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Studiu Despre Martiri Crestini

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Part 4

The demographics of Christian martyrdom, AD 33–AD 2001

People will do to you exactly what they did to me.

—Jesus to his disciples (John 15:21, Contemporary English Version)

We share in the terrible sufferings of Christ.

—Apostle Paul (2 Corinthians 1:5, Contemporary English Version)

I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for
the witness they had borne. . . And I heard the number of the sealed: 144,000.
—Revelation 6:9, 7:4, RSV; Sealing of the Martyrs

Martyrdom is a charism of the Spirit.

—C. H. Pinnock, Flame of love: a theology of the Holy Spirit, 1996

Demographics is both a science and an art. Part 4 applies this

knowledge to a startling phenomenon: the killings of 70 mil-
lion Christians across the centuries and in every country. The
data are sufficiently dense, detailed, and incontrovertible that
this Part arrives at firm totals and trends. Even ongoing rates
of martyrdom are calculated, which bishops, evangelists, for-
eign missionaries, clergy, church leaders, as well as layper-
sons should be prepared to face.

The demographics of Christian martyrdom, AD 33-AD 2001

AN OVERVIEW OF MARTYRDOM Graphic 4-1. Location of the 76 worst situations of mass martyrdom in Christian history
(all with over 100,000 martyrs each).
This section of the survey presents the evidence for
the startling conclusion that, over the 20 centuries of
the Christian faith, some 70 million Christians have
been murdered for that faith and hence are called
martyrs. And this number continues to grow in the
new Millennium as over 400 new martyrs are being
killed every day. The whole situation is summarized
on a single sheet in Global Diagram 16 (in Part 1). Part
of that diagram is shown here in Graphic 4-1 to the

Christian vs. non-Christian martyrs

All religions have their own lists of martyrs. In their
cases the term means ‘members of our religion who
have been killed for it’. A survey of human history
reveals a large number of such martyrdom situations
where hundreds, thousands, or on numerous occa-
sions, millions of individuals have been killed be- ●✝ ✝
cause of their religion. Examples from the 20th cen-

tury include the Jewish holocaust in Germany, the
Muslim-Hindu wars since India’s Partition in 1947,
current Hindu-Sikh fighting in northern India, and ●
✝ ●
the torture and murder of Confucianists under Com- ✙
munist Chinese rule. Throughout history, ethnic re- ✙ ✙
ligionists have also suffered ‘martyrdom’ under the ●
● ✝
invasion of foreign peoples. ✙● ● ✙
Martyrdom is even desired under certain circum-
stances. The role of Japanese kamikazes in World War ✙ ●
II served this purpose, and certain fundamentalist

Muslims deliberately fought to their deaths in the ●●
Iran/Iraq Persian Gulf War in the early 1980s. ●
A brief summary table of all such martyrdoms is ●
given below in Table 4–1. The rest of this survey will ●
then focus on Christian martyrdom. ●

Table 4–1. Martyrdom in world religions ● ● ✙
since each’s origin. ●●●✝ ✙

Islam Muslim martyrs 80 million
Christianity Christian martyrs 70 million ●
Hinduism Hindu martyrs 20 million ●✝
Buddhism Buddhist martyrs 10 million ● ● ●
Judaism Jewish martyrs 9 million
Ethnoreligions Ethnic martyrs 6 million ●
Sikhism Sikh martyrs 2 million
Baha’i Baha’i martyrs 1 million
Other religions Other religious martyrs 5 million ● ●
All religions Total religious martyrs 203 million ●✙
● ●

Origin of the word ‘martyr’
The English word ‘martyr’ is derived from the Greek ●✝
martys, which carries the meaning ‘witness’ in Eng-
lish. In New Testament usage, it meant ‘a witness to ✙ ●
the resurrection of Christ’. This witness resulted so
frequently in death that by the end of the first cen- Key
worst martyrdom situations
martyrdom situations
tury martys had come to mean a Christian who wit-
nessed to Christ by his or her death. This enlarged ● = over 100,000 martyrs each
meaning has become the accepted norm throughout ✝ = over 500,000 martyrs each
church history. ✙ = over 1,000,000 martyrs each
Definition of terms
For the purposes of this volume’s primarily quanti-
tative analysis of martyrdom, Christian martyrs are
defined as ‘believers in Christ who have lost their
lives prematurely, in situations of witness, as a result
of human hostility.’ This definition has 5 essential and
indeed indispensable elements which can be stated
as follows:
1. ‘Believers in Christ’. These individuals include the
entire Christian community including professing All persons born since AD 33: 36,673 million 600 major martyrdom situations over 20 centuries
Christians, crypto-Christians, affiliated Christians, All persons evangelized since AD 33: 12,105 million (33% of human race) 76 with over 100,000 martyrs each
and unaffiliated Christians. In AD 2000, some 2.0 bil- All Christians since AD 33: 8,344 million (23% of human race) 27 with over 500,000 martyrs each
All martyrs killed since AD 33: 69,420,000 15 with over 1 million martyrs each
lion individuals match this description, and since the Martyrs as % all Christians ever: 0.8% Average martyrs per martyrdom situation: 115,000
time of Christ over 8.3 billion have believed in Christ. Martyrs among all Christians leaders ever: 2.0% Martyrdom loci: in 220 countries
Ecclesiastical traditions involved: all 300
2. ‘Lost their lives’. Our definition is restricted to Chris- Denominations with own martyrs: 4,000
tians actually put to death, for whatever reason.





6 7

4 5

8 9




12 15 16


the Faithful and True Martys
is the Greek word for witness or martyr: see Revelation 3:14)
(see captions on facing page, bottom left)


The first Christian document to have martyrdom

Table 4–2. Martyrdoms of The Twelve Apostles and of 12 other New Testament apostles. as its exclusive subject was the letter written by the
The New Testament records the selection and subsequent of the Twelve; (b) the 7 others named apostolos in the NT Christians of Smyrna describing the martyrdom of
ministries of the Twelve Apostles. Strong traditions exist that whose fate is partly known; and (c) the 5 others named apos- their bishop Polycarp. One key concept in this letter,
all were subsequently martyred for Christ, though the NT only tolos in the NT about whose subsequent fate nothing what- important to our understanding of martyrdom, is the
records this for James son of Zebedee (Acts 12:2). The table ever is known. fact that Polycarp’s death validated his discipleship—
below records what is known of the most likely fate of (a) each he followed his master unto death.
Ref. Name in Mark’s Gospel Other names Martyred How died Place Country Justin Martyr took the subject of martyrdom fur-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ther, portraying the martyr as the holder of truth, will-
ing to die because of its value.
a. The Twelve Apostles
1 Simon Peter Cephas (Rock) AD 64 Crucified Rome Italy
2 James son of Zebedee Boanerges (Son of Thunder) 44 Beheaded Jerusalem Palestine
3 John Boanerges The Beloved Disciple 96 Boiled in oil Ephesus Turkey
4 Andrew Andrea 69 Crucified Patras Greece
5 Philip – 60 Hanged Hierapolis Turkey
6 Bartholomew Nathanael, son of Ptolemy 68 Crucified Albana Armenia
7 Matthew Levi 70 Stabbed Nubia Ethiopia Table 4–3. Global overview of Christian
8 Thomas Didymus (Twin) 82 Speared Mylapore India martyrdom, AD 2000.
9 James the Less The Younger; son of Alphaeus 54 Stoned Jerusalem Palestine
10 Judas Thaddeus Lebbaeus; son of James; Addai 66 Clubbed Ardaze Turkey TOTAL PERSONS, AD 33-2000
11 Simon Zelotes The Zealot; the Canaanean 61 Crucified Suanir Iran All persons born since AD 33: 36,673 million
12 Judas Iscariot Man of Kerioth; Assassin 33 (Suicide) Jerusalem Palestine All persons evangelized since AD 33: 12,105 million (33%
of human race)
b. Other NT apostles All Christians since AD 33: 8,344 million (23% of human
Matthias Mattaniah 64 Burned Axum Ethiopia race)
Paul Saul of Tarsus 64 Beheaded Rome Italy All martyrs killed since AD 33: 69,420,000
Barnabas Joseph; Son of Consolation 61 Stoned Salamis Cyprus Martyrs as % all Christians ever: 0.8%
Mark the Evangelist John Mark 68 Trampled Alexandria Egypt Martyrs among all Christian leaders ever: 2.0%
James the Just The Brother of the Lord 62 Stoned Jerusalem Palestine
Luke the Evangelist The Good Physician 91 Hanged Rome Italy HISTORICAL OVERVIEW, AD 33-2000
Timothy Bishop of Ephesus 90 Beheaded Ephesus Turkey 600 major martyrdom situations over 20 centuries
76 with over 100,000 martyrs each
c. Others of unknown fate 27 with over 500,000 martyrs each
These 5 are: Andronicus, Apollos, Epaphroditus, Junia, Silas (Silvanus). 15 with over 1 million martyrs each
Average martyrs per martyrdom situation: 115,000
3. ‘Prematurely’. This word is important. Martyrdom THE CHRISTIAN Martyrdom loci: in 220 countries
Ecclesiastical traditions involved: all 300
is a disruption—sudden, abrupt, unexpected, un- UNDERSTANDING OF MARTYRS Denominations with own martyrs: 4,000
4. ‘In situations of witness’. This phrase incorporates The fate of the Twelve Apostles CONFESSION OF VICTIMS, AD 33-2000
the original heart of the etymology. However, “wit- The New Testament records how the Risen Christ (total martyrs of each tradition)
ness” in this definition does not mean only public tes- gave his disciples the Great Commission, and de- Orthodox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,798,000
Russian Orthodox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,626,400
timony or proclamation concerning the Risen Christ. scribes a few early cases of their obedience. But noth- East Syrians (Nestorians) . . . . . . . . . 12,379,000
It refers to the entire lifestyle and way of life of the ing is said about their ultimate fate as global mis- Ukrainian Orthodox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,500,000
Christian believer, whether or not he or she is actively sionaries. The murder of only one of the Twelve is Gregorians (Armenian Apostolic) . . . . 1,215,100
proclaiming at the time of being killed. In this sense recorded, that of James in AD 44 (Acts 12:2). But his- Roman Catholic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,210,000
all Great Commission Christians, committed to torical traditions, some strong, some weak, record Catholics (before AD 1000) . . . . . . . . 855,000
Independents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,512,000
Christ’s mission as by definition they are, are ‘wit- that they all died as martyrs. Table 4–2 sets out this Protestants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,172,000
nesses’ to the Lordship of the Risen Christ daily and situation. Anglicans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,046,000
continuously, whether consciously or unknowingly. Since recording these martyrdoms was relatively Marginal Christians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,700
5. ‘As a result of human hostility’. This last element is unimportant in the early church, this should alert us other and background martyrs . . . . . . . . 6,675,700
Total all martyrs 69,420,000
the crucial one. It excludes deaths through accidents, to the proper significance to be attached to martyr-
crashes, earthquakes and other ‘acts of God’, illnesses, dom. God evidently calls a number of his disciples PERSECUTORS AND THEIR VICTIMS,
or other causes of death however tragic. to experience death as martyrs, but no additional sal- AD 33-2000
vation or pre-eminence in the Kingdom of God nec- Persecutors responsible Martyrs
An important point to note is what this definition essarily results. Their obedience however advanced State ruling power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55,871,000
Atheists (overlap with above) . . . . . . . . . 31,689,000
omits. The most important item omitted is a criterion the spread of the gospel across the world. Muslims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,121,000
considered essential by churches in their martyrolo- Ethnoreligionists (animists) . . . . . . . . . . . 7,469,000
gies—’heroic sanctity’, by which is meant saintly life Martyrdom not exclusively an early Christian phe- Roman Catholics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,171,000
and fearless stance. Those are certainly essential for nomenon Quasi-religionists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,712,000
a martyrology if it is to have compelling educational When most Christians hear the word ‘martyr’ they Buddhists (Mahayana) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,651,000
Hindus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 676,000
and inspirational value for church members under tend to think of the Roman persecution of early Chris- Zoroastrians (Parsis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384,000
persecution and in particular for new converts. Heroic tians. The Ecclesia Martyrum or Church of the Mar- Eastern Orthodox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222,000
sanctity is however not essential to our definition be- tyrs is often thought to refer only to the earliest pe- Other non-Christians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115,000
cause many Christians have been killed shortly after riod of church history, the 10 imperial Roman Other Christians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146,000
their conversion and before they had any chance to persecutions. This is not the case. Martyrdom instead Non-Christian persecutors . . . . . . . . . . . . 63,882,000
develop Christian character, holiness, or courage. is considered to be the ‘common fate which the Christian persecutors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,538,000
Church shares with its Lord’. Our survey of individ- Total all martyrs 69,420,000
ual martyrs and of martyrdom situations reveals a
startling fact: martyrdom is a consistent feature of SITUATION BY AD 2000 (P.A.= PER YEAR)
Martyrs in 20th century (1900-2000): . . . 45,400,000
church history and occurs in every Christian tradi- Martyrs since 1950: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,300,000
tion and confession. This is evident in Tables 4-3 and Average annual martyrs since 1950: . . . 278,000 p.a.
Jesus the Faithful and True Martys
(captions for photo collage opposite) 4-4, and is documented in detail later in Table 4–10. Recent annual martyrs: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171,000 p.a.
The rate of martyrdom across the world throughout Current annual martyrs: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160,000 p.a.
1. Christ popularized. Public yearly enactment of Jesus carrying his the ages has been a remarkably constant 0.8%. One Countries heavily involved in AD 2000: . 50
Cross to Calvary (Mexico, and throughout Latin America).
2. Christ historicized. 3-dimensional tableau of Crucifixion, Einsiedeln out of every 120 Christians in the past has been mar- CONFESSION OF VICTIMS, AD 2000
Abbey (Switzerland). tyred, or in the future is likely to so be. (average annual martyrdom rates)
3. Christ three-dimensionalized. Argentina’s Roman Catholic bish-
ops use life-size crucified Christ. Roman Catholics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93,000
4. Christ regnant. ‘Christ Triumphant’ reigning from the Cross Martyrdom in Bible and church Protestants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000
(Dogura, Papua). Orthodox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,000
5. Christ sacrificed. ‘Crucifixion’, Church of St Aidan, East Acton, UK
The Christian view of martyr developed in the con- Non-White indigenous Christians . . . . . . 10,000
(G. Sutherland). text of actual martyrdoms in the first and second cen- Anglicans and Old Catholics . . . . . . . . . . 8,000
6. Christ accursed. Christ bearing sins of the world (John Biggs). turies after Christ. Martyrdom came about because Marginal Protestants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000
7. Christ mocked. ‘Christ Crowned with Thorns’ (Hieronymus Bosch,
c1510). of persecution and resulted in a death that was in it- Total martyrs p.a 160,000
8. Christ exhibited. ‘Christ Exhibited’ (young woman artist Helina self a witness for Christ. In the early church the idea
9. Christ romanticized. Altarpiece by Raphael, Italian master. developed that it was not enough to be called a Chris- (at current rates)
10. Christ destroyed. A horrific crucifixion (Graham Sutherland), tian, one had to show some proof. That proof was Full-time workers L% Per year
Church of St. Matthew, Northampton, UK. normally some kind of verbal acknowledgement of Bishops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.0 . . . . . . . . 15
11. Christ reviled. ‘Crucifixion’ (Herbert Seidel), in earlier East Ger-
man atheist setting. identification with Christ, starting with the confes- Evangelists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.0 . . . . . . . . 133
12. Christ uplifted. ‘Christ of Saint John of the Cross’ (Salvador Dali, sion ‘Jesus is Lord.’ Baumeister writes: ‘Dying be- Catechists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 . . . . . . . . 175
1951). Foreign missionaries . . . . . . . . 3.0 . . . . . . . . 131
13. Christ for sale. Sought after by buyers: ‘Crucifixion’ by Duccio di cause one is a Christian is the action par excellence Clergy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0 . . . . . . . . 303
Buonisegna, c1300. in which the disciple who is called to this confirms All Christian workers . . . . . . . . 2.0 . . . . . . . . 1,700
14. Christ auctioned. Christies of London auction that Duccio (shown his or her faith by following the example of Jesus’ suf- Monks, brothers . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9 . . . . . . . . 63
hung on right) for highest price ever in 1976, £1,000,000.
15. Christ authenticated. Holy Shroud of Turin (Christ’s burial cloth) fering and through action is able once again to be- Sisters, nuns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8 . . . . . . . . 300
Other Christians:
exhibited in Turin Cathedral, 1978. come a word with power to speak to others’. Even- Great Commission Christians . . 1.6 . . . . . . . . 80,000
16. Christ multiplied. Hill of Crosses in Lithuania, expanded daily
throughout 46-year occupation by atheist USSR. tually confessors were distinguished from martyrs. Christians (all kinds) . . . . . . . . . 1.0 . . . . . . . . 160,000


Table 4–4. 112 methods used to kill 70 Table 4–5. Persecutors and martyrs: 60 religious traditions and their related Christian
million martyrs, AD 33-2000. martyrs, AD 33-2000.
This table lists the whole variety of means and methods used
to kill Christian martyrs over the last 20 centuries. It then Religionists As persecutors As victims
estimates the totals so killed by each means, using the fol-
lowing estimates of cases: Code Martyrs Code Martyrs
1 2 3 4 5
10 Over 10 million Non-Christian persecutors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 From 4-10 million Atheists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 31,689,000 –
8 From 2-4 million Buddhists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B 1,651,000 –
7 From 1-2 million Confucianists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G 3,000 –
6 500,000 to 1 million Ethnoreligionists (pagans) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T 7,469,000 –
5 100,000 to 500,000 Hindus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H 676,000 –
4 10,000 to 100,000 Jews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J 60,100 –
3 1,000 to 10,000 Manicheans (Gnostics) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g 10,000 –
2 100 to 1,000 Muslims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M 9,121,000 –
1 Under 100 Quasireligionists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y 2,712,000 –
Shintoists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 17,000 –
Method Magnitude Method Magnitude Spiritists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U 25,000 –
assassinated . . . . . . . 3 injected . . . . . . . . . . . 5 state ruling power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x 55,871,000 –
annihilated . . . . . . . . . 7 killed by contract . . . . 3 Zoroastrians (Parsis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z 384,000 –
attacked during sleep 5 killed by mob . . . . . . . 8 other and background killers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,675,700 –
bayoneted . . . . . . . . . 7 killed extrajudicially . . 5
beaten to death . . . . . 7 killed during genocide 9 Christian persecutors and/or victims . . . . . . . . .
beheaded . . . . . . . . . 4 killed with sword . . . . 9 African Independent pentecostals . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 I-3pA 6,700
bled to death . . . . . . . 6 knifed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Anabaptists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 P-Ana 34,000
boiled in oil . . . . . . . . 2 lashed to death . . . . . 4 Anglicans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 53,400 A- 1,046,000
blown up . . . . . . . . . . 5 left to die . . . . . . . . . . 6 Apostolic era (AD 30-75) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 I-Aps 15,400
brainwashed to death 5 liquidated . . . . . . . . . . 7 Arians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n 14,500 – 1,000
broken on wheel . . . . 2 lowered into sewage . 9 Armenian Apostolic (Gregorian) . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 O-Arm 1,215,000
buried alive . . . . . . . . 5 lynched . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Baptists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 P-Bap 704,000
burned at stake . . . . . 4 machine-gunned . . . . 6 Belorussian Orthodox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 O-Bye 670,000
buried in sand . . . . . . 4 massacred . . . . . . . . . 8 Bulgarian Orthodox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 O-Bul 112,000
butchered . . . . . . . . . 9 murdered . . . . . . . . . . 5 Byzantines (before 1000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O 222,000 O-Byz 1,527,000
cannibalized . . . . . . . 3 mutilated to death . . . 4 Cathari/Albigensians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 I-Alg 20,000
chemically killed . . . . . 8 poisoned . . . . . . . . . . 4 Catholics (before AD 1000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R 57,000 R-Lat 855,000
clubbed to death . . . . 6 pushed under traffic . . 3 Celts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 A-Cel 53,500
crucified . . . . . . . . . . . 4 pushed under train . . 3 Chaldean Catholics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 R-Cha 450
crushed to death . . . . 3 put to death . . . . . . . . 5 Chinese house churches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 I-3hC 700,000
cut to pieces . . . . . . . 7 quartered . . . . . . . . . . 3 Congregationalists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 P-Con 2,200
decapitated . . . . . . . . 4 racked to death . . . . . 4 Coptic Orthodox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 O-Cop 1,068,000
deprived of medication 7 roasted alive . . . . . . . 4 Czech Orthodox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 O-Cze 15,000
died after beating . . . . 8 run over by tank . . . . . 2 Disciples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 P-Dis 4,000
died after prison release 7 run over by vehicle . . 4 Donatists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 I-Don 24,000
died in custody . . . . . 5 savaged by dogs . . . . 3 East Syrians (Nestorians) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 O-Nes 12,379,000
died in interrogation . . 4 savaged by wild animals 5 Eastern Orthodox (after 1000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 O- 42,773,000
died in prison . . . . . . . 10 sawed in two . . . . . . . 3 Ethiopian Orthodox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 O-Eth 651,000
died in slavery . . . . . . 6 shedding blood . . . . . 6 Georgian Orthodox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 O-Geo 210,000
died of injuries . . . . . . 9 shot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Independent Charismatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 I-3 1,889,000
died on release . . . . . 7 shot by sniper . . . . . . 6 Independent Churches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 5,000 I- 3,512,000
died under torture . . . 6 slashed to death . . . . 7 Jehovah’s Witnesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 m-Jeh 6,700
disemboweled . . . . . . 3 slaughtered . . . . . . . . 7 Latter-day Saints (Mormons) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m 10 m-LdS 30
dismembered . . . . . . . 5 speared to death . . . . 4 Lollards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 I-Lol 100
driven mad . . . . . . . . 6 stabbed to death . . . . 5 Lutherans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 P-Lut 987,000
driven to suicide . . . . 3 starved to death . . . . . 10 Maronites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 R-Mar 152,700
drowned . . . . . . . . . . . 7 stoned . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Marranos, Moriscos, Messianic, Jewish-Christian – 0 I-Jew 21,500
drugged to death . . . . 4 strangled . . . . . . . . . . 4 Melkites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 R-Mel 30
eaten alive . . . . . . . . . 3 suffocated . . . . . . . . . 4 Messianic Jewish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 I-3mJ 1,000,000
eaten by piranhas . . . 3 targeted in war . . . . . . 5 Montanists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 I-Mon 2,000
electrocuted . . . . . . . . 4 terrorized to death . . . 6 Moravians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 P-Mor 6,000
electronically killed . . 2 throat slit . . . . . . . . . . 9 Old Believers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 I-OBe 3,200
executed . . . . . . . . . . 4 thrown from aircraft . . 4 Paulicians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 I-Pau 100,000
exposed to elements . 6 thrown off building . . . 5 Pentecostals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 P-Pen 1,021,000
frightened to death . . 4 thrown over cliff . . . . . 7 Presbyterians/Reformed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 P-Ref 210,000
frozen to death . . . . . 8 thrown overboard . . . 8 Protestants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P 16,200 P- 3,172,000
garroted . . . . . . . . . . . 4 thrown to crocodiles . 3 Quakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 I-Qua 500
gassed . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 thrown to lions . . . . . . 4 Quasi-Christians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 I-qCh 1,000,000
gibbeted . . . . . . . . . . . 4 thrown to sharks . . . . 5 Roman Catholics (after 1000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R 5,171,000 R- 11,355,000
guillotined . . . . . . . . . 4 tied behind vehicle . . . 4 Russian Orthodox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 O-Rus 21,626,000
hacked to death . . . . . 8 torched . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Romanian Orthodox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 O-Rum 16,000
hanged . . . . . . . . . . . 6 torn apart by horses . 3 Serbian Orthodox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 O-Ser 350,000
hanged upside down . 3 tortured to death . . . . 5 Ukrainian Orthodox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 O-Ukr 3,500,000
hunted to death . . . . . 4 trampled to death . . . 4 Waldensians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 I-Wal 6,100
immolated . . . . . . . . . 4 wiped out . . . . . . . . . . 6 West Syrians (Jacobites) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0 O-Syr 351,000
immured . . . . . . . . . . 2 other and background martyrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – – 6,675,700
impaled . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Total . . . . . . . . . 70 million

Why are there martyrs? The martyrdom of Jesus related to Christ if he is defending society against the
According to Latin American radical theologian Jesus was the Christian martyr par excellence. It was attacks of its enemies who are trying to damage the
Leonardo Boff they exist for two reasons: (1) Chris- he who provided the example for all Christian mar- Christian faith and if in this defense he suffers death’.
tians prefer to sacrifice their lives rather than to be tyrs since. It is important to understand the varying Edna McDonagh writes: ‘Christian martyrs do not
unfaithful to their convictions and, (2) those that re- reasons for his martyrdom. From the point of view die solely even primarily for the sake of the Church
ject proclamation persecute, torture and kill. This gen- of the Pharisees he was being punished for blasphemy community but for the kingdom which may be seek-
eral presence of evil in the world, combined with and contempt for the law. The Romans saw him as a ing expression and demanding recognition within the
Christian devotion is at the root of martyrdom. subversive. His followers later understood his death bounds of the historical Church, in causes not ex-
When we examine a list of martyrs down the ages, as a necessary price for the salvation of the world. plicitly religious’.
as comprehensive as is known today, some startling Thus, the reasons Christians give to explain martyr- Following in the footsteps of Jesus, Christians have
findings emerge. Table 4–3 provides a global sum- dom, even in the case of Jesus, are very complex. been martyred for all kinds of reasons. Though the
mary and overview. Table 4–5 analyses the grand to- history of martyrdom illustrates the vast variety of
tal of 70 million martyrs separated out by which non- The global presence of martyrs reasons why Christians are martyred, Boff makes it
Christian authorities are responsible, and also by the Our survey reveals that martyrs have died in the 138 clear that ‘All those who have died, and those yet to
Christian traditions or confessions of the victims. Sur- largest countries of the world. In many, the estab- die, for these causes, regardless of their ideological
prisingly, Christians themselves have been the per- lishment of the church was the result of mass mar- allegiance, are truly martyrs through the spilling of
secutors responsible for martyring 5,539,000 other tyrdom. This was true in the early Roman empire, in their blood because they perform virtuous actions in
Christians. Armenia, in Egypt, and in Palestine, and then subse- the spirit of Christ’.
Another startling fact is the viciousness of killers quently in India, China, France, Japan, Britain, Viet
hostile to Christians, Christianity, and Christian wit- Nam, Korea, the Americas, and Russia and the Analyzing martyrdom situations
ness. Table 4–4 has already presented a horrifying list- Ukraine. The first way in which we can begin to understand
ing of 112 ways in which killers have murdered Chris- the phenomenon of multiple or mass martyrdom is
tians over the centuries. The many different kinds of martyrs to analyze their features and their overall significance.
Karl Rahner expounds Thomas Aquinas’ dictum that This can be done by describing each individual situ-
‘Someone is a martyr through a death that is clearly ation by means of coded variables; this is done in


known martyrs too numerous to list in the table. Such

Table 4–6. Analysis of martyrs by 11 types of Christians. additional names, numbering 2,500 individual mar-
In this table a variety of Christians together with a number of low together with a small selection of some of the best-known tyrs, are given in Tables 4-11, 4-12, and 4-13.
well-known martyrs are classified by type. To illustrate this ty- martyrs or martyr situations (names and dates) who fit in and It must be remembered again that although this
pology, first come 11 categories then these categories with illustrate each category. table deals only with specifically Christian martyr-
precise definitions. Then these categories are given again be- dom, similar tables could be drawn up for martyrs in
Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and the other
0 = non-witnessing Christians (nominals, etc) great religions. All share in this greatest of depriva-
Non-martyr witnesses (confessors)
1 = Christians witnessing, but not suffering or persecuted tions of human rights.
2 = witnesses suffering, persecuted, or tortured but not killed
3 = witnesses wanting or seeking martyrdom but not succeeding
Martyrs (Involuntary or inadvertent) ANALYSIS OF ALL MARTYR
4 = died during or after imprisonment or torture for being a Christian SITUATIONS, AD 33-2000
5 = killed for outwardly non-religious reasons
6 = killed for being part of a Christian body being persecuted
7 = killed because known individually or collectively as a Christian Each of the 11 Epochs has its martyrdom situations
Martyrs (voluntary or deliberate) totaled and analyzed in the last 5 lines of each Epoch.
8 = killed after deliberately provoking hostility or seeking martyrdom Totals of all martyrs since AD 33 are then visible on
9 = killed after making a formal public witness in a hostile situation
10 = publicly ordered to apostatize, refuses, confesses Christ, killed that 5th line.

0 = non-witnessing Christians. (This refers to latent, unaffiliated, nominal, non-practicing, non-suffering Christians). Background martyrdom
Non-martyr witnesses (confessors) This very significant aspect is enumerated for each
1 = Christians witnessing but not suffering or persecuted. (By far the largest grouping, 83% of all active Great Commission Epoch in its last line but two. As mentioned briefly
Christians today, of whom 20% are harassed by state or society but not severely persecuted).
2 = witnesses persecuted but not killed. (The underground church, which in 1988 numbered 16% of all Christians, includ- above, the term ‘background martyrs’ refers to the
ing those tortured or imprisoned). A. Solzhenitsyn, R. Wurmbrandt, G. Vins. continuous stream of Christians killed as isolated vic-
3 = witnesses seeking martyrdom but not succeeding. Pachomius, Anskar. tims or for individual reasons, usually without any
Martyrs (involuntary or inadvertent) particular ecclesiastical situation, often clouded by
4 = died during or after imprisonment. AD 254 Origen, 1920 abp Justin of Omsk, 1929 abp Peter of Voronezh, 1938 other kinds of violence (wars, killings, murders, etc).
metropolitan Anatole of Odessa.
5 = killed for outwardly nonreligious reasons. 1966 fr C. Torres, 1968 M. L. King Jr, 1977 abp J. Luwum. In such cases their ecclesiastical affiliation is either
6 = killed for being part of a persecuted body. 1915, 600,000 Armenian Apostolics. unknown or irrelevant. The term ‘background killers’
7 = killed because known as a Christian. 1945 D. Bonhoeffer, M. Skobtsova, 1980 abp O. Romero. refers to those responsible for these killings. For fuller
Martyrs (voluntary or deliberate) definition, see Table 4–9; for numbers, see Table 4–10.
8 = killed after deliberately seeking martyrdom. 628 Anastasius the Persian, 1531 Thomas Bilney, c1700 brother Markel &
Old Believer monks, 1795 Greek neomartyrs.
9 = killed after formal public witness. 1941 fr M. Kolbe. Some possible future scenarios
10 = killed after being offered reprieve but refusing. 33 Jesus, 36 Stephen, 64 Paul, 156 Polycarp, 1555 abp T. Cranmer. The rest of Table 4–10 after AD 2000 speculates on
possible futures. It draws on material in Part 2 “Cos-
moChronology”. It is based (purely for purposes of
Table 4–6. This provides a scale of varieties of mar- year after year at the same shocking rate of 160,000 a illustrating our method) on one of the possible sug-
tyrs, coded 0-10, is designed primarily to help clas- year or even higher. gested scenarios, namely with the 10-year End-time
sify individual martyrs. The scale provides a means arbitrarily placed just after AD 2050, with a world
of classifying and comparing the various types or de- population then of 8 billion and a church of 3 billion.
grees of martyrdom. It is descriptive, not evaluative. THE DEMOGRAPHICS OF MARTYRDOM Note that each of the lines anticipates not only the
It describes circumstances, hence one cannot say that church having numerous martyrs but also, especially
individuals killed in category 9 or 10 were better or Our major compilation of data on Christian martyrs in the End-time, the church losing vast numbers
more faithful witnesses than persons in category 1, in all countries over the 20 centuries of Christian his- through defections, apostasies, and non-martyr
or 4, etc. Neither does our definition of ‘martyr’ nec- tory is contained in the World Evangelization Data- deaths.
essarily imply holiness of life or character, nor the base. This can be directly accessed via the CD related
‘heroic sanctity’ that many Christian confessions re- to this survey, the World Christian database. In print,
quire before persons can be formally recognized as most of these data are contained here in several large ESTABLISHING THE
saints. Category 1 gives in fact the original meaning tables: (a) Table 4–10 describing 600 major martyr- BOUNDARIES OF MARTYRDOM
of the New Testament Greek word martys (see Acts dom situations in 150 countries, AD 33-2000; (b) Table
1.8), but categories 0-3 are not properly called mar- 4–11 ‘Alphabetical listing of 2,500 known Christian Detailed final definitions
tyrs in today’s English usage. martyrs, AD 33-2000’; (c) Table 4–12 ‘Chronological In the light of the detailed data in Table 4–10, a reca-
Another scale by which a country’s experience of listing of 2,500 known Christian martyrs, AD 33-2000’; pitulation of the whole concept of martyrdom is in
martyrdom can be measured is shown in Table 4–7; and (d) Table 4–13 ‘Geographical listing of 2,500 order at this point.
this can also measure a city’s experience, or an eth- known Christian martyrs, AD 33-2000’. This analysis sees the term ‘martyr’ primarily as a
nic people’s experience. The most significant and informative of these ta- religious one and in particular as a Christian one. We
Two more scales, this time describing each actual bles in this Part 4 is Table 4–10, which will now be an- are looking at the phenomenon from the Christian
martyrdom situation, are given in Table 4–8. The alyzed. point of view, as the Christian experiences it. The pri-
whole range of situations is given values for these lat- mary thing is—a Christian has lost his or her life due
ter 2 variables in our major overall data compilation, The 500 major martyrdom situations in history to human hostility. Who caused it, or in what hostile
Table 4–10, columns 9 and 10. Table 4–10 describes the whole extent of Christian circumstances, or for what motivation, are all sec-
martyrdom and its martyrs—believers who have lost ondary.
Background murders and martyrs their lives prematurely because of their faith in Christ, The analysis therefore defines a ‘martyr’ as fol-
At this point before examining our major datatable in situations of witness, as a result of human hostil- lows.
on martyrdom, it is important to note that we ob- ity. The table lists a selection of the major or best- (i) Brief definition. A martyr is a Christian who loses
servers actually see only the tip of the iceberg, while known martyr situations in the narrative of Chris- his or her life prematurely due to hostility because of
a vast number of other martyrdoms take place every tianity, arranged by the 10 major epochs in Christian his or her faith in Christ.
day, every week, every year, without anyone else history (in capital letters), with overall totals and (ii) Expanded definition. A martyr is a Christian who
hearing about them. Part of this phenomenon is analyses given at the end of each epoch. Names of a loses his or her life prematurely in circumstances re-
termed here background martyrdom. It is defined representative selection of 400 individual martyrs or lated either directly or indirectly to witness to Christ,
and described in Table 4–9, and will then be utilized groups are given throughout the table in bold type. and as a result of human hostility or violence directed
throughout Table 4–10. Note these abbreviations: bp = bishop, abp = arch- at him or her (but not simply as a result of natural
bishop, msgr = monsignor, fr = father/priest, br = causes, disease, famine, accident, warfare, or so-called
The impact of martyrdom on evangelization brother/monk, sr = sister/nun.
Is there a correlation between martyrdom and evan- Definitions, sources, and meanings of the 11
gelization? In some countries we find that martyr- columns and of the rows are appended in the fol- Table 4–7. Incidence of martyrdom in a
dom was followed by church growth. A contempo- lowing paragraphs. These explanations, qualifica- country, city, or ethnolinguistic
rary example is the church in China. In 1949 there tions and caveats must be carefully studied before the people.
were only one million Christians. Forty years of anti- reader rushes into conclusions about the validity of
religious Communist rule produced some 1.2 million the concept of martyrdom as presented here. 0 = no martyrs past or present
martyrs (see Table 4–10). The result: explosive church Briefly, note that column 5 = primary persecuting 1 = alien martyrs only (of an outside culture)
2 = past martyrs of this people (over 3 generations ago)
growth to today’s 90 million believers. body, column 6 = Christian tradition of those mar- 3 = one known recent protomartyr of this culture
tyred, column 7 = total martyrs as a result of that sit- 4 = several known recent martyrs of this culture
The future of martyrdom uation, 7a (on CD only) = total related Christians then, 5 = numerous martyrs but sporadic, local and under 0.1%
We might be tempted to believe that mankind will 8 = martyrdom ratio 7:7a as a percentage, 9 = mag- of Christians
6 = moderate martyrdom (0.1%-0.9% of all Christians at
gradually grow out of its violent nature and that, per- nitude of martyrs (code given in Index 1, Table 4–8), the time)
haps one hundred years in the future, will no longer 10 = intensity of martyrdom (code given in Index 2, 7 = high martyrdom (1-9%)
be killing others, for whatever reason. However, this Table 4–8), 11 = total all Christians worldwide alive 8 = severe martyrdom (10-49%)
is not likely to be the case. The future almost certainly at that time, 11a = line number, for quick reference 9 = intense martyrdom (50% or over)
holds more martyrdom situations and the names of (on CD only). 10 = total martyrdom (100%; virtually every Christian wiped
individual martyrs are likely to continue mounting For many dates, there are often many other well-


1 2 3


Martyrs of the First Millennium

1. Apostle Simon the Zealot, AD 61.
2. Apostle Jude (Thaddaeus), AD 66.
3. Apostle Thomas, in India, AD 82.
4. John on Patmos sees the 144,000 martyrs (Revelation 7,14).
5. India postage stamp on Thomas’ 19th death centenary.
6. ‘Diana or Christ?’ (by A. Long): sacrifice to gods or die.
7. The 10,000 martyrs (AD 287, also AD 337), by Albrecht Dürer.
8. ‘The Last Prayer’ (Gerome): by martyrs on crosses in Colosseum,
9. Apostle John is boiled in oil as Emperor (left) watches, AD 95 (A. Durer,
7 1496).

Martyrs of the First Millennium



1 2

4 5

Martyrs of the Second Millennium 8. Bible translator Romulo Saune, (center) executed in Peru by Maoists,
1. Murder in Canterbury Cathedral of archbishop Thomas Becket, 1170. 1992.
2. 20 OFM missionaries are crucified in Nagasaki, Japan, 1597. 9. Annual reenactment, martyrdom of prophet Simon Kimbangu by Bel-
3. Killing of bishop J.C. Patteson, Solomon Islands 1871. gian colonial authorities, 1951.
4. Baptist missionary cardiologist C.H. Yi and wife K.W. Yi murdered in 10. Assyrian Catholicos Mar Shimun XIX, killed by Turks, 1917.
Khabarovsk, Russia, 1995. 11. Jesuit pioneers Rudolf Acquaviva, companions killed in India, 1583.
5. Bible translator William Tyndale burned at stake in Belgium, 1536. 12. Catholic priest thrown into icy river by atheist mob, Croatia, 1970.
6. Murder of John Williams, New Hebrides, 1839. 13. Oscar Romero, archbishop in El Salvador, murdered in San Salvador
7. Charles de Foucauld, killed in Tamanrassset, Algeria, 1916. cathedral, 1980.

9 10

11 12 13

Martyrs of the Second Millennium



in bold type are a small selection of those per-

Table 4–8. Two persecution/martyrdom indexes, each of 10 levels of demographic martyr- sons whose names are known and whom the
dom as experienced by the local Christian community in each of the 500 major churches officially, or popularly, regard as ‘mar-
historical martyrdom situations. tyrs’ properly so-called. This includes many
Index 1. Magnitude of each martyrdom situation.
known exceptional individuals who died vol-
untarily or publicly for their faith or for refus-
Size Martyrs per situation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Situations Total Martyrs ing to deny Christ. Many of these persons thus
10 Over 10 million martyrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15,000,000 named died as bishops. They are placed at the
9 From 4 million to 10 million . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 13,000,000 nearest appropriate date, in most cases on lines
8 From 2 million to 4 million . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4,900,000 describing situations of which their martyrdoms
7 From 1 million to 2 million . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9,300,000 formed part. Their dates are given if different
6 From 500,000 to 1 million . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 7,070,000 from the line’s date. Names of additional known
5 From 100,000 to 500,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 9,330,000
4 From 10,000 to 100,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 3,513,000 or well-known martyrs are then given below in
3 From 1,000 to 10,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 589,900 the 3 full listings of all individuals in Tables 4-
2 From 100 to 1,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 40,393 11, 4-12, and 4-13.
1 Under 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 2,237
Background and other martyrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — 6,675,700 Abbreviations in this column: bp = bishop (not used
TOTAL 584 69,420,000
here for the original Apostles, but only after AD
Index 2. Intensity of each martyrdom situation. 100), abp = archbishop, msgr = monsignor
(bishop), fr = father (a priest, noted and used
Intensity Martyrs as % local Persecution Situations Total Martyrs here only from 1693 onwards), br =
BELOW AVERAGE brother/monk, sr = sister/nun. Note: bps, abps,
0 Under 0.1% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sporadic . . . . . . . . . . 156 599,221 frs are the plural forms including all following
1 From 0.1 to under 0.2% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 543,690 names to next title or colon. Other similar titles
2 From 0.2 to under 0.5% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moderate . . . . . . . . . . 51 608,264 are left unabbreviated: pope, patriarch, abba,
3 From 0.5 to under 1% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Average . . . . . . . . . . . 35 1,482,670
ABOVE AVERAGE mar, rabban. The symbol & (ampersand) here
4 From 1 to under 2% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heavy . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 1,438,295 and throughout denotes persons martyred to-
5 From 2 to under 5% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Severe . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 4,066,547 gether. The phrase ‘et alii’ (and others) denotes
6 From 5 to under 10% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appalling . . . . . . . . . . 51 10,603,711 several or numerous additional similar martyrs
7 From 10 to under 20% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catastrophic . . . . . . . 48 23,647,202
GENOCIDAL at the same time and place.
8 From 20 to under 50% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Horrifying . . . . . . . . . . 57 13,451,163
9 From 50 to under 90% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terrifying . . . . . . . . . . 33 6,304,367
10 From 90 to under 100% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annihilating . . . . . . . . 1 400 SUMMARY OF TRADITIONS INVOLVED
Background and other martyrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. — 6,675,700
TOTAL 584 69,420,000
The next 2 variables in Table 4–10 report quite dif-
ferent characteristics: firstly, persecutors; and sec-
‘acts of God’ such as earthquakes, floods, etc; also ex- the line of duty, or on active duty, or who lose their ondly, the martyrs they persecute. These are set out
cluding suicide, self-immolation, and the like). lives because they happen to be in the path of vio- in summary form in Table 4–5.
(iii). Standard short definition. Our standardized sum- lence (this includes workers killed by robbers, sol- After these 2, there follow 4 variables reporting on
mary definition should now be given again, as fol- diers, police, etc). Note also that our definition of de- the size and intensity of martyrdom in each situation.
lows: A martyr is a believer in Christ, who loses his or her mographic martyrdom includes and covers those
life prematurely, in a situation of witness, as a result of hu- children and infants who lose their lives along with 5. Persecutors. Primary persecuting body, either sec-
man hostility. adult martyrs. ular or religious, or both (if 2 letters are given);
The key words to remember and insist on, when ex- i.e. the main persecutors of the martyrs described
amining instances of possible martyrdom, are there- Sources (in columns 3 and 4. There codes represent ei-
fore these 5 words, which can be posed as questions: Data for many of the situations listed in Table 4–10 ther (a) in the first half of the column, the state
—believer come from detailed entries in Part 2 “Cos- or ruling regime (shown by ‘x’, or a dot ‘.’ mean-
—loses moChronology”, which should be consulted for ad- ing no state involvement); and (b) in the second
—prematurely ditional details on any particular year and its context. half of the column, any religious body respon-
—witness sible or involved in killing the martyrs, which
—hostility Percentages can be either non-Christian religious bodies, or
If any of these 5 key words do not apply to particu- To give the reader an idea of the numerical signifi- Christian bodies themselves, or a dot ‘.’ mean-
lar individuals or situations, then they should not be cance of statistics of any particular martyrs or period ing no religious body is involved. In this column
called martyrs in this precise sense. he or she is interested, in, we produce in this table 5 there are always 2 code characters, side by side.
(iv) An even more detailed definition. Our most complex various differently-defined sets of percentages: (a) for As just noted, the code ‘x’ stands for the state
definition sees a martyr as a Christian whose loyalty a particular occasion, number of martyrs divided by
and witness to Christ (as a witness to the fact of total Christians of that time and place and/or de-
Christ’s resurrection, and also as a legal witness to, nomination; (b) martyrs divided by nation’s Christ- Table 4–9. Multiple varieties of back-
and advocate for, the claims of Christ in God’s cos- ian population; (c) martyrs over a long period divided ground martyrdom.
mic lawsuit against the world) lead directly or indi- by total Christians alive at some median time during
Variety Description
rectly to a confrontation or clash with hostile oppo- this period, as percent; and (d) martyrs per year di-
nents (either non-Christians, or Christians of another vided by total Christian deaths (from all causes) per Accidental martyrdom (Violence got out of control)
persuasion) as a result of him or her either (1) being year, as percent. Readers will find some of these Anonymous martyrdom (Nobody identifies the victims)
a Christian, or (2) being part of a Christian body or clearer or more helpful than others. Bounty martyrdom (Reward is offered and deliberate hunt
community, or (3) being a Christian worker, or (4) ensues)
Contract martyrdom (A price is put on a Christian’s head)
averring the truth of Christianity, or (5) holding to Criminal martyrdom (A killing breaks the law)
some Christian tenet or principle or practice, or (6) DESCRIPTION OF COLUMNS IN TABLE 4-10 Domestic martyrdom (Occurring during a family dispute)
holding to different Christian tenets to his or her op- Family-related martyrdom (Such as new convert poisoned
ponents, or (7) speaking for Christ, or (8) refusing to The meaning of columns and rows in the major table by relatives)
deny Christ or his or her Christian convictions; which here, Table 4–10, are as follows: Indirect martyrdom (Death comes as indirect product of
then results in violence and in him or her voluntar- Individual martyrdom (Killed without church involvement)
ily or involuntarily losing his or her life prematurely 1. Year. Date of first martyrdoms in a collective mar- Invisible martyrdom (Killers operate cautiously and out of
(shedding his or her blood, being put to death, exe- tyrdom situation, or of first or beginning of a sight)
cuted, assassinated, killed, stoned, clubbed to death, prolonged series extending over either a few or Isolated martyrdom (No apparent cause or connection)
Laundered martyrdom (A killing has been covered up)
beheaded, guillotined, garroted, strangled, stabbed, many subsequent years. Note: ‘c’ = approxi- Marginal martyrdom (At the edges of our definition)
eaten alive, gassed, injected, electrocuted, suffocated, mately. Mistaken martyrdom (Wrong target is killed)
boiled in oil, roasted alive, drowned, torched, burned Money-related martyrdom (To cover embezzlement or
massacred, crucified, lynched, hanged, shot, mur- 2. Main locus. Place, country, or main area where sit- theft)
dered, pushed under oncoming traffic, immured, uation of persecution or martyrdoms occurred. Petty martyrdom (Due to petty crime)
Political martyrdom (Regime claims political justification)
buried alive, crushed to death, poisoned, drugged to The name here is always either a country (using Quasi-martyrdom (Credentials as Christians appear un-
death, starved, deprived of medication, chemically terminology of the time), or a continent or re- certain)
or electronically killed, killed extrajudicially, died un- gion, or occasionally one of the historical patri- Revenge martyrdom (Settling of old scores)
der torture, died after beatings, died in custody, died archal metropolises (Jerusalem, Alexandria, Subsequent martyrdom (Victim survives immediate attack
in prison, died soon after release from prison, or al- Rome, Byzantium/Constantinople). but dies shortly after)
Trivial martyrdom (Such as a killing during a robbery)
lowed or left to die). Any of these may take place with Unconscious martyrdom (Nobody realizes what has hap-
or without prior demand or opportunity to recant. 3. Description of major martyrdom situation. Details pened except the victim)
(See alphabetical listing in Table 4–4). of group of martyrs concerned, or persecution, Unheralded martyrdom (Killers remain silent)
Note that (6) above means that most Christians or context, or circumstances, i.e. the situation in Unintended martyrdom (Killing originally not planned)
Unknown martyrdom (No reports ever surface)
killed as alleged ‘heretics’ down the ages should cor- its main particulars. Unorganized martyrdom (No planning evident)
rectly be included in enumerations of martyrs. Item
(3) above also includes Christian workers killed in 4. Related individual martyrs. Listed here in the table


secular, or other ruling power, civil or military 8. MR%. In order to be able to assess and compare of the iceberg, however, by adding this line to
(i.e. state involvement, excluding any temporary situations and their severity, we can speak of cover all unknown or undocumented situations.
or invading power); this category is widely used percentages. There are 5 or 6 different types we
here in combination with another code; thus, ‘xa’ could use. Here, MR = martyrdom ratio for this 3. Background martyrdom. The term is used here to
means that the persecutors are the civil power incident or period, i.e. the number of those mar- cover a whole range of very small or isolated or
(x) who are also expressly atheists (a)). The range tyred as a percentage of the immediate Christ- individual situations, which can be termed non-
is shown in Table 4–5. ian community (= columns 7 divided by 7a, ecclesiastical. They cover cases where a Christ-
times 100%) ian is killed as a result of human hostility but
6. Tradition of martyrs. Christian tradition, confes- where the circumstances are nothing directly or
sion, or communion primarily involved as vic- 9. Magnitude. The scale used here to measure mag- immediately to do with organized Christianity.
tims. The listing in Table 4–5 shows the various nitude of a martyrdom situation is as shown in These are set out in Table 4–9. Our general find-
Christian bodies, traditions, and confessions in- Table 4–8, Index 1. ing is that at every Epoch background martyr-
volved, and also the various non-Christian bod- doms of these kinds take place continually. Since
ies involved. The codes used are identical to 10. Intensity. The scale used here to measure inten- they are largely isolated individual cases, usu-
codes for the 6 megablocs and 300 traditions as sity of a martyrdom situation is as shown in ally there is no ecclesiastical situation nor eccle-
shown in Part 16 “GeoCodebook”. Table 4–8, Index 2. siastical significance—they are just victims of
background violence provoked further by Chris-
7. Martyrs (numerical total). Estimated number of 11. Global Christians. This end column gives the total tian witness.
Christian martyrs resulting from situation de- number of Christians of all types across the
scribed in columns 1-3 of Table 4–10, defining world alive at that time (expressed in millions). 4. Global total of all martyrs during Epoch. Column 7
‘martyrs’ as all persons in categories 4-10 on our for this row gives total martyrs during the epoch,
scale ‘Analysis of martyrs by 11 types’ in Table 11a. Line. In the related CD, this column gives an based on (a) total of all the specifically-named
4–6. Note that in any situation of mass deaths or identification number to each line in the table, and detailed martyrdom situations described
killing of Christians, we do not automatically or for quick reference. above (which themselves represent only a se-
necessarily define the entire total who have been lection of the major situations) plus (b) the line
killed as martyrs, but only that fraction whose immediately above, just described, which as-
deaths resulted from some form of Christian ARRIVING AT GLOBAL TOTALS sesses the background martyrdom situation.
witness, individual or collective. Thus under
‘1095, Crusades’, our table does not equate ‘cru- World totals at the end of each Epoch 5. Global cumulative total of all martyrs since AD 33.
saders’ with ‘martyrs’, but simply states that At the end of each Epoch in Table 4–10, there are 5 Column 7 for this fifth row gives the total of all
during the Crusades a number of zealous and standardized lines referring to the world situation martyrs since the Crucifixion in AD 33, up to the
overzealous Christians were in fact martyred as with world totals at that time. These are as follows: year shown.
defined under ‘Definitions’ above. Likewise
‘1980, Latin America’ does not count as martyrs 1. Total of martyrs listed above that line, during that
all Christians who became victims of political Epoch. NAMES OF INDIVIDUAL MARTYRS
killings, but only those whose situations in-
volved Christian witness. Typical illustrations 2. All other martyrdom situations, known or unknown, The last 3 tables in this Part 4, Tables 4-11, 4-12, and
of the latter include the vast number of cases of during that Epoch. 4-13, now give names of some 2,500 individual mar-
an entire congregation singing hymns as soldiers tyrs known to or recognized by one or more of the
lock their church’s doors and proceed to burn it 3. Background martyrdom during that Epoch (individ- various Christian confessions and churches, or un-
to the ground with no survivors. ual, domestic, family, isolated; see Table 4–9). covered during the book’s independent research over
35 years. They are here grouped firstly alphabetically,
The database here includes a further variable, 7a, 4. Global total of all martyrs during that Epoch (sum of secondly chronologically, and thirdly by country.
available in the related CD but not in this print book. 1, 2, 3). Many of those are individual or isolated martyrs
whose deaths occurred outside major persecutions
7a. Christians. Local Christian population in that year 5. Global cumulative total of all martyrs since AD 33. or similar martyrdom situations reported in Table
and region, i.e. size of the related local Christian 4–10. They are however summarized there at the end
population to which columns 1-7 refer. Some- Additional notes on these 5 lines are as follows. of each Epoch under the rubrics ‘All other martyr-
times this means the total Christians in the coun- dom situations, known or unknown’ and ‘Back-
try, of all denominations; sometimes it refers to 1. Total of martyrs above. Column 7 here simply totals ground martyrdom’.
a denominational or local grouping only. (Note: all the martyrs enumerated in this column above
The only 3 exceptions are: AD 378 and 1648, for that Epoch. Summary
where the figures of 120 million and 3,371 mil- This analysis has shown Christian martyrdom to be
lion refer to all Christians who ever lived up to 2. All other martyrdom situations, known or unknown. a phenomenon of enormous size and significance. Its
that date; and AD 1697, where the figure refers This second line is self-explanatory, bearing in statistics can be summarized in a single short table,
to all Christians who have ever lived in Japan mind that all the most widely-known names of and this has been done in Table 4–3 above.
up to that date. They are shown in italics to in- martyrs involved in the previous lines of situa-
dicate that they should not be included again in tions just documented are merely the tip of the
other totals or sub-totals). iceberg. We estimate the overall numerical size

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around the world and how American Christians can respond. Martyrdom of women in the Early Christian church. A. F. Ide. dascaleion, (1956), 5–51.
Anderson, IN: Bristol House, 1996. 60p. Garland, TX: Tangelwuld, 1985. 106p. Notes sur le livre des marturs de Jean Crespin. A. Piaget.
In the lion’s den: a shocking account of persecution and mar- Martyrdom today. J. -. Metz & E. Schillebeeckx (eds). Edin- Neuchatel: Secretariat de l’Universite, 1930.
tyrdom of Christians today and how we should respond. N. burgh: T. & T. Clark, 1983. 101p Padre Ivan Betancur: mártir de la iglesia Latinoamericana. B.
Shea. Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman, 1997. 126p. Martyred missionaries of the China Inland Mission. M. Meza. Tegucigalpa: Editora Cultural, 1982.
In the prisons of Mao. D. T. Yee-MIng. : Hong Kong, 1991. (By Broomhall. London: Morgan & Scott, 1901. 354p Perpetua’s passion: the death and memory of a young Roman
Catholic archbishop of Canton on his 22 years in Chinese Märtyrer der evangelischen Christenheit, 1933–1945. W. woman. J. E. Salisbury. New York: Routledge, 1997. 228p.
prisons). Oehme. Berlin: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 1979. Persecution and destruction of the Ukrainian Church by the


