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SUMMETH – Sustainable Marine Methanol

Deliverable D6.2
Final Report – Summary of the SUMMETH Project Activities and Results

Date: 2018-04-10

Authors: Joanne Ellis, Bengt Ramne, Joakim Bomanson, Patrik Molander, Martin Tunér, Päivi Aakko-
Saksa, Martin Svanberg, Torbjörn Rydbergh, Börje Berneblad

Document Status: Final Report

Document Number: D6.2



Supported by the MARTEC II Network

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page ii
This report provides a summary of the work carried out in the SUMMETH project. A summary of the
following SUMMETH technical reports is included:

 market study using automatic identification data to identify number of vessels in the north
west Europe area with engines in the 250 to 1200 kW hours, and their fuel usage
 engine technology study including the experimental investigation of several different
methanol engine concepts to evaluate performance and emissions for the 250 to 1200 kW
engine size range
 conversion design of the case study road ferry and the associated hazard identification study
 report on general recommendations for converting selected categories of smaller vessels to
methanol operation
 assessment of environmental, economic, safety, and supply and distribution considerations
regarding the use of methanol as a sustainable fuel for smaller vessels.

Project management and dissemination activities carried out over the project duration are also


SUMMETH, the Sustainable Marine Methanol project, is focussed on developing clean methanol
engine and fuel solutions for smaller ships. The project is advancing the development of methanol
engines, fuel system installations, and distribution systems to facilitate the uptake of sustainable
methanol as a fuel for coastal and inland waterway vessels through:

 developing, testing and evaluating different methanol combustion concepts for the smaller
engine segment
 identifying the total greenhouse gas and emissions reduction potential of sustainable
methanol through market investigations
 producing a case design for converting a road ferry to methanol operation
 assessing the requirements for transport and distribution of sustainable methanol.

The SUMMETH project consortium consists of SSPA Sweden, ScandiNAOS, Lund University, VTT
Technical Research Centre of Finland, Scania AB, Marine Benchmark, Swedish Transport
Administration Road Ferries, and the Swedish Maritime Technology Forum.

The SUMMETH project is supported by the MARTEC II network and co-funded by the Swedish Maritime
Administration, Region Västra Götaland, the Methanol Institute and Oiltanking Finland Oy.

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page iii

Document Data

Document Title: D6.2

WP and/or Task: WP6
Responsible Joanne Ellis, SSPA
Co-authors Torbjörn Rydbergh, Börje Berneblad (WP2, Chapter 2)
Martin Tunér, Päivi Aakkso-Saksa, Patrik Molander (WP3, Ch. 3)
Joakim Bomanson, Bengt Ramne (WP4, Chapters 4 and 5)
Martin Svanberg (WP5, Chapter 6)
Date and Version: 20180410, project number removed from the cover page, co-
funding agency logos added; project partner logos added;
executive summary added; Table 4 showing top 10 vessel types
and accompanying text added; modification of Table 5; minor
editorial revisions throughout
Previous Versions: 20180117, draft with modification on page 10, addition of Figure,
minor editorial revisions
20180102, draft with modification on page 4, Chap. 2
20171229, Draft 00

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page iv

The Sustainable Marine Methanol (SUMMETH) project was carried out to investigate and develop
methanol engine and fuel solutions for smaller ships and to assess the environmental benefits and
feasibility of transporting and supplying sustainable methanol as ship fuel.

Methanol engine concepts tested experimentally within SUMMETH included port-fuel injected spark-
ignited engines (PFI-SI), methanol-diesel compression ignition of methanol fuel with additive (MD95),
partially premixed combustion (PPC), and direct injected spark ignition engine (DI-SI). For the 250 to
1200 kW engine range considered, methanol was found to have a distinct advantage over conventional
fuels with regards to emissions, and performance of the different concepts was also found to be good.
The conventional PFI-SI engine for lean operation used with an oxidizing catalyst was considered to be
the most dependable, clean and affordable methanol concept that could be implemented in the short
term. The MD95 (methanol with additive) is another option that likely can be implemented within a
short time. For long term implementation a mode-shifting PPC/DI-SI engine with oxidizing catalyst can
possibly offer the lowest operating costs and largest reduction of emissions and GHG.

The environmental performance investigation using emissions measurements from the experimental
studies showed that methanol fuels resulted in significantly lower particulate emissions and reduced
NOx emissions for the concepts tested. A fuel life cycle comparison with conventional diesel fuels used
for smaller vessels showed that the use of renewable methanol from feedstock such as wood residuals
and pulp mill black liquor can result in greenhouse gas emissions reductions of 75 to 90%.

A market analysis of smaller vessels within the North West Europe area found that on an annual basis
approximately 262,478 tonnes of fuel oil, equivalent to 564,285 tonnes of methanol on an energy
basis, is used for main engine propulsion in a fleet of 6167 vessels with propulsion engines with power
in the range 250 kW to 1200 kW. The dominant vessel types in terms of fuel use were found to be
cargo, fishing, passenger, tanker, and pilot boats.

A design for conversion of an existing Swedish road ferry to methanol operation was developed,
demonstrating the feasibility of the concept and that monitoring, serviceability, and safety can meet
existing requirements. An overview of other smaller vessel types showed the possibilities for different
solutions and system design requirements.

An investigation into marine fuel supply in Sweden found that smaller vessels are typically bunkered
by tanker truck, and thus there are no barriers anticipated if methanol is used instead of conventional
fuel. Methanol is routinely transported by tanker truck to customers. Within Sweden production of
renewable methanol from wood biomass, including gasification of wood residual and gasification of
pulp mill black liquor, has been investigated and tested in pilot plants, and the technology is considered
mature enough to start larger scale production. Production of methanol from CO2 is also being tested
and planned in Sweden. The only barriers appear to be uncertainty about a market for the fuel, as
production cost estimates are currently higher than conventional fuel.

The SUMMETH project shows that methanol can be used efficiently as a fuel in marine diesel engines
for smaller vessels. There are significant environmental benefits to be realized from using methanol
as fuel, including significantly lower emissions of particulates during combustion, and large
reductions in GHG emissions if sustainable methanol is used.

