Nutrition Timing Top-Athletes
Nutrition Timing Top-Athletes
Nutrition Timing Top-Athletes
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Mirela Vasilescu
University of Craiova
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Anca Magdalena Munteanu1, Daniela Manuc1, Adela Caramoci2, Mirela Vasilescu3, Anca Ionescu2
Public Health Department, UMF Carol Davila, Bucharest, Romania
Sports Medicine Department, UMF Carol Davila, Bucharest, Romania
Kinethoterapy and Sports Medicine Department, University of Craiova, Romania
Abstract. In the early 2000 timing was introduced as an important nutrition concept in the 21 st century, being a must-
know for everyone interested in fitness, performance and health. Nutrient timing (NT) is a new system of exercise
nutrition that helps improve strength and lean body mass in the shortest time, without changing the exercise program or
caloric intake; in any sport discipline, nutrients timing is so necessary to meet exercise performance and to recover from
the stress of a workout.
Key words: diet, nutrient, anabolic effect, training program, periodization.
The exercise nutrition concept originated in the the muscle enzymes for a faster muscle recovery
research efforts of solving the “plateau following the effort (1, 4, 5).
phenomenon” that is the stagnation in muscle The anabolic phase extends for the 45 minutes
growth and strength achievement, despite a just after the workout, when the muscle has a
hyperproteic diet (1, 2). The research concluded it great capacity of repairing the damaged proteins
was not sufficient to use high quality protein to and to replenish the glycogen stores.
gain lean mass and strength, but to deliver it at This phase you have to consume carbohydrates,
precisely the right time and to use other vitamin C and E as antioxidants and some amino
conutrients too (called nutrient “activators”), in acids, to fasten the muscle recovery; research has
order to maximize muscle growth. The NT shown that a ratio of 3:1 carbohydrates to protein
principle claims: during a muscle’s 24 hours is beneficial for enhancing glycogen storage and
growth cycle, there are different periods of quicker recovery (6-8).
contraction, of recovery and of growth, each with The growth phase extends from the 45 min after
specific metabolism (producing glycogen, the workout until the next workout; it is the period
replenishing it or muscle protein synthesize), so of increase of contractile proteins and fibers size.
you have to fuel with the right nutrient each of the It is the time for consuming protein and
above periods (3). carbohydrates.
The 3 phases of the NT are energy phase, anabolic Included into the NT concept is the concept of
phase and growth phase. “nutrient activation”, for an effective muscle
The energy phase extends during the whole growth: the most important 2 activators are
workout, when muscles need enough energy for proteins and some amino acids (arginine,
performing contractions. To meet this goal, timing glutamine and leucine) and carbohydrates:
science shows that 10 min prior to and during consuming amino acids and protein (the best is
workout it is necessary to consume carbohydrates whey protein) during the energy phase, emphases
plus proteins, specific amino acids and vitamins. the effect of carbohydrates; consuming
The benefits will be a good spare of glycogen, carbohydrates in the anabolic phase amplifies the
(improving muscular endurance), blunt the rise in anabolic effect of amino acids and proteins, while
cortisol (reduce muscle damage and limit the the last enhances the glycogen replenishment
immune system suppression) and help preparing (9,10).
Nutrition timing in top athletes
Anca Magdalena Munteanu & all
In order to maximize the muscle growth, athletes systematically manipulated). Training cycle
have to consume carbohydrates and amino acids begins with a high-volume, low-intensity profile,
along with the protein drink, during the growth then progresses to low volume, high intensity over
phase. time), step wise (like the traditional model,
Arginine, less then 10grams/day, has benefits in intensity increases and volume decreases during
synthesis of other amino acids, insulin secretion the training period). Volume is decreased during
and blood flow, without side effects. Glutamine, the training period. Volume is decreased in a
by stimulating protein synthesis and preventing stepwise fashion: repetitions are reduced from
protein breakdown; the richest sources are round eight to five, five to three, and so forth, at specific
steak, chicken breast and thigh, ground beef (11). time intervals), undulating (training volume and
Creatine is the most popular muscle building intensity increase and decrease on a regular basis:
supplement; in a study of 10 weeks creatine but they do not follow the traditional pattern of
supplementation and strength training, resulted a increasing intensity and decreasing volume as the
25% strength and a 60% muscle mass increase mesocycle progresses), overreaching (volume or
(12). intensity is increased for a short period of time
Other substances, such as conjugated linoleic acid (one to two weeks), followed by a return to
CLA, beta-hydroxy-beta metylbutyrate HMB, L- "normal" training. This method is use primarily
carnitine, ribose and piruvate require more studies with advanced strength trained athletes (15.16).
