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Pennman Method (FAO Paper 24)

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15: 1.3. PENMAN METHOD For areas where measured dat radiation are available, fon temperature, humidity, wind and sunshine duration or 8 adaptation of the Penman method (1948) is suggested; compared to the other methods presented it 1s likely to provide the most satisfactory results. The original Penman (1948) equation predicted evaporation losses fram ani open water surface (Eo). Experimentally determined crop coefficients ranging from 0.6 in winter months to 0.8 ‘in summer months related Eo to grass evapotranspiration for the climate in England. ‘The Penman ‘equation consisted of two terms: the energy (radiation) term and the aerodynamic (wind and humidity) term. The relative importance of each term varies with climatic conditions. Under calm weather conditions the aerodynamic term is usually less important than the energy term. In such conditions the original Penman Eo equation using a crop coefficient of 0.8 has been shown to predict ETo closely, not only in cool, humid regions as in England but also in very hot, and semi-arid regions. It is under windy conditions and particularly in the more arid regions that the aerodynamic term becomes relatively more important and thus errors can result in predicting ETo when using 0.8 Eo. A slightly modified Penman equation is suggested here to determine ETo, involving a revised wind function term. The method uses mean daily climatic data; since day and night time woather conditions conciderably affect the level of evapotrancpiration, an adjuetment for thie 16 included. ‘The procedures to calculate ETo.may seem rather complicated. This is due to the fact that ‘the formula contains components which need to be derived from measured related climatic data when no direct measurements of needed variables are available. For instance, for places where no direct measurements of net radiation are available, these can be obtained from measured solar radiation, sunshine duration or cloudiness observations, together with measured humdity and temperature. Computation techniques and tables are given here to facilitate the necessary calculations. A format for calculation is also given. The form of the equation used in this method 1s: Ero = cLiw.nn + ow te.ceacedi] radiation aerodynamic term term where: ETo reference crop evapotranspiration in mm/day Temperature related weighting factor net radiation in equivalent evaporation in mm/day Wind-related function Gifference between the saturation vapour pressure at mean ftir temperature and the mean actual vapour pressure of the air, both in mbar « = adjustment factor to compensate for the effect of day and night Weather conditions Additional Considerations Due to the interdependence of the variables composing the equation, the correct use of units in which variables need to be expressed is important. Use ofthe correct units is shown in the examples presented. ‘The suggested wind function applies to conditions found during summer, with moderate winds , to 2.0; no adjustment is required for RHmax of about 70 percent and day-night wind ratios of 1. these conditions. However, if 24-hour wind totals are used there will be an under-prediction of ETo by 15 to 30 percent in areas where daytime wind greatly exceeds night time wind, where RHmax approaches 100 percent, and where radiation is high. Conversely, for areas experiencing moderate to strong wind, where night time humidity (RHmax) is low, and where radiation is low, the equation will over-predict EToj this over-prediction increases with decreasing ratios of Uday/Unight. Under these conditions an adjustment factor (c) should be applied ables and their Method of ‘Description of @ Vapour pressure (ca-ed) ‘Air humidity affects ETo, Humidity is expressed here as saturation vapour pressure deficit (ca-ed): the difference between the mean saturation water vapuur pressure (ea) aud the mean factual water vapour pressure (ed). Air humidity data are reported as relative humidity (RHmax and RHmin in percentage), as poychrometric readings (T°C of dry and wet bulb) from either ventilated oF non-ventilated wet and