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page v

Abstract ...................................................................................................................................................iii
SUMMETH Project Summary...................................................................................................................iii
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................................iii
Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................................v
1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Market study ................................................................................................................................... 3
3 Engine technology, research, and development for methanol in internal combustion engines.... 6
3.1 Use of Neat Methanol in Spark-ignited and PPC engines ....................................................... 6
3.1.1 DISI and PPC engines ....................................................................................................... 6
3.1.2 PFI-SI methanol engines .................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Use of Additized Methanol in a Diesel Engine ........................................................................ 8
3.3 Discussion and comparison ..................................................................................................... 9
4 Road Ferry Conversion Case study ................................................................................................ 11
4.1 Design and general arrangement .......................................................................................... 11
4.2 Design Philosophy ................................................................................................................. 11
4.3 General functionality and Principles of the methanol system .............................................. 12
4.4 Hazard Identification Study ................................................................................................... 12
4.5 Discussion .............................................................................................................................. 12
5 General recommendations for conversions of specific ship types ............................................... 14
6 Expected benefits, strategies, and implementation of methanol as a marine fuel for the smaller
vessel fleet ............................................................................................................................................. 15
6.1 Environmental performance ................................................................................................. 15
6.2 Costs ...................................................................................................................................... 16
6.3 Safety ..................................................................................................................................... 16
6.4 Production, availability, and distribution of fossil and renewable methanol ....................... 16
7 Project management and dissemination activities ....................................................................... 18
7.1 Project management ............................................................................................................. 18
7.2 Dissemination ........................................................................................................................ 18
7.2.1 Presentations................................................................................................................. 18
7.2.2 Project Brochure............................................................................................................ 19
7.2.3 Publications ................................................................................................................... 19
7.2.4 Project Website ............................................................................................................. 20
7.2.5 Final Seminar ................................................................................................................. 20
8 Conclusions.................................................................................................................................... 21

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page vi

9 References ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Appendix I: SUMMETH Brochure .......................................................................................................... 24
Appendix II: SUMMETH final seminar program .................................................................................... 26

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page vii

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page viii
SUMMETH, the Sustainable Marine Methanol project, was initiated to advance the development of
methanol engines and fuel solutions for smaller marine vessels. Previous work, including laboratory
studies, testing in heavy duty trucks, and the conversion of the Stena Germanica RoPax ferry, have
shown the emissions benefits that can be achieved by using clean-burning methanol in a diesel engine.
The lack of commercial high speed marine engines for methanol showed the need for more
development work to test and optimize combustion concepts for marine diesel applications to allow
the smaller vessel segment to benefit from the use of methanol.

Smaller vessels typically spend a large portion of their operating hours close to populated areas, and
thus have a greater potential to have an impact on air quality in these areas. A transition to a cleaner
fuel such as methanol will lower the impact of shipping on air quality, as waterborne transport is
currently a significant contributor to SOx, NOx, and particulate emissions. Further, the use of renewable
methanol, produced from biomass residuals or CO2, can result in significantly reduced greenhouse gas
emissions compared to fossil fuels. Dependencies on fossil fuel imports can also be reduced.

The Sustainable Marine Methanol (SUMMETH) project had the overall objective of advancing the
technological development and providing recommendations for introduction of methanol as an
alternative fuel for coastal and inland waterway vessels to reduce their emissions and carbon footprint.
Specific aims of the project included:

 testing and evaluating different methanol combustion concepts to identify the best alternative
with regards to short, medium and long term perspective for the smaller marine engine
segment (about 250 kW to 1200 kW)
 estimating the number of vessels and fuel usage for this engine segment, in the north west
Europe area
 identifying the environmental benefits and GHG reduction potential from using methanol as a
marine fuel
 developing a case design for a ship conversion of an existing road ferry for diesel to methanol
 providing recommendations on conversion needs for smaller vessel types, based on results
from the case design and results of the engine development and testing work
 assessing the potential for using sustainably produced methanol as a marine fuel, along with
the requirements for transport and distribution to the smaller vessel segment.

The SUMMETH project focussed on the north west Europe area for the market study and Sweden for
the case study and assessment of renewable methanol supply to smaller vessels.

Technical reports produced within SUMMETH and summarized in the following chapters are shown in
Table 1.

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 1

Table 1 Technical Reports Produced for the SUMMETH Project

Report Number Title Lead Partner

D2.1 Market Study Marine Benchmark
D3.1 Engine Technology, Research, and Development for LTH / VTT / ScandiNAOS
Methanol in Internal Combustion Engines
D4.1 General Arrangement Road Ferry Case Study ScandiNAOS
Conversion Design
D4.1b Hazard Identification Study for the M/S Jupiter SSPA
Case Study Methanol Conversion Design
D4.2 Report on general recommendations for ScandiNAOS
conversions of specific ship types
D5.1 Expected benefits, strategies, and implementation SSPA
of methanol as a marine fuel for the smaller vessel

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 2

The market analysis work carried out within the SUMMETH project identified all vessels within the
North West Europe market area, shown in Figure 1, with propulsion engines with power in the range
250 kW to 1200 kW. This range was divided into four categories for analysis as follows:
 250 to 450 kW
 450 to 600 kW
 600 to 900 kW
 900 to 1200 kW.

Figure 1 North west Europe area included in the market study

The ship operational profile (time at different speeds and kW load) for all identified vessels with
propulsion engines in this range was captured from automatic identification system (AIS) data to
enable a calculation of fuel use. The vessels with the highest fuel consumption per installed power
were identified, as these would be cases with the best potential for investment in methanol engines if
methanol prices were to revert to levels below MGO.

The market study used 2 billion AIS records sampled every 10 minutes globally for the time span of 6
months (1 Mar to 31 Aug 2016). The ID of in total 370 000 vessels was captured, and after the AIS data
was sorted, 50 800 vessels were identified for further analysis. Out of these 50 800 vessels there were
14 200 vessels that had IMO number and engine data from the IMO register, and 36 600 vessels
without engine data. The method to allocate engine size and service speed for these vessels was to
use engine and speed data from the known 14 200 vessels divided into ship type / vessel dimension
groups and make a model for engine size and service speed to populate the speed and engine size for
the unknown 36 600 vessels.

A total of 10916 vessels with a main engine for propulsion in the size range 250 kW – 1200 kW were
identified, and this group was further analysed to identify the vessels that had been moving more than
150 hours during the six-month period selected for the analysis. The resulting 6167 vessels are shown
by vessel type and length in Table 2.

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 3

Table 2 Vessels with main engine in the 250 – 1200 kW range, moving more than 150 hours during the 6-month period 1
March to 31 August 2016.

