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Icom IC-765 Notes and Mods

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The document provides an overview of the Icom IC-765 ham radio transceiver, including its specifications, modifications that can be made to it, and solutions to common problems that may occur.

Details are given about the specifications of the IC-765, its relationship to the IC-761 model, its filters, power supply, serial numbers, and an Icom email reflector for support.

A number of modifications are described for the IC-765 to improve features like PBT tuning, T/R switching, antenna protection, monitor volume, extended transmit capability, AM and RTTY operation, sidetone tracking, and full QSK keying.

Icom IC-765 Notes

Don Stalkowski, VE3HUR

December 17, 2005

Version 1.08
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 General Information 4
2.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Relation to the IC-761 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3 Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.4 Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.5 Trimmer Capacitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.6 Serial Numbers and Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.7 Icom Email Reflector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3 Icom IC-765 Modifications 7

3.1 W2ISB PBT mod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2 Modification for improved T/R Switching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.3 Mod to prevent antenna switch unit failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.4 Improved monitor volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.5 Extended TX Mod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.6 Better AM Audio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.7 QRP Mod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.8 Selectable SSB Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.9 Using the 250 Hz second IF CW filter in RTTY mode . . . . . . . . 12
3.10 New Version of the N6MZ Sidetone Tracking Modification . . . . . 13
3.11 Full QSK Keying Improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.12 Key Clicks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.13 PIN Diode Mod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

4 Common Problems 18
4.1 Antenna Tuner “Hunts” or “Chatters” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.1.1 Empirical Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.1.2 Alternate Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.2 Problems covered in the Icom service FAQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.3 VOX Oscillates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.4 W8AEF’s Problems and Fixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.5 Carrier Oscillator Trimmer Adjustment Corrections . . . . . . . . . 25
4.6 Icom 765 PLL Trimmer Repair — A Case History . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.7 Replacing the BFO Trimmers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.8 “Whoosh” Noise when Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.9 Paint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.10 Cleaning the Display Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.11 Fixing Intermittent Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

5 Operating Hints 35
5.1 AM Operating Suggestions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.1.1 Comments on the IC-765 on AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.2 PSK31: CW Receive and LSB Transmit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.3 CW Keyer Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.4 Sixty Metre Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

6 Microphones 44
6.1 Connection to an MC-60A Microphone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
6.2 Using a computer headset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

7 Sources of Online Information 47

8 Change Log 48

Copyright 2002,
c 2003, 2004, 2005 Don Stalkowski.
The author and editor of, and contributors to this document provide NO
WARRANTY; not even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FIT-
NESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This document may be reproduced
and distributed as long as the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
preserved on all complete or partial copies. The current version of this docu-
ment may be found at: and http:
I’d like to thank all those whose information I’ve used. Your contribution to
Icom users is appreciated.
Finally, if you see something of your’s here that you feel shouldn’t be here,
or that you haven’t been credited for, or would like changed, or. . . , or if you
see anything that contains errors or think something should be added or deleted,
please contact me at dstalk at execulink dot com or via the callbook address for

1 Introduction
For an older rig, the IC-765 causes a lot controversy and passion. The consensus
seems to be that it’s one of Icom’s best and that if the PBT (pass band tune)
patent problems hadn’t cropped up and Icom hadn’t gone to cheaper filters, that
it would have been close to the very best. Today it represents good value as a used
This document is a collection of clippings from the Icom email reflector, infor-
mation from various web sites, and other notes I’ve amassed on the IC-765.

1.1 Warnings
Although I’ve tried to collect the information in this document from reliable
sources, there is absolutely no guarantee that any of it is correct. You are strongly
encouraged to verify all information on your own. In particular, if modifying or
reparing the transceiver, heed the following:

• Check as many sources as possible to verify the modification/fix.

• Understand the modification/fix. Know what it does, how it does it, and
what circuit changes are requried. Be sure that the modification/fix actually
implements those changes.

• Be aware that even though a modification/fix may be acceptable for some

radios, it may not be suitable for your’s. Numerous production changes
normally take place during the life of a radio and, in theory, every radio
could be unique. Calvin [4] illustrates this fact.

• If you’re not qualified to do it or don’t completely understand the radio and
the modification/fix don’t touch it. Either use a competent repair facility or
leave the radio alone.

• If you do discover an error in this document please inform the author(s) so

that the information can be corrected.

2 General Information
2.1 Description
• Automatic antenna tuner with tuning memory

• Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS)

• Band stacking registers

• Built-in 500 Hz CW filters (9.0106 MHz and 455 kHz IFs)

• Built-in keyer, power supply, and CI-V

• CW pitch control

• RIT/∆TX controls

• 99 tunable memories

Frequency Coverage: Tx: 1.8, 3.5, 7, 10, 14, 18, 21, 24, 28 MHz bands
Rx: 100 kHz – 30 MHz


Dimensions: 424 x 150 x 390 mm

16.7 x 5.9 x 15.4 in.
17.5 kg; 38.6 lb.

Output Power: AM: 10–40 W, all other modes: 10-100 W

Major Options
• FL-53A (455 kHz) and FL-101 (9.0106 MHz) 250 Hz CW filters. Both 500
Hz and 250 Hz are selectable.

• FL-102 6 kHz AM filter.

• UT-36 voice synthesizer.

• UT-30 tone encoder.

2.2 Relation to the IC-761

[From: Adam Farson, VA7OJ/AB4OJ]
The IC-765 was actually a very different radio from the IC-761. These are the
principal differences:

Synthesizer: 761 — PLL, very similar to IC-751A; 10 Hz resolution.

765 — DDS/PLL; 1 Hz resolution.

IF filtering: 761 — PBT and IF shift, selectable.

765 — IF shift only, bypassing 9 MHz filter.

SSB IF filters: 761 — FL-80/FL-44A (Icom’s best SSB filter pair, also used in 751A).
765 — FL-30/FL-96 (wider, cheaper).

Internal autotuner: 761 — AT-150.

765 — Microprocessor-controlled memory tuner, no preset controls.

The IC-765 processor is much more advanced than that of the 761 and 751A.
In the 765, the operating system is stored in EPROM (as opposed to RAM in
the older radios). Only dynamic data is stored in RAM. There is also a data bus
linking the main processor to the autotuner control processor.
One of the benefits of the newer control architecture in the IC-765 is the band-
stacking registers.
The IC-761 is, in fact, pretty well a repackaged IC-751A with more filter selec-
tions, a standard (rather than optional) internal mains power supply and a built-in
There are also considerable circuit differences on the MAIN (IF) board between
the IC-761 and IC-765.

2.3 Filters
[From: Adam Farson, VA7OJ/AB4OJ]
The FL-80 is the preferred “standard” filter. The FL-80/FL-44A combination
is used in the IC-751A and IC-761.
The FL-30 has a -6 dB bandwidth of 2.3 kHz. The FL-80 is 2.4 kHz wide at
-6 dB, but has a considerably better shape factor than the FL-30 (1.6 vs. 1.8).
Replacement of the FL-96 455 kHz SSB filter with either an FL-44A or an
INRAD 455/2.4 is worth considering, as a means of improving adjacent-channel
[From: Don, VE3HUR]
I installed the FL-102 AM filter and did not notice any difference.

2.4 Power Supply

[From: Mahlon, K4OQ]
The internal power supply in the 765 is essentially a PS-35 in a slightly different
case. This being the case, the DC power connectors between the supply and
the rest of the transceiver are the same as any other ICOM-standard six-pin DC
power connector, INCLUDING the two AC power lines (watch how you wire your
connector, in other words).
The 765 will run off of 13.8 VDC just fine, assuming that you connect your
external DC supply in lieu of the internal supply.

2.5 Trimmer Capacitors

Icom has stated that all IC-765’s were made with plastic trimmer capacitors [From:
Bill, WA9MXQ], although the DDS LPL trimmer on some units is ceramic. How-
ever, Adam (VA7OJ/AB4OJ) thinks that later radios came with ceramic HPL
VCO trimmers and recalls that his s/n 29xx IC-765 did.

2.6 Serial Numbers and Dates

The first Icom advertisements that I’ve found were in magazines in May 1989.
The last major distributor’s advertisement was in March 1994. The highest serial
number I’ve heard of is over 5500.
From the serial numbers that have been posted in the Icom reflector, I’d guess
that the distribution is about:

01xxx 1989–1990
02xxx 1990
03xxx 1991–1992
04xxx 1992–1994

2.7 Icom Email Reflector
There is a moderated Icom email discussion group. To subscribe to it visit http:
// or send an email with the subject
“subscribe” to “”
An archive of the group is at
An even older archive is at

3 Icom IC-765 Modifications

Sources of this information:
These mods have appeared in many places including,
and in messages from Lee Wells, and Adam Farson (VA7OJ/AB4OJ), but the
sources I first used were:
[Jean-F Tanguy, VE2KAD] and [Don, VE1AOE]

3.1 W2ISB PBT mod

This modification was originally designed by Gerd Henjes, W2ISB.

1. Cut (or lift) cathode end of D63

2. Add a 1N914 - solder anode end to anode of D64

3. Cut W31 (brown wire) and solder to cathode end of D63 and cathode end
of new diode.

IF SHIFT button out = PBT, IF SHIFT button in = IF shift.

new 1N914

cut W31 and D64

attach here wire from W31

D63 W31
new 1N914
cut this end of D63 D63
and lift


Figure 1: PBT modification top and side views.

3.2 Modification for improved T/R Switching
(prevents damage to D45, D46, D47, & D15 on RF Board.)
Parts Needed: 47K 1/8 watt resistor 150K 1/8 watt resistor 1SS53 diode Insu-
lation for the resistor lead
1. Remove bottom cover
2. Remove screws from Main Unit and lift board
3. Remove R10 (39K) and R11 (39K) near IC-2
4. Install one end of new R11 (150K) to foil trace which connects to C13.
Insulate remaining lead of R11 and solder it to Pin 3 of IC-2
5. Install new R10 (47K)
6. Solder D159 (1SS53) between Pins 3 and 13 of IC-2. Cathode side of diode
(striped end) goes to Pin 3
7. Modification is complete. No adjustment is necessary. Reinstall the Main
unit and Bottom cover.

