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MIEEIP Final Evaluation Report Jan 2008

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Malaysian Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement Project


Government of Malaysia
United Nations Development Programme
Global Environment Facility


January 2008

Jan van den Akker

International consultant, ASCENDIS

AAIBE Akaun Amanah Industri Bekalan Elektrik (= MESITA)

ACEM Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia
ASEAN Association of South-East Asian Nations
APR-PIRs annual project implementation reviews
CETDEM Centre for Environment, Technology and Development, Malaysia
CETREE Centre for Education and Training in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
CO2 carbon dioxide
CPC Chief Project Coordinator
CTA Chief Technical Advisor
DANIDA Danish International Development Assistance
DOS Department of Statistics
EC Energy Commission (= ST)
ECCJ Energy Conservation Centre of Japan
EE energy efficiency
EEPLS Energy Efficiency Projects Lending Scheme
EPC energy performance contracting
EPU Economic Planning Unit (of Prime Minister’s Office)
ESCO energy services company
EUI energy use index
FMM Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers
FRIM Forest Research Institute Malaysia
GEF Global Environmental Facility
GHG greenhouse gas
GJ gigajoules (= billion joules)
HEM high-efficiency motor
IEM Institution of Engineers of Malaysia
JETRO Japan External Trade Organization
JKR Jabatan Kerja Raya (Public Works Department)
k kilo
KTAK Kementarian Tenaga, Air dan Komunikasi (= MEWC)
MAESCO Malaysian Association of Energy Services Companies
MASHRAE Malaysian Chapter of American Sociery of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-
Conditioning Engineers
MEPA Malaysian Energy Professionals Association
MEPS minimum energy performance standards
MESA master energy service agreement
MESITA Malaysia Electricity Supply Industries Trust Account (= AAIBE)
MEWC Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications (= KTAK)
MIDA Malaysian Industrial Development Agency
MIDF Malaysian Industrial Development Finance
MIEEIP Malaysia Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement Project
MJ megajoules (= million joules)
MNRE Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
NPC National Productivity Corporation
NPD National Project Director
NSC National Steering Committee
PORIM Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia
PTM Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (Malaysia Energy Centre)
RM Malaysian Ringgit
SESB Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd
SESCO Sarawak Electricity Supply Company
SIRIM Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia
ST Suruhanjaya Tenaga (= EC)
tCO2 tonnes of CO2
TNB Tenaga Nasional Berhad
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNITEN Universiti Tenaga Nasional
US$ / USD United States dollar


Industrialization and modernisation has spread rapidly among certain Asian countries,
including Malaysia. Consequently, the energy-intensive lifestyles of those living in the so-
called developed countries is now being adopted more rapidly too. This implies increased
energy use and increased emissions from automobiles, factories and power plants, leading to
local air and river pollution as well as global warming and climate change.

Energy efficiency drive at the national level was first stated in the Seventh Malaysia Plan
(1996-2000), which actually gave birth to the Malaysia Energy Centre (PTM). Energy
efficiency is again explicitly addressed in the Ninth Malaysia Plan (2006-2010). The
industrial sector is expected to implement measures for improvements in equipment and
processes as well as end uses. In practice many barriers hamper the implementation of energy
efficiency (EE). Main barriers include:
• Limited awareness of EE techniques and their economic benefits;
• Limited access to information on energy-efficient (EE) technologies and performance
benchmarks for EE technologies;
• Unwillingness of industrial establishments to incur what are perceived to be the ‘high-
cost / high-risk’ transactions;
• Preference of industries to focus on investments in production improvements rather than
on efficiency;
• Insufficiently energy regulations (such as EE standards and labelling);
• Few EE technology demonstration projects either by industry or the Government;
• Inadequate and low-quality local energy support services;
• Lack of trained industry and financial sector personnel on energy management;
• Lack of financiers that are prepared and interested in financing EE investments as well as
appropriate financing mechanisms;
• Lack of an approved national energy efficiency policy and action plan
• Insufficient financial resources for the adequate staffing of the implementing agencies
involved (such as PTM) as well as for the implementation of EE measures

To address such barriers to energy efficiency and energy conservation in the country’s
industrial sector, the Government of Malaysia initiated the Malaysian Industrial Energy
Efficiency Improvement Project (MIEEIP) in 1999 to improve the rational use of energy in
the industrial sector. Support and funding has been provided by the Global Environment
Facility (GEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as well as the
Government of Malaysia and the private sector. UNDP is the project’s implementing agency
on behalf of the GEF. The Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications (MEWC,
formerly known as Ministry of Energy, Communications and Multimedia, during the initial
implementation of the project) was appointed the project’s executing agency, whereas Pusat
Tenaga Malaysia (PTM) is the designated implementing agency.

The project incorporates measures for capacity strengthening and a demonstration incentive
scheme. MIEEIP initially focussed on eight energy-intensive industries (wood, rubber, food,
ceramics, glass, pulp & paper, iron & steel and cement). During project implementation, three
other sub-sectors were later added (plastics, textile and oleo-chemical). It is expected that at
the end of the project Malaysia will have a foundation for continued efforts to capture the
energy efficiency potential within the industry sector. At the end of the project, the project
document mentions that the following outcomes will have been achieved:
1. Establishment and publication of (subsectoral) energy benchmarks;
2. Promotion of energy auditing as an effective tool for energy management;
3. Energy rating programmes for energy-efficient equipment;

4. Documented and widely disseminated information on energy-efficient processes,
technologies and practices;
5. Trained and supported local energy service companies (ESCOs);
6. Implementation of significant energy efficient technology and processes demonstrations
in collaboration with relevant agencies, private sector and financial institutions

In accordance with regulations of UNDP and GEF, a Final Evaluation has to be carried out
under the responsibility of the GEF-implementing agency (i.e. UNDP), of which the results
are presented in this report. An international consultant was fielded from 22 November - 5
December 2007 to undertake the final evaluation. During the mission, extensive discussions
were held with the project team and representatives from UNDP Malaysia, EPU, MEWC,
FMM, ESCOs and beneficiary companies. Relevant project documents were also analysed

The achievements of the project so far can be summarised as follows:

• The E-Benchmarking activities have successfully compiled a database of more than 1,500
industries built up from data sourced from the Department of Statistics (DOS), although
the use of the tools has some limitations. MIEEIP has developed an Energy Efficiency
and Conservation Guidelines for Electrical Equipment (EE&C Guidelines);
• A total of 54 industries have been audited under the project, in the following sub-sectors:
cement (3), ceramic (6), iron & steel (4), food (10), glass (3), pulp & paper (6), rubber
(9), wood (7), oleo-chemical (2), plastics (2) and textile (2). MIEEIP has produced a
useful 56-page document called “Industrial Energy Audit Guidelines – A Handbook for
Energy Auditors”;
• An energy efficient motor rating and labelling programme has been proposed to the
Energy Commission, but is only implemented on a voluntary basis so far. A “Boiler Best
Practice” guidebook has been developed;
• Various promotional materials that have been successfully developed and disseminated to
stakeholders and beneficiaries, by means of the quarterly newsletter (MIEEIP News),
articles in professional publications, newspaper articles and advertorials and by means of
numerous workshops and seminars. MIEEIP has also helped to establish the MEPA, and
association of energy experts, which is open to energy practitioners of various academic
backgrounds. A special booklet “Achieving Industrial Energy Efficiency in Malaysia”
was published by UNDP to highlight efforts of the MIEEIP and energy conservation
efforts in Malaysia in general;
• AMaster Energy Services Agreement (MESA) was drawn up by the MIEEIP Team at
PTM as a sample document to assist ESCOs and industries in the implementation of
energy efficiency activities. Despite this MIEEIP efforts in ESCO development as well as
training and seminars, the ESCO industry in Malaysia has not developed well;
• Ten EE technology demonstration projects in energy-intensive industries (pulp and paper,
glass, food, steel, palm oil) have been supported as well as three local equipment
manufacturers (motor rewinding, fans) by means of technical assistance (feasibility
analysis) and investment support (through the Energy Efficiency Projects Lending
Scheme, EEPLS);
• One demonstration project (Heveaboard Bhd in Gemas) based on ESCO concept has
been successfully implemented based on the MESA.

Major conclusions resulting from the evaluation analysis are as follows:

The project, in the view of the Evaluator, has made important and real contributions to
removing some barriers, in particular EE awareness creation and capacity building in
important areas such as benchmarking, best practices, audits and demonstration of EE

processes and technology. MIEEIP has taken a first step in creating basic skills to understand
the factors affecting decision-making concerning energy efficiency by industrial energy users
as well as consultancy companies. It has generated powerful insights into the technical and
economic potential for energy efficiency initiatives and the means available to government to
realise that potential.

While these achievements are real, their longer-term sustainability is in doubt without
continuous government support and legislative and financial interventions (which are
currently lacking). Most of the MIEEIP activities will need to be continued as part of PTM
regular programme. However, continuation will depend strongly on the financial support of
the Government to sustain these efforts. In fact, it seems that the lack of a conducive policy
and planning framework in Malaysia for the promotion and implementation of energy
efficiency is a one big barrier. Therefore, a separate component on energy efficiency planning
and regulations would have benefited the project, but was not included in the project design
in 1998, although the project has provided some inputs towards regulatory framework

In addition, another main barrier to improved energy use in Malaysia remains the highly
subsidised energy prices. There is little that the MIEEIP project can do directly to remove
that barrier except for providing relevant policy recommendations.

The Evaluator has the following recommendations:

• More serious implementation of sustainable energy policies by the Government is a pre-

requisite to kick-start the industry towards producing more energy-efficient products both
for local and overseas market. Leaving such strategy to PTM to lead the industry is an
effort beyond the mandate and capability of PTM and will only bring insignificant results;
• Regarding efficiency in industrial processes as well as the local manufacturing of energy
efficient equipment, such an EE Action Plan could be formulated by the Government, which
could entail the following elements:
o The currently proposed ‘energy management regulations’ for companies that
consume a certain amount of energy;
o Energy standards and labelling as a means of promoting and implementing EE, not
only in manufacturing, but for consumer equipment as well;
o Provision of better tax incentives to manufacturing sector to implement EE measures;
o Lowering energy subsidies that presently encourage inefficient rather than rational
energy use.
• Main recommendation for PTM, the implementing agency, is to keep the momentum
regarding the interest and practice of EE in industry set by MIEEIP project:
o For PTM to continue and expand the MIEEIP activities, the Government has to
allocate sufficient funds to enable these roles to be carried out and to have minimum
staff strength. Furthermore, capable and experienced staffing is critical in ensuring
PTM’s success in providing advisory services to the government and the industries.
o The application of E-Benchmarking tools could be expanded to other (sub)sectors or
another new activity could be to introduce international benchmarks for similar
o PTM should not compete with ESCOs, and should act as an intermediary between the
industries and ESCOs. While audits would be have to be undertaken largely by the
ESCOs, on commercial terms; PTM should work with the ESCO association
(MAESCO) to enhance their professional image and should continue to assist in their
capacity building and PTM should also initiate and monitor the ESCO registration;
o PTM should continue with campaigns and promotional activities to increase demand
for energy efficiency equipment in the country;

o Talks should be held between PTM, MIDF and MEWC on the continuation of the
MIEEIP project’s lending scheme into a full-fledged national-level EE promotion
fund, while at the same time commercial banks should be encouraged with
government support to introduce ‘green lending schemes.

MIEEIP has proved to be a good and successful collaboration between Government agencies,
professional bodies, and industry associations.

One lesson learned is that care must be taken not to exaggerate the potential of certain
energy efficiency promotion instruments, such as ESCOs or certain financial incentives,
while other barriers remain in place, such as the practice in Malaysia of substantially
subsidizing energy cost. ESCO or financial incentives alone will not able to overcome the
barriers discussed and no single measure can provide immediate solution. As such, policy
planners must look into bigger perspective when implementing EE.

Despite the low cost of energy, the MIEEIP project has managed to demonstrate the
feasibility and achievability of energy saving measures and has managed to entice managers
in industrial companies as well as some financial institutions to get involved in energy
efficiency and conservation.

While such voluntary participation is laudable in an initial phase, energy efficiency

promotion and implementation needs to be an integral part in the Government’s long-term
public policy. The sustainability of MIEEIP and the eventual impact depend much on
whether the Government decides to put an energy efficiency policy in place with effective
policy instruments backed up by substantial resources. The analysis of this Evaluation Report
suggests that if similar energy efficiency projects are implemented in future they should be
predicated on the expectation that appropriate regulations and substantial government funding
will subsequently be available.


LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................... 2

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................... 3
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................................... 7
1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 BACKGROUND............................................................................................................................. 8
1.2 PROJECT OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGY ......................................................................................... 9
1.3 EVALUATION METHODOLOGY AND STRUCTURE OF THE REPORT ............................................... 11
1.4 PROJECT SET-UP AND STAKEHOLDERS....................................................................................... 13
2. FINDINGS ............................................................................................................................. 15
2.1.1 Outcome 1 Energy-use benchmarking component........................................................... 15
2.1.2 Outcome 2 Energy audit component ................................................................................ 17
2.1.3 Outcome 3 Energy rating component .............................................................................. 20
2.1.4 Outcome 4 Energy efficiency promotion programme ...................................................... 21
2.1.5 Outcome 5 ESCO support component ............................................................................. 23
2.1.6 Outcome 6 Energy technology demonstration programme.............................................. 26
2.1.7 Outcome 7 Local EE equipment manufacturing support programme ............................. 27
2.1.8 Outcome 8 Financial institutions component .................................................................. 30
2.1.9 Overall comments and observations ................................................................................ 32
2.2 IMPLEMENTATION: ASSESSMENT OF THE PROJECT’S IMPACTS ................................................... 33
2.3 PROJECT RELEVANCE, DESIGN AND COUNTRY DRIVENNESS ...................................................... 38
2.3.1 Relevance ......................................................................................................................... 38
2.3.2 Project conceptualisation ................................................................................................ 38
2.4.1 Progress towards results; adaptive management ............................................................ 39
2.4.2 Financial planning and delivery of counterpart inputs ................................................... 42
2.4.3 Stakeholder involvement and partnership strategy.......................................................... 45
2.4.4 Logical framework and monitoring ................................................................................. 45
3. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................. 47
3.1 CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................... 47
3.1.1 Project design and project implementation ..................................................................... 47
3.1.2 Impacts, sustainability and replicability .......................................................................... 48
3.2 RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................................. 48
3.2.1 Recommendations for promotion and implementation of EE in Malaysia....................... 48
3.2.2 Recommendations for PTM.............................................................................................. 51
3.3 LESSONS LEARNT ...................................................................................................................... 54
ANNEX A. TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE EVALUATION........................................... 56
B.1 MISSION SCHEDULE AND LIST OF PEOPLE MET .......................................................................... 63
B.2 LIST OF REVIEWED DOCUMENTS................................................................................................ 64
ANNEX C. LIST OF WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS .......................................................... 65
ANNEX D. LIST OF PROJECT DOCUMENTS....................................................................... 67
ANNEX E. LIST OF AUDITED COMPANIES ........................................................................ 69
ANNEX F. LIST OF AGREEMENTS........................................................................................ 71


1.1 Background

Energy efficiency drive at the national level was first stated in the Seventh Malaysia Plan
(1996-2000), and later stressed again in the Eight Malaysia Plan (2000 – 2005). The main
initiative in the Seventh Malaysia Plan was the birth and establishment of the Malaysia
Energy Centre (PTM), whose major task as a government-owned company is to promote and
implement energy efficiency programmes at the national level.

Energy efficiency is again explicitly addressed in the Ninth Malaysia Plan. Energy efficiency
programmes will focus on energy saving features in the industrial and commercial sectors as
well as the domestic sectors. The industrial sector is expected to implement measures for
improvements in equipment and processes as well as end uses. Efficient Management of
Electrical Energy Regulations1 are to be introduced, Uniform Building By-Laws to be
amended to incorporate energy efficiency features, and specifications promulgated for
accurate and informative electrical appliance labelling to be further enhanced.

Main barriers include:

• Limited awareness of EE techniques and technologies in industry and their economic
benefits (on a lifecycle basis);
• Limited access to information on energy-efficient (EE) technologies and to performance
benchmarks for EE technologies;
• Unwillingness of industrial establishments to incur what are perceived to be the ‘high-
cost / high-risk’ transactions;
• Preference of industries to focus on investments in production-related improvements
rather than on energy efficiency;
• Insufficiently energy regulations (such as EE standards & labelling) and implementation;
• Few EE technology demonstration projects implemented either by industry or the
• Inadequate and low-quality local energy support services;
• Lack of trained industry and financial sector personnel on energy management;
• Lack of financiers that are prepared and interested in financing EE investments as well as
appropriate financing mechanisms;
• Insufficient financial resources for the adequate staffing of the implementing agencies
involved (such as PTM) as well as for the implementation of EE measures;
• Lack of an approved national energy efficiency policy and action plan.

