Report6 PDF
Report6 PDF
Report6 PDF
Capstone Project Report
End-Semester Evaluation
Submitted by:
(101611044) RAJAN GOYAL
(101611001)ABHISHEK GARG
(101603013)ABHISHEK MODI
We hereby declare that the design principles and working prototype model of the project
entitled Anomaly detection in surveillance camera is an authentic record of our own work
carried out in the Computer Science and Engineering Department, TIET, Patiala, under the
guidance of Mr. Shatrughan Modi during 7th semester (2019).
Date: 18-Dec-2019
Faculty Mentor:
Mr. Shatrughan Modi
TIET, Patiala
We would like to express our thanks to our mentor Mr Shatrughan Modi. He has been of great
help in our venture, and an indispensable resource of technical knowledge. He is truly an
amazing mentor to have.
We are also thankful to Dr Maninder Singh, Head, Computer Science and Engineering
Department, entire faculty and staff of Computer Science and Engineering Department, and
also our friends who devoted their valuable time and helped us in all possible ways towards
successful completion of this project. We thank all those who have contributed either directly
or indirectly towards this project.
Lastly, we would also like to thank our families for their unyielding love and encouragement.
They always wanted the best for us and we admire their determination and sacrifice.
Date: 18-Dec-2019
1.1 Project Overview 12
1.1.1 Technical terminology 12
1.1.2 Problem Statement 13
1.1.3 Goal 13
1.1.4 Solution 14
1.2 Need Analysis 14
1.3 Research Gaps 15
1.4 Problem Definition and Scope 17
1.5 Assumptions and Constraints 17
1.6 Approved Objectives 18
1.7 Methodology Used 18
1.8 Project Outcomes and Deliverables 18
1.9 Novelty 19
2.3.3 External Interface Requirements 25 User Interfaces 25 Hardware Interfaces 25 Software Interfaces 26
2.3.4 Other Non-functional Requirements 26 Performance requirements 26 Safety Requirements 26 Security Requirements 26
2.4 Cost Analysis 27
2.5 Risk Analysis 27
2.5.1 Risks to consider 27
2.5.2 Impact of the risk 27
2.5.3 Unpredictable Factors 27
2.5.4 Predictable Factors 27
3.1 Investigative Techniques 28
3.2 Proposed Solution 29
3.3 Work Breakdown Structure 29
3.4 Tools and Technologies Used 29
5.3 Working of the Project 42
5.3.1 Procedural workflow 42
5.3.2 Algorithmic Approaches Used 43
5.3.3 System Screenshots 44
5.4 Testing Processes 44
5.4.1 Test Plan 44 Features to be tested 44 Test strategies 45 Test techniques 45
5.4.2 Test cases 46
5.4.3 Test results 47
5.5 Result & Discussions 48
5.6 Inferences drawn 48
5.7 Validation of Objectives 48
6.1 Conclusions 49
6.2 Environmental & Social Benefits 49
6.3 Reflections 50
6.4 Future Work 50
Figure 4.12 GUI pop-up 39
KL Kullback–Leibler
Wi-Fi Wireless-Fidelity
PF Particle Filter
1.1.2 Problem Statement
The main requirement of anomaly detection through a surveillance camera is
recording the real-time data with high accuracy and create alert during anomaly.
Sometimes, when the camera is not working properly, it may send wrong values
which will generate a false alert. The issue tackled by this project is the location of
abandoned objects in a single colour camera’s video feed quickly, efficiently, and
The system must subscribe to certain specifications. The system should work online in
real time, must stay active all the time, and thus should work with varying light
If these specifications are not met, then it might be too late to take proper action, as a
bomb may explode, or a shoplifter can escape. The algorithm used by us runs in real
time on modern inexpensive computer systems. It should have no problem running on
old hardware, if the video resolution is QVGA (320*240 pixel resolution), as is the case
with most security CCTV cameras
● Accuracy of dataset
1.1.3 Goal
The goal is to build an application that can detect the anomaly with high accuracy and
to achieve the fastest possible response time of the Anomaly detection algorithm.
1.1.4 Solution
We are planning to use CCTV cameras connected with computer. Footage from CCTV
with be sent to application. After that, the data will be sent as input parameters of anomaly
detection algorithm. Algorithm will compute the degree of anomaly and will then classify
the anomaly. If the result is beyond threshold limit, an alert will be generated on
application to check if it is false alert or not.
