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Topsim Overview Ebook

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Learning business

by doing business.

On some days you win, on others you learn. The greatest learnings in life come from
mistakes. In a business scenario, however, mistakes are costly. In today’s competitive
global market, there is little room for management errors.

That’s why TOPSIM – Simulations allows one to learn by making decisions—and

mistakes—in a completely risk–free environment.

TOPSIM – Simulations are advanced and comprehensive models that simulate

operating environments, for instance, of a start–up, of the marketing function within
a company, of the overall management of a company, of global markets, or the macro
economics of a country, among others.

The participants of the simulation take up decision–making roles of their units to

compete as teams against other units in a simulated environment. While proceeding
through different modules, teams need to plan, strategize, and decide, taking into
account several variables that influence the operating environment. Through their
decisions, the participants influence the success of their unit.

TOPSIM – Simulations are modular programs usually deployed in a 2–3 day workshop.
At the workshops, an instructor acts as the coordinator of teams, controller of
environment variables, and an educator to help teams interpret results and reports.

© 2007-2010 Tata Interactive Systems. All rights reserved.

Overview of TOPSIM Simulations
TOPSIM – Simulations are available in a range of topics—from general management
topics that give a bird‘s eye view of a company’s management to function specific
topics that delve into the intricacies of the different functions involved in any

TOPSIM – General Management

• TOPSIM – General Management, more advanced and complex than TOPSIM –
Manager, establishes a link between management theory and business practice.
• Participants face the challenge of selling one or two products in up to two
markets—domestic and international, with opportunities to sell to bulk buyers and
bid for tenders.
• It covers all the key functions of a business corporation from Procurement and
Production to HR, R&D, Marketing, and Sales. Other topics covered by the simulation
include Product Life Cycles, Personnel Competence, Productivity, Reengineering,
Environmental Aspects, Corporate Identity, and Share Price and Shareholder
Value–oriented Management.
• Due to its modular organization, the simulation can be widely used—as an
introduction to Business Administration or for Leadership Development.
• Different languages can be used simultaneously, allowing multinational teams to
participate together. A Web–based version and a wide range of additional scenarios
are available on request.
• Available in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, and Russian.

TOPSIM – Logistics
• TOPSIM – Logistics is a challenging logistics simulation with an emphasis on supply
chain management. The learning objectives are to plan and control value chains,
and to identify value and cost drivers. The simulation requires participants to make
operational and strategic decisions embedded in an international context.
• The participants, grouped in teams of 3–5, not only take over the task of managing
the supply chain of a company but also manage a competitive market environment.
• The complexity of the simulation depends on the number of products participants
choose to sell and the number of markets they choose to sell in. They can choose
from a maximum of two products and four markets.
• The key focus areas of the simulation are inbound, outbound, and in–house logistics.
The simulation covers several areas of Operational Decisions, Strategic Decisions,
and Finance & Accounting.
o Operational topics covered are Raw Material Acquisition, Transport, Personnel
Decisions, Pricing, Express Carriers vs. Transportation Companies, and Marketing.
o Strategic topics covered are Trade Goods Central Warehouse, Establishment of
Regional Warehouses, eCommerce, and Strategic Alliances.
o Finance and Accounting related topics that are covered include Cost–unit
Accounting, Stage–to–stage Break–even Analysis, Financial Planning, Balance
Sheet and Income Statement, and Cash Flow.
• Available in English and German.

© 2007-2010 Tata Interactive Systems. All rights reserved.

TOPSIM – Banking
• TOPSIM – Banking is a challenging operational and strategic banking simulation
with an emphasis on volume and interest-based business, marketing, and staffing.
• The participants, grouped in teams of 3–5, take over the management of a bank.
• Participants may consider up to seven different customer groups.
• The complexity of the simulation can be adjusted by enabling and disabling the
individual modules that make up the simulation. The simulation allows participants
to choose between a complete (advanced) and basic version (suitable for trainees).
• The simulation covers several key goals of banking businesses involving Profitability,
Liquidity, Security, and Growth; Relationships between the goals and the functional
areas of a bank; Integration of goals and functions to control investments and
returns, Volume and Structure of the balance sheet, and risks; Human Resources
Planning; Target Markets and Competition Analysis; and Implementing Marketing
• Available in English and German.

TOPSIM – Global Business Strategy

• TOPSIM – Global Business Strategy is a strategic simulation with a strong focus
on globalizing markets. A wide variety of typical strategic options in international
(European Union or Asia–Pacific region) markets is available for the important
functional areas of companies. The simulation is particularly appropriate for
conveying the business challenges brought on by the globalization of markets.
• The participants, grouped in teams of 3–5, manage a company involved in
international markets and evaluate market penetration and other strategic tasks.
• Participants learn to interpret market situations and results, and understand the
international framework for planning and acting in business.
• It covers strategic topics like market position in home market, purchasing,
penetration of other markets, production, logistics, transportation, company
expansion finance, strategic sales alternatives, and strategic production alternatives.
• Available in English and German.

