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Clipper Clamper Circuits

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The previous section on rectification gives that diodes used to change the
appearance of an applied waveform.

This section on clippers and next on clampers will expand on the wave-shaping
abilities of diodes.

Clippers are networks that employ diodes to “clip” away a portion of

an input signal without distorting the remaining part of the applied

The HW rectifier is an example of simplest form of diode clipper one resistor

and a diode. Depending on orientation of diode, +ve or -ve region of applied
signal is “clipped” off.

There are two general categories of clippers:

1. Series
The series configuration is defined as one where diode is in series with the load

2. Parallel

In parallel variety has the diode in a branch parallel to the load.


The response of series configuration of Fig.a to a variety of alternating

waveforms is provided in Fig.b . Although first introduced as a HWR (for
sinusoidal WFs), there are no boundaries on type of signals that can be applied
to a clipper.

Fig. Series clipper

Fig c . Series clipper with a dc supply

The addition of a dc supply to network as shown in Fig c . have effect on

analysis of series clipper configuration.

The response is not as obvious because the dc supply can aid or work against
source voltage, and dc supply can be in leg between the supply and output or
in branch parallel to output.

Fig. Determining the transition level for the circuit

Fig. Using the transition voltage to define the “on” and “off” regions.

For the “on” region, as shown in Fig. , diode is replaced by a short-circuit

equivalent, and output voltage is defined by

Fig . Determining v o for the diode in the “on” state.

𝒗𝑶 = 𝒗𝒊 –V

For the “off” region, diode is an open circuit, 𝑰𝑫= 0 mA, and output voltage is

𝒗𝑶 = 0 V

EXAMPLE: Determine the output waveform for the sinusoidal input of Fig.
Fig. Series clipper 1

The output is again directly across the resistor R.

+ve region of 𝑽𝒊 and dc supply are both applying “pressure” to turn diode on

Once supply goes -ve, it would have to exceed the dc supply voltage of 5 V
before it could turn the diode off the transition from one state to the other will
occur when

𝑽𝒊+ 5 V = 0 V
𝑽𝒊 = -5 V

Fig.2 Determining the transition level for the clipper

Horizontal line is drawn through applied voltage at level

For voltages < -5 V diode is in oc state and output is 0V, as sketch of 𝑽𝑶

Diode is on and diode current is established 𝑽𝑶, determined using KVL

Fig.3 Sketching 𝑽𝑶
EXAMPLE Find the output voltage for the network examined in
example if the applied signal is the square wave of Fig. 1

Fig 1. Applied signal

For 𝑽𝒊 = 20 V (0→ 𝑻/2) the network of Fig. 2 results. The diode is in the
SC state, and 𝑽𝑶 = 20 V + 5 V = 25 V. For 𝑽𝒊 = -10 V the network of Fig. 3

Fig.2 Fig.3 Fig.4

v o at v i = +20 V. v o at v i = - 10 V. Sketching v o

results, placing diode in “off” state, and 𝑽𝑶= 𝒊𝑹 R = (0)R = 0 V, output voltage
appears in Fig. 4.

Clipper not only clipped off 5 V from total swing, but also raised dc level of
signal by 5 V

The network of Fig. is simplest of parallel diode configurations . The analysis of
parallel configurations is very similar to series configurations
Fig. Response to a parallel clipper

EXAMPLE: Determine v o for the network of Fig.

Fig. Determining transition level

𝑽𝒊= 4V
Fig. Sketching 𝑽𝒐

Fig. Determining the transition level for the network

To examine effects of knee voltage 𝑽𝒌 of a silicon diode on output response,

next example will specify a silicon diode rather than ideal diode equivalent

EXAMPLE: Repeat Example using a silicon diode with 𝑽𝒌 = 0.7 V

Fig. Determining v o for diode in the “on” state

𝒊𝒅 = 0A at 𝒗𝒅 = 𝑽𝑫 = 0.7 V
By applying KVL around output loop in CW direction

𝒗𝒊 + 𝑽𝒌 – V = 0
𝒗𝒊 = V - 𝑽𝒌 = 4V – 0.7V
= 3.3V
∴ 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒗𝒊 > 3.3V , diode will be OC

𝒗𝒐= 𝒗𝒊

𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒗𝒊 < 3.3V , diode will be on state

∴ = 𝒗𝑶 = 4V -0.7 V = 3.3 V

The resulting output waveform appears in Fig.

Fig. Sketching 𝒗𝑶

Note that the only effect of 𝑽𝒌 was to drop the transition level to 3.3 from 4 V.
The previous section investigated a number of diode configurations that clipped
off a portion of applied signal without changing remaining part of waveform.

