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Copia de ENGL120 Grammar 7 1 Present Perfect Indefinite Past

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Conjugate the verbs in parentheses in the Present Perfect:

Smrt Irregular Verb List

a. Someone has taken (take) my b. have you seen (see) Sarah?


c. I have forgotten (forget) your d. We have raised (raise) a good

name. child.

e. The teacher has postponed f. Those clothes have not gone

(postpone) the test until next week. (not go) out of style.

g. It has started (start) to h. It has become (become) a

rain. really nice day.

i. A new school has been built j. have you ever found (find)
(be built) on Mathews Street. money on the street?

k. Jill has caught (catch) a cold. l. I have not heard (not hear) that
instrument before.

m. The email has been sent (be n. I’m hungry. I have not eaten
sent). (not eat) yet today.

o. The teacher has taught (teach) p. Ivan is still sleeping. He has not
us about the Present Perfect before. woken up (not wake up) yet.
q. have you had (have) lunch yet? r. I have gone (go) to the USA
before but never Canada.

s. I need to get a new phone. Mine t. I don’t think Peter has come
has broken (break). (come) to school yet.
2. Use each verb in the table to write sentences that describe what
has happened:

increase go buy become improve go

see start learn cut lose eat

a. Jessica needs a band-aid. She has cut her finger.

b. In the past, you weighed 95 kg, but now, you only weigh 70 kg. You have
lost weight.

c. The price was $2.50, but now it is $3.00. The price has increased .

d. Nobody knew who she was five years ago, but now, everyone knows who
she is. She has become famous.
e. It wasn’t raining earlier, but now it’s raining. It has started raining .

f. I didn’t have any experience eating at that restaurant before, but now I do. I
have eaten at that restaurant.
g. Her English wasn’t very good, but now it’s great. She has improved her

h. He was here, but now he isn’t. He has gone .

i. He didn’t have a car, but now he does. He has bought a car.

j. Joanne had to go to the washroom before, but now she doesn’t. She has
been to the washroom.
k. I didn’t know how to play the drums before, but now I do. I have learned
to play the drums.

l. I didn’t have the experience of seeing the movie earlier, but now I do. I
have seen the movie.
3. Read the situations. Then, write sentences using so far, just,
already, or yet:

Answers may vary

a. Michael went to the store and came back two minutes ago. Jeff asks, “Is
Michael still at the store?” What do you say?

No, he’s just come back / returned.

b. You started writing an essay last week. Half of the essay is finished. Your
friend asks, “Is your essay finished?” What do you say?
So far i have written only half of it

c. It’s eleven o’clock. Usually, you eat lunch at 12:30 PM, but today you are
really hungry for some reason. You decide to eat your lunch early. Michelle
asks you at lunchtime, “Why aren’t you eating anything?” What do you say?
Because i have already eaten my lunch

d. Usually, you go to bed around 11 PM. You are watching TV and it is now 12
o’clock. Suddenly, Jesse calls and says, “Sorry to wake you.” What do you
Okay i have not gone to bed yet

e. You are a painter and your job is to paint the four walls of a room. You’ve
just finished painting one wall. At break time, your boss asks you, “How
much work do you have left to do?” What do you say?
So far, i have only painted one wall there are three walls left to paint

f. You usually finish work at 3 PM, but today, because your boss is in a good
mood, you are allowed to leave at 2 PM. You call your friend. She asks,
“Aren’t you still at work?” What do you say?
I have already finished
g. You are at work. The coworker who sits beside you, Steve, goes to the
bathroom. Then, another coworker walks by looking for Steve. He asks you,
“Where’s Steve?” What do you say?
He has just gone to the bathroom

h. You woke up late and didn’t have time to make coffee before work. When
you arrive at work, you still feel quite sleepy. Someone asks, “What’s
wrong? Why do you look so tired?” What do you say?
I have not had any coffee yet
4. Complete the sentences with been or gone:

a. Have you ever been to an Adele concert? It’s pretty amazing.

b. I’ve already been to the gas station twice this week.

c. Jim’s gone . I think he left an hour ago.

● “Is Peter here?”
○ “No, sorry, he isn’t.”
● “Oh, do you know where he’s gone ?”

e. Michelle’s gone shopping. She’ll be back this evening.

f. I’ve never been to Hawaii. Is it nice?

g. It was here earlier, but now, it’s gone .

h. Is Pat here, or has he already gone home?

● “Do you want to come to the coffee shop with me?”
○ “No, I’ve already been there today. I went an hour ago.”

● “Why did you order a salad?”
○ “Because I’ve gone on a diet. I need to lose some weight.”
5. Complete the sentences with your own ideas:

Answers will vary.

Yesterday, I drank three cups of coffee,

but today, I’ve only had two cups.

Last week, it rained every day, but this

week, it has only rained three .

In April, the team played six games, and

this month, it has played eight .

I didn’t enjoy being at home when I lived

with my old roommate, but since he
moved out and you moved in, things
have been much better .

Last month, I had tests in all my classes,

but this month, i have not had any .
In our last class, we studied a lot about
f. vocabulary, but in this class, we have
studied grammar .

Last weekend, I spent $300 on clothes,

but this weekend, i have not bought .

My last computer had many problems,

but this computer has not had any .

This morning, we didn’t have many

i. customers, but this afternoon, there
have been many . (Now it is afternoon)

The weather yesterday was terrible, but

today, it has been good .
6. Use the words to write about your own life experiences:

Answers will vary.

a. go to an English-speaking country
I have been to an English-speaking country.

b. lose a lot of money

c. be in a car accident

d. meet someone famous

e. get married

f. learn to play an instrument

g. win an award for something

h. get someone’s autograph

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