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A Study To Evaluate The Effectiveness of Competency Programme On Central Venous Catheter Care in Terms of Knowledge and Practice Among I C U Nurses at Selected Hospital at Meerut

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Volume 6, Issue 8, August – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Competency

Programme on Central Venous Catheter Care
in Terms of Knowledge and Practice among
I C U Nurses at Selected Hospital at Meerut
Laxmikant Sharma Hepsi Natha
Lecture Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, Associate Professor Department of Medical Surgical
Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College, Nursing, Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College,
Meerut Meerut

Abstract:- access to the bloodstream. To prevent the needle stick injury

Objectives: Problems that might need critical care nurses should follow proper guidelines. The main
treatment include complications from surgery, accidents, advantages of using these devices are administering large
infections and severe breathing problems. These can volumes of fluids and medications simultaneously quickly
sustain life but can also increase the risk of infection. and safely. In India, the use of central venous catheter
Central venous catheters are the devices that can be (CVC) is routine in critically ill patients, in fact 78% of the
inserted under the skin into the larger veins. The study patients had some form of central venous catheter. Central
were conducted evaluate the effectiveness before and venous catheterization may cause different complications
after implementation of competency programme in including infection, haemorrhage and thrombosis. Catheter
improving knowledge and practice regarding central related bacteraemia is a major and common clinical problem
venous catheter care among ICU nurses, Methods: An particularly in critically ill patients. Catheter related
evaluative research approach was used in the study to bacteraemia rates up to 43% .
determine the effectiveness of competency
programmeme in terms of knowledge regarding central II. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM
venous catheter care among staff nurses working in ICU
“A study to evaluate the effectiveness of competency
at selected hospitals, Meerut. The research design
programme on central venous catheter care in terms of
selected for the study was Quasi-experimental
nonequivalent control group pre-test post-test design. 60 knowledge and practice among I C U nurses at selected
staff nurses (30 in experimental and 30 in control group) hospital at Meerut.”
were selected in hospital setting by non-probability III. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
purposive sampling technique. Structured knowledge
questionnaire and checklist were used to assess the  To develop and validate competency programme
knowledge regarding central venous catheter care regarding central venous catheter care in terms of
among staff nurses working in ICU. Results: Conclusion: knowledge and practice among ICU nurses.
To conclude it can be said that staff nurses working in  To evaluate the effectiveness before and after
ICU were having deficit knowledge regarding CVC care implementation of competency programme in improving
and competency programmeme was found to be an knowledge and practice regarding central venous catheter
effective method to improve the knowledge of ICU care among ICU nurses in experimental group.
nurses.  To compare the post-test knowledge and practice score
I. INTRODUCTION regarding central venous catheter care among ICU nurses
between experimental and control group.
“Diseases can rarely be eliminated through early  To find the correlation between knowledge and practice
diagnosis or good treatment, but prevention can eliminate scores regarding central venous catheter care among ICU
disease.” People with life-threatening injuries and illnesses nurses in experimental and control group.
need critical care. Critical care involves close, constant  To find the association between post-test knowledge and
attention by a team of specially-trained health professionals. practice score regarding central venous catheter care with
It usually takes place in an intensive care unit or trauma their selected socio demographic variables.
center. Problems that might need critical care treatment
include complications from surgery, accidents, infections IV. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS
and severe breathing problems. Monitors, intravenous tubes, (at 0.05 level of significance)
feeding tubes, catheters, ventilators and other equipment are
common in critical care units. These can sustain life but can  H1– There is a significant difference between pre-test and
also increase the risk of infection. Central venous catheters post-test knowledge and practice scores regarding central
are the devices that can be inserted under the skin into the venous catheter care among ICU nurses before and after
larger veins. Central venous catheters are small, flexible implementation of the competency programme in the
tubes placed in large veins for people who require frequent experimental group.

IJISRT21AUG159 1369

Volume 6, Issue 8, August – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 H2- There is a significant difference between post-test knowledge questionnaire and checklist were used to assess
knowledge and practice score regarding central venous the knowledge regarding central venous catheter care among
catheter among ICU nurses in experimental and control staff nurses working in ICU. Competency programme was
group. given regarding central venous catheter care to staff nurses
 H3- There is a significant correlation between knowledge working in ICU Data was collected and analyzed using
and practice regarding central venous catheter care descriptive and inferential statistics.
among ICU nurses in the experimental and control group.
 H4- There is a significant association between post-test
knowledge and practice score regarding central venous The data of experimental group pre-test, majority i.e 27
catheter care with their selected Socio- demographic (90%) of the nurses had average knowledge and only 2i.e
variables. (7%) had good knowledge and 1 (3%) of them had poor
knowledge. On the other hand, post test score shows that
V. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY majority of nurses i.e 28 (93%) had good knowledge and
An evaluative research approach was used in the study only 2 (7%) of nurses had average knowledge regarding
to determine the effectiveness of competency programmeme central venous catheter care. In control group pre-test,
in terms of knowledge regarding central venous catheter majority i.e 26 (86%) of the nurses had average knowledge
care among staff nurses working in ICU at selected and vey less no of nurses 2 i.e (7%) had poor knowledge and
hospitals, Meerut. The research design selected for the study 2 (7%) had good knowledge whereas post test score shows
was Quasi-experimental nonequivalent control group pre- that maximum number of nurses 27 (90%) had average
test post-test design. 60 staff nurses (30 in experimental and knowledge and 1(3%) had poor knowledge and 2(7%) had
30 in control group) were selected in hospital setting. by good knowledge regarding central venous catheter care.
non-probability purposive sampling technique. Structured

Experimental group Control group
Level of assessment of
Pre test Post test Pre test Post test
CVC care practice
f(%) f(%) f(%) f(%)
Good practice 21(70%) 26 (87%) 18(57%) 28(94%)
Need Practice 7(23%) 4(13%) 12(33%) 2(6%)
Poor Practice 2(7%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Table 1: Assessment of practice regarding central venous catheter care among ICU nurses in experimental and control group

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