3 Alaska wildlife areas.
ject to mineral leasing. No lands within a refuge in Alaska
(b) No offers for oil and gas leases open to leasing shall be available until
covering wildlife refuge lands shall be the Fish and Wildlife Service has first
accepted and no leases covering such completed compatability determina-
lands shall be issued except as provided tions.
in § 3100.2 of this title. There shall be
no drilling or prospecting under any § 3101.5– 4 Stipulations.
lease heretofore or hereafter issued on
lands within a wildlife refuge except Leases shall be issued subject to stip-
with the consent and approval of the ulations prescribed by the Fish and
Secretary with the concurrence of the Wildlife Service as to the time, place,
Fish and Wildlife Service as to the nature and condition of such oper-
time, place and nature of such oper- ations in order to minimize impacts to
ations in order to give complete pro- fish and wildlife populations and habi-
tection to wildlife populations and tat and other refuge resources on the
wildlife habitat on the areas leased, areas leased. The specific conduct of
and all such operations shall be con- lease activities on any refuge lands
ducted in accordance with the stipula- shall be subject to site-specific stipula-
tions of the Bureau on a form approved tions prescribed by the Fish and Wild-
by the Director. life Service.


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§ 3101.6 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

§ 3101.6 Recreation and public pur- managing agency objects or withholds

poses lands. consent required by statute. In all
Under the Recreation and Public other instances, the Secretary has the
Purposes Act, as amended (43 U.S.C. 869 final authority and discretion to decide
et seq.), all lands within Recreation and to issue a lease.
Public Purposes leases and patents are (c) The authorized officer shall re-
subject to lease under the provisions of view all recommendations and shall ac-
this part, subject to such conditions as cept all reasonable recommendations
the Secretary deems appropriate. of the surface managing agency.

§ 3101.7 Federal lands administered by [48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983. Redesignated and
an agency outside of the Depart- amended at 53 FR 22836, June 17, 1988]
ment of the Interior.
§ 3101.7– 3 Appeals.
§ 3101.7– 1 General requirements. (a) The decision of the authorized of-
(a) Acquired lands shall be leased ficer to reject an offer to lease or to
only with the consent of the surface issue a lease with stipulations rec-
managing agency, which upon receipt ommended by the surface managing
of a description of the lands from the agency may be appealed to the Interior
authorized officer, shall report to the Board of Land Appeals under part 4 of
authorized officer that it consents to this title.
leasing with stipulations, if any, or (b) Where, as provided by statute, the
withholds consent or objects to leasing. surface managing agency has required
(b) Public domain lands shall be that certain stipulations be included in
leased only after the Bureau has con- a lease or has consented, or objected or
sulted with the surface managing agen- refused to consent to leasing, any ap-
cy and has provided it with a descrip- peal by an affected lease offeror shall
tion of the lands, and the surface man- be pursuant to the administrative rem-
aging agency has reported its rec-
edies provided by the particular surface
ommendation to lease with stipula-
managing agency.
tions, if any, or not to lease to the au-
thorized officer. If consent or lack of [53 FR 22837, June 17, 1988]
objection of the surface managing
agency is required by statute to lease § 3101.8 State’s or charitable organiza-
public domain lands, the procedure in tion’s ownership of surface over-
paragraph (a) of this section shall lying Federally-owned minerals.
apply. Where the United States has con-
(c) National Forest System lands veyed title to, or otherwise transferred
whether acquired or reserved from the the control of the surface of lands to
public domain shall not be leased over any State or political subdivision,
the objection of the Forest Service. agency, or instrumentality thereof, or
The provisions of paragraph (a) of this a college or any other educational cor-
section shall apply to such National poration or association, or a charitable
Forest System lands. or religious corporation or association,
[53 FR 22836, June 17, 1988] with reservation of the oil and gas
rights to the United States, such party
§ 3101.7– 2 Action by the Bureau of shall be given an opportunity to sug-
Land Management. gest any lease stipulations deemed nec-
(a) Where the surface managing agen- essary for the protection of existing
cy has consented to leasing with re- surface improvements or uses, to set
quired stipulations, and the Secretary forth the facts supporting the necessity
decides to issue a lease, the authorized of the stipulations and also to file any
officer shall incorporate the stipula- objections it may have to the issuance
tions into any lease which it may of a lease. Where a party controlling
issue. The authorized officer may add the surface opposes the issuance of a
additional stipulations. lease or wishes to place such restric-
(b) The authorized officer shall not tive stipulations upon the lease that it
issue a lease and shall reject any lease could not be operated upon or become
offer on lands to which the surface part of a drilling unit and hence is


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3102.5– 1

without mineral value, the facts sub- § 3102.3 Minors.

mitted in support of the opposition or
Leases shall not be acquired or held
request for restrictive stipulations
by one considered a minor under the
shall be given consideration and each
laws of the State in which the lands
case decided on its merits. The opposi-
are located, but leases may be acquired
tion to lease or necessity for restric-
and held by legal guardians or trustees
tive stipulations expressed by the
of minors in their behalf. Such legal
party controlling the surface affords no
guardians or trustees shall be citizens
legal basis or authority to refuse to
of the United States or otherwise meet
issue the lease or to issue the lease
the provisions of § 3102.1 of this title.
with the requested restrictive stipula-
tions for the reserved minerals in the [48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53
lands; in such case, the final deter- FR 17353, May 16, 1988]
mination whether to issue and with
what stipulations, or not to issue the § 3102.4 Signature.
lease depends upon whether or not the (a) The original of an offer or bid
interests of the United States would shall be signed in ink and dated by the
best be served by the issuance of the present or potential lessee or by any-
lease. one authorized to sign on behalf of the
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 49
present or potential lessee.
FR 2113, Jan. 18, 1984; 53 FR 22837, June 17, (b) Three copies of a transfer of
1988] record title or of operating rights (sub-
lease), as required by section 30a of the
Subpart 3102— Qualifications of act, shall be originally signed and
dated by the transferor or anyone au-
Lessees thorized to sign on behalf of the trans-
§ 3102.1 Who may hold leases. feror. However, a transferee, or anyone
authorized to sign on his or her behalf,
Leases or interests therein may be shall be required to sign and date only
acquired and held only by citizens of 1 original request for approval of a
the United States; associations (includ- transfer.
ing partnerships and trusts) of such (c) Documents signed by any party
citizens; corporations organized under other than the present or potential les-
the laws of the United States or of any see shall be rendered in a manner to re-
State or Territory thereof; and munici- veal the name of the present or poten-
tial lessee, the name of the signatory
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53 and their relationship. A signatory who
FR 17353, May 16, 1988] is a member of the organization that
constitutes the present or potential
§ 3102.2 Aliens. lessee (e.g., officer of a corporation,
Leases or interests therein may be partner of a partnership, etc.) may be
acquired and held by aliens only requested by the authorized officer to
through stock ownership, holding or clarify his/her relationship, when the
control in a present or potential lessee relationship is not shown on the docu-
that is incorporated under the laws of ments filed.
the United States or of any State or (d) Submission of a qualification
territory thereof, and only if the laws, number does not meet the require-
customs or regulations of their country ments of paragraph (c) of this section.
do not deny similar or like privileges
[53 FR 17353, May 16, 1988]
to citizens or corporations of the
United States. If it is determined that § 3102.5 Compliance, certification of
a country has denied similar or like compliance and evidence.
privileges to citizens or corporations of
the United States, it would be placed § 3102.5– 1 Compliance.
on a list available from any Bureau of
In order to actually or potentially
Land Management State office.
own, hold, or control an interest in a
[53 FR 17353, May 16, 1988] lease or prospective lease, all parties,


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§ 3102.5– 2 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

including corporations, and all mem- with the prescribed reclamation stand-
bers of associations, including partner- ards on any lease holdings. Noncompli-
ships of all types, shall, without excep- ance shall end upon a determination by
tion, be qualified and in compliance the authorized officer that all required
with the act. Compliance means that reclamation has been completed and
the lessee, potential lessee, and all that the United States has been fully
such parties (as defined in § 3000.0–5(k)) reimbursed for any costs incurred due
are: to the required reclamation.
(a) Citizens of the United States (see (g) In compliance with § 3106.1(b) of
§ 3102.1) or alien stockholders in a cor-
this title and section 30A of the Act.
poration organized under State or Fed-
The authorized officer may accept the
eral law (see § 3102.2);
(b) In compliance with the Federal signature on a request for approval of
acreage limitations (see § 3101.2); an assignment of less than 640 acres
(c) Not minors (see § 3102.3); outside of Alaska (2,560 acres within
(d) Except for an assignment or Alaska) as acceptable certification
transfer under subpart 3106 of this title, that the assignment would further the
in compliance with section 2(a)(2)(A) of development of oil and gas, or the au-
the Act, in which case the signature on thorized officer may apply the provi-
an offer or lease constitutes evidence sions of § 3102.5–3 of this title.
of compliance. A lease issued to any [53 FR 22837, June 17, 1988]
entity in violation of this paragraph (d)
shall be subject to the cancellation § 3102.5– 2 Certification of compliance.
provisions of § 3108.3 of this title. The
term entity is defined at § 3400.0–5(rr) of Any party(s) seeking to obtain an in-
this title. terest in a lease shall certify it is in
(e) Not in violation of the provisions compliance with the act as set forth in
of section 41 of the Act; and § 3102.5–1 of this title. A party(s) that is
(f) In compliance with section 17(g) of a corporation or publicly traded asso-
the Act, in which case the signature on ciation, including a publicly traded
an offer, lease, assignment, transfer, partnership, shall certify that con-
constitutes evidence of compliance stituent members of the corporation,
that the signatory and any subsidiary, association or partnership holding or
affiliate, or person, association, or cor- controlling more than 10 percent of the
poration controlled by or under com- instruments of ownership of the cor-
mon control with the signatory, as de- poration, association or partnership
fined in §3400.0–5(rr) of this title, has are in compliance with the act. Execu-
not failed or refused to comply with tion and submission of an offer, com-
reclamation requirements with respect petitive bid form, or request for ap-
to all leases and operations thereon in proval of a transfer of record title or of
which such person or entity has an in- operating rights (sublease), constitutes
terest. Noncompliance with section
certification of compliance.
17(g) of the Act begins on the effective
date of the imposition of a civil pen- [53 FR 17353, May 16, 1988; 53 FR 22837, June
alty by the authorized officer under 17, 1988]
§ 3163.2 of this title, or when the bond is
attached by the authorized officer for § 3102.5– 3 Evidence of compliance.
reclamation purposes, whichever comes The authorized officer may request
first. A lease issued, or an assignment at any time further evidence of compli-
or transfer approved, to any such per- ance and qualification from any party
son or entity in violation of this para- holding or seeking to hold an interest
graph (f) shall be subject to the can- in a lease. Failure to comply with the
cellation provisions of § 3108.3 of this request of the authorized officer shall
title, notwithstanding any administra- result in adjudication of the action
tive or judicial appeals that may be
based on the incomplete submission.
pending with respect to violations or
penalties assessed for failure to comply [53 FR 17353, May 16, 1988]


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3103.2– 2

Subpart 3103— Fees, Rentals and competitive lease offer shall be accom-
Royalty panied by full payment of the first
year’s rental based on the total acre-
§ 3103.1 Payments. age, if known, and, if not known, shall
be based on 40 acres for each smallest
§ 3103.1– 1 Form of remittance. legal subdivision. An offer deficient in
All remittances shall be by personal the first year’s rental by not more than
check, cashier’s check, certified check, 10 percent or $200, whichever is less,
or money order, and shall be made pay- shall be accepted by the authorized of-
able to the Department of the Inte- ficer provided all other requirements
rior—Bureau of Land Management or are met. Rental submitted shall be de-
the Department of the Interior—Min- termined based on the total amount re-
erals Management Service, as appro- mitted less all required fees. The addi-
priate. Payments made to the Bureau tional rental shall be paid within 30
may be made by other arrangements days from notice of the deficiency
such as by electronic funds transfer or under penalty of cancellation of the
credit card when specifically author- lease.
ized by the Bureau. In the case of pay- (b) If the acreage is incorrectly indi-
ments made to the Service, such pay- cated in a List of Lands Available for
ments may also be made by electronic Competitive Nominations or a Notice
funds transfer. of Competitive Lease Sale, payment of
[53 FR 22837, June 17, 1988] the rental based on the error is curable
within 15 calendar days of receipt of
§ 3103.1– 2 Where submitted. notice from the authorized officer of
(a)(1) All filing fees for lease applica- the error.
tions or offers or for requests for ap- (c) Rental shall not be prorated for
proval of a transfer and all first-year any lands in which the United States
rentals and bonuses for leases issued owns an undivided fractional interest
under Group 3100 of this title shall be but shall be payable for the full acre-
paid to the proper BLM office. age in such lands.
(2) All second-year and subsequent
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 49
rentals, except for leases specified in FR 26920, June 29, 1984, 53 FR 22837, June 17,
paragraph (b) of this section, shall be 1988; 53 FR 31958, Aug. 22, 1988]
paid to the Service at the following ad-
dress: Minerals Management Service, § 3103.2– 2 Annual rental payments.
Royalty Management Program/BRASS,
Box 5640 T.A., Denver, CO 80217. Rentals shall be paid on or before the
(b) All rentals and royalties on pro- lease anniversary date. A full year’s
ducing leases, communitized leases in rental shall be submitted even when
producing well units, unitized leases in less than a full year remains in the
producing unit areas, leases on which lease term, except as provided in
compensatory royalty is payable and § 3103.4–4(d) of this title. Failure to
all payments under subsurface storage make timely payment shall cause a
agreements and easements for direc- lease to terminate automatically by
tional drilling shall be paid to the operation of law. If the designated
Service. Service office is not open on the anni-
versary date, payment received on the
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 49 next day the designated Service office
FR 11637, Mar. 27, 1984; 49 FR 39330, Oct. 5,
1984; 53 FR 17353, May 16, 1988] is open to the public shall be deemed to
be timely made. Payments made to an
§ 3103.2 Rentals. improper BLM or Service office shall
be returned and shall not be forwarded
§ 3103.2– 1 Rental requirements. to the designated Service office. Rental
(a) Each competitive bid or competi- shall be payable at the following rates:
tive nomination submitted in response (a) The annual rental for all leases
to a List of Lands Available for Com- issued subsequent to December 22, 1987,
petitive Nominations or Notice of Com- shall be $1.50 per acre or fraction there-
petitive Lease Sale, and each non- of for the first 5 years of the lease term


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§ 3103.3 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

and $2 per acre or fraction for any sub- lease shall increase by an additional $5
sequent year, except as provided in per acre or fraction thereof for leases
paragraph (b) of this section; that were originally issued non-
(b) The annual rental for all leases competitively and by an additional $10
issued on or before December 22, 1987, per acre or fraction thereof for leases
or issued pursuant to an application or that were originally issued competi-
offer to lease filed prior to that date tively.
shall be as stated in the lease or in reg- [53 FR 17353, May 16, 1988 and 53 FR 22837,
ulations in effect on December 22, 1987, June 17, 1988, as amended at 61 FR 4750, Feb.
except: 8, 1996]
(1) Leases issued under former sub-
part 3112 of this title on or after Feb- § 3103.3 Royalties.
ruary 19, 1982, shall be subject after
February 1, 1989, to annual rental in § 3103.3– 1 Royalty on production.
the sixth and subsequent lease years of (a) Royalty on production shall be
$2 per acre or fraction thereof; payable only on the mineral interest
(2) The rental rate of any lease deter- owned by the United States. Royalty
mined after December 22, 1987, to be in shall be paid in amount or value of the
a known geological structure outside of production removed or sold as follows:
Alaska or in a favorable petroleum ge- (1) 121⁄2 percent on all leases, includ-
ological province within Alaska shall ing exchange and renewal leases and
not be increased because of such deter- leases issued in lieu of unpatented oil
mination; placer mining claims under § 3108.2–4 of
(3) Exchange and renewal leases shall this title, issued after December 22,
be subject to rental of $2 per acre or 1987, except:
fraction thereof upon exchange or re- (i) Leases issued after December 22,
newal; 1987, resulting from offers to lease or
(c) Rental shall not be due on acreage bids filed on or before December 22,
for which royalty or minimum royalty 1987, which are subject to the rates in
is being paid, except on nonproducing effect on December 22, 1987; and
leases when compensatory royalty has (ii) Leases issued on or before Decem-
been assessed in which case annual ber 22, 1987, which are subject to the
rental as established in the lease shall rates contained in the lease or in regu-
be due in addition to compensatory lations at the time of issuance;
royalty; (2) 162⁄3 percent on noncompetitive
(d) On terminated leases that were leases reinstated under § 3108.2–3 of this
originally issued noncompetitively and title plus an additional 2 percentage-
are reinstated under § 3108.2–3 of this point increase added for each suc-
title, and on noncompetitive leases ceeding reinstatement;
that were originally issued under (3) Not less than 4 percentage points
§ 3108.2–4 of this title, the annual rental above the rate used for royalty deter-
shall be $5 per acre or fraction thereof mination contained in the lease that is
beginning with the termination date reinstated or in force at the time of
upon the filing, on or after the effec- issuance of the lease that is reinstated
tive date of this regulation, of a peti- for competitive leases, plus an addi-
tion to reinstate a lease or convert an tional 2 percentage-point increase
abandoned, unpatented oil placer min- added for each succeeding reinstate-
ing claim; ment.
(e) On terminated leases that were (b) Leases that qualify under specific
originally issued competitively, the an- provisions of the Act of August 8, 1946
nual rental shall be $10 per acre or frac- (30 U.S.C. 226c) may apply for a limita-
tion thereof beginning with the termi- tion of a 121⁄2 percent royalty rate.
nation date upon the filing, on or after (c) The average production per well
the effective date of this regulation, of per day for oil and gas shall be deter-
a petition to reinstate a lease under mined pursuant to 43 CFR 3162.7–4.
§ 3108.2–3 of this title; and (d) Payment of a royalty on the he-
(f) Each succeeding time a specific lium component of gas shall not con-
lease is reinstated under § 3108.2–3 of vey the right to extract the helium.
this title, the annual rental on that Applications for the right to extract


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3103.4– 1

helium shall be made under part 16 of duce the royalty on an entire lease-
this title. hold, or any portion thereof.
[53 FR 22838, June 17, 1988] (b)(1) An application for the benefits
under paragraph (a) of this section on
§ 3103.3– 2 Minimum royalties. other than stripper oil well leases or
(a) A minimum royalty shall be pay- heavy oil properties must be filed by
able at the expiration of each lease the operator/payor in the proper BLM
year beginning on or after a discovery office. (Royalty reductions specifically
of oil or gas in paying quantities on the for stripper oil well leases or heavy oil
lands leased, except that on unitized properties are discussed in § 3103.4–2
leases the minimum royalty shall be and § 3103.4–3 respectively.) The appli-
payable only on the participating acre- cation must contain the serial number
age, at the following rates: of the leases, the names of the record
(1) On leases issued on or after Au- title holders, operating rights owners
gust 8, 1946, and on those issued prior (sublessees), and operators for each
thereto if the lessee files an election lease, the description of lands by legal
under section 15 of the Act of August 8, subdivision and a description of the re-
1946, a minimum royalty of $1 per acre lief requested.
or fraction thereof in lieu of rental, ex- (2) Each application shall show the
cept as provided in paragraph (a)(2) of number, location and status of each
this section; and
well drilled, a tabulated statement for
(2) On leases issued from offers filed
each month covering a period of not
after December 22, 1987, and on com-
petitive leases issued from successful less than 6 months prior to the date of
bids placed at oral auctions conducted filing the application of the aggregate
after December 22, 1987, a minimum amount of oil or gas subject to royalty,
royalty in lieu of rental of not less the number of wells counted as pro-
than the amount of rental which other- ducing each month and the average
wise would be required for that lease production per well per day.
year. (3) Every application shall contain a
(b) Minimum royalties shall not be detailed statement of expenses and
prorated for any lands in which the costs of operating the entire lease, the
United States owns a fractional inter- income from the sale of any production
est but shall be payable on the full and all facts tending to show whether
acreage of the lease. the wells can be successfully operated
(c) Minimum royalties and rentals on upon the fixed royalty or rental. Where
non-participating acreage shall be pay- the application is for a reduction in
able to the Service. royalty, full information shall be fur-
(d) The minimum royalty provisions nished as to whether overriding royal-
of this section shall be applicable to ties, payments out of production, or
leases reinstated under § 3108.2–3 of this similar interests are paid to others
title and leases issued under § 3108.2–4
than the United States, the amounts so
of this title.
paid and efforts made to reduce them.
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 49 The applicant shall also file agree-
FR 11637, Mar. 27, 1984; 49 FR 30448, July 30, ments of the holders to a reduction of
1984; 53 FR 22838, June 17, 1988]
all other royalties or similar payments
§ 3103.4 Production incentives. from the leasehold to an aggregate not
in excess of one-half the royalties due
§ 3103.4– 1 Royalty reductions. the United States.
(a) In order to encourage the greatest (c) Petition may be made for reduc-
ultimate recovery of oil or gas and in tion of royalty under § 3108.2–3(f) for
the interest of conservation, the Sec- leases reinstated under § 3108.2–3 of this
retary, upon a determination that it is title and under § 3108.2–4(i) for non-
necessary to promote development or competitive leases issued under § 3108.2–
that the leases cannot be successfully 4 of this title. Petitions to waive, sus-
operated under the terms provided pend or reduce rental or minimum roy-
therein, may waive, suspend or reduce alty for leases reinstated under § 3108.2–
the rental or minimum royalty or re- 3 of this title or for leases issued under


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§ 3103.4– 2 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

§ 3108.2–4 of this title may be made assigned to that allocated property in

under this section. that communitization agreement or
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983; 48 FR 39225, Aug.
participating area.
30, 1983, as amended at 49 FR 30448, July 30, (3) Procedures to be used by operator:
1984; 53 FR 17354, May 16, 1988; 57 FR 35973, (i) Qualifying determination.
Aug. 11, 1992; 61 FR 4750, Feb. 8, 1996] (A) Calculate an average daily pro-
duction rate for the property in order
§ 3103.4– 2 Stripper well royalty reduc- to verify that the property qualifies as
tions. a stripper property.
(a)(1) A stripper well property is any (B) The initial qualifying period for
Federal lease or portion thereof seg- producing properties is the period Au-
regated for royalty purposes, a gust 1, 1990, through July 31, 1991. For
communitization agreement, or a par- the properties that were shut-in for 12
ticipating area of a unit agreement, op- consecutive months or longer, the
erated by the same operator, that pro- qualifying period is the 12-month pro-
duces an average of less than 15 barrels duction period immediately prior to
of oil per eligible well per well-day for the shut-in. If the property does not
the qualifying period. qualify during the initial qualifying pe-
(2) An eligible well is an oil well that riod, it may later qualify due to pro-
produces or an injection well that in- duction decline. In those cases, the 12-
jects and is integral to production for month qualifying period will be the
any period of time during the quali- first consecutive 12-month period be-
fying or subsequent 12-month period. ginning after August 31, 1990, during
(3) An oil completion is a completion which the property qualifies.
from which the energy equivalent of (ii) Qualifying royalty rate calcula-
the oil produced exceeds the energy tion. If the property qualifies, use the
equivalent of the gas produced (includ- production rate rounded down to the
ing the entrained liquid hydrocarbons) next whole number (e.g., 6.7 becomes 6)
or any completion producing oil and for the qualifying period, and apply the
less than 60 MCF of gas per day. following formula to determine the
(4) An injection well is a well that in- maximum royalty rate for oil produc-
jects a fluid for secondary or enhanced tion from the Federal leases for the life
oil recovery, including reservoir pres- of the program.
sure maintenance operations.
Royalty Rate (%) = 0.5 + (0.8 × the aver-
(b) Stripper oil well property royalty
age daily production rate)
rate reduction shall be administered
according to the following require- The formula-calculated royalty rate
ments and procedures. shall apply to all oil production (except
(1) An application for the benefits condensate) from the property for the
under paragraph (a) of this section for first 12 months. The rate shall be effec-
stripper oil well properties is not re- tive the first day of the production
quired. month after the Minerals Management
(2) Total oil production (regardless of Service (MMS) receives notification. If
disposition) for the subject period from the production rate is 15 barrels or
the eligible wells on the property is to- greater, the royalty rate will be the
taled and then divided by the total rate in the lease terms.
number of well days or portions of (iii) Outyears royalty rate calcula-
days, both producing and injection tions.
days, as reported on Form MMS–3160 or (A) At the end of each 12-month pe-
MMS–4054 for the eligible wells to de- riod, the property average daily pro-
termine the property average daily duction rate shall be determined for
production rate. For those properties that period. A royalty rate shall then
in communitization agreements and be calculated using the formula in
participating areas of unit agreements paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section.
that have allocated (not actual) pro- (B) The new calculated royalty rate
duction, the production rate for all eli- shall be compared to the qualifying pe-
gible well(s) in that specific riod royalty rate. The lower of the two
communitization agreement or partici- rates shall be used for the current pe-
pating area is determined and shall be riod provided that the operator notifies


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3103.4– 2

the MMS of the new royalty rate. The BLM may terminate a royalty rate re-
new royalty rate shall not become ef- duction if it is determined that the
fective until the first day of the month production rate was manipulated by
after the MMS receives notification. the operator for the purpose of receiv-
Notification shall be received on Form ing a royalty rate reduction. Termi-
MMS–4377 and mailed to Minerals Man- nations of royalty rate reductions will
agement Service, P.O. Box 17110, Den- be effective on the effective date of the
ver, CO 80217. If the operator does not royalty rate reduction resulting from
notify the MMS of the new royalty rate the manipulated production rate (i.e.,
within 60 days after the end of the sub- the termination will be retroactive to
ject 12-month period, the royalty rate the effective date of the improper re-
for the property shall revert back to duction). The operator/payor shall pay
the royalty rate established as the the difference in royalty resulting from
qualifying period royalty rate, effec- the retroactive application of the
tive at the beginning of the current 12- unmanipulated rate. Late payment or
month period. underpayment charges will be assessed
(C) The royalty rate shall never ex- in accordance with 30 CFR 218.102.
ceed the calculated qualifying royalty (4) The royalty rate reduction provi-
rate for the life of this program. sion for stripper well properties shall
(iv) Prohibition. For the qualifying be effective as of October 1, 1992. If the
period and any subsequent 12-month oil price, adjusted for inflation by BLM
period, the production rate shall be the and MMS, using the implicit price
result of routine operational and eco- deflator for gross national product
nomic factors for that period and for with 1991 as the base year, remains on
that property and not the result of pro- average above $28 per barrel, based on
duction manipulation for the purpose West Texas Intermediate crude average
of obtaining a lower royalty rate. A posted price for a period of 6 consecu-
production rate that is determined to tive months, the benefits of the royalty
have resulted from production manipu- rate reduction under this section may
lation will not receive the benefit of a be terminated upon 6 months’ notice,
royalty rate reduction. published in the FEDERAL REGISTER.
(v) Certification. The applicable roy-
(5) The Secretary will evaluate the
alty rate shall be used by the operator/
effectiveness of the stripper well roy-
payor when submitting the required
royalty reports/payments to MSS. By alty reduction program and may at any
submitting royalty reports/payments time after September 10, 1997, termi-
using the royalty rate reduction bene- nate any or all royalty reductions
fits of this program, the operator cer- granted under this section upon 6
tifies that the production rate for the months notice.
qualifying and subsequent 12-month pe- (6) The stripper well property royalty
riod was not subject to manipulation rate reduction benefits shall apply to
for the purpose of obtaining the benefit all oil produced from the property.
of a royalty rate reduction, and the (7) The royalty for gas production
royalty rate was calculated in accord- (including liquids produced in associa-
ance with the instructions and proce- tion with gas) for oil completions shall
dures in these regulations. be calculated separately using the
(vi) Agency action. If a royalty rate lease royalty rate.
is improperly calculated, the MMS will (8) If the lease royalty rate is lower
calculate the correct rate and inform than the benefits provided in this strip-
the operator/payors. Any additional per oil property royalty rate reduction
royalties due are payable immediately program, the lease rate prevails.
upon notification. Late payment or un- (9) The minimum royalty provisions
derpayment charges will be assessed in of § 3103.3–2 apply.
accordance with 30 CFR 218.102. The (10) Examples.


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§ 3103.4– 2 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

Explanation, Example 1 3. Production rate for the first year is 8

1. Property production rate per well for 4. Using the formula, the royalty rate is
qualifying period (August 1, 1990–July 31, calculated at 6.9 percent. Since 6.9 percent is
1991) is 10 barrels of oil per day (BOPD). less than the first year rate of 8.5 percent, 6.9
2. Using the formula, the royalty rate for percent is the applicable royalty rate for the
the first year is calculated to be 8.5 percent. second year.
This rate is also the maximum royalty rate
for the life of the program.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3103.4– 2
5. Production rate for the second year is 12 program, the calculated royalty rate would
BOPD. be the property royalty rate. However, since
6. Using the formula, the royalty rate is the 8.5 percent first year royalty rate is less
calculated at 10.1 percent. Since the 8.5 per- than the property rate, the royalty rate for
cent first year royalty rate is less than 10.1 the fourth year is 8.5 percent.
percent, the applicable royalty rate for third 9. Production rate for the fourth year is 15
year is 8.5 percent. BOPD.
10.1%=0.5+(0.8×12) 10. Since the production is at the 15 BOPD
threshold, the royalty rate would be the
7. Production rate for the third year is 23 property royalty rate. However, since the 8.5
BOPD. percent first year royalty rate is less than
8. Since the production rate of 23 BOPD is the lease rate, the royalty rate for the fifth
greater than the 15 BOPD threshold for the year is 8.5 percent.


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§ 3103.4– 2 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

Explanation, Example 2 2. Property royalty rate for the first year

is the rate as stated in the lease.
1. Property production rate of 23 BOPD per 3. Production rate for the first year is 8
well (for the August 1, 1990–July 31, 1991, BOPD.
qualifying period prior to the effective date 4. Using the formula, the royalty rate is
of the program) is greater than the 15 BOPD calculated to be 6.9 percent for the second
which qualifies a property for a royalty rate year. This rate is also the maximum royalty
reduction. Therefore, the property is not en- rate for the life of the program.
titled to a royalty rate reduction for the
first year of the program. 6.9%=0.5+(0.8×8)


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3103.4– 2
5. Production rate for the second year is 12 qualifying (maximum) rate of 6.9 percent,
BOPD. the royalty rate for the fourth year is 6.1
6. Using the formula, the royalty rate is percent.
calculated at 10.1 percent. Since the 6.9 per-
cent second year royalty rate is less than 6.1%=0.5+(0.8×7)
10.1 percent, the applicable royalty rate for 9. Production rate for the fourth year is 15
third year is 6.9 percent. BOPD.
10.1%=0.5+(0.8×12) 10. Since the production is at the 15 BOPD
threshold, the royalty rate would be the
7. Production rate third year is 7 BOPD. lease royalty rate. However, since the 6.9
8. Using the formula, the royalty rate is percent second year royalty rate is less than
calculated at 6.1 percent. Since the 6.1 per- the lease rate, the royalty rate for the fifth
cent third year royalty rate is less than the year is 6.9 percent.


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§ 3103.4– 2 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)


[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983; 48 FR 39225, Aug. 30, 1983, as amended at 49 FR 30448, July 30, 1984;
53 FR 17354, May 16, 1988; 57 FR 35973, Aug. 11, 1992. Redesignated at 61 FR 4750, Feb. 8, 1996]


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3103.4– 3

§ 3103.4– 3 Heavy oil royalty reduc- ments (sales receipts) to document the
tions. weighted average API gravity for a
(a)(1) A heavy oil well property is any property.
Federal lease or portion thereof seg- (2) The operator must determine the
regated for royalty purposes, a weighted average API gravity for a
communitization area, or a unit par- property by averaging (adjusted to rate
ticipating area, operated by the same of production) the API gravities re-
operator, that produces crude oil with ported on the operator’s Purchaser’s
a weighted average gravity of less than Statement for the last 3 calendar
20 degrees as measured on the Amer- months preceding the operator’s writ-
ican Petroleum Institute (API) scale. ten notice of intent to seek a royalty
(2) An oil completion is a completion rate reduction, during each of which at
from which the energy equivalent of least one sale was held. This is shown
the oil produced exceeds the energy in the following 3 illustrations:
equivalent of the gas produced (includ- (i) If a property has oil sales every
ing the entrained liquefiable hydro- month prior to requesting the royalty
carbons) or any completion producing rate reduction in October of 1996, the
oil and less than 60 MCF of gas per day. operator must submit Purchaser’s
(b) Heavy oil well property royalty Statements for July, August, and Sep-
rate reductions will be administered tember of 1996;
according to the following require- (ii) If a property has sales only every
ments and procedures: 6 months, during the months of March
(1) The Bureau of Land Management and September, prior to requesting the
requires no specific application form rate reduction in October of 1996, the
for the benefits under paragraph (a) of operator must submit Purchaser’s
this section for heavy oil well prop- Statements for the months of Sep-
erties. However, the operator/payor tember 1995, and March and September
must notify, in writing, the proper 1996; and
BLM office that it is seeking a heavy (iii) If a property has multiple sales
oil royalty rate reduction. The letter each month, the operator must submit
must contain the serial number of the Purchaser’s Statements for every sale
affected leases (or, as appropriate, the for the 3 entire calendar months imme-
communitization agreement number or diately preceding the request for a rate
the unit agreement name); the names reduction.
of the operators for each lease; the cal- (3) The following equation must be
culated new royalty rate as determined used by the operator/payor for calcu-
under paragraph (b)(2) of this section; lating the weighted average API grav-
and copies of the Purchaser’s State- ity for a heavy oil well property:

(V1 × G1 ) + (V2 × G 2 ) + (Vn × G n ) = Weighted Average API gravity for a property

V1 + V2 + Vn

Where: G2=Average Gravity (degrees) of oil produced

V1=Average Production (bbls) of Well #1 over from Well #2 over the last 3 calendar
the last 3 calendar months of sales months of sales
V2=Average Production (bbls) of Well #2 over Gn=Average Gravity (degrees) of each addi-
the last 3 calendar months of sales tional well (G3, G4, etc.) over the last 3 cal-
Vn=Average Production (bbls) of each addi- endar months of sales
tional well (V3, V4, etc.) over the last 3 cal- Example: Lease ‘‘A’’ has 3 wells producing
endar months of sales at the following average rates over 3 sales
G1=Average Gravity (degrees) of oil produced months with the following associated aver-
from Well #1 over the last 3 calendar age gravities: Well #1, 4,000 bbls, 13° API;
months of sales Well #2, 6000 bbls, 21° API; Well #3, 2,000 bbls,
14° API. Using the equation above—


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§ 3103.4– 3 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

( 4,000 × 13) + (6,000 × 21) + (2,000 × 14)

= 17.2 Weighted Average API gravity for property
( 4,000 + 6,000 + 2,000)

(4) For those properties subject to a ROYALTY RATE REDUCTION FOR HEAVY OIL—
communitization agreement or a unit Continued
participating area, the weighted aver-
Royalty Rate
age API oil gravity for the lands dedi- Weighted average API gravity (degrees) (percent)
cated to that specific communitization
agreement or unit participating area 15 ................................................................... 8.2
16 ................................................................... 9.1
must be determined in the manner pre- 17 ................................................................... 9.9
scribed in paragraph (b)(3) of this sec- 18 ................................................................... 10.8
tion and assigned to all property sub- 19 ................................................................... 11.6
20 ................................................................... 12.5
ject to Federal royalties in the
communitization agreement or unit (iii) New royalty rate effective date.
participating area. The new royalty rate will be effective
(5) The operator/payor must use the on the first day of production 2 months
following procedures in order to obtain after BLM receives notification by the
a royalty rate reduction under this sec- operator/payor. The rate will apply to
tion: all oil production from the property for
(i) Qualifying royalty rate determina- the next 12 months (plus the 2 calendar
tion. month grace period during which the
(A) The operator/payor must cal- next 12 months’ royalty rate is deter-
culate the weighted average API grav- mined in the next year). If the API oil
ity for the property proposed for the gravity is 20 degrees or greater, the
royalty rate reduction in order to royalty rate will be the rate in the
verify that the property qualifies as a lease terms.
heavy oil well property.
(B) Properties that have removed or Example: BLM receives notification from
sold oil less than 3 times in their pro- an operator on June 8, 1996. There is a two
month period before new royalty rate is ef-
ductive life may still qualify for this fective—July and August. New royalty rate
royalty rate reduction. However, no ad- is effective September 1, 1996.
ditional royalty reductions will be
granted until the property has a sales (iv) Royalty rate determinations in sub-
history of at least 3 production months sequent years.
(see paragraph (b)(2) of this section). (A) At the end of each 12-month pe-
(ii) Calculating the qualifying royalty riod, beginning on the first day of the
rate. If the Federal leases or portions calendar month the royalty rate reduc-
thereof (e.g., communitization or unit tion went into effect, the operator/
agreements) qualify as heavy oil prop- payor must determine the weighted av-
erty, the operator/payor must use the erage API oil gravity for the property
weighted average API gravity rounded for that period. The operator/payor
down to the next whole degree (e.g., must then determine the royalty rate
11.7 degrees API becomes 11 degrees), for the following year using the table
and determine the appropriate royalty in paragraph (b)(5)(ii) of this section.
rate from the following table: (B) The operator/payor must notify
BLM of its determinations under this
ROYALTY RATE REDUCTION FOR HEAVY OIL paragraph and paragraph (b)(5)(iv)(A)
of this section. The new royalty rate
Royalty Rate
Weighted average API gravity (degrees) (percent) (effective for the next 12 month period)
will become effective the first day of
6 ..................................................................... 0.5 the third month after the prior 12
7 ..................................................................... 1.4
8 ..................................................................... 2.2
month period comes to a close, and will
9 ..................................................................... 3.1 remain effective for 12 calendar months
10 ................................................................... 3.9 (plus the 2 calendar month grace period
11 ................................................................... 4.8 during which the next 12 months’ roy-
12 ................................................................... 5.6
13 ................................................................... 6.5 alty rate is determined in the next
14 ................................................................... 7.4 year). Notification must include copies


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3103.4– 3

of the Purchaser’s Statements (sales adulterated by the operator/payor. Ter-

receipts) and be mailed to the proper minations of royalty rate reductions
BLM office. If the operator does not no- for individual properties will be effec-
tify the BLM of the new royalty rate tive on the effective date of the royalty
within 60 days after the end of the sub- rate reduction resulting from a manip-
ject 12-month period, the royalty rate ulated or adulterated API oil gravity
for the heavy oil well property will re- so that the termination will be retro-
turn to the rate in the lease terms. active to the effective date of the im-
Example: On September 30, 1997, at the end proper reduction. The operator/payor
of a 12-month royalty reduction period, the must pay the difference in royalty re-
operator/payor determines what the weight- sulting from the retroactive applica-
ed average API oil gravity for the property tion of the non-manipulated rate. The
for that period has been. The operator/payor late payment or underpayment charges
then determines the new royalty rate for the will assessed in accordance with 30
next 12 month using the table in paragraph CFR 218.102.
(b)(5)(ii) of this section. Given that there is a
2-month delay period for the operator/payor (6) The BLM may suspend or termi-
to calculate the new royalty rate, the new nate all royalty reductions granted
royalty rate would be effective December 1, under this paragraph (b) and terminate
1997 through November 30, 1998 (plus the 2 the availability of further heavy oil
calendar month grace period during which royalty relief under this section—
the next 12 months’ royalty rate is deter- (i) Upon 6 month’s notice in the FED-
mined—December 1, 1998 through January 31, ERAL REGISTER when BLM determines
that the average oil price has remained
(v) Prohibition. Any heavy oil prop- above $24 per barrel over a period of 6
erty reporting an API average oil grav- consecutive months (based on the WTI
ity determined by BLM to have re- Crude average posted prices and ad-
sulted from any manipulation of nor- justed for inflation using the implicit
mal production or adulteration of oil price deflator for gross national prod-
sold from the property will not receive uct with 1991 as the base year), or
the benefit of a royalty rate reduction (ii) After September 10, 1999, if the
under this paragraph (b). Secretary determines the royalty rate
(vi) Certification. The operator/payor reductions authorized by this para-
must use the applicable royalty rate graph (b) have not been effective in re-
when submitting the required royalty ducing the loss of otherwise recover-
reports/payments to the Minerals Man- able reserves. This will be determined
agement Service (MMS). In submitting by evaluating the expected versus the
royalty reports/payments using a roy- actual abandonment rate, the number
alty rate reduction authorized by this of enhanced recovery projects, and the
paragraph (b), the operator/payor must amount of operator reinvestment in
certify that the API oil gravity for the heavy oil production that can be at-
initial and subsequent 12-month peri- tributed to this rule.
ods was not subject to manipulation or (7) The heavy oil well property roy-
adulteration and the royalty rate was alty rate reduction applies to all Fed-
determined in accordance with the re- eral oil produced from a heavy oil prop-
quirements and procedures of this erty.
paragraph (b). (8) If the lease royalty rate is lower
(vii) Agency action. If an operator/ than the benefits provided in this
payor incorrectly calculates the roy- heavy oil well property royalty rate re-
alty rate, the BLM will determine the duction program, the lease rate pre-
correct rate and notify the operator/ vails.
payor in writing. Any additional royal- (9) If the property qualifies for a
ties due are payable to MMS imme- stripper well property royalty rate re-
diately upon receipt of this notice. duction, as well as a heavy oil well
Late payment or underpayment property reduction, the lower of the
charges will be assessed in accordance two rates applies.
with 30 CFR 218.102. The BLM will ter- (10) The operator/payor must sepa-
minate a royalty rate reduction for a rately calculate the royalty for gas
property if BLM determines that the production (including condensate pro-
API oil gravity was manipulated or duced in association with gas) from oil


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§ 3103.4– 4 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

completions using the lease royalty shall not be suspended during any pe-
rate. riod of suspension of operations only or
(11) The minimum royalty provisions suspension of production only.
of § 3103.3–2 will continue to apply. (e) Where all operations and produc-
[61 FR 4750, Feb. 8, 1996] tion are suspended on a lease on which
there is a well capable of producing in
§ 3103.4– 4 Suspension of operations paying quantities and the authorized
and/or production. officer approves resumption of oper-
(a) A suspension of all operations and ations and production, such resump-
production may be directed or con- tion shall be regarded as terminating
sented to by the authorized officer only the suspension, including the suspen-
in the interest of conservation of nat- sion of rental and minimum royalty
ural resources. A suspension of oper- payments, as provided in paragraph (d)
ations only or a suspension of produc- of this section.
tion only may be directed or consented (f) The relief authorized under this
to by the authorized officer in cases section also may be obtained for any
where the lessee is prevented from op- Federal lease included within an ap-
erating on the lease or producing from proved unit or cooperative plan of de-
the lease, despite the exercise of due velopment and operation. Unit or coop-
care and diligence, by reason of force erative plan obligations shall not be
majeure, that is, by matters beyond the suspended by relief obtained under this
reasonable control of the lessee. Appli- section but shall be suspended only in
cations for any suspension shall be accordance with the terms and condi-
filed in the proper BLM office. Com- tions of the specific unit or cooperative
plete information showing the neces- plan.
sity of such relief shall be furnished.
[53 FR 17354, May 16, 1988. Redesignated at 61
(b) The term of any lease shall be ex- FR 4750, Feb. 8, 1996]
tended by adding thereto the period of
the suspension, and no lease shall be
deemed to expire during any suspen- Subpart 3104— Bonds
§ 3104.1 Bond obligations.
(c) A suspension shall take effect as
of the time specified in the direction or (a) Prior to the commencement of
assent of the authorized officer, in ac- surface disturbing activities related to
cordance with the provisions of § 3165.1 drilling operations, the lessee, oper-
of this title. ating rights owner (sublessee), or oper-
(d) Rental and minimum royalty pay- ator shall submit a surety or a per-
ments shall be suspended during any sonal bond, conditioned upon compli-
period of suspension of all operations ance with all of the terms and condi-
and production directed or assented to tions of the entire leasehold(s) covered
by the authorized officer beginning by the bond, as described in this sub-
with the first day of the lease month in part. The bond amounts shall be not
which the suspension of all operations less than the minimum amounts de-
and production becomes effective, or if scribed in this subpart in order to en-
the suspension of all operations and sure compliance with the act, including
production becomes effective on any complete and timely plugging of the
date other than the first day of a lease well(s), reclamation of the lease
month, beginning with the first day of area(s), and the restoration of any
the lease month following such effec- lands or surface waters adversely af-
tive date. Rental and minimum royalty fected by lease operations after the
payments shall resume on the first day abandonment or cessation of oil and
of the lease month in which the suspen- gas operations on the lease(s) in ac-
sion of all operations and production is cordance with, but not limited to, the
terminated. Where rentals are cred- standards and requirements set forth
itable against royalties and have been in §§ 3162.3 and 3162.5 of this title and
paid in advance, proper credit shall be orders issued by the authorized officer.
allowed on the next rental or royalty (b) Surety bonds shall be issued by
due under the terms of the lease. Rent- qualified surety companies approved by
al and minimum royalty payments the Department of the Treasury (see


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3104.3

Department of the Treasury Circular pliance with the lease terms and condi-
No. 570). tions or failure to file a replacement in
(c) Personal bonds shall be accom- accordance with paragraph (c)(5)(ii) of
panied by: this section;
(1) Certificate of deposit issued by a (iv) The initial expiration date of the
financial institution, the deposits of letter of credit shall be at least 1 year
which are Federally insured, explicitly following the date it is filed in the
granting the Secretary full authority proper BLM office; and
to demand immediate payment in case
(v) The letter of credit shall contain
of default in the performance of the
a provision for automatic renewal for
terms and conditions of the lease. The
periods of not less than 1 year in the
certificate shall explicitly indicate on
its face that Secretarial approval is re- absence of notice to the proper BLM of-
quired prior to redemption of the cer- fice at least 90 days prior to the origi-
tificate of deposit by any party; nally stated or any extended expiration
(2) Cashier’s check; date.
(3) Certified check; [53 FR 22838, June 17, 1988]
(4) Negotiable Treasury securities of
the United States of a value equal to § 3104.2 Lease bond.
the amount specified in the bond. Ne-
A lease bond may be posted by a les-
gotiable Treasury securities shall be
accompanied by a proper conveyance to see, owner of operating rights (subles-
the Secretary of full authority to sell see), or operator in an amount of not
such securities in case of default in the less than $10,000 for each lease condi-
performance of the terms and condi- tioned upon compliance with all of the
tions of a lease; or terms of the lease. Where 2 or more
(5) Irrevocable letter of credit issued principals have interests in different
by a financial institution, the deposits formations or portions of the lease,
of which are Federally insured, for a separate bonds may be posted. The op-
specific term, identifying the Sec- erator on the ground shall be covered
retary as sole payee with full authority by a bond in his/her own name as prin-
to demand immediate payment in the cipal, or a bond in the name of the les-
case of default in the performance of see or sublessee, provided that a con-
the terms and conditions of a lease. sent of the surety, or the obligor in the
Letters of credit shall be subject to case of a personal bond, to include the
the following conditions: operator under the coverage of the
(i) The letter of credit shall be issued bond is furnished to the Bureau office
only by a financial institution orga- maintaining the bond.
nized or authorized to do business in
the United States; [53 FR 22839, June 17, 1988]
(ii) The letter of credit shall be irrev-
ocable during its term. A letter of cred- § 3104.3 Statewide and nationwide
it used as security for any lease upon bonds.
which drilling has taken place and (a) In lieu of lease bonds, lessees,
final approval of all abandonment has owners of operating rights (sublessees),
not been given, or as security for a or operators may furnish a bond in an
statewide or nationwide lease bond, amount of not less than $25,000 cov-
shall be forfeited and shall be collected ering all leases and operations in any
by the authorized officer if not re- one State.
placed by other suitable bond or letter (b) In lieu of lease bonds or statewide
of credit at least 30 days before its ex- bonds, lessees, owners of operating
piration date; rights (sublessees), or operators may
(iii) The letter of credit shall be pay-
furnish a bond in an amount of not less
able to the Bureau of Land Manage-
than $150,000 covering all leases and op-
ment upon demand, in part or in full,
erations nationwide.
upon receipt from the authorized offi-
cer of a notice of attachment stating [53 FR 22839, June 17, 1988; 53 FR 31958, Aug.
the basis therefor, e.g., default in com- 22, 1988]


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§ 3104.4 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

§ 3104.4 Unit operator’s bond. owed to the lessor due to previous vio-
lations remaining outstanding.
In lieu of individual lease, statewide,
or nationwide bonds for operations con- [53 FR 22839, June 17, 1988]
ducted on leases committed to an ap-
proved unit agreement, the unit oper- § 3104.6 Where filed and number of
ator may furnish a unit operator bond copies.
in the manner set forth in § 3104.1 of All bonds shall be filed in the proper
this title. The amount of such a bond BLM office on a current form approved
shall be determined by the authorized by the Director. A single copy executed
officer. The format for such a surety by the principal or, in the case of sur-
bond is set forth in § 3186.2 of this title. ety bonds, by both the principal and an
Where a unit operator is covered by a acceptable surety is sufficient. A bond
nationwide or statewide bond, coverage filed on a form not currently in use
for such a unit may be provided by a shall be acceptable, unless such form
rider to such bond specifically covering has been declared obsolete by the Di-
the unit and increasing the bond in rector prior to the filing of such bond.
such amount as may be determined ap- For purposes of §§ 3104.2 and 3104.3(a) of
propriate by the authorized officer. this title, bonds or bond riders shall be
filed in the Bureau State office having
[53 FR 22839, June 17, 1988]
jurisdiction of the lease or operations
§ 3104.5 Increased amount of bonds. covered by the bond or rider. Nation-
wide bonds may be filed in any Bureau
(a) When an operator desiring ap- State office (See § 1821.2–1).
proval of an Application for Permit to
Drill has caused the Bureau to make a [53 FR 17354, May 16, 1988]
demand for payment under a bond or
other financial guarantee within the 5- § 3104.7 Default.
year period prior to submission of the (a) Where, upon a default, the surety
Application for Permit to Drill, due to makes a payment to the United States
failure to plug a well or reclaim lands of an obligation incurred under a lease,
completely in a timely manner, the au- the face amount of the surety bond or
thorized officer shall require, prior to personal bonds and the surety’s liabil-
approval of the Application for Permit ity thereunder shall be reduced by the
to Drill, a bond in an amount equal to amount of such payment.
the costs as estimated by the author- (b) After default, where the obliga-
ized officer of plugging the well and re- tion in default equals or is less than
claiming the disturbed area involved in the face amount of the bond(s), the
the proposed operation, or in the min- principal shall either post a new bond
imum amount as prescribed in this sub- or restore the existing bond(s) to the
part, whichever is greater. amount previously held or a larger
(b) The authorized officer may re- amount as determined by the author-
quire an increase in the amount of any ized officer. In lieu thereof, the prin-
bond whenever it is determined that cipal may file separate or substitute
the operator poses a risk due to fac- bonds for each lease covered by the de-
tors, including, but not limited to, a ficient bond(s). Where the obligation
history of previous violations, a notice incurred exceeds the face amount of
from the Service that there are uncol- the bond(s), the principal shall make
lected royalties due, or the total cost full payment to the United States for
of plugging existing wells and reclaim- all obligations incurred that are in ex-
ing lands exceeds the present bond cess of the face amount of the bond(s)
amount based on the estimates deter- and shall post a new bond in the
mined by the authorized officer. The amount previously held or such larger
increase in bond amount may be to any amount as determined by the author-
level specified by the authorized offi- ized officer. The restoration of a bond
cer, but in no circumstances shall it or posting of a new bond shall be made
exceed the total of the estimated costs within 6 months or less after receipt of
of plugging and reclamation, the notice from the authorized officer.
amount of uncollected royalties due to Failure to comply with these require-
the Service, plus the amount of monies ments may subject all leases covered


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3105.2– 3

by such bond(s) to cancellation under § 3105.2– 3 Requirements.

the provisions of § 3108.3 of this title.
(a) The communitization or drilling
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53 agreement shall describe the separate
FR 17354, May 16, 1988] tracts comprising the drilling or spac-
ing unit, shall show the apportionment
§ 3104.8 Termination of period of li- of the production or royalties to the
several parties and the name of the op-
The authorized officer shall not give erator, and shall contain adequate pro-
consent to termination of the period of visions for the protection of the inter-
liability of any bond unless an accept- ests of the United States. The agree-
able replacement bond has been filed or ment shall be signed by or on behalf of
until all the terms and conditions of all necessary parties and shall be filed
the lease have been met. prior to the expiration of the Federal
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53 lease(s) involved in order to confer the
FR 17355, May 16, 1988; 53 FR 31867, Aug. 22, benefits of the agreement upon such
1988] lease(s).
(b) The agreement shall be effective
Subpart 3105— Cooperative as to the Federal lease(s) involved only
Conservation Provisions if approved by the authorized officer.
Approved communitization agreements
§ 3105.1 Cooperative or unit agree- are considered effective from the date
ment. of the agreement or from the date of
The suggested contents of such an the onset of production from the
agreement and the procedures for ob- communitized formation, whichever is
taining approval are contained in 43 earlier, except when the spacing unit is
CFR part 3180. subject to a State pooling order after
the date of first sale, then the effective
§ 3105.2 Communitization or drilling date of the agreement may be the ef-
agreements. fective date of the order.
(c) The public interest requirement
§ 3105.2– 1 Where filed. for an approved communitization
(a) Requests to communitize separate agreement shall be satisfied only if the
tracts shall be filed, in triplicate, with well dedicated thereto has been com-
the proper BLM office. pleted for production in the
(b) Where a duly executed agreement communitized formation at the time
is submitted for final Departmental ap- the agreement is approved or, if not,
proval, a minimum of 3 signed counter- that the operator thereafter com-
parts shall be submitted. If State lands mences and/or diligently continues
are involved, 1 additional counterpart drilling operations to a depth sufficient
shall be submitted. to test the communitized formation or
establish to the satisfaction of the au-
§ 3105.2– 2 Purpose. thorized officer that further drilling of
When a lease or a portion thereof the well would be unwarranted or im-
cannot be independently developed and practicable. If an application is re-
operated in conformity with an estab- ceived for voluntary termination of a
lished well-spacing or well-develop- communitization agreement during its
ment program, the authorized officer fixed term or such an agreement auto-
may approve communitization or drill- matically expires at the end of its fixed
ing agreements for such lands with term without the public interest re-
other lands, whether or not owned by quirement having been satisfied, the
the United States, upon a determina- approval of that agreement by the au-
tion that it is in the public interest. thorized officer shall be invalid and no
Operations or production under such an Federal lease shall be eligible for ex-
agreement shall be deemed to be oper- tension under § 3107.4 of this title.
ations or production as to each lease
[53 FR 17355, May 16, 1988]
committed thereto.


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§ 3105.3 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

§ 3105.3 Operating, drilling or develop- § 3105.4– 3 Requirements.

ment contracts. The application shall show a reason-
§ 3105.3– 1 Where filed. able need for the combination and that
it will not result in any concentration
A contract submitted for approval of control over the production or sale
under this section shall be filed with of oil and gas which would be incon-
the proper BLM office, together with sistent with the anti-monopoly provi-
enough copies to permit retention of 5 sions of law.
copies by the Department after ap-
proval. § 3105.4– 4 Rights-of-way.
Rights-of-way for pipelines may be
§ 3105.3– 2 Purpose. granted as provided in part 2880 of this
Approval of operating, drilling or de- title.
velopment contracts ordinarily shall be
granted only to permit operators or § 3105.5 Subsurface storage of oil and
pipeline companies to enter into con- gas.
tracts with a number of lessees suffi- § 3105.5– 1 Where filed.
cient to justify operations on a scale
large enough to justify the discovery, (a) Applications for subsurface stor-
development, production or transpor- age shall be filed in the proper BLM of-
tation of oil or gas and to finance the fice.
same. (b) Enough copies of the final agree-
ment signed by all the parties in inter-
§ 3105.3– 3 Requirements. est shall be submitted to permit the re-
tention of 5 copies by the Department
The contract shall be accompanied after approval.
by a statement showing all the inter-
ests held by the contractor in the area § 3105.5– 2 Purpose.
or field and the proposed or agreed plan
In order to avoid waste and to pro-
for development and operation of the
mote conservation of natural re-
field. All the contracts held by the
sources, the Secretary, upon applica-
same contractor in the area or field
tion by the interested parties, may au-
shall be submitted for approval at the
thorize the subsurface storage of oil
same time and full disclosure of the and gas, whether or not produced from
projects made. lands owned by the United States.
§ 3105.4 Combination for joint oper- Such authorization shall provide for
ations or for transportation of oil. the payment of such storage fee or
rental on the stored oil or gas as may
§ 3105.4– 1 Where filed. be determined adequate in each case,
or, in lieu thereof, for a royalty other
An application under this section to-
than that prescribed in the lease when
gether with sufficient copies to permit
such stored oil or gas is produced in
retention of 5 copies by the Depart-
conjunction with oil or gas not pre-
ment after approval shall be filed with
viously produced.
the proper BLM office.
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 49 § 3105.5– 3 Requirements.
FR 2113, Jan. 18, 1984] The agreement shall disclose the
ownership of the lands involved, the
§ 3105.4– 2 Purpose. parties in interest, the storage fee,
Upon obtaining approval of the au- rental or royalty offered to be paid for
thorized officer, lessees may combine such storage and all essential informa-
their interests in leases for the purpose tion showing the necessity for such
of constructing and carrying on the project.
business of a refinery or of establishing
and constructing as a common carrier § 3105.5– 4 Extension of lease term.
a pipeline or lines or railroads to be op- Any lease used for the storage of oil
erated and used by them jointly in the or gas shall be extended for the period
transportation of oil or gas from their of storage under an approved agree-
wells or from the wells of other lessees. ment. The obligation to pay annual


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3106.4– 1

lease rent continues during the ex- filed within 90 days from the date of its
tended period. execution. The 90-day filing period
shall begin on the date the transferor
§ 3105.6 Consolidation of leases. signs and dates the transfer. If the
Consolidation of leases may be ap- transfer is filed after the 90th day, the
proved by the authorized officer if it is authorized officer may require
determined that there is sufficient jus- verification that the transfer is still in
tification and it is in the public inter- force and effect. A transfer of produc-
est. Each application for consolidation tion payments or overriding royalty or
of leases shall be considered on its own other similar payments, arrangements,
merits. Leases to different lessees for or interests shall be filed in the proper
different terms, rental and royalty BLM office but shall not require ap-
rates, and those containing provisions proval.
required by law that cannot be rec- (c) No transfer of an offer to lease or
onciled, shall not be consolidated. The interest in a lease shall be approved
effective date of a consolidated lease prior to the issuance of the lease.
shall be that of the oldest lease in- [53 FR 22839, June 17, 1988]
volved in the consolidation.
§ 3106.2 Qualifications of transferees.
[53 FR 17355, May 16, 1988]
Transferees shall comply with the
Subpart 3106— Transfers by As- provisions of subpart 3102 of this title
and post any bond that may be re-
signment, Sublease or Other- quired.
§ 3106.3 Filing fees.
SOURCE: 53 FR 17355, May 16, 1988, unless Each transfer of record title or of op-
otherwise noted. erating rights (sublease) or each trans-
§ 3106.1 Transfers, general. fer of royalty interest, payment out of
production or similar interest for each
(a) Leases may be transferred by as- lease, when filed, shall be accompanied
signment or sublease as to all or part by a nonrefundable filing fee of $25. A
of the acreage in the lease or as to ei- transfer not accompanied by the re-
ther a divided or undivided interest quired filing fee shall not be accepted
therein. An assignment of a separate and shall be returned.
zone or deposit, or of part of a legal
subdivision, shall be disapproved. § 3106.4 Forms.
(b) An assignment of less than 640
acres outside Alaska or of less than § 3106.4– 1 Transfers of record title and
2,560 acres within Alaska shall be dis- of operating rights (subleases).
approved unless the assignment con- Each transfer of record title or of an
stitutes the entire lease or is dem- operating right (sublease) shall be filed
onstrated to further the development with the proper BLM office on a cur-
of oil and gas to the satisfaction of the rent form approved by the Director or
authorized officer. Execution and sub- exact reproductions of the front and
mission of a request for approval of back of such form. A transfer filed on a
such an assignment shall certify that form not currently in use shall be ac-
the assignment would further the de- ceptable, unless such form has been de-
velopment of oil and gas, subject to the clared obsolete by the Director prior to
provisions of § 3102.5–3 of this title. The the filing of the transfer. A separate
rights of the transferee to a lease or an form for each transfer, in triplicate,
interest therein shall not be recognized originally executed shall be filed for
by the Department until the transfer each lease out of which a transfer is
has been approved by the authorized of- made. Only 1 originally executed copy
ficer. A transfer may be withdrawn in of a transferee’s request for approval
writing, signed by the transferor and for each transfer shall be required, in-
the transferee, if the transfer has not cluding in those instances where sev-
been approved by the authorized offi- eral transfers to a transferee have been
cer. A request for approval of a transfer submitted at the same time (See also
of a lease or interest in a lease shall be § 3106.4–3). Copies of documents other


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§ 3106.4– 2 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

than the current form approved by the mass transfer. A copy of the exhibit for
Director shall not be submitted. How- each lease may be limited to line items
ever, reference(s) to other documents pertaining to individual leases as long
containing information affecting the as that line item includes the informa-
terms of the transfer may be made on tion required by paragraph (b) of this
the submitted form. section.
§ 3106.4– 2 Transfers of other interests, (d) A nonrefundable filing fee of $25
including royalty interests and pro- for each such interest transferred for
duction payments. each lease, in accordance with the pro-
(a) Each transfer of overriding roy- visions of § 3106.3 of this title, shall ac-
alty interest, payment out of produc- company a mass transfer.
tion or similar interests created or re-
served in a lease in conjunction with a § 3106.5 Description of lands.
transfer of record title or of operating Each transfer of record title shall de-
rights (sublease) shall be described for scribe the lands involved in the same
each lease on the current form when manner as the lands are described in
filed. the lease or in the manner required by
(b) Each transfer of overriding roy- § 3110.5 of this title, except no land de-
alty interest, payment out of produc- scription is required when 100 percent
tion or similar interests created or re- of the entire area encompassed within
served in a lease independently of a
a lease is conveyed.
transfer of record title or of operating
rights (sublease), if not filed on the [48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 55
current form, shall be described and FR 12350, Apr. 3, 1990]
shall include the transferee’s executed
statement as to his/her qualifications § 3106.6 Bonds.
under subpart 3102 of this title. A sin-
gle executed copy of each such transfer § 3106.6– 1 Lease bond.
of other interests for each lease shall Where a lease bond is maintained by
be filed with the proper BLM office. the lessee or operating rights owner
(sublessee) in connection with a par-
§ 3106.4– 3 Mass transfers.
ticular lease, the transferee of record
(a) A mass transfer may be utilized in title interest or operating rights in
lieu of the provisions of §§ 3106.4–1 and such lease shall furnish, if bond cov-
3106.4–2 of this title when a transferor erage continues to be required, either a
transfers interests of any type in a proper bond or consent of the surety
large number of Federal leases to the
under the existing bond to become co-
same transferee.
principal on such bond if the trans-
(b) Three originally executed copies
of the mass transfer shall be filed with feror’s bond does not expressly contain
each proper BLM office administering such consent. Where bond coverage is
any lease affected by the mass transfer. provided by an operator, the new oper-
The transfer shall be on a current form ator shall furnish an appropriate re-
approved by the Director or an exact placement bond or provide evidence of
reproduction of both sides thereof, with consent of the surety under the exist-
an exhibit attached to each copy list- ing bond to become co-principal on
ing the following for each lease: such bond.
(1) The serial number;
(2) The type and percent of interest § 3106.6– 2 Statewide/nationwide bond.
being conveyed; and If the transferee is maintaining a
(3) A description of the lands affected statewide or nationwide bond, a lease
by the transfer in accordance with bond shall not be required, but the
§ 3106.5 of this title. amount of the bond may be increased
(c) One reproduced copy of the form
to an amount determined by the au-
required by paragraph (b) of this sec-
thorized officer in accordance with the
tion shall be filed with the proper BLM
provisions of § 3104.5 of this title.
office for each lease involved in the


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3106.8– 1

§ 3106.7 Approval of transfer. retained portion into separate leases.

Each resulting lease retains the anni-
§ 3106.7– 1 Failure to qualify. versary date and the terms and condi-
No transfer of record title or of oper- tions of the original lease. A transfer of
ating rights (sublease) shall be ap- an undivided record title interest or a
proved if the transferee or any other transfer of operating rights (sublease)
parties in interest are not qualified to shall not segregate the transferred and
hold the transferred interest(s), or if retained portions into separate leases.
the bond, should one be required, is in-
§ 3106.7– 6 If I acquire a lease by an as-
sufficient. Transfers are approved for signment or transfer, what obliga-
administrative purposes only. Approval tions do I agree to assume?
does not warrant or certify that either
party to a transfer holds legal or equi- (a) If you acquire record title interest
table title to a lease. in a Federal lease, you agree to comply
with the terms of the original lease
§ 3106.7– 2 If I transfer my lease, what during your lease tenure. You assume
is my continuing obligation? the responsibility to plug and abandon
(a) You are responsible for per- all wells which are no longer capable of
forming all obligations under the lease producing, reclaim the lease site, and
until the date BLM approves an assign- remedy all environmental problems in
ment of your record title interest or existence and that a purchaser exer-
transfer of your operating rights. cising reasonable diligence should have
(b) After BLM approves the assign- known at the time. You must also
ment or transfer, you will continue to maintain an adequate bond to ensure
be responsible for lease obligations performance of these responsibilities.
(b) If you acquire operating rights in
that accrued before the approval date,
a Federal lease, you agree to comply
whether or not they were identified at
with the terms of the original lease as
the time of the assignment or transfer.
it applies to the area or horizons in
This includes paying compensatory
which you acquired rights. You must
royalties for drainage. It also includes
plug and abandon all unplugged wells,
responsibility for plugging wells and
reclaim the lease site, and remedy all
abandoning facilities you drilled, in-
environmental problems in existence
stalled, or used before the effective
and that a purchaser exercising reason-
date of the assignment or transfer.
able diligence should have known at
[66 FR 1892, Jan. 10, 2001] the time you receive the transfer. You
must also maintain an adequate bond
§ 3106.7– 3 Lease account status. to ensure performance of these respon-
A transfer of record title or of oper- sibilities.
ating rights (sublease) in a producing [66 FR 1892, Jan. 10, 2001]
lease shall not be approved unless the
lease account is in good standing. § 3106.8 Other types of transfers.
§ 3106.7– 4 Effective date of transfer. § 3106.8– 1 Heirs and devisees.
The signature of the authorized offi- (a) If an offeror, applicant, lessee or
cer on the official form shall constitute transferee dies, his/her rights shall be
approval of the transfer of record title transferred to the heirs, devisees, ex-
or of operating rights (sublease) which ecutor or administrator of the estate,
shall take effect as of the first day of as appropriate, upon the filing of a
the lease month following the date of statement that all parties are qualified
filing in the proper BLM office of all to hold a lease in accordance with sub-
documents and statements required by part 3102 of this title. No filing fee is
this subpart and an appropriate bond, required. A bond rider or replacement
if one is required. bond may be required for any bond(s)
previously furnished by the decedent.
§ 3106.7– 5 Effect of transfer. (b) Any ownership or interest other-
A transfer of record title to 100 per- wise forbidden by the regulations in
cent of a portion of the lease seg- this group which may be acquired by
regates the transferred portion and the descent, will, judgement or decree may


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§ 3106.8– 2 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

be held for a period not to exceed 2 make in that particular area, given the
years after its acquisition. Any such existing knowledge of geologic and
forbidden ownership or interest held other pertinent facts. In drilling a new
for a period of more than 2 years after well on a lease or for the benefit of a
acquisition shall be subject to can- lease under the terms of an approved
cellation. agreement or plan, it shall be taken to
a depth sufficient to penetrate at least
§ 3106.8– 2 Change of name. 1 formation recognized in the area as
A change of name of a lessee shall be potentially productive of oil or gas, or
reported to the proper BLM office. No where an existing well is reentered, it
filing fee is required. The notice of shall be taken to a depth sufficient to
name change shall be submitted in penetrate at least 1 new and deeper for-
writing and be accompanied by a list of mation recognized in the area as poten-
the serial numbers of the leases af- tially productive of oil or gas. The au-
fected by the name change. If a bond(s) thorized officer may determine that
has been furnished, change of name further drilling is unwarranted or im-
may be made by surety consent or a practicable.
rider to the original bond or by a re-
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 49
placement bond.
FR 2113, Jan. 18, 1984; 53 FR 17357, May 16,
§ 3106.8– 3 Corporate merger. 1988; 53 FR 22839, June 17, 1988]

Where a corporate merger affects § 3107.2 Production.

leases situated in a State where the
transfer of property of the dissolving § 3107.2– 1 Continuation by production.
corporation to the surviving corpora- A lease shall be extended so long as
tion is accomplished by operation of
oil or gas is being produced in paying
law, no transfer of any affected lease
interest is required. A notification of
the merger shall be furnished with a § 3107.2– 2 Cessation of production.
list, by serial number, of all lease in-
terests affected. No filing fee is re- A lease which is in its extended term
quired. A bond rider or replacement because of production in paying quan-
bond conditioned to cover the obliga- tities shall not terminate upon ces-
tions of all affected corporations may sation of production if, within 60 days
be required by the authorized officer as thereafter, reworking or drilling oper-
a prerequisite to recognition of the ations on the leasehold are commenced
merger. and are thereafter conducted with rea-
sonable diligence during the period of
Subpart 3107— Continuation, nonproduction. The 60-day period com-
mences upon receipt of notification
Extension or Renewal from the authorized officer that the
§ 3107.1 Extension by drilling. lease is not capable of production in
paying quantities.
Any lease on which actual drilling
operations were commenced prior to [48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53
the end of its primary term and are FR 17357, May 16, 1988; 53 FR 22840, June 17,
being diligently prosecuted at the end 1988]
of the primary term or any lease which
is part of an approved communitization § 3107.2– 3 Leases capable of produc-
agreement or cooperative or unit plan
of development or operation upon No lease for lands on which there is a
which such drilling takes place, shall well capable of producing oil or gas in
be extended for 2 years subject to the paying quantities shall expire because
rental being timely paid as required by the lessee fails to produce the same,
§ 3103.2 of this title, and subject to the unless the lessee fails to place the lease
provisions of § 3105.2–3 and § 3186.1 of in production within a period of not
this title, if applicable. Actual drilling less than 60 days as specified by the au-
operations shall be conducted in a thorized officer after receipt of notice
manner that anyone seriously looking by certified mail from the authorized
for oil or gas could be expected to officer to do so. Such production shall


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3107.5– 2

be continued unless and until suspen- tion of such lease so committed, shall
sion of production is granted by the au- continue in force so long as committed
thorized officer. to the plan, beyond the expiration date
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53 of its primary term. This provision
FR 22840, June 17, 1988; 53 FR 31958, Aug. 22, does not apply to that portion of any
1988] such lease which is not included in the
cooperative or unit plan unless the
§ 3107.3 Extension for terms of cooper- lease was so committed prior to August
ative or unit plan.
8, 1946.
§ 3107.3– 1 Leases committed to plan.
§ 3107.4 Extension by elimination.
Any lease or portion of a lease, ex-
cept as described in § 3107.3–3 of this Any lease eliminated from any ap-
title, committed to a cooperative or proved or prescribed cooperative or
unit plan that contains a general provi- unit plan or from any communitization
sion for allocation of oil or gas shall or drilling agreement authorized by the
continue in effect so long as the lease Act and any lease in effect at the ter-
or portion thereof remains subject to mination of such plan or agreement,
the plan; Provided, That there is pro- unless relinquished, shall continue in
duction of oil or gas in paying quan- effect for the original term of the lease
tities under the plan prior to the expi- or for 2 years after its elimination from
ration date of such lease. the plan or agreement or after the ter-
mination of the plan or agreement,
§ 3107.3– 2 Segregation of leases com-
mitted in part. whichever is longer, and for so long
thereafter as oil or gas is produced in
Any lease committed after July 29,
paying quantities. No lease shall be ex-
1954, to any cooperative or unit plan,
tended if the public interest require-
which covers lands within and lands
outside the area covered by the plan, ment for an approved cooperative or
shall be segregated, as of the effective unit plan or a communitization agree-
date of unitization, into separate ment has not been satisifed as deter-
leases; one covering the lands com- mined by the authorized officer.
mitted to the plan, the other lands not [48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53
committed to the plan. The segregated FR 17357, May 16, 1988]
lease covering the nonunitized portion
of the lands shall continue in force and § 3107.5 Extension of leases segregated
effect for the term of the lease or for 2 by assignment.
years from the date of segregation,
whichever is longer. However, for any § 3107.5– 1 Extension after discovery on
lease segregated from a unit, if the other segregated portions.
public interest requirement for the Any lease segregated by assignment,
unit is not satisfied, such segregation including the retained portion, shall
shall be declared invalid by the author- continue in effect for the primary term
ized officer. Further, the segregation of the original lease, or for 2 years
shall be conditioned to state that no after the date of first discovery of oil
operations shall be approved on the or gas in paying quantities upon any
segregated portion of the lease past the
other segregated portion of the original
expiration date of the original lease
lease, whichever is the longer period.
until the public interest requirement of
the unit has been satisfied. § 3107.5– 2 Undeveloped parts of leases
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53 in their extended term.
FR 17357, May 16, 1988]
Undeveloped parts of leases retained
§ 3107.3– 3 20-year lease or any renewal or assigned out of leases which are in
thereof. their extended term shall continue in
Any lease issued for a term of 20 effect for 2 years after the effective
years, or any renewal thereof, com- date of assignment, provided the par-
mitted to a cooperative or unit plan ent lease was issued prior to September
approved by the Secretary, or any por- 2, 1960.


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§ 3107.5– 3 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

§ 3107.5– 3 Undeveloped parts of pro- certification of compliance with § 3102.5

ducing leases. of this title.
Undeveloped parts of leases retained [48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53
or assigned out of leases which are ex- FR 22840, June 17, 1988]
tended by production, actual or sus-
pended, or the payment of compen- § 3107.8 Renewal leases.
satory royalty shall continue in effect
for 2 years after the effective date of § 3107.8– 1 Requirements.
assignment and for so long thereafter (a) Twenty year leases and renewals
as oil or gas is produced in paying thereof may be renewed for successive
quantities. terms of 10 years. Any application for
renewal of a lease shall be made by the
§ 3107.6 Extension of reinstated leases. lessee, and may be joined in or con-
Where a reinstatement of a termi- sented to by the operator. The applica-
nated lease is granted under § 3108.2 of tion shall show whether all monies due
this title and the authorized officer the United States have been paid and
finds that the reinstatement will not whether operations under the lease
afford the lessee a reasonable oppor- have been conducted in compliance
tunity to continue operations under with the applicable regulations.
the lease, the authorized officer may (b) The applicant or his/her operator
extend the term of such lease for a pe- shall furnish, in triplicate, with the ap-
riod sufficient to give the lessee such plication for renewal, copies of all
an opportunity. Any extension shall be agreements not theretofore filed pro-
subject to the following conditions: viding for overriding royalties or other
(a) No extension shall exceed a period payments out of production from the
equal to the unexpired portion of the lease which will be in existence as of
lease or any extension thereof remain- the date of its expiration.
ing at the date of termination. [48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53
(b) When the reinstatement occurs FR 22840, June 17, 1988]
after the expiration of the term or ex-
tension thereof, the lease may be ex- § 3107.8– 2 Application.
tended from the date the authorized of- An application to renew shall be
ficer grants the petition, but in no filed, in triplicate, in the proper BLM
event for more than 2 years from the office at least 90 days, but not more
date the reinstatement is authorized than 6 months, prior to the expiration
and so long thereafter as oil or gas is of its term and shall be accompanied
produced in paying quantities. by a nonrefundable filing fee of $75.
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 49
FR 30448, July 30, 1984; 53 FR 17357, May 16, § 3107.8– 3 Approval.
1988] (a) Copies of the renewal lease, in
triplicate, dated the first day of the
§ 3107.7 Exchange leases: 20-year term.
month following the month in which
Any lease which issued for a term of the original lease terminated, shall be
20 years, or any renewal thereof, or forwarded to the lessee for execution.
which issued in exchange for a 20-year Upon receipt of the executed lease
lease prior to August 8, 1946, may be ex- forms, which constitutes certification
changed for a new lease. Such new of compliance with § 3102.5 of this title,
lease shall be issued for a primary term and any required bond, the authorized
of 5 years. An application to exchange officer shall execute the lease and de-
a lease for a new lease shall be filed, in liver 1 copy to the lessee.
triplicate, by the lessee at the proper (b) If overriding royalties and pay-
BLM office, shall show full compliance ments out of production or similar in-
by the applicant with the terms of the terests in excess of 5 percent of gross
lease and applicable regulations, and production constitute a burden to lease
shall be accompanied by a nonrefund- operations that will retard, or impair,
able application fee of $75. Execution of or cause premature abandonment, the
the exchange lease by the applicant is lease application shall be suspended


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3108.2– 1

until overriding royalties and pay- ever, you and the party that issued the
ments out of production or similar in- bond will continue to be obligated to:
terests are reduced to not more then 5 (a) Make payments of all accrued
percent of the value of the production. rentals and royalties, including pay-
If the holders of outstanding overriding ments of compensatory royalty due for
royalty or other interests payable out all drainage that occurred before the
of production, the operator and the les- relinquishments;
see are unable to enter into a mutually (b) Place all wells to be relinquished
fair and equitable agreement, any of in condition for suspension or abandon-
the parties may apply for a hearing at ment as BLM requires; and
which all interested parties may be (c) Complete reclamation of the
heard and written statements pre- leased sites after stopping or aban-
sented. Thereupon, a final decision will doning oil and gas operations on the
be rendered by the Department, out- lease, under a plan approved by the ap-
lining the conditions acceptable to it propriate surface management agency.
as a basis for a fair and reasonable ad- [66 FR 1892, Jan. 10, 2001]
justment of the excessive overriding
royalties and other payments out of § 3108.2 Termination by operation of
production and an opportunity shall be law and reinstatement.
afforded within a fixed period of time
to submit proof that such adjustment § 3108.2– 1 Automatic termination.
has been effected. Upon failure to sub- (a) Except as provided in paragraph
mit such proof within the time so (b) of this section, any lease on which
fixed, the application for renewal shall there is no well capable of producing
be denied. oil or gas in paying quantities shall
automatically terminate by operation
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53
FR 17357, May 16, 1988; 53 FR 22840, June 17,
of law (30 U.S.C. 188) if the lessee fails
1988] to pay the rental at the designated
Service office on or before the anniver-
§ 3107.9 Other types. sary date of such lease. However, if the
designated Service office is closed on
§ 3107.9– 1 Payment of compensatory the anniversary date, a rental payment
royalty. received on the next day the Service of-
The payment of compensatory roy- fice is open to the public shall be con-
alty shall extend the term of any lease sidered as timely made.
for the period during which such com- (b) If the rental payment due under a
pensatory royalty is paid and for a pe- lease is paid on or before its anniver-
riod of 1 year from the discontinuance sary date but the amount of the pay-
of such payments. ment is deficient and the deficiency is
nominal as defined in this section, or
§ 3107.9– 2 Subsurface storage of oil the amount of payment made was de-
and gas. termined in accordance with the rental
or acreage figure stated in a bill ren-
See § 3105.5–4 of this title.
dered by the designated Service office,
or decision rendered by the authorized
Subpart 3108— Relinquishment, officer, and such figure is found to be
Termination, Cancellation in error resulting in a deficiency, such
lease shall not have automatically ter-
§ 3108.1 As a lessee, may I relinquish minated unless the lessee fails to pay
my lease? the deficiency within the period pre-
You may relinquish your lease or any scribed in the Notice of Deficiency pro-
legal subdivision of your lease at any vided for in this section. A deficiency
time. You must file a written relin- shall be considered nominal if it is not
quishment with the BLM State Office more than $100 or more than 5 percent
with jurisdiction over your lease. All of the total payment due, whichever is
lessees holding record title interests in less. The designated Service office
the lease must sign the relinquish- shall send a Notice of Deficiency to the
ment. A relinquishment takes effect on lessee. The Notice shall be sent by cer-
the date you file it with BLM. How- tified mail, return receipt requested,


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§ 3108.2– 2 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

and shall allow the lessee 15 days from (c) Under no circumstances shall a
the date of receipt or until the due terminated lease be reinstated if:
date, whichever is later, to submit the (1) A valid oil and gas lease has been
full balance due to the designated issued prior to the filing of a petition
Service office. If the payment required for reinstatement affecting any of the
by the Notice is not paid within the lands covered by that terminated lease;
time allowed, the lease shall have ter- or
minated by operation of law as of its (2) The oil and gas interests of the
anniversary date. United States in the lands have been
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 49 disposed of or otherwise have become
FR 11637, Mar. 27, 1984; 49 FR 30448, July 30, unavailable for leasing.
1984; 53 FR 17357, May 16, 1988] (d) The authorized officer shall not
issue a lease for lands which have been
§ 3108.2– 2 Reinstatement at existing covered by a lease which terminated
rental and royalty rates: Class I re- automatically until 90 days after the
date of termination.
(a) Except as hereinafter provided,
the authorized officer may reinstate a [49 FR 30448, July 30, 1984, as amended at 53
FR 17357, May 16, 1988]
lease which has terminated for failure
to pay on or before the anniversary § 3108.2– 3 Reinstatement at higher
date the full amount of rental due, pro- rental and royalty rates: Class II re-
vided that: instatements.
(1) Such rental was paid or tendered
within 20 days after the anniversary (a) The authorized officer may, if the
date; and requirements of this section are met,
(2) It is shown to the satisfaction of reinstate an oil and gas lease which
the authorized officer that the failure was terminated by operation of law for
to timely submit the full amount of failure to pay rental timely when the
the rental due was either justified or rental was not paid or tendered within
not due to a lack of reasonable dili- 20 days of the termination date and it
gence on the part of the lessee (reason- is shown to the satisfaction of the au-
able diligence shall include a rental thorized officer that such failure was
payment which is postmarked by the justified or not due to a lack of reason-
U.S. Postal Service, common carrier, able diligence, or no matter when the
or their equivalent (not including pri- rental was paid, it is shown to the sat-
vate postal meters) on or before the isfaction of the authorized officer that
lease anniversary date or, if the des- such failure was inadvertent.
ignated Service office is closed on the (b)(1) For leases that terminate on or
anniversary date, postmarked on the after January 12, 1983, consideration
next day the Service office is open to may be given to reinstatement if the
the public); and required back rental and royalty at the
(3) A petition for reinstatement, to- increased rates accruing from the date
gether with a nonrefundable filing fee of termination, together with a peti-
of $25 and the required rental, includ- tion for reinstatement, are filed on or
ing any back rental which has accrued before the earlier of:
from the date of the termination of the (i) Sixty days after the receipt of the
lease, is filed with the proper BLM of- Notice of Termination sent to the les-
fice within 60 days after receipt of No- see of record; or
tice of Termination of Lease due to (ii) Fifteen months after termination
late payment of rental. If a terminated of the lease.
lease becomes productive prior to the (2) After determining that the re-
time the lease is reinstated, all re- quirements for filing of the petition for
quired royalty that has accrued shall reinstatement have been timely met,
be paid to the Service. the authorized officer may reinstate
(b) The burden of showing that the the lease if:
failure to pay on or before the anniver- (i) No valid lease has been issued
sary date was justified or not due to prior to the filing of the petition for re-
lack of reasonable diligence shall be on instatement affecting any of the lands
the lessee. covered by the terminated lease,


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3108.2– 4

whether such lease is still in effect or expired portion of the original lease or
not; any extension thereof remaining on the
(ii) The oil and gas interests of the date of termination, and so long there-
United States in the lands have not after as oil or gas is produced in paying
been disposed of or have not otherwise quantities. Where a lease is reinstated
become unavailable for leasing; under this section and the authorized
(iii) Payment of all back rentals and officer finds that the reinstatement of
royalties at the rates established for such lease either (1) occurs after the
the reinstated lease, including the re- expiration of the primary term or any
lease to the United States of funds extension thereof, or (2) will not afford
being held in escrow, as appropriate; the lessee a reasonable opportunity to
(iv) An agreement has been signed by continue operations under the lease,
the lessee and attached to and made a the authorized officer may extend the
part of the lease specifying future rent- term of the reinstated lease for such
als at the applicable rates specified for period as determined reasonable, but in
reinstated leases in § 3103.2–2 of this no event for more than 2 years from
title and future royalties at the rates the date of the reinstatement and so
set in § 3103.3–1 of this title for all pro- long thereafter as oil or gas is produced
duction removed or sold from such in paying quantities.
lease or shared by such lease from pro- (f) The authorized officer may, either
duction allocated to the lease by virtue in acting on a petition for reinstate-
of its participation in a unit or ment or in response to a request filed
communitization agreement or other after reinstatement, or both, reduce
form of approved joint development the royalty in that reinstated lease on
agreement or plan; the entire leasehold or any tract or
(v) A notice of the proposed rein- portion thereof segregated for royalty
statement of the terminated lease and purposes, if he/she determines there are
the terms and conditions of reinstate- either economic or other cir-
ment has been published in the FED- cumstances which could cause undue
ERAL REGISTER at least 30 days prior to economic hardship or premature termi-
the date of reinstatement for which the nation of production; or because of any
lessee shall reimburse the Bureau for written action of the United States, its
the full costs incurred in the pub- agents or employees, which preceded,
lishing of said notice; and and was a major consideration in, the
(vi) The lessee has paid the Bureau a lessee’s expenditure of funds to develop
nonrefundable administrative fee of the lands covered by the lease after the
$500. rental had become due and had not
(c) The authorized officer shall not, been paid; or if the authorized officer
after the receipt of a petition for rein- determines it is equitable to do so for
statement, issue a new lease affecting any other reason.
any of the lands covered by the termi- [49 FR 30449, July 30, 1984]
nated lease until all action on the peti-
tion is final. § 3108.2– 4 Conversion of unpatented
(d) The authorized officer shall fur- oil placer mining claims: Class III
nish to the Chairpersons of the Com- reinstatements.
mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs (a) For any unpatented oil placer
of the House of Representatives and of mining claim validly located prior to
the Committee on Energy and Natural February 24, 1920, which has been or is
Resources of the Senate, at least 30 currently producing or is capable of
days prior to the date of reinstate- producing oil or gas, and has been or is
ment, a copy of the notice, together deemed after January 12, 1983, conclu-
with information concerning rental, sively abandoned for failure to file
royalty, volume of production, if any, timely the required instruments or
and any other matter which the au- copies of instruments required by sec-
thorized officer considers significant in tion 314 of the Federal Land Policy and
making the determination to reinstate. Management Act (43 U.S.C. 1744), and it
(e) If the authorized officer reinstates is shown to the satisfaction of the au-
the lease, the reinstatement shall be as thorized officer that such failure was
of the date of termination, for the un- inadvertent, justifiable or not due to


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§ 3108.3 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

lack of reasonable diligence on the part production made subsequent to the

of the owner, the authorized officer date the claim was deemed conclu-
may issue, for the lands covered by the sively abandoned prior to the lease
abandoned unpatented oil placer min- issuance.
ing claim, a noncompetitive oil and gas (f) Noncompetitive oil and gas leases
lease consistent with the provisions of issued under this section shall be sub-
section 17(e) of the Act (30 U.S.C. ject to all regulations in part 3100 of
226(e)). The effective date of any lease this title except for those terms and
issued under this section shall be from conditions mandated by Title IV of the
the statutory date that the claim was Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Manage-
deemed conclusively abandoned. ment Act.
(b) The authorized officer may issue a (g) A notice of the proposed conver-
noncompetitive oil and gas lease if a sion of the oil placer mining claim into
petition has been filed in the proper a noncompetitive oil and gas lease, in-
BLM office for the issuance of a non- cluding the terms and conditions of
competitive oil and gas lease accom- conversion, shall be published in the
panied by the required rental and roy- FEDERAL REGISTER at least 30 days
alty, including back rental and royalty prior to the issuance of a noncompeti-
accruing, at the rates specified in tive oil and gas lease. The mining
§§ 3103.2–2 and 3103.3–1 of this title, for claim owner shall reimburse the Bu-
any claim deemed conclusively aban- reau for the full costs incurred in the
doned after January 12, 1983. The peti- publishing of said notice.
tion shall have been filed on or before (h) The mining claim owner shall pay
the 120th day after the final notifica- the Bureau a nonrefundable adminis-
tion by the Secretary or a court of trative fee of $500 prior to the issuance
competent jurisdiction of the deter- of the noncompetitive lease.
mination of the abandonment of the oil (i) The authorized officer may, either
placer mining claim. in acting on a petition to issue a non-
(c) The authorized officer shall not competitive oil and gas lease or in re-
issue a noncompetitive oil and gas sponse to a request filed after issuance,
lease under this section if a valid oil or both, reduce the royalty in such
and gas lease has been issued affecting lease, if he/she determines there are ei-
any of the lands covered by the aban- ther economic or other circumstances
doned oil placer mining claim prior to which could cause undue economic
the filing of the petition for issuance of hardship or premature termination of
a noncompetitive oil and gas lease. production.
(d) After the filing of a petition for [49 FR 30449, July 30, 1984, as amended at 53
issuance of a noncompetitive oil and FR 17357, May 16, 1988; 53 FR 22840, June 17,
gas lease covering an abandoned oil 1988]
placer claim, the authorized officer
shall not issue any new lease affecting § 3108.3 Cancellation.
any lands covered by such petition (a) Whenever the lessee fails to com-
until all action on the petition is final. ply with any of the provisions of the
(e) Any noncompetitive lease issued law, the regulations issued thereunder,
under this section shall include: or the lease, the lease may be canceled
(1) Terms and conditions for the pay- by the Secretary, if the leasehold does
ment of rental in accordance with not contain a well capable of produc-
§ 3103.2–2(j) of this title. Payment of tion of oil or gas in paying quantities,
back rentals accruing from the date of or if the lease is not committed to an
abandonment of the oil placer mining approved cooperative or unit plan or
claim, at the rental set by the author- communitization agreement that con-
ized officer, shall be made prior to the tains a well capable of production of
lease issuance. unitized substances in paying quan-
(2) Royalty rates set in accordance tities. The lease may be canceled only
with § 3103.3–1 of this title. Royalty after notice to the lessee in accordance
shall be paid at the rate established by with section 31(b) of the Act and only if
the authorized officer on all production default continues for the period pre-
removed or sold from the oil placer scribed in that section after service of
mining claim, including all royalty on 30 days notice of failure to comply.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3109.1– 1

(b) Whenever the lessee fails to com- § 3108.5 Waiver or suspension of lease
ply with any of the provisions of the rights.
law, the regulations issued thereunder,
If, during any proceeding with re-
or the lease, and if the leasehold con-
spect to a violation of any provisions of
tains a well capable of production of oil
the regulations in Groups 3000 and 3100
or gas in paying quantities, or if the
lease is committed to an approved co- of this title or the act, a party thereto
operative or unit plan or files a waiver of his/her rights under
communitization agreement that con- the lease to drill or to assign his/her
tains a well capable of production of lease interests, or if such rights are
unitized substances in paying quan- suspended by order of the Secretary
tities, the lease may be canceled only pending a decision, payments of rentals
by judicial proceedings in the manner and the running of time against the
provided by section 31(a) of the Act. term of the lease involved shall be sus-
(c) If any interest in any lease is pended as of the first day of the month
owned or controlled, directly or indi- following the filing of the waiver or the
rectly, by means of stock or otherwise, Secretary’s suspension until the first
in violation of any of the provisions of day of the month following the final
the act, the lease may be canceled, or decision in the proceeding or the rev-
the interest so owned may be forfeited, ocation of the waiver or suspension.
or the person so owning or controlling
the interest may be compelled to dis- [53 FR 17357, May 16, 1988; 53 FR 22840, June
17, 1988]
pose of the interest, only by judicial
proceedings in the manner provided by
section 27(h)(1) of the Act. Subpart 3109— Leasing Under
(d) Leases shall be subject to can- Special Acts
cellation if improperly issued.
§ 3109.1 Rights-of-way.
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53
FR 22840, June 17, 1988; 53 FR 31868, Aug. 22, § 3109.1– 1 Generally.
The Act of May 21, 1930 (30 U.S.C. 301–
§ 3108.4 Bona fide purchasers. 306), authorizes either the leasing of oil
A lease or interest therein shall not and gas deposits under railroad and
be cancelled to the extent that such ac- other rights-of-way to the owner of the
tion adversely affects the title or inter- right-of-way or the entering of a com-
est of a bona fide purchaser even pensatory royalty agreement with ad-
though such lease or interest, when joining landowners. This authority
held by a predecessor in title, may shall be exercised only with respect to
have been subject to cancellation. All railroad rights-of-way and easements
purchasers shall be charged with con- issued pursuant either to the Act of
structive notice as to all pertinent reg- March 3, 1875 (43 U.S.C. 934 et seq.), or
ulations and all Bureau records per- pursuant to earlier railroad right-of-
taining to the lease and the lands cov- way statutes, and with respect to
ered by the lease. Prompt action shall rights-of-way and easements issued
be taken to dismiss as a party to any pursuant to the Act of March 3, 1891 (43
proceedings with respect to a violation U.S.C. 946 et seq.). The oil and gas un-
by a predecessor of any provisions of derlying any other right-of-way or
the act, any person who shows the easement is included within any oil
holding of an interest as a bona fide and gas lease issued pursuant to the
purchaser without having violated any Act which covers the lands within the
provisions of the Act. No hearing shall
right-of-way, subject to the limitations
be necessary upon such showing unless
on use of the surface, if any, set out in
prima facie evidence is presented that
the statute under which, or permit by
the purchaser is not a bona fide pur-
chaser. which, the right-of-way or easement
was issued, and such oil and gas shall
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983; 48 FR 39225, Aug. not be leased under the Act of May 21,
30, 1983, as amended at 53 FR 17357, May 16, 1930.


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§ 3109.1– 2 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

§ 3109.1– 2 Application. United States, considering the amount

of royalty to be received and the better
No approved form is required for an
development under the respective
application to lease lands in a right-of-
means of production and operation.
way. Applications shall be filed in the
proper BLM office. Such applications § 3109.1– 5 Compensatory royalty
shall be filed by the owner of the right- agreement or lease.
of-way or by his/her transferee and be
(a) The lease or compensatory roy-
accompanied by a nonrefundable filing
alty agreement shall be on a form ap-
fee of $75, and if filed by a transferee,
proved by the Director.
by a duly executed transfer of the right
(b) The royalty to be charged shall be
to lease. The application shall detail
fixed by the Bureau of Land
the facts as to the ownership of the
Mangement in accordance with the
right-of-way, and of the transfer if the
provisions of § 3103.3 of this title, but
application is filed by a transferee; the
shall not be less than 121⁄2 percent.
development of oil or gas in adjacent or
(c) The term of the lease shall be for
nearby lands, the location and depth of
a period of not more than 20 years.
the wells, the production and the prob-
ability of drainage of the deposits in § 3109.2 Units of the National Park
the right-of-way. A description by System.
metes and bounds of the right-of-way is
(a) Oil and gas leasing in units of the
not required but each legal subdivision
National Park System shall be gov-
through which a portion of the right-
erned by 43 CFR Group 3100 and all op-
of-way desired to be leased extends
erations conducted on a lease or permit
shall be described.
in such units shall be governed by 43
[53 FR 17357, May 16, 1988; 53 FR 22840, June CFR parts 3160 and 3180.
17, 1988] (b) Any lease or permit respecting
minerals in units of the National Park
§ 3109.1– 3 Notice. System shall be issued or renewed only
After the Bureau of Land Manage- with the consent of the Regional Direc-
ment has determined that a lease of a tor, National Park Service. Such con-
right-of-way or any portion thereof is sent shall only be granted upon a de-
consistent with the public interest, ei- termination by the Regional Director
ther upon consideration of an applica- that the activity permitted under the
tion for lease or on its own motion, the lease or permit will not have signifi-
authorized officer shall serve notice on cant adverse effect upon the resources
the owner or lessee of the oil and gas or administration of the unit pursuant
rights of the adjoining lands. The ad- to the authorizing legislation of the
joining land owner or lessee shall be al- unit. Any lease or permit issued shall
lowed a reasonable time, as provided in be subject to such conditions as may be
the notice, within which to submit a prescribed by the Regional Director to
bid for the amount or percent of com- protect the surface and significant re-
pensatory royalty, the owner or lessee sources of the unit, to preserve their
shall pay for the extraction of the oil use for public recreation, and to the
and gas underlying the right-of-way condition that site specific approval of
through wells on such adjoining lands. any activity on the lease will only be
The owner of the right-of-way shall be given upon concurrence by the Re-
given the same time period to submit a gional Director. All lease applications
bid for the lease. received for reclamation withdrawn
lands shall also be submitted to the
§ 3109.1– 4 Award of lease or compen- Bureau of Reclamation for review.
satory royalty agreement. (c) The units subject to the regula-
Award of lease to the owner of the tions in this part are those units of
right-of-way, or a contract for the pay- land and water which are shown on the
ment of compensatory royalty by the following maps on file and available for
owner or lessee of the adjoining lands public inspection in the office of the
shall be made to the bidder whose offer Director of the National Park Service
is determined by the authorized officer and in the Superintendent’s Office of
to be to the best advantage of the each unit. The boundaries of these


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3109.3

units may be revised by the Secretary (iii) All lands within section 34 of
as authorized in the Acts. Township 33 north, Range 7 west, Mt.
(1) Lake Mead National Recreation Diablo Meridian.
Area—The map identified as ‘‘boundary (3) Ross Lake and Lake Chelan Na-
map, 8360–80013B, revised February 1986. tional Recreation Areas. (i) All of Lake
(2) Whiskeytown Unit of the Chelan National Recreation Area;
Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National (ii) All lands within 1⁄2 mile of Gorge,
Recreation Area—The map identified Diablo and Ross Lakes measured from
as ‘‘Proposed Whiskeytown-Shasta- the shoreline at maximum surface ele-
Trinity National Recreation Area,’’ vation;
numbered BOR–WST 1004, dated July (iii) All lands proposed for or des-
1963. ignated as wilderness;
(3) Ross Lake and Lake Chelan Na- (iv) All lands within 1⁄2 mile of State
tional Recreation Areas—The map Highway 20;
identified as ‘‘Proposed Management
(v) Pyramid Lake Research Natural
Units, North Cascades, Washington,’’
Area and all lands within 1⁄2 mile of its
numbered NP–CAS–7002, dated October
(4) Glen Canyon National Recreation
(4) Glen Canyon National Recreation
Area. Those units closed to mineral dis-
Area—the map identified as ‘‘boundary
map, Glen Canyon National Recreation position within the natural zone, devel-
Area,’’ numbered GLC–91,006, dated Au- opment zone, cultural zone and por-
gust 1972. tions of the recreation and resource
(d) The following excepted units shall utilization zone as shown on the map
not be open to mineral leasing: numbered 80,022A, dated March 1980,
(1) Lake Mead National Recreation entitled ‘‘Mineral Management Plan—
Area. (i) All waters of Lakes Mead and Glen Canyon National Recreation
Mohave and all lands within 300 feet of Area.’’ This map is available for public
those lakes measured horizontally inspection in the Office of the Super-
from the shoreline at maximum sur- intendent and the office of the State
face elevation; Directors, Bureau of Land Manage-
(ii) All lands within the unit of super- ment, Arizona and Utah.
vision of the Bureau of Reclamation [48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53
around Hoover and Davis Dams and all FR 17358, May 16, 1988; 53 FR 22840, June 17,
lands outside of resource utilization 1988]
zones as designated by the Super-
intendent on the map (602–2291B, dated § 3109.2– 1 Authority to lease. [Re-
October 1987) of Lake Mead National served]
Recreation Area which is available for
inspection in the Office of the Super- § 3109.2– 2 Area subject to lease. [Re-
intendent. served]
(2) Whiskeytown Unit of the
§ 3109.3 Shasta and Trinity Units of
Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National
the Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity Na-
Recreation Area. (i) All waters of tional Recreation Area.
Whiskeytown Lake and all lands with-
in 1 mile of that lake measured from Section 6 of the Act of November 8,
the shoreline at maximum surface ele- 1965 (Pub. L. 89–336), authorizes the
vation; Secretary to permit the removal of oil
(ii) All lands classified as high den- and gas from lands within the Shasta
sity recreation, general outdoor recre- and Trinity Units of the Whiskeytown-
ation, outstanding natural and his- Shasta-Trinity National Recreation
toric, as shown on the map numbered Area in accordance with the act or the
611–20,004B, dated April 1979, entitled Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired
‘‘Land Classification, Whiskeytown Lands. Subject to the determination by
Unit, Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity Na- the Secretary of Agriculture that re-
tional Recreation Area.’’ This map is moval will not have significant adverse
available for public inspection in the effects on the purposes of the Central
Office of the Superintendent;


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Pt. 3110 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

Valley project or the administration of receive priority. Such offers shall be

the recreation area. exposed to competitive bidding under
subpart 3120 of this title and if no bid is
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983. Redesignated at 53
FR 22840, June 17, 1988] received, a noncompetitive lease shall
be issued all else being regular. After
January 2, 1989, noncompetitive lease
PART 3110— NONCOMPETITIVE offers may be filed on unleased lands,
LEASES except for:
(i) Those lands which are in the one-
Subpart 3110— Noncompetitive Leases year period commencing upon the expi-
Sec. ration, termination, relinquishment, or
3110.1 Lands available for noncompetitive cancellation of the leases containing
offer and lease. the lands; and
3110.2 Priority. (ii) Those lands included in a Notice
3110.3 Lease terms. of Competitive Lease Sale or a List of
3110.3–1 Duration of lease. Lands Available for Competitive Nomi-
3110.3–2 Dating of leases. nations. Neither exception is applica-
3110.3–3 Lease offer size.
3110.4 Requirements for offer.
ble to lands available under § 3110.1(b)
3110.5 Description of lands in offer. of this title.
3110.5–1 Parcel number description. (2) Noncompetitive lease offers may
3110.5–2 Public domain. be made pursuant to an opening order
3110.5–3 Acquired lands. or other notice and shall be subject to
3110.5–4 Accreted lands. all provisions and procedures stated in
3110.5–5 Conflicting descriptions. such order or notice.
3110.6 Withdrawal of offer. (3) No noncompetitive lease may
3110.7 Action on offer.
3110.8 Amendment to lease.
issue for any lands unless and until
3110.9 Future interest offers. they have satisfied the requirements of
3110.9–1 Availability. § 3110.1(b) of this title.
3110.9–2 Form of offer. (b) Lease. Only lands that have been
3110.9–3 Fractional present and future inter- offered competitively under subpart
est. 3120 of this title, and for which no bid
3110.9–4 Future interest terms and condi- has been received, shall be available for
tions. noncompetitive lease. Such lands shall
AUTHORITY: Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as become available for a period of 2 years
amended and supplemented (30 U.S.C. 181 et beginning on the first business day fol-
seq.), the Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired lowing the last day of the competitive
Lands of 1947, as amended (30 U.S.C. 351–359), oral auction, or when formal nomina-
the Alaska National Interest Lands Con-
servation Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 3101 et
tions have been requested as specified
seq.), Federal Land Policy and Management in § 3120.3–1 of this title, or the first
Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), the Omni- business day following the posting of
bus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 (Pub. the Notice of Competitive Lease Sale,
L. 97–35), and the Independent Offices Appro- and ending on that same day 2 years
priations Act of 1952 (31 U.S.C. 483a). later. A lease may be issued from an
SOURCE: 53 FR 22840, June 17, 1988, unless offer properly filed any time within the
otherwise noted. 2-year noncompetitive leasing period.
[53 FR 22840, June 17, 1988; 53 FR 31958, Aug.
Subpart 3110— Noncompetitive 22, 1988]
§ 3110.2 Priority.
§ 3110.1 Lands available for non- (a) Offers filed for lands available for
competitive offer and lease. noncompetitive offer or lease, as speci-
(a) Offer. (1) Effective June 12, 1988, fied in §§ 3110.1(a)(1) and 3110.1(b) of this
through January 2, 1989, noncompeti- title, shall receive priority as of the
tive lease offers may be filed only for date and time of filing as specified in
lands available under § 3110.1(b) of this § 1821.2–3(a) of this title, except that all
title. Noncompetitive lease offers filed noncompetitive offers shall be consid-
after December 22, 1987, and prior to ered simultaneously filed if received in
June 12, 1988, for lands available for fil- the proper BLM office any time during
ing under § 3110.1(a) of this title shall the first business day following the last


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3110.4

day of the competitive oral auction, or shall not be made for less than 2,560
when formal nominations have been re- acres or 4 full contiguous sections,
quested as specified in § 3120.3–1 of this whichever is larger, where the lands
title, on the first business day fol- have been surveyed under the rectan-
lowing the posting of the Notice of gular survey system or are within an
Competitive Lease Sale. An offer shall approved protracted survey, except
not be available for public inspection where the offer includes all available
the day it is filed. lands within the subject section and
(b) If more than 1 application was there are no contiguous lands available
filed for the same parcel in accordance for lease. Where an offer exceeds the
with the regulations contained in
minimum 640-acre provision of this
former subpart 3112 of this title, and if
paragraph, the offer may include less
no lease has been issued by the author-
than all available lands in any given
ized officer prior to the effective date
of these regulations, only a single pri- section. Cornering lands are not con-
ority application shall be selected from sidered contiguous lands. This para-
the filings. If the selected application graph shall not apply to offers made
fails to mature into a lease, the lands under § 3108.2–4 of this title or where
shall be available for offer under the offer is filed on an entire parcel as
§ 3110.1(a) of this title. it was offered by the Bureau in a com-
petitive sale during that period speci-
§ 3110.3 Lease terms. fied under § 3110.5–1 of this title.
(b) An offer to lease public domain or
§ 3110.3– 1 Duration of lease.
acquired lands may not include more
All noncompetitive leases shall be for than 10,240 acres. The lands in an offer
a primary term of 10 years. shall be entirely within an area of 6
[53 FR 22840, June 17, 1988; 53 FR 31958, Aug. miles square or within an area not ex-
22, 1988] ceeding 6 surveyed sections in length
or width measured in cardinal direc-
§ 3110.3– 2 Dating of leases. tions. An offer to lease acquired lands
All noncompetitive leases shall be may exceed the 6 mile square limit if:
considered issued when signed by the (1) The lands are not surveyed under
authorized officer. Noncompetitive the rectangular survey system of pub-
leases, except future interest leases lic land surveys and are not within the
issued under § 3110.9 of this title, shall area of the public land surveys; and
be effective as of the first day of the (2) The tract desired is described by
month following the date the leases are the acquisition or tract number as-
issued. A lease may be made effective signed by the acquiring agency and less
on the first day of the month within than 50 percent of the tract lies outside
which it is issued if a written request is the 6 mile square area, and such acqui-
made prior to the date of signature of sition or tract number is provided in
the authorized officer. Future interest accordance with § 3110.5–2(d) of this
leases issued under § 3110.9 of this title
title in lieu of any other description.
shall be effective as of the date the
(c) If an offer exceeds the 10,240 acre
mineral interests vest in the United
States. maximum by not more than 160 acres,
the offeror shall be granted 30 days
§ 3110.3– 3 Lease offer size. from notice of the excess to withdraw
(a) Lease offers for public domain the excess acreage from the offer, fail-
minerals shall not be made for less ing which the offer shall be rejected
than 640 acres or 1 full section, which- and priority lost.
ever is larger, where the lands have
§ 3110.4 Requirements for offer.
been surveyed under the rectangular
survey system or are within an ap- (a) An offer to lease shall be made on
proved protracted survey, except where a current form approved by the Direc-
the offer includes all available lands tor, or on unofficial copies of that form
within a section and there are no con- in current use. For noncompetitive
tiguous lands available for lease. Such leases processed under § 3108.2–4 of this
public domain lease offers in Alaska title, the current lease form shall be


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§ 3110.5 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

used. Copies shall be exact reproduc- able description for a noncompetitive

tions on 1 page of both sides of the offi- lease offer for the lands covered by
cial approved form, without additions, that competitive process shall be the
omissions, or other changes, or adver- parcel number on the List of Lands
tising. The original copy of each offer Available for Competitive Nominations
shall be typewritten or printed plainly or the Notice of Competitive Lease
in ink, signed in ink and dated by the Sale, whichever is appropriate. Each
offeror or the offeror’s duly authorized such offer shall contain only a single
agent, and shall be accompanied by the parcel. Thereafter, the description of
first year’s rental and a nonrefundable the lands shall be made in accordance
filing fee of $75. The original and 2 cop-
with the remainder of this section.
ies of each offer to lease, with each
copy showing that the original has § 3110.5– 2 Public domain.
been signed, shall be filed in the proper
BLM office. A noncompetitive offer to (a) If the lands have been surveyed
lease a future interest applied for under the public land rectangular sur-
under ‘‘§ 3110.9’’ of this title shall be ac- vey system, each offer shall describe
companied by a nonrefundable filing the lands by legal subdivision, section,
fee of $75. Where remittances for offers township, range, and, if needed, merid-
are returned for insufficient funds, the ian.
offer shall not obtain priority of filing (b) If the lands have not been sur-
until the date the remittance is prop- veyed under the public land rectan-
erly made. gular system, each offer shall describe
(b) Where a correction to an offer is the lands by metes and bounds, giving
made, whether at the option of the of- courses and distances between the suc-
feror or at the request of the author- cessive angle points on the boundary of
ized officer, it shall gain priority as of the tract, and connected by courses
the date the filing is correct and com- and distances to an official corner of
plete. The priority that existed before
the public land surveys.
the date the corrected offer is filed,
(c) When protracted surveys have
may be defeated by an intervening
offer to the extent of any conflict in been approved and the effective date
such offers, except as provided under thereof published in the FEDERAL REG-
§§ 3103.2–1(a) and 3110.3–3(c) of this title. ISTER, all offers to lease lands shown on
(c) An offer shall be limited to either such protracted surveys, filed on or
public domain minerals or acquired after such effective date, shall describe
lands minerals, subject to the provi- the lands in the same manner as pro-
sions for corrections under paragraph vided in paragraph (a) of this section
(b) of this section. for officially surveyed lands.
(d) Compliance with subpart 3102 (d)(1) Where offers are pending for
shall be required. unsurveyed lands that are subse-
(e) All offers for leases should name quently surveyed or protracted before
the United States agency from which the lease issuance, the description in
consent to the issuance of a lease shall the lease shall be conformed to the sub-
be obtained, or the agency that may divisions of the approved protracted
have title records covering the owner- survey or the public land survey,
ship for the mineral interest involved, whichever is appropriate.
and identify the project, if any, of
(2) The description of lands in an ex-
which the lands covered by the offer
isting lease shall be conformed to a
are a part.
subsequent resurvey or amended pro-
[53 FR 22840, June 17, 1988; 53 FR 31958, Aug. traction survey, whichever is appro-
22, 1988] priate.
§ 3110.5 Description of lands in offer. (e) The requirements of this section
shall apply to applications for conver-
§ 3110.5– 1 Parcel number description. sion of abandoned unpatented oil plac-
From the first day following the end er mining claims made under § 3108.2–4
of a competitive process until the end of this title, except that deficiencies
of that same month, the only accept- shall be curable.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3110.5– 5

§ 3110.5– 3 Acquired lands. lands shall be described by courses and

(a) If the lands applied for lie within distances between successive angle
and conform to the rectangular system points tying by courses and distances
of public land surveys and constitute into the description in the deed or
either all or a portion of the tract ac- other conveyance document. If a por-
quired by the United States, such lands tion of the boundary of the desired
shall be described by legal subdivision, lands coincides with the boundary in
section, township, range, and, if need- the deed or other conveyance docu-
ed, meridian. ment, that boundary need not be re-
(b) If the lands applied for do not con- described on the offer form, provided
form to the rectangular system of pub- that a copy of the deed or other con-
lic land surveys, but lie within an area veyance document upon which the co-
of the public land surveys and con- inciding description is clearly identi-
stitute the entire tract acquired by the fied is attached to the offer. That por-
United States, such lands shall be de- tion of the description not coinciding
scribed by metes and bounds, giving shall be tied by description in the offer
courses and distances between the suc- by courses and distances between suc-
cessive angle points with appropriate cessive angle points into the descrip-
ties to the nearest official survey cor- tion in the deed or other conveyance
ner, or a copy of the deed or other con- document.
veyance document by which the United (d) Where the acquiring agency has
States acquired title to the lands may assigned an acquisition or tract num-
be attached to the offer and referred to ber covering the lands applied for,
therein in lieu of redescribing the lands without loss of priority to the offeror,
on the offer form. If the desired lands the authorized officer may require that
constitute less than the entire tract number in addition to any description
acquired by the United States, such otherwise required by this section. If
lands shall be described by metes and the authorized officer determines that
bounds, giving courses and distances the acquisition or tract number, to-
between the successive angle points gether with identification of the State
with appropriate ties to the nearest of- and county, constitutes an adequate
ficial survey corner. If a portion of the description, the authorized officer may
boundary of the desired lands coincides allow the description in this manner in
with the boundary in the deed or other lieu of other descriptions required by
conveyance document, that boundary this section.
need not be redescribed on the offer (e) Where the lands applied for do not
form, provided that a copy of the deed conform to the rectangular system of
or other conveyance document upon public land surveys, without loss of pri-
which the coinciding description is ority to the offeror, the authorized offi-
clearly identified is attached to the cer may require 3 copies of a map upon
offer. That portion of the description which the location of the desired lands
not coinciding shall be tied by descrip- are clearly marked with respect to the
tion on the offer by courses and dis- administrative unit or project of which
tances between successive angle points they are a part.
into the description in the deed or
other conveyance document. § 3110.5– 4 Accreted lands.
(c) If the lands applied for lie outside Where an offer includes any accreted
an area of the public land surveys and lands, the accreted lands shall be de-
constitute the entire tract acquired by scribed by metes and bounds, giving
the United States, such lands shall be courses and distances between the suc-
described as in the deed or other con- cessive angle points on the boundary of
veyance document by which the United the tract, and connected by courses
States acquired title to the lands, or a and distances to an angle point on the
copy of that document may be at- perimeter of the tract to which the ac-
tached to the offer and referred to cretions appertain.
therein in lieu of redescribing the lands
on the offer form. If the desired lands § 3110.5– 5 Conflicting descriptions.
constitute less than the entire tract If there is any variation in the land
acquired by the United States, such description among the required copies


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§ 3110.6 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

of the official forms, the copy showing is bound by the terms and conditions of
the date and time of receipt in the the lease form currently in use.
proper BLM office shall control.
§ 3110.8 Amendment to lease.
[53 FR 22840, June 17, 1988; 53 FR 31868, Aug.
22, 1988] After the competitive process has
concluded in accordance with subpart
§ 3110.6 Withdrawal of offer. 3120 of this title, if any of the lands de-
An offer for noncompetitive lease scribed in a lease offer for lands avail-
under this subpart may be withdrawn able during the 2-year period are open
in whole or in part by the offeror. How- to oil and gas filing when the offer is
ever, a withdrawal of an offer made in filed but are omitted from the lease for
accordance with § 3110.1(b) of this title any reason the original lease shall be
may be made only if the withdrawal is amended to include the omitted lands
received by the proper BLM office after unless, before the issuance of the
60 days from the date of filing of such amendment, the proper BLM office re-
offer. No withdrawal may be made once ceives a withdrawal of the offer with
the lease, an amendment of the lease, respect to such lands or the offeror
or a separate lease, whichever covers elects to receive a separate lease in
the lands so described in the with- lieu of an amendment. Such election
drawal, has been signed on behalf of shall be made by submission of a signed
the United States. If a public domain statement of the offeror requesting a
offer is partially withdrawn, the lands separate lease, and a new offer on the
retained in the offer shall comply with required form executed pursuant to
§ 3110.3–3(a) of this title. this part describing the remaining
lands in the original offer. The new
§ 3110.7 Action on offer.
offer shall have the same priority as
(a) No lease shall be issued before the old offer. No new application fee is
final action has been taken on any required with the new offer. The rental
prior offer to lease the lands or any ex- payment held in connection with the
tension of, or petition for reinstate- original offer shall be applied to the
ment of, an existing or former lease on new offer. The rental and the term of
the lands. If a lease is issued before the lease for the lands added by an
final action, it shall be canceled, if the amendment shall be the same as if the
prior offeror is qualified to receive a lands had been included in the original
lease or the petitioner is entitled to re- lease when it was issued. If a separate
instatement of a former lease. lease is issued, it shall be dated in ac-
(b) The authorized officer shall not cordance with § 3110.3–2 of this title.
issue a lease for lands covered by a
lease which terminated automatically, § 3110.9 Future interest offers.
until 90 days after the date of termi-
nation. § 3110.9– 1 Availability.
(c) The United States shall indicate
A noncompetitive future interest
its acceptance of the lease offer, in
lease shall not be issued until the lands
whole or in part, and the issuance of
the lease, by signature of the author- covered by the offer have been made
ized officer on the current lease form. available for competitive lease under
A signed copy of the lease shall be de- subpart 3120 of this title. An offer made
livered to the offeror. for lands that are leased competitively
(d) Except as otherwise specifically shall be rejected.
provided in the regulations of this
§ 3110.9– 2 Form of offer.
group, an offer that is not filed in ac-
cordance with the regulations in this An offer to lease a future interest
part shall be rejected. shall be filed in accordance with this
(e) Filing an offer on a lease form not subpart, and may include tracts in
currently in use, unless such lease form which the United States owns a frac-
has been declared obsolete by the Di- tional present interest as well as the
rector prior to the filing shall be al- future interest for which a lease is
lowed, on the condition that the offeror sought.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3120.1– 1

§ 3110.9– 3 Fractional present and fu- 3120.2 Lease terms.

ture interest. 3120.2–1 Duration of lease.
3120.2–2 Dating of leases.
Where the United States owns both a 3120.2–3 Lease size.
present fractional interest and a future 3120.3 Nomination process.
fractional interest in the minerals in 3120.3–1 General.
the same tract, the lease, when issued, 3120.3–2 Filing of a nomination for competi-
shall cover both the present and future tive leasing.
interests in the lands. The effective 3120.3–3 Minimum bid and rental remit-
date and primary term of the present
3120.3–4 Withdrawal of a nomination.
interest lease is unaffected by the vest- 3120.3–5 Parcels receiving nominations.
ing of a future fractional interest. The 3120.3–6 Parcels not receiving nominations.
lease for the future fractional interest, 3120.3–7 Refund.
when such interest vests in the United 3120.4 Notice of competitive lease sale.
States, shall have the same primary 3120.4–1 General.
term and anniversary date as the 3120.4–2 Posting of notice.
present fractional interest lease. 3120.5 Competitive sale.
3120.5–1 Oral auction.
§ 3110.9– 4 Future interest terms and 3120.5–2 Payments required.
conditions. 3120.5–3 Award of lease.
3120.6 Parcels not bid on at auction.
(a) No rental or royalty shall be due 3120.7 Future interest.
to the United States prior to the vest- 3120.7–1 Nomination to make lands avail-
ing of the oil and gas rights in the able for competitive lease.
United States. However, the future in- 3120.7–2 Future interest terms and condi-
terest lessee shall agree that if he/she tions.
3120.7–3 Compensatory royalty agreements.
is or becomes the holder of any present
interest operating rights in the lands: AUTHORITY: Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as
(1) The future interest lessee trans- amended and supplemented (30 U.S.C. 181 et
fers all or a part of the lessee’s present seq.), the Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired
oil and gas interests, such lessee shall Lands of 1947, as amended (30 U.S.C. 351–359),
the Alaska National Interest Lands Con-
file in the proper BLM office an assign- servation Act as amended (16 U.S.C. 3101 et
ment or transfer, in accordance with seq.), the Federal Land Policy and Manage-
subpart 3106 of this title, of the future ment Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), the
interest lease of the same type and pro- Federal Property and Administrative Serv-
portion as the transfer of the present ices Act of 1949 (40 U.S.C. 471 et seq.), and the
interest, and Attorney General’s Opinion of April 2, 1941
(2) The future interest lessee’s (40 Op. Atty. Gen. 41).
present lease interests are relin- SOURCE: 53 FR 22843, June 17, 1988, unless
quished, cancelled, terminated, or ex- otherwise noted.
pired, the future interest lease rights
with the United States also shall cease Subpart 3120— Competitive
and terminate to the same extent. Leases
(b) Upon vesting of the oil and gas
rights in the United States, the future § 3120.1 General.
interest lease rental and royalty shall
be as for any noncompetitive lease § 3120.1– 1 Lands available for competi-
issued under this subpart, as provided tive leasing.
in subpart 3103 of this title, and the All lands available for leasing shall
acreage shall be chargeable in accord- be offered for competitive bidding
ance with § 3101.2 of this title. under this subpart, including but not
limited to:
PART 3120— COMPETITIVE LEASES (a) Lands in oil and gas leases that
have terminated, expired, been can-
Subpart 3120— Competitive Leases celled or relinquished.
(b) Lands for which authority to
Sec. lease has been delegated from the Gen-
3120.1 General.
3120.1–1 Lands available for competitive eral Services Administration.
leasing. (c) If, in proceeding to cancel a lease,
3120.1–2 Requirements. interest in a lease, option to acquire a
3120.1–3 Protests and appeals. lease or an interest therein, acquired in


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§ 3120.1– 2 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

violation of any of the provisions of the peal from a decision by the authorized
act, an underlying lease, interest or op- officer to hold a lease sale. The author-
tion in the lease is cancelled or for- ized officer may suspend the offering of
feited to the United States and there a specific parcel while considering a
are valid interests therein that are not protest or appeal against its inclusion
subject to cancellation, forfeiture, or in a Notice of Competitive Lease Sale.
compulsory disposition, such under- Only the Assistant Secretary for
lying lease, interest, or option shall be Land and Minerals Management may
sold to the highest responsible quali- suspend a lease sale for good and just
fied bidder by competitive bidding cause after reviewing the reason(s) for
under this subpart, subject to all out- an appeal.
standing valid interests therein and
valid options pertaining thereto. If less § 3120.2 Lease terms.
than the whole interest in the lease, in-
terest, or option is cancelled or for- § 3120.2– 1 Duration of lease.
feited, such partial interest shall like- Competitive leases shall be issued for
wise be sold by competitive bidding. If a primary term of 10 years.
no satisfactory bid is obtained as a re-
[58 FR 40754, July 30, 1993]
sult of the competitive offering of such
whole or partial interests, such inter- § 3120.2– 2 Dating of leases.
ests may be sold in accordance with
section 27 of the Act by such other All competitive leases shall be con-
methods as the authorized officer sidered issued when signed by the au-
deems appropriate, but on terms no thorized officer. Competitive leases, ex-
less favorable to the United States cept future interest leases issued under
than those of the best competitive bid § 3120.7 of this title, shall be effective as
received. Interest in outstanding of the first day of the month following
leases(s) so sold shall be subject to the the date the leases are signed on behalf
terms and conditions of the existing of the United States. A lease may be
lease(s). made effective on the first day of the
(d) Lands which are otherwise un- month within which it is issued if a
available for leasing but which are sub- written request is made prior to the
ject to drainage (protective leasing). date of signature of the authorized offi-
(e) Lands included in any expression cer. Leases for future interest shall be
of interest or noncompetitive offer, ex- effective as of the date the mineral in-
cept offers properly filed within the 2- terests vest in the United States.
year period provided under § 3110.1(b) of
§ 3120.2– 3 Lease size.
this title, submitted to the authorized
officer. Lands shall be offered in leasing
(f) Lands selected by the authorized units of not more than 2,560 acres out-
officer. side Alaska, or 5,760 acres within Alas-
ka, which shall be as nearly compact in
§ 3120.1– 2 Requirements. form as possible.
(a) Each proper BLM Sate office shall
§ 3120.3 Nomination process.
hold sales at least quarterly if lands
are available for competitive leasing. The Director may elect to implement
(b) Lease sales shall be conducted by the provisions contained in §§ 3120.3–1
a competitive oral bidding process. through 3120.3–7 of this title after re-
(c) The national minimum acceptable view of any comments received during
bid shall be $2 per acre or fraction a period of not less than 30 days fol-
thereof payable on the gross acreage, lowing publication in the FEDERAL
and shall not be prorated for any lands REGISTER of notice that implementa-
in which the United States owns a frac- tion of those sections is being consid-
tional interest. ered.

§ 3120.1– 3 Protests and appeals. § 3120.3– 1 General.

No action pursuant to the regula- The Director may elect to accept
tions in this subpart shall be suspended nominations requiring submission of
under § 4.21(a) of this title due to an ap- the national minimum acceptable bid,


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3120.4– 1

as set forth in this section, as part of § 3120.3– 3 Minimum bid and rental re-
the competitive process required by the mittance.
act, or elect to accept informal expres- Nominations filed in response to a
sions of interest. A List of Lands Avail- List of Lands Available for Competi-
able for Competitive Nominations may tive Nominations shall be accompanied
be posted in accordance with § 3120.4 of by a single remittance. Failure to sub-
this title, and nominations in response mit either a separate remittance with
to this list shall be made in accordance each form or an amount sufficient to
with instructions contained therein cover all the parcels nominated on
and on a form approved by the Direc- each form shall cause the entire filing
tor. Those parcels receiving nomina- to be deemed unacceptable with all
tions shall be included in a Notice of moneys refunded.
Competitive Lease Sale, unless the par-
cel is withdrawn by the Bureau. § 3120.3– 4 Withdrawal of a nomination.
A nomination shall not be with-
§ 3120.3– 2 Filing of a nomination for drawn, except by the Bureau for cause,
competitive leasing. in which case all moneys shall be re-
Nominations filed in response to a funded.
List of Lands Available for Competi-
§ 3120.3– 5 Parcels receiving nomina-
tive Nominations and on a form ap- tions.
proved by the Director shall:
(a) Include the nominator’s name and Parcels which receive nominations
personal or business address. The name shall be included in a Notice of Com-
of only one citizen, association or part- petitive Lease Sale. The Notice shall
nership, corporation or municipality indicate which parcels received mul-
shall appear as the nominator. All tiple nominations in response to a List
of Lands Available for Competitive
communications relating to leasing
Nominations, or parcels which have
shall be sent to that name and address,
been withdrawn by the Bureau.
which shall constitute the nominator’s
name and address of record: § 3120.3– 6 Parcels not receiving nomi-
(b) Be completed, signed in ink and nations.
filed in accordance with the instruc- Lands included in the List of Lands
tions printed on the form and the regu- Available for Competitive Nominations
lations in this subpart. Execution of which are not included in the Notice of
the nomination form shall constitute a Competitive Lease Sale because they
legally binding offer to lease by the were not nominated, unless they were
nominator, including all terms and withdrawn by the Bureau, shall be
conditions; available for a 2-year period, for non-
(c) Be filed within the filing period competitive leasing as specified in the
and in the BLM office specified in the List.
List of Lands Available for Competi-
tive Nominations. A nomination shall § 3120.3– 7 Refund.
be unacceptable and shall be returned The minimum bid, first year’s rental
with all moneys refunded if it has not and administrative fee shall be re-
been completed and timely filed in ac- funded to all nominators who are un-
cordance with the instructions on the successful at the oral auction.
form or with the other requirements in
this subpart; and § 3120.4 Notice of competitive lease
(d) Be accompanied by a remittance
sufficient to cover the national min- § 3120.4– 1 General.
imum acceptable bid, the first year’s
(a) The lands available for competi-
rental per acre or fraction thereof, and
tive lease sale under this subpart shall
the administrative fee as set forth in
be described in a Notice of Competitive
§ 3120.5–2(b) of this title for each parcel
Lease Sale.
nominated on the form. (b) The time, date, and place of the
[53 FR 22843, June 17, 1988; 53 FR 31958, Aug. competitive lease sale shall be stated
22, 1988] in the Notice.


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§ 3120.4– 2 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

(c) The notice shall include an identi- (c) The winning bidder shall submit
fication of, and a copy of, stipulations the balance of the bonus bid to the
applicable to each parcel. proper BLM office within 10 working
days after the last day of the oral auc-
§ 3120.4– 2 Posting of notice. tion.
At least 45 days prior to conducting a
competitive auction, lands to be of- § 3120.5– 3 Award of lease.
fered for competitive lease sale, as in- (a) A bid shall not be withdrawn and
cluded in a List of Lands Available for shall constitute a legally binding com-
Competitive Nominations or in a No- mitment to execute the lease bid form
tice of Competitive Lease Sale, shall be and accept a lease, including the obli-
posted in the proper BLM office having gation to pay the bonus bid, first year’s
jurisdiction over the lands as specified rental, and administrative fee. Execu-
in § 1821.2–1(d) of this title, and shall be tion by the high bidder of a competi-
made available for posting to surface tive lease bid form approved by the Di-
managing agencies having jurisdiction rector constitutes certification of com-
over any of the included lands.
pliance with subpart 3102 of this title,
§ 3120.5 Competitive sale. shall constitute a binding lease offer,
including all terms and conditions ap-
§ 3120.5– 1 Oral auction. plicable thereto, and shall be required
when payment is made in accordance
(a) Parcels shall be offered by oral
with § 3120.5–2(b) of this title. Failure
bidding. The existence of a nomination
to comply with § 3120.5–2(c) of this title
accompanied by the national minimum
acceptable bid shall be announced at shall result in rejection of the bid and
the auction for the parcel. forfeiture of the monies submitted
under § 3120.5–2(b) of this title.
(b) A winning bid shall be the highest
oral bid by a qualified bidder, equal to (b) A lease shall be awarded to the
or exceeding the national minimum ac- highest responsible qualified bidder. A
ceptable bid. The decision of the auc- copy of the lease shall be provided to
tioneer shall be final. the lessee after signature by the au-
(c) Two or more nominations on the thorized officer.
same parcel when the bids are equal to (c) If a bid is rejected, the lands shall
the national minimum acceptable bid, be reoffered competitively under this
with no higher oral bid being made, subpart with any noncompetitive offer
shall be returned with all moneys re- filed under § 3110.1(a) of this title re-
funded. If the Bureau reoffers the par- taining priority, provided no bid is re-
cel, it shall be reoffered only competi- ceived in an oral auction.
tively under this subpart with any non- (d) Issuance of the lease shall be con-
competitive offer filed under § 3110.1(a) sistent with § 3110.7 (a) and (b) of this
of this title retaining priority, pro- title.
vided no bid is received at an oral auc-
tion. § 3120.6 Parcels not bid on at auction.
Lands offered at the oral auction
§ 3120.5– 2 Payments required. that receive no bids shall be available
(a) Payments shall be made in ac- for filing for noncompetitive lease for a
cordance with § 3103.1–1 of this title. 2-year period beginning the first busi-
(b) Each winning bidder shall submit, ness day following the auction at a
by the close of official business hours, time specified in the Notice of Com-
or such other time as may be specified petitive Lease Sale.
by the authorized officer, on the day of
the sale for the parcel: § 3120.7 Future interest.
(1) The minimum bonus bid of $2 per
acre or fraction thereof; § 3120.7– 1 Nomination to make lands
(2) The total amount of the first available for competitive lease.
year’s rental; and A nomination for a future interest
(3) An administrative fee of $75 per lease shall be filed in accordance with
parcel. this subpart.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior Pt. 3130

§ 3120.7– 2 Future interest terms and is being collected to allow the authorized of-
conditions. ficer to determine if the bidder is qualified
to hold a lease. The information will be used
(a) No rental or royalty shall be due in making that determination. The obliga-
to the United States prior to the vest- tion to respond is required to obtain a ben-
ing of the oil and gas rights in the efit.
United States. However, the future in-
terest lessee shall agree that if, he/she Subpart 3130— Oil and Gas Leasing, Na-
is or becomes the holder of any present tional Petroleum Reserve, Alaska:
interest operating rights in the lands: General
(1) The future interest lessee trans-
fers all or a part of the lessee’s present 3130.0–1 Purpose.
oil and gas interests, such lessee shall 3130.0–2 Policy.
file in the proper BLM office an assign- 3130.0–3 Authority.
ment or transfer, in accordance with 3130.0–5 Definitions.
subpart 3106 of this title, of the future 3130.0–7 Cross references. [Reserved]
interest lease of the same type and pro- 3130.1 Attorney General review.
portion as the transfer of the present 3130.2 Limitation on time to institute suit
interest, and to contest a Secretary’s decision.
(2) The future interest lessee’s 3130.3 Drainage.
present lease interests are relin- 3130.4 Leasing: General.
3130.4–1 Tract size.
quished, cancelled, terminated, or ex-
3130.4–2 Lease term.
pired, the future interest lease rights 3130.5 Bona fide purchasers.
with the United States also shall cease 3130.6 Leasing maps and land descriptions.
and terminate to the same extent. 3130.6–1 Leasing maps.
(b) Upon vesting of the oil and gas 3130.6–2 Land descriptions.
rights in the United States, the future
interest lease rental and royalty shall Subpart 3131— Leasing Program
be as for any competitive lease issued
under this subpart, as provided in sub- 3131.1 Receipt and consideration of nomina-
tions; public notice and participation.
part 3103 of this title, and the acreage 3131.2 Tentative tract selection.
shall be chargeable in accordance with 3131.3 Special stipulations.
§ 3101.2 of this title. 3131.4 Lease sales.
3131.4–1 Notice of sale.
§ 3120.7– 3 Compensatory royalty
agreements. Subpart 3132— Issuance of Leases
The terms and conditions of compen-
satory royalty agreements involving 3132.1 Who may hold a lease.
3132.2 Submission of bids.
acquired lands in which the United
3132.3 Payments.
States owns a future or fractional in- 3132.4 Qualifications.
terest shall be established on an indi- 3132.5 Award of leases.
vidual case basis. Such agreements 3132.5–1 Forms.
shall be required when leasing is not 3132.5–2 Dating of leases.
possible in situations where the inter-
est of the United States in the oil and Subpart 3133— Rentals and Royalties
gas deposit includes both a present and
3133.1 Rentals.
a future fractional interest in the same 3133.2 Royalties.
tract containing a producing well. 3133.2–1 Minimum royalties.
[53 FR 22843, June 17, 1988] 3133.3 Under what circumstances will BLM
waive, suspend, or reduce the rental, roy-
alty, or minimum royalty on my NPR–A
PART 3130— OIL AND GAS LEAS- lease?
ING: NATIONAL PETROLEUM RE- 3133.4 How do I apply for a waiver, suspen-
SERVE, ALASKA sion or reduction of rental, royalty or
minimum royalty for my NPR–A lease?

NOTE: The information collection require- Subpart 3134— Bonding: General

ments contained in part 3130 have been ap-
proved by the Office of Management and 3134.1 Bonding.
Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3507 and assigned 3134.1–1 Form of bond.
clearance number 1004–0067. The information 3134.1–2 Additional bonds.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3130.0– 5
3137.83 What establishes a participating 3137.135 What are the unit operator’s obliga-
area? tions after unit termination?
3137.84 What must I submit to BLM to es-
tablish a new participating area, or mod- APPEALS
ify an existing participating area? 3137.150 How do I appeal a decision that
3137.85 What is the effective date of a par- BLM issues under this subpart?
ticipating area?
3137.86 What happens to participating area Subpart 3138— Subsurface Storage Agree-
when I obtain new information dem- ments in the National Petroleum Re-
onstrating that the participating area serve– Alaska (NPR– A)
should be larger or smaller than pre-
viously determined? 3138.10 When will BLM enter into a sub-
3137.87 What must I do if there are unleased surface storage agreements in NPR–A
Federal tracts in a participating area? covering federally-owned lands?
3137.88 What happens when a well outside a 3138.11 How do I apply for a subsurface stor-
participating area does not meet the pro- age agreement?
ductivity criteria? 3138.12 What must I pay for storage?
3137.89 How does production allocation AUTHORITY: 42 U.S.C. 6508, 43 U.S.C. 1733
occur from wells that do not meet the and 1740.
productivity criteria?
3137.90 Who must operate wells that do not SOURCE: 46 FR 55497, Nov. 9, 1981, unless
meet the productivity criteria? otherwise noted.
3137.91 When will BLM allow a well pre-
viously determined to be a non-unit well Subpart 3130— Oil and Gas Leas-
to be used in establishing or modifying a
ing, National Petroleum Re-
3137.92 When does a participating area ter- serve, Alaska: General
§ 3130.0– 1 Purpose.
PRODUCTION ALLOCATION These regulations establish the pro-
3137.100 How must I allocate production to cedures under which the Secretary of
the United States when a participating the Interior will exercise the authority
area includes unleased Federal lands? granted to administer a competitive
OBLIGATIONS AND EXTENSIONS leasing program for oil and gas within
the National Petroleum Reserve—Alas-
3137.110 Do the terms and conditions of a ka.
unit agreement modify Federal lease
stipulations? § 3130.0– 2 Policy.
3137.111 When will BLM extend the primary
term of all leases committed to a unit The oil and gas leasing program
agreement? within the National Petroleum Re-
3137.112 What happens if I am prevented serve—Alaska shall be conducted in ac-
from performing actual or constructive cordance with the purposes and policy
drilling or reworking operations? directions provided by the Department
of the Interior Appropriations Act, Fis-
cal Year 1981 (Pub. L. 96–514), and other
3137.120 As a transferee of an interest in a executive, legislative, judicial and De-
unitized NPR–A lease, am I subject to partment of the Interior guidance.
the terms and conditions of the unit
agreement? § 3130.0– 3 Authority.
UNIT TERMINATION (a) The Department of the Interior
3137.130 Under what circumstances will Appropriations Act, Fiscal year 1981
BLM approve a voluntary termination of (Pub. L. 96–514);
the unit? (b) The Naval Petroleum Reserves
3137.131 What happens if the unit termi- Production Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C. 6504,
nated before the unit operator met the et seq.); and
initial development obligations? (c) The Federal Lands Policy and
3137.132 What if I do not meet a continuing Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1701
development obligation before I establish
et seq.), except that sections 202 and 603
any participating area in the unit?
3137.133 After participating areas are estab-
are not applicable.
lished, when does the unit terminate?
3137.134 What happens to committed leases
§ 3130.0– 5 Definitions.
if the unit terminates? As used in this part, the term:


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§ 3130.0– 7 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

(a) Act means the Department of the shall require this information to be
Interior Appropriations Act, Fiscal promptly submitted by successful bid-
Year 1981 (Pub. L. 96–514). ders, and may provide prospective bid-
(b) Bureau means the Bureau of Land ders the opportunity to submit such in-
Management. formation in advance of or accom-
(c) Constructive operations means the panying their bids. For subsequent no-
exploring, testing, surveying or other- tices of sale, the Attorney General’s
wise investigating the potential of a preliminary information requirements
lease for oil and gas or the actual drill- shall be as specified for the prior notice
ing or preparation for drilling of wells unless a change in the requirements is
therefor. communicated to the Secretary in ad-
(d) NPR– A means the area formerly vance of publication of the new notice
within Naval Petroleum Reserve Num- of sale. Where a bidder in a prior sale
bered 4 Alaska which was redesignated has previously submitted any of the
as the National Petroleum Reserve— currently required information, a ref-
Alaska by the Naval Petroleum Re- erence to the date of submission and to
serves Production Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C. the serial number of the record in
6501). which it is filed, together with a state-
(e) Reworking operations means all op- ment of any and all changes in the in-
erations designed to secure, restore or formation since the date of the pre-
improve production through some use vious submission, shall be sufficient.
of a hole previously drilled, including, (c) The Secretary shall not issue any
but not limited to, mechanical or lease, contract or operating agreement
chemical treatment of any horizon, until:
deepening to test deeper strata and (1) Thirty days after the Attorney
plugging back to test higher strata. General receives notice from the Sec-
(f) Special Areas means the Utokok retary of the proposed lease contract or
River, the Teshekpuk Lake areas and operating agreement, together with
other areas within NPR—A identified any other information required under
by the Secretary as having significant this section; or
subsistence, recreational, fish and wild- (2) The Attorney General notifies the
life or historical or scenic value. Secretary that issuance of the proposed
[46 FR 55497, Nov. 9, 1981, as amended at 53 lease, contract or operating agreement
FR 17358, May 16, 1988] does not create or maintain a situation
inconsistent with the antitrust laws,
§ 3130.0– 7 Cross references. [Reserved] whichever comes first. The Attorney
General shall inform the successful
§ 3130.1 Attorney General review. bidder, and simultaneously the Sec-
(a) Prior to the issuance of any lease, retary, if the information supplied is
contract or operating agreement under insufficient, and shall specify what in-
this subpart, the Secretary shall notify formation is required for the Attorney
the Attorney General of the proposed General to complete his/her review.
issuance, the name of the successful The 30-day period shall stop running on
bidder, the terms of the proposed lease, the date of such notification and not
contract or operating agreement and resume running until the Attorney
any other information the Attorney General receives the required informa-
General may require to conduct an tion.
antitrust review of the proposed ac- (d) The Secretary shall not issue the
tion. Such other information shall in- lease, contract for operating agree-
clude, but is not limited to, informa- ment to the successful bidder, if, dur-
tion to be provided the Secretary by ing the 30-day period, the Attorney
the successful bidder or its owners. General notifies the Secretary that
(b) In advance of the publication of such issuance would create or maintain
any notice of sale, the Attorney Gen- a situation inconsistent with the anti-
eral shall notify the Secretary of his/ trust laws.
her preliminary determination of the (e) If the Attorney General does not
information each successful bidder reply in writing to the notification pro-
shall be required to submit for anti- vided under paragraph (a) of this sec-
trust review purposes. The Secretary tion within the 30-day review period,


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3131.2

the Secretary may issue the lease, con- § 3130.5 Bona fide purchasers.
tract or operating agreement without
The provisions of § 3108.4 of this title
waiting for the advice of the Attorney
shall apply to bona fide purchasers of
leases within NPR–A.
(f) Information submitted to the Sec-
retary to comply with this section [46 FR 55497, Nov. 9, 1981, as amended at 53
shall be treated by the Secretary and FR 17358, May 16, 1988]
by the Attorney General as confiden-
§ 3130.6 Leasing maps and land de-
tial and proprietary data if marked scriptions.
confidential by the submitting bidder
or other person. Such information shall § 3130.6– 1 Leasing maps.
be submitted to the Secretary in sealed
envelopes and shall be transmitted in The Bureau shall prepare leasing
that form to the Attorney General. maps showing the tracts to be offered
for lease sale.
(g) The procedures outlined in para-
graphs (a) through (f) of this section § 3130.6– 2 Land descriptions.
apply to the proposed assignment or
transfer of any lease, contract or oper- (a) All tracts shall be composed of en-
ating agreement. tire sections either surveyed or pro-
tracted, whichever is applicable, except
§ 3130.2 Limitation on time to institute that if the tracts are adjacent to up-
suit to contest a Secretary’s deci- land navigable water areas, they may
sion. be adjusted on the basis of subdivi-
Any action seeking judicial review of sional parts of the sections.
the adequacy of any programmatic or (b) Leased lands shall be described
site-specific environmental impact according to section, township and
statement under section 102 of the Na- range in accordance with the official
tional Environmental Policy Act of survey or protraction diagrams.
1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332) concerning oil and
gas leasing in NPR–A shall be barred Subpart 3131— Leasing Program
unless brought in the appropriate Dis-
trict Court within 60 days after notice § 3131.1 Receipt and consideration of
of availability of such statement is nominations; public notice and par-
published in the FEDERAL REGISTER.
During preparation of a proposed
§ 3130.3 Drainage. leasing schedule, the Secretary shall
Upon a determination by the author- invite and consider suggestions and rel-
ized officer, that lands owned by the evant information for such program
United States within NPR–A are being from the Governor of Alaska, local gov-
drained, the regulations under § 3162.2 ernments, Native corporations, indus-
of this title, including the provisions try, other Federal agencies, including
relating to compensatory agreements the Attorney General and all inter-
or royalties, shall apply. ested parties, including the general
public. This request for information
[46 FR 55497, Nov. 9, 1981, as amended at 53 shall be issued as a notice in the FED-
FR 17358, May 16, 1988; 66 FR 1892, Jan. 10, ERAL REGISTER.
§ 3131.2 Tentative tract selection.
§ 3130.4 Leasing: General.
(a) The State Director Alaska, Bu-
§ 3130.4– 1 Tract size. reau of Land Management, shall issue
A tract selected for leasing shall con- calls for Nominations and Comments
sist of a compact area of not more than on tracts for leasing for oil and gas in
60,000 acres. specified areas. The call for Nomina-
tions and Comments shall be published
§ 3130.4– 2 Lease term. in the FEDERAL REGISTER and may be
published in other publications as de-
The primary term of an NPR–A lease
sired by the State Director. Nomina-
is 10 years.
tions and Comments on tracts shall be
[67 FR 17885, Apr. 11, 2002] addressed to the State Director Alaska,


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§ 3131.3 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

Bureau of Land Management. The (b) Tracts shall be offered for lease by
State Director shall also request com- competitive sealed bidding under con-
ments on tracts which should receive ditions specified in the notice of lease
special concern and analysis. sale and in accordance with all applica-
(b) The State Director, after comple- ble laws and regulations. Bidding sys-
tion of the required environmental tems used in sales shall be based on
analysis (see 40 CFR 1500–1508), shall se- bidding systems included in section
lect tracts to be offered for sale. In (205)(a)(1)(A) through (H) of the Outer
making the selection, the State Direc- Continental Shelf Lands Act Amend-
tor shall consider available environ- ments of 1978 (43 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.).
mental information, multiple-use con- (c) A detailed statement of the sale,
flicts, resource potential, industry in- including a description of the areas to
terest, information from appropriate be offered for lease, the lease terms,
Federal agencies and other available conditions and special stipulations and
information. The State Director shall how and where to submit bids shall be
develop measures to mitigate adverse made available to the public imme-
impacts, including lease stipulations diately after publication of the notice
and information to lessees. These miti- of sale.
gating measures shall be made public
in the notice of sale. Subpart 3132— Issuance of Leases
[46 FR 55497, Nov. 9, 1981, as amended at 53 § 3132.1 Who may hold a lease.
FR 17358, May 16, 1988]
Leases issued pursuant to this sub-
§ 3131.3 Special stipulations. part may be held only by:
(a) Citizens and nationals of the
Special stipulations shall be devel- United States;
oped to the extent the authorized offi- (b) Aliens lawfully admitted for per-
cer deems necessary and appropriate manent residence in the United States
for mitigating reasonably foreseeable as defined in 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(20);
and significant adverse impacts on the (c) Private, public or municipal cor-
surface resources. Special Areas stipu- porations organized under the laws of
lations for exploration or production the United States or of any State or of
shall be developed in accordance with the District of Columbia, the Common-
section 104 of the Naval Petroleum Re- wealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Is-
serves Production Act of 1976. Any spe- lands, Guam, American Samoa or any
cial stipulations and conditions shall of its territories; or
be set forth in the notice of sale and (d) Associations of such citizens, na-
shall be attached to and made a part of tionals, resident aliens or private, pub-
the lease, if issued. Additional stipula- lic or municipal corporations.
tions needed to protect surface re-
sources and special areas may be im- § 3132.2 Submission of bids.
posed at the time the surface use plan (a) A separate sealed bid shall be sub-
and permit to drill are approved. mitted for each tract in the manner
prescribed. A bid shall not be sub-
§ 3131.4 Lease sales. mitted for less than an entire tract.
(b) Each bidder shall submit with the
§ 3131.4– 1 Notice of sale.
bid a certified or cashier’s check, bank
(a) The State Director Alaska, Bu- draft, U.S. currency or any other form
reau of Land Management, shall pub- of payment approved by the Secretary
lish the notice of sale in the FEDERAL for one-fifth of the amount of the cash
REGISTER, and may publish the notice bonus, unless stated otherwise in the
in other publications if he/she deems it notice of sale.
appropriate. The publication in the (c) Each bid shall be accompanied by
FEDERAL REGISTER shall be at least 30 statements of qualifications prepared
days prior to the date of the sale. The in accordance with § 3132.4 of this title.
notice shall state the place and time at (d) Bidders are bound by the provi-
which bids are to be filed, and the sions of 18 U.S.C. 1860 prohibiting un-
place, date and hour at which bids are lawful combination or intimidation of
to be opened. bidders.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3132.5– 1

§ 3132.3 Payments. processed in accordance with para-

graph (a) of this section.
(a) Payments of bonuses, including
(d) If the authorized officer fails to
deferred bonuses, first year’s rental,
accept the highest bid for a lease with-
other payments due upon lease
in 90 days or a lesser period of time as
issuance, and filing fees shall be made
specified in the notice of sale, the high-
to the Alaska State Office, Department
est bid for that lease shall be consid-
of the Interior, Bureau of Land Man-
ered rejected. This 90-day period or
agement. All payments shall be made
lesser period as specified in the notice
by certified or cashier’s check, bank
of sale shall not include any period of
draft, U.S. currency or any other form
time during which acceptance, rejec-
of payment approved by the Secretary.
tion or other processing of bids and
Payments shall be made payable to the
lease issuance by the Department of
Department of the Interior, Bureau of
the Interior are enjoined or prohibited
Land Management, unless otherwise di-
by court order.
(e) Written notice of the final deci-
(b) All other payments required by a sion on the bids shall be transmitted to
lease or the regulations in this part those bidders whose deposits have been
shall be payable to the Department of held in accordance with instructions
the Interior, Minerals Management set forth in the notice of sale. If a bid
Service. is accepted, 2 copies of the lease shall
[46 FR 55497, Nov. 9, 1981, as amended at 53 be transmitted with the notice of ac-
FR 17358, May 16, 1988] ceptance to the successful bidder. The
bidder shall, not later than the 15th
§ 3132.4 Qualifications. day after receipt of the lease, sign both
Submission of a lease bid constitutes copies of the lease and return them, to-
certification of compliance with the gether with the first year’s rental and
regulations of this part. Anyone seek- the balance of the bonus bid, unless de-
ing to acquire, or anyone holding, a ferred, and shall file a bond, if required
Federal oil and gas lease or interest to do so. Deposits shall be refunded on
therein may be required to submit ad- rejected bids.
ditional information to show compli- (f) If the successful bidder fails to
ance with the regulations of this part. execute the lease within the prescribed
time or otherwise to comply with the
[47 FR 8546, Feb. 26, 1982] applicable regulations, the deposit
shall be forfeited and disposed of as
§ 3132.5 Award of leases. other receipts under the Act.
(a) Sealed bids received in response (g) If the awarded lease is executed
to the notice of lease sale shall be by an attorney-in-fact acting on behalf
opened at the place, date and hour of the bidder, the lease shall be accom-
specified in the notice of sale. The panied by evidence that the bidder au-
opening of bids is for the sole purpose thorized the attorney-in-fact to exe-
of publicly announcing and recording cute the lease on his/her behalf. Ref-
the bids received. No bids shall be ac- erence may be made to the serial num-
cepted or rejected at that time. ber of the record and the office of the
(b) The United States reserves the Bureau of Land Management in which
right to reject any and all bids received such evidence has already been filed.
for any tract, regardless of the amount (h) When the executed lease is re-
offered. turned to the authorized officer, he/she
(c) In the event the highest bids are shall within 15 days of receipt of the
tie bids, the tying bidders shall be al- material required by paragraph (e) of
lowed to submit within 15 days of the this section, execute the lease on be-
public announcement of a tie bid addi- half of the United States. A copy of the
tional sealed bids to break the tie. The fully executed lease shall be trans-
additional bids shall include any addi- mitted to the lessee.
tional amount necessary to bring the
amount tendered with his/her bid to § 3132.5– 1 Forms.
one-fifth of the additional bid. Addi- Leases shall be issued on forms ap-
tional bids to break tie bids shall be proved by the Director.


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§ 3132.5– 2 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

§ 3132.5– 2 Dating of leases. § 3133.2– 1 Minimum royalties.

All leases issued under the regula- For leases which provide for min-
tions in this part shall become effec- imum royalty payments, each lessee
tive as of the first day of the month shall pay the minimum royalty speci-
following the date they are signed on fied in the lease at the end of each
behalf of the United States. When prior lease year beginning with the first
written request is made, a lease may lease year following a discovery on the
become effective as of the first day of
the month within which it is signed on [46 FR 55497, Nov. 9, 1981, as amended at 53
behalf of the United States. FR 17358, May 16, 1988]

§ 3133.3 Under what circumstances

Subpart 3133— Rentals and will BLM waive, suspend, or reduce
Royalties the rental, royalty, or minimum roy-
alty on my NPR– A lease?
§ 3133.1 Rentals. (a) BLM will waive, suspend, or re-
(a) An annual rental shall be due and duce the rental, royalty, or minimum
payable at the rate prescribed in the royalty of your lease if BLM finds
notice of sale and the lease, but in no that—
event shall such rental be less than $3 (1) It encourages the greatest ulti-
mate recovery of oil or gas or it is in
per acre, or fraction thereof. Payment
the interest of conservation; and
shall be made on or before the first day
(2) You can’t successfully operate the
of each lease year prior to discovery of lease under its terms. This means that
oil or gas on the lease. your cost to operate the lease exceeds
(b) If there is no actual or allocated income from the lease.
production on the portion of a lease (b) If the subsurface estate is held by
that has been segregated from a pro- a regional corporation, BLM will con-
ducing lease, the owner of such seg- sult with the regional corporation, in
regated lease shall pay an annual rent- accordance with 43 CFR 2650.4–3, before
al for such segregated portion at the approving an action under this section.
rate per acre specified in the original Regional corporation is defined in 43
lease. This rental shall be payable each U.S.C. 1602.
lease year following the year in which [67 FR 17885, Apr. 11, 2002]
the segregation became effective and
prior to discovery of oil or gas on such § 3133.4 How do I apply for a waiver,
segregated portion. suspension or reduction of rental,
(c) Annual rental paid in any year royalty or minimum royalty for my
NPR– A lease?
prior to discovery of oil or gas on the
lease shall be in addition to, and shall (a) Submit to BLM your application
not be credited against, any royalties and in it describe the relief you are re-
due from production. questing and include—
(1) The lease serial number;
[46 FR 55497, Nov. 9, 1981, as amended at 53 (2) The number, location and status
FR 17358, May 16, 1988] of each well drilled;
(3) A statement that shows the aggre-
§ 3133.2 Royalties. gate amount of oil or gas subject to
Royalties on oil and gas shall be at royalty for each month covering a pe-
the rate specified in the notice of sale riod of at least six months immediately
as to the tracts, if appropriate, and in before the date you filed the applica-
the lease, unless the Secretary, in tion;
order to promote increased production (4) The number of wells counted as
on the leased area through direct, sec- producing each month and the average
ondary or tertiary recovery means, re- production per well per day;
(5) A detailed statement of expenses
duces or eliminates any royalty set out
and costs of operating the entire lease;
in the lease.
(6) All facts that demonstrate that
[46 FR 55497, Nov. 9, 1981, as amended at 53 you can’t successfully operate the
FR 17358, May 16, 1988] wells under the terms of the lease;


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3134.1– 2

(7) The amount of any overriding roy- ty’s liability shall be reduced by the
alty and payments out of production or amount of such payment.
similar interests applicable to your (d) A new bond in the amount pre-
lease; and viously held or a larger amount as de-
(8) Any other information BLM re- termined by the authorized officer
quires. shall be posted within 6 months or such
(b) Your application must be signed shorter period as the authorized officer
by— may direct after a default. In lieu
(1) All record title holders of the thereof, separate or substitute bonds
lease; or for each lease covered by the prior
(2) By the operator on behalf of all bond may be filed.The authorized offi-
record title holders. cer may cancel a lease(s) covered by a
deficient bond(s), in accordance with
[67 FR 17885, Apr. 11, 2002]
§ 3136.3 of this title. Where a bond is
furnished by an operator, suit may be
Subpart 3134— Bonding: General brought thereon without joining the
lessee when such lessee is not a party
§ 3134.1 Bonding. to the bond.
(a) Prior to issuance of an oil and gas (e) Except as provided in this sub-
lease, the successful bidder shall fur- part, the bonds required for NPR–A
nish the authorized officer a surety or leases are in addition to any other
personal bond in accordance with the bonds the successful bidder may have
provisions of § 3104.1 of this title in the filed or be required to file under
sum of $100,000 conditioned on compli- §§ 3104.2, 3104.3(a) and 3154.1 and sub-
ance with all the lease terms, including parts 3206 and 3209 of this title.
rentals and royalties, conditions and
[46 FR 55497, Nov. 9, 1981, as amended at 53
any stipulations. The bond shall not be
FR 17358, May 16, 1988; 53 FR 22846, June 17,
required if the bidder already main- 1988]
tains or furnishes a bond in the sum of
$300,000 conditioned on compliance § 3134.1– 1 Form of bond.
with the terms, conditions and stipula-
tions of all oil and gas leases held by All bonds furnished by a lessee, oper-
the bidder within NPR–A, or maintains ating rights owner (sublessee), or oper-
or furnishes a nationwide bond as set ator shall be on a form approved by the
forth in § 3104.3(b) of this title and fur- Director.
nishes a rider thereto sufficient to [46 FR 55497, Nov. 9, 1981, as amended at 53
bring total coverage to $300,000 to cover FR 17358, May 16, 1988]
all oil and gas leases held within NPR–
A. § 3134.1– 2 Additional bonds.
(b) A bond in the sum of $100,000 or (a) The authorized officer may re-
$300,000, or a nationwide bond as pro- quire the bonded party to supply addi-
vided in § 3104.3(b) of this title with a tional security in the form of a supple-
rider thereto sufficient to bring total mental bond or bonds or to increase
coverage to $300,000 to cover all oil and the coverage of an existing bond if,
gas leases within NPR–A, may be pro-
after operations or production have
vided by an operating rights owner
begun, such additional security is
(sublessee) or operator in lieu of a bond
deemed necessary to assure maximum
furnished by the lessee, and shall as-
protection of Special Areas.
sume the responsibilities and obliga-
tions of the lessee for the entire lease- (b) The holders of any oil and gas
hold in the same manner and to the ex- lease bond for a lease on the NPR–A
tent as though he/she were the lessee. shall be permitted to obtain a rider to
include the coverage of oil and gas geo-
(c) If as a result of a default, the sur-
physical operations within the bound-
ety on a bond makes payment to the
United States of any indebtedness aries of NPR–A.
under a lease secured by the bond, the [46 FR 55497, Nov. 9, 1981, as amended at 53
face amount of such bond and the sure- FR 17358, May 16, 1988]


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3140.0– 1

lease interests have consented to the Subpart 3141— Competitive Leasing in

gas storage agreement in writing; Special Tar Sand Areas
(9) An ownership schedule showing
3141.0–1 Purpose.
lease or land status; 3141.0–3 Authority.
(10) A schedule showing the partici- 3141.0–5 Definitions.
pation factor for all parties to the sub- 3141.0–8 Effect of existing regulations.
surface storage agreement; and 3141.1 General.
(11) Supporting data (geologic maps 3141.2 Prelease exploration within Special
showing the storage formation, res- Tar Sand Areas.
ervoir data, etc.) demonstrating the ca- 3141.2–1 Geophysical exploration.
3141.2–2 Exploration licenses.
pability of the reservoir for storage. 3141.3 Land use plans.
(b) BLM will negotiate the terms of a 3141.4 Consultation.
subsurface storage agreement with 3141.4–1 Consultation with the Governor.
you, including bonding, and reservoir 3141.4–2 Consultation with others.
management. 3141.5 Leasing procedures.
(c) BLM may request documentation 3141.5–1 Economic evaluation.
in addition to that which you provide 3141.5–2 Term of lease.
3141.5–3 Royalties and rentals.
under paragraph (a) of this section. 3141.5–4 Lease size.
3141.5–5 Dating of lease.
§ 3138.12 What must I pay for storage? 3141.6 Sale procedures.
You must pay any combination of 3141.6–1 Initiation of competitive lease of-
storage fees, rentals, or royalties to fering.
which you and BLM agree. The royalty 3141.6–2 Publication of a notice of competi-
tive lease offering.
you pay on production of native oil and 3141.6–3 Conduct of sales.
gas from leased lands will be the roy- 3141.6–4 Qualifications.
alty required by the underlying 3141.6–5 Fair market value.
lease(s). 3141.6–6 Rejection of bid.
3141.6–7 Consideration of next highest bid.
3141.7 Award of lease.
HYDROCARBON LEASING Subpart 3142— Paying Quantities/Diligent
Subpart 3140— Conversion of Existing Oil
and Gas Leases and Valid Claims 3142.0–1 Purpose.
Based on Mineral Locations 3142.0–3 Authority.
3142.0–5 Definitions.
Sec. 3142.1 Diligent development.
3140.0–1 Purpose. 3142.2 Minimum production levels.
3140.0–3 Authority. 3142.2–1 Minimum production schedule.
3140.0–5 Definitions. 3142.2–2 Advance royalties in lieu of produc-
3140.1 General provisions.
3142.3 Expiration.
3140.1–1 Existing rights.
3140.1–2 Notice of intent to convert. AUTHORITY: 30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.; 30 U.S.C.
3140.1–3 Exploration plans. 351–359; 95 Stat. 1070; 43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq, un-
3140.1–4 Other provisions. less otherwise noted.
3140.2 Applications.
3140.2–1 Forms. Subpart 3140— Conversion of Ex-
3140.2–2 Who may apply. isting Oil and Gas Leases and
3140.2–3 Application requirements.
3140.3 Time limitations.
Valid Claims Based on Min-
3140.3–1 Conversion applications. eral Locations
3140.3–2 Action on an application.
3140.4 Conversion. AUTHORITY: 30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.
3140.4–1 Approval of plan of operations (and
SOURCE: 47 FR 22478, May 24, 1982, unless
unit and operating agreements).
otherwise noted.
3140.4–2 Issuance of the combined hydro-
carbon lease. § 3140.0– 1 Purpose.
3140.5 Duration of the lease.
3140.6 Use of additional lands. The purpose of this subpart is to pro-
3140.7 Lands within the National Park Sys- vide for the conversion of existing oil
tem. and gas leases and valid claims based


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§ 3140.0– 3 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

on mineral locations within Special § 3140.1 General provisions.

Tar Sand Areas to combined hydro-
carbon leases. § 3140.1– 1 Existing rights.
(a) The owner of an oil and gas lease
§ 3140.0– 3 Authority. issued prior to November 16, 1981, or
These regulations are issued under the owner of a valid claim based on a
the authority of the Mineral Lands mineral location situated within a Spe-
Leasing Act of February 25, 1920 (30 cial Tar Sand Area may convert that
U.S.C. 181 et seq.), the Mineral Leasing portion of the lease or claim so situ-
ated to a combined hydrocarbon lease,
Act for Acquired Lands (30 U.S.C. 351 et
provided that such conversion is con-
seq.), and the Combined Hydrocarbon
sistent with the provisions of this sub-
Leasing Act of 1981 (Pub. L. 97–78).
§ 3140.0– 5 Definitions. (b) Owners of oil and gas leases in
Special Tar Sand Areas who elect not
As used in this subpart, the term: to convert their leases to a combined
(a) Combined hydrocarbon lease means hydrocarbon lease do not acquire the
a lease issued in a Special Tar Sand rights to any hydrocarbon resource ex-
Area for the removal of gas and non- cept oil and gas as those terms were de-
gaseous hydrocarbon substances other fined prior to the enactment of the
than coal, oil shale or gilsonite. Combined Hydrocarbon Leasing Act of
(b) A complete plan of operations 1981. The failure to file an application
means a plan of operations which is in to convert a valid claim based on a
substantial compliance with the infor- mineral location within the time here-
mation requirements of 43 CFR 3572.1 in provided shall have no effect on the
for both exploration plans and mining validity of the mining claim nor the
right to maintain that claim.
plans, as well as any additional infor-
mation required in these regulations § 3140.1– 2 Notice of intent to convert.
and under 43 CFR 3572.1, as may be ap-
(a) Owners of oil and gas leases in
Special Tar Sand Areas which are
(c) Special Tar Sand Area means an scheduled to expire prior to the effec-
area designated by the Department of tive date of these regulations or within
the Interior’s orders of November 20, 6 months thereafter, may preserve the
1980 (45 FR 76800), and January 21, 1981 right to convert their leases to com-
(46 FR 6077) referred to in those orders bined hydrocarbon leases by filing a
as Designated Tar Sand Areas, as con- Notice of Intent to Convert with the
taining substantial deposits of tar State Director, Utah State Office, Bu-
sand. reau of Land Management, 136 E. South
(d) Owner of an oil and gas lease Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111.
means all of the record title holders of (b) A letter, submitted by the lessee,
an oil gas lease. notifying the Bureau of Land Manage-
(e) Owner of a valid claim based on a ment of the lessee’s intention to sub-
mineral location means all parties ap- mit a plan of operations shall con-
pearing on the title records recognized stitute a notice of intent to convert a
as official under State law as having lease. The Notice of Intent shall con-
the right to sell or transfer any part of tain the lease number.
the mining claim, which was located (c) The Notice of Intent shall be filed
within a Special Tar Sand Area prior prior to the expiration date of the
to January 21, 1926, for any hydro- lease. The notice shall preserve the les-
carbon resource, except coal, oil shale see’s conversion rights only for a pe-
or gilsonite, leasable under the Com- riod ending 6 months after the effective
date of this subpart.
bined Hydrocarbon Leasing Act.
(f) Unitization means unitization as § 3140.1– 3 Exploration plans.
that term is defined in 43 CFR part
(a) The authorized officer may grant
permission to holders of existing oil
[47 FR 22478, May 24, 1982, as amended at 55 and gas leases to gather information to
FR 12351, Apr. 3, 1990] develop, perfect, complete or amend a


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3140.2– 3

plan of operations required for conver- Service in accordance with § 3140.4–1(b)

sion upon the approval of the author- of this title.
ized officer of an exploration plan de- (2) If the plan of operations sub-
veloped in accordance with 43 CFR mitted for conversion is designed to
3592.1. cover a unit, a fully executed unit
(b) The approval of an exploration agreement shall be approved before the
plan in units of the National Park Sys- plan of operations applicable to the
tem requires the consent of the Re- unit may be approved under § 3140.2 of
gional Director of the National Park this title. The proposed plan of oper-
Service in accordance with § 3140.7 of
ations and the proposed unit agree-
this title.
ment may be reviewed concurrently.
(c) The filing of an exploration plan
alone shall be insufficient to meet the The approved unit agreement shall be
requirements of a complete plan of op- effective after the leases or claims sub-
erations as set forth in § 3140.2–3 of this ject to it are converted to combined
title. hydrocarbon leases. The plan of oper-
ations shall explain how and when each
[47 FR 22478, May 24, 1982, as amended at 55 lease included in the unit operation
FR 12351, Apr. 3, 1990]
will be developed.
§ 3140.1– 4 Other provisions. (e) Except as provided for in this sub-
(a) A combined hydrocarbon lease part, the regulations set out in part
shall be for no more than 5,120 acres. 3100 of this title are applicable, as ap-
Acreage held under lease in a Special propriate, to all combined hydrocarbon
Tar Sand Area is not chargeable to leases issued under this subpart.
State oil and gas limitations allowable [47 FR 22478, May 24, 1982, as amended at 48
in § 3101.2 of this title. FR 33682, July 22, 1983; 55 FR 12351, Apr. 3,
(b) The rental rate for a combined 1990; 61 FR 4752, Feb. 8, 1996]
hydrocarbon lease shall be $2 per acre
per year and shall be payable annually § 3140.2 Applications.
in advance.
(c)(1) The royalty rate for a combined § 3140.2– 1 Forms.
hydrocarbon lease converted from an No special form is required for a con-
oil and gas lease shall be that provided version application.
for in the original oil and gas lease.
(2) The royalty rate for a combined § 3140.2– 2 Who may apply.
hydrocarbon lease converted from a
valid claim based on a mineral location Only owners of oil and gas leases
shall be 121⁄2 percent. issued within Special Tar Sands Areas,
(3) A reduction of royalties may be on or before November 16, 1981, and
granted either as provided in § 3103.4 of owners of valid claims based on min-
this title or, at the request of the les- eral locations within Special Tar Sands
see and upon a review of information Areas, are eligible to convert leases or
provided by the lessee, prior to com- claims to combined hydrocarbon leases
mencement of commercial operations in Special Tar Sands Areas.
if the purpose of the request is to pro-
[55 FR 12351, Apr. 3, 1990]
mote development and the maximum
production of tar sand. § 3140.2– 3 Application requirements.
(d)(1) Existing oil and gas leases and
valid claims based on mineral locations (a) The applicant shall submit to the
may be unitized prior to or after the State Director, Utah State Office of
lease or claim has been converted to a the Bureau of Land Management, a
combined hydrocarbon lease. The re- written request for a combined hydro-
quirements of 43 CFR part 3180 shall carbon lease signed by the owner of the
provide the procedures and general lease or valid claim which shall be ac-
guidelines for unitization of combined companied by 3 copies of a plan of oper-
hydrocarbon leases. For leases within ations which shall meet the require-
units of the National Park System, ments of 43 CFR 3592.1 and which shall
unitization requires the consent of the provide for reasonable protection of the
Regional Director of the National Park environment and diligent development


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§ 3140.3 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

of the resources requiring enhanced re- diligent development of the resources

covery methods of development or min- requiring enhanced recovery methods
ing. of mining.
(b) A plan of operations may be modi- (g)(1) Upon determination that the
fied or amended before or after conver- plan of operations is complete, the au-
sion of a lease or valid claim to reflect thorized officer shall suspend the term
changes in technology, slippages in of the Federal oil and gas lease(s) as of
schedule beyond the control of the les- the date that the complete plan was
see, new information about the re- filed until the plan is finally approved
source or the economic or environ- or rejected. Only the term of the oil
mental aspects of its development, and gas lease shall be suspended, not
changes to or initiation of applicable any operation and production require-
unit agreements or for other purposes. ments thereunder.
To obtain approval of a modification or (2) If the authorized officer deter-
amended plan, the applicant shall sub- mines that the plan of operations is
mit a written statement of the pro- not complete, the applicant shall be
posed changes or supplements and the notified that the plan is subject to re-
justification for the changes proposed. jection if not completed within the pe-
Any modifications shall be in accord- riod specified in the notice.
ance with 43 CFR 3592.1(c). The ap- (3) The authorized officer may re-
proval of the modification or amend- quest additional data after the plan of
ment is the responsibility of the au- operations has been determined to be
thorized officer. Changes or modifica- complete. This request for additional
tion to the plan of operations shall information shall have no effect on the
have no effect on the primary term of suspension of the running of the oil and
the lease. The authorized officer shall, gas lease.
prior to approving any amendment or
modification, review the modification [47 FR 22478, May 24, 1982, as amended at 55
FR 12351, Apr. 3, 1990]
or amendment with the appropriate
surface management agency. For leases § 3140.3 Time limitations.
within units of the National Park Sys-
tem, no amendment or modification § 3140.3– 1 Conversion applications.
shall be approved without the consent
of the Regional Director of the Na- A plan of operations to convert an
tional Park Service in accordance with existing oil and gas lease or valid claim
§ 3140.7 of this title. based on a mineral location to a com-
(c) The plan of operations may be for bined hydrocarbon lease shall be filed
a single existing oil and gas lease or on or before November 15, 1983, or prior
valid claim or for an area of proposed to the expiration of the oil and gas
unit operation. lease, whichever is earlier, except as
(d) The plan of operations shall iden- provided in § 3140.1–2 of this title.
tify by lease number all Federal oil and § 3140.3– 2 Action on an application.
gas leases proposed for conversion and
identify valid claims proposed for con- The authorized officer shall take ac-
version by the recordation number of tion on an application for conversion
the mining claim. within 15 months of receipt of a pro-
(e) The plan of operations shall in- posed plan of operations.
clude any proposed designation of oper- [47 FR 22478, May 24, 1982, as amended at 55
ator or proposed operating agreement. FR 12351, Apr. 3, 1990]
(f) The plan of operations may in-
clude an exploration phase, if nec- § 3140.4 Conversion.
essary, but it shall include a develop-
ment phase. Such a plan can be ap- § 3140.4– 1 Approval of plan of oper-
proved even though it may indicate ations (and unit and operating
work under the exploration phase is agreements).
necessary to perfect the proposed plan (a) The owner of an oil and gas lease,
for the development phase as long as or the owner of a valid claim based on
the overall plan demonstrates reason- a mineral location shall have such
able protection of the environment and lease or claim converted to a combined


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3140.7

hydrocarbon lease when the plan of op- valid claims which have been approved
erations, filed under § 3140.2 of this for conversion.
title, is deemed acceptable and is ap-
proved by the authorized officer. § 3140.5 Duration of the lease.
(b) The conversion of a lease within a A combined hydrocarbon lease shall
unit of the National Park System shall be for a primary term of 10 years and
be approved only with the consent of for so long thereafter as oil or gas is
the Regional Director of the National produced in paying quantities.
Park Service in accordance with § 3140.7
of this title. § 3140.6 Use of additional lands.
(c) A plan of operations may not be (a) The authorized officer may non-
approved in part but may be approved competitively lease additional lands
where it contains an appropriately for ancillary facilities in a Special Tar
staged plan of exploration and develop- Sand Area that are needed to support
ment operations. any operations necessary for the recov-
[47 FR 22478, May 24, 1982, as amended at 55 ery of tar sand. Such uses include, but
FR 12351, Apr. 3, 1990] are not limited to, mill site or waste
disposal. Application for a lease or per-
§ 3140.4– 2 Issuance of the combined mit to use additional lands shall be
hydrocarbon lease. filed under the provisions of part 2920
(a) After a plan of operations is found of this title with the proper BLM office
acceptable, and is approved, the au- having jurisdiction of the lands. The
thorized officer shall prepare and sub- application for additional lands may be
mit to the owner, for execution, a com- filed at the time a plan of operations is
bined hydrocarbon lease containing all filed.
appropriate terms and conditions, in- (b) A lease for the use of additional
cluding any necessary stipulations that lands shall not be issued when the use
were part of the oil and gas lease being can be authorized under parts 2800 and
converted, as well as any additional 2880 of this title. Such uses include, but
stipulations, such as those required to are not limited to, reservoirs, pipe-
ensure compliance with the plan of op- lines, electrical generation systems,
erations. transmission lines, roads, and rail-
(b) The authorized officer shall not roads.
sign the combined hydrocarbon lease (c) Within units of the National Park
until it has been executed by the con- System, permits or leases for addi-
version applicant and the lease or tional lands shall only be issued by the
claim to be converted has been for- National Park Service. Applications
mally relinquished to the United for such permits or leases shall be filed
States. with the Regional Director of the Na-
(c) The effective date of the combined tional Park Service.
hydrocarbon lease shall be the first day
of the month following the date that § 3140.7 Lands within the National
the authorized officer signs the lease. Park System.
(d)(1) Except to the extent that any Conversions of existing oil and gas
such lease would exceed 5,210 acres, the leases and valid claims based on min-
authorized officer may issue, upon the eral locations to combined hydro-
request of the applicant, 1 combined carbon leases within units of the Na-
hydrocarbon lease to cover contiguous tional Park System shall be allowed
oil and gas leases or valid claims based only where mineral leasing is per-
on mineral locations which have been mitted by law and where the lands cov-
approved for conversion. ered by the lease or claim proposed for
(2) To the extent necessary to pro- conversion are open to mineral re-
mote the development of the resource, source disposition in accordance with
the authorized officer may issue, upon any applicable minerals management
the request of the applicant, 1 com- plan. (See 43 CFR 3100.0–3 (g)(4)). In
bined hydrocarbon lease that does not order to consent to any conversion or
exceed 5,120 acres, which shall be as any subsequent development under a
nearly compact as possible, to cover combined hydrocarbon lease requiring
non-contiguous oil and gas leases or further approval, the Regional Director


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§ 3141.0– 1 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

of the National Park Service shall find (c) Tar sand means any consolidated
that there will be no resulting signifi- or unconsolidated rock (other than
cant adverse impacts on the resources coal, oil shale or gilsonite) that either:
and administration of such areas or on (1) Contains a hydrocarbonaceous ma-
other contiguous units of the National terial with a gas-free viscosity, at
Park System in accordance with original reservoir temperature greater
§ 3109.2(b) of this title. than 10,000 centipoise, or (2) contains a
hydrocarbonaceous material and is pro-
[47 FR 22478, May 24, 1982, as amended at 48
FR 33682, July 22, 1983; 55 FR 12351, Apr. 3, duced by mining or quarrying.
1990] (d) Oil means all nongaseous hydro-
carbon substances other than those
substances leasable as coal, oil shale or
Subpart 3141— Competitive gilsonite (including all vein-type solid
Leasing in Special Tar Sand Areas hydrocarbons).

AUTHORITY: 30 U.S.C. 181 et seq., 351 et seq., § 3141.0– 8 Effect of existing regula-
43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq., 95 Stat. 1070. tions.
SOURCE: 48 FR 7422, Feb. 18, 1983, unless (a) The following provisions of part
otherwise noted. 3100 of this title, as they relate to com-
NOTE: The information collection require- petitive leasing, apply to the issuance
ments contained in 43 CFR subpart 3141 do and administration of combined hydro-
not require approval by the Office of Man-
carbon leases issued under this part.
agement and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3501 et
seq. because there are fewer than 10 respond- (1) All of subpart 3100, with the ex-
ents annually. ception of § 3100.3–2;
(2) The following sections of subpart
§ 3141.0– 1 Purpose. 3101: §§ 3101.1–1, 3101.2–1, 3101.2–2, 3101.2–
The purpose of this subpart is to pro- 4, 3101.2–5, 3101.7–1, 3101.7–2, and 3101.7–
vide for the competitive leasing of 3;
lands and issuance of Combined Hydro- (3) All of subpart 3102;
carbon Leases within Special Tar Sand (4) All of subpart 3103, with the ex-
Areas. ception of §§ 3103.2–1, those portions of
3103.2–2 dealing with noncompetitive
§ 3141.0– 3 Authority. leases, and 3103.3–1 (a), (b), and (c);
These regulations are issued under (5) All of subpart 3104;
the authority of the Mineral Leasing (6) All of subpart 3105;
Act of February 25, 1920 (30 U.S.C. 181 et (7) All of subpart 3106, with the ex-
seq.), the Mineral Leasing Act for Ac- ception of § 3106.1 (c);
quired Lands (30 U.S.C. 351 et seq.), the (8) All of subpart 3107, with the ex-
Federal Land Policy and Manangement ception of § 3107.7;
Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), and (9) All of subpart 3108; and
the Combined Hydrocarbon Leasing (10) All of subpart 3109, with special
Act of 1981 (95 Stat. 1070). emphasis on § 3109.2 (b).
(b) Prior to commencement of oper-
§ 3141.0– 5 Definitions. ations, the lessee shall develop either a
As used in this subpart, the term: plan of operations as described in 43
(a) Combined hydrocarbon lease means CFR 3592.1 which ensures reasonable
a lease issued in a Special Tar Sand protection of the environment or file
Area for the removal of any gas and an application for a permit to drill as
nongaseous hydrocarbon substance described in 43 CFR part 3160, which-
other than coal, oil shale or gilsonite. ever is appropriate.
(b) Special Tar Sand Area means an (c) The provisions of 43 CFR part 3180
area designated by the Department of shall serve as general guidance to the
the Interior’s Orders of November 20, administration of combined hydro-
1980 (45 FR 76800), and January 21, 1981 carbon leases issued under this subpart
(46 FR 6077), and referred to in those or- to the extent they may be included in
ders as Designated Tar Sand Areas, as unit or cooperative agreements.
containing substantial deposits of tar [48 FR 7422, Feb. 18, 1983, as amended at 55
and sand. FR 12351, Apr. 3, 1990]


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3141.2– 2

§ 3141.1 General. § 3141.2– 2 Exploration licenses.

