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Apar-Form For Udc Ldc-8034222414

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mGifl'4 =tiRlql~:a ~RI$J'4 mrr ~ ~ cfit ql~q; cnr4 ~~QI~C1

CJ(~iChc"t nQ)!

Annual Performance Appraisal Report For Officers of the

Central Secretariat Clerical Service

Upper Division Clerk

Lower Division Clerk

~ CfiT C1ICR" .

Name of Officer .

................................................................ ~ ftJ"llfj uW/~ cfiI ~cil~

Report for·the year/period ending .

....................: Ji:;:jl("l"!ufa~

Ministry/Department of .
11Q:if 1 Form

~ tlfilcH('1'4 ffifCt4il'4 'WIT c)J ~ ~ ~ JfR 3m' ~ ~ c8r ~ cort ~ISQIC:;C1

"i\<"4 iChG1ftcftt
Annual Performance Appraisal Report of Upper Division Clerk and Lower Division Clerk of the
Central Secretariat Clerical Services

................................................................................................... cfft 'tlCJfIR Cl"It/~ cfi'r fttfrt

Report for the year/period .

Personal Data
a:rm -1
Part -1
(<R:;:jI('l'4;Fcta:rm/CflI<fl('l'4c)l ~ Q'~lItl~Cfl ~ em 3RT ~~)
(To be filled by the Administrative Section concerned of the Ministry~partmentiOffice)

1. ~ ChTc:rT1f ..
Name of the officer

Date of birth (DD/MMNYYY) .... .1.... 1........ (in words)

3. ~ QC!; , ..
Designation of post held , , " ..
4. ~ ~ J11'tfJil (1 ~"1IC1;j1lkl ChT~? ..
Whether the officer belonas to Scheduled Caste 1 Scheduled Tribe? ..
5. c«tm~p}sdl~ ~ ~ orfrw ~ W .
Date of continuous appointment in the Date . Grade .
present grade
6. ri ~~ ~, mwa;or ~ c)l
CfiR17T ~ ~ ~
Period of absence from duty on
leave. trainina. etc. durina the year

3WT-2 - ~ '*f:.<'=4i(fl<:;

(3lr ~IDU 3RT~. ~ ftq)t ~ ~~)

(To be filled in by the Officer reported upon)
(~Qm~:aimct~~ ~rrcmval<iil{clcn ~~)
(Please read carefully the instructions before filling the entries)

1. Clict<'1q<ii
Brief descriQ_tionof duties


2. .. ~ '" '" crcnc~;ci1t/~ ~ ~ ~ mr ~ ~ ~ CliT ~:ffi~,q(nm'-'F@"
(~~ qrm"W{- ~ 100 ~r¢~~ Of~)

Brief resume of the work done by you during the year/period from to '" .
(The resume to be fumished should be limited to 100 words)


~,~ftmt~~~, CliT~
Signature of the officer reported upon

3TfJT 3 - ftmt ~ Cffi')" ~ GRT "l~iq1G1

(~Q~~4i ~ ~ ~ ~rr-~rr emUjI<1CJ.~ql ~~)

(Please read carefully the guidelines before filling the entries)

1. mr ~ "JUT~~~ ij} Frfq ~ ~ <ft ~ ~ ~ fco 1 ~ 10 ('fql ij) ~ tR ~ ~ f3tmt

1 'liT ~ f.?iCA_<1(1Ji
;J}s ~ 3tR 10 <fiT ~ 3i!.~tiJi .g~~I
Numerical grading is to be awarded for each of the attributes by the reporting authority which should be on a
scale of 1-10, where 1 refers to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest.

(Cfl) m
fiI'tQI?;01 'liT "il""lIiCfl<1 (~~ m"r ~ 40% ~
(A) Assessment of work output (weightage to this Section would be 40%)

fttrrt~~ ~Iffi"~mrm~ ~ar

~mrh W~~2~~~ ~q;r
7I<lTW f) 3fmTm
-Grades by Revised Grades by Initial of
Reporting authority Reviewing Authority (if Reviewing
doesn't agree with col.2) Authority
1 '\ 2 3 4
i) ;q'j;:,1<11i1"~/~~~ 3f¥l' ~
cmt em- WI <R<1T
ij Accomplishment of planned worklwork
allotted asJ)_ersubiects allotted
ii) ~ ~101<1('1.<'1'
J!l Quality of work
iii) ~ ;# mfttrrm (JTfct 3ft{ QfuJ"<'11)
iill. Proficiency in typing (~eed and accurCl9} ..
iv) ~ ;# mfttrrm, i'frn(1': ~ ~ 3fit
iv) Proficiency in work, namely maintenance of
prescribed registers and charts etc,
, '~~"!.Q'CO<1 ~ ~ [J ~ iv]/4

