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Choral Activities at MSU: Fall 2008

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Choral Activities at MSU

Fall 2008
Dear MSU Choral Alum, you to our alumni reception. As this newslet-
ter goes to press we are uncertain of the date
Welcome to our annual choral newsletter–
and time, but you’ll receive an invitation in
keeping you informed about the choral
the mail prior to the convention. If one of
program here at MSU. We’re enjoying a great
your present or former students is looking at
start to the year and hope you are as well.
graduate programs in choral conducting or
We have an excellent group of new and voice please bring him or her long with you.
continuing graduate students in choral con-
Enclosed with this newsletter is a schedule of
ducting. Our new DMA students are Zach
all the vocal and choral events for the 2008-09
Durlam, who received an undergrad degree
season. It’s an amazing list and serves as a re-
from Luther College and a master’s degree
minder of the many fantastic opportunities we
from the University of Iowa while develop-
have available at the MSU College of Music.
ing an outstanding program, including an
ACDA North Central Division performance,
at West High School in Iowa City, and Mark
Gary, who received a bachelor’s degree from
Morehouse College in Atlanta and an MM
from the University of Illinois. For the past
several years his work in the Philadelphia area
has included directing Joyful Noise, a choir
for mentally and physically challenged adults.
They performed at the ACDA Eastern Divi-
sion convention last spring.
Our MM program includes two University of
Michigan undergrads, Tom FitzStephens, who
taught in Owosso, and Rob Stow, who taught
at Elk Rapids, as well as Andrew Kreckmann,
who comes to us with an undergraduate
degree from the University of Delaware
and several years of high school teaching in
New Jersey. Our growing summer master’s
program welcomed five new students: Sarah
Stockton, a Central Michigan University grad Women’s Chamber Ensemble
who teaches in Grand Blanc; Nathan Rusell, to Perform at ACDA
a music faculty member at Tyler Community The MSU Women’s Chamber Ensemble has
College in Texas; Ted Brimeyer, an Iowa State been invited as featured performers at the
alum who teaches in Johnston, Iowa; Wes 2009 ACDA national convention in Okla-
Stoner, a graduate of the University of Geor- homa City. Hundreds of choirs from across
gia who teaches high school in the Atlanta the U.S. submitted performance applications;
area; and Kraig Scott, who teaches organ at recordings were peer reviewed at both divi-
Walla Walla University in Washington. sional and national levels for the 50th anniver-
The BIG NEWS we have to share with you is sary of ACDA. Twenty choirs were ultimately
that the MSU Women’s Chamber Ensemble, selected, and the MSU Women’s Chamber
led by Dr. Sandra Snow, has been selected to Ensemble is the only collegiate women’s
perform at the national ACDA convention in chorus represented.
Oklahoma City. (See article below.) Not only The ensemble was formed five years ago
do we invite you to the WCE’s performances when Sandra Snow joined the MSU faculty.
on Wednesday, March 4, but we also invite The group is comprised of undergraduate
and graduate students from the College of Music and On Sunday, April 5, the Women’s Chamber Ensemble,
the wider campus, by audition. A focus of the ensemble led by Sandra Snow, and the University Chorale, led by
is performance of 20th- and 21st-century exemplars of David Rayl will join members of the Lansing Symphony
repertoire written specifically for women, with a focus Orchestra to present “An Evening of Sacred Music” at St.
on new works by important North American composers. Mary’s Catholic Cathedral in downtown Lansing. Rep-
The WCE performed last year at the ACDA Central Di- ertoire includes settings of Dixit Dominus by Galuppi and
vision convention in Grand Rapids and at the Michigan Handel and Bach Cantata #131: Aus der Tiefen rufe ich.
Music Conference in Grand Rapids in January 2007.
On Saturday, April 25, the University Chorale, State
The WCE will present a world premiere by noted com- Singers, and Choral Union and the University
poser David Brunner. Based on ancient texts by the mys- Symphony Orchestra under the batons of Leon
tic Mirabei, All I Was Doing Was Breathing features 4-part Gregorian and David Rayl will present the world
women’s voices, Indian tabla and percussion instruments, premiere of The Silver Sword: An Ancient Fairy Tale, by
and cello. Dr. Brunner has a large body of works devoted MSU faculty member Jere Hutcheson and Vaughan
to the treble instrument and is highly regarded for his Williams’ Dona nobis pacem.
imaginative and lyric voice.
