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RES 101 Activity Sheet

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RES 101

Practical Research 1

Glenn Mark C. Recamadas

Module 1




LessonThe Importance of Research in Daily
1 Life

What I know
A. Read the following statements. Answer TRUE if the statement describes a
research, FALSE if you think it is not. Write your answers on the blank.
TRUE 1.There should be adequate data before conducting a research.
FALSE 2.To have an objective view of his or her study, the researcher should
avoid listening to another researcher.
TRUE 3.A researcher must read literature that relates to the problem he or she
is studying.
FALSE 4.An opinion from any person is recognized and considered as an answer
to the question asked by the researcher.
FALSE 5.The researcher has the final say in his findings.

B. Underline the words in the box that are related to the definition of

biases Instrument theories factual investigation

intuition discovery system subjective Interview
dreams experiences data phenomena guessing
productivity drama validate opinions Literature

C. Using the words encircled, formulate your own definition of research. Use the
blanks provided.

Research is a systematic factual procedure, validating the investigation of theories

and opinions from a discovery or phenomena. Information is gathered through
opinions from a discovery or phenomena. Information is gathered through literature
and instrument as tools. It improves productivity.

Activity 1: Question and Answer
Directions: Answer the questions briefly. Write your answers on the space provided,
1. What is Research?

Research is a process of systematic inquiry that entails collection of data; documentation of critical
information; and analysis and interpretation of that data/information, in accordance with suitable
methodologies set by specific professional fields and academic disciplines.

2. What is inquiry and its nature?

Inquiry is a learning approach that involves the process of exploring the natural or material world,
leading to questions, discoveries, and testing of these discoveries in search of new understanding.

3. What is the difference between inquiry and research?

Inquiry is the process of finding answers to questions, while research is the systematic, formal
investigation and study of documents and sources in order to establish facts and draw new

4. How important is research in your daily life activities?

Research that creates our basic considering abilities, gives us information and learnings additionally
give us an information that we will apply or utilize in our everyday life. Research is look for actualities
and information. Research is truly crucial since it uncovers reality and illusion.

5. Why is there a need to conduct research?

Why conduct research? To get it a wonder, circumstance, or behavior beneath ponder. To test
existing theories and to create new theories on the premise of existing ones. Research-related
exercises contribute to shaping modern information and extend the existing information base.

What is it?
Discussion of Activity 1
You just learned the importance of research in daily life. Answer the following
questions briefly on the blanks provided.
1. Was there an instance in your life when you did an inquiry or research?
Share and describe your experiences .What are your challenges and

Of course as a student there was. Inquiring is a big part in the life of every student. I recall when we
are asked to report a history in our barangay it was quite challenging to us since we don’t have a
single clue on that topic so inquiring was a great help we go to our elders our barangay historian to
the barangay captain it was quite tiring yet fun to do owing to the fact that you will know the history of
you are residing in. The difficulties on it, is the mixed of ideas and information they sometimes they
give different ideas and don’t coincide with each other so you have to ask more and choose which is
the accurate one out of all.

2. As a learner in senior high school, how important is research in your daily life?

Hence, research action as an instructive hone gives senior high understudies with an opportunity not
as it were to get it how the research process can contribute to the headway of information but
moreover to upgrade their research abilities and dynamic learning. Furthermore research is
significant for us senior high students since it assists us with having a nitty gritty examination of
everything. At the point when you have a legitimate top to bottom examination of any theme, the
outcome comes out to be productive and furthermore our information is improved.

What I have learned

Let’s check how well do you know about research. Write your answers on the space
1. Research is different from inquiry because the later will ask you a question
.If inquiring is synonymous with investigation then what makes inquiry
different from research which also investigates?

“Inquiry" is characterized as "the precise quest for data, information and truth about specific things
and matters of public interest." It is the method involved with taking care of an issue through
exploring and demonstrating. "Examination," then again, is characterized as the most common way
of inquisitive into something completely. Request" and "examination" can be utilized in lieu of one
another since they are equivalents and mean exactly the same thing in spite of the fact that they
have some exceptionally unobtrusive contrasts. A request includes examination and an examination
includes request. One distinction is the manner by which they are taken care of. While a request is
typically done through addressing and testing into the conditions identifying with the current matter,
an examination is accomplished all the more cautiously and by completely investigating subtleties in
a coordinated way and surveying realities which are uncovered simultaneously.

