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Marketing in Icici Bank

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
Under the guidance of

University of Mumbai



This is to certify that Ms. DURGA INDRAJEET CHAUHAN of

B.COM(Banking & Insurance) Semester V Roll No: 21 Seat no
…….. has undertaken & completed the project work titled
academic year 2017-18 under the guidance of Prof. Mrs.
MAITHILI KENDE submitted on , 2017 to this
college in fulfillment of the curriculum of Banking &

This is bonafide project work & the information presented is

True & original to the best of our knowledge & belief.

Project Guide External


Course Coordinator Principal


I, Ms. DURGA INDRAJEET CHAUHAN studying in Third

Year Insurance) course in the academic year
2017-2018 at SHETH N.K.T.T College of Commerce and Arts
hereby declares that I have completed the project on “SERVIC
MARKETING IN ICICI BANK” as a part of course
requirements of BACHELOR OF B.COM (BANKING
&INSURANCE) studies of university of Mumbai.
I further declare that the information presented in this
project is true and original to the best of my knowledge.



Signature of student

I the undersigned, have great pleasure in giving my sincere thanks

to those who contributed their valuable time in helping me to
achieve the success in my project work. I would like to thank
Principal Dr. P. M. KHARKELE, Vice Principal MRS.
KANNAK JAYWANT, SHETH N.K.T.T. College Thane, for
their continued support. I would like to express my sincere thanks
to Coordinator MRS. NIVEDITA MUKHARJEE for her
constant encouragement, in completion of this project successfully.

I am indebted and thankful to my project Guide and

Motivator Assistance Prof. MRS. MAITHILI KENDE for her
valuable and timely guidance, co-operation encouragement and
time spent for this project work. I would like to thank our Library
Staff for providing me sufficient information, which helped me to
complete my project successfully. I would like to thank all the
lecturers for their support and guidance throughout the project.

I also thank my family members for their continued

support in completing this project work and last but not least, I
wish to thank all my friends and well-wishers who are directly or
indirectly linked with the success of my project.

Course Name : (Banking& Insurance)

College Name : SHETH N.K.T.T College of

Commerce & Arts.

Sr. No. Particulars Page no.

1 Introduction of service marketing 1-4
 Introduction of marketing in
 Introduction of service marketing
 Definition of marketing
 Definition of service marketing
 Introduction of service marketing in
ICICI bank
2 Profile of ICICI bank 5-14
 Introduction of ICICI bank
 History
 Board of directors
 7 P’s of marketing of ICICI bank
 Recent trend in ICICI bank
 Awards

3 Pest analysis 20-23

4 Market segmentation 24-26
5 Marketing of banking services 27- 29
6 Data analysis 46
7 Conclusion 64
Executive summary
Service quality is considered as an important part of any service organization
especially to customer centric system like bank. There have been a lot of
studies on this aspect and the results of those have paved ways for better
customer focused service systems. This is a research which is used to find
quality of service of banks so as to compare the banks in terms of service

This report analyses ICICI Bank Ltd. from the perspective of services
marketing in the area of its branch banking. Most of the situations in the report
are from my personal experiences and knowledge when I served the banking
industry recently. The banking industry is growing faster in India and the
companies are as well; despite, here the analyses identifies the key areas
where the bank is missing out the quality and runs after the volume
generations expanding the gaps between the customers' expectations and the
performing levels. Finally, using the Gaps model and service scape
recommendations are made to increase the service standards efficiently and
planning those within the allocated budget scales.

Customers and employees of selected branches of these banks were taken for
this study. Also the study uses customers (though the number is limited) of
ICICI bank also. The banks were selected because they are very important in
terms of size and volume of business. Also the researcher found them
convenient to study. The study tries to find out the difference between these
banks in terms of parameters of service quality and find out the areas which
require improvement for a bank.

Banks except Industrial Development Bank of India are not able to understand
the customer needs and they think that they are giving good service to
customers which is actually proved to be wrong. The study found 7 factors
which are prominent in customer satisfaction. Out of this “Effectiveness and
Assurance” factor is the most important factor.

The objective of this project study is to enable the researcher:

 To understand what is Service Marketing.

 To know about service marketing in ICICI Bank.

 To know the importance of service marketing in banks.

 To find out the customer are satisfied with the service provide by the

ICICI bank.

 To understand how service marketing done by banks.

 To know the marketing of the bank service and why it is important for

a bank.

 To know the quality of the service of ICICI bank.


The scope of this project extends only up to ICICI Bank.

• Study is restricted only up to Service Marketing in Banks.

• It will help to understand the concept of service marketing in banks with an

example of ICICI Bank and to know the new trends in ICICI Bank & Awards

and Recognitions given to ICICI Bank.


Primary Data:

For primary data survey method is used.

Primary data is collected by survey method in which 10 question are served to

the hundred responded which involves some some all bank customer and also

the customer of ICICI bank.

Secondary Data

 The study of Service Marketing in Banks requires technical &

conceptual understanding of term service marketing for which a good

deal of information need to collected.

 Researcher collects secondary data through various books and also

from websites (Internet).

 Secondary Data are those, which have already been collected by

someone else and which have already been passed through the

statistical process.

This data is collected from the following sources.

a) Reports of ICICI BANK

b) Magazines

c) Journals

d) Newspapers

Marketing approach in banking sector had taken significance after 1950 in

western. Countries and then after 1980 in Turkey. New banking
perceptiveness oriented toward market had influenced banks to create new
market. Banks had started to perform marketing and planning techniques in
banking in order to be able to offer their new services efficiently.
Marketing scope in banking sector should be considered under the service
marketing framework. Performed marketing strategy is the case which is
determination of the place of financial institutions on customers’ mind. Bank
marketing does not only include service selling of the bank but also is the
function which gets personality and image for bank on its customers’ mind.
On the other hand, financial marketing is the function which relates
uncongenitalies, differences and non-similar applications between financial
institutions and judgment standards of their customers.
The reasons for marketing scope to have importance in banking and for banks
to interest in marketing subject can be arranged as:
Change in demographic structure: Differentiation of population in the number
and composition affect quality and attribute of customer whom benefits from
banking services.
Intense competition in financial service sector: The competition became
intense due to the growing international banking perceptiveness and recently
being non limited for new enterprises in the sector. Increase in liberalization of
interest rates has intensified the competition.
Bank’s wish for increasing profit: Banks have to increase their profits to create
new markets, to protect and develop their market shares and to survive on the
basis of intense competition and demographic chance levels.
The marketing comprehension that are performed by banks since 1950 can be
shown as in
Following five stages:
1. Promotion oriented marketing comprehension

2. Marketing comprehension based on having close relations for customers

3. Reformist marketing comprehension
4. Marketing comprehension that focused on specializing in certain areas
5. Research, planning and control oriented marketing comprehension
Literature review:

Banking sector plays an important role in Indian Financial Sector. It has a long
history that has gone through various stages of development after
Liberalization, Privatization, and Globalization (LPG) has taken place. The
Indian banking sector is broadly classified into scheduled banks and non-
scheduled banks. The scheduled banks are those included under the 2nd
Schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. The scheduled banks are
further classified into: nationalized banks; State Bank of India and its
associates; Regional Rural Banks (RRBs); foreign banks; and other Indian
private sector banks, which are controlled and governed by Reserve Bank of
India (Central Bank of India) and Ministry of Finance. In this era, the
government has issued licenses to the new entrants to establish new banks to
serve the Indian society. This chapter focuses on to show the various
undergone phases of Indian banking system, growth of deposits and credits,
technological development in Indian banking sector, services provided by the
Indian banks, benefits and challenges faced by the Indian banks.