These barriers all lead up to a core problem in the promotion and implementation of EE
measures in industries, which is the inefficient and wasteful use of energy in industrial
facilities, implying high energy consumption and demand and increased greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions from the Malaysian industrial sector.

This would compel, among others, the appointment of ‘energy managers’ for companies above a threshold
defined by volume of energy use (6000 MWh per year)

1.2 Project objectives and strategy

To address these barriers a full-size project, called “Malaysia - Industrial Energy Efficiency
Project (MIEEIP)” was formulated during 1998. The Project Document was signed in July
1999 by UNDP and Government of Malaysia. The Ministry of Energy, Communications and
Multimedia (MECM; now known as the Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications,
MEWC) was the designated national executing agency. The Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (PTM,
Energy Centre) was designated by the MECM to implement the project on its behalf2.

The UNDP Project Document of MIEEIP mentions as its project objective “is to improve
energy efficiency in Malaysia’s industrial sector, through removing barriers to efficient
industrial energy use, and through creating a sustainable institutional capacity to provide
energy efficiency sources, and a conducive policy, planning and research framework”. The

Box 1 Institutions involved in the implementation of energy policy in Malaysia

The key Malaysian Government ministries and agencies involved in promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency
are the Energy Unit of Economic Planning Unit (EPU) of the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Energy, Water
and Communications (MEWC), the Energy Commission (EC) and Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (PTM).

The role of MEWC (Kementarian Tenaga, Air dan Komunikasi, KTAK) is to facilitate and regulate the electricity
sectors in the country and to ensure affordable energy is available to consumers throughout the country. As the country
is maturing, its responsibility has shifted from being a service provider to policy formulation, in coordination with the
Economic Planning Unit (of the Prime Minister’s Office) to provide the general direction, strategies and determine the
level of implementation. In general, these strategies are largely outlined in Five-Year Plans (see main text).

The Energy Commission (Suruhanjaya Tenaga, ST) has been the regulatory agency for the electricity and piped gas
supply industries in Malaysia since 2002 replacing the Department of Electricity and Gas Supply (DEGS). The
Commission’s main tasks are to provide technical and performance regulation for the electricity and piped gas supply
industries, as the safety regulator for electricity and piped gas and to advise the Minister on all matters relating to
electricity and piped gas supply including energy efficiency and renewable energy issues. The Commission is
attempting to emulate the experiences of efficiency standards and labelling programmes worldwide, but mandatory
measures have not been implemented so far. For high performance motors and energy efficient refrigerators, a
programme is implemented on a voluntary basis.

The Malaysia Energy Centre (Pusat Tenaga Malaysia, PTM), the, was established by the Malaysian Government in
1997 as an independent not-for-profit company for the development and coordination of energy research. PTM’s aim is
to be the focal point on energy implementation and catalyst for linkages with universities, research institutions,
industry, and national and international energy organizations. The PTM has four major functions.
• Energy policy research;
• Guardian and repository of the national energy database;
• Promoter of national energy efficiency and renewable energy programmes
• Coordinator and lead manager in energy research and development and demonstration projects

PTM offers membership to individuals and companies across the entire spectrum of the Malaysian energy industry
including the electricity power industry, the oil and gas industry, research institutions, institutions of higher learning,
service providers, suppliers and energy consumers. Membership provides access to informational databases;
consultancy services on building and industry energy audits; energy efficiency and renewable energy; training
programmes; and opportunities for industry networking. A M A L A

Other significant programmes have been Capacity-Building in Demand-Side Management (2003-2005)
implemented by the Energy Commission and co-funded by Danish International Development Assistance
(DANIDA) as well as the establishment of the Centre for Education and Training in Renewable Energy and
Energy Efficiency (CETREE) at Universiti Sains Malaysia.

logical framework in the GEF Project Brief mentions as objectives “to reduce the risk of
climate change by reducing net GHG emissions” and “removing barriers to large-scale
application, implementation and dissemination of least-cost energy-efficient technologies and
by promoting more efficient use of energy”.

The Project Document further details that these objectives are to be achieved through eight
Project Components with immediate objectives as listed below.

Component 1: Energy Use Benchmarking Program

• To establish and develop energy-use benchmarks for various industrial sub-sectors (based
on industrial processes, operations and energy systems) that can be used by industries as
guides in their EE&EC efforts.

Component 2: Energy Auditing Program

• To promote energy auditing as an effective tool for industrial energy management;
• To establish Sectoral Energy Audit Teams; and,
• To conduct a continuing Energy Audit Program for industries

Component 3: Energy Rating Program

• To provide information on energy-efficient equipment and energy rating programs to
increase awareness and encourage the use of energy efficient equipment in industry and
set up an industrial equipment testing facility to label equipment.

Component 4: Energy Efficiency Promotion Program

• To disseminate information on energy efficient practices in industries, EE&EC
technology applications and establish an association of accredited energy specialists,
consultants and technology developers and providers.

Component 5: ESCO Support Program

• To develop a suitable institutional and legal framework for ESCO activities in the
• To develop institutional arrangements that will promote ESCOs to the industrial sector;
• To assist the local ESCOs in making bankable project proposals, business plans, and in
securing financing arrangements for their clients;
• To advice ESCOs in defining the feasible products and services that they can offer and
evaluating the risks associated with performance contracting.

Component 6: Energy Technology Demonstration Program

• To demonstrate the applicability and the feasibility (technical and economic) of proven
energy efficiency technologies;
• To document and disseminate information on the application and benefits of energy
efficiency technologies in local industrial settings;
• To provide technical and financial assistance to industrial energy users.

Component 7: Local Energy Efficient Equipment Manufacturing Support Program

• To initiate design and manufacturing improvement projects of local industrial equipment
manufacturers as a means of promoting and accelerating the production and utilization of
energy efficient equipment in industries.

Component 8: Financial Institutions Participation Program
• To promote and accelerate the production and utilization of energy efficient industrial
equipment through dissemination of information and techniques on energy efficient
equipment designs and production;
• To set up financing arrangements for the provision of loans to eligible companies /
equipment manufacturers that can host energy efficient technology demonstration
programs and design applications and produce energy-efficient industrial equipment
amongst local and markets for the technology demonstration activity.

The document of the full-size project was formally signed in 1999 with a total budget of US$
20.79 million with GEF financing of US$ 7.30 million, government co-financing in cash of
US$ 6.30 million3 and in-kind of US$ 1.63 million and private sector cash contributions of
US$ 5.26 million. Implementation of the project started in 1999 and was supposed to be
completed by 2003. The project completion date was extended in 2004 to December 2006
and is now scheduled at end December 2007.

As per original design, MIEEIP focussed initially on the following 8 energy-intensive

industrial sub-sectors: iron & steel, cement, wood, food, glass, pulp & paper, ceramics and
rubber. Later three other sectors were added, namely oleo-chemical, plastics and textiles. Box
2 provides some examples of energy efficiency improvements that can be implemented in
these sectors.

1.3 Evaluation methodology and structure of the report

In accordance with regulations of the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the Global
Environment Facility (GEF), a Final Evaluation of MIEEIP has to be carried out under the
responsibility of the GEF-implementing agency (i.e. UNDP). The results of the evaluation are
presented in this report. The purpose of the evaluation is to analyse and assess the
achievements and progress made, identify factors that have facilitated or impeded the
achievement of outcomes and the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, impact and
sustainability of the project. The evaluation is expected to generate the main lessons learned
and recommendations.

An international consultant, Mr. Jan van den Akker (Netherlands), hereinafter referred to as
the “Evaluator”, was engaged by UNDP-Malaysia to conduct the evaluation. He conducted a
mission in Malaysia from 24 November to 5 December. During the mission, extensive
discussions were held with the project management team and with representatives from
UNDP Malaysia, Ministry of Energy, Water and Telecommunications (MEWC), the project
management team and important private sector stakeholders, such as beneficiary
manufacturing companies (and the manufacturers’ association FMM) and ESCOs. The
itinerary and list of people met is provided in Annex B.

During the mission, the Evaluator drew up an agenda that covers the issues to be addressed as
mentioned in its Terms of Reference (see Annex A) and follows the structure of this report:
• Introduction (project description and evaluation method);
• Findings on project progress
o Project’s performance in terms of results (achieving objectives and outputs in terms
of realised activities and inputs used) and impacts, quantitatively and qualitatively

Via PTM yearly budget (US$ 3.1 million) and the share of wood and biomass energy efficiency and
conversion of FRIM and SIRIM (US$ 2.2 million) as part of the co-financing for the demonstration schemes of
component and from JBEG.

measured by indicators (as set in the project document and the annual project review
o Description of awareness raising and other project impacts,
o The Evaluator’s assessment of the project design and execution;
• Conclusions and recommendations
o Conclusions taking into account sustainability and replicability issues,
o Lessons learned and recommendations.

The Evaluator adopted the following methodology of evaluation:

i) Review of project reports, in particular the Project Documents, APR-PIRs (annual
project implementation reviews), mid-term evaluation report, impact study report,
minutes of meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC) as well as other
background information;
ii) Meetings with the main project partners and stakeholders in Malaysia.

The report is divided into four sections. This first section provides general background of the
project, purpose of evaluation, project implementation setup, partners/stakeholders and
evaluation methodology. The next section dwells on findings derived from analysis of
selected reports and from interactions with the stakeholders interviewed.

Box 2 Examples of energy efficiency improvements in industry

A summary of energy efficient technologies and practices is given below. To the typology can be added proper
cleaning, operation and maintenance of systems as well as optimization of system operation.

Space conditioning: Refrigeration

• Thermal storage • Defrost controls
• Sealing and balancing of ducts and pipes • Multi-stage compressors
• Improved efficiency of equipment • Insulation
• Improved building design • High-efficiency refrigeration cases

Water heating: Lighting

• Insulation blankets • High-efficiency ballasts and reflector systems
• Heat pumps • Lighting controls and occupancy sensors
• Flow restrictors • Daylight dimmers and switches
• High-efficiency water heaters • Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs)
• Efficient fluorescent lamps
Building envelope: • High-intensity discharge lamps
• Insulating glass
• Low-emissivity glass Process improvements
• Insulation • Drying / curing efficiency
• Solar shading • Economizers in recovery in steam systems
• Highly reflective roofs • Waste heat recovery
• Good boiler and furnace maintenance
Controls: • Air compressor efficiency
• Automated energy management systems • Repairing leaks and insulating tanks and pipes

Motors: Ventilation
• Variable speed drives • Improved efficiency
• Improved motor rewinding • Variable air volume
• High-efficiency motors (HEMs) • Multi-speed or variable speed motor

Source: Completion Report (Zet, 2007)

The evaluation findings are described following the logical framework design of the project
of outputs and indicators, as given in the APR-PIRs. In the third section, conclusions from the
observations and findings are discussed in the context of the project objectives. These also
pertain to sustainability and replicability of project. Section 3 ends with lessons learnt and
some general recommendations.

1.4 Project set-up and stakeholders

The project is executed by the Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (PTM) on behalf of the Ministry of
Water, Energy and Communications (MEWC), which represents the Government of the
Republic of Malaysia, and in co-operation with private sector partners interested in
implementing energy efficiency improvement measures.

For general coordination, monitoring and strategy support for the project implementation, a
National Steering Committee has been established (NSC) consisting of representatives of the
following organizations:
• Economic Planning Unit (EPU) of the Prime Minister’s Office (chairperson of the NSC)
• Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications (MEWC or Kememtarian Tenaga, Air &
Komunikasi, KTAK)4
• UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
• MIDA (Malaysian Industrial Development Authority)
• FMM (Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers)
• JBEG (Jabatan Bekalan Elektrik dan Gas)
• Energy Commission (EC, or Suruhanjaya Tenaga, ST )
• MNRE (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Keentarian Sumber Asli &
Alam Sekitar)
• CETDEM (Centre for Environment, Technology and Development Malaysia)
• SIRIM Bhd. (formerly Standards and Industrial Research Institute Malaysia)
• FRIM (Forest Research Institute of Malaysia)
• PTM (Pusat Tenaga Malaysia, Malaysia Energy Centre)

A Project Implementation Unit (PIU) was set up, initially led by a full time Chief Technical
Advisor (CTA), Mr. Ponudurai Rajamanikam until 2004 and led by Dr. K.S. Kannan as Chief
Project Coordinator (CPC) thereafter. They have been responsible for the day-to-day
management of the project, ensuring that the expected outputs are completed in a timely
manner and that they comply with the specific UNDP/GEF criteria and requirements. The
project managers (CTA and CPC) also have regularly reported on the progress of the project
to the executing agency and UNDP.

The Head of PTM has been functioning as National Project Director5, representing the
Government as the person responsible for the project from the Government side. Additional
short-term international consultants were recruited to provide specific services and to support
the implementation of the project through the critical stages.

Two consortiums which consist of both local and international consultants were appointed:

Previously, the Ministry of Energy, Communications and Multimedia (MECM). Before the Government
reshuffling, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, MOSTE, Kementarian Sains, Teknologi &
Alam Sekitar) participated as well as the KPU (Kementarian Perusahaan Utama).
Dr. Mohd. Zamzam Jaafar, Dr. Hassan Ibrahim and currently Dr. Anuar Abdul Rahman

• Zet Consortium (consisting of Zet, Fichtner, CESI and Ecoloner) provided consultancy
services for Component 1,2,4,5,6,7 and 8 and also as an integrated part of the overall
MIEEIP project team (see section 2.5.1).
• Techno Economist Consortium consisting ofTechno Economist and Dansk Energi
Management) provided consultancy services for Component 3.

Each component was led by a Component Project Manager (whom reports to the CPC) and a
part-time local Technical Advisor was appointed to provide advisory services on an as-
needed basis. Initially the project team consisted of about 18-20 staff, but is currently at about
6-8 staff, employed by PTM.


2.1 Implementation: assessment of achievement of outcomes and


For each of the three outcomes, as mentioned in paragraph 1.2, this section assesses the
progress in the implementation of the project’s outcomes and outputs, following the format as
given in the annual implementation review reports (APR-PIRs).

2.1.1 Outcome 1 Energy-use benchmarking component

Indicator: Established and developed energy-use benchmarks for various industry sub-
sectors based on industrial processes, operations and energy systems) that are
used by industries as guides in their EE & EC efforts.

Table 1 Outputs, indicators and status of outcome 1

Outputs Indicator (June 2007) Status (June 2007)

1.1 System for energy Data collection is available online Completed
benchmarking in place and hosted by National
Productivity Corporation (NPC).
1.2 Energy consumption Over 150 industries have used the Completed
benchmarks for online system of benchmarking
Malaysian industries data
1.3 Industrial energy-use Based on data from Dept. of Completed
database Statistics (DOS), information on
almost 1,500 industries is
available at PTM
1.4 Dissemination of Disseminated in 6 seminars & Completed
industry energy use workshops since 2006;
benchmarks Publication on EE Guidelines for
EE equipment


Before MIEEIP the information on energy-use benchmarks was not available and only basic
information on industry energy use was gathered for statistical purposes.

Activities and achievements

2002 – 2003 • Built capacity on energy use in NPC

• Voluntary participation at selected industrial sectors in collaboration with the
respective industrial associations hence resulting in a detailed benchmarking
• Dissemination of Industry Energy-use benchmarks (Newsletter No. 15)
2004 • Completed Mobile Benchmarking Kit Equipment Installation, Testing and
Commissioning at SCA Packaging (M) Sdn Bhd
2005 • Collaboration with FMM, MIDA and the Department of Statistics (DOS) to

disseminate the benefits of the e-benchmark database
• Meetings with FMM and MIDA on collaboration with these organizations for
the energy use data collection.
• Seminar on "Improve Productivity and Profits through Energy Efficiency
Initiatives" in 2005 to disseminate information on benchmarking programme;
organized together with C6
• Study tour to Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency,
2006 • Workshop on "Energy Conservation Guidelines for Malaysian
• 65 companies engaged to participate in the e- benchmarking system.
• The EE Management Committee consisting of MASHRAE, IEM, METD,
EETD, SIRIM and ST were established for the drafting of the EE
• Workshop from 1–17 October 2006 on the EE Guidelines and was attended
by JETRO/ECCJ, Working Group members and PTM.
• Data on 1,500 industries from the Department of Statistics is being reviewed
and compiled by to add on to the benchmarking database.

