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Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 Are you enjoying (enjoy) your new job?

2 We ________ (not play) in the World Cup this year.
3 This is Kasia. She _______ (come) from Warsaw.
4 We _______ (have) a barbecue tonight.
5 I ________ (wait) for an important parcel to arrive.
6 He _______ (not like) wearing a tie.
7 ______ she ______ (have) a very busy social life?
8 Why _____ he _____ (wear) sunglasses indoors today?
9 He ______ (study) French for about 15 hours a week.

8 Complete the text. Use the Past Simple and Past Continuous.
It was such a terrible night! The wind (1) was blowing (blow)
and the trees (2) ______________ (make) a lot of noise. Suddenly, I (3) ______________ (hear) a big crash of thunder and it
(4) ______________ (start) to rain. As I (5) ______________ (run) home, I (6) ______________ (fall) over and got soaking wet.
I (7) ______________ (have) a long way to go and the rain (8) ______________ (come) down so hard that it
(9) ______________ (be) difficult to see anything. I was very happy when I finally (10) ______________ (arrive) back at my

Complete the letter. Use the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or Past Continuous
form of the verbs in brackets.

Hi Sam,

I (1) _________________ (write) to you from a Greek island! It’s very hot, the sun (2)
_________________ (shine) and I (3) _________________ (relax) on the beach. We (4)
_________________ (arrive) here yesterday morning, but when we (5) _________________ (get
off) the plane it (6) _________________ (rain)! Then, while we (7) _________________ (drive)
from the airport to the apartment, we (8) _________________ (have) a problem with the car. We
(9) _________________ (stop) and my dad (10) _________________ (fix) it, but we (11)
_________________ (stand) by the road for a long time, and the weather (12) _________________
(get) quite hot by then. In the end we (13) _________________ (get to) our apartment by the sea at
five o’clock. Later, while we (14) _________________ (have) supper, all the lights suddenly
(15) _________________ (go out) and we had to finish our meal in the dark! Today, though,
everything (16) _________________ (go) very well. We
usually (17) _________________ (stay) in a house in the mountains, but I
(18) _________________ (like) this place much better. I
(19) _________________ (not know) any other young people here, but I
(20) _________________ (have) a really good time!

Past tenses
Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 It wasn’t raining (not rain) when we left the house.
2 When I saw Kevin on Saturday, he _______ (buy) some clothes.
3 When ______ you ________ (get) back from your holiday?
4 She _______ (graduate) from Yale University in 2011.
5 I ______ just ______ (put) in my contact lenses when you phoned.

6 He _______ (get) excellent marks in his law exam.

7 She _______ (forget) to send me a birthday card.
8 I _______ (work) in New York when I met Tom.
9 We were quiet because the baby ______ (sleep).

Mixed Grammar: Units 1–3

(Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, have got, Time expressions)

Complete the conversation, using the verb in brackets, or a preposition.

A = Anna (on her mobile phone, in the centre of town) J = Jane (at home)

A Hi Jane, it’s Anna!

J Hi Anna! Where are you? I (1) _____________ (think) you were at work.
A I (2) _____________ (finish) at 4.00 on Thursdays. I (3) _____________ (walk) along the
High Street right now. It’s my mum’s birthday (4) ______ Saturday and she’s coming over (5)
______ the evening, so I (6) _____________ (look) for a present for her.
J You (7) _____________ (not have got) much time then. (8) _____________ (have got) any
A Not really. That’s why I rang. It’s difficult because she (9) _____________ (not have got) any
hobbies. She (10) _____________ (swim) a lot, but there’s not much you can buy for that.
J How about jewellery? Does she like that kind of thing?
A Yes, she (11) _____________ (love) silver jewellery. I (12) _____________ (go) to a couple of
jeweller’s first, but I (13) _____________ (not find) anything I liked. I (14) _____________
(see) Tim in one of them, you know, Sally’s brother.
J Oh, yes. What (15) _____________ (do) there?
A He (16) _____________ (look) at engagement rings!
J Ah, so he (17) _____________ (obviously plan) something at the moment!
(18) _____________ (know ) his girlfriend?
A Yes, she (19) _____________ (go) to the same gym as me, so I
(20) _____________ (see) her quite often. Anyway, come on, I
(21) _____________ (need) some ideas.
J How about a DVD? I (22) _____________ (watch) Pretty Woman when you
(23) _____________ (ring). People always (24) _____________ (enjoy) classics like that.
A Yes, that’s a good idea. I think HMV and borders both (25) _____________ (close) late on
Thursdays, so I can go there later.

