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Computational Biology and Chemistry 76 (2018) 79–86

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Research Article

Computational study of FaEXPA1, a strawberry alpha expansin protein, T

through molecular modeling and molecular dynamics simulation studies
⁎⁎ ⁎
Felipe Valenzuela-Riffoa, Patricio Ramosb,e, , Luis Morales-Quintanac,d,
Phytohormone Research Laboratory, Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad de Talca, Chile
Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad de Talca, Chile
Multidisciplinary Agroindustry Research Laboratory, Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Chile
Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas, Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Talca, Chile
Núcleo Científico Multidiciplinario-DI, Universidad de Talca, Chile


Keywords: Changes in the cellulose-hemicellulose fraction take place during ripening of strawberry fruit and are associated
Expansin protein with the activity of a set of proteins and hydrolytic enzymes. Expansins are proteins located in the cell wall with
Molecular dynamic simulation no catalytic activity. In this context, FaEXPA1 was previously reported to have a high accumulation rate during
Strawberry fruit ripening in three different strawberry cultivars. In order to understand at the molecular level the expansin
Plant cell wall
mechanism mode, a 3D model of FaEXPA1 protein was built by comparative modeling. FaEXPA1 protein model
displayed two domains, a cellulose-binding domain with a β-sandwich structure, and a second domain that
included a HFD motif with a similar structure to the catalytic core of endoglucanase V from Humicola insolens.
Additionally, in the center of the structure, an open groove was formed. Finally, using a cellulose polymer as a
ligand, the protein-ligand interaction was evaluated by molecular dynamic (MD) simulation. Two MD simula-
tions showed that FaEXPA1 can interact with cellulose via the flat aromatic surface of its binding domain D2,
composed mainly of residues Trp99 and Trp225. In addition, FaEXPA1 formed a high number of hydrogen bonds
with the glycan chain and the Asn81, Phe114 and Asn211 residues.

1. Introduction ancient and major gene family known to have roles in regulating di-
verse biological processes in plants (Li et al., 2016). Expansins char-
Plant cell walls are a complex and dynamic supra-molecular as- acteristically loosen the plant cell wall by weakening the non-covalent
sembly composed of crystalline cellulose microfibrils surrounded by an bonding of polysaccharides to one another (McQueen-Mason et al.,
amorphous matrix of polysaccharides such as hemicellulose and pectins 1992; McQueen-Mason and Cosgrove, 1994; Cosgrove, 2000, 2005; Li
as well as inorganic molecules and proteins (Chundawat et al., 2011; et al., 2003; Sampedro and Cosgrove, 2005). In this way, the expansin
Johansson et al., 2004; Vaaje-Kolstad et al., 2010). The plant cell wall proteins exert their molecular function by disrupting hydrogen bonds
regulates growth and development, mechanical support, and cell shape between cellulose microfibrils and xyloglucans that hold them jointly
and acts as a barrier against biotic and abiotic stresses (Pilling and within plant cell walls (McQueen-Mason and Cosgrove, 1994; Mcqueen-
Höfte, 2003; Nardi et al., 2015), and changes in cell wall architecture Mason and Cosgrove, 1995; Whitney et al., 2000) to promote the re-
have been well described (Marga et al., 2005). laxation of the cell wall structure in a pH-dependent manner, allowing
Regarding plant cell wall metabolism, disassembly is the main access of different hydrolases to their substrates (McQueen-Mason
process that leads to fruit softening during ripening and postharvest et al., 1992; McQueen-Mason and Cosgrove, 1994; Cosgrove, 2000,
(Vicente et al., 2007). For this reason, several enzymes and proteins 2005 Cho and Cosgrove, 2000; Choi et al., 2003; Gray-Mitsumune et al.,
have been widely studied (Goulao and Oliveira, 2008; Quesada et al., 2008).
2009; Mercado et al., 2011). One class of these proteins, which are The expansin proteins contain 250–275 amino acids and are com-
actively implicated in cell wall disassembly, is the expansins (Bennett, posed of two domains. Domain 1 (D1) is in the N-terminal region and
2002). includes a series of conserved cysteines and three residues (His, Phe,
The plant-specific superfamily of expansin proteins constitutes an and Asp) that are important for its protein activity (the HFD motif)

