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Rev 1.0
“Praise the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his
acts of power; praise him for his surprising greatness. Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,
praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with tambourine and dancing, praise him with the strings
and flute, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals. Let everything
that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD.” (Psalm 150)

Table of Contents

Contact Information
Mission Statement
Vision & Purpose
Talent and Skill
Standards of Conduct
New Applicants and Waiting Periods
Sound Technicians (ST’s) and Visual Equipment Operators (VEO’s)
Dress Code
Practice Times
Music Rehearsal
Attendance and Punctuality Policy
Schedule Conflicts
Disciplinary Action
Worship Lists
Online Resources
Schedules & Deadlines

WMCF Music Ministry Guide Book 1

Contact Information 
If you can’t make it to a practice or service, the following are the top three contacts you should attempt
to make, in order.

Position Name Cell Phone

Worship Leader (See Schedule)

Assistant Worship Leader (See Schedule)

Music Directors Obi Iroezi (310) 995 - 6507

Anthony Nwokafor (310) 503 - 1666

The Music Directors can always be emailed at

If you need to contact the church office for any reason, you may do so using the following
contact information:
Phone: (323) 451 - 3380, (424) 442-9921

WMCF Music Ministry Guide Book 2

Mission Statement   
Our mission is to lead the congregation in true personal and corporate worship under the guidance of
the Holy Spirit, incorporating the message of the gospel in worship for the purpose of evangelism,
bringing glory to God and drawing people closer to Him through our worship services.
“God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth”. (John 4:24)

Vision & Purpose 

Our vision for this ministry is to maintain a musical program of excellence. We desire to have a music
ministry, including singers and musicians, choirs for special performances, dramas, and live
recordings of praise/worship. Special programs for younger children will also be available periodically.

It is our belief at World Missions Christian Fellowship that the Music ministry is a vital part to the
ministry of this body of believers. Members should view their function as ministers of the gospel
through music and song. Those who serve in the Music ministry, therefore, should view their role as a
calling from God. Membership on any team in the Music ministry (in any capacity) is a position of
Christian leadership. The primary function, then, is to lead the congregation in true worship under the
guidance of the Holy Spirit. We emphasize that our purpose and calling is that of leading others into
the very presence of the Living God. There is no calling issued for “performances” and “showmanship”
– only true praise and worship. Therefore, members must strive continually through prayer and
example to have a pure heart before God and others.

1. To create an atmosphere where all feel welcomed into the expression of the corporate worship
of God.
2. To introduce popular, meaningful worship songs and unique worship music, maintaining a
contemporary approach, whilst not leaving out the traditional music of the church.
3. To encourage the use of spiritual gifts in worship, showing sensitivity to the working of God’s
Spirit that is necessary to bring honor to His Name.
4. To maintain a biblical approach to worship that is honoring to God and relies on the scriptures
as the standard of truth.
5. To encourage an attitude of expectation, where the realization of God’s presence through
worship creates excitement and opens hearts to receive the message from the Word of God.
6. To dispatch believers into the harvest field through evangelism.
7. To disciple converts to Christ-like maturity and incorporate them into the Church.
8. To develop leaders that will demonstrate God’s love through service, so that we can devote
our lives to follow God as we celebrate His presence in worship.

WMCF Music Ministry Guide Book 3

❖ It is very important for members of the Music ministry to feel that they are “called, appointed,
and anointed” to the ministry.
❖ Members must be born-again believers of Christ, and their lifestyle must reflect.
❖ Members must be worshipers on and off the platform. Anyone who has difficulty worshiping at
home or in the congregation is not ready to be a leader.

Talent and Skill 

Although we recognize the importance of a pure heart, the musician and vocalists also need to have
enough skill so that they can follow the Holy Spirit. Musicians and vocalists should have open hearts
to receive advice, correction, training, and should be committed to becoming proficiently skilled at their
ministry. ​“Kenaniah the head Levite was in charge of the singing; that was his responsibility because
he was skillful at it”. (1 Chronicles 15:22).​ One does not need to be a professional musician to worship
the Lord, but God honors the discipline of additional practice and preparation. ​“Failing to prepare is
preparing for failure.”

❖ Music ministry members should be actively involved at World Missions Christian Fellowship
and dedicated to our church’s vision and to the leadership of its pastor and other leaders. This
commitment includes their prayers, regular attendance, and tithes/offerings.
❖ Those who commit to serving in the Music ministry are asked to commit to weekly rehearsals
and they are expected to do their best to make sure other commitments do not interfere with
their ability to fulfil their duties on a weekly basis.
❖ Because we value the importance of family, prospective Music ministry members should not
join the team without the full support of their family.

