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Economic Survey 2020-21 Volume 2

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Summary of Economic Survey

Volume 2
Summary of Economic Survey 2020-21 – Vol. 2

Chapter 1 - State of the Economy

The year 2020 threw at the world a bedlam of novel COVID-19 virus, threatening all that was
taken for granted –mobility, safety, and a normal life itself. Governments and central banks
across the world deployed a range of policy tools to support their economies. India recognized
the disruptive impact of the pandemic and charted its own unique path amidst dismal
projections. The policy response was driven by the findings from both epidemiological and
Economic research. The policy focused on minimizing losses in a worst-case scenario. India’s
policy humane response focused on saving human lives.

In order to save human lives, Government decided to put the whole nation into a Lockdown.

Spread of the Pandemic-

Since its first outbreak in Wuhan, China, COVID-19 has infected all continents, including
Antarctica (in December, 2020), and more than 220countries. India imposed a stringent nation-
wide lockdown during the initial phase of the pandemic in March- April, 2020, followed by
gradual unlocking and phasing out of the containment measures. It crossed the peak in mid-
September new cases have moved down in January, 2021. India’s share in new cases load
globally has drastically come down from 31 per cent in September, 2020 to 4 per cent in
December, 2020.

Twin Economic Shocks-

Demand Side: Increased uncertainty, lower confidence, loss of incomes, weaker growth
prospects, fear of contagion, curtailment of spending options due to closure of all contact-
sensitive activities, the triggering of precautionary savings, risk aversion among businesses and
resultant fall in consumption and investment – leading to the first order demand shock.

Supply Side: The supply chain disruptions caused by closure of economic activity and
restricted movement of labour lead to the first order supply shocks.

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Summary of Economic Survey 2020-21 – Vol. 2

Global Impact
The month of April 2020 became the month of “Global Lockdown” with world economic activity
coming to a standstill–leading to a steep fall in output duringsecondquarterof2020.

Global output is expected to witness the sharpest contraction in a century, contracting in the
range of 3.5 - 4.3 per cent in 2020 as per the estimates provided by IMF and World Bank.

The pandemic induced border closures and supply disruptions interrupted the international
provision of goods and services.

Global trade is projected to contract by 9.2 per cent in 2020—comparable to the decline during
the 2009 global recession but affecting a markedly larger share of economies.

Gold emerged as a safe-haven investment in the backdrop of the pandemic prices with prices
increasing by 26.2 per cent in November, 2020 as compared to December, 2019.

Sectoral Trends-

Agriculture is set to cushion the shock of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Indian economy in
2020-21 with a growth of 3.4 per cent in both Q1 and Q2.

It is the only sector that has contributed positively to the overall Gross Value Added (GVA) in
both Q1 and Q2 2020-21.

Bank credit remained subdued in FY 2020-21 amid risk aversion and muted credit appetite.

The fiscal arithmetic was impacted by the adverse impact on government revenues and
elevated expenditures, as the Government enhanced spending during the unlock phase.

Government and RBI led liquidity support measures, increase in limits of ways and means
advances, and relaxation of rules governing withdrawals from the Consolidated Sinking Fund
(CSF) enabled bond markets to absorb pressures of increased government borrowings and
added to their buoyancy.

India’s Strategic Multi-Pronged Policy Response

India adopted a graded four-pronged pre-emptive, and pro-active strategy consisting of (i)
containment measures, (ii) calibrated fiscal support focused on essentials during lockdown and
demand push during the unlock phase, (iii) financial measures and (iv) structural reforms to
combat COVID-19.

Food grains distribution programme, direct cash transfers to 42 crore individuals, more than 20
crore Women Jan Dhan accounts, cash support to building and construction workers, `30,000
crore additional emergency working capital funding for farmers through NABARD, additional
pension payments, provision for free gas cylinders, additional allocation under MGNREGS, as
well as government guarantees for credit, postponement of financial deadlines etc.

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Summary of Economic Survey 2020-21 – Vol. 2

Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan (GKRA) was launched on 20th June,2020 for a period of 125
days in 116 districts of 6 States to boost employment and livelihood opportunities for migrant
workers who had returned to their villages and similarly affected citizens in rural areas due to
COVID-19 pandemic.

Government of India also launched Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS 1.0) to
provide much needed relief to stressed sectors by helping entities sustain employment and
meet liabilities.

