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Statistical Inference: Hypothesis Testing For Single Populations

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Chapter 9

Statistical Inference:
Hypothesis Testing for Single Populations


The main objective of Chapter 9 is to help you to learn how to test hypotheses on single populations,
thereby enabling you to:

1. Understand the logic of hypothesis testing and know how to establish null and alternate
2. Understand Type I and Type II errors and know how to solve for Type II errors.
3. Know how to implement the HTAB system to test hypotheses.
4. Test hypotheses about a single population mean when  is known.
5. Test hypotheses about a single population mean when  is unknown.
6. Test hypotheses about a single population proportion.
7. Test hypotheses about a single population variance.


9.1 Introduction to Hypothesis Testing

Types of Hypotheses
Research Hypotheses
Statistical Hypotheses
Substantive Hypotheses
Using the HTAB System to Test Hypotheses
Rejection and Non-rejection Regions
Type I and Type II errors

9.2 Testing Hypotheses About a Population Mean Using the z Statistic ( known)
Using a Sample Standard Deviation
Testing the Mean with a Finite Population
Using the p-Value Method to Test Hypotheses
Using the Critical Value Method to Test Hypotheses
Using the Computer to Test Hypotheses about a Population Mean Using the z Statistic

9.3 Testing Hypotheses About a Population Mean Using the t Statistic ( unknown)
Using the Computer to Test Hypotheses about a Population Mean Using the t Test

9.4 Testing Hypotheses About a Proportion

Using the Computer to Test Hypotheses about a Population Proportion

9.5 Testing Hypotheses About a Variance

9.6 Solving for Type II Errors

Some Observations About Type II Errors
Operating Characteristic and Power Curves
Effect of Increasing Sample Size on the Rejection Limits

152 Solutions Manual and Study Guide


alpha ( ) one-tailed test

alternative hypothesis operating characteristic curve (OC)
beta ( ) p-value method
critical value power
critical value method power curve
hypothesis rejection region
hypothesis testing research hypothesis
level of significance statistical hypothesis
nonrejection region substantive result
null hypothesis two-tailed test
observed significance level Type I error
observed value Type II error


1. The first step in testing a hypothesis is to establish a(n) _______________ hypothesis and a(n)
_______________ hypothesis.

2. In testing hypotheses, the researcher initially assumes that the _______________ hypothesis is

3. The region of the distribution in hypothesis testing in which the null hypothesis is rejected is
called the _______________ region.

4. The rejection and acceptance regions are divided by a point called the _______________ value.

5. The portion of the distribution which is not in the rejection region is called the _______________

6. The probability of committing a Type I error is called _______________.

7. Another name for alpha is _______________ _______________ _______________.

8. When a true null hypothesis is rejected, the researcher has committed a _______________ error.

9. When a researcher fails to reject a false null hypothesis, a _______________ error has been

10. The probability of committing a Type II error is represented by _______________.

11. Power is equal to _______________.

12. Whenever hypotheses are established such that the alternative hypothesis is directional, then the
researcher is conducting a _______________-tailed test.

13. A _______________-tailed test is nondirectional.

14. If in testing hypotheses, the researcher uses a method in which the probability of the observed
statistic is compared to alpha to reach a decision, the researcher is using the _______________.
Chapter 9: Statistical Inference: Hypothesis Testing for Single Populations 153

15. Suppose Ho: µ = 95 and Ha: µ  95. If the sample size is 50 and  = .05, the critical value of z is

16. Suppose Ho: µ = 2.36 and Ha: µ < 2.36. If the sample size is 64 and  = .01, the critical value of z
is ________.

17. Suppose Ho: µ = 24.8 and Ha: µ  24.8. If the sample size is 49 and  = .10, the critical value of z
is ________.

18. Suppose a researcher is testing a null hypothesis that µ = 61. A random sample of n = 38 is taken
resulting in x = 63 and  = 8.76. The observed z value is _______________.

