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Learning Activity 7 

Silencer genes halt the transcription of

DNA The correct answer is 'True'.

This type of RNA polymerase is responsible for transcribing

tRNA. The correct answer is: RNA pol III

How many polynucleotide chains are found in DNA?

The correct answer is: 2

The 5' end of the DNA strand is a hydroxyl.

The correct answer is 'False'.

Internal control regions may be these boxes, except

The correct answer is: E
Which is the most specialized eukaryotic polymerase?
The correct answer is: RNA pol I

How many nucleotides are there in a codon?

The correct answer is: 3

Bacterial protein transcription utilizes what kind of subunits

The correct answer is: Sigma

What is the sequence of the TATA box?

The correct answer is: TATAAA

Short Quiz 7

These are viruses that infect bacteria.

The correct answer is:
Bacterial protein transcription utilizes what kind of subunits
The correct answer is: Sigma

Internal control regions may be these boxes, except:

The correct answer is: E

These are complexes made of both RNA and

protein. The correct answer is: Ribosomes

The control element and the upstream contol element are rich in guanine
and adenine.
The correct answer is: False

In the 60s ribosomal unit, how many rRNA molecules are there?
The correct answer is: 3

What is the sequence of the TATA box?

The correct answer is: TATAAA

What is the technique used to create changes in genes?

The correct answer is: Mutagenesis

This type of RNA polymerase is responsible for transcribing

tRNA. The correct answer is: RNA pol III

Eukaryotic genes contain exons and

intons. The correct answer is: True

This binds the core

element. The correct
answer is: SL1

These are circular DNA

molecules. The correct answer is:
Silencer genes halt the transcription of
DNA. The correct answer is: True

Restriction enzymes occur naturally in

bacteria. The correct answer is: True

Which is the most specialized eukaryotic

polymerase? The correct answer is: RNA pol I 

Learning Activity 8 
These are sources of nitrogen, except:
The correct answer is: Salad

The energy acquired from food is converted to ATP.

The correct answer is: False

These are all examples of complete protein, except:

The correct answer is: Milk

Vitamin C is also known as:

The correct answer is: Ascorbic acid

These are all classes of essential nutrients, except:

The correct answer is: Sugars

Short Quiz 8

is the movement by the smooth muscles of the alimentary canal

that move food along.
The correct answer is: Peristalsis
are the simplest digestive compartments.'
The correct answer is: Vacuoles

How many pairs of salivary glands are there?

The correct answer is: 3

Vitamin B2 is also known as:

The correct answer is: riboflavin

A gastrovascular cavity has only one opening.

The correct answer is: True

Food that is ready for swallowing is known as a

The correct answer is: bolus

Ring-like valves found at the junctions of compartments are called

The correct answer is: Sphincters

Pinocytosis is also known as cell

eating. The correct answer is: False

Enzymatic hydrolysis is an example of mechanical

digestion. The correct answer is: False

These are all accessory organs for digestion, except

The correct answer is: Appendix

Amylase hydrolyzes
starch. The correct answer
is: True

What is the tissue that lines the gastrovascular cavity?

The correct answer is: Gastrodermis
All animals complete their digestion extracellularly.
The correct answer is: False

The purpose of is to break down food into smaller particles to

increase the surface area for chemical digestion.
The correct answer is: mechanical digestion

Long Quiz 4

Panthothenic acid is also known as vitamin

B6. The correct answer is 'False'.

Teeth are absolutely essential for

digestion. The correct answer is 'False'.

These are stages in digestion,

except The correct answer is:

The pH of the esophagus is

acidic. The correct answer is

Saliva is secreted through

The correct answer is:

Microscopic blood vessels that absorb fructose are also known as

The correct answer is: Capillaries

This is a carbohydrate-protein complex that protects the oral cavity from

The correct answer is: Mucin

Osmosis occurs when these ions are pumped out of the

lumen. The correct answer is: Sodium
The appendix is necessary for
immunity. The correct answer is 'False'.

Tocopherol is also known as

The correct answer is: Vitamin E

How many types of essential amino acids do humans require from their
The correct answer is: 8

When fewer calories are taken in than is required, glycogen is

The correct answer is 'False'.

The esophagus contains both striated and smooth

muscles. The correct answer is 'True'.

Trypsin and chemotrypsin are

amylases. The correct answer is 'False'.