Overall Grading on 'Work Output' (Total [i to hdl41

'pauBlsse aBB~46!9M
OJuO!)JodoJdu! SJOI~!PUIJOdnoJ6 lpe9 JOSnlBI\ ueaw 941)0 UO!I!ppeuo peseq aq IIlM BU!peJ6lIeJal\O 9lU :aloN
I ~~lb~~~~~~~~~!tillhfut~~~~~ .~~: ~
(171 Till 01 !J,e~o.l)
.k)Ua~adwo~ ,eUO!l~un:l. uo Bu!peJDlleJal\O
{vi [II! ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ 1ll .l£lm !l21:e~~I!h.
ramduioo UO6u!>tJOMU! Aouap!lOJd (I\!
~!t ~ ~ 1ll :t~'kb1e!l2 (1\1
al\!~e!l!u, (!!f
~ (m
Al!,!qe UOI~eU!PJOO~ (l!
~~~ (!!
AJdde01~mqe pue UO!~UrlJJO eaJe S4JU!
saJnpaOOJdISUO!Je,nBa~fSa,n~ )0 9Bpa,MOU)I (I
l!e ~ Il-I:ell~~'~ ~.I:$ ~ .I:£.l!l2-l£I!l2 (!
V £ z ,
A)!J04In'v' (Z'IOO41!MsaJBe l,usaop
6U!Ma!l\a~ J!)
AllJ041n'v'BU!M9!l\a~ 6u!)Joda~
JO,e!IIUI ,(Q sapeJD pas!l\a~ AQsapeJ€)
.li:!l.tlli£ ~Jjl! ~lI2lf
~~ £lrlR~l~~~ ~.1.ill~
~ ~~.!ill ~ illIJJm ~~~
(%0£ aq PlnoM uo!~as S!4) 0) a6elljo!aM) AOUala(woo leUO!~unJ10 ~uawssass'v' (~)
(9/1l!!1101 !J ,elo.l)
,salnql-lll'v' leUOsJad. uo Bu!peJ€) lIeJallO
.~..I:M:e.Ii.lg2 .vr~~.I.aft ~
suone,cu jeuoSJad JalUI (!!!A
'. ~!l2~I1~~~ (",1\
aUJlpeap laaw 01A)!I!qV (l!/\
~~ ~ ~ l!l2 ~-.lUt.I:l (!!II
weal U! )jJOM01AI!I!q'v' (!I\
~.J:P~~~~ (!II
Almqe le::>flAieu'v' (/\
~ !h1:e~1I1l1sl1;!1~ (II
SII!)jSUO!leo!Unwwo~ (I\!
.bU~~ (II!
aUlIdPS!PJOeoueuaIU!e~ em
~~~~ (!!!
A)mQlsuOdSaJ)0 asuaS (!!
~~ I~~~~ ~
.1I:e.tllie .lg2 12 (!!
)!JOM0) 9pn~!U'v' (!
~~~~ (I
£: l j,.
" (Z',oo ljl!M aaJbe I,usaop
6U!Ma!l\a~ I!) Al!JOljlnv 6U!Ma!lI9~ ~I-lOljlne 6u!)Joda~
)o,e!)!u, AQ sapeJ8 pas!IIa~ Aq sapeJ€)
.li:!Jru.I£ ~~ 2,{L.J..t:Ue
l!l2~ llida~Z~~)~ ~~~
illI.I,l£Ii ~~ ~~ illI.ijfJi ~~~
(%0£ aq p,nOMUo!~as S!4) 01aBejljO!aM) sa)nqJ.lue ,eUOSJad10 ~uawssasSV (8)
·'fiIJiI'iil / GENERAL
Part - 4
1. ~ c» ~~ ~cntt~tJ) ~~ $r ~crcn ~$r ~Jln".~~ ~~
Relations with the public (wherever applicable)
(please comment on the officer's accessibility to the public and responsiveness to their needs)

2. ~(~~$r~3lttm~CIlwm~t:<:J~$r~~~$r~Tt)
Trail1ing (Please give recommendations for training with a view to future improving the effectiveness and
capabilities of the officer)