2. Research in our daily life help us to understand various issues in life
leading to a solution, in what way does research empowers you with
knowledge to learn new things?

Research gives me the information to learn new points, offering me the chance to extend my
agreement and critical thinking capacities, which will work on my fearlessness. Moreover
opens up new door of innovation, new ideas and  a stride forward to invent new things.

What I can do
Directions: Answer the following questions.

1. What is the importance of research in your education as a 21 st Century learner?

The importance of research in the 21st learners is that it has empowered critical
advancement to be made in educational plan improvement and change, teaching us
students with various complexities, understanding the singular contrasts and
inclinations and in adjusting techniques for guidance to the requirements of 21 st century

2. As a learner, what do you want to research on? Why?

As a student the issue that I want to research on is the Interconnection between

Science and the World of Religions. Why? The reason behind this is the contentious
nature, interdependence between the scientific and religious worlds. Furthermore this also
a topic of discussion, considering the evolution of the interrelationship between these two
domains of human life across time. Examine a church's attitude with science, as well as
any notable periods of disagreement between each representatives from both realms.

A. Read the following statements. Answer TRUE if the statement describes a
research, FALSE if you think it is not. Write your answers on the blank.
FALSE 1. An opinion from any person is recognized and considered as an answer
to the question asked by the researcher.
TRUE 2. A researcher must read literature that relates to the problem he or she is
FALSE 3. The researcher has the final say in his findings.
FALSE 4.To have an objective view of his or her study, the researcher should avoid
listening to another researcher.
TRUE 5.There should be adequate data before conducting a research.

B Underline the words in the box that are related to the definition of research.

phenomena experiences theories discovery validate

biases interview investigation intuition dreams
guessing system instrument Literature drama
subjective factual opinions data productivity

C. Using the words underlined, formulate your own definition of research.

Research improves the productivity of a factual systematic validation of investigation of

theories and opinions out of a discovery or phenomena. And it is also the gathering of ideas
through different tools as instruments from every literature.
Lesson The Characteristics, Processes,
2 and Ethics of Research

What I know

Direction: Identify what characteristic of a researcher is being referred to in the

following statements. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
(My answers sir are the choices that are being italic, bold and underlined)

1. All the data to be reported should include all facts and accuracy.
a. Honesty
b. Objectivity
c. Competence
d. Care
2. Whatever agreed upon by the participants must be actualized.
a. Integrity
b. Legality
c. Social Responsibility
d. Responsible Publication
3. The researchers should accept all comments and considerations.
a. Openness
b. Respect for intellectual property
c. Non-discrimination
d. Responsible mentoring
4. When a paper is already submitted to a publication, no submission to another
should be done.
a. Objectivity
b. Legality
c. Care
d. Responsible Publication
5. The researcher should be fully equipped with research skills when conducting the
a. Confidentiality
b. Competence
c. Legality
d. Openness
6. An experience researcher should impart knowledge to his or her students.Responsible
a. Responsible Publication
b. Non-discrimination
c. Respect for colleagues
d. Social Responsibility

7. The researcher should ensure that the participants will not be adversely affected by
the research and its results.
a. Care
b. Human subjects protection
c. Respect for colleagues
d. Social Responsibility.
8. Any participants to any research activity must not be forced to take part in the study.
a. Voluntary participation
b. Informed consent
c. Risk of harm
d. Social responsibility
9. Informed consent for a participant is best exemplified in which of the following
a. Talking to him or her privately
b. Surprising him or her with a questionnaire
c. Writing him or her a letter
d. Using a padrino system
10. Confidentiality of a participant is best exemplified in which of the following
a. Asking the participant to write his or her name in the questionnaire
b. Not mentioning his or her name in the Participants of the study
c. Introducing himself or herself in an interview
d. Taking his or her picture

Activity 1: Question and Answer

Directions: Answer the questions briefly. Write your answers on the space
1. Why is research practical and realistic?

Research is practical and realistic since it depends on the logical strategy, which requests that
exploration ought to be start with a speculation, which ought to be falsifiable implying that it very well
may be refuted or, trailed by a logical report wherein the theory is tried.
2. The first step of research process is to develop your topic or research problem.
What is the importance of considering those factors in selecting a research problem?