RBI undertook several conventional and unconventional liquidity enhancing measures included
injection of durable liquidity of more than Rs 2.7 lakh crore through Open Market Operation
(OMO) purchases.

The Atmanirbhar Bharat Mission was announced with welfare measures to address the short-
term distress of individuals and firms.

Chapter 2 - Fiscal Developments

Fiscal Situation and Response to Covid-19 Pandemic

To facilitate a resilient recovery of the economy from the impact of COVID-19 pandemic,
Government of India adopted a calibrated approach best suited for the evolving situation of the
economy in contrast with a front-loaded large stimulus package adopted by many countries.

The expenditure policy for 2020-21 has been focused on re-prioritization of expenditure
according to evolving situation, with an increasing emphasis on capital expenditure.

Capital expenditure during the last three months of the year 2020 recorded an unprecedented
YoY growth of 129 per cent in October, 249 per cent in November and 62 per cent in December.

Recovery is also evident on the revenue front as the monthly GST collections have crossed the
1 lakh crore mark consecutively for the last 3 months, reaching its’ highest ever in December

The recovery in GST collection has been due to the combined effect of the rapid economic
recovery post pandemic and the nation-wide drive against GST evaders and fake bills along
with many systemic changes introduced recently, which have led to improved compliance.

Fiscal deficit: The fiscal deficit of the Central Government at end November 2020 stood at
135.1 per cent of the BE compared to 114.8 per cent during the same period in 2019-20.

The non-debt receipts have been adversely hit by the slump in economic activity after the
pandemic. During April to November 2020, the non-debt receipts have registered a growth of -
17.9 percent relative to the corresponding period last year.

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Summary of Economic Survey 2020-21 – Vol. 2

Gross Tax Revenue: The Gross Tax Revenue during the first eight months of 2020-21 was
10.26 lakh crore, 42% of BE, 12.6 per cent lower than in the same period last year. This decline
was owing to the negative growth in all direct taxes and major indirect taxes, except excise
duties. In particular, the shortfall in direct tax collection contributed to 92 per cent of the shortfall
in Gross Tax Revenue.

Indirect Taxes: The shortfall in indirect taxes during April to November 2020 was led by
shortfall in customs and GST collections for the Centre. This shortfall was partly offset by the
revenue collection through the excise duties, which rose by 48 per cent during the first eight
months of the fiscal relative to the same period last year.

Disinvestment: The adverse market conditions arising due to COVID-19 have also negatively
impacted the Government’s plans to achieve the target for disinvestment receipts. As on 20th
January, 2021, the Government has been able to raise 15,220 crores only.

Revenue expenditure: The revenue expenditure has grown by 3.7 per cent during the first
eight months of 2020-21 compared to the same period in 2019-20. The monthly accounts data
up to November 2020 shows that subsidies registered a negative growth of 14 per cent during
the first eight months of FY 2020-21.

Fiscal Stimulus by Government of India

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Summary of Economic Survey 2020-21 – Vol. 2

Government of India and RBI together announced a total stimulus worth Rs 29.87 lakh crore,
which is 15% of national GDP. Out of this, stimulus worth 9% of GDP has been provided by the
Government under Atmanirbhar Bharat Package.

This stimulus was provided in the following tranches:

 Special economic and comprehensive package, announced from 13-17 May 2020

 Measures to stimulate consumer spending in the economy announced on 12 October


 Measures under Atmanirbhar Bharat 3.0 announced on 12 November 2020.

Reforms in Tax Administration

Reforms in tax administration have set in motion a process of transparency, accountability and
more importantly, enhancing the experience of a tax-payer with the tax authority, thereby
incentivizing tax compliance.

Some of the major steps in this direction are:

‘Honoring the Honest’ Platform: The platform for ‘Transparent taxation- Honoring the Honest’
was launched in August 2020 with an objective to impart greater efficiency, transparency and
accountability, and to eliminate physical interface between taxpayers and tax officers.

Faceless Assessment Scheme 2020: It was based on the idea that automated random
allocation of cases across Income Tax teams with dynamic jurisdiction and elimination of face-
to-face contact between the income-tax authorities and the taxpayer can lead to an efficient,
non- discretionary, unbiased single window system of assessment.

