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7. Nguyễn Huỳnh Mai-Viết Tiếng Anh Học Thuật-CH19AV02-Cuối Kì

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Submitted as the Final Paper for Academic Writing




CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1
1. Problem identification......................................................................................1
1.1. The importance of vocabulary in learning English:...............................1
1.2. The reality of teaching and learning English at Viet Anh School..........2
1. Thesis statement.............................................................................................2
2. Research questions.........................................................................................2
3. Significance of the study................................................................................3
CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................4
1. Definitions.......................................................................................................4
1.1. Vocabulary...............................................................................................4
1.2. Teaching techniques................................................................................4
1.3. Vocabulary teaching techniques.............................................................4
2. Related literature...........................................................................................5
2.1. The relationship between teaching approaches, methods, strategies
and techniques...................................................................................................5
2.2. Several methods of teaching vocabulary:..............................................6
CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY......................................................................8
1. Population.......................................................................................................8
2. Instrument......................................................................................................8

1. Problem identification

1.1. The importance of vocabulary in learning English

It is reasonable to assume that vocabulary plays a vital role in English learning

process of each learner. Lewis (1993) once stated that “ lexis is the core or heart of
language”. First, lexical items help learners develop four crucial skills of English:
reading, listening, speaking and writing. Obviously, these important language skills all
require an identical material that is a wide variety of English vocabulary items. In terms
of reading and listening skills, vocabulary is considered as the basic foundation of
comprehension that assists learners develop awareness and firmly grasp the main
viewpoints and contents of spoken and written texts such as television programs,
journals, articles, works of literature,etc. Regarding speaking and writing skills, lexical
items are supposed to be the productive kind of vocabulary in English. In other words,
learners equiped themselves with the large number of common words to be able to
transmit on their own the opinions and thoughts to other people through speaking and
writing. Second, vocabulary is also mainly used as an essential tool to help people from
all over the world communicate with one another in spite of their language barrier. The
exploitation of vocabulary size can support learners in developing critical thinking,
expressing their ideas and emotions. It is strongly believed that vocabulary is much more
important than grammar as learners are not able to exchange information and interact
with other people without using lexical items. For instance, if you say to foreigners a
sentence with incorrect grammar like this “ police station where?”, they will even
understand thay you would like to ask the way to the police station. Thus, Wilkins (1972)
proclaimed that “...without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary
nothing can be conveyed.”. Indeed, vocabulary is an indispensible component in English
language learning.

1.2. The reality of teaching and learning English at Viet Anh School

Viet Anh School including kindergarten, primary school and high school was
established in March 2008. With the primary aim is to create and supply students with a
friendly, active and effective educational environment, all of the staff and teachers at Viet
Anh School have always made efforts to find out and apply the best methods to teach
learners from different levels. Especially, the school has been attaching very great
importance to English teaching and learning programme. In particular, all students of this
school have chances to approach and learn with foreign and Vietnamese teachers.
However, there still exist some problems from both learners and teachers in learning and
teaching English lexical items.

Basing on the observation and teaching experience at Viet Anh School,the author
realize that students in 6th grade frequently encounter a lot of various difficulties during
their learning process. Firstly, a large number of sixth graders do not memorize or acquire
the vocabulary that they have learned. One of the obvious illustration of this are the bad
results of their weekly tests. Secondly, most students in 6 th classes usually have troubles
in practicing and improving four English skills. In particular, they find it hard to read,
write, listen and communicate in English due to a lack of necessary vocaabulary.

1. Thesis statement
Due to the above-mentioned problems, the researcher decide to make an
investigation into some techniques used to teach English vocabulary for 6 th graders at
Viet Anh School. The study is conducted to find out (1) some vocabulary-teaching
techniques used most by teachers, (2) several difficulties when teachers teach vocabulary
for learners and (3) and suggestions to overcome the problems.

2. Research questions
(1) What techniques are used to teach vocabulary effectively for 6th graders?
(2) What are some difficulties in teaching vocabulary for 6th graders?