Fuel consumption for this group of vessels is shown in Table 3. A total of 131,229 tonnes of fuel oil was
estimated to be consumed during a six month period in 2016 – on an annual basis the consumption
would be 262,478 tonnes of fuel oil. If methanol was used for the entire fleet, the total annual fuel
requirement would be 564,285 tonnes for main engine propulsion, as methanol has a lower energy
density (with a lower heating value of 20 MJ/kg as compared to 43 MJ/kg for marine gasoil).
Table 3 Fuel consumption in tonnes during the 6-month period from 1 March to 31 August 2016, for vessels with main engines
in the 250 – 1200 kW range moving more than 150 hours during the period

The top ten types of vessels in terms of total fuel consumption are shown in Table 4 along with the
number of vessels in each category. The top ten vessel types together consumed 88% of the total fuel
used by vessels with main engines in the 250 – 1200 kW range. Cargo was the dominant vessel type
for fuel consumption, while fishing vessels represented the largest number of vessels.

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 4

Table 4 Top ten vessel types in terms of annual fuel consumption for vessels with main engines in the 250 kW to 1200 kW
range, based on data from 2016.

Vessel Type Number of Annual Fuel

vessels Consumption
Cargo 1086 120060
Fishing 1875 43122
Passenger 775 22586
Tanker 243 18820
Pilot boat 150 6420
Sailing 351 5592
Dredger 81 4760
Tug 121 4340
HSC 64 2240
Law Enforcement 77 2092
Total of above 10 types 4823 230032
Total of all vessels (including other and 6167 262478

The number of vessels and fuel consumption in the four engine power segments 250-450 kW, 450-600
kW, 600-900 kW and 900-1200 kW, shown by vessel type and length, are included in the SUMMETH
market report (Rydbergh and Berneblad, 2017). The report also shows the vessel tracks and the hours
at speed for the six-month study period (2016-03-01 to 2016-08-31) for the top 25 vessels in each of
the four engine power segments.

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 5

Experimental investigation of several different methanol engine concepts in the range of 250 to 1200
kW with respect to performance and emissions was carried out in SUMMETH Work Package 3. The
concepts investigated within SUMMETH were compared with each other and also with other methanol
engine concepts to rank the merits and challenges. The objective of the work was to identify the best
engine concept for methanol operation in internal combustion engines for rapid market introduction
and implementation in a long term perspective, considering cost and energy efficiency together with
minimised environmental impact.

Concepts studied within SUMMETH included conventional methanol engine concepts such as port-fuel
injected spark-ignited engines (PFI-SI) and advanced methanol engine concepts such as Methanol-
Diesel compression ignition of methanol fuel with additive (MD95), partially premixed combustion
(PPC) and direct injected spark ignition engine (DI-SI). The work is described in detail in the D3.1 Report
“Engine Technology, Research, and Development for Methanol in Internal Combustion Engines”
(Tuner, Aakko-Saksa, and Molander, 2017). A short summary is provided below.


Engines tested with neat methanol had a capacity of around 13 liters and can provide power outputs
in the range of 250 kW to 700 kW. Experimental studies with a conventional PFI-SI methanol engine
were conducted by project partner ScandiNAOS. Testing with advanced methanol engines such as DI-
SI and PPC was conducted by Lund University.

3.1.1 DISI and PPC engines

Experimental setup

Three engines were used at Lund engine laboratories. Most of the research was conducted on a Scania
D13 engine modified for single cylinder operation to facilitate control and measurement of the
operating conditions with greater detail. The single cylinder engine was used with two different
cylinder heads: one standard D13 cylinder head for PPC and also methanol diffusion combustion and
one specifically designed and built by Lund University for the SUMMETH project for DI-SI operation
(Björnestrand, 2017). To investigate the characteristics of direct injected methanol combustion,
another single cylinder Scania D13 engine with optical access to the combustion chamber was used. A
complete six-cylinder Scania D13 engine adapted for PPC operation was used to measure power and
emissions for the complete operating range with gasoline. These results were used to scale the
performance of methanol PPC from the single cylinder engine. All engines were connected to emission
analysers for quantification of NOx, particulate matter, CO and HC. For the advanced particulate
characterization studies a cooperation was performed with Aerosol-technology at Lund University and
DTU in Denmark.


PPC provides the highest recorded indicated efficiencies (>53%) that we are aware of for a methanol
engine (Shamun et al., 2017). The indicated efficiency of methanol PPC is thus exceeding those of the
best diesel engines, by around 2 percentage points (Tuner 2016). The combustion characteristics of
methanol PPC show a very rapid combustion that, however, can be controlled with split injection
strategies or through late injection diffusion combustion (Shamun et al., 2016, 2017). Although the
PPC experiments with a complete engine demonstrate high efficiency and low emissions throughout

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 6

the load and speed range, the PPC concept is still at a level of a research concept that lacks maturity.
Cold starting is one of the challenges (Shamun et al. 2017).

DI-SI can be run either homogenous premixed through early injection or through stratified late
injection. Stratification provides very high indicated efficiencies (>51%) but has a narrow range
between knock and misfire where stable operation can be achieved (Björnestrand, 2017). The heat
release characteristics for stratified DI-SI are beneficial with a moderate increase and very quick ending
which offers a more silent combustion and also an increased time for expansion that improves
efficiency (Björnestrand, 2017). DI-SI offers better options than PPC for near time implementation.


It was demonstrated that neat methanol operation does not form any carbon-based soot and that the
particulate levels are 3-4 orders of magnitude lower than for diesel engines (Svensson et al., 2016;
Shamun et al., 2016; Shamun et al., 2017; Tuner, 2016). Stratified DI-SI operation with EGR does not
soot either and can provide low emissions of NOx with reasonable levels of HC and CO (Björnestrand,
2017). The emissions advantage is not as strong as for PPC but good enough for SECA regulated areas.
It is possible to run DI-SI with stoichiometric operation to enable a three-way catalyst (TWC) for even
lower emissions than reported for PPC.

3.1.2 PFI-SI methanol engines

Experimental setup

Two engines were converted to run on 100% methanol in a pilot boat, which had tanks, piping, and
safety systems adapted within the GreenPilot project (a parallel project to SUMMETH). One Weichai,
originally CNG powered, and one Scania, originally diesel powered. Both engines have been modified
to run as SI (spark ignited) and PFI (port fuel injected). Both are six cylinders with total cylinder volume
of 12-13 L. Emission measurements were performed for the modified Weichai engine, which produces
a rated output power of 313 kW and is optimised for high efficiency, combined with a rating for long
life. Emissions measurements on the Scania engine will be carried out in early 2018 as part of the
GreenPilot project and will be reported later in the year.

The Weichai engine was run in a dyno and installed in the pilot boat. NOx measurements were carried
out in the dyno while NOx and PM/PN measurements were done onboard. Four load points were
logged: 1400 RPM, 1800 RPM, 2000 RPM and 2200 RPM. These load points correspond to 31%, 64%,
91% and 100% of MCR (maximum continuous rating). The load points correspond to the prescribed
procedure for an emission measurement according to the ISO 8178 E3 – cycle.


