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Three Semantics For Distributed Systems and Their Relations With Alignment Composition

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Three Semantics for Distributed Systems and

their Relations with Alignment Composition?

Antoine Zimmermann1 and Jérôme Euzenat1

INRIA Rhône-Alpes
Montbonnot Saint-Martin, France

Abstract. An ontology alignment explicitly describes the relations hold-

ing between two ontologies. A system composed of ontologies and align-
ments interconnecting them is herein called a distributed system. We
give three different semantics of a distributed system, that do not in-
terfere with the semantics of ontologies. Their advantages are compared
with respect to allowing consistent merge of ontologies, managing het-
erogeneity and complying with an alignment composition operation. We
show that only the first two variants, which differ from other proposed
semantics, can offer a sound composition operation.

1 Introduction

In a general sense, ontology alignment is an explicit description of the semantic

relationship that exists between different ontologies. However, in several practical
applications, it is restricted to a set of syntactical correspondences or mapping.
For instance, the Alignment API [1] defines a correspondence as a pair of entities
(one from each ontology), together with the type of relation, and the confidence
in its correctness. The API output format has been used in several ontology
matching tools but has intentionally no associated formal semantics. Our goal
is to consider alternative semantics for this generic type of alignments.
We define three different semantics that have advantages and drawbacks.
The first one, simple distributed semantics, considers the whole distributed sys-
tem as a coherent knowledge base which can be interpreted in a single domain.
It is appropriate for consistently merging ontologies, based on correspondences.
However, it is not tolerant to inconsistency, be it local or global. In very hetero-
geneous systems, like the semantic web or semantic P2P systems, this feature is
not desirable. So we extend the first semantics to integrated distributed semantics
where each local knowledge representation is interpreted in its own domain but
these interpretation are then correlated in a global domain. Finally, we define
a contextualized distributed semantics, inspired by DFOL/DDL/C-OWL [2–4],
where there is no global domain of interpretation: each local ontologies “imports”
knowledge from other ontologies in its own context.
This work is partly supported by the Knowledge Web NoE (IST-2004-507482).
Additionally, the semantics is parameterized by the set of expressible rela-
tions between ontology entities. It means that this semantics is usable to reason
about class relations (e.g., equivalence, subsumption, disjunction), as well as
temporal or spatial relations, etc.
Finally, we study the semantics of an alignment composition operator and
prove that only the first two semantics comply with it.
This paper is articulated as follows: Sect. 2 gives an overview of previously
proposed semantics for schema mappings, ontology alignments and matching, or
distributed knowledge representation. Sect. 3 describes the syntax of distributed
systems. Sect. 4 gives the simple distributed semantics. Sect. 5.1 extends the
semantics to integrated distributed semantics, through the use of an equalizing
function to a global domain. Sect. 5.2 presents the contextualized variant of the
semantics. Sect. 6 discusses the composition of alignments within each of the
proposed semantics.