(3) What suggestions can be offered to overcome difficulties in teaching vocabulary
for 6th graders?
3. Significance of the study
The study is conducted as an investigation into some techniques used to teach vocabulary
for students in graded 6. Furthermore, the author of the study also points out some
difficulties in presenting new lexical items and offer several suggestions to overcome
these problems. Thus, the teachers who are in charge of teaching English for 6 th graders
can make use of this study as useful teaching material or reference to have a deeper
understanding about the vocabulary-teaching process.

1. Definitions
1.1. Vocabulary
Vocabulary, as defined by Kamil and Hiebert (2005,2), is “the knowledge of
meanings of words” which is concerned with at least two main forms: oral and print.

Vocabulary are defined as a term which deals with meanings, word uses, word
formation and word grammar.(Harmer, 1991,158).

According to Hatch and Brown (1995), there are two kinds of vocabulary which
includes receptive and productive vocabulary.

1.2. Teaching techniques

The Academia website defines teaching techniques as the unique ways of each
different teacher to carry out a particular task in the teaching process.

1.3. Vocabulary teaching techniques

According to Brewster, Ellis and Girard (1992), there are some techniques to teach
vocabulary for learners.

1.3.1. Using objects

Using objects is a teaching technique in which pictures, real objects and
demenstration are used to help learners memorize words better. Thus, it is suitable for
presenting new lexical items to beginners and young leaners.(Grain & Redman,1986)

1.3.2. Using games

Games may be used as instrument in teaaching and learning languages (Azimov &
Shchukin, 2009). According to Hadfield (1999), there two types of language-teaching
games including linguistic and communicative games. Particularly, linguistic games
concentrate on the accuracy of words while communicative one focus on the ability of
exchanging information or ideas of the speakers.
1.3.3. Using synonyms or antonyms

Using synonyms or antonyms may be defined as a vocabulary-teaching technique in
which semantic meanings of words can be presented clearly by other synonyms or
antonyms. Moreover, learning vocabulary via synonyms or antonyms offer learners the
chance to compare ansd contrast new words and their collocations. (Martin, 1984).
1.3.4. Using music
The defines music as “an art of sound in time that expresses ideas
and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony,
and color” ( in which vocabulary is transmitted to students easily
and smoothly. Learning languages through music provides learners with motivation,
positive atmosphere, cultural, historical and linguistic knowledge.( Kuśnierek, 2016)
2. Related literature
2.1. The relationship between teaching approaches, methods, strategies and
The website Educational Research Techniques
( points out the definitions and relationship
between teaching approaches, teaching methods, teaching strategies and teaching
Teaching approaches are defined as theories about language and how it can be
learned. The cognitive, behaviorist and constructivist appraoches are some good
illustrations of this term.
Teaching methods may be defined as the application of teaching appraoches in
specific context of language teaching. For instance, some teaching methods are The
Grammar – Translation Method, The Communicative Method, Total Physical Response
Method, etc.
Teaching strategies can be defined as a plan of teaching activities designed to achieve
the specific goals in teaching process.
The above-mentioned definitions of four terms related to teaching process depict the
relationship between them. “Teaching approaches provide a basis for the development of
teaching methods, teaching strategies also evolve to define the components of each

teaching method and the teaching techniques provide the unique ways of going about a
strategy.” ((

2.2. Several methods of teaching vocabulary:

2.2.1. Using visual aids:
It is thought that using visual aids is one of the most effective techniques to teach
lexical items for language learners. According to Holden (1980), visual aids can become
an useful device in every phase of teaching process including presentation, practice and
production. Visual aids in classroom consist of a multitude of diversified types which
vary from pictures, video clips, flashcards, real objects to handouts, posters, graphs,ect.
Teachers usually depend on the topic of vocabulary sets and learners’ characteristics to
make decisions to flexibly integrate two or more different forms of visual aids in teaching
and organising practice tasks. Furthermore, taking advantage of the images can help
learners swiftly visualise the concepts in lexical items, which makes them understand
new vocabulary clearly without translating them into their mother tongue . With this kind
of techniques, teachers are able to exploit students’ senses of sound and sight to make
connecction between the images and texts to facilitate their vocabulary memorization.

