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07 Cruz v. People

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[G.R. No.

121422 February 23, 1999] On October 27, 1994, petitioner filed with the Court of
Appeals a petition for certiorari  to annul the three (3)
orders, namely: the order admitting the prosecution's
NOEL CRUZ y DIGMA, petitioner,
formal offer of evidence; the order denying his demurrer
vs. to evidence; and the order denying petitioner's motion
for reconsideration, for being issued capriciously,
APPEALS and THE REGIONAL TRIAL COURT, arbitrarily and whimsically, in utter disregard of
BRANCH VI, MANILA, respondents.
controlling law and jurisprudence, and with grave abuse
of discretion, amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction.

PARDO, J.: On November 7, 1994, the Court of Appeals gave due

course to the petition and ordered the trial court to
The case before us is a petition for review of the temporarily refrain from further proceeding with the trial
decision of the Court of Appeals 1 denying for lack of of Criminal Case No. 90-85059.
merit the petition for certiorari  filed by the accused to
annul the following orders issued by the Regional Trial On August 8, 1995, the Court of Appeals rendered
Court. decision 9 denying the petition for lack of merit. The
Court of Appeals ruled that the assailed orders were
Manila 2 Criminal Case No. 90-85059, to wit: interlocutory in nature and not reviewable by certiorari.
Petitioner should wait until the trial court has decided
(a) The order dated January 18, 1993, made in open
the case on its merits and if aggrieved, appeal from his
court admitting the formal offer of evidence of the
conviction. The Court of Appeals held that the trial
court's order admitting the allegedly inadmissible
(b) The order dated December 20, 1993, denying the evidence involved questions of facts, which are not
petitioner's demurrer to evidence; reviewable in petitions for certiorari. There being no
error in jurisdiction, whatever error in judgment
(c) The order dated July 8, 1994, denying the committed by the trial court can not be corrected
petitioner's motion for reconsideration. by certiorari.
On June 19, 1990, police officers arrested petitioner Hence, this petition for review.
without warrant for illegal possession of a .38 caliber
revolver with six (6) rounds of ammunition while waiting Petitioner avers that the Court of Appeals erred in
outside the Manila Pavilion Hotel along U.N. Ave., upholding the trial court's order admitting in evidence
Manila. the gun and ammunition, which are allegedly
inadmissible for being the fruits of an illegal warrantless
On June 25, 1990, Assistant Prosecutor Tranquil P. arrest and search. He further claims that the
Salvador, Jr. filed with the Regional Trial Court, Manila, prosecution's evidence is insufficient to sustain a
an information 3 against the accused for violation of conviction. Petitioner contends that the questioned
Presidential Decree No. 1866 4 , the accusatory portion of orders, while admittedly interlocutory in nature, are no
which reads: longer subject to amendment or correction by the trial
That on or about June 19, 1990, in the City of Manila, court, hence, a review thereof is warranted to prevent
Philippines, the said accused did then and there willfully extreme prejudice to petitioner. Petitioner prays for a
and unlawfully have in his possession and under his temporary restraining order (TRO) to restrain the trial
custody and control one (1) firearm .38 cal. Colt revolver court from proceeding with the criminal case pending
bearing Serial Number 376420 with six (6) live this petition; a writ of preliminary injunction after the
ammunitions, without first having secured the necessary expiration of the TRO; and to reverse the questioned
license or permit therefor from the proper authorities. resolution of the Court of Appeals.