General observations and comments

The E-Benchmarking initiative is designed to display the energy consumption and production
data. The key features of the E-Benchmark for national purposes are as follows:
• The indicator used is Energy Use Index (EUI), which is defined as the total energy
consumed for a certain product. So, the EUI is a mean of indicating the efficiency of the
industry's energy consumption with respect to its production. The unit used is ‘Gigajoule
per tonne’ (GJ/t).
• The electronic database provides an way of collecting energy use and industry's
production data in an ongoing way as compared to normal time-consuming surveys;
• From the database, an industrial company can compare its energy consumption profile
with all the rest of similar companies, without having to know the name of these
companies. If the company's EUI is higher than the rest of the group, this indicates that
the company should be pursuing energy efficiency measures to be at par with or better
than the other competitor industries.

The E-Benchmarking has successfully compiled a database of more than 1,500 industries
built up from data sourced from the Department of Statistics (DOS). Available from DOS
originally were 12,227 numbers of production data and 5,308 numbers of energy data
reported by 5,308 companies in year 2003. Some limitations of the tool reportedly are
(source: PTM, 2007):
• The wide disparity of range of EUI makes it difficult for the E-Benchmarking to
demonstrate the credibility of the figures mentioned. For example, the cement sector
shows EUI ranging from 0.1-1.2. Apparently, the large range suggests that within
cement, the various sub-sectors (e.g. cement production, processing cement products are
substantially different, hence we are comparing apples and pears;
• Care must be exercised on the reliability and validity of data submitted. Some kind of
arrangement, such as preliminary energy audit, could be made on random basis to check
the validity of the data provided;
• Some companies are not interested to provide data, because they do not view the tools as
being useful to them or simply because of confidentiality issues.

MIEEIP has developed an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Guidelines for
Electrical Equipment (EEC Guidelines). The format of the guidelines was
established as a result of the advice given by the Japan External Trade
Organisation (JETRO) and the Energy Conservation Centre of Japan (ECCJ)
in a workshop conducted in June 2006. Eight types of electrical equipment
are included in these guidelines, namely: transformers, motors, chillers, cooling
towers, fans and blowers, pumps and air compressors, and lightings. The
guidelines are a useful reference for industries to adopt energy efficiency
practices, and manage and improve their energy utilization and environmental

The key features and benefits of these guidelines are:

• They provide Malaysian industries with guidance in design, selection and
information on equipment energy-efficiency ratings, best-practice guidance in operation,
monitoring, inspection and maintenance;
• They provide industries with ways how to conduct energy-saving measures to achieve
cost savings and improved productivity, using appropriate equipment in their factory and
building premises.

2.1.2 Outcome 2 Energy audit component

Indicator: Energy auditing is widely practiced and used in Malaysian industries

Table 2 Outputs, indicators and status of outcome 2

Outputs Indicator (June 2007) Status (June 2007)

2.1 Energy audit skills 8 PTM staff (engineers and Done
upgrading technical assts) have been trained
in energy auditing;
FMM Energy Committee trained
to undertake preliminary energy
audits in all sectors;
2.2 Standardised energy Review of current practices; Completed
audit procedures and Publication on industrial energy
energy tools developed audit revised and available.
Complete set of energy audit
equipment available.
2.4 Conduct of energy audits Procurement of energy audit Completed
A total of 76 audits have been
conducted so far;
Evaluation of the programme
2.5 Energy audit follow-up Auditing of 3 additional plans; Completed
programme Auditing is mentioned in the 9th
Malaysia Development Plan
Paper for MEWC on policy and
strategy measures
2.6 EE assessment of new Two sites have been reviewed as Draft report
industrial facilities to their energy efficiency features.
A draft booklet on the checklist of
features and case studies is being


Before MIEEIP, no auditing of industry was performed in a systematic way. In early 1990s,
Japan International Cooperation Assistance (JICA) and Asian Development Bank (ADB)/
ADEME conducted studies on energy consumption baseline and a series of on-the job energy
management trainings but full implementation of recommendations was never been
materialized due to lack of awareness and readiness in the industrial sectors.

Activities and achievements

2000 • Trainings on Energy Management by Eco Energy and Fichtner

2001 • ESCO Business Development Workshop; ESCO Comprehensive
Development Workshop Organized; Mini Workshop on EPC to MAESCO
• Participated in a study mission to Germany.
2002 • National ESCO Workshop;
• Electrical Energy Audit Training; Capital Budgeting Training;
• Conducted two (2) energy management training sessions from both private
and government sector for relevant stakeholders and beneficiaries;
• Survey of Malaysian industries on Energy Management practices
• Organization of Workshop for Model of ESCO Business Plan and Strategy
2003 • “Energy Engineering and Business Tools Workshop; “Business and Financial
Planning” Workshop;
• 48 preliminary energy audits in 8 sectors;
• Study Mission to Italy.
• The first national Energy Audit Guidelines for the industrial sector was
published and launched by the Minister of Energy Communication and
Multimedia in NCEP 2 at PWTC on 22 September 2003.
2004 • Two papers presented on the energy audit findings in a forum entitled
"Workshop on EE and Conservation for Major Industries in Southeast Asia"
organized by the ASEAN EE & C SSN and ECCJ at Putrajaya Marriot on 25
December 2004.
2005 • Successf ull y carrie d out ener gy audit together with Ener g y
Conservation Centre of Japan (ECCJ) in the oleo-chemical sector;
• Selection of the 8 ESCOs to carry out the energy audit;
• Successful organisation of the `Japan Malaysia Seminar on EE in Process
Industries" on 1st December 2005 held at UTM Skudai, Johore.
2006 • Energy Audit Guidelines has been completed and revised in certain sections
by the Technical Adviser.
• A Presentation of the Energy Audit Software by Dr. Zainuddin to FMM and
PTM engineers. The chairman of the Pulp and Paper association has
consented that his company will participate in the pilot study for this software.
• Energy Audit activities for three (3) additional sectors have been completed
Initiated a collaboration programme with SMIDEC to conduct one (1) audit
each per sector for textile, sago and wood industries.
• PTM joint audit with ASEAN Centre of Energy (ACE) and Energy
Conservation Centre of Japan (ECCJ) was conducted in Lao PDR from 9 –12
October 2006. 3 staff from PTM participated in the audit as part of C2
• For the energy audit for the petrochemical and cement sectors held in
Myanmar in November 2006 - a staff from PTM participated in it.
• Checklist for the Energy Efficiency features of new installations has been
drafted and two companies have been identified as hosts for the programme.

General observations and comments

Energy audits are a systematic studies or surveys to determine

how energy is being used in a building or a plant. It is also a
useful procedure to find out the best options for energy
conservation. Energy audits provide an analysis of the amount
of energy (e.g., electricity, gas or fuel oil) consumed during a
given period in the form of electricity, gas, fuel, oil or steam.
Using that information, it is also possible to determine how
the energy was used according to the various processes in a
plant or at the various outlets in a building. The next step in
an energy audit then is to identify the potential for energy
savings accurately.

Out of 76 factories visited and consulted, a total of 54 factories have been

audited under the project, in the following sub-sectors: cement (3),
ceramic (6), iron & steel (4), food (10), glass (3), pulp & paper (6), rubber
(9), wood (7), oleo-chemical (2), plastics (2) and textile (2).

At the beginning of the MIEEIP, industries were reluctant to participate in

the project to have their sites audited. During the course of project
implementation, through continuous promotions such as seminars,
workshops, training courses, demonstration project, newsletters, websites,
and direct consultations, more and more industries were willing to
participate. The three additional industry sectors (oleo-chemical, plastics
and textiles) were included for energy audit after extending the project in
2004. The Evaluator did not have the time to go in detail through all the
reports, but the mid-term evaluation (Lucas, 2003) as well as stakeholders
interviewed, have the opinion that the general standard of quality of the
energy audit performance was high.

MIEEIP has produced a useful 56-page document called “Industrial Energy Audit Guidelines
– A Handbook for Energy Auditors” especially targeted to the top management and
maintenance personnel of industries to energy services companies (ESCOs), as well as to the
academia and Government agencies. The guidelines have the following benefits:
• Offer a guide to efficient energy practices that can be implemented in the Malaysian
• Provide insights into the structure and systematic energy audit practices; and
• Allow capacity-building of energy auditors and maintenance personnel.

The first edition of the guidelines was published in 2003 and was distributed free of charge to
the industries and other target groups. The second and more voluminous version is at the final
stage of printing and will be ready soon. The second version, when published, will be sold as
part of an income generating activity for PTM. If not done already, the Evaluator feels that it
would be good to have copies of the second version sent to professionals for peer review and

2.1.3 Outcome 3 Energy rating component

Indicator: Information materials on energy-efficient equipment are not widely available and
no energy rating programs for equipment are implemented.

Table 3 Outputs, indicators and status of outcome 3

Outputs Indicator (June 2007) Status (June 2007)

3.1 Info on EE equipment Policy paper on EE motors Done
and energy rating submitted to Energy Comm.6;
available to energy Publication on the boiler best
practice notes is ready and
3.2 Design and construction Specifications on equipment Shelved
of testing facility testing facility developed;
However, installation of motor
resting facility was shelved by
3.3 Boiler training and demo The plan to purchase a boiler Shelved
unit demo unit has been shelved due
anticipated infrequent use and
potential maintenance problems.
As an alternative it was decided
to use a similar existing facility at
a nearby university

Activities and achievements

2002 • Policy study on “Energy Rating Programme”; Report was submitted to

Energy Commission in August 2002;
• Completed the Market Survey for 7 equipment i.e. electric motors, boilers,
pumps, fans and blowers, furnaces, air compressors and heat exchangers;
• Completed the Electric Motor Market Survey for the pilot project of the motor
rating programme
2003 • Conduct impact assessment on the Malaysian motor rating programme.
• Boiler Best Practice Seminar/Workshop was held in 15 & 16 October 2003
2004 • Completed the design of the electric motor testing facility
2005 • Signed agreements between eight Manufacturers, Dealers and Suppliers of
electric motor for the "High Efficient Electric Motor Agreement".
• Draft technical specification for the boiler training/demo facility and has been
prepared and forwarded to the host site for their comments
2006 • Tender Evaluation Report prepared for Boiler Best Practice and Demo
Equipment Tender Exercise for PTM's Board approval.
• Draft copy of the HEM Brochure
2007 • Successfully organized the "Seminar on the Use of High Efficiency Motors
(HEM) in Industries on 25 January 2007 at Renaissance Kuala Lumpur Hotel.
• Prepared the Motor Best Practice Syllabus

Completed and being further promoted in collaboration with Copper Development Centre (CDC).
Presentation in 6 seminars and one major seminar in collaboration with CDC
Since this is a baseline activity to be funded from MESITA, it can be carried out when the regulations
regarding the mandatory testing of electric motors are already in place


Before MIIEEP, information materials on energy-efficient equipment were not widely

available and no energy rating programs had been designed or implemented.

General observations and comments

The energy efficient motor rating and labelling programme has been proposed
to the Energy Commission. Currently only about 2 percent of the motors used
in the Malaysian industries are high efficiency motors (HEMs). According to
a survey made in 2005 about 70 percent of the electricity consumed by the
industries is consumed by motors alone. It was envisioned that when the
programme is implemented and HEMs become more widely used in
industries, that there might be 3 to 5 percent energy savings in industries from
motors alone. On thermal systems, a Boiler Best Practice guidebookwas
developed from course notes of best boiler practice workshops organised in
2003 and 2004/5. The guidebook highlights the technical details in operating
boilers and thermal systems at maximum efficiency. The guidebook will
become a useful reference for boiler operators to follow to ensure higher efficiency of the
thermal systems in the industry. Unfortunately, due to the infancy of the regulatory policy on
such equipment, the testing facility for HEM and boiler was requested to be on-hold. The
component with the assistance of the DANIDA, government agencies such as Energy
Commission and PTM, managed to get in-depth knowledge on the rating scheme and its
know-how on the programme implementation. For example, Energy Commission has
embarked on the voluntary programme not only for HEM, but for the refrigerator for the
residential sector as well.

2.1.4 Outcome 4 Energy efficiency promotion programme

Indicator: Dissemination of information on energy efficient practices in industries, EE&EC

technology applications and establishment of an association of accredited energy
specialists, consultants and technology developers and providers.

Table 4 Outputs, indicators and status of outcome 4

Outputs Indicator (June 2007) Status (June

4.1 Enhanced information MIEEIP Newsletters 19 Issues Published Completed
activities (newsletters, and Circulated to 4,000 Manufacturers;
brochures, bulletins) MEPA News letters 6 issues
were published for members;
Documented EE case studies
from the following MIEEIP
audited factories (see Table 9)
4.2 Energy technology Information available at PTM resource Completed
information services centre and is frequently used by industry
and PTM members
4.3 Established professional Established MEPA (with 150 energy Completed
organization of professionals) and organized annual
accredited specialists conventions


Publications on energy efficiency and conservation were only appearing on a limited scale.

Activities and achievements

2000 • Resource Centre set up at PTM

• Malaysian Energy Professionals Association was established in April 2002,
having a current membership of 150
2003 • One-day Energy Management Seminar for University Students (UNITEN) 20th
September , 2003
• National Convention for Energy Professionals 2 on 22nd September, 2003
(Organized jointly with MEPA)
2004 • Website developed (see
• Outline on industrial Energy Management for University Co-Curriculum
Workshop 19-01-2004
• Seminar on "Improve Productivity and Profits through Energy Efficiency
Initiatives" 04-08-2005.
• Forum on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency "The Way Forward" 12-08-
2004 (Organised jointly with MEPA)
2005 • National Convention for Energy Professionals 2005 on 15-09-2005 (organised
jointly with MEPA);
• Agreement signing ceremony between PTM and Industries Malayawata Bhd,
Pascorp Paper Industries Bhd and Apollo Rubber Sdn Bhd ) by Y.B. Dato' Seri
Dr. Lim Keng Yaik, MEWC on 15-09-2005
• Series of seminars mainly on Energy Efficiency case studies from the
demonstration projects and also MIEEIP audited factories were carried out for
members of the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers and the Malaysian
Timber Industries Board at the following locations:
2006 • Launching of the Heveaboard Mensilin Demonstration Project on 7-04-2006,
2006 by Y.B.Dato' Shaziman Abu Mansor Deputy Minister of Energy Water
and Communications
• Published two advertorials in the News Straits Times as follows:
o PTM's first successful EE technology demonstration project dated 08-04-06
o MIEEIP Targets Efficient Energy Use dated 14-07-2006
• Proposal For The Implementation Of An ESCO Accreditation Scheme 11/05/06
• Seminar with MEPA entitled Energy Efficiency & Conservation "Lessons
Learnt, Challenges Faced & What's Next" on 14-11-2006 (organised jointly with
2007 • Successfully organized the "Seminar on the Use of High Efficiency Motors
(HEM) in Industries” on 25-01-2007 at Renaissance Kuala Lumpur Hotel.
• Prepared the Motor Best Practice Syllabus

General observations and comments

MIEEIP has developed various promotional materials that have been disseminated to
stakeholders and beneficiaries. These are in the form of newsletters (MIEEIP News), articles
in professional publications and newspaper articles/advertorials. A total of 20 issues of the
MIEEIP News have been published. The MIEEIP team has developed a comprehensive
mailing list for the MIEEIP Newsletter covering different target groups and currently has
over 2,500 subscribers that come from (PTM, 2007):
• MIEEIP audited industrial companies (54; see Annex E for a full list of audited

• Other industrial companies from the cement and ceramic (39), food and glass (75), oleo-
chemical (251), plastic (168), rubber (153), plastics (168), textile (75) and wood
subsectors (388) and other FMM members, companies and individuals (over 1,000);
• Institutions and organizations (84);
• ESCOs and associations (69);
• UNDP, embassies and government organizations (214);
• Overseas subscribers (68).

MIEEIP has also helped to establish the MEPA (Malaysian Energy Professionals
Association). MEPA was established in 2002 to increase the number of energy experts or
trained energy professionals. Current membership is around 120. The membership is open to
all professionals of varied backgrounds (such as engineers, accountants, business personnel),
who usually serves as managers in the industry or manufacturing companies. MEPA will help
to create impact to human resource development for the energy industry. PTM is the
secretariat of MEPA. In fact most activities of MEPA are driven by a number of PTM
executives, being committee members of MEPA. So far MEPA has organised two
conferences; first one in August 2003, and the second one in August 2005.

