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Analysis of Microarray Gene Expression Data - M. Lee (Kluwer

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Analysis of Microarray Gene Expression Data

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Channing Laboratory
Department of Medicine
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts, USA


eBook ISBN: 1-4020-7788-2
Print ISBN: 0-7923-7087-2

©2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers

New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow

Print ©2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers


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List of Figures xiii

List of Tables xv

Preface xvii




2.1 The Molecules of Life 7

2.2 Genes 8

2.3 DNA 9

2.4 RNA 12

2.5 The Genetic Code 13

2.6 Proteins 14

2.7 Gene Expression and Microarrays 15

2.8 Complementary DNA (cDNA) 16

2.9 Nucleic Acid Hybridization 16


3.1 Transcriptional Profiling 20

3.1.1 Sequencing-based Transcriptional Profiling 20

3.1.2 Hybridization-based Transcriptional Profiling 22

3.2 Microarray Technological Platforms 23

3.3 Probe Selection and Synthesis 24

3.4 Array Manufacturing 30

3.5 Target Labeling 31

3.6 Hybridization 34

3.7 Scanning and Image Analysis 35


3.8 Microarray Data 36

3.8.1 Spotted Array Data 36

3.8.2 In-situ Oligonucleotide Array Data 37

3.9 So I Have My Microarray Data - What’s Next? 39

3.9.1 Confirming Microarray Results 39

3.9.2 Northern Blot Analysis 40

3.9.3 Reverse-transcription PCR and Quantitative

Real-time RT-PCR 40


4.1 Genetic Populations 45

4.2 Variability in Gene Expression Levels 47

4.2.1 Variability Due to Specimen Sampling 47

4.2.2 Variability Due to Cell Cycle Regulation 48

4.2.3 Experimental Variability 48

4.3 Test the Variability by Replication 50

4.3.1 Duplicated Spots 50

4.3.2 Multiple Arrays and Biological Replications 51


5.1 Pixel-by-pixel Analysis of Individual Spots 53

5.2 General Models for Background Noise 56

5.2.1 Additive Background Noise 57

5.2.2 Correction for Background Noise 58

5.2.3 Example: Replication Test Data Set 59

5.2.4 Noise Models for GeneChip Arrays 62

5.2.5 Elusive Nature of Background Noise 63


6.1 Data Transformations 67

6.1.1 Logarithmic Transformation 67

6.1.2 Square Root Transformation 68

6.1.3 Box-Cox Transformation Family 69

6.1.4 Affine Transformation 69

6.1.5 The Generalized-log Transformation 71

6.2 Data Normalization 72

6.2.1 Normalization Across G Genes 74

6.2.2 Example: Mouse Juvenile Cystic Kidney

Data Set 75

6.2.3 Normalization Across G Genes and N Samples 77

6.2.4 Color Effects and MA Plots 78

6.2.5 Normalization Based on LOWESS Function 80

6.2.6 Normalization Based on Rank-invariant

Genes 82

6.2.7 Normalization Based on a Sample Pool 82

Contents vii

6.2.8 Global Normalization Using ANOVA Models 82

6.2.9 Other Normalization Issues 83


7.1 Missing Values in Array Data 85

7.1.1 Sources of Problem 85

7.2 Statistical Classification of Missing Data 86

7.3 Missing Values in Replicated Designs 88

7.4 Imputation of Missing Values 89


8.1 Saturated Intensity Readings 93

8.2 Multiple Power-levels for Spotted Arrays 93

8.2.1 Imputing Saturated Intensity Readings 95

8.3 High Intensities in Oligonucleotide Arrays 97



9.1 Factors Involved in Experiments 103

9.2 Types of Design Structures 106

9.3 Common Practice in Microarray Studies 112

9.3.1 Reference Design 112

9.3.2 Time-course Experiment 114

9.3.3 Color Reversal 115

9.3.4 Loop Design 116

9.3.5 Example: Time-course Loop Design 117


10.1 A Basic Log-linear Model 121

10.2 ANOVA With Multiple Factors 123

10.2.1 Main Effects 123

10.2.2 Interaction Effects 123

10.3 A Generic Fixed-Effects ANOVA Model 124

10.3.1 Estimation for Interaction Effects 126

10.4 Two-stage Estimation Procedures 126

10.4.1 Example 128

10.5 Identifying Differentially Expressed Genes 130

10.5.1 Standard MSE-based Approach 130

10.5.2 Other Approaches 132

10.5.3 Modified MSE-based Approach 132

10.6 Mixed-effects Models 135

10.7 ANOVA for Split-plot Design 136


10.8 Log Intensity Versus Log Ratio 138


11.1 Hypothesis Testing for Any Individual Gene 143

11.2 Multiple Testing for the Entire Gene Set 144

11.2.1 Framework for Multiple Testing 144

11.2.2 Test Statistic for Each Gene 145

11.2.3 Two Error Control Criteria in Multiple

Testing 146

11.2.4 Implementation Algorithms 147

11.2.5 Example of Multiple Testing Algorithms 152

11.2.6 Concluding Remarks 153


12.1 Basic Concepts 157

12.2 Permutation Tests in Microarray Studies 160

12.2.1 Exchangeability in Microarray Designs 160

12.2.2 Limitation of Having Few Permutations 162

12.2.3 Pooling Test Results Across Genes 162

12.3 Lipopolysaccharide-E.coli Data Set 163

12.3.1 Statistical Model 164

12.3.2 Permutation Testing and Results 166


13.1 Mixture Model for Gene Expression 171

13.1.1 Variations on the Mixture Model 173

13.1.2 Example of Gamma Models 175

13.2 Mixture Model for Differential Expression 176

13.2.1 Mixture Model for Color Ratio Data 176

13.2.2 Relation of Mixture Model to ANOVA Model 180

13.2.3 Bayes Interpretation of Mixture Model 182

13.3 Empirical Bayes Methods 183

13.3.1 Example of Empirical Bayes Fitting 184

13.4 Hierarchical Bayes Models 187

13.4.1 Example of Hierarchical Modeling 189


14.1 Test Hypotheses in Microarray Studies 194

14.2 Distributions of Estimated Differential Expression 196

14.3 Summary Measures of Estimated Differential Expression 196

14.4 Multiple Testing Framework 197

14.5 Dependencies of Estimation Errors 199

14.6 Familywise Type I Error Control 200

14.6.1 Type I Error Control: the Šidák Approach 201

Contents ix

14.6.2 Type I Error Control: the Bonferroni Approach 203

14.7 Familywise Type II Error Control 204

14.7.1 Type II Error Control: the Šidák Approach 206

14.7.2 Type II Error Control: the Bonferroni

Approach 206

14.8 Contrast of Planning and Implementation in Multiple

Testing 207

14.9 Power Calculations for Different Summary Measures 208

14.9.1 Designs with Linear Summary Measure 208

14.9.2 Numerical Example for Linear Summary 210

14.9.3 Designs with Quadratic Summary Measure 211

14.9.4 Numerical Example for Quadratic Summary 213

14.10 A Bayesian Perspective on Power and Sample Size 214

14.10.1 Connection to Local Discovery Rates 215

14.10.2 Representative Local True Discovery Rate 215

14.10.3 Numerical Example for TDR and FDR 216

14.11 Applications to Standard Designs 216

14.11.1 Treatment-control Designs 217

14.11.2 Sample Size for a Treatment-control Design 218

14.11.3 Multiple-treatment Designs 221

14.11.4 Power Table for a Multiple-treatment Design 224

14.11.5 Time-course and Similar Multiple-treatment

Designs 227

14.12 Relation Between Power, Replication and Design 228

14.12.1 Effects of Replication 228

14.12.2 Controlling Sources of Variability 229

14.13 Assessing Power from Microarray Pilot Studies 230

14.13.1 Example 1: Juvenile Cystic Kidney Disease 230

14.13.2 Example 2: Opioid Dependence 231



15.1 Distance and Similarity Measures 238

15.2 Distance Measures 239

15.2.1 Properties of Distance Measures 239

15.2.2 Minkowski Distance Measures 240

15.2.3 Mahalanobis Distance 241

15.3 Similarity Measures 241

15.3.1 Inner Product 241

15.3.2 Pearson Correlation Coefficient 242

15.3.3 Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient 243

15.4 Inter-cluster Distance 243


15.4.1 Mahalanobis Inter-cluster Distance 244

15.4.2 Neighbor-based Inter-cluster Distance 244

15.5 Hierarchical Clustering 244

15.5.1 Single Linkage Method 245

15.5.2 Complete Linkage Method 245

15.5.3 Average Linkage Clustering 245

15.5.4 Centroid Linkage Method 246

15.5.5 Median Linkage Clustering 246

15.5.6 Ward’s Clustering Method 246

15.5.7 Applications 246

15.5.8 Comparisons of Clustering Algorithms 247

15.6 K-means Clustering 247

15.7 Bayesian Cluster Analysis 248

15.8 Two-way Clustering Methods 248

15.9 Reliability of Clustering Patterns for Microarray Data 249



16.1 Principal Component Analysis 251

16.1.1 Applications of Dominant Principal Components 253

16.2 Singular-value Decomposition 254

16.3 Computational Procedures for SVD 255

16.4 Eigengenes and Eigenarrays 256

16.5 Fraction of Eigenexpression 256

16.6 Generalized Singular Value Decomposition 257

16.7 Robust Singular Value Decomposition 257


17.1 The Basic Logic of a SOM 261

17.2 The SOM Updating Algorithm 265

17.3 Program GENECLUSTER 267

17.4 Supervised SOM 268

17.5 Applications 268

17.5.1 Using SOM to Cluster Genes 268

17.5.2 Using SOM to Cluster Tumors 269

17.5.3 Multiclass Cancer Diagnosis 270

Contents xi


18.1 Fisher’s Linear Discriminant Analysis 278
18.2 Maximum Likelihood Discriminant Rules 279
18.3 Bayesian Classification 280
18.4 Neighbor Classifier 281
18.5 Neighborhood Analysis 282
18.6 A Gene-casting Weighted Voting Scheme 283
18.7 Example: Classification of Leukemia Samples 284
19.1 Single-layer Neural Network 288
19.1.1 Separating Hyperplanes 288
19.1.2 Class Labels 289
19.1.3 Decision Rules 290
19.1.4 Risk Functions 290
19.1.5 Gradient Descent Procedures 290
19.1.6 Rosenblatt’s Perceptron Method 291
19.2 General Structure of Multilayer Neural Networks 292
19.3 Training a Multilayer Neural Network 294
19.3.1 Sigmoid Functions 294
19.3.2 Mathematical Formulation 295
19.3.3 Training Algorithm 296
19.3.4 Discussion 298
19.4 Cancer Classification Using Neural Networks 298
20.1 Geometric Margins for Linearly Separable Groups 301
20.2 Convex Optimization in the Dual Space 305
20.3 Support Vectors 306
20.4 Linearly Nonseparable Groups 307
20.5 Nonlinear Separating Boundary 308
20.5.1 Kernel Functions 309
20.5.2 Kernels Defined by Symmetric Functions 309
20.5.3 Use of SVM for Classifying Genes 310
20.6 Examples 311
20.6.1 Functional Classification of Genes 311
20.6.2 SVM and One-versus-All Classification
Scheme 313
Appendices 317
Sample Size Table for Treatment-control Designs 318

Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs 327

Glossary of Notation 349

Author Index 367

Topic Index 373

List of Figures

2.1 The double-helix structure of DNA 11

2.2 RNA synthesized from DNA 13

3.1 Sequencing-based transcriptional profiling

and serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) 21

3.2 Three common microarray platforms 23

3.3 Spotted cDNA microarrays 26

3.4 Spotted oligonucleotide microarrays 27

3.5 In-situ oligonucleotide microarrays 28

3.6 Three commonly used labeling regimens 32

3.7 Northern blot assay 41

5.1 Methods for determining local background 54

5.2 Analysis of spot morphologies 55

5.3 Histogram of log-expression data 61

5.4 Scatter plot of expression intensities 62

6.1 MA plot 79

6.2 MA plot with color reversal 81

8.1 Plots of Cy3 foreground intensities 94

8.2 Plots with saturated values imputed 97

10.1 plot of statistics for all genes 134

12.1 Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM) 167

12.2 Tabulated output from SAM 168

13.1 Plot of fitted percentiles of the background noise 177

13.2 An overlay of the empirical distribution 188

14.1 Power calculation: non-central normal 210

14.2 Power calculation: non-central chi-square 213

17.1 The elements of a one-dimensional SOM 264

17.2 The updating of positions of reference vectors 267

17.3 SOM for hematopoetic diffentiation 269

17.4 Self-organizing maps and cluster analysis 272


19.1 A single-layer neural network 289

19.2 A multilayer neural network 293

20.1 Separating hyperplane 303

20.2 Maximal margin hyperplane 304

20.3 Slack amounts for linearly nonseparable groups 307

20.4 Mapping an input space into a higher-dimensional

feature space to achieve separability 308

20.5 Multiclass classification scheme 314

List of Tables

6.1 Experimental design for the JCK data 76

6.2 Geometric mean expression levels 77

6.3 Reversed-color design 80

7.1 Replicated experiment with missing values 88

8.1 Number of spots at each voltage 95

9.1 A half-replicate of a
design 106
9.2 The other half-replicate of a
design 106
9.3 An incomplete block design for 4 treatments 108

9.4 A balanced incomplete block for 3 treatments 108

9.5 A BIBD design for 4 treatments 109

9.6 A BIBD design for 5 treatments 109

9.7 A split-plot design with (a) two age groups,

(b) two genotypes and (c) two sexes

on each two-color array block. 110

9.8 Nested design for samples from two patients 111

9.9 Reference design for 3 treatments 113

9.10 Augumented reference design for 3 treatments 114

9.11 Time-course design 115

9.12 Reference design with color reversal 116

9.13 A loop design for 4 treatments with color reversal 117

9.14 Replicated time-course loop design 118

10.1 First-stage ANOVA residuals for gene 129

10.2 Second-stage ANOVA table for gene

11.1 Multiple testing framework 144

11.2 List of differentially expressed genes 152

12.1 Simple demonstration of a permutation test 160

12.2 Design for the LPS-E.coli study 164

12.3 Data layout for the SAM analysis 166


13.1 Parameter estimates for the Weibull-normal

mixture model 186

13.2 Genes with posterior probabilities exceed­

ing 0.99 187

13.3 An adaptation of a hierarchical Bayes model 190

14.1 Multiple testing framework 198

14.2 ANOVA tables for comparing two conditions 219

14.3 Sample size table for treatment-control designs 219

14.4 ANOVA tables for multiple treatments 223

14.5 Power table for multiple-treatment designs 225

14.6 Experimental design for the JCK data 231

14.7 A study of opioid dependence in mice 232


I thank Jeff Sklar and his former research team at the Brigham and
Women’s Hospital for introducing me to microarray technology in 1999.
At that time, statistical methodology for analyzing microarray data was
a new research field that needed much development and published re­
ports in the literature were sparse. It took me several weeks at Frank
Kuo’s laboratory observing the procedures and details before I began
to understand how gene expression is measured in microarray experi­
ments. During the past few years, statistical models and methods for
microarray data have been studied by many investigators. There is still,
however, much room for improvement. Hence I thought it might be a
useful contribution if I published a synthesis of what I have learned.
I thank David Beier, Mason Freeman, Cynthia Morton, and Rus
Yukhananov for providing datasets for illustrations in the book. I thank
Harry Björkbacka for contributing the chapter on microarray technolo­
gies and for providing insightful comments for the chapter on DNA,
proteins, and gene expression. I thank Ming-Hui Chen, Frank Kuo,
Weining Lu, and Pi-Wen Tsai for providing helpful comments on draft
chapters of this book. I am especially grateful to Alex Whitmore for
his many constructive comments, contributions, encouragement, and his
tireless efforts in reading preliminary drafts. I thank Paul Guttry, Jay­
lyn Olivo, and Nancy Voynow of the Editorial Office at Brigham and
Women’s Hospital for proofreading the manuscript. Some errors might
remain in the book, but their number would be greater without the help
I have received. In order to write this book, I have worked in my office
during every weekend and holidays for the past three years. I thank
my family for their understanding. This project is supported in part by
National Institutes of Health grants CA89756, HG02510 and HL72358.
Thanksgiving in Boston, 2003
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This book is dedicated

to my parents.
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Chapter 1


After genome sequencing, microarray technology has emerged as a

widely used platform for genomic studies in the life sciences. DNA mi­
croarrays have orderly arrangements of nucleic acid spots at high den­
sity. Many research studies have demonstrated the general usefulness of
genome probing using microarrays. While genomics aims to give biol­
ogists an inventory of all genes used to assemble life forms, microarray
technology provides high-throughput measurements in molecular biol­
ogy, yields information for the reconstruction of complex gene control
networks, and offers a panoramic view of the consequences of controlling
gene transcriptions.

Microrray technology provides a systematic way to survey deoxyri­

bonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) variation. DNA mi­
croarray chips have revolutionized genetic research in the same way that
silicone chips revolutionized the computer industry and applications1.
Microarray technologies allow the transcription levels of thousands of
genes to be measured simultaneously. Understanding biological systems
with thousands of genes will require organizing similar parts by their
properties. Methods to group genes with similar expression patterns
have proved useful in identifying genes that contribute to common func­
tions or genes that are likely to be co-regulated2. The hypothesis that
many human diseases may be accompanied by specific changes in gene
expression has generated much interest in gene expression monitoring
at the genome level using arrays. Microarray gene expression studies
open up fresh avenues of cancer class discovery and class prediction3.
Microarrays can be used in the determination of prognosis in histologi­
cally similar tumors with variable tendency to recur or spread and in the

classification of tumors of uncertain histotype or tissue origin. Large-

scale gene expression analysis can also increase the depth of diagnostic
and drug-effect profiling. By comparing gene expression in normal and
abnormal cells, microarrays can accelerate the discovery of key biologi­
cal processes for therapeutic targeting. Gene-expression profiling using
microarrays permits a simultaneous analysis of multiple markers4. Mi­
croarrays can be used to screen for polymorphisms within the population
that may protect against or predispose to disease5. High-throughput
microarrays can be used as a screen for early detection of disseminated
tumor cells in peripheral blood6. DNA microarrays have been used to
identify two classes of familial BRCAx breast cancers that differ in their
expression of a large number of genes7. Arrays have also been used
in comparing expression profiles of chronic lymphocytic leukemia speci­
mens with and without immunoglobulin gene mutations8, among many
other applications.
While simultaneous measurement of thousands of gene expression lev­
els provides a potential source of profound knowledge, success of the
microarray technology depends on the precision of the measurements
and on the integration of computational tools for data mining, visual­
ization, and statistical modeling. With this technology, the expression
of thousands of genes are measured in parallel, and the data obtained
from image analysis are inherently noisy. In Chapter 4 we show that
there are many sources of variation in microarray experiments. To ob­
tain reliable gene expression data, experimental procedures need to be
rigorously controlled to minimize noise and extraneous variation. Inter­
nal controls are needed on the arrays to allow for possible errors such as
imperfect hybridization and repetitive sequences.
With the abundance of data produced from microarray studies, Lan­
der (1996) pointed out that the greatest challenge is analytical. The
impact of microarray technology on biology will depend heavily on data
mining and statistical analysis. A sophisticated data-mining and analyt­
ical tool is needed to correlate all of the data obtained from the arrays,
to group them in a meaningful way, and to perform statistical analysis
in order to investigate hypotheses of interest. Experimental design and
statistical methods provide powerful analytical tools to biologists for the
study of living systems. Through statistical analysis and the graphical
display of clustering and classification results, microarray experiments
allow biologists to assimilate and explore the data in a natural and in­
tuitive manner.
The challenge to statisticians is the nature of the microarray data.
Instead of having large numbers of sample observations for a few vari­
Introduction 5

ables, microarray data usually involve thousands of gene variables but

few specimen samples. Microarray experiments raise numerous statisti­
cal and computational questions in diverse areas such as image process­
ing, cluster analysis, machine learning, discriminant analysis, principal
component analysis, multidimensional scaling, analysis of variance mod­
els, random effects models, multiplicative models, multiple testing, mod­
els with measurement errors, models to handle missing values, mixture
models, Bayesian methods, and sample size and power determination.
The analysis of microarray data is a research field that is evolving.
The contribution of this book is to provide general readers with an inte­
grated presentation of various topics on analyzing microarray data. With
the modest aim of providing an introduction to microarray technology
and exploring different analytical methods that have been considered,
the book is organized into four parts. We begin in Part I by providing
the needed background knowledge about array technology. In order to
familiarize readers with the necessary genetic terminology, basic genetic
concepts are briefly reviewed in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, we introduce
different types of microarray platforms and review the basic procedures
involved in microarray experiments. Array data measured from differ­
ent platforms are discussed in Chapter 3. Important problems involving
array data variation, background correction, and normalization are dis­
cussed in Chapters 4 to 6. The main focus of this book begins with Part
II, where we provide a systematic presentation of statistical issues and
methods for analyzing microarray gene expression data. We give a basic
description of different types of experimental designs and discuss the ad­
vantages and disadvantages of some common designs used in microarray
studies. The methods of analysis of variance for fixed effects and random
effects models are presented in Chapter 10. Because of the large number
of genes involved, the issue of multiple testing discussed in Chapter 11
should not be ignored in analyzing array data. The useful technique of
permutation tests is considered in Chapter 12. Bayesian methods for
analyzing array data are explored in Chapter 13. We present power and
sample size considerations for microarray studies in Chapter 14. Related
research topics not described in this book that require further investi­
gation are also mentioned. Although clustering methods were used in
analyzing array data in earlier literature, we present clustering methods
after statistical methods, in part because clustering using model-based
normalization might provide more accurate results. Various unsuper­
vised learning methods are discussed in Part III. In Part IV we consider
supervised learning methods.

Lander, E.S. (1996). Science, 274, 536-539.
2 Spellman, P.T., Sherlock, G., Zhang, M.Q., Iyer, V.R., Anders, K., Eisen, M.B., Brown,
P.O., Botstein, D. and Futcher, B. (1998). Molecular Biology of the Cell, 9, 3273-329.
3 Golub, T.R., Slonim, D.K., Tamayo, P., et al. (1999). Science, 286, 531-537.
4 Welsh, J.B., Zarrinkar, P.P., Sapinoso, L.M., et al. (2001). Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, USA, 98, 1176-1181.
5 Harcia, J.G. (1999). Nature Genetics, 21, 42-47.
6 Martin, K.J., Graner, E., Li, Y., Price, L.M., Kritzman, B.M., Fournier, M.V., Rhei, E.,
and Pardee, A.B. (2001). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 98,
7 Hedenfalk, I., Ringner, M., Ben-Dor, A., Yakhini, Z., Chen, Y., Chebil, G., Ach, R.,
Loman, N., Olsson, H., Meltzer, P., Borg, A., Trent, J. (2003). Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, USA, 100, 2532-2537.
8 Rosenwald, A., Alizadeh, A.A., Widhopf, G., et al. (2001) Journal of Experimental Medi­
cine, 194, 1639-1648.
Chapter 2



This chapter provides a basic understanding of the background of

microarray experiments for readers who are not familiar with molecu­
lar biology. Further reading is encouraged, as an understanding of the
underlying biology is required to make correct decisions in statistical
analysis. For a more detailed description of genes and genetic analysis,
see Lewin1(2000), Cooper2 (2000), Griffiths et al.3 (1999), Lehninger et
al.4 (2000), Griffiths et al.5 (2000), Alberts et al.6 (2002), and Dale and
Schantz7 (2002). Readers with a good knowledge of biology are advised
to skip directly to Chapter 3 on Microarray Technologies or Chapter 4
on Inherent Variability in Microarray Data.

2.1. The Molecules of Life

A cell is the minimal unit of life. There are a multitude of specific
chemical transformations that not only provide the energy needed by
a cell, but also coordinate all of the events and activities within that
cell. The life process involves a wide array of molecules ranging from
water to small organic compounds (e.g., fatty acids and sugars), and
macromolecules (DNA, proteins, and polysaccharides) that define the
structure of the cells. Macromolecules control and govern most of the
activities of life. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules store informa­
tion about the structure of macromolecules, allowing them to be made
precisely according to cells’ specifications and needs.
DNA is a very stable molecule that forms the “blueprint” of an or­
ganism. The DNA structure encodes information as a sequence of chem­
ically linked molecules that can be read by the cellular machinery and
guides the construction of the linear arrangements of protein building

blocks, which eventually fold to form functional proteins. Molecular

biology deals with how information is stored and converted to all the
components and interactions that make up a living organism. Each cell
contains a complete copy of its genetic material in the form of DNA
molecules. The DNA can be copied and passed on to the cell’s progeny
through a mechanism called replication. The genetic information can
also be copied as a transportable “working copy” composed of ribonu­
cleic acid (RNA) molecules, which are closely related to DNA. This
process is called transcription. The RNA is transferred to a machinery
that synthesizes protein molecules based on the information carried by
the RNA. This process is called translation. The process sequence is
illustrated by the following chart.

What has just been described is the central dogma of molecular biol­
ogy that formulates how information is stored and converted to all the
components and interactions that build up a living organism.
Proteins are the most functionally versatile of the life molecules. Being
the “work horses” or “machines” of a cell, proteins catalyze an extraor­
dinarily wide variety of chemical reactions and also serve as the building
blocks of cellular structures. They are the building blocks of muscles,
skin, and hair, as well as the enzymes that catalyze and control all
chemical reactions in an organism, ranging from food digestion to nerve
impulses and the components that are responsible for DNA replication,
transcription, and translation.
In the following sections we will discuss the building blocks and the
higher-order structure of the macromolecules of life.

2.2. Genes
Genes are the units of the DNA sequence that control the identifiable
hereditary traits of an organism. A gene can be defined as a segment of
DNA that specifies a functional RNA. The total set of genes carried by an
individual or a cell is called its genome. The genome defines the genetic
construction of an organism or cell, or the genotype. The phenotype,
on the other hand, is the total set of characteristics displayed by an
organism under a particular set of environmental factors. The outward
appearance of an organism (phenotype) may or may not directly reflect
the genes that are present (genotype). Today the complete genome
sequences of several species are known, including several bacteria, yeasts,
DNA, RNA, Proteins, and Gene Expression 9

and humans. With microarray technology we can study the expression of

all the genes in an organism simultaneously. Such genome-wide studies
will help to uncover and decipher cellular processes from a completely
new perspective.

2.3. DNA
Except for some viruses, the genetic material of all known organisms
consists of one or more long molecules of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).
The chemical components of the DNA molecule dictate the inherent
properties of a species. DNA is made up of chains of chemical build­
ing blocks called nucleotides. Each nucleotide consists of a phosphate
group, a deoxyribose sugar molecule, and one of four different nitroge­
nous bases usually referred to by their initial letters: guanine (G), cyto­
sine (C), adenine (A), or thymine (T). Genetic information is encoded
in DNA by the sequence of these nucleotides. The information stored
in the sequence of nucleotides in terms of the four nitrogenous bases is
analogous to a long word in a four-letter alphabet.
The carbons in the deoxyribose sugar group of a nucleotide are as­
signed numbers followed by a prime symbol etc.). In DNA, the
nucleotides are connected to each other via a link of the hydroxyl phos­
phate group of one pentose ring of the deoxyribose sugar to the OH
group of the next pentose ring. The chemical connections between the
repeating sugar and phosphate groups are called phosphodiester bonds.
With one end and the other end, each chain is said to have polarity.
It is conventional to write nucleic acid sequences in the direc­
tion. DNA forms a double helix of two intertwined chains (strands) of
nucleotides. The two polynucleotide chains run in opposite directions;
that is, one strand runs in the direction, while the other strand
runs in the direction.
It was proposed in the now classic manuscript by Watson and Crick8 in
1953 that the two nucleotide chains are held together by hydrogen bonds
that form between the nitrogenous bases. The polarity of the double
helix requires specific hydrogen bonding between the bases so that they
fit together. Guanine preferentially hydrogen-bonds with cytosine, and
adenine can bond preferentially with thymine. That is, G pairs only
with C, and A pairs only with T. These matching base pairs are referred
to as complementary. For example, a short segment with ten nucleotides
might be of the form

The specific base pairing of DNA is the mechanism by which encoded

information can be transferred from generation to generation with very
little alteration. When the DNA is copied by the processes of replication
and transcription, the double helical structure of the DNA is opened
up and a copy is made based on the specificity of the base pairing.
Nucleotides are rejected if they do not have the correct base pairing
(i.e., are unmatched). Even though these copying mechanisms proceed
with high fidelity, mistakes are sometimes made through the insertion of
a non-matching nucleotide, thus creating a mutation. Random mutation
is one of the foundations for evolution, since it can introduce variations
in the genetic code over time.
The genome of an organism is made up of one or more long molecules
of DNA that are organized into chromosomes. A chromosome consists
of an uninterrupted length of double-stranded DNA that contains many
genes. For most bacteria and fungi, the cells contain only one copy of
the genetic material, and these organisms are called haploid. In higher
organisms, two copies of each chromosome and its component genes are
present; these organisms are called diploid. Human cells contain two sets
of 23 chromosomes, for a total of 46. During reproduction 23 chromo­
somes from the father and 23 from the mother are combined and mixed
to make a new set of 46 chromosomes in the progeny. The chromosome
pairs in the diploid cells may not be identical and may contain variants
of the same gene. The variations have been created by random mutation
over time. A mutation consists of a change in the sequence of base pairs
(bp) in DNA. A mutation in a coding sequence may change the sequence
of amino acids in the protein. Gene variants like this that occupy the
same position or locus on a chromosome are called alleles. A gene may
have multiple alleles. This mixing of gene variants explains how traits
like eye color can be inherited from either the mother or the father. Two
chromosomes with the same gene components are said to be homologous.
The unit of replication is the chromosome. When a cell divides, all the
chromosomes are replicated. When a chromosome is replicated, all its
genes are replicated. In addition to containing information about a pro­
tein component or function, genes also contain regulatory elements that
determine when and where the gene in question needs to be transcribed
and translated.
DNA, RNA, Proteins, and Gene Expression

2.4. RNA
As was introduced in section 2.1, the core biochemical flow of genetic
information can be summarized as the process of RNA synthesis (tran­
scription) and the process of protein synthesis (translation). The first
step in making a protein is to copy, or transcribe, the information en­
coded in the DNA of the genes into a single-stranded molecule called
ribonucleic acid (RNA). Since this process is similar to the process of
copying written words, the synthesis of RNA from DNA is called tran­
scription. The DNA is said to be transcribed into RNA, and the RNA
is called a transcript. The nucleotides of RNA contain the sugar ribose,
while the nucleotides of DNA contain deoxyribose that has one more
oxygen. Furthermore, instead of thymine, RNA contains uracil (U), a
base that has hydrogen-bonding properties identical to those of thymine.
Hence the RNA bases are G, C, A, and U. RNA is less stable than DNA.
RNA synthesis requires the RNA polymerase enzyme complex that binds
to a specific sequence at one end of a gene (the promoter) and separates
the two strands of DNA. It moves along the gene, maintaining the sep­
arated strand “bubble”, and uses only one of the separated strands as
a template, synthesizing an ever-growing tail of polymerized nucleotides
that eventually becomes the full-length transcript. Hence, RNA is a
single-stranded nucleotide chain, not a double helix. Since RNA is al­
ways synthesized in the direction, the addition of ribonucleotides
by RNA polymerase is at the end of the growing chain.
There are two general classes of RNAs. Those that take part in the
process of decoding genes into proteins are referred to as “ informational
RNAs” called messenger RNA (mRNA). In the other class, the RNA
itself is the final functional product. These RNAs are referred to as
“functional RNAs”. Functional RNAs are the transfer RNAs (tRNA)
and the ribosomal RNA (rRNA), which are both part of the intricate
protein synthesis machinery that translates the informational mRNA
into protein.
Figure 2.2 shows that the sequence of messenger RNA is complemen­
tary to the sequence of the bottom strand of DNA and is identical to
the top strand of DNA, except for the replacement of T with U. A mes­
senger RNA includes a sequence of nucleotides that corresponds to the
sequence of amino acids in the protein. This part of the nucleic acid is
called the coding region. Because mRNA is an exact copy of the DNA
coding regions, mRNA analysis can be used to identify polymorphisms
in coding regions of DNA. A polymorphism is a DNA region for which
nucleotide sequence variants exist in a population of organisms. Such
variations can sometimes explain the occurrence of a disease or enzyme
DNA, RNA, Proteins, and Gene Expression 13

deficiency within a population. Hence, a considerable effort has been

put into trying to identify such variations. Microarray technology can be
used both in the identification of polymorphisms and in the diagnosis of
polymorphism-related disease. Organisms whose cells have a membrane-
bound nucleus are called eukaryotes. For example, animals and plants
are eukaryotes. In eukaryotic cells, the initial pre-mRNA transcription
product can be many times longer than needed for translation into pro­
tein. At the end of a eukaryotic gene, there is a regulatory region to
which various proteins bind, causing the gene to be transcribed at the
right time and in the right amount. A region at the end of the gene
contains a sequence encoding the termination of transcription. In the
genes of many eukaryotes, the protein-encoding sequence is interrupted
by varying numbers of segments called introns. The coding sequence
segments interrupted by the introns are called exons. Introns are re­
moved in the splicing process to generate the final mature mRNA ready
to be translated by the protein synthesis machinery.

2.5. The Genetic Code

The sequence of nucleotides in DNA is important not because of its
structure, but because it codes for the sequence of amino acids that
dictate the structure of a protein with a defined function, be it struc­
tural or catalytic. The relationship between a sequence of DNA and the
sequence of the corresponding protein is called the genetic code. The
genetic code is read in groups of three nucleotides, or codons, each of
which represents one amino acid. Because each position in the three­

nucleotide codon could be one of the four bases A, C, G, and T, there

are a total of 4 × 4 × 4 = 64 possible different codons, each representing
an amino acid or a signal to terminate translation. As there are only
20 common amino acids, several different codons can code for the same
amino acid (the genetic code is said to be degenerate due to this many-
to-one relationship). Since the genetic code is read in non-overlapping
triplets, there are three possible ways of translating any nucleotide se­
quence into a protein, depending on the starting point. These are called
reading frames. A reading frame that starts with a special initiation
codon (AUG-methionine) and extends through a series of codons rep­
resenting amino acids until it ends at one of three termination codons
(UAA, UAG, UGA) can potentially be translated into a protein and is
called an open reading frame (ORF). A long open reading frame is un­
likely to exist by chance. The identification of a lengthy open reading
frame is strong evidence that the sequence is translated into protein in
that frame. An open reading frame for which no protein product has
been identified is sometimes called an unidentified reading frame (URF).

2.6. Proteins
The primary structure of a protein is a linear chain of building blocks
called amino acids. There are 20 amino acids that commonly occur in
proteins. These amino acids are linked together by covalent bonds called
peptide bonds. A peptide bond is formed through a condensation reaction
during which one water molecule is removed. Because of the manner in
which the peptide bond forms, a polypeptide chain always has an amino
end and a carboxyl (COOH) end. This primary chain is coiled
and folded to form a functional protein. Proteins are the most important
determinants of the properties of the cells and organisms. The biological
role of most genes is to encode, or carry, information for the composition
of proteins. This composition, together with the timing and amount of
each protein produced, determines the structure and physiology of an
organism, i.e., the phenotype.
Because the process of reading the mRNA sequence and converting it
into an amino acid sequence is like converting one language into another,
the process of protein synthesis is called translation. The four-letter
alphabet of the genes is translated into the 20-amino-acid alphabet of
proteins in ribosomes. Ribosomcs are big complexes of several proteins
and ribosomal RNA (rRNA). The rRNA functions to guide mRNA into
a correct starting position by binding to special sequences present in
the beginning of all mRNAs. The translation of the genetic code into a
DNA, RNA, Proteins, and Gene Expression 15

protein is achieved with the help of transfer RNAs (tRNAs). The tRNAs
contain a trinucleotide sequence complementary to the codon called the
anticodon. Each species of tRNA molecules is charged with a specific
amino acid in an enzymatic reaction, hence coupling a certain amino
acid to a certain anticodon nucleotide triplet on the tRNA molecule.
In essence, the translation of the DNA code to protein amino acids is
done in this enzymatic coupling step. The ribosome subsequently aligns
the mRNA codon with the matching tRNA anticodon, and if the base
pairing matches, the amino acid carried by the tRNA is attached to
the growing chain of amino acids to form a polypeptide chain. Hence,
the specific base pairing of the nucleotides once again ensures that the
correct information is transferred. When the ribosome reaches a stop
codon, it releases the polypeptide chain, which then folds into the defined
three-dimensional structure of a protein. Proteins must often undergo
post-translational modifications to become active. These modifications
can, for instance, be cleavages of the polypeptide chain at predefined
sites or binding of additional molecules like lipids. sugars, or co-factors
that assist in catalysis of chemical reactions.

2.7. Gene Expression and Microarrays

Gene expression is the process by which mRNA, and eventually pro­
tein, is synthesized from the DNA template of each gene. The first stage
of this process is transcription, when an RNA copy of one strand of the
DNA is produced. In eukaryotes it is followed by RNA splicing, during
which the introns are cut out of the primary transcript and a mature
mRNA is made. As part of the maturation process, a tail of adenine
nucleotides is added to the end of the mRNA. This poly A tail can
vary greatly in length and is believed to stabilize the mRNA molecule.
Transcription and splicing of RNA occur in the nucleus. The next stage
of gene expression is the translation of the mRNA into protein. This
occurs in the cytoplasm. In the process of gene expression. RNA pro­
vides not only the essential substrate (mRNA) but also components of
the protein synthesis apparatus (tRNA, rRNA).
Some protein-encoding genes are transcribed more or less constantly;
they are sometimes called housekeeping genes and are always needed for
basic reactions. Other genes may be rendered unreadable or, to suit
the functions of the organism, readable only at particular moments and
under particular external conditions. The signal that masks or unmasks
a gene may come from outside the cell; for example, from a nutrient or
a hormone. Special regulatory sequences in the DNA dictate whether a
gene will respond to the signals, and they in turn affect the transcription

of the protein-encoding gene. Understanding which genes are expressed

under which condition gives invaluable information about the biological
processes in the cell. The power of microarray technology lies in its
ability to measure the expression of thousands of genes simultaneously.

2.8. Complementary DNA (cDNA)

Complementary DNA (cDNA) is used in recombinant DNA technol­
ogy. cDNA is complementary to a given mRNA and is usually made by
the enzyme reverse transcriptase, first discovered in retroviruses. Re­
verse transcription allows a mature mRNA to be retrieved as cDNA
without the interruption of non-coding introns. The coexistence of
mRNA and cDNA establishes the general principle that information in
the form of either type of nucleic acid sequence can be converted into
the other type. In microarray technology the process of reverse tran­
scription is frequently used to incorporate fluorescent dyes into cDNA
complementary to the mRNA transcripts.

2.9. Nucleic Acid Hybridization

The specific base pairing of nucleic acids is the foundation of mi­
croarray technology. The specific pairing of an artificial DNA sequence
probe with its biological counterpart allows for exact identification of
the sought-after unique sequence or gene.
Because of the base-pairing arrangments, the two strands of DNA can
separate and re-form very quickly under physiological conditions that
disrupt the hydrogen bonds between the bases but are much too mild to
pose any threat to the covalent bonds in the backbone of the DNA. The
process of strand separation is called denaturation or melting. Because of
the complementarity of the base pairs, the two separated complementary
strands can be re-formed into a double helix (the two strands are then
said to be annealed). This process is called renaturation. The technique
of renaturation can be extended to allow any two complementary nucleic
acid sequences to anneal with each other to form a duplex structure.
Hybridization is the biochemical method on which DNA microarray
technology is based. Nucleic acid sequences can be compared in terms
of complementarity that is determined by the rules for base pairing. In
DNA, RNA, Proteins, and Gene Expression 17

a perfect duplex of DNA, the strands are precisely complementary. It is

possible to measure complementarity because the denaturation of DNA
is reversible under appropriate conditions. Detecting and identifying
nucleic acid (DNA, mRNA) with a labeled cDNA probe that is com­
plementary to it is an application of nucleic acid hybridization. DNA
microarrays utilize hybridization reactions between single-stranded fluo­
rescent dye-labeled nucleic acids to be interrogated and single-stranded
sequences immobilized on the chip surface. The next chapter will discuss
the microarray technology in detail.

Lewin, B. (2000). Genes, VII, Oxford University Press, New York.
2 Cooper, G.M. (2000). The Cell - A Molecular Approach, 2nd ed., Sinauer Associates Inc,
Sunderland, Massachusetts.
3 Griffiths, A.J.F., Gelbart, W.M., Miller, J.H., and Lewontin, R.C.. (1999). Modern Ge­
netic Analysis, Freeman, New York.
4 Lehninger, A.L., Nelson, D.L., and Cox, M.M. (2000) Principles of Biochemistry, Worth
Publishing, 3rd ed.
5 Griffiths, A.J.F., Miller, J.H., Suzuki, D.T., Lewontin, R.C., and Gelbart, W.M. (2000).
An Introduction for Genetic Analysis, Freeman, New York.
6 Alberts, B., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., Walter, P. (2002). Molecular
Biology of the Cell, Garland Publishing, 4th ed.
7 Dale, J.W. and von Schantz, M. (2002). From Genes to Genomes: Concepts and Appli­
cations of DNA Technology. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd, England.
8 Watson, J.D., and Crick, F.H.C. (1953). Nature, 171, 737-738.
Chapter 3


This chapter is contributed by Harry Björkbacka, Ph.D.

Lipid Metabolism Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston

Microarray technology allows measurement of the levels of thousands

of different RNA molecules at a given point in the life of an organism,
tissue, or cell. Comparisons of the levels of RNA molecules can be used
to decipher the thousands of processes going on simultaneously in living
organisms. Also, comparing healthy and diseased cells can yield vital in­
formation on the causes of diseases. Microarrays have been successfully
applied to several biological problems and, as arrays become more easily
available to researchers, the popularity of these kinds of experiments will
increase. The demand for good statistical analysis regimens and tools
tailored for microarray data analysis will increase as the popularity of
microarrays grows. The future will likely bring many new microarray
applications, each with its own demands for specialized statistical analy­
In order to analyze any experimental data correctly, it is fundamen­
tal to understand the experiments that generated the data. Microarray
experiments contain many steps, each with its individual noise and vari­
ation. The final result may be affected by any of the steps in the process.
Good experimental design and careful statistical analysis are required for
successful interpretation of microarray data. This chapter will review
the most commonly used microarray technology platforms, pointing out
their strengths and weaknesses. More in-depth descriptions of some spe­
cific microarray protocols can be found in pioneering research articles by
Shalon et al.1, Lockhart et al.2, Lander3, Lipschutz et al.4, Brown and
Botstein5, Eisen and Brown6, Southern et al.7, Bowtell8, Cheung et al.9,



and books by Schena10, Baldi and Hatfield11, Bowtell and Sambrook12,

and Grigorenko13, among others.

3.1. Transcriptional Profiling

With today’s advances in microarray technology, large sets of gene
expression data can be created. Such catalogues are called gene expres­
sion or transcriptional profiles, and the process of gathering the data is
called profiling. Transcriptional profiling can be either sequencing- or

3.1.1. Sequencing-based Transcriptional Profiling

Sequencing-based approaches include sequencing of complementary

DNA (cDNA) libraries and serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE).
Libraries of cDNA are created by reverse transcription of mRNAs ex­
pressed in a tissue or a cell type under some treatment or condition.
Individual cDNA clones are created by recombinant DNA technology.
Sequencing the cDNA reveals the identity of the clone either as a known
sequence in a public database or as a novel unknown sequence. The num­
ber of clones with the same unique sequence is related to the expression
levels in the mRNA pool used to create the library.
The basic idea of SAGE is to generate short cDNA “sequence tags”
from a pool of mRNA, combining them and sequencing several “tags”
at a time. A sequence tag is a stretch of 10-14 base pairs (bp) that
contains sufficient information to uniquely identify a transcript, provided
that the tag is obtained from a unique position within each transcript.
The tags are created by special restriction enzymes that cut DNA at
specific sequences. First, the cDNAs are cut with an enzyme at a short
recognition sequence, and then with another enzyme that cuts about 20
base pairs away from the same recognition sequence. The tags are also
created such that they can be cloned and sequenced easily. The number
of times a particular tag is observed in the sequencing data indicates the
expression level of the corresponding transcript. An overview of SAGE
is given in Figure 3.1.
Biotin-labeled double-stranded cDNA is cleaved with a restriction en-
donuclease (anchoring enzyme). The ends of the resulting cDNA frag­
ments are then purified using streptavidin-coated magnetic beads, and
the resulting cDNA fragments are divided into two populations, each of
which is ligated to a different linker (1 or 2 in the figure) containing a
type-IIS restriction endonuclease (tagging enzyme) recognition sequence.
Microarray Technology 21

Such enzymes cleave DNA up to 20 bp away from their recognition site.

Digestion of the two cDNA populations thus results in the generation of
a short sequence consisting of the linker and a short portion of its adja­
cent cDNA. Following the creation of blunt ends, the two populations are
ligated to each other and total cDNA is amplified by polymerase chain
reaction (PCR), resulting in the generation of products with two tags (a
ditag) orientated tail-to-tail, with an anchoring enzyme recognition site
at either end. Following cleavage at each anchoring enzyme recognition
sequence and concatenization of ditags via this site, products are cloned
and individual clones consisting of at least 25 tags (25-75) are selected
for sequencing.

3.1.2. Hybridization-based Transcriptional Profiling

Microarray technology has evolved from Ed Southern’s insight that

labeled nucleic acid molecules could be used to identify nucleic acid
molecules attached to a solid support. Hybridization methods, such
as Southern and Northern blots, colony hybridizations, and dot blots,
have long been used to identify and quantify nucleic acids in biological
samples. These methods traditionally attempt to identify and measure
only one gene or transcript at a time.

Hybridization methods have evolved from these early membrane-based,

radioactive detection embodiments to highly parallel quantitative meth­
ods using fluorescence detection. Some key innovations have made it
possible to develop techniques that analyze hundreds or thousands of
hybridizations in parallel. The first was the use of non-porous solid
supports, such as nylon filters or glass slides, which facilitate miniatur­
ization. The second was the development of methods for spatial synthe­
sis and robotic spotting of oligonucleotides and cDNAs on a very small
scale. These methods have made it possible to generate arrays with very
high densities of DNA, allowing tens of thousands of genes to be repre­
sented in areas smaller than standard glass microscope slides. In fact,
today it is technically possible to generate arrays of probes represent­
ing all the genes of a genome on a single slide. Finally, improvements
in fluorescent labeling of nucleic acids, fluorescent-based detection, and
image processing have improved the accuracy of microarrays.

Before describing the process of generating and using microarrays in

more detail, a clarification of the nomenclature is needed. At least two
nomenclature systems currently exist in the literature for referring to
DNA hybridization partners. There is no general consensus on the usage
of the terms probe and target, and researchers have used these two terms
interchangeably in a number of publications. With respect to the nucleic
acids whose entwining represents the hybridization reaction, the identity
of one is defined as it is tethered to the solid phase, making up the
microarray itself. The identity of the other is revealed by hybridization.
Nature Genetics14 and Duggan et al.15 adopted the nomenclature that
the tethered nucleic acids spotted on the array are the probes, and the
fluor-tagged cDNAs from a complex mRNA mixture extracted from cells
are the targets. This book will follow this nomenclature.
Microarray Technology 23

3.2. Microarray Technological Platforms

Microarrays allow large numbers of DNA clones with known sequences
to be immobilized as an array of detection units (probes), while the pool
of RNAs to be examined (targets) is fluorescently labeled and then hy­
bridized to the detectors. There are three main microarray technological
platforms, namely spotted cDNA arrays, spotted oligonucleotide arrays,
and in-situ oligonucleotide arrays (e.g., Affymetrix GeneChip Arrays ).
The differences between these three platforms lie in the way the arrays
are produced and the types of probes used (see Figure 3.2).

In spotted cDNA arrays, Figure 3.3, full-length cDNA clones or ex­

pressed sequence tag (EST) libraries are robotically spotted and immo­
bilized on the support. Many laboratories already have cDNA libraries,
so generation of these arrays requires only investment in the robotic
equipment to spot, or array, the cDNA. Spotted cDNA arrays have an
advantage over other types of arrays in that unknown sequences can be
spotted. Thus, for organisms for which no or only limited genome se­
quence information is available, spotted cDNA microarrays are the only
choice for genome-wide transcriptional profiling.
Spotted oligonucleotide arrays, Figure 3.4, are very similar to spotted
cDNA arrays, except that synthetic oligonucleotides (abbreviated oligos)
instead of cDNA are used as probes. In fact, the same robotics can be
used to manufacture both types of arrays. When sequence information
is available, oligonucleotide probes of 20-70 nucleotides can be designed
and synthesized. Using designed oligonucleotide probes gives better con­

trol over what part of the gene will be utilized for hybridization. The
oligonucleotides can, for instance, be designed to optimally differentiate
between highly similar transcripts that might cross-hybridize on a cDNA
In-situ oligonucleotide arrays, Figure 3.5, were developed by Fodor
et al.16 and Affymetrix, Inc. In-situ oligonucleotide arrays use a combi­
nation of photolithography and solid-phase oligonucleotide chemistry to
synthesize short oligonucleotide probes (25-mer oligos) directly on the
solid support surface. The number of oligonucleotides (50,000 probes
per 1.28 square centimeters) on a chip manufactured by this method
vastly exceeds what can be achieved by spotting solution robotically.
Affymetrix Inc. has chosen to utilize this advantage to construct an
array with several oligonucleotide probes and cross-hybridization con­
trols for each target gene. However, the researcher has little, if any,
control over what probes are used on pre-manufactured arrays like the
Affymetrix GeneChip arrays. On the other hand, comparison of results
between different laboratories is facilitated by the use of products from
a common manufacturer.
For in-situ oligonucleotide arrays, the test and reference samples (or
the treatment and control samples) are hybridized separately on dif­
ferent chips. In contrast, for either spotted cDNA arrays or spotted
oligonucleotide arrays, a test and a reference sample labeled with two
different fluorescent dyes are commonly simultaneously hybridized on
the same arrays. This difference affects how microarray data generated
with single-color or two-color arrays are analyzed (see section 3.8).

3.3. Probe Selection and Synthesis

For large-scale gene expression studies, the first step is to select and
prepare the specific hybridization detectors (probes).
cDNA microarray technology provides great flexibility in the choice
and production of ordered arrays, since the probes can be created from
cDNA libraries. A cDNA library is a set of plasmid vectors with inserted
mRNA segments turned into cDNA by reverse transcription, usually
harbored in bacterial clones. Plasmids are independently replicating
small extrachromosomal DNA molecules. The probe to be used on a
cDNA array can be amplified from such a cDNA library by PCR (Fig­
ure 3.3). PCR allows amplification of a specific segment of template
DNA between two sequence-specific hybridized oligonucleotide primers.
Many laboratories have already created cDNA libraries for a wide vari­
ety of organisms, cells, and tissues. For organisms whose genomes have
Microarray Technology 25

been fully sequenced, one can amplify every known and predicted open
reading frame (ORF) in the genome using reverse transcription PCR
(RT-PCR) and sequence-specific primers. In organisms with smaller
genomes and infrequent introns, such as yeast and prokaryotic microbes,
purified total genomic DNA serves as a template, and sequence-specific
oligonucleotides are used as primers.
When dealing with large genomes and genes with frequent introns,
such as those of the human and mouse, cloned expressed sequence tags
(EST), individual full-length cDNA clones, or collections of partially se­
quenced cDNAs corresponding to each of these transcripts can be used
as the source of gene-specific detector probes in an array. Many methods
are available for recovering purified cDNA from the PCR amplification
reaction. A simple method is to prepare purified template cDNAs from
the bacterial colonies that harbor them and follow-up with ethanol pre­
cipitation, gel filtration, or both, to prepare relatively pure cDNA for
printing. The choice of template source and PCR strategy vary with the
organism being studied.
Synthesized oligonucleotides can also be used as probes in spotted
microarrays (Figure 3.4). Genes of interest are chosen from public se­
quence databases including GeneBank, dbEST, and UniGene. Many
variables have to be considered in selecting the sequence of the oligonu­
cleotide to be made. First, the length of the oligonucleotide has to be
chosen. The longer the oligonucleotide, the more specific it will be.
However, longer oligonucleotides are more costly and more difficult to
make. Today several commercial oligonucleotide sets are available for
mouse, human, and other organisms, varying in probe length between
30 and 70 nucleotides. Second, the probes must be selected so that they
are specific for their target genes. If similarities exist between probes
on the same microarray, they can cross-hybridize to more than one gene
target, making the results hard to analyze. Third, all oligonucleotides
must have similar hybridization properties. Usually all the probes are
designed so that their melting temperature is within 1-2 degrees Cel­
sius and that they have a similar content of G and C nucleotide base
pairs. Several probe selection algorithms have been developed, but so
far no consensus exists on the most effective design principles. For in­
stance, there are several algorithms just for calculating oligonucleotide
melting temperatures. Other considerations that may go into designing
the probes are self-hybridization properties (palindromic sequences) and
synthesis efficiency of certain sequences. The location of the probe along
the message may also be important.

Microarray Technology

Microarray Technology 29

The probe can be selected to hybridize to the region

(UTR), or coding sequences. Another matter to consider is the
complementarity of the probes. Before designing oligonucleotide probes
for spotted arrays, a labeling strategy must be chosen to assure that
probes and targets will hybridize. The mRNA is the sense strand of
the message, and when converting the mRNA to single-stranded labeled
cDNA, the cDNA will be antisense and then only hybridize specifically
to sense strand oligonucleotide probes (see section 3.5 on Target Label­
ing). The probes in spotted cDNA arrays are double-stranded and can
hybridize either to a labeled anti-sense or to a sense strand target.
The probes for in-situ oligonucleotide arrays are synthesized directly
on the surface of the support. The probes are 20 nucleotides long and are
organized as perfect-match versus mismatch pairs, with the mismatch
probe acting as a control for hybridization specificity. Perfect-match
(PM) probes are designed to be complementary to the target sequence.
Mismatch (MM) probes are designed to be complementary to the target
sequence except for one base mismatch at the central position that has
equal distance from either ends of the probe. Mismatch probes serve as
controls for cross-hybridization. A probe cell is a single square feature
on an array containing a PM or MM probe. The size of the feature can
vary depending on the array type. Each probe cell contains millions of
probe molecules. A probe pair consist of two probe cells: a PM and its
corresponding MM. On the array, a probe pair is arranged with the PM
cell directly adjacent to the MM cell. When the probes are designed,
several probe pairs are selected to represent each transcript. A probe set
designed to detect one transcript usually consists of 16-20 probe pairs.

DNA chips may contain 100,000 different oligos in a area, and

each probe cell has approximately oligo molecules. By designing
oligos that span an entire exon using a register of one nucleotide change
between adjacent probe cells and a window of 25 nucleotides at a time, it
is possible to utilize DNA chip technology for DNA resequencing. In this
resequencing strategy, the midpoint nucleotide (number 13 in a 25-mer)
is synthesized as a G, C, A, or T. Using PCR products and hybridiza­
tion conditions that discriminate between perfect and single base-pair
mismatch duplexes, it is possible to read the sequence across the target
DNA based on the most intense signal in each set of four oligo probes.
Affymetrix is also producing in-situ oligonucleotide arrays that contain
probes corresponding to every known single nucleotide polymorphism
(SNP) in the human genome17. A SNP is a single base-pair site within
the genome at which more than one of the four possible base pairs is

commonly found in natural populations. SNPs can be inherited markers

of a disease.

3.4. Array Manufacturing

The in-situ oligonucleotide arrays developed by Affymetrix, Inc. are
made using photolithography, in which light is passed through holes in a
mask (Figures 3.5). The light deprotects chemically reactive groups in
locations on the support specified by the holes in the mask. A nucleotide
can subsequently be coupled to the activated group. By varying the
location of the holes in the mask and the nucleotides coupled in each
step, oligonucleotide probes can be synthesized in situ at a very high
In spotted cDNA arrays and spotted oligonucleotide arrays, the probe
is deposited as a solution on the surface of the support and then attached
(Figures 3.3 and 3.4). Several different choices of support materials
are available, ranging from plastic polymers to glass. The surface of
the popular glass microscope slides are usually coated with chemicals
to reduce the background fluorescence and nonspecific binding of the
labeled target. This can be done by the manufacturer or in-house before
arraying the probes. Surface coatings can be relatively simple poly-lysine
coatings or more complex 3-D molecular matrix layers.
There are two basic methods for spotting or arraying cDNA and
oligonucleotides onto the support. Contact spotting relies on pins to
pick up solution by capillary action and deposit drops upon contact. The
first cDNA microarrays were created in this fashion in Patrick Brown’s
laboratory at Stanford University. Non-contact spotting is done by vari­
ations of the Inkjet technology, in which small drops of solution can be
sprayed with high precision onto a surface. Inkjet printers have been
used to spot both cDNAs and oligos (Packard Piezoelectric dispensing
system). They also have been used to spot free nucleotides to synthe­
size oligonucleotides in situ on the solid support (Agilent Technologies
SurePrint Inkjet technology). After spotting, the probes have to be at­
tached covalently to the surface of the support. The method of choice
for cDNAs is ultra-violet (UV) light cross-linking, which forms attach­
ments at random sites along the probe molecule. Oligonucleotides may
also be UV cross-linked, but also more specifically attached by a linker
molecule. Adding a linker molecule to the end of the oligonucleotide in
the synthesis allows the oligonucleotides to be specifically attached at
one end to the surface of the support material. The support material
surface must have the appropriate reactive groups to allow attachment
Microarray Technology 31

of oligonucleotides via a linker molecule. Since not all surface coatings

have reactive groups that can be used to couple oligonucleotides cova­
lently, the choice of coating depends on what attachment method will be
used. If linkers are used, the oligonucleotides must be allowed to react to
form the covalent bonds, and the remaining unreacted reactive groups
on the surface must be blocked before the slide is ready for use.

3.5. Target Labeling

A wide variety of target labeling methods are available today. Fig­
ure 3.6 describes three commonly used labeling regimens. RNA can be
labeled through reverse transcription (RT) incorporating modified nu­
cleotides (nt), either directly tagged with a fluorescent marker or later
chemically attached to the modification. A very different strategy in­
volves amplification of the RNA message by running in vitro transcrip­
tion (IVT) from a promoter sequence incorporated into the cDNA in
the RT reaction. Several cRNA transcripts can be created from each
cDNA in the IVT reaction amplifying the original message. Biotin-
modified nucleotides incorporated in the IVT step later serve as handles
for fluorescent dye tagging.
Most methods involve reverse transcription of the mRNA in some
fashion. The choice of target labeling strategy for both spotted ar­
rays and in-situ oligonucleotide arrays must ensure that the probes and
the labeled targets are complementary. In the simplest labeling strat­
egy, a fluorescent dye-modified nucleotide is incorporated in the reverse
transcription of mRNA to cDNA. The reverse transcription needs to be
primed by a hybridized short oligonucleotide primer. The primer can
be either an oligo-dT (usually 12-18 nucleotides long) that anneals to
the poly-A tail of eukaryotic mRNAs or a random primer (typically 6
nucleotides long) that will initiate reverse transcription at random sites
along the mRNA. The number of nucleotides modified by fluorescent
groups must be balanced to avoid incorporating dye molecules too fre­
quently (which will quench the fluorescence signal) yet frequently enough
to provide a good signal.

Microarray Technology 33

For both spotted cDNA arrays and spotted oligonucleotide arrays,

usually two samples (a test and a reference) are hybridized to each slide
to compensate for slide differences in the spotting process (Figures 3.3
and 3.4). The test and reference mRNA samples (for instance, a dis­
eased and a healthy tissue sample) are reverse-transcribed and labeled
with two different fluorescent dyes in separate test tubes and later pooled
for simultaneous hybridization to the microarray slide probes. The most
popular choices for fluorescent dyes are the Cy3 (green) and Cy5 (red)
dyes. Several options exist, however, and systems have been developed
to allow for detection of multiple dye-labeled hybridized targets18. The
emission spectra of all the dyes used have to be sufficiently separated
in wavelength to allow for individual detection. A drawback of using
dye-modified nucleotides in the reverse transcription reaction is that dif­
ferent dye molecules can be incorporated with different efficiency into the
cDNA. To overcome this obstacle, labeling methods have been developed
in which nucleotides modified with an aminoallyl group are incorporated
into both the test and the reference sample in different test tubes. The
dye can later be attached to the test and reference cDNA with aminoal­
lyl groups in a chemical reaction that presumably is less sensitive to the
structural bias of the dye molecule.
Traditionally, of total RNA (mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA)
has been needed to obtain good signals. With the development of better
reverse transcription enzymes and more efficient labeling procedures, the
need for total RNA is down to about Some biological samples
are so small that such RNA quantities cannot be extracted. Hence,
PCR or in vitro transcription-based methods for amplifying the mRNA
have been developed. With PCR, any nucleotide sequence can be hugely
amplified, but a frequent concern with such methods is that the relative
abundance of different mRNA species can be skewed in the amplification
process and might not accurately reflect the levels in the original sample.
In general, the in vitro transcription amplification methods are thought
to amplify mRNAs with less bias. In in vitro transcription, the reverse
transcription reaction is primed by an oligo-dT primer with a promoter
sequence extension. After the reverse transcription, the double-stranded
cDNA is generated and complementary RNA (cRNA) can be synthesized
by transcription from the promoter sequencein a test tube. Several cRNA
molecules can be transcribed from each double-stranded cDNA template.

In-situ oligonucleotide arrays are manufactured with good precision,

allowing for comparison between arrays that have been hybridized with
a single labeled target sample (Figure 3.5). In vitro transcription la­
beling is the method of choice for labeling targets for in-situ oligonu­

cleotide arrays (Figure 3.5). For GeneChip arrays from Affymetrix,

biotin-modified nucleotides are incorporated into the cRNA, which is
then fragmented to approximately equal lengths to give more uniform
hybridization properties. The biotin modifications are used as a handle
for dye attachment. Methods have also been developed in which mRNA
can be chemically labeled directly without the need of conversion to
cDNA (PerkinElmer Life Sciences). Methods that attach more dye per
transcript have also been developed, including systems in which the dye
is enzymatically attached to pre-hybridized reverse-transcribed targets
(PerkinElmer Life Sciences) and systems in which dye-oligonucleotide
multimers (dendrimers) are hybridized to reverse-transcribed targets
modified with a universal oligonucleotide extension (Genisphere).

3.6. Hybridization
Hybridization of the labeled target to the probes on a microarray is
performed by adding the targets dissolved in hybridization buffer to the
slide within a confined space, followed by incubation for a given amount
of time at a certain temperature. The hybridization can, for instance,
be performed under a microscope slide cover slip or within a chamber
that limits the volume. Volumes are kept small to reduce the time of
hybridization. Automated hybridization stations have been developed
that agitate the hybridization solution over the slide and allow for better
control of hybridization conditions, which gives lower backgrounds and
better reproducibility. The hybridization conditions need to be set so as
to promote the specific hybridizations between the target and individual
probes and limit nonspecific hybridizations to the support itself or other
probes. This is achieved mainly by varying the temperature and the
ionic strength of the hybridization buffer. The temperature needs to be
lower than the melting temperature of the probes but sufficiently high
to reduce nonspecific hybridizations. The salt concentration, pH, and
other characteristics of the buffer may also promote specific hybridiza­
tions. It may be advantageous to add competing DNA like salmon sperm
DNA, Cot-1 DNA (enriched with mammalian repetitive sequences), and
poly-A DNA (to block nonspecific hybridization to poly A regions). Af­
ter hybridization for anywhere from several hours to overnight, the hy­
bridization solution is discarded and the slides are subjected to washes
of varying ionic strength to remove nonspecifically bound targets with
increasing stringency. After the wash regimen, the slide is dried and is
ready to be scanned. The dyes used are degraded over time by expo­
sure to light, so hybridized slides and labeled target solutions need to be
stored in the dark.
Microarray Technology 35

3.7. Scanning and Image Analysis

After hybridization, an image of the array with hybridized fluorescent
dyes must be acquired. Microarray scanners have confocal lasers or other
light sources to produce light at the wavelength that excites the fluores­
cent dyes. The fluorescence emission intensity of the dyes is captured in
high-resolution monochrome images acquired for each fluorescent dye.
The scanner software then displays a composite colored image for multi-
dye hybridizations. The goal is to measure, for each spot on the array,
the relative amount of fluorescence from each dye hybridized with its
target. Next, the probe spots have to be identified and the fluorescence
intensities quantified from the high-resolution image.
The process of scanning spotted cDNA microarray images can be sep­
arated into three tasks, including gridding, segmentation, and intensity
extraction. Gridding or addressing is the process of assigning coordinates
to each of the spots. A grid is placed at the approximate location of the
spots, and an algorithm is used to fine-tune the location of the spots
and classify pixels as part of a spot or the background. Also, the grid
file typically contains information about the identity of the individual
The segmentation procedure allows the classification of pixels either
as foreground (i.e., as corresponding to a spot of interest) or as back­
ground. Segmentation algorithms designed to detect spot boundaries
include edge detection algorithms, histogram methods, fixed-circle, and
adaptive-circle segmentation. The location of the spots can be man­
ually corrected to account for effects such as dust particles missed by
the algorithm. Once the locations of the spots have been decided, the
fluorescence intensities of all the pixels within each spot and outside it
(i.e., the local background) are calculated and a result file is reported,
in a step called intensity extraction. This includes calculating, for each
spot on the array, foreground fluorescence intensities, background fluo­
rescence intensities, locations, averages, medians, standard deviations,
and possibly quality measures. These result files contain all the raw
fluorescence data available for analysis of an microarray experiment.
Few microarray images are perfect. Image analyis is confounded by
many factors such as the compensation for the non-zero fluorescent back­
ground observed on most arrays and blemishes on the slides. Common
problems in spot shape and appearance such as comet tails or donut
holes are often observed. Locally high background and weak signals are
also problematic phenomena in array images.