Standards of Conduct   
1. As a member of the Music Ministry, I understand that I am first a disciple of Jesus Christ. I will
guard my speech and keep myself in check from gossip, my pride, and my own ambitions. I
will commit myself to prayer continually humble myself at the foot of the cross, and submit to
leadership. I will keep Christ the center of my home, vocation, recreation, and my fellowship
inside and outside the church.
2. As a member of the Music Ministry, I understand that I am a part of the church body. I agree to
place myself under the leading and authority of their leadership. As a member, I also recognize
that both I and my family will support and help carry out the mission of World Missions
Christian Fellowship in everything we do.
3. As a member of the Music Ministry, I recognize that I am both a worshiper and part of the
music ministry. My role is as important as any other public participant. As such, I promise to

WMCF Music Ministry Guide Book 4

carry myself with dignity by dressing modestly and appropriately. I will use my body language
and facial expressions in such a way as to engage those I am leading in worship. At the same
time, I will make every effort not to miss out on the opportunity to individually bring my own
praises to God in the corporate worship assembly.
4. As a member of the Music Ministry, I will commit myself to the guidelines set forth by the
Pastor, Worship Leader, and Choir Director. I will strive for excellence in everything I do in
connection with our music and in ministry as a whole. I will make every effort to be at all
scheduled practices and services. I will be fully prepared for each service in which I participate.
I will give ample advance notice in the event of my absence so that a replacement may be
contacted. If I am asked to excuse myself for any reason, I will do so in a spirit and manner
worthy of Christ.

The worship ministry is structured as follows:
1. Worship Pastor​ - the worship pastor is head of the entire Music ministry, presiding over all
sub-departments and their leaders. Provides visionary guidance to the ministry.
2. Music Director​ - the music director reports to the Worship Pastor and is responsible for the
operations of the various teams, meeting with the team leaders regularly and ensuring that the
ministry has the required tools to meet fulfill their mission.
3. Praise/Worship Team​ - headed by the Worship Leader. It consists of choir participants who
have been selected to sing with microphones during worship. There are currently four (4)
positions on the praise/worship team. Two (2) to three (3) alternates will be selected to fill in for
praise/worship team members in the event of their absence
4. Choir​ - headed by the Choir Director. To become a choir member, a volunteer must first
participate in a tryout scheduled with the Worship Leader or Choir Director.
5. Band​ - the band consists of all instruments of all types that participate in the Music Ministry.
New members may join by invitation of the Worship Leader.
6. Offertory Team​ - offertory team members must try out with the worship leader to participate in
this ministry. Each offertory team member must submit a list of songs they are prepared to
perform, and may submit new songs as they learn them. Members will be notified in advance
of a Sunday service if they are scheduled to sing.
7. Sound Team​ - the Head Sound Technician directs and trains other sound board
operators/technicians under the direction of the Worship Leader. No one but sound team
members should adjust sound board settings without the worship leader’s explicit approval.
8. Projection Team​ - the projection team is in charge of operating the computer, providing
projection of lyrics, announcements, and sermon slides during services. The Head Visual
Equipment Operator directs and trains other operators. No one but Projection team members
should adjust or operate visual equipment without the worship leader’s explicit approval.

WMCF Music Ministry Guide Book 5

New Applicants and Waiting Periods 
❖ We constantly seek to expand our Music ministry. Anyone interested in serving is encouraged
to set up an appointment with the Worship Pastor or Music Director to discuss the guidelines
and expectations presented in this manual. The prospective Music ministry member may also
have a brief and informal audition at this time or be referred to the Worship Leader for an
❖ New applicants to the Music ministry will be required to attend three (3) to four (4) Rehearsals
(Thursday Practices) before they will be allowed to take on a backup role during worship. Once
in a backup role, new applicants will then be paired up with veteran worship leaders, at the
Music Director’s discretion, before being allowed to take the role of worship leader.

A. Attend Practices​ – Every team member is required to attend practices. If you cannot commit to
be at the practices you will NOT be prepared to be part of worship- you will end up “winging it.”
This is not acceptable and you will not be allowed to serve Sunday morning without
participation in music practice.
B. Assist People​ – help people “enter” into worship; encourage people to worship God and not be
focused on what they “get out of it.” Worship is giving praise to God.
C. Prepare Your Heart​ – on Sunday morning we are often so rushed and hurried that we are not
in an attitude of worship. We need to take time to ready our hearts, so that we are fully
entering into worship.
D. Prayer​ - pray for the service before hand with the worship leader and the Music Ministry.
E. Help Your Team​ – demonstrate a Christ-like attitude in whatever way God chooses to use
you, big or small. Be a team player, supporting each of you fellow ministry members in their
F. Be Teachable​ – No one has ever “arrived”; when we think we have, we settle into
complacency. We should keep ourselves open to one another, to new ways of looking at
things, and to correction (as hard as that may be).
G. Be Humble​ – We need to point to Christ and not put ourselves on a musical pedestal
according to abilities; ​“He must increase and I must decrease.” (John 3:30)​ Humility means
being receptive to constructive criticism and remaining open to the comments and ideas of
H. Teamwork​ – As the saying goes, “there is no ‘I’ in team.” Every Music Ministry needs to view
itself as a team. Our musical goal is to flow as one musically and spiritually, drawing people
into the presence of God through worship. Our hearts’ attitudes should not be to display our
own talents or skills. We need to lead in such a way that we draw attention to God rather than
ourselves. Maturity in Christ means being able to work with each other and thinking of others
and their ideas before our own. Any differences need to be dealt with in love, seeking to foster
peace. “​But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all

