Movie SQL
Movie SQL
Movie SQL
1.Write a query to display movie names and number of times that movie is issued to
customers. Incase movies are never issued to customers display number of times as 0. Display
the details in sorted order based on number of times (in descending order) and then by
movie name (in ascending order). The Alias name for the number of movies issued is
movies_master m LEFT JOIN customer_issue_details c ON m.MOVIE_ID=c.MOVIE_ID
GROUP BY m.movie_name
3.Write a query to display the movie category and number of movies in that category. Display
records based on number of movies from higher to lower order and then by movie category
in ascending order.Hint: Use NO_OF_MOVIES as alias name for number of movies.
4.Write a query to display the number of customers having card with description “Gold card”.
<br/>Hint: Use CUSTOMER_COUNT as alias name for number of customers
SELECT count(c.customer_id) CUSTOMER_COUNT FROM
library_card_master l JOIN customer_card_details c ON l.CARD_ID=c.CARD_ID
WHERE description='Gold';
5.Write a query to display the customer id, customer name, year of registration,library card
id, card issue date of all the customers who hold library card. Display the records sorted by
customer name in descending order. Use REGISTERED_YEAR as alias name for year of
SELECT c.customer_id,c.customer_name,
year(c.DATE_OF_REGISTRATION) REGISTERED_YEAR,cd.card_id,cd.issue_date FROM
customer_master c JOIN customer_card_details cd ON c.customer_id=cd.customer_id
6.Write a query to display issue id, customer id, customer name for the customers who have
paid fine and whose name starts with 'R'. Fine is calculated based on return date and actual
date of return. If the date of actual return is after date of return then fine need to be paid by
the customer order by customer name.
customer_master c JOIN customer_issue_details ci ON c.customer_id=ci.customer_id
WHERE customer_name LIKE 'R%' and ci.actual_date_return>ci.return_date
ORDER BY customer_name;
7. Write a query to display customer id, customer name, card id, card description and card
amount in dollars of customers who have taken movie on the same day the library card is
registered. For Example Assume John registered a library card on 12th Jan 2013 and he took a
movie on 12th Jan 2013 then display his details. AMOUNT_DOLLAR = amount/52.42 and
round it to zero decimal places and display as $Amount. Example Assume 500 is the amount
then dollar value will be $10. Hint: Use AMOUNT_DOLLAR as alias name for amount in dollar.
Display the records in ascending order based on customer name.
concat('$',round(amount/52.42)) AMOUNT_DOLLAR FROM
customer_master c JOIN customer_issue_details ci ON c.customer_id=ci.customer_id
JOIN customer_card_details cc ON cc.customer_id=c.customer_id
JOIN library_card_master l ON cc.card_id=l.card_id
ORDER BY customer_name;
8.Write a query to display the customer id, customer name,contact number and address of
customers who have taken movies from library without library card and whose address ends
with 'Nagar'. Display customer name in upper case. Hint: Use CUSTOMER_NAME as alias
name for customer name. Display the details sorted in ascending order based on customer
customer_master WHERE contact_add LIKE '%Nagar' and
customer_id NOT IN (SELECT customer_id FROM customer_card_details)
and customer_id IN (SELECT customer_id FROM customer_issue_details)
9.Write a query to display the movie id, movie name,release year,director name of movies
acted by the leadactor1 who acted maximum number of movies .Display the records sorted in
ascending order based on movie name.
SELECT movie_id,movie_name,release_date,director FROM movies_master
WHERE lead_role_1 IN(SELECT lead_role_1 FROM
(SELECT lead_role_1,count(movie_id)ct FROM movies_master
GROUP BY lead_role_1)t WHERE t.ct>=ALL(SELECT count(movie_id)
FROM movies_master GROUP BY lead_role_1)) ORDER BY movie_name;
10.Write a query to display the customer name and number of movies issued to that
customer sorted by customer name in ascending order. If a customer has not been issued
with any movie then display 0. <br>Hint: Use MOVIE_COUNT as alias name for number of
movies issued.
SELECT c.customer_name,count(ci.movie_id) MOVIE_COUNT FROM
customer_master c LEFT JOIN customer_issue_details ci ON c.customer_id=ci.customer_id
GROUP BY c.customer_id ORDER BY c.customer_name;
11.Write a query to display serial number,issue id, customer id, customer name, movie id and
movie name of all the videos that are issued and display in ascending order based on serial
number.Serial number can be generated from the issue id , that is last two characters of issue
id is the serial number. For Example Assume the issue id is I00005 then the serial number is
05 Hint: Alias name for serial number is 'SERIAL_NO'
13.Write a query to display movie id ,movie name and actor names of movies which are not
issued to any customers. <br> Actors Name to be displayed in the below
format.LEAD_ACTOR_ONE space ambersant space LEAD_ACTOR_TWO.Example: Assume lead
actor one's name is "Jack Tomson" and Lead actor two's name is "Maria" then Actors name
will be "Jack Tomsom & Maria"Hint:Use ACTORS as alias name for actors name. <br> Display
the records in ascending order based on movie name.
SELECT movie_id,movie_name,concat(lead_role_1,' & ',lead_role_2) ACTOR FROM
WHERE movie_id NOT IN (SELECT movie_id FROM customer_issue_details) ORDER BY
14.Write a query to display the director's name, movie name and lead_actor_name1 of all the
movies directed by the director who directed more than one movie. Display the directors
name in capital letters. Use DIRECTOR_NAME as alias name for director name column Display
the records sorted in ascending order based on director_name and then by movie_name in
descending order.