3.8. Microarray Data

Microarray data have two basic qualities, biological significance and
statistical significance. The biological significance tells how much the
expression of a gene is influenced by the condition under study, i.e.,
the expression ratio or the fold change. The biological significance is
what researchers are interested in. The statistical significance tells how
trustworthy the biological significance is. Because of the many sources of
variability in microarray experiments, the statistical analysis is crucial
for successful interpretation of the biological phenomena under study.
To perform meaningful statistical analysis of microarray data, one must
understand the format of the microarray data and how to interpret the
data. The microarray data format for in-situ oligonucleotide arrays is
very different compared to that of spotted microarrays, and each data
format has its own analysis and interpretation requirements.

3.8.1. Spotted Array Data

Gene expression data obtained from either spotted cDNA arrays or
from spotted oligonucleotide arrays are similar in format. There are
several software packages, both commercial and freeware, available for
image analysis and quantification of spotted microarrays. The formats
of the result files vary greatly. Typically, spreadsheets are used to report
raw array data, including the location of the spots, gene identity, mean
and median of the pixel intensities within a spot, and local background
The simultaneous hybridization of two specimen samples labeled with
Cy3 (green) and Cy5 (red) dyes has special analysis requirements. The
two dyes have different properties and light sensitivities. The Cy5 dye
is much more readily broken down, with the result that even if equal
amounts of target are hybridized, the fluorescence emission from the Cy5
dye is lower. Hence, the fluorescence signals from the two dye channels
have to be normalized in order to calculate correct expression ratios.
Normalization not only corrects for different dye properties but also for
concentration differences between the co-hybridized test and reference
samples. Normalization methods or algorithms must be selected with
reference to the kind and degree of systematic bias that is present.
In practice, expression data obtained from either spotted cDNA ar­
rays or spotted oligonucleotide arrays are often reported as an expression
ratio. The expression ratio is simply the normalized ratio of the fluores­
cence intensity of the test sample and the reference sample for a certain
gene. Often intensities of both the test and reference samples are back­
Microarray Technology 37

ground corrected (subtracted) before calculating the normalized ratio.

Genes that are upregulated two-fold have an expression ratio of two, and
genes that are downregulated two-fold have an expression ratio of 0.5.
The expression ratios are often expressed as log-2 ratios. A gene that is
upregulated two-fold will have a log-2 expression ratio of 1 and a gene
downregulated two-fold will have a log-2 ratio of –1.

It may not be possible to calculate an expression ratio for all genes on

an array. A gene may be unexpressed in the reference sample but highly
induced in the test sample. Calculation of an expression ratio in such a
case would need division by zero. These genes are usually of high inter­
est, for instance in diseased versus normal gene expression. To be able
to get at least an approximate expression ratio, even though it will be
an underestimate of the true ratio, one often has to set a lowest allowed
level of signal. This lowest allowed signal can be set to an arbitrary value
or to the level of noise, for instance, some specified number of standard
deviations of the background signal. It may be advantageous to discard
or attribute low-intensity signals with confidence scores to filter out un­
reliable intensity readings. Since the image processing has to be highly
automated to increase the throughput of analysis, methods like outlier
detection, which improve the data quality after quantification, may have
considerable impact on the reliability of microarray data.

3.8.2. In-situ Oligonucleotide Array Data

The GeneChip Absolute Analysis19 calculates a variety of metrics us­
ing hybridization intensities measured by the scanner. GeneChip probe
arrays are scanned at high pixel resolution. In the case of a higher density
probe array, it creates 8 pixels x 8 pixels (on average) for every probe cell,
or a total of 64 pixels per probe cell (viewable in the .DAT file). A single
intensity value for every probe cell, representative of the hybridization
level of its target, is derived. The bordering pixels are excluded. The re­
maining pixel intensity distribution is calculated, and the intensity value
associated with 75% of the distribution is used as the Average Intensity
of the probe cell. The Average Intensities for all probe cells are saved in
the .CEL file. Some metrics utilize intensity data from the entire probe
array and are used for Background and Noise calculations. Other met­
rics compare the intensities of the sequence-specific PM probe cells with
their control MM probe cells for each probe set20. The use of the PM mi­
nus MM differences averaged across a set of probes is aimed at reducing
the contribution of background and cross-hybridization while increasing
the quantitative accuracy and reproducibility of the measurements.

The GeneChip software provides both absolute analysis and compar­

ison analysis algorithms. The software calculates an average intensity
value for every probe cell. Then, the background is calculated and sub­
stracted from the intensities of all probe cells. The noise is calculated
by determining the degree of pixel-to-pixel variation within the same
probe cells used to calculate the background. The numbers of positive
and negative probe pairs are determined for every probe set. A Posi­
tive probe pair is one in which the intensity of the sequence-specific PM
probe cell is significantly higher than the intensity of the control MM
probe cell. A Negative probe pair is one in which the intensity of the MM
probe cell is significantly higher than the intensity of the PM probe cell.
Log average ratios and average differences are calculated directly using
probe cell intensities. The log average ratio is derived from the ratio of
PM probe cell intensity to that of the control MM. The average differ­
ence for each probe set (the average of the differences between every PM
probe cell and its control MM probe cell) is directly related to the level
of expression of the transcript. By examining the positive fraction, the
positive/negative ratio, and the log average ratio, a decision matrix may
be employed to determine whether a transcript is Present (P), Marginal
(M), or Absent (A; undetected). The Absolute call is displayed in the
.CHP file in the GeneChip software.
GeneChip Comparison Analysis performs additional calculations on
data from two separate probe array experiments in order to compare
gene expression levels between two samples. The analysis employs nor­
malization by scaling techniques to minimize differences in overall signal
intensities between the two arrays, allowing for more reliable detection of
biologically relevant changes in the samples. The Comparison Analysis
begins with the user designating an Absolute Analysis of one probe ar­
ray experiment as the source of Baseline data and a second probe array
experiment as the source of Experimental data to be compared to the
Baseline. The results are used in a decision matrix to derive a Difference
Call. Since the average difference of a transcript is directly related to
its expression level, an estimate of the Fold Change of the transcript
between the baseline and the experimental samples is also calculated.
Although Affymetrix has developed prediction rules to guide the selec­
tion of probe sequences with high specificity and sensitivity21, inevitably
there remain some probes that hybridize to one or more nontarget genes.
In the standard analysis22, the mean and standard deviation (SD) of the
PM-MM differences of a probe set in one array are computed after ex­
cluding the maximum and the minimum. If a difference is more than 3
SD from the mean, a probe pair is marked as an outlier in this array
Microarray Technology 39

and is discarded when calculating average differences of both the base­

line and the experimental arrays. One drawback to this approach is that
a probe with a large response might well be the most informative but
may be consistently discarded. Furthermore, if one wants to compare
many arrays at the same time, this method tends to exclude too many
probes. Li and Wong23 (2001) show that even after making use of the
control information provided by the MM intensity, the information on
expression provided by the different probes for the same gene are still
highly variable. They note that the between-array variation in PM–MM
differences can be substantial and that the variation due to probe effects
is larger than the variation due to arrays. In addition, human inspection
and manual masking of image artifacts is currently time-consuming. Li
and Wong (2001) use a multiplicative model to detect and handle cross-
hybridizing probes, image contamination, and outliers from other causes.

3.9. So I Have My Microarray Data - What’s

The remainder of this book will focus on statistical analysis of microar­
ray data. Microarray technology has been used mostly as an exploratory
or survey methodology, where the most interesting findings are verified
by other more precise methods. The goal of the statistical analysis then
becomes to limit the number of false positives and to validate clusters or
groups of genes that were found based on their expression pattern. Mi­
croarray experiments may never produce precise quantitative results for
all measured transcripts. Instead, the power of microarray technology
lies in its potential to survey the entire transcriptome in one experiment.
With sound statistical analysis, patterns emerging from such a holistic
view may give insights that traditional experiments never can.

3.9.1. Confirming Microarray Results

Microarrays are often used to find candidate genes for further studies.
Because of the cost of microarrays, many investigators cannot afford
thorough experimental designs with the numbers of replicates needed
for a good statistical analysis. It then becomes imperative to verify the
microarray result before spending a lot of time and money on follow-up
experiments. Even with sound statistical analysis it may prove advanta­
geous to first verify the most interesting genes coming from the analysis
with an independent method. Two methods of choice are Northern blot
analysis and quantitative real-time PCR.

3.9.2. Northern Blot Analysis

Specific RNA sequences can be detected by blotting and hybridization
analysis using techniques very similar to those originally developed by
Ed Southern for DNA. Different RNA molecules can be size-separated
or fractionated by gel electrophoresis. The gel electrophoresis is run un­
der denaturing conditions to keep the single-stranded RNA molecules
denatured, thus allowing good separation. The RNA to be separated
is loaded into a gel-like solid support consisting of an agarose polymer.
Upon application of a current, the RNA molecules will migrate in the gel
due to their phosphate backbone negative charge. A long molecule will
migrate slowly through the agarose gel, while a short molecule will mi­
grate quickly. After allowing the RNA molecules to separate for a while,
the electrophoresis is stopped and the fractionated RNA is transferred
from the agarose gel to a membrane support (Northern blotting) by
capillary transfer. After transfer the RNA is immobilized on the mem­
brane. The membrane can now be probed with radioactively labeled
single-stranded cDNA probes complementary to the gene of interest.
The amount of radioactivity hybridized to a test and reference sample
separated on the same gel is proportional to the relative expression of
the gene of interest in the test and reference samples. For more infor­
mation on the Northern blot technology, see Ausubel et al.24 (1993) and
Sambrook et al.25 (1989).
Chu et al.26 (1998) compared Northern blot assay of gene expression
and corresponding microarray data of sporulation in budding yeast. As
shown in Figure 3.7, the authors found that the pattern of expression
as assayed by Northern analysis was very similar to that determined by
microarray analysis.

3.9.3. Reverse-transcription PCR and Quantitative

Real-time RT-PCR
The powerful amplification of nucleic acids achieved by the PCR
methodology makes it an excellent method to use to detect low-abundance
nucleic acids. Since RNA cannot serve as a template for PCR, the
first step to quantify RNA is to reverse transcribe the RNA sample
into cDNA. Reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR), not to be confused
with quantitative real-time RT-PCR (QRT-PCR), can be used for semi-
quantitative assays of RNA abundance, simply by sampling the PCR
mixture followed by gel quantification of the amplified product. Yet,
as the name implies, this is at best only semi-quantitative. The ad­
vent of fluorescence techniques applied to the reverse transcription PCR
methodology, together with instrumentation capable of combining am­
Microarray Technology 41

plification, detection, and quantification, has revolutionized the possi­

bilities of nucleic acid quantification.

In quantitative real-time RT-PCR (QRT-PCR) the amplification can

be monitored by fluorescence in “real-time” in every cycle of amplifica­
tion. There is already a wide variety of specialized methods and reagents
utilized in QRT-PCR. The most commonly used chemistries include
nuclease assays using TaqMan probes, molecular beacons, and SYBR
green I intercalating dyes, all providing means to monitor the accumula­
tion of PCR product in each cycle of the PCR reaction. The fluorescence
values recorded during every cycle represent the amount of PCR prod­
uct amplified to that point in the amplification reaction. The point at
which a statistically significant signal can be recorded above background
is called the threshold cycle. The more template present at the begin­

ning, the fewer PCR cycles that are required to reach the threshold
cycle. The threshold cycle is inversely proportional to the logarithm of
the starting amount of template in the PCR reaction. By construct­
ing standard curves of known amounts of starting template, unknown
samples can be quantified very accurately. See Ginzinger27 (2002) for
a review of gene quantification using quantitative real-time PCR and
Bustin28 (2002) for a review of reverse transcription PCR.

Acknowledgement: Harry Björkbacka is supported by the Swedish

Research Council.
Microarray Technology 43

Schalon, D., Smith, S.J., Brown, P.O. (1996). Genome Research, 6, 639-645.
2 Lockhart, D.J., Dong, H., Bryne, M.C., Follettie, M.T., et al. (1996). Nature Biotechnol­
ogy, 14, 1675-1680.
Lander, E.S. (1996). Science, 274, 536-539.
Lipshutz, R.J., Fodor, S.P., Gingeras, T.R., Lockhart, D.J. (1999). Nature Genetics, 21,
5 Brown, P.O., and Botstein, D. (1999). Nature Genetics, 21, 33-37.
Eisen, M.B., Brown, P.O. (1999). Methods in Enzymology, 303, 179-205.
7 Southern, E., Mir, K., Shchepinov, M. (1999). Nature Genetics, 21, 5-9.
Bowtell, D. (1999). Nature Genetics, 21, 25-32.
9 Cheung, V.G., Morley, M., Aguilar, F., Massimi, A., Kucherlapati, R., Childs, G. (1999).

Nature Genetics, 21, 15-19.

10 Schena, M. (2000). DNA Microarrays. Oxford University Press, New York.
11 Baldi, P., Hatfield, G.W. (2002). DNA Microarrays and Gene Expression, Cambridge

University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

12 Bowtell, D., Sambrook, J. (Editors) (2002). DNA Microarrays: A Molecular Cloning

Manual., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

13 Grigorenko, E.V. Editor. (2002). DNA Arrays: Technologies and Experimental Strategies,

CRC Press, New York.

14 Phimister, B. (1999), Nature Genetics, 21, 1.
1 5 Duggan, D.J., Bittner, M., Chen, Y., Meltzer, P., Trent, J.M. (1999). Nature Genetics,

16 Fodor, S.P., Rava, R.P., Huang, X.C., Pease, A.C., Holmes, C.P., Adams, C.L. (1993).

Nature, 364, 555-556.

17 Miesfeld, R. L. (1999), Applied Molecular Genetics, Wiley-Liss, New York, 238-243.
18 Hessner, M.J., Wang, X., Hulse, K., Meyer, L., Wu, Y., Nye, S., Guo, S.-W., Ghosh, S.

(2003). Nucleic Acids Research, 31, No. 4, e14.

19 Affymetrix (2001). Affymetrix Microarray Suite 5.0 User Guide, Affymetrix Inc., Santa

Clara, CA.
20 Affymetrix GeneChip, 700228 rev. 2.
21 Lockhart, D., Dong, H., Byrne, M., Follettie, M., Gallo, M., Chee, M., Mittmann, M.,

Wang, C., Kobayashi, M., Horton, H., et al. (1996). Nature Biotechnology, 14, 1675-1680.
22 Wodicka, L., Dong, H., Mittmann, M., Ho, M., and Lockhart, D. (1997). Nature Biotech­

nology, 15, 1359-1367.

23 Li, C., Wong, W.H. (2001). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 98,

24 Ausubel, F.M. et al. (editors) (1993). Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, John Wiley

and Sons, Inc., New York.

25 Sambrook, J., Fritsch, E.F. and Maniatis T. (1989). Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory

Manual, 2nd edition, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.

26 Chu, S., DeRisi, J., Eisen, M., Mulholland, J., Botstein, D., Brown, P.O., Herskowitz, I.

(1998). Science, 282, 699-705.

27 Ginzinger, D.G. (2002). Experimental Hematology, 30, 503-512.
28 Bustin, S.A. (2002). Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 29, 23-39.
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Chapter 4


This chapter begins with a statistical characterization of the genetic

populations that are investigated in microarray studies. It then goes
on to examine the nature of microarray gene expression data that are
generated from these populations and their sources of variability and

4.1. Genetic Populations

The target objects in a microarray study might be cell lines (such
as yeast cells), biological specimens (such as tumor tissues), or biolog­
ical systems under varying experimental conditions (such as organisms
exposed to different levels of a toxin). For expository convenience, we re­
fer to these target objects as either biological specimens or experimental
conditions. These phrases may be replaced by equivalent terms, such as
cell lines, tissues, and so on, when discussing particular applications of
microarray technology. The index set of biological specimens or experi-
mental conditions under investigation is denoted by
where N denotes the total number of sample specimens or conditions in
the study.
Each biological specimen under investigation defines a distinct biolog­
ical population with a particular set of genes. The union of these gene
sets for all N specimens forms the population gene set for the study,
denoted by Thus, the genes of any specimen in the study will be
found in the set The word ‘gene’ is used here to encompass a wide
range of real genes, DNA strands, and other biologically coded objects
that can bind to or hybridize with probes mounted on an array slide.

The designated gene set in a microarray study refers to the set of

probes that are spotted on the array. The designated gene set on the ar­
ray is denoted here by the index set where G
is the total number of probes in the designated set. In practical applica­
tions of microarray technology, the designated gene set for a microarray
study often differs from the true population set possibly to a great
extent. The difference between the population gene set and the des­
ignated gene set on the array will usually be unknown, with set
containing genes that may not be in and vice versa. In addition to
genes in the population gene set the designated set may contain
foreign genes, gene replicates, cDNA fragments, other gene-like objects,
and even blanks. Foreign genes are genes that are alien to the biologi­
cal specimens under study but are purposely included in the microarray
for reasons of control, calibration, and monitoring of the array results.
The presence of replicates implies that not all spots represent genetically
distinct probes. Replication offers the benefits of improving statistical
precision and diagnostic checking.
To characterize the biological population, we consider the genetic
makeup of the population in relative terms. The genetic material in each
biological specimen has different concentrations of the distinct genes in
the designated set on the array. We shall denote the concentration
of genetic material in specimen that is attributable to gene by
By definition, for each gene and specimen If then
gene is not present in biological specimen In microarray studies,
the values of are quantities of interest and they are invariably un­
known. Therefore, they must be estimated. More often, ratios of the
form for pairs of distinct experimental conditions and are
of interest. When these ratios are not unity, they indicate that gene is
up- or down-regulated under one experimental condition relative to the
other. Observe that the concentrations convey no information about
genes that are in the population gene set but are missing from the
designated set on the array.
A key design consideration in microarray studies is the composition
and size of the designated gene set The number of genes G in the
gene set may be in the hundreds or in the thousands. The number
of these genes that are expected to be differentially expressed between
different biological specimens or experimental conditions may be very
small, numbering perhaps in the dozens. One of the scientist’s chal­
lenges is to cast the net for designated genes widely enough to include all
genes that are implicated in a particular scientific question but narrowly
enough that spurious or chance indications of differential expression are

not numerous. In a later chapter we re-examine this issue in the context

of sample size and power issues for microarray studies.
Expression levels for genes are dictated physiologically by a combina­
tion of genetic factors such as promoters, enhancers, and splice sites and
a large number of environmental factors, including temperature, stress,
and light, which can lead to changes in the levels of hormones and other
signalling substances that affect gene expression levels1. Like mRNA
levels, protein levels also change in response to physiological factors and
changes in environment. Unlike DNA and RNA, however, protein activ­
ity is not measured by hybridization but rather by binding of proteins
to labelled oligonucleotides2.

4.2. Variability in Gene Expression Levels

A microarray study extracts a sample of genetic material from each
specimen and through a laboratory and measurement routine obtains
a reading of genetic intensity for each gene in the designated gene set
Many factors influence the relationship between these readings and
the genetic population concentrations making it difficult to estimate
the concentrations from the microarray data. Indeed, the purpose of this
book is to address this exact problem.

4.2.1. Variability Due to Specimen Sampling

Sampling of genetic material for microarray studies generally takes
place at several levels. Any discussion of variability must be clear about
which sources of variability are under consideration. The first level of
sampling is usually encountered when the biological specimens are se­
lected in some broad context. For example, a uterine tumor of a partic­
ular host patient may be selected as the specimen. If there are several
such tumors in the host, however, then the one chosen for the study is a
sample from among all tumors present in the host and, indeed, may be
viewed as a sample of all future tumors that might develop in the host.
In subsequent discussion, the selected specimen will usually be taken as
the starting point of the statistical investigation. Inferences will relate
to this biological specimen and not to more general populations that
are farther back in the selection process. This definition of a biological
specimen is a convenient operating definition. It is not meant to sug­
gest that inferences farther back to more general populations are not of
interest. In some applications, in fact, study design and analysis may
need to relate to a very general level of definition. For example, it is
conceivable that a uterine tumor study might take the relevant tumor

population as all those that are extant in U.S. females of a given race
in a specified age bracket at a given point in time. The connection be­
tween such a general population and the microarray results for a small
sample of uterine tumors taken from a few women in this population
is very distant and tenuous, spanning sampling variability introduced
at several intervening stages of sample selection. In order to generalize
the findings to the general population of women, the microarray studies
should be based on a random sample taken from the general patient pop­
ulation. To reiterate, the following discussion and analysis will assume
that the immediate biological specimens in the laboratory are the target
biological populations of interest for statistical inferences.
Even after the biological specimen is in hand, variability in expression
measurement can arise from many factors. One of the first sources of
variability encountered in many microarray studies is that produced by
selecting the sample of genetic material from the population of interest.
For example, a sample of tumor tissue must be selected from a patient’s
tumor in a microarray study of uterine cancer. It is clear that the
sample material may vary to the extent that the tumor is not a uniform
biological object. The genetic composition of the sample may differ
depending on whether the core biopsy is taken, for instance, from the
peripheral zone or the transition zone of the tumor. The microarray
study design must take sampling variability of this kind into account.
For example, the design might call for taking a systematic selection of
several samples from different parts of the tumor.

4.2.2. Variability Due to Cell Cycle Regulation

In a microarray study based on samples from yeast cultures synchro­
nized by three independent methods, Spellman et al.3 (1998) created
a catalog of 800 yeast genes whose transcript levels vary periodically
within the cell cycle. They note that, in addition to random fluctuations
in the data, cross-hybridization between genes whose DNA sequences are
similar can produce false positives when only one of the genes is actu­
ally cycle-regulated. False positives can also occur when an unregulated
gene overlaps the mRNA for a cell cycle-regulated gene; the cDNA cor­
responding to the regulated gene would hybridize with the unregulated
gene’s DNA.

4.2.3. Experimental Variability

Microarray experiments can encounter technical problems at any step.
Few microarray images are perfect. Various systematic errors in microar­

ray measurements may exist because of the preparation of probes, tar­

gets, and arrays as well as the procedures of image analysis. Variations
can also be laboratory- or system-dependent. Schuchhardt et al.4 (2000)
present a systematic study of sources of distortion and noise in microar­
ray studies involving spotting techniques. Investigations by Wang et al.5
(2001) and by Yang et al.6 (2001) also show how numerous the potential
sources are and how significant each might be in application. Listed be­
low are some general sources of variation that are common to microarray
Preparation of mRNA.
As we mentioned earlier, the fluor-tagged cDNAs from a complex
mRNA mixture extracted from cells are often termed targets. De­
pending upon tissue and sensitivity to RNA degradation, targets may
be different from sample to sample.
Reverse transcription.
Reverse transcription to cDNA may result in DNA species of varying
PCR amplification.
Clones are subject to PCR amplification. The amplication is difficult
to quantify and may fail completely.
Pin geometry and transport volume.
Pin geometry can produce systematic variation. Pins have different
characteristics and surface properties. The amount of transported
target volume can fluctuate randomly even for the same pin of the
Slide heterogeneity.
The fraction of target cDNA that is chemically linked to the slide
surface from the droplet is unknown. Furthermore, the target may
be distributed unequally over the slide or the hybridization reaction
may perform differently in different parts of the slide.
Fluorescence labeling.
Depending upon nucleotide composition, radioactive (fluorescence)
labeling may also fluctuate.
Hybridization reaction.
The efficiency of the hybridization reaction is influenced by a num­
ber of experimental parameters, notably temperature, time, buffering
conditions and the overall number of target molecules used for hy­
bridization. Cross-hybridization within a gene family may also occur.

Nonspecific hybridization is an error source that cannot be completely

Non-specific background and over-shining.
Non-specific radiation (fluorescence) and signals from neighboring
spots can be present.
Image processing and data acquisition.
Results from image analysis can be affected by background noise and
overshining from neighboring spots, non-linear transmission charac­
teristics, and the procedures used in handling saturation effects and
variations in spot shapes.

In general, the exact gene expression levels are unknown, and par­
ticular strategies have to be developed to quantify systematic errors in
microarray experiments. A variety of correction methods can be found in
the literature, including comparison of duplicated spots to quantify the
variability for the same array and the same pin; analysis of control spots
to quantify the variability from pin to pin and variations across the filter;
checking the reproducibility on different filters; analysis of empty back­
ground spots for non-specific noise and overshining; and use of dilution
series of the target7. Brazma et al.8 (2001) proposed the Minimum In­
formation about a Microarray Experiment (MIAME) as a standard for
recording and reporting microarray-based gene expression data. Any
single microarray output is subject to substantial variability even under
the relatively controlled conditions of an experiment. It is advisable to
consider appropriate experimental designs and perform multiple stages
of quality control before hybridizing valuable experimental samples.

4.3. Test the Variability by Replication

Replication serves to sharpen the precision of statistical inferences
drawn from microarray studies. Replication also helps to evaluate whether
data from arrays are uniform in some appropriate statistical sense, pro­
viding a quality check on the scientific investigation.

4.3.1. Duplicated Spots

To check the consistency of microarray experiments and to study the
effects of variability and replication on the reliability of cDNA microar­
ray findings, Lee, Kuo, Whitmore, and Sklar9 (2000) conducted a study
to investigate whether the locations of cDNA spots on slides may pro­
duce variation in measurements of transcriptions. A single human tissue

sample formed the target biological sample. Only output from channel 1
(green) contained expression readings for the target tissue. Output from
channel 2 (red) contained noise alone. The study design consisted of 288
genes, each printed at three locations on the same slide. By compar­
ing the signals from these triplicates, Lee et al. evaluate the minimum
variability that is likely to be inherent in a microarray system and learn
more about the reproducibility of the array process and the outcome
of analysis. The experiment was designed so that 32 of the 288 genes
would be expected to be highly expressed because of Alu repeats that
should cross-hybridize to similar sequences widely distributed among ex­
pressed and unexpressed portions of the human genome. Results based
on individual replicates, however, show that there are 55, 36, and 58
highly expressed genes in replicates 1, 2, and 3, respectively. On the
other hand, we will show in later chapters that by applying appropriate
statistical methods one can pool the readings from the three replicates
and obtain more accurate analytical results such that only 2 of the 288
genes are incorrectly classified as expressed. As a result, a minimum of
three replicates is recommended in a microarray study. This replication
test data set is used to demonstrate a number of points later in this text.

4.3.2. Multiple Arrays and Biological Replications

There are different levels of biological replication. Depending upon
the nature of the microarray study, the sampling units may consider
biological replicates, e.g., from inbred species. If inbred species are not
readily available, species of the same strain can be used. In applications
with human tissues, variation between individuals could be much larger
than other sources of variation, and hence sampling from a large num­
ber of individuals will be necessary. When multiple specimens from the
same individuals are available, they can sometimes be considered repli­
cates. For tumor tissues, however, even multiple specimens from the
same tumor can have considerable variation. Moreover, if RNA sam­
ples are divided into multiple plates for hybridization, multiple arrays
can be made based on each RNA specimen. These replications can be
very useful in testing the reproducibility of the findings based on array
data. Baggerly et al.10 (2001) propose parametric models for log ra­
tios obtained from replications within a sample (within a channel) and
replications between samples (between arrays and/or between channels).
Wang et al.11 (2003) proposed quantitative quality control measures for
microarray experiments.

1 Schena, M., Editor. (2000). DNA Microarrays, Oxford University Press, New York.
2 Bulyk, M.L., Huang, X., Choo, Y., Church, G.M., (2001), Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, USA, 98, 7158-7163.
3 Spellman, P.T., Sherlock, G., Zhang, M.Q., Iyer, V.R., Anders, K. , Eisen, M.B., Brown,

P.O., Botstein, D. and Futcher, B. (1998). Molecular Biology of the Cell, 9, 3273-329.
4 Schuchhardt, J., Dieter, B., Arif, M., et al. (2000), Nucleic Acids Research.

5 Wang, X., Ghosh, S., and Guo, S. (2001). Nucleic Acids Research, 29, No. 15, e75.
6 Yang, Y.H., Dudoit, S., Luu, P., and Speed, T.P. (2001). In Bittner, M.L., Chen, Y.,

Dorsel, A.N., and Dougherty, E.R. (eds), Microarrays: Optical Technologies and Infor­
matics, SPIE Society for Optical Engineering, San Jose, CA.
7 Herzel, H., Beule, D., Kielbasa, S., Korbel, J. (2000), Chaos, 11, 1-3.
8 Brazma, A., Hingamp, P., Quackenbush, J., Sherlock, G., Spellman, P., Stoeckert C.,

Aach, J., Ansorge, W., Ball, C.A., Causton, H.C., Gaasterland, T., Glenisson, P., Holstege,
F.C.P., Kim, I.F., Markowitz, V., Matese, J.C., Parkinson, H., Robinson, A., Sarkans, U.,
Schulze-Kremer, S., Steward, J., Taylor, R., Vilo, J., and Vingron, M. (2001). Nature
Genetics, 29, 365-371.
9 Lee, M.-L.T., Kuo, F.C., Whitmore, G.A., and Sklar, J., (2000). Proceedings of the Na­

tional Academy of Sciences, USA, 97, 9834-9839.

10 Baggerly, K.A., Coombes, K.R., Hess, K.R., Stivers, D.N., Abruzzo, L.V., and Zhang, W.

(2001). Journal of Computational Biology, 8, 639-659.

Wang, X., Hessner, M.J., Pati, N., and Ghosh, S. (2003). Bioinformatics, 19, 1341-1347.
Chapter 5


The reading or measurement for gene expression is usually a fluores­

cence intensity measurement or some other quantitative marker. The
reading may have undergone various adjustments within the instrument
system, such as calibration. Thus, any description of gene expression
data must be accompanied by an explanation of how the values are
produced by the instrument system. The expression measurements will
invariably contain a component that represents background noise. This
chapter considers the nature of this noise and methods for taking it into

5.1. Pixel-by-pixel Analysis of Individual Spots

In cDNA arrays, gene expression corresponds to the fluorescence in­
tensity of an image that is measured pixel by pixel. The discussion
begins by considering an analysis at the pixel level. To demonstrate a
pixel-by-pixel analysis, we cite a study on budding yeast Saccharomyces
cerevisiae considered by Brown et al.1 (2001). In this study, the array
compared two different strains (A and B) of wild-type S. cerevisiae. Fol­
lowing methods described in Schena et al.2 and DeRisi et al.3, mRNA
from strain A was copied to cDNA and labeled with Cy3 (green), and
mRNA from strain B was copied to cDNA and labeled with Cy5 (red).
The cDNAs were hybridized to a spotted DNA microarray. The array
carried about 6,200 genes. Images of the hybridized arrays were obtained
from a modified fluorescence microscope that scans the slide at several




The fluorescence signal from a spot, having an approximate diameter

of is registered on roughly 200 pixels. Thus, each spot provides
a large number of red and green intensity measurements. Brown et al.
determine the amount of real and background fluorescence at each spot
on the array. The mean intensity for a spot, averaged over all pixels,
consists of (1) fluorescent signal from cDNA hybridized to the spot,
(2) background fluorescence arising from non-specific binding, and (3)
unwanted contributions from noise and proton counting error.
The authors determined the background arising from non-specific
binding by measuring local background intensity at the four corners of
a rectangular region of interest surrounding the spot (Figure 5.1). They
found that local background was an inexact measure of non-specific flu­
orescence for microarray spots. When absolute intensities were com­
pared on a pixel-by-pixel basis for a spot that (a) looked like a “black
hole,” (b) a region surrounding the black hole (the local background),
(c) a weakly fluorescent spot, and (d) a point on the slide outside the
hybridization area, the observed intensity distributions showed signifi­
cant overlap. The center of the black hole was clearly less intense than
the local background, and the weakly fluorescent spot was only slightly
brighter. The problem of negative intensities arises not because the spot
is incorrectly located during image segmentation but rather because a
more-fluorescent probe is actually binding to the area surrounding the
spot than to the spot itself.
To explore the intensity variations systematically, the authors plotted
the standard deviation of the pixel-by-pixel intensities for each spot (av­
eraged across both channels) against the spot’s average signal intensity.
Figure 5.2 shows that the standard deviations in the pixel-by-pixel in­
tensity distributions are large in absolute magnitude and rise linearly as
the signal intensity increases. In contrast, measurement noise, including
photon counting noise, rises only as the square root of the signal.
Because the microarrays analyzed in the authors’ study did not con­
tain hybridization standards, they derive a computational method to
determine background levels from the experimental spots themselves
and conclude that pixel-by-pixel information for microarray images can
be used to formulate measures that assess the accuracy with which an
array has been sampled.

5.2. General Models for Background Noise

Instead of pixel-by-pixel analysis, we discuss in this section some gen­
eral models for handling microarray background noise.

The full data set consists of gene expression measurements for all
genes and for all specimens The
are usually arranged in a G × N matrix of values, with genes corre­
sponding to rows and specimen samples corresponding to columns. Dif­
ferent microarray platforms yield different types of expression measure­
ments. The exact relationship of measurement to the true concen­
tration of gene in specimen depends on the technology, imbedded
adjustments that have been used, and, importantly, on the background
noise that is present. We defer the discussion of missing and saturated
intensity values to later chapters.

5.2.1. Additive Background Noise

A plausible statistical description for the gene expression reading

is that of a sum of two components, one representing latent (i.e., unob­
served) true gene expression and the other representing background
noise as follows.

The true unknown gene expression component is assumed to increase

proportionally with the true concentration of gene in specimen
Thus, if in other words, the component is absent
from if the specimen does not contain gene The background
noise component is assumed to be mathematically independent of
The assumption is also made that and are additive and
probabilistically independent. Both components are taken as nonnega­
tive. Observe that additive noise gives an incorrect indication of genetic
material being present even when none is truly there (a potential false
When gene is absent from specimen then the reading is a pure
observation of background noise, i.e., If all background noise
values constitute a random sample from a common noise distribution,
then genes that are known to be absent from the specimen yield a sample
of observations from the noise distribution and can be used to infer its
form and parameter values. A later discussion of ANOVA models for
gene expression data exploits this observation. Figure 5.3 displays a
histogram of gene expression readings for a data set consisting of 864
cDNA spots that is discussed in detail later. The left-hand portion of
the histogram largely reflects the noise distribution.

5.2.2. Correction for Background Noise

The nature of noise and its correction depends on the microarray
technology being used. Data from spotted arrays provide an uncor­
rected measure of expression intensity as well as an estimate of the
background noise If this background estimate is denoted by
then a background-corrected expression reading is provided by

The ScanAlyze system, for example, outputs measures CH1I and CH2I,
which are uncorrected mean pixel intensities for the array spot for two
fluorescent hybridizations4 and also produces background corrections
CH1B and CH2B for the same channels.
The correction procedure (5.2) may yield negative values for gene ex­
pression, especially where component is small (or zero) or the back­
ground estimate is large. The following variant of the background-
corrected reading is obtained when negative values from (5.2) are set to

If is zero (or negative), the inference is generally made that

i.e., that gene is absent from specimen
The simple subtraction of a background correction provided by the
instrument software does not necessarily produce a better reading for
gene expression. It must never be forgotten that is only an estimate
of and a bad estimate may be worse than having no estimate at all.
The difference between the true and estimated noise, i.e.,

appears in the background-corrected expression reading (5.2). It is

hoped that the true and estimated background noises are exchange­
able random variables, meaning that if is their joint probability
density function (p.d.f.), then for all outcome values
and This condition would imply that and share the same
mean and variance and that their difference has a mean of
zero, i.e., One would also expect that the differ­
ence has a smaller variance than the original background noise, i.e.,

If the estimate imitates the first two

moments of the true background noise in the sense of having the
same mean and variance, then it can be shown that and are
moderately correlated if the corrected intensity measure is to be less
variable than the original intensity reading Specifically, the true
background noise and its estimate must have a correlation coefficient
exceeding 0.5 if the background correction is to be helpful in this sense.
Diagnostic checks are available to verify whether background noise
correction has been effective. The checks are not conclusive but can be
helpful. The most effective checks involve examining genes suspected of
having no true gene expression. These will be genes for which is
small. This judgment can be made using a histogram such as that in
Figure 5.3. One can select a cutoff point at which it appears that the bulk
of genes found to the left of the cutoff mainly reflect simple noise with
no true gene expression. For genes to the left of the cutoff, the observed
expression level will consist largely of the pure background noise
For these genes, the and their estimates should be close
if the background estimates are reliable. This proximity can be checked
in a plot of against for smaller than the cutoff.
As background correction is never perfect, model (5.1) is also valid
for background-corrected data because each reading retains two compo­
nents. The component reflecting latent gene expression, namely is
present. Also, the difference remains as a residual background
noise component. Now, however, the residual background component
may assume both positive and negative values. Of course, if the back­
ground correction has been effective, the residual background component
will tend to have a smaller magnitude than the original background noise
In the remainder of this chapter and those that follow, the context
will make it clear whether the gene expression readings under discussion
are background-corrected. We will only use superscript where there
is a need for explicit notation.

5.2.3. Example: Replication Test Data Set

The replication test data set introduced in Lee et al. (2000) will be
used to illustrate some of the concepts and methods in this section. As
was mentioned in section 4.3, the data set was produced from a small ex­
periment that aimed to study the effects of variability and replication on
the reliability of cDNA microarray findings. The study design consisted
of 288 genes, each printed at three locations on the same slide. A single

human tissue sample formed the target biological sample. The experi­
ment was designed so that 32 of the 288 genes would be expected to be
highly expressed because of Alu repeats5 that should cross-hybridize to
similar sequences widely distributed among expressed and unexpressed
portions of the human genome. Only output from channel 1 (green)
contained expression readings for the target tissue. Output from chan­
nel 2 (red) contained noise alone. Counting the 288(3) = 864 spots as
the designated gene set, we have G = 864. There is only one biological
specimen, so N = 1. Note that the designated gene set on the ar­
ray contains triplicates of 288 distinct genes. This data set is used to
demonstrate a number of points in the discussion that follows and also
later in the text.
The readings of gene expression for the 864 cDNA spots are dis­
played in a histogram in Figure 5.3. Here index because only one
specimen is under consideration. The histogram shows the gene expres­
sion data in terms of their common logarithms (i.e., logarithms to base
10). The gene expression data are the output denoted as CH1I in the
ScanAlyze system, which are the uncorrected mean pixel intensities of
spots for the green fluorescent hybridization (Eisen, 1999). Observe the
large concentration of small readings that generally correspond to noise.
A scattering of larger readings also appear that are mainly associated
with gene probes that should be highly expressed. The logarithmic scale
amplifies the detail in the lower range of the data.
The noise component of the data appears unimodal and roughly sym­
metrically distributed. The distribution of the smaller number of ex­
pressed genes stands out as a separate distribution to the right end of
the histogram scale. Thus, the distribution pattern of the data looks
very much like a mixture of gene expression readings for a large num­
ber of unexpressed genes (noise alone) and a smaller number of genes
expressed to varying degrees.
Taking the Replication Test Data Set as a case example, a log-value
of 3.8 is used as a cutoff for unexpressed genes (based on a rough visual
judgment for Figure 5.3). It is found that 761 of the 864 spots lie below
this cutoff level. As the experiment involved 256 gene triplicates that
should be unexpressed, the count 3(256) = 768 closely matches this
count of 761. Among the 761 spots, a plot of against shows
a fairly clear linear relationship but one that does not follow the line
of identity. The scatter plot and line of identity appear in Figure 5.4.
The correlation coefficient for and is 0.773. What is a little
more surprising is that only 9 of the background-corrected readings
for the 761 unexpressed genes are negative. If the background noise

estimates are unbiased estimates of their true values, then about half

of the unexpressed genes would be expected to have negative values for

The plot shows clearly that the values of for the 761 spots are
consistently larger than their counterpart background noise estimates
(i.e., they lie above the line of identity). This fact is also indicated
by a comparison of their mean values; 2250 being the mean for and
1722 for Thus, the results of the diagnostic check suggest that
background correction for this case example is moderately successful at
The case example is convenient because there is a clear separation
of expressed and unexpressed genes (Figure 5.3). In many applications,
however, the separation is not as clear, and the set of unexpressed genes
required for the diagnostic test will not be so easy to discern.

5.2.4. Noise Models for GeneChip Arrays

On the basis of the difference measure PM–MM from Affymetrix

GeneChip arrays, Li and Wong6 (2001) introduce the following noise

where is the fitted expression index of sample

is the error term, and is the sensitivity of probe
with the constraint in order that the solution be
Šášik, Calvo, and Corbeil7 (2002) point out that, under the Li and
Wong model in (5.5), the expression index can be negative. Also,
genes with negative can still be classified as present (as can genes with
negative average difference in the Affymetrix Microarray suite8 (5.0)).
Hence, they propose a model that does not suffer from the above prob­
lems. It is based on an assumption similar to that underlying the Li-
Wong model, that fluorescent intensity of a PM probe (properly adjusted
for background B) is directly proportional to the concentration of the
transcript on sample that is,

Taking the logarithm (to base 2) of both sides, the multiplicative model
in (5.6) can be written as an additive model on the logarithmic scale

Defining and then

the model can be written as

where There is one such equation for each transcript,

and they allow for the possibility that the variance of the error term
is different for each transcript. In model (5.8), regardless of the fitted
values of and the probe sensitivities and concentrations can
never be negative, because and

5.2.5. Elusive Nature of Background Noise

The preceding sections have discussed the nature of background noise

and statistical models for its correction. It was noted that background
correction must be checked to ensure that it has been beneficial. Several
investigations have shown that the subject is elusive for both spotted
arrays and in-situ oligonucleotide arrays.
Many researchers have chosen to use foreground intensities from spot­
ted arrays without background correction because of concerns regarding
the effectiveness of subtracting the machine-generated background noise
One of several problems with background measurement is image seg­
mentation. From a statistical perspective, image segmentation is a data-
dependent procedure. Segmentation in spotted microarrays may yield
biased intensity readings because array spots tend to be centered on
those regions of the image with the brightest fluorescence. This bias
is illustrated by the case example that considered the analysis of back­
ground correction for the Replicate Test Data Set in section 5.2.3. Figure
5.4 revealed that the background intensity calculated by the ScanAlyze
system in this illustration appeared to be too small, on average, leading
to background-corrected intensities that were predominantly positive for
genes that were known to be unexpressed.
The difficulty of separating signal from noise has also been noted in
in-situ oligonucleotide microarrays. Naef et al.9 (2003), for example,
note that, whereas conventional wisdom views the PM probes as car­
rying the signal while MM probes serve as non-specific controls, their

experience shows that the MM probes actually track the signal. They
state that “the MMs should be viewed as a set of average lower affinity
probes”. They then go on to develop a method to exploit the signal
content of the MM probes. Along a similar line, Irizarry et al.10 (2003)
remark that “Recent results . . . suggest that subtracting MM as a way
of correcting for non-specific binding is not always appropriate”. They
cite two sources for this remark and go on to say that “until a better
solution is proposed, simply ignoring these values is preferable.”

1 Brown, C.S., Goodwin, P.C., and Sorger, P.K. (2001). Proceedings of the National Acad­
emy of Sciences, USA, 98, 8944-8949.
Schena, M., Shalon, D., Davis, R.W., and Brown, P.O. (1995), Science, 270, 467-470.
DeRisi, J.L. , Iyer, V.R., and Brown, P.O. (1997), Science 278, 680-686.
Eisen, M.B. (1999). ScanAlyze User Manual, Version 2.32; Stanford University: Stanford,
Lee, M.-L.T., Kuo, F.C., Whitmore, G.A., Sklar, J. (2000). Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, USA, 97, 9834-9839.
6 Li, C., Wong, W.H. (2001). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 98,

Sasik, R., Calvo, E., Corbeil, J., (2002), Bioinformatics, 18, 1633-1640.
8 Affymetrix (2002).
9 Naef, F., Socci, N. D. and Magnasco, M. (2003). Bioinformatics, 19(2), 178-184.
10 Irizarry, R.A., Bolstad, B.M., Collin, F., Cope, L.M., Hobbs, B. and Speed, T.P. (2003).

Nucleic Acids Research, 31(4), 1-8.

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Chapter 6


6.1. Data Transformations

Gene expression readings will not necessarily have desired sta­
tistical properties without being transformed. Desirable properties may
include normality or constant variance, for example. Here we discuss
transformations of the data and related issues that have proven useful
in analyzing microarray data. We shall let denote the
transformed value where is a selected mathematical function. We will
limit our attention to monotonic increasing transformations, i.e., those
for which transformed measurements increase with observed measure­

6.1.1. Logarithmic Transformation

By far the most common transformation applied to microarray read­

ings is the logarithmic transformation

The base of the logarithm may be 2, 10, or the natural logarithmic

constant The choice of base is largely a matter of convenient inter­
There are several issues that arise with the use of a logarithmic trans­
formation. If the readings are initially corrected for background noise
as described in (5.2) or (5.3), then the background-corrected transformed

value, which we denote by

will be undefined if is zero or negative. Thus, the transformation is

reserved for readings where intensity exceeds background. This fact will
affect the interpretation of statistical models and findings.
A logarithmic transformation is used for microarray data because it
tends to provide values that are approximately normally distributed and
for which conventional linear regression and ANOVA models are appro­
priate. If the transformed data are approximately normal, the implica­
tion is that the raw readings are lognormally distributed. The multi­
plicative version of the central limit theorem can be used as a partial
justification for the assumption of a lognormal form for the components
of additive background noise model (5.1). For example, both the latent
expression component and noise component of the microarray
reading may be generated as the result of many independent mul­
tiplicative random effects that produce the final values of these compo­
nents. As it happens, however, even if both and are independent
and lognormally distributed, their sum will not have this kind of distri­
bution. Thus, the log-transformed values can only be approximately
normal in this situation.
The final test of whether log-intensity readings are appropriate for sta­
tistical analysis of microarray data is whether reliable and useful results
can be derived. Various diagnostic methods are available for checking for
major departures from normality and other model failures. For example,
normal probability plots can be used to provide a check on normality.
Some of these diagnostic methods will be demonstrated in case studies
taken up later. As already noted, the log-transformation is widely used
and has been well defended by investigators in many studies. Thus, it
is a key transformation for microarray gene expression data. Figure 5.3
shows the distribution of such data after a logarithmic transformation.

6.1.2. Square Root Transformation

It is reasonable to expect that intensity readings in microarrays will
be proportional to the number of occurrences of fundamental molecular
events such as hybridizations. The constant of proportionality would be
the quantum of fluorescence, radiation, or other signal produced by a sin­
gle fundamental event. The fundamental events would fall into two cat­
egories: a homogenoeus category representing hybridizations that count
as true expression for a gene and a heterogenous category of events (such

as non-specific binding) that represent noise. The latter category con­

tains events that are not of scientific interest but nonetheless are being
counted by the microarray instrument. A plausible model for the number
of each type of event is a Poisson distribution. As the gene expression
and noise components in model (5.1) are assumed to be independent and
the sum of independent Poisson variables remains Poisson distributed,
it follows that the gene expression reading will be proportional to a
Poisson random variable. The Poisson model implies that the variance
of is proportional to its mean value. Microarray data often have
variability that tends to increase with the level of the reading. If this
relation is one in which the variance increases in proportion to the mean,
then the preceding Poisson model is plausible.
For microarray data that follow this Poisson model, the square root

is a variance-stabilizing transformation. Thus, the transformed values

will tend to have a constant variance. For the Replication Test Data
Set, the histogram of square-root transformed data is not much different
in appearance than that shown for log-transformed data in Figure 5.3.

6.1.3. Box-Cox Transformation Family

The two preceding transformations are two members of the Box-Cox
family of transformations. This family is defined as follows.

The square root transformations correspond to parameter being 1/2.

The logarithmic transformations correspond to the limit of equation
(6.4) when approaches 0. The case where corresponds to taking
no transformation at all, except for a change in origin.
The Box-Cox family provides a range of transformations that may
be examined to see which value of yields transformed values with the
desired statistical properties.

6.1.4. Affine Transformation

It is sometimes desirable or necessary to shift the origin of the intensity
measurement scale by some fixed amount, say Thus, if is the

intensity reading, then is the adjusted reading. We shall refer

to as a shift parameter or offset and to the transformation as an affine
transformation, meaning a shift away from the origin.
The affine transformation may be combined with other transforma­
tions such as the logarithmic transformation, in which case we have

As the logarithmic transformation requires positive arguments, the affine

transformation may be used with the logarithmic transformation where
intensity readings have been background-corrected and some readings
are negative. In this case, the offset parameter would be chosen so
that is positive for all readings.
Kerr et al.1 (2002) have found that applying opposing affine trans­
formations to the two color intensities on a spot of a cDNA array may
improve the correspondence of intensity readings. Denoting the two
color readings for a spot on the array by and a plot of
against for all usually shows a curvilinear scatter
of points, indicating that the two color fluors measure gene expression
differently. The authors show that the following affine transformation
may eliminate the nonlinearity in the scatter plot and put the two colors
on an equal footing.

In this case, the offset parameter is chosen separately for each array
and then applied across all genes on the array. The red (R) and green (G)
color readings can be reversed in calculating this log-ratio of intensities.
Observe that the offset parameter tends to keep the average intensity
of the combined colors roughly unchanged but shifts one color reading
relative to the other. The shift is most pronounced for low intensities.
The authors propose that parameter be chosen to minimize the sum of
the absolute deviations of the observations from their median value
for all genes This fitting criterion has the effect of giving a nearly
horizontal scatter in an MA plot for the two transformed intensities.
See section 6.2.4 for a discussion of such plots.
The effect of the affine adjustment on the transformed expression in­
tensities may need to be explored in different applications. For example,
with a transformation the first derivative equals
for natural logarithms. This fact tells us that a small change

in the shift parameter will have a small impact on large expression

values because declines rapidly with increasing but will be
large when is close to zero.

6.1.5. The Generalized-log Transformation

Extending a model introduced by Rocke and Lorenzato2 (1995) and

Rocke and Durbin3 (2001), Durbin et al.4 (2002) propose a two-component
error model for gene expression data from microarrays. Let denote
the measured raw expression level, the true expression level, and the
mean background noise (mean intensity of unexpressed genes). They
demonstrate that the measured expression levels from microarray data
can be modelled as

represents the proportional error that always exists,

but is noticeable mainly for highly expressed genes, and

represents the error for the background noise. Random variables

are taken as independent.
Under this model, the variance of the measured intensity at true
level is given by

where denotes the approximate relative standard

deviation (RSD) of for high levels of expression.

At low expression levels (i.e.,

close to 0), the measured expression
can be written as

implying that the measured expression in (6.8) is approximately nor­

mally distributed with mean and constant variance When is
large, the measured expression may be modelled by

On the log scale, (6.9) can be written as

which implies that has constant variance for sufficiently large

and that is distributed approximately as a normal random variable
with mean and variance All terms in (6.6) play a significant
role only when the expression level falls between these two extremes.

The measured expression is then distributed as a linear combination

of a normal and a lognormal random variable and has variance (6.7).
Therefore, the distribution of the measurement error changes depending
on i.e., the variance changes with the mean in a non-linear fashion.
Durbin et al. (2002) use a mathematical procedure called the delta-
method to derive the following transformation for microarray data that
stabilizes the asymptotic variance over the full range of the measured

Here is the constant

The transformation in (6.11) has the general form reported by the au­
thors, but the expression for constant in terms of the model parameters
differs from that obtained in the cited paper. The two versions of the
transformation differ little when is small. This transformation sta­
bilizes the asymptotic variance of data distributed according to model
(6.6). For a large value of the transformation (6.11) is approximately
the natural logarithm. At near zero, the transformation (6.11) is ap­
proximately linear. This transformation was considered by Hawkins5
(2002) in the context of another application.
Geller et al.6 (2003) show that data from Affymetrix GeneChips con­
form to the same two-component model in Durbin et al. (2002). Huber
et al.7 (2002) also consider a family of transformations that is related to
the generalized-log family.

6.2. Data Normalization

The laboratory preparation of each biological specimen on a mi­
croarray slide introduces an arbitrary scale or dilution factor that is
common to gene expression readings for all genes Analysts usu­
ally correct the readings for this scale factor and other variations us­
ing a process called normalization. The purpose of normalization is to
minimize extraneous variation in the measured gene expression levels
of hybridized mRNA samples so that biological differences (differential
expression) can be more easily distinguished.
Normalization is commonly based on the expression levels of all genes
on an array. Assuming that most genes are similarly expressed in both

the test and the reference sample and that the number of upregulated
genes largely matches the number of downregulated genes, normaliza­
tion factors can be based on the total fluorescence, expression ratios,
or regression analysis. Total fluorescence normalization assumes that
approximately the same total amount of test and reference sample has
hybridized, and thus the total fluorescence of both dyes used should be
the same on the array. A normalization factor calculated from the ratio
of the total fluorescence of the dyes can be used to re-scale the intensity
of each gene on the array.

Practical experience has shown that, in addition to array effects, other

extraneous sources of variation may be present that cloud differential
gene expression if not taken into account. These sources include many
mentioned in Chapter 4, such as effects of dye color, pin tips, and spatial
anomalies on slides. For example, an examination of two-color cDNA
data sets shows that fluorescence of an array spot varies with the amount
of hybridization in a different way for each dye color, i.e., depending on
whether the fluor is red or green. These systematic color differences need
to be taken into account. Pin-tip differences represent a potential source
of variation. Spots are printed on the array by pins that are configured
in a particular pattern for the experiment. As the pins are robotically
controlled, the print pattern is reproduced across the arrays. To quote
Yang et al.8 (2002), pin-tip effects may result from “slight differences
in the length or in the opening of the tips, and deformation after many
hours of printing.” Some systematic variation may be associated with
regions of the slide surface. Pin-tip differences are one regular source of
spatial variation, but others may also be present. A slide may need to
be partitioned into regions and adjustments carried out for each region.

It will be demonstrated that normalization should encompass all ma­

terial sources of extraneous variation. In essence, normalization gives ap­
proximately the same ‘average’ level of gene expression across all genes
for each combination of experimental conditions. Sometimes analysts
also wish to scale expression readings for each gene so that the ‘aver­
age’ level of gene expression is the same across all conditions for each
gene. The normalization procedures differ with respect to which kind of
average is used and what sources of variability are taken into account.
Several authors have given systematic discussions of normalization. See,
for example, Yang et al (2002), among others.

6.2.1. Normalization Across G Genes

In this section we give a general framework for normalization based on
the Box-Cox family of transformations. For any transformed intensity
in the form of (6.4), the normalized value is given by the
centered differences

where is the arithmetic mean value of the transformed intensity

over all genes Prom equation (6.13) and the definition of a mean,
these transformed normalized readings necessarily sum to zero for each
experimental condition, as follows.

To relate the transformed mean to a measure of central loca­

tion on the original scale of intensity (i.e., on the scale), the inverse
transformation is applied as follows, giving the measure

For the special case of the identity transformation where in

(6.4), the normalized values of the transformed readings are simply the
centered differences

where is the arithmetic mean of the intensity readings.

For the limiting case where approaches 0, the normalized values of
the transformed readings take the logarithmic form

where is the geometric mean of the intensity reading across

genes. Often one considers the scale-normalized intensity readings de­
fined by

Observe that, for any given array if all gene expression readings
are multiplied by an arbitrary positive constant, the scale-normalized
readings would be unchanged for any of the Box-Cox transformations.
Thus, the ratios eliminate any scaling factor that cuts across all genes
within any experimental condition.

6.2.2. Example: Mouse Juvenile Cystic Kidney Data Set

A microarray data set introduced in Lee et al.9 (2002b) will be used

to illustrate normalization of data and also concepts and methods in
following sections. This microarray data set was collected to investigate
differential gene expression in kidney tissue from wild-type and mutant
mice with juvenile cystic kidneys. Autosomal dominant polycystic kid­
ney disease (ADPKD) is one of the most common monogenic diseases,
characterized by the presence of multiple fluid-filled epithelial cysts in
the kidneys. Animal models of polycystic kidney disease (PKD) are
an ideal resource for investigating the perturbations of gene expression
that occur in this disorder. Mouse mutants have the advantage of being
maintained in inbred genetic strains, so variation of gene expression due
to genetic background is minimized. Of particular significance is the
opportunity to investigate differential expression that may be common
to different models of PKD. These may represent molecular events that
occur not as a result of a specific mutation but as a consequence of a
more general injury to tubular integrity. As such, they may suggest
pathways of molecular events that can be helpful for understanding the
fundamental defect that occurs in PKD. Furthermore, they may suggest
avenues of therapeutic intervention that can be investigated as a means
to ameliorate disease progression.
The experimental design in this study was chosen by the biological
scientists in advance of any consideration of statistical issues. It is not
ideal from a statistical viewpoint but is not atypical as far as microarray
studies are concerned. In this design, eight readings were gathered for
each gene in four microarray pairs, according to the pattern set out in
Table 6.1. Array in Table 6.1 refers to the four microarray pairs (Arrays
1 to 4). Channel refers to whether the expression reading comes from
the Cy3 green fluor channel (Channel 1) or the Cy5 red fluor channel
(Channel 2). Type refers to kidney tissues from two mouse species, mu­
tant (Type 1) and wild-type (Type 2), as described in the next section.
The inclusion of a color channel effect in the design was prompted by the
scientists’ concern that gene expression profiles might differ by channel –
a concern that turned out to be justified. The experimental design is not

mutually orthogonal in the three factors Array, Channel, and Type. In

particular, each array necessarily generates expression readings on both
color channels. In this particular design, Channel is orthogonal to Array
and Type, but the latter two factors are partially confounded.
The data set in this experiment contains ScanAlyze10 cDNA gene ex­
pression data for 1,728 genes. All 1,728 cDNA clones were generated in­
house. Approximately 1,152 murine cDNA clones came from the murine
brain cDNA library and 576 from the rat brain cDNA library. All clone
sequences were verified by single-pass 3’ sequencing. Each cDNA insert
was amplified by PCR and was printed in duplicate on treated glass
microscope slides using a Genetics Microsystems 417 arrayer in linear
pattern. Averages of the duplicated readings were used in the analysis.
In the notation of this book, the design in this study involves G =
1, 728 genes and N = 8 experimental conditions. We now illustrate
normalization for the Mouse Juvenile Cystic Kidney Data Set. The
systematic effects of array and channel (dye color) will be removed in
this normalization. Table 6.2 gives the geometric mean expression levels
for the 1,728 genes for each array-channel combination in the microar­
ray study. The expression levels are not background-corrected. The
geometric mean corresponds to for the logarithmic transformation
(Box-Cox parameter To illustrate a normalized reading, we note
that the raw expression reading for gene for the mutant tissue in
array 2 on the green channel is 2820. Thus, its scale-normalized read­
ing for the log-transformation is 2820/3307 = 0.8527. The transformed
normalized reading is log(2820) – log(3307) = log(0.8527) = –0.1593,
using natural logarithms. Scale-normalized readings and transformed
normalized readings for other genes in the data set would be calculated
accordingly. The identity in (6.14) will hold for the transformed nor­
malized readings of the 1, 728 genes under each of the eight experimental
conditions in this study.

Looking at the geometric means across the experimental conditions,

we note that there is considerable variation in the mean values, the
largest being almost double the smallest. Mean gene expression levels
for mutant tissue tend to be larger than for wild-type tissue. Also, there
is a suggestion that green levels are generally higher than red levels.
This last observation is consistent with the remark in section 3.8 about
differences in the Cy3 and Cy5 dyes.

6.2.3. Normalization Across G Genes and N Samples

Where normalization is to be carried out across both genes and ex­

perimental conditions, the normalized value for transformed intensity
reading is of the form

Here denote arithmetic means of transformed intensity

readings taken over genes, conditions, and over all genes and conditions,
respectively. It is clear that the transformed normalized readings in this
case will sum to zero across both genes and experimental conditions. As
we will show later, these transformed normalized readings give a rough
picture of differential gene expression because they represent differences
in gene expression across experimental conditions for each gene.

6.2.4. Color Effects and MA Plots

Before continuing with the discussion of normalization, it is necessary

to digress briefly to consider color effects and the relation of differential
expression to average intensity levels. This discussion lays the ground­
work for understanding their role in normalization.
To start the discussion of color effects, we again denote the red and
green intensity readings by and We suppress the subscripts
for gene and experimental condition for the moment. To show that
fluorescence of an array spot varies with the amount of hybridization in
a different way for each color, we might plot against
Many other authors have used similar graphs to demonstrate this point.
In contrast, Dudoit et al.11 (2000) and Yang et al. (2002) propose a
plot of the log intensity ratio

against the average log-intensity

A plot of M versus A, referred to as an MA plot, amounts to a 45°

rotation of the coordinate system, followed by scaling
of the coordinates. Difference M captures the color difference on a log-
scale and A represents the average log-intensity for the two colors.
To demonstrate an MA plot and the color asymmetry, we consider
data from the Mouse Juvenile Cystic Kidney Data Set. Figure 6.1 shows
the difference M in normalized log-intensity for the red and green chan-
nels plotted against the average normalized log intensity A for all genes.
The normalization is that in (6.14), with which involves
centering of the log-readings on each color channel. The raw data corre­
spond to CH1I and (CH2I for Array 1 (mutant tissue) in Table 6.1 and,
hence, are not background-corrected.
The graph shows the zero lines for M and A (the log-averages). The
graph also shows the smooth values of M as a LOWESS12 -fitted function
of A. The scatter plot of the points is concave upward. Since the gene
expression readings for both colors are coming from the same mutant
tissue, the curvature in the smooth fitted function illustrates the differ­
ence in intensity response between the two colors as a function of the
level of expression (as measured by average A). Note that the red color
tends to be relatively more intense at lower and higher intensity levels

than green, producing the concave upward pattern in the scatter plot
and smooth fitted function.
Locally weighted regression (LOWESS) (Cleveland 1979, 1981) is a
method for smoothing scatterplots in which the fitted value at is the
value of a line fitted to the data using weighted least squares where the
weight for point is large if is close to and small if is not
close to A robust fitting procedure guards against outliers distorting
the smoothed points13.
The color asymmetry demonstrated in Figure 6.1 has led to the use of
microarray study designs in which arrays are produced in pairs with the
colors in one array reversed relative to the colors in the second array in
order to compensate for the color differences. These are called reversed-
color designs and are discussed in more detail in Chapter 9. Thus, a
reversed-color experiment copes with the color asymmetry by obtaining
two gene expression readings for each gene under each experimental
condition one from each color channel.

The design layout in Table 6.3 shows the structure of a reversed-

color design for two experimental conditions and for a single gene.
Letting and denote the average normalized transformed intensities

for experimental conditions and respectively, an MA plot for this

design can be constructed using the following definitions of M and A.