The initial step of the research process is to foster a point or research problem. The significance of
considering factors in choosing an research problem will assist the analyst with knowing precisely
what to do and its motivation. An research problem is an assertion about an issue, a condition to be
advanced, a trouble to be diminished, or a hole that exists in an academic article. Research problem
gives a more profound agreement and purposeful investigation. As a rule, the wellsprings of data in
fostering an research problem are scholastic diaries, books, and information bases

3. Explain briefly. Research starts with a problem and ends with a new problem.
It shows that you have to study a particular problem in order to start a research project, and when we study it your
research is limited and what you are about your subject matter. The project needs to investigate a specific problem,
and when we study it, your research has its limits, and new challenges arise when you discover something new
about your subject. That means you have to have a specific problem to learn in order to start a study, and when you
study it your study has its limits and what you are about your subject whenever you discover something new, it will
give you a new problem that pops out. As the word "research" means.

4. What is the purpose of research ethics in doing research work?

For a variety of reasons, research ethics are critical. They foster research goals such as knowledge expansion.
They believe in ideals like mutual respect and fairness, which seem to be essential for collaborative work.
Because scientific research relies on collaboration between researchers and groups, this is critical.

5. A research can be replicated but not the findings. Why?

Because it is created by several scholars and explorers, a study can be reproduced. A researcher's concept
could have been shared with someone else. It can also be disseminated and printed for the benefit of
everyone's knowledge. A discovery, on the other hand, is one-of-a-kind and cannot be recreated.
What is it?
Discussion of Activity 1
You just learned the characteristics, processes and ethics of research.
1. As a researcher, you can play the role of a member of a research team, can
you identify the processes involved in conducting research and its
characteristics? Enumerate those processes.

The process involved in conducting research are, Identifying the Problem, Reviewing the
Literature, Clarifying the Problem, Clearly Define Terms and Concepts, Defining the
Population, Developing the Instrumentation Plan, Collecting and Analyzing the Data .On the
other hand its characteristics are that the systematic approach to research, rules and
procedures are an important part of the analysis that sets the objective of the research
project. Another is Research is focused on logical thinking which includes inductive and
deductive reasoning. In addition the data or information gained shall be in real-time, actual
findings in the native settings. Also Research paves the way for the generation of new
issues. And research is of an abstract sort. Lastly accuracy is one of the important
characteristics of the study, and the knowledge gathered when performing the research
should be precise and true to its essence. 
2. What are the various research ethics and rights of a research participant

In practice, this means as a researcher, individuals must: (a) acquire informed consent from the participants
research participants; (b) minimize the risk of harm to participants; (c) protect there own privacy and
confidentiality; (d) prevent deceptive practices; and (e) provide participants with the option to withdraw from
your study. These five moral norms are discussed in this article, as well as their practical ramifications when
conducting research work.

What’s more?

1. Based on the article, how will you define ethics in research?

In my own view I would define ethics in research as the implementation of standards of morality and
occupational codes of behavior to the collecting, analysis, reporting, and publishing of data concerning
research subjects, with a special focus on active recognition of individuals' rights and privacy, anonymity, and
voluntary participation.

2. Are SARS-CoV-2 infection and transmission. study on humans rather than

animal models unethical?

Based on my assessment of these arguments, I disagree. I believe it is unethical to move

forward with such trials at the current time. Whereas proponents of these studies suggest that
such studies will accelerate the time to approved vaccines, the facts fail to support these claims.
Human Study Challenge to address SARS-CoV-2 face unacceptable ethics challenges, and,
further, undertaking them would do a disservice to the public by undermining already strained
confidence in the vaccine development process
3. If you were a part of the research teams conducting such phenomenon, what
will you do to correct the unethical feature of the experiment?

If I were a member of a research group investigating such an occurrence, I would adhere to ethical research.
Keep an eye on the rules for explicit consent. Every participant's privacy and confidentiality should be
respected. Also, stay away from any potential damage. Inform the participants with the study's findings. For
example, I will acquire proof or data to support my personal concept; additionally, I will assist or rectify my
research team having incorrect aspects of the experiment; and finally, I will explore any themes related to such
happenings and enlighten other researchers.