3.3 Mod to prevent antenna switch unit failure

This modification is covered in the Icom service FAQ. The FAQ should be consulted
for further information.
1. Remove top cover
2. Locate antenna switch unit at right rear of radio (at antenna jack).
3. Solder a 0.0047 µF, 500V ceramic capacitor to back side of pc board as
shown. (Board removal is not necessary). The capacitor is effectively in-
stalled between ground and the junction of R1 and L1.
4. Reinstall top cover and check for proper transmitter operation. This modi-
fication prevents failure of R1, R2, D1 and L1.

3.4 Improved monitor volume

For radios with serial numbers below 2000.
1. Set radio for 8 MHz in LSB.
2. Adjust C226 for 1 to 1.2V at R201.
3. Verify that it goes to 3V at 7.9999 MHz.
4. Change R85(10K) on main unit to 4.7K.

rear of radio


Figure 2: Rear of antenna switch circuit board.

3.5 Extended TX Mod

1. Remove top and bottom covers

2. From the bottom of the radio locate the matrix board which is next to the
front panel.

3. Find diodes D50, D51, D52, D53, D54 and D55.

4. Cut one leg of D53

5. Assemble the radio and stay legal!

In addition, if you wish to use the antenna tuner, the following mod is required
[From: Rick Robinson, K8DXN]:

1. Remove top cover.

2. Locate tuner control PCB. It is in the rear of the rig from the marker switch

3. Locate plug going to J103.

4. Find grey wire going to Pin 8 on J103 — named “TUNM” on circuit.

5. Remove grey wire — that all, done deal.

3.6 Better AM Audio

1. Replace AM rectifier diode with schottky for better audio.

3.7 QRP Mod

With this circuit connected to the radio, the power output is adjustable between
0 and 100W. For best results, leave the RF power control at maximum and adjust
for desired power using R2.

47K Shielded cable
9 Volt -
alkaline R1 R2
battery + 20K to ALC

Figure 3: QRP adaptor for IC-765

S1 is used to turn off circuit when radio is not in use or QRP operation is not

Radio Model: R1 value R2 value

IC-761, 765 47K 20K

IC-720(A), 735, 740, 745, 751(A), 275A/H 2M 1M
IC-725, 726, 728, 729, 736, 737(A) 220K 100K

06/01/94 CJR
For the IC-820H use the values for the IC-761, 765. The IC-781, IC-765 and
the IC-820H all have the same ALC characteristics:

Control voltage: -4 to 0 volts

Input impedance: More than 10 K ohms

3.8 Selectable SSB Filters

This mod was on my ’765 when I purchased it. I don’t think it’s the best way to
do it, but it works!
This unit has different SSB filters than a stock IC-765. An FL-70 (2.8 kHz)
is used in place of the FL-30 (2.3 kHz) as the standard SSB filter. In addition,
an FL-80 (2.4 kHz is selectable via the “250 Hz” button on the front panel. The
FL-80 is installed in the space allocated to the optional FL-101 250 Hz CW filter.

Filter -6 dB -60 dB

FL-30 2.3 kHz 4.14 kHz

FL-70 2.8 kHz
FL-80 2.4 kHz 3.84 kHz

This modification is illustrated in figures 5 through 6.

R312 brown
R322 red

Figure 4: The Circuit Prior to Modification

Matrix Unit
FLC brown
250 Hz

FL70 R312
FL80 R322
(lift R322 d end} OEG SRU-S-109L 9V relay

W163 (8V)

Figure 5: Circuit After Modification

The following steps perform the modification:

1. Cut the red (FLS) and brown (FLC) wires from J13.

2. Ground the brown wire (FLC).

3. Connect the red wire (FLS) to one end of the relay coil. Connect the other
end of the relay coil to W163.

4. Cut W154.

5. Connect the end (“b”) of W154 nearest to the PCB edge, to the relay “com-

6. Connect the other end (R312) of W154 to the relay NC connection.
7. Lift the end of R322, farthest from the filter, and connect it to the relay NO.



FL-32A to R312

R322 d


FLS (red)

Figure 6: Pictorial of the Filter Modification

3.9 Using the 250 Hz second IF CW filter in RTTY mode

[From: Dave KD6TO]
This allows use of the 250 Hz second IF CW filter (FL-53A) in RTTY mode.
• Install the optional 250Hz filter according to the instructions (if not already
• Remove the covers to gain access to the Main Unit PCB.
• Take a 1SS133 diode or equivalent and solder the positive side to the positive
side of D42 (accessible at pin 15 of IC11) and the negative side to the negative
side of D39.

• Re-assemble and test.

The CW 250Hz pushbutton will now select the 250Hz filter in both CW and
RTTY modes.

3.10 New Version of the N6MZ Sidetone Tracking Modi-

Michael Mraz, N6MZ, author of the May 1993 QST article titled “Add Tracking
Sidetone to Your Icom IC-765 Transceiver” has suggested a new way of doing the

I’d recommend doing the tracking sidetone another way. This mod is
much simpler and actually uses the 765’s monitor mixer to beat the
TX carrier oscillator against the RX BFO. The downsides are that the
sidetone volume will vary a little, in proportion to the output power
setting, and that you won’t hear the sidetone when you aren’t trans-
mitting (i.e. you can’t do CW practice with the “VOX” button off).
This is what I did:

1. Remove Q16 on the Main board. This transistor cuts off the BFO
during CW transmit.
2. Remove R77 on the Main board. This resistor couples the CW
sidetone oscillator to the audio T/R switching circuit.

Now when you transmit, you should hear the actual tone resulting
from the receive BFO beating with the transmit carrier oscillator. The
volume of the audio sidetone will vary with the setting of the RF
PWR control (more power = louder sidetone). If (and it’s a big if)
all the mixer oscillators are aligned perfectly, when you tune the radio
to match the sidetone frequency to the frequency of the received signal,
you will be exactly zero-beat. My rig is accurate to within 10 Hz or so.
If you plan to work on the 765, you really should buy a copy of the
service manual, it has all the two-color drawings that show the com-
ponent locations on the boards. It also has the calibration procedure
and theory of operation.

Floyd, K8AC, adds the following:

I installed the new mod and find that it works just as Mike describes.
The variation in volume of the sidetone with the setting of the power
control is of no consequence, since the sidetone volume is controlled
by the monitor gain control (you must have the monitor ON to hear

the sidetone). While I haven’t taken the time to measure the sidetone
frequency against the received signal pitch, my ear says it’s the same
or extremely close.
If you don’t already have a copy of the 765 service manual, you can
get one from Icom. But — the manual they are currently selling is
not a multicolor original, but a black and white copy. However, it’s a
very good copy, right down to the large fold out pages, and perfectly
readable. Finding Q16 and R77 is certainly easier with the manual.
If you plan to give this a try without the manual, you can find the
two components just behind the shielded BFO enclosure on the main
board. The BFO alignment information is found in the 765 Instruction
Manual on page 47.

3.11 Full QSK Keying Improvement

The following was written by George, W2VJN and appeared in the Frankford
Radio Club Newsletter for August, 1991 [10]. George has graciously allowed me
to reproduce1 it here. His company, International Radio (INRAD) http://www., sells kits for this modification as well as their well known line of
replacement filters.
In the VOX Mode, the keying in the 765 is close to ideal. There is a 9 mil-
lisecond delay from key down to RF output and a 10 millisecond delay from key
up to RF off. The rise and fall times of the RF envelope are about 2 millisec-
onds. However, in the Full Break-In mode, the trailing edge delay from key up to
RF off is shortened to 2 milliseconds. This is a 7 millisecond error and results in
the keying sounding “choppy” at higher speeds. It also reduces the average power
transmitted. Additionally, the side tone is also shorter than the actual transmitted
character length.
Both of these problems can be largely corrected by the modifications described
below. When the 765 is switched to Full Break-In the VOX delay capacitor is
switched out. By adding a much smaller capacitor in the Break-In Mode the
trailing edges of the keyed characters are not clipped short. The price that is paid
for this keying improvement is the “come alive” time for the receiver is increased
slightly between keyed characters. The value that I have chosen is a compromise
between perfect keying and too long of a delay in the “come alive” time.
In my radio the keying error was reduced to 3 milliseconds and the come alive
time increased from 20 milliseconds to 24 milliseconds. In actual operating the
increase in come alive time is not noticeable.
The second modification reduces the delay from key down to sidetone output
from 10 to 3 milliseconds and increases the delay from key up to side tone off from
2 to 3 milliseconds. This improves the sidetone sound significantly.
The Frankford Radio Club has also given their permission for reprinting.

Front Panel

Full BK−IN
0.022 µF Mylar Capacitor

Figure 7: QSK Modification

To increase the keying weight in the Full Break-In mode add a 0.022 µF ca-
pacitor as shown in Figure 7. Turn the radio up side down and loosen the front
panel to provide access to the board that contains the Fill BK-IN switch. Solder
the capacitor to the two switch terminals closest to the front panel.

Area of Detail
J12 8.2 cm
90 80
5.7 cm
BFO 81

New 51K Resistor

Main Unit

Figure 8: QSK Sidetone Modification

To improve the sidetone, remove the bottom cover and locate the area on the
Main Unit shown in Figure 8. Solder a 51kΩ 14 watt resistor between the left ends
of components labeled 15 and 81. Use an iron with a small tip.