Book Name: Marketing of Banking Services in India

Author: Rakhi Arora (Jaipur National University, India)

Bank marketing deals with providing services to satisfy customers' financial

needs and wants. To satisfy these financial needs, customers want specific
services. Service marketing mix plays an important role in bank marketing. It
consists of the various elements of a marketing programme which need to be
considered in order to successfully implement the marketing strategy and
positioning in the markets. This paper discusses elements of service marketing
mix; product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence
in Indian banking and explores that price fairness and transparency,
distributing banking services in convenient way, behavior of employees,
customers' education, tangibility and process through technology play
important role in differentiating banking services from its competitors.

Book Name: Bank Marketing, Service Marketing Mix, India

Author: Vinita Kaura

The banking industry is undergoing revaluation caused by deregulation, this

scenario is reflected in the evolution of bank marketing. Tracking back to the
history of bank marketing, it is found that some marketing concepts emerged
in the west in 1950s in the form of advertising and promotion. Bank marketing
is not just advertising and promotion campaign buta managerial process by
which services are matched with market. The steps in this direction is to
interfuse the marketing variables- Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People,
Process and Physical evidence, to satisfy the requirement of the customers.
Lacking of any element makes the service failure. The ICICI bank on the way
of success it have all the 7 P’s running together.

Book name: marketing approach of selected private sector bank - a case study of
ICICI bank.

Author name: Uday Lakhani.

Keywords: Digital Banking; Marketing Mix; 7 P’s of Marketing Mix

Marketing of bank products is the aggregate function absorbed at providing

facility to satisfy customer’s monetary needs and wants, more than the rivalry
keeping in view the organizational objectives. Banking is a personalized
service oriented industry and hence should provide services which satisfy the
customers’ needs. The marketing tactic includes forestalling, classifying,
responding and satisfying the customers’ needs and wants effectually,
professionally, and beneficially. It can be said that the presence of the bank
has miniature value without the presence of the customer. The main role of the
bank is not only to attain and win more and more customers but also to
preserve them through operative customer facility. Marketing as associated to
banking is to explain a suitable promise to a customer through a variety of
products and services and also to confirm operative distribution through
satisfaction. The actual contentment delivered to a customer relay on how the
customer is cooperated with. It goes on to prominence that every employee
from the highest executive to the most junior employee of the bank should be
concerned with marketing.

Book name: Marketing of Financial and Banking Products

Author: Mahtab N and Abdullah M

Services marketing are a specialized branch of marketing. Services marketing

emerged as a separate field of study in the early 1980s, following the
recognition that the unique characteristics of services required different
strategies compared with the marketing of physical goods. A service is the
action of doing something for someone or something. It is largely intangible
(i.e. not material). You cannot touch it. You cannot see it. You cannot taste it.
You cannot hear it. You cannot feel it. So a service context creates its own
series of challenges for the marketing manager since he or she must
communicate the benefits of a service by drawing parallels with imagery and
ideas that are more tangible.
Search quality is the perception in the mind of the consumer of the quality of
the product prior to purchase through making a series of searches. So this is
simple in relation to a tangible product because you might look at size or
colour for example. Therefore search quality relates more to products
and services.
Experience quality is easier to assess. In terms of service you need to taste the
food or experience the service level. Therefore your experiences allow you to
evaluate the level and nature of the service. You remember a great vacation
because of the food or service, but by the same token you remember an awful
vacation because of the hopeless food or poor service.

Credence quality is based upon the credibility of the service that you
undertake. This is down to the reputation of a dentist or of a decorator.
Credence is used where you have little knowledge of the topic and where you
rely upon the professionalism of the expert.

Marketing is a buyer-oriented process involving the creation, communication,

and delivery of value even as it strives to build and retain lifetime customer

There are various standard definitions of marketing. While the words used
may be different, it is obvious that all marketing activity is about the customer,
focused at acquiring them and retaining them.


Service marketing is marketing based on relationship and value. It may be
used to market a service or a product. With the increasing prominence of
services in the global economy, service marketing has become a subject that
needs to be studied separately. Marketing services is different from marketing
goods because of the unique characteristics of services namely, intangibility,
heterogeneity, perishability and inseparability.

In most countries, services add more economic value than agriculture, raw
materials and manufacturing combined. In developed economies, employment
is dominated by service jobs and most new job growth comes from services.

Jobs range from high-paid professionals and technicians to minimum-wage

positions. Service organizations can be of any size from huge global
corporations to local small businesses. Most activities by the government
agencies and non-profit organizations involves services.

The American Marketing Association, defines services as activities, benefits,

or satisfactions that are offered for sale or provided with sale of goods to the
customer, that is, pre-sale and after-sales services. Berry states, ‘while a
product is an object, devise or physical thing, a service is a deed, performance,
or an effort’.


People from low-income groups live in high-risk and unpredictable
environment, making access to financial services vital for their sustenance.
Dealing with life cycle events, emergencies and planning for future are some
aspects in which financial intervention can help. A large part of this
financially under-served segment resides in rural India. Integration of rural
India into economic mainstream will boost rural household incomes and have
a multiplier effect on the demand for goods and services across the economy
while promoting financial inclusion. However, considering the sheer size of
the population and the geographic spread, neither the existing bank branch
based infrastructure nor the standard financial products are optimal to meet the
financial needs of the rural populace. Seasonality in income, coupled with
dependence on weather, necessitates creation of financial products that
mitigate such risks. At the same time, traceable credit histories need to be built
that will help in designing products that meet needs such as housing, health,
education, child care etc. Further, varying financial needs of different
customer segments viz. manual laborers, farmers, traders, and rural
entrepreneur’s calls for customized financial products. Focus on Underserved
Segments ICICI Bank has taken up specific initiatives to ramp up financial
literacy as well as intermediation to the underserved and under banked
segments in both rural and urban areas. Customers’ Financial Behavior In the
absence of a formal Credit Bureau, extending financial service to low