What I have learned

Complete the sentence stem below. Write your answers on the space provided.
1. Research process is a step by step procedure that guides the researcher
in conceptualizing and conducting the research. These seven steps are



2. According to Sanchez (2002) research is a continuous undertaking of making

known the unknown. This definition of research leads to common
characteristics of research. Can you elaborate further on this?

Research is a never-ending process of uncovering the unknowable (Sanchez, 2002). It

comprises looking into fresh information in order to come up with new ideas, approaches, or
improvements. It's an endeavor to broaden one's perspective on life. It always moves from
the familiar to the unfamiliar. As a result, the goal of research is to discover a greater fact.
3. What are some of the ethical codes of research?

Research ethics provides guidelines for the responsible conduct of research. The following are some of the
ethical codes of research:

Protect confidential communications, such as papers or grants submitted for publication, personnel records, trade or
military secrets, and patient records.
Publication with Integrity:
Publish for the sake of research and scholarship, not for the sake of advancing your personal career. Avoid wasting time
and money by publishing multiple times.
Mentoring with Integrity:
Assist in the education, mentoring, and counseling of pupils. Encourage their well-being and give them the freedom to
make their own choices.
Colleagues should be respected:
Respect and treat your coworkers fairly.
Taking Care of Others:
Through study, public education, and advocacy, strive to promote social good and prevent or reduce social evils.

4. What are some tips to avoid plagiarism when one is conducting research?
Here are several strategies for avoiding plagiarism while carrying out a research: maintain adequate records
you use throughout your inquiry or utilize a quote by one of your publications, and then add your own thoughts
on the subject. Give credit to the author next for the content or source list. After you've submitted it, run it using
plagiarism detection tools.

What I can do
Answer the following question and write your answers on a space provided.
1. How do you characterize good research writing?

This is founded on a logical reasoning and is connected to theory. In some kind of a way, it has the
ability to identify future study directions. It either produces new concerns or follows a cyclical pattern.

2. What is the importance of following the ethical standards in conducting a


There seem to be various reasons why it would be critical to follow ethical

standards in research. Initially, norms advance research goals such as
knowledge, truth, and mistake prevention. Restrictions on creating,
manipulating, or manipulating research data, for instance, encourage the
truth while reducing inaccuracy.

Direction: Identify what characteristic of a researcher is being referred to in the

following statements. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
(My answers sir are the choices that are being italic, bold and underlined)

1. An experience researcher should impart knowledge to his or her students.

a. Responsible Publication
b. Non-discrimination
c. Respect for colleagues
d. Social Responsibility
2. The researcher should ensure that the participants will not be adversely affected by
the research and its results.
a. Care
b. Human subjects protection
c. Respect for colleagues
d. Social Responsibility.
3. Any participants to any research activity must not be forced to take part in the study.
a. Voluntary participation
b. Informed consent
c. Risk of harm
d. Social responsibility

4. When a paper is already submitted to a publication, no submission to another

should be done.
a. Objectivity
b. Legality
c. Care
d. Responsible Publication
5. The researcher should be fully equipped with research skills when conducting the
a. Confidentiality
b. Competence
c. Legality
d. Openness
6. All the data to be reported should include all facts and accuracy.
a. Honesty
b. Objectivity
c. Competence
d. Care
7. Whatever agreed upon by the participants must be actualized.
a. Integrity
b. Legality
c. Social Responsibility
d. Responsible Publication
8. The researchers should accept all comments and considerations.
a. Openness
b. Respect for intellectual property
c. Non-discrimination
d. Responsible mentoring
9. Informed consent for a participant is best exemplified in which of the following
a. Talking to him or her privately
b. Surprising him or her with a questionnaire
c. Writing him or her a letter
d. Using a padrino system
10. Confidentiality of a participant is best exemplified in which of the following
a. Asking the participant to write his or her name in the questionnaire
b. Not mentioning his or her name in the Participants of the study
c. Introducing himself or herself in an interview
d. Taking his or her picture
Lesson Quantitative and
3 Qualitative