3. ~$r~
State of Health


5. mrc:IT3!l3ltt ~ ~3!l, ~~, OAE'('<I«U~ ~3!l om ~ CTJif c» tffi't ~ c» I!:hr ~

~ c»~~Qtfttnt ~~ ~mr ~TiG~ (~100 ~~CIl)
Pen Picture by Reporting Officer (in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the officer including area of
strengths and lesser strength, extraordinary achievements, significant failures and attitude towards weaker

\ \

6. ftt:ITt c» ~-III
~ uis ill, ~ ~ ~ <It ~ ~ ~ c»
.3n"IlR Qt ~ 3fifcnq;~
Overall numerical grading on the basis of weightage given in Section A, B, and C in Part-III of the Report.

fttflt~~ ~CllT ~
Signature of the " Reporting Officer
~/Place: . ~mt3Rff{t~: .
~/Date: . Name in Block letters: .
QGG'lldi: .. , '" ..........•.............•......
Designation: ............•........ , .
ftQTt~~c);~: .
During the period of Report: .


1. ~~~~~
Length of service under the Reviewing Officer

2. ~ 3m:r m m"QI4C1 3ft{ awl-3 ntIT ~-4 ~ ~ ~~~3ft ~ ~~ ftmt ~ ~ ~ mr f<Iw

"lro" '1i'f4iCliii ~ ~ ~?~ : 3im 3 3ft{ awl 4 (5» ~ ~~~3ft
3fIQ" $~ ~ 3!ifW:l; '1"t:aiCii~ ~ ~
c:rt.'t ~ eft ~ u3~ ~ ~ ~ "lro" ~ ~ ~ ~ <iit 3ft{ ~
'1<>t,:aiCflC"1 ~ tR 3fQ<1T 3l"RlTII'R" <iit )
00 you agree with the assessment made by the reporting officer with respect to the work output and the various
attributes in Part-3 and Part-4? (Ref: Part 3 & Part 4 (5» (In case you do not agree with any of the numerical
assessments of attributes please record your assessment in the column provided for you in that section and initial
your entries).

3. ~<fl'r~~~iltmfl~~WiJ~~3!TtT~~m~~~~~?
In case of disagreement. please soecify the reasons. Is there anything you wish to modify or add?

4. 3f.;;rr.l3f.;;r.;;rr. ~ m ~ ftmt ~
$ m ~ti!.QI4<i q;r '1"I_:aiCii01 ~ ~ <fl'r~
The attitude of the Reportina Officer in assessinq the performance of SC/ST officer

5. ~~mrll~~1~10011~~)fliQm~.mJfrr~~.m$m.3tR~cr.m~r;©
~~~~m:ro·~tR~q;t I
Pen Picture by Reviewing Officer. Please comment (in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the officer
including area of strengths and lesser strength and his attitude towards weaker section.

