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Contracts Question Bank For Semester 1

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Q1. Discuss with help of cases the validity of agreements which are in restraint of trade under
Indian Contract Act, 1872.

Q2. In what cases the object or consideration of an agreement is said to be unlawful? Explain
with the help of cases and provisions of Indian Contract Act, 1872

Q3. As per Anson, “Acceptance to an offer is what a lighted matchstick is to a gunpowder”. In

the light of the statement define acceptance and explain the legal provisions relating to
acceptance of an offer.

Q4. Short Notes

a) Differentiate between offer and invitation to offer

b) Circumstances in which specific performance of a contract may be granted by the court

c) Doctrine of Privity of contracts.
d) Contingent Contracts.

Q5. All agreements are not contracts, but all contracts are agreements- Discuss the statement
with the help of suitable cases.”

Q6. ‘A’ agreed to deliver the fire crackers to ‘B’ before Diwali. ‘A’ failed to deliver and ‘B’ sued
‘A’ for the compensation. Discuss the liability of ‘A’ and discuss in detail the law relating to
payment of compensation in cases of breach of contract.

Q7. ‘Consideration, it is generally said, must be something more than what the promise is
already bound to do’. Explain the statement in the light of appropriate cases and illustrations.

Q8. ‘A minor is incapable of entering into a contract’. Explain with the help of relevant
provisions and cases.

Q9. ‘A’ had for shares in ‘B’ company. A letter of allotment addressed to ‘A’ was sent at hus
residence in due time. The letter however, never reached to ‘A’. The company sued him for the
value of the shares which he denied. Explain in detail the liability of ‘A’, if any. Explain in detail
the law relating to acceptance with the help of suitable cases.

Q10. Explain intention is an essential element under Indian Contract Act, 1872.
2018 (PART 1 missing in 15 march 2018)

Q11. ‘Every promise and every set of promises forming consideration for each other is an
agreement’. Elucidate the statement in the light of essentials of a valid contract with the help of
cases and illustrations.

Q12.’ A contract is a promise supported by some consideration upon which either the remedy
of specific performance or that of damages is available.’ Explain the statement. Discuss in detail
the law relating to damages under the Indian Contract Act, 1872 with the help of relevant cases
and provisions.

Q13. ‘Every person has a right to carry on trade and profession of his own choice and no person
can, by a contract, restrain such right’ Discuss in detail with the help of cases and provisions and

Q14. ‘A contract, the consent to which is induced by misrepresentation or fraud is voidable at

the option of the deceived party’. Elucidate with the help of relevant cases and provisions.
Point out the difference between fraud and misrepresentation and remedies.

Q15. Short Notes

a) Minor’s liablity in a contract

b) Anticipatory breach
c) Kinds of injunctions
d) Circumstances in which specific performance of a contract can’t be granted under
Specific Relief Act, 1963

Q16. Explain the rule relating to acceptance under English law and Indian law. Also discuss the
rules relating to acceptance in instantaneous modes of communication with the help of suitable
cases and examples.

Q17. Whether intention is a pre-requisite to enter into a contract in Inqia and England. Explain
with the help of case laws.

Q 18. What are unlawful agreements? When the illegality of object & consideration makes an
agreement void? Explain with the help of case laws.

Q.19.'Mistake vitiates the consent of the parties and makes the contract void.' Explain and
discuss in detail the law relating to Mistake under the Indian Contract Act, 1872.
Q.20. Explain in detail the consequences of a Minor's contract under English law and Indian law
with the help of cases.

Q.21. 'X' contracted to buy a Hillman car from a car dealer, but ultimately refused the
performance. The car was sold to another buyer within a week from the refusal. The car dealer
sued 'A' for loss of profits. Decide the liability of 'X'. Explain in detail the law relating to payment
of compensation in cases of breach of contract.

Q. 22. Write short note on (Any two)

a) Quasi Contract.
b) Anticipatory breach of contract and its effect.
c) Circumstances in which the specific performance may be granted by the Court
under Specific Relief Act, 1963.
d) Agreements in restraint of legal proceedings.

Q23. What do you understand by 'capacity to contract'? Also discuss the effect of agreements
made by persons not qualified to contract?

Q24. 'A contract, the consent of which is induced by misrepresentation or fraud is voidable at
the option of the deceived - party'. Elucidate with the help of relevant cases and provisions.
Also, point out the difference between fraud and misrepresentation and remedies.

Q.25. Discuss with the help of relevant cases, the validity of agreements which are in restraint
of legal proceedings under Indian Contract Act, 1872.

Q.26. What are standard form of contracts? Discuss the binding nature of such contracts.

Q.27. Short Notes (Any Two):

a) Wagering Agreements
b) Types of Injunctions
c) Doctrine of Privity of contract
d) Doctrine of Frustration

Q28.Explain in detail the consequences of 3 Minor's contract under English law and Indian law
with the help of cases.