2 Related Work

Ontology matching is strongly related to database schema matching. However,

as noted in [5], there are foundational differences between schema matching and
ontology matching. The most prominent being the weakness of schemata se-
mantics. As a result, the schema mapping community is concerned about query
answering, while ontology alignment must offer more general reasoning capabil-
ities in distributed systems. Of particular interest is [6], which develops a notion
of satisfied mappings that is very generic and the approach in this paper is very
similar to theirs. The difference resides in their using of “helper models”, and
they do not provide a composition operator. Such operator is provided by [7]
for relational databases, and cannot be exploited as it is for more general on-
tology alignment composition. Other database-related work about composition
comprises [8–10].
Another different approach to the semantics of schema mapping and align-
ments is found in [11] and generalized in [12] where the authors use the theory of
institutions [13] to characterize the relation between models of related ontologies
or schemata. The approach is seducing for our ontology alignment purpose: it
allows a language independent definition of ontology relation, elegant construc-
tions of merging, composing and it is grounded on model theory. Nonetheless, it
has a major problem: the “ontology morphisms” can only account for the most
basic relations between ontological entities, namely equivalence. So we consider
such an abstraction to be inappropriate for more general types of relations [14].
Other semantics for distributed knowledge based systems have been pro-
posed. Various distributed logics are found in [2] (DFOL), [3] (DDL), [4] (C-
OWL). They all assume that each ontology is interpreted within a context that
has to be related to others in order to interpret the whole system. This ap-
proach effectively solves the problem of mutual inconsistencies in heterogeneous
knowledge representations, but we show here that contextualizing the semantics
forbids a sound composition operation.
3 Syntax
We want to design a model-theoretic semantics for distributed systems, which
are composed of (1) ontologies and (2) alignments. The present section discusses
the syntax of those components.
One of the key features of our alignment semantics is its independence from
the ontology language. Sometimes, we will use the term “element of an ontology”
to refer to any syntactical entity mentioned in the ontology, e.g., class, property,
individual. The only restriction upon the choice of the ontology language is the
existence of a model-theoretic semantics. Among such languages, we can cite
FOL, RDF [15], OWL [16], Conceptual Graphs [17], etc.
We follow the definition of alignment found in [18], but we intentionally
discard the confidence value.1
Definition 1 (Ontology element). An ontology element is either a term of
the ontology (e.g., class, property, individual) or a compound entity built out of
other ontology elements and constructors from the ontological language.
Definition 2 (Ontology element relation). An ontology element relation R
is a symbol denoting a binary relation or predicate R.
e Given a specific alignment
language, the set of usable relation symbols is written R.
The relations an alignment language can capture may be: equivalence, sub-
sumption, disjunction of classes; temporal/spatial relations; fuzzy relations; etc.
These definitions makes the components of a correspondence.
Definition 3 (Correspondence). A correspondence is a triple he1 , e2 , Ri where:
– e1 and e2 are ontology elements from the two ontologies to align;
– R is an ontology element relation that is asserted to hold between e1 and e2 .
Example 1. hMan1 t Woman1, Human2, ≡i or hGirl1, Human2 u Female2, vi are ex-
amples of correspondences.
Definition 4 (Ontology alignment). An ontology alignment between ontolo-
gies O1 and O2 is a set of correspondences with ontology elements belonging to
O1 and O2 .
Our semantics interprets distributed systems: a structure composed of mul-
tiple ontologies and alignments between them.
Definition 5 (Distributed system). A distributed system (DS for short) is
a pair h(Oi ), (Aij )i consisting of a family of ontologies (Oi )i∈I over a set of
indexes I interconnected by a family of alignments (Aij )i,j∈I .2
Although there can be pairs of ontologies that are not connected by an align-
ment, we will then consider the missing alignment as an empty set of correspon-
dences. Moreover, several alignments between two ontologies are considered here
as a single alignment equals to the union of all their correspondences. So Aij is
always defined.
How to treat uncertainty in this semantics is still a subject of investigations.
When there is no ambiguity, we will write (Xi ) to represent the family (Xi )i∈I .
4 Simple Distributed Semantics
The simple distributed semantics considers a distributed system (DS) as a co-
herent knowledge base. This means that all ontologies are interpreted within
the same domain. We first give the definitions for local semantics (given by the
ontological language), then our proposed DS semantics follows.

4.1 Local Semantics

The semantics of a DS depends on the semantics of the ontology language. In
fact, given a set of ontologies and a set of alignments between them, we can
evaluate the semantics of the whole system in function of the semantics of each
individual ontology.

Definition 6 (Interpretation of an ontology). Given an ontology O, an

interpretation of O is a function m from elements of O to elements of a domain
of interpretation D.

This is a very general notion of interpretation. In practice, ontologies are

composed of axioms that constrain valid interpretations. Among interpretations,
there are particular ones that are said to satisfy axioms, and if all axioms are
satisfied, then the ontology is itself satisfied. So, the local semantics of ontologies
determine the satisfaction relation |= that relates interpretations to satisfied
ontologies, i.e., m |= O iff m satisfies O. For instance, AsubclassofB would be
satisfied iff A is interpreted as a subset of the interpretation of B. The collection
of interpretations that satisfy O (the models of O) is written Mod(O).

4.2 Satisfaction of an Alignment

In order to determine the semantics of a DS, we first define when a pair of local
interpretations satisfies a correspondence and an alignment.