6. ft'QTt ~ 3im-3 dlllis -<l'i, ~-'Ul m 'cis-7f ~ i!'r ~ ~ ~ .3m.l'r{ tR m:rn- .3rifcllcn~
Overall numerical grading on the basis of weightage given in Section- A. Section- Band Section- C in Part- 3 of
the Report.

Signature of the Reviewing Officer
~/Place: . <=1m mt 3f~ dl : .
~/Date: . Name in Block letters: .
~: .
Designation: .
ftmt *t ~"$ mr.:r : .
During the period of Report: .


1. ~ ~ ~ ftQ)t Q1f) ~ ~ t:, ~ ~ Q; q;yt-~ CllJ ~ ~ Q; ~ m~

~~ ~<Ilt~Q;~~ ~ ~~~ 13Rf: ~ ~ ~fttiIt ~;;rr~~, ftmt
~cnR ~ Jftt~m 3fIVcI;rfr ~ iIj\" ~ Q;~~ tmT~ m;:t~ ~ ~ ~ I
1. The Annual Performance Appraisal Report is an important document, it provides the basic and vital inputs for
assessing the performance of an officer and for his/her further advancement in his/her career. The officer reported
upon, the Reporting Officer and the Reviewing Officer should, therefore, undertake the duty of filling out the form
with a high sense of responsibility.
2. ftmt ~,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <f;\c'!T ~ ~ ~ m~ ~.Ifij' fcI<f;m lW'IT ~, ~ ~ J1q<ft ~
~ iffl" ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ <mfr ~ ~ t;, ~ I;!q> ~41Fak#i<li ~ fttiIt ~!lffi"
t; I ~ 3Itt
~ 31R1ctiTtr~, ~ ~, ~ fttiIt ~;;rr;t t;, Q;~ ~,~ W<m mro ~ <flt ~ JItf<fr
~~~~~~1IiVlT ~I
2. Reporting Officers should realize that the objective is to develop an .officer so that he/she realizes his/her true
potential. It is not meant to be a fault finding process but a developmental one. The Reporting Officer and the
Reviewing Officer should not shy away from reporting shortcomings in performance, attitudes or overall personality of
the officerreported upon.
3. ~~ ~ tm<l ~ Jl\{ trlIIlr ~ ~ ~ ;nr.ft ~ I ttmt em ~
Cl'Ir tIT 3MIT 3itrt} C'IR ~ ~ ~ <liT ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ f1:ll!Cf; tI('fT '<1M ~ I
3. The items should be filled with due care and attention and after devoting adequate time. Any attempt to fill the report
in a casual or superfidal manner will be easily discernible to the higher authorities. "
4. ~mw ~ ~ <iTila ~ ~~ ftmt ~ ~ ~ ~ 3fU<:r ~ Jl\{ ~ Q; r.!<u ~ fimt ~tJ t; ClT
~ WT-iv Q;~ 2~ ~ <iTila ~ ~ ~rcr;t;ft I mffi ~ ~ ~ fttnt fmlr.t ~ ~ Q; ~ m:r ~
~~I \,
4. ff the Reviewing Officer is satisfied that the ~POrting Officer had made the report without due care and attention
he/ she shall record a remark to that effect in item 2 of Part V. The Government shall enter the remarks in the APARof
the Reporting Officer.
5. ~ 3<fc'I' Qu\01i'1.Ji<ll h;;rrv I ~
l'tf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ cti\<n<:IT ~ ~ 3<fc'I' <flt
3r4fern ~ ~J\nr ~ I ~r.¢Jl\{ ~ ~ ~ 'FIT;;rro- Jftt ~ 3Cf<'R" It<iit! ~!lffi" ~ l)i" $"{It <tit ~ tiT <)"
~iW I~ 3tk wmvr ~CllJ ~fcI;m~ I
5. Every answer shall be given in a narrative form except where numerical grading is to be·awarded. The space prOvided
indicates the desired length of the answer. Words and phrases should be chosen carefully and should accurately
reflect the intention of the officer recording the answer. Unambiguous and simple language may be used.