Note that M captures the differential expression for the two experimental
conditions and A measures the mean intensity (both on the transformed
scale). As and are averages over both arrays and colors, the effects
of these two factors are neutralized. Thus, the MA plot in this case will
show a relationship between differential expression and average intensity
that is free of color bias. Figure 6.2 shows this plot for the Mouse
Juvenile Cystic Kidney Data Set. The plot uses the data only from
Arrays 2 and 3 in Table 6.1, as these contain an imbedded reversed-
color design. Because the data are normalized, the MA plot has axes
centered on zero.
A LOWESS function has been fitted to the plot. Note its approx­
imate linearity and the relatively uniform scatter of points about the
smooth function. Also, note the tendency for differential expression to
decline with intensity. The correlation coefficient for M and A across
all genes is -0.51. The figure shows that there is a relationship between
differential expression and average intensity and that it is not solely a
color phenomenon.

6.2.5. Normalization Based on LOWESS Function

Yang et al. (2002) suggest a normalization for the color effect that uses
LOWESS smoothing. The approach is referred to as intensity-dependent
normalization. In this approach, a LOWESS function of the average
intensity A is fitted to the scatter plot and then is used to normalize
the log-intensity ratio M by computing the difference More
specifically, the authors show that color differences may vary by the pin
tip of the arrayer and therefore suggest that the preceding normalization
be carried out separately for each pin tip, in essence, giving normalized
log-intensity ratios of the form where is an index for the

pin tip and is the LOWESS function fitted to the data from the
pin tip.

Instead of using the entire set of genes to fit the LOWESS curve for
normalization, Tseng et al.14 (2001) fit the LOWESS curve to a selected
set of rank-invariant genes before conducting nonlinear normalization
(see subsection 6.2.6 for more details). The curve is extrapolated to
genes with the highest and lowest intensities, as these are excluded from
the rank-invariant gene set by definition.

The need for nonlinear normalization is also noted by Schadt et al.15

(2001) in analyzing data from in-situ oligonucleotide microarrays.

Because hybridization is often not uniform over the array, Wernisch et

al.16 (2003) considered two-dimensional LOWESS normalization. They
fit a two-dimensional LOWESS surface to log-ratio values of the array
set. Once a surface has been fitted, log-ratio values can be corrected by
subtracting the surface values.

6.2.6. Normalization Based on Rank-invariant Genes

Consider a cDNA spotted array experiment in which mRNAs for
two specimens are separately labelled with red and green fluors and
co-hybridized on the same array. One may wish to base normalization
not on the entire designated gene set but on a subset of genes that are
not differentially expressed in the two specimens. This idea is pursued
by Tseng et al. (2001) who propose a rank-invariant method to select
a subset of genes as a basis for normalization, which might be called
a rank-invariant gene set. If the ranks of the red and green intensities
of a gene are similar and if the rank of its average intensity on both
channels is not extremely low or high, then one might conclude that the
gene is not differentially expressed in the two specimens and therefore
can be included in the rank-invariant set used for normalization.
Tseng et al. (2001) choose threshold numbers and for the following
two criteria and select all genes for the invariant set that satisfy them.

Here and denote the green and red intensity levels of gene
respectively, and denotes the rank of intensity among all
K genes.

6.2.7. Normalization Based on a Sample Pool

Yang et al. (2002) propose normalization methods that are based on
robust local regression and account for intensity and spatial dependence
in dye biases. They use a novel set of controls with minimal sample-
specific bias over a large intensity range, referred to as a microarray
sample pool.
A microarray sample pool is made from a randomly picked non-
normalized plasmid library generated from mouse cerebellum. They
compared different normalization methods, including within-slide nor­
malization using the majority of genes on the microarray, and within-
slide normalization using a microarray sample pool.

6.2.8. Global Normalization Using ANOVA Models

Many authors, including Kerr, Martin, and Churchill (2000c)17 , Lee et

al. (2000, 2002a), Wolfinger et al.18 (2001) consider global normalization

by incorporating appropriate main effects and/or interaction effects for

normalizing factors into analysis of variance (ANOVA) models. Details
of normalization by ANOVA models is discussed in detail in Chapter 10.

6.2.9. Other Normalization Issues

Several variations have been proposed for normalizations that do not
employ the whole gene set for setting the normalization adjustment fac­
tors. The basic idea is to use a subset of genes containing genes char­
acterized by constant or known gene expression across the experimental
conditions. The rank-invariant gene set introduced in Section 6.2.6 is one
such variant. Other similar strategies have been proposed, as illustrated
by the following.

1 A set of so-called housekeeping genes that are known to have relatively

constant expression across experimental conditions. However, the
use of housekeeping genes for normalization carries a risk, since very
few genes have constant unvarying expression under all conditions or
across multiple tissues.
2 A set of synthetic or alien DNA sequences, acting as control genes,
that are spotted on the arrays but are not expected to hybridize
to the specimens in the study. The addition of external controls
is a good way to verify labeling and hybridization efficiencies, but
usually the added control genes are too few to be utilized efficiently
for normalization purposes.
3 A set of spots forming a dilution series for genes. The dilutions should
be mirrored in measured intensities that reflect the fixed dilution

Normalization calculations may employ so-called robust methods that

tend to be insensitive to unusual readings in the data set. Robust
normalization may involve using a median, for instance, rather than
a mean as a measure of location. The use of rank methods, such as
rank-invariant gene subsets, is another robust option.

Kerr, M.K., Afshari, C.A., Bennett, L., Bushel, P., Martinez, J., Walker, N.J., and
Churchill, G.A. (2002). Statistica Sinica, 12, 203-218.
2 Rocke, D.M., Lorenzato, S. (1995). Technometrics, 37, 176-184.
3 Rocke, D.M., Durbin, B. (2001). Journal of Computational Biology, 8, 557-569.
4 Durbin, B.P., Hardin, J.S., Hawkins, D.M., and Rocke, D.M. (2002). Bioinformatics, 18,

5 Hawkins, D.M. (2002). Statistics in Medicine, 21, 1913-1935.
6 Geller, S.C., Gregg, J.P., Hagerman P., Rocke, D.M. (2003). http: //

dmrocke/gellernormpaper.pdf, (in press at Bioinformatics).

7 Huber, W., von Heydebreck, A., Sültmann, H., Poustka, A., and Vingron, M. (2002).

Bioinformatics, 18, Suppl. S-96-S104.

8 Yang, Y.H., Dudoit, S., Luu, P., Lin, D.M., Peng, V., Ngai, J., and Speed, T.P. (2002).

Nucleid Acids Research, 30, No.4, e15.

Lee, M.-L.T., Lu, W., Whitmore, G.A., Beier, D. (2002b). Journal of Biopharmaceutical
Statistics, 12(1), 1-19.
10 Eisen, M.B. (1999). ScanAlyze User Manual, Version 2.32; Stanford University: Stanford,

Dudoit, S., Yang, Y.H., Callow, M.J., Speed, T.P. (2002). Statistica Sinica, 12, 111-139.
12 Cleveland, W.S. (1981). The American Statistician, 35, 54.
13 Cleveland, W.S. (1979). Journal of the American Statistical Association, 74, 829-836.
14 Tseng, G.C., Oh, M.-K., Rohlin, L., Liao, J.C., and Wong, W.H. (2001). Nucleid Acids

Research, 29, 2549-2557.

Schadt, E., Li, C., Ellis, B., and Wong, W.H. (2001). Journal of Cellular Biochemistry,
84, S37, 120-125.
Wernisch, L., Kendall, S.L., Soneji, S., Wietzorrek, A., Parish, T., Hinds, J., Butcher,
P.D., and Stoker, N.G. (2003). Bioinformatics, 19, 53-61.
Kerr, M.K., Martin, M., and Churchill, G.A. (2001c). Journal of Computational Biology,
7, 819-837.
18 Wolfinger, R.D., Gibson, G., Wolfinger, E.D., Bennett, L., Hamadeh, H., Bushel, P.,

Afshari, C., Paules, R. (2001). Journal of Computational Biology, 8, 625-637.

Chapter 7


7.1. Missing Values in Array Data

Microarray gene expression data frequently have missing values. These

missing values are of concern for investigators and analysts alike. Miss­
ing values imply a loss of information. They may also imply contending
with an unbalanced experimental design. Their presence should sig­
nal to investigators a departure from expected results and, hence, that
there may be important issues or problems with experimental methods
or conditions that require their attention.

7.1.1. Sources of Problem

Missing values may arise in the original microarray data for various
reasons, such as administrative error, defective technique, or technology
failure. For example, an intended replication may be omitted, a fea­
ture of the robotic apparatus may fail, a scanner may have insufficient
resolution, or an image may be corrupted.

Some researchers follow the practice of flagging readings that are sus­
pect, and these may be converted to missing values or otherwise excluded
from the analysis before proceeding. For instance, spots with dust parti­
cles, irregularities, or other bad features may be flagged manually. Spots
may be flagged as ‘absent’ or ‘feature not found’ when nothing is printed
in the location of a spot or if the imaging software cannot detect any
fluorescence at the spot. Expression readings that are barely above the
background correction (using a criterion such as less than two back­
ground standard deviations above) may also be flagged.

In two-color spotted cDNA arrays, it is not uncommon for either the

reference or the treatment condition at a spot to be absent or unex­
pressed (especially with background correction). The resulting expres­
sion intensity ratio is undefined when the denominator is zero (being
and is zero when the numerator alone is zero. Both cases pose a special
problem for analysis. Various techniques can be employed in these situa­
tions. Recording them as missing is not really satisfactory. The fact that
a gene may be unexpressed in the target but not in the reference, or vice
versa, may be of scientific interest. These spots need to be segregated
for separate investigation. The following remedies for missing values,
such as imputation, would cover up a potentially interesting situation
and, hence, their application would be ill-advised in this circumstance.

Missing values may also appear in a transformed data set because an

undefined mathematical transformation has been applied. For example,
where background correction gives corrected intensities that are negative
or zero, a subsequent log-transformation will yield missing values in such
cases. Care must be exercised to identify these cases as missing values.

Missing values having different causes are qualitatively different and

require different remedies in the subsequent analysis and interpretation
of findings. Statistical software packages handle missing values in vari­
ous ways. Analysts must be aware of the differing treatments given to
missing data points by their software. In the context of microarrays,
some software may have an option to eliminate data for any gene that
has one or more missing values under any of the experimental conditions.
Other software is more selective in its treatment of missing values. A
routine may only eliminate genes having one or more missing values for
the experimental conditions that are under consideration for a particular
analysis. One must be especially guarded about software that blindly
imputes default values for missing values, such as zeros or row averages.
We will return to discuss the general subject of imputation in subsection

7.2. Statistical Classification of Missing Data

The subject of missing values has been studied extensively by sta­

tisticians in many contexts and with varying degrees of sophistication.
An authorative reference on the subject of missing values is Little and
Rubin1 (1987). Statisticians have found it helpful to classify missing val­
ues on the basis of the stochastic mechanism that produces them. The
following classification system is widely used.

1. Missing completely at random (MCAR):

Missing data are said to be MCAR if their missingness (i.e., the event
of being missing) is independent of their own unobserved values and
independent of the observed data. This kind of missing data may be
viewed as arising from chance events that are unrelated to the nature
of the investigation.
2. Missing at random (MAR):
Missing data are said to be MAR if their missingness does not depend
on their own unobserved values but does depend on the observed
data. MAR represents a weakening of the assumptions of MCAR.
3. Missing not at random (MNAR):
Missing data are said to be MNAR if their missingness depends on
their own unobserved values. :
For an example of MCAR missingness, consider a spot that is obscured
accidently by a dust particle. Its reading would be missing and classified
as MCAR. At the other extreme, consider spots that show no fluores­
cence or that have undefined log-intensities because their background-
corrected intensities are negative. Their readings will be missing and
classified as MNAR because their missingness depends on the fact that
their raw intensity values are zero or small.
The preceding list of categories is instructive because it leads an in­
vestigator to reflect carefully on the reasons why values are missing and
the relationship that might exist between missing values and the data
points that have been observed. The presence of missing values may
give clues to systematic aspects of the problem.
The imputation methods that are discussed shortly are predicated
on an assumed connection between the missing values and the observed
data. The potential for missing values also has implications for the
experimental design of microarray studies. In particular, replicates of
arrays or spots on arrays provide insurance against the damaging effects
of missing values. If missing values do occur by chance among a set of
replicates, the observed members of the set can stand in for the missing,
albeit with some loss of statistical precision.
If all intensity measurements for a given gene or condition are missing
(an extreme case), then effectively the corresponding gene or condition
is omitted from the study and there is no practical remedy except repli­
cating the study to replace the missing cases. Where missing values are
occasional, a few standard procedures have been proposed for handling
them. We discuss these procedures in the next two subsections.

7.3. Missing Values in Replicated Designs

One faces a basic choice with missing values, namely, to proceed by
omitting them from the analysis or to impute values for them in some
acceptable and efficient fashion. If values are missing in a replicated ex­
perimental design, then observed replicates can stand in for the missing
values. In this case, the issue is whether the parameters of the underlying
statistical model can be estimated in the presence of one or more missing
values. The designs with missing values are invariably unbalanced but
pose no computational problem in principle provided basic estimability
constaints are satisfied. Omitting missing values in a replicated design
and proceeding to analyze the corresponding unbalanced experimental
data set assumes, therefore, that the missingness is of the MCAR variety
and, hence, that the actual fact of missingness is uninformative about
the parameters of the gene expression model.

To illustrate the handling of missing values with replicated designs,

consider Table 7.1, which shows a latin square design for a reverse-color
cDNA experiment in which a treatment and control condition are being
compared on two spots for each gene. The illustration assumes that the
design is replicated with three repeats. The readings are for a single
gene. Four of the 12 observations are missing and marked by an asterisk
(*). An analysis of variance (ANOVA) model is fitted to the common
logarithms of the data. Without giving details, the model was fitted
with main effects for color, spot, and treatment. The parameters are
estimable here. The analysis yields an estimate of 2.58 for the ratio of
treatment to control gene expression. A confidence interval for this ratio
could also be calculated in this instance.

7.4. Imputation of Missing Values

Imputation methods replace missing values by estimates derived from
the observed data, thereby converting an incomplete data set into a
complete one. Various imputation methods are used, which we discuss
next. These imputation methods rely on the missingness being of the
MCAR type, i.e., missing completely at random.
1. Row average:
A simple imputation method is to replace missing values by the aver­
age of observed values in the same row (i.e., for the same gene). Thus,
readings for gene expression from observed experimental conditions
are averaged to replace those that are missing for other experimental
conditions. The method has little to commend it except simplicity
and ease of computation, neither of which is a very compelling rea­
son. Studies such as Troyanskaya et al.2 (2001) also show that this
method is not very effective. Its main weakness is that it makes no
serious attempt to model the connection of the missing values to the
observed data. A row average can be useful where an initial impu­
tation is required in an iterative imputation method. Such methods
generally will eventually replace the average by an improved imputed
value. The SAM3 software system offers this method as one option.
For any row that has the intensity readings missing for all but one
condition, however, the entire row will be replaced by this single non-
missing observation and, hence, a row of identical readings is created.
As a result, this row has to be eliminated from consideration because
the standard deviation of the imputed intensity readings for this row
is zero.
2. neighbors method:
This method matches the profile of observed data for a gene having
missing values with the corresponding profiles of other genes having
no missing values. A number of these other genes having the closest
matching profiles are then used to infer the missing values for the
gene. To be more precise, consider a particular gene with one
or more missing values. Let denote the set of all
experimental conditions in the study and let denote
the set of all genes in the study. Let be the subset of for which
gene has observed values. The remaining conditions have
missing values for gene Consider the subset of genes that also
have observed values for conditions Choose the genes among
this subset that are most similar or closest to gene in terms of their
expression profiles on conditions The average expression values
for these nearest neighbors on the missing conditions are

used as the imputed values for gene If the nearest neighors also
have missing values on conditions various backup remedies
are applied. The measure of similarity or distance that is employed
can vary – Euclidean distance is commonly used. The SAM software
includes the neighbors method for imputation. It employs
Euclidean distance as the distance metric and uses a row average to
complete the imputation if the nearest neighbor method still leaves
gene with one or more missing values.
Many variations of this method have been proposed. Some variants
suggest, for example, that the imputation average be weighted by
the similarity of the neighbor to the gene under consideration, with
more similar neighbors being given greater weight. There is also
variation in terms of the number of neighbors to be used. A study
by Troyanskaya et al. (2001) shows that results are adequate and
relatively insensitive to values of between 10 and 20.
3. Regression estimate method:
Most commercial statistical software packages have one or more rou­
tines available for dealing with imputation. A common one involves
using fitted regression values to replace missing values. The software
package Stata, for example, offers this routine. The method works
as follows. Let be missing for a particular gene under condi­
tion As before, let be the set of conditions for which gene
has observed values and let be the set of genes having observed
data for condition and the conditions in Regress on the
expression levels in set for all genes Use the fitted value
from this regression as the imputed value of The difference
is the imputation error in this case.
The regression model can be applied to the original expression in-
tensities as just described or to transformed values, such as log-
intensities. Some checks should be made to assess the validity of
the regression model for the application. For example, a logarithmic
transformation of the observed expression readings may improve the
applicability of the regression model. Moreover, the model must be
chosen so that it does not yield invalid fitted values. For instance, a
regression model that yields negative imputed values for expression
on the original reading scale would be inappropriate.
4. Principal component method:
This method requires that there be as many genes as experimental
samples, i.e., which usually poses no difficulty as most mi­
croarray data sets have G >> C, i.e., the number of genes G is much

larger than the number of conditions C. This method first calcu­

lates the C principal components of the expression intensity vectors
for genes, each vector being of length equal to the number of exper­
imental conditions C. The method then resorts to regression fitting
as in the previous method, but using the principal components as
regressors. Each gene vector is thereby estimated by a suitable re­
gression combination of one or more of the most important principal
components. A complete microarray data set is needed to calculate
principal components initially. This complete set can be obtained
at the outset by using a simple imputation method, such as the row
average method, to impute missing values. Subsequently, these ini­
tial imputations are replaced by imputed values provided by the first
application of the principal component method. The imputation can
proceed through several iterations of the principal component method
until the imputations converge to stable values.

1 Little, R.J.A. and Rubin, D.B.. (1987). Statistical Analysis with Missing Data, Wiley.
2 Troyanskaya, O., Cantor, M., Sherlock, G., Brown, P., Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., Botstein,
D., Altman, R.B. (2001). Bioinformatics, 17 (6), 520-525.
3 Chu, G., Narasimhan, B., Tibshirani. R. and Tusher, V. SAM (Significance Analysis of
Microarrays): Users Guide and Technical Document (Version 1.21), Stanford University.
Chapter 8



8.1. Saturated Intensity Readings

Scanners used in microarray technology have an intensity saturation
threshold. For example, in some image scanners, pixel intensities are
digitized using a 16-bit gray scale, giving a range of 0 to 65535 levels of
intensity. The saturation threshold is a reading of Some
microarray technologies have required modification in order to address
saturation problems caused by faulty design and calibration difficulties.
Microarray data need to be screened to see if intensities are at the
threshold. Care must be exercised in order to identify these cases. Satu­
ration readings are censored observations in the sense that the true value
of is only known to exceed the threshold T, i.e, but the
precise value is unknown.

8.2. Multiple Power-levels for Spotted Arrays

A microarray experiment was carried out in which 13,796 cDNAs for
treatment and control samples from a mouse were read on the Cy3
(green) and Cy5 (red) channels, respectively. The scanning was done
at six power levels, ranging from 500 to 1000 volts in 100 volt incre­
ments. Both median foreground and median background intensities were
recorded separately. We refer to this data set as the Multiple Power-
levels Data Set.
Figure 8.1, based on this data set, illustrates saturation. In this figure,
we have plotted Cy3 foreground intensity at each voltage against Cy3
foreground intensity at 500 volts for the 13,796 genes (cDNAs). The



plots use logarithmic scales to base 2 so the upper limit of intensity is

16. The 500-volt level is used as a reference intensity here so the plot of
the 500-volt readings against themselves shows up as a line of identity.
Several features of the plots are noteworthy.

1 The plots at higher voltages level off at 16 on the logarithmic scale.

Spots at 16 are saturated readings, and these are more numerous at
higher voltages.
2 The plots show that, as voltage increases, the foreground intensity
increases almost in fixed proportion. These proportionate changes
show up as roughly parallel scatter plots because of our use of log­
arithmic scales. The amplification of intensity from each 100-volt
increment occurs at a slightly diminishing rate with voltage.
3 Some curvature appears in the scatter plot for each voltage at low
intensities. The figure shows a vertical line at a log-intensity of 8 on
the reference scale, which roughly separates the linear from the non­
linear response segments. Each plot approaches a linear asymptote

as intensity increases, although the asymptote at 1000 volts is not

4 Only a handful of genes have log-intensities below 6 on the reference
5 Near the saturation threshold, the plots also show a little curvature.
This curvature is presumably the result of saturation occurring for
some pixels in the image but not others. We shall refer to this phe­
nomenon later as partial image saturation.
6 There appears to be a greater scatter of points around the line of
relationship at lower intensities than at higher intensities. Further
analysis of deviations (using LOWESS smoothing) shows, however,
that this greater scatter is mainly caused by the larger numbers of
spots in the lower intensity range. Variability is, in fact, quite con­
stant across the unsaturated range of readings at each voltage, with
only slightly greater dispersion in the low-intensity region.

We shall use the line plotted at level 15.5 to define the onset of partial
saturation. The numbers of totally saturated, partially saturated, and
unsaturated spots as a function of voltage are tabulated in Table 8.1.
We note for this data set that any spot that is saturated at one voltage
remains saturated at higher voltages.

8.2.1. Imputing Saturated Intensity Readings

Scanning at several power or dilution levels allows saturated intensi­
ties to be estimated and also provides slightly improved precision for in­
tensity measurement. Software such as masliner1, developed by Dudley
et al. (2002), performs this kind of analysis. We sketch the underlying
logic of this kind of analysis below, although specific packages have their
own customized routines and refinements. We now use the term ampli­
fication to describe the increased intensity at higher power levels (or in
less diluted samples).

A number of methods can be used for imputing intensity values for

partially and totally saturated spots. As the observations are censored,
statistical methods for censored data can be used. These methods re­
quire a specification of an appropriate statistical model of intensity and
a description of the censoring mechanism. In this context of microarray
data, however, a satisfactory job is done by treating the saturated spots
as having missing values and using imputation methods to give them
To demonstrate the approach, we will use the Multiple Power-levels
Data Set and apply a version of regression imputation. As the regression
method relies on the log-intensities at different power levels having a
linear relationship with each other, we exclude readings in the region of
non-linear response. As a specific criterion, we eliminate readings with
log-intensities of 8 or less on the reference (500 volt) scale – see the
vertical line in Figure 8.1. This cutoff does not eliminate any saturated
spots. The regression imputation method is as follows:
1 Set the totally and partially saturated cases (i.e., those with logarith­
mic readings above 15.5) to missing values.
2 In an initial iteration, regress intensities at each voltage level on the
known intensities at lower voltage levels. Observe in Table 8.1 that
voltage 500 has only unsaturated spots. Thus, we begin with volt­
age 600 and, for each gene, regress the voltage-600 intensity on the
intensity for voltage 500. The missing voltage-600 readings are given
imputed values equal to the fitted values from this regression. Mov­
ing on to voltage 700, the voltage-700 intensity is regressed on the
intensities for voltages 500 and 600, including the imputed values for
voltage 600. Again, missing values at voltage 700 are replaced by
fitted values from the regression. The procedure is repeated succes­
sively for the higher voltages, 800, 900, and 1000.
3 In a second iteration, again proceeding gene by gene, regress the
intensity at each successive voltage on the intensities of all other
voltages, replacing missing values by imputed values from the initial
iteration. Update the imputed values for each successive regression
at a higher voltage level.

Figure 8.2 shows the revised scatter plots, corresponding to Figure 8.1,
but now with imputed values replacing intensities exceeding 15.5 on the
logarithmic scale. The method seems to have made a reasonable ad­
justment for saturation and produced a roughly linear intensity scale at
each voltage level as expected. The asymptotes at different voltages are

roughly parallel except at the highest voltage, for which the imputation
also happens to involve the greatest extent of extrapolation.

8.3. High Intensities in Oligonucleotide Arrays

Naef et al.2 (2003) present a detailed calibration study of GeneChips,
in which a number of transcripts are hybridized at known concentra­
tions. They show that high-concentration bias is a serious issue in
GeneChips, which is probably related to chemical saturation in the ab­
sorption process of the target to the probes.
Their results show that conventional analysis techniques have diffi­
culty detecting small changes in high transcript concentrations. While
the variance is smallest for high concentrations, it appears that poten­
tial bias has been neglected. In comparing two conditions, they conclude
that the high-intensity GeneChip microarray data are almost always very
tightly scattered about the diagonal and that there are rarely genes in
that region that show fold changes greater than 1.5 or 2. They show

that fold changes as large as 4 in expression levels are often compressed

to fold changes barely larger than 1.
In contrast to the standard view in which the perfect matches (PMs)
are thought to carry the signal, while the mismatches (MMs) serve as
non-specific controls, Naef et al. (2003) use PM and MM probes equally.
Specifically, instead of the difference PM–MM, both log transformed
intensities PM and MM are used in their analysis. Expecting that some
MM probes will be less affected by saturation than the PM probes3, they
use the method of locally linear embeddings4 to reduce the bias at high

Dudley, A.M., Aach, J., Steffen, M.A., and Church, G.M. (2002). Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences, USA, 99, 7554-7559.
Naef, F., Socci, N.D., Magnasco, M. (2003). Bioinformatics, 19; 178-184.
3 Naef, F., Lim, D.A., Patil, N. and Magnasco, M. (2002b). Phys. Rev. E., 65, 040902.
4 Roweis, S.T. and Saul, L.K. (2000). Science, 290, 2323-2326.
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Chapter 9


Historically, experimental design1 has been used in improving agri­

cultural products, crop yields, and livestock2. In the past few decades,
experimental design has also played a key role in quality improvement in
industrial engineering. Properly designed experiments help an investiga­
tor to avoid systematic errors at the analysis stage when comparing the
effects of treatments on response measures of interest. Hence, a properly
designed experiment can provide the maximum amount of information
from the available data.
Microarray experiments can benefit from adopting principles of good
experimental design3. In this chapter, we describe some of the issues
and ideas that are unique to experimental design for microarray studies.
The presentation in this chapter is far from exhaustive, however, and the
reader is referred to some of the cited references for more information.
For a good review of experimental design issues, see Cochran and Cox4
(1992), Winer5 (1971), Milliken and Johnson6 (1992), and Neter, Kutner,
Nachtscheim, and Wasserman7 (1996), among others.
In this chapter, we will first classify experiments by the factors to be
considered in the comparisons and by design structure. We then discuss
some prototypical designs for microarrays. Some of these designs reflect
the historical development of the subject (albeit a short history), and
others reflect current and evolving practices.

9.1. Factors Involved in Experiments

An experimental factor is an explanatory variable whose influence on
the response variable in the experiment is of interest. The different

settings that a factor may take on in an experiment are referred to as

factor levels. Experiments may include one or more factors controlled at
their respective levels. The corresponding data analyses may be referred
to as one-way, two-way, or, in general, multi-way analyses, depending on
the number of factors involved in the design. In some microarray studies,
the design is specified and analyzed gene by gene. In other designs, the
gene set is considered as a design factor having the individual genes as
its levels.
1. One Factor:
A simple microarray experiment may look for changes in gene ex­
pression across a single factor of interest. Let denote the number of
factor levels. For example, an experiment involves RNAs from kidney
tissues taken from mice exposed to three different concentrations of
a toxin (low, medium, high). The factor of interest is toxin exposure,
which has Samples from multiple mice are collected
at each factor level (toxin exposure). A high-density oligonucleotide
microarray is prepared for each tissue sample. Expression measure­
ments are obtained from the arrays for each gene in the mouse gene
set. A one-way comparison of the expression levels across the three
toxin levels can be used to identify a differentially expressed gene.

2. Two Factors:
In a two-way analysis, there are two factors involved in the compar­
ison. If the first factor has levels and the second factor has
levels, then a two-way factor structure consists of a total of
combinations of levels. For example, if there are two types of mice,
mutant and wild type, involved in the previous experiment, then, in
addition to the factor for toxin exposure (with three levels), a second
factor having two levels (the two types of mice) is also taken into
account in the comparison.

3. Multiple Factors:
When there are more than two factors involved in the experiment,
the multi-way structure is often called a factorial design. An
factorial design consists of factors having levels,
respectively. Together there are a total of combinations.
If all combinations are taken into account in the design, it is called
a complete factorial design. For example, in a mouse experiment,
the multiple factors taken into account may include sex, age group,
mouse type, and other characteristics.

4. Fractional Replication and Latin Square Designs:

When the number of factors involved in an experiment is large, the
number of possible combinations of the factor levels required for a
complete factorial design is huge. Because of the costs and labor
involved in microarray experiments, a complete factorial design is
often beyond the resources of investigators. It is often necessary
in this situation to use only a subset of all possible combinations of
factor levels. For example, consider an experiment with seven factors,
each having two levels. There are possible combinations of
factor levels in a complete factorial experiment. In a complete
design, each main effect estimate is an average over 64 combinations
of the other factors and these estimates of main effects may be more
precise than is needed. It is feasible to obtain good estimates of main
effects from a much smaller experiment by using a carefully chosen
subset of the complete factorial design. This chosen subset is called
a fractional replication or a fractional factorial design.

Consider a mouse experiment that involves comparisons among two

mouse types, two age groups, and two sexes using oligonucleotide
arrays. A complete factorial design involving these three 2-level
factors (mouse type, age group, and sex) would involve a total of 8
possible combinations. If we can ignore interaction effects that might
exist among mouse type, age group, and sex, then a half-replicate of
a factorial design can be considered. Hence, the investigator would
only need 4 specimens, instead of 8, for the microarray experiment.
Each half-fraction of a full design is often called a fractional
factorial design, or a 2 × 2 latin square design8. Specifically, the com­
binations included in a half replicate of a factorial design should
satisfy the following two conditions.
(a) To estimate a main effect efficiently, the two levels of each
factor must appear equally often.
(b) To estimate main effects independently, each pair of main
effects should be orthogonal to each other.
Thus, all four combinations of the levels of any two factors must
appear equally often. As a result, there are only two distinct
fractional factorial designs that satisfy these two conditions. If we
index the age groups as the rows and the genders as the columns,
and place mouse type in the cells, then each of these two designs can
be represented as a 2 × 2 latin square design as illustrated in Tables
9.1 and 9.2.

In either of the two half-replicates, the main effects of any factor are
orthogonal to those of the other two factors. The main effects of any
factor, however, are confounded with the two-factor interactions not
involving that factor. Hence, if one can assume that the two-factor and
higher-order interaction effects are negligible, the design of each half-
replicate allows the experimenter to estimate independently the main
effects of any of the three main factors (mouse type, age group, and sex).
Using a half-replicate design, therefore, saves half of the experimental
In experiments where both half-replicates are available, by combining
the two latin-squares, we have a complete factorial design. The benefit
of having both half-replicates is that the experimenters can estimate two-
factor interaction effects. If the two 2 × 2 latin-squares constitute blocks
in the experiment, then the blocks are confounded with the three-factor
interaction effects. In a design with both latin-squares, all the two-factor
interaction effects, in addition to the main effects, can be estimated
independently. Two-factor interaction effects cannot be estimated if
only one latin-square is used repeatedly.

9.2. Types of Design Structures

In addition to consideration of possible factors to be included in the
analysis, it is important to consider the structure of the experimental
design at the planning stage.

1. Completely Randomized Design:

To illustrate this design, consider a homogeneous population of mice.
Assume that different treatments (one factor with levels) are of
interest in a gene expression study of this population. If a random
sample of mice drawn from this population are randomly assigned in
fixed numbers to the treatments, then the experiment is called a com­
pletely randomized design. If an equal number of mice are assigned
to each treatment, then the design is called balanced.
2. Randomized Complete Block Design:
A blocking approach can be employed in microarray experiments to
increase sensitivity and to diminish inherent variation and, thereby,
to enhance the detection of significant differences. The term blocking
has its origins in agricultural experiments. For example, crop yields
are influenced by soil fertility, amount of sunlight, moisture, and other
factors. To remove variation contributed by these factors when com­
paring yields of, say, strains of wheat, each of the strains would be
randomly assigned for planting on plots of the same block of land.
The experiment would employ, say, different blocks of land for this
purpose. In genetic experiments, for instance, multiple RNA samples
taken from the same mouse may be used for different treatments so
as to eliminate possible intra-sample variation. Here treatments cor­
respond to wheat strains, each mouse is a block and the plots in each
block correspond to the RNA samples taken from the same mouse.
The treatments of interest would be randomly assigned to RNA
samples from each of mice. Where the number of treatment con­
ditions matches the number of experimental units in each block, as
in these examples, the design is called a randomized complete block
3. Incomplete Block Design:
Should the number of experimental units that can be accommodated
in each block be less than all possible treatment conditions of inter­
est, then the design is said to be incomplete. For example, if only
two RNA samples are available for each of the 4 mice, and there
are four treatment conditions of interest, then only 2 of the 4 treat­
ments can be applied to each mouse. In this case the design is called
an incomplete block design. As another example, consider two-color
spotted arrays. It is a common practice in each spotted array that
two mRNA samples (say a tumor sample and a reference sample)
are labelled with green dye and and red dye, respectively. Kerr and
Churchill (2001) pointed out that a spotted microarray can be consid­

ered as an experimental block with a block size of two. When there

are more than two experimental conditions of interest, all sample
conditions cannot appear on the same array. In these experiments,
spotted microarrays can be considered as incomplete blocks. Table
9.3 illustrates an incomplete block design for four treatments.

4. Balanced Incomplete Block Design:

One of the most used incomplete block designs is a balanced incom­
plete block design (BIBD) where all treatments are replicated the
same number of times and any pair of treatments appears together
equally often within blocks. Because of the fact that treatment com­
parisons are balanced to blocks (arrays), the design will provide equal
precision on treatment comparisons. That is, the same standard error
may be used for comparing every pair of treatments.

In the design shown in Table 9.4, every pair of treatments appears

together once in an array. Treatment effects are also orthogonal to
dyes. We show in Table 9.5 that, when 6 arrays are available, 4
treatments can be compared in a BIBD design; the treatments in
this design, however, are not orthogonal to dyes. We demonstrate a
BIBD design for 5 treatments in Table 9.6. The 5 treatments in this
design are orthogonal to the dyes.

5. Split-plot Design:
A split-plot design is a factorial experiment in which a main effect
is confounded with blocks (the larger experimental units). In this
setting, the blocks are called whole plots and the smaller experimen­
tal units nested within whole plots are called subplots. Let the levels
of a factor, say factor A, be randomly assigned to the whole plots
and the levels of a second factor, say factor B, be randomly assigned
to the subplots within each whole plot. In general, subplots within
a whole plot will be more similar than subplots in different whole
plots. Consequently, within-whole-plot comparisons will generally be
more precise than between-whole-plot comparisons. So the split-plot
design is advantageous if the main effects of factor B and the AB
interactions are of greater interest than the main effects of factor
A alone. Yates9 (1935) showed that when the number of replica­
tions and the experimental conditions are suitable, a split-plot latin
square, which eliminates the error variation arising from two types of
grouping, may be preferable to randomized blocks.
In studying the contributions of sex, genotype, and age to transcrip­
tional variance in adult fruitflies Drosophila melanogaster, Jin et al.10
(2001) conducted an experiment involving two sexes, two genotypes,
and two age groups. Six replications including dye swaps were made
for each combination of two genotypes and two sexes. A total of 24
two-color cDNA microarrays were used. Using a split-plot design,

they directly contrasted the two age groups by always having the
1-week and 6-week adult flies together on the same array block.

We consider a variation of the Jin et al. design. The three parts of

Table 9.7 show 12 arrays grouped into three sets of four arrays each.
Arrays to in Table 9.7(a) compare two age groups. Arrays to
in Table 9.7(b) compare two genotypes. Arrays to in Table
9.7(c) compare two sexes.

The design also includes another set of 12 arrays like these that have
the dyes reversed. The 12 arrays with dyes reversed are not shown.
The experiment thus consists of 24 arrays that allow a split-plot com­
parison of age groups, genotypes, and sexes. The combined design

will provide equally efficient parameter estimates when the effects of

sex, genotype, and age group are of equal interest.

6. Designs Involving Nested Factors:

Where each level of one factor can be observed in combination with
each level of any other factor in a multi-factor study, the factors are
said to be crossed. There are many kinds of experiments, however,
where factors cannot be crossed. In these experiments the factors
may be nested and the designs are called nested designs. Nesting
refers to the condition where all levels of one factor are found within
only one level of a second factor. The first factor is then said to
be nested within the second factor. In the design structure of an
experiment, nested effects occur when the experimental units for one
factor are different for each experimental unit of a second factor.

For experiments involving human tissues, it might not be possible to

obtain RNA materials for a crossed design. For example, in studying
the biology of uterine leiomyomata11, a total of seven uterine tumor
tissue samples (leiomyomata) were taken from two patients, A and
B, as shown in Table 9.8. Four leiomyomata samples were harvested
from patient A, and three leiomyomata samples were harvested from
patient B. Patient A is at the proliferative stage, while patient B is
at the late secretory stage. The microarray data set contains gene
expression readings for thousands of genes. It is of interest to know
which genes are expressed in uterine leiomyomata tumor tissue but
not in matched normal tissue (myometria) for the same patient. Since
the normal and tumor tissues are found within the same stage (pro­
liferative or late secretory), the factors of tissue type and stage are

nested in this design. The explicit recognition of nesting here allows

for the possibility that differential gene expression for the two tissue
types may differ by patient stage.

7. Other Designs:
Although experimental designs often have standard forms or stan­
dard structural components, some sophisticated variations have been
developed to deal with special circumstances. For example, where
the main objective is to compare treatment conditions with the con­
trol condition but not to have comparisons among the treatments,
Hedayat and Majumdar (1984) consider a class of balanced test-
treatment incomplete block designs12 that can be optimal for making
treatment-control comparisons.

9.3. Common Practice in Microarray Studies

Several experimental designs have become standard in microarray
studies, and other designs of a more novel nature have been proposed.
In this section we look at some of these designs.

9.3.1. Reference Design

As discussed for spotted arrays in Chapter 3, each array is probed

with two samples labelled with different fluorescent dyes. Because there
is variation in the amount of RNA from spot to spot, fluorescent inten­
sities are more meaningful when compared in a relative sense. Hence,
biologists arrived at the reference design in which this kind of variation
can be controlled by always having the same reference RNA sample on
each spot. A common practice is to compute ratios of the raw signals
as estimates of differential expression between the two samples spotted
In many studies using spotted microarrays, several treatment condi­
tions are under study and each treatment sample is paired with the same
reference sample on each array slide. Kerr and Churchill (2001) refer to
this design as a reference design. For this design, experimenters usually
use one dye, say green (dye ), to label the reference sample and an­
other dye, say red (dye ), to label the treatment samples of interest.
This kind of design is illustrated in Table 9.9. In this illustration, a ref­
erence (control) sample and three treatments conditions
are under study.

For example, to study molecular classification of human lymphomas,

Alizadeh, Eisen, Davis, et al. (2000) designed the Lymphochip by select­
ing genes that are preferentially expressed in lymphoid cells and genes
with suspected roles in processes important in immunology or cancer13.
A fluorescent cDNA sample, labelled with the Cy5 dye, was prepared
from each experimental mRNA sample. A reference cDNA sample, la­
belled with the Cy3 dye, was prepared from a pool of mRNAs isolated
from nine different lymphoma cell lines. Each Cy5-labelled experimental
cDNA sample was combined with the Cy3-labelled reference sample and
the mixture was hybridized to the microarray. The fluorescence ratio
was determined for each gene. Gene expression measurements were ob­
tained for normal and malignant lymphocyte samples using Lymphochip
One weakness of the reference design is the fact that half of the inten­
sity readings are derived from the reference sample, which may not be
of immediate scientific interest. Specifically, in a reference design with
G genes and T treatment samples of interest, there will be a total of
2GT intensity readings, with GT of them from the reference sample.
If we analyze the data using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) model
that will be introduced in Chapter 10, the overall mean and the main
effects of arrays, gene, and sample conditions account for 2T + G – 1
degrees of freedom. The gene-by-condition interaction effects of interest
account for (G – 1)T degrees of freedom. If the gene-by-array interaction
effects are also included in the model, they absorb (G – 1) (T – 1) degrees
of freedom. As noted by Kerr et al.14 (2001c), therefore, no degree of
freedom is left to estimate error.
The fact that treatments are not compared directly on the same spot
is also viewed as a limitation. To elaborate on the latter point, in the
reference design of Table 9.9, for example, if intensity ratios are used
to measure fold changes, treatment conditions and cannot be com­
pared directly without first being compared with the control sample
Specifically, a comparison of with would require, first, a compari­

son of with then with and, finally, a comparison of these two

Moreover, as we have noted earlier in our discussion of color effects
(see subsection 6.2.4), there is an association between gene expression in­
tensity and the dye label. The result is that the dye effect is confounded
with the differential expression of treatment and control samples. This
fact implies that two scientists working with identical experimental con­
ditions, except for treatment and control samples having opposite dye
labels, might possibly arrive at different conclusions.
Simon, Radmacher, and Dobbin15 (2002) discuss the strengths and
weaknesses of the reference design for microarray studies. They provide
several arguments in defense of the reference design for microarray stud­
ies. These advantages generally depend on the flexibility of the design in
constructing arbitrary comparisons across samples. For example, they
mention the advantage in cluster analysis because the distances between
all pairs of specimens can be evaluated readily. They also mention the
advantage for investigating gene expression for specimens from different
experiments when a laboratory or several laboratories use a common
reference mRNA across experiments. Cross-study comparisons are not
as easily made with other designs.
Kerr and Churchill (2001b) considered an augmented reference design
where, in addition to having every treatment sample compared with the
reference sample a self-comparison array is made that contains the
reference sample labelled with both dyes. Table 9.10 illustrates this
kind of design.

9.3.2. Time-course Experiment

Time-course experiments are often used in microarray studies because
knowing when and where a gene is expressed can provide a strong clue
about its biological role. A common set up for the time-course experi­
ment is similar to the reference design as discussed in subsection 9.3.1.

Table 9.11, for example, shows a comparison of expression levels at six

time points with a baseline (time zero) treatment serving
as the reference.

DeRisi, Iyer, and Brown16 (1997) conducted a systematic investigation

of gene expression of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In their exper­
iment, cells from yeast culture were inoculated into fresh medium and
grown for 21 hours. After an initial 9 hours of growth, samples were har­
vested at seven successive 2-hour intervals. They labeled cDNA prepared
from cells at each successive time point with Cy5, then mixed it with a
Cy3-labeled “reference” cDNA sample prepared from cells harvested at
the first interval after inoculation. Their dataset consists of more than
43,000 expression-ratio measurements observed from the seven samples.

9.3.3. Color Reversal

In a reference design, one dye is used to label the reference sample

and another dye is used to label other treatment samples. Hence, it can
be seen that treatment effects are confounded with dye effects. This
confounding of dyes and treatments can be eliminated by repeating the
experiment with the dye colors reversed, giving what is generally called
a reversed-color, dye-swap, or flipped-color design. An illustrative ref­
erence design with reversed color is shown in Table 9.12. Although this
design solves the problem of confounding dye and treatment effects, a
continuing drawback of this design is that half of the intensity readings
are derived from the reference sample.
Dobbins, Shih, Simon17 (2003) look more carefully at the statistical
design of reverse-dye experiments. They examine three types of experi­
ments requiring reverse labelling to control for dye bias, referring to them
as ’paired samples, samples from two predefined groups, and reference
design data when comparison with the reference is of interest’. They
describe efficient designs that control for dye bias in these experimental

contexts and give a sample size formula for these designs. Their general
conclusion is that it is usually not efficient to reverse the dyes for every
individual sample but rather to increase the number of samples keeping
the design balanced with respect to treatment and dye combinations.

9.3.4. Loop Design

As was described in section 9.3.1, the control sample used in the
reference design often is of no scientific interest in the study but adds
experimental noise to the data. In a study aimed at comparing sev­
eral treatment conditions, denoted by Kerr and Churchill
(2001b) suggest that a loop design be considered. In this design, the
pairs of treatments are each spot­
ted on two arrays, with the color channel reversed for one array relative
to its mate. The unbalanced incomplete block design in Table 9.3 is a
loop design for comparing 4 treatments. The balanced incomplete block
design in Table 9.4 is a loop design for comparing three treatments. We
note also that the design described in Table 9.6 can be considered as a
loop design with replication. For comparing four treatments with color
reversal, in addition to the four arrays listed in Table 9.3, a loop design
would set up four additional arrays for each gene as shown in Table 9.13.
An advantage of the loop design is that it eliminates the need for a
reference or control sample because each treatment is compared with
another treatment directly. With color reversal, averaging each treat­
ment pair over the two color orders eliminates any additive differential
effect from color. A major weakness is that, if there are more than 10
treatment conditions, the loop design can be inefficient. For a discus­
sion regarding the relative efficiencies of loop and reference designs, see
Kerr and Churchill (2001b). One practical drawback of the loop design

is that each sample must be labelled with both the red and green dyes,
which means doubling the number of labelling reactions. Another draw­
back is that indirect comparisons may still be required for some pairs of
treatments, as is the case for treatments and in Table 9.13.

9.3.5. Example: Time-course Loop Design

This example describes a time-course experiment with a loop design

to compare two treatments. The design in Table 9.14 is illustrative
of the innovative approaches to microarray study design being taken
by scientists in the field18. This study design involves a comparison of
two treatments A and B. The eight time points covered in the design
are 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 12 and 24 hours. The numbers associated with
the treatment labels refer to hours of treatment (e.g., refers to the
specimen taken at time zero without treatment, and refers to the
specimen taken one-half hour after treatment.).
There are two replicates for each treatment at each time point. As
a result the design has 8 × 2 × 2 = 32 slides in total. On the first
seven slides in each sequence, the treatment condition for each time
point is labeled with Cy5 (red) dye and the treatment condition for the
preceding time point is labeled with the Cy3 (green) dye. The closing
comparison on the eighth slide has labeled with Cy5 and labeled
with Cy3 to complete the loop design. The experimental factors of
treatment, dye, and time are orthogonal and balanced in this design.
Based upon a loop design, this experiment saves some biological material
by not using the reference time zero specimen at each time point, but
it is harder to work with and visualize than a reference design. There
are no technical complications with the design from an experimental
standpoint. The main challenges reside with the analysis, visualization,
and interpretation of the data. This design might not suit an experiment
where there are tandem effects such as an effect from a treatment and an
effect from the solution or medium that comes with the treatment. For
instance, in an experiment where the treatment reagent is introduced

in fresh media, the media alone might induce gene expression changes.
To isolate the treatment effect from the media change effect, the media
changes should be included only as reference samples for the same time
points. The design in Table 9.14 cannot isolate the media change because
each sample has its previous time point as reference.
An alternative design might have used the replicate to reverse the
dye order for each comparison. If the experiment is one where the time
course shows small changes over time (like a slow increase) the design
might have a slight disadvantage relative to a reference design if the
variability does not allow statistical verification of small changes.

1 Fisher, R.A., (1947). The Design of Experiments, Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 4th ed.
2 Comstock, R.E., and Winters, L.M. (1942). Journal of Agricultural Research, 64, 523-532.
3 Kerr, M.K., and Churchill, G.A. (2001b). Biostatistics, 2, 183-201.
Cochran, W.G., and Cox, G.M., (1992), Experimental Designs, Wiley, New York.
Winer, B.J. (1971). Statistical Principles in Experimental Design, 2nd ed., New York,
6 Milliken, G.A. and Johnson, D.E., (1992), Analysis of Messy Data: Volume 1, Designed

Experiments, Chapman and Hall, Boca Raton.

7 Neter, J., Kutner, M.H., Nachtscheim, C.J., Wasserman, W. (1996). Applied Linear Sta­

tistical Models, 4th edition, Richard D. Irwin.

8 Kerr, M.K., Martin, M., Churchill, G.A. (2000). Journal of Computational Biology, 7,

pages 821-824.
9 Yates, F. (1935). Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Suppl. 2, 181-247.
10 Jin, W., Riley, R.M., Wolfinger, R.D., White, K.P., Passador-Gurgel, G., and Gibson, G.

(2001). Nature Genetics, 29, 389 - 395.

11 Morton, C.C. (2000). personal communication.
12 Hedayat, A.S., Majumdar, D. (1984). Technometrics, 26, 363-370.
13 Alizadeh, A., Eisen, M.B., Davis, R.E., Ma, C., Lossos, I.S., Rosenwald, A., Boldrick,

J.C., Sabet, H., Tran,T., Yu, X., Powell, J.I., Yang, L., Marti, G.E., Moore, T., Hudson,
J., Lu, L., Lewish, D.B., Tibshirani, R., Sherlock, G., Chan, W.C., Greiner, T.C., Weisen­
burger D.D., Armitage, J.O., Warnke, R., Levy, R., Wilson, W., Grever, M.R., Byrd, J.C.,
Botstein, D., Brown, P.O., and Staudt, L.M. (2000). Nature, 403, 503-511.
14 Kerr, M.K., Martin, M., and Churchill, G.A. (2001c). Journal of Computational Biology,

7, 819-837.
15 Simon, R., Radmacher, M.D., Dobbin, K. (2002). Genetic Epidemiology, 23, 21-36.
16 DeRisi, J., Iyer, V.R., and Brown, P.O. (1997). Science, 278: 680-865.
17 Dobbin, K., Shih, J.H., Simon, R. (2003). Bioinformatics, 19, 803-810.
18 Björkbacka, H., personal communication, 2003
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Chapter 10


Analysis of variance (ANOVA) methods play a major role in statistical

analysis in many fields of scientific investigation and now have become an
important methodology in microarray studies1. In this chapter, the log-
linear model for gene expression data is first introduced as a basic model
that is a precursor of the ANOVA model. Next, a full ANOVA repre­
sentation is presented, with explanations about parameter estimation
and the connection to normalization and differential gene expression,
the latter being the principle quantities of interest in microarray stud­
ies. Another section examines the issue of distinguishing differentially
expressed genes from unexpressed genes within the ANOVA framework.
A subsequent section describes the precise connection between ANOVA
methods and the simpler procedure of taking color ratios and examining
fold changes in expression. Finally, a last section looks at the important
role that mixed models can play in microarray studies.

10.1. A Basic Log-linear Model

The additive model for background noise assumes that gene inten­
sity is a sum of two independent components. One component is
monotonically related to the level of gene concentration in the biological
specimen or experimental condition. The second is background noise,
unrelated to gene concentration.
An alternative multiplicative model assumes that the logarithm of
gene expression, is a linear model of the following form.

Here is an overall mean parameter, and are main effects that can
be considered as normalizing parameters for gene and experimental
condition respectively. Kerr and Churchill2 (2001) use the agricul­
tural word variety for the biological specimen, treatment or experimen­
tal condition. The term is an interaction parameter for gene and
experimental condition. This interaction term reflects differential ex­
pression for gene in condition The last parameter, is an error
term. The overall mean is defined so the error term is centered, i.e.,

The error term captures all random variability in gene intensity, whether
its source is background noise or various sources of variability affecting
hybridization. To ensure uniqueness and estimability in the present
context, we require the parameters to sum to zero over their respective
Given gene intensity reading and its logarithmic transformation
the equations below show that if the data are normalized
by both gene and experimental condition, the resulting normalized data
estimate the interaction parameters for gene and condition, i.e., estimate
differential expression. With complete data, the estimability constraints
imply that the following correspondences exist between the normalizing
means for the data and the parameter estimates, denoted by

Here and are defined in section 6.2.3. The relationship of

model (10.1) to the mRNA concentration of gene in condition is
not explicit. We do know, however, that concentration is constant
across the experimental conditions for gene if and only if
for all In particular, if gene is unexpressed in any of the conditions,
so for all then the interaction for all

10.2. ANOVA With Multiple Factors

10.2.1. Main Effects

In addition to the factors gene and specimen (or condition) as consid­

ered in model (10.1), a typical ANOVA model for microarray data often
includes other factors such as array and, for spotted arrays, dye, with
each factor having several levels. To mention a few additional factors,
there is the pin tip used to spot the slide, the technician who prepared
the array, the scanner used, the grid region of the slide, and so on. When
the main effects of these and other factors are included in the ANOVA
model, they serve the role of normalizing the gene expression data.

10.2.2. Interaction Effects

Sets of interaction terms are typically needed in the ANOVA model

to account for variability in gene expression not accounted for by main
effects. Although all pairwise sets of interaction effects may not be
included, those involving gene-by-condition and gene-by-array interac­
tions are usually needed. The gene-by-condition interaction effects are
the quantities of scientific interest because these reflect the differential
expression of genes across the specimens or experimental conditions.
For example, let denote the logarithm of the expres­
sion measure for in-situ oligonucleotide array treatment condition
and gene where indices and Then
one can consider the following ANOVA model.

Here symbol represents the overall population mean log-expression for

all genes. The main effects and for array, treatment condition,
and gene, respectively, may be viewed as normalizations of the overall
level of gene expression that adjust for study-wide variation contributed
by specimen preparation, laboratory procedures, instrument measure­
ment and gene abundance.
Model (10.3) includes interactions of array and experimental condition
with gene. The term represents an interaction of gene and array.
The term represents an interaction of gene and treatment condition.
The parameters of interest from a genetic point of view are the gene main
effects and the interactions between experimental condition
and gene. The gene main effects indicate the presence or absence of genes
and measure their relative abundance among all biological specimens

in the experiment. The interaction terms measure the differentials in

gene expression across the different experimental conditions. As both
the main effects and the interaction terms are being measured on a
logarithmic scale, they reflect relative differences in expression rather
than absolute differences. Finally, the interaction terms pick up
differential effects on gene expression that are attributable to the array.
These might be expected to be insignificant effects, but our experience
shows that often this is not the case; gene expression profiles tend to
vary by array.

10.3. A Generic Fixed-Effects ANOVA Model

Assume that the index denotes a set of L experimental
factors to be considered in the analysis of gene expression data. Let
the index b denote a vector of the form where denotes
the level of the experimental factor. Let denote the intensity
measure, possibly transformed and background corrected with respect
to the machine reading. Let denote the mean response, and
the error term, centered on zero.
Then, an ANOVA model has the following generic form


Parameter denotes a main effect for factor when it has level

for respectively. Parameter is a constant term. Also, if
required, an additional index component can be added to label replicated
observations at any given factor level combination. To simplify notation,
we use parameters

to denote pairwise interaction effects for factors and when they have
their respective levels and with For example, with
L = 3 factors, the parameter where signifies
the interaction parameter for factors 1 and 3 when these two factors
have their levels 5 and 4, respectively. The model can be expanded to
include third- and higher-order interaction terms if needed, as indicated
by the series of dots in (10.5).

Each set of main-effect parameters and interaction-effect parameters

in the ANOVA model has more parameters than can be estimated and,
hence, for estimation, each must be subject to one or more estimability
constraints. For example, suppose that factor 1 has levels. Then
the main-effect parameters of factor 1 are Math­
ematically, only of these parameters can be estimated because
the factor has degrees of freedom. Hence, this set of main effects
is subject to one linear constraint. The estimability constraint can take
various forms as may be convenient. For example, the parameters might
be constrained to sum to 0 (i.e., or, alternatively, the
last parameter might be set to zero. These are referred to as the
sum-to-zero constraint and set-last-to-zero constraint, respectively.

The parameters of the ANOVA model may be estimated by vari­

ous methods. We shall assume that ordinary least squares methods are
used here (i.e., the norm), but the methodology is readily modified
for other estimation approaches, such as those based on weighted least
squares or least absolute deviations (i.e., the norm).

We denote the estimated main effects in (10.5) by and the esti­

mated interaction effects by

The estimate represents the correction or adjustment of the re­

sponse to account for the systematic effect on response for all cases
where factor has its level. Thus, for instance, if factor 1 corresponds
to color and has two levels, red and green then
represents the systematic effect on across all readings that have the
color green. Subtracting the estimated main effects in ANOVA
model (10.5) from normalizes the intensity data. As a matter of con­
venience, the estimated constant term can also be substracted. In
other words, the estimated quantities

are the intensity readings that have been normalized for all L factors.
We note that if the sets of parameters have been estimated using the
sum-to-zero constraint then the will be centered on zero.

10.3.1. Estimation for Interaction Effects

Henceforth, the set of gene-by-condition interaction effects, in models

(10.1) and (10.3), are denoted by

and, for notational convenience, their estimates are denoted by The

interaction parameters and their estimates are subject to estima­
bility constraints that hold simultaneously across conditions
and genes We will adopt the following sum-to-zero con­
straint form.

The constraint implies that is interpreted as the estimated differential

expression for gene under treatment condition relative to the average
for all genes and conditions in the study.
To illustrate the kind of quantity that represents, suppose that
happens to equal 1.231 with response being the logarithm of intensity
to base 2. Then we know that the absolute expression intensity for
gene in experimental condition is times the (weighted
geometric) mean expression levels for all genes and conditions in the
study, other factors in the study being held constant. In other words,
implies a 2.37 fold over-expression or up-regulation of gene
As we shall show later, the pattern of the estimates for all conditions
will form the basis of statistical inference about whether a gene exhibits
differential gene expression across the experimental conditions.

10.4. Two-stage Estimation Procedures

It can be easily seen that parameters for main effects and interaction
effects involving the gene factor will be as numerous as the genes them­
selves and, hence, may number in the thousands. This fact implies that
the ANOVA model generally will have a huge number of parameters to
A two-stage estimation procedure3 for the ANOVA model unbundles
the computational problem into a manageable sequence of subproblems.
Basically, the first stage estimates those effects that are not indexed by
gene and the second stage estimates those that are indexed by gene.
Specifically, the normalization of microarray data is carried out in a first

stage for all factors except the gene factor. Then, parameter estimates
involving genes are derived in a second-stage analysis where the estima­
tion proceeds gene by gene.
We consider a simple design to illustrate the two-stage estimation
procedure. We assume for this demonstration that the study contains
G readings on gene expression obtained from C treatment conditions
and the experiment is replicated R times and use index
for the replicates. We include a replicate main effect to absorb scale
differences in the replicates. The full ANOVA model is

The two-stage approach partitions the full model (10.8) into two sub-
models, as follows.

Here the terms absorb all of the gene-specific effects in the model.

1. The First-stage (The Normalization Step):

In the first-stage ANOVA model, the main effects of each experimen­
tal factor are taken into account, and the analysis is based on the
entire study dataset with intensity readings for thousands of genes.
The model as described in (10.9) can easily be fitted using a standard
ANOVA procedure that is available in most software covering linear
statistical analysis. The fitting provides estimates of the overall mean
and the main effects for condition replicate and the first-stage
error terms The estimated residuals from the first-stage model,
denoted here by are estimates of gene expression that have been
normalized (and centered), as described earlier in (10.6).

Generally speaking, the first stage should be reserved for effects that
are not indexed by gene It may be quite reasonable, however, to
include selected interactions for pairs of factors (excluding gene) that
impact response. For instance, dye and array may interact and we
can eliminate these interaction effects by using the first-stage ANOVA
as a normalization step.

2. The Second-stage (The Differential Expression Step):


Based on the estimated residuals obtained from the first-stage

model, the second-stage will be fitted for each gene
The main effect for gene in the study dataset, denoted by in
model (10.10), and interaction effect between gene and treatment
condition denoted by are then estimated by applying a stan­
dard ANOVA fitting procedure to the residuals The ANOVA
residuals obtained from the second stage are estimates of the error
terms Although there are typically thousands of genes in a
study, the second-stage ANOVA is performed for each one. Pertinent
estimates are then saved from each analysis.

10.4.1. Example
To demonstrate ANOVA procedures and the two-stage method for
analyzing microarray data, we will consider the Mouse Juvenile Cystic
Kidney Data Set, introduced earlier in Section 6.2.2. The study design
was presented in Table 6.1. We have identified four sources of variation
in this design that we wish to take into account, namely, array, dye
(green or red), tissue type (mutant or wild-type), and gene.
In the first-stage ANOVA, we include all effects in the model that are
not indexed by gene. We shall include only main effects for array
dye and tissue type as follows.

The residuals from this fitted ANOVA model are

where denotes the fitted value. These residuals constitute the nor­
malized microarray data. The normalization is such that the respective
sums of the log-intensities across all genes for each array, dye and tissue
type are zero. As an illustration, Table 10.1 shows the eight residuals
(normalized values) for a particular gene in this study. The consistent
pattern of negative residuals suggests that gene has low expression
levels across all arrays, dyes, and tissue types, relative to the average for
all genes.

The second-stage ANOVA model uses the residuals from the

first stage as the response variable. The model we choose to fit in the
second stage includes the main effect for gene and gene interactions with
array, dye and tissue type. The fitted model is

The interaction term denoted earlier by the simpler notation

captures the differential expression of genes across experimental
conditions. Model (10.13) is fitted gene by gene. For each gene,
corresponds to the regression intercept term and the three interaction
terms are, in fact, equivalent to main effects. The analysis ignores the
slight dependence that is induced in the residuals by the normalization
of the first stage analysis which forces the residuals to sum to zero across
the factors (array, dye, and tissue type).
Table 10.2 shows the second-stage ANOVA results for the eight resid­
uals of gene These are produced by a standard regression routine.
The sums of squares are, in fact, sequential sums of squares (seq. SS)
corresponding to adding the variables in the order shown (array, dye,
tissue type).

The estimates of for gene from the regression output are 0.03545
and – 0 .03545 for the mutant (type 1) and wild-type (type 2) tissues,
respectively. The judgment that remains to be made in this case is
whether or not these results suggest that gene is truly differentially
expressed in the two tissue types. The investigation of this issue is taken
up in the next section. Of course, the kind of results we have presented
for gene must also be generated for the remaining 1727 genes in this
data set. Thus, this second-stage analysis involves performing 1728 such
regression analyses.

10.5. Identifying Differentially Expressed Genes

Identifying truly differentially expressed genes in microarray studies is
a major statistical challenge that has received the attention of many in­
vestigators. A variety of approaches have been proposed. In this section,
we consider the issue in the context of classical ANOVA modeling.
If a gene is not differentially expressed across the experimental con­
ditions, then there is no interaction between gene and any condition
Hence, a gene is differentially expressed or not according to whether
the following hypothesis is rejected or not.

We now look at several approaches to testing this hypothesis.

10.5.1. Standard MSE-based Approach

In a standard application of ANOVA, one would proceed to test
whether the sequential sum of squares for experimental condition (tissue
type) is large enough to merit rejection of the null hypothesis (10.14).
The standard model assumptions require the error terms to be mutu­
ally independent and identical normal random variables. Under these
assumptions, an F test can be employed to test the sequential sum of
squares for each gene.
To explain the F test for gene we denote the mean square for
between-treatments by and the mean square for error by
The corresponding degrees of freedom are and respectively. For
expository convenience, we assume these degrees of freedom are the same
for all genes. The ratio

can be compared to a suitable percentile of the distribution

to decide if hypothesis (10.14) should be rejected or not.
The critical percentile for the test would be selected so as to adjust
for multiple comparisons when a large number of genes are being tested
simultaneously. The reader is referred to Chapter 11 for a discussion
of this aspect of the analysis, including types of error control and algo­
rithms for multiple comparisons. For the demonstration here, we use a
Bonferroni adjustment and select the F percentile corresponding to a
tail area of

where is the specified family type I error probability and is the

anticipated number of undifferentially expressed genes in the test set.
The total number of genes G may be used in place of where the
latter is difficult to judge.
For gene in the preceding example, it can be seen from Table 10.2
that the ratio equals .005026/.005575 = 0.902. The corresponding
degrees of freedom are and Using and
it follows that and the critical
percentile of F(l, 2) is 34, 591, a huge value. Comparison of with
this percentile leads to the conclusion that gene is not differentially
expressed. Other genes could be similarly tested.
For a microarray study in which only two conditions are being com­
pared (say, a control condition and a treatment condition), a may
be used in lieu of the F-test. In this case, the statistic takes the form

where and are the estimated log-expression difference between

treatment and control and its estimated standard error, respectively.
The estimated standard error depends on the value of In our
earlier interaction notation,

For gene regression output gives

The critical percentile of the distribution in this case cor­
responds to a tail area of and equals 186, again a
huge value. Except for computational rounding, it can be seen that
for the case of two experimental conditions.