Russian Bolsheviks. G. Luznycky. New York: Ukrainian Con- the recent times. J. Luiken. Lancaster, PA: Mennonite His- Popieluszko. R. Boyes & J. Moody. London: Victor Gollancz,
gress Committee, 1960. 64p. torical Association, 1975. 1986. 204p.
Persecution in the early church: a chapter in the history of re- The early persecutions of the Christians. L. H. Canfield. (Con- ‘The rhetoric of Christian martyrdom: an exploration of the
nunciation. H. B. Workman. 4th ed. London: The Epworth tains a full bibliography of the earlier works on the perse- homiletic uses of ultimate terms.’ M. J. Hostetler. Ph.D. dis-
Press, 1923. 402p. cutions.). sertation, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 1993. 246p
Pocket dictionary of saints. J. J. Delaney. Abridged ed. Garden The eighty–five martyrs. R. Connelly. Great Wakering, UK: Mc- The Roman catacombs and their martyrs. L. Hertling & E.
City, NY: Image, 1983. (1,500 entries). Crimmons, 1987. 108p. Kirschbaum. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1956.
Pourpe des martyrs. Remy. Paris: Librarie Artheme Fayard, ‘The evolution of the martyrology in medieval Armenian litera- The Roman martyrology. Westminster, MD: Newman Book-
1953. ture,’ K. S. Ter-Davtian, Istoriko-Filologicheskii Zhurnal, 2 shop, 1947.
Praxis del martirio: ayer y hoy. Bogotá: Cepla Editores, 1977. (1982), 22–33. The saints and martyrs of Ireland: feast days’ calendar. H. P.
Pre–Decian acts of martyrs and commentarii. G. Bisbee. The first martyrs of North America. J. A. O’Brien. Notre Dame, Montague. Gerrards Cross, UK: Colin Smythe, 1987. 138p
Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1988. IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1953. The saints of Egypt. D. L. O’Leary. London: SPCK, 1937. 293p
Promised land: death and life in El Salvador. S. Wright. Mary- The fulfilled promise: a documentary account of religious per- The saints of Egypt: an alphabetical compendium of martyrs,
knoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1994. 269p. secution in Albania. G. Sinishta. Santa Clara, CA: Sinishta, patriarchs and sainted ascetes in the Coptic calendar. D. L.
‘Prophet ünd Martyrer,’ O. Michel, Beitrage zur Förderung 1976. E. O’Leary. Amsterdam: Philo Press, 1974.
christliche Theollogie, XXXVII, tlft 2 (1932). The good spirit of the martyrs revived. E. Hookes. London: J. The seventeen Irish martyrs. Dublin: Veritas, 1992.
Recuerdos de antaño los martires españoles de la Reforma Marshall, 1718. The shame and the sacrifice: the life and martyrdom of Diet-
del siglo XVI y la Inquisicion. E. Martinez. Tarrasa, Barcelona: The hero of Auschwitz. Franciscan Friars of Marytown (eds). : rich Bonhoeffer. E. H. Robertson. New York: Macmillan,
Clie, 1977. Prow Books-Franciscan, 1979. 1996. 288p. (Bonhoeffer was martyred by hanging in a Nazi
Resumen de la vida del glorioso martir San Pedro Pasgual de The historic martyrs of the primitive church. A. J. Mason. Lon- prison camp only weeks before it was liberated by the Al-
Valencia. F. Colombo. Valencia: Librerias “Paris-Valencia”, don: Longman, Green & Co., 1905. 434p lied forces in 1945. His writings, including those written in
1979. The history of Christian martyrdom. F. W. Blagdon. Philadel- prison, have become classics of Christian literature).
‘Ritualistic acts and compulsive behavior: the pattern of Tudor phia: D. W. Farrand, 1814. The Southwark martyrs. M. Clifton. London: Catholic Truth So-
martyrdom,’ S. Byman, American historical review, 83 The history of the martyrs epitomised. T. Mall. Boston: Rogers ciety, 1980.
(1978), 625–43. and Fowis, 1747. The spirit of the martyrs revived. E. Hookes. London: J. Sowle,
‘Roman Catholic ‘martyrs’ in the South Pacific, 1841–1855,’ H. The lives and sufferings of the English martyrs. G. Burnet. Lon- 1719.
Laracy, Journal of religious history (Australia), 9 (1976), don: H. Owen, 1755. The story of the Uganda martyrs. J. Barlow. Kampala: Uganda
189–202. The lives of the fathers, martyrs and other principle saints. A. Bookshop, c1980. 63p
‘Roman Catholic “martyrs” in the South Pacific, 1841–55,’ H. Butler. N.p.: Virtue & Co., 1876. The Sussex martyrs. M. T. Elvins. London: Catholic Truth So-
Loracy, Journal of Religious History (Australia), 9, 2 (1976), The lives of the holy women martyrs. Buena Vista, CO: Holy ciety, 1983.
189–202. (Documents seven Marists killed by natives of Pa- Apostles Convent, 1991. 587p. (A hagiography of the Greek ‘The theme of martyrdom in the book of Revelation.’ M. G. Red-
cific Islands, 1841-55). Orthodox Church). dish. Ph.D. dissertation, Southern Baptist Theological Sem-
Russia’s catacomb saints: lives of the new martyrs. I. M. An- The lives, tryals and sufferings of the holy apostles, primitive inary, Louisville, KY, 1982.
dreev. Platina, CA: Saint Herman of Alaska Press, 1982. fathers, and martyrs. J. Wheatley. Bristol: Samual Farley The true heroes: or, the noble army of martyrs. London: J. Mar-
Slovak bishops: martyrs of Christ. T. J. Zubek. Toronto: Cana- and Co., 1751. shall, 1796.
dian Slovak League, 1963. 16p. The Manchester martyrs: the story of a Fenian tragedy. P. B. The Uganda martyrs. D. Kauulu. Kampala: Longmans of
Sobibor, martyrdom and revolt: documents and testimonies. M. Rose. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1970. Uganda, 1969.
Novitch (ed). New York: Schocken Books, 1980. 176p The Marian martyrs and the Reformation in Bristol. K. Powell. ‘The value of persecution to the Christian Church through the
Spirit and martyrdom: a study of the work of the Holy Spirit in Bristol, UK: Historical Association, 1972. ages.’ J. W. Allison. Thesis, Pasadena College, Pasadena,
contexts of persecution and martyrdom in the New Testa- The martyr church and its book. J. A. Patten & E. Shillito. Lon- CA, 1949.
ment and early Christian literature. W. C. Weinrich. Wash- don: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1935. 47p The voice of the blood: five Christian martyrs of our time. W. J.
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Stories of missionaries and martyrs. J. Crowlesmith. : Good- R. Bonniwell (trans). Westminster, MD: Newman Press, The Welsh Elizabethan Catholic martyrs. D. A. Thomas. Cardiff:
ship House, 1929. 1955. University of Wales Press, 1971.
Strong in the faith: the witness of the Uganda martyrs. L. Pirovet. The martyrs: a study in social control. D. W. Riddle. Chicago: The Word remains: a life of Oscar Romero. J. R. Brockman.
Mukono, Uganda: Church of Uganda Literature Centre, University of Chicago, 1931. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1982.
1969. The martyrs, heroes, and bards of the Scottish Covenant. G. Their blood cries out: the untold story of persecution against
Suffering, martyrdom, and rewards in heaven. J. Ton. Lanham, Gilfillan. N.p.: Robert Carter & Bros, 1854. Christians in the modern world. P. Marshall with L. Gilbert.
MD: University Press of America, 1997. 516p. (Originally The martyrs’ isle, or Madagascar: the country, the people, and Dallas: Word Publishing, 1997. 359p. (Analyzes the cir-
the author’s doctoral dissertation at Evangelical Faculty of the missions. A. Sharman. London: London Missionary So- cumstances of the persecution of Christian minorities in par-
Theology, Heverlee, Belgium). ciety, 1909. 174p ticular places around the world).
Suffering and martyrdom in the New Testament. W. Horbury & The martyrs of Estonia: the suffering, ordeal, and annihilation Through gates of splendor: the martyrdom of 5 missionaries in
B. McNeil (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University of the churches under the Russian occupation. A. Vööbus. the Ecuador jungle. E. Elliot. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House,
Press, 1981. Papers of the Estonian Theological Society in Exile, vol. 34. 1981. 273p. (Among the Auca Indians).
Ten lectures on the martyrs. P. Allard. London: Kegan Paul, Stockholm: Estonian Theological Society in Exile, 1984. ‘Torture and eucharist in Pinochet’s Chile.’ W. Cavanaugh. Ph.D.
Trench, Trübner & Co., 1907. 158p. dissertation, Duke University, Durham, NC, 1996.
The acts of the Christian martyrs. H. Musurillo. Oxford early The martyrs of Mannar. A. J. B. Antoninus. Colombo, Sri Lanka, Torture and torments of the Christian martyrs. A. Gallonio. Los
Christian texts. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1972. 1944. (Recounts a massacre in 1544.). Angeles: Feral House, 1989.
The age of martyrs: Christianity from Diocletian to Constantine. The martyrs of Najrân: new documents. I. Shahîd. Subsidia Ha- Tortured for Christ. R. Wurmbrand. Bartlesville, OK: Living Sac-
G. Ricciotti. Trans., A. Bull. Milwaukee, WI: Bruce Publish- giographica, no. 49. Brussels: Société des Bollandistes, rifice Books Co., 1967. 139p
ing Co., 1959. 1971. 306p. Tratado da vida e martirio dos cinco martires de Marrocos. A.
The biographical and martyrological dictionary containing the The martyrs of Northumberland and Durham. W. Fee. London: Gomes (ed). N.p.: Impr. da Universidade, 1928.
lives, sufferings, and deaths of the most eminent martyrs. Catholic Truth Society, 1979. Triumph in death: the story of the Malagasy martyrs. F. G. Smith.
Newcastle upon Tyne: M. Angus, 1790. The martyrs of Papua New Guinea: 333 missionary lives lost Welwyn, UK: Evangelical Press, 1987. 128p.
The blood of the martyrs. N. Mitchison. London: Constable & during World War II. T. Aerts (ed). Port Moresby: University Tudor book of saints and martyrs. H. C. White. Madison, WI:
Co., 1939. of Papua New Guinea Press, 1994. 276p. University of Wisconsin Press, 1963. 387p
The book of Christian martyrs. B. Chenu et al. New York: Cross- The martyrs of the Coliseum; or, historical records of the great Twentieth century martyrdom. A. Chandler. London: Cassell,
road, 1990. amphitheater of ancient Rome. A. J. O’Reilly. Baltimore, MD: 1998. 256p.
The book of martyrs, or, compleat history of martyrdom: from Kelly, Piet, & Co., 1872. 396p Uganda holocaust. D. Wooding & R. Barnett. London: Picker-
the crucifixion of our Blessed Saviour to the present times. ‘The “neomartyrs” as evidence for methods and motives lead- ing & Inglis, 1980.
London: J. Cooke, 1764–[1975]. 5 vols. ing to conversion and martyrdom in the Ottoman Empire,’ ‘Une nouvelle passion des martyrs de Pergame,’ F. Halkin, in
The book of martyrs: or, the history of paganism and popery. D. J. Constantelos, Greek Orthodox Theological Review, Mullus, p.150–154. Münster: 1964.
London: J. Fuller, 1765. 23, 3-4 (1978), 216–234. Victories of the martyrs. St. Alphonsus de Liguori. Ed., E.
The book of martyrs, with an account of the acts and monu- The new book of martyrs or complete Christian martyrology. Grimm. 1776; reprint, Brooklyn: Redemptorist Fathers, 1954.
ments of church and state, from the time of our blessed sav- H. Southwell. London: J. Cooke, 1765. 552p.
iour, to the year 1701. London: D. Browne, 1702. The New Martyrs of Russia. M. Polsky. Montreal: Russian Or- Witnesses of hope: the persecution of Christians in Latin Amer-
The case of martyrdom considered. J. Williams. London: H. thodox Church Outside of Russia, 1972. (names and de- ica: a tract on martyrdom in the theology of liberation. M.
Walwyn, 1702. scriptions of 230 martyrs during period 1917-1944). Lange & R. Iblacker (eds). Mar yknoll, NY: Orbis Books,
The China martyrs of 1900: a complete roll of the Christian he- The New Testament concept of witness. A. A. Trites. Society 1981.
roes martyred in China in 1900, with narratives of survivors. for New Testament Studies. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Witnessing and martyrdom: in the Second Vatican Council, in
R. C. Forsyth (ed). New York: Revell, [1904]. 528p University Press, 1977. the New Testament, and in the Early and the Modern Church.
The Christian holocaust. A. Ugolnik. N.p.: Chautauqua Institu- ‘The oldest manuscript of Justin’s martyrdom,’ F. C. Burkitt, J. Aixala. [Bombay]: St Paul Publications, [1970]. 324p.
tion, 1991. Journal of theological studies, XI (1910), 61–66. Women of grace: a biographical dictionary of British women
The conflict between paganism and Christianity in the fourth The one hundred and five martyrs of Tyburn. T. Convent. New saints, martyrs and reformers. K. Parbury. Stocksfield: Oriel,
century. A. Momligliano (Ed). N.p.: Oxford University Press, York: P. J. Kennedy & Sons, 1917. 1985. 207p
1963. (Important essays on martyrdom). Won by blood: the story of Erromanga, the martyr isle. A. K.
‘The “Croatian Christian martyrs”,’ East Europe, 23 (August The Oxford martyrs. D. M. Loades. New York: Stein & Day, Langridge. N.p.: Covenanter Press, 1978.
1974), 12–15. 1970. ‘Zeuge der Warheit,’ E. Peterson, in Theologische Traktate. Mu-
‘The date of the “martyrs of Nagran”,’ F. d. Blois, Arabian ar- The Penguin dictionary of saints. D. Attwater. 2nd ed. London: nich: Kösel Verlag, 1950.
chaeology and epigraphy, 1 (December 1990), 110–28. Penguin, 1983. (Over 750 saints). Zeuge und Märtyrer. N. Brox. Munich, 1961.
The drama of the martyrs: from the death of Jesus Christ up to The priest who had to die: the tragedy of Father Jerzy
Table 4–10. The demographics of Christian martyrdom, AD 33–AD 2000: 70 million martyrs in 600 major martyrdom situations in 150 countries.

Year Main locus Description of major martyrdom situation Related individual martyrs (these are the names shown in boldface type) Pers Trad Martyrs MR% Mag Int Global
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


AD33 Jerusalem Crucifixion of Jesus the First Martyr, the ’Faithful and True martys’ (Revelation 3:14). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xJ I-Aps 1 0.0 1 0 0.0
36 Jerusalem Jewish persecution of Early Church; Stephen, protomartyr; 44 James son of Zebedee beheaded.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xJ I-Aps 100 0.3 2 2 0.0
54 World Journeyings of the Twelve Apostles, all eventually martyred; 54 James the Less, 60 Philip, 61 Simon Zelotes, 70 Matthew, 82 Thomas (in India). . . . . . . . . . . . x. I-Aps 320 0.8 2 3 0.0
64 Roman Empire 1st Imperial Persecution, provoked by Nero; 64, apostles Peter, Paul executed, bp Evodius of Antioch, 68 Mark (in Alexandria), 69 Andrew. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. I-Aps 5,000 1.7 3 4 0.1
66 Armenia Apostles Judas Thaddaeus in 66 and Bartholomew in 68 martyred with 1,000 believers; 76 patriarch Zakaria; c97 patriarch Atirnerseh.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. O-Arm 1,000 0.8 3 3 0.1
70 Judaea 1st Jewish Rebellion, with 600,000 massacred; destruction of Jewish Christianity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. I-Aps 10,000 6.7 4 6 0.1
79 Rome Colosseum built for games (50,000 spectators); many martyrs thrown to lions and other beasts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Cat 1,000 20.0 3 8 0.2
91 Roman Empire 2nd Imperial Persecution (Domitian); Flavius Clemens, Antipas, consul Manius Acilius Glabrio; 95 apostle John, 97 Timothy, Clement bp of Rome. . . . . . . . . . x. R-Cat 2,000 0.3 3 2 0.4
110 Asia Minor 3rd Imperial Persecution (Trajan); 108 bp Symeon, 115 Ignatius bp of Antioch, thrown to wild beasts; Rufus & Zozimus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. O-Ort 1,500 0.5 3 3 1.0


110 Armenia Persian tyrant Artaxerxes tries to eradicate Armenian Christianity: Oski, Soukias, & companions; c125 Acacius and 10,000 militiamen crucified on Ararat. . . . . . . . x. O-Arm 14,000 9.3 4 6 1.0
115 Cyprus Jewish population revolts, destroys Salamis, massacres 240,000 persons in Cyprus and Libya; suppressed by Hadrian, all Jews expelled. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J O-Gre 10,000 10.0 4 7 1.0
c117 Asia Minor Minor persecution (Hadrian); 2 bishops of Rome: Sixtus I, 130 Telesphorus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Cat 300 0.1 2 0 1.1
132 Jerusalem 2nd Jewish Rebellion: messiah Bar-Kochba persecutes Christians, as do Romans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xJ O-Gre 30,000 15.0 4 7 1.4
150 Asia Minor Minor persecution (Antoninus Pius); 156 bp Polycarp, Felicitus Alexander. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Cat 300 0.1 2 0 1.9
165 Roman Empire 4th Imperial Persecution (Marcus Aurelius): Justin Martyr & 5 others, Felicity, 178 Marcellus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Cat 4,000 0.1 3 1 2.5
177 France Violent persecution in Lyons and Vienne; bp Pothinus, Blandina, Ponticus; 49 official martyrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Cat 300 1.0 2 4 3.1
180 Carthage African martyrs, in Numidia: 12 Scillitans, 4 Madaurans (Lucitas, Miggin, Namphano, Sanam). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Cat 100 0.0 2 0 3.3
190 Phrygia Protracted persecution of Montanist zealots, also of Armenian Apostolic Christians including in 193 patriarch Ghevondius. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. I-Mon 2,000 2.0 3 5 3.9
c200 Egypt Vicious persecution with thousands of Copts martyred: 202 Potamiaena, Basilides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. O-Cop 10,000 1.7 4 4 4.7
202 North Africa 5th Imperial Persecution (Septimius Severus); Perpetua, Felicitas, Saturus; Leonidas, father of Origen, in Alexandria; Irenaeus bp of Lyons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Cat 30,000 3.0 4 5 4.8
235 Italy 6th Imperial Persecution (Maximinus Thrax); clergy singled out; antipope Hippolytus, Demetrius; pope Pontian in mines of Sardinia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Cat 3,000 0.6 3 3 6.9
240 Armenia Armenian Christians almost blotted out in Shapur I’s persecution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xg O-Arm 10,000 5.6 4 6 7.2
245 Alexandria Violent local persecution with thousands of Copts killed, including aged deaconess Appolonia.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. O-Cop 2,000 2.0 3 5 7.7
249 Roman Empire 7th Imperial Persecution (Decius); 250 pope Fabian, patriarch Babylas; 253 pope Cornelius, 255 pope Stephen I; mob riots in Alexandria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Cat 120,000 1.0 5 4 8.0
257 Roman Empire 8th Imperial Persecution (Valerian); 258 bp Cyprian, pope Sixtus II, rival pope Novatian; bp Denys beheaded; many clergy (Montanus, Lucius) executed. . . . . . . x. R-Cat 150,000 1.2 5 4 8.7
275 Europe 9th Imperial Persecution (Aurelian); martyrs in Phrygia, Italy; 278 Marina.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Cat 5,000 0.0 3 0 10.6
276 Persia First Persian Persecution, under shah Varahran II: 275 heresiarch Mani crucified, 286 Christian queen Candida executed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xZ O-Nes 4,000 0.0 3 0 10.8
284 Egypt AD 284-311: Coptic ’Era of the Martyrs’: in first phase, 50,000 martyrs by AD 300, then in second phase (see on AD 305 below), vast increase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. O-Cop 50,000 5.6 4 6 11.8
287 Gaul Martyrs of Agaunum: Theban Legion (Copts) all executed by emperor Maximian Herculius: Maurice, Urs, Victor, Exuperius, Candidus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. O-Cop 5,000 83.3 3 9 12.1
287 Armenia Major persecution under pagan king Tiridates III; abbess Gayane, Hripsime, 37 virgins, Theodore Salahouni. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. O-Arm 20,000 8.0 4 6 12.1
303 Roman Empire 10th Imperial Persecution (Diocletian); 3,500 formal or official executions of bishops, clergy, leaders: bp Anthimus of Nicomedia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Cat 300,000 1.6 5 4 14.3
304 Carthage Acts of the Abitinian Martyrs as proto-Donatist account provokes later Donatist church’s schism; Maxima, Donatilla, Secunda killed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR I-Don 3,000 5.0 3 6 14.4
305 Egypt Over 700,000 Coptic Christians killed (50% of all martyrs ever): Menas governor of Mareotis beheaded; 311 patriarch Peter I Ieromartyros (Seal of Martyrs). . . . . x. O-Cop 400,000 26.7 5 8 14.4
316 Armenia Licinius’ persecution: bp Blaize, 320 The Forty Martyrs of Sebastia; 4 patriarchs: 333 Aristakes I, 347 Houssik I & Daniel, 373 catholicos Nerses I. . . . . . . . . . . x. O-Arm 2,000 0.7 3 3 15.4
317 North Africa Constantine initiates 4-year state persecution of Donatists; whole congregation in Carthage’s Basilica Maiorum slaughtered.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR I-Don 10,000 20.0 4 8 15.5
327 Persia Sassanid persecutions kill 3 catholicoses: 341 Simeon Barsabae with 100 clergy, 342 Shahdost, 346 Barbashmin; also prefect Pusak & 100 clergy. . . . . . . . . . . x. O-Nes 20,000 1.7 4 4 16.4
337 Persia Great Persian Persecution under Shapur II, lasts 40 years, most ferocious ever; 16,000 names of martyrs recorded in one town alone (Ledan). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. O-Nes 100,000 10.0 5 7 17.4
338 Egypt After patriarch Athanasius’ return, Arians massacre Copts and clergy in Alexandria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n O-Cop 500 0.0 2 0 17.5
346 North Africa Vicious persecution of Donatist church (Berbers, with 270 bishops); 347 bps Marculus, Donatus of Bagai; whole shipload of Donatists drowned. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR I-Don 8,000 0.7 3 3 18.4
370 Numidia Circumcellions, armed Berber farmers, court martyrdom as Donatists; civil unrest: 398, bp Optatus of Thamugodi executed; civil unrest, new wave in 404-5. . . . . . xR I-Don 3,000 10.0 3 7 21.2
372 Egypt After patriarch Peter II succeeds Athanasius, violent Arian persecution of Copts aided by emperor Valens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xn O-Cop 4,000 0.2 3 1 21.5
378 World Jerome’s estimate of all martyrs since AD 33 (over 50% being Copts); AD 426, similar estimate by Augustine of Hippo.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 1,900,000 1.2 7 4 22.2
390 Rome Unrest up to 410 Visigoth sack of Rome; 391 Telemachus, 410 Marcella, c420 tribune M. Flavius. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xT R-Cat 10,000 5.0 4 6 23.9
420 Persia 3rd Persian Persecution, under Bahram V; 422 Hormisdas; Chouchanik, Suenas, Benjamin, James, Peroz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xZ O-Nes 90,000 6.9 4 6 27.4
434 Western Empire Attila the Hun destroys Western empire; bp Auraeus, Ursula & virgins, Gereon, 451 Livarius. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Cat 200,000 1.0 5 4 29.0
439 North Africa Persecution of Catholics and Donatists under Arian Vandal kings Gaeseric and Huneric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xn R-Cat 10,000 0.2 4 2 29.6
c440 Ireland Patrick evangelizes Ireland; soldiers execute numerous converts; Gwinear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. A-Cel 500 2.5 2 5 29.7
442 England Over next 30 years, invading Anglo-Saxons wipe out Celts and the original British/Celtic church in England. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T A-Cel 20,000 10.0 4 7 30.0
448 Iraq 4th Persian Persecution: Yazdegerd II massacres 153,000 East Syrian Christians with 10 bishops at Kirkuk: bp John, Sirin, Tamasgerd, bp Dindui. . . . . . . . . . . . . xZ O-Nes 153,000 12.8 5 7 30.7
c450 Ethiopia Persecution kills Kharitas and 10,000 companions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. O-Eth 11,000 11.0 4 7 30.9
451 Egypt After Council of Chalcedon, emperor Marcianus closes Coptic churches, murders bp Macari of Edko. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. O-Cop 500 0.0 2 0 31.1
451 Armenia Yazdegerd II enforces Zoroastrianism, killing Vardan Mamikonian & 1,035 Christian troops, Atom and his legion; 454 patriarch Hovsep I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xZ O-Arm 25,000 6.3 4 6 31.1
459 Egypt Melkite patriarch Proterius killed by Coptic mob.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O R-Mel 30 0.3 1 2 32.1
c470 Persia 5th Persian Persecution: Sassanid king Firuz I massacres Monophysite priests, 484 crucifies catholicos Babowi; 493 bp Barsumas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xZ O-Nes 2,000 2.0 3 5 33.5
476 Rome Sack of Rome by Barbarians under Odoacer; Goths ravage West, decapitate Volusianus bp of Tours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xT R-Cat 1,000 0.3 3 2 34.3
500 World Total of martyrs listed above during Epoch I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 1,864,451 4.9 3 4 37.8
500 World All other martyrdom situations, known or unknown, during Epoch I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 149,000 0.4 3 4 37.8
500 World Background martyrdom during Epoch I (individual, domestic, family, isolated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 88,300 0.2 0 0 37.8
500 World Global total of all martyrs during Epoch I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 2,101,751 5.6 3 4 37.8
500 World Global cumulative total of all martyrs since AD 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 2,101,751 0.8 3 4 37.8
500 Europe Scattered martyrs: 526 pope John I, 555 Helier, 570 bp Cadoc, 607 bp Desiderius, 617 Donnan & 52 companions, et alii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. x. R-Cat 1,000 0.0 3 0 37.8
518 Syria Violent 46-year persecution of Monophysites; many bishops and clergy killed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. x. O-Syr 30,000 2.0 4 5 38.3
523 Yemen 30,000 Arab Christians massacred by Jewish king Masruq (dhu-Nawas) in Najran and Himyar; Aretas; 427 monks and nuns burned alive. . . . . . .............. xJ O-Nes 20,000 50.0 4 9 38.4
533 Persia 6th Persian Persecution, under Khosrow I: 533 patriarch of the East Mar Aba, 575 bp Ahudemmeh, 615 George the Monk crucified. . . . . . . . . . .............. xZ O-Nes 5,000 0.4 3 2 38.6
c550 Armenia Ongoing sporadic persecutions: Grigor-Rajik, Adeodatus (Astouadzatour-Mapod); c650 David of Douine; c850 princes Isaac and Joseph. . . .............. xZ O-Arm 2,000 0.5 3 3 39.1
580 Egypt Byzantine emperors Tiberius, Maurice, Phocas ruthlessly persecute Copts, 606 Phocas seizes all churches.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. xO O-Cop 5,000 0.2 3 1 39.9
615 Palestine Persians invade, drive Romans to Mediterranean, capture Jerusalem, massacre 90,000 Christian men, burn churches; patriarch Zacharias. . . . . .............. xZ O-Syr 90,000 50.0 4 9 40.4
616 Wales Ethelfrith king of Northumbria enforces Roman church rule on Celtic Church, massacres 12,000 Celtic monks at Bangor-is-Coed. . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. xR A-Cel 13,000 3.0 4 5 40.4
619 Egypt Persian king Khosrow II invades, massacres 10,000 Copts, destroys 30 monasteries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. xZ O-Cop 10,000 0.3 4 2 40.4
628 Persia 7th Persian Persecution, under Khosrow (Chosroes) II; Anastasius the Persian & 68 others. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. xZ O-Nes 3,000 0.2 3 2 40.5
631 Egypt Melkites persecute Copts for 10 years, killing hermits, ascetics, patriarch’s brother Menas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. .R O-Cop 20,000 0.6 4 3 40.5
637 Palestine Arabs capture Jerusalem, 80,000 Byzantines killed at Pilla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. xM O-Byz 5,000 5.0 3 6 40.5
689 Germany Martyrdom of Irish bishop Kilian & 11 companions; 695 the Two Hewalds (The Dark, and The Fair).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. .T A-Cel 30 0.1 1 1 40.6

Continued below
Table 4–10 continued
Year Main locus Description of major martyrdom situation Related individual martyrs (these are the names shown in boldface type) Pers Trad Martyrs MR% Mag Int Global
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

694 Lebanon Greeks sack Monastery of St Maro and kill 500 Maronite monks.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O R-Mar 700 0.2 2 2 40.6
698 China 1st Imperial Persecution of Nestorians under dowager Wu Hou; mobs sack church and monastery in capital Loyang. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. O-Nes 1,000 0.5 3 3 40.6
700 North Africa Destruction of Christianity by Arabs, with all priests killed or enslaved, although numbers of Berbers remain Christians for next 150 years. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Cop 50,000 2.5 4 5 40.6
707 Morocco Arab Muslim conqueror Moussa massacres large number of Berber Christians in Tangiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Cop 30,000 5.0 4 6 40.6
712 China 2nd Imperial Persecution of Nestorians: in western capital Changan, hostile crowds violate first Christian church in China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. O-Nes 2,000 1.0 3 4 40.6
717 Middle East Pious and zealous caliph Omar II destroys all new churches, instigates first general persecution of Christians; mass conversions to Islam, also mass martyrdoms.. . xM O-Cop 60,000 0.6 4 3 40.6
725 Byzantium Iconoclastic Controversy until 843: emperors Leo III and Constantine V destroy 15,000 icons, torture and kill monk artists; 764, abbot Stephen the Younger. . . . . . xO O-Byz 15,000 0.0 4 0 40.6
754 Europe Numerous missionary martyrs including bps Boniface, Eoban, & 52 others in Frisia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 4,000 0.0 3 0 40.7
754 Belgium Sporadic persecution results in numerous deaths: Rombout of Malines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 1,000 0.1 3 1 40.7
807 Europe Viking raids slaughter thousands including 68 monks on Iona, 6,000 Christians in Spain, Italy.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T A-Cel 20,000 0.2 4 2 40.9
815 Byzantium Second violent iconoclastic persecution: thousands of monks process with icons, bloody massacres follow until end in 843. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xO O-Byz 5,000 0.0 3 0 40.9
827 Sicily Christianity harassed by Arabs over next 230 years. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM R-Lat 2,000 1.0 3 4 40.9

832 Egypt Caliph Mamun massacres Copts after uprising; 837, all churches demolished.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Cop 20,000 1.0 4 4 40.9
835 China 3rd Imperial Persecution; 845, 40,000 hermitages and temples and 4,600 monasteries with 265,500 monks and nuns destroyed or closed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. O-Nes 40,000 13.3 4 7 40.9
842 Cilicia Savage persecution of Paulicians by Byzantine empire, with major revolt crushed in 874; 100,000 martyrs; 873, leader Chrysocheir murdered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xO I-Pau 100,000 33.3 5 8 40.9
847 Iraq Major 14-year persecution of Christians and Muslim sects under 10th caliph Mutawakkil; churches destroyed.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Nes 30,000 1.0 4 4 40.9
850 Arabia Nestorianism eradicated after 200 years of persecution and attrition by Muslim caliphs.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Nes 20,000 20.0 4 8 40.9
850 Spain Under Moorish rule, Martyrs of Cordoba: Flora, Mary, 853 Columba, Pomposa, Eulogius, et alii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM R-Lat 50 0.0 1 0 40.9
870 Malta Saracens capture islands, enforce Islam; many Christian deaths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M R-Lat 5,000 0.3 3 2 40.8
878 China Port city of Kan-fu (Canton) falls to rebels who then slaughter 120,000 Muslims, Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. O-Nes 35,000 0.3 4 2 40.8
916 Bohemia Christianization of Czechoslovakia; murders of Ludmilla (916) and 929 prince-duke Wenceslas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T O-Sla 30 0.0 1 0 41.3
923 Syria Uprisings of Muslim mobs against Christians kill hundreds near Jerusalem, Hims, Damascus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M O-Syr 900 0.8 2 3 41.5
950 World Total of martyrs listed above during Epoch II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 645,710 1.5 3 3 42.4
950 World All other martyrdom situations, known or unknown, during Epoch II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 51,700 0.1 3 3 42.4
950 World Background martyrdom during Epoch II (individual, domestic, family, isolated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 95,400 0.2 0 0 42.4
950 World Global total of all martyrs during Epoch II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 792,810 1.9 3 3 42.4
950 World Global cumulative total of all martyrs since AD 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 2,894,561 0.3 3 4 42.4
950 Mongolia Final disappearance of Christianity across Mongol heartlands.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. O-Nes 10,000 10.0 4 7 42.4
c970 China Many Christians killed in rebellion in Canton; final imperial persecution results in extinction of all churches and Christians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB O-Nes 3,000 6.0 3 6 43.3
990 Europe Numerous bishops martyred: 997 Adalbert, 1012 Alphege, 1038 Eskil, 1066 Gottschalk, 1116 Magnus, et alii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 4,000 0.0 3 0 44.2
996 Middle East Severe persecution from Egypt to Persia under caliph al-Hakim; Ghabrial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Cop 50,000 1.0 4 4 44.5
1009 Lithuania Bruno (Boniface) bp of Querfurt evangelizes across Russia, but with 18 other missionaries is murdered by heathens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 30 30.0 1 8 45.3
1012 Austria Scattered killings of Christian leaders: 1012 Coloman, 1145 abbot C. Bosinlother.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 100 0.0 2 0 45.5
1030 Norway Olaf II Haraldsson killed after 15 years violently converting Norway to Christianity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 2,000 1.0 3 4 46.7
1064 Armenia Capital city Ani with its 1,001 churches destroyed by Seljuk Turks, population massacred. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M O-Arm 100,000 50.0 5 9 49.2
1095 Palestine Crusades to recapture Holy Land; numerous zealous martyrs.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M R-Lat 3,000 0.6 3 3 51.6
1096 Cappadocia Jacobites massacred by Turks in Malatya with bp John (Said bar Sabhuni). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M O-Syr 200 0.0 2 0 51.7
1166 Europe 30 alleged heretics executed by King Henry II in England, also many heretics on Continent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xA A-Ang 2,000 0.0 3 0 60.7
1173 Nubia Invading army from Kurdish sultan Saladin of Egypt kills or enslaves 700,000 Nubian Christians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Nub 130,000 6.5 5 6 61.7
1187 Palestine Massacre in Galilee of 20,000 crusaders and lay Christians under Saladin; kills many Copts also, destroys cities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM R-Lat 15,000 30.0 4 8 63.7
1202 Byzantium Constantinople sacked by Latins (French Catholic knights), Greek population massacred. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R O-Byz 30,000 15.0 4 7 66.0
1208 France 36-year papal Crusade against Albigensians (Cathar church); legate Peter of Castelnau et alii killed in Toulouse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R I-Alg 20,000 22.2 4 8 67.0
1211 France Over 80 Waldensians burnt at stake as heretics in Strasbourg; intermittent persecutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R I-Wal 100 1.0 2 4 67.5
1212 Near East Children’s Crusades end in disaster; many zealous child martyrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M R-Lat 1,000 2.0 3 5 67.7
1214 Uzbekistan Genghiz Khan massacres 6 million Christians destroying Christian strongholds of Bokhara, Samarkand, Tashkent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T O-Nes 4,000,000 40.0 9 8 68.0
1214 Afghanistan Major Christian diocesan stronghold of Herat sacked by Genghiz Khan; 1.6 million killed in area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T O-Nes 1,000,000 30.0 7 8 68.0
1220 Morocco First Franciscan martyrs: Berard, Otho, Peter, Accursio, Aiuto; 1227 Daniel of Belvedere; total Franciscan martyrs 158 by AD 1400. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M R-Lat 12 12.0 1 7 69.0
1220 Persia, Iraq Genghiz Khan pits Mongol military machine against Muslim states for first time, massacres 25% of population including Christians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xT O-Nes 150,000 25.0 5 8 69.0
1221 Turkestan Mongols destroy strongly Christian cities including Seljuk capital Merv and Khwarizm: 860,000 executed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xT O-Nes 600,000 30.0 6 8 69.2
1231 Cyprus Papal legate cardinal Pelagius tortures and burns 13 Cypriot monks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R O-Gre 20 0.0 1 0 70.9
1231 Europe Inquisition established by Gregory IX; executes heretics for 300 years. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R R-Lat 10,000 0.0 4 0 70.9
1237 Russia Mongol armies under Ogodei destroy Moscow, Suzdal, Vladimir, Kiev (Greek Orthodox headquarters), 1241 Cracow.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xT O-Sla 300,000 15.0 5 7 71.9
1241 Hungary Mongols destroy Hungarian army, ravage Hungary, destroying also the newly-established Diocese for Cumans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xT R-Lat 13,000 86.7 4 9 72.6
1258 Syria Many Christians in khan Hulegu’s court executed by Mamelukes, including Mongol general Kitbuqa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Nes 1,000 0.1 3 1 75.7
1258 Iraq Baghdad captured by Hulaku Khan; end of Abbasid dynasty as caliph and 800,000 are massacred; Aleppo and Antioch likewise destroyed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xT O-Nes 1,100,000 50.0 7 9 75.7
1291 Palestine Turks finally succeed in destroying Carmelite monastery on Mount Carmel, murdering all monks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM R-Lat 200 66.7 2 9 82.1
1295 Persia Kurds massacre Nestorians, especially in city of Maragha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M O-Nes 3,000 0.6 3 3 82.9
1301 Egypt, Syria Mamelukes destroy all churches; Copts and Jacobites suffer a century of systematic persecution.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Cop 80,000 2.7 4 5 84.0
1302 South India Roman Catholic missionary friars murdered by Muslim rulers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM R-Lat 30 0.0 1 0 84.0
1310 Iraq Kurds and Arabs destroy Christian city of Arbela, massacre entire population. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Nes 150,000 20.0 5 8 84.4
1317 Turkey Mongols enslave or kill 12,000 Nestorians at Amid; bp Mar Gregorios beaten to death. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xT O-Nes 9,000 6.0 3 6 84.8
1321 France Final pogrom against Cathars: Cathar priest Guilhem Belibasta burned; last group buried alive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R R-Lat 2,000 2.0 3 5 85.0
1321 India New missionary bishops to China decapitated by Muslims: Thomas of Tolentino & 3 other Dominicans at Tana, Bombay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM R-Lat 100 10.0 2 7 85.0
1321 Egypt Mob fury: mass executions of Christians, monasteries destroyed, monks killed.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M O-Cop 30,000 3.8 4 5 85.0
1330 India Muslims conquer southwards to Vindhya mountains; 200,000 Christians slaughtered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M O-Nes 180,000 36.0 5 8 85.4
1339 China Ruthless massacre of Christians in Mongol capital Almalik: bp Richard, 6 Franciscan missionary priests, vast number of laypersons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM R-Lat 100,000 10.0 5 7 85.9
1350 World Total of martyrs listed above during Epoch III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 8,098,792 9.4 4 5 86.5
1350 World All other martyrdom situations, known or unknown, during Epoch III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 648,000 0.8 4 5 86.5
1350 World Background martyrdom during Epoch III (individual, domestic, family, isolated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 173,000 0.2 0 0 86.5
1350 World Global total of all martyrs during Epoch III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 8,919,792 10.3 4 5 86.5
1350 World Global cumulative total of all martyrs since AD 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 11,814,353 0.6 3 4 86.5


1358 Asia Tamerlane destroys 15-million-strong Catholic Apostolic Church of the East (Nestorians) across Asia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Nes 4,000,000 26.7 9 8 80.8
c1375 Georgia In 20-year holy war, Tamerlane destroys 700 Georgian towns and all churches in the capital, Tiflis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Geo 150,000 20.0 5 8 70.0
1393 Europe Dissidents executed; John of Nepomuk, 1415 John Hus, 1416 Jerome of Prague. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR R-Lat 5,000 0.0 3 0 60.2

Continued overleaf
Table 4–10 continued
Year Main locus Description of major martyrdom situation Related individual martyrs (these are the names shown in boldface type) Pers Trad Martyrs MR% Mag Int Global

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1394 Mesopotamia Tamerlane destroys West Syrian (Jacobite) churches and monasteries from Asia Minor to Persia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Syr 200,000 10.0 5 7 59.7
1399 England Lollards executed: 1401 W. Sawtrey, 1410 J. Badby, 1413 Lord Cobham, 1418 Sir John Oldcastle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xA I-Lol 100 0.1 2 1 57.2
1400 Egypt Vast number of Coptic martyrs during Mameluke age; Saleeb, Ileya, priest Sidrak & 5 monks, Arsenius; 1400, Abu’l Farag & 4 priests.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Cop 225,000 45.0 5 8 56.7
1400 Europe Inquisition begins systematic burning of accused witches, reaching a total of 30,000 by 1550. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR P-Chr 10,000 0.1 4 1 56.7
1401 Caucasus Tamerlane sacks Sevauss, 4,000 Christians buried alive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Nes 4,000 40.0 3 8 56.9
1401 Iraq Tamerlane massacres whole population of Baghdad, piles up skulls of Christians, liquidates church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Nes 500,000 70.0 6 9 56.9
1453 Greece Start of neomartyr period, with Ottomans formally condemning and executing 172 Greek martyrs over period 1453-1867. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Gre 700 0.0 2 0 66.2
1478 Spain Spanish Inquisition: 120,000 Jews, intellectuals, and alleged crypto-Jews ruined during 1481-1498; 2,000 burned at stake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR I-Jew 1,000 2.0 3 5 71.2
1490 Nubia Extinction of Christianity after 3 centuries of apostasies, decline, many martyrdoms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Nub 12,000 20.0 4 8 73.7
1492 Spain 12,000 Marranos and Moriscos executed as heretics by the Inquisition, insisting that they are crypto-Jews and crypto-Muslims. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR I-Jew 10,000 33.3 4 8 74.1
1500 World Total of martyrs listed above during Epoch IV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 5,117,800 6.7 4 5 75.9
1500 World All other martyrdom situations, known or unknown, during Epoch IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 409,000 0.5 4 5 75.9


1500 World Background martyrdom during Epoch IV (individual, domestic, family, isolated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 56,900 0.1 0 0 75.9
1500 World Global total of all martyrs during Epoch IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 5,583,700 7.4 4 5 75.9
1500 World Global cumulative total of all martyrs since AD 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 17,398,053 0.7 4 4 75.9


1500 Latin America First missionaries killed in the Americas: 1513 in Trinidad, 1518 in Brazil, 1523 by Caribs in Guadeloupe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 200 4.0 2 5 75.9
1500 Europe European Witch Craze accelerates; from 1400-1700, over 500,000 suspects (mostly innocent churchgoers) are executed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR P-Lut 100,000 0.2 5 2 75.9
1505 Brazil Start of evangelization in 1500 results in first 2 missionary protomartyrs of New World, with others, killed in 1505 by Indians near Porto Seguro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 50 0.0 1 0 76.9
1506 Portugal Massacre of New Christians (Marranos and Moriscos) in Lisbon.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R I-Jew 10,000 7.7 4 6 77.1
1516 Antilles Carib cannibals kill fr F. Salcedo, D. Botello, and an unnamed friar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 50 25.0 1 8 79.3
1518 Ceylon Ceylon under Portuguese rule; several Franciscans martyred in Colombo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B R-Lat 20 1.0 1 4 79.7
1520 Sweden ‘Stockholm Blood Bath’: Christian II king of Denmark murders 80 Swedish leaders, ravages Sweden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R P-Lut 1,000 0.3 3 2 80.1
c1520 Scotland Over next 250 years, 4,500 Christians are burned alive for alleged witchcraft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P P-Ref 4,000 0.0 3 0 80.1
1524 Austria Spread of Protestant Reformation results in persecution: 1524 first martyr Caspar Tauber tried, executed; 1528 Swiss Anabaptist leader Balthasar Hubmaier.. . . . xR P-Ana 4,000 0.4 3 2 81.0
1525 Low Countries 30,000 Dutch Anabaptists executed; 1527 F. Manz, M. Sattler, 1536 J. Hutter, John of Leiden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR P-Ana 30,000 20.0 4 8 81.2
1526 California First Spanish missions and first martyrs; 1541 J. de Padilla OFM killed in Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 15 3.0 1 5 81.5
1526 Hungary Turkish sultan Suleiman I slaughters 200,000, enslaves 100,000 Protestants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM P-Ref 50,000 4.2 4 5 81.5
1527 Ethiopia Ahmed Gran destroys Amharic Orthodoxy in 15 years’ savage pillaging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Eth 100,000 20.0 5 8 81.7
1528 England Henry VIII executes 800; 1533 J. Frith, 1535 cardinal J. Fisher, Thomas More, 1536 William Tyndale captured in Belgium and burned at stake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xA A-Ang 300 0.0 2 0 81.9
1535 Ireland Many clergy, religious and laity martyred under penal laws (1535-1714); chaplain Maurice Kenraghty; 107 Franciscan martyrs by 1707. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xA A-Ang 200 0.0 2 0 83.5
1536 Mexico Nearly 6 million Amerindians have been baptized since 1519; vast multitudes deliberately killed or slaughtered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR R-Lat 1,000,000 16.7 7 7 83.7
1536 Paraguay Mercedarian missionary J. de Almasia killed with companions by Agaces Indians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 40 0.0 1 0 83.7
1537 Indonesia On Halmahera, fierce Muslim rebellion leaves only 20,000 surviving Christians.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M R-Lat 15,000 42.9 4 8 83.9
c1540 Egypt Worst repression ever under Islam: monk Yoannis al-Kalioobi lashed to death by Turks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Cop 3,000 0.8 3 3 84.6
1541 Ecuador Bishop V. Valverde OP killed in Guayaquil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 30 0.0 1 0 84.8
1544 Ceylon Ceylonese usurper king of Jaffna kills 600 out of 1,000 newly-baptized Manar islanders of Careas fisher caste. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 600 46.2 2 8 85.5
1545 France French kings massacre Waldensians in Vaudois. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR I-Wal 3,000 15.0 3 7 85.8
1547 France Many Protestants executed under Henri II, burned at stake for heresy; 1559 Anne Du Bourg, in Orleans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR P-Ref 10,000 5.0 4 6 86.2
1549 Florida From 1549-97, many missionaries evangelizing Florida (OFM, OP, SJ) are slaughtered; 1566 P. Mart!nez SJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 100 1.0 2 4 86.7
1549 India Hindus, provoked by Portuguese, massacre fr A. Criminali SJ and other Christians in Malabar; 30 killed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H R-Lat 300 0.2 2 1 86.7
1550 Nicaragua Indian supporter bp A. de Valdivieso stabbed to death in Leon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 100 0.2 2 2 86.9
c1550 Uruguay Catholic missionaries in Rio de la Plata area are resisted, several are killed over next 2 centuries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 50 0.0 1 0 86.9
1553 England Marian persecution burns 286 at stake: abp T. Cranmer, bps N. Ridley, H. Latimer, J. Hooper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xA A-Ang 300 0.0 2 0 87.7
1554 Turkey Chaldean Catholic catholicos of India, Yuhanna Sulaqa, assassinated by Kurds at Diyarbakir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M R-Cha 400 8.0 2 6 88.0
1558 Spain Protestants virtually wiped out by Inquisition burning them at the stake.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR P-Ref 300 0.0 2 0 89.0
c1560 Mexico Bishop de Las Casas charges that conquistadors have killed 15 million Amerindians (many being baptized Christians).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR R-Lat 2,200,000 66.7 8 9 89.5
1561 Zimbabwe Baptism of king of Monomotapa with 300 subjects; G. da Silveira SJ strangled soon after. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xT R-Lat 5 1.0 1 4 89.8
1562 France 1,200 Huguenots (French Protestants) killed in Massacre of Vassy, Toulouse; many others elsewhere. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR P-Ref 3,000 1.5 3 4 90.0
1565 Florida French colony of Huguenots on St John’s river savagely executed by Spaniards.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R P-Ref 200 40.0 2 8 90.8
1567 Low Countries Spanish Council of Blood (1567-1574) executes heretics and Calvinists: Lamoral of Egmont. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR P-Ref 5,000 0.2 3 1 91.3
1567 Russia Massacre in Moscow under tsar Ivan IV the Terrible; metropolitan of Moscow Philip strangled. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. O-Rus 200 0.0 2 0 91.3
1569 Siam Muslim agitators and Burmese conquerors kill first missionaries Jerome de la Croix, Sebastian Cantu, and 2 colleagues.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 4 0.3 1 2 91.8
1569 Peru Spanish Inquisition in Lima tortures 120,000 alleged heretics, burns 189 dissenters at stake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR R-Lat 500 0.1 2 1 91.8
1570 Canary Islands Huguenot corsairs murder at sea fr I. de Azevedo & 51 other Jesuit missionaries.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P R-Lat 52 86.7 1 9 92.1
1570 Cyprus Turks invade, exterminate Copts including bishop and priests, annex Cyprus to Ottoman empire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M O-Cop 5,000 50.0 3 9 92.1
1571 England Elizabethan persecution of Catholics; 123 out of 438 priests executed; 1571 primate J. Hamilton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xA A-Ang 400 0.0 2 0 92.4
1571 America 8 Jesuit priests killed in Virginia: L. de Quiros, G. de Solis, J. B. Mendez. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 20 0.3 1 2 92.4
1572 France St Bartholomew’s Day massacre of 72,000 to destroy Huguenot leaders under admiral Gaspard de Coligny. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR P-Ref 70,000 28.0 4 8 92.6
1572 Gold Coast Augustinians inaugurate first mission, but are slaughtered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 10 2.0 1 5 92.6
1575 Finland At Valamo, Swedes murder 40 Russian monks, monastery destroyed.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P O-Rus 100 0.1 2 0 93.5
1576 Cambodia Evangelization undertaken by Dominicans; Silvestre de Azevedo OP killed.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 2 1.0 1 4 93.7
1581 America 14 Franciscan missionaries murdered in New Mexico (1581, 1631), Georgia (1597), Arizona (1632): J. de Santa Maria, F. Lopez.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 30 0.0 1 0 95.1
1587 Madagascar First of numerous Roman Catholic missionaries killed, followed by many others up to AD 1800. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 200 4.0 2 5 96.7
1597 India Several Nestorian metropolitans from Persia intercepted by Portuguese: mar Simon, mar Joseph, die in prison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR O-Nes 30 0.0 1 0 99.6
1597 Japan 20 Japanese Catholics (15 OFM) and 6 foreigners crucified in Nagasaki: Paul Miki SJ, Leo Karasumaru, Francis of Miako.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 120 0.0 2 0 99.6
1600 Nicaragua Under Spanish rule, numerous Catholic martyrs over 70 years. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR R-Lat 50 0.5 1 3 100.4
1603 Philippines Spanish rulers become fearful of rapid growth of Chinese converts, massacre 3,000 of them in Manila. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 3,000 30.0 3 8 101.1
1612 Chile Araucanian Indians kill 3 Jesuit missionaries: frs H. de Vecchi, M. de Aranda, br J. de Montalban. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 20 0.0 1 0 103.3
1612 Honduras Several Spanish Franciscan martyrs.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xT R-Lat 20 0.2 1 2 103.3
1614 Japan Ieyasu’s Edict prohibiting Christianity; 205 martyrs (33 Jesuits): 1623 br Simon Yempo, 1627 fr T. Tsuji.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 40,000 13.3 4 7 103.8
1616 Mexico Tepehuane Indians in Durango kill 8 Mexican and other Jesuits; frs H. de Tovar, H. de Santarn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 50 0.0 1 0 104.3
1617 China First general decree of persecution and banishment; missionaries imprisoned, banished; a few killings.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 2,000 0.7 3 3 104.5
1618 Europe Thirty Years’ War: numerous martyrs, 1631 priest Liborius Wagner of Schweinfurt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 15,000 0.1 4 0 104.7
1619 Hungary Martyrs of Kosice, beaten to death by Calvinists: frs M. Crisinus, S. Pongracz SJ, M. Grodecz SJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P R-Lat 5 0.0 1 0 105.0
1620 Italy Massacre of Waldensians (11 July) at Tirano, Lombardy, near Swiss border. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R I-Wal 1,000 50.0 3 9 105.2
1623 Belorussia Catholic priests and bishops killed by Orthodox mobs; Josaphat Kuncevicz, RC abp of Polotsk, killed outside Vitebsk cathedral.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O R-Lat 200 0.0 2 0 106.0

Continued below
Table 4–10 continued
Year Main locus Description of major martyrdom situation Related individual martyrs (these are the names shown in boldface type) Pers Trad Martyrs MR% Mag Int Global
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1624 Tibet First missionary fr A. de Andrade poisoned, survives; 1630, all 400 Tibetan Christians wiped out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xT R-Lat 400 100.0 2 10 106.2
1628 Paraguay Reduction founder Roque Gonzalez de Santa Cruz SJ and 25 Jesuits killed by Guarani shamans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xT R-Lat 250 0.3 2 2 107.2
1630 Japan Structure of Catholicism destroyed, 13% martyred, 1,900 Japanese Catholics crucified; 1632 fr R.B. Gutierrez, 1633 fr J. K. G. Tomonaga OP, M. Kurobioye. . . . . xB R-Lat 100,000 20.0 5 8 107.7
1631 Kenya On Kenya coast, apostate sultan Chingulia kills 283 Martyrs of Mombasa in Fort Jesus, Mombasa.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM R-Lat 283 31.4 2 8 108.0
1632 Ethiopia Emperor Susenyos kills 7 Jesuit priests: 1635 G. Paes, J. Pereira, 1638 bp Apollinaris de Almeida, 1640 B. Bruni, L. Cardeira; 1652 Lutheran Peter Heyling. . . xO R-Lat 50 0.5 1 3 108.2
1637 Japan 35,000 Japanese Catholics executed at Shimabara on Kyushu; end of overt Christianity in Japan; W. Courtet OP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 35,000 70.0 4 9 109.5
1638 Turkey Ottoman sultan Murad IV murders 2 ecumenical patriarchs: Cyril I, Cyril II, for initiating reconciliation with Anglicanism, Protestantism, and Roman Catholicism. . . . xM O-Gre 300 0.0 2 0 109.7
c1640 India Fierce persecutions of Christians and Hindus under Mughal emperors Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb (1659). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM R-Lat 5,000 33.3 3 8 110.2
1641 Ulster 7,000 Scots Protestants including ministers and bishops massacred by Irish Catholics; 1649 Irish earl and parliamentarian C. Plunkett. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R P-Ref 7,000 7.0 3 6 110.5
1642 Canada Numerous Jesuit missionaries killed by Iroquois and Huron Indians: 1646 I. Jogues, 1649 G. Lalemant & J. de Brebeuf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 100 0.1 2 1 110.8
1642 England Civil War (Puritan Revolution): many Anglican clergy, lay leaders, dissenters executed for treason: 1645 William Laud abp of Canterbury, 1648 king Charles I.. . . . xA A-Ang 400 0.0 2 0 110.8
1644 China Manchus kill 10,000 Chinese Christians and behead Dominican protomartyr F. de Capillas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 10,000 6.7 4 6 111.3

1645 Indochina 1st Annam Persecution; A. de Rhodes expelled, 40 Christians put to death: Annamese catechists André, Ignace, Vincent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 40 0.0 1 0 111.5
1648 Madagascar First Lazarist mission at Fort-Dauphin; 4 Roman Catholic martyrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xT R-Lat 10 1.0 1 4 112.3
1648 Lithuania Cossacks and Tartars massacre Polish Catholics and Jews: 1648 fr Adrian Chalinsky; 1657 fr Andrew Bobola SJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O R-Lat 3,000 0.1 3 1 112.3
1648 World Spanish Jesuit Ildefonso de Flores calculates all Christian martyrs to date at 11 million. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 11,000,000 0.3 10 2 112.3
1649 Mexico Inquisition ferrets out and executes Marranos (christianized Jews), including Tomas Trevino de Sobremonte. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR I-Jew 500 16.7 2 7 112.6
1649 Japan Mass martyrdoms of underground Catholics still occur intermittently, when discovered: 1649, 1658, 1667.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 1,000 5.0 3 6 112.6
1650 Slovakia Over next 50 years, several hundred Protestants executed in Presov and around. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR P-Lut 800 10.0 2 7 112.8
1653 India Malabar church breaks with Rome; Nestorian metropolitan Ahatalla burned at stake in Goa by Portuguese. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R O-Nes 500 0.6 2 3 113.8
1655 Italy Of Piedmont’s 15,000 Waldensians, 2,000 massacred, part of 300-year persecution under Catholic House of Savoy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R I-Wal 2,000 2.0 3 5 114.5
1657 England Fifth Monarchy Men, extreme Puritan sect, launch 2 armed uprisings against Oliver Cromwell; 1661 leader T. Venner and others executed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. A-Low 300 1.0 2 4 115.1
1658 Ceylon Dutch conquer island; violent persecution of Roman Catholics ensues, especially 1689 Jaffna, 1706 Negumbo, 1720 Manar, 1729 Colombo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xP R-Lat 300 0.1 2 1 115.4
1660 Scotland Scottish Covenanters brutally persecuted for 25 years; 1661 James Guthrie & A. Campbell, Margaret Wilson, 1680 D. Cargill, 1688 J. Renwick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . xA P-Ref 3,000 1.0 3 4 116.1
1661 Formosa Chinese pirate Koxinga kills 6,000 aborigine Reformed converts, crucifies Dutch missionaries: A. Hambroek and family publicly beheaded. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T P-Ref 6,000 35.3 3 8 116.4
1662 England Under Charles II, 15,000 Quakers imprisoned, 500 deaths in prison; Mary Dyre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xA I-Qua 500 0.8 2 3 116.8
1665 Indochina 2nd Annam Persecution; 45 Vietnamese martyrs officially recognized, but many others too.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 600 0.2 2 2 117.8
1671 Hungary Ottoman Turk rulers launch violent attacks on Protestants.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM P-Ref 1,000 2.0 3 5 119.8
1672 Guam Opposition from Chamorro sorcerers: 1672 J. de San Vitores SJ killed near Agaña, Guam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 10 0.1 1 1 120.1
1672 India In Sindh, persecution of Augustinian and Carmelite missions by Mughal emperor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM R-Lat 4 1.0 1 4 120.1
1672 America From 1542-1997, 117 Franciscan missionaries martyred, in New Mexico, Arizona, Illinois, Texas: P. Avila y Ayala. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 350 1.5 2 4 120.1
1673 Ireland Roman Catholics persecuted; 1681 primate of Ireland O. Plunket becomes last martyr of Tyburn.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xA R-Lat 50 0.0 1 0 120.5
1676 Russia Czarist troops slaughter 190 Old Believer monks and other defenders of Solovki monastery in White Sea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. I-OBe 190 10.0 2 7 121.5
1680 America 22 Franciscan missionaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 40 0.0 1 0 122.9
1682 Russia Old Believer archpriest Avvakum Petrovich burned at stake, monks massacred; thousands more executed; Boyarina Morozova dies in prison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xI I-OBe 3,000 0.3 3 2 123.6
1685 France Edict of Nantes revoked, Huguenots flee or are killed; Louis de Marolles, I. Le Fevre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR P-Ref 5,000 1.3 3 4 124.7
1686 Italy With Edict of Nantes, 8,000 of the 16,000 Waldensians in Italy are massacred and the rest expelled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR P-Ref 8,000 50.0 3 9 125.0
1687 Hungary Blood Trial of Eperies, persecution till 1781; large numbers of Protestants executed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM P-Ref 5,000 5.0 3 6 125.4
1691 Bolivia Jesuits work among Chiquito Indians; Jose de Arce killed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 2 0.0 1 0 126.8
1693 India Madras: persecution under Hindu Marava rajah Ranganagadeven; J. de Brito SJ beheaded outside Uraiyur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xH R-Lat 100 0.1 2 0 127.5
1693 Burma King of Pegu drowns Paris missionaries; first Roman Catholic church built; frs Genoud and Joret martyred at capital city Ava.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 4 1.0 1 4 127.5
1697 Japan Last great martyrdom in Japan, 35 victims in Mino; total all Japanese martyrs from 1614-1697 exceeds 200,000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 60,000 22.2 4 8 129.0
1698 Indochina 8 ongoing severe persecutions in 1698 (200 churches destroyed under king Min-Wong), 1712, 1721, 1723, 1737, 1745, 1750, 1773. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 2,000 0.6 3 3 129.4
1699 Trinidad Carib Indians of San Francisco de los Avessales murder Capuchin friars; many Indians then hanged by Spaniards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR R-Lat 100 2.0 2 5 129.7
1702 France Camisards (Calvinist glossolalists) rebel, 12,000 executed in Languedoc alone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR I-Ref 15,000 15.0 4 7 131.0
1704 China Persecution throughout empire; many RC missionaries and converts killed.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 10,000 3.3 4 5 131.9
1704 America Strong Capuchin missions in Florida destroyed by English governor, missionaries executed: 300 Christian Apalachee Indians killed, 1,000 enslaved. . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 400 30.8 2 8 131.9
1706 Congo Suppression of Antonian rising; Black prophetess Donna Beatrice burned at stake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR I-CCa 2,000 0.2 3 2 132.8
1714 Romania Executions by Ottoman Turks; Orthodox prince Constantine Brankoveanu, many youthful Neomartyrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Rum 1,000 0.0 3 0 136.6
1719 Indochina 11th Annam Persecution, 700 churches destroyed; 9 Vietnamese martyrs officially recognized. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 5,000 1.4 3 4 139.0
1729 Siam Local persecutions of Roman Catholics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B R-Lat 200 10.0 2 7 143.9
1731 Micronesia Jesuit missionary Juan Antonio Cantova SJ killed at Mogmog in Caroline Islands.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 10 0.3 1 2 144.9
1736 Persia Violent persecution under Nader Shah; Catholic work destroyed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM R-Lat 5,000 50.0 3 9 147.4
1737 Tibet Infuriated Buddhist monks persecute Jesuits and Capuchins, 1742 destroy first Tibetan church, and kill most of the 40 Tibetan believers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B R-Lat 35 70.0 1 9 147.9
1746 China Widespread, severe, intermittent 38-year persecutions: 1749 bp P. Sanz beheaded, 5 OP and 2 SJ missionaries strangled; also 1781, 1784. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 20,000 8.0 4 6 152.6
1749 America Delawares, or Lenni-Lenape tribes (Amerindian Christians) massacred at Gnadenhuetten settlement; remnants flee to Ontario, Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. I-Ang 600 0.0 2 0 154.2
1750 World Total of martyrs listed above during Epoch V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 4,000,701 2.6 2 4 154.7
1750 World All other martyrdom situations, known or unknown, during Epoch V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 320,000 0.2 2 4 154.7
1750 World Background martyrdom during Epoch V (individual, domestic, family, isolated). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 193,000 0.1 0 0 154.7
1750 World Global total of all martyrs during Epoch V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 4,513,701 2.9 2 4 154.7
1750 World Global cumulative total of all martyrs since AD 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 21,911,754 0.6 3 4 154.7
1754 Ottoman Empire Steady stream of Orthodox killed (The New Martyrs); 1754 neomartyr Nicholas, 1771 Damascenus, 1794 Polydorus the Cypriot, 1795 Theodore. . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Gre 30,000 0.3 4 2 158.2
1754 Timor Dutch colonists decimate Dominican work across island; 2,000 Catholics killed.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xP R-Lat 2,000 10.0 3 7 158.2
1754 Greece Numerous zealous Orthodox youths become neomartyrs: Nicholas of Chios, 1813 Angelis, 1838 Georgios tortured to death. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Gre 400 0.0 2 0 158.2
c1760 Russia Alexander I’s violent persecution of Dukhobors and other sectarians; 1771 in Plague Riot, mob murders abp Ambrose of Krutitsy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xO I-Rus 1,000 0.0 3 0 163.7
1761 Surinam Three Amerindian converts of the Moravian Brethren are killed by fugitive slaves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T P-Mor 10 0.0 1 0 164.6
1764 Siam Roman Catholics annihilated by Burmese invaders.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 2,000 50.0 3 9 167.4
1773 Indochina 12th Annam Persecution, in several waves: 1798 Vietnamese priests E. Trieu, J. Dat killed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 30 0.0 1 0 176.1
1780 India Under dewan Nagam Pillai, cruel persecution of Malabar Nestorians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xH O-Nes 5,000 5.0 3 6 183.2
c1780 Egypt Many Coptic government officials executed by Mamelukes, Turks: vizier Rizk Agha, 1822 scribe Mu’allim Ghali (an RC convert). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Cop 2,000 1.0 3 4 183.2
1780 Argentina Colonization of Patagonia from 1780 on is accompanied by martyrdoms: 1825 fr B. Pogio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 10 0.0 1 0 183.2
1782 USA Gnadenhutten Massacre: US militia slaughters entire Moravian village of 96 Delaware Indians, women, children; 1781 fr F.T. Garces; 1847 M. & N. Whitman. . . . . . x. I-Con 90 4.5 1 5 185.2