(a) All oil and gas within a Special (a) Any person(s) qualified to hold a
Tar Sand Area shall be leased only by lease under the provisions of subpart
competitive bonus bidding and only 3102 of this title and this subpart may
combined hydrocarbon leases shall be obtain an exploration license to con-
issued for oil and gas within such duct core drilling and other explo-
areas. ration activities to collect geologic,
(b) The acreage of combined hydro- environmental and other data con-
carbon leases held within a Special Tar cerning tar sand resources only on
lands, the surface of which are under
Sand Area shall not be charged against
the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land
acreage limitations for the holding of
Management, within or adjacent to a
oil and gas leases.
Special Tar Sand Area. The application
(c)(1) The authorized officer may for such a license shall be submitted to
noncompetitively lease additional the proper BLM office having jurisdic-
lands for ancillary facilities in a Spe- tion of the lands. No drilling for oil or
cial Tar Sand Area that are shown by gas will be allowed under an explo-
an applicant to be needed to support ration license issued under this sub-
any operations necessary for the recov- part. No specific form is required for an
ery of tar sand. Such uses include, but application for an exploration license.
are not limited to, mill siting or waste (b) The application for an exploration
disposal. An application for a lease or license shall be subject to the following
permit to use additional lands shall be requirements:
filed under the provisions of part 2920 (1) Each application shall contain the
of this title with the proper BLM office name and address of the applicant(s);
having jurisdiction of the lands. The (2) Each application shall be accom-
application for additional lands may be panied by a nonrefundable filing fee of
filed at the time a plan of operations is $250.00;
filed. (3) Each application shall contain a
(2) A lease for the use of additional description of the lands covered by the
lands shall not be issued under this application according to section, town-
part when the use can be authorized ship and range in accordance with the
under part 2800 of this title. Such uses official survey;
include, but are not limited to, res- (4) Each application shall include 3
ervoirs, pipelines, electrical generation copies of an exploration plan which
systems, transmission lines, roads and complies with the requirements of 43
railroads. CFR 4392.1 (a); and
(3) Within units of the National Park (5) An application shall cover no
more than 5,120 acres, which shall be as
System, permits or leases for addi-
nearly compact as possible.
tional lands for any purpose shall be
issued only by the National Park Serv- The authorized officer may grant an
ice. Applications for such permits or exploration license covering more than
leases shall be filed with the Regional 5,120 acres only if the application con-
Director of the National Park Service. tains a justification for an exception to
the normal limitation.
§ 3141.2 Prelease exploration within (c) The authorized officer may, if he/
Special Tar Sand Areas. she determines it necessary to avoid
impacts resulting from duplication of
§ 3141.2– 1 Geophysical exploration. exploration activities, require appli-
Geophysical exploration in Special cants for exploration licenses to pro-
vide an opportunity for other parties to
Tar Sand Areas shall be governed by
participate in exploration under the li-
part 3150 of this title. Information ob-
cense on a pro rata cost sharing basis.
tained under a permit shall be made
If joint participation is determined
available to the Bureau of Land Man-
necessary, it shall be conducted accord-
agement upon request. ing to the following:
[48 FR 7422, Feb. 18, 1983, as amended at 55 (1) Immediately upon the notifica-
FR 12351, Apr. 3, 1990] tion of a determination that parties


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§ 3141.2– 2 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

shall be given an opportunity to par- (3) The licensee shall provide a bond
ticipate in the exploration license, the in an amount determined by the au-
applicant shall publish a ‘‘Notice of In- thorized officer, but not less than
vitation,’’ approved by the authorized $5,000. The authorized officer may ac-
officer, once every week for 2 consecu- cept bonds furnished under subpart 3104
tive weeks in at least 1 newspaper of of this title, if adequate. The period of
general circulation in the area where liability under the bond shall be termi-
the lands covered by the exploration li- nated only after the authorized officer
cense are situated. This notice shall determines that the terms and condi-
contain an invitation to the public to tions of the license, the exploration
participate in the exploration license plan and the regulations have been
on a pro rata cost sharing basis. Copies met;
of the ‘‘Notice of Invitation’’ shall be (4) The licensee shall provide to the
filed with the authorized officer at the Bureau of Land Management upon re-
time of publication by the applicant quest all required information obtained
for posting in the proper BLM office under the license. Any information
having jurisdiction over the lands cov- provided shall be treated as confiden-
ered by the application for at least 30 tial and proprietary, if appropriate, at
days prior to the issuance of the explo- the request of the licensee, and shall
ration license. not be made public until the areas in-
(2) Any person seeking to participate volved have been leased or only if the
in the exploration program described in Bureau of Land Management deter-
the Notice of Invitation shall notify mines that public access to the data
the authorized officer and the appli- will not damage the competitive posi-
cant in writing of such intention with- tion of the licensee.
in 30 days after posting in the proper (5) Operations conducted under a li-
BLM office having jurisdiction over the cense shall not unreasonably interfere
lands covered by the Notice of Invita- with or endanger any other lawful ac-
tion. The authorized officer may re- tivity on the same lands, shall not
quire modification of the original ex- damage any improvements on the
ploration plan to accommodate the le- lands, and shall not result in any sub-
gitimate exploration needs of the per- stantial disturbance to the surface of
son(s) seeking to participate and to the lands and their resources;
avoid the duplication of exploration ac- (6) The authorized officer shall in-
clude in each license requirements and
tivities in the same area, or that the
stipulations to protect the environ-
person(s) should file a separate applica-
ment and associated natural resources,
tion for an exploration license.
and to ensure reclamation of the land
(3) An application to conduct explo- disturbed by exploration operations;
ration which could have been con- (7) When unforeseen conditions are
ducted under an existing or recent ex- encountered that could result in an ac-
ploration license issued under this tion prohibited by paragraph (e)(5) of
paragraph may be rejected. this section, or when warranted by geo-
(d) The authorized officer may accept logic or other physical conditions, the
or reject an exploration license appli- authorized officer may adjust the
cation. An exploration license shall be- terms and conditions of the exploration
come effective on the date specifed by license, may direct adjustment in the
the authorized officer as the date when exploration plan;
exploration activities may begin. The (8) The licensee may submit a request
exploration plan approved by the Bu- for modification of the exploration
reau of Land Management shall be at- plan to the authorized officer. Any
tached and made a part of each explo- modification shall be subject to the
ration license. regulations in this section and the
(e) An exploration license shall be terms and conditions of the license.
subject to these terms and conditions: The authorized officer may approve the
(1) The license shall be for a term of modification after any necessary ad-
not more than 2 years; justments to the terms and conditions
(2) The rental shall be $2 per acre per of the license that are accepted in writ-
year payable in advance; ing by the licensee; and


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3141.5– 3

(9) The license shall be subject to ter- only where mineral leasing is per-
mination or suspension as provided in mitted by law and where the lands are
§ 2920.9–3 of this title. open to mineral resource disposition in
[48 FR 7422, Feb. 18, 1983, as amended at 55
accordance with any applicable Min-
FR 12351, Apr. 3, 1990] erals Management Plan. In order to
consent to any issuance of a combined
§ 3141.3 Land use plans. hydrocarbon lease or subsequent devel-
No lease shall be issued under this opment of combined hydrocarbon re-
subpart unless the lands have been in- sources within a unit of National Park
cluded in a land use plan which meets System, the Regional Director of the
the requirements under part 1600 of National Park Service shall find that
this title or an approved Minerals Man- there will be no resulting significant
agement Plan of the National Park adverse impacts to the resources and
Service. The decision to hold a lease administration of the unit or other
sale and issue leases shall be in con- contiguous units of the National Park
formance with the appropriate plan. System in accordance with § 3109.2 (b)
of this title.
§ 3141.4 Consultation.
[48 FR 7422, Feb. 18, 1983, as amended at 55
§ 3141.4– 1 Consultation with the Gov- FR 12351, Apr. 3, 1990]
§ 3141.5 Leasing procedures.
The Secretary shall consult with the
Governor of the State in which any § 3141.5– 1 Economic evaluation.
tract proposed for sale is located. The
Prior to any lease sale, the author-
Secretary shall give the Governor 30
ized officer shall request an economic
days to comment before determining
evaluation of the total hydrocarbon re-
whether to conduct a lease sale. The
source on each proposed lease tract ex-
Secretary shall seek the recommenda-
clusive of coal, oil shale or gilsonite.
tions of the Governor of the State in
which the lands proposed for lease are § 3141.5– 2 Term of lease.
located as to whether or not to lease
such lands and what alternative ac- Combined hydrocarbon leases shall
tions are available and what special have a primary term of 10 years and
conditions could be added to the pro- shall remain in effect so long there-
posed lease(s) to mitigate impacts. The after as oil or gas is produced in paying
Secretary shall accept the rec- quantities.
ommendations of the Governor if he/
§ 3141.5– 3 Royalties and rentals.
she determines that they provide for a
reasonable balance between the na- (a) The royalty rate on all combined
tional interest and the State’s interest. hydrocarbon leases is 121⁄2 percent of
The Secretary shall communicate to the value of production removed or
the Governor in writing and publish in sold from a lease. The Minerals Man-
the FEDERAL REGISTER the reasons for agement Service shall be responsible
his/her determination to accept or re- for collecting and administering royal-
ject such Governor’s recommendations. ties.
(b) The lessee may request the Sec-
§ 3141.4– 2 Consultation with others. retary to reduce the royalty rate appli-
(a) Where the surface is administered cable to tar sand prior to commence-
by an agency other than the Bureau of ment of commercial operations in
Land Management, including lands order to promote development and
patented or leased under the provisions maximum production of the tar sand
of the Recreation and Public Purposes resource in accordance with procedures
Act, as amended (43 U.S.C. 869 et seq.), established by the Bureau of Land
all leasing under this subpart shall be Managment and may request a reduc-
in accordance with the consultation re- tion in the royalty after commence-
quirements of subpart 3100 of this title. ment of commercial operations in ac-
(b) The issuance of combined hydro- cordance with § 3103.4–1 of this title.
carbon leases within units of the Na- (c) The rental rate for a combined hy-
tional Park System shall be allowed drocarbon lease shall be $2 per acre per


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§ 3141.5– 4 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

year, and shall be payable annually in office where bid forms may be ob-
advance. tained.
(d) Except as explained in paragraphs [48 FR 7422, Feb. 18, 1983, as amended at 55
(a), (b), and (c) of this section, all other FR 12351, Apr. 3, 1990]
provisions of §§ 3103.2 and 3103.3 of this
title apply to combined hydrocarbon § 3141.6– 3 Conduct of sales.
leasing. (a) Competitive sales shall be con-
[48 FR 7422, Feb. 18, 1983, as amended at 55 ducted by the submission of written
FR 12351, Apr. 3, 1990] sealed bids.
(b) Minimum bids shall be not less
§ 3141.5– 4 Lease size. than $25 per acre.
Combined hydrocarbon leases shall (c) In the event that only 1 sealed bid
not exceed 5,120 acres. is received and it is equal to or greater
than the minimum bid, that bid shall
§ 3141.5– 5 Dating of lease. be considered the highest bid.
A combined hydrocarbon lease shall (d) The authorized officer may reject
be effective as of the first day of the any or all bids.
month following the date the lease is (e) The authorized officer may waive
signed on behalf of the United States, minor deficiencies in the bids or the
except that where prior written request lease sale advertisement.
is made, a lease may be made effective (f) A bid deposit of one-fifth of the
on the first of the month in which the amount of the sealed bid shall be re-
lease is signed. quired and shall accompany the sealed
bid. All bid deposits shall be in the
§ 3141.6 Sale procedures. form of either a certified check, money
order, bank cashier’s check or cash.
§ 3141.6– 1 Initiation of competitive
lease offering. § 3141.6– 4 Qualifications.
The Bureau of Land Management Each bidder shall submit with the bid
may, on its own motion, offer lands a statement over the bidder’s signature
through competitive bidding. A request with respect to compliance with sub-
or expression(s) of interest in tract(s) part 3102 of this title.
for competitive lease offerings shall be
submitted in writing to the proper § 3141.6– 5 Fair market value.
BLM office. Only those bids which reflect the fair
market value of the tract(s) as deter-
§ 3141.6– 2 Publication of a notice of mined by the authorized officer shall
competitive lease offering. be accepted; all other bids shall be re-
Where a determination to offer lands jected.
for competitive leasing is made, a no-
tice shall be published of the lease sale § 3141.6– 6 Rejection of bid.
in the FEDERAL REGISTER and a news- If the high bid is rejected for failure
paper of general circulation in the area by the successful bidder to execute the
in which the lands to be leased are lo- lease forms and pay the balance of the
cated. The publication shall appear bonus bid, or otherwise to comply with
once in the FEDERAL REGISTER and at the regulations of this subpart, the
least once a week for 3 consecutive one-fifth bonus accompanying the bid
weeks in a newspaper, or for other such shall be forfeited.
periods deemed necessary. The notice
shall specify the time and place of sale, § 3141.6– 7 Consideration of next high-
the manner in which the bids may be est bid.
submitted; the description of the lands; The Department reserves the right to
the terms and conditions of the lease, accept the next highest bid if the high-
including the royalty and rental rates; est bid is rejected. In no event shall an
the amount of the minimum bid; and offer be made to the next highest bid-
shall state that the terms and condi- der if the difference beween his/her bid
tions of the leases are available for in- and that of the rejected successful bid-
spection and designate the proper BLM der is greater than the one-fifth bonus


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3142.2– 1

forfeited by the rejected successful bid- § 3142.1 Diligent development.

A lessee shall have met his/her dili-
[55 FR 12351, Apr. 3, 1990] gent development obligation if:
(a) The lessee is conducting activity
§ 3141.7 Award of lease. on the lease in accordance with an ap-
After determining the highest re- proved plan of operations; and
sponsible qualified bidder, the author- (b) The lessee files with the author-
ized officer shall send 3 copies of the ized officer, not later than the end of
lease on a form approved by the Direc- the eighth lease year, a supplement to
tor, and any necessary stipulations, to the approved plan of operations which
the successful bidder. The successful shall include the estimated recoverable
bidder shall, not later than the 30th tar sand reserves and a detailed devel-
day after receipt of the lease, execute opment plan for the next stage of oper-
the lease, pay the balance of the bid ations;
and the first year’s rental, and file a (c) The lessee has achieved produc-
bond as required in subpart 3104 of this tion in paying quantities, as that term
title. Failure to comply with this sec- is defined in § 3142.0–5(a) of this title, by
tion shall result in rejection of the the end of the primary term; and
lease. (d) The lessee annually produces the
minimum amount of tar sand estab-
Subpart 3142— Paying Quantities/ lished by the authorized officer under
Diligent Development the lease in the minimum production
schedule which shall be made part of
the plan of operations or pays annually
SOURCE: 51 FR 7276, Mar. 3, 1986, unless oth-
erwise noted. advance royalty in lieu of this min-
imum production.
§ 3142.0.1 Purpose.
§ 3142.2 Minimum production levels.
This subpart provides definitions and
procedures for meeting the production § 3142.2– 1 Minimum production sched-
in paying quantities and the diligent ule.
development requirements for tar sand Upon receipt of the supplement to
in all combined hydrocarbon leases. the plan of operations described in
§ 3142.0– 3 Authority. § 3142.1(b) of this title, the authorized
officer shall examine the information
These regulations are issued under furnished by the lessee and determine
the authority of the Mineral Leasing if the estimate of the recoverable tar
Act of 1920, as amended and supple- sand reserves is adequate and reason-
mented (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.), the Min- able. In making this determination,
eral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands (30 the authorized officer may request, and
U.S.C. 351–359), the Federal Land Pol- the lessee shall furnish, any informa-
icy and Management Act of 1976 (43 tion that is the basis of the lessee’s es-
U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) and the Combined timate of the recoverable tar sand re-
Hydrocarbon Leasing Act of 1981 (95 serves. As part of the authorized offi-
Stat. 1070). cer’s determination that the estimate
of the recoverable tar sand reserves is
§ 3142.0– 5 Definitions.
adequate and reasonable, he/she may
As used in part 3140 of this title, the consider, but is not limited to, the fol-
term production in paying quantities lowing: or grade, strip ratio, vertical
means: and horizal continuity, extract process
(a) Production, in compliance with recoverability, and proven or unproven
an approved plaln of operations and by status of extraction technology, ter-
nonconventional methods, of oil and rain, environmental mitigation fac-
gas which can be marketed; or tors, marketability of products and
(b) Production of oil or gas by con- capital operations costs. The author-
ventional methods as the term is cur- ized officer shall then establish as soon
rently used in part 3160 of this title. as possible, but prior to the beginning


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§ 3142.2– 2 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

of the eleventh year, based upon the es- the authorized officer, or failure of the
timate of the recoverable tar sand re- lessee to comply with any other provi-
serves, a minimum annual tar sand sions of this subpart following the end
production schedule for the lease or of the primary term of the lease, shall
unit operations which shall start in the result in the automatic expiration of
eleventh year of the lease. This min- the lease as of the first of the month
imum production level shall escalate in following notice to the lessee of its
equal annual increments to a max- failure to comply. The lessee shall re-
imum of 1 percent of the estimated re- main subject to the requirement of ap-
coverable tar sand reserves in the plicable laws, regulations and lease
twentieth year of the lease and remain terms which have not been met at the
at 1 percent each year thereafter. expiration of the lease.
§ 3142.2– 2 Advance royalties in lieu of
production. PART 3150— ONSHORE OIL AND
(a) Failure to meet the minimum an-
nual tar sand production schedule level Subpart 3150— Onshore Oil and Gas
in any year shall result in the assess- Geophysical Exploration; General
ment of an advance royalty in lieu of
production which shall be credited to Sec.
future production royalty assessments 3150.0–1 Purpose.
applicable to the lease or unit. 3150.0–3 Authority.
(b) If there is no production during 3150.0–5 Definitions.
the lease year, and the lessee has rea- 3150.1 Suspension, revocation or cancella-
son to believe that there shall be no
3150.2 Appeals.
production during the remainder of the
lease year, the lessee shall submit to Subpart 3151— Exploration Outside of
the authorized officer a request for sus- Alaska
pension of production at least 90 days
prior to the end of that lease year and 3151.1 Notice of intent to conduct oil and
a payment sufficient to cover any ad- gas geophysical exploration operations.
vance royalty due and owing as a re- 3151.2 Notice of completion of operations.
sult of the failure to produce. Upon re- Subpart 3152— Exploration in Alaska
ceipt of the request for suspension of
production and the accompanying pay- 3152.1 Application for oil and gas geo-
ment, the authorized officer shall ap- physical exploration permit.
prove a suspension of production for 3152.2 Action on application.
that lease year and the lease shall not 3152.3 Renewal of exploration permit.
expire during that year for lack of pro- 3152.4 Relinquishment of exploration per-
duction. 3152.5 Modification of exploration permit.
(c) If there is production on the lease 3152.6 Collection and submission of data.
or unit during the lease year, but such 3152.7 Completion of operations.
production fails to meet the minimum
production schedule required by the Subpart 3153— Exploration of Lands Under
plan of operations for that lease or the Jurisdiction of the Department of
unit, the lessee shall pay an advance Defense
royalty within 60 days of the end of the
lease year in an amount sufficient to 3153.1 Geophysical permit requirements.
cover the difference between such ac-
Subpart 3154— Bond Requirements
tual production and the production
schedule required by the plan of oper- 3154.1 Types of bonds.
ations for that lease or unit and the 3154.2 Additional bonding.
authorized officer shall direct a suspen- 3154.3 Bond cancellation or termination of
sion of production for those periods liability.
during which no production occurred. AUTHORITY: 16 U.S.C. 3150(b) and 668dd; 30
U.S.C. 189 and 359; 42 U.S.C. 6508; 43 U.S.C.
§ 3142.3 Expiration. 1201, 1732(b), 1733, 1734, 1740.
Failure of the lessee to pay advance SOURCE: 53 FR 17359, May 16, 1988, unless
royalty within the time prescribed by otherwise noted.


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§ 3150.2 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

safety or the environment. Further, Subpart 3151— Exploration Outside

where other applicable law contains of Alaska
specific provisions for suspension, rev-
ocation, or cancellation of a permit or § 3151.1 Notice of intent to conduct oil
other authorization to use, occupy, or and gas geophysical exploration op-
develop the public lands, the specific erations.
provisions of such law shall prevail. Parties wishing to conduct oil and
gas geophysical exploration outside of
§ 3150.2 Appeals. the State of Alaska shall file a Notice
(a) A party adversely affected by a of Intent to Conduct Oil and Gas Explo-
decision or approval of the authorized ration Operations, referred to herein as
officer may appeal that decision to the a notice of intent. The notice of intent
Interior Board of Land Appeals as set shall be filed with the District Manager
forth in part 4 of this title. of the proper BLM office on the form
approved by the Director. Within 5
(b) All decisions and approvals of the
working days of the filing date, the au-
authorized officer under this part shall
thorized officer shall process the notice
remain effective pending appeal unless of intent and notify the operator of
the Interior Board of Land Appeals de- practices and procedures to be fol-
termines otherwise upon consideration lowed. If the notice of intent cannot be
of the standards stated in this para- processed within 5 working days of the
graph. The provisions of 43 CFR 4.21(a) filing date, the authorized officer shall
shall not apply to any decision or ap- promptly notify the operator as to
proval of the authorized officer under when processing will be completed, giv-
this part. A petition for a stay of a de- ing the reason for the delay. The oper-
cision or approval of the authorized of- ator shall, within 5 working days of the
ficer shall be filed with the Interior filing date, or such other time as may
Board of Land Appeals, Office of Hear- be convenient for the operator, partici-
ings and Appeals, Department of the pate in a field inspection if requested
Interior, and shall show sufficient jus- by the authorized officer. Signing of
tification based on the following stand- the notice of intent by the operator
ards: shall signify agreement to comply with
(1) The relative harm to the parties if the terms and conditions contained
the stay is granted or denied, therein and in this part, and with all
(2) The likelihood of the appellant’s practices and procedures specified at
success on the merits, any time by the authorized officer.
(3) The likelihood of irreparable
§ 3151.2 Notice of completion of oper-
harm to the appellant or resources if ations.
the stay is not granted, and
(4) Whether the public interest favors Upon completion of exploration,
granting the stay. there shall be filed with the District
Manager a Notice of Completion of Oil
Nothing in this paragraph shall dimin- and Gas Exploration Operations. With-
ish the discretionary authority of the in 30 days after this filing, the author-
authorized officer to stay the effective- ized officer shall notify the party
ness of a decision subject to appeal pur- whether rehabilitation of the lands is
suant to paragraph (a) of this section satisfactory or whether additional re-
upon a request by an adversely affected habilitation is necessary, specifying
party or on the authorized officer’s the nature and extent of actions to be
own initiative. If the authorized officer taken by the operator.
denies such a request, the requester
can petition for a stay of the denial de- Subpart 3152— Exploration in
cision by filing a petition with the In- Alaska
terior Board of Land Appeals that ad-
dresses the standards described above § 3152.1 Application for oil and gas
in this paragraph. geophysical exploration permit.
[57 FR 9012, Mar. 13, 1992, as amended at 57 Parties wishing to conduct oil and
FR 44336, Sept. 25, 1992] gas geophysical exploration operations


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3152.7

in Alaska shall complete an applica- authorized only upon a determination

tion for an oil and gas geophysical ex- that such activities can be conducted
ploration permit. The application shall in a manner which is consistent with
contain the following information: the purposes for which the affected
(a) The applicant’s name and address; area is managed under applicable law.
(b) The operator’s name and address;
(c) The contractor’s name and ad- § 3152.3 Renewal of exploration per-
dress; mit.
(d) A description of lands involved by Upon application by the permittee
township and range, including a map or and payment of a nonrefundable filing
overlays showing the lands to be en- fee of $25 (except where the exploration
tered and affected; operations are to be conducted on a
(e) The period of time when oper- leasehold by or on behalf of the lessee),
ations will be conducted; and an exploration permit may be renewed
(f) A plan for conducting the explo- for a period not to exceed 1 year.
ration operations.
The application shall be submitted, § 3152.4 Relinquishment of exploration
along with a nonrefundable filing fee of permit.
$25 (except where the exploration oper- Subject to the continued obligations
ations are to be conducted on a lease of the permittee and the surety to com-
held by or on behalf of the lessee), to ply with the terms and conditions of
the District Manager of the proper the exploration permit and the regula-
BLM office. tions, the permittee may relinquish an
exploration permit for all or any por-
§ 3152.2 Action on application. tion of the lands covered by it. Such re-
(a) The authorized officer shall re- linquishment shall be filed with the
view each application and approve or District Manager of the proper BLM of-
disapprove it within 90 calendar days, fice.
unless compliance with statutory re-
quirements such as the National Envi- § 3152.5 Modification of exploration
ronmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. permit.
4321 et seq.) delays this action. The ap- (a) A permittee may request, and the
plicant shall be notified promptly in authorized officer may approve a modi-
writing of any such delay. fication of an exploration permit.
(b) The authorized officer shall in- (b) The authorized officer may, after
clude in each geophysical exploration consultation with the permittee, re-
permit terms and conditions deemed quire modifications determined nec-
necessary to protect values, mineral essary.
resources, and nonmineral resources.
Geophysical permits within National § 3152.6 Collection and submission of
Petroleum Reserve—Alaska shall con- data.
tain such reasonable conditions, re- (a) The permittee shall submit to the
strictions and prohibitions as the au- authorized officer all data and informa-
thorized officer deems appropriate to tion obtained in carrying out the ex-
mitigate adverse effects upon the sur- ploration plan.
face resources of the Reserve and to (b) All information submitted under
satisfy the requirement of section this section is subject to part 2 of this
104(b) of the Naval Petroleum Reserves title, which sets forth the rules of the
Production Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C. 6504) Department of the Interior relating to
(See part 3130 for stipulations relating public availability of information con-
to the National Petroleum Reserve— tained in Departmental records, as pro-
Alaska). vided at § 3100.4 of this chapter.
(c) An exploration permit shall be-
come effective on the date specified by [53 FR 17359, May 16, 1988, as amended at 63
the authorized officer and shall expire 1 FR 52952, Oct. 1, 1998]
year thereafter.
(d) For lands subject to section 1008 § 3152.7 Completion of operations.
of the Alaska National Interest Lands (a) The permittee shall submit to the
Conservation Act, exploration shall be authorized officer a completion report


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§ 3153.1 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

within 30 days of completion of all op- Subpart 3154— Bond Requirements

erations under the permit. The comple-
tion report shall contain the following: § 3154.1 Types of bonds.
(1) A description of all work per- Prior to each planned exploration,
formed; the party(s) filing the notice of intent
(2) Charts, maps or plats depicting or application for a permit shall file
the areas and blocks in which the ex- with the authorized officer a bond as
ploration was conducted and specifi- described in § 3104.1 of this title in the
cally identifying the lines of geo- amount of at least $5,000, conditioned
physical traverses and any roads con- upon full and faithful compliance with
structed; the terms and conditions of this sub-
(3) The dates on which the actual ex- part and the notice of intent or permit.
ploration was conducted; In lieu thereof, the party(s) may file a
(4) Such other information about the statewide bond in the amount of $25,000
exploration operations as may be speci- covering all oil and gas exploration op-
fied by the authorized officer in the erations in the same State or a nation-
permit; and wide bond in the amount of $50,000 cov-
(5) A statement that all terms and ering all oil and gas exploration oper-
conditions have been complied with or ations in the nation. Holders of indi-
that corrective measures shall be vidual, statewide or nationwide oil and
taken to rehabilitate the lands or other gas lease bonds shall be allowed to con-
resources. duct exploration on their leaseholds
(b) Within 90 days after the author- without further bonding, and holders of
ized officer receives a completion re- statewide or nationwide lease bonds
port from the permittee that explo- wishing to conduct exploration on
ration has been completed or after the lands they do not have under lease may
expiration of the permit, whichever oc- obtain a rider to include oil and gas ex-
curs first, the authorized officer shall ploration operations under this part.
notify the permittee of the specific na- Holders of nationwide or any National
ture and extent of any additional meas- Petroleum Reserve-Alaska oil and gas
ures required to rectify any damage to lease bonds shall be permitted to ob-
the lands and resources. tain a rider to include the coverage of
[53 FR 17359, May 16, 1988; 53 FR 31959, Aug. oil and gas exploration within the Na-
22, 1988] tional Petroleum Reserve—Alaska
under subpart 3152 of this title.
Subpart 3153— Exploration of § 3154.2 Additional bonding.
Lands Under the Jurisdiction
of the Department of Defense The authorized officer may increase
the amount of any bond that is re-
§ 3153.1 Geophysical permit require- quired under this subpart after deter-
ments. mining that additional coverage is
Except in unusual circumstances, needed to ensure protection of the
permits for geophysical exploration on lands or resources.
unleased lands under the jurisdiction of
§ 3154.3 Bond cancellation or termi-
the Department of Defense shall be nation of liability.
issued by the appropriate agency of
that Department. In the event an agen- The authorized officer shall not con-
cy of the Department of Defense refers sent to the cancellation of the bond or
an application for exploration to the the termination of liability unless and
Bureau for issuance, the provisions of until the terms and conditions of the
subpart 3152 of this title shall apply. notice of intent or permit have been
Geophysical exploration on lands under met. Should the authorized officer fail
the jurisdiction of the Department of to notify the party within 90 days of
Defense shall be authorized only with the filing of a notice of completion of
the consent of, and subject to such the need for additional action by the
terms and conditions as may be re- operator to rehabilitate the lands, li-
quired by, the Department of Defense. ability for that particular exploration


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior Pt. 3160

operation shall automatically termi- 3162.2–13 If I acquire an interest in a lease

nate. that is being drained, will the Depart-
ment assess me for compensatory roy-
[53 FR 17359, May 16, 1988; 53 FR 31867, Aug. alty?
22, 1988] 3162.2–14 May I appeal BLM’s decision to re-
quire drainage protective measures?
PART 3160— ONSHORE OIL AND 3162.2–15 Who has the burden of proof if I ap-
peal BLM’s drainage determination?
GAS OPERATIONS 3162.3 Conduct of operations.
3162.3–1 Drilling applications and plans.
Subpart 3160— Onshore Oil and Gas 3162.3–2 Subsequent well operations.
Operations: General 3162.3–3 Other lease operations.
Sec. 3162.3–4 Well abandonment.
3160.0–1 Purpose. 3162.4 Records and reports.
3160.0–2 Policy. 3162.4–1 Well records and reports.
3160.0–3 Authority. 3162.4–2 Samples, tests, and surveys.
3160.0–4 Objectives. 3162.4–3 Monthly report of operations (Form
3160.0–5 Definitions. 3160–6).
3160.0–7 Cross references. 3162.5 Environment and safety.
3160.0–9 Information collection. 3162.5–1 Environmental obligations.
3162.5–2 Control of wells.
Subpart 3161— Jurisdiction and 3162.5–3 Safety precautions.
Responsibility 3162.6 Well and facility identification.
3162.7 Measurement, disposition, and pro-
3161.1 Jurisdiction. tection of production.
3161.2 Responsibility of the authorized offi- 3162.7–1 Disposition of production.
cer. 3162.7–2 Measurement of oil.
3161.3 Inspections. 3162.7–3 Measurement of gas.
3162.7–4 Royalty rates on oil; sliding and
Subpart 3162— Requirements for Operating step-scale leases (public land only).
Rights Owners and Operators 3162.7–5 Site security on Federal and Indian
(except Osage) oil and gas leases.
3162.1 General requirements.
3162.2 Drilling, producing, and drainage ob-
Subpart 3163— Noncompliance,
3162.2–2 What steps may BLM take to avoid Assessments, and Penalties
uncompensated drainage of Federal or 3163.1 Remedies for acts of noncompliance.
Indian mineral resources? 3163.2 Civil penalties.
3162.2–3 When am I responsible for pro-
3163.3 Criminal penalties.
tecting my Federal or Indian lease from
3163.4 Failure to pay.
3163.5 Assessments and civil penalties.
3162.2–4 What protective action may BLM
require the lessee to take to protect the 3163.6 Injunction and specific performance.
leases from drainage?
3162.2–5 Must I take protective action when Subpart 3164— Special Provisions
a protective well would be uneconomic? 3164.1 Onshore Oil and Gas Orders.
3162.2–6 When will I have constructive no- 3164.2 NTL’s and other implementing proce-
tice that drainage may be occurring? dures.
3162.2–7 Who is liable for drainage if more 3164.3 Surface rights.
than one person holds undivided inter-
3164.4 Damages on restricted Indian lands.
ests in the record title or operating
rights for the same lease?
Subpart 3165— Relief, Conflicts, and
3162.2–8 Does my responsibility for drainage
protection end when I assign or transfer Appeals
my lease interest? 3165.1 Relief from operating and producing
3162.2–9 What is my duty to inquire about requirements.
the potential for drainage and inform 3165.1–1 Relief from royalty and rental re-
BLM of my findings? quirements.
3162.2–10 Will BLM notify me when it deter- 3165.2 Conflicts between regulations.
mines that drainage is occurring?
3165.3 Notice, State Director review and
3162.2–11 How soon after I know of the like-
hearing on the record.
lihood of drainage must I take protective
3165.4 Appeals.
3162.2–12 If I hold an interest in a lease, for AUTHORITY: 25 U.S.C. 396d and 2107; 30
what period will the Department assess U.S.C. 189, 306, 359, and 1751; and 43 U.S.C.
compensatory royalty against me? 1732(b), 1733 and 1740.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3160.0– 5

leasing laws, including mineral re- Major violation means noncompliance

sources or mineral estates reserved to that causes or threatens immediate,
the United States in the conveyance of substantial, and adverse impacts on
a surface or nonmineral estate. public health and safety, the environ-
Fresh water means water containing ment, production accountability, or
not more than 1,000 ppm of total dis- royalty income.
solved solids, provided that such water Maximum ultimate economic recovery
does not contain objectionable levels of means the recovery of oil and gas from
any constituent that is toxic to ani- leased lands which a prudent operator
mal, plant or acquatic life, unless oth- could be expected to make from that
erwise specified in applicable notices or field or reservoir given existing knowl-
orders. edge of reservoir and other pertinent
Knowingly or willfully means a viola- facts and utilizing common industry
tion that constitutes the voluntary or practices for primary, secondary or ter-
conscious performance of an act that is tiary recovery operations.
prohibited or the voluntary or con- Minor violation means noncompliance
scious failure to perform an act or duty that does not rise to the level of a
that is required. It does not include major violation.
performances or failures to perform New or resumed production under sec-
that are honest mistakes or merely in- tion 102(b)(3) of the Federal Oil and Gas
advertent. It includes, but does not re- Royalty Management Act means the date
quire, performances or failures to per- on which a well commences production,
form that result from a criminal or evil or resumes production after having
intent or from a specific intent to vio- been off production for more than 90
late the law. The knowing or willful days, and is to be construed as follows:
nature of conduct may be established (1) For an oil well, the date on which
by plain indifference to or reckless dis- liquid hydrocarbons are first sold or
regard of the requirements of the law, shipped from a temporary storage fa-
regulations, orders, or terms of the cility, such as a test tank, or the date
lease. A consistent pattern of perform- on which liquid hydrocarbons are first
ance or failure to perform also may be produced into a permanent storage fa-
sufficient to establish the knowing or cility, whichever first occurs; and
willful nature of the conduct, where (2) For a gas well, the date on which
such consistent pattern is neither the gas is first measured through sales me-
result of honest mistakes or mere inad- tering facilities or the date on which
vertency. Conduct that is otherwise re- associated liquid hydrocarbons are first
garded as being knowing or willful is sold or shipped from a temporary stor-
rendered neither accidental nor miti- age facility, whichever first occurs. For
gated in character by the belief that purposes of this provision, a gas well
the conduct is reasonable or legal. shall not be considered to have been off
Lease means any contract, profit- of production unless it is incapable of
share arrangement, joint venture or production.
other agreement issued or approved by Notice to lessees and operators (NTL)
the United States under a mineral leas- means a written notice issued by the
ing law that authorizes exploration for, authorized officer. NTL’s implement
extraction of or removal of oil or gas. the regulations in this part and oper-
Lease site means any lands, including ating orders, and serve as instructions
the surface of a severed mineral estate, on specific item(s) of importance with-
on which exploration for, or extraction in a State, District, or Area.
and removal of, oil or gas is authorized Onshore oil and gas order means a for-
under a lease. mal numbered order issued by the Di-
Lessee means any person holding rector that implements and supple-
record title or owning operating rights ments the regulations in this part.
in a lease issued or approved by the Operating rights owner means a person
United States. who owns operating rights in a lease. A
Lessor means the party to a lease who record title holder may also be an oper-
holds legal or beneficial title to the ating rights owner in a lease if it did
mineral estate in the leased lands. not transfer all of its operating rights.


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§ 3160.0– 7 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

Operator means any person or entity § 3160.0– 9 Information collection.

including but not limited to the lessee
(a) The information collection re-
or operating rights owner, who has
quirements contained in §§ 3162.3,
stated in writing to the authorized offi-
cer that it is responsible under the 3162.3–1, 3162.3–2, 3162.3–3, 3162.3–4,
terms and conditions of the lease for 3162.4–1, 3162.4–2, 3162.5–1, 3162.5–2,
the operations conducted on the leased 3162.5–3, 3162.6, 3162.7–1, 3162.7–2, 3162.7–
lands or a portion thereof. 3, 3162.7–5, 3164.3, 3165.1, and 3165.3 have
Paying well means a well that is capa- been approved by the Office of Manage-
ble of producing oil or gas of sufficient ment and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3507
value to exceed direct operating costs and assigned clearance Number 1004–
and the costs of lease rentals or min- 0134. The information may be collected
imum royalty. from some operators either to provide
Person means any individual, firm, data so that proposed operations may
corporation, association, partnership, be approved or to enable the moni-
consortium or joint venture. toring of compliance with granted ap-
Production in paying quantities means provals. The information will be used
production from a lease of oil and/or to grant approval to begin or alter op-
gas of sufficient value to exceed direct erations or to allow operations to con-
operating costs and the cost of lease tinue. The obligation to respond is re-
rentals or minimum royalties. quired to obtain benefits under the
Protective well means a well drilled or lease.
modified to prevent or offset drainage (b) Public reporting burden for this
of oil and gas resources from its Fed- information is estimated to average
eral or Indian lease. 0.4962 hours per response, including the
Record title holder means the person(s) time for reviewing instructions,
to whom BLM or an Indian lessor searching existing data sources, gath-
issued a lease or approved the assign- ering and maintaining the data needed,
ment of record title in a lease. and completing and reviewing the col-
Superintendent means the super- lection of information. Send comments
intendent of an Indian Agency, or regarding this burden estimate or any
other officer authorized to act in mat- other aspect of this collection of infor-
ters of record and law with respect to mation, including suggestions for re-
oil and gas leases on restricted Indian ducing the burden, to the Information
lands. Collection Clearance Officer (783), Bu-
Surface use plan of operations means a reau of Land Management, Wash-
plan for surface use, disturbance, and ington, DC 20240, and the Office of Man-
reclamation. agement and Budget, Paperwork Re-
Waste of oil or gas means any act or duction Project, 1004–0134, Washington,
failure to act by the operator that is DC 20503.
not sanctioned by the authorized offi- (c)(1) The information collection re-
cer as necessary for proper develop- quirements contained in part 3160 have
ment and production and which results
been approved by the Office of Manage-
in: (1) A reduction in the quantity or
ment and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3507
quality of oil and gas ultimately pro-
and assigned the following Clearance
ducible from a reservoir under prudent
and proper operations; or (2) avoidable
surface loss of oil or gas. OPERATING FORMS
[53 FR 17362, May 16, 1988, as amended at 53
FR 22846, June 17, 1988; 66 FR 1892, Jan. 10, Form Name and filing date OMB No.
3160–3 Application for Permit to Drill, Deep-
§ 3160.0– 7 Cross references. en, or Plug Back—Filed 30 days
prior to planned action .................... 1004–0136
25 CFR parts 221, 212, 213, and 227 3160–4 With Completion of Recompletion Re-
30 CFR Group 200 port and Log—Due 30 days after
40 CFR Chapter V well completion ............................... 1004–0137
43 CFR parts 2, 4, and 1820 and Groups 3000, 3160–5 Sundry Notice and Reports on
3100 and 3500 Wells—Subsequent report due 30
days after operations completed .... 1004–0135
[48 FR 36584, Aug. 12, 1983]


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3161.2

The information will be used to man- Subpart 3161— Jurisdiction and

age Federal and Indian oil and gas Responsibility
leases. It will be used to allow evalua-
tion of the technical, safety, and envi- § 3161.1 Jurisdiction.
ronmental factors involved with drill- (a) All operations conducted on a
ing and producing oil and gas on Fed- Federal or Indian oil and gas lease by
eral and Indian oil and gas leases. Re- the operator are subject to the regula-
sponse is mandatory only if the oper- tions in this part.
ator elects to initiate drilling, comple- (b) Regulations in this part relating
tion, or subsequent operations on an to site security, measurement, report-
oil and gas well, in accordance with 30 ing of production and operations, and
U.S.C. 181 et seq. assessments or penalties for non-
(2) Public reporting burden for this compliance with such requirements are
information is estimated to average 25 applicable to all wells and facilities on
minutes per response for clearance State or privately-owned mineral lands
number 1004–0135, 30 minutes per re- committed to a unit or
sponse for clearance number 1004–0136, communitization agreement which af-
and 1 hour per response for clearance fects Federal or Indian interests, not-
number 1004–0137, including the time withstanding any provision of a unit or
for reviewing instructions, searching communitization agreement to the
existing data sources, gathering and contrary.
maintaining the data needed, and com- [52 FR 5391, Feb. 20, 1987, as amended at 53
pleting and reviewing the collection of FR 17362, May 16, 1988]
information. Send comments regarding
this burden estimate or any other as- § 3161.2 Responsibility of the author-
pect of this collection of information, ized officer.
including suggestions for reducing the The authorized officer is authorized
burden, to the Information Collection and directed to approve unitization,
Clearance Officer (783), Bureau of Land communitization, gas storage and
Management, Washington, DC 20240, other contractual agreements for Fed-
and the Office of Management and eral lands; to assess compensatory roy-
Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project, alty; to approve suspensions of oper-
1004–0135, 1004–0136, or 1004–0137, as ap- ations or production, or both; to issue
propriate, Washington, DC 20503. NTL’s: to approve and monitor other
(d) There are many leases and agree- operator proposals for drilling, devel-
ments currently in effect, and which opment or production of oil and gas; to
will remain in effect, involving both perform administrative reviews; to im-
Federal and Indian oil and gas leases pose monetary assessments or pen-
which specifically refer to the United alties; to provide technical information
States Geological Survey, USGS, Min- and advice relative to oil and gas de-
erals Management Service, MMS, or velopment and operations on Federal
Conservation Division. These leases and Indian lands; to enter into coopera-
and agreements also often specifically tive agreements with States, Federal
refer to various officers such as Super- agencies and Indian tribes relative to
visor, Conservation Manager, Deputy oil and gas development and oper-
Conservation Manager, Minerals Man- ations; to approve, inspect and regulate
ager, and Deputy Minerals Manager. In the operations that are subject to the
addition, many leases and agreements regulations in this part; to require
specifically refer to 30 CFR part 221 or compliance with lease terms, with the
specific sections thereof, which has regulations in this title and all other
been redesignated as 43 CFR part 3160. applicable regulations promulgated
Those references shall now be read in under the cited laws; and to require
the context of Secretarial Order 3087 that all operations be conducted in a
and now mean either the Bureau of manner which protects other natural
Land Management or Minerals Man- resources and the environmental qual-
ity, protects life and property and re-
agement Service, as appropriate.
sults in the maximum ultimate recov-
[57 FR 3024, Jan. 27, 1992] ery of oil and gas with minimum waste


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§ 3161.3 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

and with minimum adverse effect on Subpart 3162— Requirements for

the ultimate recovery of other mineral Operating Rights Owners and
resources. The authorized officer may
issue written or oral orders to govern
specific lease operations. Any such oral § 3162.1 General requirements.
orders shall be confirmed in writing by
the authorized officer within 10 work- (a) The operating rights owner or op-
ing days from issuance thereof. Before erator, as appropriate, shall comply
approving operations on leasehold, the with applicable laws and regulations;
authorized officer shall determine that with the lease terms, Onshore Oil and
the lease is in effect, that acceptable Gas Orders, NTL’s; and with other or-
bond coverage has been provided and ders and instructions of the authorized
that the proposed plan of operations is officer. These include, but are not lim-
sound both from a technical and envi- ited to, conducting all operations in a
ronmental standpoint. manner which ensures the proper han-
dling, measurement, disposition, and
[48 FR 36584, Aug. 12, 1983, as amended at 52
site security of leasehold production;
FR 5391, Feb. 20, 1987; 53 FR 17362, May 16,
1988] which protects other natural resources
and environmental quality; which pro-
§ 3161.3 Inspections. tects life and property; and which re-
sults in maximum ultimate economic
(a) The authorized officer shall estab-
recovery of oil and gas with minimum
lish procedures to ensure that each
waste and with minimum adverse ef-
Federal and Indian lease site which is
producing or is expected to produce sig- fect on ultimate recovery of other min-
nificant quantities of oil or gas in any eral resources.
year or which has a history of non- (b) The operator shall permit prop-
compliance with applicable provisions erly identified authorized representa-
of law or regulations, lease terms, or- tives to enter upon, travel across and
ders or directives shall be inspected at inspect lease sites and records nor-
least once annually. Similarly, each mally kept on the lease pertinent
lease site on non-Federal or non-Indian thereto without advance notice. In-
lands subject to a formal agreement spections normally will be conducted
such as a unit or communitization during those hours when responsible
agreement which has been approved by persons are expected to be present at
the Department of the Interior and in the operation being inspected. Such
which the United States or the Indian permission shall include access to se-
lessors share in production shall be in- cured facilities on such lease sites for
spected annually whenever any of the the purpose of making any inspection
foregoing criteria are applicable. or investigation for determining
(b) In accomplishing the inspections, whether there is compliance with the
the authorized officer may utilize Bu- mineral leasing laws, the regulations
reau personnel, may enter into cooper- in this part, and any applicable orders,
ative agreements with States or Indian notices or directives.
Tribes, may delegate the inspection au- (c) For the purpose of making any in-
thority to any State, or may contract spection or investigation, the Sec-
with any non-Federal Government en- retary or his authorized representative
tities. Any cooperative agreement, del- shall have the same right to enter upon
egation or contractual arrangement or travel across any lease site as the
shall not be effective without concur- operator has acquired by purchase,
rence of the Secretary and shall in- condemnation or otherwise.
clude applicable provisions of the Fed-
eral Oil and Gas Royalty Management [47 FR 47765, Oct. 27, 1982. Redesignated and
Act. amended at 48 FR 36583–36586, Aug. 12, 1983; 49
FR 37364, Sept. 21, 1984; 53 FR 17363, May 16,
[49 FR 37363, Sept. 21, 1984, as amended at 52 1988]
FR 5391, Feb. 20, 1987]


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3162.2– 5

§ 3162.2 Drilling, producing, and drain- (c) We may offer for lease any quali-
age obligations. fying unleased mineral resources under
part 3120 of this chapter or enter into a
3162.2– 1 Drilling and producing obli- communitization agreement; or
gations. (d) We may approve a unit or
(a) The operator, at its election, may communitization agreement that pro-
drill and produce other wells in con- vides for payment of a royalty on pro-
formity with any system of well spac- duction attributable to unleased min-
ing or production allotments affecting eral resources as provided in § 3181.5.
the field or area in which the leased [66 FR 1893, Jan. 10, 2001]
lands are situated, and which is au-
thorized and sanctioned by applicable § 3162.2– 3 When am I responsible for
law or by the authorized officer. protecting my Federal or Indian
(b) After notice in writing, the les- lease from drainage?
see(s) and operating rights owner(s) You must protect your Federal or In-
shall promptly drill and produce such dian lease from drainage if your lease
other wells as the authorized officer is being drained of mineral resources
may reasonably require in order that by a well:
the lease may be properly and timely (a) Producing for the benefit of an-
developed and produced in accordance other mineral owner;
with good economic operating prac- (b) Producing for the benefit of the
tices. same mineral owner but with a lower
royalty rate; or
[66 FR 1892, Jan. 10, 2001. Redesignated at 66 (c) Located in a unit or
FR 1892, Jan. 10, 2001; 66 FR 24073, May 11,
communitization agreement, which
due to its Federal or Indian mineral
§ 3162.2– 2 What steps may BLM take to owner’s allocation or participation fac-
avoid uncompensated drainage of tor, generates less revenue for the
Federal or Indian mineral re- United States or the Indian mineral
sources? owner for the mineral resources pro-
If we determine that a well is drain- duced from your lease.
ing Federal or Indian mineral re- [66 FR 1893, Jan. 10, 2001]
sources, we may take any of the fol-
lowing actions: § 3162.2– 4 What protective action may
BLM require the lessee to take to
(a) If the mineral resources being protect the leases from drainage?
drained are in Federal or Indian leases,
we may require the lessee to drill and We may require you to:
produce all wells that are necessary to (a) Drill or modify and produce all
protect the lease from drainage, unless wells that are necessary to protect the
the conditions of this part are met. leased mineral resources from drain-
BLM will consider applicable Federal, age;
State, or Tribal rules, regulations, and (b) Enter into a unitization or
spacing orders when determining which communitization agreement with the
action to take. Alternatively, we may lease containing the draining well; or
accept other equivalent protective (c) Pay compensatory royalties for
measures; drainage that has occurred or is occur-
(b) If the mineral resources being ring.
drained are either unleased (including [66 FR 1893, Jan. 10, 2001]
those which may not be subject to leas-
ing) or in Federal or Indian leases, we § 3162.2– 5 Must I take protective ac-
may execute agreements with the own- tion when a protective well would
ers of interests in the producing well be uneconomic?
under which the United States or the You are not required to take any of
Indian lessor may be compensated for the actions listed in § 3162.2–4 if you can
the drainage (with the consent of the prove to BLM that when you first knew
Federal or (in consultation with the In- or had constructive notice of drainage
dian mineral owner and BIA) Indian you could not produce a sufficient
lessees, if any); quantity of oil or gas from a protective


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§ 3162.2– 6 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

well on your lease for a reasonable for any drainage that occurred when
profit above the cost of drilling, com- you held the lease interest.
pleting, and operating the protective
[66 FR 1893, Jan. 10, 2001]
[66 FR 1893, Jan. 10, 2001] § 3162.2– 9 What is my duty to inquire
about the potential for drainage
§ 3162.2– 6 When will I have construc- and inform BLM of my findings?
tive notice that drainage may be oc- (a) When you first acquire a lease in-
curring? terest, and at all times while you hold
(a) You have constructive notice that the lease interest, you must monitor
drainage may be occurring when well the drilling of wells in the same or ad-
completion or first production reports jacent spacing units and gather suffi-
for the draining well are filed with ei- cient information to determine wheth-
ther BLM, State oil and gas commis- er drainage is occurring. This informa-
sions, or regulatory agencies and are tion can be in various forms, including
publicly available. but not limited to, well completion re-
(b) If you operate or own any interest ports, sundry notices, or available pro-
in the draining well or lease, you have duction information. As a prudent les-
constructive notice that drainage may see, it is your responsibility to analyze
be occurring when you complete drill and evaluate this information and
stem, production, pressure analysis, or make the necessary calculations to de-
flow tests of the well. termine:
(1) The amount of drainage from pro-
[66 FR 1893, Jan. 10, 2001] duction of the draining well;
(2) The amount of mineral resources
§ 3162.2– 7 Who is liable for drainage if which will be drained from your Fed-
more than one person holds undi- eral or Indian lease during the life of
vided interests in the record title or
operating rights for the same lease? the draining well; and
(3) Whether a protective well would
(a) If more than one person holds be economic to drill.
record title interests in a portion of a (b) You must notify BLM within 60
lease that is subject to drainage, each days from the date of actual or con-
person is jointly and severally liable structive notice of:
for taking any action we may require (1) Which of the actions in § 3162.2–4
under this part to protect the lease you will take; or
from drainage, including paying com- (2) The reasons a protective well
pensatory royalty accruing during the would be uneconomic.
period and for the area in which it (c) If you do not have sufficient infor-
holds its record title interest. mation to comply with § 3162.2–9(b)(1),
(b) Operating rights owners are joint- indicate when you will provide the in-
ly and severally liable with each other formation.
and with all record title holders for (d) You must provide BLM with the
drainage affecting the area and hori- analysis under paragraph (a) of this
zons in which they hold operating section within 60 days after we request
rights during the period they hold op- it.
erating rights.
[66 FR 1893, Jan. 10, 2001]
[66 FR 1893, Jan. 10, 2001]
§ 3162.2– 10 Will BLM notify me when it
§ 3162.2– 8 Does my responsibility for determines that drainage is occur-
drainage protection end when I as- ring?
sign or transfer my lease interest? We will send you a demand letter by
If you assign your record title inter- certified mail, return receipt re-
est in a lease or transfer your oper- quested, or personally serve you with
ating rights, you are not liable for notice, if we believe that drainage is
drainage that occurs after the date we occurring. However, your responsi-
approve the assignment or transfer. bility to take protective action arises
However, you remain responsible for when you first knew or had construc-
the payment of compensatory royalties tive notice of the drainage, even when


VerDate 0ct<02>2002 10:25 Oct 10, 2002 Jkt 197173 PO 00000 Frm 00418 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\197173T.XXX 197173T
Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3162.3

that date precedes the BLM demand (c) The draining well stops producing;
letter. or
[66 FR 1894, Jan. 10, 2001] (d) You relinquish your interest in
the Federal or Indian lease.
§ 3162.2– 11 How soon after I know of [66 FR 1894, Jan. 10, 2001]
the likelihood of drainage must I
take protective action? § 3162.2– 13 If I acquire an interest in a
(a) You must take protective action lease that is being drained, will the
within a reasonable time after the ear- Department assess me for compen-
lier of: satory royalty?
(1) The date you knew or had con- If you acquire an interest in a Fed-
structive notice that the potentially eral or Indian lease through an assign-
draining well had begun to produce oil ment of record title or transfer of oper-
or gas; or ating rights under this part, you are
(2) The date we issued a demand let- liable for all drainage obligations ac-
ter for protective action. cruing on and after the date we ap-
(b) Since the time required to drill prove the assignment or transfer.
and produce a protective well varies
according to the location and condi- [66 FR 1894, Jan. 10, 2001]
tions of the oil and gas reservoir, BLM
will determine this on a case-by-case § 3162.2– 14 May I appeal BLM’s deci-
sion to require drainage protective
basis. When we determine whether you measures?
took protective action within a reason-
able time, we will consider several fac- You may appeal any BLM decision
tors including, but not limited to: requiring you take drainage protective
(1) Time required to evaluate the measures. You may request BLM State
characteristics and performance of the Director review under 43 CFR 3165.3
draining well; and/or appeal to the Interior Board of
(2) Rig availability; Land Appeals under 43 CFR part 4 and
(3) Well depth; subpart 1840.
(4) Required environmental analysis; [66 FR 1894, Jan. 10, 2001]
(5) Special lease stipulations which
provide limited time frames in which § 3162.2– 15 Who has the burden of
to drill; and proof if I appeal BLM’s drainage de-
(6) Weather conditions. termination?
(c) If BLM determines that you did BLM has the burden of establishing a
not take protection action timely, you prima facie case that drainage is occur-
will owe compensatory royalty for the ring and that you knew of such drain-
period of the delay under § 3162.2–12. age. Then the burden of proof shifts to
[66 FR 1894, Jan. 10, 2001] you to refute the existence of drainage
or to prove there was not sufficient in-
§ 3162.2– 12 If I hold an interest in a formation to put you on notice of the
lease, for what period will the De- need for drainage protection. You also
partment assess compensatory roy-
alty against me? have the burden of proving that drill-
ing and producing from a protective
The Department will assess compen- well would not be economically fea-
satory royalty beginning on the first sible.
day of the month following the earliest
reasonable time we determine you [66 FR 1894, Jan. 10, 2001]
should have taken protective action.
§ 3162.3 Conduct of operations.
You must continue to pay compen-
satory royalty until: (a) Whenever a change in operator oc-
(a) You drill sufficient economic pro- curs, the authorized officer shall be no-
tective wells and remain in continuous tified promptly in writing, and the new
production; operator shall furnish evidence of suffi-
(b) We approve a unitization or cient bond coverage in accordance with
communitization agreement that in- § 3106.6 and subpart 3104 of this title.
cludes the mineral resources being (b) A contractor on a leasehold shall
drained; be considered the agent of the operator


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§ 3162.3– 1 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

for such operations with full responsi- (3) Evidence of bond coverage as re-
bility for acting on behalf of the oper- quired by the Department of the Inte-
ator for purposes of complying with ap- rior regulations, and
plicable laws, regulations, the lease (4) Such other information as may be
terms, NTL’s, Onshore Oil and Gas Or- required by applicable orders and no-
ders, and other orders and instructions tices.
of the authorized officer. (e) Each drilling plan shall contain
the information specified in applicable
[53 FR 17363, May 16, 1988; 53 FR 31959, Aug.
22, 1988]
notices or orders, including a descrip-
tion of the drilling program, the sur-
§ 3162.3– 1 Drilling applications and face and projected completion zone lo-
plans. cation, pertinent geologic data, ex-
pected hazards, and proposed mitiga-
(a) Each well shall be drilled in con- tion measures to address such hazards.
formity with an acceptable well-spac- A drilling plan may be submitted for a
ing program at a surveyed well loca- single well or for several wells pro-
tion approved or prescribed by the au- posed to be drilled to the same zone
thorized officer after appropriate envi- within a field or area of geological and
ronmental and technical reviews (see environmental similarity. A drilling
§ 3162.5–1 of this title). An acceptable plan may be modified from time to
well-spacing program may be either (1) time as circumstances may warrant,
one which conforms with a spacing with the approval of the authorized of-
order or field rule issued by a State ficer.
Commission or Board and accepted by (f) The surface use plan of operations
the authorized officer, or (2) one which shall contain information specified in
is located on a lease committed to a applicable orders or notices, including
communitized or unitized tract at a lo- the road and drillpad location, details
cation approved by the authorized offi- of pad construction, methods for con-
cer, or (3) any other program estab- tainment and disposal of waste mate-
lished by the authorized officer. rial, plans for reclamation of the sur-
(b) Any well drilled on restricted In- face, and other pertinent data as the
dian land shall be subject to the loca- authorized officer may require. A sur-
tion restrictions specified in the lease face use plan of operations may be sub-
and/or Title 25 of the CFR. mitted for a single well or for several
(c) The operator shall submit to the wells proposed to be drilled in an area
authorized officer for approval an Ap- of environmental similarity.
plication for Permit to Drill for each (g) For Federal lands, upon receipt of
well. No drilling operations, nor sur- the Application for Permit to Drill or
face disturbance preliminary thereto, Notice of Staking, the authorized offi-
may be commenced prior to the au- cer shall post the following informa-
thorized officer’s approval of the per- tion for public inspection at least 30
mit. days before action to approve the Ap-
(d) The Application for Permit to plication for Permit to Drill: the com-
Drill process shall be initiated at least pany/operator name; the well name/
30 days before commencement of oper- number; the well location described to
ations is desired. Prior to approval, the the nearest quarter-quarter section (40
application shall be administratively acres), or similar land description in
and technically complete. A complete the case of lands described by metes
application consists of Form 3160–3 and and bounds, or maps showing the af-
the following attachments: fected lands and the location of all
(1) A drilling plan, which may al- tracts to be leased and of all leases al-
ready be on file, containing informa- ready issued in the general area; and
tion required by paragraph (e) of this any substantial modifications to the
section and appropriate orders and no- lease terms. Where the inclusion of
tices. maps in such posting is not prac-
(2) A surface use plan of operations ticable, maps of the affected lands
containing information required by shall be made available to the public
paragraph (f) of this section and appro- for review. This information also shall
priate orders and notices. be provided promptly by the authorized


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3162.3– 4

officer to the appropriate office of the § 3162.3– 2 Subsequent well operations.

Federal surface management agency, (a) A proposal for further well oper-
for lands the surface of which is not ations shall be submitted by the oper-
under Bureau jurisdiction, requesting ator on Form 3160–5 for approval by the
such agency to post the proposed ac- authorized officer prior to commencing
tion for public inspection for at least 30 operations to redrill, deepen, perform
days. The posting shall be in the office casing repairs, plug-back, alter casing,
of the authorized officer and in the ap- perform nonroutine fracturing jobs, re-
propriate surface managing agency if complete in a different interval, per-
other than the Bureau. The posting of form water shut off, commingling pro-
an Application for Permit to Drill is duction between intervals and/or con-
for information purposes only and is version to injection. If there is addi-
not an appealable decision. tional surface distubance, the proposal
(h) Upon initiation of the Application shall include a surface use plan of oper-
for Permit to Drill process, the author- ations. A subsequent report on these
ized officer shall consult with the ap- operations also will be filed on Form
propriate Federal surface management 3160–5. The authorized officer may pre-
agency and with other interested par- scribe that each proposal contain all or
ties as appropriate and shall take one a portion of the information set forth
of the following actions as soon as in § 3162.3–1 of this title.
practical, but in no event later than 5 (b) Unless additional surface disturb-
working days after the conclusion of ance is involved and if the operations
the 30-day notice period for Federal conform to the standard of prudent op-
lands, or within 30 days from receipt of erating practice, prior approval is not
the application for Indian lands: required for routine fracturing or
(1) Approve the application as sub- acidizing jobs, or recompletion in the
mitted or with appropriate modifica- same interval; however, a subsequent
tions or conditions; report on these operations must be
(2) Return the application and advise filed on Form 3160–5.
the applicant of the reasons for dis- (c) No prior approval or a subsequent
approval; or report is required for well cleanout
(3) Advise the applicant, either in work, routine well maintenance, or
bottom hole pressure surveys.
writing or orally with subsequent writ-
ten confirmation, of the reasons why [47 FR 47765, Oct. 27, 1982. Redesignated and
final action will be delayed along with amended at 48 FR 36583–36586, Aug. 12, 1983,
the date such final action can be ex- further amended at 52 FR 5391, Feb. 20, 1987;
53 FR 17363, May 16, 1988; 53 FR 22847, June
17, 1988]
The surface use plan of operations for
National Forest System lands shall be § 3162.3– 3 Other lease operations.
approved by the Secretary of Agri- Prior to commencing any operation
culture or his/her representative prior on the leasehold which will result in
to approval of the Application for Per- additional surface disturbance, other
mit to Drill by the authorized officer. than those authorized under § 3162.3–1
Appeals from the denial of approval of or § 3162.3–2 of this title, the operator
such surface use plan of operations shall submit a proposal on Form 3160–5
shall be submitted to the Secretary of to the authorized officer for approval.
Agriculture. The proposal shall include a surface
(i) Approval of the Application for use plan of operations.
Permit to Drill does not warrant or
[47 FR 47765, Oct. 27, 1982. Redesignated and
certify that the applicant holds legal amended at 48 FR 36583–36586, Aug. 12, 1983,
or equitable title to the subject lease(s) and amended at 52 FR 5391, Feb. 20, 1987; 53
which would entitle the applicant to FR 17363, May 16, 1988; 53 FR 22847, June 17,
conduct drilling operations. 1988]
[47 FR 47765, Oct. 27, 1982. Redesignated and § 3162.3– 4 Well abandonment.
amended at 48 FR 36583–36586, Aug. 12, 1983,
further amended at 52 FR 5391, Feb. 20, 1987; (a) The operator shall promptly plug
53 FR 17363, May 16, 1988; 53 FR 22846, June and abandon, in accordance with a plan
17, 1988; 53 FR 31958, Aug. 22, 1988] first approved in writing or prescribed


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§ 3162.4 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

by the authorized officer, each newly and other matters pertaining to oper-
completed or recompleted well in ations. With respect to production fa-
which oil or gas is not encountered in cilities and equipment, the record shall
paying quantities or which, after being include schematic diagrams as required
completed as a producing well, is dem- by applicable orders and notices.
onstrated to the satisfaction of the au- (b) Standard forms for providing
thorized officer to be no longer capable basic data are listed in NOTE 1 at the
of producing oil or gas in paying quan- beginning of this title. As noted on
tities, unless the authorized officer Form 3160–4, two copies of all electric
shall approve the use of the well as a and other logs run on the well must be
service well for injection to recover ad- submitted to the authorized officer.
ditional oil or gas or for subsurface dis- Upon request, the operator shall trans-
posal of produced water. In the case of
mit to the authorized officer copies of
a newly drilled or recompleted well,
such other records maintained in com-
the approval to abandon may be writ-
pliance with paragraph (a) of this sec-
ten or oral with written confirmation.
(b) Completion of a well as plugged
and abandoned may also include condi- (c) Not later than the 5th business
tioning the well as water supply source day after any well begins production on
for lease operations or for use by the which royalty is due anywhere on a
surface owner or appropriate Govern- lease site or allocated to a lease site, or
ment Agency, when authorized by the resumes production in the case of a
authorized officer. All costs over and well which has been off production for
above the normal plugging and aban- more than 90 days, the operator shall
donment expense will be paid by the notify the authorized officer by letter
party accepting the water well. or sundry notice, Form 3160–5, or orally
(c) No well may be temporarily aban- to be followed by a letter or sundry no-
doned for more than 30 days without tice, of the date on which such produc-
the prior approval of the authorized of- tion has begun or resumed.
ficer. The authorized officer may au- (d) All records and reports required
thorize a delay in the permanent aban- by this section shall be maintained for
donment of a well for a period of 12 6 years from the date they were gen-
months. When justified by the oper- erated. In addition, if the Secretary, or
ator, the authorized officer may au- his/her designee notifies the
thorize additional delays, no one of recordholder that the Department of
which may exceed an additional 12 the Interior has initiated or is partici-
months. Upon the removal of drilling pating in an audit or investigation in-
or producing equipment from the site volving such records, the records shall
of a well which is to be permanently be maintained until the Secretary, or
abandoned, the surface of the lands dis- his/her designee, releases the
turbed in connection with the conduct recordholder from the obligation to
of operations shall be reclaimed in ac- maintain such records.
cordance with a plan first approved or
prescribed by the authorized officer. [47 FR 47765, Oct. 27, 1982. Redesignated and
amended at 48 FR 36583–36586, Aug. 12, 1983; 49
[47 FR 47765, Oct. 27, 1982. Redesignated and FR 37364, Sept. 21, 1984; 52 FR 5391, Feb. 20,
amended at 48 FR 36583–36586, Aug. 12, 1983, 1987; 53 FR 17363, May 16, 1988]
further amended at 53 FR 17363, May 16, 1988;
53 FR 22847, June 17, 1988] § 3162.4– 2 Samples, tests, and surveys.
§ 3162.4 Records and reports. (a) During the drilling and comple-
tion of a well, the operator shall, when
§ 3162.4– 1 Well records and reports. required by the authorized officer, con-
(a) The operator shall keep accurate duct tests, run logs, and make other
and complete records with respect to surveys reasonably necessary to deter-
all lease operations including, but not mine the presence, quantity, and qual-
limited to, production facilities and ity of oil, gas, other minerals, or the
equipment, drilling, producing, re- presence or quality of water; to deter-
drilling, deepening, repairing, plugging mine the amount and/or direction of
back, and abandonment operations, deviation of any well from the


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3162.5– 1

verticial; and to determine the rel- case of Indian land, the lease number
evant characteristics of the oil and gas and lessor’s name, in the space pro-
reservoirs penetrated. vided in the upper right corner;
(b) After the well has been com- (b) Each well be listed separately by
pleted, the operator shall conduct peri- number, its location be given by 40-
odic well tests which will demonstrate acre subdivision (1⁄4 1⁄4 sec. or lot), sec-
the quantity and quality of oil and gas tion number, township, range, and me-
and water. The method and frequency ridian;
of such well tests will be specified in (c) The number of days each well pro-
appropriate notices and orders. When duced, whether oil or gas, and the num-
needed, the operator shall conduct rea- ber of days each input well was in oper-
sonable tests which will demonstrate ation be stated;
the mechanical integrity of the
(d) The quantity of oil, gas and water
downhole equipment.
produced, the total amount of gasoline,
(c) Results of samples, tests, and sur-
and other lease products recovered, and
veys approved or prescribed under this
other required information. When oil
section shall be provided to the author-
and gas, or oil, gas and gasoline, or
ized officer without cost to the lessor.
other hydrocarbons are concurrently
[47 FR 47765, Oct. 27, 1982. Redesignated and produced from the same lease, separate
amended at 48 FR 36583–36586, Aug. 12, 1983, reports on this form should be sub-
further amended at 53 FR 17363, May 16, 1988] mitted for oil and for gas and gasoline,
§ 3162.4– 3 Monthly report of oper- unless otherwise authorized or directed
ations (Form 3160– 6). by the authorized officer.
(e) The depth of each active or sus-
The operator shall report production
pended well, and the name, character,
data to BLM in accordance with the re-
and depth of each formation drilled
quirements of this section until re-
during the month, the date each such
quired to begin reporting to MMS pur-
depth was reached, the date and reason
suant to 30 CFR 216.50. When reporting
for every shut-down, the names and
production data to BLM in accordance
depths of important formation changes
with the requirements of this section,
and contents of formations, the
the operator shall either use Form
amount and size of any casing run
BLM 3160–6 or Form MMS– 3160. A
since last report, the dates and results
separate report of operations for each
of any tests such as production, water
lease shall be made on Form 3160–6 for
shut-off, or gasoline content, and any
each calendar month, beginning with
other noteworthy information on oper-
the month in which drilling operations
ations not specifically provided for in
are initiated, and shall be filed with
the form.
the authorized officer on or before the
10th day of the second month following (f) The footnote shall be completely
the operation month, unless an exten- filled out as required by the authorized
sion of time for the filing of such re- officer. If no runs or sales were made
port is granted by the authorized offi- during the calendar month, the report
cer. The report on this form shall dis- shall so state.
close accurately all operations con- [47 FR 47765, Oct. 27, 1982. Redesignated and
ducted on each well during each amended at 48 FR 36583–36586, Aug. 12, 1983; 52
month, the status of operations on the FR 5391, Feb. 20, 1987; 53 FR 16413, May 9,
last day of the month, and a general 1988]
summary of the status of operations on
the leased lands, and the report shall § 3162.5 Environment and safety.
be submitted each month until the
§ 3162.5– 1 Environmental obligations.
lease is terminated or until omission of
the report is authorized by the author- (a) The operator shall conduct oper-
ized officer. It is particularly necessary ations in a manner which protects the
that the report shall show for each cal- mineral resources, other natural re-
endar month: sources, and environmental quality. In
(a) The lease be identified by insert- that respect, the operator shall comply
ing the name of the United States land with the pertinent orders of the au-
office and the serial number, or in the thorized officer and other standards


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§ 3162.5– 2 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

and procedures as set forth in the ap- (e) The operator’s liability for dam-
plicable laws, regulations, lease terms ages to third parties shall be governed
and conditions, and the approved drill- by applicable law.
ing plan or subsequent operations plan.
[47 FR 47765, Oct. 27, 1982. Redesignated and
Before approving any Application for
amended at 48 FR 36583–36586, Aug. 12, 1983,
Permit to Drill submitted pursuant to further amended at 53 FR 17363, May 16, 1988;
§ 3162.3–1 of this title, or other plan re- 53 FR 22847, June 17, 1988]
quiring environmental review, the au-
thorized officer shall prepare an envi- § 3162.5– 2 Control of wells.
ronmental record of review or an envi-
(a) Drilling wells. The operator shall
ronmental assessment, as appropriate.
take all necessary precautions to keep
These environmental documents will
each well under control at all times,
be used in determining whether or not
and shall utilize and maintain mate-
an environmental impact statement is
required and in determining any appro- rials and equipment necessary to in-
priate terms and conditions of approval sure the safety of operating conditions
of the submitted plan. and procedures.
(b) The operator shall exercise due (b) Vertical drilling. The operator
care and diligence to assure that lease- shall conduct drilling operations in a
hold operations do not result in undue manner so that the completed well
damage to surface or subsurface re- does not deviate significantly from the
sources or surface improvements. All vertical without the prior written ap-
produced water must be disposed of by proval of the authorized officer. Sig-
injection into the subsurface, by ap- nificant deviation means a projected
proved pits, or by other methods which deviation of the well bore from the
have been approved by the authorized vertical of 10° or more, or a projected
officer. Upon the conclusion of oper- bottom hole location which could be
ations, the operator shall reclaim the less than 200 feet from the spacing unit
disturbed surface in a manner approved or lease boundary. Any well which de-
or reasonably prescribed by the author- viates more than 10° from the vertical
ized officer. or could result in a bottom hole loca-
(c) All spills or leakages of oil, gas, tion less than 200 feet from the spacing
produced water, toxic liquids, or waste unit or lease boundary without prior
materials, blowouts, fires, personal in- written approval must be promptly re-
juries, and fatalities shall be reported ported to the authorized officer. In
by the operator in accordance with these cases, a directional survey is re-
these regulations and as prescribed in quired.
applicable order or notices. The oper- (c) High pressure or loss of circulation.
ator shall exercise due diligence in tak- The operator shall take immediate
ing necessary measures, subject to ap- steps and utilize necessary resources to
proval by the authorized officer, to maintain or restore control of any well
control and remove pollutants and to in which the pressure equilibrium has
extinguish fires. An operator’s compli- become unbalanced.
ance with the requirements of the reg- (d) Protection of fresh water and other
ulations in this part shall not relieve minerals. The operator shall isolate
the operator of the obligation to com- freshwater-bearing and other usable
ply with other applicable laws and reg- water containing 5,000 ppm or less of
ulations. dissolved solids and other mineral-
(d) When reasonably required by the bearing formations and protect them
authorized officer, a contingency plan from contamination. Tests and surveys
shall be submitted describing proce- of the effectiveness of such measures
dures to be implemented to protect shall be conducted by the operator
life, property, and the environment.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3162.7– 1

using procedures and practices ap- number or do not have quarter-quarter

proved or prescribed by the authorized identification will satisfy these re-
officer. quirements until such time as the sign
[47 FR 47765, Oct. 27, 1982. Redesignated and
is replaced. All new signs shall have
amended at 48 FR 36583–36586, Aug. 12, 1983, identification as above, including quar-
further amended at 53 FR 17363, May 16, 1988] ter-quarter section.
(c) All facilities at which Federal or
§ 3162.5– 3 Safety precautions. Indian oil is stored shall be clearly
The operator shall perform oper- identified with a sign that contains the
ations and maintain equipment in a name of the operator, the lease serial
safe and workmanlike manner. The op- number or communitization or unit
erator shall take all precautions nec- agreement identification number, as
essary to provide adequate protection appropriate, and in public land states,
for the health and safety of life and the the quarter-quarter section, township,
protection of property. Compliance and range. On Indian leases, the sign
with health and safety requirements also shall include the name of the ap-
prescribed by the authorized officer propriate Tribe and whether the lease
shall not relieve the operator of the re- is tribal or allotted. For situations of 1
sponsibility for compliance with other tank battery servicing 1 well in the
pertinent health and safety require- same location, the requirements of this
ments under applicable laws or regula- paragraph and paragraph (b) of this
tions. section may be met by 1 sign as long as
it includes the information required by
[47 FR 47765, Oct. 27, 1982. Redesignated and
amended at 48 FR 36583–36586, Aug. 12, 1983,
both paragraphs. In addition, each
further amended at 53 FR 17363, May 16, 1988] storage tank shall be clearly identified
by a unique number. All identification
§ 3162.6 Well and facility identifica- shall be maintained in legible condi-
tion. tion and shall be clearly apparent to
(a) Every well within a Federal or In- any person at or approaching the sales
dian lease or supervised agreement or transportation point. With regard to
shall have a well indentification sign. the quarter-quarter designation and
All signs shall be maintained in a leg- the unique tank number, any such des-
ible condition. ignation established by state law or
(b) For wells located on Federal and regulation shall satisfy this require-
Indian lands, the operator shall prop- ment.
erly identify, by a sign in a con- (d) All abandoned wells shall be
spicuous place, each well, other than marked with a permanent monument
those permanently abandoned. The containing the information in para-
well sign shall include the well num- graph (b) of this section. The require-
ber, the name of the operator, the lease ment for a permanent monument may
serial number, the surveyed location be waived in writing by the authorized
(the quarter-quarter section, section, officer.
township and range or other authorized [52 FR 5391, Feb. 20, 1987, as amended at 53
survey designation acceptable to the FR 17363, May 16, 1988]
authorized officer; such as metes and
bounds). When approved by the author- § 3162.7 Measurement, disposition, and
ized officer, individual well signs may protection of production.
display only a unique well name and
number. When specifically requested § 3162.7– 1 Disposition of production.
by the authorized officer, the sign shall (a) The operator shall put into mar-
include the unit or communitization ketable condition, if economically fea-
name or number. The authorized offi- sible, all oil, other hydrocarbons, gas,
cer may also require the sign to in- and sulphur produced from the leased
clude the name of the Indian allottee land.
lessor(s) preceding the lease serial (b) Where oil accumulates in a pit,
number. In all cases, individual well such oil must either be (1) recirculated
signs in place on the effective date of through the regular treating system
this rulemaking which do not have the and returned to the stock tanks for
unit or communitization agreement sale, or (2) pumped into a stock tank


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§ 3162.7– 2 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

without treatment and measured for (e) When requested by the authorized
sale in the same manner as from any officer, the operator shall furnish stor-
sales tank in accordance with applica- age for royalty oil, on the leasehold or
ble orders and notices. In the absence at a mutually agreed upon delivery
of prior approval from the authorized point off the leased land without cost
officer, no oil should go to a pit except to the lessor, for 30 days following the
in an emergency. Each such occurrence end of the calendar month in which the
must be reported to the authorized offi- royalty accrued.
cer and the oil promptly recovered in (f) Any records generated under this
accordance with applicable orders and section shall be maintained for 6 years
notices. from the date they were generated or,
(c)(1) Any person engaged in trans- if notified by the Secretary, or his des-
porting by motor vehicle any oil from ignee, that such records are involved in
any lease site, or allocated to any such an audit or investigation, the records
lease site, shall carry on his/her person, shall be maintained until the
in his/her vehicle, or in his/her imme- recordholder is released by the Sec-
diate control, documentation showing retary from the obligation to maintain
at a minimum; the amount, origin, and them.
intended first purchaser of the oil. [47 FR 47765, Oct. 27, 1982. Redesignated and
(2) Any person engaged in trans- amended at 48 FR 36583–36586, Aug. 12, 1983; 49
porting any oil or gas by pipeline from FR 37364, Sept. 21, 1984; 53 FR 17363, May 16,
any lease site, or allocated to any lease 1988]
site, shall maintain documentation
showing, at a minimum, the amount, § 3162.7– 2 Measurement of oil.
origin, and intended first purchaser of All oil production shall be measured
such oil or gas. on the lease by tank gauging, positive
(3) On any lease site, any authorized displacement metering system, or
representative who is properly identi- other methods acceptable to the au-
fied may stop and inspect any motor thorized officer, pursuant to methods
vehicle that he/she has probable cause and procedures prescribed in applicable
to believe is carrying oil from any such orders and notices. Where production
lease site, or allocated to such lease cannot be measured due to spillage or
site, to determine whether the driver leakage, the amount of production
possesses proper documentation for the shall be determined in accordance with
load of oil. the methods and procedures approved
(4) Any authorized representative or prescribed by the authorized officer.
who is properly identified and who is Off-lease storage or measurement, or
accompanied by an appropriate law en- commingling with production from
forcement officer, or an appropriate other sources prior to measurement,
law enforcement officer alone, may may be approved by the authorized of-
stop and inspect any motor vehicle ficer.
which is not on a lease site if he/she [47 FR 47765, Oct. 27, 1982. Redesignated and
has probable cause to believe the vehi- amended at 48 FR 36583–36586, Aug. 12, 1983; 49
cle is carrying oil from a lease site, or FR 37364, Sept. 21, 1984; 52 FR 5392, Feb. 20,
allocated to a lease site, to determine 1987]
whether the driver possesses proper
documentation for the load of oil. § 3162.7– 3 Measurement of gas.
(d) The operator shall conduct oper- All gas production shall be measured
ations in such a manner as to prevent by orifice meters or other methods ac-
avoidable loss of oil and gas. A oper- ceptable to the authorized officer on
ator shall be liable for royalty pay- the lease pursuant to methods and pro-
ments on oil or gas lost or wasted from cedures prescribed in applicable orders
a lease site, or allocated to a lease site, and notices. The measurement of the
when such loss or waste is due to neg- volume of all gas produced shall be ad-
ligence on the part of the operator of justed by computation to the standard
such lease, or due to the failure of the pressure and temperature of 14.73 psia
operator to comply with any regula- and 60° F unless otherwise prescribed
tion, order or citation issued pursuant by the authorized officer, regardless of
to this part. the pressure and temperature at which


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3162.7– 4

the gas is actually measured. Gas lost used less than 15 days during the
without measurement by meter shall month.
be estimated in accordance with meth- (c) When the initial production of a
ods prescribed in applicable orders and leasehold is made during the calendar
notices. Off-lease measurement or com- month, compute royalty on the basis of
mingling with production from other producing well days.
sources prior to measurement may be (d) When a new well is completed for
approved by the authorized officer. production on a previously producing
leasehold and produces for 10 days or
[47 FR 47765, Oct. 27, 1982. Redesignated and more during the calendar month in
amended at 48 FR 36583–36586, Aug. 12, 1983; 49 which it is brought in, count such new
FR 37364, Sept. 21, 1984; 52 FR 5392, Feb. 20,
wells as producing every day of the
month in arriving at the number of
§ 3162.7– 4 Royalty rates on oil; sliding producing well days. Do not count any
and step-scale leases (public land new well that produces for less than 10
only). days during the calendar month.
(e) Consider ‘‘head wells’’ that make
Sliding- and step-scale royalties are
their best production by intermittent
based on the average daily production
pumping or flowing as producing every
per well. The authorized officer shall day of the month, provided they are
specify which wells on a leasehold are regularly operated in this manner with
commercially productive, including in approval of the authorized officer.
that category all wells, whether pro- (f) For previously producing lease-
duced or not, for which the annual holds on which no wells produced for 15
value of permissible production would days or more, compute royalty on the
be greater than the estimated reason- basis of actual producing well days.
able annual lifting cost, but only wells (g) For previously producing lease-
that yield a commercial volume of pro- holds on which no wells were produc-
duction during at least part of the tive during the calendar month but
month shall be considered in from which oil was shipped, compute
ascertaining the average daily produc- royalty at the same royalty percentage
tion per well. The average daily pro- as that of the last preceding calendar
duction per well for a lease is computed month in which production and ship-
on the basis of a 28-, 29-, 30-, or 31-day ments were normal.
month (as the case may be), the num- (h) Rules for special cases not subject
ber of wells on the leasehold counted as to definition, such as those arising
producing, and the gross production from averaging the production from
from the leasehold. The authorized of- two distinct sands or horizons when the
ficer will determine which commer- production of one sand or horizon is
cially productive wells shall be consid- relatively insignificant compared to
ered each month as producing wells for that of the other, shall be made by the
the purpose of computing royalty in authorized officer as need arises.
accordance with the following rules, (i)(1) In the following summary of op-
and in the authorized officer’s discre- erations on a typical leasehold for the
tion may count as producing any com- month of June, the wells considered for
mercially productive well shut in for the purpose of computing royalty on
conservation purposes. the entire production of the property
(a) For a previously producing lease- for the months are indicated.
hold, count as producing for every day
of the month each previously pro- Well No. and record (marked
ducing well that produced 15 days or X)
more during the month, and disregard 1. Produced full time for 30 days ............................. X
wells that produced less than 15 days 2. Produced for 26 days; down 4 days for repairs .. X
during the month. 3. Produced for 28 days; down June 5, 12 hours, X
rods; June 14, 6 hours, engine down; June 26,
(b) Wells approved by the authorized 24 hours, pulling rods and tubing.
officer as input wells shall be counted 4. Produced for 12 days; down June 13 to 30.
as producing wells for the entire month 5. Produced for 8 hours every day (head well) ....... X
6. Idle producer (not operated).
if so used 15 days or more during the 7. New well, completed June 17; produced for 14 X
month and shall be disregarded if so days.


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§ 3162.7– 5 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

Count otherwise modified by other subpara-

Well No. and record (marked graphs of this paragraph, and any
equipment needed for effective sealing,
8. New well, completed June 22; produced for 9 excluding the seals, shall be located at
the site. For a minimum of 6 years the
operator shall maintain a record of seal
(2) In this example, there are eight
numbers used and shall document on
wells on the leasehold, but wells No. 4,
which valves or connections they were
6, and 8 are not counted in computing
used as well as when they were in-
royalties. Wells No. 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 are
stalled and removed. The site facility
counted as producing for 30 days. The
diagram(s) shall show which valves will
average production per well per day is
be sealed in which position during both
determined by dividing the total pro-
the production and sales phases of op-
duction of the leasehold for the month
(including the oil produced by wells 4
(2) Each Lease Automatic Custody
and 8) by 5 (the number of wells count-
Transfer (LACT) system shall employ
ed as producing), and dividing the
meters that have non-resettable total-
quotient thus obtained by the number
izers. There shall be no by-pass piping
of days in the month.
around the LACT. All components of
[53 FR 1226, Jan. 15, 1988, as amended at 53 the LACT that are used for volume or
FR 17364, May 16, 1988] quality determinations of the oil shall
be effectively sealed. For systems
§ 3162.7– 5 Site security on Federal and where production may only be removed
Indian (except Osage) oil and gas through the LACT, no sales or equal-
izer valves need be sealed. However,
(a) Definitions. any valves which may allow access for
Appropriate valves. Those valves in a removal of oil before measurement
particular piping system, i.e., fill lines, through the LACT shall be effectively
equalizer or overflow lines, sales lines, sealed.
circulating lines, and drain lines that (3) There shall be no by-pass piping
shall be sealed during a given oper- around gas meters. Equipment which
ation. permits changing the orifice plate
Effectively sealed. The placement of a without bleeding the pressure off the
seal in such a manner that the position gas meter run is not considered a by-
of the sealed valve may not be altered pass.
without the seal being destroyed. (4) For oil measured and sold by hand
Production phase. That period of time gauging, all appropriate valves shall be
or mode of operation during which sealed during the production or sales
crude oil is delivered directly to or phase, as applicable.
through production vessels to the stor- (5) Circulating lines having valves
age facilities and includes all oper- which may allow access to remove oil
ations at the facility other than those from storage and sales facilities to any
defined by the sales phase. other source except through the treat-
Sales phase. That period of time or ing equipment back to storage shall be
mode of operation during which crude effectively sealed as near the storage
oil is removed from the storage facili- tank as possible.
ties for sales, transportation or other (6) The operator, with reasonable fre-
purposes. quency, shall inspect all leases to de-
Seal. A device, uniquely numbered, termine production volumes and that
which completely secures a valve. the minimum site security standards
(b) Minimum Standards. Each operator are being met. The operator shall re-
of a Federal or Indian lease shall com- tain records of such inspections and
ply with the following minimum stand- measurements for 6 years from genera-
ards to assist in providing account- tion. Such records and measurements
ability of oil or gas production: shall be available to any authorized of-
(1) All lines entering or leaving oil ficer or authorized representative upon
storage tanks shall have valves capable request.
of being effectively sealed during the (7) Any person removing oil from a
production and sales operations unless facility by motor vehicle shall possess


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3162.7– 5

the identification documentation re- included within the scope of the plan
quired by appicable NTL’s or onshore and the extent to which the plan is ap-
Orders while the oil is removed and plicable to each lease, unit, or
transported. communitized area so identified.
(8) Theft or mishandling of oil from a (2) The operator shall retain the plan
Federal or Indian lease shall be re- but shall notify the authorized officer
ported to the authorized officer as soon of its completion and which leases,
as discovered, but not later than the unit and communitized areas are in-
next business day. Said report shall in- volved. Such notification is due at the
clude an estimate of the volume of oil time the plan is completed as required
involved. Operators also are expected by paragraph (c)(1) of this section,
to report such thefts promptly to local Such notification shall include the lo-
law enforcement agencies and internal
cation and normal business hours of
company security.
the office where the plan will be main-
(9) Any operator may request the au-
tained. Upon request, all plans shall be
thorized officer to approve a variance
made available to the authorized offi-
from any of the minimum standards
prescribed by this section. The vari- cer.
ance request shall be submitted in (3) The plan shall include the fre-
writing to the authorized officer who quency and method of the operator’s
may consider such factors as regional inspection and production volume rec-
oil field facility characteristics and ordation. The authorized officer may,
fenced, guarded sites. The authorized upon examination, require adjustment
officer may approve a variance if the of the method or frequency of inspec-
proposed alternative will ensure meas- tion.
ures equal to or in excess of the min- (d) Site facility diagrams. (1) Facility
imum standards provided in paragraph diagrams are required for all facilities
(b) of this section wil be put in place to which are used in storing oil/conden-
detect or prevent internal and external sate produced from, or allocated to,
theft, and will result in proper produc- Federal or Indian lands. Facility dia-
tion accountability. grams shall be filed within 60 days
(c) Site security plans. (1) Site security after new measurement facilities are
plans, which include the operator’s installed or existing facilities are
plan for complying with the minimum modified or following the inclusion of
standards enumerated in paragraph (b) the facility into a federally supervised
of this section for ensuring account- unit or communitization agreement.
ability of oil/condensate production are (2) No format is prescribed for facil-
required for all facilities and such fa- ity diagrams. They are to be prepared
cilities shall be maintained in compli- on 81⁄2″×11″ paper, if possible, and be
ance with the plan. For new facilities, legible and comprehensible to a person
notice shall be given that it is subject with ordinary working knowledge of oil
to a specific existing plan, or a notice
field operations and equipment. The
of a new plan shall be submitted, no
diagram need not be drawn to scale.
later than 60 days after completion of
construction or first production or fol- (3) A site facility diagram shall accu-
lowing the inclusion of a well on com- rately reflect the actual conditions at
mitted non-Federal lands into a feder- the site and shall, commencing with
ally supervised unit or the header if applicable, clearly iden-
communitization agreement, which- tify the vessels, piping, metering sys-
ever occurs first, and on that date the tem, and pits, if any, which apply to
facilities shall be in compliance with the handling and disposal of oil, gas
the plan. At the operator’s option, a and water. The diagram shall indicate
single plan may include all of the oper- which valves shall be sealed and in
ator’s leases, unit and communitized what position during the production or
areas, within a single BLM district, sales phase. The diagram shall clearly
provided the plan clearly identifies identify the lease on which the facility
each lease, unit, or communitized area is located and the site security plan to


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§ 3163.1 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

which it is subject, along with the loca- may be taken only after due notice, in
tion of the plan. writing, has been given;
(4) When necessary for compliance,
[47 FR 47765, Oct. 27, 1982. Redesignated at 48
FR 36583–36586, Aug. 12, 1983, and amended at
the authorized officer may enter upon
52 FR 5392, Feb. 20, 1987. Redesignated at 53 a lease and perform, or have performed,
FR 1218, Jan. 15, 1988; 53 FR 24688, June 30, at the sole risk and expense of the op-
1988] erator, operations that the operator
fails to perform when directed in writ-
ing by the authorized officer. Appro-
Subpart 3163— Noncompliance, priate charges shall include the actual
Assessments, and Penalties cost of performance, plus an additional
§ 3163.1 Remedies for acts of non- 25 percent of such amount to com-
compliance. pensate the United States for adminis-
trative costs. The operator shall be
(a) Whenever an operating rights provided with a reasonable period of
owner or operator fails or refuses to time either to take corrective action
comply with the regulations in this or to show why the lease should not be
part, the terms of any lease or permit, entered;
or the requirements of any notice or (5) Continued noncompliance may
order, the authorized officer shall no- subject the lease to cancellation and
tify the operating rights owner or oper- forfeiture under the bond. The operator
ator, as appropriate, in writing of the shall be provided with a reasonable pe-
violation or default. Such notice shall riod of time either to take corrective
also set forth a reasonable abatement action or to show why the lease should
period: not be recommended for cancellation;
(1) If the violation or default is not (6) Where actual loss or damage has
corrected within the time allowed, the occurred as a result of the operator’s
authorized officer may subject the op- noncompliance, the actual amount of
erating rights owner or operator, as ap- such loss or damage shall be charged to
propriate, to an assessment of not the operator.
more than $500 per day for each day (b) Certain instances of noncompli-
nonabatement continues where the vio- ance are violations of such a serious
lation or default is deemed a major vio- nature as to warrant the imposition of
lation; immediate assessments upon dis-
(2) Where noncompliance involves a covery. Upon discovery the following
minor violation, the authorized officer violations shall result in immediate as-
may subject the operating rights owner sessments, which may be retroactive,
or operator, as appropriate, to an as- in the following specified amounts per
sessment of $250 for failure to abate the violation:
violation or correct the default within (1) For failure to install blowout pre-
the time allowed; venter or other equivalent well control
(3) When necessary for compliance, or equipment, as required by the approved
where operations have been com- drilling plan, $500 per day for each day
menced without approval, or where that the violation existed, including
continued operations could result in days the violation existed prior to dis-
immediate, substantial, and adverse covery, not to exceed $5,000;
impacts on public health and safety, (2) For drilling without approval or
the environment, production account- for causing surface disturbance on Fed-
ability, or royalty income, the author- eral or Indian surface preliminary to
ized officer may shut down operations. drilling without approval, $500 per day
Immediate shut-in action may be for each day that the violation existed,
taken where operations are initiated including days the violation existed
and conducted without prior approval, prior to discovery, not to exceed $5,000;
or where continued operations could (3) For failure to obtain approval of a
result in immediate, substantial, and plan for well abandonment prior to
adverse impacts on public health and commencement of such operations,
safety, the environment, production $500.
accountability, or royalty income. (c) Assessments under paragraph
Shut-in actions for other situations (a)(1) of this section shall not exceed


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3163.2

$1,000 per day, per operating rights tion for each day the violation con-
owner or operator, per lease. Assess- tinues, not to exceed a maximum of 60
ments under paragraph (a)(2) of this days, dating from the date of such no-
section shall not exceed a total of $500 tice or report. Any amount imposed
per operating rights owner or operator, and paid as assessments under the pro-
per lease, per inspection. visions of § 3163.1(a)(1) of this title shall
(d) Continued noncompliance shall be deducted from penalties under this
subject the operating rights owner or section.
operator, as appropriate, to penalties (c) In the event the authorized officer
described in § 3163.2 of this title. agrees to an abatement period of more
(e) On a case-by-case basis, the State than 20 days, the date of notice shall be
Director may compromise or reduce as- deemed to be 20 days prior to the end of
sessments under this section. In com- such longer abatement period for the
promising or reducing the amount of purpose of civil penalty calculation.
the assessment, the State Director
(d) Whenever a transporter fails to
shall state in the record the reasons for
permit inspection for proper docu-
such determination.
mentation by any authorized rep-
[52 FR 5393, Feb. 20, 1987; 52 FR 10225, Mar. 31, resentative, as provided in § 3162.7–1(c)
1987, as amended at 53 FR 17364, May 16, 1988; of this title, the transporter shall be
53 FR 22847, June 17, 1988] liable for a civil penalty of up to $500
§ 3163.2 Civil penalties. per day for the violation, not to exceed
a maximum of 20 days, dating from the
(a) Whenever an operating rights date of notice of the failure to permit
owner or operator, as appropriate, fails inspection and continuing until the
or refuses to comply with any applica- proper documentation is provided.
ble requirements of the Federal Oil and
(e) Any person shall be liable for a
Gas Royalty Management Act, any
civil penalty of up to $10,000 per viola-
mineral leasing law, any regulation
tion for each day such violation con-
thereunder, or the terms of any lease
tinues, not to exceed a maximum of 20
or permit issued thereunder, the au-
days if he/she:
thorized officer shall notify the oper-
ating rights owner or operator, as ap- (1) Fails or refuses to permit lawful
propriate, in writing of the violation, entry or inspection authorized by
unless the violation was discovered and § 3162.1(b) of this title; or
reported to the authorized officer by (2) Knowingly or willfully fails to no-
the liable person or the notice was pre- tify the authorized officer by letter or
viously issued under § 3163.1 of this Sundry Notice, Form 3160–5 or orally to
title. If the violation is not corrected be followed by a letter or Sundry No-
within 20 days of such notice or report, tice, not later than the 5th business
or such longer time as the authorized day after any well begins production on
officer may agree to in writing, the op- which royalty is due, or resumes pro-
erating rights owner or operator, as ap- duction in the case of a well which has
propriate, shall be liable for a civil been off of production for more than 90
penalty of up to $500 per violation for days, from a well located on a lease
each day such violation continues, dat- site, or allocated to a lease site, of the
ing from the date of such notice or re- date on which such production began
port. Any amount imposed and paid as or resumed.
assessments under the provisions of (f) Any person shall be liable for a
§ 3163.1(a)(1) of this title shall be de- civil penalty of up to $25,000 per viola-
ducted from penalties under this sec- tion for each day such violation con-
tion. tinues, not to exceed a maximum of 20
(b) If the violation specified in para- days if he/she:
graph (a) of this section is not cor- (1) Knowingly or willfully prepares,
rected within 40 days of such notice or maintains or submits false, inaccurate
report, or a longer period as the au- or misleading reports, notices, affida-
thorized officer may agree to in writ- vits, records, data or other written in-
ing, the operating rights owner or oper- formation required by this part; or
ator, as appropriate, shall be liable for (2) Knowingly or willfully takes or
a civil penalty of up to $5,000 per viola- removes, transports, uses or diverts


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§ 3163.3 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

any oil or gas from any Federal or In- of $100 per day, per operating rights
dian lease site without having valid owner or operator, per lease under
legal authority to do so; or paragraph (a) of this section, of $1,000
(3) Purchases, accepts, sells, trans- per day, per operating rights owner or
ports or conveys to another any oil or operator, per lease under paragraph (b)
gas knowing or having reason to know of this section.
that such oil or gas was stolen or un- (h) On a case-by-case basis, the Sec-
lawfully removed or diverted from a retary may compromise or reduce civil
Federal or Indian lease site. penalties under this section. In com-
(g) Determinations of Penalty promising or reducing the amount of a
Amounts for this section are as fol- civil penalty, the Secretary shall state
lows: on the record the reasons for such de-
(1) For major violations, all initial termination.
proposed penalties shall be at the max- (i) Civil penalties provided by this
imum rate provided in paragraphs (a), section shall be supplemental to, and
(b), and (d) through (f) of this section, not in derogation of, any other pen-
i.e., in paragraph (a) of this section, alties or assessments for noncompli-
the initial proposed penalty for a major ance in any other provision of law, ex-
violation shall be at the rate of $500 per cept as provided in paragraphs (a) and
day through the 40th day of a non- (b) of this section.
compliance beginning after service of (j) If the violation continues beyond
notice, and in paragraph (b) of this sec- the 60-day maximum specified in para-
tion, $5,000 per day for each day the graph (b) of this section or beyond the
violation remains uncorrected after 20 day maximum specified in para-
the date of notice or report of the vio- graphs (e) and (f) of this section, lease
lation. Such penalties shall not exceed cancellation proceedings shall be initi-
a rate of $1,000 per day, per operating ated under either Title 43 or Title 25 of
rights owner or operator, per lease the Code of Federal Regulations.
under paragraph (a) of this section or (k) If the violation continues beyond
$10,000 per day, per operating rights the 20-day maximum specified in para-
owner or operator, per lease under graph (d) of this section, the authorized
paragraph (b) of this section. For para- officer shall revoke the transporter’s
graphs (d) through (f) of this section, authority to remove crude oil or other
the rate shall be $500, $10,000, and liquid hydrocarbons from any Federal
$25,000, respectively. or Indian lease under the authority of
(2) For minor violations, no penalty that authorized officer or to remove
under paragraph (a) of this section any crude oil or liquid hydrocarbons al-
shall be assessed unless: location to such lease site. This revoca-
(i) The operating rights owner or op- tion of the transporter’s authority
erator, as appropriate, has been noti- shall continue until compliance is
fied of the violation in writing and did achieved and related penalty paid.
not correct the violation within the
[52 FR 5393, Feb. 20, 1987; 52 FR 10225, Mar. 31,
time allowed; and 1987, as amended at 53 FR 17364, May 16, 1988]
(ii) The operating rights owner or op-
erator, as appropriate, has been as- § 3163.3 Criminal penalties.
sessed $250 under § 3163.1 of this title
Any person who commits an act for
and a second notice has been issued
which a civil penalty is provided in
giving an abatement period of not less
§ 3163.4–1(b)(6) of this title shall, upon
than 20 days; and
conviction, be punished by a fine of not
(iii) The noncompliance was not
more than $50,000 or by imprisonment
abated within the time allowed by the
for not more than 2 years or both.
second notice. The initial proposed
penalty for a minor violation under [49 FR 37367, Sept. 21, 1984. Redesignated at
paragraph (a) of this section shall be at 52 FR 5394, Feb 20, 1987]
the rate of $50 per day beginning with
the date of the second notice. Under § 3163.4 Failure to pay.
paragraph (b) of this section, the pen- If any person fails to pay an assess-
alty shall be at a daily rate of $500. ment or a civil penalty under § 3163.1 or
Such penalties shall not exceed a rate § 3163.2 of this title after the order


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3164.1

making the assessment or penalty be- from any sums owing by the United
comes a final order, and if such person States to the person charged.
does not file a petition for judicial re- [47 FR 47765, Oct. 27, 1982. Redesignated and
view in accordance with this subpart, amended at 48 FR 36583–36586, Aug. 12, 1983; 49
or, after a court in an action brought FR 37368, Sept. 21, 1984; 52 FR 5394, Feb. 20,
under this subpart has entered a final 1987; 52 FR 10225, Mar. 31, 1987; 53 FR 17364,
judgment in favor of the Secretary, the May 16, 1988]
court shall have jurisdiction to award
§ 3163.6 Injunction and specific per-
the amount assessed plus interest from formance.
the date of the expiration of the 90-day
(a) In addition to any other remedy
period provided by § 3165.4(e) of this
under this part or any mineral leasing
title. The Federal Oil and Gas Royalty
law, the Attorney General of the
Management Act requires that any
United States or his designee may
judgment by the court shall include an bring a civil action in a district court
order to pay. of the United States to:
[52 FR 5394, Feb. 20, 1987; 52 FR 10225, Mar. 31, (1) Restrain any violation of the Fed-
1987] eral Oil and Gas Royalty and Manage-
ment Act or any mineral leasing law of
§ 3163.5 Assessments and civil pen- the United States; or
alties. (2) Compel the taking of any action
(a) Assessments made under § 3163.1 of required by or under the Act or any
this title are due upon issuance and mineral leasing law of the United
shall be paid within 30 days of receipt States.
(b) A civil action described in para-
of certified mail written notice or per-
graph (a) may be brought only in the
sonal service, as directed by the au-
United States district court of the judi-
thorized officer in the notice. Failure
cial district wherein the act, omission
to pay assessed damages timely will be or transaction constituting a violation
subject to late payment charges as pre- under the Act or any other mineral
scribed under Title 30 CFR Group 202. leasing law occurred, or wherein the
(b) Civil penalties under § 3163.2 of defendant is found or transacts busi-
this title shall be paid within 30 days of ness.
completion of any final order of the
[49 FR 37368, Sept. 21, 1984]
Secretary or the final order of the
(c) Payments made pursuant to this Subpart 3164— Special Provisions
section shall not relieve the respon- § 3164.1 Onshore Oil and Gas Orders.
sible party of compliance with the reg-
ulations in this part or from liability (a) The Director is authorized to
for waste or any other damage. A waiv- issue Onshore Oil and Gas Orders when
necessary to implement and supple-
er of any particular assessment shall
ment the regulations in this part. All
not be construed as precluding an as-
orders will be published in the FEDERAL
sessment pursuant to § 3163.1 of this REGISTER both for public comment and
title for any other act of noncompli- in final form.
ance occurring at the same time or at (b) These Orders are binding on oper-
any other time. The amount of any ating rights owners and operators, as
civil penalty under § 3163.2 of this title, appropriate, of Federal and restricted
as finally determined, may be deducted Indian oil and gas leases which have
been, or may hereafter be, issued. The
Onshore Oil and Gas Orders listed
below are currently in effect:
Order Subject Effective date FEDERAL REGISTER reference per-
No. sedes

1. Approval of operations ............. Nov. 21, 1983 ....................................... 48 FR 48916 and 48 FR 56226 ....... NTL–
2. Drilling ...................................... Dec. 19, 1988 ....................................... 53 FR 46790 ..................................... None.


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§ 3164.2 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

Order Subject Effective date FEDERAL REGISTER reference per-
No. sedes

3. Site security ............................. Mar. 27, 1989 ....................................... 54 FR 8056 ....................................... NTL–
4. Measurement of oil .................. Aug. 23, 1989 ....................................... 54 FR 8086 ....................................... None.
5. Measurement of gas ................ Mar. 27, 1989, new facilities greater 54 FR 8100 ....................................... None.
than 200 MCF production; Aug. 23,
1989, existing facility greater than
200 MCF production; Feb. 26, 1990,
existing facility less than 200 MCF
6. Hydrogen sulfide operations .... Jan. 22, 1991 ....................................... 55 FR 48958 ..................................... None.
7. Disposal of produced water ..... October 8, 1993 ................................... 58 FR 47354 ..................................... NTL–
Note: Numbers to be assigned sequentially by the Washington Office as proposed Orders are prepared for publication.

[47 FR 47765, Oct. 27, 1982. Redesignated at 48 FR 36583–36586, Aug. 12, 1983, and amended at
48 FR 48921, Oct. 21, 1983; 48 FR 56226, Dec. 20, 1983; 53 FR 17364, May 16, 1988; 54 FR 8060, Feb.
24, 1989; 54 FR 8092, Feb. 24, 1989; 54 FR 8106, Feb. 24, 1989; 54 FR 39527, 39529, Sept. 27, 1989;
56 FR 48967, Nov. 23, 1991; 57 FR 3025, Jan. 27, 1992; 58 FR 47361, Sept. 8, 1993; 58 FR 58505, Nov.
2, 1993]

§ 3164.2 NTL’s and other implementing aid production such as water disposal
procedures. pits and lines, and gas or water injec-
(a) The authorized officer is author- tion lines.
ized to issue NTL’s when necessary to (c) On National Forest System lands,
implement the onshore oil and gas or- the Forest Service shall regulate all
ders and the regulations in this part. surface disturbing activities in accord-
All NTL’s will be issued after notice ance with Forest Service regulations,
and opportunity for comment. including providing to the authorized
(b) All NTL’s issued prior to the pro- officer appropriate approvals of such
mulgation of these regulations shall re- activities.
main in effect until modified, super- [47 FR 47765, Oct. 27, 1982. Redesignated and
seded by an Onshore Oil and Gas Order, amended at 48 FR 36583–36586, Aug. 12, 1983,
or otherwise terminated. further amended at 53 FR 17364, May 16, 1988;
(c) A manual and other written in- 53 FR 22847, June 17, 1988]
structions will be used to provide pol-
§ 3164.4 Damages on restricted Indian
icy and procedures for internal guid- lands.
ance of the Bureau of Land Manage-
ment. Assessments for damages to lands,
crops, buildings, and to other improve-
§ 3164.3 Surface rights. ments on restricted Indian lands shall
(a) Operators shall have the right of be made by the Superintendent and be
surface use only to the extent specifi- payable in the manner prescribed by
cally granted by the lease. With re- said official.
spect to restricted Indian lands, addi-
tional surface rights may be exercised Subpart 3165— Relief, Conflicts,
when granted by a written agreement and Appeals
with the Indian surface owner and ap-
proved by the Superintendent of the In- § 3165.1 Relief from operating and pro-
dian agency having jurisdiction. ducing requirements.
(b) Except for the National Forest (a) Applications for relief from either
System lands, the authorized officer is the operating or the producing require-
responsible for approving and super- ments of a lease, or both, shall be filed
vising the surface use of all drilling, with the authorized officer, and shall
development, and production activities include a full statement of the cir-
on the leasehold. This includes storage cumstances that render such relief nec-
tanks and processing facilities, sales essary.
facilities, all pipelines upstream from (b) The authorized officer shall act on
such facilities, and other facilities to applications submitted for a suspension


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3165.3

of operations or production, or both, § 3165.3 Notice, State Director review

filed pursuant to § 3103.4–4 of this title. and hearing on the record.
The application for suspension shall be (a) Notice. Whenever an operating
filed with the authorized officer prior rights owner or operator, as appro-
to the expiration date of the lease; priate, fails to comply with any provi-
shall be executed by all operating sions of the lease, the regulations in
rights owners or, in the case of a Fed- this part, applicable orders or notices,
eral unit approved under part 3180 of or any other appropriate orders of the
this title, by the unit operator on be- authorized officer, written notice shall
half of the committed tracts or by all be given the appropriate party and the
operating rights owners of such tracts; lessee(s) to remedy any defaults or vio-
and shall include a full statement of lations. Written orders or a notice of
the circumstances that makes such re- violation, assessment, or proposed pen-
lief necessary. alty shall be issued and served by per-
(c) If approved, a suspension of oper- sonal service by an authorized officer
ations and production will be effective or by certified mail. Service shall be
on the first of the month in which the deemed to occur when received or 7
completed application was filed or the business days after the date it is
date specified by the authorized officer. mailed, whichever is earlier. Any per-
Suspensions will terminate when they son may designate a representative to
are no longer justified in the interest receive any notice of violation, assess-
of conservation, when such action is in ment, or proposed penalty on his/her
the interest of the lessor, or as other- behalf. In the case of a major violation,
wise stated by the authorized officer in the authorized officer shall make a
the approval letter. good faith effort to contact such des-
ignated representative by telephone to
[47 FR 47765, Oct. 27, 1982. Redesignated and
amended at 48 FR 36583–36586, Aug. 12, 1983, be followed by a written notice. Re-
further amended at 53 FR 17364, May 16, 1988; ceipt of notice shall be deemed to occur
61 FR 4752, Feb. 8, 1996] at the time of such verbal communica-
tion, and the time of notice and the
§ 3165.1– 1 Relief from royalty and rent- name of the receiving party shall be
al requirements. confirmed in the file. If the good faith
Applications for any modification au- effort to contact the designated rep-
thorized by law of the royalty or rental resentative is unsuccessful, notice of
requirements of a lease for lands of the the major violation may be given to
United States shall be filed in the of- any person conducting or supervising
fice of the authorized officer having ju- operations subject to the regulations in
risdiction of the lands. (For other regu- this part. In the case of a minor viola-
lations relating to royalty and rental tion, written notice shall be provided
relief, and suspension of operations and as described above. A copy of all or-
production, see part 3103 of this title.) ders, notices, or instructions served on
any contractor or field employee or
[48 FR 36586, Aug. 12, 1983, as amended at 53 designated representative shall also be
FR 17365, May 16, 1988]
mailed to the operator. Any notice in-
§ 3165.2 Conflicts between regulations. volving a civil penalty shall be mailed
to the operating rights owner.
In the event of any conflict between (b) State Director review. Any ad-
the regulations in this part and the versely affected party that contests a
regulations in title 25 CFR concerning notice of violation or assessment or an
oil and gas operations on Federal and instruction, order, or decision of the
Indian leaseholds, the regulations in authorized officer issued under the reg-
this part shall govern with respect to ulations in this part, may request an
the obligations in the conduct of oil administrative review, before the State
and gas operations, acts of noncompli- Director, either with or without oral
ance, and the jurisdiction and author- presentation. Such request, including
ity of the authorized officer. all supporting documentation, shall be
[47 FR 47765, Oct. 27, 1982. Redesignated and filed in writing with the appropriate
amended at 48 FR 36583–36586, Aug. 12, 1983, State Director within 20 business days
further amended at 53 FR 17365, May 16, 1988] of the date such notice of violation or


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§ 3165.3 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

assessment or instruction, order, or de- tive review. The State Director shall
cision was received or considered to issue a final decision within 10 business
have been received and shall be filed days of the receipt of a complete re-
with the appropriate State Director. quest for administrative review or,
Upon request and showing of good where oral presentation has been made,
cause, an extension for submitting sup- within 10 business days therefrom.
porting data may be granted by the Such decision shall represent the final
State Director. Such review shall in- Bureau decision from which further re-
clude all factors or circumstances rel- view may be obtained as provided in
evant to the particular case. Any party paragraph (c) of this section for pro-
who is adversely affected by the State posed penalties, and in § 3165.4 of this
Director’s decision may appeal that de- title for all decisions.
cision to the Interior Board of Land (e) Effect of request for State Director
Appeals as provided in § 3165.4 of this review or for hearing on the record. (1)
part. Any request for review by the State Di-
(c) Review of proposed penalties. Any rector under this section shall not re-
adversely affected party wishing to sult in a suspension of the requirement
contest a notice of proposed penalty for compliance with the notice of viola-
shall request an administrative review tion or proposed penalty, or stop the
before the State Director under the daily accumulation of assessments or
procedures set out in paragraph (b) of penalties, unless the State Director to
this section. However, no civil penalty whom the request is made so deter-
shall be assessed under this part until mines.
the party charged with the violation (2) Any request for a hearing on the
has been given the opportunity for a record before an administrative law
hearing on the record in accordance judge under this section shall not re-
with section 109(e) of the Federal Oil sult in a suspension of the requirement
and Gas Royalty Management Act.
for compliance with the decision, un-
Therefore, any party adversely affected
less the administrative law judge so de-
by the State Director’s decision on the
termines. Any request for hearing on
proposed penalty, may request a hear-
the record shall stop the accumulation
ing on the record before an Administra-
of additional daily penalties until such
tive Law Judge or, in lieu of a hearing,
time as a final decision is rendered, ex-
may appeal that decision directly to
cept that within 10 days of receipt of a
the Interior Board of Land Appeals as
request for a hearing on the record, the
provided in § 3165.4(b)(2) of this part. If
State Director may, after review of
such party elects to request a hearing
on the record, such request shall be such request, recommend that the Di-
filed in the office of the State Director rector reinstate the accumulation of
having jurisdiction over the lands cov- daily civil penalties until the violation
ered by the lease within 30 days of re- is abated. Within 45 days of the filing
ceipt of the State Director’s decision of the request for a hearing on the
on the notice of proposed penalty. record, the Director may reinstate the
Where a hearing on the record is re- accumulation of civil penalties if he/
quested, the State Director shall refer she determines that the public interest
the complete case file to the Office of requires a reinstatement of the accu-
Hearings and Appeals for a hearing be- mulation and that the violation is
fore an Administrative Law Judge in causing or threating immediate, sub-
accordance with part 4 of this title. A stantial and adverse impacts on public
decision shall be issued following com- health and safety, the environment,
pletion of the hearing and shall be production accountability, or royalty
served on the parties. Any party, in- income. If the Director does not rein-
cluding the United States, adversely state the daily accumulation within 45
affected by the decision of the Admin- days of the filing of the request for a
istrative Law Judge may appeal to the hearing on the record, the suspension
Interior Board of Land Appeals as pro- shall continue.
vided in § 3163.4 of this title. [52 FR 5394, Feb. 20, 1987; 52 FR 10225, Mar. 31,
(d) Action on request for State Director 1987, as amended at 53 FR 17365, May 16, 1988;
review. Action on request for administra- 66 FR 1894, Jan. 10, 2001]


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3165.4

§ 3165.4 Appeals. (3) The likelihood of irreparable

(a) Appeal of decision of State Director. harm to the appellant or resources if
Any party adversely affected by the de- the stay is not granted, and
cision of the State Director after State (4) Whether the public interest favors
Director review, under § 3165.3(b) of this granting the stay.
title, of a notice of violation or assess- Nothing in this paragraph shall dimin-
ment or of an instruction, order, or de- ish the discretionary authority of a
cision may appeal that decision to the State Director or Administrative Law
Interior Board of Land Appeals pursu- Judge to stay the effectiveness of a de-
ant to the regulations set out in part 4 cision subject to appeal pursuant to
of this title. paragraph (a) or (b) of this section
(b) Appeal from decision on a proposed upon a request by an adversely affected
penalty after a hearing on the record. (1) party or on the State Director’s or Ad-
Any party adversely affected by the de- ministrative Law Judge’s own initia-
cision of an Administrative Law Judge tive. If a State Director or Administra-
on a proposed penalty after a hearing tive Law Judge denies such a request,
on the record under § 3165.3(c) of this the requester can petition for a stay of
title may appeal that decision to the the denial decision by filing a petition
Interior Board of Land Appeals pursu- with the Interior Board of Land Ap-
ant to the regulations in part 4 of this peals that addresses the standards de-
title. scribed above in this paragraph.
(2) In lieu of a hearing on the record
(d) Effect of appeal on compliance re-
under § 3165.3(c) of this title, any party
quirements. Except as provided in para-
adversely affected by the decision of
the State Director on a proposed pen- graph (d) of this section, any appeal
alty may waive the opportunity for filed pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b)
such a hearing on the record by appeal- of this section shall not result in a sus-
ing directly to the Interior Board of pension of the requirement for compli-
Land Appeals under part 4 of this title. ance with the order or decision from
However, if the right to a hearing on which the appeal is taken unless the
the record is waived, further appeal to Interior Board of Land Appeals deter-
the District Court under section 109(j) mines that suspension of the require-
of the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty ments of the order or decision will not
Management Act is precluded. be detrimental to the interests of the
(c) Effect of an appeal on an approval/ lessor or upon submission and accept-
decision by a State Director or Adminis- ance of a bond deemed adequate to in-
trative Law Judge. All decisions and ap- demnify the lessor from loss or dam-
provals of a State Director or Adminis- age.
trator Law Judge under this part shall (e) Effect of appeal on assessments and
remain effective pending appeal unless penalties. (1) Except as provided in
the Interior Board of Land Appeals de- paragraph (d)(3) of this section, an ap-
termines otherwise upon consideration peal filed pursuant to paragraph (a) of
of the standards stated in this para- this section shall suspend the accumu-
graph. The provisions of 43 CFR 4.21(a) lation of additional daily assessments.
shall not apply to any decision or ap- However, the pendency of an appeal
proval of a State Director or Adminis- shall not bar the authorized officer
trative Law Judge under this part. A from assessing civil penalties under
petition for a stay of a decision or ap- § 3163.2 of this title in the event the op-
proval of a State Director or Adminis- erator has failed to abate the violation
trative Law Judge shall be filed with which resulted in the assessment. The
the Interior Board of Land Appeals, Of- Board of Land Appeals may issue ap-
fice of Hearings and Appeals, Depart- propriate orders to coordinate the
ment of the Interior, and shall show pending appeal and the pending civil
sufficient justification based on the penalty proceeding.
following standards: (2) Except as provided in paragraph
(1) The relative harm to the parties if (d)(3) of this section, an appeal filed
the stay is granted or denied, pursuant to paragraph (b) of this sec-
(2) The likelihood of the appellant’s tion shall suspend the accumulation of
success on the merits, additional daily civil penalties.


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Pt. 3180 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

(3) When an appeal is filed under PART 3180— ONSHORE OIL AND
paragraph (a) or (b) of this section, the GAS UNIT AGREEMENTS:
State Director may, within 10 days of UNPROVEN AREAS
receipt of the notice of appeal, rec-
ommend that the Director reinstate NOTE: Many existing unit agreements cur-
the accumulation of assessments and rently in effect specifically refer to the
daily civil penalties until such time as United States Geological Survey, USGS,
a final decision is rendered or until the Minerals Management Service, MMS, Super-
violation is abated. The Director may, visor, Conservation Manager, Deputy Con-
servation Manager, Minerals Manager and
if he/she determines that the public in- Deputy Minerals Manager in the body of the
terest requires it, reinstate such accu- agreements, as well as references to 30 CFR
mulation(s) upon a finding that the part 221 or specific sections thereof. Those
violation is causing or threatening im- references shall now be read in the context of
mediate substantial and adverse im- Secretarial Order 3087 and now mean either
the Bureau of Land Management or Minerals
pacts on public health and safety, the
Management Service, as appropriate.
environment, production account-
ability, or royalty income. If the Direc- Subpart 3180— Onshore Oil and Gas Unit
tor does not act on the recommenda- Agreements: General
tion to reinstate the accumulation(s)
within 45 days of the filing of the no-
3180.0–1 Purpose.
tice of appeal, the suspension shall con- 3180.0–2 Policy.
tinue. 3180.0–3 Authority.
(4) When an appeal is filed under 3180.0–5 Definitions.
paragraph (a) of this section from a de-
cision to require drainage protection, Subpart 3181— Application for Unit
BLM’s drainage determination will re-
main in effect during the appeal, not- 3181.1 Preliminary consideration of unit
withstanding the provisions of 43 CFR agreement.
4.21. Compensatory royalty and inter- 3181.2 Designation of unit area; depth of
test well.
est determined under 30 CFR Part 218 3181.3 Parties to unit agreement.
will continue to accrue throughout the 3181.4 Inclusion of non-Federal lands.
appeal. 3181.5 Compensatory royalty payment for
(f) Judicial review. Any person who is unleased Federal land.
aggrieved by a final order of the Sec-
retary under this section may seek re- Subpart 3182— Qualifications of Unit
view of such order in the United States
District Court for the judicial district 3182.1 Qualifications of unit operator.
in which the alleged violation oc-
curred. Because section 109 of the Fed- Subpart 3183— Filing and Approval of
eral Oil and Gas Royalty Management Documents
Act provides for judicial review of civil 3183.1 Where to file papers.
penalty determinations only where a 3183.2 Designation of area.
person has requested a hearing on the 3183.3 Executed agreements.
record, a waiver of such hearing pre- 3183.4 Approval of executed agreement.
3183.5 Participating area.
cludes further review by the district 3183.6 Plan of development.
court. Review by the district court 3183.7 Return of approved documents.
shall be on the administrative record
only and not de novo. Such an action Subpart 3184 [Reserved]
shall be barred unless filed within 90
days after issuance of final decision as Subpart 3185— Appeals
provided in § 4.21 of this title. 3185.1 Appeals.
[52 FR 5395, Feb. 20, 1987; 52 FR 10225, Mar. 31, Subpart 3186— Model Forms
1987, as amended at 53 FR 17365, May 16, 1988;
57 FR 9013, Mar. 13, 1992; 66 FR 1894, Jan. 10, 3186.1 Model onshore unit agreement for
2001] unproven areas.


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§ 3181.1 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

unit agreement are not regarded as a sets forth the rules of the Department
working interest. of the Interior relating to public avail-
[48 FR 26766, June 10, 1983. Redesignated and
ability of information contained in De-
amended at 48 FR 36587, Aug. 12, 1983; 51 FR partmental records, as provided under
34603, Sept. 30, 1986] this part at § 3100.4 of this chapter.
These data will be considered by the
Subpart 3181— Application for Unit authorized officer and the applicant
Agreement will be informed of the decision
reached. The designation of an area,
§ 3181.1 Preliminary consideration of pursuant to an application filed under
unit agreement. this section, shall not create an exclu-
The model unit agreement set forth sive right to submit an agreement for
in § 3186.1 of this title, is acceptable for such area, nor preclude the inclusion of
use in unproven areas. Unique situa- such area or any party thereof in an-
tions requiring special provisions other unit area.
should be clearly identified, since these [48 FR 26766, June 10, 1983. Redesignated at 48
and other special conditions may ne- FR 36587, Aug. 12, 1983, and amended at 63 FR
cessitate a modification of the model 52953, Oct. 1, 1998]
unit agreement set forth in § 3186.1 of
this title. Any proposed special provi- § 3181.3 Parties to unit agreement.
sions or other modifications of the
The owners of any right, title, or in-
model agreement should be submitted
terest in the oil and gas deposits to be
for preliminary consideration so that
unitized are regarded as proper parties
any necessary revision may be pre-
to a proposed agreement. All such par-
scribed prior to execution by the inter-
ested parties. Where Federal lands con- ties must be invited to join the agree-
stitute less than 10 percent of the total ment. If any party fails or refuses to
unit area, a non-Federal unit agree- join the agreement, the proponent of
ment may be used. Upon submission of the agreement, at the time it is filed
such an agreement, the authorized offi- for approval, must submit evidence of
cer will take appropriate action to reasonable effort made to obtain join-
commit the Federal lands. der of such party and, when requested,
the reasons for such nonjoinders. The
§ 3181.2 Designation of unit area; address of each signatory party to the
depth of test well. agreement should be inserted below the
An application for designation of an signature. Each signature should be at-
area as logically subject to develop- tested by at least one witness if not no-
ment under a unit agreement and for tarized. The signing parties may exe-
determination of the depth of a test cute any number of counterparts of the
well may be filed by a proponent of agreement with the same force and ef-
such an agreement at the proper BLM fect as if all parties signed the same
office. Such application shall be ac- document, or may execute a ratifica-
companied by a map or diagram on a tion or consent in a separate instru-
scale of not less than 2 inches to 1 mile, ment with like force and effect.
outlining the area sought to be des-
ignated under this section. The Fed- § 3181.4 Inclusion of non-Federal
eral, State, Indian and privately owned lands.
land should be indicated by distinctive (a) Where State-owned land is to be
symbols or colors. Federal and Indian unitized with Federal lands, approval
oil and gas leases and lease applica- of the agreement by appropriate State
tions should be identified by lease se- officials must be obtained prior to its
rial numbers. Geologic information, in- submission to the proper BLM office
cluding the results of any geophysical for final approval. When authorized by
surveys, and any other available infor- the laws of the State in which the unit-
mation showing that unitization is ized land is situated, appropriate provi-
necessary and advisable in the public sion may be made in the agreement,
interest should be furnished.All infor- recognizing such laws to the extent
mation submitted under this section is that they are applicable to non-Federal
subject to part 2 of this title, which unitized land.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3183.4

(b) When Indian lands are included, Subpart 3183— Filing and
modification of the unit agreement Approval of Documents
will be required where appropriate. Ap-
proval of an agreement containing In- § 3183.1 Where to file papers.
dian lands by the Bureau of Indian Af- All papers, instruments, documents,
fairs must be obtained prior to final ap- and proposals submitted under this
proval by the authorized officer. part shall be filed in the proper BLM
§ 3181.5 Compensatory royalty pay-
ment for unleased Federal land. [48 FR 26766, June 10, 1983. Redesignated at 48
FR 36587, Aug. 12, 1983, and amended at 51 FR
The unit agreement submitted by the 34603, Sept. 30, 1986]
unit proponent for approval by the au-
thorized officer shall provide for pay- § 3183.2 Designation of area.
ment to the Federal Government of a An application for designation of a
121⁄2 percent royalty on production that proposed unit area and determination
would be attributable to unleased Fed- of the required depth of test well(s)
eral lands in a PA of the unit if said shall be filed in duplicate. A like num-
lands were leased and committed to the ber of counterparts should be filed of
unit agreement. The value of produc- any geologic data and any other infor-
tion subject to compensatory royalty mation submitted in support of such
payment shall be determined pursuant application.
to 30 CFR part 206, provided that no ad-
ditional royalty shall be due on any § 3183.3 Executed agreements.
production subject to compensatory Where a duly executed agreement is
royalty under this provision. submitted for final approval, a min-
imum of four signed counterparts
[58 FR 58632, Nov. 2, 1993, as amended at 59
should be filed. The number of counter-
FR 16999, Apr. 11, 1994]
parts to be filed for supplementing,
modifying, or amending an existing
Subpart 3182— Qualifications of agreement, including change of unit
Unit Operator operator, designation of new unit oper-
ator, establishment or revision of a
§ 3182.1 Qualifications of unit oper- participating area, and termination
ator. shall be prescribed by the authorized
A unit operator must qualify as to officer.
citizenship in the same manner as
§ 3183.4 Approval of executed agree-
those holding interests in Federal oil ment.
and gas leases under the regulations at
subpart 3102 of this title. The unit op- (a) A unit agreement shall be ap-
erator may be an owner of a working proved by the authorized officer upon a
determination that such agreement is
interest in the unit area or such other
necessary or advisable in the public in-
party as may be selected by the owners
terest and is for the purpose of more
of working interests. The unit operator
properly conserving natural resources.
shall execute an acceptance of the du- Such approval shall be incorporated in
ties and obligations imposed by the a Certification-Determination docu-
agreement. No designation of or change ment appended to the agreement (see
in a unit operator will become effective § 3186.1 of this part for an example), and
until approved by the authorized offi- the unit agreement shall not be deemed
cer, and no such approval will be grant- effective until the authorized officer
ed unless the successor unit operator is has executed the Certification-Deter-
deemed qualified to fulfill the duties mination document. No such agree-
and obligations prescribed in the agree- ment shall be approved unless the par-
ment. ties signatory to the agreement hold


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§ 3183.5 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

sufficient interests in the unit area to additional counterparts as may have

provide reasonably effective control of been furnished for that purpose.
operations. [48 FR 26766, June 10, 1983. Redesignated at 48
(b) The public interest requirement FR 36587, Aug. 12, 1983, and amended at 51 FR
of an approved unit agreement for 34603, Sept. 30, 1986. Further redesignated at
unproven areas shall be satisfied only 53 FR 17365, May 16, 1988]
if the unit operator commences actual
drilling operations and thereafter dili- Subpart 3184 [Reserved]
gently prosecutes such operations in
accordance with the terms of said Subpart 3185— Appeals
agreement. If an application is received
for voluntary termination of a unit § 3185.1 Appeals.
agreement for an unproven area during
Any party adversely affected by an
its fixed term or such an agreement
instruction, order, or decision issued
automatically expires at the end of its
under the regulations in this part may
fixed term without the public interest
request an administrative review be-
requirement having been satisfied, the
fore the State Director under § 3165.3 of
approval of that agreement by the au-
this title. Any party adversely affected
thorized officer and lease segregations
by a decision of the State Director
and extensions under § 3107.3–2 of this
after State Director review may appeal
title shall be invalid, and no Federal
that decision as provided in part 4 of
lease shall be eligible for extensions
this title.
under § 3107.4 of this title.
(c) Any modification of an approved [58 FR 58633, Nov. 2, 1993]
agreement shall require the prior ap-
proval of the authorized officer. Subpart 3186— Model Forms
[53 FR 17365, May 16, 1988, as amended at 58 § 3186.1 Model onshore unit agreement
FR 58633, Nov. 2, 1993] for unproven areas.
§ 3183.5 Participating area. Introductory Section
Two counterparts of a substantiating 1 Enabling Act and Regulations.
geologic report, including structure- 2 Unit Area.
3 Unitized Land and Unitized Substances.
contour map, cross sections, and perti-
4 Unit Operator.
nent data, shall accompany each appli- 5 Resignation or Removal of Unit Operator.
cation for approval of a participating 6 Successor Unit Operator.
area or revision thereof under an ap- 7 Accounting Provisions and Unit Oper-
proved agreement. ating Agreement.
8 Rights and Obligations of Unit Operator.
[48 FR 26766, June 10, 1983. Redesignated at 48 9 Drilling to Discovery.
FR 36587, Aug. 12, 1983, and further redesig- 10 Plan of Further Development and Oper-
nated at 53 FR 17365, May 16, 1988] ation.
11 Participation After Discovery.
§ 3183.6 Plan of development. 12 Allocation of Production.
13 Development or Operation of Nonpartici-
Three counterparts of all plans of de- pating Land or Formations.
velopment and operation shall be sub- 14 Royalty Settlement.
mitted for approval under an approved 15 Rental Settlement.
agreement. 16 Conservation.
17 Drainage.
[48 FR 26766, June 10, 1983. Redesignated at 48 18 Leases and Contracts Conformed and Ex-
FR 36587, Aug. 12, 1983, and further redesig- tended.
nated at 53 FR 17365, May 16, 1988] 19 Convenants Run with Land.
20 Effective Date and Term.
§ 3183.7 Return of approved docu- 21 Rate of Prospecting, Development, and
ments. Production.
One approved counterpart of each in- 22 Appearances.
23 Notices.
strument or document submitted for 24 No Waiver of Certain Rights.
approval will be returned to the unit 25 Unavoidable Delay.
operator by the authorized officer or 26 Nondiscrimination.
his representative, together with such 27 Loss of Title.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3186.1
28 Nonjoinder and Subsequent Joinder. terms, conditions, and limitations
29 Counterparts. herein set forth;
30 Surrender. 1 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration
31 Taxes. 1
32 No Partnership. 1 of the premises and the promises here-
in contained, the parties hereto com-
Concluding Section IN WITNESS mit to this agreement their respective
WHEREOF. interests in the below-defined unit
General Guidelines. area, and agree severally among them-
selves as follows:
Certification—Determination. 1. ENABLING ACT AND REGULA-
TIONS. The Mineral Leasing Act of
UNIT AGREEMENT FOR THE DEVEL- February 25, 1920, as amended, supra,
OPMENT AND OPERATION OF THE and all valid pertinent regulations in-
Unit area llllllllllllllllll cluding operating and unit plan regula-
County of llllllllllllllllll tions, heretofore issued thereunder or
State of lllllllllllllllllll valid, pertinent, and reasonable regula-
No. lllllllllllllllllllll tions hereafter issued thereunder are
This agreement, entered into as of the accepted and made a part of this agree-
lll day of lll, 19l by and between the ment as to Federal lands, provided
parties subscribing, ratifying, or consenting such regulations are not inconsistent
hereto, and herein referred to as the ‘‘parties with the terms of this agreement; and
as to non-Federal lands, the oil and gas
WITNESSETH: operating regulations in effect as of the
WHEREAS, the parties hereto are effective date hereof governing drilling
the owners of working, royalty, or and producing operations, not incon-
other oil and gas interests in the unit sistent with the terms hereof or the
area subject to this agreement; and laws of the State in which the non-Fed-
WHEREAS, the Mineral Leasing Act eral land is located, are hereby accept-
of February 25, 1920, 41 Stat. 437, as ed and made a part of this agreement.
amended, 30 U.S.C. Sec. 181 et seq., au- 2. UNIT AREA. The area specified on
thorizes Federal lessees and their rep- the map attached hereto marked Ex-
resentatives to unite with each other, hibit A is hereby designated and recog-
or jointly or separately with others, in nized as constituting the unit area,
collectively adopting and operating containing lll acres, more or less.
under a unit plan of development or op- Exhibit A shows, in addition to the
erations of any oil and gas pool, field, boundary of the unit area, the bound-
or like area, or any part thereof for the
aries and identity of tracts and leases
purpose of more properly conserving
in said area to the extent known to the
the natural resources thereof whenever
Unit Operator. Exhibit B attached
determined and certified by the Sec-
hereto is a schedule showing to the ex-
retary of the Interior to be necessary
tent known to the Unit Operator, the
or advisable in the public interest; and
acreage, percentage, and kind of owner-
WHEREAS, the parties hereto hold
ship of oil and gas interests in all lands
sufficient interests in the lllll
in the unit area. However, nothing
Unit Area covering the land herein-
herein or in Exhibits A or B shall be
after described to give reasonably ef-
fective control of operations therein; construed as a representation by any
and party hereto as to the ownership of any
WHEREAS, it is the purpose of the interest other than such interest or in-
parties hereto to conserve natural re- terests as are shown in the Exhibits as
sources, prevent waste, and secure owned by such party. Exhibits A and B
other benefits obtainable through de- shall be revised by the Unit Operator
velopment and operation of the area whenever changes in the unit area or in
subject to this agreement under the the ownership interests in the indi-
vidual tracts render such revision nec-
1 Optional sections (in addition the penul-
essary, or when requested by the Au-
timate paragraph of Section 9 is to be in- thorized Officer, hereinafter referred to
cluded only when more than one obligation as AO and not less than four copies of
well is required and paragraph (h) of section the revised Exhibits shall be filed with
18 is to be used only when applicable). the proper BLM office.


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§ 3186.1 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

The above-described unit area shall shall be eliminated automatically from

when practicable be expanded to in- this agreement, effective as of said
clude therein any additional lands or fifth anniversary, and such lands shall
shall be contracted to exclude lands no longer be a part of the unit area and
whenever such expansion or contrac- shall no longer be subject to this agree-
tion is deemed to be necessary or advis- ment, unless diligent drilling oper-
able to conform with the purposes of ations are in progress on unitized lands
this agreement. Such expansion or con- not entitled to participation on said
traction shall be effected in the fol- fifth anniversary, in which event all
lowing manner: such lands shall remain subject hereto
(a) Unit Operator, on its own motion for so long as such drilling operations
(after preliminary concurrence by the are continued diligently, with not more
AO), or on demand of the AO, shall pre- than 90-days time elapsing between the
pare a notice of proposed expansion or completion of one such well and the
contraction describing the con- commencement of the next such well.
templated changes in the boundaries of All legal subdivisions of lands not enti-
the unit area, the reasons therefor, any tled to be in a participating area with-
plans for additional drilling, and the in 10 years after the effective date of
proposed effective date of the expan- the first initial participating area ap-
sion or contraction, preferably the first proved under this agreement shall be
day of a month subsequent to the date automatically eliminated from this
of notice.
agreement as of said tenth anniver-
(b) Said notice shall be delivered to
sary. The Unit Operator shall, within
the proper BLM office, and copies
90 days after the effective date of any
thereof mailed to the last known ad-
elimination hereunder, describe the
dress of each working interest owner,
area so eliminated to the satisfaction
lessee and lessor whose interests are af-
fected, advising that 30 days will be al- of the AO and promptly notify all par-
lowed for submission to the Unit Oper- ties in interest. All lands reasonably
ator of any objections. proved productive of unitized sub-
(c) Upon expiration of the 30-day pe- stances in paying quantities by dili-
riod provided in the preceding item (b) gent drilling operations after the afore-
hereof, Unit Operator shall file with said 5-year period shall become partici-
the AO evidence of mailing of the no- pating in the same manner as during
tice of expansion or contraction and a said first 5-year period. However, when
copy of any objections thereto which such diligent drilling operations cease,
have been filed with Unit Operator, to- all nonparticipating lands not then en-
gether with an application in trip- titled to be in a participating area
licate, for approval of such expansion shall be automatically eliminated ef-
or contraction and with appropriate fective as the 91st day thereafter.
joinders. Any expansion of the unit area pur-
(d) After due consideration of all per- suant to this section which embraces
tinent information, the expansion or lands theretofore eliminated pursuant
contraction shall, upon approval by the to this subsection 2(e) shall not be con-
AO, become effective as of the date pre- sidered automatic commitment or re-
scribed in the notice thereof or such commitment of such lands. If condi-
other appropriate date. tions warrant extension of the 10-year
(e) All legal subdivisions of lands period specified in this subsection, a
(i.e., 40 acres by Government survey or single extension of not to exceed 2
its nearest lot or tract equivalent; in years may be accomplished by consent
instances of irregular surveys, unusu- of the owners of 90 percent of the work-
ally large lots or tracts shall be consid- ing interest in the current nonpartici-
ered in multiples of 40 acres or the pating unitized lands and the owners of
nearest aliquot equivalent thereof), no 60 percent of the basic royalty inter-
parts of which are in or entitled to be ests (exclusive of the basic royalty in-
in a participating area on or before the terests of the United States) in non-
fifth anniversary of the effective date participating unitized lands with ap-
of the first initial participating area proval of the AO, provided such exten-
established under this unit agreement, sion application is submitted not later


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3186.1

than 60 days prior to the expiration of provided, the working interest owners
said 10-year period. shall be jointly responsible for per-
3. UNITIZED LAND AND UNITIZED formance of the duties of Unit Oper-
SUBSTANCES. All land now or here- ator, and shall not later than 30 days
after committed to this agreement before such resignation or removal be-
shall constitute land referred to herein comes effective appoint a common
as ‘‘unitized land’’ or ‘‘land subject to agent to represent them in any action
this agreement.’’ All oil and gas in any to be taken hereunder.
and all formations of the unitized land The resignation of Unit Operator
are unitized under the terms of this shall not release Unit Operator from
agreement and herein are called ‘‘unit- any liability for any default by it here-
ized substances.’’ under occurring prior to the effective
4. UNIT OPERATOR. lllll is date of its resignation.
hereby designated as Unit Operator and The Unit Operator may, upon default
by signature hereto as Unit Operator or failure in the performance of its du-
agrees and consents to accept the du- ties or obligations hereunder, be sub-
ties and obligations of Unit Operator ject to removal by the same percentage
for the discovery, development, and vote of the owners of working interests
production of unitized substances as as herein provided for the selection of a
herein provided. Whenever reference is new Unit Operator. Such removal shall
made herein to the Unit Operator, such be effective upon notice thereof to the
reference means the Unit Operator act- AO.
ing in that capacity and not as an The resignation or removal of Unit
owner of interest in unitized sub- Operator under this agreement shall
stances, and the term ‘‘working inter- not terminate its right, title, or inter-
est owner’’ when used herein shall in- est as the owner of working interest or
clude or refer to Unit Operator as the other interest in unitized substances,
owner of a working interest only when but upon the resignation or removal of
such an interest is owned by it. Unit Operator becoming effective, such
5. RESIGNATION OR REMOVAL OF Unit Operator shall deliver possession
UNIT OPERATOR. Unit Operator shall of all wells, equipment, materials, and
have the right to resign at any time appurtenances used in conducting the
prior to the establishment of a partici- unit operations to the new duly quali-
pating area or areas hereunder, but fied successor Unit Operator or to the
such resignation shall not become ef- common agent, if no such new Unit Op-
fective so as to release Unit Operator erator is selected to be used for the
from the duties and obligations of Unit purpose of conducting unit operations
Operator and terminate Unit Opera- hereunder. Nothing herein shall be con-
tor’s rights as such for a period of 6 strued as authorizing removal of any
months after notice of intention to re- material, equipment, or appurtenances
sign has been served by Unit Operator needed for the preservation of any
on all working interest owners and the wells.
AO and until all wells then drilled 6. SUCCESSOR UNIT OPERATOR.
hereunder are placed in a satisfactory Whenever the Unit Operator shall ten-
condition for suspension or abandon- der his or its resignation as Unit Oper-
ment, whichever is required by the AO, ator or shall be removed as herein-
unless a new Unit Operator shall have above provided, or a change of Unit Op-
been selected and approved and shall erator is negotiated by the working in-
have taken over and assumed the du- terest owners, the owners of the work-
ties and obligations of Unit Operator ing interests according to their respec-
prior to the expiration of said period. tive acreage interests in all unitized
Unit Operator shall have the right to land shall, pursuant to the Approval of
resign in like manner and subject to the Parties requirements of the unit
like limitations as above provided at operating agreement, select a suc-
any time after a participating area es- cessor Unit Operator. Such selection
tablished hereunder is in existence, but shall not become effective until:
in all instances of resignation or re- (a) a Unit Operator so selected shall
moval, until a successor Unit Operator accept in writing the duties and re-
is selected and approved as hereinafter sponsibilities of Unit Operator, and


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§ 3186.1 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

(b) the selection shall have been ap- storing, allocating, and distributing
proved by the AO. the unitized substances are hereby del-
If no successor Unit Operator is se- egated to and shall be exercised by the
lected and qualified as herein provided, Unit Operator as herein provided. Ac-
the AO at his election may declare this ceptable evidence of title to said rights
unit agreement terminated. shall be deposited with Unit Operator
7. ACCOUNTING PROVISIONS AND and, together with this agreement,
UNIT OPERATING AGREEMENT. If shall constitute and define the rights,
the Unit Operator is not the sole owner privileges, and obligations of Unit Op-
of working interests, costs and ex- erator. Nothing herein, however, shall
penses incurred by Unit Operator in be construed to transfer title to any
conducting unit operations hereunder land or to any lease or operating agree-
shall be paid and apportioned among ment, it being understood that under
and borne by the owners of working in- this agreement the Unit Operator, in
terests, all in accordance with the its capacity as Unit Operator, shall ex-
agreement or agreements entered into ercise the rights of possession and use
by and between the Unit Operator and vested in the parties hereto only for
the owners of working interests, the purposes herein specified.
whether one or more, separately or col- 9. DRILLING TO DISCOVERY. With-
lectively. Any agreement or agree- in 6 months after the effective date
ments entered into between the work- hereof, the Unit Operator shall com-
ing interest owners and the Unit Oper- mence to drill an adequate test well at
ator as provided in this section, wheth- a location approved by the AO, unless
er one or more, are herein referred to on such effective date a well is being
as the ‘‘unit operating agreement.’’ drilled in conformity with the terms
Such unit operating agreement shall hereof, and thereafter continue such
also provide the manner in which the drilling diligently until the lll for-
working interest owners shall be enti- mation has been tested or until at a
tled to receive their respective propor- lesser depth unitized substances shall
tionate and allocated share of the bene- be discovered which can be produced in
fits accruing hereto in conformity with paying quantities (to wit: quantities
their underlying operating agreements, sufficient to repay the costs of drilling,
leases, or other independent contracts, completing, and producing operations,
and such other rights and obligations with a reasonable profit) or the Unit
as between Unit Operator and the Operator shall at any time establish to
working interest owners as may be the satisfaction of the AO that further
agreed upon by Unit Operator and the drilling of said well would be unwar-
working interest owners; however, no ranted or impracticable, provided, how-
such unit operating agreement shall be ever, that Unit Operator shall not in
deemed either to modify any of the any event be required to drill said well
terms and conditions of this unit to a depth in excess of ll feet. Until
agreement or to relieve the Unit Oper- the discovery of unitized substances ca-
ator of any right or obligation estab- pable of being produced in paying quan-
lished under this unit agreement, and tities, the Unit Operator shall continue
in case of any inconsistency or conflict drilling one well at a time, allowing
between this agreement and the unit not more than 6 months between the
operating agreement, this agreement completion of one well and the com-
shall govern. Two copies of any unit mencement of drilling operations for
operating agreement executed pursu- the next well, until a well capable of
ant to this section shall be filed in the producing unitized substances in pay-
proper BLM office prior to approval of ing quantities is completed to the sat-
this unit agreement. isfaction of the AO or until it is rea-
8. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF sonably proved that the unitized land
UNIT OPERATOR. Except as otherwise is incapable of producing unitized sub-
specifically provided herein, the exclu- stances in paying quantities in the for-
sive right, privilege, and duty of exer- mations drilled hereunder. Nothing in
cising any and all rights of the parties this section shall be deemed to limit
hereto which are necessary or conven- the right of the Unit Operator to resign
ient for prospecting for, producing, as provided in Section 5, hereof, or as


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3186.1

requiring Unit Operator to commence initial obligation well, or in the case of

or continue any drilling during the pe- multiple well requirements, if speci-
riod pending such resignation becom- fied, subsequent to the drilling of those
ing effective in order to comply with multiple wells, as provided for in this
the requirements of this section. (these) section(s), within the time al-
The AO may modify any of the drill- lowed including any extension of time
ing requirements of this section by granted by the AO, shall cause this
granting reasonable extensions of time agreement to terminate automatically.
when, in his opinion, such action is Upon failure to continue drilling dili-
warranted. gently any well other than the obliga-
2 9a. Multiple well requirements. Not-
tion well(s) commenced hereunder, the
withstanding anything in this unit AO may, after 15 days notice to the
agreement to the contrary, except Sec- Unit Operator, declare this unit agree-
tion 25, UNAVOIDABLE DELAY, ll ment terminated. Failure to commence
wells shall be drilled with not more drilling the initial obligation well, or
than 6-months time elapsing between the first of multiple obligation wells,
the completion of the first well and on time and to drill it diligently shall
commencement of drilling operations result in the unit agreement approval
for the second well and with not more being declared invalid ab initio by the
than 6-months time elapsing between AO. In the case of multiple well re-
completion of the second well and the quirements, failure to commence drill-
commencement of drilling operations ing the required multiple wells beyond
for the third well, . . . regardless of the first well, and to drill them dili-
whether a discovery has been made in gently, may result in the unit agree-
any well drilled under this provision. ment approval being declared invalid
Both the initial well and the second ab initio by the AO;
well must be drilled in compliance with 10. PLAN OF FURTHER DEVELOP-
the above specified formation or depth MENT AND OPERATION. Within 6
requirements in order to meet the dic- months after completion of a well ca-
tates of this section; and the second pable of producing unitized substances
well must be located a minimum of ll in paying quantities, the Unit Operator
miles from the initial well in order to shall submit for the approval of the AO
be accepted by the AO as the second an acceptable plan of development and
unit test well, within the meaning of operation for the unitized land which,
this section. The third test well shall when approved by the authorized
be diligently drilled, at a location ap- officier, shall constitute the further
proved by the AO, to test the lll for- drilling and development obligations of
mation or to a depth of ll feet, the Unit Operator under this agree-
whichever is the lesser, and must be lo- ment for the period specified therein.
cated a minimum of ll miles from
Thereafter, from time to time before
both the initial and the second test
the expiration of any existing plan, the
wells. Nevertheless, in the event of the
Unit Operator shall submit for the ap-
discovery of unitized substances in
proval of the AO a plan for an addi-
paying quantities by any well, this
tional specified period for the develop-
unit agreement shall not terminate for
ment and operation of the unitized
failure to complete the lll well pro-
land. Subsequent plans should nor-
gram, but the unit area shall be con-
mally be filed on a calender year basis
tracted automatically, effective the
not later than March 1 each year. Any
first day of the month following the de-
proposed modification or addition to
fault, to eliminate by subdivisions (as
the existing plan should be filed as a
defined in Section 2(e) hereof) all lands
supplement to the plan.
not then entitled to be in a partici-
Any plan submitted pursuant to this
pating area. 2
section shall provide for the timely ex-
Until the establishment of a partici- ploration of the unitized area, and for
pating area, the failure to commence a the diligent drilling necessary for de-
well subsequent to the drilling of the termination of the area or areas capa-
ble of producing unitized substances in
2 Provisions to be included only when a paying quantities in each and every
multiple well obligation is required. productive formation. This plan shall


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§ 3186.1 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

be as complete and adequate as the AO centage of unitized substances to be al-

may determine to be necessary for located, as provided in Section 12, to
timely development and proper con- each committed tract in the partici-
servation of the oil and gas resources pating area so established, and shall
in the unitized area and shall: govern the allocation of production
(a) Specify the number and locations commencing with the effective date of
of any wells to be drilled and the pro- the participating area. A different par-
posed order and time for such drilling; ticipating area shall be established for
and each separate pool or deposit of unit-
(b) Provide a summary of operations ized substances or for any group there-
and production for the previous year. of which is produced as a single pool or
Plans shall be modified or supple- zone, and any two or more partici-
mented when necessary to meet pating areas so established may be
changed conditions or to protect the combined into one, on approval of the
interests of all parties to this agree- AO. When production from two or more
ment. Reasonable diligence shall be ex- participating areas is subsequently
ercised in complying with the obliga- found to be from a common pool or de-
tions of the approved plan of develop- posit, the participating areas shall be
ment and operation. The AO is author- combined into one, effective as of such
ized to grant a reasonable extension of appropriate date as may be approved or
the 6-month period herein prescribed prescribed by the AO. The partici-
for submission of an initial plan of de- pating area or areas so established
velopment and operation where such shall be revised from time to time, sub-
action is justified because of unusual ject to the approval of the AO, to in-
conditions or circumstances. clude additional lands then regarded as
After completion of a well capable of reasonably proved to be productive of
producing unitized substances in pay- unitized substances in paying quan-
ing quantities, no further wells, except tities or which are necessary for unit
such as may be necessary to afford pro- operations, or to exclude lands then re-
tection against operations not under garded as reasonably proved not to be
this agreement and such as may be spe- productive of unitized substances in
cifically approved by the AO, shall be paying quantities, and the schedule of
drilled except in accordance with an allocation percentages shall be revised
approved plan of development and op- accordingly. The effective date of any
eration. revision shall be the first of the month
11. PARTICIPATION AFTER DIS- in which the knowledge or information
COVERY. Upon completion of a well is obtained on which such revision is
capable of producing unitized sub- predicated; provided, however, that a
stances in paying quantities, or as soon more appropriate effective date may be
thereafter as required by the AO, the used if justified by Unit Operator and
Unit Operator shall submit for ap- approved by the AO. No land shall be
proval by the AO, a schedule, based on excluded from a participating area on
subdivisions of the public-land survey account of depletion of its unitized sub-
or aliquot parts thereof, of all land stances, except that any participating
then regarded as reasonably proved to area established under the provisions
be productive of unitized substances in of this unit agreement shall terminate
paying quantities. These lands shall automatically whenever all comple-
constitute a participating area on ap- tions in the formation on which the
proval of the AO, effective as of the participating area is based are aban-
date of completion of such well or the doned.
effective date of this unit agreement, It is the intent of this section that a
whichever is later. The acreages of participating area shall represent the
both Federal and non-Federal lands area known or reasonably proved to be
shall be based upon appropriate com- productive of unitized substances in
putations from the courses and dis- paying quantities or which are nec-
tances shown on the last approved pub- essary for unit operations; but, regard-
lic-land survey as of the effective date less of any revision of the participating
of each initial participating area. The area, nothing herein contained shall be
schedule shall also set forth the per- construed as requiring any retroactive


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3186.1

adjustment for production obtained located to it such percentage of said

prior to the effective date of the revi- production as the number of acres of
sion of the participating area. such tract included in said partici-
In the absence of agreement at any pating area bears to the total acres of
time between the Unit Operator and unitized land and unleased Federal
the AO as to the proper definition or land, if any, included in said partici-
redefinition of a participating area, or pating area. There shall be allocated to
until a participating area has, or areas the working interest owner(s) of each
have, been established, the portion of tract of unitized land in said partici-
all payments affected thereby shall, ex- pating area, in addition, such percent-
cept royalty due the United States, be age of the production attributable to
impounded in a manner mutually ac- the unleased Federal land within the
ceptable to the owners of committed participating area as the number of
working interests. Royalties due the acres of such unitized tract included in
United States shall be determined by said participating area bears to the
the AO and the amount thereof shall be total acres of unitized land in said par-
deposited, as directed by the AO, until ticipating area, for the payment of the
a participating area is finally approved compensatory royalty specified in sec-
and then adjusted in accordance with a tion 17 of this agreement. Allocation of
determination of the sum due as Fed- production hereunder for purposes
eral royalty on the basis of such ap- other than for settlement of the roy-
proved participating area. alty, overriding royalty, or payment
Whenever it is determined, subject to out of production obligations of the re-
the approval of the AO, that a well spective working interest owners, in-
drilled under this agreement is not ca- cluding compensatory royalty obliga-
pable of production of unitized sub- tions under section 17, shall be pre-
stances in paying quantities and inclu- scribed as set forth in the unit oper-
sion in a participating area of the land ating agreement or as otherwise mutu-
on which it is situated is unwarranted, ally agreed by the affected parties. It is
production from such well shall, for the hereby agreed that production of unit-
purposes of settlement among all par- ized substances from a participating
ties other than working interest own- area shall be allocated as provided
ers, be allocated to the land on which herein, regardless or whether any wells
the well is located, unless such land is are drilled on any particular part or
already within the participating area tract of the participating area. If any
established for the pool or deposit from gas produced from one participating
which such production is obtained. Set- area is used for repressuring or recy-
tlement for working interest benefits cling purposes in another participating
from such a nonpaying unit well shall area, the first gas withdrawn from the
be made as provided in the unit oper- latter participating area for sale dur-
ating agreement. ing the life of this agreement shall be
12. ALLOCATION OF PRODUCTION. considered to be the gas so transferred,
All unitized substances produced from until an amount equal to that trans-
a participating area established under ferred shall be so produced for sale and
this agreement, except any part there- such gas shall be allocated to the par-
of used in conformity with good oper- ticipating area from which initially
ating practices within the unitized produced as such area was defined at
area for drilling, operating, and other the time that such transferred gas was
production or development purposes, or finally produced and sold.
for repressuring or recycling in accord- 13. DEVELOPMENT OR OPERATION
ance with a plan of development and OF NONPARTICIPATING LAND OR
operations that has been approved by FORMATIONS. Any operator may with
the AO, or unavoidably lost, shall be the approval of the AO, at such party’s
deemed to be produced equally on an sole risk, costs, and expense, drill a
acreage basis from the several tracts of well on the unitized land to test any
unitized land and unleased Federal formation provided the well is outside
land, if any, included in the partici- any participating area established for
pating area established for such pro- that formation, unless within 90 days
duction. Each such tract shall have al- of receipt of notice from said party of


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§ 3186.1 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

his intention to drill the well, the Unit If gas obtained from lands not sub-
Operator elects and commences to drill ject to this agreement is introduced
the well in a like manner as other wells into any participating area hereunder,
are drilled by the Unit Operator under for use in repressuring, stimulation of
this agreement. production, or increasing ultimate re-
If any well drilled under this section covery, in conformity with a plan of
by a non-unit operator results in pro- development and operation approved
duction of unitized substances in pay- by the AO, a like amount of gas, after
ing quantities such that the land upon settlement as herein provided for any
which it is situated may properly be in- gas transferred from any other partici-
cluded in a participating area, such pating area and with appropriate de-
participating area shall be established duction for loss from any cause, may
or enlarged as provided in this agree- be withdrawn from the formation into
ment and the well shall thereafter be which the gas is introduced, royalty
operated by the Unit Operator in ac- free as to dry gas, but not as to any
cordance with the terms of this agree- products which may be extracted
ment and the unit operating agree- therefrom; provided that such with-
ment. drawal shall be at such time as may be
provided in the approved plan of devel-
If any well drilled under this section
opment and operation or as may other-
by a non-unit operator that obtains
wise be consented to by the AO as con-
production in quantities insufficient to
forming to good petroleum engineering
justify the inclusion of the land upon
practice; and provided further, that
which such well is situated in a partici-
such right of withdrawal shall termi-
pating area, such well may be operated
nate on the termination of this unit
and produced by the party drilling the
same, subject to the conservation re- Royalty due the United States shall
quirements of this agreement. The roy- be computed as provided in 30 CFR
alties in amount or value of production Group 200 and paid in value or deliv-
from any such well shall be paid as ered in kind as to all unitized sub-
specified in the underlying lease and stances on the basis of the amounts
agreements affected. thereof allocated to unitized Federal
14. ROYALTY SETTLEMENT. The land as provided in Section 12 at the
United States and any State and any rates specified in the respective Fed-
royalty owner who is entitled to take eral leases, or at such other rate or
in kind a share of the substances now rates as may be authorized by law or
unitized hereunder shall be hereafter regulation and approved by the AO;
be entitled to the right to take in kind provided, that for leases on which the
its share of the unitized substances, royalty rate depends on the daily aver-
and Unit Operator, or the non-unit op- age production per well, said average
erator in the case of the operation of a production shall be determined in ac-
well by a non-unit operator as herein cordance with the operating regula-
provided for in special cases, shall tions as though each participating area
make deliveries of such royalty share were a single consolidated lease.
taken in kind in conformity with the 15. RENTAL SETTLEMENT. Rental
applicable contracts, laws, and regula- or minimum royalties due on leases
tions. Settlement for royalty interest committed hereto shall be paid by the
not taken in kind shall be made by an appropriate parties under existing con-
operator responsible therefor under ex- tracts, laws, and regulations, provided
isting contracts, laws and regulations, that nothing herein contained shall op-
or by the Unit Operator on or before erate to relieve the responsible parties
the last day of each month for unitized of the land from their respective obli-
substances produced during the pre- gations for the payment of any rental
ceding calendar month; provided, how- or minimum royalty due under their
ever, that nothing in this section shall leases. Rental or minimum royalty for
operate to relieve the responsible par- lands of the United States subject to
ties of any land from their respective this agreement shall be paid at the rate
lease obligations for the payment of specified in the respective leases from
any royalties due under their leases. the United States unless such rental or


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3186.1

minimum royalty is waived, suspended, Payment of compensatory royalties on

or reduced by law or by approval of the the production reallocated from un-
Secretary or his duly authorized rep- leased Federal land to the committed
resentative. tracts within the participating area
With respect to any lease on non- shall fulfill the Federal royalty obliga-
Federal land containing provisions tion for such production, and said pro-
which would terminate such lease un- duction shall be subject to no further
less drilling operations are commenced royalty assessment under section 14 of
upon the land covered thereby within this agreement. Payment of compen-
the time therein specified or rentals satory royalties as provided herein
are paid for the privilege of deferring shall accrue from the date the com-
such drilling operations, the rentals re- mitted tracts in the participating area
quired thereby shall, notwithstanding that includes unleased Federal lands
any other provision of this agreement, receive a production allocation, and
be deemed to accure and become pay- shall be due and payable monthly by
able during the term thereof as ex- the last day of the calendar month
tended by this agreement and until the next following the calendar month of
required drilling operations are com- actual production. If leased Federal
menced upon the land covered thereby, lands receiving a production allocation
or until some portion of such land is from the participating area become un-
included within a participating area. leased, compensatory royalties shall
16. CONSERVATION. Operations accrue from the date the Federal lands
hereunder and production of unitized become unleased. Payment due under
substances shall be conducted to pro- this provision shall end when the un-
vide for the most economical and effi- leased Federal tract is leased or when
cient recovery of said substances with- production of unitized substances
out waste, as defined by or pursuant to ceases within the participating area
State or Federal law or regulation. and the participating area is termi-
17. DRAINAGE. (a) The Unit Oper- nated, whichever occurs first.
ator shall take such measures as the 18. LEASES AND CONTRACTS CON-
AO deems appropriate and adequate to FORMED AND EXTENDED. The
prevent drainage of unitized substances terms, conditions, and provisions of all
from unitized land by wells on land not leases, subleases, and other contracts
subject to this agreement, which shall relating to exploration, drilling, devel-
include the drilling of protective wells opment or operation for oil or gas on
and which may include the payment of lands committed to this agreement are
a fair and reasonable compensatory hereby expressly modified and amended
royalty, as determined by the AO. to the extent necessary to make the
(b) Whenever a participating area ap- same conform to the provisions hereof,
proved under section 11 of this agree- but otherwise to remain in full force
ment contains unleased Federal lands, and effect; and the parties hereto here-
the value of 121⁄2 percent of the produc- by consent that the Secretary shall
tion that would be allocated to such and by his approval hereof, or by the
Federal lands under section 12 of this approval hereof by his duly authorized
agreement, if such lands were leased, representative, does hereby establish,
committed, and entitled to participa- alter, change, or revoke the drilling,
tion, shall be payable as compensatory producing, rental, minimum royalty,
royalties to the Federal Government. and royalty requirements of Federal
Parties to this agreement holding leases committed hereto and the regu-
working interests in committed leases lations in respect thereto to conform
within the applicable participating said requirements to the provisions of
area shall be responsible for such com- this agreement, and, without limiting
pensatory royalty payment on the vol- the generality of the foregoing, all
ume of production reallocated from the leases, subleases, and contracts are
unleased Federal lands to their unit- particularly modified in accordance
ized tracts under section 12. The value with the following:
of such production subject to the pay- (a) The development and operation of
ment of said royalties shall be deter- lands subject to this agreement under
mined pursuant to 30 CFR part 206. the terms hereof shall be deemed full


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§ 3186.1 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

performance of all obligations for de- (f) Each sublease or contract relating
velopment and operation with respect to the operation and development of
to each and every separately owned unitized substances from lands of the
tract subject to this agreement, re- United States committed to this agree-
gardless of whether there is any devel- ment, which by its terms would expire
opment of any particular tract of this prior to the time at which the under-
unit area. lying lease, as extended by the imme-
(b) Drilling and producing operations diately preceding paragraph, will ex-
performed hereunder upon any tract of pire is hereby extended beyond any
unitized lands will be accepted and such term so provided therein so that
deemed to be performed upon and for it shall be continued in full force and
the benefit of each and every tract of effect for and during the term of the
unitized land, and no lease shall be underlying lease as such term is herein
deemed to expire by reason of failure to extended.
drill or produce wells situated on the (g) The segregation of any Federal
land therein embraced. lease committed to this agreement is
(c) Suspension of drilling or pro- governed by the following provision in
ducing operations on all unitized lands the fourth paragraph of sec. 17(m) of
pursuant to direction or consent of the the Mineral Leasing Act, as amended
AO shall be deemed to constitute such by the Act of September 2, 1960 (74
suspension pursuant to such direction Stat. 781–784) (30 U.S.C. 226(m)):
or consent as to each and every tract of ‘‘Any [Federal] lease heretofore or
unitized land. A suspension of drilling hereafter committed to any such [unit]
or producing operations limited to plan embracing lands that are in part
specified lands shall be applicable only within and in part outside of the area
to such lands. covered by any such plan shall be seg-
(d) Each lease, sublease, or contract regated into separate leases as to the
relating to the exploration, drilling, lands committed and the lands not
development, or operation for oil or gas committed as of the effective date of
of lands other than those of the United unitization: Provided, however, That
States committed to this agreement any such lease as to the nonunitized
which, by its terms might expire prior portion shall continue in force and ef-
to the termination of this agreement, fect for the term thereof but for not
is hereby extended beyond any such less than two years from the date of
term so provided therein so that it such segregation and so long thereafter
shall be continued in full force and ef- as oil or gas is produced in paying
fect for and during the term of this quantities.’’
agreement. If the public interest requirement is
(e) Any Federal lease committed not satisfied, the segregation of a lease
hereto shall continue in force beyond and/or extension of a lease pursuant to
the term so provided therein or by law 43 CFR 3107.3–2 and 43 CFR 3107.4, re-
as to the land committed so long as spectively, shall not be effective.
such lease remains subject hereto, pro- 3 (h) Any lease, other than a Federal

vided that production of unitized sub- lease, having only a portion of its lands
stances in paying quantities is estab- committed hereto shall be segregated
lished under this unit agreement prior as to the portion committed and the
to the expiration date of the term of portion not committed, and the provi-
such lease, or in the event actual drill- sions of such lease shall apply sepa-
ing operations are commenced on unit- rately to such segregated portions
ized land, in accordance with provi- commencing as of the effective date
sions of this agreement, prior to the hereof. In the event any such lease pro-
end of the primary term of such lease vides for a lump-sum rental payment,
and are being diligently prosecuted at such payment shall be prorated be-
that time, such lease shall be extended tween the portions so segregated in
for 2 years, and so long thereafter as proportion to the acreage of the respec-
oil or gas is produced in paying quan- tive tracts.
tities in accordance with the provisions
of the Mineral Leasing Act, as amend- 3 Optional paragraph to be used only when

ed. applicable.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3186.1

19. CONVENANTS RUN WITH LAND. mitted lands within this unit area, this
The covenants herein shall be con- agreement will automatically termi-
strued to be covenants running with nate effective the last day of the
the land with respect to the interests month in which the last unitized pro-
of the parties hereto and their succes- duction occurred, or
sors in interest until this agreement (d) It is voluntarily terminated as
terminates, and any grant, transfer or provided in this agreement. Except as
conveyance of interest in land or leases noted herein, this agreement may be
subject hereto shall be and hereby is terminated at any time prior to the
conditioned upon the assumption of all discovery of unitized substances which
privileges and obligations hereunder by can be produced in paying quantities
the grantee, transferee, or other suc- by not less than 75 per centum, on an
cessor in interest. No assignment or acreage basis, of the working interest
transfer of any working interest, roy- owners signatory hereto, with the ap-
alty, or other interest subject hereto proval of the AO. The Unit Operator
shall be binding upon Unit Operator shall give notice of any such approval
until the first day of the calendar to all parties herto. If the public inter-
month after Unit Operator is furnished est requirement is not satisfied, the ap-
with the original, photostatic, or cer- proval of this unit by the AO shall be
tified copy of the instrument of trans- invalid.
This agreement shall become effective The AO is hereby vested with authority
upon approval by the AO and shall to alter or modify from time to time,
automatically terminate 5 years from in his discretion, the quantity and rate
said effective date unless: of production under this agreement
(a) Upon application by the Unit Op- when such quantity and rate are not
erator such date of expiration is ex- fixed pursuant to Federal or State law,
tended by the AO, or or do not conform to any Statewide
(b) It is reasonably determined prior voluntary conservation or allocation
to the expiration of the fixed term or program which is established, recog-
any extension thereof that the unitized nized, and generally adhered to by the
land is incapable of production of unit- majority of operators in such State.
ized substances in paying quantities in The above authority is hereby limited
the formations tested hereunder, and to alteration or modifications which
after notice of intention to terminate are in the public interest. The public
this agreement on such ground is given interest to be served and the purpose
by the Unit Operator to all parties in thereof, must be stated in the order of
interest at their last known addresses, alteration or modification. Without re-
this agreement is terminated with the gard to the foregoing, the AO is also
approval of the AO, or hereby vested with authority to alter
(c) A valuable discovery of unitized or modify from time to time, in his dis-
substances in paying quantities has cretion, the rate of prospecting and de-
been made or accepted on unitized land velopment and the quantity and rate of
during said initial term or any exten- production under this agreement when
sion thereof, in which event this agree- such alteration or modification is in
ment shall remain in effect for such the interest of attaining the conserva-
term and so long thereafter as unitized tion objectives stated in this agree-
substances can be produced in quan- ment and is not in violation of any ap-
tities sufficient to pay for the cost of plicable Federal or State law.
producing same from wells on unitized Powers is the section vested in the
land within any participating area es- AO shall only be exercised after notice
tablished hereunder. Should production to Unit Operator and opportunity for
cease and diligent drilling or rework- hearing to be held not less than 15 days
ing operations to restore production or from notice.
new production are not in progress 22. APPEARANCES. The Unit Oper-
within 60 days and production is not re- ator shall, after notice to other parties
stored or should new production not be affected, have the right to appear for
obtained in paying quantities on com- and on behalf of any and all interests


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§ 3186.1 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

affected hereby before the Department 12319), as amended, which are hereby
of the Interior and to appeal from or- incorporated by reference in this agree-
ders issued under the regulations of ment.
said Department, or to apply for relief 27. LOSS OF TITLE. In the event
from any of said regulations, or in any title to any tract of unitized land shall
proceedings relative to operations be- fail and the true owner cannot be in-
fore the Department, or any other le- duced to join in this unit agreement,
gally constituted authority; provided, such tract shall be automatically re-
however, that any other interested garded as not committed hereto, and
party shall also have the right at its there shall be such readjustment of fu-
own expense to be heard in any such ture costs and benefits as may be re-
proceeding. quired on account of the loss of such
23. NOTICES. All notices, demands,
title. In the event of a dispute as to
or statements required hereunder to be
title to any royalty, working interest,
given or rendered to the parties hereto
or other interests subject thereto, pay-
shall be in writing and shall be person-
ment or delivery on account thereof
ally delivered to the party or parties,
or sent by postpaid registered or cer- may be withheld without liability for
tified mail, to the last-known address interest until the dispute is finally set-
of the party or parties. tled; provided, that, as to Federal lands
24. NO WAIVER OF CERTAIN or leases, no payments of funds due the
RIGHTS. Nothing contained in this United States shall be withheld, but
agreement shall be construed as a such funds shall be deposited as di-
waiver by any party hereto of the right rected by the AO, to be held as un-
to assert any legal or constitutional earned money pending final settlement
right or defense as to the validity or of the title dispute, and then applied as
invalidity of any law of the State earned or returned in accordance with
where the unitized lands are located, or such final settlement.
of the United States, or regulations Unit Operator as such is relieved
issued thereunder in any way affecting from any responsibility for any defect
such party, or as a waiver by any such or failure of any title hereunder.
party of any right beyond his or its au- 28. NONJOINDER AND SUBSE-
thority to waive. QUENT JOINDER. If the owner of any
25. UNAVOIDABLE DELAY. All obli- substantial interest in a tract within
gations under this agreement requiring the unit area fails or refuses to sub-
the Unit Operator to commence or con- scribe or consent to this agreement,
tinue drilling, or to operate on, or the owner of the working interest in
produce unitized substances from any that tract may withdraw the tract
of the lands covered by this agreement, from this agreement by written notice
shall be suspended while the Unit Oper- delivered to the proper BLM office and
ator, despite the exercise of due care
the Unit Operator prior to the approval
and diligence, is prevented from com-
of this agreement by the AO. Any oil or
plying with such obligations, in whole
gas interests in lands within the unit
or in part, by strikes, acts of God, Fed-
eral, State, or municipal law or agen- area not committed hereto prior to
cies, unavoidable accidents, uncontrol- final approval may thereafter be com-
lable delays in transportation, inabil- mitted hereto by the owner or owners
ity to obtain necessary materials or thereof subscribing or consenting to
equipment in the open market, or this agreement, and, if the interest is a
other matters beyond the reasonable working interest, by the owner of such
control of the Unit Operator, whether interest also subscribing to the unit
similar to matters herein enumerated operating agreement. After operations
or not. are commenced hereunder, the right of
26. NONDISCRIMINATION. In con- subsequent joinder, as provided in this
nection with the performance of work section, by a working interest owner is
under this agreement, the Unit Oper- subject to such requirements or ap-
ator agrees to comply with all the pro- proval(s), if any, pertaining to such
visions of section 202 (1) to (7) inclu- joinder, as may be provided for in the
sive, of Executive Order 11246 (30 FR unit operating agreement. After final


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3186.1

approval hereof, joinder by a non- If as a result of any such surrender,

working interest owner must be con- the working interest rights as to such
sented to in writing by the working in- lands become vested in any party other
terest owner committed hereto and re- than the fee owner of the unitized sub-
sponsible for the payment of any bene- stances, said party may forfeit such
fits that may accrue hereunder in be- rights and further benefits from oper-
half of such nonworking interest. A ations hereunder as to said land to the
nonworking interest may not be com- party next in the chain of title who
mitted to this unit agreement unless shall be and become the owner of such
the corresponding working interest is working interest.
committed hereto. Joinder to the unit If as the result of any such surrender
agreement by a working interest or forfeiture working interest rights
owner, at any time, must be accom- become vested in the fee owner of the
panied by appropriate joinder to the unitized substances, such owner may:
unit operating agreement, in order for (a) Accept those working interest
the interest to be regarded as com- rights subject to this agreement and
mitted to this agreement. Except as the unit operating agreement; or
may otherwise herein be provided, sub- (b) Lease the portion of such land as
sequent joinders to this agreement is included in a participating area es-
shall be effective as of the date of the tablished hereunder subject to this
filing with the AO of duly executed agreement and the unit operating
counterparts of all or any papers nec- agreement; or
essary to establish effective commit- (c) Provide for the independent oper-
ment of any interest and/or tract to ation of any part of such land that is
this agreement. not then included within a partici-
29. COUNTERPARTS. This agree- pating area established hereunder.
ment may be executed in any number If the fee owner of the unitized sub-
of counterparts, no one of which needs stances does not accept the working in-
to be executed by all parties, or may be terest rights subject to this agreement
ratified or consented to by separate in- and the unit operating agreement or
strument in writing specifically refer- lease such lands as above provided
ring hereto and shall be binding upon within 6 months after the surrendered
all those parties who have executed or forfeited, working interest rights be-
such a counterpart, ratification, or come vested in the fee owner; the bene-
consent hereto with the same force and fits and obligations of operations ac-
effect as if all such parties had signed cruing to such lands under this agree-
the same document, and regardless of ment and the unit operating agreement
whether or not it is executed by all shall be shared by the remaining own-
other parties owning or claiming an in- ers of unitized working interests in ac-
terest in the lands within the above-de- cordance with their respective working
scribed unit area. interest ownerships, and such owners
4 30. SURRENDER. Nothing in this of working interests shall compensate
agreement shall prohibit the exercise the fee owner of unitized substances in
by any working interest owner of the such lands by paying sums equal to the
right to surrender vested in such party rentals, minimum royalties, and royal-
by any lease, sublease, or operating ties applicable to such lands under the
agreement as to all or any part of the lease in effect when the lands were
lands covered thereby, provided that unitized.
each party who will or might acquire An appropriate accounting and set-
such working interest by such sur- tlement shall be made for all benefits
render or by forfeiture as hereafter set accruing to or payments and expendi-
forth, is bound by the terms of this tures made or incurred on behalf of
agreement. such surrendered or forfeited working
interests subsequent to the date of sur-
4 Optional sections and subsection. (Agree- render or forfeiture, and payment of
ments submitted for final approval should any moneys found to be owing by such
not identify section or provision as ‘‘op- an accounting shall be made as be-
tional.’’) tween the parties within 30 days.


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§ 3186.1 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

The exercise of any right vested in a models shown in §§ 3186.1–1 and 3186.1–2 of
working interest owner to reassign this title.
such working interest to the party 3. Consents should be identified (in pencil)
by tract numbers as listed in Exhibit B and
from whom obtained shall be subject to
assembled in that order as far as practical.
the same conditions as set forth in this Unit agreements submitted for approval
section in regard to the exercise of a shall include a list of the overriding royalty
right to surrender. interest owners who have executed ratifica-
4 31. TAXES. The working interest tions of the unit agreement. Subsequent
owners shall render and pay for their joinders by overriding royalty interest own-
account and the account of the royalty ers shall be submitted in the same manner,
owners all valid taxes on or measured except each must include or be accompanied
by a statement that the corresponding work-
by the unitized substances in and under
ing interest owner has consented in writing
or that may be produced, gathered and to such joinder. Original ratifications of
sold from the land covered by this overriding royalty owners will be kept on
agreement after its effective date, or file by the Unit Operator or his designated
upon the proceeds derived therefrom. agent.
The working interest owners on each 4. All leases held by option should be noted
tract shall and may charge the proper on Exhibit B with an explanation as to the
proportion of said taxes to royalty type of option, i.e., whether for operating
owners having interests in said-tract, rights only, for full leasehold record title, or
for certain interests to be earned by perform-
and may currently retain and deduct a ance. In all instances, optionee committing
sufficient amount of the unitized sub- such interests is expected to exercise option
stances or derivative products, or net promptly.
proceeds thereof, from the allocated 5. All owners of oil and gas interests must
share of each royalty owner to secure be invited to join the unit agreement, and
reimbursement for the taxes so paid. statement to that effect must accompany ex-
No such taxes shall be charged to the ecuted agreement, together with summary of
United States or the State of ll or to results of such invitations. A written reason
for all interest owners who have not joined
any lessor who has a contract with his shall be furnished by the unit operator.
lessee which requires the lessee to pay 6. In the event fish and wildlife lands are
such taxes. included, add the following as a separate sec-
4 32. NO PARTNERSHIP. It is ex-
pressly agreed that the relation of the ‘‘Wildlife Stipulation. Nothing in this unit
parties hereto is that of independent agreement shall modify the special Federal
contractors and nothing contained in lease stipulations applicable to lands under
this agreement, expressed or implied, the jurisdiction of the United States Fish
and Wildlife Service.’’
nor any operations conducted here-
7. In the event National Forest System
under, shall create or be deemed to lands are included within the unit area, add
have created a partnership or associa- the following as a separate section:
tion between the parties hereto or any ‘‘Forest Land Stipulation. Notwith-
of them. standing any other terms and conditions
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties contained in this agreement, all of the stipu-
hereto have caused this agreement to lations and conditions of the individual
be executed and have set opposite their leases between the United States and its les-
respective names the date of execution. sees or their successors or assigns embracing
lands within the unit area included for the
llllllllllllllllllllllll protection of lands or functions under the ju-
risdiction of the Secretary of Agriculture
Unit Operator shall remain in full force and effect the same
llllllllllllllllllllllll as though this agreement had not been en-
tered into, and no modification thereof is au-
Working Interest Owners thorized except with the prior consent in
llllllllllllllllllllllll writing of the Regional Forester, United
States Forest Service, lll,
Other Interest Owners
.’’ llllllllllllllllllllll
General Guidelines
8. In the event National Forest System
1. Executed agreement to be legally com- lands within the Jackson Hole Area of Wyo-
plete. ming are included within the unit area, addi-
2. Agreement submitted for approval must tional ‘‘special’’ stipulations may be re-
contain Exhibit A and B in accordance with quired to be included in the unit agreement


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3186.1
by the U.S. Forest Service, including the CERTIFICATION—DETERMINATION
Jackson Hole Special Stipulation.
Pursuant to the authority vested in the
9. In the event reclamation lands are in- Secretary of the Interior, under the Act ap-
cluded, add the following as a new separate proved February 25, 1920, 41 Stat. 437, as
section: amended, 30 U.S.C. sec. 181, et seq., and dele-
‘‘Reclamation Lands. Nothing in this gated to (the appropriate Name and Title of
agreement shall modify the special, Federal the authorized officer, BLM) under the au-
lease stipulations applicable to lands under thority of 43 CFR part 3180, I do hereby:
the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Reclama- A. Approve the attached agreement for the
tion.’’ development and operation of the ll, Unit
10. In the event a powersite is embraced in Area, State of lll. This approval shall be
the proposed unit area, the following section invalid ab initio if the public interest require-
should be added: ment under § 3183.4(b) of this title is not met.
‘‘Powersite. Nothing in this agreement B. Certify and determine that the unit plan
shall modify the special, Federal lease stipu- of development and operation contemplated
in the attached agreement is necessary and
lations applicable to lands under the juris-
advisable in the public interest for the pur-
diction of the Federal Energy Regulatory
pose of more properly conserving the natural
11. In the event special surface stipulations C. Certify and determine that the drilling,
have been attached to any of the Federal oil producing, rental, minimum royalty, and
and gas leases to be included, add the fol- royalty requirements of all Federal leases
lowing as a separate section: committed to said agreement are hereby es-
‘‘Special surface stipulations. Nothing in tablished altered, changed, or revoked to
this agreement shall modify the special Fed- conform with the terms and conditions of
eral lease stipulations attached to the indi- this agreement.
vidual Federal oil leases.’’ Dated llll.
12. In the event State lands are included in llllllllllllllllllllllll
the proposed unit area, add the appropriate (Name and Title of authorized officer of the
State Lands Section as separate section. Bureau of Land Management)
(See § 3181.4(a) of this title). [48 FR 26766, June 10, 1983. Redesignated and
13. In the event restricted Indian lands are amended at 48 FR 36587, 36588, Aug. 12, 1983;
involved, consult the AO regarding appro- 53 FR 17365, May 16, 1988; 53 FR 31867, 31959,
priate requirements under § 3181.4(b) of this Aug. 22, 1988; 58 FR 58633, Nov. 2, 1993; 59 FR
title. 16999, Apr. 11, 1994]


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§ 3186.1– 1 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

§ 3186.1– 1 Model Exhibit ‘‘A’’.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3186.1– 2

§ 3186.1– 2 Model Exhibit ‘‘B’’.


Serial No. and Basic royalty Overriding roy- Working inter-
Tract No. of Lessee of
Description of land expiration date and ownership alty and per- est and per-
No. acres record
of lease percentage centage centage

All in the area of

T54N–R59W, 6th
Federal Land
1 ...... Sec. 14: All ................. 1,920.00 W–8470, 6– U.S.: All ......... T.J. Cook T.J. Cook 2% Frost Oil Co.
30–81. 100%. 100%.
Sec. 15: All .................
Sec. 23: All .................
2 ...... Sec. 35: All ................. 640.00 W–9123, 7– U.S.: All ......... O.M. Odom O.M. Odom Deer Oil Co.
31–81. 100%. 1%. 100%.
3 ...... Sec. 21: All ................. 1,280.00 W–41345, 6– U.S.: All ......... Max Pen 50% Max Pen 1% .. Frost Oil Co.
30–85. 100%.
Sec. 28: All ................. .............. ........................ ........................ Sam Small Sam Small 1%
4 ...... Sec. 27: All ................. 1,280.00 W–41679, 6– U.S.: All ......... Al Preen Al Preen 2% .. Deer Oil Co.
30–85. 100%. 50%.
.... .................................... .............. ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ Doe Oil
.... .................................... .............. ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ Able Drilling
Co. 20%.
Sec. 33: All ................. .............. ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ Deer Oil Co.
.... .................................... .............. ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ Doe Oil Co.,
.... .................................... .............. ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ Able Drilling
Co. 20%.
5 ...... Sec. 26: All ................. 961.50 W–52780,12– U.S.: All ......... Deer Oil Co. J.G. Goodin Deer Oil Co.
31–85. 100%. 2%. 100%.
Sec. 25: Lots 3,4,
SW1⁄4, W1⁄2SE1⁄4.
6 ...... Sec. 24: Lots 965.80 W–53970, 2– U.S.: All ......... T.H. Holder ........................ T.H. Holder
1,2,3,4,W1⁄2, 28–86. 100%. 100%.
W ⁄2E ⁄2 (All).
1 1

Sec. 25: Lots

1,2,NW1⁄4, W1⁄2NE/4.
6 Federal tracts total-
ling 7,047.30 acres
or 68.76018% of
unit area.
State Land
7 ...... Sec. 16: All ................. 1,280.60 78620, 6–30– State: All ........ Deer Oil Co. T.T. Timo 2% Deer Oil Co.
88. 100%. 100%.
Sec. 36: Lots 1, 2, 3,
4, W1⁄2, W1⁄2E1⁄2
1 State tract totalling
1,280.60 acres or
12.49476% of unit
Patented Land
8 ...... Sec. 13: Lots 1, 2, 3, 641.20 5–31–82 ......... J.C. Smith: Doe Oil Co. ........................ Doe Oil Co.
4, W1⁄2, W1⁄2E1⁄2 100%. 100%. 100%.
9 ...... Sec. 22: All ................. 640.00 5–31–82 ......... T.J. Cook: W.W. Smith Sam Spade W.W. Smith
100%. 100%. 1%. 100%.
10 .... Sec. 34: All ................. 640.00 6–30–82 ......... A.A. Aben: Deer Oil Co. ........................ Deer Oil Co.
75%, L.P. 100%. 100%.
Carr: 25%.
3 Patented tracts total-
ling 1,921.20 acres
or 18.74506% of
unit area.
Total: 10 tracts 10,249.10 acres in entire unit area.

[48 FR 26766, June 10, 1983. Redesignated at 48 FR 36587, Aug. 12, 1983, and amended at 51 FR
34604, Sept. 30, 1986]


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§ 3186.2 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

§ 3186.2 Model collective bond. in lieu of drilling necessary offset wells in

the event of drainage; and
COLLECTIVE CORPORATE SURETY BOND Whereas nothing herein contained shall
preclude the United States (from requiring
Know all men by these presents. That we, an additional bond at any time when deemed
lll (Name of unit operator), signing as necessary);
Principal, for and on behalf of the record Now, therefore, if the said Principal shall
owners of unitized substances now or here- faithfully comply with all of the provisions
after covered by the unit agreement for the of the above-indentified unit agreement and
lll (Name of unit), approved lll (Date) with the terms of the leases committed
lll (Name and address of Surety), as Sur- thereto, then the above obligation is to be of
ety are jointly and severally held and firmly no effect; otherwise to remain in full force
bound unto the United States of America in and virtue.
the sum of lll (Amount of bond) Dollars, Signed, sealed, and delivered this lll
lawful money of the United States, for the day of lll, in the presence of:
use and benefit of and to be paid to the Witnesses:
United States and any entryman or patentee
of any portion of the unitized land here-to- llllllllllllllllllllllll
fore entered or patented with the reservation (Principal)
of the oil or gas deposits to the United
States, for which payment, well and truly to llllllllllllllllllllllll
be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, llllllllllllllllllllllll
and each of our heirs, executors, administra- llllllllllllllllllllllll
tors, successors, and assigns by these pre- (Surety)
The condition of the foregoing obligation § 3186.3 Model for designation of suc-
is such, that, whereas the Secretary of the cessor unit operator by working in-
Interior on lll (Date) approved under the terest owners.
provisions of the Act of February 25, 1920, 41
Stat. 437, 30 U.S.C. secs. 181 et seq., as amend- Designation of successor Unit Operator
ed by the Act of August 8, 1946, 60 Stat. 950, lll Unit Area, County of lll, State of
a unit agreement for the development and lll. No. lll.
operation of the lll (Name of unit and This indenture, dated as of the l day of
State); and ll, 19l, by and between ll, hereinafter
Whereas said Principal and record owners designated as ‘‘First Party,’’ and the owners
of unitized substances, pursuant to said unit of unitized working interests, hereinafter
agreement, have entered into certain cov- designated as ‘‘Second Parties,’’
enants and agreements as set forth therein, Witnesseth: Whereas under the provisions
under which operations are to be conducted; of the Act of February 25, 1920, 41 Stat. 437,
and 30 U.S.C. secs. 181, et seq., as amended by the
Whereas said Principal as Unit Operator Act of August 8, 1946, 60 Stat. 950, the Sec-
has assumed the duties and obligations of retary of the Interior, on the lll day of
the respective owners of unitized substances lll, 19l, approved a unit agreement lll
as defined in said unit agreement; and Unit Area, wherein lll is designated as
Whereas said Principal and Surety agree to Unit Operator, and
remain bound in the full amount of the bond Whereas said lll has resigned as such
for failure to comply with the terms of the Operator 1 and the designation of a successor
unit agreement, and the payment of rentals, Unit Operator is now required pursuant to
minimum royalties, and royalties due under the terms thereof; and
the Federal leases committed to said unit
Whereas the First Party has been and here-
agreement; and
by is designated by Second Parties as Unit
Whereas the Surety hereby waives any
Operator, and said First Party desires to as-
right of notice of and agrees that this bond
sume all the rights, duties, and obligations
may remain in force and effect notwith-
of Unit Operator under the said unit agree-
(a) Any additions to or change in the own- ment:
ership of the unitized substances herein de- Now, therefore, in consideration of the
scribed; premises hereinbefore set forth and the
(b) Any suspension of the drilling or pro- promises hereinafter stated, the First Party
ducing requirements or waiver, suspension, hereby covenants and agrees to fulfill the du-
or reduction of rental or minimum royalty ties and assume the obligations of Unit Oper-
payments or reduction of royalties pursuant ator under and pursuant to all the terms of
to applicable laws or regulations thereunder;
and 1 Where the designation of a successor Unit

Whereas said Principal and Surety agree to Operator is required for any reason other
the payment of compensatory royalty under than resignation, such reason shall be sub-
the regulations of the Interior Department stituted for the one stated.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior Pt. 3190
the lll unit agreement, and the Second Now, therefore, in consideration of the
Parties covenant and agree that, effective premises hereinbefore set forth, the First
upon approval of this indenture by the Party does hereby transfer, assign, release,
(Name and Title of authorized officer, BLM) and quitclaim unto Second Party all of First
First Party shall be granted the exclusive Party’s rights, duties, and obligations as
right and privilege of exercising any and all Unit Operator under said unit agreement;
rights and privileges as Unit Operator, pur- and
suant to the terms and conditions of said Second Party hereby accepts this assign-
unit agreement; said Unit agreement being ment and hereby covenants and agrees to
hereby incorporated herein by reference and fulfill the duties and assume the obligations
made a part hereof as fully and effectively as of Unit Operator under and pursuant to all
though said unit agreement were expressly the terms of said unit agreement to the full
set forth in this instrument. extent set forth in this assignment, effective
In witness whereof, the parties hereto have upon approval of this indenture by the
executed this instrument as of the date here- (Name and Title of authorized officer, BLM);
inabove set forth. said unit agreement being hereby incor-
llllllllllllllllllllllll porated herein by reference and made a part
llllllllllllllllllllllll hereof as fully and effectively as though said
(Witnesses) unit agreement were expressly set forth in
llllllllllllllllllllllll this instrument.
llllllllllllllllllllllll In witness whereof, the parties hereto have
(Witnesses) executed this instrument as of the date here-
llllllllllllllllllllllll inabove set forth.
(First Party) llllllllllllllllllllllll
llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll
(Second Party) (Witnesses)
I hereby approve the foregoing indenture llllllllllllllllllllllll
designating lll as Unit Operator under llllllllllllllllllllllll
the unit agreement for the lll Unit Area, (Witnesses)
this l day of lll, 19l. llllllllllllllllllllllll
llllllllllllllllllllllll (First Party)
Authorized officer of the Bureau of Land llllllllllllllllllllllll
Management. (Second Party)
I hereby approve the foregoing indenture
[48 FR 26766, June 10, 1983. Redesignated at 48 designating lll as Unit Operator under
FR 36587, Aug. 12, 1983, as amended at 51 FR the unit agreement for the lll Unit Area,
34604, Sept. 30, 1986] this l day of lll, 19l.
Authorized officer of the Bureau of Land
§ 3186.4 Model for change in unit oper- Management
ator by assignment.

