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Ajman University of Science & ‫شبكة جامعة عجمان للعلوم والتكنولوجيا‬

Technology Network/ Ajman Campus ‫مقر عجمان‬

Faculty of University Requirements & Counseling ‫كلية المتطلبات الجامعية واإلرشاد‬
Chapter 1 - The Nature of Probability and Statistics
Circle the most accurate answer for each of the following:
1) The summaries of data, which may be tabular, graphical, or numerical, are referred to as
A inferential statistics B statistical inference C descriptive statistics
D report generation E Others specify---------

2) Fill in the missing words to the quote: “Statistical methods may be described as methods for
drawing conclusions about _________ based on ______________ computed from
the__________ .”
A populations, parameters, B parameters, C statistics, samples,
3) ______________
samples Sampling is usedstatistics,
when thesamples
population is large and divided
population s into subgroups and a
D statistics, populations, samples E Others specify
population based on
statistics computed from
the samples
random sample is selected from each subgroup
A Random B Cluster C Stratified
D Systematic E Others specify---------

4) Which sampling method has been used?

A random B systematic C stratified
D cluster E Others specify---------

5) In an aquaculture study, the following variables were measured on each fish:

initial weight(I) , Sex(0=female,1= male), weight gain(w), body temperature (C).
The scale of these four variables (in order) are:
A) Ordinal, interval, ratio, nominal
B) Ratio, ordinal, ratio, Interval
C) Ratio, nominal, ratio, Nominal
D) Ratio, nominal, ratio, interval
E) Not mentioned
6) Fifty sophomores, (30) juniors and (20) seniors are randomly selected from 500 sophomores,
300 juniors and 200 seniors at a certain high school. What sampling technique is used?
Systematic Cluster
7) In an aquaculture study,
the Random Others specify--------- following variables
were measured on each fish:
Sex(S), initial weight (I), body temperature (C), water temperature (w).
Scales of these four variables (in order) are
Ordinal, ratio, Nominal, ratio, Nominal, ratio,
interval, ratio interval, ratio interval, interval
Ordinal, ratio, Nominal, ratio Others specify-------

8) A Descriptive measure of a sample is a :

A Random variable B Statistic C Parameter
D qualitative response E Others specify-----
9) What type of sampling is being employed if the country is divided into economic classes and a
sample is chosen from each class to be surveyed?
A Random sampling B Systematic sampling C Stratified sampling
D Cluster sampling E Others specify-------
10) What is a statistical inference?
(a) A statement made about a sample based on the measurements in that sample.
(b) A set of data selected from a larger set of data.
(c) A decision, estimate, prediction or generalization about sample based on
information contained in a population.
(d) A decision, estimate, prediction, or generalization about the population based on
information contained in a sample.
(e) None of these alternatives is correct

11) You asked eight of your classmates the score they received on the last
statistics exam. The average of these eight scores was found to be 65. On the
basis of this information, you stated that the average test score for the entire class
was less than 70. This is an example of what major branch of statistics?
c.Descriptive statistics
d.Inferential statistics
e.Not mentioned

12) The summaries of data, which may be tabular, graphical, or numerical, are
referred to as
A) inferential statistics
B) report generation
C) statistical inference
D) descriptive statistics
E) Not mentioned

13) Which of the following is not true about statistics?

(a) Statistics is used to answer questions with 100% certainty.
(b) Statistics involves collecting and summarizing data.
(c) Statistics can be used to organize and analyze information.
(d) Statistics is used to draw conclusions using data.

14) A descriptive measure of a population is a

A) Parameter
B) Statistic
C) Variable
D) Qualitative response

15)A psychologist recorded ,for a sample of children , the

Age, grade ,IQ(intelligence quotient), and the father`s profession (job)
The levels of measurement of these variables are ,respectively:.
A) Ratio,ordinal,interval and nominal
B) Ordinal,nominal,interval and ordinal
C) Ratio,interval ,ordinal and ratio
D) Ordinal ,ratio,nominal and interval
E) None of the above.
16)Two sections of statistics are taught by the same teacher. One section uses
MyStatLab; the other section does not. At the end of the semester, grades in the
two sections arem compared : The study depicts a (an):
A) observational study
B) experiment
C) Random experiment
D) manipulatitve study
E) All of the above

17)Which of the following statements is true regarding a population?

A) It must be a large number of values.

B) It must refer to people.
C) It is a collection of individuals or objects.
D) None of the above.

18)Techniques used to determine something about a population, based on a sample, are


A) Descriptive statistics.
B) Inferential statistics.
C) Populations.
D) Samples.