Correct the underlined mistakes.
1 I listen to the radio last night. listened
2 I prepare for my driving test at the moment.
3 My brother finish work at 6 p.m.
4 I have long hair when I was child.
5 She didn’t born in England.
6 You don’t call me yesterday.
7 They not come to my last party.
8 My sister going to study economics.
9 We going to Bath this weekend.

Complete the conversations with the Present Simple, Present Perfect, or Past Simple form of the verbs in
Conversation 1
A (1 do) What _________ he _________ now?
B (2 be) He _________ a journalist for the BBC.d
A (3 work) Where _________ he _________ ?
B All over the world.
A (4 work) How long _________ he _________ as a journalist?
B (5 leave) Since he _________ school.
Conversation 2
A (6 meet) Where _________ they _________ each other?
B At a tennis match at Wimbledon.
A (7 be) How long _________ they _________ together?
B About ten years.
A (8 talk) What _________ they _________ about at the match?
B (9 chat) They _________ about their passion for tennis!
Conversation 3
A (10 have) _________ you _________ an iPad?
B Yes, I do.
A (11 cost) How much _________ it _________ ?
B (12 pay) My dad _________ for it. So I don’t know exactly.

5 Complete the sentences with for or since.

1 I’ve had this laptop _________ two years.
2 They’ve been in that meeting _________ ten o’clock.
3 I haven’t seen Sam _________ yesterday evening.
4 How long has he lived in Oxford _________ ?
5 We’ve been married _________ fifty years.

6 I haven’t been on holiday _________ I was in Kenya.

7 She worked as a journalist _________ ten years.
8 I’ve become interested in my family history _________ I talked to my grandmother about it.
9 We haven’t had a break _________ ages.
10 He hasn’t seen his parents _________ last March.

6 Find and correct the mistake in each sentence.

1 Arthur knows Monica for a year and a half.
Arthur’s known Monica for a year and a half.
2 She’s had a headache for this morning.
3 Jane was a lawyer for thirty years and she still enjoys it.
4 How long do you live in this village?
5 We’ve been to Jamaica in 2009.
6 How long do you have your cat?
7 They’ve known each other since five days.
8 Gareth had his new job for nine months. He loves it.
9 I lived here for five years, but I’m going to move soon.
10 I am here since last week.

7 Choose the best answer.

1 Did you talk / Have you talked to Derek yesterday?
2 I never went / I’ve never been to Croatia.
3 Did you ever dream / Have you ever dreamt of being famous?
4 I never read / I’ve never read a Harry Potter book.
5 I never saw / I’ve never seen you before.
6 Did you ever hear / Have you ever heard of an actor called Kathryn Daubney?
7 I’ve never heard / I never heard this song before.
8 Have you seen / Did you see the news last night?
9 I never won / I’ve never won a competition in my life.
10 He never met / He’s never met his grandfather. He died before he was born.

Exercise 1 Present Perfect and Past Simple

Complete the text with the Past Simple or the Present Perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
Carla Brown (1) has worked (worked) in marketing for 10 years. She (2) ________ (study) marketing at college, and
then (3) ________ (find) a job with a small advertising agency in Manchester. Since then she (4) ________ (change) her job
several times and she (5) ________ (live) in many different places. Three years ago, she (6) ________ (start) working for
Jerome and Jerome, a big company with offices all over the world. She (7) ________ (be) a manager with the company for
eighteen months. The company has clients in the USA, and Carla (8) ________ (be) there several times on business. Last
year she (9) ________ (spend) six months in their New York office.

Mixed Grammar: Units 1–6

(Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Time expressions, Quantity, Articles, Verb
patterns, Futures, What … like?, Comparative and superlative adjectives)

Complete the conversation, using the verb in brackets or other words.

A = Alan B = Bob (Alan’s friend)

A Hi Bob! How are things? You (1) ___________ (go) on holiday soon, aren’t you?