The lowest recorded NOx emission, 1 g/kWh, was measured at full load (313 kW). In a certification
procedure four of the load points are weighted and summed together according to prescribed
procedure. Calculated according to IMO standard the NOx emission factor is 1.38 g/kWh. Calculated
according to EU procedure, the emission factor is 1.77g/kWh.

Engines with NOx emissions under 1.96 g/kWh fulfil IMO Tier III NOx limit and under 1.8 g/kWh the
engine also fulfils the upcoming EU regulations on inland waterways.

Particle mass is regulated in upcoming EU regulations. The limit is 0.015 g/kWh. Recorded and
weighted particulate mass is 0.0000282 g/kWh meaning that emissions regulation is fulfilled with a
margin of 99.99%.

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 7


Results indicated braked fuel efficiency of 38 to 40% for higher loads. The engine performance was
similar to a conventional diesel with respect to efficiency and torque output. Emissions of NOx and
particulates are low compared to diesel engines.


Several MD95 fuel concepts with different additives and recipes were studied by VTT in a Scania engine
(Scania EEV Ethanol DC9 270 hp) in a standard configuration on a test bench, and tests with the intake
manifold injection to reduce the need for an ignition improver. Cylinder pressure parameters, engine
performance and emissions were measured to enable rating of different development paths. The
details of work are provided in Aakko-Saksa et al. (2017).

Fuel blending Four ignition improvers were selected, as well as two esters and three oxygenates. The
selection was based on previous work and literature studies. Solubility tests were conducted, and the
ignition characteristics of fuel blends were preliminarily screened using a constant volume combustion
chamber (AFIDA in ASG). Three methanol blends were selected for the engine tests: MD-1 (with
additive A), MD-2 (with additive C and FAME), MD-3 (with additive C+FAME+ether). ED95 was studied
as a reference. For actual wet blends FAME separated at least partially, which was not seen in the
solubility testing with dry methanol. The intake manifold injection study was conducted with MD-4 and
MD-5 having low concentrations of additives. MD-6 contained nitrate additive.

Emission measurements using the ESC test cycle showed differences between the test fuels. The CO
emission was substantially lower for all MD candidates than for the ED95 fuel, and also lower aldehyde
emissions were observed for methanol than for ethanol blends. Unburned alcohol was present in
exhaust both for the MD and ED fuels. NOx emissions were slightly lower for the MD fuels than for
ED95. Flame temperature of methanol is lower than that of ethanol (Piel, 1990), which probably
explains this difference. By default, methanol fuels without carbon-carbon bonds do not enhance soot
formation. In these tests material was observed on the PM filters, but it was not black. This material
on the filters with alcohol fuels indicated presence of unburned additives. Earlier experience has shown
that this kind of semivolatile liquid constituent can be easily removed by oxidation catalyst (Aakko et
al., 2000). Particle number emissions were relatively high for the MD-fuels – a catalyst may also reduce
these emissions. With nitrate-based additive in MD-6 fuel, the engine did not start.

Cylinder pressure analysis and intake manifold injection tests were also carried out and are described
in Aakko-Saksa et al. (2017).

Overall, several MD95 methanol blends were clean burning, and combustion was good in the Scania
EEV Ethanol DC9 270 hp. The best performance was observed for the same type of ignition improvers
as used in the ED95 concept. For both fuels, MD95 and ED95, high masses on particulate filters were
observed and concluded to originate from the unburned additives. This “liquid PM” is assumedly
removed by the oxidation catalyst that belongs to the commercial Scania alcohol engine concept.
Catalyst may also reduce particle number emissions that were elevated for the alcohol fuels. When
fuel was injected in the intake manifold, concentration of ignition improver additive can be reduced.
However, the system needs improvement and optimisation to show the potential of the concept.
Overall, the results show that the MD95 concept can be a potential solution to introduce
environmentally friendly renewable methanol for smaller ships on the condition that engine materials
and other related issues are handled.

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 8

An estimation of the relative merits and challenges with the various methanol engine concepts versus
conventional diesel engines is shown in Table 5.

One of the benefits with diesel engines is the extreme ruggedness. Although methanol engines can be
expected to be robust enough, none of them are expected to match a conventional diesel engine,
except maybe for the DI-Dual-Fuel concept (used on Stena Germanica). Fully premixed engines such
as PFI-SI and Dual-Fuel are more exposed to in-cylinder corrosion if the engines are used frequently
with start-stopping without proper warming up. The PPC engine is still a research concept and has
poor low load operation quality which currently ranks it worst in terms of robustness.

Retrofitting refers to modifying an existing on-board diesel engine to operate on methanol. The on-
board conversion of the Stena Germanica engines is a good example of retrofitting (Haraldson 2015).
The motivation to retrofit an engine is to limit cost but if the engine is too old or the modification
expensive it might be more cost effective to replace the complete engine, especially for smaller
engines. All the concepts introduce challenges when it comes to retrofitting. How severe the
challenges are, depends also on the generation of the engine to be modified. Apart from that the fuel
system with tank, pumps, injectors, etc. needs to be upgraded, MD95 requires different pistons, while
PFI-SI, DI-SI need new pistons and cylinder heads adapted for spark plugs. The dual-fuel concept also
needs adaption with new pistons and a secondary fueling system, while the DI-Dual-Fuel might get
away with a secondary fueling system and advanced fuel injectors thus leaving the base engine intact.
PPC is possibly the closest to use diesel engine hardware, but needs an EGR system and an advanced
fuel injection system, and considering the immaturity of the concept the requirements for retrofitting
are currently quite uncertain.
Table 5. Comparison of various methanol engine concepts 250-1200 kW. DICI Diesel is the reference technology. All other
technologies in the table use methanol and are compared with DICI Diesel.