19)In a simple random sample each item in the population has

A) A chance of being selected.

B) The same chance of being selected.
C) A 50 percent chance of being selected.
D) No chance of being selected.

20) At a local community college, five statistics classes are randomly selected and
all of the students from each class are interviewed. What sampling technique is

(a) cluster
(b) random
(c) systematic
(d) stratified

21) The______________ variable is influenced by the _____________variable.

A. Independent, dependent
B. Sample, statistics
C. Dependent, independent
D. Population, parameter

22) Consider the following statement concerned with the collection of data, and
determine the best selection of terms to complete the statement: “The entire
group of objects or people about which information is wanted is called the
__________ . The _________is the part that is actually examined in order to
gather information. Each individual in the group is called _____________.”

a) population, units, sample

b) response group, respondents, nonresponse group
c) sample, units, target population
d) population, sample, unit

23)The ----------------- statistics makes inferences about---------------- of a------------------- based

on sample -------------------.
Inferential, statistics Descriptive, sample, Inferential, population,
,population, parameter population, parameter parameter, statistics
D Inferential ,parameter, population, statistics E Others specify---------

24) Parking at a large university has become a very big problem. University
administrators are interested in determining the average parking time (e.g. the
time it takes a student to find a parking spot) of its students. An administrator
inconspicuously followed 230 students and carefully recorded their parking
times. Identify the population of interest to the university administration
a) the parking times of the entire set of students that park at the university
b) the entire set of faculty, staff, and students that park at the university
c) the parking times of the 230 students from whom the data were collected
d) the students that park at the university between 9 and 10 AM on Wednesdays

25) A researcher for an airline interviews all of the passengers on five randomly
selected flights. What sampling technique is used?
(e) cluster
(f) random
(g) systematic
(h) stratified

26)A discrete variable is

a) Cannot be negative
b) An example of a qualitative variable
c) Can assume only positive values
d) Can assume only certain clearly separated values

27)What type of variable is the number of robberies reported in your city?

A) Continuous
B) Discrete
C) Qualitative
D) None of the above

28)In a systematic sample a random starting point is chosen, and

A) Each item in the population has a chance of being selected more than once.
B) The population is divided into primary units, and then samples are drawn from these units.
C) Every k th item thereafter is selected for the sample.
D) Each item in a population has a 50 percent chance of being selected.

29)Which of the following is an example of qualitative data?

A) The number of children in a family
B) The weight of a person
C) The nationality of a student
D) The distance traveled each day to get at work

30)A bank asks customers to evaluate the customer service as excellent, good, average,
or poor. Which level of measurement is this classification?
A) Nominal
B) Ordinal
C) Interval
D) Ratio

Q2) Part 1) Indicate which of the following discrete measurements are and which
continuous measurements are:
Discrete Continuous
__o____ _________ a) number of foreign students in each statistics class
__0____ _________ b) number of left-handed people on basketball teams
______ _____0____ c) life of a Duracell battery
______ _____0____ d) mileage of Toyota cars
______ _____0____ e) time to complete a Marathon

Part 2) Determine the scale of measurement for each of the following:

The Variable Level of data
(Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio)
Ranking sizes of dresses by (Small, Medium, large,…) Ordinal
Daily number of books sold by a bookshop. Ratio
Students nationalities Nominal
The daily temperature in Ajman Interval
Distance between cities. Ratio
A classification of Students by place of birth. Nominal
Number of books a bookshop sells per day. Ratio
The types of pens students use Nominal
The number of mints students need to reach their residence Ratio

Part 3) Fill in the blanks in each of the followings:

1. A(n) Outlier is a value in a data set that is inconsistent with the rest of the data.

A continuous variables is a quantitative variables, but there are an infinite number of

possible values that are not countable.

A cluster_____________ sample is obtained when we choose a random set of groups

and then select all individuals within those groups

4. Descriptive Statistics consists of organizing and summarizing information collected.

Inferential Statistics uses methods that generalize results obtained from a sample to
5. the population and measure the reliability of the results.

6. The two types of quantitative variable is either discrete or continuous

7. The sample is apportion, or part, of the population of concern.

8. The Sample is a portion or a part, of the population of interest.

9. The number of customers of a supermarket is a discrete Variable.

10. Data is of two types: quantitative or qualitative.

Part 4) True/ False

1. Continuous data describes how many and the precision of continuous data
depends on the tool used to measure.
2. There are four levels of measurement: Nominal, Confidential, Interval, and
F Qualitative data must always be nonnumeric.

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