10.5.2. Other Approaches

The preceding test methodology uses the observed mean square error
(MSE) for the or F statistics at the level of the individual gene. (Recall
that MSE enters the denominator of both and F statistics.) Experi­
ence with microarray data sets has made investigators cautious about
assuming a normal error term for the ANOVA model. Data anomalies
and non-normal features of the error term are frequently encountered in
microarray data and make MSE values susceptible to distortion. More­
over, the problem is aggravated by the fact that many microarray ex­
perimental designs provide few degrees of freedom for the error term at
the individual gene level (as occurs in the preceding case illustration).
Some investigators, such as Dudoit et al.4 (2002), are successful in
using tests based on and F statistics. Other investigators have chosen
alternative strategies for dealing with the problems. Some use permu­
tation tests to avoid assumptions about the error distribution, although
this approach also may depend on having reasonably large degrees of
freedom at the individual gene level. The permutation test approach is
taken up in detail in Chapter 12.
Another strategy is adopted in Efron et al.5 (2001) and in the SAM
software, Tusher et al.6 (2001) and Chu et al.7 (2002), where a variance-
offset is used to improve reliability of the test statistics. They compute
statistics of the form

for each gene where is a score statistic (such as a difference) for

differential expression, is a standard deviation, and is an offset
parameter. Parameter is chosen as a particular percentile of all
values and referred to as a ‘fudge factor’ in the SAM documentation.
The offset parameter helps to stabilize the ratios. Efron et al. (2001)
state that setting (i.e., omitting the constant) is a ‘disasterous
choice’ in their application (page 1156). We note that setting
would give either a standard statistic or the square root of a standard
statistic, as defined in the preceding section.

10.5.3. Modified MSE-based Approach

Drawing a parallel with the SAM approach in the case of an F sta­
tistic, a ratio of the following form can be computed for each gene


Here is a fractional weight and is a selected offset parameter.

In essence, the denominator is a shrinkage estimator with being
shrunk toward Notice that if the adjusted F statistic
reduces to the standard F statistic. At the other extreme, gives
the constant as the denominator.
Choosing appropriate values of and weight allows the ratio
to be optimized. This approach is in the same spirit as
that of Efron et al. (2001) and the SAM software system by Tusher et
al (2001) and Chu et al. (2001), but differs in that the latter involves a
weighting of a standard deviation and an offset parameter whereas the
former involves a weighting of a mean square error (MSE value) and an
offset parameter.
The approach of using a fixed divisor8 for the ratio cor­
responds to the case with in (10.20), and (10.21). To understand
this approach, let denote the variance of the error term in the stan­
dard ANOVA model. Then, assuming that is the same for all genes,
it follows that follows a distribution under the null
hypothesis (10.14). Furthermore, if at least 50 percent of genes are not
differentially expressed (generally a reasonable assumption), then

estimates where Median(MST) and (0.5) denote the medians of

the values and the distribution, respectively. Thus, the test

should be distributed approximately as if is true for gene i.e.,

if gene is not differentially expressed. A comparison of with an
appropriate critical percentile of the distribution can test whether
gene is differentially expressed. Statistic in (10.23) corresponds
to with the offset parameter in (10.20) receiving full
weight and being set equal to

For the example, Figure 10.1 shows a plot of the statistics for
the 1728 genes. (Recall that A line of identity is also plotted
in the figure. A vertical line appears at the 90th percentile point of the
horizontal scale.
It is evident that the plot is quite linear for at least 90 percent of the
genes. Genes that have large values of that lie well above the line of
identity can be concluded to be differentially expressed. The list of the
dozen genes with the largest values of is identical to that given in Lee
et al. (2002b) as genes that differentiate between mutant and wild-type
tissues. Among the dozen genes, three genes are up-regulated in wild-
type tissue and the remainder are up-regulated in mutant tissue. For
this data set, we have Median(MST) = 0.027630. As
and it follows from (10.24) that the offset parameter is

Gene which featured in our earlier demonstrations, has

and, hence, a value of 0.005026/0.060733 = 0.0828, which is
very small and leads to the conclusion that gene is not differentially

10.6. Mixed-effects Models

The ANOVA model (10.3) assumes that the main effects and interac­
tion effects of the model are fixed, not random. In some studies, however,
it may be quite reasonable to treat some of these effects as random and,
more specifically, to assume they are normally distributed. For example,
the main effects for arrays may very well be a random
sample from a normal population of array effects. A mixed-effects model
approach to the analysis of microarray data is discussed in this section.
The mixed model approach provides different parameter estimates and,
hence, possibly different substantive results. The implications of random
effects remain to be investigated in depth.
Wolfinger et al.9 (2001) use mixed models to assess gene significance
for cDNA microarray data from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae swi/snf
mutation study conducted by Sudarsanam et al.10 (2000). The study
investigates mutants deleted for a gene encoding one conserved (Snf2)
or one unconserved (Swi1) component, each in either rich or minimal
media. The four experimental conditions are arrayed in triplicate. The
same wild-type strain is used as a reference sample in all twelve arrays
and is labeled with Cy5 in channel 2, while the experimental strains are
labeled with Cy3 in channel 1.
Let be the logarithm to base 2 of the background-corrected mea­
surement from gene treatment condition
and array Treatment condition here refers
to the type of cDNA sample, i.e., the four treatment samples snf2-rich,
snf2-minimal, swi1-rich, swi1-minimal, plus the reference sample from a
wild-type strain. Instead of forming ratios, they let the two observations
for each gene on each array be indexed by treatment condition.
The authors apply the following first-stage ANOVA normalization

where represents an overall mean, is the main effect for treatment

condition is the main effect for array is the interaction effect
of array and treatment condition and is an error term. Let
denote the residuals from this model, computed by
subtracting the fitted values for the effects from the values. Because
the experiment does not employ a reverse color design, the dye effect is
completely confounded with treatment differences, and hence the dye
effect is not included in the model.

The authors next consider the following second-stage ANOVA model

for each gene.

In model (10.26) all effects are indexed by gene and are assumed to
serve similar roles to those from the normalization model in (10.25),
but at the gene level. The gene-by-array interaction term models
the effects for each spot. In addition to standard stochastic assumptions,
Wolfinger et al. (2001) assume that the effects and
are all normally distributed random variables with zero means and vari­
ance components respectively. These ran-
dom effects are assumed to be independent both across their indices and
with each other. The remaining terms in the models are assumed to be
fixed effects, and thus both models (10.25) and (10.26) are mixed mod­
els. Variance components were estimated by the method of restricted
maximum likelihood (REML). Note that the original notation has been
modified to be consistent with usage in this chapter.
The estimates of primary interest are the gene-by-condition interac-
tion effects which measure the effects of treatment conditions for each
gene. Differences between these effects can be tested by using mixed-
model t-tests of all possible pairwise comparisons within a gene. The
degrees of freedom ( d f ) for the can be set equal to the df for error
from the second-stage ANOVA model. In their article, Wolfinger et al.
also demonstrate how increasing the number of replications can increase
the statistical power of the analysis.
Wernisch, Kendall, Soneji, et al.11 (2003) also apply mixed ANOVA
models to quantify the various sources of error in microarray replicates.
Their model differs from the model of Wolfinger et al. in that Wernisch
et al. introduce common variance components for all genes. Signifi­
cance values for differential expression are obtained by a hierarchical
bootstrapping scheme applied to scaled residuals.

10.7. ANOVA for Split-plot Design

As pointed out in the preceding chapter, some microarray studies
involve nested or split-plot designs. In these designs, the error term
has distinct components corresponding to main plots and subplots. The
split-plot feature bears on the analysis when deciding what error variance
is appropriate for judging significant differences.

To illustrate the split-plot feature, consider ANOVA model (10.3).

The random error term can be decomposed into two components.

The two components, having superscripts (1) and (2), denote the array
and sub-array error components, respectively. The components of the
error term in (10.27) have zero means by definition. They may be as­
sumed to be independent and possibly also to be normally distributed.
To show the significance of recognizing the separate error components,
note that in comparing gene expression for genes on the same array, only
the variance of error component applies. The error component
is common to both genes because they lie on the same array and, hence,
is canceled in considering the difference.
The error components in (10.27) assume two levels of nesting. In gen­
eral, nesting can involve more than two levels and can be more intricate
in structure, depending on the specifics of the design. For example, in
model (10.3), arrays may be nested within each treatment condition,
which may be a reason to break error component into a sum of two
further components, say,
The experimental setting of model (10.27) is of the split-plot design
type with the arrays being one experimental unit and the spots on arrays
being a nested experimental sub-unit.
As described in section 9.2, Jin et al.12 (2001) investigated the effects
of sex, genotype, and age on transcriptional variance in adult fruit flies.
Having six replications for each combination of two genotypes and two
sexes, their experiment consisted of 24 cDNA arrays with 48 separate
labeling reactions. Their experiment involved a split-plot design such
that both sex and genotype are evaluated at the whole-plot level, while
age and dye are evaluated at the sub-plot level. Because of the split-plot
nature of the design, the error structure of the ANOVA mixed model
corresponds to the array mean square for sex and genotype terms, and
the error mean square for age and dye terms.
Treatment of microarray experiments as split-plot designs was also
considered by Emptage et al.13 (2003). Using the array as the larger
size experimental unit (the whole plot) and the spot on the array as
the smaller size experimental unit (the subplot), they discussed model
equations appropriate to different designs.

10.8. Log Intensity Versus Log Ratio

It is common in the analysis of spotted cDNA microarray data to
take the ratio of expression intensities of the experimental and reference
specimens on each spot of the array (Chen et al.14 (1997); Eisen et al.15
(1998)). Kerr and Churchill16 (2001c) point out that, although it is
convenient to speak of fold change in expression, it can also be misleading
because ratios expressing fold change in fluorescence do not necessarily
correspond to fold change in actual expression. Ratios of fluorescent
intensities do not necessarily account for differential behavior of dyes or
variations between samples or arrays. These effects must be accounted
for to obtain unbiased estimates of expression ratios. Direct approaches
to normalization require preprocessing steps, and ratios can be very
sensitive to how these steps are carried out.
With regard to the use of the log-ratio of red and green intensities
in spotted cDNA microarray analyses, we point out that the correlation
of these intensities at the same spot which results from the varying
amount of deposited DNA is accounted for in ANOVA model (10.5) by
the inclusion of appropriate interaction terms. With a single array slide,
for instance, inclusion of the gene-by-dye interaction term suffices.
Where there are multiple arrays, the third-order effects of interactions
among genes, dyes, and arrays might be included to capture this source
of variability. The microarray design must include a dye-color reversal
feature to allow these important interactions to be estimated. For spot­
ted cDNA microarrays, these intensities are output from the two color
channels of the scanner. With reversed-color designs, there will be two
such ratios, with the two colors reversed between the experimental and
reference specimens. An ANOVA approach to the analysis of microar­
ray data can work with the ratio data directly (usually in the form of
logarithms of the ratios) or with the absolute intensity data themselves.
The purpose of this section is to show the analytical correspondence of
these two approaches.
A stylized context for a microarray study can be used to show the
desired correspondence. In this stylized context, we assume that the
microarray data have been normalized and that we are focusing on a
single gene. Typical experimental factors that must be accounted for
at the level of an individual gene are the array, dye (channel color) and
treatment condition. In this case, the ANOVA model has the form

The subscripts denote array dye and condition

and The response variable denotes the
observed normalized log-intensity, denotes the mean of
is the mean level of expression of the gene across all readings, is the
effect of array is the effect of dye is the effect of treatment
condition and is the error term.
We draw several matters to your attention. First, as the model is being
considered at the level of the individual gene, and correspond
to interaction terms in a full ANOVA model for the entire gene set while
corresponds to the main effect for the gene. Second, the reference
specimen is taken to be one level of the treatment factor; for convenience
we take this to be the last level C. Third, as there are two dye colors,
the dye factor has two levels, i.e., D = 2. Fourth, we assume that a
complete factorial design is employed. Fifth, we assume no replication
for this demonstration.
Consider the typical ratio analysis for one treatment condition spotted
on one array; without loss of generality, say, treatment condition
spotted on array Assuming that the dye color for condition is
and that the dye color for reference control condition is the
log-ratio of the two intensities for the gene is

As a reversed-color design is employed, the reverse situation is found on

a second array, say, array The log-ratio for the reversed-color array

Finally, if we average these two differences (the equivalent of taking the

logarithm of the geometric mean of the two ratios), we obtain

Thus, the geometric mean of the log ratios estimates the difference in
treatment effects for the treatment and control conditions in

the study, i.e., the difference It is in this precise sense that the
color ratio and ANOVA analyses correspond.
Given this correspondence, one may ask why the ANOVA method
with fluorescent intensity readings as the outcome variable may be fa­
vored over the use of color ratios. The reason is that the ANOVA sta­
tistical machinery is so standard, familiar, and flexible that it is easy
to incorporate many of the other relevant design elements of microarray
studies into the analysis, including other experimental factors, and to
deal with statistical issues, such as missing values and model diagnos­

1 Kerr, M.K., Martin, M., and Churchill, G.A. (2001c). Journal of Computational Biology,
7, 819-837.
2 Kerr, M.K., Churchill, G.A. (2001b). Biostatistics, 2, 183-201.
3 Lee, M.-L.T., Lu, W., Whitmore, G.A., Beier, D. (2002b). Journal of Biopharmaceutical

Statistics, 12(1), 1-19.

4 Dudoit, S., Fridlyand, J., and Speed, T.P. (2002). Journal of the American Statistical

Association, 97, 77-87.

5 Efron, B., Tibshirani, R., Storey, J.D., Tusher, V. (2001). Journal of American Statistical

Association, 96, 1151-1160.

6 Tusher, V.G., Tibshirani, R., Chu, G. (2001). Proceedings of the National Academy of

Sciences, USA, 98, 5116-5121.

7 Chu, G., Narasimhan, B., Tibshirani, R., Tusher, V. (2002). ~ tibs/clickwrap/sam
8 Lee, M.-L.T., Bulyk, M.L., Whitmore, G.A., Church, G.M. (2002a). Biometrics, 58, 129­

Wolfinger, R.D., Gibson,G., Wolfinger, E.D., Bennett, L., Hamadeh, H., Bushel, P., Af­
shari, C., Paules, R. (2001). Journal of Computational Biology, 8, 625-637.
10 Sudarsanam, P., Vishwanath, R.T., Brown, P.O., and Winston, F. (2000). Proceedings of

the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 97, 3364-3369.

11 Wernisch, L., Kendall, S.L., Soneji, S., Wietzorrek, A., Parish, T., Hinds, J., Butcher,

P.D., and Stoker, N.G. (2003). Bioinformatics, 19, 53-61.

12 Jin, W., Riley, R.M., Wolfinger, R.D., White, K.P., Passador-Gurgel, G., and Gibson, G.

(2001). Nature Genetics, 29, 389 - 395.

13 Emptage, M.R., Hudson-Curtis, B., Sen, K. (2003). Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statis­

tics, 13, 159-178.

14 Chen, Y., Dougherty, E.R., and Bittner, M.L. (1997). Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2,
15 Eisen, M., Spellman, P.T., Brown, P.O. and Botstein, D. (1998). Proceedings of the Na­

tional Academy of Sciences, USA, 95, 14863-14868.

16 Kerr, M.K., Martin, M., and Churchill, G.A. (2001c). Journal of Computational Biology,

7, 819-837.
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Chapter 11


11.1. Hypothesis Testing for Any Individual Gene

Deciding whether a particular gene is differentially expressed across
experimental conditions frequently employs classical hypothesis testing.
The test alternatives for gene may be stated generically as follows:
The null hypothesis Gene is not differentially expressed
The alternative hypothesis Gene is differentially expressed

A statistical test of hypotheses exposes an investigator to two types of

error. A type I error (false positive) occurs if the alternative hypothesis
is concluded when, in fact, the null hypothesis is true. A type
II error (false negative) occurs if is concluded when, in fact, the
alternative is true. The power of an hypothesis test is defined as the
probability of concluding the alternative hypothesis when, in fact,
is true.
A principal aim of a microarray study is to have a high probability of
declaring a gene to be differentially expressed if it is truly differentially
expressed, while keeping the probability of making a false declaration
of differential expression acceptably low. As microarray studies typi­
cally involve the simultaneous testing of hundreds or thousands of genes
for differential expression, the probabilities of producing incorrect test
conclusions (false positives and false negatives) must be controlled for
the whole gene set. In this chapter, we consider the important problem

encountered in hypothesis testing in microarray studies, namely, the

problem of simultaneous inference or multiple testing when investigating
data for the whole set of genes.

11.2. Multiple Testing for the Entire Gene Set

Benjamini and Hochberg1 (B&H) (1995) point out that, when pur­
suing multiple inferences, researchers tend to select the (statistically)
significant ones for emphasis, discussion, and support of conclusions.
An unguarded use of single-inference procedures results in a greatly in­
creased false positive (significance) rate. Hence, the need for multiple
testing methods. For a good review of earlier development in multi­
ple hypothesis testing, see Hochberg and Tamhane2 (1987), and Shaffer3
(1995). The challenge of multiple testing in microarray studies has been
discussed by many authors from various perspectives, including Wolfin­
ger et al.4 (2001), Efron et al.5 (2001), Storey and Tibshirani6 (2001),
Dudoit et al.7 (2002), Lee and Whitmore8 (2002c), and Dudoit et al.9
(2003), among others.

11.2.1. Framework for Multiple Testing

In Table 11.1, we consider the framework adapted from Benjamini and

Hochberg (1995). It is useful for understanding the problem of multiple
testing and the control of inferential errors in microarray studies.

This framework postulates that for any given gene, there are, in fact,
only two possible situations. Either the gene is not differentially ex­
pressed (null hypothesis is true) or it is differentially expressed (al­
ternative hypothesis is true). The test declaration or decision is either
that the gene is differentially expressed rejected) or that it is not
differentially expressed accepted). Thus, there are four possible test
outcomes for each gene corresponding to the four combinations of true
hypothesis and test declaration.
The total number of genes being tested is G with and being
the unknown numbers that are truly differentially expressed and not
differentially expressed, respectively. Usually, will be much larger
than and, indeed, in some studies it may be uncertain if any gene is
actually differentially expressed (i.e., it may be uncertain if
The counts of the four test outcomes are shown by the entries

in the multiple testing framework. These counts are random
variables in advance of the analysis of the study data. The counts
and are the numbers of true and false negatives (i.e., true and false
declarations that genes are not differentially expressed). The counts
and are the numbers of true and false positives (i.e., true and false
declarations of genes being differentially expressed). The totals A and
R are the numbers of genes that the study declares are not differentially
expressed accepted) and are differentially expressed rejected),
We index the genes for which and hold by the sets and
respectively. We must remember, of course, that the memberships
of these index sets are unknown because we do not know in advance if
any given gene is differentially expressed or not. The central problem of
multiple testing is to classify the genes into two sets that match and
as closely as possible. The classification should be done in a manner
that minimizes the scientific cost of misclassification, with costs being
appropriately defined.

11.2.2. Test Statistic for Each Gene

The test decision for any gene is taken on the basis of a summary
statistic which we will denote here by In different applications dis­
cussed in Chapter 14, the summary statistic may be a standard normal
statistic statistic, F statistic, statistic or other test statistic. Un­
der the null hypothesis that gene is not differentially expressed,
is an outcome from a null probability density function

The P-value of the statistic is defined as the level of significance of

the test for which would just be rejected. We denote this P-value for
gene by Thus, is a measure of how discordant the evidence is
with with smaller values being evidence against in favor of
We will limit our discussion of the multiple testing issue to the P-values
for the G genes. In some heuristic sense, if is small then we should
decide that gene belongs to the set of differentially expressed genes.
The challenge is to know how ‘small’ the value of must be before this
decision is taken.
The test statistics and their corresponding are derived from
the same microarray data set and may show varying degrees of statisti­
cal dependence from gene to gene. This implies that test outcomes for
different genes may be probabilistically dependent. For example, a sub-
array of spots on a microarray slide may share an excess of fluorescence
because of contamination of the slide and the genes corresponding to
the affected spots will then have test statistics that share this common
influence. Multiple testing must allow for dependence if it is assumed
or known to be present. There are practical cases where dependence is
a major concern and others where it is not and independent may be
We wish to emphasize in our discussion of dependence that we are not
discussing biological dependencies of differential expression levels among
genes (i.e., co-regulation). These kinds of dependencies are certainly
going to be present in every microarray study. For example, may
be true for a group of genes because they are differentially expressed
together under given experimental conditions. The focus of our concern
is whether the random variation in the is intercorrelated among genes.

11.2.3. Two Error Control Criteria in Multiple Testing

Multiple testing requires the choice of an error control criterion. Here
we present two criteria that have received wide acceptance.
1. Familywise Error Rate (FWER)
The number of false positives in the multiple testing framework is
given by in Table 11.1. The familywise type I error probability,
denoted by here, is the probability that one or more false positives
occur, i.e.,

The familywise type I error probability is sometimes referred to

as the familywise error rate (FWER)10. The error control criterion
could call for to be at a specified level. The subscript F is used

to remind us that the error probability applies to the whole family of

G tests.
2. False discovery rate (FDR)
The proportion of null hypotheses that are falsely rejected in the mul­
tiple testing framework is given by The proportion is defined
as zero if there are no rejected null hypotheses (i.e., if R = 0). The
expected value of this ratio, namely,

is defined as the false discovery rate or FDR for short, and was pro­
posed by Benjamini and Hochberg (1995) as an error control criterion.
The criterion could call for the FDR to have the specified level
Again, the subscript F is used to remind us that the error probability
applies to the whole family of G tests.

11.2.4. Implementation Algorithms

The actual implementation of multiple tests may employ various al­
gorithms in conjunction with a chosen error control criterion. We now
discuss several of these algorithms.

1. Šidàk method:
If the G multiple tests being performed in Table 11.1 have indepen­
dent test statistics, then their P-values, are also
independent. The Šidàk method assumes such independence. It also
assumes that the null hypothesis holds for all genes G, i.e., that
These assumptions lead to the following decision rule:

Classify gene as differentially expressed (i.e., reject if

where the critical value is chosen so that

For example, if the familywise type I error probability is

specified and there are a total of G = 2000 genes being tested, then

(11.4) gives Thus, a gene would be declared to be

differentially expressed only if it has an extremely small P-value.
The explanation for the form of (11.4) is that if the null hypothesis
is true for every gene and there are to be no false positives, then
must be accepted for every gene. Under independence, the proba­
bility of this event is Appropriate rearrangement
gives the expression in (11.4).
Under the assumptions of the Šidàk method, the number of false
positives will be binomially distributed with mean value

Thus, might be specified in terms of a target value for the ex­

pected number of false positives rather than a specification for as
called for in (11.4). When testing a large number of genes, it may
be quite reasonable for the expected number of false positives to be
moderately large. For example, if G = 2000, an investigator may
feel that is tolerable. The formula (11.5) then implies
that or Notice that implies
from (11.4) that or
Thus, a focus on tolerable levels for the expected false positive rate
shows that large values of the familywise type I error risk may be
reasonable in microarray studies.
The Šidàk method is judged by some analysts to be conservative in
the sense of leading to somewhat fewer genes identified as differen­
tially expressed than by some competing methods (described below).
This feature follows from the assumption that the gene set has no
differentially expressed genes. The large number of genes in many
microarray studies, combined with the fact that a high proportion
are usually not differentially expressed, give the Šidàk method only
a mild conservatism, as the case illustration that follows in the next
section will demonstrate.
2. Bonferroni method:
This method is classical and depends on a probability inequality
known as the Bonferroni inequality. It is the analog of the Šidàk
method for the case where the P-values for the tests are possibly de­
pendent. The method is valid for any degree or form of dependence.
Like the Šidàk method, the Bonferroni method assumes that the null

hypothesis holds for all genes G, i.e., that Hence, the

two methods share the same conservatism. The Bonferroni decision
rule is the following:

Classify gene as differentially expressed (i.e., reject if

where the critical value is chosen so that

For example, if is specified and G = 2000 then (11.7)

gives Notice that this value of is
slightly smaller than that provided by the Šidàk method in the same
illustration (0.0000527).

The explanation for the form of (11.7) is that if is true for every
gene and there is to be no false positive then must be accepted for
every gene. Under dependence, the Bonferroni inequality states that
the probability of this event will be no smaller than Thus,
setting equal to guarantees that the actual familywise type
I error risk will not exceed In future discussion, we will treat
as the actual risk rather than an upper bound.

The assumption of dependent tests in the Bonferroni method implies

that the number of false positives will not have a definite distribution
form. Nevertheless, the expected number of false positives is still
given by the following formula.

The righthand equality here follows from (11.7). The fact that the

expected number of false positives and familywise type I error

risk are equal implies that must be less than one with the
Bonferroni method.

As already noted, the Bonferroni method is conservative in the sense

of leading to somewhat fewer genes identified as differentially ex­

pressed than some competing methods. The conservatism is slightly


greater than the Šidàk method because it is also accommodating ar­

bitrary dependence among the test P-values. For most microarray
studies, the conservatism has only a small influence, as the case illus­
tration that follows in the next section will demonstrate.
3. Holm method:
The Holm method (Holm, 1979) involves a sequential application of
the Bonferroni method to the ordered P-values,
Like the Bonferroni method, the Holm method is appropriate for P-
values that are possibly dependent. Unlike the Šidàk and Bonferroni
methods, however, it does anticipate that some genes may be differ­
entially expressed. The Holm decision rule is the following:

Let J be the largest index for which

Then classify genes corresponding to ranks ( 1 ) , . . . , ( J ) as differ­

entially expressed (i.e., reject for these genes).

Observe that this method is a step-up method in which each suc­

cessively larger P-value is tested until the requisite condition is not

The rationale of the method is the following. The method starts

by comparing the smallest P-value to If then
the gene with rank (1) is classified as differentially expressed. If this
inequality doesn’t hold, then all genes are classified as not differen­
tially expressed. This step is none other than an application of the
Bonferroni method to the full set of G genes. If the rank (1) gene is
classified as differentially expressed then it is set aside and the Bon­
ferroni method is applied to the remaining G – 1 genes. The P-value
of the second rank gene, namely is compared to and
so on, for the remaining genes. At each stage, where genes ranked
(1) , . . . , (J) are being considered, the familywise type I error risk for
the remaining unclassified genes is bounded above by

When the Holm method stops, the J genes classified as differentially

expressed are assumed to approximate the index set and J is an
estimate of in Table 11.1.

Because the total number of genes being tested, G, is typically quite

large compared to the number of differentially expressed genes

the comparison value will typically vary over a small

dynamic range; specifically, from as index ranges
over For example, if
and then while
As the former value is the one given by the
Bonferroni method, it can be seen that the Holm method may clas­
sify a few more genes as differentially expressed, namely, those genes
having values of in the interval between 0.0000500 and 0.0000556.
4. Benjamini and Hochberg FDR method:
The Benjamini and Hochberg (B&H) method, like the Holm method,
accommodates situations where some genes may be differentially ex­
pressed. The method has a hybrid requirement with respect to depen­
dence of the P-values. Specifically, it requires P-values for tests where
is true to be independent but places no requirement for indepen­
dence on tests where is false. The B & H decision rule involves a
sequential consideration of the ordered P-values, as

Let J be the largest index for which

Then classify genes corresponding to ranks ( 1 ) ,..., ( J ) as differ­

entially expressed (i.e., reject for these genes).

Observe that this method is a step-down method in which each suc­

cessively smaller P-value is tested until the requisite condition is sat­

Benjamini and Hochberg prove that their method, under the stated
assumptions, ensures that the false discovery rate is no larger than
Thus, it controls the FDR for any number of true null
hypotheses (i.e., any number of genes that are not differentially ex­
pressed). Where no genes are differentially expressed (so
the upper bound becomes the specified FDR requirement.

When the B & H method stops, the J genes classified as differentially

expressed are assumed to approximate the index set and J is an
estimate of in Table 11.1.

The comparison value in the B & H method will typically vary from
as index ranges over which will be a

large dynamic range if many genes are differentially expressed. For

example, if and then

Note that the FDR specification here, as reflected by states
that at most 10 of every 100 rejections of are to be false discoveries
of differential expression.

11.2.5. Example of Multiple Testing Algorithms

To illustrate the preceding algorithms, we return to the Mouse Juve­
nile Cystic Kidney Data Set in section 6.2.2. Recall that mutant and
wild-type kidney tissues were being compared with reference to G = 1728
genes. See the study design in Table 6.1. In one analysis, reported in
Lee et al.11, a standard normal statistic was computed for each gene
to identify up- and down-regulated genes in the mutant tissue relative
to wild-type tissue. The statistic measured the standardized difference
in gene expression between mutant and wild-type tissue. Table 11.2 is
compiled from this article and gives the largest twelve of these statis­
tics (in absolute value). The statistic corresponds to test statistic
in our notation. We have now appended the two-sided P-values for
these statistics to the table.

To compare and contrast the test results produced by the algorithms,

we adopt values of The table shows the genes declared
as differentially expressed (DE) according to each of the four algorithms.
In this case illustration, the Šidàk, Bonferroni, and Holm methods select
identical sets of genes as differentially expressed. The B & H method
chooses a larger set. It must be remembered that the B & H method is
employing a different error control criterion than the other three methods
(FDR versus FWER), so equating with does not make the two
criteria equivalent in terms of their error control. In the final analysis,
the superiority of a particular algorithm depends on the validity of the
inferences produced, i.e., on the actual error rates in classifying genes as
differentially expressed or not. The preceding comparison does not settle
this question. What is found generally is that these kinds of algorithms
tend to produce similar lists with differences appearing at the margin
where the evidence in support of one hypothesis or the other is more
Some references on multiple testing (e.g., Westfall and Young12, 1993),
propose the calculation of adjusted P-values which can be compared
directly with the specified level of familywise type I error control. For
example, for the Holm method, the adjusted P-values would have the
following form

where the denote the adjusted P-values with defined as zero.

The adjusted P-values are compared to and hypothesis is rejected
for the gene with rank if The adjusted and unadjusted
sets of P-values select the same genes as differentially expressed.
The multiple testing algorithms presented here are widely used and
easily applied. Many variations on these algorithms, having different
rationales and refinements, are available. The reader is referred to the
cited references for more information about some of these alternative

11.2.6. Concluding Remarks

The standard implementations of the Šidàk and Bonferroni methods
assume that all G genes are not differentially expressed because the
number G was used in linking the familywise type I error risk with
the critical value In contrast, the Holm method and B&H method,

like other sequential testing algorithms, adjust the cut-off criterion as

consecutive genes are ‘classified’ as being differentially expressed in the
algorithm. The number of genes so classified is an estimate of count
Holm’s method, for example, counts down from G to G – J + 1 as
expressed genes are detected. In this case, J estimates
Later, in Chapter 14 on power and sample size, we use the anticipated
count of undifferentially expressed genes in implementing the Šidàk
and Bonferroni methods and, thus, remove the conservative nature of
their usual implementation. Note that both the Šidàk and Bonferroni
methods could be implemented using a ‘guess’ about the value of
The Bonferroni implementation, for example, would then use a cutoff
of rather than If is well chosen then the
Bonferroni method would not be more conservative than Holm’s method.

Benjamini, Y., Hochberg, Y. (1995). Journal of Royal Statistical Society, B 57, 289-300.
Hochberg, Y. and Tamhane A.C. (1987). Multiple Comparison Procedures. John Wiley
and Sons, New York.
3 Shaffer, J.P. (1995). Annual Review of Psychology, 46, 561-584.
4 Wolfinger, R.D., Gibson, G., Wolfinger, E.D., Bennett,L., Hamadeh, H., Bushel, P., Af­

shari, C., Paules, R. (2001). Journal of Computational Biology, 8, 625-637.

5 Efron, B., Tibshirani, R., Storey, J.D., Tusher, V. (2001). Journal of the American Sta­

tistical Association, 96, 1151-1160.

6 Storey, J.D., Tibshirani, R. (2001). Technical Report, Stanford University, 2001.
7 Dudoit, S., Fridlyand, J., and Speed, T.P. (2002). Journal of the American Statistical

Association, 97, 77-87.

8 Lee, M.-L.T., Whitmore, G.A. (2002c). Statistics in Medicine, 21, 3543-3570.
9 Dudoit, S., Shaffer, J.P., and Boldrick, J.C. (2003). Statistical Sciences, 18, 71-103.
10 Hochberg, Y. and Tamhane A.C. (1987). Multiple Comparison Procedures. John Wiley

and Sons, New York.

Lee, M.-L.T., Lu, W., Whitmore, G.A., Beier, D. (2002b). Journal of Biopharmaceutical
Statistics, 12(1), 1-19.
12 Westfall, P.H. and Young, S.S. (1993). Re-sampling Based Multiple Testing: Examples

and Methods for P-value Adjustment, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
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Chapter 12


It was noted in Chapter 10 that some standard tests for differential

expression at the gene level, such as and F-tests based on normal-
error theory, may be unreliable because the distributional assumptions
do not hold. A family of tests called permutation tests or randomization
tests offer an alternative testing approach which relies on relatively weak
assumptions and yet are quite powerful and simple to apply with avail­
able software. Ludbrook and Dudley1 (1998), for example, argue that
permutation tests are, in fact, superior to traditional testing approaches
in many biomedical contexts. Good2 (2000) provides a comprehensive
treatment of the subject and demonstrates the great practical value of
this testing methodology.
The basic concepts underlying permutation tests are set out in the first
subsection. Applications of the methodology to microarrays is discussed
next. Finally, a case illustration is presented in the last section.

12.1. Basic Concepts

To convey the basic concepts, consider a conventional testing situation
in which experimental units are randomly divided into two groups of
units and units, respectively, where The group
of units is subjected to a control condition, and the group of
units is subjected to a treatment condition. An appropriate response
measure is recorded for unit in group The
null hypothesis of interest postulates that there is no difference in
the response pattern for units subjected to the treatment and control
conditions. If this null hypothesis is true, the random assignment of
experimental units to treatment and control conditions implies that all

possible arrangements of the observations into two groups of and

cases are equally probable. Each arrangement may be viewed as a
permutation of the response values with the first values assigned to
group 1 and the remainder assigned to group 2. We denote a particular
permutation by index The theory of permutations tells us that there
are A such permutations or arrangements in this case, where

For example, if and then A = 11!/(5!6!) = 462.

In this situation, it is desired to test if the response patterns for the
treatment and control conditions share a common feature (such as the
same mean or the same variance) or if they differ on that feature. The
mean response is a common choice for the feature of interest and we will
use it here to illustrate the basic concepts. Thus, we choose the test
statistic of interest to be the observed difference

between the two groups, where denotes the mean response for group
The asterisk (*) reminds us that is the observed difference in group
means for the actual data gathered in the study. We are inclined to
accept the null hypothesis (postulating identical response patterns)
if is small and to reject if is large.
If is true, so the response patterns under treatment and control
conditions are identical, then each permutation of the response val­
ues can be imagined to be a possible realization of the experimental
study and can be analyzed accordingly. This analysis would yield a cal­
culated difference in mean response for the two artificial groups created
by the permutation. Denote this calculated difference corresponding to
permutation by
The permutation procedure yields a total of A such differences
where A is given by equation (12.1). One of these permutations corre­
sponds to the actual pattern of response for the study. If happens to
be that special permutation then i.e., the calculated difference
for that particular permutation will match the observed difference in the
A P-value for a test of hypotheses gauges the consistency of the state­
ment in the null hypothesis with the statistical evidence. Specifically,

the P-value is the probability under the null hypothesis that the test
statistic would match or be less consistent with than the actual
statistic observed in the study. P-values are referred to as one- or two-
sided according to whether the null hypothesis is one- or two-sided. In
a permutation test, therefore, if the null hypothesis were true then the
P-value is the fraction of the A calculated differences that are greater
or equal to the observed difference in absolute value, i.e.,

Table 12.1 shows a simple illustration of a permutation test involving

treatment units having the responses 8.6, 7.2, and 5.6 and
control units having responses 6.0 and 4.8, as shown at the top of the
table. The test involves A = 5!/(2!3!) = 10 permutations. The first
in the list corresponds to the actual pattern of response and, hence, is
marked by an asterisk (*). The list of permutations includes all possible
arrangements of the two control and three treatment units, designated by
labels 1 and 2, respectively. The second last column shows the calculated
difference in means between treatment and control units for each
permutation. The actual difference in the study is as shown
for permutation 1. The last column notes whether the absolute difference
for a permutation equals or exceeds the observed absolute difference of
1.733 (yes or no). Three of the 10 permutations satisfy the inequality
so the two-sided P-value for the permutation test is 3/10 = 0.30. For
comparison, a standard two-sided assuming normality and equal
treatment and control variances, gives a P-value of 0.246.

The smallest possible P-value occurs when takes the most extreme
value among all possible eligible permutations. In this situation, the P-
value equals 1/A (or a larger value if two or more permutations match
this most extreme outcome). Thus, 1/A is the smallest P-value that
can be given by a single permutation test. In the case where
and A = 462, for instance, the smallest possible P-value would
be 1/462 = 0.0022. This technical observation is important because it
shows that the permutation test cannot signal a significant difference,
i.e., a small P-value, unless a reasonably large number of permutations
are possible. This implies that and must be targe enough to make
A large. For example, in a case like that in Table 12.1 with and
we have A = 10 and the smallest possible P value would be
1/10 = 0.10, which would not constitute strong evidence against a null

The number of permutations grows quickly with the magnitudes of

and For example, if A = 20!/(10!10!) = 184, 756.
Computing all possible permutations in this situation is not practical,
especially if many such tests must be performed, as is the case in mi­
croarray studies. A common strategy is to estimate the P-value using
a random sample of all permutations. Conventional sampling theory
can guide the choice of the number of permutations needed to estimate
the P-value within a given margin of error. The random sample of
permutations can be selected with or without replacement as may be
computationally convenient.

12.2. Permutation Tests in Microarray Studies

Permutation tests are attractive for microarray studies because they
rely on few assumptions and can be applied in a straightforward manner,
albeit a computationally intensive one.

12.2.1. Exchangeability in Microarray Designs

Permutation tests can take into account many experimental design
features such as multiple treatments, matched observations, and block­
ing factors. The concept of exchangeable random variables is useful in
understanding permutation tests applied to the complex experimental
settings found in microarray studies. If is a vector of
random variables with joint density function and is

any permutation of the components of y then the random variables

are exchangeable if for all vectors y and all permutations
In essence, realizations of exchangeable variables are statistically in­
The implication of exchangeability for permutation tests is the fol­
lowing. With experimental randomization, the postulated truth of the
null hypothesis implies that some observations are exchangeable that
would not be exchangeable if did not hold. In permutation tests,
one need only identify those additional sets of observations that would
be exchangeable if the null hypothesis were true and calculate the test
statistic for each of the additional permutations that this expanded ex­
changeability offers. The emphasis in the last sentence is important.
Some observations in an experiment may be exchangeable whether the
null hypothesis holds or not. For example, experimental replicates are
exchangeable observations. Permutations of such exchangeable obser­
vations would not alter the experimental findings. We let denote
the baseline number of such permutations. On the other hand, if
holds then additional sets of observations become exchangeable. The
number of possible permutations of exchangeable observations when
is true might equal, say, where Hence, the additional
permutations offered by assuming the truth of number
To illustrate the idea of exchangeability, consider the example in Ta­
ble 12.1. Whether is true or not, the two observations within the
control group are exchangeable, as are the three observations within
the treatment group. Thus, the baseline permutations for this design
number Under the null hypothesis that control and
treatment have identical response patterns, all five observations become
exchangeable, giving possible permutations. Thus,
contributes an additional permutations.
These 10 permutations are precisely those listed in Table 12.1.
As a second example, consider an experiment involving a randomized
complete block design. Suppose the design has 16 blocks and, within
each block, six experimental units are randomly assigned in pairs to
three treatment conditions. Consider each block for the moment. Each
of the three sets of random pairs in a block are exchangeable whether the
three treatments have a differential impact on response or not. Thus,
there are 2!2!2! = 8 possible permutations of the paired observations for
the block that would not alter the experimental findings. Under the null
hypothesis of no treatment differences for the three treatment conditions,
the six observations within each block become exchangeable. These six
observations can be arranged in 6! = 720 different permutations if

holds. Thus, assuming holds gives us 6!/(2!2!2!) = 720/8 = 90

additional permutations for the permutation test, namely, all possible
arrangements of the six observations into three sets of pairs. The sixteen
blocks are not exchangeable, however, because block effects are antici-
pated. Thus, each block provides 90 extra permutations under and,
as the permutations are independently applied to each block, the to­
tal number of additional permutations for all 16 blocks taken together
equals a huge number. In this case, a random
sample of all possible permutations would be selected to estimate the
P-value for a test of no differences among the three treatments.

12.2.2. Limitation of Having Few Permutations

In analyzing microarray data, tests for differential expression are con­

ducted at the gene level. The permutation test can be done for each
gene separately and a P-value generated for each of the G genes in the
microarray study. The P-values must then be subjected to the same
multiple comparison procedures as other testing methods. The multiple
comparison procedures attempt to control the false positive rate or the
false discovery rate for the whole family of tests. Both of these types of
error control require that the number of permutations A for each gene
not be too small if the permutation test is applied independently to each
gene. Recall that 1/A is the smallest P-value for a permutation test in
this setting.
For example, suppose a design offers A = 70 permutations for test­
ing each gene and the microarray study involves 8400 genes, most of
which are not differentially expressed. If 1/A is used as the P-value for
classifying a gene as differentially expressed, then the list of differen­
tially expressed genes would be expected to have as many as G(1/A) =
8400/70 = 120 false positives, which may be a very inconvenient number
for the investigator and may swamp the number of true positives.
Next we discuss how some investigators have circumvented this limi­
tation of having too few permutations for individual tests.

12.2.3. Pooling Test Results Across Genes

The permutation test for any single gene, say gene yields an ob­
served test statistic as well as a set of test statistics for the permutations.
We now use symbol for the generic form of our test statistic and B for
the number of permutations. We denote the observed test statistic by
and the B permutation test statistics by The number

B is less than or equal to A, depending on whether the complete set of

A permutations is included or only a random sample.
The family null hypothesis for a microarray study states that none
of the G genes is differentially expressed. Under this it is plausible
to assume that the permutation test statistics for all and all
are drawn independently from a common null distribution of such test
statistics with some probability density function, say, In other
words, not only are all permutations for any single gene equally probable
but the permutation test statistics from different genes can be pooled.
The pooling of permutation test results across genes offers a refined basis
for testing for differential expression that is free of the limitation imposed
by applying the test to each gene in isolation.
To illustrate how the pooled results might be employed, we refer to
the SAM3 software package. In that package, the observed test statistics
are ordered from smallest to largest across all G genes to form the
order statistics Here a subscript of type refers
to the ranked statistic. The same order statistics are formed from
the test statistics for each permutation giving for
The permutation order statistics are averaged for each
order as follows.

The average estimates the expected value of the order statistic

of a sample of size G from the null p.d.f. To test for differential
expression, the SAM software compares with If the difference

exceeds a threshold parameter then the gene corresponding to

is judged to be differentially expressed. The gene is called significant
negative or significant positive according to whether the difference is
negative or positive.

12.3. Lipopolysaccharide-E.coli Data Set

We introduce a new microarray data set to illustrate the use of per­
mutation tests.
Macrophages were removed from six mice. The cells from each mouse
were divided onto six plates. Three of the six plates served as the con­
trol reference RNAs (denoted by ). The remaining three plates

received a mock treatment (buffer change incubated for two hours), an

E.coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) endotoxin treatment ( for two
hours) and an E.coli bacteria treatment (approximately 1 E.coli strain
bacterium per macrophage for two hours). These three treatments are
labelled as respectively. Thus, the microarray data are de­
rived from six slides for each of six mice, giving a total of 36
slides. The six slides for each mouse compare the control with the
three treatments in a reversed-color arrangement. Each slide
has 13,028 genes (spots) that are investigated in this analysis, including
one positive control and fifteen negative controls. The design layout for
each mouse is shown in Table 12.2.

The raw response measure provided for statistical analysis is a background-

corrected intensity reading, denoted later by The readings are de­
rived using masliner4 from scans at several power levels that provide
an accurate resolution of gene expression without undue influence from
detection and saturation threshold effects.

12.3.1. Statistical Model

The microarray data were analyzed separately for each mouse, using
the following two-stage ANOVA model.
Stage 1:

Stage 2:

The background-corrected intensity reading was subjected to an affine

(natural) logarithmic transformation to yield the response variable
Here is a constant chosen separately for each mouse

to ensure positive readings. Symbol represents the overall population

mean log-expression for all genes. Symbols and are the main ef­
fects corresponding to the factors: treatment/control, color, array/slide,
and gene, respectively. Terms of form represent interactions of the
treatment effect and gene effect The first-stage ANOVA normalizes
the response data for main effects contributed by treatment, color, and
array. Model (12.6) yields the residuals as normalized log-intensity
readings. These residuals are then used in the second-stage analysis.
Model (12.7) includes a main effect for gene as well as sets of pair-wise
interaction terms for treatment/control, color and array with gene. The
term is a random error. The error term has mean zero by definition.
We assume that the error terms are mutually independent but make no
assumption about their variance or distribution form. The indexes have
the following ranges, as illustrated in the design layout: for
treatment/control, with 0 denoting the control; for dyes Cy3
and Cy5; for the six arrays (slides) and 13028 for
The potential for differential expression across treatments 1, 2, and 3
is of scientific interest here. Two of the six slides for each mouse compare
the control (0) with one of the three treatments (1,2,3), first in one color
order and then in reverse order. Thus, the residuals from the first-stage
model can be rearranged to yield an estimate of the
difference in differential gene expression between treatment and the
control (0). For notational convenience, we denote the
terms by
The estimate of for treatment denoted by is calculated
as follows:

Corresponding calculations yield and for treatments and

The quantity in (12.8) equals the log-geometric mean of the two (re­
versed) color ratios. The averaging in (12.8) cancels the gene main ef­
fect and the array-gene and color-gene interaction terms that appear in
(12.7). The are the quantities of scientific interest here, as the dif­
ferences capture differential expression among the treat­
ments 1, 2, and 3, relative to control 0, for each gene
The data set here is massive, and care is needed to do the analysis
without inordinate computation. The first-stage ANOVA is straightfor­

ward and is done using a standard software routine. The residuals

are saved from that first-stage analysis. Because of the balanced na-
ture of the design, the second-stage analysis can be done by subtracting
estimated effects from the first-stage residuals, gene by gene. This hap­
pens to be computationally simpler than running the ANOVA routine a
second time for each gene.

12.3.2. Permutation Testing and Results

The scientists were primarily interested in genes that are differentially
expressed in a pair-wise comparison of the LPS treatment (treatment 2)
and the E. coli treatment (treatment 3). Thus, we focus on the differ-
ences We now demonstrate the use of the SAM software (2002)
to carry out permutation tests to identify differentially expressed genes
with respect to these two treatments. The normalized gene expression
data that enter the analysis for each gene are the parameter estimates
and arranged in six blocks (each mouse is considered as a block
with two treatments) as shown in Table 12.3. We now add the index
to these estimates, to represent the six mice.

Figure 12.1 and Figure 12.2 show the SAM plot and SAM output for
this illustration. Several adjustments and specifications were required
to prepare the data for analysis in SAM. First, the data were treated
as two-class data, blocked by mouse. Second, the logarithms of the
expression intensity data were transformed to base 2. Third, all settings
were given default values. The SAM parameter, which controls the
rejection region for the test of each gene, was chosen so that 35 genes
were identified as significant (29 positive, 6 negative with ).
This specification for was somewhat subjective, and other values could
be chosen to produce either a longer or shorter list of significant genes.


The median number of false positives among the 35 significant genes

is reported as 0.80104, giving a false discovery rate of 2.29%. Under the
null hypothesis of no differential expression between treatments 2 and 3,
we note that the pair of observations for each mouse are exchangeable,
giving 2! permutations. As there are six mice (blocks), the full set of
permutations numbers (2!)6 = 64.
In section 10.5.3, we mentioned that the SAM software uses a variance-
offset to improve reliability of the test statistics. The software computes
statistics (in our notation) of the form for each gene
where is a score statistic for differential expression, is a standard
deviation and is an offset parameter. Parameter is chosen as a
particular percentile of all values (see section 14.1 of the SAM Users
Guide and Technical Document). The offset parameter helps to sta­
bilize the ratios. We also showed in section 10.5.3 that the approach of
using a fixed divisor corresponds to that in SAM if the offset parame­
ter were made large enough to dominate the ratio (swamping the effect of
for each gene). In this case, significant genes would be chosen strictly
on the basis of the score statistic in the numerator of the SAM ratio.
The SAM output shows the numerator values. As the test statistic will
tend to be larger if is larger (in absolute value), one would expect
that lists of significant genes would be similar with the two approaches.
If the fixed divisor approach as discussed in section 10.5.3 is used in
the computations, the gene with ID M007250-01 has the largest score
statistic among all genes. If the SAM approach is used, however, this
gene appears in the 6th position in the table in Figure 12.2 with
which equals the value of the difference in our
notation here. A comparison of the two lists of significantly differentially
expressed genes identified by the two procedures (with a fixed divisor
versus in the test statistic) shows a moderate degree of overlap.
There are 12 genes common to both lists of the top 35 significant genes.
It is often the case that different lists of significant genes are obtained
with different statistical assumptions and methods.

1 Ludbrook, J. and Dudley, H. (1998). The American Statistician, 52, 127-132.
2 Good, P. (2000). Permutation Tests: A Practical Guide to Resampling Methods for Test­
ing Hypotheses, 2nd edition, Springer, New York.
3 Chu, G., Narasimhan, B., Tibshirani, R., Tusher, V. (2002). Significance Analysis of
Microarrays (SAM): Users Guide and Technical Document, version 1.21., http://www- ~ tibs/clickwrap/sam
4 Dudley, A.M., Aach, J., Steffen, M.A., and Church, G.M. (2002). Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences, USA, 99, 7554-7559.
Chapter 13


Bayesian models and methods play an important role in statistical

analysis generally and in the analysis of microarray data in particular.
Some of the mathematically most sophisticated methods for microarrays
involve Bayesian principles and techniques. This chapter provides an
overview of some ideas underlying the Bayesian approach to microarray
data analysis.
Many models have been proposed to relate gene expression readings
to true concentrations In the next section, we present mixture
models for gene expression. In a subsequent section, we consider such
models for differential gene expression. Finally, later sections look at the
Bayesian aspect of these models in an explicit way and show how this
aspect can be very useful for both interpretation and analysis.

13.1. Mixture Model for Gene Expression

The simple observation that a gene is either expressed or not expressed
in a given experimental setting implies that the observed intensity for
any gene can be represented by a mixture model, which we now describe.
For the present, the discussion focuses on a given experimental condition
and notation for the condition (usually index ) is suppressed.
First, let denote the probability that any given gene is expressed
under the experimental condition prior to observing any experimental
evidence. As this probability is not indexed by it is assumed that
all genes are equally likely to be expressed. (This assumption can be
modified if the experimenter holds different prior beliefs about different
genes being expressed.)

Second, let denote the probability density function (p.d.f.) of

observing expression intensity when the concentration of the gene in
the experimental condition equals As the gene is unexpressed if is
zero, it follows that represents the p.d.f. of the background noise
random variable. Observe the implicit assumption that the p.d.f.
depends on the gene only through the value of and, specifically, that
the background noise component has the same p.d.f. for all genes under
the given experimental condition.
Third, let denote the p.d.f. of gene concentration for an expressed
gene under the experimental condition. The value of for an expressed
gene is a random draw from this p.d.f.. Putting these three specifica­
tions together, the marginal p.d.f. of the observed gene intensity
under the experimental condition has the following mixture form.

where is the p.d.f. of the background noise,


is the marginal density function of intensity for an expressed gene.

Mixture models are central to a Bayesian perspective on microarray
data analysis. The model in equation (13.1) has been used in the analy­
sis of microarray data – see, for example, Lee et al.1 (2000) and Efron
et al.2 (2001). The first term on the righthand side of (13.1) represents
the contribution to the marginal p.d.f. of observed intensity if a gene is
expressed with probability in the experimental condition and the sec­
ond term is the contribution if the gene is unexpressed in the condition.
Although we are not in a testing framework here, test terminology is
convenient so subscripts ‘0’ and ‘1’ are used for the null and alternative
hypotheses that the gene is either unexpressed or expressed according
to whether or
To visualize mixture model (13.1), one may consider the histogram of
intensities for all genes G under any given experimental
condition The histogram of the values is a graphical estimate of
the p.d.f. The challenge of microarray analysis is to estimate the
components of the mixture model (13.1) from the intensity data used to
construct the histogram.
The components of model (13.1) are not equally accessible in terms of
estimating their form from microarray data. The background noise p.d.f.

is easiest to estimate because generally the designated gene set

contains many genes that are not expressed in any of the experimental
conditions. The microarray may also contain control spots that are
intentially included by design so they would not be expressed. Finally,
replicates contain information about the background noise p.d.f.,

The p.d.f. for the observed intensity of an expressed gene hav­

ing true concentration is more difficult to assess. Parameter is an
unobserved property of the gene in the biological population defined by
the experimental condition, whereas is the observed intensity read­
ing for the gene under that condition. If the gene were replicated on
spots under the same experimental condition, giving replicated intensity
readings then these observations constitute a sample from
p.d.f. and could be used to infer its form. The number of repli­
cates however, is not generally large and the replicates are subject to
random variation, so precise knowledge of is difficult to gather.
True replicates are also very difficult to construct.

Finally, the most difficult p.d.f. to estimate is the density func­

tion of true gene concentrations for expressed genes in the designated
gene set This density function will be unique to the biological pop-
ulation defined by the experimental condition. P.d.f. is the object
of scientific interest in a microarray study, but the study provides no
direct observation of this distribution. As the designated set is finite,
the microarray study involves a finite number of values drawn from
Estimates of the for all expressed genes provide a rough profile
of As yet, we have not explained how such estimates are obtained
from the microarray data.

13.1.1. Variations on the Mixture Model

The additive background noise model (5.1) in Chapter 5 states that

where represents latent gene expression and is
background noise for gene and condition This additive specification
for background noise allows further development of the mixture model
in (13.1) and, specifically, the elaboration of the p.d.f. If noise
is the only source of randomness in microarray readings, then is a
fixed quantity. Then, for any gene with a given concentration one
might assume that is proportional to say, Parameter is a
multiplier, possibly different from one experimental condition to another,
that determines the contribution of the true gene concentration to the
quantity of light, radiation, or other physical medium that is read from

the array. With this assumption, it follows that the difference is

simply background noise and, therefore, that

This model entails a translation of the scale of expression measurement

from to The model hypothesizes that subtracting the true
quantity of gene expression from the reading leaves pure background
noise. Several variations of this model have been proposed. All of these
variations have the mathematical implication that the form of the p.d.f.
or its equivalent in other models, can be inferred directly from
that of the noise distribution.

Different forms of mixture model (13.1) arise when the raw expression
data are monotonically transformed. If the transformation is
then in (13.1) is replaced by For example, may denote the log-
arithm of the raw intensity measurement, i.e., In mathe­
matical terms, if is the p.d.f. of then and are related

where denotes the inverse transformation. The other p.d.f.s in the

mixture model are similarly related. The mixture model (13.1) might
then be rewritten for as

Changing notation for the p.d.f.s with each change of variable is poten­
tially confusing so, for expository convenience, the notation
and is used as generic notation, whichever variable may be under
consideration. The context will make the functional form of the p.d.f.s
Different families of distributions have been proposed for the com-
ponent p.d.f.s and of the mixture model, although
the settings in which they have been presented differ somewhat from
the one used here. The idea of the mixture model is sometimes explic­
itly developed in these articles and at other times is only implicit in
the presentation. Lee et al. (2000), for example, present an illustra­
tion of mixture model (13.1) for log-intensities in a simple microarray
experiment. They model the component distributions and
as normal densities with They compute empirical Bayes

estimates of the model parameters. Baldi and Long3 (2001) also model
log-expression data using the normal distribution family. Newton et al.4
(2001) have used the gamma distribution family as a model for gene
expression data and explicitly develop the mixture model. Ibrahim et
al.5 (2002) use the lognormal distribution family as a model for expres­
sion data. Rocke and Durbin6 (2001) use a hybrid model in which the
components of the additive noise model, and are assumed to
be independent lognormal and normal random variables, respectively.
Efron et al. (2001) propose a non-parametric approach to modeling the
components of the mixture model.
It was noted already that the background noise p.d.f. is the most
accessible. The next subsection gives an illustration of estimating the
background noise p.d.f. as a gamma distribution. In later sec-
tions, we include other case illustrations to show how the components of
mixture models are estimated from microarray data.

13.1.2. Example of Gamma Models

Newton et al. (2001) and Kendziorski et al.7 (2003), among others,
have studied the family of gamma distributions as a suitable model for
gene expression data. The following formulation is motivated by their
work but departs from it in some respects.
A gamma distribution for a general variable with shape parameter
and scale parameter has p.d.f.

The mean and variance of the distribution are given by and

respectively. Notation denotes the gamma function.
To illustrate use of the gamma model for modeling background noise,
we examine the background noise p.d.f. using data
from the Mouse Juvenile Cystic Kidney Data Set. We use the data from
Array 1 for mutant tissue on the green channel (see Table 6.1 in sub­
section 6.2.2). Using a similar strategy to that adopted for the study of
background noise in Chapter 5, it is assumed that observed intensities
below a certain level constitute pure noise (so because
is zero). We choose the median value of CH1I (value 2875) for this
cutoff on the assumption that at least 50 percent of genes in the set of
1728 genes are not expressed. We have used maximum likelihood esti­
mation to fit a truncated gamma distribution to this sample, obtaining

parameter estimates and The estimated mean is

therefore 1.492(2770) = 4133.
Figure 13.1 shows a plot of the fitted percentiles of the gamma back­
ground noise distribution against the observed expression intensities.
The line of identity is also plotted. The alignment of the line and quan­
tile plot at the lower end of the scale indicates the adequacy of fit of the
gamma model to background noise. Observe that the alignment contin­
ues until around 6000 and then the observed intensities diverge upward,
suggesting the presence of the latent real expression component in
these genes. We caution that a look at the lower end of the distribu-
tion at higher resolution suggests some systematic departures from the
gamma distribution so the model is not ideal (we do not show that detail
The appropriateness of the gamma distribution to describe the condi­
tional p.d.f. for expressed genes (i.e., where ) is not explored
here and is an open question. Even more uncertain is the nature of the
p.d.f. for expressed genes in mutant tissue.

13.2. Mixture Model for Differential Expression

The mixture model (13.1) applies to a single intensity measurement
or, possibly, to a transformation of a single intensity measurement, such
as Yet, as explained in previous chapters, microarray studies
are mainly concerned with the identification of genes or sets of genes
that are differentially expressed across experimental conditions. Thus,
interest centers not on single intensity readings but on comparisons of
expression levels. Importantly, the mixture model can be extended to
differential gene expression across two or more experimental conditions.
The form of the mixture model remains essentially the same in this
case but the components require a new interpretation. The ideas are
developed in the next two subsections. In these subsections, we use
notation to represent a summary statistic of differential expression
for gene a summary form that differs from one application to another.
We let denote the corresponding parameter that is being estimated
by Parameter measures the true extent of differential expression.

13.2.1. Mixture Model for Color Ratio Data

Consider a two-color cDNA array comparing a treatment condition
(c=1) with a control condition (c=0). Assume that a reversed-color
design is used so two spots are devoted to each gene Let and

be the normalized intensity readings of one spot and and

be the readings of the other, where superscripts (R) and (G) denote red
and green intensities, the subscripts denote readings for gene from
the control condition, and the subscripts denote readings for gene
from the treatment condition. The following geometric mean measures
the differential expression for gene between the treatment and control
conditions and, hence, is our summary measure.

Observe that multiplicative color and spot effects cancel out in measure

Denoting the ratio of true concentrations of gene in the two condi­

tions by it is clear that will estimate Statistic
will tend to be close to one if and will tend to differ from one
otherwise. A value of much less than one would indicate gene is
down-regulated in the treatment condition relative to the control condi­
tion (i.e., ) while much greater than one would indicate gene
is up-regulated in the treatment condition relative to the control condi­
tion (i.e., ). In this context, we shall refer to as the differential
expression ratio for gene We set if
Dropping the subscript the mixture model (13.1) takes the following
form for the geometric-mean statistic

where and

The p.d.f. represents the distribution of the geometric-mean sta­

tistic when the differential expression ratio is Thus, the p.d.f.
represents the null distribution of the geometric-mean statistic when
there is no differential expression (i.e., when ). The p.d.f.
describes the distribution of differential expression ratios for genes in
the designated gene set that are truly differentially expressed in the
biological populations being compared. Note that may have a prob­
ability mass at q(0) and corresponding to genes for which either
or respectively, in the treatment and control conditions.
Many researchers have looked at probability models for color ratios
along the lines described here. One tractable representation that also is
realistic assumes that the logarithms of the four observations entering
expression (13.4) have a joint multivariate normal distribution. In this
case, has a lognormal distribution. In the next section, this repre­
sentation is linked to the ANOVA model for microarray data based on
logarithms of expression measurements.
Our preliminary development in this section has been motivated in
part by the work reported in Newton et al. (2001). These authors as­
sume that the color ratio for a spot is a ratio of two independent gamma
distributions with identical shape parameters and derive a number of

interesting results in the context of hierarchical Bayes modeling. A

later section will give more specifics on hierarchical Bayes modeling and
the results of these and other authors. Newton et al. did not explic­
itly consider the reverse-color design but the following variation of their
setup preserves the mathematical features of their approach. Consider
the following statistic for each gene.

Observe that statistic is the ratio of the total expression for treatment
1 to the total expression for treatment 0 (the control) for the two array
spots. The totals are denoted by and respectively, in (13.6).
Under appropriate assumptions, the ratio of the two totals in (13.6)
can be modeled as a ratio of two independent gamma random variables
with a common shape parameter. The requisite assumptions are: (1)
the four readings are independent gamma random variables, (2) the nu­
merator readings share a common scale parameter, say as do the
two denominator readings, say and (3) the color and spot effects do
not alter the scale parameter but are additive in determining the shape
parameter. With these assumptions, the numerator and denominator
totals and are independent gamma random variables with a com­
mon shape parameter and scale parameters and respectively.
The differential expression parameter is

in this context. Under the preceding conditions, the Newton et al. hier­
archical Bayes development will continue to apply. This development is
taken up in the next section.
The gamma model introduces a technical element that ties in with
much earlier discussion related to data normalization. In the differential
expression setting, the statistic estimates the true differential expres­
sion parameter It has been assumed implicitly in the modeling that
statistic encapsulates all information in the data about the unknown
parameter i.e., that is a sufficient statistic for In the log-normal
model for the color-ratio statistic (13.4), statistic is sufficient. In the
gamma model for the color-ratio statistic (13.6), statistic is
not sufficient. It is found that the product statistic

plays a role. Statistic is a measure of the total quantity of expres­

sion for gene and, thus, is closely related to the intensity-dependent
normalization discussed in Chapter 6. A little mathematics shows that
the joint density function for the pair can be transformed into
a joint p.d.f. for pair with the following form.

Here In looking at the mathematical form of this p.d.f.,

it can be seen that will tend to be a more precise estimator of for
larger values of This tendency is consistent with observed values of
having less dispersion with larger values of This phenomenon has
been found in many applications. Thus, the gamma model has a realistic
feature in this respect.
The marginal distribution of is obtained from (13.7) by integrating
out variable giving

This formula, in different notation, appears as equation (2) in Newton

et al. (2001).

