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Lecture Notes CMSC 420

CMSC 420: Data Structures!

Fall 1993
Dave Mount

Lecture 1: Introduction and Background

(Tuesday, Sep 7, 1993)

Algorithms and Data Structures: The study of data structures and the algorithims
that manip-
ulate them is among the most fundamental topics in computer science. If you think
deep down most of what computer systems spend their time doing is storing,
accessing, and
manipulating data in one form or another. Much of the field of computer science is
into various applications areas, such as operating systems, databases, compilers,
graphics, artificial intelligence. In each area, much of the content deals with the
questions of
how lo store, access, and manipulate the data of importance for that area. However,
central to
all these applications are these three basic tasks. In this course we will deal
with the first two
tasks of storage and access at a very general level. (‘The last issue of
manipulation is further
subdivided into two areas, manipulation of numeric or floating point data, which is
the subject
of numerical analysis, aud the manipulation of discrete data, which is the subject
of discrete
algorithm design.)

What is a data structure? Whenever we deal with the representation of real world
objects in
a computer program we must first consider each of the following issues:

(1) the manner in which real world objects are modeled as mathematical entities,
(2) the set of operations that we define over these mathematical entities,

(3) the manner in which these entities are stored in a computer’s memory (e.g. how
they are
aggregated as fields in records and how these records are arranged in memory,
perhaps as
arrays or as linked structures), and

(4) the algorithms that are used to perform perform these operations.

Note that items (1) and (2) above are essentially mathematical issues dealing ouly
with the
“what” of a data structure, whereas items (3) and (4) are implementation issues
dealing with
the “how”. Properly, iterms (1) and (2) are used to encapsulate the notion of an
abstract data
type (oc ADT), that is, a domain of mathematically defined objects and a sel of
functions or
operations that can be applied to the objects of this domain. In contrast the field
of data
structures is the study of items (3) and (4), that is, how these abstract
mathematical objects
are implemented. (Note that the entire notion of object oriented programming is
simply the
discipline of designing programs by breaking them down to their constituent ADT’s,
and then
implementing them using data structures.)

For example, you should all be familiar with the concept of a stack from basic
classes. This a list of items where new items can be added to the stack by either
pushing them
on top of the stack, or popping the lop item off the top of the stack. A stack is
an ADT. The
issue of how the stack is to be implemented, either as an array with a top pointer,
or as a
linked list, is a data structures problem.

1 Copyright, David M. Mount, 1993, Dept. of Computer Science, University of

Maryland, College Park, MD, 20742.
These lecture notes were prepared by David Mount for the course CMSC 420, on Data
Structures, at the University
of Maryland, College Park. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these
notes for educational purposes and
without fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright notice appear in all
Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Course Overview: In this course we will consider many different abstract data
types. and we will
consider many different data structures for storing each type. Note that there will
be many possible data structures for each abstract type, and there will not
generally be a
“best” one for all circumstances. It will be important for you as a designer of
data structures
to understand each structure well enough to know the circumstances where one data
is to be prefered over another.

How important is the choice of a data structure? ‘here are numerous examples from
all areas
of computer science where a relatively simple application of good data structure
resulled in massive savings in computation time and, hence, money.

Perhaps a more important aspect of this course is a sense of how to design new data
The data structures we will cover in this course have grown out of the standard
applications of
computer science. But new applications will demand the creation of new domains of
(which we cannol foresee at this lime) and this will demand the creation of new
data structures.
It will fall on the students of today to create these data structures of the
future. We will see
that there are a few important elements which are shared by all good data
structures. We will
also discuss how one can apply simple mathematics and common seuse to quickly
the weaknesses or strenghts of one data structure relative to another.

Algorithmics: It is easy to see that the topics of algorithms and data structures
cannot be separated
since the two are inextricably intertwined. So before we begin talking about data
structures, we
must begin with a quick review of the basics of algorithms, and in particular, how
to measure
the relative efficiency of algorithms. The main issue in studying the efficiency of
algorithms is
the amount of resources they use, usually measured in either the space or time
used. There are
usually two ways of measuring these quantities. One is a mathematical analysis of
the general
algorithm being used (called asymptotic analysis) which can capture gross aspects
of efficiency
for all possible inpuls but nol exact execulion times, and the second is an
empirical analysis
of an actual implementation to determine exact running times for a sample of
specific inputs.
In class we will deal mostly with the former, but the latter is important also.

‘There is another aspect of complexity, that we will not discuss at length (but
needs to be
considered) and that is the complexity of programming. Some of the data structures
we will discuss will be quite simple to implement and others much more complex. The
of which data structure to choose may be dependent on issues that have nothing to
do with
run-time issues, bul instead on the software engineering issues of what data
structures are
most flexible, which are easiest to implement and maintain, etc. These are
important issues,
but we will not dwell on them excessively, since they are really outside of our

For now let us concentrate on running time. (What we are saying can also be applied
to space,
but space is somewhat easier Lo deal with than time.) Given a program, ils running
time is nol
a fixed number, but rather a function. For each input (or instance of the data
structure), there
may be a different running time. Presumably as input size increases so does running
time, so
we often describe running time as a function of inpul/data structure size n, T(n).
We want
our notion of time to be largely machine-independent, so rather than measuring CPU
it is more common to measure basic “steps” that the algorithm makes (e.g. the
number of
statements of C code that the algorithm executes). ‘Vhis will not exactly predict
the true
running time, since some compilers do a better job of optimization than others, but
its will
get us within a small constant factor of the true running time most of the time.

Even measuring running time as a function of input size is not really well defined,
because, for
example, it may be possible to sort a list that is already sorted, than it is to
sort a list that is
randomly permuted. For this reason, we usually talk about worsl case running time.
Over all
possible inputs of size n, what is the maximum running time. It is often more
reasonable to
consider expected case running time where we average over all inputs of size n. We
will usually
Lecture Notes CMSC 420

do worst-case analysis, except where it is clear that the worst case is

significantly different
from the expected case.

Asymptotics: There are particular bag of tricks that most algorilhim analyzers use
to study the
running time of algorithms. For this class we will try to stick to the basics. The
first element
is the notion of asymptotic notation. Suppose that we have already performed an
analysis of
an algorithm and we have discovered through our analysis that

T(n) = 13n® + 42n? + 2nlogn + 3Vn.

(This function was just made up as an illustration.) Unless we say otherwise,

assume that
logarithms are taken base 2. When the value n is small, we do not worry too much
about this
function since it will not be too large, bul as nm increases in size, we will have
to worry about the
running time. Observe that as n grows larger, the size of n? is MUCH larger than
n?, which is
much larger than n log n (note that 0 < logn < n whenever n > 1) which is much
larger than
Jn. Thus the v3 term dominates for large n. Also note thal the leading factor 13 is
a constant.
Such constant factors can be affected by the machine speed, or compiler, so we will
ignore it
(as long as it is relatively small). We could summarize this function succinctly by
that the running time grows “roughly on the order of 1°”, and this is written
notationally as
T(n) € O(n).

Informally, the statement T(r) € O(n?) means, “when you ignore constant
factors, and consider the leading (i.e. fastest growing) term, you get n°”. This
intuition can
be made more formal, however.

Definition: T(n) € O(f(n)) if there exists constants ¢ and no (which do NOT depend
on n)
such that 0 < T(n) <cf(n) for all n > no.

Alternative Definition: T(n) € O(f(n)) if lim, T(n)/f(n) is either zero or a

(but NO'T oc).

Some people prefer the alternative definition because it is a little easier to work

For example, we said that the function above T(n) € O(n). Using the alternative
we have
T(n) . 18n3 +42n? + 2nlogn + 3.f/n
im Ska, |i
no f(n) nx ne
. 42. 2log: 3
im. (us + TD + — - ss)

= 13.

Since this is a constant, we can assert that T(n) € O(n).

The O notation is good for putting an upper bound on a function. Notice that if
T(n) is O(n)
it is also O(n*), O(n*), etc. since the limit will just go to zero. ‘To get lower
bounds we use
the notation Q.

Definition: T(n) € Q(f(n)) if there exists constants c and mq (which do NOT depend
on n)
such that 0 < cf(n) < Z'(n) for all n > no.

Alternative Definition: 1(n) € Q(f(n)) if lim, Z'(n)/f(m) is either a constant or

(but NOT zero).

Definition: T(n) € O(f(n)) if T(r) € O(f(n) and T(n) € Q(f(n)).

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Alternative Definition: T(n) € O(/(n)) if impos T(n)/ f(r) is a nonzero constant


Zero OF OC).

We will try to avoid getting bogged down in this notation, but it is important to
know the
definitions. To get a feeling what various growth rates mean here is a summary.

T(n) € O(1): Great. This means your algorithm takes only constant time. You can’t

T(n) € O(loglogn) : Super fast! For all intents this is as fast as a constant time.

1(n) € O(logn) : Very good. ‘This is called logarithmic time. ‘This is what we look
for for
most data structures. Note that log 1000 10 and log 1, 000, 000 % 20 (log’s base
1(n) € O((logn)}*) : (where k is a constant). ‘Ihis is called polylegarithmic time.
Not bad,

when simple logarithmic is not achievable.

1(n) € O(n): This is called linear time. It is about the best that one can hope for
if your
algorithm has to look at all the data. In data structures the game is usually to
avoid this

1(n) € O(nlogn) : ‘This one is famous, because this is the time needed to sort a
list of numbers.
It arises in a number of other problems as well.

T(r) € O(n?) : Quadratic time. Okay if n is in the thousands, but rough when n gets
into the

T(n) € O(n*) : (where & is a constant). This is called polynomial time. Practical
if & is not
too large.

T(n) € O(27), O(n"), O(n!) : Exponential time. Algorithms taking this much time are
practical for the smallest values of n (e.g. n < 10 or maybe n < 20).

Lecture 2: Mathematical Prelimaries

(Thursday, Sep 9, 1993)

Read: Chapt 1 of Weiss and skim Chapt 2.

Mathematics: Although this course will not be a “theory” course, it is important to

have a basic
understanding of the mathematical tools that will be needed to reason about the
data struc-
tures and algorithms we will be working with. A good understanding of mathematics
greatly in the ability to design good data structures, since through mathematics it
is possible
to get a clearer understanding of the nature of the data structures, and a general
feeling for
their efficiency in lime and space. Last time we gave a brief introduction lo
asymptotic (big-
“Oh” notation), and later this semester we will see how to apply that. Today we
consider a
few other preliminary notions: summations and proofs by induction.

Summations: Summations are important in the analysis of programs that operate

iteratively. For
example, in the following code fragment

for i = 1 to n do begin

Where the loop body (the “...”) takes f(%) time to run the total running time is
given by the

summation a
(n= Sof.
Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Observe that nested loops naturally lead to nested sums. Even programs thal operate
cursively, the standard methods for analyzing these programs is to break them down
summations, and then solve the summation.

Solving summations breaks down into two basic steps. First simplify the summation
as much
as possible by removing constant terms (note that a constant here means anything
that is
independent of the loop variable, i) and separating individual terms into separate
Then each of the remaining simplified sums can be solved. Some important sums lo
know are


Sol = n the constant sum


a. n(n+1) :

Soi = —_{ the linear sum

i=l ~

rn 1

= = Inn+0O(1) harmonic sum


n mel 1

. ¢

Sree = Se,
i=0 col

The last summation is probably the most important one for data structures. For
suppose you want to know how many nodes are in a complete 3-ary tree of height h.
(We have
not given a formal definition of tree’s yet, but consider the figure below.

Figure 1: Complete 3-ary tree of height 2.

The height of a tree is the maximum number of edges from the root to a leaf.) One
way to
break this computation down is to look at the tree level by level. At the top level
(level 0)
there is 1 node, at level 1 there are 3 nodes, at level 2, 9 nodes, and in general
at level 7 there
3’ nodes. To find the total number of nodes we sum over all levels, 0 through hk
h Atl
a a
> 3 = € 088").

Conversely, if someone told you that he had a 3-ary tree wilh n nodes, you could
the height by inverting this. Since n = (3+) — 1)/2 then we have

3(h+1) = (Qn + 1)

implying that
h = (logs(2n +1)) — 1 € O(logn).

Another important fact to keep in mind about summations is that they can be

using integrals.
é b
S- FG) ~ | fla)de.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Given an obscure summation, it is often possible to find it in a book on integrals,

and use the
formula to approximate the sum.

Recurrences: A second mathematical construct that arises when studying recursive

programs (as
are many described in this class) is that of a recurrence. A recurrence is a
formula that is defined recursively. For example, let’s go back to our example of a
3-ary tree
of height h. There is another way to describe the number of nodes in a complete 3-
ary tree.
If kh = 0 then the tree consists of a single node. Otherwise that the tree consists
of a root
node and 3 copies of a 3-ary tree of height h—1. ‘This suggests the following
recurrence which
defines the number of nodes N(h) in a 3-ary tree of height h:

N00) = 1
N(h) = 3N(h-l)41 ifh>l.

Although the definition appears circular, it is well grounded since we eventually

reduce to

N (0).
NQ) = 8N(0)+1=38-141=4
N(2) = 38N(1I)4+1=3-441=18
N(3) 3N(2)+1=3-134+1= 40,
and so on.

‘Vhere are two common methods for solving recurrences. One (which works well for
regular recurrences) is lo repeatedly expand the recurrence definition, eventually
reducing it
to a summation, and the other is to Just guess an answer and use induction. Here is
an example
of the former technique.

N(h) = 3N(h—-1)41
= 33N(h-2)41)+1 = 9N(h-2)4341
= 93N(h-3)41) 4341 = 27N(h-3) 494341

= SN(h—k) + (3*'+...494341)

When does this all end? We know that N(0) = 1, so let’s set & = A implying that
N(h) = 3° N(O)+ (1H... 4341) = 3 4314... 43415503"

This is the same thing we saw before, just derived in a different way.

Proofs by Induction: The last mathematical technique of importance is that of

proofs by induc-
tion. Induction proofs are critical to all aspects of computer science and data
structures, not
just efficiency proofs. In particular, virtually all correctness arguments are
based on induction.
From courses ou discrete mathematics you have probably learned about the standard
to induction. You have some theorem that you want to prove that is of the form,
“For all
integers n > 1, blah, blah, blah”, where the statement of the theorem involves n in
some way.
The idea is lo prove the theorem for some basis set of n-values (e.g. m2 = 1 in
this case), and
Lecture Notes CMSC 420

then show that if the theorem holds when you plug in a specific value n — 1 into
the theorem
then it holds when you plug in n itself. (You may be more familiar with going from
n to n+ 1
but obviously the two are equivalent.)

In data structures, and especially when dealing with trees, this type of induction
is not partic-
ularly helpful. Instead a slight variant called strong induction seems to be more
relevant. The
idea is to assume that if the theorem holds for ALL values of n that are strictly
less than n
then it is true for n. As the semester goes on we will see examples of strong
induction proofs.

Let’s go back to our previous example problem. Suppose we want to prove the

Theorem: Let T be a complete 3-ary tree wilh n > 1 nodes. Let H(m) denote the
height of
this tree. Then
H(n) = (logg(2n + 1)) — 1.

Basis Case: (‘lake the smallest legal value of n, n = 1 in this case.) A tree with
a single node
has height 0, so H(1) = 0. Plugging n = 1 into the formula gives (log3(2-1+1))- 1
which is equal to (log; 3) — | or 0, as desired.

Induction Step: We want to prove the theorem for the specific value n > 1. Note
that we
cannot apply standard induction here, because there is NO complete 3-ary tree with
nodes in it (the next larger one has 4 nodes).

We will assume the induction hypothesis, that for all smaller n’, 1 < n’ < n, H(n’)
given by the formula above. (But we do not know that the formula holds for n
Let’s consider a complete 3-ary tree with n > 1 nodes. Since n > |, it must consist
a root node plus 3 identical subtrees, each being a complete 3-ary tree of n’ < n
How many nodes are in these subtrees? Since they are identical, if we exclude the
node, each subtree has one third of the remaining number nodes, so n' = (n— 1)/3.
n’ <n we can apply the induction hypothesis. ‘his tells us that

H(n’) = (logs(2n’+1))-1
(logs(2(n = 1)/3-+ 1) =1
= (logg(2(n — 1) + 3)/3)—-1
= (logs(2n + 1)/3) - 1

= log,(2n + 1) — log, 3-1

= logs(2n + 1) — 2
Note that the height of the entire tree is one more than the heights of the
subtrees so
H(n) = H(n’)+ 1. ‘Thus we have:

H(n) =log,(2n + 1)— 24+ 1=log,(2n4+1)-1,

as desired.

Lecture 3: Lists and Trees

(Tuesday, Sep 14, 1993)

Reading: Review Chapt. 3 in Weiss. Read Chapt 4.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Lists: A list is an ordered sequence of elements (a1, a2,...,¢,). The size or

length of such a list
is n. A list of size 0 is an empty list or null list. Lists of various types are
among the most
primitive abstract data types, and because these are taught in virtually all basic
classes we will not cover them in detail here.

We will not give an enumeration of standard list operations, since there are so
many possible
operations of interest. Examples include the following. The type LIST is a data
type for a list.

L = createlist(): A constructor that reburns an empty list L.

deletelist(L): A destructor that destroys a list L returning any allocated space

back to the

x = findkth(L, k): Returns the &-th element of list L (and produces an error if k
is out of
range). ‘Lhis operation might instead produce a pointer to the k-th element.

L3 = concat(L1, L2): Returns the concatenation of L1 and L2. This operation may be
be destructive, meaning that it destroys the lists Li and L2 in the process or it
may be
nondestructive meaning that these lists are unaffected.

Examples of other operations include insertion of new items, deletion of items,

operations to
find predecessors and successors in the list, operations to print a list, etc.

‘There are two common ways to implement lists. ‘lhe first is by storing elements
contiguously in
an array. This implementation is quite efficient for certain types of lists, where
most accesses
occur either at the head or tail of the list, but suffers from the deficiency that
ib is oflen
necessary to overestimate the amount of storage needed for the list (since it is
not easy to
just “tack on” additional array elements) resulting in poor space utilization. It
is also harder
to perform inserlions into the middle of such a list since space must be made for
any new
elements by relocating other elements in the list.

The other method is by storing elements in some type of linked list. This creates a
space overhead for storing pointers, but alleviates the problems of poor space
utilization and
dynamic insertions and deletions. Usually the choice of array versus linked
depends on the degree of dynamics in the list. If updates are rare, array
implementation is
usually prefered, and if updates are common then linked implementation is prefered.
‘There are two very special types of lists, stacks and queues. In stacks,
insertions and deletions
occur from only one end (called the fep of the stack). The insertion operation is
called push
and the deletion operation is called pop. In a queue insertions occur only at one
end (called
the tail or rear) and deletions occur only at the other end (called the head or
front). ‘The
inserlion operation for queues is called enqueue and the deletion operation is
called dequeue.
Both stacks and queues can be implemented efficiently in arrays or as linked lists.
See Chapt.
3 of Weiss for implementation details.

Trees: Trees and their variants are among the most common data structures. In its
most general

form, a free tree is a connected, undirected graph that has no cycles. Since we
will want to
use our trees for applications in searching, it will be more meaningful to assign
some sense of
order and direction to our trees.
Formally a tree (actually a rooted tree) is a finite set T of zero or more items
called nodes. If
there are no items the tree is empty, and otherwise there is a distinguished node
called the
root and zero or more (sub)trees 7), To,....7,, each of whose roots are connected
with r by
an edge. (Observe that this definition is recursive, as is almost everything that
is done with
trees.) ‘he root of each subtree 7),...,%, 1s said to be a child of r, and r is the
parent of
each root. The roots of the subtrees are siblings of one another. See the figure
below, left as
an illustration of the definition, and right for an example of a tree.
Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Ba © OD


If there is an order among the ‘/;’s, then we say that the tree is an ordered tree.
'Vhe degree of
a node in a tree is the number of children it has. A leafis a node of degree 0. A
path between
two nodes is a sequence of nodes m1, ng,...,%% such thal n; is a parent of njii.
The length
of a path is the number of edges on the path (in this case k — 1). There is a path
of length 0
from every node to itself.

Figure 2: Trees.

‘The depth of a node in the tree is the length of the unique path from the root to
that node.
‘The root is at depth 0. ‘Lhe hezght of a node is the length of the longest path
from the node
to a leaf. Thus all leaves are at height 0.

If there is a path from nm, to mz we say that ng is a descendants of ny, (a proper

descendent if
ng F m1). Sunilarly, ny is an ancestor of ne.

Implementation of Trees: One difficulty with representing general trees is that

since there is no
bound on the number of children a node can have, there is no obvious bound on the
size of a
given node (assuming each node must store pointers to all ils children). The more
representation of general trees is to store two pointers with each node: the first
child and
the next_sibling. ‘Lhe figure below illustrates how the above tree would be
represented using
this technique.


(D) Next Sibling

First Child

Figure 3: Binary representation of general trees.

‘Trees arise In many applications in which hierarchies exist. Examples include the
Unix file
system, corporate managerial structures, and anything that can be described in
“outline form”
(like the chapters, sections, and subsections of a user’s manual). One special case
of trees will
be very important for our purposes, and that is the notion of a binary tree.

Binary Trees: Our text defines a binary tree as a tree in which each node has no
more than 2
children. Samet points out that this definition is subtly flawed. Samet defines a
binary tree
to be a finite set of nodes which is either empty, or contains a root node and two
binary trees, called the left and right subtrees. The difference in the two
definitions is subtle
Lecture Notes CMSC 420

but important. There is a distinction between a tree with a single left child, and
one with a
single right child (whereas in our normal definition of tree we would not make any
between the two).

‘The typical representation of a tree as a C data structure is given below. ‘lhe

element field
contains the data for the node and is of some unspecified type: element_-type. This
would be filled in in the actual implementation using the tree. In languages like
C++ the
element type can be left unspecified (resulting in a template structure). When we
need to be
concrele we will often assume that element fields are just integers. The left field
is a pointer
to the left child (or NULL if this tree is emply) and the right field is analogous
for the right

typedef struct tree_node *tree_ptr;

struct tree_node {

element_type element; // data item

tree_ptr left; // left child
tree_ptr right; // vight child
typedef tree_ptr TREE; // tree is pointer to root

Binary trees come up in many applications. One that we will see a lot of this
is for representing ordered sets of objects, a binary search tree. Another one thal
is used
often in compiler design is expression trees which are used as an intermediate
for expressions when a compiler is parsing a statement of some programming
language. For
example, in the figure below, we show an expression tree for the expression (a + b*
¢) + ((d*

e+ f) *g).

Figure 4: Expression tree.

Traversals: There are three natural ways of visiting or traversing every node of a
tree, preerder,
postorder, and (for binary trees) enerder. Let I’ be a tree whose root is r and
whose subtrees
are T,,To,..., 2m for m > 0.

Preorder: Visit the root r, then recursively do a preorder traversal of 71,

7To....,7,. For
example: (+,+, @,*,b,c,*, +,*, d,e, f,g) for the tree shown above.
Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Postorder: Recursively do a postorder traversal of 7,,7>....,7, and then visil r.

(a,b,c, *, +,d,e,*, f. +, 9, *, +). (Note that this is NOT the same as reversing
the preorder

Inordcr: (for binary trees) Do an inorder traversal of 7, visit r, do an inorder

traversal of
Tr. Example: (a,+,b,*,¢, +. d.#,e,+. fi, 9).

Note that theses traversal correspond to the familiar prefiz, postfiz, and infir
notations for
arithmetic expressions.

Preorder arises in game-tree applications in AI, where one is searching a tree of

strategies by depth-first search. Postorder arises naturally in code generation in
Inorder arises naturally in binary search trees which we will see more of.

These traversals are most easily coded using recursion. If recursion is not desired
(for greater
efficiency) it is possible to use a stack to implement the traversal. Hither way
the algorithm
is quite efficient in that its running time is proportional to the size of the
tree. ‘hat is, if the
tree has n nodes then the running time of these traversal algorithms are all O(n).

Lecture 4: Binary Search Trees

(Thursday, Sep 16, 1993)

Reading: Chapt 4 of Weiss, through 4.3.6.

Scarching: Searching is among the most fundamental problems in data structure

design. We are
given a set of records Hi, Re,..., Ry, (associated with distinct key values X41,
Given a search key a, we wish to determine whether the key 2 occurs in one of the
This problem has applications too numerous to mention. A well known example is that
of a
symbol table in a compiler, where we wish to locate variable names in order to
ascertain its

Since the set of records will generally be rather static, but there may be many
search requests,
we want to preprocess the set of keys so that searching will be as fast as
possible. In addition
we may want a data structure which can process insertion and deletion requests.

A dictionary is a data structure which can process the following requests. ‘here
are a number
of additional operations that one may like to have supported, but these seem to be
the core
operations. ‘To simplify things, we will concentrate on only storing key values,
but in most
applications we are storing not only the key but an associated record of

insert(x, T): Insert x into dictionary ‘7’. If 2 exists in 7 already, take

appropriate action
(e.g. do nothing, relurn error status, increment a reference count). (Recall that
assume that keys uniquely identify records.)

delete(x, T): Delete key x from dictionary T. If x does not appear in T then issue
an error

find(x, T): ls x a member of 7 ‘This query may return a simple ‘Irue or False, or

generally could return a pointer to the record if it is found.

Other operations that one generally would like to see in dictionaries include
printing (print
all entries in sorted order), predecessor/successor queries (which key folows a),
range queries
(report all keys between zr, and ra), and counting queries (how many keys lie
between a and
x2”), and many others.

‘There are a number of ways of implementing dictionaries. We discuss some of these


Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Sequential, Binary and Interpolation Search: The most naive idea is to simply store
the keys
in a linear array and run sequentially through the list to search for an element.
this is simple, it is not very efficient unless the list is very short. Given a
simple unsorted list
insertion is very fast O(1) time (by appending to the end of the list). However
searching takes
O(n) time in the worst case, and (under the assumption that each node is equally
likely to
be sought) the average case running time is O(n/2) = O(n). Recall that the values
of n we
are usually interested in run from thousands to millions. ‘he logarithms of these
values range
from 10 to 20, much less.

Of course, if you store the keys in sorted order by key value then you can reduce
the expected
search time to O(log x) through the familier technique of binary search. Given thal
you want
to search for a key a in a sorted array, we access the middle element of the array.
If x is less
than this element then recursively search the left sublist, if 2 is greater then
recursively search
the right sublist. You stop when you either find the element or the sublist becomes

It is a well known fact that the number of probes needed by binary search is
O(logn). The
reason is quite simple, each probe eliminates roughly one half of the remaining
items from
further consideration. ‘The number of times you can “halve” a list of size n is lgn
(Ig means
log base 2).

Although binary search is fast, it is hard to dynatmiuically update the list, since
the list must be
maintained in sorted order. Naively, this would take O(m) time for insertion and
deletion. To
fix this we can use binary trees.

Binary Search Trees: In order to provide the lype of rapid access that binary
search offers, bul
at the same time allows efficient insertion and deletion of keys, the simplest
generalization is
called a binary search tree.

The idea is to store the records in the nodes of a binary tree, such that an
inorder traversal
visits the nodes in increasing key order. In particular, if x is the key stored in
the root node,
then the left subtree contains all keys that are less (han x, and the right subtree
stores all keys
that are greater than a. (Recall that we assume that keys are distinct.)

The search procedure is as follows. It returns NULL if the element cannot be found,
it returns a pointer to the node containing the desired key. ‘he argument x is the
key being
sought and T is a pointer to the root of the tree.

find(element_type x, tree_ptr T) {
if (T == NULL) return(NULL); // item not found

else if (x < T->element) return(find(x, T->left));

else if (x > T->element) return(find(x, T->right));
else return(T);

Insertion: ‘lo insert a new element in a binary search tree, we essentially try to
locate the key in
the tree. At the point thal we “fall oul” of the tree, we insert a new record as a
leaf. It is
a little tricky to write this procedure recursively, because we need to “reach
back” and alter
the pointer fields to the prior node after falling out. ‘lo do this this routine
returns a pointer
to the (sub)tree with the newly added element. The initial call to this routine
should be: T =
insert(x, T).

insert(element_type x, tree_ptr T) {
if (T == NULL) {
Lecture Notes CMSC 420

new(T); // allocate a new node

T->element = x;
T->left = T->right = NULL;
else if (x < T->element) T->left = insert(x, T->left);
else if (x > T->element) T->right = insert(x, T->right);
// if already in tree do nothing


Figure 5: Binary tree insertion.

Note: It is usually the case that we are not just inserting a key, but in fact we
are inserting an
entire record. In this case, the variable x is a constant pointer lo the record,
and comparisons
are actually made with x. key, or whatever the key value is in the record.

Deletion: Deletion is a little trickier. There are a few cases cases. If the node
is a leaf, it can jush
be deleted with no problem. If it has no left child (or equivalently no right
child) then we
can just replace the node with it’s left child (or right child). If both children
are present then
things are trickier. The typical solution is to find the smallest element in the
right subtree and
replace it with this element.


