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Overview of Data Structures Structures: © 2008, University of Colombo School of Computing

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Overview of Data

© 2008, University of Colombo School of Computing 1

1.1. Introduction to data structures
• A data structure is an arrangement of data in a computer's
memory or even disk storage.
• An example of several common data structures are
– Arrays
– Linked lists
– Queues
– Stacks
– Binary trees
– Hash tables
• Algorithms, on the other hand, are used to manipulate the
data contained in these data structures as in searching and
• Many algorithms apply directly to a specific data structures.
When working with certain data structures you need to
know how to insert new data, search for a specified item,
and deleting a specific item.
© 2008, University of Colombo School of Computing 2
1.1. Characteristics of Data Structures
Data Structure Advantages Disadvantages
Array Quick inserts Slow search
Fast access if index Slow deletes
known Fixed size

Ordered Array Faster search than Slow inserts

unsorted array Slow deletes
Fixed size

Stack Last-in, first-out acces Slow access to other items

Linked List Q Slow search L Quick inserts
u i Quick deletes
i n
Queue First-in, first-out access Slow access to other items

© 2008, University of Colombo School of Computing 3

1.1. Characteristics of Data Structures cont…
Advantages Disadvantages
Data Structure

Binary Tree Quick search Deletion algorithm is complex

Quick inserts
Quick deletes
(If the tree remains balanced)
Red-Black Tree Quick search Complex to implement
Quick inserts
Quick deletes
(Tree always remains
2-3-4 Tree Quick search Complex to implement
Quick inserts
Quick deletes
(Tree always remains
(Similar trees good for disk

© 2008, University of Colombo School of Computing 4

1.1. Characteristics of Data Structures cont…

Data Structure Advantages Disadvantages

Hash Table Very fast access if key is Slow deletes

known Access slow if key is not known
Quick inserts Inefficient memory usage
Heap Quick inserts Slow access to other items
Quick deletes
Access to largest item
Graph Best models real-world Some algorithms are slow and very
situations complex

NOTE: The data structures shown above (with the exception of the array) can be thought
of as Abstract Data Types (ADTs).

© 2008, University of Colombo School of Computing 5

1.1. Abstract Data Types
• An Abstract Data Type (ADT) is a way of looking at a
data structure: focusing on what it does.
• A stack or a queue is an example of an ADT.
• It is important to understand that both stacks and queues
can be implemented using an array.
• It is also possible to implement stacks and queues using
a linked list.
• This demonstrates the "abstract" nature of stacks and
queues: how they can be considered separately from
their implementation.
• To best describe the term Abstract Data Type, it is best
to break the term down into "data type" and then

© 2008, University of Colombo School of Computing 6

1.1. Abstract Data Types cont…
• Data type

– Primitive data types refer to two things: a data item

with certain characteristics and the permissible
operations on that data.
• Eg: A short in Java, can contain any whole number value
from -32,768 to 32,767.
• It can also be used with the operators +, -, *, and /.
– The data type's permissible operations are an
inseparable part of its identity; understanding the type
means understanding what operations can be
performed on it.

© 2008, University of Colombo School of Computing 7

1.1. Abstract Data Types cont…
• Data type cont..
– In Java, any class represents a data type, in the
sense that a class is made up of data (fields) and
permissible operations on that data (methods).
– By extension, when a data storage structure like a
stack or queue is represented by a class, it too can be
referred to as a data type.
– A stack is different in many ways from an int, but they
are both defined as a certain arrangement of data and
a set of operations on that data

© 2008, University of Colombo School of Computing 8

1.1. Abstract Data Types cont…
• Abstract
– In Java, an Abstract Data Type is a class considered
without regard to its implementation. It can be thought
of as a "description" of the data in the class and a list
of operations that can be carried out on that data and
instructions on how to use these operations.
– What is excluded though, is the details of how the
methods carry out their tasks.
– End user (or class user), should be told what methods
to call, how to call them, and the results that should
be expected, but not how they work.
© 2008, University of Colombo School of Computing 9
1.1. Abstract Data Types cont…
• Abstract cont…
– Can further extend the meaning of the ADT when
applying it to data structures such as a stack and
queue. In Java, as with any class, it means the data
and the operations that can be performed on it. In this
context, although, even the fundamentals of how the
data is stored should be invisible to the user.
– Users not only should not know how the methods
work, they should also not know what structures are
being used to store the data.

© 2008, University of Colombo School of Computing 10

1.1. Abstract Data Types cont…
• The Interface
– The ADT specification is often called an
– It's what the user of the class actually sees.
– In Java, this would often be the public
methods. Consider for example, the stack
class - the public methods push() and pop()
and similar methods from the interface would
be published to the end user.
© 2008, University of Colombo School of Computing 11
1.2. Practical data storage structures

• Many of the structures and techniques

considered here are about how to handle real-
world data storage.
• By real-world data, we mean data that describes
physical entities external to the computer.
Examples: A personnel record describes a actual human
being, an inventory record describes an existing car part
or grocery item, and a financial transaction record
describes, say, an actual check written to pay the electric

© 2008, University of Colombo School of Computing 12

1.2. Practical data storage structures
• A non-computer example of real-world
data storage is a stack of index cards.
• These cards can be used for a variety of
purposes. If each card holds a person's
name, address, and phone number, the
result is an address book. If each card
holds the name location, and value of a
household possession, the result is a
home inventory.

© 2008, University of Colombo School of Computing 13

1.3. Programmer’s Tools for data storage

• Not all data storage structures are used to store

real-world data.
• Typically, real-world data is accessed more or
less directly by a program's user.
• Some data storage structures, however, are not
meant to be accessed by the user, but by the
program itself.
• A programmer uses such structures as tools to
facilitate some other operation.
Eg: Stacks, queues, and priority queues are
often used in this way.

© 2008, University of Colombo School of Computing 14

1.3. Real- world Modeling for data
• Some data structures directly model a real-world
• The most important data structure of this type is the
• You can use graphs to represent airline routes
between cities, connections in an electrical circuit,
or tasks in a project.
• Other data structures, such as stacks, queues, and
priority queues, may also be used in simulations.
• A queue, for example, can model customers
waiting in line at a bank.
© 2008, University of Colombo School of Computing 15

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