dry bulb thermometers, or as dewpoint temperature (Tdewpoint °C). Time of measurement is important but is often not given. Fortunately actual vapour pressure is a fairly constant element and even one measurement per day may suffice for the type of application envisaged. Depending on the available humidity data, case I, I! or Ill will apply. Vapour pressure must be expressed in mbar fed is given im mm Hg, multiply by 1.33 to find mbar. Tables 5 and 6 are given to obtain values of ‘ea and ed from available climatic dat: EXAMPLES: For all cases altitude 15 0m. Given: 5 ‘Tmax 35°C; Tmin 22°C; RHmax 80%; RHmin 30%. Calcuiasion Treen + 28 RHmean 23 eeaZeSC Tables + 38.9 mbar ot eax RHimean/100 = 212 mbar a-ea) > 125 mbar 1 Givens i Tmax 35°C; Tmin 22°C; Tdrybulb 22°C; Twetbulb 20°C. 2! feulation Facey eee | + 28.5 °c coat Table = 38:3 mbar ed at Téeybutb 20°C | Table Ge aoe Table Sa + 20.7 mbar = 1812 mi Ewetbulb depr. 2°C (ea-ed) . / Conversion of readings to humidity data ftom dry and wet bulb thermometers changes when they are force-ventilated (Assmann type) oF non-venmlatedy Tables 6a and ob to be used teepectively. -17- UI Givens Tmax 33°C; Tun 22°C: Taewpomt 18°C. ‘Tmeen ea at 28.5°C Table 5 fed at Tdewpoint Table 5 Geared) In many regions RH during the night is near 100%. Here Tmin = Twetbulb = Taewpoint and ed can then be determined from ea at Tin. "The more arid the climate, the less likely is Tdewpoint = Tmin. DO NOT USE: WW Given: Tmax 35°C; Tmin 22°C; RHmax 80%; RHmin 30%. Calculatior Table 6a - RHmin Table 64 : ea x RHmin : (ea-ed) mean : Not recommended because the wind function f(y) used here was derived using (ea-ed) as obtained in cases 1, Il and Ill and does not correspond to example in cave IV. Much greater divergence may occur in mean (ea-ed) between the first Sases and the fourth for situations other than evident here and serious errors Could result case IV so used (average uf ea au Tmex and Tmin 7 2a at Tmean): ©) Mind function u) The effect of wind on ETo has been studied for different climates (see Appendix 11) resulting ima revised wind function! and defined in this publication ast flu) = 0.270 +38) where U is2éshe wind run in km/day at 2m height. This expression is valid when (ea-ed) is expressed in mbar and is calculated according to the methods shown in cases I, Tl or ll. Table 7 can be used for values of f(y) for wind run at 2m height. Where wind data are not collected at 2 m height, the appropriate corrections for wind measurements taken at different heights are given below: Measurement height _m ° fo 6 20 90 ho 0 60 ‘Correction factor te 1.06 1.00 0.93" 0.88 0. . EXAMPLE: Wind speed at 3 m height #8 250 km Calculation Tes above conversion = 232 km/day tw Table 7 O30 © Weighting factor (1-W) G.-W)is a weighting factor for the effect of wind and humidity on ETo.1/ Values of (1-W) I) wa Keay) snore’ ees ond y 15 the psychrometric © 2 The similarity of the revised wind function with Penman's original function f(a) = 0.261 + U/200) Inwhich U ie in miles/day 12 purely comncidental. sige of the saturation vapour pr -18- elated to temperature and altitude are given in Table 8. For temperature use (Imax + Tmin)/2. EXAMPLE: Given: : - Altitude 95m; Tmax 35°C; Tmin 22°C. Cateut = 28.5°C Table 8 @ Weighting factor (W) W is the weighting factor for the effect of radiation on ETo. Values of W as related to temperature and altitude are given in Table 9. For temperature use (Tmax + Tmin)/2. EXAMPLE: Riside 95 m; Tmax 35% Calculation: Timean = 285°C w Table 9 : Tmin 22°C. © Net radiation (Rn) Net radiation (Rn) 1s the difference between all incoming and outgoing radiation. It can be measured, but such data are seldom available. Rn cen be calculated from solar radiation or sun- shine hours (or degree of cloud cover), temperature and humidity data. In Figure 3 different portions of the radiaticn balance are shown. The amount of radiation received at the top of the atmosphere (Ra) is dependent on latitude and the time of the year only; values are given in Table 10. Part of Ra is absorbed and scattered when passing through the atmos- phere. The remainder, including some that is scattered but reaches the earth's surface, is adentified as solar