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OxyWatch C20 Manual

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LIMITED WARRANTY OF CHOICEMMED In addition to items described in the Precautions for Use, inaccurate 7.

In addition to items described in the Precautions for Use, inaccurate 7. Brief Description of Front Panel Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic
AMERICA measurements may be caused by FACTORS INCLUDING BUT NOT emissions – for all EQUIPMENT and SYSTEMS
To obtain full warranty coverage, please be sure to complete your LIMITED TO:
product registration within 30 days from date of purchase. If you Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic emission
choose not toregister your product, this Limited Warranty will be void. 1. Autoclaving, ethylene oxide sterilizing or immersing the sensors in liquid.
Low Power Indicator The pulse oximeter is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment
ONLINE: 2. Significant levels of dysfunctional hemoglobin (such as carbonxy- specified below. The customer or the user of the pulse oximeter should
hemoglobin or methemoglobin). SpO2
- Go to assure that it is used in such an environment.
- Fill out required information 3. Intravascular dyes such as indocyanine green or methylene blue. Pulse Bar Graph
MAIL: 4. SpO2 measurements may be adversely affected in the presence of Emission test Compliance Electromagnetic environment – guidance
- Complete the Warranty Registration Card high ambient light such as direct sunlight. In bright light conditions, PR The pulse oximeter uses RF energy only
- Send to (RETURN ADDRESS): cover the sensor area if necessary. RF emissions Group 1 for its internal function. Therefore, its RF
2558 Pearl Buck Rd, Suite 8A, Bristol PA 19007 OxyWatch C20 5. Excessive user movement. Power Switch
Pulse Bar Graph CISPR 11
emissions are very low and are not likely to
Please read the warranty conditions carefully. 6. High-frequency electrosurgical interference and defibrillators. cause any interference in nearby electronic
For detailed warranty information, 7. Venous pulsations. equipment.
please visit: www. 8. The user has hypotension, severe vasoconstriction, severe anemia or The height of the Pulse Bar graph indicates the intensity of the pulse and The pulse oximeter is suitable for use in
Warranty Registration Card hypothermia. signal strength. The bar should be greater than 30% for a proper reading. RF emission all establishments, including domestic
CISPR 11 Class B establishments and those directly
Model No. 9. Fingernail polish or false fingernails may cause inaccurate SpO2
Serial No. (SN) readings. 8. Technical Specifications connected to the public low-voltage power
supply network that supplies buildings
(SN - located on the back on the unit) 1. General Description 1. Display: OLED display used for domestic purposes.
Purchase Date Thank you for purchasing OxyWatch C20 pulse oximeter. This oximeter PR display mode: bargraph
can be used to measure your blood oxygen level (in % SpO2) and 4. Battery Installation Low power indication:
Purchaser Name ( M F)
Age: Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-4 Over 50
your pulse rate. It should be used for spot monitoring only and not for 1. Install two AAA batteries 2. Battery Standard: Two AAA 1.5V Alkaline Batteries 10. Symbol Definitions
continuous monitoring. into the battery compartment.
E-Mail: Match the plus (+) and minus 3. Power Consumption: Less than 40mA Symbol Definition
The OxyWatch C20 Finger-Unit spot check oximeter is only for sports
Phone: and aviation use. It is ideal for use during sports activities, mountain (-) signs in the compartment. 4. Resolution: ±1% for SpO2 and ±1 BPM for Pulse Rate
Address1: If the polarities are not Slide Cover SpO2% Oxygen Level
climbing and piloting airplanes. It is not intended to diagnosis any 5. Measurement Range: Measuring range for SpO2: 70%~100%
matched, damage may be
Address 2: medical condition or to be used in medical applications. Measuring range for PR: 30bpm~250bpm
caused to the oximeter. PR bpm Pulse Rate (bpm)
City/State: Zip: 6. Measurement Accuracy:
2. Slide the battery door cover
horizontally along the arrow SpO2: 70%~100%, ±2 ; <70%, no definition Low Power Indication
STATEMENT OF CHOICEMMED AMERICA CORP. / LIMITED WARRANTY 2. Package Contents as shown in the picture. PR: 30bpm~99bpm, ±2bpm; 100bpm~250bpm, ±2%
ChoiceMMed America Corp. warrants to the original purchaser that this
equipment will be free from defects in materials and workmanship 1. OxyWatch C20 Pulse Oximeter NOTE: Install the batteries in right polarity. Incorrect placement may 7. Environment Requirement: SN Serial Number
for a period of two years from the date of purchase. This warranty 2. Lanyard cause damage to the bracket. Operation Temperature: 5°C~40°C
manufacturer's option of defective parts free of charge except the 3. User Manual NOTE: Remove the batteries if the pulse oximeter will not be used for Storage Temperature: -25°C~70°C IP22 Protected against dripping water
cost of transportation to ChoiceMMed America Corp. Manufacturer's long periods of time. Ambient Humidity: 15%~93%, no condensation in operation
4. Carrying Pouch
responsibility is limited to actual cost of item. When returning 3. The battery indicator symbol on the front panel display will light when ≤93%, no condensation in storage Follow Instruction for Use