13.2.2. Relation of Mixture Model to ANOVA Model

In the ANOVA models described in Chapter 10, differential expression

effects are captured by the gene-condition interaction terms, which were
denoted there by with estimates denoted by It was noted that
concentration is constant across experimental conditions for gene
if and only if for all In particular, if gene is unexpressed in
any of the conditions, so for all then for all
In Chapters 10 and 14, we present several summary statistics of dif-
ferential gene expression of the general form where
denotes the estimated differential expression vector for
gene across all C experimental conditions and is any function spec­
ified by the investigator that captures the particular differential expres­
sion features that are of scientific interest. We previously studied two
particular types of functions in detail; one in which is a linear
function of and another in which it is a quadratic function of

Letting the parameter

captures the true extent of differential gene expression. In this context,

we note that if and only if gene is not differentially expressed
across the experimental conditions, i.e., Dropping the index
the mixture model then takes the following general form in this situation:

where and

The integral defining is a definite integral over the domain of

As one demonstration of the mixture model (13.9), consider a design
in which treatment (1) and control (0) conditions are compared in a
reversed-color cDNA experiment, as in the previous subsection. Fitting
the ANOVA model to the normalized log-intensity data yields interaction
estimates and The estimated expression differential for the two
conditions is given by

This difference is none other than the logarithm of the geometric mean

color ratio (13.4) in the previous subsection.

The corresponding true
expression differential is
The parameter here equals the
logarithm of the differential expression ratio introduced in the previous
subsection. Thus, the mixture models for the geometric mean color-ratio
and the ANOVA interaction difference are mathematically equivalent.
In the previous demonstration and in many other applications where
statistic involves a comparison, contrast or other linear combination
of differential expression effects, the statistic can assume both positive
and negative values reflecting (in some general sense) down-regulation
and up-regulation of genes, respectively. In these situations, it is useful
to divide the mixture component into two subcomponents as

where The elements in (13.10) with labels ‘–’ and ‘+’

correspond to the down-regulated and up-regulated components, respec­
tively. A later section will show the usefulness of this partitioning of the

13.2.3. Bayes Interpretation of Mixture Model

We now take up the Bayesian approach to the analysis of microarray
data in an explicit fashion. Mixture model (13.9) can be given an im­
mediate Bayesian interpretation. The probabilities and are prior
probabilities for a gene being differentially expressed or not, in advance
of having the study data. The p.d.f. is a prior distribution for the
true extent of differential expression for the gene. The parameter
for a gene in experimental condition will be drawn from this density
function. The relative magnitudes of the mixture components, given
the summary statistic are the posterior probabilities that the gene is
differentially expressed or not. In notation, we have

where and denote the events that the gene is not differentially
expressed and differentially expressed, respectively.
The posterior probabilities give the relative evidence in favor of a gene
being differentially expressed or not. The probabilities remind us that
establishing the true situation for a gene is not a certainty. A posterior
probability of states that the odds are even that the
gene in question is differentially expressed while a posterior probability
of represents odds of 999 to 1 in favor of differential
The posterior distribution of given may be written down directly
from the mixture model, as follows.

The precise form of this posterior distribution requires knowledge of the

prior probability and the prior p.d.f. We discuss later how
this probability and p.d.f. might be assessed. Observe that distribution
(13.12) can be used to make probability statements about the true extent
of differential expression, as measured by given the observed statistic

First, the posterior probability gives the probability that

the gene is differentially expressed. Second, assuming that the gene is
differentially expressed, the most probable value of denoted here by
is the point of maximum density of i.e., the solution to

Under quite general conditions, will tend to be a value that lies between
and the modal value of and, hence, is a shrinkage estimator.
The discussion in the previous section pointed out a case where the
statistic is not a sufficient statistic for Where that is the case, a
refinement can be made in the posterior probability distribution for in
(13.12). We will not pursue that refinement here.
The component probabilities and and density functions
and in (13.11) may depend on unspecified parameters, in which
case the probabilities and are, in fact, conditional pos­
terior probabilities because they are conditional on the unspecified para­
meters. A full Bayesian approach would require a specification of a joint
prior distribution for these unknown parameters in order to eliminate
their conditionality. The elicitation of appropriate prior distribution
forms is a challenging aspect of the Bayesian approach. Ibrahim et al
(2002), for example, discuss this issue in a microarray context. Another
approach to dealing with any unspecified parameters is the empirical
Bayes approach that is described in the next section.

13.3. Empirical Bayes Methods

Microarray studies often involve thousands of genes but, for any single
gene, expression readings may only be gathered from a small number of
sample specimens. This context is suitable for empirical Bayes methods
because these allow inferences for any given gene to draw on information
from other genes. Early development of empirical Bayes methods can
be found in Robbins9 (1951), Robbins and Hannan10(1955), Robbins11
(1964), Efron and Morris12 (1973), Efron and Morris13 (1975), and Car­
lin and Louis14 (1996), among others. An interesting brief review of
the historical development of empirical Bayes methods can be found in
Efron15 (2001). In this article, Efron discusses the connection between
empirical Bayes methods and applications in microarray studies.
The principle of empirical Bayes is useful for estimating the para­
meters of the mixture models described in previous sections. We take

mixture model (13.9) as a case in point. To fit mixture model (13.9),

we must decide on the form of the distributions and and
estimate any unknown parameters of these distributions, as well as the
prior probabilities and In the case where may assume
both positive and negative values, it is necessary to make assumptions
about the forms of both the negative and positive subcomponents as
defined in (13.10).

Investigators may proceed in a variety of ways. Some researchers have

adopted a non-parametric approach for estimating the density functions
and and prior probabilities and Efron et al. (2001),
for example, estimate a ratio corresponding to using a non­
parametric approach that combines randomization and permutation, lo­
gistic regression fitting and numerical smoothing. Observe from (13.11)
that this ratio, together with an estimate of gives an estimate of the
posterior probability that a gene is not differentially expressed.
The statistic in our notation corresponds to their statistic

Lee et al. (2002b) adopt a completely parametric approach. In their

application, is taken to be a normal distribution and and
are taken to be reverse-Weibull and Weibull distributions, respec­
tively. They then use empirical Bayes methods to estimate the unknown
parameters. Newton and Kendziorski16 (2003) provided an overview of
parametric empirical Bayes methods for microarrays. They considered
the gamma-gamma and lognormal-lognormal models and presented the
software they developed for the empirical Bayes hierarchical modeling
approach. The reader is referred to these articles for more details.

13.3.1. Example of Empirical Bayes Fitting

To demonstrate the essence of empirical Bayes fitting, we consider a

case example.

In Chapter 12, a microarray data set referred to as the LPS-E. coli

data set was introduced. Primary interest centered on whether genes are
differentially expressed in a pair-wise comparison of the LPS treatment
(treatment 2) and the E.coli treatment (treatment 3). The comparison
focuses on the difference The corresponding parameter
is For a parametric representation, let be a normal
density function with mean and standard deviation Furthermore,
let and be Weibull p.d.f.s. The Weibull density function
for a general variable with parameters and has the following form.

Parameter is a scale parameter and, in fact, corresponds to the 63rd

percentile of the distribution. Parameter is a shape parameter. Larger
values of correspond to distributions that are less variable, less right-
skewed and shaped more like the normal distribution. It is assumed
that follows a Weibull p.d.f. with parameters and that
follows a Weibull p.d.f. with parameters As the scale
for the former p.d.f. is reversed (note the p.d.f. argument is ), we
refer to it as a reverse-Weibull distribution.
The Weibull distribution family is used in this illustration because it is
a flexible distribution for fitting. The true shape of distribution is
unknown, being an unknown convolution of distributions for background
noise and true differential expression for genes in the designated set
Other candidate distributions for have been proposed and also
seem to work well (e.g., the gamma and lognormal). Additional research
is required to have a better understanding of the form of An
advantage of the non-parametric approach, such as that described in
Efron et al. (2001), is that it lets the microarray data themselves give an
empirical estimate of without the constraints of a given distribution
To implement the empirical Bayes fitting of the mixture model, we
set up the sample log-likelihood function as a function of the unknown
parameters. The function to be maximized in this application is

Table 13.1 shows the parameters and their estimates. One unusual fea­
ture arises in this application. A single gene (gene ) is outlying in
the negative domain, having a difference statistic of In
maximizing the log-likelihood function, it is found that the routine at-
tempts to fit a degenerate density function to this single observation. We
therefore take to be degenerate and give it parameter estimates
consistent with this degeneracy (specifically, zero variance). To estimate
the remaining parameters for the model, the p.d.f. is dropped as
a component of in the likelihood function (13.15). The outlying
observation (gene ) is also dropped from the likelihood calculation.
The parameter estimates suggest that about 18 percent of the 13,028
genes in the study are differentially expressed and virtually all of these

are up-regulated in E.coli. For up-regulated genes, the estimate 0.1248

for suggests that 63 percent of the differentially expressed genes have
log-differences in expression below this level. In terms of fold change,
this 63rd percentile corresponds to a fold change of exp(0.1248) = 1.13.
Thus, most differentially expressed genes are only modestly up-regulated.
The distribution of differences for differentially expressed genes is uni­
modal and somewhat right skewed because the parameter estimate of
is 1.5488, which is larger than one but only moderately large. The
one gene that is down-regulated in the E.coli treatment corresponds to
a fold change of exp(.3584) = 1.43.

Substitution of the parameter estimates in Table 13.1 into the mix­

ture model (13.9), with positive and negative subcomponents defined
by (13.11), gives estimates of the densities and for
every gene The posterior probabilities and can
then be estimated from (13.11). In total, 1689 genes have estimated
posterior probabilities of differential expression exceeding 0.50 and 270
genes have estimates exceeding 0.99. All but one of these genes (gene
being the exception) are up-regulated in the E.coli. treatment.
Table 13.2 shows estimates of for a fragment of the 270 genes
for which this estimate exceeds 0.99, including gene Probability

values of 1.0000 in the table are rounded and do not represent certainty.

How well does the fitted normal-Weibull mixture model fit the ob­

served differential expression data Figure 13.2 shows an overlay plot

of the empirical cumulative distribution function (c.d.f.) of the and
the c.d.f. of the fitted mixture model. The two curves are barely distin­

guishable. Closer examination shows that they do not depart vertically

from each other by more than 0.0052 at any point.

13.4. Hierarchical Bayes Models

The mixture models for gene expression, see (13.1), and for differential
expression, see (13.5) and (13.9), have already been given a Bayes inter­
pretation. We now look at this Bayesian interpretation more carefully
in order to see the potential for the use of hierarchical Bayes modeling
of microarray data.
Consider the mixture model for differential expression (13.5) as a spe­
cific case. The sampling distribution in this microarray context is
which represents the probability density of differential expression statis­
tic given the true differential expression parameter Sampling distri­
bution has one distinguished case corresponding to the situation
where the gene is not differentially expressed in any experimental con-
dition. In this special case, and the sampling distribution
takes the form which corresponds to pure background noise. Hi-
erarchical Bayes modeling attempts to model the uncertainty that the
investigator has about the unknown parameters of this sampling dis­
tribution. The reference to ‘hierarchy’ comes from the fact that the

uncertainly may be modeled with several tiers of prior information, as


The density function has as the primary first-tier parameter

and possibly has other additional parameters (called nuisance parame­
ters) that have not yet been explicitly set out. (The shape parameter
in the gamma model of differential expression is one such nuisance
parameter.) We shall view these nuisance parameters as fixed unknowns
in this exposition of ideas. The hierarchical Bayes approach will ini­
tially give the first-tier parameters a joint prior probability distribution
to reflect uncertainty about their values in advance of observing data.
In mixture model (13.5), this prior distribution has already been spec­

ified. It states that equals 1 with probability and takes a specific

non-unitary value with probability density
We now move to the second tier. The prior distribution for has its
own parameters, so-called second-tier parameters, namely, and
and the parameters of the p.d.f. which have not yet been given
an explicit form in the notation. Our empirical Bayes approach to fitting
the mixture model has estimated these second-tier parameters of the
prior distribution; see Table 13.1 for the estimates obtained in an earlier
case illustration. A hierarchical Bayes approach may wish to model the
uncertainty in these second-tier parameters by setting additional prior
distributions on and on the parameters of density function
The hierarchical approach may even pursue this development to third or
fourth tiers. We will pause, however, at the second tier and study what
is gained by hierarchical modeling of several tiers of parameters.

13.4.1. Example of Hierarchical Modeling

We return to the adaptation of the Newton et al. (2001) hierarchical
Bayes model as an example. The development picks up where it left off
in subsection Mixture Model for Color Ratio Data (subsection 13.2.1).
The subscript for gene is dropped for the time being. The notation
continues to be that of the book rather than of Newton et al.
The expression totals for treatment 1 and treatment 0 (the control),
denoted by and are modeled as independent gamma random vari­
ables with a common shape parameter and respective scale parame­
ters and This specification gives the sampling distribution for
the summary statistics A transformed version of this sampling
distribution appears in (13.7). The transformations involve both the
parameters, which are transformed from to and the sta­
tistics, which are transformed from to The parameters
are the first-tier parameters.
Newton et al. give prior distributions to the parameters and
Under the assumption that the gene is differentially expressed, the recip­
rocals of these scale parameters are assumed to be independent draws
from a common gamma distribution having shape parameter and scale
parameter (this book’s notation). If the gene is not differentially ex-
pressed, then the scale parameters and are equal to a common
value, say and the reciprocal of this common value is assumed to be
drawn from the same gamma distribution with shape parameter and
scale parameter First-tier parameter is treated as a nuisance para­
meter. Finally, the authors give the second-tier parameter pair a

beta distribution with parameters (2,2) in order to ‘stabilize the compu­

tations’ and enable ‘a nice interpretation of the output’ (see page 45 of
their article). This distribution has p.d.f. The authors
take the hierarchical development no further. They obtain empirical
Bayes estimates of the first-tier parameter and second-tier parame­
ters and and then proceed to investigate the implications of their
model. Table 13.3 summarizes the model.

Newton et al. (2001) investigate numerous implications for their hi-

erarchical Bayes model. One of these is illustrated here. The posterior
distribution of the differential expression parameter for a differentially
expressed gene is given by (in the book notation)

As pointed out by the authors, the ratio acts as a

shrinkage estimator of the differential expression parameter and will
lie closer to unity than the ratio of totals in (13.6).
As a further development of hierarchical modelling, reference can be
made to Newton et al.17 (2003), which considers a semiparametric hier­
archical mixture method for modeling microarray data.

1 Lee, M.-L.T., Kuo, F.C., Whitmore, G.A., Sklar, J. (2000). Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, USA, 97, 9834-9839.
2 Efron, B., Tibshirani, R., Storey, J.D., Tusher, V. (2001). Journal of American Statistical

Association, 96, 1151-1160.

3 Baldi, P. and Long, A.D. (2001). Bioinformatics, 17, 509-519.
4 Newton, M.A., Kendziorski, C.M., Richmond, C.S., Blattner, F.R., Tsui, K.W. (2001).

Journal of Computational Biology, 8, 37-52.

5 Ibrahim, J.G., Chen, M.-H., Gray, R.J. (2002). Journal of the American Statistical Asso­

ciation, 97, 88-99.

Rocke, D.M., Durbin, B. (2001). Journal of Computational Biology, 8, 557-569.
Kendziorski, C.M., Newton, M.A., Lan, H. and Gould, M.N. (2003). Statistics in Medicine.
(In press).
8 Lee, M.-L.T., Lu, W., Whitmore, G.A., Beier, D. (2002b). Journal of Biopharmaceutical

Statistics, 12(1), 1-19.

9 Robbins, H. (1951). Proc. Second Berkeley Symposium, 1, 131-148. Univ. Calif. Press.
10 Robbins, H., Hannan, J. (1955). Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 26, 37-51.
Robbins, H. (1964). Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 35, 1-20.
12 Efron, B., Morris, C. (1973). Journal of American Statistical Association, 68, 117-130.
13 Efron, B., Morris, C. (1975). Journal of American Statistical Association, 70, 311-319.
14 Carlin, B.P., Louis, T.A. (1996). Bayes and Empirical Bayes Methods for Data Analysis,

Chapman and Hall, New York.

15 Efron, B. (2001). Technical Report No.2001-30B/219, Department of Statistics, Stanford

University, Stanford, California.

16 Newton, M.A., Kendziorski, C.M. (2003). In: The Analysis of Gene Expression Data:

Methods and Software, Parmigiani, G., Garrett, E.S., Irizarray, R.A., and Zeger, S.L., eds.
255-271. Springer, New York.
17 Newton, M.A., Noueiry, A., Sarkar, D., Ahlquist, P. (2003). Technical Report No. 1074,

Department of Statistics, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

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Chapter 14



In this chapter, methods axe presented for calculating requisite sam­

ple sizes and power at the planning stage of general microarray studies.
As discussed in Chapter 9, experimental designs for microarray stud­
ies vary widely and it is important to determine what statistical power
a particular design may have to uncover a specified level of differen­
tial expression. Selected interaction parameters in the ANOVA model
measure differential expression of genes across experimental conditions.
The methodology takes account of the multiple testing that is part of
all such studies. The link to implementation algorithms for multiple
testing is described. A Bayesian perspective on power and sample size
determination is also presented. The discussion encompasses choices of
experimental design and replication for a study. Practical examples and
case studies are used to demonstrate the methods. The examples show
forcefully that replication of a microarray experiment can yield large
increases in statistical power. This chapter refers to spotted arrays in
the discussion and illustrations but the proposed methodology is equally
applicable to expression data from in-situ oligonucleotide arrays. The
chapter discusses interpretation and use of the sample size and power
tables for microarray studies that appear in Appendices A and B.

Many researchers have recognized the importance of planning microar­

ray studies in terms of their design and size. Simon et al1 (2002), for
example, give an incisive overview of issues related to planning including
study objectives, sample selection, replication, and analysis strategies.

14.1. Test Hypotheses in Microarray Studies

The key statistical quantity in a microarray study is the differential
expression of a gene in a given experimental condition. Our study of
statistical power centers on an analysis of variance (ANOVA) model
that incorporates a set of interaction parameters reflecting differential
gene expression across experimental conditions2 (2002). We take the
response variable for the ANOVA model as the logarithm (to base 2)
of the machine reading of intensity and refer to it simply as the log-
intensity. Thus, if is the intensity measurement, the response variable
in the ANOVA model is taken as We assume that is
positive so the logarithm is defined. If the readings are background
corrected then we assume that only corrected readings with positive
values are used in the analysis.
As in Chapter 10, the gene-by-condition interaction effects in
equation (10.3) capture the differential expression of genes across exper-
imental conditions. To simplify notation, we use the symbol

to denote the interaction term, with their estimates denoted by

Here, indices and refer to gene and condition with ranges
and respectively. We will adopt the constraint
form where their (weighted) sums equal zero. That is,

The sum-to-zero constraint implies that is interpreted as the es­

timated differential expression intensity for gene under condition
relative to the average for all genes and conditions in the study. For il-
lustrations of the kind of quantity that represents, see section 10.3.1.
Let denote the column vector of interac­
tion parameters for gene across experimental conditions
where the prime denotes transposition. With respect to differential gene
expression, the null hypothesis and alternative (research) hypothe­
sis of interest for any given gene can be stated in terms of the
interaction vector as follows:
the zero vector, indicating that gene is not differen­
tially expressed across the experimental conditions
where is a specified non­
zero vector denoting the hypothesized alternative values for interac­
tion terms indicating that gene is differentially

expressed across the experimental conditions. Quantity is the

hypothesized log-2 difference for the experimental condition.

The non-zero vector specified in the alternative hypothesis is a

vector of hypothesized values for differential expression levels on the log­
2 scale that the investigator desires to detect. For instance, a study may
include four experimental conditions such that conditions and
replicate a treatment condition and conditions and
replicate a control condition. In this illustrative study, it may be desired
to detect any gene that has a differential expression pattern of form
This pattern is equivalent to testing for an 8-
fold up-regulation under treatment relative to control, i.e.,
The specified vector in is shown to be common for all
genes This specification simplifies the following development but can
be relaxed if it is felt that the hypothesized interaction effects should be
different for different gene groups.
As discussed in Chapter 11, a test of hypotheses exposes an investiga­
tor to two types of error. A type I error occurs if the research hypothesis
is concluded when in fact the null hypothesis is true. A type II
error occurs if is concluded when is true. The power of any
hypothesis test is defined as the probability of declaring the research
hypothsis when, in fact, is true. A principal aim of a microarray
study is to have a high probability of declaring a gene to be differentially
expressed if it is truly differentially expressed, while keeping the proba­
bility of making a false declaration of differential expression acceptably
low. Thus, in formal terms, a key design objective of a microarray study
is to achieve high test power while controlling type I error risk.
In an actual microarray study, genes that are truly differentially ex­
pressed will generally do so to different degrees, some weakly some
strongly. Therefore, the components of the interaction parameter
vectors will have values that vary over a continuum as varies. It is
important for us to stress here, however, that this distribution of true
expression levels does not directly enter into the power calculation in
the planning stage. Instead, the alternative hypothesis refers only to
a single non-zero vector specifically, the investigator-specified vector
It is this nonzero vector that is to be used as the reference differential
expression pattern for a power calculation. The assumption is that the
alternative vector (or any vector that lies an equivalent ‘distance’ from
zero) represents a pattern of differential expression that the investigator
wishes to detect with high probability (i.e., with high power).

14.2. Distributions of Estimated Differential


In many applications, it is reasonable to assume that the estimated

differential expression vector where has
an approximate multivariate normal distribution with a mean zero and
covariance matrix under the null hypothesis The claim to a nor­
mal approximation is especially strong where the microarray study in­
volves repeated observations of gene expression across conditions so that
the interaction estimates are averages of independent log-intensity
readings. An appeal to the central limit theorem then supports the
assumption of approximate normality. Likewise, under the alternative
hypothesis also has an approximate multivariate normal distrib­
ution with the same covariance matrix but now with non-zero mean
We note that the covariance matrix will have rank C – 1 because of
the interaction sum constraint.

14.3. Summary Measures of Estimated

Differential Expression

On the basis of the ANOVA modeling approach, different statistics

may be used to summarize differential expression for single genes in
microarray studies. We shall calculate power for some summary measure

of the estimated differential expression vector for gene where

is any function specified by the investigator that captures the particu­
lar differential expression features that are of scientific interest in the

statistical test.
Later, we shall study two particular types of functions

in detail; one in which is a linear function of and another in

which it is a quadratic function of

The variable is a random variable for gene that will have some
realization in the microarray study. Under null hypothesis sum­
mary measure has a probability density function (p.d.f.) that we
denote by Similarly, under the alternative hypothesis sum­
mary measure has a p.d.f. that we denote by We shall show
that it is the statistical distance between these two density functions, in
a precise sense, that defines the level of power for a microarray study.

14.4. Multiple Testing Framework

As microarray studies typically involve the simultaneous study of
thousands of genes, the probabilities of producing incorrect test con­
clusions (false positives and false negatives) must be controlled for the
whole gene set. As discussed in Chapter 11, the challenge of multiple
testing in microarray studies has been discussed by many authors from
various perspectives. In this chapter, we are considering power and
sample size calculations at the planning stage of a study before data
are available. The perspective on multiple testing is therefore different
than when applying a multiple testing procedure to study results that
are already in hand.
Because the development of this chapter is closely related to Chapter
11, we again present the Benjamini and Hochberg3 (1995) framework in
Table 14.1. This table appeared earlier as Table 11.1 in Chapter 11.
It is useful for understanding the problem of multiple testing and the
control of inferential errors in microarray studies. The framework in
the table postulates that there are, in fact, only two possible situations
for any gene. Either the gene is not differentially expressed (hypothesis
is true) or it is differentially expressed at the level described by the
alternative hypothesis Thus, as discussed earlier, the hypothesis
testing framework abstracts from the reality of genes having varying
degrees of differential expression. The test declaration (decision) is either
that the gene is differentially expressed rejected) or that it is not
differentially expressed accepted). Thus, there are four possible test
outcomes for each gene corresponding to the four combinations of true
hypothesis and test declaration.
The total number of genes being tested is where and
are the true numbers of genes that are differentially expressed and
not differentially unexpressed, respectively. At the planning stage of any
microarray study, the counts and are unknown but fixed numbers.
The counts of the four test outcomes are shown by the entries
and in the multiple testing framework. The counts and are
the numbers of true and false negatives (i.e., true and false declarations
that genes are not differentially expressed). The counts and are
the numbers of true and false positives (i.e., true and false declarations
that genes are differentially expressed). The numbers
and are the total numbers of genes that the microarray
study declares are not differentially expressed (i.e. accepted), and are
differentially expressed (i.e. rejected), respectively. These counts of
test outcomes, however, are random variables in advance of the analysis
of the microarray gene expression data.

The respective proportions of genes that are undifferentially and dif­

ferentially expressed are given by:

As the counts and are generally unknown, so are the proportions

and We show later that, for power and sample size considerations,
the values of these counts and proportions must be anticipated at the
planning stage of a study. Usually, the anticipated number of
undifferentially expressed genes will be much larger than the number
of differentially expressed genes. Indeed, in some studies it may be
uncertain if any gene is actually differentially expressed (i.e., it may be
uncertain if We index the genes for which and hold by
the sets and respectively. We must remember, of course, that the
memberships of these index sets are unknown because we do not know
in advance if any given gene is differentially expressed or not.
The test outcomes counted by are false positives reflecting type
I errors. We use to denote the probability of a type I error for any
single gene in the index set under the selected decision rule. Thus,

Likewise, the test outcomes counted by are false negatives reflect­

ing type II errors. We use to denote the probability of a type II error

for any single gene in the index set under the decision rule. Thus,

The power of any hypothesis test is defined as the probability of con­

cluding when, in fact, is true. In the context of multiple testing,
power is defined as the expected proportion of differentially expressed
genes that are correctly declared to be differentially expressed. Thus,

Another related performance measure in multiple testing is the false

discovery rate or FDR for short, proposed by Benjamini and Hochberg
(1995). The FDR measure looks at error controls from a different angle
in Table 14.1. Instead of conditioning on the true but unknown state
of whether genes are differentially expressed or not, the FDR measure
takes the number of genes that are declared as differentially expressed as
its denominator. FDR is defined as the expected ratio of the number of
false positives to the number of genes declared as differentially expressed.
With reference to the notation in the multiple testing framework, the
FDR is defined as the following expected value.

The ratio in (14.7) is taken as 0 if R = 0. FDR is considered again

in the discussion of a Bayesian perspective on power in section 14.10.

14.5. Dependencies of Estimation Errors

As explained in Chapter 10, the vector estimates may be proba-
bilistically dependent for different genes in the same microarray study.
This implies that test outcomes for different genes may be probabilisti­
cally dependent. We again emphasize in our discussion of dependence

that we are not discussing biological dependencies of differential expres­

sion levels among genes (i.e., co-regulation). These kinds of dependen­
cies are certainly going to be present in every microarray study. For
example, may be true for a group of genes because they are differ­
entially expressed together under given experimental conditions. The
focus of our concern is whether estimation errors in the components of
representing departures between observed and true values, are in­
tercorrelated among genes. The summary measures for the affected
genes and, hence, their test outcomes or will then reflect this
dependence in estimation errors. We can envisage practical cases where
dependence may be a major concern and others where it may be minor.
Given the potential for some dependence of the errors in the vector
estimates even after careful modeling of effects, we consider two dif­
ferent ways to proceed. If the dependency is judged to be substantial or
we wish to be conservative in the control of false positives, we may adopt
a Bonferroni approach, which we describe shortly. On the other hand, if
the dependency is judged to be insignificant, we may wish to calculate
power or sample size on the assumption that the vector estimates are
mutually independent.

14.6. Familywise Type I Error Control

There are several ways of specifying the desired control over type I
errors in the planning context of multiple testing. We consider two ways:
(1) A specification of the familywise type I error probability
This specification refers to the probability of producing one or more
false positives for genes in index set which we denote by As
mentioned earlier in Chapter 11, the familywise type I error probabil­
ity is sometimes referred to as the familywise error rate (FWER)4.
Thus, in the notation of the preceding multiple testing framework,
we have

(2) A specification of the expected number of false positives

The expected number of false positives is oftened called the per-family
error rate (PFER). This specification refers to the expected number
of genes in index set for which is incorrectly rejected, i.e., the

In the following development, we show the connection between the

type I error risk for an individual test, denoted earlier by and the
multiple testing control quantities and
We first define an acceptance interval for the summary statistic
that gives the desired risk for a test on a single gene. Specifically,
we wish to use the following decision rule to make a judgement call on
whether any gene is differentially expressed or not:

As the null hypothesis is true for any single gene it follows

that the observed summary measure derived from the microarray
data will fall in acceptance interval with the following probability.

As we demonstrate later, we can use (14.10) to calculate from knowl­

edge of the form of the null p.d.f. Interval is chosen to be the
shortest among those intervals satisfying (14.10).
We now describe two testing approaches, depending on whether the
estimation errors in are independent or not. We refer to these as the
Šidák and Bonferroni approaches, respectively.

14.6.1. Type I Error Control: the Šidák Approach

If the estimation errors of interaction effects can be considered as

independent among genes, the familywise type I error probability
and the type I error probability for an individual test for any gene
are connected as follows for the gene index set

In most microarray studies, is large and, hence, even a small speci­

fication for will translate into a large value for the familywise type I
error probability In addition, in most studies, it is uncertain what
number of genes are differentially expressed. In this situation, an inves­
tigator may wish to assume that all genes are not differentially expressed
(so and change the exponent in (14.11) from to G.
With the assumption of independence among estimation errors, the
random variable follows a binomial distribution with parameters
and Thus, the expectation equals When is rea­
sonably large and is small, the number of false positives that will
arise under the assumption of independence will follow an approximate
Poisson distribution with mean parameter

For example, if the familywise type I error is 0.20 and is large, the
Poisson mean is In this case, the probabil­
ity of experiencing no false positive is exp(–0.223) = 0.80. The proba­
bility of exactly one false positive is 0.223exp(–0.223) = 0.223(0.80) =
0.18. The probability of experiencing two or more false positives is there­
fore 0.02. Because of the direct connection between and the mean
in this case, either value may be used to specify the desired control
over the familywise type I error risk.
As another example, if an investigator feels that expecting 2.5 false
positives is tolerable, then this specification implies that
and, hence, a familywise type I error probability of
This value may appear very high. The illus­
tration reminds us, however, that a large value of may be reasonable
in microarray studies where a few false positives among thousands of
genes must be tolerated in order to avoid many false negatives (i.e., to
avoid missing many differentially expressed genes). The design of a mi­
croarray study involves a careful balancing of costs of false positives and
false negatives. The connection between and in this last example

For instance, if happens to equal 5000 then,


Under the approach of independent estimation errors represented by

rule (14.11), we may wish to focus more directly on the number of false
positives by using the following property of order statistics for simple
random samples: The lowest and highest order statistics of
the summary measures for genes span an expected combined
tail area of where This property may be used to
set the acceptance interval based on the anticipated values of extreme
order statistics under the null p.d.f. Specifically, the acceptance
interval in (14.10) might be defined by the following specification.

Substitution of (14.14) into (14.11) gives the following implied value for
the familywise type I error probability for this rule.

The mean number of false positives for this rule is approximately i.e.,
Although the form of (14.14) is motivated by the theory of
order statistics in which is a whole number, (14.14) and (14.15) can
be used with fractional values of

14.6.2. Type I Error Control: the Bonferroni Approach

The Bonferroni procedure is widely used in statistics for error control
where simultaneous inferences are being made. The procedure makes use
of the following well-known Bonferroni probability inequality to control
the familywise type I error probability.

This inequality holds regardless of the dependency among the estimated

differential expression vectors of the gene set.
Again, letting denote the desired level of the familywise type I
error probability for the microarray study, the acceptance interval in

(14.10) may be defined by specifying the type I error probability for any
gene to be

That is, for the Bonferroni procedure, the individual error rate is
defined as the desired familywise error rate divided by the total
number of genes having no differential expression. This definition of the
acceptance interval guarantees that the following inequality holds for
the familywise type I error probability.

Thus, the inequality in (14.18) assures us that the Bonferroni procedure

keeps the familywise type I error probability at the desired level or
lower. In subsequent discussion in the Bonferroni context, we refer to
as the familywise type I error probability although the inequality
(14.18) implies that the true error probability may be somewhat lower.
We note, for given and that the Bonferroni rule (14.17) will
always choose a wider acceptance interval than the rule based on the
Šidák approach in (14.11).
With respect to the expected number of false positives, using the
Bonferroni procedure in (14.17) provides the following result.

It can be seen that the expected number of false positives equals the
familywise type I error probability in this case. Thus, necessarily, the
expected number cannot exceed one (although the actual number
is not so constrained).
Unlike the independence approach discussed in the preceding section,
there is no direct link between the probability distribution for the num­
ber of false positives and the familywise type I error probability
under the Bonferroni approach. The Bonferroni procedure controls the
chance of incurring one or more false positives but provides no proba­
bility statement about how many false positives may be present if some
do occur (i.e., the approximate Poisson distribution does not apply).

14.7. Familywise Type II Error Control

As with type I errors, we can quantify type II error control in several
ways in the context of multiple testing. We focus on two ways.

(1) The familywise type II error probability (or, equivalently, one mi­
nus the familywise power level).

This measure refers to the probability of producing one or more false

negatives for genes in index set

which we denote by Thus, in
the notation of the preceding multiple testing framework, we have

The corresponding familywise power level is then

(2) The expected number of true positives
This measure refers to the expected number of genes in index set
that are correctly declared as differentially expressed, i.e., the
In the following development, we show the connection between the
type II error risk for an individual test, denoted earlier by and the
values of the multiple testing quantities and
The power of the test for any single gene that is differentially expressed
at the level defined in equals This declaration is equivalent
to having the summary measure for the gene in question fall
outside the acceptance interval We denote this rejection interval by
the complement The power for a single differentially expressed gene
is therefore given by

In essence, therefore, is fixed by the rejection interval which, in

turn, is fixed by the specified control on the familywise type I error risk
and the specification for the alternative hypothesis Our use of p.d.f.
for this power calculation means that we are examining the power
for any and all hypothesized alternative differential gene expression vec-
tors whose estimates map into the same random variable
having the p.d.f.
As with type I errors, we encounter the Šidák and Bonferroni formulas
for power, depending on whether estimation errors in are independent
or not. We can now abbreviate the presentation because the underlying
logic is clear from the earlier development.

14.7.1. Type II Error Control: the Šidák Approach

The anticipated count of differentially expressed genes (i.e., true
positives) when taken together with the power level for any in­
dividual test for gene can be used to calculate either measure
of familywise type II error control. Under the assumption of indepen­
dent estimation errors among genes, the desired familywise type II error
probability and the type II error probability for an individual test
for any gene are connected as follows for the gene index set

Also, under independence, the random variable follows a binomial

distribution with parameters and Thus, the expected number
of true positives is given by

To illustrate these power calculations numerically, consider a microar­

ray study for which is anticipated to be 50 genes and for which

In this case, Observe how
high the power level must be for a single gene in index set namely
0.99, in order to have even a moderate probability of discovering all 50
differentially expressed genes (0.605). In this same situation, the ex­
pected number of true positives among the 50 differentially expressed
genes would be In other words, 99 per­
cent of the differentially expressed genes are expected to be declared as

14.7.2. Type II Error Control: the Bonferroni Approach

Under an assumption of dependence for the estimated differential ex­
pression vectors, recourse to the Bonferroni inequality gives the following
specification for the familywise power level as a function of the
individual type II error probability for testing any single gene.


As must be non-negative, a minimum of zero is imposed in (14.25).

Thus, the Bonferroni inequality gives us a lower bound on the familywise
power level.
The expected number of true positives under the Bonferroni approach
is given by

For the previous numerical example, where and

the lower bound on the familywise power level is 1–50(0.01) = 0.50. The
expected number of true positives is Thus,
again, 99 percent of the differentially expressed genes are expected to be
declared as such. As is the case with false positives, there is no direct link
between the familywise type II error probability and the probability
distribution for the number of true positives under dependence. The
Bonferroni procedure controls the chance of incurring one or more false
negatives but provides no probability statement about how many false
negatives may be present if some do occur.

14.8. Contrast of Planning and Implementation

in Multiple Testing
In this section, we emphasize the contrast between specifications for
type I and type II error controls at the planning stage of a microarray
study (before microarray experiments are conducted) and implementa­
tion algorithms used at the actual testing stage after gene expression
data have been collected, such as step-down P-value methods.
For planning purposes, our methodology posits the index sets and
for undifferentially and differentially expressed genes, respectively.
Although the planning does not identify the members of each set, it
does specify the cardinality of each. In this statistical setting, test im­
plementation algorithms seek to maximize the power of detecting which
genes are truly in the index set while still controlling either the fam­
ilywise type I error probability or a related quantity, such as the false
discovery rate (discussed later in section 14.10.1).

As discussed in Chapter 11, many approaches have been proposed for

actual test implementation once the microarray data are in hand. For
example, step-down P-value algorithms and methods for controlling the
false discovery rate have been widely adopted for error control in mi­
croarray studies. See, for instance, Efron et al. (2001) and Dudoit et
al.5 (2002). Observed P-values for the G hypothesis tests in a microarray
study will be derived from the null p.d.f. or its estimate, evaluated
at the respective realizations The observed P-values,
say will vary from gene to gene because of inherent sampling
variability and also because the null hypothesis may hold for some genes
but not for others. The information content of the observed P-values
is used in these testing procedures to assign genes to either the index
set or the index set without knowing the size of either set. These
approaches exploit information in the data themselves (specifically, the
observed P-values) and, hence, are data-dependent. In contrast, in plan­
ning for power and sample size, we must anticipate the sizes of these
two index sets, and control the two types of errors accordingly, without
the benefit of having the observed P-values themselves. The P-values
derived from the actual observed microarray data not only allow clas­
sification of individual genes as differentially expressed or not but also
provide a report card on the study plan and whether its specifications
were reasonable or not.

14.9. Power Calculations for Different Summary

We now present power calculations for the two classes of functions
mentioned earlier, both of which are important in microarray

14.9.1. Designs with Linear Summary Measure

Consider a situation where the summary measure is a linear com­

bination of differential expression estimates of the following form.

is a vector of design-related coefficients specified

by the investigator.
Examples of such linear combinations include any
single differential expression estimate, say or any difference of such

estimates, say
Frequently the linear combination of interest

will be a contrast of interaction estimates that reflects, for example, the

difference between treatment and control conditions.
As discussed earlier, we may assume that the vector has an ap­
proximate multivariate normal distribution with mean zero under the
null hypothesis and covariance matrix This assumption is reason­
able, first, because of the application of the central limit theorem in
deriving individual estimates from repeated readings and, second,
from a further application of the central limit theorem where the linear
combination in (14.27) involves further averaging of the individual es­
timates. It then follows from this normality assumption that the null
p.d.f. is an approximate normal distribution with mean zero and
null variance

Under the alternative hypothesis we assume that the have the

same multivariate normal distribution but with mean In other words,
that the null distribution is simply translated to a new mean position.
In this case, the summary measure has an approximate normal p.d.f.
with the same variance and mean parameter

We consider only linear combinations for which is non-zero.

Here are the steps for computing power.
1 Compute the null variance in (14.28) from specifications for the
vector and covariance matrix
2 Compute in (14.29) from specifications for the vectors and
3 Specify the desired familywise type I error probability or the
equivalent mean number of false positives
The first step is the most difficult because it requires some knowledge of
the inherent variability of the data in the planned microarray study. As
we discuss later, this inherent variability is intimately connected with
the experimental error in the scientific process, the experimental design
and the number of replicates of the design used in the study.
We now present a brief numerical example of a power calculation based
on the methodology for a linear function of differential expression.

14.9.2. Numerical Example for Linear Summary

Consider a microarray study in which interest lies in the difference

between two experimental conditions representing, say, two tissue types.
Thus, differences in differential gene expression of the form
are being considered. The null standard deviation for such differences
is expected to be similar to that found in a previous study, namely,
on a log-scale with base 2. We suppose that a difference
of (on a log-2 scale) is the difference specified under the
alternative hypothesis by the investigator. Observe that this difference
represents a fold difference in gene expression and is four
times the null standard deviation (i.e.,
The study involves a gene set of G = 2100 genes. It is anticipated
that genes will show no differential expression, while the
the remaining will be differentially expressed at the level
specified under We assume statistical independence among the
estimated differential expression vectors of the gene set. The order

statistic rule (14.14) with will be used for setting the

acceptance interval It then follows that is defined by where
denotes the standard normal percentile
The resulting interval is (-1.152, 1.152) on a log-2 scale. In
making this determination of we have used the interval centered on
zero as it is the shortest interval. The situation is illustrated in Figure
14.1. Observe that the area spanned by the acceptance interval under
the null p.d.f. in this illustration corresponds to 1999/2001 = 0.999 so
and as
Finally, the power for detecting a single differentially expressed gene
is given by the area under the alternative p.d.f. in Figure 14.1, labelled
Reference to the standard normal distribution gives
Thus, any single gene with a 2.64-fold difference in expression
between the two tissue types has probability 0.761 of being declared
as differentially expressed in this study (i.e., of leading to conclusion
This probability is the same whether the difference refers to an
up- or down-regulated gene. This same power value implies that about
76 percent of the anticipated differentially expressed genes
in the array will be correctly declared as differentially expressed. The
probability of detecting all 100 of these genes is the familywise power
level given by (14.22). Here that familywise power level is
a vanishingly small value.

14.9.3. Designs with Quadratic Summary Measure

We now consider a situation where the summary measure is a

quadratic form. To represent this quadratic form symbolically, we re-
strict vectors and to their first C – 1 components and restrict
matrix to the principal submatrix defined by the first C – 1 inter-
action parameters. We denote these restricted forms by and
respectively. These restricted forms are required by the interaction
sum constraint which makes one component of each vector redundant.
With this restricted notation, the quadratic form of interest is expressed
as follows.

We see that this measure implicitly takes account of all differential ex­
pression estimates and, hence, is responding to differential expression in
any of the C experimental conditions in the study. Statistic in (14.30)

is larger whenever one of the interaction estimates in is larger. It is

therefore a comprehensive measure of differential gene expression. Mea­
sure in (14.30) can be interpreted as the squared statistical distance
between the restricted interaction estimate vector and the zero vec­
tor 0 specified in the null hypothesis. It is also intimately connected to
the sum of squares for the set of interaction effects in
the ANOVA model.
The quadratic measure in (14.30) is suitable for microarray studies
which examine an assortment of experimental conditions with the simple
aim of discovering genes that are differentially expressed in any pattern
among the conditions. For example, a microarray study may examine
tissues from C different tumors with the aim of seeing if there are genetic
differences among the tumors. As another example, the experimental
conditions may represent a biological system at C different time points
and interest may lie in the time course of genetic change in the system,
if any. Thus, measure (14.30) is suited to uncovering differential gene
expression in a general set of experimental conditions where theory may
provide no guidance about where the differential expression is likely to
arise among the conditions.
To apply measure (14.30), we assume, as before, that the estimate
vector is approximately multivariate normal with covariance matrix
and mean zero under the null hypothesis. The theory of quadratic
forms then states that follows an approximate chi-square distribution
with C – 1 degrees of freedom. One degree of freedom is lost because
of the interaction sum constraint. Under the alternative hypothesis,
has a non-central chi-square distribution with non-centrality parameter

We caution that the assumption of chi-square and non-central chi-square

distributions for quadratic measure in (14.30) is a little more sensitive
to the assumed normality of the vectors than is the case with the lin­
ear summary measure (14.27). The reason is that the quadratic measure
does not have the benefit of a secondary application of the central limit
theorem from taking a linear combination of estimates.
The non-central chi-square p.d.f. can be used in (14.21) to calculate
the power of the microarray study. The steps for computing power are
as follows.

1 Compute the non-centrality parameter in (14.31) from specifica­

tions for vector and covariance matrix
2 Specify the familywise type I error probability or the equivalent
mean number of false positives

As before, the first step is the most difficult because it requires some
knowledge of the inherent variability of the data in the planned microar­
ray study, which depends on the experimental error in the scientific
process, the experimental design and the number of replicates of the
design used in the study.

14.9.4. Numerical Example for Quadratic Summary

As a brief numerical example of a power calculation for the quadratic

summary measure, assume that the gene set contains G = 2100 genes
and that the study includes C = 4 experimental conditions. Further­
more, assume statistical independence among the estimated differential

expression vectors of the gene set. We suppose that the non-centrality

parameter under the alternative hypothesis is calculated from (14.31)
and equals 20.0.
It is anticipated that of the 2100 genes will not be differen­
tially expressed and genes will be differentially expressed at the
level under the alternative hypothesis We will use the order sta­
tistic rule (14.14) with to set the acceptance interval
It then follows that is defined by
The resulting acceptance interval under the null p.d.f. is (0.
17.73) as shown in Figure 14.2. Finally, the power of this microarray
study to detect a single differentially expressed gene is given by the area
under the alternative p.d.f. labelled in Figure 14.2. Refer­
ence to the relevant non-central chi-square distribution gives this power
value as Thus, 69 percent of the 100 differentially ex­
pressed genes in the index set are expected to be detected by this

14.10. A Bayesian Perspective on Power and

Sample Size
Lee et al.6 (2000) and Efron et al. (2001) describe a mixture model
for differential gene expression that provides a Bayesian posterior prob­
ability for the event that a given gene is differentially expressed. This
mixture model has a useful interpretation in terms of our study of power
and sample size. (A more extensive discussion of Bayesian modeling of
microarray data appears in Chapter 13.).
In the multiple testing framework presented earlier, we defined
and its complement as the respective probabilities that
a randomly selected gene would be differentially expressed or not
We now take these probabilities as prior probabilities in a Bayesian
model for the summary measure of gene expression for gene The
marginal p.d.f. for the summary statistic under this model is

This model simplifies reality in two respects. First, it assumes that the
prior probabilities are the same for all genes, although this assumption
can be relaxed easily. Second, it assumes that if a gene is differentially
expressed then it is expressed at the level specified in the alternative

From Bayes theorem, the posterior probabilities for any gene having
summary statistic can be calculated from the components of the
mixture model (14.32) as follows.

The posterior probabilities and are the respective

probabilities that gene is truly differentially expressed or not, given its
summary measure has outcome

14.10.1. Connection to Local Discovery Rates

For some classification cutoff value defined by an appropriate bal­
ancing of misclassification costs, each gene can be declared as differen­
tially expressed or not, depending on whether or not. Probability
is then the probability of a correct declaration of differential
expression when an expression reading of is presented.
Efron et al.7 (2001) interpret the posterior probability in
(14.33) as the false discovery rate for all genes sharing summary mea-
sure for given As describes the FDR in the locality
of Efron et al. (2001) refer to it as a local false discovery rate or local
FDR for short. By analogy, the complementary posterior probability
might be interpreted as a local true discovery rate or local
TDR. The local TDR is the proportion of genes that are truly differen­
tially expressed among those genes sharing summary measure

14.10.2. Representative Local True Discovery Rate

A representative value of the local TDR can be chosen to summarize
the ability of a microarray study to correctly classify genes declared to be
differentially expressed. As a representative value of the posterior proba­
bility we suggest replacing by the corresponding parameter
under the alternative hypothesis The resulting probability is

When is the linear function in (14.29), parameter is When

is the quadratic function in (14.31), parameter corresponds to
The representative local TDR that we have just defined is not directly
comparable to the power level of a test although it does convey closely

related information about the ability of a microarray study to correctly

identify genes that are truly differentially expressed. As defined at the
outset of the paper, classical power refers to the conditional probability
of declaring a gene as differentially expressed when, in fact, that is true.
In this Bayesian context, local TDR refers to the conditional probability
that a gene is truly differentially expressed when, in fact, it has been
declared as expressed by the test procedure. The conditioning events of
these two probabilities are reversed in the classical and Bayesian con­

14.10.3. Numerical Example for TDR and FDR

To give a numerical example of local TDR and FDR, we consider

the demonstration depicted in section 14.9.4 and Figure 14.2. The gene
set contains G = 2100 genes. Four experimental conditions are under
study, so C = 4. It is anticipated that of the 2100 genes
will not be differentially expressed and genes will be differ­
entially expressed. These counts correspond to prior probabilities of
The non-centrality parameter has been specified as 20 under
Setting equal to the probability densities and
for central and non-central chi-square distributions with C – 1 = 3 de­
grees of freedom are calculated as 0.00008096 and 0.04457, respectively.
The marginal probability density (20) is then calculated from (14.32)
as 0.002216. Finally, the desired posterior probabilities in (14.33) are
calculated as 0.035 and 0.965, respectively. In other words, among genes
having observed differential expression at level about 96 percent
will be truly differentially expressed and 4 percent will not. Assuming
is above the classification cutoff these respective probabili­
ties are the local FDR and TDR. Observe how the probability that
is true rises from a prior level of 0.048 to a posterior level of 0.965 if the
gene has an observed differential expression level equal to

14.11. Applications to Standard Designs

We now show applications of the power methodology to some standard
microarray designs and present representative sample size and power ta­
bles for these designs. The tables presented in this chapter are abbre­
viated and intended only to illustrate the methodology. More extensive
power and sample size tables and a brief explanation of their use are
provided in Appendices A and B.

14.11.1. Treatment-control Designs

Consider a microarray study in which treatment and control condi­
tions are to be compared for differential expression. The study may
involve a completely randomized design or a matched-pairs design. For
example, in a toxicity study, mice may be randomly assigned
in equal numbers to treatment and control groups, the mice in the
treatment group being exposed to a toxin and the mice in the control
group being unexposed. In contrast, in a study of liposarcoma, each
treatment-control pair may consist of liposarcoma tissue from a patient
and matching normal fat tissue taken from the same patient. The study
has such matched pairs and, therefore, tissue samples in to­
tal. In the case of a completely randomized design, we consider only
the standard case of equal sample sizes for the treatment and control
In what follows, we assume that there is a total of experimen­
tal conditions under consideration, where indices denote
the treatment conditions and denote the control con­
ditions. The assumption is made that a given gene either has no dif­
ference in log-expression between the treatment and control conditions
(null hypothesis or has a difference in log-expression equal to some
non-zero value (alternative hypothesis This assumption implies
that the interaction parameters have the following values under the
alternative hypothesis.

Observe that these parameter values follow the sum-to-zero constraint as

required. The difference in log-expression may be interpreted equiva­
lently as a specified expression fold change. For instance, if logarithms
to base 2 are used, then the corresponding specified alternative fold
change is
We illustrate the methodology for a linear function of differential gene
expression. The linear combination of interest in this context involves a
contrast of gene expression under treatment and control conditions. We
choose the convenient definition

where there are coefficients of each sign. Thus, from (14.29) and
(14.28), we have


Here signifies the standard deviation of the difference in log-expression

between treatment and control conditions.
Table 14.2 shows fragments of ANOVA tables for the completely ran­
domized and matched pairs designs we have just described. The ta­
bles give degrees of freedom for the sources of variance and the ex­
pected mean squares E(MS) for the Treatments and Error sources. For
a completely randomized design, the variance of the difference in log-
expression between treatment and control is given by where
is the experimental error variance of gene log-expression in Table
14.2 (a). For a matched pairs design, is the variance of the differ-
ence in log-expression between treatment and control conditions for a
matched pair. In terms of notation, again but here is
the experimental error variance of gene log-expression in Table 14.2(b).
The benefit of matching pairs of treatment and control conditions is in-
dicated by the extend to which in Table 14.2 (b) is smaller than
in Table 14.2(a). The ratio can be interpreted as the statistical
distance (i.e., the number of standard deviations) between the treatment
and control log-expression levels under the alternative hypothesis.

14.11.2. Sample Size for a Treatment-control Design

Table 14.3 gives the sample size of the treatment and control groups
required to achieve a specified individual power level for the
experimental design we have just described. A more extensive version of
the table is provided in Appendix A. The table is entered based on the
specified mean number of false positives ratio anticipated
number of undifferentially expressed genes and desired individual
power level If is expected to be similar to the total gene
count G, the table could be entered using G without introducing great
error. To conserve space, only two individual power levels are offered
in this illustrative table, namely, 0.90 and 0.99. The sample size shown

in the table is the smallest whole number that will yield the specified
power. The total number of experimental conditions C is double the
entry in the table, i.e., An examination of Table 14.3 shows
that the required sample size is most sensitive to the ratio and
the required power level and least sensitive to the mean number of false
positives The required sample size is also moderately sensitive
to the number of undifferentially expressed genes because of the
effect of controlling for simultaneous inferences. The practical lesson to

be drawn from this last observation is that the gene set should be
kept as small as possible, consistent with the scientific objective of the
microarray study. Inclusion of superfluous genes in the analysis, possibly
for reasons of data exploration or data mining, will have a cost in terms
of power loss. Of course, housekeeping genes and genes included on the
arrays as positive controls may be used for diagnostic and quality-control
checks but do not enter the main analysis. Such monitoring genes should
not be counted in the number used in power calculations.
A formula for the sample size in this setting has the following simple

Here and are standard normal percentiles with and

The connection of to the expected number of false positives
is as noted earlier.
As one example of a reference to Table 14.3, consider a matched-
pairs design for which genes are not differentially expressed.
The investigator wishes to control the mean number of false positives
at and to detect a two-fold difference between treatment
and control conditions with an individual power level of
Previous studies by the investigator may suggest that the experimental
error standard deviation in Table 14.2(b) is anticipated to be 0.35 on
a log-2 scale. The standard deviation of gene expression differences in
matched pairs will therefore be The
two-fold difference represents a value of on a log-2
scale. Thus, the ratio equals 1.00/0.495 = 2.02. Reference to
Table 14.3 for these specifications shows that Thus, 6 pairs of
treatment and control conditions are required in the study. The specified
individual power level of 0.90 indicates that 90 percent of the differen­
tially expressed genes are expected to be discovered.
To illustrate the use of Table 14.3 for a completely randomized design
with equal numbers of treatment and control conditions, suppose the
experimental error standard deviation in Table 14.2(a) is anticipated to
be 0.40. Furthermore, suppose that
and the desired individual power level is as specified
before. As the standard deviation of the difference in log-expression
between treatment and control is given by
reference is made to the ratio in
the table. From Table 14.3, the required sample size can be seen to be

somewhere between 6 and 11. The table in Appendix A gives a more

precise value of
We can calculate the exact value of for this last illustration by using
formula (14.38). As and we have
Hence, and
Substitution of these and the other values in the example
into the formula gives:

Thus, a sample size of is required.

Under the Šidák approach, in which estimated differential expression
vectors are assumed to be mutually independent across genes, the
familywise power level and expected number of true positives
can be calculated from using (14.22) and (14.23). Under the
Bonferroni approach, in which estimated differential expression vectors
may be dependent across genes, a lower bound on the familywise
power level and the expected number of true positives
can be calculated from using (14.25) and (14.26). Recall from
(14.19) that we have in the Bonferroni approach.
Thus, in the Bonferroni case, the expected number of false positives
is necessarily smaller than 1 and, hence, cannot be controlled at an
arbitrary level. As a consequence, Table 14.3 is entered with reference
to a fractional value of (the only fractional value shown in this
illustrative table is 0.5).

14.11.3. Multiple-treatment Designs

In this section, we consider sample size and power calculations for a

family of standard designs that involve multiple treatments. The number
of treatments is denoted by T. The treatment-control designs consid­
ered in the previous section correspond to the case where T = 2. The
multiple-treatment design involves either a completely randomized de­
sign or a randomized block design. In the completely randomized design,
a set of experimental units are randomly divided into groups
of T units each. The T treatments are then randomly assigned to the
units in each group.
For example, consider a time-course experiment studying the effect of
an opiate on mouse tissue. The experiment may involve an examination
of gene expression at T = 3 time points: (1) baseline (0 hours), just

prior to administration of an opiate, and (2) 12 hours and (3) 24 hours

after administration of the opiate. Twenty-four mice of an identical
age, gender, and strain (C = 24) are chosen and randomly divided into
eight lots of three mice each (so The three mice in each lot
are then selected at random for sacrifice at the time points (0, 12, and
24 hours). A randomized block design is similar but in this design the
experimental units form homogeneous groups or blocks, each of
size T. To take advantage of the group homogeneity, the T treatments
are assigned at random to the experimental units in each group. To
continue the previous illustration, if the 24 mice consist of eight lots of
three litermates then the litter is a natural blocking variable. Thus, the
time-course treatments (at 0, 12 and 24 hours) would then be assigned
randomly to the three litermates of each block.
As we now are considering a general case where there may be more
than two treatments, we cannot speak of treatment-control differences
but rather must consider more general patterns of differential gene ex-
pression among the T treatments. This fact brings us to use the quadratic
summary measure considered earlier. Let de-
note the column vector of investigator-specified interaction parameters
describing differential expression levels under the alternative hypothesis
Recall the convention that requires these interaction parameters to
sum to zero.
Table 14.4 shows fragments of the ANOVA tables for completely ran­
domized design and randomized block designs for multiple treatments.
The fragments show the sources of variance, degrees of freedom, and
relevant expected mean squares that are required for later discussion.

For these multiple treatment designs, the noncentrality parameter

defined in (14.31) takes the simple form

Here is the experimental error variance or expected mean square error

for the completely randomized design or randomized block design, taken
from Table 14.4(a) or Table 14.4(b) as the case may be.
The specification of the alternative differential expression vector
requires some thought by the investigator. To illustrate the process, we
return to the time-course illustration and a randomized block design with
groups of litermates forming the blocks. Suppose that a gene of scientific

interest in this study is anticipated to be down-regulated 1.5-fold at

baseline and up-regulated 1.5-fold at 24 hours, relative to the expression

level at 12 hours. Using logarithms to base 2, the components of vector

will be Observe
that the up-regulation and down-regulation have been specified in a
convenient form so the interaction parameters sum to zero. If for gene
expression for litermates receiving the same treatment is anticipated to
be 0.40 on a log-2 scale and blocks are to be used then the
noncentrality parameter in (14.40) equals

Once the components of vector and the type I error probability

are specified then either a sample size can be calculated for the
desired power level or the power level for a given sample size can
be calculated. Each of these calculations is illustrated shortly.
A useful formulation of the alternative differential expression vector
is based on the idea of an isolated treatment effect. Many microarray
studies anticipate the presence of differential gene expression somewhere
among the T treatments, but the investigator does not know in advance
where the differential expression will appear. The science underpinning
these studies is often at a formative stage so they are essentially ex­
ploratory in nature. Therefore, consider a microarray study in which
one treatment, which we refer to as the distinguished treatment, exhibits
differential expression for a gene relative to all other T – 1 treatments

under study. The latter T – 1 conditions are assumed to be uniform in

their gene expression. Without loss of generality, we take this distin­
guished condition as and assume that the hypothesized difference
in expression between condition and all other conditions is
on the log-intensity scale. This assumption implies that the interaction
parameters have the following values under the alternative hypothesis

Observe that these parameter values sum to zero as required by the in­
teraction sum constraint. The differential expression in question may be
either an up- or down-regulation, depending on the sign of the differ­
ence The non-centrality parameter (14.40) for this pattern of gene
expression has the following form.

We note in (14.42) that the non-centrality parameter depends strongly

on the number of replicates or blocks and the statistical distance be­
tween the log-expression levels for the distinguished treatment condition
and all other conditions, as measured by the ratio The effect of
the number of treatments T is less pronounced as the ratio (T – 1)/T
approaches 1 as T increases.

14.11.4. Power Table for a Multiple-treatment Design

In principle, tables of power levels and sample sizes can be computed

for multiple-treatment designs. Recall that Table 14.3 gives sample sizes
for the treatment-control design, which corresponds to the multiple-
treatment design with T = 2 (treatment and control counting as two
treatment conditions). Presentation of a full set of sample size tables,
however, is not feasible as they must span a range of values for T. We
shall therefore focus on power tables alone. A sample size can always be
derived by reverse-engineering a power table, as we demonstrate shortly.
We also mention that power tables have the added advantage of being
applicable to unbalanced designs and a range of other designs. The only

requirement is that the non-centrality parameter in (14.31) must be

If an investigator selects two treatments from among the T treatments
in a multiple-treatment design and considers them to be of paramount
interest, then the sample size table (Table 14.3) and its counterpart in
Appendix A can be used for sample size determination. That sample
size can then be extended to all treatments by arguing that interest
may lie in studying any arbitrary pair of treatments. This approach is
not equivalent to the method described in this section but is a practical
alternative that is simple to apply.
Table 14.5 gives an abbreviated set of power levels for a multiple-
treatment design. More extensive power tables are provided in Appendix
B. The table is entered based on the number of treatments T, number
of undifferentially expressed genes noncentrality parameter and
the specified mean number of false positives The noncentrality
parameter can be calculated from the general formula (14.31) or one of
the special cases in (14.40) or (14.42). If is expected to be close to
the total number of genes G then G can be used in place of without
introducing great error. The cell entry is the individual power level
From Table 14.5 it can be seen that power is most sensitive
to the noncentrality parameter and the number of treatments T but
less sensitive to the the mean number of false positives and the
number of undifferentially expressed genes

As one example of a reference to Table 14.5, consider a randomized

block design involving T = 5 treatments and undifferen­
tially expressed genes. Assume that the investigator wishes to control
the mean number of false positives at and to detect an
isolated effect that amounts to a two-fold difference between the dis-
tinguished condition and all others. The experimental error standard
deviation is anticipated to be about on a log-2 scale for the
randomized block design. The two-fold difference represents a value of
on a log-2 scale. Thus, the ratio equals
1.00/0.40 = 2.5. Six blocks are to be used For these specifica­
tions, the non-centrality parameter (14.42) equals

Reference to the cell corresponding to T = 5 and

shows an individual power level of Thus, 90
percent of differentially expressed genes are expected to be discovered
with this study design. The table can be used iteratively to explore the
effect on power of specific design changes. For example, if blocks
were to be used in lieu of then recalculation of the non-centrality
parameter gives and the individual power level is seen to rise to
between .90 and .98. Reference to the more extensive tables in Appendix
B gives an interpolated power level for this case of .96.
To illustrate how a power table such as Table 14.5 can be used to
obtain a sample size, the preceding illustration provides an immediate
example. Suppose that the investigator wants to know the number of
blocks for this design that will ensure a power level of 0.98. Reference to
the cell containing power level .98 for T = 5 and
shows that the noncentrality parameter must be From the
isolated-effect formula (14.42), we have

Solving for gives i.e., eight blocks are required in the randomized
block design where an isolated effect is anticipated.
Under the Šidák approach, in which estimated differential expression
vectors are assumed to be mutually independent across genes, the
familywise power level and expected number of true positives
can be calculated from using (14.22) and (14.23). Under the
Bonferroni approach, in which estimated differential expression vectors
may be dependent across genes, a lower bound on the familywise

power level and the expected number of true positives can

be calculated from using (14.25) and (14.26). Recall from (14.19)
that we have in the Bonferroni approach. Thus, in
the Bonferroni case, the expected number of false positives is necessarily
smaller than 1 and, hence, cannot be controlled at an arbitrary level.
As a consequence, Table 14.5 is entered with reference to a fractional
value of (the only fractional value shown in this illustrative table
is 0.5).

14.11.5. Time-course and Similar Multiple-treatment


A special case of a multiple-treatment design is the time-course exper­

iment that was discussed in Chapter 9. A typical design was illustrated
in Table 9.11 and a more elaborate one in Table 9.14. The design in Ta­
ble 9.11 can be seen to involve six ratios of time-point expressions, using
time zero as the common reference (the common reference being in the
opposite dye). Viewed this way, the design involves T = 6 treatments.
The methods described earlier in this section can be used to choose the
number of replications of this design that are required to attain a given
power. The design in Table 9.14 involves a two-way structure consist­
ing of two treatments (A, B) and eight time points t0,…,t24, including
time zero, for a total of T = 16 treatment-time combinations. Again,
the methods described earlier in this section can be used to determine
the power associated with replicates of this two-way structure as
called for in the design of Table 9.14. The case example on opioid de­
pendence that appears later in section 14.13.2 illustrates the numerical
calculation of power for such a two-way structure. The time-course in
this case example concerns morphine time dependence versus placebo in
The time-course structure also arises in other microarray experimental
contexts. An important example is a dilution-series experiment, in which
interest lies in gene expression changes over successive dilutions of a
biological sample. For example, the design in Table 9.11 might be copied
for a dilution series with denoting the dilution of a biological
sample and being the undiluted sample. The calculational methods
for sample size and power with multiple treatments would apply here
exactly as for the time-course experiment.
Time-course experiments are prototypical contexts for using the non-
centrality formulations in both (14.40) and (14.42). For example, where
a trend in gene expression is expected under the research hypothesis

the in (14.40) can be given a linear form where

denotes the time value of treatment level and and are the
intercept and slope of the time trend. The slope and intercept would be
chosen so the interaction sum constraint is satisfied. Similarly,
where the investigator is uncertain if and where differential expression
may arise during the time course, the formula (14.42) for the isolated
treatment effect may be appropriate. The isolated effect in this instance
may take the form of a change point in the time course of gene expression.