Change in Unit Operator lll Unit Area, PART 3190— DELEGATION OF AU-
County of lll, State of lll, No. l. This THORITY, COOPERATIVE AGREE-
indenture, dated as of the l day of lll, MENTS AND CONTRACTS FOR
19l, by and between lll hereinafter des- OIL AND GAS INSPECTION
ignated as ‘‘First Party,’’ and lll herein-
after designated as ‘‘Second Party.’’
Witnesseth: Whereas under the provisions Subpart 3190— Delegation of Authority, Co-
of the Act of February 25, 1920, 41 Stat. 437 30 operative Agreements and Contracts
U.S.C. secs. 181, et seq., as amended by the for Oil and Gas Inspections: General
Act of August 8, 1946, 60 Stat. 950, the De-
partment of the Interior, on the l day of Sec.
lll, 19l, approved a unit agreement for 3190.0–1 Purpose.
3190.0–3 Authority.
the lll Unit Area, wherein the First Party
3190.0–4 Objective.
is designated as Unit Operator; and
3190.0–5 Definitions.
Whereas the First Party desires to trans-
3190.0–7 Cross references.
fer, assign, release, and quitclaim, and the
3190.1 Proprietary data.
Second Party desires to assume all the 3190.2 Recordkeeping, funding and audit.
rights, duties and obligations of Unit Oper- 3190.2–1 Recordkeeping.
ator under the unit agreement; and 3190.2–2 Funding.
Whereas for sufficient and valuable consid- 3190.2–3 Audit.
eration, the receipt whereof is hereby ac- 3190.3 Sharing of civil penalties.
knowledged, the First Party has transferred, 3190.4 Availability of information.
conveyed, and assigned all his/its rights
under certain operating agreements involv- Subpart 3191— Delegation of Authority
ing lands within the area set forth in said
unit agreement unto the Second Party; 3191.1 Petition for delegation.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3190.2– 2

Federal restriction against alienation, with respect to the disclosure of such

including mineral resources and min- information as would apply to any offi-
eral estates reserved to an Indian tribe cer or employee of the United States.
or Indian allottee in the conveyance of (2) Disclosure of proprietary data ob-
a surface or nonmineral estate, except tained pursuant to a delegation of au-
that such term does not include any thority, cooperative agreement, or con-
lands subject to the provisions of sec- tract under this part may not be com-
tion 3 of the Act of June 28, 1906 (34 pelled under State law.
Stat. 539).
(f) Proprietary data means informa- § 3190.2 Recordkeeping, funding and
tion obtained from a lessee that con- audit.
stitutes trade secrets, or commercial
or financial information that is privi- § 3190.2– 1 Recordkeeping.
leged or confidential, or other informa- (a) Records and accounts relating to
tion that may be withheld under the activities under delegations of author-
Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. ity, cooperative agreements or con-
552(b)). tracts shall be identified in the delega-
tion, cooperative agreement or con-
§ 3190.0– 7 Cross references. tract.
(a) 25 CFR 211.18; 212.24; 213.34. (b) All records and other materials
(b) 30 CFR part 229. relating to a delegation of authority,
(c) 43 CFR part 3160. cooperative agreement or contract
shall be maintained by the State, In-
§ 3190.1 Proprietary data.
dian Tribe or contractor for a period of
With regard to any data or informa- 6 years from the date they are gen-
tion obtained by a State, Indian tribe erated or such other period as may be
or individual, whether under a delega- specified in the delegation, cooperative
tion of authority, cooperative agree- agreement or contract.
ment or contract, the following ap-
plies: § 3190.2– 2 Funding.
(a) Proprietary data shall be made
(a) States and Tribes shall provide
available to a State or Indian tribe
adequate funding for administration
pursuant to a cooperative agreement
and execution of activities carried out
under the provisions of 30 U.S.C. 1732 if
under a delegation or cooperative
such State or Indian tribe:
(1) Consents in writing to restrict the
(b) Reimbursement for allowable
dissemination of such information to
costs incurred by a State, Indian tribe
such persons directly involved in an in-
or contractor as a result of activities
vestigation under 30 U.S.C. 1732 who
carried out under a delegation of au-
need the information to conduct the in-
thority, cooperative agreement or con-
(2) Agrees in writing to accept liabil- tract shall be as negotiated, with the
ity for wrongful disclosure; following limitations:
(3) In the case of a State, the State (1) Up to 100 percent for a delegation
demonstrates that such information is of authority; or
essential to the conduct of an inves- (2)Up to 100 percent for a cooperative
tigation or to litigation under 30 U.S.C. agreement.
1734; and (c) Funding shall be subject to the
(4) In the case of an Indian tribe, the availability of funds.
tribe demonstrates that such informa- (d) States, Indian tribes or contrac-
tion is essential to the conduct of an tors shall maintain financial records
audit or investigation and waives sov- relating to the funds received and ex-
ereign immunity by express consent for pended under a delegation of authority,
wrongful disclosure. cooperative agreement or contract as
(b)(1) Any person or State that ob- specified in the delegation of author-
tains proprietary data pursuant to a ity, cooperative agreement or contract.
delegation of authority, cooperative (e) Reimbursement shall be at least
agreement or contract under this part quarterly and only shall be made upon
is subject to the same provisions of law submission of an invoice or request for


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§ 3190.2– 3 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

reimbursement to the authorized offi- State and on Indian lands within the
cer. State where the affected Indian tribe
[52 FR 27182, July 17, 1987, as amended at 62 or Indian allottee has given written
FR 49586, Sept. 22, 1997] permission for such inspection, en-
forcement and investigation. Requests
§ 3190.2– 3 Audit. by a State for delegation of other ac-
In maintaining financial records re- tivities may be granted by the Director
lating to the funds received and ex- with the approval of the Secretary.
pended under a delegation of authority,
cooperative agreement, or contract, § 3191.1– 2 Eligibility.
States, Indian tribes and contractors Any State with producing oil or gas
shall comply with generally accepted leases on Federal or Indian lands may
accounting principles and audit re- request a delegation of authority.
quirements established by the Depart-
ment of the Interior and Bureau of § 3191.1– 3 Action upon petition.
Land Management.
Upon request for a delegation of au-
§ 3190.3 Sharing of civil penalties. thority, the Director shall determine
Fifty percent of any civil penalty if:
collected by the United States as a re- (a) The State has proposed an accept-
sult of activities carried out by a State able plan for carrying out the dele-
under a delegation of authority or a gated activities and will provide ade-
State or Indian tribe under a coopera- quate resources to achieve the purposes
tive agreement shall be payable to that of 30 U.S.C. 1735. This plan shall, at a
State or Indian tribe upon receipt by minimum:
the United States. Such amount shall (1) Identify specific authorities and
be deducted from compensation due to responsibilities for which the State is
the State or Indian tribe by the United requesting a delegation of authority
States under the delegation of author- and whether it is applicable to Federal
ity or cooperative agreement. lands only or includes Indian lands;
§ 3190.4 Availability of information. (2) Provide evidence of written per-
mission of the affected Indian tribe(s)
Information in the possession of the or allottee(s) for such lands;
Bureau of Land Management that is
(3) Include specifics for carrying out
necessary to carry out activities au-
the delegated activities;
thorized by delegations of authority,
cooperative agreements, or contracts (4) Indicate the inspector resources
entered into under this part will be for carrying out the delegated activi-
provided by the BLM to the States and ties and documentation of inspector
Indian tribes party to such agreements. qualifications;
Release of proprietary data shall be (5) Describe the proposed record
subject to the provisions of § 3190.1 of keeping for funding purposes;
this part. (6) Detail the frequency and method
[56 FR 2998, Jan. 25, 1991]
of payment; and
(7) Include copies of any non-Federal
forms that are to be used.
Subpart 3191— Delegation of
(b) The State has demonstrated that
Authority it will effectively and faithfully admin-
§ 3191.1 Petition for delegation. ister the rules and regulations of the
Department of the Interior in accord-
§ 3191.1– 1 Petition. ance with the provisions of 30 U.S.C.
The Governor or other authorized of- 1735.
ficial of any eligible State may request (c) The delegation will be carried out
in writing that the Director delegate in coordination with activities retained
all or part of his/her authority and re- by the Bureau so that such delegation
sponsibility for inspection, enforce- will not create an unreasonable burden
ment and investigation on oil and gas on any lessee.
leases on Federal lands within the


VerDate 0ct<02>2002 10:25 Oct 10, 2002 Jkt 197173 PO 00000 Frm 00464 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\197173T.XXX 197173T
Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3191.3– 2

§ 3191.1– 4 Public hearing on petition. § 3191.3 Termination and reinstate-

Prior to the granting of any delega-
tion of authority, the notice of pro- § 3191.3– 1 Termination.
posed delegation shall be published in
the FEDERAL REGISTER. The FEDERAL (a) The delegation may be termi-
nated by mutual written consent at
REGISTER notice shall provide an op-
any time.
portunity for a public hearing in the
(b) The Director may revoke a dele-
affected State.
gation if it is determined that the
§ 3191.2 Terms of delegation. State has failed to meet the minimum
standards for complying with the dele-
(a) Delegations shall be continuing, gated authority.
contingent upon available funding, pro- (c) Prior to any action to revoke a
viding that there is an annual finding delegation, the Director shall notify
by the Director that the provisions of the State in writing of the deficiencies
the delegation and the mineral leasing in the program leading to such revoca-
laws are still being carried out and tion.
that the requirements of § 3191.1–3 (a), (d) Upon notification of intent to re-
(b) and (c) of this title are still in ef- voke a delegation, the State shall have
fect. 30 days to respond with a plan to cor-
(b) Authority delegated to a State rect the cited deficiencies. If the Direc-
under this subpart shall not be redele- tor determines that the plan of correc-
gated. tion is acceptable, the Director shall
(c) The State regulatory authority then approve the plan and specify the
shall maintain sufficient qualified, per- timeframe within which the cited defi-
sonnel to comply with the terms and ciencies shall be corrected.
purpose of the delegation. (e) In the event the Director makes a
(d) Inspection identification cards determination to revoke a delegation
shall be issued by the authorized offi- of authority, the State shall be pro-
vided an opportunity for a hearing
cer to all certified State inspectors for
prior to final action.
the purpose of identifying the bearer as
an authorized representative of the § 3191.3– 2 Reinstatement.
Secretary. Identification cards remain
the property of the United States. Terminated delegations of authority
may be reinstated as set out below:
(e) The delegation shall provide for
(a) For a delegation terminated by
coordination with designated offices of
mutual consent under § 3191.3–1(a) of
the Bureau of Land Management, the
this title, the State shall apply for re-
Minerals Management Service, and, instatement by filing a petition with
where appropriate, the Bureau of In- the Director, who shall determine
dian Affairs, Forest Service, and other whether such reinstatement should be
surface management agencies. granted.
(f) The delegation shall provide for (b) For a delegation of authority re-
annual program review. voked by the Director, the State shall
(g) The delegation shall provide for file a petition requesting reinstate-
annual budget and program reporting ment. In applying for reinstatement,
in conjunction with the Federal Budget the State shall provide written evi-
process. dence that it has remedied all defects
(h) The Director reserves the right to for which the delegation was revoked
make inspections on Federal and In- and that it is fully capable of resuming
dian leases inspected by a State under the activities carried out under the del-
this subpart for the purpose of evalu- egation. Upon receipt of the petition,
ating the manner in which the delega- the following actions shall be taken:
tion is being carried out. (1) The authorized officer, after re-
(i) The Director reserves the right to view of the petition, may recommend
act independently to carry out his/her approval of the reinstatement but shall
responsibilities under the law. provide proof that the deficiencies have
been corrected and that the State is


VerDate 0ct<02>2002 10:25 Oct 10, 2002 Jkt 197173 PO 00000 Frm 00465 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\197173T.XXX 197173T
§ 3191.4 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

fully capable of carrying out the dele- its withdrawal of permission to the
gation. State.
(2) The Director shall review the peti- (b) Immediately upon receipt of a no-
tion and the recommendation of the tice of withdrawal of permission, the
authorized officer and may approve the State shall provide written notification
reinstatement of a delegation upon a of said notice to the authorized officer,
determination that the findings of the who immediately shall take all nec-
authorized officer are acceptable. essary action to provide for inspection
and enforcement activities on the af-
§ 3191.4 Standards of delegation. fected Indian lands.
(c) No later than 120 days after re-
(a) The Director shall establish min-
ceipt of a notice of withdrawal of per-
imum standards to be used by a State
mission draw from an Indian tribe or
in carrying out activities established
allottee, the delegation on the lands
in the delegation.
covered by the notice shall terminate.
(b) The delegation shall identify (d) Upon termination of a delegation
functions, if any, that are to be carried covering Indian lands, appropriate
out jointly. changes in funding shall be made by
(c) A delegation shall be made in ac- the authorized officer.
cordance with the requirements of this
Subpart 3192— Cooperative
(d) Copies of delegations shall be on
file in the Washington Office of the Bu-
reau and shall be available for public
inspection. SOURCE: 62 FR 49586, Sept. 22, 1997, unless
otherwise noted.
§ 3191.5 Delegation for Indian lands.
§ 3192.1 What is a cooperative agree-
§ 3191.5– 1 Indian lands included in
delegation. (a) A cooperative agreement is a con-
tract between the Bureau of Land Man-
(a) No activity under a delegation
agement (BLM) and a Tribe or State to
made under this subpart may be car-
conduct inspection, investigation, or
ried out on Indian lands without the
enforcement activities on producing
written permission of the affected In-
Indian Tribal or allotted oil and gas
dian tribe or allottee.
(b) A State requesting a delegation (b) BLM will enter into a cooperative
involving Indian lands shall provide, as agreement with a State to inspect oil
evidence of permission, a written and gas leases on Indian lands only
agreement signed by an appropriate of- with the permission of the Tribe with
ficial(s) of the Indian tribe for tribal jurisdiction over the lands.
lands, or by the individual allottee(s)
or their representative(s) for allotted § 3192.2 Who may apply for a coopera-
lands. The agreement shall at a min- tive agreement with BLM to con-
imum specify the type and extent of duct oil and gas inspections?
activities to be carried out by the (a) The Tribal chairperson, or other
State under the agreement, and provi- authorized official, of a Tribe with pro-
sions for State access to carry out the ducing oil or gas leases, or agreements
specified activities. under the Indian Mineral Development
(c) Delegations covering Indian lands Act of 1982 (25 U.S.C. 2101 et seq.), may
shall be separate from delegations cov- apply for a cooperative agreement with
ering Federal lands. BLM for Indian lands under the Tribe’s
§ 3191.5– 2 Indian lands withdrawn (b) Tribes may join together to apply
from delegation. for a multi-tribe cooperative agree-
(a) When an Indian tribe or allottee ment.
withdraws permission for a State to (c) The Governor of a State having a
conduct inspection and related activi- Tribal resolution from the Tribe with
ties on its lands, the Indian tribe or al- jurisdiction over the Indian lands, per-
lottee shall provide written notice of mitting the Governor to enter into a


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3192.9

cooperative agreement, may apply for § 3192.7 What must I do with Federal
a cooperative agreement with BLM. assistance I receive?
You must use Federal assistance that
§ 3192.3 What must a Tribe or State in- you receive only for costs incurred
clude in its application for a coop-
erative agreement? which are directly related to the ac-
tivities carried out under the coopera-
(a) To apply for a cooperative agree- tive agreement.
ment you must complete—
(1) Standard Form 424, Application § 3192.8 May I subcontract activities in
for Federal Assistance; the agreement?
(2) Standard Form 424A, Budget In- You must obtain BLM’s written ap-
formation—Non-Construction Pro- proval before you subcontract any ac-
grams; and tivities in the agreement with the ex-
(3) Standard Form 424B, Assurances— ception of financial audits of program
Non-Construction Programs. funds that are required by the Single
(b) You must describe the type and Audit Act of 1984 (31 U.S.C. 7501 et seq.).
extent of oil and gas inspection, en- § 3192.9 What terms must a coopera-
forcement, and investigative activities tive agreement contain?
proposed under the agreement and the
The cooperative agreement must—
period of time the proposed agreement (a) State its purpose, objective, and
will be in effect (See section 11 of authority;
Standard Form 424). (b) Define terms used in the agree-
(c) You may include allotted lands ment;
under an agreement with the written (c) Describe the Indian lands covered;
consent of all allottees or their heirs. (d) Describe the roles and responsibil-
BLM will ask the Bureau of Indian Af- ities of BLM and the Tribe or State;
fairs (BIA) to verify that the Tribe or (e) Describe the activities the Tribe
State has obtained all of the necessary or State will carry out;
signatures to commit 100 percent of (f) Define the minimum performance
each individual tract of allotted lands standards to evaluate Tribal or State
to the agreement. performance;
(g) Include provisions to—
§ 3192.4 What is the term of a coopera- (1) Protect proprietary data, as pro-
tive agreement? vided in § 3190.1 of this part;
Cooperative agreements can be in ef- (2) Prevent conflict of interest, as
fect for a period from 1 to 5 years from provided in § 3192.14(d);
the effective date of the agreement, as (3) Share civil penalties, as provided
set out in the agreement. in § 3192.11; and
(4) Terminate the agreement;
§ 3192.5 How do I modify a cooperative (h) List BLM and Tribal or State con-
agreement? tacts;
(i) Avoid duplication of effort be-
You may modify a cooperative agree-
tween BLM and the Tribe or State
ment by having all parties to the
when conducting inspections;
agreement consent to the change in
(j) List schedules for—
writing. If the agreement is with a (1) Inspection activities;
State, and the modification would af- (2) Training of Tribal or State inspec-
fect the duration or scope of the agree- tors;
ment, then the State must obtain the (3) Periodic reviews and meetings;
written consent of the affected Tribe (k) Specify the limit on the dollar
and/or allottee or heir. amount of Federal funding;
(l) Describe procedures for Tribes or
§ 3192.6 How will BLM evaluate my re- States to request payment reimburse-
quest for proprietary data?
BLM will evaluate Tribal or State re- (m) Describe allowable costs subject
quests for proprietary data on a case- to reimbursement; and
by-case basis according to the require- (n) Describe plans for BLM oversight
ments of § 3190.1 of this part. of the cooperative agreement.


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§ 3192.10 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

§ 3192.10 What costs will BLM pay? (4) Train and certify Tribal or State
(a) BLM will pay expenses allowed
under part 12, subpart A, Administra- (5) Issue and regulate inspector iden-
tive and Audit Requirements and Cost tification cards; and
Principles for Assistance Programs, of (6) Identify leases to be inspected,
this title. taking into account the priorities of
(b) BLM will fund the agreements up the Tribe. Priorities for allotted lands
to 100 percent of allowable costs. will be established through consulta-
(c) Funding is subject to the avail- tion with the BIA office with jurisdic-
ability of BLM funds. tion over the lands in the agreement.
(d) Funding for cooperative agree- (b) If BLM enters into a cooperative
ments is subject to the shared civil agreement, that agreement does not af-
penalties requirement of § 3192.11. fect BLM’s right to enter lease sites to
conduct inspections, enforcement, in-
§ 3192.11 How are civil penalties vestigations or other activities nec-
shared? essary to supervise lease operations.
(a) Civil penalties that the Federal § 3192.14 What are the requirements
Government collects resulting from an for Tribal or State inspectors?
activity carried out by a Tribe or State
under a cooperative agreement are (a) Tribal or State inspectors must be
shared equally between the inspecting certified by BLM before they conduct
Tribe or State and BLM. independent inspections on Indian oil
(b) BLM must deduct the amount of and gas leases.
the civil penalty paid to the Tribe or (b) The standards for certifying Trib-
State from the funding paid to the al or State inspectors must be the
Tribe or State for the cooperative same as the standards BLM uses for
agreement. certifying BLM inspectors.
(c) Tribal and State inspectors must
§ 3192.12 What activities may Tribes or satisfactorily complete on-the-job and
States perform under cooperative classroom training in order to qualify
agreements? for certification.
Activities carried out under the coop- (d) Tribal or State inspectors must
erative agreement must be in accord- not—
ance with the policies of the appro- (1) Inspect the operations of compa-
priate BLM State or field office and as nies in which they, a member of their
specified in the agreement, and may in- immediate family, or their immediate
clude— supervisor, have a direct financial in-
(a) Inspecting Tribal or allotted oil terest; or
and gas leases for compliance with (2) Use for personal gain, or gain by
BLM regulations; another person, information he or she
(b) Issuing initial Notices of Inci- acquires as a result of his or her par-
dents of Non-Compliance, Form 3160–9, ticipating in the cooperative agree-
and Notices to Shut Down Operations, ment.
Form 3160–12;
(c) Conducting investigations; or § 3192.15 May cooperative agreements
(d) Conducting oil transporter inspec- be terminated?
tions. (a) Cooperative agreements may be
terminated at any time if all parties
§ 3192.13 What responsibilities must agree to the termination in writing.
BLM keep? (b) BLM may terminate an agree-
(a) Under cooperative agreements, ment without Tribal or State agree-
BLM continues to— ment if the—
(1) Issue Notices of Incidents of Non- (1) Tribe or State fails to carry out
compliance that impose monetary as- the terms of the agreement; or
sessments and penalties; (2) Agreement is no longer needed.
(2) Collect assessments and penalties; (c) A Tribe may unilaterally termi-
(3) Calculate and distribute shared nate an agreement after notifying
civil penalties; BLM. For a unilateral termination, the


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3195.10

agreement terminates 60 days after the 3195.10 What is the purpose of these regula-
Tribe notifies BLM. tions?
3195.11 What terms do I need to know to un-
§ 3192.16 How will I know if BLM in- derstand this subpart?
tends to terminate my agreement? 3195.12 What is an In-Kind Crude Helium
Sales Contract?
(a) If BLM intends to terminate your 3195.13 If I am a Federal helium supplier or
agreement because you did not carry buyer, what reports must I submit to
out the terms of the agreement, BLM BLM?
must send you a notice that lists the 3195.14 How should I submit reports?
reason(s) why BLM intends to termi- FEDERAL AGENCY REQUIREMENTS
nate the agreement.
(b) Within 30 days after receiving the 3195.20 Who must purchase major helium re-
notice, you must send BLM a plan to quirements from Federal helium sup-
correct the problem(s) BLM listed in 3195.21 When must I use an authorized Fed-
the notice. BLM has 30 days to approve eral helium supplier?
or disapprove the plan, in writing. 3195.22 When must my contractors or sub-
(c) If BLM approves the plan, you contractors use an authorized Federal
have 30 days after you receive notice of helium supplier?
the approval to correct the problem(s). 3195.23 How do I get a list of authorized Fed-
(d) If you have not corrected the eral helium suppliers?
problem within 30 days, BLM will send 3195.24 What must I do before contacting a
non-Federal helium supplier for my he-
you a second written termination no- lium needs?
tice that will give you another oppor- 3195.25 What information must be in my
tunity to correct the problem. purchase order/contract for a major he-
(e) If the problem is not corrected lium requirement?
within 60 days after you receive the 3195.26 What information must I report to
second notice, BLM will terminate the BLM?
agreement. 3195.27 What do I do if my helium require-
ment becomes a major helium require-
§ 3192.17 Can BLM reinstate coopera- ment after the initial determination has
tive agreements that have been ter- been made?
(a) If your cooperative agreement 3195.30 How do I apply to become a Federal
was terminated by consent, you may helium supplier?
request that BLM reinstate the agree- 3195.31 What are the general terms of an In-
ment at any time. Kind Crude Helium Sales Contract?
(b) If BLM terminated an agreement 3195.32 Where can I find a list of Federal
because you did not carry out the agencies that use helium?
terms of the agreement, you must 3195.33 What information must I report to
prove that you have corrected the BLM?
3195.34 What happens to my Helium Dis-
problem(s) and are able to carry out tribution Contracts?
the terms of the agreement. 3195.35 What happens if I have an out-
(c) For any reinstatement request standing obligation to purchase refined
BLM will decide whether or not your helium under a Helium Distribution Con-
cooperative agreement may be rein- tract?
stated and, if so, whether you must 3195.36 What happens if there is a shortage
make any changes to the agreement of helium?
3195.37 Under what circumstances can BLM
before it can be reinstated.
terminate me as an authorized Federal
helium supplier?
§ 3192.18 Can I appeal a BLM decision?
AUTHORITY: 50 U.S.C. 167a.
Any party adversely affected by a
BLM decision made under this subpart SOURCE: 63 FR 40178, July 28, 1998, unless
may appeal the decision in accordance otherwise noted.
with parts 4 and 1840 of this title.
PART 3195— HELIUM CONTRACTS § 3195.10 What is the purpose of these
GENERAL INFORMATION The purpose of these regulations is to
Sec. establish procedures governing the sale


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§ 3200.1 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)
3276.12 What information must I give BLM the primary term, even if BLM grants
in the monthly report for facility oper- later extensions.
3276.13 What extra information must I give
Byproducts are minerals (exclusive of
BLM in the monthly report for flash and oil, hydrocarbon gas, and helium)
dry steam facilities? which are found in solution or in asso-
3276.14 What information must I give BLM ciation with geothermal steam, and
in the monthly report for direct use fa- which no person would extract and
cilities? produce by themselves because they
3276.15 Must I notify BLM of accidents oc-
curring at my utilization facility?
are worth less than 75 percent of the
value of the geothermal steam or be-
Subpart 3277— Inspections, Enforcement, cause extraction and production would
and Noncompliance be too difficult.
Casual use means activities that ordi-
3277.10 Will BLM inspect my operations?
3277.11 What records must I keep available
narily lead to no significant disturb-
for inspection? ance of Federal lands, resources, or im-
3277.12 What will BLM do if I do not comply provements.
with all BLM requirements? Commercial operation means deliv-
ering Federal geothermal resources, or
Subpart 3278— Confidential, Proprietary electricity or other benefits derived
Information from those resources, for sale. This
3278.10 Will BLM disclose information I sub- term also includes delivering resources
mit under these regulations? to the utilization point, if you are uti-
3278.11 When I submit confidential, propri- lizing Federal geothermal resources for
etary information, how can I help ensure your own benefit and not selling en-
it is not available to the public? ergy to another entity.
3278.12 How long will information I give
BLM remain confidential or proprietary? Commercial quantities means either:
(1) For production from a lease, a suf-
Subpart 3279— Utilization Relief and ficient volume (in terms of flow and
Appeals temperature) of the resource to provide
a reasonable return after you meet all
3279.10 May I request a variance from any
BLM requirements? costs of production; or
3279.11 How may I appeal a BLM decision (2) For production from a unit, a suf-
regarding my utilization operations? ficient volume of the resource to pro-
AUTHORITY: 5 U.S.C. 552; 25 U.S.C. 396d, vide a reasonable return after you meet
2107; 30 U.S.C. 1023. all costs of drilling and production.
SOURCE: 63 FR 52364, Sept. 30, 1998, unless Commercial Use Permit means BLM au-
otherwise noted. thorization for commercially operating
a utilization facility and/or utilizing
Subpart 3200— Geothermal Federal geothermal resources.
Resource Leasing Cooperative agreement means an
agreement to produce and utilize sepa-
§ 3200.1 Definitions. rately-owned interests in the geo-
thermal resources together as a whole,
Acquired lands means lands or min-
eral estates that the United States ob- where the individual interests cannot
tained by deed through purchase, gift, be independently operated.
condemnation or other legal process. Development contract means a BLM-
Act means the Geothermal Steam Act approved agreement between one or
of 1970, as amended (30 U.S.C. 1001 et more lessees and one or more entities
seq.). which makes resource exploration
Additional term means the period of more efficient and protects the public
years beyond the primary and any ex- interest.
tended term of a producing lease grant- Exploration operations means any ac-
ed when geothermal resources are pro- tivity relating to the search for evi-
duced or utilized in commercial quan- dence of geothermal resources, where
tities within the primary term or ex- you are physically present on the land
tended term. The additional term may and your activities may cause damage
not exceed 40 years beyond the end of to those lands. Exploration operations


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3200.1

include, but are not limited to, geo- Lessee means a person holding record
physical operations, drilling tempera- title interest in a geothermal lease
ture gradient wells, drilling holes used issued by the BLM.
for explosive charges for seismic explo- MMS means the Minerals Manage-
ration, core drilling or any other drill- ment Service of the Department of the
ing method, provided the well is not Interior.
used for geothermal resource produc- Notice to Lessees (NTL) means a writ-
tion. It also includes related construc- ten notice issued by BLM that imple-
tion of roads and trails, and cross- ments the regulations in this part or
country transit by vehicles over public geothermal resource operational or-
land. Exploration operations do not in- ders, and provides more specific in-
clude the direct testing of geothermal structions on geothermal issues within
resources or the production or utiliza- a state, district or resource area. No-
tion of geothermal resources. tices to Lessees may be obtained by
Extended term means an initial, and contacting the BLM state office which
any successive, 5-year period beyond issued the NTL.
the primary term of a lease during Operating rights (working interest)
which BLM will grant the lessee the means any interest held in a lease with
right to continue activities under the the right to explore for, develop, and
existing lease. produce leased substances.
Facility Construction Permit means Operating rights owner means a person
BLM permission to build and test a uti- who holds operating rights in a lease. A
lization facility. lessee is an operating rights owners if
Facility operator means the person re- he/she did not transfer all of his/her op-
ceiving BLM authorization to site, con- erating rights. An operator may or
struct, test and/or operate a utilization may not own operating rights.
facility. A facility operator may be a Operations Plan, or plan of oper-
lessee, a unit operator, or a third ations, means a plan which fully de-
party. scribes the location of proposed drill
Geothermal Drilling Permit means BLM pad, access roads and other facilities
permission to drill for and test Federal related to the drilling and testing of
geothermal resources. Federal geothermal resources, and in-
Geothermal Exploration Permit means cludes measures for environmental and
BLM permission to conduct only geo- other resources protection and mitiga-
thermal exploration operations and as- tion.
sociated surface disturbance activities. Operator means any person who has
Geothermal Resources Operational taken formal responsibility for the op-
Order means a formal, numbered order, erations conducted on the leased lands.
issued by BLM that implements or en- Pay instead of produce in commercial
forces the regulations in this part. quantities means payment in lieu of
Geothermal steam and associated geo- commercial quantities production, as
thermal resources are products of geo- used in section 6(g)(1)(A) of the Act.
thermal steam or hot water and hot Person means an individual, firm,
brines, including those resulting from corporation, association, partnership,
water, gas, or other fluids artificially trust, municipality, consortium or
introduced into geothermal forma- joint venture.
tions; heat or other associated energy Primary term means the first 10 years
found in geothermal formations; and of a lease, not including any periods of
associated byproducts. suspension.
Interest means ownership in a lease of Produced or utilized in commercial
all or a portion of the record title or quantities means a well producing geo-
operating rights. thermal resources in commercial quan-
Known geothermal resource area tities, or the completion of a well capa-
(KGRA) means an area where BLM de- ble of producing geothermal resources
termines that persons knowledgeable in commercial quantities when BLM
in geothermal development would determines the lessee is diligently at-
spend money to develop geothermal re- tempting to utilize the geothermal re-
sources. sources.


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§ 3200.2 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

Public lands means the general public and benefits will be allocated among
domain lands or minerals, and acquired the holders of interest in the unit area.
lands or minerals, that the United Unit area means all tracts committed
States may lease for geothermal re- to an approved unit agreement.
sources. Unit operator means the person who
Record title means legal ownership of has stated in writing to BLM that the
a geothermal lease established in interest owners of the committed
BLM’s records. leases have designated it as operator of
Relinquishment means the lessee’s ac- the unit area.
tion to voluntarily end the lease in Unitized substances means geothermal
whole or in part. resources recovered from lands com-
Secretary means the Secretary of the mitted to a unit agreement.
Interior or the Secretary’s delegate. Utilization Plan, or plan of utiliza-
Site license means BLM authorization tion, means a plan which fully de-
to site a utilization facility on leased scribes the utilization facility, includ-
Federal lands. ing measures for environmental protec-
tion and mitigation.
Stipulation means additional condi-
Waste means:
tions BLM attaches to a lease or per-
(1) Physical waste, including refuse;
Sublease means the lessee’s convey- (2) Improper use or unnecessary dis-
ance of its interests in a lease to an op- sipation of geothermal resources
erating rights owner. A sublessee is re- through inefficient drilling, produc-
sponsible for complying with all terms, tion, transmission, or utilization.
conditions and stipulations of the
lease. § 3200.2 Information collection.
Subsequent well operations are those (a) The Office of Management and
operations done to a well after it has Budget approved the information col-
been drilled. Examples of subsequent lection contained in this part under 44
well operations include: cleaning the U.S.C. 3501 et seq., and assigned clear-
well out, surveying it, performing well ance numbers 1004–0034, 1004–0074, 1004–
tests, chemical stimulation, running a 0132 and 1004–0160. BLM will use this in-
liner or another casing string, repair- formation to maintain an orderly pro-
ing existing casing, or converting the gram for leasing, development and pro-
well from a producer to an injector or duction of Federal geothermal re-
vice versa. sources, to evaluate technical feasi-
Sundry notice is your written request bility and environmental impacts of
to perform work not covered by an- geothermal operations on Federal and
other type of permit, or to change op- Indian lands, and to determine whether
erations in your previously approved exploration expenditures meet the re-
permit. quirements for diligence credit under
Surface management agency means 43 CFR 3210.14. The public must respond
any Federal agency, other than BLM, to the requests for information in order
which is responsible for managing the to obtain a benefit.
surface overlying Federally-owned (b) Public reporting burden for this
minerals. information is estimated to average 1.6
Temperature gradient well means a hours per response, including the time
well authorized under a geothermal ex- for reviewing instructions, searching
ploration permit drilled in order to ob- existing data sources, gathering and
tain information on the change in tem- maintaining the data needed, and com-
perature over the depth of the well. pleting and reviewing the collection of
Transfer means any conveyance of an information. Send comments regarding
interest in a lease by assignment, sub- this burden estimates or any other as-
lease or otherwise. pects of this collection of information,
Unit agreement means an agreement including suggestions for reducing the
to explore for, produce and utilize sepa- burden, to Administrative Record, Bu-
rately owned interests in geothermal reau of Land Management, Room 401
resources as a single consolidated unit. LS, 1849 C Street, NW., Washington, DC
A unit agreement defines how costs 20240; and the Paperwork Reduction


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3201.11

Project (1004–0160), Office of Manage- tive and remain in effect while appeals
ment and Budget, Washington, DC are pending unless a stay is granted in
20503. accordance with 43 CFR 4.21(b).

§ 3200.3 Changes in agency duties.

Subpart 3201— Available Lands
There are many leases and agree-
ments currently in effect, and which § 3201.10 What lands are available for
will remain in effect, involving Federal geothermal leasing?
geothermal resources leases that spe- (a) BLM may issue leases on:
cifically refer to the United States Ge- (1) Lands administered by the De-
ological Survey, USGS, Minerals Man- partment of the Interior, including
agement Service, MMS, or Conserva- public, withdrawn and acquired lands;
tion Division. These leases and agree- (2) Lands administered by the De-
ments may also specifically refer to partment of Agriculture with its con-
various officers such as Supervisor, currence;
Conservation Manager, Deputy Con- (3) Lands conveyed by the United
servation Manager, Minerals Manager, States where the geothermal resources
and Deputy Minerals Manager. Those were reserved to the United States; and
references must now be read to mean
(4) Lands subject to section 24 of the
either the Bureau of Land Management
Federal Power Act, as amended (16
or the Minerals Management Service,
U.S.C. 818), with concurrence from the
as appropriate. In addition, many
Secretary of Energy.
leases and agreements specifically
(b) If your activities under your lease
refer to 30 CFR part 270 or a specific
or permit might adversely affect a sig-
section of that part. Effective Decem-
nificant thermal feature of a National
ber 3, 1982, references in such leases
Park System unit, BLM will include
and agreements to 30 CFR part 270
stipulations to protect this thermal
should be read as references to this
feature in your lease or permit. This
part 3200, which is the successor regu-
includes when your lease or permit is
lation to 30 CFR part 270.
issued, extended, renewed or modified.
§ 3200.4 What requirements must I
comply with when taking any ac- § 3201.11 What lands are not available
tions or conducting any operations for geothermal leasing?
under this part? BLM will not issue leases for:
When you are taking any actions or (a) Lands where the Secretary has de-
conducting any operations under this termined that issuing the lease would
part, you must comply with: cause unnecessary or undue degrada-
(a) The Act and the regulations of tion to public lands and resources;
this part; (b) Lands contained within a unit of
(b) Geothermal resource operational the National Park System, or are oth-
orders; erwise administered by the National
(c) Notices to lessees; Park Service;
(d) Lease terms and stipulations; (c) Lands within a National Recre-
(e) Approved plans and permits; ation Area;
(f) Conditions of approval; (d) Lands where the Secretary deter-
(g) Verbal orders from BLM which mines after notice and comment that
will be confirmed in writing; geothermal operations, including ex-
(h) Other instructions from BLM; and ploration, development or utilization
(i) Any other applicable laws and reg- of lands, are reasonably likely to result
ulations. in a significant adverse effect on a sig-
nificant thermal feature within a unit
§ 3200.5 What are my rights of appeal? of the National Park System;
(a) If you are adversely affected by a (e) Fish hatcheries or wildlife man-
BLM decision under this part, you may agement areas administered by the
appeal that decision under parts 4 and Secretary;
1840 of this title. (f) Indian trust or restricted lands
(b) All BLM decisions or approvals within or outside the boundaries of In-
under this part are immediately effec- dian reservations;


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3201.11

Project (1004–0160), Office of Manage- tive and remain in effect while appeals
ment and Budget, Washington, DC are pending unless a stay is granted in
20503. accordance with 43 CFR 4.21(b).

§ 3200.3 Changes in agency duties.

Subpart 3201— Available Lands
There are many leases and agree-
ments currently in effect, and which § 3201.10 What lands are available for
will remain in effect, involving Federal geothermal leasing?
geothermal resources leases that spe- (a) BLM may issue leases on:
cifically refer to the United States Ge- (1) Lands administered by the De-
ological Survey, USGS, Minerals Man- partment of the Interior, including
agement Service, MMS, or Conserva- public, withdrawn and acquired lands;
tion Division. These leases and agree- (2) Lands administered by the De-
ments may also specifically refer to partment of Agriculture with its con-
various officers such as Supervisor, currence;
Conservation Manager, Deputy Con- (3) Lands conveyed by the United
servation Manager, Minerals Manager, States where the geothermal resources
and Deputy Minerals Manager. Those were reserved to the United States; and
references must now be read to mean
(4) Lands subject to section 24 of the
either the Bureau of Land Management
Federal Power Act, as amended (16
or the Minerals Management Service,
U.S.C. 818), with concurrence from the
as appropriate. In addition, many
Secretary of Energy.
leases and agreements specifically
(b) If your activities under your lease
refer to 30 CFR part 270 or a specific
or permit might adversely affect a sig-
section of that part. Effective Decem-
nificant thermal feature of a National
ber 3, 1982, references in such leases
Park System unit, BLM will include
and agreements to 30 CFR part 270
stipulations to protect this thermal
should be read as references to this
feature in your lease or permit. This
part 3200, which is the successor regu-
includes when your lease or permit is
lation to 30 CFR part 270.
issued, extended, renewed or modified.
§ 3200.4 What requirements must I
comply with when taking any ac- § 3201.11 What lands are not available
tions or conducting any operations for geothermal leasing?
under this part? BLM will not issue leases for:
When you are taking any actions or (a) Lands where the Secretary has de-
conducting any operations under this termined that issuing the lease would
part, you must comply with: cause unnecessary or undue degrada-
(a) The Act and the regulations of tion to public lands and resources;
this part; (b) Lands contained within a unit of
(b) Geothermal resource operational the National Park System, or are oth-
orders; erwise administered by the National
(c) Notices to lessees; Park Service;
(d) Lease terms and stipulations; (c) Lands within a National Recre-
(e) Approved plans and permits; ation Area;
(f) Conditions of approval; (d) Lands where the Secretary deter-
(g) Verbal orders from BLM which mines after notice and comment that
will be confirmed in writing; geothermal operations, including ex-
(h) Other instructions from BLM; and ploration, development or utilization
(i) Any other applicable laws and reg- of lands, are reasonably likely to result
ulations. in a significant adverse effect on a sig-
nificant thermal feature within a unit
§ 3200.5 What are my rights of appeal? of the National Park System;
(a) If you are adversely affected by a (e) Fish hatcheries or wildlife man-
BLM decision under this part, you may agement areas administered by the
appeal that decision under parts 4 and Secretary;
1840 of this title. (f) Indian trust or restricted lands
(b) All BLM decisions or approvals within or outside the boundaries of In-
under this part are immediately effec- dian reservations;


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§ 3202.10 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

(g) The Island Park Geothermal hold a lease under 43 CFR 3202.10, and
Area; and must do the following:
(h) Lands where section 43 of the (a) Sign the document;
Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 226–3) (b) State his or her title;
prohibits geothermal leasing, includ- (c) Identify you as the person he or
ing: she is acting for; and
(1) Wilderness areas or wilderness (d) Provide written proof of his or her
study areas administered by BLM or qualifications and authority to take
other surface management agencies; such action, if BLM requests it.
(2) Lands designated by Congress as
wilderness study areas, except where § 3202.13 What happens if the offeror
the statute designating the study area dies before the lease is issued?
specifically allows leasing to continue; If the offeror dies before the lease is
and issued, BLM will issue the lease to ei-
(3) Lands within areas allocated for ther the administrator or executor of
wilderness or further planning in Exec- the estate or the heirs. If the heirs are
utive Communication 1504, Ninety- minors, BLM will issue the lease to ei-
Sixth Congress (House Document 96– ther a legal guardian or trustee, pro-
119), unless such lands are allocated to vided that the legal guardian or trustee
uses other than wilderness by a land is qualified to hold a lease under 43
and resource management plan or are CFR 3202.10.
released to uses other than wilderness
by an act of Congress. Subpart 3203— Obtaining a Lease
Subpart 3202— Lessee § 3203.10 How can I obtain a geo-
thermal lease?
(a) If the lands are located in a
§ 3202.10 Who may hold a geothermal known geothermal resource area
lease? (KGRA), BLM leases those lands
You may hold a geothermal lease if through a competitive sale. To obtain a
you are: lease, follow the procedures for submit-
(a) A United States citizen who is at ting a bid set out in subpart 3205 of this
least 18 years old; part. BLM will issue a competitive
(b) An association of United States lease to the person who submits the
citizens, including a partnership; highest qualified bid.
(c) A corporation organized under the (b) If the lands are located outside a
laws of the United States, any state or KGRA, you may obtain a noncompeti-
the District of Columbia; or tive lease. Follow the procedures in
(d) A domestic governmental unit. subpart 3204 of this part. BLM issues
noncompetitive leases to the first
§ 3202.11 Must I prove I am qualified qualified offeror. BLM may issue a
to hold a lease when filing an offer lease for a fractional interest if it
to lease? serves the public interest.
You do not need to submit proof that
you are qualified to hold a lease under § 3203.11 How is a KGRA determined?
43 CFR 3202.10 at the same time you BLM determines the boundaries of a
submit an offer to lease, but BLM may KGRA based on:
ask you for information about your (a) Geologic and technical evidence.
qualifications at any time. If BLM re- BLM will designate a KGRA if this evi-
quests additional information, you dence would cause a person who under-
have 30 days from when you receive the stands geothermal resource develop-
request to submit the information. ment to spend money developing the
§ 3202.12 Are other persons allowed to (b) Proximity to wells capable of pro-
act on my behalf to file an offer to duction in commercial quantities. BLM
lease? will designate a KGRA if the lands are:
Another person may act on your be- (1) Within 5 miles of a well which is
half to file an offer to lease. The person capable of producing steam in commer-
acting for you must be qualified to cial quantities, or


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3204.15

(2) In the same geologic structure as rent in the amount of $1 per acre (or
a well capable of producing steam in fraction of an acre). BLM will refund
commercial quantities; and the advance rent if we reject the lease
(c) Existence of competitive interest. offer, or if you withdraw the lease offer
A competitive interest exists where before BLM accepts it. If the advance
two or more people apply to lease some rental payment you send is more than
or all of the same lands for geothermal 10 percent below the correct amount,
resources. BLM will not designate a BLM will reject the lease offer.
KGRA based on competitive interest
alone; we will also review the other § 3204.13 May I combine acquired and
factors discussed in this section to de- public domain lands on the same
cide whether a KGRA designation is lease offer?
warranted. Yes, you may combine acquired and
public domain lands on the same lease
Subpart 3204— Noncompetitive offer if you clearly identify both the
Leasing acquired lands and the public domain
§ 3204.10 How do I file a lease offer?
Submit two (2) executed copies of § 3204.14 What is the largest and small-
est lease I can apply for?
Form 3200–24 to BLM. At least one
form must have an original signature. Lease offers must cover all lands
We will accept only exact copies of the available for leasing in a section. The
form on one two-sided page. You must smallest lease you can apply for is 640
accurately describe the lands covered acres, or all lands available for leasing
by your offer on the form or BLM may in the section, whichever is less. You
reject of all or part of your offer. To may not apply for a lease which is larg-
obtain this form (and other BLM er than 2,560 acres, although BLM will
forms), contact the nearest BLM Of- make an exception to this requirement
fice. when your lease offer includes an irreg-
ular subdivision. Leases must not ex-
§ 3204.11 How do I describe the lands tend outside a 6 square mile area. If
in my lease offer? your offer does not meet these require-
Describe the lands as follows: ments, we will reject it.
(a) For lands surveyed under the pub-
lic land rectangular survey system, de- § 3204.15 What happens when two or
scribe the lands by legal subdivision, more offerors apply for a non-
competitive lease for the same
section, township, and range; land?
(b) For unsurveyed lands, describe
the lands by metes and bounds, giving BLM begins processing offers as soon
courses and distances, and tie this in- as we receive them. If more than one
formation to an official corner of the person makes a lease offer for the same
public land surveys, or to a prominent lands, BLM will give priority to the
topographic feature; qualified offer which we received first.
(c) For approved protracted surveys, Once BLM approves a noncompetitive
include an entire section, township, lease offer, we will reject any later of-
and range. Do not divide protracted fers received for the same land. How-
sections into aliquot parts; ever, if BLM receives additional offers
(d) For unsurveyed lands in Lou- for the same land while the original
isiana and Alaska that have water offer is still pending, BLM must deter-
boundaries, discuss the description mine if the overlapping offers warrant
with BLM before submission; and converting the land at issue to a
(e) For fractional interest lands, KGRA:
identify the United States mineral (a) If BLM determines that the land
ownership by percentage. should be considered a KGRA, then we
reject all noncompetitive offers, and
§ 3204.12 What fees must I pay with my offerors must follow the competitive
lease offer? bidding procedures to lease the lands.
Submit a non-refundable filing fee of (b) If BLM determines that KGRA
$75 for each lease offer, and an advance status is not warranted despite the


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§ 3204.16 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

multiple offers, then we will award the (3) Publishing the notice in news-
lease to the first qualified offeror. papers; or
(4) Posting the list on the Internet.
§ 3204.16 How does BLM determine the
first qualified offeror? § 3205.11 How do I get information
BLM determines the first qualified about competitive lease terms and
offeror based on when we received the conditions?
offer and whether the offeror is quali- See our notice posted in the BLM of-
fied to hold a lease. We will issue a fice conducting the sale, and otherwise
noncompetitive lease to the offeror publicized as described in 43 CFR
who is first to file a lease offer that 3205.10. This notice will include the
meets all the requirements. terms and conditions of the lease(s), in-
§ 3204.17 May I withdraw my lease cluding the rental and royalty rates,
offer? and will also tell you where you may
You may withdraw your lease offer in obtain a form on which to submit your
whole or in part before we issue you a bid.
lease. If you withdraw only part of
§ 3205.12 How do I bid for a parcel?
your offer, the lands remaining must
meet the acreage requirements of 43 (a) Submit your bid during the time
CFR 3204.14. If a partial withdrawal period and to the BLM office specified
causes your lease offer to contain less in the sale notice;
than the minimum acreage required (b) Submit your bid on Form 3000–2
under 43 CFR 3204.14, we will reject the (or exact copy on one two-sided page);
lease offer. (c) Submit your bid in a separate,
sealed envelope for each full parcel;
§ 3204.18 May I amend my lease offer?
(d) Include in each bid a certified or
You may amend your lease offer be- cashier’s check, bank draft, or money
fore we issue the lease, provided your order equal to one-fifth of the bid
amended lease offer meets all the lease amount, payable to the ‘‘Department
offer requirements in this subpart. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Man-
BLM will determine your priority agement;’’
based on the date we receive your (e) Label each envelope with the par-
amended lease offer, not the date of the
cel number and the statement ‘‘Not to
original lease offer.
be opened before (date posted in the
sale notice);’’ and
Subpart 3205— Competitive (f) Be aware that unlawful combina-
Leasing tion or intimidation of bidders is pro-
§ 3205.10 How does BLM lease lands hibited by 18 U.S.C. 1860.
§ 3205.13 What is the minimum accept-
(a) We lease some Federal lands able bid?
through competitive sales using sealed
bids. Those lands which we lease com- BLM will not accept bids which do
petitively include lands from termi- not meet or exceed the fair market
nated, expired, or relinquished leases, value, which BLM determines using
and lands within a KGRA (see 43 CFR generally acceptable appraisal meth-
3203.11). BLM may also use a competi- ods. BLM determines the fair market
tive lease sale if there is public inter- value prior to the sale, but does not
est. disclose it to the public.
(b) BLM lists these parcels, with any
stipulations, in a sale notice. This sale § 3205.14 How does BLM conduct the
notice will tell you where and when to
submit your bids. We will post the sale We will open, announce and record
notice in appropriate BLM offices, and bids on the date, and at the place and
may take other measures such as: time set out in the sale notice. We will
(1) Publishing news releases; not accept or reject any bid at that
(2) Notifying interested parties of the time. You do not need to attend the
lease sale; sale in order to bid.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3206.13

§ 3205.15 To whom does BLM issue the (4) John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial
lease? Parkway;
We will issue the lease to the highest (5) Bering Land Bridge National Pre-
bidder who qualifies for a lease. All serve;
other bids are rejected. If we determine (6) Gates of the Arctic National Park
that the highest bid is too low, we will and Preserve;
also reject that bid. BLM reserves the (7) Katmai National Park;
right to reject any and all bids. (8) Aniakchak National Monument
and Preserve;
§ 3205.16 How will I know whether my (9) Wrangell-St. Elias National Park
bid is accepted? and Preserve;
(a) If BLM accepts your bid, we will (10) Lake Clark National Park and
send you a notice informing you of our Preserve;
decision within 30 days after the sale. (11) Hot Springs National Park;
We will also include 3 copies of the (12) Big Bend National Park (includ-
lease. When you receive the notice and ing that portion of the Rio Grande Na-
lease forms, you have 15 days in which tional Wild Scenic River within the
to send BLM: boundaries of Big Bend National Park);
(1) Signed lease forms; (13) Lassen Volcanic National Park;
(2) The remaining four-fifths of the (14) Hawaii Volcanoes National Park;
bonus bid;
(15) Haleakala National Park;
(3) The first year’s advance rent; and
(16) Lake Mead National Recreation
(4) Signed stipulations, if applicable.
(b) If you do not meet the require- Area; and
ments of this section after we have ac- (17) Any other significant thermal
cepted your bid, BLM will then revoke features within National Park System
acceptance of your bid and keep one- Units which the Secretary may add to
fifth of your bonus bid. the list of these features, in accordance
(c) If BLM rejects your bid, we will with 30 U.S.C. 1026(a)(3).
send you a notice informing you of our
§ 3206.12 What is the maximum acre-
decision. At that time, we will return age I may hold?
the one-fifth of the bonus bid that you
sent with your bid offer. You may not directly or indirectly
hold more than 51,200 acres in any one
state. This includes any leases you ac-
Subpart 3206— Lease Issuance quire under sections 4(a)–4(f) of the
§ 3206.10 What must I do for BLM to Act. You also may not convert mineral
issue my lease? leases, permits, applications for per-
Before BLM issues you a lease, you mits, or mining claims acquired under
must: the Act into geothermal leases totaling
(a) Accept all lease stipulations; more than 10,240 acres.
(b) Sign a unit joinder or waiver, if
§ 3206.13 How does BLM compute acre-
applicable; and, age holdings?
(c) Not exceed the maximum limit on
acreage holdings (see 43 CFR 3206.12). BLM will compute acreage holdings
as follows:
§ 3206.11 What must BLM do before (a) If you own an undivided lease in-
issuing my lease? terest, your acreage holdings will in-
BLM must: clude the total lease acreage.
(a) Determine that the land is avail- (b) If you own stock in a corporation
able; and or a beneficial interest in an associa-
(b) Determine that your lease devel- tion which holds a geothermal lease,
opment will not significantly impact your acreage holdings will include your
any significant thermal feature within proportionate part of the corporation’s
any of the following units of the Na- or association’s share of the total lease
tional Park System: acreage. This paragraph applies only if
(1) Mount Rainier National Park; you own more than 10 percent of the
(2) Crater Lake National Park; corporate stock or beneficial interest
(3) Yellowstone National Park; of the association.


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§ 3206.14 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

(c) If you own a lease interest, you first day of the next month after the
will be charged with the proportionate issue date.
share of the total lease acreage based
on your share of the lease ownership. Subpart 3207— Additional Lease
You will not be charged twice for the
same acreage where you own both
record title and operating rights for § 3207.10 When may I get an additional
the lease. For example, if you own 50% lease term beyond the primary
record title interest in a 640 acre lease term?
and 25% operating rights, you are
charged with 320 acres. (a) If you produce or use geothermal
resources in commercial quantities
§ 3206.14 How will BLM charge acre- during the primary term, your lease
age holdings if the United States will continue in additional term for as
owns only a fractional interest in long as you produce or use geothermal
the geothermal resources? resources in commercial quantities for
Where the United States owns only a up to forty years beyond the primary
fractional interest in the geothermal term. Section 3207.11 explains how to
resources of the lands, BLM will only continue your lease beyond the addi-
charge you with the part owned by the tional term.
United States as acreage holdings. For (b) If, before the primary or extended
example, if you own 100 percent of term ends, you have a well capable of
record title in a 100 acre lease, and the producing geothermal resources in
United States owns 50 percent of the commercial quantities, BLM may con-
mineral estate, you are charged with 50 tinue your lease for up to forty years
acres. beyond the primary term. To continue
your lease in an additional term, we
§ 3206.15 Is there any acreage which is must determine that you are diligently
not chargeable? trying to begin production. We may
BLM does not count leased acreage ask you to describe in writing your ef-
included in any approved unit or coop- forts to begin production during the
erative agreement or development con- lease term, and the efforts you plan for
tract as part of your total acreage future lease years. You should also de-
holdings. scribe negotiations for sales contracts,
marketing arrangements, and elec-
§ 3206.16 What will BLM do if my hold- trical generating and transmission
ings exceed the maximum acreage agreements, and any other information
limits? you believe shows diligent efforts.
BLM will notify you in writing if
your acreage holdings exceed the limit § 3207.11 May I renew my lease at the
in 43 CFR 3206.12. You have 90 days end of its additional term?
from the date you receive the notice to If BLM does not need the lands for
reduce your holdings to within the another purpose at the end of the
limit. If you do not comply, BLM will forty-year additional term, and if you
cancel your leases, beginning with the are producing geothermal resources in
lease most recently issued, until your commercial quantities, you will have a
holdings are within the limit. preferential right to renew the lease
for an additional 40-year period under
§ 3206.17 What is the primary term of terms and conditions BLM determines.
my lease?
If your lease is located on lands admin-
Leases have a primary term of 10 istered by the Department of Agri-
years. culture, they must concur with the use
of the surface and any terms and condi-
§ 3206.18 When will BLM issue my tions before we may grant your re-
lease? newal. If another Federal agency man-
BLM issues your lease the day we ages the surface, we will consult with
sign it. Your lease goes into effect the them before granting your renewal.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3208.12

Subpart 3208— Extending the will place the lease into an additional
Primary Lease Term term.

§ 3208.10 When may I extend my lease § 3208.11 What must I do to have my

lease extended?
beyond the primary term?
(a) You must take the following
(a) You have four opportunities to ex- steps:
tend your lease beyond the primary (1) For a drilling extension, notify
term: by drilling, diligent efforts, pro- BLM prior to the end of the primary
duction of byproducts, and unit com- term of your drilling activities so we
mitment. may determine that you are diligently
(1) For a drilling extension, we will drilling beyond the end of the primary
extend your lease for five years if you: term and have met your well comple-
(i) Are drilling when the primary tion requirements.
term ends; and (2) For a diligent efforts extension:
(ii) Diligently drill to a reasonable (i) Send BLM a written extension re-
target, based on the local geology and quest at least 60 days before the pri-
type of development you propose. BLM mary or first extended term ends, or 60
will determine if your target is ade- days before your lease is eliminated
quate to extend the lease. from a unit agreement;
(2) For a diligent efforts extension, if (ii) Include a report showing that you
you have not produced geothermal re- have made a good faith effort to
sources in commercial quantities be- produce or use geothermal resources in
fore the primary or extended term commercial quantities given the cur-
ends, or before your lease is eliminated rent economic conditions for mar-
from a unit agreement, BLM may still keting geothermal resources; and
approve up to two successive five-year (iii) Say whether you choose to pay
extensions for your lease. You must instead of produce in commercial quan-
have made a good faith effort to tities under 43 CFR 3208.13 or to make
produce. To obtain a diligent efforts significant expenditures under 43 CFR
extension, follow the procedures at 43 3208.14 during the period of extension.
CFR 3208.11(a)(2). (3) For a byproducts extension, send
(3) For a byproducts extension, if us a request justifying an extension.
your lease is in an additional term, and (4) For a unit commitment extension,
we determine that it can no longer send us a request at least 60 days be-
produce commercial quantities, we fore your lease ends which shows that
may still extend your lease for five you have diligently pursued unit devel-
years. However, we will only do so if opment.
you are producing one or more valuable (b) Within 30 days after receiving
byproducts in commercial quantities. your extension request, BLM will no-
You should consult 43 CFR 3209.10 if tify you whether we approve. BLM may
you wish to convert your geothermal request additional information from
lease to a mineral lease for the byprod- you.
uct. § 3208.12 What information must I give
(4) For a unit commitment extension, BLM to show that I have made bona
if your lease is committed to a unit fide efforts to produce or utilize
agreement and its term would expire geothermal resources in commer-
before the unit term would, BLM may cial quantities?
extend your lease to match the term of Send us a report which describes:
the unit. We will do this if you have (a) Your efforts to identify and define
diligently pursued unit development the geothermal resource on your lease
while your lease is committed to the which you are making now or which
unit. you made during the primary term of
(b) During any extension period, if the lease;
you use or produce geothermal re- (b) The results of your efforts to
sources in commercial quantities, or if identify and define the geothermal re-
you complete a well capable of pro- source;
ducing geothermal resources in com- (c) Other actions taken to support
mercial quantities on the lease, BLM your efforts, such as obtaining permits,


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§ 3208.13 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

conducting environmental studies, and your report no later than 60 days after
meeting permit requirements; the end of the lease year in which you
(d) Your efforts during the primary made the expenditures. Describe your
term and ongoing efforts to negotiate operations by type, location, date(s)
marketing arrangements, sales con- conducted, and amount spent on those
tracts, drilling agreements, financing operations. Include all geologic infor-
for electrical generation and trans- mation obtained from your operations
mission projects, or other related ac- in your report.
tions; and, (c) After we review your report, we
(e) Current economic factors and con- will notify you in writing whether you
ditions which affect your efforts to have met the diligent expenditure re-
produce or utilize geothermal re- quirement. We must approve the type
sources in commercial quantities on of work done and the expenditures
your lease. claimed in your report before we can
credit them toward your diligent explo-
§ 3208.13 Will BLM extend my lease if I ration requirements.
choose to pay instead of produce in (d) We will cancel your lease if you
commercial quantities? fail to make the significant expendi-
If you choose to pay instead of tures under a modified lease.
produce in commercial quantities
under 43 CFR 3208.11(a)(2) and BLM ap- § 3208.15 What actions may I take
proves the extension, we will modify which will count as significant ex-
the lease to require you to make an an-
nual payment. We will specify the Significant expenditures only in-
amount, which will not be less than clude:
$3.00 per acre or fraction of an acre of (a) Actual drilling operations on the
the lands under lease during an initial lease;
extension, or $6.00 per acre or fraction (b) Geochemical or geophysical sur-
of an acre for a subsequent extension. veys for exploratory or development
The actual payment per acre is fixed wells;
for the period of the extension. If you (c) Road or generating facility con-
request it, we will tell you the rate be- struction on the lease;
fore you submit your petition for ex- (d) Architectural or engineering serv-
tension. You must make these pay- ices procured for the design of gener-
ments to MMS at the same time you ating facilities located on the lease;
pay the lease rent. BLM may cancel and
your lease if you do not make these (e) Environmental studies required
payments. by State or Federal law.

§ 3208.14 What will BLM do if I choose § 3208.16 During the extension, may I
to make significant expenditures? switch my choice to either pay in-
stead of produce in commercial
(a) If you choose to make significant quantities or make significant ex-
expenditures under 43 CFR 3208.11(a)(2), penditures?
and BLM approves the lease extension, No, you may not make this change
we will modify your lease to require during an extension period. If you re-
you to make annual expenditures of at quest a second extension, you may
least $15.00 per acre or fraction of an change your election for the second
acre for lands under lease during your five year period when you submit your
first extension. You must make ex- request.
penditures of $18.00 per acre or fraction
of an acre during any subsequent ex- § 3208.17 If I begin production, do I get
tension. If you spend more than the a credit for payments made instead
minimum required in a year, you may of production in commercial quan-
apply the excess toward the significant tities or significant expenditures?
expenditures requirement in subse- No, if you begin production, you will
quent years of the same extension pe- not get a credit against royalties for
riod. either payments instead of production
(b) To give you credit for your sig- or significant expenditures made for
nificant expenditures, we must receive that year.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3210.13

Subpart 3209— Conversion of (1) A portion of a lease is committed

Lease Producing Byproducts to a unit agreement while other por-
tions are not committed; or
§ 3209.10 May I convert my geothermal (2) Only a portion of a lease is located
lease to a mineral lease? in a participating area and the unit
You may convert your geothermal contracts. The portion of the lease out-
lease to a mineral lease, effective the side the participating area would be
first day of the month following the eliminated from the unit agreement
date BLM determines you have met the and segregated as of the effective date
terms of conversion, if: of the unit contraction.
(a) Your lease is in an extended term; (b) BLM will assign the original lease
serial number to the portion within the
(b) The byproducts you are producing
plan or agreement. We will give the
in commercial quantities are leasable
lease portion outside the plan or agree-
under the Mineral Leasing Act (30
ment a new serial number with the
U.S.C. 181 et seq.), or under the Mineral
same lease terms as the original lease.
Leasing Act for Acquired Lands (30
U.S.C. 351–358); and § 3210.11 Does a lease segregated from
(c) The lease is primarily valuable for an agreement or plan receive any
the production of just that mineral. benefits from unitization of the
committed portion of the original
§ 3209.11 May I convert my geothermal lease?
lease to a mining claim?
The new segregated lease stands
If the minerals are not leasable but alone and does not receive any of the
are locatable and would be considered a benefits provided to the portion com-
byproduct if geothermal steam produc- mitted to the unit. We will not give
tion were to continue, you are entitled you an extension for the eliminated
to locate these minerals under the min- portion of the lease based on status of
ing laws. To acquire these rights, you the lands committed to the unit, in-
must complete the mining claim loca- cluding production in commercial
tion within 90 days after the geo- quantities or the existence of a produc-
thermal lease terminates. Also, there ible well.
must have been no intervening location
and the lands must be open to entry § 3210.12 May I consolidate leases?
under the mining laws. BLM may approve your consolidation
of two or more adjacent leases that
§ 3209.12 May BLM include additional have the same ownership and same
terms and conditions to my con-
verted lease? lease terms, including expiration dates,
if the combined leases do not exceed
If leases converted under either 43 2,560 acres in size. We may consolidate
CFR 3209.10 or 3209.11 affect lands with- leases that have different stipulations
drawn or acquired to aid some purpose if all other lease terms are the same.
of a Federal department or agency, in-
cluding the Department of the Interior, § 3210.13 What is the diligent explo-
BLM may include additional terms and ration requirement?
conditions in your lease as prescribed (a) During your lease’s primary pe-
by the appropriate agency. riod, you must perform diligent explo-
ration activities to yield new geologic
§ 3209.13 How do I convert my geo-
thermal lease to a mineral lease or information about the lease or related
a mining claim? lands, until either:
(1) Your approved expenditures on
Just send us a request. your lease total at least $40 per acre, or
(2) BLM places your lease in an addi-
Subpart 3210— Additional Lease tional term.
Information (b) You must begin diligent explo-
ration by the sixth year of the primary
§ 3210.10 When does lease segregation term and continue until there is a well
occur? capable of production in commercial
(a) Lease segregation occurs when: quantities. Some examples of activities


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§ 3210.14 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

that would qualify as diligent explo- § 3210.16 What happens if I do not

ration are geochemical surveys, heat meet the diligent exploration re-
flow measurement, core drilling or quirement or pay the additional
drilling of test wells. rent?
BLM will cancel your lease.
§ 3210.14 How do I meet the diligent
exploration requirement? § 3210.17 Can someone lease or locate
(a) During the first five years of the other minerals on the same lands as
primary term, you only need to pay my geothermal lease?
your rents. If you make efforts during Yes. The United States reserves the
these first five years that would qual- ownership of and the right to extract
ify as diligent exploration expendi- helium, oil and hydrocarbon gas from
tures, and we approve them as such all geothermal steam and associated
during those five years, we will count geothermal resources. In addition,
them toward the requirements of fu- BLM allows mineral leasing or location
ture years. on the same lands that are leased for
(b) To qualify as diligent exploration geothermal resources, provided that
expenditures in lease years six through operations under the mineral leasing or
ten, you must make expenditures equal mining laws do not unreasonably inter-
to the minimum amounts listed in the fere with or endanger your geothermal
following table. We will apply approved operations.
expenditures which exceed the min-
imum in any one year to subsequent § 3210.18 May BLM readjust the terms
years. and conditions in my lease?
Yes, we may readjust the terms and
Lease year ture per conditions of your lease regarding stip-
acre ulations and surface disturbance re-
6 ............................................................................. $4 quirements. We may do this 10 years
7 ............................................................................. 6 after you begin production from your
8 ............................................................................. 8 lease, and at not less than 10-year in-
9 ............................................................................. 10
10 ........................................................................... 12 tervals thereafter. If another Federal
agency manages the lands’ surface, we
(c) To give you credit for your ex- will ask that agency to review the re-
penditures, we must receive your re- lated terms and conditions and propose
port no later than 60 days after the end any readjustments. Once BLM and the
of the lease year in which you made surface managing agency reach agree-
the expenditures. You must include the ment, we will apply the readjustments
following information in your report: to your lease.
(1) The types of operations con-
ducted; § 3210.19 How will BLM readjust the
(2) The location of the operations; terms and conditions in my lease?
(3) When the operations occurred; (a) We will give you a written pro-
(4) The amount of money spent con- posal to adjust the terms and condi-
ducting those operations; and tions of your lease. You will have 30
(5) all geologic information obtained days after you receive the proposal to
from your operations. object in writing to the new terms or
relinquish your lease. If you do not do
§ 3210.15 Can I do something instead this, these new terms will become part
of performing diligent exploration? of your lease. If you do object in writ-
If you choose not to conduct diligent ing, we will issue a final decision on
exploration, or if your total expendi- the new terms and conditions.
tures do not fully meet the require- (b) BLM will set the date that your
ment for any lease year, you may still new terms and conditions become ef-
meet the diligent exploration require- fective.
ment for that year by paying an addi-
tional rent of $3 per acre or fraction of § 3210.20 May BLM readjust the rental
an acre. If you choose this option, you and royalty rates in my lease?
must send your payment to MMS be- (a) We may readjust your lease rental
fore the end of the lease year. and royalty rates at not less than 20-


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3211.11

year intervals beginning 35 years after ducing wells which will protect the
we determine that your lease is pro- Federal geothermal resource from loss
ducing in commercial quantities. We caused by production from other prop-
will not increase your rental and roy- erties.
alty rates by more than 50 percent of
what you paid before BLM adjusted the § 3210.23 What will BLM do if I do not
rate. Also, we will not raise the royalty protect my lease from drainage?
rate above 22.5 percent. We will determine the amount of geo-
(b) BLM will notify you in writing of thermal resources drained from your
the proposed adjustments. You have 30 lease. MMS will bill you for a compen-
days after the date you receive the no- satory royalty based on our findings.
tice to object to the new rate. If we do This royalty will equal the amount you
not receive your written objection would have paid for producing those re-
within 30 days, the new rate will be- sources. All interest owners in a lease
come a part of your lease. If you do ob- are jointly and severally liable for
ject in writing, we will issue a final de- drainage protection and any compen-
cision on the new rental and royalty satory royalties.
(c) We will set the date that your new Subpart 3211— Fees, Rent, and
terms and conditions become effective. Royalties
§ 3210.21 What if I appeal BLM’s deci- § 3211.10 What are the filing fees, rent,
sion to adjust my lease terms? and minimum royalties for leases?
If you appeal our decision to adjust (a) BLM calculates rents and min-
your lease terms and conditions, rental imum royalties based on the amount of
or royalty rate, the decision is effec- acreage covered by your lease. First,
tive during the appeal. If you win your round up any partial acreage to the
appeal and we must change our deci- next whole acre. For example, rent on
sion, you will receive a refund or credit a 2,456.39 acre lease is calculated based
for any overpaid rents or royalties. on 2,457 acres. Then multiply the total
number of acres covered by your lease
§ 3210.22 Must I prevent drainage of by the appropriate amount set out in
geothermal resources from my the chart in paragraph (b) of this sec-
lease? tion to determine the amount you owe.
Yes, you must prevent the drainage (b) Use the following table to deter-
of geothermal resources from your mine the filing fees, rents and min-
lease by diligently drilling and pro- imum royalties owed for your lease.
Type Competitive leases Non-competitive leases

(1) Lease Filing Fee ............................................ N/A ...................................................................... $75.00.

(2) Lease Rent. ................................................... $2.00 per acre .................................................... $1.00 per acre.
(3) Lease Assignment Filing Fee ........................ $50.00 ................................................................. $50.00.
(4) Steam, heat, or energy royalties ................... Between 10% and 15 ......................................... Between 10% and 15%.
(5) Demineralized water royalties ....................... 5% ....................................................................... 5%.
(6) Byproduct royalties ........................................ 5% ....................................................................... 5%.
(7) Minimum royalty ............................................ $2.00 per acre .................................................... $2.00 per acre.
(8) Additional rent/Instead of diligent exploration $3.00 per acre in addition to regular lease rent $3.00 per acre in addition
to regular lease rent.
(9) Additional rent/Instead of commercial quan- $3.00/year, first 5 years ...................................... $3.00/year, first 5 years
tities production. $6.00/year, second 5 yrs .................................... $6.00/year, second 5 years.
Note the exception stated in 43 CFR 3211.16(b).

§ 3211.11 When is my annual rental riod for rental payments. If the rent for
payment due? your lease is not paid on time, the
MMS must receive your annual rent- lease will automatically terminate by
al payment by the anniversary date of operation of law, unless you meet the
each lease year. There is no grace pe- conditions of 43 CFR 3213.15. See the
MMS regulations in 30 CFR part 218


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§ 3211.12 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

which explain when MMS considers a remain subject to rent under 43 CFR
payment as received. If less than a full 3211.10.
year remains on a lease, you still must
pay a full year’s rent by the anniver- § 3211.16 What is the royalty rate for
sary date of the lease. production from or attributable to
my lease?
§ 3211.12 How and where do I pay my
rent? The royalty rate for production from
or attributable to your lease is pre-
(a) Pay BLM the first year’s advance scribed in your lease form. The chart
rent according to the instructions at 43
at 43 CFR 3211.10 shows the minimum
CFR 3204.12 or 3205.16. You may use a
royalty rates. We will determine the
personal or cashier’s check or money
order made payable to the Department royalty rate to include in your lease
of the Interior—Bureau of Land Man- form based on the following:
agement. You may also make pay- (a) The royalty rate for heat or en-
ments by credit card or electronic ergy derived from lease production
funds transfer with our prior approval. may range from 10 to 15 percent of the
(b) For all subsequent years make heat or energy value;
your rental payments to MMS. See (b) Except for minerals discussed in
MMS regulations at 30 CFR part 218. paragraph (c) of this section, the roy-
alty rate for the value of byproducts
§ 3211.13 Is there a different rental or may not exceed five percent:
minimum royalty amount for a frac-
tional interest lease? (1) If derived from production under
the lease; and
Yes, BLM will prorate rents and min-
(2) If sold or utilized or reasonably
imum royalties payable under leases
susceptible to sale or utilization.
for lands in which the United States
owns only a fractional mineral inter- (c) The royalty rate for minerals list-
est. For example, if the United States ed in section 1 of the Mineral Leasing
owns 50% of a 640 acre lease, you pay Act will be the same as the royalty
rent based on 320 acres. rate for those minerals provided under
BLM regulations in this Title.
§ 3211.14 Will I always pay rent on my (d) The royalty rate for commer-
lease? cially demineralized water produced on
You are required to pay rent only a lease may not exceed 5 percent, ex-
until you achieve production in com- cept that BLM will not charge a roy-
mercial quantities. At that time you alty for water used in the operations of
begin paying royalties instead. a utilization facility.
§ 3211.15 Must I pay rent if my lease is § 3211.17 When do I owe minimum roy-
committed to an approved coopera- alty?
tive or unit plan?
You owe minimum royalty when
(a) Before you begin production, if
BLM determines you have a well capa-
your lease is committed to an approved
cooperative or unit plan, you must pay ble of commercial production but you
rent in accordance with 43 CFR 3211.10. have not begun actual production. You
(b) Once you begin production, you also owe minimum royalty when the
do not have to pay rent if the lands in- value of actual production is so low
cluded in an approved cooperative or that royalty you would pay under the
unit plan are within the participating scheduled rate is less than $2.00 per
area. These lands are subject to royal- acre. You should make your minimum
ties instead, under 43 CFR 3211.16. The royalty payment to MMS under the
only exception is for unitized lands regulations in 30 CFR part 218.
outside the participating area, which


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3212.16

Subpart 3212— Lease Suspensions § 3212.13 How does a suspension affect

and Royalty Rate Reductions my lease terms?
If BLM approves your suspension of
§ 3212.10 What is the difference be- operations and production,
tween a suspension of operations (a) Your lease term is extended by
and production and a suspension of the length of time the suspension is in
A suspension of operations and pro- (b) You do not have to drill, produce
duction is a temporary relief from pro- geothermal resources, or pay rents or
duction obligations which you may re- royalties during the suspension. We
quest from BLM because economic con- will suspend your obligation to pay
ditions make it unjustifiable for you to lease rents or royalties beginning with
continue operating. A suspension of op- the first day of the month following
erations is when we order you, on our the date the suspension is effective.
own initiative, to temporarily stop pro- For a suspension of operations, we will
duction in order to protect the re- not suspend your lease rental or roy-
source. alty obligations.
§ 3212.11 How do I obtain a suspension § 3212.14 What happens when the sus-
of operations or operations and pension ends?
production on my lease?
You must resume rental or minimum
(a) If you are the operator, you may royalty payments beginning on the
request in writing that BLM suspend first day of the lease month after BLM
your operations and production for a terminates the suspension. You must
producing lease. Your request must pay the full rental or minimum royalty
fully describe why you need the suspen- amount due on or before the next lease
sion. We will determine if your suspen- anniversary date. If you do not, we will
sion is approved. refund your balance and cancel the
(b) We may act on our own and sus- lease.
pend your operations on any lease in
the interest of conservation. § 3212.15 May BLM reduce or suspend
(c) A suspension under this section the royalty or rental rate of my
may include leases committed to an lease?
approved unit agreement. Even if Yes. If you apply for a waiver, sus-
leases committed to the unit are sus- pension or reduction of your rent or
pended, the unit operator must still royalty, BLM may grant your request
meet unit obligations. if we determine that:
(a) It promotes conservation;
§ 3212.12 How long does a suspension (b) Doing so will encourage the great-
of operations or operations and
production last? est ultimate recovery of resources;
(c) It is necessary to promote devel-
(a) BLM will state in your suspension opment; or
notice how long your suspension of op- (d) You cannot successfully operate
erations or operations and production the lease under its current terms.
is effective.
(b) During a suspension, you may ask § 3212.16 What information must I sub-
BLM in writing to terminate your sus- mit when I request that BLM sus-
pension. The suspension will terminate pend, reduce or waive my royalty
when you resume production or drilling or rental rate?
operations. If we terminate the suspen- (a) Your request for suspension, re-
sion, you must resume paying rents duction or waiver of the royalty or
and minimum royalty. See 43 CFR rental rate must include all informa-
3212.14. tion BLM needs to determine if the
(c) If we get information showing lease can be operated under its current
that you must resume operations to terms. We may ask you for:
protect the interests of the United (1) The type of reduction you seek;
States, we will terminate your suspen- (2) The serial number of your lease;
sion and order you to resume produc- (3) The names of the lessee and oper-
tion. ator;


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§ 3213.10 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

(4) The location and status of wells; (a) Pay all rents and royalties due be-
(5) A summary of monthly produc- fore relinquishment;
tion from your lease; and (b) Plug and abandon all wells on the
(6) A detailed statement of expenses relinquished land;
and costs. (c) Restore the surface and other re-
(b) If you are applying for a royalty sources; and,
reduction, suspension or waiver, you (d) Comply with the requirements of
must also give us a list of names and 43 CFR 3200.4.
amounts of royalties or payments out
of production paid to each individual, § 3213.14 How can my lease automati-
and every effort you have made to re- cally terminate?
duce these payments. We will not ap-
If you do not pay the rent on or be-
prove a royalty reduction, suspension
fore the anniversary date, your lease
or waiver unless other royalty interest
owners accept a similar reduction, sus- automatically terminates by operation
pension or waiver. of law.

§ 3213.15 Will my lease automatically

Subpart 3213— Relinquishment, terminate if my rental payment is
Termination, Cancellation, on time but for the wrong amount?
and Expiration (a) If MMS receives your rental pay-
ment on time, but it is deficient by a
§ 3213.10 Who may relinquish a lease?
nominal amount, your lease will not
The record title owner may relin- automatically terminate. A nominal
quish a lease in full or in part. If there amount is not more than $100 or five
is more than one record title owner for percent of the total payment due,
a lease, all record title owners must whichever is less. MMS will notify you
sign the relinquishment. if your payment is deficient, and will
§ 3213.11 What must I do to relinquish set a date by which a further payment
a lease? must be made. If you do not send this
further payment in the time allowed,
Send BLM a written request that in-
we will terminate your lease as of the
cludes the serial number of each lease
you are relinquishing. If you are relin- anniversary date of the lease.
quishing the entire lease, no legal de- (b) If your rental payment is defi-
scription of the land is required. If you cient by more than a nominal amount,
are relinquishing part of the lease, you your lease will automatically termi-
must describe the lands relinquished. nate on the anniversary date of the
§ 3213.12 May BLM accept a partial re-
linquishment if it will reduce my § 3213.16 Will BLM notify me if my
lease to less than 640 acres? lease terminates?
Your lease must remain at least 640 Yes, we will send you a notice of the
acres, or all of your leased lands in a termination by certified mail, return
section, whichever is less. Otherwise, receipt requested.
we will not accept your partial relin-
quishment. We may only allow an ex- § 3213.17 May BLM reinstate my lease?
ception if it will further development Yes, if your lease was terminated for
of the resource.
failure to pay your rents on time. You
§ 3213.13 When does my relinquish- have 30 days from when you receive the
ment take effect? termination notice to petition us for
If BLM determines you have sub-
mitted a complete relinquishment re- § 3213.18 Who may petition to rein-
quest which meets the requirements of state a lease?
43 CFR 3213.11 and 3213.12, your relin-
quishment is effective the day we re- All record title owners must sign the
ceive it. However, you and your surety petition, though any one record owner
must still: can submit it.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3214.11

§ 3213.19 What must I do to have my § 3213.24 When is a cancellation effec-

lease reinstated? tive?
Send BLM a petition requesting rein- (a) If BLM cancels your lease because
statement. Your petition must include it was issued in error, the cancellation
the serial number for each lease and an is effective when you receive it.
explanation of why the delay in pay- (b) If BLM cancels your lease because
ment was justifiable, rather than due you violated the requirements of 43
to a lack of diligence. In addition to CFR 3200.4, the cancellation takes ef-
your petition, you must also include fect 30 days from the date you receive
any past rent owed and any rent which notice of the violation.
has accrued from the termination date.
§ 3213.25 What can I do if BLM notifies
me that my lease is being canceled
§ 3213.20 Are there reasons why BLM due to violations of the laws, regu-
would not reinstate my lease? lations or lease terms?
We will not reinstate your lease if: (a) You can prevent us from can-
(a) You do not prove that your fail- celing your lease following this notice
ure to pay rent on time was justifiable if:
or was not due to your lack of dili- (1) You correct the violation within
gence; 30 days; or
(b) We issued a valid lease for any of (2) You show us that you cannot cor-
the lands before you filed your petition rect the violation during the 30-day pe-
for reinstatement; or riod but that you are making a good
(c) The land is no longer available for faith attempt to timely correct the
leasing. violation.
(b) You may request a hearing on the
§ 3213.21 When will my lease expire? record about the violation or proposed
Your lease expires at the end of its lease cancellation. You have 30 days
primary term or extended term if you from the date you receive the violation
notice to request a hearing. See 43 CFR
do not either begin production before
parts 4 and 1840. We will suspend can-
the primary term ends or extend your
celing your lease while your appeal is
lease under subpart 3208. BLM will not
pending. If a hearing occurs and the ad-
notify you when your lease expires at
ministrative law judge decides you
the end of the primary term.
committed a violation, you will have 30
§ 3213.22 Will BLM notify me when my days from receiving the decision to
lease’s extended term expires? correct the violation under paragraph
(a) of this section.
No, if you have extended your lease
term, we will not notify you when your
lease expires at the end of that ex-
Subpart 3214— Personal and
tended term. Surety Bonds
§ 3214.10 Who must post a geothermal
§ 3213.23 May BLM cancel my lease? bond?
(a) Yes, we may cancel your lease, The lessee or operator must post a
after giving you 30 days notice, if we bond with BLM before exploration,
determine that you violated the re- drilling or utilization operations begin.
quirements of 43 CFR 3200.4. We will Before we approve a lease transfer or
also cancel your lease if it was issued recognize a new designated operator,
in error. the lessee or operator must file a new
(b) See the following Subparts for in- bond or a rider to the existing bond,
formation related to Inspection and unless all previous operations on the
Enforcement procedures: land have already been reclaimed.
(1) Subpart 3254—Exploration oper-
ations; § 3214.11 Who must my bond cover?
(2) Subpart 3266—Drilling operations; Your bond must cover all record title
and owners, operating rights owners, opera-
(3) Subpart 3277—Utilization oper- tors and any person who conducts oper-
ations. ations on your lease.


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§ 3214.12 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

§ 3214.12 What activities must my bond § 3214.15 What kind of financial guar-
cover? antee will BLM accept to back my
Your bond must cover:
(a) Any activities related to explo- We will not accept cash to back a
ration, drilling, utilization or associ- bond. We will only accept:
ated operations on a Federal lease; (a) Corporate surety bonds, provided
(b) Reclamation of the surface and that the surety company is approved
other resources; by the Department of Treasury (see De-
(c) Royalty payments; and, partment of the Treasury Circular No.
(d) Compliance with the require- 570 which is published in the FEDERAL
ments of 43 CFR 3200.4. REGISTER every year on or about July
1); and
§ 3214.13 What is the minimum dollar (b) Personal bonds, which are secured
amount required for a bond? by a cashier’s check, certified check,
The minimum bond amount differs certificate of deposit, negotiable secu-
depending on the type of activity you rities such as Treasury notes, or an ir-
are proposing and whether your bond revocable letter of credit (see 43 CFR
will cover individual, statewide or na- 3214.21 and 3214.22).
tionwide activities. The minimum dol-
lar amounts and bonding options for § 3214.16 Is there a special bond form I
each type of activity are found in the must use?
following regulations: Use a BLM-approved bond form
(a) Exploration operations—see 43 (Form 3000–4, or Form 3000–4a, June
CFR 3251.15; 1988 or later editions) for either a cor-
(b) Drilling operations—see 43 CFR porate surety bond or a personal bond.
3261.18; and,
(c) Utilization operations—see 43 § 3214.17 Where must I submit my
CFR 3271.12 and 43 CFR 3273.19. bond?
File personal or corporate surety
§ 3214.14 May BLM increase the bond
amount above the minimum? bonds and statewide bonds in the BLM
State Office which oversees your lease
(a) We may increase the bond amount or operations. You may file nationwide
beyond the minimums referenced in 43 bonds in any BLM State Office. File
CFR 3214.13 when: bond riders in the BLM State Office
(1) We determine the operator has a where your underlying bond is located.
history of noncompliance; For personal or corporate surety bonds,
(2) We previously had to make a file one originally signed copy of the
claim against a surety because any one bond.
person who is covered by the new bond
failed to timely plug and abandon a § 3214.18 Who will BLM hold liable
well and reclaim the surface; under the bond and what are they
(3) MMS has notified BLM that a per- liable for?
son covered by the bond owes uncol-
We will hold all interest owners in a
lected royalties; or
lease jointly and severally liable for
(4) Our inspection of the property de-
compliance with the requirements of 43
termines that the bond amount is too
CFR 3200.4 for obligations that accrue
low to cover the estimated reclamation
cost. while they hold their interest. Among
other things, all interest owners are
(b) We may increase bond amounts to
any level, but we will not set that jointly and severally liable for:
amount higher than the total esti- (a) Plugging and abandoning wells;
mated costs of plugging wells, remov- (b) Reclaiming the surface;
ing structures, and reclaiming the sur- (c) Paying compensatory royalties
face, plus any uncollected royalties due assessed for drainage; and
MMS or monies owed to BLM due to (d) Paying rent.
previous violations.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3215.12

§ 3214.19 What are my bonding re- (d) Be automatically renewable for a

quirements when a lease interest is period of at least one year, unless the
transferred to me? issuing financial institution gives us
(a) Except as otherwise provided in written notice, at least 90 days before
this section, if the lands transferred to the letter of credit expires, that it will
you contain a well or any other surface no longer renew the letter of credit;
disturbance which the original lessee and
did not reclaim, you must post a bond (e) Include a clause that authorizes
under this subpart. the Secretary of the Interior to de-
(b) If the original lessee does not mand immediate payment, in part or in
transfer all interest in the lease to you, full, if you do not meet your obliga-
you may become a co-principal on the tions under the requirements of 43 CFR
original bond, rather than posting a 3200.4 or provide substitute security for
new bond. a letter of credit which the issuer has
(c) You do not need to post an addi- stated it will not renew before the let-
tional bond if:
ter of credit expires.
(1) You previously furnished a state-
wide or nationwide bond; or
(2) The operator provided the original Subpart 3215— Bond Collection
bond, and the operator does not After Default
§ 3215.10 When may BLM collect
§ 3214.20 How do I modify or extend against my bond?
the terms and conditions of my Unless you comply with the require-
ments listed at 43 CFR 3200.4, we may
You may modify your bond by sub- collect money from the bond to correct
mitting a rider to the BLM State Office your noncompliance. This amount can
where your bond is held. There is no be as large as the face amount of the
special form required. bond. Some examples of when we will
§ 3214.21 What must I do if I want to collect against your bond are when you
use a certificate of deposit to back do not:
my bond? (a) Properly plug and abandon a well;
Your certificate of deposit must: (b) Reclaim the lease area;
(a) Be issued by a Federally-insured (c) Pay outstanding royalties; or
financial institution authorized to do (d) Pay assessed royalties to com-
business in the United States; pensate for drainage.
(b) Include on its face the statement,
‘‘[t]he Secretary of the Interior or his § 3215.11 Must I replace my bond after
delegatee must approve redemption of BLM collects against it?
this certificate by any party;’’ and Yes. If we collect against your bond,
(c) Be payable to the Department of before you conduct any further oper-
the Interior, Bureau of Land Manage- ations you must either:
ment. (a) Post a new bond equal to the
§ 3214.22 What must I do if I want to value of the original bond; or
use a letter of credit to back my (b) Restore your existing bond to the
bond? original amount.
Your letter of credit must:
§ 3215.12 What will BLM do if I do not
(a) Be issued by a Federally-insured
restore the face amount or file a
financial institution authorized to do new bond?
business in the United States;
(b) Be payable to the Department of If we collect against your bond and
the Interior, Bureau of Land Manage- you do not restore it to the original
ment; amount, we may shut-in any well(s) or
(c) Be irrevocable during its term and utilization facilities and begin can-
have an initial expiration date of no celing all of your leases covered by
sooner than one year after the date we that bond.
receive it;


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§ 3215.13 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

§ 3215.13 Will BLM cancel or terminate proval before your transfer is effective.
my bond? See 43 CFR 3216.21.
No, we do not cancel or terminate
bonds. However, we may: § 3216.11 Where must I file a transfer
(a) Terminate the period of liability request?
of a surety or other bond provider at File your transfer in the BLM State
any time. The bond provider must give Office that handles your lease.
you and BLM 30 days notice when they
terminate your bond. Once your bond § 3216.12 When does a transferee take
is terminated, do not conduct any oper- responsibility for lease obligations?
ations until you provide a new bond Once we approve your transfer, the
which meets our requirements. We will transferee becomes responsible for per-
also release an old bond once you file a forming all lease obligations accrued
new bond with a rider covering existing
after the date of the transfer, and for
liabilities and we accept it; or
(b) Release your bond after a reason- plugging and abandoning wells which
able period of time, if we determine exist and are not plugged at the time of
that you have paid all royalties, rents, the transfer.
penalties, and assessments, satisfied all
permit or lease obligations and re- § 3216.13 What are my responsibilities
after I transfer my interest?
claimed the site according to your op-
erations plan. You will still be responsible for rents,
royalties, compensatory royalties and
§ 3215.14 When BLM releases my bond, other obligations accrued before your
does that end my responsibilities?
transfer became effective. You must
No, when we release your bond, we also plug and abandon any wells drilled
relinquish the security but we continue or existing on the lease while you held
to hold the lessee or operator respon- your interest.
sible for noncompliance. Specifically,
we do not waive any legal claim we § 3216.14 What filing fees and forms
may have against any person under the does a transfer require?
Comprehensive Environmental Re-
With each transfer request you must
sponse, Compensation and Liability
Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq.), or send us the correct form and pay the
other laws and regulations. transfer fee. When you calculate your
fee, make sure it covers the full
amount. For example, if you are trans-
Subpart 3216— Transfers
ferring record title for three leases,
§ 3216.10 What types of lease interests submit $150 with the application. Use
may I transfer? the following chart to determine forms
You may transfer record title or op- and fees:
erating rights, but you need our ap-
Type of form Required? Form No. Number of copies fee (per

(a) Record Title ....................................................................... Yes ............... 3000–3 ........... 2 executed copies $50.00
(b) Operating Rights ................................................................ Yes ............... 3000–3(a) ...... 2 executed copies $50.00
(c) Estate Transfers ................................................................ No ................ N/A ................. 1 List of Leases ... None
(d) Corporate Mergers ............................................................ No ................ N/A ................. 1 List of Leases ... None
(e) Name Changes .................................................................. No ................ N/A ................. 1 List of Leases ... None

§ 3216.15 When must I file my transfer request more than 90 days after sign-
request? ing, we may require you to re-certify
(a) File a transfer request to transfer that you still intend to complete the
record title or operating rights within transfer.
90 days after you sign an agreement (b) There is no specific time deadline
with the transferee. If we receive your for filing estate transfers, corporate


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3217.12

mergers, and name changes. Just file § 3216.21 When is my transfer effec-
them within a reasonable time. tive?
Your transfer is effective the first
§ 3216.16 Must I file separate transfer
day of the month after we approve it.
requests for each lease?
File two copies of separate requests § 3216.22 Does BLM grant all transfer
for each lease for which you are trans- requests?
ferring record title or operating rights. No, we will not approve a transfer if:
The only exception is, if you are trans- (a) The lease account is not in good
ferring more than one lease to the standing;
same transferee, just file two copies of (b) The transferee does not qualify to
one transfer application. hold a lease under this part; or
(c) An adequate bond has not been
§ 3216.17 Where must I file estate provided.
transfers, corporate mergers and
name changes?
Subpart 3217— Cooperative
(a) If you have posted a bond for any Conservation Provisions
Federal lease, file estate transfers, cor-
porate mergers, and name changes in § 3217.10 What are unit agreements
the BLM State Office that maintains and cooperative plans?
your bond. Lessees enter into a unit agreement
(b) If you have not posted a bond, file or a cooperative plan to conserve the
estate transfer, corporate merger and resources of any geothermal field or
name change documents in each State area. By operating together, lessees
Office having jurisdiction over the can work more efficiently and promote
lease(s). better development. BLM will only ap-
prove unit agreements which we deter-
§ 3216.18 How do I describe the lands mine are in the public interest. Unit
in my lease transfer? agreement application procedures are
(a) If you are transferring an interest provided in 43 CFR part 3280.
in your entire lease, you do not need to § 3217.11 What are communitization
give BLM a legal description of the agreements?
Communitization agreements (also
(b) If you are transferring an interest called drilling agreements) help opera-
in a portion of your lease, describe the tors who cannot independently develop
lands the same way they are described separate tracts due to problems with
in the lease. well spacing or well development pro-
grams. Lessees may ask BLM to ap-
§ 3216.19 May I transfer record title in- prove a communitization agreement or,
terest for less than 640 acres?
in some cases, we may require the les-
Only when your transfer includes an sees to enter into such an agreement.
irregular subdivision or all your lease
in a section. We may make an excep- § 3217.12 What does BLM need to ap-
tion to the minimum acreage require- prove my communitization agree-
ments if needed to conserve the re-
source. Give us the following information:
(a) The location of the separate
§ 3216.20 When does a transfer seg- tracts comprising the drilling or spac-
regate a lease? ing unit;
If you transfer 100 percent of the (b) How you will prorate production
or royalties to each separate tract
record title interest in a portion of
based on total acres involved;
your lease, BLM will segregate the
(c) The name of each tract operator;
transferred portion from the original
lease and give it a new serial number
(d) Provisions for protecting the in-
with the same terms and conditions as terests of all parties, including the
those in the original lease. United States.


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§ 3217.13 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

§ 3217.13 When does my (1) On BLM-administered public

communitization agreement go into lands, whether or not they are leased
effect? for geothermal resources; and
When BLM signs it. Before we ap- (2) On lands whose surface is man-
prove the agreement, all parties must aged by another Federal agency, where
sign the agreement, and we must deter- BLM has leased the subsurface geo-
mine that the tracts cannot be inde- thermal resources and the lease oper-
pendently developed. ator will conduct exploration. In this
case, we will consult with the surface
§ 3217.14 When will BLM approve my managing agency regarding surface use
operating, drilling or development
contract? and reclamation requirements before
we approve the exploration permit.
We may approve an operating, drill- (b) These regulations do not apply to:
ing or development contract when:
(1) Unleased land administered by an-
(a) One or more geothermal lessees
other Federal agency;
enter into the contract with one or
(2) Unleased geothermal resources
more persons or partnerships;
whose surface land is managed by an-
(b) Lessees need the contract for
large scale operations and financing of other Federal agency;
the discovery, development, produc- (3) Privately owned land; or
tion, transmission, transportation or (4) Casual use activities.
utilization of geothermal resources;
and § 3250.11 What types of operations may
I propose when I send BLM my ex-
(c) We determine that the contract is
ploration permit application?
needed to conserve the resource, or it
will serve the public interest. (a) You may propose any activity fit-
ting the definition of ‘‘exploration op-
§ 3217.15 What does BLM need to ap- erations’’ in 43 CFR 3200.1. Submit
prove my operating, drilling or de- Form 3200–9, Notice of Intent to Con-
velopment contract?
duct Geothermal Resource Exploration
Send us: Operations, together with the informa-
(a) The contract and a statement of tion required under 43 CFR 3251.12, and
why you need it; BLM will review your proposal.
(b) A statement of all interests held (b) The exploration operations regu-
by the contracting parties in that geo- lations do not address drilling wells in-
thermal area or field; tended for production or injection,
(c) The type of operations and sched- which are covered in subpart 3260 of
ule set by the contract; this part, or geothermal resources uti-
(d) A statement that the contract lization, which is covered in subpart
will not violate Federal antitrust laws
3270 of this part.
by concentrating control over the pro-
duction or sale of geothermal re- § 3250.12 What general standards
sources; apply to my exploration operations?
(e) Any other information we may re-
quire to make a decision about the con- Your exploration operations must:
tract or to attach conditions of ap- (a) Meet all operational and environ-
proval. mental standards;
(b) Protect public health, safety and
Subpart 3250— Exploration property;
Operations— General (c) Prevent unnecessary impacts to
surface and subsurface resources; and;
§ 3250.10 When do the exploration op- (d) Be conducted in a manner con-
erations regulations apply? sistent with the principles of multiple
(a) The exploration operations regu- use; and
lations, contained in 43 CFR subparts (e) Comply with the requirements of
3250 through 3256, apply to geothermal 43 CFR 3200.4.
exploration operations:


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3251.13

§ 3250.13 What orders or instructions or for several wells you propose to drill
may BLM issue me? in an area of geologic and environ-
(a) Geothermal resource operational mental similarity:
orders, for detailed requirements that (1) A detailed description of the
apply nationwide; equipment, materials, and procedures
(b) Notices to lessees, for detailed re- you will use;
quirements on a statewide or regional (2) The depth of the well;
basis; (3) The casing and cementing pro-
(c) Other orders and instructions spe- gram;
cific to a field or area; (4) The circulation media (mud, air,
(d) Permit conditions of approval; foam, etc.);
and (5) A description of the logs that you
(e) Verbal orders which will be con- will run;
firmed in writing. (6) A description and diagram of the
blowout prevention equipment you will
Subpart 3251— Exploration use during each phase of drilling;
Operations: Getting a Permit (7) The expected depth and thickness
of fresh water zones;
§ 3251.10 Do I need a permit before I (8) Anticipated lost circulation zones;
start my exploration operations? (9) Anticipated temperature gradient
Yes, do not start any exploration op- in the area;
erations before we have approved your (10) Well site layout and design;
exploration permit. (11) Existing and planned access
roads or ancillary facilities; and
§ 3251.11 May I conduct exploration
operations on my lease, someone (12) Source of drill pad and road
else’s lease or unleased land? building material and water supply.
(d) Show evidence of bond coverage
You may request a permit to explore (See 43 CFR 3251.15);
any BLM-managed public lands open to
(e) Estimate how much surface dis-
geothermal leasing, even if we already
turbance your exploration may cause;
leased the lands to another person.
Your exploration will not give you ex- (f) Describe the proposed measures
clusive rights. If you wish to conduct you will take to protect the environ-
operations on your lease, you may do ment and other resources;
so after we have approved your explo- (g) Describe methods to reclaim the
ration permit. If the lands are already surface; and
leased, your operations may not unrea- (h) Include all other information we
sonably interfere with or endanger may require.
those other operations or other author-
§ 3251.13 What action will BLM take
ized uses, or cause unnecessary or on my permit?
undue degradation of the lands.
(a) When we receive your exploration
§ 3251.12 What does BLM need to ap- permit, we will make sure it is com-
prove my exploration permit? plete and signed, and review it for com-
To conduct exploration operations on pliance with the requirements of 43
BLM-managed lands, your application CFR 3200.4.
must: (b) If the proposed operations are lo-
(a) Include a complete and signed ex- cated on lands described under 43 CFR
ploration permit which describes the 3250.10(a)(2), we will consult with the
lands you wish to explore; federal surface management agency be-
(b) For operations other than tem- fore we approve your permit.
perature gradient wells, describe your (c) We will check your exploration
exploration plans and procedures, in- permit for technical adequacy and we
cluding the approximate starting and may require additional procedures.
ending dates for each phase of oper- (d) We will notify you if we need
ations; more information to process your per-
(c) For temperature gradient wells, mit. We will suspend the review of your
describe your drilling and completion permit until we receive the informa-
procedures, and include, for each well tion.


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§ 3251.14 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

(e) After our review, we will notify (c) Use properly maintained equip-
you whether we approved or denied ment; and
your permit, as well as any conditions (d) Use operational practices which
we require for conducting operations. allow for quick and effective emer-
gency response.
§ 3251.14 Once I have a permit, how
can I change my exploration oper- § 3252.11 What environmental require-
ations? ments must I meet when con-
Send BLM a complete and signed ducting exploration operations?
sundry notice, form 3260–3, which fully (a) You must conduct your explo-
describes the requested changes. Do ration operations to:
not proceed with the change until you (1) Protect the quality of surface and
receive written approval from BLM. subsurface waters, air, and other nat-
§ 3251.15 Do I need a bond for con- ural resources, including wildlife, soil,
ducting exploration operations? vegetation, and natural history;
(2) Protect the quality of cultural,
Yes, do not start any exploration op-
scenic and recreational resources;
erations on BLM-managed lands until
we approve your bond. You may meet (3) Accommodate other land uses, as
the requirement for an exploration we deem necessary; and
bond in two ways. (4) Protect people and wildlife from
(a) If you have an existing nation- unacceptable noise levels.
wide or statewide oil and gas explo- (b) You must remove or, with our
ration bond, provide a rider to include permission, properly store all equip-
geothermal resources exploration oper- ment and materials not in use.
ations, in an amount we have specified. (c) You must provide and use pits,
(b) If you must file a new bond, the tanks and sumps of adequate capacity.
minimum amounts are: They must be designed to retain all
(1) $5,000 for a single operation; materials and fluids resulting from
(2) $25,000 for all of your operations drilling temperature gradient wells or
within a state; other operations, unless we have speci-
(3) $50,000 for all of your operations fied otherwise in writing. When no
nationwide. longer needed, you must properly aban-
(c) See 43 CFR subparts 3214 and 3215 don pits and sumps in accordance with
for additional details on bonding proce- your permit.
dures. (d) We may require you to submit a
contingency plan describing procedures
§ 3251.16 When will BLM release my to protect public health, safety, prop-
bond? erty and the environment.
We will release your bond after you
request it and we determine that you § 3252.12 How deep may I drill a tem-
have: perature gradient well?
(a) Plugged and abandoned all wells; You may drill a temperature gra-
(b) Reclaimed the land; and dient well to any depth we approve in
(c) Complied with the requirements your exploration permit or sundry no-
of 43 CFR 3200.4. tice. In all cases, you may not flow test
the well or perform injection tests of
Subpart 3252— Conducting the well unless you follow the proce-
Exploration Operations dures for geothermal drilling oper-
ations in 43 CFR subparts 3260 through
§ 3252.10 What operational standards 3267. BLM may modify your permitted
apply to my exploration operations? depth at any time before or during
You must: drilling, if we determine the bottom
(a) Keep exploration operations under hole temperature or other information
control at all times; indicates that drilling to the original
(b) Conduct training during your op- permitted depth could directly encoun-
eration which ensures your personnel ter the geothermal resource or create
are capable of performing emergency risks to public health, safety, property,
procedures quickly and effectively; the environment or other resources.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3254.11

§ 3252.13 How long may I collect infor- BLM the resulting data under the rules
mation from my temperature gra- of those sections.
dient well?
§ 3253.11 Must I notify BLM when I
You may collect information from have completed my exploration op-
your temperature gradient well for as erations?
long as we approve.
Yes. Send us a complete and signed
§ 3252.14 How must I complete a tem- notice of completion of exploration op-
perature gradient well? erations form, describing the explo-
Complete temperature gradient wells ration operations, well history, com-
in a way that allows for proper aban- pletion and abandonment procedures,
donment and prevents interzonal mi- or site reclamation measures. You
gration of fluids. Cap all tubing when must send this within 30 days after
not in use. you:
(a) Complete any geophysical explo-
§ 3252.15 When must I abandon a tem- ration operations;
perature gradient well? (b) Complete the drilling of tempera-
When you no longer need it, or when ture gradient well(s) approved under
we require you to. your exploration permit;
(c) Plug and abandon a temperature
§ 3252.16 How must I abandon a tem- gradient well; or
perature gradient well? (d) Plug shot holes and reclaim all
(a) Before abandoning your well, sub- exploration sites.
mit a complete and signed sundry no-
tice describing how you plan to aban- Subpart 3254— Inspection, En-
don wells and reclaim the surface. Do forcement, and Noncompli-
not begin abandoning wells or reclaim- ance for Exploration Oper-
ing the surface until we approve your ations
sundry notice.
(b) You must plug and abandon your § 3254.10 May BLM inspect my explo-
well to permanently prevent interzonal ration operations?
migration of fluids and migration of Yes, we may inspect your exploration
fluids to the surface. You must reclaim operations to ensure compliance with
your well location to our satisfaction. the requirements of 43 CFR 3200.4.

Subpart 3253— Reports: § 3254.11 What will BLM do if my ex-

Exploration Operations ploration operations do not meet all
§ 3253.10 Must I share the data I col- (a) We will issue you a written inci-
lect through exploration operations dent of noncompliance and direct you
with BLM? to correct the problem within a set
(a) For exploration operations on time. If the noncompliance continues
your geothermal lease, you must sub- or is serious in nature, we will take one
mit all data you obtain as a result of or more of the following actions:
the operations with a signed notice of (1) Correct the problem at your ex-
completion of exploration operations pense;
form under 43 CFR 3253.11, unless we (2) Direct you to modify or shut down
approve a later submission. your operations;
(b) For exploration operations on un- (3) Collect all or part of your bond.
leased lands or on leased lands where (b) We may also require you to take
you are not the lessee or unit operator, actions to prevent unnecessary impacts
you do not need to submit data. How- to the lands. If so, we will notify you of
ever, if you want your exploration op- the nature and extent of any required
erations to count toward your diligent measures and the time you have to
exploration expenditure requirement complete them.
(43 CFR 3210.13), or if you are making (c) Noncompliance may result in
significant expenditures to extend your BLM canceling your lease, if applica-
lease (43 CFR 3208.14), you must send ble. See 43 CFR 3213.23 through 3213.25.


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§ 3255.10 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

Subpart 3255— Confidential, erals Agreement under IMDA, regard-

Proprietary Information less of the date received, related to—
(1) The terms, conditions, or finan-
§ 3255.10 Will BLM disclose informa- cial return to the Indian parties;
tion I submit under these regula- (2) The extent, nature, value, or dis-
tions? position of the Indian mineral re-
All Federal and Indian data and in- sources; or
formation submitted to the BLM are (3) The production, products, or pro-
subject to part 2 of this title. Part 2 in- ceeds thereof.
cludes the regulations of the Depart- 11. Section 3255.14 is added to read as
ment of the Interior covering public follows:
disclosure of data and information con- [63 FR 52953, Oct. 1, 1998]
tained in Department of Interior
records. Certain mineral information § 3255.14 How will BLM administer in-
not protected from disclosure under formation concerning other Indian
part 2 may be made available for in- minerals?
spection without a Freedom Of Infor- For information concerning Indian
mation Act (FOIA) request. minerals not covered by § 3255.13, BLM
will withhold such records as may be
§ 3255.11 When I submit confidential, withheld under an exemption to the
proprietary information, how can I
help ensure it is not available to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5
public? U.S.C. 552) when it receives a request
for information related to tribal or In-
When you submit data and informa- dian minerals held in trust or subject
tion that you believe to be exempt to restrictions on alienation.
from disclosure by 43 CFR part 2, you 12. Section 3255.15 is added to read as
must clearly mark each page that you follows:
believe contains confidential informa-
tion. BLM will keep all data and infor- [63 FR 52953, Oct. 1, 1998]
mation confidential to the extent al-
lowed by 43 CFR 2.13(c). § 3255.15 When will BLM consult with
Indian mineral owners when infor-
mation concerning their minerals is
§ 3255.12 How long will information I the subject of a FOIA request?
give BLM remain confidential or
proprietary? BLM will notify the Indian mineral
The FOIA does not provide a finite owner(s) identified in the records of the
period of time for which information Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), and
BIA, and give them a reasonable period
may be exempt from disclosure to pub-
of time to state objections to disclo-
lic. Each situation will need to be re-
sure, using the standards and proce-
viewed individually and in accordance
dures of § 2.15(d) of this title, before
with guidance provided by 43 CFR part
making a decision about the applica-
bility of FOIA exemption 4 to:
§ 3255.13 How will BLM treat Indian (a) Information obtained from a per-
information submitted under the son outside the United States Govern-
Indian Mineral Development Act? ment; when
Under the Indian Mineral Develop- (b) Following consultation with a
ment Act of 1982 (IMDA) (25 U.S.C. 2101 submitter under § 2.15(d) of this title,
et seq.), the Department of the Interior BLM determines that the submitter
will hold as privileged proprietary in- does not have an interest in with-
formation of the affected Indian or In- holding the records that can be pro-
dian tribe— tected under FOIA; but
(a) All findings forming the basis of (c) BLM has reason to believe that
the Secretary’s intent to approve or disclosure of the information may re-
disapprove any Minerals Agreement sult in commercial or financial injury
under IMDA; and to the Indian mineral owner(s), but is
uncertain that such is the case.
(b) All projections, studies, data, or
other information concerning a Min- [63 FR 52953, Oct. 1, 1998]


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3261.11

Subpart 3256— Exploration (c) Conserve geothermal resources

Operations Relief and Appeals and minimize waste;
(d) Protect public health, safety and
§ 3256.10 May I request a variance property; and,
from any BLM requirements? (e) Comply with the requirements of
(a) Yes, you may request a variance 43 CFR 3200.4.
for your exploration operations from
the requirements of 43 CFR 3200.4. Your § 3260.12 What other orders or instruc-
request must include enough informa- tions may BLM issue me?
tion to explain: We may issue:
(1) Why you cannot comply; and (a) Geothermal resource operational
(2) Why you need the variance to con- orders, for detailed requirements that
trol your well, conserve natural re- apply nationwide;
sources, protect public health and safe- (b) Notices to lessees, for detailed re-
ty, property, or the environment. quirements on a statewide or regional
(b) We may approve your request ver- basis;
bally or in writing. If we give you a (c) Other orders and instructions spe-
verbal approval, we will follow up with cific to a field or area;
written confirmation. (d) Permit conditions of approval;
§ 3256.11 How may I appeal a BLM de-
cision regarding my exploration op- (e) Verbal orders which will be con-
erations? firmed in writing.
You may appeal a BLM decision re-
garding your exploration operations in Subpart 3261— Drilling Operations:
accordance with 43 CFR 3200.5. Getting a Permit
§ 3261.10 How do I get approval to
Subpart 3260— Geothermal Drilling begin well pad construction?
Operations— General
(a) If you do not have an approved
§ 3260.10 What types of geothermal op- geothermal drilling permit, form 3260–
erations are covered by these regu- 2, apply using a complete and signed
lations? sundry notice, form 3260–3, to build
(a) The regulations in 43 CFR sub- well pads and access roads. Send us a
parts 3260 through 3267 establish per- complete operations plan (see 43 CFR
mitting and operating procedures for 3261.12) and an acceptable bond with
drilling wells and conducting related your sundry notice. You may start well
activities for the purpose of performing pad construction once we approve your
flow tests, producing geothermal sundry notice.
fluids, or injecting fluids into a geo- (b) If you already have an approved
thermal reservoir. These subparts also drilling permit and you have provided
address redrilling, deepening, plugging an acceptable bond, you do not need
back, and other subsequent well oper- any further permission from BLM to
ations. start well pad construction unless you
(b) The operations regulations in sub- intend to change something from the
parts 3260 through 3267 do not address approved permit. Send us a complete
conducting exploration operations, and signed sundry notice so we may re-
which are covered in subpart 3250 of view your proposed change. Do not pro-
this part, or geothermal resources uti- ceed with the change until we approve
lization, which is covered in subpart your sundry notice.
3270 of this part.
§ 3261.11 How do I get approval for
§ 3260.11 What general standards drilling operations and well pad
apply to my drilling operations? construction?
Your drilling operations must: (a) Send us:
(a) Meet all environmental and oper- (1) A completed and signed drilling
ational standards; permit application;
(b) Prevent unnecessary impacts to (2) A complete operations plan (43
surface and subsurface resources; CFR 3261.12);


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§ 3261.12 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

(3) A complete drilling program (43 (f) A description of the logs that you
CFR 3261.13); and will run;
(4) An acceptable bond (43 CFR (g) A description and diagram of the
3261.18). blowout prevention equipment you will
(b) Do not start any drilling oper- use during each phase of drilling;
ations until we have approved the per- (h) The expected depth and thickness
mit. of fresh water zones;
(i) Anticipated lost circulation zones;
§ 3261.12 What is an operations plan? (j) Anticipated reservoir temperature
An operations plan describes how you and pressure;
will drill for and test the geothermal (k) Anticipated temperature gradient
resources covered by your lease. Your in the area;
plan must tell BLM enough about your (l) A plat certified by a licensed sur-
proposal to allow us to assess the envi- veyor showing the surveyed surface lo-
ronmental impacts of your operations. cation and distances from the nearest
This information should generally in- section or tract lines;
clude: (m) Procedures and durations of well
(a) Well pad layout and design; testing; and
(b) A description of existing and (n) Any other information we may re-
planned access roads; quire.
(c) A description of any ancillary fa-
cilities; § 3261.14 When must I give BLM my
(d) The source of drill pad and road operations plan?
building material; Send us a complete operations plan
(e) The water source; before you begin any surface disturb-
(f) A statement describing surface ance on a lease. You do not need to
ownership; submit an operations plan for subse-
(g) Plans for surface reclamation; quent well operations or altering exist-
(h) A description of procedures to ing production equipment, unless these
protect the environment and other re- activities will cause more surface dis-
sources; and turbance or we notify you that you
(i) Any other information we may re- must submit an operations plan. Do
quire. not start any activities which will re-
sult in surface disturbance until we ap-
§ 3261.13 What is a drilling program? prove your permit or sundry notice.
A drilling program describes all the
operational aspects of your proposal to § 3261.15 Must I give BLM my drilling
drill, complete and test a well. Send us: permit application, drilling pro-
(a) A detailed description of the gram and operations plan at the
equipment, materials, and procedures same time?
you will use; No, you may submit your complete
(b) The proposed/anticipated depth of and signed drilling permit application
the well; and complete drilling program and op-
(c) If you plan to directionally drill erations plan either together or sepa-
your well, also send us: rately.
(1) The proposed bottom hole loca- (a) If you submit them together and
tion and distances from the nearest we approve your drilling permit, the
section or tract lines; approved drilling permit will authorize
(2) The kick-off point; both the pad construction and the
(3) The direction of deviation; drilling and testing of the well.
(4) The angle of build-up and max- (b) If you submit the operations plan
imum angle; and separately from the drilling permit and
(5) Plan and cross section maps indi- program, you must:
cating the surface and bottom hole lo- (1) Submit the operations plan before
cations; the drilling permit application and
(d) The casing and cementing pro- drilling program to allow BLM time to
gram; comply with NEPA; and
(e) The circulation media (mud, air, (2) Submit a complete and signed
foam, etc.); sundry notice for well pad and access


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3261.21

road construction. Do not begin con- (d) See subparts 3214 and 3215 for ad-
struction until we approve your sundry ditional details on bonding procedures.
notice. [63 FR 52364, Sept. 30, 1998; 66 FR 27040, May
16, 2001]
§ 3261.16 Can my operations plan,
drilling permit and drilling pro- § 3261.19 When will BLM release my
gram apply to more than one well? bond?
Your operations plan and drilling We will release your bond after you
program can sometimes be combined to request it and we determine that you
cover several wells, but your drilling have:
permit cannot. To combine your oper- (a) Plugged and abandoned all wells;
ations plan, give us adequate informa- (b) Reclaimed the surface and other
tion for all well sites, and we will com- resources; and
bine your plan to cover those well sites (c) Met all the requirements of 43
that are in areas of similar geology and CFR 3200.4.
environment. Your drilling program
may also apply to more than one well, § 3261.20 How will BLM review my ap-
provided you will drill the wells in the plication documents and notify me
same manner, and you expect to en- of their decision?
counter similar geologic and reservoir (a) When we receive your operations
conditions. You must submit a sepa- plan, we will make sure it is complete
rate geothermal drilling permit appli- and review it for compliance with the
cation for each well. requirements of 43 CFR 3200.4.
(b) If another Federal agency man-
§ 3261.17 How do I amend my oper- ages the surface of your lease, we will
ations plan or drilling permit?
consult with them before we approve
If BLM has not yet approved your op- your drilling permit.
erations plan or drilling permit, send (c) We will review your drilling per-
us your amended plan and complete mit and drilling program or your sun-
and signed permit application. To dry notice for well pad construction, to
amend an approved operations plan or make sure they conform with your op-
drilling permit, submit a complete and erations plan and any mitigation meas-
signed sundry notice describing your ures we developed while reviewing your
proposed change. Do not start any plan.
amended operations until we have ap- (d) We will check your drilling per-
proved your drilling permit or sundry mit and drilling program for technical
notice. adequacy and we may require addi-
tional procedures.
§ 3261.18 Do I need a bond before I (e) We will check your drilling per-
build a well pad or drill a well?
mit for compliance with the require-
Yes, before starting any operation, ments of 43 CFR 3200.4.
you must: (f) If we need any further information
(a) Send us either a surety or per- to complete our review, we will contact
sonal bond in the following minimum you in writing and suspend our review
amount: until we receive the information.
(1) $10,000 for a single lease; (g) After our review, we will notify
(2) $50,000 for all of your operations you whether your permit has been ap-
within a state; or proved or denied, as well as any condi-
(3) $150,000 for all of your operations tions we require for conducting oper-
nationwide. ations.
(b) Get our approval of your surety or
personal bond; and § 3261.21 How do I get approval to
(c) To cover any drilling operations change an approved drilling oper-
on all leases committed a unit, either ation?
submit a bond for that unit in an (a) Send us a sundry notice, form
amount we specify, or provide a rider 3260–3, describing the proposed changes.
to a statewide or nationwide bond Do not proceed with the changes until
which specifically covers the unit in an we have approved them in writing, ex-
amount we specify. cept as provided in paragraph (c) of


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§ 3261.22 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

this section. If your operations such as (1) Selecting drilling fluid types and
redrilling, deepening, drilling a new di- weights;
rectional leg, or plugging back a well (2) Designing a system to control
would significantly change your ap- fluid temperatures;
proved permit, BLM may require you (3) Designing blowout prevention
to send us a new drilling permit (see 43 equipment; and
CFR 3261.13). A significant change (4) Designing a casing and cementing
would be, for example, redrilling the program.
well to a completely different target, (c) Your operation must always com-
especially a target in an unknown area. ply with the requirements of 43 CFR
(b) If your changed drilling operation
would cause additional surface disturb-
ance, we may also require you to sub- § 3262.11 What environmental require-
mit an amended operations plan. ments must I meet when drilling a
(c) If immediate action is required to well?
properly continue drilling operations,
or to protect public health, safety, (a) You must conduct your oper-
property or the environment, you only ations to:
need BLM’s verbal approval to change (1) Protect the quality of surface and
an approved drilling operation. How- subsurface water, air, natural re-
ever, you must submit a written sun- sources, wildlife, soil, vegetation, and
dry notice within 48 hours after we ver- natural history;
bally approve your change. (2) Protect the quality of cultural,
scenic, and recreational resources;
§ 3261.22 How do I get approval for (3) Accommodate, as necessary, other
subsequent well operations? land uses;
Send us a sundry notice describing (4) Minimize noise; and
your proposed operation. For some rou- (5) Prevent property damage and un-
tine work, such as cleanouts, surveys, necessary or undue degradation of the
or general maintenance (see 43 CFR lands.
3264.11(b)), we may waive the sundry (b) You must remove or, with BLM’s
notice requirement. Contact your local approval, properly store all equipment
BLM office to ask about waivers. Un- and materials that are not in use.
less you receive a waiver, you must (c) You must retain all fluids from
submit a sundry notice. Do not start drilling and testing the well in prop-
your operations until we grant a waiv- erly designed pits, sumps, or tanks.
er or approve the sundry notice.
(d) When you no longer need a pit or
sump, you must abandon it and restore
Subpart 3262— Conducting Drilling the site as we direct you to.
Operations (e) We may require you to give us a
contingency plan showing how you will
§ 3262.10 What operational require-
ments must I meet when drilling a protect public health and safety, prop-
well? erty, and the environment.
(a) When drilling a well, you must: § 3262.12 Must I post a sign at every
(1) Keep the well under control at all well?
(2) Conduct training during your op- Yes. Before you begin drilling a well,
eration which ensures your personnel you must post a sign in a conspicuous
are capable of performing emergency place and keep it there throughout op-
procedures quickly and effectively; erations until the well site is re-
(3) Use properly maintained equip- claimed. Put the following information
ment; and on the sign:
(4) Use operational practices which (a) The lessee or operator’s name;
allow for quick and effective emer- (b) Lease serial number;
gency response. (c) Well number; and
(b) You must use sound engineering (d) Well location described by sec-
principles and take into account all tion, township, range, and quarter-
pertinent data when: quarter-section.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3263.14

§ 3262.13 May BLM require me to fol- (a) All the information required in
low a well spacing program? the well completion report (see 43 CFR
Yes, if we determine that it is nec- 3264.10), unless we already have that in-
essary for proper development. If we re- formation;
quire well spacing, we will consider the (b) A detailed description of the pro-
following factors when we set well posed work, including:
spacing: (1) Type, depth, length, and interval
(a) Hydrologic, geologic, and res- of plugs;
ervoir characteristics of the field mini- (2) Methods you will use to verify the
mizing well interference; plugs (tagging, pressure testing, etc.);
(b) Topography; (3) Weight and viscosity of mud that
(c) Interference with multiple use of you will use in the uncemented por-
land; and tions;
(d) Environmental protection, includ- (4) Perforating or removing casing;
ing ground water. and
(5) Restoring the surface; and
§ 3262.14 May BLM require me to take (c) Any other information that we
samples or perform tests and sur- may require.
(a) Yes, we may require you to take § 3263.12 How will BLM review my
samples or to test or survey the well to sundry notice to abandon my well
determine: and notify me of their decision?
(1) The well’s mechanical integrity; (a) When we receive your sundry no-
(2) The identity and characteristics tice, we will make sure it is complete
of formations, fluids or gases; and review it for compliance with the
(3) Presence of geothermal resources, requirements of 43 CFR 3200.4. We will
water, or reservoir energy; notify you if we need more information
(4) Quality and quantity of geo- or require additional procedures. If we
thermal resources; need any further information to com-
(5) Well bore angle and direction of plete our review, we will contact you in
deviation; writing and suspend our review until
(6) Formation, casing, or tubing pres- we receive the information. If we ap-
sures; prove your sundry notice, we will send
(7) Temperatures; you an approved copy once our review
(8) Rate of heat or fluid flow; and is complete. Do not start abandonment
(9) Any other necessary well informa- of the well until we approve your sun-
tion. dry notice.
(b) See 3264.11 for information report- (b) We may verbally approve plug-
ing requirements. ging procedures for a well which re-
quires immediate action. If we do, you
Subpart 3263— Well Abandonment must submit the information required
in 43 CFR 3263.11 within 48 hours after
§ 3263.10 May I abandon a well with- we give verbal approval.
out BLM’s approval?
No, you must have an approved sun- § 3263.13 What must I do to restore the
dry notice which documents your plug-
ging and abandonment program before You must remove all equipment and
you start abandoning any well. You materials and restore the site to BLM’s
must also notify the local BLM office satisfaction.
before you begin abandonment, so we
may witness the work. Contact your § 3263.14 May BLM require me to
abandon a well?
local BLM office before starting to
abandon your well to find out what no- Yes, if we determine your well is no
tification we need. longer needed for geothermal resource
production, injection, or monitoring,
§ 3263.11 What must I give BLM to ap- or if we determine that the well is not
prove my sundry notice for aban- mechanically sound. In either case, if
doning a well? you disagree you may explain to us
Send us a sundry notice with: why the well should not be abandoned.


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§ 3263.15 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

We will consider your reasons before have a waiver, you must submit the re-
we issue any final order. port.
§ 3263.15 May I abandon a producible § 3264.12 What must I give BLM after I
well? abandon a well?
Only if you receive BLM’s approval. Send us a well abandonment report
To abandon a producing well, send us within 30 days after you abandon a
the information listed in 43 CFR well. If you plan to restore the site at
3263.11. We may also require you to ex- a later date, you may submit a sepa-
plain why you want to abandon the
rate report within 30 days after com-
well. We may deny your request if we
pleting site restoration. The well aban-
determine the well is needed to protect
a Federal lease from drainage, or to donment report must contain:
protect the environment or other re- (a) A complete chronology of all
sources of the United States. work done;
(b) A description of each plug, includ-
Subpart 3264— Reports— Drilling ing:
Operations (1) Amount of cement used;
(2) Type of cement used;
§ 3264.10 What must I give BLM after I (3) Depth that the drill pipe or tubing
complete a well? was run to set the plug;
You must submit a geothermal well (4) Depth to top of plug; and
completion report, form 3260–4, within (5) If the plug was verified, whether it
30 days after you complete a well. Your was done by tagging or pressure test-
report must include the following: ing; and
(a) A complete, chronological well (c) A description of surface restora-
history; tion procedures.
(b) A copy of all logs;
(c) Copies of all directional surveys; § 3264.13 What drilling and oper-
and ational records must I maintain for
(d) Copies of all mechanical, flow, each well?
reservoir, and other test data.
You must keep the following infor-
§ 3264.11 What must I give BLM after I mation for each well and make it avail-
finish subsequent well operations? able for BLM to inspect it:
(a) Send us a subsequent well oper- (a) A complete and accurate drilling
ations report within 30 days after com- log, in chronological order;
pleting operations. At a minimum, this (b) All logs;
report must include: (c) Water or steam analyses;
(1) A complete, chronological history (d) Hydrologic or heat flow tests;
of the work done; (e) Directional surveys;
(2) A copy of all logs; (f) A complete log of all subsequent
(3) Copies of all directional surveys; well operations such as cementing, per-
(4) All samples, tests or surveys we forating, acidizing, and well cleanouts;
require you to make (see § 3262.14); and
(4) Copies of all mechanical, flow,
(g) Any other information regarding
reservoir, and other test data; and
(5) A statement of whether you the well that could affect its status.
achieved your goals. For example, if § 3264.14 Must I notify BLM of acci-
the well was acidized to increase pro- dents occurring on my lease?
duction, state whether the production
rate increased when you put the well Yes, you must verbally inform us of
back on line. all accidents that affect operations or
(b) We may waive this reporting re- create environmental hazards within 24
quirement for work we determine is hours of the accident. When you con-
routine such as cleanouts, surveys, or tact us, we may require you to submit
general maintenance. To request a a report fully describing the incident.
waiver, contact BLM. If you do not


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3267.10

Subpart 3265— Inspection, En- Subpart 3266— Confidential,

forcement, and Noncompli- Proprietary Information
ance for Drilling Operations
§ 3266.10 Will BLM disclose informa-
§ 3265.10 What part of my drilling op- tion I submit under these regula-
erations may BLM inspect? tions?
(a) We may inspect all of your drill- All Federal and Indian data and in-
ing operations regardless of surface formation submitted to the BLM are
ownership. We will inspect your oper- subject to part 2 of this title. Part 2 in-
ations for compliance with the require- cludes the regulations of the Depart-
ments of 43 CFR 3200.4. ment of the Interior covering public
(b) We may also inspect all of your disclosure of data and information con-
maps, well logs, surveys, records, tained in Department of Interior
books, and accounts related to your records. Certain mineral information
drilling operation. You must keep this not protected from disclosure under
information available for our inspec- part 2 may be made available for in-
tion. spection without a Freedom Of Infor-
mation Act (FOIA) request. BLM will
§ 3265.11 What records must I keep not treat surface location, surface ele-
available for inspection? vation, or well status information as
You must keep a complete record of confidential.
all aspects of your activities related to
your drilling operation available for § 3266.11 When I submit confidential,
our inspection. Store these records in a proprietary information, how can I
place which makes them conveniently help ensure it is not available to the
available to us. Examples of records public?
which we will inspect include: When you submit data and informa-
(a) Well logs; tion that you believe to be exempt
(b) Directional surveys; from disclosure by 43 CFR part 2, you
(c) Casing type and setting; must clearly mark each page that you
(d) Formations penetrated; believe contains confidential informa-
(e) Well test results; tion. BLM will keep all data and infor-
(f) Characteristics of the geothermal mation confidential to the extent al-
resource; lowed by 43 CFR 2.13(c).
(g) Emergency procedure training;
and § 3266.12 How long will information I
(h) Operational problems. give BLM remain confidential or
§ 3265.12 What will BLM do if my oper-
ations do not comply with all re- The FOIA does not provide a finite
quirements? period of time for which information
may be exempt from disclosure to pub-
(a) We will issue you a written Inci- lic. Each situation will need to be re-
dent of Noncompliance, directing you viewed individually and in accordance
to take required corrective action with guidance provided by 43 CFR part
within a specific time period. If the 2.
noncompliance continues or is of a se-
rious nature, we will take one or more
of the following actions: Subpart 3267— Geothermal Drilling
(1) Enter your lease, and correct any Operations Relief and Appeals
deficiencies at your expense;
(2) Collect all or part of your bond; § 3267.10 May I request a variance
(3) Direct modification or shutdown from any BLM requirements which
apply to my drilling operations?
of your operations; and
(4) Take action against a lessee who (a) Yes, you may request a variance
is ultimately responsible for non- regarding your approved drilling oper-
compliance. ations from the requirements of 43 CFR
(b) Noncompliance may result in 3200.4. Your request must include
BLM canceling your lease. See 43 CFR enough information to explain:
3213.23 through 3213.25. (1) Why you cannot comply; and


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§ 3267.11 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

(2) Why you need the variance to con- § 3270.12 What other orders or instruc-
trol your well, conserve natural re- tions may BLM issue me?
sources, protect public health and safe- (a) Geothermal resource operational
ty, property, or the environment.
orders, for detailed requirements that
(b) We may approve your request ver-
apply nationwide;
bally or in writing. If BLM gives you a
(b) Notices to lessees, for detailed re-
verbal approval, we will follow up with
quirements on a statewide or regional
written confirmation.
§ 3267.11 How may I appeal a BLM de- (c) Other orders and instructions spe-
cision regarding my drilling oper- cific to a field or area;
ations? (d) Permit conditions of approval;
You may appeal our decisions regard- and
ing your drilling operations in accord- (e) Verbal orders which will be con-
ance with 43 CFR 3200.5. firmed in writing.

Subpart 3270— Utilization of Subpart 3271— Utilization

Geothermal Resources— General Operations: Getting a Permit
§ 3270.10 What types of geothermal op- § 3271.10 What do I need to start pre-
erations are governed by the utili- paring a site and building and test-
zation regulations? ing a utilization facility on Federal
land leased for geothermal re-
(a) The regulations in 43 CFR sub- sources?
parts 3270 through 3279 cover the per-
mitting and operating procedures for If you want to use Federal land to
the utilization of geothermal re- produce geothermal power, you have to
sources. This includes: get a site license and construction per-
(1) Electrical generation facilities; mit before you even start preparing the
(2) Direct use facilities; site. Send BLM a plan that shows what
(3) Related utilization facility oper- you want to do and write up a proposed
ations; site license agreement that you think
(4) Actual and allocated well field is fair and reasonable. We will review it
production and injection; and and decide whether or not to give you
(5) Related well field operations. a permit and license to proceed with
(b) The utilization regulations in sub- work on the site. Until and unless we
parts 3270 through 3279 do not address do, don’t even think about it.
conducting exploration operations,
which are covered in subpart 3250 of § 3271.11 Who may apply for a permit
to build a utilization facility?
this part, or drilling wells intended for
production or injection, which are cov- The lessee, the facility operator, or
ered in subpart 3260 of this part. the unit operator may apply to build a
utilization facility.
§ 3270.11 What general standards
apply to my utilization operations? § 3271.12 What do I need to start pre-
Your utilization operations must: liminary site investigations which
may disturb the surface?
(a) Meet all operational and environ-
mental standards; (a) You must:
(b) Prevent unnecessary impacts to (1) Fully describe your proposed oper-
surface and subsurface resources; ations in a sundry notice; and,
(c) Result in the maximum ultimate (2) File a bond meeting the require-
recovery; ments of either 43 CFR 3251.15 or
(d) Result in the beneficial use of 3273.19. See Subparts 3214 and 3215 for
geothermal resources with minimum additional details on bonding proce-
waste; dures.
(e) Protect public health, safety and (b) Do not begin the site investiga-
property; and, tion or surface disturbing activity
(f) Comply with the requirements of until BLM approves your sundry notice
43 CFR 3200.4. and bond.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3272.11

§ 3271.13 What do I need to start build- you propose to mitigate those impacts,
ing and testing a utilization facility as set out at 3272.12.
which is not located on Federal
lands leased for geothermal re- § 3272.11 How should I describe the
sources, but the pipelines and fa- proposed utilization facility?
cilities connecting the well field
are? Your description must include:
(a) A generalized description of all
(a) Before constructing pipelines and
proposed structures and facilities, in-
well field facilities on Federal lands
cluding their size, location, and func-
leased for geothermal resources, the
lessee, unit operator or facility oper-
ator must submit your utilization plan (b) A generalized description of pro-
and facility construction permit ad- posed facility operations, including es-
dressing any pipelines or facilities. Do timated total production and injection
not start construction of your pipelines rates; estimated well flow rates, pres-
or facilities until BLM approves your sures, and temperatures; facility net
utilization plan and facility construc- and gross electrical generation; and, if
tion permit. applicable, interconnection with other
(b) Before testing a utilization facil- utilization facilities. If it is a direct
ity which is not located on Federal use facility, send us the information we
lands leased for geothermal resources need to determine the amount of re-
with Federal geothermal resources, source utilized;
send us a sundry notice which describes (c) A contour map of the entire utili-
the testing schedule and the amount of zation site, showing production and in-
Federal resources you expect to be de- jection well pads, pipeline routes, facil-
livered to the facility during the test- ity locations, drainage structures, and
ing. Do not start delivering Federal existing and planned access and lateral
geothermal resources to the facility roads;
until we approve your sundry notice. (d) A description of site preparation
(c) You do not need a BLM permit to and associated surface disturbance, in-
construct a facility located on either: cluding the source for site or road
(1) Private land; or building materials, amounts of cut and
(2) Lands where the surface is pri- fill, drainage structures, analysis of all
vately owned and BLM has leased the site evaluation studies prepared for the
underlying Federal geothermal re- site(s), and a description of any addi-
sources, when the facility will utilize tional tests, studies, or surveys which
Federal geothermal resources. are planned to assess the geologic suit-
ability of the site(s);
§ 3271.14 How do I get a permit to (e) The source, quality, and proposed
begin commercial operations? consumption rate of water used during
Before using Federal geothermal re- facility operations, and the source and
sources, the lessee, operator, or facility quantity of water used during facility
operator must send us a complete com- construction;
mercial use permit (43 CFR 3274.11). (f) The methods for meeting air qual-
This also applies when you use Federal ity standards during facility construc-
resources allocated through any form tion and operation, especially stand-
of agreement. Do not start any com- ards concerning noncondensible gases;
mercial use operations until BLM ap- (g) An estimated number of personnel
proves your commercial use permit. needed during construction and oper-
ation of the facility;
Subpart 3272— What is in a Utiliza- (h) A construction schedule;
tion Plan and Facility Con- (i) A schedule for testing of the facil-
struction Permit? ity and/or well equipment, and for the
start of commercial operations;
§ 3272.10 What must I give BLM in my (j) A description of architectural
utilization plan? landscaping or other measures to mini-
Describe the proposed facilities as set mize visual impacts; and (k) Any addi-
out in 43 CFR 3272.11, and the antici- tional information or data which we
pated environmental impacts and how may require.


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§ 3272.12 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

§ 3272.12 How do I describe the envi- review until we receive the informa-
ronmental protection measures I in- tion.
tend to take?
(a) Describe, at a minimum, your § 3272.14 How do I get a permit to con-
struct or test my facility?
proposed measures to:
(1) Prevent or control fires; (a) Before constructing or testing a
(2) Prevent soil erosion; utilization facility, you must submit to
(3) Protect surface or ground water; BLM a:
(4) Protect fish and wildlife; (1) Utilization plan;
(5) Protect cultural, visual, and other (2) Complete and signed facility con-
natural resources; struction permit; and,
(6) Minimize air and noise pollution; (3) Complete and signed site licence.
and (See subpart 3273.)
(7) Minimize hazards to public health (b) Do not start constructing or test-
and safety during normal operations. ing your utilization facility until we
(b) If we require, you must also de- have approved both your facility con-
scribe how you will monitor your facil- struction permit and your site license.
ity operations to ensure they comply (c) After our review, we will notify
with the requirements of 43 CFR 3200.4, you whether we have approved or de-
and noise, air, and water quality stand- nied your permit, as well as any condi-
ards at all times. We will consult with tions we require for conducting oper-
another involved surface management ations.
agency regarding monitoring require-
ments. You must also include provi-
sions for monitoring other environ-
Subpart 3273— How to Apply for a
mental parameters we may require. Site License
(c) Based on what level of impacts § 3273.10 When do I need a site license
your operations may cause, we may re- for a utilization facility?
quire you to collect data concerning
existing air and water quality, noise, You must obtain a site license ap-
seismicity, subsidence, ecological sys- proved by BLM unless your facility
tems, or other environmental informa- will be located on lands leased de-
tion for up to one year before you begin scribed under 43 CFR 3273.11. Do not
operating. We must approve your data start building or testing your utiliza-
collection methodologies, and will con- tion facility on lands leased by BLM
sult with any other surface managing for geothermal resources until we have
agency involved. approved both your facility construc-
(d) You must also describe how you tion permit (See 3272.14) and your site
will abandon utilization facilities and license. The facility operator must
restore the site, to comply with the re- apply for the license.
quirements of 43 CFR 3200.4.
§ 3273.11 Are there any situations
(e) Finally, submit any additional in- where I do not need a site license?
formation or data which we may re-
quire. Yes, you do not need one if your fa-
cility will be located:
§ 3272.13 How will BLM review my uti- (a) On private lands or on split estate
lization plan and notify me of their land where the United States does not
decision? own the surface; or
(a) When BLM receives your utiliza- (b) On Federal lands not leased for
tion plan, we will make sure it is com- geothermal resources. In these cases,
plete and review it for compliance with the Federal surface management agen-
43 CFR 3200.4. cy will issue you the permit you need.
(b) If another Federal agency man-
ages the surface of your lease, we will § 3273.12 How will BLM review my site
consult with them as part of the plan license application?
review. (a) When we receive your site license
(c) If we need any further informa- application, we will make sure it is
tion to complete our review, we will complete. If we need more information
contact you in writing and suspend our for our review, we will contact you for


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3273.19

that information and stop our review accepts the siting of the facility, if the
until we receive the information. facility operator is neither the lessee
(b) If your site license is located on nor unit operator.
leased lands managed by the Depart-
ment of Agriculture, we will consult § 3273.16 What is the annual rent for a
with the agency and obtain concur- site license?
rence before we approve your applica- We will specify the amount in your
tion. The agency may require addi- license, if you are required to pay rent.
tional license terms and conditions. (See 43 CFR 3273.18.) Your rent will be
(c) If the land is subject to section 24 at least $100 per acre or fraction there-
of the Federal Power Act, we will issue
of for an electrical generation facility,
the site license with the terms and con-
and at least $10 per acre or fraction
ditions requested by the Federal En-
ergy Regulatory Commission. thereof for a direct use facility. Send
(d) If another Federal agency man- the first year’s rent to BLM, and all
ages the surface, we will consult with subsequent rental payments to MMS
them to determine if they recommend under 30 CFR part 218.
additional license terms and condi-
tions. § 3273.17 May BLM reassess the annual
rent for my site license?
(e) After our review, we will notify
you whether we approved or denied Yes, we may reassess the rent for
your license, as well as any additional lands covered by the license beginning
conditions we require. with the tenth year and every ten
years after that.
§ 3273.13 Are any lands not available
for geothermal site licenses? § 3273.18 Must all facility operators
Yes. BLM will not issue site licenses pay the annual site license rent?
for lands that are not leased or not No, if you are a lessee siting a utili-
available for geothermal leasing. See 43 zation facility on your own lease, or a
CFR 3201.11. unit operator siting a utilization facil-
§ 3273.14 What area does a site license ity on leases committed to the unit,
cover? you do not need to pay rent. Only a fa-
cility operator who is not also a lessee
The site license covers a reasonably
or unit operator must pay rent.
compact tract of Federal land, limited
to as much of the surface as is nec- § 3273.19 What are the bonding re-
essary to adequately utilize geo- quirements for a site license?
thermal resources. That means the site
license area will only include the utili- (a) For an electrical generation facil-
zation facility itself and other nec- ity, the facility operator must submit
essary structures, such as substations a surety or personal bond for at least
and processing, repair, or storage fa- $100,000, and which meets the require-
cilities areas. ments of subpart 3214. BLM may in-
crease the required bond amount. See
§ 3273.15 What must I give BLM in my subparts 3214 and 3215 for additional de-
site license application? tails on bonding procedures.
(a) A description of the boundaries of (b) For a direct use facility, the facil-
the land applied for, as determined by ity operator must furnish BLM with a
a certified licensed surveyor. Describe surety or personal bond that meets the
the land by legal subdivision, section, requirements of subpart 3214 in an
township and range, or by approved amount BLM will specify.
protraction surveys, if applicable; (c) The bond’s terms must cover com-
(b) The affected acreage;
pliance with the requirements of 43
(c) A non-refundable fee of $50;
CFR 3200.4.
(d) A site license bond (See 43 CFR
3273.19); (d) Until you provide a bond and BLM
(e) The first year’s rent, if applicable approves it, do not start construction,
(see 43 CFR 3273.18); and (f) Documenta- testing, or anything else that would
tion that the lessee or unit operator disturb the surface.


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§ 3273.20 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

§ 3273.20 When will BLM release my agency and obtain concurrence prior to
bond? renewing your license. The agency may
We will release your bond after you require additional license terms and
request it and we determine that you conditions. If another federal agency
have: manages the surface, we will consult
(a) Reclaimed the land; including re- with them before granting your re-
moving the utilization facility and all newal.
associated equipment; and
(b) Met all the requirements of 43 § 3273.24 May BLM terminate my site
CFR 3200.4.
Yes, by written order. To prevent ter-
§ 3273.21 What are my obligations mination, you will have 30 days after
under the site license? you receive the order to correct the
As the facility operator, you: violation, unless we determine the vio-
(a) Must comply with the require- lation cannot be corrected within 30
ments of 43 CFR 3200.4; days and you are diligently attempting
(b) Are liable for all damages to the to correct it. We may terminate your
lands, property or resources of the site license if you:
United States caused by yourself, your (a) Do not comply with the require-
employees, contractors or the contrac- ments of 43 CFR 3270.11; or
tors’ employees; (b) Do not comply with the require-
(c) Must indemnify the United States ments of 43 CFR 3200.4.
against any liability for damages or in-
jury to persons or property arising § 3273.25 May I relinquish my site li-
from the occupancy or use of the lands cense?
authorized under the site license; and Yes. Send us a written notice for re-
(d) Must remove all structures and view and approval. We will not approve
restore any disturbed surface, when no the relinquishment until you comply
longer needed for facility construction with 43 CFR 3273.21.
or operation. This applies to the utili-
zation facility if you cannot operate § 3273.26 May I assign or transfer my
the facility and you are not diligent in site license?
your efforts to return the facility to
Yes, you may transfer your site li-
cense in whole or in part. Send us your
§ 3273.22 How long will my site license complete and signed transfer applica-
remain in effect? tion and a $50 filing fee. Your applica-
tion must include a written statement
(a) The primary term is 30 years,
that the transferee will comply with
with a preferential right to renew the
all license terms and conditions, and
license under terms and conditions set
that the lessee accepts the transfer.
by BLM.
The transferee must submit a bond
(b) If your lease on which the site li-
meeting the requirements of 43 CFR
cense is located ends, you may apply
3273.19. The transfer is not effective
for a facility permit under section 501
until we approve the bond and site li-
of FLPMA, 43 U.S.C. 1761, if your facil-
cense transfer.
ity is on BLM-managed lands. Other-
wise, you must get permission to con-
tinue using the surface for your facil- Subpart 3274— Applying for and
ity from the surface management agen- Obtaining a Commercial Use
cy. Permit
§ 3273.23 May I renew my site license? § 3274.10 Do I need a commercial use
(a) You have a preferential right to permit to start commercial oper-
renew your site license under terms ations?
and conditions we determine. You need your commercial use per-
(b) If your site license is located on mit approved by BLM before you begin
leased lands managed by the Depart- commercial operations from a Federal
ment of Agriculture, we will consult lease, a Federal unit, or your utiliza-
with the Federal surface management tion facility.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3275.11

§ 3274.11 What must I give BLM to ap- consult with them before we approve
prove my commercial use permit your commercial use permit.
application? (c) We will review your commercial
Submit a complete and signed com- use permit to make sure it conforms
mercial permit form with the following with your utilization plan and any
information: mitigation measures we developed
(a) The design, specifications, inspec- while reviewing your plan.
tion, and calibration schedule of pro- (d) We will check your commercial
duction, injection, and royalty meters; use permit for technical adequacy and
(b) A schematic diagram of the utili- will ensure that your meters meet the
zation site or individual well showing accuracy standards. See 43 CFR 3275.14
the location of each production and and 3275.15.
royalty meter. If the sales point is lo- (e) If we need any further informa-
cated off the utilization site, give us a tion to complete our review, we will
generalized schematic diagram of the contact you in writing and suspend our
electrical transmission or pipeline sys- review until we receive the informa-
tem, including meter locations; tion.
(c) A copy of the sales contract for (f) After our review, we will notify
the sale and/or utilization of geo- you whether your permit has been ap-
thermal resources; proved or denied, as well as any condi-
(d) A description and analysis of res- tions we require for conducting oper-
ervoir, production, and injection char- ations.
acteristics, including the flow rates,
temperatures, and pressures of each § 3274.13 May I get a permit even if I
cannot currently demonstrate I can
production and injection well; operate within required standards?
(e) A schematic diagram of each pro-
duction or injection well showing the Yes, but we may limit your oper-
wellhead configuration, including me- ations to a set period of time, during
ters; which we will give you a chance to
(f) A schematic flow diagram of the show you can operate within environ-
utilization facility, including inter- mental and operational standards,
connections with other facilities, if ap- based on actual facility and well data
plicable; you collect. Send us a sundry notice to
(g) A description of the utilization get BLM approval for extending your
process in sufficient detail to enable permit. If during this set time period
BLM to determine if the resource will you still cannot demonstrate your abil-
be utilized in an acceptable manner; ity to operate within the required
(h) The planned safety provisions for standards, we will terminate your au-
emergency shutdown to protect public thorization. You must then stop all op-
health, safety, property and the envi- erations and restore the surface to the
ronment. This should include a sched- standards we set in the termination no-
ule for the testing and maintenance of tice.
safety devices;
(i) The environmental and oper- Subpart 3275— Conducting
ational parameters that will be mon- Utilization Operations
itored during the operation of the facil-
ity and/or well(s); and § 3275.10 How do I change my oper-
(j) Any additional information or ations if I have an approved facility
data that we may require. construction or commercial use
§ 3274.12 How will BLM review my Send us a complete and signed sun-
commercial use permit application? dry notice describing your proposed
(a) When we receive your complete change. Until we approve your sundry
and signed commercial use permit, we notice, you must continue to comply
will make sure it is complete and re- with the original permit terms.
view it for compliance with the re-
quirements of 43 CFR 3200.4. § 3275.11 What are a facility operator’s
(b) If another Federal agency man- obligations?
ages the surface of your lease, we will (a) Your obligations are to:


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§ 3275.12 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

(1) Keep the facility in proper oper- (f) You must comply with the re-
ating condition at all times; quirements of 43 CFR 3200.4.
(2) Conduct training during your op-
eration which ensure your personnel § 3275.13 Does the facility operator
are capable of performing emergency have to measure the geothermal re-
procedures quickly and effectively;
(3) Use properly maintained equip- Yes, the facility operator must:
ment; and (a) Measure all production, injection
(4) Use operational practices which and utilization in accordance with
allow for quick and effective emer- methods and standards we approve (see
gency response. 43 CFR 3275.15); and
(b) Base the design of the utilization (b) Maintain and test all metering
facility siting and operation on sound equipment. If your equipment is defec-
engineering principles and other perti- tive or out of tolerance, you must
nent geologic and engineering data; promptly recalibrate, repair, or replace
and, it. Determine the amount of produc-
(c) Prevent waste of, or damage to, tion and/or utilization in accordance
geothermal and other energy and min- with the methods and procedures we
erals resources. approve (See 43 CFR 3275.17).
(d) Comply with the requirements of § 3275.14 What aspects of my geo-
43 CFR 3200.4. thermal operations must I measure?
§ 3275.12 What environmental and (a) For all well operations, you must
safety requirements apply to facil- measure wellhead flow, wellhead tem-
ity operations? perature, and wellhead pressure.
(a) You must perform all utilization (b) For all electrical generation fa-
facility operations to: cilities, you must measure:
(1) Steam and/or hot water flow into
(1) Protect the quality of surface and
the facility;
subsurface waters, air, and other nat-
(2) Temperature of the water and/or
ural resources, including wildlife, soil,
steam into the facility;
vegetation, and natural history;
(3) Pressure of the water and/or
(2) Prevent unnecessary or undue
steam into the facility;
degradation of the lands;
(4) Gross electricity generated;
(3) Protect the quality of cultural, (5) Net electricity at the facility tail-
scenic and recreational resources; gate;
(4) Accommodate other land uses as (6) Electricity delivered to the sales
much as possible; point; and
(5) Protect people and wildlife from (7) Temperature of the steam and/or
unacceptable levels of noise; hot water exiting the facility.
(6) Prevent injury; and (c) For direct use facilities, you must
(7) Prevent damage to property. measure:
(b) You must monitor facility oper- (1) Flow of steam and/or hot water;
ations to identify and address local en- (2) Temperature into the facility; and
vironmental resources and concerns as- (3) Temperature out of the facility.
sociated with your facility or lease op- (d) We may also require additional
erations. measurements depending on the type of
(c) You must remove or, with BLM facility, the type and quality of the re-
approval, properly store all equipment source, and the terms of the sales con-
and materials not in use. tract.
(d) You must properly abandon and
reclaim any disturbed surface to stand- § 3275.15 How accurately must I meas-
ards approved or prescribed by us, ure my production and utilization?
when the land is no longer needed for It depends on whether you use the
facility construction or operation. meter in calculating Federal produc-
(e) When we require, you must sub- tion or royalty, and what quantity of
mit a contingency plan describing pro- resource you are measuring.
cedures to protect public health and (a) For meters that you use to cal-
safety, property, and the environment. culate Federal royalty:


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3275.19

(1) If the meter measures electricity, (2) You must calibrate meters meas-
it must have an accuracy of ±0.25% or uring steam or hot water flow with a
better of reading; turbine, vortex, ultrasonics, or other
(2) If the meter measures steam flow- linear devices, every six months, or as
ing more than 100,000 lbs/hr on a recommended by the manufacturer,
monthly basis, it must have an accu- whichever is more frequent; and
racy of ±2 percent or better of reading; (3) You must calibrate meters meas-
(3) If the meter measures steam flow- uring steam or hot water flow with an
ing less than 100,000 lbs/hr on a month- orifice plate, venturi, pitot tube, or
ly basis, it must have an accuracy of ±4 other differential device, every month
percent or better of reading; and you must inspect and repair the
(4) If the meter measures water flow- primary device (orifice plate, venturi,
ing more than 500,000 lbs/hr on a pitot tube) annually.
monthly basis, it must have an accu- (d) You must use calibration equip-
racy of ±2 percent or better of reading;
ment that is more accurate than the
(5) If the meter measures water flow- equipment you are calibrating.
ing 500,000 lbs/hr or less on a monthly
(e) BLM may modify any of these re-
basis, it must have an accuracy of ±4
quirements as necessary to protect the
percent or better of reading;
resources of the United States.
(6) If the meter measures heat con-
tent, it must have an accuracy of ±4 § 3275.17 What must I do if I find an
percent or better; or error in a meter?
(7) If the meter measures two phase
flow at any rate, we will determine (a) If you find an error in a meter
meter accuracy requirements. You used to calculate Federal royalty, you
must obtain our prior written approval must correct the error immediately
before installing and using meters for and notify BLM by the next working
two phase flow. day of its discovery.
(b) Any meters that you do not use to (b) If the meter is not used to cal-
calculate Federal royalty are consid- culate Federal royalty, you must cor-
ered production meters, which must rect the error and notify us within
maintain an accuracy of ±5 percent or three days of its discovery.
better of reading. (c) If correcting the error will cause a
(c) We may modify these require- change in the sales quantity of more
ments as necessary to protect the in- than 2% for the month(s) in which the
terests of the United States. error occurred, you must adjust the
sales quantity for that month(s) and
§ 3275.16 What standards apply to in- submit an amended facility report to
stalling and maintaining my me- us within three working days.
(a) You must install and maintain all § 3275.18 May BLM require me to test
meters we require according to the for byproducts associated with geo-
manufacturer’s recommendations and thermal resource production?
specifications or paragraphs (b) Yes, you must conduct any tests we
through (e) of this section, whichever require, including tests for byproducts.
is more restrictive.
(b) If you use an orifice plate to cal- § 3275.19 May I commingle produc-
culate Federal royalty, the orifice tion?
plate installation must comply with
To request approval to commingle
‘‘API Manual of Petroleum Standards,
production, send us a complete and
Chapter 14, Section 3, part 2, Third Edi-
tion, February, 1991.’’ signed sundry notice. We will review
your request to commingle production
(c) For meters used to calculate Fed-
eral royalty, you must calibrate the from wells on your lease with produc-
meter against a known standard as fol- tion from your other leases or from
lows: leases where you do not have an inter-
(1) You must calibrate meters meas- est. Do not commingle production until
uring electricity annually; we have approved your sundry notice.


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§ 3275.20 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

§ 3275.20 What will BLM do if I waste this section. You may combine these
geothermal resources? into one report.
We will determine the amount of any (c) Unless BLM grants a variance,
resources you have lost through waste. your reports are due by the end of the
If you did not take all reasonable pre- month following the month that the
cautions to prevent waste, we will re- report covers. For example, the report
quire you to pay compensation based covering the month of July is due by
on the value of the lost production. If August 31.
you do not adequately correct the situ-
ation, we will follow the noncompli- § 3276.11 What information must I in-
clude for each well in the monthly
ance procedures identified at 43 CFR report of well operations?
(a) Any drilling operations or
§ 3275.21 May BLM order me to drill changes made to a well;
and produce wells on my lease? (b) Total production or injection in
Yes, when necessary to protect Fed- thousands of pounds (klbs);
eral interests, prevent drainage and to (c) Production or injection tempera-
ensure that lease development and pro- ture in degrees Fahrenheit (deg.F);
duction occur in accordance with sound (d) Production or injection pressure
operating practices. in pounds per square inch (psi). You
must also specify whether this is gauge
Subpart 3276— Reports: Utilization pressure (psig) or absolute pressure
Operations (psia);
(e) The number of days the well was
§ 3276.10 What are my reporting re- producing or injecting;
quirements for facility and lease op- (f) The well status at the end of the
erations involving Federal geo- month;
thermal resources? (g) The amount of steam or hot water
(a) When you begin commercial pro- lost to venting or leakage, if the
duction and operation, you must notify amount is greater than 0.5 percent of
us in writing within five business days. total lease production. We may modify
(b) Submit complete and signed this standard by a written order de-
monthly reports to BLM as follows: scribing the change;
(1) If you are a lessee or unit operator (h) The lease number or unit name
supplying Federal geothermal re- where the well is located;
sources to a utilization facility on Fed- (i) The month and year the report ap-
eral land leased for geothermal re- plies to;
sources, submit a monthly report of (j) Your name, title, signature, and a
well operations for all wells on your phone number where BLM may contact
lease or unit. you; and
(2) If you are the operator of a utili- (k) Any other information that we
zation facility on Federal land leased may require.
for geothermal resources, submit a
monthly report of facility operations. § 3276.12 What information must I give
(3) If you are both a lessee or unit op- BLM in the monthly report for facil-
erator and the operator of a utilization ity operations?
facility on Federal land leased for geo- (a) For all electrical generation fa-
thermal resources, you may combine cilities, include in your monthly report
the requirements of paragraphs (b)(1) of facility operations:
and (b)(2) of this section into one re- (1) Mass of steam and/or hot water
port. used or brought into the facility, in
(4) If you are a lessee or unit operator klbs. For facilities using both steam
supplying Federal geothermal re- and hot water, you must report the
sources to a utilization facility not lo- mass of each;
cated on Federal land leased for geo- (2) The temperature of the steam or
thermal resources, and the sales point hot water in deg.F;
for the resource utilized is at the facil- (3) The pressure of the steam or hot
ity tailgate, submit all the require- water in psi. You must also specify
ments of paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of whether this is psig or psia;


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3277.11

(4) Gross generation in kiloWatt § 3276.14 What information must I give

hours (kWh); BLM in the monthly report for di-
(5) Net generation at the tailgate of rect use facilities?
the facility in kWh; (a) A daily breakdown of flow, aver-
(6) Temperature in deg.F and volume age temperature in, and average tem-
of the steam or hot water exiting the perature out, in deg.F;
facility; (b) Total monthly flow through the
(7) The number of hours the plant facility in thousands of gallons (kgal)
was on line; or klbs;
(c) Monthly average temperature in,
(8) A brief description of any outages;
in deg.F;
and (d) Monthly average temperature
(9) Any other information we may re- out, in deg.F;
quire. (e) Total heat used in millions of
(b) For electrical generation facili- BTU’s (MMBTU);
ties where Federal royalty is based on (f) Number of hours that geothermal
the sale of electricity to a utility, you heat was used; and
must include the following additional (g) Any other information we may re-
information in your monthly report of quire.
facility operations:
§ 3276.15 Must I notify BLM of acci-
(1) Amount of electricity delivered to dents occurring at my utilization fa-
the sales point in kWh, if the sales cility?
point is different from the tailgate of
Yes, you must verbally inform us of
the facility;
all accidents that affect operations or
(2) Amount of electricity lost to create environmental hazards within 24
transmission; hours after the accident. When you
(3) A report from the utility pur- contact us, we may require you to sub-
chasing the electricity which docu- mit a report fully describing the inci-
ments the total number of kWhs deliv- dent.
ered to the sales point during the
month, or monthly reporting period if Subpart 3277— Inspections, En-
it is not a calendar month, and the forcement, and Noncompli-
number of kWhs delivered during diur- ance
nal and seasonal pricing periods; and
(4) Any other information we may re- § 3277.10 Will BLM inspect my oper-
quire. ations?
(a) Yes, we may inspect all oper-
§ 3276.13 What extra information must ations to ensure compliance with the
I give BLM in the monthly report requirements of 43 CFR 3200.4. You
for flash and dry steam facilities? must give us access to inspect all fa-
In addition to the regular monthly cilities utilizing Federal geothermal
report information, send us: resources during normal operating
(a) Steam flow into the turbine in hours.
klbs; for dual flash facilities, you must
§ 3277.11 What records must I keep
separate the steam flow into high pres- available for inspection?
sure steam and low pressure steam;
The operator or facility operator
(b) Condenser pressure in psia;
must keep all records and information
(c) Condenser temperature in deg.F; pertaining to the operation of your uti-
(d) Auxiliary steam flow used for gas lization facility, royalty and produc-
ejectors, steam seals, pumps, etc., in tion meters, and safety training avail-
klbs; able for BLM inspection for a period of
(e) Flow of condensate out of the six years from the time the records or
plant (after the cooling towers) in klbs; information is created. This includes
and records and information from meters
(f) Any other information we may re- located off your lease or unit, when
quire. BLM needs them to determine resource
production to a utilization facility or


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§ 3277.12 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

the allocation of resource production believe contains confidential informa-

to your lease or unit. Store these tion. BLM will keep all data and infor-
records in a place which make them mation confidential to the extent al-
conveniently available. lowed by 43 CFR 2.13(c).

§ 3277.12 What will BLM do if I do not § 3278.12 How long will information I
comply with all BLM requirements? give BLM remain confidential or
(a) We will issue you a written Inci-
dent of Noncompliance, directing you The FOIA does not provide a finite
to take required corrective action period of time for which information
within a specific time period. If the may be exempt from disclosure to pub-
noncompliance continues or is serious lic. Each situation will need to be re-
in nature, BLM will take one or more viewed individually and in accordance
of the following actions: with guidance provided by 43 CFR part
(1) Enter the lease, and correct any 2.
deficiencies at your expense;
(2) Collect all or part of your bond; Subpart 3279— Utilization Relief
(3) Order modification or shutdown of and Appeals
your operations; and
(4) Take action against a lessee who § 3279.10 May I request a variance
is ultimately responsible for non- from any BLM requirements?
compliance. (a) Yes, you may request a variance
(b) Noncompliance may result in regarding your approved utilization op-
BLM canceling your lease. See 43 CFR erations from the requirements of 43
3213.23 through 3213.25. CFR 3200.4. Your request must include
enough information to explain:
Subpart 3278— Confidential, (1) Why you cannot comply; and
Proprietary Information (2) Why you need the variance to op-
erate your facility, conserve natural
§ 3278.10 Will BLM disclose informa- resources, protect public health and
tion I submit under these regula- safety, property, or the environment.
tions? (b) We may approve your request ver-
All Federal and Indian data and in- bally or in writing. If we give you a
formation submitted to the BLM are verbal approval, we will follow up with
subject to part 2 of this title. Part 2 in- written confirmation.
cludes the regulations of the Depart-
ment of the Interior covering public § 3279.11 How may I appeal a BLM de-
cision regarding my utilization op-
disclosure of data and information con- erations?
tained in Department of Interior
records. Certain mineral information You may appeal our decision regard-
not protected from disclosure under ing your utilization operations in ac-
part 2 may be made available for in- cordance with 43 CFR 3200.5.
spection without a Freedom of Infor-
mation Act (FOIA) request. Examples PART 3280— GEOTHERMAL RE-
of information we will not treat infor- SOURCES UNIT AGREEMENTS:
mation as confidential include: UNPROVEN AREAS
(a) Facility location;
(b) Facility generation capacity; or NOTE: Many existing unit agreements spe-
(c) To whom you are selling elec- cifically refer to the United States Geologi-
tricity or produced resources. cal Survey, USGS, Minerals Management
Service, MMS, Supervisor, Conservation
§ 3278.11 When I submit confidential, Manager, Deputy Conservation Manager,
proprietary information, how can I Minerals Manager and Deputy Minerals Man-
help ensure it is not available to the ager in the body of the agreements, as well
public? as reference to title 30 CFR part 270 or spe-
cific sections thereof. Those references must
When you submit data and informa- now be read in the context of the provisions
tion that you believe to be exempt of Secretarial Order 3087 and now mean the
from disclosure by 43 CFR part 2, you Bureau of Land Management or the Minerals
must clearly mark each page that you Management Service as appropriate.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3280.0– 5

Subpart 3280— Geothermal Resources Unit Subpart 3280— Geothermal Re-

Agreements: General sources Unit Agreements:
Sec. General
3280.0–1 Purpose.
3280.0–2 Policy.
§ 3280.0– 1 Purpose.
3280.0–3 Authority. The regulations in this part prescribe
3280.0–5 Definitions. the procedure to be followed and the
requirements to be met by holders of
Subpart 3281— Application for Unit Federal geothermal leases and their
Agreement representatives who wish to unite with
each other, or jointly or separately
3281.1 Preliminary consideration of agree-
with others, in collectively adopting
and operating under a cooperative or
3281.2 Designation of area.
unit plan for the development of any
3281.3 Parties to unit or cooperative agree-
geothermal resources pool, field or like
3281.4 State land.
area, or any part thereof.
[48 FR 44792, Sept. 30, 1983]
Subpart 3282— Qualification of Unit
Operator § 3280.0– 2 Policy.
3282.1 Qualifications of unit operator.
Cooperative or unit agreements for
the development of any geothermal re-
Subpart 3283— Filing and Approval of sources pool, field or like area, or any
Documents part thereof, may be initiated by les-
sees, or where such agreements are
3283.1 Filing of documents and number of deemed necessary in the interest of
counterparts. conserving natural resources, they may
3283.2 Executed agreement. be required by the Director.
3283.2–1 Approval of executed agreement.
3283.2–2 Review of executed agreement. [48 FR 44792, Sept. 30, 1983]
3283.3 Participating area.
§ 3280.0– 3 Authority.
3283.4 Plan of development.
3283.5 Return of approved documents. These regulations are issued under
the authority of the Geothermal Steam
Subpart 3284 [Reserved] Act of 1970, as amended (30 U.S.C. 1001–
1025) and Order Number 3087, dated De-
Subpart 3285— Appeals cember 3, 1982, as amended February 7,
1983 (48 FR 8983), under which the Sec-
3285.1 Appeals. retary consolidated and transferred the
onshore minerals management func-
Subpart 3286— Model Forms
tions of the Department, except min-
3286.1 Model unit agreement: Unproven eral revenue functions and the leasing
areas. of restricted Indian lands, to the Bu-
3286.1–1 Model Exhibit ‘‘A’’. reau of Land Management.
3286.1–2 Model Exhibit ‘‘B’’.
[48 FR 44792, Sept. 30, 1983]
3286.2 Model unit bond.
3286.3 Model designation of successor oper- § 3280.0– 5 Definitions.
3286.4 Model change of operator by assign-
The following terms, as used in this
ment. part or in any agreement approved
under the regulations in this part,
AUTHORITY: Geothermal Steam Act of 1970, shall have the meanings here indicated
as amended (30 U.S.C. 1001–1025). unless otherwise defined in such agree-
SOURCE: 38 FR 35073, Dec. 21, 1973, unless ment:
otherwise noted. Redesignated at 48 FR 44792, (a) Unit agreement. An agreement or
Sept. 30, 1983. plan of development and operation for


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§ 3281.1 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

the production and utilization of sepa- Subpart 3281— Application for Unit
rately owned interests in the geo- Agreement
thermal resources made subject there-
to as a single consolidated unit with- § 3281.1 Preliminary consideration of
out regard to separate ownerships and agreements.
which provides for the allocation of
costs and benefits on a basis defined in The form of unit agreement set forth
the agreement or plan. in § 3286.1 of this title is acceptable for
(b) Cooperative agreement. An agree- use in unproved areas. The use of this
ment or plan of development and oper- form is not mandatory, but any pro-
ations for the production and utiliza- posed departure therefrom should be
tion of geothermal resources made sub- submitted with the application sub-
ject thereto in which separate owner- mitted under § 3281.2 of this title for
ship units are independently operated preliminary consideration and for such
without allocation of production. revision as may be deemed necessary.
(c) Agreement. For convenience, the In areas proposed for unitization in
term ‘‘agreement’’ as used in the regu- which a discovery of geothermal re-
lations in this part refers to either a sources has been made, or where a co-
unit or a cooperative agreement as de- operative agreement is contemplated,
fined in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this the proposed agreement should be sub-
section unless otherwise indicated. mitted with the application submitted
(d) Unit area. The area described in a under § 3281.2 of this title for prelimi-
unit agreement as constituting the nary consideration and for such revi-
land logically subject to development sion as may be deemed necessary. The
under such agreement. proposed form of agreement should be
(e) Unitized land. The part of a unit submitted in triplicate and should be
area committed to a unit agreement. plainly marked to identify the pro-
(f) Unitized substances. Deposits of posed variances from the form of agree-
geothermal resources recovered from ment set forth in § 3286.1 of this title.
unitized land by operation under and
pursuant to a unit agreement. § 3281.2 Designation of area.
(g) Unit operator. The person, associa- An application for designation of an
tion, partnership, corporation, or other area as logically subject to develop-
business entity designated under a unit ment and/or operation under a unit or
agreement to conduct operations on cooperative agreement may be filed, in
unitized land as specified in such triplicate, by any proponent of such an
agreement. agreement through the authorized offi-
(h) Participating area. That part of cer. Each copy of the application shall
the Unit Area which is deemed to be be accompanied by a map or diagram
productive from a horizon or deposit on a scale of not less than 1 inch to 1
and to which production would be allo- mile, outlining the area sought to be
cated in the manner described in the designated under this section. The Fed-
unit agreement assuming that all lands eral, State, and privately owned land
are committed to the unit agreement. should be indicated on said map by dis-
(i) Working interest. The interest held tinctive symbols or colors and Federal
in geothermal resources or in lands geothermal leases and lease applica-
containing the same by virtue of a tions should be identified by serial
lease, operating agreement, fee title, or number. Geological information, in-
otherwise, under which, except as oth- cluding the results of geophysical sur-
erwise provided in a unit or coopera- veys, and such other information as
tive agreement, the owner of such in- may tend to show that unitization is
terest is vested with the right to ex- necessary and advisable in the public
plore for, develop, produce, and utilize interest should be furnished in trip-
such resources. The right delegated to licate. Geological and geophysical in-
the unit operator as such by the unit formation and data so furnished will
agreement is not to be regarded as a not be available for public inspection,
working interest. as provided by 5 U.S.C. 552(b), without
[38 FR 35073, Dec. 21, 1973. Redesignated and the consent of the proponent. The ap-
amended at 48 FR 44792, Sept. 30, 1983] plication and supporting data will be


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3283.2

considered by the Director and the ap- change in, a unit operator will become
plicant will be informed of the decision effective unless and until approved by
reached. The designation of an area, the authorized officer, and no such ap-
pursuant to an application filed under proval will be granted unless the unit
this section, shall not create an exclu- operator is deemed qualified to fulfill
sive right to submit an executed agree- the duties and obligations prescribed in
ment for such area, nor preclude the the agreement.
inclusion of such area or any part
thereof in another unit area. Subpart 3283— Filing and
§ 3281.3 Parties to unit or cooperative Approval of Documents
§ 3283.1 Filing of documents and num-
The owners of any rights, title, or in- ber of counterparts.
terest in the geothermal resources de-
posits to be developed and operated All proposals and supporting papers,
under an agreement can be regarded as instruments and documents submitted
proper parties to a proposed agree- under this part shall be filed with the
ment. All such owners must be invited authorized officer, unless otherwise
to join as parties to the agreement. If provided in this part or otherwise in-
any owner fails or refuses to join the structed by the Director.
agreement, the proponent of the agree- [48 FR 44793, Sept. 30, 1983]
ment should declare this to the author-
ized officer and should submit evidence § 3283.2 Executed agreement.
of efforts made to obtain joinder of
such owner and the reasons for non- (a) Where a duly executed agreement
joinder. is submitted for Departmental ap-
proval, a minimum of 6 signed counter-
§ 3281.4 State land. parts shall be filed. The same number
Where State-owned land is to be in- of counterparts shall be filed for docu-
cluded in the unit, approval of the ments supplementing, modifying or
agreement by appropriate State offi- amending an agreement, including
cials should be obtained prior to its change of operator, designation of a
submission to the Department for ap- new operator and notice of surrender,
proval of the executed agreement. relinquishment or termination.
When authorized by the laws of the (b) The address of each signatory
State in which the unitized land is sit- party to the agreement shall be in-
uated, provisions may be made in the serted below the party’s signature.
agreement accepting State law, to the Each signature shall be attested to by
extent that they are applicable to non- at least 1 witness, if not notarized. Cor-
Federal unitized land. porate or other signatures made in a
representative capacity shall be ac-
companied by evidence of the author-
Subpart 3282— Qualification of ization of the signatories to act unless
Unit Operator such evidence is already a matter of
§ 3282.1 Qualifications of unit oper- record in the Bureau of Land Manage-
ator. ment. (The parties may execute any
number of counterparts of the agree-
A unit operator must qualify as to ment with the same force and effect as
citizenship in the same manner as if all parties signed the same docu-
those holding interests in geothermal ment, or may execute a ratification of
leases issued under the Geothermal consent in a separate instrument with
Steam Act of 1970. The unit operator like force and effect.)
may be an owner of a working interest
(c) Any modification of an approved
in the unit area or such other party as
agreement shall require approval of the
may be selected by the owners of work-
Secretary or his/her duly authorized
ing interests and approved by the au-
representative under procedures simi-
thorized officer. The unit operator
lar to those cited in § 3283.2–1 of this
shall execute an acceptance of the du-
ties and obligations imposed by the
agreement. No designation of, or [48 FR 44793, Sept. 30, 1983]


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§ 3283.2– 1 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

§ 3283.2– 1 Approval of executed agree- and revisions thereof shall be sub-

ment. mitted in quadruplicate.
A duly executed unit or cooperative [48 FR 44793, Sept. 30, 1983]
agreement shall be approved by the
Secretary or his/her duly authorized § 3283.5 Return of approved docu-
representative upon a determination ments.
that such agreement is necessary or All instruments or documents other
advisable in the public interest and is than plans of development and oper-
for the purpose of properly conserving ation, plans of further development and
the natural resources, taking into ac- operation and proposed participating
count the environmental consequences areas and revisions thereof submitted
of the action. Such approval shall be for approval shall be submitted for ap-
incorporated in a certificate appended proval in sufficient number to permit
to the agreement. No such agreement the approving official to return at least
shall be approved unless at least 1 of 1 approved counterpart.
the parties is a holder of a Federal
[48 FR 44793, Sept. 30, 1983]
lease embracing lands being committed
to the agreement and unless the par-
ties signatory to the agreement hold Subpart 3284 [Reserved]
sufficient interests in the area to give
effective control of operations therein. Subpart 3285— Appeals
[48 FR 44793, Sept. 30, 1983] § 3285.1 Appeals.
§ 3283.2– 2 Review of executed agree- Appeals from final orders or decisions
ment. issued under the regulations in this
No more than 5 years after approval part shall be made in the manner pro-
of any cooperative or unit plan of de- vided in Part 4 of this title.
velopment or operation, and at least
every 5 years thereafter, the authorized Subpart 3286— Model Forms
officer shall review each plan and, after
notice and opportunity for comment, § 3286.1 Model unit agreement:
Unproven areas.
eliminate from such plan any lease or
part of a lease not regarded as reason- UNIT AGREEMENT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND
ably necessary for cooperative or unit OPERATION OF THEllllllUNIT AREA
operations under the plan. Such elimi- COUNTY OFlllllllSTATE
nation shall be based on scientific evi-
dence, and shall occur only when it is Table of Contents
determined by the authorized officer to
be for the purpose of conserving and
properly managing the geothermal re- I Enabling Act and regulations.
source. II Definitions.
III Unit area and exhibits.
[54 FR 13887, Apr. 6, 1989 and 55 FR 26443, IV Contraction and expansion of unit area.
June 28, 1990] V Unitized land and unitized substances.
VI Unit operator.
§ 3283.3 Participating area. VII Resignation or removal of unit operator.
VIII Successor unit operator.
Each application for approval of a IX Accounting provisions and unit operating
participating area, or revision thereof, agreement.
shall be accompanied by 3 copies of a X Rights and obligations of unit operator.
substantiating geologic and engineer- XI Plan of operation.
XII Participating areas.
ing report, structure contour map(s),
XIII Allocation of unitized substances.
cross-section or other pertinent data. XIV Relinquishment of leases.
[48 FR 44793, Sept. 30, 1983] XV Rentals and minimum royalties.
XVI Operations on nonparticipating land.
§ 3283.4 Plan of development. XVII Leases and contracts conformed and ex-
Plans of development and operation, XVIII Effective date and term.
plans of further development and oper- XIX Appearances.
ation and proposed participating areas XX No waiver of certain rights.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3286.1
XXI Unavoidable delay. which the non-Federal land is located, are
XXII Postponement of obligations. hereby accepted and made a part of this
XXIII Nondiscrimination. agreement.
XXIV Counterparts.
XXVI Covenants run with the land. 2.1 The following terms shall have the
XXVII Notices.
meanings here indicated:
XXVIII Loss of title.
(a) Geothermal lease. A lease issued under
XXIX Taxes.
the act of December 24, 1970 (84 Stat. 1566),
XXX Relation of parties.
pursuant to the leasing regulations con-
XXXI Special Federal lease stipulation
tained in 43 CFR Group 3200 and, unless the
and/or conditions.
context indicates otherwise, ‘‘lease’’ shall
lllllUNIT AGREEMENTlllllCOUNTY mean a geothermal lease.
(b) Unit area. The area described in Article
This Agreement entered into as of III of this Agreement.
thelllday of llll, 19ll, by and be-
(c) Unit operator. The person, association,
tween the parties subscribing, ratifying, or
partnership, corporation, or other business
consenting hereto, and herein referred to as
entity designated under this Agreement to
the ‘‘parties hereto’’.
conduct operations on Unitized Land as spec-
WITNESSETH: Whereas the parties hereto
ified herein.
are the owners of working, royalty, or other
(d) Participating area. That part of the Unit
geothermal resources interests in land sub-
Area which is deemed to be productive from
ject to this Agreement; and
a horizon or deposit and to which production
Whereas the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970
would be allocated in the manner described
(84 Stat. 1566), hereinafter referred to as the
in the unit agreement assuming that all
‘‘Act’’, authorizes Federal lessees and their
lands are committed to the unit agreement.
representatives to unite with each other, or
jointly or separately with others, in collec- (e) Working interest. The interest held in
tively adopting and operating under a coop- geothermal resources or in lands containing
erative or unit plan of development or oper- the same by virtue of a lease, operating
ation of any geothermal resources pool, field, agreement, fee title, or otherwise, under
or like area, or any part thereof, for the pur- which, except as otherwise provided in this
pose of more properly conserving the natural Agreement, the owner of such interest is
resources thereof, whenever determined and vested with the right to explore for, develop,
certified by the Secretary of the Interior to produce and utilize such resources. The right
be necessary or advisable in the public inter- delegated to the Unit Operator as such by
est; and this Agreement is not to be regarded as a
Whereas the parties hereto hold sufficient Working Interest.
interest in the llllll Unit Area cov- (f) Secretary. The Secretary of the Interior
ering the land herein described to effectively or any person duly authorized to exercise
control operations therein; and powers vested in that officer.
Whereas, it is the purpose of the parties (g) Director. The Director of the Bureau of
hereto to conserve natural resources, pre- Land Management.
vent waste, and secure other benefits obtain- (h) Authorized officer. Any person author-
able through development and operations of ized by law or by lawful delegation of au-
the area subject to this Agreement under the thority in the Bureau of Land Management
terms, conditions, and limitations herein set to perform the duties described.
Now, therefore, in consideration of the
premises and the promises herein contained, 3.1 The area specified on the map at-
the parties hereto commit to this agreement tached hereto marked ‘‘Exhibit A’’ is hereby
their respective interests in the below-de- designated and recognized as constituting
fined Unit Area, and agree severally among the Unit Area, containinglllllacres,
themselves as follows: more or less.
The above-described Unit Area shall when
practicable be expanded to include therein
1.1 The Act and all valid pertinent regula- any additional lands or shall be contracted
tions, including operating and unit plan reg- to exclude lands whenever such expansion or
ulations, heretofore or hereafter issued contraction is deemed to be necessary or ad-
thereunder are accepted and made a part of visable to conform with the purposes of this
this agreement as to Federal lands. Agreement.
1.2 As to non-Federal lands, the geo- 3.2 Exhibit A attached hereto and made a
thermal resources operating regulations in part hereof is a map showing the boundary of
effect as of the effective date hereof gov- the Unit Area, the boundaries and identity of
erning drilling and producing operations, not tracts and leases in said area to the extent
inconsistent with the laws of the State in known to the Unit Operator.