There have been an increasing number of terrorist attacks in crowded public places
such as train stations, subways, airports, malls, etc. Security staff and police forces
rely on video surveillance systems; however, it is labour intensive, and there are limits
of human effectiveness in monitoring and analysing crowded scenes, particularly
when multiple cameras are involved. It is rather unfortunate if there is no one to
monitor the feed, or if negligence leads to an attack. Automated surveillance systems
have been used for offline video analysis, much research is underway on online
analysis and detection of events. We can detect anomalies and suspicious behaviours
in the video feed online, abandoned objects particularly. Many algorithms proposed
to deal with the challenge of abandoned object detection depend on complex
probabilistic mathematics, resulting in the need for large amount of resources, and
their failure to work fast in real time. Other difficulties in detecting abandoned objects
are occlusion by people in a crowd, and the background subtraction lacking
dynamically updating features or being computationally intensive. Successive frames,
the system keeps a lookout for the bag positions, whose presence in anomaly in
footage is not limited to detection of static objects. It can be extended to detecting a
fight, a person jumping a fence or an accident.
When an abandoned bag is detected, the system analyses its database to determine the
most likely bag position(s), where the position is defined as the location where the
bag into the scene is left unattended. Thro or disappearance from the scene defines
the status of the bag, and decides the appropriate course of action. These types of
systems can assist security personnel by providing excellent situational awareness,
enabling them to respond to critical situations more efficiently.
1.3 Research Gaps
Loss of consciousness is one of the leading problems faced by the user who monitor
surveillance camera’s feed. To prevent this from happening, a constant supervision of
the application is needed. Hence an alternate surveillance method is required. Anomaly
require immediate attention and the only way one can establish that is by designing a
sensing and alerting method.
up to date input. There is a maximum breaking point to what number of sections there
can be in the database, to keep the computational necessities to low. This is managed
by a steady which can be set in an unexpected way. The strategy accomplish 20 fps.
The strategy works very well for distinguishing strange articles and runs continuously.
There is a solo learning calculation which is ideal and it is information driven so no
physically limits must be set.
Authors [3] in its research, Optical stream is figured for every pixel in every locale
utilizing the Lucas-Kanade strategies. The movement in every area is quantised into
four headings and the movement in the following edges are summarized to make a four-
container histogram containing the movement of 50 edges. This will at that point be
changed over to a codebook of 16 potential blends extending from no critical movement
in either of the 4 headings to huge movement in the entirety of the four bearings. The
classifier is a naive Bayes classifier and a limit is utilized for deciding whether a casing
is irregular or not.
Authors [4] Developed strategy joins both spatial and fleeting anomaly recognition.
There is achieving and a testing stage, so they don't use on-line refreshing of the
ordinary model. For the transient irregularities an MDT is processed on each casing in
the preparation set and in the running stage the registered MDTs are analyzed by
utilizing log probability for the group that is nearest to the MDT. This will create the
fleeting oddity map. For the spatial oddities saliency technique is utilized. This is a
proportion of how a lot of the district stands apart of its environment. A MDT is
determined utilizing a guess, since it would somehow or another be excessively
computationally overwhelming. The spatial irregularity map is registered by utilizing
KL disparity between the MDT of the preparation set and the info outline. The two
abnormality maps are consolidated by including them and the inconsistency discovery
is finished utilizing a straightforward limit. In the testing stage it takes 25s for each
casing to be handled, which makes this technique a long way from constant.
All the above research papers provided us an insight of the techniques and the
algorithms being currently being used in this research area. We, hence, deduced the
need of a portable, low cost and environment independent system which can alert the
user as soon as the anomaly is detected to prevent.
1.4 Problem Definition and Scope
The main problem in detection of anomaly is the generation of false alarm. It can have
various reasons like the application is not working properly, the application crashes off
from the user accidentally and some more.
A CCTV camera will be attached to computer through wires or Wi-Fi. Footages from
the camera will be sent to application for the detection of anomaly. This will be done
with the help of Anomaly detection algorithm which will classify the results obtained
after computing the recorded data into normal or anomalous. An alert will be generated
on the application with a 10 seconds window to respond, failing which the security will
be alerted through alarm system.
1 The surveillance system requires a fraction of seconds to detect an anomaly, so any anomaly taking
less time than the threshold time will not be detected.