B Hi Alan! Yes, I (2) ___________ (fly) to New Zealand (3) ___________ Saturday morning.
A What’s the weather (4) ___________ there at the moment?
B Oh, it (5) ___________ (be) quite hot, and I (6) ___________ (stay) there for 6 weeks, so it (7)
___________ (be) even (8) ___________ by the time I leave.
A Mmm, I think I (9) ___________ (come) with you. I’d like (10) ___________ (take) a (11)
___________ weeks off work at the moment.
B I need to take (12) ___________ time off myself actually. I’ve got so
(13) ___________ things to organize that my free time is busier (14) ___________ work time.
A Well, I’m afraid I haven’t got (15) ___________ sympathy. What (16) ___________ (do) while
you’re there?
B Well, my cousin (17) ___________ (emigrate) there (18) ___________ 1995, so I (19)
___________ (visit) him and his family, obviously. And I’m looking forward to (20)
___________ (see) all that fabulous countryside that everybody (21) ___________ (talk) about
– those films of (22) ‘______ Lord of the Rings’ really put New Zealand on the tourist map.
A Yes, it does look like some of the (23) ___________ beautiful countryside in the world. I’m
sure you’ll spend a (24) ___________ time on the beach as well.
B Of course! I (25) ___________ (do) a scuba diving course at the moment, so I’m hoping (26)
___________ (get) (27) ___________ of practice while I’m there.
A Well, it sounds like it’ll be (28) ___________ fantastic holiday – (29) ___________ holiday of
a lifetime, I’m sure.
B It’ll have to be – I don’t think I’ll be able to afford another holiday (30) ___________
expensive ___________ this one!

Exercise 7 Present Perfect Simple and Continuous

Tick ( ) the correct sentence.

1 a How long have you been learning English?

b How long have you learnt English?
2 a How long have you known Wendy?
b How long have you been knowing Wendy?
3 a I saw her five minutes ago.
b I’ve seen her five minutes ago.
4 a How long have you waited for the bus?
b How long have you been waiting for
the bus?

5 a She’s been buying a new car.

b She’s bought a new car.
6 a I’ve planted three trees this morning.
b I’ve been planting three trees this morning.
7 a He is waiting to see the doctor since nine
b He has been waiting to see the doctor
since nine o’clock.
8 a How long have you been trying to sell your
b How long are you trying to sell your house?
9 a I’ve run in the park, so I’m tired.
b I’ve been running in the park, so I’m tired.

1 point for each correct answer 8

3 Choose the correct options.

1 I’m tired because I’ve stood / been standing all day.
2 She has loved / been loving him all her life.
3 How long has Dr Khan been seeing / seen patients? It’s time he had a break.
4 I have always understood / been understanding my twin brother. We think the same way.
5 Ouch! I’ve cut / been cutting my finger.
6 I’ve dug / been digging the garden all morning and I still haven’t finished.
7 I haven’t seen / been seeing you for ages!
8 ‘How long have you and Sarah been going / gone out?’ ‘Six months so far.’
9 I’ve sold / been selling my car. I got £1500.
10 We’ve been getting / got very excited about Susan’s wedding. She’s getting married next month!

1 point for each correct answer 1

4 Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple or Continuous form of the verb in brackets.
1 I ____________________ (finish) my work and now I’m going to get a coffee.
2 How long ____________________ (drive)? You look tired.
3 She ____________________ (find) a new boyfriend yet.
4 How much money _________ you _________ (spend) today?
5 You can’t speak to Mel. She ____________________ (go) home.
6 She ____________________ (take) singing lessons for some time now but she still sounds terrible!
7 I __________________ (not be) a doctor for long. I finished training six months ago.
8 Jonas ____________________ (learn) to drive for the last six months.
9 How long _________ Will and James _________ (be) at boarding school?
10 You look angry. ____________________ (wait) for me for long?

3 Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I ____________________ (study) Maths at college.
2 She ____________________ (not cope) well at school. I’m worried about her.
3 Your cat is fat. _________ he _________ (eat) too much recently?
4 How long _________ you _________ (write) stories?
5 I ____________________ (run) marathons since my fortieth birthday.
6 We ____________________ (stay) here for two days.

1 point for each correct answer 6

4 Choose the correct options.

1 Her throat is sore because she’s been singing / sung for three hours.
2 They don’t live here anymore. They have moved / been moving to Scotland.
3 Have you been waiting / waited long? The doctor’s ready to see you now.
4 I have known / been knowing Jo since we were eleven.
5 Have you been swimming / swum? Your hair’s wet.
6 We haven’t finished / been finishing the decorating the house yet.
7 I’ve never been / been going to an opera.
8 How long have you had / been having a headache?
9 ‘We’ve sold / been selling our house!’ ‘That’s good news!’
10 Abdullah has got / been getting very excited about the birth of his first child. The baby’s due next month.