This section will examine a variety of diode configurations that shift applied
signal to a different level.

A clamper is a network constructed of a diode, a resistor, and a

capacitor that shifts a waveform to a different dc level without
changing the appearance of the applied signal

Additional shifts obtained by introducing a dc supply to basic structure

The chosen resistor and capacitor of network must be chosen and time
constant by 𝑟 = RC is sufficiently large to ensure that voltage across capacitor
does not discharge significantly during interval diode is non-conducting.

All practical purposes capacitor fully charges or discharges in 5 time constants


5RC The simplest clamper networks in Fig.

Fig 1. Clamper

The capacitor is connected directly b/w input and output signals and resistor
and diode are connected in parallel with output signal

For network of Fig 1. diode will forward biased for +ve portion of applied signal

For the interval 0 → T/2 network will appear as shown in Fig.

Fig.2 Diode “on” and the capacitor charging to V volts.

The SC equivalent for diode will result in 𝒗𝒐 = 0 V for this time interval, as
shown in sketch of 𝒗𝒐 in Fig.2.

𝑟 = RC is very small b/c R “shorted out” by diode & only capacitor quickly
charge to peak value of V volts as shown in Fig. 2.

When input switches to - V state, network will appear as shown in Fig.3 ,

with OC equivalent for diode determined by applied signal and stored
voltage across capacitor current through diode from cathode to anode.

𝑟 = RC sufficiently large to establish a discharge period 5𝑟 is > T/2→ T

capacitor holds onto all its charge and , voltage (since V = Q/C).

𝒗𝑶 ∥ with diode and resistor, Applying KVL around input loop results in
-V –V - 𝒗𝒐 =0
𝒗𝒐= 2V

-ve sign results polarity of 2 V is opposite to polarity defined for 𝑽𝑶 resulting

output WF appears in Fig.4 with input signal.
Output signal clamped to 0 V for 0 to T/2 but maintains same total swing(2 V )
as input.

Fig 4 . Sketching 𝑽𝑶

EXAMPLE: Determine 𝑽𝑶for the network of Fig. 1 for the input indicated

Fig. 1

f = 1000Hz, t=1ms ,Interval = 0.5ms ,Period 𝒕𝟏 → 𝒕𝟐
For this interval network shown in Fig.
Fig 2 Determining 𝑽𝑶 and 𝑽𝒄 with the diode in the “on” state.

Output is across R , but , also across 5-V battery

∴ 𝑽𝑶 = 5 V for this interval. Applying KVL around input loop results in

-20 V + 𝐕𝐜 - 5 V = 0
and 𝐕𝐜 = 25 V

Capacitor charge up to 25 V. In this case the resistor R is not shorted

out by diode,
𝐑𝐭𝐡 = 0 Ω with 𝐄𝐭𝐡 = V = 5 V.
For period 𝐭𝟐 → 𝐭𝟑 network shown in Fig. 3

Fig 3. Determining 𝐕𝐎 with the diode in the “off” state.

The OC equivalent for diode removes 5-V battery ,𝐕𝐎 and KVL around
outside loop of network results in

+10 V + 25 V - 𝐕𝐎 = 0
and 𝐕𝐎 = 35 V

𝑟 = RC = (100 kΩ)(0.1 mF) = 0.01 s = 10ms

The total discharge time is therefore 5 𝑟 = 5(10ms) = 50ms

Since the interval 𝒕𝟐 → 𝒕𝟑 will only last for 0.5 ms, capacitor will hold its
voltage during discharge period between pulses of input signal.

Output appears in Fig.4 with input signal.

Note that output swing of 30 V matches input swing

Fig. 4

EXAMPLE: Repeat example using a silicon diode with 𝑽𝑲 = 0.7 V.

For SC network now takes on appearance of Fig.1, and 𝑽𝑶can be determined

by Kirchhoff’s voltage law in the output section

+5 V - 0.7 V - 𝐕𝐎 = 0
and 𝐕𝐎 = 5 V - 0.7 V = 4.3 V

Fig 1
For the input section KVL

-20 V + 𝐕𝐂 + 0.7 V - 5 V = 0
and 𝐕𝐂 = 25 V - 0.7 V = 24.3 V

For period 𝐭𝟐 → 𝐭𝟑 network will now appear as in fig.3 , voltage across

capacitor. Applying KVL law yields

+10 V + 24.3 V - 𝐕𝐎 = 0
and 𝐕𝐎 = 34.3 V

Fig 3

The resulting output appears in Fig. 4 , that input and output swings are same.

Fig 4

X all apply their roll number

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