19. Suppose a researcher is testing a null hypothesis that µ = 413. A random sample of n = 70 is
taken resulting in x = 405. The population standard deviation is 34. The observed z value is

20. A researcher is testing a hypothesis of a single mean. The critical z value for  = .05 and a one-
tailed test is 1.645. The observed z value from sample data is 1.13. The decision made by the
researcher based on this information is to _______________ the null hypothesis.

21. A researcher is testing a hypothesis of a single mean. The critical z value for  = .05 and a two-
tailed test is ± 1.96. The observed z value from sample data is –1.85. The decision made by the
researcher based on this information is to _______________ the null hypothesis.

22. A researcher is testing a hypothesis of a single mean. The critical z value for  = .01 and a one-
tailed test is –2.33. The observed z value from sample data is –2.45. The decision made by the
researcher based on this information is to _______________ the null hypothesis.

23. A researcher has a theory that the average age of managers in a particular industry is over 35-
years-old. The null hypothesis to conduct a statistical test on this theory would be

24. A company produces, among other things, a metal plate that is supposed to have a six inch hole
punched in the center. A quality control inspector is concerned that the machine which punches
the hole is "out-of-control". In an effort to test this, the inspector is going to gather a sample of
metal plates punched by the machine and measure the diameter of the hole. The alternative
hypothesis used to statistical test to determine if the machine is out-of-control is

25. The following hypotheses are being tested:

Ho: µ = 4.6
Ha: µ  4.6

The value of alpha is .05. To test these hypotheses, a random sample of 22 items is selected
resulting in a sample mean of 4.1 with a sample standard deviation of 1.8. It can be assumed that
this measurement is normally distributed in the population. The degrees of freedom associated with
the t test used in this problem are _______________.

26. The critical t value for the problem presented in question 25 is _______________.

27. The problem presented in question 25 contains hypotheses which lead to a __________-tailed test.
154 Solutions Manual and Study Guide

28. The observed value of t for the problem presented in question 25 is _______________.

29. Based on the results of the observed t value and the critical table t value, the researcher should
_______________ the null hypothesis in the problem presented in question 25.

30. It is believed that the average time to assemble a given product is less than 2 hours. To test this, a
sample of 18 assemblies is taken resulting in a sample mean of 1.91 hours with a sample standard
deviation of 0.73 hours. Suppose  = .01. If a hypothesis test is done on this problem, the table
value is ______________. The observed value is _________________. The decision is

31. A political scientist wants to statistically test the null hypothesis that her candidate for governor is
currently carrying at least 57% of the vote in the state. She has her assistants randomly sample
550 eligible voters in the state by telephone and only 300 declare that they support her candidate.
The observed z value for this problem is _______________.

32. Problem 31 is a _______________-tailed test.

33. Suppose that the value of alpha for problem 31 is .05. After comparing the observed value to the
critical value, the political scientist decided to _______________ the null hypothesis.

34. A company believes that it controls .27 of the total market share in the South for one of its products.
To test this belief, a random sample of 1150 purchases of this product in the South are contracted.
385 of the 1150 purchased this company's brand of the product. If a researcher wants to conduct
a statistical test for this problem, the alternative hypothesis would be _______________.

35. The observed value of z for problem 34 is _______________.

36. Problem 34 would result in a _______________-tailed test.

37. Suppose that a .01 value of alpha were used in problem 34. The critical value of z for the problem is

38. Upon comparing the observed value of z to the critical value of z, it is determined to
_______________ the null hypothesis in problem 34.

39. A production process produces parts with a normal variance of 27.3. Engineers are concerned that
the process may now be producing parts with greater variance than that. To test this concern, a
sample of 9 newly produced parts is taken. The sample standard deviation is 5.93. Let  = .01. The
null hypothesis for this problem is _______________________.