3.12 Key Clicks
Roger, VE3ZI, uses a different approach to QSK keying with the IC-765. He also
presents a simple modification to increase the RF envelope’s rise and fall times.
See for more information on keyclicks.2

Improving QSK
The PTT timing when using full break-in or fast key operated changeover is faulty.
When you press the key, PTT goes low almost immediately, but RF does not
happen for about 10 ms. This is fine and allows time for just about any full-
break-in-capable amplifier to change over. When you release the key, PTT goes
high almost immediately, but RF does not stop for another 10 ms. (This is low
level PTT from the ACC socket - the SEND relay is not quite as bad, presumably
because of its operating delay. But it is also the internal PTT function within the
IC-765 and causes clipped dots when using full break-in). So, one is almost bound
to hot switch on break. The fundamental reason for the problem is that PTT on
all modes is derived from the VOX circuitry and CW keying uses totally separate
timing and circuitry.
My fix is external — I apply keying to the amplifier immediately, but delay
PTT off by about 20 ms. The circuit I use is shown in Figure 9. The key (manual
or electronic) is connected to the input of this circuit. The key output is con-
nected to the IC-765 keying input, and the PTT output is connected to the SEND
input/output on either IC-765 ACC socket. Amplifier PTT input can be taken
either from an ACC socket or from the relay output. Keeping the SEND input low
also keeps the IC-765 internal circuitry in the transmit mode, thus preventing the
clipped dots. I have not had any problems with RF getting into the keying, but I
suppose it might be prudent to build the circuit in a metal box and use some RF
decoupling on input and output. It can be powered from the 13.6 V DC available
on the ACC socket but through a 78L05 voltage regulator.
I did consider putting the circuitry within the IC-765 to achieve the same
purpose, but it would be a bit messy, and I have a box which also includes a
Writelog keyer and SO2R circuitry. There is one problem with my solution! When
the key is pressed the amplifier PTT is energized even if the VOX button on the
IC-765 is not depressed. I could not find an easy way to overcome this because of
the IC-765 design issue described above, but in practice it is not serious, as the
amplifier will not be energized if it is not switched to the operate condition.
The ARRL review rated the IC-765’s CW waveform as “good” but adds that a weighting
increase is required with speeds over 25 WPM when using QSK, in order to maintain a 1:1 dot
to space ratio.

Key In

~22 ms stretch PTT
1 12
Key In 3 11 10
2 8
13 9 2N7000

Figure 9: VE3ZI QSK Adapter

CW Waveform
The rise and fall times of the IC-765 keying are about 2.5 ms — the guru W8JI
says this is too short. I have increased it to about 4.5 ms by changing C108 on
the main board from 4.7 µF to 10 µF. (Note: this is a tantalum cap). I tried
increasing it further, but got lopsided rise and fall times which sounded mushy.
The keying works by turning on crystal oscillator Q35 + buffer Q34 hard, then
shaping the keying via PIN diode D85 (M1204) through C108/R169+R281. So
far as I can establish there are no later stages keyed, although with a microscopic
circuit diagram it’s not all that easy to be certain.

3.13 PIN Diode Mod

Paul, W8AEF, replaced diodes D23–D47, and D49 on the RF unit with Hewlett
Packard PIN diodes to reduce the intermodulation distortion caused by strong
nearby stations.
Several hams (W5YR, W0YG, K4JAF) question the value of this mod.
W9NHQ recommends PIN diodes and refers to the original QST articles by Rohde
[5]. Tony, VE6CGX, finds they work best “on top band where the QRN is severe.”
There was some suggestion that even the IF filter switching diodes be replaced.
Strangely, no one seems to know a part number of a suitable diode!

4 Common Problems
4.1 Antenna Tuner “Hunts” or “Chatters”
For either of these techniques the transceiver should be connected to a proper 50 Ω
dummy load. Since the IC-765 apparently senses reflected power when tuning, it
may be worthwhile to perform the final adjustments/checks with a “reasonable”
power level, for example, 40 watts.
Additionally, it may be necessary to adjust C5 as indicated in the “Tuner Unit
Adjustment” section of the service manual.

4.1.1 Empirical Technique

This is the fix most commonly presented.
The feedback circuit that controls the tuning motors becomes sensitive after a
few months of aging. It requires a one time adjustment to correct.

1. Remove top cover and locate the antenna tuner board.

2. Locate R5 and R10 and set them to the center of their range.

3. Set radio as follows: Tuner on Frequency 14.100 MHz Mode RTTY

4. After transmit is engaged for 30 seconds,

5. Adjust each control (R5 and R10) so neither motor tunes while changing
from SSB to RTTY and back to SSB.
Note: R5 (right) controls right motor and R10 (left) controls left motor.

6. Repeat this adjustment to verify proper operation and then check on all
other bands.

7. Reinstall top cover and return to operation.

4.1.2 Alternate Technique

This is an alternate adjustment procedure that may be more satisfactory.

• Subject: The antenna tuner on some IC-765s “hunts” during transmit after
the first tuning phase is complete. This may start after a few months of use.

• Information: The feedback circuit that controls the tuning motors may be-
come sensitive after a few months of use.

1. Remove the top cover and locate the antenna tuner board.

2. Locate R5 and R10 and set them to the center of their range.

3. Set the following controls on the radio as indicated below:
Tuner — On Frequency — 7.1 MHz Mode — LSB

4. After transmit is engaged for 10 seconds (to allow the tuner circuits to tune
and stabilize), and while still transmitting,

(a) Verify V-ref at R4 is between 4.6 and 5.3 VDC.

(b) Adjust R5 for a voltage that is one half of what was measured in step
5 ± 0.1 VDC measured at R2.
(c) Adjust R10 for a voltage that is one half of what was measured in step
5 ± 0.1 VDC measured at R7.

5. Verify proper tuner operation on all bands.

6. Reinstall the covers and return the radio to operation.

4.2 Problems covered in the Icom service FAQ.

The Icom service FAQ is copyright so I’m only going to list the problems covered
in it. Refer to Icom
( for their FAQ.

• Unit will not transmit or receive on all bands. Very low noise from speaker.
Display and controls all seem to work properly.

• Dead spots in the bottom 250 kHz (or so) range of each band when radio is
cold. Dead spots may eventually get smaller then disappear as radio warms

• No RX/TX when unit is first turned on, but will return if VFO knob is spun
or if power is cycled on and off a few times.

• No RX/TX or distorted RX/TX on one or more bands. Distorted SSB

audio sounds raspy and rough. Some bands may sound OK. Problem may
be temperature related.

• Frequency unstable in SSB modes.

• Drastic change in audio frequency response between USB and LSB, i.e. USB
audio has too much bass while LSB audio has too much treble. USB/LSB
RX frequency response may be equalized, to a degree, by adjustment if the
front panel IF Shift control. TX frequency response remains poor.

• No or very low RX sensitivity.

• Distorted RX on strong signals. BC band RX sensitivity may be low or

• Intermittent RX sensitivity. Problem seems mechanical. Banging on case or

switching between RX & TX may temporarily restore sensitivity.
The recommended fix is to replace RL13 on the tuner unit. In my case, the
new relay was fine for about a month then the problem redeveloped.

• RX disappears when outer shield of coax is connected to the antenna. In-

spection reveals 6 volt DC at the center conductor of the antenna jack.

• PTT does not operate. When the SEND switch is flipped, the green RX
LED stays lit and unit does not go in the transmit mode. Problem may be

• No TX output in all modes. Problem is traced to no output at J8 on the RF


• Distorted/raspy-sounding TX in SSB modes. Average power is low, even

at higher mic gain levels. Turning on the speech processor seems to help a
little. CW, RTTY and FM seems normal.

• No or low output on all bands with high Icc. Inspection reveals burned D1,
L1, L2, R1, and/or R2 on the ANT SW unit.

• The power clicks off or flutters on and off when the TX power output is
increased toward maximum. Inspection reveals that the internal power sup-
ply is unable to handle the current. Unit runs fine when the internal power
supply is substituted with an external power supply.

• Tuner operates properly when a carrier is present, but drifts out of tune in
SSB mode.

• Tuner “chatters” or makes a rattling sound while speaking into the micro-
phone in SSB mode, mostly on upper bands.

• Tuner does not tune on any band. Inspection reveals that only one motor is

• Intermittent display. S-meter may peg and RX/TX may disappear when the
unit is in the failure mode.
Floyd, K8AC, points out that the Icom fix identifies the DP-6A DC-DC
converter as IC1. This is incorrect; the converter is actually IC-7. See
Section 4.11 for details on this repair.

• VFO tuning is erratic: Sometimes skips frequencies in a certain area of VFO
knob travel. 10 Hz display digit “flutters” instead of changing incrementally
when the VFO knob is turned slowly.

• Loud, high pitched squeal emanates from inside radio. May be intermittent.

• TX monitor gain seems low, even at maximum volume settings. Radio has
good mic gain, and the transmitter works OK.

• A mechanical whine emanates from inside radio in TX only at certain power

levels. Transmitter works OK.

• CI-V interface does not work. Unit will not communicate with computer.

4.3 VOX Oscillates

[From: John Bielefeld, K1JEB]
I have come up with the reason why my IC-765 VOX oscillates. The 8V power
for the Mic Pre-amp comes from the Main Unit Board. But daisy chains through
to and from other boards. This causes some transients to be induced in the 8V
power line. The line is also made of a small gauge wire. The resistance on this
line is high enough for these transients to be quite large enough to trip the VOX.
Also if you listen to the transmitted signal via the internal monitor you can hear
some of the digital noise generated.
The solution is:

1. Remove the 8V power pin 7 from connector J302 AF VR UNIT.

2. Remove the 8V power pin 3 from connector J103 NB SW UNIT.

3. Connect The 8V power pin (which came from pin 7 from connector J302 AF
VR UNIT) to pin 3 to connector J103 NB SW UNIT. You may have to cut
some tie wraps to do this. Just add some new tie wraps when you are done.

Ok, now the AF VR Unit has no 8V power. So we need to get this 8V power
from the spare 8V power, pin 5 of J15 on the MAIN UNIT. I found some extra
push in pins from an old VCR tape player. Add an extra push in crimp pin into
pin 5 of the female connector for connector J15. Next run a wire (feeding through
the tie wraps) to the AF VR UNIT. Find another push in crimp pin. Connect the
8V wire to this pin. Then push this pin into pin 7 of the male connector which
plugs into J304 on the AF VR UNIT.
One item I did but not necessary is to use a thicker gauge wire for the ground
return between the AF VR unit pin 8 J302 and the ground pin on the MAIN UNIT
pin 1 J15.

I also ran the shielded audio cable from the mic pre-amp and the VOX input
along the metal chassis and away from the noisy harness it was tie wrapped to.
This helped some but not as much as the power cable change.
With this mod, I now have very, very clean audio from the mic pre-amp.
I would highly recommend this mod. It took me 2 hours to do.