Figure 6: Binary tree deletion: One child.

‘To present the code we first give a function that returns a pointer to the element
with the

minimum key value in a tree. This is found by just following left-links as far as
possible. We
assume that T is not an empty tree (i.e. T != NULL). Also note that in C variables
are passed

Lecture Notes


Figure 7

CMSC 420

: Binary tree deletion: Two children.

by value, so modifying T will have no effect on the actual argument. Although most
on trees are more naturally coded recursively, this one is each enough to do


find_min(tree_ptr T) {
while (T->left != NULL) T = T->left;

Now we can give the code for deletion.

delete(element_type x, tree_ptr T) f
if (T == NULL)
output ("Error - deletion of nonexis
else {
if (x < T->element)
T->left = delete(x, T->left);
else if (x > T->element)
T->right = delete(x, T->right);

else if (T->left && T->right) f{

repl = find_min(T->right) ;

// assume (T != NULL)

tent element");

// (T->element x)
// both children nonnull
// find replacement
// copy replacement

// zero or one child

// left null: go right
// right null: go left

// delete T
T->element = repl->element;
T->right = delete(T->element, T->right);
else {
tmp = T;
if (T->left == NULL)
repl = T->right;
if (T->right == NULL)
repl = T->left;
free(tmp) ;
return(rep1) ;

Lecture Notes CMSC 420


Lecture 5: Binary and AVL Search Trees

(Luesday, Sep 21, 1993)

Reading: Chapt 4 of Weiss, through 4.4.

Analysis of Binary Search Trees: It is not hard to see that all of the procedures
find(), insert (),

and delete() run in time that is proportional to the height of the tree being
considered. (The
delete() procedure may be the only really complex one, but note that when we make
recursive call bo delete the replacement element, it is at a lower level of the
tree than the node
being replaced. Furthermore, it will have at most one child so it will be deleted
without the
need for any further recursive calls.)
‘The question is, given a tree ‘/’ containing n keys, what is the height of the
tree? It is not hard
to see that in the worst case, if we insert keys in either strictly increasing or
strictly decreasing
order, then the resulting tree will be completely degenerate, and have height n —
1. On the
other hand, following the analogy from binary search, if the first key to be
inserted is the
median element of the set of keys, then it will nicely break the set of keys into
two sets of sizes
roughly n/2 each. This will result in a nicely balanced tree, whose height will be
O(log 1).

Insert: 1, 2, 3, 4, ... Insert: 4, 2, 6, 1, 3,5, 7, ...

Figure 8: Worst/Best cases for binary tree insertion.

Clearly the worst case performance is very bad, and the best case is very good. The
question is what should we really expect? The answer depends on the distribution of
and deletions. Suppose we consider the case of insertions only and make the
assumption that the order in which the keys are inserted is completely random (1c.
all possible
insertion orders are equally likely). Averaging over all possible m! insertion
orders will give the
desired average case analysis.

Our textbook gives a careful analysis of the average case. We will give a more
intuitive, but
less rigorous, explanation. First observe that the insertion of the first key x
naturally splits
the keys into two groups. Those keys that are less than 2 will go into the left
subtree and
those greater go into the right subtree. In the best case, x splits the list
roughly as n/2 and
n/2 (actually |(m — 1)/2] and [(m — 1)/2] but let’s think of n as being very large
so floor’s
and ceiling’s will not make much difference in the general trends). The worst case
is when x
is the smallest or largest, splitting the set into groups of sizes 0 and n — 1. In
general, a will
split the remaining elements into two groups, one of size k — 1, and the other of
size n —k
(where L<k <n).
Lecture Notes CMSC 420

To estimate the average case, consider the middle possibility, thal roughly n/4 of
the keys
are split one way, and that the other roughly 3n/4 keys are split the other way.
Further let’s
assume that within each group, they continue to be split in the ratio (1/4) :
(3/4). Clearly the
subtree containing the larger number of elements, 37/4, will dominate the height of
the tree.
Let H(n) denote the resulting height of the tree assuming this process. Observe
that when
n = 1, the tree has height 0, and otherwise, we create one root node, and an edge
to a tree
containing roughly 3n/4 elements.

H() = 0
H(n) = 1+ H(3n/4).

‘his recurrence is NO'LT well defined (since, $n/4 is not always an integer), but
we can ignore
this for the time being for this intuitive analysis. If we starl expanding the
recurrence we get


1+ H(3n/4)
= 24+ H(9n/16)
= 3+4H(27n/64)

= k+H((3/4)'n).

By solving (3/4)*n = 1, for k, we get (4/3)* = n and taking logarithms base 2 on

both sides
we gel
__ Ign
~ |e4/3"
Since 1g(4/3) is about 0.415 this gives H(n) x 2.41gn. Thus we miss the optimal
height by a
factor of about 2.4, but the important point is that asymptotically we are O(log n)
in height.
Thus, on average we expect lo have logarithmic height.

Interestingly this analysis breaks down if we are doing deletions. It can be shown
that if we
alternate random insertions and random deletions (keeping the size of the tree
steady around
n), then the height of the tree will settle down at O(,/n), which is worse that
O(logn). ‘The
reason has to do with the fact that the replacement element was chosen in a skew
(always taking the minimum from the right subtree). This causes the trees to become
heavy. ‘This can be fixed by alternating taking the replacement from the right
subtree with
the left subtree resulting in a tree with expected height O(logn).
Balanced Binary Trees and AVL Trees: Although binary search trees provide a fairly

way to insert, delete, and find keys, they suffer from the problem that nonrandom
sequences can produce unbalanced trees. A natural question to ask is whether by
the tree can we restore balance, so that the tree always has O(logn) height.
The idea is at each node we need to keep track of balance information. When a uode
unbalanced, we must attempt to restore balance. How do we define the balance
‘There are many different ways. ‘lhe important aspects of balance information is it
should have
a little “leeway” so that the structure of the tree is not entirely fixed, bul
should not allow the
tree to become significantly unbalanced.

One method for defining balancing information is to associate a balance factor

based on the
heights of the two subtrees rooted at a node. ‘The resulting search trees are
called AVL trees
(named after the inventors, Adelson-Velskii and Landis). We maintain the following

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

AVL invariant: For every node in the tree, the heights of its left subtree and
right subtree
differ by at. most 1. (The height of a null subtree is defined to be -1 by

In order to maintain the balance condition we will add a new field, height to each
node. (This
is actually overkill, since it is possible to store just the difference in heights,
rather than the
height itself. The height of a typical tree can be assumed to be a short inleger
(since our trees
will be balanced), but the difference in heights an be represented using only 2

Before discussing how we maintain this balance information we should consider the
of whether this condition is strong enough to guarantee that the height of an AVL
tree with n
nodes will be O(logn). To prove this, let’s let N(k) denote the minimum number of
nodes that
can be in an AVL tree of height h. We can generate a recurrence for N(A). Clearly
N(Q) = 1.
In general (h) will be 1 (for the root) plus N(hz) and N(hr) where hy and hg are
heights of the two subtrees. Since the overall tree has height h, one of the
subtrees must have
height h — 1, suppose Ay. To make the other subtree as small as possible we
minimize its
height. It’s height can be no smaller than A — 2 without violating the AVL
condition. ‘hus
we have the recurrence

NO) = 1

N(h) = N(h-V+N(h-2)41,
‘his recurrence is not well defined since (1) cannot be computed from these rules,
so we add
the additional case N(1) = 2. This recurrence looks very similar to the Fibonacci
(F(h) = F(h-—1)+ F(h - 2)). In fact, it can be argued (by a little approximating, a
cheating, and a little constructive induction) that

N(h) & (4) .

The quantity (1 + V5) /2 x 1.618 is the famous Golden ratio. Thus, by inverting
this we
find that the height of the worst case AVL tree with n nodes is roughly log,n,
where ¢ is

the Golden ratio. ‘Vhis is O(log) (because log’s of different bases differ only by
a constant

Insertion: The insertion routine for AVL trees is exactly the same as the insertion
routine for
binary search trees, but after the insertion of the node in a subtree, we must ask
whether the
subtree has become unbalanced. If so, we perform a rebalancing step.

Rebalancing itself is a purely local operation (that is, you only need constant
time and actions
on nearby nodes), but requires a little careful thought. The basic operation we
perform is
called a rotation. The type of rotation depends on the nature of the imbalance. Let
us assume
that the insertion was into the left subtree, which became deeper (by one level) as
a result.
(Lhe right side case is symmetric.) Let us further assume that the insertion of the
node was

into the left subtree of the left child. In other words: x < T->Lleft->element. See
the Single
Rotation figure.

The operation performed in this case is a right single rotation. (Warning: Weiss
calls this a
left rotation for some strange reason.) Notice that after this rotation has been
performed, the
balance factors change. The heights of the subtrees of b and d are now both even
with each

For the other case, let us still assume that the insertion went into the left
child, which become
deeper. Suppose however that the insertion went into the right subtree of the left
child. In
other words, x > T->left—->element. See the Double Rotation figure.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Figure 9: Single rotation.


Figure 10: Double (left/right) rotation.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

If you attempt a single rotation here you will not change the balance factors.
However, if you
perform a left rotation on the left-right grandchild (the right child of the left
child), and then
a right rotation on the left child, you will restore balance. ‘his operation is
called a double
rotation. Afler the double rotation is completed the balance factors al nodes b and
£ depend
on the balance factor of the old node d. It is not hard to work out the details.
Weiss handles
it by updating the heights as he performs the rotations.

Here is the insertion code in a little more detail. The calls S_Rotate_Left(T) and
do the rotations and update the balance factors. (Note that there is an error in
the version
given in Weiss. ‘his one is correct.)

AVLNode* S_Rotate_Left(AVLNode *k2)

AVLNode *k1; // left child of k2
ki = k2->left;
k2->left = ki->right; // swap inner child
ki->right = k2; // bring ki above k2

// update heights

k2->height = max(Height(k2->left), Height(k2->right)) + 1;

ki->height = max(Height(ki->left), Height(ki->right)) + 1;
return k1;

...see Weiss for other rotations...

AVLNode* Insert(int x, AVLNode *T)

if (T == WULL) { // empty tree: create new node
T = new AVLNode(x); // create node and initialize
else if (x < T->element) {
T->left = Insert(x, T->left); // insert recursively on left
// check height condition
if ((Height(T->left) - Height(T->right)) == 2) f
// rotate up the left side
if (x < T->left->element) // left-left insertion
T = S_Rotate_Left(T);
else // left-right insertion
T = D_Rotate_Left(T);
else // balance okay: update height
T->height = max(Height(T->left), Height (T->right)) + 1;
else if (x > T->element) {
...Symmetric with left insertion...
else { // duplicate key insertion
output("Warning: duplicate insertion ignored.\n");
return T;
Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Lecture 6: Splay Trees

(Thursday, Sep 23, 1993)

Reading: Chapt 4 of Weiss, through 4.5.

Splay Trees and Amortization: Recall that we have discussed binary trees, which
have the nice
property that if keys are inserted and deleted randomly, then the expected times
for insert,

delete. and member are O(logn). Because worst case scenarios can lead O(n) behavior
operation, we were lead to the idea of the height balanced tree, or AVL tree, which
O(logn) time per operation because it maintains a balanced tree at all times. ‘Vhe
operations that AVL trees use to maintain balance are called rotations (either
single or double).
The primary disadvantage of AVL trees is that we need to maintain balance
information in
the nodes, and the routines for updating the AVL tree are somewhat more complicated

one might generally like.

Today we will introduce a new data structure, called a splay lree. Like the AVL
tree, a splay
tree is a binary tree, and we will use rotation operations to keep it in balance.
Unlike an
AVL tree NO balance information needs to be stored. Because a splay tree has no
information, ib is possible to create unbalanced splay trees. Splay trees have an
self-adjusting nature to them. In particular, whenever the tree becomes unbalanced,
to unbalanced portions of the tree will naturally tend to balance themselves out.
This is really
quite clever, when you consider the fact that the tree has no idea whether it is
balanced or
not! Thus, like an unbalanced binary tree, it is possible that a single access
operation could
take as long as O(n) time (and NOT the O(logn) that we would like to see). However,
nice property that splay trees have is the following:

Splay Tree Amortized Performance Bound: Starting with an empty tree, the total time
needed to perform any sequence of m insertion/deletion/find operations on a splay
is O(mlogn), where n is the maximum number of nodes in the tree.

‘Thus, although any one operation may be quite costly, over any sequence of
operations there
must be a large number of efficient operations to balance oul the few costly oues.
In other
words, over the sequence of m operations, the average cost of an operation is O(log
This idea of arguing about a series of operations may seem a little odd at first.
Note that this
is NOT the same as the average case analysis done for unbalaced binary trees. In
that case,
the average was over the possible insertion orders, which an adversary could choose
to make
arbitrarily bad. In this case, an adversary could pick the worst sequence
imaginable, and it
would still be the case that the time to execute the entire sequence is O(mlogn).
‘Uhus, unlike
the case of the unbalanced binary tree, where the adversary can force bad behavior
lime after
time, in splay trees, the adversary can force bad behavior only once in a while.
The rest. of the
time, the operations operate quite efficiently. Observe that in many computational
the user is only interested in executing an algorithm once. However, with data
operations are typically performed over and over again, and we are more interested
in the
overall running time of the algorithm than we are in the time of a single

This type of analysis based on sequences of operations is called an amortized

analysis. In
the business world, amortization refers to the process of paying off a large
payment over time
in small installments. Here we are paying for the total running time of the data
algorithms over a sequence of operations in small installments (of O(log n) each)
even though
each individual operation may cost much more. Amortized analyses are extremely
in data structure theory, because il is often the case that if one is willing to
give up the
requirement that EVERY access be efficient, it is often possible to design data
structures that
are more efficient and simpler than ones that must perform well for every

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Splay trees are potentially even better than standard search trees in one sense.
They tend to
bring recently accessed data to up near the root, so over time, we may need to
search LESS
than O(log) time to find frequently accessed elements.

How they work: As we mentioned earlier, the key idea behind splay trees is that of
Imagine that over a series of insertions and deletions, our tree has become rather
If ib is possible to repeatedly access the unbalanced portion of the tree, then we
are doomed
to poor performance. However, if we can perform an operation that takes unbalanced
of the tree, and makes them more balanced then that operation is of interest to us.
As we
said before, since splay trees contain no balance information, we cannot
selectively apply this
operation at positions of known tunbalance. Rather we will perform it everywhere
along the
access path to every node. This basic operation is called splayzng. The word
splaying means
“spreading”, and the splay operation has a tendency to “mix up” trees and make them
random. As we know, random binary trees tend towards O(log) height, and this is why
trees seem to work as they do.

Basically all operations in splay trees begin with a call to a function splay(x,T)
which will
reorganize the tree, bringing the node with key value x to the root of the tree,
and generally
reorganizing the tree along the way. If x is not in the tree, either the node
preceeding or following z will be brought to the root.

Here is how splay(x,T) works. We perform the normal binary search descent. to find
the node
v with key value x. If x is not in the tree, then let v be the last node visited
before we fall out
of the tree. If v is the root then we are done. If v is a child of the root, then
we perform a
single rotation (just as we did in AVL trees) at the root to bring v up to the
root’s position.
Otherwise, if v is at least two levels deep in the tree, we perform one of four
possible double
rotations from ’s grandparent. In each case the double rotations will have the
effect of pulling
v up bwo levels in the tree. We then go up to the new grandparent and repeat the
Eventually v will be carried to the top of the tree. In general there are many ways
to rotate a
node to the root of a tree, but the choice of rotations used in splay trees is very
important to
their efficiency.

The rotations are selected as follows. Recall that v is the node containing & (or
its immediate
predecessor or successor). Let p denote 2’s parent and let g denote x’s
grandparent. There
are 4 possible cases for rotations. If x is the left child of a right child, or the
right child of a
left child, then we call this a zig-zag case. In this case we perform a double
rotation to bring
xz up to the top. See the figure below. Note that this can be accomplished by
performing one
single rotation at p and a second at g.

Figure LL: Zig-zag case.

Otherwise, if @ is the left child of a left child or the right child of a right
child we call this a
zig-ztg case. In this case we perform a new type of double rotation, by first
rotating at g and
then rotating at p. ‘he result is shown in the figure below.

A complete example of splay(T,3) is shown in the next figure.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

oy Ap
of ec
/\, L\ /\ Lo

Figure 12: Zig-zig case.

(2) Zig-Zig

(4) Final Tree (3) Zig

Figure 13: Splay(’, 3).

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Splay Tree Operations: Let us suppose that we have implemented the splay operation.
How can

we use this operation to help us perform the basic dictionary operations of insert,
delete, and
‘To find key x, we simply call splay(x,T). If x is in the tree it will be
transported to the root.
(This ts nice, because in many situations there are a small number of nodes that
are repeatedly
being accessed. This operation brings the object to the root so the subsequent
accesses will
be even faster. Note that the other data structures we have seen, repeated find’s
do nothing
lo alter the tree’s structure.)

Insertion of x operates by first calling splay(x,T). If x is already in the tree,

it will be
transported to the root, and we can take appropriate action (e.g. error message).
the root will consist of some key w that is either the key immediately before x or
after x in the set of keys. Let us suppose that it is the former case (w < x). Let
R be the
right subtree of the root. We know that all the nodes in R are greater than « so we
make a
new root node with x as data value, and make # its right subtree. The remaining
nodes are
hung off as the left subtree of this node. See the figure below.

T splay(T,x) Final Tree

(assume w < x)

Figure 14: Insertion of x.

Finally to delete a node w, we execute splay(x,T) bo bring the deleted node to the
root. If it
is not the root we can take appropriate error action. Let LZ and F be the left and
right subtrees
of the resulting tree. If L is empty, then 2 is the smallest key in the tree. We
can delete x
by setting the root to the right subtree R, and deleting the node containing #.
Otherwise, we
perform splay(x, L) to form a tree [’. Since all the nodes in this subtree are
already less
than x, this will bring the predecessor w of x (i.e. it will bring the largest key
in L to the
root of £, and since all keys in Z are less than w, this will be the immediate
predecessor of wx).
Since this is the largest. value in the subtree, it will have no right child. We
then make & the
right subtree of the root of L’. We discard the node containing x. See the figure

T splay(T,x) splay(L,x) Final Tree

Figure 15: Deletion of x.

Lecture 7: Splay Trees, cont.

(Tuesday, Sep 27, 1993)

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Reading: Chapter 4 (up to Section 4.6) and Section 11.5.

Splay Trees Analysis: Last time we mentioned that splay trees were interesting
because they tend
to remain balanced, even though they contain no balance information (and hence are
self-adjusting trees). We want to prove the following claim today.

Theorem: The total time needed to perform m operations on a splay tree (starting
with an
empty tree) of at most n nodes, is O(m log n).

Recall that the analysis is called an amortized analysis. To do the analysis we

define a potential
function ®(T) which intuitively is a measure of how unbalanced the tree is (low
potential means
balanced, high potential means unbalanced). Let S(v) denote the size of the subtree
at v, that is, the number of nodes including uv that are descended from v. Define
the rank of
node v to be R(v) = lg S(v). Thus leaves have rank 0, and the root of the tree has
the largest
possible rank, lgn. Finally define the potential of an entire tree to be

OT) = D> R(v).


Each operation on a tree involves a constant amount of work and either one or two
splays (one
for find and insert, and two for deletion). Since the splay’s take the time, it
suffices to prove
their total lime is O(mlogn).

Let ‘/,.(Z') denote the actual time needed of performing a single splay on tree
‘l’. Since splaying
basically performs a series of rotations (double or single) we will account for the
total time for
the operation by counting the number of rotations performed (where double rotations
twice). Let A®(1) denote the change in potential from before the splay to after the
Define the amortized cost of the splay operation to be the actual time plus the
change in
Lom(L’) = Lac(L') + A®(L).

Thus, amortized cost, accounts for the amount of time spent in the operation as
well as the
change in the balance of the tree. An operation that makes the tree more balanced
will have
a smaller amortized than actual cost. An operation that takes makes the balance
worse will
have a larger amortized than actual cost. Amortized cost allows us to take into
account that
costly splay operations that improve the balance of the tree are actually
We will show
Lemma: The amortized time of each splay operation is O(log n).

‘Lhus, even though the actual time may be as high as O(n), the change in potential
(that is,
the improvement in balance of the tree) will be a sufficiently large negative value
lo cancel oul
the large cost.

Suppose that we can prove the Lemma. How will this prove our main theorem that the
series of
operations will have cost O(7m log n)? Suppose we perform m operations to the tree,
and hence
at most 2m splays are performed. Let Tp denote the initial (empty) tree, and let
T,,7>,..., Tm
denote the trees after each operation. If we can succeed in proving the lemma, then
the total
amortized cost for all these operations will be O(mn login). Thus we will have

O(mlogn) > So Lam (Li)

= So (bae(L) + (OC) — (1-1)

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

= So To(T) + (Ti) — O(a) + (@(Ds) - ®(T)) +...

= So oc(Li) + (®lm) — &(1d))


> So Teli).

In the last step we can throw away the ®(/;,) — ®(/o) term because the initial tree
is empty,
and the potential is always nonegative, so this term is always nonnegative. Thus
the actual
time is at most O(mlogn).

Amortized Analysis of Onc Splay: Before proving the lemma, we will begin with a
result that, we will need in the proof.

Claim: If a+6< cand a,b > 0, then

Iga+ lg < 2(lge)— 2.

Proof: We use a basic mathematical fact that says that the arithmetic mean of two
is always larger than their geomelric mean. That is

Jap < 28

From this we infer that ab < ¢/2 and by squaring both sides we have ab < ¢?/4.
Ig on both sides gives the desired result.

Let’s rephrase the main lemma in a more precise form.

Lemma: The amortized time lo splay a tree of n nodes with root T at any node w is
al most

3(R(T) — R(a)) + 1 € O(logn).

Since potential is always nonnegative, R(J')— A(z) < R(Z) and since 7’ has n nodes,
R(1') =
Ign, and the main lemma will follow. To prove this claim, lel us consider each
rotation one
by one and add them all up. We claim that the amortized cost of a single rotation
is at most
3(R(L) — R(e)) + 1 and the amortized cost of each double rotation is at most 3(H(1)
— R(#)).
There are 3 cases lo be considered in the proof: the zig-case (single rotation),
zig-zag case
(double rotation), and zig-zig case (double rotation). We will only show the zig-
zag case,
because it is illustrative of the general technique. See Weiss (Chapt. 11) for more

Zig-zagy case: Lel p be x’s parent, and g be «’s grandparent. See the figure below.
In this case, the only the ranks of vertices x, p and g change, and we perform 2
So the amortized cost is

Lam = 24+A
24+ (Ry(x) — Ri(w)) + (Rs (p) — Ri(p)) + (Ry (gy) — Bi(y)).

First observe that « now has all the descendents g once had so Ry(w) = Ry(y),
giving us
Tam = 2— Ry(w) + (Rs (p) — Ri(p)) + Rg (g).
Also before rotation x is a descedent of p, so Rj(p) > R,(a) so
Tum < 2—2Ri(x) + Rye(p) + Rely).
Lecture Notes CMSC 420

© Q
Cr fA x
[\_ 22 /\ L\ L\ Lo
/\ Le

Figure 16: Zig-zag case.

Similarly, after rotation, S(p)+.S;(g) < S;(a), so we can take logs and apply the
claim to see that Ay(p) + Ke(g) < 2Re(e) — 2. Substituting gives

Tam < 2—2R,(w)+ 2Rs(w) — 2

2(Ry(w) — Ry (x)
3(y(w) — Bi(2)).


as desired.

Now, to complete the proof of the claim, consider the series of rotations used to
perform the
entire splay. Let Ro(w) denote the rank of the original tree, and let Ry(#),
Ro(a),..., Ry (x)
denote the ranks of the node z in each of the successive trees after each rotation.
If we sum
the amortized costs we get at most

3(Ri (a) — Ro(a)) + 8-Ro(a) — Rite) +...3(Rp(@) — Ry-1(x)) + 1.

Note that the +1 appears only once, since it applies only to the single rotation
after which x
is at the root. Also notice that alternating terms cancel. So we are left with a
total amortized
cost of

3(Ry(a) — Ro(2)) +1

and since x is the root of the final tree this is

3(R(L) — Ra) +1

in the original tree. Finally note that R(T) =lgn, and R(a) > 0, so this whole
expression is
O(logn). ‘This completes the proof of the claim.

Intuition: Unfortunately this proof gives little intuition about why the particular
set of rotations
used in splay trees work the way they do, and why splay trees do not tend to become

Here is asomewhal more intuilive explanation. Let’s consider a single zig-zag

rotation. Label
the subtrees, A, B, C’, and D, as in Weiss.

Note that in performing the rotation, subtrees B and C have moved up and subtree D
moved down. ‘This is good for the balance if B and C’ are large, but bad if D is
large. ‘lhus,
from the perspective of decrease in potential, we prefer that B and C' be small,
but D be large.
On the other hand, from the perspective of actual cost, we prefer that B and C' be
small, and
D be large. The reason is that, since the elements of D are eliminated from the
search, we have
fewer elements left to consider. ‘Vhus, what is good for balance (potential change)
seems to be
bad for actual cost, and vice versa. The amortized analysis takes into account both
and shows that it is never the case that BOTH are large.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

We can also see from this, thal the choice of rotations should be made so that
either (1)
the subtrees along which the search path leads are small (good for actual cost) or
(2) the
subtrees on the search path are large, but their potential decreases significantly
(at least by a
constant). This explains why a series of single rotations does not work for splay
trees. In any
single rotation, one subtree (the middle one) may be large, but does not move in
the rotation
(so its potential does not decrease).

Lecture 8: Skip Lists

(Thursday, Sep 30, 1993)

Reading: Section 10.4.2 in Weiss, and Samet’s notes Section 5.1.

Recap: So far we have seen three different method for storing data in trees for
fast access. Bi-
nary trees were simple, and worked well on average, bul an adversary could make
therm run
very slowly. AVL trees guaranteed good performance, but were somewhat more complex
implement. Splay trees provided an interesting alternative to AVL trees, which
themselves. A single operation might be costly but over any sequence of operations,
the run-
ning time is guaranteed to be good. The splay tree analysis is an example of an
analysis which seems to crop up in the study of many different data structures.

Today we are going to continue our investigation of different data structures for
the manipu-
lation of a collection of keys. ‘The data structure we will consider today is
called a skip list. A
skip list is an interesting generalization of a linked list. As such, it keeps much
of the simplicity
of linked lists, but has the efficient O(log n) performance we see in balanced
trees. Another
interesting feature of skip lists is that they are a randomized data structure. In
other words,
we use a random umber generator in crealing these trees. We will show that skip
lists are
efficient in the expected case. However, unlike unbalanced binary search trees, the
has nothing to do with the keys being inserted. It is only affected by the random
generator. Hence an adversary cannot pick a sequence of operations for our tree
that will
always be bad. And in fact, the probability that skip lists perform badly is VERY

Perfect Skip Lists: Skip lists began with the idea, “how can we make sorted linked
lists better?”
It is easy to do operations like insertion and deletion into linked lists, but it
is hard to locate
items efficiently because we have to walk through the list one item at a time. If
we could
“skip” over lots of items at a lime, then we could solve this problem. One way to
think of skip
lists is as a hierarchy of sorted linked lists, stacked one on top of the other.

To make this more concrete, imagine a linked list, sorted by key value. Take every
other entry
of this linked list (say the even numbered entries) and lift them up to a new
linked list with
1/2 as many entries. Now take every other entry of this linked list and lift it up
to another
linked with 1/4 as many entries as the original list. We could repeat this process
logn times,
until there are is only one element in the topmost list. To search in such a list
you would use
the pointers at high levels to “skip” over lots of elements, and then descend to
lower levels
only as needed. An example of such a “perfect” skip list is shown below.

To search for a key « we would start at the highest level. We scan linearly along
the list at the
current level i searching for first item that is greater than x (or until we run
off the list). Let p
point to the node just before this step. Hf p’s data value is equal to a then we
stop. Otherwise,
we descend to the next lower level i— 1 and repeat the search. At level 0 we have
all the keys
stored, so if we don’t find it at this level we quit.

The search time in the worst case may have to go through all lgn levels (if the key
is not in
the list). We claim that the number of nodes you visit at level i is at most 2.
‘Lhis is true
because you know al the previous level that you lie between two consecutive nodes p
and q,

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Header Sentinel

Figure 17: Perfect skip list.

where p’s data value is less than « and q’s data value is greater than « (or g is
null). Between
any two consecutive nodes at level 7+ 1 there is exactly one new node at level 2.
Thus our
search will visit this node for sure, and may also check node g again (but in
theory you didn’t
have to). Thus the total number of nodes visited is O(log n).