14.12. Relation Between Power, Replication and

With given specifications for the familywise type I error probability
and the vector in the alternative hypothesis, the power is deter­
mined by the properties of the distribution of and, in particular, its
covariance matrix In section 14.9, it was shown how the covariance
matrix affects the variance of the null p.d.f. in (14.28) and the non-
centrality parameter in (14.31). Both the sample size and experimental
design influence this covariance matrix.

14.12.1. Effects of Replication

If a given microarray design is repeated so that there are independent
repetitions of the design then for a single replicate is reduced by a
multiple of Thus, in (14.28), for example, is reduced by the factor
and the non-centrality parameter in (14.31) is multiplied by
These reductions are illustrated in the previous standard designs we used
to demonstrate the power and sample size methodology. For instance,
referring to (14.37) for the matched-pairs design, we can see that is
the variance of a single matched pair and plays the role of the number
of replicates (the number of matched pairs in this instance). Note that
is reduced by the multiplier with replications. Similarly, with
the multiple-treatment design, the number of replications appears as
a multiplier in the formula for the non-centrality parameter in (14.40).
The replication discussed here refers to the simple repetition of a basic
experiment and, hence, we are considering a pure statistical effect that
is captured by the number of repetitions This parameter does not
reveal if the replicated design is a sound one in terms of the scientific
question of interest.
We do want to point out, however, that the nature of replication is
an important issue in terms of the overall study plan. Contrast the

following two situations. First, imagine an experiment in which a single

small tissue fragment is cut from a tumor core and then used to prepare
six arrays. Next, imagine an alternative experiment in which six small
tissue fragments are cut from six different regions of the same tumor in
a spatially randomized fashion and then used to prepare six arrays, one
array being prepared from each of the tissue fragments. Both imaginary
designs yield six arrays of data. The first design allows inferences to be
made only about the single core tissue fragment based on a sample of size
six. The ANOVA model for this design describes the population of all
arrays that could be constructed from this single tissue fragment. The
second design allows inferences about the whole tumor based on a sample
of size six. The ANOVA model for this design describes the population of
all arrays that could be prepared from the whole tumor. The respective
sets of inferences clearly relate to different biological populations (the
single tumor core fragment and the whole tumor, respectively). Both
designs involve six replications but the replications have different
elemental designs. The variance structures of the two designs will differ,
of course, making them essentially incommensurate. The method of
calculating power, however, based on the two designs follows the logic we
explained earlier. The choice of design here depends on which population
is of scientific interest to the investigator. Is it the single core tissue
fragment or the whole tumor?

14.12.2. Controlling Sources of Variability

The choice of experimental design, as opposed to simple replication,
has a more complicated influence on power. A good design will be one
that takes account of important sources of variability in the microarray
study and reduces the experimental error variance of the expression data.
As discussed in Chapter 9, various experimental designs for microarray
studies have been proposed that aim to be more efficient. Experience
with different designs gives some indication of the correlation structure
and the magnitudes of variance parameters that can be expected in co-
variance matrix These expectations, in turn, can be used to compute
the anticipated power.
To give a concrete illustration, suppose that an ANOVA model is
modified by adding a main effect for the subarray in which each spot is
located, the aim being to account for regional variability on the surface
of the slide for the microarray. Furthermore, suppose that incorporation
of this main effect would reduce the error variance by 15%, other factors
remaining unchanged. Then, the covariance levels in are reduced by
a multiple of 0.85. The direct effect of this refinement on the numerical

example in section 14.9.4, for instance, is to increase the non-centrality

parameter by a factor of 1/0.85 = 1.1765 from 20 to 23.53. This
change increases individual power level from 0.689 to 0.806, a
worthwhile improvement.

14.13. Assessing Power from Microarray Pilot

The purpose of a power calculation is to assess the ability of a pro­
posed study design to uncover a differential expression pattern having
the specification under the alternative hypothesis Thus, our
methodology should find its main application at the planning stage of
microarray studies. As part of this planning process, investigators some­
times wish to calculate the power of a pilot study in order to decide how
the pilot study should be expanded to a full study or to decide on the
appropriate scale for a new and related study. Power calculation for a
pilot study involves an application of the same methodology but with
the benefit of having estimates of relevant parameters needed for the
calculation from the pilot study data. For instance, power calculations
need estimates of inherent variability. The pilot study data can provide
those estimates. As illustrations of power calculations from pilot studies
and as demonstrations of real applications of our methodology, we now
consider two microarray case studies involving mice.

14.13.1. Example 1: Juvenile Cystic Kidney Disease

The Mouse Juvenile Cystic Kidney Data Set was introduced in section
6.2.2. Table 14.6 again presents the experimental design for this data
set for ready reference. The table shows how the tissue types (mutant
or wild type) were assigned to the four arrays and two color channels of
each array. A total of G = 1728 genes were under investigation.
The scientists in this study were interested in differential gene expres­
sion for the two tissue types, mutant (type 1) and wild type (type 2).
Thus, the difference was the summary measure of interest for
gene The alternative hypothesis for which power was to be calculated
was This specification corresponds to a 2.72-fold dif­
ference between mutant and wild type tissues on the natural log scale.
The study data gave an estimate of 0.2315 for the standard deviation
of the summary measure on the same log-scale. The expected number
of false positives was to be controlled at We let the total
gene count G stand in for Using the methodology presented in sec­
tion 14.9.1, the individual power level for the study was calculated to be

which suggests that 86 percent of differentially expressed

genes are expected to be declared as such.

14.13.2. Example 2: Opioid Dependence

Lee et al.8 (2003) describe an experiment designed to investigate how

morphine dependence in mice alters gene expression. The study involved
two treatments (morphine, placebo) and four time points corresponding
to consecutive states of opioid dependence, classified as tolerance, with­
drawal, early abstinence, and late abstinence. In the experiment, mice
received either morphine (treatment) or placebo (control). Treatment
mice were sacrificed at four time points corresponding to the tolerance,
withdrawal, early abstinence, and late abstinence states. Control mice
were sacrificed at the same time points, with the exception of the with­
drawal state, which was omitted on the assumption that the tolerance
and withdrawal states are identical with placebo. The microarray data
resulted from hybridization of mouse spinal cord samples to a custom-
designed array of 1728 cDNA sequences. At each time point (i.e., in
each dependence state), for both the treatment and control groups, three
mice were sacrificed, for a total of 21 mice. The paucity of spinal column
mRNA in any single mouse required that the mRNA of the three mice
sacrificed together be combined and blended into a single sample. The
treatment and control samples were labeled with red dye. Other control
samples, derived from mouse brain tissue, were labeled with green dye.
The green readings were not used in the analysis reported here.

The experimental design is shown in Table 14.7. The natural loga­

rithm of the raw red intensity reading, without background correction,
was used as the response variable. As noted above, no array was created
for the placebo-withdrawal combination (marked ‘*’ in Table 14.7). The
original intention was to place the spinal column sample on two spots of

the same slide, yielding a replicated expression reading. This attempt

was not entirely successful. The replicate was missed in the morphine-
tolerance combination because of administrative error. Also, the array
for the morphine-late abstinence combination had a large number of de­
fective spots. Finally, several dozen spots in other arrays were faulty.
The final microarray data set contains readings for only G = 1722 genes
out of the original set of 1728. Six genes were dropped because they had
defective readings for the morphine-tolerance combination, the unrepli­
cated treatment combination in the design in Table 14.7. The fact that
the replicated spots were nested within the same array was not taken
into account in the analysis.
The aim of the study was to identify genes that characterize the tol­
erance, withdrawal, and two abstinence states and to describe how gene
expression is altered as a mouse moves from one state to the next. As this
aim is somewhat broad, it was decided to evaluate power on the assump­
tion that a differential expression would appear in only one treatment
combination, with all other combinations having a uniform expression
level. This assumption is exactly what characterizes the isolated effect
formulation of the multiple-treatment design. Hence, we shall use the
quadratic summary measure and noncentrality parameter (14.42) for the
power calculation, recognizing that this power value will slightly over­
state the power achieved in this actual study because of the failure to
replicate one of the seven treatment combinations and the nesting of
duplicate spots within the same arrays.
The alternative hypothesis for which power was to be calculated,
had the specified differential expression pattern given in (14.41) with
which corresponds to a two-fold differential expression on
the natural log-scale. Thus, the specification under calls for a single
treatment combination to exhibit a two-fold up- or down-regulation rel­
ative to all other treatment combinations. We assume there are
replicates for each of the T = 7 treatment combinations. The study data
gave an estimate of 0.1513 for the standard deviation of the ANOVA

error variance. The expected number of false positives was controlled at

The non-centrality parameter, calculated from (14.42), was
We let the total gene count G stand in for Now, using
the methodology presented in section 14.9.3, the individual power level
was calculated to be which implies that 94 percent of
differentially expressed genes are expected to be declared as such. The
same power value can be found by rough interpolation in Table 14.5 and
with further refinement in the power table in Appendix B.
Acknowledgement: Several sections in this chapter appeared in Sta­
tistics in Medicine, volume 21, pages 3543-3570, Copyright 2002, John
Wiley & Sons Limited. The contents are reproduced by permission of
John Wiley & Sons Limited.

1 Simon, R., Radmacher, M.D., Dobbin, K. (2002). Genetic Epidemiology, 23, 21-36.
2 Lee, M.-L.T., Whitmore, G.A. (2002c). Statistics in Medicine, 21, 3543-3570.
3 Benjamini, Y., Hochberg, Y. (1995). Journal of Royal Statistical Society, B 57, 289-300.
Hochberg, Y. and Tamhane A.C. (1987). Multiple Comparison Procedures. John Wiley
and Sons, New York.
5 Dudoit, S., Yang, Y.H., Callow, M.J., Speed, T.P. (2002). Statistica Sinica, 12, 111-139.
6 Lee, M.-L.T., Kuo, F.C., Whitmore, G.A., Sklar, J. (2000). Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, 97, 9834-9839.
7 Efron, B., Tibshirani, R., Storey, J.D., Tusher, V. (2001). Journal of American Statistical
Association, 96, 1151-1160.
8 Lee, M.-L.T., Whitmore, G.A., Yukhananov, R.Y. (2003). Journal of Data Science, 1,

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Chapter 15


Statistical learning methods can be divided into two general classes,

namely, supervised and unsupervised learning. In supervised learning,
objects in the training set are classified with respect to known reference
labels. In unsupervised learning, no predefined reference labels are used
and classifications are made independent of prior knowledge. In this
chapter we discuss unsupervised clustering methods.
Unsupervised cluster analysis is concerned with grouping previously
unclassified objects. That is, the composition of the classes is un­
known at the beginning of the investigation. Cluster analysis has been
used in different disciplines, including anthropology, archaeology, be­
havior sciences, biology, market research, social services, medicine and
psychiatry. For a review of cluster analysis methods, see Jain and
Dubes1 (1988), Kaufman and Rousseeuw2 (1990), Afifi and Clark3 (1990)
Jobson4 (1992), Everitt5 (1993), Johnson and Wichern6(1998), and Hastie,
Tibshirani, and Friedman7 (2001), among others.
Cluster analysis methods are familiar to biologists through their ap­
plication in phylogenetic and sequence analysis. Relationships among
objects (genes) are represented by a tree whose branch lengths reflect
the degree of similarity between the objects. In sequence comparison,
cluster analysis methods are used to infer the evolutionary history of se­
quences being compared. By computing the degrees of similarity among
groups of closely related genes, cluster analysis can be used to identify
features in gene expression patterns that appear to reflect molecular
signatures of the tissue from which the cells originated. Unsupervised
methods are considered as useful approaches where there is little prior
knowledge of the expected gene expression patterns for any condition.

Depending upon the objective of the research study, interest may focus
on either finding clusters of genes having similar expression patterns
across specimen samples or finding clusters of specimen samples sharing
similar expression patterns across the gene set.
In order to cluster genes, each gene can be represented by a row
vector across N specimen samples (cell lines or experiment conditions).
Specifically, let the row vector

represent expression levels for gene measured across specimens such

that denotes the intensity level measured from specimen sample
for The vector might be described as a point in an
N-dimensional biological specimen space. Clusters of genes in this space
might be viewed as co- expressed.
On the other hand, to cluster specimen samples, such as in cancer
classification, each specimen can be represented by a G-dimensional col­
umn vector across the genes. For each specimen sample the column
vector of expression levels is of the form

where denotes the intensity of gene measured from specimen and

the prime denotes a vector or matrix transpose. The vector might
be described as a point in a G-dimensional gene space. The clusters in
this space may be identifiable subclasses of tumors, for instance.

15.1. Distance and Similarity Measures

Cluster analysis is based on measures of distance between the ob­
jects being clustered, whether these be genes or specimens. The idea is
that objects that share many features will lie close to each other and,
hence, may belong to the same group or cluster. In contrast, objects
that are widely separated in their features are unlikely to belong to the
same group. Selecting the correct measurement of distance for a feature
space is one of the challenges of cluster analysis. Many possible distance
measures can be defined, as will be demonstrated shortly.
Cluster analysis may also be based on measures of similarity. A sim­
ilarity measure indicates the strength of the relationship between two
objects and, in some sense, is the inverse of distance. Highly similar
objects are close to each other while dissimilar objects lie a distance
from each other; thus, larger distances correspond to smaller similarity.
Cluster Analysis 239

As this last sentence demonstrates, reference is also made to measures

of dissimilarity and these equate in some rough sense to measures of
distance. An extensive list of dissimilarity measures is given in Gower8
(1985). Clustering algorithms usually offer a selection of similarity mea­
sures to conduct the iterative selection procedures.
Distances between objects (genes, specimens) may be summarized by
a distance matrix where is the distance between objects
and Correspondingly, a similarity matrix may be defined
to summarize similarities between all pairs of objects and Matrices
D and S are also called proximity matrices. It is always possible to
construct similarities from distances. For example, if denotes the
distance between two genes and then the similarity of and
might be defined by the measure

With appropriate care for technical considerations, one can work read­
ily with either kind of proximity matrix. As an example of a technical
consideration, Gower9 (1967) has shown that one can only construct
a proper distance measure from a similarity measure if the similarity
matrix S is nonnegative definite.

15.2. Distance Measures

A number of distance measures are available for comparing proximities
of expression vectors in gene or specimen space. The discussion of these
measures will be in terms of distances between genes, but they apply
with a corresponding change in notation to distances between specimens.
The formal properties of distance measures are considered first before
describing particular measures.

15.2.1. Properties of Distance Measures

A distance measure is usually required to satisfy a set of logical prop­

erties or conditions so that it will produce sensible conclusions. These
properties are the following. Here, P, Q, and R are any three points in
the multidimensional feature space of interest.
(1) d(P, Q)=d(Q, P),
(2) d(P, Q) > 0 if and d(P, Q) = 0 if P = Q,
(3) for any other point R

The last property is known as the triangle inequality.

Although it is usually advisable to use distance measures that satisfy
the preceding set of properties, many clustering algorithms will accept
subjectively assigned measures that may not satisfy all of the distance
properties (for example, the triangle inequality may be violated).

15.2.2. Minkowski Distance Measures

Assume that genes and are represented by their expression vec­
tors and across N spec­
imens. A common family of distance measures has the following general
form and is known as the Minkowski family.

The following are three special cases of Minkowski measures that find
application in clustering.

Euclidean distance

City-block distance

Maximum distance

The maximum distance measure is the limiting form of the Minkowski

family that is produced as parameter tends to
Euclidean distance is scale dependent and, hence, distance rankings
will not be preserved after a scale change. Therefore, variables are
often standardized before calculating Euclidean distance. Standardiz-
ing each variable separately ignores possible correlations between the
Cluster Analysis 241

Dunn and Everitt10 (1982) used the city block distance measure as
the natural distance measure in comparing amino acids in homologous

15.2.3. Mahalanobis Distance

The Minkowski distance measures implicitly assume that the variables
are uncorrelated with one another. In many applications this assumption
will not be justified. Moreover, when the coordinates of points represent
measurements that are subject to random fluctuations of differing mag­
nitudes, or when the components of points may be dependent, it is often
desirable to weight coordinates subject to a great deal of variability less
heavily than those that are not highly variable.
The Mahalanobis distance measure for genes and is a distance
measure that takes into account the correlation between vectors. It
is defined as a weighted distance in which the weighting matrix11 is the
inverse of the covariance matrix of vectors and , denoted here

Notice that Mahalanobis distance reduces to Euclidean distance if the

covariance matrix is replaced by an identity matrix.
In practice, the matrix is often taken to be the pooled within-groups
covariance matrix. The observed overall covariance matrix is substituted
when is unknown.

15.3. Similarity Measures

A number of similarity measures are available for comparing similar­
ities in expression vectors between genes or between specimens.

15.3.1. Inner Product

The inner product, also called the dot product, is a measure of similar­
ity. For example, let and
denote two gene vectors across specimens, then the inner product dis­
tance between and is defined by

15.3.2. Pearson Correlation Coefficient

If the variables and are standardized, i.e., centered on their
means and scaled by their standard deviations, then the inner product
corresponds to the Pearson correlation coefficient, which is a similarity

Here and are the standardized forms of variables and

Eisen et al.12 (1998) pointed out that a good choice of a similarity
measure for comparing microarray expressions from two genes should
conform well to the intuitive biological notion of what it means for two
genes to be “coexpressed”. They consider the Pearson correlation coef­
ficient as a similarity measure. Alon et al.13 (1999) also note that the
intensity of each gene across the tissues can be thought of as a pattern
that can be correlated with expression patterns of other genes.
The correlation coefficient captures similarity in the “shapes” of ex­
pression profiles between two genes but places no emphasis on the mag­
nitude of the expression levels. The correlation coefficient can be high
between two genes that are affected by the same process, even if each
has a different magnitude of response to the process. Positive correlation
between two highly expressed genes is much more significant than the
same value between two poorly expressed genes. By using correlations,
one ignores this dependence of the reliability on the absolute expression
The Pearson correlation coefficient, like some other proximity mea­
sures, is sensitive to outliers. Hence, care must be taken to investigate
outliers before using a Pearson correlation coefficient as a similarity mea­
sure. Moreover, the correlation coefficient has a range
and negative values must be handled with care. If the coefficients are
calculated from samples and, hence, subject to sampling variability, then
small negative coefficients might be set to zero. Alternatively, negative
correlation coefficients may be replaced by their absolute values, as is
done optionally in some clustering algorithms. The implicit logic of re­
versing the sign is that if two variables and are negatively
correlated then and will be positively correlated with the
same absolute coefficient. The two variables (with one having reversed
sign) are therefore more similar the larger their absolute correlation co­
Cluster Analysis 243

The investigator should be aware when an algorithm reverses the sign

of a negative correlation coefficient because the fact that two genes have
opposite expression profiles across specimens may be an important fea­
ture that should not be lost in a default calculation. For example,
two genes may be highly (negatively) correlated across specimens be­
cause one is strongly upregulated in tumor tissue while the other gene
is strongly upregulated in normal tissue.
Given a non-negative correlation coefficient a corresponding dis­
tance (dissimilarity) measure can be defined by

This distance measure is symmetric and nonnegative and has the prop­

erty that, if the expression vectors and of genes and

are linearly independent (uncorrelated), then and
If the expression vectors are linearly dependent (perfectly correlated),
then and

15.3.3. Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient

Where expression levels are first converted to ranks, a rank correlation

coefficient such as the Spearman rank correlation coefficient

may be appropriate as a similarity measure. The formula for is

exactly the same as (15.3) except the standardized variables and
are derived from the ranks and of variables and
The ranks are computed across specimens for each gene as follows.

15.4. Inter-cluster Distance

As cluster analysis creates either clusters of genes or clusters of speci­
mens, the choice of a clustering solution requires the notion of the prox­
imity of clusters. Clusters that are ‘close’ in some appropriate sense may
be candidates for being merged into a single larger cluster. Clusters that
are well-separated may be judged as truly distinct groupings of objects.
As clusters are generally collections of objects (genes or specimens) as
opposed to singletons, the definition of distance or similarity must be
appropriate for sets having more than one object.

The following sections describe a number of inter-cluster distance mea­

sures of importance in clustering genes or samples in microarray studies.

15.4.1. Mahalanobis Inter-cluster Distance

This measure considers the separation of the mean coordinates or

centroids of a pair of clusters. Specifically, consider two clusters of genes
denoted by A and B. Assume that individual vectors in gene cluster A
have mean and that individual vectors in cluster
B have mean where denotes the average of
expressions for all for the specimen and similarly for
The Mahalanobis distance between two clusters of objects A and B is
defined as

When the covariance matrix in (15.4) is replaced by an identity matrix,

the inter-cluster distance reduces to the Euclidean distance between the
centroids of the clusters.

15.4.2. Neighbor-based Inter-cluster Distance

Several inter-cluster distance measures for pairs of clusters are defined

in terms of the pair-wise proximity of their members. The nearest-
neighbor distance between two clusters is calculated as the distance
between their closest members, one from each cluster. The furthest-
neighbor distance between two clusters is calculated as the distance be­
tween the most remote pair of members, one from each cluster. The clus­
ter average distance is the average of all the distances between pairs of
members from different clusters. The average referred to here is usually
the arithmetic mean but a more robust alternative is the use of median
distances between pairs of points in different clusters as the inter-cluster
distance measure.

15.5. Hierarchical Clustering

In hierarchical clustering, data points are forced into a strict hier­
arachy of nested subsets. Hierarchical clustering techniques can be ei­
ther agglomerative (bottom-up) or divisive (top-down). An agglomer­
ative clustering method begins by considering each individual point as
a cluster by itself. The procedure begins with G clusters (in the case
of clustering genes) and successively combines the two closest clusters
Cluster Analysis 245

and thereby reduces the number of clusters by one in each step. In con­
trast, a divisive clustering method begins with one cluster containing all
G genes and successively splits the least homogeneous cluster into two
successor clusters that are each more uniform than the parent cluster.
The splitting can continue until G singleton clusters (individual genes)
are formed. In order to have a solution with an ‘optimal’ number of
clusters, the investigator will need to decide on a particular stage at
which to stop the iterative procedure.
Listed below are some commonly used linkage methods which allow
us to specify the type of joining algorithm used to amalgamate clusters.
Results of hierarchical methods can be shown in a tree diagram, known
as a dendrogram. It must be borne in mind that using different linkage
methods or encountering small changes in the data set can lead to very
different dendrograms.

15.5.1. Single Linkage Method

The single linkage clustering method uses the nearest-neighbor dis­
tance measure for inter-cluster distances. The clustering proceeds hier­
archically, each level being obtained by the merger of two clusters from
the previous level. When the two clusters have a small number of points
lying in close proximity, referred to as noise points by Wishart14 (1969),
the single linkage method has a tendency to join these two clusters to­
gether. This produces a chaining effect. Johnson15 (1967) notes that
single linkage clustering is invariant under monotonic transformations of
elements of the proximity matrix. In other words, the clusters formed
by the single linkage method will remain unchanged by any assignment
of distances (similarities) that gives the same ordering as the initial dis­
tances (similarities).

15.5.2. Complete Linkage Method

The complete linkage clustering method uses furthest-neighbor dis­
tance for inter-cluster distances. Complete linkage clustering, like single
linkage clustering, is invariant under monotonic transformations of prox­

15.5.3. Average Linkage Clustering

The average linkage clustering method uses the (arithmetic) average
distance measure for inter-cluster distances. For average linkage cluster­
ing, changes in the assignment of distances (similarities) that preserve

the ordering can affect the final configuration of clusters. Eisen et al.
(1998) apply this hierarchical clustering method to the analysis of gene
expression data.

15.5.4. Centroid Linkage Method

The centroid linkage method uses the average value of all points in a
cluster (i.e., the cluster centroid) as the reference point for distances to
other points or clusters. The distance between two clusters is defined as
the Euclidean distance between the centroids of the cluster pair. The
process proceeds by combining clusters according to the distance be­
tween their centroids, the clusters with the shortest distance being com­
bined first. A disadvantage of the centroid method is that if the sizes of
the two clusters to be considered are very different, then the centroid of
the new cluster will be very close to that of the larger cluster.

15.5.5. Median Linkage Clustering

The median linkage method uses the median distances between pairs
of points in different clusters as the inter-cluster distance measure. See
Gower (1967) for a discussion of median clustering methods.

15.5.6. Ward’s Clustering Method

Ward16 (1963) proposed a clustering procedure that minimizes the

information loss associated with clustering. Ward used an error sum-of-
squares criterion to define information loss. At each step, union of every
possible pair of clusters is considered and the two clusters whose fusion
results in the smallest increase in ‘information loss’ are combined.

15.5.7. Applications

For microarray studies involving G genes from N specimens, one is

interested in finding meaningful clusters among the G genes or N speci­
mens. Examples of applications of hierarchical clustering in gene expres­
sion studies may be found in Wen et al.17 (1998), Eisen et al. (1998),
and Spellman et al.18 (1998), among others. Also, Chu et al.19 (1998)
employed hierarchical clustering algorithms to organize genes into a phy­
logenetic tree, reflecting similarity in expression patterns.
Cluster Analysis 247

15.5.8. Comparisons of Clustering Algorithms

Milligan20 (1980) examined the effect of six types of error perturba­
tion on fifteen clustering algorithms and concluded that no single method
could be claimed superior for all types of data. How to decide on the
appropriate number of clusters for the data is an important question.
Milligan and Cooper21 (1985) reported an examination of procedures
for determining the number of clusters in a data set. Kaufman and
Rousseeuw22 (1990) commented that hierarchical clustering suffers from
the defect that it can never repair what was done in previous steps. Mor­
gan and Ray23 (1995) showed that hierarchical clustering suffers from
lack of robustness, nonuniqueness, and inversion problems that compli­
cate interpretation of the hierarchy.

15.6. K-means Clustering

MacQueen24 (1967) introduced a non-hierarchical clustering technique
called the K-means method. This method assigns each object to the
cluster having the nearest centroid. In applying the K-means clustering
method, the total number of clusters, K, is specified in advance of ap­
plying the clustering procedure. Because a proximity matrix does not
have to be built and the basic data do not have to be stored during
the computer run, the K-means method can be applied to much larger
data sets than hierarchical techniques. The basic steps in this clustering
method are:
Step 1: Select a set of K points as cluster seeds. These seeds represent
a first guess at the centroids of the K clusters.
Step 2: Assign each individual observation to the cluster whose cen­
troid is nearest. The Euclidean distance is usually used as the dis­
tance measure with either standardized or unstandardized observa­
tions. The centroids are recalculated for the cluster receiving the new
object and for the cluster losing the object.
Step 3: Repeat step 2 until no further changes occur in the cluster
K-means clustering does not give an ordering of objects within a
cluster. The final assignment of clusters will be somewhat dependent
on the initial selection of seed points. As the number of clusters K is
changed, the cluster memberships can also change in arbitary ways. For
example, the solution for K = 4 clusters, may not be nested within the
K = 3 cluster solution.

K-means clustering is an unstructured approach, which proceeds in

a local fashion and produces an unorganized collection of clusters that
is not always conducive to interpretation25. The K-means clustering
method assigns each gene to only one cluster. This may not necessarily
be biologically appropriate. Moreover, genes assigned to the same cluster
may not necessarily have similar expression patterns. It is important to
check if the cluster solution makes biological sense.

15.7. Bayesian Cluster Analysis

Binder26 (1978) considered a parametric model for partitioning indi­
viduals into mutually exclusive groups. The problem of cluster analysis
was reformulated in a Bayesian context allowing for the possibility of an
unknown number of groups. Bayesian methods for cluster analysis were
also discussed in Bernado and Giron27 (1988).

15.8. Two-way Clustering Methods

In several earlier reports on cluster analysis of microarray data, such
as Eisen et al. (1998) and Alizadeh et al.28 (2000), specimens and genes
were clustered completely independently. Also, if the methods of self-
organizing maps or K-means clustering are used, the number of clusters
is externally prescribed. As an improvement, Getz et al.29 (2000) intro­
duce a coupled two-way clustering (CTWC) method where the number
of clusters is determined by the algorithm itself.
Getz et al. (2000) believe that only a small subset of the genes par­
ticipate in any cellular process of interest, which takes place only in a
subset of the specimens. By focusing on small subsets, they lower the
noise induced by the other specimens and genes. They note that, in
clustering specimens, correlations do not always capture their similarity.
Consider two specimens, taken at different stages of some process, with
the absolute expression levels of a family of genes much below average in
one specimen and much higher in the other. Even if the expression lev­
els of the two specimens over these genes are correlated, one would like
to assign them to different clusters. They use a normalization scheme
such that data values in each column are divided by their column (spec­
imen) mean, and each resulting row (gene) is then normalized so that
each normalized row has a norm value equal to one. After the data are
standardized, Euclidean distance is used as the dissimilarity measure.
They look for pairs of a relatively small subset of features (genes
or specimens) and of objects (specimens or genes), such that when
the objects in are represented using only the features from the
Cluster Analysis 249

clustering yields stable and significant partitions. The CTWC method

produces pairs in an iterative clustering process. They apply
CTWC to two experiments and demonstrate a possible diagnostic use
of the approach. They show that one can identify different responses to
treatment and the groups of genes to be used as the appropriate probe.

15.9. Reliability of Clustering Patterns for

Microarray Data
Because clustering methods are essentially data driven, clustering al­
gorithms always produce clusters, even on random data. Hence, it is im­
portant to check the reliability of clustering results. Kerr and Churchill30
(2001a) propose a bootstrap method to check whether the resulting clus­
ters are statistically reliable relative to the noise in the data. Their
approach begins with estimation of relative expression by using the
ANOVA model, instead of ratios. Then, the authors used the residu­
als from the fitted ANOVA model to provide an empirical estimate of
the error distribution for the following bootstrapping step. They cre­
ated 499 bootstrap data sets and, for each simulated data set, they
construct a bootstrap pattern for each gene. They repeat the filtering
and clustering steps with these bootstrap estimates. The advantage of
their model-based approach is that it separates systematic variations
from noise and uses an empirical estimate of error that is free of distri­
butional assumptions.
McShane et al.31 (2002) propose a global test for clustering and a
method to examine cluster-specific reproducibilities. They note that
one minus Pearson correlation distance is proportional to the square of
Euclidean distance computed on the standardized expression profiles.
The authors present statistical methods for testing for the existence of
meaningful cluster patterns based on examination of the Euclidean dis­
tances between specimens in principal components space. By adjusting
for the effects of correlations among genes, they transform the log ratios
to a space based on the first three principal components to simplify cal­
culations. If the gene expression data come from a single multivariate
Gaussian distribution, there should be no meaningful clusters. If the
gene expression data follow an approximate Gaussian distribution, then
the principal components will also have similar distributions. Hence,
they generate simulated data under a Gaussian null distribution and ex­
amine the distribution of the nearest neighbor distance to quantify the
clustering patterns in the real and simulated data. Then, the approach
of data perturbation was used to assess clustering stability.

1 Jain, A.K. and Dubes, R.C. (1988). Algorithms for Clustering Data, Prentice Hall, Engle­
wood Cliff, New Jersey.
2 Kaufman, L. and Rousseeuw, P.J. (1990). Finding Groups in Data, John Wiley and Sons,

New York.
3 Afifi, A.A. and Clark, V. (1990). Computer-aided Multivariate Analysis. 2nd edition,
Chapman and Hall, New York.
4 Jobson, J.D. (1992). Applied Multivariate Data Analysis, Springer-Verlag, New York.
5 Everitt, B.S. (1993). Cluster Analysis. Edward Arnold, New York.
6 Johnson, R.A., Wichern, D.W. (1998). Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 4th edi­

tion, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey.

7 Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., and Friedman, J. (2001). The Elements of Statistical Learning,

Springer, New York.

8 Gower, J.C. (1985). In Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, V.5, (S. Kotz, N.L. Johnson

and C.B. Read, eds.), John Wiley & Sons, New York.
9 Gower, J.C. (1967). Biometrics, 23, 623-628.
10 Dunn, G. and Everitt, B.S. (1982). An Introduction to Mathematical Taxonomy, Cam­

bridge University Press, Cambridge.

11 Kohonen, T. (1997). Self-Organizing Maps, Springer, Berlin.
12 Eisen, M., Spellman, P.T., Brown, P.O. and Botstein, D. (1998). Proceedings of the Na­

tional Academy of Sciences, USA, 95, 14863-14868.

13 Alon, U., Barkai, N., Notterman, D.A., Gish, K., Ybarra, S.,Mack, D., Levine, A.J., (1999).

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 96, 6745-6750.

14 Wishart, D. (1969). Biometrics, 25, 165-170.
15 Johnson, S.C. (1967). Psychometrika, 32, 241-254.
16 Ward, J. H. (1963). Journal of the American Statistical Association, 58, 236-244.
17 Wen, X., Fuhrman, S., Michaels, G.S., Carr, D.B., Smith, S., Baker, J.L., and Somogyi,

R. (1998). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 95, 334-339.

Spellman, P.T., Sherlock, G., Zhang, M.Q., Iyer, V.R., Anders, K. , Eisen, M.B., Brown,
P.O., Botstein, D. and Futcher, B. (1998). Molecular Biology of the Cell, 9, 3273-329.
19 Chu, S., DeRisi, J., Eisen, M., Mulholland, J., Botstein, D., Brown, P.O., Herskowitz, I.
(1998). Science, 282, 699-705.
20 Milligan, G.W. (1980). Psychometrika, 45, 325-342.
21 Milligan, G.W. and Cooper, M.C. (1985). Psychometrika, 50, 159-179.
Kaufman, L. and Rousseeuw, P.J. (1990). Finding Groups in Data, John Wiley and Sons,
New York.
23 Morgan, B.J.T. and Ray, A.P.G. (1995). Applied Statistics, 44, 117-134.
24 MacQueen, J.B. (1967). In: Proceedings of 5th Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical

Statistics and Probability, 1, 281-297, University of California Press, Berkeley, California.

Tamayo et al. (1999), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 2907-2912.
26 Binder, D. A. (1978). Biometrika, 65, 31-38.
27 Bernardo, J.M., Giron, J. (1988). A Bayesian approach to cluster analysis, Questiio, 12,
28 Alizadeh, A., Eisen, M.B., Davis, R.E., Ma, C., et al. (2000). Nature, 403, 503-511.
Getz, G., Levine, E., Domany, E. (2000). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
USA, 97, 12079-12084.
Kerr, M.K., and Churchill, G.A. (2001a). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
USA, 98, 8961-8965.
McShane, L.M., Radmacher, M. D., Freidlin, B., Yu, R., Li, M.-C., and Simon, R. (2002).
Bioinformatics, 18, 1462-1469.
Chapter 16



16.1. Principal Component Analysis

Pearson1 (1901) and Hotelling2 (1933) are pioneers in considering the
method of principal component analysis (PCA). Hotelling (1933) used
principal component analysis as a dimension reduction technique in the
field of educational testing. Because of the high-dimensional nature of
microarray data, the method of principal components is well suited for
exploring gene expression data.
Given any specimen with index a G-dimensional column vector
is observed, consisting of possibly corre­
lated expression variables from G genes. To simplify notation, we sup­
press the specimen index in this section and focus on reducing the
dimension of the space of gene variables The tech­
nique of principal component analysis is a method of transforming the
original set of variables into a smaller set of uncorrelated compos­
ite variables called principal components. The principal components
must together account for most of the variation in the G original vari­
For any given specimen, let denote a random vec­
tor consisting of expression levels of G genes, with mean and
variance Then there exists an orthogonal linear transfor­

such that the covariance matrix of L is and


where are eigenvalues of the covariance matrix

The column of B, denoted by is the eigenvector correspond-

ing to the eigenvalue That is, satisfies the equation

Then is called the principal component of with

The principal components are orthogonal because


Hence, is the normalized linear combination with maximum variance.

Similarly, the component of L, has maximum variance among
all normalized linear combinations uncorrelated with The
sum of the variances of the principal components is the sum of the vari­
ances of the original variates. That is,

The proportional of total variance explained by the principal com­

ponent is given by

If then only the first eigenvalues of are nonzero.

That is, and Let
The set of components forms an orthonormal
basis of the space spanned by random variables
The method of principal components analysis maps the original dataset
to a new feature space in which the features are formed by linear functions
of the original attributes. These new features are sorted by the amount
Principal Components and Singular Value Decomposition 253

of variance that the data exhibit in each direction. Dimensionality re­

duction is achieved by removing features corresponding to dimensions in
which the data have low variance. There is no guarantee, however, that
these removed features are not essential for understanding the data.
Principal component analysis is based on the covariance matrix
of the random vector If the components of random vector
are measured on scales with wide ranges, or in incommensu­
rate units, then the variables should probably be standardized before un­
dertaking the principal component analysis. Principal component analy­
sis can also be based on the correlation matrix of When standardized
variables are used, the total variance is simply G, and the proportion of
total variance explained by the principal component is for
Principal components derived from the covariance matrix,
however, are different from those derived from the correlation matrix.
The two sets of principal components are not related in a simple fashion.
Hence, a decision to standarize the variables requires careful considera­
The geometry of the principal component method does not require
a multivariate normal assumption. Inferences about the principal com­
ponent structure require a random sample of specimen samples
The parameters of the structure can then be inferred from the
sample data. With the additional assumption of multivariate normality
of large sample inferences can be made for the resulting eigenvalue
estimates and eigenvector estimates Since the method of princi­
pal component analysis yields a small number of uncorrelated variables,
it is useful as an exploratory analysis of gene expression data that are
collected under a mixture of conditions. When the number of samples is
small, however, there is a potential risk that some principal components
might be identified as important solely because of excessive noise in the
data. Detailed descriptions of the method of principal component analy­
sis can be found in Anderson3 (1958), Seal4 (1964), Morrison5 (1976),
Joliffe6 (1986), Flury7 (1988), Krzanowski8 (1988), Dunteman9 (1989),
Jackson10 (1991), Jobson11 (1992), and Johnson and Wichern12 (1998),
among others.

16.1.1. Applications of Dominant Principal Components

Khan et al.13 (2001) used microarray gene expression data to model

cancers in each of the four categories of the small, round blue cell tumors
(SRBCTs) of childhood, including neuroblastoma (NB), rhabdomyosar­
coma (RMS), non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), and the Ewing family of

tumors (EWS). These cancers belong to four distinct diagnostic cate­

gories but have similar appearance on routine histology. Hence, they
often present diagnostic dilemmas in clinical practice.
The authors first reduced the number of genes from 6567 to to 2308
by filtering for a minimal level of expression. Then, they conducted
a principal component analysis and found that 10 dominant principal
components contained 63% of the variance in the data matrix. The
remaining components contained variance unrelated to separating the
four cancers. As linear combinations of genes, these 10 dominant prin­
cipal components might be referred to as eigengenes. The analysis thus
reduced the dimensionality of the gene space from 2308 to 10. Hence, in­
stead of using the high-dimensional original data, the authors used these
10 dominant components for each sample as inputs for further analyses.

16.2. Singular-value Decomposition

When the dimension G of the vector space of gene expression levels is
large, the matrix computations for principal components discussed in the
previous section can be time consuming. The method of singular-value
decomposition (SVD) proves to be very useful in solving this problem.
SVD is also known as the Karhunen-Loéve expansion in the field of
pattern recognition.
For each specimen sample let denote the
column vector of intensity levels of the G genes. Let
denote the G × N matrix of expression data from N specimen samples.
The Singular-value Decomposition Theorem14 states that for any G × N
dimensional matrix X of rank there exists a G × G orthogonal trans­
formation matrix U, an N × N orthogonal transformation matrix V, and
a diagonal matrix D such that X can be decomposed as follows

where is a diagonal matrix


The 0s are zero matrices of suitable dimensions. Note that both matrices
and are nonnegative definite and symmetric and that they
have the same nonzero eigenvalues, which are all positive. Diagonal
Principal Components and Singular Value Decomposition 255

values are called the singular values of X, they are the

positive square roots of the nonzero eigenvalues of the matrix (or,
equivalently, of ); that is,

The above theorem can be written in the following simpler form. If

rank let denote the column of the matrix U, and
denote the column of the matrix V. Let U* denote the di­
mensional submatrix of U consisting of its first columns
Let V* denote the dimensional submatrix of V consisting of its
first columns Then equation (16.6) can be simplified as

and equation (16.8) can be simplified as

16.3. Computational Procedures for SVD

Since thousands of genes are usually involved in a microarray study,
the number of genes is often much larger than the number of sample
arrays, i.e., G >> N. One advantage of the SVD method is that, instead
of finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors for the genes using a large G × G
dimensional matrix one will first find eigenvalues and eigenvectors
for specimen samples using the much smaller N × N dimensional matrix
Therefore, the method of SVD also has the advantage that it
can find principal components for both the genes and specimen samples
To begin, one first computes the matrix and finds the matrix
V* and a diagonal matrix such that

Then, one projects the resulting matrices V and D onto X and obtains

where is the inverse of the diagonal matrix D.


A useful consequence of the singular-value decomposition is that one

can compute

as the Moore-Penrose inverse of the matrix X.

16.4. Eigengenes and Eigenarrays

We have already referred to a linear combination of genes in principal
component analysis as an eigengene. The corresonding linear combina­
tion of arrays (specimens) might be called an eigenarray.
Alter, Brown, and Botstein15 (2000) describe the use of singular value
decomposition in analyzing genome-wide expression data. They show
that SVD is a linear transformation of the expression data from the
G × N dimensional “gene × array” space to a reduced dimensional
“eigengene × eigenarray” space. In equation (16.6), the G-dimensional
vector in the column of the matrix U consists of the genome-wide
expression in the eigenarray corresponding to the positive eigenvalue
of The N-dimensional vector in the row of the matrix
consists of the expression of the eigengene across the different
arrays. The eigengenes and eigenarrays are orthonormal superpositions
of the genes and arrays such that the transformations U* and V* are
both orthogonal, i.e.,

where I is the identity matrix of dimension Hence the expres­

sion of each eigengene (or eigenarray) is uncorrelated with that of other
eigengenes (or eigenarrays).

16.5. Fraction of Eigenexpression

Alter, Brown, and Botsein (2000) use the “fraction of eigenexpres­

to indicate the relative significance of the eigengene and eigenar­

ray in terms of the fraction of the overall expression that they capture.
Shannon entropy, defined here as
Principal Components and Singular Value Decomposition 257

where measures the complexity of the microarray dataset

in terms of the distribution of the eigen expression across the different
eigengenes (and eigenarrays). Entropy corresponds to an ordered
and redundant data set in which all expression is captured by a singu­
lar eigengene (and eigenarray), and corresponds to a disordered
and random data set where all eigengenes (and eigenarrays) are equally
SVD provides a useful mathematical framework for processing and
modeling genome-wide expression data, in which both the mathematical
variables and operations may be assigned biological meaning.

16.6. Generalized Singular Value Decomposition

In comparing yeast and human cell-cycle gene expression, Alter et al.16
(2003) use generalized singular value decomposition (GSVD) to provide
a comparative mathematical framework for two genome-scale expres­
sion data sets. Using GSVD, the authors transform the data sets from
two gene-by-array spaces to two reduced and diagonalized genelet-by-
arraylet spaces where the genelets are shared by both data sets. Genelet
and arraylet are their terms for eigengenes and eigenarrays. The au­
thors found biological similarity in the two disparate organisms in terms
of their mRNA expression during their cell-cycle programs as well as
experimental dissimilarity in terms of yeast and human mRNA expres­
sion during their different synchronization-response program. They also
found differential gene expression in the yeast and human cell-cycle pro­
grams versus their synchronization-response programs. They note that
the method of GSVD can be used in many other applications, such as
comparing two different types of genomic information (e.g., mRNA ex­
pression or protein abundance) collected from the same set of samples
to elucidate the molecular composition of the overall biological signal in
these samples.

16.7. Robust Singular Value Decomposition

The conventional SVD, being a least-squares method, is highly sus­
ceptible to outlier values that are common to microarray data. On the
basis of the Gabriel-Zamir alternating least squares (ALS) algorithms17
and the alternating robust fitting18 methods, Liu et al10 (2003) proposed
a robust analysis using a variant of the SVD method. Their approach
uses all of the observed data and does not require imputation of missing

data. Hence, the strength of thier method is that it does not require
complete information and is not affected by a minority of outliers.
Principal Components and Singular Value Decomposition 259

1 Pearson, K. (1901). Phil. Mag. (6), 2, 559-572.
2 Hotelling, H. (1933). Journal of Educational Psychology, 24, 417-441.
Anderson, T.W., (1958), An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Wiley, New
Seal, H. (1964). Multivariate Statistical Analysis for Biologists, New York, Wiley.
5 Morrison, D.F. (1976). Multivariate Statistical Methods, 2nd ed., New York, McGraw-Hill.
Joliffe, I.T. (2002). Principal Component Analysis, 2nd ed., Springer-Verlag, New York.
7 Flury, B. (1988), Common Principal Components and Related Multivariate Models, Wiley,
New York.
Krzanowski, W.J. (1988). Principles of Multivariate Analysis: A User’s Perspective, Ox­
ford University Press, Oxford.
9 Dunteman, G.H. (1989), Principal Component Analysis, Sage University Papers, Sage,

Newbury Park, California.

10 Jackson, J.E. (1991). A User’s Guide to Principal Components, John Wiley & Sons, New

11 Jobson, J.D. (1992). Applied Multivariate Data Analysis, Springer-Verlag, New York.
12 Johnson, R.A., Wichern, D.W. (1998). Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 4th ed.,
Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey.
13 Khan, J., Wei, J.S., Ringner, M., Saal, L.H., Ladanyi, M., Westermann, F., Berthold, F.,
Schwab, M., Antonescu, C.R., Peterson, C., and Meltzer, P.S. (2001). Nature Medicine,
7, 673-679.
14 Searle, S.R. (1982), Matrix Algebra Useful for Statistics, John Wiley and Sons, pages

15 Alter, O., Brown, P.O. and Botstein, D. (2000), Proceedings of the National Academy of

Sciences, USA, 97, 10101-10106.

16 Alter, O., Brown, P.O., and Botstein, D. (2003) Proceedings of the National Academy of

Sciences, USA, 100, 3351-3356.

17 Gabriel, K.R. and Zamir, S. (1979) Technometrics, 21, 489-498.
18 Croux, C., Filzmoser, P., Pison, G. and Rousseeuw, P.J. (2002) Statistical Computations,

13, 23-36.
19 Liu, L., Hawkins, D.M., Ghosh, S., Young, S.S. (2003). Proceedings of the National Acad­
emy of Sciences, USA, 100, 13167-13172.
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Chapter 17


In unsupervised learning, not only do we have the disadvantage of

having data of unknown classification, often we do not even know how
many categories exist. Kohonen1 demonstrated that a self-organizing
map (SOM) can organize data without knowing the correct classification
of input patterns beforehand. Using the language of cluster analysis, the
user has the option of specifying the number of clusters to be identified
in a SOM. The SOM algorithm then finds an optimal set of centroids
around which the data points of the input space appear to aggregate. It
partitions the data set, with each centroid defining a cluster consisting
of the data points nearest to it. The SOM algorithm builds a low-
dimensional display or map (the output space) that associates similar
input data patterns with contiguous map locations. SOM can also be
considered as a nonlinear projection of the probability density function
of the high-dimensional input data onto the map. The basic method of
SOM is an unsupervised neural network algorithm that has been used in
data mining, image processing and speech voicing because it has many
desirable mathematical properties, including scaling well to large data

17.1. The Basic Logic of a SOM

As its name suggests, a SOM algorithm organizes a set of items into
a map in such a way that similar items (in terms of attributes) appear
close to each other on the map. It is intended that the map yield useful
information about associations among the items.

Consider a data set consisting of a finite set of items, each having a

number of characteristics or attributes. Attributes may be variables with
discrete values or continuous measurements. An attribute may also be a
classification variable, such as a binary variable, having values of 1 or 0
say, that indicate the presence or absence of a characteristic, respectively.
Distances between items or their similarities can be quantified in various
ways, as described earlier in the chapter on cluster analysis (Chapter
15). The distance or similarity measures assess the proximity of items
in terms of their component attributes. For example, the similarity of
two items with several binary attributes might be defined in terms of the
number of attributes common to both sets, i.e., as the dot product of
their respective attribute vectors. Euclidean distances can also be used
for measuring the proximity of items.
As we are concerned with the use of SOMs in analyzing microarray
data, a SOM can be used to either cluster genes or cluster specimens.
We present the methods of SOM in terms of clustering genes. For mi­
croarray studies involving a total of N specimens and G genes, let the
row vector denote the expression levels for
gene across N specimens, where denotes the expression level of
gene for specimen The set of vectors
is the data set. These G data vectors lie in an
input space of dimension N that we will denote by Some variants
on this data structure may be of interest. For example, in some appli­
cations, might be defined as a classification outcome rather than
an intensity measurement. The classification might be coded –1, 0, or
1 according to whether gene is down-regulated, equally regulated, or
up-regulated in specimen
A SOM is a mapping from the N-dimensional input space onto a
lower-dimensional output space or map, which we denote by The
map is usually two-dimensional but may be one-dimensional (as a
later example shows), three-dimensional, or of higher order. The ana­
lytical elements required for a SOM are as follows:

1. Grid . The map has a lattice of grid points

The grid points may be arrayed along a line in one dimension, over a
plane in two dimensions or, in similar fashion, over a higher dimen­
sional space. The two-dimensional map is the most common. Grid
points are sometimes referred to as nodes.
2. Reference vectors. Associated with each grid point in is a reference
attribute vector in the N-dimensional input
space Thus, The reference vector at a grid
Self-organizing Maps

point describes the attribute profile of that point on the map. In

clustering terminology, a reference vector is sometimes referred to as
a centroid.
3. Attribute distance function. A distance function is defined for
all pairs of attribute vectors This function evaluates the
proximity of two attribute profiles; for instance, the proximity of gene
expression profiles for two specimens.
4. Map neighborhood function. As noted earlier, the aim of a SOM is
to organize the data so similar items (in terms of attributes) appear
close to each other on the map. Being ‘close on the map’ requires
a judgment about what defines the neighborhood of a grid point.
This judgment uses another proximity function called a neighbor­
hood function for all Here describes the extent
or degree to which grid point lies in the neighborhood of grid point
Larger values of indicate that point is closer to point
For example, the neighborhood of a grid point might simply include
any immediately adjacent grid point but no other points. The neigh­
borhood function in this case might have if is adjacent
to and equal 0 otherwise. As another example, the neighborhood
function may be a function whose value declines the farther apart
are grid points and The neighborhood function must usually be
adjusted to take account of the borders of the map.
5. Updating algorithm. The SOM methodology requires an algorithm
that will revise (organize) the reference vectors at the grid points so
neighboring points (as defined by the map neighborhood function)
have similar reference vectors (as defined by the attribute distance
function). We return to the technical aspects of the algorithm later.
For the moment, we wish to convey the basic idea that the SOM
procedure starts with an arbitrary set of reference vectors and then
proceeds to revise them using a training sample from the data set
until the final map is produced.
6. Cluster formation. Once the SOM is prepared, each data vector in
the gene expression data set can be assigned to its closest reference
vector and, thereby, becomes associated with a particular grid point
or position on the map. The scientist can then examine the clusters
of genes for valuable information about patterns, associations, gaps,

Figure 17.1 shows a schematic that illustrates these elements for the
case of a one-dimensional map (i.e., an arrangement of reference vectors

on a line). The schematic is simplified but is realistic nonetheless be­

cause it may be of interest to see how G genes might array themselves
along a line in terms of the similarity of their expression profiles for N
specimens. The figure shows an array of J grid points along a line. The
map neighborhood function represented in the scheme shows that the
neighborhood of a point (say, point 3 in the figure) includes its adjacent
points 2 and 4. The attribute distance function can be used in two ways.
First, it can measure the distances between reference vectors; for exam­
ple, between and as shown in the figure. Neighboring reference
vectors in a SOM should be separated by small attribute distances in the
final map. Second, the attribute distance function decides to which grid
point on the map a data vector should be assigned, based on the dis­
tance between the data vector and the reference vector. The schematic
shows being assigned to grid point 3 because is closest to The
attainment of the final map depends on applying the SOM algorithm
which we now describe.
Self-organizing Maps 265

17.2. The SOM Updating Algorithm

Many algorithms have been proposed for generating a SOM. All have
the following basic features. Detailed mathematics and variations of the
SOM algorithm can be found in Kohonen (1997), for example.
A SOM algorithm is often applied first to a training set, a subset of
the full data set. We denote this subset by
The algorithm is iterative. We use to denote the iteration, with

Experience shows that algorithms have better convergence proper­

ties if the neighborhood function is adjusted with each iteration. In
essence, the neighborhood of a reference vector is generally shrunk
as increases. Hence, we will use to denote the form of the
neighborhood function used at the iteration.
The algorithm adjusts the reference vectors at each iteration. We
shall denote the set of reference vectors at the iteration by
Thus, the algorithm begins with an initial set of
reference vectors These J vectors may be chosen
arbitrarily or chosen judiciously from the training set
At the iteration, one of the data vectors in the training set, say
is presented to the algorithm. The specific grid point
is found for which is a minimum. This grid point
closest to is denoted by Thus, is the reference vector
that is closest to
All reference vectors are then updated as follows:

The scalar is a learning rate coefficient that generally varies with

the iteration The updating in (17.1) can be seen to involve moving
each reference vector in the neighborhood of the grid point
closer to The movement is scaled by the magnitude of the
neighborhood function as well as the learning coefficient
Grid points forwhich is zero are not adjusted because they
are not in the neighborhood of the grid point

Data vectors from the training set are successively submitted to

the SOM algorithm, usually in random order and recycled as required
until convergence is achieved.

Figure 17.2 carries on from the schematic shown in Figure 17.1. It

illustrates the updating of reference vectors that occurs at one iteration.
We leave the iteration unspecified. The figure shows the reference vec­
tors positioned in the input space This space
is shown as two-dimensional here for simplicity. The two dimensions cor­
respond to gene expression outcomes for N = 2 samples (referred to as
samples 1 and 2 in the figure). The data vector for gene is presented
to the algorithm at this iteration and falls closest to reference vector
in this case (as measured by Euclidean distance). The vectors and
lie in the designated neighborhood of as shown in Figure 17.1.
Thus, all three of these reference vectors (circled by a halo) are drawn
closer to in the updating process. The other reference vectors are left
unchanged in this iteration. Observe that in early iterations, as the map
is organizing itself, the neighboring grid points may not necessarily be
the closest points in the input space. Notice in Figure 17.2, for instance,
that lies slightly closer to than to but is not updated by
The reason is that grid point 1 is not one of the immediate neighbors of
grid point 3 in Figure 17.1.
To summarize, the algorithm operates as follows. Each iteration in­
volves randomly selecting an expression vector for one gene in the
training set and moving the reference vectors of the SOM in the direc­
tion of this vector. The closest reference vector to and its neighbors
is moved by amounts that depend on the values of their neighborhood
function and the learning rate coefficient. Hence, neighboring grid points
on the map tend to have reference vectors that lie close to each other in
the N-dimensional input space which contains the expression vectors
of the genes. Well separated grid points tend to have reference vectors
that are quite distinct. In the end, each gene is assigned to that grid
point which has a reference vector closest to its expression profile. Hence,
neighboring grid points tend to define related clusters of genes. The al­
gorithm continues for many iterations (many thousands if needed) until
the map stabilizes. By repeating the process, selecting a different num­
ber of grid points, one can explore the underlying structure and vary the
geometry of the SOM. If only a few points are chosen, distinct patterns
may not be seen and there is large within-cluster scatter. Adding more
grid points might help meaningful cluster patterns to emerge. On the
other hand, having too many grid points will produce sparse clusters.
Self-organizing Maps

17.3. Program GENECLUSTER

Tamayo et al.2 (1999) developed a SOM method for microarray data in
a publicly available computer package, GENECLUSTER, which is writ­
ten in the computer language C, runs under UNIX, and requires a Web
browser. This program is available from the Center of Genome Research
of the Whitehead Institute at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The center’s website address is
The program GENECLUSTER accepts an input file of expression
levels from either oligonucleotide arrays or spotted arrays. The user
specifies a range for the number of clusters in order to find the cluster
structure and number of iterations that optimizes the grouping of data
objects. To improve the ability to detect meaningful patterns, the pro­
gram begins with two preprocessing steps. To begin, the data are passed
through a variation filter to eliminate those genes with little differential
expression across the samples. This screening prevents reference vectors
from gravitating toward large numbers of invariant genes. Next, the ex­

pression level of each gene is normalized across experiments so that the

map will be based on patterns of expression rather than absolute levels
of expression. A SOM is computed such that each cluster of genes is rep­
resented by its average expression pattern or centroids. The centroids
are used to discern similarities and differences among the patterns. The
variation around the pattern can be visualized by means of error bars
(standard deviations).

17.4. Supervised SOM

The SOM method was originally used in an unsupervised process like
classical clustering methods. Classification accuracy, however, can be
improved greatly if information about class identity is taken into account
in the training phase. In order to make the SOM supervised, the input
vectors are extended to include a class component vector where
is a unit vector with a 1 assigned to the class of gene and 0s assigned
elsewhere. Since the vector is the same for all genes that share the
same class but different for genes from different classes, clustering of
vectors incorporating their class unit vectors, leads to improved class-

17.5. Applications
17.5.1. Using SOM to Cluster Genes

Tamayo et al. (1999) applied SOM to hematopoetic differentiation in

four models (HL-60, U937, Jurkat and NB4 cells). Expression patterns
of some 6,000 human genes were assayed. A total of 567 genes passed a
variation filter and their expression levels were normalized.
For their updating algorithm, they chose a learning rate coefficient in
(17.1) of the form (using the earlier notation),
where denotes the iteration, and T is the maximum num­
ber of iterations. The authors’ neighborhood distance function
was a circular region (a “bubble neighborhood”) that started with an
initial radius of 3 and shrank with each iteration in a linear fashion
until it became zero. For their attribute distance measure, the authors
presumably used Euclidean distance although this is not mentioned ex­
plicitly in the article.
Use of a hierarchical clustering method would have resulted in hun­
dreds, or even thousands, of nested clusters that could be difficult to
interpret. The advantage of the SOM method is that it extracts the J
Self-organizing Maps 269

most prominent patterns (where J is the optional number of grid points

or nodes specified in the SOM algorithm) and arranges them so that
similar patterns occur as neighbors in the SOM.
Figure 17.3 shows the resulting SOM. It is arranged in a 4 × 3 grid
with J = 4(3) = 12 grid points, referred to in the figures as clusters
(numbered 0 to 11). The components of the reference vectors are plotted
as line graphs. The similar profiles of neighboring graphs is apparent.
Error bars are also shown to illustrate the variation of expression profiles
for genes assigned to each cluster. The variation is reasonably small,
indicating relatively homogeneous clusters.

17.5.2. Using SOM to Cluster Tumors

Golub, Slonim, Tamayo et al.3 (1999) used a SOM in a classification
of tumors. They applied a two-cluster SOM to automatically group the

38 initial leukemia samples into two classes on the basis of the expres­
sion pattern of all 6817 genes. The SOM was constructed using the
GENECLUSTER software, with a variation filter excluding genes with
less than five-fold variation across the collection of samples. By com­
paring the clusters obtained by SOM to the known AML-ALL classes,
the evaluation results show that the SOM paralleled the known classes
closely: Class contained mostly ALL (24 of 25 samples), and class
contained mostly AML (10 of 13 samples). The SOM was thus quite
effective in discovering the two types of leukemia.

17.5.3. Multiclass Cancer Diagnosis

Ramaswamy, Tamayo, Rifkin et al.4 (2001) considered multiclass can­

cer diagnosis using tumor gene expression signatures. To determine
whether the diagnosis of common adult malignancies could be achieved
purely by molecular classification, they subjected 218 tumor samples,
spanning 14 common tumor types, and 90 normal tissue samples to
oligonucleotide microarray gene expression analysis. The expression lev­
els of 16,063 genes and expressed sequence tags were used to evaluate
the accuracy of a multiclass classifier.
To exclude genes showing minimal variation across the specimens, a
variation filter was used to exclude any gene that exhibited less than
5-fold and 500 units of absolute variation across the dataset. A lower
threshold of 20 units and ceiling of 16,000 units was applied. Of 16,063
expression values that they considered, a total of 11,322 passed this
filter and were used for clustering. The dataset was then normalized
by standardizing each gene to mean zero and unit variance. Using the
CLUSTER and TREEVIEW5 software, the authors conducted average-
linkage hierarchical clustering. They constructed a SOM by using the
GENECLUSTER analysis package.
Figure 17.4 shows the results of both hierarchical and SOM clustering
of this dataset. In panel (c), the columns represent 190 primary human
tumor specimens ordered by class. Rows represent 10 genes, includ­
ing the known cancer markers prostate-specific antigen (PSA), carci­
noembryonic antigen (CEA), and estrogen receptor (ER). Red indicates
high relative level of expression and blue represents low level. Speci­
men classes considered include breast adenocarcinoma (BR), prostate
adenocarcinoma (PR), lung adenocarcinoma (LU), colorectal adenocar­
cinoma (CR), lymphoma (LY), bladder transitional cell carcinoma (BL),
melanoma (ML), uterine adenocarcinoma (UT), leukemia (LE), renal
cell carcinoma (RE), pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PA), ovarian adeno­
Self-organizing Maps 271

carcinoma (OV), pleural mesothelioma (ME), and central nervous sys­

tem (CNS). Although some tumor types, such as lymphoma (LY), leukemia
(LE), and central nervous system (CNS), formed relatively discrete clus­
ters with both methods, others, in particular the epithelial tumors, were
largely intermixed. Their finding indicates that unsupervised learning
might not adequately capture the distinctions in the tissue of origin
among these molecularly complex tumors. Hence, the authors also ana­
lyzed the data by the method of support vector machines, which will be
discussed in a later chapter.

Self-organizing Maps 273

1 Kohonen, T. (1997). Self-Organizing Maps, Springer, Berlin.
2 Tamayo, P., Slonim, D., Mesirov, J., Zhu, Q., Kitareewan, S., Dimitrovsky, E., Lander,
E.S., Golub, T.R. (1999). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 96,
3 Golub, T.R., Slonim, D.K., Tamayo, P., et al. (1999). Science, 286, 531-537.
4 Ramaswamy, S., Tamayo, P., Rifkin, R. et al. (2001). Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences, USA, 98, 15149-15154.
5 Eisen, M., Spellman, P.T., Brown, P.O. and Bostein, D. (1998). Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, USA, 95, 14863-14868.
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Chapter 18


Unlike cluster analysis, which is considered as unsupervised learning

because it involves grouping previously unclassified objects, discrimi­
nant analysis, classification trees, neural networks, and support vector
machines are considered as supervised learning because one begins the
analysis with a set of training data (the training set) with known classes
or groups. In analyzing microarray data, use of a supervised learning
framework allows a researcher to start with a training set of specimens,
for example, and to ask questions such as: How well does the gene
set discriminate among classes of specimens? Which specimens may be
misclassified? What is the typical expression profile of a specimen of a
specified type, say

This chapter considers discrimination and classification methods. The

method of discrimination analysis involves classifying items using mul­
tivariate data when class memberships are known in advance. We begin
with a training set of M specimens composed of L mutually exclusive
classes (or groups) with known labels represented by integers ranging
from 1 to L. The observation in the training set can be represented
as a pair where consists of ex­
pression levels of G genes from specimen and denotes the known
group label for Let denote the number of observations belong­
ing to group so that The main objective of discriminant
analysis is to derive an effective classification rule from data in the train­
ing set. To validate the derived classification rule, it is applied to a fresh
data set referred to as the test set to see how well it performs. Discrim­
ination and classification methods differ in their assumptions about the
structure and distribution pattern of the data, the availability of prior

information and the form of the classification rule. We begin with a

classical method of discriminant analysis proposed by R. A. Fisher.

18.1. Fisher’s Linear Discriminant Analysis

First, we shall consider the case where the training samples can be
divided into two known categories, denoted by and Two groups
and are said to be linearly separable if there exists a constant
and a linear function such that

The set of points is called a separating hyperplane.