Definition 7 (Satisfied correspondence). Let O1 , O2 be two ontologies and

c = he1 , e2 , Ri be a correspondence between O1 and O2 . c is satisfied by interpre-
e 2 (e2 ). This is written m1 , m2 |= c.
tations m1 , m2 of O1 , O2 iff m1 (e1 )Rm

The relation symbol R is out of the ontology languages. So it does not have
to be interpreted in the local semantics. For instance, a temporal relation can
be expressed between two OWL classes. The associated relation R e is fixed, given
a set of relation R. For instance, relation symbol ≡ could be associated to the
relation “=” (equality) over sets.
If all correspondences are satisfied, then it is said that the pair of interpre-
tations is a model of the alignment.

Definition 8 (Model of an alignment). A model of an alignment A between

ontologies O1 and O2 is a pair m1 , m2 of interpretations of O1 , O2 such that for
all c ∈ A, m1 , m2 |= c. It is noted m1 , m2 |= A.
The models of an alignment do not take the semantics of the ontologies into
account. They just consider the internal consistency of the correspondences. This
is interesting because we can reason with and about alignments without actually
accessing the aligned ontologies. The collection of all models of an alignment A
is written Mod(A).
Correspondences play the role of axioms that constrain the satisfying inter-
pretations of the aligned ontologies. They therefore act as interpretation con-
straints of the distributed system.

4.3 Models of a DS
Informally, interpretations of a DS are tuples of local interpretations.3
Definition 9 (Interpretation of a DS). An interpretation of a DS h(Oi ), (Aij )i
is a family (mi ) of local interpretations over a common domain D such that for
all i ∈ I, mi is an interpretation of Oi .
Among interpretations, some are said to satisfy the DS. In order to satisfy a
DS, interpretations must satisfy constraints given by (1) the ontologies axioms
and (2) the alignments correspondences.
Definition 10 (Model of a DS). A model of a DS S = h(Oi ), (Aij )i is an
interpretation (mi ) of S such that:
– ∀i ∈ I, mi ∈ Mod(Oi ) (i.e., mi is a (local) model of Oi );
– ∀i, j ∈ I, mi , mj |= Aij .
This is written (mi ) |= S. If a model exists for S, we say that S is satisfiable.
We can see that this definition employs a very global view of the models. All
ontologies and alignments are taken into account at the same time, and there
are strong interdependencies. This is because the DS is seen as a single theory,
with ontologies being but mere modules.
However, it is often the case when we only want to reason about local data,
while taking advantage of external knowledge. So we define local models modulo
a DS:
Definition 11 (Local models modulo a DS). Local models of an ontology
Oi modulo S are the local models ModS (Oi ) = {mi ∈ Mod(Oi ); ∃(mj )j6=i ∈
Mod(Oj ), (mi )i∈I |= S}. It corresponds to the projection of the models of a DS
on the ith component.
With this definition, the models of the full system must be known to compute
the local models. In order to build more efficient reasoners, we define another
notion of models that do not require total integration of all ontologies and align-
ments at once. It is based on an iterative process of gradually reducing the local
As in Sect. 3, I denotes a set of indexes and is omitted in expressions like (Aij ),
when there is no ambiguity.
Definition 12 (Models of an ontology modulo alignment). Given an on-
tology O1 aligned with O2 according to alignment A, the models of O1 modulo A
are those models of O1 that can satisfy A:
ModA (O1 ) = {m1 ∈ Mod(O1 ); ∃m2 ∈ Mod(O2 ); m1 , m2 |= A}
Models modulo alignment is the first step of the following iterative definition.
Definition 13 (Iterated local models modulo a DS). Given a DS S =
h(Oi ), (Aij )i, consider Mod0S (Oi ) = Mod(Oi ), and the following iterative defini-
ModkS (Oi ) = {mi ∈ Modk−1 k−1
S (Oi ); ∀j ∈ I\{i}, ∃mj ∈ ModS (Oj ); mi , mj |= Aij }

ModS (O) denotes the limit of the sequence (ModnS (O)) when n → ∞, i.e.,
ModS (O) = Mod∞
S (O).