4.4 W8AEF’s Problems and Fixes

[From Paul M. Playford, W8AEF]
I have received several emails regarding my experiences with my IC-765 so here
they are:
First, my ’765 is s.n. 002313 purchase new about 1990.
After a couple weeks in the operating position I sensed that something was
wrong — couldn’t make any contacts. Nobody would answer my calls on 20
meters. Put the 303-401 back on line and no problems. After much checking I
determined that FL30, the 9 MHz SSB filter had a very deep notch on one side of
what was supposed to be the flat top, along with a sharp spike on one side of the
pass band.3
The net result was with my voice characteristics, the meters would wiggle but
nothing came out on USB. Icom sent me a new filter but it had a deeper notch
than the original so I installed Fox Tango ssb replacement filters in both IFs and
the radio works great now.
I fell in love with it. Started to learn how to use some of the bells and whistles
and (I think) work stations the old Heath stuff couldn’t have. Then more troubles

1. Intermittent transmit — Cold solder joint on one end of the meter current

2. Receiver dead — 2 filter switching diodes shorted in the receiver.

3. Receiver dead — RF transistor in the receiver went open.

Checked with Icom and they sent me a copy of the factory update to the
main unit to prevent future failure of these components. The update has
already been installed in my radio and the diode is also installed correctly.

4. Intermittent transmit — Cold solder joint on receiver Q7 PTT transistor.

5. Radio dead — Open winding in T1 in the regulator unit. This is a small

transformer that “kick starts” the power supply on turn on.
Previously it was thought that this may be related to mis-termination of the IF filters. After
reviewing the issue, Adam, VA7OJ/AB4OJ, and I now feel that it is more likely the result of
problems with some of the FL-30 filters used in “mid-run” IC-765s and that there are no filter
termination problems.

6. Computer interface not working. Replaced defective L4 in CT-17 Commu-
nication Interface-V.
7. Frequency readout jumps while tuning. Icom’s fix for this is to replace the
optical encoder. It’s long out of warranty by now and I’m too cheap for that
so I just repositioned the circuit board inside the encoder until the frequency
readout didn’t jump.
8. Frequency changing — this one I haven’t found yet. It is intermittent and
sounds like the IF SHIFT is wandering. Doesn’t happen often and when it
does I power down the radio and it goes away. I just know it’s another cold
solder joint but have not had any success locating it.
-5.0 volt supply is wandering.
The source of this -5.0 volt supply is IC7, located on the display unit. Re-
moved the cover from IC7 and soldered three pins in it that had never been
soldered. Several months later the display started flickering between dim
and bright. I found 2 pins in this module that the solder had cracked (these
were my soldered connections) because the pins are stiff and when you install
the module on the display board the pins usually have to bend a little to fit
the holes in the display board. When the pins don’t/won’t bend the solder
gives. Be very careful when positioning these pins inside IC7 because the
alignment is critical.
I replaced the three plastic trimmer capacitors in the BFO circuits (C42, C45
& C307) per paragraph 5 of the Most Common Service Questions for the
Icom IC-765 I found on the ICOM web site. Symptom: Frequency unstable
in SSB modes.
9. Replaced the three plastic trimmer capacitors in the Carrier Oscillators
(C123, C125 & C128). Symptom: CW was transmitting about 2 KHz higher
than receive. Made it a little <grin> difficult to make contacts.
Further: paragraph 4 of the above mentioned Most Common Service Ques-
tions suggest replacing C11, C20, C29 and C37 on the PLL unit. I did this
as a preemptive strike before they gave me problems.
I have made several modifications to my ’765 (in addition to the repairs).
The tracking sidetone that appeared in the May 1993 issue of QST is a
must do. I had the variable bandwidth tuning from the March 1991 issue
of QST installed but removed it when my frequency changing intermittent
arose. I will be re-installing the W2ISB PBT modification (it will allow
both IF SHIFT and variable bandwidth) as the IF SHIFT is useless, but
the PBT works very well. I have also installed PIN diodes in the receiver
filter switching. This is what I call a preemptive strike — not sure if they
improved the performance but a 50KW am station just went on the air about
5 miles from my QTH.

March 18, 1998

10. No transmit, receive OK. Transmit seems to produce about a 50 watt oscil-
lation even in SSB and CW (not keyed).
Replace defective IC1, Q21, Q15, D46, D47, D45, Q14, Q8, C181 and C179.
I think C179 shorted out first, causing the antenna relay to stick in the re-
ceive position even while transmitting. Screwing up the transmit impedance,
caused the oscillation and blew the components. All defective components
on RF UNIT. I think it would be well to replace all .1 µF capacitors on this
Spring 2000

11. No transmit, receive OK. Replace defective Q14 on the RF unit. Replacing
this transistor is getting old. I checked the ratings on the device and it’s
operation in this application is well within it’s ratings. Close inspection
of the circuit reveals a possible path from the base thru C170, D45, C174,
D47, C179 and RL1 on the RF UNIT, R211, L203, L204, C215, RL210 on
the ANT SW UNIT, and on thru RL13 on the TUNER unit to the rear
panel ANT connector. This is a real stretch to believe that could be a
problem, but then I remembered that I have already replaced some of these
components. So, just as a precaution I installed a pair of 1N4006 diodes
in parallel, opposite polarity, across the antenna input terminals. Put the
radio back on line and the first time I turned the antenna — WOW, what
a racket! The loud buzz was only present while the antenna was turning.
Pulled the antenna lead off the radio and measured 3–4 vac between the
radio chassis and the coax. Checked the schematic on the T2X rotator and
I see that the common between the two motor windings and one side of the
brake solenoid are connected to the frame of the rotator. This point is also
connected to the chassis of the rotator control box via the control cable. If I
had a poor a.c. ground at the top of the tower (it’s a crank up so I do) it is
conceivable that while power was being applied to the motor and brake the
ground potential at the top of the tower would actually float, due to IR losses
in the rotator control cable. This is what I found to be true and this floating
ground potential is what is coming back down the coax inner conductor and
blowing components in the RF UNIT. I plugged the controller into a 3 pin
to 2 pin ac adapter (that lifts the ground) and the buzz went away. I have
since corrected my grounding problem and it has been almost a year with
no further failures in the rf unit. So, to those of us that lose components in
the rf unit — check your ground between your rotator and radio.

12. After modifying my Henry 2K-3 for QSK I observed that each element was
shortened during QSK operation. This originates in the 765 during full
break in and was cured by adding a .047 µF ceramic capacitor across the
normally closed contacts of the FULL BK-IN switch. This allows the VOX
delay circuit to complete the element. I found the same modification in The
Frankford Radio Club Newsletter — August, 1991 except they used a .022
µF Mylar Capacitor. I should read my notes and then I would not have to
re-invent the wheel.

Now that it has been almost a year since the last failure I have more time to
operate and reflect on why I have kept this radio. I am a DXer and contester and
I feel this is the best radio available for this type of operating. I am particularly
pleased that I have been able to keep my electronic trouble shooting skills sharp
so I can repair my own equipment because, had I not found my own grounding
problems, I would still be blowing components regardless of the radio I was using.
de Paul
– Some days you are the QSO, some days you are the QRM
W8AEF -*- ZF2TA (1992) -*- FO0PLA (1997) -*- 8Q7AA (1998) -*- XZ0A

4.5 Carrier Oscillator Trimmer Adjustment Corrections

[From: Mahlon Haunschild, K4OQ]
RTTY Shift Frequency adjustment (appears on page 6-10 of the IC-765 service
All frequency measurements taken from the top of R484.

Adj. Conditions Adjustment / Measurement

Freq. display: 14.10000 MHz Adjust C123 for 9.01145 MHz
RTTY mode
S2: 850 Hz

S2: 170 Hz Adjust C125 for 9.01077 MHz

S3: REVERSE Adjust C128 for 9.0106 MHz

FM MODE Adjust L10 for 9.0100 MHz

Adj. Conditions Adjustment / Measurement

Freq. display: 14.10000 MHz Adjust C123 for 9.01145 MHz
RTTY mode
S2: 170 Hz

S2: 850 Hz Adjust C125 for 9.01077 MHz

S3: NORMAL Adjust C128 for 9.0106 MHz

FM MODE Adjust L10 for 9.0100 MHz

4.6 Icom 765 PLL Trimmer Repair — A Case History

[Courtesy: Rich, KA8OKH, Updated 11-10-01]
See Rich’s web page, (, for his original article.

I have had my Icom IC-765 HF transceiver for close to 7 years now. It has
logged many (perhaps hundreds) of hours of use. This past spring, however, it
began to develop some quirks. One day while it was receiving on 30 meters during
a particularly busy contest weekend, I started noticing contest activity showing up
on the band. The callsigns were recognized as leaders in the sport of contesting,
and I found it odd that they would be active on this traditionally non-contest band.
Another oddity — the signals were weak — weaker than I would expect from these
high power stations. No matter. . . the contest ended that Sunday evening and
things appeared to return to normal. A few weeks later, while operating on 40
meters CW, the receiver suddenly drifted 500 Hz up over the course of 5 seconds
or so, and stayed there. A couple of days after that, everything received below 10
MHz would become garbled and unintelligible after 30–40 minutes of warmup.
At this point I decided that my trusty 765 was in need of some TLC. A few years
ago I had printed out and read the 765 troubleshooting notes on the Icom web
site (,
and I recalled something about raspy audio occurring after warmup, and that it
sometimes affected certain frequency ranges. Sure enough, there it was — the
dreaded plastic trimmer problem. Being a technician by trade, and not wanting
to sacrifice my radio to the shipping gods for who knows how long, I decided
to attack the problem myself. Here I’ll describe for you how I got everything
back into shape for just a few dollars and a few hours of time. The repair is not
difficult. I feel that anyone with proper soldering technique and a decent digital
voltmeter can do it. But if you feel squeamish about it, contact Icom Tech Support
(, and they will do the proper repairs for you.

What Happened?
What happens is this — the plastic trimmer capacitors in the PLL (phase lock
loop) section of the radio are enclosed in a shielded can. This can also contains
several coils that are covered with a wax to prevent (I presume) vibration. Also in
the 765, the PLL board is located directly below the internal power supply. Now
you would think that the heat would radiate up and away from the PLL unit, but
enough heat reaches the board to slowly, over years, cause the wax to flow down
into the trimmer caps. It then seems to eat away at the plastic dielectric of the
trimmers, causing the HPL lock voltage(s) to drift out of acceptable range, which
in turn causes all sorts of nasty things to occur. The raspy audio might just affect
a certain range of frequencies, or several ranges, or all. In my case, it just affected
everything below 10 MHz.