in order to evidence their “nutrient activators” Although there is no single best periodization
effect. program that suits everyone due to individual
differences such as gender, muscle fiber
Periodization is an organized approach to percentages, and genetics, undulating
training that involves progressive cycling of periodization programs have shown particular
various aspects of a training program during a promise for optimizing muscular fitness benefits
specific period of time. It means the division of (17).
training cycles throughout the course of the year, At the beginning of the 21st century, a dietary
where volume, frequency, intensity, time, and approach referred to as nutrient periodization was
type of training are manipulated to meet the launched, and focuses on adjusting the
demands of the sport.. Most comparative studies macronutrients to best support exercise
have demonstrated the superiority of periodized periodization techniques. It is supported and
over non-periodized programs in terms of greater driven by the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for
changes in strength, body composition, and motor Americans. It advocates 45 and 65 percent of their
performance. Periodization has been used by the total kilocalories from carbohydrates, 20 to 35
athletic community since the late 1950s. It is percent from fat, and 10-35 percent from protein,
based on the concept of “biological stress” with 2 allowing for the dietary individualism that is
components: eustress (beneficial muscular necessary for meeting specific exercise goals,
strength and growth) and distress (can lead to such as for building muscle and increasing
tissue damage, disease, and death). muscular strength (18).
Periodization is most widely used in resistance We have to take also into consideration The
program designed to avoid over-training and to American Dietetic Association that recommends
systematically alternate high loads of training for athletes: 1.4–1.7g/kg protein, 6-10g/kg
with decreased loading phases to improve carbohydrates, and 20 – 25% fats (19).
components of muscular fitness, e.g. strength, Physiologically, the key to gaining muscle mass is
strength-speed, and strength-endurance (13,14). to consume more energy than what is expended,
Periodized training deals with three types of while focusing on high-intensity resistance
cycles: microcycle, mesocycle, and macrocycle. training. So, experts recommend between 1000-
The microcycle is generally up to 7 days. The 3500 excess kilocalories over the course of a
mesocycle may last from 2 weeks to a few months week, to gain one pound of muscle, or 44-
and can further be classified into preparation, 50kcal/kg body weight/day (1). An athlete’s
competition, peaking, and transition phases. The caloric requirements should be based on lean body
macrocycle refers to the overall training period, mass relative weight instead of total bodyweight.
usually representing a year. Other considerations or nutritional planning will
Here are the periodized training models: be the time of year, goals, and whether there is a
traditional (volume and intensity are need to lose or gain body fat.
Medicina Sportiva
Nutrition timing in top athletes
Anca Magdalena Munteanu & all
Looking into a nutrition plan at the micro-cycle Without this periodization, it could occur chronic
level. For the athlete seeking to optimize muscle elevated protein intake (a common practice for
mass, while following the undulating building muscle), that may decrease fat and
periodization program is recommended that carbohydrate consumption to levels that hinder
relative macronutrient percentages fluctuate with performance and ultimately inhibit optimal
exercise intensity, to adequately facilitate muscle growth.