Randomized Skip Lists: The problem with the dala structure mentioned above is that
it is ex-

actly balanced (somewhat like a perfectly balanced binary tree). The insertion of
any node
would result in a complete restructuring of the list if we insisted on this much
structure. Skip
lists (like all good balanced data structures) allow a certain amount of imbalance
to be present.
In fact, skip lists achieve this extra “slop factor” through randomisation.
Let’s take a look at the probabilistic structure of a skip list al any point in
time. This is NOT
how the structure is actually built, but serves to give the intuition behind its
structure. In
a skip list we do not demand that exactly every other node at level i be promoted
to level
i+1, instead think of each node at level 7 lossing a coin. If the coin comes up
heads (i.e. with
probability 1/2) this node promotes itself to the next higher level linked list,
and otherwise
it, stays where it is. Randomization being what it is, it follows that the expected
number of
nodes at level 1 is n/2, the expected number at level 2 is n/4, and so on.
Furthermore, since
nodes appear randomly at each of the levels, we would expect the nodes at a given
level to
be well distributed throughout (not all bunching up at one end). Thus a randomized
skip list
behaves much like an idealized skip list in the expected case. ‘The search
procedure is exactly
the same as it was in the idealized case. See the figure below.

The interesting thing about skip lists is that it is possible to insert and delete
nodes into a
list, so that this probabilistic structure will hold at any time. For insertion of
key « we first
do a search on key « to find its immediate predecessors in the skip list (at each
level of the
structure). If 2 is not in the list, we creale a new node x and insert ib al the
lowest level of
the skip list. We then toss a coin (or equivalently generate a random number). If
the result is
tails (if the random number is even) we stop. Otherwise we insert x at the next
higher level
of the structure. We repeat this process until the coin comes up tails, or we hil
the maximum
level in the structure. Since this is just repeated link list insertion the code is
very simple. To
do deletion, we simply delete the node from every level it appears in.

Note that at any point in time, the linked list will have the desired probabilistic
we mentioned earlier. The reason is that (1) because the adversary cannot see our
number generator, he has no way to selectively delele nodes at a particular level,
and (2) each
node tosses it’s coins independently of the other nodes, so the levels of nodes in
the skip list are
independent of one another. (‘his seems to be one important difference between skip
lists and
trees, since il is hard to do anything independently in a tree, without affecting
your children.)

Analysis: The analysis of skip lisls is a probabilistic analysis. We want to argue

thal in the
expected case, the search time is O(logn). Clearly this is the time that dominates
in insertion
and deletion.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420


Header Sentinel


wee ee eee

Header Sentinel

Figure 18: Randomized skip list.

First observe that the expected number of levels in a skip list is O(logn). The
reason is that
at level 0 we have n keys, at level 1 we expect that n/2 keys survive, at level 2
we expect n/4
keys survive, and so forth. By the same argument we used in the ideal case, after
O(log n)
levels, there will be no keys left.

The argument to prove the expected bound on the search time is rather interesting.
we do is look at the reversal of the search path. Observe that the forward search
path drops
down a level whenever the next link would take us “beyond” the node we are
searching for.
When we reverse the search path, observe that it will always take a step up fil can
(Le. if
the node it is visiting appears at the next higher level), otherwise it will take a
step to the
left. Now, when we arrive at level 7 of any node in the skip list, we argue that
the probability
that there is a level above us is just 1/2. The reason is that when we inserted the
node, this
is the probability that it promoted itself to the next higher level. Therefore with
1/2 we step to the next higher level. With the remaining probability 1 — (1/2) =
1/2 we stay
at the same level. The expected number of steps needed to walk through 7 levels of
the skip
list is given by the following recurrence.

1, 1
CG) = 14+ 50 - D+ 50).

The 1 counts the current step. With probability 1/2 we step to the next higher
level and so
have one fewer level to pass through, and with probability 1/2 we stay at the same
level. This
can be rewritten as

C(j)=24+ CG —-1).

By expansion it is easy to verify that C(j) = 27. Since j is at most the number of
levels in
the tree, we have that the expected search time is at most O(logn).

Implementation Notes: One of the appeals of skip lists is their ease of

implementation. Most of
procedures that operate on skip lists make use of the same simple code that is used
for linked-
list operations, but you need lo be aware of the level of the skip list that you
are currently on.

Lecture Notes

CMSC 420

The way that this is done most efficiently, is tbo have nodes of variable size,
where the size of a
node is determined randomly when it is created. A typical skip list node could be
defined in

C as:
typedef struct skip_node *skip_ptr;

typedef struct skip_node {

element_type element ;
int level;
skip_ptr forward[1];


// pointer to skip list node

// data value
// level of node
// array of forward pointers

The trick is, that when the node is actually allocated, you allocate additional
space for the
forward pointers. Suppose you want to allocate a node of level k. Such a node will
have k+ 1

forward pointers (recalling that the lowest level is 0). ‘This can be done as

p = (skip_ptr) malloc(sizeof(struct skip_node)

+ k*sizeof(skip_ptr *))

‘This allocates enough space for the basic node, plus & additional fields for the
forward pointers.
Because C does not check for array subscripting out of bounds, you can access the
7th forward

pointer of p with the expression p->forward[i].

‘This is very risky however, because it assumes your compiler stores the elements
of a structure

in exactly the same order that you declare them. A safer slrategy (but costing one
reference) is to let forward be a pointer to a dynmically allocated array of k + 1

typedef struct skip_node {

element_type element ;
int level;
skip_ptr *forward;

Allocating a node can be done as follows.

// data value
// level of node
// array of forward pointers

p = (skip_ptr) malloc(sizeof(struct skip_node));

p->forward = (skip_ptr *) malloc((k+1)*sizeof(skip_ptr *));

In C++ this might look something like:

class skip_node {

int element;
int level;
skip_ptr *forward;

skip_node(int k, int x)

// skip list node

// data stored in the node
// level of node

// axray of forward ptrs

// node constructor

{ element = x; level = k; forward = new skip_ptr[kt1i]; }

{ delete[] frurd; }

p = new skip_node(x, k);



// node destructor

create a new node

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

For this method you access a pointer as: (p->forward) [i].

An intereting note is thal you do not NEED to store the Level of a node as a field
in the
node. It turns out that skip list routines never move to higher levels. they only
walk down
to lower levels. ‘hus there is never a need to check whether you are subscripting
beyond the
array’s acbual limits. However, for the programming projecl you WILL need to store
the level
information, because I ask you to indicate the level of each node in the skip list
as part of your
print routine.

‘The size of the initial header node is a somewhat tricky matter, since as n grows,
so too should
the size of the header. However, since this header need never be bigger than lg n,
if we assume
no more than 27° elements in our skip list (quite reasonably) we can allocate a 16
vector to be the header (it key value is irrelevant). This value should probably be
made a
program constant. When generating the level of a node, you should never allow it to
(his maximum value.

It makes the coding somewhat simpler if you create a level 16 sentinel node, called
nil, which
holds a key value that is larger than any legal key. ‘Vhis makes the code simpler,
since you do
not need to worry about checking for NULL values as you traverse the skip list.

Lecture 9: B-trees

(Tuesday, Oct 5, 1993)

Reading: Section 4.7 of Weiss.

B-trees: Although it was realized quite early it was possible to use binary trees
for rapid searching
with insertion and deletion, these data structures were really not appropriate for
data stored
on disks. ‘The problem is that the random nature of a binary tree results in
repeated disk
accesses, which is quile slow (compared to random access time). The property of
disks is that
they are partitioned into blocks (or pages), and we access the entire contents of a
block as fast
as we can access a single word of the block. Although it is possible to segment
binary trees in
a clever way so thal many neighboring nodes are stored in one block it is difficult
to perform
updates on the tree to preserve this proximity.

An alternative strategy is that of a B-tree, which solves the problem by using

multi-way trees
rather than binary trees. In a standard binary search tree, we have 2 pointers,
left and right,
and one key value & that is used to split the keys in the left subtree from the
right subtree.
In a j-ary multi-way search tree node, we have j children pointers, p;.po,....p;,
and j — 1
key values, ky < kp < ...< kj-1. We use these key values to split the elements
among the
subtrees. We assume that the data values « located in subtree p satisfy ky < a <
ky41 for
1<it<j (where by convention kq = —oo and k; = +00). See the figure below.

x<k X>k ox<sk, kysxsky) kysxsky) x<ky

Figure 19: Binary and 4-ary search tree nodes.

B-trees are multi-way search trees, in which we achieve balance by varying the
“width” of
each node. As with all other balanced structures, we maintain balance by providing
a range

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

of possible values, to provide us a little leeway in our balance. Actually B-trees

are a class of
different data structures, each one specified by a parameter m (which is usually
set depending
on the characteristics of the keys and disk page sizes).

Our definition differs from the one given in Weiss. Weiss’s definition is more
reasonable for
actual implementation on disks, but ours is designed to make the similarities with
other search
trees a little more apparent. For m > 3, B-tree of order m has the following

e ‘Lhe root is either a leaf or has between 2 and m children.

e Hach nonleaf node except the root has between [m/2] and m (nonnull) children. A
wilh & children contains k — 1 key values.

¢ All leaves are at the same level. Each leaf contains between [m/2] — | to m— 1

So for example, when m = 4 each internal node has from 2 to 4 children and from 1
to 3 keys.
When m = 7 each internal node has from 4 to 7 children and from 3 to 6 keys (except
rool which may have as few as 2 children and 1 key). Why is the requirement on the
of children not enforced on the root of the tree? We will see why later.

The definition in the book differs in that all data is stored in the leaves, and
the leaves are
allowed to have a different structure from nonleaf nodes. This makes sense for
storing large
data records on disks. In the figure below we show a B-tree of order 3 (also called
a (2—3)-tree).


Figure 20: B-tree example: (2,3)-tree.

Height analysis: Observe that if you have a B-tree of height h, then observe that
in the best case
(i.e. for the minimum depth), the tree is splitting as widely as possible, and so
you have mi
leaves. Since each node contains at least one key, this means that n > m”, or that

h < log,, n = —— € O(logn).
This is VERY small when mm gets large. Even in the worst case (excluding the root)
the tree
essentially is splitting m/2 ways, implying that

< f yr=
BSB 12)” = Tel)

€ O(log n).

‘hus, the height of the tree is O(log n) in either case. For example, if m = 256 we
can store
100,000 records with a height of only 3. This is important, since disk accesses are
many orders of magnitude slower than main memory accesses, so it is Important to

Node structure: Unlike skip-lists, where nodes are typically allocated with
different sizes, here
every node is allocated with the maximum possible size, but not all nodes are fully
A typical B-tree node might have the following C++ structure. In this case, we are
integers as the elements. We place twice as many elements in each leaf node as in
each internal
node, since we do not need the storage for child pointers.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

#define order 64 // order of tree

struct B_node {

int n_child; // number of children

B_node *child[order]; // children

int key [Lorder-1] ; // keys

Search: ‘lo search a B-tree for some key x is easy. When you arrive at an internal
node with keys

ky < ko <...< kj_1 search (either linearly or by binary search) for 2 in this list.
If you find
x in the list, then you are done. Otherwise, determine the index ¢ such that ky < 2
< ky4i
(again, where kg = —oo and k; = +00) and recursively search the subtree pointed to
by p,.

When you arrive at a leaf, search all the keys. Lf it is not here, then it is not
in the B-tree.

Insertion: To insert a key into a B-tree of order m, we perform a search to find

the appropriate
leaf into which to insert the node. If the leaf is NO'T at full capacity (it has
fewer than m—1
keys) then we simply insert it (note that when 7m is large this is the typical case
by in large).
This will typically involve sliding nodes around within the leaf node to make room
for the new
entry. ‘Vhis constant time overhead is usually unimportant, because disk access
times are so
much larger than small data movement times.

Otherwise the node overflows and we have to take action to restore balance. ‘There
are two
methods for restoring order in a B-tree.

‘The first one is quick and involves little data movement. Unfortunately, it is not
enough to
always do the job. This method is called key-rotalion. Let’s let p be the node that
We look at our immediate left and right siblings in the B-tree. (Note that one or
the other
may not exist). Let’s say that one of them, the left sibling say, has fewer than m
— 1 keys.
Let qg denote this sibling, and let & denote the key in the parent node that splits
the elements
in g from those in p. We take the key & from the parent and make it the maximum key
qg. We take the minimum key from p and use it to replace & in the parent node.
Finally we
transfer the lefimost subtree from p Lo become the rightmost subtree of g (and
readjust all the
pointers accordingly). At this point the tree is balanced and no further
rebalancing is needed.
An example of this is shown in the following figure. Rotation to the right child is

Figure 21: Key rotation.

If both siblings are full, then need to perform a node split. Note that a node can
have at most
m—1 keys and at least [m/2] — 1 keys. Suppose afler inserting the new key we have a
with m keys, ky < ko <...< km. We split the node into three groups: one with the
[(m — 1)/2] elements, a single central element, and one with the largest |(m— 1)/2]
keys. We
take the smallest and largest group and form two nodes out of therm. Note that

Pa] > zt} > eae IZ] -2

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

so these nodes are legal sized nodes. We take the extra key and insert it into the
parent. At
this point the parent may overflow, and so we repeat this process. When the root
we split the root into two nodes, and create a new root with 2 children. (‘his is
why the
rool is exempt from the normal number of children requirement.) See the figure
below for an

Insert(36) .


20:24) |30:-- J] (36: -- 51:55

Figure 22: B-tree insertion.

Deletion: As usual deletion is the trickier of the two operations. As in regular

tree deletion we
begin by finding the node to be deleted. We need to find a suitable replacement for
this node.
This is done by finding the largest key in the left child (or smallest key in the
right child), and
moving this key up to fill the hole. This key will always be at the leaf level.
This creates a

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

hole at the leaf node. If this leaf node still has sufficient capacily (al least
[yn/2] — 1 keys)
then we are done. Otherwise we need to do some kind of node merging.

Merging nodes is similar than splitting them, but sometimes key rotations are
not just convenient. ‘he reason is that neighboring nodes may already be filled to
so we cannol simply merge two into one. So we attempt to “rotate” a key from a
node. In particular, suppose that the left sibling can afford to give up a key,
i.e. it has more
than [m/2]— 1 keys. We rotate the largest key from the left sibling up to the
parent, and
then rotate the parent’s key down to this node.

If there is no sibling from which we can rotate a node, then it means that the
sibling has exactly [rn/2] — 1 keys. In this case we combine it with the current
node, which
has [m/2] —2 keys to get a node with 2 [m/2] -3 < m—1 keys. This may cause an
at the parent and the process may need to be repeated up the tree. In the worst
case this
continues up to the root. If the root looses its only key then we simply remove il,
and make
the root’s only child the new root.

An example of deletion where m = 3 (meaning each node has from 1 to 2 keys) is

shown in
the figure below.

Figure 23: B-tree deletion.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Lecture 10: BB-trees

(Thursday, Oct 7, 1993)

Reading: This is not covered in Weiss or Samet’s notes.

BB-trecs: Last time we introduced B-trees, and mentioned that they are good for
storing data
on disks. However, B-trees can be stored in main memory as well, and are an
to AVL trees, since both guarantee O(logn) wost case time for dictionary operations
amortized, not randomized, not average case). Unfortunately, implementing B-trees
is quite
a messy programming task in general. BB-trees are a special binary tree
implementation of
2-3 trees, and one of their appealing aspects is thal they are very easy to code
(arguably even
easier than AVL trees).

Recall that in a 2-3 tree, each node has either 2 or 3 children, and if a node has
j children,
then it has 7 — 1 key values. We can represent a single node in a 2-3 tree using
either 1 or 2
nodes in a binary tree, as illustrated below.

Figure 24: Binary representation of 2-3 tree nodes.

When two nodes of a BB-tree are used to represent a single node of a 2-3 tree, this
pair of
nodes is called pseudo-node. When we represent a 2-3 tree using this binary
we must be careful lo keep straight which pairs of vertices are pseudo-nodes. To do
this, we
create an additional field in each node that contains the level of the node in the
2-3 tree. The
leaves of the 2-3 tree are at level 1, and the root is at the highest level. ‘lwo
adjacent nodes
in a BB-tree (parent and right child) that are of equal level form a single pseudo-

‘The term “BB-tree” stands for “binary B-tree’. Note that in other textbooks there
is a data
structure called a “bounded balance” tree, which also goes by the name BB-tree. Be
sure you
are aware of the difference. BB-trees are closely related to red-black trees, which
are a binary
representation of 2-3-4 trees.

As is done with skip-lists, it simplities coding to create a special sentenel node

called nil.
Rather than using NULL pointers, we store a pointer to the node nil as the child in
each leaf.
The level of the sentinel node is 0. The left and right children of nil point back
to nil.
The figure below illustrates a 2-3 tree and the corresponding BB-tree.

Note that the edges of the tree can be broken into two classes, vertical edges that
lo 2-3 tree edges, and horizontal edges that are used to join the two nodes that
form a pseudo-

BB-trec operations: Since a BB-tree is essentially a binary search tree, find

operations are no
different than they are for any other binary tree. Insertions aud deletions operate
in essentially
the same way they do for AVL trees, first insert or delete the key, and then
retrace the search
path and rebalance as you go. Rebalancing is performed using rotations. For BB-
trees the two
rotations go under the special names skew() and split. Their intuitive meanings

skew(p): replace any horizontal left edge with a horizontal right edge by a right
rotation at

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Figure 25: BB-tree corresponding lo a 2-3 tree.

split(p): if a pseudo-node is too large (ie. more than 2 consecutive nodes at the
level), then split it by increasing the level of every other node. This is done by
left. rotations along a right path of horizontal edges.

Here is their implementation. Split only splits one set of three nodes.

BB_ptr skew(BB_ptr p) {
if (p->left—>level == p->level) {
q = p->left;
p-rleft = g->right;
q->right = p;
return q;
else return p;
BB_ptr split(BB_ptr p) {
if (p->right->right->level == p->level) f{
q = p->right;
p->right = q->left;
q->left = p;
return q;
else return p;

Insertion: Insertion performs in the usual way. We walk down the tree until falling
out, and insert
the new key at the point we fell out. ‘he new node is at level 1. We return up the
path and rebalance. At each node along the search path it suflices to perform one
skew and
one split.

BB_ptr Insert(int x, BB_ptr T)

if (T == nil) f{ // empty tree
T = new BB_node(x,1,nil,nil); // new node a level 1
else {

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Figure 26: BB-tree insertion.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

if (x < T->element)

T->left = Insert(x, T->left); // insert on left

else if (x > T->element)

T->right = Insert(x, T->right); // insert on right

else // duplicate key

; // duplicate key!
T = skew(T); // rebalance
T = split(T);
return T;

Deletion: As usual deletion is more of a hassle. We first locate the node to be

deleted. We replace
il’s key with an appropriately chose key from level 1 (which need not be a leaf)
and proceed to
delete the node with replacement key. We retrace the search path towards the root
along the way. At each node p that we visit there are a number of things that can

(a) Lf p’s child is 2 levels lower, then p drops a level. If p is part of a pseudo-
node of size 2,
then both nodes drop a level.

(b) Apply a sufficient number of skew operations to align the nodes at this level.
In general
3 may be needed: one at p, one al p’s right child, and one at p’s right-right

(c) Apply a sufficient number of splits to fix things up. In general, two may be
needed: one
at p, and one at p’s right child.

Important note: We use 3 global variables: nil is a pointer to the sentinel node at
level 0,
del is a pointer to the node to be deleted, repl is the replacement node. Before
calling this
routine from the main program, initialize del = nil.

BB_ptr Delete(int x, BB_ptr T)

if (T != nil) f{ // search tree for repl and del
repl = T;
if (x < T->element)
T->left = Delete(x, T->left);

else {
del = T;
T->right = Delete(x, T->right);
if (T == repl) f{ // if at bottom remove item
if ((del != nil) && (x == del->element)) {
del->element = T->element ;
del = nil;
T = T->right; // unlink replacement
delete repl; // destroy replacement
// deletion of nonexistent key!

// lost a level?
else if ((T->left->level < T->level-1) ||
(T->right—>level < T->level-1)) f{

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Figure 27: BB-tree deletion.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

T->level-—; // drop down a level

if (T->right-—>level > T->level) {
T->right->level = T->level;

T = Skew(T);

T->right = Skew(T->right) ;
T->right->right = Skew(T->right->right) ;
T = Split(T);

T->right = Split (T->right);

return T;

Lecture 11: Review for Midterm

(‘Tuesday, Oct 12, 1993)

The following is a list of topics we have covered since the start of the semester.
The exam will
include all topics up to and including BB-trees.

Basics: Asymptotic notation, induction proofs, summations, and recurrences.

Trees: General trees, binary representation of trees, standard traversals.

Unbalanced binary search trees: Insertion, deletion, expected height O(logn)

assuming ran-
dom insertions. Expected height over a series of random insertions and deletions is
but this is due to the skew in the choice of replacement node (always selecting the
from the right subtree). If we randomly select min from right, and max from left,
the trees
will be O(log n) height on average (assuming random insertions and deletions).

AVL trees: Guarantee O(log n) time for insertions, deletions, aud finds by height
balancing. Use
single and double rotations to restore balance.

Splay trees: Guarantee O(log) time for a series of m insertions, delelious, and
finds. The tree
is self-adjusting, making use of no balancing information or structural
assumptions. Any one
operation could be slow, but any long series of operations will be fast. Good for
data sels where
the frequency of access of elements is nonuniform (a small fraction of elements are
very often), since frequently accessed elements tend to rise to the top of the

Amortized analysis: Splay trees were analyzed using a technique called amortized
analysis. In this
technique, we define a potential function, which intuitively captures the degree of
in a structure (imbalanced structures are those that tend to induce a higher cost
on operations).
The amortized cost is the sum of the actual cost and change in potential. Proving a
on amortized cost, intuitively means that expensive operations significantly
improve balance.
Although you are not responsible for knowing the details of the proof for splay
trees, you are
expected to understand how amortization proofs work.

Skip lists: A simple randomized data structure with O(log n) time for insert,
delete, and find with
high probability. Unlike balanced binary trees, skip lists perform this well on
average, no
matter what the input looks like (in other words, there are no bad inputs, just
unlucky coin
Lecture Notes CMSC 420

B-trees: Widely considered the best data structure for disk access, since node size
can be adjusted
to the size of a disk page. Guarantees O(logn) time for dictionary operations, but
is rather
messy to code. ‘lhe basic restructuring operations are node splits, node merges,
and key-

BB-trees: A binary representation of 2-3 trees. Guarantees O(log n) time for

dictionary operations.
Probably the simplest balanced binary tree from the perspective of coding.

Lecture 12: Midterm Exam

(Thursday, Oct 14, 1993)

Lecture 13: Prototyping

(Thursday, Oct 19, 1993)

Prototyping: Today we discuss the issue of experimental analyses of algorithms and

data struc-
tures, with the programming project in mind. ‘lhe programming project is an example
of a
typical experimental prototype.

Although asymptotic analysis forms the backbone behind the choice of data
structures, it does
not provide a fine enough analysis bo distinguish bebween data structures of
roughly equal
asymptotic behavior. Furthermore, worst case analyses cannot capture the special
aspects that specific application data sets may possess. Consequently, experimental
tation and testing is an important step before finally settling on a solution.

Main Program: The purpose of the main program is to generale inpuls and record
for subsequent statistical analysis. There are three phases needed in the analysis

Correctness: Establish that the program is performing to specifications.

Machine dependent analysis: If you know that your program will only be executing on
one machine, under one operating system, and one compiler, then the simplest and
lmportant measure of a program’s performance is the number of CPU seconds that it
takes to execute.

Machine indecpendcnt analysis: If the program is general purpose and may be run on
many machines, then the analysis must be a function of algorithm and program only.
The standard technique is to define a notion of canonical operation that provides a
reflection of the execution time of your program, irrespective of the choice of
or machine architecture. For each input measure the number of canonical operations
thal are performed. For numerical computation this may be the number of floating
operations performed, for sorting and searching this may be the number of
for data structure applications this may be the number of accesses to the data

For each of these elements you will need to consider a wide variety of data sets,
ideally varying
over a large number of different sizes. For data structure projects, it is typical
to generate a
large number of data sets (10 in our case is rather small), and for each generate a
large number
of operations (5000 in our case is also small).

One of the headaches of setting up many different experiments is that you need to
write a
different driving program for each experiment. One difficulty with this is that if
you find a
bug in one driver, you have to make the corresponding changes in each program. For
in the programming project, you need to insert code to count pointer dereferences
to the data

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

structure. However you want lo remove this code when counting CPU seconds, since it
is not
really part of the program.

One way lo handle this mess is lo use the condiltonal compilation feature that many
provide. Here is how I handled it in my implementation. In C and C++, you can use

preprocessor to help. In my program, | have #define constants, which invoke each

For example, if CPU is set, the program computes and prints CPU seconds.

#ifdef CPU // record CPU seconds

start_time = clock();


#ifdef CPU
cout << "Total CPU seconds =" <<

(clock() - start_time)/1000000.0;

In order to count references, there is a nifty trick. ‘he comma operator in C and
C+4+4 can
be inserted into any expression or assignment stalement, and simply evaluates the
from left to right, returning the rightmost value. Forexample, if (p = q, q->left
== NULL)
performs the assignment and returns the result of the comparison. This provides a
way to add reference counts. For example:

if (Ref_Count += 3, p->data < q->right—>data) ...

This can be combined with conditional compilation as follows.

#ifdef REFCT // keep reference counts

#define RC1 Ref_Count+=1, // NOTE: indentation is not
#define RC2 Ref_Count+=2, // allowed in C, only C++
#define RC3 Ref_Count+=3,

#else // no reference counts

#define RC1
#define RC2
#define RC3


if (RC3 p->data < q->right->data) {

RCi p = p->left;

Observe that if REFCT is defined then this will compile the reference counts, and
otherwise it
will not do anything. More importantly, the overhead of maintaining the reference
will not enter the execution time.

In order to activate CPU second reporting, or reference counting, you just need to
define the
appropriate constants. This can be done in the program source:

#define REFCT 1 // activate reference counting

or from the call to the compiler. For example, the following line appears in ry
Makefile. The
command make cpu creates a program called cpu that counts CPU seconds for a
data structure. ‘The main program is stored in, the skip list, or BB-tree,
or splay tree
code is in, and the declarations are in dict.h.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

cpu: dict.h

gtt+ -o cpu —DCPU proj.ce

Note that in order to change versions, | need only invoke a different object on my
make call
(e.g. make cpu or make refct. To change from skip lists to splay trees I change the
files and dict.h to hold the appropriate source files. The interfaces for all
three data
structures are identical though, so the main program never needs to be changed.

Skip-list implementation: Skip-lists are relatively easy to implement, but there

are a couple of
important issues that is needed for fast updates. First off, the maximum level of
the data
structure should be set up. | suggested just using a constant that will be larger
than 2%. For
example, 16 will be more than enough for this project.

‘The other issue is that when you search for a key, it is important to keep track
of the immediate
predecessor of the search key on each level of the skip list. This is needed for
pointer updates.
‘This can be stored in an array Update [maxlevel]. Consider the insertion of 12 in
the example
shown below.

Header Insert(12) Sentinel


Header Sentinel

Figure 28: Skip list insertion

When searching for the key 12, we drop a level whenever the forward pointer at this
level goes
to a strictly higher key value (or nil). In each case we save a pointer to each
node where we
dropped down a level in Update]. When the new node for 12 have been created (in
this case
with height 3) we access the lowest 3 nodes pointed to by Update[] and update these
values. ‘he update array is used when performing deletion also in much the same

The insertion routine operates in 2 phases. The first performs the search, and
stores pointers
in Update[]. At the completion of this search, we decide how big to make the new
node, and
then allocate the node, and update the pointers appropriately.

To determine the height of the new node you need to simulate a random coin toss.
suggested approach is to call the built-in function random(), which returns a
random integer,
and then testing the lowest order bit. For example, this can be done with coin =
& 01. Note that this is not very efficient, since you use only one random bit for
each call.
Perhaps a better idea is to call random() once and use this number to generate 31
bits (by repeated “and-ing” and “shifting” ).

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Splay trees: Our text book describes some portions of the algorithm for splaying.
The basic splay
algorithm operates by performing a search for the node containing the splay key (if
we fall out
of the tree we use the last node visited), and then working back up to the root
the appropriate lype of rotations (zig-zig or zig-zag) on the way back. The problem
is how to
retrace the path to the root. We normally do this by setting up the program
recursively, but
that is not particularly easy here because we only perform rotations at alternate
levels. The
book suggests using parent pointers to retrace the search path. ‘This is probably
more efficient
than using a recursive procedure, but is somewhat messier in that parent pointers
need bo be
updated as well. A third alternative is to save the ancestors on the search path in
a stack, and
then pop pointers off the stack to determine a node’s parent and grandparent.