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§ 3286.1 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)
3.3 Exhibit B attached hereto and made a the fifth anniversary of the effective date of
part thereof is a schedule showing to the ex- the initial Participating Area established
tent known to the Unit Operator the acre- under this Agreement, shall be eliminated
age, percentage, and kind of ownership of automatically from this Agreement effective
geothermal resources interests in all lands in as of said fifth anniversary and such lands
the Unit Area. shall no longer be a part of the Unit Area
3.4 Exhibits A and B shall be revised by and shall no longer be subject to this Agree-
the Unit Operator whenever changes in the ment unless diligent drilling operations are
Unit Area render such revision necessary, or in progress on an exploratory well on said
when requested by the authorized officer, fifth anniversary, in which event such lands
and not less than five copies of the revised shall not be eliminated from the Unit Area
Exhibits shall be filed with the authorized for as long as exploratory drilling operations
officer. are continued diligently with not more than
four (4) months time elapsing between the
ARTICLE IV—CONTRACTION AND EXPANSION OF completion of one exploratory well and the
UNIT AREA commencement of the next exploratory well.
4.1 Unless otherwise specified herein, the 4.4 An exploratory well, for the purposes
expansion and/or contraction of the Unit of this Article IV is defined as any well, re-
Area contemplated in Article 3.1 hereof shall gardless of surface location, projected for
be effected in the following manner: completion in a zone or deposit below any
(a) Unit Operator either on demand of the zone or deposit for which a Participating
Director or on its own motion and after prior Area has been established and is in effect, or
concurrence by the Director, shall prepare a any well, regardless of surface location, pro-
notice of proposed expansion or contraction jected for completion at a subsurface loca-
describing the contemplated changes in the tion under Unitized Lands not entitled to be
boundaries of the Unit Area, the reasons within a Participating Area.
therefor, and the proposed effective date 4.5 In the event an exploratory well is
thereof, preferably the first day of a month completed during the four (4) months imme-
subsequent to the date of notice. diately preceding the fifth anniversary of the
(b) Said notice shall be delivered to the au- initial Participating Area established under
thorized officer, and copies thereof mailed to this Agreement, lands not entitled to be
the last known address of each Working In- within a Participating Area shall not be
terest Owner, Lessee, and Lessor whose in- eliminated from this Agreement on said fifth
terests are affected, advising that 30 days anniversary, provided the drilling of another
will be allowed for submission to the Unit exploratory well is commenced under an ap-
Operator of any objections. proved Plan of Operation within four (4)
(c) Upon expiration of the 30-day period months after the completion of said well. In
provided in the preceding item (b) hereof, such event, the land not entitled to be in
Unit Operator shall file with the authorized participation shall not be eliminated from
officer evidence of mailing of the notice of the Unit Area so long as exploratory drilling
expansion or contraction and a copy of any operations are continued diligently with not
objections thereto which have been filed more than four (4) months time elapsing be-
with the Unit Operator, together with an ap- tween the completion of one exploratory
plication in sufficient number, for approval well and the commencement of the next ex-
of such expansion or contraction and with ploratory well.
appropriate joinders. 4.6 With prior approval of the authorized
(d) After due consideration of all pertinent officer, a period of time in excess of four (4)
information, the expansion or contraction months may be allowed to elapse between
shall, upon approval by the authorized offi- the completion of one well and the com-
cer, become effective as of the date pre- mencement of the next well without the
scribed in the notice thereof. automatic elimination of nonparticipating
4.2 Unitized Leases, insofar as they cover acreage.
any lands which are excluded from the Unit 4.7 Unitized lands proved productive by
Area under any of the provisions of this Arti- drilling operations which serve to delay
cle IV may be maintained and continued in automatic elimination of lands under this
force and effect in accordance with the Article IV shall be incorporated into a Par-
terms, provisions, and conditions contained ticipating Area (or Areas) in the same man-
in the Act, and the lease or leases and ner as such lands would have been incor-
amendments thereto, except that operations porated in such areas had such lands been
and/or production under this Unit Agreement proven productive during the year preceding
shall not serve to maintain or continue the said fifth anniversary.
excluded portion of any lease. 4.8 In the event nonparticipating lands
4.3 All legal subdivisions of unitized lands are retained under this Agreement after the
(i.e., 40 acres by Governmental survey or its fifth anniversary of the initial Participating
nearest lot or tract equivalent in instances Area as a result of exploratory drilling oper-
of irregular surveys), no part of which is en- ations, all legal subdivisions of unitized land
titled to be within a Participating Area on (i.e., 40 acres by Government survey or its


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3286.1
nearest lot or tract equivalent in instances obligations hereunder, be subject to removal
of irregular Surveys), no part of which is en- by the same percentage vote of the owners of
titled to be within a Participating Area shall Working Interests as herein provided for the
be eliminated automatically as of the 121 selection of a new Unit Operator. Such re-
day, or such later date as may be established moval shall be effective upon notice thereof
by the authorized officer, following the com- to the authorized officer.
pletion of the last well recognized as delay- 7.4 The resignation or removal of Unit Op-
ing such automatic elimination beyond the erator under this Agreement shall not termi-
fifth anniversary of the initial Participating nate its right, title, or interest as the owner
Area established under this Agreement. of a Working Interest or other interest in
Unitized Substances, but upon the resigna-
tion or removal of Unit Operator becoming
effective, such Unit Operator shall deliver
5.1 All land committed to this Agreement possession of all wells, equipment, material,
shall constitute land referred to herein as and appurtenances used in conducting the
‘‘Unitized Land’’. All geothermal resources unit operations to the new duly qualified
in and produced from any and all formations successor Unit Operator or, if no such new
of the Unitized Land are unitized under the unit operator is elected, to the common
terms of this agreement and herein are agent appointed to represent the Working In-
called ‘‘Unitized Substances.’’ terest Owners in any action taken hereunder
to be used for the purpose of conducting op-
ARTICLE VI—UNIT OPERATOR erations hereunder.
6.1 lllllll is hereby designated as 7.5 In all instances of resignation or re-
Unit Operator and by signature hereto as moval, until a successor Unit Operator is se-
Unit Operator agrees and consents to accept lected and approved as hereinafter provided,
the duties and obligations of Unit Operator the Working Interest Owners shall be jointly
for the discovery, development, production, responsible for performance of the duties and
distribution and utilization of Unitized Sub- obligations of Unit Operator, and shall not
stances as herein provided. Whenever ref- later than 30 days before such resignation or
erence is made herein to the Unit Operator, removal becomes effective appoint a com-
such reference means the Unit Operator act- mon agent to represent them in any action
ing in that capacity and not as an owner of to be taken hereunder.
interest in Unitized Substances, and the 7.6 The resignation of Unit Operator shall
term ‘‘Working Interest Owner’’ when used not release Unit Operator from any liability
herein shall include or refer to Unit Operator for any default by it hereunder occurring
as the owner of a Working Interest when prior to the effective date of its resignation.
such an interest is owned by it.
8.1 If, prior to the establishment of a Par-
ticipating Area hereunder, the Unit Operator
7.1 Prior to the establishment of a Par- shall resign as Operator, or shall be removed
ticipating Area, hereunder, Unit Operator as provided in Article VII, a successor Unit
shall have the right to resign. Such resigna- Operator may be selected by vote of the own-
tion shall not become effective so as to re- ers of a majority of the Working Interests in
lease Unit Operator from the duties and obli- Unitized Substances, based on their respec-
gations of Unit Operator or terminate Unit tive shares, on an acreage basis, in the Unit-
Operators rights, as such, for a period of six ized Land.
(6) months after notice of its intention to re- 8.2 If, after the establishment of a Par-
sign has been served by Unit Operator on all ticipating Area hereunder, the Unit Operator
Working Interest Owners and the authorized shall resign as Unit Operator, or shall be re-
officer, nor until all wells then drilled here- moved as provided in Article VII, a successor
under are placed in a satisfactory condition Unit Operator may be selected by vote of the
for suspension or abandonment whichever is owners of a majority of the Working Inter-
required by the authorized officer, unless a ests in Unitized Substances, based on their
new Unit Operator shall have been selected respective shares, on a participating acreage
and approved and shall have taken over and basis. Provided, that, if a majority but less
assumed the duties and obligations of Unit than 60 percent of the Working Interest in
Operator prior to the expiration of said pe- the Participating Lands is owned by the
riod. party to this agreement, a concurring vote of
7.2 After the establishment of a Partici- one or more additional Working Interest
pating Area hereunder Unit Operator shall Owners owning 10 percent or more of the
have the right to resign in the manner and Working Interest in the participating land
subject to the limitations provided in 7.1 shall be required to select a new Unit Oper-
above. ator.
7.3 The Unit Operator may, upon default 8.3 The selection of a successor Unit Oper-
or failure in the performance of its duties or ator shall not become effective until:


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§ 3286.1 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)
(a) The Unit Operator so selected shall ac- gether with this Agreement shall constitute
cept in writing the duties, obligations and and define the rights, privileges, and obliga-
responsibilities of the Unit Operator, and tions of Unit Operator.
(b) The selection shall have been approved 10.3 Nothing in this Agreement shall be
by the authorized officer. construed to transfer title to any land or to
8.4 If no successor Unit Operator is se- any lease or operating agreement, it being
lected and qualified as herein provided, the understood that the Unit Operator, in its ca-
Director at his election may declare this pacity as Unit Operator shall exercise the
Agreement terminated. rights of possession and use vested in the
parties hereto only for the purposes specified
OPERATING AGREEMENT 10.4 The Unit Operator shall take such
9.1 Costs and expenses incurred by Unit measures as the authorized officer deems ap-
Operator in conducting unit operations here- propriate and adequate to prevent drainage
under shall be paid and apportioned among of Unitized Substances from Unitized Land
and borne by the owners of Working Inter- by wells on land not subject to this Agree-
ests; all in accordance with the agreement or ment.
10.5 The Director is hereby vested with
agreements entered into by and between the
authority to alter or modify from time to
Unit Operator and the owners of Working In-
time, in his discretion, the rate of
terests, whether one or more, separately or
prospecting and development and the quan-
tity and rate of production under this Agree-
9.2 Any agreement or agreements entered
into between the Working Interest Owners
and the Unit Operator as provided in this Ar- ARTICLE XI—PLAN OF OPERATION
ticle, whether one or more, are herein re-
ferred to as the ‘‘Unit Operating Agree- 11.1 Concurrently with the submission of
ment’’. this Agreement for approval, Unit Operator
9.3 The Unit Operating Agreement shall shall submit an acceptable initial Plan of
provide the manner in which the Working In- Operation. Said plan shall be as complete
terest Owners shall be entitled to receive and adequate as the authorized officer may
their respective share of the benefits accru- determine to be necessary for timely explo-
ing hereto in conformity with their under- ration and/or development and to insure
lying operating agreements, leases, or other proper protection of the environment and
contracts, and such other rights and obliga- conservation of the natural resources of the
tions, as between Unit Operator and the Unit Area.
Working Interest Owners. 11.2 Prior to the expiration of the initial
9.4 Neither the Unit Operating Agreement Plan of Operation, or any subsequent Plan of
Operation, Unit Operator shall submit for
nor any amendment thereto shall be deemed
approval of the authorized officer an accept-
either to modify any of the terms and condi-
able subsequent Plan of Operation for the
tions of this Agreement or to relieve the
Unit Area which, when approved by the au-
Unit Operator of any right or obligation es-
thorized officer, shall constitute the explor-
tablished under this Agreement.
atory and/or development drilling and oper-
9.5 In case of any inconsistency or con-
ating obligations of Unit Operators under
flict between this Agreement and the Unit
this Agreement for the period specified
Operating Agreement, this Agreement shall
11.3 Any plan of Operation submitted
9.6 Three true copies of any Unit Oper-
hereunder shall:
ating Agreement executed pursuant to this (a) Specify the number and locations of
Article IX shall be filed with the authorized any wells to be drilled and the proposed
officer prior to approval of this Agreement. order and time for such drilling, and
(b) To the extent practicable, specify the
operating practices regarded as necessary
and advisable for proper conservation of nat-
10.1 The right, privilege, and duty of exer- ural resources and protection of the environ-
cising any and all rights of the parties here- ment in compliance with section 1.1.
to which are necessary or convenient for 11.4 The Plan of Operation submitted con-
prospecting, producing, distributing or uti- currently with this Agreement for approval
lizing Unitized Substances are hereby dele- shall prescribe that within six (6) months
gated to and shall be exercised by the Unit after the effective date hereof, the Unit Op-
Operator as provided in this Agreement in erator shall begin to drill an adequate test
accordance with a Plan of Operations ap- well at a location approved by the authorized
proved by the authorized officer. officer, unless on such effective date a well is
10.2 Upon request by Unit Operator, ac- being drilled conformably with the terms,
ceptable evidence of title to geothermal re- hereof, and thereafter continue such drilling
sources interests in the Unitized Land shall diligently until the llllll formation
be deposited with the Unit Operator, and to- has been tested or until at a lesser depth


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3286.1
unitized substances shall be discovered to be productive from a pool or deposit dis-
which can be produced in paying quantities covered or developed; all lands in said sched-
(i.e., quantities sufficient to repay the costs ule (or schedules), on approval of the author-
of drilling, completing, and producing oper- ized officer, will constitute a Participating
ations, with a reasonable profit) or the Unit Area (or Areas) effective as of the date pro-
Operator shall at any time establish to the duction commences or the effective date of
satisfaction of the authorized officer that this Unit Agreement, whichever is later.
further drilling of said well would be unwar- Said schedule (or schedules) shall also set
ranted or impracticable, Provided, however, forth the percentage of Unitized Substances
That Unit Operator shall not in any event be to be allocated, as herein provided, to each
required to drill said well to a depth in ex- tract in the Participating Area (or Areas) so
cess of lllll feet. established and shall govern the allocation
11.5 The initial Plan of Operation and/or
of production commencing with the effective
subsequent Plans of Operation submitted
date of the Participating Area.
under this article shall provide that the Unit
Operator shall initiate a continuous drilling 12.2 A separate Participating Area shall
program providing for drilling of no less than be established for each separate pool or de-
one well at a time, and allowing no more posit of Unitized Substances or for any group
than six (6) months time to elapse between thereof which is produced as a single pool or
completion of one well and the beginning of deposit and any two or more Participating
the next well, until a well capable of pro- Areas so established may be combined into
ducing Unitized Substances in paying quan- one, on approval of the authorized officer.
tities is completed to the satisfaction of the The effective date of any Participating Area
authorized officer or until it is reasonably established after the commencement of ac-
proved that the Unitized Land is incapable of tual production of Unitized Substances shall
producing Unitized Substances in paying be the first of the month in which is ob-
quantities in the formations drilled under tained the knowledge or information on
this Agreement. which the establishment of said Partici-
11.6 When warranted by unforeseen cir- pating Area is based, unless a more appro-
cumstances, the authorized officer may priate effective date is proposed by the Unit
grant a single extension of any or all of the Operator and approved by the authorized of-
critical dates for exploratory drilling oper- ficer.
ations cited in the initial or subsequent 12.3 Any Participating Area (or Areas) es-
Plans of Operation. No such extension shall tablished under 12.1 or 12.2 above shall, sub-
exceed a period of four (4) months for each ject to the approval of the authorized officer,
well, required by the initial Plan of Oper- be revised from time to time to include addi-
ation. tional land then regarded as reasonably
11.7 Until there is actual production of proved to be productive from the pool or de-
Unitized Substances, the failure of Unit Op- posit for which the Participating Area was
erator to timely drill any of the wells pro- established or to include lands necessary to
vided for in Plans of Operation required unit operations, or to exclude land then re-
under this Article XI or to timely submit an
garded as reasonably proved not to be pro-
acceptable subsequent Plan of Operations,
ductive from the pool or deposit for which
shall, after notice of default or notice of pro-
the Participating Area was established or to
spective default to Unit Operator by the au-
exclude land not necessary to unit oper-
thorized officer and after failure of Unit Op-
ations and the schedule (or schedules) of al-
erator to remedy any actual default within a
reasonable time (as determined by the au- location percentages shall be revised accord-
thorized officer), result in automatic termi- ingly.
nation of this Agreement effective as of the 12.4 Subject to the limitation cited in 12.1
date of the default, as determined by the au- hereof, the effective date of any revision of a
thorized officer. Participating Area established under Arti-
11.8 Separate Plans of Operations may be cles 12.1 or 12.2 shall be the first of the
submitted for separate productive zones, sub- month in which is obtained the knowledge or
ject to the approval of the authorized officer. information on which such revision is predi-
Also subject to the approval of the author- cated, provided, however, that a more appro-
ized officer, Plans of Operation shall be priate effective date may be used if justified
modified or supplemented when necessary to by the Unit Operator and approved by the
meet changes in conditions or to protect the authorized officer.
interest of all parties to this Agreement. 12.5 No land shall be excluded from a Par-
ticipating Area on account of depletion of
the Unitized Substances, except that any
12.1 Prior to the commencement of pro- Participating Area established under the
duction of Unitized Substances, the Unit Op- provisions of this Article XII shall terminate
erator shall submit for approval by the au- automatically whenever all operations are
thorized officer a schedule (or schedules) of abandoned in the pool or deposit for which
all land then regarded as reasonably proved the Participating Area was established.


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§ 3286.1 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)
12.6 Nothing herein contained shall be (2) Lease the portion of such land as is in-
construed as requiring any retroactive ad- cluded in a Participating Area established
justment for production obtained prior to hereunder, subject to this Agreement and
the effective date of the revision of a Partici- the Unit Operating Agreement; and provide
pating Area. for the independent operation of any part of
such land that is not then included within a
ARTICLE XIII—ALLOCATION OF UNITIZED Participating Area established hereunder.
SUBSTANCES 14.4 If the fee owner or lessor of the Unit-
13.1 All Unitized Substances produced ized Substances does not, (1) accept the
from a Participating Area, established under Working Interest rights and obligations sub-
this Agreement, shall be deemed to be pro- ject to this Agreement and the Unit Oper-
duced equally on an acreage basis from the ating Agreement, or (2) lease such lands as
several tracts of Unitized Land within the provided in 14.3 above within six (6) months
Participating Area established for such pro- after the relinquished, surrendered, or for-
duction. feited Working Interest becomes vested in
13.2 For the purpose of determining any said fee owner or lessor, the Working Inter-
benefits accruing under this Agreement, est benefits and obligations accruing to such
each Tract of Unitized Land shall have allo- land under this Agreement and the Unit Op-
cated to it such percentage of said produc- erating Agreement shall be shared by the
tion as the number of acres in the Tract in- owners of the remaining unitized Working
cluded in the Participating Area bears to the Interests in accordance with their respective
total number of acres of Unitized Land in Working Interest ownerships, and such own-
said Participating Area. ers of Working Interests shall compensate
13.3 Allocation of production hereunder the fee owner or lessor of Unitized Sub-
for purposes other than for settlement of the stances in such lands by paying sums equal
royalty obligations of the respective Work- to the rentals, minimum royalties, and roy-
ing Interest Owners, shall be on the basis alties applicable to such lands under the
prescribed in the Unit Operating Agreement lease or leases in effect when the Working
whether in conformity with the basis of allo- Interests were relinquished, surrendered, or
cation set forth above or otherwise. forfeited.
13.4 The Unitized Substances produced 14.5 Subject to the provisions of 14.4
from a Participating Area shall be allocated above, an appropriate accounting and settle-
as provided herein regardless of whether any ment shall be made for all benefits accruing
wells are drilled on any particular part or to or payments and expenditures made or in-
tract of said Participating Area. curred on behalf of any surrendered or for-
feited Working Interest subsequent to the
ARTICLE XIV—RELINQUISHMENT OF LEASES date of surrender or forfeiture, and payment
of any moneys found to be owing by such an
14.1 Pursuant to the provisions of the
accounting shall be made as between the par-
Federal leases and 43 CFR 3244.1, a lessee of
ties within thirty (30) days.
record shall, subject to the provisions of the
Unit Operating Agreement, have the right to 14.6 In the event no Unit Operating Agree-
relinquish any of its interests in leases com- ment is in existence and a mutually accept-
mitted hereto, in whole or in part; provided, able agreement cannot be consummated be-
that no relinquishment shall be made of in- tween the proper parties, the authorized offi-
terests in land within a Participating Area cer may prescribe such reasonable and equi-
without the prior approval of the Director. table conditions of agreement as he deems
14.2 A Working Interest Owner may exer- warranted under the circumstances.
cise the right to surrender, when such right 14.7 The exercise of any right vested in a
is vested in it by any non-Federal lease, sub- Working Interest Owner to reassign such
lease, or operating agreement, provided that Working Interest to the party from whom
each party who will or might acquire the obtained shall be subject to the same condi-
Working Interest in such lease by such sur- tions as set forth in this Article XIV in re-
render or by forfeiture is bound by the terms gard to the exercise of a right to surrender.
of this Agreement, and further provided that
no relinquishment shall be made of such land
within a Participating Area without the
prior written consent of the non-Federal Les- 15.1 Any unitized lease on non-Federal
sor. land containing provisions which would ter-
14.3 If, as the result of relinquishment, minate such lease unless drilling operations
surrender, or forfeiture the Working Inter- are commenced upon the land covered there-
ests become vested in the fee owner or lessor by within the time therein specified or rent-
of the Unitized Substances, such owner may: als are paid for the privilege of deferring
(1) Accept those Working Interest rights such drilling operations, the rentals required
and obligations subject to this Agreement thereby shall, notwithstanding any other
and the Unit Operating Agreement; or provisions of this Agreement, be deemed to


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3286.1
accrue as to the portion of the lease not in- deposit for which a Participating Area has
cluded within a Participating Area and be- not been established or to test any formation
come payable during the term thereof as ex- or deposit for which a Participating Area has
tended by this Agreement, and until the re- been established if such location is not with-
quired drillings are commenced upon the in said Participating Area, unless within 30
land covered thereby. days of receipt of notice from said party of
15.2 Rentals are payable on Federal leases his intention to drill the well, the Unit Oper-
on or before the anniversary date of each ator elects and commences to drill such a
lease year; minimum royalties accrue from well in like manner as other wells are drilled
the anniversary date of each lease year and by the Unit Operator under this Agreement.
are payable at the end of the lease year. 16.2 If any well drilled by a Working In-
15.3 Beginning with the lease year com- terest Owner other than the Unit Operator
mencing on or after lllll and for each proves that the land upon which said well is
lease year thereafter, rental or minimum situated may properly be included in a Par-
royalty for lands of the United States sub- ticipating Area, such Participating Area
ject to this Agreement shall be made on the shall be established or enlarged as provided
following basis: in this Agreement and the well shall there-
(a) An advance annual rental in the after be operated by the Unit Operator in ac-
amount prescribed in unitized Federal cordance with the terms of this Agreement
leases, in no event creditable against produc- and the Unit Operating Agreement.
tion royalties, shall be paid for each acre or
fraction thereof which is not within a Par- ARTICLE XVII—LEASES AND CONTRACTS
(b) A minimum royalty shall be charged at 17.1 The terms, conditions, and provisions
the beginning of each lease year (such min- of all leases, subleases, and other contracts
imum royalty to be due as of the last day of relating to exploration, drilling, develop-
the lease year and payable within thirty (30) ment, or utilization of geothermal resources
days thereafter) of $2 an acre or fraction on lands committed to this Agreement, are
thereof, for all Unitized Acreage within a hereby expressly modified and amended only
Participating Area as of the beginning of the to the extent necessary to make the same
lease year. If there is production during the conform to the provisions hereof, otherwise
lease year the deficit, if any, between the ac- said leases, subleases, and contracts shall re-
tual royalty paid and the minimum royalty main in full force and effect.
prescribed herein shall be paid. 17.2 The parties hereto consent that the
15.4 Rental or minimum royalties due on Secretary shall, by his approval hereof, mod-
leases committed hereto shall be paid by ify and amend the Federal leases committed
Working Interest Owners responsible there- hereto and the regulations in respect thereto
for under existing contracts, laws, and regu- to the extent necessary to conform said
lations, or by the Unit Operator. leases and regulations to the provisions of
15.5 Settlement for royalty interest shall this Agreement.
be made by Working Interest Owners respon- 17.3 The development and/or operation of
sible therefor under existing contracts, laws, lands subject to this Agreement under the
and regulations, or by the Unit Operator, on terms hereof shall be deemed full perform-
or before the last day of each month for ance of any obligations for development and
Unitized Substances produced during the operation with respect to each and every sep-
preceding calendar month. arately owned tract subject to this Agree-
15.6 Royalty due the United States shall ment, regardless of whether there is any de-
be computed as provided in the operating velopment of any particular tract of the Unit
regulations and paid in value as to all Unit- Area.
ized Substances on the basis of the amounts 17.4 Drilling and/or producing operations
thereof allocated to unitized Federal land as performed hereunder upon any tract of Unit-
provided herein at the royalty rate or rates ized Lands will be accepted and deemed to be
specified in the respective Federal leases. performed upon and for the benefit of each
15.7 Nothing herein contained shall oper- and every tract of Unitized Land.
ate to relieve the lessees of any land from 17.5 Suspension of operations and/or pro-
their respective lease obligations for the duction on all Unitized Lands pursuant to di-
payment of any rental, minimum royalty, or rection or consent of the Secretary or his
royalty due under their leases. duly authorized representative shall be
deemed to constitute such suspension pursu-
ant to such direction or consent as to each
and every tract of Unitized Land. A suspen-
16.1 Any party hereto owning or control- sion of operations and/or production limited
ling the Working Interest in any Unitized to specified lands shall be applicable only to
Land having thereon a regular well location such lands.
may, with the approval of the authorized of- 17.6 Subject to the provisions of Article
ficer and at such party’s sole risk, costs, and XV hereof and 17.10 of this Article, each
expense, drill a well to test any formation of lease, sublease, or contract relating to the


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§ 3286.1 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)
exploration, drilling, development, or utili- 18.2 This Agreement may be terminated
zation of geothermal resources of lands other at any time by the owners of a majority of
than those of the United States committed the Working Interests, on an acreage basis,
to this Agreement, is hereby extended be- with the approval of the authorized officer.
yond any such term so provided therein so Notice of any such approval shall be given by
that it shall be continued for and during the the Unit Operator to all parties hereto.
term of this Agreement.
17.7 Subject to the lease renewal and the ARTICLE XIX—APPEARANCES
readjustment provision of the Act, any Fed- 19.1 Unit Operator shall, after notice to
eral lease committed hereto may, as to the other parties affected, have the right to ap-
Unitized Lands, be continued for the term so pear for and on behalf of any and all inter-
provided therein, or as extended by law. This ests affected hereby before the Department
subsection shall not operate to extend any of the Interior, and to appeal from decisions,
lease or portion thereof as to lands excluded orders or rulings issued under the regula-
from the Unit Area by the contraction there- tions of said Department, or to apply for re-
of. lief from any of said regulations or in any
17.8 Each sublease or contract relating to proceedings relative to operations before the
the operations and development of Unitized Department of the Interior or any other le-
Substances from lands of the United States gally constituted authority: Provided, how-
committed to this Agreement shall be con- ever, That any interested parties shall also
tinued in force and effect for and during the have the right, at its own expenses, to be
term of the underlying lease. heard in any such proceeding.
17.9 Any Federal lease heretofore or here-
after committed to any such unit plan em- ARTICLE XX—NO WAIVER OF CERTAIN RIGHTS
bracing lands that are in part within and in 20.1 Nothing contained in this Agreement
part outside of the area covered by any such shall be construed as a waiver by any party
plan shall be segregated into separate leases hereto of the right to assert any legal or con-
as to the lands committed and the lands not stitutional right or defense pertaining to the
committed as of the effective date of unitiza- validity or invalidity of any law of the State
tion. wherein lands subject to this Agreement are
17.10 In the absence of any specific lease located, or of the United States, or regula-
provision to the contrary, any lease, other tions issued thereunder, in any way affecting
than a Federal lease, having only a portion such party or as a waiver by any such party
of its land committed hereto shall be seg- of any right beyond his or its authority to
regated as to the portion committed and the waive.
portion not committed, and the provisions of
such lease shall apply separately to such seg- ARTICLE XXI—UNAVOIDABLE DELAY
regated portions commencing as of the effec- 21.1 The obligations imposed by this
tive date hereof. In the event any such lease Agreement requiring Unit Operator to com-
provides for a lump-sum rental payment, mence or continue drilling or to produce or
such payment shall be prorated between the utilize Unitized Substances from any of the
portions so segregated in proportion to the land covered by this Agreement, shall be sus-
acreage of the respective tracts. pended while, but only so long as, Unit Oper-
17.11 Upon termination of this Agree- ator, despite the exercise of due care and
ment, the leases covered hereby may be diligence, is prevented from complying with
maintained and continued in force and effect such obligations, in whole or in part, by
in accordance with the terms, provisions, strikes, Acts of God, Federal or other appli-
and conditions of the Act, the lease or leases, cable law, Federal or other authorized gov-
and amendments thereto. ernmental agencies, unavoidable accidents,
uncontrollable delays in transportation, in-
ability to obtain necessary materials in open
18.1 This Agreement shall become effec- market, or other matters beyond the reason-
tive upon approval by the Secretary or his able control of Unit Operator, whether simi-
duly authorized representative and shall ter- lar to matters herein enumerated or not.
minate five (5) years from said effective date 21.2 No unit obligation which is suspended
unless, under this section shall become due less than
(a) Such date of expiration is extended by thirty (30) days after it has been determined
the Director, or that the suspension is no longer applicable.
(b) Unitized Substances are produced or 21.3 Determination of creditable ‘‘Un-
utilized in commercial quantities in which avoidable Delay’’ time shall be made by the
event this Agreement shall continue for so Unit Operator subject to approval of the au-
long as Unitized Substances are produced or thorized officer.
utilized in commercial quantities, or
(c) This Agreement is terminated prior to
the end of said five (5) year period as here- 22.1 Notwithstanding any other provisions
tofore provided. of this Agreement, the Director, on his own


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3286.1
initiative or upon appropriate justification 25.4 After final approval hereof, joinder by
by Unit Operator, may postpone any obliga- a nonworking interest owner must be con-
tion established by and under this Agree- sented to in writing by the Working Interest
ment to commence or continue drilling or to Owner committed hereto and responsible for
operate on or produce Unitized Substances the payment of any benefits that may accrue
from lands covered by this Agreement when hereunder in behalf of such nonworking in-
in his judgement, circumstances warrant terest. A nonworking interest may not be
such action. committed to this Agreement unless the cor-
responding Working Interest is committed
25.5 Except as may otherwise herein be
23.1 In connection with the performance provided, subsequent joinders to this Agree-
of work under this Agreement, the Operator ment shall be effective as of the first day of
agrees to comply with all of the provisions of the month following the filing with the au-
section 202 (1) to (7) inclusive, of Executive thorized officer of duly executed counter-
Order 11246 (30 FR 12319), as amended by Ex- parts of all or any papers necessary to estab-
ecutive Order 11375 (32 FR 14303), which are lish effective commitment of any tract to
hereby incorporated by reference in this this Agreement unless objection to such
Agreement. joinder is duly made within sixty (60) days
by the authorized officer.

24.1 This Agreement may be executed in ARTICLE XXVI—COVENANTS RUN WITH THE LAND
any number of counterparts no one of which 26.1 The covenants herein shall be con-
needs to be executed by all parties, or may strued to be covenants running with the land
be ratified or consented to by separate in- with respect to the interest of the parties
struments in writing specifically referring hereto and their successors in interest until
hereto, and shall be binding upon all parties this Agreement terminates, and any grant,
who have executed such a counterpart, rati- transfer, or conveyance, of interest in land
fication or consent hereto, with the same or leases subject hereto shall be and hereby
force and effect as if all such parties had is conditioned upon the assumption of all
signed the same document. privileges and obligations hereunder by the
grantee, transferee, or other successor in in-
25.1 If the owner of any substantial inter- 26.2 No assignment or transfer of any
est in geothermal resources under a tract Working Interest or other interest subject
within the Unit Area fails or refuses to sub- hereto shall be binding upon Unit Operator
scribe or consent to this Agreement, the until the first day of the calendar month
owner of the Working Interest in that tract after Unit Operator is furnished with the
may withdraw said tract from this Agree- original, photostatic, or certified copy of the
ment by written notice delivered to the au- instrument of transfer.
thorized officer and the Unit Operator prior
to the approval of this Agreement by the au-
thorized officer. 27.1 All notices, demands or statements
25.2 Any geothermal resources interests required hereunder to be given or rendered to
in lands within the Unit Area not committed the parties hereto shall be deemed fully
hereto prior to approval of this Agreement given if given in writing and personally de-
may thereafter be committed by the owner livered to the party or sent by postpaid reg-
or owners thereof subscribing or consenting istered or certified mail, addressed to such
to this Agreement, and, if the interest is a party or parties at their respective addresses
Working Interest, by the owner of such in- set forth in connection with the signatures
terest also subscribing to the Unit Operating hereto or to the ratification or consent here-
Agreement. of or to such other address as any such party
25.3 After operations are commenced may have furnished in writing to party send-
hereunder, the right of subsequent joinder, ing the notice, demand or statement.
as provided in this Article XXV, by a work-
ing Interest Owner is subject to such require-
ments or approvals, if any, pertaining to 28.1 In the event title to any tract of
such joinder, as may be provided for in the Unitized Land shall fail and the true owner
Unit Operating Agreement. Joinder to the cannot be induced to join in this Agreement,
Unit Agreement by a Working Interest such tract shall be automatically regarded
Owner, at any time, must be accompanied by as not committed hereto and there shall be
appropriate joinder to the Unit Operating such readjustment of future costs and bene-
Agreement, if more than one committed fits as may be required on account of the loss
Working Interest Owner is involved, in order of such title.
for the interest to be regarded as committed 28.2 In the event of a dispute as to title as
to this Unit Agreement. to any royalty, Working Interest, or other


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§ 3286.1 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)
interests subject hereto, payment or delivery shall create or be deemed to have created a
on account thereof may be withheld without partnership or association between the par-
liability for interest until the dispute is fi- ties hereto or any of them.
nally settled: Provided, That, as to Federal
land or leases, no payments of funds due the ARTICLE XXXI—SPECIAL FEDERAL LEASE
United States shall be withheld, but such STIPULATIONS AND/OR CONDITIONS
funds shall be deposited as directed by the
authorized officer to be held as unearned 31.1 Nothing in this Agreement shall mod-
money pending final settlement of the title ify special lease stipulations and/or condi-
dispute, and then applied as earned or re- tions applicable to lands of the United
turned in accordance with such final settle- States. No modification of the conditions
ment. necessary to protect the lands or functions
of lands under the jurisdiction of any Fed-
ARTICLE XXIX—TAXES eral agency is authorized except with prior
consent in writing whereby the authorizing
29.1 The Working Interest Owners shall
official specifies the modification permitted.
render and pay for their accounts and the ac-
In witness whereof, the parties hereto have
counts of the owners of nonworking interests
caused this Agreement to be executed and
all valid taxes on or measured by the Unit-
ized Substances in and under or that may be have set opposite their respective names the
produced, gathered, and sold or utilized from date of execution.
the land subject to this Agreement after the Unit operator (as unit operator and as work-
effective date hereof. ing interest owner) llllllllllll
29.2 The Working Interest Owners on each
tract may charge a proper proportion of the Witnesses:
taxes paid under 29.1 hereof to the owners of
nonworking interests in said tract, and may
reduce the allocated share of each royalty Witnesses:
owner for taxes so paid. No taxes shall be By llllllllllllllllllllll
charged to the United States or the State of
llllll or to any lessor who has a con- Working Interest Owners:
tract with his lessee which requires the les-
see to pay such taxes. Witnesses:
ARTICLE XXX—RELATION OF PARTIES By llllllllllllllllllllll
30.1 It is expressly agreed that the rela- Other Interest Owners:
tion of the parties hereto is that of inde-
By llllllllllllllllllllll
pendent contractors and nothing in this
Agreement contained, expressed, or implied, [38 FR 35073, Dec. 21, 1973. Redesignated and
nor any operations conducted hereunder, amended at 48 FR 44792, 44793, Sept. 30, 1983]


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3286.1– 2

§ 3286.1– 1 Model Exhibit ‘‘A’’.

[38 FR 35073, Dec. 21, 1973. Redesignated and amended at 48 FR 44792, 44794, Sept. 30, 1983]

§ 3286.1– 2 Model Exhibit ‘‘B’’.

Serial number
Tract Number Basic royalty and Working interest
Description of land and expiration Lessee of record
No. of acres ownership percentage and percentage
date of lease

Federal ........... California.

land ................ serials
1 ....... Sec. 14: All ............ 1,890.00 38470 ................. United States: All ...... Volcanics, Inc ........ Volcanics, Inc: All.
Sec. 15: All ............ 7–31–82.
Sec. 23: Lots 1, 2,
S1⁄2, NE1⁄4,
2 ....... Sec. 35: All ............ 640.00 39123 ................. ........................ D. H. Boiler ............ Hot Rock Co.: All.
........................... 7–31–82.
3 ....... Sec. 21: All ............ 1,280.00 41345 ................. ........................ C. S. Waters—50% Volcanics, Co.:
Sec. 28: All ............ 7–31–81 ............. .............................. D. F. Mann—50% Hot Rock Co.:
4 ....... Sec. 27: All ............ 1,280.00 41679 ................. ........................ H. C. Pipes ............ Fumarole, Ltd.: All.
Sec. 33: All.
5 ....... Sec. 26: All ............ 961.50 71278 ................. ........................ Hot Rock Co .......... Hot Rock Co.: All.
Sec. 25: S1⁄2.
6 ....... Sec. 24: All ............ 965.80 83970 ................. ........................ H. C. Pipes ............ Do.
Sec. 25: N1⁄2 .......... Appl..

6 Federal tracts 7,017.30 acres or 68.47% of unit area.

State land.
7 ....... Sec. 16: All ............ 1,280.60 65–67430 ........... State of California: All Hot Rock Co .......... Hot Rock Co.: All.


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§ 3286.2 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

Serial number
Tract Number Basic royalty and Working interest
Description of land and expiration Lessee of record
No. of acres ownership percentage and percentage
date of lease

....... Sec. 36: All.

1 State tract 1,280.60 acres or 12.49% of unit area.

Patented land.
8 ....... Sec. 13: All ............ 641.20 6–30–79 ............. I. B. Hadde: All ......... Fumarole, Ltd ........ Fumarole, Ltd.: All.
9 ....... Sec. 22: Lots 1, 2, 590.00 2–28–81 ............. J. P. Smith: All .......... .................... Do.
3, 4, S1⁄2, NW1⁄4.
10 ..... Sec. 34: All ............ 640.00 3–31–81 ............. A. G. Quick: 75% ...... Hot Rock Co .......... Hot Rock Co.: All.
........................... ....................... P. T. Land: 25%.
11 ..... Tract 39 ................. 80.00 4–30–81 ............. M. V. Jones: All ........ Unleased ............... M. V. Jones: All.

4 Patented tracts 1.951.20 acres or 19.04% of unit area.

Total—11 tracts 10, 249.10 acres in entire unit area.

§ 3286.2 Model unit bond. unit agreement, and the payment of rentals,
minimum royalties, and royalties due under
COLLECTIVE CORPORATE SURETY the Federal leases committed to said unit
agreement; and
Know all men by these presents, That we, Whereas the Surety hereby waives any
llllllll (Name of Unit Operator) right of notice of and agrees that this bond
signing as Principal, for and on behalf of the may remain in force and effect notwith-
record owners of unitized substances now or standing:
hereafter covered by the unit agreement for (a) Any additions to or change in the own-
this llllllll (Name of Unit) approved ership of the unitized substances herein de-
lllll, (Date) llllllll, (Name and scribed.
address of Surety) as Surety are jointly and
(b) Any suspension of the drilling or pro-
severally held and firmly bound unto the
United States of America in the sum of ducing requirements or waiver, suspension or
llllllll (Amount of bond) Dollars, reduction of rental or minimum royalty pay-
lawful money of the United States, for the ments or reduction of royalties pursuant to
use and benefit of and to be paid to the applicable laws or regulations thereunder;
United States and any entryman or patentee and
of any portion of the unitized land, here- Whereas said Principal and Surety agree to
tofore entered or patented with the reserva- the payment of compensatory royalty under
tion of the geothermal resources deposits to the regulations of the Interior Department
the United States, for which payment well in lieu of drilling necessary offset wells in
and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and the event of drainage; and
each of us, and each of our heirs, executors, Whereas nothing herein contained shall
administrators, successors, and assigns by preclude the United States from requiring an
these presents. additional bond at any time when deemed
The condition of the foregoing obligation necessary:
is such that, whereas the Secretary on Now, therefore, if the said Principal shall
llllll (Date) approved under the provi- faithfully comply with all of the provisions
sions of the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970, a of the above-identified unit agreement and
unit agreement for the development and op- with the terms of the leases committed
eration of the llllllll (Name of Unit thereto, then the above obligation is to be of
and State); and no effect; otherwise to remain in full force
Whereas said Principal and record owners and virtue.
of unitized substances, pursuant to said unit Signed, sealed, and delivered this
agreement, have entered into certain cov- lllllday of llllll, 19ll, in the
enants and agreements as set forth therein, presence of:
under which operations are to be conducted; Witnesses:
Whereas said Principal as Unit Operator llllllllllllllllllllllll
has assumed the duties and obligations of (Principal)
the respective owners of unitized substances llllllllllllllllllllllll
as defined in said unit agreement; and (Surety)
Whereas said Principal and surety agree to
remain bound in the full amount of the bond [38 FR 35073, Dec. 21, 1973. Redesignated and
for failure to comply with the terms of the amended at 48 FR 44792, 44794, Sept. 30, 1983]


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3286.4

§ 3286.3 Model designation of suc- I hereby approve the foregoing indenture

cessor operator. designating llllll as Unit Operator
under the unit agreement for the
Designation of successor Unit Operator lllllUnit Area, this lll day of
llllll, Unit Area, County of llll, llllll, 19ll.
State of llllll, No. lll.
This indenture, dated as of the lll day ——————————————
of llllll, 19ll, by and between Authorized Officer,
Bureau of Land Management.
llllllll, hereinafter designated as
‘‘First Party,’’ and the owners of unitized [38 FR 35073, Dec. 21, 1973. Redesignated and
working interest, hereinafter designated as amended at 48 FR 44792, 44794, Sept. 30, 1983]
‘‘Second Parties.’’
Witnesseth: Whereas under the provisions § 3286.4 Model change of operator by
of the Geothermal Steam Act of December assignment.
24, 1970, 84 Stat. 1566, the Secretary on the Change in Unit Operator llllll unit
lll day of llllll, 19ll, approved a Area, County of llllll, State of
unit agreement for the llllll Unit llllll, No. lll.
Area, wherein llllll is designated as This indenture, dated as of the lll day
Unit Operator; and of llllllll, 19ll, by and between
Whereas said llllllll has resigned llllllllll hereinafter designated as
as such Operator, 1 and the designation of a ‘‘First Party,’’ and llllllll, herein-
successor Unit Operator is now required pur- after designated as ‘‘Second Party.’’
suant to the terms thereof; and Witnesseth: Whereas under the provisions
Whereas First Party has been and hereby of the Geothermal Steam Act of December
is designated by Second Parties as a Unit Op- 24, 1970, 84 Stat. 1566, the Secretary on the
erator, and said First Party desires to as- lll day of llllll, 19ll, approved a
sume all the rights, duties, and obligations unit agreement for the llllll Unit
of Unit Operator under the said unit agree- Area, wherein the First Party is designated
ment. as Unit Operator; and
Now, therefore, in consideration of the Whereas the First Party desires to trans-
premises hereinbefore set forth and the fer, assign, release, and quitclaim, and the
promises hereinafter stated, the First Party Second Party desires to assume all the
hereby covenants and agrees to fulfill the du- rights, duties, and obligations of Unit Oper-
ties and assume the obligations of Unit Oper- ator under the unit agreement; and
ator under and pursuant to all the terms of Whereas for sufficient and valuable consid-
the llllll unit agreement, and the Sec- eration, the receipt whereof is hereby ac-
ond Parties covenant and agree that, effec- knowledged, the First Party has transferred,
tive upon approval of this indenture by the conveyed and assigned all his/its rights
authorized officer, of the Minerals Manage- under certain operating agreements involv-
ment Service, First Party shall be granted ing lands within the area set forth in said
the exclusive right and privilege of exer- unit agreement unto the Second Party:
cising any and all rights and privileges and Now, therefore, in consideration of the
Unit Operator, pursuant to the terms and premises hereinbefore set forth, the First
conditions of said unit agreement; said unit Party does hereby transfer, assign, release,
agreement being hereby incorporated herein and quitclaim unto Second Party all of First
by references and made a part hereof as fully Party’s rights, duties and obligations as Unit
and effectively as though said unit agree- Operator under said unit agreement; and
ment were expressly set forth in this instru- Second Party hereby accept this assign-
ment. ment and hereby covenants and agrees to
In witness whereof, the parties hereto have fulfill the duties and assume the obligations
executed this instrument as of the date here- of Unit Operator under and pursuant to all
inabove set forth. the terms of said unit agreement to the full
extent set forth in this assignment, effective
llllllllllllllllllllllll upon approval of this indenture by the au-
(First Party) thorized officer of the Minerals Management
llllllllllllllllllllllll Service; said unit agreement being hereby
(Witnesses) incorporated herein by reference and made a
llllllllllllllllllllllll part hereof as fully and effectively as though
(Second Party) said unit agreement were expressly set forth
llllllllllllllllllllllll in this instrument.
(Witnesses) In witness whereof, the parties hereto have
executed this instrument as of the date here-
1 Where the designation of a successor Unit inabove set forth.
Operator is required for any reason other llllllllllllllllllllllll
than resignation, such reason shall be sub- (First Party)
stituted for the one stated. llllllllllllllllllllllll


VerDate 0ct<02>2002 10:25 Oct 10, 2002 Jkt 197173 PO 00000 Frm 00539 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\197173T.XXX 197173T
Pt. 3400 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)
(Witnesses) Subpart 3400— Introduction:
(Second Party)
llllllllllllllllllllllll § 3400.0– 3 Authority.
(a) These regulations are issued
I hereby approve the foregoing indenture under the authority of and to imple-
designated llllllll as Unit Operator ment provisions of:
under the unit agreement for the lllll (1) The Mineral Leasing Act of Feb-
Unit Area, this lll day of lllll, ruary 25, 1920, as amended (30 U.S.C. 181
19ll. et seq.).
—————————————— (2) The Mineral Leasing Act for Ac-
Authorized Officer, quired Lands of August 7, 1947, as
Bureau of Land Management. amended (30 U.S.C. 351–359 et seq.).
(3) The Federal Land Policy and Man-
[38 FR 35073, Dec. 21, 1973. Redesignated and
amended at 48 FR 44792, 44794, Sept. 30, 1983]
agement Act of 1976, October 21, 1976 (43
U.S.C. 1701 et seq.).
(4) The Surface Mining Control and
Group 3400— Coal Management Reclamation Act of 1977, August 3, 1977
(30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.).
NOTE: The information collection require- (5) The Multiple Mineral Develop-
ments contained in parts 3400, 3410, 3420, 3430, ment Act of August 13, 1954 (30 U.S.C.
3450, 3460 and 3470 of Group 3400 have been ap- 521–531 et seq.).
proved by the Office of Management and (6) The Department of Energy Orga-
Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3507 and assigned nization Act of August 4, 1977 (42 U.S.C.
clearance number 1004–0073. The information 7101 et seq.).
is being collected to allow the authorized of-
(7) The National Environmental Pol-
ficer to determine if the applicant to lease,
icy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.).
for or develop Federal coal is qualified to
hold such lease. This information will be
(8) The Federal Coal Leasing Amend-
used in making those determinations. The ments Act of 1976, as amended (90 Stat.
obligation to respond is required to obtain a 1083–1092).
benefit. (9) The Act of October 30, 1978 (92
(See 47 FR 33133, July 30, 1982) Stat. 2073–2075).
(b) Specific citations of authority in
subsequent subparts of this Group 3400
PART 3400— COAL MANAGEMENT: are to authorities from which the sub-
GENERAL part is chiefly derived or which the
subpart chiefly implements.
Subpart 3400— Introduction: General
§ 3400.0– 5 Definitions.
3400.0–3 Authority. As used in this group:
3400.0–5 Definitions. (a) Alluvial valley floor has the mean-
3400.1 Multiple development. ing set forth in 30 CFR Chapter VII.
3400.2 Lands subject to leasing. (b) Authorized officer means any em-
3400.3 Limitations on authority to lease. ployee of the Bureau of Land Manage-
3400.3–1 Consent or conditions of surface ment delegated the authority to per-
management agency. form the duty described in the section
3400.3–2 Department of Defense lands. in which the term is used.
3400.3–3 Department of Agriculture lands. (c) Bonus means that value in excess
3400.3–4 Trust protection lands. of the rentals and royalties that ac-
3400.4 Federal/state government coopera- crues to the United States because of
tion. coal resource ownership that is paid as
3400.5 Coal production regions. part of the consideration for receiving
3400.6 Minimum comment period. a lease.
(d) Bypass coal means an isolated coal
AUTHORITY: 30 U.S.C. 189, 359, 1211, 1251,
1266, and 1273; and 43 U.S.C. 1461, 1733, and
deposit that cannot, for the foreseeable
1740. future, be mined economically and in
an environmentally sound manner ei-
SOURCE: 44 FR 42609, July 19, 1979, unless ther separately or as part of any min-
otherwise noted. ing operation other than that of the


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3400.0– 5

applicant for either an emergency lease (p) Governmental entity means a Fed-
under the provisions of § 3425.1–4 of this eral or state agency or a political sub-
title or a lease modification. division of a state, including a county
(e) Casual use means activities which or a municipality, or any corporation
do not ordinarily lead to any appre- acting primarily as an agency or in-
ciable disturbance or damage to lands, strumentality of a state, which pro-
resources or improvements, for exam- duces electrical energy for sale to the
ple, activities which do not involve use public.
of heavy equipment or explosives and (q) Interest in a lease, application or
which do not involve vehicle movement bid means: any record title interest,
except over already established roads overriding royalty interest, working
and trails. interest, operating rights or option, or
(f) Certificate of bidding rights means a any agreement covering such an inter-
right granted by the Secretary to apply est; any claim or any prospective or fu-
the fair market value of a relinquished ture claim to an advantage or benefit
coal or other mineral lease or right to from a lease; and any participation or
a preference right coal or other min- any defined or undefined share in any
eral lease as a credit against the bonus increments, issues, or profits that may
bid or bids on a competitive lease or be derived from or that may accrue in
leases acquired at a lease sale or sales, any manner from the lease based on or
or as a credit against the payment re- pursuant to any agreement or under-
quired for a coal lease modification. standing existing when the application
(g) Coal deposits mean all Federally was filed or entered into while the
owned coal deposits, except those held lease application or bid is pending.
in trust for Indians. Stock ownership or stock control does
(h) Department means the United not constitute an interest in a lease
States Department of the Interior. within the meaning of this definition.
(i) Director means the Director of the Attribution of acreage to stock owner-
Bureau of Land Management unless ship interests in leases is covered by
otherwise indicated. § 3472.1–3(b) of this title.
(j) Environmental assessment means a
(r) Lease means a Federal lease,
document prepared by the responsible
issued under the coal leasing provisions
Federal agency consistent with 40 CFR
of the mineral leasing laws, which
grants the exclusive right to explore
(k) Exploration has the meaning set
for and extract coal. In provisions of
forth in § 3480.0–5(a)(17) of this title.
this group that also refer to Federal
(l) Exploration license means a license
leases for minerals other than coal, the
issued by the authorized officer to per-
mit the licensee to explore for coal on term Federal coal lease may apply.
unleased Federal lands. (s) Lease bond means the bond or
(m) Exploration plan has the meaning equivalent security given the Depart-
set forth in § 3480.0–5(a)(18) of this title. ment to assure payment of all obliga-
(n) Fair market value means that tions under a lease, exploration license,
amount in cash, or on terms reason- or license to mine, and to assure that
ably equivalent to cash, for which in all aspects of the mining operation
all probability the coal deposit would other than reclamation operations
be sold or leased by a knowledgeable under a permit on a lease are con-
owner willing but not obligated to sell ducted in conformity with the ap-
or lease to a knowledgeable purchaser proved mining or exploration plan.
who desires but is not obligated to buy This is the same as the Federal lease
or lease. bond referred to in 30 CFR 742.11(a).
(o) Federal lands mean lands owned (t) Licensee means the holder of an
by the United States, without ref- exploration license.
erence to how the lands were acquired (u) License to mine means a license
or what Federal agency administers issued under the provisions of part 3440
the lands, including surface estate, to mine coal for domestic use.
mineral estate and coal estate, but ex- (v) Logical Mining Unit has the mean-
cluding lands held by the United States ing set forth in § 3480.0–5(a)(22) of this
in trust for Indians, Aleuts or Eskimos. title.


VerDate 0ct<02>2002 10:25 Oct 10, 2002 Jkt 197173 PO 00000 Frm 00541 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\197173T.XXX 197173T
§ 3400.0– 5 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

(w) Logical Mining Unit reserves has less than 3 years after they met the re-
the meaning set forth in the term log- quirements of both paragraphs (gg) (1)
ical mining unit recoverable coal reserves and (2) of this section. In computing
in § 3480.0–5(a)(23) of this title. the three year period the authorized of-
(x) Maximum economic recovery has ficer shall include periods during which
the meaning set forth in § 3480.0–5(a)(24) title was owned by a relative of such
of this title. person by blood or marriage if, during
(y) Mineral leasing laws mean the such periods, the relative would have
Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as amend- met the requirements of this section.
ed (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.), and the Min- (hh) Reserves has the meaning set
eral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands of forth in the term recoverable coal re-
1947, as amended (30 U.S.C. 351–359). serves in § 3480.0–5(a)(37) of this title.
(z) Mining plan means a resource re- (ii) Secretary means the Secretary of
covery and protection plan as described the Interior.
in § 3480.0–5(a)(39) of this title. (jj) Sole party in interest means a
(aa) Mining Supervisor means the au- party who is and will be vested with all
thorized officer. legal and equitable rights under a
(bb) Mining unit means an area con- lease, bid, or an application for a lease.
taining technically recoverable coal No one is a sole party in interest with
that will feasibly support a commercial respect to a lease or bid in which any
mining operation. The coal may either
other party has any interest.
be Federal coal or be both Federal and
(kk) Split estate means land in which
non-Federal coal.
the ownership of the surface is held by
(cc) Operator means a lessee, explo-
ration licensee or one conducting oper- persons, including governmental bod-
ations on a lease or exploration license ies, other than the Federal government
under the authority of the lessee or ex- and the ownership of underlying coal
ploration licensee. is, in whole or in part, reserved to the
(dd) Permit has the meaning set forth Federal government.
in 30 CFR Chapter VII. (ll) Substantial legal and financial com-
(ee) Permit area has the meaning set mitments means significant investments
forth in 30 CFR Chapter VII. that have been made on the basis of a
(ff) Public bodies means Federal and long-term coal contract in power
state agencies; political subdivisions of plants, railroads, coal handling and
a state, including counties and munici- preparation, extraction or storage fa-
palities; rural electric cooperatives and cilities and other capital intensive ac-
similar organizations; and nonprofit tivities. Costs of acquiring the coal in
corporations controlled by any such place or of the right to mine it without
entities. an existing mine are not sufficient to
(gg) Qualified surface owner means the constitute substantial legal and financial
natural person or persons (or corpora- commitments.
tion, the majority stock of which is (mm) Surface coal mining operations
held by a person or persons otherwise means activities conducted on the sur-
meeting the requirements of this sec- face of lands in connection with a sur-
tion) who: face coal mine or surface operations
(1) Hold legal or equitable title to the and surface impacts incident to an un-
surface of split estate lands; derground mine, as defined in section
(2) Have their principal place of resi- 701(28) of the Surface Mining Control
dence on the land, or personally con- and Reclamation Act (30 U.S.C.
duct farming or ranching operations 1291(28).
upon a farm or ranch unit to be af- (nn) Surface management agency
fected by surface mining operations; or means the Federal agency with juris-
receive directly a significant portion of diction over the surface of federally
their income, if any, from such farming owned lands containing coal deposits,
and ranching operations; and and, in the case of private surface over
(3) Have met the conditions of para- Federal coal, the Bureau of Land Man-
graphs (gg) (1) and (2) of this section agement, except in areas designated as
for a period of at least 3 years, except National Grasslands, where it means
for persons who gave written consent the Forest Service.


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3400.2

(oo) Surface Mining Officer means the holds and has held requirement of sec-
regulatory authority as defined in 30 tion 2(a)(2)(A) of the Act is working in-
CFR Chapter VII. terest holder-specific for each lease.
(pp) Valid existing rights as used in Working interest includes both record
§ 3461.1 of this title is defined in 30 CFR title interests and arrangements
761.5. whereby an entity has the ability to
(qq) Written consent means the docu- determine when, and under what cir-
ment or documents that a qualified cumstances, the rights granted by the
surface owner has signed that: lease to develop coal will be exercised.
(1) Permit a coal operator to enter (6) Producing means actually severing
and commence surface mining of coal; coal. A lease is also considered pro-
(2) Describe any financial or other ducing when:
consideration given or promised in re- (i) The operator/leasee is processing
turn for the permission, including in- or loading severed coal, or transporting
kind considerations; it from the point of severance to the
(3) Describe any consideration given point of sale; or
in terms of type or method of operation (ii) Coal severance is temporarily in-
or reclamation for the area; terrupted in accordance with §§ 3481.4–1
(4) Contain any supplemental or re- through 4–4 of this chapter.
lated contracts between the surface [44 FR 42609, July 19, 1979, as amended at 47
owner and any other person who is a FR 33133, 33134, July 30, 1982; 47 FR 38131,
party to the permission; and Aug. 30, 1982; 50 FR 8626, Mar. 4, 1985; 51 FR
(5) Contain a full and accurate de- 43921, Dec. 5, 1986; 52 FR 416, Jan. 6, 1987; 62
scription of the area covered by the FR 44369, Aug. 20, 1997]
§ 3400.1 Multiple development.
(rr) For the purposes of section
2(a)(2)(A) of the Act: (a) The granting of an exploration li-
(1) Arm’s length transaction means the cense, a license to mine or a lease for
transfer of an interest in a lease to an the exploration, development, or pro-
entity that is not controlled by or duction of coal deposits shall preclude
under common control with the trans- neither the issuance of prospecting per-
feror. mits or mineral leases for prospecting,
(2) Bracket means a 10-year period development or production of deposits
that begins on the date that coal is of other minerals in the same land with
first produced on or after August 4, suitable stipulations for simultaneous
1976, from a lease that has not been operation, nor the allowance of appli-
made subject to the diligence provi- cable entries, locations, or selections
sions of part 3480 of this title on the of leased lands with a reservation of
date of first production. the mineral deposits to the United
(3) Controlled by or under common con- States.
trol with, based on the instruments of (b) The presence of deposits of other
ownership of the voting securities of an minerals or the issuance of prospecting
entity, means: permits or mineral leases for
(i) Ownership in excess of 50 percent prospecting, development or produc-
constitutes control; tion of deposits of other minerals shall
(ii) Ownership of 20 through 50 per- not preclude the granting of an explo-
cent creates a presumption of control; ration license, a license to mine or a
and lease for the exploration, development
(iii) Ownership of less than 20 percent or production of coal deposits on the
creates a presumption of noncontrol. same lands with suitable stipulations
(4) Entity means any person, associa- for simultaneous operations.
tion, or corporation, or any subsidiary, [44 FR 42609, July 19, 1979, as amended at 47
affiliate, or persons controlled by or FR 33134, July 30, 1982]
under common control with such per-
son, association, or corporation. § 3400.2 Lands subject to leasing.
(5) Holds and has held means the cu- The Secretary may issue coal leases
mulative amount of time that an enti- on all Federal lands except:
ty holds any working interest in a (a) Lands in:
lease on or after August 4, 1976. The (1) The National Park System;


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§ 3400.3 43 CFR Ch. II (10– 1– 02 Edition)

(2) The National Wildlife Refuge Sys- (c) Has production facilities in that
tem; state, and will use the coal produced
(3) The National Wilderness Preserva- from the lease within that state.
tion System;
(4) The National System of Trails; § 3400.3– 3 Department of Agriculture
(5) The National Wild and Scenic Riv-
ers System, including study rivers des- Subject to the provisions of § 3400.3–1,
ignated under section 5(a) of the Wild the Secretary may issue leases that au-
and Scenic Rivers Act; thorize surface coal mining operations
(6) Incorporated cities, towns, and on Federal lands within the National
villages; Forest System, provided that such
(7) The Naval Petroleum Reserves, leases may not be issued on lands with-
the National Petroleum Reserve in in a national forest unless the tract is
Alaska, and oil shale reserves; and assessed to be acceptable for all or cer-
(8) National Recreation Areas des- tain stipulated methods of surface coal
ignated by law; mining operations under the provisions
(b) Tide lands, submerged coastal of Criterion No. 1 in § 3461.1 of this
lands within the Continental Shelf ad- title.
jacent or littoral to any part of land § 3400.3– 4 Trust protection lands.
within the jurisdiction of the United
States; and The regulations in this group do not
(c) Land acquired by the United apply to the leasing and development
States for the development of mineral of coal deposits held in trust by the
deposits, by foreclosure or otherwise United States for Indians. See 43 CFR
for resale, or reported as surplus prop- 3400.0–5(o). Regulations governing
erty pursuant to the provisions of the those deposits are found in 25 CFR
Surplus Property Act of 1944 (50 U.S.C. Chapter I.
App. 1622). [44 FR 42609, July 19, 1979, as amended at 47
FR 33134, July 30, 1982]
§ 3400.3 Limitations on authority to
lease. § 3400.4 Federal/state government co-
§ 3400.3– 1 Consent or conditions of (a) In order to implement the re-
surface management agency.
quirements of law for Federal-state co-
Leases for land, the surface of which operation in the management of Fed-
is under the jurisdiction of any Federal eral lands, a Department-state regional
agency other than the Department of coal team shall be established for each
the Interior, may be issued only with coal production region defined pursu-
the consent of the head or other appro- ant to § 3400.5. The team shall consist
priate official of the other agency hav- of a Bureau of Land Management field
ing jurisdiction over the lands con- representative for each state in the re-
taining the coal deposits, and subject gion, who will be the Bureau of Land
to such conditions as that officer may Management State Director, or, in his
prescribe to insure the use and protec- absence, his designated representative;
tion of the lands for the primary pur- the Governor of each state included in
pose for which they were acquired or the region or, in his absence, his des-
are being administered. ignated representative; and a rep-
resentative appointed by and respon-
§ 3400.3– 2 Department of Defense sible to the Director of the Bureau of
lands. Land Management. The Director’s rep-
The Secretary may issue leases with resentative shall be chairperson of the
the consent of the Secretary of Defense team. If the region is a multi-state re-
on acquired lands set apart for military gion under the jurisdiction of only one
or naval purposes only if the leases are Bureau of Land Management State Of-
issued to a governmental entity which: fice, each State Director shall des-
(a) Produces electrical energy for ignate a Bureau of Land Management
sale to the public; representative for each state.
(b) Is located in the state in which (b) Each regional coal team shall
the leased lands are located; and guide all phases of the coal activity


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Bureau of Land Management, Interior Pt. 3410

planning process described in §§ 3420.3 tive of the Governor of such a state in

through 3420.3–4 of this title which re- any multi-state coal production region.
late to competitive leasing in the re- (g) The regional coal team will func-
gion. tion under the public participation pro-
(c) The regional coal team shall also cedures at §§ 1784.4–2, 1784.4–3, and 1784.5
serve as the forum for Department/ of this chapter.
state consultation and cooperation in [44 FR 42609, July 19, 1979; 44 FR 56339, Oct. 1,
all other major Department coal man- 1979, as amended at 47 FR 33134, 33135, July
agement program decisions in the re- 30, 1982; 51 FR 18887, May 23, 1986; 64 FR 52242,
gion, including preference right lease Sept. 28, 1999]
applications, public body and small
business setaside leasing, emergency § 3400.5 Coal production regions.
leasing and exchanges. The Bureau of Land Management
(d) The regional coal team rec- shall establish by publication in the
ommendations on leasing levels under FEDERAL REGISTER coal production re-
§ 3420.2(a)(4) of this title and on re- gions. A coal production region may be
gional lease sales under § 3420.3–4(g) changed or its boundaries altered by
shall be accepted except: publication of a notice of change in the
(1) In the case of an overriding na- FEDERAL REGISTER. Coal production re-
tional interest; or gions shall be used for establishing re-
(2) In the case the advice of the Gov- gional leasing levels under § 3420.2 of
ernor(s) which is contrary to the rec- this title. Coal production regions shall
ommendations of the regional coal be used to establish areas in which
team is accepted pursuant to § 3420.4– leasing shall be conducted under § 3420.3
3(c) of this title. In cases where the re- of this title and for other purposes of
the coal management program.
gional coal team’s advice is not accept-
ed, a written explanation of the rea- [47 FR 33135, July 30, 1982]
sons for not accepting the advice shall
be provided to the regional coal team § 3400.6 Minimum comment period.
and made available for public review. Unless otherwise required in Group
(e) Additional representatives of 3400 of this title, a minimum period of
state and Federal agencies may par- 30 days shall be allowed for public re-
ticipate directly in team meetings or view and comment where such review
indirectly in the preparation of mate- is required for Federal coal manage-
rial to assist the team at any time at ment program activities under Group
the request of the team chairperson. 3400 of this title.
Participation may be solicited from [51 FR 18887, May 23, 1986]
state and Federal agencies with special
expertise in topics considered by the
team or with direct surface manage-
ment responsibilities in areas poten- LICENSES
tially affected by coal management de-
cisions. However, at every point in the Subpart 3410— Exploration Licenses
deliberations, the official team spokes- Sec.
persons for the Bureau of Land Man- 3410.0–1 Purpose.
agement and for the Governors shall be 3410.0–2 Objective.
those designated under paragraph (a) of 3410.0–3 Authority.
this section. 3410.1 Exploration licenses: Generally.
3410.1–1 Lands subject to exploration li-
(f) If a state declines to participate censes.
under this section in the coal-related 3410.1–2 When an exploration license is re-
activities of the Department: quired.
(1) The Department may take action 3410.2 Prelicensing procedures.
authorized in Group 3400 of this title in 3410.2–1 Application for an exploration li-
a coal production region wholly within cense.
3410.2–2 Environmental analysis.
such a state without forming a re-
3410.2–3 Surface management agency.
gional coal team, and 3410.3 Exploration licenses.
(2) The Department may form a re- 3410.3–1 Issuance and termination of an ex-
gional coal team without a representa- ploration license.


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Onshore Order 1

Bureau of Land Onshore Oil and Gas Order

Management (4/11/97)
Federal and Indian Oil and Gas Leases
Final Rule
Order No. 1
Federal Register /
Effective: November 21, 1983.
Vol. 48, No. 205,
Friday, October 21, 1983, (See Note below)
Rules and Regulations
Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 1 Approval of Operations
Approval of Operations on
Onshore Federal and Indian Oil Introduction
and Gas Leases
This Order is established pursuant to the authority prescribed in 43 CFR Part 3160, formerly 30 CFR 221. Approval of
Introduction all proposed exploratory, development, and service wells, and all required approvals of subsequent well operations and
other lease operations, shall be obtained in accordance with 43 CFR 3162.3-1, 3162.3-2, 3162.3-3, 3162.3-4 and
I. Accountability 3162.5-1, formerly 30 CFR 221.23, 221.27, 221.28, 221.29, or 221.30, as appropriate.

II. Special Situations All wells approved for drilling under the provisions of this Order shall have been included in a drilling plan, as
required under 43 CFR 3162.3-1(d), formerly 30 CFR 221.23(d).
Ill. Drilling Operations
A drilling plan may be submitted for a single well, or for several wells that are proposed to be drilled to the same zone
A. Surveying and Staking within a field or area of geological and environmental similarity. Plans for additional development of the leasehold
B. Material to be Filed should be considered in the submittal.
1. Notice of Staking However, approval of Form 3160-3, formerly 9-331C (Application for Permit to Drill, Deepen, or Plug Back) is
2. Application for required for each well, and in order to be complete an Application for Permit to Drill (APD) shall include all
Permit to Drill information required under 43 CFR 3162.3-1 (d) and (e). A technically and administratively complete APD includes,
in addition to Form 3160-3, a drilling plan, evidence of bond coverage, a designation of operator, when appropriate,
C. Conferences and and such other information as may be required by applicable Order or Notice to evaluate the proposal. Refer to section
Inspections III.G. for more detailed guidance on complete APD'S.
D. Processing Time Frames
Certain subsequent well operations and other lease operations involving additional surface disturbance shall be
E. Cultural Resources
included in a plan submitted on Form 3160-5, formerly 9-331 (Sundry Notices and Reports On Wells), and approved
under the provisions of this Order pursuant to 43 CFR 3162.3-2 or 3162.3-3, formerly 30 CFR 221.27 or 221.28,
F. Threatened and Endangered
Species Clearance and Other
Critical Environmental A report on all subsequent well operations shall be filed on Form 3160-5, as prescribed in 43 CFR 3162.3-2. A notice
Concerns of intention to abandon a well and a subsequent report of abandonment shall also be filed on Form 3160-5, as required
G. Components of a Complete by 43 CFR 3162.3-4. (1 of 21) [2/10/2003 1:19:58 PM]

Onshore Order 1

Application for Permit to Drill All applications for approval under the provisions of this Order shall be submitted to the appropriate authorized officer
of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). "Authorized Officer" means any person authorized to perform the duties
IV. Subsequent Operations prescribed. To be advised of the proper BLM official and office with which to file an application, the lessee/operator
may contact the appropriate District Manager of BLM having jurisdiction over lease operations in a particular area.
A. Production Facilities (see
title change) The lessee/operator shall comply with the following requirements:
B. Other Operations (see title
change) I. Accountability. Lessees and operators have the responsibility to see that their exploration, development, production,
C. Emergency Repairs and construction operations are conducted in a manner which (1) conforms with applicable Federal laws and
D. Environmental Review regulations and with State and local laws and regulations to the extent that such State and local laws are applicable to
operations on Federal or Indian leases; (2) conforms with the lease terms, lease stipulations, and conditions of
V. Well-Abandonment (see title approval; (3) results in diligent development and efficient resource recovery; (4) protects the lease from drainage; (5)
change) affords adequate safeguards for the environment; (6) results in the proper reclamation of disturbed lands; (7) conforms
with current available technology and practice; (8) assures that underground sources of fresh water will not be
VI. Water Well Conversion endangered by any fluid injection operation; and (9) otherwise assures the protection of the public health and safety.
VII. Privately Owned Surface Lessees and operators shall be held fully accountable for their contractors and subcontractors' compliance with the
requirements of the approved permit and/or plan. Drilling/construction and associated operations shall not be
VIII. Reports and Activities conducted without prior approval of the authorized officer of BLM. BLM approval of the APD does not relieve the
Required After Well Completion lessee and operator from obtaining any other authorizations required for operations on Federal and Indian lands.
[48 FR 56226, Dec. 20, 1983]

Updated on April 1, 1997 by John II. Special Situations. Lessees and operators, as well as their contractors and subcontractors, shall not commence any
Broderick operation or construction activity on a lease, other than cultural resource inventories and surveying and staking well
You are visitor # to this page since locations on Federal and Indian lands, without the prior approval of the authorized officer of BLM, except for certain
March 26, 1997. subsequent operations (see Section IV. of this Order). The terms and conditions of an approved permit and drilling
plan, or other plan, shall not be altered unless BLM first has approved an amended or supplemental permit and/or plan
covering any such modifications.
For proposed operations on a committed State or fee tract in a Federally supervised unit or communitized tract, the
operator shall furnish a copy of the approved State permit to the authorized officer of BLM which will be accepted for
record purposes. In addition, in cases where an access road to a non-Federal or non-Indian drillsite will cross leased
Federal or Indian lands, the operator shall submit a surface use plan only for those portions of the access road on
Federal or Indian lands where new construction or reconstruction will occur. Such plans shall be submitted to the
authorized officer of BLM or appropriate Federal Surface Management Agency (SMA) and approval obtained prior to
commencement of construction operations on the Federal or Indian surface. For privately owned surface. refer to
section VII.
[48 FR 56226, Dec. 20, 1983] (2 of 21) [2/10/2003 1:19:58 PM]

Onshore Order 1

III. Drilling Operations.

A. Surveying and Staking. Surveying and staking may be done without advance approval from the authorized officer of
BLM or other appropriate SMA and prior to the conduct of any required cultural resource inventory, except for lands
administered by the Department of Defense or other lands used for military purposes, or where significant surface
disturbance is likely to occur.
Lessees and operators are strongly encouraged to notify the appropriate SMA prior to entry upon the lands for the
purposes of surveying and staking. Early notification will allow the SMA to apprise the lessees and operators of any
existing conditions, knowledge of which could result in saving of time and money by both industry and Government.
These include but are not limited to:
● Whether a cultural resource inventory is required;

● Presence of threatened or endangered species and/or critical habitats;

● Vehicle access restrictions; and/or

● Permitting requirements applicable to affected lands outside the leasehold boundary.

Where the surface is privately owned or held in trust of Indian benefit, the lessee/operator is responsible for making
access arrangements with the private surface owner or the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and Indian tribe or Indian
allottee(s) prior to entry upon the lands for the purpose of surveying and staking.
Staking shall include the well location, two 200-foot directional reference stakes, the exterior dimensions of the drill
pad, reserve pit and other areas of surface disturbance, cuts and fills, and centerline flagging of new roads with road
stakes being visible from one to the next. Cut and fill staking applies only to the wellsite, reserve pit, and, if
off-location, any ancillary facilities.
[48 FR 56226, Dec. 20, 1983]

B. Material to be Filed.
1. Notice of Staking. Prior to filing a complete APD, the lessee or operator may, at its option, file a Notice of Staking
(Attachment A) with the authorized officer of BLM and appropriate office of any other involved SMA. In Alaska, a
copy of the Notice shall also be sent to the appropriate Borough and/or Native Regional or Village Corporation when a
subsistence stipulation is part of the lease.
The information contained in the Notice of Staking (NOS) will aid in identifying the need for associated rights-of-way
and special use permits. If all required information is not included, the NOS shall be returned to the operator for
2. Application for Permit to Drill (APD). Regardless of whether an NOS is filed, the lessee or operator shall file an
APD. This application shall be administratively and technically complete prior to approval. The authorized officer of
BLM shall advise the lessee or operator, within 7 working days of receipt of the application, as to whether or not the (3 of 21) [2/10/2003 1:19:58 PM]

Onshore Order 1

application is complete. If the application is complete, oral notification will suffice. If the application is not complete,
notification to that effect shall be made in writing even though the lessee or operator may have already received oral
notification. For purposes of written notification, Attachment B, Checklist For Applicant Notification, shall be mailed
to the applicant within the 7-day period. The notification shall advise the lessee or operator of any defects that need
correcting and of any additional information required. If the deficiencies are not corrected and/or the additional
required information is not submitted within 45 days of the date of any oral or written notice (if no prior oral notice),
the application shall be returned to the proponent.
Upon initiation of the APD process, the authorized officer of BLM shall consult with any other involved SMA and
with other appropriate interested parties, and shall take one of the following actions within 30 days: (1) approve the
application as submitted or with appropriate modifications or stipulations; (2) return the application and advise the
lessee or operator of the reasons for disapproval; or (3) advise the lessee or operator, either in writing or orally with
subsequent written confirmation, of the reasons why final action will be delayed and the date such final action is
When the NOS option is followed, BLM shall strive to process the subsequent related APD within 10 days of the
APD's receipt. However, in either situation, the process of reviewing the APD and advising the lessee or operator as to
whether it is technically and administratively complete shall be considered a part of the overall APD processing time,
i.e., 30 days in case of the APD option and 10 days if the NOS process is utilized. Operators are cautioned that with
respect to any particular well, the option selected initially, of either filing both an NOS and a subsequent APD or only
an APD, is to be followed and there shall be no shifting between the two options. If operators fail to maintain a
consistent approach in this regard, the processing time already expended shall not be counted as part of the above
30-day period.
The processing of applications shall be given a high priority, and individual applications shall be processed according
to the date the application is received by the appropriate BLM office. If it is not possible for BLM actions to be taken
prior to lease expiration, the lessee or operator shall be advised, at least orally, prior to the lease expiration date, with
all such notifications confirmed in writing. Said advice shall detail the reasons for delay so that the lessee or operator
may take such appeal or other recourse to preserve the lease as is allowed by law and/or regulation. The appropriate
BLM office telephone number and address shall be furnished to the lessee or operator with the earliest notification or
[48 FR 56226 and 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

C. Conferences and Inspections. An onsite predrill inspection shall be scheduled and conducted by the appropriate
BLM office within 15 days of receiving the applicant's initially-filed document, i.e., either an NOS or a complete
APD. In special circumstances, such as those areas enumerated in section III. D., the authorized officer of BLM may
require the filing of a complete APD prior to the scheduling of an onsite predrill inspection. Representatives of the
appropriate BLM office, the operator and other interested parties, such as any other involved SMA, the appropriate
Alaska Borough and/or Native Regional or Village Corporation (when a subsistence stipulation is part of the lease),
and the operator's principal dirt and, if known, drilling contractor shall attend the predrill inspection. When (4 of 21) [2/10/2003 1:19:58 PM]

Onshore Order 1

appropriate, the operator's surveyor and archeologist should also participate in the inspection. If any other involved
SMA is not able to participate at the desired time, the inspection may be rescheduled provided it can be conducted
within the 15-day period. When private surface is involved, the lessee or operator shall furnish the name, address and,
if known, telephone number of the private surface owner on the NOS form or, in the surface use program, such
information shall be attached to the APD. The BLM shall invite the surface owner to participate in the onsite
inspection. This invitation will be extended as early as possible. However, a surface owner's inability to attend shall
not delay the scheduled inspection unless BLM can conveniently reschedule the inspection within the 15-day time
period. Joint inspections, i.e., those involving any other SMA, normally shall not be held for propose infill well
locations in developed fields if an appropriate environmental assessment (EA) already has been completed by BLM for
the field or that area of the field. However, if staffing permits, a representative of BLM shall inspect those proposed
locations where a joint predrill inspection is not held. At the time of onsite inspection, staking of the location shall
have occurred, as specified in part A of this section.
The surface use and reclamation stipulations shall be developed during the onsite inspection and provided to the
operator either at the location or within 5 working days from the date of the onsite inspection, barring unusual
circumstances. These requirements shall be incorporated into the complete application, when filed, if the proponent is
following the NOS option. Otherwise, these requirements shall be incorporated as conditions of the APD approval if
an NOS is not filed. However, this does not preclude the possibility of additional conditions being imposed as a result
of the review of the complete application.
[48 FR 56226 and 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

D. Processing Time Frames. The following table summarizes the major time frames involved in processing most

APD Option
Action items Days
Onsite inspection Within 15-days after receipt of the APD.
Requirements to be imposed when APD Developed onsite or within 5 working
is approved. days thereafter.
Complete processing of APD. Within 30 days of APD receipt, provided
that it is technically and administratively
complete at the end of the 30 day period
(includes the above 15-day and 5-day

NOS OPTION (5 of 21) [2/10/2003 1:19:58 PM]

Onshore Order 1

Action items Days

Onsite inspection Within 15 days of receipt of the NOS.
Requirements for inclusion in the APD. Furnish onsite or within 5 working
days thereafter.
Complete processing of APD. Within 10 days of the APD's receipt,
provided that it is technically and
administratively complete at the end
of the 10-day period.

The above time frames together comprise the total period during which BLM anticipates it will be able to process
approximately 90 percent of all APD'S. However, the 30 days may not run consecutively even when APD's are filed
immediately after onsite inspections. For example, any time used by lessees or operators to correct deficiencies, or to
prepare and submit information initially omitted from the application and which causes delays in processing beyond
BLM's control, shall not be counted as part of the 30-day period. However, BLM shall continue to process applications
up to the point where any missing piece of information or an uncorrected deficiency renders further processing
impractical or impossible. Processing delays which extend the 30-day processing time are expected to occur in less
than 5 percent of the cases. In addition, delays in conducting onsite inspections within 15 days of receiving an NOS (or
an APD if an NOS is not filed), or delays in providing all stipulations to the operator within 5 working days of an
onsite inspection may occur in less than 5 percent of the cases during periods of severe weather conditions and in areas
where certain environmental concerns or jurisdictional conflicts exist.
Such areas include, but are not limited to:
1. Certain tribally or individually owned Indian trust or restricted lands.
2. Lands withdrawn for Federal reservoirs and Federal lands surrounding such reservoirs.
3. Lands in formally designated wilderness areas, lands formally proposed for such designation, lands within BLM
Wilderness Study Areas or lands within Forest Service Further Planning Areas.
4. National Recreation Areas.
5. Wildlife Refuges.
6. Certain Federal lands in Alaska.
7. Lands under jurisdiction of the Department of Defense.
8. Lands where a major problem exists with respect to cultural resources.
9. Lands known to contain threatened or endangered species and/or critical habitats.
The 30-day time frame for completion of the APD process may sometimes be exceeded where it is necessary to
prepare an EA, and in all cases where it is necessary to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS). (6 of 21) [2/10/2003 1:19:58 PM]

Onshore Order 1

Lessees and operators are also cautioned that if the NOS/APD process begins less than 30 days prior to the desired
date of commencement of drilling operations, the process may not be completed within the time desired.
[48 FR 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

E. Cultural Resources Clearance. Because consultation with the involved SMA and the State Historic Preservation
Officer on matters that relate to the protection of historic and cultural resources is provided in BLM (36 CFR
800.4(a)(1)), lessees and operators should contact the involved SMA at least 15 days prior to the submission of an
NOS or APD to determine whether any actions are necessary to locate and identify historic and cultural resources.
Survey work and a related report shall be required only if the involved SMA has reason to believe that properties
listed, or eligible for listing, in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) are present in the area of potential
effect. If such actions are necessary, lessees and operators are encouraged to complete the field work and submit the
required report with the complete APD submittal, when following the NOS option, or not later than the 25th day of the
30-day processing period, when following the APD option. Historic and cultural resources work on privately owned
surface shall be undertaken only with the consent of the private surface owner. If the private surface owner refuses
entry for that purpose, the lessee or operator shall use its best efforts to conduct its approved operations in a manner
that avoids adverse effects on any properties which are listed, or may be eligible for listing, in the NRHP.
[48 FR 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

F. Threatened and Endangered Species Clearance and Other Critical Environmental Concerns. The involved SMA
shall identify any threatened and endangered species and/or critical habitat problems and other environmental
concerns, e.g.. wilderness and wilderness study areas, wild and scenic rivers, etc., to minimize the possibility of drill
site relocation. Should the SMA, if that agency is not BLM, be unable to carry out this responsibility, BLM shall do so.
BLM shall identify any known or potential surface geological hazards. If any of these concerns exist, information in
that regard shall be conveyed to the lessee/operator by BLM no later than when the surface use and reclamation
stipulations are provided; however, the lessee/operator can ensure earlier identification of potential conflict in these
areas of concern by contacting the involved SMA prior to the submittal of an NOS or APD. The authorized officer of
BLM should be timely apprised of any contacts with any other involved SMA.
G. Components of a CompleteApplication for Permit to Drill.
1. Complete Application. If an NOS is filed, the lessee/operator shall prepare and submit a complete APD within 45
days of the onsite inspection pursuant to the requirements of this subsection. Failure to timely submit an APD within
this time frame may result in the lessee/operator having to repeat the entire process. The complete APD shall be
submitted in triplicate to BLM, together with any additional copies required by the authorized officer. As provided in
43 CFR 3162.3-1(d), formerly 30 CFR 221.23(d), a complete application consists of:

(a) Form 3160-3,

(b) a drilling plan (or reference thereto) containing information required by section G.4., below, (7 of 21) [2/10/2003 1:19:58 PM]

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(c) evidence of bond coverage as required by Department of the Interior regulations,

(d) designation of operator, where necessary, and
(e) such other information as may be required by applicable Orders and Notices.

The APD shall be signed by the lessee/operator official having the responsibility and authority to supervise and direct
all activities related to the permit and who can be contacted in the event of a problem. The authorized officer may
require additional information in unusual circumstances. However, where the proposed well is to be completed for
injection purposes (disposal or production enhancement), lessees and operators also shall obtain an underground
injection permit from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the State, where the State has achieved primacy.
Any information submitted in support of obtaining that permit shall be accepted by the authorized officer to the extent
that it satisfies the information submission requirements of this Order.
[48 FR 56227, Dec.20, 1983]

2. Designation of Operator. The lessee may authorize the actual conduct of operations in its behalf by designating
another party as operator in a manner and form acceptable to the authorized officer. Lessees shall notify the authorized
officer in writing whenever an existing designation of operator is cancelled. A designated operator cannot designate a
different party as operator.
3. Form 3160-3. formerly 9-331 C, (Application for Permit to Drill, Deepen, or Plug Back). This Form shall be
completed in full and submitted to the authorized officer together with all necessary information referred to under
section G.1. above. The following points a. through f. are specific as to appropriate information requirements of the
Form and shall be stated thereon, or as an attachment thereto, for each proposed well:
a. A well location plat shall be attached depicting the proposed location, as determined by a registered surveyor, in feet
and direction from the nearest section lines of an established public land survey or, in areas where there are no public
land surveys, by such other method as is acceptable to the authorized officer. The plat shall be signed by the surveyor,
certifying that the location has, in fact, been staked on the grounds as shown on the plat.
b. The elevation given shall be the above-sea-level datum of the unprepared ground.
c. The type of drilling tools to be utilized shall be stated.
d. The proposed casing program shall include the size, grade, weight, type of thread and coupling, and setting depth of
each string, and whether it is new or used.
e. The amount and type of cement, including additives to be used in setting each casing string. shall be described. If
stage-cementing techniques are to be employed, the setting depth of the stage collars and amount and type of cement,
including additives, to be used in each stage shall be given. The expected linear fill-up of each cemented string or each
stage, when utilizing stage-cementing techniques, shall be provided.
f. The anticipated duration of the total operation shall be given in addition to the anticipated starting date. (8 of 21) [2/10/2003 1:19:58 PM]

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A copy of the approved Form 3160-3 and the pertinent drilling plan, along with any conditions of approval, shall be
available at the drillsite to authorized or delegated representatives of the United States whenever active construction,
drilling, or completion operations are under way.
[48 FR 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

4. Drilling Plan. A drilling plan in sufficient detail to permit a complete appraisal of the technical adequacy of, and
environmental effects associated with, the proposed project shall be prepared and either submitted with each copy of
Form 3160-3, or referenced thereon if it is already on file with BLM or is being submitted for more than one well. The
plan shall be developed in conformity with the provisions of the lease. including attached stipulations, and the
guidelines provided by this Order or other land use documents. Each drilling plan shall contain a description of the
drilling program and surface use program. The BLM shall send a copy of appropriate parts of the plan to any other
involved SMA and may send a copy of the plan to other interested Federal, State, and local agencies. All information
identified as proprietary by the applicant pursuant to 43 CFR 3162.8, formerly 30 CFR 221.33, shall first be deleted.
The drilling program shall include a description of the pressure control system and circulation mediums, the testing,
logging and coring program, pertinent geologic data, and information on expected problems and hazards. The drilling
program shall be reviewed for adequacy by BLM. If the program is considered inadequate, BLM shall require
modification of the drilling program.
The surface use program shall contain a description of the road and drill pad location and construction methods for
containment and disposal of waste material, and other pertinent data as the authorized officer may require. The surface
use program shall provide for safe operations,. adequate protection of surface resources and uses and other
environmental components, and shall, for Federal and Indian surface, include adequate measures for reclamation of
disturbed lands no longer needed for either drilling or other subsequent operations. Where the surface is privately
owned, the authorized officer may require the submission of the reclamation plan between the lessee or operator and
landowner in order to determine if it is adequate to protect nearby Federal and Indian surface from significant impacts
generated by the operation. In developing the surface use program, the lessee or operator shall make use of such
information as is available from the involved SMA concerning the surface resources and uses, environmental
considerations, and local reclamation procedures. The surface use program shall be reviewed for adequacy by BLM
and by any other involved SMA. If the surface use program is considered inadequate, BLM shall, in consultation with
any other involved SMA, require modifications or amendment of the program or otherwise set forth stipulations or
conditions of approval as are necessary for the protection of surface resources/uses and the environment, and for the
reclamation of the areas to be disturbed when no longer needed for operational purposes.
[48 FR 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

a. Guidelines for Preparing Drilling Program. The following information shall be included as part of the drilling plan
but shall be made specific to each well if the plan covers more than one well:
(1) Estimated tops of important geologic markers. (9 of 21) [2/10/2003 1:19:58 PM]

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(2) Estimated depths at which the top and the bottom of anticipated water (particularly fresh water), oil, gas or
other mineral-bearing formations are expected to be encountered and the lessee's or operator's plans for
protecting such resources.
(3) Lessee's or operator's minimum specifications for pressure control equipment to be used and a schematic
diagram thereof showing sizes, pressure ratings (or API series), and the testing procedures and testing
(4) Any supplementary information more completely describing the drilling equipment and casing program as
set forth on Form 3160-3.
(5) Type and characteristics of the proposed circulating medium or mediums to be employed in drilling, the
quantities and types of mud and weighting material to be maintained, and the monitoring equipment to be used
on the mud system.
(6) The anticipated type and amount of testing, logging, and coring.
(7) The expected bottom hole pressure and any anticipated abnormal pressures or temperatures or potential
hazards, such as hydrogen sulfide, expected to be encountered, along with contingency plans for mitigating such
identified hazards.
(8) Any other facets of the proposed operation which the lessee or operator wishes to point out for BLM's
consideration of the application.
(b) Guidelines for Preparing Surface Use Program. In preparing this program, the lessee or operator shall submit
maps, plats, and narrative descriptions which adhere closely to the following (maps and plats should be of a scale no
smaller than 1:24,000 unless otherwise stated below):
(1) Existing Roads. A legible map (USGS topographic, county road, Alaska Borough, or other such map),
labeled and showing the access route to the location, shall be used for locating the proposed well site in relation
to a town (village) or other locatable point, such as a highway or county road, which handles the majority of the
through traffic to the general area. The proposed route to the location, including appropriate distances from the
point where the access route exits established roads, shall be shown. All access roads shall be appropriately
labeled. Any plans for improvement and/or a statement that existing roads will be maintained in the same or
better condition shall be provided. Existing roads and newly constructed roads on surface under the jurisdiction
of an SMA shall be maintained in accordance with the standards of the SMA.
Information required by items (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), and (8) of this subsection also may be shown on this map if
appropriately labeled or on a separate plat or map.
(2) Access Roads to Be Constructed and Reconstructed. All permanent and temporary access roads that are to be
constructed, or reconstructed, in connection with the drilling of the proposed well shall be appropriately
identified and submitted on a map or plat. Width, maximum grade, major cuts and fills, turnouts, drainage
design, location and size of culverts and/or bridges, fence cuts and/or cattleguards, and type of surfacing (10 of 21) [2/10/2003 1:19:58 PM]

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material, if any, shall be stated for all construction. In addition, where permafrost exists, the methods for
protection from thawing must be indicated. Modification of proposed road design may be required during the
onsite inspection.
Information also should be furnished to indicate where existing facilities may be altered or modified. Such
facilities include gates, cattleguards, culverts, and bridges which, if installed or replaced, shall be designed to
adequately carry anticipated loads.
[48 FR 56227, Dec.20, 1983]

(3) Location of Existing Wells. It is recommended that this information be submitted on a map or plat and
include all wells (water, injection or disposal, producing, and drilling) within a 1-mile radius of the proposed
(4) Location of Existing and/or Proposed Facilities if Well is Productive.
(a) On well pad - A map or plat shall be included showing, to the extent known or anticipated, the location
of all production facilities and lines to be installed if the well is successfully completed for production.
(b) Off well pad - A map or plat shall be included showing to the extent known or anticipated, the existing
or new production facilities to be utilized and the lines to bc installed if the well is successfully completed
for production. If new construction, the dimensions of the facility layout are to be shown.
If the information required under (a) or (b) above is not known and cannot be accurately presented and the
well subsequently is completed for production, the operator shall then comply with section IV. of this
(5) Location and Type of Water Supply (Rivers, Creeks, Lakes, Ponds, and Wells). This information may be
shown by quarter-quarter section on a map or plat, or may be a written description. The source and
transportation method for all water to be used in drilling the proposed well shall be noted if the source is located
on Federal or Indian lands or if water is to be used from a Federal or Indian project. If the water is obtained from
other than Federal or Indian lands, only the location need be identified. Any access roads crossing Federal or
Indian lands that are needed to haul the water shall be described in items G.4.b. (1) and (2), as appropriate. If a
water supply well is to be drilled on the lease, it shall be so stated under this item, and the authorized officer of
BLM may require the filing of a separate APD.
(6) Construction Materials. The lessee or operator shall state the character and intended use of all construction
materials, such as sand, gravel, stone and soil material. If the materials to be used are Federally-owned, the
proposed source shall be shown by either quarter-quarter section on a map or plat, or a written description, The
use of materials under BLM jurisdiction is governed by 43 CFR 3610.2-3. The authorized officer shall inform
the lessee or operator if the materials may be used free of charge or if an application for sale is required. If the
materials to be used are Indian owned or under the jurisdiction of any SMA other than BLM, the specific tribe
and or Area Superintendent of BIA, or the appropriate SMA office shall be contacted to determine the
appropriate procedure for use of the materials. (11 of 21) [2/10/2003 1:19:58 PM]

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[48 FR 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

(7) Methods for Handling Waste Disposal A written description shall be given of the methods and locations
proposed for safe containment and disposal of each type of waste material (e.g., cuttings, garbage, salts,
chemicals, sewage, etc.) that results from the drilling of the proposed well. Likewise, the narrative shall include
plans for the eventual disposal of drilling fluids and any produced oil or water recovered during testing
(8) Ancillary Facilities. The plans, or subsequent amendments to such plans, shall identify all ancillary facilities
such as camps and airstrips as to their location, land area required, and the methods and standards to be
employed in their construction. Such facilities shall be shown on a map or plat. The approximate center of
proposed camps and the center line of airstrips shall be staked on the ground.
(9) Well Site Layout. A plat of suitable scale (not less than 1 inch= 50 feet) showing the proposed drill pad and
its approximate location with respect to topographic features is required. Cross section diagrams of the drill pad
showing any cuts and fills and the relation to topography are also required. The plat shall also include the
approximate proposed location of the reserve and burn pits, access roads onto the pad, turnaround areas, parking
areas, living facilities, soil material stockpiles, and the orientation of the rig with respect to the pad and other
facilities. Plans, if any, to line the reserve pit shall be detailed.
[48 FR 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

(10) Plans for Reclamation of the Surface. The program for surface reclamation upon completion of the
operation, such as configuration of the reshaped topography, drainage system, segregation of spoil materials,
surface manipulations, waste disposal, revegetation methods, and soil treatments, plus other practices necessary
to reclaim all disturbed areas, including any access roads or portions of well pads when no longer needed, shall
be stated. An estimate of the time for commencement and completion of reclamation operations, dependent on
weather conditions and other local uses of the area, shall be provided.
[48 FR 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

(11) Surface Ownership. The surface ownership (Federal, Indian, State or private) at the well location, and for
all lands crossed by roads which are to be constructed or upgraded, shall be indicated. Where the surface of the
well site is privately owned, the operator shall provide the name, address and, if known, telephone number of the
surface owner, unless previously provided.
[48 FR 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

(12) Other Information. The lessee or operator is encouraged to submit any additional information that may be
helpful in processing the application.
(13) Lessee's or Operator's Representative and Certification. The name, address and telephone number of the
lessee's or operator's field representative shall be included. The lessee or operator submitting the APD shall
certify as follow,: (12 of 21) [2/10/2003 1:19:58 PM]

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I hereby certify that I, or persons under my direct supervision, have inspected the proposed drill site and access
route; that I am familiar with the conditions which currently exist; that the statements made in this plan are, to
the best of my knowledge, true and correct; and that the work associated with operations proposed herein will be
performed by__________________________ and its contractors and subcontractors in conformity with this
plan and the terms and conditions under which it is approved. This statement is subject to the provisions of l8
U.S.C. 1001 for the filing of a false statement.
Date __________________
Name and Title ______________________________________
5. Environmental Review Requirements. When an onsite inspection is conducted, it shall be made by representatives of
the authorized officer and the operator, and other interested parties such as the involved SMA, the appropriate Alaska
Borough and/or Native Regional Corporation (when a subsistence stipulation is part of the lease), and the operator's
principal dirt contractor and, if known, drilling contractor. It is recommended that, when appropriate, the operator's
surveyor and archeologist should also participate in the inspection. The purpose of this inspection shall be to ensure the
staked location, access roads and other areas proposed for surface disturbance are geologically and environmentally
acceptable, giving appropriate consideration to all applicable Federal laws and regulations. Lessees and operators are
encouraged to designate their future drilling sites so that several locations may be inspected at one time.
[48 FR 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

a. Federal Responsibilities. When an inspection is made, the information obtained shall be utilized by BLM in
appraising the environmental effects associated with the proposed action and in preparing pertinent portions of the
required environmental documentation. As the approving agency, BLM has the lead responsibility for completing the
environmental review process and establishing the terms and conditions under which the proposed action may be
approved. The conduct of the environmental review process, under the Department of the Interior's implementing
procedures pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act, will result in the preparation of a Record of Review
(ROR) and/or an EA, consistent with pertinent regulations and procedures. This review shall identify the probable and
potential environmental impacts associated with the proposal and methods for mitigating these impacts and shall be the
basis of the approving official's determination as to whether approval of the proposed activity would or would not
constitute a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment as defined by section
102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. A "would constitute" determination shall necessitate the
preparation of an EIS. In that case, final action on the APD shall not be taken until the EIS and Record of Decision are
b. Other Considerations. Lessees and operators are strongly encouraged to file their NOS and/or complete APD at
least 30 days in advance of the time when they wish to commence operations and to consult with the involved SMA as
early as possible to identify potential areas of concern (see sections III. E. and F.).

IV. Subsequent Operations.Subsequent operations shall be conducted in accordance with 43 CFR Part 3160, formerly
30 CFR 221. However, where the proposed subsequent operation will result in the well being converted for injection (13 of 21) [2/10/2003 1:19:58 PM]

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purposes (disposal or production enhancement), lessees and operators also shall obtain an underground injection
permit from EPA or the State, where the State has achieved primacy. Any information submitted in support of
obtaining that permit shall be accepted by the authorized officer of BLM to the extent that it satisfies the information
submittal requirements of this Order.
A. Well and Production Operations. Before conducting further well operations that involve change in the original plan,
a detailed written statement of the work shall be filed on Form 3160-5 or 3160-3, as appropriate, with the authorized
officer and approval obtained before the work is started. These operations include redrilling, deepening, performing
casing repairs, plugging-back, altering casing, performing nonroutine fracturing jobs, recompleting in a different
interval, performing water shut-off, and converting to injection or disposal. Within 30 days of the completion of such
operations, a subsequent report shall be filed on Form 3160-5 and, if the well is recompleted, a recompletion report on
Form 3160-4, pursuant to 43 CFR 3162.3-2 and the information collection approval note, formerly 30 CFR 221.27
and 221.2-1.

Unless additional surface disturbance is involved and so long as the operations conform to the standard of prudent
operating practice, no prior approval is required for routine fracturing or acidizing jobs, or recompletion in the same
interval, but a subsequent report of these operations shall be filed on Form 3160-5, formerly 9-331, within 30 days of
completion, pursuant to 43 CFR 3162.3-2 and the information collection approval note, formerly 30 CFR 221.27 and

Neither prior approval nor a subsequent report is required for well clean-out work, routine well maintenance (such as
pump, rods, and tubing work), or for repair, replacement, or modification of surface production equipment, provided
no additional surface disturbance is involved. However, the modification of any production. treating. and measurement
facilities shall require the submission of a revised schematic diagram within 30 days of the completion of such
operations, pursuant to 43 CFR 3162.7-2. formerly 30 CFR 221.34.
[48 FR 56227, Dec.20, 1983]

B. Surface Disturbing Operations.Pursuant to 43 CFR 3162.3-2 and 3162.3-3, formerly 30 CFR 221.27 and 221.28,
lessees and operators shall submit, for the approval of the authorized officer, a proposed plan of operations on Form
3160-5 prior to undertaking any subsequent new construction, reconstruction, or alteration of existing facilities
including. but not limited to, roads, emergency pits. firewalls. flowlines, or other production facilities on any lease
when additional surface disturbance will result. If, at the time the original APD was filed, the lessee or operator elected
to defer submitting information for item III.G.4.b.(4), "Location of Existing and/or Proposed Facilities if Well is
Productive," the lessee or operator shall supply this information for approval prior to construction and installation of
the facilities. The authorized officer, in consultation with any other involved SMA, may require a field inspection
before approving the proposal.
C. Emergency Repairs. Emergency repairs may be conducted without prior approval provided that the authorized
officer is promptly notified. Sufficient information shall be submitted to permit a proper evaluation of any resultant
surface disturbing activities as well as any planned accommodations necessary to mitigate potential adverse (14 of 21) [2/10/2003 1:19:58 PM]

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environmental effects.
D. Environmental Review. The environmental review procedures discussed in section III.G.5. of this Order shall also
apply to subsequent operations which involve additional surface disturbance.

V. Well Abandonment. No well abandonment operations may be commenced without the prior approval of the
authorized officer. In the case of newly drilled dry holes or failures and in emergency situations, oral approval may be
obtained from the authorized officer subject to prompt written confirmation. For old wells not having an approved
abandonment plan, a sketch showing the disturbed area and roads to be abandoned, along with the proposed
reclamation measures, shall be submitted with Form 3160-5. On Federal and Indian surface, the appropriate SMA may
request additional reclamation measures at abandonment, which normally shall be made a part of BLM's approval of
abandonment. Within 30 days following completion of the well abandonment, the lessee or operator shall file with the
authorized officer of BLM a Subsequent Report of Abandonment on Form 3160-5, in accordance with 43 CFR Part
3160, formerly 30 CFR Part 221. Upon completion of reclamation operations, the lessee or operator shall notify the
authorized officer when the location is ready for inspection, via an additional Form 3160-5. Final abandonment shall
not be approved until the surface reclamation work required by the approved drilling permit or approved abandonment
notice has been completed to the satisfaction of the involved SMA.

VI. Water Well Conversion. The complete abandonment of a well which has encountered usable fresh water shall not
be approved if the SMA or surface owner wants to acquire the well. If, at abandonment, the SMA or surface owner
elects to assume further responsibility for the well, the SMA or surface owner, as appropriate, shall reimburse the
lessee or operator for the cost of any recoverable casing or wellhead equipment which is to be left in or on the hole
solely because it is to be completed as a water well. The lessee or operator shall abandon the well to the base of the
deepest fresh water zone of interest, as required by the authorized officer, and shall complete the surface cleanup and
reclamation, as required by the approved drilling permit or approved abandonment notice, immediately upon
completion of the conversion operations.

VII. Privately Owned Surface.-

A. Federal oil and gas leases. Where the well site and access road surface are privately owned or are held in trust for
Indian benefit, the lessee or operator is responsible for reaching an agreement with BIA or the private surface owner as
to the requirements for the protection of surface resources and reclamation of disturbed areas and/or damages in lieu
thereof. However, if the authorized officer or any other involved SMA determines that the surface of Federal or
Indian-owned lands in proximity to the proposed well site or access road on private surface will be significantly
affected, the lessee or operator may be required to furnish a copy of any existing agreement between the lessee or
operator and the surface owner to the authorized officer. If the agreement on private surface is considered inadequate
to protect the surface of adjacent Federal or Indian-owned lands, the authorized officer or other involved SMA may
prescribe additional measures to protect the adjacent Federal or Indian lands. In the event there is no agreement
between the surface owner and the operator, the operator may comply with the provisions of the law or the regulations (15 of 21) [2/10/2003 1:19:58 PM]

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governing the Federal or Indian right of reentry to the surface (See Subpart 3814 of this title) and the authorized officer
may then proceed to issue the permit.
B. Indian oil and gas ]cases. Where the well site and access road surface are privately owned or are held in trust for an
Indian or Indian tribe other than the owner of the oil and gas rights, the lessee or operator is responsible for reaching an
agreement with the surface owner (or the BIA if the surface is held in trust for numerous or unlocatable Indian owners)
as to the requirement for the protection of surface resources and reclamation of disturbed areas and/or damages in lieu
thereof. However, if the authorized officer or any other involved SMA determines that the surface of Federal or
Indian-owned lands in proximity to the proposed well site or access road on private surface will be significantly
affected, the lessee or operator may be required to furnish the authorized officer a copy of any existing agreement
between the lessee or operator and the surface owner. If the agreement on private, surface is considered inadequate to
protect the surface of adjacent Federal or Indian owned lands, the authorized officer or other involved SMA may
prescribe additional measures to protect the adjacent Federal or Indian-owned lands. In the event there is no agreement
between the surface owner and the operator, the authorized officer may permit the operator to conduct operations if
he/she determines that:
(1) a good faith effort has been made by the operator to reach agreement with the surface owner,
(2) adequate security is posted, in the form of a bond. escrow account or by other means, to compensate the surface
owner for any damages; and
(3) there is no legal obstacle to conducting operations in the absence of surface owner consent.

VIII. Report and Activities Required After Well Completion. Within 30 days after the well completion, the lessee or
operator shall furnish 2 copies of Form 3160-4, formerly 9-330 (Well Completion or Recompletion Report and Log)
to the authorized officer. However, no later than the fifth business day after any well begins production anywhere on a
lease site or allocated to a lease site, or resumes production in the case of a well that has been off production for more
than 90 days, the lessee or operator shall notify the authorized officer of the date on which production has begun or
The notification may be provided orally if promptly confirmed in writing.
Attachment A
NOTICE OF STAKING (Not to be used in place of 6. Lease Number
Application for Permit to Drill Form 3160-3)

1. Oil Well Gas Well Other(Specify) 7. If Indian, Allottee or Tribe Name

2. Name of Operator: 8. Unit Agreement Name

3. Name of Specific Contact Person: 9. Farm or Lease Name (16 of 21) [2/10/2003 1:19:58 PM]

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4. Address & Phone No. of Operator or Agent 10. Well No.

5. Surface Location of Well 11. Field or Wildcat Name

12. Sec., T., R., M., or Blk and Survey or
a) Sketch showing road entry onto pad, pad dimensions, Area
and reserve pit.
b) Topographical or other acceptable map showing
location, access road, and lease boundaries.

15. Formation Objective(s) 16. Estimated Well 13. County, Parish, or 14. State

17. Additional Information (as appropriate; must include surface owner's name, address and, if known,
telephone number)

18. Signed__________________________________ Title____________________________


Note: Upon receipt of the Notice, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will schedule the date of the
onsite predrill inspection and notify you accordingly. The location must be staked and access road must be
flagged prior to the onsite.

Operators must consider the following prior to the onsite:

a) H2S Potential
b) Cultural Resources (Archeology)
c) Federal Right of Way or Special Use Permit


Instructions for Preparation of Attachment A

General: This provides notice to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) that staking has been (or will be) completed
for well locations on Federal or Indian leases and serves as a request to schedule an onsite inspection. The original and
one copy of this notice, together with a map and sketch, should be submitted to the appropriate BLM office. (17 of 21) [2/10/2003 1:19:58 PM]

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Any item not completed may be justification for not promptly scheduling the onsite inspection.
Specific Considerations: Items included herein should be reviewed and evaluated thoroughly prior to the onsite. These
items affect placement of location, road, and facilities. Failure to be prepared with complete, accurate information at
the onsite may necessitate later re-evaluation of the site and an additional onsite inspection.
a. H2S Potential: Prevailing winds, escape routes, and placement of living quarters must be considered.

b. Cultural Resources: Archeological surveys, if required, should be done prior to, during or immediately following the
onsite. Changes in location due to subsequent archeological findings may require an additional onsite. Contact
involved Surface Management Agency (SMA) for detailed site specific requirements.
c. Federal Right-of-Way or Special Use Permit: Access roads outside the leasehold boundary which cross Federal
lands will require a right-of-way grant or special use permit and should be discussed with the BLM or other involved
SMA at the time of filing the Notice of Staking.
Supplemental Checklist: The following items, if applicable, should be submitted with or prior to the Application For
Permit to Drill (APD) to ensure timely approval of the application. Contact the BLM regarding specific requirements
relating to each item.
1. Bonding.
2. Designation of Operator.
3. Report of Cultural Resources/Archeology.
4. H2S Contingency Plan.
5. Status of Plan of Development and Designation of Agent for wells in Federal units.
6. Federal Right-of-Way (BLM) or Special Use Permit (Forest Service).
Timetable: The onsite inspection will be scheduled and conducted by the BLM within 15 days after receipt of this
notice. Surface protection and rehabilitation requirements will be made known to the operator by the BLM during the
onsite or no later than 5 working days from the date of inspection, barring unusual circumstances. These requirements
are to be incorporated into he complete APD. However, this does not exclude the possibility of additional conditions of
approval being imposed.
[48 FR 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

Bureau of Land Management
Checklist for Applicant Notification
Receipt and Acceptability of Application for Permit To Drill (APD) (18 of 21) [2/10/2003 1:19:58 PM]

Onshore Order 1

Lease No.________________
Well No._________________
Date APD Received_____________________
1.____ APD complete as submitted.
2.____ APD is deficient in the following area (s) and (see items 3, 4, or 5 below): -Designation of Operator
● Designation of Agent under __________________________ unit agreement

● Bonding

● Cultural Resources Report (depends on Federal Surface Management Agency's Requirements

● Form 3160-3, formerly 9-331C

● Drilling Plan
● Other (Refer to attachment(s) for any specifics)
3.____APD is retained; to be processed upon receipt of further information as noted above.
4.____APD is being processed; final action pending receipt of further information as noted above.
5.____APD is returned for the following reasons:__________________________________

Note:- A returned APD herewith may be resubmitted when convenient at which time it will be reviewed again for
technical and administrative completeness.
A retained but deficient APD must be brought to a technically and administratively acceptable level of completion
within 45 days of the date of this notice or the application will be returned unapproved.
[48 FR 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

Updated on April 23, 1997 by John Broderick (19 of 21) [2/10/2003 1:19:58 PM]

Onshore Order 1

Note: The Order is in it's official form. However, changes to this Order were proposed in the Federal Register on July
23, 1992. Due to a number of changes in the regulations, policies and procedures a decision has been to repropose the
order rather than to proceed as originally planned. Therefore, any modifications to the text are limited to clarification
and changes to match the text to that contained in this Order or 43 CFR 3160. They are in "bold", "italicized", and are
"underlined" and are as follows:
Production Facilities should be Well and Production Operations
Other Operations should be Surface Disturbing Operations
Well-Abandonment should be Well Abandonment
Delete , formerly 30 CFR 221
Delete , formerly CFR 221.23, 221.27, 221.28, 221.29, 0r 221.30, as appropriate
Delete , formerly 30 CFR 221.23(d)
Delete formerly 9-331C
Change (Application for Permit to Drll, Deepen, or Plug Back) to Application for Permit to Drill or Deepen
Delete formerly 9-331
Delete parenthesis around Sundry Notices and Reports On Wells
Delete , formerly 30 CFR 221.27 or 221.28, respectively
Change working to business
Delete , formerly 30 CFR 221.33
Change (b) to b
Change the information collection approval note, formerly 30 CFR 221.27 and 221.2-1 to 43 CFR 3160.0-9
Delete , formerly 9-331
Delete , formerly 9-330
Delete , formerly 30 CFR 221.34
Delete , formerly 30 CFR 221.27 and 221.28,
Delete parenthesis from around Well Completion or Recompletion Report and Log; and add a comma after Log (20 of 21) [2/10/2003 1:19:58 PM]

Onshore Order 1

Delete , formerly 9-331C

Updated on April 23, 1997 by John Broderick (21 of 21) [2/10/2003 1:19:58 PM]

Onshore Oil and Gas Order
Federal and Indian Oil and Gas Leases
Order No. 1
Effective: November 21, 1983.
(See Note below)

Approval of Operations

This Order is established pursuant to the authority prescribed in 43 CFR Part 3160, formerly 30 CFR 221.
Approval of all proposed exploratory, development, and service wells, and all required approvals of subsequent
well operations and other lease operations, shall be obtained in accordance with 43 CFR 3162.3-1, 3162.3-2,
3162.3-3, 3162.3-4 and 3162.5-1, formerly 30 CFR 221.23, 221.27, 221.28, 221.29, or 221.30, as appropriate.
All wells approved for drilling under the provisions of this Order shall have been included in a drilling plan, as
required under 43 CFR 3162.3-1(d), formerly 30 CFR 221.23(d).
A drilling plan may be submitted for a single well, or for several wells that are proposed to be drilled to the same
zone within a field or area of geological and environmental similarity. Plans for additional development of the
leasehold should be considered in the submittal.
However, approval of Form 3160-3, formerly 9-331C (Application for Permit to Drill, Deepen, or Plug Back) is
required for each well, and in order to be complete an Application for Permit to Drill (APD) shall include all
information required under 43 CFR 3162.3-1 (d) and (e). A technically and administratively complete APD
includes, in addition to Form 3160-3, a drilling plan, evidence of bond coverage, a designation of operator, when
appropriate, and such other information as may be required by applicable Order or Notice to evaluate the
proposal. Refer to section III.G. for more detailed guidance on complete APD'S.
Certain subsequent well operations and other lease operations involving additional surface disturbance shall be
included in a plan submitted on Form 3160-5, formerly 9-331 (Sundry Notices and Reports On Wells), and
approved under the provisions of this Order pursuant to 43 CFR 3162.3-2 or 3162.3-3, formerly 30 CFR 221.27
or 221.28, respectively.
A report on all subsequent well operations shall be filed on Form 3160-5, as prescribed in 43 CFR 3162.3-2. A
notice of intention to abandon a well and a subsequent report of abandonment shall also be filed on Form 3160-5,
as required by 43 CFR 3162.3-4.
All applications for approval under the provisions of this Order shall be submitted to the appropriate authorized
officer of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). "Authorized Officer" means any person authorized to perform
the duties prescribed. To be advised of the proper BLM official and office with which to file an application, the
lessee/operator may contact the appropriate District Manager of BLM having jurisdiction over lease operations in
a particular area.
The lessee/operator shall comply with the following requirements:

I. Accountability. Lessees and operators have the responsibility to see that their exploration, development, (1 of 16) [2/10/2003 1:20:09 PM]

production, and construction operations are conducted in a manner which (1) conforms with applicable Federal
laws and regulations and with State and local laws and regulations to the extent that such State and local laws are
applicable to operations on Federal or Indian leases; (2) conforms with the lease terms, lease stipulations, and
conditions of approval; (3) results in diligent development and efficient resource recovery; (4) protects the lease
from drainage; (5) affords adequate safeguards for the environment; (6) results in the proper reclamation of
disturbed lands; (7) conforms with current available technology and practice; (8) assures that underground
sources of fresh water will not be endangered by any fluid injection operation; and (9) otherwise assures the
protection of the public health and safety. Lessees and operators shall be held fully accountable for their
contractors and subcontractors' compliance with the requirements of the approved permit and/or plan.
Drilling/construction and associated operations shall not be conducted without prior approval of the authorized
officer of BLM. BLM approval of the APD does not relieve the lessee and operator from obtaining any other
authorizations required for operations on Federal and Indian lands.
[48 FR 56226, Dec. 20, 1983]

II. Special Situations. Lessees and operators, as well as their contractors and subcontractors, shall not commence
any operation or construction activity on a lease, other than cultural resource inventories and surveying and
staking well locations on Federal and Indian lands, without the prior approval of the authorized officer of BLM,
except for certain subsequent operations (see Section IV. of this Order). The terms and conditions of an approved
permit and drilling plan, or other plan, shall not be altered unless BLM first has approved an amended or
supplemental permit and/or plan covering any such modifications.
For proposed operations on a committed State or fee tract in a Federally supervised unit or communitized tract,
the operator shall furnish a copy of the approved State permit to the authorized officer of BLM which will be
accepted for record purposes. In addition, in cases where an access road to a non-Federal or non-Indian drillsite
will cross leased Federal or Indian lands, the operator shall submit a surface use plan only for those portions of
the access road on Federal or Indian lands where new construction or reconstruction will occur. Such plans shall
be submitted to the authorized officer of BLM or appropriate Federal Surface Management Agency (SMA) and
approval obtained prior to commencement of construction operations on the Federal or Indian surface. For
privately owned surface. refer to section VII.
[48 FR 56226, Dec. 20, 1983]

III. Drilling Operations.

A. Surveying and Staking. Surveying and staking may be done without advance approval from the authorized
officer of BLM or other appropriate SMA and prior to the conduct of any required cultural resource inventory,
except for lands administered by the Department of Defense or other lands used for military purposes, or where
significant surface disturbance is likely to occur.
Lessees and operators are strongly encouraged to notify the appropriate SMA prior to entry upon the lands for the
purposes of surveying and staking. Early notification will allow the SMA to apprise the lessees and operators of
any existing conditions, knowledge of which could result in saving of time and money by both industry and
Government. These include but are not limited to:
● Whether a cultural resource inventory is required;

● Presence of threatened or endangered species and/or critical habitats;

● Vehicle access restrictions; and/or

● Permitting requirements applicable to affected lands outside the leasehold boundary. (2 of 16) [2/10/2003 1:20:09 PM]

Where the surface is privately owned or held in trust of Indian benefit, the lessee/operator is responsible for
making access arrangements with the private surface owner or the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and Indian
tribe or Indian allottee(s) prior to entry upon the lands for the purpose of surveying and staking.
Staking shall include the well location, two 200-foot directional reference stakes, the exterior dimensions of the
drill pad, reserve pit and other areas of surface disturbance, cuts and fills, and centerline flagging of new roads
with road stakes being visible from one to the next. Cut and fill staking applies only to the wellsite, reserve pit,
and, if off-location, any ancillary facilities.
[48 FR 56226, Dec. 20, 1983]

B. Material to be Filed.
1. Notice of Staking. Prior to filing a complete APD, the lessee or operator may, at its option, file a Notice of
Staking (Attachment A) with the authorized officer of BLM and appropriate office of any other involved SMA. In
Alaska, a copy of the Notice shall also be sent to the appropriate Borough and/or Native Regional or Village
Corporation when a subsistence stipulation is part of the lease.
The information contained in the Notice of Staking (NOS) will aid in identifying the need for associated
rights-of-way and special use permits. If all required information is not included, the NOS shall be returned to the
operator for modification.
2. Application for Permit to Drill (APD). Regardless of whether an NOS is filed, the lessee or operator shall file
an APD. This application shall be administratively and technically complete prior to approval. The authorized
officer of BLM shall advise the lessee or operator, within 7 working days of receipt of the application, as to
whether or not the application is complete. If the application is complete, oral notification will suffice. If the
application is not complete, notification to that effect shall be made in writing even though the lessee or operator
may have already received oral notification. For purposes of written notification, Attachment B, Checklist For
Applicant Notification, shall be mailed to the applicant within the 7-day period. The notification shall advise the
lessee or operator of any defects that need correcting and of any additional information required. If the
deficiencies are not corrected and/or the additional required information is not submitted within 45 days of the
date of any oral or written notice (if no prior oral notice), the application shall be returned to the proponent.
Upon initiation of the APD process, the authorized officer of BLM shall consult with any other involved SMA
and with other appropriate interested parties, and shall take one of the following actions within 30 days: (1)
approve the application as submitted or with appropriate modifications or stipulations; (2) return the application
and advise the lessee or operator of the reasons for disapproval; or (3) advise the lessee or operator, either in
writing or orally with subsequent written confirmation, of the reasons why final action will be delayed and the
date such final action is expected.
When the NOS option is followed, BLM shall strive to process the subsequent related APD within 10 days of the
APD's receipt. However, in either situation, the process of reviewing the APD and advising the lessee or operator
as to whether it is technically and administratively complete shall be considered a part of the overall APD
processing time, i.e., 30 days in case of the APD option and 10 days if the NOS process is utilized. Operators are
cautioned that with respect to any particular well, the option selected initially, of either filing both an NOS and a
subsequent APD or only an APD, is to be followed and there shall be no shifting between the two options. If
operators fail to maintain a consistent approach in this regard, the processing time already expended shall not be
counted as part of the above 30-day period.
The processing of applications shall be given a high priority, and individual applications shall be processed
according to the date the application is received by the appropriate BLM office. If it is not possible for BLM (3 of 16) [2/10/2003 1:20:09 PM]

actions to be taken prior to lease expiration, the lessee or operator shall be advised, at least orally, prior to the
lease expiration date, with all such notifications confirmed in writing. Said advice shall detail the reasons for
delay so that the lessee or operator may take such appeal or other recourse to preserve the lease as is allowed by
law and/or regulation. The appropriate BLM office telephone number and address shall be furnished to the lessee
or operator with the earliest notification or advice.
[48 FR 56226 and 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

C. Conferences and Inspections. An onsite predrill inspection shall be scheduled and conducted by the
appropriate BLM office within 15 days of receiving the applicant's initially-filed document, i.e., either an NOS or
a complete APD. In special circumstances, such as those areas enumerated in section III. D., the authorized
officer of BLM may require the filing of a complete APD prior to the scheduling of an onsite predrill inspection.
Representatives of the appropriate BLM office, the operator and other interested parties, such as any other
involved SMA, the appropriate Alaska Borough and/or Native Regional or Village Corporation (when a
subsistence stipulation is part of the lease), and the operator's principal dirt and, if known, drilling contractor shall
attend the predrill inspection. When appropriate, the operator's surveyor and archeologist should also participate
in the inspection. If any other involved SMA is not able to participate at the desired time, the inspection may be
rescheduled provided it can be conducted within the 15-day period. When private surface is involved, the lessee
or operator shall furnish the name, address and, if known, telephone number of the private surface owner on the
NOS form or, in the surface use program, such information shall be attached to the APD. The BLM shall invite
the surface owner to participate in the onsite inspection. This invitation will be extended as early as possible.
However, a surface owner's inability to attend shall not delay the scheduled inspection unless BLM can
conveniently reschedule the inspection within the 15-day time period. Joint inspections, i.e., those involving any
other SMA, normally shall not be held for propose infill well locations in developed fields if an appropriate
environmental assessment (EA) already has been completed by BLM for the field or that area of the field.
However, if staffing permits, a representative of BLM shall inspect those proposed locations where a joint predrill
inspection is not held. At the time of onsite inspection, staking of the location shall have occurred, as specified in
part A of this section.
The surface use and reclamation stipulations shall be developed during the onsite inspection and provided to the
operator either at the location or within 5 working days from the date of the onsite inspection, barring unusual
circumstances. These requirements shall be incorporated into the complete application, when filed, if the
proponent is following the NOS option. Otherwise, these requirements shall be incorporated as conditions of the
APD approval if an NOS is not filed. However, this does not preclude the possibility of additional conditions
being imposed as a result of the review of the complete application.
[48 FR 56226 and 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

D. Processing Time Frames. The following table summarizes the major time frames involved in processing most

APD Option
Action items Days
Onsite inspection Within 15-days after receipt of the APD.
Requirements to be imposed when APD is Developed onsite or within 5 working days
approved. thereafter. (4 of 16) [2/10/2003 1:20:09 PM]

Complete processing of APD. Within 30 days of APD receipt, provided that
it is technically and administratively complete
at the end of the 30 day period
(includes the above 15-day and 5-day

Action items Days
Onsite inspection Within 15 days of receipt of the NOS.
Requirements for inclusion in the APD. Furnish onsite or within 5 working days
Complete processing of APD. Within 10 days of the APD's receipt,
provided that it is technically and
administratively complete at the end of the
10-day period.

The above time frames together comprise the total period during which BLM anticipates it will be able to process
approximately 90 percent of all APD'S. However, the 30 days may not run consecutively even when APD's are
filed immediately after onsite inspections. For example, any time used by lessees or operators to correct
deficiencies, or to prepare and submit information initially omitted from the application and which causes delays
in processing beyond BLM's control, shall not be counted as part of the 30-day period. However, BLM shall
continue to process applications up to the point where any missing piece of information or an uncorrected
deficiency renders further processing impractical or impossible. Processing delays which extend the 30-day
processing time are expected to occur in less than 5 percent of the cases. In addition, delays in conducting onsite
inspections within 15 days of receiving an NOS (or an APD if an NOS is not filed), or delays in providing all
stipulations to the operator within 5 working days of an onsite inspection may occur in less than 5 percent of the
cases during periods of severe weather conditions and in areas where certain environmental concerns or
jurisdictional conflicts exist.
Such areas include, but are not limited to:
1. Certain tribally or individually owned Indian trust or restricted lands.
2. Lands withdrawn for Federal reservoirs and Federal lands surrounding such reservoirs.
3. Lands in formally designated wilderness areas, lands formally proposed for such designation, lands within
BLM Wilderness Study Areas or lands within Forest Service Further Planning Areas.
4. National Recreation Areas.
5. Wildlife Refuges.
6. Certain Federal lands in Alaska.
7. Lands under jurisdiction of the Department of Defense.
8. Lands where a major problem exists with respect to cultural resources.
9. Lands known to contain threatened or endangered species and/or critical habitats.
The 30-day time frame for completion of the APD process may sometimes be exceeded where it is necessary to (5 of 16) [2/10/2003 1:20:09 PM]

prepare an EA, and in all cases where it is necessary to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS).
Lessees and operators are also cautioned that if the NOS/APD process begins less than 30 days prior to the
desired date of commencement of drilling operations, the process may not be completed within the time desired.
[48 FR 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

E. Cultural Resources Clearance. Because consultation with the involved SMA and the State Historic
Preservation Officer on matters that relate to the protection of historic and cultural resources is provided in BLM
(36 CFR 800.4(a)(1)), lessees and operators should contact the involved SMA at least 15 days prior to the
submission of an NOS or APD to determine whether any actions are necessary to locate and identify historic and
cultural resources.
Survey work and a related report shall be required only if the involved SMA has reason to believe that properties
listed, or eligible for listing, in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) are present in the area of
potential effect. If such actions are necessary, lessees and operators are encouraged to complete the field work
and submit the required report with the complete APD submittal, when following the NOS option, or not later
than the 25th day of the 30-day processing period, when following the APD option. Historic and cultural
resources work on privately owned surface shall be undertaken only with the consent of the private surface
owner. If the private surface owner refuses entry for that purpose, the lessee or operator shall use its best efforts to
conduct its approved operations in a manner that avoids adverse effects on any properties which are listed, or may
be eligible for listing, in the NRHP.
[48 FR 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

F. Threatened and Endangered Species Clearance and Other Critical Environmental Concerns. The involved
SMA shall identify any threatened and endangered species and/or critical habitat problems and other
environmental concerns, e.g.. wilderness and wilderness study areas, wild and scenic rivers, etc., to minimize the
possibility of drill site relocation. Should the SMA, if that agency is not BLM, be unable to carry out this
responsibility, BLM shall do so. BLM shall identify any known or potential surface geological hazards. If any of
these concerns exist, information in that regard shall be conveyed to the lessee/operator by BLM no later than
when the surface use and reclamation stipulations are provided; however, the lessee/operator can ensure earlier
identification of potential conflict in these areas of concern by contacting the involved SMA prior to the submittal
of an NOS or APD. The authorized officer of BLM should be timely apprised of any contacts with any other
involved SMA.
G. Components of a CompleteApplication for Permit to Drill.
1. Complete Application. If an NOS is filed, the lessee/operator shall prepare and submit a complete APD within
45 days of the onsite inspection pursuant to the requirements of this subsection. Failure to timely submit an APD
within this time frame may result in the lessee/operator having to repeat the entire process. The complete APD
shall be submitted in triplicate to BLM, together with any additional copies required by the authorized officer. As
provided in 43 CFR 3162.3-1(d), formerly 30 CFR 221.23(d), a complete application consists of:

(a) Form 3160-3,

(b) a drilling plan (or reference thereto) containing information required by section G.4., below,
(c) evidence of bond coverage as required by Department of the Interior regulations,
(d) designation of operator, where necessary, and
(e) such other information as may be required by applicable Orders and Notices. (6 of 16) [2/10/2003 1:20:09 PM]

The APD shall be signed by the lessee/operator official having the responsibility and authority to supervise and
direct all activities related to the permit and who can be contacted in the event of a problem. The authorized
officer may require additional information in unusual circumstances. However, where the proposed well is to be
completed for injection purposes (disposal or production enhancement), lessees and operators also shall obtain an
underground injection permit from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the State, where the State has
achieved primacy. Any information submitted in support of obtaining that permit shall be accepted by the
authorized officer to the extent that it satisfies the information submission requirements of this Order.
[48 FR 56227, Dec.20, 1983]

2. Designation of Operator. The lessee may authorize the actual conduct of operations in its behalf by designating
another party as operator in a manner and form acceptable to the authorized officer. Lessees shall notify the
authorized officer in writing whenever an existing designation of operator is cancelled. A designated operator
cannot designate a different party as operator.
3. Form 3160-3. formerly 9-331 C, (Application for Permit to Drill, Deepen, or Plug Back). This Form shall be
completed in full and submitted to the authorized officer together with all necessary information referred to under
section G.1. above. The following points a. through f. are specific as to appropriate information requirements of
the Form and shall be stated thereon, or as an attachment thereto, for each proposed well:
a. A well location plat shall be attached depicting the proposed location, as determined by a registered surveyor,
in feet and direction from the nearest section lines of an established public land survey or, in areas where there are
no public land surveys, by such other method as is acceptable to the authorized officer. The plat shall be signed
by the surveyor, certifying that the location has, in fact, been staked on the grounds as shown on the plat.
b. The elevation given shall be the above-sea-level datum of the unprepared ground.
c. The type of drilling tools to be utilized shall be stated.
d. The proposed casing program shall include the size, grade, weight, type of thread and coupling, and setting
depth of each string, and whether it is new or used.
e. The amount and type of cement, including additives to be used in setting each casing string. shall be described.
If stage-cementing techniques are to be employed, the setting depth of the stage collars and amount and type of
cement, including additives, to be used in each stage shall be given. The expected linear fill-up of each cemented
string or each stage, when utilizing stage-cementing techniques, shall be provided.
f. The anticipated duration of the total operation shall be given in addition to the anticipated starting date.
A copy of the approved Form 3160-3 and the pertinent drilling plan, along with any conditions of approval, shall
be available at the drillsite to authorized or delegated representatives of the United States whenever active
construction, drilling, or completion operations are under way.
[48 FR 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

4. Drilling Plan. A drilling plan in sufficient detail to permit a complete appraisal of the technical adequacy of,
and environmental effects associated with, the proposed project shall be prepared and either submitted with each
copy of Form 3160-3, or referenced thereon if it is already on file with BLM or is being submitted for more than
one well. The plan shall be developed in conformity with the provisions of the lease. including attached
stipulations, and the guidelines provided by this Order or other land use documents. Each drilling plan shall
contain a description of the drilling program and surface use program. The BLM shall send a copy of appropriate
parts of the plan to any other involved SMA and may send a copy of the plan to other interested Federal, State,
and local agencies. All information identified as proprietary by the applicant pursuant to 43 CFR 3162.8, (7 of 16) [2/10/2003 1:20:09 PM]

formerly 30 CFR 221.33, shall first be deleted. The drilling program shall include a description of the pressure
control system and circulation mediums, the testing, logging and coring program, pertinent geologic data, and
information on expected problems and hazards. The drilling program shall be reviewed for adequacy by BLM. If
the program is considered inadequate, BLM shall require modification of the drilling program.
The surface use program shall contain a description of the road and drill pad location and construction methods
for containment and disposal of waste material, and other pertinent data as the authorized officer may require.
The surface use program shall provide for safe operations,. adequate protection of surface resources and uses and
other environmental components, and shall, for Federal and Indian surface, include adequate measures for
reclamation of disturbed lands no longer needed for either drilling or other subsequent operations. Where the
surface is privately owned, the authorized officer may require the submission of the reclamation plan between the
lessee or operator and landowner in order to determine if it is adequate to protect nearby Federal and Indian
surface from significant impacts generated by the operation. In developing the surface use program, the lessee or
operator shall make use of such information as is available from the involved SMA concerning the surface
resources and uses, environmental considerations, and local reclamation procedures. The surface use program
shall be reviewed for adequacy by BLM and by any other involved SMA. If the surface use program is considered
inadequate, BLM shall, in consultation with any other involved SMA, require modifications or amendment of the
program or otherwise set forth stipulations or conditions of approval as are necessary for the protection of surface
resources/uses and the environment, and for the reclamation of the areas to be disturbed when no longer needed
for operational purposes.
[48 FR 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

a. Guidelines for Preparing Drilling Program. The following information shall be included as part of the drilling
plan but shall be made specific to each well if the plan covers more than one well:
(1) Estimated tops of important geologic markers.
(2) Estimated depths at which the top and the bottom of anticipated water (particularly fresh water), oil, gas
or other mineral-bearing formations are expected to be encountered and the lessee's or operator's plans for
protecting such resources.
(3) Lessee's or operator's minimum specifications for pressure control equipment to be used and a
schematic diagram thereof showing sizes, pressure ratings (or API series), and the testing procedures and
testing frequency.
(4) Any supplementary information more completely describing the drilling equipment and casing program
as set forth on Form 3160-3.
(5) Type and characteristics of the proposed circulating medium or mediums to be employed in drilling, the
quantities and types of mud and weighting material to be maintained, and the monitoring equipment to be
used on the mud system.
(6) The anticipated type and amount of testing, logging, and coring.
(7) The expected bottom hole pressure and any anticipated abnormal pressures or temperatures or potential
hazards, such as hydrogen sulfide, expected to be encountered, along with contingency plans for mitigating
such identified hazards.
(8) Any other facets of the proposed operation which the lessee or operator wishes to point out for BLM's
consideration of the application.
(b) Guidelines for Preparing Surface Use Program. In preparing this program, the lessee or operator shall submit (8 of 16) [2/10/2003 1:20:09 PM]

maps, plats, and narrative descriptions which adhere closely to the following (maps and plats should be of a scale
no smaller than 1:24,000 unless otherwise stated below):
(1) Existing Roads. A legible map (USGS topographic, county road, Alaska Borough, or other such map),
labeled and showing the access route to the location, shall be used for locating the proposed well site in
relation to a town (village) or other locatable point, such as a highway or county road, which handles the
majority of the through traffic to the general area. The proposed route to the location, including appropriate
distances from the point where the access route exits established roads, shall be shown. All access roads
shall be appropriately labeled. Any plans for improvement and/or a statement that existing roads will be
maintained in the same or better condition shall be provided. Existing roads and newly constructed roads
on surface under the jurisdiction of an SMA shall be maintained in accordance with the standards of the
Information required by items (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), and (8) of this subsection also may be shown on this
map if appropriately labeled or on a separate plat or map.
(2) Access Roads to Be Constructed and Reconstructed. All permanent and temporary access roads that are
to be constructed, or reconstructed, in connection with the drilling of the proposed well shall be
appropriately identified and submitted on a map or plat. Width, maximum grade, major cuts and fills,
turnouts, drainage design, location and size of culverts and/or bridges, fence cuts and/or cattleguards, and
type of surfacing material, if any, shall be stated for all construction. In addition, where permafrost exists,
the methods for protection from thawing must be indicated. Modification of proposed road design may be
required during the onsite inspection.
Information also should be furnished to indicate where existing facilities may be altered or modified. Such
facilities include gates, cattleguards, culverts, and bridges which, if installed or replaced, shall be designed
to adequately carry anticipated loads.
[48 FR 56227, Dec.20, 1983]

(3) Location of Existing Wells. It is recommended that this information be submitted on a map or plat and
include all wells (water, injection or disposal, producing, and drilling) within a 1-mile radius of the
proposed location.
(4) Location of Existing and/or Proposed Facilities if Well is Productive.
(a) On well pad - A map or plat shall be included showing, to the extent known or anticipated, the
location of all production facilities and lines to be installed if the well is successfully completed for
(b) Off well pad - A map or plat shall be included showing to the extent known or anticipated, the
existing or new production facilities to be utilized and the lines to bc installed if the well is
successfully completed for production. If new construction, the dimensions of the facility layout are
to be shown.
If the information required under (a) or (b) above is not known and cannot be accurately presented
and the well subsequently is completed for production, the operator shall then comply with section
IV. of this Order.
(5) Location and Type of Water Supply (Rivers, Creeks, Lakes, Ponds, and Wells). This information may be
shown by quarter-quarter section on a map or plat, or may be a written description. The source and
transportation method for all water to be used in drilling the proposed well shall be noted if the source is
located on Federal or Indian lands or if water is to be used from a Federal or Indian project. If the water is (9 of 16) [2/10/2003 1:20:09 PM]

obtained from other than Federal or Indian lands, only the location need be identified. Any access roads
crossing Federal or Indian lands that are needed to haul the water shall be described in items G.4.b. (1) and
(2), as appropriate. If a water supply well is to be drilled on the lease, it shall be so stated under this item,
and the authorized officer of BLM may require the filing of a separate APD.
(6) Construction Materials. The lessee or operator shall state the character and intended use of all
construction materials, such as sand, gravel, stone and soil material. If the materials to be used are
Federally-owned, the proposed source shall be shown by either quarter-quarter section on a map or plat, or
a written description, The use of materials under BLM jurisdiction is governed by 43 CFR 3610.2-3. The
authorized officer shall inform the lessee or operator if the materials may be used free of charge or if an
application for sale is required. If the materials to be used are Indian owned or under the jurisdiction of any
SMA other than BLM, the specific tribe and or Area Superintendent of BIA, or the appropriate SMA office
shall be contacted to determine the appropriate procedure for use of the materials.
[48 FR 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

(7) Methods for Handling Waste Disposal A written description shall be given of the methods and locations
proposed for safe containment and disposal of each type of waste material (e.g., cuttings, garbage, salts,
chemicals, sewage, etc.) that results from the drilling of the proposed well. Likewise, the narrative shall
include plans for the eventual disposal of drilling fluids and any produced oil or water recovered during
testing operations.
(8) Ancillary Facilities. The plans, or subsequent amendments to such plans, shall identify all ancillary
facilities such as camps and airstrips as to their location, land area required, and the methods and standards
to be employed in their construction. Such facilities shall be shown on a map or plat. The approximate
center of proposed camps and the center line of airstrips shall be staked on the ground.
(9) Well Site Layout. A plat of suitable scale (not less than 1 inch= 50 feet) showing the proposed drill pad
and its approximate location with respect to topographic features is required. Cross section diagrams of the
drill pad showing any cuts and fills and the relation to topography are also required. The plat shall also
include the approximate proposed location of the reserve and burn pits, access roads onto the pad,
turnaround areas, parking areas, living facilities, soil material stockpiles, and the orientation of the rig with
respect to the pad and other facilities. Plans, if any, to line the reserve pit shall be detailed.
[48 FR 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

(10) Plans for Reclamation of the Surface. The program for surface reclamation upon completion of the
operation, such as configuration of the reshaped topography, drainage system, segregation of spoil
materials, surface manipulations, waste disposal, revegetation methods, and soil treatments, plus other
practices necessary to reclaim all disturbed areas, including any access roads or portions of well pads when
no longer needed, shall be stated. An estimate of the time for commencement and completion of
reclamation operations, dependent on weather conditions and other local uses of the area, shall be provided.
[48 FR 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

(11) Surface Ownership. The surface ownership (Federal, Indian, State or private) at the well location, and
for all lands crossed by roads which are to be constructed or upgraded, shall be indicated. Where the
surface of the well site is privately owned, the operator shall provide the name, address and, if known,
telephone number of the surface owner, unless previously provided.
[48 FR 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

(12) Other Information. The lessee or operator is encouraged to submit any additional information that may
be helpful in processing the application. (10 of 16) [2/10/2003 1:20:09 PM]

(13) Lessee's or Operator's Representative and Certification. The name, address and telephone number of
the lessee's or operator's field representative shall be included. The lessee or operator submitting the APD
shall certify as follow,:
I hereby certify that I, or persons under my direct supervision, have inspected the proposed drill site and
access route; that I am familiar with the conditions which currently exist; that the statements made in this
plan are, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct; and that the work associated with operations
proposed herein will be performed by__________________________ and its contractors and
subcontractors in conformity with this plan and the terms and conditions under which it is approved. This
statement is subject to the provisions of l8 U.S.C. 1001 for the filing of a false statement.
Date __________________
Name and Title ______________________________________
5. Environmental Review Requirements. When an onsite inspection is conducted, it shall be made by
representatives of the authorized officer and the operator, and other interested parties such as the involved SMA,
the appropriate Alaska Borough and/or Native Regional Corporation (when a subsistence stipulation is part of the
lease), and the operator's principal dirt contractor and, if known, drilling contractor. It is recommended that, when
appropriate, the operator's surveyor and archeologist should also participate in the inspection. The purpose of this
inspection shall be to ensure the staked location, access roads and other areas proposed for surface disturbance are
geologically and environmentally acceptable, giving appropriate consideration to all applicable Federal laws and
regulations. Lessees and operators are encouraged to designate their future drilling sites so that several locations
may be inspected at one time.
[48 FR 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

a. Federal Responsibilities. When an inspection is made, the information obtained shall be utilized by BLM in
appraising the environmental effects associated with the proposed action and in preparing pertinent portions of
the required environmental documentation. As the approving agency, BLM has the lead responsibility for
completing the environmental review process and establishing the terms and conditions under which the proposed
action may be approved. The conduct of the environmental review process, under the Department of the Interior's
implementing procedures pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act, will result in the preparation of a
Record of Review (ROR) and/or an EA, consistent with pertinent regulations and procedures. This review shall
identify the probable and potential environmental impacts associated with the proposal and methods for
mitigating these impacts and shall be the basis of the approving official's determination as to whether approval of
the proposed activity would or would not constitute a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of
the human environment as defined by section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. A
"would constitute" determination shall necessitate the preparation of an EIS. In that case, final action on the APD
shall not be taken until the EIS and Record of Decision are completed.
b. Other Considerations. Lessees and operators are strongly encouraged to file their NOS and/or complete APD at
least 30 days in advance of the time when they wish to commence operations and to consult with the involved
SMA as early as possible to identify potential areas of concern (see sections III. E. and F.).

IV. Subsequent Operations.Subsequent operations shall be conducted in accordance with 43 CFR Part 3160,
formerly 30 CFR 221. However, where the proposed subsequent operation will result in the well being converted
for injection purposes (disposal or production enhancement), lessees and operators also shall obtain an
underground injection permit from EPA or the State, where the State has achieved primacy. Any information
submitted in support of obtaining that permit shall be accepted by the authorized officer of BLM to the extent that
it satisfies the information submittal requirements of this Order. (11 of 16) [2/10/2003 1:20:09 PM]

A. Well and Production Operations. Before conducting further well operations that involve change in the original
plan, a detailed written statement of the work shall be filed on Form 3160-5 or 3160-3, as appropriate, with the
authorized officer and approval obtained before the work is started. These operations include redrilling,
deepening, performing casing repairs, plugging-back, altering casing, performing nonroutine fracturing jobs,
recompleting in a different interval, performing water shut-off, and converting to injection or disposal. Within 30
days of the completion of such operations, a subsequent report shall be filed on Form 3160-5 and, if the well is
recompleted, a recompletion report on Form 3160-4, pursuant to 43 CFR 3162.3-2 and the information collection
approval note, formerly 30 CFR 221.27 and 221.2-1.
Unless additional surface disturbance is involved and so long as the operations conform to the standard of prudent
operating practice, no prior approval is required for routine fracturing or acidizing jobs, or recompletion in the
same interval, but a subsequent report of these operations shall be filed on Form 3160-5, formerly 9-331, within
30 days of completion, pursuant to 43 CFR 3162.3-2 and the information collection approval note, formerly 30
CFR 221.27 and 221.2-1.
Neither prior approval nor a subsequent report is required for well clean-out work, routine well maintenance
(such as pump, rods, and tubing work), or for repair, replacement, or modification of surface production
equipment, provided no additional surface disturbance is involved. However, the modification of any production.
treating. and measurement facilities shall require the submission of a revised schematic diagram within 30 days of
the completion of such operations, pursuant to 43 CFR 3162.7-2. formerly 30 CFR 221.34.
[48 FR 56227, Dec.20, 1983]

B. Surface Disturbing Operations.Pursuant to 43 CFR 3162.3-2 and 3162.3-3, formerly 30 CFR 221.27 and
221.28, lessees and operators shall submit, for the approval of the authorized officer, a proposed plan of
operations on Form 3160-5 prior to undertaking any subsequent new construction, reconstruction, or alteration of
existing facilities including. but not limited to, roads, emergency pits. firewalls. flowlines, or other production
facilities on any lease when additional surface disturbance will result. If, at the time the original APD was filed,
the lessee or operator elected to defer submitting information for item III.G.4.b.(4), "Location of Existing and/or
Proposed Facilities if Well is Productive," the lessee or operator shall supply this information for approval prior
to construction and installation of the facilities. The authorized officer, in consultation with any other involved
SMA, may require a field inspection before approving the proposal.
C. Emergency Repairs. Emergency repairs may be conducted without prior approval provided that the authorized
officer is promptly notified. Sufficient information shall be submitted to permit a proper evaluation of any
resultant surface disturbing activities as well as any planned accommodations necessary to mitigate potential
adverse environmental effects.
D. Environmental Review. The environmental review procedures discussed in section III.G.5. of this Order shall
also apply to subsequent operations which involve additional surface disturbance.

V. Well Abandonment. No well abandonment operations may be commenced without the prior approval of the
authorized officer. In the case of newly drilled dry holes or failures and in emergency situations, oral approval
may be obtained from the authorized officer subject to prompt written confirmation. For old wells not having an
approved abandonment plan, a sketch showing the disturbed area and roads to be abandoned, along with the
proposed reclamation measures, shall be submitted with Form 3160-5. On Federal and Indian surface, the
appropriate SMA may request additional reclamation measures at abandonment, which normally shall be made a
part of BLM's approval of abandonment. Within 30 days following completion of the well abandonment, the
lessee or operator shall file with the authorized officer of BLM a Subsequent Report of Abandonment on Form (12 of 16) [2/10/2003 1:20:09 PM]

3160-5, in accordance with 43 CFR Part 3160, formerly 30 CFR Part 221. Upon completion of reclamation
operations, the lessee or operator shall notify the authorized officer when the location is ready for inspection, via
an additional Form 3160-5. Final abandonment shall not be approved until the surface reclamation work required
by the approved drilling permit or approved abandonment notice has been completed to the satisfaction of the
involved SMA.

VI. Water Well Conversion. The complete abandonment of a well which has encountered usable fresh water shall
not be approved if the SMA or surface owner wants to acquire the well. If, at abandonment, the SMA or surface
owner elects to assume further responsibility for the well, the SMA or surface owner, as appropriate, shall
reimburse the lessee or operator for the cost of any recoverable casing or wellhead equipment which is to be left
in or on the hole solely because it is to be completed as a water well. The lessee or operator shall abandon the
well to the base of the deepest fresh water zone of interest, as required by the authorized officer, and shall
complete the surface cleanup and reclamation, as required by the approved drilling permit or approved
abandonment notice, immediately upon completion of the conversion operations.

VII. Privately Owned Surface.-

A. Federal oil and gas leases. Where the well site and access road surface are privately owned or are held in trust
for Indian benefit, the lessee or operator is responsible for reaching an agreement with BIA or the private surface
owner as to the requirements for the protection of surface resources and reclamation of disturbed areas and/or
damages in lieu thereof. However, if the authorized officer or any other involved SMA determines that the
surface of Federal or Indian-owned lands in proximity to the proposed well site or access road on private surface
will be significantly affected, the lessee or operator may be required to furnish a copy of any existing agreement
between the lessee or operator and the surface owner to the authorized officer. If the agreement on private surface
is considered inadequate to protect the surface of adjacent Federal or Indian-owned lands, the authorized officer
or other involved SMA may prescribe additional measures to protect the adjacent Federal or Indian lands. In the
event there is no agreement between the surface owner and the operator, the operator may comply with the
provisions of the law or the regulations governing the Federal or Indian right of reentry to the surface (See
Subpart 3814 of this title) and the authorized officer may then proceed to issue the permit.
B. Indian oil and gas ]cases. Where the well site and access road surface are privately owned or are held in trust
for an Indian or Indian tribe other than the owner of the oil and gas rights, the lessee or operator is responsible for
reaching an agreement with the surface owner (or the BIA if the surface is held in trust for numerous or
unlocatable Indian owners) as to the requirement for the protection of surface resources and reclamation of
disturbed areas and/or damages in lieu thereof. However, if the authorized officer or any other involved SMA
determines that the surface of Federal or Indian-owned lands in proximity to the proposed well site or access road
on private surface will be significantly affected, the lessee or operator may be required to furnish the authorized
officer a copy of any existing agreement between the lessee or operator and the surface owner. If the agreement
on private, surface is considered inadequate to protect the surface of adjacent Federal or Indian owned lands, the
authorized officer or other involved SMA may prescribe additional measures to protect the adjacent Federal or
Indian-owned lands. In the event there is no agreement between the surface owner and the operator, the
authorized officer may permit the operator to conduct operations if he/she determines that:
(1) a good faith effort has been made by the operator to reach agreement with the surface owner,
(2) adequate security is posted, in the form of a bond. escrow account or by other means, to compensate the
surface owner for any damages; and
(3) there is no legal obstacle to conducting operations in the absence of surface owner consent. (13 of 16) [2/10/2003 1:20:09 PM]

VIII. Report and Activities Required After Well Completion. Within 30 days after the well completion, the lessee
or operator shall furnish 2 copies of Form 3160-4, formerly 9-330 (Well Completion or Recompletion Report
and Log) to the authorized officer. However, no later than the fifth business day after any well begins production
anywhere on a lease site or allocated to a lease site, or resumes production in the case of a well that has been off
production for more than 90 days, the lessee or operator shall notify the authorized officer of the date on which
production has begun or resumed.
The notification may be provided orally if promptly confirmed in writing.
Attachment A
NOTICE OF STAKING (Not to be used in place of Application 6. Lease Number
for Permit to Drill Form 3160-3)

1. Oil Well Gas Well Other(Specify) 7. If Indian, Allottee or Tribe Name

2. Name of Operator: 8. Unit Agreement Name

3. Name of Specific Contact Person: 9. Farm or Lease Name

4. Address & Phone No. of Operator or Agent 10. Well No.

5. Surface Location of Well 11. Field or Wildcat Name

a) Sketch showing road entry onto pad, pad dimensions, and
reserve pit. 12. Sec., T., R., M., or Blk and Survey or Area
b) Topographical or other acceptable map showing location,
access road, and lease boundaries.

15. Formation Objective(s) 16. Estimated Well 13. County, Parish, or 14. State

17. Additional Information (as appropriate; must include surface owner's name, address and, if known, telephone

18. Signed__________________________________ Title____________________________ Date_____________

Note: Upon receipt of the Notice, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will schedule the date of the onsite predrill
inspection and notify you accordingly. The location must be staked and access road must be flagged prior to the onsite.
Operators must consider the following prior to the onsite:
a) H2S Potential
b) Cultural Resources (Archeology)
c) Federal Right of Way or Special Use Permit


Instructions for Preparation of Attachment A
General: This provides notice to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) that staking has been (or will be)
completed for well locations on Federal or Indian leases and serves as a request to schedule an onsite inspection.
The original and one copy of this notice, together with a map and sketch, should be submitted to the appropriate
BLM office.
Any item not completed may be justification for not promptly scheduling the onsite inspection.
Specific Considerations: Items included herein should be reviewed and evaluated thoroughly prior to the onsite.
These items affect placement of location, road, and facilities. Failure to be prepared with complete, accurate
information at the onsite may necessitate later re-evaluation of the site and an additional onsite inspection.
a. H2S Potential: Prevailing winds, escape routes, and placement of living quarters must be considered.

b. Cultural Resources: Archeological surveys, if required, should be done prior to, during or immediately
following the onsite. Changes in location due to subsequent archeological findings may require an additional
onsite. Contact involved Surface Management Agency (SMA) for detailed site specific requirements.
c. Federal Right-of-Way or Special Use Permit: Access roads outside the leasehold boundary which cross Federal
lands will require a right-of-way grant or special use permit and should be discussed with the BLM or other
involved SMA at the time of filing the Notice of Staking.
Supplemental Checklist: The following items, if applicable, should be submitted with or prior to the Application
For Permit to Drill (APD) to ensure timely approval of the application. Contact the BLM regarding specific
requirements relating to each item.
1. Bonding.
2. Designation of Operator.
3. Report of Cultural Resources/Archeology.
4. H2S Contingency Plan.
5. Status of Plan of Development and Designation of Agent for wells in Federal units.
6. Federal Right-of-Way (BLM) or Special Use Permit (Forest Service).
Timetable: The onsite inspection will be scheduled and conducted by the BLM within 15 days after receipt of this
notice. Surface protection and rehabilitation requirements will be made known to the operator by the BLM during
the onsite or no later than 5 working days from the date of inspection, barring unusual circumstances. These
requirements are to be incorporated into he complete APD. However, this does not exclude the possibility of
additional conditions of approval being imposed.
[48 FR 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

Bureau of Land Management
Checklist for Applicant Notification (15 of 16) [2/10/2003 1:20:09 PM]

Receipt and Acceptability of Application for Permit To Drill (APD)
Lease No.________________
Well No._________________
Date APD Received_____________________
1.____ APD complete as submitted.
2.____ APD is deficient in the following area (s) and (see items 3, 4, or 5 below): -Designation of Operator
● Designation of Agent under __________________________ unit agreement

● Bonding

● Cultural Resources Report (depends on Federal Surface Management Agency's Requirements

● Form 3160-3, formerly 9-331C

● Drilling Plan
● Other (Refer to attachment(s) for any specifics)
3.____APD is retained; to be processed upon receipt of further information as noted above.
4.____APD is being processed; final action pending receipt of further information as noted above.
5.____APD is returned for the following reasons:__________________________________

Note:- A returned APD herewith may be resubmitted when convenient at which time it will be reviewed again for
technical and administrative completeness.
A retained but deficient APD must be brought to a technically and administratively acceptable level of
completion within 45 days of the date of this notice or the application will be returned unapproved.
[48 FR 56227, Dec. 20, 1983]

Updated on April 23, 1997 by John Broderick (16 of 16) [2/10/2003 1:20:09 PM]

Onshore Order 2

Onshore Oil and Gas

Operations; Federal and
Indian Oil and Gas 43 FR PART 3160 (as of 3/7/97)
Onshore Oil and Gas Federal Register / Vol. 53, No. 223
Order No. 2, Drilling Friday, November 18, 1988
Operations Effective date: December 19, 1988
I. Introduction.
Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 2
A. Authority. Drilling Operations on Federal and Indian Oil
B. Purpose.
and Gas Leases
C. Scope.
D. General. I. Introduction
II. Definitions.
A. Authority
III. Requirements. This order is established pursuant to the authority granted to the
Secretary of the Interior pursuant to various Federal and Indian mineral
A. Well Control
leasing statutes and the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act
Requirements. of 1982. This authority has been delegated to the Bureau of Land
B. Casing and Cementing Management and is implemented by the onshore oil and gas operating
Requirements. regulations contained in 43 CFR Part 3160. Section 3164.1 thereof
C. Mud Program specially authorizes the Director, Bureau of Land Management, to issue
Requirements. Onshore Oil and Gas Orders when necessary to implement and
D. Drill Stem Testing supplement the operating regulations and provides that all such Orders
Requirements. shall be binding on the lessees and operators of Federal and restricted
Indian (except Osage tribe) oil and gas leases that have been, or may
E. Special Drilling
hereafter be issued.
F. Surface Use. Specific authority for the provisions contained in this Order is found at:
G. Drilling Abandonment. §3162.3-1 Drilling Applications and Plans; §3162.3-4 Well
Abandonment; §3162.4-1 Well Records and Reports; §3162.4-3
IV. Variances from Samples, Tests, and Surveys; §3162.5-1 Environmental Obligations;
Minimum Standards. §3162.5-2 Control of Wells; §3162.5-2(a) Drilling Wells; §3162.5-3
Safety Precautions; and Subpart 3163 Noncompliance and
I. Diagrams of Choke
Manifold Requirements. B. Purpose
I-1 2M Choke Manifold This Order details the Bureau's uniform national standards for the
Equipment minimum levels of performance expected from lessees and operators
when conducting drilling operations on Federal and Indian lands
I-2 3M Choke Manifold
(except Osage Tribe) and for abandonment immediately following
Equipment drilling. The purpose also is to identify the enforcement actions that
I-3 5M Choke Manifold will result when violations of the minimum standards are found, and
Equipment when those violations are not abated in a timely manner. (1 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

I-4 10M and 15M Choke

Manifold Equipment C. Scope
This Order is applicable to all onshore Federal and Indian (except
Osage Tribe) oil and gas leases.
Updated on March 25,
1997 by John Broderick D. General
You are visitor # to this 1. If an operator chooses to use higher rated equipment than that
page since March 25, 1997. authorized in the Application for Permit to Drill (APD), testing
procedures shall apply to the approved working pressures, not the
upgraded higher working pressures.
2. Some situations may exist either on a well-by-well or field-wide
basis whereby it is commonly accepted practice to vary a
particular minimum standard(s) established in this Order. This
situation may be resolved by requesting a variance (See section
IV of this Order), by the inclusion of a stipulation to the APD, or
by the issuance of Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) by the
appropriate BLM office.
3. When a violation is discovered and if it does not cause or
threaten immediate substantial and adverse impact on public
health and safety, the environment, production accountability or
royalty, it will be classified as minor. The violation may be
reissued as a major violation if not corrected during the
abatement period and continued drilling has changed the adverse
impact of the violation so that it meets the specific definition of a
major violation.
4. This Onshore Order is not intended to circumvent the reporting
requirements or compliance aspects that may be stated elsewhere
in Existing NTL's, Onshore Orders, etc. A lessee's compliance
with the requirements of the regulations in this Part shall not
relieve the lessee of the obligation to comply with other
applicable laws and regulations in accordance with 43 CFR
3162.5-1(c). Lessee's should give special attention to the
automatic assessment provisions in 43 CFR 3163.1(b).
5. This Order is based upon the assumption that operations have
been approved in accordance with 43 CFR Part 3160 and
Onshore Oil and Gas Order No.1. Failure to obtain approval prior
to commencement of drilling or related operations shall subject
the operator to immediate assessment under 43 CFR

II. Definitions.
A. Abnormal Pressure Zone means a zone that has either pressure
above or below the normal gradient for an area and/or depth. (2 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

B. Bleed Line means the vent line that bypasses the chokes in the choke
manifold system; also referred to as Panic Line.
C. Blooie Line means a discharge line used in conjunction with a
rotating head.
D. Drilling Spool means a connection component with both ends either
flanged or hubbed with an internal diameter at least equal to the bore of
the casing, and with smaller side outlets for connecting auxiliary lines.
E. Exploratory Well means any well drilled beyond the known
producing limits of a pool.
F. Filled-up Line means the line used to fill the hole when the drill pipe
is being removed from the well. It is usually connected to a 2-inch
collar that is welded into a drilling nipple.
G. Flare Line means a line used to carry gas from the rig to be burned at
a safer location. The gas comes from the degasser, gas buster, separator,
or when drill stem testing, directly from the drill pipe.
H. Functionally Operated means activating equipment without
subjecting it to well-bore pressure.
I. Isolating means using cement to protect, separate, or segregate usable
water and mineral resources.
J. Lease means any contact, profit-share agreement, joint venture, or
other agreement issued or approved by the United States under a
mineral leasing law that authorizes exploration for, extraction of, or
removal of oil or gas (See 43 CFR 3160.0-5).
K. Lessee means a person holding record title in a lease issued by the
United States (See 43 CFR 3160.0-5).
L. Make-up Water means water that is used in mixing slurry for cement
jobs and plugging operations, and is compatible with cement
constituents being used.
M. Manual Locking Device means any manually activated device, such
as a hand wheels, etc., that is used for the purpose of locking the
preventer in the closed position.
N. Mud for Plugging Purposes means a slurry of bentonite of similar
flocculent/viscosifier, water, and additive needed to achieve the desired
weight and consistency to stabilize the hole.
O. Mudding Up means adding materials and chemicals to water to
control the viscosity, weight, and filtrate loss of the circulating system.
P. Operating Rights Owner (or Owner) means a person or entity (3 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

holding operating rights in a lease issued by the United States. A lessee

also may be an operating rights owner if the operating rights in a lease
or portion thereof have not been severed from record title.
Q. Operational means capable of functioning as designed and installed
without undue force or further modification.
R. Operator means any person or entity, including but not limited to the
lessee or operating rights owner, who has stated in writing to the
authorized officer his/her responsibility for the operations conducted in
the leased lands or a portion thereof.
S. Precharge Pressure means the nitrogen pressure remaining in the
accumulator after all the hydraulic fluid has been expelled from beneath
the movable barrier.
T. Prompt Correction means immediate correction of violations, with
drilling suspended if required in the discretion of the authorized officer.
U. Prospectively Valuable Deposit of Minerals means any deposit of
minerals that the authorized officer determines to have characteristics of
quantity and quality that warrant its protection.
V. Tagging the Plug means running in the hole with a string of tubing
or drill pipe and placing sufficient weight on the plug to insure its
integrity. Other methods of tagging the plug may be approved by the
authorized officer.
W. Targeted Tee or Turn means a fitting used in pressure piping in
which a bull plug or blind flange of the same pressure rating as the rest
of the approved system is installed at the end of a tee or cross, opposite
the fluid entry arm, to change the direction of flow and to reduce
X. 2M, 3M, 5M, 10M, and 15M mean the pressure ratings used for
equipment with a working pressure rating of the equivalent thousand
pounds per square inch (psi) (2M=2,000 psi, 3M=3,000 psi, etc.)
Y. Usable Water means generally those waters containing up to 10,000
ppm of total dissolved solids.
Z. Weep Hole means a small hole that allows pressure to bleed off
through the metal plate, used in covering well bores after abandonment
[57 FR 3025, Jan. 27, 1992] (4 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

III. Requirements
A. Well Control Requirements
1. Blowout preventer (BOP) and related equipment (BOPE) shall be
installed, used, maintained, and tested in a manner necessary to assure
well control and shall be in place and operational prior to drilling the
surface casing shoe unless otherwise approved by the APD.
Commencement of drilling without the approved BOPE installed,
unless otherwise approved, shall subject the operator to immediate
assessment under 43 CFR 3163.1(b)(1). The BOP and related control
equipment shall be suitable for operations in those areas which are
subject to sub-freezing conditions. The BOPE shall be based on known
or anticipated sub-surface pressures, geologic conditions, accepted
engineering practice, and surface environment. Item number 7 of the
eight point plan in the APD specifically addresses expected pressures.
The working pressure of all BOPE shall exceed the anticipated surface
pressure to which it may be subjected, assuming a partially evacuated
hole with a pressure gradient of 0.22 psi/ft.
2. The gravity of the violations for many of the well control minimum
standards listed below are shown as minor. However, very short
abatement periods in this Order are often specified in recognition that
by continuing to drill, the violation which was originally determined to
be of a minor nature may cause or threaten immediate, substantial and
adverse impact on public health and safety, the environment, production
accountability, or royalty income, which would require its
reclassification as a major violation.
a. Minimum standards and enforcement provisions for well control
i. A well control device shall be installed at the surface that is
capable of complete closure of the well bore. This device shall be
closed whenever the well is unattended.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as
Normal Abatement Period: specified.
Prompt correction required.
ii. 2M system:
❍ Annular preventer, or double ram, or two rams with one
being blind and one being a pipe ram*
❍ kill line (2 inch minimum)

❍ 1 kill line valve (2 inch minimum)

❍ 1 choke line valve

❍ 2 chokes (refer to diagram in Attachment 1) (5 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

❍ Upper kelly cock valve with handle available

❍ Safety valve and subs to fit all drill strings in use
❍ Pressure gauge on choke manifold
❍ 2 inch minimum choke line
❍ Fill-up line above the uppermost preventer.
Violation: Minor (all items unless
Corrective Action: marked by asterisk).
Normal Abatement Period: Install the equipment as
24 hours.
*Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as
Normal Abatement Period: specified.
Prompt correction required.
iii. 3M system:
❍ Annular preventers*

❍ Double ram with blind rams and pipe rams*

❍ Drilling spool, or blowout preventer with 2 side outlets

(choke side shall be a 3-inch minimum diameter, kill side
shall be at least 2-inch diameter)*
❍ Kill line (2 inch minimum)

❍ A minimum of 2 choke line valves (3 inch minimum)*

❍ 3 inch diameter choke line

❍ 2 kill line valves, one of which shall be a check valve (2

inch minimum)*
❍ 2 chokes (refer to diagram in Attachment 1)

❍ Pressure gauge on choke manifold

❍ Upper kelly cock valve with handle available

❍ Safety valve and subs to fit all drill string connections in

❍ All BOPE connections subjected to well pressure shall be
flanged, welded, or clamped*
❍ Fill-up line above the uppermost preventer.

Violation: Minor (all items unless

Corrective Action: marked by asterisk).
Normal Abatement Period: Install the equipment as
24 hours. (6 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

*Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as
Normal Abatement Period: specified.
Prompt correction required.
iv. 5M system:
❍ Annular preventer*

❍ Pipe ram, blind ram, and, if conditions warrant, as

specified by the authorized officer, another pipe ram shall
also be required*
❍ A second pipe ram preventer shall be used with a tapered
drill string
❍ Drilling spool, or blowout preventer with 2 side outlets
(choke side shall be a 3-inch minimum diameter, kill side
shall be at least 2-inch diameter)*
❍ 3 inch diameter choke line

❍ 2 choke line valves (3 inch minimum)*

❍ Kill line (2 inch minimum)

❍ 2 chokes with 1 remotely controlled from rig floor (refer to

diagram in Attachment 1)
❍ 2 kill line valves and a check valve (2 inch minimum)*

❍ Upper kelly cock valve with handle available

❍ When the expected pressures approach working pressure

of the system, 1 remote kill line tested to stack pressure
(which shall run to the outer edge of the substructure and
be unobstructed)
❍ Lower kelly cock valve with handle available

❍ Safety valve(s) and subs to fit all drill string connections in

❍ Inside BOP or float sub available

❍ Pressure gauge on choke manifold

❍ All BOPE connections subjected to well pressure shall be

flanged, welded, or clamped*
❍ Fill-up line above the uppermost preventer.

Violation: Minor (all items unless

Corrective Action: marked by asterisk).
Normal Abatement Period: Install the equipment as
24 hours (7 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

*Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as
Normal Abatement Period: specified.
Prompt correction required.
v. 10M & 15M system:
❍ Annular preventer*

❍ 2 pipe rams*

❍ Blind rams*

❍ Drilling spool, or blowout preventer with 2 side outlets

(choke side shall be a 3-inch minimum diameter, kill side
shall be at least 2-inch diameter)*
❍ 3 inch choke line*

❍ 2 kill line valves (2 inch minimum) and check valve*

❍ Remote kill line (2 inch minimum) shall run to the outer

edge of the substructure and be unobstructed
❍ Manual and hydraulic choke line valve (3 inch minimum)*

❍ 3 chokes, 1 being remotely controlled (refer to diagram in

Attachment 1)
❍ Pressure gauge on choke manifold

❍ Upper kelly cock valve with handle available

❍ Lower kelly cock valve with handle available

❍ Safety valves and subs to fit all drill string connections in

❍ Inside BOP or float sub available

❍ Wear ring in casing head

❍ All BOPE connections subjected to well pressure shall be

flanged, welded, or clamped*
❍ Fill-up line installed above the uppermost preventer.

Violation: Minor (all items unless

Corrective Action: marked by asterisk).
Normal Abatement Period: Install the equipment as
24 hours.
*Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as
Normal Abatement Period: specified.
Prompt correction required.
vi. If repair or replacement of the BOPE is required after testing,
this work shall be performed prior to drilling out the casing shoe. (8 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as
Normal Abatement Period: specified.
Prompt correction required.
vii. When the BOPE cannot function to secure the hole, the hole
shall be secured using cement, retrievable packer or a bridge plug
packer, bridgeplug, or other acceptable approved method to
assure safe well conditions.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as
Normal Abatement Period: specified.
Prompt correction required.
[54 FR 39528, Sept. 27, 1989]
b. Minimum standards and enforcement provisions for choke manifold
i. All choke lines shall be straight lines unless turns use tee
blocks or are targeted with running tees, and shall be anchored to
prevent whip and reduce vibration.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action:. Install the equipment as
Normal Abatement Period: specified
24 hours.
ii. Choke manifold equipment configuration shall be functionally
equivalent to the appropriate example diagram shown in
Attachment 1 of this Order. The configuration of the chokes may
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as
Normal Abatement Period: specified.
Prompt correction required.
iii. All valves (except chokes) in the kill line, choke manifold,
and choke line shall be a type that does not restrict the flow (full
opening) and that allows a straight through flow (same
enforcement as item ii).
iv. Pressure gauges in the well control system shall be a type
designed for drilling fluid service (same enforcement as above).
[57 FR 3025, Jan. 27, 1992]
c. Minimum standards and enforcement provisions for pressure
accumulator system.
i. 2M system - accumulator shall have sufficient capacity to close
all BOP's and retain 200 psi above precharge. Nitrogen bottles (9 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

that meet manufacturer's specifications may be used as the

backup to the required independent power source.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as
Normal Abatement Period: specified.
24 hours.
ii. 3M system - accumulator shall have sufficient capacity to
open the hydraulically-controlled choke line valve(if so
equipped), close all rams plus the annual preventer, and retain a
minimum of 200 psi above precharge on the closing manifold
without the use of the closing unit pumps. This is a minimum
requirement. The fluid reservoir capacity shall be double the
usable fluid volume of the accumulator system capacity and the
fluid level shall be maintained at the manufacturer's
recommendations. The 3M system shall have 2 independent
power sources to close the preventers. Nitrogen bottles (3
minimum) may be 1 of the independent power sources and, if so,
shall maintain a charge equal to the manufacturer's specifications.
Violation: Minor
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as
Normal Abatement Period: specified.
24 hours.
iii. 5M and higher system - accumulator shall have sufficient
capacity to open the hydraulically-controlled gate valve (if so
equipped) and close all rams plus the annular preventer (for 3
ram systems add a 50 percent safety factor to compensate for any
fluid loss in the control system or preventers) and retain a
minimum pressure of 200 psi above precharge on the closing
manifold without use of the closing unit pumps. The fluid
reservoir capacity shall be double the usable fluid volume of the
accumulator system capacity and the fluid level of the reservoir
shall be maintained at the manufacturer's recommendations. Two
independent sources of power shall be available for powering the
closing unit pumps. Sufficient nitrogen bottles are suitable as a
backup power source only, and shall be recharged when the
pressure falls below manufacturer's specifications.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as
Normal Abatement Period: specified.
24 hours.
[57 FR 3025, Jan. 27, 1992]
d. Minimum standards and enforcement provisions for accumulator
precharge pressure test. This test shall be conducted prior to connecting (10 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

the closing unit to the BOP stack and at least once every 6 months. The
accumulator pressure shall be corrected if the measured precharge
pressure is found to be above or below the maximum or minimum limit
specified below (only nitrogen gas may be used to precharge):

Accumulator Minimum Desired Maximum Minimum

working acceptable precharge acceptable acceptable
pressure operating pressure precharge precharge
rating pressure pressure pressure
1,500 psi 1,500 psi 750 psi 800 psi 700 psi
2,000 psi 2,000 psi 1,000 psi 1,100 psi 900 psi
3,000 psi 3,000 psi 1,000 psi 1,100 psi 900 psi
Violation: Minor.
Correction Action: Perform test.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.

e. Minimum standards and enforcement provisions for power

availability. Power for the closing unit pumps shall be available to the
unit at all times so that the pumps shall automatically start when the
closing valve manifold pressure has decreased to the pre-set level.

Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as
Normal Abatement Period: specified.
Prompt correction required.

f. Minimum standards and enforcement provisions for accumulator

pump capacity. Each BOP closing unit shall be equipped with sufficient
number and sizes of pumps so that, with the accumulator system
isolated from service, the pumps shall be capable of opening the
hydraulically-operated gate valve (if so equipped), plus closing the
annular preventer on the smallest size drill pipe to be used within 2
minutes, and obtain a minimum of 200 psi above specified accumulator
precharge pressure.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as
Normal Abatement Period: specified.
24 hours.

g. Minimum standards and enforcement provisions for locking devices.

A manual locking device (i.e., hand wheels) or automatic locking
devices shall be installed on all systems of 2M or greater. A valve shall (11 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

be installed in the closing line as close as possible to the annular

preventer to act as a locking device. This valve shall be maintained in
the open position and shall be closed only when the power source for
the accumulator system is inoperative.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as
Normal Abatement Period: specified.
24 hours.

h. Minimum standards and enforcement provisions for remote controls.

Remote controls shall be readily accessible to the driller. Remote
controls for all 3M or greater systems shall be capable of closing all
preventers. Remote controls for 5M or greater systems shall be capable
of both opening and closing all preventers. Master controls shall be at
the accumulator and shall be capable of opening and closing all
preventers and the choke line valve (if so equipped). No remote control
for a 2M system is required.

Violation: Minor.
Correction Action: Install the equipment as
Normal Abatement Period: specified.
24 hours.

i. Minimum standards and enforcement provisions for well control

equipment testing.
i. Perform all tests described below using clear water or an
appropriate clear liquid for subfreezing temperatures with a
viscosity similar to water.
ii. Ram type preventers and associated equipment shall be tested
to approved (see item I.D.1. of this order) stack working pressure
if isolated by test plug or to 70 percent of internal yield pressure
of casing if BOP stack is not isolated from casing. Pressure shall
be maintained for at least 10 minutes or until requirements of test
are met, whichever is longer. If a test plug is utilized, no
bleed-off of pressure is acceptable. For a test not utilizing a test
plug, if a decline in pressure of more than 10 percent in 30
minutes occurs, the test shall be considered to have failed. Valve
on casing head below test plug shall be open during test of BOP
iii. Annular type preventers shall be tested to 50 percent of rated
working pressure. Pressure shall be maintained at least 10
minutes or until provisions of test are met, whichever is longer. (12 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

iv. As a minimum, the above test shall be performed:

A. when initially installed:
B. whenever any seal subject to test pressure is broken:
C. following related repairs: and
D. at 30-day intervals.
v. Valves shall be tested from working pressure side during
BOPE tests with all down stream valves open.
vi. When testing the kill line valve(s), the check valve shall be
held open or the ball removed.
vii. Annular preventers shall be functionally operated at least
viii. Pipe and blind rams shall be activated each trip, however,
this function need not be performed more than once a day.
ix. A BOPE pit level drill shall be conducted weekly for each
drilling crew.
x. Pressure tests shall apply to all related well control equipment.
xi. All of the above described tests and/or drills shall be recorded
in the drilling log.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective action: Perform the necessary test
or provide
Normal Abatement Period: documentation.
24 hours or next trip, as
most appropriate.
[54 FR 39528, Sept. 27, 1989]

B. Casing and Cementing Requirements

The proposed casing and cementing programs shall be conducted as
approved to protect and/or isolate all usable water zones, potentially
productive zones, lost circulation zones, abnormally pressured zones,
and any prospectively valuable deposits of minerals. Any isolating
medium other than cement shall receive approval prior to use. The
casing setting depth shall be calculated to position the casing seat
opposite a competent formation which will contain the maximum
pressure to which it will be exposed during normal drilling operations.
Determination of casing setting depth shall be based on all relevant
factors, including: presence/absence of hydrocarbons; fracture
gradients; usable water zones; formation pressures; lost circulation
zones; other minerals; or other unusual characteristics. All indications
of usable water shall be reported. (13 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

●Minimum design factors for tensions, collapse, and burst that are
incorporated into the casing design by an operator/lessee shall be
submitted to the authorized operator for his review and approval
along with the APD for all exploratory wells or as otherwise
specified by the authorized officer.
● Casing design shall assume formation pressure gradients of 0.44
to 0.50 psi per foot for exploratory wells (lacking better data).
● Casing design shall assume fracture gradients from 0.70 to 1.00
psi per foot for exploratory wells (lacking better data).
● Casing collars shall have a minimum clearance of 0.422 inches
on all sides in the hole/casing annulus, with recognition that
variances can be granted for justified exceptions.
● All waiting on cement times shall be adequate to achieve a
minimum of 500 psi compressive strength at the casing shoe
prior to drilling out.
1. Minimum Standards and Enforcement Provisions for Casing and
a. All casing, except the conductor casing, shall be new or
reconditioned and tested casing. All casing shall meet or exceed API
standards for new casing. The use of reconditioned and tested used
casing shall be subject to approval by the authorized officer: approval
will be contingent upon the wall thickness of any such casing being
verified to be at least 87 ½ percent of the nominal wall thickness of new

Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Perform remedial action as
specified by the authorized
Normal Abatement Period: officer.
Prompt correction required.
[57 FR 3025, Jan. 27, 1992]
b. For liners, a minimum of 100 feet of overlap between a string of
casing and the next larger casing is required. The interval of overlap
shall be sealed and tested. The liner shall be tested by a fluid entry or
pressure test to determine whether a seal between the liner top and next
larger string has been achieved. The test pressure shall be the maximum
anticipated pressure to which the seal will be exposed. No test shall be
required for liners that do not incorporate or need a seal mechanism. (14 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Perform remedial action as
specified by the authorized
Upon determination of officer.
corrective action. Upon determination of
corrective action.

c. The surface casing shall be cemented back to surface either during

the primary cement job or by remedial cementing.

Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Perform remedial
Normal Abatement Period: cementing.
Prompt correction required.

d. All of the above described tests shall be recorded in the drilling log.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Perform the necessary test
or provide
Normal Abatement Period: documentation.
24 hours.

e. All indications of usable water shall be reported to the authorized

officer prior to running the next string of casing or before plugging
orders are requested, whichever occurs first.

Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Report information as
Normal Abatement Period: required.
Prompt correction required.

f. Surface casing shall have centralizers on the bottom 3 joints of the

casing (a minimum of 1 centralizer per joint, starting with the shoe

Violations: Major.
Corrective Action: Logging/testing may be
required to determine the
quality of the job.
Normal Abatement Period: Recementing may then be
Prompt correction upon
determination of corrective
action. (15 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

[57 FR 3025, Jan. 27, 1992]

g. Top plugs shall be used to reduce contamination of cement by
displacement fluid. A bottom plug or other acceptable technique, such
as a preflush fluid, inner string cement method, etc., shall be utilized to
help isolate the cement from contamination by the mud fluid being
displaced ahead of the cement slurry.

Violation: Major.
Correction Action: Logging may be required to
determine the quality of the
cement job. Recementing or
Normal Abatement Period: further recementing may
then be specified.
Based upon determination
of corrective action.

h. All casing strings below the conductor shall be pressure tested to

0.22 psi per foot of casing string length or 1500 psi, whichever is
greater, but not to exceed 70 percent of the minimum internal yield. If
pressure declines more than 10 percent in 30 minutes, corrective action
shall be taken.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Perform the test and/or
remedial action as specified
Normal Abatement Period: by the authorized officer.
24 hours.

i. On all exploratory wells, and on that portion of any well approved for
a 5M BOPE system or greater, a pressure integrity test of each casing
shoe shall be performed. Formation at the shoe shall be tested to a
minimum of the mud weight equivalent anticipated to control the
formation pressure to the next casing depth or at total depth of the well.
This test shall be performed before drilling more than 20 feet of new

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Perform the specified test.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.

C. Mud Program Requirements

The characteristics, use, and testing of drilling mud and the
implementation of related drilling procedures shall be designed to
prevent the loss of well control. Sufficient quantities of mud materials (16 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

shall be maintained or readily accessible for the purpose of assuring

well control.
Minimum Standards and Enforcement Provisions for Mud Program and
1. Record slow pump speed on daily drilling report after mudding up.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Record required
Normal Abatement Period: information.
24 hours.

2. Visual mud monitoring equipment shall be in place to detect volume

changes indicating loss or gain of circulating fluid volume.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install necessary equipment.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.

3. When abnormal pressures are anticipated, electronic/mechanical mud

monitoring equipment shall be required, which shall include as a
minimum; pit volume totalizer (PVT); stroke counter; and flow sensor.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install necessary
Normal Abatement Period: instrumentation.
24 hours.

4. A mud test shall be performed every 24 hours after mudding up to

determine, as applicable: density, viscosity, gel strength, filtration, and

Violation: Minor.
Correction Action: Perform necessary tests.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.

5. A trip tank shall be used on 10M and 15M systems and on upgraded
5M systems as determined by the authorized officer.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install necessary equipment.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.

6. a. Gas detecting equipment shall be installed in the mud return

system for exploratory wells or wells where abnormal pressure is (17 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

anticipated, and hydrocarbon gas shall be monitored for pore pressure

b. Hydrogen sulfide safety and monitoring equipment requirements may
be found in Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6 - Hydrogen Sulfide

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install necessary equipment.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.

7. All flare systems shall be designed to gather and burn all gas. The
flare line(s) discharge shall be located not less than 100 feet from the
well head, having straight lines unless turns are targeted with running
tees, and shall be positioned downwind of the prevailing wind direction
and shall be anchored. The flare system shall have an effective method
for ignition. Where noncombustible gas is likely or expected to be
vented, the system shall be provided supplemental fuel for ignition and
to maintain a continuous flare.

Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install equipment as
Normal Abatement Period: specified.
24 Hours.

8. A mud-gas separator (gas buster) shall be installed and operable for

all systems of 10M or greater and for any system where abnormal
pressure is anticipated beginning at a point at least 500 feet above any
anticipated hydrocarbon zone of interest.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install required equipment.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
[54 FR 39528, Sept. 27, 1989, further amended at 57 FR 3026, Jan.27,

D. Drill Stem Testing Requirements

Initial opening of drill stem test tools shall be restricted to daylight
hours unless specific approval to start during other hours is obtained
from the authorized officer. However, DSTs may be allowed to
continue at night if the test was initiated during daylight hours and the
rate of flow is stabilized and if adequate lighting is available (i.e.,
lighting which is adequate for visibility and vapor-proof for safe
operations). Packers can be released, but tripping shall not begin before
daylight, unless prior approval is obtained from the authorized officer. (18 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

Closed chamber DSTs may be accomplished day or night.

Minimum Standards for Drill Stem Testing.
1. A DST that flows to the surface with evidence of hydrocarbons shall
be either reversed out of the testing string under controlled surface
conditions or displaced into the formation prior to pulling the test tool.
This would involve providing some means for reserve circulation.

Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Contingent on
circumstances and as
Normal Abatement Period: specified by the authorized
Prompt correction required.

2. Separation equipment required for the anticipated recovery shall be

properly installed before a test starts.

Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install required equipment.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.

3. All engines within 100 feet of the wellbore that are required to "run"
during the test shall have spark arresters or water cooled exhausts.

Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Contingent on
circumstances and as
Normal Abatement Period: specified by the authorized
Prompt correction required.

E. Special Drilling Operations

1. In addition to the equipment already specified elsewhere in this
onshore order, the following equipment shall be in place and
operational during air/gas drilling:
● Properly lubricated and maintained rotating head*

● Spark arresters on engines or water cooled exhaust*

● Blooie line discharge 100 feet from well bore and securely
● Straight run on blooie line unless otherwise approved

● Deduster equipment* (19 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

● All cuttings and circulating medium shall be directed into a

reserve or blooie pit*
● Float valve above bit*
● Automatic igniter or continuous pilot light on the blooie line*
● Compressors located in the opposite direction from the blooie
line a minimum of 100 feet from the well bore
● Mud circulating equipment, water, and mud materials (does not
have to be premixed) sufficient to maintain the capacity of the
hole and circulating tanks or pits
Violation: Minor (unless marked by an
Corrective Action: asterisk).
Normal Abatement Period: Install the equipment as
24 hours.
*Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as
Normal Abatement Period: specified.
Prompt correction required.

2. Hydrogen sulphide operation is specifically addressed under Onshore

Oil and Gas Order No. 6.

F. Surface Use
Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 1 specifically addresses surface use.
That Order provides for safe operations, adequate protection of surface
resources and uses, and other environmental components. The
operator/lessee is responsible for, and liable for, all building,
construction, and operating activities and subcontracting activities
conducted in association with the APD. Requirements and special
stipulations for surface use are contained in or attached to the approved
Minimum Standards and Enforcement Provisions for Surface Use.
The requirements and stipulations of approval shall be strictly adhered
to by the operator/lessee and any contractors.
Violation: If a violation is identified by the authorized officer he shall
determine whether it is major or minor, considering the definitions in
43 CFR 3160.0-5, and shall specify the appropriate corrective action
and abatement period. (20 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

G. Drilling Abandonment Requirements

The following standards apply to the abandonment of newly drilled dry
or non-productive wells in accordance with 43 CFR 3162.3-4 and
section V of Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 1. Approval shall be
obtained prior to the commencement of abandonment. All formations
bearing usable-quality water, oil, gas, or geothermal resources, and/or a
prospectively valuable deposit of minerals shall be protected. Approval
may be given orally by the authorized officer before abandonment
operations are initiated. This oral request and approval shall be
followed by a written notice of intent to abandon filed not later than the
fifth business day following oral approval. Failure to obtain approval
prior to commencement of abandonment operations shall result in
immediate assessment of under 43 CFR 3163.1(b)(3). The hole shall be
in static condition at the time any plugs are placed (this does not pertain
to plugging lost circulation zones). Within 30 days of completion of
abandonment, a subsequent report of a abandonment shall be filed.
Plugging design for an abandonment hole shall include the following:
1. Open Hole.
i. A cement plug shall be placed to extend at least 50 feet below
the bottom (except as limited by total depth (TD) or plugged
back total depth (PBTD)), to 50 feet above the top of:
a. Any zone encountered during which contains fluid or
gas with a potential to migrate;
b. Any prospectively valuable deposit of minerals.
ii. All cement plugs, except the surface plug, shall have sufficient
slurry volume to fill 100 feet of the hole, plus an additional 10
percent of slurry for each 1,000 feet of depth.
iii. No plug, except the surface plug, shall be less than 25 sacks
without receiving specific approval from the authorized officer.
iv. Extremely thick sections of single formation may be secured
by placing 100-foot plugs across the top and bottom of the
formation, and in accordance with item ii hereof.
v. In the absence of productive zones or prospectively valuable
deposits of minerals which otherwise require placement of
cement plugs, long sections of open hole shall be plugged at least
every 3,000 feet. Such plugs shall be placed across in-gauge
sections of the hole, unless otherwise approved by the authorized
2. Cased Hole. A cement plug shall be placed opposite all open
perforation and extend to a minimum of 50 feet below (except as
limited by TD or PBTD) to 50 feet above the perforated interval. All (21 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

cement plugs, except the surface plug, shall have sufficient slurry
volume to fill 100 feet of hole, plus an additional 10 percent of slurry
for each 1,000 feet of depth. In lieu of the cement plug, a bridge plug is
acceptable, provided:
i. The bridge plug is set within 50 feet to 100 feet above the open
ii. The perforations are isolated from any open hole below; and
iii. The bridge plug is capped with 50 feet of cement. If a bailer is
used to cap this plug, 35 feet of cement shall be sufficient.
3. Casing Removed from Hole. If any casing is cut and recovered, a
cement plug shall be placed to extend at least 50 feet above and below
the stub. The exposed hole resulting from the casing removal shall be
secured as required in items 1i and 1ii hereof.
4. An additional cement plug placed to extend a minimum of 50 feet
above and below the shoe of the surface casing for intermediate string,
as appropriate).