How do I Fix it?

Only one way — remove the plastic trimmers from the PLL board, and install
ceramic replacement units. We’ll go step by step, removing that nasty wax sub-
stance (or most of it anyway), and re-align the vco’s according to the service

manual. While we’re in there, we’ll check out a few other things that may need
attention. Time’s wasting, so let’s get started!

What You’ll Need

• Soldering iron — 15–25 watt
• Solder wick — to remove solder from traces and shield cans
• Soldering gun — here we want something on the order of 100 watt
• 60/40 rosin core solder (I use Kester Rosin Core 44)
• #1 and #2 phillips screwdrivers
• Small pair of “nippy” cutters (wire cutters). Smaller the better
• Small “jewelers” type screwdrivers, preferably plastic handles, or similar ad-
justment tool
• Digital voltmeter

Of course you’ll also need the replacement trimmer capacitors. The capacitors
we’ll be replacing are designated C11, C20, C29, and C37. C11 and C20 are 10pF
(picofarad), while C29 and C37 are 7pF. Now. . . here’s where I begin to deviate
from the book a bit. First, let me say without equivocation — I have nothing
against Icom service, or ordering replacement parts from them. However, in this
situation I had the parts in hand to do this repair, and they work fine. But — if
you feel that you should get these parts from Icom, by all means do so. Here are
the Icom part numbers to ask for —
Icom part#
• 4610001130 — trimmers C11 & C20 (order two)
• 4610001000 — trimmers C29 & C37 (order two)
Now, having said that, you can also get suitable replacements from Digikey
( They have to have leads spaced 4.5 mm apart, be ceramic,
and of course be the proper capacitance. I found these Sprague GKG series ceramic
units ( to be more than ad-
equate —
Digikey part#
• SG1029-ND — 3.5–10pF ceramic (white — Sprague part# GKG10024)
I used this 10pF unit for all 4 caps. Why? Well, C11 and C20 were 10pF
anyway, but Icom recommends in their service notes that C29 be changed from
7pF to 12pF for ease of adjustment. C37 is(was) 7pF as well, so I figured why not
try a 10 there as well? No worries — the 10pF works just fine for all 4 replacements.

Let’s Start
Begin by laying your 765 on a CLEAN surface — a clean towel to keep from
scratching your radio. So as not to cause any confusion here, throughout this
repair, keep the front of the radio facing you. Remove the little door that covers
the adjustments under the top cover, and set it aside. Remove the screws that
hold down the top cover. Remove the top cover by gently lifting from the rear,
then pulling back. Detach the internal speaker lead, noting the direction of the
plug, and set the cover and screws aside. Now turn the radio over, and remove the
bottom cover, and set it and the screws aside. Now flip the radio face up again.
Ok, see that big black thing on the left side with cooling fins? That’s your 765’s
power supply. Our bad caps are below it, so we have to get the power supply out
of our way. It’s held in by 4 screws — 2 of them go through the left side of the
chassis, the other 2 go down on the right side of the power supply into two little
chassis tabs. Remove these screws and unplug the two white interconnect cables
going to the supply. Lift the power supply out, taking care to not damage the
cooling fins, and set it and the 4 screws aside.
Now what you see on the left side of the radio is the PLL unit. It can be
recognized by a few shield cans, one with 4 access holes in the top. We’ll remove
this board next. First, notice that there are a few cables that need to be discon-
nected. There is one grey coax that cannot be disconnected at the PLL board.
It runs under the chassis to the RF unit. Turn the radio upside down. The RF
unit is on the right side, under a shield cover. Remove all the screws holding the
shield cover down and remove it. Notice the grey coax in front of the RF board
that goes through a grounding clamp — this is the coax we need to disconnect.
Remove the screw holding the grounding clamp. Trace the coax over to the RF
board, and unplug it from the board. Pull the coax back through to the top of
the radio. Turn the radio right side up again. Now remove the screws holding the
PLL board down, and remove the board. Set the radio aside for now.
With the PLL board in front of you, again take note of the shield can with
the 4 adjustment holes. Our 4 bad caps are under that cover (you can see them
through the access holes), so this cover has to be removed. Using a soldering gun,
apply heat to the corners of the shield cover, and use wick to remove the solder
from these areas. It sometimes helps to gently pry on the corners with a small
screwdriver while heating. Take your time, and don’t apply too much force on
Now flip the board over, and remove the lower shield from the area underneath
the shield can. Using a solder gun, apply just enough heat to free each tab on the
lower shield. Locate the mounting holes for the 4 caps, and desolder them using
a 15–25 watt iron and solder wick. Now working from the top of the board, pull
the old trimmers out (if they didn’t fall out already). See all that tan gummy
stuff inside the can? That’s the wax that has caused our grief. Using a jewelers
screwdriver, gently dig out the wax from the vicinity of the trimmer mounting

holes. If there are signs of wax that may later migrate down into the area of the
caps later on, go ahead and gently remove it, taking care to not distort any coils
or break any other components. If the wax is fairly solid, it sometimes helps to
apply heat from a blowdryer while scraping.
After the areas have been cleaned, install the new trimmers in their proper
positions and solder them in. Be sure to clip the leads flush with the board
underneath so they don’t touch the lower shield. At this point inspect all the
traces underneath the shield can for possible cold joints and touch-up with a little
solder as necessary. Icom recommends doing this before re-attaching the lower
shield, so I suspect they have seen problems with solder joints here — so it’s best
to give it a good look-over.

Re-attach the lower shield to the underside of the PLL unit. Re-attach the top
shield can cover (the one with 4 holes), taking care to orient the cover so you can
see the trimmers through the adjustment holes, and solder the corners. Mount the
PLL unit back into the chassis, taking care to not pinch any connecting cables.
Re-attach all connectors. Re-route the grey coax to the RF unit, attaching the
grounding clamp. Attach the coax to the jack on the RF unit. Replace RF unit
shield cover.
With the radio right side up, connect the plugs to the power supply, but do
not put the supply back in the radio yet. You can lean it up against the left side
of the chassis for now. Plug the AC cord in, and attach some sort of antenna
(dipole, piece of wire, whatever). Turn the radio on. Don’t worry if you can’t
receive anything. You probably won’t right now, as the new trimmers need to be

Remember — radio is right side up, facing you.
Now the Icom service manual says to use an oscilloscope to make these ad-
justments, but I obtained excellent results with a good digital voltmeter (DVM).
Attach the dvm ground lead to the chassis. Attach the positive lead to resistor R6
on the PLL board. R6 can be found immediately to the left of the 4-holed shield
can that we worked on — it’s marked on the board. Next we’ll make a series of
adjustments to our new trimmers, working from the front trimmer (C11) to the
back (C37).

• Set frequency to display 7.99999 MHz, and select LSB mode. Adjust C11
(the front adjustment hole) for a reading of 6.5 volts DC on the dvm.

• Set frequency to display 14.99999 MHz, LSB mode. Adjust C20 (2nd from
front) for a reading of 6.5 volts DC on the dvm.

• Set frequency to display 21.99999 MHz, LSB mode. Adjust C29 (3rd hole
back) for a reading of 6.5 volts DC on the dvm.

• Set frequency to display 29.99999 MHz, LSB mode. Adjust C37 (rear) for a
reading of 6.5 volts DC on the dvm.

• Now check the voltage at the following 4 frequencies to ensure that it is more
than 2 volts DC.

0.03000 LSB
8.00000 LSB
15.00000 LSB
22.00000 LSB

Together. . . Again
Re-install the power supply, taking care to not pinch any of the leads or damage
the heat sink fins. Now would also be a good time to inspect the big white power
supply plug for any signs of damage. Several 765 owners have had trouble with
this plug, again due to heat. The plug will turn brownish in color, and become
brittle. Contact Icom Service for a proper replacement.
Attach the top and bottom covers, speaker plug, and top access door. Enjoy!
Rich, KA8OKH
The author assumes no responsibility whatsoever for damages — absolutely
nothing is expressed or implied here. Perform this repair at your own risk. If you
feel this repair is beyond your ability, please contact Icom Service for repair/parts.

4.7 Replacing the BFO Trimmers

Here are some tips for replacing the BFO trimmer capacitors C52, C45 and C307.
These capacitors may have to be replaced if the frequency is unstable in one or
more of the modes (USB/LSB/CW).
Although it is possible to use an inaccurate (or even no) frequency counter the
alignment is much easier with an accurate counter. Check its accuracy and/or
recalibrate it prior to replacing the capacitors.

• Warmup both the transceiver and the counter.

• Power off the transceiver and remove the bottom cover.

• Turn on the transceiver and measure the BFO frequencies for LSB, USB and
CW. Power off the transceiver. Setting the new trimmers to these frequencies
will return the BFO to exactly the way it was before replacing the trimmers.

• Remove the screws holding the Main board.

• Remove the cables to J3, J13 and J19 — a cable tie may have to be cut.

• Fold up the board.

• Unsolder the shield below the BFO.

• Remove the BFO cover.

• In order to see the relationship between the copper foils and trimmers it is
helpful to shine a light through the top of the circuit board.

• Remove the trimmer capacitors. Note their polarity before removing.

• Install the new capacitors. Note that one side of C45 and C307 is grounded
and it is desirable that this be the side attached to the adjusting screw (if
the capacitors are built that way).

• Resolder the bottom shield.

• While you’ve got the main unit out, do yourself a favour and touch up the
soldering on Q7 to prevent the common PTT failure. Q7 is a large transistor
attached to the aluminum at the side of the board.

• Reinstall the Main board and connectors.

• Turn on the transceiver, make sure it works, and let it warn up.

• Realign as per the service manual.

• Replace the BFO cover and the bottom cover.