WMCF Music Ministry Guide Book 6

times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no
favoritism and is always sincere.” ​(James 3:17)​.
I. Mutual Encouragement​ - build each other up with positive comments and affirmation. Music
Ministry is a team effort, not a competition. Lifting one another up is key to our success as a

Sound Technicians (ST’s) and Visual Equipment Operators (VEO’s) 

Sound Technicians (ST’s) and Visual Equipment Operators (VEO’s) are very important members of
the music ministry.
❖ ST’s and VEO’s are required to participate in the Thursday (evening) / Sunday (morning)
rehearsals in order to help adjust the microphones, monitors, instruments and speaker
volumes for the best sound.
❖ VEO’s are asked to arrive early so they can operate the slides while the praise/worship or
choir teams rehearse. These members are highly encouraged to also learn the songs and
should be attentive at all times during the service and ready to make changes “on the fly”
where necessary.
❖ ST’s are also asked to arrive early, and help the music teams as much as possible. ST’s must
be alert and responsive, especially during the worship, and should be ready to make
adjustments quickly.

Dress Code 
Everyone on the platform is responsible to dress in a modest, respectful fashion. Although we
recognize that God does not judge us by outward appearance ​(1 Samuel 16:7)​, we realize that proper
attire adds a level of professionalism to the worship experience. We also know that man ​does​ look at
the outward appearance, and a bad first impression may turn a visitor away. Consequently, members
are encouraged to be neat, clean, and appropriately dressed for all services. Inappropriate dress for
regular worship services includes T-shirts, old jeans, sweats, short skirts,​ ​flip-flops, tennis shoes,
shorts, capris, tank tops or sleeveless shirts. ​“All the Levites who were musicians . . . stood on the
east side of the altar, dressed in fine linens . . . “. (2 Chronicles 5:12)​.

Requirements are as follows:

Men ​- Wear nice, clean shirt and pants. Be well groomed and neat in
appearance. Be professional and impressive.
Women​ - Wear a dress, skirt, or dress pants, No capris or jeans. Skirts and dresses must be at or
below the knees, including slits. Wear a nice shirt or blouse. Stay away from low cuts, mid-riffs, and
tight-fitting clothes such as leggings. Be modest.
REMEMBER​: ​If in doubt ask the Music Director, Worship leader or Assistant Worship Leader

WMCF Music Ministry Guide Book 7

Practice Times 
Participation in practices is an essential component to excellence as a music ministry. The
following are our requirements and expectations concerning practices:
1. Music Rehearsal: is from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Thursday evenings. This practice is mandatory
for all music ministry teams. This is where we all sync up as a team, be refreshed, learn new
songs and practice new skills. At the last music rehearsal of the month, we will run through the
list of songs for the coming month.
2. Sunday Morning Run Through: is from 9 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings. The band,
Praise/Worship team, scheduled ST’s and VEO’s must be present at this practice. Worship
begins at 11:05 a.m. on Sunday mornings.
3. Offertory Practice. If an offertory member is scheduled for a Sunday morning performance,
they must show up to Sunday morning run through at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday morning.
4. Special Practices: From time to time, there will be a need for extra practices due to special
events such as Easter or Christmas. These practices will be scheduled for Saturdays and the
times will be determined as needed for each practice.
5. Practice on your own. Read the Online Resources section for more information about
accessing music and orders of worship.

Music Rehearsal 
Music Rehearsal is from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Thursday evenings. This practice is mandatory for all
music ministry teams. This is where we all sync up as a team, be refreshed, learn new songs and
practice new skills. A few things happen at the music rehearsal.

1. A short analysis of the previous Sunday’s worship. Everyone is expected to have listened to
the SoundCloud recording. We highlight was was done right, what wasn’t done right, where
the challenges were and how to overcome them in the future.
2. The Worship leader prepares a three (3) to five (5) minute exhortation to share with the team.
The exhortation should ideally emphasize and affirm the lyrics of the songs that will be
rehearsed. This will help prepare the Worship Leader and the team for worship.