Corresponding author at: Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas, Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Chile.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (P. Ramos), (L. Morales-Quintana).
Received 2 January 2018; Received in revised form 26 April 2018; Accepted 15 May 2018
Available online 26 May 2018
1476-9271/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Valenzuela-Riffo et al. Computational Biology and Chemistry 76 (2018) 79–86

(Cosgrove, 2000); the second domain (D2) in the C-terminal region is adding ions (Na+ or Cl−) until reaching 150 mM NaCl (specifically
responsible for carbohydrate binding, which is distantly related to 105 Na+ and 106 Cl− atoms were added). Each MD simulation was
group-2 grass pollen allergens (Cosgrove, 2000). Based on phylogenetic performed at a constant temperature (300 K) and pressure
and conserved sequence analyses, the expansin superfamily has been (1.01325 bar), with an NPT ensemble. The MD simulation was run over
organized into four expansin sub-families: α-expansin and β-expansin 100 ns, and the motion equations were integrated with 2 fs, while the
are found in all groups of land plants and have diverse functions, while data were collected for every 50 ps of trajectory. SCHRÖDINGER suite
Like α-expansin and Like β-expansin proteins are found in both plants with the OPLS v2005 force field (Jorgensen et al., 1996) was used in the
and bacteria (Sampedro and Cosgrove, 2005). MDS. Finally, the MDS was analyzed using VMD software (Humphrey
Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) is one of the most economically et al., 1996).
and nutritionally important fruit crops in the world, and as a member of
the rosaceae family, it is used as a model species for molecular biology 2.3. In silico site-directed mutagenesis of FaEXPA1
and genomic studies. Strawberry fruit is characterized by a high soft-
ening rate, short postharvest life and fast decay (Bustamante et al., To gain insight into the action mechanism of FaEXPA1 and to clarify
2009). Its fast softening rate during fruit ripening is coincident with a the role of the residues Asn81, Phe114, and Asn211 in their interaction
decreased content of cellulose and hemicellulose in the cell wall (Rosli with cellulose, the mutants Asn81Ala, Phe114Ala and Asn211Ala were
et al., 2004). The rapid decrease in fruit firmness observed in straw- generated from the FaEXPA1 wild-type structural model using alanine
berry correlates with a large increase in the accumulation of transcripts screening methodology (Morrison and Weiss, 2001). A short molecular
from different genes including FaEXPA1, which codes for an alpha ex- dynamics was run in order to remove wrong contacts and to fill empty
pansin protein (Dotto et al., 2006). pockets using SCHRÖDINGER suite with OPLS v2005 force field
Although well studied, there is still a lack of understanding of the (Jorgensen et al., 1996) according to Morales-Quintana et al. (2013).
molecular mechanisms involved in cell wall remodeling in strawberry. All MD simulations were done using a time step of 1 fs during 1 ns of
Although the effect of expansins on cell walls is known, the molecular MD simulation.
mechanism underlying their biophysical function is poorly understood. Additionally, PROCHECK (Laskowski et al., 1993) and ProSA-Web
In the present study, we focused on molecular aspects related to (Sippl, 1993; Wiederstein and Sippl, 2007) programs were employed to
strawberry fruit softening. A 3-D model of the FaEXPA1 protein was evaluate the mutant models generated. Finally, MD simulations were
built and used to evaluate its interaction with cellulose polymers as a performed to predict the effect of the mutant on the protein-ligand
ligand. Finally, the mechanism of expansin action at the molecular level interaction using a similar methodology to that previously described
was analyzed, suggesting a putative interaction between FaEXPA1 and above for the native model.
cellulose as the substrate.
3. Results and discussion
2. Materials and methods
3.1. 3-D structure of FaEXPA1
2.1. Obtaining the structure of FaEXPA1 using molecular modeling