1784 India Tippu, Muslim sultan of Mysore, destroys 27 ancient churches, forcibly circumcises 50,000 Christians; 1798 kills 10,000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Nes 10,000 5.0 4 6 187.3
1785 Korea Chin-san Incident as Confucianists attack Christians: first 10 converts executed; 1791 Paul Yun; then persecutions 1795, 1801, 1815, 1827, 1839, 1846, 1866. . . . . xG R-Lat 500 50.0 2 9 188.4
1788 Australia Numerous tribal cultures destroyed as newly-arrived White settlers slaughter Aborigines as subhuman: though baptized, many are killed.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xA I-Ang 1,000 10.0 3 7 191.6
1789 France Many clergy executed during Terror; 1792 abp J.M. Du Lau, 1794 bp L.A. Expilly, fr C. Carnus, Carmelite Martyrs of Compiègne (also Laval, Orange). . . . . . . . . . xa R-Lat 5,000 0.0 3 0 192.7

Continued overleaf
Table 4–10 continued
Year Main locus Description of major martyrdom situation Related individual martyrs (these are the names shown in boldface type) Pers Trad Martyrs MR% Mag Int Global

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1791 Haiti Revolution by Black slaves begins; Spaniards slaughtered at mass; after 1800, a century of revolutions, assassinations, killings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... x. R-Lat 3,000 0.7 3 3 194.9
1795 Korea 1st Great Persecution: 400 Korean Christians publicly executed: 1801 Chinese priest James Cho Wen-Mo, S. C. Hwang; many more in 1815, 1827. ........... xG R-Lat 2,500 25.0 3 8 199.3
1799 Tonga First 3 missionaries of London Missionary Society are massacred. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... .T P-Con 3 3.0 1 5 203.8
1800 USA First major slave rebellion with Black Christian army of 10,000; leader Gabriel Prosser executed with 34 zealous followers.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... x. I-Bap 300 0.0 2 0 205.0
1801 Egypt Turks kill continuous stream of Copts; government official Muallim Malati. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... xM O-Cop 3,000 1.9 3 4 206.5
1809 India Dewan Velu Tampi massacres 3,000 Nestorian Christians and 9 clergy in Travancore and Cochin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... xH O-Nes 3,000 10.0 3 7 219.3
1811 China Decree of Kia-tsing against Catholic preaching; J.C. Tapeng, A. Chao, F. Clet; 1816 fr G. Lantrua. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... xB R-Lat 2,000 0.9 3 3 222.6
1815 World Total of martyrs listed above during Epoch VI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... – – 72,843 0.0 3 4 229.4
1815 World All other martyrdom situations, known or unknown, during Epoch VI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... – – 5,800 0.0 3 4 229.4
1815 World Background martyrdom during Epoch VI (individual, domestic, family, isolated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... – – 74,600 0.0 0 0 229.4
1815 World Global total of all martyrs during Epoch VI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... – – 153,243 0.1 3 4 229.4
1815 World Global cumulative total of all martyrs since AD 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... – – 22,064,997 0.6 3 4 229.4



1817 Venezuela Murder of 30 Capuchin missionary priests and 4 brothers.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 34 0.0 1 0 234.0
1817 Syria Violent persecution of Catholics in Aleppo and Damascus.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M R-Lat 1,000 5.0 3 6 234.0
1817 USA Black African Methodist freed slave Denmark Vesey leads USA’s largest slave insurrection, with army of 9,000; hanged, with 36 other Christian leaders.. . . . . . . . . x. I-Bap 350 0.0 2 0 234.0
1821 Cyprus Turks hang Orthodox ethnarch abp Kyprianos, all 3 bishops, abbots, and 486 priests, and lay persons as alleged guerrilla reprisals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Gre 3,000 2.5 3 5 243.4
1821 Indochina 13th Annam Persecution, in a series of virulent waves: 1833 F.-I. Gagelin, 1837 fr J.C. Cornay, 1838 bp I. Delgado, 1857 bp Diaz beheaded.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 10,000 2.6 4 5 243.4
1821 Greece Ottoman Turk officials hang, lynch, or execute Greek Orthodox bishops and priests across Greece, also in Crete.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Gre 5,000 0.3 3 2 243.4
1822 Turkey Greek Orthodox and Catholics massacred in Istanbul; ecumenical patriarch Gregory V and bishops hanged after Easter Day liturgy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Gre 23,000 1.1 4 4 245.8
1827 China Intermittent but violent persecutions: churches in Peking demolished, priests hunted down and executed including bp of Chengtu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 400 0.0 2 0 258.2
1828 Turkey 20,000 Catholic Armenians expelled from Istanbul, many executed.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Arm 1,000 5.0 3 6 260.8
1830 Lithuania Tsarist deportations of Roman Catholics (5,000 priests and nuns) to Siberia, and similarly in 1863. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xO R-Lat 10,000 1.0 4 4 265.9
1831 Iran, Iraq Nestorians massacred by Kurds; also 1843, 1846.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M O-Nes 15,000 18.8 4 7 268.6
1831 USA Major violent Black slave insurrection, led by Nat Turner, a Black Baptist charismatic prophet; hanged, with a hundred followers; many others massacred. . . . . . . . . x. I-Bap 800 0.0 2 0 268.6
1834 Sumatra ABCFM missionaries Henry Lyman & Samuel Munson, inter alios, killed by Batak tribesmen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T P-Con 100 20.0 2 8 276.6
1834 Madagascar Queen Ranavalona I’s cruel 25-year persecution: 1834, converted idol-keeper Rainitsiandavaka & 200 followers killed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xT I-Con 1,800 45.0 3 8 276.6
1838 Australia Continuous White atrocities and police brutality kill 20% of all Aborigenes (20,000; many baptized) by 1948, especially in 1838, 1908, 1926, 1944, 1963. . . . . . . . . . xA I-Ang 5,000 40.0 3 8 287.8
1839 Oceania Missionary martyrs: 1839 J. Williams (New Hebrides), 1841 fr P.M. Chanel (on Futuna) & 7 other Marists, 1871 bp J.C. Patteson (Solomons), J. Atkin. . . . . . . . . . .T A-Ang 400 4.0 2 5 290.6
1839 Korea 2nd Great Persecution: Martyrs of Korea (81 RCs, 1839-46); bp L. Imbert, frs P. Maubant, J.H. Chastan; J.Ri; 1846, 3rd Great Persecution: fr A. Kim. . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 2,000 20.0 3 8 290.6
1840 Philippines Revolutionaries: A. De la Cruz, 1872 frs Gomez, Zamora, Burgos garroted, 1896 Jose Rizal.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR I-Cat 2,000 0.1 3 0 293.5
1842 Russia Savage tsarist persecution of Catholics over protracted period; 1861 abp J. Sokolskij immured in Kiev. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xO R-Lat 10,000 0.2 4 2 299.3
1843 Turkey Turkish officials use Kurdish leader Bedr Khan to massacre 20,000 Nestorians enslaving 50,000 others in Kurdistan mountains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Nes 20,000 80.0 4 9 302.3
1844 USA Mormon founders Joseph and Hyrum Smith lynched by mobs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P m-LdS 20 0.4 1 2 305.3
1845 Lebanon Druzes kill 12,000 Maronites in 15 years up to ‘Massacres of the Sixties’; 100,000 homeless. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M R-Mar 12,000 4.8 4 5 308.3
1846 Solomons Marist mission abandoned after 10 years; bishop Epalle killed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 1 2.0 1 5 311.3
1847 New Caledonia Catholic mission abandoned in massacre; frère Marmoiton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 10 20.0 1 8 314.4
1847 Indochina 14th Annam Persecution; 115 priests killed; Martyrs of Tonkin; several bishops executed; more persecutions 1851, 1856, 1884. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 18,000 4.0 4 5 314.4
1849 Colombia State persecution: Jesuits and 3 bishops deported, several killings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 100 0.0 2 0 320.7
1849 Thailand All foreign missionaries expelled during local persecution which leaves little Christian presence left. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 40 0.0 1 0 320.7
1851 Argentina Tierra del Fuego: Patagonian Missionary Society party of 15 starved to death; Allen Gardiner; 1859, Aborigenes kill further party of 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T A-Ang 25 2.5 1 5 327.4
1855 Ethiopia Emperor Theodore II persecutes Roman Catholics; fr Gabra Mikael, 1860 bp Justin de Jacobis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xO R-Lat 2,000 20.0 3 8 342.0
1856 USA James J. Strang, founder in 1844 of CJCLdS (Strangites), is shot by 2 followers, sect then extinguished by fishermen near Great Lakes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .m m-LdS 10 0.2 1 2 345.7
1859 Syria Martyrs of Damascus (4 Spanish Catholic priests): N. Ascanio, J.J. Fernandez, N.M. de Albera, P. Soler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M R-Lat 4 0.1 1 0 357.2
1860 Egypt Continuous Ottoman pressure on Copts; 1861 patriarch Cyril IV poisoned by khedive of Egypt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Cop 300 0.1 2 1 361.1
1860 Lebanon, Syria Full-fledged civil war: 11,000 Maronites (many wealthy) massacred by Druzes, 4,000 other Christians killed: fr E. Billottet SJ & 4 companions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M R-Mar 15,000 8.0 4 6 361.1
1861 Indochina 16th Annam Persecution amidst massive church growth; formal executions of bps H. Hermosilla OP, V.B. Ochoa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 3,000 0.8 3 3 365.1
1862 China Annihilation of 35 million Taiping quasi-Christians (Great Heavenly Kingdom) under Hung Hsiu-chuan based on Nanking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB I-qCh 1,000,000 2.9 7 5 369.1
1865 Paraguay Over 60% of population killed in war with Brazil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 1,000 0.1 3 1 381.3
1865 Japan Waves of persecution of Kakure Kirishitan (Hidden Christians) as they are discovered by entering Catholic missionaries; persecutions end 1873.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB I-3mQ 2,000 6.7 3 6 381.3
1866 Korea Final Great Persecution: bps S.-F. Berneaux & M. A. N. Daveluy beheaded, 7 priests, many catechists, 10,000 other believers killed; R.J. Thomas, Peter Cho.. . . . xB R-Lat 10,000 40.0 4 8 385.5
1868 Mali Two caravans of White Fathers missionaries massacred 1876-81, one by Tuareg nomads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 30 50.0 1 9 394.0
1869 Thailand Northern prince Kawilorot of Chiangmai murders 2 key converts: ex-Buddhist abbot Nan Chai, and Noi Sunya. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB P-Ref 10 0.0 1 0 398.3
1870 China Tientsin Bloodbath: 2 French RC priests, 10 Sisters of Charity, and Chinese believers massacred. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 50 0.0 1 0 402.6
1871 France Paris: Commune executes G. Darboy archbishop of Paris, 60 priests and religious; 20,000 killed.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa R-Lat 300 0.1 2 1 407.0
1872 Bulgaria Bloody suppression of Bulgars, massacres by Turks till 1912. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Bul 110,000 3.1 5 5 411.5
1875 Papua Missionary losses due to cannibalism become common in early years of mission work; on New Ireland, 4 Fijian missionaries killed and cannibalized.. . . . . . . . . . . . .T P-Con 60 0.0 1 0 425.2
1877 Turkey Uprising by Armenians, also by Syrian Christians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Arm 5,000 0.4 3 2 434.5
1878 Italy Old Catholic leader David shot as heretic after founding Chiesa Universale Giuris-Davidica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R I-OCa 10 0.0 1 0 439.3
1880 Britain 1880-1885: peak of violent persecution of Salvationists: 660 brutally attacked, thrown into prison, where 20 die. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A P-Sal 50 0.1 1 1 448.9
1881 Urundi Massacre of White Fathers: frs Augier, D’Hoop, Deniaud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 3 3.0 1 5 453.9
1883 Madagascar French wars 1883-96, waves of terror; many churches destroyed; 1896 fr J. Berthieu SJ clubbed by pagans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 5,000 0.8 3 3 463.8
1883 Kenya Arabs plunder Fulodoya settlement for runaway slaves, behead teacher and protomartyr David Koi.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M A-Ang 200 2.0 2 5 463.8
1885 Singapore During big Chinese surge into Catholic Church 1885-1900, Triad secret societies kill 300 Chinese converts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a R-Lat 300 10.0 2 7 474.1
1885 Uganda Uganda Martyrs (250 Anglicans and RCs; Charles Lwanga); bishop J. Hannington; 1897 G.L. Pilkington. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. A-Ang 1,000 10.0 3 7 474.1
1886 Ethiopia 30 Falasha Jewish families, converts to Anglican CMJ, martyred by Mahdists from Sudan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M A-Ang 300 50.0 2 9 479.2
1886 USA In Alaska, sporadic killings of missionaries and Indian workers continue: abp C. J. Seghers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 50 0.0 1 0 479.2
1887 Togo Catholic mission founded by fr J. Moran, who is then poisoned. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 1 5.0 1 6 484.5
1887 Micronesia On Ponape (Carolines), governor and party killed; 1890, Ponape Massacre of 1,500 Spaniards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 1,500 3.0 3 5 484.5
1890 Bhutan Nepali and Lepcha converts from India (Ch of Scotland Mission) enter Bhutan as missionaries, but most die there, several being poisoned. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB P-Ref 40 40.0 1 8 500.6
1894 Turkey 300,000 Armenian Christians (10,000 Protestants) massacred: archimandrite John Papizian, 176 priests, 25 Protestant pastors.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Arm 280,000 17.5 5 7 522.8
1896 Mashonaland Uprising against British; Africans killed are later canonized by African Independent Churches (AICs); Anglican catechist Bernard Mizeki killed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xA I-3aA 50 0.5 1 3 534.4
1896 Turkey Fr Salvatore Lilli OFM and 11 Catholics assassinated near Marash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M R-Lat 20 0.0 1 0 534.4
1900 North China Boxer Revolt; 5 RC bishops, 31 priests, 188 Protestant missionaries killed, also 48,000 Chinese converts (3,500 Orthodox); Wang Ten Ren, C. & E. Price. . . . . . . xB A-Ang 49,000 2.9 4 5 558.1
1901 Papua Ordained LMS missionaries J. Chalmers and O. Tomkins murdered and cannibalized near Goaribari Island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T P-Con 5 0.0 1 0 564.1
1904 New Britain At Baining, massacre of 2 RC priests, 3 brothers, 5 nuns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 10 5.0 1 6 582.5
1904 SW Africa German troops kill 80,000 Hereros and Namas (10% Christians) from 1904-1908.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xP P-Lut 6,000 30.0 3 8 582.5

Continued below
Table 4–10 continued
Year Main locus Description of major martyrdom situation Related individual martyrs (these are the names shown in boldface type) Pers Trad Martyrs MR% Mag Int Global
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1905 Manchuria 2,000 Presbyterians killed by Japanese Shintoists; evangelists Kim, Ni, An. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ xS P-Ref 2,000 10.0 3 7 588.7
1905 Cilicia Massacre of Armenian Christians by Turks in south. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ xM O-Arm 20,000 1.2 4 4 588.7
1905 Hong Kong Violence and persecution: Eleanor Chestnut killed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ .B P-Eva 50 0.0 1 0 588.7
1905 Burkina Faso In Upper Volta, first Catholic baptisms result in severe persecution including deaths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ .T R-Lat 100 0.0 2 0 588.7
1905 Azerbaijan Baku massacres: 1905, governor goads local Tatars in 4-day slaughter of Armenian Christians; 1918, 20,000 Armenians massacred.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ xM O-Arm 21,000 5.0 4 6 588.7
1906 USA Numerous Black pentecostal pioneers are murdered among 3,437 Negroes lynched by White racists, 1882-1922 (100 a year up to 1963). . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ .P I-3pB 2,300 7.7 3 6 595.0
1909 Turkey In Adana, largest city of Cilicia, further massacre of Armenians, including Armenian Evangelical Union at their annual conference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ xM O-Arm 45,000 2.7 4 5 614.4
1910 Mexico National Revolution kills 1,000,000 Christians (30,000 from 1927-29), mainly Catholics but with many Protestants; 1927 fr M. Pro Juarez. . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ x. R-Lat 70,000 0.5 4 3 620.9
1910 Egypt Last stages of Ottoman pressure on Copts; young deacon Sidhom Bishai killed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ xM O-Cop 600 0.0 2 0 620.9
1910 Korea 35-year Japanese occupation enforces Shintoism, kills thousands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ xS R-Lat 15,000 7.5 4 6 620.9
1914 World Total of martyrs listed above during Epoch VII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ – – 1,809,433 0.3 3 4 648.0
1914 World All other martyrdom situations, known or unknown, during Epoch VII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ – – 145,000 0.0 3 4 648.0

1914 World Background martyrdom during Epoch VII (individual, domestic, family, isolated). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ – – 321,000 0.1 0 0 648.0
1914 World Global total of all martyrs during Epoch VII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ – – 2,275,433 0.4 3 4 648.0
1914 World Global cumulative total of all martyrs since AD 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ – – 24,340,430 0.5 3 4 648.0


1914 Persia Nestorians convert to Russian Orthodoxy under security guarantees but are betrayed, then annihilated by Turks at Urmia in Persia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M O-Nes 50,000 50.0 4 9 648.0
1914 Europe Out of 8.4 million killed in World War I, many individual martyrs for the faith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 100,000 0.0 5 0 648.0
1915 Turkey Final massacre of 600,000 Armenian Christians in Anatolia ; 600,000 more deported from Turkey, many dying by roadside or in Syrian desert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Arm 600,000 34.3 6 8 653.0
1916 Lebanon Ottomans murder 100,000 Maronites (22% of Maronite population).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM R-Mar 100,000 22.2 5 8 658.1
1917 Iran, Turkey Nestorians massacred by Turks and Kurds; catholicos mar Benjamin Shimun XIX assassinated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Nes 20,000 40.0 4 8 663.2
1917 USSR Bolsheviks attack Russian Orthodox Church: 1917-26, 78 Orthodox bishops, 12,000 priests killed (8,100 in 1922); 1917-80, total clergy killed 200,000. . . . . . . . . . . xa O-Rus 1,000,000 0.9 7 3 663.2
1918 Iran Killings of Chaldean Catholic archbishop Audo, apostolic delegate Sontag.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM R-Cha 50 0.0 1 0 668.4
1918 Turkey Turks massacre 80% of all Syrian Orthodox: monks of Tur Abdin chained and buried alive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Syr 30,000 75.0 4 9 668.4
1918 Georgia Orthodox Church crushed by Bolsheviks, 1920-40; 1918 catholicos Kirion, 1923 abp Nasaire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa O-Geo 60,000 12.0 4 7 668.4
1919 Korea Japanese rulers commence massive persecution; many Christians and missionaries killed; at Suwon, church filled with women and children burned down. . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 10,000 3.3 4 5 673.5
1920 Turkey Armenian Christians massacred by Turks at Marash and Hadjin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M O-Arm 30,000 5.0 4 6 678.8
1921 Congo 40-year Belgian persecution of EJCSK and other African Independent Churches (AICs); 1951 founder prophet Simon Kimbangu dies after 30 years in prison. . . . . x. I-3pA 1,000 0.1 3 1 684.0
1921 USSR 1921-1950, 15 million Christians die in prison camps (=New Martyrs), including 30,000 clergy and 250 bishops, also pastors, evangelists, catechists. . . . . . . . . . . . xa O-Rus 15,000,000 13.6 10 7 684.0
1921 USA Tulsa Race Riot: White mobs torch 35-block Black business district, burn churches, burn or lynch 250 Blacks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P I-3aB 200 0.0 2 0 684.0
1922 Kazakhstan In Semipalatinsk, 12 Orthodox clergy tortured and shot, 84 more in Astrakhan, and hundreds elsewhere. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa O-Rus 2,000 0.0 3 0 689.4
1923 Turkey In Greco-Turkish war, Greek and Armenian population of Smyrna (Izmir) massacred, city torched; metropolitan Chrysostomos of Smyrna (Neomartyr). . . . . . . . . . .M O-Gre 3,000 0.2 3 2 694.7
1925 USSR Soviets attempt to liquidate entire Roman Catholic Church, which falls from 9.2% in 1900 to 1.5% by 1950; 1935 exarch L. Fedorov, 1936 mother C. Abrikosov. . . xa R-Lat 1,200,000 8.6 7 6 705.5
1927 Ukraine 34 Ukrainian Orthodox bishops, 2,000 priests, 20,000 lay officers, all martyred, many being crucified on iconostases; bp N. Bretzkiy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa O-Ukr 500,000 2.0 6 5 716.5
1927 China Civil wars, bandits, guerrillas; 1932 W.E. Simpson; 1934 Y.C. Liu, J. & B. Stam; 1940 fr F.V. Lebbe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB P-Eva 200,000 6.7 5 6 716.5
1927 Belorussia Autocephalous Church exterminated, 1927-1938; 3 bishops murdered: Filaret of Bobruisk, Mikhail of Slutsk, Ioann of Mozyr; 1943 RC exarch Nemantsevich. . . . xa O-Bye 120,000 2.0 5 5 716.5
1927 Russia Under Bolshevik dictator Stalin, a million German-origin Lutherans across Russia are liquidated, churches destroyed.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa P-Lut 600,000 60.0 6 9 716.5
1928 Ukraine 95% of all Orthodox parishes destroyed, 16 UAOC bishops killed including 3 metropolitans: 1936 I. Pavlivsky, 1937 M. Boretsky, 1938 V. Lypkivsky. . . . . . . . . . . xa O-Ukr 300,000 3.0 5 5 722.1
1930 Kenya In female circumcision controversy, African Independent Pentecostal Church is persecuted for 27 years; 30,000 Kikuyu killed; many Kikuyu Christian martyrs. . . . . . .T I-3pA 5,000 0.5 3 3 733.3
1930 Russia Soviets expand elimination of Russian Orthodox Church and its leadership: 1930-50, 100 more bishops killed or die in prison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa O-Rus 100 10.0 2 7 733.3
1931 Spain Separation of church from state; many priests and religious killed; 1936 historian Z. Garcia Villada SJ.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 8,000 0.0 3 0 739.0
1932 El Salvador La Massacre: national army slaughters 31,000 Indians and peasants in 12 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 5,000 0.3 3 2 744.8
1932 Ukraine 1929-37, The Terror-Famine: 14.5 million Orthodox peasants killed or starved to death on orders of Stalin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa O-Ukr 2,700,000 10.2 8 7 744.8
1933 Germany Nazis persecute Confessing Church, RC Church; fr B. Lichtenberg, 1944 fr M.J. Metzger, professor J. Schmidlin,1945 Lutheran theologian D. Bonhoeffer. . . . . . xY P-Lut 125,000 0.2 5 2 750.6
1933 Iraq Assyrians (Nestorians) murdered by Iraqi troops.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. O-Nes 800 80.0 2 9 750.6
1933 USA Random assassinations: 1933 Armenian abp Leontius Tourian killed at Christmas Eve mass, New York City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O O-Arm 100 0.0 2 0 750.6
1934 Mongolia Stalinist purges liquidate 70,000 lamas, 30,000 intellectuals, and most crypto-Christians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa I-3hZ 1,000 71.4 3 9 756.4
1934 Italy Fascist persecution of Pentecostals kills many, especially in Assemblee di Dio in Italia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. P-Pen 2,000 0.0 3 0 756.4
1934 Kazakhstan Large numbers of Russian Orthodox clergy liquidated in prison camps: abp Ambrose Poliansky of Podolsk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa O-Rus 4,000 8.0 3 6 756.4
1934 Latvia Executions of clergy throughout Latvia: John Pommer abp of Riga. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa R-Lat 500 0.0 2 0 756.4
1935 USSR Vicious persecution of underground churches (‘catacomb church’); 1943 I.E. Voronaev shot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa P-Pen 1,000,000 5.0 7 6 762.3
1935 Japan Severe persecution, killings of members of Japan Holiness Church (Toyo Senkyokai, M=OMS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. P-Hol 1,000 0.1 3 0 762.3
1936 Spain Civil War: 13 bishops, 4,254 priests, 2,489 monks, 283 nuns, and 100,000 lay Catholics executed or assassinated: Jesuits L. Isla, J. Valenti, T. Sitjar.. . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 107,000 0.5 5 2 768.2
1936 Germany Hitler orders city of Berlin ‘cleaned up’ by rounding up and massacring thousands of Sinti and Romani Gypsies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 50,000 29.9 4 8 768.2
1937 Ethiopia Italian conquest: Orthodox bishops Petros, Mikael murdered (pushed out of aircraft), scores of priests and monks massacred, churches razed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR O-Eth 500,000 10.0 6 7 774.1
1937 Europe Holocaust: Nazis kill 5 million religious Jews and 1 million Jewish Christians; 1942 Edith Stein, 1944 Max Jacob. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xY I-3mJ 1,000,000 71.4 7 9 774.1
1937 Hispaniola Troops and police of Dominican Republic massacre 5,000 Haitian migrant laborers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 1,500 0.0 3 0 774.1
1937 Russia Final attempt to liquidate Orthodox Church: 1937, 85,300 clergy shot; 1938, 21,500 clergy shot; 1939, 900 shot; 1939-45, 100 more each year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa O-Rus 120,000 25.0 5 8 774.1
1938 Armenia Systematic persecution of Armenian Orthodox and Armenian Catholics by Soviet secret police; catholicos Khoren I killed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa O-Arm 30,000 2.0 4 5 780.1
1938 Sinkiang Yarkand work (begun 1892) of Swedish Missionary Society destroyed by fanatical Muslims and Bolsheviks, Uighur church of 300 communicants obliterated. . . . . . . xa P-Lut 1,000 33.3 3 8 780.1
1938 Europe Nazis exterminate 500,000 Gypsies across Europe in the Porajmos (Gypsy Holocaust), mostly Christians; 1938 Joseph Horvath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xY R-Lat 350,000 89.7 5 9 780.1
1938 Austria Under Nazi occupation, outspoken preachers and lay Christians targeted en masse, with many killed.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa R-Lat 4,000 0.0 3 0 780.1
1939 Poland Nazis execute 6 RC bishops, 2,030 priests, 173 brothers, 243 nuns; 1941 fr M. Kolbe OFM and others entombed alive in Auschwitz death camp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xY R-Lat 1,000,000 3.9 7 5 786.2
1939 World Out of 55 million killed in World War II, many martyrs; 1942 fr T. Brandsma in Dachau death camp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 200,000 0.0 5 0 786.2
1940 Greece German, Italian, Bulgarian troops murder 350 Greek Orthodox priests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xY O-Gre 21,000 0.3 4 2 792.3
1940 Baltic states 200,000 deported; 10,000 bps, clergy, nuns shot or killed in prison by Soviets; many Baptist, Lutheran martyrs (41 being pastors). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa P-Lut 150,000 3.0 5 5 792.3
1940 Germany Jehovah’s Witnesses savagely persecuted by Nazis; 10,000 incarcerated, 2,000 killed by 1945. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa m-Jeh 2,000 0.0 3 0 792.3
1941 Yugoslavia In Croatia, 350,000 Serbian Orthodox massacred by Croats; 3 bishops, 220 priests martyred. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R O-Ser 350,000 17.5 5 7 798.5
1941 Lithuania Nazis kill 200,000; 1944 Soviets kill 300,000; 1941 fr V. Litaunieks, 1953 abp M. Reinys, 1959 bp P. Ramanauskas.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xY R-Lat 100,000 5.0 5 6 798.5
1941 Belorussia A million Christians, clergy, bishops, killed (1) by Stalin ‘eliminating all Belorussian enemies of the state’, (2) by occupying Nazis, then (3) by returning Soviets. . . . . xa O-Bye 550,000 8.0 6 6 798.5
1942 Yugoslavia Nazis and civil war kill vast numbers of clergy and laity; 1945 bishop J. Simrak, 270 Catholic priests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xY R-Lat 100,000 1.0 5 4 804.7
1942 Czechoslovakia Nazis shoot Orthodox bishop Pavlik Gorazd, several of his clergy, many laity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xY O-Cze 15,000 0.1 4 1 804.7
1942 Papua In Battle of Coral Sea, 118 RC priests and brothers, 78 nuns, killed by Japanese troops, totalling 333 Protestant & RC missionaries by 1945.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 400 0.1 2 0 804.7

1942 Taiwan Many Aboriginal Christians killed by Japanese army of occupation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. P-Ref 10,000 3.7 4 5 804.7
1942 Solomon Is American missionaries murdered by Japanese troops: A. C. Duhamel SM, J. G. Hennessey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 300 0.0 2 0 804.7
1942 Gilbert Islands Japanese invasion results in persecutions: A. Sadd killed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. I-Con 200 0.0 2 0 804.7
1942 Philippines Bataan Death March: 70,000 USA prisoners in cruelest forced march in history; 10,000 killed by Japanese. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. P-Bap 6,000 0.0 3 0 804.7

Continued overleaf
Table 4–10 continued
Year Main locus Description of major martyrdom situation Related individual martyrs (these are the names shown in boldface type) Pers Trad Martyrs MR% Mag Int Global

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1943 Bolivia Ayore Indians massacre NTM missionaries: D. Bacon, B. Dye, C. Dye, G. Hosback, E. Hunter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T P-Bap 500 0.0 2 0 810.9
1943 Philippines Massacres by Japanese troops; F. Meyer, F.H. Rose, 10 other USA missionaries, many Filipinos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 3,000 0.0 3 0 810.9
1944 Albania Communist regime executes bishops: 1948 RC bps Volai, Gigni, Gijni, 1952 abp N. Prennushi; organized Christianity liquidated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa R-Lat 5,000 1.3 3 4 817.2
1944 Mexico In 34 years of Catholic persecution of Evangelicals and Indians since 1910, 400 pastors murdered.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R P-Eva 10,000 0.1 4 0 817.2
1944 Colombia 1944-58, La Violencia civil war kills 300,000 Christians; 126 recognized Protestant martyrs; Juan Coy.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR P-Eva 120,000 1.0 5 4 817.2
1945 Ukraine Soviets attempt to destroy 3.5 million-strong Ukrainian Catholic Uniates; 1946 bp Kocylowskyj, 1947 bp T. Romza poisoned, 1959 bp A. Kherie, many priests. . . . xa R-Ukr 70,000 2.0 4 5 823.5
1945 Guam Japanese occupiers kill first local Catholic priest, Jesus Duenas, et alii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 200 0.4 2 2 823.5
1945 Burma Baptist pastors and missionaries tortured by Japanese troops; pastor Akya Nai, H. Devine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. P-Bap 1,000 0.2 3 1 823.5
1945 Mexico Sporadic Protestant murders: in Veracruz, Catholic mob destroys Pentecostal church property, kills 9 Pentecostals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R P-Pen 100 0.0 2 0 823.5
1945 Cyprus EOKA guerrillas attempt to end British rule; 1948, lengthy campaign of terrorism until 1960 Independence; many killings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. O-Gre 500 0.1 2 1 823.5
1947 India Partition results in 1.1 million Muslim, Hindu, and Sikh deaths; 10,000 Christians killed or starve to death.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H P-Eva 2,000 0.0 3 0 836.4
1947 Madagascar Insurrection against French rule: 11,000 executed, then 80,000 killed including many pastors and missionaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. P-Con 2,000 0.1 3 0 836.4


1947 Taiwan 28,000 Taiwanese civilians, especially in Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, massacred in Taipei by Nationalist troops (28 February). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. P-Ref 7,000 2.3 3 5 836.4
1947 India India government begins 53-year genocide to subdue 2 million Nagas (80% Baptists); 300,000 killed by 1999. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xH P-Bap 10,000 5.0 4 6 836.4
1948 China 50 Chinese Baptist leaders martyred, some buried alive; also 5 missionaries in North China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa P-Bap 70 0.1 1 0 842.9
1948 Romania Uniate churches destroyed: many priests killed; bps Aftemie, Frentiu, Suciu, 1970 bp J. Hossu; 500 priests (Oriental and Latin) die in prison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xO R-Byz 50,000 3.1 4 5 842.9
1948 Russia MGB (ex NKVD) begins to destroy True Orthodox Church (3 million underground Russians).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa O-Rus 500,000 16.7 6 7 842.9
1948 Hungary 40-year persecution under Communists begins: hundreds of bishops, priests, laity die in prison: Lutheran bishop L. Ordacz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa P-Lut 2,500 0.0 3 0 842.9
1949 Tibet Chinese Communists massacre 1.2 million Tibetans including all Christians discovered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa I-rad 500 0.0 2 0 849.4
1950 World Total of martyrs listed above during Epoch VIII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 29,231,520 3.4 4 4 856.0
1950 World All other martyrdom situations, known or unknown, during Epoch VIII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 2,339,000 0.3 4 4 856.0
1950 World Background martyrdom during Epoch VIII (individual, domestic, family, isolated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 154,000 0.0 0 0 856.0
1950 World Global total of all martyrs during Epoch VIII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 31,724,520 3.7 4 4 856.0
1950 World Global cumulative total of all martyrs since AD 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 56,064,950 0.9 3 4 856.0


1950 China Liquidation of churches, 1950-80; 1950-54, 800 Chinese RC priests killed; fr Wang Ling-Tso, fr Tsiang Beda SJ dies in prison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa R-Lat 500,000 9.3 6 6 856.0
1950 North Korea Mass slaughter of Christians: troops massacre 150 RC priests, and (1950-60) 500 pastors: Tong-Sin, Sung Du, bps P.T. Brennan, P.J. Byrne.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 800,000 40.0 6 8 856.0
1950 Viet Nam From 1950, continuous Communist pressure; pastors Nguyen, Phan Long, Thien Thi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa P-Eva 20,000 1.0 4 3 856.0
1950 Eastern Europe ‘Churches of Silence’ liquidated in 8 countries, 1950-80, with 17 bishops; 1960 Pavol Gojdic, bp of Presov (Greek Catholic) dies in prison.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa R-Lat 900,000 9.0 6 6 856.0
1950 India From 1950-1999, over 10,000 Christians, evangelists, workers killed each year due to mobs, infuriated relatives, RSS/VHP, etc.; 1995, nun sr Rani Maria. . . . . . . . .H I-Bap 400,000 5.6 5 6 856.0
1950 USSR From 1950-80, 5 million Christians die in prison camps; 1974 pastor I.M. Ostapenko hanged; N. Rozanov. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa O-Rus 5,000,000 6.4 9 6 856.0
1950 Nigeria Over next 50 years, widespread anti-Christian riots sporadic in cities across north, led by Muslim mobs; pastors, lay leaders killed, churches targeted, burned. . . . . .M I-3cA 1,000 0.0 3 0 856.0
1950 South Africa Start of 40 years’ brutal repression of Blacks by Afrikaner security forces; thousands in AICs murdered; 1977 Steve Biko. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. I-3zA 10,000 0.1 4 1 856.0
1951 Russia All 7,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses forcibly scattered across Far North in Siberian labor camps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa m-Jeh 2,000 28.6 3 8 871.9
1952 Kenya Mau Mau rebellion: 1,500 officially recognized martyrs in Kikuyu churches: G. & R. Gacigi, Mary Wancegi, W. Muriuki, J. Mungai, 1953 E. Gikonyo, A. Kaguru.. . .T A-Ang 1,800 0.5 3 2 888.1
1952 West Irian CMA, TEAM, RBMU missionaries killed, also converts; first Dani martyr Selanuok.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T P-Eva 500 0.2 2 1 888.1
1952 China Chinese independent churches viciously persecuted: 1952, Little Flock’s Watchman Nee arrested, 1972 dies in prison; 1955, regime destroys Jesus Family. . . . . . . xa I-3cC 74,000 61.7 4 9 888.1
1952 Bulgaria Violent persecutions 1952-64 in Sofia, Plovdiv; 1952 bp Basilikov, exarch Kirtoff, 1956 metropolitan Boris of Nevrokop; in Nicopoli, Latin-rite bishop executed. . . . xa O-Bul 2,000 0.0 3 0 888.1
1953 Viet Nam In North Viet Nam, Communists execute 15,000 Catholic landlords and any rich peasants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 8,000 0.0 3 0 904.5
1954 Algeria 8-year civil war: French army kills a million Algerian Muslims, loses 17,500 troops; 3,000 French Catholic settlers murdered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M R-Lat 2,500 0.2 3 2 921.3
1956 Ecuador Aucas kill MAF/GMU/CMML missionaries: J. Elliot, P. Fleming, E. McCully, N. Saint, R. Youdarian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T P-Eva 5 0.0 1 0 955.8
1957 Haiti 29-year Voodoo terror under Duvaliers kills 50,000; 1961 fr Yvon Emmanuel Moreau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xU R-Lat 25,000 0.7 4 3 973.6
1958 Nepal Numerous early converts murdered: Tamang ex-Buddhist lama David Dapcha Lama poisoned; 1970 Brahmin convert Krishna Lamichami beaten to death. . . . . . xB I-3cZ 50 0.0 1 0 991.6
1958 Indonesia For 7 years, Darul Islam (DITI) fundamentalist guerrilla fanatics murder 500 Makassarese Christians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M R-Lat 500 0.0 2 0 991.6
1959 China Great Leap Forward (1959-62) kills 25 million peasants, workers, pastors, priests; 1960 H.H. Lin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa I-3hC 300,000 10.0 5 7 1,010.0
1959 Cuba Castro’s Communist revolution expels 590 RC priests, 970 brothers, 2,400 nuns, executes many who die shouting ‘Long live Christ the King!’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa R-Lat 15,000 0.3 4 2 1,010.0
1960 Congo-Zaire Mutinies, rebellions dislocate missions; 200 RC priests/nuns, 300 Protestant workers, killed: E. Hodgson, P. Carlson, P. Rhine, sr M. C. Anuarite. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T P-Eva 15,000 0.1 4 1 1,028.8
1960 Latin America Christian radicals killed by troops; 1966 frs Camilo Torres, H. Gallejo, 1977 A. Navarro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 300,000 0.1 5 1 1,028.8
1960 India For next 40 years, every year 100 to 300 Christian Dalits (Untouchables, Outcastes) are murdered in inter-caste violence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H R-Lat 7,000 0.1 3 1 1,028.8
1961 Congo In and around Brazzaville, many killings of Europeans and missionaries: pastor R. de Vos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. P-Eva 400 0.0 2 0 1,047.8
1961 Germany Communist GDR erects 75-mile concrete Berlin Wall to prevent emigration; 5,000 escape, but 150 Christians trying to cross are killed by police. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa P-Lut 100 0.0 2 0 1,047.8
1961 Angola Revolution and civil war: Portuguese troops and militias massacre Protestants, pastors, teachers: deacon P. Rodrigues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. P-Eva 5,000 2.0 3 5 1,047.8
1962 Albania Atheist state kills 10 more bishops, 100 priests: 1972 fr S. Kurti, 1979 bp E. Coba; and over 7,000 lay believers killed, 1962-1986. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa O-Alb 7,200 3.8 3 5 1,067.3
1962 Burma 40-year civil war: army conducts many massacres of Hill Tribes (Karens, Kachins, et alii); churches burned, pastors tortured to death. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. P-Bap 10,000 1.0 4 4 1,067.3
1962 West Irian Genocide: 150,000 West Papuans killed by Muslim troops, 1962-82; by 1995 total killed reaches 200,000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. P-Eva 70,000 7.9 4 6 1,067.3
1962 Rwanda Genocide: 150,000 Tutsis slaughtered by Hutus at Independence; pastor Yona Kanamuzeyi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR A-Ang 10,000 0.8 4 3 1,067.3
1962 Russia Leaders of unregistered Reform Baptists systematically liquidated by KGB: 1964 N. Khmara, 1972 Melnikov poisoned, 1975 I. V. Biblenko. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa I-3cW 8,000 6.0 3 6 1,067.3
1962 Eritrea 30-year civil war led by Christian-dominated EPLF destroys churches, schools, missions, and kills scores of clergy, laity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa O-Eth 10,000 0.6 4 3 1,067.3
1963 Guinea-Bissau Portuguese kill Protestants (WEC): evangelists Victor Vaz Martins, Formoso Mendes, Pedro da Silva. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR P-Eva 100 4.2 2 5 1,087.1
1963 Sudan Civil war: Arabs kill 64 missionaries and (1962-72) 600,000 Black Christians; pastor G. Adwok. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM A-Ang 200,000 23.5 5 8 1,087.1
1964 Brazil 10,000 killings over 20 years by guerrillas, military, death squads; many priests murdered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 2,000 0.0 3 0 1,107.3
1964 USA In long and violent segregation struggle, civil rights workers murdered: James Cheney (Black Baptist) & colleagues; 1968 Martin Luther King Jr assassinated. . . . .Y I-Bap 20 0.0 1 0 1,107.3
1965 Indonesia Communists attempt to obliterate Christian leadership; crushed by army with 500,000 deaths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a P-Ref 8,000 0.1 3 0 1,127.8
1965 Zambia Lumpa Church (indigenous) crushed by military; 700 killed in holy village. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. I-3pA 700 0.5 2 2 1,127.8
1965 Lithuania Soviets modify continuous persecution of RC bishops, target minor officials, harass by bureaucracy: 1975 M. Tamonis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa R-Lat 5,000 0.0 3 0 1,127.8
1965 Cambodia Mnong Christians fiercely persecuted, many killed with clergy (also 90% of Buddhist priests). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 6,000 0.0 3 0 1,127.8
1966 Nigeria 30,000 Ibo Christians in Northern Nigeria massacred by Muslim mobs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M A-Eva 30,000 0.1 4 1 1,148.7
1966 China Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution: churches razed, 2,500,000 believers imprisoned; after 20 years jail and torture, in 1989 bp Li Xinsheng dies. . . . . . . . . . . . . xa I-3hC 400,000 13.3 5 7 1,148.7
1967 Nigeria A million killed in 1967-70 Biafra civil war, including massacre of 150,000 Ibos by Muslims, also 10,000 Ogoni Christians slaughtered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM R-Lat 200,000 0.8 5 3 1,170.0
c1968 Somalia Islamic hostility towards Christianity results in killings: Musa Sheikow, 1989 bp P. S. Colombo OFM, 1991 fr P. Turati OFM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M I-3mM 40 0.0 1 0 1,191.7
1968 West Irian Cannibalistic tribe, the Yali, kill and eat 2 NTM missionaries who destroyed village fetishes, S. Dale & P. Masters; 1976, tribe converts to Christianity. . . . . . . . . . . . .T P-Eva 10 0.0 1 0 1,191.7
1969 Equat Guinea 10-year reign of terror under dictator Macias; 80,000 deaths; crucifixions; 1975 Raphael Nze bp of Bata executed after torture; 50,000 Bubis murdered in 1978. . . . xR R-Lat 35,000 14.0 4 7 1,213.9
1969 Malawi Vicious state persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. m-Jeh 2,000 5.6 3 6 1,213.9
1969 Czechoslovakia State kills Roman Catholic leaders: 1974 cardinal S. Trochta, 1979 fr M. Gono, 1981 fr P. Coufal, 1982 fr J. Barta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa R-Lat 7,000 0.1 3 0 1,213.9
1970 Cambodia Massacres of 40,000 Vietnamese Catholics and 10,000 Protestants, 1970-77.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 50,000 76.9 4 9 1,236.4
1970 Paraguay Genocide attempted by military against Ache Indians; 900 killed in repeated massacres, forced labor, resettlements.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R R-Lat 100 33.3 2 8 1,236.4
1970 USSR Unregistered Protestants targeted by KGB for mass killings; 1980 V.A. Shelkov, S. Bakholdin, 1982 N.P. Khrapov. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa I-3cW 60,000 6.7 4 6 1,236.4

Continued below
Table 4–10 continued
Year Main locus Description of major martyrdom situation Related individual martyrs (these are the names shown in boldface type) Pers Trad Martyrs MR% Mag Int Global
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1970 Cameroon Jehovah’s Witnesses banned by government, with continuous sporadic persecution since. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. m-Jeh 600 0.0 2 0 1,236.4
1970 Gabon Banning and sporadic persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses, deliberately low-key and unreported. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. m-Jeh 100 0.0 2 0 1,236.4
1971 Uganda 300,000 Christians killed in 7-year Amin terror; 1973 J. Serwanika, 1977 abp Janani Luwum, many Anglican and Catholic clergy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM A-Ang 200,000 2.8 5 5 1,259.9
1971 Bangladesh In civil war, 1,250,000 Bengalis executed. 5,700 leading Christians targeted and murdered with their children by Pakistani army, 1,500 Christian women raped. . . . . xM R-Lat 13,000 5.2 4 6 1,259.9
1972 Burundi Genocide: 150,000 Hutus, especially intellectuals, massacred by Tutsis; 100 Anglican evangelists and 15 clergy murdered; Abel Binyoni. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR A-Ang 15,000 0.7 4 3 1,284.0
1972 Mozambique Protestant persecution: Presbyterian leaders Z. Manganhela, J. Sidumo die in Machava prison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa P-Ref 200 0.0 2 0 1,284.0
1972 Benin Marxist military seize power, begin targeting clergy with death sentences; arrests, sporadic persecution and murders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa R-Lat 500 0.1 2 1 1,284.0
1972 Ulster Bloody Sunday: British army kills 17 Roman Catholic demonstrators; widespread violence by Protestant paramilitary forces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 2,000 0.2 3 2 1,284.0
1973 Chad Regime orders 2-year pagan initiation rites; many martyrs, including numerous pastors buried alive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xT P-Eva 400 0.0 2 0 1,308.4
1973 Chile 2,500 Chileans executed by Pinochet military regime, including leftist Christian leaders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 2,100 0.0 3 0 1,308.4
1974 Laos Communists imprison and murder many of 20,000 tribal Miao (Hmong) and Khmu Protestants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa P-Eva 2,000 10.0 3 7 1,333.4
1974 North Cyprus Civil war escalates as Turkish army invades; 1983, Turks proclaim separate state; 2,000 Greek Orthodox murdered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M O-Gre 2,000 1.0 3 4 1,333.4

1974 Bolivia Government troops kill 200 devout RC peasants in Cochabamba valley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 100 1.0 2 4 1,333.4
1975 Viet Nam 10-year Communist persecution begins: churches closed, pastors executed; 1984, 65,000 butchered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa P-Eva 50,000 1.5 4 4 1,358.8
1975 Ukraine Uniate priests murdered: M. Lutsky, 1979 Z.A. Kalienuk, 1980 A. Gurgula and wife, 1984 A. Potochnyak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa R-Byz 500 0.0 2 0 1,358.8
1975 Lebanon 200,000 killed in 20-year civil war; thousands of Maronites, Orthodox, Evangelicals kidnapped and killed; 1987 fr A. Masse SJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M R-Mar 25,000 1.4 4 4 1,358.8
1975 Honduras Christian radicals, Indians, murdered: 1975 frs M.C. Cypher OFM, I. Betancur, 1983 fr J.G. Carney SJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 8,000 0.3 3 2 1,358.8
1975 Cambodia Khmer Rouge slaughter 2 million, execute 80% of all city dwellers including known Christians by 1979: bps P. Tep Im, J.C. Salas, fr B.C. Chunsar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa P-Eva 42,000 88.8 4 9 1,358.8
1975 Timor 200,000 Timorese (70% being RCs) killed in civil war over next 25 years; 1991, military kill 270 Catholic youths at a funeral in Santa Cruz massacre.. . . . . . . . . . . . xM R-Lat 90,000 37.2 4 8 1,358.8
1975 Paraguay Army burns houses, seizes peasant cooperative funds, kills scores of peasants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 160 0.0 2 0 1,358.8
1975 Bougainville 23-year civil war attempting secession from Papua New Guinea, led by Catholic and Protestant bishops and clergy; many killed, starved, deprived of medicines. . . . x. P-Eva 3,000 4.0 3 5 1,358.8
1975 Ireland Irish Republican Army and other paramilitary groups target Christian activists; assassinations, bombings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R P-Eva 1,200 0.2 3 2 1,358.8
1976 Argentina 30,000 persons disappear 1976-79, killed by military junta (2,000 thrown alive out of Navy aircraft); many priests, bishops, activists, idealistic youth. . . . . . . . . . . . . xR R-Lat 12,000 0.1 4 0 1,381.4
1976 Zimbabwe Civil war kills 50 missionaries: bp A. Schmitt, 6 nuns, 1978 P.& S. Evans & 12 Elim workers; 1987, 16 missionaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. P-Pen 3,000 0.1 3 0 1,381.4
1976 Guatemala Army genocide against Mayans: 11 priests killed, 1982-3 15,000 killings; fr H. Lopez; 1980-82,100,000 Quiche Indians murdered, 1 million displaced. . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 20,000 0.3 4 2 1,381.4
1977 Ethiopia From 1977-80, 90,000 killed in Red Terror; 1980 patriarch Theofilas, abp Samwel, many priests; Protestant leader S. B. Aleku, 1979 G. Tumsa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa O-Eth 30,000 0.2 4 1 1,404.4
1977 El Salvador From 1977-89, 70,000 killings, massacres, crucifixions: 1980 abp O. Romero, 1981 4 USA nuns, 1988 4 Lutheran workers, 1989 6 Jesuit priests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR R-Lat 15,000 0.4 4 2 1,404.4
1977 CAR Brutal tyrant E. A. Bokasso seizes power as emperor, massacres thousands in churches and schools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa P-Dis 3,000 0.1 3 1 1,404.4
1977 Mongolia Many young Catholic Charismatics from India travel to witness and live as missionaries in Mongolia; a number are murdered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa R-Lat 50 20.0 1 8 1,404.4
1977 Zaire Mobutu regime executes, murders, assassinates, or massacres tribal or political opponents including church leaders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 4,000 0.1 3 1 1,404.4
1978 Guyana At Jonestown settlement, congregation of 900 are murdered by pastor J. Jones in suicide pact. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P P-Dis 950 67.9 2 9 1,427.8
1978 Angola South African military bomb and kill 582 Namibian Christians at Kassinga refugee camp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xP P-Lut 300 0.0 2 0 1,427.8
1979 Iran 100,000 Iranis executed under ayatollah Khomeini-Shias, Sunnis, Baha’is, Armenians; Anglican priest Sayyad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM O-Arm 8,000 2.5 3 5 1,451.5
1979 Nicaragua 50,000 die in Sandinista revolution, 20,000 later, many pastors; 1983, Pentecostal pastor Noel Vargas murdered by Contras; Miskito Christians massacred. . . . . . . xa P-Mor 5,000 0.2 3 1 1,451.5
1979 Malawi Thousands including dissident churchmen tortured and murdered during Banda dictatorship, 1964-1993; 1979, J. Sangaya.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. P-Ref 5,000 0.3 3 2 1,451.5
1980 Lithuania RC priests murdered: 1980 L. Sapoka, V. Jaugelis, 1981 L. Mazeika, B. Laurinavicius. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa R-Lat 5,000 0.2 3 2 1,475.7
1980 Bolivia Assassinations and killings; 1980 fr L. Espinal SJ, editor exposing cocaine trade, assassinated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Y R-Lat 300 0.0 2 0 1,475.7
1980 Iraq Military regime murders 20,000 Christians over next 15 years: Assyrians, Chaldeans, Arabs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa O-Nes 20,000 4.0 4 5 1,475.7
1980 Afghanistan As Christian believers, a number of USSR Red Army soldiers refuse to kill Afghanis, so are executed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa I-3pW 400 0.0 2 0 1,475.7
1980 India In Nagaland, Indian Army continues 50-year genocide against 2 million Nagas; many Baptist churches destroyed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xH P-Bap 240,000 15.0 5 7 1,475.7
1980 Peru Maoist Shining Path guerrillas kill 30,000 peasant Christians before 1993 collapse; 1983 sr Joan Sawyer, many Pentecostals and Presbyterians murdered. . . . . . . .a P-Pen 12,000 0.1 4 0 1,475.7
1981 Romania Police murder many Baptist and RC leaders: 1981 S. Teodosiu, bp K. Kernweisz, I. Clipa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa P-Bap 2,000 0.1 3 1 1,500.8
1981 Egypt Muslim Brotherhood killings; Coptic bp Samuel (Makary El-Souriany), fr Ghabrail Abd Mutagalli.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M O-Cop 1,000 0.0 3 0 1,500.8
1982 Nicaragua Sandinista military regime escalates ‘reeducation’ massacres of Miskito Indian Christians, pastors shot; 1982 E. Smith, Lester Athers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa P-Mor 1,000 3.3 3 5 1,526.2
1982 Nigeria Over next 14 years in Kaduna State, 18 major Muslim/Christian violent conflicts; over 600 Christians killed, 193 churches torched. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M A-Ang 600 0.1 2 1 1,526.2
1983 Guatemala Mass killings of pentecostals by army, many pastors murdered; Full Gospel pastor Nicolas Toma shot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. I-3pL 11,000 0.2 4 2 1,552.2
1983 Ecuador Escalating violence against Quichua Protestants; churches burned, murders; 1987 Quichua pastor Antonia Zuma killed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R P-Eva 3,000 1.2 3 4 1,552.2
1983 Ghana African indigenous churches’ prophets from Ashanti Spiritual Churches murdered by military regime; 1995, RC nuns P. Maclese, C. Murphy hacked to death. . . . . . x. I-3sA 200 0.0 2 0 1,552.2
1983 Sri Lanka Civil war kills 8,000 (450 RCs, 60 Protestants): fr M.B. Manielpillai, pastor G. Jeyarajasingham. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xB R-Lat 200 0.0 2 0 1,552.2
1983 Sudan Scores of Dinka and Shilluk pastors killed by Sudanese army, countless churches torched by Arab troops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM A-Ang 5,000 0.2 3 2 1,552.2
1984 Poland Continuous Communist harassment; priest J. Popieluszko (RC), 1985 fr P. Poplawski (Orthodox), et alii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa R-Lat 5,000 0.0 3 0 1,578.5
1984 Uganda Armed thugs murder Godfrey Bazira principal of Namugongo Martyrs Memorial Seminary, and 90 others.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a A-Ang 95 0.0 1 0 1,578.5
1985 Philippines Clergy, laity murdered: frs T. Favali, A. Romero, N. Valerio, R. Romano; M. Beling (Episcopal). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M R-Lat 40,000 0.1 4 0 1,605.3
1985 Angola Guerrilla violence kills workers: frs J.E. Wasnak, J. Moretto, L. Sikufinde, sr L. Kautudja. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 10,000 0.1 4 1 1,605.3
1985 India 3,000 North Indian Christians murdered in mob riots instigated by politico-religious organizations (RSS/VHP, etc); 1995, in Bhopal, John Kerkatta killed by mob. . . .H P-Bap 3,000 0.1 3 1 1,605.3
c1985 Kenya Angarako bandits from Uganda destroy RC mission, kill 85 Turkana and priest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 50 0.0 1 0 1,605.3
1985 Guatemala Worst right-wing death-squad violence on continent: Indian catechist Manuel de Jesus Tzalam Coj, professor C.H. Cabrera Rivera.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xR R-Lat 10,000 0.1 4 1 1,605.3
1986 Mozambique 500,000 noncombatants (28,000 RCs, 7,000 Anglicans and Protestants) systematically slaughtered by Renamo rebels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a R-Lat 35,000 1.0 4 4 1,632.8
1986 Africa Marked continent-wide increase in killings of pastors, priests, missionaries, and laypersons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. P-Eva 20,000 0.0 4 0 1,632.8
1986 Mexico Outspoken newspaper staff begin to be targeted by drug cartels: publishers J. Brennes, Ernesto Flores, reporter Norma Moreno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a R-Lat 100 0.0 2 0 1,632.8
1987 Ecuador Auca arrows in jungle kill bp A. Labaca Ugarte OFMCap, sr Ines Arango; other killings also. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T R-Lat 100 0.0 2 0 1,660.7
1987 Sudan 1,000 Christian Dinkas burned to death by Rizeigat Muslims in Diein. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M A-Ang 1,000 0.5 3 2 1,660.7
1987 Pakistan Christians targeted: 1987 Wahid, 1994 Manzoor Masih; 1995, 12-year old Iqbal Masih near Lahore; 1995 Javed Masih in Hyderabad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M P-Ref 200 0.0 2 0 1,660.7
1987 Azerbaijan Religious warfare in Nagorno-Karabakh targets both Shia Muslims and Armenian Christian leaders; 10,000 killed over next 9 years; 1988 Sumgait Massacre. . . . . . xM O-Arm 1,000 0.2 3 2 1,660.7
1988 Brazil 14 Ticuna Indians massacred by traders; 30,000 gold prospectors attack other Amerindian tribes; 1995, hundreds of landless peasants killed by police. . . . . . . . . . . .Y I-3cL 800 0.6 2 3 1,689.2
1988 Colombia Civil war versus cocaine drug lords with 500,000 employees; many judges assassinated; 1989 bp Jesus E. Jaramillo of Arauca. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a R-Lat 1,000 0.0 3 0 1,689.2
1988 Algeria 1988 riots, 1992 army ousts victorious Islamic Fundamentalists who then murder 10,000 Christians; 1996, 7 Trappist monks beheaded, bp P. Claverie. . . . . . . . . . .M R-Lat 9,000 13.0 3 7 1,689.2
1988 Myanmar Mass uprising in Yangon crushed by military, 10,000 killed; thousands of Christians perish in vast slave camps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. P-Bap 30,000 1.0 4 4 1,689.2
1988 Burundi Genocide: Tutsi-dominated government kills 75,000 civilian Hutus in repeated massacres. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 25,000 1.0 4 4 1,689.2
1989 China Army massacre of 3,000 mainly in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, kills 600 Christian student activists.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa I-3cC 600 0.1 2 1 1,718.1
1989 Romania Secret police under dictator N. Ceausescu massacre 20,000 Christians, murder many activists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa O-Rum 15,000 0.1 4 1 1,718.1
1989 World Persecution during decade 1980-90 mushrooms, revealing Christ’s people as the permanently Suffering Church, regularly enduring martyrdom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa R-Lat 190,000 12.7 5 7 1,718.1
1989 Afghanistan Underground Afghani Christians persecuted: blind leader Zia Mohammed Nodrat tortured to death; the Six Mullahs of Kabul confess Christ but are murdered. . . . . xM I-3mM 30 0.0 1 0 1,718.1
1989 Peru 50 Assemblies of God worshippers machine-gunned while praying; 800 Christian leaders in Quechua High Andes murdered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a P-Pen 3,000 0.0 3 0 1,718.1

1990 Iran Radical Muslims kill prominent Iranian Pentecostal clergy: 1990 H. Soodmand, 1994 bp Haik Hovsepian-Mehr, Mehdi Dibaj; many laity executed.. . . . . . . . . . . . . xM P-Pen 720 0.0 2 0 1,747.5
1990 Philippines Islamic guerrillas in Jolo, Mindanao, kill many evangelizing Christians: 1995, J. Solan; 1996, pastor Severino Bagtasos III killed during worship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M I-3cF 10,000 0.1 4 1 1,747.5
1990 Laos 25-year Communist persecution of Christians intensifies, especially vicious in north with widespread continuous killings.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 10,000 10.0 4 7 1,747.5
1990 Mexico Escalating violence against Oaxacan Protestants, often led by Catholic priests and local chiefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R P-Eva 500 0.0 2 0 1,747.5

Continued overleaf
Table 4–10 concluded
Year Main locus Description of major martyrdom situation Related individual martyrs (these are the names shown in boldface type) Pers Trad Martyrs MR% Mag Int Global

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1991 Bosnia In vicious 4-year civil war, 200,000 including many clergy are killed by Muslim, Catholic Croat, and Orthodox Serb militias; Bosnian fr N. Bagaric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O R-Lat 20,000 0.1 4 1 1,772.7
1991 Colombia World’s most violent country (38,000 killed p.a.), missionaries murdered by guerrillas, drug lords: 1995 T. Van Dyke, S. Welsh; many Pentecostal pastors.. . . . . . . . .a P-Eva 5,000 1.0 3 4 1,772.7
1991 Peru Violent guerrilla warfare: L. Gutierrez, M. Sarmiento, C. Casaverde, C. Vargas, N. Tattersall, J. Chuquin; 1992 Bible translator R. Saune. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a P-Eva 3,000 0.0 3 0 1,772.7
1991 Haiti Over 2,000 shot to death supporting RC priest elected president, J.-B. Aristide; 500 more die under torture; pastor Sylvio Claude. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a R-Lat 1,500 0.0 3 0 1,772.7
c1992 Liberia Civil war engulfs country, churches destroyed, Christians slaughtered; missionaries Tom & June Jackson (WEC), pastors J. Fallah, D. Saah disemboweled. . . . . . x. P-Eva 15,000 2.2 4 5 1,798.3
1992 Angola As civil war continues, numerous killings: sr M. Pimentel, sr M. Culembee Munto, fr A. de Fonseca Guerra, sr Lourdes Aguiar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa R-Lat 9,000 0.1 3 1 1,798.3
1992 USA Sporadic but continuous killings: news editor Manuel de Dios shot in New York bar for exposing cocaine cartels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a P-Eva 200 0.0 2 0 1,798.3
1993 Burundi 5th wave of violence since 1961: 200,000 Hutus killed by Tutsi army; clergy targeted; 1993 Bible Society’s G. Bimazubute, 1996 abp J. Ruhuna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xA R-Lat 40,000 1.0 4 4 1,824.3
1993 Sudan 500,000 Southern Black Christians driven into deserts and starve to death through deliberate diverting of famine relief food by Islamic state bureaucrats. . . . . . . . . xM A-Ang 460,000 11.9 5 7 1,824.3
1994 Rwanda Genocide: ruling Hutus massacre 700,000 Tutsis (RCs, Anglicans, Revivalists); I. Havugimana, T. Gatwa, fr J. Rutumbu, 3 bishops, 101 priests, 64 nuns. . . . . . . . xR R-Lat 520,000 11.7 6 7 1,850.7
1994 Egypt Countrywide violence by militant Muslims burning Coptic churches, shops, businesses, villages, schools; 1,000 Copts killed; monk Nur al-Qums Binyamin. . . . . . . .M O-Cop 1,000 0.0 3 0 1,850.7
1994 Mexico Catholic activists murdered in Zapatista guerrilla uprising; mainly women and children. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 300 0.0 2 0 1,850.7


1995 Palestine Random killings of church workers: brother B. Grassi beaten to death. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M R-LEr 200 0.0 2 0 1,877.4
1995 Sudan Sudanese air force drops napalm on 3 strongly-Christian cities in Nuba Mountains, killing thousands; Arab troops murder 50,000 more. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM A-Eva 12,000 7.0 4 6 1,877.4
1996 Uganda Kidnappings, murders, massacres of schoolchildren continue, mainly by Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebels north of Gulu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I A-Eva 2,000 1.0 3 4 1,901.2
1996 Zaire Mutinies, rebellions, military rampages, refugees, mass lootings, sweep the country; thousands of laypersons, clergy, workers murdered, massacred . . . . . . . . . . . . x. P-uni 5,000 0.1 3 1 1,901.2
1997 Indonesia Large organized mob violence increases annually; 50 churches a year attacked, burned (200 in East Java). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M P-Ref 500 0.0 2 0 1,925.4
1997 Pakistan Mobs of 30,000 Muslim rioters go on rampage, burning down churches, Christian homes, shops, businesses; lootings, murders, instant executions. . . . . . . . . . . . . .M P-uni 1,000 20.0 3 8 1,925.4
1998 Afghanistan Taliban military regime (Sunnis) slaughters thousands of Hazaras (Shias) in Mazar-e-Sharif, including 500 Christians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xM I-3nZ 500 50.0 2 9 1,949.8
1999 India Violent RSS/VHP activity supported by anti-Christian Hindu government kills nuns, priests, pastors, missionaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xH R-Lat 6,000 0.0 3 0 1,974.5
1999 Timor Timor UN-run plebiscite overwhelmingly votes for Independence: before and after, militias target Catholics, kill 7,000 clergy and laity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. R-Lat 4,000 2.0 3 5 1,974.5
2000 World Total of martyrs listed above during Epoch IX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 11,904,280 0.6 3 3 1,999.6
2000 World All other martyrdom situations, known or unknown, during Epoch IX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 952,000 0.1 3 3 1,999.6
2000 World Background martyrdom during Epoch IX (individual, domestic, family, isolated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 500,000 0.0 0 0 1,999.6
2000 World Global total of all martyrs during Epoch IX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 13,356,280 0.7 3 3 1,999.6
2000 World Global cumulative total of all martyrs since AD 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – 69,421,230 0.8 3 4 1,999.6

EPOCH X: FUTURE SCENARIOS OF MISSION AND MARTYDOM, AD 2000-2050 (for details of numerous published scenarios, see Part 2 “CosmoChronology”)
— World Church in many Muslim countries forced underground into clandestine activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a I-3cZ – 1.0 4 4 1,999.6
— World End of 2nd Millennium leads into breakdown of law and order, mass panic, chaos, killings, martyrdoms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xQ R-Lat – 1.0 9 4
— World Organized mass terrorism destroys cathedrals, Vatican, and other major Christian centers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a R-Lat – 1.0 8 4
— World Suppression of all mission; global church forced into catacomb existence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a I-Eva – 2.0 8 5
2013 World Church of the Absolutely Poor goes on global rampage, killing millions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a I-3cZ – 4.0 9 5 2,299.7
2025 World Final demise of organized denominational Christianity; mass apostasies.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a I-3cW – 1.0 8 4 2,616.7
2038 World Church of the Purification attempts to set up a Republic of Christ; pitched battles, thousands of martyrs each year.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x. I-3pZ – 20.0 4 8 2,834.5
2040 World Worst anti-Christian persecution in history, instigated by world government ordering voluntary martyrdom of all followers of Christ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xa I-3pW – 5.0 10 6 2,869.6
2050 World Background martyrdom during Epoch X (individual, domestic, family, isolated). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – large 0.0 0 0 3,051.6
2050 World Global total of all martyrs during Epoch X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – very large 1.7 8 5 3,051.6

EPOCH OMEGA: THE BIBLICAL END-TIME (various biblical scenarios with some literal features)
World 1st Persecution: 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, 25% of world killed (Revelation 6:8). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – – 25.0 10 8
World 2nd Persecution: 7th Seal, 6th Trumpet, 33% killed (Revelation 9:18). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – – 33.0 10 8
World 3rd Persecution: The 2 Witnesses: church all but obliterated (Revelation 11:4-8). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – – 90.0 10 10
World The Great Tribulation: Trinity of Evil, 4th Persecution (Revelation 12:11-17). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – – 10.0 10 7
World The Great (5th and Final) Persecution, with mass apostasies (Revelation 13:5-10). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – – 95.0 8 10
World Background martyrdom during Epoch Omega (individual, domestic, family, isolated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – formidable 0.0 0 0
World Global total of all martyrs during Epoch Omega . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – – many millions 2.0 10 9


Table 4–11. Alphabetical listing of 2,550 known Christian martyrs, AD 30-2000.

