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Rajasthan Apartment Ownership Act

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(Urban Development & Housing Department)

F.No. F.17(20)UDH/Rules/20 19 Jaipur, dated 1 <) AUG 2020


In exercise of the powers conferred by section 33 of the Rajasthan Apartment

Ownership Act, 2015 (Act No. 12 of2019), the State Government hereby makes the
following rules, namely:-

1. Short title and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the
Rajasthan Apartment Ownership Rules, 2020.
(2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official

2. Definitions.- (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires--

(a) "Act" means the Rajasthan Apartment Ownership Act, 2015 (Act No. 12 of

(b) "Association of Apartment Owners" means an association of apartment

owners formed or deemed to have been formed under section 13 of the

(c) "Built Up Area" means the inner measurements of the apartment at the
floor level, including projections and balconies, as increased by the
thickness of the walls, but does not include the common areas shared
with other apartments, including any open terrace so shared;

(d) "Form" means the Form appended to these rules; and

(e) "Section" means the section of the Act.

(2) Words and expressions used in these rules but not defined shall have the same
meaning as assigned to them in the Act.

3. Declaration by Promoter> (l) Every promoter shall submit a declaration in

Form-A to the Competent Authority authorised under the Act, within a period of
twelve months from the date of approval of the building plan, if building has been
constructed or is under construction prior to the commencement of these rules, the
declaration shall be submitted within ninety days from the date of commencement of
these rules.
(2) The declaration shall be submitted along with such fees, as may be specified by
the State Government, from time to time.
4. Amendment of Declaration.- (1) The declaration submitted by a promoter
under rule 3 may be amended at any time, by the promoter, if,-
(a) the declaration suffers from any clerical or arithmetical mistake or error
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iiY acciuclIlai sup or omission; or
(b) the amendment is necessitated by reason of any revision in the sanctioned
plan of the building; or
(c) the proposed amendment is just and reasonable provided that the
amendment made by the promoter shall not violate the building bye-laws,
sanctioned building plan or the contractual obligatio!".of the promoter.

(2) For making amendment in the declaration referred to in sub-rule (1), the promoter
shall make a written application to the Competent Authority with such fees as may be
specified by the State Government, from time to time, specifying therein the
circumstances and reasons for amendment and such application shall be supported by
an affidavit of the promoter or 'If a person authorised by him along with the necessary

(3) The Competent Authority, on receipt of the application under sub-rule (2) shall
issue a written notice to the association of the apartment owners of the building, if
such a association has been duly formed and shall also cause the publication of a
public notice in two daily newspapers circulating in that locality inviting objection.

(4) Association of the apartment owners or any person may file objections within
three months from [he date of publication of notice in newspaper. On receipt of the
objections, if any, the Competent Authority shall, after giving an opportunity of being
heard to the objector, association of apartment owners and promoter, pass such order
thereon as it deems fit.

(5) A true copy of the order passed under sub-rule (4) shall be sent by the Competent
Authority to the promoter, association of the apartment owners and objector.

5. Common area and facilities in case of phased Devefopment.- For the

purpose of these rules in case of the phased development of the project, which has
been duly approved by the Competent Authority and registered under the Real Estate
(Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (Central Act No. 16 of 2016), their total
common areas and facilities, so developed in the phased manner shall be constitute
common area and facilities for the whole project, wherein all the apartment owners
of the project shall have their proportionate rights according to their deed of transfer
of apartment.

6. Application to Competent Authority by Promoter, Allottee or

Transferee about intimation of transfer of Apartment.- The promoter, allottee or
transferee shall file an application for one or more apartments transferred under the
provisions of sub-section (1) of section 11 of the Act before the Competent
Authority having their territorial jurisdiction in the Form-3 along with demand draft
or bankers cheque of such fees, as may be specified by the State Government, from
time to time and certified copy of the registered deed of such transfer.