The MSU Opera Theatre will again present two fully
Other works featured on the program include the staged productions with orchestra this year: Mozart’s
Tarik O’Regan Laus et Alleluia, Kirke Mechem’s You Le nozze di Figaro on November 21, 22, and 23, and
Say There Is No Love, and Paul Caldwell/Sean Ivory’s Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi and the premiere of The Legend
Lay Earth’s Burden Down. Caldwell will join the MSU of Sleepy Hollow with music by DMA student William
Women’s Chamber Ensemble in the performance of Withem and libretto by MSU faculty member Melanie
this work on djembe. Helton. Both productions will be double cast, a tribute
to the continuing quality of our vocal students. Addi-
The MSU choral program has now been represented
tional vocal activities include numerous faculty and stu-
by three different choral ensembles at national ACDA
dent recitals, the fourth MSU-China Collaboration and
conventions. We believe we are the only university in
the seventh annual Celebration of the Beautiful Voice.
the country with that record of success. Led by Charles
K. Smith, the University Chorale appeared at national Men’s Glee Club European Tour
ACDA conventions in 1983 and 1989, and, under the di-
This May, the MSU Men’s Glee Club will be tour-
rection of David Rayl, at the national ACDA convention
ing throughout Eastern Europe. Beginning in Warsaw,
in 2007. The Men’s Glee Club, conducted by Jonathan
Poland, the Glee Club will travel through Krakow,
Reed, appeared in 1999 and 2001.
Wroclaw, and finish with multiple days in Prague. This
Performance Highlights for 2008-09 tour will also take the Glee Club to places such as the
infamous Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.
On Saturday, November 1, the MSU Choral Union,
Highlights of the tour will be formal concerts in some
Chorale, and State Singers will join the Lansing Sym-
of the finest venues of Eastern Europe.
phony Orchestra under the baton of David Rayl for a
program entitled “American Journey,” featuring works by All MSU Men’s Glee Club members and alumni are
William Billings, William Schuman’s New England Trip- welcome on this tour. Please contact
tych, both sets of Old American Songs by Aaron Copland, for more information.
and Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms. Featured soloist in the
Copland will be MSU faculty member, Rod Nelman. Robert Harris Fellowship
Dr. Robert Harris, Director of Choral Organizations at
On Saturday, December 6, the MSU Men’s and Wom-
Northwestern University and an MSU alum (PhD ’71),
en’s Glee Clubs, conducted by Jonathan Reed and
has established The Robert A. Harris Award for Excellence
DMA student Kelly Miller, and the MSU Children’s
in Choral Performance to be given annually to an out-
Choir, conducted by Mary Alice Stollak, will join forces
standing choral musician. This year’s recipient is master’s
with Leon Gregorian and the MSU Symphony Orches-
student Andrew Kreckmann.
tra for Home for the Holidays, a concert of seasonal music
for the entire family. Dr. Harris has enjoyed a long and distinguished career as
a choral conductor, composer, clinician, and adjudicator.
Prior to moving to Northwestern, he served as Direc-
tor of Choral Activities at MSU where he founded the Brooks received a bachelor’s degree from Houghton
University Chorale. At Northwestern he received the College, an M.M. from the New England Conserva-
Bienen School of Music Exemplar in Teaching Award tory, and an Artist’s Diploma from the Hartt School of
and Alumni Association Excellence in Teaching Award. Music. In 1971 he founded and conducted the Mer-
His compositions for chorus have been published by cyhurst College Choir and Chamber Singers, and in
Oxford University Press, Boosey and Hawkes, Walton 1972 was named conductor of the Symphonic Singers
Music, Mark Foster, Alliance Music, and J. S. Paluch. of Erie, Pennsylvania, posts he held until 1974. In 1974
he moved to the Hartt School of Music in Hartford,
Cole and Sandra Tyrrell Endow- Connecticut, where he conducted the Hartt Chorale,
ment for Men’s Glee Club the Collegiate Singers, the Hartt Touring Opera Theatre,
Cole Tyrell, long-time choral director at South Haven and the University Civic Chorus and Chamber Choir.
High School, and his wife Sandra have established an While in Hartford, Professor Brooks also conducted the
endowment that will be funded through an estate gift. Arts in Unison Bel Canto Opera Company, Connecti-
The endowment will support the activities of the MSU cut Light Opera on the Sound, the America’s Youth in
Men’s Glee Club by providing undergraduate scholar- Concert Program, and was cofounder and musical direc-
ships and/or funding travel for travel to competitions tor of the New Lyric Theatre.
and performances nationally and internationally.
Choral Society Sponsors Sing-Along
Smith Fellowship Recipient Messiah
Last year, the Charles K. Smith Endowed Fellowship in The MSU Choral Society will sponsor a “sing along”
Choral Conducting, created upon Smith’s retirement in Messiah on Sunday, December 7 at Plymouth Congrega-
2002 by members of the MSU Choral Society, reached tional Church featuring student soloists. Last year’s “sing
its initial goal of $30,000 in gifts and pledges. The schol- along” was well attended and enthusiastically received.
arship is now fully endowed and provides important Through its dues and fundraising activities the Soci-
financial help to graduate students in choral conducting. ety provides scholarship assistance to graduate students
This year, Andrew Kreckmann is partially funded by a in choral conducting. This year, the Society is able to
scholarship from this endowment. Last year’s recipient provide assistance for DMA student Clint Desmond and
was Matthew Olson. MM students Michael Hanawalt, Andrew Kreckmann,
Matthew Olson, and Kristin Zaryski.