Definition. A Christian martyr is defined in this analysis as a person but names of individuals involved may remain unknown. Note that in recent years in the interests of brevity and concise-
with 5 essential features. A martyr is (1) a believer in Christ who (2) Description of this table. In the main, this is a listing of individuals, ness names have been reduced to surnames followed by initials, al-
loses his or her life (3) prematurely (4) in a situation of witness (5) as but with 3 exceptions to firm up the identities of some individuals. though full Christian names have occasionally been added to assist
a result of human hostility. Firstly, spouses and other relatives may be added in a phrase (‘and identification. Likewise, a person’s occupation may be given, espe-
Dates and names. The first column for each entry gives the year of brothers’, ‘and 2 sons’, etc). Secondly, widely-known pairs may be cially if ecclesiastical.
the martyr’s death, A.D. The second column gives name and, occa- listed together, including named husbands and wives, but the sec- Abbreviations. abp = archbishop, bp = bishop, br = brother or monk
sionally, ecclesiastical occupation or rank. ond person is always given an additional separate entry under this (only from AD 1330 onward), Canter = Canterbury, ecu = ecumeni-
Country codes. The last of the 3 columns of information gives the second name. And thirdly, in well known group cases a group name cal, fr = father (priest, only given here after AD 1516), Jerus =
country (using today’s name) where the individual died. The 4-letter may be briefly added (‘Atom & his legion’). However, absence of such Jerusalem, met = metro = metrop = metropolitan, msgr = monsignor,
codes shown are this survey’s standard short code for everything additions here does not imply absence of such extras. In fact, most patr = patriarch, sr = sister (nun; only given here since 1950). Initials
concerning the country in question. Any countries not included here persons in this listing of individuals lost their lives with one or more after the first name/surname = Roman Catholic order or congrega-
may very well have martyrdom situations described in Table 4–10 relatives, with companions, or in much larger incidents or events. tion (e.g. SJ = Jesuit).

254 Aaron & Julius brit 1794 Ambroise, fr R. fran 1736 Aulneau, fr J. P. usa 1583 Berno, P. indi
552 Aba, mar, patriarch catholicos iraq 1771 Ambrose, abp of Krutitsy russ 434 Auraeus, bp fran 1612 Bertelete, fr E. hond
1999 Abadiano, Ted phil 1934 Ambrose, bp of Podolsk russ 850 Aurea spai 884 Bertharius, abbot ital
c300 Abadion, bp of Antinoopolis egyp 1918 Ambrose, bp of Seroapulsk russ 91 Aurelia Petronilla ital 1638 Berthelot, fr P. indo
c291 Abadir egyp 1918 Ambrose, fr russ 852 Aurelius spai 1896 Berthieu SJ, fr J. mada
c250 Abadyus egyp 1927 Amfiteatrov, P. belo 1977 Avdeyev, M.V. russ 1198 Berthold, abbot esto
2000 Abakumate, sr M cent 1992 Amlak, fr A. ethi 1672 Avila y Ayala, fr P. usa c297 Besamon egyp
c309 Abamun of Tarnut egyp c320 Ammonius, bp of Latopolis egyp 1682 Avvakum Petrovich, archpriest russ 1975 Betancur, fr I. hond
c309 Abamun of Tukh egyp c285 Amsah of Qift egyp 1989 Ayap, pastor A. phil 1991 Bethea, Lynda keny
1004 Abbo fran 2000 Amzati, C.G. conz 1991 Aziza, Adel egyp 1916 Bettex, Paul chin
410 Abda, mar iraq 1905 An, evangelist chin 467 Azquir saud 1999 Bhatti, Sabir John paki
375 Abdas, metropolitan iraq 448 Anahid iraq 112 Babai turk 1977 Biayenda, cardinal abp E. cong
341 Abdechalas & Ananias iraq 341 Ananias iraq 484 Babowi, catholicos iraq c360 Bibiana ital
1996 Abdel-Sayeda, H. L. egyp 303 Anastasia croa 284 Babylas, bp egyp 1975 Biblenko, I.V. russ
309 Abdon ital 628 Anastasius the Persian turk 251 Babylas, patriarch of Antioch turk 1977 Biko, Steve soua
1758 Aberin, fr J. S. usa 610 Anastasius, patriarch geor 1992 Bacabis, G. phil 1860 Billottet SJ, fr E. leba
786 Abo geor 1938 Anatole, metrop of Odessa russ 315 Bacchus syri 1531 Bilney, Thomas brit
523 Abraham yeme c300 Anatolius, general egyp 1943 Bacon, D. boli 1993 Bimazubute, G. buru
1998 Abrao ango 1997 Anchanickal SJ, fr T. indi 1410 Badby, J. brit 1972 Binyoni, Abel buru
1936 Abrikosov, mother C. russ 1998 Andeni, fr L. keny 1997 Badiali, rev D. peru 1945 Birch, J. chin
249 Abu Sayfayn egyp 1900 Andlauer SJ, fr M. chin 1975 Badre OSB, prior J. camb 1990 Biscaro, fr Egidio ugan
1400 Abu’l Farag egyp 1666 Andrade, vicar apostolic ethi 1886 Badzekuketta, A. ugan c1820 Bishay, Sidhom egyp
523 Abu-Afr, governor yeme 1794 Andre, fr J. fran 1991 Bagaric, fr N. bosn 1971 Biswas, U. bang
c125 Acacius arme 69 Andrew, Apostle gree 1996 Bagtasos III, pastor S. phil 1981 Bitterman III, C.A. colo
1220 Accursio moro c355 Andrew, monk egyp 1992 Bakheit, dr S. egyp 316 Blaize, bp arme
251 Achatius, bp turk 1918 Andronick, abp of Perm russ 1980 Bakholdin, S. russ 177 Blandina fran
c100 Achilleus ital 304 Andronicus ital 285 Balana, priest egyp 1597 Blasquez, fr Pedro B. japa
1583 Acquaviva, fr R. indi 1645 André, catechist viet 1959 Balint, S. hung 1900 Blind Chang Shen chin
997 Adalbert, bp of Prague russ 1998 Anetta, sr yeme 1792 Balmain SJ, fr F. fran 1968 Blood, H. viet
1222 Adam, bp of Caithness brit 1976 Angelelli, bp Enrique arge 1966 Bamba, Emmanuel conz 1657 Bobola SJ, fr Andrew belo
c550 Adeodatus (Astouadz-Mapod) arme 1813 Angelis gree 1886 Banabakintu, Luke ugan 1936 Boguna, fr L. spai
1632 Adolphus, king Gustavus germ 1323 Angelus of Spoleto ital c300 Bandilaus, monk egyp 1989 Boisvert, fr A. japa
304 Adrian & Natalia turk c168 Anicetus, pope ital 1987 Bangirimana, Ernest buru 1860 Bonacina, br F. leba
875 Adrian of May, bp brit 1704 Anixa, A. usa c285 Banina egyp 1388 Bonaventure Peraga, cardinal ital
1998 Adrienne, sr conz 346 Anna iraq 1279 Bar Kaliq, bp of Tus iran 1945 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich germ
825 Adulfus & John spai 66 Anna of Ormisdat arme 346 Barbashmin, catholicos iraq 754 Boniface (Winfrith), bp neth
1963 Adwok, pastor G. suda 1979 Annanias, fr O. ugan 1963 Barbosa, evangelist Dinis gunb 1792 Bonnaud SJ, fr J. J. fran
c287 Aesculapius egyp c660 Annemond, bp of Lyons fran 1981 Barendsen, Eeva afgh 1937 Boretsky, M., metropolitan ukra
c305 Aesi egyp 1634 Ansalone, fr G. japa 1981 Barendsen, Erik afgh 1936 Bori, fr P. spai
1932 Afanassy, bp of Stavobelsk russ 295 Anthimus, bp of Nicomedia turk 2000 Bargiggia, fr A. buru 1015 Boris & Gleb russ
1970 Afonin, I.A. russ 1282 Anthony of Armenia iran 1601 Barkworth, fr M. brit 1956 Boris, metrop of Nevrokop bulg
303 Afra germ 91 Antipas turk 304 Barlaam of Antioch turk 1946 Borisevicius, V., bp of Telsiai lith
1948 Aftemie, bp roma 1347 Antoniy lith 1641 Barlow, fr. A. brit 1989 Bortolotti, fr F. moza
304 Agape gree 1460 Antony of Rivoli (Tunis) tuni 61 Barnabas, Apostle cypr 1145 Bosinlother, abbot Conrad ausz
1932 Agapit, abp of Ekaterinoslav ukra 1932 Antony, bp of Archangel russ 1540 Barnes, Robert brit 1997 Bosmans, Sr M. rwan
259 Agapitus of Praeneste ital 1964 Anuarite, sr M.C. conz 1781 Barreneche, fr J. A. usa 1952 Bossilkoff CP, bp E. bulg
c255 Agapius, bp tuni c290 Anub egyp 1593 Barrow, Henry brit 1516 Botello OP, Diego trin
249 Agatha ital c295 Apaiule egyp 112 Barsamya turk 1120 Botvid swed
c1640 Agathangelo of Vendome, fr fran c300 Apoli egyp c297 Barsanuphius (Warshanufy) egyp 1998 Boumans SVD, fr G. para
c300 Agathon and brothers egyp c285 Apollo egyp c850 Barsanuphius, monk egyp 1838 Bovie, fr P. D. viet
c170 Agathonice turk c290 Apollonius egyp 493 Barsumas, bp iraq 1555 Bradford, John brit
1227 Agnello moro c185 Apollonius, senator ital 1982 Barta, fr J. czec 1858 Braeuninger, M. usa
c350 Agnes ital 1945 Apor, bp Vilmos hung 68 Bartholomew, Apostle arme 1942 Brandsma, fr Tiko germ
1794 Agricola Viala fran 245 Appolonia, deaconess egyp 1936 Bartholomew, bp russ 1714 Brankoveanu, prince Constant roma
1992 Aguiar, sr L. ango 413 Apringius, proconsul tuni 1534 Barton, Elizabeth brit 1950 Brennan, bp P. T. nork
1653 Ahatalla, metropolitan indi 180 Aquilinus tuni 1918 Basil, abp of Chernigov ukra 1986 Brennes, J. mexi
575 Ahudemmeh, bp of Tagrit iraq 1833 Aquino, Anastasio elsa 298 Basil, bp egyp 1927 Bretzkiy, bp N. ukra
1779 Aitolos, K. alba 1987 Arango, sr Ines ecua c297 Basilidas, general egyp 1581 Briant, fr A. brit
1220 Aiuto moro 1583 Aranha, F. indi 207 Basilides egyp 1560 Brooks, J., bp of Gloucester brit
2000 Akullu, G. ugan 1550 Arason, bp J. & 2 sons denm 1978 Bassera, fr Ernesto elsa c1970 Brown, bp D. libe
2000 Akweyo, sr D. ugan 1936 Arbona, fr B. spai 1993 Bassiliouss, P. egyp 1859 Brown, John usa
1945 Akya Nai, pastor myan 1921 Archangelsky, pastor T. russ 1872 Bassost, fr F. usa 1972 Brown, pastor bang
1992 Al-Hari, A. phil 1934 Arconada, fr J. B. spai 1936 Baste, fr N. spai 1640 Bruni SJ, fr B. ethi
1387 al-Jadid, Jirjis egyp 1985 Arensen, J. suda 1997 Batista, sr T. braz 1009 Bruno, bp of Querfurt lith
959 al-Muzahim, Jirjis egyp 523 Aretas yeme 250 Batra egyp 1600 Bruno, br G. ital
1998 Alam, pastor Noor paki 1995 Argelio, pastor J. colo 1984 Bazira, pastor G. ugan 1997 Buchwolder, sr C. buru
209 Alban of Verulamium brit 931 Argentea spai 1546 Beaton, abp D. brit 1923 Budkiewicz, C., vicar russ
577 Aldate, bp of Gloucester brit 1977 Argew, T. ethi 1706 Beatrice, Donna conz c1250 Bulus al-Habis egyp
1282 Aldobrand of Florence iran c310 Arianus, governor egyp 1950 Beda SJ, fr Tsiang chin 1996 Bumendwa, fr J. C. conz
1995 Alean, pastor M. colo 333 Aristakes I, patriarch arme 1997 Bedoya, fr A. colo 1872 Burgos, fr Jose phil
1997 Alege, prof A. conz 1155 Arnold of Brescia fran 1988 Beebwa, sr M.T. ugan 1942 Bushiri, Mulumozi conz
1985 Aleku, B. ethi 1704 Arraiyo, fr J. P. usa 1998 Beheydt, pastor G. S. ital 1886 Buzabaliawo, James ugan
c117 Alexander ital 1977 Arreola, sr Silvia Maribel elsa c355 Behnam egyp 1998 Bwabulakombe, sr S. conz
397 Alexander ital 1628 Arrowsmith, fr E. brit 1321 Belibasta, Guilhem fran 1996 Bwambale, pastor P. conz
c260 Alexander pale c298 Arsenius egyp 1985 Beling, fr M. phil 1950 Byrne, bp P. J. nork
284 Alexander & Asterius turk 1400 Arsenius egyp 2000 Bello, fr C.O. nige 1974 Cabo, fr M. usa
1720 Alexander the Deacon russ 1935 Arseny, abp of Serpuhov russ 1997 Beltran, A. saud 1985 Cabrera Rivera, prof C.H. guat
1932 Alexander, abp russ 1936 Arseny, metrop of Novgorod russ 1684 Beltran, fr M. mexi 570 Cadoc, bp ital
249 Alexander, bp of Cappadocia egyp 1936 Artigues, fr R. spai 1003 Benedict of Benevento pola c560 Cadog fran
840 Alexander, bp of Fiesole ital 1830 Asad es Shidiak leba c150 Benignus fran c165 Caecelia ital
251 Alexander, bp of Jerusalem egyp 1859 Ascanio OFM, fr N. syri 1998 Benimana, sr F. rwan 1938 Cairns, fr R. chin
1938 Alexey, bp of Petrograd russ c290 Ascla egyp 1686 Benitez, fr E. mexi 1941 Cairns, fr R. J. chin
c800 Alkelda, princess brit 2000 Asienzo, sr P. ugan 1989 Benitez, fr M.A. colo 1985 Calderon, Z.S. peru
c360 Alladyus, bp egyp 284 Asterius turk c291 Benjamin egyp 1541 Calero, br J. mexi
1871 Allard, fr fran c296 Athanasius egyp 422 Benjamin iraq c286 Callinicus egyp
1985 Allende, S. N. chil 258 Athanasius, bp egyp 1917 Benjamin Simon, catholicos iran c300 Callinicus turk
1861 Almato OP, fr P. viet c1982 Athers, Lester nica 1918 Benjamin, fr russ c222 Callistus I, pope ital
1628 Alonso Rodriguez SJ para c288 Athom egyp 1922 Benjamin, metrop of Petrograd russ 1976 Calvan, pastor R. phil
1633 Alonso, fr L. japa c97 Atirnerseh, patriarch arme 1220 Berard moro 1996 Camacho, H. phil
1999 Aloysius, sr M. sier 451 Atom & his legion arme 685 Bercharius, abbot fran 1989 Campanella, fr C. moza
1012 Alphege, abp of Canterbury brit c120 Atrasis, daughter of Hadrian ital 1970 Bergemann, F. russ 1661 Campbell, A. brit
1973 Alsina, fr J. chil 1936 Audi, fr F. spai 327 Berikjesu iraq 1581 Campion, fr E. brit
1704 Alverez, fr R. mexi 1918 Audo, abp iraq 1680 Bernal, fr J. usa 287 Candidus swit
1996 Alzate Varela, pastor P. colo 1881 Augier, fr buru 1999 Bernall, Cassie usa 1086 Canute IV, king denm
1993 Alzokim, N.F. egyp 259 Augurius tuni 2000 Bernardo, fr J. alba 1131 Canute Lavard denm
1995 Amador, pastor Manuel colo 1988 Augusto, fr Giraldo Cesar colo 1866 Berneux, bp S.-F. souk 1991 Capasilan, A. phil
continued overleaf


Table 4–11 continued

1871 Captier, fr E. fran 1837 Cornay, fr J. C. viet 1541 de Cuellar, fr A. mexi 2000 di Bari, fr R. ugan
1936 Carbonell, fr C. spai 1594 Cornelius, fr J. brit 1992 de Dios, Manuel usa 1988 Dias OFM, fr C. paki
1640 Cardeira SJ, fr L. ethi 253 Cornelius, pope ital 1397 de Duenas, P. spai 2000 Dias, J. da Rocha ango
1661 Cargill, D. brit 1989 Corniall, sr Maurice nica 1680 de Espeleta, fr J. usa 1834 Diaz OFM, fr usa
1900 Carleson, N. chin 1996 Coronel, J. D. colo 1680 de Figuero, fr J. usa 1781 Diaz, fr J. M. usa
1950 Carlo, bp A. chin 1936 Corral, fr O. spai 1992 de Fonseca Guerra, fr A. ango 1994 Diaz, Veronica J. mexi
1964 Carlson, P. conz 1696 Corvera, fr F. usa 1916 de Foucauld, Charles alge 1994 Dibaj, pastor Mehdi iran
1999 Carmeline, sr sier c300 Cosmas & Damian turk 1972 de Freitas, pastor F. ango 1838 Diem, V. viet
1983 Carney SJ, fr J.G. hond 1564 Cossin, fr B. mexi 1597 de Goto, fr J. S. japa c1993 Difen, bp Liu chin
1794 Carnus, fr C. fran 1582 Cottam, fr T. brit 1567 de Herrera, br J. mexi 1918 Dimitri, pastor russ
c170 Carpus, bp turk 1981 Coufal, fr P. czec 1860 de Jacobis, bp Justin ethi 1936 Dimitry, abp of Gdovsk russ
1734 Carranco, fr L. mexi 1637 Courtet OP, fr W. japa 1696 de Jesus Maria Casañas, fr F. usa 305 Dimyanah & her 40 Virgins egyp
1998 Carreno, fr M. O. mexi 1990 Courtney, sr M. nica 1997 de Jesus, bp B. phil 448 Dindui, metropolitan iraq
1936 Carrio, fr A. spai 1929 Coveyou, fr W. chin 1680 de Jesus, fr J. usa c300 Diomed turk
1996 Carro, C. Quiroz colo 1944 Coy, Juan colo 1840 de la Cruz, Apolinario phil 484 Dionysia tuni
1624 Carvalho, fr J. japa 1921 Coyle, J. E. usa c1976 de la Cruz, fr C. guat 1261 Dionysius, antipatriarch iraq
1992 Carzedda, fr S. phil 1553 Cranmer, abp Thomas brit 1553 de la Cruz, fr D. usa 1976 Dios Murias, fr C. arge
1597 Casas Martinez, Felipe japa 2000 Crasta, fr V. indi 1542 de la Cruz, fr J. usa c287 Dioscorus egyp
1991 Casaverde, C. peru c302 Crescentia ital 1996 de la Fuente, br F. conz 1922 Dobrolubov, pastor russ
1925 Cassels, bp W. C. chin 110 Crescentius turk 1680 de la Pedroso, fr J. usa 1996 Dochier OCSO, br L. alge
298 Cassian moro 1704 Criado, fr D. usa 1586 de la Puebla, fr A. mexi 1227 Domno moro
1638 Cassian of Nantes, fr ethi 1549 Criminali SJ, fr A. indi 1680 de la Ribourde, fr G. usa 1997 Donado, elder W. colo
1986 Castilblanco, N.A. nica 1619 Crisinus, fr M. hung 1928 de la Vega, fr J. mexi 180 Donata tuni
c300 Castorius ital c285 Crispin fran 1730 de Labrid, bp N. vene 304 Donatilla tuni
1605 Catesby, Robert brit 304 Crispina of Tagora alge 1834 de Leon, fr A. D. usa 347 Donatus, bp of Bagai tuni
307 Catherine of Alexandria egyp c285 Crispinian fran 1680 de Lorenzana, fr F. usa 617 Donnan & 52 companions brit
1871 Caubert, fr J. fran 1991 Cristovao, fr M.J. moza 1685 de Marolles, Louis fran 1938 Donovan MM, fr G. chin
1626 Caun, V. japa 1992 Culembee Munto, sr M. ango 1680 de Mdorales, fr L. usa 1980 Donovan, sr J. elsa
1915 Cavell, Edith belg 1998 Curic, fr V. rwan 1553 de Mena, fr J. usa 1567 Donzel, fr F. mexi
c337 Caxo, prince iraq 1684 Custodio, fr F. mexi 1704 de Mendoza, fr M. usa 313 Dorothy turk
1985 Ceballos, M. G. chil 1985 Cuthbert, R. W. M. jama 1792 De Millou SJ, fr J. C. fran 1918 Dovganav, P. russ
178 Cecilia ital 1975 Cypher OFM, fr M.C. hond 1314 de Molay, J., grand master fran 1970 Druck, V. russ
1992 Celiz, Romeo phil 258 Cyprian, bp of Carthage tuni 1612 de Montalban SJ, br J. chil 1559 Du Bourg, Anne fran
1649 Chabenel, N. cana c291 Cyriacus egyp 1621 de Montchretien, A. fran 1792 Du Lau, abp J. M. fran
1980 Chacon, Juan elsa c260 Cyril turk 1612 de Monteagudo, fr J. hond 1729 du Poisson, fr P. usa
1901 Chalmers, pastor J. papu 1638 Cyril I Lukaris, ecu patriarch turk 1718 de Montesdoca, br L. usa 1736 du Tisne, L. C. usa
c299 Chamoul egyp 1638 Cyril II Kontaris, ecu patriarch turk 1680 de Montesdoca, fr J. usa 1652 du Tremblay, fr J. L. ethi
c286 Chanazhum egyp 1860 Cyril IV, patriarch egyp 1680 de Mora, fr A. usa 1871 Ducoudray, fr L. fran
1988 Chandra, fr F. sril c260 Cyril, bp of Gortyna gree 1726 de Oca, fr L. M. usa 1944 Duenas, fr Jesus guam
1841 Chanel, fr P. M. vanu 1936 Cyril, metropolitan of Kazan russ 1631 de Ortega, fr P. usa 1942 Duhamel, fr A. C. solo
1950 Chang MM, sr Agneta nork 303 Cyrus & John egyp 1704 de Osorio, fr T. usa 1978 Dunaway, Jr., A.G. zimb
1996 Chanthom, Toun camb 1998 Czuba, fr J. cong 1648 de Oviedo, fr A. pana 2000 Duque, fr H. colo
1900 Chao Hsi Mao chin 1736 d’Artiquette, P. usa 1542 de Padilla OFM, fr J. usa 1954 Durkovici, bp A. roma
1811 Chao, A. chin 1736 d’Esgly, F. M. usa 1704 de Parga, fr J. usa 1985 Durksen, Y. russ
1985 Chappell, R. papu 1997 d’Herouville, Sr C. chad 1549 de Pekalosa, fr D. usa 1964 Dwatuka, fr B. suda
1648 Charles I, king brit 1881 D’Hoop, fr F. buru 1680 de Pro, fr A. S. usa 1943 Dye, B. boli
1974 Charlier, fr E. conz 1963 da Costa, Joaquin gunb 1571 de Quiros, fr L. usa 1943 Dye, C. boli
1839 Chastan, fr J. H. souk 1963 da Silva, pastor Pedro gunb 1709 de Rebullida, fr P. cost c650 Dympna of Ireland belg
1887 Checa y Barba, abp J. I. ecua 1997 da Silva, rev J. J. C. braz 1989 de Rocha, fr A. moza 1662 Dyre, Mary usa
1689 Chefdeville, fr A. usa 1561 da Silveira SJ, fr G. zimb 1597 de Rodriguez, fr B. usa c850 Ebba, abbess brit
1964 Cheney, J. usa c337 Dado, governor iraq 1998 de Rojas, M. R. colo 869 Edmund the Martyr, king brit
1918 Chernikh, S. russ c360 Dafrosa & Demetria ital 1314 de Rosatis, A. of Milan arme 979 Edward the Martyr, king brit
1996 Cherukarokunnel, L. J. indi 679 Dagobert II, king fran 1516 de Salcedo OP, fr F trin 1918 Efrem, bp of Selenginsk russ
1905 Chestnut, Eleanor hong c286 Dalasina egyp 1642 de San Antonio, fr J. pana 303 Efrem, bp of Tomis roma
1998 Chicangana, fr A. J. colo 1968 Dale, pastor Stan indo 1672 de San Vitores SJ, fr J. guam 1989 Ejeru, pastor Joseph ugan
1915 Chilembwe, John mala 1985 Dalle Pezze, sr T.P. moza 1680 de Santa Maria, fr A. usa 1989 Elba Ramos, Celina elsa
304 Chione gree 1979 Dalmajo, fr S. ugan 1581 de Santa Maria, fr J. usa 1989 Elba Ramos, Julia & Celina elsa
2000 Chittinapilly, fr S.J. indi 1771 Damascenus russ 1616 de Santarn, fr H. mexi 523 Elesbaan yeme
1983 Chiwanga mala 1935 Damaskin, bp of Gluhov ukra 1731 de Saraoz, fr D. usa 259 Eleutherius fran
1866 Cho, Peter souk c299 Damian egyp 1571 de Segura, fr J. B. usa 523 Elias yeme
1998 Chocho, Alber pana c300 Damian turk 1950 de Smedt, bp L. J. chin 209 Elias & companions pale
1944 Choo Kee Chul, pastor nork 1973 Damian, abp of Tirane alba 1571 de Solis, fr G. usa c307 Elias the eunuch egyp
422 Chouchanik iraq 345 Daniel iraq 1736 de St Agne, L. G. usa 523 Elija yeme
1996 Christian, pastor Ishak indo 1227 Daniel of Belvedere span 1706 de St Cosme, fr J. F. B. usa 1918 Elizabeth, grand duchess russ
249 Christopher turk 1648 Daniel SJ, A. cana 1326 de Stapledon, Walter, bp brit 1989 Ellacuria SJ, fr I. elsa
250 Christophorus egyp 347 Daniel, patriarch arme 1680 de Talban, fr J. usa 1956 Elliot, J. ecua
303 Chrysogonus ital 1965 Daniels, J. usa 1564 de Tapia, fr J. mexi c300 Elmo, bp of Formiae ital
1923 Chrysostomos, met of Smyrna turk 1958 Dapcha, Lama David nepa 1758 de Terreros, fr A. G. usa 2000 Emmanuel, bp G. indi
1662 Chu Tsu-hsuan, emperor myan 1871 Darboy, G., abp of Paris fran 1736 de Tonty, P. A. usa c660 Emmeram, bp of Poitiers fran
1801 Chu, fr James souk 1936 Darder, E. spai 1626 de Torres, fr B. japa 754 Eoban, bp neth
1801 Chung, Augustine souk c286 Dasyah egyp 1680 de Torres, fr T. usa 1846 Epalle SM, bp solo
1993 Chunjee, bp P.S. chin 1798 Dat, fr J. viet 1616 de Tovar, fr H. mexi 1682 Epifanii, monk russ
1976 Chunsar OSB, fr B. C. camb 304 Dativus tuni 1680 de Trujillo, fr J. usa c286 Epima egyp
1991 Chuquin, J. peru 1866 Daveluy, bp M. A. N. souk 1542 de Ubeda, fr L. D. usa c292 Epimachus egyp
1991 Cisneros, fr Moises guat c292 David egyp 1792 de Vafons, count fran 303 Epimachus of Pelusium egyp
180 Cittinus tuni c650 David of Douine arme 1550 de Valdivieso, bp A. nica c800 Erc, bp of Slane irel
283 Cladius, Stratelates egyp 1878 David, fr ital 1612 de Vecchi SJ, fr H. chil 1150 Eric of Sweden swed
1980 Clarke, sr M. elsa 1567 de Acevedo, fr P. mexi 1680 de Velasco, fr F. usa 1075 Erlembald ital
1991 Claude, pastor Sylvio hait 1859 de Albera OFM, fr. N. M. syri 1936 de Velasco, fr I. spai 1121 Erminold, abbot of Prufening germ
c300 Claudius ital 1860 de Albera, fr M. M. syri 1680 de Vera, fr D. usa 1148 Ernest, abbot of Zwiefalten saud
1996 Claverie P., bp of Oran alge 1974 de Alencar, F.T. peru 1582 de Villalobos, fr L. mexi 1977 Eschtruth, G.J.R. conz
99 Clement, bp of Rome ukra 1536 de Almasia, J. para 1736 de Vincennes, F. M. B. usa c1080 Eskil, bp swed
1871 Clerc, fr A. fran 1638 de Almeida, bp Apollinaris ethi 1961 de Vos, pastor R. cong 1980 Espinal SJ, fr L. boli
1811 Clet, F. chin 1606 de Altamirano, fr M. mexi 1709 de Zamora, fr J.A. cost 1985 Espino, pastor E. F. elsa
1820 Clet, fr F. R. chin 1634 de Andrade, fr A. chin 1963 Debior, P. suda 1997 Estafanos, K. egyp
c90 Cletus, bp of Rome ital 1623 De Angelis, fr J. japa c359 Decius egyp 1934 Esteban, fr T. chin
1981 Clipa, I. roma 1637 de Aozaraza, fr M. japa 1871 Deguerry, fr fran 1988 Estorba, fr M. phil
1586 Clitherow, Margaret brit 1612 de Aranda SJ, fr M. chil 1976 Deinega, N.Y. russ 794 Ethelbert, king brit
1979 Coba, bp E. alba 1696 de Arbizu, fr J. usa 1586 del Rio, fr J. mexi c291 Eudoxia egyp
1413 Cobham, Lord brit 1691 de Arce, Jose boli 1680 del Val, fr J. usa c350 Eudoxius & companions pale
1678 Coleman, Edward brit 1632 de Arvide, fr M. usa 1792 Delfaut SJ, fr W. A. fran 304 Eulalia of Merida spai
1572 Coligny, admiral Gaspard de fran 1597 de Auñon, fr M. usa 1838 Delgado, bp I. viet 259 Eulogius tuni
1997 Collazo, S. mexi 1585 de Ayala, fr A. mexi 1624 Delgado, fr D. mexi 859 Eulogius of Cordoba spai
1963 Collins, Addie Mae usa 1576 de Azevedo OP, fr Silvestre camb 1706 Delhalle, fr C. usa 1954 Eunak, K. souk
1012 Coloman ausz 1570 de Azevedo SJ, fr I. spai 1945 Delp, fr A. germ c355 Eunapius, monk egyp
1989 Colombo OFM, bp P.S. soma 1597 de Badajoz, fr A. usa c360 Demetria ital c291 Euphemia egyp
1998 Colorado, Adan colo 1623 de Baena, br J. hond 1802 Demetrios of Chios gree 303 Euphemia turk
853 Columba of Cordoba spai 1549 de Barbastro, fr L. C. usa 235 Demetrius ital 379 Eusebius, bp of Samosata turk
c299 Comas egyp 1871 de Bengy, fr A. fran 1321 Demetrius, br indi 379 Eustace of Mtskheta geor
1998 Commissari, fr L. braz 1773 de Bernave, fr J.C.G. mexi 308 Demetrius, megalomartyr gree c111 Eustathius, Roman general ital
1996 Concesse, Sr buru 1988 de Boisseson, fr J. mada 1529 Denck, H. neth 419 Eustochium pale
1998 Conedera, bp J. G. guat 1649 de Brebeuf SJ, fr J. cana 1998 Deng, A. Y. suda 834 Euthymius, metrop of Sardes turk
c260 Conon turk 1693 de Britto SJ, fr J. indi 1881 Deniaud, fr buru c260 Eutropius, bp of Saintes fran
1288 Conrad of Saxony geor 1567 de Burgos, fr P. mexi 1900 Denn, fr P. chin 1679 Evans, fr D brit
1975 Constable, pastor Eric indo 1644 de Capillas OP, fr F. chin 259 Denys, bp of Paris fran 1978 Evans, P. & S. zimb
576 Constantine, abbot brit 1696 de Carbonel, fr A. usa 411 Desiderius, bp of Langres fran 1978 Evans, S. zimb
1622 Constanzo, fr C. japa 1397 de Cetina, J. spai 607 Desiderius, bp of Vienne fran 1347 Evastafiy lith
1731 Contova SJ, fr Juan Antonio micr 1996 de Chergé OCSO, dom C. alge 1998 Desrumeaux, sr A. conz c117 Eventius & Theodulus ital
c340 Copres egyp 1597 de Corpa, fr P. usa 834 Deusdedit, abbot of M Cassino ital 64 Evodius, bp of Antioch turk
1644 Corby, fr Ralph brit 1736 de Coulonge, L. d’A. usa 1945 Devine, H. myan 1794 Expilly, bp L. A. fran

Continued opposite

Table 4–11 continued

287 Exuperantius swit 1693 Genoud, fr myan 731 Hainmar, bp of Auxerre fran 202 Irenaeus, bp of Lyons fran
287 Exuperius swit 1340 Gentle of Matelica iran 1988 Hairapetian, V. azer 284 Irene turk
250 Fabian, pope ital 1514 George Novi of Sophia bulg 1996 Hakizimana, fr S. buru c359 Irene egyp
252 Fabius, bp of Antioch turk 1807 George of Chios gree 1948 Halan, Y. ukra 304 Irene gree
c250 Faith (Foy) fran 850 George of Cordoba spai 1043 Hallvard Vebjornssen norw 1996 Irenee, sr buru
1992 Fallah, pastor J. libe 1652 George of Ghiel, fr conz c450 Hamai of Kahyor egyp 1918 Irinarkh, fr russ
852 Fandila of Cordoba spai 615 George the Monk iran 1662 Hambroek, A. taiw 303 Irineu, bp of Sirmium croa
1932 Farabundo, Marti elsa 1595 George, fr A. ethi 1992 Hamill, J. phil 1973 Isa, Peter ethi
1996 Farris, Dr. Ron como 1972 George, Margaret iraq 1528 Hamilton, Patrick brit 347 Isaac tuni
1757 Faulhaber, fr A. pola 303 George, megalomartyr pale 1571 Hamilton, primate J. brit c299 Isaac of Tiphre egyp
1985 Favali, fr T. phil 1838 Georgios gree 1985 Hammes, W. usa 851 Isaac, monk spai
1996 Favre-Miville OCOS, br P. alge 1046 Gerard, bp of Csanad hung 345 Hanania iraq c850 Isaac, prince arme
303 Febronia iraq 1962 Gerber, D. viet 1996 Hanas, dr Michel Ayad egyp 1996 Ishak Christian, pastor indo
c288 Febronia, nun egyp 304 Gereon germ 1885 Hannington, bp James ugan 1995 Isho, E.K. iraq
1935 Fedorov, exarch L. russ 1998 Germaine, sr conz 1996 Hansda, S. indi 1997 Isidi, rev N. nige
c297 Felician ital 156 Germanicus turk 1996 Hapalla, J. phil c1480 Isidor & followers esto
1704 Feliciano, A. C. usa 675 Germanus, abbot fran 1992 Hapalla, pastor Gregorio phil c305 Isidore of Takinash egyp
259 Felicissimus & Agapitus ital 729 Germanus, ecu patriarch turk 1679 Harcourt, fr W. brit c299 Isidorus egyp
202 Felicitas tuni 799 Gerold, duke of Bavaria germ 1991 Hass, sr Claire baha c300 Isidorus, monk egyp
156 Felicitus Alexander turk 1540 Gerrard, Thomas brit 1997 Hatagekimang, rev A. conz 1993 Iskandar, E.N. egyp
165 Felicity turk 750 Gerulf belg 1998 Haviaropoulos, V. turk 1936 Isla, fr L. spai
287 Felix swit 165 Gervase & Protase ital 1994 Havugimana, evangelist I rwan 1900 Isore, fr R. chin
180 Felix tuni 1608 Gervase, fr. G. brit 853 Haymo, bp of Halberstadt germ 1918 Israel, monk russ
303 Felix of Thibiuca tuni 1997 Geyer-Iwand, V. germ 870 Hedda of Peterborough, abbot brit 1918 Issidor, bp of Mikhailov russ
1679 Fenwick, fr J. brit 1981 Ghabrail, fr Abd Mutagalli egyp 1908 Heinrich, fr L. usa 1714 Ivanov, Thomas russ
1859 Fernandez, fr J. J. syri 996 Ghabrial egyp c286 Helias, bp egyp 1977 Ivanova, R. russ
1990 Fernandez, fr T. colo 193 Ghevondius, patriarch arme 555 Helier chan 1632 Ixida SJ, fr A. japa
1996 Fernando, SJ, R. M. camb 1954 Ghika, fr V. roma 1942 Hennessey, J. G. solo 1993 Izmery, A. hait
1553 Ferrer, fr J. usa 1983 Gideon, dr myan 1624 Henriquez, br J. mexi 1940 Jackson, F. C. indo
1936 Ferreres, fr J. B. spai 1948 Gigni, bp alba 1156 Henry, bp of Uppsala swed 1992 Jackson, J. libe
1622 Fidelis of Sigmaringen swit 1948 Gijni, bp alba 1996 Her, Ah laos 1992 Jackson, T. & J. libe
1981 Fietje, K. thai 1953 Gikonyo, E. keny c300 Heraclides egyp 337 Jacob, bp iraq
1986 Figaroa, N.M. mexi 1585 Gil, fr F. mexi c291 Herai egyp 1944 Jacob, Max fran
1903 Figueroa, Juana arge 1339 Gilotti, William chin 1919 Herman, bp of Kamychen russ c300 Jacob, The Soldier egyp
c1927 Filaret, bp of Bobruisk byel 1988 Giraldo, fr C. Augusto colo 585 Hermenegild of Spain spai 1943 Jaegerstaetter, F. germ
1601 Filcock, fr. R. brit 1996 Girgis, M. B. egyp 304 Hermes turk 1945 Jaffray, R. A. indo
c1995 Finnemann, bp W. phil 1989 Giuliatti OFMCap, fr A. ango 1918 Hermogen, abp of Tobolsk russ 346 James iraq
1979 Fiorantie, fr A. ugan 91 Glabrio, Manius Acilius, consul ital 1861 Hermosilla OP, bp H. viet 44 James Boanerges, Apostle pale
1992 Fiorini, fr Alfredo moza 1015 Gleb russ 1995 Hernandez Perez, pastor G. mexi 259 James of Cirta tuni
c290 Firmin, bp of Amiens fran 1952 Gnidovec, dean serb 1997 Hernandez, M. mexi 1321 James of Padua indi
1535 Fisher, cardinal John brit 1794 Gobel, J. B. J., bp of Paris fran 1974 Hernandez, M. Gomez mexi 422 James of Persia iraq
1978 Fisher, M. zimb c337 Gobidlaha, princess iraq 1974 Hernandez, pastor nica 62 James the Just, bp of Jerus pale
259 Flavian tuni 1070 Godelive fran 1704 Hevia, fr D. mexi 54 James the Less, Apostle pale
449 Flavian, patriarch turk 1965 Goehring, H. bang 695 Hewald the Dark germ 1362 James, abp of Zaitun chin
95 Flavius Clemens ital c1150 Goharin & companions arme 695 Hewald the Fair germ 730 James, bp of Catania ital
1956 Fleming, P. ecua 1960 Gojdic, bp Pavol slok 1652 Heyling, Peter ethi 1997 James, Jessica usa
1631 Fleming, fr P. czec 1991 Goldsworthy, K. phil 1994 Heyns, moderator Johan soua 2000 Jami, fr Y. indo
1996 Fleury OCSO, br M. alge 1970 Golev, S.T. russ c1970 Heywood, J. viet 1997 Janda, R. saud
851 Flora of Cordoba spai 1995 Gomez Ramos, pastor A. mexi 1811 Hidalgo y Costilla, fr M. mexi 180 Januaria tuni
1986 Flores, Ernesto mexi 1872 Gomez, fr Mariano phil 1999 Hindu, sr sier 305 Januarius, bp of Benevento ital
655 Foillan, abbot fran 1571 Gomez, fr G. usa 297 Hipparchus turk 1989 Jaramillo, bp Jesus E. colo
1952 Ford, bp F.X. chin 1989 Gomez, Maria Cristina elsa 235 Hippolytus, antipope ital 1983 Jarlan, A. chil
1980 Ford, sr I. elsa 1707 Gomidas, fr K. turk c1970 Hmara of Kulunda ukra 1980 Jaugelis, fr V. lith
1702 Foucault, fr N. usa 1692 Gonannhatenha, F. usa 1975 Hoang, pastor Van Dat viet 1991 Jeanne SAM, fr A. ivor
1948 Fowler, E. colo 1985 Goncalves Kamtedza SJ, fr J. moza 1960 Hodgson, E. conz 1947 Jensen, fr B. chin
1638 Franceschi SJ, fr H. ethi 1992 Goncalves, sr M.L. Granado moza 1942 Hoeben, H. neth c258 Jerasimus egyp
1339 Francis of Alessandria chin 1979 Gono, fr M. czec 1929 Holbein, fr G. chin 1569 Jerome de la Croix thai
1314 Francis of Borgo San Sepolcro iran 1886 Gonza, Gonzaga ugan 1983 Holdenried, F.X. guat 1416 Jerome of Prague czec
1314 Francis of Fermo arme 1637 Gonzales, fr A. japa 1642 Holland, fr T. brit 1540 Jerome, William brit
1597 Francis of Miako japa 1996 Gonzales, J. L. colo 1861 Holmes, J. L. chin 856 Jeron neth
1583 Francisco, fr A. indi 1628 Gonzalez SJ, fr Roque para 1998 Hood, Carl colo 33 Jesus pale
1579 Franz, David hung 1936 Gonzalez, fr E. spai 1553 Hooper, bp John brit 1985 Jeyarajasingham, pastor G. sril
866 Fremund brit 1995 Goobe, A. soma 1567 Hoorn, count neth 1936 Jimenez Malla, Ceferino spai
1948 Frentiu, bp roma 1964 Goodman usa 1973 Hopewell, Gladys taiw 1919 Joachim, abp of Nizhni-Novgo russ
1922 Friazinov, pastor russ 1979 Goodman, Dave turk 422 Hormisdas iraq 1431 Joan of Arc fran
1533 Frith, J. brit 1942 Gorazd, bp Pavlik czec 408 Hormizd of Sylvanus, rabban iraq 1822 Joana Angelica, abbess braz
1921 Frolov, pastor J. russ c292 Gordian egyp 420 Hormizdas iraq 1646 Jogues SJ, fr I. cana
259 Fructuosus, bp of Tarragona spai c350 Gordius pale 1943 Hosback, G. boli 303 John egyp
1549 Fuentes, br usa 1885 Gordon, general C. G. suda 1970 Hossu, bp J. roma 1096 John (Said bar Sabhuni), bp turk
1622 Fugiscima, fr D. japa 1902 Goretti, Maria ital 1535 Houghton, John, prior brit 1016 John Baptist Vladimir, prince alba
1995 Fumagalli, Graziella soma 1066 Gottschalk germ 347 Houssik I, patriarch arme 407 John Chrysostom, patriarch turk
1855 Gabra Mikael, fr ethi 1642 Goupil SJ, R. cana 454 Hovsep I, patriarch arme 1415 John Hus germ
1996 Gabriel, I. A. egyp c1976 Gran, fr J.M. guat 1994 Hovsepian-Mehr, bp H. iran 526 John I, pope ital
1952 Gacigi, G. keny 1989 Gran, Lovello phil 1998 Hoyo, br J. indi 825 John of Cordoba spai
1952 Gacigi, R. keny 1989 Gran, pastor Vizminda phil 290 Hripsime arme 1339 John of India, br chin
1983 Gadama mala 1977 Grande, fr R. elsa 1217 Hroznata czec 1536 John of Leiden germ
1997 Gadzhiyev, G. russ 2000 Grange, fr R. ivor 1528 Hubmaier, B. ausz 1393 John of Nepomuk czec
1997 Gadzhiyev, Tatiana russ 1995 Grassi, br B. pale 1998 Hubscher, fr M. mada 1209 John of Phanidjoit egyp
1997 Gafney SJ, fr T. nepa 1708 Gravier, fr J. usa 1998 Hudon, fr B. hait 1631 John of Prado moro
1833 Gagelin, F.-I. viet 1942 Gray, R. F. phil 1998 Hughes, B. brit 1478 John of Sahagun spai
1990 Gagnaux, dr R. moza 1593 Greenwood, John brit 1227 Hugolino moro 1346 John the Blind luxe
1996 Gakobwa, Sr I. buru 1317 Gregorios, Mar, bp turk 1601 Hunt, Fr T. brit c860 John VII Grammaticus, patr turk
1996 Gakondo, sr J. A. conz 1822 Gregory V, ecu patriarch turk 1943 Hunter, E. boli 928 John X, pope ital
2000 Gallardo, fr R. phil c550 Grigor-Rajik arme 1992 Husband, sr G. came 95 John, Apostle turk
1745 Gallizia, bp myan 337 Grigoris, exarch arme 1996 Huseen, professor H. M. soma 337 John, bp iraq
760 Gangolf fran 1936 Grimaltos, R. spai 1527 Hut, H. ausz 448 John, bp of Karka iraq
1752 Ganzabal, fr J. F. usa 1619 Grodecz SJ, fr M. hung 1643 Hutchinson, Anne usa 1066 John, bp of Mecklenburg germ
1998 Gaona, br M. A. Q. colo 1944 Gross, N. germ 1536 Hutter, J. neth 1960 John, evangelist Esther paki
1692 Garangouas, M. usa 1962 Grove, M. soma 1606 Hwang Ming-sha SJ, br chin c357 John, The Soldier egyp
1781 Garces OFM, fr F. T. usa 1679 Grove, J. brit 1801 Hwang, S. C. souk 327 Jonah iraq
1936 Garcia Villada SJ, fr Z. spai 1778 Guillen, fr F. mexi 305 Hypatius of Gangra egyp 1693 Joret, fr myan
1982 Garcia, Anastasio guat 1900 Guillon, bp L. chin 1633 Ibanez, fr D. japa 1996 Jorge, br J. R. conz
1996 Garcia, br S. M. conz 1992 Guirguis, A.S. egyp c1925 Ierofey, bp of Veliki-Ustinsk russ 1597 Joseph, mar, metropolitan indi
1851 Gardiner, Allen arge 1992 Guirguis, M.Q. egyp 1645 Ignace, catechist viet 1938 Joseph, metro of Petrograd russ
1544 Gardiner, J. brit 1980 Gurgula, fr A. ukra 1814 Ignanos gree c850 Joseph, prince arme
1608 Garnet, fr T. brit 315 Gurias & companions iraq 115 Ignatius, bp of Antioch ital 1628 Juan del Castillo SJ para
1649 Garnier, fr C. cana 1661 Guthrie, James brit 1400 Ileya egyp 1560 Juan, br mexi
1998 Gasigwa, sr E. rwan 1616 Gutierrez, fr P. mexi 1995 Iloputaife, bp H. A. nige 66 Jude (Thaddaeus), Apostle arme
1730 Gaston, fr usa 1632 Gutierrez, fr R. B. japa 1839 Imbert, bp Laurence souk 1992 Juliet phil
1996 Gatuku, fr C. conz 1991 Gutierrez, L. peru c700 Indract brit c291 Julitta egyp
1996 Gatunga, sr J. conz c440 Gwinear irel 854 Indrechtach, abbot of Iona brit 254 Julius brit
1994 Gatwa, T. rwan 1584 Gwyn, R. brit 1954 Indus, Artur russ c302 Julius of Durostorum bulg
1679 Gavan, fr J. brit 1886 Gyavira ugan 2000 Inocencio, fr B. phil c120 Junia ital
290 Gayane, abbess arme 1996 Haaji, professor soma c240 Intercisus, James iraq 1996 Jurcevic, sr D bosn
2000 Gaytan, rev J. mexi 1997 Habakurama, rev I. rwan 1347 Ioann lith 165 Justin Martyr & 5 companions ital
1936 Gelabert, P. spai 309 Habib the Deacon turk c1930 Ioann, bp of Mozyr byel 1920 Justin, abp of Omsk russ
180 Generosa tuni 523 Habsa yeme 1689 Iosif, hermit, & monks russ c286 Justus, son of Numerianus egyp
250 Genesius of Arles fran 1613 Hachikan, Joaquin japa 1992 Iqbal, Tahir paki 1938 Juvenal, abp of Riazan russ
303 Genesius the Actor turk 1387 Hadid of Giza egyp 1679 Ireland, fr W. brit 1796 Juvenal, hieromonk usa
1591 Genings, fr E. brit 1919 Hahn, G. H. & 32 pastors germ 1544 Ireland, J. brit 1997 Kabera, rev E. conz