7. Descriptions in the Deed of transfer of Apartment.- Every deed of

transfer of apartment shall be duly executed and got registered with the Registering
Officer and shall be filed in the office of the Competent Authority, concerned by the
promoter as per the provisions of section 11 ami 12 of the Act. The deed of transfer of
apartment shall contain the followmg terms and conditions and if the provisions of
the Rajasthan Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 is applicable to
the project, in such deed of transfer the terms and conditions specified in the
Rajasthan Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 and rules made
thereunder shall also be incorporated, namely:-

(i) Name of the allottee or transferee with their father's/ husband's name,
age, caste, permanent and temporary address, along with the
description availabie for their identification;
(ii) Complete description of the land on which building and other the
common areas, other community and commercial facilities and other
facilities, as the case may be, are located and nature of the lam; about
free-hold or lease-hold, and if lease-hold, the period of such lease
remained with their conditions, details of sub-lease of the with
remained period with their conditions and intimation about
Composition fees;

(iii) A copy of the floor plan of the building, showing their layout plan,
location and number of apartments, as approved by the local authority;

(iv) Description of the building, stating the number of stories and

basements, the number of apartments in that building and the principal
materials of which it is constructed;

(v) Apartment number, or statement of the location of the apartment, their

area (including built-up area of the apartment), nurnber and
dimension of rooms, and immediate common area to which it has
access, and any other data necessary for its proper identification;

(vi) Description of the common areas and facilities and the percentage of
undivided interest appertaining to the apartment in the common areas
and facilities;

(vii) Description of the limited common areas and facilities, if any, stating
to which apartments their use is reserved;

(viii) Description about the apartment or their part, as the case may be,
about their independent use as residence or office or any
profession, or occupation, trade or business or such other type and
with details of their direct exit to a public street, road or highway, or
to a common area leading to such street, purpose of any vehicle. In
case of non-residential use of the apartment of a building the
percentage of non-residential use of such apartment;

(ix) Value of the property and of each apartment, and a statement of

encumbrances, if any, on the apartment and the undivided interest on
the date of execution of the deed of transfer of apartment;
(x) Statement of the purposes for which the building and each of the
apartment is intended and restricted as to their use;

(xi) Name of the person to receive service of process, together with the
particulars of the residence or place of business of such person;
(xii) Delivery receipt of the certified copy of the deed of transfer of the
apartment by the allottee or transferee with endorsement of his name
on such deed of transfer;

(xiii) Complete details of any deviation in the construction from the

approved maps from the competent authority and details of such
deviation regularization / compounded;

(xiv) Details of the completion certificate if applicable. If it is nut applicable

specific narration of this fact; and

(xv) Any other information necessary or required by the Competent


8. Register of deed of transfer of Apartment.- (1) The Competent Authority

shall be legal custodian of the record of deed of transfer of apartment received in his

(2) The deed of transfer of apartment and their respective applications shall be kept in
the bounded Book and volumes with proper classification and Index according to their
convenience. A separate register having brief details of them shall also be kept and
maintained by the Competent Authority in the From-C.

9. Application to the Competent Authority for relief under section 24

of the Act.- (1) Application to the Competent Authority for getting relief as provided
in section 24 of the Act may be filed in the Form-D along with fees as may be
specified by the State Government, from time to time.

(2) The Competent Authority shall have powers for issuing commissions for the
examination of witness, appointment of commissioner for site inspection and any
other matters incidental thereto for the purpose of reaching justified and correct
conclusion in the matter pending before him.

10. Appeal against the orders of the Competent Authority.- Appeal under
section 26 of the Act against the orders of the Competent Authority may be filed in
Form-E along with fees as may be specified by the State Government, from time to

11. Model bye-laws of the Association of Apartment owners.- (1) The

bye-laws for the association of the apartment owners shall be in accordance with the
model bye-laws made by the State Government.

(2) The bye-laws of the association of the apartment owners may be amended with the
prior approval of the Competent Authority. The Competent Authority may, with
keeping in view of more beneficial enjoyment of the properties by the apartment
owners regarding common area and facility and their democratic functioning, after
inviting objections from the persons likely affected thereby, allow such amendments
as an exceptional case after recording reasons to do so.