A special booklet “Achieving Industrial Energy Efficiency in Malaysia” was

published by UNDP to highlight efforts done by MIEEIP, highlighting on
objectives of each of the eight Components of the project, the activities
initiated, together with lessons learnt. The book also features an article on
"Energy in Malaysia" which highlights Malaysia's energy policy, current
energy demand and supply scenario, indigenous resources as well as the
energy industry development. It describes the roles and functions of the main
energy organisations of the country. MIEEIP technology demonstration
projects are elaborated in this book as industrial case studies (also available on
the PTM website).

2.1.5 Outcome 5 ESCO support component

Indicator: Establishment of an optimal structure for an ESCO industry in Malaysia and

development of options for performance contracting in industries

Table 5 Outputs, indicators and status of outcome 5

Outputs Indicator (June 2007) Status (June 2007)

5.1 Survey and evaluation of Published directory of ESCO Completed
the capacity of known and available service;
ESCOs A workshop and a Fast Track
ESCO project launched;
5.2 Developed design tools, Workshops conducted; Completed
marketing strategy and Marketing strategy ongoing
legal framework for
5.3 Training of local Workshop conducted Completed
engineering firms and
consultants in integrating
EE in their designs
5.4 Developed accreditation A draft ESCO registration Completed
scheme for ESCOs scheme has been developed and
sent to MEW



Before MIEEIP project initiation, some consultancy or equipment suppliers provided some
energy efficiency advisory services, but not in a way corresponding to the ESCO and energy
performance contracting concept. In other words, there was no established ESCO industry.

Activities and achievements

2000 • First survey of Malaysian ESCOs in March 2000

2001 • ‘ESCO Business Development’ workshop in February 2001
• “ESCO Comprehensive Development” workshop in June 2001
• Fact finding mission to USA in June 2001
• Workshop on “Energy Performance Contract (EPC)” in September 2001
• ESCO Directory slotted in the 5th MIEEIP Newsletter in September 2001
2002 • National ESCO Workshop in collaboration with Component 8 in February 2002
(promotion of ESCO concept to the financial institutions through Financial
Institutions Forum)
• ESCO concept promoted to insurance industries in an effort to mitigate ESCO
project risks
• ESCO Directory slotted in the 9th MIEEIP Newsletter in September 2002
• Review of ESCOs and EE activities in USA and Canada 2002
• Workshop for Model of ESCO Business Plan and Strategy on 25-11-2002
• Individual consultancy for 7 ESCOs in their respective business plans in
December 2002
2003 • Review of ESCOs and EE activities in the Republic of Korea and Denmark in
May 2003
• Second survey of Malaysian ESCOs in 2003
• Launched the 1st Malaysian ESCO directory for dissemination to 1000 recipients
• Disseminated and provided information on the availability of EE incentives
“Industrial Energy Performance Contract (EPC)” workshop in collaboration
with Component 4 in March 2003
• “Energy Engineering and Business Tools” workshop in March 2003
• Sponsorship of MAESCO booth at the SMIDEC Exhibition in May 2003
• “Energy Engineering Tools” and “Business and Financial Planning” workshops
conducted in June 2003
2004 • Compiling feedback from selected ESCOs, monitor and valuate the activities of
selected ESCOs in the Demonstration Component
• Wrap up session for ESCOs in April ‘04
2005 • Sponsored ESCOs to attend the 1St Asia ESCO Conference in Bangkok, October
20 - 21, 2005
2006 • 8 ESCO companies were contracted by MIEEIP to audit companies (Penfabric
Sdn Bhd; Viscount Plastics (M) Sdn Bhd, Prym Newey (M) Sdn Bhd and
Formosa Prosonic Holdings Sdn Bhd)
• Launched the Heveaboard Mensilin ESCO Concept Demonstration Project on 7
April 2006
2007 • Review of the Master Energy Service Agreement

General observations and comments

Most industries, while being convinced of the benefits of energy efficiency measures, have
been hesitant to provide capital investment for such efforts. In an energy performance
contracting (EPS) scheme, it is the task of the ‘energy service company’ (ESCO) to perform
an energy audit and to propose energy-saving options and measures; the ESCO will then

make the investment (on a loan arrangement with a financial institution. During project
implementation, the ESCO will be adequately paid for its services from the energy saved and the
ESCO will make monthly repayments to the bank.

MIEEIP has developed the tools for ESCO development and capacity building. The Master
Energy Services Agreement (MESA) was drawn up by the MIEEIP Team at PTM as a
sample document to assist energy service companies and industries in the implementation of
energy efficiency activities by setting out the relevant procedures and obligations of both
parties. In Malaysia, while most ESCOs are capable of conducting energy audits, currently
only a few of them are ready to move further from energy audits to energy performance
contracting. The MESA can become a useful reference for ESCOs to equip themselves
with the capability and skill to be engage in energy performance contracting.

It is difficult the judge the final quality; so far MESA

has only been used and tested once, signed between
Heaveaboard Bhd as the host site and Mensilin as the
ESCO. The MESA has since been reviewed after
identifying some weaknesses in its original version
of the MESA. Apparently, one issue that MESA does
not adequately address, for example, are details in
project implementation.

In spite of the ESCO Component in MIEEIP, the ESCO industry in Malaysia has not
developed well. The following are current attributes of the ESCO industry in Malaysia:
• Many ESCOs have a "poor image", aggravated by the fact that also equipment suppliers
identify themselves as ESCOs (as a means to market the equipment they sell);
• The fact that only 1 out of 4 projects earmarked for ESCO execution had been carried out
has failed to impress the industrial community of the ESCOs' professional capability;
• While ESCOs are capable of undertaking energy audits (consultancy), they seem less
interested in taking up the challenge of performance contracting, supposedly because of
the absence of Government regulations on energy efficiency (Energy Management
Regulations have been proposed, but approval is still pending) and finance mechanisms
(e.g., soft loans)
• Many companies are still hesitant to pursue energy savings, because the current fuel cost
does not reflect the real energy production cost.
• Most companies are financially capable to carry out EE projects. If interested, they would
prefer to do the EE project on their own rather than do it with an ESCO and share the
energy savings with the ESCO.

A directory of Malaysian ESCOs was published in 2003, which also included various
materials on energy efficiency promotion and services that ESCOs can provide. The
directory was distributed to some 1,000 recipients. The directory lists out only 28 ESCOs.
These are the more established ones in the country. Their services and specialisation cover
energy audits, energy management, energy efficiency training, energy efficiency retro-
fittings, energy performance contracting, and renewable energy solutions. To date the list
has been updated, with most of them voluntarily registered with PTM. If accepted by
MEWC and implemented, the scheme will help to bolster up the professional image and
credibility of the ESCOs.

2.1.6 Outcome 6 Energy technology demonstration programme

Indicator: Successful demonstration of the applicability and feasibility of proven energy

efficiency technologies


No real demonstration activities on EE technology has been developed and carried out.

Table 6 Outputs, indicators and status of outcome 6

Outputs Indicator (June 2007) Status (June 2007)

6.1 Demonstration projects 7 projects designed, out of which Ongoing
designed, developed 6 funded and hardware procured,
5 being commissioned and 4
under implementation
6.2 Dissemination of Completed and being further Completed
information on promoted by PTM (incorporated
application and benefits in seminars conducted under
on EE technology Outcome 4, in collaboration with
6.3 Demo programme Report Completed

Activities and achievements

2002 • One (1) pre-feasibility study for one (1) fast track approach demonstration
project i.e. "Replacement of oil fired heating system to wood fired heating
system" project where the ESCO is Mensilin and the host site is Heveaboard.
Industrial sector is wood.
• Investment grade audit for fast track approach demonstration project between
Mensilin (ESCO) and Heveaboard (Host)
2004 • Three pre-feasibility studies for 3 demonstration projects under the normal
approach i.e. (1) J.G. Containers, sector: glass, (2) Johnson-Suisse, sector:
Ceramics, (3) FELDA Vegetable Oil, sector: food
• Investment grade audit for JG Containers under normal approach demonstration
project; completed investment grade audit for glass, ceramics and food
2005 • Signing agreements for Pulp and Paper, Rubber and Iron and Steel Sector;
• Pre-feasibility study and Investment Grade Audit for Pulp and Paper, Rubber,
Iron and Steel Sectors.
• Installation of Fast Track project (Mensilin and Heveaboard)
• Installation and commissioning for food and ceramic project
2006 • Installation and commissioning for glass sector. Completed the installation and
commissioning for pulp and paper sector.
• Pre-feasibility study for cement sector. Host site reluctant to proceed.
• Pre-feasibility study for wood sector (Visdamax); host site reluctant.
• Pre-feasibility study for Dog Hwa (Wood); host site reluctant to proceed
(agreement clause)
• Pre-feasibility study for textile sector (Hytex); MoA signed.
• Other potential host site approached but did not proceed - Seng Choon Plywood

(Wood) - Mieco Chip Board (Wood)
• Completed the monitoring and verification report for ceramics and food;
• ETDP information disseminated through workshops – C4 FMM road shows (C4
– FMM Road shows)

General observations and comments

The component focused on implementing measures which can be easily replicated and will
act as the showcase for the industries concerned. By demonstrating actual applications, it is
possible to show that substantial benefits can accrue and need not be costly. The major
activities in this component involving feasibility studies, the engineering design, installation,
operation, monitoring and evaluation. As at Dec 2007, it has successfully completed
(installing and commissioning) 7 projects in various sub sector of the industry. Two types of
demonstration were formulated
• Fast Track Approach (or ESCO approach) and
• Normal Approach (or direct implementation by PTM and the host companies) .

The Fast Track Approach requires an ESCO, by means of a MESA, to implement the EE
project based on performance contracting. As stated in the findings in the Component 5, even
after various capacity building activities developed by MIEEIP, ESCO in Malaysia has not
developed well and finding a true workable ESCO is not an easy task which resulting only
one ESCO approach demonstration project was being implemented. With industries craving
for more demonstration projects, this led PTM to pursue the normal Approach aggressively
and search for companies whom able to host such technology demonstration in their
premises. The successful rate for type ii (Normal Approach) demonstration projects has been
higher than in the ESCO approach. Successful host companies and ESCO were entitled for
financing packages developed by Component 8 and the reader is referred to the part
‘observations and comments’ of section 2.1.8 of this report.

2.1.7 Outcome 7 Local EE equipment manufacturing support programme

Indicator: Improvement in the design and manufacturing of energy efficient industrial

equipment by local manufacturers

Table 7 Outputs, indicators and status of outcome 7

Outputs Indicator (June 2007) Status (June

7.1 Improvement the design Assessment done of local equipment Completed
and manufacturing manufacturing capabilities;
Evaluations of performance of locally
produced equipment and analysis of
potential improvements
7.2 Training Local manufacturers trained in Completed
local industrial workshop; Three local manufacturers
equipment have been offered assistance. Of these
manufacturers on high two have completed the installation and
efficiency design and disseminated the results of their
production technologies respective project through seminars.
7.3 Evaluation of the Ongoing Ongoing


No substantial improvement in the design and manufacturing of energy efficient industrial

equipment by local manufacturers

Activities and achievements

2002 • Conducted a market survey to verify the situation of the market for energy
efficient equipment in Malaysia
2003 • Successfully set up and establish the standard of analysis to assess the capability
of the manufacturing processes of local equipment manufacturers.
• Prepared the preliminary evaluation report of typical performance of selected
locally produced equipment.
• Prepared detailed evaluation report of typical performance of selected locally
produced equipment.
• ‘Business and Financial Planning” workshop with the assistance of C5.
• Successfully obtained the approval from the Tender Evaluation Committee
(TEC) on possible "Energy Efficiency and Manufacturing Improvement
Demonstration Projects"
2004-2005 • Market survey to verify the market situation for EE equipment in Malaysia
• Setup and establishment of the standard of analysis to assess the capability of
the manufacturing processes of local equipment manufacturers;
• Identification and selection of four energy efficiency & manufacturing
improvement demonstration projects for different locally produced equipment;
• Agreement for the pump manufacturer Chun Khong Engineering Sdn Bhd
• Agreement for the fan & blower manufacturer Massive Fan Sdn. Bhd
• Preliminary “Evaluation Report of Typical Performance of
Selected Locally Produced Equipment”
• Detailed Evaluation Report of Typical Performance of Selected Locally
Produced Equipment (Phase 1 & Phase 2).
• Business and Financial Planning Workshop
• Boiler Best Practice Workshop
• Approval from Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) on possible energy
efficiency & manufacturing improvement demonstration projects
• Review, comment and verification procedure by international consultant for the
and tender specifications preparation; for:
o Pump manufacturer Chun Khong Engineering Sdn Bhd
o Fan and blower manufacturer Massive Fan Sdn Bhd
• Completed the Factory Test Acceptance (FTA) for:
o Fan & Blower Manufacturer - Massive Fan Industries Sdn. Bhd.
o Pump Manufacturer – Chun Khong Engineering Trade Sdn. Bhd.
o Motor Rewinder - Rotary Technical Services Sdn. Bhd.
• Business plan preparation, legal documentation and loan approval by MIDF
(Fund Manager of MIEEIP Project) for:
o Pump Manufacturer – Chun Khong Engineering Sdn. Bhd
o Fan & Blower Manufacturer Massive Fan Sdn. Bhd.
2006 • MoA for the Motor Rewinder – Rotary Technical Services Sdn Bhd
• MoA for the Kiln Dryer Manufacturer – Visdamax (M) Sdn. Bhd.
• Tender specifications preparation and tender evaluation for:
o Motor Rewinder Rotary Technical Services Sdn. Bhd.
o Visdamax (M) Sdn. Bhd.
• Delivery, installation, commissioning and training of the demonstration project

o Pump manufacturer Chun Khong Engineering Trade Sdn Bhd
o Fan & Blower manufacturer Massive Fan Industries Sdn. Bhd.
• Completed “Pump Best Practice” workshop
• Completed the Business plan preparation, legal documentations and loan
approval by MIDF for
o Motor Rewinder – Rotary Technical Services Sdn. Bhd.
o Kiln Dryer Manufacturer – Visdamax (M) Sdn. Bhd

General observations and comments

This component has mainly focused on industrial equipment, such as boilers, pumps, fans &
blowers and motor re-winding. Two strategic documents “How to Encourage Local
Manufacturers to Produce High Energy-Efficient Equipment”, one for pumps and one for
fans and blowers, aim at laying out a pathway for Malaysian manufacturers of this equipment
to produce high-efficiency products with competitive prices so that they are able to find a
place in the highly competitive globalised market.

The main pump market in Malaysia is for water supply and the local water pump market is
dominated by low-price, lower-quality pumps imported from China. As a result overall
quality of the imported and purchased pumps is compromised in terms of their energy
consumption per work capacity characteristics. The Malaysian pump market is estimated at
RM 450 million annually. Imported pumps dominate about 85% of this market, valued
approximately at RM 380 million. The local manufacturers enjoy only a 15 percent share of
the market, valued at a total of RM 70 million. Currently, the survey indicated that there are
no more than 5 local pump manufacturers. There are two approaches of improving pump
efficiency, and these are:
• Manufacturing pumps of higher efficiency at competitive prices;
• Ensuring pumps are operated at optimum conditions.

Similarly, the most of the fans and blowers used in industries are of ‘average’ standard and
quality. There is therefore high potential for local manufacturers to produce high quality and
energy-efficient fans and blowers in this country, both for local and international markets.
The potential for designing and manufacturing of these products lie in blade designing (which
includes choice of materials, housing design, motor efficiency and variable speed drives).

Fans and blowers use motors to drive them. In one survey made by the Energy Commission
in 2005, 70 percent of the electricity used in industries is by electric motors alone, of which
only two percent of them are High-Efficiency Motors (HEMs). In Malaysia (and other
developing countries, for that matter) motor-rewinding is an industry of itself, and many
people earn their living by doing motor-rewinding as a business8. There is therefore high
potential for energy savings at the national level if the country moves towards encouraging
more widespread use of HEMs, and the Government taking particular strategies to block or
reduce to a minimum the import of cheap and low-quality electricity motors (that mostly
come from China).

In reality, motor-rewinding cannot make the repaired motor more energy-efficient that it originally was, as a
matter of fact, it is the opposite. No rewinding activity can be as efficient as the original winding, hence
making the rewired motor slightly less efficient that it originally was. However, improved motor rewinding
techniques have shown that rewinding of burnt-out motors can also restore closer to the original efficiency
level or achieve longer operating hours as compared to standard motor rewinding methods.Given the
importance of the sector, it makes sense to support any activity in motor re-winding to reduce the loss of
energy efficiency, for example, from 1 percent loss to 0.5 percent loss.