1 point for each correct answer 1

5 Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple or Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I ____________________ (sit) at my desk all morning. I’m going for a walk.
2 ‘How long _________ she _________ (talk) on the phone?’ ‘About an hour so far!’
3 I ____________________ (look) for a good book to read. I haven’t found one yet.
4 ‘ _________ you _________ (give) John your phone number?’ ‘Yes, I sent him a text.’
5 You’re too late. You ____________________ (miss) the train.
6 How long ____________________ (train) for the London Marathon? She looks really fit!
7 You ____________________ (be) a postgraduate for nearly five years now, haven’t you?

8 We ____________________ (not learn) to drive for very long.

9 _________ you _________ (have) a stroke before?
10 I ____________________ (hope) to catch up with you all week! How are you?

2 Complete the conversations with the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous form of the verb in backets.
1 A What (1) have you done (do) to your arm?
B I (2) ____________________ (play) tennis a lot this week, and I (3) ____________________ (hurt) my elbow.
2 A This decorating is hard work. I (1) ____________________ (paint) the bedroom all afternoon and I (2)
____________________ (only / paint) three walls.
B Never mind. It will look great when you

(3) ____________________ (finish) it.

3 A Hi Ken. I (1) ____________________ (not / see) you for ages. What (2) ____________________ (you /do) recently?
B I (3) ____________________ (travel).
A That’s fantastic! Where (4) ____________________ (you / be)?
B I (5) ____________________ (be) to Thailand. Have
(6) ____________________ (you / ever / go) there?
A No, I haven’t, but I (7) ____________________ (want) to go for a long time.
4 A Hi. (1) ____________________ (have) a good day?
B Yes. I (2) ____________________ (shop). But I
(3) ____________________ (spend) a lot of money!
A Show me what you (4) ____________________ (buy).
B Well, I’m afraid I (5) ____________________ (not / buy) anything for you! I (6) ____________________ (try) to find you
a birthday present for ages, but I (7) ____________________ (find) anything yet.
3 Choose the best answer.
1 So, what have you done / been doing recently? Anything fun?
2 My friend’s been buying / bought a new computer.
3 At last! I’ve understood / been understanding the question.
4 The athletes are tired. They’ve trained / been training all day.
5 Have you swum / been swimming? Your hair looks wet.
6 Oh, there you are! I’ve looked / been looking for you everywhere!
7 Great news! Hannah’s been having / had a baby girl!
Tense review
Find one mistake in each sentence and correct it.
1 I am a teacher for 10 years. have been
2 I work here since last summer.
3 I didn’t born in hospital.
4 We’ve been taking about 100 photos.
5 She love to be an actress one day.
6 Hurry up! I’ve waited ages for you.
7 They’ve moved house two months ago.
8 I already spent half my salary this month.

Exercise 1 Present Perfect and Past Simple

Complete the text with the Past Simple or the Present Perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
Carla Brown (1) has worked (worked) in marketing for 10 years. She (2) ________ (study) marketing at college, and
then (3) ________ (find) a job with a small advertising agency in Manchester. Since then she (4) ________ (change) her job
several times and she (5) ________ (live) in many different places. Three years ago, she (6) ________ (start) working for
Jerome and Jerome, a big company with offices all over the world. She (7) ________ (be) a manager with the company for
eighteen months. The company has clients in the USA, and Carla (8) ________ (be) there several times on business. Last
year she (9) ________ (spend) six months in their New York office.

Exercise 4 Narrative tenses; joining sentences

Choose the correct words.
I (1) heard / have heard a funny story the other day. A German woman (2) refused / was refusing to serve a
couple (3) while / when they asked for a table in her restaurant. (4) So / But she didn’t realize that the man and
woman were the king and queen of Sweden! The woman (5) had / had had no free tables because a big group
(6) was enjoying / enjoyed a wedding reception in the restaurant. She admitted that she didn’t recognize the
king and queen (7) because / although they (8) didn’t wear / weren’t wearing royal clothes or a crown! She
was sorry but the couple (9) hadn’t / didn’t booked a table and there was nothing she could do. (10) As soon as
/ Until she realized her mistake, she (11) had decided / decided to send a letter to the king and queen to

apologize. (12) After / Before the king and queen left the restaurant, people say they (13) managed / had
managed to get a pizza!