• If the transceiver is properly aligned it should be possible to switch between

LSB and USB, when listening to WWV, with no noticeable difference in

4.8 “Whoosh” Noise when Tuning

[From: W0NFU, WR0T, KD9KC]
Tightening the display board mounting screws, adding “star” (lock) washers
between the board and chassis, and adding bonding straps or wires were the sug-
gested solutions to this problem. This is a “fix” for all sorts of strange problems
but be careful not to over-tighten the screws since that could crack the circuit

4.9 Paint
VA7OJ said that DupliColor Metallic Bronze screen-door paint is a close match.
KG4LRU added that Hartzell Manufacturing refinishes Icom and other makes
of equipment:

Hartzell Manufacturing Company, Inc

2533 Technical Drive
P. O. Box 808
Miamisburg, OH 45343
Phone: 937-859-5955
Fax: 937-859-5954

4.10 Cleaning the Display Window

Dust manages to accumulate on the inside surface of the display window. A partial
cleaning can be accomplished by simply removing the front panel4 and cleaning
the exposed parts of the window.
For a more thorough cleaning the actual plastic window must be removed.
William Diamond, WR0T suggests the following procedure:
The escutcheon is held on by thin double faced tape. Use a hair drier and heat
up the escutcheon and use a very small dental pick or sharp knife point to get
under a corner of it and lift it off.
Remove the small Phillips screws and the glass will come right off.
When you get ready to put the trim back on, heat with the hair drier and
reinstall it.

4.11 Fixing Intermittent Display

[Courtesy: Floyd, K8AC]
See Floyd’s web page, (, for his
original article.
For quite a while my 765’s display had been plagued with a flicker in the
brightness. A light rap on the top cover had always restored it to normal intensity.
After a few months of this, the display no longer was illuminated at all when
I turned the transceiver on. Again, a rap on the top would cause the display
to turn on. I’d always suspected a cold solder problem somewhere on the display
board and recently ran across the description of an intermittent display problem in
Icom’s IC-765 Troubleshooting Guide (
troubleshooting/ic-765.asp) that mentioned cracked solder joints.
When I looked at the display board layout in the 765 Service Manual, I found
that the Probable Cause section of the problem description in the aforementioned
To remove the tuning knob slide the rubber grip forward and loosen the set screw.

Guide contained an error. The DC-DC Converter module (DP-6A) is IC-7 on the
display board and not IC-1 as the Guide states. IC-1 is a 16 pin IC of the normal
variety, while IC-7 is a large square “can” mounted at the opposite end of the
board from IC-1. There’s no mistaking the DP-6A module — it’s the largest thing
on the board after the display module itself, and is not what you’d consider an
The display board is mounted just behind the display (the display module is
actually mounted on the display board). You gain access to the board by loosening
the bottom two of the four screws which secure the 765 front panel to the chassis
and removing the top two screws. The front panel will then hinge down to allow
access to the display board. I found it best to turn the transceiver onto its right
side to prevent the front panel from hanging down more than necessary.
You can’t miss the label on the large DP-6A module. To remove the display
board from the front panel, unplug the four white cable plugs and remove the two
screws that hold the display board frame to the front panel frame.
According to the Troubleshooting Guide, there may be a cracked solder joint
beneath the DP-6A causing the problem, so I set out to remove the DP-6A. The
wording of the document is a bit vague in this case and I first thought that they
were talking about a problem on the display board itself. In retrospect, Icom was
talking about a problem with a crack where one or more if the 8 pins of the DP-6A
attach to the circuit board within the DP-6A housing. (The bottom of the DP-6A
can is open and you can easily see where the pins connect to the DP-6A circuit
board.) That being the case, you may be able to fix the problem without removing
the DP-6A, simply by heating the eight pins of the DP-6A where they go through
the display board and thus reflowing the solder at the other end of the pin.
Removing the module from the board is not as easy as it first appears as the
holes are plated through and it’s difficult to remove all the solder from the holes.
I used a thin solderwick product from Mouser which I find to work much better
than the solderwick sold by Radio Shack. Still, I had to reheat the pins many
times and use a small screwdriver placed between the module and the board to
rock it loose. You have to be careful here not to use too much heat or force as you
might lift the trace pads off of the circuit board. Before removing the module, I
suggest you first just reflow the existing solder on the 8 pins and then reinstall the
display board and see if that doesn’t fix the problem.
Just to make sure of the integrity of the land patterns, I carefully sanded off the
green coating to reveal the underlying copper. While the patterns looked perfectly
OK, I tinned them with a light coating of solder just in case. If you do this, be very
careful to keep the solder out of the hole as it’s very difficult to remove it once it’s
there (voice of experience). It was at this point that I re-read the Icom wording
and decided that they were really talking about the solder joints at the other end
of the pins, where they connect to the DP-6A’s small circuit board. So, I heated
each of the 8 pins of the module so that the solder reflowed at their connection
to the circuit board. Be careful there because the pins appear to be held in place

only by the solder and they can easily be moved out of place during this step. If
so, you can gently bend them back into line with needlenose pliers when you’re
done. Correct pin alignment is essential to being able to reinstall the DP-6A onto
the display board. If you are ambitious enough to remove the module, getting it
back in place is just slightly less difficult than removing it. I had to solderwick all
the remaining solder from the holes in the board, then use a fine point awl to clean
the holes a bit. It was also necessary to use a fine file on the module pins to make
them fit the now slightly smaller holes. Be careful if you heat the module pins to
remove excess solder so as not to change their alignment relative to one another.
After reinstalling the module, I checked over the rest of the display board for
suspicious looking solder joints. The display module itself attaches to the display
board via dozens of small contacts that are soldered to lands on the board. There
was a lot of resin between those contacts and I scratched most of it off with the
awl point and then reflowed the solder on all of the contacts.
When I removed the module, I found that the only traces on the module side
of the board were those that joined two of the holes to the ground plane on the
board. Since the module is held pretty securely by the eight pins, it’s unlikely
that the small land patterns surrounding two of the holes would be damaged by

After reinstalling the display board, I plugged in the 765 and crossed my fingers
while hitting the “POWER” button. The display appeared at full brilliance im-
mediately, with all functions working perfectly. Prior to performing the fix, there
was always a slight delay before the display came on, even when the intermittent
display problem was not apparent.
Removing and installing the display board in the 765 is easy enough that you
might first want to try heating the pins of the DP-6A module with it still in place
on the board. That may get the pins warm enough at the other end to reflow the
solder there. If that doesn’t work, then remove the DP-6A module and reflow the
solder at the points where the pins fasten to the small circuit board in the module.
While you have the display board out, look closely at all the solder joints and
reflow any that aren’t bright and shiny.
73, Floyd — K8AC

5 Operating Hints
5.1 AM Operating Suggestions
[From: Art Pightling, K3XF]
I have operated AM with many SSB/CW oriented multi-mode rigs as follows:

1. Set your microphone gain (in SSB) by speaking normally into your micro-
phone as you observe alc action. (RF output is at max for this.) Start at
zero mic gain and advance until you begin to see alc activity. Decrease mic
gain just below this point so no alc activity is noted. Leave the mic gain at
this point for the duration of your AM operation.
2. Turn on your compressor. Check to see that you do not exceed the alc
range as you speak normally into the microphone. If you do, adjust your
compressor so you don’t.
3. Determine what your full output power is on CW.
4. Set your output with the RF power adjust to 20–25% of that amount. Leave
it there for the duration of your AM operation.
5. Switch to AM. You should have very close to 95% AM modulation with this
process and sound pretty good. Do some on the air audio checks to assure
you are OK.
6. Turn on your amp and you will have a good signal without overdriving or
splatter. Do some more on the air checks with the high power level. AM
folks love this part — if you get disparaging remarks about the origin of your
rig, tell them you are using this configuration until you finish your pair of
4-400s modulating a pair of 4-400s excited by your ’765 . . .

5.1.1 Comments on the IC-765 on AM

Adam Farson, VA7OJ/AB4OJ had this to say about using the IC-765 for AM:

The IC-765 is not really characterised for AM transmission. It fakes out

AM by injecting an exalted carrier at the virtual-carrier point. In AM
mode, the radio transmits only one sideband, whilst the newer DSP
radios (IC-756, IC-756Pro/Pro II) generate a mathematically-perfect
DSP AM (A3E) signal with the correct carrier/sideband amplitude
relationships. I would not endorse the IC-765 as a high-end AM rig.
The receiver is OK for SWL’ing, but lacks a synchronous demodulator.

5.2 PSK31: CW Receive and LSB Transmit

[From: George T. Baker, W5YR]
I have been asked by several fellow warblers to document the exact setup I
use with my Icom IC-765 that allows me to receive PSK31 signals using the 500
Hz and 250 Hz filters. In the 765, and in many other rigs of its vintage, filter
selection is tied to mode selection, and the narrow filters are available only in the
CW Narrow or RTTY Narrow modes. Additionally the 765 allows 250 Hz filter
use only in CW Narrow mode in which the 500 Hz filter is already engaged.

Peter (G3PLX) has made a strong case that narrow filters prior to the filtering
operations within PSK31 have little beneficial effect on improving print in the
face of strong adjacent signals. I agree completely and defend my use of narrow
filters only on the basis of (1) they keep me from hearing a lot of QRM/QRN;
(2) they possibly improve copy somewhat by keeping strong nearby stations from
controlling the receiver AGC; and (3) I am accustomed to the sound of the receiver
while receiving CW, my other favorite mode, and find it more natural to tune to
a 700 Hz signal than to a 1000 Hz signal.
I had hoped to keep this note somewhat brief with only the procedural steps
being described, but the length of the end product confirms that I failed.
A lot can be said on the theory of operation of the 765 which requires that
certain of these steps be performed, but that is the subject of perhaps another
note if enough folks are interested.

Setup for the PSK31 Program

1. Sample rate: whatever works for your system; 11025.0 works fine for me
and provides a transmitted tone that is within much less than 0.1 Hertz of
whatever PSK31 frequencies are selected.

2. Center Frequency: 700

3. Callsign

4. Inverted QPSK: checked, as we will be receiving on a lower-sideband mode

when we select CW for receiving

5. PTT control: as appropriate

6. Narrow filter: personal preference — I like to use it so mine is checked.

7. On the main window, check AFC and NET. Tx and Rx frequencies will both
be 700 Hz initially but will change with AFC and NET action.