At the beginning of MIEEIP, it was reportedly not easy to find local equipment
manufacturers willing to participate. There are few of such manufacturers. MIEEIP managed
to secure only three equipment manufacturers (Chun Khong Engineering Sdn Bhd, Massive
Fan Industries Sdn Bhd and SSC (M) Sdn Bhd, for pumps, fans & blowers, motor rewinding,
respectively) had benefited in improving their equipment efficiency and productivity.

2.1.8 Outcome 8 Financial institutions Support component

Indicator: Established financing arrangements for provision of loans to eligible companies

and equipment manufacturers who can host energy efficient technology demo
projects and produce energy-efficient industrial equipment.


Until the MIEEIP project lending facility, no such lending schemes for energy efficiency
were available in governmental or commercial financial institutions.

General observations and comments

This part describes the Technology Demonstration and Local equipment Support programmes
(Component 6 and 7), financially supported under Component 8 (EEPLS)) with the overall
objective of showcasing the applicability as well as the technical and economic feasibility of
advanced energy efficient technologies in the Malaysian industries and the capability of the
local manufacturers in producing such equipment.

Table 8 Outputs, indicators and status of outcome 8

Outputs Indicator (June 2007) Status (June 2007)

8.1 Set up financing Instituted project lending Ongoing
arrangements schemes with MIDF;
Selection of companies for
demonstration project
components and local
manufacturers support program;
Loan scheme being implemented
and monitored. Three companies
have started paying back the
amortization of their loans
8.2 Monitoring of loan Loan scheme being implemented Ongoing
scheme and monitored. Three companies
have started paying back the
amortization of their loans
7.3 Sustainable energy Proposal paper on EE revolving Ongoing
support programme fund sent to MEWC

Table 9 Overview of case studies presented and companies supported by MIEEIP in
implementing or manufacturing EE

Case study Company Lending scheme and Disbursements Annual (A) and
(Component 4) payment (P) and Interest subsidy accumulated (C)
interest subsidy (I) O: outstanding repayments at 31-10-07
(Component 8)
Scheme 1 (Comp. 6)
(Fast-track; ESCOs)
HeveaBoard – Mensilin P: 2 million D: 2 million A: 36,833 (60 months)
Mensilin Holdings C: 552,441
(particleboard; (ESCO)
Gemas, Negeri
Scheme 2 (Comp. 6)
(Normal approach)
JG Containers JG P: 2 million D: 2 million A: 33,333 (60 months)
(glass containers; Containers I: 300,000 I: 78,0565 and C: 300,000
Kiang, Selangor) O: 221,944

Johnson P: 2 million D: 2 million A: 33,333 (60 months)

Suisse I: 300,000 I: 135,522 and C: 566,667
O: 164,478
Felda Did not apply for loan
Apollo P: 1,400,000 D: 241,191 and
Rubber I: 210,000 O: 1,158,809
I: 3,852 and
O: 206,148
Pascorp P: 1,300,000 O: 1,300,000
Paper I: 195,000 I: 195,000
Malayawata Steel Malayawata Loan is under
Steel negotiation
Scheme 3 (Comp. 7)
(Local equip. manuf.)
Chun Kong P: 500,000 D: 500,000 A: 10,417 (48 months)
I: 62,500 I: 24,219 and O: C: 125,000
Massive Fan P: 500,000 D: 500,000 A: 10,417 (48 months)
I: 62,500 I: 18,855 C: 72,917
Rotary Tech, P: 420,000 D: 420,000
SSC I: 52,500 O/I: 52,500

Cargill Palm Oil
(Kuantan, Pahang)
Edible Oils
(palm oil, Pasir
Gudang, Johore)
Kiang, Selangor)

Note: all amounts are in Malaysian Ringgit (MR)

The project’s Energy Efficiency Lending Schemes (EEPLS) are as follows (see also Table 9):
• Under the "Fast Track Approach", an ESCO is selected to work closely with a selected
host demonstration company, under an energy performance contract. Maximum loan
eligible for an ESCO is 90 percent of the energy efficiency project cost or not more than
RM 2 million, whichever is lower;
• Under the "Normal Approach", PTM works closely with the selected host demonstration
companies. A fund of RM 8 million is established in MIDF, where each factory can
borrow up to 50 percent of the energy efficiency investment, or a maximum of RM 2
million. Four of the originally eight demonstration projects were designed to be under the
normal approach;
• A third scheme was established to support the local equipment manufacturers
(Component 7 only).

To implement the above-mentioned demonstration projects9, project lending schemes have

been established at the MIDF. Loans can be provided up to 50% of the project value and at
0% interest rate. Total funds received to implement and finance the demonstration projects of
components 6 and 7 have been RM 13.75 million, of which:
• UNDP: RM 9.75 million (RM 7.5 million for Component 6 and RM 2.25 million for
Component 7)
• MEWC (through AAIBE, also referred to as MESITA): RM 4 million

Out of the RM 13.75 million, RM 11.3 million has been allocated, of which RM 7.9 million
has actually been disbursed (up to 31-10-2007; see Table 9 for more details).

Under the ‘Fast-Track Approach’ originally 4 projects were originally planned10. Only the
HeveaBoard has become successful, while the other three backed out eventually. This again
indicates that the fact that both industries and ESCOs are not quite ready for energy
performance contracting (EPC). In general, medium-sized companies have taken advantage
of the funding schemes. Large companies (many energy-intensive industries are subsidiary of
multinational companies) have there own financial resources, while for small companies the
loan amount may have been too high.

2.1.9 Overall comments and observations

The eight components themselves are closely interlinked, although to the novice reader this
will not immediately become clear when browsing through the numerous quarterly progress
and technical reports produced. There are particularly strong links between the Components
on benchmarking (1) and ratings (3) on one side and between, demonstration (6), ESCO
support (5), local equipment manufacturing (7) and financial institutions (8) on the other side,
as well as between the two main groups in the promotion component (4) and the energy audit
component (2).

To give more specific examples:

It should be noted that the MIEEIP team has supported various feasibility studies in companies other than those
that finally applied and agreed to participate in the demonstration projects: wood subsector, 3 companies;
plastics, 2; textiles 1; pulp and paper, 3; rubber, 3; food, 1, while the demonstration projects in glass, ceramics
and HeveaBoard were based on the energy audits;
Besides HeveaBoard, these were:
• Kuantan Cement (ESCO 4 Cofreth); project: variable speed drive (VSD), application for large ID & FD
• Amsteel Sdn Bhd (ESCO 4 Eco Energy); project: Oxygen lance manipulator for electric arc furnace
• Sunway Keramo (ESCO 4 J. S. Mahir); project: Airless drying system for ceramic industry.

• Component 2 provides the information for which the basis of Component 1
(Benchmarking Programme) was based upon. Component 2 is also actively involved in
the development of Component 5 (ESCOs Programme) activities by selecting ESCOs
representatives to be involved in the audit exercise. Component 2 energy auditors are also
engaged in conducting feasibility studies as part of Component 6 (Energy Technology
Demonstration Programme) activities;
• Some of the case studies of component 4 describe the 6 demonstration projects of
component 6 that have all undergone an energy audit (component 2). Of the demo
projects only one 1 has been developed with ESCO support (Heveaboard), but six demo
projects have received support by the project’s financial mechanism (component 8),
while the latter has also extended support to 3 local equipment manufacturers. Table 9
gives an overview of these interlinkages between components in terms of assistance
given to the companies participating as demonstration hosts in the MIEEIP.

2.2 Implementation: assessment of the project’s impacts

Table 10 provides an overview of the envisaged or potential impacts of the project, which are
briefly described below.

Energy savings and CO2 reduction

Eleven highly intensive industrial sectors were selected. The total number of industries that
were audited amounted to 48 (of which the direct emission reductions are calculated in Box
1) to which 6 audits were added later. These industries are the immediate beneficiaries.

The spin-off impact to other industries, however, is potentially many times more. Through
seminars, workshops, road shows, newsletters, media publications and the website, industries
in the country as a whole have been alerted and have been shown (through the demo projects)
the importance and need for energy savings and efficiency measures. The implementation of
such measures is a vital strategy for industries to be more efficient in their energy
consumption pattern and to cut down any possible wastes in their energy use. A feedback
received by the MIEEIP team from factories covered in the MIEEIP database indicated that
over 250 companies have started implementing energy efficiency activities at their sites.

Assuming an average energy savings of 12,814 GJ per year per company (based on the
estimate of 615.1 GJ per year of energy savings in the 48 audits companies, given in Box 1),
this would imply indirect CO2 savings of 3,778 tCO2 per company.

Thus, total energy savings of 250 companies implementing energy saving measures would be
around 3.2 million GJ, giving a CO2 reduction of 944.7 kilotonnes of CO2 annually (i.e., 9.45
million tCO2 over a 10-year period)11.

Development of sectoral policies, laws and regulations

Some MIEEIP activities have had some impact on recent policy formulation that is reflected
in the ‘energy chapter’ of the Ninth Malaysia Plan 2006 – 2010 (NMP 2006-2010) as well as on
recommendations made to the energy regulator, i.e. the Energy Commission:
According to an industry survey in 2004 undertaken by FMM, there were 1,088 industries (out of a total number
of 1,954 FMM members) categorised under the original eight industry sectors of the MIEEM, with a total energy
consumption of 39,112,746 GJ per year. A mere 3% of energy savings initiatives (if pursued by these energy-
intensive industries) would result in savings of 1.17 million GJ per year. (This is equal to the amount of fuel
required to run a 45 MW power plant at operating at 0.85 power capacity; source: PTM, 2007).

Table 10 Indicators of project impacts

Impact of the Indicators (based on the 2007 APR- Corresponding outcome indicators (for the eight
Project PIR, unless indicated otherwise) component as mentioned after the section title in
section 2.1)
1. Energy savings Estimates made by the Evaluator (see main text below)12
2. Annual and • Energy savings: 3.2 million GJ per year
cumulative CO2 • Direct CO2 emission reduction (in 48 audited industries, including the demonstration
reduction projects, see Box 1)
o Annual: 181,000 tCO2+
o Cumulative: 1.81 million tCO2 (10-yr period)
• Indirect CO2 emission reduction (250 industries, see main text)
o Annual: 944.7 ktCO2
o Cumulative: 9.45 million tCO2
• Potential: if all no cost, low-cost and high-cost energy savings measures would be
implemented in 250 industries, CO2 reduction could be 4 times higher
3. Development of • APR-PIR: indicator mentioned as • Established and developed energy-use
sectoral policies, “drafting, adoption and enforcement benchmarks for various industry sub-sectors
laws and of policies and legislative o E-benchmark database has been established by
regulations measures”, but not quantified, PMT and NPC
because MIEEIP does not have
‘policy and regulation’ component
4. Improvement of • APR-PIR mentions ‘market that the • Energy auditing is practised and used
awareness and project has financed, developed of o 800 companies practising energy management
understanding of transformed’: o 54 audited (under MIEEIP)
EE technologies o 80 companies utilising EE • Information materials are widely available and
in industry equipment (motors mainly) energy rating programmes are implemented
o 120 companies monitoring o Policy paper submitted, but no rating
energy consumption programme approved yet
o 600 companies using cleaner • Successful demonstration of the applicability and
fuels (natural gas and biomass) feasibility of
o 9 demonstration projects have been
implemented with MIEEIP support
o Improvement in the design of EE equipment (3
companies supported)
• Dissemination of info on EE practices and
o See main text, Annex C
5. Expansion of • Not mentioned in APR-PIR • Establishment of MEPA (association of energy
business and professionals)
supporting • Establishment of an optimal structure for ESCOs
services for EE and of options for performance contracting
investments o Despite MIEEIP, ESCO concept is not taking
off (due to reasons external to the project)
6. Increase of The 2007 APR-PIR reports: • Established financing arrangements
financing • Volume of investments: o Project lending scheme established at MIDF,
availability and o US$ 4.4 million (MIEEIP) but has not been transformed and/or up-
financing o US$ 10 million (private) scaled in a full-fledged EE revolving fund
mechanisms • Two banks (Bank Pembangunan (but proposal has been sent to MEWC)
and RHB Bank) have established
funds for sustainable energy (RM 2
• Investments in EE in 2006/7 were
reportedly were RM 40 million

Note that the 2007 APR-PIR provides the following: energy savings: 102 ktoe (2006) and 409 ktoe over the
period 200-2006 as well as emission reduction of 2.04 MtCO2 in 2006 and 7.57 MtCO2 over 2000-2006, but
without indicating how these figures were calculated

Box 3 Emission reduction impact of MIEEIP energy audits

The impact study PTM (2007) analyses the impacts of the energy audits in the first 48 industrial companies (six later
audits were not included). The study distinguishes between (1) no-cost measures, (2) low-cost measures and (3) high-
cost measures. Under the no-cost category, 156 recommendations were made, out of which only 104 (67
percent) were carried out. A figure of 90% or above is highly desirable here, because the main barrier (pointed out by
most industries) is the cost factor. Nonetheless, even measures that bear no cost were not being able to be
implemented; this is indicative for the lack of will (or concern) both at the top and middle levels management.

Low-cost recommendations involve carrying out measures that do incur some investments that can be recovered
within a period of 2 years. Such measures include, for example; use of as much day-lighting as possible for the
factories, and ensuring that the steam systems are well insulated, and recovery of the heat waste from the flue gas
stack and the boiler condensates. Out of a total of 212 recommendations made only 76 were carried out (36
percent), again a disappointing figure, according to PTM (2007).

High-cost recommendations involve carrying out measures that incur substantial investments; this normally includes
putting up or replacing old equipment or technologies with new and more efficient ones, and improving existing
processes with more state-of-the art processes. While benefits can be substantial though, one would expect many
companies to come up with the investment fund. Out of a total of 105 recommendations, only 15 were
implemented (14 percent).

The 48 industries audited during the beginning of the MIEEIP had indicated a potential savings of 2.58 million GJ per
year and financial savings of RM 85 million a year if all of the no-cost, low-cost and high-cost recommendations
would have been implemented. This would result in a CO2 emission reduction of 761,000 tonnes of CO2. Over a
10-year period, the amount of CO2 mitigated would be 7.61 million tCO2. However, if we assume that only part of the
potential savings potential will actually be realized in the 48 companies (the percentages of no-cost, low-cost and high-
cost measures implemented, as indicated above), the average energy saving is only 23.8%, implying savings of 615,000
GJ per year, annual CO2 reduction of 181,000 tonnes per year and a cumulative CO2 reduction of 1.81 million tCO2.

Sectors Food Wood Ceramic Cement Glass Rubber Pulp & Iron & Total Correction
Paper Steel factor
Energy 1,835 1,032 774 21,557 4,000 611 5,080 4,223 39,113
(’000 GJ/yr)
Energy costs 42.2 13.5 24.1 204.2 97.8 16.9 84.2 160.1 643.0
(106 RM/yr)
- No cost 24 8 39 1 31 57 52 64 277 67%
- Low cost 111 132 75 7 14 21 69 57 486 36%
- High cost 238 221 42 337 59 84 691 149 1,821 14%
Total 374 361 155 345 104 162 812 270 2,583 615
(‘000 GJ/yr)
Total cost 8.5 5.2 6.0 33.8 2.5 4.3 19.8 5.3 85.3
(106 RM/yr)
CO2 28.0 30.4 14.5 444.7 8.1 18.9 194.4 22.8 761.7 181.4
# of audited 10 7 6 3 3 9 6 4 48
Factories 471 75 54 54 18 134 134 148 1,088

Source: UNDP (2006) and PTM (2007)

• The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Guidelines report (see section 2.1.1) would
become the main reference document when the Efficient Management of Electrical
Energy Regulation may finally be enacted in due course, as envisaged in the NMP;
• The E-benchmarking database allows the energy intensity for a particular industry
activity (micro energy intensity) be determined and analyzed, from which the energy
intensity at the national level (macro energy intensity) can be determined and compared
with international benchmarks for that particular industry subsector. Such information is
useful in re-strategizing the industry and national energy policy of the country in the
• Electric motors consume about 70% of electricity in industry. A DANIDA-supported
study has shown that only 2-4% of the electric motors used in the industry sector are
highly energy-efficient motors (HEMs). All others are standard and low-quality motors
that penetrate widely into the Malaysian market because they are cheap.
• The Government should put a stop the practice of using standard and substandard electric
motors, by allowing only HEMs to be imported into the country and/or improving the
existing tax incentives mechanism to encourage their use. A MIEEIP-supported a
working group on motors concluded that introduction of standards for electric motors13
would lead to savings of 72,000 GWh for the period 2003-2004 (PTM, 2007). A proposal
was made to the Energy Commission, but its approval remains pending.