Thank you to the many donors whose generosity made
this endowment possible. Although the scholarship is Keeping up with MSU Alumni
fully funded, additional gifts are needed to increase the
This section of the newsletter is intended to help you
principal, thus providing additional scholarship dollars
keep up with the careers of our MSU choral alumni.
to our graduate students. If you would like to make a
The following is obviously incomplete, so please con-
contribution, please contact Rebecca Surian,
tact us if you’ve recently changed jobs or want to share
Director of Development in the College of Music,
some aspect of your professional life with our alums.
You can submit your information on line at
Guest Clinician
C. Thomas Brooks was our guest for the Choral Invita- John Bragle, MM student in choral conducting, has
tional on Monday, October 20 when he worked with accepted a position in vocal-choral music at the Inter-
eight high school choirs from around the state. He spent lochen Arts Academy. He had been teaching at William-
the following day on campus working with our ensem- ston High School.
bles and graduate conducting students.
Aaron Bouwman, MM ’08, continues on the faculty
Professor Brooks is chair of the music department at at Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids.
Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts where he
Meredith Bowen, MM ’06, has been named music
leads the choral program and teaches conducting. He has
director of the Battle Creek Girls’ Chorus. She contin-
performed throughout the United States, Canada and
ues on the music faculty at Lansing Community Col-
Europe, including such venues as Carnegie Hall in New
lege and as conductor of Sistrum, a community-based
York City,Victoria Hall in Geneva, Notre Dame Cathe-
women’s choir in Lansing.
dral in Paris and the Hall of Five Hundred in Florence.
Nichole Brenna, MM ’08, is director of choral activi- Joel Navarro, DMA ’05, was reappointed with tenure
ties at Orono High School in the Twin Cities area. as Associate Professor of Music at Calvin College in
Grand Rapids. One of his ensembles, the Capella, was
Andrew Crane, DMA ’05, was selected as Outstand-
featured at the fall convention of ACDA-Michigan and
ing Faculty in Teaching for 2007-08 at California State
toured Europe in May 2008. He frequently does work-
University, San Bernardino. The CSUSB Chamber
shops on conducting and church music in Asia during
Singers have been chosen to perform a featured concert
the summer months.
at the California Music Educators Association Profes-
sional Development Conference in July 2009. Jonathan Palant, DMA ’07, is the arranger of Da Hai
ah, Gu Siang, a traditional Chinese song, published for
Sarah Graham, DMA ’05, has accepted a position in
TTBB by Alliance Music Publications.
choral music education at Illinois State University.
Jong-Won Park, DMA ’97, is now in his fifth year
Michael Hanawalt, MM student, was a conducting
as Director of Choral Activities at the University of
fellow at the Norfolk Chamber Music Festival, where
Wisconsin-River Falls. The UWRF Concert Choir
he worked with Simon Carrington.
performed at the ACDA North Central Division Con-
Scott Hochstetler, DMA ’08, has accepted a position vention in March 2008.
on the music faculty of Goshen College in Indiana.
Christopher Thompson, MM ’08, has accepted a
David Howard successfully defended his DMA docu- choral position at Haltom High School in Fort Worth,
ment during the summer of 2008. He continues as Texas.
assistant director of choral activities at Stephen F. Austin
Jason Thoms, DMA ’05, recently had three Christmas
University in Nacogdoches,Texas.
carols published by GIA Music of Chicago (Christmas
Jeff Kitson, MM ’05 (composition) has been selected Bells, By-By Lullay, and King of Kings). He continues
to present an interest session at the national ACDA as director of choral activities at Concordia College in
convention in Oklahoma City. His session, entitled Bronxville, New York.
“From Zero to Sixty: Recruiting and Revitalizing in
Mark Webb completed his DMA degree during the
the Two-Year College,” derives from his recent faculty
fall of 2008. He is the long-time director of choral
position at Central Community College in Columbus,
activities at East Grand Rapids High School, a faculty
member at Aquinas College, and choral director and
Stephen Lorenz, MM ’02 (music education) and choral/opera coordinator at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp.
Kristina MacMullen, MM student, will lead the South
Michael Wheaton, MM ’08, teaches music in the
Lyon High School Lyon Singers and the Brighton High
Webberville Schools and conducts Gold Company II
School Bel Canto, respectively, at the annual Michigan
at Western Michigan University.
Music Conference in Grand Rapids in January.
Kate Wolfe, MM ’08, is director of choral activities at
Tim McMillin, DMA student, has been appointed
Pewaukee High School in the Milwaukee area.
Artistic Director of the Des Moines Vocal Arts Ensem-
ble. He continues on the faculty of Simpson College in Gary Weidenaar, MM ’88, is beginning his second
Indianola and served as guest conductor/clinician for year as director of choral studies at Central Washington
five different festivals throughout the state of Iowa dur- University.
ing the 07-08 school year.

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serve you – our distinguished and valued alumni. Find out about the latest happenings of your College of
Music, alumni activities, and the newly established Alumni Board with the latest news section and register for
our next celebratory event.

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