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ICT Technician L4 English

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Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission

Knowledge Assessment – January 2020

Information and Communication Technology Technician
National Vocational Qualification – Level 04
Time: 03 Hours
Instructions for the Candidates

 This question Paper Consists of two parts namely Part 1 & Part 2
 This question Paper also includes Multiple Choice Questions and short answer questions
 Part 1 - Choose the most suitable answer from the given four answers of each questions and
mark as “X” in the appropriate places of the answer sheet given separately.
 Answer all the questions in Part 2 in the space given in the same paper.
 This question paper consists of 11 pages.

Part 1

1. What is the name of the permanent memory built in computer?

a. RAM
b. Floppy
c. CPU
d. ROM

2. Identify the false statement

a. You can find deleted files in recycle bin
b. You can restore any files in recycle bin if you ever need
c. You can increase free space of disk by sending files in recycle bin
d. You can right click and choose Empty Recycle Bin to clean it at once

3. At what time you should choose Sleep option?

a. You are leaving for a very short time and want to resume you work shortly
b. When computer gets hanged frequently. Let it sleep for some time
c. You finish working and going to bed
d. The computer is tired after working for the whole day

4. If you move a directory from one location to another? identify the correct statement
a. All documents inside the directory are moved
b. All the subdirectory inside that directory are not moved
c. The directory is moved the source file is not moved
d. All files and subdirectories inside the directory are moved

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Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission January 2020
5. Which of the following is used to create newspaper style columns?
a. Format Tabs
b. Table Insert Table
c. Insert Textbox
d. Format Columns

6. Which step is not included in the mail merge process?

a. Identify the main document
b. Format a main document
c. Preview the merge results
d. Format data source

7. Why Drop Caps are used in document?

a. To drop all the capital letters
b. To automatically begin each paragraph with capital letter
c. Bold the first letter of the sentence
d. To begin a paragraph with a large dropped initial capital letter

8. Which symbol is used to start formula in spread sheet?

a. #
b. %
c. =
d. +

9. How to define cell reference for cell range of A1 G12?

a. A1!G12
b. A1.G12
c. A1;G12
d. A1:G12

10. Which of the following function will use to find the highest number in a series of number?
a. MAX (C1:C10)
b. HIGH (C1:C10)
c. MAXIMUM (C1:C10)
d. MAX_NUMBER (C1:C10)

11. Which PowerPoint feature allows the user to create a simple presentation without having to
spend too much time on it?
a. AutoContent Wizard
b. Animation
c. Color Schemes
d. Chart Wizard

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12. To place something in the same position on every slide of presentation automatically, insert
a. Slide master
b. Notes master
c. Handout master
d. None of the above

13. What is the key used to identify record uniquely

a. Primary Key
b. Key record
c. Unique key
d. Field name

14. A ............. enables you to view data from table based on a specific criterion
a. Form
b. Query
c. Macro
d. Report

15. When I create "student_id" field in "Fees" table and "student_id" in "Students" table, then
this "student_id" field in "Fees" table is called;
a. Native key
b. Composite key
c. Primary Key
d. Foreign key

16. Which data type is better to use for storing phone number in the following format "+94-77-
a. Number
b. AutoNumber
c. Text
d. Currency

17. What do you mean "Internet"?

a. A single network
b. A vast collection of different networks
c. Interconnection of local area networks
d. Pear to pear network

18. What is the use of "Ping" command?

a. To test a device on the network is reachable
b. To test a hard disk fault
c. To test a bug in a Application
d. To test a Pinter Quality

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19. What is the most suitable definition for Straight-through Cable?
a. Four wire pairs connect to the same pin on each end
b. The cable Which Directly connects Computer to Computer
c. Four wire pairs not twisted with each other
d. The cable which is not twisted

20. What are the main types of computer graphics?

a. Vector and scalar
b. Scalar and raster
c. Vector and raster
d. JPEG and raster

21. Which colour represent letter "K" in CMYK model?

a. Red
b. Green
c. Black
d. Yellow

22. Higher the number of pixels,_______ the image quality.

a. Bad
b. Better
c. Smaller
d. Reduce

23. What should be the first tag in any HTML document?

a. <head>
b. <title>
c. <html>
d. <document>

24. Correct HTML tag for the largest heading is

a. <head>
b. <h6>
c. <heading>
d. <h1>

25. How can you open a link in a new browser window?

a. < a href = "url" target = "new">
b. <a href = "url" target= "_blank">
c. <a href = "url".new>
d. <a href = "url" target ="open">

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26. Rectangle symbol in flowchart is called as
a. Action symbol
b. Terminating symbol
c. Begin symbol
d. Connector symbol

27. Which of the following loops will execute the body of loop even when condition controlling
the loop is initially false?
a. while
b. do-while
c. for
d. none of the mentioned

28. Which of the following is not a decision making statement?

a. if
b. if-else
c. switch
d. do-while

29. SDLC stands for ______________________

a. Software Development Life Cycle
b. System Development Life cycle
c. Software Design Life Cycle
d. System Design Life Cycle

30. What is the output of Step 2?

Step 1: int number [ ] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}

Step 2: Print number [2]

a. 2
b. 10
c. 20
d. 30

(1  30 = 30 Marks)

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Part 2

Answer all Questions

1. Describe following terms briefly in related to Windows operating system. (8 Marks)

a. Disk formatting
b. Disk defragmentation
c. Disk Clean-up
d. Device Manager

2. Give four (04) advantages of mail merge use in MS Word. (4 Marks)

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3. Briefly explain, three relationships used in Database? (6 Marks)

4. What is the difference between “Primary Key” and “Foreign Key” in database? (4 Marks)

5. What is the difference between absolute and relative cell references? (4 Marks)

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6. Following Excel sheet display the result sheet of five students and their final marks for three
main subjects.

1 Name Math Science English Total Average Grade
2 Samarasekara 50 65 72
3 Ajith De Silva 25 40 50
4 Gunawardana 78 77 88
5 Nuwan Dias 45 55 40
6 Kamal Perera 78 56 62

a. Write a formula to calculate the total marks gained by each student (2 Marks)

b. Write a formula to calculate the average marks gained by each student.

(3 Marks)

c. Write a formula to display grade based on their average marks (4 Marks)

7. Briefly describe following terms in graphic design. (4 Marks)

a. Raster graphics
b. Vector graphics

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8. Consider following network diagram;

Device A

a. Assign suitable IP addresses for IP1, IP2, IP3, IP4. (2 Marks)

b. Which network cable type is used for this network (Straight Through or Crossover
Cable)? (1 Marks)

c. Write down the name of the “Device A” (1 Marks)

d. What network topology is used for above network? (4 Marks)

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9. Write a HTML code to get following output in web page (8 Marks)

10. Draw a flow chart to determine the student’s average marks for four (04) subjects and if the
average is greater than 50 then print “Pass” otherwise print “Fail”. (5 Marks)

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11. Write a simple program to find a given number is Even or Odd. (10 Marks)

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