Continued overleaf


Table 4–11 continued

1383 Kador, John arme 1553 Latimer, bp Hugh brit 451 Macari of Edko, bp egyp 178 Maximus ital
1998 Kagabo, fr B. rwan 1645 Laud, William, abp of Canter brit c305 Macarius egyp 662 Maximus the Confessor, abbot geor
1886 Kaggwa, Andrew ugan 1981 Laurinavicius, fr B. lith 455 Macarius of Tkow, bp egyp 1950 Maxville, Selma M. myan
1953 Kaguru, A. keny c1985 Lavina, J. phil 1906 Macdonald, dr R. J. chin 1577 Mayne, C. brit
1973 Kagwa, M. ugan 1919 Lavrenty, bp of Balakhna russ 511 Macedonius II, patriarch turk 1936 Mayorga, fr M. spai
1996 Kahegezo, fr B. K. conz 1991 Lawi, Ezra suda 1990 Mack, Myrna guat 1981 Mazeika, fr L. lith
1527 Kaiser germ 259 Lawrence ital 1995 Maclese, sr P. ghan 1940 Mazeika, L. lith
2000 Kaiser, fr A. keny 1616 Lawrence japa 1634 Maddalena of Nagasaki japa 1855 Mazzuconi, fr G. papu
1996 Kajibwami, br F. conz 1339 Lawrence of Alessandria chin 275 Magnus, bp of Fabrateria ital 1992 Mbatha, S’Khumbuzo soua
1886 Kalemba, Matthias ugan 1535 Lawrence, Robert, prior brit 1116 Magnus, earl of Orkney brit 1996 McAleese, sr P. ghan
1979 Kalienuk, fr Z.A. ukra 1802 Lazarus the Bulgar turk 1997 Magomedov, H & T. russ c1965 McBeth, fr bang
1962 Kanamuzeyi, pastor Yona rwan 1637 Lazzaro di Kyoto japa 1990 Magorrian, H.L. soua 1978 McCann, P. & S. & Joy zimb
1996 Kanyamanza, fr P. conz 1689 Le Clercq, fr M. usa c1995 Mahamed, S. soma 1978 McCann, Joy zimb
1597 Karasumaru, Leo japa 1971 Le Febre, M. boli 1953 Maina, E. keny 1978 McCann, S. zimb
1992 Kariuki, pastor H. keny 1685 Le Fevre, I. fran 1989 Maire, fr G.F. braz 1991 McCormack, sr Irene peru
2000 Karketta, fr R. indi 1405 Le Scrope, abp R. brit 484 Majoricus tuni 1956 McCully, E. ecua
1994 Karuhije, dean A. rwan 1683 Le Vacher, bp J. alge 1996 Makaboge, moderator E. soua 1992 McGuire, sr K. libe
1996 Kasati, fr J. conz 1992 Leal, sr Torres N. colo 1918 Makarov, M. russ 1650 McMahon, bp E. irel
1998 Kathihe, sr L. ango 1940 Lebbe, fr F. V. chin 1944 Makary, abp russ 1964 McMillan, H. conz
c1995 Katoolig, C. soma 1996 Lebreton, OCSO, fr C. alge 1919 Makary, bp of Viazma russ 1963 McNair, Denise usa
c289 Kau of Bismay egyp 1995 Leclerc, sr D. alge c295 Makrawi, bp of Nikiou egyp 861 Meinrad of Einsiedeln, hermit swit
1985 Kautudja, sr L. ango 1866 Lee, John souk 1860 Maksoud, br H. leba 1972 Melnikov russ
1980 Kazel, sr D. elsa 1942 Lee, pastor Kipoong souk 1992 Mal-Allah, S.A.K. saud 1689 Membre, fr Z. usa
1678 Kemble, John brit 1792 Lefranc, fr F. fran 1761 Malagrida, fr G. port 1661 Menard, fr R. usa
821 Kenelm, prince brit 1588 Leigh, fr R. brit 1989 Malalay, fr D. phil 631 Menas egyp
1535 Kenraghty, chaplain Maurice irel c1940 Leisner, fr K. germ 1811 Malati, Muallim egyp c717 Menas of Al-Ashmunayn egyp
1902 Kensit, John brit 1996 Lemarchand OCSO, fr Bruno alge c260 Malchus pale 296 Menas the Miracle Maker egyp
1995 Kerkatta, John indi 1227 Leo moro 1680 Maldonado, fr L. usa 305 Menas, governor egyp
1981 Kernweisz, bp K. roma 859 Leocritia spai 1998 Malenga, E. conz 1962 Mendes, evangelist Formoso gunb
1624 Ketevan, queen iran 679 Leodegar, bp of Autun fran 1998 Malesh, pastor J. suda 1553 Mendez, fr H. usa
1992 Khalil, H.F. egyp 1654 Leonard of Chartres, fr cana 1936 Malla, C. J. spai 1571 Mendez, fr J. B. usa
c450 Kharitas ethi 1992 Leone, sr M. came 1985 Maluendo, J. M. P. chil 1961 Mendez, Juana F. arge
1959 Kherie, bp A. ukra 202 Leonides egyp 274 Mamas turk 1990 Menn, fr Alexander russ
1964 Khmara, N. russ c360 Leontius of Tripoli syri 1990 Mamma, pr suda 1120 Merbot ausz
1938 Khoren I, catholicos arme c260 Leontius the Ascetic turc 1998 Mandro, J-F. K. conz c356 Mercurius egyp
1982 Khrapov, N.P. russ 1918 Leonty, bp of Enotaev russ 1972 Manganhela, Z. moza 254 Mercurius brit
1983 Ki-Yoon, pastor I. souk 1632 Letrado, fr F. usa 1900 Mangin, fr L. I. chin 1990 Meri, dean Harald esto
1886 Kibuka, Ambrose ugan 1944 Letterhaus, B. germ 1992 Maniafo, S.J. keny 311 Methodius, bp of Olympus turk
1973 Kiggundu, fr C. ugan 1616 Lewis japa 1985 Manielpillai, fr M.B. sril 1921 Methody, bp of Petropavlovsk russ
686 Kilian, bp, & 11 companions germ 1678 Lewis, David brit 1993 Manping, Lai chin 1944 Metzger, fr M. J. germ
1846 Kim Tai Kun, fr Andrew souk 1679 Lewis, fr D brit 1989 Mansalve, bp Jesus E.J. colo 1943 Meyer, F. & 11 missionaries phil
1839 Kim, Agatha souk 1990 Lewis, pastor N. usa 1527 Manz, F. neth c1180 Michael of Damietta syri
1943 Kim, evangelist chin 1799 Lewis, pastor T. frep 1982 Manzinger, fr belo 1998 Michaela, sr yeme
1905 Kim, evangelist chin 1900 Li, fr J. chin 202 Marcella egyp 1994 Michaelian, pastor Tateos iran
c1990 Kim, pastor nork 1941 Lichtenberg, fr B. germ 410 Marcella ital 1601 Middleton, fr R. brit
1951 Kimbangu, prophet Simon conz c580 Licinianus, bp of Carthage turk 1997 Marcellina, sr A. T. S. paki 1989 Mien, fr Alexander russ
1622 Kimura SJ, fr S. japa 1945 Liddell, Eric chin 413 Marcellinus Flavius, tribune tuni 180 Miggin tuni
1619 Kimura, fr L. japa 1964 Lifenya, director Pierre conz 178 Marcellus ital 1578 Miguel de Medina spai
1900 King, A. chin 1994 Liibaan, Ibrahim soma 298 Marcellus the Centurion moro 1997 Mihingo, rev N. conz
1968 King, Jr, pastor Martin Luther usa 1998 Lilia, sr yeme 309 Marcellus, pope ital 1937 Mikael, bp ethi
1886 Kiriggwajjo, Anatole ugan 1896 Lilli OFM, fr Salvatore turk 1835 Marchand, fr J. viet 1400 Mikhail Abu Mokaitef egyp
1918 Kirion III, catholicos-patriarch geor 1994 Limar, br taji 347 Marculus, bp of S. Numidia tuni c1930 Mikhail, bp of Slutsk byel
1886 Kiriwawanvu, Mukasa ugan 1960 Lin, H.H. chin 305 Marcus egyp 1597 Miki SJ, fr Paul japa
1952 Kirtoff, apostolic exarch bulg 1571 Linares, fr P. usa 1176 Marguerite of Roeskilde denm 1993 Mikic OFM, fr L. bosn
1597 Kisai, fr J. japa c76 Linus, bp of Rome ital 1995 Maria, sr Rani indi 1993 Milicevic OFM, fr N. bosn
1949 Kisi, abp K. alba 1941 Litaunieks, fr V. lith 66 Mariam of Houssik arme c305 Milius egyp
1258 Kitbuga, general syri 1995 Littlejohn, sr J. alge 259 Marian tuni 1999 Miller, Carla usa
1886 Kiwanuka, Achilles ugan 1938 Liu, H. chin 259 Marianus tuni 1981 Miller, fr J. guat
1972 Kiwanuka, justice Benedicto ugan 1934 Liu, Y. C. chin 1601 Marin, fr Esteban phil 1999 Miller, Jr., Shon usa
1997 Kiyumukiza, rev A. N. conz 1968 Liuzzo, Viola usa 278 Marina turk 1918 Miniatov, lawyer russ
1886 Kizito ugan 451 Livarius fran 1634 Marina di Omura japa 1631 Miranda, fr P. usa
1990 Klein, Valve esto 1936 Llatje, fr J. spai 262 Marinus pale 1869 Mirza Ibrahim iran
1985 Kluiters, fr N. leba 1678 Lloyd, John brit 68 Mark the Evangelist egyp 1962 Mitchell, A. viet
1960 Knauf, E. conz 1937 Lo Pa Hong chin 1801 Mark the New gree 1918 Mitrophan, abp of Astrakhan russ
1988 Knoerl, br K. zimb 1992 Locatelli, A. rwan c364 Mark, bp of Arethusa ital 1996 Miville OCSO, br P. F. alge
1838 Koa, P. viet 1998 Loften, pastor A. usa c1700 Markel, br russ 1896 Mizeki, Bernard, catechist zimb
1917 Kochurov, fr I. russ 1918 Longin, pastor russ 1847 Marmoiton, br newc 1918 Modest, fr russ
1944 Kocylowskyj, bp ukra 1976 Longueville, fr G. arge 1998 Marrero, mgr A. G. vene c302 Modestus ital
1944 Koenzgen, G. germ 1996 Loperena Soto OP, fr W. puer 1993 Marsouk, H. egyp 1991 Mohammed, br nige
1633 Kohioye, fr M. japa 1989 Lopez Lopez SJ, fr J. elsa 1339 Martel, Peter chin 1974 Moiseyevich, pastor I. russ
1883 Koi, David keny 1989 Lopez SJ, fr A. elsa 346 Martha iraq 1918 Mokovsky, pastor G. & wife russ
1941 Kolbe OFM, fr Maximilian pola 1623 Lopez, fr B. hond 66 Martha of Makovtir arme 1450 Moleyns, A., bp of Chichester brit
1860 Kolland OFM, fr E. syri 1582 Lopez, fr F. usa c650 Martin I, pope ukra 1314 Monold of Ancona arme
1992 Kolmer, sr J. libe 1976 Lopez, fr H. guat 1989 Martin-Baro SJ, fr I. elsa 1989 Monsalve, bp Jesus E. J. colo
1992 Kolmer, sr S. libe 1560 Lorenzo, fr F. mexi 1566 Martinez SJ, fr P. usa 259 Montanus tuni
1740 Koman, pastor D. slov 1793 Louis XVI fran 1928 Martinez, br H. mexi 1647 Montero, fr F. mexi
1992 Kon, Paul suda 1998 Louis, fr J-P. hait 1936 Martinez, fr B. spai 1989 Montes SJ, fr S. elsa
1993 Korfeh, pastor T. libe 1651 Love, pastor Christopher brit 1934 Martinez, fr E. spai 1887 Moran, fr J. togo
1948 Kostelnyk, fr H. ukra 1837 Lovejoy, Elijah P. usa c1956 Martinuzzi, abp of Estergom hung 1535 More, Thomas brit
1980 Kotyk, fr Y. ukra 1847 Lowrie, Walter M. chin 397 Martyrius ital 1961 Moreau, fr Yvon Emmanuel hait
c1942 Kowalski, J., primate pola 1996 Luc, Father alge 346 Mary iraq 1985 Moreira SJ, fr S. moza
1979 Krasnova, T.K. russ 1612 Lucas of Tokyo japa 851 Mary of Cordoba spai 1815 Morelos y Pavon, fr J. M. mexi
1962 Kruegler MM, fr W.C. boli 1564 Lucas, br mexi 1860 Masi, Francis syri 1696 Moreno, fr A. usa
1964 Kucherenko russ 312 Lucian of Antioch turk 1860 Masi, Muti syri 1781 Moreno, fr J. M. usa
1999 Kulakov, pastor A. russ 1996 Lucio, br M. A. I. conz 1860 Masi, Raphael syri 1986 Moreno, Norma mexi
1919 Kulbusch, bp Platon of Revel esto 1996 Lucio, sr M. A. I. conz 1995 Masih, Iqbal paki 1934 Moreno, Ramonita arge
1623 Kuncevicz, abp Josaphat belo 180 Lucitas tuni 1995 Masih, Javed paki 1985 Moretto, fr J. ango
1066 Kuno, bp of Trier germ c171 Lucius ital 1994 Masih, Manzoor paki c1682 Morozova, Boyarina russ
1918 Kuntsevich, L. russ 259 Lucius tuni 2000 Masih, Mushtaq indi 1645 Morse, fr H. brit
1633 Kurobioye, M. japa 303 Lucy ital 1999 Massoud, Magdi F. egyp c197 Moses ital
1972 Kurti, fr Shtjefen alba c1985 Ludena, T. peru 1987 Massé SJ, fr André leba 523 Moses of Yemen yeme
2000 Kuzhikandom, fr G. indi 1886 Ludigo, Adolphus Mukasa ugan 1968 Masters, P. indo 1921 Moslovsky, pastor J. russ
1627 Kwon, Vincent japa 916 Ludmilla czec 1996 Mataboge, rev E. soua 1996 Mounabandi, sr C conz
1821 Kyprianos, abp cypr 96 Luke the Evangelist gree 1983 Matenje mala 1400 Moussa, monk egyp
1987 Labaca Ugarte OFMCap, bp A. ecua 1802 Luke the New gree 1996 Mathias, mrs. C. usa 1996 Mpengekeze, fr Y. buru
1645 Labado, fr F. mexi 1992 Lukkappa, sadhu indi 1996 Mathias, pastor C. & wife usa 1822 Muallim Ghali egyp
180 Laetantius tuni 1315 Lull, Ramon alge 249 Matra egyp 1801 Muallim Malati egyp
1944 Lagerstadr, Farnz germ 1978 Lunkebein, fr R. braz c70 Matthew (Levi), Apostle iraq 1992 Mueller, sr S. libe
1974 Lain, fr Domingo colo 1976 Lunkenbein, fr R. braz 1400 Matthew of Escandel chin 1886 Mugagga ugan
1646 Lalande SJ, fr John de cana 1936 Luque, fr E. spai 64 Matthias, Apostle turk c310 Mui egyp
1649 Lalemant SJ, fr G. cana 1975 Lutsky, fr M. ukra 1534 Matthys, Jan germ 1998 Mukagakwaya, sr X. rwan
705 Lambert, bp of Maastricht belg 1977 Luwum, abp Janani ugan 1997 Matti, Haval iraq 1997 Mukamihogo, sr F. conz
1970 Lamichami, Krishna nepa 1886 Lwanga, Charles ugan 1991 Matti, Lazar iraq 1998 Mukamuhire, sr B. rwan
1567 Lamoral of Egmont neth 1834 Lyman, H. indo 1962 Matulionis, bp of Kaisiadorys lith 1998 Mukanoheli, sr V. rwan
1963 Landim gunb 1978 Lynn, R. & J. & Pamela zimb 1839 Maubant, fr P. souk 1885 Mukasa, Joseph ugan
1792 Lanfant, fr A. & 8 companions fran 1978 Lynn, J. zimb 287 Maurice swit 1996 Mukeshimana, sr A. rwan
1816 Lantrua, fr G. chin 1978 Lynn, Pamela zimb 1886 Mawaggali, Noe ugan 1973 Mukhana, J. ugan
1544 Larke, J. brit 1938 Lypkivsky, V., metropolitan ukra 304 Maxima tuni 1952 Mungai, J. keny
1990 Lasar, fr Hegumen russ 1860 Mabeiche, br A. H. leba 347 Maximian tuni 1944 Munk, pastor Kaj denm
1996 Lasker, evangelist Hussain indi 1617 Macaido, fr J. B. japa 295 Maximilian alge 1834 Munson, Samuel indo

Continued opposite

Table 4–11 continued

1998 Muntoni, fr G. ital 1922 Orlov, pastor russ 1900 Pitkin, H. T. chin 1775 Ricci SJ, general L. ital
1997 Munyakazy, rev E. conz 1918 Ornatsky, fr F. russ 1991 Plumey OMI, abp I. came 1992 Ricci, fr F. ethi
1996 Munyankuyu, fr A. conz 1683 Ortiz de Zarate, fr P. arge 1681 Plunket, primate O. brit 1339 Richard, bp of Almalik chin
1525 Munzer, T. germ 1979 Ortiz, fr Octavia elsa 1649 Plunkett, earl C. brit 1553 Ridley, bp Nicholas brit
1996 Munzihirwa, abp C. conz 110 Oski arme 1697 Plunkett, fr C. usa 1996 Ringeard OCSO, fr C. alge
1996 Munzombo, pasotr D. conz 1974 Ostapenko, pastor I.M. russ 1825 Pogio, fr Bartolome arge 1626 Rinscei, P. japa
1983 Muothe, I.T. soua 642 Oswald, king of Northumbria brit 1934 Poliansky, abp Ambrose kaza 1997 Rio, pastor W. phil
1952 Muriuki, W. keny 651 Oswin, king brit 304 Pollio hung 1989 Rivera, Rufino phil
1684 Muros, fr mexi c65 Osyth, queen brit 1918 Polotnikov, abp of Petrograd russ 1896 Rizal, Jose phil
1798 Murphy, fr J. irel 1622 Ota, fr A. japa 156 Polycarp, bp of Smyrna turk c1780 Rizk Agha, vizier egyp
1996 Murphy, sr C. ghan 1220 Otho moro 1794 Polydorus the Cypriot gree 1611 Roberts, fr. J. brit
1976 Musaka, fr ugan 1900 Otu, Samuel ghan c250 Polyeuctus arme 1963 Robertson, Carole usa
1994 Musheng, Zheng chin 1997 Ozdemir, Ali turk 1934 Pommer, John, abp of Riga latv 1992 Robinson, W. leba
1992 Muttra, sr B.A. libe 1954 Pacha, bp roma 853 Pomposa spai c1350 Roch, healer fran
1997 Muyoboke, rev F. conz 1583 Pacheco, fr A. indi 1704 Ponce de Leon, fr A. usa 2000 Rochester, fr H. jama
1887 Muzeyi, Jean-Marie ugan 1626 Pacheco, fr F. japa 1619 Pongracz SJ, fr S. hung 1987 Rodrigo OMI, fr Miguel sril
c300 Nabraha egyp 1993 Packianathan, fr V.S. indi 235 Pontian, pope ital 1638 Rodrigues SJ, fr F. ethi
1922 Nadezhdin, pastor russ 1635 Paes SJ, fr G. ethi 177 Ponticus fran 1961 Rodrigues, deacon Pedro ango
1628 Nagascima SJ, br M. japa c301 Paese egyp c260 Pontius fran 1582 Rodriguez, fr A. usa
c304 Naharuh egyp 1988 Paisai, G. nepa 1984 Popieluszko, fr J. pola 1970 Rodriguez, fr Nicolas elsa
1998 Nakavoua, G. A. cong 1979 Palacios, fr Rafael elsa 1985 Poplawski, fr P. pola 1642 Roe, Alban brit
180 Namphano tuni 431 Palladius irel 1992 Poppa, sr R. rwan 1985 Rojas, C.M. peru
285 Naou egyp 310 Pamphilus pale 1310 Porete, Marguerite fran 1999 Rojas, fr H. F. colo
1680 Naranjo, B. usa 209 Pamphilus pale c306 Porphry egyp 1985 Romano, fr R. phil
180 Nartzalus tuni 1383 Panacea ital 309 Porphyrius pale c1650 Romanul, Ioan Valahul roma
852 Natalia spai 304 Pancras ital 1633 Porras, fr F. usa 884 Rombout of Malines belg
304 Natalia of Nicomedia turk 1997 Pande, evangelist M. indi 1993 Posadas, cardinal J.J. mexi 1980 Romero, abp Oscar elsa
1977 Navarro, fr A. elsa c904 Pandonia brit 1918 Pospelov, abp G. russ 1985 Romero, fr A. phil
1921 Nazary, metrop of Kutaisi geor c290 Panesneu, deacon egyp 207 Potamiana egyp 1645 Romero, fr P. para
1996 Ndacikiriwe, sr C. buru c313 Pantaleon, physician egyp 305 Potamon of Heracla egyp 1947 Romza, bp T. ukra
1996 Ndihokubwayo, sr L. buru 130 Papius pale 177 Pothinus, bp fran 1989 Rosales, sr Teresa nica
c550 Nectan brit c1898 Papizian, archimandrite J. turk 1984 Potochnyak, fr A. ukra 1985 Rossiter, fr J. usa
1997 Nedumattahil, fr J. indi c170 Papylus turk 1971 Potter, Nancy domr 1985 Roth, F. usa
1972 Nee, Watchman chin 1985 Paredes, A.A. ango 1971 Potter, Paul E. & Nancy domr 1849 Roth, pastor S. L. roma
1862 Neel, J. P. chin c260 Paregorius turc 1619 Poulain, fr G. cana 1981 Rother, fr S. guat
1578 Nelson, fr J. brit 1987 Park, Jong Ch’ol souk 1646 Powel, fr. P. brit 1936 Rovira, fr J. spai
1943 Nemantsevich, exarch A. byel c98 Parmenas the deacon ital 1991 Prada Pires, fr J.M. braz 1984 Roxas, S. phil
c100 Nereus ital 1339 Pascal of Victoria chin 586 Praetextatus, bp of Rouen fran 1984 Roy, fr mada
1756 Nerini, fr myan c298 Patape, bp of Coptos egyp 1952 Prennushi, abp N. alba 1974 Rozanov, N. russ
373 Nerses I, catholicos arme 1972 Pate, Mavis pale 1995 Prevost, sr O. alge 1642 Rubino, fr japa
250 Nestor, bp of Perga turk c260 Patroclus fran 1900 Price, Charles & Eva chin 1080 Rudolf of Swabia ital
451 Nestorius, patriarch jord 426 Patroclus of Arles, primate fran 1900 Price, Eva chin 1989 Ruelo, pastor Z. phil
1679 Nevill, fr F. brit 1871 Patteson, bp J. C. solo 1644 Price, fr Robert brit 1339 Ruff, Raymond chin
1996 Ngabo SJ, abp C. M. M. conz c290 Paul of Egypt egyp c297 Primus ital 258 Rufina ital
1886 Ngondwe, Pontian ugan 309 Paul of Jamnia pale 386 Priscillian, bp spai 115 Rufus gree
1975 Nguyen, Huy Mai viet 64 Paul, Apostle ital c260 Privatus fran 1996 Ruhuna, J., abp of Gitega buru
1975 Nguyen, Van Hoa viet 351 Paul, patriarch turk 1990 Priya SMA, sr indi 1995 Ruibal, pastor Julio C. colo
1950 Nguyen, pastor viet 1936 Pavlivsky, I., metropolitan ukra 1927 Pro Juarez, fr M. mexi 1860 Ruiz OFM, fr Emmanuel syri
1996 Ngwije, fr A. K. rwan 1936 Payan, fr A. spai 304 Probus brit 1637 Ruiz, L. japa
1905 Ni, evangelist chin c300 Pelagia turk 303 Procopius pale 1997 Ruiz, pastor N. H. mexi
969 Nicephorus, emperor gree 1999 Peleman, fr A. soua c305 Procopius, governor egyp 259 Rusticus fran
c370 Nicetas roma 304 Peleus, bp leba 1800 Prosser, Gabriel usa 1997 Ruterahagusha, pastor T. rwan
1227 Nicholas moro 1997 Pena, fr S. C. colo 165 Protase ital 1997 Ruterahagusha, T. rwan
1555 Nicholas Novi of Sophia bulg 2000 Pepe, fr R. conz 459 Proterius, patriarch egyp 1994 Rutumbu, fr J. rwan
1754 Nicholas of Chios gree 1840 Perboyre, fr J. G. chin c306 Psote of Psoi egyp 1994 Ruzindana, bp J. rwan
1990 Nicholson, sr A.C. ango 1840 Perboyre, fr Jean G. chin c171 Ptolemaus ital 1998 Rwangeyo, sr D. rwan
c300 Nicostratus ital 1928 Perez, fr P. mexi c171 Publius, bp of Athens ital 1922 Rybalkin, monk Fyodor russ
1998 Nielsen, B. M. buru 1627 Perez, fr R. cost 202 Pudens ital 1992 Saah, pastor D. libe
1994 Nieto, F. A. E. peru 1997 Perez, M. mexi 1623 Puerta, fr C.M. hond 372 Sabas the Goth roma
c294 Nikander bulg 850 Perfectus of Cordoba spai 1993 Puglisi, pastor G. ital 1996 Sabuni, pastor M. conz
c1938 Nikandr, metrop of Odessa russ 420 Peroz iraq 339 Pusak, prefect, & 100 clergy iraq 1626 Sadamatzu, G. japa
1919 Nikodim, bp of Belgorod russ 202 Perpetua tuni 341 Pusicius iraq 1942 Sadd, A. kiri
1961 Nikolai, metrop of Krutitsy russ 1995 Petcu, A. mold 1682 Pustosviat, Nikita russ 1998 Saenz, J. D. colo
1938 Nikon (Lebedev), bp russ 1220 Peter moro 1998 Puttaniyil, br L. indi 1992 Sahihembo, Alfredo ango
1938 Nikon, bp of Belgorod russ 311 Peter I Ieromartyros, patriarch egyp 286 Qndyr, queen iraq 1956 Saint, Nate ecua
1996 Nikwigize, bp P. rwan 1133 Peter of Bruys fran c258 Quadratus, bp tuni 290 Salahouni, Theodore arme
304 Nilus, bp leba 1208 Peter of Castelnau, legate fran 259 Quartillosia tuni 1976 Salas, bp J. C. camb
1996 Nirere, fr B. conz 1365 Peter of Ruffia ital 1981 Quilini, H. N. egyp 1400 Saleeb egyp
1634 Nishi, fr T.H.R. japa 1321 Peter of Siena indi 1998 Quinn, Jason brit 1593 Sales, fr J. fran
1918 Nizza, L. russ 1252 Peter of Verona (Peter Martyr) ital 1998 Quinn, Mark brit 1936 Sales, V. spai
1989 Nodrat, Zia Mohammed afgh 1929 Peter, abp of Voronezh russ 1998 Quinn, Richard brit c290 Salfana egyp
1868 Noi Sunya thai 1936 Peter, metropolitan of Krutitsy russ 1812 Quintana, fr A. usa c800 Salib egyp
1869 Non Chai, abbot thai 448 Pethiun, evangelist iraq 1490 Rabata, A. ital 1683 Salinas, fr arge
1622 Novarra, fr P. P. japa 1937 Petros, bp ethi 1918 Radion, fr russ 1989 Saltori, fr O. moza
258 Novatian, antipope ital 1936 Peypoch, fr E. spai 1981 Raflan, B. egyp 1999 Saluhaku, fr A. ango
1994 Nsengiyumva, abp V. rwan 1992 Pfister, J. ivor c870 Ragener brit 1227 Samuel moro
1994 Nsengiyumva, bp T. rwan 1950 Phan Long, pastor viet 1834 Rainitsiandavaka mada 1981 Samuel, bp Makary El-Souria egyp
1996 Nsengiyunva, fr E. conz 345 Pherbutha iraq c490 Rajden geor 66 Samuel, satrap arme
1994 Nur al-Qums Binyamin egyp 1922 Philaret, bp of Kostroma russ 1998 Rajiv, John indi 1980 Samwel, abp ethi
1970 Nyabadza, fr B. zimb 304 Phileas, bp of Thmuis egyp 1724 Rale SJ, fr S. cana 180 Sanam tuni
1997 Nyirabakungu, sr C. conz c290 Philemon egyp 1996 Ramanauskas, fr V. lith 1936 Sanchez, fr J. spai
1997 Nyirarukundu, sr M. conz 304 Philip bp of Heraclea turk 1959 Ramanauskas, P., bp of Telsiai lith 1696 Sanchez, fr L. usa
1926 Nyirenda, Tomo mala 1934 Philip, abp russ 1988 Ramaralahy, br I. mada 851 Sanctius of Cordoba spai
1975 Nze, bp Abuy Raphael equa 60 Philip, Apostle turk 2000 Ramirez, fr A.G. colo 1622 Sandaju, fr P. O. japa
2000 Nzikobanyanka, rev P. buru 1567 Philip, metropolitan of Moscow russ 1989 Ramon Moreno SJ, fr J. elsa 66 Sandoukhte, princess arme
1651 O’Brien, bp T. A. irel 297 Philotheus of Antioch turk 1997 Ramos SJ, fr W. G. mexi 1979 Sangaya, J. mala
1580 O’Cullenan, G., abbot irel 518 Philoxenus, bp of Mabbogh iraq 1993 Ramos, bp Robert J. elsa 1963 Sangueso, P. P. arge
1612 O’Devany, C., bp irel 1985 Philpot, J. mexi 1572 Ramus, Peter fran 1936 Santaella, fr M. spai
1575 O’Donnell SJ, E. irel 1555 Philpot, J., archdeacon brit 1995 Rangell, Hugo colo 1979 Santi, fr G. ugan
1578 O’Hely, P., bp irel c292 Phiobammon of Preht egyp 1837 Rasalama mada 1758 Santiesteban, fr J. usa
1584 O’Hurley, D., abp irel c120 Phocas, bp of Bontos ital 1945 Rauschenbach MM, fr O. A. chin 1749 Sanz, bp P. chin
1995 O’Neill, fr E. soua 315 Phrebonia iraq 1595 Rawlins, A. brit 1980 Sapoka, fr L. lith
1993 Ocampo, cardinal Juan J.J.P. mexi 1978 Picken, C. zimb c300 Rebecca of Sunbat egyp 1995 Saquic Vasquez, pastor M. guat
1861 Ochoa, bp V. B. viet 1679 Pickering, T. brit 1652 Redemptus of the Cross, br indo c355 Sarah egyp
1934 Odongo, Alfayo keny 1569 Pietersz, Pieter neth 1942 Redlich, V. papu c197 Sarah ital
2000 Ogbu, fr J.M.O. nige 1900 Pigott, J. chin 1571 Redondo, fr C. usa c290 Sarah & children egyp
1615 Ogilvie SJ, J. brit 1900 Pigott, T. W. & J. chin 287 Regula swit 1795 Sarai, Visarion, monk roma
66 Ogouhie, princess arme 1897 Pilkington, G. L. ugan 1974 Reimer, G. pana c287 Sarapamon of Scetis, bp egyp
1988 Oido, fr C.O. ugan 1752 Pillai, D. indi 1989 Reinkemeyer, sr A. keny 1921 Sarichov, pastor S. russ
1988 Okagric, br A. ugan 1919 Pimen, bp of Verny russ 1953 Reinys, M., abp of Vilnius lith 1620 Sarkander, Jan czec
1030 Olav II Haraldsson, king norw 1992 Pimentel, sr M. ango 1680 Rendon, fr M. usa 1991 Sarmiento, M. peru
1418 Oldcastle, Sir John brit 1997 Pinard WF, fr Guy rwan 259 Renus tuni 1995 Saro-Wiwa, K. nige
1619 Oldenbarnevelt, J. van neth 1794 Pinot, fr N. fran 1661 Renwick, J. brit 1998 Satchilombo, Francisco ango
1871 Olivaint, fr P. fran 1860 Pinzano OFM, Francis syri c308 Repsima & 78 companions arme 1527 Sattler, M. germ
1968 Olsen, Betty viet 1680 Pio, fr J. B. usa 1989 Restrepo, fr S. colo 1967 Saturnino, fr suda
c301 Olympius egyp 250 Pionius turk 202 Revocatus tuni 202 Saturninus tuni
1795 Oprea, Miclaus, monk roma c288 Piroou egyp 1847 Rey SJ, fr A. mexi 259 Saturninus fran
397 Optatus, bp of Thamugadi alge c260 Piscus pale 1964 Rhine, Phyllis conz 202 Saturus tuni
1948 Ordacz, bp L. hung c302 Pisura, bp of Masil egyp 1839 Ri, J. souk 1593 Saultemouche, fr W. fran
254 Origen leba 1938 Pitirim, abp russ 1918 Riabuhin, pastor J. russ 1992 Saune, R. peru

Continued overleaf


Table 4–11 concluded
1498 Savonarola, G. ital 1795 Sofronie of Cioara, monk roma c900 Thomas, bp of Damascus syri 1634 Vieira, fr S. japa
1401 Sawtrey, W. brit 1996 Sokan, Khoun camb 1866 Thomas, R. J. souk 1625 Viel, fr N. cana
1983 Sawyer, sr Joan peru 1922 Sokolov, pastor russ c306 Tibarcius egyp 689 Vigilius, bp of Auxerre fran
1979 Sayyad, fr iran 1861 Sokolskij, abp J. russ 178 Tiburtius ital 1616 Vincent japa
1666 Schall SJ, fr A. von Bell chin 1995 Solan, Joel phil 1919 Tikhon, abp of Voronezh russ 304 Vincent of Saragossa spai
1954 Scheffler, bp roma 1859 Soler, fr P. syri 1925 Tikhon, patriarch russ 1645 Vincent, catechist viet
1996 Schiavo, fr G. tanz 1950 Son Yang Won, pastor nork c291 Til, soldier egyp 1994 Vincent, pastor Jean-Marie hait
1534 Schiemer, L., bp germ 1918 Sontag, apostolic delegate iraq 1997 Timmons, br L. keny 1922 Vishniakov, pastor russ
1637 Schiwozuka, fr V. japa 1990 Soodmand, pastor H. iran c309 Timothy of Memphis egyp 1962 Vitti, A. viet
1944 Schmidlin, professor J. germ c140 Sophia egyp 97 Timothy, bp turk c302 Vitus ital
1976 Schmitt, bp A. zimb c286 Sophronius egyp 1680 Tinoco, fr M. usa 1918 Vladimir, metropolitan of Kiev ukra
1988 Schmitz, CP, fr Carl phil 1985 Sorgon OCD, fr S. mada 2000 Tirelli, sr F. zamb 1948 Volai, bp alba
1939 Schneider, pasotr germ 1996 Soto OP, fr W. L. puer 1989 Tjibaou, Jean-Marie newc 1865 Volkner, Carl S. newz
1964 Scholten, W.H. conz 1729 Souel, fr J. usa 1982 Toj, Juan Garcia guat 1860 Volta OFM, fr. C. syri
1998 Schreck, sr M. soua 110 Soukias & companions arme c295 Tolemaeus egyp 476 Volusianus, bp of Tours fran
1612 Scott, fr. M. brit 1595 Southwell, fr R. brit 1983 Toma, pastor Nicolas guat c1935 von Moltke, Helmut germ
1999 Scott, Rachel usa 1654 Southworth, fr J. brit 1991 Tomaszek OFM, fr M. peru c1976 Voordeckers, fr W. guat
1996 Sebalija, sr L. conz 1991 Speers, J. phil 1901 Tomkins, pastor O. papu 1943 Voronaev, I. E. russ
1569 Sebastian Cantu thai 180 Speratus tuni 1999 Tomlin, John usa 1918 Vostorgov, fr J. russ
288 Sebastian of Milan ital 1988 Spil MHM, fr C. ugan 1633 Tomonaga OP, fr J. K. G. japa 931 Vulfura spai
1886 Sebuggwawo, Denis ugan 1622 Spinola SJ, fr C. japa 1950 Tong-Sin, fr nork 1631 Wagner, fr Liborius germ
180 Secunda tuni 1941 Sri-Phong, catechist P. thai 1984 Torboli, fr S. moza 1987 Wahid paki
258 Secunda ital 1998 Sritharan, pastor Vasu sril 1949 Tornay, fr M. chin c289 Wakhus egyp
304 Secunda tuni 1999 Staines, Graham indi c65 Torquatus spai 1679 Wall, fr John brit
1978 Sedletsky, V. russ 1999 Staines, Philip indi 1966 Torres, fr Camilo colo 1951 Wallace, W.L. chin
1886 Seghers, abp C. J. usa 1999 Staines, Timothy indi 1977 Torres, L.A. elsa c1975 Wallenburg, Raoul pola
1952 Selanuok papu 1934 Stam, Betty chin 870 Torthred brit 1595 Walpole, H. brit
1977 Selassie, emperor Haile ethi 1934 Stam, John & Betty chin 1933 Tourian, abp Leontius usa 1801 Wan-Suk, Columba souk
309 Seleucus pale 1079 Stanislas, bp of Cracow pola 1803 Toussaint-Louverture, F.D. fran 1952 Wancegi, Mary keny
1995 Sellekaerts IHM, sr C. conz 1990 Stanton, fr N. soua 870 Tova brit 1950 Wang Ling-Tso, fr chin
1997 Selorio, pastor E. phil 1918 Stavrovsky, fr A. russ 1626 Tozo, M. japa 1900 Wang Ten Ren chin
123 Semsoun, bp of Edessa iraq 1997 Stegar, Kayce usa 1471 Tresham, T. brit 1588 Ward, Margaret brit
1996 Semutwe, sr M. A. conz 1942 Stein, Edith pola 1649 Trevino de Sobremonte, T. mexi 1979 Wasikye, John, bp of Mbale ugan
1736 Senat SJ, fr A. usa 1942 Stein, Rosa pola 1798 Trieu, fr E. viet 1985 Wasnak, fr J.E. ango
1953 Seng, Joseph chin 1293 Stepanos IV, patriarch arme 1974 Trochta, cardinal S. czec 1535 Webster, Augustine, prior brit
309 Sennen ital 257 Stephen I, pope ital 1981 Troyer, J.D. guat 1989 Webster, David soua
1986 Senter, L. & R. libe 1334 Stephen of Gross-Wardein roma 643 Trudpert germ 1920 Weinberg, Judith russ
1986 Senter, R. libe 1288 Stephen of Hungary geor 1981 Tsachev, N.V. bulg 1716 Weiss, prefect L. ethi
2000 Sequeira, sr C. paki 1242 Stephen of Narbonne fran 1997 Tshisambu, fr F. conz 1995 Welsh, S. colo
1938 Seraphim, bp russ 347 Stephen of Ulnia arme 1992 Tsotetsi, Saul soua 929 Wenceslas, prince-duke czec
1932 Seraphim, metro of Petrograd russ 36 Stephen the Deacon pale 1627 Tsuji, fr T. japa 1795 Wenmo, fr J. Z. souk
c365 Serapion, bp of Thmuis egyp 764 Stephen the Younger, abbot turk 1964 Tucker, J. conz 726 Werenfrid neth
1994 Serech, P. guat 284 Stephen, archdeacon egyp 1979 Tumsa, Gudinsa ethi 1963 Wesley, Cynthia usa
1929 Serge, bp of Efremov russ 1961 Stepinac, cardinal abp A. croa 1616 Tunstall, fr. T. brit 1880 Westrup, J. O. mexi
523 Sergios yeme 1988 Stockton, Ann phil 1991 Turati OFM, fr P. soma 1679 Whitbread, fr T. brit
315 Sergius & Bacchus syri 1539 Stone, J. brit 1959 Turcsanyi, msgr E. hung 1428 White, William brit
1580 Serrato, fr J. mexi 1856 Strang, James J. usa 1679 Turner, fr A. brit 1539 Whiting, R., abbot of Glastonb brit
1886 Serunkuma, Bruno ugan 1991 Strzalkowski, fr Z. peru 1831 Turner, Nat usa 1847 Whitman, M. & N. usa
484 Servus tuni 1990 Stumpf, H. keny 1886 Tuzinde, Mbaga ugan 1847 Whitman, N. usa
1973 Serwanika, J. ugan c810 Subaljesu, monk iraq 1997 Twagirayezu, rev U. conz c1990 Wi-Foo myan
524 Severinus Boethius, consul ital 1948 Suciu, bp roma 1536 Tyndale, William belg 926 Wiborada (Guiborat), recluse swit
304 Severus turk 422 Suenas iraq c310 Tyrannio, bp of Tyre turk c1000 Wigstan brit
1929 Seybold, fr C. chin 1900 Sun Hwe Teh chin 1985 Tzalam Coj, Manuel de Jesus guat c1600 Willems, D. neth
1993 Shafiq, S. egyp 1929 Sundar Singh, sadhu chin 1852 U, fr Moses Nya myan 1242 William of Arnaud fran
1991 Shaga, Nana ethi 1950 Sung Du, fr nork 345 Uarda (Rose) iraq 1362 William of Campania ital
342 Shahdost, catholicos iraq 451 Suzanne arme 1592 Udall, J. brit 1334 William of England iran
309 Shamona turk 1981 Svanda, fr P. czec c1200 Uguzo (Lucio di Val Cavargna) ital 1144 William of Norwich brit
112 Sharbil turk 1999 Sweva, sr sier 1984 Ulcue Chocue, fr A. colo 1201 William of Rochester brit
c1995 Sheekhdoon, M. soma 1990 Sylvia SMA, sr indi 1028 Ulfrid swed 1154 William, abp of York brit
c1968 Sheikow, Musa soma 108 Symeon, bp of Jerusalem pale 1999 Umbarger, Deena M. soma 1839 Williams, John vanu
1922 Shein, S. russ c190 Symphorian fran 1940 Urban SJ, fr J. pola 1972 Williams, N. phil
1980 Shelkov, V. A. russ 1600 Tadaoki, Gracia japa 230 Urban, pope ital 1986 Wilson, evangelist John E.H. ugan
1588 Shelley, F. brit 1680 Talbot, P., abp of Dublin irel c295 Uri, priest of Shatanut egyp 1660 Wilson, Margaret brit
c299 Shenufe egyp 1734 Tamaral, fr N. mexi 287 Urs swit 1968 Wilting, Ruth viet
c299 Shenute egyp 448 Tamasgerd iraq 538 Ursicinus, bp of Ravenna ital 1998 Wimana, sr C. rwan
1830 Shidiak, Asaad leba 1975 Tamonis, M. lith 451 Ursula & virgins germ 1528 Winkler, pastor G. germ
1975 Shimun, catholicos-patriarch iraq 870 Tancred brit 287 Ursus of Solothurn swit 1546 Wishart, G. brit
c650 Shinudah, anba egyp 1811 Tapeng, J. C. chin c345 Usaghniyus egyp 1988 Wojcickowski, sr S. paki
1979 Shorrosh, A. pale 1942 Tapiedi, Lucian papu 341 Usthazanes iraq 1573 Woodhouse, fr T. brit
1984 Shude SJ, fr F.Z. chin 304 Tarachus brit 1997 Uwizeyimana, rev J. conz 1976 Woods MM, fr W. guat
c473 Shushanik, queen geor c300 Taragus & companions turk 2000 Uzcudum, fr I. rwan 1651 Wright, Peter brit
1998 Siahae, J. indo 339 Tarbo, deaconess iraq c750 Vahan of Goghtn syri 1989 Xinsheng, bp Li chin
1857 Sibour, abp of Paris fran 1936 Tarrats, J. spai 309 Valens pale 1996 Xiuju, Zhang chin
1910 Sidhom Bishai, deacon egyp c280 Tarsicius ital 1936 Valenti, fr T. spai c1990 Xueyan, bp Fan chin
1714 Sidotti, abbot G. B. japa 1988 Tarzwell, John paki 269 Valentine ital 1972 Yagozinsky, S. russ
1400 Sidrak, priest, & 5 monks egyp c228 Tatiana, deaconess ital 178 Valerian ital 1989 Yeiwene Yeiwene newc
1972 Sidumo, J. moza 1991 Tattersall, N. peru c306 Valerianus egyp c1930 Yemelyanov, fr P. russ
1997 Sifer, M. H. iraq 1524 Tauber, Casper ausz 1985 Valerio, fr N. phil 1623 Yempo, br Simon japa
1991 Sigridsson, S. phil c301 Tecula egyp 1541 Valverde OP, bp V. peru 1995 Yi, C.H. russ
1985 Sikufinde, fr L. ango 1690 Tegananokoa, S. usa 1995 Van Dyke, T. colo 1995 Yi, K. W. russ
1749 Silva, fr F. X. usa 1971 Tejerina, Silvita A. arge 1989 Van Kleef CM, fr N. pana 1997 Yirirwahandi, rev P. rwan
304 Silvanus syri 1922 Telegin, A. russ 1619 Vanini, L. ital c1540 Yoannis al-Kalioobi, monk egyp
537 Silverius, pope ital 391 Telemachus ital 451 Vardan Mamikonian arme 1991 You WF, fr Alexander ugan
1998 Simatupang, T. M. indo 138 Telesphorus, bp of Rome ital 1991 Vargas, C. peru 1956 Youdarian, R. ecua
c800 Simeon egyp 1936 Tena, fr R. spai 1983 Vargas, pastor N. nica 1860 Younes, br E. leba
341 Simeon Barsabae, catholicos iraq 1981 Teodosiu, S. roma 1919 Varsonoufy, bp of Kirillov russ 1866 Yu, fr P. Chong-ryul nork
1975 Simescu, br roma 1975 Tep Im, bp Paolo camb c1968 Vasilyevna, M. russ 1554 Yuhanna Sulaqa, catholicos turk
2000 Simionato, sr G. buru 1982 Terelya, B.M. ukra 1950 Vasquez, Carmen arge 1600 Yukinaga, general Konishi japa
64 Simon Peter, Apostle ital 66 Terentius arme 1995 Vasquez, pastor M.S. guat 1791 Yun, Paul souk
61 Simon Zelotes, Apostle iraq 1990 Tete, president Martin indi 1989 Vassallo, sr Emanuela liby 1996 Yusefi, pastor Mohammad B. iran
1921 Simon, bp of Ufa russ 284 Thalelaeus turk 1963 Vaz Martins, evangelist Victor gunb 76 Zakaria, bp arme
1936 Simon, fr A. spai c125 Thalelaeus turk 1861 Venard, fr J. T. viet 1971 Zakharov russ
1597 Simon, mar, metropolitan indi c50 Thecla turk 1661 Venner, Thomas brit 1872 Zamora, fr Jacinto phil
c300 Simplicius ital 220 Theodorus of Peshotep egyp 1597 Verascola, fr F. usa 1922 Zaozersky, pastor russ
c300 Simpronian ital c306 Theodorus, bp of Pentapolis egyp 1918 Veraskin, abp A. russ 66 Zarmandoukhte arme
1932 Simpson, W. E. chin c725 Theodosia turk 1936 Verges, fr J. spai 1571 Zeballos, fr S. usa
1945 Simrak, bp J. croa 1918 Theodot russ 1817 Vesey, Denmark usa 1975 Zecianu, br roma
1995 Sinankwa, fr M. buru 258 Theodotus egyp 180 Vestia tuni 303 Zeno of Rome ital
448 Sirin iraq c117 Theodulus ital 177 Vettius Epagathus fran 304 Zenobius turk
397 Sisinnius ital 309 Theodulus pale 180 Veturius tuni 1972 Zhiming, pastor Wang chin
1936 Sitjar, fr T. spai 1980 Theofilas, patriarch ethi 1974 Viaene, fr L. conz 1645 Zigarran, fr T. mexi
1908 Sivila, Visitación arge 1918 Theophan, bp of Solikamsk russ c305 Victor ital 1795 Zlata of Magden bulg
c117 Sixtus I, bp of Rome ital 1993 Theophiles, K.Y. egyp c359 Victor egyp 1626 Zola, fr J. B. japa
258 Sixtus II, pope ital 1635 Theophilus of Zakynthos gree 303 Victor Maurus ital 115 Zozimus gree
1979 Siyah, pastor Aristou iran c111 Theopista ital c301 Victor of Asyut egyp 1996 Zubiri, sr Carmen rwan
1918 Skipetrov, fr A. russ 1950 Thien Thi, pastor viet 287 Victor of Marseilles swit 1993 Zuma, Isaac soua
1940 Skobtsova, mother M. pola 1616 Thomas japa c287 Victor of Solothurn swit 1987 Zuma, pastor Antonio ecua
1982 Smith, E. nica 82 Thomas (Didymus), Apostle indi c310 Victor of Stratelates ital 1993 Zuma, Thandi soua
1844 Smith, Hyrum usa 1170 Thomas Becket, abp of Canter brit 484 Victorian tuni 1622 Zumarraga OP, fr japa
1844 Smith, Joseph usa 1321 Thomas of Tolentino indi 258 Victorinus fran
1908 Sofiisky, exarch abp N. geor 1997 Thomas SJ, fr A. T. indi 304 Victorinus, bp of Pettau slov


Table 4–12. Chronological listing of 2,550 known Christian martyrs, AD 30-2000.

33 Jesus pale 180 Secunda tuni 284 Babylas, bp egyp c300 Nabraha egyp
36 Stephen the Deacon pale 180 Speratus tuni 284 Irene turk c300 Nicostratus ital
44 James Boanerges, Apostle pale 180 Vestia tuni 284 Stephen, archdeacon egyp c300 Pelagia turk
c50 Thecla turk 180 Veturius tuni 284 Thalelaeus turk c300 Rebecca of Sunbat egyp
54 James the Less, Apostle pale c185 Apollonius, senator ital c285 Amsah of Qift egyp c300 Simplicius ital
60 Philip, Apostle turk c190 Symphorian fran c285 Apollo egyp c300 Simpronian ital
61 Barnabas, Apostle cypr 193 Ghevondius, patriarch arme 285 Balana, priest egyp c300 Taragus & companions turk
61 Simon Zelotes, Apostle iraq c197 Moses ital c285 Banina egyp c301 Olympius egyp
62 James the Just, bp of Jerus pale c197 Sarah ital c285 Crispin fran c301 Paese egyp
64 Evodius, bp of Antioch turk 202 Felicitas tuni c285 Crispinian fran c301 Tecula egyp
64 Matthias, Apostle turk 202 Irenaeus, bp of Lyons fran 285 Naou egyp c301 Victor of Asyut egyp
64 Paul, Apostle ital 202 Leonides egyp c286 Callinicus egyp c302 Crescentia ital
64 Simon Peter, Apostle ital 202 Marcella egyp c286 Chanazhum egyp c302 Julius of Durostorum bulg
c65 Osyth, queen brit 202 Perpetua tuni c286 Dalasina egyp c302 Modestus ital
c65 Torquatus spai 202 Pudens ital c286 Dasyah egyp c302 Pisura, bp of Masil egyp
66 Anna of Ormisdat arme 202 Revocatus tuni c286 Epima egyp c302 Vitus ital
66 Jude (Thaddaeus), Apostle arme 202 Saturninus tuni c286 Helias, bp egyp 303 Afra germ
66 Mariam of Houssik arme 202 Saturus tuni c286 Justus, son of Numerianus egyp 303 Anastasia croa
66 Martha of Makovtir arme 207 Basilides egyp 286 Qndyr, queen iraq 303 Chrysogonus ital
66 Ogouhie, princess arme 207 Potamiana egyp c286 Sophronius egyp 303 Cyrus & John egyp
66 Samuel, satrap arme 209 Alban of Verulamium brit c287 Aesculapius egyp 303 Efrem, bp of Tomis roma
66 Sandoukhte, princess arme 209 Elias & companions pale 287 Candidus swit 303 Epimachus of Pelusium egyp
66 Terentius arme 209 Pamphilus pale c287 Dioscorus egyp 303 Euphemia turk
66 Zarmandoukhte arme 220 Theodorus of Peshotep egyp 287 Exuperantius swit 303 Febronia iraq
68 Bartholomew, Apostle arme c222 Callistus I, pope ital 287 Exuperius swit 303 Felix of Thibiuca tuni
68 Mark the Evangelist egyp c228 Tatiana, deaconess ital 287 Felix swit 303 Genesius the Actor turk
69 Andrew, Apostle gree 230 Urban, pope ital 287 Maurice swit 303 George, megalomartyr pale
c70 Matthew (Levi), Apostle iraq 235 Demetrius ital 287 Regula swit 303 Irineu, bp of Sirmium croa
c76 Linus, bp of Rome ital 235 Hippolytus, antipope ital c287 Sarapamon of Scetis, bp egyp 303 John egyp
76 Zakaria, bp arme 235 Pontian, pope ital 287 Urs swit 303 Lucy ital
82 Thomas (Didymus), Apostle indi c240 Intercisus, James iraq 287 Ursus of Solothurn swit 303 Procopius pale
c90 Cletus, bp of Rome ital 245 Appolonia, deaconess egyp 287 Victor of Marseilles swit 303 Victor Maurus ital
91 Antipas turk 249 Abu Sayfayn egyp c287 Victor of Solothurn swit 303 Zeno of Rome ital
91 Aurelia Petronilla ital 249 Agatha ital c288 Athom egyp 304 Adrian & Natalia turk
91 Glabrio, Manius Acilius, consul ital 249 Alexander, bp of Cappadocia egyp c288 Febronia, nun egyp 304 Agape gree
95 Flavius Clemens ital 249 Christopher turk c288 Piroou egyp 304 Andronicus ital
95 John, Apostle turk 249 Matra egyp 288 Sebastian of Milan ital 304 Barlaam of Antioch turk
96 Luke the Evangelist gree c250 Abadyus egyp c289 Kau of Bismay egyp 304 Chione gree
c97 Atirnerseh, patriarch arme 250 Batra egyp c289 Wakhus egyp 304 Crispina of Tagora alge
97 Timothy, bp turk 250 Christophorus egyp c290 Anub egyp 304 Dativus tuni
c98 Parmenas the deacon ital 250 Fabian, pope ital c290 Apollonius egyp 304 Donatilla tuni
99 Clement, bp of Rome ukra c250 Faith (Foy) fran c290 Ascla egyp 304 Eulalia of Merida spai
c100 Achilleus ital 250 Genesius of Arles fran c290 Firmin, bp of Amiens fran 304 Gereon germ
c100 Nereus ital 250 Nestor, bp of Perga turk 290 Gayane, abbess arme 304 Hermes turk
108 Symeon, bp of Jerusalem pale 250 Pionius turk 290 Hripsime arme 304 Irene gree
110 Crescentius turk c250 Polyeuctus arme c290 Panesneu, deacon egyp 304 Maxima tuni
110 Oski arme 251 Achatius, bp turk c290 Paul of Egypt egyp c304 Naharuh egyp
110 Soukias & companions arme 251 Alexander, bp of Jerusalem egyp c290 Philemon egyp 304 Natalia of Nicomedia turk
c111 Eustathius, Roman general ital 251 Babylas, patriarch of Antioch turk 290 Salahouni, Theodore arme 304 Nilus, bp leba
c111 Theopista ital 252 Fabius, bp of Antioch turk c290 Salfana egyp 304 Pancras ital
112 Babai turk 253 Cornelius, pope ital c290 Sarah & children egyp 304 Peleus, bp leba
112 Barsamya turk 254 Aaron & Julius brit c291 Abadir egyp 304 Phileas, bp of Thmuis egyp
112 Sharbil turk 254 Julius brit c291 Benjamin egyp 304 Philip bp of Heraclea turk
115 Ignatius, bp of Antioch ital 254 Mercurius brit c291 Cyriacus egyp 304 Pollio hung
115 Rufus gree 254 Origen leba c291 Eudoxia egyp 304 Probus brit
115 Zozimus gree c255 Agapius, bp tuni c291 Euphemia egyp 304 Secunda tuni
c117 Alexander ital 257 Stephen I, pope ital c291 Herai egyp 304 Severus turk
c117 Eventius & Theodulus ital 258 Athanasius, bp egyp c291 Julitta egyp 304 Silvanus syri
c117 Sixtus I, bp of Rome ital 258 Cyprian, bp of Carthage tuni c291 Til, soldier egyp 304 Tarachus brit
c117 Theodulus ital c258 Jerasimus egyp c292 David egyp 304 Victorinus, bp of Pettau slov
c120 Atrasis, daughter of Hadrian ital 258 Novatian, antipope ital c292 Epimachus egyp 304 Vincent of Saragossa spai
c120 Junia ital c258 Quadratus, bp tuni c292 Gordian egyp 304 Zenobius turk
c120 Phocas, bp of Bontos ital 258 Rufina ital c292 Phiobammon of Preht egyp c305 Aesi egyp
123 Semsoun, bp of Edessa iraq 258 Secunda ital c294 Nikander bulg 305 Dimyanah & her 40 Virgins egyp
c125 Acacius arme 258 Sixtus II, pope ital 295 Anthimus, bp of Nicomedia turk 305 Hypatius of Gangra egyp
c125 Thalelaeus turk 258 Theodotus egyp c295 Apaiule egyp c305 Isidore of Takinash egyp
130 Papius pale 258 Victorinus fran c295 Makrawi, bp of Nikiou egyp 305 Januarius, bp of Benevento ital
138 Telesphorus, bp of Rome ital 259 Agapitus of Praeneste ital 295 Maximilian alge c305 Macarius egyp
c140 Sophia egyp 259 Augurius tuni c295 Tolemaeus egyp 305 Marcus egyp
c150 Benignus fran 259 Denys, bp of Paris fran c295 Uri, priest of Shatanut egyp 305 Menas, governor egyp
156 Felicitus Alexander turk 259 Eleutherius fran c296 Athanasius egyp c305 Milius egyp
156 Germanicus turk 259 Eulogius tuni 296 Menas the Miracle Maker egyp 305 Potamon of Heracla egyp
156 Polycarp, bp of Smyrna turk 259 Felicissimus & Agapitus ital c297 Barsanuphius (Warshanufy) egyp c305 Procopius, governor egyp
c165 Caecelia ital 259 Flavian tuni c297 Basilidas, general egyp c305 Victor ital
165 Felicity turk 259 Fructuosus, bp of Tarragona spai c297 Besamon egyp c306 Porphry egyp
165 Gervase & Protase ital 259 James of Cirta tuni c297 Felician ital c306 Psote of Psoi egyp
165 Justin Martyr & 5 companions ital 259 Lawrence ital 297 Hipparchus turk c306 Theodorus, bp of Pentapolis egyp
165 Protase ital 259 Lucius tuni 297 Philotheus of Antioch turk c306 Tibarcius egyp
c168 Anicetus, pope ital 259 Marian tuni c297 Primus ital c306 Valerianus egyp
c170 Agathonice turk 259 Marianus tuni c298 Arsenius egyp 307 Catherine of Alexandria egyp
c170 Carpus, bp turk 259 Montanus tuni 298 Basil, bp egyp c307 Elias the eunuch egyp
c170 Papylus turk 259 Quartillosia tuni 298 Cassian moro 308 Demetrius, megalomartyr gree
c171 Lucius ital 259 Renus tuni 298 Marcellus the Centurion moro c308 Repsima & 78 companions arme
c171 Ptolemaus ital 259 Rusticus fran c298 Patape, bp of Coptos egyp c309 Abamun of Tarnut egyp
c171 Publius, bp of Athens ital 259 Saturninus fran c299 Chamoul egyp c309 Abamun of Tukh egyp
177 Blandina fran c260 Alexander pale c299 Comas egyp 309 Abdon ital
177 Ponticus fran c260 Conon turk c299 Damian egyp 309 Habib the Deacon turk
177 Pothinus, bp fran c260 Cyril turk c299 Isaac of Tiphre egyp 309 Marcellus, pope ital
177 Vettius Epagathus fran c260 Cyril, bp of Gortyna gree c299 Isidorus egyp 309 Paul of Jamnia pale
178 Cecilia ital c260 Eutropius, bp of Saintes fran c299 Shenufe egyp 309 Porphyrius pale
178 Marcellus ital c260 Leontius the Ascetic turc c299 Shenute egyp 309 Seleucus pale
178 Maximus ital c260 Malchus pale c300 Abadion, bp of Antinoopolis egyp 309 Sennen ital
178 Tiburtius ital c260 Paregorius turc c300 Agathon and brothers egyp 309 Shamona turk
178 Valerian ital c260 Patroclus fran c300 Anatolius, general egyp 309 Theodulus pale
180 Aquilinus tuni c260 Piscus pale c300 Apoli egyp c309 Timothy of Memphis egyp
180 Cittinus tuni c260 Pontius fran c300 Bandilaus, monk egyp 309 Valens pale
180 Donata tuni c260 Privatus fran c300 Callinicus turk c310 Arianus, governor egyp
180 Felix tuni 262 Marinus pale c300 Castorius ital c310 Mui egyp
180 Generosa tuni 269 Valentine ital c300 Claudius ital 310 Pamphilus pale
180 Januaria tuni 274 Mamas turk c300 Cosmas & Damian turk c310 Tyrannio, bp of Tyre turk
180 Laetantius tuni 275 Magnus, bp of Fabrateria ital c300 Damian turk c310 Victor of Stratelates ital
180 Lucitas tuni 278 Marina turk c300 Diomed turk 311 Methodius, bp of Olympus turk
180 Miggin tuni c280 Tarsicius ital c300 Elmo, bp of Formiae ital 311 Peter I Ieromartyros, patriarch egyp
180 Namphano tuni 283 Cladius, Stratelates egyp c300 Heraclides egyp 312 Lucian of Antioch turk
180 Nartzalus tuni 284 Alexander & Asterius turk c300 Isidorus, monk egyp 313 Dorothy turk
180 Sanam tuni 284 Asterius turk c300 Jacob, The Soldier egyp c313 Pantaleon, physician egyp