BB-trees: The BB-tree code can be taken from the class noles. Since this code has
been copied,
the source should be cited. It is: A. Andersson, “Balanced search trees made
simple,” in
Algorithms and Dala Structures, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No.
709, 1993.
The code can be taken from the lecture notes pretty much verbatim. The only thing
that you
have to do is to be sure to initialize the global variable nil when the data
structure is first
created, and to initialize del before calling the deletion routine.

Lecture 14: Binary Heaps

(lhursday, Oct 21, 1993)

Reading: Chapt 6 in Weiss (up to 6.5).

Priority Qucuc: A priority queue @ is a data structure which supports the following

Insert(x, Q) and x := DeleteMin(Q). Priority queues are somewhat simpler than

naries, since the element being deleted is always the minimum element of the list.
Priority queues have a narrower range of applicability than dictionaries, but there
are many
applications that make use of them. One example is discrete event simulation. You
simulating a complex system (e.g. an airport) by a computer program. ‘here are many
which can arise, planes arriving and leaving, planes requesting to laud or take
off, planes
entering and leaving gates or taxi ways. There are many things happening at one
time, and
we want a way of keeping everything straight (on a sequential computer). ‘lo do
this we break
all events down according the the time of occurrence (for long events like taxing,
we have two
events, time at which the action is initiated and time at which it finishes). The
works by storing all these events in a priority queue and extracting the next event
in time. In
turn, this event may trigger other events in the future which are pul into the
priority queue.
Note that we can use a dictionary to implement a priorily queue, since in all
binary trees we
can find the smallest element by simply following the left links until coming to a
leaf and then
deleting this element. However, the restricted nature of priority queues provides
us with a
much simpler data structure.

Heaps: One simple implementation of a priority queue is to maintain a sorted array

or linked list
of elements. However, insertion into such a list requires O(n) time in the worst
case, although
DeleteMin() is fast. A much more clever method is based on trees.

Partially Ordered Tree: is a binary tree in which each node v holds a numeric value
called a key, and the key value of each internal node is less than or equal to the
key values
of each of its children. (Note: Unlike a binary search tree, there is no particular
among the keys of the children nodes.)

Complete Binary Trce: is a binary tree in which every level of the tree is
completely filled,
except possibly the bottom level, which is filed from left to right. A complete
binary tree
Lecture Notes CMSC 420

of height h has between 2” and 2*++ — 1 nodes, implying that a tree wilh nm nodes
height. O(log n).

Binary Heap: is a complete, partially ordered binary tree.

An example is provided in the figure below.


| [13]21fta] 24] 31] 19] 68] 6s] 26] 32] [ | |

012345678 9 1011 1213

Figure 29: Heap.

One of the nice features of binary heaps is the regularity of their structure
allows them to
be stored in arrays. So no additional space is wasted on pointers. (Note: This is
very much
dependent on the fact that the heap is complete. Do not attempt this with arbitrary

Consider an indexing of nodes of a complete tree from 1 to n in increasing level

order (so
that the root is numbered 1 and the last leaf is numbered x). Observe that there is
a simple
mathematical relationship between the index of a node and the indices of ils
children and

In particular:

Left_Child(é): 2é (if 22 < n, and NULL otherwise).

Right_Child(#): 2¢+ 1 (if 2+ 1 <n, and NULL otherwise).
Parent (i): |é/2| (if ¢ > 2, and NULL otherwise).

Observe that the last leaf in the tree is at position n, so adding a new leaf
simply means
inserting a value at position n + 1 in the list (and update n). ‘Thus, we can store
the entire
heap in an array A[1...7] and use these operations to access the desired elements.

Inserting into a Heap: To insert a node into a heap we select the next available
leaf element and
put the item here. (Note that this would be hard to perform in a normal tree, but
in the array
representation above this is as simple as incrementing n and storing the new value
in A[n].)
We look At the parent of this element. If the parent’s key is larger, then we swap
the parent
and child’s keys. (Observe that the partial ordering property is preserved with
respect to the
other child.) Repeat with the parent. This is called sift#rg up. An example is
shown in the
following figure.

DeleteMin: To perform a DeleteMin, remove the root from the tree and return its
value. Remove
the rightmost leaf on the bottommost level of the tree and move its key to the
root. (As
before, this is hard to do with a general tree, but using the array representation
we can simply
access A[n] and then decrement n.) Now perform the following sifting down
operation. Find
the smaller of its two children. If this key is larger than that, then swap these
two, and repeat
with the child. An example is shown in the following figure.
Lecture Notes CMSC 420


Figure 30: Heap insertion.

Figure 31: Heap deletion.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Analysis: The running times of these operations is clearly proportional to the

height of the tree.
We claim the height of the tree is O(log). To prove this, suppose that the tree has
n nodes.
We know that if h is the height of the tree that the number of nodes in the tree


The lower bound comes from taking a tree of height & —1 and the upper bound from a
tree of
height 2. Using the lower hound we have

gh <n > h<lgn

as desired.

Building a heap: Suppose you have to build a heap containing n keys. (This is how
the sorting
algorithm HeapSort works.) ‘his will take O(nlogn) time in total. However, if you
that you have n keys and want bo convert them inlo heap order, this can be done
much more
efficiently in O(n) time.

Starting with the last (in level order) nonleaf node, and working level by level
back towards
the root, perform a sift-down on each node of the tree. An example is shown in the
next figure.

Figure 32: Heap building.

What is the running time of this procedure? Let’s simplify things by assuming that
the tree
is complete (i.e. all leaves are at the same level). ‘Thus n = 2"++ — 1. ‘There is
1 node at level
0 and it may be sifted down through as many as A levels, there are 2 nodes at level
1 and they
may be sifted down as many as hk — 1 levels, there are 4 nodes at level 2 and it
may be sifled
down as many as h — 2 levels. Thus we get the following sum which counts the total

Sah+2Xh—-1)+4(h—2)+...4 28710).

‘To solve this we use a clever trick of shifting the sum and subtracting to cancel
out terms.
Multiply this sum times 2.

25 =O0+2h4+4(h—- 1) 4+ 8(h—2)4...42°4(2) + 2"(1).

Now subtract 25 — S = S, subtracting common powers of 2:

S = -h+(Q+44...49"1) 49"

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

= -h—-14(14+2444...42'"1) 49?
2h 49" (h+1)
= 2-2%-h-1

Now let’s substitute A = lgn giving

S$ =2.28" _len —1= 2n—Ign—1< 2n.
‘Lhus the total running time of buildheap is O(n).

Sorting: Heaps are used for one of the most basic sorting algorithms, HeapSort.
This algorithm
operates by storing all the keys in a heap (with the largest key at the root), and
then repeatedly
applying DeleteMax() to remove elements in order from largest to smallest.

Graph Algorithms: Another important application of priorily queues is as a basic

tool in many
graph algorithms. Algorithms for computing shortest paths in graphs and minimum
ning trees of graphs make use of priority queues to organize their effort. It turns
out that
these dala structures tend to perform many more DecreaseKey() operatations than
do DeleteMin(). For this reason there is a more sophisticated data structure called
a Fi-
bonacci heap that can perform DecreaseKey() operations rapidly (in O(1) amortized
and DeleteMin() in the normal O(log n) time.

Lecture 15: Leftist Heaps

(lhursday, Oct 26, 1993)

Reading: Sections 6.6 in Weiss.

Leftist Heaps: The standard binary heap data structure is an excellent data
structure for the basic
priority queue operations Insert(x,Q), x = DeleteMin(Q). ln some applications it is
nice to
be able to merge two priority queues into a single priority queue, and thus we
introduce a
new operation Q = Merge(Qi, Q2), thal takes two existing priority queues Q, and Qe,
merges them into a new priority queue, Q. (Duplicate keys are allowed.) This
operation is
destructive, which means that the priority queues Q, and Qz are destroyed in order
to form
Q. (Destructiveness is quite common for operations that map two data structures
into a single
combined data structure, since we can simply reuse the same nodes without having to
duplicate copies.)

We would like to be able to implement Merge) in O(log) lime, where nm is the total
of keys in priority queues Qi and @». Unfortunately, it does not seem to be
possible to do
this with the standard binary heap data structure (because of its highly rigid
structure and
the fact that it is stored in an array, without the use of pointers).

We introduce a new data structure called a leftest heap, which is fairly simple,
and can provide
the operations Insert, DeleteMin, and Merge. This data structure has many of the
features as binary heaps. It is a binary tree which is partially ordered (recall
that this means
that the key value in each parent node is less than or equal to the key values in
its children’s
nodes). However, unlike a binary heap, we will not require that the tree is
complete, or even
balanced. In fact, it is entirely possible that the tree may be quite unbalanced.
(Even stranger,
there is a sense that the MORE unbalanced these trees are, the BE'ITER they

Leftist Heap Property: Define the null path length, NPL(v), of any node v to be the
length of
the shortest path to a descendent that does not have two children. An example of a

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

heap is shown in the figure at the end of the lecture. The NPL values are listed
above each

Observe that the NPL(wv) can be defined recursively as follows.

int WPL(v) {

if (v == NULL) return -1;

else return (min(NPL(v—->left), NPL(v->right)) + 1);


We will assume that each node has an extra field, v->NPL that contains the node’s
NPL value.

The leftest heap property is that for every node t in the tree, the NPL of its left
child is at least
as large as the NPL of its right child. We now define a leftist heap to be a binary
tree whose
keys are partially ordered and which satisfies the leftist heap property.

Note that any tree that does not satisfy leftist heap property can be made to do so
by swapping
left and right subtrees al any nodes thal violate the properly. Observe that this
does not affect
the partial ordering property. Also observe that satisfying the leftist heap
property does NOT
assure that the tree is balanced. Indeed, a degenerate binary tree in which is
formed from
a chain of nodes each altached as the left child of its parent does satisfy this
properly. The
key to the efficiency of leftist heap operations is that we do not care that there
might be
a long path in the heap, what we care about is that there exists a short path
(where short
intuitively means of O(log) length). In particular define the rightmost path in a
binary tree
lo be the path starting at the root, resulting by following only right pointers. We
prove the
following lemma that shows that the rightmost path in the tree cannot be of length
than O(log n).

Lemma: Given a leftist heap with r > 1 nodes on its rightmost path, the heap must
have at
least 2” — 1 nodes.

Proof: The proof is by induction on the size of the rightmost path. Before
beginning the
proof, we begin with two observations, which are easy to see: (1) the shortest path
any leftist heap is the rightmost path in the heap, and (2) any subtree of a
leftist heap
is a leftist heap. (2) is obvious. (1) follows from the observation that if the
shortest path
in the tree were ever required to take a left-link, then the leftist heap property
would be
violated at this node.

For the basis case, if there is only one node on the rightmost path, then the tree
has at
least one node, and 2! -—1= 1.

For the induction step, let us suppose that the lemma is true for any leftist heap
strictly fewer than r nodes on ils rightmost path, and we will prove it for a
binary tree
with exactly r nodes on its rightmost path. Remove the root of the tree, resulting
in two
subtrees. ‘he right subtree has exactly r — 1 nodes on its rightmost path (since we
eliminated only the root), and the left subtree must have a A’ LEAST r—1 nodes on
rightmost path (since otherwise lhe rightmost path in the original tree would not
be the
shortest, violating (1)). Thus, by applying the induction hypothesis, we have that
right and left subtrees have at least 2"~! — 1 nodes each, and summing them,
with the root node we gel a total of al least

2(27-1 -1)41=2?-1
nodes in the entire tree.

Leftist Heap Operations: The basic operation upon which leftist, heaps are based is
the merge
operation. Observe, for example, that both the operations Insert and DeleteMin can
inplermented by using the operation Merge.
Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Note the &Q indicates that Q is a reference argument, implying thal changes to Q in
procedure cause changes to the actual parameter in the calling procedure.

void Insert(int x, HeapPtr &Q) f

v = new leftist_heap_node;
v->element = x;

v->NPL = 0;
v->left = v->right = NULL;
Q = Merge(Q, v); // merge v as a single node heap
int DeleteMin(HeapPtr &Q) {
x = Q->element; // x is root node’s key
L = Q->left; // left subheap
R = Q->right; // vight subheap
delete Q; // delete root node (only)
Q = Merge(L, R); // merge left and right
return xX;

Thus, il suffices to show how Merge () is implemented. The formal description of

the procedure
is recursive. However it is somewhat easier to understand intuitively in its
nonrecursive form.
Let @i and @2 be the two leftist heaps to be merged. Consider the rightmost paths
of both
heaps. The keys along both of these paths form increasing sequences. We can merge
paths into a single sorted path, however the resulting tree might not satisfy the
leftist heap
property. ‘Uhus we swap left and right children at each node along this path where
the leftist
property is violated. As we do this we update the NPL values. An example is shown
in the
next figure.

Here is a recursive description of the algorithm. It is essentially the same as the

one given in
Weiss, with some minor coding changes.

HeapPtr Merge(HeapPtr Q1, HeapPtr Q2) {

if (Q1 == NULL) return Q2; // trivial if either empty

if (Q2 == NULL) return Q1;
if (Q1->element > Q2->element) // swap so Qi has smaller root

swap(Q1, Q2);

if (Q1->left == NULL) {
Qi->left = Q2;
// Note: In this case Qi->right must be NULL so
// NPL value of Q1 will remain 0.
else { // merge Q2 into right subtree and swap if needed
Qi->right = Merge(Qi->right, Q2);
if (Qi->left->NPL < Q1->right->NPL) {
swap(Qi->left, Q1i->right);

Q1->NPL = Qi->right->NPL + 1;
return Q1; // return pointer to final heap
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Figure 33: Merging two leftist heaps.

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For the analysis, observe that because the recursive algorithim spends O(1) time
for each node
on the rightmost path of either Q1 or Qo. the total running time is O(log 2), where
n is the
total number of nodes in both heaps.

Lecture 16: Disjoint Sets

(Thursday, Oct 28, 1993)

Reading: Weiss, Chapt 8.

Equivalences: Recall that an equivalence relation over some set S is a relation

that satisfies the
following properties for all elements of a,b,c € S.

Reflexive: a =a.
Symmetric: a=) thenb=a

Transitive: ¢ =b and b=c thena=c.

Equivalence relations arise in numerous applications. An example includes any sort

of “group-
ing” operation, where every object belongs to some group (perhaps in a group by
itself) and
no object belongs to more than one group (called a partition). For example, suppose
we are
maintaining a bidirectional communication network. As we add links to the network,
sites that
could not communicate wilh other now can. Communication is an equivalence relation,
if machine a can communicate with machine 6, and machine 6 can communicate with
ec, then machine a can communicate with machine ¢ (e.g. by sending messages through
6). We
discuss a data structure that can be used for maintaining equivalence relations,
and merging
groups. For example, if we establish a new link between (wo machines a and 6, it is
now that
case the the entire groups of machines that could comminicate with @ can
communicate with
the entire group of machines that could communicate with b.

Union-Find: An important abstract data-type which is used in these grouping

applications is
called the Union-Find data type. We assume that we have an underlying domain of
S = {1,2,...,n} and we want to maintain a collection of disjoint subsets of these
sets, i.e. a
partition of the set. (Note that $ is a collection of disjoint sets, not just a
single set.) ‘The
three operations the data structure provides are:

Init(S): Initialize the elements of S so that each element 7 resides in its own
singleton set,

s = Find(S,i): Return the name of the set. s that contains the element 7. The name
of a set
is an integer identifier for the set. ‘he main property of set names is that
Find(i) ==
Find(j) if and only if é and j are in the same set.

Union(s,t): Merge the sets named s and t into a single set.

The Union-Find Data Structure: In order to implement the Union-Find data type we
the elements of S in a forest of inverted trees. ‘This means that the pointers in
the tree are
directed up towards the root. There is no limit on how many children a node can
have. The
root of a tree has a NULL parent pointer. Two elements are in the same set if and
only if
they are in the same tree. ‘lo perform the operation Find(S, i), we find the node
elerment ¢ (we'll see how later) and then just follow parent links up to the root.
We return the
element in the root node as the “name” of the set. Note that this achieves the
desired result,
because two nodes are in the same tree if and only if they return the same name.

For example, suppose that S$ = {1,2,3,..., 13} and the current partition is

1,6, 7, 8, 11, 12}, {2}. {8. 4,5, 13}, {9, 10}.

1 1
Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Array representation:

[7 [0 |4 Jo |s [> [o Jo Jo [9 Jo [7 Ja]

12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Figure 34: Union-Find Tree Example.

This might be stored as follows.

Note that there is not particular order to how the individual trees are structured,
as long as
they contain the proper elements. Also note that unlike existing problems we have
in which there are key values, here the elements are just integers in the range
from 1 to n.
Thus, there is never a question of “what” is in the data structure, the issue is
“which” tree
are you in.

As with binary heaps, there is a clever way to store Union-F ind trees in arrays.
‘The observation
is that since we do not need to store key values, we can simply slore the parent
Further, by storing the elements in an array S[1..n], the array need only contain
the index of
your parent in the tree, where an index of 0 means a null pointer. So the tree
showed above
could be represented in array form as shown in the figure.

Union-Find Operations: In order to initialize the data structure we just set all
parent pointers
to NULL, or equivalently just initialize the array to 0. Thus each element is in
ils own set.

To perform a Find, we simply traverse the parent pointers until arriving al the
root. We return
a pointer to the root element (this is the “name” of the set).

Performing a Union is pretty straightforward. To perform the union of two sets,

e.g. to take
the union of the set containing {2} with the set {9,10} we just link the root of
one tree into
the root of the other tree. But here is where we need to be smart. If we link the
root of {9,10}
into {2}, the height of the resulting tree is 2, whereas if we do it the other way
the height of
the tree is only 1. (Here the hezght of a tree is the maximum number of edges from
any leaf to
the root.) It is best to keep the tree’s height small, because in doing so we make
the Find’s go

In order to perform Union’s intelligently, we can maintain an extra piece of

information, which
contains the rank, that is, height of a tree. (We could have also stored the size,
i.e. number of
nodes, instead). Our more intelligent heuristic for Unioning is to link the set of
smaller rank
as a child of the set of larger rank.

Observe that we only need to maintain the rank field for the root nodes (whose
array values
are all zero). One clever way to store this rank field using our array
representation is to store
the negation of the rank in the root nodes. ‘hus if $[:] is strictly positive, then
this entry is
a parent link, and otherwise 7 is the root of a tree and —S{z] is the rank of this
tree. The set
shown in the figure above would now have the following representation.

Here is the code for the data structure operations. The type DisjSets is a
collection of disjoint
Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Array representation:


12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Figure 35: Union-Find with ranks.

sets (an array of integers, which are either positive indices or negative ranks), a
Set_Type is a
single set (just an integer index), and a Elt_Type is a single element (just an
integer index).

Disj_Sets S[n];

void Init(Disj_Sets $) {

for (i = 1; i <= n; itt) // put each item in its own set

S[i] = 0;
void Union(Disj_Sets S, Set_Type ri, Set_Type r2) {
if (S[r2] < S[ri]) // v2 has strictly higher rank
S[r1] = r2; // make r2 new root
else { // make ri new root
if (S[r2] == S[ri])) // equal rank
S(ri]--; // increment (negative) rank
S[r2] = r1;

Set_Type Findi(Elt_Type x, Disj_Sets S) f{

while (S[x] > 0) x = Sx]; // follow chain to root
return x;

Analysis of Running Time: Observe that the running time of the initialization is
to n, the number of elements in the set, but this is done only once. Union takes
only constant
lime, O(1).

In the worst case, Find takes time proportional to the height of the tree. ‘he key
to the

efficiency of this procedure is the following observation. We use the notation Igrm
to denote
the logarithm base 2 of m. Let A(T) denote the height of tree T.

Theorem: Using the Union and Find1 procedures given above any tree containing mm
has height at most lgm. This follows by the following lemma.

Lemma: Using the Union and Find1 procedures given above any tree with height A has
least 2° elements.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Proof: (By strong induction on the number of Unions performed to build the tree).
For the
basis (no unions) we have a tree with | element of height 0. But 2° = 1, as
For the induction step, suppose that the hypothesis is true for all trees of built
strictly fewer than & union operations, and we want to prove the lemma for a Union-
tree built with exactly k union operations. Such a tree was formed by unioning two
say T, and Ty, of heights hy and hy and sizes ny and ng. Since these trees were
with fewer than & union operations, n; > 2”*. Assume without loss of generality
that T>
was made a child of T, (implying that hy < hy). If ho < hy then the final tree has
h = h,, and by the induction hypothesis it contains

n=ny+t+no > gh 4 ghe > gh = oh

elements, as desired.

On the other hand, if hg = Ay, then the height of the final tree h = hg +1 = hy +1,
by the induction hypothesis this tree contains

nanytny > 2) 492 = oh - 1) 42h-1) = 2?

elements, as desired.
As a corollary, it follows that the running time of the Find procedure is O(log m).

Theorem: After initialization, any sequence of nm Union’s and Find’s can be

performed in
time O(nlogn).

Proof: Union’s take constant time, and Find’s take O(log n) time each, so any
sequence of
length n takes no more than O(n logn) time.

Path Compression: Interestingly, it is possible to apply a very simple heuristic

lo this data structure which provides an Unpressive improvement in the running time
particular, it ALMOST gets rid of the logn factor in the running time above).

Here is the intuition. If the user of your data structure repeatedly performs
Find’s on a leaf
at a very low level in the tree then this takes a lot of time. If we were to
compress the path
on each Find, then subsequent Find’s to this elerment would go much faster. By
“compress the
path’, we mean that when we find the root of the tree, we set all the parent
pointers of the
nodes on this path to the root directly. For example, in the following figure, when
we do a
Find on 1, we traverse the path through 3, 2,4 and then “compress” all the parent
pointers of
these elements (except 4) to 4. Notice that all other pointers in the tree are


Figure 36: Path Compression.

Here is a very slick implementation find with path compression.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Set_Type Find2(Elt_Type x, Disj_Sets S) f

if (S[x] <= 0) return x;
else return S[x] = Find2(S[x], 3);

The running time of Find? is still proportional to the level of node being “found”,
but observe
that each time you spend alot of time in a Find, you make the tree flatter. Thus
the work you
do provides a benefit for later Find operations. (This is the sort of thing that we
look for in
amortized analysis.)

Does the savings really amount to anything? ‘Vhe answer is YES. It was believed at
one time
that with path compression the running time of the algorithm was O(m) to perform a
series of
m UNION and FIND’s (starting with an empty data structure), and thus the amortized
of each operation is O(1), but this turned out to be false, but only barely so.

‘lo analyze this algorithm is quite tricky, but we’ll state the result. We need to
introduce two
new functions, A(m.n) and a(n). The function A(mn,) is called Ackerman’s function.
It is
famous for being just about the fastest growing function imaginable.

AQ,j) = 2 forj>l,
A(@i,l) = A(i-1,2) fori >,

To get a feeling for how fast this function grows, observe that

A(2,j) =

where the tower of powers of 2 is j high. A(3,j7) is much much larger than this.
A(3,2) is
already greater than the number of atoms in the observable universe.

Now to define an unbelievably slow growing function, we define

a(m,n) = min{i > 1 | Ali, |m/n|) > Ign}.

‘Lhis definition is somewhat hard to interpret, but the important bottom line is
that a(m,n) <
4 as long as m is less than the number of atoms in the universe.

Theorem: After initialization, any sequence of m Union’s and Find’s (using path
sion) on an initial set of n elements can be performed in time O(ma(m,n)) time.
the amortized cost of each Union/Find operation is O(a(m, n)).

Lecture 17: Hashing

(‘Tuesday, Nov 1, 1993)

Reading: Chapter 5 in Weiss.
Hashing: We have seen various data structures (e.g., binary trees, AVL trees, splay
trees, skip lists)
that can perform the dictionary operations Insert(), Delete() and Find(). We know
these data structures provide O(log) time access. It is unreasonable to ask any
sort of tree-
based structure lo do better than this, since to store nm keys in a binary bree
requires al least
Q(log n) height. Thus one is inclined to think that it is impossible to do better.
there is a better method, at least if one is willing to consider expected case
rather than worst
Lecture Notes CMSC 420

case performance. However, as with skip lists, it is possible randomize things so

that the
running times are O(1) with high probability.

Hashing is a method that performs all the dictionary operations in O(1) (i.e.
constant) ex-
pected time, under some assumptions about the hashing function being used. Hashing
considered so good, that in contexts where just these operations are being
performed, hashing
is the method of choice (e.g. symbol tables for compilers are almost always
implemented using
hashing). ‘I'ree-based data structures are generally prefered in the following

@ When storing data ou secondary storage (B-trees),

e When knowledge of the relative ordering of elements is important (e.g. if a

Find() fails,
I may want to know the nearest key. Hashing cannot help us with this.)

One of the most common applications of hashing is in compilers. We need to maintain

symbol table of the variables seen in the program. We could store them in a tree,
but hashing
turns out to be so much faster in practice that it is the most popular technique.
There are a
number of other applications of hashing to parallel computing and fault-tolerant
computing. In both cases, it is important to distribute data around a system
uniformly. For
parallel computation this is for load balancing so thal no on processor has an
unusually heavy
workload, aud in distributed computing this is done for fault tolerance, so that if
one machine
in a network goes down, the data necessary for the system as a whole to operate is
around on other machines.

‘The idea behind hashing is very simple. We have a table containing m entries
(Weiss uses the
notation H-SIZE). We select a hash function h(k), thal maps each key k to some
random location in the range [0..m-1]. We will then attempt to store the key in
index h(k)
in the table. Of course, it may be that different keys are “hashed” to the same
location. ‘Lhis
is called a colliston. If the hashing function is really very nearly random-like,
then we expect
thal the chances of a collision occuring at any index of the table are about the
same. As long
as the table is not too full, the number of collisions should be small.

There are two topics that need to be considered in hashing. The first is how to
select. a hashing
function and the second is how to resolve collisions.
Hash Functions: A good hashing function should have the following properties.

e It should be simple to compute (using simple arithmetic operations ideally).

e It should produce few collisions. In turn the following are good rules of thumb
in the
selection of a hashing function.

— It should be a function of every bit of the key.

— It should break up naturally occuring clusters of keys.

We will assume that our hash functions are being applied to integer keys. Of
course, keys need
not be integers generally. In most common applications they are character strings.
strings are typically stored as a series of bytes, each of which is an ASCII
representation of the
character. ‘The sequence is either of fixed length or is terminated by a special
byte (e.g. 0).
For example “Hello” is encoded as (72,101, 108,108, 111.0). A simple technique for
such a string into an integer is by successive adding and multiplying by some
random number
(or shifting bits). E.g.

(((72 * 13 + 101) * 13 + 108) * 13 + 108) «13 + 111 = 2298056.

It is easy to design a simple loop to perform this computation (but some care is
needed to
handle overflow if the string is long).
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Once our key las been converted into an integer, we can think of hash functions on
One very simple hashing function is the function

h(k) = k mod im.

‘This certainly maps each key into the range [0..m — 1], and it is fast on most
Unfortunately this function is not really very good when it comes to collision
properties. In
particular, keys whose values differ only by one (e.g. the variable names tempi,
temp2, temp3)

will be hashed to consecutive locations. We would prefer to avoid this type of


A more robust idea is to first multiply the key value by some integer constant x
and then take
the mod. For this to have good scattering properties either m should be chosen to
be a prime
number, or @ should be prime relative to m (i.e. share no common divisors other
than 1).

h(k) = vk mod m.

In our examples, we will simplify things by taking the last digit as the hash
value, although in
practice this is a very bad choice.

A final idea for generating hash functions, is to do what we did with skip lists,
Since any given hash function might be bad for a particular set of keys, how about
if we
introduce randomness into the process. One suggestion (returning to strings) is to
each character of the string by a random number in the range from 0 to m — 1, and
then take
the whole thing modulo m. For example, to hash the string a = (a), a2,...,a%) we

h(a) = ) a;a; mod im.

Where the (a1, a, ...) is a sequence of fixed random numbers (selected during the
of the hashing function). ‘Vhis method is called universal hashing. lt has the nice
that for ANY two distinct keys, a and 6, the probability that a randomly chosen
hash function
will map them to the same location in the hash table is 1/m, which is the best you
can hope

Lecture 18: More Hashing

(Vhursday, Nov 4, 1993)
Reading: Chapter 6 in Samet’s notes, Chapt 5 in Weiss.

Collision Resolution: Once a hash function has been selected, the next element that
has to be
solved is how to handle collisions. If bwo elements are hashed to the same address,
then we
need a way to resolve the situation.

Separate Chaining: The simplest approach is a method called separale chaining. The
idea is that
we think of each of the m locations of the hash table as simple head pointers to m
linked list.
The link list Table [i] holds all keys that hash to location 7.

To insert a key k we simply compute A(&) and insert the new element into this
linked list (we
should first search the list to make sure it is not a duplicate). ‘Lo find a key we
just search
this linked list. To delete a key we delete il from this linked list. An example is
shown below,
where we just use the last digit as the hash function (a very bad choice normally).