Q. 29. 'A' had applied for shares in 'B' company. A letter of allotment addressed to 'A' was sent
at his residence in due time. The letter however, never reached to 'A'. The company sued him
for the value of the shares which he denied. Explain in detail the liability of 'A', if any. Explain in
detail the law relating to acceptance with the help of suitable cases.
Q.30. 'Consideration, it is generally said, must be something more than what the promisee is
already bound to do.' Explain the statement in the light of appropriate cases and illustrations.

Q.31.'Z' agreed to sell a specified quantity of potatoes to be grown on his farm to 'Y'. However,
the crop was destroyed by a disease and 'Z' failed to deliver. Is he liable for breach? Discuss in
detail the law relating to impossibility of performance with cases.

Q.32. 'X' contracted to buy a Hillman car from a car .dealer, but ultimately refused the
performance. The car was sold to another buyer within a week from the refusal. The car dealer
sued 'A' for loss of profits. Decide the liability of 'X'. Explain in detail the law · relating to
payment of compensation in case of breach of contract.

Q.33. Discuss in detail the law relating to Mistake as a vitiating element to the contract with
the help of relevant judgments.

Q.34 Write short notes on ANY TWO of the following.

a) Anticipatory breach of contract and its effect

b) Law relating to Injunctions under Specific Relief Act, 1963

c) Circumstances in which the specific performance may be granted by the Court under
Specific Relief Act, 1963

d) Agreements in restraint of judicial proceedings

Q.35. 'There cannot be an estoppel against a minor'. Explain in detail with relevant case laws.

Q 36. Explain the rule relating to acceptance under English law and Indian law. Also discuss the
rules relating to acceptance in instantaneous modes of communication with the help of suitable
cases and examples.

Q. 37. 'Mistake vitiates the consent of the parties and makes the contract void.' Explain and
discuss in detail the law relating to Mistake under the Indian Contract Act, 1872.

Q.38. 'Impossibility of performance relieves a party from his liability under the contract'.
Elucidate with the help of case laws.

Q. 39. 'A stranger to a contract cannot sue for enforcement'. Explain in detail with the help of '
case laws. ·
Q. 40 "An agreement without consideration is void"-Discuss and state the exception to this
general rule.

Q. 41. What are unlawful agreements? When the illegality of object & consideration makes an
agreement void? Explain with the help of case laws.

Q.42. Write short notes on the following:

a) When specific performance of contract can be granted?

b) Kinds of Injunctions.

Q43. 'A' entered into a contract with 'B' for purchase of a house for Rs.1 crore. The possession
was to be given within 6 months from the date of contract. However, 'B' did not give the
possession for almost 2 years. 'A' promised to pay Rs.1,00,000 more to 'B' to vacate the house.
'B' vacated the house and 'A' refused to pay the promised amount. Discuss the liability of 'A', if
any with reasons and the law relating to consideration in Indian and English law.

Q.44. Critically evaluate the rule relating to acceptance of an offer in India and English law with
the help of relevant cases.

Q.45.A contract against public policy cannot be enforced by the Court. Explain along with
exceptional cases in which the Court may restore the benefits derived under such a contract.

Q.46. Discuss in detail the liability of minor for contract under English law as well as Indian law.

Q. 47. 'A' told 'B' that he was buyer of good old rice. The price of old rice is more than that of
new rice. 'B' showed a sample of good new rice to 'A' without saying anything. 'A' agreed to buy
300 measures of it at price appropriate to old but not new rice. Discuss whether 'A' is bound to
accept the rice? Discuss with reference to the law relating to mistake under Indian law.

Q. 48. 'In general only a party to a contract is entitled to enforce a right created by the
contract.' Discuss in the light of devolution of joint rights and liabilities under a contract. Point
out the limitations to the above rule. ·

Q49. The essence of false imprisonment is the restraint of a person without lawful justification.
Critically analyze the statement with relevant case laws.

Q50.A person, v..rho is the victim of battery is entitled to damages for the invasion of his bodily
integrity even if he is not harmed but only affronted, upset or embarrassed. Critically analyze
the recent developments in the tort of battery with relevant cases.
Q51.The law of defamation is a curb on the general right of free speech, and in an attempt to
preserve a balance between free speech and the protection of reputation that is in the public
interest, the courts have developed some limitations on libel actions brought by Government
and Public bodies. Critically analyze with relevant case laws.

Q.52. In Private Nuisance a balance has to be maintained between the right of the occupier to
do what he likes with his land, while the right of the neighbor is not interfered with. Critically

Q53. Today the tort of Negligence has imposed new obligations and duty of care that we owe
to others. Critically analyze the statement with relevant examples.

Q.54 Write short notes on:

(a) Abuse of Legal Process with relevant examples

(b) Maintenance & Champerty

Q.55What is trespass to land? Explain with essentials & exception.

Q.56 Explain the concept of 'Deficiency of Service' with Case Laws?

Q57. “A contract is a promise supported by some consideration upon which either the remedy
of specific performance or that of damages is available.” Explain the statement. Discuss in detail
the law relating to damages under Indian Contract, 1872 with help of cases and relevant

Q58. Short notes

a) Distinction & similarity between contingent contracts and wagering agreements

b) Changes made by Specific Relief (Amendment ) Act, 2018

c) Difference b/w Anticipatory breach and actual breach

d) Past consideration

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