For simplicity of notation, we omit the specimen index in the re­
mainder of this section. Assume that groups and have means
and respectively. Also, assume that the
covariance matrix is the same for both groups, i.e.,

Fisher’s linear discriminant analysis is based on finding the linear

transformation which maximizes the ratio of the between-groups
sum of squares and the within-groups sum of squares. This ratio can be
expressed in the following form

which equals the squared distance between linear combinations of means

divided by the variance of the linear combinations.
The maximum of the above ratio is attained at

The linear transformation

is called Fisher’s linear discriminant function.

Discrimination and Classification 279

denote the midpoint between the means and of the two

groups and It can be easily shown that
and when If an expression vector is
from group then the linear transformation is, on the average,
expected to be larger than the midpoint Similarly, if is from group
then the linear transformation is expected to be smaller than
the midpoint Hence Fisher’s discrimination function can be used as
a classification device for the test set as follows. An expression vector
in the test set is allocated to group if and to group
otherwise. Or, equivalently, expression vector in the test set is
allocated to group if

and to group otherwise.

In practice, mean
can be replaced by the sample mean for group
The covariance matrix can also be replaced by the sample
covariance matrix S pooled from both groups and An observation
in the test set is then allocated to group if

and to group otherwise.

Fisher’s linear discriminant analysis can be extended to discriminating
among more than two classes. Detailed descriptions on discriminant
analysis can be found in Mardia, Kent, and Bibby1 (1979), Johnson
and Wichern2 (1998), McLachlan3 (1992), and Hastie, Tibshirani, and
Friedman4 (2001).

18.2. Maximum Likelihood Discriminant Rules

Assume that data in the training set contains L groups, denoted by
Suppose that random vector for has a
multivariate normal distribution with probability density function

An observation in the test set is assigned to group if the function


achieves its minimum when When the class parameters and

are unknown, they can be estimated from a training set. As shown by
equation (18.9), the maximum likelihood discriminant rule is a quadratic
discriminant rule in the normal case.
Notice that, for the special case when L = 2 and
i.e., when discriminating between two groups with the same covariance
matrix, the maximum likelihood discriminant rule (18.9) assigns an ob­
servation to group if

and assigns to group otherwise. As the quadratic terms

cancel on both sides of the inequality, this rule corresponds to Fisher’s
linear discriminant rule (18.6).
If one assumes that the two groups have a common diagonal covariance
matrix, which ignores correlations between genes, i.e.,

then, from equation (18.7), the maximum likelihood discriminant rule

assigns a gene expression vector for specimen
to group if

and assigns to group otherwise. Here, denotes the sample

mean for gene for specimens in group in the training set
and is the pooled sample variance for gene for the training set.

18.3. Bayesian Classification

Assume that the training set contains L groups Let be
the prior probability that a specimen belongs to group with
Let denote an expression vector for a specimen in the test set.
Assume that follows a probability density function for
Then, in the test set is assigned to group if the
Discrimination and Classification 281

posterior probability function

attains its maximum when

If we further assume that each group has a multivariate normal density
as defined in (18.8), and that the covariance matrix is the same
for then the log-ratio of the posterior probabilities for any
pair of groups and reduces to the following linear function

The above function can be used to compare assignments between groups

and For a good review of Bayesian classification, see Denison et
al.5 (2002).

18.4. Neighbor Classifier

Early applications of the neighbor classifier can be found
in Fix and Hodges (1951) and Cover and Hart7 (1967). On the basis

of a given training set and a chosen distance measure for pairs of ob­
servations, such as the Euclidean distance or correlation coefficient, the
neighbor method classifies an observation in the test set by
the following steps:
(1) Select an integer
(2) Find the closest observations in the training set
(3) Classify this test observation using majority vote; that is, choose
the class that is most common among these neighbors in the train­
ing set

For a given value of the algorithm begins by sequentially omitting

one observation from the training set and using this observation as a
test observation. It next computes the distance of this test observation
to all of the other observations left in the training set and then classifies
it by the nearest neighbor rule. This procedure is repeated until every
observation is selected and omitted once as the test case. The cross-
validation error rate can then be computed for the original training set.
The above steps are repeated for different values, and the value with
the smallest cross-validation error rate can be applied to the test data

18.5. Neighborhood Analysis

Let and denote the sample mean and standard deviation of

the logarithms of expression levels of gene for specimens in class of
the training set, for Golub et al.8 (1999) considered a measure
defined by

to emphasize the signal-to-noise ratio in using gene as a class predictor.

They argued that large absolute values of indicate a strong correlation
between expression level and class assignment (which the authors called
class distinction). The sign of being positive or negative corresponds
to gene being more highly expressed in class or class Unlike a
standard Pearson correlation coefficient, this measure is not confined
to the range [–1, +1].

Let M denote the number of specimens in the training set. Each

gene can be represented by an expression vector of dimension M,
consisting of its expression levels on all specimens. A class distinction
is represented by an idealized expression pattern denoted by the index
vector where if the specimen belongs to
class and if the specimen belongs to class This ideal­
ized expression pattern corresponds to a gene that is uniformly high in
one class and uniformly low in the other. Define neighborhoods
and of radius around class and class to be the sets of
genes such that and respectively. Neighborhood analy­
sis then involves counting the number of genes having various levels of
correlation with the idealized expression pattern

A high density of genes in the neighborhoods of indicates that there

are many more genes that are correlated with the pattern than can be
expected by chance. Golub et al. (1999) used a permutation test to infer
whether the density of genes in a neighborhood was significantly higher
than expected. They compared the number of genes in the neighbor­
hood to the number of genes in similar neighborhoods around idealized
expression patterns corresponding to random class distinctions, obtained
by randomly permuting the coordinates of The neighborhood analy­
sis selects a set of informative genes, consisting of genes closest to class
with signal-to-noise ratio as large as possible and genes closest to
class with as large as possible.
Discrimination and Classification 283

18.6. A Gene-casting Weighted Voting Scheme

To predict tumor type, Golub et al. (1999) used the methods of
supervised learning and derived discriminant decision rules based on
the magnitude and threshold of prediction strength. They considered a
weighted voting scheme that uses a weighted linear combination of rel­
evant “marker” or “informative” genes obtained in the training set to
provide a classification scheme for new specimens. They divided cancer
classification into two challenges: class discovery and class prediction.
Class discovery refers to defining previously unrecognized tumor sub­
types. Class prediction refers to assigning specimens to already-defined
The selection of informative genes is accomplished by computing the
signal-to-noise ratio statistic as defined in (18.13). The class predictor
is uniquely defined by the initial set of specimens and informative genes.
The prediction of a new specimen is based on “weighted votes” of the
set of informative genes. Each informative gene casts a weighted vote
for either class or with the weight of each vote dependent on its
log-expression level in the new specimen and the degree of that gene’s
correlation with the class distinction. The number of informative genes
is a free parameter in defining the class predictor.
The class predictor is formed from specimens in the training set and
the set of informative genes. Let denote the weighting factor defined
in (18.13) which reflects the correlation between the expression levels of
gene and the class distinction. Let denote the
average of the mean log-expression values in the two classes. Parameters
can be defined for each informative gene.
Consider a new specimen to be predicted having gene expression vec-
tor Let denote the normalized log-expression level of gene in
this new specimen. To predict the class of this test specimen, each gene
in the informative gene set casts a vote. The vote of gene is

Note that the form of is very similar to the special case of the linear
maximum likelihood discriminant rule described in (18.11), except that
the sum of standard deviations is used in the denominator
of the weight instead of the variance A positive value of indicates a
vote for class 1 and a negative value indicates a vote for class 2. The total
vote for class 1 is obtained by summing the absolute

values of the positive votes over the informative genes. Analogously, the
total vote for class 2 is obtained by summing the
absolute values of the negative votes. The sample is assigned to the class
with the higher vote total, provided that the prediction strength exceeds
a predetermined threshold.
The gene-casting weighted models can be evaluated by leave-one-out
cross validation with the training set being used to predict the class of
a randomly withheld specimen. This procedure can be repeated for all
specimens and the cumulative error rate recorded. Thereafter, the total
number of prediction errors in cross-validation can be calculated and a
final model chosen which minimizes cross-validation error.

18.7. Example: Classification of Leukemia

Golub et al. (1999) noted that cancer classification has been difficult
in part because it has historically relied on specific biological insights,
rather than systematic and unbiased approaches for recognizing tumor
subtypes. Therefore, they considered a generic approach to cancer clas­
sification based on gene expression monitoring by DNA microarrays.
To demonstrate the methods, they applied their methods to human
acute leukemias as a test case. An initial collection of samples belong­
ing to known classes was used to create a “class predictor” to classify
new, unknown samples. Their initial leukemia data set consisted of 38
bone marrow samples (27 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), 11 acute
myeloid leukemia (AML)) obtained from acute leukemia patients at the
time of diagnosis. RNA prepared from bone marrow mononuclear cells
was hybridized to high-density oligonucleotide microarrays, produced by
Affymetrix and containing probes for 6817 human genes. The 6817 genes
were sorted by their degree of correlation. Neighborhood analysis and
permutation tests showed that about 1100 genes were more highly cor­
related with the AML-ALL class distinction than would be expected by
To test the validity of the class predictors, a two-step procedure was
conducted. The accuracy of the predictors was first tested by leave-one-
out cross-validation on the initial data set. Then a final predictor was
built based on the initial data set and its accuracy was accessed using a
test set of samples.
The two-step validation approach was applied to the 38 leukemia sam­
ples. The set of informative genes to be used in the predictor was chosen
to be the 50 genes most closely correlated with AML-ALL distinction in
Discrimination and Classification 285

the training set. The parameters of the predictor were determined by the
expression levels of these 50 genes in the training samples. The predictor
was then used to classify new samples, by applying it to the expression
levels of these 50 genes in the new samples. A sample was assigned to
the class with the greater prediction strength, provided that strength
exceeded a predetermined threshold. Otherwise, the sample was given
an ‘uncertain’ classification. On the basis of previous analysis, Golub et
al. (1999) used a threshold value of 0.3. The 50-gene predictors derived
in cross-validation tests assigned 36 of the 38 samples as either AML
or ALL and the remaining two as uncertain. They then applied this
50-gene predictor to an independent collection of 34 leukemia samples
that consisted of 24 bone marrow and 10 peripheral blood samples. The
predictor made strong predictions for 29 of these 34 test samples.
To test the hypothesis that class discovery could be tested by class
prediction, Golub et al. evaluated the clusters and found by the
SOM methods as discussed earlier in section 17.5.2. They constructed
predictors to assign new samples as or Predic­
tors that used a wide range of different numbers of informative genes
performed well in cross-validation. The results suggest an iterative pro­
cedure for refining clusters, in which a SOM is used initially to cluster
the data, a predictor is constructed, and samples not correctly predicted
in cross-validation are removed. The edited data set could then be used
to generate an improved predictor to be tested on an independent data
The procedure for selecting a threshold of prediction strength is an
essential ingredient for classification. Heuristic selection rules can be
used, but with a certain unavoidable level of subjectivity.

Mardia, K.V., Kent, J.T., Bibby, J.M. (1979). Multivariate Analysis, Academic Press,
Inc., San Diego.
2 Johnson, R.A., Wichern, D.W. (1998). Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 4th Edi­
tion, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey.
McLachlan, G.J. (1992). Discriminant Analysis and Statistical Pattern Recognition. Wi­
ley, New York.
4 Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., and Friedman, J. (2001). The Elements of Statistical Learning,
Springer, New York.
Denison, D.G.T., Holmes, C.C., Mallick, B.K., and Smith, A.F.M. (2002). Bayesian Meth­
ods for Nonlinear Classification and Regression, John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex, U.K.
Fix, E., and Hodges, J. (1951). Technical report, Randloph Field, Texas, USAF School of
Aviation Medicine.
Cover, T. and Hart, P. (1967). Proc. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 11, 21-27.
Golub, T.R., Slonim, D.K., Tamayo, P., et al. (1999). Science, 286, 531-537.
Chapter 19


Artificial neural networks (ANN) are computer-based learning algo­

rithms that are modeled on the neural activity of the brain and can
be trained to recognize and categorize complex patterns1. The three
basic features of a neural network are its nodes, its architecture, and
its training algorithm2. The nodes are generally arranged in layers with
the network connections running in a directed fashion between layers, as
shown in Figures 19.1 and 19.2. The details of these figures will be ex­
plained later. Continuing with the brain analogy, each node represents a
neuron and the connections between them represent synapses. A neuron
fires when the total signal passed to it exceeds a certain threshold. The
firing is its output. The brain learns by adapting the strength of the
synaptic connections. Likewise, the synaptic weights in neural networks
are adjusted to solve the problem presented to the network. Learning or
training are terms used to describe the process of finding the appropriate
values of these weights.

Mathematically, the nodes of a neural network are simple computa­

tional units. Each node combines input values received from its incom­
ing connections and outputs a value to its outgoing connections. The
output value is generating from the input values by a smooth mathe­
matical function that gives appropriate weights to each input. Neural
networks permit development of a well-fitted model through the learning
algorithm if sufficient data are available. Mathematical descriptions of
neural networks are plentiful in the literature, including Hertz, Krogh
and Palmer3 (1991), Ripley4 (1996), Vapnik5 (1998), and Hastie, Tib­
shirani, and Friedman6 (2001), among others.

Neural networks have been applied to clinical problems such as classi­

fying arrhythmias from electrocardiograms7 and diagnosing myocardial
infarctions8. Hudson and Cohen9 (2000) described the development of
neural networks in medical applications. In analysis of microarray data,
the method of neural networks can be used for classifying either genes
or sample specimens. Khan et al.10 (2001) applied the method of ar­
tificial neural networks to decipher gene-expression signatures of small,
round blue-cell tumors and used them for diagnostic classification. In
this chapter, we present the methods in terms of classifying sample spec­
imens. The methods, however, can be easily adapted to applications in
classifying genes.

19.1. Single-layer Neural Network

To introduce neural networks, it is instructive to begin with one that
consists of a layer of input nodes and an output layer consisting of one
output node, as illustrated in Figure 19.1. This kind of neural network
is called a single-layer network because the input layer is not counted.
In this section, it will be explained how this simple network can classify
biological specimens based on their gene expression data.
Let denote a vector of input variables. The
leading variable is, in fact, fixed to the constant value 1, i.e.,
The remaining G input variables in vector are gene expression
readings for a given sample specimen in the microarray data set. The
augmentation of the vector of gene expression variables by constant
helps to simplify later notation. In Figure 19.1, there are G = 3 input
variables plus constant

19.1.1. Separating Hyperplanes

Assume that the learning set for the neural network consists of
biological specimens from two classes and If the
two classes are linearly separable, then there exists a hyperplane, also
called a decision boundary, denoted by such that for any
on the hyperplane and

where is called the weight vector. Now the role of

constant can be seen as adding a constant term to the inner
product Constant is often referred to as the bias. Alternatively,
may be called the threshold (Observe that plays the role of
constant b in a support vector machine in Chapter 20). The weights of
Artificial Neural Networks

vector are displayed in Figure 19.1 on the arrows connecting the input
nodes to the output node.

19.1.2. Class Labels

Next, the true class labels are added to the separable learning set of
samples to form the set of pairs
Here denotes the true class label corresponding to As the learning
set contains only two classes, and it is convenient to adopt the
following number codes for the labels.

if the sample point belongs to class

if the sample point belongs to class
In Figure 19.1, the output node is labelled by the true class label
The objective of the neural network is to have the output node predict

the correct class label for each sample from knowledge of the input
vector The success of the objective depends on a careful selection of
weight vector

19.1.3. Decision Rules

Given any sample point a decision rule regarding the
predicted label for can be defined in terms of a linear function of the
input as follows

where denotes the sign of quantity Thus, predicted class label

takes value 1 or –1 according to whether is positive or negative.

19.1.4. Risk Functions

To choose weight vector a criterion of success (an objective func­

tion) is required. That role is played by the risk function. Let
denote the risk function for decision rule in (19.1). Risk function
measures the success of a decision rule by comparing the true la­
bels with the predicted labels In a neural network that
is used for classification, as here, the weight vector is chosen to mini­
mize the risk function. One commonly used risk function is the sum of
squared errors:

Other risk functions are also used as will be demonstrated shortly.

19.1.5. Gradient Descent Procedures

A gradient descent procedure, also called a steepest descent procedure,
is a recursive numerical procedure to find a local minimum of a func­
tion. If denotes the risk function of a decision rule of the type
shown in (19.1), the goal is to find the vector that minimizes
The gradient descent procedure can be used to find optimum weights
to achieve the minimum risk. Let denote the gradient of
for the decision rule Then gives the direction of steepest
descent for function at point Starting with an initial approxi­
mation to the minimum, the procedure steps toward the minimum.
At each step, the weight vector is adjusted according to the following
Artificial Neural Networks 291


where is a specified scalar or step size.

19.1.6. Rosenblatt’s Perceptron Method

To complete the development of this single-layer neural network, we

link it to an historical idea attributed to F. Rosenblatt and often called
Rosenblatt’s perceptron. Extending the symbolic logic models of Mc-
Culloch and Pitts11 (1943), Rosenblatt12 (1958) introduced early neural
models13 based on probability models that he called perceptrons. The
photoperceptron contains an input sensory array corresponding to the
retinal structure. Each point in the array responds to light in an on/off
manner. Input is then transmitted to an association area. The connec­
tions have three possible weights: 1 (excitatory), –1 (inhibitory), or 0.
When an optical pattern is presented to the sensory array, a unit in the
association area becomes active and it generates an output response de­
pending on whether the weighted input signals exceed a predetermined
threshold. Similar to the gradient descent procedure, the basic percep­
tron model is an example of a statistical algorithm for learning linear
To build this kind of model here, let us continue with the separable
learning set that contains only two classes, and with class labels
and –1. If the decision function
as defined in (19.1), predicts a correct label for then the product
If the predicted label is incorrect then
Hence, for each pair in the learning set, the following quantity
can be defined

Value is called the functional margin of with respect to a hyperplane

defined by the set of weights The functional margin is positive if
and only if the the assigned label and the true label have the
same sign. In this case the algorithm made a correct classification of
and the weight vector remains unchanged. If the functional margin
is less than or equal to zero, then the classification is incorrect
and the weight vector needs to be adjusted.
The perceptron model adopts a risk function that equals the
total of the functional margins of incorrect decisions. Let J denote

the set of points which are misclassified by the decision rule defined
in (19.1). Then,

For the perceptron model, the gradient of can be easily computed.

Hence, the gradient descent procedure can be applied as described in

the next paragraph to find a numerical solution that minimizes the risk
function (19.5).
In the context of learning algorithms, the steepest descent step size
is called the learning rate. Now, choose Next, set the initial
weight vector and iteration counter The perceptron
algorithm works by adding misclassified positive training samples (i.e.,
class or subtracting misclassified negative ones (class to the
initial weight vector. That is, if the functional margin
for some then, with the gradient defined as in (19.6), the perceptron
algorithm updates the weight vector as follows.

The iterations continue until no classification errors are made within the
loop for each The algorithm computes a linear combination of the
variables and returns the signs of the class predictions. This procedure
is guaranteed to converge if there exists a hyperplane that correctly
classifies (separates) the training data14.

19.2. General Structure of Multilayer Neural

A single-layer neural network (i.e., a linear perceptron learning ma­
chine) has limited computational power. From the preceding develop­
ment, it is clear that a perceptron having only the input layer of variables
can only separate categories that are linearly separable. The output
classification is determined solely by a linear combination of the input
variables. However, by adding one or more layers between the input and
output layers, a multilayer neural network is formed and it has a much
richer response structure. This idea is now explained by reference to the
illustrative neural network in Figure 19.2.
Artificial Neural Networks

The input layer (the bottom layer in Figure 19.2) consists

Input Layer:
of input nodes, where each node represents an input variable.
Output Layer: The last layer (the top layer in Figure 19.2) contains
the output nodes corresponding to response variables. For a two-
category classification problem, the output layer needs only one node
(as is the case in Figure 19.1). Two or more output nodes are used in
neural network classification applications where there are more than
two classes. The three output nodes in Figure 19.2, for example,
would be appropriate for a classification problem having up to eight

Hidden Layer: A hidden, or interactive layer, consists of derived nodes,

also called features. Figure 19.2 shows one such hidden layer, al­
though other hidden layers may be added. The derived nodes in a
hidden layer are unobservable and are formed by activation functions
based on linear combinations of outputs from nodes in the preceding

layer. Thus, for example, if denotes the output from node

in the – 1th layer then the output from the node in the
layer is given by

Here denotes the number of nodes in the layer and is

the weight given to the output from the node at the
– 1th level
in the activation function for the
node at the level. The
function f (·) represents some smooth monotone function. The input
layer corresponds to level and the output layer (the top layer)
to level In Figure 19.2, M = 2.

The learning algorithm determines the optimal weights of the acti­

vation functions. The output of one layer forms the input for the next
higher layer. The final output of the neural network are the values
of the output layer. Hence, mathematically, a
neural network is a nested set of linear combinations of smooth monotone
functions, starting with a linear combination of input variables. Linear
functions, step functions or sigmoid functions are used as activation
functions, as will be discussed shortly.

19.3. Training a Multilayer Neural Network

This section looks at the mathematical methods required to train a
multilayer neural network. It begins with an introduction to sigmoid
functions. Next, the mathematical formulation for the multilayer neural
network is presented. Finally, a solution algorithm is described.

19.3.1. Sigmoid Functions

The activation function f (·) of a neural network that is being used for
classification should be, ideally, an indicator function so that the output
will be an on/off response. Yet, indicator functions are problematic
when deriving the gradient for an application of the gradient descent
procedure. Indicator functions (and, more generally, sign functions and
step functions), however, can be well approximated by smooth sigmoid
A sigmoid function is a smooth monotonic function such that
and with b > a, where a and b are the asymptotes of
the function. For example, the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function
Artificial Neural Networks

is a sigmoid function for which and The logistic function

is also a sigmoid function with and Simple rescaling of any

sigmoid function can adapt it to arbitrary values of the asymptotes
The sigmoid functions are easily differentiable and, hence, are widely
used in constructing multilayer neural networks.

19.3.2. Mathematical Formulation

The multilayer neural network consists of the following elements, which
are described in a microarray context.
An input layer with nodes representing the variables of a gene ex­
pression vector for biological specimens Each vector
also includes a leading constant For consistency with the
notation that follows, may be represented notationally by
One or more hidden layers, indexed by with the
hidden level having derived nodes. The feature variables for
the nodes of the layer are represented by vector for sample

For the layer is connected to the layer

through a dimensional weight matrix and
a sigmoid transformation Specifically, the layer-to-layer connection
can be written in the simple matrix form

where for any column vector

denotes the sigmoid transformation of
The M th layer is the output layer. For the case of classifying samples
into two classes with labels or the output layer has a
single node with predicted output The vector here
reduces to a single scalar component, i.e.,

19.3.3. Training Algorithm

One standard training algorithm for the multilayer neural network is

called the back-propagation method. Using gradients, one can iteratively
modify the coefficients (weights) of a neural network on the basis of
standard gradient-based procedures.
For multilayer neural networks sigmoid approximations are used for
the activation functions at the stage of estimating weight coefficients
and then indicator or sign functions, evaluated with the resulting weight
coefficients, are used at the stage of recognition so that one can evaluate
the gradient for an entire set of neurons.
Consider the multilayer neural network defined in (19.11). Let the
risk function of this network be defined by the sum of squared errors

To find a local minimum for the risk function (19.12) under the set of
equality type constraints for
the method of Lagrange multipliers can be applied as follows.
Define the Lagrange function such that

where is a vector of Lagrange coefficients.

To minimize the Lagrange function as listed above, it is necessary to
find the gradient of with respect to all parameters
and set these gradients to
zero. This leads to three sets of equations.
(1) The Forward Dynamic:
Set the partial derivatives

equal to zero for all It then gives the following set of equations
Artificial Neural Networks 297

with initial conditions

Equation (19.13) iteratively defines values of the vector for all
levels of the neural net and, hence, is called the forward
(2) The Backward Dynamic:
Set the partial derivatives

equal to zero for all It then gives the following equations.

For the M th layer, i.e., the output layer, we have

For the hidden layers, for all and M – 1, we


where the function diagonal matrix

with diagonal elements

Equation (19.15) iteratively defines Lagrange multipliers in

terms of and, hence, is called the backward dynamic.

(3) Estimating the Weight Matrix by the Gradient Descent Method:

The condition

for all gives the following iterative equations.

where is the step size for iteration


19.3.4. Discussion
A multilayer neural network trained using back-propagation can solve
a problem that is not linearly separable. Because a neural network
can approximate any continuous function to any degree of accuracy, a
neural network is useful when one does not have any idea of the func­
tional relationship between the input and the output variables, i.e., for
a ‘black-box’ problem. A neural network, however, cannot reveal the
true functional relation that is buried in the summing of the sigmoidal
functions. The solution usually provides a very good fit to a training
sample because of the abundance of weight coefficients being fitted in
the model. The fitted model may perform less well with predicting out­
comes for a holdout sample. As a neural network does not embody any
random error terms, it does not have a built-in inference mechanism.
Continuing research is attempting to remedy this limitation.
The empirical risk function may have more than one minimum. The
gradient descent procedure will converge to one of them. Neural net­
works typically have a slow convergence rate. The quality of the result­
ing solution depends on many characteristics of the network formulation
and algorithmic implementation, including the initial starting weights,
the number of hidden layers, the risk function, and the learning rate or
step size
Hence, neural networks are not well-controlled learning machines. In
many practical applications, however, neural networks demonstrate good

19.4. Cancer Classification Using Neural

Khan et al. (2001) developed a method of classifying cancers to spe­
cific diagnostic categories. They studied the small, round blue cell tu­
mors (SRBCTs) of childhood, which include neuroblastoma (NB), rhab­
domyosarcoma (RMS), non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), and the Ewing
family of tumors (EWS). They used 63 training samples that included
both tumor biopsy material (13 EWS and 10 RMS) and cell lines (10
EWS, 10 RMS, 12 NB, and 8 Burkitt lymphomas (BL); a subset of
NHL). For two samples, ST486 (BL-C2 and C4) and GICAN (NB-C2
and C7), they performed two independent microarray experiments to
test the reproducibility of the experiments and these were subsequently
treated as separate samples.
As was discussed in section 16.1.1, Khan et al. first performed a princi­
pal component analysis and then reduced the dimension from 2308 genes
Artificial Neural Networks 299

to 10 eigengenes, formed by the 10 dominant principal components, for

each sample. With these 10 eigengenes as the inputs and the four types
of tumors, EWS, RMS, NB, or BL as outputs, they constructed neural
network models. The authors used a three-fold cross-validation proce­
dure to produce a total of 3750 neural networks. Using these neural net­
works, all of the 63 training samples were correctly assigned/classified to
their respective categories, having received the highest committee vote
(average output) for that category. The contribution of each gene to
the classification by the neural network models can be determined by
measuring the sensitivity of the classification to a change in the expres­
sion level of each gene, using the 3750 calibrated models. The authors
ranked the genes according to their significance for the classification and
then determined the classification error rate using increasing numbers
of these ranked genes. The classification error rate reached a minimum
of 0% at 96 genes. The 10 dominant principal components for these
96 genes contained 79% of the variance in the data matrix. Using only
these 96 genes, they recalibrated the neural network models and again
correctly classified all 63 samples.

Bishop, C.M. (1995). Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
2 Stern, H.S. (1996). Neural networks in applied statistics (with discussion), Technometrics,
38, 205-220
Hertz, J., Krogh, A., Palmer, R.G. (1991). Introduction to the Theory of Neural Compu­
tation, Addison-Wesley, Redwood City, CA.
4 Ripley, R.B. (1996). Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks, Cambridge University

Press, Cambridge, U.K.

5 Vapnik, V. (1998). Statistical Learning Theory, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
6 Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., and Friedman, J. (2001). The Elements of Statistical Learning,

Springer, New York.

7 Silipo, R., Gori, M., Taddei, A., Varanini, M., and Marchesi, C. (1995). Computational

Biomedical Research, 28, 305-318.

Heden, B., Ohlin, H., Rittner, R., and Edenbrandt, L. (1997), 1798-1802.
9 Hudson, D.L. and Cohen, M.E. (2000). Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence for

Biomedical Engineering, The Institute of Electric and Electronics Engineers, Inc., New
Khan, J., Wei, J.S., Ringner, M., Saal, L.H., Ladanyi, M., Westermann, F., Berthold, F.,
Schwab, M., Antonescu, C.R., Peterson, C., and Meltzer, P.S. (2001). Nature Medicine,
7, 673-679.
McCulloch, W.S. and Pitts, W. (1943). Bull. Math. Biophys, 5, 115-137.
12 Rosenblatt, F. (1958). Psychological Review, 65, 386-408. Reprinted in Shavlik & Diett­

erick (1990).
Rosenblatt, F. (1962). Principles of Neurodynamics: Perceptrons and the Theory of Brain
Mechanisms. Spartan Books, Washington D.C.
Christiani, N. and Shawe-Taylor, J. (2000), Support Vector Machines, pages 11-18.
15 Vapnik (1998), Statistical Learning Theory, Wiley, New York.
Chapter 20


A support vector machine (SVM) is a supervised learning technique

that has proven useful in classification problems encountered in working
with microarray data. The presentation of the basic concepts will assume
that a training set with two groups, say group and group is
specified in advance with clear information about which item belongs to
which group. After an SVM has learned from the expression data based
on this training set to discriminate between members of group and
group the SVM could then be used to classify new items (that are
not in the training set) as members of group or group In the
context of cancer classification, the items may be biological specimens.
In the context of finding functional classes of genes, the items may be
genes. Detailed background and mathematical derivations for SVMs can
be found in Vapnik1 (1998), and Cristianini and Shawe-Taylor2 (2000).
The basic idea behind SVMs is to construct an optimal separating
hyperplane for the two groups by mapping the gene expression data to a
higher-dimensional space. This involves finding a hyperplane defined by
a weight vector and a bias b such that the separation of the two groups
is maximized in a specific sense. Using kernel representations, linear
separation in this higher-dimensional space corresponds to a nonlinear
decision boundary in the original space.

20.1. Geometric Margins for Linearly Separable

Assume that is a training set of
specimen samples, where denotes the input vector from the sample

and the sign function denotes the true class label corresponding to
If the training set contains only two classes, say and we use the
conventional labels that if the sample point actually belongs
to class and if the sample point actually belongs to class

If the two groups and are linearly separable, there exists a

hyperplane defined by a weight vector having unit norm

and some bias b, such that for any and that

Here, we use the notation to denote the inner

or dot product of vectors and The geometric margin of a sample
point with reference to the hyperplane is its distance from
the hyperplane. The unit weight vector that maximizes the following

between the hyperplane and the two groups in the training set deter­
mines the maximal margin separating hyperplane. The situation is il­
lustrated in Figures 20.1 and 20.2. The figures show a set of samples
containing two classes plotted in the original input space, which hap­
pens to be two-dimensional. The two groups of samples are linearly
separable in the original input space. Figure 20.1 shows a hyperplane
that separates the two groups. Figure 20.2 shows the maximal margin
hyperplane and the separating span referred to as the maximal margin
It can be seen that the maximal margin hyperplane is a special case

of a separating hyperplane.

Hence, for linearly separable groups

and one can find a separating
hyperplane defined by a unit weight vector and a bias b such that
each of the two groups has a maximal margin, or distance, of units
from and that the two groups are units from each other. That is,

Mathematically, the above optimization problem is to find unit weight

vector and bias such that the margin is maximized, i.e.,

subject to the conditions

Notice that if we multiply both sides of the above inequalities by class

label the two leading constraints in (20.5) can be combined into one.

On the other hand, the unit norm constraint in equation

(20.5) can be removed if we divide any weight vector by its norm.
Hence the optimization problem in (20.3) can be restated as follows.

subject to the condition that

Furthermore, for any weight and bias satisfying (20.8), any positive
multiple of them will satisfy the equation as well. Hence we can let
As a result, for linearly separable groups in the training
set, the optimization problem in (20.6) is equivalent to finding (and
that solves

subject to the condition that

Equation (20.10) implies that the value of has the same sign
as the true class label

20.2. Convex Optimization in the Dual Space

In this section we show that the quadratic optimization problem in
(20.9) can be transformed into a convex optimization problem in the
dual space of Lagrange multipliers.
For linearly separable groups, finding the weight vector with mini­
mal norm subject to inequality constraints (20.10) is equivalent to find­
ing the saddle point of the Lagrange function

subject to the condition that the Lagrange multipliers,

satisfy for all The scalar of 1/2 is added for convenience. To
find the saddlepoint, one has to (1) minimize the function over
and and (2) maximize it over the nonnegative Lagrange multipliers
The minimum point of has to satisfy the conditions

The above conditions imply that, for the weight vector that defines
the optimal hyperplane, the following equalities hold true.

Substituting (20.13) into (20.11), and taking into account the equalities
in (20.12), the function can be written in terms of Lagrange multipliers
as follows.

To maximize the function subject to the inequality con­


the optimal solution and must satisfy the Kuhn-Tucker conditions


20.3. Support Vectors

Recall that the constraints specified in equation (20.10) require that
the margins for all points Therefore,
the conditions in (20.16) imply that
if the margin
and that positive values correspond only to those points that have
a margin of 1, i.e.,

Geometrically, points that have margins equal to 1 are the closest to

the optimal separating hyperplane. Hence they are called the support
vectors. The support vectors in Figure 20.2 are those sample points x
that lie on the dashed lines.
Let denote the set of indices for these support vectors The
vector that defines the optimal hyperplane has nonzero weights for
these support vectors:

The value of is obtained by reference to (20.17), where it can be seen

that is the common value that solves for each
The optimal separating hyperplane is thus of the form

Using the optimal separating hyperplane, a classification decision for

any point can be made according to the relative position of with
respect to the separating hyperplane (20.18). Denoting the decision rule
by we have the classification decision function

Note that is either 1 or –1 according to the sign of the margin.

Note also that the optimal separating hyperplane defined in (20.18) does
not depend explicitly on the dimensionality of the vector but only on
the inner products of with the support vectors for

20.4. Linearly Nonseparable Groups

We now consider the situation where groups and are not lin­
early separable. Using the concept of a soft margin, one can allow some
training samples to fall on the wrong side of the separating hyperplane.
Figure 20.3 illustrates the idea of introducing slack amounts to allow
samples to fall on the wrong side of the separating hyperplane.

Let denote the slack amount by which the margin constraints in

(20.10) are violated. The value is the amount by which the prediction
falls on the wrong side of the margin3. Hence, to bound the total
amount by which the predictions fall on the wrong side of the margin,
one can bound the sum by some constant i.e., set
For nonlinearly separable groups, we consider the optimization problem

This convex optimization problem can be solved by standard methods,

such as the Kuhn-Tucker Theorem.

20.5. Nonlinear Separating Boundary

For real-world problems involving data that are not linearly separable,
one solution for the classification problem is to map the data into a
higher-dimensional space using a function where

and to define a separating hyperplane there. The data reside in an input

space with dimension The higher-dimensional space
is called the feature space of dimension N and is denoted by
here. Using kernel representations, the SVM method can locate the
separating hyperplane in the feature space without ever representing the
space explicitly. This property greatly reduces computational efforts.

Figure 20.4 illustrates such a mapping. The figure shows a set of samples

containing two classes being mapped from the original input space to a

higher-dimensional feature space. Linear separability is achieved in the


higher-dimensional feature space. Only two of the dimensions of each

space can be shown in this diagram. The diagram is an abstraction and
does not show a true representation.

20.5.1. Kernel Functions

A kernel is a function from the product space to R such
that there exists a mapping from input space to feature space
with the following equality holding for any two points

That is. the value of the kernel function on can be evaluated

by the inner product of and in the feature space Using
the kernel representation, points in the input space are related
to points and in the feature space via the
inner product.
the kernel function is symmetric. The kernel function also satisfies the
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality,

Using the dual representation one does not represent the feature vec­
tors explicitly. The use of kernels makes it possible to map the
data implicitly into a feature space and to train a linear SVM in such
a space. Hence, the computational problems inherent in evaluating the
feature map can be avoided.

20.5.2. Kernels Defined by Symmetric Functions

Consider a finite set of sample points in input space
If is a symmetric function, the only information used about the
training samples is their kernel matrix defined by

Since the kernel matrix K is symmetric, there exists an orthogonal ma­

trix V such that

where is a diagonal matrix containing the eigenvalues of with

corresponding eigenvectors
If we further assume that the kernel matrix K is positive semi-definite,
then all the eigenvalues are non-negative. We can define a feature
such that

The above result is a special case of Mercer’s Theorem which implies

that, for any continuous positive definite function there exists
a mapping such that

for all See Vapnik (1998) and Cristianini and Shawe-Taylor

(2000) for Mercer’s Theorem and its extension to Hilbert space.
Two popular choices for kernel function are
degree polynomial:


radial basis:

where is a scalar.

20.5.3. Use of SVM for Classifying Genes

In previous sections in this chapter, we have considered how to classify
a new specimen into one of two groups in a training set of specimens.
In this section, we will demonstrate via an example that the method
of SVM can also be used to classify genes into two groups, say, two
functional categories.
Using the same notation we adopted previously in Chapter 15, given
specimens, the expression level of each gene can be rep­
resented as an vector in the input
space To construct a decision surface corresponding to, say, a second-
order polynomial in the input space, one can create a feature space
that has a total of coordinates of the form

This set of coordinates defines the mapping from input space

to feature space where A separating hyperplane
constructed in this feature space is a second-degree polynomial in the
input space
Given any gene consider the expression vector in
the input space and the corresponding point in the higher
dimensional feature space. Following the earlier reasoning, let

denote the set of support vectors for a separating hyperplane in the

feature space. A linear decision function in the feature space will take
the form

This decision function in the feature space corresponds to the following

nonlinear decision function in the input space (a second-order polynomial
in this case).

In conclusion, we see that the specification of a support vector ma­

chine requires setting only two parameters: the kernel function and the
magnitude of the penalty for violating the soft margin. The settings of
these parameters depend on the specific data at hand. We are now ready
to look at some case examples.

20.6. Examples
20.6.1. Functional Classification of Genes
Brown, Grundy, Lin et al.4 (2000) use the SVM method to classify
genes by function. To begin, a set of genes in a functional class (i.e.,

sharing a common function) is selected. A second set of genes that are

known not to share this function is also specified. Together, these two
sets of genes form a training set in which the genes are labeled as group
if they are in the functional class and as group if they are not in
the functional class.
Given any gene let denote the vector of normalized
logarithms of ratios of expression level for the experimental spec­
imen to the expression level for the reference sample. The expression
vector is normalized so that has Euclidean length 1.
The normalized log-ratio measurement

is positive if gene is up-regulated with respect to the reference sample

and negative if it is down-regulated. The authors use a training set of
2467 yeast genes, each having an expression vector of dimension
The authors consider polynomial kernels defined by

for degrees and 3. They also consider a radial basis kernel,

which has a Gaussian form

In their experiments, parameter is set equal to the median of the

Euclidean distances from each positive example to the nearest negative
Brown et al. (2000) compared the performance of the SVM classi­
fiers with that of four standard machine learning algorithms, including
Parzen windows, Fisher’s linear discriminant analysis, and two decision
tree learners. The authors used a three-way cross-validation to test the
performance of these methods. They randomly divided the genes into
three groups. Classifiers were trained by using two-thirds of the gene
expression vectors and were tested on the remaining third. This proce­
dure was then repeated two more times, each time using a different third
of the genes as test genes. Their results show that, for all but one of
the six functional classes of genes that they considered, the support vec­
tor machine using the radial basis or a higher-dimensional inner-product
kernel outperformed the other methods. Using five separate tests, they
also show that the radial basis SVM has better performance in functional
classification than Fisher’s linear discriminant analysis.

20.6.2. SVM and One-versus-All Classification Scheme

We show in previous sections that SVM can be used for distinguish­

ing between two classes. Making multiclass distinctions can be a much
greater challenge. Ramaswamy, Tamayo, Rifkin et al.5 (2001) devise
an analytical scheme for making multiclass distinctions by dividing the
multiclass problem into a series of pairwise comparisons. To determine
whether the diagnosis of common adult malignancies could be achieved
by molecular classification, Ramaswamy et al. (2001) used 218 tumor
samples representing 14 common tumor types and 90 normal tissue sam­
ples in an experiment with oligonucleotide microarrays. Unsupervised
clustering results of their analysis were previously discussed in subsec­
tion 17.5.3. In this section we consider their results using SVM as a
supervised learning method.
On the basis of the expression levels of 16,063 genes and expressed se­
quence tags, the authors applied a linear SVM algorithm 6 which max­
imizes the distance between a hyperplane and the samples from two
tumor classes that are closest to the hyperplane, with the constraint
that the samples lie on opposite sides of the hyperplane . This distance
is calculated in the space of 16,063 genes. Given classes and trained
classifiers, Ramaswamy et al. (2001) used a one-versus-all (OVA) ap­
proach for multiclass classification. This method recursively removes
features based on the absolute magnitude of each hyperplane element.
The authors divided the multiclass problem into a series of 14 OVA pair­
wise comparisons. Each test sample is presented sequentially to these
14 pairwise classifiers, each of which either claims or rejects that sample
as belonging to a single class. This method results in 14 separate OVA
classifications per sample, each with an associated confidence. Each test
sample is assigned to the class with the highest OVA classifier confi­
dence. They evaluated several classification algorithms for these OVA
pairwise classifiers including weighted voting, neighbors, and
SVM; all of which yielded significant prediction accuracy. They showed
that the SVM algorithm consistently out-performed other algorithms.
Figure 20.5 illustrates the multiclass classification scheme.



Vapnik, V. (1998). Statistical Learning Theory, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
2 Cristianini, N. and Shawe-Tylor, J. (2000). Support Vector Machines, Cambridge Univer­
sity Press, Cambridge, U.K.
3 Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., and Friedman, J. (2001). The Elements of Statistical Learning,
Springer, New York.
4 Brown M.P.S., Grundy, W.N., Lin, D., et al.. (2000), Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences, USA, 97, 262-267.
5 Ramaswamy, S., Tamayo, P., Rifkin, R., et al. (2001). Proceedings of the National Acad­
emy of Sciences, USA, 98, 15149-15154.
6 The implementation of SVM-FU is available at
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Appendix A
Sample Size Table for Treatment-control

TABLE 1: Sample Size Table for Treatment-control Designs

This table gives sample sizes for matched-pairs and completely randomized designs
in which differential expression between a treatment condition and a control condi­
tion is of interest. Refer to subsection 14.11.1 of Chapter 14 for detailed technical
background for this table.
The following list summarizes notation for items cross-referenced in the table.
The mean number of false positives.
The mean difference in log-expression between treatment and control condi­
tions as postulated under the alternative hypothesis
The anticipated standard deviation of the difference in log-expression between
treatment and control conditions.
The standardized statistical distance of the difference in gene expression
between treatment and control conditions under
The specified power level for an individual gene, which represents the
expected proportion of differentially expressed genes that will be declared as such
by the tests.
The anticipated number of undifferentially expressed genes in the experiment.

Use of the Table

The following subsections tell how this table can be used for matched-pairs and
completely randomized designs.
Matched-pairs Design
Table 1 gives the number of treatment-control pairs required to achieve a specified
individual power level for a matched-pairs design. The table is entered based on
the specified mean number of false positives ratio anticipated number
of undifferentially expressed genes and desired individual power level If
is expected to be similar to the total gene count G, the table could be entered using
G without introducing great error. To conserve space, only three individual power
levels are offered in the table, 0.90, 0.95, and 0.99. The sample size shown in the table
is the smallest whole number that will yield the specified power. The total number
of experimental units C is double the entry in the table, i.e., Observe that
the ratio can be interpreted as the statistical distance (i.e., the number of
standard deviations) between the treatment and control log-expression levels under
the alternative hypothesis
Example 1. Consider a study where it is anticipated that genes will not
be differentially expressed. The investigator wishes to control the mean number of
false positives at and to detect a two-fold difference between treatment
and control conditions with an individual power level of 0.90. Previous studies by the
investigator may suggest that the standard deviation of gene expression differences
in matched pairs will be about on a log-2 scale. The two-fold difference
represents a value of for on a log-2 scale. Thus, the ratio
equals 1.00/0.5 = 2.0. Reference to Table 1 for these specifications shows that
Thus, 6 pairs of treatment and control conditions are required in the study. The
specified individual power level of 0.90 indicates that 90 percent of the differentially
expressed genes are expected to be discovered.
APPENDIX A: Sample Size Table for Treatment-control Designs 319

Example 2. Should an investigator assume that the estimated differential expression

vectors are possibly dependent then the Bonferroni approach is used and we have
Thus, the expected number of false positives is necessarily
smaller than 1. The table should be entered accordingly. Two values of
smaller than 1 are displayed in the table, namely, 0.1 and 0.5. To illustrate this use
of the table, consider the situation where is set at 0.1,
and an individual power level of 0.90 is desired. In this case, and
reference to the table indicates that 8 pairs of treatment and control conditions are
required in the study.
Completely Randomized Design
Consider a completely randomized design with an equal number of treatment
and control conditions. The standard deviation of the difference in log-expression
between treatment and control is given by where is the experimental
error standard deviation of gene log-expression.
Example. To illustrate, suppose is anticipated to be 0.40 in a completely randomized
design. Furthermore, suppose that and the desired
individual power level is 0.90 as specified before. As
the ratio Making reference to ratio 1.75 in the table
(the closest value), the required sample size can be seen to be and, hence, a
total of C = 2(8) = 16 experimental units are required.

Table 1. Sample Sizes for Treatment-control Designs

Mean Number of False Positives

The table gives the group sample size

for treatment and control groups in matched-
pairs or completely randomized designs. denotes the mean number of false
positives, the statistical distance between treatment and control conditions
under the anticipated number of undifferentially expressed genes.

0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.80
100 69 31 18 11 8 6 5 4 3 3 2
200 75 34 19 12 9 7 5 4 3 3 3
500 84 37 21 14 10 7 6 5 4 3 3
1000 90 40 23 15 10 8 6 5 4 3 3
2000 96 43 24 16 11 8 6 5 4 4 3
5000 105 47 27 17 12 9 7 6 5 4 3
10000 111 50 28 18 13 10 7 6 5 4 4
20000 117 52 30 19 13 10 8 6 5 4 4
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.90
100 84 38 21 14 10 7 6 5 4 3 3
200 91 41 23 15 11 8 6 5 4 3 3
500 101 45 26 17 12 9 7 5 5 4 3
1000 108 48 27 18 12 9 7 6 5 4 3
2000 114 51 29 19 13 10 8 6 5 4 4
5000 124 55 31 20 14 11 8 7 5 5 4
10000 130 58 33 21 15 11 9 7 6 5 4
20000 137 61 35 22 16 12 9 7 6 5 4
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.95
100 98 44 25 16 11 8 7 5 4 4 3
200 106 47 27 17 12 9 7 6 5 4 3
500 116 52 29 19 13 10 8 6 5 4 4
1000 123 55 31 20 14 11 8 7 5 5 4
2000 130 58 33 21 15 11 9 7 6 5 4
5000 140 63 35 23 16 12 9 7 6 5 4
10000 147 66 37 24 17 12 10 8 6 5 5
20000 155 69 39 25 18 13 10 8 7 6 5
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.99
100 127 57 32 21 15 11 8 7 6 5 4
200 135 60 34 22 15 12 9 7 6 5 4
500 147 65 37 24 17 12 10 8 6 5 5
1000 155 69 39 25 18 13 10 8 7 6 5
2000 163 73 41 27 19 14 11 9 7 6 5
5000 174 78 44 28 20 15 11 9 7 6 5
10000 182 81 46 30 21 15 12 9 8 7 6
20000 190 85 48 31 22 16 12 10 8 7 6
APPENDIX A: Sample Size Table for Treatment-control Designs 321

Table 1. Sample Sizes for Treatment-control Designs

Mean Number of False Positives

The table gives the group sample size

for treatment and control groups in matched-
pairs or completely randomized designs. denotes the mean number of false
positives, the statistical distance between treatment and control conditions
under the anticipated number of undifferentially expressed genes.

0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.80
100 54 24 14 9 6 5 4 3 3 2 2
200 60 27 15 10 7 5 4 3 3 2 2
500 69 31 18 11 8 6 5 4 3 3 2
1000 75 34 19 12 9 7 5 4 3 3 3
2000 82 37 21 13 10 7 6 5 4 3 3
5000 90 40 23 15 10 8 6 5 4 3 3
10000 96 43 24 16 11 8 6 5 4 4 3
20000 103 46 26 17 12 9 7 6 5 4 3
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.90
100 67 30 17 11 8 6 5 4 3 3 2
200 75 33 19 12 9 7 5 4 3 3 3
500 84 38 21 14 10 7 6 5 4 3 3
1000 91 41 23 15 11 8 6 5 4 3 3
2000 98 44 25 16 11 8 7 5 4 4 3
5000 108 48 27 18 12 9 7 6 5 4 3
10000 114 51 29 19 13 10 8 6 5 4 4
20000 121 54 31 20 14 10 8 6 5 4 4
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.95
100 80 36 20 13 9 7 5 4 4 3 3
200 88 39 22 14 10 8 6 5 4 3 3
500 98 44 25 16 11 8 7 5 4 4 3
1000 106 47 27 17 12 9 7 6 5 4 3
2000 113 51 29 19 13 10 8 6 5 4 4
5000 123 55 31 20 14 11 8 7 5 5 4
10000 130 58 33 21 15 11 9 7 6 5 4
20000 138 62 35 22 16 12 9 7 6 5 4
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.99
100 106 47 27 17 12 9 7 6 5 4 3
200 115 51 29 19 13 10 8 6 5 4 4
500 127 57 32 21 15 11 8 7 6 5 4
1000 135 60 34 22 15 12 9 7 6 5 4
2000 144 64 36 23 16 12 9 8 6 5 4
5000 155 69 39 25 18 13 10 8 7 6 5
10000 163 73 41 27 19 14 11 9 7 6 5
20000 172 77 43 28 20 14 11 9 7 6 5

Table 1. Sample Sizes for Treatment-control Designs

Mean Number of False Positives

The table gives the group sample size

for treatment and control groups in matched-
pairs or completely randomized designs. denotes the mean number of false
positives, the statistical distance between treatment and control conditions
under the anticipated number of undifferentially expressed genes.

0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.80
100 47 21 12 8 6 4 3 3 2 2 2
200 54 24 14 9 6 5 4 3 3 2 2
500 62 28 16 10 7 6 4 4 3 3 2
1000 69 31 18 11 8 6 5 4 3 3 2
2000 75 34 19 12 9 7 5 4 3 3 3
5000 84 37 21 14 10 7 6 5 4 3 3
10000 90 40 23 15 10 8 6 5 4 3 3
20000 96 43 24 16 11 8 6 5 4 4 3
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.90
100 60 27 15 10 7 5 4 3 3 2 2
200 67 30 17 11 8 6 5 4 3 3 2
500 77 34 20 13 9 7 5 4 4 3 3
1000 84 38 21 14 10 7 6 5 4 3 3
2000 91 41 23 15 11 8 6 5 4 3 3
5000 101 45 26 17 12 9 7 5 5 4 3
10000 108 48 27 18 12 9 7 6 5 4 3
20000 114 51 29 19 13 10 8 6 5 4 4
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.95
100 72 32 18 12 8 6 5 4 3 3 2
200 80 36 20 13 9 7 5 4 4 3 3
500 90 40 23 15 10 8 6 5 4 3 3
1000 98 44 25 16 11 8 7 5 4 4 3
2000 106 47 27 17 12 9 7 6 5 4 3
5000 116 52 29 19 13 10 8 6 5 4 4
10000 123 55 31 20 14 11 8 7 5 5 4
20000 130 58 33 21 15 11 9 7 6 5 4
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.99
100 97 43 25 16 11 8 7 5 4 4 3
200 106 47 27 17 12 9 7 6 5 4 3
500 118 53 30 19 14 10 8 6 5 4 4
1000 127 57 32 21 15 11 8 7 6 5 4
2000 135 60 34 22 15 12 9 7 6 5 4
5000 147 65 37 24 17 12 10 8 6 5 5
10000 155 69 39 25 18 13 10 8 7 6 5
20000 163 73 41 27 19 14 11 9 7 6 5
APPENDIX A: Sample Size Table for Treatment-control Designs 323

Table 1. Sample Sizes for Treatment-control Designs

Mean Number of False Positives

The table gives the group sample size

for treatment and control groups in matched-
pairs or completely randomized designs. denotes the mean number of false
positives, the statistical distance between treatment and control conditions
under the anticipated number of undifferentially expressed genes.

0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.80
100 41 18 11 7 5 4 3 2 2 2 2
200 47 21 12 8 6 4 3 3 2 2 2
500 56 25 14 9 7 5 4 3 3 2 2
1000 62 28 16 10 7 6 4 4 3 3 2
2000 69 31 18 11 8 6 5 4 3 3 2
5000 77 35 20 13 9 7 5 4 4 3 3
10000 84 37 21 14 10 7 6 5 4 3 3
20000 90 40 23 15 10 8 6 5 4 3 3
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.90
100 53 24 14 9 6 5 4 3 3 2 2
200 60 27 15 10 7 5 4 3 3 2 2
500 70 31 18 12 8 6 5 4 3 3 2
1000 77 34 20 13 9 7 5 4 4 3 3
2000 84 38 21 14 10 7 6 5 4 3 3
5000 93 42 24 15 11 8 6 5 4 4 3
10000 101 45 26 17 12 9 7 5 5 4 3
20000 108 48 27 18 12 9 7 6 5 4 3
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.95
100 64 29 16 11 8 6 4 4 3 3 2
200 72 32 18 12 8 6 5 4 3 3 2
500 82 37 21 14 10 7 6 5 4 3 3
1000 90 40 23 15 10 8 6 5 4 3 3
2000 98 44 25 16 11 8 7 5 4 4 3
5000 108 48 27 18 12 9 7 6 5 4 3
10000 116 52 29 19 13 10 8 6 5 4 4
20000 123 55 31 20 14 11 8 7 5 5 4
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.99
100 87 39 22 14 10 8 6 5 4 3 3
200 97 43 25 16 11 8 7 5 4 4 3
500 109 49 28 18 13 9 7 6 5 4 4
1000 118 53 30 19 14 10 8 6 5 4 4
2000 127 57 32 21 15 11 8 7 6 5 4
5000 138 62 35 23 16 12 9 7 6 5 4
10000 147 65 37 24 17 12 10 8 6 5 5
20000 155 69 39 25 18 13 10 8 7 6 5

Table 1. Sample Sizes for Treatment-control Designs

Mean Number of False Positives

The table gives the group sample size

for treatment and control groups in matched-
pairs or completely randomized designs. denotes the mean number of false
positives, the statistical distance between treatment and control conditions
under the anticipated number of undifferentially expressed genes.

0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.80
100 37 17 10 6 5 3 3 2 2 2 2
200 43 20 11 7 5 4 3 3 2 2 2
500 52 23 13 9 6 5 4 3 3 2 2
1000 59 26 15 10 7 5 4 3 3 2 2
2000 65 29 17 11 8 6 5 4 3 3 2
5000 74 33 19 12 9 6 5 4 3 3 3
10000 80 36 20 13 9 7 5 4 4 3 3
20000 86 39 22 14 10 8 6 5 4 3 3
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.90
100 48 22 12 8 6 4 3 3 2 2 2
200 56 25 14 9 7 5 4 3 3 2 2
500 65 29 17 11 8 6 5 4 3 3 2
1000 73 33 19 12 9 6 5 4 3 3 3
2000 80 36 20 13 9 7 5 4 4 3 3
5000 89 40 23 15 10 8 6 5 4 3 3
10000 96 43 24 16 11 8 6 5 4 4 3
20000 103 46 26 17 12 9 7 6 5 4 3
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.95
100 59 26 15 10 7 5 4 3 3 2 2
200 67 30 17 11 8 6 5 4 3 3 2
500 78 35 20 13 9 7 5 4 4 3 3
1000 86 38 22 14 10 7 6 5 4 3 3
2000 93 42 24 15 11 8 6 5 4 4 3
5000 104 46 26 17 12 9 7 6 5 4 3
10000 111 50 28 18 13 10 7 6 5 4 4
20000 119 53 30 19 14 10 8 6 5 4 4
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.99
100 81 36 21 13 9 7 6 4 4 3 3
200 91 41 23 15 11 8 6 5 4 3 3
500 103 46 26 17 12 9 7 6 5 4 3
1000 113 50 29 18 13 10 8 6 5 4 4
2000 122 54 31 20 14 10 8 6 5 5 4
5000 133 59 34 22 15 11 9 7 6 5 4
10000 142 63 36 23 16 12 9 7 6 5 4
20000 150 67 38 24 17 13 10 8 6 5 5
APPENDIX A: Sample Size Table for Treatment-control Designs 325

Table 1. Sample Sizes for Treatment-control Designs

Mean Number of False Positives

The table gives the group sample size

for treatment and control groups in matched-
pairs or completely randomized designs. denotes the mean number of false
positives, the statistical distance between treatment and control conditions
under the anticipated number of undifferentially expressed genes.

0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.80
100 34 15 9 6 4 3 3 2 2 2 1
200 41 18 11 7 5 4 3 2 2 2 2
500 49 22 13 8 6 4 4 3 2 2 2
1000 56 25 14 9 7 5 4 3 3 2 2
2000 62 28 16 10 7 6 4 4 3 3 2
5000 71 32 18 12 8 6 5 4 3 3 2
10000 77 35 20 13 9 7 5 4 4 3 3
20000 84 37 21 14 10 7 6 5 4 3 3
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.90
100 45 20 12 8 5 4 3 3 2 2 2
200 53 24 14 9 6 5 4 3 3 2 2
500 62 28 16 10 7 6 4 4 3 3 2
1000 70 31 18 12 8 6 5 4 3 3 2
2000 77 34 20 13 9 7 5 4 4 3 3
5000 86 39 22 14 10 8 6 5 4 3 3
10000 93 42 24 15 11 8 6 5 4 4 3
20000 101 45 26 17 12 9 7 5 5 4 3
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.95
100 55 25 14 9 7 5 4 3 3 2 2
200 64 29 16 11 8 6 4 4 3 3 2
500 74 33 19 12 9 7 5 4 3 3 3
1000 82 37 21 14 10 7 6 5 4 3 3
2000 90 40 23 15 10 8 6 5 4 3 3
5000 100 45 25 16 12 9 7 5 4 4 3
10000 108 48 27 18 12 9 7 6 5 4 3
20000 116 52 29 19 13 10 8 6 5 4 4
Genes Power correctly declared as differentially expressed = 0.99
100 77 35 20 13 9 7 5 4 4 3 3
200 87 39 22 14 10 8 6 5 4 3 3
500 100 45 25 16 12 9 7 5 4 4 3
1000 109 49 28 18 13 9 7 6 5 4 4
2000 118 53 30 19 14 10 8 6 5 4 4
5000 130 58 33 21 15 11 9 7 6 5 4
10000 138 62 35 23 16 12 9 7 6 5 4
20000 147 65 37 24 17 12 10 8 6 5 5
This page intentionally left blank

Appendix B
Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs

TABLE 2: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs

This table provides power values for multiple-treatment designs in which differen­
tial gene expression for each gene is summarized by the quadratic statistic defined in
section 14.9.3 of Chapter 14.
The following list summarizes the notation for items cross-referenced in the table.
The mean number of false positives.
The non-centrality parameter for the design.
T: The number of treatments.
The anticipated number of undifferentially expressed genes in the experiment.
The number listed in each cell is the individual power level This power value
is the expected fraction of truly differentially expressed genes that will be correctly
declared as differentially expressed by the tests.
Use of the Table
The following examples show how this table can be used for several kinds of designs
for which the quadratic statistic is appropriate.
Multiple-treatment Design Having an Isolated Treatment Effect
The experiment has either a completely randomized design or a randomized block
design. Under the alternative hypothesis one treatment is distinguished from the
other T–1 treatments by exhibiting differential expression for the gene. The difference
in expression between the distinguished treatment and the other treatments is on
the log-intensity scale. The number of replicates or blocks, as the case may be, is
Hence, there are readings on each gene. If the error variance (expected mean
square error) of the associated ANOVA model is denoted by the non-centrality
parameter previously defined in equation (14.31) in Chapter 14 has the following form.

Example 1. Consider a randomized block design involving T = 6 treatments and

undifferentially expressed genes. The investigator wishes to control the
mean number of false positives at and to detect an isolated effect that
amounts to a 1.5-fold difference between the distinguished treatment and the other
treatments. The experimental error standard deviation is anticipated to be 0.30 on
a log-2 scale. The 1.5-fold difference represents a value of
on a log-2 scale. Thus, the ratio equals 0.5850/0.30 = 1.950. Eight blocks
are to be used. For these specifications, the non-centrality parameter (B.1)

Without interpolating, reference to the closest cell of the table corresponding to

T = 6, and shows an individual power level
of Thus, about 72 percent of genes that exhibit an isolated 1.5-fold
differential expression in one of the T = 6 treatments are expected to be discovered
with this study design. The table can be used iteratively to explore the effect on
APPENDIX B: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs 329

power of specific design changes. For example, if blocks are used in lieu of
then recalculation of the non-centrality parameter gives Reference
to the closest cell of the table corresponding to T = 6, and
gives an individual power level of .87, which is somewhat larger than
Example 2. Should an investigator assume that the estimated differential expression
vectors are possibly dependent then the Bonferroni approach is used. As shown
in equation (14.19), we have in the Bonferroni approach. Thus,
the expected number of false positives is necessarily smaller than 1 and the table
should be entered accordingly. Two values of smaller than 1 are displayed in
the table, namely, 0.1 and 0.5. To illustrate this use of the table, consider the same
situation as in Example 1 but now we set Reference to the closest
cell of the table corresponding to T = 6, and
gives an individual power level of .62.
Treatment-control Design
A treatment-control design corresponds to a multiple-treatment design with two
treatments (i.e., T = 2). The design has equal sample sizes for all treatments and
may be of the completely randomized or randomized block variety. The non-centrality
parameter for this special case has the following form.

For both a completely randomized design and matched-pairs design, we have the
identity where denotes the variance of the difference in log-expression
between treatment and control conditions and the error variance of the associated
ANOVA model.
Example 1. Consider a treatment-control design of the completely randomized vari­
ety involving undifferentially expressed genes. The investigator wishes to
control the mean number of false positives at and to detect a two-fold dif­
ferential expression between the treatment and control conditions. The experimental
error standard deviation is anticipated to be about on a log-2 scale. The
two-fold difference represents a value of on a log-2 scale.
Thus, the ratio equals 1.000/0.40 = 2.500. Eight replications are to be used
For these specifications, the non-centrality parameter in (B.2) equals

Without interpolating, reference to the closest cell of the table corresponding to

and shows an individual power level of
Thus, about 91 percent of genes that exhibit a two-fold differen­
tial expression between treatment and control (whether up- or down-regulated) are
expected to be discovered with this study design.
Example 2. Consider a matched-pairs design involving undifferentially ex­
pressed genes. The investigator wishes to control the mean number of false positives at
and to detect a two-fold differential expression between the treatment and
control conditions. The standard deviation of the experimental error is anticipated to

be (This corresponds to a standard deviation of

on a log-2 scale for the difference between treatment and control expression levels).

The two-fold difference represents a value of

on a log-2 scale.
Thus, the ratio equals 1.000/0.30 = 3.333. Four matched pairs are to be used
For these specifications, the non-centrality parameter in (B.2) equals

Without interpolation, reference to the closest cell of the table corresponding to

T = 2, and shows an individual power level of
Thus, about 87 percent of genes that exhibit a two-fold differen­
tial expression between matched treatment and control conditions (whether up- or
down-regulated) are expected to be discovered with this study design.
APPENDIX B: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs 331

Table 2. Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs

Mean Number of False Positives
This table lists power values for multiple-treatment designs. denotes the mean
number of false positives, the non-centrality parameter for the design, T the num­
ber of treatment conditions in the experiment, the anticipated number of undif­
ferentially expressed genes in the experiment.