40. The critical table value of 2 for problem 39 is ______________________.

41. The observed value of chi-square in problem 39 is ______________________.

42. The decision reached for problem 39 is _______________.

43. The null hypothesis for a test is H0:  = 30. A one-tailed test is being conducted. After taking a
sample of 49 items and computing a mean and standard deviation, it is decided to fail to reject the
null hypothesis. Let  = .05. Suppose the population standard deviation is .63. If the null
hypothesis is not true and if the true alternative hypothesis is 29.6, the value of beta is
Chapter 9: Statistical Inference: Hypothesis Testing for Single Populations 155

44. Suppose the alternative mean in problem 43 is really 29.9, the value of beta is

45. Plotting the power values against the various values of the alternative hypotheses produces a
______________________ curve.

46. Plotting the values of against various values of the alternative hypothesis produces a
_____________________ curve.
156 Solutions Manual and Study Guide


1. Null, Alternative 24.   6”

2. Null 25. 21
3. Rejection 26. + 2.08
4. Critical 27. Two
5. Nonrejection Region 28. – 1.30

6. Alpha 29. Fail to Reject

7. Level of Significance 30. – 2.567, – 0.52, Fail to Reject

8. Type I 31. – 1.16

9. Type II 32. One

10. Beta 33. Fail to Reject

11. 1 –  34. p  .27

12. One 35. 4.95

13. Two 36. Two

14. p-value 37. + 2.575

15. 1.96 38. Reject

16. – 2.33 39. H0: 2 = 27.3

17. + 1.645 40. 20.0902

18. 1.41 41. 10.3047

19. – 1.97 42. Fail to Reject the Null Hypothesis

20. Fail to Reject 43. .0026

21. Fail to Reject 44. .7019

22. Reject 45. Power

23.  = 35 46. Operating Characteristic

Chapter 9: Statistical Inference: Hypothesis Testing for Single Populations 157


9.1 a) Ho: µ = 25
Ha: µ  25

x = 28.1 n = 57  = 8.46  = .01

For two-tail, /2 = .005 zc = 2.575

x 28.1  25
z=  = 2.77
 8.46
n 57

observed z = 2.77 > zc = 2.575

Reject the null hypothesis

b) from Table A.5, inside area between z = 0 and z = 2.77 is .4972

p-value = .5000 – .4972 = .0028

Since the p-value of .0028 is less than = .005, the decision is to:
Reject the null hypothesis

c) critical mean values:

xc  
zc =

x c  25
± 2.575 =

x c = 25 ± 2.885

x c = 27.885 (upper value)

x c = 22.115 (lower value)

158 Solutions Manual and Study Guide

9.3 a) Ho: µ = 1,200

Ha: µ > 1,200

x = 1,215 n = 113  = 100  = .10

For one-tail,  = .10 zc = 1.28

x 1,215  1,200

z =  = 1.59
 100
n 113

observed z = 1.59 > zc = 1.28

Reject the null hypothesis

b) Probability > observed z = 1.59 is .0559 which is less than  = .10.

Reject the null hypothesis.

c) Critical mean value:

xc  
zc =


x c  1,200
1.28 =

x c = 1,200 + 12.04

Since calculated x = 1,215 which is greater than the critical x = 1212.04, reject the null

9.5 H0:  = $424.20

Ha:   $424.20

x = $432.69 n = 54  = $33.90  = .05

2-tailed test, /2 = .025 z.025 = + 1.96

x 432.69  424.20

z =  = 1.84
 33.90
n 54

Since the observed z = 1.85 < z.025 = 1.96, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis.
Chapter 9: Statistical Inference: Hypothesis Testing for Single Populations 159

9.7 H0:  = 5
Ha:   5

x = 5.0611 n = 42  = 0.2803  = .10

2-tailed test, /2 = .05 z.05 = + 1.645

x 5.0611  5
z =  = 1.41
 0.2803
n 42

Since the observed z = 1.41 < z.05 = 1.645, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis.