The running time of this procedure will depend on the length of the linked list to
which the
key has been hashed. If n denotes the number of keys stored in the table currently,
then the
ralio A = n/m indicates the load factor of the hash table. If we assume that keys
are being

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Figure 37: Separate Chaining.

hashed roughly randomly (so that clustering does not occur), then it follows that
each linked
list is expected to contain A elements. As mentioned before, we select m to be with
a constant
factor of n, so this ratio is a coustant.

Thus, it follows from a straightforward analysis that the expected running time of
a successful
search is roughly

. A
since about half of an average list needs be searched. The running time of an

search is roughly

Thus as long as the load factor is a constant separale chaining provide expected
O(1) time for
insertion and deletion.

‘The problem with separate chaining is that we require separate storage for
pointers and the
new nodes of the linked list. ‘his also creates additional overhead for memory
allocation. lt
would be nice to have a method that does not require the use of any pointers.

Open Addressing: To avoid the use of extra pointers we will simply slore all the
keys in the table,
and use a special value (different from every key) called Empty, to determine which
entries have
keys and which do not. But we will need some way of finding out which entry to go
to next
when a collision occurs. In general, we will have a secondary search function, f,
and if we find
that location h(k) is occupied, we next try locations

(h(k) + f(1)) mod m, (h(k) + f(2)) mod m, (h(k) + F(3)) mod m,....

until finding an open location. ‘This sequence is called a probe sequence, and
ideally it should
be capable of searching the entire list. How is this function f chosen? There are a
number of
alternatives, which we consider below.

Linear Probing: The simplest idea is to simply search sequential locations until
finding one that
is open. Thus f(7) = 7. Although this approach is very simple, as the table starts
to get full
its performance becomes very bad (much worse than chaining).

‘lo see what is happening let’s consider an example. Suppose that we insert the
following 4
keys into the hash table (using the last digit rule as given earlier): 10, 50, 42,
92. Observe
that the first 4 locations of the hash table are filled. Now, suppose we want to
add the key
31. With chaining it would normally be the case that since no other key has been
hashed to
location 1, the insertion can be performed right away. But the bunching of lists
implies that
we have to search through 4 cells before finding an available slot.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Insert(50) Insert(42) Insert(92) Insert(31)

— 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10

1 50 | 1 50 1 50 —~> 1 50

2 —?2 42 —> 2 42 2 42

3 3 3 92 | 3 92

4 4 4 4 31

5 5 5 5

6 6 6 6

Figure 38: Linear probing.

‘This phenomenon is called secondary clustering. Primary clustering happens when

the table
contains many names with the same hash value (presumably implying a poor choice for
hashing function). Secondary clustering happens when keys with different hash
values have
nearly the same probe seqeunce. Note that this does not occur in chaining because
the lists
for separate hash locations are kept separate from each other, but in open
addressing they can
interfere with each other.

As the table becomes denser, this affect, becomes more and more pronounced, and it
harder and harder to find empty spaces in the table.

It can be shown that if A= n/m, then the expected running times of a successful and
cessful searches using linear probing are

s - 14,1
me = tia

1 1 \?
Up = r0+(4)).

As @ approaches 1 (a full table) this grows to infinity. A rule of thumb is that as

long as the
table remains less than 75% full, linear probing performs fairly well.

Deletions: When using an open addressing scheme, we must be careful when performing
In the example above, if we were to delete the key 42, then observe that we would
not find
31, because once the find function sees that the location is empty, it looks no
further. ‘To
handle this we creale a new special value (in addition Lo Empty) for cells whose
keys have been
deleted, called Del. If the entry is Del this means that the Find routine should
keep searching
(until it comes to an Empty entry), whereas the insertion routine can simply reuse
any Del cell
for placing a new key.

Lecture 19: Still More Hashing

(‘Tuesday, Nov 9, 1993)

Reading: Chapter 6 in Samet’s notes, Chapt 5 in Weiss.

Quadratic Probing: To avoid secondary clustering, one idea is to use a nonlinear

probing function
which scatters subsequent probes around more effectively. One such method is called

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Insert(50) Insert(42) Insert(92) Insert(31)

— 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10

1 50 | 1 50 1 50 —~> 1 50

2 —?2 42 —> 2 42 2 42

3 3 3 92 | 3 92

4 4 4 4 31

5 5 5 5

6 6 6 6

Figure 39: Deleting with open addressing.

probing, which works as follows. If the index hashed to A(x) is full, then we
consider next
Ate) + 1,h(e) +4, h(a) 4 9,... (again taking indices mod m). Thus the probing
function is
fl) =?

Here is the search algorithm (insertion is similar). Note that there is a clever
trick lo compute
without using multiplication. It is based on the observation that ? = (i — 1)? + 2%
— 1.
‘herefore, f() = f(i— 1) + 2i— 1. Since we already know f(z — 1) we only have to
add in
the 2¢-—1. Since multiplication by 2 can be performed by shifting this is more
efficient. The
argument x is the key to find, T is the table, and m is the size of the table.

int TIn]; // hash table

int Find(x, int T[]) f{

c = hash(x); // first position
while (T[c] != Empty) e& (T[c] != x) {
c += 2e(++i) - 1 // next position
if (c >m) ¢c -=m; // wrap around
return c;

The above procedure is not quite complete, since it loops infinitely when the table
is full. This
is easy to fix, by adding a variable counting the number of entries being used in
the table.

Experience shows that this succeeds in breaking up the secondary clusters that
arise from
linear probing, but there are some tricky questions to consider. With linear
probing we were
assured that as long as there is one free location in the array, we will eventually
find it without
repealing any probe locations. How do we know if we perform quadratic probing that
will be the case? It might be that we keep hitting the same index of the table over
and over
(because of the fact that we take the index mod m).

lt turns out (fortunately) that quadratic probing does do a pretty good job of
visiting different
locations of the array without repeating. It can even be formally proved that if m
is prime,
then the first m/2 locations that quadratic probing hits will be distinct.

Theorem: If quadratic probing is used, and the table size is prime, then a new
element can
always be inserted if the table is al most half full.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Proof: We prove that the first m/2 locations tested by the quadratic probing method
distinct. Let us assume that m is a prime number. Suppose by way of contradiction
for 0<i<j< |m/2| that h(x) +i = A(x) + 7? (mod m). ‘Then we have

°P = 7 (modm)
e— 7 = 0 (modm)
G@-G+i) = 0 (mod m)

This means that the quantity (¢- /)(¢+/) is a multiple of m. Because rm is prime,
of these two numbers must be a multiple of m. Since 7 # j, and both numbers are
less or
equal to m/2 it follows that neither (¢— j) nor (i+ J) can be a multiple of m.

Double Hashing: As we saw, the problem with linear probing is that we may see
clustering or
piling up arise in the table. Quadratic probing was an attractive way to avoid this
by scattering
the successive probe sequences around. If you really want to scatter things around
for probing,
then why don’t you just use another hashing function to do this?

‘Lhe idea is use h(x) to find the first location at which to start searching, and
then let f(2) =
2 * ho(x) be the probing sequence where h2(x) is another hashing function. Some
care needs
to be taken in the choice of he(w) (e.g. hee) = 0 would be a disaster). As long as
the table
size m is prime and (ha(a) mod m # 0 we are assured of visiting all cells before

Be careful, the second hash function does not tell us where to put the object, it
gives us an
increment to use in cycling around the table.

Performance: Performance analysis shows that as long as primary clustering is

avoided, then
open addressing is an efficient alternative to chaining. ‘The running times of
successful and
unsuccessful searches are


S = =n


‘To give some sort of feeling for what these quantities mean, consider the
following table.
A 0.60 0.75 0.90 0.95 0.99
U(X) | 2.00 4.00 10.0 20.0 100.
S(A) |1.39 1.89 2.56 3.15 4.65

Rehashing: The advantage of open addressing is that we do not have to worry about
and storage allocation. However, if the table becomes full, or just too close to
full so that
performance starts degrading (e.g. the load factor exceeds some threshold in the
range from
80% to 90%). ‘Lhe simplest scheme, is to allocate a new array of size a constant
factor larger
(e.g. twice) the previous array. Then create a new hash function for this array.
Finally go
through the old array, and hash all the old keys into the new table, and then
delete the old

You may think that in the worst case this could lead to lots of recopying of
elements, but
notice that if the last time you rehashed you had 1000 items in the array, the next
time you
may have 2000 elements, which means that you performed at least 1000 insertions in
the mean
time. ‘hus the time to copy the 2000 elements is amortized by the previous 1000
leading up to this situation.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Extensible Hashing: Suppose the number of keys we have is so large that the hash
table will not
fit in main memory. Can we still apply hashing in this case? Recall that when
accessing disk
pages, there is a very large cost to bring in a page into fast main memory. Once
the page is in
memory we can access il very efliciently. Thus locality of reference is important.
The problem
with hashing (much like the problem with binary trees) is that the most efficient
(such as quadratic probing and double hashing) work by eliminating any locality of
‘Thus, if you have to probe the hash table 6 times, this could result in 6 disk
page accesses.

The question is whether we can create a lashing scheme that minimizes the number of
accesses (as B-trees did for binary search trees). The answer is a method called
hashing. In this method the hash table is broken up into a number of smaller hash
tables, each
is called a bucket. ‘The maximum size of each bucket is taken to be the size of a
disk page, so
we can access each bucket with a single disk access. In order to find which bucket
to search for,
we store in main memory, a data structure called a dicttonary. Each entry in the
contains a disk address of the corresponding bucket. Each bucket can hold as many
as will fit onto one disk page, bul as keys are inserted and deleted from the data
structure a
bucket will not necessarily be full. We will try to keep each bucket at least half
full (although
this will not be possible in the worst case, it tends to be true on average).

Let m denote the maximum size of each bucket, and let n denote the total number of
keys in
the data structure. Recall that m depends on the size of a disk page. It is
important that m
be fairly large (e.g. al least 4 and ideally much higher). If records are too large
to fit very
many in each disk page, then just store pointers to the records in each bucket. To
make it
easy to draw illustrations we will assume m = 4, but bigger is better.

‘The dictionary D is always of size that is a power of 2. As the hash table grows
this power
will increase. Let’s suppose thal il is 2* right now. To decide which bucket to
store a key «,
we first compute the hash function h(z) on this key. This results in a binary
number. We
look at the leading k bits of A(x), call the result g, and store x in the bucket
pointed to by
Dig]. (Since g is exactly & bits long, it is a number in the range 0 to 2* — 1.) An
example is
shown below where k = 2. We assume that the key is the hash value itself (although
this is
not recommended unless you have reason to believe your keys are uniformly

00} 01) 10} 11

2 2 2 2
000100 010100 100000 111000
001000 011000 101000 111001
001010 101100
001011 101110

Figure 40: Extensible hashing.

For example, to find the key 101100 we strip off the first 2 bits, 10, and search
the appropriate
bucket. Within a bucket we can store data anyway we like. The reason is that the
disk access
time is so large that the processing time within each node is tiny in comparison.

Suppose we want to insert a new key. If there is room in the bucket then there is
no problem.
Otherwise we need to split a bucket. We do this by considering one additional bit
in our
dictionary (which effectively doubles the size of the dictionary) and then we split
the bucket
that has overflowed according to this new bit. However, note that we do not need to
split any

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

other buckets. We simply have both pointers of the dictionary point to the same
bucket. For
example, suppose we add the key 100100 into the table above. The result is shown

[000 [001 [o10 J ort | 100 | 101 | 10 | ait |

W/1/./ \\\;

000100 010100 100000 101000 111000

001000 011000 100100 101100 111001
001010 101110

Figure 41: Insertion of 100100.

Observe that although the dictionary has doubled in size, only one of the buckets
has been
split. For example, there are two dictionary entries 000 and 001 that point to the
same bucket.
If we were to insert the key 000000. the bucket 000 would overflow, and so it would
be split.
However we do not need to increase the size of the dictionary, we simply
differentiate between
the newly created buckets for 000 and 001.

{00 | 001 | o10 | o11 | 100 | 101 | 110 | 111 |

Lad Vs) SS:

000000 001000 010100 100000 101000 111000

000100 001010 011000 100100 101100 111001
001011 101110

Figure 42: Insertion of 000000.

As you can see, the performance of this system would be bad if it were the case
that almost
all the keys began with the same string of bits. For example, if all keys began
with the prefix
00000 then we would need a diclonary of size 25 = 32 and only one entry of the
would be used. However, remember that we extract bits from the result of applying
the hash
function. Even if the initial set of keys is not uniformly distributed, we expect
the output of
the hash function will be uniformly distributed. Thus this problem will not arise
in practice.
Analysis shows that buckets will be about In 2 = 69% full on average.

Lecture 20: Project 2

(Thursday, Nov 11, 1993)

Today’s lecture was spent discussing programming project 2. See the project
Lecture 21: Geometric Preliminaries

(Tuesday, Nov 16, 1993)

‘Today’s material is not discussed in any of our readings.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Geometry and Computation: An increasingly large number of data structures and


problems these days involve geometric data. The reason is that rapidly growing
fields such
as computer graphics, robotics, computer vision, computer-aided design,
visualization, virtual
reality, and others deal primarily with geometric data. Geometric applications give
rise to
knew data structures problems, which we will be studying for a number of lectures.
Before discussing geometric data structures, we need to provide a background on
what geo-
metric data is, and how we compute with it. With nongeometric data we stated thal
we are
storing records, and each record is associated with an identifying key value. In
the case of
geometric data, the same model holds, but now the key values are geometric objects,
lines and line segments, rectangles, spheres, polygons, etc. Along with the basic
key value we
also have associated dala. For example, a sphere in 3-dimensional space is
characterized by 4
numbers, the (x, y, z) coordinates of its center and its radius. However,
associated data might
include things such as surface color and texture (for graphics applications),
weight or elictrical
properties (for physical modeling applications), planet uame, orbil and rotational
velocity (for
astronomical applications), etc.

Primitive Objects: What are the primitive objects from which data structures are
Here is a list of common objects (and possible representations), but the list is
far from complete.
Let d-denote the dimension of the space.

Scalar: Almost all spaces are based on some notion of what a single number is.
Usually this
is an floating point number, but could be something else, e.g. intger, rational, or

Point: Points are locations in space. Typical representation is as a d-tuple of

scalars, e.g.
(x,y,z). You might wonder whether it is better to used an array representation or a
structure representation:

scalar Point[3]; // array representation

struct {

scalar x, y, Z; // structure representation

} Point;

It is generally felt that the array representation is betler because it lypically

saves code
(using loops rather than repeating code) and is usually easier to generalize to
dimensions. However, in C is not possible to copy arrays to arrays Just using
statements, whereas points can be copied. Later we will suggest a compromise

Vector: Vectors are used to denote direction and magnitude in space. Vectors and
points are
represented in essentially the same way, as a d-tuple of scalars, but in many
it is useful to distinguish between them. For example, velocities are frequently
as veclors, but locations are usually described as points.

Sphere: A d-dimensional sphere, can be represented by pownt indicating the center

of the
spliere, and a positive scalar representing its radius.

Line Segment: A line segment can be represented by giving its two endpoints (m1,
p2). In
some applications it is important to distinguish between the line segments (p;.p2)
(p2, pi). In this case they would be called directed line segments.

Line: In dimension 2, a line can be represented by a line equation

y=axu+b or ax+by=c.

The former definition is the familiar slope/intercept representation, and the

latter takes
an extra coefficient but is more general since it can represent vertical lines.
‘I'he repre-
sentation consists of just storing the pair (a, 6) or (a. b,c).

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Hyperplanes: In general, in dimension d, a linear equation of the form

12, + Goto +...,a¢0q = ¢

defines a d — | dimensional hyperplane. It can be represented by the (d + 1)-tuple

(a1, @2,..., @a,c).

Orthogonal Hyperplane: In many data structures it is common to use hyperplanes for

decomposing space, bul only hyperplanes that are perpendicular to one of the
axes. In this case it is much easier to store such a hyperplane by storing (1) an
cut_dim in the range [0..d—1] that indicates which axis the plane is perpendicular
to and
(2) a scalar cut_val that indicates where the plane cuts this axis.

Ray: Directed lines in dimensions greater than 2 space are not usually represented
by equa-
tions, but by using rays. A ray can be represented by storing an origin point and a
nonzero directional vector. Letting p and v denote the origin and directional
vector of
the ray, the ray consists of all (he points p + tv, where ¢ is any scalar, £ > 0.

Ray Segment: A ray segment is my term for a connected piece of a ray in 3-space. By
segment of a ray, we mean all the points of the ray that lie within an interval
[tp,7¢,] for
scalars, 0 < to < t,. A ray segment can be represented by 4 quantities, the origin
of the ray, p, the directional vector, v, and the values to and ¢;. (Another
is to store the two endpoints of the segment.)

Simple Polygon: Solid objects can be represented as polygons (in dimension 2) and
dra (in higher dimensions). By a simple polygon in the plane we mean a closed
of line segments joined end-to-end, such that no two segments cross over one
another (i.e.
the curve is simple).

(a) Nonsimple (b) Simple

Figure 43: Simple and nonsimple polygons.

‘Lhe standard representation of a simple polygon is just a list of points (stored

either in
an array or a circularly linked list). In general representing solids in higher
dimensions is
tricky. We will probably discuss representations in future lectures.

Orthogonal Rectangle: Rectangles can be represented as polygons, but rectangles

sides are parallel to the coordinate axes are common. A couple of representations
often used. One is to store the two points of opposite corners (e.g. lower left and
right). Another is to store d sets of intervals [aj., taign] describing the
projection of the
rectangle onto each of the coordinate axes.

Opcrations on Primitive Objects: When dealing with simple numeric keys in 1-

data structures, the set of possible operations needed to be performed on each
primitive object
was quite simple, e.g. compare one key with another, sum keys, print keys, etc.
With geometric
objects, there are many more operations that one can imagine.

Basic point /vcctor operators: Let s be any scalar, p, p’ be points, and v, v’, uv”
be vectors.
Then the following operations are familiar ones from linear algebra. s-v — v

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

multiplication), ¢+e' +o” (vector addition), pu > p’ (point/ vector addition), p—p’
v (point/point subtraction), and finally v-v' — s (vector dot product). Results are

2) (svo, 801, 8v2)

(va, ti, 2) + (MH, M4) (to + UG, ta + YL, v2 + 05)
(Po, P1,P2) + (vo, 11,02) = (po + ¥0, pit v1, po + v2)
(pos P1, P2) — Gort, oe = (po — Por Pi — Pi. P2 — D9)
(wo, U1. ¥2) + (UH, 04,05) > vovy Here + eet).

8+ (U9, V1, 0

Basic extractions: For each of the objects given above, you will need to extract
the basic
elements from which the object is composed (e.g. the x-coordinate of a vector, the
of a sphere, the directional vector of a ray). In most cases these will just be
extracting the
appropriate field from an array or structure. One nontrivial example are the ray
operations of returning the first point on the ray segment (p+ (to-t)), and the
last point
on the segment (p+ (t; -v)) (where p and v are the origin and direction of the

Input/Output: It is good to have routines for inputting and outputting geometric


Normalization: It is important for some of the operations to be discussed that

vectors be
normalized to unit length. Given a vector (vo, v1, v2), ils length is given by the
formular =

vi + vi + v2. If r is nonzero, we divide each component by r giving (tn/?r, v1/r,


Otherwise an error message is printed.

Clipping and Interscction: ‘lhe most common operations involving geometric

is computing inlersections between objects. We discuss the examples of clipping a
segment to sphere and splitting a ray segment about a line are described below.

Reflecting: One primitive which is nice for ray tracing applications and some
motion simu-
lation problems is that of computing how an ray reflects when it hits an object.
‘This is
discussed below.

As a programming note, observe that C++ has a very nice mechanism for handling
operations using operator overloading. For example, to implement point/point
one might use the following.
// C++ version
const int dim = 3;
typedef double scalar;

class Point {
scalar cl[dim];

friend Vect operator -(Point pi, Point p2);

class Vect {

scalar c[dim];

friend Vect operator —(Point pi, Point p2);

Vect operator —(Point pi, Point p2) f{

Vect v;

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

for (int i = 0; i < dim; itt)

v.c[i] = pi.cli] - p2.c[il;
return v;

After this, to compute the difference of points you can just say v = pl - p2. Im C,
allernalive is somewhal messier. One problem is (hal you cannot overload operators,
and the
other is that you cannoy make assignments to arrays (although you can make
assignments to
structures). So the following might be used instead:

/* ANSI C version */
#define dim 3
typedef double scalar;

typedef struct {
scalar cl[dim];
} Point;

typedef struct {
scalar c[dim];
} Vect;

Vect PPDiff(Point p1, Point p2) f

Vect v;
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
v.cfi] = pi.cli] - p2.clil;
return v;

and give the somewhat messier v = PPDiff(p1, p2).

Splitting: We consider the task of splitting a ray segment about a orLhogonal

plane. We are given
aray segment s, and an orthogonal plane pl. Let us assume that the ray is given by
the origin
point p, the directional vector d, and the two parameter values tp and t,. Let’s
assume that
the plane is given by a cutting dimension 7 and a cutting value of c.

The basic task is to determine the parameter value al which the ray would hit the
plane. The
ray is given by the point/vector equation

ptt*v for > 0.

So, the parameter ¢ at which the 7-th coordinate of the point on the ray hits the
plane is given
pli] +o * uff] =e.

Solving for ¢ we get

e- pil
oft] |
Of course a solution only exists if v[z] # 0. What does it mean if c[é] = 0? It
means that the
ray is parallel to the plane, and so there is no solution (we assume that the ray
does not lie
exactly on the plane).

Once we have computed the value of t, to determine whether the segment hits the
plane or
not, we tesl whether ¢ lies in the range [fo, 41]. If so, we have a hil, otherwise
we do not. In

Lecture Notes

the following code, Low and high are the results of the split. The former lies on
the lower side
of the plane, and the latter lies on the upper side. If the segment lies entirely
on one side,
then one of these segments will be empty. ‘lo make a segment empty, we simply set
it’s two
parameters ly and , equal to each other. If the segment is parallel to the plane,
then we sel

CMSC 420

high to an empty segment, and low contains the whole segment.

Note: We use pass by reference, which is allowed in C++. In C to return the values
of low
and high you would have to pass pointers to these objects. Also, in the code below
| assume

that I can index into points and vectors directly bo simplify notation.

class RaySeg {

Point origin;
Vect direc;
scalar to;

scalar t1;

friend void Split(...);

class OrthPlane {

int cut_dim;

scalar cut_val;

friend void Split(...);


origin of ray
direction of ray
parametric limits of segment

cutting dimension
cutting value

void Split(OrthPlane pl, RaySeg s, RaySeg &low, RaySeg &high)

int 1 = pl.cut_dim;
scalar c = pl.cut_val;
Point p = s.origin;
Vect v = s.direc;

low = high = s;
if (v[i] == 0.0) f{
high.tO = high.t1;

else {
scalar t = (c - pli])/v[il;
if (t < s.t0)
low.tO = low.ti1 = t;
else if (t > s.ti)
high.tO = high.ti = +t;
else {
high.tO = t;
low.ti = t;


NOTE: low, high are

reference parameters.

cutting dimension
cutting value

origin of ray segment

direction of ray segment

initialize to s
parallel to plane
make high empty

miss on low side

low is empty

miss on high side

high is empty

segment is cut

trim the final segments

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Lecture 22: More Geometric Primitives

(Thursday, Nov 18, 1993)

Today’s material is not discussed in any of our readings.

Clipping: Another important geometric primitive is computing intersections between

rays and
objects. For example in ray tracing, we may need to determine whether a given
of a ray intersects a sphere. If it does then we clip the ray, by terminating it at
the point
of intersection. If there is no contact then the ray segment is unchanged.
Determining the
intersection point is a straightforward application of basic high school algebra.

Let c and r denote the center point and radius, respectively, of the sphere. Let
c[z] denote the
i-th coordinate of the cenler. Thus a point g lies on the sphere if and only if the
distance from
g loc is equal to vr. Given a vector w, let ||w|| denote the length of w. That is

Ipell = veo? + wll P + w2P =

(where w-w denote dot product. Saying that ¢ lies on the sphere is the same as
saying that
the distance from ¢ to c is r, or that the length of the vector g—c is r. Squaring
both sides
and applying the definition of the length of a vector we get

r? = ||¢—el/? =(q—e)-(q—c).

Let p denote the origin of the ray segment, let + denote the directional vector,
and let t) and
ty be the extreme points of the segment. Thus a point ¢ on the ray is given by the

ptt, for lg <E< ky.

We want to know whether there is some value € such that this point of the ray
segment hits
the sphere, in other words, whether p+t # v satisfies the above formula in place of

r? = [I(p-+t 0) —elP.

We know the values of p, v, c, and 7, so all we need to do is solve this rather

messy looking
formula for ¢. Let’s let w be the vector p—c. We can rewrite the above formula as

ros |llevtull? = evtw)-(tevtw)

Using the basic fact of linear algebra that dot product is a linear operator we
r= (7 (vv) + bad (vw) + (ww).

Observe that this is of the form of a quadratic equation int. In particular, if we

let A = (v-v),
Ba=2«(v-w), and C =(w-w)— vr? we get
0= AU + BL+C.
We know from high school algebra that if the discriminant
D = B’-4AC
is negative, there are no solutions. Otherwise there are two solutions

)- ~B+VvD
Lecture Notes

CMSC 420

The two solutions correspond to the fact that when we hil the sphere we hit il
twice, the front
side and the back side. Since we are interested only in the first intersection (and
since A > 0)
we can take the smaller root only



Putting all this together we get the following procedure. If the segment does not
hit the sphere
it returns 0. Otherwise it clips the segment and returns 1.

#define EPS

class RaySeg





friend int Clip(...);

class Sphere



Point center; /f
scalar radius; //
friend int Clip(...);
int Clip(RaySeg &s, Sphere sph) //
Point c =; ff
scalar r = sph.radius;
Point p = s.origin;
Vect v = s.direc;
scalar t;
Vect w=p-c¢; //
scalar A = Dot(v,v); f/f
scalar B = 2.0*Dot(v,w);
scalar C = Dot(w,w) - r*r;
scalar D = B*B — 4.0*A*C; //
if (D < 0.0) //
return 0; /f
t = (-B - sgrt(D))/(2.0* A); //
if (t < s.tO+EPS || t >s.ti) //
return 0; /f
s.ti =; //
return 1; //

a very small number

origin of ray
direction of ray
parametric limits of seg

center of sphere

clip segment s at sphere

important objects

difference of points
coeffs of quadratic eqn


negative discriminant
no intersection
solution parameter

are we within segment?

outside of segment

set new high value

we hit it

There is one tricky item to discuss. When we check that ¢ < s.t0, we add in a small
EPS. ‘he purpose of this is due to a problem with floating point round-off error.
If we are
Lecture Notes CMSC 420

shooting a ray off a sphere we do not want to detect an intersection with this same
sphere. In
this case the true value of t will be exactly 0. However floating point errors
result in a very
small but nonzero value. By disallowing solutions that are very close to zero we
avoid this

Reflection: Another geometric primitive that is useful is that of computing how a

ray bounces off
a surface, that is, to reflect the ray. This arises in a couple of places in ray
tracing. One is if
you are dealing with reflective objects, you need to determine how the viewing
vector bounces
off of an object that it hits (in effect, you are tracing backwards along the ray
of light that
eventually hits the viewers eye to see where it came from). ‘he basic fact about
reflection is
that if w is a uormal vector to the surface at the point the ray hits the surface,
then the angle
é@ of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence.

We will need one basic fact from linear algebra. Given two vectors v and w, the
projection of v on w is the vector u that points in the same direction as w and
comes by
dropping a perpendicular from v onto w. See the figure below.



Figure 44: Projection and reflection.

The orthogonal projection of v onto w is given by the following equation.


Now, let s denote the ray segment that hits a sphere. Let g denote the point of
between the ray and sphere, and let ¢ denote the center of the sphere. We assume
that the clip
procedure has already been called, so qg is the terminal endpoint of s. Let w
denote a normal
vector pointing oulwards from the sphere at point g. We can compute w by taking the
from ¢ to qg, that is, w = q—c. Place v and w so that their tails lie on g. If we
compute u the
projection of t onto w, then it is easy to see by congruent triangles that the
reflection vector
‘Thus the reflective ray has r as its direction and q as its origin. ‘Whe procedure
is given below.
We assume there is a constructor function which given 7, g, and the values of fj
and ¢, will
create a ray segment having these properties. Since we don’t know where the segment
we set t; to a very large number (essetially +90). We also assume that we have an
function EndPoint(s) which returns the endpoint (p + t1*v) of a ray segment.

#define INFTY 1.02820 // a big number

// Reflect a ray segment off a sphere.

f/f We assume s terminates on the sphere (from Clip()).