Besides the above-mentioned inputs, MIEEIP has not had a separate component on ‘policy
making, regulation and legislation’ on energy efficiency for industry. The Evaluator feels this
has been an omission in the project’s design (as will be discussed further in section 2.3.1).
There appears to be a view in some circles in the Government that decisions on energy
efficiency are a purely commercial decision by the companies involved. This is unlikely to be
true for two reasons:
• First, in an environment of subsidized energy prices, the savings determined at market
prices underestimate the true opportunity cost of energy savings;
• Second, international experiences also show that a national programme consisting of
sustained awareness campaigning with financial incentives (the ‘carrot’) as well as
mandatory regulations, standards and labelling (the ‘stick’) are necessary to have a real
energy savings impact.

Capacity strengthening and awareness

Until MIEEIP energy efficiency promotion efforts in Malaysia focused on individual energy
audits, while MIEEIP has provided a more holistic framework to create awareness and
promote energy efficiency in industries. The Evaluator concludes that MIEEIP has largely
been successful in lowering one main barrier in implementing energy efficiency in industries,
i.e. the lack of awareness or ignorance among the higher management circles of the industry.

At the beginning of the MIEEIP, industries were reluctant to participate in the audit
component. During the course of MIEEIP implementation, through continuous promotions
(such as seminars, workshops, training courses, the demonstration projects, newsletters and
the website) and direct consultations, more and more industries were willing to participate.

MIEEIP has created and developed a team of trained energy auditors in PTM. While initially
being young engineers, the impact study PTM (2007) concludes that “after conducting 54
audits the MIEEIP auditors are the most capable group of energy auditors in the country”.
They will play an important role in further promoting energy savings measures in industry

Based on the European Committee of Manufactures of EU Electrical Machinery and Power Electronics
(European CEMEP) scheme. Source of data: PTM (2007)

through the conduct of energy audits in the future. For those who had resigned from the team,
while they are a loss to PTM, they are not a loss to the country, since some of them reportedly
have established their own energy service companies (ESCOs) to continue doing energy audit
services as part of a private sector.

In general, the project has provided institutional strength to PTM. In fact, PTM is now
capable of implementing two other big UNDP/Government of Malaysia projects, which are
the Biomass Based Power Generation and Co-generation (BioGEN), and Malaysia Building
Integrated Photovoltaic Project (MVIPV). Consequently, PTM has become a recognized
energy organization, not only domestically, but also in the ASEAN region.

The MIEEIP News has also contributed to EE awareness. It is difficult to measure the impact
in terms of higher awareness or EE measures implemented, but one survey carried out in
2006 showed that 87% out of 155 respondents gave an ‘excellent/good’ rating, Of the 155, 50
industries replied having implemented various energy saving measures, while out of these 50,
20 had also established an energy management team.

Through the accumulation of participation in seminars, workshops, training sessions, and

other capacity-building exercises, it has been estimated that over the six-year period, the
MIEEIP had reached out approximately 5,000 industries, in particular within the 11 industrial
subsectors: (cement, ceramics, food, glass, iron and steel, pulp and paper, rubber, wood,
textiles, plastics and oleo-chemicals. This figure (5,000) also includes those reached out
through PTM and MIEEIP publications, in particular the MIEEIP News. In addition, there are
also conferences or seminars organised by the entity given birth to by the MIEEIP, i.e. the
Malaysian Energy Professional Association (MEPA). MEPA organizes its MEPA conference
once in every two years or so.

ESCO supporting services for EE investments

The ESCO industry in Malaysia remains in its infancy, as it keeps on struggling to find a
place in the business community. The energy performance contracting scheme is still not
well received in the manufacturing industry with so far only one MESA (Master Energy
Service Agreement) signed14. The MIEEIP programme had been responsible in creating its
existence, and as such it still needs some boost and support from the programme that
created it. A voluntary ESCO registration scheme has also been developed by PTM. If
accepted by MEWC and implemented, the scheme will help to bolster up the professional
image and credibility of the ESCOs.

Financing and demonstration projects

MIEEIP Energy Efficiency Project Lending Schemes (EEPLS) is actually a mini-version of

an ‘energy efficiency revolving fund (EERF). One can say that in the absence of such an up-
scaled fund and/or other ‘green funding’ schemes, more ambitious energy efficiency
improvements in energy-efficient processes and technologies cannot easily be pursued. On a
positive note, two banks reportedly have expressed interest in ‘green funding’, namely RHB
Bank and Bank Pembangunan.

In other areas, EPC may be more popular. The new building development projects are most likely done
through EPC. The IPPs may have carried out their power generation projects through EPC.

2.3 Project relevance, design and country drivenness

2.3.1 Relevance

Generally, Malaysia has to face the challenges of future development in a global environment
where the spur to growth fuelled by hydrocarbons will be proportionally weaker than in the
past. Spiralling oil prices, environmental degradation and climate change have made the need
for sustainable use of energy more evident. Growth will need to come from the manufacture
and sale of products that are increasingly competitive on international markets in terms of
quality and price. Efficient use of energy makes an important contribution to lower costs and
therefore to competitiveness.

Thus, the project is relevant to the development objectives of Malaysia. The 9th Malaysia
Development Plan 2006-2010 indicates in its Chapter 19 the importance of energy efficiency.
The Plan mentions energy efficiency programmes in the industrial and buildings sectors. Its
predecessor, the 8th Plan (2001-2005) already emphasized the efficient utilisation of energy,
in particular in the industrial and commercial sectors. The Ninth Malaysia Plan's target
focuses basically on industries and office buildings. The plan targets at reducing the national
electricity elasticity from 1.58 to 1.05 (implied). This translates to power reduction of 1,071
MW and energy savings of 35,370 GWh and demands an annual 8.7 percent average
reduction target every year15. It is not impossible to achieve such a target, but it would require
highly concerted efforts by the agencies involved in the implementation of energy policy and
efficiency (see Box 1).

In fact, while such lofty targets sound nice, in practice many barriers hamper the
implementation of energy efficiency (EE), as listed in section 1.1. If these barriers remain (a
"business-as-usual scenario") the energy efficiency target of the Ninth Malaysia Plan will not
be achieved. MIEEIP has made a timely attempt to lower (some of) these barriers.

2.3.2 Project conceptualisation

As such, the project document provides a clear, logical structure in eight Components. The
outputs of each Component are clearly specified and would if achieved meet the objectives of
each Component. The original list of activities has not always been practical, and has
changed over time, but this may be expected of a project that was initiated 8 years ago. The
eight Components themselves are closely interlinked. There are particularly strong links
between the Components of Benchmarking (Component 1), Audits (2) and Ratings (3),
group 1, and between the Components Demonstration (6) , ESCO support (5), Support to
manufacturers (7) and financial instruments (8), group 2. The Component on Audits (2) and
Promotion (4) link the two groups.

While, the project addresses the barriers mentioned in section 1.1, one main barrier has not
been addressed. The evaluator has the opinion that energy efficiency promotion requires a
policy of the ‘carrot and the stick’. The project is designed to make a first step to work on the
‘carrot’, i.e. to create awareness in industry and institutions and to strengthen capacity in
important areas such as benchmarking, best practice, audits, demonstration of EE technology
and processes and even helping to design financial instruments. Apparently, in 1998 when
the project was designed, it considered that some basic awareness and capacity should be
created first of all. Although the Evaluator has the advantage of hindsight, it seems that the

Source: Impact Study (PTM, 2007), page 108.

lack of a conducive policy and planning framework in Malaysia for the promotion and
implementation of energy efficiency is another main barrier (together with the existence of
subsidised energy prices). Therefore, a separate component on energy efficiency planning and
regulations would have benefited the project.

2.4 Assessment of the implementation approach in achieving

outcomes and outputs

2.4.1 Progress towards results; adaptive management

Project management

The project management structure is explained in Section 1.2. Overall direction of the
MIEEIP rests with a National Steering Committee (NSC) chaired by the Deputy Director of
the Energy Section Economic Planning Unit (Prime Minister’s Department). The NSC has
met 12 times since project inception with a last meeting planned for December 200716.
Attendance appears to be good and the minutes of meeting are satisfactorily. Day-to-day
project management is the responsibility of a full-time project manager (Chief Technical
Adviser, CTA; later named Chief Project Coordinator). A Component Manager or Leader
manages each Component, in the beginning with an assistant, although over the years the
number of staff has decreased over the years, as will be explained below.

PTM is an ISO 9000 organisation and its quality control procedures have been adopted by
MIEEIP and applied fairly consistently. Overall, despite the various hurdles, the Evaluator
observes that the project has been well managed. Also, the working arrangement with the
stakeholders and UNDP has worked satisfactorily.

Delays in project implementation

The project was initially meant to be run from 1999 to 2004. In 2004, the NSC decided to
extend until 2006 and again was extended until December 2007. Although the MIEEIP is
finally considered a success (as described in the previous sections), one has to appreciate the
delay and multitude of other problems that had to be encountered.

The benchmarking component started with delays, as industry was initially uncooperative
(Lucas, 2003). Confidentiality was an issue and in general it was not clear for companies why
they should spend time and money on providing data which is not compulsory. The
international consultants apparently recommended a model for benchmarking based on the
Thai system of reporting, but this system is not appropriate for Malaysia where data are
poorer and reporting is not obligatory. Fortunately, the project management changed course
and sought cooperation with NPC and DoS (as described in section 2.1.1). NPC agreed on
extending its benchmarking system (based on measuring productivity in labour and capital) to

Under the energy rating component regulations for electric motors have been proposed, in
cooperation with the Energy Commission (ST) and SIRIM (a government-owned company
working on standards and scientific research), as well as a testing protocol based on EU
procedures. Unfortunately, the rating programme remains voluntary. Other activities have
been postponed including:

December 1999, March 2000, March 2001, October 2001, February 2002, September 2002, May 2003,
January 2004, July 2004, August 2005, May 2006 and December 2006.

• Tendering, installation and commissioning of a test facility for electric motors;
• Installation of energy-efficient boiler training/demonstration unit.

Another main source of delay has been in getting the demonstration projects ready, i.e.
acquiring the company management’s approval, have ESCOs involved and get the necessary
finance arranged (Components 6, 7 and 8). Reportedly, the whole process from initiation to
final commissioning of a demonstration site typically took from 2 to 3 years or longer (PTA,
2007). Reasons for the delays have been:
• Difficulty in launching proposals with ESCOs undertaking energy performance
contracting. Of the envisaged four projects with ESCOs (‘fast-track’projects, see section
2.1.8), only one has materialized, partly due to a combination of insufficient commitment
and poor financial strength of the ESCOs;
• Difficulty in convincing the industry management17, company management taking a long
time for the final decision and, in some cases, management reversing their decision or
changing equipment and processes (even after a Memorandum of Understanding had
been signed);
• Purchase of equipment from outside the country affected by foreign exchange rate
• The procedure and process taken by the financial institution (MIDF) is reportedly to be
lengthy. On one hand, a finance provider must perform due diligence; on the other hand,
being a new mechanism, the project lending schemes apparently did not have a fully
streamlined and efficient set of procedures. Banks, in general, were not interested in
financial instruments for energy efficiency

In addition, PTM (MIEEIP) has had problems regarding manpower requirement. The current
staff strength had dropped to half (from 16 in the beginning to 8 currently). This is caused by
two phenomena in PTM, as described below:
• Resignation of PTM staff due to low remuneration and benefits as well as PTM's
financial uncertainty of the future, had to some extent affected the performance and
smooth implementation of the MIEEIP project;
• Over the years PTM has been assigned with more national tasks and projects. Though
these projects have engaged personnel and consultants on a contractual basis from
outside, PTM is also assigning its own personnel to these later projects. Some previous
personnel of the MIEEIP team have since been reassigned to these later projects;
• The MIEEIP manager changed in 2004, which reportedly caused some delay in project

As it has been generally discussed, it is observed that weak policy implementation is

identified as one of the causes of the delay. The Evaluator noted that various
recommendations have been forwarded to relevant authorities but not many have been well
adopted. For example, policy recommendation on equipment rating and its techno economic
studies was completed in 2001 but was unable to make any concrete inroads to ensure it is
sustainable and well embedded in any form of mandatory regulation. The needs of having a
good energy management practice have been frequently propagated but as at date, a clear and
sustainable demand-side energy policy is found to be lack

Adaptive management

Adaptive management has been practiced. Changes to the project team and activities are
implemented from time to time. For example, in Component 2, there is a need to form a
specialist group for energy auditing for each industrial sector and stationed in the industry

The mid-term evaluation report (Lucas, 2003) reports that in the beginning of the project, the team was ‘young’
and therefore often regarded as ‘inexperienced’ by industry.

association (FMM) but after further consultations, due to highly diversified industry
portfolios, the requirement is actually not necessary and the project adjusted itself by
establishing a common industry consultation group which covers various “general” utility

Long-term consultancy

Two consortiums, providing both local and international consultants, were appointed for the
implementation of major MIEEIP activities:
• Zet Consortium (consisting of Zet Corporation Sdn Bhd (Malaysia), Fichtner GmbH
(Germany), CESI (Italy) and Ecoloner SA (Belgium), providing consultancy services for
Components 1,2,4,5,6,7 and 8 (see also section 2.5.1).
• Techno Economist Consortium (consisting of Techno Economist and the Dansk
Energi Management), providing consultancy services for Component 3.

The Consortiums have provided expertise in most of the components, such as:
• Data analysis and database design for benchmarking; training of PTM staff in database
• Organization of workshops/seminars on energy management and auditing techniques;
• Training of local energy auditing teams in process design and control, heat transfer,
energy efficient practices and the use of auditing instruments;
• Assist in the energy auditing and identification of possible energy efficiency
improvements in the cement, ceramics, food, wood, pulp & paper, iron & steel, glass and
rubber sub-sectors;
• Assisting in the purchase of energy auditing equipment;
• Recommendation on a feasible national rating programme
• Preparation of the tender documents and specification for testing facilities.
• Documentation of successful EE projects and information dissemination (article writing,
design and publication of newsletters;
• Development of accreditation scheme for energy professionals;
• Support and training on energy performance contracting and ESCO development;
• Assist PTM in the identification of EE technologies and processes as well as the design,
hardware procurement, installation, commissioning and monitoring and evaluation of he
demonstration projects;
• Train PTM and host company staff in the operation and maintenance of installed
hardware and monitoring of performance (energy and cost savings);
• Identification of improvements that can be incorporated in the design and production of
local equipment;
• Preparation of application and contract forms for the project lending schemes.

Overall, the experience with international consultants seem to have been good, especially in
training and capacity building, although the mid-term evaluation reports that in the beginning
it looked like there was too much of a parallel structure within the overall setup (Lucas,
2003)18. The mid-term evaluation study also mentions that little use was made by local
consultants (except in Component 8), reportedly because it was difficult to hire local
consultants with the necessary skills.

The Consortium had a Project Director (Mr. ZulkiflI Zahari), Coordinator (Mr. Panos Konstantin) and an
Assistant Project Manager (Mr. Iskandar Majidi and a Secretary (Ms. Meena Nair)

2.4.2 Financial planning and delivery of counterpart inputs

The resources under the project come from cash contributions from UNDP, GEF and the
Government as well as in-kind contributions. Table 12 provides an overview of budget
expenditures from 1999 to 2007. We can see that UNDP and GEF resources have been
mostly spent (98% of US$ 7.3 million and 77% of US$ 0.3 million, respectively). The
Government contribution through PTM’s annual budget (100% of US$ 3.1 million) is also
completely spent. Unfortunately, other co-financing contributions have not been forthcoming,
such as the contribution through the Energy Supply Trust Fund (MESITA19 or AAIBE, 22%
of US$ 5.3 million) and the wood and biomass energy conversion projects of FRIM and
SIRIM (US$ 2.2 million).The contribution of US$ 2 million for the test facility (motors) is
still not disbursed, pending the decision by an appropriate institution to host and maintain
such a facility.

The Evaluator feels that the amount of non-disbursed co-financing, as originally planned, is
worrisome, especially from the GEF point-of-view as a fund that provides co-financing20.