5. Annular Space. No annular space that extends to the surface shall be

left open to the drilled hole below. If this condition exists, a minimum
of the top 50 feet of annulus shall be plugged with cement.
6. Isolating Medium. Any cement plug which is the only isolating
medium for a usable water interval or a zone containing a prospectively
valuable deposit of minerals shall be tested by tagging with the drill
string. Any plugs placed where the fluid level will not remain static also
shall be tested by either tagging the plug with the working pipe string,
or pressuring to a minimum pump (surface) pressure of 1,000 psi, with
no more than a 10 percent drop during a 15-minute period (cased hole
only). If the integrity of any other plug is questionable, or if the
authorized officer has specific concerns for which he/she orders a plug
to be tested, it shall be tested in the same manner.
7. Silica Sand or Silica Flour. Silica sand or silica flour shall be added
to cement exposed to bottom hole static temperatures above 230 F to
prevent heat degradation of the cement.
8. Surface Plug. A cement plug of at least 50 feet shall be placed across
all annuluses. The top of this plug shall be placed as near the eventual
casing cutoff point as possible.
9. Mud. Each of the intervals between plugs shall be filled with mud of
sufficient density to exert hydrostatic pressure exceeding the greatest
formation pressure encountered while drilling such interval. In the
absenseof other information at the time plugging is approved, a (22 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

minimum mud weight of 9 pounds per gallon shall be specified.

10. Surface Cap. All casing shall be cut-off at the base of the cellar or 3
feet below final restored ground level (whichever is deeper). The well
bore shall then be covered with a metal plate at least 1/4 inch thick and
welded in place, or a 4-inch pipe, 10-feet in length, 4 feet above ground
and embedded in cement as specified by the authorized officer. The
well location and identity shall be permanently inscribed. A weep hole
shall be left if a metal plate is welded in place.
11. The cellar shall be filled with suitable material as specified by the
authorized officer and the surface restored in accordance with the
instructions of the authorized officer.
Minimum Standard
All plugging orders shall be strictly adhered to.

Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Contingent upon
Normal Abatement Period: circumstances.
Prompt correction required.
[54 FR 39528, Sept. 27, 1989]

IV. Variances From Minimum Standard

An operator may request the authorized officer to approve a variance
from any of the minimum standards prescribed in section III hereof. All
such request shall be submitted in writing to the appropriate authorized
officer and provide information as to the circumstances which warrant
approval of the variance(s) requested and the proposed alternative
methods by which the related minimum standard(s) are to be satisfied.
The authorized officer, after considering all relevant factors, if
appropriate, may approve the requested variance(s) if it is determined
that the proposed alternative(s) meet or exceed the objectives of the
applicable minimum standard(s).
Emergency or other situations of an immediate nature that could not be
reasonably foreseen at the time of APD approval may receive oral
approval. However, such requests shall be followed up by a written
notice filed not later than the fifth business day following oral approval.

Note: The Order is in it's official form. However, there are some errors
in the text of the Order that need correction. They are in "bold",
"italicized", and are "underlined" and are as follows: (23 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]

Onshore Order 2

Applications and Plans should be applications and plans;

Abandonment should be abandonment:
Records and Reports should be records and reports:
§3162.4-3 should be 3162.4-2;
Obligations should be obligations;
Tests, and Surveys should be tests, and surveys
Wells, in two places, should be wells;
Precautions should be precautions; and
Noncompliance and Assessment. should be Noncompliance,
Assessments, and Penalties.
Application for Permit to Drill should be Application for Permit to
Drill, Deepen, or Plug Back;
Existing should be existing;
annual should be annular;
absense should be absence; (24 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:03:22 PM]



43 FR PART 3160 (as of 3/7/97)
Federal Register / Vol. 53, No. 223
Friday, November 18, 1988
Effective date: December 19, 1988

Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 2

Drilling Operations on Federal and Indian Oil and Gas Leases
I. Introduction
A. Authority
This order is established pursuant to the authority granted to the Secretary of the Interior pursuant to
various Federal and Indian mineral leasing statutes and the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management
Act of 1982. This authority has been delegated to the Bureau of Land Management and is implemented
by the onshore oil and gas operating regulations contained in 43 CFR Part 3160. Section 3164.1 thereof
specially authorizes the Director, Bureau of Land Management, to issue Onshore Oil and Gas Orders
when necessary to implement and supplement the operating regulations and provides that all such Orders
shall be binding on the lessees and operators of Federal and restricted Indian (except Osage tribe) oil and
gas leases that have been, or may hereafter be issued.
Specific authority for the provisions contained in this Order is found at: §3162.3-1 Drilling Applications
and Plans; §3162.3-4 Well Abandonment; §3162.4-1 Well Records and Reports; §3162.4-3 Samples,
Tests, and Surveys; §3162.5-1 Environmental Obligations; §3162.5-2 Control of Wells; §3162.5-2(a)
Drilling Wells; §3162.5-3 Safety Precautions; and Subpart 3163 Noncompliance and Assessment.

B. Purpose
This Order details the Bureau's uniform national standards for the minimum levels of performance
expected from lessees and operators when conducting drilling operations on Federal and Indian lands
(except Osage Tribe) and for abandonment immediately following drilling. The purpose also is to
identify the enforcement actions that will result when violations of the minimum standards are found, and
when those violations are not abated in a timely manner.

C. Scope
This Order is applicable to all onshore Federal and Indian (except Osage Tribe) oil and gas leases.

D. General
1. If an operator chooses to use higher rated equipment than that authorized in the Application for
Permit to Drill (APD), testing procedures shall apply to the approved working pressures, not the
upgraded higher working pressures.
2. Some situations may exist either on a well-by-well or field-wide basis whereby it is commonly (1 of 18) [3/24/2003 12:14:55 PM]


accepted practice to vary a particular minimum standard(s) established in this Order. This situation
may be resolved by requesting a variance (See section IV of this Order), by the inclusion of a
stipulation to the APD, or by the issuance of Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) by the
appropriate BLM office.
3. When a violation is discovered and if it does not cause or threaten immediate substantial and
adverse impact on public health and safety, the environment, production accountability or royalty,
it will be classified as minor. The violation may be reissued as a major violation if not corrected
during the abatement period and continued drilling has changed the adverse impact of the violation
so that it meets the specific definition of a major violation.
4. This Onshore Order is not intended to circumvent the reporting requirements or compliance
aspects that may be stated elsewhere in Existing NTL's, Onshore Orders, etc. A lessee's
compliance with the requirements of the regulations in this Part shall not relieve the lessee of the
obligation to comply with other applicable laws and regulations in accordance with 43 CFR
3162.5-1(c). Lessee's should give special attention to the automatic assessment provisions in 43
CFR 3163.1(b).
5. This Order is based upon the assumption that operations have been approved in accordance with
43 CFR Part 3160 and Onshore Oil and Gas Order No.1. Failure to obtain approval prior to
commencement of drilling or related operations shall subject the operator to immediate assessment
under 43 CFR 3163.1(b)(2).

II. Definitions.
A. Abnormal Pressure Zone means a zone that has either pressure above or below the normal gradient for
an area and/or depth.
B. Bleed Line means the vent line that bypasses the chokes in the choke manifold system; also referred to
as Panic Line.
C. Blooie Line means a discharge line used in conjunction with a rotating head.
D. Drilling Spool means a connection component with both ends either flanged or hubbed with an
internal diameter at least equal to the bore of the casing, and with smaller side outlets for connecting
auxiliary lines.
E. Exploratory Well means any well drilled beyond the known producing limits of a pool.
F. Filled-up Line means the line used to fill the hole when the drill pipe is being removed from the well.
It is usually connected to a 2-inch collar that is welded into a drilling nipple.
G. Flare Line means a line used to carry gas from the rig to be burned at a safer location. The gas comes
from the degasser, gas buster, separator, or when drill stem testing, directly from the drill pipe.
H. Functionally Operated means activating equipment without subjecting it to well-bore pressure.
I. Isolating means using cement to protect, separate, or segregate usable water and mineral resources.
J. Lease means any contact, profit-share agreement, joint venture, or other agreement issued or approved
by the United States under a mineral leasing law that authorizes exploration for, extraction of, or removal (2 of 18) [3/24/2003 12:14:55 PM]


of oil or gas (See 43 CFR 3160.0-5).

K. Lessee means a person holding record title in a lease issued by the United States (See 43 CFR
L. Make-up Water means water that is used in mixing slurry for cement jobs and plugging operations,
and is compatible with cement constituents being used.
M. Manual Locking Device means any manually activated device, such as a hand wheels, etc., that is
used for the purpose of locking the preventer in the closed position.
N. Mud for Plugging Purposes means a slurry of bentonite of similar flocculent/viscosifier, water, and
additive needed to achieve the desired weight and consistency to stabilize the hole.
O. Mudding Up means adding materials and chemicals to water to control the viscosity, weight, and
filtrate loss of the circulating system.
P. Operating Rights Owner (or Owner) means a person or entity holding operating rights in a lease issued
by the United States. A lessee also may be an operating rights owner if the operating rights in a lease or
portion thereof have not been severed from record title.
Q. Operational means capable of functioning as designed and installed without undue force or further
R. Operator means any person or entity, including but not limited to the lessee or operating rights owner,
who has stated in writing to the authorized officer his/her responsibility for the operations conducted in
the leased lands or a portion thereof.
S. Precharge Pressure means the nitrogen pressure remaining in the accumulator after all the hydraulic
fluid has been expelled from beneath the movable barrier.
T. Prompt Correction means immediate correction of violations, with drilling suspended if required in the
discretion of the authorized officer.
U. Prospectively Valuable Deposit of Minerals means any deposit of minerals that the authorized officer
determines to have characteristics of quantity and quality that warrant its protection.
V. Tagging the Plug means running in the hole with a string of tubing or drill pipe and placing sufficient
weight on the plug to insure its integrity. Other methods of tagging the plug may be approved by the
authorized officer.
W. Targeted Tee or Turn means a fitting used in pressure piping in which a bull plug or blind flange of
the same pressure rating as the rest of the approved system is installed at the end of a tee or cross,
opposite the fluid entry arm, to change the direction of flow and to reduce erosion.
X. 2M, 3M, 5M, 10M, and 15M mean the pressure ratings used for equipment with a working pressure
rating of the equivalent thousand pounds per square inch (psi) (2M=2,000 psi, 3M=3,000 psi, etc.)
Y. Usable Water means generally those waters containing up to 10,000 ppm of total dissolved solids.
Z. Weep Hole means a small hole that allows pressure to bleed off through the metal plate, used in
covering well bores after abandonment operations. (3 of 18) [3/24/2003 12:14:55 PM]


[57 FR 3025, Jan. 27, 1992]

III. Requirements
A. Well Control Requirements
1. Blowout preventer (BOP) and related equipment (BOPE) shall be installed, used, maintained, and
tested in a manner necessary to assure well control and shall be in place and operational prior to drilling
the surface casing shoe unless otherwise approved by the APD. Commencement of drilling without the
approved BOPE installed, unless otherwise approved, shall subject the operator to immediate assessment
under 43 CFR 3163.1(b)(1). The BOP and related control equipment shall be suitable for operations in
those areas which are subject to sub-freezing conditions. The BOPE shall be based on known or
anticipated sub-surface pressures, geologic conditions, accepted engineering practice, and surface
environment. Item number 7 of the eight point plan in the APD specifically addresses expected pressures.
The working pressure of all BOPE shall exceed the anticipated surface pressure to which it may be
subjected, assuming a partially evacuated hole with a pressure gradient of 0.22 psi/ft.
2. The gravity of the violations for many of the well control minimum standards listed below are shown
as minor. However, very short abatement periods in this Order are often specified in recognition that by
continuing to drill, the violation which was originally determined to be of a minor nature may cause or
threaten immediate, substantial and adverse impact on public health and safety, the environment,
production accountability, or royalty income, which would require its reclassification as a major
a. Minimum standards and enforcement provisions for well control equipment.
i. A well control device shall be installed at the surface that is capable of complete closure of the
well bore. This device shall be closed whenever the well is unattended.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as specified.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
ii. 2M system:
❍ Annular preventer, or double ram, or two rams with one being blind and one being a pipe
❍ kill line (2 inch minimum)

❍ 1 kill line valve (2 inch minimum)

❍ 1 choke line valve

❍ 2 chokes (refer to diagram in Attachment 1)

❍ Upper kelly cock valve with handle available

❍ Safety valve and subs to fit all drill strings in use

❍ Pressure gauge on choke manifold

❍ 2 inch minimum choke line

❍ Fill-up line above the uppermost preventer. (4 of 18) [3/24/2003 12:14:55 PM]


Violation: Minor (all items unless marked by

Corrective Action: asterisk).
Normal Abatement Period: Install the equipment as specified.
24 hours.
*Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as specified.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
iii. 3M system:
❍ Annular preventers*

❍ Double ram with blind rams and pipe rams*

❍ Drilling spool, or blowout preventer with 2 side outlets (choke side shall be a 3-inch
minimum diameter, kill side shall be at least 2-inch diameter)*
❍ Kill line (2 inch minimum)

❍ A minimum of 2 choke line valves (3 inch minimum)*

❍ 3 inch diameter choke line

❍ 2 kill line valves, one of which shall be a check valve (2 inch minimum)*

❍ 2 chokes (refer to diagram in Attachment 1)

❍ Pressure gauge on choke manifold

❍ Upper kelly cock valve with handle available

❍ Safety valve and subs to fit all drill string connections in use

❍ All BOPE connections subjected to well pressure shall be flanged, welded, or clamped*

❍ Fill-up line above the uppermost preventer.

Violation: Minor (all items unless marked by

Corrective Action: asterisk).
Normal Abatement Period: Install the equipment as specified.
24 hours.
*Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as specified.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
iv. 5M system:
❍ Annular preventer*

❍ Pipe ram, blind ram, and, if conditions warrant, as specified by the authorized officer,
another pipe ram shall also be required*
❍ A second pipe ram preventer shall be used with a tapered drill string

❍ Drilling spool, or blowout preventer with 2 side outlets (choke side shall be a 3-inch
minimum diameter, kill side shall be at least 2-inch diameter)*
❍ 3 inch diameter choke line

❍ 2 choke line valves (3 inch minimum)*

❍ Kill line (2 inch minimum) (5 of 18) [3/24/2003 12:14:55 PM]


❍ 2 chokes with 1 remotely controlled from rig floor (refer to diagram in Attachment 1)
❍ 2 kill line valves and a check valve (2 inch minimum)*
❍ Upper kelly cock valve with handle available
❍ When the expected pressures approach working pressure of the system, 1 remote kill line
tested to stack pressure (which shall run to the outer edge of the substructure and be
❍ Lower kelly cock valve with handle available
❍ Safety valve(s) and subs to fit all drill string connections in use
❍ Inside BOP or float sub available
❍ Pressure gauge on choke manifold
❍ All BOPE connections subjected to well pressure shall be flanged, welded, or clamped*
❍ Fill-up line above the uppermost preventer.
Violation: Minor (all items unless marked by
Corrective Action: asterisk).
Normal Abatement Period: Install the equipment as specified.
24 hours
*Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as specified.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
v. 10M & 15M system:
❍ Annular preventer*

❍ 2 pipe rams*

❍ Blind rams*

❍ Drilling spool, or blowout preventer with 2 side outlets (choke side shall be a 3-inch
minimum diameter, kill side shall be at least 2-inch diameter)*
❍ 3 inch choke line*

❍ 2 kill line valves (2 inch minimum) and check valve*

❍ Remote kill line (2 inch minimum) shall run to the outer edge of the substructure and be
❍ Manual and hydraulic choke line valve (3 inch minimum)*

❍ 3 chokes, 1 being remotely controlled (refer to diagram in Attachment 1)

❍ Pressure gauge on choke manifold

❍ Upper kelly cock valve with handle available

❍ Lower kelly cock valve with handle available

❍ Safety valves and subs to fit all drill string connections in use

❍ Inside BOP or float sub available

❍ Wear ring in casing head

❍ All BOPE connections subjected to well pressure shall be flanged, welded, or clamped* (6 of 18) [3/24/2003 12:14:55 PM]


❍ Fill-up line installed above the uppermost preventer.

Violation: Minor (all items unless marked by
Corrective Action: asterisk).
Normal Abatement Period: Install the equipment as specified.
24 hours.
*Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as specified.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
vi. If repair or replacement of the BOPE is required after testing, this work shall be performed
prior to drilling out the casing shoe.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as specified.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
vii. When the BOPE cannot function to secure the hole, the hole shall be secured using cement,
retrievable packer or a bridge plug packer, bridgeplug, or other acceptable approved method to
assure safe well conditions.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as specified.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
[54 FR 39528, Sept. 27, 1989]
b. Minimum standards and enforcement provisions for choke manifold equipment.
i. All choke lines shall be straight lines unless turns use tee blocks or are targeted with running
tees, and shall be anchored to prevent whip and reduce vibration.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action:. Install the equipment as specified
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
ii. Choke manifold equipment configuration shall be functionally equivalent to the appropriate
example diagram shown in Attachment 1 of this Order. The configuration of the chokes may vary.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as specified.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
iii. All valves (except chokes) in the kill line, choke manifold, and choke line shall be a type that
does not restrict the flow (full opening) and that allows a straight through flow (same enforcement
as item ii).
iv. Pressure gauges in the well control system shall be a type designed for drilling fluid service
(same enforcement as above).
[57 FR 3025, Jan. 27, 1992]
c. Minimum standards and enforcement provisions for pressure accumulator system.
i. 2M system - accumulator shall have sufficient capacity to close all BOP's and retain 200 psi
above precharge. Nitrogen bottles that meet manufacturer's specifications may be used as the (7 of 18) [3/24/2003 12:14:55 PM]


backup to the required independent power source.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as specified.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
ii. 3M system - accumulator shall have sufficient capacity to open the hydraulically-controlled
choke line valve(if so equipped), close all rams plus the annual preventer, and retain a minimum
of 200 psi above precharge on the closing manifold without the use of the closing unit pumps. This
is a minimum requirement. The fluid reservoir capacity shall be double the usable fluid volume of
the accumulator system capacity and the fluid level shall be maintained at the manufacturer's
recommendations. The 3M system shall have 2 independent power sources to close the preventers.
Nitrogen bottles (3 minimum) may be 1 of the independent power sources and, if so, shall
maintain a charge equal to the manufacturer's specifications.
Violation: Minor
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as specified.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
iii. 5M and higher system - accumulator shall have sufficient capacity to open the
hydraulically-controlled gate valve (if so equipped) and close all rams plus the annular preventer
(for 3 ram systems add a 50 percent safety factor to compensate for any fluid loss in the control
system or preventers) and retain a minimum pressure of 200 psi above precharge on the closing
manifold without use of the closing unit pumps. The fluid reservoir capacity shall be double the
usable fluid volume of the accumulator system capacity and the fluid level of the reservoir shall be
maintained at the manufacturer's recommendations. Two independent sources of power shall be
available for powering the closing unit pumps. Sufficient nitrogen bottles are suitable as a backup
power source only, and shall be recharged when the pressure falls below manufacturer's
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as specified.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
[57 FR 3025, Jan. 27, 1992]
d. Minimum standards and enforcement provisions for accumulator precharge pressure test. This test
shall be conducted prior to connecting the closing unit to the BOP stack and at least once every 6 months.
The accumulator pressure shall be corrected if the measured precharge pressure is found to be above or
below the maximum or minimum limit specified below (only nitrogen gas may be used to precharge):

Accumulator Minimum Desired Maximum Minimum

working acceptable precharge acceptable acceptable
pressure rating operating pressure precharge precharge
pressure pressure pressure
1,500 psi 1,500 psi 750 psi 800 psi 700 psi
2,000 psi 2,000 psi 1,000 psi 1,100 psi 900 psi
3,000 psi 3,000 psi 1,000 psi 1,100 psi 900 psi (8 of 18) [3/24/2003 12:14:55 PM]


Violation: Minor.
Correction Action: Perform test.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.

e. Minimum standards and enforcement provisions for power availability. Power for the closing unit
pumps shall be available to the unit at all times so that the pumps shall automatically start when the
closing valve manifold pressure has decreased to the pre-set level.

Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as specified.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.

f. Minimum standards and enforcement provisions for accumulator pump capacity. Each BOP closing
unit shall be equipped with sufficient number and sizes of pumps so that, with the accumulator system
isolated from service, the pumps shall be capable of opening the hydraulically-operated gate valve (if so
equipped), plus closing the annular preventer on the smallest size drill pipe to be used within 2 minutes,
and obtain a minimum of 200 psi above specified accumulator precharge pressure.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as specified.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.

g. Minimum standards and enforcement provisions for locking devices. A manual locking device (i.e.,
hand wheels) or automatic locking devices shall be installed on all systems of 2M or greater. A valve
shall be installed in the closing line as close as possible to the annular preventer to act as a locking
device. This valve shall be maintained in the open position and shall be closed only when the power
source for the accumulator system is inoperative.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as specified.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.

h. Minimum standards and enforcement provisions for remote controls. Remote controls shall be readily
accessible to the driller. Remote controls for all 3M or greater systems shall be capable of closing all
preventers. Remote controls for 5M or greater systems shall be capable of both opening and closing all
preventers. Master controls shall be at the accumulator and shall be capable of opening and closing all
preventers and the choke line valve (if so equipped). No remote control for a 2M system is required.

Violation: Minor.
Correction Action: Install the equipment as specified.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.

i. Minimum standards and enforcement provisions for well control equipment testing.
i. Perform all tests described below using clear water or an appropriate clear liquid for subfreezing (9 of 18) [3/24/2003 12:14:55 PM]


temperatures with a viscosity similar to water.

ii. Ram type preventers and associated equipment shall be tested to approved (see item I.D.1. of
this order) stack working pressure if isolated by test plug or to 70 percent of internal yield pressure
of casing if BOP stack is not isolated from casing. Pressure shall be maintained for at least 10
minutes or until requirements of test are met, whichever is longer. If a test plug is utilized, no
bleed-off of pressure is acceptable. For a test not utilizing a test plug, if a decline in pressure of
more than 10 percent in 30 minutes occurs, the test shall be considered to have failed. Valve on
casing head below test plug shall be open during test of BOP stack.
iii. Annular type preventers shall be tested to 50 percent of rated working pressure. Pressure shall
be maintained at least 10 minutes or until provisions of test are met, whichever is longer.
iv. As a minimum, the above test shall be performed:
A. when initially installed:
B. whenever any seal subject to test pressure is broken:
C. following related repairs: and
D. at 30-day intervals.
v. Valves shall be tested from working pressure side during BOPE tests with all down stream
valves open.
vi. When testing the kill line valve(s), the check valve shall be held open or the ball removed.
vii. Annular preventers shall be functionally operated at least weekly.
viii. Pipe and blind rams shall be activated each trip, however, this function need not be performed
more than once a day.
ix. A BOPE pit level drill shall be conducted weekly for each drilling crew.
x. Pressure tests shall apply to all related well control equipment.
xi. All of the above described tests and/or drills shall be recorded in the drilling log.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective action: Perform the necessary test or provide
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours or next trip, as most
[54 FR 39528, Sept. 27, 1989]

B. Casing and Cementing Requirements

The proposed casing and cementing programs shall be conducted as approved to protect and/or isolate all
usable water zones, potentially productive zones, lost circulation zones, abnormally pressured zones, and
any prospectively valuable deposits of minerals. Any isolating medium other than cement shall receive
approval prior to use. The casing setting depth shall be calculated to position the casing seat opposite a
competent formation which will contain the maximum pressure to which it will be exposed during
normal drilling operations. Determination of casing setting depth shall be based on all relevant factors, (10 of 18) [3/24/2003 12:14:55 PM]


including: presence/absence of hydrocarbons; fracture gradients; usable water zones; formation

pressures; lost circulation zones; other minerals; or other unusual characteristics. All indications of
usable water shall be reported.
● Minimum design factors for tensions, collapse, and burst that are incorporated into the casing
design by an operator/lessee shall be submitted to the authorized operator for his review and
approval along with the APD for all exploratory wells or as otherwise specified by the authorized
● Casing design shall assume formation pressure gradients of 0.44 to 0.50 psi per foot for
exploratory wells (lacking better data).
● Casing design shall assume fracture gradients from 0.70 to 1.00 psi per foot for exploratory wells
(lacking better data).
● Casing collars shall have a minimum clearance of 0.422 inches on all sides in the hole/casing
annulus, with recognition that variances can be granted for justified exceptions.
● All waiting on cement times shall be adequate to achieve a minimum of 500 psi compressive
strength at the casing shoe prior to drilling out.
1. Minimum Standards and Enforcement Provisions for Casing and Cementing.
a. All casing, except the conductor casing, shall be new or reconditioned and tested casing. All casing
shall meet or exceed API standards for new casing. The use of reconditioned and tested used casing shall
be subject to approval by the authorized officer: approval will be contingent upon the wall thickness of
any such casing being verified to be at least 87 ½ percent of the nominal wall thickness of new casing.

Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Perform remedial action as specified by
the authorized officer.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
[57 FR 3025, Jan. 27, 1992]
b. For liners, a minimum of 100 feet of overlap between a string of casing and the next larger casing is
required. The interval of overlap shall be sealed and tested. The liner shall be tested by a fluid entry or
pressure test to determine whether a seal between the liner top and next larger string has been achieved.
The test pressure shall be the maximum anticipated pressure to which the seal will be exposed. No test
shall be required for liners that do not incorporate or need a seal mechanism.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Perform remedial action as specified by
the authorized officer.
Upon determination of corrective action. Upon determination of corrective action.

c. The surface casing shall be cemented back to surface either during the primary cement job or by
remedial cementing. (11 of 18) [3/24/2003 12:14:55 PM]


Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Perform remedial cementing.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.

d. All of the above described tests shall be recorded in the drilling log.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Perform the necessary test or provide
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.

e. All indications of usable water shall be reported to the authorized officer prior to running the next
string of casing or before plugging orders are requested, whichever occurs first.

Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Report information as required.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.

f. Surface casing shall have centralizers on the bottom 3 joints of the casing (a minimum of 1 centralizer
per joint, starting with the shoe joint).

Violations: Major.
Corrective Action: Logging/testing may be required to
determine the quality of the job.
Recementing may then be specified.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction upon determination of
corrective action.
[57 FR 3025, Jan. 27, 1992]
g. Top plugs shall be used to reduce contamination of cement by displacement fluid. A bottom plug or
other acceptable technique, such as a preflush fluid, inner string cement method, etc., shall be utilized to
help isolate the cement from contamination by the mud fluid being displaced ahead of the cement slurry.

Violation: Major.
Correction Action: Logging may be required to determine
the quality of the cement job.
Recementing or further recementing may
Normal Abatement Period: then be specified.
Based upon determination of corrective

h. All casing strings below the conductor shall be pressure tested to 0.22 psi per foot of casing string
length or 1500 psi, whichever is greater, but not to exceed 70 percent of the minimum internal yield. If
pressure declines more than 10 percent in 30 minutes, corrective action shall be taken. (12 of 18) [3/24/2003 12:14:55 PM]


Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Perform the test and/or remedial action
as specified by the authorized officer.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.

i. On all exploratory wells, and on that portion of any well approved for a 5M BOPE system or greater, a
pressure integrity test of each casing shoe shall be performed. Formation at the shoe shall be tested to a
minimum of the mud weight equivalent anticipated to control the formation pressure to the next casing
depth or at total depth of the well. This test shall be performed before drilling more than 20 feet of new

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Perform the specified test.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.

C. Mud Program Requirements

The characteristics, use, and testing of drilling mud and the implementation of related drilling procedures
shall be designed to prevent the loss of well control. Sufficient quantities of mud materials shall be
maintained or readily accessible for the purpose of assuring well control.
Minimum Standards and Enforcement Provisions for Mud Program and Equipment
1. Record slow pump speed on daily drilling report after mudding up.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Record required information.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.

2. Visual mud monitoring equipment shall be in place to detect volume changes indicating loss or gain of
circulating fluid volume.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install necessary equipment.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.

3. When abnormal pressures are anticipated, electronic/mechanical mud monitoring equipment shall be
required, which shall include as a minimum; pit volume totalizer (PVT); stroke counter; and flow sensor.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install necessary instrumentation.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.

4. A mud test shall be performed every 24 hours after mudding up to determine, as applicable: density,
viscosity, gel strength, filtration, and pH. (13 of 18) [3/24/2003 12:14:55 PM]


Violation: Minor.
Correction Action: Perform necessary tests.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.

5. A trip tank shall be used on 10M and 15M systems and on upgraded 5M systems as determined by the
authorized officer.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install necessary equipment.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.

6. a. Gas detecting equipment shall be installed in the mud return system for exploratory wells or wells
where abnormal pressure is anticipated, and hydrocarbon gas shall be monitored for pore pressure
b. Hydrogen sulfide safety and monitoring equipment requirements may be found in Onshore Oil and
Gas Order No. 6 - Hydrogen Sulfide Operations.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install necessary equipment.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.

7. All flare systems shall be designed to gather and burn all gas. The flare line(s) discharge shall be
located not less than 100 feet from the well head, having straight lines unless turns are targeted with
running tees, and shall be positioned downwind of the prevailing wind direction and shall be anchored.
The flare system shall have an effective method for ignition. Where noncombustible gas is likely or
expected to be vented, the system shall be provided supplemental fuel for ignition and to maintain a
continuous flare.

Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install equipment as specified.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 Hours.

8. A mud-gas separator (gas buster) shall be installed and operable for all systems of 10M or greater and
for any system where abnormal pressure is anticipated beginning at a point at least 500 feet above any
anticipated hydrocarbon zone of interest.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install required equipment.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
[54 FR 39528, Sept. 27, 1989, further amended at 57 FR 3026, Jan.27, 1992] (14 of 18) [3/24/2003 12:14:55 PM]


D. Drill Stem Testing Requirements

Initial opening of drill stem test tools shall be restricted to daylight hours unless specific approval to start
during other hours is obtained from the authorized officer. However, DSTs may be allowed to continue at
night if the test was initiated during daylight hours and the rate of flow is stabilized and if adequate
lighting is available (i.e., lighting which is adequate for visibility and vapor-proof for safe operations).
Packers can be released, but tripping shall not begin before daylight, unless prior approval is obtained
from the authorized officer. Closed chamber DSTs may be accomplished day or night.
Minimum Standards for Drill Stem Testing.
1. A DST that flows to the surface with evidence of hydrocarbons shall be either reversed out of the
testing string under controlled surface conditions or displaced into the formation prior to pulling the test
tool. This would involve providing some means for reserve circulation.

Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Contingent on circumstances and as
specified by the authorized officer.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
2. Separation equipment required for the anticipated recovery shall be properly installed before a test

Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install required equipment.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.

3. All engines within 100 feet of the wellbore that are required to "run" during the test shall have spark
arresters or water cooled exhausts.

Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Contingent on circumstances and as
specified by the authorized officer.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.

E. Special Drilling Operations

1. In addition to the equipment already specified elsewhere in this onshore order, the following
equipment shall be in place and operational during air/gas drilling:
● Properly lubricated and maintained rotating head*

● Spark arresters on engines or water cooled exhaust*

● Blooie line discharge 100 feet from well bore and securely anchored

● Straight run on blooie line unless otherwise approved

● Deduster equipment* (15 of 18) [3/24/2003 12:14:55 PM]


● All cuttings and circulating medium shall be directed into a reserve or blooie pit*
● Float valve above bit*
● Automatic igniter or continuous pilot light on the blooie line*
● Compressors located in the opposite direction from the blooie line a minimum of 100 feet from the
well bore
● Mud circulating equipment, water, and mud materials (does not have to be premixed) sufficient to
maintain the capacity of the hole and circulating tanks or pits
Violation: Minor (unless marked by an asterisk).
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as specified.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
*Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install the equipment as specified.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.

2. Hydrogen sulphide operation is specifically addressed under Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6.

F. Surface Use
Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 1 specifically addresses surface use. That Order provides for safe
operations, adequate protection of surface resources and uses, and other environmental components. The
operator/lessee is responsible for, and liable for, all building, construction, and operating activities and
subcontracting activities conducted in association with the APD. Requirements and special stipulations
for surface use are contained in or attached to the approved APD.
Minimum Standards and Enforcement Provisions for Surface Use.
The requirements and stipulations of approval shall be strictly adhered to by the operator/lessee and any
Violation: If a violation is identified by the authorized officer he shall determine whether it is major or
minor, considering the definitions in 43 CFR 3160.0-5, and shall specify the appropriate corrective action
and abatement period.

G. Drilling Abandonment Requirements

The following standards apply to the abandonment of newly drilled dry or non-productive wells in
accordance with 43 CFR 3162.3-4 and section V of Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 1. Approval shall be
obtained prior to the commencement of abandonment. All formations bearing usable-quality water, oil,
gas, or geothermal resources, and/or a prospectively valuable deposit of minerals shall be protected.
Approval may be given orally by the authorized officer before abandonment operations are initiated. This
oral request and approval shall be followed by a written notice of intent to abandon filed not later than
the fifth business day following oral approval. Failure to obtain approval prior to commencement of
abandonment operations shall result in immediate assessment of under 43 CFR 3163.1(b)(3). The hole
shall be in static condition at the time any plugs are placed (this does not pertain to plugging lost
circulation zones). Within 30 days of completion of abandonment, a subsequent report of a abandonment
shall be filed. Plugging design for an abandonment hole shall include the following: (16 of 18) [3/24/2003 12:14:55 PM]


1. Open Hole.
i. A cement plug shall be placed to extend at least 50 feet below the bottom (except as limited by
total depth (TD) or plugged back total depth (PBTD)), to 50 feet above the top of:
a. Any zone encountered during which contains fluid or gas with a potential to migrate;
b. Any prospectively valuable deposit of minerals.
ii. All cement plugs, except the surface plug, shall have sufficient slurry volume to fill 100 feet of
the hole, plus an additional 10 percent of slurry for each 1,000 feet of depth.
iii. No plug, except the surface plug, shall be less than 25 sacks without receiving specific approval
from the authorized officer.
iv. Extremely thick sections of single formation may be secured by placing 100-foot plugs across
the top and bottom of the formation, and in accordance with item ii hereof.
v. In the absence of productive zones or prospectively valuable deposits of minerals which
otherwise require placement of cement plugs, long sections of open hole shall be plugged at least
every 3,000 feet. Such plugs shall be placed across in-gauge sections of the hole, unless otherwise
approved by the authorized officer.
2. Cased Hole. A cement plug shall be placed opposite all open perforation and extend to a minimum of
50 feet below (except as limited by TD or PBTD) to 50 feet above the perforated interval. All cement
plugs, except the surface plug, shall have sufficient slurry volume to fill 100 feet of hole, plus an
additional 10 percent of slurry for each 1,000 feet of depth. In lieu of the cement plug, a bridge plug is
acceptable, provided:
i. The bridge plug is set within 50 feet to 100 feet above the open perforations;
ii. The perforations are isolated from any open hole below; and
iii. The bridge plug is capped with 50 feet of cement. If a bailer is used to cap this plug, 35 feet of
cement shall be sufficient.
3. Casing Removed from Hole. If any casing is cut and recovered, a cement plug shall be placed to
extend at least 50 feet above and below the stub. The exposed hole resulting from the casing removal
shall be secured as required in items 1i and 1ii hereof.
4. An additional cement plug placed to extend a minimum of 50 feet above and below the shoe of the
surface casing for intermediate string, as appropriate).

5. Annular Space. No annular space that extends to the surface shall be left open to the drilled hole
below. If this condition exists, a minimum of the top 50 feet of annulus shall be plugged with cement.
6. Isolating Medium. Any cement plug which is the only isolating medium for a usable water interval or
a zone containing a prospectively valuable deposit of minerals shall be tested by tagging with the drill
string. Any plugs placed where the fluid level will not remain static also shall be tested by either tagging
the plug with the working pipe string, or pressuring to a minimum pump (surface) pressure of 1,000 psi,
with no more than a 10 percent drop during a 15-minute period (cased hole only). If the integrity of any
other plug is questionable, or if the authorized officer has specific concerns for which he/she orders a (17 of 18) [3/24/2003 12:14:55 PM]


plug to be tested, it shall be tested in the same manner.

7. Silica Sand or Silica Flour. Silica sand or silica flour shall be added to cement exposed to bottom hole
static temperatures above 230 F to prevent heat degradation of the cement.
8. Surface Plug. A cement plug of at least 50 feet shall be placed across all annuluses. The top of this
plug shall be placed as near the eventual casing cutoff point as possible.
9. Mud. Each of the intervals between plugs shall be filled with mud of sufficient density to exert
hydrostatic pressure exceeding the greatest formation pressure encountered while drilling such interval.
In the absenseof other information at the time plugging is approved, a minimum mud weight of 9 pounds
per gallon shall be specified.
10. Surface Cap. All casing shall be cut-off at the base of the cellar or 3 feet below final restored ground
level (whichever is deeper). The well bore shall then be covered with a metal plate at least 1/4 inch thick
and welded in place, or a 4-inch pipe, 10-feet in length, 4 feet above ground and embedded in cement as
specified by the authorized officer. The well location and identity shall be permanently inscribed. A
weep hole shall be left if a metal plate is welded in place.
11. The cellar shall be filled with suitable material as specified by the authorized officer and the surface
restored in accordance with the instructions of the authorized officer.
Minimum Standard
All plugging orders shall be strictly adhered to.

Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Contingent upon circumstances.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
[54 FR 39528, Sept. 27, 1989]

IV. Variances From Minimum Standard

An operator may request the authorized officer to approve a variance from any of the minimum standards
prescribed in section III hereof. All such request shall be submitted in writing to the appropriate
authorized officer and provide information as to the circumstances which warrant approval of the
variance(s) requested and the proposed alternative methods by which the related minimum standard(s)
are to be satisfied. The authorized officer, after considering all relevant factors, if appropriate, may
approve the requested variance(s) if it is determined that the proposed alternative(s) meet or exceed the
objectives of the applicable minimum standard(s).
Emergency or other situations of an immediate nature that could not be reasonably foreseen at the time of
APD approval may receive oral approval. However, such requests shall be followed up by a written
notice filed not later than the fifth business day following oral approval. (18 of 18) [3/24/2003 12:14:55 PM]

Onshore Order No 1 - Frame> This page uses Frames


Federal Register / Vol. 54, No. 36
Friday, February 24, 1989
Effective date: March 27, 1989

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Table of Contents
Onshore Oil and Gas
Site Security
I. Introduction.
A. Authority.
Federal and Indian Oil and Gas
B. Purpose.
C. Scope.
II. Definition. Onshore Oil and Gas Order No.
III. Requirements. 3, Site Security
A. Storage and Sales Facilities -
B. Lease Automatic Custody
Transfer (LACT) System -
C. Removal of Crude Oil from
Storage Facilities by Means
Otherthan through a LACT
D. By - Pass Around Meters.
E. Theft or Mishandling of Oil.
F. Self Inspection.
G. Recordkeeping.
H. Site Security Plan.
I. Site Facility Diagram.
IV. Federal Seals

V. Variances from Minimum


I. Diagrams. [2/24/2003 11:12:16 AM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 3, Site Security

I. Introduction
A. Authority
This Order is established pursuant to the authority granted to the Secretary of the Interior pursuant to
various Federal and Indian mineral leasing statutes and the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management
Act of 1982. This authority has been delegated to the Bureau of Land Management and is implemented
by the onshore oil and gas operating regulations contained in 43 CFR Part 3160. Section 3164.1 thereof
specifically authorizes the Director, Bureau of Land Management, to issue Onshore Oil and Gas Orders
when necessary to implement and supplement the operating regulations and provides that all such Orders
shall be binding on the operators of Federal and restricted Indian oil and gas leases which have been, or
may hereafter be, issued.
Specific authority for the provisions contained in this order is found at:
§ 3162.4-1, Well records and reports;
§ 3162.7-1, Disposition of Production;
§ 3182.7-5, Site Security on Federal and Indian (except Osage) Oil and Gas Leases; and subpart
3163, Noncompliance and Assessments. [3/13/2003 12:56:18 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 3, Site Security

B. Purpose
The purpose of this Order is to implement and supplement the regulations in 43 CFR 3162.7-1 and
3162.7-5. This Order establishes the minimum standards for site security by providing a system for
production accountability and covers the use of seals, by-passes around meters, self inspection,
transporters' documentation, reporting of incidents of unauthorized removal or mishandling of oil and
condensate, facility diagrams, recordkeeping, and site security plans.
The Order identifies certain specific acts of noncompliance, rates them as to severity, establishes
abatement periods for corrective action for such acts of noncompliance, and provides for variances. This
Order serves as notice to any party cited for noncompliance that it may request from the authorized
officer an extension of the abatement period for any violation, provided the request for extension is
applied for and granted prior to the expiration of the abatement period previously allowed. Additionally,
this Order serves as notice to any party aggrieved by an enforcement action taken pursuant to this Order,
of that party's rights, pursuant to 43 CFR 3165.3, to administrative review, hearing on the record, and
judicial review. [3/13/2003 12:56:24 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 3, Site Security

C. Scope
This Order is applicable to all Federal and Indian (except Osage) oil and gas leases. In addition, this
Order is applicable to all wells and facilities on State or privately-owned mineral lands committed to a
unit or communitization agreement that affects Federal or Indian interests, notwithstanding any provision
of a unit or communitization agreement to the contrary. [3/13/2003 12:56:43 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 3, Site Security

II. Definitions
The following definitions apply for the purposes of this Order.
A. Access means the ability to enter into any tankage or piping system through a valve, valves or
combination of valves and/or tankage which would permit the removal of oil; or to enter any
component in a measuring system affecting the quality and/or quantity of the liquid being
measured, without documentation as provided by this Order.
B. Appropriate Valves means those valves in a particular piping system that could provide
unauthorized or undocumented access to stored or produced oil, i.e., fill lines, equalizer or
overflow lines, sales lines, circulating lines, and drain lines that shall be sealed during a given
C. Authorized Officer means any employee of the Bureau of Land Management authorized to
perform the duties in Groups 3000 and 3100 of this title [43 CFR 3000.0-5(e)].
D. Authorized Representative means any entity or individual authorized by the Secretary to
perform duties by cooperative agreement, delegation. or contract (See 43 CFR 3160.0-5).
E. Business Day means any day Monday through Friday excluding Federal holidays.
F. By-pass means any piping arrangement connected upstream and downstream of a meter which
allows oil or gas to continue on the sales line without passing through the meter. Equipment which
permits the changing of the orifice plate without bleeding the pressure off the gas meter run shall
not be considered a by-pass.
G. Condensate means those natural gas liquids recovered in lease separators, dehydrators, or other
production equipment and remaining in a liquid state at atmospheric pressure and temperature,
consisting primarily of pentanes and heavier hydrocarbons.
H. Effectively Sealed means the placement of a seal in such a manner that the position of the
sealed valve may not be altered, or a component in a measuring system affecting quality or
quantity be accessed, without the seal being destroyed.
I. Facility means a site used to handle production and store oil and/or condensate produced from or
allocated to Federal and Indian lands.
J. Gas is defined at 43 CFR 3000.0-5(a) to mean any fluid. either combustible or noncombustible,
which is produced in a natural state from the earth and which maintains a gaseous or rarefied state
at ordinary temperatures and pressure conditions.
K. Lease means any contract, profitshare arrangement, joint venture, or other agreement issued or
approved by the United States under a mineral leasing law that authorizes exploration for,
extraction of. or removal of oil or gas (See 43 CFR 3160.0-5)
L. Lessee means a person or entity holding record title in a lease issued by the United States (43
CFR 3100.0-5 and 3160.0-5).
M. Major Violation means noncompliance which causes or threaten immediate, substantial, and
adverse impacts on public health and safety, the environment. production accountability, or royalty (1 of 2) [3/13/2003 12:56:51 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 3, Site Security

N. Minor Violation means noncompliance which does not rise to the level of a "major violation."
O. Mishandling means unmeasured or unaccounted-for removal of production from a facility other
than through theft.
P. Oil means all nongaseous hydrocarbon substances, other than those substances leasable as coal.
oil shale or "gilsonite" (including all veintype solid hydrocarbons). However. condensate is
excluded for the purposes of III.1.e.iv., of this Order. (See 43 CFR3000.0-5.)
P.1. Bad Oil means crude oil that is not marketable to normal purchasers but that can be
treated economically to be marketable by use of heat chemicals. or other methods or
combination of methods with existing or modifiedlease facilities or portable equipment.
P.2. Clean Oil/Pipeline Oil means crude oil or condensate that is of such quality that it is
acceptable to mail purchasers
. P.3. Slop Oil means crude oil that is of such quality that is not acceptable to normal
purchasers and which requires special treatment other than that which can economically be
provided with existing or modified facilities or portable equipment and is usually sold to oil
P.4. Waste Oil means lease crude oil that has been determined by the authorized officer to
be of such quality that it cannot be treated economically and put in a marketable condition
with existing or modified lease facilities or portable equipment and cannot be sold to
reclaimers and also has been determined by the authorized officer to have no economic
Q. Operator means any person or entity, including but not limited to the lessee or operating rights
owner. who has stated in writing to the authorized officer that it is responsible under the terms and
conditions of the lease for the operations conducted on the leased lands or a portion thereof (See
43 CFR 3160.0-5).
R. Piping means all tubular goods made of any material (e.g., metallic, plastic, fiberglass, and/or
S. Production Phase means that period of time or mode of operating during which crude oil is
delivered directly to or through production vessels to the storage facilities and includes all
operations at the facility other than those defined by the sales phase.
T. Sales Phase means that period of time or mode of operation during which crude oil is removed
from the storage facilities for sale, transportation. or other purposes.
U. Seal means a device. uniquely numbered. which completely secures either a valve or those
components of a measuring system that affect the quality and/or quantity of the liquid being
measured. (2 of 2) [3/13/2003 12:56:51 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 3, Site Security

III. Requirements
A. Storage and Sales Facilities - Seals
1. Minimum Standards.
a. The primary purpose for use of seals is to provide a means of documenting the removal of
production for royalty purposes. Additionally, seals provide a means of detecting unauthorized
entry to, and removal of, production. The seal requirements are based on American Petroleum
Institute (API) recommended practice No. 12 R1, 4th Edition, dated August 1, 1991, entitled "API
Recommended Practice for Setting, Maintenance, Operation and Repair of Tanks in Production
b. All lines entering or leaving all oil storage tanks shall have valves capable of being effectively
sealed during the production and sales operations unless otherwise provided under the provisions
of this Order. During the production phase, all valves that provide access to production shall be
effectively sealed in the closed position. During the sales phase, and prior to taking the top gauge,
all valves that would allow unmeasured production to enter or leave the sales tank shall be
effectively sealed in the closed position. Any equipment needed for effective sealing, excluding
the seals, shall be located at the site. If the sealing equipment is in the possession of the operator's
representative or at a centralized field location, it shall be considered to be at the site. (See
Attachment I). Each ineffectively sealed valve or appropriate valve not sealed shall be considered
a separate violation.
c. Additionally. valves or combinations of valves and tankage that provide access to the production
prior to measurement for sales or lease use purposes are considered appropriate valves and are
subject to the seal requirements of this Order (See Attachment 1).
d. Valves on any tank which contains oil or is connected to the production equipment are
considered appropriate valves and are subject to the seal requirements contained in this Order.
except those valves on tanks which contain oil that has been determined by the authorized officer
to be waste oil or valves on tanks used for the primary treatment of lease production (See
Attachment 1). e. Exclusions to seal requirements contained in this Order shall be limited to the
i. Valves on production vessels and tanks used as production vessels (e.g., gun barrel, wash
tanks, etc.);
ii. Valves on water tanks. provided the possibility of access does not exist through a
common circulating, drain, or equalizer system to production in the sales and storage tanks;
iii. Sample cock valves utilizing piping of 1 inch of less in diameter.
iv. When a single tank is used for collecting small volumes of condensate produced from a
gas well, the requirement Is waived for require the fill line valve to be sealed during
shipment, but all other seal requirements of this Order shall apply;
v. Gas line valves of 1 inch or less used as tank bottom "roll" lines need not be sealed;
provided there is no access to the contents of the storage tank and said lines cannot be used
as equalizer lines; (1 of 2) [3/13/2003 12:56:59 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 3, Site Security

vi. Tank heating systems which use a of fluid other than the contents of the storage tank, i.e.,
steam, water. glycol;
vii. Valves, connected directly to the pump body, used on pump bleed off lines of 1 inch or
less in diameter; and
viii. Tank vent line valves.
f. For systems where production may only be removed through the lease automatic custody
transfer (LACT) system, no sales or equalizer lines need to be sealed. However, any valves which
allow access for the removal of oil prior to its measurement through the LACT shall be effectively
sealed (See Attachment I).
g. For oil measured and sold by tank gauging, all appropriate valves shall be sealed during the
production phase, and all valves that provide access to production shall be effectively sealed in a
closed position. During the sales phase, and prior to taking the top gauge, all valves that would
allow unmeasured production to enter or leave the sales tank shall be effectively sealed in the
closed position. Circulating lines having valves which may allow access for the removal from
storage and sales facilities to any other source except through the treating equipment back to
storage facilities shall be effectively sealed as near the storage facility as possible (See Attachment
2. Enforcement Provisions.
a. The following appropriate valves shall be effectively sealed during the production and sales
phases or combination of production and sales phases:
-Sales valves*
-Circulating valves
-Drain valves
-Fill valve
-Equalizer valve
Violation: Minor (unless marked by an asterisk or otherwise meeting the criteria of a major
Corrective Action: Seal as required.
Normal Abatement Period. 2 business days.
*Violation: Major
Corrective Action: Seal as required.
Normal Abatement period. 24 hours.
b. Devices used in conjunction with seals for effective sealing, excluding the seals, shall be located
at the site. If the sealing equipment is in the possession of the operator's representative or at a
centralized administrative location, it shall be considered to be at the site. The absence of each
required sealing device shall be considered a separate violation. The classification of degree of
violation, corrective action, and normal abatement period shall be the same as contained in a.,
above. (2 of 2) [3/13/2003 12:56:59 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 3, Site Security

B. Lease Automatic Custody Transfer (LACT) Systems - Seals

This portion of the Order is predicated on the minimum requirements for the components to be used in a
LACT system contained in Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 4, LACT Components and General
Operating Requirements; API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 6.1, 2nd Edition,
1991, or the latest revised standard; and API Spec 11N, 4th Edition, November 1, 1994, entitled "Lease
Automatic Custody Transfer(LACT) Equipment."
1. Minimum Standards.
Each LACT unit shall employ meters that have non-resettable totalizers and there shall be no
by-pass around the LACT unit. The seal requirements apply to the components used for volume or
quality determination of the oil being shipped. Each missing or ineffective seal shall be considered
a separate violation. During normal operations the following components shall be effectively
- sample probe
- sampler volume control
- All valves on lines entering or leaving the sample container excluding the safety pop-off
valve (if so equipped). Each valve shall be sealed in the open or closed position, as
- Meter assembly, including the counter head, meter head and, if so equipped, automatic
temperature compensator (ATC) automatic temperature and gravity selection service(ATG)
- Temperature recorder (if so equipped)
- Back pressure valve downstream of the meter
- Any drain valves in the system
- Manual sampling valves (if so equipped).
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Seal as required.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
- Absence of non-resettable totalizer.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install a meter head that utilizes a non-resettable totalizer.
Normal Abatement Period: Install prior to sales or removal of production through the meter. [3/13/2003 12:57:36 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 3, Site Security

C. Removal of Crude Oil From Storage Facilities by Means Other Than Through a LACT unit
The determination of the volume and quality of crude oil removed and sold from a storage facility shall
be made by the operator in accordance with the accepted procedures for the measurement of oil (See
Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 4, Part III.C., Oil Measurement by Tank Gauging).
[54 FR 39529, Sept. 27, 1989]
1. Minimum Standards.
a. The operator shall require the transporter/purchaser to record on a run ticket prior to sales or
removal of any crude oil from the lease, as a minimum, the following:
- Name of the seller
- Federal or Indian lease number(s), or as appropriate. the communitization agreement
number or the unit agreement name and number and participating area identification'
- The location of the tank by quarter section. section, township and range (public land
surveys) or by the legal land description
- A unique number, the date, and the tank number and capacity
- Opening gauge and temperature*
- Name of gauger and operator representative. if present at time of sale
- Number of the seal removed*.
Violation: Minor (all items unless marked by asterisk).
Corrective Action: Complete missing information.
Normal Abatement Period: Upon request or within 3 business days of notice.
*Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Submit completed run ticket
Normal Abatement Period: Upon request or 3 business days.
b. The operator shall require that the run ticket be completed upon the completion of the sales or
removal of oil from the lease to show the following:
- Closing gauge (second gauge) and temperatures*
- Observed gravity* and sediment and water (S&W) content*
- Number of the seal installed
- Signature of the gauger
- Signature of the operator representative (within 2 business days after the sales or removal).
Violation: Minor (all items unless marked by asterisk).
Corrective Action: Complete missing information.
Normal Abatement Period: Upon request or within 3 business days of notice.
*Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Submit completed run ticket
Normal Abatement Period: Upon request or 3 business days.
c. When a single truck load constitutes a completed sale, the driver shall have in his/her possession
documentation containing the information required in a. and b.. above, during the period of
shipment. When multiple truckloads are involved in a sale and the purchase is predicated on the
difference between the opening and closing gauges (implying that the purchaser has purchased the (1 of 2) [3/13/2003 12:57:55 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 3, Site Security

entire tank), only the driver of the last truck is required to have the documentation containing the
information required in a. and b., above, and all of the other drivers shall have in their possession
appropriate documentation in the form of a trip log or manifest. All valves on lines entering or
leaving the sales tank(s) shall be effectively sealed. except the sales and vent line valves, between
truck loads, but the sales valve shall be sealed at the time the sale is completed. In the event
documentation of a sale arrangement prevents having all the information required, the operator
may apply for a variance in accordance with Part V. "Variances from minimum standards" . Once
the seals have been broken, the purchaser shall be responsible for the entire contents of the tank
until resealed.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Discontinue trucking operation until documentation is provided.
Normal Abatement Period: Prior to leaving the facility.
[54 FR 39529, Sept. 27, 1989] (2 of 2) [3/13/2003 12:57:55 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 3, Site Security

D. By-Pass Around Meters

1. Minimum Standard.
There shall be no by-pass around gas meters or LACT unit meters.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Remove by-pass.
Normal Abatement Action: Immediate correction required. [3/13/2003 12:58:07 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 3, Site Security

E. Theft or Mishandling of Oil

1. Minimum Standard.
a. The operator shall, not later than the next business day after discovery of an incident of apparent
theft or mishandling of crude oil and/or condensate, report such incident to the authorized officer.
All oral reports shall be followed up with a written report within 10 business days. The incident
report shall supply the following:
- Company name and name of individual reporting the incident(s)
- Lease number, communitization agreement number, or unit agreement name and number
and participating area, as appropriate
- Location of facility where the incident occurred by quarter, quarter section, section,
township, and range or legal land description
- The estimated volume of oil or condensate removed
- The way access was obtained to the production or how the mishandling occurred
- The individual who discovered the incident
- Date and time of the discovery of the incident
- Whether the incident was or was not reported to local law enforcement agencies and
company security.
Violation: Minor (failure to file a complete report).
Corrective Action: Submit complete report of incident.
Normal Abatement Period: Oral report upon request and complete written report within 10
business days after notice of failure to file a complete report.
*Violation: Major (failure to report incident).
Corrective Action: Submit report of incident.
Normal Abatement Period: Oral report upon request and written report within 10 business days
after notice of failure to report incident. [3/13/2003 12:58:13 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 3, Site Security

F. Self Inspection
I. Minimum Standard.
Operators/Lessees shall establish an inspection program for all leases for the purpose of periodically
measuring production volumes and assuring that there is compliance with the minimum site security
requirements. The program shall include a record of such inspections showing the findings of the
inspection and a record of the volume measurements.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Institute an inspection program that includes a record of such inspections and
establishes a measurement schedule.
Normal Abatement Period: 20 business days after notice.
[54 FR 39529, Sept. 27, 1989] [3/13/2003 12:58:20 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 3, Site Security

G. Recordkeeping
1. Minimum Standard.
The operator shall establish and maintain for a minimum of 6 years a recordkeeping system which shall
be readily available to the authorized officer or authorized representative upon request and which
includes all of the following as a minimum:
- Documentation of the number of each seal and the valve on which the seal is used, the date of
installation or removal of the seal(s) for each storage tank. including the reason for the removal or
installation of each such seal
- Documentation of each seal used on the LACT unit showing the component sealed and the date
the seal was installed and removed including the reasons(s) for such removal
Violation: Major
Corrective Action: Commence and maintain documentation.
Normal Abatement Period: 1 business day after notice. [3/13/2003 12:58:25 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 3, Site Security

H. Site Security Plan

1. Minimum Standard.
The operator shall establish a site security plan for all facilities. The plan need not be submitted to the
authorized officer, but the authorized officer shall be notified of the location where the plan is maintained
and the normal working hours of said location. The plan shall be available to the authorized officer upon
request. The plan shall include, but is not limited to the following:
- A self inspection program that monitors production volumes and ensures compliance with all seal
requirements at each storage and sale facility and each LACT unit, if applicable (See Section III F
- A system to ensure the maintenance of accurate seal records and the completion of accurate run
tickets (See Section III A, B, and C hereof)
- A system to ensure the reporting of incidents of apparent theft or mishandling of oil (See Section
III E hereof)
- A system to ensure that there are no by-pass of meters (See Section III D hereof)
- A list of the leases, communitization agreements, unit agreements, and specific facilities that are
subject to each plan
- Documentation that the authorized officer has been notified of the completion of a plan and site
facility diagram(s) and the leases. communication agreements. unit agreements, and specific
facilities that are subject to each plan and diagram(s) Documentation that the authorized officer
was notified within 60 days of completionof construction of a new facility or of commencement of
first production or of inclusion of the production from a committed nonFederal well into a
federally supervised unit or communitization agreement. whichever occurs first, whether that
facility is covered by a specific existing plan or a new plan has been prepared.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Comply with requirements.
Normal Abatement Period: 20 business days after notice.
[54 FR 39529, Sept. 27, 1989] [3/13/2003 12:58:33 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 3, Site Security

I. Site Facility Diagram

1. Minimum Standard.
A facility diagram is required for all facilities, including those facilities not located on Federal or Indian
lands but which are subject to Federal supervision through commitment to a federally approved unit
agreement or communitization agreement. This requirement is not applicable to dry gas production
facilities where no liquids are produced or stored. No format is prescribed for facility diagrams.
However, the facility diagram should be prepared on 8½ x 11 paper, if possible, and should be legible
and comprehensible to an individual with an ordinary working knowledge of oil field operations (See
Attachment 1). The facility diagram shall:
- Accurately reflect the relative position of the production equipment, piping, and metering
systems in relationship to each other, but need not be to scale
- Commencing with the header, identify the vessels, piping, and metering systems located on the
site and shall include the appropriate valves and any other equipment used in the handling,
conditioning, and disposal of oil. gas, andwater produced, including any water disposal pits or
emergency pits. Inthose instances where pits are co-located, such pits may be shown in parentheses
on the facility diagram
- Indicate which valve(s) shall be sealed and in what position during the production and sales
phases and during the conduct of other production activities, i.e., circulating tanks, drawing off
water, which may be shown by an attachment, if necessary
- Require as an addition. when describing co-located facilities operated by 2 different operators, a
skeleton diagram of the co-located facility, showing only equipment. For co-located common
storage facilities operated by 1 operator, one facility diagram shall be sufficient
- Be filed within 60 days of completion of construction of a new facility or when existing facilities
are modified or when a non-Federal facility is included in a Federally supervised unit agreement or
communitization agreement
- Clearly identify the lease to which it applies and the location of the facility covered by quarter
section, section, township, and range or by a legal land description, with co-located facilities being
identified by each lease and its facilities
- Clearly identify the site security plan covering the facility.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Prepare and/or furnish a complete and accurate facility diagram.
Normal Abatement Period: 10 business days after notice. [3/13/2003 12:58:38 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 3, Site Security

IV. Federal Seals

Federal seals are placed on any appropriate valve, sealing device, or LACT component not in compliance
with the minimum standards contained in Part III, Requirements, sections A and B, whenever the
operator is not present at the site to abate the noncompliance upon its discovery by the authorized officer,
or refuses or is unable to abate the noncompliance. The position of the valve or component is not
changed. The placement of a Federal seal on any valve, sealing device, or component does not constitute
compliance with the minimum standards. The operator is required to take the action specified in the
Notice of Incident of Noncompliance or written order of the authorized officer within the time allowed
for abatement in order to meet the compliance requirement. The Notice of Incident of Noncompliance or
written order includes a notice of the placement of the Federal seal. A card is attached to each Federal
seal installed. identifying the Federal seal as such and advising that removal or violation of the seal
without approval by the authorized officer shall result in an immediate assessment of $250. The name
and telephone number of the authorized officer are shown on the card. [3/13/2003 12:58:45 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 3, Site Security

V. Variances from Minimum Standards

An operator may request the authorized officer to approve a variance from any of the minimum standards
prescribed in section III hereof. All such requests shall be submitted in writing to the appropriate
authorized officer and provide information as to the circumstances which warrant approval of the
variances requested and the proposed alternative methods by which the related minimum standards are to
be satisfied. The authorized officer, afterconsidering all relevant factors, if appropriate, may approve the
requested variance(s) if it isdetermined that the proposed alternative(s) meet or exceed the objectives of
the applicable minimum standard(s). [3/13/2003 12:58:52 PM]

Onshore Order 4

Bureau of Land
Management (3/21/97)
Final Rule NO. 4
Federal Register / Vol. 54,
No. 36, Friday, February
24, 1989, Rules and
Federal and Indian Oil and Gas Leases -
Regulation Measurement of Oil
Onshore Oil and Gas Effective date: August 23, 1989
Operations, Federal and
Indian Oil and Gas Leases
Onshore Oil and Gas I. Introduction
Order No. 4, Measurement
of Oil A. Authority
I. Introduction
This Order is established pursuant the authority granted to the Secretary
A. Authority of the Interior under various Federal and Indian mineral leasing statutes
B. Purpose and the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982. This
C. Scope authority has been delegated to the Bureau of Land Management and is
implemented by the onshore oil and gas operations regulations,
II. Definitions contained in Title 43 CFR Part 3160. Section 3164.1 specifically
III. Requirements authorizes the Director, Bureau of Land Management, to issue Onshore
Oil and Gas Orders when necessary to implement or supplement the
A. Required
operating regulations, and provides that all shall such Order shall be
binding on the lessees and operators of Federal and restricted Indian oil
B. General and gas leases which have been, or may hereafter be, issued.
C. Oil Specific authority for the provisions contained in this Order is found at
Measurement §3162.7-1, Disposition of Production; §3162.7-2, Measurement of Oil;
by Tank and Subpart 3163, Noncompliance and Assessment.
D. Oil
Measurement B. Purpose
by Positive One purpose of this Order is to establish requirements and minimum
Displacement standards for the measurement of oil, and to provide standard operating
Metering practices for lease oil storage and handling facilities, by the methods
System authorized in 43 CFR 3162.7-2, i.e., measurement by tank gauging,
E. Oil positive displacement metering system, or other methods acceptable to
the authorized officer. Proper oil measurement ensures that the Federal
Government and Indian mineral owners receive the royalties due, as
by Other specified in the governing oil and gas leases.
Methods or at
Other Another purpose of this Order is to establish abatement periods for
Locations corrective action when noncompliance with the minimum standards is
detected. This Order also serves also serves as notice to any party cited
Acceptable to
for noncompliance that it may request from the authorized officer an (1 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:46 PM]

Onshore Order 4

the Authorized extension of the abatement period for any violation, provided that the
Officer request for extension is applied for and granted prior to the expiration
of the abatement period previously allowed.
F. Determination
of Oil Volumes
by Methods C. Scope.
Other than
Measurement This Order is applicable to all Federal and Indian (except Osage) oil
and gas leases. In addition, this Order is also applicable to all wells and
IV. Variances from facilities on State or privately owned mineral lands committed to a unit
Minimum Standards or communitization agreement that affects Federal or Indian interests,
notwithstanding any provision of a unit or communitization agreement
Attachment to the contrary.
I. Sections from 43 CFR
Subparts 3163 and 3165.
(Open 3160 window) II. Definitions

Last Updated April 1, 1997 A. Authorized officer means any employee of the Bureau of Land
Management authorized to perform the duties described in
by John Broderick
Groups 3000 and 3100. (See 43 CFR 3000.0-5.)
You are visitor # to this B. Barrel (bbl) means 42 standard United States gallons of 231
page since April 1, 1997. cubic inches each.
C. Business day means any day Monday through Friday excluding
Federal holidays.
D. Cpl. means the correction factor for the effect of pressure on
E. Cps. means the correction factor for the effect of pressure on
F. Ctl. means the correction factor for the effect of temperature on
G. Cts. The correction factor for the effect of temperature on steel.
H. INC means incident of noncompliance, which serves as a Notice
of Violation under 43 CFR Subpart 3163.
I. Lessee means a person or entity holding record title in a lease
issued by the United States. (See 43 CFR 3160.0-5).
J. Major violation means noncompliance which causes or threatens
immediate, substantial, and adverse impact on public health and
safety, the environment, production accountability, or royalty
income (see 43 CFR 3160.0-5).
K. Minor violation means noncompliance which does not rise to the
level of a "major violation." (see 43 CFR 3160.0-5).
L. Operating rights owner means a person or entity holding
operating rights in a lease issued by the United States. A lessee (2 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:46 PM]

Onshore Order 4

also may be an operating rights owner if the operating rights in a

lease or portion thereof have not been severed from record title.
(see 43 CFR 3160.0-5).
M. Operator means any person or entity, including but not limited to
the lessee or operating rights owner, who has stated in writing to
the authorized officer that it is responsible under the terms and
conditions of the lease for the operations conducted on the leased
lands or portions thereof. (see 43 CFR 3160.0-5).
N. Oil, for the purposes of this Order, means all liquid hydrocarbons
produced from or for the benefit of jurisdictional leases,
including condensate and oil from tar sands that is measured as
N.1. Clean Oil/Pipeline Oil means crude oil or condensate that is
of such as a quality that it is acceptable to normal purchasers.
N.2. Slop oil means crude oil that is such quality that it is not
acceptable to normal purchasers and which requires special
treatment other than that which can economically be provided at
the existing or modified facilities or portable equipment and is
usually sold to oil reclaimers.
N.3. Waste oil means lease crude oil that has been determined by
the authorized officer to be of such quality that it cannot be
treated economically and put in a marketable condition with
existing or modified lease facilities or portable equipment and
cannot be sold to reclaimer and also has been determined by the
authorized officer to have no economic value and for which
royalty is not due.

III. Requirements.
A. Required Recordkeeping.

The operator shall keep all test data, meter reports, charts/recordings, or
other similar records for 6 years from the date they were generated, or if
involved in an audit or investigation, the records shall be maintained
until the record holder is released by the Secretary from the obligation
to maintain them. The authorized officer may request these records any
time within this period. Records submitted shall include all additional
information used to compute volumes so that computations may be

B. General (See 43 CFR 3162.7-2)

1. The regulations at 43 CFR 3162.7-2 authorize oil measurement (3 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:46 PM]

Onshore Order 4

methods for production from leases, units, and communitization

agreements subject to the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land
Management, as such jurisdiction is defined in 43 CFR 3161.1.
The authorized oil measurement methods are tank gauging,
positive displacement metering systems, and other methods
acceptable to the authorized officer. The requirements and
minimum standards for each of these methods are set forth
2. These requirements and minimum standards are based on the
standards and practices recommended by the American
Petroleum Institute (API). The API standards and recommended
practices are considered by both the Department of the Interior
and the oil and gas industry to be appropriate for proper oil
measurement. The requirements and minimum standards set out
herein are those necessary to promote conservation of natural
resources and to ensure that oil production, except for waste oil,
is properly measured for sales and allocation purposes, in order
that the Federal Government and Indian mineral owners will
receive the royalties due under governing oil and gas leases.
When an infraction of the minimum standards in this Order is
discovered it will be considered noncompliance and an incident
of noncompliance (INC) will be issued. Operators who discover
noncompliance with these minimum standards and take
immediate corrective action will not be issued an INC. If the
authorized officer or his representative is present when an
operator discovers a malfunction or does not use correct
procedures as specified in this Order, an INC will be issued
unless immediate corrective action is taken.
A major violation, as defined in this Order, will generally require
an immediate shut-in of the metering device. However, where the
non-recoupable loss is not significant or where damage to the
resource is likely to occur if a shut-in is required, an abatement
period of 24 hours may be given.
The intent of these minimum standards is to ensure that when
equipment malfunctions that could result in inaccurate
measurement occur, that proper corrective actions are taken, the
authorized officer is notified, and an amended production report
is submitted.
Equipment failure that is discovered by the operator and
promptly corrected will not be considered a violation. However,
the incidents of noncompliance that may result from equipment
failure are considered violations, and a partial list is as follows:
❍ Failure to install equipment properly. (4 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:46 PM]

Onshore Order 4

❍ Failure to repair or correct equipment malfunction properly

or in a timely manner.
❍ Failure to submit report of alternate method of
measurement for sales.
❍ Failure to submit amended production reports in a timely
❍ Failure to adhere to the minimum standard procedures
specified in this Order.
❍ The use of improper equipment, when discovered, will be
considered a violation, and an INC will be issued.
The use of improper procedures will be considered a violation
and, when witnessed by the authorized officer or his
representative, immediate corrective action will be required. In
the event that proper procedures are then used as required by this
Order, and prior to completing the operation, calibration, or
proving, the violation will be considered as properly corrected. In
this case, although the violation will be documented in the
agency files, no formal INC will be issued.
All future sales and allocation facilities and sales or allocation
facilities in existence on the effective date of this Order, unless
covered by a valid variance, shall meet the minimum standards
prescribed in this Order.
Meter installations constructed in accordance with the API
standards in effect at that time shall not automatically be required
to retrofit to meet revised API standards. The Bureau will review
any revised API standards and, when deemed necessary, will
amend the Order accordingly through the rulemaking process.
Any variances from these requirements and minimum standards
shall be in accordance with Section IV. of this Order.
3. A violation of a minimum standard established by this Order
shall be abated within the time period specified.
Where abatement is required "prior to sales or removal," this
means that necessary actions shall be taken so that no oil may be
removed beyond the measurement point until properly measured.

If any such violation is not abated within required period,

action shall be initiated in accordance with 43 CFR Subpart

C. Oil Measurement by Tank Gauging (5 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:46 PM]

Onshore Order 4

Oil measurement by tank gauging shall accurately compute the volume

of oil withdrawn from a properly calibrated sales tank by measuring the
height of the oil level in the tank before delivery (opening gauge) and
then measuring the height of the oil level in the tank after delivery
(closing gauge). The opening and closing gauges are then used with the
tank calibration charts (tank tables) to compute accurately the volume
of oil withdrawn. Gauging may be accomplished by measuring the
height of the oil level from the tank bottom or a fixed datum plate
upward to the surface of the oil in the tank (innage gauging) or by
measuring from a fixed reference point at the top of the tank downward
to the surface of the oil in the tank (outage gauging). Samples shall be
taken from the oil before gauging to determine API gravity and
sediment and water content. Prior to gauging, the temperature of the oil
shall be determined from measurements made in the tank. The
measured oil volume shall then be corrected for sediment and water
content, and to the standard sales temperature of 60 F.
The following requirements and minimum standards shall be
accomplished in accordance with API Standard 2545 (ANSI/ASTM
D-1085), "Method of Gauging Petroleum and Products," 1965,
reaffirmed in 1987, and (ANSI/ASTM D-1250), Tables 5A and 6A.
[54 FR 39527, Sept. 27, 1989]
1. Sales Tank Equipment. Each oil storage tank to be used for oil
sales by tank gauging shall be properly equipped for such
gauging, using the "API Recommended Practice for Setting
Connecting, Maintenance, and Operation of Lease Tanks, API
RP 12 R1," 1986. Tanks shall also be connected, maintained, and
operated so as to comply with the Site Security Regulations, 43
CFR 3162.7-5, and Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 3, and sales
tanks shall meet the following requirements:
a. Each sales tank shall be equipped with a pressure-vacuum
thief hatch and/or vent-line valve.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install proper thief hatch
and/or vent line valve or drain.
Abatement Period: 30 days.30 days.
b. Each sales tank shall be set and maintained level and free
of distortion in accordance with the above-referenced API
recommended practice.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Level tanks.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
c. Pursuant to API Standard 2545 (ANSI/ASTM D-1085), (6 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:46 PM]

Onshore Order 4

"Method of Gauging Petroleum and Petroleum

Products," October 1965 (reaffirmed August 1987), each
tank shall be equipped with a gauging reference point, with
a the height of the reference point stamped on a fixed
bench-mark plate or stenciled on the tank near the gauging
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Affix a gauging reference point
in gauging hatch and stamp on
bench-mark plate or stencil on
tank near gauging hatch.
Abatement Period: 30 days.
2. Sales Tank Calibrations. Each oil storage tank to be used for oil
sales by tank gauging shall be accurately calibrated for such
gauging, using the API Standard 2550 (ANSI/ASTM D-1220),
"Method for Measurement and Calibration of Upright
Cylindrical Tanks," 1965, reaffirmed August 1987, and API RP
2556, "Correcting Gauge Tables for Incrustation," August 1968.
The following minimum standards shall be satisfied:
a. Sales tank capacities shall be determined by actual tank
measurements by the method know as "tank calibration"
and in accordance with the above-referenced API
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Make capacity determination
and develop appropriate
capacity table.
Abatement Period: 60 days.
b. A sales tank shall be recalibrated if it is relocated or
repaired or the capacity is changed through denting,
damage, or installation or removal of interior components,
or otherwise.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Recalibrate tank and develop
new (revised) capacity table.
Abatement Period: 60 days.
c. Calibration charts (tank tables) shall be submitted to the
authorized officer on request.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Submit tables to authorized
Abatement Period: 30 days.
3. Oil Sampling. Sampling of oil to be sold from sales tank is
required and shall be conducted in such fashion as to yield a
representative sample of the oil for purposes of determining the (7 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:46 PM]

Onshore Order 4

physical properties of the oil, following the "API Manual of

Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 8.1 - Manual
Sampling" (ASTM D-4057), October 1981 (Reaffirmed August
1987), or Chapter 8.2 - Automatic Sampling of Petroleum and
Petroleum Products, April 1983 (Reaffirmed August 1987 ), and
shall meet the following minimum standard. All samples shall be
taken from the contents of the sales tank prior to gauging, after
allowing the tank contents to settle for at least 30 minutes
following isolation of the tank, in accordance with the procedures
specified in the above-referenced API Standard.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Repeat sampling procedure.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
4. Sales Tank Gauging. Gauging of oil sales tanks is required and
shall be accomplished in such fashion as to measure the contents
of the tank accurately, following API Standard 2545
(ANSI/ASTM D-1085), "Method of Gauging Petroleum and
Petroleum Products" 1965 (Reaffirmed August 1987), and shall
meet the following minimum standards.
a. Gauging shall be accomplished using gauging tapes made
of steel or corrosion-resistant material with graduation
clearly legible, not kinked or spliced, and traceable to the
standards of the National Bureau of Standards and certified
as accurate by either the manufacturer or an independent
testing facility. Working tapes, when checked against a
tape certified to NBS standards, will be allowed as NBS
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Replace tape.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
b. Acceptable gauging requires 2 identical gauges to the
nearest ¼-inch for tanks with a capacity of less than 1,000
barrels, and 2 identical gauges the nearest -inch for tanks
with a capacity of 1,000 barrels or more.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Repeat gauging until 2
identical readings are obtained.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
c. The proper bob for innage gauging or outage gauging shall
be used in accordance with the above-reference API
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Repeat gauging using proper
bob. (8 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:46 PM]

Onshore Order 4

Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.

5. Oil Gravity. Tests for oil gravity are required, following the "API
Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 9 -
Density Determination" (ASTM D-1298-80) 1981, and (ASTM
D-287-82) "Standard Test Method for API Gravity of Crude
Petroleum and Petroleum Products" (Hydrometer Method), and
shall be performed on a representative sales tank oil sample
obtained following "API Manual of Petroleum Measurement
Standards, Chapter 8.1, "Manual Sampling of Petroleum and
Petroleum Products" (ASTM D-4057) October 1981
(Reaffirmed 1987). Gravity tests shall meet the following
minimum standards.
a. All gravity determinations shall be completed before oil
sales are made.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Obtain sample from sales tank
and determine oil gravity.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
b. Accuracy of all instruments used to determine oil gravity
for oil sales purposes shall be traceable to the standards of
the National Bureau of Standards and certified as accurate
by either the manufacturer or independent testing facility.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Replace instruments.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
c. The instrument used to obtain the oil gravity shall be clean,
with no loose shot weights or detached gravity scale.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Clean and/or replace
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
d. The instrument used to obtain the oil gravity shall be
calibrated for a gravity range that includes the observed
gravity of the oil sample being tested.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Repeat gravity tests using
hydrometer with proper scale.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
e. Temperatures shall be measured and recorded to the
nearest 1.0 F.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Repeat test, measuring and
recording temperature to
nearest 1.0 F. (9 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:46 PM]

Onshore Order 4

Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.

f. Liquid density (gravity) will be measured and recorded to
the nearest 0.1 API gravity, making any necessary
meniscus correction. The observed gravity shall be
corrected to 60 F. using Table 5A, "Table 5A -
Generalized Crude Oils" and JP-4, Correction of Observed
Gravity to API Gravity at 60 F.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Repeat test, measuring and
recording gravity to nearest 0.1
API gravity after making
necessary correction for fluid
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
6. Tank Temperature. Determination of the temperature of oil
contained in a sales tank is required following the "API Standard
2543, Method of Measuring the Temperature of Petroleum and
Petroleum Products" (ANSI/ASTM D - 1086) October 1965
(Reaffirmed August 1987), and shall meet the following
minimum standards:
a. Accuracy of all thermometers used for oil sales purposes
shall be traceable to the standards of the National Bureau
of Standards and certified as accurate by either the
manufacturer or independent testing facility. Working
thermometers shall be checked against a thermometer
certified accurate to NBS standards and their use shall be
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Replace thermometer.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
b. Thermometers shall be kept clean and free of mercury
separation. The temperature measurements shall be take by
immersing the thermometer to the approximate vertical
center of the fluid column, not less than 12 inches from the
shell of the tank, for a minimum of 5 minutes and then
read and recorded to the nearest 1 F.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Replace thermometer or repeat
measurement as prescribed.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
7. Sediment and Water (S&W). Determinations of the sediment and
water content of oil contained in sales tanks is required following
the "API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter
10 - Sediment and Water and Section 4 - Determination of (10 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:46 PM]

Onshore Order 4

Sediment and Water in Crude Oils by the Centrifuge Method

(Field Procedure), Second Edition, May 1988 (ASTM 96-88),
and shall meet the following minimum standards:
a. A thoroughly mixed oil sample-solvent combination,
prepared in accordance with the procedure described in the
above-referenced API Manual, shall be heated to at least
140 F. prior to centrifuging.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Repeat procedures using the
defined standards.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
b. The heated sample shall be whirled in the centrifuge for
not less than 5 minutes, and at the conclusion of
centrifuging, the temperature shall be a minimum of 115 F.
without water- saturated diluent, and 125 F. with
water-saturated diluent.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Repeat test as prescribed.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
c. The combined volume of water and sediment at the bottom
of the 100 ml. centrifuge tube shall be read:
(1) To the nearest 0.05 ml. in the range from 0.1 to 1 ml.
(2) To the nearest 0.1 ml. if above the 1 ml. graduation.
(3) Estimated to the nearest 0.025 ml. if the volume is less
than 0.1 ml.
The water and sediment volume in the centrifuge tube thus
determined shall be multiplied by the appropriate factor for
the centrifuge tube size and oil sample-solvent ratio, as
specified in the above-referenced API Manual, and the
product recorded as the percentage of water and sediment.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Repeat test as specified or
repeat procedures using
specified factors.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.

D. Oil Measurement by Positive Displacement Metering


Oil measurement by a positive displacement metering system, for

purposes of oil sales, shall be accomplished by a Lease Automatic
Custody Transfer (LACT) unit designed to provide for the unattended
transfer of liquid hydrocarbons from a production facility to the (11 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:46 PM]

Onshore Order 4

transporting carrier while providing proper and accurate means for the
determination of net standard volume and quality, while also providing
for fail-safe and tamper proof operations in accordance with the
regulations at 43 CFR 3162.7-5 and Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 3.
[54 FR 39527, Sept.27, 1989]

A positive displacement meter is one which registers the volume

passing through said meter by a system which constantly and
mechanically isolates the flowing liquid into segments of known
LACT unit design shall follow API Spec. 11N "API Specifications for
Lease Automatic Custody Transfer (LACT) Equipment," 1979, and API
Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 6 -Metering
Assemblies, Section 1, LACT Systems, February 1981 (Reaffirmed
August 1987). LACT units shall be constructed and operated so as to
satisfy the following requirements and minimum standards:
1. LACT Unit Components and General Operating Requirements.
a. Each LACT unit shall include all of the following listed
components as a minimum:
(1) Charging pump and motor.
(2) Sampler, composite sample container and mixing
(3) Stainer.
(4) Positive displacement meter.
(5) Meter proving connections.
(6) Meter backpressure valve and check valve.
(7) Air eliminator.
(8) Diverter valve or shut-off valve.
(9) Sediment and Water Monitor.
(10) Automatic Temperature/Gravity Compensator.
Violation: Major: a.1.,2.,4., 5., 6., and 10.
Corrective Action: Install component.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
Violation: Minor: a.3., 7., 8., and 9.
Corrective Action: Install component.
Abatement Period: 30 days.
b. All components of LACT unit shall be accessible for
reasonable inspection by the authorized officer.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Provide authorized officer with
means of access to LACT.
Abatement Period: 30 days.
c. The authorized officer shall be notified of any LACT unit (12 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:47 PM]

Onshore Order 4

failure, such as electrical, meter, or other failure that

results in use of an alternate method of measurement.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Notify authorized officer of
alternate method used.
Abatement Period: By 5th business day following
use of alternate method.
d. Any and all tests conducted on oil samples extracted from
LACT samplers for determination of oil gravity and S &
W content shall meet the same requirements and minimum
standards specified in this Order with respect to oil
measurement by tank gauging for all measurements taken
of temperature, gravity, and S&W content (Section
III.C.5., 6., and 7.)
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Report tests for gravity,
temperature, and/or S & W
content per Section III.C.5., 6.,
and 7. minimum standards.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
2. Operating Requirements for LACT Unit Components. All
required LACT unit components shall be operated to satisfy the
following minimum standards:
a. Charging pump and motor. The LACT unit shall include
an electrically driven pump rated for a discharge pressure
and rate that are compatible with the rating for the meter
used and sized to assure turbulent flow in the LACT main
stream piping.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install properly designed pump
and motor.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
b. Sampler. The sampler probe shall extend into the center
one-third of the flow piping in a vertical run, at least 3 pipe
diameters downstream of any pipe fitting. The probe shall
always be in a horizontal position.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install component properly.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
c. Composite Sample Container. The composite sample
container shall be capable of holding sample under
pressure and shall be equipped with a vapor proof top
closure and operated to prevent the unnecessary escape of
vapor, and the container shall be emptied upon completion
of sample withdrawal. (13 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:47 PM]

Onshore Order 4

Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install component properly,
and empty after each sample
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
d. Mixing System. The mixing system shall completely blend
the sample into a homogeneous mixture before and during
the withdrawal of a portion of sample for testing.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Repair mixing system.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
e. Strainer. The strainer shall be constructed so that it may be
depressurized, opened, and cleaned, be located upstream of
the meter, and be made of corrosion resistant material of a
mesh size no larger than ¼-inch.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Replace with properly
designed strainer, and install
Abatement Period: 30 days.
f. Positive Displacement Meter. The meter shall register
volumes of oil passing through said meter determined by a
system which constantly and mechanically isolates the
flowing oil into segments of known volume, and be
equipped with a non-resettable totalizer.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Replace or repair meter or the
non-resettable totalizer.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
g. Meter Proving Connections. All meter proving
connections shall be installed downstream from the LACT
meter, with the line valve(s) between the inlet and outlet of
the prover loop having a double block and bleed design
feature to provide for leak testing during proving
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Relocate prover loops
downstream from LACT
meter, and install block and
bleed valve as specified.
Abatement Period: Prior to proving LACT.
h. Back Pressure and Check Valves. The back pressure valve
and check valve shall be installed downstream from the
LACT meter.
Violation: Major. (14 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:47 PM]

Onshore Order 4

Corrective Action: Install back pressure valve and

check valve downstream from
LACT meter.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
i. Air Eliminator. The air eliminator shall be installed and
prevent air/gas from entering the meter.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install air eliminator.
Abatement Period: 30 days.
j. Diverter Valve/Shut-off Valve. The diverter valve/shut-off
valve shall be activated by the Sediment and Water
Monitor so that the valve moves to divert flow to the clean
oil discharge only when it receives a positive signal, or
provide a shut-off valve configured to shut off oil delivery
upon failure to receive a positive signal from the Sediment
and Water Monitor.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install diverter valve/shut-off
Abatement Period: 30 days.
k. Sediment and Water (S and W) Monitor. The Sediment and
Water Monitor shall be an internally plastic coated
capacitance probe, no smaller in diameter than the skid
piping, and shall be mounted in a vertical pipe located
upstream from the diverter valve/shut-off valve and the
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install S and W Monitor.
Abatement Period: 30 days.
l. Automatic Temperature/Gravity Compensator. The
automatic temperature/gravity compensator shall be sized
according to the fluid characteristics being measured.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install automatic
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
3. Sales Meter Proving Requirements. LACT positive displacement
meters shall be proved periodically. Meter provings shall follow
"API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 4 -
Proving Systems," 1978, and shall meet the following minimum
a. The types of meter provers to be used, and the calibration
requirements are as follows: (15 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:47 PM]

Onshore Order 4

(1) The acceptable types of meter provers are pipe provers,

tank provers, master meters, or other API recognized meter
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Prove again with acceptable
meter prover.
Abatement Period: 30 days.

(2) The prover shall have available at the site for review by
the authorized officer, evidence that the prover has been
calibrated, with the certified calibration date identified by
some unique number, i.e., serial number assigned to and
inscribed on the prover. The calibration evidence for a pipe
or tank prover shall show the certified volume as
determined by the water draw method.
If a master meter is used, the most recent calibration report
for said master meter shall be available. Said calibration
report shall show that the master meter has been calibrated
in accordance with API requirements, has an operating
factor within the range from 0.9900 to 1.0100, and that 5
consecutive runs have been matched within a tolerance of
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Provide calibration
Abatement Period: Prior to proving.
b. Minimum Proving Frequency. For all sales and allocation
meters, the accuracy of the measuring equipment at the
point of delivery or allocation shall be tested following
initial meter installation or following repair, and if proven
adequate, at least quarterly thereafter unless a longer
period is approved in writing by the authorized officer.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Notify authorized officer of
scheduled proving and prove
Abatement Period: 10 business days.

(1) In the event that the total throughput exceeds 100,000

bbls per month, then proving shall be accomplished
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Notify authorized officer of
scheduled proving.
Abatement Period: By the 10th business day after
discovery of the violation. (16 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:47 PM]

Onshore Order 4

c. In Establishing the Operating Meter Factor:

(1) At least 6 runs shall be made. Of these 6 runs, 5
consecutive runs shall match within a tolerance of 0.0005
(0.05 percent) between the highest and the lowest reading.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Notify authorized officer and
reprove meter.
Abatement Period: 10 business days.

(2) The arithmetic average of these 5 consecutive runs

shall be used for computation of the meter factor.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Compute meter factor using
arithmetic average of the 5
consecutive runs.
Abatement Period: Prior to completion of proving.

(3) Meter factor computations shall also include the

correction for the effect of pressure on steel (Cps) for
provers; and the correction for the effect of temperature on
steel (Cts) for provers; and the correction for the effect of
temperature on liquid (Ctl), and the correction for the
effect of pressure on liquid (Cpl). The Cps and Cts
correction factors shall be determined using the "API
Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 12,
Section 2," 1981, or latest revised standard, and the Ctl
correction factor shall be obtained from the "API Standard
2540, Chapter 11.1, Volume I (ASTM D-1250-80), Table
6A," 1980, or latest revised standard, and the Cpl
correction factor still be obtained from the "API Manual of
Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 11.2.1."
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Include proper correction
Abatement Period: Prior to completion of meter

(4) The initial meter factor for a new or repaired meter

shall be within the range from 0.9950 to 1.0050, unless the
deviation can be justified to the satisfaction of the
authorized officer.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Replace/repair/reprove meter
or justify deviation from the
brackets 0.9950 to 1.0050 to the
authorized officer.
Abatement Period: Prior to completion of proving. (17 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:47 PM]

Onshore Order 4

4. Excessive Meter Factor Deviation. Excessive meter factor

deviation may be evidence of meter malfunction, and corrective
action shall be taken upon discovery of meter malfunction.
However, if the operator determines that the meter did not, in
fact, malfunction, the lessee/operator shall submit, for approval
by the authorized officer, a report as to the findings and reasons
for the excessive meter factor deviation and the determination of
no meter malfunction. In the event a malfunction occurred, the
meter shall be immediately removed from service, checked for
damage or wear, adjusted and/or repaired, and reproven prior to
return to service. The arithmetic average of the malfunction
factor and the previous factor shall be applied to the production
measured through the meter between the date of the previous
factor and the date of the malfunction factor. Malfunction meter
factors shall be clearly indicated on the proving report, which
shall also contain all appropriate remarks regarding subsequent
repairs and/or adjustments.
The minimum standards for evidence meter malfunction, and
corrective action required, are as follows:
Meter Factor Deviation.
(1) Deviation in a meter factor not exceed ±0.0025 since
the last proving of the meter unless explained by changing
conditions, i.e., temperature or gravity or flow-rate.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Repair or replace meter, or
submit report to authorized
officer for approval of the
findings and reasons for the
determination that there is no
meter malfunction.
Abatement Period: Prior to completion of meter

(2) A meter factor shall not exceed 1 percent above or

below unity, i.e., outside of the range from 0.9900 to
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Same as (1) above.
Abatement Period: Prior to completion of meter
5. Meter Reporting Require Requirements. All meter provings,
meter failures, and volume adjustments following meter
malfunction shall be reported to the authorized officer, as
Meter Proving Reports. The meter proving report shall be filed (18 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:47 PM]

Onshore Order 4

on one of the forms set out in "API Manual of Petroleum

Measurement Standards, Chapter 12-Calculation of Petroleum
Quantities, Section 2-Calculation of Liquid Petroleum
Quantities Measured by Turbine or Displacement Meter," 1981
(Reaffirmed August 1987). Any similar format is acceptable
provided all required data are included and proper calculation
sequence is maintained.
Each meter proving report shall be identified by lease number,
communitization agreement number, or unit participating area
name, and the location of the facility.
Each meter proving report shall be filed with the authorized
officer no later than 10 business days following the meter
[54 FR 39527, Sept. 27, 1989]
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Submit proper proving report
to authorized officer.
Abatement Period: File the report with authorized
officer no later than 10th
business day following the

E. Oil Measurement by Other Methods or at Other Locations

Acceptable to the Authorized Officer.

Any method of oil measurement, other than tank gauging or positive

displacement metering system, requires prior approval, based on
applicable API Standards, by the authorized officer. Other measurement
methods include, but are not limited to: Turbine metering systems,
Measurement by calibrated tank truck, Measurement by weight, and
Net oil computer.
The requirements and minimum standards for oil measurement on the
lease, unit, unit participating area, or communitized area by an alternate
method, or at a location off the lease, unit, unit participating area, or
communitized area by either an authorized or an alternate method of
measurement, are as follows:
1. Measurement on the Lease, Unit, Unit Participating Area,
Communitized Area.
An application for approval of an alternate oil measurement
method shall be submitted to the authorized officer and written
approval obtained before any such alternate oil measurement
method is operated. Any operator requesting approval of any (19 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:47 PM]

Onshore Order 4

alternate oil sales measurement system shall submit performance

data, actual field test results, or any other supporting data or
evidence acceptable to the authorized officer, that will
demonstrate that the proposed alternate oil sales measurement
system will meet or exceed the objectives of the applicable
minimum standard or does not adversely affect royalty income or
production accountability.
[54 FR 39527, Sept. 27, 1989]
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Shut in operations. Submit
application for approval of
desired method of oil
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
2. Measurement at a Location Off the Lease, Unit, Unit
Participating Area, or Communitized Area.
A. An application for off-lease measurement shall be
submitted to the authorized officer and written approval
obtained before any such off-lease oil measurement
facilities are installed or operated. The application for
written approval of off-lease measurement shall justify
location of the measurement facilities at the off-lease
location desired before approval will be granted, but no
additional approval as to the oil measurement method is
required, provided measurement is to be accomplished by
tank gauging or positive displacement metering system,
pursuant to the requirements and minimum standards of
this Order.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Submit application for written
approval of off-lease
Abatement Period: 20 days.
B. If oil measurement is to be accomplished at a location off
the lease, unit, unit participating area, or communitized
area by any alternate measurement method (any method
other than tank gauging or positive displacement metering
system), then the application, in addition to justifying the
location of the measurement facilities, shall also
demonstrate the acceptability of the of the alternate
measurement method, pursuant to Section III.E.1.
Violation: Major. (20 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:47 PM]

Onshore Order 4

Corrective Action: Submit application for

approval of off-lease
measurement and approval of
desired method of
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.

F. Determination of Oil Volumes by Methods Other Than


Pursuant to 43 CFR 3162.7-2, when production cannot be measured due

to spillage or leakage, the amount of production shall be determined in
accordance with the methods approved or prescribed by the authorized
officer. This category of production includes, but is not limited to, oil
which is classified as slop oil or waste oil.
The minimum standards for determining the volume of oil that cannot
be measured are as follows:
1. No oil located in an open pit or sump, in a stock tank, in a
production vessel or elsewhere, may be classified or disposed of
as waste oil unless it can be shown, to the satisfaction of the
authorized officer, that it is not economically feasible to put the
oil into marketable condition.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Put oil into marketable
Abatement Period: 24 hours.
2. No slop oil may be sold or otherwise disposed of without prior
approval from the authorized officer. Following the sale or
disposal, the authorized officer shall be notified as to the volume
sold or disposed of, and the method used to compute the
volume.hall be notified as to the volume sold or disposed of, and
the method used to compute the volume.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Submit complete report of sale
or disposal.
Abatement Period: 24 hours.

IV. Variances From Minimum Standards.

An Operator any request that the authorized officer approve a variance
from any of the minimum standards prescribed in Section III. All such
requests shall be submitted in writing to the appropriate authorized
officer and shall provide information as to the circumstances that
warrant approval of the variance(s) requested and the proposed (21 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:47 PM]

Onshore Order 4

alternative means by which the related minimum standard(s) will be

satisfied. The authorized officer, after considering all relevant factors,
shall approve the requested variance(s) on making a determination that
the proposed alternative(s) meet or exceed the objectives of the
applicable minimum standard(s), or does not adversely affect royalty
income or production accountability. In addition, approval may be
given orally by the authorized officer before the operator initiates
actions that require a variance from minimum standards. The oral
request, if granted, shall be followed by a written request not later than
the fifth business day following oral approval, and written approval will
then be appropriate.
The authorized officer also may, on his/her motion, issue NTLs that
establish modified standards or variances for specific geographic areas
of operations.
After notice to the operator, the authorized officer also may require
compliance with standards that exceed those contained in this Order
whenever such additional requirements are necessary to achieve
protection of royalty income or production accountability. The rationale
for any such additional requirements shall be documented in writing to
the operator.
[54 FR 39527, sept. 27, 1989]


I. Sections from 43 CFR Subparts 3163 and 3165 (not included with
Federal Register publication).

Last Updated April 1, 1997 by John Broderick

Note: The Order is in it's official form. However, there are some errors
in the text of the Order that need correction. Additionally, some
changes should be made to match the text to that contained in 43 CFR
3160 and updates/replacements to show the latest API standards and
recommended practices. They are in "bold", "italicized", and are
"underlined" and are as follows:

or should be and
Disposition of Production should be Disposition of production
Measurement of Oil should be Measurement of oil
Noncompliance and Assessment should be Noncompliance,
Assessments, and Penalties (22 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:47 PM]
Onshore Order 4

Update API Standard 2545 (ANSI/ASTM D-1085), "Method of

Gauging Petroleum and Products," 1965, reaffirmed in 1987 to
Chapter 3.1A, Standard Practice for the Manual Gauging of Petroleum
and Petroleum Products, First Edition, 1994
Update (ANSI/ASTM D-1250), Tables 5A and 6A to Chapter 11.1,
Volume I, Table 5A, Generalized Crude Oils and JP-4, Correction of
Observed API Gravity to API Gravity at 60 F., 1980 (reaffirmed 1993),
and Table 6A, Generalized Crude Oils and JP-4, Correction of Volume
to 60 F. Against API Gravity at 60 F., 1980 (reaffirmed 1993)
Update API Recommended Practice for Setting Connecting,
Maintenance, and Operation of Lease Tanks, API RP 12 R1," 1986 to
API's Recommended Practice for Setting, Maintenance, Operation, and
Repair of Tanks in Production Service, RP 12R1, Fourth Edition, 1991;
Update Method for Measurement and Calibration of Upright
Cylindrical Tanks," 1965, reaffirmed August 1987 to Standard 2550
(ANSI/ASTM D 1220), Measurement and Calibration of Upright
Cylindrical Tanks, First Edition, 1965 (reaffirmed 1992)
Update August 1968 to Second Edition, 1993;

Update Chapter 8.1 - Manual Sampling" (ASTM D-4057), October

1981 (Reaffirmed August 1987) to Chapter 8.1, Manual Sampling of
Petroleum and Petroleum Products, Third Edition, 1995
Update April 1983 (Reaffirmed August 1987 ) to Second Edition, 1995
Replace Standard 2545 (ANSI/ASTM D-1085), "Method of Gauging
Petroleum and Petroleum Products" 1965 (Reaffirmed August 1987)
with Chapter 3.1A, Standard Practice for the Manual Gauging of
Petroleum and Petroleum Products, First Edition, 1994

Replace Chapter 9 - Density Determination" (ASTM D-1298-80)

1981, and (ASTM D-287-82) "Standard Test Method for API Gravity
of Crude Petroleum and Petroleum Products" (Hydrometer Method)
with Chapter 9.1, Hydrometer Test Method for Density, Relative
Density (Specific Gravity), or API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and
Liquid Petroleum Products, First Edition, 1981 (reaffirmed 1992); or in
Chapter 9.2, Pressure Hydrometer Test Method for Density or Relative
Density, First Edition, 1982 (reaffirmed 1992); or in Chapter 9.3,
Thermohydrometer Test Method for Density and API Gravity of Crude
Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products, First Edition, 1994; (23 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:47 PM]

Onshore Order 4

Replace API Standard 2543, Method of Measuring the Temperature

of Petroleum and Petroleum Products" (ANSI/ASTM D - 1086)
October 1965 (Reaffirmed August 1987) with Chapter 7.1, Static
Temperature Determination Using Mercury-in-Glass Tank
Thermometers, First Edition, 1991, or Chapter 18.1, Measurement
Procedures for Crude Oil Gathered from Small Tanks by Truck, First
Edition, September 1990 (reaffirmed 1996);

Replace Chapter 10 - Sediment and Water and Section 4 -

Determination of Sediment and Water in Crude Oils by the
Centrifuge Method (Field Procedure), Second Edition, May 1988
(ASTM 96-88) with Chapter 7.1, Static Temperature Determination
Using Mercury-in-Glass Tank Thermometers, First Edition, 1991, or
Chapter 18.1, Measurement Procedures for Crude Oil Gathered from
Small Tanks by Truck, First Edition, September 1990 (reaffirmed

Replace "API Specifications for Lease Automatic Custody Transfer

(LACT) Equipment," 1979 with Lease Automatic Custody Transfer
(LACT) Equipment, Fourth Edition, 1994;
Replace Chapter 6 -Metering Assemblies, Section 1, LACT Systems,
February 1981 (Reaffirmed August 1987) with Chapter 6.1, Lease
Automatic Custody Transfer (LACT) Systems, Second Edition, 1991
(reaffirmed 1996);

Replace 1978 with First Edition, 1988 (reaffirmed 1993);

delete or latest revised standard,;

Update Chapter 12-Calculation of Petroleum Quantities, Section

2-Calculation of Liquid Petroleum Quantities Measured by Turbine
or Displacement Meter," 1981 (Reaffirmed August 1987) to Chapter
12.2, Calculation of Liquid Petroleum Quantities Measured by Turbine
or Displacement Meters, 1st Edition, Sept. 1981(reaffirmed May 1996)
(ANSI/API MPMS 12.2-1981)

working should be business.

Last Updated April 1, 1997 by John Broderick (24 of 24) [2/10/2003 5:04:47 PM]



Federal and Indian Oil and Gas Leases - Measurement of Oil
Effective date: August 23, 1989

I. Introduction
A. Authority

This Order is established pursuant the authority granted to the Secretary of the Interior under various
Federal and Indian mineral leasing statutes and the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of
1982. This authority has been delegated to the Bureau of Land Management and is implemented by the
onshore oil and gas operations regulations, contained in Title 43 CFR Part 3160. Section 3164.1
specifically authorizes the Director, Bureau of Land Management, to issue Onshore Oil and Gas Orders
when necessary to implement or supplement the operating regulations, and provides that all shall such
Order shall be binding on the lessees and operators of Federal and restricted Indian oil and gas leases
which have been, or may hereafter be, issued.
Specific authority for the provisions contained in this Order is found at §3162.7-1, Disposition of
Production; §3162.7-2, Measurement of Oil; and Subpart 3163, Noncompliance and Assessment.

B. Purpose

One purpose of this Order is to establish requirements and minimum standards for the measurement of
oil, and to provide standard operating practices for lease oil storage and handling facilities, by the
methods authorized in 43 CFR 3162.7-2, i.e., measurement by tank gauging, positive displacement
metering system, or other methods acceptable to the authorized officer. Proper oil measurement ensures
that the Federal Government and Indian mineral owners receive the royalties due, as specified in the
governing oil and gas leases.
Another purpose of this Order is to establish abatement periods for corrective action when
noncompliance with the minimum standards is detected. This Order also serves also serves as notice to
any party cited for noncompliance that it may request from the authorized officer an extension of the
abatement period for any violation, provided that the request for extension is applied for and granted
prior to the expiration of the abatement period previously allowed.

C. Scope.

This Order is applicable to all Federal and Indian (except Osage) oil and gas leases. In addition, this
Order is also applicable to all wells and facilities on State or privately owned mineral lands committed to
a unit or communitization agreement that affects Federal or Indian interests, notwithstanding any
provision of a unit or communitization agreement to the contrary. (1 of 17) [2/10/2003 5:04:51 PM]


II. Definitions
A. Authorized officer means any employee of the Bureau of Land Management authorized to perform
the duties described in Groups 3000 and 3100. (See 43 CFR 3000.0-5.)
B. Barrel (bbl) means 42 standard United States gallons of 231 cubic inches each.
C. Business day means any day Monday through Friday excluding Federal holidays.
D. Cpl. means the correction factor for the effect of pressure on liquid.
E. Cps. means the correction factor for the effect of pressure on steel.
F. Ctl. means the correction factor for the effect of temperature on liquid.
G. Cts. The correction factor for the effect of temperature on steel.
H. INC means incident of noncompliance, which serves as a Notice of Violation under 43 CFR
Subpart 3163.
I. Lessee means a person or entity holding record title in a lease issued by the United States. (See 43
CFR 3160.0-5).
J. Major violation means noncompliance which causes or threatens immediate, substantial, and
adverse impact on public health and safety, the environment, production accountability, or royalty
income (see 43 CFR 3160.0-5).
K. Minor violation means noncompliance which does not rise to the level of a "major violation." (see
43 CFR 3160.0-5).
L. Operating rights owner means a person or entity holding operating rights in a lease issued by the
United States. A lessee also may be an operating rights owner if the operating rights in a lease or
portion thereof have not been severed from record title. (see 43 CFR 3160.0-5).
M. Operator means any person or entity, including but not limited to the lessee or operating rights
owner, who has stated in writing to the authorized officer that it is responsible under the terms and
conditions of the lease for the operations conducted on the leased lands or portions thereof. (see 43
CFR 3160.0-5).
N. Oil, for the purposes of this Order, means all liquid hydrocarbons produced from or for the benefit
of jurisdictional leases, including condensate and oil from tar sands that is measured as liquid.
N.1. Clean Oil/Pipeline Oil means crude oil or condensate that is of such as a quality that it is
acceptable to normal purchasers.
N.2. Slop oil means crude oil that is such quality that it is not acceptable to normal purchasers and
which requires special treatment other than that which can economically be provided at the
existing or modified facilities or portable equipment and is usually sold to oil reclaimers.
N.3. Waste oil means lease crude oil that has been determined by the authorized officer to be of
such quality that it cannot be treated economically and put in a marketable condition with existing
or modified lease facilities or portable equipment and cannot be sold to reclaimer and also has
been determined by the authorized officer to have no economic value and for which royalty is not
due. (2 of 17) [2/10/2003 5:04:51 PM]


III. Requirements.
A. Required Recordkeeping.

The operator shall keep all test data, meter reports, charts/recordings, or other similar records for 6 years
from the date they were generated, or if involved in an audit or investigation, the records shall be
maintained until the record holder is released by the Secretary from the obligation to maintain them. The
authorized officer may request these records any time within this period. Records submitted shall include
all additional information used to compute volumes so that computations may be verified.

B. General (See 43 CFR 3162.7-2)

1. The regulations at 43 CFR 3162.7-2 authorize oil measurement methods for production from
leases, units, and communitization agreements subject to the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land
Management, as such jurisdiction is defined in 43 CFR 3161.1. The authorized oil measurement
methods are tank gauging, positive displacement metering systems, and other methods acceptable
to the authorized officer. The requirements and minimum standards for each of these methods are
set forth below.
2. These requirements and minimum standards are based on the standards and practices
recommended by the American Petroleum Institute (API). The API standards and recommended
practices are considered by both the Department of the Interior and the oil and gas industry to be
appropriate for proper oil measurement. The requirements and minimum standards set out herein
are those necessary to promote conservation of natural resources and to ensure that oil production,
except for waste oil, is properly measured for sales and allocation purposes, in order that the
Federal Government and Indian mineral owners will receive the royalties due under governing oil
and gas leases. When an infraction of the minimum standards in this Order is discovered it will be
considered noncompliance and an incident of noncompliance (INC) will be issued. Operators who
discover noncompliance with these minimum standards and take immediate corrective action will
not be issued an INC. If the authorized officer or his representative is present when an operator
discovers a malfunction or does not use correct procedures as specified in this Order, an INC will
be issued unless immediate corrective action is taken.
A major violation, as defined in this Order, will generally require an immediate shut-in of the
metering device. However, where the non-recoupable loss is not significant or where damage to
the resource is likely to occur if a shut-in is required, an abatement period of 24 hours may be
The intent of these minimum standards is to ensure that when equipment malfunctions that could
result in inaccurate measurement occur, that proper corrective actions are taken, the authorized
officer is notified, and an amended production report is submitted.
Equipment failure that is discovered by the operator and promptly corrected will not be considered
a violation. However, the incidents of noncompliance that may result from equipment failure are
considered violations, and a partial list is as follows:
❍ Failure to install equipment properly. (3 of 17) [2/10/2003 5:04:51 PM]


❍ Failure to repair or correct equipment malfunction properly or in a timely manner.

❍ Failure to submit report of alternate method of measurement for sales.
❍ Failure to submit amended production reports in a timely manner.
❍ Failure to adhere to the minimum standard procedures specified in this Order.
❍ The use of improper equipment, when discovered, will be considered a violation, and an
INC will be issued.
The use of improper procedures will be considered a violation and, when witnessed by the
authorized officer or his representative, immediate corrective action will be required. In the event
that proper procedures are then used as required by this Order, and prior to completing the
operation, calibration, or proving, the violation will be considered as properly corrected. In this
case, although the violation will be documented in the agency files, no formal INC will be issued.
All future sales and allocation facilities and sales or allocation facilities in existence on the
effective date of this Order, unless covered by a valid variance, shall meet the minimum standards
prescribed in this Order.
Meter installations constructed in accordance with the API standards in effect at that time shall not
automatically be required to retrofit to meet revised API standards. The Bureau will review any
revised API standards and, when deemed necessary, will amend the Order accordingly through the
rulemaking process.
Any variances from these requirements and minimum standards shall be in accordance with
Section IV. of this Order.
3. A violation of a minimum standard established by this Order shall be abated within the time period
Where abatement is required "prior to sales or removal," this means that necessary actions shall be
taken so that no oil may be removed beyond the measurement point until properly measured.

If any such violation is not abated within required period, action shall be initiated in
accordance with 43 CFR Subpart 3163.

C. Oil Measurement by Tank Gauging

Oil measurement by tank gauging shall accurately compute the volume of oil withdrawn from a properly
calibrated sales tank by measuring the height of the oil level in the tank before delivery (opening gauge)
and then measuring the height of the oil level in the tank after delivery (closing gauge). The opening and
closing gauges are then used with the tank calibration charts (tank tables) to compute accurately the
volume of oil withdrawn. Gauging may be accomplished by measuring the height of the oil level from
the tank bottom or a fixed datum plate upward to the surface of the oil in the tank (innage gauging) or by
measuring from a fixed reference point at the top of the tank downward to the surface of the oil in the
tank (outage gauging). Samples shall be taken from the oil before gauging to determine API gravity and
sediment and water content. Prior to gauging, the temperature of the oil shall be determined from
measurements made in the tank. The measured oil volume shall then be corrected for sediment and water (4 of 17) [2/10/2003 5:04:51 PM]


content, and to the standard sales temperature of 60 F.

The following requirements and minimum standards shall be accomplished in accordance with API
Standard 2545 (ANSI/ASTM D-1085), "Method of Gauging Petroleum and Products," 1965,
reaffirmed in 1987, and (ANSI/ASTM D-1250), Tables 5A and 6A.
[54 FR 39527, Sept. 27, 1989]
1. Sales Tank Equipment. Each oil storage tank to be used for oil sales by tank gauging shall be
properly equipped for such gauging, using the "API Recommended Practice for Setting
Connecting, Maintenance, and Operation of Lease Tanks, API RP 12 R1," 1986. Tanks shall
also be connected, maintained, and operated so as to comply with the Site Security Regulations, 43
CFR 3162.7-5, and Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 3, and sales tanks shall meet the following
a. Each sales tank shall be equipped with a pressure-vacuum thief hatch and/or vent-line valve.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install proper thief hatch and/or vent line
valve or drain.
Abatement Period: 30 days.30 days.
b. Each sales tank shall be set and maintained level and free of distortion in accordance with
the above-referenced API recommended practice.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Level tanks.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
c. Pursuant to API Standard 2545 (ANSI/ASTM D-1085), "Method of Gauging Petroleum
and Petroleum Products," October 1965 (reaffirmed August 1987), each tank shall be
equipped with a gauging reference point, with a the height of the reference point stamped on
a fixed bench-mark plate or stenciled on the tank near the gauging hatch.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Affix a gauging reference point in gauging
hatch and stamp on bench-mark plate or
stencil on tank near gauging hatch.
Abatement Period: 30 days.
2. Sales Tank Calibrations. Each oil storage tank to be used for oil sales by tank gauging shall be
accurately calibrated for such gauging, using the API Standard 2550 (ANSI/ASTM D-1220),
"Method for Measurement and Calibration of Upright Cylindrical Tanks," 1965, reaffirmed
August 1987, and API RP 2556, "Correcting Gauge Tables for Incrustation," August 1968. The
following minimum standards shall be satisfied:
a. Sales tank capacities shall be determined by actual tank measurements by the method know
as "tank calibration" and in accordance with the above-referenced API Standards.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Make capacity determination and develop
appropriate capacity table.
Abatement Period: 60 days.
b. A sales tank shall be recalibrated if it is relocated or repaired or the capacity is changed (5 of 17) [2/10/2003 5:04:51 PM]


through denting, damage, or installation or removal of interior components, or otherwise.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Recalibrate tank and develop new (revised)
capacity table.
Abatement Period: 60 days.
c. Calibration charts (tank tables) shall be submitted to the authorized officer on request.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Submit tables to authorized officer.
Abatement Period: 30 days.
3. Oil Sampling. Sampling of oil to be sold from sales tank is required and shall be conducted in such
fashion as to yield a representative sample of the oil for purposes of determining the physical
properties of the oil, following the "API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter
8.1 - Manual Sampling" (ASTM D-4057), October 1981 (Reaffirmed August 1987), or Chapter
8.2 - Automatic Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum Products, April 1983 (Reaffirmed August
1987 ), and shall meet the following minimum standard. All samples shall be taken from the
contents of the sales tank prior to gauging, after allowing the tank contents to settle for at least 30
minutes following isolation of the tank, in accordance with the procedures specified in the
above-referenced API Standard.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Repeat sampling procedure.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
4. Sales Tank Gauging. Gauging of oil sales tanks is required and shall be accomplished in such
fashion as to measure the contents of the tank accurately, following API Standard 2545
(ANSI/ASTM D-1085), "Method of Gauging Petroleum and Petroleum Products" 1965
(Reaffirmed August 1987), and shall meet the following minimum standards.
a. Gauging shall be accomplished using gauging tapes made of steel or corrosion-resistant
material with graduation clearly legible, not kinked or spliced, and traceable to the standards
of the National Bureau of Standards and certified as accurate by either the manufacturer or
an independent testing facility. Working tapes, when checked against a tape certified to NBS
standards, will be allowed as NBS traceable.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Replace tape.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
b. Acceptable gauging requires 2 identical gauges to the nearest ¼-inch for tanks with a
capacity of less than 1,000 barrels, and 2 identical gauges the nearest -inch for tanks with a
capacity of 1,000 barrels or more.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Repeat gauging until 2 identical readings are
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
c. The proper bob for innage gauging or outage gauging shall be used in accordance with the
above-reference API standard.
Violation: Major. (6 of 17) [2/10/2003 5:04:51 PM]


Corrective Action: Repeat gauging using proper bob.

Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
5. Oil Gravity. Tests for oil gravity are required, following the "API Manual of Petroleum
Measurement Standards Chapter 9 - Density Determination" (ASTM D-1298-80) 1981, and
(ASTM D-287-82) "Standard Test Method for API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Petroleum
Products" (Hydrometer Method), and shall be performed on a representative sales tank oil sample
obtained following "API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 8.1, "Manual
Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum Products" (ASTM D-4057) October 1981 (Reaffirmed
1987). Gravity tests shall meet the following minimum standards.
a. All gravity determinations shall be completed before oil sales are made.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Obtain sample from sales tank and determine
oil gravity.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
b. Accuracy of all instruments used to determine oil gravity for oil sales purposes shall be
traceable to the standards of the National Bureau of Standards and certified as accurate by
either the manufacturer or independent testing facility.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Replace instruments.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
c. The instrument used to obtain the oil gravity shall be clean, with no loose shot weights or
detached gravity scale.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Clean and/or replace hydrometer.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
d. The instrument used to obtain the oil gravity shall be calibrated for a gravity range that
includes the observed gravity of the oil sample being tested.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Repeat gravity tests using hydrometer with
proper scale.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
e. Temperatures shall be measured and recorded to the nearest 1.0 F.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Repeat test, measuring and recording
temperature to nearest 1.0 F.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
f. Liquid density (gravity) will be measured and recorded to the nearest 0.1 API gravity,
making any necessary meniscus correction. The observed gravity shall be corrected to 60 F.
using Table 5A, "Table 5A - Generalized Crude Oils" and JP-4, Correction of Observed
Gravity to API Gravity at 60 F.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Repeat test, measuring and recording gravity
to nearest 0.1 API gravity after making
necessary correction for fluid meniscus. (7 of 17) [2/10/2003 5:04:51 PM]


Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.

6. Tank Temperature. Determination of the temperature of oil contained in a sales tank is required
following the "API Standard 2543, Method of Measuring the Temperature of Petroleum and
Petroleum Products" (ANSI/ASTM D - 1086) October 1965 (Reaffirmed August 1987), and shall
meet the following minimum standards:
a. Accuracy of all thermometers used for oil sales purposes shall be traceable to the standards
of the National Bureau of Standards and certified as accurate by either the manufacturer or
independent testing facility. Working thermometers shall be checked against a thermometer
certified accurate to NBS standards and their use shall be permitted.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Replace thermometer.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
b. Thermometers shall be kept clean and free of mercury separation. The temperature
measurements shall be take by immersing the thermometer to the approximate vertical
center of the fluid column, not less than 12 inches from the shell of the tank, for a minimum
of 5 minutes and then read and recorded to the nearest 1 F.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Replace thermometer or repeat measurement
as prescribed.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
7. Sediment and Water (S&W). Determinations of the sediment and water content of oil contained in
sales tanks is required following the "API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter
10 - Sediment and Water and Section 4 - Determination of Sediment and Water in Crude Oils by
the Centrifuge Method (Field Procedure), Second Edition, May 1988 (ASTM 96-88), and shall
meet the following minimum standards:
a. A thoroughly mixed oil sample-solvent combination, prepared in accordance with the
procedure described in the above-referenced API Manual, shall be heated to at least 140 F.
prior to centrifuging.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Repeat procedures using the defined
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
b. The heated sample shall be whirled in the centrifuge for not less than 5 minutes, and at the
conclusion of centrifuging, the temperature shall be a minimum of 115 F. without water-
saturated diluent, and 125 F. with water-saturated diluent.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Repeat test as prescribed.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
c. The combined volume of water and sediment at the bottom of the 100 ml. centrifuge tube
shall be read:
(1) To the nearest 0.05 ml. in the range from 0.1 to 1 ml.
(2) To the nearest 0.1 ml. if above the 1 ml. graduation.
(3) Estimated to the nearest 0.025 ml. if the volume is less than 0.1 ml. (8 of 17) [2/10/2003 5:04:51 PM]


The water and sediment volume in the centrifuge tube thus determined shall be multiplied
by the appropriate factor for the centrifuge tube size and oil sample-solvent ratio, as
specified in the above-referenced API Manual, and the product recorded as the percentage
of water and sediment.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Repeat test as specified or repeat procedures
using specified factors.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.

D. Oil Measurement by Positive Displacement Metering System

Oil measurement by a positive displacement metering system, for purposes of oil sales, shall be
accomplished by a Lease Automatic Custody Transfer (LACT) unit designed to provide for the
unattended transfer of liquid hydrocarbons from a production facility to the transporting carrier while
providing proper and accurate means for the determination of net standard volume and quality, while also
providing for fail-safe and tamper proof operations in accordance with the regulations at 43 CFR
3162.7-5 and Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 3.
[54 FR 39527, Sept.27, 1989]

A positive displacement meter is one which registers the volume passing through said meter by a system
which constantly and mechanically isolates the flowing liquid into segments of known volume.
LACT unit design shall follow API Spec. 11N "API Specifications for Lease Automatic Custody
Transfer (LACT) Equipment," 1979, and API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 6
-Metering Assemblies, Section 1, LACT Systems, February 1981 (Reaffirmed August 1987). LACT
units shall be constructed and operated so as to satisfy the following requirements and minimum
1. LACT Unit Components and General Operating Requirements.
a. Each LACT unit shall include all of the following listed components as a minimum:
(1) Charging pump and motor.
(2) Sampler, composite sample container and mixing system.
(3) Stainer.
(4) Positive displacement meter.
(5) Meter proving connections.
(6) Meter backpressure valve and check valve.
(7) Air eliminator.
(8) Diverter valve or shut-off valve.
(9) Sediment and Water Monitor.
(10) Automatic Temperature/Gravity Compensator.
Violation: Major: a.1.,2.,4., 5., 6., and 10.
Corrective Action: Install component.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
Violation: Minor: a.3., 7., 8., and 9.
Corrective Action: Install component. (9 of 17) [2/10/2003 5:04:51 PM]


Abatement Period: 30 days.

b. All components of LACT unit shall be accessible for reasonable inspection by the
authorized officer.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Provide authorized officer with means of
access to LACT.
Abatement Period: 30 days.
c. The authorized officer shall be notified of any LACT unit failure, such as electrical, meter,
or other failure that results in use of an alternate method of measurement.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Notify authorized officer of alternate method
Abatement Period: By 5th business day following use of alternate
d. Any and all tests conducted on oil samples extracted from LACT samplers for determination
of oil gravity and S & W content shall meet the same requirements and minimum standards
specified in this Order with respect to oil measurement by tank gauging for all
measurements taken of temperature, gravity, and S&W content (Section III.C.5., 6., and 7.)
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Report tests for gravity, temperature, and/or
S & W content per Section III.C.5., 6., and 7.
minimum standards.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
2. Operating Requirements for LACT Unit Components. All required LACT unit components shall be
operated to satisfy the following minimum standards:
a. Charging pump and motor. The LACT unit shall include an electrically driven pump rated
for a discharge pressure and rate that are compatible with the rating for the meter used and
sized to assure turbulent flow in the LACT main stream piping.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install properly designed pump and motor.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
b. Sampler. The sampler probe shall extend into the center one-third of the flow piping in a
vertical run, at least 3 pipe diameters downstream of any pipe fitting. The probe shall always
be in a horizontal position.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install component properly.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
c. Composite Sample Container. The composite sample container shall be capable of holding
sample under pressure and shall be equipped with a vapor proof top closure and operated to
prevent the unnecessary escape of vapor, and the container shall be emptied upon
completion of sample withdrawal.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install component properly, and empty after
each sample withdrawal.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal. (10 of 17) [2/10/2003 5:04:51 PM]


d. Mixing System. The mixing system shall completely blend the sample into a homogeneous
mixture before and during the withdrawal of a portion of sample for testing.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Repair mixing system.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
e. Strainer. The strainer shall be constructed so that it may be depressurized, opened, and
cleaned, be located upstream of the meter, and be made of corrosion resistant material of a
mesh size no larger than ¼-inch.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Replace with properly designed strainer, and
install properly.
Abatement Period: 30 days.
f. Positive Displacement Meter. The meter shall register volumes of oil passing through said
meter determined by a system which constantly and mechanically isolates the flowing oil
into segments of known volume, and be equipped with a non-resettable totalizer.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Replace or repair meter or the non-resettable
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
g. Meter Proving Connections. All meter proving connections shall be installed downstream
from the LACT meter, with the line valve(s) between the inlet and outlet of the prover loop
having a double block and bleed design feature to provide for leak testing during proving
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Relocate prover loops downstream from
LACT meter, and install block and bleed
valve as specified.
Abatement Period: Prior to proving LACT.
h. Back Pressure and Check Valves. The back pressure valve and check valve shall be installed
downstream from the LACT meter.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install back pressure valve and check valve
downstream from LACT meter.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
i. Air Eliminator. The air eliminator shall be installed and prevent air/gas from entering the
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install air eliminator.
Abatement Period: 30 days.
j. Diverter Valve/Shut-off Valve. The diverter valve/shut-off valve shall be activated by the
Sediment and Water Monitor so that the valve moves to divert flow to the clean oil
discharge only when it receives a positive signal, or provide a shut-off valve configured to
shut off oil delivery upon failure to receive a positive signal from the Sediment and Water
Violation: Minor. (11 of 17) [2/10/2003 5:04:51 PM]


Corrective Action: Install diverter valve/shut-off valve.

Abatement Period: 30 days.
k. Sediment and Water (S and W) Monitor. The Sediment and Water Monitor shall be an
internally plastic coated capacitance probe, no smaller in diameter than the skid piping, and
shall be mounted in a vertical pipe located upstream from the diverter valve/shut-off valve
and the meter.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install S and W Monitor.
Abatement Period: 30 days.
l. Automatic Temperature/Gravity Compensator. The automatic temperature/gravity
compensator shall be sized according to the fluid characteristics being measured.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install automatic temperature/gravity
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
3. Sales Meter Proving Requirements. LACT positive displacement meters shall be proved
periodically. Meter provings shall follow "API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards,
Chapter 4 - Proving Systems," 1978, and shall meet the following minimum standards.
a. The types of meter provers to be used, and the calibration requirements are as follows:
(1) The acceptable types of meter provers are pipe provers, tank provers, master meters, or
other API recognized meter provers.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Prove again with acceptable meter prover.
Abatement Period: 30 days.

(2) The prover shall have available at the site for review by the authorized officer, evidence
that the prover has been calibrated, with the certified calibration date identified by some
unique number, i.e., serial number assigned to and inscribed on the prover. The calibration
evidence for a pipe or tank prover shall show the certified volume as determined by the
water draw method.
If a master meter is used, the most recent calibration report for said master meter shall be
available. Said calibration report shall show that the master meter has been calibrated in
accordance with API requirements, has an operating factor within the range from 0.9900 to
1.0100, and that 5 consecutive runs have been matched within a tolerance of 0.0002.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Provide calibration certification.
Abatement Period: Prior to proving.
b. Minimum Proving Frequency. For all sales and allocation meters, the accuracy of the
measuring equipment at the point of delivery or allocation shall be tested following initial
meter installation or following repair, and if proven adequate, at least quarterly thereafter
unless a longer period is approved in writing by the authorized officer.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Notify authorized officer of scheduled
proving and prove meter. (12 of 17) [2/10/2003 5:04:51 PM]


Abatement Period: 10 business days.

(1) In the event that the total throughput exceeds 100,000 bbls per month, then proving shall
be accomplished monthly.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Notify authorized officer of scheduled
Abatement Period: By the 10th business day after discovery of
the violation.
c. In Establishing the Operating Meter Factor:
(1) At least 6 runs shall be made. Of these 6 runs, 5 consecutive runs shall match within a
tolerance of 0.0005 (0.05 percent) between the highest and the lowest reading.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Notify authorized officer and reprove meter.
Abatement Period: 10 business days.

(2) The arithmetic average of these 5 consecutive runs shall be used for computation of the
meter factor.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Compute meter factor using arithmetic
average of the 5 consecutive runs.
Abatement Period: Prior to completion of proving.

(3) Meter factor computations shall also include the correction for the effect of pressure on
steel (Cps) for provers; and the correction for the effect of temperature on steel (Cts) for
provers; and the correction for the effect of temperature on liquid (Ctl), and the correction
for the effect of pressure on liquid (Cpl). The Cps and Cts correction factors shall be
determined using the "API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 12,
Section 2," 1981, or latest revised standard, and the Ctl correction factor shall be obtained
from the "API Standard 2540, Chapter 11.1, Volume I (ASTM D-1250-80), Table 6A,"
1980, or latest revised standard, and the Cpl correction factor still be obtained from the
"API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 11.2.1."
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Include proper correction factors.
Abatement Period: Prior to completion of meter proving.

(4) The initial meter factor for a new or repaired meter shall be within the range from 0.9950
to 1.0050, unless the deviation can be justified to the satisfaction of the authorized officer.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Replace/repair/reprove meter or justify
deviation from the brackets 0.9950 to 1.0050
to the authorized officer.
Abatement Period: Prior to completion of proving.
4. Excessive Meter Factor Deviation. Excessive meter factor deviation may be evidence of meter
malfunction, and corrective action shall be taken upon discovery of meter malfunction. However,
if the operator determines that the meter did not, in fact, malfunction, the lessee/operator shall
submit, for approval by the authorized officer, a report as to the findings and reasons for the (13 of 17) [2/10/2003 5:04:51 PM]


excessive meter factor deviation and the determination of no meter malfunction. In the event a
malfunction occurred, the meter shall be immediately removed from service, checked for damage
or wear, adjusted and/or repaired, and reproven prior to return to service. The arithmetic average of
the malfunction factor and the previous factor shall be applied to the production measured through
the meter between the date of the previous factor and the date of the malfunction factor.
Malfunction meter factors shall be clearly indicated on the proving report, which shall also contain
all appropriate remarks regarding subsequent repairs and/or adjustments.
The minimum standards for evidence meter malfunction, and corrective action required, are as
Meter Factor Deviation.
(1) Deviation in a meter factor not exceed ±0.0025 since the last proving of the meter unless
explained by changing conditions, i.e., temperature or gravity or flow-rate.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Repair or replace meter, or submit report to
authorized officer for approval of the
findings and reasons for the determination
that there is no meter malfunction.
Abatement Period: Prior to completion of meter proving.

(2) A meter factor shall not exceed 1 percent above or below unity, i.e., outside of the range
from 0.9900 to 1.0100.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Same as (1) above.
Abatement Period: Prior to completion of meter proving.
5. Meter Reporting Require Requirements. All meter provings, meter failures, and volume
adjustments following meter malfunction shall be reported to the authorized officer, as follows:
Meter Proving Reports. The meter proving report shall be filed on one of the forms set out in "API
Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 12-Calculation of Petroleum Quantities,
Section 2-Calculation of Liquid Petroleum Quantities Measured by Turbine or Displacement
Meter," 1981 (Reaffirmed August 1987). Any similar format is acceptable provided all required
data are included and proper calculation sequence is maintained.
Each meter proving report shall be identified by lease number, communitization agreement
number, or unit participating area name, and the location of the facility.
Each meter proving report shall be filed with the authorized officer no later than 10 business days
following the meter proving.
[54 FR 39527, Sept. 27, 1989]
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Submit proper proving report to authorized
Abatement Period: File the report with authorized officer no
later than 10th business day following the
proving. (14 of 17) [2/10/2003 5:04:51 PM]


E. Oil Measurement by Other Methods or at Other Locations Acceptable to the

Authorized Officer.

Any method of oil measurement, other than tank gauging or positive displacement metering system,
requires prior approval, based on applicable API Standards, by the authorized officer. Other
measurement methods include, but are not limited to: Turbine metering systems, Measurement by
calibrated tank truck, Measurement by weight, and Net oil computer.
The requirements and minimum standards for oil measurement on the lease, unit, unit participating area,
or communitized area by an alternate method, or at a location off the lease, unit, unit participating area,
or communitized area by either an authorized or an alternate method of measurement, are as follows:
1. Measurement on the Lease, Unit, Unit Participating Area, Communitized Area.
An application for approval of an alternate oil measurement method shall be submitted to the
authorized officer and written approval obtained before any such alternate oil measurement
method is operated. Any operator requesting approval of any alternate oil sales measurement
system shall submit performance data, actual field test results, or any other supporting data or
evidence acceptable to the authorized officer, that will demonstrate that the proposed alternate oil
sales measurement system will meet or exceed the objectives of the applicable minimum standard
or does not adversely affect royalty income or production accountability.
[54 FR 39527, Sept. 27, 1989]
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Shut in operations. Submit application for
approval of desired method of oil
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.
2. Measurement at a Location Off the Lease, Unit, Unit Participating Area, or Communitized Area.
A. An application for off-lease measurement shall be submitted to the authorized officer and
written approval obtained before any such off-lease oil measurement facilities are installed
or operated. The application for written approval of off-lease measurement shall justify
location of the measurement facilities at the off-lease location desired before approval will
be granted, but no additional approval as to the oil measurement method is required,
provided measurement is to be accomplished by tank gauging or positive displacement
metering system, pursuant to the requirements and minimum standards of this Order.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Submit application for written approval of
off-lease measurement.
Abatement Period: 20 days.
B. If oil measurement is to be accomplished at a location off the lease, unit, unit participating
area, or communitized area by any alternate measurement method (any method other than
tank gauging or positive displacement metering system), then the application, in addition to
justifying the location of the measurement facilities, shall also demonstrate the acceptability
of the of the alternate measurement method, pursuant to Section III.E.1.
Violation: Major. (15 of 17) [2/10/2003 5:04:51 PM]


Corrective Action: Submit application for approval of off-lease

measurement and approval of desired
method of measurement.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales or removal.

F. Determination of Oil Volumes by Methods Other Than Measurement.

Pursuant to 43 CFR 3162.7-2, when production cannot be measured due to spillage or leakage, the
amount of production shall be determined in accordance with the methods approved or prescribed by the
authorized officer. This category of production includes, but is not limited to, oil which is classified as
slop oil or waste oil.
The minimum standards for determining the volume of oil that cannot be measured are as follows:
1. No oil located in an open pit or sump, in a stock tank, in a production vessel or elsewhere, may be
classified or disposed of as waste oil unless it can be shown, to the satisfaction of the authorized
officer, that it is not economically feasible to put the oil into marketable condition.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Put oil into marketable condition.
Abatement Period: 24 hours.
2. No slop oil may be sold or otherwise disposed of without prior approval from the authorized
officer. Following the sale or disposal, the authorized officer shall be notified as to the volume
sold or disposed of, and the method used to compute the volume.hall be notified as to the volume
sold or disposed of, and the method used to compute the volume.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Submit complete report of sale or disposal.
Abatement Period: 24 hours.

IV. Variances From Minimum Standards.

An Operator any request that the authorized officer approve a variance from any of the minimum
standards prescribed in Section III. All such requests shall be submitted in writing to the appropriate
authorized officer and shall provide information as to the circumstances that warrant approval of the
variance(s) requested and the proposed alternative means by which the related minimum standard(s) will
be satisfied. The authorized officer, after considering all relevant factors, shall approve the requested
variance(s) on making a determination that the proposed alternative(s) meet or exceed the objectives of
the applicable minimum standard(s), or does not adversely affect royalty income or production
accountability. In addition, approval may be given orally by the authorized officer before the operator
initiates actions that require a variance from minimum standards. The oral request, if granted, shall be
followed by a written request not later than the fifth business day following oral approval, and written
approval will then be appropriate.
The authorized officer also may, on his/her motion, issue NTLs that establish modified standards or
variances for specific geographic areas of operations.
After notice to the operator, the authorized officer also may require compliance with standards that (16 of 17) [2/10/2003 5:04:51 PM]


exceed those contained in this Order whenever such additional requirements are necessary to achieve
protection of royalty income or production accountability. The rationale for any such additional
requirements shall be documented in writing to the operator.
[54 FR 39527, sept. 27, 1989]


I. Sections from 43 CFR Subparts 3163 and 3165 (not included with Federal Register publication).

Last Updated April 1, 1997 by John Broderick (17 of 17) [2/10/2003 5:04:51 PM]

Onshore Order 5

Bureau of Land Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 5;

Management (3/25/97)
Final Rule
Measurement of Gas on Federal and Indian Oil
Federal Register / Vol. 54, and Gas Leases
No. 36, Friday, February
24, 1989, Rules and See Note regarding corrections to this text.
Regulation Effective date:
March 27, 1989; this order is applicable March 27, 1989 for new
Onshore Oil and Gas facilities, August 23, 1989 for existing facilities measuring 200 MCF or
Operations, Federal and more per day of gas, and February 26, 1990 for existing facilities
Indian Leases; producing less than 200 MCF per day of gas.
Onshore Oil and Gas
Order No. 5, Measurement [54 FR 39528, Sept. 27, 1989]
of Gas
I. Introduction. I. Introduction.
A. Authority. A. Authority.
B. Purpose. This Order is established pursuant to the authority granted to the
C. Scope. Secretary of the Interior pursuant to various Federal and Indian mineral
leasing statutes and the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act
II. Definitions. of 1982. This authority has been delegated to the Bureau of Land
III. Requirements. Management and is implemented by the onshore oil and gas operating
A. Required regulations contained in 43 CFR Part 3160. Section 3164.1 thereof
specifically authorizes the Director to issue Onshore Oil and Gas
Orders when necessary to implement and supplement the operating
B. General. regulations and provides that all such Orders shall be binding on the
C. Gas lessees and operators of Federal and restricted Indian oil and gas leases
Measurement which have been, or may hereafter, be issued.
by Orifice Specific authority for the provisions contained in this Order is found at:
Meter section 3162.7-1,Disposition of production; section 3162.7-3,
D. Gas Measurement of gas; and subpart 3163, Noncompliance and
Measurement assessments.
by Other [54 FR 39528, Sept. 27, 1989]
Methods or at B. Purpose.
Locations One purpose of this Order is to establish the requirements and minimum
Acceptable to standards for the measurement of gas by the methods authorized in 43
CFR 3162.7-3, i.e., measurement by orifice meter or other methods
the Authorized
acceptable to the authorized officer. Proper gas measurement ensures
Officer. that the Federal Government, the general public, State governments
IV. Variances from which share in the proceeds, and Indian mineral owners receive the
Minimum royalties due, as specified in the governing oil and gas leases.
Standards. Another purpose of this Order is to establish abatement periods for
corrective action when noncompliance with the minimum standards is (1 of 15) [2/10/2003 5:05:52 PM]

Onshore Order 5

Attachment. detected. The assessments and penalties that will be imposed as a result
of noncompliance and/or failure to correct the noncompliance within
I. Sections from 43 CFR the specified abatement period.
Subparts 3163 and 3165.
(open 3160 page to view) This Order also serves as notice to any party cited for noncompliance
that it may request from the authorized officer an extension of the
Last Updated April 4, 1997 abatement period for any violation, provided that the request for
by John Broderick extension is applied for and granted prior to the expiration of the
abatement period previously allowed.
You are visitor # to this
page since April 4, 1997. C. Scope.
This Order is applicable to all Federal and Indian (except Osage) oil
and gas leases. In addition, this Order also is applicable to all wells and
facilities on State or privately owned mineral lands committed to a unit
or communitization agreement that affects Federal or Indian interests,
notwithstanding any provision of a unit or communitization agreement
to the contrary.

III. Definitions.
A. Authorized Officer means any employee of the Bureau of Land
Management authorized to perform the duties described in 43
CFR Groups 3000 and 3100 (see 43 CFR 3000.0-5).
B. Business day means any day Monday through Friday, excluding
Federal holidays.
C. Gas means any fluid, either combustible or noncombustible,
which is produced in a natural state from the earth and that
maintains a gaseous or rarefied state at standard temperature and
pressure conditions (see 43 CFR 3000.0-5(a)).
D. INC means incident of noncompliance, which serves as a Notice
of Violation under 43 CFR Subpart 3163.
E. Lessee means a person or entity holding record title in a lease
issued by the United States (see 43 CFR 3160.0-5).
F. Major violation means noncompliance that causes or threatens
immediate, substantial, and adverse impacts on public health and
safety, the environment, production accountability, or royalty
income (see 43 CFR 3160.0-5).
G. Minor violation means noncompliance that does not rise to the
level of a major violation (see 43 CFR 3160.0-5).
H. Operating rights owner means a person or entity holding
operating rights in a lease issued by the United States. A lessee
also may be an operating rights owner if the operating rights in a
lease or portion thereof have not been severed from record title.
I. Operator means any person or entity including but not limited to
the lessee or operating rights owner, who has stated in writing to (2 of 15) [2/10/2003 5:05:52 PM]

Onshore Order 5

the authorized officer that it is responsible under the terms and

conditions of the lease for the operations conducted on the leased
lands or portion thereof.
J. Production unit means, for purposes of reporting production, a
measurement unit of 1,000 standard cubic feet (Mcf).
K. Standard cubic foot" means the volume of gas contained in one
cubic foot at a base pressure of 14.73 pounds per square inch
absolute (psia), at a base temperature of 60 ·F or 519.67· Rankine
(see 43 CFR 3162.7-3).

III. Requirements.
A. Required Recordkeeping. The operator shall keep all test data,
meter reports, charts/recordings, or other similar records for 6
years from the date they were generated, or if involved in an
audit or investigation, the records shall be maintained until the
record holder is released by the Secretary from the obligation to
maintain them. The authorized officer may request these records
any time within this period. Records submitted shall include all
the additional information used to compute the volumes so that
computations may be verified.
B. General.
All gas production shall be measured in accordance with an authorized
method of measurement. As set out in 43 CFR 3162.7-3, gas
measurement authorized for gas produced from leases, units, unit
participating areas, and communitization agreements subject to the
jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, as such jurisdiction is
defined in 43 CFR 3161.1, may be by orifice meter or other methods
acceptable to the authorized officer. The requirements and minimum
standards for gas measurement are set out below.
The requirements of this Order are based on the standards and
specifications published by the American Gas Association (AGA), and
officially designated as ANSI/API 2530 and AGA Committee Report
No. 3, Second Edition, 1985, hereafter referred to AGA Committee
Report No. 3. The AGA published standards and specifications are
considered to be appropriate for proper gas measurement by both the
Department of the Interior and the Oil and Gas Industry. The
requirements set minimum standards necessary to promote
conservation of natural resources and to ensure proper measurement
of gas production for sales and allocation purposes, so that the
Federal Government and Indian mineral owners will receive the
royalties due under governing oil and gas leases. (3 of 15) [2/10/2003 5:05:52 PM]

Onshore Order 5

All future sales and allocation facilities and sales or allocation facilities
in existence on the effective date of this Order, unless covered by a
valid variance, shall meet the minimum standards prescribed in this
Order; provided, however, that all gas produced from or allocated to
Federal and Indian (except Osage) oil and gas leases wherein the gas is
measured through sales or allocation meters handling an average of 100
MCF per day or less on a monthly basis are exempt from the minimum
standards in Sections III.C.1., C.2., and C.4., of this Order. The
authorized officer may, where appropriate and necessary for proper
measurement, work with the operators in designating consolidated gas
sales and/or allocation meter stations.
Meter installations constructed in accordance with the AGA Report No.
3 standards in effect at that time shall not automatically be required to
retrofit if the standards are revised. The Bureau will review any revised
standards and, when necessary, will amend the Order through the
rulemaking process.
The intent of these minimum standards is to ensure that when
equipment malfunctions that could result in inaccurate measurement
occur, proper corrective actions are taken, the authorized officer is
notified, and an amended production report is submitted.
Failure to comply with these minimum standards will be considered as
noncompliance and an incident of noncompliance (INC) will be issued.
Operators who discover noncompliance with these minimum standards
and take immediate corrective action will not be issued an INC. If the
authorized officer or his representative is present when an operator
discovers a malfunction or uses incorrect procedures as specified in this
Order, an INC will be issued unless immediate corrective action is
taken. Failure of equipment will not be considered a violation.
However, the incidents of noncompliance that may result from
equipment failure are considered violations and a partial list of such
incidents follows:
● Failure to install equipment properly.

● Failure to repair or correct equipment malfunction properly or in

a timely manner.
● Failure to submit report of alternate method of sales.

● Failure to submit amended production reports in a timely manner.

● Failure to adhere to the minimum standard procedures specified

in this Order.
● The use of improper equipment, when discovered, will be
considered as a violation and a formal INC will be issued.
The use of improper procedures will be considered a violation and
when witnessed by the authorized officer or his representative, (4 of 15) [2/10/2003 5:05:52 PM]

Onshore Order 5

immediate corrective action will be required. In the event that proper

procedures are then used as required by this Order, and prior to
completing the operation, calibration, or proving, the violation will be
considered as properly corrected. In this case, although the violation
will be documented in the Bureau's files, no INC will be issued.
A major violation, as defined in this Order, will generally require an
immediate shut-in of the metering device. However, where the
non-recoupable loss is not significant or where damage to the resource
is likely to occur if a shut-in is required, an abatement period of 24
hours may be given.
Where abatement is required "prior to sales or removal," action is
required to be taken so that no gas can be removed beyond the
measurement point until properly measured.
[54 FR 39528, Sept. 27, 1989]
C. Gas Measurement by Orifice Meter
The following are minimum standards for the measurement of natural
gas using orifice meters:
1. The orifice to pipe diameter ratio (d/D), or the beta ratio, with
meters using "flange taps," shall be between 0.15 and 0.70.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install an orifice of such size
that subsequent measurements
will be within the appropriate
beta ratio range. If changing
the orifice causes the
differential pressure to be
recorded in the lower one-third
of the chart, then either the
meter tube or the differential
element shall be changed,
sizing the straight pipe sections
in a manner that will provide
subsequent measurement
within the appropriate beta
ratio range.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales.
2. The orifice to pipe diameter ratio (d/D), or the beta ratio, with
meters using "pipe taps," shall be between 0.20 and 0.67.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Same as A.1. above.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales.
3. To obtain flow conditions as near optimum as possible and
minimize the effects of turbulence in gas flow, the minimum
length of straight pipe preceding and following an orifice and the
use of straightening vanes, shall conform to those specifications (5 of 15) [2/10/2003 5:05:52 PM]

Onshore Order 5

detailed in Figures 4 through 9 of AGA Committee Report No. 3.

Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install proper length of pipe where
appropriate or install straightening vanes in
accordance with appropriate AGA Report
No. 3 specifications.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales.
4. The orifice shall be sized to make the pen that records the
differential pressure operate in the outer ? of the chart range for
the majority of the flowing period.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Size orifice to meter tube so
that the differential pen will
deflect and record in the outer
? of the chart range and so that
the measurement will be within
the prescribed beta ratio
Abatement Period: 20 days.
5. The static element shall be sized to make the pen that records the
static pressure operate in the outer 2/3 of the chart range for the
majority of the flowing period.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Size static element so as to
cause static pen to record in
the outer ? of the chart range.
Abatement Period: 20 days.
6. There shall be no pipe connections between the orifice and the
nearest pipe fitting other than the pressure taps and/or
thermometer wells as specified in AGA Committee Report No. 3.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Replace entire length of pipe
ahead of orifice meter with
pipe of appropriate length and
inside smoothness in
accordance with AGA
Committee Report No. 3.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales.
7. Continuous temperature recorders to measure the flowing gas
temperature are required on all sales and allocation meters
measuring 200 MCF per day or more on a monthly basis. All
other sales or allocation meters shall have a continuous
temperature recorder or an indicating thermometer to measure
flowing gas temperature. Sales or allocation meters measuring
between 200 and 500 MCF per day on a monthly basis may be
considered for a variance by the authorized officer on a
case-by-case basis. (6 of 15) [2/10/2003 5:05:52 PM]

Onshore Order 5

Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install temperature measuring
device as required.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales.
8. The internal diameter of the meter tube and the orifice fittings
shall be the same or, if not, within tolerance limits set by AGA.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install properly sized meter
Abatement Period: Prior to sales.
9. Meter tubes using flange taps or pipe taps shall have the pressure
tap holes located as specified in AGA Committee Report No. 3.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install pressure tap as
Abatement Period: Prior to sales.
10. Orifice plates shall be removed from the flange or plate holder,
and inspected for visual conformance with AGA standards and
specifications, at least semi-annually, during testing of the
accuracy of measuring equipment.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Remove and inspect orifice
plate for visual conformance
with AGA standards and
Abatement Period: No later than next meter
11. Any plate or orifice that is determined not in conformance with
AGA standards shall be replaced with one that is in conformance.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Replace orifice plate.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales.
12. All connections and fittings of the secondary element (including
meter pots and meter manifolds) shall be leak tested prior to
conducting tests of the meter's accuracy.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Stop meter calibration and
conduct leak test. When leaks
are detected the meter setting
shall be determined and
recorded "as found", the meter
calibrated, and readings
recorded "as left".
Abatement Period: Prior to completion of
13. The appropriate "zero" positions of the static and differential
meter pens shall be checked during each test of meter accuracy, (7 of 15) [2/10/2003 5:05:52 PM]

Onshore Order 5

and adjustments made if necessary.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Stop meter calibration and
record "as found" readings;
calibrate meter and record
readings "as left".
Abatement Period: Prior to completion of
14. The meter's differential pen arc, the ability of the differential pen
to duplicate the test chart's time arc over the full range of the test
chart, shall be checked during each testing of the meter's
accuracy and adjustments made if necessary.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Stop meter calibration and
record "as found" readings;
adjust differential pen arc, and
record "as left" readings.
Abatement Period: Prior to completion of
15. Differential and static pen accuracy shall be tested for linearity at
zero and 100 percent and at 1 point within the normal range of
the differential and static recordings to assure accuracy.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Adjust pens to assure accuracy.
Abatement Period: Prior to completion of
16. During testing of the meter accuracy, the static pen time lag shall
be adjusted to ensure independent movement of the static pen in
relation to the differential pen.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Make appropriate adjustments.
Abatement Period: Prior to completion of
17. For all sales and allocation meters, the accuracy of the measuring
equipment at the point of delivery or allocation shall be tested
following initial meter installation or following repair and, if
proven adequate, at least quarter thereafter unless a longer period
is approved by the authorized officer. All extensions of intervals
between tests of meters shall be approved in writing by the
authorized officer.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Test meter for accuracy.
Abatement Period: a. 24 hours for initial
installation or following repairs.

b. 30 days for failure to

calibrate meter quarterly. (8 of 15) [2/10/2003 5:05:52 PM]

Onshore Order 5

18. At least a 24-hour notice shall be given to the authorized officer

prior to conducting the tests and calibrations required by this
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Notify authorized officer of
scheduled meter and
calibrations at least 24 hours
prior to next tests and
Abatement Period: Prior to next calibration.
19. If the inaccuracy of the measuring equipment results in a volume
calculation more than 2 percent in error, the volume measured
since the last calibration be corected in addition to adjusting the
meter to zero error. Also, the operator shall submit a corrected
report adjusting the volumes of gas measured , and showing or
discussing all the calculations made in correcting the volumes.
The volume shall be corrected back to the time the inaccuracy
occurred, if known. If this time is unknown, volumes shall be
corrected for the last half of the period elapsed since the date of
last calibration.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: a. adjust meter to zero error.

b. Submit corrected report.

Abatement Period: a. Prior to completion of

b. 60 days.
20. If, for any reason, the measuring equipment is out of service or
malfunctioning so that the quantity of gas delivered is not known,
the volume delivered during this period shall be estimated using
one of the following methods, in the listed order of priority:
a. Record data on check metering equipment if used in lieu of
main meter recordings. If check meters are not installed or
are found to be recording inaccurately; then,
b. Base corrections on the percentage error found during the
instrument test. If that is not feasible; then,
c. Estimate the quantity of gas run, based on deliveries made
under similar conditions when the metering equipment was
registering accurately.
Violation: Minor. (9 of 15) [2/10/2003 5:05:52 PM]

Onshore Order 5

Corrective Action: Estimate volumes delivered

during those periods cited
using one or more of the
approved methods identified in
the order of priority and, when
necessary, submit an amended
report showing corrected
Abatement Period: 60 days.
21. Volumes of gas delivered shall be determined according to the
flow equations specified in AGA Committee Report No.3
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Recalculate all gas volumes not
determined in accordance with
flow equations specified in §6.3
of the AGA Committee Report
No. 3.
Abatement Period: 60 days.
22. Unless otherwise established, the point of sales delivery and
appropriate measurement shall be on the leasehold (or within the
boundaries of the communitized area(CA) or unit participating
area). Sales off the leasehold (or outside the CA or unit
participating area) may be approved by the authorized officer.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Submit application to the
authorized officer for approval
of off lease (CA or unit
participating area)
Abatement Period: 30 days.
23. The Btu content shall be determiend at least annually, unless
otherwise required by the authorized officer, by means of (1) a
recording calorimeter, (2) calculations based on a complete
compositional analysis of the gas and the heating value of each
constituent, in accordance with AGA Committee Report No. 3, or
(3) any other method acceptable to the authorized officer. The
authorized officer shall be apprised of the method used for each
determination and be furnished with all needed analytical data or
other documentation upon request. The Btu content most recently
determined and used for royalty purposes shall be reported.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Determine Btu values and
submit an amended report.
Abatement Period: 30 days.
24. All meter calibration report forms shall include the following
information, if applicable, and shall be submitted to the
authorized officer, upon request. (10 of 15) [2/10/2003 5:05:52 PM]

Onshore Order 5

a. Name of producer or seller.

b. Name of purchaser.
c. Federal or Indian lease number, communitization
agreement number, or unit name or number and
participating area identification.
d. Station or meter number.
e. Meter data (make, differential, static and temperature
range, recording period).
f. Type of connections (flange or pipe, upstream or
downstream static connections).
g. Orifice data (plate size and ID of meter tube).
h. Base of data used on each chart or record (temperature,
specific gravity, atmospheric pressure).
i. Time and date of test.
j. Instrument error(s) found and certification of corrections,
and "found" and " left" data for all instruments;
k. Signature and affiliation of tester and witness.
l. Remarks.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Submit amended meter
calibration report(s) to
authorized officer, including all
required information.
Abatement Period: 15 days.
25. For purposes of measurement and meter calibration, atmospheric
pressure is that value defined in the buy/sell contract (normally
assumed to be a constant value). In the absence of such a
definition in the buy/sell contract, the atmospheric pressure shall
be established through an actual measurement or assumed to be a
constant value based on the elevation at the metering station.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Recalibrate gas meter and
submit amended report
indicating corrected volumes
using the adjusted absolute
zero or properly calculated
pressure extensions.
Abatement Period: 30 days.
26. The method and frequency of determining specific gravity are
normally defined in the buy/sell contract. Except when a
continuous recording gravitometer is used, specific gravity may
be determined at the time of an instrument check using a spot or
cumulative gas sample, and is usually effective the first of the
following month. The continuous recorder may be of a gravity (11 of 15) [2/10/2003 5:05:52 PM]

Onshore Order 5

balance or kinematic type. Also, specific gravity may be

determined from a laboratory analysis of a spot or cumulative gas
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Determine specific gravity of
gas by approved method and
submit an amended report
with a corrected volume.
Abatement Period: 30 days.
D. Gas Measurement by Other Methods or at Other Locations
Acceptable to the Authorized Officer.
Using any method of gas measurement other than by orifice meter at a
location on the lease, unit, unit participating area, or communitized area
requires the prior approval from the authorized officer pursuant to 43
CFR 3162.7-3. Other measurement methods include, but are not limited
● Turbine metering systems

● Positive displacement meter

● Pitot tube

● Orifice well tester

● Critical flow prover

● Gas-oil ratio

The requirements and minimum standards for gas measurement on the

lease, unit, unit participating area, or communitized area by an alternate
method of measurement, or at a location off the lease, unit, unit
participating area, or communitized area by either an authorized or an
alternate method of measurement, are as follows:
1. Measurement of the Lease, Unit, Unit Participating Area, or
Communitized Area
a. A written application for approval of an alternate gas
measurement method shall be submitted to the authorized
officer and written approval obtained before any such
alternate gas measurement method is installed or operated.
Any operator requesting approval of any alternate gas sales
measurement system shall submit performance data, actual
field test results, or any other supporting data or evidence
acceptable to the authorized officer, that will demonstrate
that the proposed alternate gas sales measurement system
will meet or exceed the objectives of the applicable
minimum standards or does not adversely affect royalty
income or production accountability.
Violation: Major. (12 of 15) [2/10/2003 5:05:52 PM]

Onshore Order 5

Corrective Action: Submit application and obtain

Abatement Period: Prior to sales.

[54 FR 39528, Sept. 27, 1989]

2. Measurement at a Location Off the Lease, Unit, Unit
Participating Area, or Communitized Area.
a. A written application for off-lease measurement shall be
submitted to the authorized officer and written approval
obtained before any such off-lease gas measurement
facilities are installed or operated. The application for
approval of off-lease measurement facilities at the desired
off-lease location before approval will be granted, but no
additional approval as to the gas sales measurement
method is required, provided measurement is to be
accomplished by an orifice meter pursuant to the
requirements and minimum standards of this Order.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Submit application and obtain
Abatement Period: 20 days.
b. If gas measurement is to be accomplished at a location off the
lease, unit, unit participating area, or communitized area by any
alternate measurement method (any method other than
measurement by an orifice meter), then the application, in
addition to justifying the location of the measurement facilities,
shall also demonstrate the acceptability of the alternate
measurement method pursuant to Sec. III.D.1. of this Order.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Submit application and obtain
Abatement Period: Prior to sales.

V. Variances from Minimum Standards.

An operator may request that the authorized officer approve a variance
from any of the minimum standards prescribed in Section III. hereof.
All such requests shall be submitted in writing to the appropriate
authorized officer and shall provide information as to the circumstances
warranting approval of the variance(s) requested and the proposed
alternative means by which the related minimum standard(s) will be
satisfied. The authorized officer, after considering all relevant factors,
shall approve the requested variance(s) if it is determined that the
proposed alternative(s) meets or exceeds the objectives of the
applicable minimum standard(s), or will not adversely affect royalty
income or production accountability. (13 of 15) [2/10/2003 5:05:52 PM]

Onshore Order 5

In addition, approval may be given orally by the authorized officer

before the operator initiates actions which require a variance from
minimum standards. The oral request, if granted, shall be followed by a
written request not later than the fifth business day following oral
approval, and written approval will then be appropriate.
The authorized officer may also issue NTL's that establish modified
standards and requirements for specific geographic areas of operations.
After notice to the operator the authorized officer may also require
compliance with standards that exceed those contained in this Order
whenever such additional requirements are necessary to achieve
protection of the royalty income or production accountability. The
rationale for any such additional requirements shall be documented in
writing to the operator.
[54 FR 39528, Sept. 27, 1996]

I. Sections from 43 CFR Subparts 3163 and 3165 (not included with the
Federal Register publication).

Note: The Order is in it's official form. However, there are some errors
and omissions in the text of the Order that need correction. They are in
"bold", "italicized", and are "underlined" and are as follows:

Disposition of production should be Disposition of production

Measurement of gas should be Measurement of gas.

Noncompliance and assessments should be Noncompliance,

Assessments, and Penalties.

The second &para; requires revision to update the standard


A, should be "C".

corected. should be "corrected".

determiend, should be "determined". (14 of 15) [2/10/2003 5:05:52 PM]

Onshore Order 5

of, should be "on".

Between the words off-lease and measurement, the following was

omitted "measurement shall justify the location of the". (15 of 15) [2/10/2003 5:05:52 PM]

Order 5

Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 5;

Measurement of Gas on Federal and Indian Oil and Gas Leases
See Note regarding corrections to this text.

Effective date:
March 27, 1989; this order is applicable March 27, 1989 for new facilities, August 23, 1989 for existing
facilities measuring 200 MCF or more per day of gas, and February 26, 1990 for existing facilities
producing less than 200 MCF per day of gas.
[54 FR 39528, Sept. 27, 1989]

I. Introduction.
A. Authority.
This Order is established pursuant to the authority granted to the Secretary of the Interior pursuant to
various Federal and Indian mineral leasing statutes and the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management
Act of 1982. This authority has been delegated to the Bureau of Land Management and is implemented
by the onshore oil and gas operating regulations contained in 43 CFR Part 3160. Section 3164.1 thereof
specifically authorizes the Director to issue Onshore Oil and Gas Orders when necessary to implement
and supplement the operating regulations and provides that all such Orders shall be binding on the
lessees and operators of Federal and restricted Indian oil and gas leases which have been, or may
hereafter, be issued.
Specific authority for the provisions contained in this Order is found at: section 3162.7-1,Disposition of
production; section 3162.7-3, Measurement of gas; and subpart 3163, Noncompliance and assessments.
[54 FR 39528, Sept. 27, 1989]
B. Purpose.
One purpose of this Order is to establish the requirements and minimum standards for the measurement
of gas by the methods authorized in 43 CFR 3162.7-3, i.e., measurement by orifice meter or other
methods acceptable to the authorized officer. Proper gas measurement ensures that the Federal
Government, the general public, State governments which share in the proceeds, and Indian mineral
owners receive the royalties due, as specified in the governing oil and gas leases.
Another purpose of this Order is to establish abatement periods for corrective action when
noncompliance with the minimum standards is detected. The assessments and penalties that will be
imposed as a result of noncompliance and/or failure to correct the noncompliance within the specified
abatement period.
This Order also serves as notice to any party cited for noncompliance that it may request from the
authorized officer an extension of the abatement period for any violation, provided that the request for
extension is applied for and granted prior to the expiration of the abatement period previously allowed.
C. Scope.
This Order is applicable to all Federal and Indian (except Osage) oil and gas leases. In addition, this
Order also is applicable to all wells and facilities on State or privately owned mineral lands committed to (1 of 11) [2/10/2003 5:05:56 PM]

Order 5

a unit or communitization agreement that affects Federal or Indian interests, notwithstanding any
provision of a unit or communitization agreement to the contrary.

III. Definitions.
A. Authorized Officer means any employee of the Bureau of Land Management authorized to
perform the duties described in 43 CFR Groups 3000 and 3100 (see 43 CFR 3000.0-5).
B. Business day means any day Monday through Friday, excluding Federal holidays.
C. Gas means any fluid, either combustible or noncombustible, which is produced in a natural state
from the earth and that maintains a gaseous or rarefied state at standard temperature and pressure
conditions (see 43 CFR 3000.0-5(a)).
D. INC means incident of noncompliance, which serves as a Notice of Violation under 43 CFR
Subpart 3163.
E. Lessee means a person or entity holding record title in a lease issued by the United States (see 43
CFR 3160.0-5).
F. Major violation means noncompliance that causes or threatens immediate, substantial, and adverse
impacts on public health and safety, the environment, production accountability, or royalty income
(see 43 CFR 3160.0-5).
G. Minor violation means noncompliance that does not rise to the level of a major violation (see 43
CFR 3160.0-5).
H. Operating rights owner means a person or entity holding operating rights in a lease issued by the
United States. A lessee also may be an operating rights owner if the operating rights in a lease or
portion thereof have not been severed from record title.
I. Operator means any person or entity including but not limited to the lessee or operating rights
owner, who has stated in writing to the authorized officer that it is responsible under the terms and
conditions of the lease for the operations conducted on the leased lands or portion thereof.
J. Production unit means, for purposes of reporting production, a measurement unit of 1,000 standard
cubic feet (Mcf).
K. Standard cubic foot" means the volume of gas contained in one cubic foot at a base pressure of
14.73 pounds per square inch absolute (psia), at a base temperature of 60 ·F or 519.67· Rankine
(see 43 CFR 3162.7-3).

III. Requirements.
A. Required Recordkeeping. The operator shall keep all test data, meter reports, charts/recordings, or
other similar records for 6 years from the date they were generated, or if involved in an audit or
investigation, the records shall be maintained until the record holder is released by the Secretary
from the obligation to maintain them. The authorized officer may request these records any time
within this period. Records submitted shall include all the additional information used to compute
the volumes so that computations may be verified.
B. General.
All gas production shall be measured in accordance with an authorized method of measurement. As set
out in 43 CFR 3162.7-3, gas measurement authorized for gas produced from leases, units, unit (2 of 11) [2/10/2003 5:05:56 PM]

Order 5

participating areas, and communitization agreements subject to the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land
Management, as such jurisdiction is defined in 43 CFR 3161.1, may be by orifice meter or other methods
acceptable to the authorized officer. The requirements and minimum standards for gas measurement are
set out below.
The requirements of this Order are based on the standards and specifications published by the
American Gas Association (AGA), and officially designated as ANSI/API 2530 and AGA Committee
Report No. 3, Second Edition, 1985, hereafter referred to AGA Committee Report No. 3. The AGA
published standards and specifications are considered to be appropriate for proper gas measurement
by both the Department of the Interior and the Oil and Gas Industry. The requirements set minimum
standards necessary to promote conservation of natural resources and to ensure proper measurement
of gas production for sales and allocation purposes, so that the Federal Government and Indian
mineral owners will receive the royalties due under governing oil and gas leases.

All future sales and allocation facilities and sales or allocation facilities in existence on the effective date
of this Order, unless covered by a valid variance, shall meet the minimum standards prescribed in this
Order; provided, however, that all gas produced from or allocated to Federal and Indian (except Osage)
oil and gas leases wherein the gas is measured through sales or allocation meters handling an average of
100 MCF per day or less on a monthly basis are exempt from the minimum standards in Sections III.C.1.,
C.2., and C.4., of this Order. The authorized officer may, where appropriate and necessary for proper
measurement, work with the operators in designating consolidated gas sales and/or allocation meter
Meter installations constructed in accordance with the AGA Report No. 3 standards in effect at that time
shall not automatically be required to retrofit if the standards are revised. The Bureau will review any
revised standards and, when necessary, will amend the Order through the rulemaking process.
The intent of these minimum standards is to ensure that when equipment malfunctions that could result in
inaccurate measurement occur, proper corrective actions are taken, the authorized officer is notified, and
an amended production report is submitted.
Failure to comply with these minimum standards will be considered as noncompliance and an incident of
noncompliance (INC) will be issued. Operators who discover noncompliance with these minimum
standards and take immediate corrective action will not be issued an INC. If the authorized officer or his
representative is present when an operator discovers a malfunction or uses incorrect procedures as
specified in this Order, an INC will be issued unless immediate corrective action is taken. Failure of
equipment will not be considered a violation. However, the incidents of noncompliance that may result
from equipment failure are considered violations and a partial list of such incidents follows:
● Failure to install equipment properly.

● Failure to repair or correct equipment malfunction properly or in a timely manner.

● Failure to submit report of alternate method of sales.

● Failure to submit amended production reports in a timely manner.

● Failure to adhere to the minimum standard procedures specified in this Order.

● The use of improper equipment, when discovered, will be considered as a violation and a formal
INC will be issued. (3 of 11) [2/10/2003 5:05:56 PM]

Order 5

The use of improper procedures will be considered a violation and when witnessed by the authorized
officer or his representative, immediate corrective action will be required. In the event that proper
procedures are then used as required by this Order, and prior to completing the operation, calibration, or
proving, the violation will be considered as properly corrected. In this case, although the violation will be
documented in the Bureau's files, no INC will be issued.
A major violation, as defined in this Order, will generally require an immediate shut-in of the metering
device. However, where the non-recoupable loss is not significant or where damage to the resource is
likely to occur if a shut-in is required, an abatement period of 24 hours may be given.
Where abatement is required "prior to sales or removal," action is required to be taken so that no gas can
be removed beyond the measurement point until properly measured.
[54 FR 39528, Sept. 27, 1989]
C. Gas Measurement by Orifice Meter
The following are minimum standards for the measurement of natural gas using orifice meters:
1. The orifice to pipe diameter ratio (d/D), or the beta ratio, with meters using "flange taps," shall be
between 0.15 and 0.70.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install an orifice of such size that subsequent
measurements will be within the appropriate
beta ratio range. If changing the orifice
causes the differential pressure to be
recorded in the lower one-third of the chart,
then either the meter tube or the differential
element shall be changed, sizing the straight
pipe sections in a manner that will provide
subsequent measurement within the
appropriate beta ratio range.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales.
2. The orifice to pipe diameter ratio (d/D), or the beta ratio, with meters using "pipe taps," shall be
between 0.20 and 0.67.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Same as A.1. above.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales.
3. To obtain flow conditions as near optimum as possible and minimize the effects of turbulence in
gas flow, the minimum length of straight pipe preceding and following an orifice and the use of
straightening vanes, shall conform to those specifications detailed in Figures 4 through 9 of AGA
Committee Report No. 3.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install proper length of pipe where appropriate or install straightening
vanes in accordance with appropriate AGA Report No. 3 specifications.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales.
4. The orifice shall be sized to make the pen that records the differential pressure operate in the outer
? of the chart range for the majority of the flowing period.
Violation: Minor. (4 of 11) [2/10/2003 5:05:56 PM]

Order 5

Corrective Action: Size orifice to meter tube so that the

differential pen will deflect and record in the
outer ? of the chart range and so that the
measurement will be within the prescribed
beta ratio range.
Abatement Period: 20 days.
5. The static element shall be sized to make the pen that records the static pressure operate in the
outer 2/3 of the chart range for the majority of the flowing period.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Size static element so as to cause static pen to
record in the outer ? of the chart range.
Abatement Period: 20 days.
6. There shall be no pipe connections between the orifice and the nearest pipe fitting other than the
pressure taps and/or thermometer wells as specified in AGA Committee Report No. 3.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Replace entire length of pipe ahead of orifice
meter with pipe of appropriate length and
inside smoothness in accordance with AGA
Committee Report No. 3.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales.
7. Continuous temperature recorders to measure the flowing gas temperature are required on all sales
and allocation meters measuring 200 MCF per day or more on a monthly basis. All other sales or
allocation meters shall have a continuous temperature recorder or an indicating thermometer to
measure flowing gas temperature. Sales or allocation meters measuring between 200 and 500 MCF
per day on a monthly basis may be considered for a variance by the authorized officer on a
case-by-case basis.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install temperature measuring device as
Abatement Period: Prior to sales.
8. The internal diameter of the meter tube and the orifice fittings shall be the same or, if not, within
tolerance limits set by AGA.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install properly sized meter tube.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales.
9. Meter tubes using flange taps or pipe taps shall have the pressure tap holes located as specified in
AGA Committee Report No. 3.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install pressure tap as specified.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales.
10. Orifice plates shall be removed from the flange or plate holder, and inspected for visual
conformance with AGA standards and specifications, at least semi-annually, during testing of the
accuracy of measuring equipment.
Violation: Minor. (5 of 11) [2/10/2003 5:05:56 PM]

Order 5

Corrective Action: Remove and inspect orifice plate for visual

conformance with AGA standards and
Abatement Period: No later than next meter calibration.
11. Any plate or orifice that is determined not in conformance with AGA standards shall be replaced
with one that is in conformance.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Replace orifice plate.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales.
12. All connections and fittings of the secondary element (including meter pots and meter manifolds)
shall be leak tested prior to conducting tests of the meter's accuracy.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Stop meter calibration and conduct leak test.
When leaks are detected the meter setting
shall be determined and recorded "as
found", the meter calibrated, and readings
recorded "as left".
Abatement Period: Prior to completion of calibration.
13. The appropriate "zero" positions of the static and differential meter pens shall be checked during
each test of meter accuracy, and adjustments made if necessary.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Stop meter calibration and record "as found"
readings; calibrate meter and record
readings "as left".
Abatement Period: Prior to completion of calibration.
14. The meter's differential pen arc, the ability of the differential pen to duplicate the test chart's time
arc over the full range of the test chart, shall be checked during each testing of the meter's accuracy
and adjustments made if necessary.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Stop meter calibration and record "as found"
readings; adjust differential pen arc, and
record "as left" readings.
Abatement Period: Prior to completion of calibration.
15. Differential and static pen accuracy shall be tested for linearity at zero and 100 percent and at 1
point within the normal range of the differential and static recordings to assure accuracy.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Adjust pens to assure accuracy.
Abatement Period: Prior to completion of calibration.
16. During testing of the meter accuracy, the static pen time lag shall be adjusted to ensure
independent movement of the static pen in relation to the differential pen.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Make appropriate adjustments.
Abatement Period: Prior to completion of calibration.
17. For all sales and allocation meters, the accuracy of the measuring equipment at the point of
delivery or allocation shall be tested following initial meter installation or following repair and, if
proven adequate, at least quarter thereafter unless a longer period is approved by the authorized (6 of 11) [2/10/2003 5:05:56 PM]

Order 5

officer. All extensions of intervals between tests of meters shall be approved in writing by the
authorized officer.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Test meter for accuracy.
Abatement Period: a. 24 hours for initial installation or following

b. 30 days for failure to calibrate meter

18. At least a 24-hour notice shall be given to the authorized officer prior to conducting the tests and
calibrations required by this order.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Notify authorized officer of scheduled meter
and calibrations at least 24 hours prior to
next tests and calibrations.
Abatement Period: Prior to next calibration.
19. If the inaccuracy of the measuring equipment results in a volume calculation more than 2 percent
in error, the volume measured since the last calibration be corected in addition to adjusting the
meter to zero error. Also, the operator shall submit a corrected report adjusting the volumes of gas
measured , and showing or discussing all the calculations made in correcting the volumes. The
volume shall be corrected back to the time the inaccuracy occurred, if known. If this time is
unknown, volumes shall be corrected for the last half of the period elapsed since the date of last
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: a. adjust meter to zero error.

b. Submit corrected report.

Abatement Period: a. Prior to completion of calibration.

b. 60 days.
20. If, for any reason, the measuring equipment is out of service or malfunctioning so that the quantity
of gas delivered is not known, the volume delivered during this period shall be estimated using one
of the following methods, in the listed order of priority:
a. Record data on check metering equipment if used in lieu of main meter recordings. If check
meters are not installed or are found to be recording inaccurately; then,
b. Base corrections on the percentage error found during the instrument test. If that is not
feasible; then,
c. Estimate the quantity of gas run, based on deliveries made under similar conditions when
the metering equipment was registering accurately.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Estimate volumes delivered during those
periods cited using one or more of the
approved methods identified in the order of
priority and, when necessary, submit an
amended report showing corrected volumes.
Abatement Period: 60 days.
21. Volumes of gas delivered shall be determined according to the flow equations specified in AGA (7 of 11) [2/10/2003 5:05:56 PM]

Order 5

Committee Report No.3

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Recalculate all gas volumes not determined in
accordance with flow equations specified in
§6.3 of the AGA Committee Report No. 3.
Abatement Period: 60 days.
22. Unless otherwise established, the point of sales delivery and appropriate measurement shall be on
the leasehold (or within the boundaries of the communitized area(CA) or unit participating area).
Sales off the leasehold (or outside the CA or unit participating area) may be approved by the
authorized officer.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Submit application to the authorized officer
for approval of off lease (CA or unit
participating area) measurement.
Abatement Period: 30 days.
23. The Btu content shall be determiend at least annually, unless otherwise required by the authorized
officer, by means of (1) a recording calorimeter, (2) calculations based on a complete
compositional analysis of the gas and the heating value of each constituent, in accordance with
AGA Committee Report No. 3, or (3) any other method acceptable to the authorized officer. The
authorized officer shall be apprised of the method used for each determination and be furnished
with all needed analytical data or other documentation upon request. The Btu content most
recently determined and used for royalty purposes shall be reported.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Determine Btu values and submit an
amended report.
Abatement Period: 30 days.
24. All meter calibration report forms shall include the following information, if applicable, and shall
be submitted to the authorized officer, upon request.
a. Name of producer or seller.
b. Name of purchaser.
c. Federal or Indian lease number, communitization agreement number, or unit name or
number and participating area identification.
d. Station or meter number.
e. Meter data (make, differential, static and temperature range, recording period).
f. Type of connections (flange or pipe, upstream or downstream static connections).
g. Orifice data (plate size and ID of meter tube).
h. Base of data used on each chart or record (temperature, specific gravity, atmospheric
i. Time and date of test.
j. Instrument error(s) found and certification of corrections, and "found" and " left" data for all
k. Signature and affiliation of tester and witness.
l. Remarks. (8 of 11) [2/10/2003 5:05:56 PM]

Order 5

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Submit amended meter calibration report(s)
to authorized officer, including all required
Abatement Period: 15 days.
25. For purposes of measurement and meter calibration, atmospheric pressure is that value defined in
the buy/sell contract (normally assumed to be a constant value). In the absence of such a definition
in the buy/sell contract, the atmospheric pressure shall be established through an actual
measurement or assumed to be a constant value based on the elevation at the metering station.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Recalibrate gas meter and submit amended
report indicating corrected volumes using the
adjusted absolute zero or properly calculated
pressure extensions.
Abatement Period: 30 days.
26. The method and frequency of determining specific gravity are normally defined in the buy/sell
contract. Except when a continuous recording gravitometer is used, specific gravity may be
determined at the time of an instrument check using a spot or cumulative gas sample, and is
usually effective the first of the following month. The continuous recorder may be of a gravity
balance or kinematic type. Also, specific gravity may be determined from a laboratory analysis of
a spot or cumulative gas sample.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Determine specific gravity of gas by approved
method and submit an amended report with
a corrected volume.
Abatement Period: 30 days.
D. Gas Measurement by Other Methods or at Other Locations Acceptable to the Authorized
Using any method of gas measurement other than by orifice meter at a location on the lease, unit, unit
participating area, or communitized area requires the prior approval from the authorized officer pursuant
to 43 CFR 3162.7-3. Other measurement methods include, but are not limited to:
● Turbine metering systems

● Positive displacement meter

● Pitot tube

● Orifice well tester

● Critical flow prover

● Gas-oil ratio

The requirements and minimum standards for gas measurement on the lease, unit, unit participating area,
or communitized area by an alternate method of measurement, or at a location off the lease, unit, unit
participating area, or communitized area by either an authorized or an alternate method of measurement,
are as follows:
1. Measurement of the Lease, Unit, Unit Participating Area, or Communitized Area
a. A written application for approval of an alternate gas measurement method shall be (9 of 11) [2/10/2003 5:05:56 PM]

Order 5

submitted to the authorized officer and written approval obtained before any such alternate
gas measurement method is installed or operated. Any operator requesting approval of any
alternate gas sales measurement system shall submit performance data, actual field test
results, or any other supporting data or evidence acceptable to the authorized officer, that
will demonstrate that the proposed alternate gas sales measurement system will meet or
exceed the objectives of the applicable minimum standards or does not adversely affect
royalty income or production accountability.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Submit application and obtain approval.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales.

[54 FR 39528, Sept. 27, 1989]

2. Measurement at a Location Off the Lease, Unit, Unit Participating Area, or Communitized Area.
a. A written application for off-lease measurement shall be submitted to the authorized officer
and written approval obtained before any such off-lease gas measurement facilities are
installed or operated. The application for approval of off-lease measurement facilities at the
desired off-lease location before approval will be granted, but no additional approval as to
the gas sales measurement method is required, provided measurement is to be accomplished
by an orifice meter pursuant to the requirements and minimum standards of this Order.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Submit application and obtain approval.
Abatement Period: 20 days.
b. If gas measurement is to be accomplished at a location off the lease, unit, unit participating area, or
communitized area by any alternate measurement method (any method other than measurement by
an orifice meter), then the application, in addition to justifying the location of the measurement
facilities, shall also demonstrate the acceptability of the alternate measurement method pursuant to
Sec. III.D.1. of this Order.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Submit application and obtain approval.
Abatement Period: Prior to sales.

V. Variances from Minimum Standards.

An operator may request that the authorized officer approve a variance from any of the minimum
standards prescribed in Section III. hereof. All such requests shall be submitted in writing to the
appropriate authorized officer and shall provide information as to the circumstances warranting approval
of the variance(s) requested and the proposed alternative means by which the related minimum
standard(s) will be satisfied. The authorized officer, after considering all relevant factors, shall approve
the requested variance(s) if it is determined that the proposed alternative(s) meets or exceeds the
objectives of the applicable minimum standard(s), or will not adversely affect royalty income or
production accountability.
In addition, approval may be given orally by the authorized officer before the operator initiates actions
which require a variance from minimum standards. The oral request, if granted, shall be followed by a
written request not later than the fifth business day following oral approval, and written approval will
then be appropriate. (10 of 11) [2/10/2003 5:05:56 PM]

Order 5

The authorized officer may also issue NTL's that establish modified standards and requirements for
specific geographic areas of operations.
After notice to the operator the authorized officer may also require compliance with standards that
exceed those contained in this Order whenever such additional requirements are necessary to achieve
protection of the royalty income or production accountability. The rationale for any such additional
requirements shall be documented in writing to the operator.
[54 FR 39528, Sept. 27, 1996]

I. Sections from 43 CFR Subparts 3163 and 3165 (not included with the Federal Register publication). (11 of 11) [2/10/2003 5:05:56 PM]

Onshore Order No 1 - Frame> This page uses Frames

Bureau of Land Management - - 43 CFR 3160

Federal Register/Vol 55, No.226
Friday, November 23, 1990
Effective date: January 22, 1991

Return to the Onshore Oil and Gas Operations Information Menu

Table of Contents
Onshore Oil and Gas
I. Introduction.
A. Authority.
B. Purpose.
C. Scope.
Federal and Indian Oil and Gas
II. Definitions. Leases;
III. Requirements. Onshore Oil and Gas Order No.
A. Application., Approvals, and
6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations
B. Public Protection.
D. Production Requirement.
IV. Variances from Requirements.

Attachments. [2/24/2003 11:13:47 AM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

I. Introduction
A. Authority
This Order is established pursuant to the authority granted to the Secretary of the Interior through various
Federal and Indian mineral leasing statutes and the Federal Oil nd Gas Royalty Management Act of
1982. This authority has been delegated to the Bureau of Land Management and is implemented by the
onshore oil and gas operating regulations contained in 43 CFR part 3160. More specifically, this Order
implements and supplements the provisions of § 3162.1 General Requirements; § 3162.5-1(a)(c)(d)
Environmental Obligations; § 3162.5-2(a) Control of Wells; and § 3162.5-3 Safety Precautions.
43 CFR 3164.1 specifically authorizes the Director, Bureau of Land Management, to issue Onshore Oil
and Gas Orders, when necessary, to implement or supplements the operating regulations and provides
that all such Orders shall be binding on the operator(s) of all Federal and Indian (except Osage Tribe) oil
and gas leases which have been, or may hereafter be, issued. The authorized officer has the authority
pursuant to 43 CFR 3161.2 to implement the provisions of this Order, require additional information, and
approve any plans, applications, or variances required or allowed by the Order.
The authorized officer may, pursuant to 43 CFR 3164.1 and 3164.2, after notice and comment, issue
onshore oil and gas orders when necessary to implement and supplement the regulations contained in 43
CFR 3160, and issue notices to lessees and operators (NTL's) when necessary to implement onshore oil
and gas orders and the regulations. Pursuant to Section IV of this Order, the authorized officer may
approve a variance from the requirements prescribed herein to accommodate special conditions on a
State or areawide basis.
[57 FR 2039 and 2136, Jan. 17, 1992; 57 FR 5211, Feb. 12, 1992] [3/13/2003 1:29:43 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

B. Purpose
The purpose of this Order is to protect public health and safety and those personnel essential to
maintaining control of the well. This Order identifies the Bureau of Land Management's uniform national
requirements and minimum standards of performance expected from operators when conducting
operations involving oil or gas that is known or could reasonably be expected to contain hydrogen sulfide
(H2S) or which results in the emission of sulfur dioxide (SO2) as a result of flaring H2S. This Order also
identifies the gravity of violations, probable corrective action(s), and normal abatement periods. [3/13/2003 1:29:50 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

C. Scope
This Order is applicable to all onshore Federal and Indian (except Osage Tribe) oil and gas lease when
drilling, completing, testing, reworking, producing, injecting, gathering, storing, or treating operations
are being conducted in zones which are known or could reasonably be expected to contain H2S or which,
when flared, could produce SO2, in such concentrations that upon release could constitute a hazard to
human life. The requirements and minimum standards of this Order do not apply when operating in
zones where H2S is presently known not to be present or cannot reasonably be expected to be present in
concentrations of 100 parts per million (ppm) or more in the gas stream.
The requirements and minimum standards in this Order do not relieve an operator from compliance with
any applicable Federal, State, or local requirement(s) regarding H2S or SO2 which are more stringent.

[57 FR 2039, Jan. 17, 1992] [3/13/2003 1:30:00 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

II. Definitions
A. Authorized officer means any employee of the Bureau of Land Management authorized to
perform the duties described in 43 CFR Groups 3000 and 3100 (3000.0-5).
B. Christmas tree means an assembly of valves and fittings used to control production and provide
access to the producing tubing string. The assembly includes all equipment above the tubinghead
top flange.
C. Dispersion technique means a mathematical representation of the physical and chemical
transportation, dilution, nd transformation of H2S gas emitted into the atmosphere.

D. Escape rate means that the maximum volume (Q) used as the escape rate in determining the
radius of exposure shall be that specified below, as applicable:
1. For a production facility, the escape rate shall be calculated using the maximum daily rate
of gas produced through that facility or the best estimate thereof:
2. For gas wells, the escape rate shall be calculated by using the current daily absolute
openflow rate against atmospheric pressure;
3. For oil wells, the escape rate shall be calculated by multiplying the producing gas/oil ratio
by the maximum daily production rate or best estimate thereof;
4. For a well being drilled in a developed area, the escape rate may be determined by using
the offset wells completed in the interval(s) in question.
E. Essential personnel means those on-site personnel directly associated with the operation being
conducted and necessary to maintain control of the well.
F. Exploratory well means any drilled beyond the known producing limits of a pool.
G. Gas well means a for which the energy equivalent of the gas produced, including the entrained
liquid hydrocarbons, exceeds the energy equivalent of the oil produced.
H. H2S Drilling Operations Plan means a written plan which provides for safety of essential
personnel and for maintaining control of the well with regard to H2S and SO2.

I. Lessee mean. a person or entity holding record title in a lease issued by the United States
J. Major violation means compliance which causes or threatens immediate. substantial, and
adverse impacts on public health and safety, the environment, production accountability, or royalty
income (3160.0-5).
K. Minor violation means noncompliance which does not rise to the level of a major violation
L. Oil well means well for which the energy equivalent of the gas produced exceeds the energy
equivalent of the gas produced, including the entrained liquid hydrocarbons.
M. Operating rights owner means a person or entity holding operating rights in a lease issued by (1 of 3) [3/13/2003 1:30:11 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

the United States. A lessee may also be an operating rights owner if the operating rights in a lease
or portion thereof have not been severed from record title (3160.0-5).
N. Operator means any person or entity including but not limited to the lessee or operating rights
owner who has stated in writing to the authorized office, that he/she is responsible under the terms
of the lease for the operations conducted on the leased lands or a portion thereof (3160.0-5).
0. Potentially hazardous volume means a volume of gas of such H2S concentration and flow rate
that it may result in radius of exposure-calculated ambient concentrations of 100 ppm H2S at any
occupied residence, school, church, park, school bus stop, place of business or other area where the
public could reasonably be expected to frequent, or 500 ppm H2S at any Federal, State, County or
municipal road or highway.
P. Production facilities means any wellhead, flowline, piping, treating, or separating equipment,
water disposal pits, processing plant or combination thereof prior to the approved measurement
point for any lease, communitization agreement, or unit participating area.
Q. Prompt Correction means immediate correction of violations, with operation suspended if
required at the discretion of the authorized officer.
R. Public Protection Plan means a written plan which provides for the safety of the potentially
affected public with regard to H2S and SO2.