Mixed Grammar: Units 4–6

(Quantity, articles, comparison, want/hope to do, enjoy/like doing, look forward to doing, going to/
will/Present Continuous)

Choose the correct words

1 In the morning, I enjoy have/having a coffee with a little/a few milk.

2 My brother is student/a student and he never has much/many money.
3 I want see/to see the Himalayas because they are the bigger/biggest mountains in the world.
4 I’m going to work/the work now, so if you like, I’ll give/I’m going to give you a lift.
5 There are any/some good clubs in this town, but not as many that/as in Ibiza.
6 I had a few/a little Portuguese lessons because I’ll go/I’m going to Brazil next July.
7 I’m looking forward to go/going on holiday because this year we are going by train/the train.
8 I’m buying/going to buy a new shirt this afternoon because we’ll have/we’re going to have
dinner in a very posh restaurant tonight.
9 I never buy any/some fruit in that shop because it’s much more cheap/cheaper in the market.
10 I can’t stay because I’ll meet/I’m meeting my friends in a lot of/a few minutes.
Complete the interview. Use modals, the Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect or Past

A So, Emma, how long (1) ___________________ (you be) a singer?

B Well, I (2) ___________________ (have) this band since 2006, so I suppose I
(3) ___________________ (be) in music for nearly three years.
A And what (4) ___________________ (you do) before that?
(5) ___________________ (you be) a student?
B Yes, at art college. But I (6) ___________________ (leave) two years ago. You can’t do both at
the same time.
A (7) ___________________ (you have to) do a lot to prepare for concerts?
B Yes, you do. For example last week I (8) ___________________ (practise) with the band for
about four hours every day. The band (9) ___________________ (practise) the week before
without me as well. And a singer (10) ___________________ (have to) look after her voice.
There are a lot of things she (11) ___________________ (not must) do, especially before a

A Such as?
B Well, in my case I (12) ___________________ (not should) have coffee or tea because it
makes my throat all dry. Yesterday afternoon my voice (13) ___________________ (be)
terrible and it was because I (14) ___________________ (drink) a cup of coffee earlier in the
A And how (15) ___________________ (you feel) in front of 5,000 people at a typical concert?
B Nervous, of course, before the concert (16) ___________________ (start). But as soon as I (17)
___________________ (walk) onto the stage, I (18) ___________________ (relax) completely
– and enjoy myself!
Mixed Grammar: Units 1–9
(Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, have got, Time expressions,
Quantity, Articles, Verb patterns, Futures, What … like?, Comparative and superlative adjectives,
Present Perfect / Past Simple, for / since, have to, should, must, Time clauses, First conditional)
Carol has written a letter to a magazine. Complete the letter, using the verb in brackets or
other suitable words.
Dear Editor,
You (1) _________ (ask) for letters from people who (2) _________ (recently learn) something
new. I (3) _________ (just finish) (4) _________ online interactive Spanish course for beginners. It
(5) _________ (be) really great! I (6) _________ (start) it a month (7) _________ and I (8)
_________ (like) it so much, I
(9) _________ (do a lesson nearly every evening!

I (10) _________ (love) languages generally, and Spain (11) _________ (be) one of my favourite
countries. My family (12) _________ (go) there when I (13) _________ (be) a child but we (14)
_________ (not go) back there (15) _________ years. I
(16) _________ (go) there again in (17) _________ autumn so I thought I
(18) _________ learn a bit of the language before I (19) _________ (go). Of course, I (20)
_________ (not have to) speak it well because I (21) _________ (stay) with English friends there
but if I (22) _________ (not know) a word, I (23) _________ (feel) really stupid!

There are (24) _________ lot of fascinating old towns and buildings in different parts of Spain, so I
(25) _________ read a bit more about Spanish history and culture. As soon as college (26)
_________ (finish) in two weeks’ time, I (27) _________ (go) to the library and get (28)
_________ books out on Spain. I (29) _________ (not have got) (30) _________ at home.

The Spanish language isn’t (31) _________ difficult as German, for example, but
(32) _________ Spanish (33) _________ (speak) very fast! Anyway, I’m looking forward (34)

_________ my visit there and I hope that I (35) _________ (remember) a (36) _________ words
from my online course. Anything will be (37) _________ than (38) _________ !

