Bio CH6 F5 Studywithadmin
Bio CH6 F5 Studywithadmin
Bio CH6 F5 Studywithadmin
1 Structure of a flower
1. the structures of flower
Consists of anther and
filament Structure Consists of stigma, style
and ovary
Produces pollen grains
Function Receives pollen grains
and produces
Male gametes are
formed in pollen grains Formation of Female gametes are
formed in ovule
6.2 Development of Pollen
Grains and Embryo Sac
1. The Formation of Pollen Grains in an Anther
Setiap sel induk debunga (2n) mengalami meiosis untuk menghasilkan tetrad
3 yang mengandungi empat sel haploid (n).
Setiap sel haploid mengalami mitosis membentuk sel penjana (n) dan nukleus
5 tiub (n).
2. The Formation of Embryo Sac in an Ovule
Ovule is formed from ovum. Each ovule contains one embryo sac mother cell
1 (2n).
The embryo sac mother cells (2n) undergoes meiosis to form four
2 megaspores (n).
• Three cells move to one end near to micropyle, forming two synergid cells
5 and one egg cell .
• Three more cells move to another end to form three antipodal cells .
• One cell with two nuclei located at the center to form polar nuclei .
• The structure formed is known as embryo sac which is protected by
6.3 Pollination and Fertilisation
1. the formation of pollen tube and male gametes.
When it reaches the embryo sac, the pollen tube will penetrate the ovule
6 through the micropyle. The tube nucleus will degenerate and both male gametes
enter the embryo sac.
Double Fertilisation in the Formation of Diploid Zygote and
Triploid Nucleus