6. ftq)t ~crm ~, ~ 3®ctiTfi ~ ftqlt ~ ~ ~,~ CI1f Q;~ ~ lilt ~ ~ ~ ~ !lffi" l'i~ ~ I~
~ ~ fMd'dlci lilt $ ft!Iv ;;m tR;" ~ ~, ClT~ em; Q; ~<1 I i'I'CIT Q?; ~ Q; <lWl" CRt fcl;v ~
<Ilntrrw<f~, ~ ~OO~l'tf~~ Jftt~~~ I
6. \ The Reporting Officer shall, in the "beginning cifthe year, assign targets to each of the officers ·will report to whom he is
required to report upon for completion during the year. In the case of an officer taking up a new post in the course of
the reporting year, such targets/ goals shall be set at the time of assumption of the new change. The tasks/targets set
should clearly be known and understood by the both the officersconcerned.
7. ~ ~ ~ lilt ~ ~ ~ ~ 3l1-ctm t; 3Itl <If ~ ~ "1Ir.'rCI" ~ fcI41m <liT "Q<l'i ctiR<li iI<i lf1I\C'IT ~, JI(f;
7. "-
Although performance appraisal is a yeat-end exercise, in order that it may be a tool for human resource development;
the Reporting Officer should at regular intervals review the performance and take necessary corrective steps by way (If
advice etc.
8. ~ ll"""i41<141cfl <til ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fcl;v ~ ~ ~ $ <tiF4~CSQi~C'I, 3I"J<lTI1T, ~ m
~<flt 8fr~~m:<fR ~ <lit I
8. It should be the endeavour of each appraiser to present the truest possible picture of the appraisee in regard to his/her
performance, conduct, behaviour and potentiaL
9. ~~. ~ ~ ~ m"H 3fIVcI;rfr eli ",,~f.)lIQi~<1 Q;~~ ~ JIClffl" n<P (:r ~~ ~ I
9. Assessment should be confined to the appraisec' 5 performance during the period (If report only
10. Vcti t:r lcti Q;!f3 tR;" ~ 'lUl'-~ ~ ~ ~ I~ 8ft Q?; ~ ~ Ifij' ~ ~~ tIT ~ ~ ~ I $<I" ~ em
~$~ ~ ~lnllT;;{TC'IT
~ Jftt~tR~~~ftqqujtt81;;n<ft ~ I
10. Some post of the scune rank 'may be more exacting than others. The degree of stress and strains in any post may also
vary from time to time. These facts should be borne in"mind during appraiSal and should be commented upon
appropriately. '
"(<;96L-9-ll Pi1lVP(D)"lIs3-;BII>ll!i0N "W"O SJ!ul/v ~uloHfo /i.qS!,,!w)
IS961"9"n ~ C!hl"lI~:Hg/tr/lS"~ ~ ~ hIz ~ &J
"aAoql!(:J)pue (q ll! p;l1l!:J!PlI!~11 ua'll!l UO~Pl!J;)lJl!i)J<>41
pUll PO!Ja<il<l411nJ11 JOJp;llj:JII?M~ PtnoljS
pnpuo:> S,J;):J!HOa41 P"WJYUO:JlOUp;lll!ilp Jaljl!au aJ11suoprdsns 10 siqnop il41 'UO!PI1dn MOnOJ'''Il JO Hnscu e se Jl (p)
i ~ ~ ~~~ 1!l <W lJ,t£ (I!k)~!!Il! ~ lJ,t£ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ 1nlIW£ ~ ~ '~~ ~ ~ ~ l! lUf i ~~ 12~ 'Ml>iltlloUh ~ ~ ~ ~ In)
Ja:J!lJOa41 01 palqunWWO:J 4np pus paprooar :I<l0SIl! PlnOl{s Pill aljl 'PJUll!:luoo aJe suoprdsns JO Slqnop aljl JI (0)
I ~-,*1!1!~~~~ 'J,fhl1lt£~~~1Y2~l!l~~ '~~~~~~~ Ilt)
. "Iloda~ fl?puapyuo:) il4111!,(~u!pJo:Ol! apl!w Al:jua ue
pue pil!fflla:>aq ppioqs A!~IJalll!sp:J!JJo alII 'pilJ11ap ;ue suoprdsns 10 siqnop aljl uop:Je dn-MOnOj il41JO l[nSal e Sl! 'JI (q)
~!lti) ~ lUf ~ ~ 1!1! ~ ~ ~ ~ '~~ ~ 12~ MlHftllo\!b ~ ~ ~ '~ I&)
-aq hl?\ll ase:l a41 se 'la:>YjOa411sureIJe SIl!l{10u
('lealj seq al{ 1l!l{1JO luaw2pn! ilIMJap e UJJOj01 a~ luaPYJns 10} '1JOM S,la)!JJo i)41P"'l;lleM IOU selj "-q 111"l{1 la"l{l!a