(3) The existing bye-laws of the associations of apartment owners which has been
duly registered under the provisions of the Rajasthan Societies Registration Act, 1958
(Act No. 28 of 1958) before commencement of these rules shall be continue for a
period of six month from the date of commencement of these rules and such
associations of the apartment owners or resident welfare association or in any other
name what so ever, shall amend the bye-laws as per the provision of the Au. and rules
made theirunder, otherwise the Model bye-Jaws made by the State Government shall
be applicable on such association.

(see rule 3)

Promoter Details:
1. Name:
2. Registered Address:
3. Local! Postal Address:
4. Date of Incorporation (if applicable):
5. Name/designation of Authorised Signatory:

The Declarant hereby solemnly states the following:-

(1) The Promoter owns /holds the land as lessee which is fully described and detailed
in Annexure A to this declaration.
(2) The Promoter has constructed on the parcel of land, described in Annexure A to
this declaration, an Apartment Building/Group Housing scheme, detailed below:-

S.No. Description I Particulars

(1) (2) (3)
1. Name of the building /Group Housing
2. Sanctioning Authority of the

3. Date of sanction
Municipal No.1 House No. of the property
5. Municipal Ward of the property
6. Postal address of the property
7. Name of Architect! Structural

i 8. I Height of the building .
9. Scheme whether residential or
commercial (mixed used)

10. No.-- of Floors

(3) That the said property consists of the apartments detailed in Annexure-B to this
declaration. The various apartments of the scheme are capable of individual utilization
on account of having their own exit to common areas and facilities of the
building/property scheme and the apartment will be sold to one or more persons, each
person obtaining a particular and exclusive property riohts thereto and each apartment
constituting a heritable and transferable immovable property within the meaning of
any law for the time being in force in the State, hereinafter referred to as tne
Apartment', and also an undivided interest in the general and/or limited common
areas and facilities of the building/property scheme, as listed in this declaration deed,
necessary for their adequate use and enjoyment, and referred to as,-

(a) common facilities for dwelling units of individual block; and

(b) limited common facilities for apartments, means those common areas and
facilities which have been designated in writing by the promoter as reserved
for the use of certain apartment or apartments to the exclusion of the other

(4) That the aforesaid building has a total floor area of square meters on all
floors, of which square meters will constitute the apartments and remaining
00 00 •••••••

00 00 oosquare meters will constitute the 'common areas and facilities' and ....
00 00.00

square meters constitute 'limited common areas and facilities', which have been
detailed in Annexure-C hereto.

(5) That this condominium shall be known as

.................................................................................. " (insert the name
of the building / scheme as given above) and that the apartments and 'common areas
and facilities', the 'limited common areas and facilities of the building / scheme, and
the independent areas, and shall be as follows ;-

S. No. I Item Details

(1) I (2) (3)
l. Common areas & facilities

L.. Limited common areas &


3. Independent areas

(6) That the right, title and interest of each apartment owner and his proportionate
share in the profits and common expenses for the common areas and facilities, as well
as the proportionate representation for voting purpose in the m=-ting of the
association of apartment owners of the Condominium
is based on the proportionate value of each apartment to the total value of all

(7) That the Administration of.. Condominium consisting as

aforesaid of the building and parcel of land described above shall be in accordance
with the provisions of the Act, rules made their undr and with the provisions of the
bye-laws of the association of. the apartment owners. The promoter shall be
responsible for full quality control of materials and workmanship at site. The
specifications of construction detailed in Annexure-G hereto.

(8) That for the purpose of stamp duty and registration fees payable on the deed of
transfer of apartment, we value of the,-

(a) land of each apartment would be computed on the basis of the percentage of
the undivided share so that the aggregate of the land component of all of the
apartments of the building is equivalent to the total value of the land of the
(b )the consti uction of each apat tment would be also computed on the basis of the
percentage of the undivided share as it bears to the total covered area.

(9) That the common areas and facilities as well as the limited common areas and
facilities shall remain undivided and no apartment owner shall bring any action for
their partition or division thereof.