RaySeg Reflect(RaySeg s, Sphere sph)

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Point q = EndPoint(s); // endpoint of s (q = p + tiv)
Point c =; // center of sphere
Vect wWweq-c // normal to sphere at q
Vect v= s.direc; // directional vector of s
Vect wu = (Dot(v,w)/Dot(w,w))*w; // projection of v onw
Vect re=v + (-2.0)¥*u; // reflection vector
Normalize(r); // normalize to unit length
RaySeg R(q, r, 0.0, INFTY); // veflection segment
return R;

Lecture 23: Geometric Data Structures

(Tuesday, Nov 23, 1993)

Today’s material is discussed in Chapt. 2 of Samet’s book on spatial data


Geometric Data Structures: Geometric data structures are based on many of the
concepts pre-
sented in typical one-dimensional (i.e. single key) data structures. Some concepts
well (e.g. trees) but others do not seem lo generalize as well (e.g. hashing). (One
with hashing is that it scatters data around. However the notion of proximity is
important io
geometry, so it is desireable to keep nearby objects close to each other in the
data structure.)

Why is it hard to generalize 1-dimensional data structures. ‘here are a few

reasons. ‘Ihe first
is that most 1-dimensional data structures are built in one way or another around
However, what does it mean lo sort 2-dimensional data? (Obviously your could sort
by «-
coordinate, and among elements with the same x-coordinate you could sort by
but this is a rather artificial ordering, since it is possible for objects to be
very close in this
order but be physically very far from each other (e.g. if their w-coordinates are
nearly the
same but y-coordinates are vastly different). Second complicating matter is that
when dealing
with 1-dimensional search we use the fact that a single key value x can be used to
split the
space into the set of keys less than a, and those greater than «. However, given a
single point
in 2-dimensional space, how can this point be used to split up space?

Geometric Search Structures: As with |-dimensional data structures, there are many
types of problems for which we need data structures, but searching of one form or
seems to be the most common types of problems. Let S denote a set of geometric
(e.g. points, line segments, lines. sphere, rectangles, polygons). In addition to
the standard
operations of inserting and deleting elements from 5, the following are example of

Membership: Is a given object in the set?

Nearest Neighbor: Find the closest object to a given point.

Ray Shooting: Given a ray, what is the first object it hits.

Range Query: Given a region (e.g. a rectangle) list all the objects that lie
inside of this region.

As with |-dimensional data structures, the goal is to store our objects in some
sort of intelligent

way so that queries of the above form can be answered efficiently.

Notice with 1-dimensional data it was important for us to consider the dynamic case
objects are being inserted and deleted). The reason was that the static case can be
solved by

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

simply sorting the objects. Note that in higher dimensions sorting is not longer an
option, so
solving these problems is nontrivial, even for static sets.

Basic Paradigm: There is a basic paradigm that underlies the design of a large
number of geo-
metric search data structures. It is a natural generalization of what happens in a
binary tree.
In a binary tree each key is used to split the space. In geometry, it is no longer
the case that
we can use a single key value to split space, but based upon the key we can
determine other
methods for splitting space. When space has been split into 2 or more regions, then
we can
recurse on these regions. ‘The other element that needs to be considered is that
since geometric
objects occupy “space” (unless they are single points) it may not necessarily be
the case that
an object falls into one side or the other of the split, rather they may overlap
multiple regions.

The general paradigm is:

Subdivide: “Subdivide” space into regions. This is typically done hierarchically,

where each
each region is this further split and subregions are stored in a tree.

Insertion: Determine which region(s) the geometric object overlaps and insert it
into the
subtrees for these regions.

Splitting: If a region becomes to “crowded”, then split this region into smaller
regions, and
redistribute the elements among these regions.

Query: Determine which region(s) might affect the result of the query. Move through
tree “searching” each of these regions (perhaps according to some order).

What it means to “split” and “search”, and what is meant by “crowded” vary with the
plication and choice of data strucbure. However, once these notions have been made
the specific data structure emerges. Since there are many choices for how to
perform these
operations, there are many geometric data structures. As a data structure designer,
it is less
important to memorize the various distinctions between the structures, as il is bo
what choices lead to efficient data structures are which do not.

Splitting Alternatives: Let us consider possible techniques for hierarchically

decomposing space
into simpler regions. We begin with the simple case of point data. Let us make the
assumption that we know that all the data objects will lie in some rectangular
region. We
assume that this region is given Lo us as two points LB (for lower bound) aud UB
(for upper
bound). These represent the lower left and upper right corners of a bounding box.
We assume
that the portion of the space that we are interested in is limited to the set of
points p such

LBli] < pli] < UB] for i =0.1,...,d-1

For some of the data structures we will mention we do not need these bounds, but
for others it
will be important to assume their existence. Let us further assume that the region
is square,

U Bli] — LBE] =U Bly] — LBL] for all 0 <i,7<d—-1.

An example of a set of points is shown below in dimension d = 2 where LB = (0,0)


{7B = (100, 100).

Point quadtree: Our goal is to decompose space into simple regions, called cells.
One idea is that
called a point quadtree. In this method the points are inserled one at a lime.
Whenever a
point is inserted, we split the cell containing the new point into 4 smaller
rectangular cells
by passing horizontal and vertical lines through the point. Suppose we take the
points in the
previous example, and insert them in the following order.

(35. 40), (50, 10), (60,75), (80, 65), (85. 15), (5, 45), (25, 35), (90,5)

Lecture Notes

° (35,40)
(50,10) e
e &

CMSC 420




Figure 45: Points and bounding box.

(35,40) (35,40)
@ @
60,75 60,75
PM ) PM )
(80,65) (80,65)
545 (35,40) (35,40)
e e
G (50,10)

Figure 46: Point quadtree decomposition.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

To represent this structure as a tree, we keep a node for each of splits made. Each
node has
4-children, one for each of the 4 cells it creates. These can be labelled in any
order. Here they
are shown as NW, NE, SW, SE (for NorthWest, NorthEast, SouthWest, and SouthEast).

Figure 47: Point quadtree tree representation.

| usually find it easier to draw quadtrees using their geometric representation

(since this shows
more of the geometric intuition), but il is good idea to think in terms of both

Point k-d tree: Point quadtrees can be generalized to high dimensions, but for each
splitting point
the number of children of a node increases with dimension. In general, in dimension
d, each
node has 2@ children. Thus, in 3-space the resulting trees have 8 children each,
and are often
called point octrees. The problem is that the resulting algorithms get messier as a
result of
having to deal with so many children. An alternative is to retain the notion of a
binary tree,
by splitting using a single orthogonal plane. At each level of the tree we vary
which axis we
cul along. For example, at the root we cut perpendicular to the w-axis, the next
level we cul
perpendicular to the y-axis, then to the z-axis, and then we repeat (or whenever we
run out
of dimensions). ‘Vhe resulting data structure is called a k-d tree. (Actually the k
in k-d is
supposed to be the dimension, so the specific namie is a 2-d tree, 3-d tree, eLc.)
An example of
inserting the same points is shown below.

The tree representation is much the same as it is for quad-trees except now every
node has only
two children. The left child holds all the points that are less than the current
point according
to the discriminating coordinate, and the right subtree holds those that are
larger. An example
is shown below. We do not need to store the coordinate along which we are
splitting, since ib
is possible to maintain that information as we traverse the tree. If the splitting
dimension is
2 at some level, then the splitting dimension of its children is Just (it+t1) % d,
where d is the

Lecture 24: PMR k-d Tree

(Tuesday, Nov 30, 1993)

Today’s material is discussed in Sect. of Samet’s book on spatial data


PMR k-d tree: We discuss how to store a collection of circles or spheres in a data
structure called
a PMR kd tree. ‘lhe data structure has two types of nodes, internal nodes and leaf
Each internal node contains an orthogonal plane, which is used as a splitting value
to guide
searches. As with point k-d trees, the choice of the cutting dimension rotates
among the axes,
first cutting along x, then along y, then along z, and then back to x, and soon.
Unlike a point
k-d tree (in which the cut is based on the point being inserted) we always cut a
cell along its

The spheres are not sored in the internal nodes, they are slored in the leaf nodes
only. Each
leaf node contains zero or more spheres (or actually pointers to spheres). We will
see that
a single sphere may be inserted into many different leaf nodes. Intuitively, when
too many
spheres have been inserted in a leaf cell this cell is split into two smaller cells
by culting the

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

(35,40) (35,40)
e e
(O75) ( 4
® e
(80,65) (80,65)
(35,40) (35,40)
e e
(50,10) | (85.15) (50,10)
(90,5) 4

Figure 48: Point k-d tree decomposition.

Figure 49: Point k-d tree representation.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

cell with an orthogonal plane. (However, there is a subtlety in the splitting rule
which we will
discuss later.) We maintain a constant integer parameter n-split. Whenever the
of a sphere causes the number of spheres in a given cell to become greater than or
equal to
n-split. we split the cell. In the examples given here, n_split is equal lo 2
(meaning that if
2 or more spheres are inserted into a, cell, it will split). When a cell is split,
we create two new
leaf nodes, one for each of the new cells. For each new cell, we insert a sphere
into that cell if
it overlaps the cell.

Example: Consider the following example. We present the example in dimension 2, but

continue to call the objects spheres for consistency with the project. ‘Vhe
generalization to
dimensions 3 and higher is not difficult. Let us suppose that the initial bounding
box is from
(0,0) to (100, 100). (It will be different in the project.) We insert a number of
spheres. Let us
assume that they all have radius 10. ‘lhe centers of the spheres are at the points
A = (80, 70),
B= (30, 20). C = (63, 20), and D = (80, 20). See the figure below.


@ ® ®
© IP)



= 50 =7
x x split only once! x

Figure 50: PMR k-d tree insertion.

Initially there are no spheres and we have one cell (the entire region). The
insertion of the
sphere centered at A does not cause any problems because a cell is allowed to
contain one
sphere. The insertion of the sphere centered al B causes an overflow (because we
have 2
spheres overlapping this cell), and so we split it. We split it along the x-
coordinate at the
midpoint of the cell (« = 50). ‘Vhis results in two identical cells, left and
right. Sphere B
overlaps the only the left cell, so it is placed there, and sphere A overlaps the
right cell, so it
is placed there.

Next consider the insertion of sphere C’. It overlaps the right side of the split,
so we attempt
to place it in this cell. Because this cell has 2 spheres, it splits. ‘his time we
split along the

y-coordinate at the midpoint of the cell (y = 50). Sphere C’ overlaps the lower
cell, so it is
placed there, and sphere A overlaps the upper cell, so it is placed there.

Finally we insert D. It overlaps the right side of the split, so it is recursively

inserted into
the region containing A and C’. Within this region it overlaps the lower cell which
contains C’, so il is placed in this lower cell. Since this cell now contains 2
spheres we split it.
Since our parent split along y, we split along 2. (Of course in 3-space we split
along z.) In
this case the midpoint of the cell is at 2 = 75. ‘Lhe resulting cell has a left
subcell and a right
subcell. Since C’ overlaps only the left subcell, it is placed there. Since J
overlaps BO'TH the
right and left subcells, it is placed in BOTH cells. (Note that we do nol attempt
to cul the
sphere in half. We simply insert a pointer to sphere D in both of the resulting

At this point we observe a problem. There are two spheres, C' and D, that overlap
the left
subcell. If we continue to follow the splitting strategy given above, this would
mean that we
need to split this subcell. However, since the two spheres themselves overlap,
notice thal no
Lecture Notes CMSC 420


matler how many splits we performed, there will ALWAYS be at least one subcell that
both spheres. This will lead to an infinite splitting loop! To get around this
problem, we exploit
an important property of PMR k-d trees, namely we split enly once for each
insertion. (‘Lhis
is lhe “subtlety” referred to earlier in the splitting rule.) As a consequence,
resulling subcells
may contain more than n_split spheres. Fortunately, severe overcrowding occurs
rarely in

PMR k-d tree splitting rule: When inserting a sphere into a leaf cell, if the new
number of
spheres in the cell is greater than or equal to n_split, then split this cell (ONLY
along ils midpoint, forming two subcells. (As with any k-d tree the cutting
rotates among a, y, and z). For each sphere that overlaps the original cell
(including the
newly inserted sphere), place the sphere into each of the new subcells that it
However, such insertions CANNOT cause the resulting subcells to split.

Structure: Now let us consider the structure of the binary tree that represents the
state of
the data structure. Hach node contains a flag indicating whether it is an internal
node or a leaf
node. If it is an méernal node it contains a single orthogonal cutting plane, which
where the parent cell has been split, and two pointers to its left and right
children. (The left
subtree corresponds to the points whose coordinate is less than the orthogonal
plane’s cutting
value, and the right subtree corresponds to points whose coordinates are greater
than or equal
to the culling value.) If the node is a leaf wode il contains an integer field n-
obj which indicates
the number spheres that overlap this cell, and it contains a list of pointers to
these spheres.

The figure below shows the trees resulting from each of the insertions given
earlier. Note that
initially the tree consists of a single leaf node with no objects. Each time we
split, we replace
a leaf node with an internal node that contains the cutting plane, and we create
two new leaf
nodes. Also observe that because of the PMR splitting rule, a cell may contain more
n_split spheres. Observe that in the last tree, the sphere ) is contained in two
leaf nodes
(because it overlaps two cells).
Figure 51: PMR, &-d tree structure.

Let us consider one final insertion to see how much damage a single sphere can
cause to the
data structure. Suppose we insert a sphere at the center point (50, 50). ‘his
sphere overlaps
the left subtree with B, and so it is placed there (causing this cell to split). It
overlaps the
cell containing A, and so it is placed there (causing this cell to split). Finally
it overlaps the
cell containing C’ and J), and is placed there (causing this cell to be split).
‘The final spatial
decomposition and tree are shown in the following figure. As you can see, a single
can cause a great deal of change in the tree (in this case the tree almost doubles
in size.)

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Fortunately, the sort of worst-case scenarios that one might imagine happening,
seem to occur
only rarely in practice.


Figure 52: Oue more insertion.

Node Structure: Because a PMR k-d tree consists of two different types of nodes,
internal nodes
and leaf nodes, this complicates the declarations. In particular, notice that the
left and right
child pointers for an internal node might point to an internal node or they might
point to a
leaf node. It is possible to simply declare a single node type which contains all
of the elements
present in both internal and leaf nodes, but this is rather wasteful.

C++ has an elegant method to handle this, using inheritance. ‘lhe idea is to
declare a base
class, KD-Node, and then derive two olher classes KD_Intern aud KD_Leaf from (his
base class.
The base class contains no data members, and only virtual member functions that are
to the two derived classes (e.g. a constructor, an insertion routine, and a ray-
tracing routine).
‘The first derived class contains only entries needed for internal nodes, and the
second derived
class contains only entries needed for leaf nodes. We can now declare the left and
right child
pointers to point to a KD_Node, and let the system figure out whether this node
happens to be
an internal node or a leaf node (and indeed in this case you do not need to store
any marker
indicating the type of a node, because the system handles this for you

Unfortunately this is not an option for C programmers, and so we will propose a

that will work for both languages. (And in fact this is similar to how C++ handles
at the implementation level.) ‘he idea will be to create two structures, one for
internal nodes,
and one for leaves. Both structures will share a common first field, which
indicates the type
of the node. Otherwise they will contain only the required entries for the
particular type of
node. We will use a genertc pointer, namely void *, to point to both structures,
but after
determining the type of node, we will cast the pointer to the appropriate specific

As mentioned earlier, we do not know in advance how many spheres may be assigned lo
given cell. Let’s make the simplifying assumption for this project that no cell can
more than 10 spheres. With this assumption we can store the spheres in an array. (A
method would be to store a linked list of spheres, so there is no a priori limit.
But I am a
lazy programmer.) We also create two points LB and UB. These contain the upper and
bounds on the outermost region for the tree (e.g. LB = (0,0) and UB = (100,100) for
previous example).

const int dim = 3; // in dimension 3

const int n_split = 2; // split if 2 or more spheres

const int n_max = 10; // max number of spheres per leaf
typedef void +#KDPtr // generic kd-tree node pointer

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

typedef struct { // internal node

int is_leaf; // wast be = 0 (False)
OrthPlane cut; // cutting plane
KDPtr left; // left child
KDPtr right; // vight child
} KD_Intern;
typedef struct f // leaf node
int is_leaf; // wust be = 1 (True)
int n_obj; // number of objects
Sphere *obj [n_max]; // spheres overlapping this cell
} KD_Leaf;
Point LB; // lower bound point
Point UB; // upper bound point
KDPtr root; // root of tree

C++ programmers can convert these into classes, adding constructors and appropriate
or friend functions for insertion and ray tracing. You can follow the general
structure we used
for binary tree data structures of designing a class for the tree as a whole, which
contains the
root pointer, and two classes, one for the internal and one for leaf nodes.

Initialization: One of the interesting things about PMR k-d trees (and trees having
this sort of
internal/leaf structure) is that we never need to use NULL pointers when referring
to nodes in
the tree. Notice that all internal nodes have exactly two non-NULL children, and
the leaves do
not need child pointers. In particular, the data structure should not be
initialized by setting the
root to NULL. ‘lhe initialization consists of creating a single leaf node
containing zero objects.
‘This should be part of a global initialization routine, or a constructor for the

KD_Leaf *L = new KD_Leaf; // create new leaf

L->n_obj = 0; // initially empty
root = L;

Another element of initialization is initializing 2B and UB. For this project you
may assume
that LB = (—10, —10,—10) and UB = (10, 10,10). 1 set these points up in my main
and made them arguments lo my k-d tree constructor.

Sphere Insertion: The first operation to consider is that of sphere insertion.

There are two cases
to consider. First, if we are inserting a sphere into an internal node, and second
if we are
inserting a sphere into a leaf node. ‘he following procedure determines the type of
a node
pointer and calls an appropriate function. ‘lhe arguments consist of a pointer to
the node into
which we are inserting, the sphere being inserted, the lower and upper bounds of
this cell, the
current cutting dimension, and finally a flag indicating whether we are allowed to
perform a
split or not. ‘The initial insertion call is made on the root node, as
NInsert(root, sph, LB,
UB, 0, 1). This means to insert the sphere in the root node, starting with 0 (a-
axis as the
cutting axis) and allowing splits.

KDPtr NInsert (KDPtr T, Sphere *sph, Point LB, Point UB,

int c_dim, int splitable)
if (CCKD_Leaf *)T)->is_leaf)
T = LeafInsert ((KD_Leaf *)T, sph, LB, UB, c_dim, splitable);

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

T = IntInsert((KD_Intern *)T, sph, LB, UB, c_dim, splitable);
return T;

Insertion into an internal node involves determining whether the sphere overlaps
the left re-
gion and/or the right region. Determining whether a sphere overlaps a rectangular
region is
somewhat messy, so we use a simpler test of whether the box surrounding the sphere
the region. Suppose that the cutting plane is vertical. This amounts to testing
whether the
leftmost edge of the enclosing box (center minus radius) lies to the left of the
cutting plane,
or whether the rightmost edge of the box (center plus radius) lies to the right of
the cutting
plane. An example is shown below where x is the cutting coordinate.




¥ ¥
center[d]-radius center[d]+radius

Figure 53: Sphere overlap with left/right subregions.

When we recurse on each subregion, but first we modify the appropriate coordinate
of either
LB or UB to account for the fact that the region size has been trimmed.

KDPtr IntInsert(KD_Intern *T, Sphere *sph, Point LB, Point UB,

int c_dim, int splitable)

scalar save;
int d = T->cut.cut_dim; // cutting dimension
scalar v = T->cut.cut_val; // cutting value
// overlap left side?
if (sph->center[d] - sph->radius < v) {
save = UB[d]; // save upper bound
UB[d] = vy;
// insert on left
T->left = NInsert(T->left, sph, LB, UB, (d+1)%dim, splitable);
UB[d] = save; // restore upper bound
// overlap right side?
if (sph->center[d] + sph->radius >= v) {
save = LBId]; // save lower bound
LB[d] = v;
// insert on right
T->right = NInsert(T->right, sph, LB, UB, (d+1)%dim, splitable);
LB[d] = save; // vestore lower bound
return T;

Finally to insert a sphere into a leaf cell, we need to determine whether we need
to split the
cell. If not (or we are not allowed to) we just copy the pointer to the sphere into
the object list

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

array. Otherwise we creale a new cutting plane along the appropriate coordinate by
the upper and lower bounds along the cutting dimension. We create a new internal
node p
to replace this node, and create two new leaf nodes, nl and nr, in which to store
the spheres.
Finally we insert the spheres of the existing node into these new nodes. This can
be done by
calling the insertion procedure for each of these spheres on the new internal node.
We do not
allow these insertions to cause splits though. See the example below.


OW ©


Figure 54: Leaf splitting.

We make use of a constructor for internal nodes that initializes the cutting plane,
left and
right child pointers. We also assume that the constructor for leaf nodes
initializes the n_obj
field to 0.

KDPtr LeafInsert (KD_Leaf *T, Sphere *sph, Point LB, Point UB,
int c_dim, int splitable)

// can we insert without split?
if (T->n_obj+i < n_split || !splitable) {
if (T->n_obj >= n_max) // no more room
output "Error: node overflow!\n";
T->obj[T->n_obj++] = sph; // else add this sphere to list
return T;
else { // need to split this node
KDPtr nl = new KD_Leaf; // create a new leaf for left
KDPtr nr = new KD_Leaf; // create a new leaf for right
// new cut value is midpoint
scalar val = (LB[c_dim] + UB[c_dim])/2.0;
OrthPlane pl(c_dim, val); // create new cutting plane
// new internal node
KDPtr p = new KD_Intern(pl, nl, nr);
// reinsert without splitting
for (int i = 0; i < T->n_obj; i++)
p = NiInsert(p, T->obj[il], LB, UB, c_dim, 0);
// insert this sphere as well
p = NInsert(p, sph, LB, UB, c_dim, 0);
delete T; // dispose of current node
return p;

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Lecture 25: More, PMR ik-d Tree

(Thursday, Dec 1, 1993)

Today’s material is discussed in Sect. of Samet’s book on spatial data


Ray Tracing: The other important operation for the PMR. k-d tree to handle is ray
tracing. The
procedure NTrace(T, s) is given a pointer to a node T in a k-d tree, and a ray
segment s,
and returns a pointer to the first sphere that the ray hits, or NULL if the ray
does not hit any

As was the case with insertion, there are two cases depending on whether 7 points
to an
internal node or a leaf. Thus, as wilh NInsert() the procedure NTrace() essentially
just tests
the type of node 7, and calls either LeafTrace() or IntTrace() depending on whether
node is an internal node or leaf. (‘he details are left to you.)

If FT points to a leaf, then we simply need to check whether the ray segment hits
any of the
spheres that overlap the associated cell. This can be done by calling Clip().
Recall that
Clip() returns a | if it succeeds in shortening the ray segment, so we return a
pointer to the
last sphere that succeeded clipping the ray. Here is the code.

Sphere *LeafTrace(KD_Leaf *T, RaySeg s)

if (IsEmpty(s)) return NULL; // nothing to trace
Sphere *sph = NULL; // default: no sphere hit
for (int i = 0; i < T->n_obj; i++) {
if (Clip(s, *#(T->objli]))) // hit this sphere?
sph = T->objLil; // yes, remember it
return sph;

If J points to an internal node, then the cutting plane splits the region
associated with T
into two rectangular subregions: call them left and right. We can use the procedure
Split ()
to split the ray segment into two ray segments, low, and high, lying on opposite
sides of the
culling plane. Recall that (1) as we travel along the ray we encounter low first,
and then high
second, and (2) if the ray is parallel to the cutting plane then the entire ray is
left in low, and
high is returned emply. Observe that in the figure below, depending on the
direction of the
ray, (a) left to right, (b) right to left, (c) parallel on the left, and (d)
parallel on the right, we
need to recurse on the subtrees of T in different orders. For example in case (a),
we should
look for a hit in the left subtree first, and then in the right. In case (c) we
need only look for
a hut in the left subtree.

low hish high

psig | Plow | flow low
left right left right left right left right
(a) (b) (c) (d

Figure 55: Internal node ray tracing.

To determine which of these cases holds, we cousider the directional vector for s
and the
cutting dimension d of the cutting plane. If the d-th coordinate of the directional
vector is
positive, then we are moving from left to right, if negative then from right to
left. If it is zero
then we are parallel, and we test whether the origin of s lies to the left or right
of the cutting
Lecture Notes

CMSC 420

value. The code is given below. We make use of a utilily rouline IsEmpty () which

whether a ray-segment s is empty by testing whether s.tO == s.t1.

Sphere *IntTrace(KD_Intern *T, RaySeg s)
RaySeg low, high;
Sphere *sph;
if (IsEmpty(s)) return NULL; // nothing to trace
Split (T->cut, s, low, high); // split s along cutting plane
int d = T->cut.cut_dim; // cutting dimension
scalar v = T->cut.cut_val; // cutting value
if (s.direc[d] > 0.0) f{ // directed left to right
sph = NTrace(T->left, low); // look for hit on left side
if (sph == NULL) // none
sph = NTrace(T->right, high);// look for hit on right side
else if (s.direc[d] < 0.0) { // directed right to left
sph = NTrace(T->right, low); // look for hit on right side
if (sph == NULL) // none
sph = NTrace(T->left, high);// look for hit on left side
// otherwise we are parallel
else if (s.origin[d] < v) // left of cutting plane
sph = NTrace(T->left, low); // look for hit on left side
else // vight of cut plane
sph = NTrace(T->right, low); // look for hit on right side
return sph;

Generating Rays: Refer back to the project description for details on the last line
of the input
file. This line specifies how rays are to be generated. The first item is the
coordinates of a
point indicating the position of the viewer, vp, and the second two items are the
of points representing the upper left and lower right points of a square thal is
assumed lo be
perpendicular to the z-axis, VE and LR. (We choose upper-left and lower-right
because this
is the order in which pixel arrays are stored.) ‘lhe last item is the integer
number rays nr to
generate for each row and column of the square. We subdivide this square along its
a- and
y-axes inlo an nr X mr mesh of points into which we shoot our rays. Let w = ER[0] —
denote the width of the entire mesh, and let h = LR[1] -—UL[1] denote the height of
the entire
mesh (this will be negative).

We will assume that the spheres to be displayed will lie between the viewer and the
(so our rays can terminate at the mesh, rather than pass through them). We let i
and j run
through values all nr rows and columns, and for each (7, 7) pair we determine the
point on the mesh, mp. ‘Vhen we shoot a ray from the viewer’s position vp to mp.
‘The variable
j iterates over columms (determining the #-coordinate) and @ iterates over rows
the ycoordinate). The a-coordinate of mp is given by computing the ratio j7/nr (a
in the range [0..1]), multiplying this by the width w of the mesh and finally,
adding in the
leftmost coordinate. A similar formula holds for y giving:

x(j) = w+ + UL) yi) =h+ + UL{L].

nr nmr

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

As a check, you can verify by substitution that when é and j range from 0 to nr,
the points
(x,y) will range from UE to LR. We create the point mp with coordinates (a(j),
y(@), UL[2])
using a point constructor. Finally our ray segment has as origin vp, directional
vector mp— vp
(point-point difference), and range values fg = 0 and 4; = 1. The following code
the rays, and calls a procedure RayTrace(T,s) to perform the ray-tracing where Tis
the k-d
tree with spheres already inserted and s is the ray segment. The shade of the
object that was
hit is returned. How RayTrace() determines this color, and how OutputPixel() work
will be
discussed next.

double w = LR[O]-UL[0]; // width of mesh

double h = LR[1]-UL[1]; // height of mesh
// generate rays
for (i = 0; i < nr; it+) { // iterate over mesh rows
scalar y = h*((double) i)/((double) nr) + UL[1];
for (j = 0; j < mr; j++) { // iterate over mesh columns
scalar x = w*((double) j)/((double) nr) + UL[O];
Point mp(x, y, UL[2]); // create destination point on mesh

RaySeg s(vp, mp-vp, 0.0, 1.0); // create the ray to trace

Color color = RayTrace(T, s); // trace it
OutputPixel (color); // output this color

Coloring and Shading: The next issue to consider in the project has nothing to do
with data

structures, but is needed for getting nice color output. Up to now we have given
all the low-
level routines for generating and shooting rays. However, when a ray hits a sphere
we need
to kuow what color to assign il. Colors are represented on most graphics
workstations by
blending three primary colors: red, green, and blue. Thus a color can be thought of
as a triple
(r, 9,6) where each component is a floating point number in the range [0, 1], where
0 means
dark and 1 means bright. When all colors are mixed equally you get shades of gray,
so (0,0, 0)
is black, (0.5,0.5., 0.5) is gray, and (1, 1, L) is white. Mixing red and green
gives yellow, mixing
red and blue gives magenta (a light purple), and mixing green and blue gives cyan
(a greenish
blue). Thus (0.2,0.2,0) is a dark magenta, and (0,1, 1) is a light cyan. The
possibilities are
limitless. (Unfortunately, most workstations and PC’s can only display a limited
number of
colors at a time (typically 256) so it is necessary to use programs like xv to
approximate a
large range of colors on a limited-color workstation.)
Colors can be represented in much the same way that points and vectors were. (Note:
colors are conceptually different from points and vectors, it is not a good idea to
declare a
color to be of type Point or type Vect. Ideally, a new type or class, Color, should
be created.)
An example is shown below. One important primitive operation needed on colors is a
function. You are given two colors, cy and c,, and you want to mix them together in
proportions po and p; (where typically po + pi = 1). Thus when (po, pi) = (1,0) the
color is co, when (po, pi) = (0,1) the resulting color is cy, and when (po, pi) =
the resulting color is halfway belween these two colors. This is performed by the
Combine() given below. Since we require that color values lie in the range from 0
to 1, we also
provide a utility routine to fix up colors that have gone out of range (we will see
later why this
is possible).

const int col_dim = 3; // dimension of color space

typedef struct f
double rgb[col_dim] ; // ved, green, blue components

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

} Color;
// combine colors
Color Combine(Color c0, Color c1, double p0, double p1)

Color result;
for (int i = 0; i < col_dim; i++)
result.rgb[i] = pO*cO.rgb[i] + p1*c1.rgb[il;
return result;
Color FixUp(Color c) // fix colors if out of bounds
Color result;
for (int i = 0; i < col_dim; i++) {
double cc = c.rgb[il; // default color component
if (cc > 1.0) ce = 1.0; // too large
else if (cc < 0.0) cc = 0.0; // too small
result.rgb[i] = cc;
return result;

When each sphere is input, you are given (in addition to the center coordinates and
radius) the
RGB values of its color. You can enhance the sphere structure to include the new
(C++ programmers: this is a natural place to use inheritance, by defining a
“colored sphere”
which is derived from a sphere and adds a color component.)