ICICI Bank Ltd is a major banking and financial services organization in

India. The Bank is the second largest bank in India and the largest private
sector bank in India by market capitalization. They are a publicly held banking
company engaged in providing a wide range of banking and financial services
including commercial banking and treasury operations.
The Bank and their subsidiaries offers a wide range of banking and financial
services including commercial banking, retail banking, project and corporate
finance, working capital finance, insurance, venture capital and private equity,
investment banking, broking and treasury products and services. They offer
through a variety of delivery channels and through their specialized
subsidiaries in the areas of investment banking, life and non-life insurance,
venture capital and asset management.
The Bank has a network of 2,035 branches and about 5,518 ATMs in India
and presence in 18 countries. They have subsidiaries in the United Kingdom,
Russia and Canada, branches in United States, Singapore, Bahrain, Hong
Kong, Sri Lanka, Qatar and Dubai International Finance Centre and
representative offices in United Arab Emirates, China, South Africa,
Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Our UK subsidiary has
established branches in Belgium and Germany.
The Banks equity shares are listed in India on Bombay Stock Exchange and
the National Stock Exchange of India Limited and their American Depositary
Receipts (ADRs) are listed on the New York Stock Exchange. The Banks is
the first Indian Bank listed on New York Stock Exchange.
ICICI Bank Ltd was incorporated in the year 1994 as a part of the ICICI group
with the name ICICI Banking Corporation Ltd. The initial equity capital was
75.0% by ICICI and 25.0% by SCICI Ltd, a diversified finance and shipping
finance lender of which ICICI owned 19.9% at December 1996. Pursuant to
the merger of SCICI into ICICI, ICICI Bank became a wholly-owned
subsidiary of ICICI. In September 10, 1999, the name of the Bank was
changed from ICICI Banking Corporation Ltd to ICICI Bank Ltd In the
1990s, ICICI transformed its business from a development financial institution
offering only project finance to a diversified financial services group offering
a wide variety of products and services, both directly and through a number of
subsidiaries and affiliates like ICICI Bank. In 1999, ICICI become the first
Indian company and the first bank or financial institution from non-Japan Asia
to be listed on the NYSE.
Board of Directors:

Board Governance, Remuneration & 

Audit Committee
Nomination Committee

Mr. Homi R. Khusrokhan,Chairman Mr. Homi R. Khusrokhan, Chairman

Mr. Dileep Choksi, Alternate Chairman Mr. M. K. Sharma
Mr. V. Sridar Mr. V. K. Sharma

Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Customer Service Committee

Dr. Tushaar N. Shah,Chairman Mr. V. Sridar,Chairman

Ms. Chanda Kochhar Ms. Chanda Kochhar
Mr. Dileep Choksi Dr. Tushaar Shah
Mr. Amit Agrawal Mr. Anup Bagchi

Credit Committee Fraud Monitoring Committee

Mr. V. Sridar, Chairman

Mr. M. K. Sharma, Chairman Mr. Dileep Choksi
Ms. Chanda Kochhar   Mr. Homi R. Khusrokhan
Mr. Homi R. Khusrokhan Ms. Chanda Kochhar
Mr. Anup Bagchi

Information Technology Strategy
Risk Committee

Mr. M.K. Sharma, Chairman

Mr. Dileep Choksi
Mr. Homi R. Khusrokhan, Chairman
Mr. Homi R. Khusrokhan
Mr. V. Sridar
Mr. V. K. Sharma
Ms. Chanda Kochhar
Mr. V. Sridar
Ms. Chanda Kochhar

Stakeholders Relationship Committee Committee of Executive Directors

Board Governance, Remuneration & 
Audit Committee
Nomination Committee

Ms. Chanda Kochhar, Chairperson

Mr. Homi R. Khusrokhan, Chairman Mr. N. S. Kannan
Mr. V. Sridar Ms. Vishakha Mulye
Mr. N. S. Kannan Mr. Vijay Chandok
Mr. Anup Bagchi

Board committee:

Chanda Kochhar
Managing Director & CEO

  N.S. Kannan Vijay Chandok Vishakha Mulye Anup Bagchi

  Executive Executive Director Executive Director Executive director
After consideration of various corporate structuring alternatives in the context
of the emerging competitive scenario in the Indian banking industry, and the
move towards universal banking, the managements of ICICI and ICICI Bank
formed the view that the merger of ICICI with ICICI Bank would be the
optimal strategic alternative for both entities, and would create the optimal
legal structure for the ICICI group's universal banking strategy. The merger
would enhance value for ICICI shareholders through the merged entity's
access to low-cost deposits, greater opportunities for earning fee-based income
and the ability to participate in the payments system and provide transaction-
banking services. The merger would enhance value for ICICI Bank
shareholders through a large capital base and scale of operations, seamless
access to ICICI's strong corporate relationships built up over five decades,
entry into new business segments, higher market share in various business
segments, particularly fee-based services, and access to the vast talent pool of
ICICI and its subsidiaries.
ICICI Bank (Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India) is
an Indian multinational banking and financial services company headquartered
in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, with its registered office in Vadodara. In
2014, it was the second largest bank in India in terms of assets and third in
term of market capitalization. It offers a wide range of banking products and
financial services for corporate and retail customers through a variety of
delivery channels and specialized subsidiaries in the areas of investment
banking, life, non-life insurance, venture capital and asset management. The
bank has a network of 4,850 branches and 14,404 ATMs in India, and has a
presence in 19 countries including India.

The bank has subsidiaries in the United Kingdom and Canada; branches in
United States, Singapore, Bahrain, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Qatar, Oman,
Dubai International Finance Centre, China and South Africa;  and
representative offices in United Arab Emirates, Bangladesh, Malaysia and
Indonesia. The company's UK subsidiary has also established branches in
Belgium and Germany.

ICICI's shareholding in ICICI Bank was reduced to 46 percent, through a

public offering of shares in India in 1998, followed by an equity offering in
the form of American Depositary Receipts on the NYSE in 2000. ICICI Bank
acquired the Bank of Madura Limited in an all-stock deal in 2001 and sold
additional stakes to institutional investors during 2001-02.

In the 1990s, ICICI transformed its business from a development financial

institution offering only project finance to a diversified financial services
group, offering a wide variety of products and services, both directly and
through a number of subsidiaries and affiliates like ICICI Bank. In 1999,
ICICI become the first Indian company and the first bank or financial
institution from non-Japan Asia to be listed on the NYSE.

In 2000, e with its five million American depository shares issue generating a
delicacy Bank became the first Indian bank to list on the New York Stock
Exchangmand book 13 times the offer size.

In October 2001, the Boards of Directors of ICICI and ICICI Bank approved
the merger of ICICI and two of its wholly owned retail finance subsidiaries,
ICICI Personal Financial Services Limited and ICICI Capital Services
Limited, with ICICI Bank. The merger was approved by shareholders of ICICI
and ICICI Bank in January 2002, by the High Court of Gujarat at Ahmedabad
in March 2002 and by the High Court of Judicature at Mumbai and the
Reserve Bank of India any bb
April 2002.

In 2008, following the 2008 financial crisis, customers rushed to ICICI ATMs

and branches in some locations due to rumors of adverse financial position of
ICICI Bank. The Reserve Bank of India issued a clarification on the financial
strength of ICICI Bank to dispel the rumors.