(10) That the percentage of the undivided interest in the common areas and facilities
as well as the limited common areas and facilities established herein shall not be
changed except with the unanimous consent of all the apartment owners and approval
of the Competent Authority.

(11) That the undivided interest in the 'common areas and facilities as well as the
'limited common areas and facilities shall not be separated from the apartment to
which they pertain and shall be deemed conveyed or encumbered with the unit even
though such interest is not expressly mentioned or described in the conveyance or
other instrument.

(12) That neither the dedication of the property to the plan of apartment ownership
herein shall not be revoked, nor the property removed from plan of apartment
ownership, or any of the provisions herein amended unless all the apartment owners
and the mortgagees of all the mortgages covering the units unanimously agree to such
revocation, or amendment or removal of the property from the plan by only registered

(13) That if the property, subject to the plan of Apartment Ownership is totally or
substantially damaged or destroyed, the repair, reconstruction, or disposition of the
property shall be as per law.

(14) That where an apartment is sold pursuant to the recovery of the mortgage
money, then neither the mortgagee nor the purchaser who derives title to be apartment
.at such sale or his successors or assigns v}1Jl1 be liable for assessments by the
association which became due prior to the acquisition of the title by such acquirer but
the association of apartment owners would be entitled to recover the amount
subsequent to the date of acquisition of title by such acquirer.

(15) That the independent areas, declared herein in the Annexure-F are not included
as common areas for the joint use of the apartment and the promoter would be at
liberty to sell them or to construct thereupon without interference of other apartment

(16) That the promoter shall maintain the common areas and facilities til! the
asscciat: or; :s formed and shall be entitled to collect the maintenance charges
Rs. per month from the owners of each apartment.


for and on behalf of Mis (the
promoter) hereto set his hand this day of of year .

Signed and delivered by

(Seal of the Promoter)

In the presence of:-

2. _


(Details of the land of the building to which the present declaration Relates)

S.No. Items
1. Location of the land of the Revenue village Specify

I Tehsil Specify

District Specify

2. Survey No. with area I Specify no. Specify area

3. Date of last document of Specify date

title under which the
promoter claims the land

4. Details of Registration of Book No. Specify

the above title document

Vol. Nn. Specify

Page Nos. Specify -.
S. No. Specify

Date of Registration Specify

5. Boundaries of the land I North Specify

South Specify

I East Specify
I -+- West Specify

6. Land whether freehold or Specify

7. If land is leasehold, the Specify

unexpired period of the
! I I

Place: Signature of Promoter I declarant

with designation and seal

(Details of Apartments)

S. Floor Identifiable Covered Percentage Proportionate Approved Value of

No. No. of area (in of undivided representation for use Apartment
Apartment Sq. share in land voting purpose in Residential!
Mtrs.) on the basis the meeting of the Commercial
of covered association of /Mixed I
I area of the apartment owners
I apartment
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1. Ground
2. First
3. On

1. Details of column 4 to 8 for all the Apartments as mentioned in the of column No.
(3) shall be mentioned.
2. The percentage of undivided share in the land is calculated on the basis of the
covered area of the apartment in relation to the total covered area of the apartments,
being the aggregate of column No. (4).

Place: Signature of Promoter/ declarant with designation and seal


Details of covered area of apartments and total covered area of common areas and
facilities /Iimitc:' corn:.nen area, and facilities

S.No. Particulars
(1) (2) (3) (4) (')
,.J (6)
(a) Total covered area of Specify
apartments at various x x x
(b) (i) Total covered area of I specify
common areas & x x x I
(ii) Total covered area of specify
I limited common area x x x
I & facilities. --
(c) Total covered area of I s:-,ecify
the buiiding (Total x x x
of (a) +(bl,2) +(c)


Sum up

Place: Signature of Promoter/ deciarant

with designation and seal

Annexure 0
Details of the common area and facili lies of the building to
which the present declaration relates