Plant and microbial expansins share a higher degree of structural
FaEXPA1 structural model was obtained by comparative modeling similarity than their low sequence identity (around 20%) might suggest
methodology using MODELLER 9v12 software ( (Georgelis et al., 2012). To determine the structural properties of the
modeller/) (Šali and Blundell, 1993). The comparative model was FaEXPA1 sequence, a FaEXPA1 protein model was built using the in-
generated according to the method employed by Morales-Quintana formation provided by the sequence alignment between the template
et al. (2011). The crystal structure of a β-expansin from Zea mays (PDB 2HCZ and the FaEXPA1 sequence (Fig. S1). The sequence identity value
code: 2HCZ) was selected as the template based on the sequence was 27.8%, and similarity was 47.8% (Fig. S1). A complete evaluation
identity between both sequences. Five models were generated for the (geometric and energetic) of the model was performed. The RMSD
FaEXPA1 structure, and the model with the lowest RMSD value with value of the backbone calculated between the strawberry expansin and
respect to trace (Cα atoms) of the crystal structure of the template was the template was 3.09 Å, and the model showed similar secondary
saved for further refinement and validation. An SPC water model was structure; however, small differences were found in the orientation of
used in the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. Particle Mesh Ewald the loops present in FaEXPA1 compared to the template (Fig. 1a). The
was used to calculate long-range electrostatic interactions. The system stereochemical quality of the model was evaluated using the PROCH-
was neutralized by adding ions (Na+ or Cl−) until reaching 150 mM ECK program indicating that 78.6% of the residues were classified in
NaCl (specifically 105 Na+ and 106 Cl− atoms were added). After the most favored regions, and only one residue was considered as badly
that, SCHRÖDINGER suite with the OPLS v2005 force field (Jorgensen modeled (the Gln225 residue, located far away from the catalytic motif
et al., 1996) was used to equilibrate the system in a MD simulation of and open groove) (Table 1). ProSA analysis of individual residues of the
10 ns. The protein protonation state was set to pH 4.5 using the FaEXPA1 showed a low z-score in most of the structurally conserved
PROPKA program and SCHRÖDINGER suite, and as according to Wang regions. However, a small region with an unfavorable z-score in the N-
et al. (2008), who described it as the pH at which the expansins have terminal region (the first eight residues) was identified, which is distant
the highest activity. To evaluate the quality of the model, both PROC- from the active site and out of the protein open groove (data not
HECK (Laskowski et al., 1993) and ProSA-Web (Sippl, 1993; shown). Additionally, the global z-score obtained from the ProSA ana-
Wiederstein and Sippl, 2007) programs were employed. lysis over all structures of FaEXPA1 was −5.46, while the global z-score
of the template was −6.68. Both values were within the accepted range
2.2. Protein-ligand interaction for proteins of this size according to the program parameters
(Wiederstein and Sippl, 2007). Previously, a partial structural similarity
A molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of a cellulose chain com- has been described between D1 of expansins and the catalytic site of
posed of 30 glucose monomers linked by β1-4 bonds was used as the endoglucanases that belong to family 45 (Sampedro and Cosgrove,
ligand. The cellulose structure was built using the GLYCAM web server 2005). For this, a structural alignment between D1 of FaEXPA1 and
( At the beginning of the MD simulation, the ligand endoglucanase V from Humicola insolens (EGV) (PDB code of 2ENG) was
was located at 15 Å of the protein and the system was constructed so evaluated (Fig. 1b). A good overlap between the two β-barrels was
that each atom movement was completely free. The complex was em- observed, but not in the rest of the structure, which mainly consisted of
bedded into a pre-equilibrated SPC water model and neutralized by loops and short α-helices according to a previous report by Gaete-