The basic question is, when a ray hits a sphere, what is the color that should be
displayed? We
could simply output the color of the sphere, but that would create no shading and
hence no
sense of depth or light. ‘lo produce more realistic coloring, we introduce a simple
model. You would have to take a course in computer graphics to fully explain the
model, but
we'll give just a brief outline, along with the code. See the book on Computer
Graphics by
Foley, VanDam, Feiner, and Hughes for a more complete explanation.

‘The idea of an illumination model is to provide a mathematical formula describing

the nature
of light and illumination properties of the spheres. There are a number of
parameters whose
values we will assume are constants. However, if you want to play around with them,
you are
encouraged to make them part of the input file and then alter them. ‘The basic
elements of
our Hlumination model are:

Light source: There is a single point generating light. The coordinates of this
point are
stored in a point source_pt. We will assume the coordinates are (—200, 100, 200).
Light source intensity: The light source has a certain intensity which is described
by a
double quantity, source_int, which we will assume is 1.5. (‘There are no real

for this number. I created a value that I thought looked pretty.)

Ambient light intensity: A point that is hidden from the light is not entirely
black. The
reason is that there is a certain amount of “random” light that is uniform in all
‘This is called ambient light. ‘The intensity of ambient light is amb_int, and is
set to 0.6.

Background color: If the ray does not hit any sphere, then it is given the
background color.
This color is a medium gray, (0.5,, and is not influenced by the location
or intensity
of the light source. This is denoted back_color.

Diffuse, specular, and reflective coefficients: Our spheres have a certain degree

(or diffuseness), a certain degree of shininess (or specularity), and a certain

degree of pure

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

reflectiveness. If you shine a light on a red rubber ball (highly diffuse) it will
look quite
different than if you shine a light on a shiny red apple (highly specular), and
this looks
still different from a red polished metal ball (highly reflective). Each sphere has
coefficients associated wilh these quantities, denoted the coefficient of diffuse
diff_coef, the coefficient of specular reflection spec_coef, and the coefficient of
reflection refl_coef. We will set these parameters to 0.7, 0.8, and 0.0,
respectively, for all
spheres. ‘hus our spheres are moderately diffuse and specular, but not reflective.
reflection is not required for the project, so you can ignore this last quantiby
Specular exponent: With specular reflection, the coefficient of specular reflection
mines the brightness of the shiny spot. The size of the shiny spot is determined by

specular exponent, spec_exp. Low values (e.g. 2), result in large shiny spots, and
values (e.g. 30) result in small spots. We will fix this value for all spheres al

The ray tracing and shading are controlled by two routines. The first is
RayTrace(T,s). Its
job is to trace the ray s through a k-d tree T, and determine whether any sphere
was hit. If
not, it returns the background color. If so, it calls the routine Shade() that does
the real work
of computing the shade of the contact. We assume that Trace() is the main entry
point to
the ray tracer for k-d trees (i.e. it calls NTrace() on the root of the tree).

Color RayTrace(KDTree *T, RaySeg s)

Sphere *sph = Trace(T, s); // trace the ray segment
if (sph == NULL) // wissed
return back_col; // return background color
return Shade(T, s, *sph); // compute shading

‘The routine Shade() does all the dirty work. lt’s arguments are the k-d tree ‘/’,
the ray segment
s, and the sphere sph that was hit. ‘he simplified version given below computes the
of the diffuse and specular components of the reflection. (Pure reflection and
shadows are nol
required for the project. These is left as an exercise if you are interested.) The
code is given

Color Shade(KDTree *T, RaySeg s, Sphere sph)

Coler obj_col = sph.color; // object color
Coler spec_col(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // specular color = white(1,1,1)
double diff_str = 0.0; // diffuse strength (0 by default)
double spec_str = 0.0; // specular strength (0 by def)
Clip(s, sph); // clip ray to sphere
Point q = EndPt(s); // contact point with sphere
Vect L = source_pt - q; // vector from q to light (PPDiff)
Vect WN =q -; // surface normal (PPDiff)
scalar dot = Dot(L, WN); // cosine of light and normal angle
if (dot > 0.0) f // on the object’s light side

// compute diffuse brightness

diff_str = source_int * diff_coef * dot;

// vay from light source to q

RaySeg light2q(source_pt, q - source_pt, 0.0, 1.0);

// compute reflection off sphere

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

RaySeg refl = Reflect (light2q, sph);

Vect R = refl.direc;

Normalize (R) ; // normalized reflection of light

Vect V = s.direc; // vector from viewer


scalar dot2 = -Dot(R, V); // cosine of reflect and view angle

// compute specular strength

spec_str = source_int * spec_coef * pow(-dot2, spec_exp);

// mix diffuse and specular parts

Color final_col = Combine (obj_col, spec_col, diff_str, spec_str);

// mix in ambient contribution

final_col = Combine(obj_col, final_col, amb_int, 1.0-amb_int);
return FixUp(final_col);

We will not go into the details of how and why this works, since this is the
subject for a
computer graphics course, but here is a brief description of the formulas it uses.
The diffuse
strength DS is given by the formula

DS =SI* DC *(L-N),

where SJ is the source intensity, DC’ is the coefficient of diffuse reflection, L

is a normalized
vector pointing from the coutact point to the light source and N is a normalized
surface normal
vector at the contact point. The specular strength SS is given by the formula

SS = Sle SC#(R-VYPF,

where SJ is as before, SC’ is the coefficient of specular reflection, Ris the

normalized reflection
vector of a ray from the light source to the contact point, and V is a normalized
vector directed
from the contact point back to the viewer, and SF is the specular exponent.

Correctness Output: For the correctness phase of the output (see the project
description), run
your program on the input files ray.samp and ‘hese files are in the
ftp directory on Sample output for the file ray. samp is given
in the file

ray.out. (There will be no sample output for

Pixel Output: You are not required to hand in pixel output, but you are encouraged
to try to
generate a pixel output that you can display. ‘(here are a number of different
formats for
producing color images. The format we have selected is ppm, because it a very
sitmple, low-
level format that can be translated easily into other formats (e.g. using a program
like xv
which runs on many X-windows machines). ‘here are two basic ppm formats, one is
called P3
and the other, which we will use, is called P6. (On many X-windows machines you can
man ppm for more information.)

You should begin by removing all the output generated by your correctness phase (or
al least
send the diagnostic output and pixel oulput to diferent files). The first line of a
P6 file ts the
string “P6”, the next line is the width and height of the output window, and the
third line
is a maximum color value, which you may assume is 255. ‘hus the first 3 lines for a
200 by
200 image would be as show below. Each line ends with a newline immediately after
the last
nonblank character.


200 200

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

The width and height are just the values nr described in the section on Generating
Rays. The
rest of the output consists of 3+ nr +* nr bytes (note that these characters will
generally be
unprintable). For each ray that is traced, take its color value (r,g,6), scale each
into an integer in the range [0..255], then cast this into a character and output
this character.
This can be done as follows. Let c denote the color to be output.

// C++ version of OutputPixel (c)

for (i = 0; i < col_dim; i++)
cout << (char) (c.rgb[i]*255) ;

// © version of OutputPixel(c)
for (i = 0; i < col_dim; i++)
putc((char) (c.rgb[i]*255), stdout);

IMPORTANT NOE: After outputting the initial 3-line header for the ppm file, you
not output any other white-space (blanks, tabs, or newlines). Just the bytes
encoding the

Lecture 26: Queries to Point k-d Trees

(‘Tuesday, Dec 7, 1993)

Reading: Samet’s textbook, Section 2.4.

Point k-d Tree Node Structure: Today we return to our earlier topic of discussion
of point k-d
trees, and in particular we consider how to answer various queries using the tree.
Recall that
the point k-d tree is a tree for storing points. We use the i-th coordinate of the
data point
located at each node for splitting space, where 7 rotates depending on the level of
the tree.
‘The basic node structure is.

const int dim = 2; // dimension of space

struct PtKDNode { // k-d tree node

Point data; // data point
PtKDNode *left; // left child
PtKDNode ¥*right; // xight child


An example of the space decomposition aud a tree are shown below.

Range Queries: A range query is a query of the following form: Report (or count)
all the points

of the k-d tree that lie in a certain (given) region. The region may be a
rectangle, an infinite
horizontal or vertical strip, it may be a circle, or it may be any shape.
To process a reclangular range query, suppose that the rectangle is specified
giving two quan-
lilies, the low left point Zo and the upper right point Hi. The idea intuitively is
to visit those
subtrees of the k-d tree that MIGHT have a point that intersects the given range.
This will be
true if and only if the rectangle associated with the node overlaps the rectangular
range. ‘lo
determine whether the rectangle overlaps the left subtree, we test whether the
lower side of
the rectangle overlaps the lower side of the splitting plane. that is Lo[ed] <= T-
Sunilarly for the right side we check whether the upper side of the rectangle
overlaps the upper
side of the splitting plane, that is Hiled] >= T->datalcd]. The complete code is
given below.
The argument cd gives the current cutting dimension. The initial call is
0, Lo, Hi). We make use of a utility routine, InRect(p, Lo, Hi) which returns
‘l'rue if the
point p lies within the rectangle defined by points Lo and Hi.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

&*>) (35,40)
(50.10) | (8515)
(00,5) @

Figure 56: Point k-d tree.

int InRect(Point p, Point Lo, Point Hi) {

for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) f{
if (plil < Lofi] || pli] > Hili]) return False;
return True;

void RectRange(PtKDPtr T, int cd, Point Lo, Point Hi) {

if (T == NULL) return;
else {
if (Lo[cd] <= T->data[cd]) RectRange(T->left, (cd+1)%dim, Lo, Hi);
if (InRect(T->data, Lo, Hi) output T->data;
if (Hilcd] >= T->data[cd]) RectRange(T->right, (cd+1)%dim, Lo, Hi);

An example is shown in the following figure. The dashed lines shows the query
rectangle, and
the heavy lines show which (nonempty) subtrees are visited by the search.
(60,75) |
° '
(5,45) 1----4------- \
° (35,40) y
60.10) Lo=(40,50)
00.59 | 1i=(90,90)

Figure 57: Range query.

‘The running time of this procedure is rather difficult to determine. Ideally one
would like a
running lime that is something like O(r + logn) where nm is the number of points in
the tree

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

and ris the number of values reported. Unfortunately, there are worst case examples
this algorithm may visit ALL the nodes in the tree and not print anything. If the
tree is well
balanced then it can be argued that the running time is more like O(r +./n) in
dimension 2. As
dimension gets higher this gels worse, namely O(r + n-C/4) This is bad for high

since n'~(/9 is almost as high as n, and this is the bound that naive linear search

To perform a circular range query (report all the points lying within a given
circle) the strategy
would be almost the same, except that we want to know whether the region associated
a given node intersects the circle. Since it is a little difficult to determine
whether a circle
intersects a k-d tree region, a common heuristic is to compute a bounding box
around the
circle, and then use the above algorithm. Before reporting a point, we test whether
it lies
within the circle though.

Nearest Neighbor Queries: Range queries are not the only queries that one might
think of asking
of a k-d tree. Consider the problem of determining the nearest data point to a
given query
point. This is called the nearest neighbor search problem. For example, a pilot in
a sudden
emergency may ask the question “what is the nearest airport to my current

Given two points (a1, y,) and (a2, yo) the distance between the points is given by
the formula

d= /(#2 — #1)? + (ye — m1)?

For a given query point ¢ = (xz, yq), we want to find the point in our tree that is
the closest
to this point.

lt turns out that nearest neighbor queries can be answered by modification of the
described for range queries. Here is how it works, first we descend the k-d tree.
At all times
we maintain a candidate point which is the nearest point seen so far, and the
distance to the
candidate. For every node visited we see whether this point is the closest seen so
far, and if
so we update our nearest neighbor information.

Next we need to check the subtrees. If g lies to the low side of the splitting
plane, then we
recurse to the left, and otherwise we recurse to the right. After visiting the left
side we have
updated the nearest neighbor candidate, and the distance to this point.

We ask, 1s it worth searching the right subtree? ‘lo determine if it is worthwhile,

we ask whether
there is any part of the right region that could be closer to g than current
nearest neighbor
candidate. This is equivalent to asking whether the circle centered at g and whose
radius is the
nearest neighbor distance overlaps the right region. As we did with sphere
insertion, rather
than testing the sphere itself, we just test the rightmost point of the circle.
Thus we search
the right subtree if and only if qied] + dist >= T->data[cd]. A similar argument
on the right side.

In the procedure below, we pass in the nearest candidate point so far, nn, and dist
which is
the distance to the candidate. ‘hese are reference parameters, which may be altered
by the

void NearNeigh(PtKDPtr T, Point q, int cd, Point &nn, scalar &dist) {

if (T == NULL) return;

else {
Point p = T->data; // data/splitting point
if (dist(p, q) < dist) f{ // new nearest point
nn = p;
dist = Dist(p, q);
if (q[ced] <= plcd]) { // start on left side

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

NearNeigh(T->left, q, (cd+1)%dim, nn, dist);

if (q[cd] + dist > p[cd])
Nearlleigh(T->right, q, (cd+1)%dim, nn, dist);
else // (q[cd] > T->data[cd]) so start on right side
NearNeigh(T->right, q, (cd+1)%dim, nn, dist);
if (q[cd] - dist < p[cd])
NearNeigh(T->left, q, (cdti)%dim, nn, dist);

If points are uniformly distributed then the expected running time of this
procedure is O(logn).
‘This procedure is easy to adapt to higher dimensions, but performance drops off
quickly. In
particular, the running time is O(24logn), where d is the dimension. As d grows
this “constant
factor” grows very quickly. As long as dimension is fairly small (e.g. < 8) this
algorithm is
relatively practical.

X nn=(35,40)
y? ) a x nn=(60,75)
(50,10) g=(42,75)
(90,5) @

Figure 58: Nearest neighbor query.

Lecture 27: Final Review

(Thursday, Dec 9, 1993)
Final Overview: This semester we have covered a number of different data
structures. The fun-
damental concept behind all data structures is that of arranging data in a way that
permits a
given set of queries or accesses to be performed efficiently. The aim has been at
describing the
general principles that lead to good data structures as opposed to giving a
“cookbook” of stan-
dard techniques. In addition we have discussed the mathematics needed to prove
and analyze the performance of these data structures (both theoretically and

Some of the important concepts that I see that you should take away from this
course are the

Mathematical Modcls: Before you design any data structure or algorithm, first
isolate the
key mathematical elements of the task at hand. Identify what the mathematical
are, and what operations you are performing on them. (E.g. Dictionary: insertion,
deletion, and finding of numeric keys. Ray ‘lracing: insertion, and ray tracing
queries for
a set of spheres in 3-space.)

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Recursive Subdivision: A large number of dala structures (particularly tree based

tures) have been defined recursively, by splitting the underlying domain using a
key value.
‘The algorithms that deal with them are often most cleanly conceptualized in

(Strong) Induction: In order to prove properties of recursively defined objects,

like trees,
the most natural mathematical technique is induction. In particular, strong
induction is
important when dealing with trees.

Balance: ‘The fundamental property on which virtually all good data structures rely
is a
notion of information balancing. Balance is achieved in many ways (rebalancing by
tations, using Lash functions to distribute information randomly, balanced merging
UNION-FIND trees).

Amortization: When the running time of each operation is less important than the
time of a string of operations, you can often arrive at simpler data structures and
gorithms. Amortization is a technique to justify the efficiency of these
algorithms, e.g.
through the use of potential function which measures the imbalance present in a
and how your access functions affect this balance.

Randomization: Another technique for improving the performance of data structures

is: if
you can’t randomize the data, randomize the data structure. Randomized data
are simpler and more efficient than deterministic data structures which have to
about worst case scenarios.

Asymptotic analysis: Before fine-tuning your algorithm or data structure’s

first be sure that your basic design is a good one. A half-hour spent solving a
to analyze a data structure may tell you more than 2 days spent. prototyping and

Empirical analysis: Asymptotics are not the only answer. The bottom line: the

have to perform fast on my data for my application. Prototyping and measuring

tance parameters can help uncover hidden inefliciencies in your data structure.

Build up good tools: Modern languages like C++ help you to build up classes of data
structures and objects. For example, in the ray tracing project, taking the time to
the geometric primitives made coding of the ray tracing routines simpler, because
we do
not have to worry about the low level details, and conceptualize concepts like
point, and spheres as single entities.

Topics: Since the midterm, these are the main topics that have been covered.

Priority Queues: We discussed binary heaps and leftist heaps. Binary heaps
supported the
operations of Insert and Delete-Min. Leftist heaps also supported the operation
‘The most important aspect of binary heaps is the fact that since the tree in which
are stored is so regular, we can slore the tree in an array and do not need
pointers. The
key to leftist heaps was to observe thal the entire tree does nol need to balanced
in the
case of a heap, only one branch. In leftist heaps we guaranteed that the rightmost
of the tree was of length O(log n).

Disjoint Sct Union /Find: We discussed a data structure for maintaining partitions
of sets.
This data structure can support the operations of merging to sels together (Union)
determining which set contains a specific element (Find). It has applications in a
of algorithms that are discussed in a course like CMSC 451.

Hashing: Hashing is considered the simplest and most efficient technique (from a
perspective) for performing dictionary operations. The operations Insert, Delete,
Find can be performed in O(1) expected time. The main issues here are designing a
hash function which distributes the keys in a nearly random manner, and a good
Lecture Notes CMSC 420

resolution method to handle the situation when keys hash to the same location.
will not replace trees, because trees provide so many additional capabilities (e.g.
find all
the keys in some range).

Geometric objects and primitives: We briefly introduced the notions of geometric

like vectors, points, spheres, rays, ray segments, and some choices in how to

Geometric data structures: We discussed point quad-trees and point k-d trees as a
nique for storing points, and PMR. k-d trees as a technique for storing more
objects like spheres. In both cases the key concepts are those of (1) determining a
of subdividing space, and (2) in the case of query processing, determining which
are to be visited and in which order. We showed examples for ray tracing,
range queries, and nearest neighbor queries. Although we could not prove efficient
bounds in the worst case, practice shows that these algorithms tend to perform well
typical geometric data sets.

Lecture X1: Red-Black Trees


Reading: Section 5.2 in Samet’s notes.

Red-Black Trees: Red-Black trees are balanced binary search trees. Like the other
we have studied (AVL trees, B-trees) this structure provides O(log ) insertion,
deletion, and
search times. What makes this data structure interesting is that it bears a
similarity to both
AVL trees (because of the style of manipulation through rotations) and B-trees
(through a
type of isomorphism). Our presentation follows Samet’s. Note that this is different
from usual
presentations, since Samet colors edges, and most other presentations color

A red-black tree is a binary search tree in which each edge of the tree is
associated with a
color, either red or black. Each node of the data structure contains an additional
one-bit field,
COLOR, which indicates the color of the incoming edge from the parent. We will
assume that
the color of nonexistent edge coming into the root node is set to black. Define the
of a node to be the number of black edges traversed from the root to that node. A
tree has the following properties, which assure balance.
(1) Consider the external nodes in the augmented binary tree (where each null
pointer in the
original tree is replaced by a black edge to a special node). The black-depths of
all these
external nodes are equal. (Note: The augmented tree is introduced for the purposes
definition only, we do not actually construct these external nodes in our
of red-black trees.)

(2) No path from the root to a leaf has two consecutive red edges.

(3) (Optional) The two edges leaving a node to its children cannot both be red.

Property (3) can be omitted without altering the basic balance properties of red-
black trees
(but the rebalancing procedures will have to be modified to handle this case). We
will assume
that property (3) is enforced. An example is shown in the figure below. Red edge
are indicated
with dashed lines and black edges with solid lines. ‘he small nodes are the
external nodes
(not really part of the tree). Note that all these nodes are of black-depth 3
(counting the edge
coming into them).

Red-black trees have obvious connections with 2-3 trees (B-trees of order m = 3),
and 2-3-4

trees (B-trees of order m = 4). When property (3) is enforced, the red edges are
isolated from one another. By merging two nodes connected by a red-edge together
into a

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Figure 59: Red-black tree.

single node, we get a 3-node of a 2-3 tree tree. This is shown in part (a) of the
figure below.
(Note that there is a symmetric case in which the red edge connects a right child.
‘Vhus, a
given 2-3 tree can be converted into many different possible red-black trees.)

i —
| /\ Le L\

/\ L\ L\ Lad


Figure 60: Red-black and 2-3 or 2-3-4 trees.

In the case where property (3) is not enforced, then it is possible to have a two
red sibling
edges. If we join all three nodes connected by these edges we get a 4-node (see
part (b) of the
same figure). Thus by enforcing property (3) we gel something isomorphic to a 2-3
tree, and
by not enforcing it we get something isomorphic to 2-3-4 trees. For example, the
tree given earlier could be expressed as the following (2-3)-tree.

‘Thus red-black trees are certainly similar to B-trees. One reason for studying
red-black trees
independently is thal when storing B-trees in main memory (as opposed to the disk)
trees have the nice property that every node is fully utilized (since B-lree nodes
can be as much
as half empty). Another reason is to illustrate the fact that there are many ways
to implement
a single “concept”, and these other implementations may be cleaner in certain

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

3 5 14 24 =30

1 4 7 12 17 22 25 27 32
Figure 61: Equivalent (2-3) tree.

Unfortunately, red-black trees cannot replace B-trees when it comes to storing data
on disks.

It. follows that the height of a red-black tree of n nodes is O(logn), since these
trees are
essentially the same as 2-3 or 2-3-4 trees, which also have logarithmic height.

Red-Black Insertion: It should be obvious from the discussion above that the
methods used to
restore balance in red-black tree should be an easy extension of rebalancing in B-
trees. We
simply see what a B-tree would do in a particular circumstance, and figure oul what
equivalent rebalancing in the red-black tree is needed. Here is where the
similarity with AVL
trees comes in, because it turns out that the fundamental steps needed to rebalance
trees are just rotations. Let’s start by considering node insertion.

To insert a key K into a red-black tree, we begin with the standard binary tree
Search for the key until we either find the key, or until we fall out of the tree
at some node z.
If the key is found, generate an error message. Otherwise create a new node y with
the new
key value K and attach it as a child of x. Assign the color of the newly created
edge (y, x) to
be RED. Observe at this point that the black-depth to every extended leaf node is
(since we have used a red edge for the insertion), but we may have have violated
the red-edge
constraints. Our goal will be to reestablish the red-edge constraints. We backtrack
the search path from the point of insertion to the root of the tree, performing

Our description of the algorithm will be nonrecursive, because (as was the case
with splay trees)
some of the operations require hopping up two levels of the tree at atime. ‘lhe
algorithm begins
with a call to Insert (), which is the standard (unbalanced) binary tree insertion.
We assume
that this routine returns a pointer y to the newly created node. In the absence of
walking back to the root requires that we save the search path (e.g. in a stack, or
using parent
pointers). Here we assume parent pointers (but it could be done either way). We
also assume
we have two routines LeftRotate() and RightRotate(). which perform a single left
and single
right rotation, respectively (and update parent pointers).

Whenever we arrive at the top of the while-loop we make the following assumptions:
@ The black-depths of all external leaf nodes in the tree are equal.
¢ The edge to y from its parent is red (that is, y->COLOR == red).
e All edges of the tree satisfy the red-conditions (2) and (3) above, except
possibly for the

edge to y from its parent.

RBInsert(K, T) {

y = Insert (K, T); // usual tree insertion

y->COLOR = red; // y’s incoming edge is red

while Cy !=T) f{ // vepeat until y == root

x = y->PARENT; // x is y’s parent

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

if (x->COLOR == black) f{ // edge above x is black

z = OtherChild(x,y); // zis x’s other child
if (z == NULL or z->COLOR == black)
return; // no red violation - done
else { // Case 1
y->COLOR = black; // reverse colors
z->COLOR = black;
x->COLOR = red;
y= X; // move up one level higher
else { // edge into x is red
w = x->PARENT; // 3 is x’s parent
if (x == w->LLINK) { // x is w’s left child
if (y == x->RLINK) { // Case 2(a): zig-zag path
LeftRotate (x) ; // make it a zig-zig path
swap (x,y); // swap pointers x and y
RightRotate(w); // Case 2(b): zig-zig path
else { // x is w’s right child
..this case is symmetric...
y->COLOR = black; // reverse colors
w->COLOR = black;
x->COLOR = red;
yur Xs // move up two levels
T->COLOR = black; // edge above root is black

Here are the basic cases considered by the algorithm. Recall that y is the current
node, whose
incoming edge is red, and may violate the red-constraints. We let x be y’s parent,
and z be
the other child of «.

Case 1: (Edge above x is black:) ‘There are two subcases. If z is null or the edge
above z is
black, then we are done, since edge (a,y) can have no red neighboring edges, and
cannot violate the red-constraints. Return.

Otherwise if (x, z) exists and is red, then we have violated property (3). Change
the color
of edges above y and z to be black, change the color of the edge above x to be red.
This corresponds to a node split in a 2-3 tree.)


Zz y

Figure 62: Case 1.

Case 2: (Edge above 2 is red:) Since the root always has an incoming black edge we
know x
is not the root, so let w be w’s parent. In this case we have two consecutive red
edges on

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

a path. If the path is a zig-zag path (Case 2(a)), we apply a single rotation al 2
and swap
z and y to make it a zig-zig path, producing Case 2(b). We then apply a single
at w to make the two red edges siblings of each other, and bringing x to the top.
we change the lower edge colors to black, and change the color of the edge above x
lo be
red. (Note: This also corresponds to a node split in a 2-3 tree.)

tae _ a

Figure 63: Case 2

We will nol discuss red-black deletion, but suffice it to say that it is only a
little more compli-
cated, but operates in essentially the same way.

Lecture X2: Dynamic Storage Allocation

Reading: Chapter 3 in Samet’s notes.

Storage Allocation: When dealing with dynamically varying data structures, one of
the major

problems is how to dynamically allocate and deallocate storage for the various
records that
will be used by the data structure.
The first question is whether memory allocation/deallocation is to be handled
tmplteitly or
explicitly. Sometimes, as in our k-d tree program, we know that on insertion a node
must be
allocated, and on deletion a node must be deallocated. Explicit allocation
/deallocation is the
natural things to use here. For systems like Lisp, when we perform a cons we
clearly tmust
allocate a node of storage. However in Lisp it is not so obvious when we should
deallocate a
node. ‘The problem is that it is possible to share pointers in Lisp, and when one
object is no
longer being pointed bo (e.g. an argument of a function that has finished
returning) we would
like to return its storage to the system, but we do not necessarily know that this
storage may
not be shared by someone else that is still active (e.g. the result of the

Implicit allocation/deallocation is handled by a method called garbage collection

where the
system reclaims storage in one big step by determining which words of memory can be
and which cannot. For this lecture, we will concentrate on explicit

Explicit Allocation /Deallocation: The obvious answer to the question is to just

use the system’s
memory allocation /deallocation utilities! But someone had to write these
procedures. Because
of their frequent use, they need to be flexible and efficient strategies. How are
they written?

If the records are all of the same size, then this is easy. Basically a chunk of
memory can be
allocated, and we link the unused blocks onto an available space list from which we
take nodes
lo allocate, and return them to deallocate.

However if the records are of different sizes what can we do? If the records are of
roughly the
same size, we cau simply allocate (he maximum size every time, and breal the
records as if they

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

are the same size. The resulting loss in memory utilization is called infernal
because it occurs within each allocated block.