 1996: SCICI Ltd. A diversified financial institution with headquarters

in Mumbai.
 1997: ITC Classic Finance. Incorporated in 1986, ITC Classic was a
non-bank financial firm that engaged in hire, purchase, and leasing
operations. At the time of being acquired, ITC Classic had eight offices,
26 outlets, and 700 brokers.
 1998: Anagram (ENAGRAM) Finance. Anagram had built up a
network of some 50 branches in Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Maharashtra that
were primarily engaged in retail financing of cars and trucks. It also had
some 250,000 depositors.
 2001: Bank of Madura]
 2002: The Darjeeling and Shimla branches of Grindlays Bank
 2005: Investitsionno-Kreditny Bank (IKB), a Russian bank
 2007: Sangli Bank. Sangli Bank was a private sector unlisted bank,
founded in 1916, and 30% owned by the Bahte family. Its headquarters
were in Sangli in Maharashtra, and it had 198 branches. It had 158 in
Maharashtra and 31 in Karnataka, and others in Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh,
Tamil Nadu, Goa, and Delhi. Its branches were relatively evenly split
between metropolitan areas and rural or semi-urban areas.
 2010: The Bank of Rajasthan (BOR) was acquired by the ICICI Bank
in 2010 for ₹30 billion (US$470 million). RBI was critical of BOR's
promoters not reducing their holdings in the company. BOR has since
been merged with ICICI Bank.

 Services
 immobile Smart Keys
 To make mobile payments easier, ICICI Bank has launched a payment
service using a smartphone keyboard named ‘immobile Smart Keys’.
Users will be able to make quick and secure payments on any mobile
application, including chat, messenger, email, games or search
browser, without having to exit their current application on their
smartphone. This reduces the time taken by customers having to switch
tabs or applications within their smartphone to access the bank’s
application ‘immobile’.
 ICICI Merchant Services
ICICI Merchant Services represents an alliance formed in 2009
between ICICI Bank, India’s largest private sector bank, and First
Data, a global leader in electronic commerce and payment
services. First Data is the majority stakeholder in the alliance with
ICICI Bank holding 19%
 Money2India
 Money2India ( is an online money transfer
tracking service offered to Non-Resident Indians by ICICI Bank Ltd.
With an ever-expanding base since its launch, it is the preferred mode
of online money transfers to India, facilitating seamless money
transfers with round the clock customer service availability. To use this
service, a user needs to complete a simple one-time online registration
by accessing and can thereafter, start sending
money from any bank in 9 countries (USA, Canada, UK, Singapore,
Australia, UAE, Sweden, Switzerland and Hong Kong) to any
beneficiary account with over 100 banks in India.
 Money2India Europe
 ICICI Bank UK PLC, Germany branch provides money transfer and
tracking service (Money2India Europe, Money2India.EU) in 20
European countries. The platform facilitates money transfer to India by
allowing remitter to initiate money transfer instruction on M2E.
Depending on the country of residence and the financial institution
with which the user is holding the bank account, he / she has an option
to transfer money through payment gateway integrated with the
platform—with guaranteed exchange rate.
 Extra home loans
 ‘ICICI Bank Extra Home Loans’ are 'mortgage-guarantee' backed
loans for retail customers who aspire to purchase their first homes in
the affordable housing segment. This was introduced in August 2015
in association with India Mortgage Guarantee Corporation (IMGC).
IMGC is a joint venture between National Housing Bank (NHB), an
RBI subsidiary which regulates Home Finance Companies in India;
NYSE-listed Glenworth Financial Inc., a Fortune 500
company; International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Asian
Development Bank (ADB).
 Smart Vault
 ‘Smart Vault’ are fully automated lockers available 24x7, including
weekends and post banking hours were launched in August 2015. The
‘Smart Vault’ uses robotic technology to access the lockers from the
safe vault conveniently at any time of their preference in total privacy,
without any intervention of the branch staff.
 Sacral Loans
 In August 2015, ICICI Bank introduced ‘Sacral-Rural Housing Loan’.
Applicants from rural areas including women borrowers as well as
seekers from weaker sections can now avail home loans at the ICICI
Bank Base Rate (“I-Base”) which is currently at 9.70%. An eligible
borrower can take up to ₹1.5 million (US$23,000) under the ‘ICICI
Bank Sacral–Rural Housing Loan’.
 ICICI Bank Unifier Bangalore Metro Card
 ICICI Bank and Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL)
in April 2015, announced the launch of the ‘ICICI Bank Unifier
Bangalore Metro Card’ to offer the commuters dual benefits of an
ICICI Bank credit or debit card and BMRCL’s smart card, called
Name Metro Smart Card.
 'Touch n Remit' facility for NRIs in Kingdom of Bahrain
 In March 2015, ICICI Bank tied up with SADAD Electronic Payments
WLL to offer remittance service for NRIs based in Bahrain, enabling
them to transfer monies instantly to India from the latter’s kiosks
spread across the Kingdom of Bahrain. This facility has been named as
‘Touch n Remit’.
 ICICI Bank Ltd launches 'Video Banking' for NRI
 In February 2015, ICICI Bank announced the launch of 'Video
Banking' for all its NRI (Non Resident Indian) customers. Using this
service, the customers can now connect with a customer care
representative over a video call, round-the-clock, on all days from
anywhere using their smart phone.
 Pockets by ICICI Bank
 In February 2015, ICICI Bank Re-Launched POCKETS, now working
as a "Digital wallet" for everyone (Android OS users only). The Wallet
c can be opened by anyone and can conduct transactions like
recharge, shopping, transfer money using the virtual visa card which is
issued when signing up for the wallet.
 ICICI Bank Pay on Twitter
 ICICI Bank in January, 2015 launched banking services on Twitter,
christened as 'ICICI Bank Pay'. This service in India enables ICICI
Bank customers to transfer money to anyone in the country who has a
Twitter account, check account balance, view last three transactions
and recharge prepaid mobile in a completely secure manner.
 Contactless Credit and Debit Cards
 ICICI Bank in January, 2015 announced the launch of the country’s
first ‘Contactless’ debit and credit cards, enabling its customers to
make electronic payments by just waving the cards near the merchant
terminal in lieu of dipping or swiping them. These cards are based on
the near field communication (NFC) technology, which provides
customers the improved convenience of speed as these cards require
significantly less time than traditional cards to complete a transaction
along with enhanced security as they remain in control of the customer.
 My Savings Rewards[edit]
 ICICI Bank has rolled-out the programmer 'My Savings Rewards' from
1 September 2012, where reward points are offered to individual
domestic customers for a variety of transactions done through the
savings bank account. Reward points are offered automatically to
customers for activating Internet banking, shopping online/ paying
utility bills with Internet banking and auto-debit from savings account
towards equated monthly installments for home/ auto/ personal loan/
recurring deposit. Customers are required to maintain a monthly
average balance of ₹15,000 (US$230) or more. the Indian bank will
require 5.5% interest on short term loans and long term bonds and
mortgages loans up to $2 million up to 20 years to pay back annual
interest of 5.5% short term loans from 3 months up to 3 years at
5.5% .credit interest is reduced to 10% annually .
 wish- the flexible recurring deposit
Wish is a flexible recurring deposit product launched by ICICI Bank
for its savings account customers. Unlike a traditional recurring
deposit, wish allows customers to save varying amounts of money at
any time of their choice. Customers can create several goals and track
their progress on an online interface.
 Software robotics
 ICICI on 10 Sep 2016 announced 'software robotics' initiative—a first
by any Indian bank. Over 200 software robots are now performing over
1 million transactions per day for the bank which comprises 10% of its
total transactions. The bank will engage 500 software robots by the end
of the year which will help it to automate 20% of its total transactions.
 Block chain technology
 In October 2016, ICICI Bank, in partnership with Emirates NBD,
became the first Indian Bank to successfully execute transactions in
international trade finance and remittance using block chain
 Initiatives
 100 Digital Villages
 ICICI Bank has continuously taken steps to promote ember 2016, in
the wake of the ban on high denomination notes, the Bank announced
that it will aid the transformation of 100 villages, across India, into
‘ICICI Digital Villages’ in 100 days. This will enable villagers to use
digital channels for banking, payments transactions and cashless
payments to retail stores.
 Go Green
 The Go Green Initiative is an initiative that moves beyond people,
processes and customers to cost effective automated channels to build
awareness of our environment, nation and society. The various green
products and services are insta banking (alternate banking options like-
Internet banking, in-Mobile banking, & IVR Banking. On 22
September 2014 ICICI Bank launched Four New Next Gen Mobile
Banking Apps), Vehicle Finance for car models which use alternate
modes of energy (50% waiver on processing fee of auto loans.