9.9 Ho: µ = $4,292

Ha: µ < $4,292

x = $4,008 n = 55  = $386  = .01

For one-tailed test,  = .01, z.01 = –2.33

x $4,008  $4,292

z =  = –5.46
 $386
n 55

Since the observed z = –5.46 < z.01 = –2.33, the decision is to Reject the null hypothesis

The CEO could use this information as a way of discrediting the Runzheimer study and using her
own figures in recruiting people and in discussing relocation options. In such a case, this could be
a substantive finding. However, one must ask if the difference between $4,292 and $4,008 is
really an important difference in monthly rental expense. Certainly, Paris is expensive either way.
However, an almost $300 difference in monthly rental cost is a non trivial amount for most
people and therefore might be considered substantive.

9.11 n = 20 x = 16.45 s = 3.59 df = 20 – 1 = 19  = .05

Ho: µ = 16
Ha: µ  16

For two-tail test, /2 = .025, critical t.025,19 = ±2.093

x   16.45  16
t =  = 0.56
s 3.59
n 20

Observed t = 0.56 < t.025,19 = 2.093

The decision is to Fail to reject the null hypothesis

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9.13 n = 11 x = 1,235.36 s = 103.81 df = 11 – 1 = 10  = .05

Ho: µ = 1,160
Ha: µ > 1,160

For one-tail test,  = .05 critical t.05,10 = 1.812

x   1,236.36  1,160
t =  = 2.44
s 103.81
n 11

Observed t = 2.44 > t.05,10 = 1.812

The decision is to Reject the null hypothesis

9.15 n = 12 x = 1.85083 s = .02353 df = 12 – 1 = 11  = .10

H0: µ = 1.84
Ha: µ  1.84

For a two-tailed test, /2 = .05 critical t.05,11 = 1.796

x   1.85083  1.84
t =  = 1.59
s .02353
n 12

Since t = 1.59 < t11,.05 = 1.796,

The decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis.

9.17 n = 19 x = $31.67 s = $1.29 df = 19 – 1 = 18  = .05

H0:  = $32.28
Ha:   $32.28

Two-tailed test, /2 = .025 t.025,18 = + 2.101

x   31.67  32.28
t =  = –2.06
s 1.29
n 19

The observed t = –2.06 > t.025,18 = –2.101,

The decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis
Chapter 9: Statistical Inference: Hypothesis Testing for Single Populations 161

9.19 Ho: p = .45

Ha: p > .45

n = 310 p̂ = .465  = .05

For one-tail,  = .05 z.05 = 1.645

pˆ  p .465  .45
z =  = 0.53
pq (.45)(.55)
n 310

observed z = 0.53 < z.05 = 1.645

The decision is to Fail to reject the null hypothesis

9.21 Ho: p = .29

Ha: p  .29

x 207
n = 740 x = 207 pˆ   = .28  = .05
n 740

For two-tail, /2 = .025 z.025 = ±1.96

pˆ  p .28  .29
z =  = –0.60
pq (.29)(.71)
n 740

observed z = –0.60 > zc = –1.96

The decision is to Fail to reject the null hypothesis

p-Value Method:

z = –0.60

from Table A.5, area = .2257

Area in tail = .5000 – .2257 = .2743

.2743 > .025

Again, the decision is to Fail to reject the null hypothesis

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Solving for critical values:

pˆ c  p
z =

pˆ c  .29
±1.96 =
(.29)(. 71)

p̂c = .29 ± .033

.257 and .323

Sample p = p̂ = .28 not outside critical values in tails

Again, the decision is to Fail to reject the null hypothesis

9.23 Ho: p = .79

Ha: p < .79

n = 415 x = 303  = .01 z.01 = –2.33

x 303
pˆ   = .7301
n 415

pˆ  p .7301  .79
z =  = –3.00
pq (.79)(.21)
n 415

Since the observed z = –3.00 is less than z.01= –2.33, The decision is to reject the null