2 A backup power supply should be maintained 24×7 to keep a check on the operational efficiency
of the surveillance system
4 The sensor used may or may not have a higher surviving capacity, thus, malfunctioning of it can
occur, so we need to keep a check on the sensor condition timely.
5 The hardware must contain GPU that efficiently process the algorithms and image processing.
6 For the alarm to get to the active state, a proper trained algorithm must be used to measure the
level of anomaly. If the level is greater than the threshold value, then only the alarm will go the
active state.
1.6 Approved Objectives
1. To successfully detect the anomaly
2. To successfully alert the user
3. To ensure that device is recording valid values and in every possible light
condition on modern inexpensive systems.
4. To optimize the time complexity of our anomaly detection algorithm
5. To classify the normal and anomalous videos
1.9 Novelty
This project is the one of few area of research and application. We can detect anomalies
and suspicious behaviours in the video feed online, abandoned objects particularly.
Many algorithms proposed to deal with the challenge of abandoned object detection
depend on complex probabilistic mathematics, resulting in the need for large amount
of resources, and their failure to work fast in real time. This leads to extensively save
of man power to detect anomaly on camera as previous systems work manually.
2.1.3 Research Findings for Existing Literature
TABLE 2.1: Research Findings for Existing Literature
S. Roll Name Paper Title Tools/ Findings Citation
No. Number Technology
1 101603013 Abhishek Hunting Nessie – Real- CCTV-camera Use of real time CCTV [1]
Modi Time Abnormality camera with algorithm in
Detection from Webcams real-time
3 101611001 Abhishek Stream-based active CCTV HMM has high accuracy [3]
Garg unusual event detection compared to other models
4 101611044 Rajan Goyal Anomaly Detection in CCTV Accuracy of the Anomaly [4]
Crowded Scenes detection
Many paper deals with demonstrating swarmed scenes to distinguish distinctive group
occasions as well as to recognize irregular occasions. In any case, the meaning of
unusual occasion or occasion of intrigue has been causing a lot of perplexity in the
writing because of its abstract nature. A few analysts consider an uncommon and
extraordinary occasion as anomalous while some consider occasions that have not been
watched are unusual. The issue turns out to be additionally testing as the thickness of
individuals increments. Thus, more PC vision calculations are being investigated as of
late. In spite of the extraordinary intrigue and an enormous number of techniques
created, there is an absence of a far reaching survey on swarm video examination. The
review paper by Zhan et, as far as we could possibly know, is the just one concentrating
on swarm video investigation. Zhan et al. explored some group thickness estimators
and group demonstrating systems, concentrating on walker discoveries, and following
in a jumbled scene. In any case, they didn't examine the point of group conduct
comprehension and variation from the norm recognition which is shrouded in this
overview. We additionally present a few advances on swarm movement demonstrating
and multi-target following in a packed scene which are not shrouded in the past
overview. To accomplish this, we have partitioned the examination on swarm video
investigation into three general classifications: naturally visible demonstrating, tiny
displaying and group occasion discovery.
The methods related to each task are further divided into sub-categories and a
comprehensive description of representative methods is provided.
Macroscopic Modelling
So as to get familiar with the run of the mill movement designs in a jam-packed scene,
naturally visible perception based techniques use all-encompassing properties of the
scene, for example, movements in nearby spatial-fleeting cuboid or quick movement
are used. It is additionally the favoured strategy in following and examining the conduct
of both meagre and thick group utilizing the accompanying properties, for example,
thickness, speed and stream.
Optical stream is a thick field of immediate speeds figured between two successive
casings usually utilized in removing movement highlights. The removed stream vectors
may contain clamour and excess data. So as to diminish the computational expense and
expel clamour, scientists use solo dimensional decrease procedures. In this manner, the
following stage is to locate the agent movement examples of the scene by consolidating
stream vectors from all video outlines.
found out utilizing a blend of dynamic surfaces. At that point, worldly and spatial
anomalies are independently identified by discovering deviations from the ordinary
Microscopic Modelling
Tiny investigation and demonstrating relies upon the examination of video directions
of moving substances. This methodology, all in all, contains the accompanying
advances: 1. identification of the moving targets present in the scene; 2. following of
the distinguished targets; and 3. examination of the directions to identify predominant
streams, and to show run of the mill movement designs. Scientists have utilized diverse
discovery and following calculations to produce solid directions. Following individuals
in groups can be either utilized as a way to improve swarm elements investigation,
utilizing the tracks and mining patterns out of these (base up way to deal with swarm
examination); or, on the other hand, following strategies can utilize signals acquired
from the investigation of group elements, so as to improve precision (top-down
approach). The multifaceted nature of following calculations relies upon the unique
situation and condition where the following is performed.