1. Product Mix:
i. Deposits:
ICICI Bank offers wide variety of Deposit Products to suit our requirements.
Coupled with convenience of networked branches/ over 1800 ATMs and
facility of E-channels like Internet and Mobile Banking, ICICI Bank brings
banking at your doorstep.
Savings Account: ICICI Bank offers a power packed Savings Account with a
host of convenient features and banking channels to transact through.
Senior Citizen Services: The Senior Citizen Services from ICICI Bank has
several advantages that are tailored to bring more convenience and enjoyment
in your life.
Young Stars: It's really important to help children learn the value of finances
and money management at an early age. Banking is a serious business, but we
make banking a pleasure and at the same time children learn how to manage
their personal finances.
Fixed Deposits: Safety, Flexibility, Liquidity and Returns!!!! A combination
of unbeatable features of the Fixed Deposit from ICICI Bank.
Recurring Deposits: Through ICICI Bank Recurring Deposit you can invest
small amounts of money every month that ends up with a large saving on
maturity. So you enjoy twin advantages- affordability and higher earnings.
Roaming Current Account: Only Roaming Current Account from ICICI
Bank travels the distance with your business. You can access your accounts at
500 networked branches across the country.
ii. Investments
Along with Deposit products and Loan offerings, ICICI Bank assists you to
manage your finances by providing various investment options such as:
 ICICI Bank Tax Saving Bonds
 Government of India Bonds
 Investment in Mutual Funds
 Initial Public Offers by Corporate
 Investment in "Pure Gold"
 Foreign Exchange Services
 Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, 2004
iii. Anywhere Banking:
ICICI Bank is the second largest bank in the country. It services a customer
base of more than 5 million customer accounts through a multichannel access
network. This includes more than 500 branches and extension counters, over
1800 ATMs, Call Centre and Internet Banking. Thus, one can access the
various services ICICI Bank has to offer at anytime, anywhere and from
iv. Loan:
 Home Loans
 Personal Loans
 Car Loans
 Two Wheeler Loans
 Commercial Vehicle Loans
 Loans against Securities
 Farm Equipment Loans
 Construction Equipment Loans
 Office Equipment Loans
 Medical Equipment Loans
v. Cards:
 Credit Card
 Debit cum ATM Card
 Travel Card
vi. Demat services:
ICICI Bank Demat Services boasts of an ever-growing customer base of over
7 lacs account holders. In their continuous endeavor to offer best of the class
services to our customers
vii. Mobile Banking.
With ICICI Bank, banking is no longer what it used to be. ICICI Bank offers
Mobile Banking facility to all its Bank, Credit Card and Demat customers.
ICICI Bank Mobile Banking enables you to bank while being on the move.
viii. NRI Services:
ONLINE MONEY TRANSFER facility available to NRIs worldwide
through at the click of a button!
· FREE Money transfers into accounts with over 30 banks in India Demand
Drafts issued and payable at over 1250 locations in India
· ONLINE Tracking of the status of your funds
· SUPERIOR Exchange rates
2. Pricing Mix:
The pricing decisions or the decisions related to interest and fee or
commission charged by banks are found instrumental in motivating or
influencing the target market.
The RBI and the IBA are concerned with regulations. The rate of interest is
regulated by the RBI and other charges are controlled by IBA.
The pricing policy of a bank is considered important for raising the number of
customers’ vis-à-vis the accretion of deposits. Also the quality of service
provided has direct relationship with the fees charged. Thus while deciding the
price mix customer services rank the top position.
3. Place:
This component of marketing mix is related to the offering of services. The
services are sold through the branches. The 2 important decision making areas
are: making available the promised services to the ultimate users and selecting
a suitable place for bank branches. The number of branches OF ICICI: 1900 in
India and 33 in Mumbai.
Shivam Shopping Centre, S.V.Road, Opp. New Era Cinema, Malad (W),
4. Promotion Mix:
 Advertising: Television, radio, movies, theatres
 Print media: hoardings, newspaper, magazines
 Publicity: road shows, campus visits, sandwich man,
 Sales promotion: gifts, discount and commission, incentives, etc.
 Personal selling: Cross-sale (selling at competitors place),
personalized service
 Telemarketing: ICICI one source Call center (mind space)
5. People:
All people directly or indirectly involved in the consumption of banking
services are an important part of the extended marketing mix.
Knowledge Workers, Employees, Management and other Consumers often
add significant value to the total product or service offering. It is the
employees of a bank which represent the organization to its customers.
In a bank organization, employees are essentially the contact personnel with
customer. Therefore, an employee plays an important role in the marketing
operations of a service organization. To realize its potential in bank marketing,
ICICI become conscious in its potential in internal marketing - the attraction,
development, motivation and retention of qualified employee-customers
through need meeting job-products.
Internal marketing paves way for external marketing of services. In internal
marketing a variety of activities are used internally in an active, marketing like
manner and in a coordinated way.
The starting point in internal marketing is that the employees are the first
internal market for the organization.
6. Process:
Flow of activities: All the major activities of ICICI banks follow RBI
guidelines. There has to be adherence to certain rules and principles in the
banking operations. The activities have been segregated into various
departments accordingly.
Standardization: ICICI bank has got standardized procedures got typical
transactions. In fact not only all the branches of a single-bank, but all the
banks have some standardization in them. This is because of the rules they are
subject to. Besides this, each of the banks has its standard forms,
documentations etc.
Standardization saves a lot of time behind individual transaction.
Customization: There are specialty counters at each branch to deal with
customers of a particular scheme. Besides this the customers can select their
deposit period among the available alternatives.
Number of steps: Numbers of steps are usually specified and a specific
pattern is followed to minimize time taken.
Simplicity: In ICICI banks various functions are segregated. Separate
counters exist with clear indication. Thus a customer wanting to deposit
money goes to ‘deposits’ counter and does not mingle elsewhere. This makes
procedures not only simple but consume less time. Besides instruction boards
in national boards in national and regional language help the customers
Customer involvement: ATM does not involve any bank employees.
Besides, during usual bank transactions, there is definite customer
involvement at some or the other place because of the money matters and
signature requires.
7. Physical Evidence:
Physical evidence is the material part of a service. Strictly speaking there are
no physical attributes to a service, so a consumer tends to rely on material
There are many examples of physical evidence, including some of the
following: Brochures
· Furnishings
· Business cards
· The building itself (such as prestigious offices or scenic headquarters)
The physical evidences also include signage, reports, punch lines, other
tangibles, employee’s dress code etc.
Signage: each and every bank has its logo by which a person can identify the
company. Thus such signage is significant for creating visualization and
corporate identity.
Financial reports: The Company’s financial reports are issued to the
customers to emphasis or credibility.
Tangibles: bank gives pens, writing pads to the internal customers. Even the
passbooks, cheque books, etc. reduce the inherent intangibility of services.
Punch lines: punch lines or the corporate statement depict the philosophy and
attitude of the bank. Banks have influential punch lines to attract the
Employee’s dress code: ICICI bank follows a dress code for their internal
customers. This helps the customers to feel the ease and comfort.