How many types of amino acids do animals require for protein

The correct answer is: 20

These are all parts of the small intestine, except

The correct answer is: Rectum

Bacteria in the large intestine can produce folic acid.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Essential fatty acids are

saturated. The correct answer is
These organelles contain hydrolytic
enzymes The correct answer is: Lysosomes

Bile destroys these cells when they are no longer functional.

The correct answer is: Red blood cells

The vocal chords are found

here The correct answer is:

Bile is stored and concentrated

where? The correct answer is:

These are all parts of the large intestine, except

The correct answer is: Jejunum

Chylomicrons are
The correct answer is: Fat-soluble globules

Water cannot be absorbed through active transport.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Per gram, fats release three times the energy releases from
proteins. The correct answer is 'False'.

Amino acids move by facilitated diffusion into epithelial

cells. The correct answer is 'False'.

The food in the alimentary canal can move in only one direction.
The correct answer is 'True'.

Fructose moves by passive transport into the epithelial cells of the small
The correct answer is 'False'.
This vitamin is essential for blood clotting.
The correct answer is: Vitamin K

Buffers in saliva prevent tooth

decay. The correct answer is 'True'.

The appendix is necessary for immunity.

The correct answer is 'False'.

Bile salts act as

The correct answer is: Emulsifiers

Animals need a source of nitrogen as part of their diets.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Learning Activity 9

The ground tissue of roots is composed of what types of

cells? The correct answer is: Parenchyma

The tip of a root is covered by

a The correct answer is: Root

Water can evaporate through

stomata. The correct answer is 'True'.

The lateral root can be located near the root's

surface. The correct answer is 'False'.

Intercalary meristems remain at the leaf blades and

internodes. The correct answer is 'True'.
The mesophyll is a tissue supporting the plant's
structure. The correct answer is 'False'.

Lateral roots develop from the root

cortex. The correct answer is 'False'.

Which type of cells prvide support for the parts of the stem that have
halted lengthening? 
The correct answer is: Sclerenchyma

Short Quiz 9 
Ground tissue that is internal to the vascular tissue is
called The correct answer is: pith

The vascular tissue of ais:

called The correct answer Steleor root system is

Cells that remain as sources of other cells are

called The correct answer is: Initials

These are hairlike outgrowths of the shoot

epidermis. The correct answer is: Trichomes

These cells have walls that are thin and

flexible. The correct answer is: Parenchyma

Sieve-tube elements lack all of these,

except: The correct answer is: Cytoplasm

The periderm is a protective tissue covering found in woody

plants. The correct answer is: True
These cells have thick primary walls and help support the young parts of
the plant's shoots.
The correct answer is: Chollenchyma

Wood is also known as secondary

phloem. The correct answer is: False

This is a perpetually embryonic

tissue. The correct answer is: Meristems

The xylem vascular tissue system transports sugars and

carbohydrates. The correct answer is: False

What is the term for the continous growth of

plants? The correct answer is: Indeterminate growth

The petiole is part of 

The correct answer is: Stems

tissue system is the outer protective layer of the

plant. The correct answer is: Dermal 

Learning Activity 10 

 Natural selection selects for the fittest organisms. The
correct answer is 'True'.

The transfer of alleles into or out of a population is called

The correct answer is: Gene flow

Who proposed the principle of

uniformitarianism? The correct answer is: Lyell
Organisms that are only somewhat related can never look
alike. The correct answer is 'False'.

What year was Darwin born? The

correct answer is: 1809

Who developed the binomial system of naming

species? The correct answer is: Linnaeus

Who was the father of paleontology? The

correct answer is: Cuvier

Short Quiz 10

 Natural selection involves the evolution of

individuals. The correct answer is: False

When did Darwin embark on the SS

Beagle? The correct answer is: 1931

What book did Lyell publish? 

The correct answer is: Principles of Geology

A c c o r d i n g o D ar w n , w h a t b ri n g s a
Th e c o r r e c t an sw e r i s : D e sc e n t w i t h
b ou t l if e 's u i ty and diversity? 
m o d i f ic a t i on s

HIV is an example of a virus that can completely be eradicated using

The correct answer is: False

Who first proposed that life changes over

time? The correct answer is: Lamarck
Who contended that suffering is caused be the explosion of populations
accompanied by limited resources? 
The correct answer is: Malthus

Organisms that are only somewhat related can never look

alike. The correct answer is: False

Superimposed layers of rocks are also

called: The correct answer is: Strata

Who proposed the principle of

uniformitarianism? The correct answer is: Lyell

This is the same genetic language in all

organisms. The correct answer is: DNA

When humans breed cows for better meat, this is

called The correct answer is: artificial selection

The transfer of alleles into or out of a population is

called: The correct answer is: Gene flow

What year was Darwin born? The

correct answer is: 1809 

Long Quiz 5 
Adventitious roots can grow from
leaves. The correct answer is 'True'.

