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Assignment - 1

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Fluid Mechanics : Assignment -I

1. A spherical soap bubble captures 523.60m3 air is exposed to open atmosphere, has internal pressure 101.8kPa.
If atmospheric pressure at that location is 101.5kPa, find energy stored per unit surface are of that bubble.
2. A 0.6-mm-diameter glass tube is inserted into water at 20°C in a cup. Determine the capillary rise of water in
the tube if the surface tension of water at 20°C is 0.073 N/m and contact angle is 10 o.
3. A 50cm×30cm×20cm block weighing 150 N is to be moved at a constant velocity of 0.8 m/s on an inclined
surface with a friction coefficient of 0.27, as shown in the figure below. (a) Determine the force F that needs to
be applied in the horizontal direction. (b) If a 0.4-mm-thick oil film with a dynamic viscosity of 0.012 Pa-s s is
applied between the block and inclined surface, determine the percent reduction in the required force.

4. The viscosity of a fluid is to be measured by a viscometer constructed of two 75-cm-long concentric cylinders.
The outer diameter of the inner cylinder is 15 cm, and the gap between the two cylinders is 0.12 cm. The inner
cylinder is rotated at 200 rpm, and the torque is measured to be 0.8 N-m. Determine the viscosity of the fluid.

5. In an experiment, sample data for shear stress and rate of shear strain is tabulated below. Decide the type of fluid
and fit the best curve suitable for it.
Time rate of shear strain 0 2 3 4
Shear stress 0 1.4 2.6 4

6. A conical frustum is rotating at 500RPM inside a conical cavity as shown in the figure. If the viscosity of the
working liquid is 0.012N-s/m2. Find the power required to maintain constant angular speed of the shaft, if the
gap is 5mm.
7. A block of weight W is being pulled over a table by another weight Wo, as shown in Figure below. Find an
algebraic formula for the steady velocity U of the block if it slides on an oil film of thickness h and viscosity μ.
The block bottom area A is in contact with the oil. Neglect the cord weight and the pulley friction. Assume a
linear velocity profile in the oil film.

8. A disk of radius R rotates at an angular velocity V inside a disk-shaped container filled with oil of viscosity μ,
as shown in Figure. Assuming a linear velocity profile and neglecting shear stress on the outer disk edges,
derive a formula for the viscous torque on the disk.

9. The lever in figure below, has a weight W at one end and is tied to a cylinder at the left end. The cylinder has
negligible weight and buoyancy and slides upward through a film of heavy oil of viscosity μ. (a) If there is no
acceleration (uniform lever rotation), derive a formula for the rate of fall V 2 of the weight. Neglect the lever
weight. Assume a linear velocity profile in the oil film. (b) Estimate the fall velocity of the weight if W = 20 N,
L1 = 75 cm, L2 = 50 cm, D = 10 cm, L = 22 cm, ΔR = 1 mm, and the oil is glycerin at 27oC has viscosity 0.950N-
10. In figure below, all fluids are at 20oC. Determine the pressure difference (Pa) between points A and B. Where
density of glycerin and benzene is 1260 kg/m3 and 876 kg/m3 respectively.

11. Derive second moment of area of an ellipse about x-x axis passing through its centroid where 2a and 2b are
lengths of major and minor axis respectively.

12. A gate with circular section is placed vertically as shown in the figure below. Find the total hydrostatic force
exerted by water on the gate and also find center of pressure (h*).

13. A hinged gate of length 5 m, inclined at 30o with the horizontal and with water on its left, is shown in the figure
below. Density of water is 1000 kg/m3. The minimum mass of the gate in kg per unit width (perpendicular to the
plane of paper), required to keep it closed is:

Important Instruction:
*Submission due date 09/09/19. No assignment shall be accepted after the due date.
** Front page of Assignment should be printed in Black ink. Before writing the solution for each question,
it is preferred to write the question paper in different ink.

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