ICICI Bank, India's largest private sector bank, has contracted with
Air2Web India to use their Mobile Internet Platform to provide ICICI Bank
customers with wireless access to their banking and credit card accounts.
"Our new wireless applications are going to help customers better
manage their checking and credit card accounts by allowing them to
receive and request pertinent information anytime, anywhere via their
digital cell phone," said Ms. Chanda Kochhar, Executive Director of
"With this wireless service, our customers can keep track of their account
balances, as well as request details on how to pay credit card balances,
confirm when they have been paid, and receive banking and credit card
statements. We feel this value added service will improve our customer
service offering."
"ICICI Bank has developed a wireless application which enables their
customers to get their banking and credit card account information when
and where they want it and from their most common wireless device,
their digital cell phone," said Sanjoy Malik, President and CEO of
Air2Web India.
"ICICI Bank has always been known for its use of cutting edge
technology. So, it is no surprise that they are launching one of the first
wireless banking products to not only incorporate automated notifications
of balances of both your credit card and bank accounts, but one that also
allows customers to pull timely account information. This new wireless
service gives
ICICI Bank customers substantially more control and flexibility over
their SERVICE MARKETING IN BANKS accounts, thus enhancing
their customers' experience and another added value which sets ICICI
Bank apart from its competitors."
Air2Web's Mobile Internet Platform provides businesses with a competitive
edge enabling its customers to wirelessly access critical back-end information
residing in existing CRM, ERP, SFA or SCM systems. Information can be
accessed across any network and with any carrier and via any digital wireless
device including Short Message Service (SMS) and web-enabled phones,
personal digital assistant devices (PDAs), and pagers. Air2Web's ability to
work with multiple data and audio formats streamlines integration with
existing applications.
The ICICI Bank Credit Cards was launched in January 2000 with three
variants Solid Gold, Sterling Silver and True Blue. The card is now available
36 cities across India. The customer base is over 6.5 million.
Awards - 2017

 Ms. Chanda Kochhar was conferred with the Nirbhaya Puraskar, part
of a nationwide movement founded by the women’s rights activist
Manasi Pradhan.
 ICICI Bank won the third prize in the ‘Service Sector-Mega: Banking,
Financial Services and Insurance’ category at the National Awards for
Excellence in Cost Management.
 ICICI Bank was felicitated as one of the winners of the Best
Performance Award from NABARD for initiatives implemented under
its Self Help Group (SHG) Bank Linkages Programme in Tamil Nadu
for financial year 2017. The bank has won this award for three years in
a row.
 ICICI Bank won the award in the ‘Best Private Sector Bank - Rural
Reach’ category at the ‘Dun & Bradstreet Banking Awards 2017.
 ICICI Bank won all five awards in ‘Commercial Building’ category at
the State Level Energy Conservation Award, organized by
Maharashtra Energy Development Agency (MEDA).
 Ms. Chanda Kochhar received the Dr. K.C.G. Verghese Excellence
Award in the ‘Women Achievers’ category. She received the award in
recognition of her contribution towards the progressive growth and
development in the banking sector for more than two decades.
 ICICI Bank won the award in the ‘Analytics & Big Data’ category at
the IDRBT Banking Technology Excellence Award for 2016 - 2017.
The awards are organized by the Institute for Development & Research
in Banking Technology (IDRBT), an institute established by the
Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
 Ms. Chanda Kochhar became the first leader to receive the Woodrow
Wilson Award for Global Corporate Citizenship by the Woodrow
Wilson Centre located in Washington, U.S.A.
 ICICI Bank was declared runner-up in the 'Best Large Bank' category,
according to the Business world Best Bank Survey 2016.
 ICICI Bank was recognized by the Ministry of Rural Development,
Government of India, for the funding provided to Self Help Groups
across rural India. This funding supported the growth of the National
Rural Livelihood Mission programme initiated by the Government.
 ICICI Bank ranked first among the Points of Presence (POP) identified
under National Pension System (NPS) in Private Sector Banks. The
awards were presented during a conference organized by the Pension
Fund Regulatory and Development Authority.
 ICICI Bank featured in the number one position in two benchmark
surveys by Forrester Research, a marquee American research agency.
The Bank has earned the top slot in the India Mobile Banking
Functionality Benchmark Report 2017 with a combined score of 70,
which is 13 points ahead of its nearest competitor and 18 points ahead
of the national average. The Bank has received this top honour for the
second consecutive year. The Bank also topped the India Online
Banking Functionality Benchmark Report 2017. It scored 59 out of
100, which is 16 points ahead of its nearest competitor and 14 points
ahead of the national average. Both the reports provide a benchmark
for the current state of retail mobile banking and online banking in