recovery: a total kilocalories intake ranged 44 to Conversely, long time high carbohydrate diets (a
50 kcal/kg body weight/day; protein intake necessity for recovery from intense training bouts)
maintained at 1.7g/kg/day, as the research does may edge out fat and protein, which has an
not yet support periodization of this nutrient; entirely different repercussion, namely altered
carbohydrate intake changes from 6-9g/kg/day, cholesterol profiles, depressed testosterone levels,
depending on the intensity of the associated and overtraining. This will ultimately lead to the
workout; fat intake adjusts to the carbohydrate inability to gain muscle mass (25). Chronic low
and protein intake. fat diets (<15%) should be avoided because it may
With the nutrient periodization approach to make it difficult for an athlete to achieve a high
training, the suggestion is to allow fat intake to fill caloric diet, result in overtraining, negatively
in the kilocalories after protein and carbohydrate affect the lipid profile, and/or decrease exercise
levels have been established (2,4). performance as well reduce fat-soluble vitamin
When periodize nutrients, carbohydrate levels intake. Chronic high fat diets (>35%) should be
during and after intense workouts will be high, so avoided because they may reduce carbohydrate
fat intake will be suitably low. When and protein consumption, decrease long-term
carbohydrate intake is low (prior to moderate or performance, and potentially increase the risk for
low intensity workouts), it will be the right time cardiovascular complications (4,18,21,26).
for fat intake which will be higher, compensating Looking into a nutrition plan at the mesocycle
for the low-fat intake days. In effect, this level, may retain some principles: training will
technique will moderate fat intake while allowing occur primarily through four phases, an off -
optimal fluctuations of carbohydrate. Fat intake season, preseason, in competition phase, and
should be periodized in relationship to transition/recovery phase. As each phase requires
carbohydrate and protein intake to achieve the manipulation of training variables, nutrition
best results for building muscle and increasing should be aligned with the changes in
strength on a periodized exercise program (20). performance requirements during the various
Of course, lower or higher, fat intake has always phases of periodization. So, the caloric,
to consist of healthful fats, for long-term health carbohydrate, fat, and protein requirements will
benefits. More precisely, for 24 hours following vary depending on the time of year (the above
an intense workout, an intake of 9g/kg/day of phases) and body composition.
carbohydrate may be ideal for a correct recovery, After recovery, the off–season begins. It is the
possible to extend up to 10-12g/kg/day after longest period of time of the macrocycle (usually
endurance training. Further, after the carbohydrate ranges four to six months in length, depending on
stores have been replenished, high carbohydrate the sport) and a great time for any athlete to put
intake is no longer necessary focus and the athlete on muscle mass, improve areas of weakness, and
can focus on the other macronutrients (can raise recover from any injuries. During this phase
fats). training volume is high in resistance training, and
During the 24 hours period prior to a moderate or cardiovascular training is minimized. In order to
light intensity activity, to build muscle may do the nutrition plan for this period, we will
consider an intake of 6g/kg/day of carbohydrate consider first whether you are at the ideal weight
(21-24). We can notice that, although on a day-to- for your sport. Both weight loss or gain should be
day basis, macronutrient percentages fall outside done slowly over the four to six months of the off
the season!
AMDR* (2002, Acceptable Macronutrient How do we periodize nutrition to correlate with
Distribution Range, by the Institute of Medicine the goals of strength training? We have to answer
Food & Nutrition Board) recommendations, over 2 questions:
the course of the week they meet them: fat intake 1. What should be the needed calorie intake? In
averages ~20%, protein ~14%, and carbohydrate order to gain weight the athlete needs to eat more
averages between 65-66% (24). calories than needed, calculated as follows: lean
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Nutrition timing in top athletes
Anca Magdalena Munteanu & all
body mass (in kilograms) x 24 = BMR (it is should not be neglected. However, the proper
obvious that lean body mass was calculated after sources of fat should be a focal area: use sources
measuring body weight and composition and of monounsaturated (omega 9) and
extract the fat mass from the body weight!); polyunsaturated (omega-3 and 6) fats, while
BMRx1.5 (coefficient for high activity level or for minimize the intake of saturated and trans fats, the
gaining weight) = needed calories/day. We start last, avoidable.
from this caloric intake level and measure body There are no definitive daily hydration guidelines
weight at the end of each week! that are supported by research; in practice, urine
If the athlete does not gain weight in the first color should be pale yellow and individual should
week, then we add 250–500 additional calories a be urinating every 2 – 3 hours to ensure a positive
week, until we notice the needed weight. hydration status (29)!