Another question is whether this affected

the realization of the objectives of
MIEEIP. The answer is that, while Table 11 Expenditures by Zet Consortium
support from FRIM/SIRIM has not Expenditures (US$)
materialised as planned, private sector Planned Spent
has indeed invested or is planning to
invest in the demonstration and EE Component 1 148,100 118,472
equipment components 6 and 7 of the Component 2 1,206,200 1,006,754
project, as indicated in the Table 9. Component 3 - -
Although de jure this private sector Component 4 179,450 79,846
financing cannot be counted as GEF co- Component 5 136,850 167,789
financing (since these were not Component 6 331,000 324,264
considered in the financial plans as laid Component 7 401,000 113,446
down in the GEF Project Brief and Component 8 110,250 49,842
UNDP Project Document), it is the Subtotal 2,512,850 1,860,413
Evaluator’s opinion that it should be Miscellaneous 195,124
taken into account as de facto co- Total 2,512,850 2,055,537
financing, compensating for the lack of
FRIM/SIRIM and other not forthcoming Source: Completion Report (Zet, 2007)

Table 13 gives an indication of project progress until 2004. In terms of budget resources,
most of the activities of the Components 1 (benchmarking), 2 (audits)21 and 5 (ESCO
support) had been finalized by mid-2004 and large part of the funds of Component 4

Regularly contributed by the power supply companies in Peninsular Malaysia based on their electricity sales.
For GEF, co-financing is an important condition, as it is supposed to finance ‘incremental’ cost only. If large
amount of co-financing is not forthcoming in the end in a big project such as MIEEIP, this might endanger future
applications by Malaysia for GEF support
Auditing equipment has been purchased to the amount of about US$ 300,000 with UNDP funds, mainly for use
in the auditing component two. The availability of the equipment was critical to the success of the component. It
is recommended that the equipment is continued to be maintained properly and rented out the private
companies or ESCOs at modest rates.

Table 12 Summary of MIEEIP expenditures from 1999 until October 2007
Actual Expenditures until
Fund Allocation Undisbursed Expenditure
No. Contribution Agency 31 October 2007
Government of Malaysia- Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (PTM) /
1 3,072,000 3,072,000 100% - 0%
Ministry of Energy, Water & Communications (MEWC)
Government of Malaysia- Energy Commission (EC) 1,064,000 - 0% 1,064,000 100%

Government of Malaysia- FRIM & SIRIM 2,166,000 - 0% 2,166,000 100%

2 Global Environment Facility (GEF) 7,300,600 7,172,119 98% 128,481 2%

3 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 300,000 231,031 77% 68,969 23%

4 Private Sector (Energy Supply Industry Trust Fund) 5,260,000 1,180,045 22% 4,079,955 78%

5 Government of Malaysia (In-kind) 1,627,600 1,627,600 100% - 0%

Total (USD) 20,790,200 13,282,795 64% 7,507,405 36%

Table 12 Details of MIEEIP expenditures from 1999 until July 2004

Actual Expenditure
No. Description 1999 - 2003 Jan-Jun 2004 TOTAL


A GEF Fund 7,300,600 3,931,541 191,142 4,122,683 56% 3,177,917

B UNDP Fund 300,000 231,030 8,345 239,375 80% 60,625

C AAIBE Fund 5,260,000 1,061,011 - 1,061,011 20% 4,198,989

D GoM/PTM Fund 6,302,000 4,196,116 389,752 4,585,868 73% 1,716,132

E GoM (In-kind) 1,627,600 1,088,207 156,932 1,245,139 77% 382,461

Grand Total (USD) 20,790,200 10,507,905 746,171 11,254,076 54% 9,536,124

(promotion). However, roughly half of the funds for the demonstration project and
corresponding financing schemes (components 6 and 8) as well as the efficient equipment
components 3 and 7 were still unspent by mid-2004. Finalising the activities in these
components, was the main reason for extending the project for another two years in 2004 and
again in 2006. Given the fact that most crucial outputs have been achieved by the end of
2007, these project extensions seem justified.

Table 13 Details of MIEEIP expenditures from 1999 until July 2004 (cont’d)
Actual Expenditure
Comp. Description Budget 1999 - 2003 Jan-Jun 2004 TOTAL


1 Energy-use Bechmarking 143,048 112,207 8,462 120,669 84% 22,379
2 Energy Audit 1,511,837 1,475,292 7,474 1,482,766 98% 29,071
3 Energy Rating 285,054 101,669 17,830 119,499 42% 165,555
4 Energy Promotion 215,667 152,247 23,383 175,630 81% 40,037
5 ESCOs Support 197,519 189,233 7,253 196,486 99% 1,033
6 Technology Demonstration 2,585,554 1,149,166 6,592 1,155,758 45% 1,429,796
7 Equipment Manufacturing 921,330 71,342 33,430 104,772 11% 816,558
8 Financial Participation 110,250 52,286 1,936 54,222 49% 56,028

Admin & Other Costs

i. Administrative (PTM) 576,676 378,696 79,945 458,641 80% 118,035
ii. Monitoring (UNDP-KL) 753,665 249,403 4,837 254,240 34% 499,425

Total (USD)- GEF Fund 7,300,600 3,931,541 191,142 4,122,683 56% 3,177,917
Actual Expenditure
Comp. Description Budget 1999 - 2003 Jan-Jun 2004 TOTAL


2 Energy Audit 200,000 192,323 192,323 96% 7,677
4 Energy Promotion 95,000 38,067 8,345 46,412 49% 48,588

Admin & Other Costs

i. Administrative (PTM) 5,000 640 640 13% 4,360

Total (USD)- UNDP Fund 300,000 231,030 8,345 239,375 80% 60,625

3 Energy Rating 3,000,000 - 0% 3,000,000
6 Technology Demonstration 2,260,000 1,061,011 1,061,011 47% 1,198,989

Total (USD)- AAIBE Fund 5,260,000 1,061,011 - 1,061,011 20% 4,198,989

Admin & Other Costs 6,302,000 4,196,116 389,752 4,585,868 73% 1,716,132

Total (USD)- GoM/PTM Fund 6,302,000 4,196,116 389,752 4,585,868 73% 1,716,132

E. GoM (In-kind)
Admin & Other Costs 1,627,600 1,088,207 156,932 1,245,139 77% 382,461

Total (USD)- GoM (In-kind) 1,627,600 1,088,207 156,932 1,245,139 77% 382,461

GRAND TOTAL (USD) 20,790,200 10,507,905 746,171 11,254,076 54% 9,536,124

Source tables 12 and 13: Mr. Malik Atan (PTM)

2.4.3 Stakeholder involvement and partnership strategy

In general, one can say that the project forms a good example of government agencies,
institutes and private sector organisations working hand-in-hand. The Annex F on
memorandums of agreements (MoAs) and understanding (MoUs) is indicative for
cooperation with the private sector.

For example, MIEEIP has won the support and cooperation of the Federation of Malaysian
Manufacturers (FMM) in promoting energy efficiency to FMM members. In addition,
MIEEP has also created good collaboration and linkages with the following industrial
• Malaysian Timber Industry Board
• The Cement and Concrete Association of Malaysia
• Malaysian Iron and Steel Industry Federation
• Malaysian Pulp and Paper Manufacturers Association
• Malaysia Rubber Products Manufacturers Association

MIEEIP has successfully established the E-Benchmarking programme in a smart partnership

with National Productivity Corporation (NPC) and later involving the Department of
Statistics (DOS). To be able to formulate the ‘Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Guidelines’, the project established nine Working Groups, one “Section A Working Group”
(with Government representatives (MEWC, ST, MIDA, PTM) and a working group each for
the 8 modules with participation of institutes, associations of engineers, associations of
manufacturers, individual companies as well as universities. Other important stakeholders
include the state power company Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB)22, Institute of Malaysian
Engineers (IEM), Association of Consulting Engineers (ACEM), Persuatan Akitek Malaysia
(PAM), PORIM, Electrical and Electronics Association of Malaysia (TEEAM) and the
CETREE (Centre for Education and Training in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency).

2.4.4 Logical framework and monitoring

A logical framework (of outcomes, outputs, indicators and verifiers) is provided in the GEF
Project Brief. A set of indicators for the project’s achievements is given in the first ‘annual
implementation review’ reports (APR-PIRs) of 2001. The formats in which these APR-PIRs
reports had to be submitted to UNDP/GEF have changed during the course of project
implementation, so have the formats in which indicators are reported as well as the list of
activities (and corresponding indicators itself). The indicators were reviewed in 2003 and
retrofitted back in 2004 defining the annual targets for each. The indicators used in this
Evaluation Report (listed in sections 2.1, project progress, and 2.2, impacts) are taken from
the last APR-PIR (2007).

While these changes in list of activities, list of indicators and reporting formats may be
understandable, it makes a quick check of project progress a bit more difficult. Such a task is
not made easier by the sheer volume of progress and technical reports, publications, case
studies and papers the project has produced (see Annex D for a complete overview of
MIEEIP reports). Even the Quarterly Progress reports are given per component (and there are
eight of them) and this large amount of reports has the danger that anyone, who wants an

As well as the electricity utilities SESB and SESCO in Serawak and Sabah

overview of project implementation over time and issues encountered, may not see the wood
for the trees, i.e. would get lost in the details. The 2004 hand-over reports give a good bird’s
eye view of project implementation, but again per component rather than at least having a
summary for the project as a whole. The Evaluator suggests that a similar ‘end-of-project’
report is prepared, similar to the hand-over project, which encompasses all components rather
then presenting results per component.


3.1 Conclusions

The following summarises the findings of the evaluation. Each of the points discussed below
has been dealt with in more detail in the previous chapter 2.

3.1.1 Project design and project implementation

Project conceptualisation

The project document describes a coherent set of objectives and outputs. Indeed, at the time
of writing of the project document (1998), awareness and capacity in industry and
consultancy business regarding energy efficiency in Malaysia was low, and the project rightly
addresses this important barrier.

The Evaluator believes that energy efficiency is a matter of ‘carrot and the stick’. The project
is designed around making the ‘carrot’ look appetising, i.e. ‘pulling’ industrial companies by
providing capacity building, free audits and loans for efficiency improvements at zero interest
rate. However, there is a tendency in the document to exaggerate the importance of certain
instruments, for example a project financial fund can only reach a limited amount of
companies23; the ESCO concept may work in other countries but not necessarily in
Malaysia24. More importantly, the ‘stick’ has not been included in the project design in terms
of a government ‘pushing’ companies in the framework of an energy efficiency policy by
means of a coherent set of policy instruments and regulations25.

Effectiveness of implementation

Effectiveness means the extent to which outputs of the project have achieved the project’s
objective. Until the project extension of 2004, effectiveness was highest in the Components 1
(benchmarking) and 2 (audits). Effectiveness of the Components 3 (rating of equipment) and
5 (ESCOs) has remained limited up to now (partly due to external factors limiting the impact
of activities undertaken under these components). After the project extensions in 2004 and
2006, most of the targeted outputs in the components 6, 7 and 8 have been achieved. In
general, the Evaluator has the opinion that the achievement of the components has been
satisfactory, in accordance with the ratings given in the latest Annual Implementation
Review reports (APR-PIRs).

The intention is to demonstrate the effectiveness of such intervention, which after successful implementation
will be replicated by the stakeholders, mainly the banking/financial sector as well as the Government.
Apparently, the interest in the ESCO was high back in 1997-1998. The interventions that were proposed are
mainly to address what the so-called ESCOs at that time as their needs and barriers to hurdle.
The GEF-supported project interventions are meant mainly to demonstrate EE procedures, techniques and
practices, as well as EE technologies. The follow-up (project replications) would be facilitated by supporting
policies and regulations that the Government will come up with base don the results of the project
interventions. In retrospect, these should have been explicitly carried out as part of the MIEEIP activities
instead of just assuming that the GOM will follow through with the policies and legislative frameworks. It
should be noted that, as a lesson learned, as early as 2000, the succeeding GEF projects (BioGen and BIPV)
have included specific activities on policy making and regulatory frameworks.

3.1.2 Impacts, sustainability and replicability

The project, in the view of the Evaluator, has made important and real contributions to
removing some barriers, in particular awareness creation and capacity building in important
areas such as benchmarking, best practices, audits and demonstration of EE processes and
technology. MIEEIP has taken a first step in creating basic skills to understand the factors
affecting decision-making concerning energy efficiency by industrial energy users as well as
consultancy companies. Potentially it has generated powerful insights into the technical and
economic potential for energy efficiency and the means available to government to realise
that potential.

While these achievements are real, their longer-term sustainability is in doubt without
continuous government support and legislative and financial interventions (which are
currently lacking). Most of the MIEEIP activities will need to be continued as part of PTM
regular programme. However, continuation will depend strongly on the financial support of
the Government to sustain these efforts. In fact, it seems that the lack of a conducive policy
and planning framework in Malaysia for the promotion and implementation of energy
efficiency is a one big barrier. Therefore, a separate component on energy efficiency planning
and regulations would have benefited the project, but was not included in the project design
in 1998, although the project has provided some inputs towards regulatory framework

In addition, another main barrier to improved energy use in Malaysia remains the highly
subsidised energy prices. There is little that the MIEEIP project can do directly to remove
that barrier except for providing relevant policy recommendations.

3.2 Recommendations

3.2.1 Recommendations for promotion and implementation of EE in Malaysia

Energy policy and planning

More serious implementation of sustainable energy policies is a pre-requisite to kick-start the

industry towards implementing EE practices and projects as well as using and producing
more energy-efficient products both for local and overseas market. Leaving such strategy to
PTM to lead the industry is an effort beyond the mandate and capability of PTM, and if at all
initiated by PTM, will only bring insignificant results. Apart from having the obvious energy
conservation potential, an effective energy efficiency (EE) policy (and EE action plan) is
necessary to spearhead the policy of pushing both energy-efficient and Malaysian-made
products to the frontier of technology to capture a good share of local as well as international

Regarding efficiency in industrial processes as well as the local manufacturing of energy

efficient equipment, such an EE Action Plan could be formulated by the Government, which
could entail the following elements:
• The currently proposed ‘energy management regulations’ for companies that consume a
certain amount of energy;
• Energy standards and labelling as a means of promoting and implementing EE, not only
in manufacturing, but for consumer equipment as well;

• Provision of better tax incentives to manufacturing sector to implement EE measures;
• Lowering energy subsidies that presently encourage inefficient rather than rational energy

Without these measures being implemented, the Government will not give a signal to the
private sector that it takes energy efficiency seriously. Such actions are urgently needed to
break the culture of ‘wait-and-see’ attitude regarding energy efficiency and conservation that
exist in many companies in Malaysia.

Box 4 Recommendations for UNDP and GEF

Project design and implementation

The Evaluator has evaluated eight UNDP-GEF climate change projects up to date (including MIEEIP) and,
while projects differ in scope and size, some interesting similarities regarding project design and implementation
have shown up. The following text in this section 3.1.1 does not refer to MIEEIP in particular, but to these
evaluations in general.

Projects lasting 1.5 or 2 times longer than originally planned seem to be the norm rather than the exception, due
to several reasons:
• The project inception period (the period after GEF endorsement/approval by GEF CEO, getting the required
signatures of UNDP and the counterpart organisations as well as hiring the project coordinator and rest of
the team up to organising the first inception workshop) usually takes longer than expected, sometimes up to
6 months or longer;
• While capacity building, training, background studies can usually be well planned by the project team, two
other group of activities usually take much longer than was optimistically planned in the project document.
First, convincing private sector actors to invest in technologies and processes regarded as new or risky,
usually has long lead times. It takes time to convince the (non-technical) senior management to take the
investment decision and tendering or loan application procedures in public-private partnership often can be
cumbersome. Second, the project can propose policy frameworks, regulations and financial incentive
schemes. Again, convincing mid-level government officials often is not a problem, but getting final
approval of top decision makers may be harder. Even if supported, subsequent enactment implies going
through a political process that often goes far beyond the period of 3-5 years of a typical UNDP-GEF

Delays often start already in the project formulation phase. Again, going from formulation of a first concept,
discussing with UNDP, presenting it to GEF, finally getting GEF approval is a process that can take years with
the danger that by the time the project is finally approved the set of barriers it seeks to address and the policy
environment may have changed. In the new GEF-4 cycle, the documentation of projects and proposals now
requires defining ‘milestones’, i.e. expected dates of project proposal submission, GEF approval, project
initiation and finalization. The Evaluator suggest, based on his evaluation experiences, that such milestones are
not defined over-optimistically, but also that, during project implementation, administrative hurdles in both
UNDP and GEF that cause unnecessary delay are reviewed and removed.

Logical framework and evaluation

Nowadays, UNDP-GEF project proposals contain a logical framework of outputs and progress indicators with
baseline and final targets and means of verification listed (the so-called ‘logframe’). While preparing this
framework is often time consuming, it is sad to see that in most of the eight projects evaluated so far, such a
framework in not really referred to when undertaking monitoring and evaluation, neither in the APR-PIR nor in
baseline or end-of-the project impacts studies (if the latter studies are done at all). Consequently, it is sometimes
difficult to quantify project outputs, let alone its impacts. The following is suggested by the Evaluator:
• Elaboration of the logframe should not be done after writing the list of outcomes and outputs just because
the GEF format demands it, but as tool to design such a list;
• For the APR-PIR a simplified logframe can be used with key indicators only for the outcomes and outputs;
• The complete logframe should be used in the baseline and end-of project impact studies as type of table of

Labelling and MEPS; energy regulations

Energy rating and labelling is an important energy efficiency programme that must be
carried out nationally to ensure that various energy consuming equipment or technologies
generally used in the country are energy efficient and meet certain minimum standards.