F. Valenzuela-Riffo et al. Computational Biology and Chemistry 76 (2018) 79–86

Fig 1. Structural alignment of FaEXPA1 with the template. A) Structural superposition of the FaEXPA1 model and the 2HCZ structure. The cartoon model of the
template is colored in red and that of FaEXPA1 in blue. B) Structural superposition of the FaEXPA1 protein model and the EGV structure. The cartoon model of
endoglucanase V from Humicola insolens (EGV) (PDB: 2ENG) is colored in blue and that of FaEXPA1 domain 1 in red. (For interpretation of the references to colour in
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Table 1 Eastman et al. (2015), indicating a good structural quality of D1.

Validation of FaEXPA1 protein structure using PROCHECK program Consequently, the final structure of the FaEXPA1 expansin protein was
(Ramachandran plot). accepted for subsequent analysis.
Core (%) a
Allow (%) b
Gener (%) c
Disall (%) d The FaEXPA1 comparative model was included in the Protein Model
DataBase (PMDB; under the
FcEXPA1 78.6 17.9 2.6 0.9 PMDB code PM0081200.
a The model obtained showed the structural characteristics proposed
Most favourable region.
b for the expansin protein family (Sampedro and Cosgrove, 2005). Re-
Additional allowed regions.
c garding this structure, the ‘catalytic’ domain (D1) showed a highly
Generously allowed regions.
d conserved β-barrel fold formed by residues between the Arg1 and
Disallowed regions.
Arg159 residues (the protein was numbered according to the mature
protein) (Fig. 2a, green structure). The second domain is the

F. Valenzuela-Riffo et al. Computational Biology and Chemistry 76 (2018) 79–86

Fig. 2. FaEXPA1 protein model. The 3D-structure was built

using the 2HCZ protein as a template (27.8% identity). A) The
FaEXPA1 structure is composed of two domains: Domain 1 (D1)
shown in green that has 6 β-strands and 1 α-helix forming a β-
barrel with the helices to the outside, while Domain 2 (D2) shown
in orange has 8 β-strands, assembled in two anti-parallel β-sheets.
The red residues correspond to the HFD motif; the cysteine is
shown in yellow, and aromatic residues of D2 are shown in purple.
B) Surface of the FaEXPA1 protein model shown in dark gray,
while the open groove is shown in cyan. (For interpretation of the
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
the web version of this article.)

Fig. 3. Alignment of the deduced full-length amino acid se-

quence of FaEXPA1 with various expansin sequences. Protein
sequence alignment of FaEXPA1 and different expansin proteins.
Identical residues are indicated by black boxes and similar re-
sidues by gray boxes. Red asterisks (*) show the three pairs of Cys
residues that form the three disulfide bonds, which are preserved
in both alpha and beta expansins, while the two green asterisks
show the pair of Cys residues present only in alpha expansins that
cannot form disulfide bonds. Additionally, the symbols (+) show
the HFD motif concerned in alpha and beta expansins. (For in-
terpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

carbohydrate-binding module (CBM) (D2), which showed an anti- described in the template (pdb code: 2HCZ) structure (Gaete-Eastman
parallel ß-sandwich fold (Phe171–Val262 residues) (Fig. 2a, orange et al., 2015) and in other alpha and beta expansins obtained by mole-
structure). The domains are connected through a short loop (Va- cular modeling methodology (Morrison and Weiss, 2001; Georgelis
l160–Arg170 residues) that spans 15.4 Å (Fig. 2a, blue loop). Ad- et al., 2012). The HFD motif has been described as important for the
ditionally, in the center of the protein, an open groove was formed protein-ligand interaction by in silico approaches that showed the im-
(Fig. 3b, cyan surface), which is a highly conserved region and dis- portance of the aspartate residue in the interaction with a cellulose
tinctive of the EXPA protein family (Gaete-Eastman et al., 2015). Six octamer (Morrison and Weiss, 2001). Additionally, the HFD motif was
conserved cysteine residues in positions 33, 61, 64, 69, 76 and 139 (in described as important for the activity of the EGV protein, and EGVs are
the mature protein) allowed the formation of three disulfide cross-lin- evolutionarily related to expansins (Cosgrove et al., 1997). The muta-
kages (C33–C61, C64–C139, and C69–C76) (Fig. 1, red asterisks) tion of the aspartate residue of the HFD motif into asparagine (As-
(Fig. 2a, yellow residues) in agreement with other expansins previously p114Asn) in EGV showed that the EGV-D114N mutant protein reduced
reported (Gaete-Eastman et al., 2015; Cosgrove et al., 1997; Mateluna the activity and the Kcat/Km ratio by 20-fold and 160-fold less, re-
et al., 2017). Among those, three-disulfide bonds are strictly conserved spectively (Cosgrove et al., 1997).
in both the alpha and beta expansin families, suggesting that they are The ‘glycine-rich loop’ located between the Phe73 and Pro91 re-
critical for protein folding maintenance of expansins (Gaete-Eastman sidues, which was previously described as important in the protein-li-
et al., 2015; Mateluna et al., 2017). Interestingly, even though there is a gand interaction and participates in the conformational change during
fourth cysteine pair (highly conserved in α-expansins) (Fig. 3), this the binding of the ligand (Morrison and Weiss, 2001), displayed a low
bond could not be modeled due to the long distance between these similarity compared to the template (Fig. 3a, black arrow).
residues (data not shown), similar to the VpEXPA2, PrEXPA1, PrEXPA2, The D2 domain is a CBM type A according to Kerff et al. (2008)
PrEXPA3 and PrEXPA4 expansin models previously described (Gaete- (Morales-Quintana et al., 2013), and D2 has been recognized as an
Eastman et al., 2015; Mateluna et al., 2017) (Fig. 3, red asterisks). independent family of CBMs assigned to the CAZy database family 63,
Additionally, the HFD motif (named as the ‘catalytic’ motif) (Fig. 1a, mainly because D2 showed a low sequence similarity to other CBMs
red residues) is located in the center of the structure of D1 and oriented from hydrolytic enzymes, and additionally it has a different biological
to the groove between the two loops, which corresponds to residues role and does not need metal ions as co-factors (Gilbert et al., 2013;
21–45 and 70–82, respectively. This orientation was previously Silveira and Skaf, 2016). The structure shows a β-sandwich fold (which