illlltS p(no-qs la:>!lJO Sll!llod~ a41 'alou )3T.XlSa41 P10:laJ 01 JO ,Q!llJalll! ,HIl hJ!lla:l 01 li)ljl!a a(q}SSOdIOU Sf I! ,u<R{M
"h[snompadxa uil)jl!) S! uOIPe dn-No0llol a"l{lIl!ljI ;unsu" InM olIM Ji):J!lJo lopadns IXilUi)ljl 01 IJodaM reHuapguo:>
a41 41!M lalpi)llollua5 :I<l0S(l! p(noljs alOU alp JO '{do:>V "dn paMOf[OJ pUll? papJO:lal :I<lP[llo\(S "IOUlilT.XlS~l!Jedils V (ll)
lUfli.tiJ}z.b.l.f~ ~.¥JlI! ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 4ll:ili.!lg ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~t1.l!~ ~ ~
~ ~ J:& 1Q~ £.le!.lItn ~~ ~, ~ ~ ~ nua ~~ .!4!~~~ ~ .~-'* ~ ~ l,!I2
~~~~~.f\llU~@lY!il~~ I ~~~~!!Il!lUf ~~.p~illi..I.e.b!.lf.!lzil ~
:Japun SII?ua'lllt uOlpe pUll '1Ul!Jqt}iI(:I<lPlnoljs Will! illjl 'uoPldsns JOtqnop hUll SI;ual[~ JI M
: iill!: ~ ~ HItf.n'":tl;:llUf ~ ~ 2.tO ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ (n)
'pilms os aq hew H ;qnop PUOAiICJ Sl ,<lpSatll! s,.za::>gJoalii JI (I)
1iill!:~~'~{b~~~Jgz~~ (!)
-:41Jll'~1I! olllUJtl!laJ Uli)H illjt dn 211!n!J1I!pi)MO((OJaq Plnoljs illnpa:xud lJ1J!A\OIlO}
-: ~ .II:!lY2.1!1:Wll.!h lll!IW1 !?1ltl~1:':t1j .l.f~ ~ ~ ~ ~
·OlilZJO alO:>Se UilJl!1fi)q lJlM t MOlaq pilpelS SMVdV
I~ ~ ~.tilira ~.flb.ij ~ ~ ~~ ~~.!f.!h ~ V (lJl)
"~JOilJ<'OSe UilA!lJpue ,paoli, se palel aq J(!M 9 JO pOljs 9 pue" UilaMjilqpOlpeJSSMVdV
I~ ~~ s lUf~.ll!Ilt..whJ£, ~.flb.ij ~~ ~ ~!b~ 9 ~ ~ ~ V (II)
"f. JOalO:JSeuilA!lJilq InM pue ,pooS AJilA,Sl!paleJ aq IflM II JO tJoljs pue 9 uaaMj:l<lpopeJg SMVdV
~ ~ L lUf ~ ~ Jciu£~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!e ~ II 1It£ ~ ~ 9 (AI)
-UO!lOWOld/~uow(aUlldwillOJ saJOOSilllvaJle lJU!le(n:lle:>
JO ;)5()dmd a'll JOJ 6 JO ilJOOSe uilA!2 aq II!M pUll ,llll!pulltstnO, 5e pilleJ <Iq filM or pue II UiI3Mji)qpapeJll SMVdV
~ 1:UWI~ ~ ~ lUf ~ .leJIf ..LalInlW£, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.ztt n.ijt ~ O~ lUf 8 (!il)
'wa41 1ilpun Illl!'lJONohHuaJ.m:>:I<lAlruitelp SJilad JaL(/SlL(JOUO!ll!lndod Jalllel e ISll!elle
J<I:>Yloaljl illel Plnoljs sa1WOL(tneSlI!MillJlit!a"l{lllulPodaJ alp apelll (e:>pawnu e lllIHlJeMe Ul "wa41 .\wsnl 01
p;>au il4I i):>lJa'lpUl! sa:>ua=:>o ilJeJ aq 01 papad"a illl! 01-6 JO (:-1 JO $i)pl!J~ "Slu<lw-qsHdwo:>:l1!
:l!J!:>ads01 padsoJ
-qt"", paypsn! <lqPI"OM 01 10 6 JOapeJll hue 'A(JI![!UIJSpue saJnne) :>!;I!:lads}O ,(I1Mhq alnp,d-uild illjIlI! piI!J!lsnl
APllmrope aq PlnoM (ilpeUi n1!JOlAO JOSiltnqplle JO Indino '1'0M tSll!elle) Z JO 1 JOlJlI!peJS hue Il?I{IP"1:>ad"a S! I)
I ~ ~l;lili£ ~ ~ ~ l!IU!£ :~ '~.l.f ~ ~ S(i ~ O~·6 lJ,t£ ~ ~ l-~ I iill!: J..ttUi2 ~ .l.f,
~~~1IIl.~.Mt~ 'l!t!ztt!\!O~ ~61l.!hn~ r iill!:~~ ~M~.l.f~~~lthhut
~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ i.{I: ~ lImI£ J.nft .I.tllU£ ~ .Mt .MW 'l.!h ~ $III! f$ llUf ~ .!4l ~ ~ Jgz~
.ue ~ (n)
"ilW!lillenhilpl! lJU!lOAapJaije pue UO!lUilllepue aJ11:Janp L(I!MpallY aq PlnoL(s ~VcIV illjlll! suwnlo:> illU.
r ~~WC~lUfli~~ ~!Wlh~~!f~~ ..2Ib....~I':Jt/?~ (!)
SUWelll (e:>pilwnu"l{llM MVdV JOdn lJll!IT!:J
J~~~ ~ ¢\hlLlfh.\Ph ~~ ~~

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