2.2.2. Using gestures:

Another helpful vocabulary – teaching method that is widely used by the large
number of teachers is utilizing gestures, facial expressions and miming. Participating in
this kind of teaching techniques, learners are required to combine lexical items with their
body movements so as to support their words acquisition. According to the Lexical
Approach developed by Michael Lewis (1993), it is better for very young learners to
react to teachers’instructions and model of vocabulary by non-verbal activities.
Additionally, the utilization of gestures can motivate all students to engage in class
activities during the lesson, which also boosts their learning process actively. In fact, this
way of teaching and learning does not put children under the pressure of memorizing the
pronunnciation and spelling of words as they just need to follow teachers’instructions and
try to imitate their gestures. This benefit of the technique is obviously proved in one of
the most well-known teaching methods called Total Physical Response written by James
Asher (1977). He stated that using body movements to follow the guidelines and gestures
of teachers is the fastest and simplest way to comprehend vocabulary in another different

2.2.3. Using contexts:

According to an American psychologist and psychometrician- Robert J. Sternberg

(1983), providing specific vocabulary attached to contexts is the most relatively effective
method in teaching English words for learners. During the English teaching and learning
process, there are some words that cannot be presented directly by visual aids or gestures
since these kinds of words do not contain specific meaning, which sometimes confuses a
large number of students. Hence, teachers supply students with several contexts which
comprise the target vocabulary items. Some typical genres of contexts can be dialogues,
stories, passages or just simply imperative sentences which are carefully designed to be
suitable with the acquired words. Exploiting various contexts in learning, learners cannot
only deepen lexicon comprehension but also understand the forms in which words are
applied into practical sentences.


1. Population

There are totally 18 teachers invited to become the participants in the survey.
The proportion of Vietnamese and foreign teachers joining the questionnaire is similar
with 50% as all of the students in grade 6 at Viet Anh School are given opportunity to
study with a Vietnamese teacher and a native one. Because the study focuses on
vocabulary-teaching techniques used for 6th graders, all the participants are teachers who
take responsibility to teach grade 6 classes. Thus, basing on real teaching experience,
they can provide reliable and essential data for the study.

2. Instrument
Questionnaires are utilized as the principal instrument to collect the essential data
and opinions. With the forms of closed-ended and open-ended questions, the participants
can offer their viewpoints, difficulties and suggestions. In particular, Question 1,2 and 3
requires the participants to choose vocabulary teaching techniques they used; Question 4
asks about some difficulties they usually encounter in teaching new words; Question 5
orders them to choose the suggested solutions they use to overcome difficulties and
Question 6 is for other problems and suggestions offered by themselves.

Asher, J. J. (1977). Learning another language through actions: The complete teacher's
Azimov, E. G., & Shchukin, A. N. (2009). New Dictionary of methodological terms and
concepts (the theory and practice of language teaching). M.: IKAR, 448.
Brewster, J., Ellis, G., & Girard, D. (1992). The primary English teacher's guide. Penguin
Grain, R., & Redman, S. (1986). Working With Words: A Guide to Teach and Learn
Vocabulary. Melbourne. Cambridge University pres.
Hadfield, J. (1999). Intermediate vocabulary games: a collection of vocabulary games
and activities for intermediate students of English.[Contains photocopiable material].
Pearson Longman.
Harmer, J. (1991). The Practice of English Language Teaching. Harmer. J.–Harlow.
Hatch, E., & Brown, C. (1995). Vocabulary, semantics, and language education.
Cambridge University Press.
Kuśnierek, A. (2016). The role of music and songs in teaching English vocabulary to
students. World Scientific News, 1(43), 1-55.
Lewis, M. (1993). The lexical approach (Vol. 1, p. 993). Hove: Language teaching
Longman Holden, S. (1980). Visual Aids for Classroom Interaction. Modern English
Martin, M. (1984). Advanced vocabulary teaching: The problem of synonyms. The
Modern Language Journal, 68(2), 130-137.
Sternberg, R. J., Powell, J. S., & Kaye, D. B. (1983). Teaching vocabulary-building
skills: A contextual approach. Classroom computers and cognitive science, 121-143.
Wilkins, D. A. (1972). Linguistics in language teaching. E. Arnold, 1973.