2. How shall we be structuring these calories? Power athletes – should eat smaller, frequent
Remember the athlete is in the off-season and meals, with continuous hydration along the day;
wants to gain weight. So the carbohydrates daily once a caloric intake that sustain weight is
intake =lean body mass (kg) x 6g/kg; protein daily achieved, extra energy intake is needed (about
intake = lean body mass (kg) x 1.4-1.6g/kg; fat 500cal/day, 55-25-20% G-P-L) to support muscle
daily intake = 20% of the caloric daily intake gain, simultaneous to a continuously challenging
calculated above (1,19). resistance training routine. Monitoring weight
After 20–26 weeks of strength and conditioning, it (weekly) and body composition (monthly) is vital!
is time to get ready for another competitive For endurance athlete - never loss more than 450-
season. All this time, bodyweight should be done 900g/week, therefore begin a nutrition regime
weekly, and body fat should be done at the end of with enough time to rich the goals appropriately.
each month. A too rapid weight loss means muscle and water
Training season loss too, altering performance (30). They should
Calories should be adjusted up to an activity level eat a minimum of 6-8 servings of fruit and
of 1.5, since the athlete is training harder. But if vegetables per day and choose high fiber foods;
carrying excess body fat, then we would start at a this is the time when they should experiment new
1.3 activity level. Carbohydrates should be higher energy supplements and rehydration standard
(increase at 8 grams/kg), protein higher too solutions, to choose the most suitable products for
(slightly increase at 1.5 – 1.7), and fat calories each athlete body in the upcoming stages; try to
about the same. It is important to pay closer find out what nutritional products will be used at
attention to fluids and micronutrients. A the races they will be competing in the upcoming
multivitamin supplement may also be season and try those (31)!
recommended (27). Competition Cycle
Going into more detailed recommendation, during If the athlete has followed the periodized nutrition
the preparatory cycle, daily carbohydrate intake plan and assessments, he/she should be at an
should range from 3–7g/kg. Athletes who are not optimal fuel level and body composition. It is
training with high volume or intensity should detrimental to be on a low calorie diet during the
begin at the lower end, while those training more in season, and he/she should be at the highest
than two hours per day should begin in the middle level of carbohydrates and caloric requirements. It
of the range. Daily protein intake should range is important that meals are structured before and
from 1.2–2.5g/kg. after practice. It is also important that meals are
For athletes seeking weight loss, the higher end of structured before and after competitive events.
the range is recommended (2.0–2.2g/kg) to Carbohydrates are the key during in season, along
improve satiety (through a blood sugar stabilizing with adequate calories (27). Energy expenditure
effect) and better utilize the thermal effect of will change as athlete’s progress into the
food. For those interested in maintaining weight, a competition cycle. The physical goals require a
moderate protein intake (1.2– 1.7g/kg) can be shift to higher intensity training and usually
recommended. include improving strength, power and speed.
Daily fat intake should be relatively low, ranging This change in energy expenditure will facilitate a
from 0.8 – 1.3g/kg (28). Again we say fat is a needed nutritional change. Daily carbohydrate
necessary component in the nutrition plan and requirements will likely increase depending on the
level of exercise that an athlete performs. If the
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Nutrition timing in top athletes
Anca Magdalena Munteanu & all
exercise duration and intensity increase the salt intake (salt tablets). If they race longer
significantly from the previous training cycle, distances, a lower fiber diet, to decrease bowel
carbohydrate intake should also increase to movements during a race. Fruit juice is a great
support the higher physical demands. choice since there is no fiber and brings some
Carbohydrate intake should range from 5 – vitamins and minerals; drink a minimum of 12-14
12g/kg. Daily protein intake should range from glasses of non-caffeinated fluid per day; if they
1.4–2.0g/kg. Since a higher amount of are training for a full Ironman distance, add extra
carbohydrates may be consumed, protein intake salt to the diet (up to one teaspoon of extra salt, if
may decrease slightly. For endurance athletes, pre-existing health conditions allow).
focusing more on cardiovascular exercise with Preparation for the race means having developed
light strength training, daily protein requirements the above pre-race eating routine with specific
can be met with a range of 1.2 – 1.7g/kg. For foods and beverages and specific timing of foods,
athletes focused more on strength and power then maintain with it the entire season: try to eat
training, with lean muscle mass gains as a goal, every couple of hours inside the range of hungry;
daily protein intake can remain around the 1.7 – eat small breakfast; hydration using sports drink.
