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ATrue Muslim Essay

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The follower of the religion of Islam is called a Muslim. To be a Muslim is a great blessing of Allah. A
true Muslim is one who has a resolute faith in the basic doctrines of Islam. He performs religious
practices sincerely. He observes all his duties which he owes to mankind. He is thirty of knowledge. He is
a true lover of the Holy Prophet (SAW). He is, in fact, a 'Momin' in other words.

Firstly, a true Muslim has a firm belief in the basic doctrines of Islam. He believes in the absolute unity
of Allah. He trusts in angels. He has faith in prophets, the final one being Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). He
confides in scriptures. He is certain of the Day of Judgement. He has such a resolute and unwavering
faith in these tenets that satanic forces fail to work on him.

Secondly, a true Muslim performs religious practices honestly. He incessantly offers his prayers five
times a day. He keeps fasts during the month of Ramadan. If he is wealthy, he pays zakat to the needy
and the destitute. If he is healthy and wealthy, he performs Hajj. Worldly charms and temptations
cannot entice him to neglect his religious obligations.

Thirdly, a true Muslim performs all his duties which he owes to mankind. He respects his elders,
parents, teachers, neighbours and relatives. He loves children. He/She is an affectionate father, caring
mother, loving husband, faithful wife, obedient son, docile daughter, reliable friend, plaint student and
peaceful neighbour. He is the one from whose hand and tongue all Muslims are safe.

Fourthly, a true Muslim is ever eager to seek knowledge. He knows that seeking and pursuing
knowledge with the intention of benefiting oneself and others is rewarded like performing additional
prayers or fasting. He knows, "Whoever follows a path in pursuit of knowledge, Allah makes his way
easy to paradise." (Al-Bukhari)

Lastly, the hallmark of a true Muslim is his earnest love for the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW). He
loves the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) more than anything else in this world, including his own life,
Through this love he acknowledges, cherishes and glorifies all the potential of goodness and greatness
that Allah Almighty has created in him.

(Allama Iqbal

A True Muslim Essay

"A true Muslim is one from whose hand and tongue the others are safe." (Hazrat Muhammad

To be a good Muslim is, indeed a great blessing of Allah. The followers of Islam are called Muslims. A
true Muslim is one who follows the teachings of Islam in the real sense. He is the one who lives his life
according to the Sunnah of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the orders of the Holy Quran. A True Muslim
abstain from any action that is prohibited in Islam.
A true Muslim is clean and pure. It means that a true Muslim is never contaminated and if he gets
contaminated, his first action is to clean himself.

"The cleanliness is half the faith. " (Hazrat Muhammad ‫)ﷺ‬

The last prophet of Allah, the leader of the Muslims, has emphasized a lot on cleanliness. A person
cannot be a true Muslim if he does not pay attention to personal hygiene. A true Muslims knows that his
all prayer will be accepted only if he is clean; there are some exemptions under inevitable

A true Muslim is has a firm belief in Allah and His last Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬. He believes that Allah is
the light of heaven and earth. It is his faith that Allah is the creator of everything. He believes that Allah
is aware of his actions and doings. He avoids evil actions because he knows that he will be held
answerable for his deeds. He fears only form Allah and does not do anything wrong. It is his belief that
Allah is Omnipresent and Omnipotent.

"When your heart feels satisfied because of any of your good act and mourns about any of your
wrongdoing, then know, you have become a true Muslim" (Hazrat Muhammad ‫)ﷺ‬

A true Muslim leads a simple life and pure life. He earns his livelihood through honest means and it
contented with it. He controls his desires. He does not beg for things. He does not bring down his self-
respect. He always bows his head only before Allah. He knows that Allah is the Supreme in the universe.

"When you bowed before others than Allah, neither your body nor your soul is yours" (Allama
Muhammad Iqbal)

A true Muslim never harms others. He takes care of his neighbours and poor relatives. He gives Zakat so
that prosperity may come in the society. He keeps fasts. He says prayers five times a day. He greets and
welcome guests. He is not selfish and cunning. He has great tolerance and patience. He does not
complain for bad times as he knows that Allah is testing him. He does not cheat or steal. He is very
careful in his relations. He tries to forgive his enemies when he is is a position to take revenge. He knows
that peace is the key to prosperity.

