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EnglishClass - B1P - End-of-Year Test B

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End-of-Year Test B Units 1-9

Name: _______________________________________ Class: ______

1 [Track 11] You will hear three short dialogues about work and jobs. Listen and choose the correct
answers to the questions – A, B or C.

Dialogue 1

1 What’s Eve doing today?

A looking for a holiday

B working in a local shop

C finding a job

2 What does Rob say about a job?

A He’s got a summer job.

B He can’t wait to start work.

C Eve should get a summer job.

Dialogue 2

3 What advice does Mike give Julia about body language?

A Sitting up straight is important.

B She doesn’t need to answer all the questions.

C Avoid looking the interviewer in the eye.

4 How prepared is Julia?

A She’s done quite a lot of research.

B She knows all about the job.

C She doesn’t know where to start.

Dialogue 3

5 What does the woman say about herself?

A She deals well with stressful situations.

B She could be more organised.

C She really wants the job.

6 Why does the woman talk about the school prom?

A to give an example of past work experience

B to show how she can keep calm in difficult situations

C to show that she’s good at organising events

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English Class B1+ © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

End-of-Year Test B Units 1-9

2 Choose the correct answers.

0 Ellie lowered her ___ so nobody could hear her.

A head B voice C eyebrows D shoulders

1 You’re looking very ___. Have you been in the sun?

A slim B tanned C pale D coloured

2 He ___ his leg playing rugby.

A infected B depressed C pained D injured

3 I ___ my job yesterday because I hated it so much.

A fired B gave C quit D signed

4 How long did it ___ you to get to the airport?

A make B give C take D last

5 Patrick is a best-selling ___ of fantasy novels.

A reporter B editor C designer D author

______ / 5

3 Choose the correct options.

Our teacher has just 0 appeared / come / seen in the news because she’s written a 1 play / plot / poem about
Charles Dickens that is on at our local theatre. Unfortunately I can’t go and see it because I’ve got flu and
have to 2 get / go / stay in bed. It’s 3 causing / driving / pushing me mad being stuck in bed for a week but I do
feel terrible and sleep all day. I certainly don’t suffer from 4 insomnia / dyslexia / asthma. Being at home all
day gives me chance to read the book about 5 portrait / abstract / graffiti art I got out of the library last week.

______ / 5

4 Complete the text using the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.

Yesterday my friend and I 0 were told (tell) to see the head teacher. She told us that we
1____________________ (win) the school art competition!

Because we did so well, our painting 2 ____________________ (put) into the national competition next
month. If our painting wins that competition, we 3 ____________________ (get) a fantastic prize – a trip to
Florence to visit the art galleries! I don’t know if we 4 ____________________ (manage/win) but it’s very
exciting. I 5 ____________________ (not/can) paint very well when I came to this school, but our art teacher
is really good. If I hadn’t met her, I 6 ____________________ (not/win) this competition, I’m sure.

______ / 6

English Class B1+ © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

End-of-Year Test B Units 1-9

5 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first. Use the word in capital

0 She can’t see him until Monday. ABLE

She isn’t able to see him until Monday.

1 It wasn’t necessary to arrive early. HAVE

We ______________________________________________ early.

2 Someone has sent the essays to the teacher. BEEN

The essays ______________________________________________ to the teacher.

3 I won’t come if the weather is really bad. UNLESS

I’ll be there ______________________________________________ really bad.

4 I started living here in 1987. SINCE

I ______________________________________________ 1987.

______ / 4

6 Complete the email with one word in each gap.

Hi, Josh,

how are you 0 doing? You asked me to tell you if the film was any good. 1 ____________ first I was quite
impressed by the way they told the story. The only disappointing 2 ____________ about it was the

All in 3 ____________, I think it’s worth seeing, but compared 4 ____________ the others in the series, it’s
not the best film I’ve ever seen.

By the way, that new video game is on sale next month. We can order it 5 ____________ advance. What do
you think?


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English Class B1+ © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

End-of-Year Test B Units 1-9

7 Complete the dialogue with the phrases from the box. There is one extra phrase.

be wrong in my opinion not sure about one seems to me this one you mean

A: Which magazine are you going to buy?

B: This 0one, I think. It’s about the environment.

A: Really? That’s a boring magazine, Ana. Don’t you like fashion magazines like 1 _________________

B: No I don’t, Sarah. 2 _________________, they’re awful. It 3 _________________ that people who read
these magazines don’t care about the world.

A: What do 4 _________________ by that?

B: Well, there are far more important things to think about than fashion.

A: I could 5 _________________, but I think you’ll find that some of the stories in my fashion magazine
are really interesting!

______ / 5

8 Read the text and complete the sentences. Write up to 3 words in each gap.

0 Today, there can be a mix of cultures where we live and work.

1 George believes that being able to learn about different ____________________________ is good.

2 George thinks that people in multicultural societies people are ____________________________ and

3 Students who mix with people from different countries ____________________________ better.

4 George says that they have a lot of ____________________________ at his school.

5 George says that ____________________________ classes are more interesting now.

6 Students’ parents sometimes come to school to talk about ____________________________.

7 Most students came here because their parents work for ____________________________.

8 For some of the students, life in their home country was hard or ____________________________.

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English Class B1+ © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 4

End-of-Year Test B Units 1-9

George’s View of Multicultural Life

In today’s global society, more and more people are no longer living in the countries in which they were born.
This means that there is a huge mix of cultures and ideas in schools, workplaces and residential areas. This
is a really a positive thing in my view. We have the chance to learn about different traditions and cultures and
to participate in different celebrations. In societies where there is a long history of immigration, people seem
to be very tolerant and accepting of new arrivals, and the communities live and work well together.

In schools where there is a large number of people from different backgrounds, students benefit from a
better understanding of the world by being able to talk to someone from a different country. They also have
to learn how to welcome new people into their world. It can be hard starting a new school in your own
country. Think how much more difficult it would be in another country.

Our school is very multicultural and we celebrate the traditions of each country represented, which means
that we often have parties. The students of the country make the special food that they would have back
home and bring it to school. They also teach us any special dances or songs for the celebration and we are
able to understand each other so much better. Geography classes are no longer just written words on a
page or pictures on a video. We can talk to people who have lived in every kind of climate and learn about
their lives there, which is much more interesting.

Sometimes their parents will come into the school to give a talk about their country. We learn what they used
to do there and the reason why they decided to change countries. Most of the students in my school came
here because their parents work with large multinational companies, but there are a few students who had to
leave their homes because life was too difficult for their families or too dangerous.

Without people travelling to different countries, we would not live in such interesting communities.

English Class B1+ © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 5

End-of-Year Test B Units 1-9

9 Write an email to a friend you haven’t spoken to for a month. In your email, you should:
 say what’s happened to you,
 tell her/him about your plans for the summer holiday,
 invite her/him to stay for a few days.
























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Total: ______ / 60

English Class B1+ © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 6

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