F. Valenzuela-Riffo et al. Computational Biology and Chemistry 76 (2018) 79–86

is a common fold among CBMs) with polar (Arg, Glu, Lys, Thr, and Asp) the cellulose ligand (Fig. 4). Interestingly, during this process, all water
and aromatic (Trp, Phe and Tyr) residues oriented to the surface molecules were driven out of the interfacial region between the cellu-
(Fig. 2a, purple residues). We also corroborated that the aromatic re- lose and planar aromatic residues of D2. These results are in agreement
sidues are organized in an extended strip at the edges of the open with previous reports showing that the binding affinities of D2 from the
groove forming a planar surface, similar to other alpha expansins B. subtilis (BsEXLX1) expansin and other type-A CBMs are 1000-fold
(Morrison and Weiss, 2001; Mateluna et al., 2017). These residues are lower compared to soluble cellooligosaccharides than cellulose, mainly
located along the open groove, which could interact with poly- as a consequence of high affinity for more ordered cellulose regions (as
saccharides that cover both protein domains, as in ZmEXPB1 and car- crystalline microfibrils) (Georgelis et al., 2011). For BsEXLX1, crystal-
bohydrate-binding module (CBM) proteins (Yennawar et al., 2006; lographic data of the bond to cellohexose show hydrophobic bonding of
Gilbert et al., 2013). Also, these aromatic residues could facilitate the the aromatic residues Trp101 and Trp126 aligned to the plane of the
movement of the expansin protein on the cellulose surface, similar to pyranose rings of the carbohydrate, while Tyr149 interacts partially
the mechanism proposed for cellulases (Jervis et al., 1997) and the with the glucan chain (Georgelis et al., 2011) in the FaEXPA1, and a
EXLX1 protein, an expansin-like protein from Bacillus subtilis (Silveira similar orientation was found between Trp99; however, Trp225 and
and Skaf, 2016). In this line, the MD simulation results showed that Tyr149 interact inexactly with the glucan chain and do not form a plane
FaEXPA1 interacts with cellulose polymers via the two Trp residues in with the pyranose rings of the carbohydrate in the cellulose chain.
CBM. The importance of this aromatic residue is well described Georgelis et al. (2011) replaced the three aromatic residues present on
(Georgelis et al., 2012; Gaete-Eastman et al., 2015; Mateluna et al., the surface of D2 (W125, W126 and Y157) with alanine in the BsEXLX1
2017; Jervis et al., 1997; Silveira and Skaf, 2016; Georgelis et al., protein to generate a triple mutant with no expansin activity. The au-
2011), while in D1, the ‘glycine-rich-like’ loop (in D1) helps to orientate thors suggested that these residues on the conserved D2 surface are
the ligand along the open groove. important for BsEXLX1 activity. Other important D1 residues for the
BsEXLAX1 activity described were Thr14, Asp71 and Tyr73, and the
crystallographic structures of BsEXLAX1 in complex with cellohexose
3.2. Protein-ligand interaction analysis showed that D1 cannot interact with this molecule. These observations
of the crystallographic data are in line with experiments where they
Two independent MD simulations were performed for a system with showed that D1 was unable to bind the substrate when it is expressed
one cellulose fibril monomer and FaEXPA1 in a water box. FaEXPA1 separately from D2 (Georgelis et al., 2011; Martinez-Anaya, 2016). In
was placed close (around 15 Å) to the glycan chain (Fig. 4b). In both our case, we observed a small distance (less than 3 Å) in the FaEXPA1-
MD simulations, the FaEXPA1 showed the shortest distances between cellulose complex during more than 40% of the time-course simulations
the glycan chain and D1 and D2 domains. However, in both MD si- in both of the MD simulations analyzed, displaying 19 residues in-
mulations, D2 was the first to approach the glycan chain (Fig. 4a, green cluding the three equivalent aromatic residues (F114, F178 and W212)
line). Consistently in both cases, the interaction between FaEXPA1 and identified in the D2 domain of FaEXPA1 and the HFD motif (Fig. 5a, red
the glycan chain was led by the Trp99 residue (5 ns). After this, the residues). With respect to the ligand, the cellulose is positioned along
aromatic residues of D2 (Trp225 and Tyr114) approach the glycan the open groove (Fig. 5b).
chain. Finally, after the interaction of D2, D1 also began to interact with