Definition 14 (Local satisfiability). A DS S is locally satisfiable iff for each

ontology O, ModS (O) 6= ∅.
So, the iterated models only give a local view of what happens in the DS.
Moreover, the stepwise restriction of the models allows for a faster but approxi-
mate reasoning while trying to find new ontologies and alignments.
Proposition 1. Let S be a DS and O an ontology of S. For all n ∈ IN,
ModS (O) ⊆ ModS (O) ⊆ Modn+1
S (O) ⊆ ModnS (O).
Proposition 2. There exists a DS S such that ModS (O) 6= ModS (O).

Proof. We give a sketch of the proof4 with a diagram representing the DS.
O1 O e01 

/e2o /e3o
≡ ≡
O2 O3

In this DS, we have ModnS (Oi ) = Mod(Oi ) for all n ∈ IN and i ∈ {1, 2, 3}. But
ModS (O1 ) is restricted to the models of O1 where e1 and e01 are interpreted as
the same entity. t
In spite of this unfavorable property, ModS (O) and ModS (O) are two solu-
] S (Oi ) = {m ∈ Mod(Oi ); ∀j ∈ I \{i}, ∃mj ∈
tions to the fixed-point equation Mod
] S (Oj ); mi , mj |= Aij }. This means that locally reasoning with iterated mod-
els will not contradict neighborhood reasoning.
The proposed semantics is somewhat strict, with regard to heterogeneous
systems, because it only allows to assert a correspondence when it is fully com-
patible with both ontologies. While it may be desirable in a few applications, this
semantics is not adapted to every ontology alignment use cases. For instance, in
the semantic web, ontologies will vary tremendously in size, scope, scale, point
of view and quality. We consider two semantics that address this problem.
For a detailed proof of this proposition, please refer to the following url:
5 Dealing with Heterogeneous Domains

In very heterogeneous applications, having a unified interpretation of a dis-

tributed system is not feasible. To address this issue, we propose two variants
of the primary semantics: (1) in the integrated distributed semantics, local in-
terpretation domains are separated, and they are reconciled in a global domain,
thanks to the use of equalizing functions (Def. 15) that act as filters; (2) in the
contextualized distributed semantics, no global domain exists, but interpretation
domains are interrelated by as many translation function as there are pairs of

5.1 Integrated Distributed Semantics

The choice of the interpretation domain is not only guided by the interpreter, but
also partly decided by the local language semantics. So we will use the concept
of an equalizing function to help making the domain commensurate.

Definition 15 (Equalizing function). Given an interpretation (mi ) of a DS,

an equalizing function (γi ) over (mi ) is a family of functions from the local
domains of interpretation of (mi ) to a global domain U.

So equalizing functions not only define a global domain for the interpreta-
tion of the DS, but also define how local domains are correlated in the global

Definition 16 (Integrated interpretation of a DS). An integrated inter-

pretation of a DS S is a pair h(mi ), γi where (mi ) is a simple interpretation of
S and γ is an equalizing functions over (mi ).

The integrated interpretations that satisfy the DS are given by the following

Definition 17 (Integrated model of a DS). An integrated interpretation

h(mi ), γi of a DS S is an integrated model iff ∀i, j ∈ I, γi mi , γj mj |= Aij and
mi is a local model of Oi .5

We can define the iterated models of a DS in the following way:

Definition 18 (Integrated iterated local models modulo a DS). Given a

DS S = h(Oi ), (Aij )i, consider Mod0S (Oi ) = Mod(Oi ), and the following iterative

ModkS (Oi ) =
{mi ∈ Modk−1 k−1
S (Oi ); ∀j ∈ I \ {i}, ∃mj ∈ ModS (Oj ), ∃γ; γi mi , γj mj |= Aij }

The notation γi mi is used to denote the composition of functions γi and mi . In fact,
γi mi is an interpretation of Oi in the global domain.
As with simple distributed semantics, there is a notion of local and global
satisfiability (see Def. 14). The integrated iterated models have the same property
as the simple iterated models (Prop. 1 and Prop. 2).
Proof (of Prop. 2). We give a sketch of the proof6 with a diagram representing

the DS.