Continued overleaf


Table 4–12 continued

315 Bacchus syri 455 Macarius of Tkow, bp egyp 853 Pomposa spai 1321 Belibasta, Guilhem fran
315 Gurias & companions iraq 459 Proterius, patriarch egyp 854 Indrechtach, abbot of Iona brit 1321 Demetrius, br indi
315 Phrebonia iraq 467 Azquir saud 856 Jeron neth 1321 James of Padua indi
315 Sergius & Bacchus syri c473 Shushanik, queen geor 859 Eulogius of Cordoba spai 1321 Peter of Siena indi
316 Blaize, bp arme 476 Volusianus, bp of Tours fran 859 Leocritia spai 1321 Thomas of Tolentino indi
c320 Ammonius, bp of Latopolis egyp 484 Babowi, catholicos iraq c860 John VII Grammaticus, patr turk 1323 Angelus of Spoleto ital
327 Berikjesu iraq 484 Dionysia tuni 861 Meinrad of Einsiedeln, hermit swit 1326 de Stapledon, Walter, bp brit
327 Jonah iraq 484 Majoricus tuni 866 Fremund brit 1334 Stephen of Gross-Wardein roma
333 Aristakes I, patriarch arme 484 Servus tuni 869 Edmund the Martyr, king brit 1334 William of England iran
c337 Caxo, prince iraq 484 Victorian tuni 870 Hedda of Peterborough, abbot brit 1339 Francis of Alessandria chin
c337 Dado, governor iraq c490 Rajden geor c870 Ragener brit 1339 Gilotti, William chin
c337 Gobidlaha, princess iraq 493 Barsumas, bp iraq 870 Tancred brit 1339 John of India, br chin
337 Grigoris, exarch arme 511 Macedonius II, patriarch turk 870 Torthred brit 1339 Lawrence of Alessandria chin
337 Jacob, bp iraq 518 Philoxenus, bp of Mabbogh iraq 870 Tova brit 1339 Martel, Peter chin
337 John, bp iraq 523 Abraham yeme 875 Adrian of May, bp brit 1339 Pascal of Victoria chin
339 Pusak, prefect, & 100 clergy iraq 523 Abu-Afr, governor yeme 884 Bertharius, abbot ital 1339 Richard, bp of Almalik chin
339 Tarbo, deaconess iraq 523 Aretas yeme 884 Rombout of Malines belg 1339 Ruff, Raymond chin
c340 Copres egyp 523 Elesbaan yeme c900 Thomas, bp of Damascus syri 1340 Gentle of Matelica iran
341 Abdechalas & Ananias iraq 523 Elias yeme c904 Pandonia brit 1346 John the Blind luxe
341 Ananias iraq 523 Elija yeme 916 Ludmilla czec 1347 Antoniy lith
341 Pusicius iraq 523 Habsa yeme 926 Wiborada (Guiborat), recluse swit 1347 Evastafiy lith
341 Simeon Barsabae, catholicos iraq 523 Moses of Yemen yeme 928 John X, pope ital 1347 Ioann lith
341 Usthazanes iraq 523 Sergios yeme 929 Wenceslas, prince-duke czec c1350 Roch, healer fran
342 Shahdost, catholicos iraq 524 Severinus Boethius, consul ital 931 Argentea spai 1362 James, abp of Zaitun chin
345 Daniel iraq 526 John I, pope ital 931 Vulfura spai 1362 William of Campania ital
345 Hanania iraq 537 Silverius, pope ital 959 al-Muzahim, Jirjis egyp 1365 Peter of Ruffia ital
345 Pherbutha iraq 538 Ursicinus, bp of Ravenna ital 969 Nicephorus, emperor gree 1383 Kador, John arme
345 Uarda (Rose) iraq c550 Adeodatus (Astouadz-Mapod) arme 979 Edward the Martyr, king brit 1383 Panacea ital
c345 Usaghniyus egyp c550 Grigor-Rajik arme 996 Ghabrial egyp 1387 al-Jadid, Jirjis egyp
346 Anna iraq c550 Nectan brit 997 Adalbert, bp of Prague russ 1387 Hadid of Giza egyp
346 Barbashmin, catholicos iraq 552 Aba, mar, patriarch catholicos iraq c1000 Wigstan brit 1388 Bonaventure Peraga, cardinal ital
346 James iraq 555 Helier chan 1003 Benedict of Benevento pola 1393 John of Nepomuk czec
346 Martha iraq c560 Cadog fran 1004 Abbo fran 1397 de Cetina, J. spai
346 Mary iraq 570 Cadoc, bp ital 1009 Bruno, bp of Querfurt lith 1397 de Duenas, P. spai
347 Daniel, patriarch arme 575 Ahudemmeh, bp of Tagrit iraq 1012 Alphege, abp of Canterbury brit 1400 Abu’l Farag egyp
347 Donatus, bp of Bagai tuni 576 Constantine, abbot brit 1012 Coloman ausz 1400 Arsenius egyp
347 Houssik I, patriarch arme 577 Aldate, bp of Gloucester brit 1015 Boris & Gleb russ 1400 Ileya egyp
347 Isaac tuni c580 Licinianus, bp of Carthage turk 1015 Gleb russ 1400 Matthew of Escandel chin
347 Marculus, bp of S. Numidia tuni 585 Hermenegild of Spain spai 1016 John Baptist Vladimir, prince alba 1400 Mikhail Abu Mokaitef egyp
347 Maximian tuni 586 Praetextatus, bp of Rouen fran 1028 Ulfrid swed 1400 Moussa, monk egyp
347 Stephen of Ulnia arme 607 Desiderius, bp of Vienne fran 1030 Olav II Haraldsson, king norw 1400 Saleeb egyp
c350 Agnes ital 610 Anastasius, patriarch geor 1043 Hallvard Vebjornssen norw 1400 Sidrak, priest, & 5 monks egyp
c350 Eudoxius & companions pale 615 George the Monk iran 1046 Gerard, bp of Csanad hung 1401 Sawtrey, W. brit
c350 Gordius pale 617 Donnan & 52 companions brit 1066 Gottschalk germ 1405 Le Scrope, abp R. brit
351 Paul, patriarch turk 628 Anastasius the Persian turk 1066 John, bp of Mecklenburg germ 1410 Badby, J. brit
c355 Andrew, monk egyp 631 Menas egyp 1066 Kuno, bp of Trier germ 1413 Cobham, Lord brit
c355 Behnam egyp 642 Oswald, king of Northumbria brit 1070 Godelive fran 1415 John Hus germ
c355 Eunapius, monk egyp 643 Trudpert germ 1075 Erlembald ital 1416 Jerome of Prague czec
c355 Sarah egyp c650 David of Douine arme 1079 Stanislas, bp of Cracow pola 1418 Oldcastle, Sir John brit
c356 Mercurius egyp c650 Dympna of Ireland belg c1080 Eskil, bp swed 1428 White, William brit
c357 John, The Soldier egyp c650 Martin I, pope ukra 1080 Rudolf of Swabia ital 1431 Joan of Arc fran
c359 Decius egyp c650 Shinudah, anba egyp 1086 Canute IV, king denm 1450 Moleyns, A., bp of Chichester brit
c359 Irene egyp 651 Oswin, king brit 1096 John (Said bar Sabhuni), bp turk 1460 Antony of Rivoli (Tunis) tuni
c359 Victor egyp 655 Foillan, abbot fran 1116 Magnus, earl of Orkney brit 1471 Tresham, T. brit
c360 Alladyus, bp egyp c660 Annemond, bp of Lyons fran 1120 Botvid swed 1478 John of Sahagun spai
c360 Bibiana ital c660 Emmeram, bp of Poitiers fran 1120 Merbot ausz c1480 Isidor & followers esto
c360 Dafrosa & Demetria ital 662 Maximus the Confessor, abbot geor 1121 Erminold, abbot of Prufening germ 1490 Rabata, A. ital
c360 Demetria ital 675 Germanus, abbot fran 1131 Canute Lavard denm 1498 Savonarola, G. ital
c360 Leontius of Tripoli syri 679 Dagobert II, king fran 1133 Peter of Bruys fran 1514 George Novi of Sophia bulg
c364 Mark, bp of Arethusa ital 679 Leodegar, bp of Autun fran 1144 William of Norwich brit 1516 Botello OP, Diego trin
c365 Serapion, bp of Thmuis egyp 685 Bercharius, abbot fran 1145 Bosinlother, abbot Conrad ausz 1516 de Salcedo OP, fr F trin
c370 Nicetas roma 686 Kilian, bp, & 11 companions germ 1148 Ernest, abbot of Zwiefalten saud 1524 Tauber, Casper ausz
372 Sabas the Goth roma 689 Vigilius, bp of Auxerre fran 1150 Eric of Sweden swed 1525 Munzer, T. germ
373 Nerses I, catholicos arme 695 Hewald the Dark germ c1150 Goharin & companions arme 1527 Hut, H. ausz
375 Abdas, metropolitan iraq 695 Hewald the Fair germ 1154 William, abp of York brit 1527 Kaiser germ
379 Eusebius, bp of Samosata turk c700 Indract brit 1155 Arnold of Brescia fran 1527 Manz, F. neth
379 Eustace of Mtskheta geor 705 Lambert, bp of Maastricht belg 1156 Henry, bp of Uppsala swed 1527 Sattler, M. germ
386 Priscillian, bp spai c717 Menas of Al-Ashmunayn egyp 1170 Thomas Becket, abp of Canter brit 1528 Hamilton, Patrick brit
391 Telemachus ital c725 Theodosia turk 1176 Marguerite of Roeskilde denm 1528 Hubmaier, B. ausz
397 Alexander ital 726 Werenfrid neth c1180 Michael of Damietta syri 1528 Winkler, pastor G. germ
397 Martyrius ital 729 Germanus, ecu patriarch turk 1198 Berthold, abbot esto 1529 Denck, H. neth
397 Optatus, bp of Thamugadi alge 730 James, bp of Catania ital c1200 Uguzo (Lucio di Val Cavargna) ital 1531 Bilney, Thomas brit
397 Sisinnius ital 731 Hainmar, bp of Auxerre fran 1201 William of Rochester brit 1533 Frith, J. brit
407 John Chrysostom, patriarch turk 750 Gerulf belg 1208 Peter of Castelnau, legate fran 1534 Barton, Elizabeth brit
408 Hormizd of Sylvanus, rabban iraq c750 Vahan of Goghtn syri 1209 John of Phanidjoit egyp 1534 Matthys, Jan germ
410 Abda, mar iraq 754 Boniface (Winfrith), bp neth 1217 Hroznata czec 1534 Schiemer, L., bp germ
410 Marcella ital 754 Eoban, bp neth 1220 Accursio moro 1535 Fisher, cardinal John brit
411 Desiderius, bp of Langres fran 760 Gangolf fran 1220 Aiuto moro 1535 Houghton, John, prior brit
413 Apringius, proconsul tuni 764 Stephen the Younger, abbot turk 1220 Berard moro 1535 Kenraghty, chaplain Maurice irel
413 Marcellinus Flavius, tribune tuni 786 Abo geor 1220 Otho moro 1535 Lawrence, Robert, prior brit
419 Eustochium pale 794 Ethelbert, king brit 1220 Peter moro 1535 More, Thomas brit
420 Hormizdas iraq 799 Gerold, duke of Bavaria germ 1222 Adam, bp of Caithness brit 1535 Webster, Augustine, prior brit
420 Peroz iraq c800 Alkelda, princess brit 1227 Agnello moro 1536 de Almasia, J. para
422 Benjamin iraq c800 Erc, bp of Slane irel 1227 Daniel of Belvedere span 1536 Hutter, J. neth
422 Chouchanik iraq c800 Salib egyp 1227 Domno moro 1536 John of Leiden germ
422 Hormisdas iraq c800 Simeon egyp 1227 Hugolino moro 1536 Tyndale, William belg
422 James of Persia iraq c810 Subaljesu, monk iraq 1227 Leo moro 1539 Stone, J. brit
422 Suenas iraq 821 Kenelm, prince brit 1227 Nicholas moro 1539 Whiting, R., abbot of Glastonb brit
426 Patroclus of Arles, primate fran 825 Adulfus & John spai 1227 Samuel moro 1540 Barnes, Robert brit
431 Palladius irel 825 John of Cordoba spai 1242 Stephen of Narbonne fran 1540 Gerrard, Thomas brit
434 Auraeus, bp fran 834 Deusdedit, abbot of M Cassino ital 1242 William of Arnaud fran 1540 Jerome, William brit
c440 Gwinear irel 834 Euthymius, metrop of Sardes turk c1250 Bulus al-Habis egyp c1540 Yoannis al-Kalioobi, monk egyp
448 Anahid iraq 840 Alexander, bp of Fiesole ital 1252 Peter of Verona (Peter Martyr) ital 1541 Calero, br J. mexi
448 Dindui, metropolitan iraq 850 Aurea spai 1258 Kitbuga, general syri 1541 de Cuellar, fr A. mexi
448 John, bp of Karka iraq c850 Barsanuphius, monk egyp 1261 Dionysius, antipatriarch iraq 1541 Valverde OP, bp V. peru
448 Pethiun, evangelist iraq c850 Ebba, abbess brit 1279 Bar Kaliq, bp of Tus iran 1542 de la Cruz, fr J. usa
448 Sirin iraq 850 George of Cordoba spai 1282 Aldobrand of Florence iran 1542 de Padilla OFM, fr J. usa
448 Tamasgerd iraq c850 Isaac, prince arme 1282 Anthony of Armenia iran 1542 de Ubeda, fr L. D. usa
449 Flavian, patriarch turk c850 Joseph, prince arme 1288 Conrad of Saxony geor 1544 Gardiner, J. brit
c450 Hamai of Kahyor egyp 850 Perfectus of Cordoba spai 1288 Stephen of Hungary geor 1544 Ireland, J. brit
c450 Kharitas ethi 851 Flora of Cordoba spai 1293 Stepanos IV, patriarch arme 1544 Larke, J. brit
451 Atom & his legion arme 851 Isaac, monk spai 1310 Porete, Marguerite fran 1546 Beaton, abp D. brit
451 Livarius fran 851 Mary of Cordoba spai 1314 de Molay, J., grand master fran 1546 Wishart, G. brit
451 Macari of Edko, bp egyp 851 Sanctius of Cordoba spai 1314 de Rosatis, A. of Milan arme 1549 Criminali SJ, fr A. indi
451 Nestorius, patriarch jord 852 Aurelius spai 1314 Francis of Borgo San Sepolcro iran 1549 de Barbastro, fr L. C. usa
451 Suzanne arme 852 Fandila of Cordoba spai 1314 Francis of Fermo arme 1549 de Pekalosa, fr D. usa
451 Ursula & virgins germ 852 Natalia spai 1314 Monold of Ancona arme 1549 Fuentes, br usa
451 Vardan Mamikonian arme 853 Columba of Cordoba spai 1315 Lull, Ramon alge 1550 Arason, bp J. & 2 sons denm
454 Hovsep I, patriarch arme 853 Haymo, bp of Halberstadt germ 1317 Gregorios, Mar, bp turk 1550 de Valdivieso, bp A. nica

Continued opposite

Table 4–12 continued

1553 Cranmer, abp Thomas brit 1605 Catesby, Robert brit 1641 Barlow, fr. A. brit 1685 de Marolles, Louis fran
1553 de la Cruz, fr D. usa 1606 de Altamirano, fr M. mexi 1642 de San Antonio, fr J. pana 1685 Le Fevre, I. fran
1553 de Mena, fr J. usa 1606 Hwang Ming-sha SJ, br chin 1642 Goupil SJ, R. cana 1686 Benitez, fr E. mexi
1553 Ferrer, fr J. usa 1608 Garnet, fr T. brit 1642 Holland, fr T. brit 1689 Chefdeville, fr A. usa
1553 Hooper, bp John brit 1608 Gervase, fr. G. brit 1642 Roe, Alban brit 1689 Iosif, hermit, & monks russ
1553 Latimer, bp Hugh brit 1611 Roberts, fr. J. brit 1642 Rubino, fr japa 1689 Le Clercq, fr M. usa
1553 Mendez, fr H. usa 1612 Bertelete, fr E. hond 1643 Hutchinson, Anne usa 1689 Membre, fr Z. usa
1553 Ridley, bp Nicholas brit 1612 de Aranda SJ, fr M. chil 1644 Corby, fr Ralph brit 1690 Tegananokoa, S. usa
1554 Yuhanna Sulaqa, catholicos turk 1612 de Montalban SJ, br J. chil 1644 de Capillas OP, fr F. chin 1691 de Arce, Jose boli
1555 Bradford, John brit 1612 de Monteagudo, fr J. hond 1644 Price, fr Robert brit 1692 Garangouas, M. usa
1555 Nicholas Novi of Sophia bulg 1612 de Vecchi SJ, fr H. chil 1645 André, catechist viet 1692 Gonannhatenha, F. usa
1555 Philpot, J., archdeacon brit 1612 Lucas of Tokyo japa 1645 Ignace, catechist viet 1693 de Britto SJ, fr J. indi
1559 Du Bourg, Anne fran 1612 O’Devany, C., bp irel 1645 Labado, fr F. mexi 1693 Genoud, fr myan
1560 Brooks, J., bp of Gloucester brit 1612 Scott, fr. M. brit 1645 Laud, William, abp of Canter brit 1693 Joret, fr myan
1560 Juan, br mexi 1613 Hachikan, Joaquin japa 1645 Morse, fr H. brit 1696 Corvera, fr F. usa
1560 Lorenzo, fr F. mexi 1615 Ogilvie SJ, J. brit 1645 Romero, fr P. para 1696 de Arbizu, fr J. usa
1561 da Silveira SJ, fr G. zimb 1616 de Santarn, fr H. mexi 1645 Vincent, catechist viet 1696 de Carbonel, fr A. usa
1564 Cossin, fr B. mexi 1616 de Tovar, fr H. mexi 1645 Zigarran, fr T. mexi 1696 de Jesus Maria Casañas, fr F. usa
1564 de Tapia, fr J. mexi 1616 Gutierrez, fr P. mexi 1646 Jogues SJ, fr I. cana 1696 Moreno, fr A. usa
1564 Lucas, br mexi 1616 Lawrence japa 1646 Lalande SJ, fr John de cana 1696 Sanchez, fr L. usa
1566 Martinez SJ, fr P. usa 1616 Lewis japa 1646 Powel, fr. P. brit 1697 Plunkett, fr C. usa
1567 de Acevedo, fr P. mexi 1616 Thomas japa 1647 Montero, fr F. mexi c1700 Markel, br russ
1567 de Burgos, fr P. mexi 1616 Tunstall, fr. T. brit 1648 Charles I, king brit 1702 Foucault, fr N. usa
1567 de Herrera, br J. mexi 1616 Vincent japa 1648 Daniel SJ, A. cana 1704 Alverez, fr R. mexi
1567 Donzel, fr F. mexi 1617 Macaido, fr J. B. japa 1648 de Oviedo, fr A. pana 1704 Anixa, A. usa
1567 Hoorn, count neth 1619 Crisinus, fr M. hung 1649 Chabenel, N. cana 1704 Arraiyo, fr J. P. usa
1567 Lamoral of Egmont neth 1619 Grodecz SJ, fr M. hung 1649 de Brebeuf SJ, fr J. cana 1704 Criado, fr D. usa
1567 Philip, metropolitan of Moscow russ 1619 Kimura, fr L. japa 1649 Garnier, fr C. cana 1704 de Mendoza, fr M. usa
1569 Jerome de la Croix thai 1619 Oldenbarnevelt, J. van neth 1649 Lalemant SJ, fr G. cana 1704 de Osorio, fr T. usa
1569 Pietersz, Pieter neth 1619 Pongracz SJ, fr S. hung 1649 Plunkett, earl C. brit 1704 de Parga, fr J. usa
1569 Sebastian Cantu thai 1619 Poulain, fr G. cana 1649 Trevino de Sobremonte, T. mexi 1704 Feliciano, A. C. usa
1570 de Azevedo SJ, fr I. spai 1619 Vanini, L. ital 1650 McMahon, bp E. irel 1704 Hevia, fr D. mexi
1571 de Quiros, fr L. usa 1620 Sarkander, Jan czec c1650 Romanul, Ioan Valahul roma 1704 Ponce de Leon, fr A. usa
1571 de Segura, fr J. B. usa 1621 de Montchretien, A. fran 1651 Love, pastor Christopher brit 1706 Beatrice, Donna conz
1571 de Solis, fr G. usa 1622 Constanzo, fr C. japa 1651 O’Brien, bp T. A. irel 1706 de St Cosme, fr J. F. B. usa
1571 Gomez, fr G. usa 1622 Fidelis of Sigmaringen swit 1651 Wright, Peter brit 1706 Delhalle, fr C. usa
1571 Hamilton, primate J. brit 1622 Fugiscima, fr D. japa 1652 du Tremblay, fr J. L. ethi 1707 Gomidas, fr K. turk
1571 Linares, fr P. usa 1622 Kimura SJ, fr S. japa 1652 George of Ghiel, fr conz 1708 Gravier, fr J. usa
1571 Mendez, fr J. B. usa 1622 Novarra, fr P. P. japa 1652 Heyling, Peter ethi 1709 de Rebullida, fr P. cost
1571 Redondo, fr C. usa 1622 Ota, fr A. japa 1652 Redemptus of the Cross, br indo 1709 de Zamora, fr J.A. cost
1571 Zeballos, fr S. usa 1622 Sandaju, fr P. O. japa 1653 Ahatalla, metropolitan indi 1714 Brankoveanu, prince Constant roma
1572 Coligny, admiral Gaspard de fran 1622 Spinola SJ, fr C. japa 1654 Leonard of Chartres, fr cana 1714 Ivanov, Thomas russ
1572 Ramus, Peter fran 1622 Zumarraga OP, fr japa 1654 Southworth, fr J. brit 1714 Sidotti, abbot G. B. japa
1573 Woodhouse, fr T. brit 1623 De Angelis, fr J. japa 1657 Bobola SJ, fr Andrew belo 1716 Weiss, prefect L. ethi
1575 O’Donnell SJ, E. irel 1623 de Baena, br J. hond 1660 Wilson, Margaret brit 1718 de Montesdoca, br L. usa
1576 de Azevedo OP, fr Silvestre camb 1623 Kuncevicz, abp Josaphat belo 1661 Campbell, A. brit 1720 Alexander the Deacon russ
1577 Mayne, C. brit 1623 Lopez, fr B. hond 1661 Cargill, D. brit 1724 Rale SJ, fr S. cana
1578 Miguel de Medina spai 1623 Puerta, fr C.M. hond 1661 Guthrie, James brit 1726 de Oca, fr L. M. usa
1578 Nelson, fr J. brit 1623 Yempo, br Simon japa 1661 Menard, fr R. usa 1729 du Poisson, fr P. usa
1578 O’Hely, P., bp irel 1624 Carvalho, fr J. japa 1661 Renwick, J. brit 1729 Souel, fr J. usa
1579 Franz, David hung 1624 Delgado, fr D. mexi 1661 Venner, Thomas brit 1730 de Labrid, bp N. vene
1580 O’Cullenan, G., abbot irel 1624 Henriquez, br J. mexi 1662 Chu Tsu-hsuan, emperor myan 1730 Gaston, fr usa
1580 Serrato, fr J. mexi 1624 Ketevan, queen iran 1662 Dyre, Mary usa 1731 Contova SJ, fr Juan Antonio micr
1581 Briant, fr A. brit 1625 Viel, fr N. cana 1662 Hambroek, A. taiw 1731 de Saraoz, fr D. usa
1581 Campion, fr E. brit 1626 Caun, V. japa 1666 Andrade, vicar apostolic ethi 1734 Carranco, fr L. mexi
1581 de Santa Maria, fr J. usa 1626 de Torres, fr B. japa 1666 Schall SJ, fr A. von Bell chin 1734 Tamaral, fr N. mexi
1582 Cottam, fr T. brit 1626 Pacheco, fr F. japa 1672 Avila y Ayala, fr P. usa 1736 Aulneau, fr J. P. usa
1582 de Villalobos, fr L. mexi 1626 Rinscei, P. japa 1672 de San Vitores SJ, fr J. guam 1736 d’Artiquette, P. usa
1582 Lopez, fr F. usa 1626 Sadamatzu, G. japa 1678 Coleman, Edward brit 1736 d’Esgly, F. M. usa
1582 Rodriguez, fr A. usa 1626 Tozo, M. japa 1678 Kemble, John brit 1736 de Coulonge, L. d’A. usa
1583 Acquaviva, fr R. indi 1626 Zola, fr J. B. japa 1678 Lewis, David brit 1736 de St Agne, L. G. usa
1583 Aranha, F. indi 1627 Kwon, Vincent japa 1678 Lloyd, John brit 1736 de Tonty, P. A. usa
1583 Berno, P. indi 1627 Perez, fr R. cost 1679 Evans, fr D brit 1736 de Vincennes, F. M. B. usa
1583 Francisco, fr A. indi 1627 Tsuji, fr T. japa 1679 Fenwick, fr J. brit 1736 du Tisne, L. C. usa
1583 Pacheco, fr A. indi 1628 Alonso Rodriguez SJ para 1679 Gavan, fr J. brit 1736 Senat SJ, fr A. usa
1584 Gwyn, R. brit 1628 Arrowsmith, fr E. brit 1679 Grove, J. brit 1740 Koman, pastor D. slov
1584 O’Hurley, D., abp irel 1628 Gonzalez SJ, fr Roque para 1679 Harcourt, fr W. brit 1745 Gallizia, bp myan
1585 de Ayala, fr A. mexi 1628 Juan del Castillo SJ para 1679 Ireland, fr W. brit 1749 Sanz, bp P. chin
1585 Gil, fr F. mexi 1628 Nagascima SJ, br M. japa 1679 Lewis, fr D brit 1749 Silva, fr F. X. usa
1586 Clitherow, Margaret brit 1631 de Ortega, fr P. usa 1679 Nevill, fr F. brit 1752 Ganzabal, fr J. F. usa
1586 de la Puebla, fr A. mexi 1631 Fleming, fr P. czec 1679 Pickering, T. brit 1752 Pillai, D. indi
1586 del Rio, fr J. mexi 1631 John of Prado moro 1679 Turner, fr A. brit 1754 Nicholas of Chios gree
1588 Leigh, fr R. brit 1631 Miranda, fr P. usa 1679 Wall, fr John brit 1756 Nerini, fr myan
1588 Shelley, F. brit 1631 Wagner, fr Liborius germ 1679 Whitbread, fr T. brit 1757 Faulhaber, fr A. pola
1588 Ward, Margaret brit 1632 Adolphus, king Gustavus germ 1680 Bernal, fr J. usa 1758 Aberin, fr J. S. usa
1591 Genings, fr E. brit 1632 de Arvide, fr M. usa 1680 de Espeleta, fr J. usa 1758 de Terreros, fr A. G. usa
1592 Udall, J. brit 1632 Gutierrez, fr R. B. japa 1680 de Figuero, fr J. usa 1758 Santiesteban, fr J. usa
1593 Barrow, Henry brit 1632 Ixida SJ, fr A. japa 1680 de Jesus, fr J. usa 1761 Malagrida, fr G. port
1593 Greenwood, John brit 1632 Letrado, fr F. usa 1680 de la Pedroso, fr J. usa 1771 Ambrose, abp of Krutitsy russ
1593 Sales, fr J. fran 1633 Alonso, fr L. japa 1680 de la Ribourde, fr G. usa 1771 Damascenus russ
1593 Saultemouche, fr W. fran 1633 Ibanez, fr D. japa 1680 de Lorenzana, fr F. usa 1773 de Bernave, fr J.C.G. mexi
1594 Cornelius, fr J. brit 1633 Kohioye, fr M. japa 1680 de Mdorales, fr L. usa 1775 Ricci SJ, general L. ital
1595 George, fr A. ethi 1633 Kurobioye, M. japa 1680 de Montesdoca, fr J. usa 1778 Guillen, fr F. mexi
1595 Rawlins, A. brit 1633 Porras, fr F. usa 1680 de Mora, fr A. usa 1779 Aitolos, K. alba
1595 Southwell, fr R. brit 1633 Tomonaga OP, fr J. K. G. japa 1680 de Pro, fr A. S. usa c1780 Rizk Agha, vizier egyp
1595 Walpole, H. brit 1634 Ansalone, fr G. japa 1680 de Santa Maria, fr A. usa 1781 Barreneche, fr J. A. usa
1597 Blasquez, fr Pedro B. japa 1634 de Andrade, fr A. chin 1680 de Talban, fr J. usa 1781 Diaz, fr J. M. usa
1597 Casas Martinez, Felipe japa 1634 Maddalena of Nagasaki japa 1680 de Torres, fr T. usa 1781 Garces OFM, fr F. T. usa
1597 de Auñon, fr M. usa 1634 Marina di Omura japa 1680 de Trujillo, fr J. usa 1781 Moreno, fr J. M. usa
1597 de Badajoz, fr A. usa 1634 Nishi, fr T.H.R. japa 1680 de Velasco, fr F. usa 1791 Yun, Paul souk
1597 de Corpa, fr P. usa 1634 Vieira, fr S. japa 1680 de Vera, fr D. usa 1792 Balmain SJ, fr F. fran
1597 de Goto, fr J. S. japa 1635 Paes SJ, fr G. ethi 1680 del Val, fr J. usa 1792 Bonnaud SJ, fr J. J. fran
1597 de Rodriguez, fr B. usa 1635 Theophilus of Zakynthos gree 1680 Maldonado, fr L. usa 1792 De Millou SJ, fr J. C. fran
1597 Francis of Miako japa 1637 Courtet OP, fr W. japa 1680 Naranjo, B. usa 1792 de Vafons, count fran
1597 Joseph, mar, metropolitan indi 1637 de Aozaraza, fr M. japa 1680 Pio, fr J. B. usa 1792 Delfaut SJ, fr W. A. fran
1597 Karasumaru, Leo japa 1637 Gonzales, fr A. japa 1680 Rendon, fr M. usa 1792 Du Lau, abp J. M. fran
1597 Kisai, fr J. japa 1637 Lazzaro di Kyoto japa 1680 Talbot, P., abp of Dublin irel 1792 Lanfant, fr A. & 8 companions fran
1597 Miki SJ, fr Paul japa 1637 Ruiz, L. japa 1680 Tinoco, fr M. usa 1792 Lefranc, fr F. fran
1597 Simon, mar, metropolitan indi 1637 Schiwozuka, fr V. japa 1681 Plunket, primate O. brit 1793 Louis XVI fran
1597 Verascola, fr F. usa 1638 Berthelot, fr P. indo 1682 Avvakum Petrovich, archpriest russ 1794 Agricola Viala fran
1600 Bruno, br G. ital 1638 Cassian of Nantes, fr ethi 1682 Epifanii, monk russ 1794 Ambroise, fr R. fran
1600 Tadaoki, Gracia japa 1638 Cyril I Lukaris, ecu patriarch turk c1682 Morozova, Boyarina russ 1794 Andre, fr J. fran
c1600 Willems, D. neth 1638 Cyril II Kontaris, ecu patriarch turk 1682 Pustosviat, Nikita russ 1794 Carnus, fr C. fran
1600 Yukinaga, general Konishi japa 1638 de Almeida, bp Apollinaris ethi 1683 Le Vacher, bp J. alge 1794 Expilly, bp L. A. fran
1601 Barkworth, fr M. brit 1638 Franceschi SJ, fr H. ethi 1683 Ortiz de Zarate, fr P. arge 1794 Gobel, J. B. J., bp of Paris fran
1601 Filcock, fr. R. brit 1638 Rodrigues SJ, fr F. ethi 1683 Salinas, fr arge 1794 Pinot, fr N. fran
1601 Hunt, Fr T. brit c1640 Agathangelo of Vendome, fr fran 1684 Beltran, fr M. mexi 1794 Polydorus the Cypriot gree
1601 Marin, fr Esteban phil 1640 Bruni SJ, fr B. ethi 1684 Custodio, fr F. mexi 1795 Oprea, Miclaus, monk roma
1601 Middleton, fr R. brit 1640 Cardeira SJ, fr L. ethi 1684 Muros, fr mexi 1795 Sarai, Visarion, monk roma

Continued overleaf


Table 4–12 continued

1795 Sofronie of Cioara, monk roma 1861 Venard, fr J. T. viet 1918 Chernikh, S. russ c1935 von Moltke, Helmut germ
1795 Wenmo, fr J. Z. souk 1862 Neel, J. P. chin 1918 Dimitri, pastor russ 1936 Abrikosov, mother C. russ
1795 Zlata of Magden bulg 1865 Volkner, Carl S. newz 1918 Dovganav, P. russ 1936 Arbona, fr B. spai
1796 Juvenal, hieromonk usa 1866 Berneux, bp S.-F. souk 1918 Efrem, bp of Selenginsk russ 1936 Arseny, metrop of Novgorod russ
1798 Dat, fr J. viet 1866 Cho, Peter souk 1918 Elizabeth, grand duchess russ 1936 Artigues, fr R. spai
1798 Murphy, fr J. irel 1866 Daveluy, bp M. A. N. souk 1918 Hermogen, abp of Tobolsk russ 1936 Audi, fr F. spai
1798 Trieu, fr E. viet 1866 Lee, John souk 1918 Irinarkh, fr russ 1936 Bartholomew, bp russ
1799 Lewis, pastor T. frep 1866 Thomas, R. J. souk 1918 Israel, monk russ 1936 Baste, fr N. spai
1800 Prosser, Gabriel usa 1866 Yu, fr P. Chong-ryul nork 1918 Issidor, bp of Mikhailov russ 1936 Boguna, fr L. spai
1801 Chu, fr James souk 1868 Noi Sunya thai 1918 Kirion III, catholicos-patriarch geor 1936 Bori, fr P. spai
1801 Chung, Augustine souk 1869 Mirza Ibrahim iran 1918 Kuntsevich, L. russ 1936 Carbonell, fr C. spai
1801 Hwang, S. C. souk 1869 Non Chai, abbot thai 1918 Leonty, bp of Enotaev russ 1936 Carrio, fr A. spai
1801 Mark the New gree 1871 Allard, fr fran 1918 Longin, pastor russ 1936 Corral, fr O. spai
1801 Muallim Malati egyp 1871 Captier, fr E. fran 1918 Makarov, M. russ 1936 Cyril, metropolitan of Kazan russ
1801 Wan-Suk, Columba souk 1871 Caubert, fr J. fran 1918 Miniatov, lawyer russ 1936 Darder, E. spai
1802 Demetrios of Chios gree 1871 Clerc, fr A. fran 1918 Mitrophan, abp of Astrakhan russ 1936 de Velasco, fr I. spai
1802 Lazarus the Bulgar turk 1871 Darboy, G., abp of Paris fran 1918 Modest, fr russ 1936 Dimitry, abp of Gdovsk russ
1802 Luke the New gree 1871 de Bengy, fr A. fran 1918 Mokovsky, pastor G. & wife russ 1936 Ferreres, fr J. B. spai
1803 Toussaint-Louverture, F.D. fran 1871 Deguerry, fr fran 1918 Nizza, L. russ 1936 Garcia Villada SJ, fr Z. spai
1807 George of Chios gree 1871 Ducoudray, fr L. fran 1918 Ornatsky, fr F. russ 1936 Gelabert, P. spai
1811 Chao, A. chin 1871 Olivaint, fr P. fran 1918 Polotnikov, abp of Petrograd russ 1936 Gonzalez, fr E. spai
1811 Clet, F. chin 1871 Patteson, bp J. C. solo 1918 Pospelov, abp G. russ 1936 Grimaltos, R. spai
1811 Hidalgo y Costilla, fr M. mexi 1872 Bassost, fr F. usa 1918 Radion, fr russ 1936 Isla, fr L. spai
1811 Malati, Muallim egyp 1872 Burgos, fr Jose phil 1918 Riabuhin, pastor J. russ 1936 Jimenez Malla, Ceferino spai
1811 Tapeng, J. C. chin 1872 Gomez, fr Mariano phil 1918 Skipetrov, fr A. russ 1936 Llatje, fr J. spai
1812 Quintana, fr A. usa 1872 Zamora, fr Jacinto phil 1918 Sontag, apostolic delegate iraq 1936 Luque, fr E. spai
1813 Angelis gree 1878 David, fr ital 1918 Stavrovsky, fr A. russ 1936 Malla, C. J. spai
1814 Ignanos gree 1880 Westrup, J. O. mexi 1918 Theodot russ 1936 Martinez, fr B. spai
1815 Morelos y Pavon, fr J. M. mexi 1881 Augier, fr buru 1918 Theophan, bp of Solikamsk russ 1936 Mayorga, fr M. spai
1816 Lantrua, fr G. chin 1881 D’Hoop, fr F. buru 1918 Veraskin, abp A. russ 1936 Pavlivsky, I., metropolitan ukra
1817 Vesey, Denmark usa 1881 Deniaud, fr buru 1918 Vladimir, metropolitan of Kiev ukra 1936 Payan, fr A. spai
c1820 Bishay, Sidhom egyp 1883 Koi, David keny 1918 Vostorgov, fr J. russ 1936 Peter, metropolitan of Krutitsy russ
1820 Clet, fr F. R. chin 1885 Gordon, general C. G. suda 1919 Hahn, G. H. & 32 pastors germ 1936 Peypoch, fr E. spai
1821 Kyprianos, abp cypr 1885 Hannington, bp James ugan 1919 Herman, bp of Kamychen russ 1936 Rovira, fr J. spai
1822 Gregory V, ecu patriarch turk 1885 Mukasa, Joseph ugan 1919 Joachim, abp of Nizhni-Novgo russ 1936 Sales, V. spai
1822 Joana Angelica, abbess braz 1886 Badzekuketta, A. ugan 1919 Kulbusch, bp Platon of Revel esto 1936 Sanchez, fr J. spai
1822 Muallim Ghali egyp 1886 Banabakintu, Luke ugan 1919 Lavrenty, bp of Balakhna russ 1936 Santaella, fr M. spai
1825 Pogio, fr Bartolome arge 1886 Buzabaliawo, James ugan 1919 Makary, bp of Viazma russ 1939 Schneider, pasotr germ
1830 Asad es Shidiak leba 1886 Gonza, Gonzaga ugan 1919 Nikodim, bp of Belgorod russ 1936 Simon, fr A. spai
1830 Shidiak, Asaad leba 1886 Gyavira ugan 1919 Pimen, bp of Verny russ 1936 Sitjar, fr T. spai
1831 Turner, Nat usa 1886 Kaggwa, Andrew ugan 1919 Tikhon, abp of Voronezh russ 1936 Tarrats, J. spai
1833 Aquino, Anastasio elsa 1886 Kalemba, Matthias ugan 1919 Varsonoufy, bp of Kirillov russ 1936 Tena, fr R. spai
1833 Gagelin, F.-I. viet 1886 Kibuka, Ambrose ugan 1920 Justin, abp of Omsk russ 1936 Valenti, fr T. spai
1834 de Leon, fr A. D. usa 1886 Kiriggwajjo, Anatole ugan 1920 Weinberg, Judith russ 1936 Verges, fr J. spai
1834 Diaz OFM, fr usa 1886 Kiriwawanvu, Mukasa ugan 1921 Archangelsky, pastor T. russ 1937 Boretsky, M., metropolitan ukra
1834 Lyman, H. indo 1886 Kiwanuka, Achilles ugan 1921 Coyle, J. E. usa 1937 Lo Pa Hong chin
1834 Munson, Samuel indo 1886 Kizito ugan 1921 Frolov, pastor J. russ 1937 Mikael, bp ethi
1834 Rainitsiandavaka mada 1886 Ludigo, Adolphus Mukasa ugan 1921 Methody, bp of Petropavlovsk russ 1937 Petros, bp ethi
1835 Marchand, fr J. viet 1886 Lwanga, Charles ugan 1921 Moslovsky, pastor J. russ 1938 Alexey, bp of Petrograd russ
1837 Cornay, fr J. C. viet 1886 Mawaggali, Noe ugan 1921 Nazary, metrop of Kutaisi geor 1938 Anatole, metrop of Odessa russ
1837 Lovejoy, Elijah P. usa 1886 Mugagga ugan 1921 Sarichov, pastor S. russ 1938 Cairns, fr R. chin
1837 Rasalama mada 1886 Ngondwe, Pontian ugan 1921 Simon, bp of Ufa russ 1938 Donovan MM, fr G. chin
1838 Bovie, fr P. D. viet 1886 Sebuggwawo, Denis ugan 1922 Benjamin, metrop of Petrograd russ 1938 Joseph, metro of Petrograd russ
1838 Delgado, bp I. viet 1886 Seghers, abp C. J. usa 1922 Dobrolubov, pastor russ 1938 Juvenal, abp of Riazan russ
1838 Diem, V. viet 1886 Serunkuma, Bruno ugan 1922 Friazinov, pastor russ 1938 Khoren I, catholicos arme
1838 Georgios gree 1886 Tuzinde, Mbaga ugan 1922 Nadezhdin, pastor russ 1938 Liu, H. chin
1838 Koa, P. viet 1887 Checa y Barba, abp J. I. ecua 1922 Orlov, pastor russ 1938 Lypkivsky, V., metropolitan ukra
1839 Chastan, fr J. H. souk 1887 Moran, fr J. togo 1922 Philaret, bp of Kostroma russ c1938 Nikandr, metrop of Odessa russ
1839 Imbert, bp Laurence souk 1887 Muzeyi, Jean-Marie ugan 1922 Rybalkin, monk Fyodor russ 1938 Nikon (Lebedev), bp russ
1839 Kim, Agatha souk 1896 Berthieu SJ, fr J. mada 1922 Shein, S. russ 1938 Nikon, bp of Belgorod russ
1839 Maubant, fr P. souk 1896 Lilli OFM, fr Salvatore turk 1922 Sokolov, pastor russ 1938 Pitirim, abp russ
1839 Ri, J. souk 1896 Mizeki, Bernard, catechist zimb 1922 Telegin, A. russ 1938 Seraphim, bp russ
1839 Williams, John vanu 1896 Rizal, Jose phil 1922 Vishniakov, pastor russ 1940 Jackson, F. C. indo
1840 de la Cruz, Apolinario phil 1897 Pilkington, G. L. ugan 1922 Zaozersky, pastor russ 1940 Lebbe, fr F. V. chin
1840 Perboyre, fr J. G. chin c1898 Papizian, archimandrite J. turk 1923 Budkiewicz, C., vicar russ c1940 Leisner, fr K. germ
1840 Perboyre, fr Jean G. chin 1900 Andlauer SJ, fr M. chin 1923 Chrysostomos, met of Smyrna turk 1940 Mazeika, L. lith
1841 Chanel, fr P. M. vanu 1900 Blind Chang Shen chin 1925 Cassels, bp W. C. chin 1940 Skobtsova, mother M. pola
1844 Smith, Hyrum usa 1900 Carleson, N. chin c1925 Ierofey, bp of Veliki-Ustinsk russ 1940 Urban SJ, fr J. pola
1844 Smith, Joseph usa 1900 Chao Hsi Mao chin 1925 Tikhon, patriarch russ 1941 Cairns, fr R. J. chin
1846 Epalle SM, bp solo 1900 Denn, fr P. chin 1926 Nyirenda, Tomo mala 1941 Kolbe OFM, fr Maximilian pola
1846 Kim Tai Kun, fr Andrew souk 1900 Guillon, bp L. chin 1927 Amfiteatrov, P. belo 1941 Lichtenberg, fr B. germ
1847 Lowrie, Walter M. chin 1900 Isore, fr R. chin 1927 Bretzkiy, bp N. ukra 1941 Litaunieks, fr V. lith
1847 Marmoiton, br newc 1900 King, A. chin c1927 Filaret, bp of Bobruisk byel 1941 Sri-Phong, catechist P. thai
1847 Rey SJ, fr A. mexi 1900 Li, fr J. chin 1927 Pro Juarez, fr M. mexi 1942 Brandsma, fr Tiko germ
1847 Whitman, M. & N. usa 1900 Mangin, fr L. I. chin 1928 de la Vega, fr J. mexi 1942 Bushiri, Mulumozi conz
1847 Whitman, N. usa 1900 Otu, Samuel ghan 1928 Martinez, br H. mexi 1942 Duhamel, fr A. C. solo
1849 Roth, pastor S. L. roma 1900 Pigott, J. chin 1928 Perez, fr P. mexi 1942 Gorazd, bp Pavlik czec
1851 Gardiner, Allen arge 1900 Pigott, T. W. & J. chin 1929 Coveyou, fr W. chin 1942 Gray, R. F. phil
1852 U, fr Moses Nya myan 1900 Pitkin, H. T. chin 1929 Holbein, fr G. chin 1942 Hennessey, J. G. solo
1855 Gabra Mikael, fr ethi 1900 Price, Charles & Eva chin 1929 Peter, abp of Voronezh russ 1942 Hoeben, H. neth
1855 Mazzuconi, fr G. papu 1900 Price, Eva chin 1929 Serge, bp of Efremov russ c1942 Kowalski, J., primate pola
1856 Strang, James J. usa 1900 Sun Hwe Teh chin 1929 Seybold, fr C. chin 1942 Lee, pastor Kipoong souk
1857 Sibour, abp of Paris fran 1900 Wang Ten Ren chin 1929 Sundar Singh, sadhu chin 1942 Redlich, V. papu
1858 Braeuninger, M. usa 1901 Chalmers, pastor J. papu c1930 Ioann, bp of Mozyr byel 1942 Sadd, A. kiri
1859 Ascanio OFM, fr N. syri 1901 Tomkins, pastor O. papu c1930 Mikhail, bp of Slutsk byel 1942 Stein, Edith pola
1859 Brown, John usa 1902 Goretti, Maria ital c1930 Yemelyanov, fr P. russ 1942 Stein, Rosa pola
1859 de Albera OFM, fr. N. M. syri 1902 Kensit, John brit 1932 Afanassy, bp of Stavobelsk russ 1942 Tapiedi, Lucian papu
1859 Fernandez, fr J. J. syri 1903 Figueroa, Juana arge 1932 Agapit, abp of Ekaterinoslav ukra 1943 Bacon, D. boli
1859 Soler, fr P. syri 1905 An, evangelist chin 1932 Alexander, abp russ 1943 Dye, B. boli
1860 Billottet SJ, fr E. leba 1905 Chestnut, Eleanor hong 1932 Antony, bp of Archangel russ 1943 Dye, C. boli
1860 Bonacina, br F. leba 1905 Kim, evangelist chin 1932 Farabundo, Marti elsa 1943 Hosback, G. boli
1860 Cyril IV, patriarch egyp 1905 Ni, evangelist chin 1932 Seraphim, metro of Petrograd russ 1943 Hunter, E. boli
1860 de Albera, fr M. M. syri 1906 Macdonald, dr R. J. chin 1932 Simpson, W. E. chin 1943 Jaegerstaetter, F. germ
1860 de Jacobis, bp Justin ethi 1908 Heinrich, fr L. usa 1933 Tourian, abp Leontius usa 1943 Kim, evangelist chin
1860 Kolland OFM, fr E. syri 1908 Sivila, Visitación arge 1934 Ambrose, bp of Podolsk russ 1943 Meyer, F. & 11 missionaries phil
1860 Mabeiche, br A. H. leba 1908 Sofiisky, exarch abp N. geor 1934 Arconada, fr J. B. spai 1943 Nemantsevich, exarch A. byel
1860 Maksoud, br H. leba 1910 Sidhom Bishai, deacon egyp 1934 Esteban, fr T. chin 1943 Voronaev, I. E. russ
1860 Masi, Francis syri 1915 Cavell, Edith belg 1934 Liu, Y. C. chin 1944 Choo Kee Chul, pastor nork
1860 Masi, Muti syri 1915 Chilembwe, John mala 1934 Martinez, fr E. spai 1944 Coy, Juan colo
1860 Masi, Raphael syri 1916 Bettex, Paul chin 1934 Moreno, Ramonita arge 1944 Duenas, fr Jesus guam
1860 Pinzano OFM, Francis syri 1916 de Foucauld, Charles alge 1934 Odongo, Alfayo keny 1944 Gross, N. germ
1860 Ruiz OFM, fr Emmanuel syri 1917 Benjamin Simon, catholicos iran 1934 Philip, abp russ 1944 Jacob, Max fran
1860 Volta OFM, fr. C. syri 1917 Kochurov, fr I. russ 1934 Poliansky, abp Ambrose kaza 1944 Kocylowskyj, bp ukra
1860 Younes, br E. leba 1918 Ambrose, bp of Seroapulsk russ 1934 Pommer, John, abp of Riga latv 1944 Koenzgen, G. germ
1861 Almato OP, fr P. viet 1918 Ambrose, fr russ 1934 Stam, Betty chin 1944 Lagerstadr, Farnz germ
1861 Hermosilla OP, bp H. viet 1918 Andronick, abp of Perm russ 1934 Stam, John & Betty chin 1944 Letterhaus, B. germ
1861 Holmes, J. L. chin 1918 Audo, abp iraq 1935 Arseny, abp of Serpuhov russ 1944 Makary, abp russ
1861 Ochoa, bp V. B. viet 1918 Basil, abp of Chernigov ukra 1935 Damaskin, bp of Gluhov ukra 1944 Metzger, fr M. J. germ
1861 Sokolskij, abp J. russ 1918 Benjamin, fr russ 1935 Fedorov, exarch L. russ 1944 Munk, pastor Kaj denm

Continued opposite

Table 4–12 continued

1944 Schmidlin, professor J. germ 1964 Carlson, P. conz 1977 Arreola, sr Silvia Maribel elsa 1985 Calderon, Z.S. peru
1945 Akya Nai, pastor myan 1964 Cheney, J. usa 1977 Avdeyev, M.V. russ 1985 Ceballos, M. G. chil
1945 Apor, bp Vilmos hung 1964 Dwatuka, fr B. suda 1977 Biayenda, cardinal abp E. cong 1985 Chappell, R. papu
1945 Birch, J. chin 1964 Goodman usa 1977 Biko, Steve soua 1985 Cuthbert, R. W. M. jama
1945 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich germ 1964 Khmara, N. russ 1977 Eschtruth, G.J.R. conz 1985 Dalle Pezze, sr T.P. moza
1945 Delp, fr A. germ 1964 Kucherenko russ 1977 Grande, fr R. elsa 1985 Durksen, Y. russ
1945 Devine, H. myan 1964 Lifenya, director Pierre conz 1977 Ivanova, R. russ 1985 Espino, pastor E. F. elsa
1945 Jaffray, R. A. indo 1964 McMillan, H. conz 1977 Luwum, abp Janani ugan 1985 Favali, fr T. phil
1945 Liddell, Eric chin 1964 Rhine, Phyllis conz 1977 Navarro, fr A. elsa 1985 Goncalves Kamtedza SJ, fr J. moza
1945 Rauschenbach MM, fr O. A. chin 1964 Scholten, W.H. conz 1977 Selassie, emperor Haile ethi 1985 Hammes, W. usa
1945 Simrak, bp J. croa 1964 Tucker, J. conz 1977 Torres, L.A. elsa 1985 Jeyarajasingham, pastor G. sril
1946 Borisevicius, V., bp of Telsiai lith 1965 Daniels, J. usa 1978 Bassera, fr Ernesto elsa 1985 Kautudja, sr L. ango
1947 Jensen, fr B. chin 1965 Goehring, H. bang 1978 Dunaway, Jr., A.G. zimb 1985 Kluiters, fr N. leba
1947 Romza, bp T. ukra c1965 McBeth, fr bang 1978 Evans, P. & S. zimb c1985 Lavina, J. phil
1948 Aftemie, bp roma 1966 Bamba, Emmanuel conz 1978 Evans, S. zimb c1985 Ludena, T. peru
1948 Fowler, E. colo 1966 Torres, fr Camilo colo 1978 Fisher, M. zimb 1985 Maluendo, J. M. P. chil
1948 Frentiu, bp roma 1967 Saturnino, fr suda 1978 Lunkebein, fr R. braz 1985 Manielpillai, fr M.B. sril
1948 Gigni, bp alba 1968 Blood, H. viet 1978 Lynn, R. & J. & Pamela zimb 1985 Moreira SJ, fr S. moza
1948 Gijni, bp alba 1968 Dale, pastor Stan indo 1978 Lynn, J. zimb 1985 Moretto, fr J. ango
1948 Halan, Y. ukra 1968 King, Jr, pastor Martin Luther usa 1978 Lynn, Pamela zimb 1985 Paredes, A.A. ango
1948 Kostelnyk, fr H. ukra 1968 Liuzzo, Viola usa 1978 McCann, P. & S. & Joy zimb 1985 Philpot, J. mexi
1948 Ordacz, bp L. hung 1968 Masters, P. indo 1978 McCann, Joy zimb 1985 Poplawski, fr P. pola
1948 Suciu, bp roma 1968 Olsen, Betty viet 1978 McCann, S. zimb 1985 Rojas, C.M. peru
1948 Volai, bp alba c1968 Sheikow, Musa soma 1978 Picken, C. zimb 1985 Romano, fr R. phil
1949 Kisi, abp K. alba c1968 Vasilyevna, M. russ 1978 Sedletsky, V. russ 1985 Romero, fr A. phil
1949 Tornay, fr M. chin 1968 Wilting, Ruth viet 1979 Annanias, fr O. ugan 1985 Rossiter, fr J. usa
1950 Beda SJ, fr Tsiang chin 1970 Afonin, I.A. russ 1979 Coba, bp E. alba 1985 Roth, F. usa
1950 Brennan, bp P. T. nork 1970 Bergemann, F. russ 1979 Dalmajo, fr S. ugan 1985 Sikufinde, fr L. ango
1950 Byrne, bp P. J. nork c1970 Brown, bp D. libe 1979 Fiorantie, fr A. ugan 1985 Sorgon OCD, fr S. mada
1950 Carlo, bp A. chin 1970 Druck, V. russ 1979 Gono, fr M. czec 1985 Tzalam Coj, Manuel de Jesus guat
1950 Chang MM, sr Agneta nork 1970 Golev, S.T. russ 1979 Goodman, Dave turk 1985 Valerio, fr N. phil
1950 de Smedt, bp L. J. chin c1970 Heywood, J. viet 1979 Kalienuk, fr Z.A. ukra 1985 Wasnak, fr J.E. ango
1950 Maxville, Selma M. myan c1970 Hmara of Kulunda ukra 1979 Krasnova, T.K. russ 1986 Brennes, J. mexi
1950 Nguyen, pastor viet 1970 Hossu, bp J. roma 1979 Ortiz, fr Octavia elsa 1986 Castilblanco, N.A. nica
1950 Phan Long, pastor viet 1970 Lamichami, Krishna nepa 1979 Palacios, fr Rafael elsa 1986 Figaroa, N.M. mexi
1950 Son Yang Won, pastor nork 1970 Nyabadza, fr B. zimb 1979 Sangaya, J. mala 1986 Flores, Ernesto mexi
1950 Sung Du, fr nork 1970 Rodriguez, fr Nicolas elsa 1979 Santi, fr G. ugan 1986 Moreno, Norma mexi
1950 Thien Thi, pastor viet 1971 Biswas, U. bang 1979 Sayyad, fr iran 1986 Senter, L. & R. libe
1950 Tong-Sin, fr nork 1971 Le Febre, M. boli 1979 Shorrosh, A. pale 1986 Senter, R. libe
1950 Vasquez, Carmen arge 1971 Potter, Nancy domr 1979 Siyah, pastor Aristou iran 1986 Wilson, evangelist John E.H. ugan
1950 Wang Ling-Tso, fr chin 1971 Potter, Paul E. & Nancy domr 1979 Tumsa, Gudinsa ethi 1987 Arango, sr Ines ecua
1951 Kimbangu, prophet Simon conz 1971 Tejerina, Silvita A. arge 1979 Wasikye, John, bp of Mbale ugan 1987 Bangirimana, Ernest buru
1951 Wallace, W.L. chin 1971 Zakharov russ 1980 Bakholdin, S. russ 1987 Labaca Ugarte OFMCap, bp A. ecua
1952 Bossilkoff CP, bp E. bulg 1972 Binyoni, Abel buru 1980 Chacon, Juan elsa 1987 Massé SJ, fr André leba
1952 Ford, bp F.X. chin 1972 Brown, pastor bang 1980 Clarke, sr M. elsa 1987 Park, Jong Ch’ol souk
1952 Gacigi, G. keny 1972 de Freitas, pastor F. ango 1980 Donovan, sr J. elsa 1987 Rodrigo OMI, fr Miguel sril
1952 Gacigi, R. keny 1972 George, Margaret iraq 1980 Espinal SJ, fr L. boli 1987 Wahid paki
1952 Gnidovec, dean serb 1972 Kiwanuka, justice Benedicto ugan 1980 Ford, sr I. elsa 1987 Zuma, pastor Antonio ecua
1952 Kirtoff, apostolic exarch bulg 1972 Kurti, fr Shtjefen alba 1980 Gurgula, fr A. ukra 1988 Augusto, fr Giraldo Cesar colo
1952 Mungai, J. keny 1972 Manganhela, Z. moza 1980 Jaugelis, fr V. lith 1988 Beebwa, sr M.T. ugan
1952 Muriuki, W. keny 1972 Melnikov russ 1980 Kazel, sr D. elsa 1988 Chandra, fr F. sril
1952 Prennushi, abp N. alba 1972 Nee, Watchman chin 1980 Kotyk, fr Y. ukra 1988 de Boisseson, fr J. mada
1952 Selanuok papu 1972 Pate, Mavis pale 1980 Romero, abp Oscar elsa 1988 Dias OFM, fr C. paki
1952 Wancegi, Mary keny 1972 Sidumo, J. moza 1980 Samwel, abp ethi 1988 Estorba, fr M. phil
1953 Gikonyo, E. keny 1972 Williams, N. phil 1980 Sapoka, fr L. lith 1988 Giraldo, fr C. Augusto colo
1953 Kaguru, A. keny 1972 Yagozinsky, S. russ 1980 Shelkov, V. A. russ 1988 Hairapetian, V. azer
1953 Maina, E. keny 1972 Zhiming, pastor Wang chin 1980 Theofilas, patriarch ethi 1988 Knoerl, br K. zimb
1953 Reinys, M., abp of Vilnius lith 1973 Alsina, fr J. chil 1981 Barendsen, Eeva afgh 1988 Oido, fr C.O. ugan
1953 Seng, Joseph chin 1973 Damian, abp of Tirane alba 1981 Barendsen, Erik afgh 1988 Okagric, br A. ugan
1954 Durkovici, bp A. roma 1973 Hopewell, Gladys taiw 1981 Bitterman III, C.A. colo 1988 Paisai, G. nepa
1954 Eunak, K. souk 1973 Isa, Peter ethi 1981 Clipa, I. roma 1988 Ramaralahy, br I. mada
1954 Ghika, fr V. roma 1973 Kagwa, M. ugan 1981 Coufal, fr P. czec 1988 Schmitz, CP, fr Carl phil
1954 Indus, Artur russ 1973 Kiggundu, fr C. ugan 1981 Fietje, K. thai 1988 Spil MHM, fr C. ugan
1954 Pacha, bp roma 1973 Mukhana, J. ugan 1981 Ghabrail, fr Abd Mutagalli egyp 1988 Stockton, Ann phil
1954 Scheffler, bp roma 1973 Serwanika, J. ugan 1981 Kernweisz, bp K. roma 1988 Tarzwell, John paki
1956 Boris, metrop of Nevrokop bulg 1974 Cabo, fr M. usa 1981 Laurinavicius, fr B. lith 1988 Wojcickowski, sr S. paki
1956 Elliot, J. ecua 1974 Charlier, fr E. conz 1981 Mazeika, fr L. lith 1989 Ayap, pastor A. phil
1956 Fleming, P. ecua 1974 de Alencar, F.T. peru 1981 Miller, fr J. guat 1989 Benitez, fr M.A. colo
c1956 Martinuzzi, abp of Estergom hung 1974 Hernandez, M. Gomez mexi 1981 Quilini, H. N. egyp 1989 Boisvert, fr A. japa
1956 McCully, E. ecua 1974 Hernandez, pastor nica 1981 Raflan, B. egyp 1989 Bortolotti, fr F. moza
1956 Saint, Nate ecua 1974 Lain, fr Domingo colo 1981 Rother, fr S. guat 1989 Campanella, fr C. moza
1956 Youdarian, R. ecua 1974 Moiseyevich, pastor I. russ 1981 Samuel, bp Makary El-Souria egyp 1989 Colombo OFM, bp P.S. soma
1958 Dapcha, Lama David nepa 1974 Ostapenko, pastor I.M. russ 1981 Svanda, fr P. czec 1989 Corniall, sr Maurice nica
1959 Balint, S. hung 1974 Reimer, G. pana 1981 Teodosiu, S. roma 1989 de Rocha, fr A. moza
1959 Kherie, bp A. ukra 1974 Rozanov, N. russ 1981 Troyer, J.D. guat 1989 Ejeru, pastor Joseph ugan
1959 Ramanauskas, P., bp of Telsiai lith 1974 Trochta, cardinal S. czec 1981 Tsachev, N.V. bulg 1989 Elba Ramos, Celina elsa
1959 Turcsanyi, msgr E. hung 1974 Viaene, fr L. conz c1982 Athers, Lester nica 1989 Elba Ramos, Julia & Celina elsa
1960 Gojdic, bp Pavol slok 1975 Badre OSB, prior J. camb 1982 Barta, fr J. czec 1989 Ellacuria SJ, fr I. elsa
1960 Hodgson, E. conz 1975 Betancur, fr I. hond 1982 Garcia, Anastasio guat 1989 Giuliatti OFMCap, fr A. ango
1960 John, evangelist Esther paki 1975 Biblenko, I.V. russ 1982 Khrapov, N.P. russ 1989 Gomez, Maria Cristina elsa
1960 Knauf, E. conz 1975 Constable, pastor Eric indo 1982 Manzinger, fr belo 1989 Gran, Lovello phil
1960 Lin, H.H. chin 1975 Cypher OFM, fr M.C. hond 1982 Smith, E. nica 1989 Gran, pastor Vizminda phil
1961 de Vos, pastor R. cong 1975 Hoang, pastor Van Dat viet 1982 Terelya, B.M. ukra 1989 Jaramillo, bp Jesus E. colo
1961 Mendez, Juana F. arge 1975 Lutsky, fr M. ukra 1982 Toj, Juan Garcia guat 1989 Lopez Lopez SJ, fr J. elsa
1961 Moreau, fr Yvon Emmanuel hait 1975 Nguyen, Huy Mai viet 1983 Carney SJ, fr J.G. hond 1989 Lopez SJ, fr A. elsa
1961 Nikolai, metrop of Krutitsy russ 1975 Nguyen, Van Hoa viet 1983 Chiwanga mala 1989 Maire, fr G.F. braz
1961 Rodrigues, deacon Pedro ango 1975 Nze, bp Abuy Raphael equa 1983 Gadama mala 1989 Malalay, fr D. phil
1961 Stepinac, cardinal abp A. croa 1976 Salas, bp J. C. camb 1983 Gideon, dr myan 1989 Mansalve, bp Jesus E.J. colo
1962 Gerber, D. viet 1975 Shimun, catholicos-patriarch iraq 1983 Holdenried, F.X. guat 1989 Martin-Baro SJ, fr I. elsa
1962 Grove, M. soma 1975 Simescu, br roma 1983 Jarlan, A. chil 1989 Mien, fr Alexander russ
1962 Kanamuzeyi, pastor Yona rwan 1975 Tamonis, M. lith 1983 Ki-Yoon, pastor I. souk 1989 Monsalve, bp Jesus E. J. colo
1962 Kruegler MM, fr W.C. boli 1975 Tep Im, bp Paolo camb 1983 Matenje mala 1989 Montes SJ, fr S. elsa
1962 Matulionis, bp of Kaisiadorys lith c1975 Wallenburg, Raoul pola 1983 Muothe, I.T. soua 1989 Nodrat, Zia Mohammed afgh
1962 Mendes, evangelist Formoso gunb 1975 Zecianu, br roma 1983 Sawyer, sr Joan peru 1989 Ramon Moreno SJ, fr J. elsa
1962 Mitchell, A. viet 1976 Angelelli, bp Enrique arge 1983 Toma, pastor Nicolas guat 1989 Reinkemeyer, sr A. keny
1962 Vitti, A. viet 1976 Calvan, pastor R. phil 1983 Vargas, pastor N. nica 1989 Restrepo, fr S. colo
1963 Adwok, pastor G. suda 1976 Chunsar OSB, fr B. C. camb 1984 Bazira, pastor G. ugan 1989 Rivera, Rufino phil
1963 Barbosa, evangelist Dinis gunb c1976 de la Cruz, fr C. guat 1984 Popieluszko, fr J. pola 1989 Rosales, sr Teresa nica
1963 Collins, Addie Mae usa 1976 Deinega, N.Y. russ 1984 Potochnyak, fr A. ukra 1989 Ruelo, pastor Z. phil
1963 da Costa, Joaquin gunb 1976 Dios Murias, fr C. arge 1984 Roxas, S. phil 1989 Saltori, fr O. moza
1963 da Silva, pastor Pedro gunb c1976 Gran, fr J.M. guat 1984 Roy, fr mada 1989 Tjibaou, Jean-Marie newc
1963 Debior, P. suda 1976 Longueville, fr G. arge 1984 Shude SJ, fr F.Z. chin 1989 Van Kleef CM, fr N. pana
1963 Landim gunb 1976 Lopez, fr H. guat 1984 Torboli, fr S. moza 1989 Vassallo, sr Emanuela liby
1963 McNair, Denise usa 1976 Lunkenbein, fr R. braz 1984 Ulcue Chocue, fr A. colo 1989 Webster, David soua
1963 Robertson, Carole usa 1976 Musaka, fr ugan 1985 Aleku, B. ethi 1989 Xinsheng, bp Li chin
1963 Sangueso, P. P. arge 1976 Schmitt, bp A. zimb 1985 Allende, S. N. chil 1989 Yeiwene Yeiwene newc
1963 Vaz Martins, evangelist Victor gunb c1976 Voordeckers, fr W. guat 1985 Arensen, J. suda 1990 Biscaro, fr Egidio ugan
1963 Wesley, Cynthia usa 1976 Woods MM, fr W. guat 1985 Beling, fr M. phil 1990 Courtney, sr M. nica
1964 Anuarite, sr M.C. conz 1977 Argew, T. ethi 1985 Cabrera Rivera, prof C.H. guat 1990 Fernandez, fr T. colo