S. Radius of exposure means the calculation resulting from using the following Pasquill-Gifford
derived equation, or by such other method(s) s may be approved by the authorized officer:
1. For determining the 100 ppm radius of exposure where the H2S concentration in the gas
stream is less than 10 percent:
X= [1.589)(H2S concentration)(Q)] (0.625) or
2. For determining the 500 ppm radius of exposure where the H2S concentration in the gas
stream is less than 10 percent:
X=[(0.4546)(H2S concentration)(Q)](0.6258)
X= radius of exposure in feet:
H2S Concentration = decimal equivalent of the mole or volume fractions of H2S in
the gaseous mixture;
Q= maximum volume of gas determined to be available for escape in cubic feet per
day (at standard condition of 14.73 psia and 60°F).
3. For determining the 100 ppm or the 500 ppm radius of exposure in gas streams containing
H2S concentrations of 10 percent or greater, a dispersion technique that takes into account
representative wind speed, direction, atmospheric stability, complex terrain, and other
dispersion features shall be utilized. Such techniques may include, but shall not be limited to
one of a series of computer models outlined in the Environmental Protection Agency's
"Guidelines on Air Quality Models(EPA-450/2-78-027R)." (2 of 3) [3/13/2003 1:30:11 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

4. Where multiple H2S sources (i.e., wells, treatment equipment, flowlines, etc.) are present,
the operator may elect to utilize a radius of exposure which covers a larger area than would
be calculated using radius of exposure formula for each component part of the
drilling/completion/workover/ production system.
5. For a well being drilled in an area where insufficient data exits, to calculate a radius of
exposure, but where H2S could reasonably be expected to be present in concentrations 3,000
feet shall be assumed.
T. Zones known to contain H2S means geological formation in a field where prior drilling,
logging, coring, testing, or producing operations have confirmed that H2S-bearing zones will be
encountered that contain 100 ppm or more of H2S in the gas stream.

U. Zones known not to contain H2S means geological fractions, in field where prior drilling,
logging, coring, testing, or producing operations have confirmed the absence of H2S-bearing zones
that contain 100 ppm or more of H2S in the gas stream.

V. Zones which can reasonably be expected to contain H2S means geological formations in the
area which have not had prior drilling, but prior drilling to the same formations in similar field(s)
within the same geologic basin indicates there is not potential for 100 ppm or more of H2S in the
gas stream.
W. Zones which cannot reasonably be expected to contain H2S means geological formations in the
area which have not had prior drilling, but prior drilling to the same formations in similar field(s)
within the same geologic basin indicates there is not a potential for 100 ppm or of H2S in the gas
[57 FR 2039 and 2136, Jan. 17, 1992] (3 of 3) [3/13/2003 1:30:11 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

III. Requirements
The requirements of this Order are the minimum acceptable standards with regard to H2S operations.
This Order also classifies violations typically major or minor for purposes of the assessment and penalty
provisions of 43 CFR part 3163, specifies the corrective action which will probably be required, and
established the normal abatement period following detection of a major or minor violation in which the
violator may take such corrective action without incurring an assessment. However, the authorized
officer may, after consideration of all appropriate factors, require reasonable and necessary standards,
corrective actions and abatement periods that may in some cases, vary from those specified in this Order
that he/she determines to be necessary to protect public health and safety, the environment, or to maintain
control of a well to prevent waste of Federal mineral resources. To the extent such standards, actions or
abatement periods differ from those set forth in this Order, they may be subject to review pursuant to 43
CFR 3165.3.
[57 FR 2039, Jan. 17, 1992] [3/13/2003 1:30:18 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

A. Applications, Approvals, and Reports

1. Drilling
For proposed drilling operations were formations will be penetrated which have zones known to contain
or which could reasonably be expected to contain concentrations of H2S of 100 ppm in the gas stream,
the H2S Drilling Operation Plan and if the applicability criteria in section III.B.1 are met, a Public
Protection Plan as outlined in section III.B.2.b, shall be submitted as part of the Application for Permit to
Dill (APD) (refer to Oil nd Gas Order No. 1). In cases where multiple filings are being made with a
single drilling plan, a single H2S Drilling Operations Plan and, if applicable, a single Public Protection
Plan may be submitted for the lease, communitization agreement, unit or field in accordance with Order
No. 1. Failure to submit either the H2S Drilling Operations Plan or the Public Protection Plan when
required by this Order shall result in an incomplete APD pursuant to 43 CFR 3162.3-1.
The H2S Drilling Operations Plan shall fully describe the manner in which the requirements and
minimum standards in section III.C, shall be met and implemented. As required by this Order (section
III.C.), the following must be submitted in the H2S Drilling Operations Plan:
a. Statement that all personnel shall receive proper H2S training in accordance, with section
b. A legible well site diagram of accurate scale (may be included as part of the Well Site Layout as
required by Onshore Order NO. 1) showing the following:
i. Drill rig orientation
ii. Prevailing wind direction
iii. Terrain of surrounding area
iv. Location of all briefing areas (designate primary briefing area)
v. Location of access road(s) (including secondary egress)
vi. Location of flare line(s) and pit(s)
vii. Location of caution and/or danger signs
viii. Location of wind direction indicators
c. As required by this Order, a complete description of the following H2S safety
i. Well control equipment.
-Flare line(s) and means of ignition
-Remote controlled choke
-Flare gun/flares
-Mud-gas separator and rotating head (if exploratory well)
ii. Protective equipment for essential personnel.
-Location, type, storage and maintenance of all working and escape breathing
-Means of communication when using protective breathing apparatus iii. H2S
detectionand monitoring equipment.
-H2S sensors and associated audible/visual alarm(s) (1 of 3) [3/13/2003 1:30:24 PM]

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-Portable H2S and SO2 monitor(s)

iv. Visual warning systems.
-Wind direction indicators
-Caution/danger sign(s) and flag(s)
v. Mud program.
-Mud system and additives
-Mud degassing system
vi. Metallurgy.
-Metallurgical properties of all tubular goods and well control equipment which could
be exposed to H2S (section III.C.4.c.)
vii. Means of communication from wellsite.
d. Plans for well testing.
[57 FR 2039, Jan. 17, 1992]
2. Production
a. For each existing production facility having an H2S concentration of 100 ppm or more in the gas
stream, the operator shall calculate and submit the calculations to the authorized officer within 180
days of the effective date of this Order, the 100 and, if applicable, the 500 ppm radii of exposure
for all facilities to determine if the applicability criteria section III.B.1. of this order are met. Radii
of exposure calculations shall not be required for oil or water flowlines. Further, if any of the
applicability criteria (section III.B.1.) are met, the operator shall submit a complete Public
Protection Plan which meets the requirements of section III.B.2.b. to the authorized officer within
1 year of the effective date of this Order. For production facilities constructed after the effective
date of this Order and meeting the above minimum concentration (100 ppm in gas stream), the
operator shall report the radii of exposure calculations, and if the applicability criteria (section
III.B.1) are met, submit a complete Public Protection Plan (section III.B.2.b.) to the authorized
officer within 60 days after completion of production facilities.
Violation: Minor for failure to submit required information.
Corrective Action: Submit required information (radii of exposure and/or Complete Public
Protection Plan).
Normal Abatement Period: 20 to 40 days.
b. The operator shall initially test the H2S concentration of the gas stream for each well or
production facility and shall make the results available to the authorized officer, upon request.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Test gas from well or production facility.
Normal Abatement Period: 20 to 40 days.
c. If operational or production alterations result in a 5% or more increase in the H2S concentration
(i.e., well recompletion, increased GOR's) or the radius of exposure as calculated under sections
III.A.2.a., notification of such changes shall be submitted to the authorized officer within 60 days
after identification of the change.
Violation: Minor. (2 of 3) [3/13/2003 1:30:24 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

Corrective Action: Submit information to authorized officer.

Normal Abatement Period: 20 to 40 days.
[57 FR 2039, Jan. 17, 1992]
3. Plans and Reports
a. H2S Drilling Operations Plan(s) or Public Protection Plan(s) shall be reviewed by the operator
on an annual basis and a copy of any necessary revisions shall be submitted to the authorized
officer upon request.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Submit information to authorized officer.
Normal Abatement Period: 20 to 40 days.
b. Any release of a potentially hazardous volume of H2S shall be reported to the authorized officer
as soon as practicable, but no later than 24 hours following identification of the release.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Report undesirable event to the authorized officer.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours. (3 of 3) [3/13/2003 1:30:24 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

B. Public Protection
1. Applicability Criteria
For both drilling/completion/ workover and production operations, the H2S radius of exposure shall be
determined on all wells and production facilities subject to this Order. A Public Protection Plan (Section
III.B.2) shall be required when any of the following conditions apply: a. The 100 ppm radius of exposure
is greater than 50 feet and includes any occupiedresidence, school, church, park, school bus stop, place of
business, or other areas where the public could reasonably be expected to frequent; b. The 500 ppm
radius of exposure is greater than 50 feet and includes any part of a Federal,State, County, or municipal
road or highway owned and principally maintained for public use; or c. The 100 ppm radius of exposure
is equal to or greater than 3,000 feet where facilities orroads are principally maintained for public use.
Additional specific requirements for drilling/completion/workover or producing operations are described
in sections III.C. and III.D. of this Order, respectively. [57 FR 2039, Jan. 17, 1992]
2. Public Protection Plan
a. Plan Submission/Implementation/Availability
i. A Public Protection Plan providing details of actions to alert and protect the public in the
event of a release of a potentially hazardous volume of H2S shall be submitted to the
authorized officer as required by Section III.A.1. for drilling or by section III.A.2.a. for
producing operations when the applicability criteria established in section III.B.1. of this
Order are met. One plan may be submitted for each well, lease, communitization agreement,
unit, or field, at the operator's discretion. The Public Protection Plan shall be maintained and
updated, in accordance with section III.A.3.a.
ii. The Public Protection Plan shall be activated immediately upon detection of release of a
potentially hazardous volume of H2S.

Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Immediate implementation of the public protection plan.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
iii. A copy of the Public Protection Plan shall be available at the drilling/completion site for
such wells and at the facility, field office, or with the pumper, as appropriate, for producing
wells, facilities, and during workover operations.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Make copy of Plan available.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours (drilling/completion/workover), 5 to 7 days
b. Plan Content.
i. The details of the Public Protection Plan may vary according to the site specific
characteristics (concentration, volume, terrain, etc.) expected to be encountered and the
number and proximity of the population potentially at risk. In the areas of high population
density or in other special cases, the authorized officer my require more stringent plans to be
developed. These may include public education seminars, mass alert systems, and use of (1 of 2) [3/13/2003 1:30:34 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

sirens, telephone, radio, and television depending on the number of people at risk and their
location with respect to the well site.
ii. The Public Protection Plan shall include:
(a) The responsibilities and duties of key personnel, and institutions for alerting the
public and requesting assistance;
(b) A list of names and telephone numbers of residents, those responsible for safety of
public roadways, and individuals responsible for the safety of occupants of buildings
within the 100 ppm radius of exposure (e.g. school principals, building managers,
etc.) as defined by the applicability criteria in section III.B.1. The operator shall
ensure that those who are at the greatest risk are notified first. The Plan shall define
when and how people are to be notified in case an H2S emergency;

(c) A telephone call list (including telephone numbers) for requesting assistance from
law enforcement, fire department, and medical personnel and Federal and State
regulatory agencies, as required. Necessary information to be communicated and the
emergency responses that may be required shall be listed. This information shall be
based on previous contacts with these organizations;
(d) A legible 100 ppm (or 3,000 feet, if conditions unknown) radius plat of all private
and public dwellings, schools, roads, recreational areas, and other areas where the
public might reasonably be expected to frequent;
(e) Advance briefings, by visit, meeting or letter to the people identified in section
III.B.2-b.ii(b), including:
-Hazards of H2S and SO2;
-Necessity for an emergency action plan;
-Possible sources of H2S and S02
-Instructions for reporting a leak to the operator;
-The manner in which the public shall be notified of an emergency; and
-Steps to be taken in case of an emergency, including evacuation of any people;
(f) Guidelines for the ignition of the H2S bearing gas. The Plan shall designate the
title or position of the person(s) who has the authority to ignite the escaping gas and
define when, how, and by whom the gas is the be ignited;
(g) Additional measures necessary following the release of H2S and SO2 until there
lease is contained are as follows:
-Monitoring of H2S and SO2 levels and wind direction in the affected area;
-Maintenance of site security and access control;
-Other necessary measures as required by the authorized officer; and
(h) For production facilities, a description of the detection system(s) utilized to
determine the concentration of H2S released. (2 of 2) [3/13/2003 1:30:34 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

C. Drilling/Completion/Workover Requirements
1. General
a. A copy of the H2S Drilling, Operations Plan shall be available during operations at the wellsite,
beginning when the operation is subject to the terms of this Order (i.e., 3 days or 500 feet of
known or probable H2S zone).
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Make copy of Plan available.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
b. Initial H2S training shall be completed and all H2S related safety equipment shall be installed,
tested, and operational when drilling reaches a depth of 500 feet above, or 3 days prior to
penetrating (whichever comes first) the first zone containing or reasonably expected to contain
H2S. A specific H2S operations for completion and workover operation will not be required for
approval. For completion and workover operations, all required equipment and warning systems
shall be operational and training completed prior to commencing operations.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Implement H2S operational requirements, such as completion of training
and/or installation, repair, or replacement of equipment, as necessary.
Normal Abatement period: Prompt correction required.
c. If H2S was not anticipated at the time the APD was approved, but is encountered in excess of
100 ppm in the gas stream, the following measures shall be taken:
i. the operator shall immediately ensure control of the well, suspend drilling ahead
operations (unless detrimental to well control), and obtain materials and safety equipment to
bring the operations into compliance with of applicable provisions of this Order.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Implement H2S operational requirements, as applicable.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
ii. The operator shall notify the authorized officer of the event and the mitigating steps that
have or are being taken as soon as possible, but no later than the next business day. If said
notification is subsequent to actual resumption of drilling operations, the operator, shall
notify the authorized officer of the date that drilling was resumed no later than the next
business day.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Notify authorized
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
iii. It is the operator's responsibility to ensure that the applicable requirements of this Order
have been met prior to the resumption of drilling ahead operations. Drilling ahead
operations will not be suspended pending receipt of a written H2S Drilling Operations
Plan(s) and, if necessary, Public Protection Plan(s) provided that complete copies of the
applicable Plan(s) are filed with the authorized officer for approval within 5 business days
following resumption of drilling ahead operations. (1 of 8) [3/13/2003 1:30:42 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Submit plans to authorized officer.
Normal Abatement Period: 5 days.
[57 FR 2039, Jan. 17, 1992]
2. Locations.
a. Where practical, 2 roads shall be established, 1 at each end of the location, or as dictated by
prevailing winds and terrain. If an alternate road is not practical, a clearly marked foot path shall
be provided to a safe area. The purpose of such an alternate escape route is only to provide a
means of egress to a safe area.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Designate or establish an alternate escape route.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
b. The alternate escape route shall be kept passable at all times.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Make alternate escape route passable.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
c. For workovers, a secondary means of egress shall be designated.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Designate secondary means of egress.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
3. Personnel Protection
a. Training Program. The operator shall ensure that all personnel who will be working at the
wellsite will be properly trained in H2S drilling and contingency procedures in accordance with the
general training requirements outlined in the American Petroleum Institute's (API) Recommended
Practice (RP) 49 (April 15, 1987 or subsequent editions) for Safe Drilling of Wells Containing
Hydrogen Sulfide, Section 2. The operator also shall ensure that the training will be accomplished
prior to a well coming under the terms of this Order (i.e., 3 days or 500 feet of known or probable
H2S zone). In addition to the requirements of API RP-49, a minimum of an initial training
sessionand weekly H2S and well control drills for all personnel in each working crew shall be
conducted. The initial training session for each well shall include a review of the site specific
Drilling Operations Plan and, if applicable, the Public Protection Plan.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Train all personnel and conduct drills.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
i. All training sessions and drills shall be recorded on the driller's log or its equivalent.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Record on driller's log or equivalent.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
ii. For drilling/completion/workover wells, at least 2 briefing areas shall be designated for
assembly of personnel during emergency conditions, located a minimum of 150 feet from
the well bore and 1 of the briefing areas shall be upwind of the well at all times. The (2 of 8) [3/13/2003 1:30:42 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

briefing area located most normally upwind shall be designated as the "Primary Briefing
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Designate briefing areas.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
iii. One person (by job title) shall be designated and identified to all on-site personnel as the
person primarily responsible for the overall operation of the on-site safety and training
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Designate safety responsibilities.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
[57 FR 2039, Jan. 17, 1992]
b. Protective Equipment:
i. The operator shall ensure that proper respiratory protection equipment program is
implemented, in accordance with the current American National Standards institute (ANSI)
Standard Z.88.2-1980 "Practices for Respiratory Protection." Proper protective breathing
apparatus shall be readily accessible to all essential personnel on a
drilling/completion/workover site. Escape and pressure-demand type working equipment
shall be provided for essential personnel in the H2S environment tomaintain or regain
control of the well. For pressure-demand type working equipment those essential personnel
shall be able to obtain a continuous seal to the face with the equipment. The operator shall
ensure that service companies have the proper respiratory protection equipment when called
to the location. Lightweight, escape-type, self-contained breathing apparatus with a
minimum of 5-minute rated supply shall be readily accessible at a location for the
derrickman and at any other location(s) where escape from an H2S contaminated
atmosphere could be difficult.
Violation: Major.
Correction Action: Acquire, repair, or replace equipment, as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
ii. Storage and maintenance of protective breathing apparatus shall be planned to ensure that
at least 1 working apparatus per person is readily available for all essential personnel.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Acquire or rearrange equipment, as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
iii. The following additional safety equipment shall be available for use:
(a) Effective means of communication when using protective breathing apparatus;
(b) Flare gun and flares to ignite the well;
(c) Telephone, radio, mobile phone, or any other device that provides communication
from a safe area at the rig location, where practical.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Acquire, repair, or replace equipment.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours. (3 of 8) [3/13/2003 1:30:42 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

[57 FR 2136, Jan. 17, 1992]

c. H2S Detection and Monitoring Equipment.
i. Each drilling/completion site hall have an H2S detection and monitoring system that
automatically activates visible and audible alarms when the ambient air concentration of
H2S reaches the threshold limits of 10 and 15 ppm in air, respectively. The sensors shall
have a rapid response time and be capable of sensing a minimum of 10 ppm of H2S in
ambient air, with at least 3 sensing points located at the shale shaker, rig floor, and bell
nipple for a drilling site and the cellar, rig floor, and circulating tanks or shale shaker for a
completion site. The detection system shall be installed, calibrated, tested, and maintained in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install, repair, calibrate, or replace equipment, as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
ii. All tests of the H2S monitoring system shall be recorded on the driller's log or its
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Record on driller's log or equivalent.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
iii. For workover operations, 1 operational sensing point shall be located as close to the
wellbore as practical. Additional sensing points may be necessary for large and/or long-term
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install, repair. calibrate, or replace equipment, as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
[57 FR 2039, Jan. 17, 1992]
d. Visible Warning System.
i. Equipment to indicate wind direction at times shall be installed at prominent locations and
shall be visible at all times during drilling operations. At least 2 such wind direction
indicators (i.e., windsocks, windvanes, pennants with tail streamers, etc.) shall be located at
separate elevations (i.e., near ground level, rig floor, and/or treetop height). At least 1 wind
direction indicator shall be clearly visible from all principal working areas at all times so
that wind direction can be easily determined. For completion/workover operations, 1 wind
direction indicator shall suffice, provided it is visible from all principal working areas on the
location. In addition, a wind direction indicator at each of the 2 briefing areas shall be
provided if the wind direction indicator(s) previously required in this paragraph are not
visible from the briefing areas.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install, repair, move, or replace wind direction indicators), as
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
ii. At any time when the terms of this Order are in effect, operational danger or caution (4 of 8) [3/13/2003 1:30:42 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

sign(s) shall be displayed along all controlled accesses to the site.

Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Erect appropriate signs.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
iii. Each sign shall be painted a high visibility red, black and white, or yellow with black
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Replace or alter sign, as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: 5 to 20 days.
iv. The sign(s) shall be legible and large enough to be read by all persons entering the well
site and be placed a minimum of 200 feet but no more than 500 feet from the well site and at
a location which allows vehicles to turn around at a safe distance prior to reaching the site.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Replace, alter, or move sign, as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
v. The sign(s) shall read:
and in smaller lettering:
Do Not Approach If Red Flag is Flying or equivalent language if approved by the
authorized officer.
Where appropriate, bilingual or multitilingual danger sign(s) shall be used.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Replace or alter sign, as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: 5 to 20 days.
vi. All sign(s) and, when appropriate, flag(s) shall be visible to all personnel approaching the
location under normal lighting and weather conditions.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Erect or move sign(s) and/or flag(s), as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
vii. When H2S is detected in excess of 10 ppm at any detection point, red flag(s) shall be
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Display red flag.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
[57 FR 2039, Jan. 17, 1992]
e. Warning System Response. When H2S is detected in excess of 10 ppm at any detection
point, all non-essential personnel shall be moved to a safe area and essential personnel (i.e.,
those necessary to maintain control of the well) shall wear pressure-demand type protective
breathing apparatus. Once accomplished, operations may proceed.
Violation: Major. (5 of 8) [3/13/2003 1:30:42 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

Corrective Action: Move non-essential personnel to safe area and mask-up essential
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
[57 FR 2039, Jan.17, 1992]
4. Operating Procedures and Equipment
a. General/Operations. Drilling/ completion/workover operations in H2S areas shall be subject to
the following requirements:
i. If zones containing in excess of 100 ppm of H2S gas are encountered while drilling with
air, gas, mist, other nonmud circulating mediums for aerated mud, the well shall be killed
with a water- or oil-based mud and mud shall be used thereafter as the circulating medium
for continued drilling.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Convert to appropriate fluid medium.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
ii. A flare system shall be designed and installed to safely gather and burn H2S-bearing gas.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install flare system.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
iii. Flare lines shall be located as far from the operating site as feasible and in a manner to
compensate for wind changes. The flare line(s) mouth(s) shall be located not less than 150
feet from the wellbore unless other-wise approved by the authorized officer. Flare lines shall
be straight unless targeted with running tees.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Adjust flare line(s) as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
iv. The flare system shall be equipped with a suitable and safe means of ignition.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install, repair, or replace equipment, as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
v. Where noncombustible gas is to be flared, the system shall be provided supplemental fuel
to maintain ignition.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Acquire supplemental fuel.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
vi. At any wellsite where SO2, may be released as a result of flaring of H2S during drilling,
completion, or workover operations, the operator shall make SO2, portable detection
equipment available for checking the SO2 level in the flare impact area.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Acquire, repair, or replace equipment as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours to 3 days. (6 of 8) [3/13/2003 1:30:42 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

vii. If the flare impact area reaches a sustained ambient threshold level of 2 ppm or greater
of SO2 in air and includes any occupied residence, school, church. park, or place of
business, or other area where the public could reasonably be expected to frequent, the Public
Protection Plan shall be implemented.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Contain SO2 release and/or implement Public Protection Plan.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
viii. A remote controlled choke shall be installed for all H2S drilling and, where feasible, for
completion operations. A remote controlled valve may be used in lieu of this requirement
for completion operations.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install, repair, or replace equipment, as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
ix. Mud-gas separators and rotating heads shall be installed and operable for all exploratory
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install, repair, or replace equipment, as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
[57 FR 2039, Jan. 17, 1992]
b. Mud Program.
i. A pH of 10 or above in a fresh water-base mud system shall be maintained to control
corrosion, H2S gas returns to surface, and minimize sulfide stress cracking and
embrittlement unless other formation conditions or mud types justify to the authorized
officer a lesser pH level is necessary.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Adjust pH.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
ii. Drilling mud containing H2S gas shall be degassed in accordance with API's RP-49,§
5.14, at an optimum location for the rig configuration. These gases shall be piped into the
flare system.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install, repair, or replace equipment. as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
iii. Sufficient quantities of mud additives shall be maintained on location to scavenge and/or
neutralize H2S where formation pressures are unknown.
Violation: Major.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
[57 FR 2039, Jan. 17, 1992]
c. Metallurgical Equipment. All equipment that has the potential to be exposed to H2S shall be
suitable for H2S service. Equipment which shall meet these metal lurgical standards include the (7 of 8) [3/13/2003 1:30:42 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

drill string, casing, wellhead, blowout preventer assembly, casing head and spool, rotating head,
kill lines, choke, choke manifold and lines, valves, mud-gas separators, drill-stem test tools, test
units, tubing, flanges, and other related equipment.
To minimize stress corrosion cracking and/or H2S embrittlement, the equipment shall be
constructed of material whose metal lurgical properties are chosen with consideration for both an
H2S working environment and the anticipated stress. The metal lurgical properties of the materials
used shall conform to the current National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) Standard
MR 0175-90, Material Requirement, Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic Material for Oil
Field Equipment. These metallurgical properties include the grade of steel, the processing method
(rolled, normalized, tempered, and/or quenched), and the resulting strength properties. The
working environment considerations include the H2S concentrations the well fluid pH, and the
wellbore pressures and temperatures. Elastomers, packing, and similar inner parts exposed to H2S
shall be resistant at the maximum anticipated temperature of exposure. The manufacturer's
verification of design for use in an H2S environment shall be sufficient verification of suitable
service in accordance with this Order.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Install, repair, or replace appropriate equipment, as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
[57 FR 2039, Jan. 17, 1992]
d. Well Testing in an H2S Environment. Testing shall be performed with a minimum number of
personnel in the immediate vicinity which are necessary to safely and adequately operate the test
equipment. Except with prior approval by the authorized officer, the drill-stem testing of H2S
zones shall be conducted only during daylight hours and formation fluids shall not be flowed to the
surface (closed chamber only).
Violation: Major
Corrective Action: Terminate the well test.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required. (8 of 8) [3/13/2003 1:30:42 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

D. Production Requirements
1. General
a. All existing production facilities which do not currently meet the requirements and minimum
standards set forth in this section shall be brought into conformance within 1 year after the
effective date of this Order. All existing equipment that is in a safe working condition as of the
effective date of this Order is specifically exempt from the metallurgical requirements prescribed
in section III D.3.g.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Bring facility into compliance.
Normal Abatement Period: 60 days.
b. Production facilities constructed after the effective date of this Order shall be designed,
constructed, and operated to meet the requirements and minimum standards set forth in this
section. Any variations from the standards or established time frames shall be approved by the
authorized officer in accordance with the provisions of section IV, of this Order. Except for
storage tanks, a determination of the radius of exposure for all production facilities shall be made
in the manner prescribed in section II.S. of this Order.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Bring facility into compliance.
Normal Abatement Period: 60 days.
c. At any production facility or storage tank(s) where the sustained ambient H2S concentration is
in excess of 10 ppm at 50 feet from the production facility or storage tank(s) as measured at
ground level under calm (1 mph) conditions, the operator shall collect or reduce vapors from the
system and they shall be sold, beneficially used, reinjected, or flared provided terrain and
conditions permit.
Violation: Major, if the authorized officer determines that a health or safety problem to the
public is imminent, otherwise minor.
Corrective Action: Bring facility into compliance.
Normal Abatement Period. 3 days for major, 30 days for minor.
[57 FR 2039, Jan. 17, 1992)
2. Storage Tanks.
Storage tanks containing produced fluids and utilized as part of a production operation and operated at or
near atmospheric pressure, where the vapor accumulation has an H2S concentration in excess of 500 ppm
in the tank, shall be subject to the following:
a. No determination of a radius of exposure need be made for storage tanks.
b. All stairs/ladders leading to the top of storage tanks shall be chained and/or marked to restrict
entry. For any storage, tank(s) which require fencing (Section III.D.2.f.), a danger sign posted at
the gate(s) shall suffice in lieu of this requirement.
Violation. Minor.
Corrective Action: Chain or mark stair(s)/ladder(s) or post sign, as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: 5 to 20 days.
c. A danger sign shall be posted on or within 50 feet of the storage tank(s) to alert the public of the (1 of 4) [3/13/2003 1:30:49 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

potential H2S danger. For any storage tank(s) which require fencing (section III.D.2.f.), a danger
sign posted at the locked gate( shall suffice in lieu of this requirement.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Post or move sign(s), as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: 5 to 20 days.
d. The sign(s) shall be painted in high visibility red. black, and white. The sign(s) shall read:
or equivalent language if approved by the authorized officer. Where appropriate, bilingual or
multilingual warning signs shall be used.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Post, move replace, or alter sign(s). as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: 20 to 40 days.
e. At least 1 permanent wind direction indicator shall be installed so that wind direction can be
easily determined at or approaching the storage tank(s).
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install, repair, or replace wind direction indicator, as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: 20 to 40 days.
f. A minimum 5-foot chain-link, strand barbed wire, or comparable type fence and gate(s) that
restrict(s) public access shall be required when storage tanks are located within 1/4 mile of or
contained inside a city or incorporated limits of a town or within 1/4 mile of an occupied
residence, school, church, park, playground, school bus stop, place of business, or where the public
could reasonably be expected to frequent.
Violation. Minor.
Corrective Action: Install, repair, or replace fence and/or gate(s), as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period. 20 to 40 days.
[57 FR 2136, Jan. 17, 1992]
g. Gate(s), as required by section III.D.2.f. shall be locked when unattended by the operator.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Lock gate.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
3. Production Facilities
Production facilities containing 100 ppm or more of H2S in the gas stream shall be subject to the
a. Danger signs as specified in section III.D.2.d. of this Order shall be posted on or within 50 feet
of each production facility to alert the public of the potential H2S danger. In the event the storage
tanks and production facilities are located at the same site. 1 such danger sign shall suffice.
Further, for any facilities which require fencing (section III.D.2.f.). 1 such danger sign at the
gate(s) shall suffice in lieu of this requirement.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Post, move, or alter sign(s), as necessary. (2 of 4) [3/13/2003 1:30:49 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

Normal Abatement Period: 5 to 20 days.

b. Danger signs, as specified in section III.D.2.d. of this Order, shall be required for well flowlines
and lease gathering lines that carry H2S gas. Placement shall be where said lines cross public or
lease roads. The signs shall be legible and shall contain sufficient additional information to permit
a determination of the owner of the line.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Post, move, or alter sign(s), as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: 5 to 20 days.
c. Fencing and gate(s). as specified in section III.D.2.f., shall be required when production
facilities are located within 1/4 mile of or contained inside a city or incorporated limits of a town
or within 1/4 mile of an occupied residence, school, church, park, playground, school bus stop,
place of business, or any other area where the public could reasonably be expected to frequent.
Flowlines are exempted from this additional fencing requirement.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install, repair, or replace fence, and/or gate(s), as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: 20 to 40 days.
[57 FR 2039, Jan. 17, 1992]
d. Gate(s), as required by section III.D.3.c. shall be locked when unattended by the operator.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Lock gate.
Normal Abatement Period: 24 hours.
e. Wind direction indicator(s) as specified in section III.D.2.e. of this Order shall be required. In
the event the storage tanks and production facilities are located at the same site, 1 such indicator
shall suffice. Flowlines are exempt from this requirement.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install, repair, or replace wind direction indicator(s), as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: 20 to 40 days.
f. All wells, unless produced by artificial lift, shall possess a secondary means of immediatewell
control through the use of appropriate christmas tree and/or downhole completion equipment. Such
equipment shall allow downhole accessibility (reentry) under pressure for permanent well control
operations. If the applicability criteria stated in Section III.B.1. of this Order are met, a minimum
of 2 master valves shall be installed.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install, repair, or replace wind direction indicator(s), as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period. 20 to 40 days.
g. All equipment shall be chosen with consideration for both the H2S working environment and
anticipated stresses. NACE Standard MR 0175-90 shall be used for metallic equipment selection
and, if method that controls or limits the corrosive effects of H2S shall be used.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Install, repair, or replace equipment, as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: 20 to 40 days. (3 of 4) [3/13/2003 1:30:49 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

[57 FR 2039, Jan. 17, 1992]

h. Where the 100 ppm radius of exposure for H2S includes any occupied residence, place of
business, school, or other inhabited structure or any area where the public may reasonably be
expected to frequent, the operator shall install automatic safety valves or shutdowns at the
wellhead, or other appropriate shut-in controls for wells equipped with artificial lift.
Violation. Minor.
Corrective Action: Install. repair, or replace equipment as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: 20 to 40 days.
i. The automatic safety valves or shutdowns, as required by section III.D.3.h. shall be set to
activate upon a release of a potentially hazardous volume of H.S.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Repair, replace or adjust equipment, as necessary.
Normal Abatement Period: Prompt correction required.
j. If the sustained ambient concentration of H2S or SO2 from a production facility which is venting
or flaring reaches a concentration of H2S (10ppm) or SO2 (2ppm), respectively, at any of the
following locations, the operator shall modify the production facility as approved by the
authorized officer. The locations include any occupied residence, school, church, park.
playground, school bus stop, place of business, or other areas where the public could reasonably be
expected to frequent.
Violation: Major.
Corrective Action: Repair facility to bring into compliance.
Normal Abatement Period. Prompt correction required.
4. Public Protection.
When conditions as defined in section III.B.1. of this Order exist, a Public Protection Plan for producing
operations shall be submitted to the authorized officer in accordance with section III.B.2.a. of this Order
which includes the provisions of section III.B.2.b.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective Action: Submit Public Protection Plan.
Normal Abatement Period: 20 to 40 days. (4 of 4) [3/13/2003 1:30:49 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 6, Hydrogen Sulfide Operations

IV. Variances from Requirements

An operator may request the authorized officer to approve a variance from any of the requirements
prescribed in section III hereof. All such requests shall be submitted in writing to the appropriate
authorized officer and provide information as to the circumstances which warrant approval of the
variance(s) requested and the proposed alternative methods by which the related requirement(a) of
minimum standard(s) are to be satisfied. The authorized officer, after consider in it all relevant factors,
may approve the requested variance(s) if it is determined that the proposed alterative(s) meets or exceeds
the objectives of the applicable requirement(s) or minimum standard(s). [3/13/2003 1:30:58 PM]

Onshore Order No 7 - Frame> This page uses Frames

Bureau of Land Management - - 43 CFR 3160

Federal Register/Vol 58, No. 172
Wednesday, September 8, 1993
Effective date: October 8, 1993

Return to the Onshore Oil and Gas Operations Information Menu

Table of Contents
Onshore Oil and Gas
I. Introduction.
A. Authority.
B. Purpose.
C. Scope.
Federal and Indian Oil & Gas
II. Definitions Leases;
III. Requirements. Onshore Oil and Gas Order No.
A. General Requirements.
B. Application Authority..
C. Informational Requirements
for Injection Wells.
Disposal of Produced Water
D. Informational Requirements
for Pits.
E. Design Requires for Pits.
F. Construction and
Maintenance Requirements for
G. Other Disposal Methods.
H. Reporting Requirements for
Disposal Facilities.

IV. Variances from Requirements or

Minimum Standards.


I. Figures. [2/24/2003 11:14:37 AM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 7; Disposal of Produced Water

I. Introduction
A. Authority.
This Order is established pursuant to the authority granted to the Secretary of the Interior by
various Federal of Indian and statutes and the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of
1982. Said authority has been delegated to the Bureau of Land Management and is implemented
by the onshore oil and gas operating regulations contained in 43 CFR part 3160. Section 3164.1
thereof specifically authorizes the Director to issues Onshore Oil and Gas Orders when necessary
to implement or supplement the operating regulations and provides that all such Order shall be
binding on the operators of Federal and restricted Indian oil and gas leases which have been, or
may hereafter, be issued. As directed by the Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Reform Act of
1987, for National Forest lands the Secretary of Agriculture shall regulate all surface-disturbing
activities and shall determine reclamation and other in the interest of conservation of surface
resource. Specific authority for the provisions contained in this Order is found at section 3162.3,
Conduct of Operations; section 3162.5, Environment and Safety; and Subpart 3163,
Noncompliance and Assessments. [3/13/2003 1:35:32 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 7; Disposal of Produced Water

B. Purpose.
This Order supersedes Notice to Lessees and Operators of Indian and Indian Oil and Gas Leases
(NTL--2B), Disposal of Produced Water. The purpose of this Order is to specify informational and
procedural requirements for submitted of an application for the disposal of produced water, and the
design, construction and maintenance requirements for pits as well as the minimum standards necessary
to satisfy the requirements and procedures for seeking a variance from the minimum standards. Also set
forth in this Order are specific acts of noncompliance, corrective actions required and the abatement
period allowed for correction. [3/13/2003 1:35:39 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 7; Disposal of Produced Water

C. Scope
This Order is applicable to disposal of produced water from completed wells on Federal and Indian
(except Osage) oil and gas leases. It does not apply to approval of disposal facilities on lands other than
Federal and Indian lands. Separate approval under this Order is not required if the method of disposal has
been covered under an enhanced recovery project approved by the authorized officer.
[58 FR 58506, Nov. 2, 1993] [3/13/2003 1:35:45 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 7; Disposal of Produced Water

II. Definitions
The following definitions are used in conjunction with the issuance of this Order.
A. Authorized officer means any employee of the Bureau of Land Management to authorized to
perform duties described in 43 CFR Groups 3000 and 3100.
B. Federal lands means all lands and interests in lands owned by the United States which are
subject to the mineral leasing laws, including mineral resource or nonmineral estates reserved to
the United States in the conveyance of a surface or nonmineral estate.
C. Free-board means the vertical distance from the top of the fluid surface to the lowest point on
the top of the dike surrounding the pit.
D. Injection well means a well used for the disposal of produced water or for enhanced recovery
E. Lease means any contract profit share arrangement, joint venture, or other agreement issued at
proved by the United States under a mineral leasing law that authorized exploration for, extraction
of, or removal of oil or gas (see 43 CFR 3160.0-5).
F. Lessee means a person or entity holding record title in a lease issued by the United States (see
43 CFR 3180.0-5).
G. Lined pit means an excavated and/or bermed area that is required to be lined with natural or
man made material that will prevent seepage. Such pit shall also include a leak detection system.
H. Unlined pit means an excavated and/or bermed area that is not required to be lined, or any pit
that is lined but does not contain a leak detection system.
I. Major violation means noncompliance that causes or threatens immediate, substantial, and
adverse impacts on public health and safety, the environment, production accountability, or royalty
income (see 43 CFR 3160.0-5).
J. Minor violation means noncompliance that does not rise to the level of a "major violation" (see
43 CFR 3160.0-5).
K. Natural Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) means a program administered by
the Environmental Agency or primary State that requires permits for the discharge of pollutants
from any point source into navigable water of the United States.
L. Operator means any person or entity, including but not limited to the lessee or operating rights
owner, who has stated in writing to the authorized officer that it is responsible under the terms and
conditions of the lease for the operations conducted on the leased lands or a portion thereof (see 43
CFR 3610.0-5).
M. Produced water means water produced in conjunction with oil and gas production.
N. Toxic constituents means substances in produced water that when found in toxic concentration
specified by Federal or State regulations have harmful effects in plant or animal life. These
substance include but are not limited to arsenic (As), barium (Ba), cadmium (Cd), hexavalent
chromium (bCr), total chromium (tQr), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), zinc (Zn). selenium (Se), (1 of 2) [3/13/2003 1:35:51 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 7; Disposal of Produced Water

benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes, as defined in 40 CFR 261.

O. Underground Injection Control (UIC) program means a program by administered by the EPA,
primary State, or Indian Tribe under the Safe Drinking Water Act to ensure that subsurface
injection does not endanger underground sources of drinking water.
[58 FR 58506, Nov. 2, 1993] (2 of 2) [3/13/2003 1:35:51 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 7; Disposal of Produced Water

III. Requirements
A. General Requirements
Operators of onshore Federal and Indian oil and gas leases shall comply with the requirements and
standards this Order for the protection of surface and subsurface resources. Except as provided under
section III.D.3 of this Order, the operator may not dispose of produced water unless and until approval is
obtained from the authorized officer. All produced water from Federal/Indian leases must be disposed of
by (1) injection into the substance; (2) into pits; or (3) other acceptable methods approved by the
authorized officer, including surface discharge under NPDES permit. Injection is generally the preferred
method of disposal. Operators are encouraged to contact the appropriate authorized officer before filing
an application for disposal of produced water so that the operator may be apprised of any existing
agreements outlining cooperative procedures between the Bureau of Land Management and either the
State/Indian Tribe or the Environmental Protection Agency concerning Underground Injection Control
permits for injection wells, and of any potentially significant adverse effects on surface and/or subsurface
resources. The approval of the Environmental Protection Agency or a State/Tribe shall not be considered
as granting approval to dispose of produced water from leased Federal or Indian lands until and unless
BLM approval is obtained. Applications filed pursuant to NTL-2B and still pending approval shall be
supplemented or resubmitted if they do not meet the requirements and standards of this Order. The
disposal methods shall be approved in writing by the authorized officer regardless of the physical
location of the disposal facility. Existing NTL-2B approvals will remain valid. However, upon written
justification, the authorized officer may impose additional conditions or revoke any previously approved
disposal permit, if the authorized officer, for example, finds that an existing facility is creating
environmental problems, or that an unlined pit should be lined, because the quality of the produced water
has changed so that it no longer meets the standards for unlined pits.
Unless prohibited by the authorized officer, produced water from newly completed wells may be
temporarily disposed of into pits for a period of up to 90 days, if the use of the pit was approved as a part
of an application for permit to drill. Any extension of time beyond this period requires documented
approval by the authorized officer.
Upon receipt of a completed application the authorized officer shall "take one of the following actions
within 30 days: (1) Approve the application as submitted or with appropriate modification or conditions;
(2) return the application and advise the applicant in writing of the reasons for disapproval; or (3) advise
the applicant in writing of the reasons for delay and the excepted final action date. If the approval for a
disposal facility, e.g., commercial pit or class II injection well, is revoked or suspended by the permitting
agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency or the primacy State, the BLM water disposal
approval is immediately terminated and the operator is required to propose an alternative disposal
method. [3/13/2003 1:36:07 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 7; Disposal of Produced Water

B. Application and Approval Authority

1. On-lease Disposal. For water produced from a Federal/Indian lease and disposed of on the same
Federal/Indian lease, or on other committed Federal/Indian leases if in a unit or communitized area, the
approval of the disposal method is usually granted in conjunction with the approval for the disposal
facilities. An example would be approval of a proposal to drill an injection well to be used for the
disposal of produced water from a well or wells on the same lease.
a. Disposal of water in injection wells. When approval is requested for on lease disposal of
produced water into an injection well, the operator shall submit a Sundry Notice, Form 3160-5.
Information submitted in support of obtaining the Underground Injection Control permit shall be
accepted by the authorized officer in approving disposal method, provided the information
submitted in support of such a permit satisfies all applicable Bureau of Land Management
statutory responsibilities (including but not limited to drilling safety, down hole integrity, and
protection of mineral and surface resources) and requirements. If the authorized officer has on file
a copy of the approval for the receiving facilities, he/she may determine that a reference to that
document is sufficient.
b. Disposal of water in pits. When approval is requested for disposal of produced water in a lined
or unlined pit, the operator shall submit a Sundry Notice, Form 3160-5. The operator shall comply
with all the applicable Bureau of Land requirements and standards for pits established in this
Order. On National Forest lands, where the proposed pit location creates new surface disturbance,
the authorized officer shall not approve the proposal without the prior approval of the Forest
[58 FR 58506, Nov. 2, 1993]
2. Off-lease Disposal
a. On leased or unleased Federal/Indian lands. The purpose of the off-lease disposal approval
process is to ensure that the removal of the produced water from a Federal or Indian oil and gas
lease is proper and that the water is disposed of in an authorized facility. Therefore, the operator
shall submit a Sundry Notice, Form 3160-5, for removal of the water together with a copy of the
authorization for the disposal facility. If the authorized officer has a copy of the approval for the
receiving facilities on file, he/she may determine that a reference to that documentis sufficient.
Where an associated right-of-way authorization is required, the information for the right-of-way
authorization may be incorporated in the Sundry Notice. and the Bureau of Land Management will
process both authorizations simultaneously for Bureau lands.
i. Disposal of water in injection wells.
When approval is requested for removing water that is produced from wells on leased
Federal or Indian lands and that is to be injected into a well located on another lease or
unleased Federal lands, the operator shall submit to the authorized officer a Sundry Notice,
Form 3160-5. along with a copy of the Underground Injection Control permit issued to the
operator of the injection well, unless the well is authorized by rule under 40 CFR part 144.
ii. Disposal of water in pits.
When approval is requested for removing water that is produced from wells on leased (1 of 2) [3/13/2003 1:36:18 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 7; Disposal of Produced Water

Federal or Indian lands and is to be disposed of into a lined or unlined pit located on another
lease or unleased Federal lands, the operator shall submit to the authorized officer a Sundry
Notice, Form 3160-5.
iii. Right-of-way procedures.
The operator of the injection well or pit is required to have an authorization from the Bureau
of Land Management for disposing of the water into the pit or well, under Title V of
FLPMA and 43 CFR Part 2800, or a similar authorization from the responsible surface
management agency. In the produced water from the lease to the pit or injection well, e.g.,
building a road or laying a pipeline, a right-of-way authorization under Title V of FLPMA
and 43 CFR Part 2800 from the Bureau of Land Management or a similar permit from the
responsible surface management agency also shall be obtained by the operator of the pit or
any injection well or other responsible party.
b. Disposal of water on State and privately- owned lands.
i. Disposal of water in injection wells.
When approval is requested for removing water that is produced from wells on leased
Federal or Indian lands and that is to be injected into a well located on State or
privately-owned lands, the operator shall submit to the authorized officer, in addition to a
Sundry Notice, Form 3160-5, a copy of the Underground Injection Control permit issued for
the injection well by Environmental Protection Agency or the State where the State the
achieved primacy. Submittal of the Underground Injection Control permit will be accepted
by the authorized officer and approval will be granted for the removal of the produced water
unless the authorized officer states in writing that such approval will have adverse effects on
the Federal/Indian lands or public health and safety.
ii. Disposal of water in pits.
When approval is requested for removing water that is produced from wells on leased
Federal and/or Indian lands and is to be disposed of into a pit located on State or privately-
owned lands, the operator shall submit to the authorized officer, in addition to a Sundry
Notice, Form 3160-5, a copy of the permit issued for the pit by the State or any other
regulatory agency, if required, for disposal in such pit. Submittal of the permit will be
accepted by the authorized officer and approval will be granted for removal of the produced
water unless the authorized officer states in writing that such approval will have adverse
effects on the Federal/Indian lands or public health and safety. If such a permit is not issued
by the State or other regulatory agency, the requested removal of the produced water from
leased Federal or Indian lands will be denied.
iii. Right-of-way procedures.
If the water produced from wells on leased Federal and/ or Indian lands, and to be disposed
of at a location on State or privately-owned lands, will be transported over off-lease Federal
or Indian lands, the operator of the disposal facility or other responsible party shall have an
authorization from the Bureau of Land Management under Title V of FLPMA and 43 CFR
part 2800, or a similar authorization from the responsible surface management agency. (2 of 2) [3/13/2003 1:36:18 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 7; Disposal of Produced Water

C. Informational requirements for injection wells.

For an injection well proposed on Federal or Indian leases, the operator shall obtain an Underground
Injection Control(UIC) permit pursuant to 40 CFR parts 144 and 146 from the Environmental Protection
Agency or the State/Tribe where the State/Tribe has achieved primacy. The operator shall also comply
with the pertinent procedural and informational requirements for Application for Permit to Drill or
Sundry Notice as set forth In Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 1. The injection well shall be designed and
drilled or conditioned in accordance with the requirements and standards described in Order No. 2 and
pertinent NTLs, as well as the Underground Injection Control permit. [3/13/2003 1:36:26 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 7; Disposal of Produced Water

D. Informational requirements for pits.

Operators who request approval for disposal of produced water into a lined or unlined pit shall file an
application on a Sundry Notice, Form 3160-5, and identify the operator's field representative by name,
address and telephone number, and the source of the produced water. Sources of produced water shall be
identified by facility, lease number, well number and name, and legal description of well location. All
samples for water analysis shall be taken at the current discharge a point. A reclamation plan down
detailing the procedures expected to be followed for closure of the pit and the contouring and
revegetating of the site shall be submitted prior to pit abandonment. If requested by the authorized
officer, a contingency plan to deal with specific anticipated emergency situations shall be submitted as
provided for in 43 CFR 3162.5-1(d).
[58 FR 58506, Nov. 2,1993]
1. Lined pits.
The authorized officer shall not consider for approval an application for disposal into lined pits on
Federal/Indian leases unless the operator also provides the following information:
a. A map and drawings of the site on a suitable scale that show the pit dimension, cross section,
side slopes, leak detection system, and location relative to other site facilities.
b. The daily quantity of water to be disposed of (maximum daily quantity shall be disposed of
(maximum daily quality shall be cited if major fluctuations are anticipated) and a water analysis
(unless waived by the authorized officer as unnecessary) that includes the concentrations of
chlorides, sulfates, pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), and toxic constituents that the authorized
officer reasonably believes to be present.
c. Criteria used to determine the pit size, which includes a minimum of 2 feet of free-board.
d. The average monthly evaporation and average monthly precipitation for the area.
e. The method and schedule for periodic disposal of precipitated solids and a copy of the
appropriate disposal permit, if any.
f. The type, thickness, and life span of material to be used for lining the pit and the method of
installation. The manufacturer's guidebook and information for the product shall be included, if
[58 FR 58506, Nov. 2, 1993]
2. Unlined pit.
a. Application for disposal into unlined pits may be considered for approval by the authorized
officer where the application of the operator shows that such disposal meets one or more of the
following criteria:
i. The water to be disposed of has an annual average TDS concentration equal to or less than
that of the existing water to be protected, provided that the level of any toxic constituents in
the produced water does not exceed established State or Federal standards for protection of
surface and/or ground water.
ii. All, or a substantial part, of the produced water is being used for beneficial purposes and (1 of 3) [3/13/2003 1:36:36 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 7; Disposal of Produced Water

meets minimum water quality standards for such uses. For example, uses of produced water
for purposes such as irrigation and livestock or wildlife watering shall be considered as
iii. (A) The water to be disposed of will not degrade the quality of surface or subsurface
waters in the area;
(B) The surface and subsurface waters contain TDS above 10,000 ppm, or toxic constituents
in high concentrations; or
(C) The surface and subsurface waters are of such poor quality or small quantity as to
eliminate any practical use thereof.
iv. That the of water to be disposed of per disposal facility does not exceed an of 5 barrels
per day on a monthly basis.
b. Operators applying for disposal into an unlined pit shall also submit the following information,
as appropriate:
(i) Applications for disposal into unlined pits that meet the criteria in a., above, shall
(A) A map and drawings of the site on a suitable scale that show the pit dimension,
cross section, side slopes, size, and location relative to other site facilities.
(B) The daily quantity of water to be disposed of and a water analysis that includes
Total Dissolved Solids (in ppm), pH, oil and grease content, the concentrations of
chlorides and sulfates, and other parameters or constituents toxic to animal or plant
life as reasonably prescribed by the authorized officer. The applicant should also
indicate any effort or interaction of produced water with any water resources present
at or near the surface and other known mineral deposits. For applications submitted
under criterion a.iv., above, the water quality analysis is not needed unless requested
by the authorized officer.
(C) The average monthly evaporation and the average monthly precipitation for the
area. For applications submitted under criterion a.iv., average annual data will be
(D) The estimated percolation rate on soil characteristics under and adjacent to the pit.
In some cases the authorized officer may require percolation tests using accepted test
(E) Estimated depth and areal extent of the shallowest known aquifer with TDS less
than 10,000 ppm, and the depth and extent of any known mineral deposits in the area.
ii. Where beneficial use (criterion a.ii., above) is the basis for the application, the
justification submitted also contain written contain written the confirmation from the
iii. If the application is made on the basis that surface and subsurface waters will not be
adversely affected by disposal in an unlined pit (criterion a.iii., above), the justification shall
also include the following additional information: (2 of 3) [3/13/2003 1:36:36 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 7; Disposal of Produced Water

(A) Map of the site showing the location of surface waters, water wells, and water
disposal facilities within 1 mile of the proposed disposal facility.
(B) Average concentration of TDS (in ppm) of all surface and subsurface waters
within the 1-mile radius that might be affected by the proposed disposal.
(C) Reasonable geologic and hydrologic evidence that shows the proposed disposal
method will not adversely affect existing water quality or major uses of such waters,
and identifies the presence of any impermeable barrier(s), as necessary.
(D) A copy of any State order or other authorization granted as a result of a public
hearing that is pertinent to the authorized officer's consideration of the application.
3. Emergency pits.
Application for a permanent pit (lined or unlined) to be used for anticipated emergency purposes
shall be submitted by the operator on a Sundry Notice. Form 3160-5, for approval by the
authorized officer, unless it has been approved in conjunction with a previously approved
operational activity. Design criteria for an pit will be established by the authorized officer on a
case by case basis. Any emergency use of pits shall be reported in accordance with NTL-3A or
subsequent replacement Order procedures, and the pit shall be emptied and the liquids disposed of
in accordance with applicable State and/or Federal regulations within 48 hours following its use,
unless such time is extended by the authorized officer. (3 of 3) [3/13/2003 1:36:36 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 7; Disposal of Produced Water

E. Design requirements for pits

1. Pits shall be designed to meet the following requirements and minimum standards. For unlined pits
approved criterion D.2.a.iv, requirements d. and e., below, do not apply.
a. As much as practical, the pit shall be located on level ground and away from established
drainage patterns, including intermittent/ephemeral drainage ways, and unstable ground or
depressions in the area.
b. The pit shall have adequate storage capacity for safe containment of all produced water, even in
those periods when evaporation rates are at a minimum. The design shall provide for a minimum
of 2 feet of free-board.
c. The pit shall be fenced or enclosed to prevent access by livestock, wildlife, and unauthorized
personnel. If necessary, the pit shall be equipped to deter entry by birds. Fences shall not be
constructed on the levees. Figures 1 shows an example of an acceptable fence design.
d. The pit levees to be constructed so that the inside grade of the levee is no steeper than 1
(vertical):2 (horizonal), and the outside grade no steeper than 1:3.
e. The top of levees shall be level and least 18 inches wide.
f. The pit location shall be reclaimed pursuant to the requirements and standards of the surface
management agency. On a spilt estate (private surface, Federal mineral) a surface owner's release
statement or form is acceptable.
2. Lined pits shall be designed to meet following requirement and minimum standards in addition to
those specified above:
a. The material used in lining pits shall impervious. It shall be resistant to weather, sunlight,
hydrocarbons, aqueous acids, alkalies, salt, fungi, or other substances likely to be contained in the
produced water.
b. If rigid materials are used, leak-proof expansion joints shall be provided, or the material shall be
of sufficient thickness and length to withstand expansion without cracking, contraction, and
settling movements in the underlying earth. Semi-rigid liners such as compacted bentonite or clay
may be used provided that, considering the thickness of the lining material chosen and its degree
of permeability, the liner is impervious for the excepted period of use. Figure 2 shows examples of
acceptable standards for concrete, asphalt, and bentonite/clay liners.
c. If flexible membrane materials are used, they shall have adequate resistance to tears or
punctures. Figures 3 gives an example of acceptable standards for installation of the flexible
d. Lined pits shall have an underlying gravel-filled sump and lateral system or other suitable
devices for the detection of leaks. Examples of the acceptable design of the leak detection system
are shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5.
3. Failure to design the pit to meet the above requirements and minimum standards will result in
disapproval of the proposal or a requirement that it be modified unless a request for variance is approved
by the authorized officer. [3/13/2003 1:36:43 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 7; Disposal of Produced Water

F. Construction and maintain requirements for pits

Inspections will be conducted according to the following requirements and minimum standards during
the construction and operation of the pit. Failure to meet the requirements and standards may result in
issuance of an Incident of Noncompliance (INC) for the violation. The gravity of the violation, corrective
actions, and the normal abatement period allowed are specified for each of the requirements/standards.
1. Any disposal method that has not been approved shall be considered an incident of noncompliance and
may result in the issuance of a shut-in order, assessments, or penalties pursuant to 43 CFR part 3163 until
an acceptable disposal method is provided and approved by the authorized officer.
Violation: Minor: If it causes no significant environmental damages or effects.
Major: If it causes or threatens immediate, substantial and adverse impact on public health and
safety, the environment, production accountability, or royalty income.
Corrective action: Minor: Submit acceptable application.
Major: Shut-in, take corrective action to repair or replace damages according to instructions of
authorized officer.
Abatement periods: Minor. 1 to 20 days or as directed by authorized officer.
Major: Within 10 days.
[58 FR 58506, Nov.2, 1993]
2. The operator shall notify the authorized officer to inspect the leak detection system at least 2 business
days prior to the installation of the pit liner.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective action: Require verification of its installation.
Abatement period: Prior to use of pit.
3. At least 2 business days prior to its use, the operator shall notify the authorized officer of completion
the pit construction, so that the authorized officer may verify that the pit has been constructed in
accordance with the approved plan.
For failure to notify:
Violation: Minor.
Corrective action: Not applicable.
For failure to construct in accordance with the approved plan
Violation: Minor, unless Major by definition.
Corrective action: The authorized officer may shut-in operations and require corrections to comply
with the plan or require amendment of the plan.
Abatement period: 1 to 20 days depending on the severity of the violation and the degree of difficulty to
correct, if the pit is in use.
4. Lined pit shall be maintained and operated to prevent unauthorized subsurface discharge of water.
Violation: Usually Minor, unless Major as result of discharge.
Corrective action: Repair/replace liner and possibly shut in operations.
Abatement period: 1 to 20 days depending on the onsite situation. (1 of 2) [3/13/2003 1:36:52 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 7; Disposal of Produced Water

5. The pit shall be maintained as designed to prevent entrance of surfaces water by providing adequate
surface drainage away from the pit.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective action: Provide surface drainage.
Abatement period: Within 20 days.
6. The pit shall be maintained and operated to prevent unauthorized surface discharge of water.
Violation: Usually Minor, unless discharge results in Major.
Corrective action: Clean up if spill occurs, and reduce the water level to maintain the 2 feet of
free-board; shut-in operations, if required by authorized officer.
Abatement period: 1 to 20 days depending upon the onsite situation.
7. The outside walls of the pit levee shall be maintained as designed to minimize erosion.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective action: Necessary repair.
Abatement period: Within 20 days.
8. The pit shall be kept reasonably free from surface accumulation of liquid hydrocarbons that would
retard evaporation.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective action: Clean-up, and may require skimmer pits, settling tanks, or other suitable
Abatement period: Within 20 days.
9. The operator shall inspect the leak detection system at least once a month or more often if required by
the authorized Officer in appropriate circumstances. The record of inspection shall describe the result of
the inspection by date and shall be kept and made available to the authorized officer upon request.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective action: Commence the required routine inspection and recordkeeping.
Abatement period: Within 30 days.
[58 FR 58506, Nov. 2, 1993]
10. Prior to pit abandonment and reclamation, the operator shall submit a Sundry Notice for approval by
the authorized officer, if not previously approved.
Violation: Minor.
Corrective action: Cease operations and file an application.
Abatement period: Within 10 days.
11. When change in the quantity and/or quality of the water disposed into an unlined pit causes the pit no
longer to meet the unlined pit criteria listed under section D.2.a., the operator shall submit a Sundry
Notice amending the pit design for approval by the authorized officer.
Violation: Usually Minor unless the resulting damage is Major.
Corrective action: Submit the required amendment; shut-in operations if determined by the
authorized officer to be Major.
Abatement period: As specified by the authorized officer. (2 of 2) [3/13/2003 1:36:52 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 7; Disposal of Produced Water

G. Other disposal methods

1. Surface discharge under NPDES permit.
The person applying to use this disposal method shall furnish a copy of the NPDES permit issued
by the EPA or the primacy State, a current water quality analysis and a Sundry Notice, Form
3160-5, describing site facilities (e.g., retention ponds, skimmer pits and equipment, tanks, and any
additional surface disturbance). Operations from the point of origin to the point of discharge under
the jurisdiction of the BLM. Operations from the point of discharge downstream are under the
jurisdiction of EPA or the primacy State.
2. Use of existing commercial pits designed for containment of produced water or tanks in lieu of pits.
3. New technology or any other proposal meeting the objective of this Order that meets the requirements
of State and Federal laws and regulations. [3/13/2003 1:37:00 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 7; Disposal of Produced Water

H. Reporting requirements for disposal facilities

All unauthorized discharge or spills from disposal facilities on Federal/Indian leases shall be reported to
the authorized officer in accordance with the provisions of NTL-3 subsequent replacement Order.
Violation: Minor unless resulting damage is major.
Corrective action: Submit the required report.
Abatement period: As specified by the authorized officer. [3/13/2003 1:37:10 PM]

Table of Contents - Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 7; Disposal of Produced Water

IV. Variances from Requirements or Standards Minimum Standards

An operator may request that the authorized officer approve a variance from any of the requirements or
minimum standards prescribed in Section III. of this Order. All such requests shall be submitted in
writing to the appropriate authorized officer and provide information as to the circumstances that warrant
approval of the variance(s) requested and the proposed alternative means by which the requirements or
related minimum standard(s) will be satisfied. The authorized officer, after considering all relevant
factors, will approve the requested variance(s) if it is determine that the proposed alterative(s) meet or
exceed the objectives of the applicable minimum standard(s); or if the authorized officer determines that
the exemption of the requirement is justified. Variances granted BLM under this section shall be limited
to proposals and requirements under BLM statutory and/or regulatory authority only, and shall not be
construed as granting variance to regulations under EPA, State, or Tribal authority. [3/13/2003 1:37:48 PM]


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Notice to Lessees and Operators of Onshore Federal and
Indian Oil and Gas Leases
Reporting of Undesirable Events
This Notice, which supersedes NTL-3 dated January l, 1975, is issued pursuant to the authority
prescribed in Title 30 CFR 221.5, 221.7, and 221.36. Operators of onshore Federal and Indian oil and gas
leases shall report all spills, discharges, or other undesirable events in accordance with the requirements
of this Notice. All such events which occur on State or private land leases within federally supervised
unit or communitized areas must likewise be reported in accordance with the requirements of this Notice.
However, compliance with this Notice does not relieve an operator from the obligation of complying
with the applicable rules and regulations of any State or any other Federal Agencies regarding
notification and reporting of undesirable events.
As used in this Notice, the term District Engineer means that officer of the United States Geological
Survey (GS) having supervisory jurisdiction for the geographic area in which the undesirable event
I. Major Undesirable Events Requiring Immediate Notification
Major undesirable events are defined as those incidents listed below in subsections A through F. These
incidents, when occurring on a lease supervised by the GS, must be reported to the appropriate District
Engineer as soon as practical but within a maximum of 24 hours:
A. Oil, saltwater, and toxic liquid spills, or any combination thereof, which result in the discharge
(spilling) of 100 or more barrels of liquid; however, discharges of such magnitude, if entirely
contained within the facility firewall, may be reported only in writing pursuant to Section III. of
this Notice;
B. Equipment failures or other accidents which result in the venting of 500 or more MCF of gas;
C. Any fire which consumes the volumes as specified in I.A. and I.B. above;
D. Any spill, venting, or fire, regardless of the volume involved, which occurs in a sensitive area,
e.g., areas such as parks, recreation sites, wildlife refuges, lakes, reservoirs, streams, and urban or
suburban areas;
E. Each accident which involves a fatal injury; and
F. Every blowout (loss of control of any well) that occurs.
II. Written Reports (1 of 3) [2/24/2003 11:23:30 AM]


A written report shall be submitted in duplicate to the District Engineer no later than 15 days following
all major undesirable events identified in Section I. When required by the District Engineer, interim
reports will be submitted until final containment and cleanup operations have been accomplished. The
final written report for each such event shall, as appropriate, provide.
A. The date and time of occurrence, and the date and time reported to USGS;
B. The location where the incident occurred, including surface ownership and lease number:
C. The specific nature and cause of the incident;
D. A description of the resultant damage;
E. The action taken and the length of time required for control of the incident, for containing the
discharged fluids, and for subsequent cleanup;
F. The estimated volumes discharged and the volumes lost;
G. The cause of death when fatal injuries are involved;
H. Actions that have been or will be taken to prevent a recurrence of the incident;
I. Other Federal or State agencies notified of the incident; and
J. Other pertinent comments or additional information as requested by the District Engineer.
III. Other-Than-Major Undesirable Events
Other-than-major undesirable events, as identified below in subsections A through D, do not have to be
reported orally within 24 hours; however, a written report, as required for major undesirable events in
Section II of this Notice, must be provided for the following incidents:
A. Oil, saltwater, and toxic liquid spills, or any combination thereof, which result in the discharge
(spilling) of at least 10 but less than 100 barrels of liquid in nonsensitive areas, and all discharges
of 100 or more barrels when the spill is entirely contained by the facility firewall;
B. Equipment failures or other accidents which result in the venting of at least 50 but less than 500
MCF of gas in nonsensitive areas;
C. Any fire which consumes volumes in the ranges specified in III.A. and III.B. above; and
D. Each accident involving a major or life threatening injury.
Spills or discharges in nonsensitive areas involving less than 10 barrels of liquid or 50 MCF of gas
do not require an oral or written report; however, the volumes discharged or vented as a result of
all such minor incidents must be reported in accordance with Section V hereof.
IV. Contingency Plans
Upon request of the District Engineer, a copy of any Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan
(SPCC Plan), required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pursuant to Title 40 CFR 112, or
other acceptable contingency plan must be submitted. All plans shall provide the names, addresses, and
telephone numbers (both business and private) of at least two technically competent company or contract (2 of 3) [2/24/2003 11:23:30 AM]


personnel authorized to order equipment or supplies and to expend funds necessary to control
V. Monthly Report of Operations/Monthly Report of Sales and Royalty
All volumes of oil spilled, gas vented, and all hydrocarbons consumed by fire or otherwise lost must be
reported monthly on the Monthly Report of Operations (Form 9-329). The volume and value of such
losses must also be reported in the Monthly Report of Sales and Royalty (Form 9-361).
VI. Liquidated Damages
Failure to provide the necessary notification, reports, or contingency plan (when required) as provided
for by this Notice, may result in other measures being taken to secure compliance, such as those provided
by Title 30 CFR 221.53 and 221.54.
March 1, 1979 /s/ C.J. Curtis
__________________________________ ___________________________________
Date C. J. Curtis
Oil and Gas Supervisor
Northern Rocky Mountain Area

/s/ Don E. Cash
Don E. Cash
Chief, Conservation Division (3 of 3) [2/24/2003 11:23:30 AM]


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Conservation DIVISION
Notice to Lessees and Operators of Onshore
Federal and Indian Oil and Gas Leases
Royalty or Compensation for Oil and Gas Lost
This Notice is issued pursuant to the authority prescribed in the Oil and Gas Operating Regulations, Title
30 CFR 221, and in accordance with the terms of the Federal and Indian oil and gas leases under the
jurisdiction of the Geological Survey. This Notice supersedes certain provisions of NTL-4, issued
effective December 1, 1974; Supplement No. 1 to NTL-4, issued effective December 1, 1978, to 10
lessees and operators on a nationwide basis; and Supplement No. 1 to NTL-4, issued effective December
1, 1978, to all lessees and operators in Wyoming. Lessees and operators who submitted payments for
royalty on oil and gas lost under these provisions of NTL-4, which are hereby revoked, may file with the
Area Oil and Gas Supervisor (Supervisor) an application for a refund of those payments in accordance
with the addendum attached to this Notice.
Oil production subject to royalty shall include that which (1) is produced and sold on a lease basis or for
the benefit of a lease under the terms of an approved communitization or unitization agreement and (2)
the Supervisor determines to have been avoidably lost on a lease, communitized tract, or unitized area.
No royalty obligation shall accrue as to that produced oil which (1) is used on the same lease, same
communitized tract, or same unitized participating area for beneficial purposes or (2) the Supervisor
determines to have been unavoidably lost.
Gas Production (both gas well gas and oil well gas) subject to royalty shall include that which is
produced and sold on a lease basis or for the benefit of a lease under the terms of an approved
communitization or unitization agreement. No royalty obligation shall accrue on any produced gas which
(1) is used on the same lease, same communitized tract, or same unitized participating area for beneficial
purposes, (2) is vented or flared with the Supervisor's prior authorization or approval during drilling,
completing, or producing operations, (3) is vented or flared pursuant to the rules, regulations, or orders of
the appropriate State regulatory agency when said rules, regulations, or orders have been ratified or
accepted by the Supervisor, or (4) the Supervisor determines to have been otherwise unavoidably lost.
Where produced gas (both gas well gas and oil well gas) is (1) vented or flared during drilling,
completing, or producing operations without the prior authorization, approval, ratification, or acceptance
of the Supervisor or (2) otherwise avoidably lost, as determined by the Supervisor, the compensation due
the United States or the Indian lessor will be computed on the basis of the full value of the gas so wasted,
or the allocated portion thereof, attributable to the lease. (1 of 5) [2/24/2003 11:24:34 AM]


As used in this Notice, certain terms are defined as follows:
A. "Avoidably lost" production shall mean the venting or flaring of produced gas without the prior
authorization, approval, ratification, or acceptance of the Supervisor and the loss of produced oil or
gas when the Supervisor determines that such loss occurred as a result of (1) negligence on the part
of the lessee or operator, or (2) the failure of the lessee or operator to take all reasonable measures
to prevent and/or to control the loss, or (3) the failure of the lessee or operator to comply fully with
the applicable lease terms and regulations, appropriate provisions of the approved operating plan,
or the prior written orders of the Supervisor, or (4) any combination of the foregoing.
B. "Beneficial purposes" shall mean that oil or gas which is produced from a lease, communitized
tract, or unitized participating area and which is used on or for the benefit of that same lease, same
communitized tract, or same unitized participating area for operating or producing purposes such
as (1) fuel in lifting oil or gas, (2) fuel in the heating of oil or gas for the purpose of placing it in a
merchantable condition, (3) fuel in compressing gas for the purpose of placing it in a marketable
condition, or (4) fuel for firing steam generators for the enhanced recovery of oil. Gas used for
beneficial purpose shall also include that which is produced from a lease, communitized tract, or
unitized participating area and which is consumed on or for the benefit of that same lease, same
communitized tract, or same unitized participating area (1) as fuel for drilling rig engines, (2) as
the source of actuating automatic valves at production facilities, or (3) with the prior approval of
the Supervisor, as the circulation medium during drilling operations. Where the produced gas is
processed through a gasoline plant and royalty settlement is based on the residue gas and other
products at the tailgate of the plant, the gas consumed as fuel in the plant operations will be
considered as being utilized for beneficial purposes. In addition, gas which is produced from a
lease, communitized tract, or unitized participating area and which, in accordance with a plan
approved by the Supervisor, is reinjected into wells or formations subject to that same lease, same
communitized tract, or same unitized participating area for the purpose of increasing ultimate
recovery shall be considered as being used for beneficial purposes; provided, however, that royalty
will be charged on the gas used for this purpose at the time it is finally produced and sold.
C. "Unavoidably lost" production shall mean (1) those gas vapors which are released from storage
tanks or other low-pressure production vessels unless the Supervisor determines that the recovery
of such vapors would be warranted, (2) that oil or gas which is lost because of line failures,
equipment malfunctions, blowouts, fires, or otherwise except where the Supervisor determines that
said loss resulted from the neglið gence or the failure of the lessee or operator to take all
reasonable measures to prevent and/or control the loss, and (3) the venting or flaring of gas in
accordance with Section III hereof.
Lessees or operators are hereby authorized to vent or flare gas on a short-term basis without incurring a
royalty obligation in the following circumstances:
A. Emergencies. During temporary emergency situations, such as compressor or other equipment
failures, relief of abnormal system pressures, or other conditions which result in the unavoidable
short-term venting or flaring of gas. However, this authorization to vent or flare gas in such
circumstances without incurring a royalty obligation is limited to 24 hours per incident and to 144 (2 of 5) [2/24/2003 11:24:34 AM]


hours cumulative for the lease during any calendar month, except with the prior authorization,
approval, ratification, or acceptance of the Supervisor.
B. Well Purging and Evaluation Tests. During the unloading or cleaning up of a well during
drillstem, producing, routine purging, or evaluation tests, not exceeding a period of 24 hours.
C. Initial Production Tests. During initial well evaluation tests, not exceeding a period of 30 days
or the production of 50 MMcf of gas, whichever occurs first, unless a longer test period has been
authorized by the appropriate State regulatory agency and ratified or accepted by the Supervisor.
D. Routine or Special Well Tests. During routine or special well tests, other than those cited in
III.B and C above, only after approval by the Supervisor.
A. Gas Well Gas. Except as provided in II.C and III above, gas well gas may not be flared or
vented. For the purposes of this Notice, a gas well will be construed as a well from which the
energy equivalent of the gas produced, including its entrained liquid hydrocarbons, exceeds the
energy equivalent of the oil produced.
B. Oil Well Gas. Except as provided in II.C and III above, oil well gas may not be vented or flared
unless approved in writing by the Supervisor. The Supervisor may approve an application for the
venting or flaring of oil well gas if justified either by the submittal of (1) an evaluation report
supported by engineering, geologic, and economic data which demonstrates to the satisfaction of
the Supervisor that the expenditures necessary to market or beneficially use such gas are not
economically justified and that conservation of the gas, if required, would lead to the premature
abandonment of recoverable oil reserves and ultimately to a greater loss of equivalent energy than
would be recovered if the venting or flaring were permitted to continue or (2) an action plan that
will eliminate venting or flaring of the gas within 1 year from the date of application.
The venting or flaring of gas from oil wells completed prior to the effective date of this Notice is
authorized for an interim period. However, an application for approval to continue such practices
must be submitted within 90 days from the effective date hereof, unless such venting or flaring of
gas was authorized, approved, ratified, or accepted previously by the Supervisor. For oil wells
completed on or after the effective date of this Notice, an application must be filed with the
Supervisor, and approval receive, for any venting or flaring of gas beyond the initial 30-day or
other authorized test period.
C. Content of Applications. Applications under section B above shall include all appropriate
engineering, geologic, and economic data in support of the applicant's determination that
conservation of the gas is not viable from an economic standpoint and, if approval is not granted to
continue the venting or flaring of the gas, that it will result in the premature abandonment of oil
production and/or the curtailment of lease development. The information provided shall include
the applicant's estimates of the volumes of oil and gas that would be produced to the economic
limit if the application to vent or flare were approved and the volumes of the oil and gas that would
be produced if the applicant was required to market or beneficially use the gas. When evaluating
the feasibility of requiring conservation of the gas, the total leasehold production, including both
oil and gas, as well as the economics of a fieldwide plan shall be considered by the Supervisor in
determining whether the lease can be operated successfully if it is required that the gas be (3 of 5) [2/24/2003 11:24:34 AM]


The volume of oil or gas produced, whether sold, avoidably or unavoidably lost, vented or flared, or used
for beneficial purposes (including gas that is reinjected) must be reported on Form 9-329, Monthly
Report of Operation, in accordance with the requirement of this Notice and the applicable provisions of
NTL-1 and NTL-1A. The volume and value of all oil and gas which is sold, vented or flared without the
authorization, approval, ratification, or acceptance of the Supervisor, or which is otherwise determined
by the Supervisor to be avoidably lost must be reported on Form 9-361, Monthly Report of Sales and
Royalties. Payments submitted in this respect must be accompanied by a Form 9-614-A, Rental and
Royalty Remittance Advice.
In determining the volumes of oil and gas to be reported in accordance with the first and second
paragraphs of this Section V, lessees and operators shall adhere to the following:
1. When the amount of oil or gas involved has been measured in accordance with Title 30 CFR
221.43 or 221.44, that measurement shall be the basis for the volume reported.
2. When the amount of oil and gas avoidably or unavoidably lost, vented or flared, or used for
beneficial purposes occurs without measurement, the volume of oil or gas shall be determined
utilizing the following criteria, as applicable:
a. Last measured throughput of the production facility.
b. Duration of the period of time in which no measurement was made.
c. Daily lease production rates.
d. Historic production data.
e. Well production rates and gasðoil ratio tests.
f. Productive capability of other wells in the area completed in the same formation.
g. Subsequent measurement or testing, as required by the Supervisor.
h. Such other methods as may be approved by the Supervisor.
The Supervisor may require the installation of additional measurement equipment whenever it is
determined that the present methods are inadequate to meet the purposes of this Notice.
In computing the royalty or compensation due on oil or gas under the provisions of this Notice, the value
shall be computed in the same manner as the Supervisor would have calculated the value of the oil or gas
had it been sold from the same lease, same communitized tract, or same unitized participating area.
The failure to comply with the requirements of this Notice will result in compliance being secured by
such actions as are provided by law and regulation.
January 1, 1980 /s/ C.J. Curtis (4 of 5) [2/24/2003 11:24:34 AM]


_________________________________ _______________________________
Date C.J. Curtis
Oil and Gas Supervisor
Northern Rocky Mountain Area

/s/ Hillary A. Oden
Hillary A. Oden
Acting Chief, Conservation Division

Refund Applications
Certain provisions of NTL-4 have been revoked retroactive to December 1, 1974, the effective date of
said Notice. Accordingly, lessees and operators who submitted royalty payments under the provisions of
NTLð4 may apply for a refund of those payments made for (1) oil that was unavoidably lost or used for
beneficial purposes on the lease, communitized tract, or unitized participating area from which it was
produced and/or (2) gas that was vented or flared with the prior approval of the Supervisor or
unavoidably lost. No refunds will be processed in the absence of such an application, and no refunds will
be made of those payments submitted on the basis of a determination of waste by the Supervisor. In
addition, liquidated damages assessed for the late filing of reports or the failure to report pursuant to the
provisions of NTL-4 will not be refunded.
The application shall be in the form of a letter signed by an authorized officer or agent of the lessee or
operator and for each individual lease shall include:
1. The lease prefix code and lease number.
2. The month and year.
3. The product code (01, 02, 03, 04, 41, or 43) used in the report and payments previously
submitted to the Supervisor.
4. The volume of lost oil and/or gas previously reported and the amount of the refund requested.
5. The total amount of the refund requested for each lease as a subtotal.
6. The total amount of the refund requested for all leases as a grand total.
Additional instructions in regard to the filing and contents of said applications may be obtained by
contacting the Supervisor having jurisð diction over the lease or leases involved.
Refund applications will be processed as promptly as possible. The Supervisor, as to Federal leases, may
process a direct refund or authorize the applicant to withhold the refund amount from future royalty
accruals. However, refunds authorized by the Supervisor with respect to Indian leases will be recoverable
only as a credit against future rental or royalty accruals in accordance with the provisions of Section IX
(Overð payments) of NTL-1A. (5 of 5) [2/24/2003 11:24:34 AM]



Sec. 1. Short title and table of contents.
Sec. 2. Findings and purposes.
Sec. 3. Definitions.


Sec. 101. Duties of the Secretary.
Sec. 102. Duties of lessees, operators, and motor vehicle transporters.
Sec. 103. Required recordkeeping.
Sec. 104. Prompt disbursement of royalties.
Sec. 105. Explanation of payments.
Sec. 106. Liabilities and bonding.
Sec. 107. Hearings and investigations.
Sec. 108. Inspections.
Sec. 109. Civil penalties.
Sec. 110. Criminal penalties.
Sec. 111. Royalty terms and conditions, interest, and penalties.
Sec. 111A. Adjustments and refunds.
Sec. 112. Injunction and specific enforcement authority.
Sec. 113. Rewards.
Sec. 114. Noncompetitive oil and gas lease royalty rates.
Sec. 115. Secretarial and delegated States' actions and limitation periods.
Sec. 116. Assessments.
Sec. 117. Alternatives for marginal properties.


Sec. 201. Application of title.
Sec. 202. Cooperative agreements. (No longer applicable to Federal lands but is as to Indian lands)
Sec. 203. Information.
Sec. 204. State suits under Federal law.
Sec. 205. Delegation of royalty collection and related activities.
Sec. 206. Shared civil penalties.


Sec. 301. Secretarial authority.
Sec. 302. Reports.
Sec. 303. Study of other minerals.
Sec. 304. Relation to other laws.
Sec. 305. Effective date.
Sec. 306. Funding. (1 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


Sec. 307. Statute of limitations. (No longer applicable to Federal lands but is as to Indian lands)
Sec. 308. Expanded royalty obligations.
Sec. 309. Severability.


Sec. 401. Amendment of Mineral Lands Leasing Act of 1920.

Public Law 97-451 (As of 3/7/97)

97th Congress
PUBLIC LAW 97-451 - JAN. 12,1983 96 STAT. 2447
An Act
To ensure that all oil and gas originated on the public lands and on the Outer Continental Shelf are
properly accounted for under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress
SECTION 1. This Act may be cited as the "Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982".
Sec. 2.(a) Congress finds that-
(1) the Secretary of the Interior should enforce effectively and uniformly existing regulations
under the mineral leasing laws providing for the inspection of production activities on lease sites
on Federal and Indian lands;
(2) the system of accounting with respect to royalties and other payments due and owing on oil and
gas produced from such lease sites is archaic and inadequate;
(3) it is essential that the Secretary initiate procedures to improve methods of accounting for such
royalties and payments and to provide for routine inspection of activities related to the production
of oil and gas on such lease sites; and
(4) the Secretary should aggressively carry out his trust responsibility in the administration of
Indian oil and gas.
(b) It is the purpose of this Act-
(1) to clarify, reaffirm, expand, and define the responsibilities and obligations of lessees, operators,
and other persons involved in transportation or sale of oil and gas from the Federal and Indian
lands and the Outer Continental Shelf,
(2) to clarify, reaffirm, expand and define the authorities and responsibilities of the Secretary of
the Interior to implement and maintain a royalty management system for oil and gas leases on (2 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


Federal lands, Indian lands, and the Outer Continental Shelf;

(3) to require the development of enforcement practices that ensure the prompt and proper
collection and disbursement of oil and gas revenues owed to the United States and Indian lessors
and those inuring to the benefit of States;
(4) to fulfill the trust responsibility of the United States for the administration of Indian oil and gas
resources; and
(5) to effectively utilize the capabilities of the States and Indian tribes in developing and
maintaining an efficient and effective Federal royalty management system.
Sec. 3. For the purposes of this Act, the term-
(1) "Federal land" means all land and interests in land owned by the United States which are
subject to the mineral leasing laws, including mineral resources or mineral estates reserved to the
United States in the conveyance of a surface or nonmineral estate;
(2) "Indian allottee" means any Indian for whom land or an interest in land is held in trust by the
United States or who holds title subject to Federal restriction against alienation;
(3) "Indian lands" means any lands or interest in lands of an Indian tribe or an Indian allottee held
in trust by the United States or which is subject to Federal restriction against alienation, including
mineral resources and mineral estates reserved to an Indian tribe or an Indian allottee in the
conveyance of a surface or nonmineral estate, except that such term does not include any lands
subject to the provisions of section 3 of the Act of June 28, 1906 (34 Stat. 539);
(4) "Indian tribe" means any Indian tribe, band, nation, pueblo, community, rancheria, colony, or
other group of Indians, including the Metlakatla Indian Community of Annette Island Reserve, for
which any land or interest in land is held by the United States in trust or which is subject to
Federal restriction against alienation;
(5) "lease" means any contract, profit-share arrangement, joint venture, or other agreement issued
or approved by the United States under a mineral leasing law that authorizes exploration for,
extraction of, or removal of oil or gas;
(6) "lease site" means any lands or submerged lands, including the surface of a severed mineral
estate, on which exploration for, or extraction or removal of, oil or gas is authorized pursuant to a
(7) "lessee" means any person to whom the United States issues an oil and gas lease or any
person to whom operating rights in a lease have been assigned;
(8) "mineral leasing law" means any Federal law administered by the Secretary authorizing the
disposition under lease of oil or gas;
(9) "oil or gas" means any oil or gas originating from, or allocated to, the Outer Continental Shelf,
Federal, or Indian lands; (3 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


(10) "Outer Continental Shelf' has the same meaning as provided in the Outer Continental Shelf
Lands Act (Public Law 95-372);
(11) "operator" means any person, including a lessee, who has control of, or who manages
operations on, an oil and gas lease site on Federal or Indian lands or on the Outer Continental
(12) "Person" means any individual firm, corporation, association, partnership, consortium, or joint
(13) "production" means those activities which take place for the removal of oil or gas, including
such removal, field operations, transfer of oil or gas off the lease site, operation monitoring,
maintenance, and workover drilling;
(14) "royalty" means any payment based on the value or volume of production which is due to the
United States or an Indian tribe or an Indian allottee on production of oil or gas from the Outer
Continental Shelf, Federal, or Indian lands, or any minimum royalty owed to the United States or
an Indian tribe or an Indian allottee under any provision of a lease;
(15) "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Interior or his designee;
(16) "State" means the several States of the Union, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the
territories and possessions of the United States, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands;
(17) "adjustment" means an amendment to a previously filed report on an obligation, and
any additional payment or credit, if any, applicable thereto, to rectify an underpayment or
overpayment on an obligation;
(18) "administrative proceeding" means any Department of the Interior agency process in
which a demand, decision or order issued by the Secretary or a delegated State is subject to
appeal or has been appealed;
(19) "assessment" means any fee or charge levied by the Secretary or a delegated State other
(A) the principal amount of any royalty, minimum royalty, rental bonus, net profit
sharing or proceed of sale;
(B) any interest; or
(C) any civil or criminal penalty;
(20) "commence" means -
(A) with to a judicial proceeding, the service of a compliant, petition, cross claim, or
other pleading seeking affirmative relief or seeking credit or recoupment: Provided,
That if the Secretary commences a judicial proceeding against a designee, the
Secretary shall give notice of that commencement to the lessee who designated the
designee, but the Secretary is not required to give notice to the other lessees who may
be liable pursuant to section 102(a) of this Act, for the obligation that is the subject of
the judicial proceeding; or (4 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


(B) with respect to a demand, the receipt by the Secretary or a delegated State or a
lessee or its designee (with written notice to the lessee who designated the designee) of
the demand;
(21) "credit" means the application of an overpayment (in whole or in part) against an
obligation which has become due to discharge, cancel or reduce the obligation;
(22) "delegated State" means a State which, pursuant to an agreement or agreements under
section 205 of this Act, performs authorities, duties, responsibilities, or activities of the
(23) "demand" means-
(A) an order to pay issued by the Secretary or the applicable State to a lessee or its
designee (with written notice to the lessee who designated the designee) that has a
reasonable basis to conclude that the obligation in the amount of the demand is due
and owing; or
(B) a separate written request by the lessee or its designee which asserts an obligation
due the lessee or its designee that provides a reasonable basis to conclude that the
obligation in the amount of the demand is due and owing, but does not mean any
royalty or production report , or any information contained therein, required by the
Secretary or a delegated State;
(24) "designee" means a person designated by a lessee pursuant to section 102(a) of this Act,
with such written designation effective on the date such designation is received by the
Secretary and remaining in effect until the Secretary receives notice in writing that the
designation is modified or terminated;
(25) "obligation" means-
(A) any duty of the Secretary or, if applicable, a delegated State-
(i) to take oil and gas royalty in kind; or
(ii) to pay, refund, offset, or credit monies including (but not limited to)-
(I) the principal amount of any royalty, minimum royalty, rental, bonus,
net profit share or proceed of sale; or
(II) any interest; and
(B) any duty of a lessee or its designee (subject to the provisions of section 102(a) of this
(i) to deliver oil and gas in kind; or
(ii) to pay, offset or credit monies including (but not limited to)-
(I) the principal amount of any royalty, minimum royalty, rental, bonus,
net profit share or proceed of sale; (5 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


(II) any interest;

(III) any penalty; or
(IV) any assessment,
which arises from or relates to any lease administered by the Secretary for,
or any mineral leasing law related to, the exploration, production and
development of oil and gas on Federal lands or the Continental Shelf;
(26) "order to pay" means a written order issued by the Secretary or the applicable
delegated State to a lessee or its designee (with notice to the lessee who designated the
designee) which-
(A) asserts a specific, definite, and quantified obligation claimed to be due, and
(B) specifically identifies the obligation by lease, production month and monetary
amount of such obligation claimed to be due and ordered to be paid, as well as the
reason or reasons such obligation is claimed to be due, but such term does not include
any other communication or action by or on the behalf of the Secretary or delegated
(27) "overpayment" means any payment by the lessee or its designee in excess of an amount
legally required to be paid on an obligation and includes the portion of any estimated
payment for a production month that is in excess of the royalties due for the that month;
(28) "payment" means satisfaction, in whole or in part, of an obligation;
(29) "penalty" means a statutory authorized fine levied or imposed for a violation of this Act,
any mineral leasing law, or a term or provision of a lease administered by the Secretary;
(30) "refund" means the return of an overpayment;
(31 "State concerned" means, with respect to a lease, a State which receives a portion of
royalties or other payments under the mineral leasing laws from such lease;
(32) "underpayment" means any payment or nonpayment by a lessee or its designee that is
less than the amount legally required to be paid on an obligation; and
(33) "United States" means the United States Government or any department, agency, or
instrumentality thereof, the several States, the District of Columbia, and the territories of the
United States.
Sec. 101. (a) The Secretary shall establish a comprehensive inspection, collection and fiscal and
production accounting and auditing system to provide the capability to accurately determine oil and gas
royalties, interest, fines, penalties, fees, deposits, and other payments owed, and to collect and account
for such amounts in a timely manner. (6 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


(b) The Secretary shall-

(1) establish procedures to ensure that authorized and properly identified representatives of the
Secretary will inspect at least once annually each lease site producing or expected to produce
significant quantities of oil or gas in any year or which has a history of noncompliance with
applicable provisions of law or regulations; and
(2) establish and maintain adequate programs providing for the training of all such authorized
representatives in methods and techniques of inspection and accounting that will be used in the
implementation of this Act.
(1) The Secretary shall audit and reconcile, to the extent practicable, all current and past lease
accounts for leases of oil or gas and take appropriate actions to make additional collections or
refunds as warranted. The Secretary shall conduct audits and reconciliations of lease accounts in
conformity with the business practices and recordkeeping systems which were required of the
lessee by the Secretary for the period covered by the audit. The Secretary shall give priority to
auditing those lease accounts identified by a State or Indian tribe as having significant potential for
underpayment. The Secretary may also audit accounts and records of selected lessees and
(2) The Secretary may enter into contracts or other appropriate arrangements with independent
certified public accountants to undertake audits of accounts and records of any lessee or operator
relating to the lease of oil or gas. Selection of such independent certified public accountants shall
be by competitive bidding in accordance with the Federal Property and Administrative Services
Act of 1949 (41 U.S.C. 252), except that the Secretary may not enter into a contract or other
arrangement with any independent certified public accountant to audit any lessee or operator
where such lessee or operator is a primary audit client of such certified public accountant.
(3) All books, accounts, financial records, reports, files, and other papers of the Secretary, or used
by the Secretary, which are reasonably necessary to facilitate the audits required under this section
shall be made available to any person or governmental entity conducting audits under this Act.
Sec. 102. (a) In order to increase receipts and achieve effective collections of royalty and other
payments, a lessee who is required to make any royalty or other payment under a lease or under
the mineral leasing laws, shall make such payments in the time and manner as may be specified by
the Secretary or the applicable delegated State. A lessee may designate a person to make all or part
of the payments due under a lease on the lessee's behalf and shall notify the Secretary or the
applicable delegated State in writing of such designation, in which event said designated person
may, in its own name, pay, offset or credit monies, make adjustments, request and receive refunds
and submit reports with respect to payments required by the lessee. Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Act to the contrary, a designee shall not be liable for any payment obligation
under the lease. The person owning operating rights in a lease shall be primarily liable for its pro
rata share of payment obligations under the lease. If the person owning the legal record title in a
lease is other than the operating rights owner, the person owning the legal record title shall be
secondarily liable for its pro rata share of such payment obligations under the lease. (7 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


(b) An operator shall-

(1) develop and comply with a site security plan designed to protect the oil or gas produced or
stored on an onshore lease site from theft, which plan shall conform with such minimum standards
as the Secretary may prescribe by rule, taking into account the variety of circumstances at lease
(2) develop and comply with such minimum site security measures as the Secretary deems
appropriate to protect oil or gas produced or stored on a lease site or on the Outer Continental
Shelf from theft; and
(3) not later than the 5th business day after any well begins production anywhere on a lease site or
allocated to a lease site, or resumes production in the case of a well which has been off of
production for more than 90 days, notify the Secretary, in the manner prescribed by the Secretary,
of the date on which such production has begun or resumed.
(1) Any person engaged in transporting by motor vehicle any oil from any lease site, or allocated
to any such lease site, shall carry, on his person, in his vehicle, or in his immediate control,
documentation showing, at a minimum, the amount, origin, and intended first destination of the
(2) engaged in transporting any oil or gas by pipeline from any lease site, or allocated to any lease
site, on Federal or Indian lands shall maintain documentation showing, at a minimum, amount,
origin, and intended first destination of such oil or gas.
Sec. 103. (a) A lessee, operator, or other person directly involved in developing, producing, transporting,
purchasing, or selling oil or gas subject to this Act through the point of first sale or the point of royalty
computation, whichever is later, shall establish and maintain any records, make any reports, and provide
any information that the Secretary may, by rule, reasonably require for the purposes of implementing this
Act or determining compliance with rules or orders under this Act. Upon the request of any officer or
employee duly designated by the Secretary or any State or Indian tribe conducting an audit or
investigation pursuant to this Act, the appropriate records, reports, or information which may be required
by this section shall be made available for inspection and duplication by such officer or employee, State,
or Indian tribe.
(b) Records required by the Secretary with respect to oil and gas leases from Federal or Indian lands or
the Outer Continental Shelf shall be maintained for 6 years after the records are generated unless the
Secretary notifies the record holder that he has initiated an audit or investigation involving such records
and that such records must be maintained for a longer period. In any case when an audit or investigation
is underway, records shall be maintained until the Secretary releases the record holder of the obligation
to maintain such records.
Sec. 104. (a) Section 35 of the Mineral Lands Losing Act of 1920 (approved February 25, 1920; 41 Stat.
437; 30 U.S.C. 191) is amended by deleting "as soon as practicable after March 31 and September 30 of (8 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


each year" and by adding at the end thereof "Payments to States under this section with respect to any
moneys received by the United States, shall be made not later than the last business day of the month in
which such moneys are warranted by the United States Treasury to the Secretary as having been
received, except for any portion of such moneys which is under challenge and placed in a suspense
account pending resolution of a dispute. Such warrants shall be issued by the United States Treasury not
later than 10 days after receipt of such moneys by the Treasury. Moneys placed in a suspense account
which are determined to be payable to a State shall be made not later than the last business day of the
month in which such dispute is resolved. Any such amount placed in a suspense account pending
resolution shall bear interest until the dispute is resolved.".
(b) Deposits of any royalty funds derived from the production of oil or gas from, or allocated to, Indian
lands shall be made by the Secretary to the appropriate Indian account at the earliest practicable date
after such funds are received by the Secretary but in no case later than the last business day of the month
in which such funds are received.
(c) The provisions of this section shall apply with respect to payments received by the Secretary after
October 1, 1983, unless the Secretary, by rule, prescribes an earlier effective date.
Sec. 105. (a) When any payment (including amounts due from receipt of any royalty, bonus, interest
charge, fine, or rental) is made by the United States to a State with respect to any oil or gas lease on
Federal lands or is deposited in the appropriate Indian account on behalf of an Indian tribe or Indian
allottee with respect to any oil and gas lease on Indian lands, there shall be provided, together with such
payment, a description of the type of payment being made, the period covered by such payment, the
source of such payment, production amounts, the royalty rate, unit value and such other information as
may be agreed upon by the Secretary and the recipient State, Indian tribe, or Indian allottee.
(b) This section shall take effect with respect to payments made after October 1, 1983, unless the
Secretary, by rule, prescribes an earlier effective date.
Sec. 106. A person (including any agent or employee of the United States and any independent
contractor) authorized to collect, receive, account for, or otherwise handle any moneys payable to, or
received by, the Department of the Interior which are derived from the sale, lease, or other disposal of
any oil or gas shall be -
(1) liable to the United States for any losses caused by any intentional or reckless action or
inaction of such individual with respect to such moneys; and
(2) in the case of an independent contractor, required as the Secretary deems necessary to maintain
a bond commensurate with the amount of money for which such individual could be liable to the
United States.
Sec. 107. (a) In carrying out his duties under this Act the Secretary may conduct any investigation or
other inquiry necessary and appropriate and may conduct, after notice, any hearing or audit, necessary
and appropriate to carrying out his duties under this Act. In connection with any such hearings, inquiry, (9 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


investigation, or audit, the Secretary is also authorized where reasonably necessary

(1) to require by special or general order, any person to submit in writing such affidavits and
answers to questions as the Secretary may reasonably prescribe, which submission shall be made
within such reasonable period and under oath or otherwise, as may be necessary;
(2) to administer oaths;
(3) to require by subpena the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of all
books, papers, production and financial records, documents, matter, and materials, as the Secretary
may request;
(4) to order testimony to be taken by deposition before any person who is designated by the
Secretary and who has the power to administer oaths, and to compel testimony and the production
of evidence in the same manner as authorized under paragraph (3) of this subsection; and
(5) to pay witnesses the same fees and mileage as are paid in like circumstances in the courts of the
United States.
(b) In case of refusal to obey a subpena served upon any person under this section, the district court of
the United States for any district in which such person is found, resides, or transacts business, upon
application by the Attorney General at the request of the Secretary and after notice to such person, shall
have jurisdiction to issue an order requiring such person to appear and give testimony before the
Secretary or to appear and produce documents before the Secretary. Any failure to obey such order of the
court may be punished by such court as contempt thereof and subject to a penalty of up to $10,000 a day.
Sec. 108. (a)
(1) On any lease site on Federal or Indian lands, any authorized and properly identified
representative of the Secretary may stop and inspect any motor vehicle that he has probable cause
to believe is carrying oil from a lease site on Federal or Indian lands or allocated to such a lease
site, for the purpose of determining whether the driver of such vehicle has documentation related
to such oil as required by law.
(2) Any authorized and properly identified representative of the Secretary, accompanied by any
appropriate law enforcement officer, or an appropriate law enforcement officer alone, may stop
and inspect any motor vehicle which is not on a lease site if he has probable cause to believe the
vehicle is carrying oil from a lease site on Federal or Indian lands or allocated to such a lease site.
Such inspection shall be for the purpose of determining whether the driver of such vehicle has the
documentation required by law.
(b) Authorized and properly identified representatives of the Secretary may without advance notice, enter
upon, travel across and inspect lease sites on Federal or Indian lands and may obtain from the operator
immediate access to secured facilities on such lease sites, for the purpose of making any inspection or
investigation for determining whether there is compliance with the requirements of the mineral leasing
laws and this Act. The Secretary shall develop guidelines setting forth the coverage and the frequency of
such inspections. (10 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


(c) For the purpose of making any inspection or investigation under this Act, the Secretary shall have the
same right to enter upon or travel across any lease site as the lessee or operator has acquired by purchase,
condemnation, or otherwise.
Sec. 109. (a) Any person who-
(1) after due notice of violation or after such violation has been reported under subparagraph (A),
fails or refuses to comply with any requirements of this Act or any mineral leasing law, any rule or
regulation thereunder, or the terms of any lease or permit issued thereunder; or
(2) fails to permit inspection authorized in section 108 or fails to notify the Secretary of any
assignment under section 102(a)(2) shall be liable for a penalty of up to $500 per violation for each
day such violation continues, dating from the date of such notice or report. A penalty under this
subsection may not be applied to any person who is otherwise liable for a violation of paragraph
(1) if:
(A) the violation was discovered and reported to the Secretary or his authorized
representative by the liable person and corrected within 20 days after such report or such
longer time as the Secretary may agree to; or
(B) after the due notice of violation required in paragraph (1) has been given to such person
by the Secretary or his authorized representative, such person has corrected the violation
within 20 days of such notification or such longer time as the Secretary may agree to.
(b) If corrective action is not taken within 40 days or a longer period as the Secretary may agree to, after
due notice or the report referred to in subsection (a)(l), such person shall be liable for a civil penalty of
not more than $5,000 per violation for each day such violation continues, dating from the date of such
notice or report.
(c) Any person who-
(1) knowingly or willfully fails to make any royalty payment by the date as specified by statute,
regulation, order or terms of the lease;
(2) fails or refuses to permit lawful entry, inspection, or audit; or
(3) knowingly or willfully fails or refuses to comply with subsection 102(b)(3), shall be liable for a
penalty of up to $10,000 per violation for each day such violation continues.
(d) Any person who-
(1) knowingly or willfully prepares, maintains, or submits false, inaccurate, or misleading reports,
notices, affidavits, records, data, or other written information;
(2) knowingly or willfully takes or removes, transports, uses or diverts any oil or gas from any
lease site without having valid legal authority to do so; or
(3) purchases, accepts, sells, transports, or conveys to another, any oil or gas knowing or having
reason to know that such oil or gas was stolen or unlawfully removed or diverted, shall be liable (11 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


for a penalty of up to $25,000 per violation for each day such violation continues.
(e) No penalty under this section shall be assessed until the person charged with a violation has been
given the opportunity for a hearing on the record.
(f) The amount of any penalty under this section, as finally determined may be deducted from any sums
owing by the United States to the person charged.
(g) On a case-by-case basis the Secretary may compromise or reduce civil penalties under this section.
(h) Notice under this subsection (a) shall be by personal service by an authorized representative of the
Secretary or by registered mail. Any person may, in the manner prescribed by the Secretary, designate a
representative to receive any notice under this subsection.
(i) In determining tho amount of such penalty, or whether it should be remitted or reduced, and in what
amount, the Secretary shall state on the record the reasons for his determinations.
(j) Any person who has requested a hearing in accordance with subsection (e) within the time the
Secretary has prescribed for such a hearing and who is aggrieved by a final order of the Secretary under
this section may seek review of such order in the United States district court for the judicial district in
which the violation allegedly took place. Review by the district court shall be only on the administrative
record and not de novo. Such an action shall be barred unless filed within 90 days after the Secretary's
final order.
(k) If any person fails to pay an assessment of a civil penalty under this Act-
(1) after the order making the assessment has become a final order and if such person does not file
a petition for judicial review of the order in accordance with subsection (j), or
(2) after a court in an action brought under subsection (j) has entered a final judgment in favor of
the Secretary, the court shall have jurisdiction to award the amount assessed plus interest from the
date of the expiration of the 90-day period referred to in subsection (j). Judgment by the court shall
include an order to pay.
(l) No person shall be liable for a civil penalty under subsection (a) or (b) for failure to pay any rental for
any lease automatically terminated pursuant to section 31 of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920.
Sec. 110. Any person who commits an act for which a civil penalty is provided in section 109(d) shall,
upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $50,000, or by imprisonment for not more than 2
years, or both.
Sec. 111. (a) In the case of oil and gas leases where royalty payments are not received by the Secretary
on the date that . such payments are due, or are less than the amount due, the Secretary shall charge
interest on such late payments or underpayments at the rate applicable under section 6621 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1954. In the case of an underpayment or partial payment, interest shall be computed
and charged only on the amount of the deficiency and not on the total amount due. (12 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


(b) Any payment made by the Secretary to a State under section 35 of the Mineral Lands Leasing Act of
1920 (30 U.S.C. 191) and any other payment made by the Secretary to a State from any oil or gas royalty
received by the Secretary which is not paid on the date required under section 35 shall include an interest
charge computed at the rate applicable under section 6621 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
(c) All interest charges collected under this Act or under other applicable laws because of nonpayment,
late payment or underpayment of royalties due and owing an Indian tribe or an Indian allottee shall be
deposited to the same account as the royalty with respect to which such interest is paid.
(d) Any deposit of royalty funds made by the Secretary to an Indian account which is not made by the
date required under subsection 104(b) shall include an interest charge computed at the rate applicable
under section 6621 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no State will be assessed for any interest or penalties
found to be due against the Secretary for failure to comply with the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act
of 1973 or regulation of the Secretary of Energy thereunder concerning crude oil certification or pricing
with respect to crude oil taken by the Secretary in kind as royalty. Any State share of an overcharge,
resulting from such failure to comply, shall be assessed against moneys found to be due and owing to
such State as a result of audits of royalty accounts for transactions which took place prior to the date of
the enactment of this Act except that if after the completion of such audits, sufficient moneys have not
been found due and owing to any State, the State shall be assessed the balance of that State's share of the
(f) Interest shall be charged under this section only for the number of days a payment is late.
(g) The first sentence of section 35 of the Act of February 25, 1920 is amended by inserting "including
interest charges collected under the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982" between
"royalties" and "and".
(h) Interest shall be allowed and paid or credited on any overpayment, with such interest to accrue
from the date such overpayment was made, at the rate obtained by applying the provisions of
subparagraphs (A) and (B) of section 6621(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, but
determined without regard to the sentence following subparagraph (B) of section 6621(a)(1).
Interest which has accrued on any overpayment may be applied to reduce an underpayment. This
subsection applies to overpayments made later than six months after the date of enactment of this
subsection or September 1, 1996, whichever is later. Such interest shall be paid from amounts
received as current receipts from sales, bonuses, royalties (including interest charges collected
under this section) and rentals of the public lands and the Outer Continental Shelf under the
provisions of the Mineral Leasing Act, and the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, which are not
payable to a State or the Reclamation Fund. The portion of any such interest payment attributable
to any amounts previously disbursed to a State, the Reclamation Fund, or any other recipient
designated by law shall be deducted from the next disbursements to that recipient made under the
applicable law. Such amounts deducted from subsequent disbursements shall be credited to
miscellaneous receipts in the Treasury.
(i) Upon a determination by the Secretary that an excessive overpayment (based upon all
obligations of a lessee or its designee for a given reporting month) was made for the sole purpose of
receiving interest, interest shall not be paid on the excessive amount of such overpayment. For (13 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


purposes of this Act, an `excessive overpayment' shall be the amount that any overpayment a lessee
or its designee pays for a given reporting month (excluding payments for demands for obligations
determined to be due as a result of judicial or administrative proceedings or agreed to be paid
pursuant to settlement agreements) for the aggregate of all of its Federal leases exceeds 10 percent
of the total royalties paid that month for those leases.
(j) A lessee or its designee may make a payment for the approximate amount of royalties
(hereinafter in this subsection `estimated payment') that would otherwise be due for such lease by
the date royalties are due for that lease. When an estimated payment is made, actual royalties are
payable at the end of the month following the month in which the estimated payment is made. If
the estimated payment was less than the amount of actual royalties due, interest is owed on the
underpaid amount. If the estimated payment exceeds the actual royalties due, interest is owed on
the overpayment. If the lessee or its designee makes a payment for such actual royalties, the lessee
or its designee may apply the estimated payment to future royalties. Any estimated payment may
be adjusted, recouped, or reinstated at any time by the lessee or its designee.
(1) Except as otherwise provided by this subsection-
(A) a lessee or its designee of a lease in a unit or communitization agreement which
contains only Federal leases with the same royalty rate and funds distribution shall
report and pay royalties on oil and gas production for each production month based on
the actual volume of production sold by or on behalf of that lessee;
(B) a lessee or its designee of a lease in any other unit or communitization agreement
shall report and pay royalties on oil and gas production for each production month
based on the volume of oil and gas produced from such agreement and allocated to the
lease in accordance with the terms of the agreement; and
(C) a lessee or its designee of a lease that is not contained in a unit or communitization
agreement shall report and pay royalties on oil and gas production for each production
month based on the actual volume of production sold by or on behalf of that lessee.
(2) This subsection applies only to requirements for reporting and paying royalties. Nothing
in this subsection is intended to alter a lessee's liability for royalties on oil or gas production
based on the share of production allocated to the lease in accordance with the terms of the
lease, a unit or communitization agreement, or any other agreement.
(3) For any unit or communitization agreement if all lessees contractually agree to an
alternative method of royalty reporting and payment, the lessees may submit such
alternative method to the Secretary or the delegated State for approval and make payments
in accordance with such approved alternative method so long as such alternative method
does not reduce the amount of the royalty obligation.
(4) The Secretary or the delegated State shall grant an exception from the reporting and
payment requirements for marginal properties by allowing for any calendar year or portion
thereof royalties to be paid each month based on the volume of production sold. Interest
shall not accrue on the difference for the entire calendar year or portion thereof between the (14 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


amount of oil and gas actually sold and the share of production allocated to the lease until
the beginning of the month following such calendar year or portion thereof. Any additional
royalties due or overpaid royalties and associated interest shall be paid, refunded, or credited
within six months after the end of each calendar year in which royalties are paid based on
volumes of production sold. For the purpose of this subsection, the term `marginal property'
means a lease that produces on average the combined equivalent of less than 15 barrels of oil
per well per day or 90 thousand cubic feet of gas per well per day, or a combination thereof,
determined by dividing the average daily production of crude oil and natural gas from
producing wells on such lease by the number of such wells, unless the Secretary, together
with the State concerned, determines that a different production is more appropriate.
(5) Not later than two years after the date of the enactment of this subsection, the Secretary
shall issue any appropriate demand for all outstanding royalty payment disputes regarding
who is required to report and pay royalties on production from units and communitization
agreements outstanding on the date of the enactment of this subsection, and collect royalty
amounts owed on such production.
(l) The Secretary shall issue all determinations of allocations of production for units and
communitization agreements within 120 days of a request for determination. If the Secretary fails
to issue a determination within such 120-day period, the Secretary shall waive interest due on
obligations subject to the determination until the end of the month following the month in which
the determination is made.
(1) If, during the adjustment period, a lessee or its designee determines that an adjustment or
refund request is necessary to correct an underpayment or overpayment of an obligation, the
lessee or its designee shall make such adjustment or request a refund within a reasonable
period of time and only during the adjustment period. The filing of a royalty report which
reflects the underpayment or overpayment of an obligation shall constitute prior written
notice to the Secretary or the applicable delegated State of an adjustment.
(A) For any adjustment, the lessee or its designee shall calculate and report the interest
due attributable to such adjustment at the same time the lessee or its designee adjusts
the principle amount of the subject obligation, except as provided by subparagraph
(B) In the case of a lessee or its designee who determines that subparagraph (A) would
impose a hardship, the Secretary or such delegated State shall calculate the interest
due and notify the lessee or its designee within a reasonable time of the amount of
interest due, unless such lessee or its designee elects to calculate and report interest in
accordance with subparagraph (A).
(3) An adjustment or a request for a refund for an obligation may be made after the (15 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


adjustment period only upon written notice to and approval by the Secretary or the
applicable delegated State, as appropriate, during an audit of the period which includes the
production month for which the adjustment is being made. If an overpayment is identified
during an audit, then the Secretary or the applicable delegated State, as appropriate, shall
allow a credit or refund in the amount of the overpayment.
(4) For purposes of this section, the adjustment period for any obligation shall be the six-year
period following the date on which an obligation became due. The adjustment period shall be
suspended, tolled, extended, enlarged, or terminated by the same actions as the limitation
period in section 115.
(1) IN GENERAL.-A request for refund is sufficient if it-
(A) is made in writing to the Secretary and, for purposes of section 115, is specifically
identified as a demand;
(B) identifies the person entitled to such refund;
(C) provides the Secretary information that reasonably enables the Secretary to
identify the overpayment for which such refund is sought; and
(D) provides the reasons why the payment was an overpayment.
(2) PAYMENT BY SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY.-The Secretary shall certify the
amount of the refund to be paid under paragraph (1) to the Secretary of the Treasury who
shall make such refund. Such refund shall be paid from amounts received as current receipts
from sales, bonuses, royalties (including interest charges collected under this section) and
rentals of the public lands and the Outer Continental Shelf under the provisions of the
Mineral Leasing Act and the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, which are not payable to a
State or the Reclamation Fund. The portion of any such refund attributable to any amounts
previously disbursed to a State, the Reclamation Fund, or any recipient prescribed by law
shall be deducted from the next disbursements to that recipient made under the applicable
law. Such amounts deducted from subsequent disbursements shall be credited to
miscellaneous receipts in the Treasury.
(3) PAYMENT PERIOD.-A refund under this subsection shall be paid or denied (with an
explanation of the reasons for the denial) within 120 days of the date on which the request
for refund is received by the Secretary. Such refund shall be subject to later audit by the
Secretary or the applicable delegated State and subject to the provisions of this Act.
shall the Secretary or any delegated State directly or indirectly claim or offset any amount or
amounts against, or reduce any refund or credit (or interest accrued thereon) by the amount
of any obligation the enforcement of which is barred by section 115 of this Act.
Sec. 112. (a) In addition to any other remedy under this Act or any mineral leasing law, the Attorney (16 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


General of the United States or his designee may bring a civil action in a district court of the United
States, which shall have jurisdiction over such actions-
(1) to restrain any violation of this Act; or
(2) to compel the taking of any action required by or under this Act or any mineral leasing law of
the United States.
(b) A civil action described in subsection (a) may be brought only in the United States district court for
the judicial district wherein the act, omission, or transaction constituting a violation under this Act or any
other mineral leasing law occurred, or wherein the defendant is found or transacts business.
Sec. 113. Where amounts representing royalty or other payments owed to the United States with respect
to any oil and gas lease on Federal lands or the Outer Continental Shelf are recovered pursuant to any
action taken by the Secretary under this Act as a result of information provided to the Secretary by any
person, the Secretary is authorized to pay to such person an amount equal to not more than 10 percent of
such recovered amounts. The preceding sentence shall not apply to information provided by an officer or
employee of the United States, an officer or employee of a State or Indian tribe acting pursuant to a
cooperative agreement or delegation under this Act, or any person acting pursuant to a contract
authorized by this Act.
Sec. 114. The Secretary is directed to conduct a thorough study of the effects of a change in the royalty
rate under section 17(c) of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 on:
(a) the exploration, development, or production of oil or gas; and
(b) the overall revenues generated by such change. Such study shall be completed and submitted to
Congress within six months after the date of enactment of this Act.
(a) IN GENERAL.-The respective duties, responsibilities, and activities with respect to a lease shall
be performed by the Secretary, delegated State, and lessees or their designees in a timely manner.
(1) IN GENERAL.-A judicial proceeding or demand which arises from, or relates to an
obligation, shall be commenced within seven years from the date on which the obligation
becomes due and if not so commenced shall be barred. If commencement of a judicial
proceeding or demand for an obligation is barred by this section, the Secretary, or a
delegated State, or a lessee or its designee
(A) shall not take any other action or further action regarding that obligation,
including (but not limited to) the issuance of any order, request, demand or other
communication seeking any document, accounting, determination, calculation,
recalculation, payment, principal, interest, assessment, or penalty or the initiation, (17 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


pursuit or completion of an audit with regard to that obligation; and

(B) shall not pursue any other equitable or legal remedy, whether under statute or
common law, with respect to an action on or an enforcement of said obligation.
(2) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.-A judicial proceeding that is timely commenced under
paragraph (1) against a designee shall be considered timely commenced as to any lessee who
is liable pursuant to section 102(a) of this Act for the obligation that is the subject of the
judicial proceeding or demand.
(3) APPLICATION OF CERTAIN LIMITATIONS.-The limitations set forth in sections
2401, 2415, 2416, and 2462 of title 28, United States Code, and section 42 of the Mineral
Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 226-2) shall not apply to any obligation to which this Act applies.
Section 3716 of title 31, United States Code, may be applied to an obligation the enforcement
which is not barred by this Act, but may not be applied to any obligation the enforcement of
which is barred by this Act.
(1) IN GENERAL.-For purposes of this Act, an obligation be comes due when the right to
enforce the obligation is fixed.
(2) ROYALTY OBLIGATION.-The right to enforce any royalty obligation for any given
production month for a lease is fixed for purposes of this Act on the last day of the calendar
month following the month in which oil or gas is produced.
(d) TOLLING OF LIMITATION PERIOD.-The running of the limitation period under
subsection(b) shall not be suspended, tolled, extended, or enlarged for any obligation for any
reason by any action, including the action by the Secretary or a designated State, other than the
(1) TOLLING AGREEMENT.-A written agreement executed by the Secretary or a
delegated State and a lessee or its designee (with notice to the lessee who designated the
designee) shall toll the limitation period for the amount of time during which the agreement
is in effect.
(A) The issuance of a subpoena to a lessee or its designee (with notice to the lessee who
designated the designee, which notice shall not constitute a subpoena to the lessee) in
accordance with the provisions of paragraph (B)(i) shall toll the limitation period with
respect to the obligation which is the subject of a subpoena only for the period
beginning on the date the lessee or its designee receives the subpoena and ending on the
date on which
(i) the lessee or its designee has produced such subpoenaed records for the
subject obligation,
(ii) the Secretary or a delegated State receives written notice that the subpoenaed
records for the subject obligation are not in existence or are not in the lessee's or (18 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


its designee's possession or control, or

(iii) a court has determined in a final decision that such records are not required
to be produced , whichever occurs first.
(i) A subpoena for the purposes of this section which requires a lessee or its
designee to produce records necessary to determine the proper reporting and
payment of an obligation due the Secretary may only be issued by an Assistant
Secretary of the Interior or an Acting Assistant Secretary of the Interior who is a
schedule C employee (as defined by section 213.3301 of title 5, Code of Federal
Regulations), or the Director or Acting Director of the respective bureau or
agency, and may not be delegated to any other person. If a State has been
delegated authority pursuant to section 205, the State, acting through the highest
State official having ultimate authority over the collection of royalties from
leases on Federal lands within the State, may issue such subpoena, but may not
delegate such authority to any other person.
(ii) A subpoena described in clause (i) may only be against a lessee or its designee
during the limitation period provided in this section and only after the Secretary
or a delegated State has in writing requested the records from the lessee or its
designee related to the obligation which is the subject of the subpoena and has
determined that-
(I) the lessee or its designee has failed to respond within a reasonable
period of time to the Secretary's or the applicable delegated State's written
request for such records necessary for an audit, investigation or other
inquiry made in accordance with the Secretary's or such delegated State's
responsibilities under this Act; or
(II) the lessee or its designee has in writing denied the Secretary's or the
applicable delegated State's written request to produce such records in the
lessee's or its designee's possession or control necessary for an audit,
investigation or other inquiry made in accordance with the Secretary's or
such delegated State's responsibilities under this Act; or
(III) the lessee or its designee has unreasonably delayed in producing
records necessary for an audit, or investigation or other inquiry made in
accordance with the Secretary's or the applicable delegated State's
responsibilities under this Act after the Secretary's or delegated State's
written request.
(C) In seeking records, the Secretary or the applicable delegated State shall afford the
lessee or its designee a reasonable period of time after a written request by the
Secretary or a delegated State in which to provide such records prior to issuance of a
(3) MISREPRESENTATION OR CONCEALMENT.- The intentional misrepresentation or (19 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


concealment of a material fact for the purpose of evading the payment of an obligation in
which case the limitation period shall be tolled for the period of such misrepresentation or
such concealment.
(i) The issuance of a notice under subparagraph (D) that the lessee or its designee
has not substantially complied with the requirement to perform a restructured
accounting shall toll the limitation period with respect to the obligation which is
the subject of the notice only for the period beginning on the date the lessee or its
designee receives the notice and ending 120 days after the date on which (I) the
Secretary or the applicable delegated State receives written notice that the
accounting or other requirement has been performed, or (II) a court has
determined in a final decision that the lessee is not required to perform the
accounting, whichever occurs first.
(ii) If the lessee or its designee initiates an administrative appeal or judicial
proceeding to contest an order to perform a restructured accounting issued
under subparagraph(B)(i), the limitation period in subsection (b) shall be tolled
from the date the lessee or its designee received the order until a final,
nonappealable decision is issued in any such proceeding.
(i) The Secretary or the applicable delegated State may issue an order to
perform a restructured accounting to a lessee or its designee when the Secretary
or such delegated State determines during an audit of a lessee or its designee that
the lessee or its designee should recalculate royalty due on an obligation based
upon the Secretary's or the delegated State's finding that the lessee or its
designee has made identified underpayments or overpayments which are
demonstrated by the Secretary or the delegated State to be based upon repeated,
systemic reporting errors for a significant number of leases or a single lease for a
significant number of reporting months with the same type of error which
constitutes a pattern of violations and which are likely to result in either
significant underpayments or overpayments.
(ii) The power of the Secretary to issue an order to perform a restructured
accounting may not be delegated below the most senior career professional
position having responsibility for the royalty management program, which
position is currently designated as the `Associate Director for Royalty
Management', and may not be delegated to any other person. If a State has been
delegated authority pursuant to section 205 of this Act, the State, acting through
the highest ranking State official having ultimate authority over the collection of
royalties from leases on Federal lands within the State, may issue such order to
perform, which may not be delegated to any other person. An order to perform a
restructured accounting shall- (20 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


(I) be issued within a reasonable period of time from when the audit
identifies the systemic, reporting errors;
(II) specify the reasons and factual bases for such order;
(III) be specifically identified as an `order to perform a restructured
(IV) provide the lessee or its designee a reasonable period of time (but not
less than 60 days) within which to perform the restructured accounting;
(V) provide the lessee or its designee 60 days within which to file an
administrative appeal of the order to perform a restructured accounting.
(C) An order to perform a restructured accounting shall not mean or be construed to
include any other action by or on behalf of the Secretary or a delegated State.
(D) If a lessee or its designee fails to substantially comply with the requirement to
perform a restructured accounting pursuant to this subsection, a notice shall be issued
to the lessee or its designee that the lessee or its designee has not substantially complied
with the requirements to perform a restructured accounting. A lessee or its designee
shall be given a reasonable time within which to perform the restructured accounting.
Such notice may be issued under this section only by an Assistant Secretary of the
Interior or an acting Assistant Secretary of the Interior who is a schedule C employee
(as defined by section 213.3301 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations) and may not be
delegated to any other person. If a State has been delegated authority pursuant to
section 205, the State, acting through the highest State official having ultimate
authority over the collection of royalties from leases on Federal lands within the State,
may issue such notice, which may not be delegated to any other person.
(e) TERMINATION OF LIMITATIONS PERIOD.-An action or an enforcement of an obligation
by the Secretary or delegated State or a lessee or its designee shall be barred under this section
prior to the running of the seven-year period provided in subsection (b) in the event-
(1) the Secretary or a delegated State has notified the lessee or its designee in writing that a
time period is closed to further audit; or
(2) the Secretary or a delegated State and a lessee or its designee have so agreed in writing.
For purposes of this subsection, notice to, or an agreement by, the designee shall be binding on any
lessee who is liable pursuant to section 102(a) for obligations that are the subject of the notice or
to section 103 of this Act by the Secretary or any delegated State for the purpose of determining
obligations due and compliance with any applicable mineral leasing law, lease provision, regulation
or order with respect to oil and gas leases from Federal lands or the Outer Continental Shelf shall
be maintained for the same period of time during which a judicial proceeding or demand may be
commenced under subsection (b). If a judicial proceeding or demand is timely commenced, the (21 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


record holder shall maintain such records until the final nonappealable decision in such judicial
proceeding is made, or with respect to that demand is rendered, unless the Secretary or the
applicable delegated State authorizes in writing an earlier release of the requirement to maintain
such records. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, under no circumstance shall a
record holder be required to maintain or produce any record relating to an obligation for any time
period which is barred by the applicable limitation in this section. In connection with any hearing,
administrative proceeding, inquiry, investigation, or audit by the Secretary or a delegated State
under this Act, the Secretary or the delegated State shall minimize the submission of multiple or
redundant information and make a good faith effort to locate records previously submitted by a
lessee or a designee to the Secretary or the delegated State, prior to requiring the lessee or the
designee to provide such records.
(g) TIMELY COLLECTIONS.-In order to most effectively utilize resources available to the
Secretary to maximize the collection of oil and gas receipts from lease obligations to the Treasury
within the seven-year period of limitations, and consequently to maximize the State share of such
receipts, the Secretary should not perform or require accounting, reporting, or audit activities if
the Secretary and the State concerned determine that the cost of conducting or requiring the
activity exceeds the expected amount to be collected by the activity, based on the most current 12
months of activity. This subsection shall not provide a defense to a demand or an order to perform
a restructured accounting. To the maximum extent possible, the Secretary and delegated States
shall reduce costs to the United States Treasury and the States by discontinuing requirements for
unnecessary or duplicative data and other information, such as separate allowances and payor
information, relating to obligations due. If the Secretary and the State concerned determine that
collection will result sooner, the Secretary or the applicable delegated State may waive or forego
interest in whole or in part.
(1) 33-MONTH PERIOD.-Demands or orders issued by the Secretary or a delegated State
are subject to administrative appeal in accordance with the regulations of the Secretary. No
State shall impose any conditions which would hinder a lessee's or its designee's immediate
appeal of an order to the Secretary or the Secretary's designee. The Secretary shall issue a
final decision in any administrative proceeding, including any administrative proceedings
pending on the date of enactment of this section, within 33 months from the date such
proceeding was commenced or 33 months from the date of such enactment, whichever is
later. The 33-month period may be extended by any period of time agreed upon in writing by
the Secretary and the appellant.
(2) Effect of failure to issue decision.-If no such decision has been issued by the Secretary
within the 33-month period referred to in paragraph (1)-
(A) the Secretary shall be deemed to have issued and granted a decision in favor of the
appellant as to any nonmonetary obligation and any monetary obligation the principal
amount of which is less than $10,000; and
(B) the Secretary shall be deemed to have issued a final decision in favor of the
Secretary, which decision shall be deemed to affirm those issues for which the agency
rendered a decision prior to the end of such period, as to any monetary obligation the (22 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


principal amount of which is $10,000 or more, and the appellant shall have a right to
judicial review of such deemed final decision in accordance with title 5 of the United
States Code.
(i) COLLECTIONS OF DISPUTED AMOUNTS DUE.-To expedite collections relating to disputed
obligations due within the seven-year period beginning on the date the obligation became due, the
parties shall hold not less than one settlement consultation and the Secretary and the State
concerned may take such action as is appropriate to compromise and settle a disputed obligation,
including waiving or reducing interest and allowing offsetting of obligations among leases.
(j) ENFORCEMENT OF A CLAIM FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW.-In the event a demand subject to
this section is properly and timely commenced, the obligation which is the subject of the demand
may be enforced beyond the seven-year limitations period without being barred by this statute of
limitations. In the event a demand subject to this section is properly and timely commenced, a
judicial proceeding challenging the final agency action with respect to such demand shall be
deemed timely so long as such judicial proceeding is commenced within 180 days from receipt of
notice by the lessee or its designee of the final agency action.
(k) IMPLEMENTATION OF FINAL DECISION.- In the event a judicial proceeding or demand
subject to this section is timely commenced and thereafter the limitation period in this section
lapses during the pendency of such proceeding, any party to such proceeding shall not be barred
from taking such action as is required or necessary to implement a final unappealable judicial or
administrative decision, including any action required or necessary to implement such decision by
the recovery or recoupment of an underpayment or overpayment by means of refund or credit.
(l) Stay of Payment Obligation Pending Review.-Any person ordered by the Secretary or a
delegated State to pay any obligation (other than an assessment) shall be entitled to a stay of such
payment without bond or other surety instrument pending an administrative or judicial
proceeding if the person periodically demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Secretary that such
person is financially solvent or otherwise able to pay the obligation. In the event the person is not
able to so demonstrate, the Secretary may require a bond or other surety instrument satisfactory
to cover the obligation. Any person ordered by the Secretary or a delegated State to pay an
assessment shall be entitled to a stay without bond or other surety instrument.
Beginning eighteen months after the date of enactment of this section, to encourage proper royalty
payment the Secretary or the delegated State shall impose assessments on a person who chronically
submits erroneous reports under this Act. Assessments under this Act may only be issued as
provided for in this section.
STATES.-The Secretary and the State concerned, acting in the best interests of the United States
and the State concerned to promote production, reduce administrative costs, and increase net
receipts to the United States and the States, shall jointly determine, on a case by case basis, the
amount of what marginal production from a lease or leases or well or wells, or parts thereof, shall
be subject to a prepayment under subsection (b) or regulatory relief under subsection (c). If the (23 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


State concerned does not consent, such prepayments or regulatory relief shall not be made
available under this section for such marginal production: Provided, That if royalty payments from
a lease or leases, or well or wells are not shared with any State, such determination shall be made
solely by the Secretary.
(1) IN GENERAL.-Notwithstanding the provisions of any lease to the contrary, for any lease
or leases or well or wells identified by the Secretary and the State concerned pursuant to
subsection (a), the Secretary is authorized to accept a prepayment for royalties in lieu of
monthly royalty payments under the lease for the remainder of the lease term if the affected
lessee so agrees. Any prepayment agreed to by the Secretary, State concerned and lessee
which is less than an average $500 per month in total royalties shall be effectuated under this
section not earlier than two years after the date of enactment of this section and, any
prepayment which is greater than an average $500 per month in total royalties shall be
effectuated under this section not earlier than three years after the date of enactment of this
section. The Secretary and the State concerned may condition their acceptance of the
prepayment authorized under this section on the lessee's agreeing to such terms and
conditions as the Secretary and the State concerned deem appropriate and consistent with
the purposes of this Act. Such terms may-
(A) provide for prepayment that does not result in a loss of revenue to the United
States in present value terms;
(B) include provisions for receiving additional prepayments or royalties for
developments in the lease or leases or well or wells that deviate significantly from the
assumptions and facts on which the valuation is determined; and
(C) require the lessee or its designee to provide such periodic production reports as
may be necessary to allow the Secretary and the State concerned to monitor
production for the purposes of subparagraph (B).
(2) STATE SHARE.-A prepayment under this section shall be shared by the Secretary with
any State or other recipient to the same extent as any royalty payment for such lease.
(3) SATISFACTION OF OBLIGATION.-Except as may be provided in the terms and
conditions established by the Secretary under subsection (b), a lessee or its designee who
makes a prepayment under this section shall have satisfied in full the lessee's obligation to
pay royalty on the production stream sold from the lease or leases or well or wells.
the date of the enactment of this section, the Secretary or the delegated State shall provide
accounting, reporting, and auditing relief that will encourage lessees to continue to produce and
develop properties subject to subsection (a): Provided, That such relief will only be available to
lessees in a State that concurs, which concurrence is not required if royalty payments from the
lease or leases or well or wells are not shared with any State. Prior to granting such relief, the
Secretary and, if appropriate, the State concerned shall agree that the type of marginal wells and
relief provided under this paragraph is in the best interest of the United States and, if appropriate,
the State concerned. (24 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]



Sec. 201. This title shall apply only with respect to oil and gas leases on Federal lands or Indian lands.
Nothing in this title shall be construed to apply to any lease on the Outer Continental Shelf.
Sec. 202. (a) The Secretary is authorized to enter into a cooperative agreement or agreements with any
State or Indian tribe to share oil or gas royalty management information, to carry out inspection, auditing,
investigation or enforcement (not including the collection of royalties, civil or criminal penalties or other
payments) activities under this Act in cooperation with the Secretary, and to carry out any other activity
described in section 108 of this Act. The Secretary shall not enter into any such cooperative agreement
with a State with respect to any such activities on Indian lands, except with the permission of the Indian
tribe involved.
(b) Except as provided in section 203, and pursuant to a cooperative agreement-
(1) each State shall, upon request, have access to all royalty accounting information in the
possession of the Secretary respecting the production, removal, or sale of oil or gas from leases on
Federal lands within the State; and
(2) each Indian tribe shall, upon request, have access to all royalty accounting information in the
possession of the Secretary respecting the production, removal, or sale of oil or gas from leases on
Indian lands under the jurisdiction of such tribe.
Information shall be made available under paragraphs (1) and (2) soon as practicable after it comes into
the possession of the Secretary. Effective October 1, 1983, such information shall be made available
under paragraphs (1) and (2) not later than 30 days after such information comes into the possession of
the Secretary.
(c) Any cooperative agreement entered into pursuant to this section shall be in accordance with the
provisions of the Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977, and shall contain such terms
and conditions as the Secretary deems appropriate and consistent with the purposes of this Act,
including, but not limited to, a limitation on the use of Federal assistance to those costs which are directly
required to carry out the agreed upon activities
SEC. 203. (a) Trade secrets, proprietary and other confidential information shall be made available by the
Secretary, pursuant to a cooperative agreement, to a State or Indian tribe upon request only if-
(1) such State or Indian tribe consents in writing to restrict the dissemination of the information to
those who are directly involved in an audit or investigation under this Act and who have a need to
(2) such State or tribe accepts liability for wrongful disclosure;
(3) in the case of a State, such State demonstrates that such information is essential to the conduct
of an audit or investigation or to litigation under section 204; and (25 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


(4) in the case of an Indian tribe, such tribe demonstrates that such information is essential to the
conduct of an audit or investigation and waives sovereign immunity by express consent for
wrongful disclosure by such tribe.
(b) The United States shall not be liable for the wrongful disclosure by any individual, State, or Indian
tribe of any information provided to such individual, State, or Indian tribe pursuant to any cooperative
agreement or a delegation, authorized by this Act.
(c) Whenever any individual, State, or Indian tribe has obtained possession of information pursuant to a
cooperative agreement authorized by this section, or any individual or State has obtained possession of
information pursuant to a delegation under section 205, the individual shall be subject to the same
provisions of law with respect to the disclosure of such information as would apply to an officer or
employee of the United States or of any department or agency thereof and the State or Indian tribe shall
be subject to the same provisions of law with respect to the disclosure of such information as would
apply to the United States or any department or agency thereof. No State or State officer or employee
who receives trade secrets, proprietary information, or other confidential information under this Act may
be required to disclose such information under State law.
Sec. 204. (a)
(1) A State may commence a civil action under this section against any person to recover any
royalty, interest, or civil penalty which the State believes is due, based upon credible evidence,
with respect to any oil and gas lease on Federal lands located within the State.
(A) No action may be commenced under paragraph (1) prior to 90 days after the State has
given notice in writing to the Secretary of the payment required. Such 90-day limitation may
be waived by the Secretary on a case-by-case basis.
(B) If, within the 90-day period specified in subparagraph (A), the Secretary issues a
demand for the payment concerned, no action may be commenced under paragraph (1) with
respect to such payment during a 45-day period after issuance of such demand. If, during
such 45-day period, the Secretary receives payment in full, no action may be commenced
under paragraph (1).
(C) If the Secretary refers the case to the Attorney General of the United States within the
45-day period referred to in subparagraph (B) or within 10 business days after the expiration
of such 45-day period, no action may be commenced under paragraph (1) if the Attorney
General, within 45 days after the date of such referral, commences, and thereafter diligently
prosecutes, a civil action in a court of the United States with respect to the payment
(3) The State shall notify the Secretary and the Attorney General of the United States of any suit
filed by the State under this section.
(4) A court in issuing any final order in any action brought under paragraph (1) may award costs of (26 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


litigation including reasonable attorney and expert witness fees, to any party in such action if the
court determines such an award is appropriate.
(b) An action brought under subsection (a) of this section may be brought only in a United States district
court for the judicial district in which the lease site or the leasing activity complained of is located. Such
district court shall have jurisdiction, without regard to the amount in controversy or the citizenship of the
parties, to require compliance or order payment in any such action.
(l) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any civil penalty recovered by a State under
subsection (a) shall be retained by the State and may be expended in such manner and for such
purposes as the State deems appropriate.
(2) Any rent, royalty, or interest recovered by a State under subsection (a) shall be deposited in the
Treasury of the United States in the same manner, and subject to the same requirements, as are
applicable in the case of any rent, royalty, or interest collected by an officer or employee of the
United States, except that such amounts shall be deposited in the Treasury not later than 10 days
after receipt by the State.
(a) Upon written request of any State, the Secretary is authorized to delegate , in accordance with
the provisions of this section, all or part of the authorities and responsibilities of the Secretary
under this Act to:
(1) conduct inspections, audits, and investigations;
(2) receive and process production and financial reports;
(3) correct erroneous report data;
(4) perform automated verification; and
(5) issue demands, subpoenas, and orders to perform restructured accounting, for royalty
management enforcement purposes, to any State with respect to all Federal land within the
(b) After notice and opportunity for a hearing, the Secretary is authorized to delegate such
authorities and responsibilities granted under this section as the State has requested, if the
Secretary finds that-
(1) it is likely that the State will provide adequate resources to achieve the purposes of this
(2) the State has demonstrated that it will effectively and faithfully administer the rules and
regulation of the Secretary under this Act in accordance with the requirements of
subsections (c) and (d) of this section;
(3) such delegation will not create an unreasonable burden on any lessee; (27 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


(4) the State agrees to adopt standardized reporting procedures prescribed by the Secretary
for royalty and production accounting purposes, unless the State and all affected parties
(including the Secretary) otherwise agree;
(5) the State agrees to follow and adhere to regulations and guidelines issued by the
Secretary pursuant to the mineral leasing laws regarding valuation of production; and
(6) where necessary for a State to have authority to carry out and enforce a delegated
activity, the State agrees to enact such laws and promulgate such regulations as are
consistent with relevant Federal laws and regulations with respect to the Federal lands
within the State.
(c) After notice and opportunity for hearing, the Secretary shall issue a ruling as to the consistency
of a State's proposal with the provisions of this section and regulations under subsection (d) within
90 days after submission of such proposal. In any unfavorable ruling, the Secretary shall set forth
the reasons therefor and state whether the Secretary will agree to delegate to the State if the State
meets the conditions set forth in such ruling.
(d) After consultation with State authorities, the Secretary by rule shall promulgate, within 12
months after the date of enactment of this section, standards and regulations pertaining to the
authorities and responsibilities to be delegated under subsection (a), including standards and
regulations pertaining to-
(1) audits to be performed;
(2) records and accounts to be maintained;
(3) reporting procedures to be required by the States under this section;
(4) receipt and processing of production and financial reports;
(5) correction of erroneous report data;
(6) performance of automated verification;
(7) issuance of standards and guidelines in order to avoid duplication of effort;
(8) transmission of report data to the Secretary; and
(9) issuance of demands, subpoenas, and orders to perform restructured accounting, for
royalty accounting purposes.
Such standards and regulations shall be designed provide reasonable assurance that a uniform and
effective royalty management system will prevail among the States. The records and accounts
under section (2) shall be sufficient to allow the Secretary to monitor the performance of any State
under this section.
(e) If, after notice and opportunity for a hearing, the Secretary finds that any State to which any
authority and responsibility of the Secretary has been delegated under this section is in violation of
any requirement of this section or any rule thereunder, or that an affirmative finding by the
Secretary under subsection (b) can no longer be made, the Secretary may revoke such delegation. (28 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


If, after providing written notice to a delegated State and a reasonable opportunity to take
corrective action requested by the Secretary, the Secretary determines that the State has failed to
issue a demand or order to a Federal lessee within the State, that such failure may result in an
underpayment of an obligation due the United States by such lessee, and that such underpayment
may be uncollected without Secretarial intervention, the Secretary may issue such demand or
order in accordance with the provisions of this Act prior to or absent the withdrawal of the
delegated authority.
(f) subject to appropriations, the Secretary shall compensate any State for those costs which may
be necessary to carry out the delegated activities under this Section. Payment shall be made no less
than every quarter during the fiscal year. Compensation to a State may not exceed the Secretary's
reasonable anticipated expenditures for performance of such delegated activities by the Secretary.
Such costs shall be allocated for the purpose of section 35(b) of the Act entitled "An act to promote
the mining coal, phosphate, oil, oil shale, gas and sodium on the public domain", approved
February 25, 1920 (commonly known as the Mineral Leasing Act) (30 U.S.C. 191 (b)) to the
administration and enforcement of laws providing for the leasing of any onshore lands or interests
in lands owned by the United States. Any further allocation of costs under section 35(b) made by
the Secretary for oil and gas activities, other than those costs to compensate States for delegated
activities under this Act, shall be only those costs associated with onshore oil and gas activities and
may not include any duplication of costs allocated pursuant to the previous sentence. Nothing in
this section affects the Secretary's authority to make allocations under section 35(b) for non-oil and
gas mineral activities. All moneys received from sales, bonuses, rentals, royalties, assessments and
interest, including money claimed to be due and owing pursuant to a delegation under this section,
shall be payable and paid to the Treasury of the United States.
(g) Any action of the Secretary to approve or disapprove a proposal submitted by a State under
this section shall be subject to judicial review in the United States district court which includes the
capital of the State submitting the proposal.
(h) Any State operating pursuant to a delegation existing on the date of enactment of this Act may
continue to operate under the terms and conditions of the delegation, except to the extent that a
revision of the existing agreement is adopted pursuant to this section.
SEC. 206. An amount equal to 50 per centum of any civil penalty collected by the Federal Government
under this Act resulting from activities conducted by a State or Indian tribe pursuant to a cooperative
agreement under section 202 or a State under a delegation under section 205, shall be payable to such
State or tribe. Such amount shall be deducted from any compensation due such State or Indian tribe
under section 202 or such State under section 205.
SEC. 301. (a) The Secretary shall prescribe such rules and regulations as he deems reasonably necessary
to carry out this Act.
(b) Rules and regulations issued to implement this Act shall be issued in conformity with section 553 of (29 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


title 5 of the United States Code, notwithstanding section 553(a)(2) of that title.
(c) In addition to entering into cooperative agreements or delegation of authority authorized under this
Act, the Secretary may contract with such non-Federal Government inspectors, auditors, and other
persons as he deems necessary to aid in carrying out his functions under this Act and its implementation.
With respect to his auditing and enforcement functions under this Act, the Secretary shall coordinate
such functions so as to avoid to the maximum extent practicable, subjecting lessees, operators, or other
persons to audits or investigations of the same subject matter by more than one auditing or investigating
entity at the same time.
SEC. 302. (a) The Secretary shall submit to the Congress an annual report on the implementation of this
Act. The information to be included in the report and the format of the report shall be developed by the
Secretary after consulting with the Committees on Interior and Insular Affairs of the House of
Representatives and on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate. The Secretary shall also report on
the progress of the Department in reconciling account balances.
(b) Commencing with fiscal year 1984, the Inspector General of the Department of the Interior shall
conduct a biennial audit of the Federal royalty management system. The Inspector General shall submit
the results of such audit to the Secretary and to the Congress.
Sec. 303. (a) The Secretary shall study the question of the adequacy of royalty management for coal,
uranium and other energy and nonenergy minerals on Federal and Indian lands. The study shall include
proposed legislation if the Secretary determines that such legislation is necessary to ensure prompt and
proper collection of revenues owed to the United States, the States and Indian tribes or Indian allottees
from the sale, lease or other disposal of such minerals.
(b) The study required by subsection (a) of this section shall be submitted to Congress not later than one
year from the date of the enactment of this Act.
SEC. 304. (a) The penalties and authorities provided in this Act are supplemental to, and not in
derogation of, any penalties or authorities contained in any other provision of law.
(b) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to reduce the responsibilities of the Secretary to ensure prompt
and proper collection of revenues from coal, uranium and other energy and nonenergy minerals on
Federal and Indian lands, or to restrain the Secretary from entering into cooperative agreements or other
appropriate arrangements with States and Indian tribes to share royalty management responsibilities and
activities for such minerals under existing authorities.
(c) Except as expressly provided in subsection 302(b), nothing in this Act shall be construed to enlarge,
diminish, or otherwise affect the authority or responsibility of the Inspector General of the Department of
the Interior or of the Comptroller General of the United States:
(d) No provision of this Act impairs or affects lands and interests in land entrusted to the Tennessee
Valley Authority. (30 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


SEC. 305. The provisions of this Act shall apply to oil and gas leases issued before, on, or after the date
of the enactment of this Act, except that in the case of a lease issued before such date, no provision of
this Act or any rule or regulation prescribed tinder this Act shall alter the express and specific provisions
of such a lease.
Sec. 306. Effective October 1, 1983, there are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be
necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act, including such sums as may be necessary for the
cooperative agreements, contracts, and delegations authorized by this Act: Provided, That nothing in this
Act shall be construed to affect or impair any authority to enter into contracts or make payments under
any other provision of law.
Sec. 307. Except in the case of fraud, any action to recover penalties under this Act shall be barred unless
the action is commenced within 6 years after the date of the act or omission which is the basis for the
SEC. 308. Any lessee is liable for royalty payments on oil or gas lost or wasted from a lease site when
such loss or waste is due to negligence on the part of the operator of the lease, or due to the failure to
comply with any rule or regulation, order or citation issued under this Act or any mineral leasing law.
SEC. 309. If any provision of this Act or the applicability thereof to any person or circumstances is held
invalid, the remainder of this Act and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances
shall not be affected thereby.
SEC. 401. Section 31 of the Mineral Lands Leasing Act of 1920 (30 U.S.C. 188) is amended by
redesignating subsection (d) as subsection (j) and by inserting after subsection (c) the following new
(l) Where any oil and gas lease issued pursuant to section 17(b) or section 17(c) of this Act or the
Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands (30 U.S.C. 351 et seq.) has been, or is hereafter,
terminated automatically by operation of law under this section for failure to pay on or before the
anniversary date the full amount of the rental due, and such rental is not paid or tendered within
twenty days thereafter, and it is shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Interior that such
failure was justifiable or not due to lack of reasonable diligence on the part of the lessee, or, no
matter when the rental is paid after termination, it is shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary that (31 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


such failure was inadvertent, the Secretary may reinstate the lease as of the date of termination for
the unexpired portion of the primary term of the original lease or any extension thereof remaining
at the date of termination, and so long thereafter as oil or gas is produced in paying quantities. In
any case where a lease is reinstated under this subsection and the Secretary finds that the
reinstatement of such lease
(A) occurs after the expiration of the primary term or any extension thereof, or
(B) will not afford the lessee a reasonable opportunity to continue operations under the
lease, the Secretary may, at his discretion, extend the term of such lease for such period as
he deems reasonable, but in no event for more than two years from the date the Secretary
authorizes the reinstatement and so long thereafter as oil or gas is produced in paying
"(2) No lease shall be reinstated under paragraph (1) of this subsection unless-
"(A) with respect to any lease that terminated under subsection (b) of this section prior to
enactment of the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982:
(i) the lessee tendered rental prior to enactment of such Act and the final
determination that the lease terminated was made by the Secretary or a court less than
three years before enactment of such Act, and
(ii) a petition for reinstatement together with the required back rental and royalty
accruing from the date of termination, is filed with the Secretary on or before the one
hundred and twentieth day after enactment of such Act, or
"(B) with respect to any lease that terminated under subsection (b) of this section on or after
enactment of the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982, a petition for
reinstatement together with the required back rental and royalty accruing from the date of
termination is filed on or before the earlier of-
"(i) sixty days after the lessee receives from the Secretary notice of termination,
whether by return of check or by any other form of actual notice, or
"(ii) fifteen months after termination of the lease.
"(e) Any reinstatement under subsection (d) of this section shall be made on if these conditions are met:
"(1) no valid lease, whether still in existence or not, shall have been issued affecting any of the
lands covered by the terminated lease prior to the filing of such petition: Provided, however, That
after receipt of a petition for reinstatement, the Secretary shall not issue any new lease affecting
any of the lands covered by such terminated lease for a reasonable period, as determined in
accordance with regulations issued by him;
"(2) payment of back rentals and either the inclusion in a reinstated lease issued pursuant to the
provisions of section 17(b) of this Act of a requirement for future rentals at a rate of not less than
$10 per acre per year, or the inclusion in a reinstated lease issued pursuant to the provisions of
section 17(c) of this Act of a requirement that future rentals shall be at a rate not less than $5 per
acre per year, all as determined by the Secretary; (32 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


(A) payment of back royalties and the inclusion in a reinstated lease issued pursuant to the
provisions of section 17(b) of this Act of a requirement for future royalties at a rate of not
less than 16% percent computed on a sliding scale based upon the average production per
well per day, at a rate which shall be not less than 4 percentage points greater than the
competitive royalty schedule then in force and used for royalty determination for
competitive leases issued pursuant to such section as determined by the Secretary: Provided,
That royalty on such reinstated lease shall be paid on all production removed or sold from
such lease subsequent to the termination of the original lease;
"(B) payment of back royalties and inclusion in a reinstate,, lease issued pursuant to the
provisions of section 17(c) of this Act of a requirement for future royalties at a rate not less
than 16% percent: Provided, That royalty on such reinstated lease shall be paid on all
production removed or sold from such lease subsequent to the cancellation or termination of
the original lease; and
"(4) notice of the proposed reinstatement of a terminated lease, including the terms and conditions
of reinstatement, shall be published in the Federal Register at least thirty days in advance of the
A copy of said notice, together with information concerning rental, royalty, volume of production, if any,
and any other matter which the Secretary deemed significant in making this determination to reinstate,
shall be furnished to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs of the House of Representatives and
the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate at least thirty days in advance of the
reinstatement. The lessee of a reinstated lease shall reimburse the Secretary for the administrative costs
of reinstating the lease, but not to exceed $500. In addition the lessee shall reimburse the Secretary for
the cost of publication in the Federal Register of the notice of proposed reinstatement.
"(f) Where an unpatented oil placer mining claim validly located prior to February 24, 1920, which has
been or is currently producing or is capable of producing oil or gas, has been or is hereafter deemed
conclusively abandoned for failure to file timely the required instruments or copies of instruments
required by section 314 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1744), and
it is shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary that such failure was inadvertent, justifiable, or not due to
lack of reasonable diligence on the part of the owner, the Secretary may issue, for the lands covered by
the abandoned unpatented oil placer mining claim, a noncompetitive oil and gas lease, consistent with the
provisions of section 17(e) of this Act, to be effective from the statutory date the claim was deemed
conclusively abandoned. Issuance of such a lease shall be conditioned upon:
"(1) a petition for issuance of a noncompetitive oil and gas lease, together with the required rental
and royalty, including back rental and royalty accruing from the statutory date of abandonment of
the oil placer mining claim , being filed with the Secretary-
"(A) with respect to any claim deemed conclusively abandoned on or before the date of
enactment of the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982, on or before the
one hundred and twentieth day after such date of enactment, or
(B) with respect to any claim deemed conclusively abandoned after such date of enactment,
on or before the one hundred and twentieth day after final notification by the Secretary or a (33 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]

court of competent jurisdiction of the determination of the abandonment of the oil placer
mining claim;
"(2) a valid lease not having been issued affecting any of the lands covered by the abandoned oil
placer mining claim prior to the filing of such petition: Provided, however, That after the filing of
a petition for issuance of a lease under this subsection, the Secretary shall not issue any new lease
affecting any of the lands covered by such abandoned oil placer mining claim for a reasonable
period, as determined in accordance with regulations issued by him;
"(3) a requirement in the lease for payment of rental, including back rentals accruing from the
statutory date of abandonment of the oil placer mining claim, of not less than $5 per acre per year;
"(4) a requirement in the lease for payment of royalty on production removed or sold from the oil
placer mining claim, including all royalty on production made subsequent to the statutory date the
claim was deemed conclusively abandoned, of not less than 12½ percent; and
"(5) compliance with the notice and reimbursement of costs provisions of paragraph (4) of
subsection (e) but addressed to the petition covering the conversion of an abandoned unpatented
oil placer mining claim to a noncompetitive oil and gas lease.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a reinstated lease shall be treated as a competitive
or a noncompetitive oil and gas lease in the same manner as the original lease issued pursuant to
section 17(b) or 17(c) of this Act.
"(2) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the issuance of a lease in lieu of an abandoned
patented oil placer mining claim shall be treated as a noncompetitive oil and gas lease issued
pursuant to section 17(c) of this Act.
"(h) The minimum royalty provisions of section 17(j) and the provisions of section 39 of this Act shall be
applicable to leases issued pursuant to subsections (d) and (f) of this section.
(l) In acting on a petition to issue a noncompetitive, oil and gas lease, under subsection (f) of this
section or in response to a request filed after issuance of such a lease, or both, the Secretary is
authorized to reduce the royalty on such lease if in his judgment it is equitable to do so or the
circumstances warrant such relief due to uneconomic or other circumstances which could cause
undue hardship or premature termination of production.
"(2) In acting on a petition for reinstatement pursuant to subsection (d) of this section or in
response to a request filed after reinstatement, or both, the Secretary is authorized to reduce the
royalty in that reinstated lease on the entire leasehold or any tract or portion thereof segregated for
royalty purposes if, in his judgment, there are uneconomic or other circumstances which could
cause undue hardship or premature termination of production; or because of any written action of
the United States, its agents or employees, which preceded, and was a major consideration in, the
lessee's expenditure of funds to develop the property under the lease after the rent had become due
and had not been paid; or if in the judgment of the Secretary it is equitable to do so for any
reason.". (34 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]


Approved January 12, 1983. (35 of 35) [2/10/2003 1:08:33 PM]

Public Law 97-451 (As of 3/7/97)
97th Congress
PUBLIC LAW 97-451 - JAN. 12,1983 96 STAT. 2447
An Act
To ensure that all oil and gas originated on the public lands and on the Outer Continental Shelf are
properly accounted for under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress
SECTION 1. This Act may be cited as the "Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982".
Sec. 2.(a) Congress finds that-
(1) the Secretary of the Interior should enforce effectively and uniformly existing regulations
under the mineral leasing laws providing for the inspection of production activities on lease sites
on Federal and Indian lands;
(2) the system of accounting with respect to royalties and other payments due and owing on oil and
gas produced from such lease sites is archaic and inadequate;
(3) it is essential that the Secretary initiate procedures to improve methods of accounting for such
royalties and payments and to provide for routine inspection of activities related to the production
of oil and gas on such lease sites; and
(4) the Secretary should aggressively carry out his trust responsibility in the administration of
Indian oil and gas.
(b) It is the purpose of this Act-
(1) to clarify, reaffirm, expand, and define the responsibilities and obligations of lessees, operators,
and other persons involved in transportation or sale of oil and gas from the Federal and Indian
lands and the Outer Continental Shelf,
(2) to clarify, reaffirm, expand and define the authorities and responsibilities of the Secretary of
the Interior to implement and maintain a royalty management system for oil and gas leases on
Federal lands, Indian lands, and the Outer Continental Shelf;
(3) to require the development of enforcement practices that ensure the prompt and proper
collection and disbursement of oil and gas revenues owed to the United States and Indian lessors
and those inuring to the benefit of States;
(4) to fulfill the trust responsibility of the United States for the administration of Indian oil and gas
resources; and
(5) to effectively utilize the capabilities of the States and Indian tribes in developing and (1 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

maintaining an efficient and effective Federal royalty management system.
Sec. 3. For the purposes of this Act, the term-
(1) "Federal land" means all land and interests in land owned by the United States which are
subject to the mineral leasing laws, including mineral resources or mineral estates reserved to the
United States in the conveyance of a surface or nonmineral estate;
(2) "Indian allottee" means any Indian for whom land or an interest in land is held in trust by the
United States or who holds title subject to Federal restriction against alienation;
(3) "Indian lands" means any lands or interest in lands of an Indian tribe or an Indian allottee held
in trust by the United States or which is subject to Federal restriction against alienation, including
mineral resources and mineral estates reserved to an Indian tribe or an Indian allottee in the
conveyance of a surface or nonmineral estate, except that such term does not include any lands
subject to the provisions of section 3 of the Act of June 28, 1906 (34 Stat. 539);
(4) "Indian tribe" means any Indian tribe, band, nation, pueblo, community, rancheria, colony, or
other group of Indians, including the Metlakatla Indian Community of Annette Island Reserve, for
which any land or interest in land is held by the United States in trust or which is subject to
Federal restriction against alienation;
(5) "lease" means any contract, profit-share arrangement, joint venture, or other agreement issued
or approved by the United States under a mineral leasing law that authorizes exploration for,
extraction of, or removal of oil or gas;
(6) "lease site" means any lands or submerged lands, including the surface of a severed mineral
estate, on which exploration for, or extraction or removal of, oil or gas is authorized pursuant to a
(7) "lessee" means any person to whom the United States issues an oil and gas lease or any
person to whom operating rights in a lease have been assigned;
(8) "mineral leasing law" means any Federal law administered by the Secretary authorizing the
disposition under lease of oil or gas;
(9) "oil or gas" means any oil or gas originating from, or allocated to, the Outer Continental Shelf,
Federal, or Indian lands;
(10) "Outer Continental Shelf' has the same meaning as provided in the Outer Continental Shelf
Lands Act (Public Law 95-372);
(11) "operator" means any person, including a lessee, who has control of, or who manages
operations on, an oil and gas lease site on Federal or Indian lands or on the Outer Continental
(12) "Person" means any individual firm, corporation, association, partnership, consortium, or joint
venture; (2 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

(13) "production" means those activities which take place for the removal of oil or gas, including
such removal, field operations, transfer of oil or gas off the lease site, operation monitoring,
maintenance, and workover drilling;
(14) "royalty" means any payment based on the value or volume of production which is due to the
United States or an Indian tribe or an Indian allottee on production of oil or gas from the Outer
Continental Shelf, Federal, or Indian lands, or any minimum royalty owed to the United States or
an Indian tribe or an Indian allottee under any provision of a lease;
(15) "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Interior or his designee;
(16) "State" means the several States of the Union, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the
territories and possessions of the United States, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands;
(17) "adjustment" means an amendment to a previously filed report on an obligation, and
any additional payment or credit, if any, applicable thereto, to rectify an underpayment or
overpayment on an obligation;
(18) "administrative proceeding" means any Department of the Interior agency process in
which a demand, decision or order issued by the Secretary or a delegated State is subject to
appeal or has been appealed;
(19) "assessment" means any fee or charge levied by the Secretary or a delegated State other
(A) the principal amount of any royalty, minimum royalty, rental bonus, net profit
sharing or proceed of sale;
(B) any interest; or
(C) any civil or criminal penalty;
(20) "commence" means -
(A) with to a judicial proceeding, the service of a compliant, petition, cross claim, or
other pleading seeking affirmative relief or seeking credit or recoupment: Provided,
That if the Secretary commences a judicial proceeding against a designee, the
Secretary shall give notice of that commencement to the lessee who designated the
designee, but the Secretary is not required to give notice to the other lessees who may
be liable pursuant to section 102(a) of this Act, for the obligation that is the subject of
the judicial proceeding; or
(B) with respect to a demand, the receipt by the Secretary or a delegated State or a
lessee or its designee (with written notice to the lessee who designated the designee) of
the demand;
(21) "credit" means the application of an overpayment (in whole or in part) against an
obligation which has become due to discharge, cancel or reduce the obligation;
(22) "delegated State" means a State which, pursuant to an agreement or agreements under
section 205 of this Act, performs authorities, duties, responsibilities, or activities of the (3 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

(23) "demand" means-
(A) an order to pay issued by the Secretary or the applicable State to a lessee or its
designee (with written notice to the lessee who designated the designee) that has a
reasonable basis to conclude that the obligation in the amount of the demand is due
and owing; or
(B) a separate written request by the lessee or its designee which asserts an obligation
due the lessee or its designee that provides a reasonable basis to conclude that the
obligation in the amount of the demand is due and owing, but does not mean any
royalty or production report , or any information contained therein, required by the
Secretary or a delegated State;
(24) "designee" means a person designated by a lessee pursuant to section 102(a) of this Act,
with such written designation effective on the date such designation is received by the
Secretary and remaining in effect until the Secretary receives notice in writing that the
designation is modified or terminated;
(25) "obligation" means-
(A) any duty of the Secretary or, if applicable, a delegated State-
(i) to take oil and gas royalty in kind; or
(ii) to pay, refund, offset, or credit monies including (but not limited to)-
(I) the principal amount of any royalty, minimum royalty, rental, bonus,
net profit share or proceed of sale; or
(II) any interest; and
(B) any duty of a lessee or its designee (subject to the provisions of section 102(a) of this
(i) to deliver oil and gas in kind; or
(ii) to pay, offset or credit monies including (but not limited to)-
(I) the principal amount of any royalty, minimum royalty, rental, bonus,
net profit share or proceed of sale;
(II) any interest;
(III) any penalty; or
(IV) any assessment,
which arises from or relates to any lease administered by the Secretary for,
or any mineral leasing law related to, the exploration, production and
development of oil and gas on Federal lands or the Continental Shelf; (4 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

(26) "order to pay" means a written order issued by the Secretary or the applicable
delegated State to a lessee or its designee (with notice to the lessee who designated the
designee) which-
(A) asserts a specific, definite, and quantified obligation claimed to be due, and
(B) specifically identifies the obligation by lease, production month and monetary
amount of such obligation claimed to be due and ordered to be paid, as well as the
reason or reasons such obligation is claimed to be due, but such term does not include
any other communication or action by or on the behalf of the Secretary or delegated
(27) "overpayment" means any payment by the lessee or its designee in excess of an amount
legally required to be paid on an obligation and includes the portion of any estimated
payment for a production month that is in excess of the royalties due for the that month;
(28) "payment" means satisfaction, in whole or in part, of an obligation;
(29) "penalty" means a statutory authorized fine levied or imposed for a violation of this Act,
any mineral leasing law, or a term or provision of a lease administered by the Secretary;
(30) "refund" means the return of an overpayment;
(31 "State concerned" means, with respect to a lease, a State which receives a portion of
royalties or other payments under the mineral leasing laws from such lease;
(32) "underpayment" means any payment or nonpayment by a lessee or its designee that is
less than the amount legally required to be paid on an obligation; and
(33) "United States" means the United States Government or any department, agency, or
instrumentality thereof, the several States, the District of Columbia, and the territories of the
United States.
Sec. 101. (a) The Secretary shall establish a comprehensive inspection, collection and fiscal and
production accounting and auditing system to provide the capability to accurately determine oil and gas
royalties, interest, fines, penalties, fees, deposits, and other payments owed, and to collect and account
for such amounts in a timely manner.
(b) The Secretary shall-
(1) establish procedures to ensure that authorized and properly identified representatives of the
Secretary will inspect at least once annually each lease site producing or expected to produce
significant quantities of oil or gas in any year or which has a history of noncompliance with
applicable provisions of law or regulations; and
(2) establish and maintain adequate programs providing for the training of all such authorized
representatives in methods and techniques of inspection and accounting that will be used in the (5 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

implementation of this Act.
(1) The Secretary shall audit and reconcile, to the extent practicable, all current and past lease
accounts for leases of oil or gas and take appropriate actions to make additional collections or
refunds as warranted. The Secretary shall conduct audits and reconciliations of lease accounts in
conformity with the business practices and recordkeeping systems which were required of the
lessee by the Secretary for the period covered by the audit. The Secretary shall give priority to
auditing those lease accounts identified by a State or Indian tribe as having significant potential for
underpayment. The Secretary may also audit accounts and records of selected lessees and
(2) The Secretary may enter into contracts or other appropriate arrangements with independent
certified public accountants to undertake audits of accounts and records of any lessee or operator
relating to the lease of oil or gas. Selection of such independent certified public accountants shall
be by competitive bidding in accordance with the Federal Property and Administrative Services
Act of 1949 (41 U.S.C. 252), except that the Secretary may not enter into a contract or other
arrangement with any independent certified public accountant to audit any lessee or operator
where such lessee or operator is a primary audit client of such certified public accountant.
(3) All books, accounts, financial records, reports, files, and other papers of the Secretary, or used
by the Secretary, which are reasonably necessary to facilitate the audits required under this section
shall be made available to any person or governmental entity conducting audits under this Act.
Sec. 102. (a) In order to increase receipts and achieve effective collections of royalty and other
payments, a lessee who is required to make any royalty or other payment under a lease or under
the mineral leasing laws, shall make such payments in the time and manner as may be specified by
the Secretary or the applicable delegated State. A lessee may designate a person to make all or part
of the payments due under a lease on the lessee's behalf and shall notify the Secretary or the
applicable delegated State in writing of such designation, in which event said designated person
may, in its own name, pay, offset or credit monies, make adjustments, request and receive refunds
and submit reports with respect to payments required by the lessee. Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Act to the contrary, a designee shall not be liable for any payment obligation
under the lease. The person owning operating rights in a lease shall be primarily liable for its pro
rata share of payment obligations under the lease. If the person owning the legal record title in a
lease is other than the operating rights owner, the person owning the legal record title shall be
secondarily liable for its pro rata share of such payment obligations under the lease.
(b) An operator shall-
(1) develop and comply with a site security plan designed to protect the oil or gas produced or
stored on an onshore lease site from theft, which plan shall conform with such minimum standards
as the Secretary may prescribe by rule, taking into account the variety of circumstances at lease
(2) develop and comply with such minimum site security measures as the Secretary deems (6 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

appropriate to protect oil or gas produced or stored on a lease site or on the Outer Continental
Shelf from theft; and
(3) not later than the 5th business day after any well begins production anywhere on a lease site or
allocated to a lease site, or resumes production in the case of a well which has been off of
production for more than 90 days, notify the Secretary, in the manner prescribed by the Secretary,
of the date on which such production has begun or resumed.
(1) Any person engaged in transporting by motor vehicle any oil from any lease site, or allocated
to any such lease site, shall carry, on his person, in his vehicle, or in his immediate control,
documentation showing, at a minimum, the amount, origin, and intended first destination of the
(2) engaged in transporting any oil or gas by pipeline from any lease site, or allocated to any lease
site, on Federal or Indian lands shall maintain documentation showing, at a minimum, amount,
origin, and intended first destination of such oil or gas.
Sec. 103. (a) A lessee, operator, or other person directly involved in developing, producing, transporting,
purchasing, or selling oil or gas subject to this Act through the point of first sale or the point of royalty
computation, whichever is later, shall establish and maintain any records, make any reports, and provide
any information that the Secretary may, by rule, reasonably require for the purposes of implementing this
Act or determining compliance with rules or orders under this Act. Upon the request of any officer or
employee duly designated by the Secretary or any State or Indian tribe conducting an audit or
investigation pursuant to this Act, the appropriate records, reports, or information which may be required
by this section shall be made available for inspection and duplication by such officer or employee, State,
or Indian tribe.
(b) Records required by the Secretary with respect to oil and gas leases from Federal or Indian lands or
the Outer Continental Shelf shall be maintained for 6 years after the records are generated unless the
Secretary notifies the record holder that he has initiated an audit or investigation involving such records
and that such records must be maintained for a longer period. In any case when an audit or investigation
is underway, records shall be maintained until the Secretary releases the record holder of the obligation
to maintain such records.
Sec. 104. (a) Section 35 of the Mineral Lands Losing Act of 1920 (approved February 25, 1920; 41 Stat.
437; 30 U.S.C. 191) is amended by deleting "as soon as practicable after March 31 and September 30 of
each year" and by adding at the end thereof "Payments to States under this section with respect to any
moneys received by the United States, shall be made not later than the last business day of the month in
which such moneys are warranted by the United States Treasury to the Secretary as having been
received, except for any portion of such moneys which is under challenge and placed in a suspense
account pending resolution of a dispute. Such warrants shall be issued by the United States Treasury not
later than 10 days after receipt of such moneys by the Treasury. Moneys placed in a suspense account
which are determined to be payable to a State shall be made not later than the last business day of the (7 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

month in which such dispute is resolved. Any such amount placed in a suspense account pending
resolution shall bear interest until the dispute is resolved.".
(b) Deposits of any royalty funds derived from the production of oil or gas from, or allocated to, Indian
lands shall be made by the Secretary to the appropriate Indian account at the earliest practicable date
after such funds are received by the Secretary but in no case later than the last business day of the month
in which such funds are received.
(c) The provisions of this section shall apply with respect to payments received by the Secretary after
October 1, 1983, unless the Secretary, by rule, prescribes an earlier effective date.
Sec. 105. (a) When any payment (including amounts due from receipt of any royalty, bonus, interest
charge, fine, or rental) is made by the United States to a State with respect to any oil or gas lease on
Federal lands or is deposited in the appropriate Indian account on behalf of an Indian tribe or Indian
allottee with respect to any oil and gas lease on Indian lands, there shall be provided, together with such
payment, a description of the type of payment being made, the period covered by such payment, the
source of such payment, production amounts, the royalty rate, unit value and such other information as
may be agreed upon by the Secretary and the recipient State, Indian tribe, or Indian allottee.
(b) This section shall take effect with respect to payments made after October 1, 1983, unless the
Secretary, by rule, prescribes an earlier effective date.
Sec. 106. A person (including any agent or employee of the United States and any independent
contractor) authorized to collect, receive, account for, or otherwise handle any moneys payable to, or
received by, the Department of the Interior which are derived from the sale, lease, or other disposal of
any oil or gas shall be -
(1) liable to the United States for any losses caused by any intentional or reckless action or
inaction of such individual with respect to such moneys; and
(2) in the case of an independent contractor, required as the Secretary deems necessary to maintain
a bond commensurate with the amount of money for which such individual could be liable to the
United States.
Sec. 107. (a) In carrying out his duties under this Act the Secretary may conduct any investigation or
other inquiry necessary and appropriate and may conduct, after notice, any hearing or audit, necessary
and appropriate to carrying out his duties under this Act. In connection with any such hearings, inquiry,
investigation, or audit, the Secretary is also authorized where reasonably necessary
(1) to require by special or general order, any person to submit in writing such affidavits and
answers to questions as the Secretary may reasonably prescribe, which submission shall be made
within such reasonable period and under oath or otherwise, as may be necessary;
(2) to administer oaths; (8 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

(3) to require by subpena the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of all
books, papers, production and financial records, documents, matter, and materials, as the Secretary
may request;
(4) to order testimony to be taken by deposition before any person who is designated by the
Secretary and who has the power to administer oaths, and to compel testimony and the production
of evidence in the same manner as authorized under paragraph (3) of this subsection; and
(5) to pay witnesses the same fees and mileage as are paid in like circumstances in the courts of the
United States.
(b) In case of refusal to obey a subpena served upon any person under this section, the district court of
the United States for any district in which such person is found, resides, or transacts business, upon
application by the Attorney General at the request of the Secretary and after notice to such person, shall
have jurisdiction to issue an order requiring such person to appear and give testimony before the
Secretary or to appear and produce documents before the Secretary. Any failure to obey such order of the
court may be punished by such court as contempt thereof and subject to a penalty of up to $10,000 a day.
Sec. 108. (a)
(1) On any lease site on Federal or Indian lands, any authorized and properly identified
representative of the Secretary may stop and inspect any motor vehicle that he has probable cause
to believe is carrying oil from a lease site on Federal or Indian lands or allocated to such a lease
site, for the purpose of determining whether the driver of such vehicle has documentation related
to such oil as required by law.
(2) Any authorized and properly identified representative of the Secretary, accompanied by any
appropriate law enforcement officer, or an appropriate law enforcement officer alone, may stop
and inspect any motor vehicle which is not on a lease site if he has probable cause to believe the
vehicle is carrying oil from a lease site on Federal or Indian lands or allocated to such a lease site.
Such inspection shall be for the purpose of determining whether the driver of such vehicle has the
documentation required by law.
(b) Authorized and properly identified representatives of the Secretary may without advance notice, enter
upon, travel across and inspect lease sites on Federal or Indian lands and may obtain from the operator
immediate access to secured facilities on such lease sites, for the purpose of making any inspection or
investigation for determining whether there is compliance with the requirements of the mineral leasing
laws and this Act. The Secretary shall develop guidelines setting forth the coverage and the frequency of
such inspections.
(c) For the purpose of making any inspection or investigation under this Act, the Secretary shall have the
same right to enter upon or travel across any lease site as the lessee or operator has acquired by purchase,
condemnation, or otherwise.
Sec. 109. (a) Any person who- (9 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

(1) after due notice of violation or after such violation has been reported under subparagraph (A),
fails or refuses to comply with any requirements of this Act or any mineral leasing law, any rule or
regulation thereunder, or the terms of any lease or permit issued thereunder; or
(2) fails to permit inspection authorized in section 108 or fails to notify the Secretary of any
assignment under section 102(a)(2) shall be liable for a penalty of up to $500 per violation for each
day such violation continues, dating from the date of such notice or report. A penalty under this
subsection may not be applied to any person who is otherwise liable for a violation of paragraph
(1) if:
(A) the violation was discovered and reported to the Secretary or his authorized
representative by the liable person and corrected within 20 days after such report or such
longer time as the Secretary may agree to; or
(B) after the due notice of violation required in paragraph (1) has been given to such person
by the Secretary or his authorized representative, such person has corrected the violation
within 20 days of such notification or such longer time as the Secretary may agree to.
(b) If corrective action is not taken within 40 days or a longer period as the Secretary may agree to, after
due notice or the report referred to in subsection (a)(l), such person shall be liable for a civil penalty of
not more than $5,000 per violation for each day such violation continues, dating from the date of such
notice or report.
(c) Any person who-
(1) knowingly or willfully fails to make any royalty payment by the date as specified by statute,
regulation, order or terms of the lease;
(2) fails or refuses to permit lawful entry, inspection, or audit; or
(3) knowingly or willfully fails or refuses to comply with subsection 102(b)(3), shall be liable for a
penalty of up to $10,000 per violation for each day such violation continues.
(d) Any person who-
(1) knowingly or willfully prepares, maintains, or submits false, inaccurate, or misleading reports,
notices, affidavits, records, data, or other written information;
(2) knowingly or willfully takes or removes, transports, uses or diverts any oil or gas from any
lease site without having valid legal authority to do so; or
(3) purchases, accepts, sells, transports, or conveys to another, any oil or gas knowing or having
reason to know that such oil or gas was stolen or unlawfully removed or diverted, shall be liable
for a penalty of up to $25,000 per violation for each day such violation continues.
(e) No penalty under this section shall be assessed until the person charged with a violation has been
given the opportunity for a hearing on the record.
(f) The amount of any penalty under this section, as finally determined may be deducted from any sums
owing by the United States to the person charged. (10 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

(g) On a case-by-case basis the Secretary may compromise or reduce civil penalties under this section.
(h) Notice under this subsection (a) shall be by personal service by an authorized representative of the
Secretary or by registered mail. Any person may, in the manner prescribed by the Secretary, designate a
representative to receive any notice under this subsection.
(i) In determining tho amount of such penalty, or whether it should be remitted or reduced, and in what
amount, the Secretary shall state on the record the reasons for his determinations.
(j) Any person who has requested a hearing in accordance with subsection (e) within the time the
Secretary has prescribed for such a hearing and who is aggrieved by a final order of the Secretary under
this section may seek review of such order in the United States district court for the judicial district in
which the violation allegedly took place. Review by the district court shall be only on the administrative
record and not de novo. Such an action shall be barred unless filed within 90 days after the Secretary's
final order.
(k) If any person fails to pay an assessment of a civil penalty under this Act-
(1) after the order making the assessment has become a final order and if such person does not file
a petition for judicial review of the order in accordance with subsection (j), or
(2) after a court in an action brought under subsection (j) has entered a final judgment in favor of
the Secretary, the court shall have jurisdiction to award the amount assessed plus interest from the
date of the expiration of the 90-day period referred to in subsection (j). Judgment by the court shall
include an order to pay.
(l) No person shall be liable for a civil penalty under subsection (a) or (b) for failure to pay any rental for
any lease automatically terminated pursuant to section 31 of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920.
Sec. 110. Any person who commits an act for which a civil penalty is provided in section 109(d) shall,
upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $50,000, or by imprisonment for not more than 2
years, or both.
Sec. 111. (a) In the case of oil and gas leases where royalty payments are not received by the Secretary
on the date that . such payments are due, or are less than the amount due, the Secretary shall charge
interest on such late payments or underpayments at the rate applicable under section 6621 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1954. In the case of an underpayment or partial payment, interest shall be computed
and charged only on the amount of the deficiency and not on the total amount due.
(b) Any payment made by the Secretary to a State under section 35 of the Mineral Lands Leasing Act of
1920 (30 U.S.C. 191) and any other payment made by the Secretary to a State from any oil or gas royalty
received by the Secretary which is not paid on the date required under section 35 shall include an interest
charge computed at the rate applicable under section 6621 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
(c) All interest charges collected under this Act or under other applicable laws because of nonpayment,
late payment or underpayment of royalties due and owing an Indian tribe or an Indian allottee shall be (11 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

deposited to the same account as the royalty with respect to which such interest is paid.
(d) Any deposit of royalty funds made by the Secretary to an Indian account which is not made by the
date required under subsection 104(b) shall include an interest charge computed at the rate applicable
under section 6621 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no State will be assessed for any interest or penalties
found to be due against the Secretary for failure to comply with the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act
of 1973 or regulation of the Secretary of Energy thereunder concerning crude oil certification or pricing
with respect to crude oil taken by the Secretary in kind as royalty. Any State share of an overcharge,
resulting from such failure to comply, shall be assessed against moneys found to be due and owing to
such State as a result of audits of royalty accounts for transactions which took place prior to the date of
the enactment of this Act except that if after the completion of such audits, sufficient moneys have not
been found due and owing to any State, the State shall be assessed the balance of that State's share of the
(f) Interest shall be charged under this section only for the number of days a payment is late.
(g) The first sentence of section 35 of the Act of February 25, 1920 is amended by inserting "including
interest charges collected under the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982" between
"royalties" and "and".
(h) Interest shall be allowed and paid or credited on any overpayment, with such interest to accrue
from the date such overpayment was made, at the rate obtained by applying the provisions of
subparagraphs (A) and (B) of section 6621(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, but
determined without regard to the sentence following subparagraph (B) of section 6621(a)(1).
Interest which has accrued on any overpayment may be applied to reduce an underpayment. This
subsection applies to overpayments made later than six months after the date of enactment of this
subsection or September 1, 1996, whichever is later. Such interest shall be paid from amounts
received as current receipts from sales, bonuses, royalties (including interest charges collected
under this section) and rentals of the public lands and the Outer Continental Shelf under the
provisions of the Mineral Leasing Act, and the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, which are not
payable to a State or the Reclamation Fund. The portion of any such interest payment attributable
to any amounts previously disbursed to a State, the Reclamation Fund, or any other recipient
designated by law shall be deducted from the next disbursements to that recipient made under the
applicable law. Such amounts deducted from subsequent disbursements shall be credited to
miscellaneous receipts in the Treasury.
(i) Upon a determination by the Secretary that an excessive overpayment (based upon all
obligations of a lessee or its designee for a given reporting month) was made for the sole purpose of
receiving interest, interest shall not be paid on the excessive amount of such overpayment. For
purposes of this Act, an `excessive overpayment' shall be the amount that any overpayment a lessee
or its designee pays for a given reporting month (excluding payments for demands for obligations
determined to be due as a result of judicial or administrative proceedings or agreed to be paid
pursuant to settlement agreements) for the aggregate of all of its Federal leases exceeds 10 percent
of the total royalties paid that month for those leases.
(j) A lessee or its designee may make a payment for the approximate amount of royalties (12 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

(hereinafter in this subsection `estimated payment') that would otherwise be due for such lease by
the date royalties are due for that lease. When an estimated payment is made, actual royalties are
payable at the end of the month following the month in which the estimated payment is made. If
the estimated payment was less than the amount of actual royalties due, interest is owed on the
underpaid amount. If the estimated payment exceeds the actual royalties due, interest is owed on
the overpayment. If the lessee or its designee makes a payment for such actual royalties, the lessee
or its designee may apply the estimated payment to future royalties. Any estimated payment may
be adjusted, recouped, or reinstated at any time by the lessee or its designee.
(1) Except as otherwise provided by this subsection-
(A) a lessee or its designee of a lease in a unit or communitization agreement which
contains only Federal leases with the same royalty rate and funds distribution shall
report and pay royalties on oil and gas production for each production month based on
the actual volume of production sold by or on behalf of that lessee;
(B) a lessee or its designee of a lease in any other unit or communitization agreement
shall report and pay royalties on oil and gas production for each production month
based on the volume of oil and gas produced from such agreement and allocated to the
lease in accordance with the terms of the agreement; and
(C) a lessee or its designee of a lease that is not contained in a unit or communitization
agreement shall report and pay royalties on oil and gas production for each production
month based on the actual volume of production sold by or on behalf of that lessee.
(2) This subsection applies only to requirements for reporting and paying royalties. Nothing
in this subsection is intended to alter a lessee's liability for royalties on oil or gas production
based on the share of production allocated to the lease in accordance with the terms of the
lease, a unit or communitization agreement, or any other agreement.
(3) For any unit or communitization agreement if all lessees contractually agree to an
alternative method of royalty reporting and payment, the lessees may submit such
alternative method to the Secretary or the delegated State for approval and make payments
in accordance with such approved alternative method so long as such alternative method
does not reduce the amount of the royalty obligation.
(4) The Secretary or the delegated State shall grant an exception from the reporting and
payment requirements for marginal properties by allowing for any calendar year or portion
thereof royalties to be paid each month based on the volume of production sold. Interest
shall not accrue on the difference for the entire calendar year or portion thereof between the
amount of oil and gas actually sold and the share of production allocated to the lease until
the beginning of the month following such calendar year or portion thereof. Any additional
royalties due or overpaid royalties and associated interest shall be paid, refunded, or credited
within six months after the end of each calendar year in which royalties are paid based on
volumes of production sold. For the purpose of this subsection, the term `marginal property'
means a lease that produces on average the combined equivalent of less than 15 barrels of oil
per well per day or 90 thousand cubic feet of gas per well per day, or a combination thereof, (13 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

determined by dividing the average daily production of crude oil and natural gas from
producing wells on such lease by the number of such wells, unless the Secretary, together
with the State concerned, determines that a different production is more appropriate.
(5) Not later than two years after the date of the enactment of this subsection, the Secretary
shall issue any appropriate demand for all outstanding royalty payment disputes regarding
who is required to report and pay royalties on production from units and communitization
agreements outstanding on the date of the enactment of this subsection, and collect royalty
amounts owed on such production.
(l) The Secretary shall issue all determinations of allocations of production for units and
communitization agreements within 120 days of a request for determination. If the Secretary fails
to issue a determination within such 120-day period, the Secretary shall waive interest due on
obligations subject to the determination until the end of the month following the month in which
the determination is made.
(1) If, during the adjustment period, a lessee or its designee determines that an adjustment or
refund request is necessary to correct an underpayment or overpayment of an obligation, the
lessee or its designee shall make such adjustment or request a refund within a reasonable
period of time and only during the adjustment period. The filing of a royalty report which
reflects the underpayment or overpayment of an obligation shall constitute prior written
notice to the Secretary or the applicable delegated State of an adjustment.
(A) For any adjustment, the lessee or its designee shall calculate and report the interest
due attributable to such adjustment at the same time the lessee or its designee adjusts
the principle amount of the subject obligation, except as provided by subparagraph
(B) In the case of a lessee or its designee who determines that subparagraph (A) would
impose a hardship, the Secretary or such delegated State shall calculate the interest
due and notify the lessee or its designee within a reasonable time of the amount of
interest due, unless such lessee or its designee elects to calculate and report interest in
accordance with subparagraph (A).
(3) An adjustment or a request for a refund for an obligation may be made after the
adjustment period only upon written notice to and approval by the Secretary or the
applicable delegated State, as appropriate, during an audit of the period which includes the
production month for which the adjustment is being made. If an overpayment is identified
during an audit, then the Secretary or the applicable delegated State, as appropriate, shall
allow a credit or refund in the amount of the overpayment.
(4) For purposes of this section, the adjustment period for any obligation shall be the six-year (14 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

period following the date on which an obligation became due. The adjustment period shall be
suspended, tolled, extended, enlarged, or terminated by the same actions as the limitation
period in section 115.
(1) IN GENERAL.-A request for refund is sufficient if it-
(A) is made in writing to the Secretary and, for purposes of section 115, is specifically
identified as a demand;
(B) identifies the person entitled to such refund;
(C) provides the Secretary information that reasonably enables the Secretary to
identify the overpayment for which such refund is sought; and
(D) provides the reasons why the payment was an overpayment.
(2) PAYMENT BY SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY.-The Secretary shall certify the
amount of the refund to be paid under paragraph (1) to the Secretary of the Treasury who
shall make such refund. Such refund shall be paid from amounts received as current receipts
from sales, bonuses, royalties (including interest charges collected under this section) and
rentals of the public lands and the Outer Continental Shelf under the provisions of the
Mineral Leasing Act and the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, which are not payable to a
State or the Reclamation Fund. The portion of any such refund attributable to any amounts
previously disbursed to a State, the Reclamation Fund, or any recipient prescribed by law
shall be deducted from the next disbursements to that recipient made under the applicable
law. Such amounts deducted from subsequent disbursements shall be credited to
miscellaneous receipts in the Treasury.
(3) PAYMENT PERIOD.-A refund under this subsection shall be paid or denied (with an
explanation of the reasons for the denial) within 120 days of the date on which the request
for refund is received by the Secretary. Such refund shall be subject to later audit by the
Secretary or the applicable delegated State and subject to the provisions of this Act.
shall the Secretary or any delegated State directly or indirectly claim or offset any amount or
amounts against, or reduce any refund or credit (or interest accrued thereon) by the amount
of any obligation the enforcement of which is barred by section 115 of this Act.
Sec. 112. (a) In addition to any other remedy under this Act or any mineral leasing law, the Attorney
General of the United States or his designee may bring a civil action in a district court of the United
States, which shall have jurisdiction over such actions-
(1) to restrain any violation of this Act; or
(2) to compel the taking of any action required by or under this Act or any mineral leasing law of
the United States. (15 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