Meristems are mature tissues found in

plants. The correct answer is 'False'.

A root hair is a multicellular organ. The

correct answer is 'False'. 
Mature sclerenchyma cells cannot
elongate. The correct answer is 'True'.

Another term for the leaf's stake

is. The correct answer is: Petiole

Sclereids are usually long, tapered, and

slender. The correct answer is 'False'.

There is a main root, larger than others, in

monocots The correct answer is 'False'.

This covers the tip of the root as it

grows. The correct answer is: Root cap

This is the protective tissue layer in woody

plants. The correct answer is: Periderm

Another name for the stem

is The correct answer is: Axil

Which of these is a thin, tubular extension of a root epidermal

cell? The correct answer is: Root hair

Stems may also be photosynthetic. The

correct answer is 'True'.

Roots derive nutrition from? 

The correct answer is: Photosynthates

The spongy mesophyll is located above the palisade

mesophyll. The correct answer is 'False'.
This produces a waxy covering that protects the plant from insects,
 bacteria, and fungi. 
The correct answer is: Cork cambium

Water moves through vessel elements

through The correct answer is: Pits

Environmental factors supercede genetic factors in the adaptation of

 plants to their
environment. The correct
answer is 'True'.

Most of the fruit we eat are composed of what type of

cells? The correct answer is: Parenchyma

Elongation is composed of the following,

except The correct answer is: Roots

These are all mistaken for roots but are actually stems,
except The correct answer is: Embryonic roots

This hardening agent is absent from collenchyma

cells. The correct answer is: Lignin

This is the external form of a

plant. The correct answer is:
This makes the walls of secondary xylem
hard. The correct answer is: Lignin

The outer protective layer of the plant is

the The correct answer is: Dermal tissue

Elongation happens near the tip of

shoots. The correct answer is 'True'.
The ground tissue contains the
pith. The correct answer is 'True'.

The parenchyma cells in woody plants are

differentiated. The correct answer is 'False'.

In monocots, the embryonic root

persists The correct answer is 'False'.

Parenchyma cells have secondary walls that help them retain

their structure. 
The correct answer is 'False'.

The vascular cambium is composed of these

cells The correct answer is: Merismatic

Seive tubes transport

phloem. The correct answer is

The reduced surface are of the spines of cacti enable them to survive in
aqueous environments. 
The correct answer is 'True'.

The interior of the cork cambium is formed by these

cells. The correct answer is: Phelloderm
These cells regulate the opening and closing of the
stomata. The correct answer is: Guard Cells

In these plants, taproots store carbohydrates and

sugars. The correct answer is: Angiosperms 
Learning Activity 11

This is considered the ecology of individuals organisms and populations.


Give an example of an abiotic sphere.


Without photosynthesis, organic matter cannot be created.


 Not all ecosystems need a boundary.


A puddle can be considered an ecosystem.


Short Quiz 11

The niche of species with competition from others is its fundamental


This is the primary driving force for the extinction of species.


Carbon is abundant in the environment.


These are all macronutrients, except.

The consumption of water produces the most substantial effect on the

The intensive use of fertilizers is part of land use change.


Intra-species competition may be one-sided.


The competition for one resource may influence the competition for
another resource.

Parasitoids include indviduals from Diptera.


The classification of predators as carnivores that consume herbivores is


Learning Activity 12

The mainstay of genetic engineering is the ability to isolate a single

DNA fragment.

The starting material for DNA isolation may be viral.


Which enzyme is used to digest DNA?


Protein molecules partition into what phase during DNA isolation?

-phenol phase 
The separation of the nucleic acid from other cell components is not a
requirement in genetic engineering.

Short Quiz 12
Ethidium bromide is toxic and carcinogenic.

What is the most common method for separating DNA?

-Gel Electrophoresis 

The purpose of is to count the amount of nucleic acids present.

-Scintillation counter 

SAGE stands for

-Submerged Agarose Gel Electrophoresis 

A hydroxyl group at the 3' end of the DNA segment is needed for
elongation to proceed.