5. 2 AAA Batteries
equipment for warranty service, all shipping and insurance charges the battery voltage is too low for normal operation of the pulse oximeter. 8. Automatic Power Off: The oximeter will power off automatically after
must be prepaid and the proof of purchase must be enclosed. Returns will Replace the batteries when indicator symbol lights. 8 seconds when the finger is removed. Conformity to WEEE Directive
only be shipped to locations within the USA.
9. It is recommended that the product be kept in a dry place. A damp
ChoiceMMed America Corp. will not be responsible for expenses or 3. Precautions for Use 5. Using the Oximeter ambient might affect its lifetime and even might damage the product. Type BF applied part
inconveniences, or consequential damages occasioned by equipment
or by breach of any expressed or implied warranty with respect thereto. 1. Read the manual carefully before use. 1. Open the clamp as shown in the picture. 10. Declaration
2. Pulse oximeters are sensitive to motion artifacts. Keep hands still EMC of this product complies with IEC60601-1-2 standard
Limitations 2. Place one of your fingers into the rubber
while taking a reading. The materials which users can come into contact with are non-toxic Storage temperature and relative humidity
This warranty covers all defects encountered in normal use of the opening of the pulse oximeter (your finger
and comply with ISO10993-1, ISO10993-5 and ISO10993-10.
equipment and does not apply in the following cases. 3. Pulse oximeters require sufficient blood flow to obtain proper readings. should touch the bottom portion) before
1) If the equipment has been serviced by other than a certified center. Poor blood circulation can result in inaccurate readings. If your hands releasing the clamp. Note:
are cold or you have poor circulation, warm your hands by rubbing 9. Possible Problems and Resolutions Note:
2) Damage to the equipment due to mishandling, abuse, accident or 3. Press the switch button one time on front panel to turn the pulse oximeter on. The illustration used in this manual may differ slightly from the
not following operating instructions. them together or use another method before attempting to obtain a 1. appearance
Follow local ordinances and
of the actual recycling instructions regarding disposal or
reading. A tourniquet, blood pressure cuff or other blood flow 4. Keep your hands still for the reading. Do not shake your finger during Problems Possible Reason Solution
3) INSTRUMENTS: Warranty does not extend to display face, batteries, the test. It is recommended that you do not move your body while recycling of the device and device components, including batteries.
hindrances may also result in inaccurate readings. SpO2 or 1. Retry by plugging
carrying pouch or lanyard. taking a reading. 1. Finger is not plugged correctly. 2.Warnings:
The illustration used in this manual may differ slightly from the
4. Fingernail polish or acrylic nails obstruct the light transmission and PR is not the finger.
5. Read the data from the display screen. 2. User’s oxyhemoglobin value appearance of the actual product.
For troubleshooting assistance please contact Consumer Support. Our may also result in inaccurate readings. shown 2. Possible pulse
is too low to be measured.
representatives are trained to provide you assistance over the phone 6. There are four display modes. After turning on the pulse oximeter, normally. oximeter failure. Warnings:
5. Your finger must be clean for a proper reading. each time you press the power switch, the pulse oximeter will switch 1. Keep the pulse oximeter away from young children. Small parts such as
and may be able to resolve your problem without returning. For the
6. The pulse oximeter must be clean for a proper reading. to another display mode. SpO2 or PR 1. Finger might not be plugged 1. Retry by plugging the the battery door and the batteries, etc., may be hazardous if swallowed.
best possible assistance please have your unit available when calling is shown deep enough. finger.
us. 7. If a reading is difficult to obtain, switch to another finger or to the other hand. 7. When you press the power switch for more than one second, the unstably. 2. Finger is trembling or user’s 2. The lanyard may cause strangulation in conditions that may cause it to
brightness of the pulse oximeter will be changed by degrees. There body is in movement status. 2. Try not to move. twist around the neck.
Service Phone: (215) 874-0458 8. There are a number of other conditions which may lead to an
are 10 levels of brightness. The default level is level four.
Customer Service Representatives are available inaccurate reading including but not limited to recent medical tests that 1. Please reinstall the
Monday through Friday - 9:30am to 4:30pm EST included an injection of dyes, use of arterial catheters, a weak pulse, 8. When no signal or low signal is detected, the pulse oximeter will Distributed by:
1. The batteries might be batteries according low levels of hemoglobin in the blood, low perfusion (the quality of power off automatically in 8 seconds. The pulse to the polarity ChoiceMMed America Corp.
your pulse), elevated levels of dysfunctional hemoglobin, the strength installed incorrectly.