Continued overleaf


Table 4–12 concluded
1990 Gagnaux, dr R. moza 1993 Ocampo, cardinal Juan J.J.P. mexi 1996 Kahegezo, fr B. K. conz 1998 Boumans SVD, fr G. para
c1990 Kim, pastor nork 1993 Packianathan, fr V.S. indi 1996 Kajibwami, br F. conz 1998 Bwabulakombe, sr S. conz
1990 Klein, Valve esto 1993 Posadas, cardinal J.J. mexi 1996 Kanyamanza, fr P. conz 1998 Carreno, fr M. O. mexi
1990 Lasar, fr Hegumen russ 1993 Puglisi, pastor G. ital 1996 Kasati, fr J. conz 1998 Chicangana, fr A. J. colo
1990 Lewis, pastor N. usa 1993 Ramos, bp Robert J. elsa 1996 Lasker, evangelist Hussain indi 1998 Chocho, Alber pana
1990 Mack, Myrna guat 1993 Shafiq, S. egyp 1996 Lebreton, OCSO, fr C. alge 1998 Colorado, Adan colo
1990 Magorrian, H.L. soua 1993 Theophiles, K.Y. egyp 1996 Lemarchand OCSO, fr Bruno alge 1998 Commissari, fr L. braz
1990 Mamma, pr suda 1993 Zuma, Isaac soua 1996 Loperena Soto OP, fr W. puer 1998 Conedera, bp J. G. guat
1990 Menn, fr Alexander russ 1993 Zuma, Thandi soua 1996 Luc, Father alge 1998 Curic, fr V. rwan
1990 Meri, dean Harald esto 1994 Diaz, Veronica J. mexi 1996 Lucio, br M. A. I. conz 1998 Czuba, fr J. cong
1990 Nicholson, sr A.C. ango 1994 Dibaj, pastor Mehdi iran 1996 Lucio, sr M. A. I. conz 1998 de Rojas, M. R. colo
1990 Priya SMA, sr indi 1994 Gatwa, T. rwan 1996 Makaboge, moderator E. soua 1998 Deng, A. Y. suda
1990 Soodmand, pastor H. iran 1994 Havugimana, evangelist I rwan 1996 Mataboge, rev E. soua 1998 Desrumeaux, sr A. conz
1990 Stanton, fr N. soua 1994 Heyns, moderator Johan soua 1996 Mathias, mrs. C. usa 1998 Gaona, br M. A. Q. colo
1990 Stumpf, H. keny 1994 Hovsepian-Mehr, bp H. iran 1996 Mathias, pastor C. & wife usa 1998 Gasigwa, sr E. rwan
1990 Sylvia SMA, sr indi 1994 Karuhije, dean A. rwan 1996 McAleese, sr P. ghan 1998 Germaine, sr conz
1990 Tete, president Martin indi 1994 Liibaan, Ibrahim soma 1996 Miville OCSO, br P. F. alge 1998 Haviaropoulos, V. turk
c1990 Wi-Foo myan 1994 Limar, br taji 1996 Mounabandi, sr C conz 1998 Hood, Carl colo
c1990 Xueyan, bp Fan chin 1994 Masih, Manzoor paki 1996 Mpengekeze, fr Y. buru 1998 Hoyo, br J. indi
1991 Aziza, Adel egyp 1994 Michaelian, pastor Tateos iran 1996 Mukeshimana, sr A. rwan 1998 Hubscher, fr M. mada
1991 Bagaric, fr N. bosn 1994 Musheng, Zheng chin 1996 Munyankuyu, fr A. conz 1998 Hudon, fr B. hait
1991 Bethea, Lynda keny 1994 Nieto, F. A. E. peru 1996 Munzihirwa, abp C. conz 1998 Hughes, B. brit
1991 Capasilan, A. phil 1994 Nsengiyumva, abp V. rwan 1996 Munzombo, pasotr D. conz 1998 Kagabo, fr B. rwan
1991 Casaverde, C. peru 1994 Nsengiyumva, bp T. rwan 1996 Ndacikiriwe, sr C. buru 1998 Kathihe, sr L. ango
1991 Chuquin, J. peru 1994 Nur al-Qums Binyamin egyp 1996 Ndihokubwayo, sr L. buru 1998 Lilia, sr yeme
1991 Cisneros, fr Moises guat 1994 Rutumbu, fr J. rwan 1996 Ngabo SJ, abp C. M. M. conz 1998 Loften, pastor A. usa
1991 Claude, pastor Sylvio hait 1994 Ruzindana, bp J. rwan 1996 Ngwije, fr A. K. rwan 1998 Louis, fr J-P. hait
1991 Cristovao, fr M.J. moza 1994 Serech, P. guat 1996 Nikwigize, bp P. rwan 1998 Malenga, E. conz
1991 Goldsworthy, K. phil 1995 Van Dyke, T. colo 1996 Nirere, fr B. conz 1998 Malesh, pastor J. suda
1991 Gutierrez, L. peru 1994 Vincent, pastor Jean-Marie hait 1996 Nsengiyunva, fr E. conz 1998 Mandro, J-F. K. conz
1991 Hass, sr Claire baha 1995 Welsh, S. colo 1996 Ramanauskas, fr V. lith 1998 Marrero, mgr A. G. vene
1991 Lawi, Ezra suda 1995 Alean, pastor M. colo 1996 Ringeard OCSO, fr C. alge 1998 Michaela, sr yeme
1991 McCormack, sr Irene peru 1995 Argelio, pastor J. colo 1996 Ruhuna, J., abp of Gitega buru 1998 Mukagakwaya, sr X. rwan
1991 Mohammed, br nige c1995 Finnemann, bp W. phil 1996 Sabuni, pastor M. conz 1998 Mukamuhire, sr B. rwan
1991 Plumey OMI, abp I. came 1995 Fumagalli, Graziella soma 1996 Schiavo, fr G. tanz 1998 Mukanoheli, sr V. rwan
1991 Prada Pires, fr J.M. braz 1995 Gomez Ramos, pastor A. mexi 1996 Sebalija, sr L. conz 1998 Muntoni, fr G. ital
1991 Sarmiento, M. peru 1995 Goobe, A. soma 1996 Semutwe, sr M. A. conz 1998 Nakavoua, G. A. cong
1991 Shaga, Nana ethi 1995 Grassi, br B. pale 1996 Sokan, Khoun camb 1998 Nielsen, B. M. buru
1991 Sigridsson, S. phil 1995 Hernandez Perez, pastor G. mexi 1996 Soto OP, fr W. L. puer 1998 Puttaniyil, br L. indi
1991 Speers, J. phil 1995 Iloputaife, bp H. A. nige 1996 Xiuju, Zhang chin 1998 Quinn, Jason brit
1991 Strzalkowski, fr Z. peru 1995 Isho, E.K. iraq 1996 Yusefi, pastor Mohammad B. iran 1998 Quinn, Mark brit
1991 Tattersall, N. peru c1995 Katoolig, C. soma 1996 Zubiri, sr Carmen rwan 1998 Quinn, Richard brit
1991 Tomaszek OFM, fr M. peru 1995 Kerkatta, John indi 1997 Alege, prof A. conz 1998 Rajiv, John indi
1991 Turati OFM, fr P. soma 1995 Leclerc, sr D. alge 1997 Anchanickal SJ, fr T. indi 1998 Rwangeyo, sr D. rwan
1991 Vargas, C. peru 1995 Littlejohn, sr J. alge 1997 Badiali, rev D. peru 1998 Saenz, J. D. colo
1991 You WF, fr Alexander ugan 1995 Maclese, sr P. ghan 1997 Batista, sr T. braz 1998 Satchilombo, Francisco ango
1992 Aguiar, sr L. ango c1995 Mahamed, S. soma 1997 Bedoya, fr A. colo 1998 Schreck, sr M. soua
1992 Al-Hari, A. phil 1995 Maria, sr Rani indi 1997 Beltran, A. saud 1998 Siahae, J. indo
1992 Amlak, fr A. ethi 1995 Masih, Iqbal paki 1997 Bosmans, Sr M. rwan 1998 Simatupang, T. M. indo
1992 Bacabis, G. phil 1995 Masih, Javed paki 1997 Buchwolder, sr C. buru 1998 Sritharan, pastor Vasu sril
1992 Bakheit, dr S. egyp 1996 Murphy, sr C. ghan 1997 Collazo, S. mexi 1998 Wimana, sr C. rwan
1992 Carzedda, fr S. phil 1995 O’Neill, fr E. soua 1997 d’Herouville, Sr C. chad 1999 Abadiano, Ted phil
1992 Celiz, Romeo phil 1995 Petcu, A. mold 1997 da Silva, rev J. J. C. braz 1999 Aloysius, sr M. sier
1992 Culembee Munto, sr M. ango 1995 Prevost, sr O. alge 1997 de Jesus, bp B. phil 1999 Bernall, Cassie usa
1992 de Dios, Manuel usa 1995 Rangell, Hugo colo 1997 Donado, elder W. colo 1999 Bhatti, Sabir John paki
1992 de Fonseca Guerra, fr A. ango 1995 Ruibal, pastor Julio C. colo 1997 Estafanos, K. egyp 1999 Carmeline, sr sier
1992 Fallah, pastor J. libe 1995 Saquic Vasquez, pastor M. guat 1997 Gadzhiyev, G. russ 1999 Hindu, sr sier
1992 Fiorini, fr Alfredo moza 1995 Saro-Wiwa, K. nige 1997 Gadzhiyev, Tatiana russ 1999 Kulakov, pastor A. russ
1992 Goncalves, sr M.L. Granado moza 1995 Sellekaerts IHM, sr C. conz 1997 Gafney SJ, fr T. nepa 1999 Massoud, Magdi F. egyp
1992 Guirguis, A.S. egyp c1995 Sheekhdoon, M. soma 1997 Geyer-Iwand, V. germ 1999 Miller, Carla usa
1992 Guirguis, M.Q. egyp 1995 Sinankwa, fr M. buru 1997 Habakurama, rev I. rwan 1999 Miller, Jr., Shon usa
1992 Hamill, J. phil 1995 Solan, Joel phil 1997 Hatagekimang, rev A. conz 1999 Peleman, fr A. soua
1992 Hapalla, pastor Gregorio phil 1995 Vasquez, pastor M.S. guat 1997 Hernandez, M. mexi 1999 Rojas, fr H. F. colo
1992 Husband, sr G. came 1995 Yi, C.H. russ 1997 Isidi, rev N. nige 1999 Saluhaku, fr A. ango
1992 Iqbal, Tahir paki 1995 Yi, K. W. russ 1997 James, Jessica usa 1999 Scott, Rachel usa
1992 Jackson, J. libe 1996 Abdel-Sayeda, H. L. egyp 1997 Janda, R. saud 1999 Staines, Graham indi
1992 Jackson, T. & J. libe 1996 Alzate Varela, pastor P. colo 1997 Kabera, rev E. conz 1999 Staines, Philip indi
1992 Juliet phil 1995 Amador, pastor Manuel colo 1997 Kiyumukiza, rev A. N. conz 1999 Staines, Timothy indi
1992 Kariuki, pastor H. keny 1996 Bagtasos III, pastor S. phil 1997 Magomedov, H & T. russ 1999 Sweva, sr sier
1992 Khalil, H.F. egyp 1996 Bumendwa, fr J. C. conz 1997 Marcellina, sr A. T. S. paki 1999 Tomlin, John usa
1992 Kolmer, sr J. libe 1996 Bwambale, pastor P. conz 1997 Matti, Haval iraq 1999 Umbarger, Deena M. soma
1992 Kolmer, sr S. libe 1996 Camacho, H. phil 1991 Matti, Lazar iraq 2000 Abakumate, sr M cent
1992 Kon, Paul suda 1996 Carro, C. Quiroz colo 1997 Mihingo, rev N. conz 2000 Akullu, G. ugan
1992 Leal, sr Torres N. colo 1996 Chanthom, Toun camb 1997 Mukamihogo, sr F. conz 2000 Akweyo, sr D. ugan
1992 Leone, sr M. came 1996 Cherukarokunnel, L. J. indi 1997 Munyakazy, rev E. conz 2000 Amzati, C.G. conz
1992 Locatelli, A. rwan 1996 Christian, pastor Ishak indo 1997 Muyoboke, rev F. conz 2000 Asienzo, sr P. ugan
1992 Lukkappa, sadhu indi 1996 Claverie P., bp of Oran alge 1997 Nedumattahil, fr J. indi 2000 Bargiggia, fr A. buru
1992 Mal-Allah, S.A.K. saud 1996 Concesse, Sr buru 1997 Nyirabakungu, sr C. conz 2000 Bello, fr C.O. nige
1992 Maniafo, S.J. keny 1996 Coronel, J. D. colo 1997 Nyirarukundu, sr M. conz 2000 Bernardo, fr J. alba
1992 Mbatha, S’Khumbuzo soua 1996 de Chergé OCSO, dom C. alge 1997 Ozdemir, Ali turk 2000 Chittinapilly, fr S.J. indi
1992 McGuire, sr K. libe 1996 de la Fuente, br F. conz 1997 Pande, evangelist M. indi 2000 Crasta, fr V. indi
1992 Mueller, sr S. libe 1996 Dochier OCSO, br L. alge 1997 Pena, fr S. C. colo 2000 di Bari, fr R. ugan
1992 Muttra, sr B.A. libe 1996 Farris, Dr. Ron como 1997 Perez, M. mexi 2000 Dias, J. da Rocha ango
1992 Pfister, J. ivor 1996 Favre-Miville OCOS, br P. alge 1997 Pinard WF, fr Guy rwan 2000 Duque, fr H. colo
1992 Pimentel, sr M. ango 1996 Fernando, SJ, R. M. camb 1997 Ramos SJ, fr W. G. mexi 2000 Emmanuel, bp G. indi
1992 Poppa, sr R. rwan 1996 Fleury OCSO, br M. alge 1997 Rio, pastor W. phil 2000 Gallardo, fr R. phil
1992 Ricci, fr F. ethi 1996 Gabriel, I. A. egyp 1997 Ruiz, pastor N. H. mexi 2000 Gaytan, rev J. mexi
1992 Robinson, W. leba 1996 Gakobwa, Sr I. buru 1997 Ruterahagusha, pastor T. rwan 2000 Grange, fr R. ivor
1992 Saah, pastor D. libe 1996 Gakondo, sr J. A. conz 1997 Ruterahagusha, T. rwan 2000 Inocencio, fr B. phil
1992 Sahihembo, Alfredo ango 1996 Garcia, br S. M. conz 1997 Selorio, pastor E. phil 2000 Jami, fr Y. indo
1992 Saune, R. peru 1996 Gatuku, fr C. conz 1997 Sifer, M. H. iraq 2000 Kaiser, fr A. keny
1992 Tsotetsi, Saul soua 1996 Gatunga, sr J. conz 1997 Stegar, Kayce usa 2000 Karketta, fr R. indi
1993 Alzokim, N.F. egyp 1996 Girgis, M. B. egyp 1997 Thomas SJ, fr A. T. indi 2000 Kuzhikandom, fr G. indi
1993 Bassiliouss, P. egyp 1996 Gonzales, J. L. colo 1997 Timmons, br L. keny 2000 Masih, Mushtaq indi
1993 Bimazubute, G. buru 1996 Haaji, professor soma 1997 Tshisambu, fr F. conz 2000 Nzikobanyanka, rev P. buru
1993 Chunjee, bp P.S. chin 1996 Hakizimana, fr S. buru 1997 Twagirayezu, rev U. conz 2000 Ogbu, fr J.M.O. nige
c1993 Difen, bp Liu chin 1996 Hanas, dr Michel Ayad egyp 1997 Uwizeyimana, rev J. conz 2000 Pepe, fr R. conz
1993 Iskandar, E.N. egyp 1996 Hansda, S. indi 1997 Yirirwahandi, rev P. rwan 2000 Ramirez, fr A.G. colo
1993 Izmery, A. hait 1996 Hapalla, J. phil 1998 Abrao ango 2000 Rochester, fr H. jama
1991 Jeanne SAM, fr A. ivor 1996 Her, Ah laos 1998 Adrienne, sr conz 2000 Sequeira, sr C. paki
1993 Korfeh, pastor T. libe 1996 Huseen, professor H. M. soma 1998 Alam, pastor Noor paki 2000 Simionato, sr G. buru
1993 Manping, Lai chin 1996 Irenee, sr buru 1998 Andeni, fr L. keny 2000 Tirelli, sr F. zamb
1993 Marsouk, H. egyp 1996 Ishak Christian, pastor indo 1998 Anetta, sr yeme 2000 Uzcudum, fr I. rwan
1993 Mikic OFM, fr L. bosn 1996 Jorge, br J. R. conz 1998 Beheydt, pastor G. S. ital
1993 Milicevic OFM, fr N. bosn 1996 Jurcevic, sr D bosn 1998 Benimana, sr F. rwan


Table 4–13. Geographical listing of 2,550 known Christian martyrs, AD 33-2000.

1981 Barendsen, Eeva afgh 66 Terentius arme 1553 Hooper, bp John brit 1996 Irenee, sr buru
1981 Barendsen, Erik afgh 451 Vardan Mamikonian arme 1535 Houghton, John, prior brit 1996 Mpengekeze, fr Y. buru
1989 Nodrat, Zia Mohammed afgh 76 Zakaria, bp arme 1998 Hughes, B. brit 1996 Ndacikiriwe, sr C. buru
1779 Aitolos, K. alba 66 Zarmandoukhte arme 1601 Hunt, Fr T. brit 1996 Ndihokubwayo, sr L. buru
2000 Bernardo, fr J. alba 1145 Bosinlother, abbot Conrad ausz c700 Indract brit 1998 Nielsen, B. M. buru
1979 Coba, bp E. alba 1012 Coloman ausz 854 Indrechtach, abbot of Iona brit 2000 Nzikobanyanka, rev P. buru
1973 Damian, abp of Tirane alba 1528 Hubmaier, B. ausz 1679 Ireland, fr W. brit 1996 Ruhuna, J., abp of Gitega buru
1948 Gigni, bp alba 1527 Hut, H. ausz 1544 Ireland, J. brit 2000 Simionato, sr G. buru
1948 Gijni, bp alba 1120 Merbot ausz 1540 Jerome, William brit 1995 Sinankwa, fr M. buru
1016 John Baptist Vladimir, prince alba 1524 Tauber, Casper ausz 254 Julius brit c1927 Filaret, bp of Bobruisk byel
1949 Kisi, abp K. alba 1988 Hairapetian, V. azer 1678 Kemble, John brit c1930 Ioann, bp of Mozyr byel
1972 Kurti, fr Shtjefen alba 1991 Hass, sr Claire baha 821 Kenelm, prince brit c1930 Mikhail, bp of Slutsk byel
1952 Prennushi, abp N. alba 1971 Biswas, U. bang 1902 Kensit, John brit 1943 Nemantsevich, exarch A. byel
1948 Volai, bp alba 1972 Brown, pastor bang 1544 Larke, J. brit 1975 Badre OSB, prior J. camb
1996 Claverie P., bp of Oran alge 1965 Goehring, H. bang 1553 Latimer, bp Hugh brit 1996 Chanthom, Toun camb
304 Crispina of Tagora alge c1965 McBeth, fr bang 1645 Laud, William, abp of Canter brit 1976 Chunsar OSB, fr B. C. camb
1996 de Chergé OCSO, dom C. alge 1915 Cavell, Edith belg 1535 Lawrence, Robert, prior brit 1576 de Azevedo OP, fr Silvestre camb
1916 de Foucauld, Charles alge c650 Dympna of Ireland belg 1405 Le Scrope, abp R. brit 1996 Fernando, SJ, R. M. camb
1996 Dochier OCSO, br L. alge 750 Gerulf belg 1588 Leigh, fr R. brit 1976 Salas, bp J. C. camb
1996 Favre-Miville OCOS, br P. alge 705 Lambert, bp of Maastricht belg 1678 Lewis, David brit 1996 Sokan, Khoun camb
1996 Fleury OCSO, br M. alge 884 Rombout of Malines belg 1679 Lewis, fr D brit 1975 Tep Im, bp Paolo camb
1683 Le Vacher, bp J. alge 1536 Tyndale, William belg 1678 Lloyd, John brit 1992 Husband, sr G. came
1996 Lebreton, OCSO, fr C. alge 1927 Amfiteatrov, P. belo 1651 Love, pastor Christopher brit 1992 Leone, sr M. came
1995 Leclerc, sr D. alge 1657 Bobola SJ, fr Andrew belo 1116 Magnus, earl of Orkney brit 1991 Plumey OMI, abp I. came
1996 Lemarchand OCSO, fr Bruno alge 1623 Kuncevicz, abp Josaphat belo 1577 Mayne, C. brit 1649 Chabenel, N. cana
1995 Littlejohn, sr J. alge 1982 Manzinger, fr belo 254 Mercurius brit 1648 Daniel SJ, A. cana
1996 Luc, Father alge 1943 Bacon, D. boli 1601 Middleton, fr R. brit 1649 de Brebeuf SJ, fr J. cana
1315 Lull, Ramon alge 1691 de Arce, Jose boli 1450 Moleyns, A., bp of Chichester brit 1649 Garnier, fr C. cana
295 Maximilian alge 1943 Dye, B. boli 1535 More, Thomas brit 1642 Goupil SJ, R. cana
1996 Miville OCSO, br P. F. alge 1943 Dye, C. boli 1645 Morse, fr H. brit 1646 Jogues SJ, fr I. cana
397 Optatus, bp of Thamugadi alge 1980 Espinal SJ, fr L. boli c550 Nectan brit 1646 Lalande SJ, fr John de cana
1995 Prevost, sr O. alge 1943 Hosback, G. boli 1578 Nelson, fr J. brit 1649 Lalemant SJ, fr G. cana
1996 Ringeard OCSO, fr C. alge 1943 Hunter, E. boli 1679 Nevill, fr F. brit 1654 Leonard of Chartres, fr cana
1998 Abrao ango 1962 Kruegler MM, fr W.C. boli 1615 Ogilvie SJ, J. brit 1619 Poulain, fr G. cana
1992 Aguiar, sr L. ango 1971 Le Febre, M. boli 1418 Oldcastle, Sir John brit 1724 Rale SJ, fr S. cana
1992 Culembee Munto, sr M. ango 1991 Bagaric, fr N. bosn 642 Oswald, king of Northumbria brit 1625 Viel, fr N. cana
1992 de Fonseca Guerra, fr A. ango 1996 Jurcevic, sr D bosn 651 Oswin, king brit 2000 Abakumate, sr M cent
1972 de Freitas, pastor F. ango 1993 Mikic OFM, fr L. bosn c65 Osyth, queen brit 1997 d’Herouville, Sr C. chad
2000 Dias, J. da Rocha ango 1993 Milicevic OFM, fr N. bosn c904 Pandonia brit 555 Helier chan
1989 Giuliatti OFMCap, fr A. ango 1997 Batista, sr T. braz 1555 Philpot, J., archdeacon brit 1985 Allende, S. N. chil
1998 Kathihe, sr L. ango 1998 Commissari, fr L. braz 1679 Pickering, T. brit 1973 Alsina, fr J. chil
1985 Kautudja, sr L. ango 1997 da Silva, rev J. J. C. braz 1681 Plunket, primate O. brit 1985 Ceballos, M. G. chil
1985 Moretto, fr J. ango 1822 Joana Angelica, abbess braz 1649 Plunkett, earl C. brit 1612 de Aranda SJ, fr M. chil
1990 Nicholson, sr A.C. ango 1978 Lunkebein, fr R. braz 1646 Powel, fr. P. brit 1612 de Montalban SJ, br J. chil
1985 Paredes, A.A. ango 1976 Lunkenbein, fr R. braz 1644 Price, fr Robert brit 1612 de Vecchi SJ, fr H. chil
1992 Pimentel, sr M. ango 1989 Maire, fr G.F. braz 304 Probus brit 1983 Jarlan, A. chil
1961 Rodrigues, deacon Pedro ango 1991 Prada Pires, fr J.M. braz 1998 Quinn, Jason brit 1985 Maluendo, J. M. P. chil
1992 Sahihembo, Alfredo ango 254 Aaron & Julius brit 1998 Quinn, Mark brit 1905 An, evangelist chin
1999 Saluhaku, fr A. ango 1222 Adam, bp of Caithness brit 1998 Quinn, Richard brit 1900 Andlauer SJ, fr M. chin
1998 Satchilombo, Francisco ango 875 Adrian of May, bp brit c870 Ragener brit 1950 Beda SJ, fr Tsiang chin
1985 Sikufinde, fr L. ango 209 Alban of Verulamium brit 1595 Rawlins, A. brit 1916 Bettex, Paul chin
1985 Wasnak, fr J.E. ango 577 Aldate, bp of Gloucester brit 1661 Renwick, J. brit 1945 Birch, J. chin
1976 Angelelli, bp Enrique arge c800 Alkelda, princess brit 1553 Ridley, bp Nicholas brit 1900 Blind Chang Shen chin
1976 Dios Murias, fr C. arge 1012 Alphege, abp of Canterbury brit 1611 Roberts, fr. J. brit 1938 Cairns, fr R. chin
1903 Figueroa, Juana arge 1628 Arrowsmith, fr E. brit 1642 Roe, Alban brit 1941 Cairns, fr R. J. chin
1851 Gardiner, Allen arge 1410 Badby, J. brit 1401 Sawtrey, W. brit 1900 Carleson, N. chin
1976 Longueville, fr G. arge 1601 Barkworth, fr M. brit 1612 Scott, fr. M. brit 1950 Carlo, bp A. chin
1961 Mendez, Juana F. arge 1641 Barlow, fr. A. brit 1588 Shelley, F. brit 1925 Cassels, bp W. C. chin
1934 Moreno, Ramonita arge 1540 Barnes, Robert brit 1595 Southwell, fr R. brit 1900 Chao Hsi Mao chin
1683 Ortiz de Zarate, fr P. arge 1593 Barrow, Henry brit 1654 Southworth, fr J. brit 1811 Chao, A. chin
1825 Pogio, fr Bartolome arge 1534 Barton, Elizabeth brit 1539 Stone, J. brit 1993 Chunjee, bp P.S. chin
1683 Salinas, fr arge 1546 Beaton, abp D. brit 870 Tancred brit 1811 Clet, F. chin
1963 Sangueso, P. P. arge 1531 Bilney, Thomas brit 304 Tarachus brit 1820 Clet, fr F. R. chin
1908 Sivila, Visitación arge 1555 Bradford, John brit 1170 Thomas Becket, abp of Canter brit 1929 Coveyou, fr W. chin
1971 Tejerina, Silvita A. arge 1581 Briant, fr A. brit 870 Torthred brit 1634 de Andrade, fr A. chin
1950 Vasquez, Carmen arge 1560 Brooks, J., bp of Gloucester brit 870 Tova brit 1644 de Capillas OP, fr F. chin
c125 Acacius arme 1661 Campbell, A. brit 1471 Tresham, T. brit 1950 de Smedt, bp L. J. chin
c550 Adeodatus (Astouadz-Mapod) arme 1581 Campion, fr E. brit 1616 Tunstall, fr. T. brit 1900 Denn, fr P. chin
66 Anna of Ormisdat arme 1661 Cargill, D. brit 1679 Turner, fr A. brit c1993 Difen, bp Liu chin
333 Aristakes I, patriarch arme 1605 Catesby, Robert brit 1592 Udall, J. brit 1938 Donovan MM, fr G. chin
c97 Atirnerseh, patriarch arme 1648 Charles I, king brit 1661 Venner, Thomas brit 1934 Esteban, fr T. chin
451 Atom & his legion arme 1586 Clitherow, Margaret brit 1679 Wall, fr John brit 1952 Ford, bp F.X. chin
68 Bartholomew, Apostle arme 1413 Cobham, Lord brit 1595 Walpole, H. brit 1339 Francis of Alessandria chin
316 Blaize, bp arme 1678 Coleman, Edward brit 1588 Ward, Margaret brit 1339 Gilotti, William chin
347 Daniel, patriarch arme 576 Constantine, abbot brit 1535 Webster, Augustine, prior brit 1900 Guillon, bp L. chin
c650 David of Douine arme 1644 Corby, fr Ralph brit 1679 Whitbread, fr T. brit 1929 Holbein, fr G. chin
1314 de Rosatis, A. of Milan arme 1594 Cornelius, fr J. brit 1428 White, William brit 1861 Holmes, J. L. chin
1314 Francis of Fermo arme 1582 Cottam, fr T. brit 1539 Whiting, R., abbot of Glastonb brit 1606 Hwang Ming-sha SJ, br chin
290 Gayane, abbess arme 1553 Cranmer, abp Thomas brit c1000 Wigstan brit 1900 Isore, fr R. chin
193 Ghevondius, patriarch arme 1326 de Stapledon, Walter, bp brit 1144 William of Norwich brit 1362 James, abp of Zaitun chin
c1150 Goharin & companions arme 617 Donnan & 52 companions brit 1201 William of Rochester brit 1947 Jensen, fr B. chin
c550 Grigor-Rajik arme c850 Ebba, abbess brit 1154 William, abp of York brit 1339 John of India, br chin
337 Grigoris, exarch arme 869 Edmund the Martyr, king brit 1660 Wilson, Margaret brit 1943 Kim, evangelist chin
347 Houssik I, patriarch arme 979 Edward the Martyr, king brit 1546 Wishart, G. brit 1905 Kim, evangelist chin
454 Hovsep I, patriarch arme 794 Ethelbert, king brit 1573 Woodhouse, fr T. brit 1900 King, A. chin
290 Hripsime arme 1679 Evans, fr D brit 1651 Wright, Peter brit 1816 Lantrua, fr G. chin
c850 Isaac, prince arme 1679 Fenwick, fr J. brit 1956 Boris, metrop of Nevrokop bulg 1339 Lawrence of Alessandria chin
c850 Joseph, prince arme 1601 Filcock, fr. R. brit 1952 Bossilkoff CP, bp E. bulg 1940 Lebbe, fr F. V. chin
66 Jude (Thaddaeus), Apostle arme 1535 Fisher, cardinal John brit 1514 George Novi of Sophia bulg 1900 Li, fr J. chin
1383 Kador, John arme 866 Fremund brit c302 Julius of Durostorum bulg 1945 Liddell, Eric chin
1938 Khoren I, catholicos arme 1533 Frith, J. brit 1952 Kirtoff, apostolic exarch bulg 1960 Lin, H.H. chin
66 Mariam of Houssik arme 1544 Gardiner, J. brit 1555 Nicholas Novi of Sophia bulg 1938 Liu, H. chin
66 Martha of Makovtir arme 1608 Garnet, fr T. brit c294 Nikander bulg 1934 Liu, Y. C. chin
1314 Monold of Ancona arme 1679 Gavan, fr J. brit 1981 Tsachev, N.V. bulg 1937 Lo Pa Hong chin
373 Nerses I, catholicos arme 1591 Genings, fr E. brit 1795 Zlata of Magden bulg 1847 Lowrie, Walter M. chin
66 Ogouhie, princess arme 1540 Gerrard, Thomas brit 1881 Augier, fr buru 1906 Macdonald, dr R. J. chin
110 Oski arme 1608 Gervase, fr. G. brit 1987 Bangirimana, Ernest buru 1900 Mangin, fr L. I. chin
c250 Polyeuctus arme 1593 Greenwood, John brit 2000 Bargiggia, fr A. buru 1993 Manping, Lai chin
c308 Repsima & 78 companions arme 1679 Grove, J. brit 1993 Bimazubute, G. buru 1339 Martel, Peter chin
290 Salahouni, Theodore arme 1661 Guthrie, James brit 1972 Binyoni, Abel buru 1400 Matthew of Escandel chin
66 Samuel, satrap arme 1584 Gwyn, R. brit 1997 Buchwolder, sr C. buru 1994 Musheng, Zheng chin
66 Sandoukhte, princess arme 1528 Hamilton, Patrick brit 1996 Concesse, Sr buru 1972 Nee, Watchman chin
110 Soukias & companions arme 1571 Hamilton, primate J. brit 1881 D’Hoop, fr F. buru 1862 Neel, J. P. chin
1293 Stepanos IV, patriarch arme 1679 Harcourt, fr W. brit 1881 Deniaud, fr buru 1905 Ni, evangelist chin
347 Stephen of Ulnia arme 870 Hedda of Peterborough, abbot brit 1996 Gakobwa, Sr I. buru 1339 Pascal of Victoria chin
451 Suzanne arme 1642 Holland, fr T. brit 1996 Hakizimana, fr S. buru 1840 Perboyre, fr J. G. chin

Continued overleaf


Table 4–13 continued

1840 Perboyre, fr Jean G. chin 1997 Mihingo, rev N. conz 250 Batra egyp 1981 Raflan, B. egyp
1900 Pigott, J. chin 1996 Mounabandi, sr C conz c355 Behnam egyp c300 Rebecca of Sunbat egyp
1900 Pigott, T. W. & J. chin 1997 Mukamihogo, sr F. conz c291 Benjamin egyp c1780 Rizk Agha, vizier egyp
1900 Pitkin, H. T. chin 1997 Munyakazy, rev E. conz c297 Besamon egyp 1400 Saleeb egyp
1900 Price, Charles & Eva chin 1996 Munyankuyu, fr A. conz c1820 Bishay, Sidhom egyp c290 Salfana egyp
1900 Price, Eva chin 1996 Munzihirwa, abp C. conz c1250 Bulus al-Habis egyp c800 Salib egyp
1945 Rauschenbach MM, fr O. A. chin 1996 Munzombo, pasotr D. conz c286 Callinicus egyp 1981 Samuel, bp Makary El-Souria egyp
1339 Richard, bp of Almalik chin 1997 Muyoboke, rev F. conz 307 Catherine of Alexandria egyp c355 Sarah egyp
1339 Ruff, Raymond chin 1996 Ngabo SJ, abp C. M. M. conz c299 Chamoul egyp c290 Sarah & children egyp
1749 Sanz, bp P. chin 1996 Nirere, fr B. conz c286 Chanazhum egyp c287 Sarapamon of Scetis, bp egyp
1666 Schall SJ, fr A. von Bell chin 1996 Nsengiyunva, fr E. conz 250 Christophorus egyp c365 Serapion, bp of Thmuis egyp
1953 Seng, Joseph chin 1997 Nyirabakungu, sr C. conz 283 Cladius, Stratelates egyp 1993 Shafiq, S. egyp
1929 Seybold, fr C. chin 1997 Nyirarukundu, sr M. conz c299 Comas egyp c299 Shenufe egyp
1984 Shude SJ, fr F.Z. chin 2000 Pepe, fr R. conz c340 Copres egyp c299 Shenute egyp
1932 Simpson, W. E. chin 1964 Rhine, Phyllis conz c291 Cyriacus egyp c650 Shinudah, anba egyp
1934 Stam, Betty chin 1996 Sabuni, pastor M. conz 1860 Cyril IV, patriarch egyp 1910 Sidhom Bishai, deacon egyp
1934 Stam, John & Betty chin 1964 Scholten, W.H. conz 303 Cyrus & John egyp 1400 Sidrak, priest, & 5 monks egyp
1900 Sun Hwe Teh chin 1996 Sebalija, sr L. conz c286 Dalasina egyp c800 Simeon egyp
1929 Sundar Singh, sadhu chin 1995 Sellekaerts IHM, sr C. conz c299 Damian egyp c140 Sophia egyp
1811 Tapeng, J. C. chin 1996 Semutwe, sr M. A. conz c286 Dasyah egyp c286 Sophronius egyp
1949 Tornay, fr M. chin 1997 Tshisambu, fr F. conz c292 David egyp 284 Stephen, archdeacon egyp
1951 Wallace, W.L. chin 1964 Tucker, J. conz c359 Decius egyp c301 Tecula egyp
1950 Wang Ling-Tso, fr chin 1997 Twagirayezu, rev U. conz 305 Dimyanah & her 40 Virgins egyp 220 Theodorus of Peshotep egyp
1900 Wang Ten Ren chin 1997 Uwizeyimana, rev J. conz c287 Dioscorus egyp c306 Theodorus, bp of Pentapolis egyp
1989 Xinsheng, bp Li chin 1974 Viaene, fr L. conz c307 Elias the eunuch egyp 258 Theodotus egyp
1996 Xiuju, Zhang chin 1709 de Rebullida, fr P. cost c286 Epima egyp 1993 Theophiles, K.Y. egyp
c1990 Xueyan, bp Fan chin 1709 de Zamora, fr J.A. cost c292 Epimachus egyp c306 Tibarcius egyp
1972 Zhiming, pastor Wang chin 1627 Perez, fr R. cost 303 Epimachus of Pelusium egyp c291 Til, soldier egyp
1995 Alean, pastor M. colo 303 Anastasia croa 1997 Estafanos, K. egyp c309 Timothy of Memphis egyp
1996 Alzate Varela, pastor P. colo 303 Irineu, bp of Sirmium croa c291 Eudoxia egyp c295 Tolemaeus egyp
1995 Amador, pastor Manuel colo 1945 Simrak, bp J. croa c355 Eunapius, monk egyp c295 Uri, priest of Shatanut egyp
1995 Argelio, pastor J. colo 1961 Stepinac, cardinal abp A. croa c291 Euphemia egyp c345 Usaghniyus egyp
1988 Augusto, fr Giraldo Cesar colo 61 Barnabas, Apostle cypr c288 Febronia, nun egyp c306 Valerianus egyp
1997 Bedoya, fr A. colo 1821 Kyprianos, abp cypr 1996 Gabriel, I. A. egyp c359 Victor egyp
1989 Benitez, fr M.A. colo 1982 Barta, fr J. czec 1981 Ghabrail, fr Abd Mutagalli egyp c301 Victor of Asyut egyp
1981 Bitterman III, C.A. colo 1981 Coufal, fr P. czec 996 Ghabrial egyp c289 Wakhus egyp
1996 Carro, C. Quiroz colo 1631 Fleming, fr P. czec 1996 Girgis, M. B. egyp c1540 Yoannis al-Kalioobi, monk egyp
1998 Chicangana, fr A. J. colo 1979 Gono, fr M. czec c292 Gordian egyp 1833 Aquino, Anastasio elsa
1998 Colorado, Adan colo 1942 Gorazd, bp Pavlik czec 1992 Guirguis, A.S. egyp 1977 Arreola, sr Silvia Maribel elsa
1996 Coronel, J. D. colo 1217 Hroznata czec 1992 Guirguis, M.Q. egyp 1978 Bassera, fr Ernesto elsa
1944 Coy, Juan colo 1416 Jerome of Prague czec 1387 Hadid of Giza egyp 1980 Chacon, Juan elsa
1998 de Rojas, M. R. colo 1393 John of Nepomuk czec c450 Hamai of Kahyor egyp 1980 Clarke, sr M. elsa
1997 Donado, elder W. colo 916 Ludmilla czec 1996 Hanas, dr Michel Ayad egyp 1980 Donovan, sr J. elsa
2000 Duque, fr H. colo 1620 Sarkander, Jan czec c286 Helias, bp egyp 1989 Elba Ramos, Celina elsa
1990 Fernandez, fr T. colo 1981 Svanda, fr P. czec c300 Heraclides egyp 1989 Elba Ramos, Julia & Celina elsa
1948 Fowler, E. colo 1974 Trochta, cardinal S. czec c291 Herai egyp 1989 Ellacuria SJ, fr I. elsa
1998 Gaona, br M. A. Q. colo 929 Wenceslas, prince-duke czec 305 Hypatius of Gangra egyp 1985 Espino, pastor E. F. elsa
1988 Giraldo, fr C. Augusto colo 1550 Arason, bp J. & 2 sons denm 1400 Ileya egyp 1932 Farabundo, Marti elsa
1996 Gonzales, J. L. colo 1086 Canute IV, king denm c359 Irene egyp 1980 Ford, sr I. elsa
1998 Hood, Carl colo 1131 Canute Lavard denm c299 Isaac of Tiphre egyp 1989 Gomez, Maria Cristina elsa
1989 Jaramillo, bp Jesus E. colo 1176 Marguerite of Roeskilde denm c305 Isidore of Takinash egyp 1977 Grande, fr R. elsa
1974 Lain, fr Domingo colo 1944 Munk, pastor Kaj denm c299 Isidorus egyp 1980 Kazel, sr D. elsa
1992 Leal, sr Torres N. colo 1971 Potter, Nancy domr c300 Isidorus, monk egyp 1989 Lopez Lopez SJ, fr J. elsa
1989 Mansalve, bp Jesus E.J. colo 1971 Potter, Paul E. & Nancy domr 1993 Iskandar, E.N. egyp 1989 Lopez SJ, fr A. elsa
1989 Monsalve, bp Jesus E. J. colo 1987 Arango, sr Ines ecua c300 Jacob, The Soldier egyp 1989 Martin-Baro SJ, fr I. elsa
1997 Pena, fr S. C. colo 1887 Checa y Barba, abp J. I. ecua c258 Jerasimus egyp 1989 Montes SJ, fr S. elsa
2000 Ramirez, fr A.G. colo 1956 Elliot, J. ecua 303 John egyp 1977 Navarro, fr A. elsa
1995 Rangell, Hugo colo 1956 Fleming, P. ecua 1209 John of Phanidjoit egyp 1979 Ortiz, fr Octavia elsa
1989 Restrepo, fr S. colo 1987 Labaca Ugarte OFMCap, bp A. ecua c357 John, The Soldier egyp 1979 Palacios, fr Rafael elsa
1999 Rojas, fr H. F. colo 1956 McCully, E. ecua c291 Julitta egyp 1989 Ramon Moreno SJ, fr J. elsa
1995 Ruibal, pastor Julio C. colo 1956 Saint, Nate ecua c286 Justus, son of Numerianus egyp 1993 Ramos, bp Robert J. elsa
1998 Saenz, J. D. colo 1956 Youdarian, R. ecua c289 Kau of Bismay egyp 1970 Rodriguez, fr Nicolas elsa
1966 Torres, fr Camilo colo 1987 Zuma, pastor Antonio ecua 1992 Khalil, H.F. egyp 1980 Romero, abp Oscar elsa
1984 Ulcue Chocue, fr A. colo c300 Abadion, bp of Antinoopolis egyp 202 Leonides egyp 1977 Torres, L.A. elsa
1995 Van Dyke, T. colo c291 Abadir egyp 451 Macari of Edko, bp egyp 1975 Nze, bp Abuy Raphael equa
1995 Welsh, S. colo c250 Abadyus egyp c305 Macarius egyp 1198 Berthold, abbot esto
1996 Farris, Dr. Ron como c309 Abamun of Tarnut egyp 455 Macarius of Tkow, bp egyp c1480 Isidor & followers esto
1977 Biayenda, cardinal abp E. cong c309 Abamun of Tukh egyp c295 Makrawi, bp of Nikiou egyp 1990 Klein, Valve esto
1998 Czuba, fr J. cong 1996 Abdel-Sayeda, H. L. egyp 1811 Malati, Muallim egyp 1919 Kulbusch, bp Platon of Revel esto
1961 de Vos, pastor R. cong 249 Abu Sayfayn egyp 202 Marcella egyp 1990 Meri, dean Harald esto
1998 Nakavoua, G. A. cong 1400 Abu’l Farag egyp 305 Marcus egyp 1985 Aleku, B. ethi
1998 Adrienne, sr conz c287 Aesculapius egyp 68 Mark the Evangelist egyp 1992 Amlak, fr A. ethi
1997 Alege, prof A. conz c305 Aesi egyp 1993 Marsouk, H. egyp 1666 Andrade, vicar apostolic ethi
2000 Amzati, C.G. conz c300 Agathon and brothers egyp 1999 Massoud, Magdi F. egyp 1977 Argew, T. ethi
1964 Anuarite, sr M.C. conz 1387 al-Jadid, Jirjis egyp 249 Matra egyp 1640 Bruni SJ, fr B. ethi
1966 Bamba, Emmanuel conz 959 al-Muzahim, Jirjis egyp 631 Menas egyp 1640 Cardeira SJ, fr L. ethi
1706 Beatrice, Donna conz 249 Alexander, bp of Cappadocia egyp c717 Menas of Al-Ashmunayn egyp 1638 Cassian of Nantes, fr ethi
1996 Bumendwa, fr J. C. conz 251 Alexander, bp of Jerusalem egyp 296 Menas the Miracle Maker egyp 1638 de Almeida, bp Apollinaris ethi
1942 Bushiri, Mulumozi conz c360 Alladyus, bp egyp 305 Menas, governor egyp 1860 de Jacobis, bp Justin ethi
1998 Bwabulakombe, sr S. conz 1993 Alzokim, N.F. egyp c356 Mercurius egyp 1652 du Tremblay, fr J. L. ethi
1996 Bwambale, pastor P. conz c320 Ammonius, bp of Latopolis egyp 1400 Mikhail Abu Mokaitef egyp 1638 Franceschi SJ, fr H. ethi
1964 Carlson, P. conz c285 Amsah of Qift egyp c305 Milius egyp 1855 Gabra Mikael, fr ethi
1974 Charlier, fr E. conz c300 Anatolius, general egyp 1400 Moussa, monk egyp 1595 George, fr A. ethi
1996 de la Fuente, br F. conz c355 Andrew, monk egyp 1822 Muallim Ghali egyp 1652 Heyling, Peter ethi
1998 Desrumeaux, sr A. conz c290 Anub egyp 1801 Muallim Malati egyp 1973 Isa, Peter ethi
1977 Eschtruth, G.J.R. conz c295 Apaiule egyp c310 Mui egyp c450 Kharitas ethi
1996 Gakondo, sr J. A. conz c300 Apoli egyp c300 Nabraha egyp 1937 Mikael, bp ethi
1996 Garcia, br S. M. conz c285 Apollo egyp c304 Naharuh egyp 1635 Paes SJ, fr G. ethi
1996 Gatuku, fr C. conz c290 Apollonius egyp 285 Naou egyp 1937 Petros, bp ethi
1996 Gatunga, sr J. conz 245 Appolonia, deaconess egyp 1994 Nur al-Qums Binyamin egyp 1992 Ricci, fr F. ethi
1652 George of Ghiel, fr conz c310 Arianus, governor egyp c301 Olympius egyp 1638 Rodrigues SJ, fr F. ethi
1998 Germaine, sr conz c298 Arsenius egyp c301 Paese egyp 1980 Samwel, abp ethi
1997 Hatagekimang, rev A. conz 1400 Arsenius egyp c290 Panesneu, deacon egyp 1977 Selassie, emperor Haile ethi
1960 Hodgson, E. conz c290 Ascla egyp c313 Pantaleon, physician egyp 1991 Shaga, Nana ethi
1996 Jorge, br J. R. conz c296 Athanasius egyp c298 Patape, bp of Coptos egyp 1980 Theofilas, patriarch ethi
1997 Kabera, rev E. conz 258 Athanasius, bp egyp c290 Paul of Egypt egyp 1979 Tumsa, Gudinsa ethi
1996 Kahegezo, fr B. K. conz c288 Athom egyp 311 Peter I Ieromartyros, patriarch egyp 1716 Weiss, prefect L. ethi
1996 Kajibwami, br F. conz 1991 Aziza, Adel egyp 304 Phileas, bp of Thmuis egyp 1004 Abbo fran
1996 Kanyamanza, fr P. conz 284 Babylas, bp egyp c290 Philemon egyp c1640 Agathangelo of Vendome, fr fran
1996 Kasati, fr J. conz 1992 Bakheit, dr S. egyp c292 Phiobammon of Preht egyp 1794 Agricola Viala fran
1951 Kimbangu, prophet Simon conz 285 Balana, priest egyp c288 Piroou egyp 1871 Allard, fr fran
1997 Kiyumukiza, rev A. N. conz c300 Bandilaus, monk egyp c302 Pisura, bp of Masil egyp 1794 Ambroise, fr R. fran
1960 Knauf, E. conz c285 Banina egyp c306 Porphry egyp 1794 Andre, fr J. fran
1964 Lifenya, director Pierre conz c297 Barsanuphius (Warshanufy) egyp 207 Potamiana egyp c660 Annemond, bp of Lyons fran
1996 Lucio, br M. A. I. conz c850 Barsanuphius, monk egyp 305 Potamon of Heracla egyp 1155 Arnold of Brescia fran
1996 Lucio, sr M. A. I. conz 298 Basil, bp egyp c305 Procopius, governor egyp 434 Auraeus, bp fran
1998 Malenga, E. conz c297 Basilidas, general egyp 459 Proterius, patriarch egyp 1792 Balmain SJ, fr F. fran
1998 Mandro, J-F. K. conz 207 Basilides egyp c306 Psote of Psoi egyp 1321 Belibasta, Guilhem fran
1964 McMillan, H. conz 1993 Bassiliouss, P. egyp 1981 Quilini, H. N. egyp c150 Benignus fran