The scheme establishes a National Faceless Assessment Centre (NFAC) in Delhi, headed by
Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, as the sole point of contact between the
Department and the taxpayer.

Faceless Appeals Scheme 2020: Under this scheme, all Income Tax appeals will be finalized
in a faceless manner under the faceless ecosystem with the exception of appeals relating to
serious frauds, major tax evasion, sensitive & search matters, International tax and Black
Money Act.

The Scheme establishes a National Faceless Appeal Centre (NFApC) as the apex body for
conduct of e-appeal proceedings in a centralized manner.

Taxpayers’ Charter: The taxpayer’s charter for India comprises of commitments by the Income
Tax Department and obligations of the taxpayers.

Trends in Government Finances: States and General Government

State Finances

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Summary of Economic Survey 2020-21 – Vol. 2

States had budgeted for a consolidated gross fiscal deficit of 2.8 per cent of GDP in 2020-21

The average Gross Fiscal Deficit Budget Estimate for states that presented their budgets before
the outbreak of COVID-19 was 2.4 per cent of GSDP, while the average for budgets presented
post- lockdown was 4.6 per cent of GSDP.

The RBI Study on State Finances highlights the decline in actual capital spending relative to BE
observed in the states for the last 3 years.

General Government Finances

The General Government finances give an overview of fiscal position of the Government sector
as a whole.

The General Government liabilities as a proportion of GDP exhibit an increasing trend over the
last few years. In the wake of the global pandemic outbreak, the General Government (Centre
plus States) is expected to register a fiscal slippage on account of the shortfall in revenue and
higher expenditure requirements.

As indicated by the enhanced borrowing provisions for both the Centre and the States for 2020-
21, the liabilities of the General Government are expected to increase. This deviation from the
path of fiscal consolidation may however be transient as the fiscal indicators may rebound with
the recovery in the economy.

Measures taken by the Centre to Support the States in Times of COVID-19

Enhanced limit of borrowing for FY2020-21 under Atmanirbhar Bharat Package: Additional
borrowing limit of up to 2 percent of Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) was allowed to the
States, which was equivalent to Rs 4.27 lakh crore.

Compensation to the States for loss in GST revenue: Central Government had given the states
an option to either borrow the shortfall arising out of GST implementation through issue of debt
under a Special Window coordinated by the Ministry of Finance which was passed on to the
States and UTs (Option 1), or raise the entire shortfall through the issue of market debt (Option

Scheme for Special Assistance to States for Capital Expenditure: The Scheme aimed to re-
orient the focus of the States’ fiscal policy on capital expenditure.

SDRF: The Central Government by way of a special one-time dispensation had decided to treat
COVID- 19 as a notified disaster for the purpose of providing assistance under SDRF.

Chapter 3 - External Sector

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Summary of Economic Survey 2020-21 – Vol. 2

Global Economic Environment

The spread of the pandemic led to associated suspension of economic activities, supply-
chain disruptions, travel restrictions and volatility in international commodity prices.

There was an impressive export performance of few countries such as Vietnam, Taiwan,
and Malaysia, and their continuous narrowing contraction in imports in subsequent

As per IMF’s October Global Financial Stability Report 2020, near-term global financial
stability risks have been contained for now due to the unprecedented and timely policy
responses to maintain the flow of credit to the economy and avoided adverse macro-
financial feedback loops, thereby creating a bridge to recovery.

The comfortable external balance position of India has been supported by surplus current
account balances over three consecutive quarters, resumption of portfolio capital inflows,
robust FDI inflows and sustained build-up of foreign exchange reserves.

Developments in India’s Balance of Payment (BOP)

FY 2020-21, India’s exports and imports saw a sharp contraction in line with the contraction
in global trade.

India’s merchandise trade balance for major countries for the period of 2020-21 shows that
India had the most favourable trade balance with USA followed by Bangladesh and Nepal.

The highest trade deficit is with China followed by Iraq and Saudi Arabia during April-
November, 2020-21 and April November, 2019-20.

Among the top 10 countries for import origin, China continues to be the largest import
source for India in April-November, 2020, with share of imports rising to 17.7 per cent, up

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Summary of Economic Survey 2020-21 – Vol. 2

from 14.5 per cent in April-November, 2019.

While Switzerland does not appear to be the among the top 10 import sources, Germany is
the new addition in the list accounting for 3.7 per cent share of total imports.