2.0g/kg (21, 23, 30). A special attention should be payed to carbo-
Daily fat intake should be moderate, ranging from loading two nights before the race and continue to
1.0 – 1.5g/kg. As was the case in the preparatory snack on high carbohydrate foods the day before a
cycle, healthy fats should be the abundant fat race.
consumed by individuals. It is important to The endurance athletes should be told it is not at
understand the exercise load that an athlete all advisable to try anything new, especially on
follows as this will largely dictate the amount of race day or to carbo-load only the night before a
fat consumed each day. If an athlete is training at race, or to drink too much water (hyponatremia
least 2 – 3 times per day with high energy danger) (7).
expenditure, more daily fat may be necessary to For power athletes - should reduce energy intake,
remain in energy balance. in order to lose body fat, but maintain muscle
Hydration should be a high priority during this mass gained in preseason. So, a week before
time due to the increase in sweating from higher competition they should decrease energy intake,
exercise duration and/or intensity. One thing that and increase carbohydrate to protein ratio, so that
is often forgotten by athletes is the importance of the glycogen is optimal loaded for the competition
daily hydration prior to workouts. It is imperative day. Beside fat loss, another strategy of
that athletes develop the habit of drinking enough highlighting the muscles is manipulating, but only
fluids and eating enough high water content foods for some days, the fluids and
such as fruits and vegetables to improve their sodium intakes. Restricting sodium and hydration
hydration status throughout the day to have proper levels for a long period, blood potassium and
fluid stores for their training session. They might phosphorus levels would increase dangerously the
become dehydrated during exercise as a result of risk of heart failure (30).
improper daily hydration practices. If an athlete is Transition or recovery is that time immediate
dehydrated before exercise, there is not much they after the season is over (two weeks to a month). It
can do to prevent further dehydration during is time when athletes should rest, and have little to
exercise and thus their training session will be no structure diet and training. The transition cycle
compromised (28). typically has a significant reduction in training.
For endurance athletes - specifically formulated Athletes may still exercise during the transition
supplements nutrition products dedicated for the cycle, but do so less frequently and without much
long period of training and carbohydrates-protein structure. It is recommended to continue to stay
mixes for recovery are recommended; they rise active, doing things other than the chosen sport.
significantly the daily energy intake from food, This is normally the time of the year where most
but it is no danger of weight gain because they are nutritional mistakes are made due to this
burned because of the intensity and duration of somehow abrupt change in energy expenditure.
training (30). Going into details, from built to They expend less, and if don’t have good nutrition
peak, these athletes should use the energy bars, knowledge; they could continue to intake at
gels and sports drinks that were tested and worked comparable energy levels with that during the
well for them during the base cycle; eat often, previous cycle! Bodyweight is not allowed to drift
snacking is beneficial in this cycle; supplement 2.5-5kg from playing weight (27).
Medicina Sportiva
Nutrition timing in top athletes
Anca Magdalena Munteanu & all
During the transition cycle, daily carbohydrate minutes after training or a race: a sports drink
intake should decrease to 3 – 4g/kg. Even if an with a cup of low fat yogurt, watermelon and
athlete is exercising up to 6 – 7 times per week, chocolate milk, a lean meat sandwich; the athletes
this new carbohydrate range will still provide should let their nutritionist or sports medicine
enough energy for the muscles and brain to fuel specialist conduct their nutrient supplementation:
exercise and sustain cognitive function. proteins, carbohydrates, omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acids,
Daily protein intake should range from 1.5 – vitamins and minerals; salt intake and hydration
2.3g/kg. A slightly higher protein intake will has to be under the nutritionist or medical control;
improve the satiety response and will contribute to not at last, all athletes should continuously benefit
a higher thermogenic contribution to energy of an effective food and nutrition basic training, to
expenditure. The upper end is recommended if the allow them to react as an well informed food
athlete has a hypertrophy producing strength products consumer, with supplementary special
training program during this time, while for those nutritional needs.
engaging in lighter cardiovascular and strength
training activities, the lower range can be used as
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