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Bahasa Inggris: The Following Teks Is For Question 1 To 3

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Bahasa Inggris

The following teks is for question 1 to 3. B. Short message

C. Advice
Alita decided that she wanted to work on a D. Notice
project during the holydays. She tough
about different topics to pick for a project. 5. Who is the sender?
She though about painting a picture or A. Students
learning to play a instrument. Alita finally B. Friend
chose to do a family history as her project. C. Sam
D. members
1. What is suitable title for this the
paragraph? 6. where will the members gather?
A. alita A. On the hall
B. Holiday project B. On the park
C. Family history C. On the class
D. Final instrument D. On the room

2. What is alita thought? 7. What will we do?

A. Different topic A. Have discussion
B. Family history B. Have meeting
C. Painting a picture C. Practice the dialogue
D. Learning language D. Practice the play

3. What is the final project of Alita? 8. Who is the address?

A. Finally story. A. Sam
B. Playing instrument. B. The headmaster
C. Painting picture C. Members of English club
D. Learning science. D. The friends

The following texs is for questions 4 to 8 9. Arrange into the good paragraph!
1. So, Nora wrote down a list of
From : Sam questions that she would ask
To all the members of English Club.
Come on the hall this afternoon. 2. She wanted to be sure she didn’t
Bring your costume. We will forget any question.
practice the play. 3. As a junior journalist, Alita was
planned to interview our
Be on time. principal.
4. Then, she was ready to talk to
4. What is kind of text? the principal.
A. Announcement
5. Next, she made copies of the list A. Prepare
B. Plant
A. 3,2,1,5,4 C. Throw
B. 3,1,5,4,2 D. Arrange.
C. 3,4,5,2,1
D. 3,2,5,1,4 14. the campaigns is to make the school
….. and green.
The following text is for questions 10 to A. Clean
16 B. Keep
Our school will conduct a green
D. Beautiful
campaign. We will plant more trees
ad recycle our garbage to make our
school clean and green. Take part 15. What is the similar meaning of the
in the campaign. “garbage”?
 Donote one tree to our school. A. Tree
Give your tree to Mr. Stewart. B. Flower
He will arrange the place to your C. Rubbish
D. Continer
 Do not litter. Put your garbage
in the right container.
16. “Do not litter”. It means that the
Head teacher student should . . .
A. Keep the garbage
10. The school will….. more trees. B. Put the garbage in the dustbin
A. Prepare C. Throw the garbage
B. Conduct D. Throw it everywhere
C. Plant
D. Recycle The following text is for question 17-20.

11. The students must …. Their garbage CAN HELP

in the right container. To A ll 9th Gradeers
A. Recycle
B. Put We are approaching the end of our
days at SMP Nusa Bangsa. Soon, we
C. Arrange
will leave the school we love very
D. Make. much. Let’s leave some thing
memorable for the school and for the
12. The students can donate …… to the students in need. Do not ruin your
school. uniforms by spraying them with
A. Container paint. Do not throw away your books.
Donate your books and uniforms to
B. Garbage
the seventh and eight graders. You
C. rubbish might never know that yours book
D. tree and uniform are badly needed by
some of them. Give the stuff to Mrs.
13. Mr. Stewart will … where to plant the Katmiati at staff office. The school is
tree. going to distribute the stuff to the


needy students. Come on pals, do not Aquamarine Fishing Pond.
be foolish, let’s do something useful. 21st Evergreen Street.

Mariana Hartati From Tony

Chief of Students Organitation. P.S Please let us know if you can
come. Call me on 081565777545
17. Why did maria hariati write the
announcement? 21. Whose birth day is it?
A. To throw away their book A. Aron
B. To ask her friends to remember B. Tony
SMP Nusa Bangsa C. On Sunday
C. To inform their friends about D. At Aquamarine
leaving the school soon
D. To persuade her friends to 22. How old is she/he?
donate their stuff to the needy A. Fifteen
B. Eighteen
18. Who is Mariana Hartati? C. Eleventh
A. The seventh greader D. Fourteen
B. The chief of students
organization 23. Where is she / he having the party?
C. The eighth grader A. At home
D. The teacher B. At the house
C. At Aquamarine Fishing Pond
19. What should the students do if we D. On the street.
wants to donate his uniform?
A. he should meet Mariana Hartati 24. What should you if you will/ will not
B. He should give them to Mrs come?
Katmiati A. Confirm on the phone number
C. He should come to students B. No confirmation
Organization office C. Call the customer service
D. He should distribute them to the D. Call tony
seventh and eighth graders
25. Who is Aron?
20. From the text we can conclude that A. Tony’s friend
the ninth graders are going . . . B. Tony’s brother
A. Donate soon C. Tony’s father
B. Graduate soon D. Tony’s daughter
C. Visit Mrs. Katmiyati
D. Go to the staff office. The following text is for questions 26 to 30.
The following text is for questions 21 to 25.
How To Make A Manggo Juice
To Aron Materials
I’m turning fourteen today. Please  A pieces of mango
come to my birth party on Sunday, 20  A half glass of water
July 2014, from 10 a.m to 2 p. m  A glass of ice pack