Setup for the IC-765

1. Select VFO operation

2. Select SPLIT mode to receive on VFO-A and transmit on VFO-B

3. Set VFO-A to CW Narrow mode

4. Using VFO-A, tune in a PSK signal to a tone of 700 Hz to be centered in

the waterfall display, much as you would tune a CW signal to that beatnote.
Since the 765 tunes only in 10 Hz steps, you must allow PSK31 to do the
final tuning within a 10 Hz range with the AFC function. Give the program

a few seconds to AFC the signal to the center of the waterfall — note the
new Rx Frequency and its offset from 700 Hz.
(I find it convenient to tune the 765 dial such that the offset is less than 10
Hz — more on this later: NOTE A)

5. With the PSK signal tuned in and centered in the waterfall, press ‘A=B’
and hold it until the function is completed (two beeps sound) in usual 765

6. Press ‘VFO A/B’ to transfer control to VFO-B

7. Change the mode to LSB

8. KEY STEP: *increase* the dial reading by 0.7 (700 Hz). Example: you tune
in the PSK31 station with VFO-A with the dial reading 14.071.53. When
you have switched to LSB on VFO-B, change the dial to read 14.072.23,
which is 700 Hz higher.
(This is the crucial step which causes the 765 to transmit your PSK31 signal
on very nearly the same frequency as you are receiving — more on this later:

9. Return control to VFO-A with the ‘VFO A/B’ button

10. Continue, receiving in CW Narrow mode with VFO-A and transmitting in

LSB mode with VFO-B.


Now, all that sounds complicated and long and tedious — it does because I
almost told you how to build a clock when you asked for the time. Operationally,
it is much simpler:

1. Tune in the PSK31 station with VFO-A

2. A=B and change to VFO-B

3. VFO-B to LSB and 0.7 higher dial reading

4. Back to VFO-A and carry on

That is the brief procedure that you do each time you change to a different
frequency/station, but in return for those few seconds of button-pushing and knob-
twisting, you get 500 Hz and/or 250 Hz selectivity.

Now, for some fine print:

Note A
PSK31 can “grab” a signal anywhere in the waterfall, up to 250 Hz away from
center, and with a mouse click move it to the center and adjust the Rx Frequency
and Tx Frequency to match. That is good and convenient. But, there are two
possible “gotchas” here!
First, we have to be careful to ensure that our transmitted frequency (which
will be the LSB dial frequency less 700 Hz ± the AFC-controlled offset from 700
Hz) remains sufficiently within the transmitter LSB passband to output the power
we desire. The problem here is that 700 Hz is down a bit on the SSB filter skirt
and, on my rig, just barely puts out full power as compared with a 1000 Hz signal
which is well within the filter passband and produces full power easily. Your
mileage may vary as not all filters are the same. I did find that lowering the Tx
Frequency to 600 Hz or below noticeably reduced the transmitter power output.
In any event, since most folks seldom run over 50 watts output on PSK31 this
small power reduction should not be a problem.
Second, the other side of this coin concerns the CW Narrow filters which are
effectively centered on 700 Hz. If we use a Rx Frequency very far removed from 700
Hz, we run the risk of operating on or near the filter skirts with decreased output
and possibly some slight phase distortion. My tests show that if Rx Frequency
remains within about ± 100 Hz of 700 Hz, the received signal remains well within
the 765’s 250 Hz filter passband.
In summary of this point, you can operate with a Rx Frequency from about 600
Hz to about 800 Hz with no problem from the 765 receive filters. You can transmit
at any reasonable frequency *above* 700 Hz and again no problem. But, if Tx
Frequency is much below 700 Hz your transmitted signal power will be decreased.

Note B
The procedure above specifies that 0.7 is to be added to the received signal fre-
quency when adjusting VFO-B in LSB mode.
If your 765 has not been recently aligned, a simple test will enable you to
correct for any mis-alignment and still use the procedure.
In Step 10 above when you have returned to VFO-A, verify that the PSK31
signal is still centered in the waterfall and note the RX Frequency reading in the

window. In particular, note the offset from 700 Hz. Now, press ‘VFO A/B’ to
return to LSB mode. If your 765 is correctly aligned, you will be within a few
Hertz of the same Rx Frequency and within a few seconds, the phase scope will be
centered. Note the total frequency difference between Rx Frequency with VFO-A
and with VFO-B after the AFC has settled down. That is the total frequency
difference with which your signal will be received at the other end and is the
amount that the other station’s AFC will adjust for your signal.
If the required frequency change is over 10 Hz, then your BFO frequencies are
off. However, this is easily compensated for without realignment of the 765. With
VFO-B simply adjust the dial reading slowly up or down in 10 Hz steps until
you find the dial reading in LSB mode that gives the *smallest* Rx Frequency
difference between using VFO-A and VFO-B. That will also be the dial reading
that comes closest to centering the phase scope and gives you good print. When
you have the right value, the signal should sound exactly the same in either receive
mode, except for the added noise, etc. in the LSB mode. Subtract that dial reading
from the VFO-A dial reading, or vice versa, and that is the number that you add
to the VFO-A dial reading in Step 8, instead of 0.7.
An example: VFO-A dial is 14.071.53. You find that you have to set VFO-B
dial to 14.072.24 instead of the 14.072.23 we used in the example in Step 8. The
difference is 14.072.24 less 14.071.53 = 0.71. So, the frequency value for your radio
to add to the VFO-A dial reading will be 0.71 instead of the ideal 0.7. It works
the other way as well. Suppose that your dial reading is 14.072.22. Subtracting
this from 14.071.53 gives 0.69 for your number. In both cases, one of the BFO
frequencies is off by 10 Hz one way or the other.
This change from 0.7 makes no difference in system performance — you are
merely correcting for a small discrepancy in 765 alignment. However, if the cor-
rection is more than a few tens of Hertz, you probably need to realign the BFO
With the proper dial increment value in place, you can switch between VFO-
A and VFO-B and except for the few seconds it may take the AFC to make its
correction, you should get perfect copy while receiving in either mode. Again, on
average, you will almost always be within 5 Hz of correct, centered tuning and
that range will provide good print throughout.
Should your rig drift about, you might find that you need to change the actual
frequency value you use as the “adder” but mine has remained very constant
at 0.7 since I last realigned it a few weeks ago. I should also mention that my
765 stays on 24/7/365 as a precaution against drift and in connection with some
other activities. In any event, each time you set up for another station, you will
immediately find out if your adder is correct, and if not what the correct one
should be. Just use whatever value gives approximately the same Rx Frequency
values with CW Receive and LSB Receive.
As a final disclaimer, please note that most if not all micro-processor-controlled
Icom rigs prior to the 765 change the dial frequency reading by a fixed amount

when the mode is changed. I know that was true up through the 761. Obviously,
the procedure given above would have to be altered to take that dial reading change
into account. Since I do not have access to any other Icom rig, perhaps someone
else can pioneer one of the earlier Icom’s for us.
I apologize for the length of this note, but I felt that more 765 owners would
feel confident to try this operating style if I provided a little more than just a bare-
bones “do this and then do that” procedure. I find that the few seconds required
to set up for a new station are well invested in return for the capabilities provided
by the narrow filters.
Please direct any questions to me privately unless you feel that others might
share your concern and would be interested in the answers. I especially invite users
of other makes of rigs to see how this procedure, appropriately modified, works
with their systems.

5.3 CW Keyer Speed

The internal keyer can be varied between 6 and 10 wpm (slow setting) and 12 and
48 wpm (fast) as shown in figure 10.

Slow Fast

9 25 28 31
8 20 36
7 10 15 43
12 46
6 10 12 47
Figure 10: CW Keyer Speed

5.4 Sixty Metre Operation

The IC-765 appears to work on sixty metres. Here’s George’s, W5YR, summary
of tests he performed:
I have completed several tests on my 765 and present the following results for
those who might be interested in using a 765 on 60 meters. The 765 is typical
in many respects of equipment of the late 80’s and early 90’s. All measurements
were made from computer-generated transmit audio signals introduced via Pin 4
of ACC1, thereby avoiding any effects of the microphone preamp, etc.
As most 765 owners know, snipping a single diode opens up the transmitter to
the entire tunable range.

My unit, Serial No. 2437, purchased in August 1990 provides the following

Using the suggested dial frequency of 5346.5 kHz USB, 1500 Hz below the channel
center frequency of 5348 kHz, the 765 produces 40 watts PEP output from a PSK31
IDLE two-tone signal with a visually undistorted RF envelope waveform as viewed
on a scope.
The corresponding average power is 20 watts which confirms the lack of distor-
tion. More power can be obtained but I would refrain from operating at more than
60 watts PEP. I have not measured IMD at either of these levels, but experience
with the scope and wattmeter suggest that the IMD will be in the -35 dB range
or better.

The following occupied bandwidth (power level vs frequency) table was obtained
on 20 meters by feeding sinewave signals of the indicated frequency into the ACC1
transmit audio input (Pin 4). Power output was set to be 100 watts at 1000 Hz as
a reference. All output power readings were taken with a Bird 43 wattmeter using
slugs previously calibrated against an HP 436A precision power meter.

Frequency Power Output Reference

Hz watts dB
1000 100 0
420 50 -3
365 25 -6
273 5 -13
205 0.25 -26
1000 100 0
2800 50 -3
2820 25 -6
2860 5 -13
2910 0.25 -26

Note that the commonly used ”half-power bandwidth” — measured at the -3dB
levels — is 420 Hz to 2800 Hz or 2380 Hz. However, the FCC defines ”occupied
bandwidth” as the range between the frequencies where the signal level is -26 dBc,
the reference being the level in the passband.
For the 765 the “FCC” occupied bandwidth, on my unit at least, runs from
205 Hz to 2910 Hz for a total bandwidth of 2705 Hz.
We must be very careful in interpreting these results. We have just stated that
the actual measured occupied bandwidth is only 2705 Hz while we are allowed a