TOPSIM – Marketing
• TOPSIM – Marketing focuses on developing the participants’ marketing
management skills. TOPSIM – Marketing hones participants’ abilities to recognize
trends in the market and adapt to them in time.
• Participants take up companies’ marketing functions to sell their products in a
simulated market, fighting for market space with competitors.
• The main objective is to work towards the goal–oriented positioning of products
while making effective use of communication and sales instruments.
• The simulated companies start off with different products and in the course of time,
participants will have to alter current products and develop new products to keep
pace in the market.
• The simulation covers areas like Defining Target Market–oriented Products, Product
Positioning, Pricing, Communications Concepts, Launching new products, and
Relaunching existing products.
• Available in English and German.
© 2007-2010 Tata Interactive Systems. All rights reserved.
TOPSIM – eCommerce
• TOPSIM – eCommerce is a strategic management simulation that focuses on the
challenges of E–Business.
• Participants face the challenge of managing an online shop of a traditional brick–
and–mortar company. The simulation offers different scenarios for B2C—wine
trade—and B2B—office equipment industry—for participants to achieve specific
learning objectives and requirements.
• The factors for success in the simulation are Market Analyses, Assortment of
Products, Pricing, the Mixture of Online and Traditional Marketing, the level of
Information Technology, and Call Center and Distribution Capacities.
• Available in English and German.

TOPSIM – Macro Economics

• TOPSIM – Macro Economics is a simulation designed to reflect the essential
interdependencies among the various factors of a modern economy.
• The participating teams represent the different sectors of an economy—companies,
government, banks, and unions, each with different interests. The success of these
sectors not only depend on the decisions of each team but also on the reaction of
the other sectors to those decisions.
• The simulation covers several decision areas for each sector, as listed:
o Companies: Sales, R&D, Production, Purchase, and Finance.
o Government: Taxes, Charges, Investments, Social Transfers, Subsidies,
Finance, and Trade Policy.
o Unions: Negotiation with companies over wages, Social Security Contribution,
Working Time, and so on.
o Central Bank: Exchange Rate Policy, Open–Market Policy, Foreign Loans, Minimum
Reserves Policy, and Planning.
o Commercial Banks: Lending, Deposits, Securities, Marketing, and Personnel.
• Available in English, French, and German.

TOPSIM – Business Development

• TOPSIM – Business Development represents structures of companies to
demonstrate various challenges and strategies through the use of defined
management processes and instruments.
• Participants, grouped in teams of 3–5, take over the management of a company and
make decisions on Sales, R&D, and technical service.
• The instructor can choose between running a simulated manufacturing company or
a business providing services.
• It covers key areas like Change Management Projects, Business Communication,
Ownership Transactions, Business Segment Development, Rating and Financial
Ratios, Planning, Managing, and Controlling.
• It allows for the flexible reproduction of projects across different business
functions, for instance, Sales Projects, R&D projects, Acquisition projects, Production
Optimization, and HR projects, among others.
• Available in English and German.

© 2007-2010 Tata Interactive Systems. All rights reserved.

TOPSIM – General Airline Management Simulation (GAMS)
• GAMS is a strategic simulation of the international airline business involving
operations of competing companies (passengers and cargo) across four routes.
• Apart from recognizing the interrelations of the key variables in the industry, GAMS
helps participants gain a deep knowledge of the economics of the airline business.
• It covers key decision areas like tariff policies, marketing strategy, aircraft
employment, aircraft chartering, recruitment, dismissal and training of crews
and agents, responding to calls for bids, market analysis, planning analysis, and
cooperation with external servicing companies, among others.
• Available in English.

TOPSIM – Change Management

• TOPSIM – Change Management is a simulation that shows how change processes in
a company can be designed and implemented.
• Participants play the role of a Change Manager attempting to influence the
different phases of a change process within a company. The two key objectives for
participants in this simulation are:
o To win the commitment of all members of the organization with respect to
a specific change project.
o To provide members with the necessary skills and knowledge.
• Change Management, as reflected in this simulation, involves all sub–systems in an
organization like: processes, information systems, corporate culture, and above all,
• The simulation provides a wide variety of influence factors that can serve as triggers
for change within the sub–systems. The Change Manager can choose up to 30
interventions to influence the process of change.
• Available in English and German.