 A spoon of sugar. B. Mango, sugar, ice pack
Procedure : C. Ice pack, hot water, mango
 First, peel the mango and D. Sugar, mango, hot ice
clean it
 Next, cut the mango in to The following text is for question 31 to
pieces and put them into 34.
the juicer
 Then, put the Water ice DUE TO MANY SHARP CORALS, THE
 After that turn on the juice SWIM ALONG THIS AREA.
and wait about 15 seconds.
 Finally, pour the mango
juice into the glass and 31. where do we usually find the text?
ready to drink.
A. At the beach
B. At the river
26. What is kind of the text? C. At the lake
A. advertisement D. At the park
B. Procedure
C. Narrative 32. What is the kind of the text?
D. Recount. A. Advertisement
B. Short message
27. How many steps to make mango C. Invitation
juice? D. Caution
A. 4
B. 6 33. what is the purpose the text?
C. 7 A. To persuade people swim there
D. 8 B. To prohibited the visitor swim
28. What should you do after put water C. To inform that there is some
ice and sugar? corals
A. Pour the mango into the glass D. To invite people visit there
B. Ready to drink
C. Turn on the juice and wait about 34. Why don’t the visitor permit to
15 second. swim?
D. Cut the mango into small pice. A. Because the see is deep.
B. Because they don’t wear the
29. How long to make mango smooth? swimsuit
A. 15 second C. Because there us some sharp
B. An hour coral
C. 15 minutes D. Because there is no visitor.
D. A long time.

30. What do you need to make mango The following text is for questions 35 to
juice? 37.
A. Sugar, hot water, mango
38. Who is the writer?
Finally you did it A. Ayu
You have finished your study B. The teacher
excellently and accepted by the best
senior high school in your city. Your C. Darius
achievement prove that you’re the best. D. Mother

Your uncle. 39. What is the fist subject of the

A. Mathematic
35. Who had graduation? B. Physics
A. Best student C. English
B. Uncle D. Indonesia
C. Salsa
D. Dani 40. When will the test be held?
A. For four days
36. Where did she study before? B. On june 22nd
A. Senior High School C. Soon
B. Junior High School D. Monday
C. Day Care
D. Primary School 41. will you permite to bring calculator in
the examination?
37. Which is the situation to give the A. Yes, it will
cart? B. You can bring it
A. Marriage C. You are permited
B. Graduation D. You won’t permited
C. Anniversary
D. Birthday 42. How long the test be held?
A. Four day
The following text is for question 31 to 34.
B. Four minutes
C. First day
Dear Ayu
D. First hour.
How Are you? Here is some
Read the following text, then fill the
information you’ll need. The
examination will be held soon, blanks with words provided!
started from june 22nd calculator and
dictionary are not allowed. Lateness Good afternoon All,
is not tolerated. The fist day is This is your head teacher speaking.
Indonesian. It will held for four Before we leave the school for the study
days. Don’t forget to bring your
tour, I want to (43) … you of several
examination card. See you soon
Take care
First, always (44) ….. the rules of the
Form, Darius tour. You can find them below the
itinerary. Second, do not (45) …. To tell
the teachers when you (46)……. Their 46. ....
help. Third when you want to go to the A. Water
(47)…. At the tourist attraction, do not B. Alone
go (48)… ask one of your friends to go C. Toiled
with you. Fourth, drink a lot of (49)…. D. during
Because the day is very hot. You have to 47. ....
keep healthy (50)….. the tour. So you A. Water
can full enjoy it. Have a great trip! B. Alone
C. Toilet
43. .... D. During
A. Need
B. Remind 48. ….
C. Water A. Alone
D. Obey B. During
C. Need
44. .... D. water
A. Obey 49. ....
B. Remind A. Obey
C. Need B. Water
D. Alone C. Toilet
D. need
45. .... 50. ....
A. Alone A. During
B. Need B. Alone
C. Obey C. Need
D. Hestate D. eboy



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