The most well-known methodology for following is the Molecule Channel based
system. Molecule sifting system was first presented for visual following by Blake. At
first, molecule channel approaches were just founded on shading prompts, and could
just track one single objective.
Following techniques can utilize signs got from the examination of group elements, so
as to improve their exactness, in a top-down approach. These more significant level
signals can be either logical or originating from the social cooperations among the
individuals in the group. Following in Groups from Different Perspectives Specialists
have likewise investigated the utilization of numerous cameras for following
individuals under extreme impediment in an unpredictable domain. Numerous camera
following strategies expect to grow the observed region and give total data about
fascinating people by social affair confirmations from various camera views.
2.2 Standards
b) Connecting Wires.
c) PC System.
The purpose of this document is to provide a detailed overview of the software product,
its parameters, and goals. This document describes the project and its target audience
and its user interface, hardware and software requirements. It defines how our client,
team, and the audience see the product and its functionality.
This report is planned for people finding an answer forever supervision of the
inconsistencies in reality. Readers primarily intrigued by a concise presentation of the
item should concentrate on the remainder of Section 1 (Introduction), just as Section 2
of the archive (overall description), which give a primary diagram of each purpose of
the undertaking all in all. Readers who wish to investigate our task in more detail should
peruse on to Section 3 (system feature), which develops the data spread out in the
principle outline. Section 4 (External interface requirement) offers other specialized
subtleties, remembering data for the client level interface just as the equipment and
programming stages on which the application will run. Readers keen on the non-
specialized parts of the undertaking, which covers execution, well-being, security and
different properties can likewise allude of section 2 for clearness. Readers who have
not discovered the data they are searching for should check different necessities, which
incorporates any extra data which doesn't fit coherently into different segments.
25 Hardware Interfaces
● Accurate data is recorded by the hardware device.
● The hardware device and the software should be connected to the internet 24*7. Software Interfaces
● The application should generate alarm in real-time.
● Anomaly detected should be accurate.
Table 2.2: Cost Analysis
● Low connectivity.
2 Comparative Investigations where observations are made Comparison Based Projects (Algorithm
that compare two objects or phenomenon. based, System based etc.)
3 Experimental An organized investigation that includes a Image Processing based Projects etc.
control group and is designed to test the
hypothesis, includes independent and
dependent variables
4 Analytical An investigation in which a proposed method Image Processing based Projects etc.
is analysed to calculate its effectiveness.
5 Case Study An investigation in which the problem Software Engineering projects, quality
statement is studied in real time Assurance projects, etc.
3.2 Proposed Solution
Research on Anomaly detection is going on from decades and many fascinating new
technologies have been introduced in the said research, our model will represent an
working model of automated implemented with methodology. Now most of the CCTV
need manual service to run it consumes their precious time. By efficient system number
of incidents can also be reduced. Our proposed model build with deep learning would
run on real track made by us following the same rules of a camera running.
4.1.2 MVC Architecture
4.2 Design Level diagrams
4.2.2 Use Case template
TABLE 4.1: Use Case Template
Name Login
This use-case depicts that if you need to use our software you need proper user-
Description id and password to use it for security reasons.
Secondary Actor -
Preconditions 2. User have registered and have their login id and password.
1. User starts the software and enters the correct user-id and password to
Normal Scenario monitor screen displays.
Extensions 1. If user forgets password then they can verify themselves by forgot
password option.
Alternate Scenario -
Minimal Guarantee:
1. User is verified by customer care.
Special Requirements -
Frequency of Occurrence Login use-case is used only one time while using the software to open homepage.
Issues -
The Anomaly acknowledgement in diagram depicts that when our device tracks
Description the movements of people and if any event which seem to be odd it alerts the user
so they can take action accordingly.
Secondary Actor -
Stakeholders and Interests People owning shops, gyms, malls etc. who want security in their system.
1. On true anomaly detection user informs the security handler/ attendant.
2. Attendant takes the action according to the situation.
Alternate Scenario -
Minimal Guarantee:
1. Data is recorded correctly and is then classified to
Detect the anomaly.