“An enemy of today is a friend of tomorrow” Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

A true Muslim does not take revenge upon anyone.. He never kill a human being as he knows that Islam
does not allow it.

"He who kills a person kills the whole human being." (Hazrat Muhammad ‫)ﷺ‬

A true Muslim never indulge in ambiguities and do research and clarification before believing a news. A
true Muslims seeks knowledge and act upon it. He leads a life of diligence, discipline and deep study. He
educates his children well and develops them into good citizens. He tries to create a healthy atmosphere
in his family. He fulfills the rights of his wife, children, and parents.

A true Muslim is fearless and courageous. He always speaks the truth whether it goes against his own
interests. He speaks politely and gently. He is kind and sympathetic to others. He does not store money
and food. He is the symbol of integrity and honesty. He guides and directs his fellow being to do the
right. He is willing to sacrifice his personal interests for the wider interests of the society.

A true Muslims is one who loves the human being. (Saif Ullah Zahid)

13 Qualities Of True Muslims

Thursday, 25th November, 2004

By Khanam Naushin Sadozai (May Allah Almighty be pleased with her)

“A Muslim Is The One Who Believes In Allah (SWT) And A Momin Is The One Who Follows What Allah
(SWT) Says.”

- Ashfaque Ahmed -

Generally according to Islamic point of view, Momin is a term used for a true Muslim. In a hadith, it was
once asked from The Holy Prophet Mohammed (Peace and blessings be upon him) “How will I know that
I have become a Momin?” The Prophet Mohammed (Peace and blessings be upon him) answered,

“When your heart feels satisfied because of any of your good acts and mourns about any of your wrong
doings, then know that you have become a true Muslim, i.e. Momin.”
Actually to us both of the terms look alike, but keep in mind they aren’t, for you shall also see the
difference from Al-Quran. Muslim is a person who embraces Islam by saying Kalima Tayyaba and with a
keen belief that Allah is One, There’s no God except Him and Prophet Mohammed (Peace and blessings
be upon Him) is His last Apostle. But, a person becomes a Momin, when this knowledge penetrates deep
into his mind, heart and soul.

Allah Almighty has described 13 main qualities of such dignified persons in Surah Al - Furqan they are as

1. Believer of Allah Almighty:

Such persons believe in Allah Almighty and declare no assistant with Him whatsoever. We have seen
many people saying and believing in Allah fully yet whenever they are in trouble they seek help from the
dead people, i.e. visiting shrines and crying there for help from the pious people of Allah Almighty. This
is a kind of Shirk that has been entailed in the last sermon of Holy Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon
him). A Momin turns only to Allah for help and demands only from Him. I shall quote here the words of
A Hadith-e-Qudsi,

“There is no such thing that any person can give you unless Allah imputes and no such thing that any
person can take away from you unless Allah wills. No greatness of any person, whatsoever, is greater
than that of Allah Almighty and none can save you from the evil doings except His might”.

2. Humility:

Another quality of such persons is that they are humble. They are free from any sort of pride and
arrogance. They walk very humbly, talk humbly hence humbleness is a part of their life. Pride is
something that Allah has forbidden upon humanity. Allah Almighty says that,

“Pride is my cloak, and whosoever tries to steal it from me, I shall be at war with him”.

3. Saying Salaam:

Salaam, here, not only represents saying salaam to each other in normal course of life. But, it is, in fact,
an indication towards a situation where an ignorant person tries to have a dispute with the Momineen
over any matter. The Momineen instead of showing anger or arguing with them, say salaam and move
forward. (Surah Al Furqan Ayah: 63). Therefore, it clearly shows that such persons don’t indulge
themselves in futile discussions.
4. Praying After Mid Night:

Though this is not compulsory for every person but whosoever does it with best intentions may have
reward for it, In Sha Allah. The Momineen or Ibaad-al- Rahmaan have the quality that they perform
prayers after midnight, i.e. Tahajjad. Allah says in Surah al Furqan,

“The pious followers of Allah are those who get up in the middle of the night and pray, when the entire
world is sound asleep.”