Current Account of BOP

India’s current account deficit averaged 2.2 per cent of GDP in the last 10 years. Reversing
this trend, current account balance turned into surplus (0.1 per cent of GDP).

India’s forex reserves at an all-time high of US$ 586.1 billion as on January 08, 2021.

Thus, India is the fifth largest foreign exchange reserves holder among all countries of the
world after China, Japan, Switzerland and Russia.

The rise in the foreign exchange reserves of the RBI has largely been due to the current
account surplus which, in turn, is largely due to contraction in imports rather than increase
in competitiveness of exports.

A rise in foreign exchange reserves also represents investments in bonds/ securities of

other countries in effect investing abroad.

Initiatives taken by Government to boost exports

Trade Facilitation - A National Committee on Trade Facilitation (NCTF) was, accordingly,
constituted in India in August 2016 with the Cabinet Secretary as the Chair to reduce trade
barriers caused by inefficient and overly burdensome regulatory administrative procedures.

Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP) - Government has

rolled out a new WTO compliant scheme, namely Remission of Duties and Taxes on
Exported Products (RoDTEP), for all export goods.
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Summary of Economic Survey 2020-21 – Vol. 2

Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme - In order to boost domestic manufacturing

and exports, the Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme.

Trade Related Logistics - India’s rank has improved significantly in trading across borders
parameter of ‘Ease of Doing Business’ index from 146 in 2018 to 68 in 2020. The Logistics
Performance Index (LPI), released by the World Bank, assesses relative logistics efficiency
of countries. On this index, India was ranked 44 out of 160 countries in 2018 vis-à-vis rank
of 54 in 2014.

Chapter 4 - Monetary Management and Financial Intermediation

Monetary Developments During 2020-21

Repo Rate: The repo rate has been cut by 115 bps since March 2020, with 75 bps cut in
first Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meeting in March 2020 and 40 bps cut in second
meeting in May 2020.

Reverse Repo Rate: The reverse repo rate was reduced from 4.90 per cent to 3.35 per

Revision in Policy Rates

Monetary aggregates: During 2020-21, the monetary aggregates, such as currency in

circulation, Reserve Money, demand deposits witnessed higher growth as compared to
previous few years on account of higher liquidity in the economy.

Money multiplier, measured as a ratio of M3/M0 which was mostly increasing from 1980s
onwards up to 2016-17, has however been declining since then.

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Summary of Economic Survey 2020-21 – Vol. 2

Liquidity Conditions and Its Management

The systemic liquidity in 2020-21 so far has consistently remained in surplus reflecting
several liquidity enhancing measures undertaken by the Reserve Bank in the wake of
COVID-19 induced disruptions. The main drivers of liquidity during 2020-21 have been
Currency in Circulation (CIC), Government cash balances and the Reserve Bank’s forex
operations. While CIC withdrawals and build-up of Government cash balances resulted in
liquidity drainage from the banking system, the Reserve Bank’s forex operations
augmented systemic liquidity.

These measures undertaken are:

 Open Market Operation (OMO) purchases

 OMOs in State Development Loans (SDLs) as a special case were also introduced

 Targeted Long Term Repo Operations (TLTROs) of up to three years’ tenor

 Reduction in the CRR requirement of banks

 Raising banks’ limit for borrowing overnight under the MSF

 Special Liquidity Facility for mutual funds for 50,000 crore

 Refinance facility worth 75,000 crore for all India financial institutions i.e., NABARD,

Banking Sector
Gross Non-Performing Advances (GNPA) ratio (i.e., GNPAs as a percentage of Gross
Advances) of Scheduled Commercial Banks decreased from 8.2 per cent at the end-March
2020 to 7.5 per cent at end-September 2020. However, this has to be seen in conjunction
with the asset classification relief provided to borrowers on account of the pandemic.

The focus on resolution of stressed assets had to take a backseat during the year on
account of the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Monetary Policy Transmission

The transmission of policy repo rate changes to deposit and lending rates of scheduled
commercial banks (SCBs) has improved since March 2020 reflecting the combined impact
of policy rate cuts, large liquidity surplus with accommodative policy stance, and the
introduction of external benchmark-based pricing of loans.