Part A

S. No. Name of the Common areas & facilities description of area

1. Common Area
2. Basement (if any) .... sq. mtr. & its floor

3. Facilities in the basement Describe in detail the

items located in the
4. Parking facilities ..... sq. mtr
Facilities on the ground floor I (Specify area in sq. mtrs)
I 5.
i (i) Garden lawns i
(ii) Children playing area
(iii) Swimming Pool
(iv) Badminton Court
(v) Tennis Court
(vi) Commercial areas &

(vii) Lobby & facilities

(Viii) Any other facility

6. Common areas & Facilities

located throughout the
Elevator Specify the number
(i) Area of shaft(s) Specify area in sq. mtrs
Elevator shaft extends from ground floor upto
(specify floor)
(ii) No. of stairway "A", which lead from the ground
floor to the roof of the building (Specify their
details, numbers & sq mtr area. )
(iii)No. of stairway "B", which lead from the open
court to the upper floors of the building (Specify
their details, numbers & sq mtr area. )
(iv)No. of water tanks
(v) Flue (it"any for garbage and their details)
(vi) Elevator Pant House with corresponding elevator
equipment located on the roof of the building.
(vii) Plumbering network throughout building
(viii) Electric wiring network throughout the
(ix)Necessary lights
(x) Telephone(s)
(xi)Intemet, data, wifi
(xii) Public water connection(s)
(xiii) Foundations and main walls, columns,
girders, beams and roof of the building
(xiv) Pumps
(xv) Motor(s)
(xvi) Fans .
(xvii) Fire fighting equipments with details and
(xviii) Ducts
(xix) Central Air conditions equipments
(xx) Heating equipments
(xxi) General all apparatus & installation existing
for common use.
Part B
Details of Escrow amount! interest free maintenance fee received by Promoter
S.No Apartment No. Escrow amount/ Interests free I
Maintenance amount taken i
Place: Signature of Promoter/ declarant
with designation and seal
Note: The above common areas and facilities are Illustrative and not exhaustive.

Details of the limited common area and facilities of the building to
which the present declaration relates

Limited Common areas & Facilities

1. Parking Specify its area, location
2. Lobby, giving access to the Specify its area, location
elevator(s) to specified dwelling &No.

3. Corridor extending from the Specify its area, location

lobby to the stairway &No.

Place: Signature of Promoter/ declarant

with designation and seal


Note: The term limited common areas and facilities means those common areas and
facilities which are designated in writing by the promoter before the
allotment, sale or transfer of any apartment as reserved for the use of certain
apartment or apartments to the exclusion of the other apartments.

Details of the independent areas of the building to which the present declaration relates

Inde endent areas

Parking I Specify its area, location & No.
2. Servant quarter Specify its area, location & No.
3. Club with independent access Specify its area, location & No.

4. Convenient shops Specify its area, location & No.

J. Terrace attached to an apartment. Specify its area, location & No.
6. Covered garage/store Specify its area, location & No.
I. Any other I Specify it<:area, location & No.
I- I
Note: Independent area which means the areas which have been declared but not
included as common areas for joint use of apartments and may be sold by the
promoter without the interference of other apartment owners.

Place: Signature of Promoter/ declarant with designation and seal


Annexure -G
[Specifications uf Construction]
r. Foundation:
2. Flooring:
3. Doors and Hardware:
4. Windows:
5. Internal Finish:
6. External Finish:
7. Sanitary ware and fittings:
8. Electrical:
9 Plumbing and water Line:

Place: Signature of Promoter! declarant with designation and seal

(see rule 6)

(Application to Competent Authority by Promoter, Allottee or Transfer)

The Competent Authority
............. , Jaipur, Rajasthan
I1We hereby apply for the making necessary entry in register of maintained for
registration of deed of transfer to the allottee or transferee my/our project situated at
____ Tehsil District State Rajasthan

I.Name of project (if any) .