radiation (Rs). Rs is dependent fon Ra and the transmission through the atmosphere, which is largely dependent on cloud cover. Part of Rs ts reflected back directly by the soil and crop and is lost to the atmosphere. Reflection () depends on of for most crops. This fraction varies with degree of crop cover and wemess of the exposed soil surface. That which remains is net shortwave solar radiation (Ras). Additional loss at the earth's surface occurs since the earth radiates part of its absorbed energy back through the atmosphere as longwave radiation. ‘This is normally greater than the downcoming long- wave atmospheric radiation. The difference between Fig. 3. Illustration of the rediation balance outgoing and incoming longwave radiation is called -19- net longwave radiation (Rnl). Since outgoing is greater than incoming, Rnl represents net energy loss. Total net radiation (Rn) 1s equal to the difference between Ras and Rnl, or Rn= Rns - Rate Radiation can be expressed in different units; converted into heat it can be related to the energy required to evaporate water from an open surface and is given here as equivalent evaporation in mm/ doy. To calculate Re the different steps involved are: @ If measured solar radiation (Rs) is not available, select Ra value in mm/éay from Table 10 for given month and latitude: (Ta obtain solar radiation (Ra), correct Ra value for ratio of actual (n) to maximum possible Qi aunahune houras "Ra (0.25 +'0,50 a/N}Ran1/ Values for N for a given month Sd Jatude are given im Table li. Both n and N ave expressed in hours as mean daily volves for the period considered — - When only visual cloud observations are available, they can be used to calculate Rs. Several daily visual observations of cloudiness over a sufficiently long period are needed. Cloudiness iz expressed in oktas (0 to 8) and sometimes in tenths (0 to 10) which must first Selconverted sntoeauivalent values of n/N= The Voliowing table can Be used as a Tough guide: Cloudiness okt 12 ages Spppsinessenies | Shee ss et Cloudiness tenths | 012. 4 5 6 7 930 ae teeta sos eee te ea Git) To obtain net shortwave radiation (Rns), the solar radiation (Rs) must be corrected for Teflectiveness of the crop surface, or Rns= (1 -eRs. For most cropsot = 0.25. To Simply steps Gs) and GAD, Table 12 can be used to calculate fins from the ratio n/N and (iv) —_Net longwave radiation (Rnl) can be determined from available temperature (T), vapour pressure (ed) and ratio n/N data. Values for the function f(T), f(ed) and fla/N) are given In Tables 13, 12 and 15 respectively. o ‘To obtain total net radiation (Rn), the algebraic sum of net shortwave radiation (Rns) and net longwave radiation (Rnl) ts calculated. Rnl always constitutes a net loss so Ra = Ras Ral. EXAMPLE: Given: °, _ (ro; latitude 3O°N; altitude 95m; July. Tmiean 28.5°C; RHmean 5: sunshine n mean 11.5 hr/day Caleulatior Table 10 = 16.8 mm/dey RE (0.25 + 0.50 n/NRe as 1LShr Table 11 NS 13.3 hr n/N > 0.83 = 11.2 mm/day Ras C1 Rs Table 12 > 8.4 mm/day Ral (1). fGed).f(n/N) Table 13 f(T) = 16.45, Table 1% fled) = 0.139 Table 15 n/N) = 0.85 + 18 Rn = Rns- Rnb = 6:6 mm/day 1/ For practical purposes 0.25 and 0.50 can be used. For some regions local values have been determined and are listed in Appendix VI 2) Variations in conversion factors from location to location have been noted when using cloudine: Gata to obtain the ratio n/N. Where available locally derived conversion factors should be useds wre made which are expfessed in only four classes; here conver oud = 6 oktas; overcast = 8 okt ‘Sometimes sky observations iS approximately: clear day = Tokta; partial cloud = 3 okta / From vapour pressure calculation under (a) case 1, Il or Ul © Adrstment factor () ‘The Penman equation given assumes the most common conditions where radiation is medium te high, maximum relative humidity is medium to high and moderate daytime wind about double the hight time wind. However, these conditions are not always met. For instence, coastal areas with pronounced sea breezes and calm nights generally have day/night wind ratios of 3 to 5; parts of the Middle East have dry winds during the day and calm wind conditions during the night with maximum relative