Credit growth of banks slowed down to 6.7 per cent as on January 1, 2021.The moderation
in credit growth in 2020-21 was witnessed in mostly all the sectors, barring services.

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Summary of Economic Survey 2020-21 – Vol. 2

The reduction in policy rates and surplus liquidity helped in bringing down both the short
term and long-term interest rates. However, the impact has been much smaller on longer
term interest rates.

NBFC Sector
Credit growth of NBFCs continued to slow down. Credit growth (YoY) of the NBFC sector
was close to 3 per cent in June 2020. Further, the credit growth contracted in September
2020 with a YoY growth of -6.6 per cent.

NBFCs witnessed slowdown in their growth in 2019-20 largely due to isolated credit events
in few large NBFCs and challenges in accessing funds.

Investment By Foreign Portfolio Investors

There were net inflows to the tune of Rs 2.1 lakh crore on account of the foreign portfolio
investors (FPIs) in the Indian capital market during 2020-21 (up to December), as
compared to net inflows of Rs 0.81 lakh crore during the same period in 2019-20.

Insurance Sector-
The performance and potential of insurance sector is assessed using two indicators-
Insurance penetration and Insurance Density.

Insurance penetration is calculated as percentage of insurance premium to GDP.

Insurance density is calculated as ratio of insurance premium to population.

In India, Insurance penetration which was 2.71 per cent in 2001 has steadily increased to
3.76 per cent in 2019. In contrast, insurance penetration in Asia, i.e., Malaysia, Thailand
and China were 4.72, 4.99 and 4.30 per cent respectively in 2019.

The insurance density in India which was US$ 11.5 in 2001 reached to approximately US$
78 in 2019. The comparative figures for Malaysia, Thailand and China in 2019 were much
higher at US$ 536, US$ 389 and US$ 430 respectively.

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code

Since the inception of the Code in December 2016, 4,117 applications have been admitted
as on December 31, 2020.

Nearly 23 per cent of the cases admitted were settled or withdrawn after the
commencement of Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP).

The resolution rate for non-BIFR legacy cases is more than three times higher at 40 per
cent when compared to BIFR cases

Resolution: The Code has facilitated the recovery of NPAs by banks.

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Summary of Economic Survey 2020-21 – Vol. 2

Liquidation: Although the Code has rescued 308 Corporate Debtors (worth 1.03 lakh
crore), 1112 Corporate Debtors (worth 0.43 lakh crore) went into liquidation. Thus, in value
terms, around three fourth of distressed assets were rescued

Time: The 308 CIRPs, which have yielded resolution plans by the end of December 2020,
took on average 441 days for the conclusion of the process. Similarly, the 1112 CIRPs,
which ended up in orders for liquidation, took on average 328 days for the conclusion

Cost: The cost works out on average 0.79 per cent of liquidation value and 0.42 per cent of
resolution value.

The Code has brought about significant behavioural changes among the creditors and
debtors thereby redefining debtor-creditor relationship.

Regulatory measures in banking sector

Consolidation among another 10 PSBs, with Punjab National Bank, Canara Bank, Union
Bank of India and Indian Bank as anchor banks came into effect from April 1, 2020.

A one-time restructuring of loans to MSMEs that were in default but ‘standard’ as on

January 1, 2019, was permitted, without an asset classification downgrade, subject to
certain conditions

To promote financial inclusion, the overall priority sector lending target for Urban Co-
operative Banks has been increased from the present level of 40 per cent of adjusted net
bank credit (ANBC) to 75 per cent of ANBC by March 31, 2024.

The Banking Regulation Act 1949 has been amended by the Banking Regulation
(Amendment) Act, 2020 under which the Reserve Bank has been given powers over the
management of the UCBs.

Chapter 5 -Prices and Inflation

CPI-Combined (C) inflation has moderated since 2013-14. However, inflation dynamics
have changed considerably in 2020. Year 2020 was unprecedented with the global
pandemic of COVID-19 induced social distancing disrupting economic activity globally. At
the domestic level, two opposing forces were at play. On the one hand, there was a
dampening of demand owing to lower economic activity. On the other hand, supply chain
disruptions have caused spikes in food inflation that have continued to persist during the
unlocking of the economy, though the effect has softened in the recent months.

Current Trends in Inflation

Headline inflation based on CPI-Combined (CPI-C) was on a downward path from 2014 to
2018. However, a rising trend was observed since 2019.