x< bEEE ≡
≡ xx EE
/e1Rh R "e o
x EE
RRRy< 2bDDlDlll6 3
| 0
O1 e O3
≡ yyR≡ l
y RlRlRl DD ≡

ylyllll≡ RRRRDRD"
e1o  3
| v
l (/ e 0

This system is locally satisfiable but not globally satisfiable. t

For particular applications, it may prove useful to give restrictions on equal-
izing functions. For instance, it might be needed to have injective functions, or to
have inclusion-preserving functions. Although we do not describe the treatment
of such restrictions, they should be compared to domain relation constraints in
DFOL [2]. However, the approach in DFOL differs, because no global domain
exists. They rather relates the local domains to each others, allowing to contex-
tualize import of knowledge from and to each DS node. We extend our semantics
in order to match this approach.

5.2 Contextualized Distributed Semantics

The contextualized semantics uses domain relation instead of equalizing func-
tions. Domain relations differ from equalizing function because there exists one
function for each pair of ontologies and they relate two local interpretation do-
Definition 19 (Domain relation). Given two domains of interpretation D1
and D2 , a domain relation is a mapping r12 : D1 → D2 .
These domain relations form a part of a contextualized interpretation.
Definition 20 (Contextualized interpretation of a DS). A contextualized
interpretation of a DS S is a pair h(mi ), (rij )i where (mi ) is a simple interpre-
tation of S and (rij )i6=j is a family of domain relations such that rij relates the
domain of mi to the domain of mj .
The models in the contextualized semantics are defined as follows.
Definition 21 (Contextualized model of a DS). A contextualized interpre-
tation h(mi ), (rij )i of a DS S is a contextualized model iff ∀i, j ∈ I, mi , rji mj
|= Aij and each mi is a local model of Oi .
For a detailed proof of this proposition, please refer to the following url:
We again define the iterative models of a DS in the following way:

Definition 22 (Contextualized iterated local models modulo a DS).

Given a DS S = h(Oi ), (Aij )i, consider Mod0S (Oi ) = Mod(Oi ), and the following
iterative definition:

ModkS (Oi ) =
{mi ∈ Modk−1 k−1
S (Oi ); ∀j ∈ I \ {i}, ∃mj ∈ ModS (Oj ), ∃rji ; mi , rji mj |= Aij }

Again, there is a notion of local and global satisfiability (see Def. 14). The
contextualized iterated models have the same property as the simple iterated

Proof (of Prop. 2). We give a sketch of the proof7 with a diagram representing
the DS.
/e1o ≡
/e2o ≡
O1 O3

e1o /e02o
0 ≡ | x

Among the local models of O1 modulo this DS, there are interpretations where
e1 and e01 are interpreted identically, while the global models necessitate that
they are interpreted differently. t

The three approaches are compared in Sect. 7.