My name is Mai and I am a teacher of English at Viet Anh School. I am attending the
course of Master Degree in English Language at Thu Dau Mot University.
I am doing a study entitled “An investigation into some techniques used to teach
vocabulary for 6th graders at Viet Anh School”. Thus, this questionnaire is designed to
collect your viewpoints about some techniques applied to teach vocabulary for 6 th graders
at Viet Anh School. Could you please read the questions carefully, follow the instructions
and give your answers? I ensure that all of your responses and information will be kept
confidential and anonymous. Thank you so much for your participation.
1. What techniques do you use to teach vocabulary for students in grade 6? (You can
choose more than one answers)
□ Using synonyms or antonyms □ Using objects (pictures, real objects)
□ Using games □ Using music
2. Do you use other vocabulary – teaching techniques?
(If “Yes”, answer Quesion 3; if “No”, move to Question 4)
□ Yes □ No
3. What other techniques do you use to present vocabulary for 6th graders?
(please write your answer below)
4. What difficulties do you have when teaching vocabulary for students in grade
6? (You can choose more than one answers)

□ The number of vocabulary is large; therefore, you have insufficient time to teach.
□ There are various meanings of words; thus, students cannot remember all.
□ Your students cannot memorize the spelling of new words.
□ Your students have mispronunciation of vocabulary.
□ Your students are not interested in learning vocabulary.
□ Your students cannot use new words in some other contexts.
5. What solutions do you use to overcome the above-mentioned difficulties? (You can
choose more than one answers)
* The number of vocabulary is large; therefore, you have insufficient time to teach.
□ Choose some of the most essential words to teach students.
□ Organize brief and effective classroom activities to save time in teaching vocabulary.
□ Skip and neglect some words that you do not have enough time to teach.
* There are various meanings of words; thus, students cannot remember all.

* Your students cannot use new words in some other contexts.

□ Choose some widely-used meanings of words to teach students.
□ Use contexts to explain clearly the words’meanings.
□ Use other simple synonyms and antonyms to explain the meanings of vocabulary.
□ Ask students to use new words to make their own sentences at the end of the lessons.
□ Choose one meaning to teach students and skip other ones.
* Your students cannot memorize the spelling of new words.
□ Require students to write down and copy the new words in their notebooks.
□ Give them handouts with exercises to apply new vocabulary more frequently.
□ Organize some games (crosswords, missing letters, bingo,etc.) to help them memorize
the words’spelling.
□ Use tests to check their word acquisitions regularly.
* Your students have mispronunciation of vocabulary.

□ Let students listen to the pronunciation of foreigners through CDs or video clips.
□ Check dictionary and try to pronounce vocabulary by yourself.
□ Ask students to pronounce new words more regularly.
□ Ask them to check dictionary and correct their pronunciation by themselves.
* Your students are not interested in learning vocabulary.
□ Organize games or use music to catch students’ attentions in learning vocabulary.
□ Make use of pictures and video clips to make your lessons more lively and
□ Organize groupworks or discussions to motivate students during vocabulary lessons.
□ Be friendly, enthusiastic and willing to support students when they need help.
6. What other difficulties and solutions do you have? (If yes, write your answer
below; If not, please skip this question)

Tôi tên là Mai. Tôi là một giáo viên dạy Tiếng Anh tại Trường Trung Tiểu học Việt Anh.
Hiện nay tôi đang theo học khóa Cao học ngành Ngôn ngữ Anh của Đại học Thủ Dầu
Tôi đang làm một bài nghiên cứu về vấn đề các cách dạy từ vựng cho học sinh lớp 6 ở
Trường Trung Tiểu học Việt Anh. Vì thế, bảng khảo sát này được thiết kế nhằm mục đích
thu thập ý kiến của các giáo viên về vấn đề này. Bạn hãy vui lòng đọc kĩ câu hỏi, làm
theo hướng dẫn và chọn đáp án phù hơp với bạn. Tôi xin đảm bảo các thông tin bạn cung
cấp sẽ được bảo mật và chỉ nhằm vào mục đích nghiên cứu. Xin cám ơn.
1. Bạn sử dụng phương pháp nào dưới dây đẻ dạy từ vựng cho học sinh lớp 6?
(Có thể chọn nhiều đáp án)