On June 26, 1990, before the arraignment of the We resolve to deny the petition.
accused, his parents, Timoteo and Ana Cruz, filed with We find no reversible error in the decision of the Court
the Regional Trial Court, Quezon City, a of Appeals dismissing the petition for certiorari. The
petition 5 for habeas corpus  in his behalf. Thereafter, the rulings of the trial court on procedural questions and on
accused was arraigned the Manila court and pleaded not admissibility of evidence during the course of a trial are
guilty to the charge. interlocutory in nature and may not be the subject of a
The trial court proceeded to try the case. After the separate appeal or review on certiorari, but may be
prosecution presented and formally offered its evidence, assigned as errors and reviewed in the appeal properly
the trial court issued an order 6 dated January 18, 1993, taken from the decision rendered by the trial court on
admitting in evidence the gun and ammunition seized the merits of the case.10 When the court has jurisdiction
from the accused, over his objections. After the over the case and person of the accused, any error in
prosecution had rested its case, petitioner, on motion the application of the law and the appreciation of
and upon leave of court, filed a demurrer to evidence. evidence committed by a court after it has acquired
On December 20, 1993, the trial court denied the jurisdiction over a case, may be corrected only by
demurrer, and ordered the accused to present his appeal. 11
evidence. 7 Instead, the petitioner filed a motion for Regarding the denial of the demurrer to evidence, we
reconsideration, which the trial court denied in an have likewise ruled that the question of whether the
order 8 dated July 8, 1994. evidence presented by the prosecution is sufficient to
convince the court that the defendant is guilty beyond 3 Rollo, p. 60.
reasonable doubt rests entirely within the sound
4 Illegal Possession of Firearm and Ammunition.
discretion of the trial court. The error, if any, in the
denial of the demurrer to evidence may be corrected 5 SP No. 90-5898, Court of Appeals Record, pp. 94-98;
only by appeal. The appellate court will not review in the records, however, do not indicate the ruling of the
such special civil action the prosecution's evidence and court on the petition.
decide in advance that such evidence has or has not
established the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable 6 Rollo, P·55.
doubt. The orderly procedure prescribed by the Revised
7 Rollo. p. 56.
Rules of Court is for the accused to present his
evidence, after which the trial court, on its own 8 Rollo, pp. 57-59.
assessment of the evidence submitted, will then properly
render its judgment of acquittal or conviction. 12 If 9 Rollo, pp. 47-54, penned by Justice Austria-Martinez.
judgment is rendered adversely against the accused, he 10 Peza v. Alikpala, 160 SCRA 31.
may appeal the judgment and raise the same defenses
and objections for review by the appellate court. 13 11 Day v. RTC of Zamboanga City, Br. XIII, 191 SCRA
Admittedly, the general rule that the extraordinary writ
of certiorari  is not available to challenge interlocutory 12 Cruz v. People, 144 SCRA 677.
orders of the trial court may be subject to exceptions.
13 Cruz, Jr. v. Court of Appeals, 194 SCRA 145.
When the assailed interlocutory orders are patently
erroneous 14 or issued grave abuse of discretion, 15 the 14 Salcedo-Ortañez v.·Court of Appeals, 235 SCRA 111.
remedy of the certiorari lies.
15 Villon, Jr. v. IAC, 144 SCRA 440.
Petitioner insists that he falls within the above
exceptions, warranting a review of the denial of his 16 Rule 120, Section 15, Revised Rules of Court.
petition for certiorari  filed with the Court of Appeals.
Petitioner stresses that he was illegally arrested, and
consequently any evidence taken after the subsequent
search on his person is inadmissible in evidence.
He .points to alleged inconsistencies in the testimonies
of the prosecution witnesses to show that he was
illegally arrested. He maintains that the evidence
presented is insufficient to sustain a conviction due to
the inconsistencies in the testimonies of witnesses. He
likewise claims that the prosecution has failed to
establish that the gun and ammunition presented during
the trial were the same items confiscated from him.

We disagree. The trial court, in resolving petitioner's

motion for reconsideration, squarely addressed the
above contentions. The trial court ruled that the seized
evidence was admissible, and that the evidence
presented was sufficient to sustain a conviction, if the
accused presented no contrary evidence.

We find neither error nor patent abuse of discretion in

the rulings of the trial court on these issues. Thus, upon
the denial of petitioner's demurrer to evidence, he may
present his evidence. 16 After trial on the merits, and the
court issues a verdict of conviction, petitioner may
seasonably appeal such decision, raising once again his
defenses and objections.

ACCORDINGLY, the Court hereby DENIES the petition.

We order the trial court to continue with the proceedings
in Criminal Case No. 90-85059, with deliberate dispatch.

No costs.


Davide, Jr., C.J., Melo, and Kapunan, JJ., concur.


1 CA-SP G.R No. 35586, promulgated on August 8,

1995, Rollo, pp.·47-54.

2 Presided over by Judge Roberto M. Lagman.

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