6 Composing Alignments

Building alignments is a difficult task that can hardly be done fully automati-
cally. So existing alignments shall be reused to offer faster interoperable applica-
tions. Alignment composition is one of the key operations permitting this. Given
three ontologies O1 , O2 and O3 , with alignments A of O1 and O2 , and B of O2
and O3 , it must be possible to deduce a third alignment of O1 and O3 , which
we call the composition of A and B.
We propose here two notions of composition: the first is the syntactic compo-
sition of alignments, which can straightforwardly be implemented; the second is
“semantic composition”. Semantic composition is informally defined as follows:
given a DS of 3 ontologies and 2 alignments S = hhO1 , O2 , O3 i, hA12 , A23 ii, the
semantic composition is the submodels of Mod(S) that are models of the sub-
system hhO1 , O3 i, ∅i (see below for a more formal definition in each of the three
For a detailed proof of this proposition, please refer to the following url:
Definition 23 (Syntactic composition). Let A12 be an alignment of O1 and
O2 , and A23 an alignment of O2 and O3 . The composition of A12 and A23 ,
noted A23 ◦ A12 is the set of triples he1 , e3 , Ri such that there exist e2 , R1 , R2
s.t. he1 , e2 , R1 i ∈ A12 , he2 , e3 , R2 i ∈ A23 and R = R1 ; R2 with “;00 : R × R → R
being an associative operator.
Remark 1. “;” may also be given by a table of composition. In that case, relations
R ∈ R are sets of primitive relations. Moreover, composition is associative iff “;”
is associative.
In our first semantic approach, the models of A are pairs of interpretations
of O1 and O2 , so Mod(A12 ) is a set-theoretic relation. Relations are composable,
and ideally the composition of A12 and A23 should have equal models as the
composition of Mod(A12 ) and Mod(A23 ).
Let S be a DS having 3 ontologies O1 , O2 , O3 and 2 alignments A12 , A23 .
Definition 24 (Simple semantic composition). The simple semantic com-
position of the simple models of A12 and A23 , noted Mod(A23 ) ◦s Mod(A12 ) is
the set:
{hm1 , m3 i ∈ Mod(O1 ) × Mod(O3 ); ∃m2 ∈ Mod(O2 ), hm1 , m2 , m3 i ∈ Mod(S)}
In the case of the integrated semantics, the definition should include the
equalizing function.
Definition 25 (Integrated semantic composition). The integrated seman-
tic composition of the integrated models of A12 and A23 , noted Mod(A23 ) ◦i
Mod(A12 ) is the set:
{hhm1 , m3 i, hγ1 , γ3 ii; ∃m2 , γ2 , hhm1 , m2 , m3 i, hγ1 , γ2 , γ3 ii ∈ Mod(S)}
Similarly, the contextualized semantics define a composition with domain
Definition 26 (Contextualized semantic composition). The contextual-
ized semantic composition of the contextualized models of A12 and A23 , noted
Mod(A23 ) ◦c Mod(A12 ) is the set:
{hhm1 , m3 i, hr13 , r31 ii; ∃m2 , r12 , r21 , r23 , r32 , h(mi )i∈{1,2,3} , (rij )i6=j i ∈ Mod(S)}
These definitions are rather intuitive and correspond to what is found in
constraint reasoning literature, with slight variants due to the presence of equal-
izing functions and domain relations. The following section compares the three
ontologies, and shows that composition is semantically sound in the first two
semantics, but not in the contextualized one.

7 Comparing Semantics
Our three semantics do not only differ by their conceptual design. They also
imply technical differences.
7.1 Simple Semantics

The following diagram helps visualizing the idea behind the simple semantics.
Each ontology is treated as a module of a bigger ontology, interpreted in a single

Syntax level O1 G O24 ··· On 
GG 44 w
GG 4 ww
I1 IG 2G 4 ww
G# 4 ···{www In
D = i∈I Di
Semantics level

This semantics offer several advantages. It may be used as a general semantics

for modules composition in ontology engineering. In practical cases, modules are
generally related to each others with an import directive, and sometimes addi-
tional bridge axioms are added in the ontological language. With this semantics,
modules can be written in different languages and aligned with yet another
alignment language. Besides, the decision procedure is easier than in the other
distributed semantics. Consider the case of OWL8 ontologies with possible re-
lations being subclassOf, equivalentClass, disjointClass, subPropertyOf,
equivalentProperty, then reasoning will not differ from reasoning with a single
OWL ontology.
Additionally, composition has the following property:

Property 1. If for all R1 , R2 ∈ R, for all appropriate X, Y, Z, X R

f1 Y ∧ Y Rf2 Z ⇒
X R^ 1 ; R2 Z, then the simple semantic composition of the models of the alignments
is included in the models of the syntactic composition of alignments, i.e., :

Mod(B) ◦ Mod(A) ⊆ Mod(B ◦ A).

Proof. Let m1 , m3 ∈ Mod(B) ◦ Mod(A). There exists m2 ∈ Mod(O2 ) such that

m1 , m2 |= A and m2 , m3 |= B. Let c = (e1 , e3 , R) be a correspondence of B ◦ A.
There exists R1 , R2 ∈ R and e2 in O2 such that R = R1 ; R2 , (e1 , e2 , R1 ) ∈ A and
(e2 , e3 , R2 ) ∈ B. We have m1 (e1 )R
f1 m2 (e2 ) and m2 (e2 )R f2 m3 (e3 ). The assump-
tion made ensures that m1 (e1 )R^ 1 ; R2 m3 (e3 ). So for all c ∈ B ◦ A, m1 , m3 |= c.
As a result, all m1 , m3 in Mod(B) ◦ Mod(A) are also in Mod(B ◦ A). t