□ Sử dụng từ đồng nghĩa/trái nghĩa □ Sử dụng đồ vật, hình ảnh

□ Tổ chức trò chơi □ Sử dụng âm nhạc
2. Bạn có dùng những phương pháp nào khác không?
(Nếu có, hãy trả lời câu 3; nếu không, hãy chuyển đến câu 4)
□ Yes □ No
3. Những phương pháp khác nào bạn dùng để dạy từ vựng cho học sinh lớp 6?
(vui lòng ghi câu trả lời của bạn vào bên dưới)
4. Những khó khăn nào bạn thường gặp phải trong quá trình dạy từ vựng cho học
sinh lớp 6? ( Có thể chọn nhiều đáp án)

□ Bạn không có đủ thời gian để dạy vì số lượng từ vựng quá nhiều.

□ Học sinh không thể nhớ hết các nghĩa khác nhau của từ vựng.
□ Học sinh không thể áp dụng từ vựng vào ngữ cảnh sau khi học
□ Học sinh không nhớ cách viết từ.
□ Học sinh phát âm từ vựng sai.
□ Học sinh không hứng thú trong tiết học từ vựng.
5. Bạn sử dụng cách gì để khắc phục những khó khăn trên?
* Bạn không có đủ thời gian để dạy vì số lượng từ vựng quá nhiều.
□ Chỉ chọn những từ vựng quan trọng để dạy.
□ Tổ chức các hoạt động một cách hiệu quả để dành thời gian dạy từ vựng.
□ Bỏ qua những từ nếu không đủ thời gian.
* Học sinh không thể nhớ hết các nghĩa khác nhau của từ vựng và không thể áp dụng từ
vựng vào ngữ cảnh sau khi học

□ Dạy cho học sinh những nét nghĩa phổ biến, thường dùng của từ vựng.
□ Đặt từ vựng vào ngữ cảnh để hoc sinh hiểu rõ nghĩa cũa từ hơn.
□ Dùng những từ đồng nghĩa hoặc trái nghĩa để giải thích nghĩa của từ vựng .
□ Yêu cầu học sinh dùng từ vựng mới học để đặt câu.
□ Chỉ chọn 1 nét nghĩa của từ để dạy.
* Học sinh không nhớ cách viết từ.
□ Yêu cầu học sinh ghi chép và viết copy từ vựng vào tập.
□ Cho học sinh bài tập vận dụng từ vựng vừa học.
□ Tổ chức những trò chơi (bingo, ô chữ) giúp học sinh luyện tập cách viết từ.
□ Kiểm tra từ vựng của học sinh thường xuyên.
* Học sinh phát âm từ vựng sai..

□ Dùng CD hoặc video cho học sinh nghe cách phát âm của người bản xứ.
□ Tra từ điển để cố gắng tự phát âm chính xác cho học sinh nghe.
□ Yêu cầu học sinh phát âm từ vựng thường xuyên hơn.
□ Yêu cầu học sinh tự tra từ điển và tự điều chỉnh cách phát âm của mình.
* Học sinh không hứng thú trong tiết học từ vựng.
□ Tổ chức trò chơi hoặc dùng âm nhạc để thu hút sự chú ý của học sinh.
□ Tận dụng nhửng hình ảnh hoặc video sinh động để làm bài giảng trở nên thú vị hơn.
□ Tổ chức các hoạt động thảo luận nhóm để tạo động lực cho học sinh.
□ Thân thiện, nhiệt tình và sẵn sàng hỗ trợ khi các em cần giúp đỡ.
6. Bạn còn có những khó khăn và những biện pháp nào khác không? ( Nếu có, vui
lòng ghi câu trả lời của bạn vào bên dưới; Nếu không, vui lòng bỏ qua câu hỏi này)


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