What I know

Direction: Determine whether each word or group of words indicates Qualitative

Research or Quantitative Research.
Quantitative Research 1.Objective
Qualitative Research 2.Subjective
Qualitative Research 3.Naturalistic
Quantitative Research 4.To validate the already constructed theory
Qualitative Research 5.Open-Ended Questions
Quantitative Research 6.Highly-structured Research
Quantitative Research 7.Hypothesis
Qualitative Research 8.Multiple Methods
Qualitative Research 9.Pure words, phrases, sentences, compositions
and Stories are used in data analysis
Qualitative Research 10.No criteria

Activity 1: Question and Answer

Directions: Answer the questions briefly. Write your answers in a separate sheet of

1. How do you define the two designs of research: qualitative and quantitative?

Quantitative research is concerned with stats and statistics, whereas qualitative research is
concerned with vocabulary words. Quantitative approaches allow us to calculate parameters and
testable theories in a systematic manner. Qualitative approaches enable us to delve deeper into
observations and emotions.
2. What are the differences and similarities between these methods?

The majority of qualitative research is empirical.   The knowledge acquired from qualitative research
may be used to build new ideas for testing in quantitative research. Quantitative research
investigations are often more concentrated and much less experimental, have a wider range of data,
and yield statistical data by description.

What is it?
Discussion of Activity 1
You just learned to differentiate quantitative from qualitative research.
1. In one sentence, differentiate a quantitative research from qualitative research?

Statistics are used in quantitative research, whereas definitions and perceptions are used in
qualitative research.

2. Tell whether the following statement is a quantitative research or qualitative

research. Explain your answer.
a. Prefer for statistical summary of results.

It is a quantitative research since summary statistics provide information about your sample data. It
tells you something about the values in your data set. This includes where the mean lies and
whether your data is skewed. And statistical summary results also often used to analyze quantitative

b. Prefer for narrative summary of results.

Narrative analysis, also known as narrative inquiry, is a qualitative research technique

in which the researcher analyzes the tales that people produce, participating in an
inquiry of asking a specific question of the narrative 'texts' for a specific goal.
What’s more?

Direction: Using a Venn Diagram below, illustrate the differences and similarities
between a quantitative and qualitative method of research by filling in completely the
Venn diagram presented in the next page.

One example is done for you to follow.

Qualitative Research
Natural Setting
Dependent on
It is a subjective analysis that is Both
more are rigorous
It is an &
objective analysis
statistical that
tool quantifies
concerned with non-statistical data thattextual form in
uses the data.
cannot be computed data analysis

Typical date include color, gender, Typical data include measurable quantities
nationality, religion and many more such as length, size, weight, mass and
many more.

The analysis is used to understand why a The analysis is concerned with how many
certain phenomenon occurs or how much a certain phenomenon

Sample is small and is non representative The sample is large and can be
of the entire population generalized to cover the entire population

Interprets and understands social Test hypothesis and give future predictions

Research methodology is exploratory Research methodology is often conclusive


The concern with data reduction

The concern with answer research questions
The concern with relating data analysis to the research literature
The concern with validation
The significance of frequency as a springboard of analysis
The control of deliberate distortion
The importance of transparency
The question of error
The appropriate of research methods to questions

What I have learned

Complete the box by filling out the missing description of qualitative or quantitative

Qualitative Research Quantitative Research

1. Dependent on synthesize data, interpret, Dependent on statistical tools
Uses open-ended questions 2. Uses closed ended questions.

Inductive in data gathering activities. 3. Deductive in data gathering activities.

4. Unstructured or semi structured Results oriented and highly structured

Uses more flexible processes. 5. Standard/structured.

6. Cultivates understanding with high validity. Has high output replicability.

No conclusions formulated. 8. Conclusion is formulated

9. Uses small sample size Uses large sample size.

Data analysis is subjective. 10. Data analysis is objective


Direction: Determine whether each word or group of words indicates Qualitative Research
or Quantitative Research.

Qualitative Research 1. Naturalistic

Quantitative Research 2.To validate the already constructed theory
Quantitative Research 3.Hypothesis
Qualitative Research 4.Multiple Methods
Qualitative Research 5.No criteria
Qualitative Research 6.Pure words, phrases, sentences,
compositions and stories are used in data analysis
Qualitative Research 7.Open-Ended Questions
Quantitative Research 8.Highly-structured Research
Quantitative Research 9. Objective
Qualitative Research 10.Subjective
Northwestern Mindonoo State College of
Science and TechnoLogg
Lobugo, Tangub Citg

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