The property required (∀R1 , R2 ∈ R, ∀X, Y, Z, X R f1 Y ∧Y R

f2 Z ⇒ X R^ 1 ; R2 Z)
fits with the common sense meaning of what must be a composition operation.
This property is mentioned in work on composition tables (e.g., [19]) as a basic
property for a sound composition operation. This property encourage reuse of
alignments by combining them.
Nonetheless, as explained in [2], interpreting a distributed system in a unique
domain is only feasible in the least heterogeneous systems.
7.2 Integrated Semantics
In the integrated semantics, ontologies are interpreted at the local level, and
the equalizing function γ serves to coordinate local interpretations in a global

Syntax level  1 O2 ··· On 

 1 G D24 Dn 
I1 I2 ··· In

Local semantics level ···
GG 4 w
G 44
γ1 G
# {w
2G 4 w
GG4 ww···

Global semantics level

This approach is much more tolerant to inconsistencies, because the equal-

izing functions act as a filter between local and global interpretations. Having
two levels of interpretations allows one to maintain local specificities while inte-
grating knowledge into one consistent interpretation. And, obviously, if a simple
distributed model exists, then an integrated model exists.
The following example demonstrates the interest of equalizing function.
Example 2. Consider two instances of class Child that have different ages and
different heights, but truly represent the same person at different moments.
In some ontology languages, it may not be possible to interpret these different
instances as only one unique individual because age and height may be restricted
in cardinality. However, an equalizing function can map two different instances of
child with different ages in the local domain, to one instance of a person having
no attribute age in the global domain.
Moreover, Prop. 1 holds too in this semantics. Therefore, it is also appropriate
to manipulate and reuse several alignments in a consistent way. So, this semantics
consistently extends the previous one.
However, the reasoning procedure is rendered more difficult because of the
presence of equalizing functions. This is quite inevitable since dealing with in-
consistencies has always been a time-consuming and complex task.

7.3 Contextualized Semantics

In the contextualized semantics, we drop the global domain, but the domain
relations enables each ontology to integrate the whole distributed system in its

own context.
Syntax level  1 O2 ··· On 

D *  
 1 a j Dn 
I1 I2 ··· In

r12 r2n

Local semantics level D2 j ···

r21 rn2

This approach is very similar to context-based logics approach and the in-
terest of contextualizing inferences is explained in e.g., [2].
However, the following result tend to disqualify this semantics when compos-
ing alignments becomes a necessity:
Proposition 3. Prop. 1 does not hold in contextualized semantics.
Proof. Consider the following DS9 :
/e1o v /e2o v
O1 Fb F O3
/e02o /e03
F" w
Additionally, we show the generality of our integrated semantics with the
following proposition:
Proposition 4. If a contextualized model exists for a DS, then there exists an
integrated model.
Proof. Let h(mi ), (rij )i be a model of a DS. Let k ∈ I be an indice then
h(mi ), (rik )i∈I i, with rkk = idDk is an integrated model of the DS with global
domain Dk . t
This property was in fact predictable. The contextualized semantics has a
different purpose: it interprets semantic relations from one ontology’s point of
view. Composing alignments in this way is not sound because two consecutive
alignments are interpreted according to two different points of view. However,
it has a strong advantage with regard to the integration of external knowledge
into a specific ontology.

8 Conclusion and future work

We presented three variant semantics (simple, integrated and contextualized ) for
ontology alignments and distributed systems. Our characterization of an align-
ment allows the definition of an alignment composition operator, which is sound
in the first two proposed semantics. We gave the advantages and drawbacks of
each approach, and highlighted the benefits of using the first two semantics in
comparison to using a contextualized semantics. We also make our approach dis-
tinct from others by using a set of relations as a parameter. It enables one to use
the same meta-semantics for different types of relations (e.g., temporal/spatial
relations, class relations or even data types relations).
We will extend this semantics to include operations such as inverse alignment,
union/intersection, and data transformations induced by them (along the line
of the schema mapping algebra in [7]). Finally, our semantics and composition
operator shall be extended to correspondences with confidence value.
For a detailed proof of this proposition, please refer to the following url:
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