Revised Date: April 5, 2017

oximeter 2. The batteries' power might be marked inside the
and type of light that you are in while using the pulse oximeter and the
existence of cell phones, radios, and fixed transmitters within certain
6. Maintenance cannot be inadequate or not be there battery compartment. US Customer Service Site
ChoiceMMed America Corp. powered at all. 2. Please replace the ChoiceMMed America Corp.
ranges of the pulse oximeter during use. 1. Clean the pulse oximeter and sensor with a soft cloth dampened with on. batteries.
2558 Pearl Buck Rd, Suite 8A, isopropyl alcohol. Do not pour or spray any liquids onto the pulse 3. The pulse oximeter might be 2558 Pearl Buck Rd, Suite 8A
Bristol, PA 19007 9. The pulse oximeter will not alert you if your readings are out of damaged. 3. Please contact
oximeter. Do not allow any liquid to enter any openings in the device. Bristol, PA 19007
normal range. our customer service
Allow the pulse oximeter to dry thoroughly before reusing. center. Phone: (215) 874-0458
10. Explosion hazard: Do not use the pulse oximeter in an explosive (The rubber inside of the pulse oximeter is composed of medical
atmosphere. grade rubber. It is non-toxic and is not harmful to the skin.)
“Error7” Please contact our ChoiceMMed America Corp.
11. The pulse oximeter has no SpO2 alarms; it is not for continuous 2. The pulse oximeter requires no routine calibration or maintenance The product is damaged.
displayed customer service center.
monitoring, as indicated by the symbol. other than replacement of the batteries. © 2017 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
on screen.
Quick Operation Guide Battery Installation What is a Pulse Oximeter?
ChoiceMMed_OxyWatch_C20_Ver1.0 There are four display modes. After turning on the A pulse oximeter is a non-invasive device that
pulse oximeter, each time you press the power
indirectly monitors blood oxygen level (SpO 2 )
switch, the pulse oximeter will switch to another
display mode. and pulse rate (heart rate). It displays both blood
Before using the oximeter, please remove oxygen level (SpO2) and pulse rate (heart rate).
protective sticker covering the display. Pulse oximeters provide an easy way of assessing
Slide Cover your blood oxygen level and pulse rate.

What is SpO2?
1. 2.
1 SpO2 is also known as oxygen level. Oxygen level
is a measure of how much oxygen the blood is
carrying as a percentage of the maximum it could
Please put in the batteries according to the polarity carry.
3. 4.
2 marked inside the battery compartment.
What is the normal range of SpO2?
When you press the power switch for more than The normal range for SpO2 is typically considered
Lanyard Installation one second, the brightness of the pulse oximeter from 95%~99%. The SpO2 measurement may be
will be changed by degrees. There are 10 levels lower for people who live at high altitudes. Ask
of brightness. The default level is level four.
your health professional this question as it pertains
to you.
Keep your hands still for the reading.
The pluse oximeter will power off automatically in What is the normal range for pulse rate?
8 seconds if there’s no finger inside. The normal resting range for pulse rate is typically
3 considered from 60~100 beats per minute. Ask
your health professional this question as it pertains
to you.
Warnings and Notes
Tie the lanyard through the hole in the rear of the
pulse oximeter. Warnings: What kind of conditions may cause an
inaccurate reading?
1. Keep the pulse oximeter away from young
Operation Instruction children. Small parts such as the battery door and Cold hands, poor circulation, very weak pulse,
the batteries, etc., may be hazardous if swallowed. movement, fingernail polish and acrylic nails may
Place one of your fingers into the pulse oximeter to cause inaccurate results.
2. The lanyard may cause strangulation in conditions
the end and press the switch button one time on front that may cause it to twist around the neck.
panel to turn it on. The SpO2 is not changing – it’s stuck?
4 Notes: SpO2 does not change like pulse rate. It is slow to
1. Read the manual carefully before use. change.

2. The illustration used in this manual may differ

The pulse rate is changing rapidly.
slightly from the appearance of the actual product.
Your heart rate changes with emotions, excitement
3. Follow local ordinances and recycling instructions
and exercise.
regarding disposal or recycling of the device and
1 Displaying Screen device components, including batteries.
I do not see the battery light indicator.
2 Power Key
The battery light indicator only appears when the
3 Shaft Cover battery is low. ChoiceMMed America Corp.
4 Battery Box Cover Bristol, PA

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