2.Name of Authority who sanctioned the Construction maps .
Sanction No date .
3.RERA Registration No .
4.Completion certificate 0 date Issued hy (Complete or
partial) I not applicable (as thecae may be)
5.Name of Allottee ITransferee (Sole Ijoint) .. .. . s/w/o
.............................. age..... years Permanent address .
Temporary address .
o.Details of the Apartment allotted Itransferred : By sale/leasel sub-Ieasel
gift/exchange of any other mode .
(a) Block! buildi: g No .
(b) Floor. .
(c) Apartment No .
(d) Carpet area. Built up area .
(e) Proportionate common area .
(f) Registration authority of execution of the transfer deed With
registration details .....
(g) Date of handing over of the Possession of the Apartment to the
allottee/transfree .

7. Status of the applicant, whether individual I company!

proprietorship firm I society/trust! limited liability partnership I
competent authority: .
(In case of individual)
(a) Name:
(b) Father's Name:
(c) Occupation:
(d) Permanent address:
(e) Contact details (Phone No., e-mail, Fax No.):
(In case of firm / society / trust / company / limited liability partnership / competent
authority etc.)
(a) Name:
(b) Address:
(c) Copy of registration certificate company i limited liability partnership/ competent
authority etc. as firm I society I trust I
(d)Name, photograph and address of chairman/partner/director or their authorized

8. Application is for ""number of Apartments and a per rule 6 of Rajasthan

Apartment Rules, 2020 total fee of Rs. DD/Bankers cheque No of Bank .
dated payable at _ Are enclosed herewith.
9. Certified Copy of the deed of transfer(registered) (for number. apartments)
and copy of the handing over the possession (for number. apartments) to the
allottee/transfree is/are enclosed as Annexure to _, .

10. I1We solemnly affirm and declare that the particulars given in herein are correct to
my lour knowledge and belief.
Yours faithfully,
Signature a.u.J eal uf lite
applicant( s)

(see rule 8)
Register of deed of transfer of

S.No Project Transferor] Situated Block/ Floor Apartment details of I Name I Detai Is of
name I at Building No. registration of allottee! Bounded Book &
No of deed i Transferee Voliame

(see rule 9)
Application to the Competent Authority

The Competent Authority
Application No .
1. Name, Father's: .
name Age and
Address of the
2. Name, Father's: .
name, Age and
Address of the
3. Complete: .
Address and
description of the
premises of the
Application with
4. Status of the: .
5. Details of the: .
fee annexed
6 Issue involved: . .
about number of
7.(a) Date of: .
order under
(b) With in
Limitation or not
(c) Application
with delay
condensation or

8. Materials facts: (i) .. .

(ii) .
9. Grounds of: (a) .
petition (b) .
10. Affidavits: (PW-l) , " .
relied upon (PW-2) .
(PW-3) , ,.. , .
11. Documents: (Ex.-l) .
relied upon (Ex.-2) .
(Ex.-3) .
12. Interim relief,: ' .
if any, prayed for
13. Final relief: .
prayed for
14. Verification : .
(Duly attested)
I.. s/w/o '" age years, caste , resident of do hereby
take oath and verify that contents of the above narrated Form No Dare
true and correct according to record and best of my Knowledge. Nothing
in it is false and no material fact has been made conceal.


( )
Form- E
(see rule 10)
Appeal against the orders of the Competent Authority

( Before the Appellate Authority LInderthe Rajasthan Apartment Ownership !\ct,20 IS

Appeal No .
1. Name,
Father's name
Age and
Address of the
2. Name;
Father's name,
Age and
Address of the
3. Complete
Address and
description of
the premises of
the Application
with Apartment
number/ floor
4. Status of the

5. Details of
the fee annexed

6. Issue
involved about
number of
7.(a) Dale of
order under
(b) With in
Limitation or nc
( c) Application
with delay
condensation or

8. Materials : (i)


9. Grounds of : (a)


10. Affidavits : (PW-

relied upon 1) .

2) , .

3) .

11. Interim
relief, if any,
prayed for
12. Final relief
prayed for


I. s/w/o age years, caste , resident of do hereby take oath

and verify that contents of the above narrated Form No D are true and correct
according to record and best of my knowledge. Nothing in it is false and no material
fact has been made conceal.


( )

e Governor,

Joint Secretar)\
M. N:i"eGovernment.

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