(b) A civil action described in subsection (a) may be brought only in the United States district court for
the judicial district wherein the act, omission, or transaction constituting a violation under this Act or any
other mineral leasing law occurred, or wherein the defendant is found or transacts business.
Sec. 113. Where amounts representing royalty or other payments owed to the United States with respect
to any oil and gas lease on Federal lands or the Outer Continental Shelf are recovered pursuant to any
action taken by the Secretary under this Act as a result of information provided to the Secretary by any
person, the Secretary is authorized to pay to such person an amount equal to not more than 10 percent of
such recovered amounts. The preceding sentence shall not apply to information provided by an officer or
employee of the United States, an officer or employee of a State or Indian tribe acting pursuant to a
cooperative agreement or delegation under this Act, or any person acting pursuant to a contract
authorized by this Act.
Sec. 114. The Secretary is directed to conduct a thorough study of the effects of a change in the royalty
rate under section 17(c) of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 on:
(a) the exploration, development, or production of oil or gas; and
(b) the overall revenues generated by such change. Such study shall be completed and submitted to
Congress within six months after the date of enactment of this Act.
(a) IN GENERAL.-The respective duties, responsibilities, and activities with respect to a lease shall
be performed by the Secretary, delegated State, and lessees or their designees in a timely manner.
(1) IN GENERAL.-A judicial proceeding or demand which arises from, or relates to an
obligation, shall be commenced within seven years from the date on which the obligation
becomes due and if not so commenced shall be barred. If commencement of a judicial
proceeding or demand for an obligation is barred by this section, the Secretary, or a
delegated State, or a lessee or its designee
(A) shall not take any other action or further action regarding that obligation,
including (but not limited to) the issuance of any order, request, demand or other
communication seeking any document, accounting, determination, calculation,
recalculation, payment, principal, interest, assessment, or penalty or the initiation,
pursuit or completion of an audit with regard to that obligation; and
(B) shall not pursue any other equitable or legal remedy, whether under statute or
common law, with respect to an action on or an enforcement of said obligation.
(2) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.-A judicial proceeding that is timely commenced under
paragraph (1) against a designee shall be considered timely commenced as to any lessee who (16 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

is liable pursuant to section 102(a) of this Act for the obligation that is the subject of the
judicial proceeding or demand.
(3) APPLICATION OF CERTAIN LIMITATIONS.-The limitations set forth in sections
2401, 2415, 2416, and 2462 of title 28, United States Code, and section 42 of the Mineral
Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 226-2) shall not apply to any obligation to which this Act applies.
Section 3716 of title 31, United States Code, may be applied to an obligation the enforcement
which is not barred by this Act, but may not be applied to any obligation the enforcement of
which is barred by this Act.
(1) IN GENERAL.-For purposes of this Act, an obligation be comes due when the right to
enforce the obligation is fixed.
(2) ROYALTY OBLIGATION.-The right to enforce any royalty obligation for any given
production month for a lease is fixed for purposes of this Act on the last day of the calendar
month following the month in which oil or gas is produced.
(d) TOLLING OF LIMITATION PERIOD.-The running of the limitation period under
subsection(b) shall not be suspended, tolled, extended, or enlarged for any obligation for any
reason by any action, including the action by the Secretary or a designated State, other than the
(1) TOLLING AGREEMENT.-A written agreement executed by the Secretary or a
delegated State and a lessee or its designee (with notice to the lessee who designated the
designee) shall toll the limitation period for the amount of time during which the agreement
is in effect.
(A) The issuance of a subpoena to a lessee or its designee (with notice to the lessee who
designated the designee, which notice shall not constitute a subpoena to the lessee) in
accordance with the provisions of paragraph (B)(i) shall toll the limitation period with
respect to the obligation which is the subject of a subpoena only for the period
beginning on the date the lessee or its designee receives the subpoena and ending on the
date on which
(i) the lessee or its designee has produced such subpoenaed records for the
subject obligation,
(ii) the Secretary or a delegated State receives written notice that the subpoenaed
records for the subject obligation are not in existence or are not in the lessee's or
its designee's possession or control, or
(iii) a court has determined in a final decision that such records are not required
to be produced , whichever occurs first.
(B) (17 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

(i) A subpoena for the purposes of this section which requires a lessee or its
designee to produce records necessary to determine the proper reporting and
payment of an obligation due the Secretary may only be issued by an Assistant
Secretary of the Interior or an Acting Assistant Secretary of the Interior who is a
schedule C employee (as defined by section 213.3301 of title 5, Code of Federal
Regulations), or the Director or Acting Director of the respective bureau or
agency, and may not be delegated to any other person. If a State has been
delegated authority pursuant to section 205, the State, acting through the highest
State official having ultimate authority over the collection of royalties from
leases on Federal lands within the State, may issue such subpoena, but may not
delegate such authority to any other person.
(ii) A subpoena described in clause (i) may only be against a lessee or its designee
during the limitation period provided in this section and only after the Secretary
or a delegated State has in writing requested the records from the lessee or its
designee related to the obligation which is the subject of the subpoena and has
determined that-
(I) the lessee or its designee has failed to respond within a reasonable
period of time to the Secretary's or the applicable delegated State's written
request for such records necessary for an audit, investigation or other
inquiry made in accordance with the Secretary's or such delegated State's
responsibilities under this Act; or
(II) the lessee or its designee has in writing denied the Secretary's or the
applicable delegated State's written request to produce such records in the
lessee's or its designee's possession or control necessary for an audit,
investigation or other inquiry made in accordance with the Secretary's or
such delegated State's responsibilities under this Act; or
(III) the lessee or its designee has unreasonably delayed in producing
records necessary for an audit, or investigation or other inquiry made in
accordance with the Secretary's or the applicable delegated State's
responsibilities under this Act after the Secretary's or delegated State's
written request.
(C) In seeking records, the Secretary or the applicable delegated State shall afford the
lessee or its designee a reasonable period of time after a written request by the
Secretary or a delegated State in which to provide such records prior to issuance of a
(3) MISREPRESENTATION OR CONCEALMENT.- The intentional misrepresentation or
concealment of a material fact for the purpose of evading the payment of an obligation in
which case the limitation period shall be tolled for the period of such misrepresentation or
such concealment.
(A) (18 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

(i) The issuance of a notice under subparagraph (D) that the lessee or its designee
has not substantially complied with the requirement to perform a restructured
accounting shall toll the limitation period with respect to the obligation which is
the subject of the notice only for the period beginning on the date the lessee or its
designee receives the notice and ending 120 days after the date on which (I) the
Secretary or the applicable delegated State receives written notice that the
accounting or other requirement has been performed, or (II) a court has
determined in a final decision that the lessee is not required to perform the
accounting, whichever occurs first.
(ii) If the lessee or its designee initiates an administrative appeal or judicial
proceeding to contest an order to perform a restructured accounting issued
under subparagraph(B)(i), the limitation period in subsection (b) shall be tolled
from the date the lessee or its designee received the order until a final,
nonappealable decision is issued in any such proceeding.
(i) The Secretary or the applicable delegated State may issue an order to
perform a restructured accounting to a lessee or its designee when the Secretary
or such delegated State determines during an audit of a lessee or its designee that
the lessee or its designee should recalculate royalty due on an obligation based
upon the Secretary's or the delegated State's finding that the lessee or its
designee has made identified underpayments or overpayments which are
demonstrated by the Secretary or the delegated State to be based upon repeated,
systemic reporting errors for a significant number of leases or a single lease for a
significant number of reporting months with the same type of error which
constitutes a pattern of violations and which are likely to result in either
significant underpayments or overpayments.
(ii) The power of the Secretary to issue an order to perform a restructured
accounting may not be delegated below the most senior career professional
position having responsibility for the royalty management program, which
position is currently designated as the `Associate Director for Royalty
Management', and may not be delegated to any other person. If a State has been
delegated authority pursuant to section 205 of this Act, the State, acting through
the highest ranking State official having ultimate authority over the collection of
royalties from leases on Federal lands within the State, may issue such order to
perform, which may not be delegated to any other person. An order to perform a
restructured accounting shall-
(I) be issued within a reasonable period of time from when the audit
identifies the systemic, reporting errors;
(II) specify the reasons and factual bases for such order;
(III) be specifically identified as an `order to perform a restructured
accounting'; (19 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

(IV) provide the lessee or its designee a reasonable period of time (but not
less than 60 days) within which to perform the restructured accounting;
(V) provide the lessee or its designee 60 days within which to file an
administrative appeal of the order to perform a restructured accounting.
(C) An order to perform a restructured accounting shall not mean or be construed to
include any other action by or on behalf of the Secretary or a delegated State.
(D) If a lessee or its designee fails to substantially comply with the requirement to
perform a restructured accounting pursuant to this subsection, a notice shall be issued
to the lessee or its designee that the lessee or its designee has not substantially complied
with the requirements to perform a restructured accounting. A lessee or its designee
shall be given a reasonable time within which to perform the restructured accounting.
Such notice may be issued under this section only by an Assistant Secretary of the
Interior or an acting Assistant Secretary of the Interior who is a schedule C employee
(as defined by section 213.3301 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations) and may not be
delegated to any other person. If a State has been delegated authority pursuant to
section 205, the State, acting through the highest State official having ultimate
authority over the collection of royalties from leases on Federal lands within the State,
may issue such notice, which may not be delegated to any other person.
(e) TERMINATION OF LIMITATIONS PERIOD.-An action or an enforcement of an obligation
by the Secretary or delegated State or a lessee or its designee shall be barred under this section
prior to the running of the seven-year period provided in subsection (b) in the event-
(1) the Secretary or a delegated State has notified the lessee or its designee in writing that a
time period is closed to further audit; or
(2) the Secretary or a delegated State and a lessee or its designee have so agreed in writing.
For purposes of this subsection, notice to, or an agreement by, the designee shall be binding on any
lessee who is liable pursuant to section 102(a) for obligations that are the subject of the notice or
to section 103 of this Act by the Secretary or any delegated State for the purpose of determining
obligations due and compliance with any applicable mineral leasing law, lease provision, regulation
or order with respect to oil and gas leases from Federal lands or the Outer Continental Shelf shall
be maintained for the same period of time during which a judicial proceeding or demand may be
commenced under subsection (b). If a judicial proceeding or demand is timely commenced, the
record holder shall maintain such records until the final nonappealable decision in such judicial
proceeding is made, or with respect to that demand is rendered, unless the Secretary or the
applicable delegated State authorizes in writing an earlier release of the requirement to maintain
such records. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, under no circumstance shall a
record holder be required to maintain or produce any record relating to an obligation for any time
period which is barred by the applicable limitation in this section. In connection with any hearing, (20 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

administrative proceeding, inquiry, investigation, or audit by the Secretary or a delegated State
under this Act, the Secretary or the delegated State shall minimize the submission of multiple or
redundant information and make a good faith effort to locate records previously submitted by a
lessee or a designee to the Secretary or the delegated State, prior to requiring the lessee or the
designee to provide such records.
(g) TIMELY COLLECTIONS.-In order to most effectively utilize resources available to the
Secretary to maximize the collection of oil and gas receipts from lease obligations to the Treasury
within the seven-year period of limitations, and consequently to maximize the State share of such
receipts, the Secretary should not perform or require accounting, reporting, or audit activities if
the Secretary and the State concerned determine that the cost of conducting or requiring the
activity exceeds the expected amount to be collected by the activity, based on the most current 12
months of activity. This subsection shall not provide a defense to a demand or an order to perform
a restructured accounting. To the maximum extent possible, the Secretary and delegated States
shall reduce costs to the United States Treasury and the States by discontinuing requirements for
unnecessary or duplicative data and other information, such as separate allowances and payor
information, relating to obligations due. If the Secretary and the State concerned determine that
collection will result sooner, the Secretary or the applicable delegated State may waive or forego
interest in whole or in part.
(1) 33-MONTH PERIOD.-Demands or orders issued by the Secretary or a delegated State
are subject to administrative appeal in accordance with the regulations of the Secretary. No
State shall impose any conditions which would hinder a lessee's or its designee's immediate
appeal of an order to the Secretary or the Secretary's designee. The Secretary shall issue a
final decision in any administrative proceeding, including any administrative proceedings
pending on the date of enactment of this section, within 33 months from the date such
proceeding was commenced or 33 months from the date of such enactment, whichever is
later. The 33-month period may be extended by any period of time agreed upon in writing by
the Secretary and the appellant.
(2) Effect of failure to issue decision.-If no such decision has been issued by the Secretary
within the 33-month period referred to in paragraph (1)-
(A) the Secretary shall be deemed to have issued and granted a decision in favor of the
appellant as to any nonmonetary obligation and any monetary obligation the principal
amount of which is less than $10,000; and
(B) the Secretary shall be deemed to have issued a final decision in favor of the
Secretary, which decision shall be deemed to affirm those issues for which the agency
rendered a decision prior to the end of such period, as to any monetary obligation the
principal amount of which is $10,000 or more, and the appellant shall have a right to
judicial review of such deemed final decision in accordance with title 5 of the United
States Code.
(i) COLLECTIONS OF DISPUTED AMOUNTS DUE.-To expedite collections relating to disputed
obligations due within the seven-year period beginning on the date the obligation became due, the (21 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

parties shall hold not less than one settlement consultation and the Secretary and the State
concerned may take such action as is appropriate to compromise and settle a disputed obligation,
including waiving or reducing interest and allowing offsetting of obligations among leases.
(j) ENFORCEMENT OF A CLAIM FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW.-In the event a demand subject to
this section is properly and timely commenced, the obligation which is the subject of the demand
may be enforced beyond the seven-year limitations period without being barred by this statute of
limitations. In the event a demand subject to this section is properly and timely commenced, a
judicial proceeding challenging the final agency action with respect to such demand shall be
deemed timely so long as such judicial proceeding is commenced within 180 days from receipt of
notice by the lessee or its designee of the final agency action.
(k) IMPLEMENTATION OF FINAL DECISION.- In the event a judicial proceeding or demand
subject to this section is timely commenced and thereafter the limitation period in this section
lapses during the pendency of such proceeding, any party to such proceeding shall not be barred
from taking such action as is required or necessary to implement a final unappealable judicial or
administrative decision, including any action required or necessary to implement such decision by
the recovery or recoupment of an underpayment or overpayment by means of refund or credit.
(l) Stay of Payment Obligation Pending Review.-Any person ordered by the Secretary or a
delegated State to pay any obligation (other than an assessment) shall be entitled to a stay of such
payment without bond or other surety instrument pending an administrative or judicial
proceeding if the person periodically demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Secretary that such
person is financially solvent or otherwise able to pay the obligation. In the event the person is not
able to so demonstrate, the Secretary may require a bond or other surety instrument satisfactory
to cover the obligation. Any person ordered by the Secretary or a delegated State to pay an
assessment shall be entitled to a stay without bond or other surety instrument.
Beginning eighteen months after the date of enactment of this section, to encourage proper royalty
payment the Secretary or the delegated State shall impose assessments on a person who chronically
submits erroneous reports under this Act. Assessments under this Act may only be issued as
provided for in this section.
STATES.-The Secretary and the State concerned, acting in the best interests of the United States
and the State concerned to promote production, reduce administrative costs, and increase net
receipts to the United States and the States, shall jointly determine, on a case by case basis, the
amount of what marginal production from a lease or leases or well or wells, or parts thereof, shall
be subject to a prepayment under subsection (b) or regulatory relief under subsection (c). If the
State concerned does not consent, such prepayments or regulatory relief shall not be made
available under this section for such marginal production: Provided, That if royalty payments from
a lease or leases, or well or wells are not shared with any State, such determination shall be made
solely by the Secretary.
(b) PREPAYMENT OF ROYALTY.- (22 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

(1) IN GENERAL.-Notwithstanding the provisions of any lease to the contrary, for any lease
or leases or well or wells identified by the Secretary and the State concerned pursuant to
subsection (a), the Secretary is authorized to accept a prepayment for royalties in lieu of
monthly royalty payments under the lease for the remainder of the lease term if the affected
lessee so agrees. Any prepayment agreed to by the Secretary, State concerned and lessee
which is less than an average $500 per month in total royalties shall be effectuated under this
section not earlier than two years after the date of enactment of this section and, any
prepayment which is greater than an average $500 per month in total royalties shall be
effectuated under this section not earlier than three years after the date of enactment of this
section. The Secretary and the State concerned may condition their acceptance of the
prepayment authorized under this section on the lessee's agreeing to such terms and
conditions as the Secretary and the State concerned deem appropriate and consistent with
the purposes of this Act. Such terms may-
(A) provide for prepayment that does not result in a loss of revenue to the United
States in present value terms;
(B) include provisions for receiving additional prepayments or royalties for
developments in the lease or leases or well or wells that deviate significantly from the
assumptions and facts on which the valuation is determined; and
(C) require the lessee or its designee to provide such periodic production reports as
may be necessary to allow the Secretary and the State concerned to monitor
production for the purposes of subparagraph (B).
(2) STATE SHARE.-A prepayment under this section shall be shared by the Secretary with
any State or other recipient to the same extent as any royalty payment for such lease.
(3) SATISFACTION OF OBLIGATION.-Except as may be provided in the terms and
conditions established by the Secretary under subsection (b), a lessee or its designee who
makes a prepayment under this section shall have satisfied in full the lessee's obligation to
pay royalty on the production stream sold from the lease or leases or well or wells.
the date of the enactment of this section, the Secretary or the delegated State shall provide
accounting, reporting, and auditing relief that will encourage lessees to continue to produce and
develop properties subject to subsection (a): Provided, That such relief will only be available to
lessees in a State that concurs, which concurrence is not required if royalty payments from the
lease or leases or well or wells are not shared with any State. Prior to granting such relief, the
Secretary and, if appropriate, the State concerned shall agree that the type of marginal wells and
relief provided under this paragraph is in the best interest of the United States and, if appropriate,
the State concerned.
Sec. 201. This title shall apply only with respect to oil and gas leases on Federal lands or Indian lands.
Nothing in this title shall be construed to apply to any lease on the Outer Continental Shelf. (23 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

Sec. 202. (a) The Secretary is authorized to enter into a cooperative agreement or agreements with any
State or Indian tribe to share oil or gas royalty management information, to carry out inspection, auditing,
investigation or enforcement (not including the collection of royalties, civil or criminal penalties or other
payments) activities under this Act in cooperation with the Secretary, and to carry out any other activity
described in section 108 of this Act. The Secretary shall not enter into any such cooperative agreement
with a State with respect to any such activities on Indian lands, except with the permission of the Indian
tribe involved.
(b) Except as provided in section 203, and pursuant to a cooperative agreement-
(1) each State shall, upon request, have access to all royalty accounting information in the
possession of the Secretary respecting the production, removal, or sale of oil or gas from leases on
Federal lands within the State; and
(2) each Indian tribe shall, upon request, have access to all royalty accounting information in the
possession of the Secretary respecting the production, removal, or sale of oil or gas from leases on
Indian lands under the jurisdiction of such tribe.
Information shall be made available under paragraphs (1) and (2) soon as practicable after it comes into
the possession of the Secretary. Effective October 1, 1983, such information shall be made available
under paragraphs (1) and (2) not later than 30 days after such information comes into the possession of
the Secretary.
(c) Any cooperative agreement entered into pursuant to this section shall be in accordance with the
provisions of the Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977, and shall contain such terms
and conditions as the Secretary deems appropriate and consistent with the purposes of this Act,
including, but not limited to, a limitation on the use of Federal assistance to those costs which are directly
required to carry out the agreed upon activities
SEC. 203. (a) Trade secrets, proprietary and other confidential information shall be made available by the
Secretary, pursuant to a cooperative agreement, to a State or Indian tribe upon request only if-
(1) such State or Indian tribe consents in writing to restrict the dissemination of the information to
those who are directly involved in an audit or investigation under this Act and who have a need to
(2) such State or tribe accepts liability for wrongful disclosure;
(3) in the case of a State, such State demonstrates that such information is essential to the conduct
of an audit or investigation or to litigation under section 204; and
(4) in the case of an Indian tribe, such tribe demonstrates that such information is essential to the
conduct of an audit or investigation and waives sovereign immunity by express consent for
wrongful disclosure by such tribe.
(b) The United States shall not be liable for the wrongful disclosure by any individual, State, or Indian (24 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

tribe of any information provided to such individual, State, or Indian tribe pursuant to any cooperative
agreement or a delegation, authorized by this Act.
(c) Whenever any individual, State, or Indian tribe has obtained possession of information pursuant to a
cooperative agreement authorized by this section, or any individual or State has obtained possession of
information pursuant to a delegation under section 205, the individual shall be subject to the same
provisions of law with respect to the disclosure of such information as would apply to an officer or
employee of the United States or of any department or agency thereof and the State or Indian tribe shall
be subject to the same provisions of law with respect to the disclosure of such information as would
apply to the United States or any department or agency thereof. No State or State officer or employee
who receives trade secrets, proprietary information, or other confidential information under this Act may
be required to disclose such information under State law.
Sec. 204. (a)
(1) A State may commence a civil action under this section against any person to recover any
royalty, interest, or civil penalty which the State believes is due, based upon credible evidence,
with respect to any oil and gas lease on Federal lands located within the State.
(A) No action may be commenced under paragraph (1) prior to 90 days after the State has
given notice in writing to the Secretary of the payment required. Such 90-day limitation may
be waived by the Secretary on a case-by-case basis.
(B) If, within the 90-day period specified in subparagraph (A), the Secretary issues a
demand for the payment concerned, no action may be commenced under paragraph (1) with
respect to such payment during a 45-day period after issuance of such demand. If, during
such 45-day period, the Secretary receives payment in full, no action may be commenced
under paragraph (1).
(C) If the Secretary refers the case to the Attorney General of the United States within the
45-day period referred to in subparagraph (B) or within 10 business days after the expiration
of such 45-day period, no action may be commenced under paragraph (1) if the Attorney
General, within 45 days after the date of such referral, commences, and thereafter diligently
prosecutes, a civil action in a court of the United States with respect to the payment
(3) The State shall notify the Secretary and the Attorney General of the United States of any suit
filed by the State under this section.
(4) A court in issuing any final order in any action brought under paragraph (1) may award costs of
litigation including reasonable attorney and expert witness fees, to any party in such action if the
court determines such an award is appropriate.
(b) An action brought under subsection (a) of this section may be brought only in a United States district
court for the judicial district in which the lease site or the leasing activity complained of is located. Such
district court shall have jurisdiction, without regard to the amount in controversy or the citizenship of the (25 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

parties, to require compliance or order payment in any such action.
(l) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any civil penalty recovered by a State under
subsection (a) shall be retained by the State and may be expended in such manner and for such
purposes as the State deems appropriate.
(2) Any rent, royalty, or interest recovered by a State under subsection (a) shall be deposited in the
Treasury of the United States in the same manner, and subject to the same requirements, as are
applicable in the case of any rent, royalty, or interest collected by an officer or employee of the
United States, except that such amounts shall be deposited in the Treasury not later than 10 days
after receipt by the State.
(a) Upon written request of any State, the Secretary is authorized to delegate , in accordance with
the provisions of this section, all or part of the authorities and responsibilities of the Secretary
under this Act to:
(1) conduct inspections, audits, and investigations;
(2) receive and process production and financial reports;
(3) correct erroneous report data;
(4) perform automated verification; and
(5) issue demands, subpoenas, and orders to perform restructured accounting, for royalty
management enforcement purposes, to any State with respect to all Federal land within the
(b) After notice and opportunity for a hearing, the Secretary is authorized to delegate such
authorities and responsibilities granted under this section as the State has requested, if the
Secretary finds that-
(1) it is likely that the State will provide adequate resources to achieve the purposes of this
(2) the State has demonstrated that it will effectively and faithfully administer the rules and
regulation of the Secretary under this Act in accordance with the requirements of
subsections (c) and (d) of this section;
(3) such delegation will not create an unreasonable burden on any lessee;
(4) the State agrees to adopt standardized reporting procedures prescribed by the Secretary
for royalty and production accounting purposes, unless the State and all affected parties
(including the Secretary) otherwise agree;
(5) the State agrees to follow and adhere to regulations and guidelines issued by the (26 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

Secretary pursuant to the mineral leasing laws regarding valuation of production; and
(6) where necessary for a State to have authority to carry out and enforce a delegated
activity, the State agrees to enact such laws and promulgate such regulations as are
consistent with relevant Federal laws and regulations with respect to the Federal lands
within the State.
(c) After notice and opportunity for hearing, the Secretary shall issue a ruling as to the consistency
of a State's proposal with the provisions of this section and regulations under subsection (d) within
90 days after submission of such proposal. In any unfavorable ruling, the Secretary shall set forth
the reasons therefor and state whether the Secretary will agree to delegate to the State if the State
meets the conditions set forth in such ruling.
(d) After consultation with State authorities, the Secretary by rule shall promulgate, within 12
months after the date of enactment of this section, standards and regulations pertaining to the
authorities and responsibilities to be delegated under subsection (a), including standards and
regulations pertaining to-
(1) audits to be performed;
(2) records and accounts to be maintained;
(3) reporting procedures to be required by the States under this section;
(4) receipt and processing of production and financial reports;
(5) correction of erroneous report data;
(6) performance of automated verification;
(7) issuance of standards and guidelines in order to avoid duplication of effort;
(8) transmission of report data to the Secretary; and
(9) issuance of demands, subpoenas, and orders to perform restructured accounting, for
royalty accounting purposes.
Such standards and regulations shall be designed provide reasonable assurance that a uniform and
effective royalty management system will prevail among the States. The records and accounts
under section (2) shall be sufficient to allow the Secretary to monitor the performance of any State
under this section.
(e) If, after notice and opportunity for a hearing, the Secretary finds that any State to which any
authority and responsibility of the Secretary has been delegated under this section is in violation of
any requirement of this section or any rule thereunder, or that an affirmative finding by the
Secretary under subsection (b) can no longer be made, the Secretary may revoke such delegation.
If, after providing written notice to a delegated State and a reasonable opportunity to take
corrective action requested by the Secretary, the Secretary determines that the State has failed to
issue a demand or order to a Federal lessee within the State, that such failure may result in an
underpayment of an obligation due the United States by such lessee, and that such underpayment
may be uncollected without Secretarial intervention, the Secretary may issue such demand or (27 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

order in accordance with the provisions of this Act prior to or absent the withdrawal of the
delegated authority.
(f) subject to appropriations, the Secretary shall compensate any State for those costs which may
be necessary to carry out the delegated activities under this Section. Payment shall be made no less
than every quarter during the fiscal year. Compensation to a State may not exceed the Secretary's
reasonable anticipated expenditures for performance of such delegated activities by the Secretary.
Such costs shall be allocated for the purpose of section 35(b) of the Act entitled "An act to promote
the mining coal, phosphate, oil, oil shale, gas and sodium on the public domain", approved
February 25, 1920 (commonly known as the Mineral Leasing Act) (30 U.S.C. 191 (b)) to the
administration and enforcement of laws providing for the leasing of any onshore lands or interests
in lands owned by the United States. Any further allocation of costs under section 35(b) made by
the Secretary for oil and gas activities, other than those costs to compensate States for delegated
activities under this Act, shall be only those costs associated with onshore oil and gas activities and
may not include any duplication of costs allocated pursuant to the previous sentence. Nothing in
this section affects the Secretary's authority to make allocations under section 35(b) for non-oil and
gas mineral activities. All moneys received from sales, bonuses, rentals, royalties, assessments and
interest, including money claimed to be due and owing pursuant to a delegation under this section,
shall be payable and paid to the Treasury of the United States.
(g) Any action of the Secretary to approve or disapprove a proposal submitted by a State under
this section shall be subject to judicial review in the United States district court which includes the
capital of the State submitting the proposal.
(h) Any State operating pursuant to a delegation existing on the date of enactment of this Act may
continue to operate under the terms and conditions of the delegation, except to the extent that a
revision of the existing agreement is adopted pursuant to this section.
SEC. 206. An amount equal to 50 per centum of any civil penalty collected by the Federal Government
under this Act resulting from activities conducted by a State or Indian tribe pursuant to a cooperative
agreement under section 202 or a State under a delegation under section 205, shall be payable to such
State or tribe. Such amount shall be deducted from any compensation due such State or Indian tribe
under section 202 or such State under section 205.
SEC. 301. (a) The Secretary shall prescribe such rules and regulations as he deems reasonably necessary
to carry out this Act.
(b) Rules and regulations issued to implement this Act shall be issued in conformity with section 553 of
title 5 of the United States Code, notwithstanding section 553(a)(2) of that title.
(c) In addition to entering into cooperative agreements or delegation of authority authorized under this
Act, the Secretary may contract with such non-Federal Government inspectors, auditors, and other
persons as he deems necessary to aid in carrying out his functions under this Act and its implementation. (28 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

With respect to his auditing and enforcement functions under this Act, the Secretary shall coordinate
such functions so as to avoid to the maximum extent practicable, subjecting lessees, operators, or other
persons to audits or investigations of the same subject matter by more than one auditing or investigating
entity at the same time.
SEC. 302. (a) The Secretary shall submit to the Congress an annual report on the implementation of this
Act. The information to be included in the report and the format of the report shall be developed by the
Secretary after consulting with the Committees on Interior and Insular Affairs of the House of
Representatives and on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate. The Secretary shall also report on
the progress of the Department in reconciling account balances.
(b) Commencing with fiscal year 1984, the Inspector General of the Department of the Interior shall
conduct a biennial audit of the Federal royalty management system. The Inspector General shall submit
the results of such audit to the Secretary and to the Congress.
Sec. 303. (a) The Secretary shall study the question of the adequacy of royalty management for coal,
uranium and other energy and nonenergy minerals on Federal and Indian lands. The study shall include
proposed legislation if the Secretary determines that such legislation is necessary to ensure prompt and
proper collection of revenues owed to the United States, the States and Indian tribes or Indian allottees
from the sale, lease or other disposal of such minerals.
(b) The study required by subsection (a) of this section shall be submitted to Congress not later than one
year from the date of the enactment of this Act.
SEC. 304. (a) The penalties and authorities provided in this Act are supplemental to, and not in
derogation of, any penalties or authorities contained in any other provision of law.
(b) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to reduce the responsibilities of the Secretary to ensure prompt
and proper collection of revenues from coal, uranium and other energy and nonenergy minerals on
Federal and Indian lands, or to restrain the Secretary from entering into cooperative agreements or other
appropriate arrangements with States and Indian tribes to share royalty management responsibilities and
activities for such minerals under existing authorities.
(c) Except as expressly provided in subsection 302(b), nothing in this Act shall be construed to enlarge,
diminish, or otherwise affect the authority or responsibility of the Inspector General of the Department of
the Interior or of the Comptroller General of the United States:
(d) No provision of this Act impairs or affects lands and interests in land entrusted to the Tennessee
Valley Authority.
SEC. 305. The provisions of this Act shall apply to oil and gas leases issued before, on, or after the date
of the enactment of this Act, except that in the case of a lease issued before such date, no provision of (29 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

this Act or any rule or regulation prescribed tinder this Act shall alter the express and specific provisions
of such a lease.
Sec. 306. Effective October 1, 1983, there are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be
necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act, including such sums as may be necessary for the
cooperative agreements, contracts, and delegations authorized by this Act: Provided, That nothing in this
Act shall be construed to affect or impair any authority to enter into contracts or make payments under
any other provision of law.
Sec. 307. Except in the case of fraud, any action to recover penalties under this Act shall be barred unless
the action is commenced within 6 years after the date of the act or omission which is the basis for the
SEC. 308. Any lessee is liable for royalty payments on oil or gas lost or wasted from a lease site when
such loss or waste is due to negligence on the part of the operator of the lease, or due to the failure to
comply with any rule or regulation, order or citation issued under this Act or any mineral leasing law.
SEC. 309. If any provision of this Act or the applicability thereof to any person or circumstances is held
invalid, the remainder of this Act and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances
shall not be affected thereby.
SEC. 401. Section 31 of the Mineral Lands Leasing Act of 1920 (30 U.S.C. 188) is amended by
redesignating subsection (d) as subsection (j) and by inserting after subsection (c) the following new
(l) Where any oil and gas lease issued pursuant to section 17(b) or section 17(c) of this Act or the
Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands (30 U.S.C. 351 et seq.) has been, or is hereafter,
terminated automatically by operation of law under this section for failure to pay on or before the
anniversary date the full amount of the rental due, and such rental is not paid or tendered within
twenty days thereafter, and it is shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Interior that such
failure was justifiable or not due to lack of reasonable diligence on the part of the lessee, or, no
matter when the rental is paid after termination, it is shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary that
such failure was inadvertent, the Secretary may reinstate the lease as of the date of termination for
the unexpired portion of the primary term of the original lease or any extension thereof remaining
at the date of termination, and so long thereafter as oil or gas is produced in paying quantities. In (30 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

any case where a lease is reinstated under this subsection and the Secretary finds that the
reinstatement of such lease
(A) occurs after the expiration of the primary term or any extension thereof, or
(B) will not afford the lessee a reasonable opportunity to continue operations under the
lease, the Secretary may, at his discretion, extend the term of such lease for such period as
he deems reasonable, but in no event for more than two years from the date the Secretary
authorizes the reinstatement and so long thereafter as oil or gas is produced in paying
"(2) No lease shall be reinstated under paragraph (1) of this subsection unless-
"(A) with respect to any lease that terminated under subsection (b) of this section prior to
enactment of the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982:
(i) the lessee tendered rental prior to enactment of such Act and the final
determination that the lease terminated was made by the Secretary or a court less than
three years before enactment of such Act, and
(ii) a petition for reinstatement together with the required back rental and royalty
accruing from the date of termination, is filed with the Secretary on or before the one
hundred and twentieth day after enactment of such Act, or
"(B) with respect to any lease that terminated under subsection (b) of this section on or after
enactment of the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982, a petition for
reinstatement together with the required back rental and royalty accruing from the date of
termination is filed on or before the earlier of-
"(i) sixty days after the lessee receives from the Secretary notice of termination,
whether by return of check or by any other form of actual notice, or
"(ii) fifteen months after termination of the lease.
"(e) Any reinstatement under subsection (d) of this section shall be made on if these conditions are met:
"(1) no valid lease, whether still in existence or not, shall have been issued affecting any of the
lands covered by the terminated lease prior to the filing of such petition: Provided, however, That
after receipt of a petition for reinstatement, the Secretary shall not issue any new lease affecting
any of the lands covered by such terminated lease for a reasonable period, as determined in
accordance with regulations issued by him;
"(2) payment of back rentals and either the inclusion in a reinstated lease issued pursuant to the
provisions of section 17(b) of this Act of a requirement for future rentals at a rate of not less than
$10 per acre per year, or the inclusion in a reinstated lease issued pursuant to the provisions of
section 17(c) of this Act of a requirement that future rentals shall be at a rate not less than $5 per
acre per year, all as determined by the Secretary;
(A) payment of back royalties and the inclusion in a reinstated lease issued pursuant to the (31 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

provisions of section 17(b) of this Act of a requirement for future royalties at a rate of not
less than 16% percent computed on a sliding scale based upon the average production per
well per day, at a rate which shall be not less than 4 percentage points greater than the
competitive royalty schedule then in force and used for royalty determination for
competitive leases issued pursuant to such section as determined by the Secretary: Provided,
That royalty on such reinstated lease shall be paid on all production removed or sold from
such lease subsequent to the termination of the original lease;
"(B) payment of back royalties and inclusion in a reinstate,, lease issued pursuant to the
provisions of section 17(c) of this Act of a requirement for future royalties at a rate not less
than 16% percent: Provided, That royalty on such reinstated lease shall be paid on all
production removed or sold from such lease subsequent to the cancellation or termination of
the original lease; and
"(4) notice of the proposed reinstatement of a terminated lease, including the terms and conditions
of reinstatement, shall be published in the Federal Register at least thirty days in advance of the
A copy of said notice, together with information concerning rental, royalty, volume of production, if any,
and any other matter which the Secretary deemed significant in making this determination to reinstate,
shall be furnished to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs of the House of Representatives and
the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate at least thirty days in advance of the
reinstatement. The lessee of a reinstated lease shall reimburse the Secretary for the administrative costs
of reinstating the lease, but not to exceed $500. In addition the lessee shall reimburse the Secretary for
the cost of publication in the Federal Register of the notice of proposed reinstatement.
"(f) Where an unpatented oil placer mining claim validly located prior to February 24, 1920, which has
been or is currently producing or is capable of producing oil or gas, has been or is hereafter deemed
conclusively abandoned for failure to file timely the required instruments or copies of instruments
required by section 314 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1744), and
it is shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary that such failure was inadvertent, justifiable, or not due to
lack of reasonable diligence on the part of the owner, the Secretary may issue, for the lands covered by
the abandoned unpatented oil placer mining claim, a noncompetitive oil and gas lease, consistent with the
provisions of section 17(e) of this Act, to be effective from the statutory date the claim was deemed
conclusively abandoned. Issuance of such a lease shall be conditioned upon:
"(1) a petition for issuance of a noncompetitive oil and gas lease, together with the required rental
and royalty, including back rental and royalty accruing from the statutory date of abandonment of
the oil placer mining claim , being filed with the Secretary-
"(A) with respect to any claim deemed conclusively abandoned on or before the date of
enactment of the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982, on or before the
one hundred and twentieth day after such date of enactment, or
(B) with respect to any claim deemed conclusively abandoned after such date of enactment,
on or before the one hundred and twentieth day after final notification by the Secretary or a
court of competent jurisdiction of the determination of the abandonment of the oil placer
mining claim; (32 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

"(2) a valid lease not having been issued affecting any of the lands covered by the abandoned oil
placer mining claim prior to the filing of such petition: Provided, however, That after the filing of
a petition for issuance of a lease under this subsection, the Secretary shall not issue any new lease
affecting any of the lands covered by such abandoned oil placer mining claim for a reasonable
period, as determined in accordance with regulations issued by him;
"(3) a requirement in the lease for payment of rental, including back rentals accruing from the
statutory date of abandonment of the oil placer mining claim, of not less than $5 per acre per year;
"(4) a requirement in the lease for payment of royalty on production removed or sold from the oil
placer mining claim, including all royalty on production made subsequent to the statutory date the
claim was deemed conclusively abandoned, of not less than 12½ percent; and
"(5) compliance with the notice and reimbursement of costs provisions of paragraph (4) of
subsection (e) but addressed to the petition covering the conversion of an abandoned unpatented
oil placer mining claim to a noncompetitive oil and gas lease.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a reinstated lease shall be treated as a competitive
or a noncompetitive oil and gas lease in the same manner as the original lease issued pursuant to
section 17(b) or 17(c) of this Act.
"(2) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the issuance of a lease in lieu of an abandoned
patented oil placer mining claim shall be treated as a noncompetitive oil and gas lease issued
pursuant to section 17(c) of this Act.
"(h) The minimum royalty provisions of section 17(j) and the provisions of section 39 of this Act shall be
applicable to leases issued pursuant to subsections (d) and (f) of this section.
(l) In acting on a petition to issue a noncompetitive, oil and gas lease, under subsection (f) of this
section or in response to a request filed after issuance of such a lease, or both, the Secretary is
authorized to reduce the royalty on such lease if in his judgment it is equitable to do so or the
circumstances warrant such relief due to uneconomic or other circumstances which could cause
undue hardship or premature termination of production.
"(2) In acting on a petition for reinstatement pursuant to subsection (d) of this section or in
response to a request filed after reinstatement, or both, the Secretary is authorized to reduce the
royalty in that reinstated lease on the entire leasehold or any tract or portion thereof segregated for
royalty purposes if, in his judgment, there are uneconomic or other circumstances which could
cause undue hardship or premature termination of production; or because of any written action of
the United States, its agents or employees, which preceded, and was a major consideration in, the
lessee's expenditure of funds to develop the property under the lease after the rent had become due
and had not been paid; or if in the judgment of the Secretary it is equitable to do so for any
Approved January 12, 1983. (33 of 33) [2/10/2003 1:08:47 PM]

H. R. 1975

One Hundred Fourth Congress

of the
United States of America

Begun and held at the City of Washington on Wednesday,

the third day of January, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six

An Act
To improve the management of royalties from Federal and Outer Continental Shelf
oil and gas leases, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of

the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Federal Oil and Gas Royalty
Simplification and Fairness Act of 1996’’.
Section 3 of the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management
Act of 1982 (30 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) is amended—
(1) by amending paragraph (7) to read as follows:
‘‘(7) ‘lessee’ means any person to whom the United States
issues an oil and gas lease or any person to whom operating
rights in a lease have been assigned;’’; and
(2) by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end of paragraph (15), by
striking the period at the end of paragraph (16) and inserting
a semicolon, and by adding at the end the following:
‘‘(17) ‘adjustment’ means an amendment to a previously
filed report on an obligation, and any additional payment or
credit, if any, applicable thereto, to rectify an underpayment
or overpayment on an obligation;
‘‘(18) ‘administrative proceeding’ means any Department
of the Interior agency process in which a demand, decision
or order issued by the Secretary or a delegated State is subject
to appeal or has been appealed;
‘‘(19) ‘assessment’ means any fee or charge levied or
imposed by the Secretary or a delegated State other than—
‘‘(A) the principal amount of any royalty, minimum
royalty, rental bonus, net profit share or proceed of sale;
‘‘(B) any interest; or
‘‘(C) any civil or criminal penalty;
‘‘(20) ‘commence’ means—
‘‘(A) with respect to a judicial proceeding, the service
of a complaint, petition, counterclaim, cross claim, or other
pleading seeking affirmative relief or seeking credit or
recoupment: Provided, That if the Secretary commences
a judicial proceeding against a designee, the Secretary
shall give notice of that commencement to the lessee who
designated the designee, but the Secretary is not required
to give notice to other lessees who may be liable pursuant
to section 102(a) of this Act, for the obligation that is
the subject of the judicial proceeding; or
H. R. 1975—2

‘‘(B) with respect to a demand, the receipt by the

Secretary or a delegated State or a lessee or its designee
(with written notice to the lessee who designated the des-
ignee) of the demand;
‘‘(21) ‘credit’ means the application of an overpayment (in
whole or in part) against an obligation which has become due
to discharge, cancel or reduce the obligation;
‘‘(22) ‘delegated State’ means a State which, pursuant to
an agreement or agreements under section 205 of this Act,
performs authorities, duties, responsibilities, or activities of
the Secretary;
‘‘(23) ‘demand’ means—
‘‘(A) an order to pay issued by the Secretary or the
applicable delegated State to a lessee or its designee (with
written notice to the lessee who designated the designee)
that has a reasonable basis to conclude that the obligation
in the amount of the demand is due and owing; or
‘‘(B) a separate written request by a lessee or its des-
ignee which asserts an obligation due the lessee or its
designee that provides a reasonable basis to conclude that
the obligation in the amount of the demand is due and
owing, but does not mean any royalty or production report,
or any information contained therein, required by the Sec-
retary or a delegated State;
‘‘(24) ‘designee’ means the person designated by a lessee
pursuant to section 102(a) of this Act, with such written des-
ignation effective on the date such designation is received by
the Secretary and remaining in effect until the Secretary
receives notice in writing that the designation is modified or
‘‘(25) ‘obligation’ means—
‘‘(A) any duty of the Secretary or, if applicable, a dele-
gated State—
‘‘(i) to take oil or gas royalty in kind; or
‘‘(ii) to pay, refund, offset, or credit monies includ-
ing (but not limited to)—
‘‘(I) the principal amount of any royalty, mini-
mum royalty, rental, bonus, net profit share or
proceed of sale; or
‘‘(II) any interest; and
‘‘(B) any duty of a lessee or its designee (subject to
the provision of section 102(a) of this Act)—
‘‘(i) to deliver oil or gas royalty in kind; or
‘‘(ii) to pay, offset or credit monies including (but
not limited to)—
‘‘(I) the principal amount of any royalty, mini-
mum royalty, rental, bonus, net profit share or
proceed of sale;
‘‘(II) any interest;
‘‘(III) any penalty; or
‘‘(IV) any assessment,
which arises from or relates to any lease administered
by the Secretary for, or any mineral leasing law related
to, the exploration, production and development of oil
or gas on Federal lands or the Outer Continental Shelf;
‘‘(26) ‘order to pay’ means a written order issued by the
Secretary or the applicable delegated State to a lessee or its
H. R. 1975—3

designee (with notice to the lessee who designated the designee)

‘‘(A) asserts a specific, definite, and quantified obliga-
tion claimed to be due, and
‘‘(B) specifically identifies the obligation by lease,
production month and monetary amount of such obligation
claimed to be due and ordered to be paid, as well as
the reason or reasons such obligation is claimed to be
due, but such term does not include any other communica-
tion or action by or on behalf of the Secretary or a delegated
‘‘(27) ‘overpayment’ means any payment by a lessee or
its designee in excess of an amount legally required to be
paid on an obligation and includes the portion of any estimated
payment for a production month that is in excess of the royalties
due for that month;
‘‘(28) ‘payment’ means satisfaction, in whole or in part,
of an obligation;
‘‘(29) ‘penalty’ means a statutorily authorized civil fine
levied or imposed for a violation of this Act, any mineral leasing
law, or a term or provision of a lease administered by the
‘‘(30) ‘refund’ means the return of an overpayment;
‘‘(31) ‘State concerned’ means, with respect to a lease, a
State which receives a portion of royalties or other payments
under the mineral leasing laws from such lease;
‘‘(32) ‘underpayment’ means any payment or nonpayment
by a lessee or its designee that is less than the amount legally
required to be paid on an obligation; and
‘‘(33) ‘United States’ means the United States Government
and any department, agency, or instrumentality thereof, the
several States, the District of Columbia, and the territories
of the United States.’’.
(a) GENERAL AUTHORITY.—Section 205 of the Federal Oil and
Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982 (30 U.S.C. 1735) is amended
to read as follows:
‘‘(a) Upon written request of any State, the Secretary is
authorized to delegate, in accordance with the provisions of
this section, all or part of the authorities and responsibilities
of the Secretary under this Act to:
‘‘(1) conduct inspections, audits, and investigations;
‘‘(2) receive and process production and financial reports;
‘‘(3) correct erroneous report data;
‘‘(4) perform automated verification; and
‘‘(5) issue demands, subpoenas, and orders to perform
restructured accounting, for royalty management enforcement
to any State with respect to all Federal land within the State.
‘‘(b) After notice and opportunity for a hearing, the Secretary
is authorized to delegate such authorities and responsibilities
granted under this section as the State has requested, if the Sec-
retary finds that—
H. R. 1975—4

‘‘(1) it is likely that the State will provide adequate

resources to achieve the purposes of this Act;
‘‘(2) the State has demonstrated that it will effectively
and faithfully administer the rules and regulations of the Sec-
retary under this Act in accordance with the requirements
of subsections (c) and (d) of this section;
‘‘(3) such delegation will not create an unreasonable burden
on any lessee;
‘‘(4) the State agrees to adopt standardized reporting proce-
dures prescribed by the Secretary for royalty and production
accounting purposes, unless the State and all affected parties
(including the Secretary) otherwise agree;
‘‘(5) the State agrees to follow and adhere to regulations
and guidelines issued by the Secretary pursuant to the mineral
leasing laws regarding valuation of production; and
‘‘(6) where necessary for a State to have authority to carry
out and enforce a delegated activity, the State agrees to enact
such laws and promulgate such regulations as are consistent
with relevant Federal laws and regulations
with respect to the Federal lands within the State.
‘‘(c) After notice and opportunity for hearing, the Secretary
shall issue a ruling as to the consistency of a State’s proposal
with the provisions of this section and regulations under subsection
(d) within 90 days after submission of such proposal. In any unfavor-
able ruling, the Secretary shall set forth the reasons therefor and
state whether the Secretary will agree to delegate to the State
if the State meets the conditions set forth in such ruling.
‘‘(d) After consultation with State authorities, the Secretary
shall by rule promulgate, within 12 months after the date of enact-
ment of this section, standards and regulations pertaining to the
authorities and responsibilities to be delegated under subsection
(a), including standards and regulations pertaining to—
‘‘(1) audits to be performed;
‘‘(2) records and accounts to be maintained;
‘‘(3) reporting procedures to be required by States under
this section;
‘‘(4) receipt and processing of production and financial
‘‘(5) correction of erroneous report data;
‘‘(6) performance of automated verification;
‘‘(7) issuance of standards and guidelines in order to avoid
duplication of effort;
‘‘(8) transmission of report data to the Secretary; and
‘‘(9) issuance of demands, subpoenas, and orders to perform
restructured accounting, for royalty management enforcement
Such standards and regulations shall be designed to provide reason-
able assurance that a uniform and effective royalty management
system will prevail among the States. The records and accounts
under paragraph (2) shall be sufficient to allow the Secretary to
monitor the performance of any State under this section.
‘‘(e) If, after notice and opportunity for a hearing, the Secretary
finds that any State to which any authority or responsibility of
the Secretary has been delegated under this section is in violation
of any requirement of this section or any rule thereunder, or that
an affirmative finding by the Secretary under subsection (b) can
no longer be made, the Secretary may revoke such delegation.
H. R. 1975—5

If, after providing written notice to a delegated State and a reason-

able opportunity to take corrective action requested by the Sec-
retary, the Secretary determines that the State has failed to issue
a demand or order to a Federal lessee within the State, that
such failure may result in an underpayment of an obligation due
the United States by such lessee, and that such underpayment
may be uncollected without Secretarial intervention, the Secretary
may issue such demand or order in accordance with the provisions
of this Act prior to or absent the withdrawal of delegated authority.
‘‘(f) Subject to appropriations, the Secretary shall compensate
any State for those costs which may be necessary to carry out
the delegated activities under this Section. Payment shall be made
no less than every quarter during the fiscal year. Compensation
to a State may not exceed the Secretary’s reasonably anticipated
expenditure for performance of such delegated activities by the
Secretary. Such costs shall be allocable for the purposes of section
35(b) of the Act entitled ‘An act to promote the mining of coal,
phosphate, oil, oil shale, gas and sodium on the public domain’,
approved February 25, 1920 (commonly known as the Mineral Leas-
ing Act) (30 U.S.C. 191 (b)) to the administration and enforcement
of laws providing for the leasing of any onshore lands or interests
in land owned by the United States. Any further allocation of
costs under section 35(b) made by the Secretary for oil and gas
activities, other than those costs to compensate States for delegated
activities under this Act, shall be only those costs associated with
onshore oil and gas activities and may not include any duplication
of costs allocated pursuant to the previous sentence. Nothing in
this section affects the Secretary’s authority to make allocations
under section 35(b) for non-oil and gas mineral activities. All moneys
received from sales, bonuses, rentals, royalties, assessments and
interest, including money claimed to be due and owing pursuant
to a delegation under this section, shall be payable and paid to
the Treasury of the United States.
‘‘(g) Any action of the Secretary to approve or disapprove a
proposal submitted by a State under this section shall be subject
to judicial review in the United States district court which includes
the capital of the State submitting the proposal.
‘‘(h) Any State operating pursuant to a delegation existing
on the date of enactment of this Act may continue to operate
under the terms and conditions of the delegation, except to the
extent that a revision of the existing agreement is adopted pursuant
to this section.’’.
(b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The item relating to section 205
in the table of contents in section 1 of the Federal Oil and Gas
Royalty Management Act of 1982 (30 U.S.C. 1701) is amended
to read as follows:
‘‘Sec. 205. Delegation of royalty collections and related activities.’’.


(a) IN GENERAL.—The Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Manage-
ment Act of 1982 (30 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) is amended by adding
after section 114 the following new section:
H. R. 1975—6
‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The respective duties, responsibilities, and
activities with respect to a lease shall be performed by the Sec-
retary, delegated States, and lessees or their designees in a timely
‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—A judicial proceeding or demand which
arises from, or relates to an obligation, shall be commenced
within seven years from the date on which the obligation
becomes due and if not so commenced shall be barred. If
commencement of a judicial proceeding or demand for an obliga-
tion is barred by this section, the Secretary, a delegated State,
or a lessee or its designee (A) shall not take any other or
further action regarding that obligation, including (but not
limited to) the issuance of any order, request, demand or other
communication seeking any document, accounting, determina-
tion, calculation, recalculation, payment, principal, interest,
assessment, or penalty or the initiation, pursuit or completion
of an audit with respect to that obligation; and (B) shall not
pursue any other equitable or legal remedy, whether under
statute or common law, with respect to an action on or an
enforcement of said obligation.
‘‘(2) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—A judicial proceeding or
demand that is timely commenced under paragraph (1) against
a designee shall be considered timely commenced as to any
lessee who is liable pursuant to section 102(a) of this Act
for the obligation that is the subject of the judicial proceeding
or demand.
set forth in sections 2401, 2415, 2416, and 2462 of title 28,
United States Code, and section 42 of the Mineral Leasing
Act (30 U.S.C. 226–2) shall not apply to any obligation to
which this Act applies. Section 3716 of title 31, United States
Code, may be applied to an obligation the enforcement of which
is not barred by this Act, but may not be applied to any
obligation the enforcement of which is barred by this Act.
‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of this Act, an obligation
becomes due when the right to enforce the obligation is fixed.
‘‘(2) ROYALTY OBLIGATIONS.—The right to enforce any roy-
alty obligation for any given production month for a lease
is fixed for purposes of this Act on the last day of the calendar
month following the month in which oil or gas is produced.
‘‘(d) TOLLING OF LIMITATION PERIOD.—The running of the
limitation period under subsection (b) shall not be suspended, tolled,
extended, or enlarged for any obligation for any reason by any
action, including an action by the Secretary or a delegated State,
other than the following:
‘‘(1) TOLLING AGREEMENT.—A written agreement executed
during the limitation period between the Secretary or a dele-
gated State and a lessee or its designee (with notice to the
lessee who designated the designee) shall toll the limitation
period for the amount of time during which the agreement
is in effect.
‘‘(2) SUBPOENA.—
H. R. 1975—7

‘‘(A) The issuance of a subpoena to a lessee or its

designee (with notice to the lessee who designated the
designee, which notice shall not constitute a subpoena to
the lessee) in accordance with the provisions of subpara-
graph (B)(i) shall toll the limitation period with respect
to the obligation which is the subject of a subpoena only
for the period beginning on the date the lessee or its
designee receives the subpoena and ending on the date
on which (i) the lessee or its designee has produced such
subpoenaed records for the subject obligation, (ii) the Sec-
retary or a delegated State receives written notice that
the subpoenaed records for the subject obligation are not
in existence or are not in the lessee’s or its designee’s
possession or control, or (iii) a court has determined in
a final decision that such records are not required to be
produced, whichever occurs first.
‘‘(B)(i) A subpoena for the purposes of this section
which requires a lessee or its designee to produce records
necessary to determine the proper reporting and payment
of an obligation due the Secretary may be issued only
by an Assistant Secretary of the Interior or an Acting
Assistant Secretary of the Interior who is a schedule C
employee (as defined by section 213.3301 of title 5, Code
of Federal Regulations), or the Director or Acting Director
of the respective bureau or agency, and may not be dele-
gated to any other person. If a State has been delegated
authority pursuant to section 205, the State, acting through
the highest State official having ultimate authority over
the collection of royalties from leases on Federal lands
within the State, may issue such subpoena, but may not
delegate such authority to any other person.
‘‘(ii) A subpoena described in clause (i) may only be
issued against a lessee or its designee during the limitation
period provided in this section and only after the Secretary
or a delegated State has in writing requested the records
from the lessee or its designee related to the obligation
which is the subject of the subpoena and has determined
‘‘(I) the lessee or its designee has failed to respond
within a reasonable period of time to the Secretary’s
or the applicable delegated State’s written request for
such records necessary for an audit, investigation or
other inquiry made in accordance with the Secretary’s
or such delegated State’s responsibilities under this
Act; or
‘‘(II) the lessee or its designee has in writing denied
the Secretary’s or the applicable delegated State’s writ-
ten request to produce such records in the lessee’s
or its designee’s possession or control necessary for
an audit, investigation or other inquiry made in accord-
ance with the Secretary’s or such delegated State’s
responsibilities under this Act; or
‘‘(III) the lessee or its designee has unreasonably
delayed in producing records necessary for an audit,
investigation or other inquiry made in accordance with
the Secretary’s or the applicable delegated State’s
H. R. 1975—8

responsibilities under this Act after the Secretary’s

or delegated State’s written request.
‘‘(C) In seeking records, the Secretary or the applicable
delegated State shall afford the lessee or its designee a
reasonable period of time after a written request by the
Secretary or such delegated State in which to provide such
records prior to the issuance of any subpoena.
tional misrepresentation or concealment of a material fact for
the purpose of evading the payment of an obligation in which
case the limitation period shall be tolled for the period of
such misrepresentation or such concealment.
The issuance of a notice under subparagraph (D) that the
lessee or its designee has not substantially complied with the
requirement to perform a restructured accounting shall toll
the limitation period with respect to the obligation which is
the subject of the notice only for the period beginning on the
date the lessee or its designee receives the notice and ending
120 days after the date on which (I) the Secretary or the
applicable delegated State receives written notice that the
accounting or other requirement has been performed, or (II)
a court has determined in a final decision that the lessee
is not required to perform the accounting, whichever occurs
‘‘(ii) If the lessee or its designee initiates an administrative
appeal or judicial proceeding to contest an order to perform
a restructured accounting issued under subparagraph (B)(i),
the limitation period in subsection (b) shall be tolled from
the date the lessee or its designee received the order until
a final, nonappealable decision is issued in any such proceeding.
‘‘(B)(i) The Secretary or the applicable delegated State may
issue an order to perform a restructured accounting to a lessee
or its designee when the Secretary or such delegated State
determines during an audit of a lessee or its designee that
the lessee or its designee should recalculate royalty due on
an obligation based upon the Secretary’s or the delegated State’s
finding that the lessee or its designee has made identified
underpayments or overpayments which are demonstrated by
the Secretary or the delegated State to be based upon repeated,
systemic reporting errors for a significant number of leases
or a single lease for a significant number of reporting months
with the same type of error which constitutes a pattern of
violations and which are likely to result in either significant
underpayments or overpayments.
‘‘(ii) The power of the Secretary to issue an order to perform
a restructured accounting may not be delegated below the most
senior career professional position having responsibility for the
royalty management program, which position is currently des-
ignated as the ‘Associate Director for Royalty Management’,
and may not be delegated to any other person. If a State
has been delegated authority pursuant to section 205 of this
Act, the State, acting through the highest ranking State official
having ultimate authority over the collection of royalties from
leases on Federal lands within the State, may issue such order
to perform, which may not be delegated to any other person.
An order to perform a restructured accounting shall—
H. R. 1975—9

‘‘(I) be issued within a reasonable period of time from

when the audit identifies the systemic, reporting errors;
‘‘(II) specify the reasons and factual bases for such
‘‘(III) be specifically identified as an ‘order to perform
a restructured accounting’;
‘‘(IV) provide the lessee or its designee a reasonable
period of time (but not less than 60 days) within which
to perform the restructured accounting; and
‘‘(V) provide the lessee or its designee 60 days within
which to file an administrative appeal of the order to
perform a restructured accounting.
‘‘(C) An order to perform a restructured accounting shall
not mean or be construed to include any other action by or
on behalf of the Secretary or a delegated State.
‘‘(D) If a lessee or its designee fails to substantially comply
with the requirement to perform a restructured accounting
pursuant to this subsection, a notice shall be issued to the
lessee or its designee that the lessee or its designee has not
substantially complied with the requirements to perform a
restructured accounting. A lessee or its designee shall be given
a reasonable time within which to perform the restructured
accounting. Such notice may be issued under this section only
by an Assistant Secretary of the Interior or an acting Assistant
Secretary of the Interior who is a schedule C employee (as
defined by section 213.3301 of title 5, Code of Federal Regula-
tions) and may not be delegated to any other person. If a
State has been delegated authority pursuant to section 205,
the State, acting through the highest State official having ulti-
mate authority over the collection of royalties from leases on
Federal lands within the State, may issue such notice, which
may not be delegated to any other person.
enforcement of an obligation by the Secretary or delegated State
or a lessee or its designee shall be barred under this section prior
to the running of the seven-year period provided in subsection
(b) in the event—
‘‘(1) the Secretary or a delegated State has notified the
lessee or its designee in writing that a time period is closed
to further audit; or
‘‘(2) the Secretary or a delegated State and a lessee or
its designee have so agreed in writing.
For purposes of this subsection, notice to, or an agreement by,
the designee shall be binding on any lessee who is liable pursuant
to section 102(a) for obligations that are the subject of the notice
or agreement.
Records required pursuant to section 103 of this Act by the Sec-
retary or any delegated State for the purpose of determining obliga-
tions due and compliance with any applicable mineral leasing law,
lease provision, regulation or order with respect to oil and gas
leases from Federal lands or the Outer Continental Shelf shall
be maintained for the same period of time during which a judicial
proceeding or demand may be commenced under subsection (b).
If a judicial proceeding or demand is timely commenced, the record
holder shall maintain such records until the final nonappealable
decision in such judicial proceeding is made, or with respect to
H. R. 1975—10

that demand is rendered, unless the Secretary or the applicable

delegated State authorizes in writing an earlier release of the
requirement to maintain such records. Notwithstanding anything
herein to the contrary, under no circumstance shall a record holder
be required to maintain or produce any record relating to an obliga-
tion for any time period which is barred by the applicable limitation
in this section. In connection with any hearing, administrative
proceeding, inquiry, investigation, or audit by the Secretary or
a delegated State under this Act, the Secretary or the delegated
State shall minimize the submission of multiple or redundant
information and make a good faith effort to locate records previously
submitted by a lessee or a designee to the Secretary or the delegated
State, prior to requiring the lessee or the designee to provide
such records.
‘‘(g) TIMELY COLLECTIONS.—In order to most effectively utilize
resources available to the Secretary to maximize the collection
of oil and gas receipts from lease obligations to the Treasury within
the seven-year period of limitations, and consequently to maximize
the State share of such receipts, the Secretary should not perform
or require accounting, reporting, or audit activities if the Secretary
and the State concerned determine that the cost of conducting
or requiring the activity exceeds the expected amount to be collected
by the activity, based on the most current 12 months of activity.
This subsection shall not provide a defense to a demand or an
order to perform a restructured accounting. To the maximum extent
possible, the Secretary and delegated States shall reduce costs
to the United States Treasury and the States by discontinuing
requirements for unnecessary or duplicative data and other informa-
tion, such as separate allowances and payor information, relating
to obligations due. If the Secretary and the State concerned deter-
mine that collection will result sooner, the Secretary or the
applicable delegated State may waive or forego interest in whole
or in part.
‘‘(1) 33-MONTH PERIOD.—Demands or orders issued by the
Secretary or a delegated State are subject to administrative
appeal in accordance with the regulations of the Secretary.
No State shall impose any conditions which would hinder a
lessee’s or its designee’s immediate appeal of an order to the
Secretary or the Secretary’s designee. The Secretary shall issue
a final decision in any administrative proceeding, including
any administrative proceedings pending on the date of enact-
ment of this section, within 33 months from the date such
proceeding was commenced or 33 months from the date of
such enactment, whichever is later. The 33-month period may
be extended by any period of time agreed upon in writing
by the Secretary and the appellant.
decision has been issued by the Secretary within the 33-month
period referred to in paragraph (1)—
‘‘(A) the Secretary shall be deemed to have issued
and granted a decision in favor of the appellant as to
any nonmonetary obligation and any monetary obligation
the principal amount of which is less than $10,000; and
‘‘(B) the Secretary shall be deemed to have issued
a final decision in favor of the Secretary, which decision
shall be deemed to affirm those issues for which the agency
H. R. 1975—11

rendered a decision prior to the end of such period, as

to any monetary obligation the principal amount of which
is $10,000 or more, and the appellant shall have a right
to judicial review of such deemed final decision in accord-
ance with title 5 of the United States Code.
collections relating to disputed obligations due within the seven-
year period beginning on the date the obligation became due, the
parties shall hold not less than one settlement consultation and
the Secretary and the State concerned may take such action as
is appropriate to compromise and settle a disputed obligation,
including waiving or reducing interest and allowing offsetting of
obligations among leases.
event a demand subject to this section is properly and timely
commenced, the obligation which is the subject of the demand
may be enforced beyond the seven-year limitations period without
being barred by this statute of limitations. In the event a demand
subject to this section is properly and timely commenced, a judicial
proceeding challenging the final agency action with respect to such
demand shall be deemed timely so long as such judicial proceeding
is commenced within 180 days from receipt of notice by the lessee
or its designee of the final agency action.
judicial proceeding or demand subject to this section is timely
commenced and thereafter the limitation period in this section
lapses during the pendency of such proceeding, any party to such
proceeding shall not be barred from taking such action as is required
or necessary to implement a final unappealable judicial or adminis-
trative decision, including any action required or necessary to imple-
ment such decision by the recovery or recoupment of an underpay-
ment or overpayment by means of refund or credit.
son ordered by the Secretary or a delegated State to pay any
obligation (other than an assessment) shall be entitled to a stay
of such payment without bond or other surety instrument pending
an administrative or judicial proceeding if the person periodically
demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Secretary that such person
is financially solvent or otherwise able to pay the obligation. In
the event the person is not able to demonstrate, the Secretary
may require a bond or other surety instrument satisfactory to
cover the obligation. Any person ordered by the Secretary or a
delegated State to pay an assessment shall be entitled to a stay
without bond or other surety instrument.’’.
(b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of contents in section
1 of the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982
(30 U.S.C. 1701) is amended by inserting after the item relating
to section 114 the following new item:
‘‘Sec. 115. Secretarial and delegated States’ actions and limitation periods.’’.


(a) IN GENERAL.—The Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Manage-
ment Act of 1982 (30 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) is amended by inserting
after section 111 the following:
H. R. 1975—12
‘‘(1) If, during the adjustment period, a lessee or its des-
ignee determines that an adjustment or refund request is nec-
essary to correct an underpayment or overpayment of an obliga-
tion, the lessee or its designee shall make such adjustment
or request a refund within a reasonable period of time and
only during the adjustment period. The filing of a royalty
report which reflects the underpayment or overpayment of an
obligation shall constitute prior written notice to the Secretary
or the applicable delegated State of an adjustment.
‘‘(2)(A) For any adjustment, the lessee or its designee shall
calculate and report the interest due attributable to such adjust-
ment at the same time the lessee or its designee adjusts the
principle amount of the subject obligation, except as provided
by subparagraph (B).
‘‘(B) In the case of a lessee or its designee who determines
that subparagraph (A) would impose a hardship, the Secretary
or such delegated State shall calculate the interest due and
notify the lessee or its designee within a reasonable time of
the amount of interest due, unless such lessee or its designee
elects to calculate and report interest in accordance with
subparagraph (A).
‘‘(3) An adjustment or a request for a refund for an obliga-
tion may be made after the adjustment period only upon written
notice to and approval by the Secretary or the applicable dele-
gated State, as appropriate, during an audit of the period
which includes the production month for which the adjustment
is being made. If an overpayment is identified during an audit,
then the Secretary or the applicable delegated State, as appro-
priate, shall allow a credit or refund in the amount of the
‘‘(4) For purposes of this section, the adjustment period
for any obligation shall be the six-year period following the
date on which an obligation became due. The adjustment period
shall be suspended, tolled, extended, enlarged, or terminated
by the same actions as the limitation period in section 115.
‘‘(b) REFUNDS.—
‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—A request for refund is sufficient if it—
‘‘(A) is made in writing to the Secretary and, for pur-
poses of section 115, is specifically identified as a demand;
‘‘(B) identifies the person entitled to such refund;
‘‘(C) provides the Secretary information that reasonably
enables the Secretary to identify the overpayment for which
such refund is sought; and
‘‘(D) provides the reasons why the payment was an
retary shall certify the amount of the refund to be paid under
paragraph (1) to the Secretary of the Treasury who shall make
such refund. Such refund shall be paid from amounts received
as current receipts from sales, bonuses, royalties (including
interest charges collected under this section) and rentals of
the public lands and the Outer Continental Shelf under the
provisions of the Mineral Leasing Act and the Outer Continen-
tal Shelf Lands Act, which are not payable to a State or
H. R. 1975—13

the Reclamation Fund. The portion of any such refund attrib-

utable to any amounts previously disbursed to a State, the
Reclamation Fund, or any recipient prescribed by law shall
be deducted from the next disbursements to that recipient
made under the applicable law. Such amounts deducted from
subsequent disbursements shall be credited to miscellaneous
receipts in the Treasury.
‘‘(3) PAYMENT PERIOD.—A refund under this subsection
shall be paid or denied (with an explanation of the reasons
for the denial) within 120 days of the date on which the request
for refund is received by the Secretary. Such refund shall
be subject to later audit by the Secretary or the applicable
delegated State and subject to the provisions of this Act.
ITS.—In no event shall the Secretary or any delegated State
directly or indirectly claim or offset any amount or amounts
against, or reduce any refund or credit (or interest accrued
thereon) by the amount of any obligation the enforcement of
which is barred by section 115 of this Act.’’.
(b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of contents in section
1 of the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982
(30 U.S.C. 1701) is amended by inserting after the item relating
to section 111 the following new item:
‘‘Sec. 111A. Adjustments and refunds.’’.
(a) LESSEE OR DESIGNEE INTEREST.—Section 111 of the Federal
Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982 (30 U.S.C. 1721)
is amended by adding after subsection (g) the following:
‘‘(h) Interest shall be allowed and paid or credited on any
overpayment, with such interest to accrue from the date such over-
payment was made, at the rate obtained by applying the provisions
of subparagraphs (A) and (B) of section 6621(a)(1) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, but determined without regard to the sen-
tence following subparagraph (B) of section 6621(a)(1). Interest
which has accrued on any overpayment may be applied to reduce
an underpayment. This subsection applies to overpayments made
later than six months after the date of enactment of this subsection
or September 1, 1996, whichever is later. Such interest shall be
paid from amounts received as current receipts from sales, bonuses,
royalties (including interest charges collected under this section)
and rentals of the public lands and the Outer Continental Shelf
under the provisions of the Mineral Leasing Act, and the Outer
Continental Shelf Lands Act, which are not payable to a State
or the Reclamation Fund. The portion of any such interest payment
attributable to any amounts previously disbursed to a State, the
Reclamation Fund, or any other recipient designated by law shall
be deducted from the next disbursements to that recipient made
under the applicable law. Such amounts deducted from subsequent
disbursements shall be credited to miscellaneous receipts in the
(b) LIMITATION ON INTEREST.—Section 111 of the Federal Oil
and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982, as amended by sub-
section (a), is further amended by adding at the end the following:
‘‘(i) Upon a determination by the Secretary that an excessive
overpayment (based upon all obligations of a lessee or its designee
H. R. 1975—14

for a given reporting month) was made for the sole purpose of
receiving interest, interest shall be paid on the excessive amount
of such overpayment. For purposes of this Act, an ‘excessive over-
payment’ shall be the amount that any overpayment a lessee or
its designee pays for a given reporting month (excluding payments
for demands for obligations determined to be due as a result of
judicial or administrative proceedings or agreed to be paid pursuant
to settlement agreements) for the aggregate of all of its Federal
leases exceeds 10 percent of the total royalties paid that month
for those leases.’’.
(c) ESTIMATED PAYMENT.—Section 111 of the Federal Oil and
Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982 (30 U.S.C. 1721), as amended
by subsections (a) and (b), is further amended by adding at the
end the following:
‘‘(j) A lessee or its designee may make a payment for the
approximate amount of royalties (hereinafter in this subsection
‘estimated payment’) that would otherwise be due for such lease
by the rate royalties are due for that lease. When an estimated
payment is made, actual royalties are payable at the end of the
month following the month in which the estimated payment is
made. If the estimated payment was less than the amount of
actual royalties due, interest is owned on the underpaid amount.
If the estimated payment exceeds the actual royalties due, interest
is owned on the overpayment. If the lessee or its designee makes
a payment for such actual royalties, the lessee or its designee
may apply the estimated payment to future royalties. Any estimated
payment may be adjusted, recouped, or reinstated at any time
by the lessee or its designee.’’.
111 of the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982
(30 U.S.C. 1721), as amended by subsections (a) through (c), is
amended by adding at the end the following:
‘‘(k)(1) Except as otherwise provided by this subsection—
‘‘(A) a lessee or its designee of a lease in a unit or
communitization agreement which contains only Federal leases
with the same royalty rate and funds distribution shall report
and pay royalties on oil and gas production for each production
month based on the actual volume of production sold by or
on behalf of that lessee;
‘‘(B) a lessee or its designee of a lease in any other unit
or communitization agreement shall report and pay royalties
on oil and gas production for each production month based
on the volume of oil and gas produced from such agreement
and allocated to the lease in accordance with the terms of
the agreement; and
‘‘(C) a lessee or its designee of a lease that is not contained
in a unit or communitization agreement shall report and pay
royalties on oil and gas production for each production month
based on the actual volume of production sold by or on behalf
of that lessee.
‘‘(2) This subsection applies only to requirements for reporting
and paying royalties. Nothing in this subsection is intended to
alter a lessee’s liability for royalties on oil or gas production based
on the share of production allocated to the lease in accordance
with the terms of the lease, a unit or communitization agreement,
or any other agreement.
H. R. 1975—15

‘‘(3) For any unit or communitization agreement if all lessees

contractually agree to an alternative method of royalty reporting
and payment, the lessees may submit such alternative method
to the Secretary or the delegated State for approval and make
payments in accordance with such approved alternative method
so long as such alternative method does not reduce the amount
of the royalty obligation.
‘‘(4) The Secretary or the delegated State shall grant an excep-
tion from the reporting and payment requirements for marginal
properties by allowing for any calendar year or portion thereof
royalties to be paid each month based on the volume of production
sold. Interest shall not accrue on the difference for the entire
calendar year or portion thereof between the amount of oil and
gas actually sold and the share of production allocated to the
lease until the beginning of the month following such calendar
year or portion thereof. Any additional royalties dues or overpaid
royalties and associated interest shall be paid, refunded, or credited
within six months after the end of each calendar year in which
royalties are paid based on volumes of production sold. For the
purpose of this subsection, the term ‘marginal property’ means
a lease that produces on average the combined equivalent of less
than 15 barrels of oil per well per day or 90 thousand cubic feet
of gas per well per day, or a combination thereof, determined
by dividing the average daily production of crude oil and natural
gas from producing wells on such lease by the number of such
wells, unless the Secretary, together with the State concerned,
determines that a different production is more appropriate.
‘‘(5) Not later than two years after the date of the enactment
of this subsection, the Secretary shall issue any appropriate demand
for all outstanding royalty payment disputes regarding who is
required to report and pay royalties on production from units and
communitization agreements outstanding on the date of the enact-
ment of this subsection, and collect royalty amounts owed on such
(e) PRODUCTION ALLOCATION.—Section 111 of the Federal Oil
and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982 (30 U.S.C. 1721), as
amended by subsections (a) through (d), is amended by adding
at the end the following:
‘‘(l) The Secretary shall issue all determinations of allocations
of production for units and communitization agreements within
120 days of a request for determination. If the Secretary fails
to issue a determination within such 120-day period, the Secretary
shall waive interest due on obligations subject to the determination
until the end of the month following the month in which the
determination is made.’’.
(1) IN GENERAL.—The Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Manage-
ment Act of 1982 (30 U.S.C. 1721), as amended by section
4(a), is further amended by adding at the end the following:
‘‘Beginning eighteen months after the date of enactment of
this section, to encourage proper royalty payment the Secretary
or the delegated State shall impose assessments on a person who
chronically submits erroneous reports under this Act. Assessments
under this Act may only be issued as provided for in this section.’’.
H. R. 1975—16

(2) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of contents in section

1 of such Act (30 U.S.C. 1701) is amended by adding after
the item relating to section 115 the following new item:
‘‘Sec. 116. Assessments.’’.
(g) LIABILITY FOR ROYALTY PAYMENTS.—Section 102(a) of the
Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982 (30 U.S.C.
1712(a)) is amended to read as follows:
‘‘(a) In order to increase receipts and achieve effective collections
of royalty and other payments, a lessee who is required to make
any royalty or other payment under a lease or under the mineral
leasing laws, shall make such payments in the time and manner
as may be specified by the Secretary or the applicable delegated
State. A lessee may designate a person to make all or part of
the payments due under a lease on the lessee’s behalf and shall
notify the Secretary or the applicable delegated State in writing
of such designation, in which event said designated person may,
in its own name, pay, offset or credit monies, make adjustments,
request and receive refunds and submit reports with respect to
payments required by the lessee. Notwithstanding any other provi-
sion of this Act to the contrary, a designee shall not be liable
for any payment obligation under the lease. The person owning
operating rights in a lease shall be primarily liable for its pro
rata share of payment obligations under the lease. If the person
owning the legal record title in a lease is other than the operating
rights owner, the person owning the legal record title shall be
secondarily liable for its pro rata share of such payment obligations
under the lease.’’.
(h) CLERICAL AMENDMENTS.—(1) The heading of section 111
of the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty management Act of 1982 (30
U.S.C. 1721) is amended to read as follows:

(2) The item relating to section 111 in the table of contents

in section 1 of such Act (30 U.S.C. 1701) is amended to read
as follows:
‘‘Sec. 111. Royalty terms and conditions, interest, and penalties.’’.
(a) IN GENERAL.—The Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Manage-
ment Act of 1982 (30 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), as amended by section
6 of this Act, is further amended by adding at the end the following:
AND THE UNITED STATES.—The Secretary and the State concerned,
acting in the best interests of the United States and the State
concerned to promote production, reduce administrative costs, and
increase net receipts to the United States and the States, shall
jointly determine, on a case by case basis, the amount of what
marginal production from a lease or leases or well or wells, or
parts thereof, shall be subject to a prepayment under subsection
(b) or regulatory relief under subsection (c). If the State concerned
does not consent, such prepayments or regulatory relief shall not
be made available under this section for such marginal production:
Provided, That if royalty payments from a lease or leases, or well
or wells are not shared with any State, such determination shall
be made solely by the Secretary.
H. R. 1975—17


‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding the provisions of any
lease to the contrary, for any lease or leases or well or wells
identified by the Secretary and the State concerned pursuant
to subsection (a), the Secretary is authorized to accept a prepay-
ment for royalties in lieu of monthly royalty payments under
the lease for the remainder of the lease term if the affected
lessee so agrees. Any prepayment agreed to by the Secretary,
State concerned and lessee which is less than an average $500
per month in total royalties shall be effectuated under this
section not earlier than two years after the date of enactment
of this section and, any prepayment which is greater than
an average $500 per month in total royalties shall be effec-
tuated under this section not earlier than three years after
the date of enactment of this section. The Secretary and the
State concerned may condition their acceptance of the prepay-
ment authorized under this section on the lessee’s agreeing
to such terms and conditions as the Secretary and the State
concerned deem appropriate and consistent with the purposes
of this Act. Such terms may—
‘‘(A) provide for prepayment that does not result in
a loss of revenue to the United States in present value
‘‘(B) include provisions for receiving additional prepay-
ments or royalties for developments in the lease or leases
or well or wells that deviate significantly from the assump-
tions and facts on which the valuation is determined; and
‘‘(C) require the lessee or it designee to provide such
periodic production reports as may be necessary to allow
the Secretary and the State concerned to monitor produc-
tion for the purposes of subparagraph (B).
‘‘(2) STATE SHARE.—A prepayment under this section shall
be shared by the Secretary with any State or other recipient
to the same extent as any royalty payment for such lease.
‘‘(3) SATISFACTION OF OBLIGATION.—Except as may be pro-
vided in the terms and conditions established by the Secretary
under subsection (b), a lessee or its designee who makes a
prepayment under this section shall have satisfied in full the
lessee’s obligation to pay royalty on the production stream
sold from the lease or leases or well or wells.
Within one year after the date of the enactment of this section,
the Secretary or the delegated State shall provide accounting,
reporting, and auditing relief that will encourage lessees to continue
to produce and develop properties subject to subsection (a): Pro-
vided, That such relief will only be available to lessees in a State
that concurs, which concurrence is not required if royalty payments
from the lease or leases or well or wells are not shared with
any State. Prior to granting such relief, the Secretary and, if appro-
priate, the State concerned shall agree that the type of marginal
wells and relief provided under this paragraph is in the best interest
of the United States and, if appropriate, the State concerned.’’.
(b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of contents in section
1 of such Act (30 U.S.C. 1701) is amended by adding after the
item relating to section 116 the following new item:
‘‘Sec. 117. Alternatives for marginal properties.’’.
H. R. 1975—18
(a) FOGRMA.—With respect to Federal lands, sections 202
and 307 of the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act
of 1982 (30 U.S.C. 1732 and 1755), are no longer applicable. The
applicability of those sections to Indian leases is not affected.
(b) OCSLA.—Effective on the date of the enactment of this
Act, section 10 of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C.
1339) is repealed.
The amendments made by this Act shall not apply with respect
to Indian lands, and the provisions of the Federal Oil and Gas
Royalty Management Act of 1982 as in effect on the day before
the date of enactment of this Act shall continue to apply after
such date with respect to Indian lands.
This Act shall not apply to any privately owned minerals.
Except as provided by section 115(h), section 111(h), section
111(k)(5), and section 117 of the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty
Management Act of 1982 (as added by this Act), this Act, and
the amendments made by this Act, shall apply with respect to
the production of oil and gas after the first day of the month
following the date of the enactment of this Act.
Nothing in this Act shall be construed to give a State a property
right or interest in any Federal lease or land.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Vice President of the United States and

President of the Senate.
The Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976,

as amended, is the Bureau of Land Management

"organic act"

that establishes the agency's multiple-use mandate

to serve present and future generations.

Copies of this publication are available from:

Bureau of Land Management

Printed Materials Distribution Services

P.O. Box 25047

Denver, Colorado 80225-0047


Stock #P-141

Index # BLM/WO/GI-01-002

The Federal Land Policy and

Management Act of 1976

As Amended

Compiled by

U.S. Department of the Interior

Bureau of Land Management


Office of the Solicitor

Washington, D.C

October 2001

The Arizona Law Review article, “Eleanor Schwartz, A Capsule Examination of the Legislative
History of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) of 1976, 21 ARIZ. L. Rev. 285
(1979),” is reprinted by permission. Copyright © 1979 by the Arizona Board of Regents.

This publication may be cited as follows:

U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management and Office of the Solicitor (editors).
2001. The Federal Land Policy and Management Act, as amended. U.S. Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Land Management Office of Public Affairs, Washington, D.C. 69 pp.


Public Law 94-579

94th Congress

An Act
To establish public land policy; to establish guidelines for its administration; to provide for the manage­
ment, protection, development, and enhancement of the public lands; and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress
assembled [italics in original],

Editor’s Note
This version of FLPMA was created and updated to include all sections of
the Act as originally passed by Congress in 1976; consequently, it is more
inclusive and annotated than most. In the text, additions have been italicized
and deletions have been removed. Editor’s notes are in a different, smaller
font, and are framed by brackets “[ ].”
This document was prepared by the Bureau of Land Management and the
Office of the Solicitor. Great care was taken to ensure that all amendments
were included correctly and with precision. Nevertheless, we recognize that
this document still could contain errors. The user is encouraged to consult the
official United States Code if there is any doubt about the accuracy of the
information contained herein.
iv ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976


Public Law 94–579 – 94th Congress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iii


Sec. 101. Short title. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

Sec. 102. Declaration of policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

Sec. 103. Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2


Sec. 201. Inventory and identification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Sec. 202. Land use planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Sec. 203. Sales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Sec. 204. Withdrawals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Sec. 205. Acquisitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Sec. 206. Exchanges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Sec. 207. Qualified conveyees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

Sec. 208. Conveyances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

Sec. 209. Reservation and conveyance of mineral interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

Sec. 210. Coordination with State and local governments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

Sec. 211. Omitted lands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

Sec. 212. Recreation and Public Purposes Act. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

Sec. 213. National forest townsites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

Sec. 214. Unintentional Trespass Act. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17


Sec. 301. BLM directorate and functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

Sec. 302. Management of use, occupancy, and development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

Sec. 303. Enforcement authority. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22

Sec. 304. Service charges and reimbursements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

Sec. 305. Deposits and forfeitures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

Sec. 306. Working capital fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

Sec. 307. Studies, cooperative agreements, and contributions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

Sec. 308. Contracts for surveys and resource protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

Sec. 309. Advisory councils and public participation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

Sec. 310. Rules and regulations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

Sec. 311. Program report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

Sec. 312. Search and rescue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

Sec. 313. Sunshine in government. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

Sec. 314. Recordation of mining claims and abandonment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

Sec. 315. Recordable disclaimers of interest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

Sec. 316. Correction of conveyance documents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

Sec. 317. Mineral revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

Sec. 318. Appropriation authorization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30


Sec. 401. Grazing fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

Sec. 402. Grazing leases and permits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

Sec. 403. Grazing advisory boards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33

Sec. 404. Management of certain horses and burros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— v


Sec. 501. Authorization to grant rights-of-way. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35

Sec. 502. Cost-share road authorization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37

Sec. 503. Corridors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

Sec. 504. General provisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

Sec. 505. Terms and conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40

Sec. 506. Suspension and termination of rights-of-way. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40

Sec. 507. Rights-of-way for Federal agencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41

Sec. 508. Conveyance of lands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41

Sec. 509. Existing rights-of-way. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41

Sec. 510. Effect on other laws. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41

Sec. 511. Coordination of applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42


Sec. 601. California desert conservation area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43

Sec. 602. King range. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44

Sec. 603. Bureau of land management wilderness study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44

43 U.S.C. 1783. Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45

43 U.S.C. 1784. Lands in Alaska; designation as wilderness; management by Bureau of Land

Management pending congressional action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47

43 U.S.C. 1785. Fossil Forest Research Natural Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47


Sec. 701. Effect on existing rights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49

Sec. 702. Repeal of laws relating to homesteading and small tracts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50

Sec. 703. Repeal of laws related to disposal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52

Sec. 704. Repeal of withdrawal laws. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54

Sec. 705. Repeal of laws relating to administration of public lands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56

Sec. 706. Repeal of laws relating to rights-of-way. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56

Sec. 707. Severability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57

Remembering Eleanor Schwartz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58

A Capsule Examination of the Legislative History of the Federal Land Policy and

Management Act of 1976 by Eleanor R. Schwartz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59





SHORT TITLE views of the general public; and to structure adju­

dication procedures to assure adequate third party
Sec. 101. [43 U.S.C. 1701 note] This Act may be cited participation, objective administrative review of
as the “Federal Land Policy and Management Act initial decisions, and expeditious decision making;
of 1976”. (6) judicial review of public land adjudication
decisions be provided by law;
DECLARATION OF POLICY (7) goals and objectives be established by law
as guidelines for public land use planning, and that
Sec. 102. [43 U.S.C. 1701] (a) The Congress declares management be on the basis of multiple use and
that it is the policy of the United States that– sustained yield unless otherwise specified by law;
(1) the public lands be retained in Federal own­ (8) the public lands be managed in a manner
ership, unless as a result of the land use planning that will protect the quality of scientific, scenic,
procedure provided for in this Act, it is determined historical, ecological, environmental, air and
that disposal of a particular parcel will serve the atmospheric, water resource, and archeological
national interest; values; that, where appropriate, will preserve and
protect certain public lands in their natural condi­
(2) the national interest will be best realized if
tion; that will provide food and habitat for fish and
the public lands and their resources are periodical­
wildlife and domestic animals; and that will pro-
ly and systematically inventoried and their present
vide for outdoor recreation and human occupancy
and future use is projected through a land use
and use;
planning process coordinated with other Federal
and State planning efforts; (9) the United States receive fair market value
of the use of the public lands and their resources
(3) public lands not previously designated for
unless otherwise provided for by statute;
any specific use and all existing classifications of
public lands that were effected by executive action (10) uniform procedures for any disposal of
or statute before the date of enactment of this Act public land, acquisition of non-Federal land for
be reviewed in accordance with the provisions of public purposes, and the exchange of such lands
this Act; be established by statute, requiring each disposal,
acquisition, and exchange to be consistent with the
(4) the Congress exercise its constitutional
prescribed mission of the department or agency
authority to withdraw or otherwise designate or
involved, and reserving to the Congress review of
dedicate Federal lands for specified purposes and
disposals in excess of a specified acreage;
that Congress delineate the extent to which the
Executive may withdraw lands without legislative (11) regulations and plans for the protection of
action; public land areas of critical environmental concern
(5) in administering public land statutes and be promptly developed;
exercising discretionary authority granted by them, (12) the public lands be managed in a manner
the Secretary be required to establish comprehen­ which recognizes the Nation’s need for domestic
sive rules and regulations after considering the sources of minerals, food, timber, and fiber from
2 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

the public lands including implementation of the use to conform to changing needs and conditions;
Mining and Minerals Policy Act of 1970 (84 Stat. the use of some land for less than all of the
1876, 30 U.S.C. 21a) as it pertains to the public resources; a combination of balanced and diverse
lands; and resource uses that takes into account the long-term
(13) the Federal Government should, on a basis needs of future generations for renewable and non-
equitable to both the Federal and local taxpayer, renewable resources, including, but not limited to,
provide for payments to compensate States and recreation, range, timber, minerals, watershed,
local governments for burdens created as a result wildlife and fish, and natural scenic, scientific and
of the immunity of Federal lands from State and historical values; and harmonious and coordinated
management of the various resources without per­
local taxation.
manent impairment of the productivity of the land
(b) The policies of this Act shall become effec­ and the quality of the environment with considera­
tive only as specific statutory authority for their tion being given to the relative values of the
implementation is enacted by this Act or by subse­ resources and not necessarily to the combination
quent legislation and shall then be construed as of uses that will give the greatest economic return
supplemental to and not in derogation of the pur­ or the greatest unit output.
poses for which public lands are administered
(d) The term “public involvement” means the
under other provisions of law.
opportunity for participation by affected citizens in
rule making, decision making, and planning with
DEFINITIONS respect to the public lands, including public meet­
Sec. 103. [43 U.S.C. 1702] Without altering in any ings or hearings held at locations near the affected
way the meaning of the following terms as used in lands, or advisory mechanisms, or such other pro­
any other statute, whether or not such statute is cedures as may be necessary to provide public
referred to in, or amended by, this Act, as used in comment in a particular instance.
this Act– (e) The term “public lands” means any land and
interest in land owned by the United States within
(a) The term “areas of critical environmental
the several States and administered by the
concern” means areas within the public lands
Secretary of the Interior through the Bureau of
where special management attention is required
Land Management, without regard to how the
(when such areas are developed or used or where
United States acquired ownership, except–
no development is required) to protect and prevent
irreparable damage to important historic, cultural, (1) lands located on the Outer Continental
or scenic values, fish and wildlife resources or Shelf; and
other natural systems or processes, or to protect (2) lands held for the benefit of Indians, Aleuts,
life and safety from natural hazards. and Eskimos.
(b) The term “holder” means any State or local (f) The term “right-of-way” includes an ease­
governmental entity, individual, partnership, cor­ ment, lease, permit, or license to occupy, use, or
poration, association, or other business entity traverse public lands granted for the purpose listed
receiving or using a right-of-way under title V of in title V of this Act.
this Act.
(g) The term “Secretary,” unless specifically des­
(c) The term “multiple use” means the manage­ ignated otherwise, means the Secretary of the
ment of the public lands and their various resource Interior.
values so that they are utilized in the combination
that will best meet the present and future needs of (h) The term “sustained yield” means the
the American people; making the most judicious achievement and maintenance in perpetuity of a
use of the land for some or all of these resources high-level annual or regular periodic output of the
or related services over areas large enough to pro- various renewable resources of the public lands
vide sufficient latitude for periodic adjustments in consistent with multiple use.
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 3

(i) The term “wilderness” as used in section 603 (3) contains such other provisions relating to
shall have the same meaning as it does in section livestock grazing and other objectives found by
2(c) of the Wilderness Act (78 Stat. 890; 16 U.S.C. the Secretary concerned to be consistent with the
1131–1136). provisions of this Act and other applicable law.
(j) The term “withdrawal” means withholding an (1) The term “principal or major uses” includes,
area of Federal land from settlement, sale, loca­ and is limited to, domestic livestock grazing, fish
tion, or entry, under some or all of the general land and wildlife development and utilization, mineral
laws, for the purpose of limiting activities under exploration and production, rights-of-way, outdoor
those laws in order to maintain other public values recreation, and timber production.
in the area or reserving the area for a particular
(m) The term “department” means a unit of the
public purpose or program; or transferring juris­
executive branch of the Federal Government
diction over an area of Federal land, other than
which is headed by a member of the President’s
“property” governed by the Federal Property and
Cabinet and the term “agency” means a unit of the
Administrative Services Act, as amended (40
executive branch of the Federal Government
U.S.C. 472) from one department, bureau or
which is not under the jurisdiction of a head of a
agency to another department, bureau or agency.
(k) An “allotment management plan” means a
(n) The term “Bureau” means the Bureau of
document prepared in consultation with the lessees
Land Management.
or permittees involved, which applies to livestock
operations on the public lands or on lands within (o) The term “eleven contiguous Western States”
National Forests in the eleven contiguous Western means the States of Arizona, California, Colorado,
States and which: Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon,
Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
(1) prescribes the manner in, and extent to,
which livestock operations will be conducted in (p) The term “grazing permit and lease” means
order to meet the multiple-use, sustained-yield, any document authorizing use of public lands or
economic and other needs and objectives as deter- lands in National Forests in the eleven contiguous
mined for the lands by the Secretary concerned; Western States for the purpose of grazing domestic
and livestock.
(2) describes the type, location, ownership, and [The term “sixteen contiguous Western States,” where changed by
P.L. 95-514, refers to: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas,
general specifications for the range improvements Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma,
to be installed and maintained on the lands to meet Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. This term
the livestock grazing and other objectives of land is defined by P.L. 95-514 and found in sections 401(b)(1), 402(a) and
management; and 403(a).]



INVENTORY AND System with the land use planning and manage­
IDENTIFICATION ment programs of and for Indian tribes by, among
other things, considering the policies of approval
Sec. 201. [43 U.S.C. 1711] (a) The Secretary shall pre- tribal land resource management programs.
pare and maintain on a continuing basis an inven­ (c) In the development and revision of land use
tory of all public lands and their resource and plans, the Secretary shall–
other values (including, but not limited to, outdoor
recreation and scenic values), giving priority to (1) use and observe the principles of multiple
areas of critical environmental concern. This use and sustained yield set forth in this and other
inventory shall be kept current so as to reflect applicable law;
changes in conditions and to identify new and (2) use a systematic interdisciplinary approach
emerging resource and other values. The prepara­ to achieve integrated consideration of physical,
tion and maintenance of such inventory or the biological, economic, and other sciences;
identification of such areas shall not, of itself,
(3) give priority to the designation and protec­
change or prevent change of the management or
tion of areas of critical environmental concern;
use of public lands.
(4) rely, to the extent it is available, on the
(b) As funds and manpower are made available, inventory of the public lands, their resources, and
the Secretary shall ascertain the boundaries of the other values;
public lands; provide means of public identifica­
tion thereof including, where appropriate, signs (5) consider present and potential uses of the
and maps; and provide State and local govern­ public lands;
ments with data from the inventory for the purpose (6) consider the relative scarcity of the values
of planning and regulating the uses of non-Federal involved and the availability of alternative means
lands in proximity of such public lands. (including recycling) and sites for realization of
those values;
LAND USE PLANNING (7) weigh long-term benefits to the public
against short-term benefits;
Sec. 202. [43 U.S.C. 1712] (a) The Secretary shall, with
public involvement and consistent with the terms (8) provide for compliance with applicable pol­
and conditions of this Act, develop, maintain, and, lution control laws, including State and Federal
when appropriate, revise land use plans which pro- air, water, noise, or other pollution standards or
vide by tracts or areas for the use of the public implementation plans; and
lands. Land use plans shall be developed for the (9) to the extent consistent with the laws gov­
public lands regardless of whether such lands pre­ erning the administration of the public lands, coor­
viously have been classified, withdrawn, set aside, dinate the land use inventory, planning, and man­
or otherwise designated for one or more uses. agement activities of or for such lands with the
(b) In the development and revision of land use land use planning and management programs of
plans, the Secretary of Agriculture shall coordinate other Federal departments and agencies and of the
land use plans for lands in the National Forest States and local governments within which the
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 5

lands are located, including, but not limited to, the more of the principal or major uses made by a
statewide outdoor recreation plans developed management decision shall remain subject to
under the Act of September 3, 1964 (78 Stat. 897), reconsideration, modification, and termination
as amended [16 U.S.C. 460l–4 et seq. note], and of or for through revision by the Secretary or his delegate,
Indian tribes by, among other things, considering under the provisions of this section, of the land use
the policies of approved State and tribal land plan involved.
resource management programs. In implementing (2) Any management decision or action pur­
this directive, the Secretary shall, to the extent he suant to a management decision that excludes (that
finds practical, keep apprised of State, local, and is, totally eliminates) one or more of the principal
tribal land use plans; assure that consideration is or major uses for two or more years with respect
given to those State, local, and tribal plans that are to a tract of land of one hundred thousand acres or
germane in the development of land use plans for more shall be reported by the Secretary to the
public lands; assist in resolving, to the extent prac­ House of Representatives and the Senate. If within
tical, inconsistencies between Federal and non- ninety days from the giving of such notice (exclu­
Federal Government plans, and shall provide for sive of days on which either House has adjourned
meaningful public involvement of State and local for more than three consecutive days), the
government officials, both elected and appointed, Congress adopts a concurrent resolution of nonap­
in the development of land use programs, land use proval of the management decision or action, then
regulations, and land use decisions for public the management decision or action shall be
lands, including early public notice of proposed promptly terminated by the Secretary. If the com­
decisions which may have a significant impact on mittee to which a resolution has been referred dur­
non-Federal lands. Such officials in each State are ing the said ninety day period, has not reported it
authorized to furnish advice to the Secretary with at the end of thirty calendar days after its referral,
respect to the development and revision of land it shall be in order to either discharge the commit-
use plans, land use guidelines, land use rules, and tee from further consideration of such resolution
land use regulations for the public lands within or to discharge the committee from consideration
such State and with respect to such other land use of any other resolution with respect to the manage­
matters as may be referred to them by him. Land ment decision or action. A motion to discharge
use plans of the Secretary under this section shall may be made only by an individual favoring the
be consistent with State and local plans to the resolution, shall be highly privileged (except that it
maximum extent he finds consistent with Federal may not be made after the committee has reported
law and the purposes of this Act. such a resolution), and debate thereon shall be lim­
(d) Any classification of public lands or any land ited to not more than one hour, to be divided
use plan in effect on the date of enactment of this equally between those favoring and those oppos­
Act is subject to review in the land use planning ing the resolution. An amendment to the motion
process conducted under this section, and all pub­ shall not be in order, and it shall not be in order to
lic lands, regardless of classification, are subject to move to reconsider the vote by which the motion
inclusion in any land use plan developed pursuant was agreed to or disagreed to. If the motion to dis­
to this section. The Secretary may modify or ter­ charge is agreed to or disagreed to, the motion
minate any such classification consistent with such may not be made with respect to any other resolu­
land use plans. tion with respect to the same management decision
or action. When the committee has reprinted, or
(e) The Secretary may issue management deci­
has been discharged from further consideration
sions to implement land use plans developed or
of a resolution, it shall at any time thereafter be
revised under this section in accordance with the
in order (even though a previous motion to the
same effect has been disagreed to) to move to pro­
(1) Such decisions, including but not limited to ceed to the consideration of the resolution. The
exclusions (that is, total elimination) of one or motion shall be highly privileged and shall not be
6 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

debatable. An amendment to the motion shall not sibly on land other than public land and which
be in order, and it shall not be in order to move to outweigh other public objectives and values,
reconsider the vote by which the motion was including, but not limited to, recreation and scenic
agreed to or disagreed to. values, which would be served by maintaining
(3) Withdrawals made pursuant to section 204 such tract in Federal ownership.
of this Act may be used in carrying out manage­ (b) Where the Secretary determines that land to
ment decisions, but public lands shall be removed be conveyed under clause (3) of subsection (a) of
from or restored to the operation of the Mining this section is of agricultural value and is desert in
Law of 1872, as amended (R.S. 2318–2352; 30 character, such land shall be conveyed either under
U.S.C. 21 et seq.) or transferred to another depart­ the sale authority of this section or in accordance
ment, bureau, or agency only by withdrawal action with other existing law.
pursuant to section 204 or other action pursuant to (c) Where a tract of the public lands in excess of
applicable law: Provided, That nothing in this sec­ two thousand five hundred acres has been desig­
tion shall prevent a wholly owned Government nated for sale, such sale may be made only after
corporation from acquiring and holding rights as a the end of the ninety days (not counting days on
citizen under the Mining Law of 1872. which the House of Representatives or the Senate
(f) The Secretary shall allow an opportunity for has adjourned for more than three consecutive
public involvement and by regulation shall estab­ days) beginning on the day the Secretary has sub­
lish procedures, including public hearings where mitted notice of such designation to the Senate and
appropriate, to give Federal, State, and local gov­ the House of Representatives, and then only if the
ernments and the public, adequate notice and Congress has not adopted a concurrent resolution
opportunity to comment upon and participate in stating that such House does not approve of such
the formulation of plans and programs relating to designation. If the committee to which a resolution
the management of the public lands. has been referred during the said ninety day peri­
od, has not reported it at the end of thirty calendar
SALES days after its referral, it shall be in order to either
discharge the committee from further considera­
Sec. 203. [43 U.S.C. 1713] (a) A tract of the public
tion of such resolution or to discharge the commit-
lands (except land in units of the National
tee from consideration of any other resolution with
Wilderness Preservation System, National Wild
respect to the designation. A motion to discharge
and Scenic Rivers Systems, and National System
may be made only by an individual favoring the
of Trails) may be sold under this Act where, as a
resolution, shall be highly privileged (except that it
result of land use planning required under section
may not be made after the committee has reported
202 of this Act, the Secretary determines that the
such a resolution), and debate thereon shall be lim­
sale of such tract meets the following disposal cri­
ited to not more than one hour, to be divided
equally between those favoring and those oppos­
(1) such tract because of its location or other
ing the resolution. An amendment to the motion
characteristics is difficult and uneconomic to man-
shall not be in order, and it shall not be in order to
age as part of the public lands, and is not suitable
move to reconsider the vote by which the motion
for management by another Federal department or
was agreed to or disagreed to. If the motion to dis­
agency; or
charge is agreed to or disagreed to, the motion
(2) such tract was acquired for a specific pur­ may not be made with respect to any other resolu­
pose and the tract is no longer required for that or tion with respect to the same designation. When
any other Federal purpose; or the committee has reprinted, or has been dis­
(3) disposal of such tract will serve important charged from further consideration of a resolution,
public objectives, including but not limited to, it shall at any time thereafter be in order (even
expansion of communities and economic develop­ though a previous motion to the same effect has
ment, which cannot be achieved prudently or fea­ been disagreed to) to move to proceed to the
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 7

consideration of the resolution. The motion shall day period. Prior to the expiration of such periods
be highly privileged and shall not be debatable. An the Secretary may refuse to accept any offer or
amendment to the motion shall not be in order, and may withdraw any land or interest in land from
it shall not be in order to move to reconsider the sale under this section when he determines that
vote by which the motion was agreed to or dis­ consummation of the sale would not be consistent
agreed to. with this Act or other applicable law.
(d) Sales of public lands shall be made at a price
not less than their fair market value as determined WITHDRAWALS
by the Secretary.
Sec. 204. [43 U.S.C. 1714] (a) On and after the effec­
(e) The Secretary shall determine and establish tive date of this Act the Secretary is authorized to
the size of tracts of public lands to be sold on the make, modify, extend, or revoke withdrawals but
basis of the land use capabilities and development only in accordance with the provisions and limita­
requirements of the lands; and, where any such tions of this section. The Secretary may delegate
tract which is judged by the Secretary to be chiefly this withdrawal authority only to individuals in the
valuable for agriculture is sold, its size shall be no Office of the Secretary who have been appointed
larger than necessary to support a family-sized by the President, by and with the advice and con-
farm. sent of the Senate.
(f) Sales of public lands under this section shall (b) (1) Within thirty days of receipt of an appli­
be conducted under competitive bidding proce­ cation for withdrawal, and whenever he proposes a
dures to be established by the Secretary. However, withdrawal on his own motion, the Secretary shall
where the Secretary determines it necessary and publish a notice in the Federal Register stating that
proper in order (1) to assure equitable distribution the application has been submitted for filing or the
among purchasers of lands, or (2) to recognize proposal has been made and the extent to which
equitable considerations or public policies, includ­ the land is to be segregated while the application is
ing but not limited to, a preference to users, he being considered by the Secretary. Upon publica­
may sell those lands with modified competitive tion of such notice the land shall be segregated
bidding or without competitive bidding. In recog­ from the operation of the public land laws to the
nizing public policies, the Secretary shall give extent specified in the notice. The segregative
consideration to the following potential pur­ effect of the application shall terminate upon (a)
chasers: rejection of the application by the Secretary, (b)
(1) the State in which the land is located; withdrawal of lands by the Secretary, or (c) the
expiration of two years from the date of the notice.
(2) the local government entities in such State
which are in the vicinity of the land; (2) The publication provisions of this subsection
are not applicable to withdrawals under subsection
(3) adjoining landowners; (e) hereof.
(4) individuals; and (c) (1) On and after the dates of approval of this
(5) any other person. Act a withdrawal aggregating five thousand acres
(g) The Secretary shall accept or reject, in writ­ or more may be made (or such a withdrawal or
ing, any offer to purchase made through competi­ any other withdrawal involving in the aggregate
tive bidding at his invitation no later than thirty five thousand acres or more which terminates after
days after the receipt of such offer or, in the case such date of approval may be extended) only for a
of a tract in excess of two thousand five hundred period of not more than twenty years by the
acres, at the end of thirty days after the end of the Secretary on his own motion or upon request by a
ninety-day period provided in subsection (c) of department or agency head. The Secretary shall
this section, whichever is later, unless the offeror notify both Houses of Congress of such a with­
waives his right to a decision within such thirty- drawal no later than its effective date and the with­
drawal shall terminate and become ineffective at
8 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

the end of ninety days (not counting days on adjacent public and nonpublic land and how it
which the Senate or the House of Representatives appears they will be affected by the proposed use,
has adjourned for more than three consecutive including particularly aspects of use that might
days) beginning on the day notice of such with­ cause degradation of the environment, and also the
drawal has been submitted to the Senate and the economic impact of the change in use on individu­
House of Representatives, if the Congress has als, local communities, and the Nation;
adopted a concurrent resolution stating that such (3) an identification of present users of the land
House does not approve the withdrawal. If the involved, and how they will be affected by the
committee to which a resolution has been referred proposed use;
during the said ninety day period, has not reported
it at the end of thirty calendar days after its refer­ (4) an analysis of the manner in which existing
ral, it shall be in order to either discharge the com­ and potential resource uses are incompatible with
mittee from further consideration of such resolu­ or in conflict with the proposed use, together with
tion or to discharge the committee from considera­ a statement of the provisions to be made for con­
tion of any other resolution with respect to the tinuation or termination of existing uses, including
Presidential recommendation. A motion to dis­ an economic analysis of such continuation or ter­
charge may be made only by an individual favor­ mination;
ing the resolution, shall be highly privileged (5) an analysis of the manner in which such
(except that it may not be made after the commit- lands will be used in relation to the specific
tee has reported such a resolution), and debate requirements for the proposed use;
thereon shall be limited to not more than one hour,
(6) a statement as to whether any suitable alter-
to be divided equally between those favoring and
native sites are available (including cost estimates)
those opposing the resolution. An amendment to
for the proposed use or for uses such a withdrawal
the motion shall not be in order, and it shall not be
would displace;
in order to move to reconsider the vote by which
the motion was agreed to or disagreed to. If the (7) a statement of the consultation which has
motion to discharge is agreed to or disagreed to, been or will be had with other Federal departments
the motion may not be made with respect to any and agencies, with regional, State, and local gov­
other resolution with respect to the same ernment bodies, and with other appropriate indi­
Presidential recommendation. When the committee viduals and groups;
has reprinted, or has been discharged from further (8) a statement indicating the effect of the pro-
consideration of a resolution, it shall at any time posed uses, if any, on State and local government
thereafter be in order (even though a previous interests and the regional economy;
motion to the same effect has been disagreed to) to
move to proceed to the consideration of the resolu­ (9) a statement of the expected length of time
tion. The motion shall be highly privileged and needed for the withdrawal;
shall not be debatable. An amendment to the (10) the time and place of hearings and of other
motion shall not be in order, and it shall not be in public involvement concerning such withdrawal;
order to move to reconsider the vote by which the
(11) the place where the records on the with­
motion was agreed to or disagreed to.
drawal can be examined by interested parties; and
(2) With the notices required by subsection (c)
(12) a report prepared by a qualified mining
(1) of this section and within three months after
engineer, engineering geologist, or geologist which
filing the notice under subsection (e) of this sec­
shall include but not be limited to information on:
tion, the Secretary shall furnish to the committees–
general geology, known mineral deposits, past and
(1) a clear explanation of the proposed use of present mineral production, mining claims, miner­
the land involved which led to the withdrawal; al leases, evaluation of future mineral potential,
(2) an inventory and evaluation of the current present and potential market demands.
natural resource uses and values of the site and
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 9

(d) A withdrawal aggregating less than five thou- on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate.
sand acres may be made under this subsection by [P.L. 103-437, 1994]
the Secretary on his own motion or upon request (g) All applications for withdrawal pending on
by a department or an agency head– the date of approval of this Act shall be processed
(1) for such period of time as he deems desir­ and adjudicated to conclusion within fifteen years
able for a resource use; or of the date of approval of this Act, in accordance
with the provisions of this section. The segregative
(2) for a period of not more than twenty years
effect of any application not so processed shall ter­
for any other use, including but not limited to use
minate on that date.
for administrative sites, location of facilities, and
other proprietary purposes; or (h) All new withdrawals made by the Secretary
under this section (except an emergency withdraw­
(3) for a period of not more than five years to
al made under subsection (e) of this section) shall
preserve such tract for a specific use then under
be promulgated after an opportunity for a public
consideration by the Congress.
(e) When the Secretary determines, or when the
(i) In the case of lands under the administration
Committee on Natural Resources of the House of
of any department or agency other than the
Representatives or the Committee on Energy and
Department of the Interior, the Secretary shall
Natural Resources of the Senate [P.L. 103-437, 1994]
make, modify, and revoke withdrawals only with
notifies the Secretary, that an emergency situation
the consent of the head of the department or
exists and that extraordinary measures must be
agency concerned, except when the provisions of
taken to preserve values that would otherwise be
subsection (e) of this section apply.
lost, the Secretary notwithstanding the provisions
of subsections (c) (1) and (d) of this section, shall (j) The Secretary shall not make, modify, or
immediately make a withdrawal and file notice of revoke any withdrawal created by Act of
such emergency withdrawal with both of those Congress; make a withdrawal which can be made
Committees [P.L. 103-437, 1994]. Such emergency with­ only by Act of Congress; modify or revoke any
drawal shall be effective when made but shall last withdrawal creating national monuments under the
only for a period not to exceed three years and Act of June 8, 1906 (34 Stat. 225; 16 U.S.C.
may not be extended except under the provisions 431–433); or modify, or revoke any withdrawal
of subsection (c) (1) or (d), whichever is applica­ which added lands to the National Wildlife Refuge
ble, and (b) (1) of this section. The information System prior to the date of approval of this Act or
required in subsection (c) (2) of this subsection which thereafter adds lands to that System under
shall be furnished the committees within three the terms of this Act. Nothing in this Act is intend­
months after filing such notice. ed to modify or change any provision of the Act of
February 27, 1976 (90 Stat. 199; 16 U.S.C. 668dd
(f) All withdrawals and extensions thereof,
whether made prior to or after approval of this
Act, having a specific period shall be reviewed by (k) There is hereby authorized to be appropriated
the Secretary toward the end of the withdrawal the sum of $10,000,000 for the purpose of pro­
period and may be extended or further extended cessing withdrawal applications pending on the
only upon compliance with the provisions of sub- effective date of this Act, to be available until
section (c) (1) or (d), whichever is applicable, and expended.
only if the Secretary determines that the purpose (l) (1) The Secretary shall, within fifteen years
for which the withdrawal was first made requires of the date of enactment of this Act, review with­
the extension, and then only for a period no longer drawals existing on the date of approval of this
than the length of the original withdrawal period. Act, in the States of Arizona, California, Colorado,
The Secretary shall report on such review and Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon,
extensions to the Committee on Natural Resources Utah, Washington, and Wyoming of (1) all Federal
of the House of Representatives and the Committee lands other than withdrawals of the public lands
10 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

administered by the Bureau of Land Management committee from further consideration of such reso­
and of lands which, on the date of approval of this lution or to discharge the committee from consid­
Act, were part of Indian reservations and other eration of any other resolution with respect to the
Indian holdings, the National Forest System, the Presidential recommendation. A motion to dis­
National Park System, the National Wildlife charge may be made only by an individual favor­
Refuge System, other lands administered by the ing the resolution, shall be highly privileged
Fish and Wildlife Service or the Secretary through (except that it may not be made after the commit-
the Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Wild tee has reported such a resolution), and debate
and Scenic Rivers System, and the National thereon shall be limited to not more than one hour,
System of Trails; and (2) all public lands adminis­ to be divided equally between those favoring and
tered by the Bureau of Land Management and of those opposing the resolution. An amendment to
lands in the National Forest System (except those the motion shall not be in order, and it shall not be
in wilderness areas, and those areas formally iden­ in order to move to reconsider the vote by which
tified as primitive or natural areas or designated as the motion was agreed to or disagreed to. If the
national recreation areas) which closed the lands motion to discharge is agreed to or disagreed to,
to appropriation under the Mining Law of 1872 the motion may not be made with respect to any
(17 Stat. 91, as amended; 30 U.S.C. 22 et seq.) or other resolution with respect to the same
to leasing under the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 Presidential recommendation. When the committee
(41 Stat. 437, as amended; 30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.). has reprinted, or has been discharged from further
(2) In the review required by paragraph (1) of consideration of a resolution, it shall at any time
this subsection, the Secretary shall determine thereafter be in order (even though a previous
whether, and for how long, the continuation of the motion to the same effect has been disagreed to) to
existing withdrawal of the lands would be, in his move to proceed to the consideration of the resolu­
judgment, consistent with the statutory objectives tion. The motion shall be highly privileged and
of the programs for which the lands were dedicat­ shall not be debatable. An amendment to the
ed and of the other relevant programs. The motion shall not be in order, and it shall not be in
Secretary shall report his recommendations to the order to move to reconsider the vote by which the
President, together with statements of concurrence motion was agreed to or disagreed to.
or nonconcurrence submitted by the heads of the (3) There are hereby authorized to be appropri­
departments or agencies which administer the ated not more than $10,000,000 for the purpose of
lands. The President shall transmit this report to paragraph (1) of this subsection to be available
the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the until expended to the Secretary and to the heads of
House of Representatives, together with his rec­ other departments and agencies which will be
ommendations for action by the Secretary, or for involved.
legislation. The Secretary may act to terminate
withdrawals other than those made by Act of the ACQUISITIONS
Congress in accordance with the recommendations
of the President unless before the end of ninety Sec. 205. [43 U.S.C. 1715] (a) Notwithstanding any
days (not counting days on which the Senate and other provisions of law, the Secretary, with respect
the House of Representatives has adjourned for to the public lands and the Secretary of
more than three consecutive days) beginning on Agriculture, with respect to the acquisition of
the day the report of the President has been sub­ access over non-Federal lands to units of the
mitted to the Senate and the House of National Forest System, are authorized to acquire
Representatives the Congress has adopted a pursuant to this Act by purchase, exchange, dona­
concurrent resolution indicating otherwise. If the tion, or eminent domain, lands or interests therein:
committee to which a resolution has been referred Provided, That with respect to the public lands, the
during the said ninety day period, has not reported Secretary may exercise the power of eminent
it at the end of thirty calendar days after its refer­ domain only if necessary to secure access to pub­
ral, it shall be in order to either discharge the lic lands, and then only if the lands so acquired are
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 11

confined to as narrow a corridor as is necessary to EXCHANGES

serve such purpose. Nothing in this subsection
shall be construed as expanding or limiting the Sec. 206. [43 U.S.C. 1716] (a) A tract of public land or
authority of the Secretary of Agriculture to acquire interests therein may be disposed of by exchange
land by eminent domain within the boundaries of by the Secretary under this Act and a tract of land
units of the National Forest System. or interests therein within the National Forest
(b) Acquisitions pursuant to this section shall be System may be disposed of by exchange by the
consistent with the mission of the department Secretary of Agriculture under applicable law
involved and with applicable departmental land- where the Secretary concerned determines that the
use plans. public interest will be well served by making that
exchange: Provided, That when considering public
(c) Except as provided in subsection (e) of this interest the Secretary concerned shall give full
section [P.L. 99-632, 1986], lands and interests in lands consideration to better Federal land management
acquired by the Secretary pursuant to this section and the needs of State and local people, including
or section 206 shall, upon acceptance of title, needs for lands for the economy, community
become public lands, and, for the administration of expansion, recreation areas, food, fiber, minerals,
public land laws not repealed by this Act, shall and fish and wildlife and the Secretary concerned
remain public lands. If such acquired lands or finds that the values and the objectives which
interests in lands are located within the exterior Federal lands or interests to be conveyed may
boundaries of a grazing district established pur­ serve if retained in Federal ownership are not more
suant to the first section of the Act of June 28, than the values of the non-Federal lands or inter­
1934 (48 Stat. 1269, as amended; 43 U.S.C. 315) ests and the public objectives they could serve if
(commonly known as the “ Taylor Grazing Act”), acquired.
they shall become a part of that district. Lands
and interests in lands acquired pursuant to this sec­ (b) In exercising the exchange authority granted
tion which are within boundaries of the National by subsection (a) or by section 205 (a) of this Act,
Forest System may be transferred to the Secretary the Secretary concerned [P.L. 100-409 §3, Aug. 20, 1988]
of Agriculture and shall then become National may accept title to any non-Federal land or inter­
Forest System lands and subject to all the laws, ests therein in exchange for such land, or interests
rules, and regulations applicable thereto. therein which he finds proper for transfer out of
Federal ownership and which are located in the
(d) Lands and interests in lands acquired by the same State as the non-Federal land or interest to be
Secretary of Agriculture pursuant to this section acquired. For the purposes of this subsection,
shall, upon acceptance of title, become National unsurveyed school sections which, upon survey by
Forest System lands subject to all the laws, rules, the Secretary, would become State lands, shall be
and regulations applicable thereto. considered as “non-Federal lands”. The values of
(e) Lands acquired by the Secretary pursuant to the lands exchanged by the Secretary under this
this section or section 206 [43 U.S.C. 1716] in Act and by the Secretary of Agriculture under
exchange for lands which were revested in the applicable law relating to lands within the
United States pursuant to the provisions of the Act National Forest System either shall be equal, or if
of June 9, 1916 (39 Stat. 218) or reconveyed to the they are not equal, the values shall be equalized by
United States pursuant to the provisions of the Act the payment of money to the grantor or to the
of February 26, 1919 [16 U.S.C. 342] (40 Stat. 1179), Secretary concerned as the circumstances require
shall be considered for all purposes to have the so long as payment does not exceed 25 per centum
same status as, and shall be administered in of the total value of the lands or interests trans­
accordance with the same provisions of law appli­ ferred out of Federal ownership. The Secretary
cable to, the revested or reconveyed lands concerned and the other party or parties involved
exchanged for the lands acquired by the Secretary. in the exchange may mutually agree to waive the
[P.L. 99-632, 1986] requirement for the payment of money to equalize
12 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

values where the Secretary concerned determines or appraisals shall be submitted to an arbitrator
that the exchange will be expedited thereby and appointed by the Secretary from a list of arbitra­
that the public interest will be better served by tors submitted to him by the American Arbitration
such a waiver of cash equalization payments and Association for arbitration to be conducted in
where the amount to be waived is no more than 3 accordance with the real estate valuation arbitra­
per centum of the value of the lands being trans­ tion rules of the American Arbitration Association.
ferred out of Federal ownership or $15,000, Such arbitration shall be binding for a period of
whichever is less, except that the Secretary of not to exceed two years on the Secretary con­
Agriculture shall not agree to waive any such cerned and the other party or parties involved in
requirement for payment of money to the United the exchange insofar as concerns the value of the
States. [P.L. 100-409 §9, Aug. 20, 1988] The Secretary con­ lands which were the subject of the appraisal or
cerned shall try to reduce the amount of the pay­ appraisals.
ment of money to as small an amount as possible. (3) Within thirty days after the completion of
(c) Lands acquired by the Secretary by exchange the arbitration, the Secretary concerned and the
under this section which are within the boundaries other party or parties involved in the exchange
of any unit of the National Forest System, shall determine whether to proceed with the
National Park System, National Wildlife Refuge exchange, modify the exchange to reflect the find­
System, National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, ings of the arbitration or any other factors, or to
National Trails System, National Wilderness withdraw from the exchange. A decision to with-
Preservation System, or any other system estab­ draw from the exchange may be made by either
lished by Act of Congress, or the boundaries of the the Secretary concerned or the other party or par-
California Desert Conservation Area, or the ties involved.
boundaries of any national conservation area or (4) Instead of submitting the appraisal to an
national recreation area established by Act of arbitrator, as provided in paragraph (2) of this
Congress, upon acceptance of title by the United section, the Secretary concerned and the other
States shall immediately be reserved for and party or parties involved in an exchange may
become a part of the unit or area within which mutually agree to employ a process of bargaining
they are located, without further action by the or some other process to determine the values of
Secretary, and shall thereafter be managed in the properties involved in the exchange.
accordance with all laws, rules, and regulations
applicable to such unit or area. [P.L. 100-409 §3, Aug. 20, (5) The Secretary concerned and the other party
1988] or parties involved in an exchange may mutually
agree to suspend or modify any of the deadlines
(d)(1) No later than ninety days after entering
contained in this subsection.
into an agreement to initiate an exchange of land
or interests therein pursuant to this Act or other (e) Unless mutually agreed otherwise by the
applicable law, the Secretary concerned and other Secretary concerned and the other party or parties
party or parties involved in the exchange shall involved in an exchange pursuant to this Act or
arrange for appraisal (to be completed within a other applicable law, all patents or titles to be
time frame and under such terms as are negotiated issued for land or interests therein to be acquired
by the parties) of the lands or interests therein by the Federal Government and lands or interests
involved in the exchange in accordance with sub- therein to be transferred out of Federal ownership
section (f) of this section. shall be issued simultaneously after the Secretary
concerned has taken any necessary steps to assure
(2) If within one hundred and eighty days after
that the United States will receive acceptable title.
the submission of an appraisal or appraisals for
review and approval by the Secretary concerned, (f)(1) Within one year after August 20, 1988, the
the Secretary concerned and the other party or Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture shall
parties involved cannot agree to accept the find­ promulgate new and comprehensive rules and reg­
ings of an appraisal or appraisals, the appraisal ulations governing exchanges of land and interests
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 13

therein pursuant to this Act and other applicable encumbrances, arbitration pursuant to subsection
law. Such rules and regulations shall fully reflect (d) of this section, curing deficiencies preventing
the changes in law made by subsections (d) highest and best use, and other costs to comply
through (i) of this section and shall include provi­ with laws, regulations and policies applicable to
sions pertaining to appraisals of lands and inter­ exchange transactions, or which are necessary to
ests therein involved in such exchanges. bring the Federal or non-Federal lands or inter­
(2) The provisions of the rules and regulations ests involved in the exchange to their highest and
issued pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsec­ best use for the appraisal and exchange purposes.
tion governing appraisals shall reflect nationally Prior to making any adjustments pursuant to this
recognized appraisal standards, including, to the subparagraph, the Secretary concerned shall be
extent appropriate, the Uniform Appraisal satisfied that the amount of such adjustment is rea­
Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions: sonable and accurately reflects the approximate
Provided, however, That the provisions of such value of any costs or services provided or any
rules and regulations shall – responsibilities or requirements assumed.

(A) ensure that the same nationally approved (g) Until such time as new and comprehensive
appraisal standards are used in appraising lands rules and regulations governing exchange of land
or interest therein being acquired by the Federal and interests therein are promulgated pursuant to
Government and appraising lands or interests subsection (f) of this section, land exchanges may
therein being transferred out of Federal owner- proceed in accordance with existing laws and reg­
ship; and ulations, and nothing in the Act shall be construed
to require any delay in, or otherwise hinder, the
(B) with respect to costs or other responsibili­ processing and consummation of land exchanges
ties or requirements associated with land pending the promulgation of such new and com­
exchanges – prehensive rules and regulations. Where the
(i) recognize that the parties involved in an Secretary concerned and the party or parties
exchange may mutually agree that one party (or involved in an exchange have agreed to initiate an
parties) will assume, without compensation, all or exchange of land or interests therein prior to the
part of certain costs or other responsibilities or day of enactment of such subsections, subsections
requirements ordinarily borne by the other party (d) through (i) of this section shall not apply to
or parties; and such exchanges unless the Secretary concerned
and the party or parties involved in the exchange
(ii) also permit the Secretary concerned,
mutually agree otherwise.
where such Secretary determines it is in the public
interest and it is in the best interest of consummat­ (h)(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Act
ing an exchange pursuant to this Act or other and other applicable laws which require that
applicable law, and upon mutual agreement of the exchanges of land or interests therein be for equal
parties, to make adjustments to the relative values value, where the Secretary concerned determines it
involved in an exchange transaction in order to is in the public interest and that the consummation
compensate a party or parties to the exchange for of a particular exchange will be expedited thereby,
assuming costs or other responsibilities or require­ the Secretary concerned may exchange lands or
ments which would ordinarily be borne by the interests therein which are of approximately equal
other party or parties. value in cases where –
As used in this subparagraph, the term “costs or (A) the combined value of the lands or interests
other responsibilities or requirements” shall therein to be transferred from Federal ownership
include, but not be limited to, costs or other by the Secretary concerned in such exchange is
requirements associated with land surveys and not more than $150,000; and
appraisals, mineral examinations, title searches, (B) the Secretary concerned finds in accor­
archeological surveys and salvage, removal of dance with the regulations to be promulgated pur-
14 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

suant to subsection (f) of this section that a deter­ laws and to entry, location, and patent under the
mination of approximately equal value can be mining laws except to the extent otherwise provid­
made without formal appraisals, as based on a ed by this Act or other applicable law, or appro­
statement of value made by a qualified appraiser priate actions pursuant thereto.
and approved by an authorized officer; and [P.L. 100-409 §3, Aug. 20, 1988]
(C) the definition of and procedure for deter-
mining “approximately equal value” has been set QUALIFIED CONVEYEES
forth in regulations by the Secretary concerned
and the Secretary concerned documents how such Sec. 207. [43 U.S.C. 1717] No tract of land may be dis­
determination was made in the case of the particu­ posed of under this Act, whether by sale,
lar exchange involved. exchange, or donation, to any person who is not a
citizen of the United States, or in the case of a cor­
(2) As used in this subsection, the term poration, is not subject to the laws of any State or
“approximately equal value” shall have the same of the United States.
meaning with respect to lands managed by the
Secretary of Agriculture as it does in the Act of
January 22, 1983 (commonly known as the “Small
Tracts Act”). Sec. 208. [43 U.S.C. 1718] The Secretary shall issue all
(i)(1) Upon receipt of an offer to exchange lands patents or other documents of conveyance after
or interests in lands pursuant to this Act or other any disposal authorized by this Act. The Secretary
applicable laws, at the request of the head of the shall insert in any such patent or other document
department or agency having jurisdiction over the of conveyance he issues, except in the case of land
lands involved, the Secretary of the Interior may exchanges, for which the provisions of subsection
temporarily segregate the Federal lands under 206 (b) of this Act shall apply, such terms,
consideration for exchange from appropriation covenants, conditions, and reservations as he
under the mining laws. Such temporary segrega­ deems necessary to insure proper land use and pro­
tion may only be made for a period of not to tection of the public interest: Provided, That a con­
exceed five years. Upon a decision not to proceed veyance of lands by the Secretary, subject to such
with the exchange or upon deletion of any particu­ terms, covenants, conditions, and reservations,
lar parcel from the exchange offer, the Federal shall not exempt the grantee from compliance with
lands involved or deleted shall be promptly applicable Federal or State law or State land use
restored to their former status under the mining plans: Provided further, That the Secretary shall
laws. Any segregation pursuant to this paragraph not make conveyances of public lands containing
shall be subject to valid existing rights as of the terms and conditions which would, at the time of
date of such segregation. the conveyance, constitute a violation of any law
or regulation pursuant to State and local land use
(2) All non-Federal lands which are acquired
plans, or programs.
by the United States through exchange pursuant to
this Act or pursuant to other laws applicable to
lands managed by the Secretary of Agriculture RESERVATION AND CON-
shall be automatically segregated from appropria­ VEYANCE OF MINERALS
tion under the public land law, including the min­
ing laws, for ninety days after acceptance of title Sec. 209. [43 U.S.C. 1719] (a) All conveyances of title
by the United States. Such segregation shall be issued by the Secretary, except those involving
subject to valid existing rights as of the date of land exchanges provided for in section 206, shall
such acceptance of title. At the end of such ninety reserve to the United States all minerals in the
day period, such segregation shall end and such lands, together with the right to prospect for, mine,
lands shall be open to operation of the public land and remove the minerals under applicable law and
such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe,
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 15

except that if the Secretary makes the findings (4) Moneys paid to the Secretary for adminis­
specified in subsection (b) of this section, the min­ trative costs pursuant to this subsection shall be
erals may then be conveyed together with the sur­ paid to the agency which rendered the service and
face to the prospective surface owner as provided deposited to the appropriation then current.
in subsection (b).
(b) (1) The Secretary, after consultation with the COORDINATION WITH STATE
appropriate department or agency head, may con­ AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
vey mineral interests owned by the United States
where the surface is or will be in non-Federal Sec. 210. [43 U.S.C. 1720] At least sixty days prior to
ownership, regardless of which Federal entity may offering for sale or otherwise conveying public
have administered the surface, if he finds (1) that lands under this Act, the Secretary shall notify the
there are no known mineral values in the land, or Governor of the State within which such lands are
(2) that the reservation of the mineral rights in the located and the head of the governing body of any
United States is interfering with or precluding political subdivision of the State having zoning or
appropriate non-mineral development of the land other land use regulatory jurisdiction in the geo­
and that such development is a more beneficial use graphical area within which such lands are located,
of the land than mineral development. in order to afford the appropriate body the oppor­
tunity to zone or otherwise regulate, or change or
(2) Conveyance of mineral interests pursuant to amend existing zoning or other regulations con­
this section shall be made only to the existing or cerning the use of such lands prior to such con­
proposed record owner of the surface, upon pay­ veyance. The Secretary shall also promptly notify
ment of administrative costs and the fair market such public officials of the issuance of the patent
value of the interests being conveyed. or other document of conveyance for such lands.
(3) Before considering an application for con­
veyance of mineral interests pursuant to this sec­ OMITTED LANDS
Sec. 211. [43 U.S.C. 1721] Omitted Lands.– (a) The
(i) the Secretary shall require the deposit by the
Secretary is hereby authorized to convey to States
applicant of a sum of money which he deems suf­
or their political subdivisions under the Recreation
ficient to cover administrative costs including, but
and Public Purposes Act (44 Stat. 741 as amended;
not limited to, costs of conducting an exploratory
43 U.S.C. 869 et seq.), as amended, but without
program to determine the character of the mineral
regard to the acreage limitations contained therein,
deposits in the land, evaluating the data obtained
unsurveyed islands determined by the Secretary to
under the exploratory program to determine the
be public lands of the United States. The con­
fair market value of the mineral interests to be
veyance of any such island may be made without
conveyed, and preparing and issuing the docu­
survey: Provided, however, That such island may
ments of conveyance: Provided, That, if the
be surveyed at the request of the applicant State or
administrative costs exceed the deposit, the appli­
its political subdivision if such State or subdivi­
cant shall pay the outstanding amount; and, if the
sion donates money or services to the Secretary
deposit exceeds the administrative costs, the appli­
for such survey, the Secretary accepts such money
cant shall be given a credit for or refund of the
or services, and such services are conducted pur­
excess; or
suant to criteria established by the Director of the
(ii) the applicant, with the consent of the Bureau of Land Management. Any such island
Secretary, shall have conducted, and submitted to so surveyed shall not be conveyed without
the Secretary the results of, such an exploratory approval of such survey by the Secretary prior to
program, in accordance with standards promulgat­ the conveyance.
ed by the Secretary.
16 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

(b) (1) The Secretary is authorized to convey to (d) The final sentence of section 1(c) of the
States and their political subdivisions under the Recreation and Public Purposes Act [43 U.S.C. 869(c)]
Recreation and Public Purposes Act, [43 U.S.C. shall not be applicable to conveyances under this
869 to 869-4] but without regard to the acreage section.
limitations contained therein, lands other than (e) No conveyance pursuant to this section shall
islands determined by him after survey to be pub­ be used as the basis for determining the baseline
lic lands of the United States erroneously or fraud­ between Federal and State ownership, the bound­
ulently omitted from the original surveys (here­ ary of any State for purposes of determining the
inafter referred to as “omitted lands”). Any such extent of a State’s submerged lands or the line of
conveyance shall not be made without a survey: demarcation of Federal jurisdiction, or any similar
Provided, That the prospective recipient may or related purpose.
donate money or services to the Secretary for the
surveying necessary prior to conveyance if the (f) The provisions of this section shall not apply
Secretary accepts such money or services, such to any lands within the National Forest System,
services are conducted pursuant to criteria estab­ defined in the Act of August 17, 1974 (88 Stat.
lished by the Director of the Bureau of Land 476; 16 U.S.C. 1601), the National Park System,
Management, and such survey is approved by the the National Wildlife Refuge System, and the
Secretary prior to the conveyance. National Wild and Scenic Rivers System.
(2) The Secretary is authorized to convey to the (g) Nothing in this section shall supersede the
occupant of any omitted lands which, after survey, provisions of the Act of December 22, 1928 (45
are found to have been occupied and developed for Stat. 1069; 43 U.S.C. 1068), as amended, and the
a five-year period prior to January 1, 1975, if the Act of May 31, 1962 (76 Stat. 89), or any other
Secretary determines that such conveyance is in Act authorizing the sale of specific omitted lands.
the public interest and will serve objectives which
outweigh all public objectives and values which RECREATION
would be served by retaining such lands in Federal AND PUBLIC
ownership. Conveyance under this subparagraph PURPOSES ACT
shall be made at not less than the fair market value
of the land, as determined by the Secretary, and Sec. 212. The Recreation and Public Purposes Act
upon payment in addition of administrative costs, of 1926 (44 Stat. 741, as amended; 43 U.S.C. 869
including the cost of making the survey, the cost et seq.), as amended, is further amended as fol­
of appraisal, and the cost of making the con­ lows:
(a) The second sentence of subsection (a) of the
(c) (1) No conveyance shall be made pursuant to first section of that Act (43 U.S.C. 869(a)) is
this section until the relevant State government, amended to read as follows: “Before the land may
local government, and area wide planning agency be disposed of under this Act it must be shown to
designated pursuant to section 204 of the the satisfaction of the Secretary that the land is to
Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan be used for an established or definitely proposed
Development Act of 1966 (80 Stat. 1255, 1262) [42 project, that the land involved is not of national
U.S.C. 3334] and/or title IV of the Intergovernmental significance nor more than is reasonably necessary
Cooperation Act of 1968 (82 Stat. 1098, 1103–4) for the proposed use, and that for proposals of
[31 U.S.C. 6506(a)-(e)] have notified the Secretary as to over 640 acres comprehensive land use plans and
the consistency of such conveyance with applica­ zoning regulations applicable to the area in which
ble State and local government land use plans and the public lands to be disposed of are located have
programs. been adopted by the appropriate State or local
(2) The provisions of section 210 of this Act authority. The Secretary shall provide an opportu­
shall be applicable to all conveyances under this nity for participation by affected citizens in dispos­
section. als under this Act, including public hearings or
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 17

meetings where he deems it appropriate to provide NATIONAL FOREST

public comments, and shall hold at least one pub­ TOWNSITES
lic meeting on any proposed disposal of more than
six hundred forty acres under this Act.” Sec. 213. The Act of July 31, 1958 (72 Stat. 438, 7
(b) Subsection (b) (i) of the first section of that U.S.C. 1012a, 16 U.S.C. 478a), is amended to read
Act (43 U.S.C. 869(b)) is amended to read as fol­ as follows: “When the Secretary of Agriculture
lows: determines that a tract of National Forest System
land in Alaska or in the eleven contiguous Western
“(b) Conveyances made in any one calendar year
States is located adjacent to or contiguous to an
shall be limited as follows:
established community, and that transfer of such
“(i) For recreational purposes: land would serve indigenous community objec­
“(A) To any State or the State park agency or tives that outweigh the public objectives and val­
any other agency having jurisdiction over the State ues which would be served by maintaining such
park system of such State designated by the tract in Federal ownership, he may, upon applica­
Governor of that State as its sole representative for tion, set aside and designate as a townsite an area
acceptance of lands under this provision, here­ of not to exceed six hundred and forty acres of
inafter referred to as the State, or to any political National Forest System land for any one applica­
subdivision of such State, six thousand four hun­ tion. After public notice, and satisfactory showing
dred acres, and such additional acreage as may be of need therefor by any county, city, or other local
needed for small road-side parks and rest sites of governmental subdivision, the Secretary may offer
not more than ten acres each. such area for sale to a governmental subdivision at
a price not less than the fair market value thereof:
“(B) To any nonprofit corporation or nonprofit Provided, however, That the Secretary may condi­
association, six hundred and forty acres. tion conveyances of townsites upon the enactment,
“(C) No more than twenty-five thousand six hun­ maintenance, and enforcement of a valid ordinance
dred acres may be conveyed for recreational pur­ which assures any land so conveyed will be con-
poses under this Act in any one State per calendar trolled by the governmental subdivision so that use
year. Should any State or political subdivision, of the area will not interfere with the protection,
however, fail to secure, in any one year, six thou- management, and development of adjacent or con­
sand four hundred acres, not counting lands for tiguous National Forest System lands.”
small roadside parks and rest sites, conveyances
may be made thereafter if pursuant to an applica­ UNINTENTIONAL
tion on file with the Secretary of the Interior on or TRESPASS ACT
before the last day of said year and to the extent
that the conveyance would not have exceeded the Sec. 214. [43 U.S.C. 1722] (a) Notwithstanding the
limitations of said year.” provisions of the Act of September 26, 1968 (82
(c) Section 2(a) of that Act (43 U.S.C. 869–1) is Stat. 870; 43 U.S.C. 1431–1435), hereinafter
amended by inserting “or recreational purposes” called the “1968 Act,” with respect to applications
immediately after “historic-monument purposes”. under the 1968 Act which were pending before the
Secretary as of the effective date of this subsection
(d) Section 2(b) of that Act (43 U.S.C. 869–1) is and which he approves for sale under the criteria
amended by adding “, except that leases of such prescribed by the 1968 Act, he shall give the right
lands for recreational purposes shall be made with- of first refusal to those having a preference right
out monetary consideration” after the phase “rea­ under section 2 of the 1968 Act. The Secretary
sonable annual rental”. shall offer such lands to such preference right
holders at their fair market value (exclusive of any
values added to the land by such holders and their
predecessors in interest) as determined by the
Secretary as of September 26, 1973.
18 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

(b) Within three years after the date of approval move to proceed to the consideration of the resolu­
of this Act, the Secretary shall notify the filers of tion. The motion shall be highly privileged and
applications subject to paragraph (a) of this section shall not be debatable. An amendment to the
whether he will offer them the lands applied for motion shall not be in order, and it shall not be in
and at what price; that is, their fair market value as order to move to reconsider the vote by which the
of September 26, 1973, excluding any value added motion was agreed to or disagreed to.
to the lands by the applicants or their predecessors (c) Within five years after the date of approval of
in interest. He will also notify the President of the this Act, the Secretary shall complete the process­
Senate and the Speaker of the House of ing of all applications filed under the 1968 Act and
Representatives of the lands which he has deter- hold sales covering all lands which he has deter-
mined not to sell pursuant to paragraph (a) of this mined to sell thereunder.
section and the reasons therefor. With respect to
such lands which the Secretary determined not to Sec. 215. [43 U.S.C. 1723] (a) When the sole impedi­
sell, he shall take no other action to convey those ment to consummation of an exchange of lands or
lands or interests in them before the end of ninety interests therein (hereinafter referred to as an
days (not counting days on which the House of exchange) determined to be in the public interest,
Representatives or the Senate has adjourned for is the inability of the Secretary of the Interior to
more than three consecutive days) beginning on revoke, modify, or terminate part or all of a with­
the date the Secretary has submitted such notice to drawal or classification because of the order (or
the Senate and House of Representatives. If, dur­ subsequent modification or continuance thereof) of
ing that ninety-day period, the Congress adopts a the United States District Court for the District of
concurrent resolution stating the length of time Columbia dated February 10, 1986, in Civil
such suspension of action should continue, he shall Action No. 85-2238 (National Wildlife Federation
continue such suspension for the specified time v. Robert E. Burford, et al.), the Secretary of the
period. If the committee to which a resolution has Interior is hereby authorized, notwithstanding
been referred during the said ninety-day period, such order (or subsequent modification or continu­
has not reported it at the end of thirty calendar ance thereof) to use the authority contained here-
days after its referral, it shall be in order to either in, in lieu of other authority provided in this Act
discharge the committee from further considera­ including section 204, to revoke, modify, or termi­
tion of such resolution or to discharge the commit- nate in whole or in part, withdrawals or classifica­
tee from consideration of any other resolution with tions to the extent deemed necessary by the
respect to the suspension of action. A motion to Secretary to enable the United States to transfer
discharge may be made only by an individual land or interests therein out of Federal ownership
favoring the resolution, shall be highly privileged pursuant to an exchange.
(except that it may not be made after the commit- (b) REQUIREMENTS. – The authority specified
tee has reported such a resolution), and debate in subsection (a) of this section may be exercised
thereon shall be limited to not more than one hour, only in cases where –
to be divided equally between those favoring and
(1) a particular exchange is proposed to be car­
those opposing the resolution. An amendment to
ried out pursuant to this Act, as amended, or other
the motion shall not be in order, and it shall not
applicable law authorizing such an exchange;
be in order to move to reconsider the vote by
which the motion was agreed to or disagreed to. If (2) the proposed exchange has been prepared in
the motion to discharge is agreed to or disagreed compliance with all laws applicable to such
to, the motion may not be made with respect to exchange;
any other resolution with respect to the same (3) the head of each Federal agency managing
suspension of action. When the committee has the lands proposed for such transfer has submitted
reprinted, or has been discharged from further con­ to the Secretary of the Interior a statement of con­
sideration of a resolution, it shall at any time currence with the proposed revocation, modifica­
thereafter be in order (even though a previous tion, or termination;
motion to the same effect has been disagreed to) to
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 19

(4) at least sixty days have elapsed since the the particular proposed exchange, on the objec­
Secretary of the Interior has published in the tives of the land management plan which is appli­
Federal Register a notice of the proposed revoca­ cable at the time of such transfer to the land to be
tion, modification, or termination; and transferred out of Federal ownership.
(5) at least sixty days have elapsed since the (c) LIMITATIONS. – (1) Nothing in this section
Secretary of the Interior has transmitted to the shall be construed as affirming or denying any of
Committee on Natural Resources [P.L. 103-437 1994] of the allegations made by any party in the civil
the House of Representatives and the Committee action specified in subsection (a), or as constitut­
on Energy and Natural Resources of the United ing an expression of congressional opinion with
States Senate a report which includes – respect to the merits of any allegation, contention,
(A) a justification for the necessity of exercis­ or argument made or issue raised by any party in
ing such authority in order to complete an such action, or as expanding or diminishing the
exchange; jurisdiction of the United States District Court for
the District of Columbia.
(B) an explanation of the reasons why the con­
tinuation of the withdrawal or a classification or (2) Except as specifically provided in this sec­
portion thereof proposed for revocation, modifica­ tion, nothing in this section shall be construed as
tion, or termination is no longer necessary for the modifying, terminating, revoking, or otherwise
purposes of the statutory or other program or pro- affecting any provision of law applicable to land
grams for which the withdrawal or classification exchanges, withdrawals, or classifications.
was made or other relevant programs; (3) The availability or exercise of the authority
(C) assurances that all relevant documents granted in subsection (a) may not be considered
concerning the proposed exchange or purchase for by the Secretary of the Interior in making a deter­
which such authority is proposed to be exercised mination pursuant to this Act or other applicable
(including documents related to compliance with law as to whether or not any proposed exchange is
the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 in the public interest.
and all other applicable provisions of law) are (d) TERMINATION. – The authority specified in
available for public inspection in the office of the subsection (a) shall expire either (1) on December
Secretary concerned located nearest to the lands 31, 1990, or (2) when the Court order (or subse­
proposed for transfer out of Federal ownership in quent modification or continuation thereof) speci­
furtherance of such exchange and that the relevant fied in subsection (a) is no longer in effect,
portions of such documents are also available in whichever occurs first. [P.L. 100-409 1988]
the offices of the Secretary concerned in [The termination clause in subsection (d) was satisfied on November
Washington, District of Columbia; and 4, 1988, when the Court order specified in subsection (a) was vacat­
ed by National Wildlife Federation v. Burford, 699 F. Supp. 327, 332
(D) an explanation of the effect of the revoca­ (D.D.C. 1988). That reversal was upheld in a 1989 Appeals court
tion, modification, or termination of a withdrawal decision, 878 F.2d 422, and by the Supreme Court in 1990, 497 U.S.
or classification or portion thereof and the trans­ 871.]
fer of lands out of Federal ownership pursuant to


BLM DIRECTORATE (d) Nothing in this section shall affect any regu­
AND FUNCTIONS lation of the Secretary with respect to the adminis­
tration of laws administered by him through the
Sec. 301. [43 U.S.C. 1731] (a) The Bureau of Land Bureau on the date of approval of this section.
Management established by Reorganization Plan
Numbered 3, of 1946 (5 U.S.C. App. 519) shall MANAGEMENT OF
have as its head a Director. Appointments to the USE, OCCUPANCY, AND
position of Director shall hereafter be made by the DEVELOPMENT
President, by and with the advice and consent of
the Senate. The Director of the Bureau shall have Sec. 302. [43 U.S.C. 1732] (a) The Secretary shall man-
a broad background and substantial experience in age the public lands under principles of multiple
public land and natural resource management. He use and sustained yield, in accordance with the
shall carry out such functions and shall perform land use plans developed by him under section
such duties as the Secretary may prescribe with 202 of this Act when they are available, except
respect to the management of lands and resources that where a tract of such public land has been
under his jurisdiction according to the applicable dedicated to specific uses according to any other
provisions of this Act and any other applicable provisions of law it shall be managed in accor­
law. dance with such law.
(b) Subject to the discretion granted to him by (b) In managing the public lands, the Secretary
Reorganization Plan Numbered 3 of 1950 (43 shall, subject to this Act and other applicable law
U.S.C. 1451 note), the Secretary shall carry out and under such terms and conditions as are consis­
through the Bureau all functions, powers, and tent with such law, regulate, through easements,
duties vested in him and relating to the administra­ permits, leases, licenses, published rules, or other
tion of laws which, on the date of enactment of instruments as the Secretary deems appropriate,
this section, were carried out by him through the the use, occupancy, and development of the public
Bureau of Land Management established by sec­ lands, including, but not limited to, long-term leas­
tion 403 of Reorganization Plan Numbered 3 of es to permit individuals to utilize public lands for
1946. The Bureau shall administer such laws habitation, cultivation, and the development of
according to the provisions thereof existing as of small trade or manufacturing concerns: Provided,
the date of approval of this Act as modified by the That unless otherwise provided for by law, the
provisions of this Act or by subsequent law. Secretary may permit Federal departments and
(c) In addition to the Director, there shall be an agencies to use, occupy, and develop public lands
Associate Director of the Bureau and so many only through rights-of-way under section 507 of
Assistant Directors, and other employees, as may this Act, withdrawals under section 204 of this
be necessary, who shall be appointed by the Act, and, where the proposed use and development
Secretary subject to the provisions of title 5, are similar or closely related to the programs of
United States Code [5 U.S.C. 101 et seq.], governing the Secretary for the public lands involved, coop­
appointments in the competitive service, and shall erative agreements under subsection (b) of section
be paid in accordance with the provisions of chap­ 307 of this Act: Provided further, That nothing in
ter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of such title this Act shall be construed as authorizing the
[5 U.S.C. 5101 et seq., 5331] relating to classification and Secretary concerned to require Federal permits to
General Schedule pay rates. hunt and fish on public lands or on lands in the
National Forest System and adjacent waters or as
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 21

enlarging or diminishing the responsibility and safety or the environment: Provided further, That,
authority of the States for management of fish and where other applicable law contains specific provi­
resident wildlife. However, the Secretary con­ sions for suspension, revocation, or cancellation of
cerned may designate areas of public land and of a permit, license, or other authorization to use,
lands in the National Forest System where, and occupy, or develop the public lands, the specific
establish periods when, no hunting or fishing will provisions of such law shall prevail.
be permitted for reasons of public safety, adminis­ (d) (1) The Secretary of the Interior, after consul­
tration, or compliance with provisions of applica­ tation with the Governor of Alaska, may issue to
ble law. Except in emergencies, any regulations of the Secretary of Defense or to the Secretary of a
the Secretary concerned relating to hunting and military department within the Department of
fishing pursuant to this section shall be put into Defense or to the Commandant of the Coast Guard
effect only after consultation with the appropriate a nonrenewable general authorization to utilize
State fish and game department. Nothing in this public lands in Alaska (other than within a conser­
Act shall modify or change any provision of vation system unit or the Steese National
Federal law relating to migratory birds or to Conservation Area or the White Mountains
endangered or threatened species. Except as pro­ National Recreation Area) for purposes of military
vided in section 314, section 603, and subsection maneuvering, military training, or equipment test­
(f) of section 601 of this Act and in the last sen­ ing not involving artillery firing, aerial or other
tence of this paragraph, no provision of this sec­ gunnery, or other use of live ammunition or ord­
tion or any other section of this Act shall in any nance.
way amend the Mining Law of 1872 or impair the
rights of any locators or claims under that Act, (2) Use of public lands pursuant to a general
including, but not limited to, rights of ingress and authorization under this subsection shall be limit­
egress. In managing the public lands the Secretary ed to areas where such use would not be inconsis­
shall, by regulation or otherwise, take any action tent with the plans prepared pursuant to section
necessary to prevent unnecessary or undue degra­ 202. Each such use shall be subject to a require­
dation of the lands. ment that the using department shall be responsi­
ble for any necessary cleanup and decontamina­
(c) The Secretary shall insert in any instrument tion of the lands used, and to such other terms and
providing for the use, occupancy, or development conditions (including but not limited to restrictions
of the public lands a provision authorizing revoca­ on use of off-road or all-terrain vehicles) as the
tion or suspension, after notice and hearing, of Secretary of the Interior may require to –
such instrument upon a final administrative find­
ing of a violation of any term or condition of the (A) minimize adverse impacts on the natural,
instrument, including, but not limited to, terms and environmental, scientific, cultural, and other
conditions requiring compliance with regulations resources and values (including fish and wildlife
under Acts applicable to the public lands and com­ habitat) of the public lands involved; and
pliance with applicable State or Federal air or (B) minimize the period and method of such
water quality standard or implementation plan: use and the interference with or restrictions on
Provided, That such violation occurred on public other uses of the public lands involved.
lands covered by such instrument and occurred in
(3) (A) A general authorization issued pursuant
connection with the exercise of rights and privi­
to this subsection shall not be for a term of more
leges granted by it: Provided further, That the
than three years and shall be revoked in whole or
Secretary shall terminate any such suspension no
in part, as the Secretary of the Interior finds nec­
later than the date upon which he determines the
essary, prior to the end of such term upon a deter­
cause of said violation has been rectified: Provided
mination by the Secretary of the Interior that there
further, That the Secretary may order an immedi­
has been a failure to comply with its terms and
ate temporary suspension prior to a hearing or
conditions or that activities pursuant to such an
final administrative finding if he determines that
authorization have had or might have a significant
such a suspension is necessary to protect health or
22 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

adverse impact on the resources or values of the purpose by the court by which he was appointed,
affected lands. in the same manner and subject to the same condi­
(B) Each specific use of a particular area of tions and limitations as provided for in section
public lands pursuant to a general authorization 3401 of title 18 of the United States Code.
under this subsection shall be subject to specific (b) At the request of the Secretary, the Attorney
authorization by the Secretary and to appropriate General may institute a civil action in any United
terms and conditions, including such as are States district court for an injunction or other
described in paragraph (2) of this subsection. appropriate order to prevent any person from uti­
(4) Issuance of a general authorization pur­ lizing public lands in violation of regulations
suant to this subsection shall be subject to the pro- issued by the Secretary under this Act.
visions of section 202(f) of this Act, section 810 of (c) (1) When the Secretary determines that assis­
the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation tance is necessary in enforcing Federal laws and
Act, and all other applicable provisions of law. regulations relating to the public lands or their
The Secretary of a military department (or the resources he shall offer a contract to appropriate
Commandant of the Coast Guard) requesting such local officials having law enforcement authority
authorization shall reimburse the Secretary of the within their respective jurisdictions with the view
Interior for the costs of implementing this para- of achieving maximum feasible reliance upon
graph. An authorization pursuant to this subsec­ local law enforcement officials in enforcing such
tion shall not authorize the construction of per­ laws and regulations. The Secretary shall negotiate
manent structures or facilities on the public lands. on reasonable terms with such officials who have
(5) To the extent that public safety may require authority to enter into such contracts to enforce
closure to public use of any portion of the public such Federal laws and regulations. In the perform­
lands covered by an authorization issued pursuant ance of their duties under such contracts such offi­
to this subsection, the Secretary of the military cials and their agents are authorized to carry
department concerned or the Commandant of the firearms; execute and serve any warrant or other
Coast Guard shall take appropriate steps to notify process issued by a court or officer of competent
the public concerning such closure and to provide jurisdiction; make arrests without warrant or
appropriate warnings of risks to public safety. process for a misdemeanor he has reasonable
grounds to believe is being committed in his pres­
(6) For purposes of this subsection, the term ence or view, or for a felony if he has reasonable
“conservation system unit” has the same meaning grounds to believe that the person to be arrested
as specified in section 102 of the Alaska National has committed or is committing such felony;
Interest Lands Conservation Act [16 U.S.C. 3102]. [P.L. search without warrant or process any person,
100-586, 1988] place, or conveyance according to any Federal law
or rule of law; and seize without warrant or
ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY process any evidentiary item as provided by
Federal law. The Secretary shall provide such law
Sec. 303. [43 U.S.C. 1733] (a) The Secretary shall issue enforcement training as he deems necessary in
regulations necessary to implement the provisions order to carry out the contracted for responsibili­
of this Act with respect to the management, use, ties. While exercising the powers and authorities
and protection of the public lands, including the provided by such contract pursuant to this section,
property located thereon. Any person who know­ such law enforcement officials and their agents
ingly and willfully violates any such regulation shall have all the immunities of Federal law
which is lawfully issued pursuant to this Act shall enforcement officials.
be fined no more than $1,000 or imprisoned no
more than twelve months, or both. Any person (2) The Secretary may authorize Federal
charged with a violation of such regulation may personnel or appropriate local officials to carry
be tried and sentenced by any United States out his law enforcement responsibilities with
magistrate judge [P.L. 101-650, 1990] designated for that respect to the public lands and their resources.
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 23

Such designated personnel shall receive the train­ (b) The Secretary is authorized to require a
ing and have the responsibilities and authority pro­ deposit of any payments intended to reimburse the
vided for in paragraph (1) of this subsection. United States for reasonable costs with respect to
(d) In connection with the administration and applications and other documents relating to such
regulation of the use and occupancy of the public lands. The moneys received for reasonable costs
lands, the Secretary is authorized to cooperate with under this subsection shall be deposited with the
the regulatory and law enforcement officials of Treasury in a special account and are hereby
any State or political subdivision thereof in the authorized to be appropriated and made available
enforcement of the laws or ordinances of such until expended. As used in this section “reasonable
State or subdivision. Such cooperation may costs” include, but are not limited to, the costs of
include reimbursement to a State or its subdivision special studies; environmental impact statements;
for expenditures incurred by it in connection with monitoring construction, operation, maintenance,
activities which assist in the administration and and termination of any authorized facility; or other
regulation of use and occupancy of the public special activities. In determining whether costs are
lands. reasonable under this section, the Secretary may
take into consideration actual costs (exclusive of
(e) Nothing in this section shall prevent the management overhead), the monetary value of the
Secretary from promptly establishing a uniformed rights or privileges sought by the applicant, the
desert ranger force in the California Desert efficiency to the government processing involved,
Conservation Area established pursuant to section that portion of the cost incurred for the benefit of
601 of this Act for the purpose of enforcing the general public interest rather than for the
Federal laws and regulations relating to the public exclusive benefit of the applicant, the public serv­
lands and resources managed by him in such area. ice provided, and other factors relevant to deter-
The officers and members of such ranger force mining the reasonableness of the costs.
shall have the same responsibilities and authority
as provided for in paragraph (1) of subsection (c) (c) In any case where it shall appear to the satis­
of this section. faction of the Secretary that any person has made a
payment under any statute relating to the sale,
(f) Nothing in this Act shall be construed as lease, use, or other disposition of public lands
reducing or limiting the enforcement authority which is not required or is in excess of the amount
vested in the Secretary by any other statute. required by applicable law and the regulations
(g) The use, occupancy, or development of any issued by the Secretary, the Secretary, upon appli­
portion of the public lands contrary to any regula­ cation or otherwise, may cause a refund to be
tion of the Secretary or other responsible authority, made from applicable funds.
or contrary to any order issued pursuant to any [43 U.S.C. 1734a] In Fiscal Year 1997 and thereafter,
such regulation, is unlawful and prohibited. all fees, excluding mining claim fees, in excess of
the fiscal year 1996 collections established by the
SERVICE CHARGES, Secretary of the Interior under the authority of
REIMBURSEMENT PAYMENTS, section 1734 of this title for processing, recording,
AND EXCESS PAYMENTS or documenting authorizations to use public lands
or public land natural resources (including cultur­
Sec. 304. [43 U.S.C. 1734] (a) Notwithstanding any al, historical, and mineral) and for providing spe­
other provision of law, the Secretary may establish cific services to public land users, and which are
reasonable filing and service fees and reasonable not presently being covered into any Bureau of
charges, and commissions with respect to applica­ Land Management appropriation accounts, and
tions and other documents relating to the public not otherwise dedicated by law for a specific dis­
lands and may change and abolish such fees, tribution, shall be made immediately available for
charges, and commissions. program operations in this account and remain
available until expended. [P.L. 104-208, 1996]
24 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

DEPOSITS AND FORFEITURES equipment services in support of Bureau programs,

including but not limited to, the purchase or con­
Sec. 305. [43 U.S.C. 1735] (a) Any moneys received by struction of storage facilities, equipment yards,
the United States as a result of the forfeiture of a and related improvements and the purchase, lease,
bond or other security by a resource developer or or rent of motor vehicles, aircraft, heavy equip­
purchaser or permittee who does not fulfill the ment, and fire control and other resource manage­
requirements of his contract or permit or does not ment equipment within the limitations set forth in
comply with the regulations of the Secretary; or as appropriations made to the Secretary for the
a result of a compromise or settlement of any Bureau.
claim whether sounding in tort or in contract (b) The initial capital of the fund shall consist of
involving present or potential damage to the public appropriations made for that purpose together with
lands shall be credited to a separate account in the the fair and reasonable value at the fund’s incep­
Treasury and are hereby authorized to be appropri­ tion of the inventories, equipment, receivables, and
ated and made available, until expended as the other assets, less the liabilities, transferred to the
Secretary may direct, to cover the cost to the fund. The Secretary is authorized to make such
United States of any improvement, protection, or subsequent transfers to the fund as he deems
rehabilitation work on those public lands which appropriate in connection with the functions to be
has been rendered necessary by the action which carried on through the fund.
has led to the forfeiture, compromise, or settle­
ment. (c) The fund shall be credited with payments
from appropriations, and funds of the Bureau,
(b) Any moneys collected under this Act in con­ other agencies of the Department of the Interior,
nection with lands administered under the Act of other Federal agencies, and other sources, as
August 28, 1937 (50 Stat. 874; 43 U.S.C. 1181a- authorized by law, at rates approximately equal to
1181j), shall be expended for the benefit of such the cost of furnishing the facilities, supplies,
land only. equipment, and services (including depreciation
(c) If any portion of a deposit or amount forfeit­ and accrued annual leave). Such payments may be
ed under this Act is found by the Secretary to be in made in advance in connection with firm orders,
excess of the cost of doing the work authorized or by way of reimbursement.
under this Act, the Secretary, upon application or (d) There is hereby authorized to be appropriated
otherwise, may cause a refund of the amount in a sum not to exceed $3,000,000 as initial capital
excess to be made from applicable funds. of the working capital fund.
[43 U.S.C. 1735 note. P.L. 106-291, 2000, defines the conditions
[43 U.S.C. 1736a] There is hereby established in the
under which excess repair funds may be used to repair other lands.
P.L. 106-291 was intended to clarify, but did not amend 43 U.S.C. Treasury of the United States a special fund to be
1735. It should be consulted when relevant (see Title I, “Service derived hereafter [October 5, 1992] from the Federal
Charges, Deposits, And Forfeitures”).] share of moneys received from the disposal of sal­
vage timber prepared for sale from the lands
WORKING CAPITAL FUND under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land
Management, Department of the Interior. The
Sec. 306. [43 U.S.C. 1736] (a) There is hereby estab­ money in this fund shall be immediately available
lished a working capital fund for the management to the Bureau of Land Management without fur­
of the public lands. This fund shall be available ther appropriation, for the purposes of planning
without fiscal year limitation for expenses neces­ and preparing salvage timber for disposal, the
sary for furnishing, in accordance with the Federal administration of salvage timber sales, and subse­
Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 quent site preparation and reforestation. [P.L. 102-
(63 Stat. 377, as amended), [40 U.S.C. 471 note] and 381, 1992]
regulations promulgated thereunder, supplies and
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 25

STUDIES, COOPERATIVE transportation, supplies, lodging, subsistence,

AGREEMENTS, AND recruiting, training, and supervision.
CONTRIBUTIONS (f) Volunteers shall not be deemed employees of
the United States except for the purposes of – [P.L.
Sec. 307. [43 U.S.C. 1737] (a) The Secretary may con- 98-540, 1984]
duct investigations, studies, and experiments, on (1) the tort claims provisions of title 28;
his own initiative or in cooperation with others,
involving the management, protection, develop­ (2) subchapter 1 of chapter 81 of title 5; and
ment, acquisition, and conveying of the public (3) claims relating to damage to, or loss of, per­
lands. sonal property of a volunteer incident to volunteer
(b) Subject to the provisions of applicable law, service, in which case the provisions of 31 U.S.C.
the Secretary may enter into contracts and cooper­ 3721 shall apply. [P.L. 101-286, 1990]
ative agreements involving the management, pro­ (g) Effective with fiscal years beginning after
tection, development, and sale of public lands. September 30, 1984, there are authorized to be
(c) The Secretary may accept contributions or appropriated such sums as may be necessary to
donations of money, services, and property, real, carry out the provisions of subsection (d), but not
personal, or mixed, for the management, protec­ more than $250,000 may be appropriated for any
tion, development, acquisition, and conveying of one fiscal year. [P.L. 98-540, 1984]
the public lands, including the acquisition of
rights-of-way for such purposes. He may accept CONTRACTS FOR SURVEYS
contributions for cadastral surveying performed on AND RESOURCE PROTECTION
federally controlled or intermingled lands. Moneys
received hereunder shall be credited to a separate Sec. 308. [43 U.S.C. 1738] (a) The Secretary is author­
account in the Treasury and are hereby authorized ized to enter into contracts for the use of aircraft,
to be appropriated and made available until and for supplies and services, prior to the passage
expended, as the Secretary may direct, for pay­ of an appropriation therefor, for airborne cadastral
ment of expenses incident to the function toward survey and resource protection operations of the
the administration of which the contributions were Bureau. He may renew such contracts annually,
made and for refunds to depositors of amounts not more than twice, without additional competi­
contributed by them in specific instances where tion. Such contracts shall obligate funds for the
contributions are in excess of their share of the fiscal years in which the costs are incurred.
cost. (b) Each such contract shall provide that the obli­
(d) The Secretary may recruit, without regard to gation of the United States for the ensuing fiscal
the civil service classification laws, rules, or regu­ years is contingent upon the passage of an applica­
lations, the services of individuals contributed ble appropriation, and that no payment shall be
without compensation as volunteers for aiding in made under the contract for the ensuing fiscal
or facilitating the activities administered by the years until such appropriation becomes available
Secretary through the Bureau of Land for expenditure.
(e) In accepting such services of individuals as ADVISORY COUNCILS AND
volunteers, the Secretary – PUBLIC PARTICIPATION
(1) shall not permit the use of volunteers in Sec. 309. [43 U.S.C. 1739] (a) The Secretary shall [P.L.
hazardous duty or law enforcement work, or in 95-514, 1978] establish advisory councils of not less
policymaking processes or to displace any employ­ than ten and not more than fifteen members
ee; and appointed by him from among persons who are
(2) may provide for services or costs incidental representative of the various major citizens’ inter­
to the utilization of volunteers, including ests concerning the problems relating to land use
26 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

planning or the management of the public lands of this Act. The promulgation of such rules and
located within the area for which an advisory regulations shall be governed by the provisions of
council is established. At least one member of chapter 5 of title 5 of the United States Code,
each council shall be an elected official of general without regard to section 553 (a) (2). Prior to the
purpose government serving the people of such promulgation of such rules and regulations, such
area. To the extent practicable there shall be no lands shall be administered under existing rules
overlap or duplication of such councils. and regulations concerning such lands to the
Appointments shall be made in accordance with extent practical.
rules prescribed by the Secretary. The establish­
ment and operation of an advisory council estab­ PUBLIC LANDS
lished under this section shall conform to the PROGRAM REPORT
requirements of the Federal Advisory Committee
Act (86 Stat. 770; 5 U. S.C. App. 1). Sec. 311. [43 U.S.C. 1741] (a) For the purpose of pro­
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection viding information that will aid Congress in carry­
(a) of this section, each advisory council estab­ ing out its oversight responsibilities for public
lished by the Secretary under this section shall lands programs and for other purposes, the
meet at least once a year with such meetings being Secretary shall prepare a report in accordance with
called by the Secretary. subsections (b) and (c) and submit it to the
Congress no later than one hundred and twenty
(c) Members of advisory councils shall serve days after the end of each fiscal year beginning
without pay, except travel and per diem will be with the report for fiscal year 1979.
paid each member for meetings called by the
Secretary. (b) A list of programs and specific information to
be included in the report as well as the format of
(d) An advisory council may furnish advice to the report shall be developed by the Secretary after
the Secretary with respect to the land use planning, consulting with the Committee on Natural
classification, retention, management, and disposal Resources of the House of Representatives and the
of the public lands within the area for which the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of
advisory council is established and such other mat­ the Senate [P.L. 103-437, 1994] and shall be provided to
ters as may be referred to it by the Secretary. the committees prior to the end of the second quar­
(e) In exercising his authorities under this Act, ter of each fiscal year.
the Secretary, by regulation, shall establish proce­ (c) The report shall include, but not be limited to,
dures, including public hearings where appropri­ program identification information, program eval­
ate, to give the Federal, State, and local govern­ uation information, and program budgetary infor­
ments and the public adequate notice and an mation for the preceding current and succeeding
opportunity to comment upon the formulation of fiscal years.
standards and criteria for, and to participate in, the
preparation and execution of plans and programs
for, and the management of, the public lands.
Sec. 312. [43 U.S.C. 1742] Where in his judgment suf­
RULES AND REGULATIONS ficient search, rescue, and protection forces are not
otherwise available, the Secretary is authorized in
Sec. 310. [43 U.S.C. 1740] The Secretary, with respect cases of emergency to incur such expenses as may
to the public lands, shall promulgate rules and reg­ be necessary (a) in searching for and rescuing, or
ulations to carry out the purposes of this Act and in cooperating in the search for and rescue of, per-
of other laws applicable to the public lands, and sons lost on the public lands, (b) in protecting or
the Secretary of Agriculture, with respect to lands rescuing, or in cooperating in the protection and
within the National Forest System, shall promul­ rescue of, persons or animals endangered by an act
gate rules and regulations to carry out the purposes of God, and (c) in transporting deceased persons
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 27

or persons seriously ill or injured to the nearest not more than $2,500 or imprisoned not more than
place where interested parties or local authorities one year, or both.
are located.
Sec. 313. [43 U.S.C. 1743] (a) Each officer or employ­ Sec. 314. [43 U.S.C. 1744] (a) The owner of an
ee of the Secretary and the Bureau who– unpatented lode or placer mining claim located
(1) performs any function or duty under this prior to the date of this Act shall, within the three-
Act; and year period following the date of the approval of
this Act and prior to December 31 of each year
(2) has any known financial interest in any per-
thereafter, file the instruments required by para-
son who (A) applies for or receives any permit,
graphs (1) and (2) of this subsection. The owner of
lease, or right-of-way under, or (B) applies for or
an unpatented lode or placer mining claim located
acquires any land or interests therein under, or (C)
after the date of this Act shall, prior to December
is otherwise subject to the provisions of, this Act,
31 of each year following the calendar year in
shall, beginning on February 1, 1977, annually file
which the said claim was located, file the instru­
with the Secretary a written statement concerning
ments required by paragraphs (1) and (2) of this
all such interests held by such officer or employee
during the preceding calendar year. Such statement
shall be available to the public. (1) File for record in the office where the loca­
tion notice or certificate is recorded either a notice
(b) The Secretary shall–
of intention to hold the mining claim (including
(1) act within ninety days after the date of but not limited to such notices as are provided by
enactment of this Act– law to be filed when there has been a suspension
(A) to define the term “known financial inter­ or deferment of annual assessment work), an affi­
ests” for the purposes of subsection (a) of this sec­ davit of assessment work performed thereon, on a
tion; and detailed report provided by the Act of September
2, 1958 (72 Stat. 1701; 30 U.S.C. 28–1), relating
(B) to establish the methods by which the thereto.
requirement to file written statements specified in
subsection (a) of this section will be monitored (2) File in the office of the Bureau designated
and enforced, including appropriate provisions for by the Secretary a copy of the official record of
the filing by such officers and employees of such the instrument filed or recorded pursuant to para-
statements and the review by the Secretary of such graph (1) of this subsection, including a descrip­
statements; and tion of the location of the mining claim sufficient
to locate the claimed lands on the ground.
(2) report to the Congress on June 1 of each cal­
endar year with respect to such disclosures and the (b) The owner of an unpatented lode or placer
actions taken in regard thereto during the preced­ mining claim or mill or tunnel site located prior to
ing calendar year. the date of approval of this Act shall, within the
three-year period following the date of approval of
(c) In the rules prescribed in subsection (b) of this Act, file in the office of the Bureau designated
this section, the Secretary may identify specific by the Secretary a copy of the official record of
positions within the Department of the Interior the notice of location or certificate of location,
which are of a nonregulatory or nonpolicymaking including a description of the location of the min­
nature and provide that officers or employees ing claim or mill or tunnel site sufficient to locate
occupying such positions shall be exempt from the the claimed lands on the ground. The owner of an
requirements of this section. unpatented lode or placer mining claim or mill or
(d) Any officer or employee who is subject to, tunnel site located after the date of approval of
and knowingly violates, this section, shall be fined this Act shall, within ninety days after the date of
28 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

location of such claim, file in the office of the days preceding the issuance of such disclaimer and
Bureau designated by the Secretary a copy of the until the applicant therefor has paid to the
official record of the notice of location or certifi­ Secretary the administrative costs of issuing the
cate of location, including a description of the disclaimer as determined by the Secretary. All
location of the mining claim or mill or tunnel site receipts shall be deposited to the then-current
sufficient to locate the claimed lands on the appropriation from which expended.
ground. (c) Issuance of a document of disclaimer by the
(c) The failure to file such instruments as Secretary pursuant to the provisions of this section
required by subsections (a) and (b) shall be and regulations promulgated hereunder shall have
deemed conclusively to constitute an abandonment the same effect as a quit-claim deed from the
of the mining claim or mill or tunnel site by the United States.
owner; but it shall not be considered a failure to
file if the instrument is defective or not timely CORRECTION OF CON-
filed for record under other Federal laws permit­ VEYANCE DOCUMENTS
ting filing or recording thereof, or if the instrument
is filed for record by or on behalf of some but not Sec. 316. [43 U.S.C. 1746] The Secretary may correct
all of the owners of the mining claim or mill or patents or documents of conveyance issued pur­
tunnel site. suant to section 208 of this Act or to other Acts
(d) Such recordation or application by itself shall relating to the disposal of public lands where nec­
not render valid any claim which would not be essary in order to eliminate errors. In addition, the
otherwise valid under applicable law. Nothing in Secretary may make corrections of errors in any
this section shall be construed as a waiver of the documents of conveyance which have heretofore
assessment and other requirements of such law. been issued by the Federal Government to dispose
of public lands.
Sec. 317. [30 U.S.C. 191] (a) Section 35 of the Act of
Sec. 315. [43 U.S.C. 1745] (a) After consulting with
February 25, 1920 (41 Stat. 437, 450; 30 U.S.C.
any affected Federal agency, the Secretary is
181, 191), as amended, is further amended to read
authorized to issue a document of disclaimer of
as follows: “All money received from sales,
interest or interests in any lands in any form suit-
bonuses, royalties, and rentals of the public lands
able for recordation, where the disclaimer will
under the provisions of this Act and the
help remove a cloud on the title of such lands and
Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 [30 U.S.C. 1001 note.],
where he determines (1) a record interest of the
notwithstanding the provisions of section 20 there-
United States in lands has terminated by operation
of, shall be paid into the Treasury of the United
of law or is otherwise invalid; or (2) the lands
States; 50 per centum thereof shall be paid by the
lying between the meander line shown on a plat of
Secretary of the Treasury as soon as practicable
survey approved by the Bureau or its predecessors
after March 31 and September 30 of each year to
and the actual shoreline of a body of water are not
the State other than Alaska within the boundaries
lands of the United States; or (3) accreted, relicted,
of which the leased lands or deposits are or were
or avulsed lands are not lands of the United States.
located; said moneys paid to any of such States on
(b) No document or disclaimer shall be issued or after January 1, 1976, to be used by such State
pursuant to this section unless the applicant there- and its subdivisions, as the legislature of the State
for has filed with the Secretary an application in may direct giving priority to those subdivisions of
writing and notice of such application setting forth the State socially or economically impacted by
the grounds supporting such application has been development of minerals leased under this Act, for
published in the Federal Register at least ninety (i) planning, (ii) construction and maintenance of
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 29

public facilities, and (iii) provision of public serv­ be received by that State pursuant to section 35 of
ice; and excepting those from Alaska, 40 per cen­ the Act of February 25, 1920, as amended [30
tum thereof shall be paid into, reserved, appropri­ U.S.C. 191], for the ten years following.
ated, as part of the reclamation fund created by the (3) The Secretary, after consultation with
Act of Congress known as the Reclamation Act [43 the Governors of the affected States, shall allocate
U.S.C. 391 note.], approved June 17, 1902, and of
such loans among the States and their political
those from Alaska as soon as practicable after subdivisions in a fair and equitable manner, giving
March 31 and September 30 of each year, 90 per priority to those States and subdivisions suffering
centum thereof shall be paid to the State of Alaska the most severe impacts.
for disposition by the legislature thereof: Provided,
That all moneys which may accrue to the United (4) Loans made pursuant to this subsection
States under the provisions of this Act and the shall be subject to such terms and conditions as
Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 [30 U.S.C. 1001 note.] the Secretary determines necessary to assure the
from lands within the naval petroleum reserves achievement of the purpose of this subsection. The
shall be deposited in the Treasury as ‘miscella­ Secretary shall promulgate such regulations as
neous receipts’, as provided by the Act of June 4, may be necessary to carry out the provisions of
1920 (41 Stat. 813), as amended June 30, 1938 (52 this subsection no later than three months after
Stat. 1252). All moneys received under the provi­ August 20, 1978.
sions of this Act and the Geothermal Steam Act of (5) Loans made pursuant to this subsection
1970 not otherwise disposed of by this section shall bear interest equivalent to the lowest interest
shall be credited to miscellaneous receipts.” rate paid on an issue of at least $1,000,000 of tax
(b) Funds now held pursuant to said section 35 exempt bonds of such State or any agency thereof
by the States of Colorado and
[30 U.S.C. 191 note.] within the preceding calendar year.
Utah separately from the Department of the (6) Any loan made pursuant to this subsection
Interior oil shale test leases known as C-A; C-B; shall be secured only by a pledge of the revenues
U-A and U-B shall be used by such States and received by the State or the political subdivision
subdivisions as the legislature of each State may thereof pursuant to section 35 of the Act of
direct giving priority to those subdivisions socially February 25, 1920, as amended [30 U.S.C. 191],
or economically impacted by the development of and shall not constitute an obligation upon the
minerals leased under this Act for (1) planning, (2) general property or taxing authority of such unit
construction and maintenance of public facilities, of government.
and (3) provision of public services.
(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of law,
[43 U.S.C. 1747](c)(1)
The Secretary is authorized to loans made pursuant to this subsection may be
make loans to States and their political subdivi­ used for the non-Federal share of the aggregate
sions in order to relieve social or economic cost of any project or program otherwise funded
impacts occasioned by the development of miner­ by the Federal Government which requires a non-
als leased in such States pursuant to the Act of Federal share for such project or program and
February 25, 1920, as amended [30 U.S.C. 181 et which provides planning or public facilities other-
seq.]. Such loans shall be confined to the uses wise eligible for assistance under this subsection.
specified for the 50 per centum of mineral leasing
(8) Nothing in this subsection shall be con­
revenues to be received by such States and subdi­
strued to preclude any forbearance for the benefit
visions pursuant to section 35 of such Act [30
of the borrower including loan restructuring,
U.S.C. 191].
which may be determined by the Secretary as justi­
(2) The total amount of loans outstanding pur­ fied by the failure of anticipated mineral develop­
suant to this subsection for any State and political ment or related revenues to materialize as expect­
subdivisions thereof in any year shall be not more ed when the loan was made pursuant to this sub-
than the anticipated mineral leasing revenues to section.
30 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

(9) Recipients of loans made pursuant to this (b) Consistent with section 607 of the
subsection shall keep such records as the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 [31 U.S.C. 1110],
Secretary shall prescribe by regulation, including beginning May 15, 1977, and not later than May
records which fully disclose the disposition of the 15 of each second even numbered year thereafter,
proceeds of such assistance and such other the Secretary shall submit to the Speaker of the
records as the Secretary may require to facilitate House of Representatives and the President of the
an effective audit. The Secretary and the Senate a request for the authorization of appropria­
Comptroller General of the United States or their tions for all programs, functions, and activities of
duly authorized representatives shall have access, the Bureau to be carried out during the four-fiscal-
for the purpose of audit, to such records. year period beginning on October 1 of the calendar
(10) No person in the United States shall, on year following the calendar year in which such
the grounds of race, color, religion, national ori­ request is submitted. The Secretary shall include in
gin, or sex be excluded from participation in, be his request, in addition to the information con­
denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimi­ tained in his budget request and justification state­
nation under, any program or activity funded in ment to the Office of Management and Budget, the
whole or part with funds made available under funding levels which he determines can be effi­
this subsection. ciently and effectively utilized in the execution of
his responsibilities for each such program, func­
(11) All amounts collected in connection with tion, or activity, notwithstanding any budget
loans made pursuant to this subsection, including guidelines or limitations imposed by any official
interest payments or repayments of principal on or agency of the executive branch.
loans, fees, and other moneys, derived in connec­
tion with this subsection, shall be deposited in the (c) Nothing in this section shall apply to the dis­
Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. [P.L. 95-352, 1978] tribution of receipts of the Bureau from the dispos­
al of lands, natural resources, and interests in lands
in accordance with applicable law, nor to the use
of contributed funds, private deposits for public
AUTHORIZATION survey work, and townsite trusteeships, nor to
fund allocations from other Federal agencies,
Sec. 318. [43 U.S.C. 1748] (a) There are hereby
reimbursements from both Federal and non-
authorized to be appropriated such sums as are Federal sources, and funds expended for emer­
necessary to carry out the purposes and provi­ gency firefighting and rehabilitation.
sions of this Act, but no amounts shall be
(d) In exercising the authority to acquire by pur­
appropriated to carry out after October 1,
chase granted by subsection (a) of section 205 of
2002 [P.L. 104-333, 1996], any program, function, or this Act, the Secretary may use the Land and
activity of the Bureau under this or any other Water Conservation Fund to purchase lands which
Act unless such sums are specifically author­ are necessary for proper management of public
ized to be appropriated as of October 21, lands which are primarily of value for outdoor
1976, or are authorized to be appropriated in recreation purposes.
accordance with the provisions of subsection
(b) of this section.