2800 Hz channel bandwidth. It would appear that we are legal if we do, in fact,
drive the 765 with audio signals ranging from 205 Hz to 2910 Hz.
However, that 2705 Hz bandwidth does not simply lie within the channel
“somewhere.” Very specifically, it extends from 205 Hz above our suppressed or
dial frequency of 5346.5 Hz, or at 5346.705 Hz on the low end, to 5346.5 Hz plus
2910 Hz or 5349.41 Hz, on the high end.
So, taking my 765 as an example, we find that if we do use modulation fre-
quencies from 205 to 2910 Hz, our transmitted signal will extend from 5346.705
kHz to 5349.41 kHz. Is this legal?
The FCC defines the total channel width as 2800 Hz centered at 5348 kHz.
This means that the channel boundaries are 5348 - 1.4 = 5346.6 Hz on the low
end and 5348 + 1.4 = 5349.4 kHz on the high end.
And so the answer is - not quite! Our lower transmitted bandwidth limit is
105 Hz higher than the low boundary but our upper limit is actually 10 Hz above
the channel boundary.
Now, that is close enough to call attention to the accuracy of my measurements
since I could be off only a few Hz on the high end — where it counts — and the
upper limit would just fit within the channel. But, let’s work with what we have,
with the knowledge that measurement tolerances are involved.
So, we are left in an individual decision situation. Each of us should either
measure the occupied bandwidth of their transmitter as I did and/or just play
it safe and do whatever it takes to restrict both the low and high end of the
modulation frequency range to buy some headroom and ensure that we do not
crowd the upper channel boundary.
Remember that with a rig like the 765 and most like its generation, we have
no external control over the transmit bandwidth, as we do in the PRO and PRO2
for example. So, our only recourse to be on the safe side is to limit the audio
frequency range to gain a few hundred Hz safety margin.
(The 765 transmit bandwidth is determined by the properties of the FL-30
filter operating at about 9 MHz and the FL-96 at 455 kHz.)
There is a “fix” to this problem, but one which I fear will cause even more
problems than it might cure. That is, simply set the dial lower in frequency than
1500 Hz below the channel center frequency by a sufficient amount to squeeze the
actual transmitted bandwidth into the channel limits.
If we do that we can drop the dial down to 5346.45 kHz. This will place the
lower -26 dB point at 5346.655 kHz while the upper -26 dB point will reside 2705
Hz higher or at 5349.36 kHz.
Result? Our 2705 Hz bandwidth is now safely placed within the allotted 2800
Hz channel with 55 Hz to spare on the low end and 40 Hz headroom on the high
end. Close, but legal - if everything is completely accurate. Not much room here
for error. . .
So, what is the problem? Well, if I set up my 765 like that and you set up your
Brand X rig to the dial frequency recommended for that channel, 5346.5 kHz, then

my audio will differ from yours, and vice versa, by the difference in dial frequencies,
assuming complete accuracy of calibration. That means that I will sound 50 Hz
“off frequency” to you.
So, either you will change your dial out of habit or ask me to change mine.
Either action could easily put one or both of us “out of band.” And in this case,
I suspect that our channel neighbors are going to be looking very hard for the
slightest departure from our strict frequency assignments.
The only real solution to all this that I can see is for everyone to agree to set
their dials 1500 Hz lower than the channel center frequency, as recommended by
ARRL and as practiced in England, and hope that all our dials are fairly closely
Then run our transmit audio as narrow as we can and still retain intelligibility.
For a rig like my 765 — again assuming that my measurements are reasonably
accurate — I am right on the edge of being legal if I use the full 205 to 2910 Hz
audio range.
I think that we will all have to make a concerted effort to NOT twiddle the dial
to bring in a QSO partner “on frequency” if he/she sounds a little high or low.
The FCC didn’t leave us much wiggle room here and a 50 Hz shift up or down in
return for a more natural sound could well put part of our transmitted signal out
of the assigned channel.
This has been an overly long posting , as is usual when I get wound up on
something, but I wanted to be sure to emphasize the challenge that we have been
given to operate in these narrow channels with amateur equipment that was never
designed to be used in such a fashion, although obviously it can be.
Let’s all spend a little time measuring our rig’s transmit bandwidth and do
whatever it takes at the audio end to ensure that we do not inadvertently slip
outside the channel.
If I have made any errors here or if something is unclear, please let me know.
Privately if you feel that your comments are not of general interest and to the list
if they are. I hope that this information will encourage those with appropriate
equipment to make use of our new 60 meter band. I also hope that it will make
everyone aware of the importance of proper dial frequency selection and audio
band limits.
73/72, George

6 Microphones
6.1 Connection to an MC-60A Microphone
A Kenwood MC-60A may be used on an IC-765 if the existing cable is rewired or
a new cable is made. The pinouts for the MC-60A and the IC-765 are shown in
Figure 11.

Kenwood MC-60A Wiring

Tx Audio Tx Audio Ground

(yellow) (shield)
1 7
2 8 6 Received Audio
PTT (orange)
3 5 Chassis Ground
4 (green)
Down 8 VDC
(blue) (grey)


(colours are those used in my oem MC-60A cable)

Icom IC-765 Microphone Wiring

Tx Audio Tx Audio Ground

1 7
8 6 PTT Ground
8 VDC 2

Received Audio
3 4 5

Up/Down PTT


Figure 11: Microphone connectors. (Chassis connector as viewed from outside).

Icom Up/Down Wiring


Up/Down Down


Figure 12: Icom Up/Down Wiring

MC−60A Icom
2 uF
1 white 1
2 black 470 5
3 blue 3
4 red
5 orange 2
6 −−
7 shield 7
8 green 6

(colours are those used in my cable)

Figure 13: MC-60A cable for use with Icom IC-765.

Icom uses a single wire for Up/Down while Kenwood uses 2 wires. See Figure 12
for the Icom scheme.
The wiring for a new cable is shown in Figure 13.
Since the IC-765 has power on the Tx Audio line (pin 1), a blocking capacitor
should be inserted in series with the Tx Audio line. This is imperative if the pre-
amplifier is used. A 0.1 µF non-polarized capacitor seems to work fine although
you might want to experiment to get the best audio quality for your voice. I’ve
noticed that, when using this microphone, the ALC seems to be a little “sticky.”
The microphone impedance should be set to 500 ohms.

6.2 Using a computer headset

Rick Meilstrup, OZ5RM describes how to use a computer headset with an IC-765:

A cheap headset ($12-15), like the kind used with a computer, makes
an excellent, light-weight replacement for a separate mike and speaker.

In order to connect it to our IC-765 we have to make an adaptor. I
used an empty film canister. Two small sockets are fitted on the can’s
lid, and a suitable hole is made in the bottom of the canister. An Icom
8 pin mike plug is fitted with a short length of shielded multicore cable
and the other end of the cable is passed through the hole, then soldered
to the two sockets, one for the mike, and one for the headphones. In
order to have the sound appear in both sides of the ’phones I short-
circuited the two stereo pins on this particular socket. There is no
provision for PTT. Instead, I use VOX and adjust various controls on
the 765. The audio quality is on par with my SM6 mike, so say my

On my own adapter I added another jack for a separate push button PTT
switch (from an old computer game). The microphone is connected to pins 1 and
7, the headphones (series or parallel, depending on impedance) to pins 8 and 6,
and PTT to pins 5 and 6. Inside the IC-765 pin 1 is connected, via 1820 ohms of
resistors, to +8V and this nicely powers the electret element.

7 Sources of Online Information

The Icom America page,, contains some informa-
tion on the IC-765 as well as the all-important service FAQ.
Icom has instruction manuals online at
support/. The IC-765 and CT-17 manuals are available.
The Icom page at,, is probably the most
comprehensive source for Icom rigs.
There is an Icom email reflector. Visit
listinfo/icom for subscription info. The current archive is at http://mailman. and an older archive is at
Adam’s, VA7OJ/AB4OJ, page,, contains IC-
765 information in the downloads section.
Rich, KA8OKH, has a detailed page on trimmer capacitor replacement. See A graphics-free version is available by substitut-
ing “icom2.htm” for “icom.htm.”
Floyd, K8AC, has a page detailing the repair for an intermittent display at
A service manual and the QST review are available at
index.htm. contains both service and CI-V manu-
Ekki, DF4OR, maintains a comprehensive CI-V site

International Radio (INRAD) sells filters and
modification kits for Icom and other radios.

8 Change Log
V1.00, 2002.01.2
• - initial release

V1.01, 2002.01.30
• - new high serial number

• - updated Icom email reflector info

• - updated antenna tuner adjustments

V1.02, 2002.09.10
• - KD6TO’s filter mod

• - new sidetone mod

• - html version no longer supported

V1.03, 2003.06.10
• - caution about the use of the MC-60A’s amplifier

• - new “links” section

V1.04, 2004.01.22
• - updated “links” section and MC-60A info

• - added section on BFO trimmers

• - added W2VJN’s QSK mod

• - added W5YR’s comments on 60 metre operation

• - numerous other additions and changes

V1.05, 2004.04.05
• - corrected mod for selectable SSB filters

• - updated MC-60A info (again)

V1.06, 2005.01.10
• - added K8AC’s intermittent display fix

V1.07, 2005.03.30
• - minor edits

V1.08, 2005.12.xx
• - filter termination clarification

• - VE3ZI’s key click mods

[1] Exploring the synthesizer in a commercial mf/hf transceiver. In Paul Danzer
N1II, editor, The ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs, chapter 14, pages
14.49–14.52. The American Radio Relay League, Inc., 75th edition, 1998.

[2] Mark J. Wilson AA2Z. Icom IC-765 160- to 10-meter transceiver. QST, pages
52–55, December 1990.

[3] Mark J. Wilson AA2Z. Icom IC-765 160- to 10-meter transceiver. In

Bob Schetgen KU7G, editor, The ARRL Radio Buyer’s Sourcebook, pages
2-24–2-27. The American Radio Relay League, Inc., 1st edition, 1991.

[4] Duane A. Calvin AC5AA. Icom IC-765 mods revisited. QST, September
1996. See Straw December 1995.

[5] Ulrich Rohde DJ2LR/KA2WEU. Key components of modern receiver design.

QST, May–July, December 1994.

[6] Rich Guski KC2MK. Variable-bandwidth tuning for the Icom IC-765
transceiver. In Hints & Kinks 13th Edition May 1992, pages 1-17–1-18.

[7] Rich Guski KC2MK. Variable bandwidth tuning for the Icom IC-765. QST,

[8] Dean Straw N6BV. Modifying the Icom IC-765 for better sounding audio
and agc. QST, pages 78–79, December 1995. See Technical Correspondence
September 1996.

[9] Michael A. Mraz N6MZ. Add tracking sidetone to your Icom IC-765
transceiver. QST, pages 39–42, May 1993.

[10] George A. Cutsogeorge W2VJN. IC-765 full QSK keying improvement. The
Frankford Radio Club Newsletter, August 1991.

[11] Michael Cobuccio WA1EYP. The Icom IC-765. 73 Amateur Radio, pages 22,
25, February 1990.


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