SELECT upper(director) DIRECTOR_NAME,movie_name,lead_role_1 FROM movies_master
GROUP BY director HAVING count(movie_id)>1 ORDER BY director,movie_name DESC;
15.Write a query to display number of customers who have registered in the library in the
year 2012 and who have given/provided contact number. <br> Hint:Use NO_OF_CUSTOMERS
as alias name for number of customers.
SELECT count(customer_id) NO_OF_CUSTOMER FROM customer_master
WHERE contact_no is not null and year(date_of_registration)='2012';
16.Write a query to display the customer's name, contact number,library card id and library
card description of all the customers irrespective of customers holding a library card. If
customer contact number is not available then display his address. Display the records sorted
in ascending order based on customer name. Hint: Use CONTACT_DETAILS as alias name for
customer contact.
SELECT c.customer_name,ifnull(c.contact_no,c.contact_add)
CONTACT_DETAILS,l.card_id,l.description FROM
customer_master c LEFT JOIN customer_card_details cc ON c.customer_id=cc.customer_id
LEFT JOIN library_card_master l ON l.card_id=cc.card_id
ORDER BY customer_name;
17. Write a query to display the customer id, customer name and number of times the same
movie is issued to the same customers who have taken same movie more than once. Display
the records sorted by customer name in decending order For Example: Assume customer
John has taken Titanic three times and customer Ram has taken Die hard only once then
display the details of john. Hint: Use NO_OF_TIMES as alias name for number of times
SELECT ci.customer_id,c.customer_name,count(ci.movie_id) NO_OF_TIMES FROM
customer_issue_details ci JOIN customer_master c ON c.customer_id=ci.customer_id
GROUP BY ci.customer_id,ci.movie_id HAVING count(movie_id)>1
ORDER BY customer_name DESC;
18.Write a query to display customer id, customer name,contact number, movie category and
number of movies issued to each customer based on movie category who has been issued
with more than one movie in that category. Example: Display contact number as "+91-876-
456-2345" format. Hint:Use NO_OF_MOVIES as alias name for number of movies
column. Hint:Use CONTACT_ISD as alias name for contact number. Display the records sorted
in ascending order based on customer name and then by movie category.
SELECT c.customer_id,c.customer_name,concat('+91-',substring(c.contact_no,1,3),'-',
substring(c.contact_no,4,3),'-',substring(c.contact_no,7)) CONTACT_ISD
,m.movie_category,count(cc.movie_id) NO_OF_MOVIES FROM customer_master c JOIN
customer_issue_details cc
ON c.customer_id=cc.customer_id JOIN movies_master m ON m.movie_id=cc.movie_id
GROUP BY c.customer_id,m.movie_category HAVING count(cc.movie_id)>1
ORDER BY customer_name,movie_category;
19.Write a query to display customer id and customer name of customers who has been
issued with maximum number of movies and customer who has been issued with minimum
no of movies. For example Assume customer John has been issued 5 movies, Ram has been
issued 10 movies and Kumar has been issued 2 movies. The name and id of Ram should be
displayed for issuing maximum movies and Kumar should be displayed for issuing minimum
movies. Consider only the customers who have been issued with atleast 1 movie Customer(s)
who has/have been issued the maximum number of movies must be displayed first followed
by the customer(s) who has/have been issued with the minimum number of movies. In case
of multiple customers who have been displayed with the maximum or minimum number of
movies, display the records sorted in ascending order based on customer name.
SELECT cid.customer_id , cm.customer_name FROM customer_master cm JOIN
customer_issue_details cid ON cm.customer_id=cid.customer_id
GROUP BY customer_id , customer_name
HAVING count(movie_id)>=ALL(SELECT count(movie_id)
FROM customer_issue_details
GROUP BY customer_id)
SELECT cid.customer_id , customer_name FROM
customer_master cm JOIN customer_issue_details cid
ON cm.customer_id=cid.customer_id
GROUP BY customer_id , customer_name
HAVING count(movie_id)<=ALL(SELECT count(movie_id)
FROM customer_issue_details
GROUP BY customer_id) ORDER BY customer_name;
20.Write a query to display the customer id , customer name and number of times movies
have been issued from Comedy category. Display only for customers who has taken more
than once. Hint: Use NO_OF_TIMES as alias name Display the records in ascending order
based on customer name.
SELECT c.customer_id,c.customer_name,count(m.movie_id) NO_OF_TIMES FROM
customer_master c JOIN customer_issue_details cc ON c.customer_id=cc.customer_id
JOIN movies_master m ON m.movie_id=cc.movie_id
WHERE m.movie_category='Comedy'
GROUP BY c.customer_id HAVING count(m.movie_id)>1
ORDER BY customer_name;
21.Write a query to display customer id and total rent paid by the customers who are issued
with the videos. Need not display the customers who has not taken / issued with any videos.
Hint: Alias Name for total rent paid is TOTAL_COST. Display the records sorted in ascending
order based on customer id
SELECT cid.customer_id, sum(mm.rent_cost) TOTAL_COST
FROM customer_issue_details cid
JOIN movies_master mm ON cid.movie_id=mm.movie_id
GROUP BY cid.customer_id
order by cid.customer_id;