humidity approaching 100 percent. For such conditions correction to the Penman equation 1s required. Table 16 presents the values of c for different conditions of RHmax, Rs, Uday and Uday/Unight. Examples (Near East): vlUmiahee Fie Siky Ro 5 min/dey; Uday 3m/sec; Uday/Unight 3: c= 1.28 (Table 16) Riimax 0%; Rs 6 mm/dey; Uday 3 m/sec} Uday/Unight 2: © = 0.91 (Table 16) The information for using Table 16 may be difficult to obtain from available climatic records but 1t can usually be erived for she different seasons from published weather descriptions or from local sources. The conditions involving very low ¢ values may seldom occur and may persist only for a few days in most climates. Table 16 does reveal rather common need for c values smaller then 1.0 for low radiation, non-summer conditions (similar factors no doubt caused the use of winter crop coefficients of 0-6 as compared to 0.8 for mid-summer in the original 1948 Penman method). RHmax 80%; Uday 3.2 m/eacy Unight 2.1 m/sacy evaue Table 16 = 1.06 Cy interpolation) Sample Calculations Reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo) can be calculated using: Ete + e[wetn + -w).t.Cea-ed)] Canros July. W = 0.77; Rn = 6.6; (1-W) = 0.235 fla) = 0.90; (enced) = 17.55 € = 1.01. Eo = 1.01 (0.77 x 6.6 + 0.23 x 0.90% 17.5) = 8.8 mm/day Using mean daily data for each month calculation of ETo in mm/day for each month: Cairo; latitude 30°N; altitude 95 m DoF MAM j] J] aA T mean 0c 1S 17.5 21 25.5 27.5 28.5 28.5 Riinean 65 65 G50 45 505857 9 9.7 207367 RHmexS(es) 95 95957065, Uday m/sec (est) 2.5 2:5 3.0 3103.3 = U3 ToT ETOmm/day 2.7 3.8" 5.0 710 8.9 mmjmenth “82 108 1% 210 276 A) Based on general climatic descriptions for Cairo; day/night wi calm morning and mid. ‘A red alneanea Apriland May. 10 18 some 1.5 produced by did -day conditions,with breezes sn late afternoon; an exception weed be the ‘Khamsin' winds which blow day and aight but somevhat sironger during daytine 221. SESRN 5! QoL aing 9M worsseadog Do Ut Bia aamerodus] qin 19m PUY 44g WOs} equ ut (pa) sansso4q anode A, 5 19°, (avqu 9°00 $1 p> !Dagt st wrodmap, toyduexg) _ eiep 1uodeapy. 91 Wa wo4y pouseigo 94 Wed (pa) sunsoad anodvA pease seiy fT ECE PTS Te CS Te eT se ec we se om oe mk ok BO eft Oe sav Buns 31 Fe OPE TSE SE Le wee Ca TO 8 Pie ees So Samn oz Tro oo Te eee SEAM WHY SMITH TY TSG FT S Ss PiaPL. ee Wet Bulb Temperature Data in °C 39 i] |B) S883 SRRNN BBexa geexne Bales “Won TC altitude 0-1 000 m Vapour Pressure (ed) in mbar from Dry a Depression Table 6 fmt 06° 06" 69" ig’ 9B" Se" 7B zB" Ie" GL" LL* SL EL* IL 69" 99° 79" 19" BS MS" | COT 68 ge" fg 98° Ser 7B" cer tw’ GL Lé- SL* CL TL* 69" 99° ¥9" 19° gS SS zs | OOF es" fe" 98° Se" mer ze’ te" GL" LLY SL" EL" IL? 69" 99" 79" 19" BG SG ZS" 67 | COZ lg 98° Se" 8B" za" Og" GL" LL" SL" EL" IL? 69" 99" 79" 19" BS SS eS" 67 97 | COOL 9g" Se° me ue Ig" OL" Blt 9L Yr ZL* OL” 9 S9* 79° 09" LS MS IS? gy yy | 00S See" eB ce" OR GL WL? SL EL* IL" 69° 99" yO" 19" BG SG zo By oy cya] oO u wa oy ef 8 ef oO we om mM me Oo OM HM OM at OO e967 e | Op eamosoduoy SS pRHTTTV Pur soamosoduoy 1uo49jstq 38 1-4 wo voHEIpEY Jo 139]) 242 40} (JA) torIey FuTNYSIAM Jo Sane) 6 plaen sor ome sto ge ee 27 97° | 0007 me St ort er 6c: zr sx ay | coe stot ogre 6t zr Sx ay 1S" | onoz it gts oz" tz" sy a7 1S" 7S" | coor gtr 6 tz zee 05 ot oz ‘of Maximum Possible Sunshine Hours (N) for Different Months and Mean Daily Durai Table 11 I Feb Mar Apr May Jue Jaa 2 Sept Oct. Nov-Dec Jan Aus July Southern Lats 26. 12.0 12.0 0 Orr 967 16" fe 4zB" BL EL’ 69" 7" U9 SO or $6 6 Se gt Sl Lt G9 oS SS 7 Gee See Sth STO ie 9 ay Le ee ge Ve Ot SI OO] N/UGOTI-O~ N/M Nye OTST st taeL we one eT TT a bar iat itavaoarn ion] pues ee i month Joly © jeden | 39 ( | AlN cele {23 | | co.250.s00/n) eateay Law / | Rsmm/dey calle i | - 0.25 Ras mm/day (1-4 )Rs 2 i | rmean zasec | ACT) a3) 1 |e ber : jet ag ober | 00) as) [AN 083 fea/N) as ' Ral = £CT)MedDfla/N) mm/day cale Bn=Ras- Ral ale i tmean 265 °C Lane gem . j WeRa cate ‘paay /Unight . 08 : timex, ie eri Bog 2 Eto = e[W.Bns (I-wittreaced)] mm/day rl AT Numbers in brackets indicate Table of reference. 2) When Re a lable Ras = 0.75 Rs.

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