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Mixing Weld and Bolt Part2

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Design File

Mixing Welds and Bolts, Part 2

Practical Ideas for the Design Professional by Duane K. Miller, Sc.D., P.E.

In a previous edition of Welding Innovation (Volume XVIII, AISC LRFD Steel Specification require that the welds be
Number 2, 2001), Part 1 of “Mixing Welds and Bolts” was designed to carry the entire load under these conditions. The
published. That column dealt with snug-tightened and pre- Canadian standard CAN/CSA-S16.1-01 provides a more
tensioned mechanical fasteners, including rivets, combined rational criterion by permitting load sharing between welds
with welds, as well as existing specification requirements and bolts for service loads, providing the higher of the two
for such combinations. Part 1 can be obtained by down- capacities can carry all factored loads alone.
loading a PDF file from the Welding Innovation web site at Part 2 will address combining Part 2 focuses on slip-critical joints, combined with welds.
welds with slip-critical, high-strength bolted connections, As mentioned in Part 1, this topic is the subject of ongoing
and will also examine existing specification provisions for research and consideration by the various technical com-
various combinations of welds and bolts in light of recent mittees. Much of this work has been done by Drs. G. Kulak
research. and G. Grondin and their co-workers of the University of
Alberta, Canada, and definitive conclusions have not yet
Review of Part 1 been reached as to how these findings should be incorpo-
rated into US standards, such as AWS D1.1 and AISC
In Part 1, general information was provided on bolted con- LRFD. However, at least some parts of current standards
nections. Snug-tightened, pretensioned, and slip-critical are likely to be determined to be unconservative, and prac-
bolted connections were defined. ASTM A325 and A490 ticing engineers should review these data and determine
bolts were identified, and the capacity of rivets identified as how specific projects should be addressed in light of these
typically about half of the strength of A325 bolts. Slip-criti- findings. The same research has drawn into question some
cal joints have bolts that have been installed in a manner of the current specification requirements for snug-tightened
so that the bolts are under significant tensile load with the connections when welds are added, and these findings will
plates under compressive load. They have faying surfaces be reviewed.
that have been prepared to provide a calculable resistance
against slippage. Slip-critical joints work by friction: the
pretension forces create clamping forces and the friction
Code Provisions for Slip-Critical Connections
between the faying surfaces work together to resist slip- with Welds
page of the joint. The basic design philosophy relies on The issue of mixing mechanical fasteners and welds is
friction to resist nominal service loads. The provisions for addressed in AWS D1.1: 2002 Structural Welding
design of slip-critical connections are intended to provide Code–Steel. Provision 2.6.7 states:
90–95% reliability against slip at service load levels. In its
strength limit state, slip can occur and the bolts will go into “Connections that are welded to one member and bolted
bearing. This should not be the case for service loads. or riveted to the other shall be allowed. However, rivets
and bolts used in bearing connections shall not be con-
The focus of this Design File series is not upon bolted sidered as sharing the load in combination with welds in
connections, but rather upon connections that are composed a common faying surface. Welds in such connections
of both welds and bolts. For the snug-tightened and preten- shall be adequate to carry the entire load in the connec-
sioned bolted connections, it was shown that welds cannot tion. High-strength bolts installed to the requirements for
be assumed to be capable of sharing loads with the mechan- slip-critical connections prior to welding may be consid-
ical fasteners. AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code-Steel and ered as sharing the stress in the welds. (See:

Welding Innovation Vol. XIX, No. 2, 2002

first, angular distortion from the heat of the weld might
prevent the faying action required for the development
of the slip-critical force. When bolts are fully tensioned
A B before the weld is made, the slip-critical bolts and the
weld may be assumed to share the load on a common-
TRANSVERSE FILLET WELD BOLTED shear plane. The heat of welding near bolts will not alter
CONNECTION the mechanical properties of the bolts.”

The straightforward reading of these provisions, and

indeed the intent of them, is to permit the direct combina-
FILLET WELD tion of the capacity of the slip-critical connection and the
weld. However, recent research indicates that this is not
the case, and such an assumption may be unconservative.

The commentary that addresses the angular distortion

explains the apparent justification for requiring that the
bolts be installed before welding. The basis for such a
requirement is suspect, however. Kulak and Grondin point
out that “slip resistance of the bolted joint is independent of
the amount of area between faying surfaces. As long as
there is some area, which is a physical necessity for proper
preloading of the bolts…, then the slip resistance will be
developed.” (Kulak and Grondin, from the minutes of the
DISPLACEMENT AISC TC6 Connections Task Committee, June 12-13,
A B 2002.) Thus, the apparent justification for the sequential
requirement may be suspect.
Figure 1.