9.25 Ho: p = .18

Ha: p > .18

n = 376 p̂ = .22  = .01

one-tailed test, z.01 = 2.33

pˆ  p .22  .18
z =  = 2.02
pq (.18)(.82)
n 376

Since the observed z = 2.02 is less than z.01= 2.33, The decision is to fail to reject the null
hypothesis. There is not enough evidence to declare that the proportion is greater than .18.
Chapter 9: Statistical Inference: Hypothesis Testing for Single Populations 163

9.27 Ho: p = .47

Ha: p  .47

n = 67 x = 40  = .05 /2 = .025

For a two-tailed test, z.025 = +1.96

x 40
pˆ   = .597
n 67

pˆ  p .597  .47
z =  = 2.08
pq (.47)(.53)
n 67

Since the observed z = 2.08 is greater than z.025= 1.96, The decision is to reject the null

9.29 H0: 2 = 14  = .05 /2 = .025 n = 12 df = 12 – 1 = 11 s2 = 30.0833

Ha: 2  14

2.025,11 = 21.92 2.975,11 = 3.81575

(12  1)(30.0833)
2 = = 23.64

Since 2 = 23.64 < 2.025,11 = 21.92, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis.

9.31 H0: 2 = 199,996,164  = .10 /2 = .05 n = 13 df =13 – 1 = 12

Ha: 2  199,996,164 2
s = 832,089,743.7

2.05,12 = 21.0261 2.95,12 = 5.22603

(13  1)(832,089,743.7)
2 = = 49.93

Since 2 = 49.93 > 2.05,12 = 21.0261, the decision is to reject the null
hypothesis. The variance has changed.

9.33 Ho: µ = 100

Ha: µ < 100

n = 48 µ = 99  = 14
164 Solutions Manual and Study Guide

a)  = .10 z.10 = –1.28

xc  
zc =


x c  100
–1.28 =

x c = 97.4

xc   97.4  99
z = = = –0.79
 14
n 48

from Table A.5, area for z = –0.79 is .2852

 = .2852 + .5000 = .7852

b)  = .05 z.05 = –1.645

xc  
zc =


x c  100
–1.645 =

x c = 96.68

xc   96.68  99
z = = = –1.15
 14
n 48

from Table A.5, area for z = –1.15 is .3749

 = .3749 + .5000 = .8749

Chapter 9: Statistical Inference: Hypothesis Testing for Single Populations 165

c)  = .01 z.01 = –2.33

xc  
zc =


x c  100
–2.33 =

x c = 95.29

xc   95.29  99
z = = = –1.84
 14
n 48

from Table A.5, area for z = –1.84 is .4671

 = .4671 + .5000 = .9671

d) As gets smaller (other variables remaining constant), beta gets larger. Decreasing the probability
of committing a Type I error increases the probability of committing a Type II error if other
variables are held constant.

9.35 Ho: µ = 50
Ha: µ  50

µa = 53 n = 35 =7  = .01

Since this is two-tailed, /2 = .005 z.005 = ±2.575

xc  
zc =


x c  50
±2.575 =

x c = 50 ± 3.05

46.95 and 53.05

xc   53.05  53
z = = = 0.04
 7
n 35
166 Solutions Manual and Study Guide

from Table A.5 for z = 0.04, area = .0160

Other end:

xc   46.9  53
z = = = –5.11
 7
n 35

Area associated with z = –5.11 is .5000

 = .5000 + .0160 = .5160

9.37 n = 58 x = 45.1  = 8.7  = .05 /2 = .025

H0: µ = 44
Ha: µ  44 z.025 = ± 1.96

45.1  44
z = = 0.96

Since z = 0.96 < zc = 1.96, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis.

x c  44
+ 1.96 =
8 .7

± 2.239 = x c – 44

x c = 46.239 and 41.761

For 45 years:

46.29  45
z = = 1.08

from Table A.5, the area for z = 1.08 is .3599

 = .5000 + .3599 = .8599

Power = 1 –  = 1 – .8599 = .1401

Chapter 9: Statistical Inference: Hypothesis Testing for Single Populations 167

For 46 years:

46.239  46
z = = 0.21
8 .7

From Table A.5, the area for z = 0.21 is .0832

 = .5000 + .0832 = .5832

Power = 1 –  = 1 – .5832 = .4168

For 47 years:

46.9  47
z = = –0.67
8 .7

From Table A.5, the area for z = –0.67 is .2486

 = .5000 – .2486 = .2514

Power = 1 –  = 1 – .2514 = .7486

For 48 years:

46.248  48
z = = 1.54

From Table A.5, the area for z = 1.54 is .4382

 = .5000 – .4382 = .0618

Power = 1 –  = 1 – .0618 = .9382

168 Solutions Manual and Study Guide

1) Ho: µ = 36
Ha: µ  36

2) z =

3)  = .01

4) two-tailed test, /2 = .005, z.005 = + 2.575

If the observed value of z is greater than 2.575 or less than –2.575, the decision will be to reject
the null hypothesis.

5) n = 63, x = 38.4,  = 5.93

x 38.4  36
6) z = = = 3.21
 5.93
n 63

7) Since the observed value of z = 3.21 is greater than z.005 = 2.575, the decision is
to reject the null hypothesis.

8) The mean is likely to be greater than 36.


a. 1) Ho: p = .28
Ha: p > .28

pˆ  p
2) z =
3)  = .10
Chapter 9: Statistical Inference: Hypothesis Testing for Single Populations 169

4) This is a one-tailed test, z.10 = 1.28. If the observed value of z is greater than
1.28, the decision will be to reject the null hypothesis.

5) n = 783 x = 230

pˆ  = .2937

.2937  .28
6) z = = 0.85
(.28)(. 72)

7) Since z = 0.85 is less than z.10 = 1.28, the decision is to fail to reject the null

8) There is not enough evidence to declare that p is not .28.

b. 1) Ho: p = .61
Ha: p  .61

pˆ  p
2) z =

3)  = .05

4) This is a two-tailed test, z.025 = + 1.96. If the observed value of z is greater than
1.96 or less than –1.96, then the decision will be to reject the null hypothesis.

5) n = 401 p̂ = .56

.56  .61
6) z = = –2.05
(.61)(. 39)

7) Since z = –2.05 is less than z.025 = –1.96, the decision is to reject the null

8) The population proportion is not likely to be .61.

170 Solutions Manual and Study Guide

9.43 a) H0: µ = 130

Ha: µ > 130

n = 75  = 12  = .01 z.01 = 2.33 µa = 135

Solving for x c:

xc  
zc =


x c  130
2.33 =

x c = 133.23

133.23  135
z = = –1.28

from table A.5, area for z = –1.28 is .3997

 = .5000 – .3997 = .1003

b) H0: p = .44
Ha: p < .44

n = 1095  = .05 pa = .42 z.05 = –1.645

pˆ c  p
zc =

pˆ c  .44
–1.645 =

p̂c = .4153

.4153  .42
z = = –0.32
(.42)(. 58)

from table A.5, area for z = –0.32 is .1255

 = .5000 + .1255 = .6255
Chapter 9: Statistical Inference: Hypothesis Testing for Single Populations 171

9.45 x = 3.45 n = 64 2 = 1.31  = .05

Ho: µ = 3.3
Ha: µ  3.3

For two-tail, /2 = .025 zc = ±1.96

x 3.45  3.3

z = = = 1.05
 1.31
n 64

Since the observed z = 1.05 < zc = 1.96, the decision is to Fail to reject the null hypothesis.

9.47 H0: 2 = 16 n = 12  = .05 df = 12 – 1 = 11

Ha: 2 > 16

s = 0.4987864 ft. = 5.98544 in.

2.05,11 = 19.6751

(12  1)(5.98544) 2
 =
= 24.63

Since 2 = 24.63 > 2.05,11 = 19.6751, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis.