On the other hand, if records are of varying sizes, then the internal fragmentation
will be too
high to make this simple scheme tractable. For this reason most systems support
memory management that can handle requests for arbitrary sizes of objects. The idea
is that
we reserve a small amount of each variable sized block (typically one word or a
small number
of bytes) for storing information to be used by the memory allocator. ‘'he memory
organizes the blocks of storage, where they are, how large they are, and whether
they are in-use
or available. It’s job is to perform allocation/deallocation requests as
efficiently as possible.
The biggest problem in such systems is the fact that after a series of allocation
and deallocation
requests the memory space becomes fragmented into small chunks. This external
is inherent to all dynamic memory allocators. ‘he quality of a memory manager is
how well
ib limits this fragmentation.

Overview: When allocating a block we must search through the list of available
blocks of memory
for one that is large enough to satisfy the request. The first question is,
assuming that there
does exist. a block that is large enough to satisfy the request, how do we select
the proper
block. ‘There are two common, conflicting strategies:

First fit: Search the blocks sequentially until finding the first block that is big
enough to
satisfy the request.

Best fit: Search all available blocks and use the smallest one that is large enough
to fulfill
the request.

Samet says that both methods work well in some instances and poorly in others.
Other people
say that first fit is prefered because (1) it is fast (it need only search until it
finds a block), (2)
if best fit does not exactly fill a request, it tends lo produce small “slivers” of
available space,
which tend to agravate fragmentation.

One method which is commonly used to reduce fragmentation is when a request is just
filled by an available block that is slightly larger than the request, we allocate
the entire block
(more than the request) to avoid the creation of the sliver. ‘Uhis keeps the list
of available
blocks free of large numbers of tiny fragments which increase the search time.
In addition, when deallocating a block, it is understood that if there is available
storage we
should merge the newly deallocated block with any neighboring available blocks to
create large
blocks of free space. This process is called merging. See Figure 3.1 in Samet’s
notes. Next we
will provide details on the implementation of this scheme.

Implementation: Last time we proposed a general solution to the problem of explicit

storage allocation. The big question is how to implement these operations. For
example, how
to we store the available blocks so we can search them quickly (skipping over used
and how do we determine whether we can merge with neighboring blocks or not. We
want the
operations to be efficient, bul we do not want lo use up excessive pointer space
(especially in
used blocks).

Here is a sketch of a solution. For each block of used memory we record the
following infor-
mation in the first word of each block.

Size (int): Indicates the size of the block of storage. (Note that this include
space for these

fields also.)
InUse (bit): Set to 1. Indicates that this block is in use.

PrevinUse (bit): Set to 1 if the previous block is in use.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

InUse InUse
Prev InUse ,_ Prev InUse
12] Size 01] size
Used Block Available Block

Figure 64: Block structure.

We assume that these are packed into a single word. The purpose of the PrevInUse
will be
explained later.

For an available block we store more information. ‘hese blocks are stored in a
circular list. There is also a header pointer that points to the first available
block, AvailHead.

Size (int): Indicates the size of the block of storage. (Note that this include
space for these

fields also.)
InUse (bit): Set to 0. Indicates that this block is not in use.
PrevinUse (bit): Set to 1 if the previous block is in use.
Prev (ptr): Pointer to the previous available block.

Next (ptr): Pointer to the next available block.

In addition, in the LAST WORD of each available block, we store the size of this
block. Note
that available blocks require more space for pointers, but this space is less
critical, because the
space is not needed by the user.

‘To allocate a block we search through the linked list of available blocks until
finding one of
sufficient size. If the request is about the same size as the block we just remove
the block
from the list of available blocks and return a pointer to it. (We also may need to
update the
PrevinUse bit of the next block since this block is no longer free.) Otherwise we
split the block
into two smaller blocks, reLurn oue lo the user, and leave the other on the
available space list.

Here is a description of the allocation routine. The argument N is the size of the
allocation. We
keep a constant TOOSMALL that indicates the smallest allowable available block. The
is not quite in “official” C, but it is not hard with appropriate pointer
arithmetic to implement
ib in © or C++.

procedure Allocate(N) {
p = Search for first available block of sufficient size;
if (p->Size < N) ferror - overflow}
else {
if (p->Size - N < TOOSMALL) { // unlink p
p->Prev—->Next = p->Next;
p->Next->Prev = p->Prev;

a= P;

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

else f{
p->Size = p->Size —- N;
q=pt p->Size;
Store p->Size in last word before prior to q;
q->Size = N;
q->PreviInUse = 0;
q->InuUse = 1;
(qt+q->Size)->PreviInUse = 1;
return q;

To deallocate a block, we check whether either the next block or the preceding
block are
available. (For the next block we can find its first word and check its InUse flag.
For the
preceding block we use our PrevInUse flag. If the previous block is not in use,
then we can
use the size value stored in the last word to find the block’s header.) If either
of these blocks
is available, we merge the two blocks and update the header values appropriately.
If no merge
took place we link the final block into the list of available blocks (e.g. at the
head of the list).
There is not much theoretical analysis of this method. Simulation studies have
shown that
this method achieves utilizations of around 2/3 of available storage, and much
higher if blocks

are small relative lo the entire space. A rule of thumb is set the memory size to
al least 10
times the size of the largest blocks to be allocated.

Buddy System: Last time someone made the observation that in the standard memory
scheme presented in the previous lecture, there was no organization of the
available space list.
‘Thus if we need a very large block, we may be forced to search much of the list.
An interesting
varialion of the memory allocation scheme presented last time is called the buddy

The buddy method uses essentially the same structure to represent blocks as used in
standard memory allocation method, but it enforces a particular discipline on the
sizes of allocated blocks and the manner in which neighboring blocks are merged.
‘lhe first
aspecl of the buddy system is that the sizes of all blocks (allocated and
unallocated) are
required to be powers of 2. When a request comes for an allocation, the request is
increased to the next larger power of 2. (Actually one less than the next larger
power of 2,
since recall that the system uses one word of each allocated block for its own
purposes.) This
will result in internal fragmentation of course. However, note that we never waste
more than
half a allocated block.

‘Lhe second aspect of the buddy system is that blocks of size 2* must start at
addresses that
are multiples of 2*. (We assume that addressing starts at 0, but it is easy to
update this
scheme to start al any arbilrary address by simply shifting addresses by some

The final aspect of the buddy system is that we do not always merge adjacent
available blocks.
We do so ONLY if they result in a block that satisfies the above conditions. For
example, the

resulting set of possible blocks is shown below. Note that blocks [4..7] could not
be merged
with block [8..11], however [4..7] could be merged with [0..3].

Note that for every block there is exactly one other block that this block can be
merged with.
This is called its buddy. In general, if a block 6 is of size 2*, and is located at
address x, then
its buddy is the block of size 2° located at address

x + 2k if 2*+! divides x
a — oh otherwise.

buddy, (2) = {

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

[o 15|
[o 7 [8 15|
[o 3 [4 7[8 uz 15]
fo 1[2 3] 45 ]6 7][8 9 [io ufi2 isfis 15]

fo |x [2 [3 | 4]s [eo ]7 [s [o [io] 11f 12] 13] 14] 15]

Figure 65: Buddy method.

Although this function looks fancy, it is very easy to compute in a language like
C. Basically
the buddy’s address is formed by complementing bit k (least significant bit = 0) in
the binary
representation of a. That is

buddy(k,x) = (1 << k) * x;

This means shift a single bit & places to the left, and then take the exclusive-or
with x.

As we mentioned earlier, one principle advantage of the buddy system is thal we can
the regular sizes of blocks to search efficiently for available blocks. We maintain
an array of
linked lists, one for the available block list for each size, thus Avail[k] is the
header pointer
to the available block list for blocks of size k.

Here is how the basic operations work. We assume that each block has the same basic
it had before, but that the available block lists have been separated by block

Allocation: To allocate a block of size N, let k = [lgn]. Find the smallest 7 > &
such that
there is an available block of size 27. Split this block down until creating a
block of size
2". (Note that if 7 > & this involves removing the block from the j-th available
block list,
and creating new free blocks in lower level lists.) Allocate a block of size 2*
using the
standard allocation algorithm.

Deallocation: To free a block, mark the current block as available. Determine

whether its
buddy is available. If so, merge them together into a free block of twice the size
delete both from their available space lists.) Repeat the process (checking if its
buddy is
free). When merging can no longer be done, insert the final block into the head of
available space al the appropriate level.

Allocation and deallocation are shown in the associated figures. In the case of
allocation there
was no available block of size 1. ‘Thus we went to the next larger block size, 4,
and broke this
into two blocks of size two, and then broke one of these into two blocks of size 1,
and returned
this block. (As in the standard allocation routine, the allocated portion comes at
the end of
the block.) In the case of deallocation, the deletion of block at 10 resulted in a
merger with
11, then a merger with 8, and finally a merger with 12. The final available block
of size 8 is
stored in the free block list.

Lecture X3: Graphs, Digraphs and Planar Graphs


Readings: Section 1.6 and 1.7 in Samet’s notes.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

2 0 4 12
1 I 1
V v ¥
0 4 8 10 12
4 12
> 0
I 1 1
v ¥ ¥
0 2 I 4 8 10 12
New Block

Figure 66: Buddy allocation.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

2 12
1| -->0=——> 4=< = 8
0 ,2=o 11!
v ¥ v v vy Y
L [tt] | J [TI
0 2 4 6 8 10 11 12
Avail Free(10)
3 18
2| —H
1] +>0<=———+4
v v v v
L tt] | |
0 2 4 6 8

Figure 67: Buddy deallocation.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Graphs and Digraphs: A directed graph (or digraph) G = (V, £) consists of a finite
set of vertices
V (also called nodes) and FE is a binary relation on V (i.e. a set of ORDERED pairs
from V)
called the edges.

For example, the figure below (left) shows a directed graph. Observe that self-
loops are allowed
by this definition. Some definitions of graphs disallow this. Multiple edges are
not permitted
(although the edges (v,w) and (w.v) are distinct). This shows the graph G = (V, EB)
V = {1,2,3} and FE = {(1,1), (1,2), (2,3), (3,2). (1,3)}.


Figure 68: Digraphs and graphs.

In an undirected graph (or just graph) G = (V, E) the edge set consists of
unordered pairs of
distinct. vertices (thus self-loops are not allowed). The figure above (right)
shows the graph G =
(V, £), where V = {1,2,3,4} and the edge set consists of # = {{1, 2}, {1,3}, {1,4},
{2,4}, (8, 4}}.

Typically the vertices and edges of a graph or digraph may be associated with data:
strings, etc.

In a digraph, the number of edges coming out of a vertex is called the out-degree
of that vertex,
and the number of edges coming in is called the tn-degree. In an undirected graph
we just talk
about the degree of a vertex, as the number of edges which are zncident on this

In a directed graph, each edge contributes 1 bo the indegree of a vertex and

contributes one to
the outdegree of each vertex, and thus we have

Claim: For a digraph G = (V, £),

s- indeg(v) = s- outdeg(v) = |LI.

veV veV

(|| means the cardinality of the set #, ie. the number of edges).

In an undirected graph each edge contributes once to the degree of two different
edges and
thus we have

Claim: For an undirected graph G = (V, £),

do deg(v) = 2121.

An interesting corollary of this fact is that the number of vertices of odd degree
is necessarily
even (because the total sum of degrees must be even).


When refering to graphs and digraphs we will typically let n =

and ¢ = |E|.

Because the running time of an algorithm will depend on the size of the graph, it
is important
to know how n and € relate to one another.

(or we might call this v)

Claim: For a directed graph e < n? € O(n"). For an undirected graph e < (3) =n(n—-
Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Notice that in both cases ¢ € O(n?). Bul generally ¢ does not need to be this
large. We say
that a graph is sparse if e is much less than n?. For example, the important class
of planar
graphs (graphs which can be drawn on the plane so that no two edges cross over one

€ € O(n).

Representations of Graphs and Digraphs: We will describe two ways of representing

We can represent undirected graphs using exactly the same representation, but we
will dou-
ble each edge, representing the undirected edge {v, w} by the two oppositely
directed edges
(v, w) and (w,v). Notice that even though we represent undirected graphs in the
same way
that we represent digraphs, it is important to remember that these two classes of
objects are
mathematically different from one another.

We say that verlex w is adjacent to vertex v if there is an edge from v to w.

Let G = (V, £) be a digraph with n = |V| and let e = |E|. We will assume that the
of G are indexed {1,2,...,n}.

Adjacency Matrix: An n x n matrix defined for 1 <v,w <n.

Aly, w] = { if(v,w) ek

0 otherwise.

If the digraph has weights we can store the weights in the matrix. For example if
(v, w) € E
then A[v, w] = W(t, w) (the weight on edge (v, w)). If (v, w) ¢ L then generally
W(v, w) need
not be defined, but often we set it to some “special” value, e.g. A(v.w) = —1, or
oo. (By oo

we mean (in practice) some number which is larger than any allowable weight. In
Pascal this
might be MAXIN'T.)

Adjacency List: An array Adj[1...n] of pointers where for 1 < v < n, Adj[v] points
to a linked
list containing the vertices which are adjacent to v (i.e. the vertices that can be
reached from
uv by a single edge). If the edges have weights then these weights may also be
stored in the
linked list elements. The figure shows an example from the earlier digraph.
1 2 3 Adj
1} 1 1 1 1
21 0 0 1 2
31 0 1 0 3

Figure 69: Adjacency matrix and adjacency list.

An adjacency matrix requires O(n?) storage and an adjacency list requires O(n + e€)
(one entry for each vertex in Adj and each list has outdeg(v) entries, which when
summed is
OQ(e). For sparse graphs the adjacency list, representation is more cost effective.

Adjacency matrices allow faster access to edge queries (e.g. is (u,v) € &) and
adjacency lists
allow faster access to enumeration tasks (e.g. find all the vertices adjacent to

Planar Graphs: An important class of graphs that arise in many applications is

planar graphs
(and more generally graphs representing subdivisions of a surface).

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

An undirected graph is planar if it can be drawn in the plane so that no two edges
cross over
one another. An embedding is a drawing of a planar graph so that edges do not cross
one another. ‘the same planar graph may have many essentially different embeddings.
figure below shows two graphs, one planar, an alternative embedding of this planar
graph, and
the graph Ks which is the completely connected graph on 5 vertices (having 10
edges) and is
NOT planar. Note that generally planar graphs can be embedded in the plane in a
number of
different ways.

Figure 70: Planar graphs and embeddings.

In many geometric applications, the graphs we will be using arise from subdividing
a two-
dimensional surface into regions. For example, in VLSI (circuit design) these
graphs may
be used to represent circuit elements on a printed circuit board, in cartegraphy
(map making)
these regions might be state or county boundaries, in fintle element oaalysis (a
numerical tech-
nique used in many engineering applications) a domain is subdivided into simple
regions, and
in computer graphics and computer-aided design we use subdivisions to represent
shapes (e.g. for machine parts). In addition to storing the graph, we will also be
in storing all sorts of other types of data, for example. the coordinates of the
vertices, the
equations of the lines on which the edges lie, etc.

Planar Graphs: We introduced the notion of a planar graph and an embedding of a

planar graph.
When dealing with embedded planar graphs the vertices and edges of the graph
partition the
plane into regions called faces. There is one special face, called the unbounded
face which
include everything outside of the graph. An example is shown below with 10
vertices, 4 faces
(including the unbounded face), and 12 edges.

vl v2

{4 v4


Figure 71: Faces, edges, vertices.

An interesting property of planar graphs was observed by the mathematician Euler

(who is one
of the founders of graph theory). Let » denote the number of vertices, e denote the
number of
edges, and f denote the number of faces in a planar graph. Luler’s formula gives a
between these three quantities. If that the graph is connected and planar, then


Lecture Notes CMSC 420

This formula can be used to prove a number of interesting facts about planar

Theorem: Planar graphs are sparse, that is e € O(v).

Proof: Consider a planar graph G. Define the degree of a face to be the number of
bounding this face.
If there are any faces of G that have degree greater than 3, then we add an edge
this face and repeat until all faces have degree 3. ‘his only increases the number
of edges
in the graph, so if our bound holds for this modified graph it holds for the
original graph.
We know that every edge is incident to 2 faces, thus if we sum all the degrees of
all the
faces we count every edge twice. Since every face is a triangle, all the degrees
are equal
to 3. Thus the total sum of all face degrees is:

3f =2e or equivalently f=(2/3)e.

Plugging this into Euler’s equation we get:

aud thus
e = 3(u — 2).

‘Thus, e € O(v).

Representations of Geometric Models: Oue application of planar graphs is that of

ing geometric objects, especially in computer-aided design and manufacturing and
graphics. We are all familiar with these wire-frame images of automobile bodies
that car
manufacturers like to show on their commercials.

‘There are two common ways of representing geometric objects in 3-d. One is volume-
which represents an object as the union/intersection/ difference of various
primitive shapes.
This is called constructive solid geometry (or CSG). In CSG one represents an
object. by a
process of adding and subtracting volumes from one another. For example, the object
below could be created by starting with a block of square material, subtracting a
slot, subtracting a cylindrical hole, and then adding a rectangle.

‘The other way, that we will concentrate on, is boundary-based by representing the
outer bound-
ary of the object. Most systems support both representations, since volume-based
lions are often easier for desiguer’s use, but boundary based is easier for

When storing the boundaries of geometric objects there are two distinctions that
are made,
and are usually handled by different systems. ‘lhe first is geometry, which
specities exactly
where everything is, and the second is lopelogy which specifies how things are
Geometry is continuous, and typically involves numerical computations. At the
simplest level
it may involve points, line segments, plane equations, etc., but it may generally
involve more
complex things such as spline curves and surfaces. Since complex objects are
typically made
up of many curves and surfaces that are pieced together, we must represent which
surfaces and
edges are contacting which others. This gives rise to the topology of the object.
This part of
the representation is discrete, and it is what. we will concentrate on here. Once
the topology
is known, any number of different ways of specifying geometry can be used.

For our purposes we will assume that geometric objects are represented
topologically by 3
types of entities: vertices, edges, and faces. We assume that the object is an lwo-
whose faces have connected boundaries, which means that:

(1) each vertex is incident to a single alternating ring of edges and faces.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

ut of ert Cc > <a)


Figure 72: Constructive Solid Geometry.

(2) each edge is incident to two faces (usually distinct, but need not be).

(3) each face is surrounded by a single alternating chain of vertices and edges
(i.e. there are
no holes in the middle of a face).

One tricky thing about representing this topological information is that each
vertex is incident
to an arbitrary number of edges, as are faces. Ideally we would like a data
structure that
requires only a constant amount of information for each element. The winged-edge
structure does this for us.

Winged-Edge Data Structure: A data structure which is often used for representing
solids and
subdivisions of the plane is the winged-edge data structure. The reason for
developing this data
structure is that we want to record topological information that is not immediately
from the graph of vertices and edges, and we want to be able bo traverse the
structure efficiently
(i.e like a bug walking from one face to another).

We will need to talk about the face on the left side of an edge versus the face on
the right
side of an edge. Which side is the left and which is the right? It is entirely
arbitrary, but
we have to fix one. To do this, we assign an arbitrary direction, or orientation,
to each edge.
lt is important to emphasize that this orientation is entirely arbitrary, and is
simply for the
purpose of decided left from right. ‘hus the edge between vertices v1 and v2 is
by the directed edge (v1, vz) (or vice versa, Jusl pick one). Vertex v, 1s called
the start of the
edge and ve is called the end of the edge.

Consider the two faces on either side of some directed edge. Imagine that you are
standing on
this edge, facing in the same direction that the edge is pointing. ‘I'he face to
left of such an
observer is called the left face and the face to the right of the observer is
called the right face
for this edge. Notice that left and right are dependent on the arbitrary
orientation we gave to
the edge.

Now we can define the data structure. We assume that each vertex is numbered from 1
to v,
each edge is numbered from 1 to e, and each face is numbered from 1 to f (or
pointers could be used). We maintain three arrays, a verter table, an edge table,
and a face

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

The vertex lable stores geometric information (e.g. the coordinates of the vertex)
and the
index of any ONE edge incident to this vertex, EStart. (We'll see later how to get
the other
edges). ‘his edge may be directed into the vertex or directed out, we don’t care.

The face table stores any geometric information for the face (e.g. the plane
equation for the
face), and any ONE edge incident to this face, also called EStart.

The edge table holds all the real information. It stores the indices of the
starting and ending
vertices of the edge, VStart and VEnd, the left and right faces for the (directed)
edge, FLeft
and FRight, and finally it stores the previous and next edges around each of these

For every face we think of its edges as being oriented clockwise around the
bounary. For
a directed edge, let ENLeft be the next edge in clockwise order around the left
face, and
let EPLeft be the previous edge in clockwise order about the left face (ic. the
edge just
counterclockwise from this edge). Let ENRight to be the next edge in clockwise
order around
the right face, and let EPRight be the previous edge in clockwise order (Le. the
next edge in
counterclockwise order) around the right face.

Example: See Samet’s book, page 334-335.

Provo VEnd(e)

.. a
FLeft(e) : FRight(e)
wee VStart(e)

Figure 73: Winged-Edge Edge Structure.

Traversing the Boundary: Let’s consider the task of visiting all the edges that lie
on a given face
f in clockwise order. We can use the £.EStart to find the index of the initial edge
e, but we
have to use the edge table to walk around the face. ‘lo do this, first we need to
know which face
f is relative to e. (This depends on e’s direction, which was chosen arbitrarily.)
By checking
whether £ == FLeft(e) or £ == FRight(e) we can determine this, suppose the former.
to get the next edge we simply take ENLeft(e) (N because we are going in clockwise
about £ and Left because we have determined that f is to the left of e). Otherwise
we take
ENRight(e). The entire code appears below.

procedure List_Edges_cw(f) {
e = first = EStart(f);
output (e) ;
if (FLeft(e) == f)
e = ENLeft(e);
e = ENRight(e);
until (e == first);

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

To list edges in counterclockwise order Just use EPLeft and EPRight instead.

Lecture X4: Range Trees


Reading: Samet’s textbook, Section 2.5.

Range Queries: Last time we saw how to use k-d trees to solve rectangular range
queries. We
are given a set of points in, say, 2-dimensional space, and we want to count or
report all the
points that lie within a given reclangular region (where the sides of the rectangle
are parallel
with the coordinate axes). We argued that if the data points are uniformly
distributed, the
expected running time is close to O(r + ./n to report r points in the k-d tree with
n points.
The question we consider today is, if recbangular range queries are the ONLY type
of query
you are interested in, can you do better than a k-d tree. The answer is yes.

Range Trees (Basics): A range tree is a data structure which uses O(nlogn) space,
and can
answer rectangular queries in O(r + log? n) time (thus it misses the goal by a
small logn

The data structure works by reducing a range query in 2-dimensions (and in general
dimensions) to a collection of O(log n) range queries in 1-dimension (and in
general (d — 1)-
dimensions). We'll see later exactly how this is done.

The range tree data structure is actually a combination of two very simple 1-
dimensional data
structures, one is used for storing the x-coordinates and one for storing the y
Before describing the final data structure, we present these two substructures and
how they
are used.

1-dimensional Range Tree: What does it mean to solve a range query in |-dimension?
Given a

set of points, we want to preprocess these points so that given a 1-dimensional

range [Lo, Hi],
we can report all the points which lie bebween Lo and Hi.
This is very easy to solve if the points have been sorted and stored in an array
A[l..n]. We use
binary search to find the first point A[l] > Lo and proceed to list points
sequentially until we
either come to the end of the list or find one point whose value is greater than Hi
(al which
point we stop). The time to do this is O(r + logn), as desired. (O(logn) to find
the initial
point, and O(r) to list the points that were found. We visit one extra point after
Hi, but that
doesn’t affect the asymplotic lime.

L=7 R=27

5 10 15 16 21 24 28 30 35
Find by binary search
Figure 74: 1-dimensional range reporting.

Notice that this works fine for static point sels. If we wish to handle insertion
and deletion
of points we could store all the points in the leaves of a balanced binary search
tree (e.g. a
2-3 tree). It is possible to design a simple recursive algorithm which achieves the
O(r + log n)
time bound.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Breaking up ranges: So we know that 1-dimensional range reporting is easy. How can
we extend
this to work on 2-dimensional ranges. The k-d tree approach was to store everything
in one tree,
and to alternate between splitting along the x-coordinates and ycoordinates. ‘lhe
range tree
approach is to use two different data structures (and in fact, a collection of
different structures).
We break the 2-dimensional range query down into a small collection of 1-
dimensional range
queries. We then invoke an algorithm for 1-dimensional range queries. In this case
the number
of 1-dimensional range queries we will have to solve will be O(logn). We will store
data structures for all the potential 1-dim range queries we will have to answer.

To see how to do this, let us begin by storing all the points in our data sel, S,
in any balanced
binary tree 7, sorted by their x-coordinates. For each node gq in this tree, let
S(q) denote
all the points lying in the subtree rooted at g. We claim that given any range of
[Loxz, Hix], the set of all points in S whose a-coordinate lies within this range
can be described
as the disjoint union of O(logn) of the sets S(q) and individual nodes. This is
remarkable. We are asserting that any set defined by a range, SM [Le,, Hi,], can be
down into O(log) disjoint subsets, no matter how large the intersection is (and in
it could be as large as O(n)). The idea of breaking complex ranges down into a
collection of
subtrees is an important one in range searching.

We do this by a procedure which walks around the tree and determines which nodes
subtrees are entirely contained within the range. It stores each such node and
subtree in a list
U. The initial range [Lo, Hil] is stored as a global variable. We keep track of two
values Min and Max. Min contains the lowest possible value that any descendent of
the current
node might have, and Max contains the largest possible value of any descendent of
this node.
The inital call is to Decompose(Root, Lo, Hi, Empty):

procedure Decompose(T, Min, Max, ref U) f

if (T == NULL) return;
if (Lo <= Min && Max <= Hi) { // all elements within range

U=U+ S(T); // add entire subtree to U


if (T->DATA > Lo) { // decompose left subtree

Decompose(T->LLINK, Min, T->DATA, U);

if (T->DATA >= Lo && T->DATA <= Hi) {

U =U + {T->DATA}; // add this item to U

if (T->DATA < Hi) { // decompose right subtree

Decompose(T->RLINK, T->DATA, Max, U);

The algorithm is illustrated in the figure below.

Observe that there are roughly 4log n elements in U’ at the end of the algorithm.
‘Lhe reason is
that the algorithm basically recurses down two paths, one search for Lo and the
other searching
for Hz. All the elements and subtrees found in between are stored in the set 17.
Because each
path has length roughly log n (assuming a balanced binary tree) there are 2logn
subtrees that
can be added (one for each of the two paths) and 2logn individual items.

Range Tree: A range tree is a combination of these two ideas. We first create a
balanced binary
tree in which we store the points sorted by increasing a-coordinate. For each node
g in this

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

Figure 75: Range as a collection of subtrees.

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

tree, recall thal S(qg) denotes the points associated with the leaves rooted al ¢.
Now, for each
node g of this tree we build a l-dimensional range tree for the points of S(q), but
we do so on
the y-coordinates. ‘hus the data structure consists of a regular binary tree, but
each node of
this binary bree contains a pointer to an auxilliary data structure (potentially a
tree of trees).
Notice that there is duplication here, because a given leaf occurs in the sets
associated with
each of its parents. However, each point is duplicated only logn times (because the
tree is
balanced, so you only have logn ancestors) and so the total space used to store all
these sets

is O(n logn).
Let’s see what this would look like on the following set of points. We have only
listed the
1-dimensioual range sets for some of the subtrees.

Now, when a 2-dimensional range is presented [Lo[2], Hi[2]] we do the following.

First, use the
decomposition procedure to break the range down [Lo,, Hip] into O(log n) disjoint

U = S(qi) US(q2) U... US (qe).

For each such set, we know that all the points of the set lie within the x range,
but not
necessarily in the y range. So we apply a 1-dimensional range search to each S(q)
along the
y-coordinates and report those that lie within the y range. The process is
illustrated below.
(To simplify things we have assumed all the data points are stored at the leaves of
the tree.)

Lx Rx

Figure 76: Range tree.

Analysis: It takes O(logn) time to find the sets S(q;). For each of these O(logn)
sets, we have
to perform a 1-dimensional range serch which takes O(log n) time (plus the number
of points
reported) for a total of Ollog” n) time. To this we add the time needed to report
the points,
which is O(r) time, for a total time of O(r + log” n). (With a quite a bit more
cleverness, this
can be reduced to O(r+ log) but this modification uses a technique that would take
full lecbure to explain.)

Lecture Notes CMSC 420

As mentioned before, the space is O(nlogn). Each of the dala structures only
require O(n)
storage, but because we duplicate each point O(log n) times in the L-dimensional
range trees,
we create this extra O(logn) factor.

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