Engine type




DICI Diesel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DICI Diesel with particulate filter / SCR 0 - 0 0 0 0 ++ ++
MD95 with oxidation catalyst - 0 - 0 0 0 + +
MD95 with particulate filter / SCR - - - 0 0 0 ++ ++
PFI-SI Lean burn - 0 - ++ - - ++ ++
PFI-SI TWC - - 0 ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
DI-SI Lean burn - + - + - - + ++
DI-SI TWC - 0 0 + ++ ++ ++ ++
Dual-Fuel (-) -- - + -- -- 0 +
DI-Dual-Fuel 0 0 0 0 - - + +
PPC -- ++ 0 - 0 0 ++ ++

0 = similar performance with methanol as with DICI Diesel

– = worse performance with methanol than with DICI Diesel

+ = better performance with methanol than with DICI Diesel

Diesel engines are known for their high efficiency and thus low fuel consumption. Methanol engines
can be even more efficient than diesel engines, but since hardly any are used commercially there is
little long term operation data to depend on (Tuner, 2016; Björnestrand, 2017; Shamun et al., 2017).
Direct injected lean operated concepts such as DI-SI, DI-Dual-Fuel and PPC are estimated to have

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 9

similar or higher efficiency as diesel engines while concepts running at stoichiometric conditions to
accommodate a three-way catalyst for ultra-low emissions are expected to have lowest efficiency
(Tuner, 2016; Björnestrand, 2017).

Cost of operation depends mainly on the fuel consumption of the engine and considering the
uncertainty of the relative price between diesel fuel and methanol fuel the comparison is only done
between the methanol engines. PPC has demonstrated the highest efficiency in laboratory conditions
and if this materializes in a commercial engine it will probably have the lowest operating costs. Both
DI-SI and DI-Dual-Fuel have good potential for low operating costs. Additives needed for the MD95
increases fuel price to some extent, however, this effect could be minimized using the intake manifold

The power levels are expected to be similar to those of diesel engines but with some limitations for
the MD95 concept due to the very high compression ratio and for the PFI-SI engine due to risk of knock.

Diesel engines are quite noisy, while especially PFI-SI engines are known to be quite silent. DI-SI and
the Dual-fuel concepts can be more silent than diesel engines while PPC typically has a more aggressive
combustion that can be noisy.

When it comes to the emissions, methanol has a distinctive advantage compared to most fuels. The
high oxygen content of methanol means that neat methanol fuel will not produce carbon based soot
in engine combustion. This feature can also be exploited to operate methanol engines in a way to
suppress other emissions. Dual-Fuel and DI-Dual-Fuel depend on diesel pilot, which leads to some soot
emissions, but still far lower than for conventional diesel engine operation. For MD95, there are no
soot emissions, but some unburned additives are seen on particulate filters. DI-Dual-Fuel and MD95
concepts can reduce NOx down to approximately 2 g/kWh. Even lower NOx can be achieved by the
use of lean operation, EGR or aftertreatment devices. For current SECA regulations, lean operation will
be sufficient, which relaxes the need for expensive EGR or aftertreatment devices. HC and CO
emissions will be produced for engines that depend on premixed or partially premixed operation.
Levels can be acceptable with engine control strategies or with the use of low-cost oxidizing catalysts.

For a short term implementation, the conventional PFI-SI engine for lean operation and with an
oxidizing catalyst is probably the most dependable, clean and affordable concept. The MD95 is another
option that likely can be implemented within a short time. Dual-Fuel and DI-Dual-Fuel concepts would
probably need longer introduction time for this engine size class. PFI-SI with stoichiometric operation
and TWC (M85) is also a proven technology that can be applied for neat methanol use, but due to
lower engine efficiency is probably not preferred as such for ships. For long term implementation a
mode-shifting PPC/DI-SI engine with oxidizing catalyst can possibly offer the lowest operating costs
and strongest reduction of emissions and GHG.

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 10

A conversion design for the Swedish Transport Administration Road Ferries vessel M/S Jupiter was
developed based on existing regulations for low flashpoint fuels in combination with experience from
other methanol conversions and conclusions from risk analysis and hazard identification studies. The
chemical properties of methanol motivate some practical changes as compared to conventional oil
fuels, and special considerations are necessary to achieve a corresponding level of safety.


The M/S Jupiter operates on a route between Östano and Ljusterö in the northeast area of Stockholm’s
archipelago. It has a length overall of 86 metres, a breadth of 15 metres, and the capacity to carry 60
passenger cars and 397 passengers. The ferry is equipped with four main engines – two located in a
forward engine room and two aft. The engine couple in each end mechanically drives thrusters in each
side. In addition to the propulsion engines each engine room is equipped with gensets. The aft engine
room has a diesel burner for a thermal oil heating system.

The Jupiter conversion design includes modification of the aft diesel tank to hold methanol, and the
surrounding tank room is converted to a methanol storage area, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Arrangement of the compartments below deck. From left the aft engine room, new methanol tank room, tank room
2, tank room 3 (diesel tank room) and the forward machinery room. Entrance is from the stair in tank room 2 with emergency
exit past each engine room

The new compartment is equipped with mechanical ventilation, methanol vapour detection and has
special procedures for safe operation. The four main engines are changed to methanol operation while
the electrical generators and diesel burner are kept on diesel. At a later stage the forward diesel tank
can be modified and the remaining diesel consumers changed to methanol counterparts. Full details
of the methanol conversion design, including the general arrangement plan, the hazardous area plan,
and the system coordination diagram are provided in SUMMETH report D4.1 (Bomanson and Ramne,
2017). The design philosophy and general principles of the methanol systems are described in the
following sub-sections.


In terms of regulations for using methanol as fuel the IMO is working on developing the IGF code
(International Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low-Flashpoint Fuels) to include technical
provisions for methanol as fuel for ships covered by the SOLAS convention. The classification societies
DNV-GL and Lloyd’s Register have also published class rules. For vessels in national traffic there are no
particular rules for the use of methanol. When the SUMMETH project started the Swedish Transport

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 11

Agency TSFS 2014:1 statute did not allow for use of fuels with lower flashpoint than 43 °C, similar to
the requirements in SOLAS of minimum flashpoint of 60 °C. Similar to SOLAS TSFS 2014:1 also have
provisions for alternative designs where risk analysis is used to show that the alternative design is as
safe or safer than the prescribed design.

From 1 June 2017 new national statutes entered in to force, TSFS 2017:26. The new statutes are
function based and have no formal requirements on the fuel used on board. Instead the rules require
an adequately safe design with little guidelines on actual requirements. As risk assessment is already
a big part of the methanol system design the new statutes do not have a major impact other than
removing the formal process of having an alternative design. Prescriptive rules are still used in a sense
as the class rules are used as reference in the design process together with experience from the
conversion design for both Stena Germanica and the pilot boat conversion of the parallel project


The general principle of the methanol fuel system is similar to any conventional fuel system. The special
requirements on the fuel piping such as double walled and limitation on joints are aimed at minimizing
the possibility of leakage. The double walled piping is used to provide an outer protective barrier to
contain any methanol in case of rupture of the inner pipe.