Fig. 4. Interaction between FaEXPA1 protein and cellulose polymer as ligands. A) Minimum distance obtained from two independent molecular dynamic (MD)
simulations (MD simulations 1 and 2) between FaEXPA1 D1 and D2 domains and the cellulose polymer. B) Protein-ligand complexes at different times during the MD

F. Valenzuela-Riffo et al. Computational Biology and Chemistry 76 (2018) 79–86

Fig. 5. Protein-ligand interaction mode of

FaEXPA1 protein models with cellulose as
the substrate. A) A scheme indicating the re-
sidues that interact with cellulose at a 3 Å or
shorter distance. B) Surface representation of
the residues involved in the protein-ligand in-

Fig. 6. Hydrogen bonding between FaEXPA1 and cellulose

polymer. A) On the left, a graph indicating the percentage of
time that a hydrogen bond (H-bond) between particular amino
acid residues and the ligand is established in each MD simu-
lation. On the right, a general view of the interaction of the
protein and cellulose as the ligand. B) The number of H-bonds
established during each MD simulation between the ligand
and different amino acid residues located in the open groove
of the protein model.

Fig. 7. MDS analyses of the FaEXPA1-mu-

tant interaction with cellulose polymer. A)
A general view of the interaction of the corre-
sponding FaEXPA1-mutant protein and cellu-
lose as the ligand. B) The number of hydrogen
bonds established during MDS between the li-
gand and different amino acid residues located
in the open groove of each FaEXPA1-mutant