Technology plays a very important role in bank’s internal control mechanisms
as well as services offered by them. It has in fact given new dimensions to the
banks as well as services that they cater to and the banks are enthusiastically
adopting new technological innovations for devising new products and
The latest developments in terms of technology in computer and
telecommunication have encouraged the bankers to change the concept of
branch banking to anywhere banking. The use of ATM and Internet banking
has allowed ‘anytime, anywhere banking’ facilities. Automatic voice recorders
now answer simple queries, currency accounting machines makes the job
easier and self-service counters are now encouraged. Credit card facility has
encouraged an era of cashless society. Today MasterCard and Visa card are
the two most popular cards used world over. The banks have now started
issuing smartcards or debit cards to be used for making payments. These are
also called as electronic purse. Some of the banks have also started home
banking through telecommunication facilities and computer technology by
using terminals installed at customers home and they can make the balance
inquiry, get the statement of accounts, give instructions for fund transfers, etc.
Through ECS we can receive the dividends and interest directly to our account
avoiding the delay or chance of losing the post.
Today banks are also using SMS and Internet as major tool of promotions and
giving great utility to its customers. For example SMS functions through
simple text messages sent from your mobile. The messages are then
recognized by the bank to provide you with the required information.
All these technological changes have forced the bankers to adopt customer-
based approach instead of product-based approach.
Banking is as old as authentic history and the modern commercial banking are
traceable to ancient times. In India, banking has existed in one form or the
other from time to time. The present era in banking may be taken to have
commenced with establishment of bank of Bengal in 1809 under the
government charter and with government participation in share capital.
Allahabad bank was started in the year 1865 and Punjab national bank in
1895, and thus, others followed
Every year RBI declares its 6 monthly policy and accordingly the various
measures and rates are implemented which has an impact on the banking
Also the Union budget affects the banking sector to boost the economy by
giving certain concessions or facilities. If in the Budget savings are
encouraged, then more deposits will be attracted towards the banks and in turn
they can lend more money to the agricultural sector and industrial sector,
therefore, booming the economy. If the FDI limits are relaxed, then more FDI
are brought in India through banking channels.
Government and RBI policies affect the banking sector. Sometimes looking
into the political advantage of a particular party, the Government declares
some measures to their benefits like waiver of short-term agricultural loans, to
attract the farmer’s votes. By doing so the profits of the bank get affected.
Various banks in the cooperative sector are open and run by the politicians.
They exploit these banks for their benefits. Sometimes the government
appoints various chairmen of the banks.
Various policies are framed by the RBI looking at the present situation of the
country for better control over the banks.
Before nationalization of the banks, their control was in the hands of the
private parties and only big business houses and the effluent sections of the
society were getting benefits of banking in India. In 1969 government
nationalized 14 banks. To adopt the social development in the banking sector
it was necessary for speedy economic progress, consistent with social justice,
in democratic political system, which is free from domination of law, and in
which opportunities are open to all. Accordingly, keeping in mind both the
national and social objectives, bankers were given direction to help
economically weaker section of the society and also provide need-based
finance to all the sectors of the economy with flexible and liberal attitude.
Now the banks provide various types of loans to farmers, working women,
professionals, and traders.
They also provide education loan to the students and housing loans, consumer
loans, etc.
Banks having big clients or big companies have to provide services like
personalized banking to their clients because these customers do not believe in
running about and waiting in queues for getting their work done. The bankers
also have to provide these customers with special provisions and at times with
benefits like food and parties. But the banks do not mind incurring these costs
because of the kind of business these clients bring for the bank. Banks have
changed the culture of human life in India and have made life much easier for
the people.
An organization is supposed to cater to the changing needs of customers; it is
only natural that all customers have their own likes and dislikes. They have
some uniqueness, which throws a big imprint on their lifestyles. This makes
the task of understanding a bit difficult. It has the context that we go through
the problem of market segmentation in the banking service.
The study of the needs of customers invites a plethora of problems since in
addition to other aspects; the regional considerations also influence the
hierarchy of needs. To be more specific in the banking services, the banking
organizations are supposed to satisfy different types of customers living in
different segments. The segmentation of market makes the task of bank
professionals easier. If the market segmentation is done in a right fashion, the
task of satisfying the customers is simplified considerably. The modern
marketing theories advocate the formulation of marketing policies and
strategies for each segment, which an organization plans to solicit.
The marketing segmentation is based in the principle of divide and rule.
If we divide the market into different segments, the size of market is made
small and the process of study is found convenient. We find market
segmentation division and subdivision of a market based on considerations.
The bank professionals have to segment the market in such a way that the
expectations of all potential customers are studied in a right perspective and
the marketing resources are developed to fulfill the same. The marketing
efforts can be made more proactive if the process and bases of segmentation
are right.
It is essential that the bank professionals assign due weightage to the
difference that we find in the market behavior due to geographical, age, sex,
nationality, educational background, income classes, occupation, social and
other considerations. If they overlook or underestimate key bases while
segmenting, the study results can’t be proactive to the formulation of creative
marketing decisions. This makes it essential that the bank professionals are
well aware of the criteria for market segmentation. The agriculture sector,
industrial sector, services sector, household sector are found important in the
very context. The gender segment is found important no doubt but we can’t
underestimate institutional and professional segments. Since the banking
organizations serve different sectors and segments, the segmentation should be
done carefully.
 Instrumental in exploring opportunities: We find market
segmentation very much effective in exploring the profitable
opportunities. It is well known to us that while segmenting, the market
is divided into different groups and sub-groups and this simplifies the
process of studying and understanding the customers in a right
perspective. If we know about the rural segment, the opportunities are
explored to the rural areas. If we know about the women segment, the
opportunities are identified in that area. If we know about the low
income group, the opportunities are identified in that group. Thus the
segmentation helps the bank professionals in exploring the profitable
 Instrumental in designing a sound marketing strategy: We can’t
deny that market segmentation makes it easier to formulate a sound
strategy. Since the banking professionals are aware of the changing
needs and requirements of a segment, the marketing resources can be
developed in tune with the needs and requirements of a segment. The
formulation of a package is found significant and the bank
professionals can do it successfully on the basis of market
segmentation. The promotional measures can be satisfied in the face of
receiving capacity of a particular segment. The pricing strategy can be
made operational and the sales promotion measures can be made
 Helpful to the policy planners: In addition, the policy makers also
find segmentation since they are well aware of the emerging trends in
the business environment. They get detailed information about the
changing needs and requirements of a segment. The planning is an
ongoing process. The banking professionals transmit necessary
information to the policy planners, which simplifies the process of
making a sound policy.
 enriching the market resources: In addition to other aspects, we find
segmentation instrumental in enriching the marketing potentials. If we
know about the preference, needs, requirements, attitudes, lifestyles it
is found easier for us to develop the marketing resources accordingly.
This in a natural way makes it convenient to develop marketing resources. The
process of innovation can be activated. The services, the promotional
measures, the pricing tool and the process of offering can be made more
competitive. The development of world-class marketing resources thus makes
it convenient to influence the impulse of prospects. The bank professionals
find it easier to get the positive results for their productive marketing efforts.
In the earlier days, bankers like any other private sector organizations had
their own plans of business development and adopted their own ways and
means to achieve their objective. The MARKETING concept was in the form
of advertising & promotion. This was the position till the middle of 20th
Gradually there was a change in the attitude of bankers with respect to
customers. In the late 1950s, new concept in the Marketing Services with
respect to banking profession, arose in the West. Deryk-Weyer of Barcelays
Bank came out with a comprehensive definition of BANK MARKETING.
According to him, Bank Marketing consists of –
1] Identifying the most profitable markets now and in future,
2] Assessing the present and future needs of the customers,
3] Setting business development goals,
4] Making plan to meet them and managing the various services and
promoting them to achieve the plans- all in the context of changing
environment in the market. Thus, the idea of customer satisfaction arose in the
1950s, flourished in the 1960s and became an integral part of Banking
Services in 1970s. In the course of time, the concept of Marketing widened
further. From the stage of customer satisfaction, the Marketing become more
concerned with the wellbeing of the “Society” as a whole & resulted in
coining the term “SOCIETAL MARKETING”. Hartley would call it as
“Response Marketing” attuning with or responding to the changing needs of
customer’s society and environment.
Marketing of banking services is concerned with product, place, distribution,
and pricing and promotion decisions in the changing, socio-economic and
business environment. It means organizing right activities and programs at the
right place, at the right time, at a right price with right communication and
The users of banking services or the prospects play a very significant role in
the formulation of overall marketing strategies. The bank marketing activities
are concerned with the designing of product strategies keeping in view the
needs and requirement of prospect. It is also related with the place decisions
i.e. location of a bank at a suitable points. It has following unique features:-
1] Intangibility
2] Inseparability
3] Variability
4] Perishability

With liberalization and globalization of the economy, middlemen are

gradually emerging in the banking industry. Foreign banks and new private
banks like City Bank, Global Trust Bank and ICICI Bank are offering their
franchise in marketing their services. This has introduced the middlemen in
marketing of banking services.