The methanol fuel tank is located in the aft tank room, which is modified with a longitudinal bulkhead
to create a new compartment. The fuel pumps are separated from the engines and located in a new
pump room together with the equipment that is most likely to cause leakage if failing during operation
or during maintenance. All electrical equipment in the new pump room is EX-approved.

The aft tank is modified and a new longitudinal bulkhead is installed in the existing tank room, thus
insulating the new methanol tank room from the ordinary passage way to the engine room. The new
methanol tank room is also used as the methanol pump room.

In addition to the fuel supply system other modifications include upgrading the safety systems. Both
for early detection in case of any methanol leakage and for suppression of danger in case any such
scenario would develop. More details are provided in SUMMETH report D4.1 (Bomanson and Ramne,


A hazard identification study was carried out for the M/S Jupiter road ferry methanol conversion
design. The study identified hazards through two structured hazard identification meetings and a
review of historical accident and incident data for free sailing road ferries. The hazard identification
sessions covered the main areas affected by conversion to methanol operation, including methanol
bunkering, storage, the pump area, and fuel transfer to the engine. Hazard scenarios identified as part
of the work were ranked according to frequency and severity and all were considered to be in the “low
risk” or “as low as reasonably practicable” (ALARP) risk area. Safeguards and follow-up areas were
identified for the ALARP risks. Results are reported in SUMMETH Deliverable report 4.1b (Ellis and
Bomanson, 2017).

Converting a road ferry to methanol is a realistic undertaking. The arrangements on board with space
available below the deck allows for a safe design and also arrangements that should satisfy all

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 12

requirements on monitoring and serviceability. Auxiliary systems have been kept to a minimum but
with the overall goal to ensure safe and reliable operation on methanol.

From a technical point of view all parts of the design should be able to work with few problems during
installations. The major question mark for commercial operation on methanol at this point is the
availability of engines but from a technical point of view methanol does not provide a huge challenge.

Efficiency wise similar efficiency as a conventional ferry should be expected, resulting in bunkering
methanol about twice as often to compensate for the lower heating value of the fuel. The ferry is
designed with two independent engine rooms, each equipped with two main engines mechanically
connected to a propeller pod. During normal operations all engines are often running on very low load,
resulting in poor efficiency and high relative emissions. Efficiency wise running on fewer engines is
better but will also result in less redundancy.

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 13

For large ships, regulations and procedures for using methanol as fuel is available from two class
societies and regulations from IMO are under way. The requirements are to a large extent based on
requirements for LNG and provide a safe design for converting a large ship to methanol. For smaller
ships, such as road ferries and fishing boats, not all requirements in the available rules are suitable.
Arrangement wise it may not be possible to fulfil the rules, nor are many of the automation
requirements suitable for a smaller ship with more limited on board systems. In order to design a safe
and reliable system the design requirements in the available rules can be used as reference when
scaling back to a reasonable level for smaller boats.

General recommendations on how to convert smaller ships in different categories to methanol are
presented in SUMMETH Report D4.2 (Bomanson and Ramne, 2017b), and the major requirements for
using methanol as a marine fuel according to the current regulations are described along with their
applicability to specific ship types. For a general overview possible ships are divided in four categories
based on size and regulatory differences:
 Type 1 - Large ship with SOLAS certificate
 Type 2 - Smaller ship with national speed certificate (road ferries, fishing vessels, local
transport ferries are typical in this category)
 Type 3 - Smaller ship/working boat (typical examples are pilot boats, police boats, small
transportation boats and some working boats).
 Type 4 - Small working boat/recreational craft (some of these vessels may currently use
gasoline, and there are special requirements for this that also have applicability to methanol)

A general assessment on the system design requirement for the different types of vessels noted above
is presented in report D4.2. The results are general and for a conversion the specific ship still needs to
be analysed. Area of operation, number of passengers and general arrangements will be key areas of
interest when looking at the individual ship to determine what is safe and what is not.

In general, special arrangements for methanol will be less for smaller vessels. In particular the smallest
category where gasoline is today an alternative to diesel requirements would be very similar to
requirements for gasoline. For larger ships diesel fuel is the alternative, consequently the requirements
on a methanol installation will be higher to account for the much lower flashpoint. As requirements
on safety systems in general are higher for larger ships as a result of larger consequences in case of
failure, so are the requirements on the methanol systems.

Each ship is different; many factors will influence the final design and recommended systems for the
individual ship. The conclusions on necessary systems and design choices presented in the report are
very general in nature and are based on previous work, discussions and risk analysis done for a small
number of ships in different sizes. The results should not be viewed as definitive requirements but
rather a possible general level of system complexity for different sizes of ships. Many different aspects
will influence the design and requirements other than size such as operational profile, area of
operation and passenger arrangements.

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 14

The potential of methanol as a fuel for smaller vessels, with main engines in the size range 250 kW to
1200 kW, was assessed through analysis of the following main areas:
 Environmental impacts including production and supply of methanol (fossil and renewable),
combustion emissions, and impacts resulting from accidental spills to the marine environment
 Costs
 Safety and regulations applicable to smaller vessels
 Production, availability, and distribution of fossil and renewable methanol.

Both benefits and potential barriers were identified and comparisons made with the conventional fuels
currently used for this vessel segment. Detailed information is provided in SUMMETH project report
D5.1 (Ellis and Svanberg, 2017).


Use of methanol as a fuel in smaller vessels results in fewer environmental impacts overall as compared
to marine gas oil and diesel fuels currently used. A fuel life cycle comparison of methanol and
conventional fuels showed that methanol produced from renewable feedstock such as wood residuals
and pulp mill black liquor can result in greenhouse gas emissions reductions of 75 to 90%, as shown in
Figure 3. Methanol produced from fossil feedstock results in a slightly higher GHG emission than
conventional petroleum fuels.

WTP GHG Emissions as CO 2 eq per MJ fuel










MGO MK 1 Methanol (NG) Methanol Methanol
(wood res.) (BLG)
Well-to-tank Tank to propeller

Figure 3 GHG emissions per MJ fuel for methanol from natural, wood residues, and black liquor gasification (BLG) as compared
to marine gasoil and MK 1 diesel.

Methanol fuels resulted in significantly lower particulate emissions, even as compared to conventional
fuels combusted in an engine using a particle filter. NOx emissions were also reduced for methanol
combustion as compared to combustion of diesel fuels. Emissions from methanol were less than half
of those for diesel fuel. These values were for combustion without aftertreatment. Impacts of

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 15

accidental spills of methanol would be less than those of an equivalent fuel oil spill. Thus there are
clear environmental benefits for smaller vessels switching to operation on methanol fuels.