GRAZING FEES Stat. 1269; 43 U.S.C. 315 et seq.) and the Act of
August 28, 1937 (50 Stat. 874; 43 U.S.C. 1181d),
Sec. 401. [43 U.S.C. 1751] (a) The Secretary of and on lands in National Forests in the sixteen [P.L.
Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior shall 95-514, 1978] contiguous Western States under the
jointly cause to be conducted a study to determine provisions of this section shall be credited to a
the value of grazing on the lands under their juris­ separate account in the Treasury, one-half of which
diction in the eleven Western States with a view to is authorized to be appropriated and made avail-
establishing a fee to be charged for domestic live- able for use in the district, region, or national for­
stock grazing on such lands which is equitable to est from which such moneys were derived, as the
the United States and to the holders of grazing per­ respective Secretary may direct after consultation
mits and leases on such lands. In making such with district, regional, or national forest user rep­
study, the Secretaries shall take into consideration resentatives, for the purpose of on-the-ground
the costs of production normally associated with range rehabilitation, protection, and improvements
domestic livestock grazing in the eleven Western on such lands, and the remaining one-half shall be
States, differences in forage values, and such other used for on-the-ground range rehabilitation, pro­
factors as may relate to the reasonableness of such tection, and improvements as the Secretary con­
fees. The Secretaries shall report the result of such cerned directs. Any funds so appropriated shall be
study to the Congress not later than one year from in addition to any other appropriations made to the
and after the date of approval of this Act, together respective Secretary for planning and administra­
with recommendations to implement a reasonable tion of the range betterment program and for other
grazing fee schedule based upon such study. If the range management. Such rehabilitation, protection,
report required herein has not been submitted to and improvements shall include all forms of range
the Congress within one year after the date of land betterment including, but not limited to, seed­
approval of this Act, the grazing fee charge then in ing and reseeding, fence construction, weed con­
effect shall not be altered and shall remain the trol, water development, and fish and wildlife
same until such report has been submitted to the habitat enhancement as the respective Secretary
Congress. Neither Secretary shall increase the may direct after consultation with user representa­
grazing fee in the 1977 grazing year. tives. The annual distribution and use of range bet­
(b) (1) Congress finds that a substantial amount terment funds authorized by this paragraph shall
of the Federal range lands is deteriorating in quali­ not be considered a major Federal action requiring
ty, and that installation of additional range a detailed statement pursuant to section 4332(c) of
improvements could arrest much of the continuing title 42 of the United States Code.
deterioration and could lead to substantial better­ (2) The first clause of section 10 (b) of the
ment of forage conditions with resulting benefits Taylor Grazing Act (48 Stat. 1269), as amended by
to wildlife, watershed protection, and livestock the Act of August 6, 1947 (43 U.S.C. 315i), [43
production. Congress therefore directs that 50 per U.S.C. 1751] is hereby repealed. All distributions of
centum or $10,000,000 per annum, whichever is moneys made under section (b) (1) of this section
greater [P.L. 95-514, 1978] of all moneys received by shall be in addition to distributions made under
the United States as fees for grazing domestic live- section 10 of the Taylor Grazing Act [43 U.S.C. 315i]
stock on public lands (other than from ceded and shall not apply to distribution of moneys made
Indian lands) under the Taylor Grazing Act (48 under section 11 of that Act [43 U.S.C. 315j]. The
32 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

remaining moneys received by the United States That the absence from an allotment management
as fees for grazing domestic livestock on the pub­ plan of details the Secretary concerned would like
lic lands shall be deposited in the Treasury as mis­ to include but which are undeveloped shall not be
cellaneous receipts. the basis for establishing a term shorter than ten
(3) Section 3 of the Taylor Grazing Act, [43 U.S.C. years: Provided further, That the absence of com­
315b] as
amended (43 U.S.C. 315), is further amended pleted land use plans or court ordered environ­
by– mental statements shall not be the sole basis for
establishing a term shorter than ten years unless
(a) Deleting the last clause of the first sentence the Secretary determines on a case-by-case basis
thereof, which begins with “and in fixing,” delet­ that the information to be contained in such land
ing the comma after “time,” and adding to that use plan or court ordered environmental impact
first sentence the words “in accordance with gov­ statement is necessary to determine whether a
erning law.” shorter term should be established for any of the
(b) Deleting the second sentence thereof. reasons set forth in items (1) through (3) of this
subsection. [P.L. 95-914, 1978]
GRAZING LEASES (c) So long as (1) the lands for which the permit
AND PERMITS or lease is issued remain available for domestic
livestock grazing in accordance with land use
Sec. 402. [43 U.S.C. 1752] (a) Except as provided in plans prepared pursuant to section 202 of this Act
subsection (b) of this section, permits and leases or section 5 of the Forest and Rangeland
for domestic livestock grazing on public lands Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 (88
issued by the Secretary under the Act of June 28, Stat. 477; 16 U.S.C. 1601), (2) the permittee or
1934 (48 Stat. 1269, as amended; 43 U.S.C. 315 et lessee is in compliance with the rules and regula­
seq.) or the Act of August 28, 1937 (50 Stat. 874, tions issued and the terms and conditions in the
as amended; 43 U.S.C. 1181a-1181j), or by the permit or lease specified by the Secretary con­
Secretary of Agriculture, with respect to lands cerned, and (3) the permittee or lessee accepts the
within National Forests in the sixteen [P.L. 95-914, terms and conditions to be included by the
1978] contiguous Western States, shall be for a term Secretary concerned in the new permit or lease,
of ten years subject to such terms and conditions the holder of the expiring permit or lease shall be
the Secretary concerned deems appropriate and given first priority for receipt of the new permit or
consistent with the governing law, including, but lease.
not limited to, the authority of the Secretary con­
(d) All permits and leases for domestic livestock
cerned to cancel, suspend, or modify a grazing
grazing issued pursuant to this section may incor­
permit or lease, in whole or in part, pursuant to the
porate an allotment management plan developed
terms and conditions thereof, or to cancel or sus­
by the Secretary concerned. However, nothing in
pend a grazing permit or lease for any violation of
this subsection shall be construed to supersede
a grazing regulation or of any term or condition of
any requirement for completion of court ordered
such grazing permit or lease.
environmental impact statements prior to develop­
(b) Permits or leases may be issued by the ment and incorporation of allotment management
Secretary concerned for a period shorter than ten plans. If the Secretary concerned elects to develop
years where the Secretary concerned determines an allotment management plan for a given area,
that– he shall do so in careful and considered consulta­
(1) the land is pending disposal; or tion, cooperation and coordination with the
lessees, permittees, and landowners involved, the
(2) the land will be devoted to a public purpose district grazing advisory boards established pur­
prior to the end of ten years; or suant to section 403 of the Federal Land Policy
(3) it will be in the best interest of sound land and Management Act (43 U.S.C. 1753), and any
management to specify a shorter term: Provided, State or States having lands within the area to be
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 33

covered by such allotment management plan. preceding sentence of this subsection shall not be
Allotment management plans shall be tailored to construed as limiting any other right of appeal
the specific range condition of the area to be cov­ from decisions of such officials.
ered by such plan, and shall be reviewed on a (g) Whenever a permit or lease for grazing
periodic basis to determine whether they have domestic livestock is canceled in whole or in part,
been effective in improving the range condition of in order to devote the lands covered by the permit
the lands involved or whether such lands can be or lease to another public purpose, including dis­
better managed under the provisions of subsection posal, the permittee or lessee shall receive from
(e) of this section. The Secretary concerned may the United States a reasonable compensation for
revise or terminate such plans or develop new the adjusted value, to be determined by the
plans from time to time after such review and Secretary concerned, of his interest in authorized
careful and considered consultation, cooperation permanent improvements placed or constructed by
and coordination with the parties involved. As the permittee or lessee on lands covered by such
used in this subsection, the terms “court ordered permit or lease, but not to exceed the fair market
environmental impact statement” and “range con­ value of the terminated portion of the permittee’s
dition” shall be defined as in the “Public or lessee’s interest therein. Except in cases of
Rangelands Improvement Act of 1978(43 U.S.C. emergency, no permit or lease shall be canceled
1901 et seq.)”. [P.L. 95-514, 1978] under this subsection without two years’ prior noti­
(e) In [P.L. 95-514, 1978] all cases where the fication.
Secretary concerned has not completed an allot­ (h) Nothing in this Act shall be construed as
ment management plan or determines that an allot­ modifying in any way law existing on the date of
ment management plan is not necessary for man­ approval of this Act with respect to the creation of
agement of livestock operations and will not be right, title, interest or estate in or to public lands or
prepared, the Secretary concerned shall incorpo­ lands in National Forests by issuance of grazing
rate in grazing permits and leases such terms and permits and leases.
conditions as he deems appropriate for manage­
ment of the permitted or leased lands pursuant to
applicable law. The Secretary concerned shall also
specify therein the numbers of animals to be Sec. 403. [43 U.S.C. 1753] (a) For each Bureau district
grazed and the seasons of use and that he may office and National Forest headquarters office in
reexamine the condition of the range at any time the sixteen [P.L. 95-514, 1978] contiguous Western
and, if he finds on reexamination that the condi­ States having jurisdiction over more than five hun­
tions of the range requires adjustment in the dred thousand acres of lands subject to commer­
amount or other aspect of grazing use, that the per­ cial livestock grazing (hereinafter in this section
mittee or lessee shall adjust his use to the extent referred to as “office”), the Secretary and the
the Secretary concerned deems necessary. Such Secretary of Agriculture, upon the petition of a
readjustment shall be put into full force and effect simple majority of the livestock lessees and per­
on the date specified by the Secretary concerned. mittees under the jurisdiction of such office, shall
(f) Allotment management plans shall not refer to establish and maintain at least one grazing adviso­
livestock operations or range improvements on ry board of not more than fifteen advisers.
non-Federal lands except where the non-Federal (b) The function of grazing advisory boards
lands are intermingled with, or, with the consent of established pursuant to this section shall be to
the permittee or lessee involved, associated with, offer advice and make recommendations to the
the Federal lands subject to the plan. The head of the office involved concerning the devel­
Secretary concerned under appropriate regulations opment of allotment management plans and the
shall grant to lessees and permittees the right of utilization of range-betterment funds.
appeal from decisions which specify the terms and
conditions of allotment management plans. The (c) The number of advisers on each board and
the number of years an adviser may serve shall be
34 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

determined by the Secretary concerned in his dis­ “Sec. 9. [16 U.S.C. 1338a] In administering this Act,
cretion. Each board shall consist of livestock rep­ the Secretary may use or contract for the use of
resentatives who shall be lessees or permittees in helicopters or, for the purpose of transporting cap­
the area administered by the office concerned and tured animals, motor vehicles. Such use shall be
shall be chosen by the lessees and permittees in undertaken only after a public hearing and under
the area through an election prescribed by the the direct supervision of the Secretary or of a duly
Secretary concerned. authorized official or employee of the Department.
(d) Each grazing advisory board shall meet at The provisions of subsection (a) of the Act of
least once annually. September 8, 1959 (73 Stat. 470; 18 U.S.C. 47(a))
shall not be applicable to such use. Such use shall
(e) Except as may be otherwise provided by this be in accordance with humane procedures pre-
section, the provisions of the Federal Advisory scribed by the Secretary.”
Committee Act (86 Stat. 770; 5 U.S. C. App. 1)
[16 U.S.C. 1338a Note: Subsequent amendments were made to this
shall apply to grazing advisory boards. section in 1996 concerning management of the National Park
(f) The provisions of this section shall expire System.]
December 31, 1985.

Sec. 404. Sections 9 and 10 of the Act of
December 15, 1971 (85 Stat. 649, 651; 16 U.S.C.
1331, 1339–1340) are renumbered as sections 10
and 11, respectively, and the following new sec­
tion is inserted after section 8:


AUTHORIZATION TO GRANT such facilities are constructed and maintained in

RIGHTS-OF-WAY connection with commercial recreation facilities
on lands in the National Forest System; or
Sec. 501. [43 U.S.C. 1761] (a) The Secretary, with (7) such other necessary transportation or other
respect to the public lands (including public lands, systems or facilities which are in the public inter­
as defined in section 103(e) of this Act, which are est and which require rights-of-way over, upon,
reserved from entry pursuant to section 24 of the under, or through such lands.
Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 818)) [P.L. 102-486,
(b) (1) The Secretary concerned shall require,
1992] and, the Secretary of Agriculture, with respect
prior to granting, issuing, or renewing a right-of-
to lands within the National Forest System (except
way, that the applicant submit and disclose those
in each case land designated as wilderness), are
plans, contracts, agreements, or other information
authorized to grant, issue, or renew rights-or-way
reasonably related to the use, or intended use, of
over, upon, under, or through such lands for–
the right-of-way, including its effect on competi­
(1) reservoirs, canals, ditches, flumes, laterals, tion, which he deems necessary to a determination,
pipes, pipelines, tunnels, and other facilities and in accordance with the provisions of this Act, as to
systems for the impoundment, storage, transporta­ whether a right-of-way shall be granted, issued, or
tion, or distribution of water; renewed and the terms and conditions which
(2) pipelines and other systems for the trans­ should be included in the right-of-way.
portation or distribution of liquids and gases, other (2) If the applicant is a partnership, corporation,
than water and other than oil, natural gas, synthet­ association, or other business entity, the Secretary
ic liquid or gaseous fuels, or any refined product concerned, prior to granting a right-to-way pur­
produced therefrom, and for storage and terminal suant to this title, shall require the applicant to dis­
facilities in connection therewith; close the identity of the participants in the entity,
(3) pipelines, slurry and emulsion systems, and when he deems it necessary to a determination, in
conveyor belts for transportation and distribution accordance with the provisions of this title, as to
of solid materials, and facilities for the storage of whether a right-of-way shall be granted, issued, or
such materials in connection therewith; renewed and the terms and conditions which
should be included in the right-of-way. Such dis­
(4) systems for generation, transmission, and
closures shall include, where applicable: (A) the
distribution of electric energy, except that the
name and address of each partner; (B) the name
applicant shall also comply with all applicable
and address of each share-holder owning 3 per
requirements of the Federal Energy Regulatory
centum or more of the shares, together with the
Commission under the Federal Power Act, includ­
number and percentage of any class of voting
ing part I thereof (41 Stat. 1063, 16 U.S.C. 791a-
shares of the entity which such shareholder is
825r) [P.L. 102-486, 1992];
authorized to vote; and (C) the name and address
(5) systems for transmission or reception of of each affiliate of the entity together with, in the
radio, television, telephone, telegraph, and other case of an affiliate controlled by the entity, the
electronic signals, and other means of communica­ number of shares and the percentage of any class
tion; of voting stock of that affiliate owned, directly or
(6) roads, trails, highways, railroads, canals, indirectly, by that entity, and, in the case of an
tunnels, tramways, airways, livestock driveways, affiliate which controls that entity, the number of
or other means of transportation except where shares and the percentage of any class of voting
36 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

stock of that entity owned, directly or indirectly, previous Act. To the extent any such previous grant
by the affiliate. of right-of-way is a valid existing right, it shall
(3) The Secretary of Agriculture shall have the remain in full force and effect unless an owner
authority to administer all rights-of-way granted thereof notifies the Secretary of Agriculture that
or issued under authority of previous Acts with such owner elects to have a water system on such
respect to lands under the jurisdiction of the right-of-way governed by the provision of this sub-
Secretary of Agriculture, including rights-of-way section and submits a written application for
granted or issued pursuant to authority given to issuance of an easement pursuant to this subsec­
the Secretary of the Interior by such previous Acts. tion, in which case upon the issuance of an ease­
[P.L. 99-545, 1986]
ment pursuant to this subsection such previous
grant shall be deemed to have been relinquished
(c) (1) Upon receipt of a written application and shall terminate.
pursuant to paragraph (2) of this subsection from
an applicant meeting the requirements of this sub- (B) Easements issued under the authority of
section, the Secretary of Agriculture shall issue a this subsection shall be fully transferable with all
permanent easement, without a requirement for existing conditions and without the imposition of
reimbursement, for a water system as described in fees or new conditions or stipulations at the time
subsection (a)(1) of this section, traversing of transfer. The holder shall notify the Secretary of
Federal lands within the National Forest System Agriculture within sixty days of any address
(‘National Forest Lands’), constructed and in change of the holder or change in ownership of
operation or placed into operation prior to the facilities.
October 21, 1976, if – (C) Easements issued under the authority of
(A) the traversed National Forest lands are in this subsection shall include all changes or modi­
a State where the appropriation doctrine governs fications to the original facilities in existence as of
the ownership of water rights; October 21, 1976, the date of enactment of this
(B) at the time of submission of the application
the water system is used solely for agricultural (D) Any future extension or enlargement of
irrigation or livestock watering purposes; facilities after October 21, 1976, shall require the
issuance of a separate authorization, not author­
(C) the use served by the water system is not ized under this subsection.
located solely on Federal lands;
(3) (A) Except as otherwise provided in this
(D) the originally constructed facilities com­ subsection, the Secretary of Agriculture may termi­
prising such system have been in substantially nate or suspend an easement issued pursuant to
continuous operation without abandonment; this subsection in accordance with the procedural
(E) the applicant has a valid existing right, and other provisions of section 506 [43 U.S.C. 1766] of
established under applicable State law, for water this Act. An easement issued pursuant to this sub-
to be conveyed by the water system; section shall terminate if the water system for
which such easement was issued is used for any
(F) a recordable survey and other information
purpose other than agricultural irrigation or live-
concerning the location and characteristics of the
stock watering use. For purposes of subparagraph
system as necessary for proper management of
(D) of paragraph (1) of this subsection, non-use of
National Forest lands is provided to the Secretary
a water system for agricultural irrigation or live-
of Agriculture by the applicant for the easement;
stock watering purposes for any continuous five-
year period shall constitute a rebuttable presump­
(G) the applicant submits such application on tion of abandonment of the facilities comprising
or before December 31, 1996. such system.
(2) (A) Nothing in this subsection shall be (B) Nothing in this subsection shall be deemed
construed as affecting any grants made by any to be an assertion by the United States of any right
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 37

or claim with regard to the reservation, acquisi­ COST-SHARE ROAD

tion, or use of water. Nothing in this subsection AUTHORIZATION
shall be deemed to confer on the Secretary of
Agriculture any power or authority to regulate or Sec. 502. [43 U.S.C. 1762] (a) The Secretary, with
control in any manner the appropriation, diver­ respect to the public lands, is authorized to provide
sion, or use of water for any purpose (nor to for the acquisition, construction, and maintenance
diminish any such power to authority of such of roads within and near the public lands in loca­
Secretary under applicable law) or to require the tions and according to specifications which will
conveyance or transfer to the United States of any permit maximum economy in harvesting timber
right or claim to the appropriation, diversion, or from such lands tributary to such roads and at the
use of water. same time meet the requirements for protection,
(C) Except as otherwise provided in this sub- development, and management of such lands for
section, all rights-of-way issued pursuant to this utilization of the other resources thereof.
subsection are subject to all conditions and Financing of such roads may be accomplished (1)
requirements of this Act. by the Secretary utilizing appropriated funds, (2)
by requirements on purchasers of timber and other
(D) In the event a right-of-way issued pursuant
products from the public lands, including provi­
to this subsection is allowed to deteriorate to the
sions for amortization of road costs in contracts,
point of threatening persons or property and the
(3) by cooperative financing with other public
holder of the right-of-way, after consultation with
agencies and with private agencies or persons, or
the Secretary of Agriculture, refuses to perform the
(4) by a combination of these methods: Provided,
repair and maintenance necessary to remove the
That, where roads of a higher standard than that
threat to persons or property, the Secretary shall
needed in the harvesting and removal of the timber
have the right to undertake such repair and main­
and other products covered by the particular sale
tenance on the right-of-way and to assess the
are to be constructed, the purchaser of timber and
holder for the costs of such repair and mainte­
other products from public lands shall not, except
nance, regardless of whether the Secretary had
when the provisions of the second proviso of this
required the holder to furnish a bond or other
subsection apply, be required to bear that part of
security pursuant to subsection (i) of this section.
the costs necessary to meet such higher standard,
[P.L. 99-545, 1986]
and the Secretary is authorized to make such
(d) With respect to any project or portion thereof arrangements to this end as may be appropriate:
that was licensed pursuant to, or granted an Provided further, That when timber is offered with
exemption from, part I of the Federal Power Act the condition that the purchaser thereof will build
[16 U.S.C. 791a et seq.] which is located on lands a road or roads in accordance with standards speci­
subject to a reservation under section 24 of the fied in the offer, the purchaser of the timber will
Federal Power Act [16 U.S.C. 818] and which did be responsible for paying the full costs of con­
not receive a permit, right-of-way or other struction of such roads.
approval under this section prior to enactment of
(b) Copies of all instruments affecting permanent
this subsection, no such permit, right-of-way, or
interests in land executed pursuant to this section
other approval shall be required for continued
shall be recorded in each county where the lands
operation, including continued operation pursuant
are located.
to section 15 of the Federal Power Act [16 U.S.C.
808], of such project unless the Commission deter- (c) The Secretary may require the user or users
mines that such project involves the use of any of a road, trail, land, or other facility administered
additional public lands or National Forest lands by him through the Bureau, including purchasers
not subject to such reservation. [P.L. 102-486, 1992] of Government timber and other products, to
maintain such facilities in a satisfactory condition
commensurate with the particular use requirements
38 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

of each. Such maintenance to be borne by each national and State land use policies, environmental
user shall be proportionate to total use. The quality, economic efficiency, national security,
Secretary may also require the user or users of safety, and good engineering and technological
such a facility to reconstruct the same when such practices. The Secretary concerned shall issue reg­
reconstruction is determined to be necessary to ulations containing the criteria and procedures he
accommodate such use. If such maintenance or will use in designating such corridors. Any exist­
reconstruction cannot be so provided or if the ing transportation and utility corridors may be des­
Secretary determines that maintenance or recon­ ignated as transportation and utility corridors pur­
struction by a user would not be practical, then the suant to this subsection without further review.
Secretary may require that sufficient funds be
deposited by the user to provide his portion of GENERAL PROVISIONS
such total maintenance or reconstruction. Deposits
made to cover the maintenance or reconstruction Sec. 504. [43 U.S.C. 1764] (a) The Secretary concerned
of roads are hereby made available until expended shall specify the boundaries of each right-of-way
to cover the cost to the United States of accom­ as precisely as is practical. Each right-of-way shall
plishing the purposes for which deposited: be limited to the ground which the Secretary con­
Provided, That deposits received for work on adja­ cerned determines (1) will be occupied by facili­
cent and overlapping areas may be combined ties which constitute the project for which the
when it is the most practicable and efficient man­ right-of-way is granted, issued, or renewed, (2) to
ner of performing the work, and cost thereof may be necessary for the operation or maintenance of
be determined by estimates: And provided further, the project, (3) to be necessary to protect the pub­
That unexpended balances upon accomplishment lic safety, and (4) will do no unnecessary damage
of the purpose for which deposited shall be trans­ to the environment. The Secretary concerned may
ferred to miscellaneous receipts or refunded. authorize the temporary use of such additional
lands as he determines to be reasonably necessary
(d) Whenever the agreement under which the
for the construction, operation, maintenance, or
United States has obtained for the use of, or in
termination of the project or a portion thereof, or
connection with, the public lands a right-of-way or
for access thereto.
easement for a road or an existing road or the right
to use an existing road provides for delayed pay­ (b) Each right-of-way or permit granted, issued,
ments to the Government’s grantor, any fees or or renewed pursuant to this section shall be limited
other collections received by the Secretary for the to a reasonable term in light of all circumstances
use of the road may be placed in a fund to be concerning the project. In determining the duration
available for making payments to the grantor. of a right-of-way the Secretary concerned shall,
among other things, take into consideration the
RIGHT-OF-WAY CORRIDORS cost of the facility, its useful life, and any public
purpose it serves. The right-of-way shall specify
Sec. 503. [43 U.S.C. 1763] In order to minimize whether it is or is not renewable and the terms and
adverse environmental impacts and the prolifera­ conditions applicable to the renewal.
tion of separate rights-of-way, the utilization of (c) Rights-of-way shall be granted, issued, or
rights-of-way in common shall be required to the renewed pursuant to this title under such regula­
extent practical, and each right-of-way or permit tions or stipulations, consistent with the provisions
shall reserve to the Secretary concerned the right of this title or any other applicable law, and
to grant additional rights-of-way or permits for shall also be subject to such terms and conditions
compatible uses on or adjacent to rights-of-way as the Secretary concerned may prescribe
granted pursuant to this Act. In designating right- regarding extent, duration, survey, location, con­
of-way corridors and in determining whether to struction, maintenance, transfer or assignment, and
require that rights-of-way be confined to them, the termination.
Secretary concerned shall take into consideration
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 39

(d) The Secretary concerned prior to granting or the United States for all reasonable administrative
issuing a right-of-way pursuant to this title for a and other costs incurred in processing an applica­
new project which may have a significant impact tion for such right-of-way and in inspection and
on the environment, shall require the applicant to monitoring of construction, operation, and termi­
submit a plan of construction, operation, and reha­ nation of the facility pursuant to such right-of-
bilitation for such right-of-way which shall com­ way: Provided, however, That the Secretary con­
ply with stipulations or with regulations issued by cerned need not secure reimbursement in any situ­
that Secretary, including the terms and conditions ation where there is in existence a cooperative cost
required under section 505 of this Act. share right-of-way program between the United
(e) The Secretary concerned shall issue regula­ States and the holder of a right-of-way. Rights-of-
tions with respect to the terms and conditions that way may be granted, issued, or renewed to a
will be included in rights-of-way pursuant to sec­ Federal, State, or local government or any agency
tion 505 of this title. Such regulations shall be reg­ or instrumentality thereof, to nonprofit associa­
ularly revised as needed. Such regulations shall be tions or nonprofit corporations which are not
applicable to every right-of-way granted or issued themselves controlled or owned by profit making
pursuant to this title and to any subsequent renew­ corporations or business enterprises, or to a holder
al thereof, and may be applicable to rights-of-way where he provides without or at reduced charges a
not granted or issued, but renewed pursuant to this valuable benefit to the public or to the programs of
title. the Secretary concerned, or to a holder in connec­
tion with the authorized use or occupancy of
(f) Mineral and vegetative materials, including Federal land for which the United States is already
timber, within or without a right-of-way, may be receiving compensation for such lesser charge,
used or disposed of in connection with construc­ including free use as the Secretary concerned finds
tion or other purposes only if authorization to equitable and in the public interest. Such rights-of-
remove or use such materials has been obtained way issued at less than fair market value are not
pursuant to applicable laws or for emergency assignable except with the approval of the
repair work necessary for those rights-of-way Secretary issuing the right-of-way. The moneys
authorized under section 501(c) of this Act. [P.L. 99- received for reimbursement of reasonable costs
545, 1986] shall be deposited with the Treasury in a special
(g) The holder of a right-of-way shall pay in account and are hereby authorized to be appropri­
advance the fair market value thereof, as deter- ated and made available until expended. Rights-
mined by the Secretary granting, issuing, or of-way shall be granted, issued, or renewed, with-
renewing such right-of-way. The Secretary con­ out rental fees, for electric or telephone facilities,
cerned may require either annual payment or a eligible for financing pursuant to the Rural
payment covering more than one year at a time Electrification Act of 1936, as amended [7 U.S.C.
except that private individuals may make at their 901 et seq.], determined without regard to any
option either annual payments or payments cover­ application requirement under that Act, [P.L. 104-333,
ing more than one year if the annual fee is greater 1996] or any extensions from such facilities:
than one hundred dollars. The Secretary con­ Provided, That nothing in this sentence shall be
cerned may waive rentals where a right-of-way is construed to affect the authority of the Secretary
granted, issued or renewed in consideration of a granting, issuing, or renewing the right-of-way to
right-of-way conveyed to the United States in con­ require reimbursement of reasonable administra­
nection with a cooperative cost share program tive and other costs pursuant to the second sen­
between the United States and the holder. [P.L. 99- tence of this subsection. [P.L. 98-300, 1984]
545, 1986] The Secretary concerned may, by regula­ [43 U.S.C. 1764 Note: effective date shall apply with respect to
tion or prior to promulgation of such regulations, rights-of-way leases held on or after the date of enactment of this
as a condition of a right-of-way, require an appli­ Act. [P.L. 104-333, 1996]]
cant for or holder of a right-of-way to reimburse
40 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

(h) (1) The Secretary concerned shall promulgate standards are more stringent than applicable
regulations specifying the extent to which holders Federal standards; and
of rights-of-way under this title shall be liable to (b) such terms and conditions as the Secretary
the United States for damage or injury incurred by concerned deems necessary to (i) protect Federal
the United States caused by the use and occupancy property and economic interests; (ii) manage effi­
of the rights-of-way. The regulations shall also ciently the lands which are subject to the right-of-
specify the extent to which such holders shall way or adjacent thereto and protect the other law­
indemnify or hold harmless the United States for ful users of the lands adjacent to or traversed by
liabilities, damages, or claims caused by their use such right-of-way; (iii) protect lives and property;
and occupancy of the rights-of-way. (iv) protect the interests of individuals living in the
(2) Any regulation or stipulation imposing lia­ general area traversed by the right-of-way who
bility without fault shall include a maximum limi­ rely on the fish, wildlife, and other biotic
tation on damages commensurate with the foresee- resources of the area for subsistence purposes; (v)
able risks or hazards presented. Any liability for require location of the right-of-way along a route
damage or injury in excess of this amount shall be that will cause least damage to the environment,
determined by ordinary rules of negligence. taking into consideration feasibility and other rele­
(i) Where he deems it appropriate, the Secretary vant factors; and (vi) otherwise protect the public
concerned may require a holder of a right-of-way interest in the lands traversed by the right-of-way
to furnish a bond, or other security, satisfactory to or adjacent thereto.
him to secure all or any of the obligations imposed
by the terms and conditions of the right-of-way or SUSPENSION OR
by any rule or regulation of the Secretary con­ TERMINATION OF
(j) The Secretary concerned shall grant, issue, or
Sec. 506. [43 U.S.C. 1766] Abandonment of a right-of-
renew a right-of-way under this title only when he
way or noncompliance with any provision of this
is satisfied that the applicant has the technical and
title, condition of the right-of-way, or applicable
financial capability to construct the project for
rule or regulation of the Secretary concerned may
which the right-of-way is requested, and in accord
be grounds for suspension or termination of the
with the requirements of this title.
right-of-way if, after due notice to the holder of
the right-of-way, and with respect to easements, an
TERMS AND CONDITIONS appropriate administrative proceeding pursuant to
section 554 of title 5 of the United States Code,
SEC. 505. [43 U.S.C. 1765] Each right-of-way shall
the Secretary concerned determines that any such
ground exists and that suspension or termination is
(a) terms and conditions which will (i) carry out
justified. No administrative proceeding shall be
the purposes of this Act and rules and regulations
required where the right-of-way by its terms pro­
issued thereunder; (ii) minimize damage to scenic
vides that it terminates on the occurrence of a
and esthetic values and fish and wildlife habitat
fixed or agreed-upon condition, event, or time. If
and otherwise protect the environment; (iii)
the Secretary concerned determines that an imme­
require compliance with applicable air and water
diate temporary suspension of activities within a
quality standards established by or pursuant to
right-of-way for violation of its terms and condi­
applicable Federal or State law; and (iv) require
tions is necessary to protect public health or safety
compliance with State standards for public health
or the environment, he may abate such activities
and safety, environmental protection, and siting,
prior to an administrative proceeding. Prior to
construction, operation, and maintenance of or
commencing any proceeding to suspend or termi­
for rights-of-way for similar purposes if those
nate a right-of-way the Secretary concerned shall
give written notice to the holder of the grounds for
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 41

such action and shall give the holder a reasonable of-way, or (b) convey the lands, including that por­
time to resume use of the right-of-way or to tion within the boundaries of the right-of-way,
comply with this title, condition, rule, or regula­ subject to the right-of-way and reserving to the
tion as the case may be. Failure of the holder of United States the right to enforce all or any of the
the right-of-way to use the right-of-way for the terms and conditions of the right-of-way, including
purpose for which it was granted, issued, or the right to renew it or extend it upon its termina­
renewed, for any continuous five-year period, shall tion and to collect rents.
constitute a rebuttable presumption of abandon­
ment of the right-of-way, except that where the EXISTING RIGHTS-OF-WAY
failure of the holder to use the right-of-way for the
purpose for which it was granted, issued, or Sec. 509. [43 U.S.C. 1769] (a) Nothing in this title shall
renewed for any continuous five-year period is due have the effect of terminating any right-of-way or
to circumstances not within the holder’s control, right-of-use heretofore issued, granted, or permit­
the Secretary concerned is not required to com­ ted. However, with the consent of the holder there-
mence proceedings to suspend or terminate the of, the Secretary concerned may cancel such a
right-of-way. right-of-way or right-of-use and in its stead issue a
right-of-way pursuant to the provisions of this
FEDERAL AGENCIES (b) When the Secretary concerned issues a right-
of-way under this title for a railroad and appur­
Sec. 507. [43 U.S.C. 1767] (a) The Secretary concerned tenant communication facilities in connection with
may provide under applicable provisions of this a realinement of a railroad on lands under his
title for the use of any department or agency of the jurisdiction by virtue of a right-of-way granted by
United States a right-of-way over, upon, under or the United States, he may, when he considers it to
through the land administered by him, subject to be in the public interest and the lands involved are
such terms and conditions as he may impose. not within an incorporated community and are of
(b) Where a right-of-way has been reserved for approximately equal value, notwithstanding the
the use of any department or agency of the United provisions of this title, provide in the new right-of-
States, the Secretary shall take no action to termi­ way the same terms and conditions as applied to
nate, or otherwise limit, that use without the con- the portion of the existing right-of-way relin­
sent of the head of such department or agency. quished to the United States with respect to the
payment of annual rental, duration of the right-of-
CONVEYANCE OF LANDS way, and the nature of the interest in lands granted.
The Secretary concerned or his delegate shall take
Sec. 508. [43 U.S.C. 1768] If under applicable law the final action upon all applications for the grant,
Secretary concerned decides to transfer out of issue, or renewal of rights-of-way under subsec­
Federal ownership any lands covered in whole or tion (b) of this section no later than six months
in part by a right-of-way, including a right-of-way after receipt from the applicant of all information
granted under the Act of November 16, 1973 (87 required from the applicant by this title.
Stat. 576; 30 U.S.C. 185), the lands may be con­
veyed subject to the right-of-way; however, if the EFFECT ON OTHER LAWS
Secretary concerned determines that retention of
Federal control over the right-of-way is necessary Sec. 510. [43 U.S.C. 1770] (a) Effective on and after
to assure that the purposes of this title will be car­ the date of approval of this Act, no right-of-way
ried out, the terms and conditions of the right-of- for the purposes listed in this title shall be granted,
way complied with, or the lands protected, he shall issued, or renewed over, upon, under, or through
(a) reserve to the United States that portion of the such lands except under and subject to the provi­
lands which lies within the boundaries of the right- sions, limitations, and conditions of this title:
42 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

Provided, That nothing in this title shall be con­ (2) For the purposes of this subsection, the term
strued as affecting or modifying the provisions of “antitrust laws” includes the Act of July 2, 1890
the Act of October 13, 1964 (78 Stat. 1089; 16 (26 Stat. 15 U.S.C. 1 et seq.); the Act of October
U.S.C. 532–538) and in the event of conflict with, 15, 1914 (38 Stat. 730, 15 U.S.C. 12 et seq.); the
or inconsistency between, this title and the Act of Federal Trade Commission Act (38 Stat. 717; 15
October 13, 1964, the latter shall prevail: Provided U.S.C. 41 et seq.); and sections 73 and 74 of the
further, That nothing in this Act should be con­ Act of August 27, 1894. [15 U.S.C. 8, 9]
strued as making it mandatory that, with respect to
forest roads, the Secretary of Agriculture limit COORDINATION OF
rights-of-way grants or their term of years or APPLICATIONS
require disclosure pursuant to Section 501 (b) or
impose any other condition contemplated by this Sec. 511. [43 U.S.C. 1771] Applicants before Federal
Act that is contrary to present practices of that departments and agencies other than the
Secretary under the Act of October 13, 1964. Any Department of the Interior or Agriculture seeking a
pending application for a right-of-way under any license, certificate, or other authority for a project
other law on the effective date of this section shall which involve a right-of-way over, upon, under, or
be considered as an application under this title. through public land or National Forest System
The Secretary concerned may require the applicant lands must simultaneously apply to the Secretary
to submit any additional information he deems concerned for the appropriate authority to use pub­
necessary to comply with the requirements of this lic lands or National Forest System lands and sub­
title. mit to the Secretary concerned all information fur­
(b) Nothing in this title shall be construed to pre­ nished to the other Federal department or agency.
clude the use of lands covered by this title for
highway purposes pursuant to sections 107 and
317 of title 23 of the United States Code.
(c) (1) Nothing in this title shall be construed as
exempting any holder of a right-of-way issued
under this title from any provision of the antitrust
laws of the United States.


CALIFORNIA DESERT be provided to the Secretary to facilitate effective

CONSERVATION AREA implementation of such planning and management.
(b) It is the purpose of this section to provide for
Sec. 601. [43 U.S.C. 1781] (a) The Congress finds that– the immediate and future protection and adminis­
(1) the California desert contains historical, sce­ tration of the public lands in the California desert
nic, archeological, environmental, biological, cul­ within the framework of a program of multiple use
tural, scientific, educational, recreational, and eco­ and sustained yield, and the maintenance of envi­
nomic resources that are uniquely located adjacent ronmental quality.
to an area of large population; (c) (1) For the purpose of this section, the term
(2) the California desert environment is a total “California desert” means the area generally
ecosystem that is extremely fragile, easily scarred, depicted on a map entitled “California Desert
and slowly healed; Conservation Area—Proposed” dated April 1974,
and described as provided in subsection (c) (2).
(3) the California desert environment and its
resources, including certain rare and endangered (2) As soon as practicable after the date of
species of wildlife, plants, and fishes, and numer­ approval of this Act, the Secretary shall file a
ous archeological and historic sites, are seriously revised map and a legal description of the
threatened by air pollution, inadequate Federal California Desert Conservation Area with the
management authority, and pressures of increased Committees on Interior and Insular Affairs of the
use, particularly recreational use, which are certain United States Senate and the House of
to intensify because of the rapidly growing popu­ Representatives, and such map and description
lation of southern California; shall have the same force and effect as if included
in this Act. Correction of clerical and typographi­
(4) the use of all California desert resources can
cal errors in such legal description and a map may
and should be provided for in a multiple use and
be made by the Secretary. To the extent practica­
sustained yield management plan to conserve these
ble, the Secretary shall make such legal descrip­
resources for future generations, and to provide
tion and map available to the public promptly
present and future use and enjoyment, particularly
upon request.
outdoor recreation uses, including the use, where
appropriate, of off-road recreational vehicles; (d) The Secretary, in accordance with section 202
of this Act, shall prepare and implement a compre­
(5) the Secretary has initiated a comprehensive
hensive, long-range plan for the management, use,
planning process and established an interim man­
development, and protection of the public lands
agement program for the public lands in the
within the California Desert Conservation Area.
California desert; and
Such plan shall take into account the principles of
(6) to insure further study of the relationship of multiple use and sustained yield in providing for
man and the California desert environment, pre- resource use and development, including, but not
serve the unique and irreplaceable resources, limited to, maintenance of environmental quality,
including archeological values, and conserve the rights-of-way, and mineral development. Such
use of the economic resources of the California plan shall be completed and implementation there-
desert, the public must be provided more opportu­ of initiated on or before September 30, 1980.
nity to participate in such planning and manage­
(e) During the period beginning on the date of
ment, and additional management authority must
approval of this Act and ending on the effective
44 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

date of implementation of the comprehensive, Defense are authorized and directed to consult
long-range plan, the Secretary shall execute an among themselves and take cooperative actions to
interim program to manage, use, and protect the carry out the provisions of this subsection, includ­
public lands, and their resources now in danger of ing a program of law enforcement in accordance
destruction, in the California Desert Conservation with applicable authorities to protect the archeo­
Area, to provide for the public use of such lands in logical and other values of the California Desert
an orderly and reasonable manner such as through Conservation Area and adjacent lands.
the development of campgrounds and visitor cen­ (i) The Secretary shall report to the Congress no
ters, and to provide for a uniformed desert ranger later than two years after the date of approval of
force. this Act, and annually thereafter, on the progress
(f) Subject to valid existing rights, nothing in this in, and any problems concerning, the implementa­
Act shall affect the applicability of the United tion of this section, together with any recommen­
States mining laws on the public lands within the dations, which he may deem necessary, to remedy
California Desert Conservation Area, except that such problems.
all mining claims located on public lands within (j) There are authorized to be appropriated for
the California Desert Conservation Area shall be fiscal years 1977 through 1981 not to exceed
subject to such reasonable regulations as the $40,000,000 for the purpose of this section, such
Secretary may prescribe to effectuate the purposes
amount to remain available until expended.
of this section. Any patent issued on any such min­
ing claim shall recite this limitation and continue
to be subject to such regulations. Such regulations
shall provide for such measures as may be reason- Sec. 602.Section 9 of the Act of October 21, 1970
able to protect the scenic, scientific, and environ­ (84 Stat. 1067), [16 U.S.C. 460y-8] is amended by
mental values of the public lands of the California adding a new subsection (c), as follows:
Desert Conservation Area against undue impair­
ment, and to assure against pollution of the “(c) In addition to the lands described in subsec­
streams and waters within the California Desert tion (a) of this section, the land identified as the
Conservation Area. Punta Gorda Addition and the Southern Additions
on the map entitled ‘King Range National
(g) (1) The Secretary, within sixty days after the Conservation Area Boundary Map No. 2,’ dated
date of approval of this Act, shall establish a July 29, 1975, is included in the survey and inves­
California Desert Conservation Area Advisory tigation area referred to in the first section of this
Committee (hereinafter referred to as “advisory Act.”
committee”) in accordance with the provisions of
section 309 of this Act.
(2) It shall be the function of the advisory com­ MANAGEMENT
mittee to advise the Secretary with respect to the
preparation and implementation of the comprehen­
sive, long-range plan required under subsection (d) Sec. 603. [43 U.S.C. 1782] (a) Within fifteen years after
of this section. the date of approval of this Act, the Secretary shall
(h) The Secretary of Agriculture and the review those roadless areas of five thousand acres
Secretary of Defense shall manage lands within or more and roadless islands of the public lands,
their respective jurisdictions located in or adjacent identified during the inventory required by section
to the California Desert Conservation Area, in 201(a) of this Act as having wilderness character­
accordance with the laws relating to such lands istics described in the Wilderness Act of
and wherever practicable, in a manner consonant September 3, 1964 (78 Stat. 890; 16 U.S.C. 1131
with the purpose of this section. The Secretary, the et seq.) and shall from time to time report to the
Secretary of Agriculture, and the Secretary of President his recommendation as to the suitability
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 45

or nonsuitability of each such area or island for Once an area has been designated for preservation
preservation as wilderness: Provided, That prior to as wilderness, the provisions of the Wilderness Act
any recommendations for the designation of an [16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.] which apply to national forest
area as wilderness the Secretary shall cause miner­ wilderness areas shall apply with respect to the
al surveys to be conducted by the United States administration and use of such designated area,
Geological Survey [P.L. 102-154, 1991] and the United including mineral surveys required by section 4(d)
States Bureau of Mines [P.L. 102-285, 1992] to deter- (2) of the Wilderness Act, [16 U.S.C. 1133(d)(2)] and
mine the mineral values, if any, that may be pres­ mineral development, access, exchange of lands,
ent in such areas: Provided further, That the and ingress and egress for mining claimants and
Secretary shall report to the President by July 1, occupants.
1980, his recommendations on those areas which
43 U.S.C. 1783. Yaquina Head Outstanding
the Secretary has prior to November 1, 1975, for­
Natural Area [P.L. 96-199, §119, 1980]
mally identified as natural or primitive areas. The
review required by this subsection shall be con­ (a) In order to protect the unique scenic, scientif­
ducted in accordance with the procedure specified ic, educational, and recreational values of certain
in section 3(d) of the Wilderness Act. lands in and around Yaquina Head, in Lincoln
County, Oregon, there is hereby established, sub­
(b) The President shall advise the President of
ject to valid existing rights, the Yaquina Head
the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
Outstanding Natural Area (hereinafter referred to
Representatives of his recommendations with
as the “area”). The boundaries of the area are
respect to designation as wilderness of each such
those shown on the map entitled “Yaquina Head
area, together with a map thereof and a definition
Area”, dated July 1979, which shall be on file and
of its boundaries. Such advice by the President
available for public inspection in the Office of the
shall be given within two years of the receipt of
Director, Bureau of Land Management, United
each report from the Secretary. A recommendation
States Department of the Interior, and the State
of the President for designation as wilderness shall
Office of the Bureau of Land Management in the
become effective only if so provided by an Act of
State of Oregon.
(b)(1) The Secretary of the Interior (hereinafter
(c) During the period of review of such areas and
referred to as the “Secretary”) shall administer the
until Congress has determined otherwise, the
Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area in accor­
Secretary shall continue to manage such lands
dance with the laws and regulations applicable to
according to his authority under this Act and other
the public lands as defined in section 103(e) of the
applicable law in a manner so as not to impair the
Federal Land Policy and Management Act of
suitability of such areas for preservation as wilder­
1976, as amended (43 U.S.C. 1702) [43 U.S.C.
ness, subject, however, to the continuation of
1702(e)], in such a manner as will best provide for–
existing mining and grazing uses and mineral leas­
ing in the manner and degree in which the same (A) the conservation and development of the
was being conducted on October 21, 1976: scenic, natural, and historic values of the area;
Provided, That, in managing the public lands the (B) the continued use of the area for purposes
Secretary shall by regulation or otherwise take any of education, scientific study, and public recreation
action required to prevent unnecessary or undue which do not substantially impair the purposes for
degradation of the lands and their resources or to which the area is established; and
afford environmental protection. Unless previously
withdrawn from appropriation under the mining (C) protection of the wildlife habitat of the
laws, such lands shall continue to be subject to area.
such appropriation during the period of review (2) The Secretary shall develop a management
unless withdrawn by the Secretary under the pro­ plan for the area which accomplishes the purposes
cedures of section 204 of this Act for reasons other and is consistent with the provisions of this sec­
than preservation of their wilderness character. tion. This plan shall be developed in accordance
46 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

with the provisions of section 202 of the Federal Upon acquisition by the United States,
1701 et seq.].
Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as such lands are automatically withdrawn under the
amended (43 U.S.C. 1712). provisions of subsection (c) of this section except
(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this that lands affected by quarrying operations in the
section, the Secretary is authorized to issue per­ area shall be subject to disposals under the
mits or to contract for the quarrying of materials Materials Act of July 31, 1947, as amended (30
from the area in accordance with the management U.S.C. 601, 602). Any lands acquired pursuant to
plan for the area on condition that the lands be this subsection shall be administered in accordance
reclaimed and restored to the satisfaction of the with the management plan for the area developed
Secretary. Such authorization to quarry shall pursuant to subsection (b) of this section.
require payment of fair market value for the mate- (e) The Secretary is authorized to conduct a
rials to be quarried, as established by the study relating to the use of lands in the area for
Secretary, and shall also include any terms and purposes of wind energy research. If the Secretary
conditions which the Secretary determines neces­ determines after such study that the conduct of
sary to protect the values of such quarry lands for wind energy research activity will not substantially
purposes of this section. impair the values of the lands in the area for pur­
(c) The reservation of lands for lighthouse pur­ poses of this section, the Secretary is further
poses made by Executive order of June 8, 1866, of authorized to issue permits for the use of such
certain lands totaling approximately 18.1 acres, as lands as a site for installation and field testing of
depicted on the map referred to in subsection (a) an experimental wind turbine generating system.
of this section, is hereby revoked. The lands Any permit issued pursuant to this subsection shall
referred to in subsection (a) of this section are contain such terms and conditions as the Secretary
hereby restored to the status of public lands as determines necessary to protect the values of such
defined in section 103(e) of the Federal Land lands for purposes of this section.
Policy and Management Act of 1976, as amended (f) The Secretary shall develop and administer, in
(43 U.S.C. 1702) [43 U.S.C. 1702(e)], and shall be addition to any requirements imposed pursuant to
administered in accordance with the management subsection (b) (3) of this section, a program for the
plan for the area developed pursuant to subsection reclamation and restoration of all lands affected by
(b) of this section, except that such lands are here- quarrying operations in the area acquired pursuant
by withdrawn from settlement, sale, location, or to subsection (d) of this section. All revenues
entry, under the public land laws, including the received by the United States in connection with
mining laws (30 U.S.C., ch. 2), leasing under the quarrying operations authorized by subsection (b)
mineral leasing laws (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.), and (3) of this section shall be deposited in a separate
disposals under the Materials Act of July 31, 1947, fund account which shall be established by the
as amended (30 U.S.C. 601, 602). Secretary of the Treasury. Such revenues are here-
(d) The Secretary shall, as soon as possible but in by authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary
no event later than twenty-four months following as needed for reclamation and restoration of any
the date of enactment of this section [March 5, 1980], lands acquired pursuant to subsection (d) of this
acquire by purchase, exchange, donation, or con­ section. After completion of such reclamation and
demnation all or any part of the lands and waters restoration to the satisfaction of the Secretary, any
and interests in lands and waters within the area unexpended revenues in such fund shall be
referred to in subsection (a) of this section which returned to the general fund of the United States
are not in Federal ownership except that State land Treasury.
shall not be acquired by purchase or condemna­ (g) There are hereby authorized to be appropriat­
tion. Any lands or interests acquired by the ed in addition to that authorized by subsection (f)
Secretary pursuant to this section shall become of this section, such sums as may be necessary to
public lands as defined in the Federal Land Policy carry out the provisions of this section.
and Management Act of 1976, as amended [43 U.S.C.
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 47

43 U.S.C. 1784. Lands in Alaska; Bureau of (3) Technical Corrections. – The Secretary of
Land Management Land Reviews. [P.L. 96-487, title the Interior may correct clerical, typographical,
XIII, §1320, 1980] and cartographical errors in the map and legal
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, sec­ description subsequent to filing the map pursuant
tion 1782 of the Federal Land Policy and to paragraph (1).
Management Act of 1976 shall not apply to any (4) Public Inspection. – The map and legal
lands in Alaska. However, in carrying out his description shall be on file and available for public
duties under sections 1711 and 1712 of this title inspection in the Office of the Director of the
and other applicable laws, the Secretary may iden­ Bureau of Land Management, Department of the
tify areas in Alaska which he determines are suit- Interior.
able as wilderness and may, from time to time,
(c) Management. –
make recommendations to the Congress for inclu­
sion of any such areas in the National Wilderness (1) In General. – The Secretary of the Interior,
Preservation System, pursuant to the provisions of acting through the Director of the Bureau of
the Wilderness Act [16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.]. In the Land Management, shall manage the Area–
absence of congressional action relating to any (A) to protect the resources within the Area;
such recommendation of the Secretary, the Bureau and
of Land Management shall manage all such areas (B) in accordance with this Act, the Federal
which are within its jurisdiction in accordance Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43
with the applicable land use plans and applicable U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), and other applicable provi­
provisions of law. sions of law.
43 U.S.C. 1785. Fossil Forest Research Natural (2) Mining. –
Area. [P.L. 98-603, title I, §103, 1984; P.L. 104-333, div. I, title X,
§1022, 1996] (A) Withdrawal. – Subject to valid existing
rights, the lands within the Area are withdrawn
(a) Establishment. – To conserve and protect nat­ from all forms of appropriation under the mining
ural values and to provide scientific knowledge, laws and from disposition under all laws pertain­
education, and interpretation for the benefit of ing to mineral leasing, geothermal leasing, and
future generations, there is established the Fossil mineral material sales.
Forest Research Natural Area (referred to in this
section as the “Area”), consisting of the approxi­ (B) Coal Preference Rights. – The Secretary of
mately 2,770 acres in the Farmington District of the Interior is authorized to issue coal leases in
the Bureau of Land Management, New Mexico, as New Mexico in exchange for any preference right
generally depicted on a map entitled “Fossil coal lease application within the Area. Such
Forest”, dated June 1983. exchanges shall be made in accordance with appli­
cable existing laws and regulations relating to coal
(b) Map and Legal Description. – leases after a determination has been made by the
(1) In General. – As soon as practicable after Secretary that the applicant is entitled to a prefer­
the date of enactment of this paragraph [November 12, ence right lease and that the exchange is in the
1996], the Secretary of the Interior shall file a map public interest.
and legal description of the Area with the (C) Oil and Gas Leases. – Operations on oil
Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of and gas leases issued prior to the date of enact­
the Senate and the Committee on [P.L. 106-176, 2000] ment of this paragraph [November 12, 1996], shall be
Resources of the House of Representatives. subject to the applicable provisions of Group 3100
(2) Force and Effect. – The map and legal of title 43, Code of Federal Regulations (including
description described in paragraph (1) shall have section 3162.5-1), and such other terms, stipula­
the same force and effect as if included in this Act. tions, and conditions as the Secretary of the
Interior considers necessary to avoid significant
disturbance of the land surface or impairment of
48 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

the natural, educational, and scientific research (2) Contents. – The management plan shall
values of the Area in existence on the date of include–
enactment of this paragraph [November 12, 1996]. (A) a plan for the implementation of a continu­
(3) Grazing. – Livestock grazing on lands ing cooperative program with other agencies and
within the Area may not be permitted. groups for–
(d) Inventory. – Not later than 3 full fiscal years (i) laboratory and field interpretation; and
after the date of enactment of this subsection (ii) public education about the resources and
[November 12, 1996], the Secretary of the Interior,
values of the Area (including vertebrate fossils);
acting through the Director of the Bureau of Land
Management, shall develop a baseline inventory of (B) provisions for vehicle management that are
all categories of fossil resources within the Area. consistent with the purpose of the Area and that
After the inventory is developed, the Secretary provide for the use of vehicles to the minimum
shall conduct monitoring surveys at intervals extent necessary to accomplish an individual sci­
specified in the management plan developed for entific project;
the Area in accordance with subsection (e). (C) procedures for the excavation and collec­
(e) Management Plan. – tion of fossil remains, including botanical fossils,
and the use of motorized and mechanical equip­
(1) In General. – Not later than 5 years after the ment to the minimum extent necessary to accom­
date of enactment of this act [November 12, 1996], the plish an individual scientific project; and
Secretary of the Interior shall develop and submit
to the Committee on Energy and Natural (D) mitigation and reclamation standards for
Resources of the Senate and the Committee on [P.L. activities that disturb the surface to the detriment
106-176, 2000] Resources of the House of of scenic and environmental values.
Representatives a management plan that describes
the appropriate use of the Area consistent with this
subsection [P.L. 106-176, 2000].



EFFECT ON EXISTING RIGHTS (1) as affecting in any way any law governing
appropriation or use of, or Federal right to, water
Sec. 701. [43 U.S.C. 1701 note] (a) Nothing in this Act, on public lands;
or in any amendment made by this Act, shall be (2) as expanding or diminishing Federal or
construed as terminating any valid lease, permit, State jurisdiction, responsibility, interests, or rights
patent, right-of-way, or other land use right or in water resources development or control;
authorization existing on the date of approval of
this Act. (3) as displacing, superseding, limiting, or mod­
ifying any interstate compact or the jurisdiction or
(b) Notwithstanding any provision of this Act, in responsibility of any legally established joint or
the event of conflict with or inconsistency between common agency of two or more States or of two
this Act and the Acts of August 28, 1937 (50 Stat. or more States and the Federal Government;
874; 43 U.S.C. 1181a-1181j), and May 24, 1939
(53 Stat. 753), insofar as they relate to manage­ (4) as superseding, modifying, or repealing,
ment of timber resources, and disposition of rev­ except as specifically set forth in this Act, existing
enues from lands and resources, the latter Acts laws applicable to the various Federal agencies
shall prevail. which are authorized to develop or participate
in the development of water resources or to exer­
(c) All withdrawals, reservations, classifications, cise licensing or regulatory functions in relation
and designations in effect as of the date of thereto;
approval of this Act shall remain in full force and
effect until modified under the provisions of this (5) as modifying the terms of any interstate
Act or other applicable law. compact; or
(d) Nothing in this Act, or in any amendments (6) as a limitation upon any State criminal
made by this Act, shall be construed as permitting statute or upon the police power of the respective
any person to place, or allow to be placed, spent States, or as derogating the authority of a local
oil shale, overburden, or byproducts from the police officer in the performance of his duties, or
recovery of other minerals found with oil shale, on as depriving any State or political subdivision
any Federal land other than Federal land which thereof of any right it may have to exercise civil
has been leased for the recovery of shale oil under and criminal jurisdiction on the national resource
the Act of February 25, 1920 (41 Stat. 437, as lands; or as amending, limiting, or infringing the
amended; 30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.). existing laws providing grants of lands to the
(e) Nothing in this Act shall be construed as
modifying, revoking, or changing any provision of (h) All actions by the Secretary concerned under
the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (85 Stat. this Act shall be subject to valid existing rights.
688, as amended; 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.). (i) The adequacy of reports required by this Act
(f) Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to repeal to be submitted to the Congress or its committees
any existing law by implication. shall not be subject to judicial review.
(g) Nothing in this Act shall be construed as lim­ (j) Nothing in this Act shall be construed as
iting or restricting the power and authority of the affecting the distribution of livestock grazing rev­
United States or– enues to local governments under the Granger-
Thye Act (64 Stat. 85, 16 U.S.C. 580h), under the
50 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

Act of May 23, 1908 (35 Stat. 260, as amended; Act of Chapter Section Statute 43 U.S.
16 U.S.C. 500), under the Act of March 4, 1913 at Large Code
Apr. 28, 1922 155 42:502

(37 Stat. 843, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 501), and

May 17, 1900 479 1 31:179 179.

under the Act of June 20, 1910 (36 Stat. 557). Jan. 26, 1901 180 31:740 180.

Sept. 5, 1914 294 38:712 182.


TO HOMESTEADING AND Statute 2300 183.

Aug. 31, 1918 166 8 40:957

SMALL TRACTS Sept. 13, 1918 173 40:960


Sec. 702. Effective on and after the date of

Statute 2302 184, 201.

approval of this Act, the following statutes or parts July 26,1892 251 27:270 185.

of statutes are repealed except the effective date Feb. 14, 1920 76 41:434 186.

shall be on and after the tenth anniversary of the Jan. 21, 1922 32 42:358

date of approval of this Act insofar as the listed Dec. 28, 1922 19 42:1067

homestead laws apply to public lands in Alaska: June 12, 1930 471 46:580

Feb. 25, 1925 326 43:081 187.

Act of Chapter Section Statute 43 U.S. June 21, 1934 690 48:1185 187a.

at Large Code
1. Homesteads:
May 22, 1902 821 2 32:203 187b.

June 5, 1900 716 31:27 188, 217.

Statute 2289 161, 171.

Mar. 3, 1875 131 15 18:420 189.

Mar. 3, 1891 561 5 26:1097 161, 162.

July 4, 1884 180 Only last 23: 96 190.

Statute 2290 162.
of sec. 1.
Mar. 1, 1933 160 1 47:1418 190a.
Statute 2295 163.
The following words only: “Provided, That no
further allotments of lands to Indians on the public
Statute 2291 164.
domain shall be made in San Juan County, Utah, nor
June 6, 1912 153 37:123 164, 169, 218
shall further Indian homesteads be made in said county

May 14, 1880 89 21:141 166, 185, 202,

under the Act of July 4, 1884 (23 Stat. 96; U.S.C. title

223. 48, sec. 190).”

June 6, 1900 821 31:683 166, 223.

Aug. 9, 1912 280 37:267 Revised

Apr. 6, 1914 51 38:312 167. Statutes

Mar. 1, 1921 90 41:1193 2310, 2311 191.

Oct. 17, 1914 325 38:740 168. June 13, 1902 1080 32:384 203.

Revised Statute 169. Mar. 3, 1879 191 20:472 204.

Mar. 31, 1881 153 21:511 July 1, 1879 60 21:46 205.

Oct. 22, 1914 335 38:766 170. May 6, 1886 88 24:22 206.

Revised Aug. 21, 1916 361 39:518 207.

Statute 2292 171. June 3, 1924 240 43:357 208.

June 8, 1880 136 21:166 172. Revised

Revised Statute 2298 211.

Statute 173. Aug. 30, 1890 837 26:391 212.

Mar. 3, 1891 561 6 26:1098 The following words only: “No person who shall
June 3, 1896 312 2 29:197 after the passage of this act, enter upon any of the
Revised public lands with a view to occupation, entry or
Statute 2288 174.
settlement under any of the land laws shall be per­
Mar. 3, 1891 561 3 26:1097
Mar. 3, 1905 1424 36:991
mitted to acquire title to more than three hundred
Revised and twenty acres in the aggregate, under all of said
Statute 2296 175. laws, but his limitation shall not operate to curtail
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 51

the right of any person who has heretofore made Act of Chapter Section Statute 43 U.S.
entry or settlement on the public lands, or whose at Large Code
Mar. 2, 1889 381 3 25:854 234.

occupation, entry or settlement, is validated by this

Dec. 29, 1894 14 28:599

act:” July 1, 1879 63 1 21:48 235.

Act of Chapter Section Statute 43 U.S. Dec. 20, 1917 6 40:430 236.

at Large Code Jult 24, 1919 126 Next to 41:271 237.

Mar. 3, 1891 561 17 26: 1101 last paragraph

The following words only: “and that the provision Mar. 2, 1932 69 47:59 237a.
of ‘An Act making appropriations for sundry civil May 21, 1934 320 48:787 237b.
expenses of the Government for the fiscal year May 25, 1935 135 49:286 237c.
ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety- Aug. 19, 1935 560 49:659 237d.
one, and for other purposes,’ which reads as fol­ Mar. 31, 1938 57 52:149
lows, viz: ‘ No person who shall after the passage Apr. 20, 1936 239 49:1235 237e
of this act enter upon any of the public lands with July 30, 1956 778 1, 2, 4 70:715 237f,g,h.
a view to occupation, entry or settlement under Mar. 1, 1921 102 41:1202 238.
Apr. 7, 1922 125 42:492
any of the land laws shall be permitted to acquire
Revised Statute 239.
title to more than three hundred and twenty acres
June 16, 1898 458 30:473 240.
in the aggregate under all said laws,’ shall be con­ Aug. 29, 1916 420 39:671
strued to include in the maximum amount of lands Apr. 7, 1930 108 46:144 243.
the title to which is permitted to be acquired by Mar. 3, 1933 198 47:1424 243a.
one person only agricultural lands and not to Mar. 3, 1879 192 20:472 251.
include lands entered or sought to be entered Mar. 2, 1889 381 7 25:855 252.
under mineral land laws.” June 3, 1878 152 20:91 253.
Apr. 28, 1904 1776 33:527 213.
Statute 2294 254.
Aug. 3, 1950 521 64:398
May 26, 1890 355 26:121
Mar. 2, 1889 381 6 25:854 214.
Mar. 11, 1902 182 32:63
Feb. 20, 1917 98 39:925 215.
Mar. 4, 1904 394 33:59
Mar. 4, 1921 162 1 41:1433 216.
Feb. 23, 1923 105 42:1281
Feb. 19, 1909 160 35:639 218.
June 13, 1912 166 37:132
Statute 2293 255.
Mar. 3, 1915 84 38:953
Oct. 6, 1917 86 40:391
Mar. 3, 1915 91 38:957
Mar. 4, 1913 149 Only 37:925 256.
Mar. 4, 1915 150 2 38:1163
last paragraph
July 3, 1916 220 39:344
of section
Feb. 11, 1913 39 37:666 218, 219.
headed “Public
June 17, 1910 298 36:531 219.
Land Service.”
Mar. 3, 1915 91 38:957
May 13, 1932 178 47:153 256a.

Sept. 5, 1916 440 39:724

June 16, 1933 99 48:274

Aug. 10, 1917 52 10 40:275

June 26, 1935 419 49:504

Mar. 4, 1915 150 1 38:1162 220.

June 16, 1937 361 50:303

Mar. 4, 1923 245 1 42:1445 222.

Aug. 27, 1935 770 49:909 256b.

Apr. 28, 1904 1801 33:547 224.

Sept. 30, 1890 J. Res. 59 26:684 261.

Mar. 2, 1907 2527 34:1224

June 16, 1880 244 21:287 263.

May 29, 1908 220 7 35:466

Apr. 18, 1904 25 33:589

Aug. 24, 1912 371 37:499


Aug. 22, 1914 270 38:704 231.

Statute 2304 271.

Feb. 25, 1919 21 40:1153

Mar. 1, 1901 674 31:847 271, 272.

July 3, 1916 214 39:341 232.


Sept. 29, 1919 64 41:288 233.

Statute 2305 272.

Apr. 6, 1922 122 42:491 233, 272, 273.

Feb. 25, 1919 37 40:1161 272a.

52 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

Act of Chapter Section Statute

at Large
43 U.S.
Dec. 28, 1922 19 42:1067

Statute 2306 274.

Sec. 703. (a) Effective on and after the tenth
Mar. 3, 1893 208 27:593 275.
anniversary of the date of approval of this Act,
the statutes and parts of statutes listed below as
The following words only: “And provided further:
“Alaska Settlement Laws,” and effective on and
That where soldier’s additional homestead entries
after the date of approval of this Act, the remain­
have been made or initiated upon certificate of the
der of the following statutes and parts of statutes
Commissioner of the General Land Office of the
are hereby repealed:
right to make such entry, and there is no adverse
claimant, and such certificate is found erroneous or Act of Chapter Section Statute 43 U.S.
invalid for any cause, the purchaser thereunder, on at Large Code
making proof of such purchase, may perfect his 1. Sale and Disposal laws:

title by payment of the Government price for the Mar. 3, 1891 561 9 26: 1099 671.


land: but no person shall be permitted to acquire

Statute 2354 673.

more than one hundred and sixty acres of public Revised

land through the location of any such certificate.” Statute 2355 674.

May 18, 1898 344 2 30:418 675.

Aug. 18, 1894 301 Only 28:397 276.


last paragraph
Statute 2365 676.

of section

headed “Surveying
Statute 2357 678.

the Public Lands.”

June 15, 1880 227 3, 4 21:238 679-680.


Mar. 2, 1889 381 4 25:854 681.

Statute 2309 277.

Mar. 1, 1907 2286 34:1052 682.



Statute 2307 278.

Statute 2361 688.

Sept. 21, 1922 357 42:990


Sept. 27, 1944 421 58:747 279-283.

Statute 2362 689.

June 25, 1946 474 60:308 279.


May 31, 1947 88 61:123 279, 280, 282.

Statute 2363 690.

June 18, 1954 306 68:253 279, 282.


June 3, 1948 399 62:305 283, 284.

Statute 2368 691.

Dec. 29, 1916 9 1-8 39:862 291-298.


Feb. 28, 1931 328 46:1454 291.

Statute 2366 692.

June 9, 1933 53 48:119 291.


June 6, 1924 274 46:469 292.

Statute 2369 693.

Oct. 25, 1918 195 40:1016 293.


Sept. 29, 1919 63 41:287 294, 295.

Statute 2370 694.

Mar. 4, 1923 245 2 42:1445 302.


Aug. 21, 1916 361 39:518 1075.

Statute 2371 695.

Aug. 28, 1937 876 3 50:875 1181c.


2. Small tracts:

Statute 2374 696.

June 1, 1938 317 52:609 682a-e.


June 8, 1954 270 68:239

Statute 2372 697.

July 14, 1945 298 59: 467

Feb. 24, 1909 181 35:645

May 21, 1926 353 The 44:591

2 provisos
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 53

Act of Chapter Section Statute 43 U.S. situated all or any portion of any abandoned
at Large Code military reservation not exceeding twenty acres in

one place.”
Statute 2375 698.

Act of Chapter Section Statute 43 U.S.
Statute 2376 699.
at Large Code
Mar. 2, 1889 381 1 25:854 700.
Aug. 23, 1894 314 23:491 1077, 1078.

2. Townsite Reservation and Sale:

Feb. 11, 1903 543 32:822 1079.

Feb. 15, 1895 92 28:664 1080, 1077.

Statute 2380 711.

Apr. 23, 1904 1496 33:306 1081.

5. Public Lands; Oklahoma:

Statute 2381 712.

May 2, 1890 182 Last 26:90 1091-1094,

paragraph of 1096, 1097.
Statute 2382 713.
sec. 18 and secs.
Aug. 24, 1954 904 68:792
20, 21, 22, 24, 27.
Mar. 3, 1891 543 16 26:1026 1098.

Statute 2383 714.

Aug. 7, 1946 772 1,2 60:872 1100-1101.

Aug. 3, 1955 498 1-8 69:445 1102-1102g.

Statute 2384 715.

May 14, 1890 207 26:109 1111-1117.

Sept. 1, 1893J. Res. 4 28:11 1118.

Statute 2386 717.

May 11, 1896 168 1,2 29:116 1119.

Jan. 18, 1897 62 1-3, 5, 7 29:490 1131-1134.

Statute 2387 718.

June 23, 1897 8 30:105

Mar. 1, 1899 328 30:966

Statute 2388 719.

6. Sales of Isolated Tracts:


Statute 2389 720.

Statute 2455 1171.

Feb. 26, 1895 133 28:687

Statute 2391 721.

June 27, 1906 3554 34:517

Mar. 28, 1912 67 37:77

Statute 2392 722.

Mar. 9, 1928 164 45:253

June 28, 1934 865 14 48:1274

Statute 2393 723.

July 30, 1947 383 61:630

Apr. 24, 1928 428 45:457 1171a.

Statute 2394 724.

May 23, 1930 313 46:377 1171b.

Mar. 3, 1877 113 1, 3, 4 19:392 725-727.

Feb. 4, 1919 13 40:1055 1172.

Mar. 3, 1891 561 16 26:1101 728.

May 10, 1920 178 41:595 1173.

July 9, 1914 138 38:454 730.

Aug. 11, 1921 62 42:159 1175.

Feb. 9, 1903 531 32:820 731.

May 19, 1926 337 44:566 1176.

3. Drainage Under State Laws:

Feb. 14, 1931 170 46:1105 1177.

May 20, 1908 181 1-7 35:171 1021-1027.

7. Alaska Special Laws:

Mar. 3, 1919 113 40:1321 1028.

Mar. 3, 1891 561 11 26:1099 732.

May 1, 1958 P.L. 85-387 72:99 1029-1034.

May 25, 1926 379 44:629 733-736.

Jan. 17, 1920 47 41:392 1041-1048.

May 29, 1963 P.L. 88-34 77:52

4. Abandoned Military Reservation:

July 24, 1947 305 61:414 738.

July 5, 1884 214 5 23:104 1074.

Aug. 17, 1961P.L.87-147 75:384 270-13.

Aug. 21, 1916 361 39:518 1075.

Oct. 3, 1962 P.L. 87-742 76:740

Mar. 3, 1893 208 27:593 1076.

July 19, 1963 P.L. 86-66 77:80 687b-5.

May 14, 1898 299 1 30:409 270.

The following words only: “Provided, That the Mar. 3, 1903 1002 32:1028

President is hereby authorized by proclamation Apr. 29, 1950 137 1 64:94

to withhold from sale and grant for public use to Aug. 3, 1955 496 69:444 270, 687a-2

the municipal corporation in which the same is Apr. 29, 1950 137 2-5 64:95 270-5, 260-6,

270-7, 687a-1.
54 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

Act of Chapter Section Statute 43 U.S. by reason of such prospecting. Any person who
at Large Code has acquired from the United States the coal, oil,
July 11, 1956 571 2 70:529 270-7.
or gas deposits in any such land, or the right to
July 8, 1916 228 39:352 270-8, 270-9.
June 28, 1918 110 40:632 270-10, 270-14. mine, drill for, or remove the same, may reenter
July 11, 1956 571 1 70:528 and occupy so much of the surface thereof incident
8. Alaska Settlement Laws:
to the mining and removal of the coal, oil, or gas
Mar. 8, 1922 96 1 42:415 270-11.
therefrom, and mine and remove the coal or drill
Aug. 23, 1958 P.L. 1,4 72:730
for and remove oil and gas upon payment of the
85-725 damages caused thereby to the owner thereof, or
Apr. 13, 1926 121 44:243 270-15. upon giving a good and sufficient bond or under-
Apr. 29, 1950 134 3 64:93 270-16, 270-17. taking in an action instituted in any competent
May 14, 1898 299 10 30:413 270-4, 687a court to ascertain and fix said damages: Provided,
to 687a-5.
That the owner under such limited patent shall
Mar. 3, 1927 323 44:1364
May 26, 1934 357 48:809 have the right to mine the coal for use on the land
Aug. 23, 1958 P.L. 3 72:730 for domestic purposes at any time prior to the dis­
85-725 posal by the United States of the coal deposits:
Mar. 3, 1891 561 13 26:1100 687a-6. Provided further, That nothing in this Act shall be
Aug. 30, 1949 521 63:679 687b to 687b-4. construed as authorizing the exploration upon or
9. Pittman Underground Water Act:
entry of any coal deposits withdrawn from such
Sept. 22, 1922 400 42:1012 356.
exploration and purchase.”
(d) Section 3 of the Act of August 30, 1949 (63
(c) [43 U.S.C. 270–12, 270–12 note] Effective on and
Stat. 679; 43 U.S.C. 687b et seq.), [43 U.S.C. 687b-2] is
after the tenth anniversary of the date of approval
amended to read:
of this Act, section 2 of the Act of March 8, 1922
(42 Stat. 415, 416), as amended by section 2 of the “Notwithstanding the provisions of any Act of
Act of August 23, 1958 (72 Stat. 730), is further Congress to the contrary, any person who
amended to read: prospects for, mines, or removes any minerals
from any land disposed of under the Act of August
“The coal, oil, or gas deposits reserved to the
30, 1949 (63 Stat. 679), shall be liable for any
United States in accordance with the Act of March
damage that may be caused to the value of the
8, 1922 (42 Stat. 415; 43 U.S.C. 270–11 et seq.),
land and tangible improvements thereon by such
as added to by the Act of August 17, 1961 (75
prospecting for, mining, or removal of minerals.
Stat. 384; 43 U.S.C. 270–13), and amended by the
Nothing in this section shall be construed to
Act of October 3, 1962 (76 Stat. 740; 43 U.S.C.
impair any vested right in existence on August 30,
270–13), shall be subject to disposal by the United
States in accordance with the provisions of the
laws applicable to coal, oil, or gas deposits or coal, REPEAL OF
oil, or gas lands in Alaska in force at the time of WITHDRAWAL LAWS
such disposal. Any person qualified to acquire
coal, oil, or gas deposits, or the right to mine or Sec. 704. (a) Effective on and after the date of
remove the coal or to drill for and remove the oil approval of this Act, the implied authority of the
or gas under the laws of the United States shall President to make withdrawals and reservations
have the right at all times to enter upon the lands resulting from acquiescence of the Congress (U.S.
patented under the Act of March 8, 1922, as v. Midwest Oil Co., 236 U.S. 459) and the follow­
amended, and in accordance with the provisions ing statutes and parts of statutes are repealed:
hereof, for the purpose of prospecting for coal, oil, Act of Chapter Section Statute 43 U.S.
or gas therein, upon the approval by the Secretary at Large Code
of the Interior of a bond or undertaking to be filed Oct. 2, 1888 1069 25: 527 662.
with him as security for the payment of all dam- Only the following portion under the section head­
ages to the crops and improvements on such lands ed U.S. Geological Survey: The last sentence of
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 55

the paragraph relating to investigation of irrigable Act of Chapter Section Statute 43 U.S.
lands in the arid region, including the proviso at at Large Code
Mar. 3, 1927 299 4 44: 1347 25 U.S.C.
the end thereof. 389d.
Act of Chapter Section Statute 43 U.S.
at Large Code Only the proviso thereof.
Mar. 3,1891 561 24 26: 1103 16 U.S.C. 471.
May 24, 1928 729 4 45: 729 49 U.S.C.
Mar. 1, 1893 183 21 27: 510 33 U.S.C. 681.
Aug. 18, 1894 301 4 28: 422 641.
Dec. 21, 1928 42 9 45: 1063 617h.
Only that portion of the first sentence of the sec­ Mar. 6, 1946 58 69: 36 617h.
ond paragraph beginning with “and the Secretary First sentence only.
of the Interior” and ending with “shall not be
June 16, 1934 557 “Sec. 40(a)” 48: 977 30 U.S.C.
May 14, 1898 299 10 30: 413 687a-4.
The proviso only.
Only the fifth proviso of the first paragraph.
May 1, 1936 254 2 49: 1250
June 17, 1902 1093 3 32: 388 416. May 31, 1938 304 52: 593 25 U.S.C. 497.
Only that portion of section three preceding July 20, 1939 334 53: 1071 16 U.S.C.
the first proviso.
May 28, 1940 220 1 54: 224 16 U.S.C. 552a.
Apr. 16, 1906 1631 1 34: 116 561.

Only the words “withdraw from public entry any All except the second proviso.
lands needed for townsite purposes”, and also after Apr. 11, 1956 203 8 70: 110 620g.
the word “case”, the word “and.” Only the words “and to withdraw public lands
June 27, 1906 3559 4 34: 520 561. from entry or other disposition under the public
Only the words “withdraw and.” land laws.”

Mar. 15, 1910 96 36: 237 643. Aug. 10, 1956 Chapter 9772 70A: 588 10 U.S.C.
June 25, 1910 421 1, 2 36: 847 141,142,16 949 4472, 9772.
U.S.C. 471(a). Aug. 16, 1952 P.L. 4 76:389 616c.
All except the second and third provisos.
Only the words “and to withdraw public lands
June 25, 1914 431 13 36: 858 148. from entry or other disposition under the public
Mar. 12, 1914 37 1 38: 305 975b. land laws.”
Only that portion which authorizes the President to (b) The second sentence of the Act of March 6,
withdraw, locate, and dispose of lands for town- 1946 (60 Stat. 36; 43 U.S.C. 617(h)), [43 U.S.C. 617h]
sites. is amended by deleting “Thereafter, at the direc­
Oct. 5, 1914 316 1 38: 727 569(a). tion of the Secretary of the Interior, such lands”
June 9, 1916 137 2 39: 219 and by substituting therefor the following: “Lands
found to be practicable of irrigation and reclama­
Under “Class One,” only the words “withdrawal tion by irrigation works and withdrawn under the
and.” Act of March 6, 1946 (43 U.S.C. 617(h)).”
Dec. 29, 1916 9 10 39:865 300.

June 7, 1924 348 9 43:655 16 U.S.C. 471.

Aug. 19, 1935 561 “Sec. 4” 49:661 22 U.S.C. 277c.

In “Sec. 4,” only paragraph “c” except the proviso

56 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

REPEAL OF LAW RELATING Act of Chapter Section Statute 43 U.S.

at Large Code

PUBLIC LANDS Statute 2339 661.

The following words only: “and the right-of-way

Sec. 705. (a) Effective on and after the date of
for the construction of ditches and canals for the
approval of this Act, the following statutes or parts
purpose herein specified is acknowledged and con-
of statutes are repealed:
firmed: but whenever any person, in the construc­
Act of Chapter Section Statute 43 U.S. tion of any ditch or canal, injures or damages the
at Large Code possession of any settler on the public domain, the
1.Mar. 2,1895 174 28:744 176. party committing such injury or damages shall be
2. June 28,1934 865 8 48:1272 315g.

liable to the party injured for such injury or dam-

June 26, 1936 842 3 49:1976, title I

June 19, 1948 548 1 62:533

July 9, 1962 P.L.87-524 76:140 315g-1.

3.Aug. 24, 1937 744 50:748 315p.

Statute 2340 661.

4.Mar. 3, 1909 271 2d proviso 35:845 772.

The following words only: “, or rights to ditches
June 25, 1910 J.Res. 40 36:884 and reservoirs used in connection with such water
5. June 21, 1934 689 48:1185 871a.
6. Revised
Feb. 26, 1897 335 29: 599 664.
Statute 2447 1151.
Mar. 3, 1899 427 1 30: 1233 665, 958,
( 16 U.S.C.
Statute 2448 1152.
7.June 6, 1874 223 18:62 1153; 1154.

8.Jan. 28, 1879 30 20:274 1155.

The following words only: “that in the form pro­
9. May 30, 1894 87 28:84 1156.
vided by existing law the Secretary of the Interior
10. Revised
may file and approve surveys and plots of any
Statute 2471 1191.
right-of-way for a wagon road, railroad, or other
highway over and across any forest reservation or
Statute 2472 1192.

reservoirs site when in his judgment the public


Statute 2473 1193.

interests will not be injuriously affected thereby.”
11. July 14, 1960 P.L. 101-202(a) 74:506 1361, 1362, Mar. 3, 1875 152 18:482 934-939.
86-649 ,203-204(a), 1363-1383. May 14, 1898 299 2-9 30:409 942-1
301-303. to 942-9.
12. Sept. 26, 1970 P.L. 84:885 1362a. Feb. 27, 1901 614 31:815 943.
91-429 June 26, 1906 3548 34:481 944.
13. July 31, 1939 401 1,2 53:1144 Mar. 3, 1891 561 18-21 26:1101 946-949.
Mar. 4, 1917 184 1 39:1197
May 28, 1926 409 44:668
REPEAL OF LAWS RELATING Mar. 1, 1921 93 41:1194 950.
TO RIGHTS-OF-WAY Jan. 13, 1897 11 20:484 952-955.
Mar. 3, 1923 219 42:1437
Sec. 706. (a) Effective on and after the date of Jan. 21, 1895 37 28:635 951, 956, 957.
approval of this Act, R.S. 2477 (43 U.S.C. 932) is May 14, 1896 179 29:120
repealed in its entirety and the following statutes May 11, 1898 292 30:404
or parts of statutes are repealed insofar as they Mar. 4, 1917 184 2 39:1197
Feb. 15, 1901 372 31:790 959 (16
apply to the issuance of rights-of-way over, upon,
under, and through the public lands and lands in 79, 522).
the National Forest System:
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 57

Act of Chapter Section Statute

at Large
43 U.S.
Mar. 4, 1911 238 36:1253 951 (16
Sec. 707. If any provision of this Act [43 U.S.C. 1701
U.S.C. 5,
note] or the application thereof is held invalid, the
420, 523).
remainder of the Act and the application thereof
Only the last two paragraphs under the subheading shall not be affected thereby.
“Improvement of the National Forests” under the Approved October 21, 1976.
heading “Forest Service.”
May 27, 1952 338 66: 95

May 21, 1896 212 29: 127 962-965.

HOUSE REPORTS: No. 94–1163 accompanying
Apr. 12, 1910 155 36: 296 966–970.
H.R. 13777 (Comm. on Interior and Insular
June 4, 1897 2 1 30: 35 16 U.S.C. 551.
Affairs) and No. 94–1724 (Comm. of Conference).
Only the eleventh paragraph under Surveying the SENATE REPORT No. 94–583 (Comm. on
public lands. Interior and Insular Affairs).
July 22, 1937 517 31, 32 50:525 7 U.S.C. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 122 (1976):
1010-1012. Feb. 23, 25, considered and passed Senate. July
Sept. 3, 1954 1255 1 68:1146 931c. 22, considered and passed House, amended, in lieu
July 7, 1960 Public 74:363 40 U.S.C. 345c of H.R. 13777. Sept. 30, House agreed to confer­
Law 86-608. ence report. Oct. 1, Senate agreed to conference
Oct. 23, 1962 Public 1-3 76:1129 40 U.S.C
Law 87-852. 319-319c.
Feb. 1, 1905 288 4 33:628 16 U.S.C. 524. PL 94-579, 1976 S 507

(b) Nothing in section 706(a), [43 U.S.C. 1701 note]

except as it pertains to rights-of-way, may be con­
strued as affecting the authority of the Secretary of
Agriculture under the Act of June 4, 1897 (30 Stat.
35, as amended, 16 U.S.C. 551); the Act of July
22, 1937 (50 Stat. 525, as amended, 7 U.S.C.
1010–1212); or the Act of September 3, 1954 (68
Stat. 1146, 43 U.S.C. 931c).
Eleanor Schwartz

Commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the In her passing, the BLM not only lost a devoted
passage of FLPMA would be incomplete without worker but also an institutional memory that can
also celebrating the life and contributions of a not be replaced.
woman who helped legislators craft the bill that
would fundamentally change the way our public
lands are managed. Eleanor Schwartz, who worked
with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) until
her death in December 2000 at age 88, was head of
the BLM’s Office of Legislative and Regulatory
Management for many years, including the period
during which FLPMA was initially conceived,
drafted, and eventually passed.
Schwartz, an attorney who joined the Department
of the Interior in 1962, was instrumental in assist­
ing legislators on the technical and legal aspects
of the Act. Her work ethic and ability to assimilate
into what was then a male-dominated agency paid
off when she became the first woman GS-15 in
BLM history.
Throughout her tenure at Interior, she remained
BLM Photo

active in the field of Equal Employment

Opportunity, serving as the Federal Women’s
Coordinator for the BLM. She was honored twice
with Interior’s highest commendation, the Eleanor Schwartz receives a Federal Women's
Distinguished Service Award, which recognized, Award from Boyd Rasmussen (BLM Director
among other accomplishments, her work on the 1966–1971).
Federal Land Policy and Management Act.
A Capsule Examination

of the Legislative History of the

Federal Land Policy and Management Act

of 1976

Eleanor R. Schwartz*

Eleanor Schwartz, A Capsule Examination of the Legislative History of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) of 1976,
21 ARIZ. L. Rev. 285 (1979). Copyright © 1979 by the Arizona Board of Regents. Reprinted by permission.

The “organic act” originally proposed by the States. For the first time in the long history of the
Administration in 1971 for the Bureau of Land public lands, one law provides comprehensive
Management (BLM) was a relatively simple docu- authority and guidelines for the administration
and protection of the Federal lands and their
ment.1 The proposed legislation would have
resources under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of
repealed several hundred outdated and duplicative Land Management. This law enunciates a Federal
laws, provided BLM with broad policy guidelines policy of retention of these lands for multiple use
and management tools, and given BLM disposal management and repeals many obsolete public
and enforcement authority. However, by the time land laws which heretofore hindered effective
the Federal Land Policy and Management Act land use planning for and management of public
(FLPMA) was passed in 1976, it had become a lands. The policies contained in the Federal Land
lengthy, complex document, much more than an Policy and Management Act will shape the future
organic act.2 In addition to broad management development and conservation of a valuable
guidelines and authority, FLPMA provides legisla­ national asset, our public lands.4
tive direction to numerous specific interests and Much has been written about the significance of
areas of management. the Federal Land Policy and Management Act, its
Perhaps in recognition of the importance of the meaning and impact, and its relationship to the
Act, particularly to the western states and because report, One Third of the Nation’s Land, issued in
of its complex origins, the Senate Committee on June 1970 by the Public Land Law Review
Energy and Natural Resources in 1978 published a Commission. This Article will discuss briefly the
committee print, Legislative History of the Federal legislative history of the policies and provisions
Land Policy and Management Act of 1976.3 set forth in the Act.
Prefacing the document is a memorandum in Curiously, recreation was the subject of the first
which Senator Henry M. Jackson, Chairman, sum­ piece of public land legislation that might be con­
marizes for fellow committee members the back- sidered a predecessor of FLPMA. In February
ground and need for the Act. He concludes with 1970, Senators Jackson and Moss introduced into
this statement: the 91st Congress a bill designed to improve out-
The Federal Land Policy and Management Act of door recreation activities on the public lands
1976 represents a landmark achievement in the administered by the Bureau of Land Management.
management of the public lands of the United The bill, S.3389, was passed by the Senate on

* Chief, Office of Legislation and Regulatory Management, Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior. B.A.
1931, Hunter College; J.D. 1937, New York University. Member of the New York Bar.
1. See S. 2401, 92d Cong., 1st Sess., 117 CONG. REC. 28956, 28957 (1971).
2. See 43 U.S. C. __ 1701-1782 (9176).
4. Id. at vi.
60 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

October 7, 1970,5 about four months after the necessary to provide access by the general public
report by the Public Land Law Review Commis­ to public lands for outdoor recreational purposes.
sion was released. The Senate committee’s report It also would have authorized allocation of Land
on S.3389 acknowledged that the bill embodied and Water Conservation Fund money for this pur-
some of the recommendations made by the Public pose.12 Of more interest perhaps is the fact that
Land Law Review Commission. The report identi­ S. 3389 would have provided comprehensive
fied needs of the public lands and shortcomings of enforcement authority to the Bureau of Land
management: Management. It made violations of public land
laws and regulations of the Secretary relating to
Years of neglect have created many problems on
the public lands administered by the Bureau of the protection of the public lands a violation pun­
Land Management. Lack of regulations and ishable by a fine of not more than $500 or impris­
enforcement authority have resulted in wanton onment for not more than six months or both.13 It
vandalism and destruction of resources. Lack of also provided that the Secretary could authorize
sanitation facilities has created health hazards. BLM personnel to make arrests for violations of
Littering, overuse, and neglect have created laws and regulations.14
unsightly blights on the landscape. Lack of public
access has locked up millions of acres of public No action was taken on S. 3389 by the House of
land for the private use of but a few, and many Representatives.
outstanding hunting, fishing, and other recreation
In the 92d Congress, the Interior and Insular
opportunities are not available. As a result of the
lack of enforcement authority and interpretive
Affairs Committees of both the House and
and restoration work, irreplaceable archeological the Senate reported out bills relating to the
values have been lost.6 management of the public lands. The Senate
committee had before it two bills: Senators
S. 3389 recognized that the public lands adminis­ Jackson, Anderson, Cranston, Hart, Humphrey,
tered by BLM are vital national assets that contain Magnuson, Metcalf, and Nelson co-sponsored a
a wide variety of natural resource values, includ­ bill, S. 921, “[t]o provide for the management,
ing outdoor recreation value, which should be protection, and development of the national
developed and administered “for multiple use and
resource lands, and for other purposes.”15 At the
sustained yield of the several products obtainable
same time, Senators Jackson and Allott co-spon­
therefrom for the maximum benefit of the general
sored at the Administration’s request S. 2401 “[to
public.”7 The bill contained a definition of multi­ provide for the management, protection and devel­
ple use,8 which in substantial parts is the same as opment of the national resource lands, and for
the definition in FLPMA,9 and a definition of sus­ other purposes.”16
tained yield10 also similar to that in FLPMA.11
As its title indicated, S. 921 addressed not only
S. 3389 would have given the Secretary of the the management of the public lands but also the
Interior the authority to acquire lands or interests disposal of federally owned minerals. Title II of
5. S. 3389, 91st Cong., 2d Sess., 116 CONG. REC. 35401 (1970).
6. S. REP. No. 91-1256, 91st Cong., 2d Sess. 2 (1970).
7. S. 3389, 91st Cong., 2d Sess. § 2, 116 CONG. REC. 35401 (1970).
8. Id § 3(b), 116 CONG. REC. at 35402.
9. 43 U.S. C. § 1702(c) (1976).
10. S. 3389, 91st Cong., 2d Sess § 3(c), 116 CONG. REC. 35401, 35402 (1970).
11. 43 U.S.C. § 1702(h) (1976).
12. S. 3389, 91st Cong., 2d Sess § 4(b), 116 CONG. REC. 35401, 35402 (1970).
13. Id. § 5, 116 CONG. REC. at 35402.
14. Id. § 6, 116 CONG. REC. at 35402.
15. S. 921, 92d Cong., 1st Sess., 117 CONG. REC. 3558-61 (1971).
16. S. 2401, 92d Cong., 1st Sess., 117 CONG. REC. 28956 (1971). S. 2401 referred to the lands administered by the
Bureau of Land Management as “national resource lands.” This term was being used at the time by the Bureau and the
Department of the Interior in an effort to establish a more representative and mission-oriented identification for the lands than
the less specific expression “public lands.”
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 61

that bill would have been cited as the “Federal a requirement for prompt development of regula­
Land Mineral Leasing Act of 1971.” It would tions for the protection of areas of critical environ­
have replaced and repealed both the Mining Law mental concern.20
of 1872 and the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as
Another provision of S. 2401 authorized the
well as several other mineral-related laws. Since S.
Secretary to sell public lands if he found that the
2401 was the Administration’s proposal, it will be
sale would lead to significant improvement in the
described in somewhat more detail than other fore-
management of national resource lands or if he
runners of FLPMA. This fuller analysis will afford
found that it would serve important public objec­
a basis for comparison between what the
tives which could not be achieved prudently and
Administration sought as an organic act for the
feasibly on land other than national resource lands.
Bureau of Land Management and what Congress
Sales were to be made at not less than fair market
finally enacted.
value.21 Generally, conveyances of title were to
S. 2401 had a short two-paragraph declaration of reserve minerals to the United States, together
Congressional policy: (1) that the national interest with the right to develop them. However, the
would best be served by retaining the national Secretary could grant full fee title if he found there
resource lands in federal ownership except where were no minerals on the land or that reservation of
the Secretary of the Interior determined that dis­ mineral rights would interfere with or preclude
posal of particular tracts was consistent with the development of the land and that such develop­
purposes, terms, and conditions of the Act, and (2) ment was a more beneficial use of the land than
that the lands be managed under principles of mul­ mineral development. The Secretary would also
tiple use and sustained yield in a manner which have been required to insert in document of con­
would, “using all practicable means and meas­ veyance terms and conditions he considered neces­
ures,” protect the environmental quality of those sary to ensure proper land use, environmental
lands to assure their continued value for present integrity, and protection of the public interest. In
and future generations.17 the event an area which the Secretary identified as
The bill prohibited the use, occupancy, or devel­ an area of critical environmental concern was con­
opment of the national resource lands contrary to veyed out of federal ownership, the Secretary
any regulation issued by the Secretary or to any would be required to provide for the continued
order issued under a regulation.18 S. 2401 also protection of the area in the patent or other docu­
specified that an inventory of all national resource ment of conveyance.22 Liberal acquisition and
lands and their resources be maintained and that exchange authority was provided by the bill.23
priority be given to areas of critical environmental S. 2401, as introduced, would have made viola­
concern.19 Development and maintenance of land tions of regulations adopted to protect national
use plans would be required and management resource lands, other public property and public
of the lands would be in accordance with these health, safety and welfare a misdemeanor punish-
plans. Specific guidelines were provided. These able by a fine of not more than $10,000 or impris­
included, among others, a requirement for land onment for not more than one year or both. It
reclamation as a condition of use and revocation would have allowed the Secretary to designate
of permits upon violation of secretarial regulations employees as special officers authorized to make
or state and federal air or water quality standards arrests or serve citations for violations committed
and implementation plans. Also included was on the public lands.24 The bill also provided for
17. S. 2401, 92d Cong., 1st Sess., § 3 (1971).
18. Id. § 4.
19. Id. § 5.
20. Id. § 7.
21. Id. § 8.
22. Id. § 9.
23. Id. § 10.
24. Id. § 11.
62 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

public hearings, where appropriate, to give federal, Committee. They noted that the bill granted broad
state, and local governments and the public an authority to the Secretary of the Interior, but just
opportunity to comment on “the formulation of how broad this authority was had never been dis­
standards and criteria in the preparation and exe­ cussed. Their view was that the legislation was too
cution of plans and programs and in the manage­ important to deal with in a hasty manner, and that
ment of the national resource lands.”25 It specifi­ the Committee should have the opportunity to
cally required that any proposed “significant study and analyze the legislation during the next
change in land use plans and regulations pertain­ session of Congress.32 As a matter of fact, the
ing to areas of critical environmental concern be Committee studied, discussed, and analyzed the
the subject of a public hearing.”26 Finally, the bill legislation for two more Congresses before an
authorized the appropriation of such sums “as are organic act was enacted into law. The full Senate
necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act”27 did not consider S. 2401 in the 92d Congress. As
and repealed a long list of prior laws.28 will be seen, many provisions of S. 2401 consid­
ered by the 92d Congress were enacted in the
As reported out by the Senate Committee on Federal Land Policy and Management Act of
Interior and Insular Affairs, S. 2401 contained a 1976, sometimes with only subtle changes or dif­
few significant changes and additions. Specific ferences in emphasis.
examples of areas of critical environmental con­
cern were deleted, leaving only a short definition The Interior and Insular Affairs Committee of the
of the term. The statement of congressional policy House of Representatives followed a different
was expanded, and the fine for violation of a regu­ approach in the 92d Congress. That committee did
lation was reduced to $1,000. There was a require­ not consider the Administration proposal but con­
ment that the Director of the Bureau of Land sidered and reported out instead H.R. 7211,33 a bill
Management be appointed by the President, with that had been introduced by Chairman Wayne
the advice and consent of the Senate. The Director Aspinall on behalf of himself and Congressmen
would have to possess a broad background and Baring, Taylor, Udall, and Kyl. Although as intro­
experience in public land and natural resources duced, H.R. 7211 would have been cited as the
management.29 There was no provision for repeal “Public Land Policy Act of 1971,” when it was
of any public land laws.30 reported out its title was changed to “National
Land Policy, Planning, and Management Act of
Eight members voted for and four against report­ 1972.” The reported bill was a comprehensive
ing S. 2401 out of the Senate Committee on piece of legislation designed to reflect as many as
Interior and Insular Affairs. The minority state­ possible of the policies and recommendations of
ment of Senators Hansen, Fannin, Hatfield, and the Public Land Law Review Commission.34
Bellmon expressed agreement with the comment Included was an extensive statement of findings,
of President Nixon in his 1972 Environmental
goals, and objectives.35
Message that this type of legislation was “some-
thing which we have been without for too long.”31 The stated objective of H.R. 7211 was to provide
However, these Senators felt that the legislation for an overall land use planning effort on the part
had been the subject of too little discussion by the of all public land management agencies and to

25. Id.
26. Id. § 15.
27. Id. § 18.
28. Id § 19.
29. Id
30. S. REP. No. 92-1163, 92d Cong., 2d Sess. § 19, at 5 (1972).
31. Id. at 51.
32. Id.
33. H.R. 7211, 92d Cong., 2d Sess., 118 CONG. REC. 27179 (1972).
35. H. R. 7211, 92d Cong., 2d Sess. § 101, 118 CONG. REC. 27179 (1972).
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 63

strengthen management by providing statutory Title IV of H.R. 7211 was “Public Land Policy
guidelines applicable to all agencies having juris­ and Planning.” The term “public lands” was
diction over the public lands. The goal was man­ defined as “any lands owned by the United States
agement practices that would be more uniform, without regard to how the United States acquired
more easily administered, and more easily under- ownership, and without regard to the agency
stood by the public.36 Title II of the bill, “National having responsibility for management thereof.”43
Land Use Planning,” provided for federal grants to Excluded were lands held in trust for the Indians,
eligible states to be used in developing compre­ Aleuts, and Eskimos and certain lands acquired
hensive land use planning. The bill contained by the General Services Administration and other
detailed descriptions of the requirements to be federal agencies.44 Thus, the coverage of H.R.
met, specific provision as to how and for what the 7211 was far broader than had been proposed in
funds allotted could be expended, specifications any other of the public land bills before the
for financial record keeping, and provisions for Congress. Because many of the lands encom­
termination or suspension of the grants if the passed by its definition were covered by existing
Secretary found that the state’s comprehensive statutes, the bill declared specifically that the poli­
land use planning process no longer met the cies therein were supplemental to and not in dero­
requirements of the bill or that the state was gation of the purposes for which units of the
making no substantial progress toward the National Park System, National Forest System,
development of a comprehensive land use plan­ and National Wildlife Refuge System were estab­
ning process.37 lished and administered and for which public lands
Title III of H.R. 7211 addressed “Coordination of were administered by departments other than
Land Use Planning and Policy.” It would have Agriculture and the Interior in the fulfillment of
established within the Department of the Interior their statutory obligations.45
an Office of Land Use Policy and Planning to Title IV of H.R. 7211 contained sixteen declara­
administer the grant-in-aid program under Title II tions of policy that were based generally on rec­
and to coordinate between Title II programs with ommendations of the Public Land Law Review
the planning responsibilities of the federal govern­ Commission. The House Committee in its report
ment spelled out in Title IV. The Committee report recognized that each of the declarations would
on H.R. 7211 stated: “To insure the absence of any require additional legislative and administrative
mission-orientation in such administration and action.46 An anticipated five to ten years would be
coordination, the Office is separate from any exist­ required for the Congress to consider all the rec­
ing bureau or agency in the Department.”38 The ommendations of the Commission and to develop
bill as reported out of Committee also would have the specific and detailed statutory language neces­
established a complex advisory system that includ­ sary to implement the recommendations that
ed a National Land Use Policy and Planning Congress agreed to. H.R. 7211 was designed to
Board,39 land use policy coordinators appointed by establish a “policy framework” within which the
the Board members,40 Departmental Advisory legislation to implement each policy could be
Committees,41 and local advisory councils.42

36. H.R. REP. No. 1306, 92d Cong., 2d Sess. 39 (1972).

37. H.R. 7211, 92d Cong., 2d Sess. tit. II, 118 CONG. REC. 27179 (1972).
38. H.R. REP. No. 92-1306, 92d Cong., 2d Sess. 30 (1972).
39. H.R. 7211, 92d Cong., 1st Sess. § 303, 118 CONG. REC. 27179 (1972).
40. Id. § 304, 118 CONG. REC. at 27179.
41. Id. § 306, 118 CONG. REC. at 27179.
42. Id. § 307, 118 CONG. REC. at 27179.
43. Id. § 503(n), 118 CONG. REC. at 27179.
44. Id. § 503(n)(3), 118 CONG. REC. at 27179.
45. Id. § 401, 118 CONG. REC. at 27179.
46. H.R. REP. No. 92-1306, 92d Cong., 2d Sess. 35 (1972).
64 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

contained, so that future congressional action (9) equitable compensation be provided to users
could be on a coordinated basis.47 if use is interrupted prior to the end of the period
for which use is permitted;
The sixteen statements of policy are interesting
as a reflection of the recommendations of the (10) an equitable system be devised to compen­
Public Land Law Review Commission and in the sate state and local governments for burdens borne
light of the legislation finally enacted by Congress. by reason of the tax immunity of the federal land;
Stated briefly, as they appear in the report of the (11) when public lands are managed to accom­
House Committee, these recommended policies plish objectives unrelated to protection or develop­
are: ment of public lands, the purpose and authority
(1) Public lands generally be retained in federal therefore be provided expressly by statute;
ownership; (12) administration of public land programs by
(2) public land classifications be reviewed to various agencies be similar;
determine the type of use that will provide maxi- (13) uniform procedures for disposal, acquisi­
mum benefit for the general public in accordance tion, and exchange be established by statute;
with overall land use planning goals;
(14) regulations for protection of areas of criti­
(3) Executive withdrawals be reviewed to ascer­ cal environmental concern be developed; and that
tain if they are of sufficient extent, adequately pro­ authorizations for use of the public lands provide
tected from encroachment, and in accordance with for revocation upon violation of applicable regula­
the overall land use planning goals of the Act, with tions;
a view toward securing a permanent statutory base
for units of the National Park, Forest, and Wildlife (15) persons engaging in extractive or other
Refuge Systems; activities “likely to entail significant disturbance”
be required to have a land reclamation plan and a
(4) Congress exercise withdrawal authority gen­ performance bond guaranteeing such reclamation;
erally and establish specific guidelines for limited and
Executive withdrawals;
(16) the public lands be administered uniformly
(5) public land management agencies be as to use and contractual liability conditions,
required to establish and adhere to administrative except when otherwise provided by law.48
In addition to the extensive declaration of policy,
(6) statutory land use planning guidelines be Title IV of H.R. 7211 contained provisions relating
established providing for management of the pub­ to inventory, planning, public land use, manage­
lic lands generally on the basis of multiple use and ment directives, and executive withdrawals. The
sustained yield; bill also provided enforcement authority to land
(7) public lands be managed for protection of managing agencies and made violations of regula­
quality of scientific, scenic, historical, ecological, tions issued by an agency head with reference to
and archeological values; for preservation and pro­ public lands administered by him punishable by
tection of certain lands in their natural conditions; fine or imprisonment or both. Title V of H.R. 7211
to reconcile competing demands; to provide habi­ contained appropriation authorization, the repeal
tat for fish and wildlife; and to provide for outdoor of many prior public land laws, and a series of
recreation; definitions of terms used.
(8) fair market value generally be received for Time did not permit consideration of H.R. 7211
the use of the public lands and their resources; by the full House before the 92d Congress ended.

47. See id. at 36.

48. Id. at 36-39.
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 65

In the 93d Congress, the Senate had before it S. (15) to afford an opportunity to zone or other-
424,49 which Senator Jackson introduced on behalf wise regulate the use of land, a requirement to
of himself and Senators Bennett, Church, Gurney, notify states and local governmental units with
Haskell, Humphrey, Inouye, Metcalf, Moss, zoning authority of any proposal to convey lands;
Pastore, and Tunney. The Senate also had the (16) authority to acquire land;
Administration’s proposal, S. 1041.50 On July 8,
1974, S. 424 was passed by the Senate by a vote (17) creation of a working capital fund;
of 71 to 1, with 28 members not voting.51 S. 424, (18) enforcement authority;
with very few changes, was reintroduced in the (19) authority in the Secretary to cooperate with
94th Congress as S. 507.52 The new bill applied state and local governments in the enforcement of
only to national resource lands—those lands state and local laws on national resource lands;
administered by the Bureau of Land Management
except the Outer Continental Shelf. (20) special provisions for cadastral survey
operations and resource protection;
S. 507 contained these basic provisions relating
to land management: (21) special provisions for long-range planning
for the “California Desert Area”;
(1) management of the national resource lands
under principles of multiple use and sustained (22) provisions for oil shale revenues;
yield; (23) a complete consolidation and revision of
(2) a return of fair market value to the federal the authority to grant rights-of-way; and
government for the use or sale of lands; (24) repeal of disposal, rights-of-way, and other
(3) inventory; statutes which this law was replacing.

(4) emphasis on planning; S. 507, as passed by the Senate in the 94th

Congress on February 25, 1976,53 had these addi­
(5) authority to issue regulations; tional provisions that were not in S. 424 in the 93d
(6) public participation; Congress:
(7) advisory boards; (1) provisions for disposal of “omitted” lands;
(8) annual reports; (2) amendments to the Mineral Leasing Act of
1920 to increase the percentage of revenues paid
(9) general management authority with specific
to states;
(3) provision for mineral impact relief loans;
(10) sales authority;
(11) expanded exchange authority;
(4) provisions for recordation of mining claims
(12) authority to convey reserved mineral inter­ and a conclusive presumption that any recorded
ests; claim for which the claimant did not make appli­
(13) reenactment of the Public Land cation for a patent within ten years after recorda­
Administration Act of 1960 to put all land manag­ tion is abandoned and therefor void.
ing authorities into one statute; There were two points of particular interest in
(14) authority to issue recordable disclaimers of the Senate floor debate on S. 507. The first point
interest and to issue and correct patents; involved an amendment by Senator McClure that
would have deleted from the provisions relating to

49. S. 424, 93d Cong., 1st Sess., 119 CONG. REC. 1339 (1973).
50. S. 1041, 93d Cong., 1st Sess., 119 CONG. REC. 5741 (1973).
51. 120 CONG. REC. 22296 (1974).
52. S. 507, 94th Cong., 1st Sess., 121 CONG. REC. 1821 (1975).
53. 122 CONG. REC. 4423 (1976).
66 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

mining claims the requirement that application for could be incorporated into a bill. Two bills were
patents for mining claims be made within ten actually introduced – H.R. 16676 and then H.R.
years.54 The second point of particular interest 16800, a clean bill which corrected some errors
involved grazing fees. Senator Hansen introduced discovered in the earlier bill.
an amendment that incorporated a formula for During the 94th Congress, the Public Lands
establishing a fee for grazing of domestic livestock Subcommittee of the House Interior Committee
on the public lands. The issue was vigorously conducted additional work sessions that culminat­
debated on February 23 and again on the 25th. The ed in the introduction of H.R. 13777.58 This bill as
grazing fee was opposed by Senators Jackson and reported out by the Committee not only granted
Metcalf and by the National Wildlife Federation management and enforcement authorities to the
and the American Forestry Association, all of Bureau for public lands under its jurisdiction but
whose letters of opposition appear in the also applied to public domain lands in the National
Congressional Record.55 The amendment was also Forest System. Some of the provisions relating to
opposed by the Administration and eventually was the Forest Service System were deleted when the
rejected 36 to 53.56 On February 25, after this bill was debated on the floor of the House. Passed
amendment was rejected, S. 507 was passed by the by the House on July 22, 1976,59 H.R. 13777 con­
Senate 78 to 11, with 11 members not voting.57 tained all the now familiar provisions of previous
During the 93d and 94th Congresses, the Interior bills plus many new ones. The new provisions
and Insular Affairs Committee of the House of included:
Representatives was taking a different approach to (1) a grazing fee formula applicable to BLM-
public land legislation. Under the leadership of administered lands and lands in the National
Representative John Melcher as Chairman, the Forest System;
Subcommittee on Public Lands held a series of
meetings during which the members discussed and (2) provisions relating to duration of grazing
debated what they believed should be included in leases applicable to BLM and National Forest
a bill. The Committee staff put proposed provi­ System lands;
sions into legislative language as the sessions went (3) requirements for grazing advisory boards,
along. Committee prints were prepared and circu­ applicable to both BLM and Forest Service;
lated for comment. By the end of the 93d (4) provisions relating to wild horses and bur­
Congress, eight prints had been prepared. ros, also applicable to both BLM and Forest
Congressman John Dellenback had prepared a Service;
series of correcting amendments to the last print,
but Congress adjourned before all the amendments

54. Senator Haskell and Senator McClure debated the issue briefly. On the calling of the question, Senator Haskell noted
the absence of a quorum. This led Senator McClure to withdraw his amendment saying:
Mr. President, I know that the Senate as a whole will probably follow the lead of the committee. If we have a roll call
on this, I would anticipate that the majority of them walking through these doors would never have heard of this ques­
tion before and would be very apt to follow the lead of the committee under those circumstances. Under those circum­
stances, I think it is likely that the result can be forecast.
In the expectation that this matter might be considered somewhat differently in the other body and with the full confi­
dence that we can move forward on a comprehensive bill, perhaps before this bill has been passed and becomes law, I
am suggesting, therefore, it might be varied by subsequent legislation or conference between the Senate and the other
body on the Organic Act, and I will withdraw the amendment at this time.
112 CONG. REC. 4053 (1976). As Senator McClure anticipated, the provision was not in S. 507 as it passed the House. The
conferees did not adopt the provision, and it is not in the Act.
55. 122 CONG. REC. 4419 (1976).
56. Id. at 4422.
57. Id. at 4423.
58. H.R. 13777, 94th Cong., 2d Sess., 122 CONG. REC. 13815 (1976).
59. 122 CONG. REC. 23483 (1976).
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 67

(5) amendment of what is frequently called the —although they recognized, as the staff pointed
Unintentional Trespass Act;60 out, that in the past that had been a confusing
term, referring sometimes to public domain lands
(6) provisions relating to the “California Desert
and other times to acquired lands. And so it went.
Conservation Areas;” and
During four sessions, on September 15, 20, 21,
(7) the “King Range National Conservation and 22 and spanning more than twelve hours, the
Areas.”61 After the House passed H.R. 13777, S. conferees had extensive discussions but relatively
507 was considered, amended to read as H.R. little problem agreeing to language to be incorpo­
13777 did, and passed.62 rated into the Act—with four major exceptions.
As expected, the Senate disagreed to the amend­ These exceptions almost killed the Act.
ments of the House and requested a conference. The House version of the Act contained a graz­
On July 30, 1976, Senate conferees were appoint­ ing fee formula and a provision for ten-year graz­
ed: Jackson, Church, Metcalf, Johnston, Haskell, ing permits.63 It also provided for grazing district
Bumpers, Hansen, Hatfield, and Fannin. Senator advisory boards, as distinct from the multiple use
Fannin was replaced later by Senator McClure. advisory councils.64 The Senate conferees, particu­
Conferees from the House were Representatives larly Senator Metcalf, objected to these provisions.
Melcher, Johnson (California), Seiberling, Udall, The Senate version of the Act contained a provi­
Phillip Burton, Santini, Weaver, Steiger (Arizona), sion that required mining claimants to make appli­
Clausen and Young (Alaska). At an organizational cation for patent within ten years after the date of
meeting held on August 30, 1976, Congressman recordation of the claim. If the claimant failed to
Melcher was elected chairman. The conferees do so, the claim would be conclusively presumed
determined that because of all the primaries sched­ to be abandoned and would be void.65 The House
uled for early September, the first working session conferees, particularly Congressman Santini,
of the conferees could not be held until September objected to this.
15. Staff were instructed to study the Senate and
House versions of S. 407, identify areas of virtual These issues of grazing and mining were debated
agreement, outline areas of disagreement, and rec­ extensively on September 22nd. Before the end of
ommend alternatives for resolving those areas of that five-hour session, Senator Metcalf offered a
disagreement. “package compromise.”66 The proposed compro­
mise required:
The first difference in text addressed by the con­
ferees was the short title of the Act. The title of the (1) that the grazing fee provisions be deleted
House amendment was “Federal Land Policy and from the bill—in effect that the House would
Management Act of 1976.” The title of the Senate accede to the Senate on Section 401;
amendment was “National Resource Lands (2) that the Senate agree with the House on the
Management Act.” The Senate staff deferred to already adopted Metcalf/Santini amendment that
the House staff on the title, and the conferees con­ all grazing leases be for ten years;
curred. The second issue involved the term to be
(3) that the conferees accept the grazing adviso­
used in referring to lands administered by the
ry boards with their functions limited to expendi­
Bureau of Land Management. The conferees
ture of range improvement fees;67 and
adopted the term used by the House—public lands
60. 43 U.S. C. __ 1431-1435 (1976).
61. These add-ons have sometimes been called the “Christmas-tree amendments.”
62. 122 CONG. REC. 23508 (1976).
63. H.R. 13777, 94th Cong., 1st Sess. __ 210, 211, 122 CONG. REC. 23447-48 (1976).
64. Id § 212, 122 CONG. REC. at 23448.
65. S. 507, 94th Cong., 1st Sess., § 207, 122 CONG. REC. 23497 (1976).
66. The proposal actually was brought to the conferees by D. Michael Harvey, Staff Counsel, because Senator Metcalf was
at a meeting of the Committee on Committees.
67. Mr. Harvey noted that this was as far as Senator Metcalf would go on an individual basis, but as part of the package he
would add to the functions of the grazing advisory boards the development of the management allotment plans.
68 ———— Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976

(4) with respect to the Senate language on min­ Chairman Melcher who said he saw no point in
ing claims, that the language be applicable only to prolonging the meeting. For the moment, hopes
mining claims filed after enactment of the Act, not dimmed for passage of an Organic Act for the
pre-existing claims. Bureau of Land Management. The 94th Congress
The conferees could not agree on the compro­ was in its last-minute rush before adjournment.
mise that day but did agree to meet again on But as with many pieces of landmark legislation,
September 23rd just in advance of the Conference a compromise was reached at the eleventh hour,
on the National Forest Management Act of 1976 reportedly as a result of behind-the-scenes lobby­
that was due to start at 1:30 p.m. Several of the ing by interested private parties.68
conferees on S. 507 were also on the Forest Act On September 28, Congressman Melcher made a
conference. The conferees convened at 1:10 p.m. last minute effort to reach a compromise and get a
on September 23rd. Congressman Santini offered a public land management act in the 94th Congress.
substitute compromise that would knock out advi­ He called a meeting of the Conference Committee
sory boards, have five-year leases in return for to commence at 5:30 p.m. that evening. The meet­
keeping grazing fees, and knock out the patent ing was held in a very small room in the Congress.
provisions. Senator Metcalf countered with a pro­ Very few persons, other than conferees and staff,
posal to accept the first three amendments he had were permitted in the room. Dozens of interested
offered and knock out the Senate language on min­ persons filled the halls and corridors leading to the
ing. This was rejected by the Senate conferees and meeting room. Within a few minutes of coming
at 1:20 p.m., the Conference was adjourned by together, the conferees took a thirty-minute break.

68. The struggle to achieve an acceptable middle ground was reported in the October 7, 1976, issue of Public Land News:
How the BLM Organic Act came back from the grave in five days
The final, fateful meeting of the House-Senate conference committee that revived the BLM Organic Act pitted two
unyielding antagonists—Sen. Lee Metcalf (D-Mont.) And Rep. James Santini (D-Nev.).
Simply put, Santini wanted a statutory grazing fee he co-authored to stay in the bill. Metcalf didn’t.
So, on September 23, the conference deadlocked over the grazing fee when the House refused by a 5-5 vote to give up
the provision. At the same time, the Senate conferees refused to allow the grazing fee to stay in. The bill was effectively
dead for 1976 . . . or so the conferees said.
The deadlock began to give way the following day when the mining industry, principally the American Mining
Congress, realized the Senate would give up its provision on requiring patent in 10 years. But only if the House dropped
the grazing fee. The mining industry abhors the patent requirement.
So, the mining industry started pressuring the ranching industry to ask its Congressional allies to yield on the grazing
fee, said sources in the cattle industry.
And Rep. John Melcher (D-Mont.)—chief sponsor of the House bill, candidate for the U.S. Senate—continued to push
for a further compromise.
Pressure was applied primarily to Reps. Don Young (R-Alaska) and Don Clausen (R-Calif.), PLNews sources said.
Then on Tuesday morning (September 28) a meeting was held among the House supporters of the statutory grazing
fee. They decided to yield on the grazing fee, reasoning that a freeze was better than no bill at all.
With that a meeting of the full conference was held in room S 224 of the Capitol at 5:30 p.m, just minutes after a com­
promise timber management bill had been hammered out in conference down the hall.
The last BLM conference, with only a half dozen attendees other than Congressmen and their staff, started badly.
Metcalf and Santini, almost shouting at times, argued forcefully that each had already compromised too much. But Santini
eventually offered a compromise on the grazing fee. It called for a statutory grazing fee for two years while a study was
conducted. The Senate conferees refused to even consider it.
Then Clausen offered a compromise calling for freezing the present grazing fee, developed administratively by BLM
and the Forest Service, for two years while a study was conducted. Again, the Senate refused to consider it.
Then the conferees, with no one in particular sponsoring it, agreed to consider a one-year freeze with study. Santini
asked for and received a 30-minute break.
During the break, PLNews talked to representatives of the American National Cattlemen’s Association and the Public
Lands Council. They said, resignedly, the one-year freeze plus study was the most they could hope for, given the Senate
conferees adamant opposition to anything else.
Finally, at 7 p.m. on September 28, the conferees reassembled and Melcher asked for a show of
hands from the House members. He, Rep. James Johnson (R-Colo.), Rep. Harold T. Johnson (D- Calif.), Clausen, and
Santini voted for the compromise. Melcher said Reps. Mo Udall (D-Ariz.), Jim Weaver (D-Ore.), and John Seiberling
(D-Ohio) also would have agreed to the compromise if they had been present.
Public Law 94–579—Oct. 21, 1976, as amended through May 7, 2001 ———— 69

Word spread among the assembled crowd that the

meeting was going badly. However, when the con­
ferees reassembled at 7 p.m., those present voted
almost immediately for the compromise that had
been suggested earlier. The conferees and staff
walked quickly out of the conference room. As
they made their way down the corridor, they
received the quiet congratulations of the very
interested group of people who had waited to hear
the final outcome of the session.
In keeping with its somewhat stormy and cliff-
hanger history, the conference report was passed
by the House on September thirtieth, and by the
Senate on October first, just hours before the 94th
session ended. The Act was signed by the
President on October 21, 1976, and became Public
Law 94-579, 90 Stat. 2743.

The Senate members present—Metcalf, Floyd Haskell (D-Colo.), and Frank Church (D-ID)—also agreed without a
formal vote.
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Expires: July 31, 2003
30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.; 30 U.S.C. 351-359; State Date of sale
30 U.S.C.1001-1025; 42 U.S.C. 6508

AMOUNT OF BID (See Instructions below)

THE BID IS FOR (Check one):

Oil and Gas Parcel Number

Geothermal Parcel Number

Name of Known Geothermal Resource Area (KGRA)

The appropriate regulations applicable to this bid are: (1) for oil and gas leases--43 CFR 3120; (2) for National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A)
leases--43 CFR 3132; and (3) for Geothermal resources leases--43 CFR 3220. (See details concerning lease qualifications on reverse.)
I CERTIFY THAT I have read and am in compliance with, and not in violation of, the lessee qualification requirements under the applicable regulations
for this bid.
I CERTIFY THAT this bid is not in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1860 which prohibits unlawful combination or intimidation of bidders. I further certify that
this bid was arrived at independently and is tendered without collusion with any other bidder for the purpose of restricting competition.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Execution of this form, where the offer is the high bid, constitutes a binding lease offer, including all applicable terms and
conditions. Failure to comply with the applicable laws and regulations under which this bid is made shall result in rejection of the bid and forfeiture of
all monies submitted.

Print or Type Name of Lessee Signature of Lessee or Bidder

Address of Lessee

City State Zip Code


1. Separate bid for each parcel is required. Identify parcel by the parcel 1. Separate bid for each parcel is required. Identify parcel by the
number assigned in the Notice of Competitive Lease Sale. number assigned to a tract.
2. Bid must be accompanied by the national minimum acceptable bid,
the first year's rental and the administrative fee. The remittance must 2. Bid must be accompanied by one-fifth of the total amount of bid. The
be in the form specified in 43 CFR 3103.1-1. The remainder of the remittance must be in the form specified in 43 CFR 3220.4 for a
bonus bid, if any, must be submitted to the proper BLM office within Geothermal Resources bid and 3132.2 for a NPR-A lease bid.
10 working days after the last day of the oral auction. Failure to
submit the remainder of the bonus bid within 10 working days will 3. Mark envelope Bid for Geothermal Resources Lease in (Name of
result in rejection of the bid offer and forfeiture of all monies paid. KGRA) or Bid for NPR-A Lease, as appropriate. Be sure correct
parcel number of tract on which bid is submitted and date of bid
3. If bidder is not the sole party in interest in the lease for which the bid
opening are noted plainly on envelope. No bid may be modified or
is submitted, all other parties in interest may be required to furnish
withdrawn unless such modification or withdrawal is received prior
evidence of their qualifications upon written request by the authorized
to time fixed for opening of bids.
4. This bid may be executed (signed) before the oral auction. If signed 4. Mail or deliver bid to the proper BLM office or place indicated in the
before the oral auction, this form cannot be modified without being Notice of Competitive Lease Sale.
executed again.
5. In view of the above requirement (4), bidder may wish to leave, 5. If bidder is not the sole party in interest in the lease for which bid is
AMOUNT OF BID section blank so that final bid amount may be submitted, all other parties in interest may be required to furnish
either completed by the bidder or the Bureau of Land Management evidence of their qualifications upon written request by the authorized
at the oral auction. officer.
Title 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 and Title 43 U.S.C. Section 1212 make it a crime for any person knowingly and willfully to make to any department or agency of the United
States any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or representations as to any matter within its jurisdiction.
(Continued on reverse) Form 3000-2 (November 2000)

For leases that may be issued as a result of this sale under the Mineral For leases that may be issued as a result of this sale under the
Leasing Act (The Act) of 1920; as amended, the oral bidder must: (1) Be Geothermal Steam Act of 1970, as amended, the bidder must: (1) Be a
a citizen of the United States; an association (including partnerships and Citizen of the United States; an association of such citizens; a municipality;
trusts) of such citizens; a municipality; or a corporation organized under or a corporation organized under the laws of the United States or of any
the laws of the United States or of any State or Territory thereof; (2) Be State or Territory thereof; and (2) Be in compliance with acreage
in compliance with acreage limitation requirements wherein the bidder's limitation requirements wherein the bidder's interests, direct and
interests, direct and indirect, in oil and gas leases in the State identified indirect, do not exceed 51,200 acres: and (3) Certify that all parties in
do not exceed 246,080 acres each in public domain or acquired lands interest in this bid are in compliance with 43 CFR Group 3200 and the
including acreage covered by this bid, of which not more than 200,000 leasing authority cited herein.
acres are under options. If this bid is submitted for lands in Alaska, the
bidder's holdings in each of the Alaska leasing districts do not exceed For leases that may be issued as a result of this sale under the
300,000 acres, of which no more than 200,000 acres are under options in Department of the Interior Appropriations Act of 1981, the bidder
each district; (3) Be in compliance with Federal coal lease holdings as must: (1) Be a citizen or national of the United States; an alien lawfully
provided in sec. 2(a)(2)(A) of the Act; (4) Be in compliance with admitted for permanent residence; a private, public or municipal
reclamation requirements for all Federal oil and gas holdings as corporation organized under the laws of the United States or of any
required by sec. 17 of the Act; (5) Not be in violation of sec. 41 of the Act; State or Territory thereof; an association of such Citizens, nationals,
and (6) Certify that all parties in interest in this bid are in compliance resident aliens or private, public or municipal corporations, and (2)
with 43 CFR Groups 3000 and 3100 and the leasing authorities cited Certify that all parties in interest in this bid are in compliance with 43
herein. CFR Part 3130 and the leasing authorities cited herein.


The Privacy Act of 1974 and the regulation in 43 CFR 2.48(d) provide ROUTINE USES: (1) The adjudication of the bidder's right to the
that you be furnished the following information in connection with resources for which this bid is made. (2) Documentation for public
information required by this bid for a Competitive Oil and Gas or information. (3) Transfer to appropriate Federal agencies when comment
Geothermal Resources Lease. or concurrence is required prior to granting a right in public lands or
resources. (4)(5) Information from the record and/or the record will be
transferred to appropriate Federal, State, local or foreign agencies,
AUTHORITY: 30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.; 30 U.S.C. 351-359; 30 U.S.C. when relevant to civil, criminal or regulatory investigations or prosecu-
1001-1025; 42 U.S.C. 6508 tions.


PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: The information is to be used to process your information is voluntary. If all the information is not provided, your bid
bid. may be rejected.

The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) requires us to inform you that:
This information is being collected in accordance with 43 CFR 3120, 43 CFR 3130, or 43 CFR 3220.
This information will be used to determine the bidder submitting the highest bid.
Response to this request is required to obtain a benefit.
BLM would like you to know that you do not have to respond to this or any other Federal agency-sponsored information collection unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number.


Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 2 hours per response including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and
completing and reviewing the form. Direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this form to U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land
Management, (1004-0074), Bureau Clearance Officer (WO-630), 1620 L Street, Washington, D.C. 20036
Form 3000-4 UNITED STATES Bond Number
Act of February 25, 1920 (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.)
Act of August 7, 1947 (30 U.S.C. 351-359)
Department of the Interior Appropriations Act, FY 1981 (42 U.S.C. 6508)
Act of December 24, 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1001-1025) Lease Serial Number (For Individual Bond Only)
Other Oil and Gas and Geothermal Leasing Authorities as Applicable




as principal, and

of , as surety,
are held and firmly bound unto the United States of America in the sum of

dollars ($ ),
lawful money of the United States, which may be increased or decreased by a rider hereto executed in the same manner as this bond.




of , as principal, is held and firmly

bound unto the United States of America in the sum of

dollars ($ ), lawful money of the United States which sum may be

increased or decreased by a rider hereto executed in the same manner as this bond.

The principal, in order to more fully secure the United States in the payment of the aforesaid sum, hereby pledges as security therefore United States negotiable securities of a par value equal
to the amount specified. The principal, pursuant to the authority conferred by Section 1 of the Act of September 13, 1982 (31 U.S.C. 9303), does hereby constitute and appoint the Secretary
of the Interior to act as his attorney. The interest accruing on the United States securities deposited, in the absence of any default in the performance of any of the conditions, or stipulations set
forth in this bond and the instrument(s) granting rights and interests in Federal lands, must be paid to the principal. The principal hereby for himself/herself, any heirs, executors, administrators,
successors, and assigns, joint and severally, ratifies and confirms whatever the Secretary shall do by virtue of these presents.

The principal/surety shall apply this bond or the Secretary shall transfer this deposit as security for the faithful performance of any and all of the conditions and stipulations as set forth in this
bond and the instruments granting rights and interests in Federal lands. In the case of any default in the performance of the conditions and stipulations of such undertaking, it is agreed that: (1)
for a Surety Bond, the surety/principal shall apply the bond or any portion thereof; (2) for a Personal Bond, the Secretary shall have full power to assign, appropriate, apply or transfer the deposit
or any portion thereof, to the satisfaction of any damages, assessments, late payment charges, penalties, or deficiencies arising by reason of such default.
This bond is required for the use and benefit of (1) the United States; (2) the owner of any of the land subject to the coverage of this bond, who has a statutory right to compensation in connection
with a reservation of the oil and gas and geothermal deposits to the United States; (3) any lessee, permittee, or contractor, under a lease, permit, or resource sale contract issued, or to be issued,
by the United States covering the same land subject to this bond, covering the use of the surface or the prospecting for, or the development of other mineral deposits in any portion of such land,
to be paid to the United States. For such payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally.

This bond shall cover all surface disturbing activities related to drilling operations on a Federal leasehold(s) in accordance with authorization(s) granted under the Acts cited above for:
NATIONWIDE BOND - Operations conducted by or on behalf of the principal(s) or on the leasehold(s) of the principal(s) in the United States including the National Petroleum Reserve
in Alaska (NPR-A) when a rider sufficient to bring the amount in conformance with 43 CFR 3134 is provided, and provided a rider is obtained, also coverage
of multiple exploration operations.
STATEWIDE BOND - Operations conducted by or on behalf of the principal(s) or on the leasehold(s) of the principal(s), except the NPR-A, and, provided a rider is obtained, also
coverage of multiple exploration operations within the single state of

INDIVIDUAL BOND - Operations conducted by or on behalf of the principal or on the leasehold of the principal on the single lease identified by the serial number above.

NPR-A LEASE BOND - The terms and conditions of a single lease.
NPR-A WIDE BOND - The terms and conditions of all leases, and provided a rider is obtained, coverage of multiple exploration operations.

(Continued on reverse)

The conditions of the foregoing obligations are such that:

1. WHEREAS the principal has an interest in a lease(s) and/or responsibility for operations or production, waivers, suspensions or changes in rental, minimum royalty
operations on a lease(s) issued under the Acts cited in this bond; and and royalties, compensatory royalty payments, or otherwise; and

2. WHEREAS the principal and surety agree(s) that with notice to the surety the d. Any extension of a lease(s) covered by this bond, such coverage to continue
coverage of this bond, in addition to the present holding(s) of and/or authorization(s) without any interruption due to the expiration of the term set forth in the lease(s); and
granted to the principal, shall extend to and include:
5. WHEREAS the principal and surety hereby agree(s) that notwithstanding the ter-
a. Any lease(s) hereafter issued to or acquired by the obligor/principal, except mination, expiration, cancellation or relinquishment of any lease(s), whether by oper-
under individual lease bonds, the coverage is to be confined to the principal's hold- ation of law or otherwise, the bond shall remain in full force and effect as to the
ing(s) and/or authorization(s) granted under the Acts cited in this bond, and to become terms and conditions of all remaining leases and obligations covered by the bond; and
effective immediately upon such authorization, approval or issuance of a transfer
in favor of the principal; and 6. WHEREAS the principal, as to any lease or part of a lease for land on which
he/she is the operator, in consideration of being permitted to furnish this bond in
b. Any transfer(s) of operating rights hereafter entered into or acquired by the lieu of the lessee(s) or operating rights owner(s), agrees and by these presents does
principal affecting lease(s); and hereby bind himself/herself to fulfill on behalf of each lessee or operating rights owner
all obligations of such for the entire leasehold in the same manner and to the same
c. Any activity subsequent hereto of the principal as operator under a lease(s) issued extent as though he/she were lessee or operating rights owner; and
pursuant to the Acts cited in this bond; and
7. WHEREAS the obligor/principal and surety agree(s) that the neglect or forbear-
Provided, That the surety may elect to terminate the additional coverage authorized ance of said lessor in enforcing, as against any responsible party, the payment of
under this paragraph. Such termination will become effective 30 days after the BLM rentals or royalties or the performance of any other term or condition of the lease(s)
receives notice of the election to terminate. After the termination becomes effective, shall not, in any way, release the principal and surety, or either of them from any
the additional interest(s) identified in this paragraph will not be covered by this bond; liability under this bond; and
8. WHEREAS the principal and surety agree(s) that in the event of any default un-
3. WHEREAS the principal and surety agree(s) that with notice to the surety that der the lease(s) the lessor may commence and prosecute any claim, suit, or other
this bond shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding: Any assignment(s) proceeding against the principal and surety or either of them, without the necessity
of an undivided interest in any part or all of the lands in the lease(s) in which event of joining the lessee(s); and
the assignee(s) shall be considered to be coprincipal(s) on an individual or NPR-A
bond as fully and to the same extent as though his/her or their duly, authenticated 9. WHEREAS if the principal fails to comply with any provisions of an oil and gas
signatures appeared thereon; and lease, and the noncompliance continues for thirty (30) days after written notice thereof,
such lease shall be subject to cancellation and the principal shall also be subject to
4. WHEREAS the obligor/surety hereby waives any right to notice of, and agrees applicable provisions and penalties of the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management
that this bond shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding: Act (30 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) or the Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Reform
Act. This provision shall not be construed to prevent the exercise by the United States
a. Any assignment(s) of 100% of some of the lands described in the lease(s), the of any other legal and equitable remedy, including waiver of the default.
bond to remain in full force and effect only as to the lands retained in the lease(s); and
10. NOW, THEREFORE If said principal, his/her heirs, executors, administrators,
b. Any transfer(s) either in whole or in part, of any or all of the operating rights successors, or assigns shall in all respects faithfully comply with all of the provi-
and further agrees to remain bound under this bond as to the interests in the operat- sions of the instrument(s) granting rights and interests in Federal lands referred to
ing rights retained by the principal; and above, then the obligations are to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect.

c. Any modification of a lease or operating right, or obligation thereunder, whether

made or effected by commitment of lease or operating right to unit, cooperative,
communitization or storage agreements, or development contracts, suspensions of

Signed this day of , 20 , in the presence of:


(L. S.)

(Business Address)
(L. S.)

(Business Address)
If this bond is executed by a corporation, it must bear the seal of that corporation.
Form 3100-11 UNITED STATES Serial No.

The undersigned (reverse) offers to lease all or any of the lands in Item 2 that are available for lease pursuant to the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as amended and supplemented (30 U.S.C. 181
et seq.), the Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands of 1947, as amended (30 U.S.C. 351-359), the Attorney General's Opinion of April 2, 1941 (40 Op. Atty. Gen. 41), or the


1 . Name
City, State, Zip Code

2. This application/offer/lease is for: (Check only One) PUBLIC DOMAIN LANDS ACQUIRED LANDS (percent U.S. interest )
Surface managing agency if other than BLM: Unit/project
Legal description of land requested: *Parcel No.: * Sale Date (m/d/y): / /
T. R. Meridian State County

Total acres applied for

Amount remitted: Filing fee $ Rental fee $ Total $


3. Land included in lease:

T. R. Meridian State County

Total acres in lease

Rental retained $

This lease is issued granting the exclusive right to drill for, mine, extract, remove and dispose of all the oil and gas (except helium) in the lands described in Item 3 together with the right to build
and maintain necessary improvements thereupon for the term indicated below, subject to renewal or extension in accordance with the appropriate leasing authority. Rights granted are subject to
applicable laws, the terms, conditions, and attached stipulations of this lease, the Secretary of the Interior's regulations and formal orders in effect as of lease issuance, and to regulations and formal
orders hereafter promulgated when not inconsistent with lease rights granted or specific provisions of this lease.

NOTE: This lease is issued to the high bidder pursuant to his/her duly executed bid or nomination form submitted under 43 CFR 3120 and is subject to the provisions of that bid or
nomination and those specified on this form.

Type and primary term of lease: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Noncompetitive lease (ten years)
Competitive lease (ten years) (Signing Officer)

(Title) (Date)


(Continued on reverse)
4. (a) Undersigned certifies that (1) offeror is a citizen of the United States; an association of such citizens; a municipality; or a corporation organized under the laws of the United States or of any
State or Territory thereof; (2) all parties holding an interest in the offer are in compliance with 43 CFR 3100 and the leasing authorities; (3) offeror's chargeable interests, direct and indirect, in each
public domain and acquired lands separately in the same State, do not exceed 246,080 acres in oil and gas leases (of which up to 200,000 acres may be in oil and gas options), or 300,000 acres in
leases in each leasing District in Alaska of which up to 200,000 acres may be in options, (4) offeror is not considered a minor under the laws of the State in which the lands covered by this offer are
located; (5) offeror is in compliance with qualifications concerning Federal coal lease holdings provided in sec. 2(a)(2)(A) of the Mineral Leasing Act, (6) offeror is in compliance with reclamation
requirements for all Federal oil and gas lease holdings as required by sec. 17(g) of the Mineral Leasing Act; and (7) offeror is not in violation of sec. 41 of the Act.
(b) Undersigned agrees that signature to this offer constitutes acceptance of this lease, including all terms, conditions, and stipulations of which offeror has been given notice, and any amendment
or separate lease that may include any land described in this offer open to leasing at the time this offer was filed but omitted for any reason from this lease. The offeror further agrees that this offer
cannot be withdrawn, either in whole or in part unless the withdrawal is received by the proper BLM State Office before this lease, an amendment to this lease, or a separate lease, whichever covers
the land described in the withdrawal, has been signed on behalf of the United States.

This offer will be rejected and will afford offeror no priority if it is not properly completed and executed in accordance with the regulations, or if it is not accompanied by the required
payments. 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willfully to make to any Department or agency of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements
or representations as to any matter within its jurisdiction.

Duly executed this day of 20

(Signature of Lessee or Attorney-in-fact)


Sec. 1. Rentals - Rentals shall be paid to proper office of lessor in advance of each lease year. costs claimed as manufacturing, preparation, and/or transportation costs. All such records shall
Annual rental rates per acre or fraction thereof are: be maintained in lessee's accounting offices for future audit by lessor. Lessee shall maintain
required records for 6 years after they are generated or, if an audit or investigation is underway,
(a) Noncompetitive lease, $1.50 for the first 5 years; thereafter $2.00;
until released of the obligation to maintain such records by lessor.
(b) Competitive lease, $1.50, for the first 5 years; thereafter $2.00;
(c) Other, see attachment, or During existence of this lease, information obtained under this section shall be closed to
as specified in regulations at the time this lease is issued. inspection by the public in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552).
If this lease or a portion thereof is committed to an approved cooperative or unit plan which Sec. 6. Conduct of operations - Lessee shall conduct operations in a manner that minimizes adverse
includes a well capable of producing leased resources, and the plan contains a provision for impacts to the land, air, and water, to cultural, biological, visual, and other resources, and to
allocation of production, royalties shall be paid on the production allocated to this lease. However, other land uses or users. Lessee shall take reasonable measures deemed necessary by lessor to
annual rentals shall continue to be due at the rate specified in (a), (b), or (c) for those lands accomplish the intent of this section. To the extent consistent with lease rights granted, such
not within a participating area. measures may include, but are not limited to, modification to siting or design of facilities, timing
of operations, and specification of interim and final reclamation measures. Lessor reserves the
Failure to pay annual rental, if due, on or before the anniversary date of this lease (or next right to continue existing uses and to authorize future uses upon or in the leased lands, including
official working day if office is closed) shall automatically terminate this lease by operation of the approval of easements or rights-of-way. Such uses shall be conditioned so as to prevent
law. Rentals may be waived, reduced, or suspended by the Secretary upon a sufficient showing unnecessary or unreasonable interference with rights of lessee.
by lessee. Prior to disturbing the surface of the leased lands, lessee shall contact lessor to be apprised
Sec. 2. Royalties - Royalties shall be paid to proper office of lessor. Royalties shall be computed of procedures to be followed and modifications or reclamation measures that may be necessary.
in accordance with regulations on production removed or sold. Royalty rates are: Areas to be disturbed may require inventories or special studies to determine the extent of impacts
to other resources. Lessee may be required to complete minor inventories or short term special
(a) Noncompetitive lease, 12 1/2 %; studies under guidelines provided by lessor. If in the conduct of operations, threatened or
(b) Competitive lease, 12 1/2 %; endangered species, objects of historic or scientific interest, or substantial unanticipated
(c) Other, see attachment; or environmental effects are observed, lessee shall immediately contact lessor. Lessee shall cease
as specified in regulations at the time this lease is issued. any operations that would result in the destruction of such species or objects.
Lessor reserves the right to specify whether royalty is to be paid in value or in kind, and the Sec. 7. Mining operations - To the extent that impacts from mining operations would be
right to establish reasonable minimum values on products after giving lessee notice and an substantially different or greater than those associated with normal drilling operations, lessor
opportunity to be heard. When paid in value, royalties shall be due and payable on the last day reserves the right to deny approval of such operations.
of the month following the month in which production occurred. When paid in kind, production Sec. 8. Extraction of helium - Lessor reserves the option of extracting or having extracted helium
shall be delivered, unless otherwise agreed to by lessor, in merchantable condition on the premises from gas production in a manner specified and by means provided by lessor at no expense or
where produced without cost to lessor. Lessee shall not be required to hold such production loss to lessee or owner of the gas. Lessee shall include in any contract of sale of gas the provisions
in storage beyond the last day of the month following the month in which production occurred, of this section.
nor shall lessee be held liable for loss or destruction of royalty oil or other products in storage
from causes beyond the reasonable control of lessee. Sec. 9. Damages to property - Lessee shall pay lessor for damage to lessor's improvements,
and shall save and hold lessor harmless from all claims for damage or harm to persons or property
Minimum royalty in lieu of rental of not less than the rental which otherwise would be required as a result of lease operations.
for that lease year shall be payable at the end of each lease year beginning on or after a discovery Sec. 10. Protection of diverse interests and equal opportunity - Lessee shall: pay when due all
in paying quantities. This minimum royalty may be waived, suspended, or reduced, and the taxes legally assessed and levied under laws of the State or the United States; accord all employees
above royalty rates may be reduced, for all or portions of this lease if the Secretary determines complete freedom of purchase; pay all wages at least twice each month in lawful money of the
that such action is necessary to encourage the greatest ultimate recovery of the leased resources, United States; maintain a safe working environment in accordance with standard industry practices;
or is otherwise justified.
and take measures necessary to protect the health and safety of the public.
An interest charge shall be assessed on late royalty payments or underpayments in accordance Lessor reserves the right to ensure that production is sold at reasonable prices; and to prevent
with the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982 (FOGRMA) (30 U.S.C. 1701). monopoly. If lessee operates a pipeline, or owns controlling interest in a pipeline or a company
Lessee shall be liable for royalty payments on oil and gas lost or wasted from a lease site when operating a pipeline, which may be operated accessible to oil derived from these leased lands,
such loss or waste is due to negligence on the part of the operator, or due to the failure to comply lessee shall comply with section 28 of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920.
with any rule, regulation, order, or citation issued under FOGRMA or the leasing authority.
Lessee shall comply with Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, as amended,
Sec. 3. Bonds - A bond shall be filed and maintained for lease operations as required under and regulations and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant thereto. Neither
regulations. lessee, nor lessee's subcontractors shall maintain segregated facilities.
Sec. 4. Diligence, rate of development, unitization, and drainage - Lessee shall exercise reasonable Sec. 11. Transfer of lease interests and relinquishment of lease - As required by regulations,
diligence in developing and producing, and shall prevent unnecessary damage to, loss of, or lessee shall file with lessor any assignment or other transfer of an interest in this lease. Lessee
waste of leased resources. Lessor reserves right to specify rates of development and production may relinquish this lease or any legal subdivision by filing in the proper office a written
in the public interest and to require lessee to subscribe to a cooperative or unit plan, within 30 relinquishment, which shall be effective as of the date of filing, subject to the continued obligation
days of notice, if deemed necessary for proper development and operation of area, field, or pool of the lessee and surety to pay all accrued rentals and royalties.
embracing these leased lands. Lessee shall drill and produce wells necessary to protect leased See. 12. Delivery of premises - At such time as all or portions of this lease are returned to lessor,
lands from drainage or pay compensatory royalty for drainage in amount determined by lessor. lessee shall place affected wells in condition for suspension or abandonment, reclaim the land
as specified by lessor and, within a reasonable period of time, remove equipment and
Sec. 5. Documents, evidence, and inspection - Lessee shall file with proper office of lessor,
improvements not deemed necessary by lessor for preservation of producible wells.
not later than 30 days after effective date thereof, any contract or evidence of other arrangement
for sale or disposal of production. At such times and in such form as lessor may prescribe, lessee Sec. 13. Proceedings in case of default - If lessee fails to comply with any provisions of this
shall furnish detailed statements showing amounts and quality of all products removed and sold, lease, and the noncompliance continues for 30 days after written notice thereof, this lease shall
proceeds therefrom, and amount used for production purposes or unavoidably lost. Lessee may be subject to cancellation unless or until the leasehold contains a well capable of production
be required to provide plats and schematic diagrams showing development work and of oil or gas in paying quantities, or the lease is committed to an approved cooperative or unit
improvements and reports with respect to parties in interest, expenditures, and depreciation plan or communitization agreement which contains a well capable of production of unitized
costs. In the form prescribed by lessor, lessee shall keep a daily drilling record, a log, information substances in paying quantities. This provision shall not be construed to prevent the exercise
on well surveys and tests, and a record of subsurface investigations and furnish copies to lessor by lessor of any other legal and equitable remedy, including waiver of the default. Any such
when required. Lessee shall keep open at all reasonable times for inspection by any authorized remedy or waiver shall not prevent later cancellation for the same default occurring at any other
officer of lessor, the leased premises and all wells, improvements, machinery, and fixtures thereon, time. Lessee shall be subject to applicable provisions and penalties of FOGRMA (30 U.S.C. 1701).
and all books, accounts, maps, and records relative to operations, surveys, or investigations Sec. 14. Heirs and successors-in-interest - Each obligation of this lease shall extend to and be
on or in the leased lands. Lessee shall maintain copies of all contracts, sales agreements, accounting binding upon, and every benefit hereof shall inure to the heirs, executors, administrators,
records, and documentation such as billings, invoices, or similar documentation that supports successors, beneficiaries, or assignees of the respective parties hereto.

Form 3100-11 (10/92) (page 2)


A. General:
in establishing title for minerals. The description of land must conform to 43 CFR 3110. A
1. The front of this form is to be completed only by parties filing for a noncompetitive lease. single parcel number and Sale Date shall be the only acceptable description during the period
The BLM will complete front of form for all other types of leases. from the first day following the end of a competitive process until the end of that same month,
using the parcel number on the List of Lands Available for Competitive Nominations or the
2. Entries must be typed or printed plainly in ink. Offeror must sign Item 4 in ink. Notice of Competitive Lease Sale, whichever is appropriate.

3. An original and two copies of this offer must be prepared and filed in the proper BLM Payments: The amount remitted must include the filing fee and the first year's rental at the rate
State Office. See regulations at 43 CFR 1821.2-1 for office locations. of $1.50 per acre or fraction thereof. The full rental based on the total acreage applied for must
accompany an offer even if the mineral interest of the United States is less than 100 percent.
4. If more space is needed, additional sheets must be attached to each copy of the form
The filing fee will be retained as a service charge even if the offer is completely rejected or
withdrawn. To protect priority, it is important that the rental submitted be sufficient to cover
B. Special: all the land requested. If the land requested includes lots or irregular quarter-quarter sections,
the exact area of which is not known to the offeror, rental should be submitted on the basis
Item 1- Enter offeror's name and billing address. of each such lot or quarter-quarter section containing 40 acres. If the offer is withdrawn or rejected
in whole or in part before a lease issues, the rental remitted for the parts withdrawn or rejected
Item 2 - Identify the mineral status and, if acquired lands, percentage of Federal ownership will be returned.
of applied for minerals. Indicate the agency controlling the surface of the land and the name
of the unit or project which the land is a part. The same offer may not include both Public
Item 3 - This space will be completed by the United States.
Domain and Acquired lands. Offeror also may provide other information that will assist


The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) requires us to inform you that: ROUTINE USES:

1. This information is being collected pursuant to the law. (1) The adjudication of the lessee's rights to the land or resources.

2. This information will be used to create and maintain a record of oil and gas lease activity.
(2) Documentation for public information in support of notations made on status records
3. Response to this request is required to obtain a benefit. for the management, disposal, and use of public lands and resources.

(3) Transfer to appropriate Federal agencies when consent or concurrence is required prior to
NOTICE granting a right in public lands or resources.

The Privacy Act of 1974 and the regulations in 43 CFR 2.48(d) provide that you be furnished
(4)(5) Information from the record and/or the record will be transferred to appropriate Federal,
the following information in connection with information required by this oil and gas lease offer. State, local or foreign agencies, when relevant to civil, criminal or regulatory investigations
or prosecutions.

AUTHORITY: 30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.; 30 U.S.C. 351-359

EFFECT OF NOT PROVIDING INFORMATION - If all the information is not provided,

PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: The information is to be used to process oil and gas offers and leases. the offer may be rejected. See regulations at 43 CFR 3100.

Form 3100-11 (10/92) (page 3)

(February 2002) OMB NO. 1004-0034
Expires: October 31, 2004
Lease Serial No.
(Anniversary Date)
Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.)
Act for Acquired Lands of 1947 (30 U.S.C 351-359)
Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1001-1025) New Serial No.
Department of the Interior Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year 1981 (42 U.S.C. 6508)

Type or print plainly in ink and sign in ink.

City, State, ZIP Code

*If more than one assignee, check here and list the name(s) and address(es) of all additional assignees on the reverse of this form or on a
separate attached sheet of paper.

This record title assignment is for: (Check one) Oil and Gas Lease, or Geothermal Lease
Interest conveyed: (Check one or both, as appropriate) Record Title, Overriding Royalty, payment out of production or other similar
interests or payments
2. This assignment conveys the following interest:
Land Description Percent of Interest Percent of
Owned Conveyed Retained Overriding Royalty
Additional space on reverse, if needed. Do not submit documents or agreements other than Similar Interests
this form; such documents or agreements shall only be referenced herein.
Reserved Previously
or conveyed
a b c d e f


This assignment is approved solely for administrative purposes. Approval does not warrant that either party to this assignment holds legal or
equitable title to this lease.
Assignment approved for above described lands; Assignment approved for attached land description

Assignment approved effective Assignment approved for land description indicated on reverse
of this form.

(Authorized Officer) (Title) (Date)
(Continued on reverse)
Part A (Continued): ADDITIONAL SPACE for Names and addresses of additional assignees in Item No. 1, if needed, or for Land Description in Item No. 2, if


1. The Assignor certifies as owner if an interest in the above designated lease that he/she hereby assigns to the above assignee(s) the rights specified above.

2. Assignee certifies as follows: (a) Assignee is a citizen of the United States; an association of such citizens; a municipality; or a corporation organized under the
laws of the United States or of any State or territory thereof. For the assignment of NPR-A leases, assignee is a citizen, national, or resident alien of the United
States or association of such citizens, nationals, resident aliens or private, public or municipal corporations, (b) Assignee is not considered a minor under the
laws of the State in which the lands covered by this assignment are located; (c) Assignee's chargeable interests, direct and indirect, in each public domain and
acquired lands separately in the same State, do not exceed 246,080 acres in oil and gas leases (of which up to 200,000 acres may be in oil and gas options), or
300,000 acres in leases in each leasing District in Alaska of which up to 200,000 acres may be in options, if this is an oil and gas lease issued in accordance
with the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, or 51,200 acres in any one State if this is a geothermal lease; (d) All parties holding an interest in the assignment are
otherwise in compliance with the regulations (43 CFR Group 3100 or 3200) and the authorizing Acts; (e) Assignee is in compliance with reclamation
requirements for all Federal oil and gas lease holdings as required by sec. 17(g) of the Mineral Leasing Act; and (f) Assignee is not in violation of sec. 41 of the
Mineral Leasing Act.

3. Assignee's signature to this assignment constitutes acceptance of all applicable terms, conditions, stipulations and restrictions pertaining to the lease described

For geothermal assignments, an overriding royalty may not be less than one-fourth (1/4) of one percent of the value of output, nor greater than 50 percent of the rate of
royalty due to the United States when this assignment is added to all previously created overriding royalties (43 CFR 3241).

I certify that the statements made herein by me are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and are made in good faith.

Executed this day of 20 Executed this day of 20

Name of Assignor as shown on current lease

(Please type or print)

Assignor Assignee
(Signature) (Signature)
or or
Attorney-in-fact Attorney-in-fact

(Assignor's Address)

(City) (State) (Zip Code)

Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 30 minutes per response including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and
completing and reviewing the form. Direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this form to U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land
Management (1004-0034), Bureau Clearance Officer, (WO-630), Mail Stop 401 LS, 1849 C Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20240.

Title 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willfully to make to any Department or agency of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent
statements or representations as to any matter within its jurisdiction.

(Form 3000-3 (1/99) (page 2)

1. Assignor/Assignee(s) must complete Parts Al and A2 and Part B. All parties to 5. If any payment out of production or similar interests, arrangements or payments
assignment must sign as follows: The assignor(s) must manually sign 3 original have previously been created out of the interest being assigned, or if any such
copies and the assignee(s) must manually sign at least 1 of the 3 original copies. payments or interests are reserved under this assignment, include a statement giving
File three (3) completed copies of this form in the proper BLM office for each full details as to amount, method of payment, and other pertinent terms as provided
assignment of record title. For a transfer of overriding royalty interest, payment under 43 CFR 3106, 3135, or 3241.
out of production or other similar interest or payment, file one (1) manually signed 6. The lease account must be in good standing before this assignment can be ap-
copy of this form. The required filing fee (nonrefundable) must accompany the proved as provided under 43 CFR 3106 and 3241.
assignment. File assignment within ninety (90) days after date of execution of 7. Assignment, if approved, takes effect on the first day of the month following the
assignor. date of filing in the proper BLM office. If a bond is necessary, it must be fur-
2. Separate form must be used for each lease being affected by this assignment and nished prior to approval of the assignment.
for each type of interest conveyed. 8. Approval of assignment of record title to 100% of a portion of the leased lands
3. In Item No. 2 of Part A, describe lands affected (See 43 CFR 3106, 3135, or creates separate leases of the retained and the assigned portions, but does not change
3241). For column b, c, d, and e, enter the interest expressed as a percentage the terms and conditions of the lease anniversary date for purposes of payment
of total interest in the lease; e.g., if assignor assigns one quarter of a 20% in- of annual rental.
terest, enter 20% in column b, 5% in column c, and 15% in column d. 9. Overriding royalty, payment out of production or other similar types of transfers
4. If assignment is to more than one assignee, enter each assignee's name across must be filed with BLM, but will be accepted for record purposes only. No offi-
cial approval will be given.


1. This information is being collected pursuant to the law.
2. This information will be used to create and maintain a record of oil and (1) The adjudication of the assignee's rights to the land or resources.
gas/geothermal lease activity.
3. Response to this request is required to obtain benefit.
(2) Documentation for public information in support of notations made on land status,
BLM would like you to know that you do not have to respond to this or any other records for the management, disposal, and use of public lands and resources.
Federal agency sponsored information collection unless it displays a currently
valid OMB control number.
(3) Transfer to appropriate Federal agencies when concurrence is required prior to
NOTICE granting a right in public lands or resources.
The Privacy Act of 1974 and the regulation in 43 CFR 2.48(d) provide that you be (4)(5) Information from the record and/or the record will be transferred to appropri-
furnished the following information in connection with information required by this ate Federal, State, local or foreign agencies, when relevant to civil, criminal or regula-
oil and gas/geothermal lease record title assignment application. tory investigations or prosecutions.
AUTHORITY: 30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.; 30 U.S.C. 1001-1025; 42 U.S.C. 6508
PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: The information is to be used to process record title as- tion is not provided, the assignment may not be approved. See regulations at
signments for oil and gas/geothermal resources leases. 43 CFR Groups 3100 and 3200.

(Form 3000-3 (1/99) (page 3)

Form 3000-4a UNITED STATES Bond Number
Act of February 25, 1920 (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.)
Act of August 7, 1947 (30 U,S.C. 351-359)
Department of the Interior Appropriations Act, FY 1981 (42 U.S.C. 6508)
Act of December 24, 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1001-1025)
Other Oil and Gas and Geothermal Leasing Authorities as Applicable


as principal, and

of , as surety,

are held and firmly bound unto the United States of America in the sum of

dollars ($ ),
lawful money of the United States, which may be increased or decreased by a rider hereto executed in the same manner as this bond.



of , as principal, is held and firmly
bound unto the United States of America in the sum of

dollars ($ ), lawful money of the United States which sum may be

increased or decreased by a rider hereto executed in the same manner as this bond.
The principal, in order to more fully secure the United States in the payment of the aforesaid sum, hereby pledges as security therefore United States negotiable securities
of a par value equal to the amount specified. The principal, pursuant to the authority conferred by Section 1 of the Act of September 13, 1982 (31 U.S.C. 9303), does
hereby constitute and appoint the Secretary of the Interior to act as his attorney. The interest accruing on the United States securities deposited, in the absence of any default
in the performance of any of the conditions, or stipulations set forth in this bond and the instrument(s) authorizing exploration activities on Federal lands, must be paid
to the principal. The principal hereby for himself/herself, any heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, joint and severally, ratifies and confirms whatever
the Secretary shall do by virtue of these presents.
The principal/surety shall apply this bond or the Secretary shall transfer this deposit as security for the faithful performance of any and all of the conditions as set forth
in this bond and the instruments authorizing exploration activities on Federal lands. In the case of any default in the performance of the conditions and stipulations of such
undertaking, it is agreed that: (1) for a Surety Bond, the surety/principal shall apply the bond or any portion thereof; (2) for a Personal Bond. the Secretary shall have
full power to assign, appropriate, apply or transfer the deposit or any portion thereof, to the satisfaction of any damages, assessments, late payment charges, penalties,
or deficiencies arising by reason of such default.
This bond is required for the use and benefit of (1) the United States; (2) the owner of any of the land subject to the coverage of this bond, upon which exploration operations
will be conducted, who has a statutory right to compensation in connection with a reservation, of the oil and gas and geothermal deposits in the United States; and (3) any
lessee, permittee, or contractor, under a lease, permit, or resource sale contract issued, or to be issued, by the United States covering the same land subject to this bond,
on which geophysical exploration operations will he conducted, to be paid to the United States. For such payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each
of our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally.

This bond shall cover all exploration operations conducted in the United States by or on behalf of the principal on Federal surface administered by the Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) and on all Federal leases regardless of surface ownership (except those within the National Forest System), including the National Petroleum Reserve
in Alaska (NPR-A) provided a rider is obtained.
This bond shall cover all exploration operations conducted by or on behalf of the principal on Federal surface administered by BLM and on all Federal leases regardless
of surface ownership (except those within the National Forest System) within the single State of
This bond shall cover a single exploration operation conducted by or on behalf of the principal on Federal surface administered by BLM and on all Federal leases
regardless of surface ownership (except those within the National Forest System) as set forth on reverse.
(Continued on reverse)

The conditions of the foregoing obligations are such that:

WHEREAS the principal has a responsibility for an exploration operation(s) to be WHEREAS the principal and surety hereby agree(s) that notwithstanding the termi-
conducted on Federal surface or on a Federal lease(s), and administered by BLM; and nation of any exploration operation(s) covered by this bond, the bond shall remain
in full force and effect as to the terms and conditions of all remaining exploration
operations conducted on Federal surface or on a Federal lease(s), and administered
WHEREAS the principal has filed a Notice of Intent to Conduct Exploration Opera- bv BLM.
tions or a geophysical exploration permit with the authorized officer wherein the
operations are to be conducted; and NOW, THEREFORE If said principal shall in all respects faithfully comply with
all of the terms and conditions of the Notice of Intent or geophysical exploration
permit and such other corrective measures to reclaim the land as may be required
WHEREAS the principal is obligated to comply with the terms and conditions set by the Authorized Officer, the surety shall incur no liability but, if the principal should
forth in such Notice of Intent or geophysical exploration permit; and fail to do so, the surety shall be liable to the extent provided in this bond.

Signed this day of , 20 , in the presence of:



(Business Address)


(Business Address)
If this bond is executed by a corporation, it must bear the seal of that corporation.
(February 2002) OMB NO. 1004-0034
Expires: October 31, 2004
Lease Serial No.
Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.)
Act for Acquired Lands of 1947 (30 U.S.C 351-359)
Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1001-1025)
Department of the Interior Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year 1981 (42 U.S.C. 6508)

Type or print plainly in ink and sign in ink.

Transferee (Sublessee)*
City, State, ZIP Code

*If more than one transferee, check here and list the name(s) and address(es) of all additional transferees on the reverse of this form or on a
separate attached sheet of paper.

This transfer is for: (Check one) Oil and Gas Lease, or Geothermal Lease
Interest conveyed: (Check one or both, as appropriate) Operating Rights (sublease) Overriding Royalty, payment out of production or other
similar interests or payments
2. This transfer (sublease) conveys the following interest:
Land Description Percent of Interest Percent of
Owned Conveyed Retained Overriding Royalty
Additional space on reverse, if needed. Do not submit documents or agreements other than Similar Interests
this form; such documents or agreements shall only be referenced herein.
Reserved Previously
or conveyed
a b c d e f


This transfer is approved solely for administrative purposes. Approval does not warrant that either party to this transfer holds legal or
equitable title to this lease.

Transfer approved effective

(Authorized Officer) (Title) (Date)
(Continued on reverse)
Part A (Continued): ADDITIONAL SPACE for Names and addresses of additional transferees in Item No. 1, if needed, or for Land Description in Item No. 2, if


1. The transferor certifies as owner if an interest in the above designated lease that he/she hereby transfers to the above assignee(s) the rights specified above.

2. Transferee certifies as follows: (a) Transferee is a citizen of the United States; an association of such citizens; a municipality; or a corporation organized under the
laws of the United States or of any State or territory thereof. For the transfer of NPR-A leases, transferee is a citizen, national, or resident alien of the United
States or associations of such citizens, nationals, resident aliens or private, public or municipal corporations, (b) Transferee is not considered a minor under the
laws of the State in which the lands covered by this transfer are located; (c) Transferee's chargeable interests, direct and indirect, in each public domain and
acquired lands separately in the same State, do not exceed 246,080 acres in oil and gas leases (of which up to 200,000 acres may be in oil and gas options), or
300,000 acres in leases in each leasing District in Alaska of which up to 200,000 acres may be in options, if this is an oil and gas lease issued in accordance
with the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, or 51,200 acres in any one State if this is a geothermal lease; (d) All parties holding an interest in the transfer are
otherwise in compliance with the regulations (43 CFR Group 3100 or 3200) and the authorizing Acts; (e) Transferee is in compliance with reclamation
requirements for all Federal oil and gas lease holdings as required by sec. 17(g) of the Mineral Leasing Act; and (f) Transferee is not in violation of sec. 41 of the
Mineral Leasing Act.

3. Transferee's signature to this assignment constitutes acceptance of all applicable terms, conditions, stipulations and restrictions pertaining to the lease described herein.
Applicable terms and conditions include, but are not limited to, an obligation to conduct all operations on the leasehold in accordance with the terms and conditions of
the lease, to condition all wells for proper abandonment, to restore the leased lands upon completion of any operations as described in the lease, and to furnish and
maintain such bond as may be required by the lessor pursuant to regulations 43 CFR 3104, 3134, or 3206.

For geothermal transfers, an overriding royalty may not be less than one-fourth (1/4) of one percent of the value of output, nor greater than 50 percent of the rate of
royalty due to the United States when this assignment is added to all previously created overriding royalties (43 CFR 3241).

I certify that the statements made herein by me are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and are made in good faith.

Executed this day of 20 Executed this day of 20

Name of Transferor as shown on current lease

(Please type or print)
Transferor Transferee
(Signature) (Signature)
or or
Attorney-in-fact Attorney-in-fact

(Transferor's Address)

(City) (State) (Zip Code)

Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 30 minutes per response including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and
completing and reviewing the form. Direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this form to U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land
Management (1004-0034), Bureau Clearance Officer, (WO-630), Mail Stop 401 LS, 1849 C Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20240.

Title 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willfully to make to any Department or agency of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent
statements or representations as to any matter within its jurisdiction.

(Form 3000-3a (1/99) (page 2)

1. Transferor/Transferee(s) must complete Parts Al and A2 and Part B. All parties to 4. If any payments out of production or similar interests, arrangements or payments
transfer must sign as follows: The transferor(s) must manually sign 3 original have previously been created out of the interest being transferred, or if any such
copies and the transferee(s) must manually sign at least 1 of the 3 original copies. payments or interests are reserved under this transfer include a statement giving
File three (3) completed copies of this form in the proper BLM office for each full details as to amount, method of payment, and other pertinent terms as provided
transfer of operating rights (sublease). For a transfer of overriding royalty interest, under 43 CFR 3106, 3135, or 3241.
payment out of production or other similar interest or payment, file one (1) manu- 5. The lease account must be in good standing before this transfer can be
ally signed copy of this form. The required filing fee (nonrefundable) must accompany approved as provided under 43 CFR 3106 and 3241.
the transfer, payment out of production or other similar interests or payments. 6. Transfer, if approved, takes effect on the first day of the month following
File assignment within ninety (90) days after date of execution of assignor. date of filing in the proper BLM office. If a bond is necessary, it must be
2. Separate form must be used for each lease being affected by this transfer and furnished prior to approval of the transfer.
for each type of interest conveyed.
7. Overriding royalty and payment out of production or other similar types of transfers
3. In Item No. 2 of Part A, describe lands affected (See 43 CFR 3106, 3135, or must be filed with BLM, but will be accepted for record purposes only. No
3241). For columns b, c, d, and e, enter the interest expressed as a percentage official approval will be given.
of total interest in the lease; e.g., if transferor transfers one quarter of a 20% in-
terest, enter 20% in column b, 5% in column c, and 15% in column d. 8. Upon approval of a transfer of operating rights (sublease), the sublessee is
responsible for all lease obligations under the lease rights transferred to the sublessee.


1. This information is being collected pursuant to the law.
2. This information will be used to create and maintain a record of oil and (1) The approval of transferee's rights to the land or resources.
gas/geothermal lease activity.
3. Response to this request is required to obtain benefit.
(2) Documentation for public information in support of notations made on land status,
BLM would like you to know that you do not have to respond to this or any other records for the management, disposal, and use of public lands and resources.
Federal agency sponsored information collection unless it displays a currently
valid OMB control number.
(3) Transfer to appropriate Federal agencies when concurrence is required prior to
NOTICE granting a right in public lands or resources.
The Privacy Act of 1974 and the regulation in 43 CFR 2.48(d) provide that you be (4)(5) Information from the record and/or the record will be transferred to appropri-
furnished the following information in connection with information required by this ate Federal, State, local or foreign agencies, when relevant to civil, criminal or regula-
oil and gas/geothermal lease transfer application. tory investigations or prosecutions.
AUTHORITY: 30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.; 30 U.S.C. 1001-1025; 42 U.S.C. 6508
PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: The information is to be used to process transfers tion is not provided, the transfer may not be approved. See regulations at
of operating rights (subleases) for oil and gas/geothermal resources leases. 43 CFR Groups 3100 and 3200.

(Form 3000-3a (1/99) (page 3)

(September 2001) OMB No. 1004-0136
Expires January 31, 2004
6. If Indian, Allottee or Tribe Name

7. If Unit or CA Agreement, Name and No.

1a. Type of Work: ❏ DRILL ❏ REENTER

8. Lease Name and Well No.

1b. Type of Well: ❏ Oil Well ❏ Gas Well ❏ Other ❏ Single Zone ❏ Multiple Zone
2. Name of Operator 9. API Well No.

3a. Address 3b. Phone No. (include area code) 10. Field and Pool, or Exploratory

4. Location of Well (Report location clearly and in accordance with any State requirements.*) 11. Sec., T., R., M., or Blk. and Survey or Area

At surface
At proposed prod. zone
14. Distance in miles and direction from nearest town or post office* 12. County or Parish 13. State

15. Distance from proposed* 16. No. of Acres in lease 17. Spacing Unit dedicated to this well
location to nearest
property or lease line, ft.
(Also to nearest drig. unit line, if any)
18. Distance from proposed location* 19. Proposed Depth 20. BLM/BIA Bond No. on file
to nearest well, drilling, completed,
applied for, on this lease, ft.

21. Elevations (Show whether DF, KDB, RT, GL, etc.) 22. Approximate date work will start* 23. Estimated duration

24. Attachments
The following, completed in accordance with the requirements of Onshore Oil and Gas Order No.1, shall be attached to this form:

1. Well plat certified by a registered surveyor. 4. Bond to cover the operations unless covered by an existing bond on file (see
2. A Drilling Plan. Item 20 above).
5. Operator certification.
3. A Surface Use Plan (if the location is on National Forest System Lands, the
6. Such other site specific information and/or plans as may be required by the
SUPO shall be filed with the appropriate Forest Service Office).
authorized officer.

25. Signature Name (Printed/Typed) Date


Approved by (Signature) Name (Printed/Typed) Date

Title Office

Application approval does not warrant or certify the the applicant holds legal or equitable title to those rights in the subject lease which would entitle the applicant to conduct
operations thereon.
Conditions of approval, if any, are attached.

Title 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 and Title 43 U.S.C. Section 1212, make it a crime for any person knowingly and willfully to make to any department or agency of the United
States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations as to any matter within its jurisdiction.
*(Instructions on reverse)
GENERAL: This form is designed for submitting proposals to perform certain well
operations, as indicated on Federal and Indian lands and leases for action by appropriate Federal
agencies, pursuant to applicable Federal laws and regulations. Any necessary special
instructions concerning the use of this form and the number of copies to be submitted,
particularly with regard to local, area, or regional procedures and practices, either are shown
below or will be issued by, or may be obtained from local Federal offices.
ITEM 1: If the proposal is to redrill to the same reservoir at a different subsurface location or
to a new reservoir, use this form with appropriate notations. Consult applicable Federal
regulations concerning subsequent work proposals or reports on the well.
ITEM 4: Locations on Federal or Indian land should be described in accordance with Federal
requirements. Consult local Federal offices for specific instructions.
ITEM 14: Needed only when location of well cannot readily be found by road from the land or
lease description. A plat, or plats, separate or on this reverse side, showing the roads to, and the
surveyed location of, the well, and any other required information, should be furnished when
required by Federal agency offices.
ITEMS 15 AND 18: If well is to be, or has been directionally drilled, give distances for
subsurface location of hole in any present or objective production zone.
ITEM 22: Consult applicable Federal regulations, or appropriate officials, concerning
approval of the proposal before operations are started.

BLM would like you to know that you do not have to respond to this or any other Federal
agency-sponsored information collection unless it displays a currently valid OMB control

The Privacy Act of 1974 and regulation in 43 CFR 2.48(d) provide that you be furnished the
following information in connection with information required by this application.
AUTHORITY: 30 U.S.C. 181 et seq., 25 U.S.C. 396; 43 CFR 3160
PRINCIPAL PURPOSES: The information will be used to: (1) process and evaluate your
application for a permit to drill a new oil, gas, or service well or to reenter a plugged and
abandoned well; and (2) document, for administrative use, information for the management,
disposal and use of National Resource Lands and resources including (a) analyzing your
proposal to discover and extract the Federal or Indian resources encountered; (b) reviewing
procedures and equipment and the projected impact on the land involved; and (c) evaluating the
effects of the proposed operation on the surface and subsurface water and other environmental
ROUTINE USE: Information from the record and/or the record will be transferred to
appropriate Federal, State, and local or foreign agencies, when relevant to civil, criminal or
regulatory investigations or prosecution, in connection with congressional inquiries and for
regulatory responsibilities.
EFFECT OF NOT PROVIDING INFORMATION: Filing of this application and disclosure
of the information is mandatory only if you elect to initiate a drilling or reentry operation on an
oil and gas lease.


Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including
the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and completing and
reviewing the form. Direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this
form to U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (1004-0136), Bureau
Clearance Officer, (WO-630) MS 401 LS, 1849 C Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20240.

The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) requires us to inform you that:
This information is being collected to allow evaluation of the technical, safety, and
environmental factors involved with drilling for oil and/or gas on Federal and Indian oil and gas
This information will be used to analyze and approve applications.
Response to this request is mandatory only if the operator elects to initiate drilling or reentry
operations on an oil and gas lease.
OMB NO. 1004-0162
(October 2002) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Expires: October 31, 2002
BLM Case No.
State Case No.
Company Name Project Name
Address Type of Bond Amount
City State Bond Number/Where Filed
Zip Code Phone No. (Include area code) Crew Number
Contractor/Client Crew Chief
Address Address
City State City State
Zip Code Phone No. (Include area code) Zip Code Phone No. (Include area code)

I hereby file this Notice of Intent to Conduct Oil and Gas Geophysical Exploration Operations across and upon Public Lands (give description of lands by Township(s),
Ranges(s), and Section(s)): A map shall be furnished showing the approximate location of the lines to be used on Public Lands. The map shall be of a minimum scale of one-
half inch to the mile for the general location, and should be at least two and one-half inches to the mile for specific project location to accompany the Notice of Completion.

Approximate Date of Commencement of Operations:

The type of operation to be conducted is:

❏ Shothole ❏ Surface shot
❏ Vibroseis ❏ Truck Mounted
❏ Other (explain) ❏ Portable
❏ Buggy

Type and amount of Explosive:

Shotpoint pattern:
Shothole Depth:
No. Source Points/Mile:
Provide diagram if multi-hole pattern:
The undersigned agrees that the oil and gas exploration operations shall be conducted in compliance with all Federal, State and local laws, ordinances or regulations which are
applicable. Federal regulations are contained in 43 CFR 3150. The Crew Chief, Party Manager, or other responsible representative shall attend a pre-work conference prior
to entering onto the public land to sign the general terms and conditions relative to this project, and any site specific special conditions developed by the local Authorized

(Signature of Appropriate Geophysical Representative) (Signature of Bureau of Land Management Authorized Officer)

(Title) (Title)

(Date) (Date)

Title 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 and Title 43 U.S.C. Section 1212, make it a crime for any person knowingly and willfully to make to any Department or
agency of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations as to any matter within its jurisdiction.
(Continued on reverse)

The Privacy Act of 1974 and the regulation in 43 CFR 2.48(d) provide that you be furnished
the following information in connection with information required by this Notice of Intent to
Conduct Geophysical Exploration Operations.

AUTHORITY: 30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.

PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: The information will be used to process your Notice.

ROUTINE USES: (1) The processing of the operator's Notice of Intent to Conduct
Geophysical Exploration Operations. (2) To determine that mitigating measures are made to
protect the environment. (3) Transfer to appropriate Federal agencies when concurrence is
required prior to granting a right in public lands or resources. (4)(5) Information from the
record and/or the record will be transferred to appropriate Federal, State, local or foreign
agencies, when relevant to civil, criminal or regulatory investigations or prosecutions.

EFFECT OF NOT PROVIDING INFORMATION: Disclosure of the information is

voluntary. If all the information is not provided, your right to conduct geophysical
exploration activities may be revoked.

The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) requires us to inform you

This information is being collected in accordance with 43 CFR 3151.

This information will be used to process geophysical exploration notices.
Response to this request is required to obtain a benefit.

BLM would like you to know that you do not have to respond to this or any other Federal
agency-sponsored information collection unless it displays a currently valid OMB control


Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including
the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and completing and
reviewing of the form. Direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of
this form to the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (1004-0162),
Bureau Information Collection Clearance Officer, (WO-630), 1849 C Street, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20240.
(September 2001) OMB No. 1004-0135
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Expires January 31, 2004
Do not use this form for proposals to drill or to re-enter an 6. If Indian, Allottee or Tribe Name
abandoned well. Use Form 3160-3 (APD) for such proposals.

7. If Unit or CA/Agreement, Name and/or No.

SUBMIT IN TRIPLICATE - Other instructions on reverse side
1. Type of Well
❏ Oil Well ❏ Gas Well ❏ Other 8. Well Name and No.
2. Name of Operator
9. API Well No.
3a. Address 3b. Phone No. (include area code)
10. Field and Pool, or Exploratory Area
4. Location of Well (Footage, Sec., T., R., M., or Survey Description)
11. County or Parish, State


❏ Acidize ❏ Deepen ❏ Production (Start/Resume) ❏ Water Shut-Off

❏ Notice of Intent ❏ Alter Casing ❏ Fracture Treat ❏ Reclamation ❏ Well Integrity

❏ Subsequent Report ❏ Casing Repair ❏ New Construction ❏ Recomplete ❏ Other

❏ Change Plans ❏ Plug and Abandon ❏ Temporarily Abandon
❏ Final Abandonment Notice ❏ Convert to Injection ❏ Plug Back ❏ Water Disposal

13. Describe Proposed or Completed Operation (clearly state all pertinent details, including estimated starting date of any proposed work and approximate duration thereof.
If the proposal is to deepen directionally or recomplete horizontally, give subsurface locations and measured and true vertical depths of all pertinent markers and zones.
Attach the Bond under which the work will be performed or provide the Bond No. on file with BLM/BIA. Required subsequent reports shall be filed within 30 days
following completion of the involved operations. If the operation results in a multiple completion or recompletion in a new interval, a Form 3160-4 shall be filed once
testing has been completed. Final Abandonment Notices shall be filed only after all requirements, including reclamation, have been completed, and the operator has
determined that the site is ready for final inspection.)

14. I hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct

Name (Printed/Typed)

Signature Date


Approved by Title Date

Conditions of approval, if any, are attached. Approval of this notice does not warrant or
certify that the applicant holds legal or equitable title to those rights in the subject lease Office
which would entitle the applicant to conduct operations thereon.

Title 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 and Title 43 U.S.C. Section 1212, make it a crime for any person knowingly and willfully to make to any department or agency of the United
States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations as to any matter within its jurisdiction.

(Instructions on reverse)
This form is designed for submitting proposals to perform certain well form and the number of copies to be submitted, particularly with regard to
operations, and reports of such operations when completed, as indicated local area, or regional procedures and practices, either are shown below or
on Federal and Indian lands pursuant to applicable Federal law and will be issued by, or may be obtained from the local Federal office.
regulations. Any necessary special instructions concerning the use of this

Item 4 - Locations on Federal or Indian land should be described in productive zones, or other zones with present significant fluid contents not
accordance with Federal requirements. Consult the local Federal office sealed off by cement or otherwise; depths (top and bottom) and method of
for specific instructions. placement of cement plugs; mud or other material placed below, between
and above plugs; amount, size, method of parting of any casing, liner or
Item 13 - Proposals to abandon a well and subsequent reports of tubing pulled and the depth to top of any left in the hole; method of
abandonment should include such special information as is required by the closing top of well and date well site conditioned for final inspection
local Federal office. In addition, such proposals and reports should looking to approval of the abandonment.
include reasons for the abandonment; data on any former or present

The Privacy Act of 1974 and the regulation in 43 CFR 2.48(d) provide that you be furnished the
following information in connection with information required by this application.
AUTHORITY: 30 U.S.C. 181 et seq., 351 et seq., 25 U.S.C. 396; 43 CFR 3160.
PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: The information is used to: (1) Evaluate, when appropriate,
approve applications, and report completion of subsequent well operations, on a Federal or
Indian lease; and (2) document for administrative use, information for the management,
disposal and use of National Resource lands and resources, such as: (a) evaluating the
equipment and procedures to be used during a proposed subsequent well operation and
reviewing the completed well operations for compliance with the approved plan; (b) requesting
and granting approval to perform those actions covered by 43 CFR 3162.3-2, 3162.3-3, and
3162.3-4; (c) reporting the beginning or resumption of production, as required by 43 CFR
3162.4-1(c); and (d) analyzing future applications to drill or modify operations in light of data
obtained and methods used.
ROUTINE USES: Information from the record and/or the record will be transferred to
appropriate Federal, State, local or foreign agencies, when relevant to civil, criminal or
regulatory investigations or prosecutions in connection with congressional inquiries or to
consumer reporting agencies to facilitate collection of debts owed the Government.
EFFECT OF NOT PROVIDING THE INFORMATION: Filing of this notice and report
and disclosure of the information is mandatory for those subsequent well operations specified
in 43 CFR 3162.3-2, 3162.3-3, 3162.3-4.
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) requires us to inform you that:
This information is being collected to evaluate proposed and/or completed subsequent well
operations on Federal or Indian oil and gas leases.
Response to this request is mandatory.
BLM would like you to know that you do not have to respond to this or any other Federal
agency-sponsored information collection unless it displays a currently valid OMB control
Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 25 minutes per response, including
the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and completing and
reviewing the form. Direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this
form to U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (1004-0135), Bureau
Clearance Officer, (WO-630), Mail Stop 401 LS, 1849 C St., N.W., Washington D.C. 20240
(September 2001) FORM APPROVED
BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Expires: January 31, 2004

1a. Type of Well ❏ Oil Well ❏ Gas Well ❏ Dry Other 6. If Indian, Allottee or Tribe Name
b. Type of Completion: ❏ New Well ❏ Work Over ❏ Deepen ❏ Plug Back ❏ Diff. Resvr,.
7. Unit or CA Agreement Name and No.
2. Name of Operator
8. Lease Name and Well No.

3. Address 3a. Phone No. (include area code)

9. API Well No.

4. Location of Well (Report location clearly and in accordance with Federal requirements)* 10. Field and Pool, or Exploratory
At surface
11. Sec., T., R., M., on Block and
At top prod. interval reported below Survey or Area
12. County or Parish 13. State
At total depth
14. Date Spudded 15. Date T.D. Reached 16. Date Completed 17. Elevations (DF, RKB, RT, GL)*
❏ D & A ❏ Ready to Prod.

18. Total Depth: MD 19. Plug Back T.D.: MD 20. Depth Bridge Plug Set: MD
21. Type Electric & Other Mechanical Logs Run (Submit copy of each) 22. Was well cored? ❏ No ❏ Yes (Submit analysis)
Was DST run? ❏ No ❏ Yes (Submit report)
Directional Survey? ❏ No ❏ Yes (Submit copy)
23. Casing and Liner Record (Report all strings set in well)
Stage Cementer No. of Sks. & Slurry Vol.
Hole Size Size/Grade Wt. (#/ft.) Top (MD) Bottom (MD) Cement Top* Amount Pulled
Depth Type of Cement (BBL)

24. Tubing Record

Size Depth Set (MD) Packer Depth (MD) Size Depth Set (MD) Packer Depth (MD) Size Depth Set (MD) Packer Depth (MD)

25. Producing Intervals 26. Perforation Record

Formation Top Bottom Perforated Interval Size No. Holes Perf. Status
27. Acid, Fracture, Treatment, Cement Squeeze, Etc.
Depth Interval Amount and Type of Material

28. Production - Interval A

Date First Test Hours Test Oil Gas Water Oil Gravity Gas Production Method
Produced Date Tested Production BBL MCF BBL Corr. API Gravity

Choke Tbg. Press. Csg. 24 Hr. Oil Gas Water Gas : Oil Well Status
Size Press. Rate BBL MCF BBL Ratio
28a. Production - Interval B
Date First Test Hours Test Oil Gas Water Oil Gravity Gas Production Method
Produced Date Tested Production BBL MCF BBL Corr. API Gravity

Choke Tbg. Press. Csg. 24 Hr. Oil Gas Water Gas : Oil Well Status
Size Press. Rate BBL MCF BBL Ratio
28b.Production - Interval C
Date First Test Hours Test Oil Gas Water Oil Gravity Gas Production Method
Produced Date Tested Production BBL MCF BBL Corr. API Gravity

Choke Tbg. Press. Csg. 24 Hr. Oil Gas Water Gas : Oil Well Status
Size Press. Rate BBL MCF BBL Ratio
28c. Production - Interval D
Date First Test Hours Test Oil Gas Water Oil Gravity Gas Production Method
Produced Date Tested Production BBL MCF BBL Corr. API Gravity

Choke Tbg. Press. Csg. 24 Hr. Oil Gas Water Gas : Oil Well Status
Size Press. Rate BBL MCF BBL Ratio
29. Disposition of Gas (Sold, used for fuel, vented, etc.)

30. Summary of Porous Zones (Include Aquifers): 31. Formation (Log) Markers
Show all important zones of porosity and contents thereof: Cored intervals and all drill-stem
tests, including depth interval tested, cushion used, time tool open, flowing and shut-in pressures
and recoveries.

Formation Top Bottom Descriptions, Contents, etc. Name
Meas. Depth

32. Additional remarks (include plugging procedure):

33. Circle enclosed attachments:

1. Electrical/Mechanical Logs (1 full set req'd.) 2. Geologic Report 3. DST Report 4. Directional Survey
5. Sundry Notice for plugging and cement verification 6. Core Analysis 7. Other:

34.I hereby certify that the foregoing and attached information is complete and correct as determined from all available records (see attached instructions)*

Name (please print) Title

Signature Date

Title 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 and Title 43 U.S.C. Section 1212, make it a crime for any person knowingly and willfully to make to any department or agency of the United
States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations as to any matter within its jurisdiction.
GENERAL: This form is designed for submitting a complete and correct well
completion/recompletion report and log on all types of wells on Federal and Indian
leases to a Federal agency, pursuant to applicable Federal laws and regulations. Any
necessary special instructions concerning the use of this form and the number of
copies to be submitted, particularly with regard to local, area, or regional procedures
and practices, either are shown below or will be issued by, or may be obtained from,
the local Federal office.
If not filed prior to the time this summary record is submitted, copies of all currently
available logs (drillers, geologists, sample and core analysis, and all types electric),
formation and pressure tests, and directional surveys, should be attached hereto, to the
extent required by applicable Federal laws and regulations. All attachments should be
listed on this form, see item 33.
ITEM 4: Locations on Federal or Indian land should be described in accordance with
Federal requirements. Consult local Federal office for specific instructions.
ITEM 17: Indicate which reported elevation is used as reference (where not
otherwise shown) for depth measurements given in other spaces on this form and in
any attachments.
ITEM 23: Show how reported top(s) of cement were determined, i.e., circulated
(CIR), or calculated (CAL), or cement bond log (CBL), or temperature survey (TS).
The Privacy Act of 1974 and the regulation in 43 CFR 2.48 (d) provide that you be
furnished the following information in connection with information required by this
AUTHORITY: 30 U.S.C. 181 et seq., 351 et seq., 25 U.S.C. et seq.; 43 CFR 3160.
PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: The information is to be used to evaluate the actual operations
performed in the drilling, completing and testing of a well on a Federal or Indian lease.
ROUTINE USES: (1) Evaluate the equipment and procedures used during the drilling
and completing/recompleting of a well. (2) The review of geologic zones and formation
encountered during drilling. (3) Analyze future applications to drill in light of data
obtained and methods used. (4)(5) Information from the record and/or the record will be
transferred to appropriate Federal, State, local or foreign agencies, when relevant to civil,
criminal or regulatory investigations or prosecutions.
EFFECT OF NOT PROVIDING INFORMATION: Filing of this report and disclosure of
the information is mandatory once a well drilled on a Federal or Indian lease is
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) requires us to inform you
This information is being collected to allow evaluation of the technical, safety, and
environmental factors involved with drilling and completing/recompleting wells on Federal
and Indian oil and gas leases.
This information will be used to analyze operations and to compare equipment and
procedures actually used with those proposed and approved.

Response to this request is mandatory only if the operator elects to initiate drilling and
completing/recompleting operations on an oil and gas lease.

BLM would like you to know that you do not have to respond to this or any other Federal
agency-sponsored information collection unless it displays a currently valid OMB control


Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 60 minutes per response,
including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and
completing and reviewing the form. Direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any
other aspect of this form to U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management
(1004-0137), Bureau Clearance Officer, (WO-630), MS 401 LS, 1849 C Street, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20240.

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