Different Deformation Capabilities

Specifications for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or In Part 1, the differences in the deformation capabilities
A490 Bolts of the Research Council on Structural between welded connections and those joined with bolts
Connections.)” in either a snug-tightened or pretensioned manner was
identified as the factor that precluded the simple arithmetic
Note: Part 1 cited the 2000 version of D1.1, in which addition of the capacities of the two systems. The welds
these provisions were contained in 2.6.3. The latest were identified as being “stiff,” whereas the snug-tightened
version is largely unchanged in concept, although the or pretensioned bolted connection could slip to distribute
underlined words in 2.6.7 are new for the 2002 edition. the applied loads on the mechanically fastened joint.

The fourth sentence deals with slip-critical connections. The concept presented in codes with respect to slip-critical
Notice that, in order for sharing to be considered, this pro- connections was presumably based upon the lack of slip
vision requires that the high-strength bolts be installed in the connection (that is, their “stiffness”), justifying the
“prior to welding.” More will be said on this issue later. assumption that the capacities of the two types of joining
AISC LRFD – 1999, Provision J 1.9, expresses the same systems (welds and bolts) can be joined. Ultimately, a slip-
general philosophy when it states: critical bolted connection will slip, but if a weld is added,
such a connection cannot slip. Thus, the capacities of the
“In slip-critical connections, high-strength bolts are two elements cannot be combined in terms of the ultimate
permitted to be considered as sharing the load with strength capacity.
the welds.”
Figure 1 contains a conceptual plot of the load/displace-
The commentary to this provision provides some additional ment relationships for welds and bolts. Note that the
understanding of both the AISC and AWS provisions: load/deformation relationships are different for each of the
three elements. It should be noted that the two types of
“For high-strength bolts in slip-critical connections to welds shown are not equally “stiff.” The actual curve for the
share the load with welds it is advisable to fully tension bolted connection is illustrative only; in fact, there would be
the bolts before the weld is made. If the weld is placed various curves for the different types of bolted connections.

Welding Innovation Vol. XIX, No. 2, 2002

Additionally, while in this illustration the three curves are all
shown having the same strength, under most conditions,
the capacity of each element will be different. The differ-
ences in stiffness preclude simple mathematical additions (a)
of the various capacities.

Figure 2 illustrates six possible connection details: a) bolts

only, b) longitudinal fillets only, c) transverse fillets only, d)
bolts and transverse fillets, e) bolts and longitudinal fillets,
and f) bolts with both longitudinal and transverse fillets. In
this illustration, it is assumed that the strength of the con-
nections in Figure 2a-2c is equal, as is illustrated in Figure
1. The bolts, for example, offer the same load resistance,
as do the transverse fillet welds. All the bolts shown in (b)
Figure 2 are assumed to be slip-critical.

If the code provisions cited above were correct, that is,

if the capacities of welds and slip-critical bolts could be
mathematically combined, then the connections with bolts
and welds in Figure 2d and 2e would both be twice the
value of the connections in Figure 2a-2c. Further, if these
provisions were correct, the capacity of Figure 2f would be
three times that of Figure 2a-2c. Loads, however, are not
evenly split between the various elements in the mixed (c)
connection, because of the differences in the load/defor-
mation curves.

Referring again to Figure 1, the bolted connection in Figure

2a would have a load/deformation curve like the bolt curve.
For a unit strength of 1, the deformation experienced would
also be a unit of 1. For the longitudinal fillet in Figure 2b,
the strength is also normalized to a value of 1, but the
deformation capacity is estimated to be 1/6 of the bolted (d)
connection. The transverse fillet of Figure 2c also has
strength of 1, but with a deformation capacity of about one
sixth of the longitudinal fillet weld.