1. The anomaly should be detected in real time.
Special Requirements 2. Power consumption should be less
User Interface:
1. It should be very simple for the user.
2. It should take correct decision.
Frequency of Occurrence When anomaly is detected at that time it will give alert message.
4.2.4 Class diagram
4.2.6 Sequence diagram
4.2.7 State chart diagram
4.3 User Interface diagrams
FIGURE 4.13: Interface for selecting the video that will be trained
In the project the camera is connected to the USB port of the laptop which records the video
signals which is then tested by the anomaly detection model and the final result is shown by
the graph.
5.2 Experimental Analysis
5.2.1 Data
For our model we have collected the data from the different CCTV camera all around the
s world in different cities which was easily available on the Internet. In our model we have
d trained our model both on negative data and positive data to increase the accuracy.
User satisfaction
We are trying to provide more security to the user by detecting anomaly by artificial
a Intelligence, so it’s beneficial initiative from user’s end.
Completion of the project is 11 months starting from February 2019 to November
xds 2019. In the given time frame all the deliverables have been achieved.
It is a cost efficient prototype till now, if we implement it on a large scale the
effectiveness would be good but we will be requiring the dataset of different type of
anomaly which can be easily available through the CCTV cameras.
This projects success would definitely increase the quality of current research going
O in this field as we are using deep learning. Development of this project would lead to
m increase in security and reduce the number of crimes. Hence proving quality to nation
x as well by reducing the crimes.
This device consists of camera which records the real time videos which are constantly,
and C3D features are extracted from the recorded whole video and divide the video into
32 segments. These features are then send to the created CNN (convolutional neural
network) which is trained with training videos .Model is created in Json language and
weights are set for the neural network. The data is displayed in frame vs. probability
graph. When-ever there is uncertainty in video probability in graph rises which shows
that there is possibility of anomaly at that frame number. Model can also detect anomaly
in previously recorded videos.
Step 2: Camera start recording the video and features of the model are passed in CNN model.
Step 3: weights and json model is ready for any conflict detection.
Step 6: Even after anomaly there is continuous formation of graph. When there is low
probability of anomaly graph remains down, when there is high probability graph rises.
5.3.3 System Screenshots
GUI will come which will have button to start the Uploading of the video.
Receiving data from the camera into the anomaly detection algorithm.
Video data conversion into text file for c3d feature extraction.
44 Test Strategy
Test strategy is a set of guidelines that explains test design and determines how testing
needs to be done.
So here we are going to test different modules of the algorithm and check if there are
any errors. If any errors are encountered, we will try to correct them with minimal
changes that we can do in the project, making sure that these changes won't create any
new errors.
Unit Testing: Unit testing is a level of software testing where singular module of the
product are verified. The intention is to approve that every unit of the product proceeds
as structured. A unit is the littlest testable piece of any product. It as a rule has one or a
couple of sources of inputs and normally a singular yield.
Jason model setting module - Taking care of the weights are being adjusted properly.
Model Formation - 3d feature extraction and json model for adjusting the weight is
tested combined.
Detecting and Graph formation - Check if a graph is being built constantly and if
anomaly occurs the graph is changing accordingly.
This picture has no anomaly as there is no fight scene and graph is also on normal side.
Figure 5.6: Anomaly Detected
This figures show the graph before and after fighting scene as it can be seen that the graph
goes up and it is detected by the graph. There were many videos which were used for test
cases and above fig is one of it.
Though the test case we found had somewhat delay in the detecting which can be further be
We will get this type of graph after processing the real time feed . Peak of the graph will
show the presence of anomaly in the video feed which we are getting through the camera.
5.5 Results and Discussions
● The device is successfully generating alert in the case of anomaly as an alarm, in the real
time anomaly scenario and surveillance centre too.
● In case of a false alarm, system is resetting successfully on pressing the signal button
provided with the help of manual supervision.
● Device is continuously notifying the supervisors and nearby people in case of anomaly site,
till the problem is not solved and normalcy is not retained.
● The hardware and the algorithm needs to be connected every time for anomaly detection.
● Hundreds & thousands of types of anomalies can be detected through this system.
● The alarm for the anomaly detection is being generated in an appropriate time frames.