The cost of methanol produced from fossil feedstock has been higher than MGO for most of the period
between 2013 and 2017. There is no historical price information for renewable methanol and plants
currently in operation are pilot scale or “first of a kind”. Estimates from recent studies show production
costs of renewable methanol to be on average higher than prices of MGO and methanol from fossil
feedstock, but the low range of the estimates show production costs that are almost competitive. Due
to the higher cost of methanol as compared to other fuels, incentives, targets, or other measures are
needed to drive its uptake as a marine fuel. Measures such as stricter emissions regulations regarding
particulate emissions, or requirements for reduction of GHG from shipping could favour the uptake of
methanol, as other measures to meet these goals would also entail higher costs. Another possibility
for reducing costs could be using methanol of a lower purity than the 99.85% specified for the chemical
industry. Combustion engines have been shown to operate well with purities as low as 90% (Ryan et
al. 1994; Stenhede, 2013). Although production of a lower purity “fuel grade” methanol has been
considered to be impractical for larger suppliers that are producing for chemical industry customers,
it could be a good opportunity for smaller plants producing renewable methanol to reduce their costs,
if they have a local fuel market.

Safety is not considered to be a barrier for adoption of methanol fuel by smaller vessels. The few large
ships using methanol in dual-fuel engines, the Stena Germanica and the Waterfront shipping chemical
tankers, have undergone safety assessments prior to approval and to date have been operating safely.
International regulations for use of methanol as a ship fuel are under development at the IMO and
classification societies have developed tentative or provisions rules. Although these international
regulations are not necessarily applicable to smaller vessels classified under national regulations they
provide guidance and indication of good practice for handling methanol as a marine fuel.


Methanol produced from natural gas is imported by ship to Sweden and distributed routinely by road
and rail. There are no barriers regarding availability and supply of this methanol to smaller vessels.
Sustainable methanol is a particular focus for the SUMMETH project and production and feedstock
possibilities within Sweden were assessed. Production of methanol from wood biomass, including
gasification of wood residual and gasification of pulp mill black liquor, has been investigated and tested
in Sweden. A pilot plant producing methanol from pulp mill black liquor in Piteå has operated
successfully, and detailed plans were developed for an industrial scale facility. This has not been built
due to uncertainties regarding regulations and taxes for bio-fuels for automotive use. A plant using
domestic forest residues as feedstock, Värmlandsmetanol, has been planned and designed, but has
not been constructed for the same reason. Work has started on a small plant producing methanol from
pulp production by-products at Södra’s pulp mill in Mönsterås (Jacobsson, 2017). These developments
indicate that technology is mature enough for production of methanol from biomass in Sweden, with
the only barriers being uncertainty about a market for the fuel. Estimates of biomass production
potential indicate that there is sufficient feedstock to produce enough methanol to more than meet
the needs of the smaller vessel segment.

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 16

Production of methanol from CO2 is also being tested and planned in Sweden. A pilot project to
produce methanol from steel mill flue gases was started in 2017. A feasibility study was completed in
2017 for a small to medium scale plant to produce methanol from wind energy and CO2 of primarily
biogen origin (Liquid Wind, 2017).

Regarding distribution of methanol from renewable production plants to smaller vessels, there are no
barriers anticipated as many smaller vessels are already bunkered by tanker truck for conventional
fuels. There would be minimal changes if they were to switch to methanol fuel, as methanol is routinely
transported by tanker truck to customers.

In summary the few barriers identified for use of sustainable methanol are related to the production
costs as compared to conventional fuel, and the lack of certainty for producers for an end user market.
On the environmental side, there are many benefits to be realized from using methanol as fuel,
including significantly lower emissions during combustion, and large reductions in GHG emissions if
sustainable methanol is used.

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 17



Project management activities within SUMMETH dealt mainly with administration of the project,
including organising and chairing project meetings, monitoring and reporting on progress with respect
to milestones and deliverables, and reporting to the project’s external co-funders.

Ten project consortium meetings were held during the project duration. Project meeting dates were
as follows:

 2015-12-10 at SSPA in Göteborg

 2016-03-06 at SSPA
 2016-06-15 at SSPA
 2016-08-31 at SSPA
 2016-11-30 at Lund University
 2017-02-23 at VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland, in Espoo, Finland
 2017-05-03 at Marine Benchmark in Göteborg
 2017-09-04 at SSPA
 2017-10-18 at SSPA
 2017-11-15 at SSPA

In addition several work package meetings were held throughout the project.

Project progress reports were prepared and submitted on 2016-06-30 and 2017-06-30.

Dissemination activities were carried out throughout the project and included presentations at
conferences and shipping industry events, creation of a website, publication of a project brochure,
academic publications, marketing through partners’ own activities, and organization of a final seminar.

7.2.1 Presentations
The SUMMETH project work was presented at the following conferences and seminars:

 VTI Transportforum 2017, Linköping, 10 January 2017

 Methanol Workshop, Elsfleth, Germany, 7 June 2017
 Methanol Policy Forum, Washington, DC, 13 June 2017
 Shipping as a Guide to Sustainable Transport Seminar, Göteborg, 15 June 2017

The project was also presented on a poster at the Swedish Pavilion of the Nor-Shipping Exhibition, held
May 30 – June 2, 2017 in Oslo.

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 18

Figure 4. SUMMETH Poster at the Nor-Shipping Exhibition, May 30 – June 2, 2017

7.2.2 Project Brochure

A project brochure was produced and distributed at the Nor-Shipping Exhibition, the Methanol Policy
Forum, and the SUMMETH Final Seminar. The brochure is shown in Appendix I.

7.2.3 Publications
Reports for each of the technical work packages were produced as described previously in this report.
Academic publications completed or planned for submission in early 2018 include the following:

 A Master’s Thesis titled “Efficiencies and Emissions of a Methanol Fuelled Direct Injection
Spark Ignition Heavy Duty Engine” was defended by Lee Björnestrand (supervised by A/Prof.
Martin Tunér) at the University of Lund in April, 2017. This described tests of direct injection
compression ignition and stratified spark ignition combustion of methanol which were carried
out at the University of Lund Division of Combustion Engines in early 2017.
 VTT has prepared an article based on their work in WP3 on methanol with additives for diesel
engines. This will be submitted to a scientific journal in 2018.
 SSPA has prepared an article based on work carried out in WP5 on the use of renewable
methanol in the shipping industry. This will be finalized and submitted to a scientific journal in
early 2018.