T h ese are all ddNTPs, except:


Larger DNA fragments move slower than smaller DNA fragments.


These are all common radioactive tracers, except:


Urea acts as a binding agent during the reading of DNA sequences.

What element is used to isolate pDNA?

Long Quiz 6

When fewer calories are taken in than is required, glycogen is


Medicines can be created in transgenic animals.


The periderm is impermeable to water due to this substance.


With surface faulting, increasing displacement means

increasing damage.

Deoxyribose is attached to how many phosphate groups?


Hot gases and materials spewed from volcanoes are part of

-Pyroclastic phenomenon 

The Urey-Miller experiment lay the groundwork for the synthesis of

 photosynthetic materials.

Ovules are called

A DNA double-helix is necessarily antiparallel.

Which part of the atmosphere do cyclones maintain?


Bile destroys these cells when they are no longer functional.

-Red blood cells 

The earth is made up of mainly nitrogen and oxygen.


The fision of cells in unicellular organisms may be multiple or binary.


Torrential rains fall at what speed?

-30 km/hr 

Below the melting point of rocks, the rocks will become metamorphic.

This is another name for the reproductive part of flowers.


As radioactive materials decayed, they emitted what?


All these comprise the cell membrane, except


The tail of phospholipids are kinked because of hydrogen bonds.

The TATA box is located where relative to the start of transcription?

Physical weathering is known as

-Mechanical weathering 

Allele frequencies can change at random.


Ascorbic acid is essential in humans.


The two main pillars crucial for maintaining life include


Rocks become metamorphic due to extreme pressure


Troland proposed that these emerged first.


Pyrimidines contain how many ring bases?


All ecosystems are closed systems.


How many kilometers deep is the mantle?-

-2,900 km 

Prokaryotic cells do not contain organelles in their cytoplams.

Second Quarter Exam 
The stomata allow the uptake of this gas.
-Carbon dioxide 

Enzymes that catalyze reactions will perish at temperatures below 250 K


Calcium chloride is used in DNA insertion.


The spongy mesophyll fills with oxygen and carbon dioxide.


Who advocated for catastrophism?

 Nucleic acids are polyionic at neutral pH

How many phalanges do we have?


All plants have secondary growth.


The chances of survival of organisms is maximized when they cooperate

with one another.

These cells have thin and flexible walls and lack a secondary wall.

Artificial selection occurs when we breed dogs for a certain length of

coat or certain height.

Microbes that become resistant to an antibiotic are an example of


The cuticle, or the wax, functions to protect against insects and


Who developed the binomial naming of species?


These cells are fibrous.


Generation internal is inversely proportional to genetic gain.


Who found that the body size of the organism can be controlled by
controlling the biomass at each trophic level?

Gene stacking is the presence of more than one gene in more than one

This secretes polysaccharides to protect the young part of the plant.

-Root cap 

If a cat always eats the white colored mouse, then there brown colored
mouse will increse in number.
According to fossil records, these evolved from land vertebrates as well.

A snake's pelvis is an example of a vestigial structure.


 Nucleic acids are recovered through


These organisms can capture energy without light.


Direct reciprocity occurs when two organisms gain from helping each

This is where the lateral roots originate from.


The energy flow of the ecosystem starts with its primary producers.

The Continental Drift theory provides evidence for evolution.


Lateral roots are also known as


According to Darwin's theory, individuals can evolve.


These are all heterozygous genes, except

The enzyme method is also known as the Maxam-Gilbert Method.

This can form a lateral shoot

-Axillary bud 

The vascular cambium in woody plants consists of a layer of this type of


The Phelloderm is a thin layer of this type of cells.


PAGE is suitable for RNA sequencing


An ecosystem must have an ecosystem and a nutrient

biochemical recycling system.

The guard cells function to control the opening and closing of the

There must be a balance between order and entropy.


Who was the first one to propose a mechanism for evolution?


Absorbance is measured at
-260 nm 

Indirect reciprocity occurs when a species is likely to help another due


Carrots have fibrous roots


Intraspecific competition is competition between two individuals

from different species.

What can be used to further digest DNA after deproteinization?


Who coined the term "ecology"?

The xylem and phloem in stems and leaves are collectively called a

These have features of both plasmids and bacteriophages.


What is the ratio used for the precipitation of nucleic acids?


An organism is said to be homozygous if it carries two of the same


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