F. Valenzuela-Riffo et al. Computational Biology and Chemistry 76 (2018) 79–86

The disruption of hydrogen bonds within the cell wall structure is the wild-type protein and the other two mutant models because the
the most probable mechanism of action of expansin proteins (Cosgrove, orientation of the ligand was out of the open groove and far from the
2000). A large number of polar (charged or uncharged) residues were HFD motif, probably in an unspecific pocket (Fig. 7A). For FaEXPA1-
found in D1, which indicates that they could interact with the glycan Phe114Ala, the ligand was oriented near the open groove but distant
chain, providing evidence to support that D1 has a similar structure as from the HFD motif (around 7 Å) (Fig. 7A) and approached only for
the catalytic core of endoglucanase V (EGV) from Humicola insolens, and short periods during the simulation, and thus, this interaction cannot be
in our case, this domain has a disrupted functionality. In this sense, stable. The mutant protein forms a small number of H-bonds with cel-
Mateluna et al. (2017) showed that differences in the binding energy lulose as the ligand with respect to the native protein, and therefore,
interaction obtained among six different pine expansin proteins can be any interaction between the protein and the cellulose was less possible
explained by changes in some residues that generate differences in the (Fig. 7B). Finally, FaEXPA1-Asn211Ala showed a similar protein-ligand
electrostatic surface at the open groove region that contains both do- interaction for FaEXPA1-Phe114Ala, with the principal changes being
mains, suggesting that these differences may help with the substrate that the native protein was the distance of the ligand from the open
specificity of pine expansins. groove and the HFD motif (Fig. 7A).
Interestingly, we did not observe that the Asp100 residue (part of From this study, it can be concluded that residues Asn81, Phe114
the HFD motif) was an important residue for the establishment of H- and Asn211 are important for maintaining the protein-ligand interac-
bonds with the cellulose chain, forming a H-bond during 34.5% and tion. The three mutations could avoid the protein-ligand interaction of
38% of the trajectories of both MD simulations. In contrast, the FaEXPA1 with cellulose, an issue that needs to be experimentally
VpEXPA2 protein showed that Asp104 forms a H-bond with cellulose as proven in future work.
a ligand, suggesting that it is crucial in protein-ligand interactions
(Yennawar et al., 2006). Similar results were found in BsEXLX1 in 4. Conclusion
which the replacement of Asp82 by alanine induces complete in-
activation of the expansin-like activity (Silveira and Skaf, 2016). In summary, the FaEXPA1 protein model contains two domains
However, other residues were found to be important for protein-ligand consistent with the structure of other expansins. The protein structure
interactions, and three residues were shown to form H-bonds for more has an open groove covering both domains that allows the interaction
than 50% of the time-course of the MD simulation (Fig. 6a, left panel). of the ligand with the protein. MD simulations are consistent in pre-
A closer view of the interactions between the cellulose polymer and dicting that the cellulose chain can interact first and quickly with D2
FaEXPA1 reveals that Asn81, Phe114 and Asn211 residues establish H- and after that with the D1 domain of the FaEXP1 protein. This evidence
bonds with the twisted glycan chain (Fig. 6a, right panel). The H- strongly suggests that the specificity and the ligand recognition of ex-
bonding frequency between FaEXPA1 and the cellulose chain indicates pansin proteins with their ligands could reside in the open groove
that the Asn81, Phe114 and Asn211 residues play the most important structure, which mainly consists of Asn81 and Phe114 (in the D1 do-
roles in the FaEXPA1-cellulose complex and are more persistent in H- main) and the Asn214 residue (in the D2 domain) involved in protein-
bond formation compared to the other residues shown in Fig. 5a. ligand stability. In silico site-directed mutagenesis experiments high-
Recently, a short cellulose ligand (8 glycan monomers) and two lighted that these key residues (Asn81, Phe114 and Asn211) were in-
different short XGs (XXXGXXXG and XXFGXXFG structures) were used volved in maintenance of the protein-ligand interaction. Nevertheless,
to describe the interaction mode between this ligand and VpEXPA2 (the this issue should be addressed in future works.
first α-expansin protein model described) (Gaete-Eastman et al., 2015).
The authors showed that VpEXPA2 displays better binding energy for Funding
cellulosic substrates than for xyloglucans, and the principal interaction
occurs between D1 and the ligands (Gaete-Eastman et al., 2015). The This work was supported by FONDECYT [grant number 11150543].
small size of the ligands could explain the absence of an interaction The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and ana-
with D2. However, a recent study showed that a functional domain (D2) lysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
from FaEXPA2 (another expansin isoform from strawberry previously
described) not only has affinity for cellulose but also for pectin and Competing financial interests
xylan, although with significantly less affinity for the last two compared
to cellulose (Nardi et al., 2013). The authors suggested that expansins The authors declare no competing financial interests.
could bind not only cellulose but also a wide range of cell wall polymers
(Nardi et al., 2013). Acknowledgements

3.3. Analysis of different FaEXPA1-mutants F.V-R acknowledges Universidad de Talca for a doctoral scholar-
ship. P.R. acknowledges ‘Núcleo Científico Multidisciplinario’ from
Using the FaEXPA1 structural model, in silico site-directed muta- Universidad de Talca. We acknowledge the helpful comments and
genesis experiments were carried out to understand the role of the re- suggestions made by the three anonymous reviewers of this manuscript.
sidues present in the open groove that could interact with the cellulose
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