I enjoy (39) _________ (read) your magazine very much every month. Keep up (40) _________
good work!

Best wishes,

1 Complete the sentences with the words in brackets and the Past Perfect.
1 Antonio was annoyed with himself because he ’d left his mobile phone at home (leave / his mobile phone / home).
2 The little girl was crying. She _______________ (lose / her teddy).
3 Jack and Pete spent the night celebrating because they _______________ (finish / all their exams).
4 Gemma felt nervous as she waited in the departure lounge. She _______________ (never / fly / before).
5 Holly’s husband was angry with her because she _______________ (forget / his birthday).
6 Darius felt sick. He _______________ (eat / too much chocolate).
7 Laura looked beautiful. She _______________ (just / have / a new haircut).

2 Choose the best option.

Rob (1) returned / had returned home from work at 3.30 p.m. He (2) felt / had felt terrible. He (3) had / had had an awful day. His
wife, Sheila, (4) brought / had brought him a cup of tea and asked him what (5) was / had been wrong. He (6) told / had told her
that at the office that morning everyone was panicking. His boss, Martin, (7) had received / received an email from Head Office –
the news (8) wasn’t / hadn’t been good. The email said that the company was having financial problems and needed to cut 200
jobs – that (9) meant / had meant that half of the staff would have to go. Martin then admitted that he (10) knew / had known
about this news for a few weeks, but he (11) hadn’t told / didn’t tell anyone. All the staff (12) were / had been angry and upset.
Martin said that they could all go home early. Rob (13) hadn’t been / didn’t go home straight away – he went for a drink with his
colleagues so that they could talk about the news. Everyone was worried because they knew there (14) weren’t / hadn’t been many
other jobs around. After a few drinks, Rob caught the train home and (15) told / had told Sheila the bad news.
Mixed Grammar: Units 10–12
(Passive, 1st conditional, 2nd conditional, might, Present Perfect Simple/Continuous)

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence.

1 They build more supermarkets every year.

More supermarkets _____________________________________
2 It’s possible that it’ll snow tonight.
It might _____________________________________
3 I haven’t got a ticket so I won’t go to the match.
If I had a ticket, _____________________________________
4 William Shakespeare wrote the play ‘Macbeth’.
The play ‘Macbeth’ _____________________________________
5 Sally became my friend five years ago.
Sally has _____________________________________
6 Nobody saw the man with the gun until it was too late.
The man with the gun _____________________________________

7 I’m not going to play tennis because it’s raining.

If it _____________________________________
8 The weather might to be good tomorrow. We might go to the beach.
If the weather _____________________________________
9 I don’t think my parents will get home until late.
My parents might _____________________________________
10 Somebody will tell you about it tomorrow.
You _____________________________________
11 We only shop here because the prices are so low.
We wouldn’t shop here if _____________________________________
12 They won’t make the same mistake again.
The same mistake _____________________________________
13 I started waiting here two hours ago.
I have _____________________________________
14 They might give you a special prize next week.
Next week, you _____________________________________
15 He’s only in the band because he’s so good-looking.
If he weren’t so good-looking, he _____________________________________

Mixed Grammar: Units 1–12

(Past Simple, Quantity, Articles, Comparative and superlative adjectives, Present Perfect / Past
Simple, for / since, have to, should, must, First conditional, Passives, Second conditional, might)

Complete the web page information, using the verb in brackets or other suitable words.

Claude Monet, (1) ________ Impressionist painter, first (2) ________ (move) to Giverny in 1883.
He (3) ________ (work) on the garden there (4) ________ ten years and then he (5) ________
(buy) a second piece of land across the road. He (6) ________ (turn) this land into (7) ________
water garden – (8) ________ now famous water garden that you see in (9) ________ of his
paintings. Monet was fascinated by different types of flowers and plants. If he (10) ________
(want) to find a rare plant, he (11) ________ (exchange) plants with friends of his, or he would
spend (12) ________ money to buy one!

The Japanese bridge in the garden (13) ________ (build) by a local craftsman. However, during the
Second World War, the bridge and the house (14) ________ (damage) and they (15) ________
(have to) build a new bridge in the 1970s. Now the house and gardens (16) ________ (visit) by over
500,000 people every year and they look (17) ________ lovely as they did when Monet was alive.