Partners’ own publications about the SUMMETH project include an article published in 2016 in SSPA’s
newsletter “Highlights”, titled “Methanol as an alternative fuel for smaller vessels”. The article is
available here:

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 19


7.2.4 Project Website

A web page for the SUMMETH project was created in early 2016 at the following address:

7.2.5 Final Seminar

A SUMMETH final seminar was held December 6th, 2017, in Göteborg. Project results were presented
in a full day seminar that was attended by participants from industry, academia, consultants, and end
users. The seminar program is included in Appendix II. Presentations from the seminar are available
on the SUMMETH web page:

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 20

The Sustainable Marine Methanol (SUMMETH) project has contributed to the development of the use
of methanol as fuel in smaller vessels in the following key areas:

 Methanol combustion concepts for smaller engines: Experimental investigations of different

methanol engine concepts in the range of 250 to 1200 kW showed that emissions reductions
and performance are good. The conventional PFI-SI engine for lean operation used with an
oxidizing catalyst is probably the most dependable, clean and affordable concept and could be
implemented in the short term. The MD95 (methanol with additive) is another option that
likely can be implemented within a short time. For long term implementation a mode-shifting
PPC/DI-SI engine with oxidizing catalyst can possibly offer the lowest operating costs and
largest reduction of emissions and GHG.
 Conversion designs: Development of a case study design for a Swedish road ferry showed that
converting a road ferry is a realistic undertaking, and that monitoring, serviceability, and safety
can meet existing requirements. An overview of other smaller vessel types showed the
possibilities for different solutions and system design requirements.

The environmental performance potential for methanol has been investigated with emissions
measurements from the experimental studies showing that methanol fuels resulted in significantly
lower particulate emissions and reduced NOx emissions for the concepts tested. A fuel life cycle
comparison with conventional diesel fuels used for smaller vessels showed that the use of renewable
methanol from feedstocks such as wood residuals and pulp mill black liquor can result in greenhouse
gas emissions reductions of 75 to 90%.

Regarding distribution of methanol to smaller vessels, there are no barriers anticipated as many
smaller vessels are already bunkered by tanker truck for conventional fuels. There would be minimal
changes if they were to switch to methanol fuel, as methanol is routinely transported by tanker truck
to customers. For supply of renewable methanol, within Sweden production of methanol from wood
biomass, including gasification of wood residual and gasification of pulp mill black liquor, has been
investigated and tested in pilot plants, and a small plant is planned to start operation in 2019.
Production of methanol from CO2 is also being tested and planned in Sweden. The only barriers appear
to be uncertainty about a market for the fuel, as production cost estimates are currently higher than
conventional fuel.

The SUMMETH project results show that methanol can be used efficiently as a fuel in marine diesel
engines, and smaller vessel conversion designs are feasible. There are significant environmental
benefits to be realized from using methanol as fuel, including significantly lower emissions of
particulates during combustion, and large reductions in GHG emissions if sustainable methanol is used.

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 21

Aakko-Saksa, P., Westerholm, M., Pettinen, R., Söderström, C., Roslund, P., Piimäkorpi, P., Koponen,
P., Murtonen, T. and Niinistö, M. 2017. Methanol with additives for diesel engines – VTT’s contribution
to the SUMMETH project. Draft manuscript 18.12.2017.

Aakko, P. Westerholm, M., Nylund, N-O, Moisio, M., Marjamäki, M., Mäkelä, T. and Hillamo, R. 2000.
IEA / AMF Annex XIII : Emission performance of selected biodiesel fuels - VTT ’ s contribution. Research
Report ENE5/33/2000.

Björnestrand, L. "Efficiency and emissions analysis of a methanol fuelled direct injection spark ignition
heavy duty engine”. Master’s Thesis, Lund 2017.

Bomanson, J., and B. Ramne. 2017a. General Arrangement, Class Documentation. SUMMETH Report

Bomanson, J., and B. Ramne. 2017b. Report on general recommendations for conversions of specific
ship types. SUMMETH Report 4.2.

Ellis, J., and J. Bomanson. 2017. Hazard Identification Study for the M/S Jupiter Methanol Conversion
Design. SUMMETH Report D4.1b.

Ellis, J., and M. Svanberg. 2017. Expected benefits, strategies, and implementation of methanol as a
marine fuel for the smaller vessel fleet. SUMMETH Report D5.1.

Haraldson L., “Methanol as fuel”, Methanol as Fuel & Energy Storage Workshop. Lund, Sweden,

Liquid Wind Team. 2017. Liquid Wind - Storing Energy by Making Fuel. Final Report. Available:

Ryan, T., Maymar, M., Ott, D., Laviolette, R., and R. Macdowall. 1994. Combustion and Emissions
Characteristics of Minimally Processed Methanol in a Diesel Engine Without Ignition Assist. SAE
Technical Paper 940326.

Rydbergh, T., and B. Berneblad. 2017. Market Report. Deliverable D2.1. SUMMETH – Sustainable
Marine Methanol.

Shamun, S., Shen, M., Johansson, B., Pagels, J., Gudmundsson, A., Tunestal, P., and M. Tuner. 2016.
Exhaust PM Emissions Analysis of Alcohol Fueled Heavy-Duty Engine utilizing PPC. SAE Int. J. Engines
9(4):2016, doi:10.4271/2016-01-2288.

Shamun, S., Tuner, M., Hasimoglu, C., Murcak, A., Tunestal, P., and O. Andersson. 2016. Investigation
of Methanol CI Combustion in a High Compression Ratio HD Engine using a Box-Behnken Design. Fuel
209C (2017) pp. 624-633, doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2017.08.039
Shamun, S., Novakovic, M., Malmborg Berg, V., Preger, C., Shen, M., Messing, M.E., Pagels, J., Tunér,
M. and P. Tunestål. 2017. Detailed Characterization of Particulate Matter in Alcohol Exhaust
Emissions. COMODIA June 2017.
Stenhede, T. 2013. EffShip WP2 Present and Future Maritime Fuels Report. Gothenburg: SSPA.

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 22

Svensson, E., Li, C., Shamun, S., Johansson, B. et al., "Potential Levels of Soot, NOx, HC and CO for
Methanol Combustion," SAE Technical Paper 2016-01-0887, 2016,
Tuner, M. 2016. Review and Benchmarking of Alternative Fuels in Conventional and Advanced Engine
Concepts with Emphasis on Efficiency, CO2, and Regulated Emissions. SAE Technical Paper 2016-01-
0882, 2016, doi:10.4271/2016-01-0882.
Tunér, M., Aakko-Saksa, P., and P. Molander. 2017. Engine Technology, Research, and Development
for Methanol in Internal Combustion Engines. SUMMETH Report D3.1.

SUMMETH Summary Report v.20180410 Page 23


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