6.1 Conclusion
The product does not harm the environment in any sense. The project ‘Anomaly
Detection in Surveillance Camera’ to help the detection of abnormal behaviour of
anyone. There have been an increasing number of terrorist attacks in crowded public
places such as train stations, subways, airports, malls, etc. Security staff and police
forces rely on video surveillance systems; however, it is labour intensive, and there are
limits of human effectiveness in monitoring and analysing crowded scenes, particularly
when multiple cameras are involved. It is rather unfortunate if there is no one to monitor
the feed, or if negligence leads to an attack. Automated surveillance systems have been
used for mostly offline video analysis after an event has occurred, much research is
underway on online analysis and prediction of events. We can detect anomalies and
suspicious behaviours in the video feed online, abandoned objects particularly.
6.3 Reflections
Various skills were enhanced by working on this project as team work, time
management, decision making, multitasking etc. All these reflections from the project
helped us to develop personally as well as on academic grounds.
Choosing the hardware parts: We faced various problems while choosing hardware camera
as it had to be a High Definition camera with various type of defined parameters.
Selection of the anomaly algorithm: The prime problem we faced during the project was to
use what kind of algorithm, that is, it should be clearly application focused and not
generalised at the same optimal level.
Implementation and Data Collection: The main problem was to train the model with the data
set which was very difficult to find and was over 100 of GB’s and required a very powerful
UI to run.
This project does not have much of an interdisciplinary approach as many objects and
processes of the relevant subjects such as deep learning, computer vision belong to the same
discipline i.e. computer engineering.
7.4 Peer Assessment Matrix
Table 7.2: Peer assessment matrix
Abhishek Modi 5 5 5 5
Abhijeet Singh 5 5 5 5
2. Rajan Goyal: Hardware design, project analysis and design, dataset creation, video, report
work and research findings.
3. Abhishek Garg: Project idea and design, hardware analysis, report work, research findings
and document formatting.
4. Abhishek Modi: Hardware analysis and design, project design, document formatting,
dataset creation, report work and research findings.
Figure 7.2 Gantt chart of Rajan Goyal
7.6 Student Outcomes Description and Performance Indicators
Table 7.3: Student Outcomes Description and Performance Indicators
Q1. What sources of information did your team explored to arrive at the list of possible
Project Problems?
Ans: We studied various Research papers, visited different websites like,
kaggle and consulted our mentor to arrive at the list of possible project problems.
Q2. What analytical, computational and/or experimental methods did your project team
use to obtain solutions to the problems in the project?
Ans: We looked at different resources like research papers, journals, websites etc. and
consulted our mentor to obtain solutions to the problems in the project.
Q3. Did the project demand demonstration of knowledge of fundamentals, scientific
and/or engineering principles? If yes, how did you apply?
Ans: Yes, our object demanded demonstration of various principles. It includes rigorous
training of algorithm using dataset that has to convert into txt files.
Q4. How did your team shares responsibility and communicate the information of
schedule with others in team to coordinate design and manufacturing dependencies?
Ans: All the work was divided equally among the team members. As all the members were
from the same class group and had already worked together previously on various projects,
there was no communication gap between them.
Q5. What resources did you use to learn new materials not taught in class for the course
of the project?
Ans: Our mentor helped us a lot during the project. Whenever we reached a dead end, she
was always there to rescue us. Various research papers were also used to learn new materials
that were not taught previously in the class.
Q6. Does the project make you appreciate the need to solve problems in real life using
engineering and could the project development make you proficient with software
development tools and environments?
Ans: Yes, the project makes us appreciate the need to solve problems in real life. We are
hopeful that one day our project will surely help old people or those people who cannot take
care of themselves and also, the project development made us proficient with software
development and environments.
[1] Michael D. Breitenstein, Helmut Grabner and Luc Van Gool. “Hunting Nessie – Real-Time
Abnormality Detection from Webcams." IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer
Vision Workshops (ICCV Workshops) 118.18 (2009): 2537-2543.
[2] R. Schuster, R. M¨orzinger, W. Haas, H. Grabner and Luc Van Gool, etc. al " Real-time
detection of unusual regions in image streams." Proceedings of the international conference
on Multimedia 39.10 (2010): 105002.
[3] Chen Change Loy, Tao Xiang and Shaogang Gong, et al. “Stream-based active unusual
event detection” Procedia Computer Science 141 (2008): 358-365.
[4] Vijay Mahadevan, Weixin Li, Viral Bhalodia and Nuno Vasconcelos. “Anomaly Detection
in Crowded Scenes." Instrumentation Science & Technology 44.4 (2010): 333-342.