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Summary of Economic Survey 2020-21 – Vol. 2

The average CPI-C inflation, which was 5.9 per cent in 2014-15, fell continuously to 3.4 per
cent in 2018-19 and recorded 4.8 per cent in 2019-20. It however increased to 6.6 per cent
in 2020-21 (Apr- Dec) before easing to a 15-month low of 4.6 per cent in December 2020.

During 2019-20 (Apr-Dec) as well as 2020-21 (Apr-Dec), the major driver of CPI-C inflation
was the food and beverages group, though its contribution has increased to 59.0 per cent
in 2020-21 (Apr- Dec) compared to 53.7 per cent in 2019-20 (Apr-Dec).

Which Measure of Inflation Reflected Economic Activity Better in 2020-21?

CPI-C inflation and WPI inflation have been moving more or less in tandem until beginning
of 2019- 20.

Between April-July 2020, WPI inflation has been in the negative region while CPI-C
inflation has been above 6 per cent. The major feature in this widening gap is that this has
happened in a period witnessing high food inflation.

CFPI inflation has remained higher than non-food inflation. The movement in CPI-C
inflation is quite contrary to the weak demand conditions prevalent in the economy in the
recent months owing to the COVID-19 crisis.

Food items have a large weight of around 39 per cent in the CPI-C index. This means that
shocks to food prices can have large impacts on CPI-C inflation.

A tight monetary policy may have a role in managing inflation in case of excess demand
driving high inflation. However, the current scenario presents a different picture.

Measures to Control Inflation

The Government reviews the price situation regularly and has taken number of measures
from time to time to stabilize prices of food items. In the wake of rising prices of pulses,
onion and potato, the Government has taken several steps to improve the availability of
these commodities and make them available to consumers at affordable prices. The Steps
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Summary of Economic Survey 2020-21 – Vol. 2

 Banning the export of onion

 Imposition of stock limit on onion under the EC Act to prevent hoarding
 Easing of restrictions on imports, facilitating imports at integrated check-posts,
issuance of licenses for imports and reduction in import duties
 Price Stabilization Fund (PSF) Scheme is being efficiently implemented and has
succeeded in achieving its objective of stabilizing prices of pulses and offered
significant benefits to all stakeholders.
 Government has taken a decision that all Ministries/Department having schemes
with nutrition component or providing food/ catering/hospitality services would utilize
pulses from the central buffer. Pulses from the buffer are utilised for PDS
distribution, in Midday Meal Scheme and in ICDS Scheme.
 Creation of buffer stock of pulses has helped in moderating pulses prices. Lower
prices of pulses lead to consumer savings. Built buffer also led to remunerative
prices to farmers as procurement for buffer was undertaken at MSP or higher rates
from them.
 Subsequently, Government has decided that procurement at MSP would be under
Price Support Scheme of Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers
Welfare and requirement towards building suitable buffer would be met from the
PSS stock in case procurement is not required to be undertaken under PSF.
 Pulses from the PSF buffer are also being utilized for free supplies under PMGKAY
and ANB package.

Chapter 6 - Sustainable Development and Climate Change

India and the SDGs

India has taken several proactive steps at both the national and the sub national level to
mainstream the SDGs into the policies, schemes and programmes of the Government.

Voluntary National Review: In 2020, the highlight of India’s SDG initiatives has been the
Voluntary National Review (VNR) presented to the United Nations High-Level Political
Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives have been a major avenue for private
sector involvement in the SDG framework.

Localization of the SDGs: It involves the process of adapting, planning, implementing and
monitoring the SDGs from national to local levels by relevant institutions and stakeholders.

Climate Change
Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)- To reduce the emissions intensity of its GDP
by 33 to 35 percent below 2005 levels by the year 2030. Achieve 40 per cent of cumulative
electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel sources by 2030. Enhance forest and
tree cover to create additional carbon sink equivalent to 2.5 to 3 billion tons of carbon
dioxide by 2030.
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Summary of Economic Survey 2020-21 – Vol. 2

National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC)- It was launched in 2008 with 8
National Missions. Missions are- National Solar Mission (NSM), National Mission for
Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE), National Mission for a Green India (GIM), National
Mission on Sustainable Habitat (NMSH), National Water Mission (NWM), National Mission
for Sustainable Agriculture, National Mission for Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystems,
National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change (NMSKCC).

Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM)- Launched in 2010 to deploy 20,000
MW of grid connected solar power by 2022 to be achieved in 3 phases, 2,000 MW of off-
grid solar applications including 20 million solar lights by 2022, and 20 million sq. m. solar
thermal collector area.

Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP)- It is a Central Sector Scheme which was approved
in January 2014. It was formed to build and support the scientific and analytical capacity for
assessment of climate change in the country. Two important components of the CCAP
scheme are the National Carbonaceous Aerosols Program (NCAP) and the Long-Term
Ecological Observatories (LTEO).

FAME India- The Government is implementing Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of

(Hybrid&) Electric Vehicle in India (FAME India) scheme. It was started in 2015 to
encourage progressive induction of reliable, affordable and efficient electric and hybrid

India’s Initiatives at the International Stage

International Solar Alliance (ISA): It has recently launched two new initiatives – a ‘World
Solar Bank’ and ‘One SunS One World One Grid Initiative’.

Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure: The Coalition functions as an inclusive

multi-stakeholder platform led and managed by national governments. The CDRI is co-
chaired by India and the United Kingdom (UK).

Chapter 7 - Agriculture and Food Management

Despite COVID-19 pandemic, India’s agriculture sector has improved its performance in
output. During Pandemic the Agriculture sector registered a 3.4 percent GDP growth rate at
constant prices during 2020-21. This performance is lone silver lining in Indian economy
whose growth plunges as below as

23.2 % as compared to same quarter in previous year. According to Census 2011, about
54.6 per cent of the total workforce in the country is still engaged in agricultural and allied
sector activities. It accounts for approximately 17.8 per cent of the country’s Gross Value
Added (GVA) for the year 2019-20 (at current prices).

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Summary of Economic Survey 2020-21 – Vol. 2

Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan and Agriculture sector in India

Agri Infrastructure Fund: Government has provided 1 lakh crore rupees for setting up this
fund for financing agriculture infrastructure projects at farm-gate & at aggregation points
and for financially viable post-harvest management infrastructure.

Scheme for Formalisation of Micro Food Enterprises (MFE): Under Aatmanirbhar

Bharat Abhiyan Initiaitve, government has provided Rs. 10000 cr for scheme for
Formalisation of Micro Food Enterprises (MFE). It will aid 2 lakh MFEs who need technical
upgradation to attain FSSAI food standards, build brands and support marketing.

Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY): The initiative has allocated Rs.
20000 cr for Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana. It aims at integrated, sustainable
and inclusive development of marine and inland fisheries by developing infrastructure such
as fishing harbours, cold chain, markets, etc.

National Animal Disease Control Programme: It aims to targets Foot and Mouth Disease
(FMD) and Brucellosis by ensuring 100 per cent vaccination of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat
and pig population.

Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund: This fund has been allocated
Rs.15000 crore which aims to support private investment in dairy processing, enable value
addition and improved cattle feed infrastructure.

Operation Greens: “Operation Greens” which is run by Ministry of Food Processing

Industries (MOFPI) has been extended from tomatoes, onion and potatoes to ALL fruit and

Food Security: The government launched PM Garib Kalyan Ann Yojana ensures food and
nutritional security to all during the time of pandemic.

One Nation One Ration Card Scheme: The Scheme aims to help migrant workers to
access PDS benefits from any fair price shop in the country.

New Initiatives in Food Processing Sector

Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprises

It is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme launched under Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan by

Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI).

It is expected to benefit 2 lakh micro food processing units through credit linked subsidy.

One District One Product (ODOP) approach has been adopted by government to reap
benefit of scale in terms of procurement of inputs, availing common services and marketing
of products.

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Summary of Economic Survey 2020-21 – Vol. 2

The States need to identify one food product per district keeping in view the existing
clusters and availability of raw material, under the scheme.

The scheme focuses specially on waste to wealth products, minor forest products and
Aspirational Districts.

Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme

The Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme has been approved in 10 key sectors,
including food processing sector, for enhancing India’s manufacturing capabilities and
improving exports.

The scheme supports ready to eat/ready to cook, marine products, processed fruits &
vegetables, mozzarella cheese, and innovative/organic products of SMEs.

It will also promote marketing and branding of agricultural produce abroad.