Q. 1. Are you aware of concept of services marketing?




In the above question there are 100 responded in which 77% people say that the
know the concept of marketing whereas 23% people says the didn’t know the
concept of marketing.
Q.2. do you think marketing of services is essential?




Yes No

In the given question there is hundred responded in which 72% says yes they think
that marketing of services is essential and 28% think that it is not an essential for
Q.3. Does your bank conduct marketing activity?

Q. 3



Yes No

In the above there are 100 responded in which 67% customer have positive respond
that their bank is conduct marketing activities whereas 33% people says that their
bank does not conduct marketing activities.
Q.4 Do you think it is important for your bank to conduct marketing activity?

Q. 4



Yes No

In the above there are 100 responded in which 57% people think that
marketing is an important activity for the bank and 43% think that it is not
important for bank to conduct marketing activity.
Q.5 What are the diffirent marketing activity conduct your bank?


25% print media
sales promotion
14% personal selling


In the above there are 100 responded in which 57% people think that
marketing is an important activity for the bank and 43% think that it is not
important for bank to conduct marketing activity.
Q.6. Does your bank provide internet banking?




1 2

In the above there are 100 responded in which 78% people think that
marketing is an important activity for the bank and 43% think that it is not
important for bank to conduct marketing activity.
Q.7. What do you think about services provided by bank?

Q. 7

25% 35%



very satisfied satisfied very dissatisfied

neuteral somewhat satisfied

In the above there are 100 responded in which 35% people are very satisfied
with the services provide by their bank and 20% people are satisfied with
services provide by their bank there is 15%are also dissatisfied with the
services of their bank and 25% people are neutral with the services and 5%
are somewhat satisfied.
Q. 8. How likely you have reccommende to icici bank on the scale of 0 to 10[1-3
being lowest and 7-10 being highestest]

Q. 8

1 to 3
4 to 6
45% 7 to 10


In the above there are 100 responded in that how likely they recommend
ICICI bank to other 1-3 scale shows the lowest level which is 25% and
moderate is 4-6 which is 30% the highest level is 7-10 which is 45%.
Q.9. Would you like to see any of the below platfrom to be intigrated in our day to
day banking expiriance.

Q. 9

non whatsapp whatsapp

28% 24%
google +
twitter facebook non
15% 23%
google +

In the above there are 100 responded in which there the people who are like
to see the which platform above mentioned 24% people would like to see
WhatsApp and 23% are like to see facebook for day to day activities and 10%
are like to see google+ and 15% twitter and 28% people say that they didn’t
like to see an platform.
Q.10. What product or services you are looking for, that where not found in
icici bank.

Q. 10
quality of services branch in rural areas nothing satisfied


24% 31%

In the above there are 100 responded in which the icici bank customer
suggest that the have provide more branch rural areas 31% and 21% suggest
that they are satisfied with the existing services of the icici bank and 24%
suggest nothing to icici bank.
The achievements in communication techniques and e-trade gave
rise to many results for marketing practices and perceptions. But, one of them
is especially important that occurred in banking sector in marketing. Today,
marketing services are of great emphasis on both customer and bank. The
quality and quantity of banking products increased and a result of this, recent
developments in marketing thoughts in services such as internal marketing,
network marketing, data base marketing and relationship marketing became
more favorable practices.
“Change” is a continuous process and banking industry is no exception
to this law which is natural. Due to the implementation of the financial sector
reforms and policies for the country change in the banking industry is
inevitable. After liberalization and globalization process that was initiated
in 1991, the Indian banking industry has undergone tremendous
transformation. These changes have forced the Indian banking industry to
adjust the product mix and to remain competitive in the globalized
The following are some of the vital challenges that threaten the Indian banking
 Competition between foreign banks and now new private sectors banks
 Technological advancement
 Innovation
 Diversified activities
 Customer awareness and satisfaction
 Development of skills of banks personals
 Profitability nature
 Corporate governance
In order to survive and succeed the domestic banks must
identify their marketing areas, develop adequate resources, convert these
resources into efficient services and distribute them effectively so that the
customers are satisfied. ICICI Bank today services a growing customer
base of more than 5 million customer accounts and 5 million bondholders’
accounts through a multi-channel access network. This includes over 400
branches and extension counters, 1080 ATMs, call centers and Internet
banking. Bank renders personalized services and the present emphasis in
marketing is customer satisfaction. The customer satisfaction, which must
be the ultimate goal of bank marketing, is achieved not only through
creating suitable products according to his need but also through delivering
them in a most satisfying manner. In spite of the changing banking
environment and newer challenges emerging, Service Marketing by ICICI
Bank will continue to remain popular.

We can see the time is changing and we the passage time people are
accepting technology there is still a lot of perpetual blocking which
hampers the growth it’s the normal tendency of a human not to have
change work on the old track, that’s also one of reason for the slow
acceptance of internet banking accounts.
 Each section of the bank should be computerized even in rural area
 Personalize banking should be given a thrust as more and more
bank are achieving in usual areas.
 Covering up towns in rural areas with ATMs so that the people in
those area can also avail better services.
 Prompt dealing with permanent customer and speedy transactions
without harassing the customer.
 Give proper training to customer for using i-banking.
 Create trust in mind of customer towards security of their accounts.
 Fair dealing with customer. More contribution from the employee
of the bank. The staff should be co-operative, friendly and must be
capable of understanding the problems of customers.
 Provide a platform where the customers can access different
account at single time without a extra charges.
1. Service Marketing by P.K. Gupta
2. Bank Marketing By Umesh C. Patnail
3. Marketing in Banking and Insurance by Romeo S. Mascarenhas

Services marketing in banks (ICICI bank)



18 to 20 years 21 to 30 years

31 to 40 years 41 and above

1. Are you aware of concept of services marketing?

Yes No

2. Do you think marketing of services is essential?

Yes No
3. Does your bank conduct marketing activity?

Yes No
4. Do you think it is important for your bank to conduct marketing activity?
Yes No
5. What are the diffirent marketing activity conduct your bank.
Advertising print media sales promotion
Personal selling telemarketing
6. Does your bank provide internet banking?
Yes No
7. What do you think about services provided by bank?
Very satisfied satisfied very dissatisfied
Neutral somewhat dissatisfied
8. How likely you have reccommende to icici bank on the scale of 0 to 10[1-3
being lowest and 7-10 being highestest]
1-3 4-6 7-10
9. Would you like to see any of the below platfrom to be intigrated in our day
to day banking expiriance.
Whatsapp Faceook Twitter
Google+ non, as I don’t feel is secure

10. What product or services you are looking for, that where not foud in icici

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