Attendance and Punctuality Policy 

❖ Attendance and punctuality are very important factors for being a member of the Music
❖ Weekly rehearsals are required, and members should arrive ready to work on the designated
❖ Poor attendance and showing up late for rehearsals demonstrate a lack of discipline and
respect for the Lord’s ministry.

WMCF Music Ministry Guide Book 8

❖ Those who are unable to attend rehearsals should not expect to participate in the praise team
the following Sunday unless prior arrangements with the Worship Pastor, Music Director or
Worship Leader were made.

You may have excused absences as long as you pre-schedule them with the Worship Pastor, Music
Director or Worship Leader. Please do so at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance, or in the case of
illness as soon as you realize you will not be able to come to practice. Examples of reasons for which
you may have an excused absence are work conflicts, vacation, anniversaries, birthdays, or other
special events. You cannot have excused absences because it’s difficult to make practices or
because you want to sleep in on Sunday mornings, if it becomes apparent you are trying to abuse the
absence policy. Emergency situations will always be excused, whether a call was made beforehand or
not. We do not expect you to make a special effort to contact us during a crisis, but we will need to be
informed when it is convenient so we can excuse your absence. Failure to live up to these standards
will result in suspension or expulsion from the Music ministry.

The attendance policy is a four tier policy process. Attendance infractions are tallied over your
last twelve (12) months of attendance.
- Your first infraction will result in a warning.
- The 2nd infraction will result in a one (1) month suspension.
- The 3rd results in a three (3) month suspension.
- The fourth infraction means expulsion from the worship ministry

Schedule Conflicts 
If at any time, a member (including VEO’s and ST’s) cannot attend a service, rehearsal, etc. they must
notify the worship leader in advance if at all possible so that proper adjustments can be made.

Disciplinary Action 
In order to maintain discipline and encourage excellence in our ministry there are some misconducts
that will result in immediate dismissal or temporary probation of participation in the Music ministry.
These may include:
1. Sexual immorality of any kind or other forms of addiction.
2. Failure to attend practice without legitimate reason or failure to inform the Worship Leader or
Choir Director of your absence. See the attendance policy for details.
3. Prideful attitudes such as arrogance, haughtiness, an argumentative attitude, sarcasm, an
unteachable spirit, defiance, or lack of cooperation. Having a bad or wrong attitude is a poor
reason to sit out or be sat out and negate your responsibility to God, the congregation, and the
team. It would be best if you identify and correct it voluntarily and immediately rather than
excuse it selfishly.
4. There may be occasions or seasons when the Pastor may ask you to take a break for your
own edification or to fulfill another need. Honor such requests in a spirit of maturity.

WMCF Music Ministry Guide Book 9

5. If you are not dressed according to dress code you will be asked to sit out for that service.
Chronic offenders will face suspension or expulsion from the worship ministry. See the dress
code for details.

Worship Lists 
There are two worship lists: Monthly and Sunday worship lists. The monthly worship lists are prepared
at least two (2) months ahead with a maximum of ten (10) songs for each month out of which a
maximum of four (4) may be new songs. The sunday worship lists are prepared by the schedule
Worship Leader two (2) weeks ahead of the scheduled Sunday. This allows all teams enough time to
prepare graphics, lyrics, vocals, music and production.

Online Resources 
World Missions Christian Fellowship’s website provides many resources for the music ministry. To
access these resources, you should first provide the worship leader with a username and password
you would like to use to access these resources. The church website address is If you click on the music tab, it will display some information about
our Music Ministry and a set of resources for the music team.
These resources include:
1. Weekly Order of Worship (​​)
2. Music Team Resource Area (​​)
3. Worship Ministry Schedule (​​)
4. These Guidelines (​​)

You do not need a username and password to view any of these pages. However, you will be
prompted for these if you try to listen to the MP3s or view the lead sheets or chord charts in
the Music Ministry Resource Area or Weekly Order of Worship.

Schedules & Deadlines 

The following are deadlines for schedules, orders of worship, and ministry commitments:
● Sunday Worship List - available online by Tuesday at 12 p.m.
● Worship Schedule - available online by the last week of the current schedule.
● Ministry Commitment Form - must be received before active participation. Commitment is
renewed on an annual basis.

WMCF Music Ministry Guide Book 10


I, ______________________________________________ , am voluntarily committing to a year of

service in the music ministry, barring unforeseen circumstances. I certify that I have read,
understand, and agree to the following:

Standards of Conduct
Dress Code
Practice Times
Music Rehearsal
Attendance and Punctuality Policy
Disciplinary Action

At this time, I am also expressing my interest in serving or continuing to serve in the following

⃞ Praise/Worship Team
⃞ Choir
⃞ Band
⃞ Offertory Team
⃞ Sound Team
⃞ Projection / Visual Equipment Team

Signed: __________________________________ Date: ______________________

WMCF Music Ministry Guide Book 11

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