The same flowers (18) ________ (plant) and a new pond (19) ________ (dig). Giverny (20)
________ (become) one of (21) ________ popular tourist destinations outside Paris, but visitors
(22) ________ remember that they (23) ________ bring their dogs or other pets with them into the
house and gardens.

If you (24) ________ (visit) Giverny one day, you (25) ________ impressed by the way the garden
looks just like it did in Monet’s paintings. You (26) ________ even think that you are standing
inside one of his paintings!
Exercise 3 Tenses and verb patterns
Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
A Why (1) did you go (go) to the coast last weekend?
B Because we like (2) sailing (sail).
A (3) __________ you __________ (know) Brian Bailey?
B Yes, I (4) __________ (meet) him two years ago while I (5) __________ (work) in Germany.
(6) __________ he still __________ (live) there?
A Yes, he does. He (7) __________ (live) in Frankfurt. He (8) __________ (have got) a good job there but at
the moment he (9) __________ (work) in London. He’s here for a few days and I’d like (10) __________
(invite) you and Brian for dinner. Can you (11) __________ (come)?
B Yes, I hope so. I’d love (12) __________ (see) Brian again! When I was in Germany, we (13) __________
(see) each other quite often because his office was near the school where I (14) __________ (teach).We
sometimes (15) __________ (have) lunch together. I always enjoyed (16) __________ (talk) to him. I
wanted (17) __________ (write) to him but he moved and I (18) __________ (not have) his new address.
A Well, what about dinner on Friday?
B That’s fine. What time?
A Is eight o’clock OK? I (19) __________ (ring) Brian yesterday to check the day, and I (20) __________
(ring) him again tomorrow to check the time.
B Well, eight o’clock is fine for me. I (21) __________ (bring) a bottle of wine. And I’m looking forward to
(22) __________ (see) Brian again.
A Great! See you on Friday then!

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 In 1963, Valentina Tereshkova became (become) the first woman in space.
2 I didn’t know why he sent me those flowers, but now I _______ (understand).
3 _______ you _______ (watch) TV when I called?
4 She’ll call you as soon as she _______ (arrive).
5 Sally was fed up with _______ (work) every weekend, so she quit her job.
6 Joanna _______ (have) short hair since we graduated ten years ago.
7 When we were kids, we _______ (not have) to wear school uniforms.
8 I arrived late at the party and most of the guests _______ (leave).
9 He was really hungry because he _______ (not eat) since breakfast.

10 Huw _______ (go) to Maidstone United matches every week for the past twenty years.
11 _______ you _______ (get on) well with your cousins when you were a kid?

4 Choose the correct options.

1 If I were you, I … study medicine and become a doctor.
a would b will c might
2 What time … you … the party last Saturday?
a have … left b did … leave c were … left
3 Paul … in Rome for twelve years now.
a lives b has lived c is living
4‘How long … they … each other?’ ‘Since secondary school.’
a did … know b have … known c do … knew
5 … she … to go to work on Sundays?
a Does … have b Is … have c Does … has
6 Has he been doing his homework all afternoon?
a Yes, he does. b Yes, he’s been. c Yes, he has.
7 Do you think it … rain tomorrow?
a must b will c does
8 I … buy a new jacket – I don’t know yet.
a won’t b might c must
9 … Dacia cars … in Romania?
a Are … making b Do they … make c Are … made
10 Can I have … apple juice?
a a few b some c little
11 I’m not enjoying the party. I don’t know … here.
a anyone b someone c no one
12 … to the United States?

a Were you ever b Did you ever be c Have you ever been
13 If we moved to Paris, we … learn to speak French.
a will have to b have to c would have to
14 Last year I decided … back to my home town.
a moving b that I moved c to move
15 What’s your brother like?
a Playing computer games. b A cup of coffee and some mineral water. c Friendly but a bit shy.
16 Three million people … the park since it opened in 1993.
a have been visiting b have visited c were visiting
17 If you don’t leave now, you … the train.
a will miss b miss c would miss
18 James was having dinner … he was watching the news on TV.
a as soon as b while c until
19 Aberdeen is quite a lot colder … Bristol.

a from b than c of
20 I don’t think you … go out when it’s dark outside.
a should b might c mustn’t
21 The test wasn’t so difficult, …?
a no b was it c it wasn’t

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