TOPSIM – Project Management

• TOPSIM – Project Management is a management simulation that represents a
realistic model for project planning and development within a company.
• The simulation enables participants to employ the Critical Path Method (CPM) to
plan activities on a project.
• It focuses on key areas like project management, risk management, calculation, and
the attempts to improve participants’ decision–making process.
• Available in English and German.

© 2007-2010 Tata Interactive Systems. All rights reserved.

TOPSIM – Entrepreneurship
• TOPSIM – Entrepreneurship is an entrepreneurship simulation.
• Participants are faced with the responsibility of starting, from ground–up, a
manufacturing business, for instance, one that produces and distributes specialty
and customized recreational goods.
• The goal of this simulation is to impart knowledge of key business management
principles and an understanding of the interrelationships between various business
functions with specific reference to entrepreneurship.
• The simulation takes participants through the different phases such as examination
of the idea, creation of a business plan, foundation, and market entry.

TOPSIM – Global Challenge

• TOPSIM – Global Challenge is a strategy simulation that highlights the opportunities
and threats for companies operating globally.

• TOPSIM Global Challenge simulates a business environment spread across five

geographies around the world. Each participating team is based in one of the five
regions and faces challenges unique to that environment that require them to make
decisions based on local market considerations.

• Participants can also explore expansion strategies for their respective companies
through co–operation with others, by acquiring other companies, and by creating
new companies. As the simulation progresses, a sixth geography opens up for

• The simulation covers the different functional areas of Sales and Marketing,
Procurement, Production, Finance, and HR.

TOPSIM – Production Startup

• TOPSIM – Production Startup simulates the start–up of a company in the
production industry.
• In this simulation, participants have to make strategic decisions in the context
of challenges that are typical of a startup company. While participants will
make decisions across various business functions, the simulation focuses on the
production function.
• The simulation covers the typical phases involved in a production startup such as
initial feasibility research; preparation of a business plan; startup decisions regarding
choice of location, loans, staffing; and critical decisions regarding market entry and
business operations.

© 2007-2010 Tata Interactive Systems. All rights reserved.

License conditions for TOPSIM Simulations
TOPSIM Simulations licenses are available for purchase in two forms:
• Company licenses (Multi–company licenses on request), as well as
• University licenses (and similar institutions).
Company licenses are valid for company–wide use. University licenses are campus
The license price includes one free spot at a Train–the–Trainer–seminar (instructors’
training session). Please refer to our Web site for dates.

Delivery and service

• Software is delivered accompanied by extensive documentation, including
o Participants’ manual
o Instructor’s manual
o Teaching material
• Free Update Service: New versions with modifications, slight expansions, or possible
corrections are provided automatically and free of charge.
• Tata Interactive System’s hotline/support service assists with problems that might
occur in the course of a seminar. It is also available free of charge, and support in the
evening and on weekends can be arranged.
• Tata Interactive Systems also conducts ‘Train the Trainer’ workshops for instructors.
• An Annual Users Meeting is held to learn from experiences of other TOPSIM users.

About Tata Interactive Systems

TOPSIM Simulations are modular Tata Interactive Systems GmbH, formerly Tertia Edusoft GmbH, designs and develops a
programs usually deployed range of management simulations, TOPSIM—the #1 simulation product in Germany.
in a 2–3 day workshop. At the TOPSIM has been successfully implemented in business education and professional
workshops, an instructor acts training for more than twenty years, and is currently being used by more than 150 leading
as the coordinator of teams, global corporations.
controller of environment
variables, and an educator to TOPSIM Simulations allow one to learn by making decisions—and mistakes—in a
help teams interpret results completely risk–free environment. TOPSIM Simulations are advanced and comprehensive
and reports. For geographically models that simulate operating environments, for instance, of a start–up, of the marketing
dispersed participants, TOPSIM function within a company, of the overall management of a company, of global markets,
can also be played over the or the macro economics of a country, among others.
Web as on online workshop.
Furthermore, TOPSIM Simulations The participants of the simulation take up decision–making roles of their units to
are available as off–the–shelf compete as teams against other units in a simulated environment. While proceeding
products and in customized through different modules, teams need to plan, strategize, and decide, taking into account
formats. several variables that influence the operating environment. Through their decisions, the
participants influence the success of their unit.
Interested? Contact us via email, phone, or
fax for more information.

© 2007-2010 Tata Interactive Systems. All rights reserved.

UK Germany Northern Europe India
Amardeep Saluja Nils Högsdal, Ph.D. Rati Menon Vraj Gokhlay
[t] +44 (0) 207 235 8281 [t] +49 7071 79420 [t] +31 (0) 70 8878152 [t] +91 22 6643 8000
[m] +44 (0) 207 235 8727 [f ] +49 7071 794229 [m] +31 (0) 681470501 [f ] +91 98200 82694
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© 2007-2010 Tata Interactive Systems. All rights reserved.

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