Number of treatments T = 2


12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .57 .67 .76 .83 .88 .92 .95 .96 .98 .99
200 .49 .60 .70 .78 .84 .89 .92 .95 .96 .98
500 .40 .51 .61 .70 .77 .83 .88 .92 .94 .96
1000 .33 .44 .54 .64 .72 .79 .84 .89 .92 .94
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .74 .80 .85 .89 .92 .95 .96 .97 .98 .99
5000 .66 .74 .80 .85 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98
10000 .61 .69 .75 .81 .86 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97
20000 .55 .63 .70 .77 .82 .86 .90 .92 .95 .96
Number of treatments T = 3
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .46 .56 .66 .74 .81 .86 .90 .93 .95 .97
200 .38 .49 .59 .68 .76 .82 .87 .91 .93 .95
500 .30 .40 .50 .59 .68 .75 .81 .86 .90 .93
1000 .24 .34 .43 .53 .62 .70 .76 .82 .87 .90
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .64 .71 .77 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96 .98
5000 .56 .64 .71 .77 .82 .86 .90 .93 .95 .96
10000 .50 .58 .66 .72 .78 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95
20000 .44 .52 .60 .67 .74 .79 .84 .88 .91 .93
Number of treatments T = 4
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
100 .81 .86 .90 .93 .95 .97 .98 .99 .99 .99
200 .76 .82 .87 .90 .93 .95 .97 .98 .98 .99
500 .68 .75 .81 .86 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98
1000 .62 .70 .76 .82 .86 .90 .92 .94 .96 .97
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .56 .64 .71 .77 .82 .86 .90 .92 .95 .96
5000 .48 .56 .64 .71 .77 .82 .86 .89 .92 .94
10000 .42 .50 .58 .65 .72 .77 .82 .86 .90 .92
20000 .37 .45 .53 .60 .67 .73 .78 .83 .87 .90

Table 2: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs

Mean Number of False Positives
This table lists power values for multiple-treatment designs. denotes the mean
number of false positives, the non-centrality parameter for the design, T the num­
ber of treatment conditions in the experiment, the anticipated number of undif­
ferentially expressed genes in the experiment.

Number of treatments T = 5


22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
100 .77 .82 .87 .91 .93 .95 .97 .98 .98 .99
200 .71 .77 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .97 .98 .98
500 .63 .70 .76 .82 .86 .90 .92 .94 .96 .97
1000 .56 .64 .71 .77 .82 .86 .90 .92 .94 .96
Genes 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
2000 .83 .87 .90 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98 .99 .99
5000 .77 .82 .86 .89 .92 .94 .95 .97 .98 .98
10000 .72 .78 .82 .86 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98
20000 .68 .73 .79 .83 .87 .90 .92 .94 .96 .97
Number of treatments T = 6
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
100 .73 .79 .84 .88 .91 .94 .95 .97 .98 .98
200 .66 .73 .79 .84 .88 .91 .93 .95 .97 .98
500 .58 .65 .72 .78 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96
1000 .51 .59 .66 .73 .78 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95
Genes 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
2000 .79 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96 .97 .98 .99
5000 .73 .78 .83 .86 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98
10000 .68 .74 .79 .83 .87 .90 .92 .94 .96 .97
20000 .63 .69 .74 .79 .83 .87 .90 .92 .94 .96
Number of treatments T = 7
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
100 .69 .75 .81 .85 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98
200 .62 .69 .76 .81 .85 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97
500 .53 .61 .68 .74 .80 .84 .88 .91 .93 .95
1000 .47 .55 .62 .69 .75 .80 .84 .88 .91 .93
Genes 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
2000 .75 .80 .84 .88 .91 .93 .95 .96 .97 .98
5000 .69 .74 .79 .84 .87 .90 .92 .94 .96 .97
10000 .63 .70 .75 .80 .84 .87 .90 .92 .94 .96
20000 .58 .64 .70 .76 .80 .84 .87 .90 .92 .94
APPENDIX B: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs 333

Table 2: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs

Mean Number of False Positives
This table lists power values for multiple-treatment designs. denotes the mean
number of false positives, the non-centrality parameter for the design, T the num­
ber of treatment conditions in the experiment, the anticipated number of undif­
ferentially expressed genes in the experiment.

Number of treatments T = 8
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
100 .65 .72 .78 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96 .97
200 .58 .66 .72 .78 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96
500 .49 .57 .64 .71 .77 .81 .86 .89 .92 .94
1000 .43 .51 .58 .65 .71 .77 .82 .86 .89 .91
Genes 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
2000 .72 .77 .82 .86 .89 .91 .93 .95 .96 .97
5000 .65 .71 .76 .81 .85 .88 .91 .93 .95 .96
10000 .59 .66 .71 .77 .81 .85 .88 .91 .93 .94
20000 .54 .61 .67 .72 .77 .81 .85 .88 .91 .93
Number of treatments T = 9
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
100 .62 .69 .75 .80 .85 .88 .91 .94 .95 .97
200 .55 .62 .69 .75 .80 .85 .88 .91 .93 .95
500 .46 .53 .61 .68 .74 .79 .83 .87 .90 .92
1000 .39 .47 .54 .62 .68 .74 .79 .83 .87 .90
Genes 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
2000 .69 .74 .79 .83 .87 .90 .92 .94 .95 .97
5000 .61 .67 .73 .78 .82 .86 .89 .91 .93 .95
10000 .56 .62 .68 .73 .78 .82 .86 .89 .91 .93
20000 .50 .57 .63 .69 .74 .79 .83 .86 .89 .91
Number of treatments T = 10
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
100 .59 .66 .72 .78 .83 .87 .90 .92 .94 .96
200 .52 .59 .66 .72 .78 .82 .86 .90 .92 .94
500 .43 .50 .58 .64 .71 .76 .81 .85 .88 .91
1000 .36 .44 .51 .58 .65 .71 .76 .81 .85 .88
Genes 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
2000 .65 .71 .76 .81 .85 .88 .91 .93 .95 .96
5000 .58 .64 .70 .75 .80 .84 .87 .90 .92 .94
10000 .52 .59 .65 .70 .75 .80 .84 .87 .90 .92
20000 .47 .53 .60 .66 .71 .76 .80 .84 .87 .90

Table 2: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs

Mean Number of False Positives
This table lists power values for multiple-treatment designs. denotes the mean
number of false positives, the non-centrality parameter for the design, T the num­
ber of treatment conditions in the experiment, the anticipated number of undif­
ferentially expressed genes in the experiment.

Number of treatments T = 2
Genes 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
100 .08 .21 .36 .51 .64 .74 .83 .88 .92 .95
200 .05 .15 .28 .42 .56 .67 .76 .84 .89 .93
500 .03 .10 .20 .32 .45 .57 .67 .76 .83 .88
1000 .02 .07 .15 .26 .38 .49 .60 .70 .78 .84
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
2000 .42 .53 .63 .72 .79 .85 .89 .92 .95 .97
5000 .33 .44 .54 .64 .72 .79 .84 .89 .92 .94
10000 .28 .38 .48 .57 .66 .74 .80 .85 .89 .92
20000 .23 .32 .41 .51 .60 .68 .75 .81 .86 .90
Number of treatments T = 3
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .64 .74 .81 .87 .91 .94 .96 .98 .98 .99
200 .56 .66 .75 .82 .87 .91 .94 .96 .97 .98
500 .46 .56 .66 .74 .81 .86 .90 .93 .95 .97
1000 .38 .49 .59 .68 .76 .82 .87 .91 .93 .95
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .77 .83 .87 .91 .93 .95 .97 .98 .99 .99
5000 .70 .76 .82 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96 .98 .98
10000 .64 .71 .77 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96 .98
20000 .58 .66 .73 .79 .83 .88 .91 .93 .95 .97
Number of treatments T = 4
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .57 .67 .75 .82 .87 .91 .94 .96 .97 .98
200 .48 .59 .68 .76 .82 .87 .91 .94 .96 .97
500 .38 .49 .59 .67 .75 .81 .86 .90 .93 .95
1000 .31 .42 .51 .61 .69 .76 .82 .87 .90 .93
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .70 .77 .82 .87 .90 .93 .95 .97 .98 .98
5000 .62 .70 .76 .82 .86 .90 .92 .94 .96 .97
10000 .56 .64 .71 .77 .82 .86 .90 .92 .95 .96
20000 .50 .58 .66 .72 .78 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95
APPENDIX B: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs 335

Table 2: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs

Mean Number of False Positives
This table lists power values for multiple-treatment designs. denotes the mean
number of false positives, the non-centrality parameter for the design, T the num­
ber of treatment conditions in the experiment, the anticipated number of undif­
ferentially expressed genes in the experiment.

Number of treatments T = 5
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .51 .61 .70 .78 .84 .88 .92 .94 .96 .97
200 .43 .53 .63 .71 .78 .84 .88 .92 .94 .96
500 .33 .43 .53 .62 .70 .77 .82 .87 .91 .93
1000 .27 .36 .45 .55 .63 .71 .77 .83 .87 .90
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .65 .72 .78 .83 .87 .91 .93 .95 .96 .98
5000 .56 .64 .71 .77 .82 .86 .90 .92 .94 .96
10000 .50 .58 .65 .72 .78 .83 .87 .90 .92 .94
20000 .44 .52 .60 .67 .73 .78 .83 .87 .90 .93
Number of treatments T = 6
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .46 .57 .66 .74 .80 .85 .90 .93 .95 .96
200 .38 .48 .58 .67 .74 .80 .85 .89 .92 .95
500 .29 .38 .48 .57 .65 .73 .79 .84 .88 .91
1000 .23 .32 .41 .50 .58 .66 .73 .79 .84 .88
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .60 .67 .74 .79 .84 .88 .91 .93 .95 .97
5000 .51 .59 .66 .73 .78 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95
10000 .45 .53 .60 .67 .74 .79 .83 .87 .90 .93
20000 .39 .47 .55 .62 .68 .74 .79 .84 .87 .90
Number of treatments T = 7
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
100 .83 .87 .91 .93 .95 .97 .98 .99 .99 .99
200 .77 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .97 .98 .98 .99
500 .69 .75 .81 .85 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98
1000 .62 .69 .76 .81 .85 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .55 .63 .70 .76 .81 .85 .89 .92 .94 .95
5000 .47 .55 .62 .69 .75 .80 .84 .88 .91 .93
10000 .41 .48 .56 .63 .70 .75 .80 .84 .88 .91
20000 .35 .42 .50 .57 .64 .70 .76 .81 .85 .88

Table 2: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs

Mean Number of False Positives
This table lists power values for multiple-treatment designs. denotes the mean
number of false positives, the non-centrality parameter for the design, T the num­
ber of treatment conditions in the experiment, the anticipated number of undif­
ferentially expressed genes in the experiment.

Number of treatments T = 8
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
100 .80 .85 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98 .99 .99
200 .74 .80 .85 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98 .99
500 .65 .72 .78 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96 .97
1000 .58 .66 .72 .78 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96
Genes 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
2000 .83 .87 .90 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98 .98 .99
5000 .77 .82 .86 .89 .91 .94 .95 .96 .97 .98
10000 .72 .77 .82 .86 .89 .91 .93 .95 .96 .97
20000 .67 .72 .78 .82 .86 .89 .91 .93 .95 .96
Number of treatments T = 9
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
100 .78 .83 .87 .91 .93 .95 .97 .98 .98 .99
200 .71 .77 .82 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96 .97 .98
500 .62 .69 .75 .80 .85 .88 .91 .94 .95 .97
1000 .55 .62 .69 .75 .80 .85 .88 .91 .93 .95
Genes 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
2000 .80 .85 .88 .91 .93 .95 .96 .97 .98 .99
5000 .74 .79 .83 .87 .90 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98
10000 .69 .74 .79 .83 .87 .90 .92 .94 .95 .97
20000 .63 .69 .75 .79 .83 .87 .90 .92 .94 .95
Number of treatments T = 10
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
100 .75 .81 .85 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98 .99
200 .68 .75 .80 .85 .88 .91 .94 .95 .97 .98
500 .59 .66 .72 .78 .83 .87 .90 .92 .94 .96
1000 .52 .59 .66 .72 .78 .82 .86 .90 .92 .94
Genes 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
2000 .78 .82 .86 .89 .92 .94 .95 .97 .98 .98
5000 .71 .76 .81 .85 .88 .91 .93 .95 .96 .97
10000 .65 .71 .76 .81 .85 .88 .91 .93 .95 .96
20000 .60 .66 .72 .77 .81 .85 .88 .91 .93 .94
APPENDIX B: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs 337

Table 2: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs

Mean Number of False Positives
This table lists power values for multiple-treatment designs. denotes the mean
number of false positives, the non-centrality parameter for the design, T the num­
ber of treatment conditions in the experiment, the anticipated number of undif­
ferentially expressed genes in the experiment.

Number of treatments T = 2


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
100 .12 .28 .45 .60 .72 .81 .88 .92 .95 .97
200 .08 .21 .36 .51 .64 .74 .83 .88 .92 .95
500 .05 .14 .26 .40 .53 .65 .74 .82 .88 .92
1000 .03 .10 .20 .32 .45 .57 .67 .76 .83 .88
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
2000 .49 .60 .70 .78 .84 .89 .92 .95 .96 .98
5000 .40 .51 .61 .70 .77 .83 .88 .92 .94 .96
10000 .33 .44 .54 .64 .72 .79 .84 .89 .92 .94
20000 .28 .38 .48 .57 .66 .74 .80 .85 .89 .92
Number of treatments T = 3
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .72 .80 .87 .91 .94 .96 .98 .99 .99 .99
200 .64 .74 .81 .87 .91 .94 .96 .98 .98 .99
500 .53 .64 .73 .80 .86 .90 .93 .95 .97 .98
1000 .46 .56 .66 .74 .81 .86 .90 .93 .95 .97
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .82 .87 .91 .93 .95 .97 .98 .99 .99 .99
5000 .75 .81 .86 .90 .93 .95 .96 .98 .98 .99
10000 .70 .76 .82 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96 .98 .98
20000 .64 .71 .77 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96 .98
Number of treatments T = 4
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .65 .75 .82 .87 .91 .94 .96 .98 .98 .99
200 .57 .67 .75 .82 .87 .91 .94 .96 .97 .98
500 .46 .56 .66 .74 .81 .86 .90 .93 .95 .97
1000 .38 .49 .59 .67 .75 .81 .86 .90 .93 .95
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .76 .82 .87 .90 .93 .95 .97 .98 .98 .99
5000 .68 .75 .81 .86 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98
10000 .62 .70 .76 .82 .86 .90 .92 .94 .96 .97
20000 .56 .64 .71 .77 .82 .86 .90 .92 .95 .96

Table 2: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs

Mean Number of False Positives
This table lists power values for multiple-treatment designs. denotes the mean
number of false positives, the non-centrality parameter for the design, T the num­
ber of treatment conditions in the experiment, the anticipated number of undif­
ferentially expressed genes in the experiment.

Number of treatments T = 5
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .60 .69 .77 .84 .89 .92 .95 .96 .98 .99
200 .51 .61 .70 .78 .84 .88 .92 .94 .96 .97
500 .40 .51 .60 .69 .76 .82 .87 .91 .93 .95
1000 .33 .43 .53 .62 .70 .77 .82 .87 .91 .93
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .71 .77 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .97 .98 .98
5000 .63 .70 .76 .82 .86 .90 .92 .94 .96 .97
10000 .56 .64 .71 .77 .82 .86 .90 .92 .94 .96
20000 .50 .58 .65 .72 .78 .83 .87 .90 .92 .94
Number of treatments T = 6
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .55 .65 .74 .80 .86 .90 .93 .95 .97 .98
200 .46 .57 .66 .74 .80 .85 .90 .93 .95 .96
500 .36 .46 .55 .64 .72 .78 .84 .88 .91 .94
1000 .29 .38 .48 .57 .65 .73 .79 .84 .88 .91
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .66 .73 .79 .84 .88 .91 .93 .95 .97 .98
5000 .58 .65 .72 .78 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96
10000 .51 .59 .66 .73 .78 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95
20000 .45 .53 .60 .67 .74 .79 .83 .87 .90 .93
Number of treatments T = 7
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .51 .61 .70 .77 .83 .88 .91 .94 .96 .97
200 .42 .52 .62 .70 .77 .83 .87 .91 .93 .95
500 .32 .42 .51 .60 .68 .75 .81 .86 .89 .92
1000 .26 .34 .44 .53 .61 .69 .75 .81 .85 .89
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .62 .69 .76 .81 .85 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97
5000 .53 .61 .68 .74 .80 .84 .88 .91 .93 .95
10000 .47 .55 .62 .69 .75 .80 .84 .88 .91 .93
20000 .41 .48 .56 .63 .70 .75 .80 .84 .88 .91
APPENDIX B: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs 339

Table 2: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs

Mean Number of False Positives
This table lists power values for multiple-treatment designs. denotes the mean
number of false positives, the non-centrality parameter for the design, T the num­
ber of treatment conditions in the experiment, the anticipated number of undif­
ferentially expressed genes in the experiment.

Number of treatments T = 8


12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .48 .58 .67 .74 .81 .86 .90 .93 .95 .96
200 .39 .49 .58 .67 .74 .80 .85 .89 .92 .94
500 .29 .38 .48 .56 .65 .72 .78 .83 .87 .91
1000 .23 .31 .40 .49 .57 .65 .72 .78 .83 .87
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .58 .66 .72 .78 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96
5000 .49 .57 .64 .71 .77 .81 .86 .89 .92 .94
10000 .43 .51 .58 .65 .71 .77 .82 .86 .89 .91
20000 .37 .44 .52 .59 .66 .72 .77 .82 .86 .89
Number of treatments T = 9
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
100 .84 .88 .91 .94 .96 .97 .98 .99 .99 .99
200 .78 .83 .87 .91 .93 .95 .97 .98 .98 .99
500 .69 .75 .81 .85 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98
1000 .62 .69 .75 .80 .85 .88 .91 .94 .95 .97
Genes 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
2000 .85 .88 .91 .93 .95 .96 .97 .98 .99 .99
5000 .79 .83 .87 .90 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98 .98
10000 .74 .79 .83 .87 .90 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98
20000 .69 .74 .79 .83 .87 .90 .92 .94 .95 .97
Number of treatments T = 10
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
100 .82 .86 .90 .93 .95 .96 .97 .98 .99 .99
200 .75 .81 .85 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98 .99
500 .66 .73 .78 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96 .97
1000 .59 .66 .72 .78 .83 .87 .90 .92 .94 .96
Genes 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
2000 .82 .86 .90 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98 .98 .99
5000 .76 .81 .85 .88 .91 .93 .95 .96 .97 .98
10000 .71 .76 .81 .85 .88 .91 .93 .95 .96 .97
20000 .65 .71 .76 .81 .85 .88 .91 .93 .95 .96

Table 2: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs

Mean Number of False Positives
This table lists power values for multiple-treatment designs. denotes the mean
number of false positives, the non-centrality parameter for the design, T the num­
ber of treatment conditions in the experiment, the anticipated number of undif­
ferentially expressed genes in the experiment.

Number of treatments T = 2
Genes 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
100 .18 .37 .55 .69 .80 .87 .92 .95 .97 .98
200 .12 .28 .45 .60 .72 .81 .88 .92 .95 .97
500 .07 .19 .33 .48 .61 .72 .81 .87 .91 .94
1000 .05 .14 .26 .40 .53 .65 .74 .82 .88 .92
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
2000 .57 .67 .76 .83 .88 .92 .95 .96 .98 .99
5000 .47 .58 .68 .76 .82 .87 .91 .94 .96 .97
10000 .40 .51 .61 .70 .77 .83 .88 .92 .94 .96
20000 .33 .44 .54 .64 .72 .79 .84 .89 .92 .94
Number of treatments T = 3
Genes 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
100 .13 .28 .44 .58 .70 .80 .86 .91 .94 .97
200 .08 .20 .35 .49 .61 .72 .80 .87 .91 .94
500 .05 .13 .24 .37 .50 .61 .71 .79 .85 .90
1000 .03 .09 .18 .30 .42 .53 .64 .73 .80 .86
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
2000 .46 .56 .66 .74 .81 .86 .90 .93 .95 .97
5000 .36 .47 .57 .66 .74 .80 .85 .90 .93 .95
10000 .30 .40 .50 .59 .68 .75 .81 .86 .90 .93
20000 .24 .34 .43 .53 .62 .70 .76 .82 .87 .90
Number of treatments T = 4
Genes 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
100 .11 .23 .37 .51 .64 .74 .82 .87 .92 .95
200 .07 .16 .29 .42 .54 .65 .75 .82 .87 .91
500 .04 .10 .19 .31 .43 .54 .64 .73 .80 .86
1000 .02 .07 .14 .24 .35 .46 .56 .66 .74 .81
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
2000 .38 .49 .59 .67 .75 .81 .86 .90 .93 .95
5000 .29 .39 .49 .58 .67 .74 .80 .85 .89 .92
10000 .24 .33 .42 .52 .60 .68 .75 .81 .86 .89
20000 .19 .27 .36 .45 .54 .62 .70 .76 .82 .86
APPENDIX B: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs 341

Table 2: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs

Mean Number of False Positives
This table lists power values for multiple-treatment designs. denotes the mean
number of false positives, the non-centrality parameter for the design, T the num­
ber of treatment conditions in the experiment, the anticipated number of undif­
ferentially expressed genes in the experiment.

Number of treatments T = 5
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .69 .77 .84 .89 .93 .95 .97 .98 .99 .99
200 .60 .69 .77 .84 .89 .92 .95 .96 .98 .99
500 .48 .59 .68 .76 .82 .87 .91 .94 .96 .97
1000 .40 .51 .60 .69 .76 .82 .87 .91 .93 .95
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .77 .82 .87 .91 .93 .95 .97 .98 .98 .99
5000 .69 .76 .81 .86 .90 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98
10000 .63 .70 .76 .82 .86 .90 .92 .94 .96 .97
20000 .56 .64 .71 .77 .82 .86 .90 .92 .94 .96
Number of treatments T = 6
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .65 .74 .81 .86 .91 .94 .96 .97 .98 .99
200 .55 .65 .74 .80 .86 .90 .93 .95 .97 .98
500 .44 .54 .63 .71 .78 .84 .88 .92 .94 .96
1000 .36 .46 .55 .64 .72 .78 .84 .88 .91 .94
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .73 .79 .84 .88 .91 .94 .95 .97 .98 .98
5000 .64 .71 .77 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96 .97
10000 .58 .65 .72 .78 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96
20000 .51 .59 .66 .73 .78 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95
Number of treatments T = 7
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .61 .70 .78 .84 .89 .92 .95 .96 .98 .98
200 .51 .61 .70 .77 .83 .88 .91 .94 .96 .97
500 .40 .50 .59 .68 .75 .81 .86 .90 .93 .95
1000 .32 .42 .51 .60 .68 .75 .81 .86 .89 .92
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .69 .75 .81 .85 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98
5000 .60 .67 .74 .79 .84 .88 .91 .93 .95 .96
10000 .53 .61 .68 .74 .80 .84 .88 .91 .93 .95
20000 .47 .55 .62 .69 .75 .80 .84 .88 .91 .93

Table 2: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs

Mean Number of False Positives
This table lists power values for multiple-treatment designs. denotes the mean
number of false positives, the non-centrality parameter for the design, T the num­
ber of treatment conditions in the experiment, the anticipated number of undif­
ferentially expressed genes in the experiment.

Number of treatments T = 8
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .58 .67 .75 .81 .87 .90 .93 .95 .97 .98
200 .48 .58 .67 .74 .81 .86 .90 .93 .95 .96
500 .37 .46 .56 .64 .72 .78 .83 .88 .91 .94
1000 .29 .38 .48 .56 .65 .72 .78 .83 .87 .91
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .65 .72 .78 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96 .97
5000 .56 .64 .70 .76 .81 .86 .89 .92 .94 .96
10000 .49 .57 .64 .71 .77 .81 .86 .89 .92 .94
20000 .43 .51 .58 .65 .71 .77 .82 .86 .89 .91
Number of treatments T = 9
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .55 .64 .72 .79 .85 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97
200 .45 .55 .64 .72 .78 .84 .88 .91 .94 .96
500 .34 .43 .52 .61 .69 .75 .81 .86 .89 .92
1000 .27 .35 .44 .53 .61 .69 .75 .81 .85 .89
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .62 .69 .75 .80 .85 .88 .91 .94 .95 .97
5000 .52 .60 .67 .73 .79 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95
10000 .46 .53 .61 .68 .74 .79 .83 .87 .90 .92
20000 .39 .47 .54 .62 .68 .74 .79 .83 .87 .90
Number of treatments T = 10
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .52 .61 .70 .77 .83 .87 .91 .93 .95 .97
200 .42 .52 .61 .69 .76 .82 .86 .90 .93 .95
500 .31 .40 .49 .58 .66 .73 .79 .84 .88 .91
1000 .24 .33 .41 .50 .58 .66 .73 .78 .83 .87
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .59 .66 .72 .78 .83 .87 .90 .92 .94 .96
5000 .49 .57 .64 .70 .76 .81 .85 .89 .91 .93
10000 .43 .50 .58 .64 .71 .76 .81 .85 .88 .91
20000 .36 .44 .51 .58 .65 .71 .76 .81 .85 .88
APPENDIX B: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs 343

Table 2: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs

Mean Number of False Positives
This table lists power values for multiple-treatment designs. denotes the mean
number of false positives, the non-centrality parameter for the design, T the num­
ber of treatment conditions in the experiment, the anticipated number of undif­
ferentially expressed genes in the experiment.

Number of treatments T = 2
Genes 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
100 .23 .43 .61 .74 .84 .90 .94 .97 .98 .99
200 .15 .33 .51 .65 .77 .85 .90 .94 .96 .98
500 .09 .23 .38 .53 .66 .76 .84 .89 .93 .96
1000 .06 .17 .30 .44 .58 .69 .78 .85 .90 .93
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
2000 .61 .71 .80 .86 .90 .94 .96 .97 .98 .99
5000 .51 .62 .72 .79 .85 .90 .93 .95 .97 .98
10000 .44 .55 .65 .73 .80 .86 .90 .93 .95 .97
20000 .37 .48 .58 .67 .75 .82 .87 .90 .93 .95
Number of treatments T = 3
Genes 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
100 .17 .34 .50 .64 .76 .84 .90 .93 .96 .98
200 .11 .25 .40 .54 .67 .77 .84 .89 .93 .96
500 .06 .16 .29 .42 .55 .66 .75 .83 .88 .92
1000 .04 .11 .22 .34 .46 .58 .68 .77 .83 .88
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
2000 .50 .61 .70 .78 .84 .89 .92 .95 .96 .98
5000 .40 .51 .61 .70 .77 .83 .88 .91 .94 .96
10000 .33 .44 .54 .63 .71 .78 .84 .88 .92 .94
20000 .27 .37 .47 .57 .65 .73 .79 .84 .89 .92
Number of treatments T = 4
Genes 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
100 .14 .28 .43 .57 .69 .78 .85 .90 .94 .96
200 .09 .20 .34 .47 .60 .70 .79 .85 .90 .93
500 .05 .13 .23 .35 .48 .59 .69 .77 .84 .88
1000 .03 .09 .17 .28 .39 .51 .61 .70 .78 .84
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
2000 .43 .53 .63 .71 .78 .84 .89 .92 .94 .96
5000 .33 .43 .53 .62 .71 .77 .83 .88 .91 .94
10000 .27 .37 .46 .56 .64 .72 .78 .84 .88 .91
20000 .22 .30 .40 .49 .58 .66 .73 .79 .84 .88

Table 2: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs

Mean Number of False Positives
This table lists power values for multiple-treatment designs. denotes the mean
number of false positives, the non-centrality parameter for the design, T the num­
ber of treatment conditions in the experiment, the anticipated number of undif­
ferentially expressed genes in the experiment.

Number of treatments T = 5
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .74 .82 .87 .92 .94 .96 .98 .99 .99 .99
200 .65 .74 .81 .87 .91 .94 .96 .97 .98 .99
500 .53 .63 .72 .79 .85 .89 .93 .95 .97 .98
1000 .45 .55 .65 .73 .80 .85 .89 .92 .95 .96
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .80 .85 .89 .92 .95 .96 .97 .98 .99 .99
5000 .72 .79 .84 .88 .91 .94 .96 .97 .98 .99
10000 .66 .73 .79 .84 .88 .91 .94 .95 .97 .98
20000 .60 .68 .74 .80 .85 .88 .91 .94 .95 .97
Number of treatments T = 6
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .70 .78 .85 .89 .93 .95 .97 .98 .99 .99
200 .61 .70 .78 .84 .89 .92 .95 .96 .98 .98
500 .49 .59 .68 .76 .82 .87 .91 .93 .95 .97
1000 .40 .50 .60 .68 .76 .82 .87 .90 .93 .95
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .76 .82 .86 .90 .93 .95 .96 .98 .98 .99
5000 .68 .75 .80 .85 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98
10000 .61 .69 .75 .81 .85 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97
20000 .55 .63 .70 .76 .81 .85 .89 .92 .94 .96
Number of treatments T = 7
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .67 .75 .82 .87 .91 .94 .96 .97 .98 .99
200 .57 .66 .75 .81 .86 .90 .93 .95 .97 .98
500 .45 .55 .64 .72 .79 .84 .88 .92 .94 .96
1000 .36 .46 .56 .65 .72 .79 .84 .88 .91 .94
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .72 .79 .84 .88 .91 .93 .95 .97 .98 .98
5000 .64 .71 .77 .82 .86 .90 .92 .95 .96 .97
10000 .57 .65 .71 .77 .82 .86 .90 .92 .94 .96
20000 .50 .58 .66 .72 .78 .82 .86 .90 .92 .94
APPENDIX B: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs 345

Table 2: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs

Mean Number of False Positives
This table lists power values for multiple-treatment designs. denotes the mean
number of false positives, the non-centrality parameter for the design, T the num­
ber of treatment conditions in the experiment, the anticipated number of undif­
ferentially expressed genes in the experiment.

Number of treatments T = 8


12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .64 .72 .80 .85 .90 .93 .95 .97 .98 .99
200 .53 .63 .72 .79 .84 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97
500 .41 .51 .60 .69 .76 .82 .86 .90 .93 .95
1000 .33 .43 .52 .61 .69 .76 .81 .86 .90 .92
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .69 .76 .81 .86 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98
5000 .60 .67 .74 .79 .84 .88 .91 .93 .95 .96
10000 .53 .61 .68 .74 .79 .84 .88 .91 .93 .95
20000 .47 .54 .62 .68 .74 .80 .84 .88 .91 .93
Number of treatments T = 9
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .61 .70 .77 .83 .88 .91 .94 .96 .97 .98
200 .51 .60 .69 .76 .82 .87 .90 .93 .95 .97
500 .38 .48 .57 .66 .73 .79 .84 .88 .91 .94
1000 .31 .40 .49 .58 .66 .73 .79 .84 .88 .91
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .66 .73 .78 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96 .97
5000 .57 .64 .71 .77 .82 .86 .89 .92 .94 .96
10000 .50 .57 .64 .71 .77 .81 .86 .89 .92 .94
20000 .43 .51 .58 .65 .71 .77 .81 .85 .89 .91
Number of treatments T = 10
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .58 .67 .75 .81 .86 .90 .93 .95 .97 .98
200 .48 .57 .66 .74 .80 .85 .89 .92 .94 .96
500 .36 .45 .54 .63 .70 .77 .82 .87 .90 .93
1000 .28 .37 .46 .55 .63 .70 .76 .82 .86 .89
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .63 .70 .76 .81 .85 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97
5000 .53 .61 .68 .74 .79 .84 .87 .90 .93 .95
10000 .46 .54 .61 .68 .74 .79 .83 .87 .90 .92
20000 .40 .48 .55 .62 .68 .74 .79 .83 .87 .90

Table 2: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs

Mean Number of False Positives
This table lists power values for multiple-treatment designs. denotes the mean
number of false positives, the non-centrality parameter for the design, T the num­
ber of treatment conditions in the experiment, the anticipated number of undif­
ferentially expressed genes in the experiment.

Number of treatments T = 2
Genes 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
100 .26 .48 .65 .78 .87 .92 .95 .97 .99 .99
200 .18 .37 .55 .69 .80 .87 .92 .95 .97 .98
500 .11 .26 .42 .57 .70 .79 .86 .91 .94 .97
1000 .07 .19 .33 .48 .61 .72 .81 .87 .91 .94
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
2000 .65 .74 .82 .88 .92 .95 .96 .98 .99 .99
5000 .54 .65 .74 .81 .87 .91 .94 .96 .97 .98
10000 .47 .58 .68 .76 .82 .87 .91 .94 .96 .97
20000 .40 .51 .61 .70 .77 .83 .88 .92 .94 .96
Number of treatments T = 3
Genes 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
100 .20 .38 .55 .69 .79 .86 .91 .95 .97 .98
200 .13 .28 .44 .58 .70 .80 .86 .91 .94 .97
500 .07 .18 .32 .46 .59 .70 .78 .85 .90 .93
1000 .05 .13 .24 .37 .50 .61 .71 .79 .85 .90
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
2000 .53 .64 .73 .80 .86 .90 .93 .95 .97 .98
5000 .43 .54 .64 .72 .79 .85 .89 .92 .95 .96
10000 .36 .47 .57 .66 .74 .80 .85 .90 .93 .95
20000 .30 .40 .50 .59 .68 .75 .81 .86 .90 .93
Number of treatments T = 4
Genes 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
100 .17 .32 .48 .62 .73 .82 .88 .92 .95 .97
200 .11 .23 .37 .51 .64 .74 .82 .87 .92 .95
500 .06 .15 .26 .39 .51 .63 .72 .80 .86 .90
1000 .04 .10 .19 .31 .43 .54 .64 .73 .80 .86
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
2000 .46 .56 .66 .74 .81 .86 .90 .93 .95 .97
5000 .36 .46 .56 .65 .73 .80 .85 .89 .92 .95
10000 .29 .39 .49 .58 .67 .74 .80 .85 .89 .92
20000 .24 .33 .42 .52 .60 .68 .75 .81 .86 .89
APPENDIX B: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs 347

Table 2: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs

Mean Number of False Positives
This table lists power values for multiple-treatment designs. denotes the mean
number of false positives, the non-centrality parameter for the design, T the num­
ber of treatment conditions in the experiment, the anticipated number of undif­
ferentially expressed genes in the experiment.

Number of treatments T = 5


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
100 .15 .29 .43 .57 .68 .78 .85 .90 .93 .96
200 .09 .20 .33 .46 .58 .69 .77 .84 .89 .93
500 .05 .12 .22 .34 .46 .57 .67 .75 .82 .87
1000 .03 .08 .16 .26 .37 .48 .59 .68 .76 .82
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
2000 .40 .51 .60 .69 .76 .82 .87 .91 .93 .95
5000 .31 .41 .50 .59 .68 .75 .81 .86 .89 .92
10000 .25 .34 .43 .52 .61 .69 .76 .81 .86 .90
20000 .20 .28 .37 .46 .54 .63 .70 .76 .82 .86
Number of treatments T = 6
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .74 .81 .87 .91 .94 .96 .98 .98 .99 .99
200 .65 .74 .81 .86 .91 .94 .96 .97 .98 .99
500 .52 .62 .71 .78 .84 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97
1000 .44 .54 .63 .71 .78 .84 .88 .92 .94 .96
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .78 .84 .88 .91 .94 .96 .97 .98 .99 .99
5000 .71 .77 .82 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96 .97 .98
10000 .64 .71 .77 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96 .97
20000 .58 .65 .72 .78 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96
Number of treatments T = 7
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .71 .79 .85 .89 .93 .95 .97 .98 .99 .99
200 .61 .70 .78 .84 .89 .92 .95 .96 .98 .98
500 .48 .58 .67 .75 .81 .86 .90 .93 .95 .97
1000 .40 .50 .59 .68 .75 .81 .86 .90 .93 .95
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .75 .81 .86 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98 .99
5000 .67 .73 .79 .84 .88 .91 .93 .95 .97 .98
10000 .60 .67 .74 .79 .84 .88 .91 .93 .95 .96
20000 .53 .61 .68 .74 .80 .84 .88 .91 .93 .95

Table 2: Power Table for Multiple-treatment Designs

Mean Number of False Positives
This table lists power values for multiple-treatment designs. denotes the mean
number of false positives, the non-centrality parameter for the design, T the num­
ber of treatment conditions in the experiment, the anticipated number of undif­
ferentially expressed genes in the experiment.

Number of treatments T = 8


12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .68 .76 .83 .88 .91 .94 .96 .97 .98 .99
200 .58 .67 .75 .81 .87 .90 .93 .95 .97 .98
500 .45 .55 .64 .72 .79 .84 .88 .92 .94 .96
1000 .37 .46 .56 .64 .72 .78 .83 .88 .91 .94
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .72 .78 .83 .87 .91 .93 .95 .96 .98 .98
5000 .63 .70 .76 .81 .86 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97
10000 .56 .64 .70 .76 .81 .86 .89 .92 .94 .96
20000 .49 .57 .64 .71 .77 .81 .86 .89 .92 .94
Number of treatments T = 9
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .65 .74 .80 .86 .90 .93 .95 .97 .98 .99
200 .55 .64 .72 .79 .85 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97
500 .42 .52 .61 .69 .76 .82 .86 .90 .93 .95
1000 .34 .43 .52 .61 .69 .75 .81 .86 .89 .92
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .69 .75 .81 .85 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98
5000 .59 .67 .73 .79 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96
10000 .52 .60 .67 .73 .79 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95
20000 .46 .53 .61 .68 .74 .79 .83 .87 .90 .92
Number of treatments T = 10
Genes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
100 .63 .71 .78 .84 .89 .92 .94 .96 .97 .98
200 .52 .61 .70 .77 .83 .87 .91 .93 .95 .97
500 .39 .49 .58 .66 .73 .80 .84 .88 .92 .94
1000 .31 .40 .49 .58 .66 .73 .79 .84 .88 .91
Genes 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2000 .66 .73 .78 .83 .87 .90 .93 .95 .96 .97
5000 .56 .64 .70 .76 .81 .85 .89 .92 .94 .95
10000 .49 .57 .64 .70 .76 .81 .85 .89 .91 .93
20000 .43 .50 .58 .64 .71 .76 .81 .85 .88 .91
Glossary of Notation

Probability of incorrectly declaring an undifferentially expressed gene

as differentially expressed (individual type I error probability)
Familywise type I error probability
Probability of incorrectly declaring a differentially expressed gene as
undifferentially expressed (individual type II error probability)
Familywise type II error probability
Additive background noise component of instrument measurement

Set of all biological specimens or experimental conditions and their

replicates, indexed by and respec­
A non-zero vector of interaction terms
specified in the alternative hypothesis representing differential
expression among conditions in set
Statistical error term.
Population set of genes in the biological specimen under study.
Designated set of genes under study, indexed by
G Total number of genes considered in the experiment.
Set of truly undifferentiated genes under study.
Number of genes that are truly undifferentially expressed.

Set of truly differentiated genes under study.

350 Glossary of Notation

Numbers of genes that are truly differentially expressed.

Estimated differential expression vector

where the
denote the interaction terms in an ANOVA
Population concentration of genetic material in specimen attribut­
able to gene
True gene expression component of instrument measurement
Statistic denotes

a summary measure of the estimated
differential expression vector for gene where

is a function
specified by the investigator.
denotes a column vector of observed expression
levels across G genes in specimen where represents the intensity
of gene measured from specimen and the prime denotes a vector
or matrix transpose.
denotes a row vector of observed expression lev­
els across N specimens for gene where represents the intensity
of gene measured from specimen
A variable representing a transformation of the instrument mea­
surement for gene expression. The transformation is selected to give
desired statistical properties.
A variable representing the instrument measurement of expression
for gene under condition possibly having undergone various ad­
justments (calibration, background correction, etc.) in the internal
software of the instrument.

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Author Index

Aach, J., 52, 99, 170

Botstein, D., 6, 43, 52, 92, 119, 141, 250,

Abruzzo, L.V., 52

Ach, R., 6
Bowtell, D., 43

Adams, C.L., 43
Brazma, A., 52

Afifi, A.A., 250

Brown M.P.S., 315

Afshari, C., 84, 141, 155

Brown, C.S., 65

Afshari, C.A., 84
Brown, P., 92

Aguilar, F., 43
Brown, P.O., 6, 43, 52, 65, 119, 141, 250,

Ahlquist, P., 191


Alberts, B., 18
Bryne, M.C., 43

Alizadeh, A., 119, 250

Bulyk, M.L., 52

Alizadeh, A.A., 6
Bushel, P., 84, 141, 155

Alon, U., 250

Bustin, S.A., 43

Alter, O., 259

Butcher, P.D., 84, 141

Altman, R.B., 92
Byrd, J.C., 119

Anders, K., 6, 52, 250

Byrne, M., 43

Ansorge, W., 52
Callow, M.J, 84

Arif, M., 52
Callow, M.J., 234

Armitage, J.O., 119

Calvo, E., 65

Ausubel, F.M., 43
Cantor, M., 92

Baggerly, K.A., 52

Carlin, B.P., 191

Baker, J.L., 250

Baldi, P., 43, 191

Carr, D.B., 250

Ball, C.A., 52
Causton, H.C., 52

Barkai, N., 250

Chan, W.C., 119

Beier, D., 84, 141, 155, 191

Chebil, G., 6

Ben-Dor, A., 6
Chee, M., 43

Benjamini, Y., 155, 234

Chen, M.-H., 191

Bennett, L., 84, 141

Chen, Y., 6, 43, 141

Bennett, L., 155

Cheung, V.G., 43

Beule, D., 52
Childs, G., 43

Bibby, J.M., 286

Choo, Y., 52

Binder, D. A., 250

Chu, G., 92, 141, 170

Bittner, M., 43
Chu, S., 43, 250

Bittner, M.L., 141

Church, G.M., 52, 99, 170

Björkbacka, H., 119

Churchill, G.A., 84, 119, 141, 250

Blattner, F.R., 191

Clark, V., 250

Boldrick, J.C., 119, 155

Cleveland, W.S., 84

Bolstad, B.M., 65
Cochran, W.G., 119

Borg, A., 6
Cohen, M.E., 300

Collin, F., 65 Getz, G., 250
Comstock, R.E., 119 Ghosh, S., 43, 52, 259
Coombes, K.R., 52 Gibson, G., 84, 119, 141, 155
Cooper, G.M., 18 Gibson, G., 141
Cooper, M.C., 250 Gingeras, T.R., 43
Cope, L.M., 65 Ginzinger, D.G., 43
Corbeil, J., 65 Gish, K., 250
Cover, T., 286 Glenisson, P., 52
Cox, G.M., 119 Golub, T.R., 6, 273, 286
Cox, M.M., 18 Good, P., 170
Crick, F.H.C., 18 Goodwin, P.C., 65
Cristianini, N., 315 Gori, M., 300
Croux, C., 259 Gould, M.N., 191
Dale, J.W., 18 Gower, J.C., 250
Davis, R.E., 119, 250 Graner, E., 6
Davis, R.W., 65 Gray, R.J., 191
Denison, D.G.T., 286 Gregg, J.P., 84
DeRisi, J., 43, 119, 250 Greiner, T.C., 119
DeRisi, J.L., 65 Grever, M.R., 119
Dieter, B., 52 Griffiths, A.J.F., 18
Dimitrovsky, E., 273 Grigorenko, E.V., 43
Dobbin, K., 119 Grundy, W.N., 315
Domany, E., 250 Guo, S.-W., 43
Dong, H., 43 Guo, S., 52
Dougherty, E.R., 141 Hagerman P., 84
Dubes, R.C., 250 Hamadeh, H., 84, 141, 155
Dudley, A.M., 99, 170 Hannan, J., 191
Dudley, H., 170 Harcia, J.G., 6
Dudoit, S., 52, 84, 141, 155, 234 Hardin, J.S., 84
Duggan, D.J., 43 Hart, P., 286
Dunn, G., 250 Hastie, T., 92, 250, 286, 300, 315
Durbin, B., 84, 191 Hatfield, G.W., 43
Durbin, B.P., 84 Hawkins, D.M., 84, 259
Efron, B., 141, 155, 191, 234 Hedayat, A.S., 119
Eisen, M., 43, 141, 250 Hedenfalk, I., 6
Eisen, M.B., 6, 43, 52, 65, 119, 250 Herskowitz, I., 43, 250
Ellis, B., 84 Hertz, J., 300
Emptage, M.R., 141 Herzel, H., 52
Everitt, B.S., 250 Hess, K.R., 52
Filzmoser, P., 259 Hessner, M.J., 43, 52
Fisher, R.A., 119 Hinds, J., 84, 141
Fix, E., 286 Hingamp, P., 52
Fodor, S.P., 43 Ho, M., 43
Follettie, M., 43 Hobbs, B., 65
Follettie, M.T., 43 Hochberg, Y., 155, 234
Fournier, M.V., 6 Hodges, J., 286
Freidlin, B., 250 Holmes, C.C., 286
Fridlyand, J., 141, 155 Holmes, C.P., 43
Friedman, J., 250, 286, 300, 315 Holstege, F.C.P., 52
Fritsch, E.F., 43 Horton, H., 43
Fuhrman, S., 250 Huang, X., 52
Futcher, B., 6, 52, 250 Huang, X.C., 43
Gaasterland, T., 52 Hudson-Curtis, B., 141
Gabriel, K.R., 259 Hudson, D.L., 300
Gallo, M., 43 Hudson, J., 119
Gelbart, W.M., 18 Hulse, K., 43
Geller, S.C., 84 Ibrahim, J.G., 191
Irizarry, R.A., 65 Ma, C., 119, 250
Iyer, V.R., 6, 52, 65, 119, 250 Mack, D., 250
Jain, A.K., 250 MacQueen, J.B., 250
Jin, W., 119, 141 Magnasco, M., 65, 99
Jobson, J.D., 250 Majumdar, D., 119
Johnson, A., 18 Mallick, B.K., 286
Johnson, D.E., 119 Maniatis T., 43
Johnson, R.A., 286 Marchesi, C., 300
Johnson, S.C., 250 Mardia, K.V., 286
Kaufman, L., 250 Markowitz, V., 52
Kendall, S.L., 84, 141 Marti, G.E., 119
Kendziorski, C.M., 191 Martin, K.J., 6
Kent, J.T., 286 Martin, M., 84, 119, 141
Kerr, M.K., 84, 119, 141, 250 Martinez, J., 84
Kielbasa, S., 52 Massimi, A., 43
Kim, I.F., 52 Matese, J.C., 52
Kitareewan, S., 273 McCulloch, W.S., 300
Kobayashi, M., 43 McLachlan, G.J., 286
Kohonen, T., 250, 273 McShane, L.M., 250
Korbel, J., 52 Meltzer, P., 6, 43
Kritzman, B.M., 6 Mesirov, J., 273
Krogh, A., 300 Meyer, L., 43
Kucherlapati, R., 43 Michaels, G.S., 250
Kuo, F.C., 52, 65, 191, 234 Miesfeld, R. L., 43
Kutner, M.H., 119 Miller, J.H., 18
Lan, H., 191 Milligan, G.W., 250
Lander, E.S., 43, 273 Milliken, G.A., 119
Lee, M.-L.T., 52, 65, 84, 141, 155, 191, 234 Mir, K., 43
Lehninger, A.L., 18 Mittmann, M., 43
Levine, A.J., 250 Moore, T., 119
Levine, E., 250 Morgan, B.J.T., 250
Levy, R., 119 Morley, M., 43
Lewin, B., 18 Morris, C., 191
Lewis, J., 18 Morton, C.C., 119
Lewish, D.B., 119 Mulholland, J., 43, 250
Lewontin, R.C., 18 Nachtscheim, C.J., 119
Li, C., 43, 65, 84 Naef, F., 65, 99
Li, M.-C., 250 Narasimhan, B., 92, 141, 170
Li, Y., 6 Nelson, D.L., 18
Liao, J.C., 84 Neter, J., 119
Lim, D.A., 99 Newton, M.A., 191
Lin, D., 315 Ngai, J., 84
Lin, D.M., 84 Notterman, D.A., 250
Lipshutz, R.J., 43 Noueiry, A., 191
Little, R.J.A., 92 Nye, S., 43
Liu, L., 259 Oh, M.-K., 84
Lockhart, D., 43 Olsson, H., 6
Lockhart, D.J., 43 Palmer, R.G., 300
Loman, N., 6 Pardee, A.B., 6
Long, A.D., 191 Parish, T., 84, 141
Lorenzato, S., 84 Parkinson, H., 52
Lossos, I.S., 119 Passador-Gurgel, G., 119, 141
Louis, T.A., 191 Pati, N., 52
Lu, L., 119 Patil, N., 99
Lu, W., 84, 141, 155, 191 Paules, R., 84, 141, 155
Ludbrook, J., 170 Pease, A.C., 43
Luu, P., 52, 84 Peng, V., 84
Phimister, B., 43 Southern, E., 43
Pison, G., 259 Speed, T.P., 52, 65, 84, 141, 155, 234
Pitts, W., 300 Spellman, P.T., 6, 52, 141, 250
Powell, J.I., 119 Staudt, L.M., 119
Price, L.M., 6 Steffen, M.A., 99, 170
Quackenbush, J., 52 Steward, J., 52
Radmacher, M.D., 119, 250 Stivers. D.N., 52
Raff, M., 18 Stoeckert C., 52
Ramaswaray, S., 273, 315 Stoker, N.G., 84, 141
Rava, R.P., 43 Storey, J.D., 141, 155, 191, 234
Ray, A.P.G., 250 Sudarsanam, P., 141
Rhei, E., 6 Suzuki, D.T., 18
Richmond, C.S., 191 Taddei. A., 300
Rifkin, R., 273, 315 Tamayo, P., 6, 273, 286, 315
Riley, R.M., 119, 141 Tamhane A.C., 155, 234
Ringner, M., 6 Taylor, R., 52
Ripley, R.B., 300 Tibshirani, R., 92, 119, 141, 155, 170, 191,
Robbins, H., 191 234, 250, 286, 300, 315
Roberts, K., 18 Tran, T., 119
Robinson, A., 52 Trent, J., 6
Rocke, D.M., 84, 191 Trent, J.M., 43
Rohlin, L., 84 Troyanskaya, O., 92
Rosenblatt, F., 300 Tseng, G.C., 84
Rosenwald, A., 6, 119 Tsui, K.W., 191
Rousseeuw, P.J., 250, 259 Tusher, V., 92, 141, 155, 170, 191, 234
Roweis, S.T., 99 Tusher, V.G., 141
Rubin, D.B., 92 Vapnik, V., 300, 315
Sabet, H., 119 Varanini, M., 300
Sambrook, J., 43 Vilo, J., 52
Sapinoso, L.M., 6 Vingron, M., 52
Sarkans, U., 52 Vishwanath, R.T., 141
Sarkar, D., 191 von Schantz, M., 18
Sasik, R., 65 Walker, N.J., 84
Saul, L.K., 99 Walter, P., 18
Schadt, E., 84 Wang, C., 43
Schalon, D., 43 Wang, X., 43, 52
Schena, M., 43, 65 Ward, J. H., 250
Schuchhardt, J., 52 Warnke, R., 119
Schulze-Kremer, S., 52 Wasserman, W., 119
Sen, K., 141 Watson, J.D., 18
Shaffer, J.P., 155 Weisenburger D.D., 119
Shalon, D., 65 Welsh, J.B., 6
Shawe-Tylor, J., 315 Wen, X., 250
Shchepinov, M., 43 Wernisch, L., 84, 141
Sherlock, G., 6, 52, 92, 119, 250 Westfall, P.H., 155
Silipo, R., 300 White, K.P., 119, 141
Simon, R., 119, 250 Whitmore, G.A., 52, 65, 84, 141, 155, 191,
Sklar, J., 52, 65, 191, 234 234
Slonim, D., 273 Wichern, D.W., 286
Slonim, D.K., 6, 273, 286 Widhopf, G., 6
Smith, A.F.M., 286 Wietzorrek, A., 84, 141
Smith, S., 250 Wilson, W., 119
Smith, S.J., 43 Winer, B.J., 119
Socci, N.D., 65, 99 Winston, F., 141
Somogyi, R., 250 Winters, L.M., 119
Soneji, S., 84, 141 Wishart, D., 250
Sorger, P.K., 65 Wodicka, L., 43
Wolfinger, E.D., 84, 141, 155
Ybarra, S., 250

Wolfinger, R.D., 84, 119, 141, 155

Young, S.S., 155, 259

Wong, W.H., 43, 65, 84

Yu, R., 250

Yu, X., 119

Wu, Y., 43

Yukhananov, R.Y., 234

Yakhini, Z., 6

Zamir, S., 259

Yang, L., 119

Zarrinkar, P.P., 6

Yang, Y.H., 52, 84, 234

Zhang, M.Q., 6, 52, 250

Yates, F., 119

Zhang, W., 52

Zhu, Q., 273

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Topic Index

absolute call, 38
Bonferroni approach, 227

acceptance interval, 201

Bonferroni inequality, 148–149

activation function, 293, 296

Bonferroni method, 148–149, 203, 207, 221,

additive model, 63, 121, 173


adenine, 9
Box-Cox family of transformations, 69

adjusted P-values, 153

carboxyl (COOH), 14

agglomerative clustering method, 244

cDNA library, 24

alleles, 10
cell, 7

alternating least squares (ALS), 257

cell cycle-regulated gene, 48

alternating robust fitting, 257

censored observations, 93

alternative (research) hypothesis, 194

centroid, 244, 261, 263, 268

alternative hypothesis, 143

centroid linkage method, 246

amino acids, 13–14

chaining effect, 245

amplification, 31, 33, 41

change point, 228

analysis of variance (ANOVA) model, 88,

chromosomes, 10

113, 194, 121

city block distance, 241

anticodon, 15
class discovery, 283

arraylet, 257
class distinction, 282

artificial neural network (ANN), 287

class prediction, 283

attributes, 261–262
cluster average distance, 244

augmented reference design, 114

co-expressed, 238

average difference, 38
co-regulation, 146

average linkage clustering, 245

coding region, 12

back-propagation, 296, 298

codon, 13–15

background correction, 58–59, 63, 86

complementary, 9

background noise, 57, 59, 121, 172

complementary DNA (cDNA), 16, 20

backward dynamic, 297

complementary RNA (cRNA), 33

balanced, 107
complete factorial design, 104

balanced incomplete block design (BIBD),

complete linkage clustering, 245

completely randomized design, 107, 217,

base pairing, 10, 16


base pairs (bp), 9–10, 20, 16

conditional posterior probability, 183

Bayesian model, 171

confounded, 76, 106, 109, 114, 135

bias, 288
control genes, 83

biological specimen, 47
convex optimization problem, 305

biological specimen space, 238

coupled two-way clustering (CTWC), 248

block size, 108

cross-hybridization, 24–25, 29, 48, 50

blocking, 107
cross-validation, 289

bond, 14
dbEST, 25

decision boundary, 288 familywise type I error probability, 146,

degenerate, 14 200–201, 203, 209
degrees of freedom, 113, 125, 130, 132, 212, familywise type II error probability, 205
218 FDR, 199
delta method, 72 feature space, 252, 310–311
denaturation, 16 features, 293
dendrogram, 245 first-stage ANOVA normalization, 135
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), 3, 7, 9 Fisher’s linear discriminant function, 278
deoxyribose sugar molecule, 9 fixed divisor, 133, 169
designated gene set, 46 fluorescence detection, 22
detection unit, 23 fold change, 36, 138
detector probe, 25 foreground intensity, 93
differential expression ratio, 178 forward dynamic, 297
differentially expressed genes, 130, 194 fraction of eigenexpression, 256
dilution-series experiment, 227 fudge factor, 132
diploid, 10 functional margin, 291
dissimilarity, 239 furthest-neighbor distance, 244–245
distance, 238 gamma distribution, 175
distance matrix, 239 gene-by-condition interaction effect, 123,
distinguished treatment, 223 136, 194
divisive clustering method, 245 gene, 8, 10
down-regulated gene, 182 gene expression, 15–16, 20, 40, 47
dot product, 241 gene space, 238
double helix, 12 GeneBank, 25
dual representation, 309 genelet, 257
dual space, 305 genetic code, 13–14
eigenarray, 256 genome, 8, 10
eigengene, 254, 256 genotype, 8
eigenvalue, 252 geometric mean, 76, 126, 139, 177–178, 181
eigenvector, 252 gradient descent method, 297
empirical Bayes method, 175, 183, 185, 190 gradient descent procedure, 290
enhancer, 47 grid points, 262
environmental factors, 47 gridding, 35
error control criterion, 146 guanine, 9
estimability constraint, 125 half-replicates, 106
Euclidean distance, 240 haploid, 10
eukaryotes, 13, 15 hidden layer, 293, 297
exchangeability, 161 hierarchical Bayes model, 179, 189
exchangeable random variables, 58 hierarchical clustering, 244
exons, 13 high densities of DNA, 22
expected number of false positives, 200, 204, Holm method, 150
230, 233 homologous, 10
expected number of true positives, 205 housekeeping genes, 15, 83, 220
experimental block, 108 hybridization, 17, 33–34, 36, 49
experimental design, 103 hybridization detector, 24
experimental factor, 103 hydrogen bond, 9, 16
expressed sequence tag (EST), 23, 25 hydroxyl phosphate group, 9
expression ratio, 36–37 hyperplane, 288, 292
factor levels, 104 hypothesis testing, 143
factorial design, 104 image segmentation, 63
factorial experiment, 109 imputation, 86
false discovery rate (FDR), 151 imputed values, 96
false discovery rate, 147, 199 in situ, 30
false negative, 143, 197–198 in-situ oligonucleotide array, 23–24, 29–31,
false positive, 48, 57, 143, 197, 202 34, 36, 62
familywise error rate (FWER), 146, 200 in vitro transcription (IVT), 31
familywise power level, 205–206 incomplete block design, 107–108
individual type II error probability, 206 mismatch (MM), 29, 98
information loss, 246 missing at random (MAR), 87
informational RNA, 12 missing completely at random (MCAR), 87
informative genes, 282 missing not at random (MNAR), 87
inner product, 241 missing values, 86
input layer, 293 mixed-effects model, 135
input space, 262, 308, 310–311 mixture model, 171–172, 174
intensity-dependent normalization, 80 multiclass distinctions, 313
intensity extraction, 35 multilayer neural network, 293, 296
inter-cluster distance, 245 multiple-treatment design, 221, 224, 227
interaction effect, 105, 123–126, 135 multiple hypothesis testing, 144
interaction term, 122 multiple power-levels, 93
interactive layer, 293 multiple testing, 144
intron, 13, 15, 25 multiplicative model, 39, 63, 121
isolated effect, 226 mutation, 10
isolated treatment effect, 223, 228 nearest-neighbor distance, 244–245
K-means clustering method, 247 negative control, 164
neighbor classifier, 281 neighborhood analysis, 282
neighbors method, 89 neighborhood distance function, 268
kernel function, 309–310 neighborhood function, 263
kernel matrix, 309 nested designs, 111
kernel representation, 301 neural network, 287–288
Kuhn-Tucker Theorem, 308 neuron, 287
labeling procedure, 33 nitrogenous bases, 9
Lagrange multipliers, 296, 305 nodes, 262
latin-squares, 106 non-central chi-square distribution, 212
latin square design, 105 non-centrality parameter, 212, 224, 228, 230
learning rate, 265, 292 nonlinear decision boundary, 301
leave-one-out cross validation, 284 nonspecific hybridization, 34, 50
linear constraint, 125 normal distribution, 175
linear discriminant analysis, 278, 312 normalization, 36, 38, 72–73, 138, 179
linearly separable, 288 normalized ratio, 36–37
local false discovery rate, 215 normalized value, 74, 77, 125, 128
local true discovery rate, 215 Northern blot, 22, 40
locally weighted regression (LOWESS), 79 nucleic acid sequence, 16
locus, 10 nucleotide, 9–10, 12, 23, 25
log-expression difference, 131, 217–218 null hypothesis, 143, 157, 194
log-linear model, 121 number of false positive, 204
log ratio, 138 oligonucleotide, 22
logarithmic transformation, 67, 122, 164 oligonucleotide probe, 23–24
lognormal distribution, 175, 178 one-versus-all, 313
loop design, 116–117 open reading frame (ORF), 14, 25
LOWESS smoothing, 80 optimal separating hyperplane, 306
MA plot, 78 orthogonal, 76, 105–106, 108, 117
Mahalanobis distance, 241, 244 output layer, 293
main effect, 125 Parzen windows, 312
margin, 302, 307 PCR amplification, 25, 33, 49
marginal distribution, 180 peptide bonds, 14
matched-pairs design, 217–218, 220, 228 per-family error rate (PFER), 200
maximal margin separating hyperplane, 302 perceptron, 291
maximum distance, 240 perfect match (PM), 29, 98
mean number of false positives, 203, 209, permutation test, 132, 157
218–220 phenotype, 8, 14
mean square error (MSE), 132 phosphate group, 9
median linkage method, 246 phosphodiester bonds, 9
messenger RNA (mRNA), 12–13, 15 photolithography, 30
Minkowski family, 240 pilot study, 230
pin geometry, 49 separating hyperplane, 278, 301, 311
plasmid vector, 24 sequence tag, 20
Poisson model, 69 serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE), 20
polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 21 set-last-to-zero constraint, 125
polymorphisms, 12 Shannon entropy, 256
polypeptide chain, 14 Sidàk method, 147–148, 201, 206, 221, 226
population gene set, 45 sigmoid function, 294
posterior distribution, 182, 190 signal-to-noise ratio, 282–283
posterior probability, 182–183, 186, 215 significance analysis of microarrays (SAM),
power, 143, 199 166
power calculations, 206 similarity, 238
primer, 25, 31 similarity matrix, 239
principal component analysis, 251 simultaneous inference, 144
principal component method, 91 single-layer neural network, 288, 292
prior distribution, 182–183 single linkage method, 245
prior probability, 182 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), 29
probe, 22–24 Singular-value Decomposition Theorem, 254
probe cell, 29 slack, 307
probe pair, 29 soft margin, 307
probe set, 29 Southern blot, 22
promoter, 12, 33, 47 splicing process, 13
promoter sequence, 31, 33 split-plot design, 109, 136–137
protein-encoding gene, 16 split-plot latin square, 109
protein, 8, 12, 14 spotted cDNA array, 33, 36
proximity matrices, 239 spotted microarray, 36
quantitative real-time RT-PCR, 40 spotted oligonucleotide array, 24, 33, 36
radial basis kernel, 310, 312 statistical distance, 224
random effect, 136 steepest descent procedure, 290
random sample, 48 step-down method, 151
randomization test, 157 step-up method, 150
randomized block design, 221–222, 226 stop codon, 15
randomized complete block design, 107, 161 subplot, 109
rank-invariant, 81 sum-to-zero constraint, 122, 125–126, 194,
reading frames, 14 196, 217
reference design, 112 summary statistic, 145, 176, 196
reference sample, 24, 37 summary statistics, 180
regulatory sequences, 15 support vector, 311
relative abundance, 33 support vector machine (SVM), 301
relative standard deviation, 71 support vectors, 306
renaturation, 16 systematic variation, 49
replication, 8, 228 target, 22–23
reverse transcriptase, 16 termination codons, 14
reverse transcription, 16, 20, 31, 33, 49 test declaration, 145
reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR), 25, 40 test sample, 37
reversed-color design, 79, 115, 138, 177 three-nucleotide codon, 13
ribonucleic acid (RNA), 3, 8, 12 threshold, 288
ribosomal RNA (rRNA), 12, 15 threshold cycle, 42
risk function, 290 thymine, 9
RNA splicing, 15 time-course experiment, 114, 117, 221, 227
robotic spotting, 22 training, 287
Rosenblatt’s perceptron, 291 training algorithm, 287
saddle point, 305 training set, 265, 277, 282
saturation, 98 transcribe, 12
saturation threshold, 93 transcript, 12
second-stage ANOVA, 128–129, 136 transcription, 8, 12, 15
segmentation, 35 transcription amplification, 33
self-organizing map (SOM), 261 transcription labeling, 33
transcriptional profiles, 20
type II error probability, 206

transfer RNA (tRNA), 12, 15

unidentified reading frame (URF), 14

translation, 8, 14–15
UniGene, 25

treatment-control designs, 221

untranslated region (UTR), 29

triangle inequality, 240

up-regulated gene, 182

true class label, 302

uracil, 12

two-stage estimation procedure, 126–127

variance-stabilizing transformation, 69

type I error, 143, 195, 198, 200

weight vector, 288, 290

type II error, 143, 195, 198

weighted voting scheme, 283

whole plot, 109

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