Chapter 8 - Industry and Infrastructure

The eight-core industries that support infrastructure, such as coal, crude oil, natural gas,
refinery products, fertilizers, steel, cement, and electricity have a total weight of nearly 40
percent in the IIP.

The eight-core index recorded its all-time low growth of (-) 37.9 due to covid-19 led nation-
wide lockdown (April-2020).

The eight-core industries registered (-) 2.6 per cent growth in November-2020 as compared
to 0.7 per cent in November-2019 and (-) 0.9 per cent in October-2020.

The cumulative growth of core industries during April-November 2020 was (-) 11.4 per cent
as compared to 0.3 per cent during April-November 2019.

Ease of Doing Business

As per the Doing Business Report (DBR), 2020, the rank of India in the Ease of Doing
Business (EoDB) Index for 2019 has moved upwards to the 63rd position amongst 190
countries from a rank of 77 in 2018.

As per the DBR 2020 report:

Lead subcomponents of EoDB were ‘getting electricity’, ‘trading across borders’ and others

Main laggards were ‘enforcing contracts’, ‘registering property’, ‘revoking insolvency’, and
‘pay taxes.

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Summary of Economic Survey 2020-21 – Vol. 2

Start-up India
To facilitate the growth of startups, GoI had announced the “Startup India, Stand-up India”
initiative. As on December 23, 2020, GoI has recognized a total of 41061 startups and
4,70,000 jobs have been reported by more than 39,000 startups.

The Government has taken several initiatives to promote the startups:

 Startups Intellectual Property Protection (SIPP) scheme enables a start-up to seek

assistance from any empanelled facilitator to file and prosecute their application.

 The Fund of Funds for Startups (FFS) with a total corpus of Rs. 10,000 crores was
established with contribution spread over the 14th and 15th Finance Commission
cycle based on the progress of implementation.

 Startup Yatra: An initiative that include travelling to Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities of India
to search for entrepreneurial talent by conducting day long boot camps.

Chapter 9 - Services Sector

The services sector accounts for more than 50 per cent of the Gross State Value Added
(GSVA) in 15 out of the 33 states and UTs. In eight states, services sector accounts for
more than 60 per cent of GSVA. Chandigarh and Delhi stand out with a particularly high
share of services in GSVA of over 85 per cent while Sikkim’s share remains the lowest at
27.02 per cent.

India improved its position from 12th in 2018 to 9th in 2019 in the list of the World’s largest
FDI recipients according to the latest World Investment Report 2020 by United Nations
Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

Chapter 10 - Social Infrastructure, Employment and Human Development

The expenditure on social services (education, health and other social sectors) by Centre
and States combined as a proportion of GDP increased from 6.2 to 8.8 per cent during the
period 2014-15 to 2020-21 (BE). This increase was witnessed across all social sectors. For
health, from 1.2 per cent to 1.5 per cent during the period.

Human Development
India’s rank in Human Development Index (HDI) was 131 in 2019, compared to 129 in
2018, out of a total 189 countries according to UNDP Human Development Report, 2020.

By looking at the sub-component wise performance of HDI indicators, India’s ‘GNI per
capita (2017 PPP $)’ has increased from US$ 6,427 in 2018 to US$6,681 in 2019, and ‘life
expectancy at birth’ has improved from 69.4 years in 2018 to 69.7 years in 2019,

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Summary of Economic Survey 2020-21 – Vol. 2

Considering the value of planetary pressures adjusted HDI (PHDI), India was positioned 8
ranks better than HDI rank. If a country puts no pressure on the planet, its PHDI and HDI
would be equal, but the PHDI falls below the HDI as pressure rises.

Quality Education for All

While India has attained a literacy level of almost 96 per cent at the elementary school
level, it is still behind in achieving 100 per cent literacy.

As per National Sample Survey (NSS), the literacy rate of persons of age 7 years and
above at the All-India level stood at 77.7 per cent but the differences in literacy rate
attainment among social-religious groups, as well as gender still persists.

Female literacy remained below national average among social groups of SC, ST, OBC,
including religious groups of Hinduism and Islam.

The government announced the new National Education Policy, 2020 replacing the 34-
year-old National Policy on Education, 1986. The new policy aims to pave the way for
transformational reforms in school and higher education systems in the country.

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