5. Chary Towards Expenses:

Momineen are not extravagant rather chary. For an extravagant person, it is said, “An extravagant is the
brother of Satan”. Some people believe that Allah gives money to spend hence they keep on spending it
uselessly. Yes that is true that Allah Almighty gives money to a person to spend on himself and his family
but not extravagantly, rather a person should be cautious in doing so, he should take care of the money
given to him, he should neither be a closefisted person nor an extravagant but a careful person.

6. Avoid Shirk:

Followers of Allah

The Mu’meen is a true believer — the one who believes in God as One and stays firm with this
proclamation. He was as described by God in the above mentioned verses of the Qur’an. A whole
chapter was revealed in the holy book in honor of the believers. If you are a Muslim, then this is one of
the greatest favor bestowed upon you. The guidance to Islam is not by your might, it’s only as destined.
Do not feel safe in this state as many Muslims do. Neither should you look down on those who are non-
Muslims as doomed — the table can turn around at anytime. For it’s only the Mu’meen whom Allah has
assured of success. It’s quite pathetic that many Muslims are satisfied with the status quo of being
ordinary Muslim. Little efforts do we put, in striving to become Mu’meen. The Mu’meen is simply a
better Muslim and the best of Muslim is the Muhsin. Hence, the Mu’meen is never satisfied with this
state until he strives to become a Muhsin which is the highest state of eeman.

To become a Mu’meen, you need to strive in keeping up with these distinctive traits of the believer
enumerated above and elaborated below:

Believe in the unseen: The first characteristic of a believer is to believe in Allah — The One True God who
created everything. It is this believe that propels other articles of faith which cannot be seen. This
includes the believe in Angels, prophets, revelations, resurrection and destiny — either good or bad. And
this is why God puts it clear thus:

This is the Book (the Quran) whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqoon (the
pious and righteous persons who fear Allah much). Those who believe in the Ghaib (Unseen) and
perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and spend out of what we have provided for them (i.e. give Zakat ,
spend on themselves, their parents, their children, their wives, etc., and also give charity to the poor and
also in Allahs Cause). And who believe in (the Quran and the Sunnah) which has been sent down
(revealed) to you (Muhammad Peace be upon him ) and in (the Taurat (Torah revealed to Moses) and
the Injeel (Gospel revealed to Jesus), etc.) which were sent down before you and they believe with
certainty in the Hereafter. (Resurrection, recompense of their good and bad deeds, Paradise and Hell,
etc.). They are on (true) guidance from their Lord, and they are the successful. — Qur’an 2[Al-

2. Adhere strictly to God’s injunctions: Indeed man was created weak and the purpose of his creation is
to worship God. Of all God’s creation, it’s only mankind and jinn that have freewill. It means you can
either choose to worship God the right way or not. This is nothing but a trial, in order to test who will
fulfill the obligation of submissiveness. The true believer understands he has no choice other than to
submit and remain steadfast until the last breathe is taken. God says:

Blessed is He in Whose Hand is the dominion, and He is Able to do all things. Who has created death and
life, that He may test you which of you is best in deed. And He is the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving. — 
Qur’an 67[Al-mulk]:1–2

3. Guard against His forbidden: The believer tries as much as he can to stay away from what is unlawful
as enjoined by God. No matter how difficult or confusing it may seem, he’d rather avoid it owing to
doubts. This was well stated by the Messenger of God in the collections of Imam Bukhari: “verily, every
king has a sanctum and the sanctum of Allah is his prohibitions.”

4. Show humility and mercy to people: The believers are humble and kind in character. They exhibit the
most beautiful traits in human personality. The best example can be seen from the life of Muhammad
(peace be upon him). Many people came to accept Islam from his excellent traits. He once said: “He is
not one of us, the one who is not merciful to the young and respectful to the elderly” (Tirmidhi).

In another narration from Jubayr ibn Mut’im that a man came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) and sai

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