To analyze the combination of welds and bolts and their

ultimate load capability, constant displacements for each
element must be considered, and the resistances to defor-
mation for each element added to determine the total
capacity of the combination. Consider the combination of
longitudinal fillet and bolts (Figure 2e). Line A in Figure 1 (e)
illustrates a likely deformation level that would contribute to
the total connection strength of a level 1. However, rather
than a 50-50 split, the weld contributes about 60% of the
strength, with 40% coming from the bolts. At line B where
the weld is capable of delivering 100% of its strength, the
bolts can contribute only about 80% of theirs, and the com-
bination is not 200%, but rather about 180%, or 10% less.
Of course, the code provisions would suggest 200%, the
direct addition of both members.
The same exercise could be performed with bolts and
transverse welds. The reduced deformation capacity of
the transverse fillet makes the differences even more
Figure 2.
Welding Innovation Vol. XIX, No. 2, 2002
pronounced. Thus, the significance of these differences in through the weld. Thus, regardless of the capacity of the
displacement is more pronounced for the connections bolts, any small weld addition effectively eliminates the
composed of bolts and transverse welds. capacity of the bolts. The preceding model could be used to
address these snug-tightened connections. In such cases,
A Proposed Model Rfriction is zero. The greater capacity of the bolts and welds
could then be used, as is the case in the Canadian stan-
Kulak and Grondin propose a model whereby the ultimate dard CAN/CSA-S16.1-01. The Kulak work would indicate
load resistance of the joint can be computed from the fol- that this approach is correct and conservative.
lowing relationship:
The Kulak work has also revealed new information regard-
Rutl joint = Rfriction + Rbolts + Rtrans + Rlong ing the combination of longitudinal and transverse fillet
welds, which are subject to some of the same deformation
Where Rfriction is the frictional resistance capacity differences. This will be addressed in a future edi-
Rbolts is the bolt shear resistance tion of Design File.
Rtrans is the transverse weld shear resistance
Rlong is the longitudinal weld shear resistance Conclusion
Rfriction is estimated to be 0.25 times the slip resistance of The responsible technical committees are evaluating these
the slip-critical bolted joint. For slip-critical connections in research findings, and changes to specifications will no
conjunction with welds, this factor is always present, but is doubt result. Currently, the data suggest that while a por-
accounted for differently, depending on the orientation of tion of the slip-critical bolt capacities can be directly added
the weld (longitudinal versus transverse). This factor, of to the capacities of longitudinal welds, the same is not the
course, would be zero for bearing-type bolted connections. case for slip-critical bolts and transverse welds. In the case
of the latter, the greater capacity of the two elements is a
Rbolts depends on the type of weld (transverse or longitudinal) conservative assumption.
and the condition of bearing, whether already in bearing
(positive) or unknown (indeterminate). Acknowledgements
For transverse welds along with slip-critical bolted joints, A sincere thanks to all of my professional colleagues who
the ultimate joint resistance is the strength of the trans- generously gave of their time to review and critique the
verse weld plus the frictional resistance, or the bolt shear, content of this article.
whichever is greater.

For longitudinal welds along with slip-critical bolted joints,

the ultimate joint resistance is a percentage of the bolt AISC (1999). Load and Resistance Factor Design Specification for Structural
Steel Buildings. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), Chicago,
shear plus the shear resistance of the longitudinal weld Illinois.
plus the frictional resistance, or the bolt shear, whichever
is greater. Under positive bearing conditions, 75% of the AWS (2002). AWS D1.1: 2002 Structural Welding Code—Steel. American
ultimate bolt shear strength is used, and for indeterminate Welding Society (AWS), Miami, Florida.
bearing conditions, 50% is used. Jarosch, K.H., and Bowman, M.D., (1985). “Behavior of Tension Butt Joints
Using Bolts and Welds in Combination.” Struct. Engrg. Rep. CE-STR-85-
The work of Kulak and Grondin indicates that for slip-criti- 20, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana.
cal connections, the code provisions are unconservative.
Kulak, G.L., Fisher, J.W., and Struik, J.H., (1987). Guide to Design Criteria for
For example, the capacity of a combined longitudinal weld Bolted and Riveted Joints, 2nd Ed., John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York,
and bolts is equal to the weld capacity plus 50% of the bolt New York.
capacity. For this condition AWS and AISC would indicate
the weld capacity plus 100% of the bolts capacity, thus Kulak, G.L., and Grondin, G.Y., (to be published). “Strength of Joints that
Combine Bolts and Welds,” from the minutes of the AISC TC6
overestimating the capacity of the connections. Connections Task Committee, June 12-13, 2002.

Recall from Part 1 that in the general case, AWS and AISC Manuel, Thomas J. and Kulak, Geoffrey L., (2000). “Strength of Joints That
require that combinations of welds and bolts of the bearing Combine Bolts and Welds,” J. of Struct. Engineering, ASCE, 126(3),
type be designed such that the entire load is transferred

Welding Innovation Vol. XIX, No. 2, 2002

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