9.49 x = $26,650 n = 100  = $12,000

a) Ho: µ = $25,000
Ha: µ > $25,000  = .05

For one-tail,  = .05 z.05 = 1.645

x 26,650  25,000

z = = = 1.38
 12,000
n 100

Since the observed z = 1.38 < z.05 = 1.645, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis.
172 Solutions Manual and Study Guide

b) µa = $30,000 zc = 1.645

Solving for x c:

xc  
zc =


( x c  25,000)
1.645 =

x c = 25,000 + 1,974 = 26,974

26,974  30,000
z = = –2.52

from Table A.5, the area for z = –2.52 is .4941

 = .5000 – .4941 = .0059

9.51 H0: p = .46

Ha: p > .46

x 66
n = 125 x = 66  = .05 pˆ   = .528
n 125

Using a one-tailed test, z.05 = 1.645

pˆ  p .528  .46
z =  = 1.53
pq (.46)(.54)
n 125

Since the observed value of z = 1.53 < z.05 = 1.645, the decision is to fail to reject the null
Chapter 9: Statistical Inference: Hypothesis Testing for Single Populations 173

Solving for p̂c :

pˆ c  p
zc =

pˆ c  .46
1.645 =

p̂c = .533

pˆ c  p a .533  .50
z =  = 0.74
pa  qa (.50)(. 50)
n 125

from Table A.5, the area for z = 0.74 is .2704

 = .5000 + .2704 = .7704

9.53 H0: p = .16

Ha: p > .16

x 84
n = 428 x = 84  = .01 pˆ   = .1963
n 428

For a one-tailed test, z.01 = 2.33

pˆ  p .1963  .16
z =  = 2.05
pq (.16)(.84)
n 428

Since the observed z = 2.05 < z.01 = 2.33, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis.

The probability of committing a Type I error is .01.

174 Solutions Manual and Study Guide

Solving for p̂c :

pˆ c  p
zc =

. pˆ c  .16
2.33 =

p̂c = .2013

pˆ c  p a .2013  .21
z =  = –0.44
pa  qa (.21)(. 79)
n 428

from Table A.5, the area for z = –0.44 is .1700

 = .5000 – .1700 = .3300

9.55 H0: 2 = 16 n = 22 df = 22 –1 = 21 s=6  = .05

Ha: 2 > 16

2.05,21 = 32.6705

(22  1)(6) 2
2 = = 47.25

Since the observed 2 = 47.25 > 2.05,21 = 32.6705, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis.

9.57 a) Ho:  = 23.58

Ha:   23.58

n = 95 x = 22.83  = 5.11  = .05

Since this is a two-tailed test and using /2 = .025: z.025 = + 1.96

x 22.83  23.58

z = = = –1.43
 5.11
n 95

Since the observed z = –1.43 > z.025 = –1.96, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis.
Chapter 9: Statistical Inference: Hypothesis Testing for Single Populations 175

xc  
b) zc =


xc  23.58
+ 1.96 =

xc = 23.58 + 1.03

xc = 22.55, 24.61

for Ha:  = 22.30

xc   a 22.55  22.30
z = = = 0.48
 5.11
n 95

xc   a 24.61  22.30
z = = = 4.41
 5.11
n 95

from Table A.5, the areas for z = 0.48 and z = 4.41 are .1844 and .5000

 = .5000 – .1844 = .3156

The upper tail has no effect on .

9.59 The sample size is 22. x is 3.967 s = 0.866 df = 21

The test statistic is:

t =

The observed t = –2.34. The p-value is .015.

The results are statistical significant at  = .05.

The decision is to reject the null hypothesis.

176 Solutions Manual and Study Guide

9.61 H0:  = 2.51

Ha:  > 2.51

This is a one-tailed test. The sample mean is 2.555 which is more than the hypothesized value.
The observed t value is 1.51 with an associated p-value of .072 for a one-tailed test. Because the
p-value is greater than  = .05, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. There is not
enough evidence to conclude that beef prices are higher.

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