Continued opposite

Table 4–13 continued

685 Bercharius, abbot fran 1944 Koenzgen, G. germ 1996 Hansda, S. indi 123 Semsoun, bp of Edessa iraq
177 Blandina fran 1066 Kuno, bp of Trier germ 1998 Hoyo, br J. indi 342 Shahdost, catholicos iraq
1792 Bonnaud SJ, fr J. J. fran 1944 Lagerstadr, Farnz germ 1321 James of Padua indi 1975 Shimun, catholicos-patriarch iraq
c560 Cadog fran c1940 Leisner, fr K. germ 1597 Joseph, mar, metropolitan indi 1997 Sifer, M. H. iraq
1871 Captier, fr E. fran 1944 Letterhaus, B. germ 2000 Karketta, fr R. indi 341 Simeon Barsabae, catholicos iraq
1794 Carnus, fr C. fran 1941 Lichtenberg, fr B. germ 1995 Kerkatta, John indi 61 Simon Zelotes, Apostle iraq
1871 Caubert, fr J. fran 1534 Matthys, Jan germ 2000 Kuzhikandom, fr G. indi 448 Sirin iraq
1871 Clerc, fr A. fran 1944 Metzger, fr M. J. germ 1996 Lasker, evangelist Hussain indi 1918 Sontag, apostolic delegate iraq
1572 Coligny, admiral Gaspard de fran 1525 Munzer, T. germ 1992 Lukkappa, sadhu indi c810 Subaljesu, monk iraq
c285 Crispin fran 1527 Sattler, M. germ 1995 Maria, sr Rani indi 422 Suenas iraq
c285 Crispinian fran 1534 Schiemer, L., bp germ 2000 Masih, Mushtaq indi 448 Tamasgerd iraq
679 Dagobert II, king fran 1944 Schmidlin, professor J. germ 1997 Nedumattahil, fr J. indi 339 Tarbo, deaconess iraq
1871 Darboy, G., abp of Paris fran 1939 Schneider, pasotr germ 1583 Pacheco, fr A. indi 345 Uarda (Rose) iraq
1871 de Bengy, fr A. fran 643 Trudpert germ 1993 Packianathan, fr V.S. indi 341 Usthazanes iraq
1685 de Marolles, Louis fran 451 Ursula & virgins germ 1997 Pande, evangelist M. indi c800 Erc, bp of Slane irel
1792 De Millou SJ, fr J. C. fran c1935 von Moltke, Helmut germ 1321 Peter of Siena indi c440 Gwinear irel
1314 de Molay, J., grand master fran 1631 Wagner, fr Liborius germ 1752 Pillai, D. indi 1535 Kenraghty, chaplain Maurice irel
1621 de Montchretien, A. fran 1528 Winkler, pastor G. germ 1990 Priya SMA, sr indi 1650 McMahon, bp E. irel
1792 de Vafons, count fran 1995 Maclese, sr P. ghan 1998 Puttaniyil, br L. indi 1798 Murphy, fr J. irel
1871 Deguerry, fr fran 1996 McAleese, sr P. ghan 1998 Rajiv, John indi 1651 O’Brien, bp T. A. irel
1792 Delfaut SJ, fr W. A. fran 1996 Murphy, sr C. ghan 1597 Simon, mar, metropolitan indi 1580 O’Cullenan, G., abbot irel
259 Denys, bp of Paris fran 1900 Otu, Samuel ghan 1999 Staines, Graham indi 1612 O’Devany, C., bp irel
411 Desiderius, bp of Langres fran 304 Agape gree 1999 Staines, Philip indi 1575 O’Donnell SJ, E. irel
607 Desiderius, bp of Vienne fran 69 Andrew, Apostle gree 1999 Staines, Timothy indi 1578 O’Hely, P., bp irel
1559 Du Bourg, Anne fran 1813 Angelis gree 1990 Sylvia SMA, sr indi 1584 O’Hurley, D., abp irel
1792 Du Lau, abp J. M. fran 304 Chione gree 1990 Tete, president Martin indi 431 Palladius irel
1871 Ducoudray, fr L. fran c260 Cyril, bp of Gortyna gree 82 Thomas (Didymus), Apostle indi 1680 Talbot, P., abp of Dublin irel
259 Eleutherius fran 1802 Demetrios of Chios gree 1321 Thomas of Tolentino indi 309 Abdon ital
c660 Emmeram, bp of Poitiers fran 308 Demetrius, megalomartyr gree 1997 Thomas SJ, fr A. T. indi c100 Achilleus ital
c260 Eutropius, bp of Saintes fran 1807 George of Chios gree 1638 Berthelot, fr P. indo 259 Agapitus of Praeneste ital
1794 Expilly, bp L. A. fran 1838 Georgios gree 1996 Christian, pastor Ishak indo 249 Agatha ital
c250 Faith (Foy) fran 1814 Ignanos gree 1975 Constable, pastor Eric indo c350 Agnes ital
c290 Firmin, bp of Amiens fran 304 Irene gree 1968 Dale, pastor Stan indo c117 Alexander ital
655 Foillan, abbot fran 96 Luke the Evangelist gree 1996 Ishak Christian, pastor indo 397 Alexander ital
760 Gangolf fran 1802 Luke the New gree 1940 Jackson, F. C. indo 840 Alexander, bp of Fiesole ital
250 Genesius of Arles fran 1801 Mark the New gree 1945 Jaffray, R. A. indo 304 Andronicus ital
675 Germanus, abbot fran 969 Nicephorus, emperor gree 2000 Jami, fr Y. indo 1323 Angelus of Spoleto ital
1794 Gobel, J. B. J., bp of Paris fran 1754 Nicholas of Chios gree 1834 Lyman, H. indo c168 Anicetus, pope ital
1070 Godelive fran 1794 Polydorus the Cypriot gree 1968 Masters, P. indo c185 Apollonius, senator ital
731 Hainmar, bp of Auxerre fran 115 Rufus gree 1834 Munson, Samuel indo c120 Atrasis, daughter of Hadrian ital
202 Irenaeus, bp of Lyons fran 1635 Theophilus of Zakynthos gree 1652 Redemptus of the Cross, br indo 91 Aurelia Petronilla ital
1944 Jacob, Max fran 115 Zozimus gree 1998 Siahae, J. indo 1998 Beheydt, pastor G. S. ital
1431 Joan of Arc fran 1672 de San Vitores SJ, fr J. guam 1998 Simatupang, T. M. indo 884 Bertharius, abbot ital
1792 Lanfant, fr A. & 8 companions fran 1944 Duenas, fr Jesus guam 1282 Aldobrand of Florence iran c360 Bibiana ital
1685 Le Fevre, I. fran 1985 Cabrera Rivera, prof C.H. guat 1282 Anthony of Armenia iran 1388 Bonaventure Peraga, cardinal ital
1792 Lefranc, fr F. fran 1991 Cisneros, fr Moises guat 1279 Bar Kaliq, bp of Tus iran 1600 Bruno, br G. ital
679 Leodegar, bp of Autun fran 1998 Conedera, bp J. G. guat 1917 Benjamin Simon, catholicos iran 570 Cadoc, bp ital
451 Livarius fran c1976 de la Cruz, fr C. guat 1994 Dibaj, pastor Mehdi iran c165 Caecelia ital
1793 Louis XVI fran 1982 Garcia, Anastasio guat 1314 Francis of Borgo San Sepolcro iran c222 Callistus I, pope ital
1871 Olivaint, fr P. fran c1976 Gran, fr J.M. guat 1340 Gentle of Matelica iran c300 Castorius ital
c260 Patroclus fran 1983 Holdenried, F.X. guat 615 George the Monk iran 178 Cecilia ital
426 Patroclus of Arles, primate fran 1976 Lopez, fr H. guat 1994 Hovsepian-Mehr, bp H. iran 303 Chrysogonus ital
1133 Peter of Bruys fran 1990 Mack, Myrna guat 1624 Ketevan, queen iran c300 Claudius ital
1208 Peter of Castelnau, legate fran 1981 Miller, fr J. guat 1994 Michaelian, pastor Tateos iran c90 Cletus, bp of Rome ital
1794 Pinot, fr N. fran 1981 Rother, fr S. guat 1869 Mirza Ibrahim iran 253 Cornelius, pope ital
177 Ponticus fran 1995 Saquic Vasquez, pastor M. guat 1979 Sayyad, fr iran c302 Crescentia ital
c260 Pontius fran 1994 Serech, P. guat 1979 Siyah, pastor Aristou iran c360 Dafrosa & Demetria ital
1310 Porete, Marguerite fran 1982 Toj, Juan Garcia guat 1990 Soodmand, pastor H. iran 1878 David, fr ital
177 Pothinus, bp fran 1983 Toma, pastor Nicolas guat 1334 William of England iran c360 Demetria ital
586 Praetextatus, bp of Rouen fran 1981 Troyer, J.D. guat 1996 Yusefi, pastor Mohammad B. iran 235 Demetrius ital
c260 Privatus fran 1985 Tzalam Coj, Manuel de Jesus guat 552 Aba, mar, patriarch catholicos iraq 834 Deusdedit, abbot of M Cassino ital
1572 Ramus, Peter fran 1995 Vasquez, pastor M.S. guat 410 Abda, mar iraq c300 Elmo, bp of Formiae ital
c1350 Roch, healer fran c1976 Voordeckers, fr W. guat 375 Abdas, metropolitan iraq 1075 Erlembald ital
259 Rusticus fran 1976 Woods MM, fr W. guat 341 Abdechalas & Ananias iraq c111 Eustathius, Roman general ital
1593 Sales, fr J. fran 1963 Barbosa, evangelist Dinis gunb 575 Ahudemmeh, bp of Tagrit iraq c117 Eventius & Theodulus ital
259 Saturninus fran 1963 da Costa, Joaquin gunb 448 Anahid iraq 250 Fabian, pope ital
1593 Saultemouche, fr W. fran 1963 da Silva, pastor Pedro gunb 341 Ananias iraq c297 Felician ital
1857 Sibour, abp of Paris fran 1963 Landim gunb 346 Anna iraq 259 Felicissimus & Agapitus ital
1242 Stephen of Narbonne fran 1962 Mendes, evangelist Formoso gunb 1918 Audo, abp iraq 95 Flavius Clemens ital
c190 Symphorian fran 1963 Vaz Martins, evangelist Victor gunb 484 Babowi, catholicos iraq 165 Gervase & Protase ital
1803 Toussaint-Louverture, F.D. fran 1991 Claude, pastor Sylvio hait 346 Barbashmin, catholicos iraq 91 Glabrio, Manius Acilius, consul ital
177 Vettius Epagathus fran 1998 Hudon, fr B. hait 493 Barsumas, bp iraq 1902 Goretti, Maria ital
258 Victorinus fran 1993 Izmery, A. hait 422 Benjamin iraq 235 Hippolytus, antipope ital
689 Vigilius, bp of Auxerre fran 1998 Louis, fr J-P. hait 327 Berikjesu iraq 115 Ignatius, bp of Antioch ital
476 Volusianus, bp of Tours fran 1961 Moreau, fr Yvon Emmanuel hait c337 Caxo, prince iraq 730 James, bp of Catania ital
1242 William of Arnaud fran 1994 Vincent, pastor Jean-Marie hait 422 Chouchanik iraq 305 Januarius, bp of Benevento ital
1799 Lewis, pastor T. frep 1612 Bertelete, fr E. hond c337 Dado, governor iraq 526 John I, pope ital
786 Abo geor 1975 Betancur, fr I. hond 345 Daniel iraq 928 John X, pope ital
610 Anastasius, patriarch geor 1983 Carney SJ, fr J.G. hond 448 Dindui, metropolitan iraq c120 Junia ital
1288 Conrad of Saxony geor 1975 Cypher OFM, fr M.C. hond 1261 Dionysius, antipatriarch iraq 165 Justin Martyr & 5 companions ital
379 Eustace of Mtskheta geor 1623 de Baena, br J. hond 303 Febronia iraq 259 Lawrence ital
1918 Kirion III, catholicos-patriarch geor 1612 de Monteagudo, fr J. hond 1972 George, Margaret iraq c76 Linus, bp of Rome ital
662 Maximus the Confessor, abbot geor 1623 Lopez, fr B. hond c337 Gobidlaha, princess iraq c171 Lucius ital
1921 Nazary, metrop of Kutaisi geor 1623 Puerta, fr C.M. hond 315 Gurias & companions iraq 303 Lucy ital
c490 Rajden geor 1905 Chestnut, Eleanor hong 345 Hanania iraq 275 Magnus, bp of Fabrateria ital
c473 Shushanik, queen geor 1945 Apor, bp Vilmos hung 422 Hormisdas iraq 410 Marcella ital
1908 Sofiisky, exarch abp N. geor 1959 Balint, S. hung 408 Hormizd of Sylvanus, rabban iraq 178 Marcellus ital
1288 Stephen of Hungary geor 1619 Crisinus, fr M. hung 420 Hormizdas iraq 309 Marcellus, pope ital
1632 Adolphus, king Gustavus germ 1579 Franz, David hung c240 Intercisus, James iraq c364 Mark, bp of Arethusa ital
303 Afra germ 1046 Gerard, bp of Csanad hung 1995 Isho, E.K. iraq 397 Martyrius ital
1945 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich germ 1619 Grodecz SJ, fr M. hung 337 Jacob, bp iraq 178 Maximus ital
1942 Brandsma, fr Tiko germ c1956 Martinuzzi, abp of Estergom hung 346 James iraq c302 Modestus ital
1945 Delp, fr A. germ 1948 Ordacz, bp L. hung 422 James of Persia iraq c197 Moses ital
1121 Erminold, abbot of Prufening germ 304 Pollio hung 337 John, bp iraq 1998 Muntoni, fr G. ital
304 Gereon germ 1619 Pongracz SJ, fr S. hung 448 John, bp of Karka iraq c100 Nereus ital
799 Gerold, duke of Bavaria germ 1959 Turcsanyi, msgr E. hung 327 Jonah iraq c300 Nicostratus ital
1997 Geyer-Iwand, V. germ 1583 Acquaviva, fr R. indi 346 Martha iraq 258 Novatian, antipope ital
1066 Gottschalk germ 1653 Ahatalla, metropolitan indi 346 Mary iraq 1383 Panacea ital
1944 Gross, N. germ 1997 Anchanickal SJ, fr T. indi c70 Matthew (Levi), Apostle iraq 304 Pancras ital
1919 Hahn, G. H. & 32 pastors germ 1583 Aranha, F. indi 1997 Matti, Haval iraq c98 Parmenas the deacon ital
853 Haymo, bp of Halberstadt germ 1583 Berno, P. indi 1991 Matti, Lazar iraq 64 Paul, Apostle ital
695 Hewald the Dark germ 1996 Cherukarokunnel, L. J. indi 420 Peroz iraq 1365 Peter of Ruffia ital
695 Hewald the Fair germ 2000 Chittinapilly, fr S.J. indi 448 Pethiun, evangelist iraq 1252 Peter of Verona (Peter Martyr) ital
1943 Jaegerstaetter, F. germ 2000 Crasta, fr V. indi 345 Pherbutha iraq c120 Phocas, bp of Bontos ital
1415 John Hus germ 1549 Criminali SJ, fr A. indi 518 Philoxenus, bp of Mabbogh iraq 235 Pontian, pope ital
1536 John of Leiden germ 1693 de Britto SJ, fr J. indi 315 Phrebonia iraq c297 Primus ital
1066 John, bp of Mecklenburg germ 1321 Demetrius, br indi 339 Pusak, prefect, & 100 clergy iraq 165 Protase ital
1527 Kaiser germ 2000 Emmanuel, bp G. indi 341 Pusicius iraq c171 Ptolemaus ital
686 Kilian, bp, & 11 companions germ 1583 Francisco, fr A. indi 286 Qndyr, queen iraq c171 Publius, bp of Athens ital

Continued overleaf


Table 4–13 continued

202 Pudens ital 1953 Gikonyo, E. keny 1624 Henriquez, br J. mexi 1944 Choo Kee Chul, pastor nork
1993 Puglisi, pastor G. ital 1953 Kaguru, A. keny 1995 Hernandez Perez, pastor G. mexi c1990 Kim, pastor nork
1490 Rabata, A. ital 2000 Kaiser, fr A. keny 1997 Hernandez, M. mexi 1950 Son Yang Won, pastor nork
1775 Ricci SJ, general L. ital 1992 Kariuki, pastor H. keny 1974 Hernandez, M. Gomez mexi 1950 Sung Du, fr nork
1080 Rudolf of Swabia ital 1883 Koi, David keny 1704 Hevia, fr D. mexi 1950 Tong-Sin, fr nork
258 Rufina ital 1953 Maina, E. keny 1811 Hidalgo y Costilla, fr M. mexi 1866 Yu, fr P. Chong-ryul nork
c197 Sarah ital 1992 Maniafo, S.J. keny 1560 Juan, br mexi 1043 Hallvard Vebjornssen norw
1498 Savonarola, G. ital 1952 Mungai, J. keny 1645 Labado, fr F. mexi 1030 Olav II Haraldsson, king norw
288 Sebastian of Milan ital 1952 Muriuki, W. keny 1560 Lorenzo, fr F. mexi 1998 Alam, pastor Noor paki
258 Secunda ital 1934 Odongo, Alfayo keny 1564 Lucas, br mexi 1999 Bhatti, Sabir John paki
309 Sennen ital 1989 Reinkemeyer, sr A. keny 1928 Martinez, br H. mexi 1988 Dias OFM, fr C. paki
524 Severinus Boethius, consul ital 1990 Stumpf, H. keny 1647 Montero, fr F. mexi 1992 Iqbal, Tahir paki
537 Silverius, pope ital 1997 Timmons, br L. keny 1815 Morelos y Pavon, fr J. M. mexi 1960 John, evangelist Esther paki
64 Simon Peter, Apostle ital 1952 Wancegi, Mary keny 1986 Moreno, Norma mexi 1997 Marcellina, sr A. T. S. paki
c300 Simplicius ital 1942 Sadd, A. kiri 1684 Muros, fr mexi 1995 Masih, Iqbal paki
c300 Simpronian ital 1996 Her, Ah laos 1993 Ocampo, cardinal Juan J.J.P. mexi 1995 Masih, Javed paki
397 Sisinnius ital 1934 Pommer, John, abp of Riga latv 1928 Perez, fr P. mexi 1994 Masih, Manzoor paki
c117 Sixtus I, bp of Rome ital 1830 Asad es Shidiak leba 1997 Perez, M. mexi 2000 Sequeira, sr C. paki
258 Sixtus II, pope ital 1860 Billottet SJ, fr E. leba 1985 Philpot, J. mexi 1988 Tarzwell, John paki
257 Stephen I, pope ital 1860 Bonacina, br F. leba 1993 Posadas, cardinal J.J. mexi 1987 Wahid paki
c280 Tarsicius ital 1985 Kluiters, fr N. leba 1927 Pro Juarez, fr M. mexi 1988 Wojcickowski, sr S. paki
c228 Tatiana, deaconess ital 1860 Mabeiche, br A. H. leba 1997 Ramos SJ, fr W. G. mexi c260 Alexander pale
391 Telemachus ital 1860 Maksoud, br H. leba 1847 Rey SJ, fr A. mexi 209 Elias & companions pale
138 Telesphorus, bp of Rome ital 1987 Massé SJ, fr André leba 1997 Ruiz, pastor N. H. mexi c350 Eudoxius & companions pale
c117 Theodulus ital 304 Nilus, bp leba 1580 Serrato, fr J. mexi 419 Eustochium pale
c111 Theopista ital 254 Origen leba 1734 Tamaral, fr N. mexi 303 George, megalomartyr pale
178 Tiburtius ital 304 Peleus, bp leba 1649 Trevino de Sobremonte, T. mexi c350 Gordius pale
c1200 Uguzo (Lucio di Val Cavargna) ital 1992 Robinson, W. leba 1880 Westrup, J. O. mexi 1995 Grassi, br B. pale
230 Urban, pope ital 1830 Shidiak, Asaad leba 1645 Zigarran, fr T. mexi 44 James Boanerges, Apostle pale
538 Ursicinus, bp of Ravenna ital 1860 Younes, br E. leba 1731 Contova SJ, fr Juan Antonio micr 62 James the Just, bp of Jerus pale
269 Valentine ital c1970 Brown, bp D. libe 1995 Petcu, A. mold 54 James the Less, Apostle pale
178 Valerian ital 1992 Fallah, pastor J. libe 1220 Accursio moro 33 Jesus pale
1619 Vanini, L. ital 1992 Jackson, J. libe 1227 Agnello moro c260 Malchus pale
c305 Victor ital 1992 Jackson, T. & J. libe 1220 Aiuto moro 262 Marinus pale
303 Victor Maurus ital 1992 Kolmer, sr J. libe 1220 Berard moro 310 Pamphilus pale
c310 Victor of Stratelates ital 1992 Kolmer, sr S. libe 298 Cassian moro 209 Pamphilus pale
c302 Vitus ital 1993 Korfeh, pastor T. libe 1227 Domno moro 130 Papius pale
1362 William of Campania ital 1992 McGuire, sr K. libe 1227 Hugolino moro 1972 Pate, Mavis pale
303 Zeno of Rome ital 1992 Mueller, sr S. libe 1631 John of Prado moro 309 Paul of Jamnia pale
2000 Grange, fr R. ivor 1992 Muttra, sr B.A. libe 1227 Leo moro c260 Piscus pale
1991 Jeanne SAM, fr A. ivor 1992 Saah, pastor D. libe 298 Marcellus the Centurion moro 309 Porphyrius pale
1992 Pfister, J. ivor 1986 Senter, L. & R. libe 1227 Nicholas moro 303 Procopius pale
1985 Cuthbert, R. W. M. jama 1986 Senter, R. libe 1220 Otho moro 309 Seleucus pale
2000 Rochester, fr H. jama 1989 Vassallo, sr Emanuela liby 1220 Peter moro 1979 Shorrosh, A. pale
1633 Alonso, fr L. japa 1347 Antoniy lith 1227 Samuel moro 36 Stephen the Deacon pale
1634 Ansalone, fr G. japa 1946 Borisevicius, V., bp of Telsiai lith 1989 Bortolotti, fr F. moza 108 Symeon, bp of Jerusalem pale
1597 Blasquez, fr Pedro B. japa 1009 Bruno, bp of Querfurt lith 1989 Campanella, fr C. moza 309 Theodulus pale
1989 Boisvert, fr A. japa 1347 Evastafiy lith 1991 Cristovao, fr M.J. moza 309 Valens pale
1624 Carvalho, fr J. japa 1347 Ioann lith 1985 Dalle Pezze, sr T.P. moza 1998 Chocho, Alber pana
1597 Casas Martinez, Felipe japa 1980 Jaugelis, fr V. lith 1989 de Rocha, fr A. moza 1648 de Oviedo, fr A. pana
1626 Caun, V. japa 1981 Laurinavicius, fr B. lith 1992 Fiorini, fr Alfredo moza 1642 de San Antonio, fr J. pana
1622 Constanzo, fr C. japa 1941 Litaunieks, fr V. lith 1990 Gagnaux, dr R. moza 1974 Reimer, G. pana
1637 Courtet OP, fr W. japa 1962 Matulionis, bp of Kaisiadorys lith 1985 Goncalves Kamtedza SJ, fr J. moza 1989 Van Kleef CM, fr N. pana
1623 De Angelis, fr J. japa 1981 Mazeika, fr L. lith 1992 Goncalves, sr M.L. Granado moza 1901 Chalmers, pastor J. papu
1637 de Aozaraza, fr M. japa 1940 Mazeika, L. lith 1972 Manganhela, Z. moza 1985 Chappell, R. papu
1597 de Goto, fr J. S. japa 1996 Ramanauskas, fr V. lith 1985 Moreira SJ, fr S. moza 1855 Mazzuconi, fr G. papu
1626 de Torres, fr B. japa 1959 Ramanauskas, P., bp of Telsiai lith 1989 Saltori, fr O. moza 1942 Redlich, V. papu
1597 Francis of Miako japa 1953 Reinys, M., abp of Vilnius lith 1972 Sidumo, J. moza 1952 Selanuok papu
1622 Fugiscima, fr D. japa 1980 Sapoka, fr L. lith 1984 Torboli, fr S. moza 1942 Tapiedi, Lucian papu
1637 Gonzales, fr A. japa 1975 Tamonis, M. lith 1945 Akya Nai, pastor myan 1901 Tomkins, pastor O. papu
1632 Gutierrez, fr R. B. japa 1346 John the Blind luxe 1662 Chu Tsu-hsuan, emperor myan 1628 Alonso Rodriguez SJ para
1613 Hachikan, Joaquin japa 1896 Berthieu SJ, fr J. mada 1945 Devine, H. myan 1998 Boumans SVD, fr G. para
1633 Ibanez, fr D. japa 1988 de Boisseson, fr J. mada 1745 Gallizia, bp myan 1536 de Almasia, J. para
1632 Ixida SJ, fr A. japa 1998 Hubscher, fr M. mada 1693 Genoud, fr myan 1628 Gonzalez SJ, fr Roque para
1597 Karasumaru, Leo japa 1834 Rainitsiandavaka mada 1983 Gideon, dr myan 1628 Juan del Castillo SJ para
1622 Kimura SJ, fr S. japa 1988 Ramaralahy, br I. mada 1693 Joret, fr myan 1645 Romero, fr P. para
1619 Kimura, fr L. japa 1837 Rasalama mada 1950 Maxville, Selma M. myan 1997 Badiali, rev D. peru
1597 Kisai, fr J. japa 1984 Roy, fr mada 1756 Nerini, fr myan 1985 Calderon, Z.S. peru
1633 Kohioye, fr M. japa 1985 Sorgon OCD, fr S. mada 1852 U, fr Moses Nya myan 1991 Casaverde, C. peru
1633 Kurobioye, M. japa 1915 Chilembwe, John mala c1990 Wi-Foo myan 1991 Chuquin, J. peru
1627 Kwon, Vincent japa 1983 Chiwanga mala 1958 Dapcha, Lama David nepa 1974 de Alencar, F.T. peru
1616 Lawrence japa 1983 Gadama mala 1997 Gafney SJ, fr T. nepa 1991 Gutierrez, L. peru
1637 Lazzaro di Kyoto japa 1983 Matenje mala 1970 Lamichami, Krishna nepa c1985 Ludena, T. peru
1616 Lewis japa 1926 Nyirenda, Tomo mala 1988 Paisai, G. nepa 1991 McCormack, sr Irene peru
1612 Lucas of Tokyo japa 1979 Sangaya, J. mala 754 Boniface (Winfrith), bp neth 1994 Nieto, F. A. E. peru
1617 Macaido, fr J. B. japa 1704 Alverez, fr R. mexi 1529 Denck, H. neth 1985 Rojas, C.M. peru
1634 Maddalena of Nagasaki japa 1684 Beltran, fr M. mexi 754 Eoban, bp neth 1991 Sarmiento, M. peru
1634 Marina di Omura japa 1686 Benitez, fr E. mexi 1942 Hoeben, H. neth 1992 Saune, R. peru
1597 Miki SJ, fr Paul japa 1986 Brennes, J. mexi 1567 Hoorn, count neth 1983 Sawyer, sr Joan peru
1628 Nagascima SJ, br M. japa 1541 Calero, br J. mexi 1536 Hutter, J. neth 1991 Strzalkowski, fr Z. peru
1634 Nishi, fr T.H.R. japa 1734 Carranco, fr L. mexi 856 Jeron neth 1991 Tattersall, N. peru
1622 Novarra, fr P. P. japa 1998 Carreno, fr M. O. mexi 1567 Lamoral of Egmont neth 1991 Tomaszek OFM, fr M. peru
1622 Ota, fr A. japa 1997 Collazo, S. mexi 1527 Manz, F. neth 1541 Valverde OP, bp V. peru
1626 Pacheco, fr F. japa 1564 Cossin, fr B. mexi 1619 Oldenbarnevelt, J. van neth 1991 Vargas, C. peru
1626 Rinscei, P. japa 1684 Custodio, fr F. mexi 1569 Pietersz, Pieter neth 1999 Abadiano, Ted phil
1642 Rubino, fr japa 1567 de Acevedo, fr P. mexi 726 Werenfrid neth 1992 Al-Hari, A. phil
1637 Ruiz, L. japa 1606 de Altamirano, fr M. mexi c1600 Willems, D. neth 1989 Ayap, pastor A. phil
1626 Sadamatzu, G. japa 1585 de Ayala, fr A. mexi 1847 Marmoiton, br newc 1992 Bacabis, G. phil
1622 Sandaju, fr P. O. japa 1773 de Bernave, fr J.C.G. mexi 1989 Tjibaou, Jean-Marie newc 1996 Bagtasos III, pastor S. phil
1637 Schiwozuka, fr V. japa 1567 de Burgos, fr P. mexi 1989 Yeiwene Yeiwene newc 1985 Beling, fr M. phil
1714 Sidotti, abbot G. B. japa 1541 de Cuellar, fr A. mexi 1865 Volkner, Carl S. newz 1872 Burgos, fr Jose phil
1622 Spinola SJ, fr C. japa 1567 de Herrera, br J. mexi c1982 Athers, Lester nica 1976 Calvan, pastor R. phil
1600 Tadaoki, Gracia japa 1586 de la Puebla, fr A. mexi 1986 Castilblanco, N.A. nica 1996 Camacho, H. phil
1616 Thomas japa 1928 de la Vega, fr J. mexi 1989 Corniall, sr Maurice nica 1991 Capasilan, A. phil
1633 Tomonaga OP, fr J. K. G. japa 1616 de Santarn, fr H. mexi 1990 Courtney, sr M. nica 1992 Carzedda, fr S. phil
1626 Tozo, M. japa 1564 de Tapia, fr J. mexi 1550 de Valdivieso, bp A. nica 1992 Celiz, Romeo phil
1627 Tsuji, fr T. japa 1616 de Tovar, fr H. mexi 1974 Hernandez, pastor nica 1997 de Jesus, bp B. phil
1634 Vieira, fr S. japa 1582 de Villalobos, fr L. mexi 1989 Rosales, sr Teresa nica 1840 de la Cruz, Apolinario phil
1616 Vincent japa 1586 del Rio, fr J. mexi 1982 Smith, E. nica 1988 Estorba, fr M. phil
1623 Yempo, br Simon japa 1624 Delgado, fr D. mexi 1983 Vargas, pastor N. nica 1985 Favali, fr T. phil
1600 Yukinaga, general Konishi japa 1994 Diaz, Veronica J. mexi 2000 Bello, fr C.O. nige c1995 Finnemann, bp W. phil
1626 Zola, fr J. B. japa 1567 Donzel, fr F. mexi 1995 Iloputaife, bp H. A. nige 2000 Gallardo, fr R. phil
1622 Zumarraga OP, fr japa 1986 Figaroa, N.M. mexi 1997 Isidi, rev N. nige 1991 Goldsworthy, K. phil
451 Nestorius, patriarch jord 1986 Flores, Ernesto mexi 1991 Mohammed, br nige 1872 Gomez, fr Mariano phil
1934 Poliansky, abp Ambrose kaza 2000 Gaytan, rev J. mexi 2000 Ogbu, fr J.M.O. nige 1989 Gran, Lovello phil
1998 Andeni, fr L. keny 1585 Gil, fr F. mexi 1995 Saro-Wiwa, K. nige 1989 Gran, pastor Vizminda phil
1991 Bethea, Lynda keny 1995 Gomez Ramos, pastor A. mexi 1950 Brennan, bp P. T. nork 1942 Gray, R. F. phil
1952 Gacigi, G. keny 1778 Guillen, fr F. mexi 1950 Byrne, bp P. J. nork 1992 Hamill, J. phil
1952 Gacigi, R. keny 1616 Gutierrez, fr P. mexi 1950 Chang MM, sr Agneta nork 1996 Hapalla, J. phil

Continued opposite

Table 4–13 continued

1992 Hapalla, pastor Gregorio phil 1918 Hermogen, abp of Tobolsk russ 1996 Ngwije, fr A. K. rwan 850 George of Cordoba spai
2000 Inocencio, fr B. phil c1925 Ierofey, bp of Veliki-Ustinsk russ 1996 Nikwigize, bp P. rwan 1936 Gonzalez, fr E. spai
1992 Juliet phil 1954 Indus, Artur russ 1994 Nsengiyumva, abp V. rwan 1936 Grimaltos, R. spai
c1985 Lavina, J. phil 1689 Iosif, hermit, & monks russ 1994 Nsengiyumva, bp T. rwan 585 Hermenegild of Spain spai
1989 Malalay, fr D. phil 1918 Irinarkh, fr russ 1997 Pinard WF, fr Guy rwan 851 Isaac, monk spai
1601 Marin, fr Esteban phil 1918 Israel, monk russ 1992 Poppa, sr R. rwan 1936 Isla, fr L. spai
1943 Meyer, F. & 11 missionaries phil 1918 Issidor, bp of Mikhailov russ 1997 Ruterahagusha, pastor T. rwan 1936 Jimenez Malla, Ceferino spai
1997 Rio, pastor W. phil 1714 Ivanov, Thomas russ 1997 Ruterahagusha, T. rwan 825 John of Cordoba spai
1989 Rivera, Rufino phil 1977 Ivanova, R. russ 1994 Rutumbu, fr J. rwan 1478 John of Sahagun spai
1896 Rizal, Jose phil 1919 Joachim, abp of Nizhni-Novgo russ 1994 Ruzindana, bp J. rwan 859 Leocritia spai
1985 Romano, fr R. phil 1938 Joseph, metro of Petrograd russ 1998 Rwangeyo, sr D. rwan 1936 Llatje, fr J. spai
1985 Romero, fr A. phil 1920 Justin, abp of Omsk russ 2000 Uzcudum, fr I. rwan 1936 Luque, fr E. spai
1984 Roxas, S. phil 1938 Juvenal, abp of Riazan russ 1998 Wimana, sr C. rwan 1936 Malla, C. J. spai
1989 Ruelo, pastor Z. phil 1964 Khmara, N. russ 1997 Yirirwahandi, rev P. rwan 1936 Martinez, fr B. spai
1988 Schmitz, CP, fr Carl phil 1982 Khrapov, N.P. russ 1996 Zubiri, sr Carmen rwan 1934 Martinez, fr E. spai
1997 Selorio, pastor E. phil 1917 Kochurov, fr I. russ 467 Azquir saud 851 Mary of Cordoba spai
1991 Sigridsson, S. phil 1979 Krasnova, T.K. russ 1997 Beltran, A. saud 1936 Mayorga, fr M. spai
1995 Solan, Joel phil 1964 Kucherenko russ 1148 Ernest, abbot of Zwiefalten saud 1578 Miguel de Medina spai
1991 Speers, J. phil 1999 Kulakov, pastor A. russ 1997 Janda, R. saud 852 Natalia spai
1988 Stockton, Ann phil 1918 Kuntsevich, L. russ 1992 Mal-Allah, S.A.K. saud 1936 Payan, fr A. spai
1985 Valerio, fr N. phil 1990 Lasar, fr Hegumen russ 1952 Gnidovec, dean serb 850 Perfectus of Cordoba spai
1972 Williams, N. phil 1919 Lavrenty, bp of Balakhna russ 1999 Aloysius, sr M. sier 1936 Peypoch, fr E. spai
1872 Zamora, fr Jacinto phil 1918 Leonty, bp of Enotaev russ 1999 Carmeline, sr sier 853 Pomposa spai
1003 Benedict of Benevento pola 1918 Longin, pastor russ 1999 Hindu, sr sier 386 Priscillian, bp spai
1757 Faulhaber, fr A. pola 1997 Magomedov, H & T. russ 1999 Sweva, sr sier 1936 Rovira, fr J. spai
1941 Kolbe OFM, fr Maximilian pola 1918 Makarov, M. russ 1960 Gojdic, bp Pavol slok 1936 Sales, V. spai
c1942 Kowalski, J., primate pola 1944 Makary, abp russ 1740 Koman, pastor D. slov 1936 Sanchez, fr J. spai
1984 Popieluszko, fr J. pola 1919 Makary, bp of Viazma russ 304 Victorinus, bp of Pettau slov 851 Sanctius of Cordoba spai
1985 Poplawski, fr P. pola c1700 Markel, br russ 1942 Duhamel, fr A. C. solo 1936 Santaella, fr M. spai
1940 Skobtsova, mother M. pola 1972 Melnikov russ 1846 Epalle SM, bp solo 1936 Simon, fr A. spai
1079 Stanislas, bp of Cracow pola 1990 Menn, fr Alexander russ 1942 Hennessey, J. G. solo 1936 Sitjar, fr T. spai
1942 Stein, Edith pola 1921 Methody, bp of Petropavlovsk russ 1871 Patteson, bp J. C. solo 1936 Tarrats, J. spai
1942 Stein, Rosa pola 1989 Mien, fr Alexander russ 1989 Colombo OFM, bp P.S. soma 1936 Tena, fr R. spai
1940 Urban SJ, fr J. pola 1918 Miniatov, lawyer russ 1995 Fumagalli, Graziella soma c65 Torquatus spai
c1975 Wallenburg, Raoul pola 1918 Mitrophan, abp of Astrakhan russ 1995 Goobe, A. soma 1936 Valenti, fr T. spai
1761 Malagrida, fr G. port 1918 Modest, fr russ 1962 Grove, M. soma 1936 Verges, fr J. spai
1996 Loperena Soto OP, fr W. puer 1974 Moiseyevich, pastor I. russ 1996 Haaji, professor soma 304 Vincent of Saragossa spai
1996 Soto OP, fr W. L. puer 1918 Mokovsky, pastor G. & wife russ 1996 Huseen, professor H. M. soma 931 Vulfura spai
1948 Aftemie, bp roma c1682 Morozova, Boyarina russ c1995 Katoolig, C. soma 1227 Daniel of Belvedere span
1714 Brankoveanu, prince Constant roma 1921 Moslovsky, pastor J. russ 1994 Liibaan, Ibrahim soma 1988 Chandra, fr F. sril
1981 Clipa, I. roma 1922 Nadezhdin, pastor russ c1995 Mahamed, S. soma 1985 Jeyarajasingham, pastor G. sril
1954 Durkovici, bp A. roma c1938 Nikandr, metrop of Odessa russ c1995 Sheekhdoon, M. soma 1985 Manielpillai, fr M.B. sril
303 Efrem, bp of Tomis roma 1919 Nikodim, bp of Belgorod russ c1968 Sheikow, Musa soma 1987 Rodrigo OMI, fr Miguel sril
1948 Frentiu, bp roma 1961 Nikolai, metrop of Krutitsy russ 1991 Turati OFM, fr P. soma 1998 Sritharan, pastor Vasu sril
1954 Ghika, fr V. roma 1938 Nikon (Lebedev), bp russ 1999 Umbarger, Deena M. soma 1963 Adwok, pastor G. suda
1970 Hossu, bp J. roma 1938 Nikon, bp of Belgorod russ 1977 Biko, Steve soua 1985 Arensen, J. suda
1981 Kernweisz, bp K. roma 1918 Nizza, L. russ 1994 Heyns, moderator Johan soua 1963 Debior, P. suda
c370 Nicetas roma 1922 Orlov, pastor russ 1990 Magorrian, H.L. soua 1998 Deng, A. Y. suda
1795 Oprea, Miclaus, monk roma 1918 Ornatsky, fr F. russ 1996 Makaboge, moderator E. soua 1964 Dwatuka, fr B. suda
1954 Pacha, bp roma 1974 Ostapenko, pastor I.M. russ 1996 Mataboge, rev E. soua 1885 Gordon, general C. G. suda
c1650 Romanul, Ioan Valahul roma 1929 Peter, abp of Voronezh russ 1992 Mbatha, S’Khumbuzo soua 1992 Kon, Paul suda
1849 Roth, pastor S. L. roma 1936 Peter, metropolitan of Krutitsy russ 1983 Muothe, I.T. soua 1991 Lawi, Ezra suda
372 Sabas the Goth roma 1922 Philaret, bp of Kostroma russ 1995 O’Neill, fr E. soua 1998 Malesh, pastor J. suda
1795 Sarai, Visarion, monk roma 1934 Philip, abp russ 1999 Peleman, fr A. soua 1990 Mamma, pr suda
1954 Scheffler, bp roma 1567 Philip, metropolitan of Moscow russ 1998 Schreck, sr M. soua 1967 Saturnino, fr suda
1975 Simescu, br roma 1919 Pimen, bp of Verny russ 1990 Stanton, fr N. soua 1120 Botvid swed
1795 Sofronie of Cioara, monk roma 1938 Pitirim, abp russ 1992 Tsotetsi, Saul soua 1150 Eric of Sweden swed
1334 Stephen of Gross-Wardein roma 1918 Polotnikov, abp of Petrograd russ 1989 Webster, David soua c1080 Eskil, bp swed
1948 Suciu, bp roma 1918 Pospelov, abp G. russ 1993 Zuma, Isaac soua 1156 Henry, bp of Uppsala swed
1981 Teodosiu, S. roma 1682 Pustosviat, Nikita russ 1993 Zuma, Thandi soua 1028 Ulfrid swed
1975 Zecianu, br roma 1918 Radion, fr russ 1866 Berneux, bp S.-F. souk 287 Candidus swit
1936 Abrikosov, mother C. russ 1918 Riabuhin, pastor J. russ 1839 Chastan, fr J. H. souk 287 Exuperantius swit
997 Adalbert, bp of Prague russ 1974 Rozanov, N. russ 1866 Cho, Peter souk 287 Exuperius swit
1932 Afanassy, bp of Stavobelsk russ 1922 Rybalkin, monk Fyodor russ 1801 Chu, fr James souk 287 Felix swit
1970 Afonin, I.A. russ 1921 Sarichov, pastor S. russ 1801 Chung, Augustine souk 1622 Fidelis of Sigmaringen swit
1720 Alexander the Deacon russ 1978 Sedletsky, V. russ 1866 Daveluy, bp M. A. N. souk 287 Maurice swit
1932 Alexander, abp russ 1938 Seraphim, bp russ 1954 Eunak, K. souk 861 Meinrad of Einsiedeln, hermit swit
1938 Alexey, bp of Petrograd russ 1932 Seraphim, metro of Petrograd russ 1801 Hwang, S. C. souk 287 Regula swit
1771 Ambrose, abp of Krutitsy russ 1929 Serge, bp of Efremov russ 1839 Imbert, bp Laurence souk 287 Urs swit
1934 Ambrose, bp of Podolsk russ 1922 Shein, S. russ 1983 Ki-Yoon, pastor I. souk 287 Ursus of Solothurn swit
1918 Ambrose, bp of Seroapulsk russ 1980 Shelkov, V. A. russ 1846 Kim Tai Kun, fr Andrew souk 287 Victor of Marseilles swit
1918 Ambrose, fr russ 1921 Simon, bp of Ufa russ 1839 Kim, Agatha souk c287 Victor of Solothurn swit
1938 Anatole, metrop of Odessa russ 1918 Skipetrov, fr A. russ 1866 Lee, John souk 926 Wiborada (Guiborat), recluse swit
1918 Andronick, abp of Perm russ 1922 Sokolov, pastor russ 1942 Lee, pastor Kipoong souk 1859 Ascanio OFM, fr N. syri
1932 Antony, bp of Archangel russ 1861 Sokolskij, abp J. russ 1839 Maubant, fr P. souk 315 Bacchus syri
1921 Archangelsky, pastor T. russ 1918 Stavrovsky, fr A. russ 1987 Park, Jong Ch’ol souk 1859 de Albera OFM, fr. N. M. syri
1935 Arseny, abp of Serpuhov russ 1922 Telegin, A. russ 1839 Ri, J. souk 1860 de Albera, fr M. M. syri
1936 Arseny, metrop of Novgorod russ 1918 Theodot russ 1866 Thomas, R. J. souk 1859 Fernandez, fr J. J. syri
1977 Avdeyev, M.V. russ 1918 Theophan, bp of Solikamsk russ 1801 Wan-Suk, Columba souk 1258 Kitbuga, general syri
1682 Avvakum Petrovich, archpriest russ 1919 Tikhon, abp of Voronezh russ 1795 Wenmo, fr J. Z. souk 1860 Kolland OFM, fr E. syri
1980 Bakholdin, S. russ 1925 Tikhon, patriarch russ 1791 Yun, Paul souk c360 Leontius of Tripoli syri
1936 Bartholomew, bp russ 1919 Varsonoufy, bp of Kirillov russ 825 Adulfus & John spai 1860 Masi, Francis syri
1918 Benjamin, fr russ c1968 Vasilyevna, M. russ 1936 Arbona, fr B. spai 1860 Masi, Muti syri
1922 Benjamin, metrop of Petrograd russ 1918 Veraskin, abp A. russ 1934 Arconada, fr J. B. spai 1860 Masi, Raphael syri
1970 Bergemann, F. russ 1922 Vishniakov, pastor russ 931 Argentea spai c1180 Michael of Damietta syri
1975 Biblenko, I.V. russ 1943 Voronaev, I. E. russ 1936 Artigues, fr R. spai 1860 Pinzano OFM, Francis syri
1015 Boris & Gleb russ 1918 Vostorgov, fr J. russ 1936 Audi, fr F. spai 1860 Ruiz OFM, fr Emmanuel syri
1923 Budkiewicz, C., vicar russ 1920 Weinberg, Judith russ 850 Aurea spai 315 Sergius & Bacchus syri
1918 Chernikh, S. russ 1972 Yagozinsky, S. russ 852 Aurelius spai 304 Silvanus syri
1936 Cyril, metropolitan of Kazan russ c1930 Yemelyanov, fr P. russ 1936 Baste, fr N. spai 1859 Soler, fr P. syri
1771 Damascenus russ 1995 Yi, C.H. russ 1936 Boguna, fr L. spai c900 Thomas, bp of Damascus syri
1976 Deinega, N.Y. russ 1995 Yi, K. W. russ 1936 Bori, fr P. spai c750 Vahan of Goghtn syri
1918 Dimitri, pastor russ 1971 Zakharov russ 1936 Carbonell, fr C. spai 1860 Volta OFM, fr. C. syri
1936 Dimitry, abp of Gdovsk russ 1922 Zaozersky, pastor russ 1936 Carrio, fr A. spai 1662 Hambroek, A. taiw
1922 Dobrolubov, pastor russ 1998 Benimana, sr F. rwan 853 Columba of Cordoba spai 1973 Hopewell, Gladys taiw
1918 Dovganav, P. russ 1997 Bosmans, Sr M. rwan 1936 Corral, fr O. spai 1994 Limar, br taji
1970 Druck, V. russ 1998 Curic, fr V. rwan 1936 Darder, E. spai 1996 Schiavo, fr G. tanz
1985 Durksen, Y. russ 1998 Gasigwa, sr E. rwan 1570 de Azevedo SJ, fr I. spai 1981 Fietje, K. thai
1918 Efrem, bp of Selenginsk russ 1994 Gatwa, T. rwan 1397 de Cetina, J. spai 1569 Jerome de la Croix thai
1918 Elizabeth, grand duchess russ 1997 Habakurama, rev I. rwan 1397 de Duenas, P. spai 1868 Noi Sunya thai
1682 Epifanii, monk russ 1994 Havugimana, evangelist I rwan 1936 de Velasco, fr I. spai 1869 Non Chai, abbot thai
1935 Fedorov, exarch L. russ 1998 Kagabo, fr B. rwan 304 Eulalia of Merida spai 1569 Sebastian Cantu thai
1922 Friazinov, pastor russ 1962 Kanamuzeyi, pastor Yona rwan 859 Eulogius of Cordoba spai 1941 Sri-Phong, catechist P. thai
1921 Frolov, pastor J. russ 1994 Karuhije, dean A. rwan 852 Fandila of Cordoba spai 1887 Moran, fr J. togo
1997 Gadzhiyev, G. russ 1992 Locatelli, A. rwan 1936 Ferreres, fr J. B. spai 1516 Botello OP, Diego trin
1997 Gadzhiyev, Tatiana russ 1998 Mukagakwaya, sr X. rwan 851 Flora of Cordoba spai 1516 de Salcedo OP, fr F trin
1015 Gleb russ 1998 Mukamuhire, sr B. rwan 259 Fructuosus, bp of Tarragona spai c255 Agapius, bp tuni
1970 Golev, S.T. russ 1998 Mukanoheli, sr V. rwan 1936 Garcia Villada SJ, fr Z. spai 1460 Antony of Rivoli (Tunis) tuni
1919 Herman, bp of Kamychen russ 1996 Mukeshimana, sr A. rwan 1936 Gelabert, P. spai 413 Apringius, proconsul tuni

Continued overleaf


Table 4–13 concluded
180 Aquilinus tuni 64 Matthias, Apostle turk 1680 Bernal, fr J. usa 1571 Mendez, fr J. B. usa
259 Augurius tuni 311 Methodius, bp of Olympus turk 1999 Bernall, Cassie usa 1999 Miller, Carla usa
180 Cittinus tuni 304 Natalia of Nicomedia turk 1858 Braeuninger, M. usa 1999 Miller, Jr., Shon usa
258 Cyprian, bp of Carthage tuni 250 Nestor, bp of Perga turk 1859 Brown, John usa 1631 Miranda, fr P. usa
304 Dativus tuni 1997 Ozdemir, Ali turk 1974 Cabo, fr M. usa 1696 Moreno, fr A. usa
484 Dionysia tuni c1898 Papizian, archimandrite J. turk 1689 Chefdeville, fr A. usa 1781 Moreno, fr J. M. usa
180 Donata tuni c170 Papylus turk 1964 Cheney, J. usa 1680 Naranjo, B. usa
304 Donatilla tuni 351 Paul, patriarch turk 1963 Collins, Addie Mae usa 1680 Pio, fr J. B. usa
347 Donatus, bp of Bagai tuni c300 Pelagia turk 1696 Corvera, fr F. usa 1697 Plunkett, fr C. usa
259 Eulogius tuni 304 Philip bp of Heraclea turk 1921 Coyle, J. E. usa 1704 Ponce de Leon, fr A. usa
202 Felicitas tuni 60 Philip, Apostle turk 1704 Criado, fr D. usa 1633 Porras, fr F. usa
180 Felix tuni 297 Philotheus of Antioch turk 1736 d’Artiquette, P. usa 1800 Prosser, Gabriel usa
303 Felix of Thibiuca tuni 250 Pionius turk 1736 d’Esgly, F. M. usa 1812 Quintana, fr A. usa
259 Flavian tuni 156 Polycarp, bp of Smyrna turk 1965 Daniels, J. usa 1571 Redondo, fr C. usa
180 Generosa tuni 304 Severus turk 1696 de Arbizu, fr J. usa 1680 Rendon, fr M. usa
347 Isaac tuni 309 Shamona turk 1632 de Arvide, fr M. usa 1963 Robertson, Carole usa
259 James of Cirta tuni 112 Sharbil turk 1597 de Auñon, fr M. usa 1582 Rodriguez, fr A. usa
180 Januaria tuni 764 Stephen the Younger, abbot turk 1597 de Badajoz, fr A. usa 1985 Rossiter, fr J. usa
180 Laetantius tuni c300 Taragus & companions turk 1549 de Barbastro, fr L. C. usa 1985 Roth, F. usa
180 Lucitas tuni 284 Thalelaeus turk 1696 de Carbonel, fr A. usa 1696 Sanchez, fr L. usa
259 Lucius tuni c125 Thalelaeus turk 1597 de Corpa, fr P. usa 1758 Santiesteban, fr J. usa
484 Majoricus tuni c50 Thecla turk 1736 de Coulonge, L. d’A. usa 1999 Scott, Rachel usa
413 Marcellinus Flavius, tribune tuni c725 Theodosia turk 1992 de Dios, Manuel usa 1886 Seghers, abp C. J. usa
347 Marculus, bp of S. Numidia tuni 97 Timothy, bp turk 1680 de Espeleta, fr J. usa 1736 Senat SJ, fr A. usa
259 Marian tuni c310 Tyrannio, bp of Tyre turk 1680 de Figuero, fr J. usa 1749 Silva, fr F. X. usa
259 Marianus tuni 1554 Yuhanna Sulaqa, catholicos turk 1696 de Jesus Maria Casañas, fr F. usa 1844 Smith, Hyrum usa
304 Maxima tuni 304 Zenobius turk 1680 de Jesus, fr J. usa 1844 Smith, Joseph usa
347 Maximian tuni 2000 Akullu, G. ugan 1553 de la Cruz, fr D. usa 1729 Souel, fr J. usa
180 Miggin tuni 2000 Akweyo, sr D. ugan 1542 de la Cruz, fr J. usa 1997 Stegar, Kayce usa
259 Montanus tuni 1979 Annanias, fr O. ugan 1680 de la Pedroso, fr J. usa 1856 Strang, James J. usa
180 Namphano tuni 2000 Asienzo, sr P. ugan 1680 de la Ribourde, fr G. usa 1690 Tegananokoa, S. usa
180 Nartzalus tuni 1886 Badzekuketta, A. ugan 1834 de Leon, fr A. D. usa 1680 Tinoco, fr M. usa
202 Perpetua tuni 1886 Banabakintu, Luke ugan 1680 de Lorenzana, fr F. usa 1999 Tomlin, John usa
c258 Quadratus, bp tuni 1984 Bazira, pastor G. ugan 1680 de Mdorales, fr L. usa 1933 Tourian, abp Leontius usa
259 Quartillosia tuni 1988 Beebwa, sr M.T. ugan 1553 de Mena, fr J. usa 1831 Turner, Nat usa
259 Renus tuni 1990 Biscaro, fr Egidio ugan 1704 de Mendoza, fr M. usa 1597 Verascola, fr F. usa
202 Revocatus tuni 1886 Buzabaliawo, James ugan 1718 de Montesdoca, br L. usa 1817 Vesey, Denmark usa
180 Sanam tuni 1979 Dalmajo, fr S. ugan 1680 de Montesdoca, fr J. usa 1963 Wesley, Cynthia usa
202 Saturninus tuni 2000 di Bari, fr R. ugan 1680 de Mora, fr A. usa 1847 Whitman, M. & N. usa
202 Saturus tuni 1989 Ejeru, pastor Joseph ugan 1726 de Oca, fr L. M. usa 1847 Whitman, N. usa
180 Secunda tuni 1979 Fiorantie, fr A. ugan 1631 de Ortega, fr P. usa 1571 Zeballos, fr S. usa
304 Secunda tuni 1886 Gonza, Gonzaga ugan 1704 de Osorio, fr T. usa 1841 Chanel, fr P. M. vanu
484 Servus tuni 1886 Gyavira ugan 1542 de Padilla OFM, fr J. usa 1839 Williams, John vanu
180 Speratus tuni 1885 Hannington, bp James ugan 1704 de Parga, fr J. usa 1730 de Labrid, bp N. vene
180 Vestia tuni 1886 Kaggwa, Andrew ugan 1549 de Pekalosa, fr D. usa 1998 Marrero, mgr A. G. vene
180 Veturius tuni 1973 Kagwa, M. ugan 1680 de Pro, fr A. S. usa 1861 Almato OP, fr P. viet
484 Victorian tuni 1886 Kalemba, Matthias ugan 1571 de Quiros, fr L. usa 1645 André, catechist viet
c260 Leontius the Ascetic turc 1886 Kibuka, Ambrose ugan 1597 de Rodriguez, fr B. usa 1968 Blood, H. viet
c260 Paregorius turc 1973 Kiggundu, fr C. ugan 1680 de Santa Maria, fr A. usa 1838 Bovie, fr P. D. viet
251 Achatius, bp turk 1886 Kiriggwajjo, Anatole ugan 1581 de Santa Maria, fr J. usa 1837 Cornay, fr J. C. viet
304 Adrian & Natalia turk 1886 Kiriwawanvu, Mukasa ugan 1731 de Saraoz, fr D. usa 1798 Dat, fr J. viet
c170 Agathonice turk 1886 Kiwanuka, Achilles ugan 1571 de Segura, fr J. B. usa 1838 Delgado, bp I. viet
284 Alexander & Asterius turk 1972 Kiwanuka, justice Benedicto ugan 1571 de Solis, fr G. usa 1838 Diem, V. viet
628 Anastasius the Persian turk 1886 Kizito ugan 1736 de St Agne, L. G. usa 1833 Gagelin, F.-I. viet
295 Anthimus, bp of Nicomedia turk 1886 Ludigo, Adolphus Mukasa ugan 1706 de St Cosme, fr J. F. B. usa 1962 Gerber, D. viet
91 Antipas turk 1977 Luwum, abp Janani ugan 1680 de Talban, fr J. usa 1861 Hermosilla OP, bp H. viet
284 Asterius turk 1886 Lwanga, Charles ugan 1758 de Terreros, fr A. G. usa c1970 Heywood, J. viet
112 Babai turk 1886 Mawaggali, Noe ugan 1736 de Tonty, P. A. usa 1975 Hoang, pastor Van Dat viet
251 Babylas, patriarch of Antioch turk 1886 Mugagga ugan 1680 de Torres, fr T. usa 1645 Ignace, catechist viet
304 Barlaam of Antioch turk 1885 Mukasa, Joseph ugan 1680 de Trujillo, fr J. usa 1838 Koa, P. viet
112 Barsamya turk 1973 Mukhana, J. ugan 1542 de Ubeda, fr L. D. usa 1835 Marchand, fr J. viet
c300 Callinicus turk 1976 Musaka, fr ugan 1680 de Velasco, fr F. usa 1962 Mitchell, A. viet
c170 Carpus, bp turk 1887 Muzeyi, Jean-Marie ugan 1680 de Vera, fr D. usa 1975 Nguyen, Huy Mai viet
249 Christopher turk 1886 Ngondwe, Pontian ugan 1736 de Vincennes, F. M. B. usa 1975 Nguyen, Van Hoa viet
1923 Chrysostomos, met of Smyrna turk 1988 Oido, fr C.O. ugan 1680 del Val, fr J. usa 1950 Nguyen, pastor viet
c260 Conon turk 1988 Okagric, br A. ugan 1706 Delhalle, fr C. usa 1861 Ochoa, bp V. B. viet
c300 Cosmas & Damian turk 1897 Pilkington, G. L. ugan 1834 Diaz OFM, fr usa 1968 Olsen, Betty viet
110 Crescentius turk 1979 Santi, fr G. ugan 1781 Diaz, fr J. M. usa 1950 Phan Long, pastor viet
c260 Cyril turk 1886 Sebuggwawo, Denis ugan 1729 du Poisson, fr P. usa 1950 Thien Thi, pastor viet
1638 Cyril I Lukaris, ecu patriarch turk 1886 Serunkuma, Bruno ugan 1736 du Tisne, L. C. usa 1798 Trieu, fr E. viet
1638 Cyril II Kontaris, ecu patriarch turk 1973 Serwanika, J. ugan 1662 Dyre, Mary usa 1861 Venard, fr J. T. viet
c300 Damian turk 1988 Spil MHM, fr C. ugan 1704 Feliciano, A. C. usa 1645 Vincent, catechist viet
c300 Diomed turk 1886 Tuzinde, Mbaga ugan 1553 Ferrer, fr J. usa 1962 Vitti, A. viet
313 Dorothy turk 1979 Wasikye, John, bp of Mbale ugan 1702 Foucault, fr N. usa 1968 Wilting, Ruth viet
303 Euphemia turk 1986 Wilson, evangelist John E.H. ugan 1549 Fuentes, br usa 523 Abraham yeme
379 Eusebius, bp of Samosata turk 1991 You WF, fr Alexander ugan 1752 Ganzabal, fr J. F. usa 523 Abu-Afr, governor yeme
834 Euthymius, metrop of Sardes turk 1932 Agapit, abp of Ekaterinoslav ukra 1692 Garangouas, M. usa 1998 Anetta, sr yeme
64 Evodius, bp of Antioch turk 1918 Basil, abp of Chernigov ukra 1781 Garces OFM, fr F. T. usa 523 Aretas yeme
252 Fabius, bp of Antioch turk 1937 Boretsky, M., metropolitan ukra 1730 Gaston, fr usa 523 Elesbaan yeme
156 Felicitus Alexander turk 1927 Bretzkiy, bp N. ukra 1571 Gomez, fr G. usa 523 Elias yeme
165 Felicity turk 99 Clement, bp of Rome ukra 1692 Gonannhatenha, F. usa 523 Elija yeme
449 Flavian, patriarch turk 1935 Damaskin, bp of Gluhov ukra 1964 Goodman usa 523 Habsa yeme
303 Genesius the Actor turk 1980 Gurgula, fr A. ukra 1708 Gravier, fr J. usa 1998 Lilia, sr yeme
156 Germanicus turk 1948 Halan, Y. ukra 1985 Hammes, W. usa 1998 Michaela, sr yeme
729 Germanus, ecu patriarch turk c1970 Hmara of Kulunda ukra 1908 Heinrich, fr L. usa 523 Moses of Yemen yeme
1707 Gomidas, fr K. turk 1979 Kalienuk, fr Z.A. ukra 1643 Hutchinson, Anne usa 523 Sergios yeme
1979 Goodman, Dave turk 1959 Kherie, bp A. ukra 1997 James, Jessica usa 2000 Tirelli, sr F. zamb
1317 Gregorios, Mar, bp turk 1944 Kocylowskyj, bp ukra 1796 Juvenal, hieromonk usa 1561 da Silveira SJ, fr G. zimb
1822 Gregory V, ecu patriarch turk 1948 Kostelnyk, fr H. ukra 1968 King, Jr, pastor Martin Luther usa 1978 Dunaway, Jr., A.G. zimb
309 Habib the Deacon turk 1980 Kotyk, fr Y. ukra 1689 Le Clercq, fr M. usa 1978 Evans, P. & S. zimb
1998 Haviaropoulos, V. turk 1975 Lutsky, fr M. ukra 1632 Letrado, fr F. usa 1978 Evans, S. zimb
304 Hermes turk 1938 Lypkivsky, V., metropolitan ukra 1990 Lewis, pastor N. usa 1978 Fisher, M. zimb
297 Hipparchus turk c650 Martin I, pope ukra 1571 Linares, fr P. usa 1988 Knoerl, br K. zimb
284 Irene turk 1936 Pavlivsky, I., metropolitan ukra 1968 Liuzzo, Viola usa 1978 Lynn, R. & J. & Pamela zimb
1096 John (Said bar Sabhuni), bp turk 1984 Potochnyak, fr A. ukra 1998 Loften, pastor A. usa 1978 Lynn, J. zimb
407 John Chrysostom, patriarch turk 1947 Romza, bp T. ukra 1582 Lopez, fr F. usa 1978 Lynn, Pamela zimb
c860 John VII Grammaticus, patr turk 1982 Terelya, B.M. ukra 1837 Lovejoy, Elijah P. usa 1978 McCann, P. & S. & Joy zimb
95 John, Apostle turk 1918 Vladimir, metropolitan of Kiev ukra 1680 Maldonado, fr L. usa 1978 McCann, Joy zimb
1802 Lazarus the Bulgar turk 1758 Aberin, fr J. S. usa 1566 Martinez SJ, fr P. usa 1978 McCann, S. zimb
c580 Licinianus, bp of Carthage turk 1704 Anixa, A. usa 1996 Mathias, mrs. C. usa 1896 Mizeki, Bernard, catechist zimb
1896 Lilli OFM, fr Salvatore turk 1704 Arraiyo, fr J. P. usa 1996 Mathias, pastor C. & wife usa 1970 Nyabadza, fr B. zimb
312 Lucian of Antioch turk 1736 Aulneau, fr J. P. usa 1963 McNair, Denise usa 1978 Picken, C. zimb
511 Macedonius II, patriarch turk 1672 Avila y Ayala, fr P. usa 1689 Membre, fr Z. usa 1976 Schmitt, bp A. zimb
274 Mamas turk 1781 Barreneche, fr J. A. usa 1661 Menard, fr R. usa
278 Marina turk 1872 Bassost, fr F. usa 1553 Mendez, fr H. usa

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