Energy labelling is necessary to, among others, indicate the minimum efficiency requirement
of energy-consuming equipment. The institutional mechanism and procedure should be
planned as different entities will have to be indicated or appointed to take care of the testing,
deciding the accepted performance band or range, the labelling, and enforcing (see Box 5).
Following the introduction of labelling, or as an alternative in some cases, Minimum Energy
Performance Standards (MEPS) for various consuming equipment should be introduced.
Such guidelines or standards could be introduced initially for electricity consuming
equipment, such as motors, fans and blowers, chillers, air-compressors and pumps; and later

Box 5 Standards and labelling

Informative labels affixed to manufactured products describe the product’s energy performance
(energy consumption, energy efficiency, energy cost, or combinations thereof). Energy labels empower
users of equipment to make informed choices about the products they buy and to manage their energy
bills. Labels “pull” the distribution of energy-efficient models upward (see figure below) by providing
information that assists the users in making rational decisions and stimulating manufacturers to design
products that achieve higher rating levels.

Minimum performance efficiency standards (MEPS), as a complementary tool to appliance labelling,

have been successfully applied overseas and have brought about predictable, significant and lasting
improvements in efficiencies. Once an energy labelling is in place and there is been some shift in the
efficiency levels in the market, MEPS can be enacted to remove the most inefficient product from the
market. This effect is a “market push” (see figure below).

Number of
Market Push
with Standards
Market Pull
with Labels

Minimum Standard Efficiency

extended to thermal equipments such as boilers, furnaces and heat-exchangers.

More research and development and testing facilities of international standards at industry and
private sector level should be encouraged by the Government to encourage the private sector
to continuously conduct research and tests to improve their products performance and
efficiency, so that they can maintain their niche in both local and global market. This can be
done through provision of grants, subsidy, tax deductions or other forms of incentives and
schemes. Of course, in the end the private sector itself would have to provide the major share
of funding to improve their own production capability and facility to match new designs and
technologies on the changing national and international markets.

Tax incentives and other government support

Without energy management regulations, MEPS (Minimum Energy Performance

Standards) and a more practical tax-incentive scheme, it is difficult to promote EE
equipment, such as efficient motors, pumps, fans & blowers, in the country.

The Government and the private sector need to work hand-in-hand to push through this
policy by encouraging public-private partnerships (PPP):
• A special support programme could be created by the Government (and for example
implemented by PTM) with the aim of improving efficiency of operating equipment
(system optimization), energy-efficient manufacturing of equipment, and of increased
manufacturing of EE equipment through cooperation between local manufacturers and
academia (for research, testing and laboratory facilities);
• MIEEIP’s lending scheme should be expanded into a Government-supported revolving
energy-efficiency or ‘clean energy’ fund. The Fund could be sourced from a small
percentage of the electricity tariff and fuel prices. At the same commercial banks should
be encouraged to established similar lending schemes with some government financial
support as guarantee to be able to provide ‘soft’ loans. It is encouraging to hear in this
respect that, two banks, RHB Bank and Bank Pembagunan have expressed interest to be
involved in EE lending;
• The existing tax incentive mechanism introduced by the Government since the Eight
Malaysia Plan to encourage more widespread application of energy efficiency and
renewable energy seriously needs revamping. In the case of electric motors, in the current
scheme, for example, no one could buy a high-efficiency motor (HEM) off-the-shelf
locally, whereas motors need immediate replacement when they are faulty (source: PTM,

Energy pricing

Malaysia spends an astounding amount of RM 40 billion a year for subsidizing energy supply
(of which RM 15 billion on natural gas for power generation), equivalent to about US$ 500
per capita per year. For the economy as a whole, it not only discourages rational behaviour
regarding energy consumptions in fact, this is a de facto subsidy from the poor to the rich,
who usually own more energy-guzzling equipment, vehicles, etc. than the poorer fellow
countrymen. For industry in particular, this discourages energy savings as it implies that the
total energy costs in the factory are so significant compared to other operational costs,
maybe around 6-7% of total production cost.

Judging from the discussions and available literature, this has been made known and the
government is already in the path of levelling its energy price structure , as stated in the 9th
Malaysia Development Plan mentions that “initiatives swill be undertaken to review the
energy pricing structure to reflect market prices of various alternative energy sources and
encourage greater efficiency in utilization of energy while discouraging wasteful
consumption. A review will be undertaken to gradually reduce subsidies on energy prices”.

3.2.2 Recommendations for PTM

Main recommendation here is to keep the momentum regarding the current interest in energy
efficiency in industry. In fact, PTM is planning to extend energy efficiency promotion to
other areas such as buildings, in particular buildings of government institutions.

Capacity strengthening of PTM

For PTM to continue and expand the MIEEIP activities, the Government has to allocate
sufficient funds to enable these roles to be carried out and to have minimum staff strength.
Furthermore, capable and experienced staffing is critical in ensuring PTM’s success in
providing advisory services to the government and the industries. As such, it is highly
recommended that the above issue is given priority and the resources needed allocated. The
impact study PTM (2007) recommends minimum staff strength of 17-24 experienced staff to
be able to continue the activities initiated by MIEEIP and to expand these or undertake new
activities. Such core staff would be supported by consultants / technical advisors contracted on
an as-needed basis to carry specific activities under energy efficiency.


If time and funds are available to support, the E-Benchmarking tools could be expanded to
other subsectors or another new activity could be implemented to include international
benchmarks for similar sub-sectors. The following recommendations are taken from PTM
• E-Benchmarking need to be further developed and refined and the data verified to make it
more useful. Even within certain industry sector, such as iron and steel, the type of
industries can be quite varied. Thus, the more diverse and disaggregated the E-
Benchmarking database, the more credible will the EUIs be for comparing between
companies within the same industry sector and subsectors. Here, the continuing
cooperation of PTM with Department of Statistics (DOS) to obtain the necessary data, to
verify them, and maintain the E-Benchmarking database is recommended;
• PTM 's energy auditors will be instrumental in the verification exercise by doing random
checks of data at the plant level;
• The e-database needs to be more attractive and user-friendly to capture more interests
from the industrial community. The portal should be accessible through both NPC and
PTM (Energy Information Bureau) and may be linked with the websites of the various
manufacturers’ associations. One or two IT people could be continuously involved.
• International benchmarks would have to be included to make e-benchmarking more

Energy audits and ESCOs

In future, PTM will not be expected to do the energy audits as they had done in the MIEEIP
period, as PTM has another important role to play as governmental implementing agency on
energy. Thus, PTM should not compete with ESCOs, but instead act as an intermediary
between the industries and ESCOs. Energy audits would be have to be undertaken largely by
the ESCOs, on commercial terms. In any case, there are just too many industries that need the
energy audit, and it is hoped that the ESCO business, over time, will become more credible.
PTM could work with MAESCO (or any other similar association) to increase their professional
image and should continue to assist in their capacity building and PTM should also initiate and
monitor the ESCO registration process.

The impact study (PTM, 2007) mentions the following competencies of PTM in the area of
energy auditing:
• Setting baselines to evaluate energy efficiency projects in industries. There must be a
close collaboration between the e-benchmarking and the auditing efforts
• Acting as an independent body to monitor and verify performance of projects on energy
efficiency in industries;

• Conducting preliminary or walk-through energy audits for Government purposes or for
gathering data for database building;
• When necessary, acting as a referee/reference for investment grade audits carried out by
ESCOs under third-party financing scheme; and acting as a neutral arbitrator in any
future disputes between ESCOs and industries;
• In a facilitating capacity, PTM could refine the MESA could concept to suit particular
sub-sector industry and particular type of arrangements involved.

Industries are still sceptical on the credibility of Malaysian ESCOs. Malaysian ESCOs need
to build their own reputation and credibility to gain wide acceptance by the industrial
community. To protect their profession and professionalism, the more credible ESCOs, or
their association (such as MAESCO) should be able to come up with a proper accreditation
scheme. Meanwhile, PTM has proposed an accreditation system in which only professionally
skilled and qualified companies will participate.

Knowledge management and information dissemination

PTM should continue with campaigns and promotional activities to increase demand for
energy efficiency equipment in the country. PTM’s Energy Information Bureau (EIB) should
be enhanced as a one-stop-shop website to encourage industries, buildings owners and
operators, and the general Malaysian public to be energy efficient. More specifically, the
following recommendations can be made:
• For a more efficient management of the knowledge system of the MIEEIP, efforts must
be made such that all soft copies of the MIEEIP reports are centrally saved in the MIEEIP
server and hard copies in a filing cabinet. This must be done on an urgent basis before
some of the soft copy documents in individual computers be lost, displaced or
accidentally deleted;
• Some more ‘easy-to-read’ publications could be published, such as the EEC Guidelines
or the booklet ‘Achieving Industrial Energy Efficiency’, e.g., summarizing per subsector
and/or per type of technology, the main issues and options, national and international
benchmark data, case studies, etc. To target the busy top management of industries,
government entities and parliamentarians alike, 2-page flyers with concise info could be
• The MIEEIP News was established for the purpose of disseminating MIEEIP news.
Containing useful info it should be merged with the existing PTM bulletin Energy Smart
or, alternatively, be expanded to become a national/official newsletter on energy
efficiency (and maybe covering both industry and building sectors);
• Similarly, the MIEEIP website should be merged with the web pages of PTM’s Energy
Information Bureau;
• As the word ‘demonstration’ project implies, the PTM team would have to devise some
means of not only presenting these as case studies on the PTM website and at seminars,
but continue to organize physical visits to the actual site26 (also outside the Klang
• The prime outreach target group could be expanded from engineers and industries to
financial institutions and top decision-makers in government and at the political level.
Without financing support and without real political backup, no national energy initiative
will materialize. This means also that the ‘language’ used in the newsletter and at
seminars should be such that ‘non-technical’ or ‘non-energy’ people find these things
attractive and easy to digest.
• To convey the above messages, staff with social science and communications
qualifications should be employed by PTM.
Although hailed as ‘flagship’ demonstration project, the General Manager of HeveaBoard reported that no site
visit had been organized.

Lending schemes

MIDF has been given the task to manage the project lending scheme. A meeting should be
held between PTM, MIDF and MEWC on the continuation of the scheme (with the remaining
funds from AAIBE/EEPLS as input). In a second round of loan offers, instead of zero interest
loans, perhaps a low interest may be levied, to sustain the money value of the Fund, because the
current loan terms of up to 6 years at zero-interest rate will make the Fund shrink over time.
In short, the project financing schemes should be expanded into a national-level energy
efficiency revolving fund, boosted by Government funding at an appropriate level.

Standards and labelling; energy management regulations

Electric motors form one type of common equipment in industries that has the highest energy
efficiency impact if the national energy efficiency programme is implemented more
effectively. With Government support (and regulation in future introduced possibly by the
Energy Commission), PTM could assist SIRIM (and the Energy Commission) in the
formulation of minimum energy performance standards (MEPS). Later, labels and standards
could be developed and proposed for other energy-consuming equipment.

In the absence of energy efficiency regulations (and the current lack of government
commitment to implement such regulations), a ‘voluntary’ code of practice (COP) could be
proposed for energy efficiency equipment. The COP will provide the range of equipment
specifications which would be accepted for application. The current Energy Efficiency and
Conservation Guidelines for Electrical Equipment has already established the features and
procedure to follow to ensure efficient operation of eight different types of electrical
equipment (transformers, motors, chillers, cooling tower, fan & blower, pumps, air-
compressors, lightings). The COP can be further developed from these guidelines.

3.3 Lessons learnt


E-Benchmarking is difficult to implement and use effectively, for the following reasons:
• The Energy Use Index (EUI) is difficult to define and be compared with even between
industries within the same sector. This is because of varied equipment, technologies, and
processes used. The production outputs are also varied.
• It is also difficult to compare with international benchmarks as the manufacturing and
operating conditions are vastly different. Background issues such as different
manufacturing standards and rules, different weather conditions, strict local and global
environmental regulations which are prevalent in developed countries must be clearly
understood if Malaysian EUIs were to be compared with international ones.
• Despite the numerous production and energy use data available from the Department of
Statistics for the E-Benchmarking database, these data are not verified and are not in a
ready format. It will be a huge task to verify most of the data.

Impact of efficiency promotion projects and sustainability

MIEEIP has proved to be a good and successful collaboration between Government agencies,
professional bodies, and industry associations. However, care must be taken not to exaggerate
the potential of certain energy efficiency promotion instruments, such as ESCOs or certain
financial incentives, while other barriers remain in place, such as the practice in Malaysia of
substantially subsidizing energy cost. ESCO or financial incentives alone will not able to
overcome the barriers discussed and no single measure can provide immediate solution. As
such, policy planners must look into bigger perspective when implementing EE.

Despite the low cost of energy, the MIEEIP project has managed to demonstrate the
feasibility and achievability of energy saving measures and has managed to entice managers
in industrial companies as well as some financial institutions to get involved in energy
efficiency and conservation.

While such voluntary participation is laudable in an initial phase, energy efficiency

promotion and implementation needs to be an integral part in the Government’s long-term
public policy. The sustainability of MIEEIP and the eventual impact depend much on
whether the Government decides to put an energy efficiency policy in place with effective
policy instruments backed up by substantial resources. The analysis of this Evaluation Report
suggests that if similar energy efficiency projects are implemented in future they should be
predicated on the expectation that appropriate regulations and substantial government funding
will subsequently be available.



The Malaysian Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement Project (MIEEIP), funded by GEF,
UNDP, Government of Malaysia, and the Malaysian private sector, was launched in the 3rd
quarter of year 2000 and it is expected to end at the December 2007. This project is executed
nationally by Ministry of Energy, Water and Communication (MEWC) and the implementing
agency is the Malaysia Energy Center (PTM – Pusat Tenaga Malaysia).

The project was designed under GEF Operational Programme #5: Removing Barriers to Energy
Conservation and Energy Efficiency. The development objective of the project is to improve
energy efficiency in Malaysia’s industrial sector, by removing barriers to efficient industrial
energy use, and through creating a sustainable institutional capacity, increase awareness raising in
energy efficiency and development of a conducive policy, planning and research framework.

The improvement target is to reduce the energy consumption in the industrial sector by 10% in the
end of the project (December 2007, original end 2004) as compared to the business as usual
scenario. In addition, based on 1995 levels, the project should directly and indirectly help reduce
GHG emissions from the industrial sector by 10% by the year 2004. Other outcomes of the project
are the following:

Industries become aware of the actual and rational energy utilization performance, as well as
Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation (EE&EC) measures that can be applied to improve
energy utilization efficiency through the establishment of energy use norms for industrial sub-
sectors and processes.
• Industries comply with regulations / guidelines designed to encourage the use of energy
efficient equipment and practices;
• Awareness about, and attitude towards, energy efficiency and environmental improvement by
industries widespread;
• Industries are using and benefiting the local energy support services (ESCOs) in the
implementation of their EE&EC projects;
• Industries are implementing proven and cost-effective EE&EC technology projects;
• Industries utilize locally manufactured equipment with comparable efficiencies to imported
quality industrial equipment;
• PTM is able to increase its capacity and capability in providing energy advisory services to
the public and the private sectors.

However, there are several barriers which could hamper the smooth implementation of MIEEIP.
These are as follows:
• Limited knowledge/awareness about EE&EC techniques/technologies in industries and the
lifecycle economic benefits.
• Limited access to information on EE&EC techniques as well as energy benchmark.
• Industries are unwilling to incur what are perceived as “high cost, high risk” transactions.
• Industries generally focus on investments on production-related improvements.
• Lack of financiers ready to finance EE&EC investments.
• Limited/not stringent regulations on energy efficient standards and implementation.
• Few/limited EE&EC technology demonstration projects implemented.
• Weak local energy support service.

In order to achieve the development objective, the project’s immediate objectives are embodied in
the eight project components as follows:
Component 1: Energy-use Benchmarking

Component 2: Energy Audit
Component 3: Energy Rating
Component 4: Energy Efficiency Promotion
Component 5: Energy Service Company (ESCO) Support
Component 6: Energy Technology Demonstration
Component 7: Local Energy Efficient Equipment Manufacturing Support
Component 8: Financial Institutional Participation

Major outputs of each component are the:

1. Development of energy-use benchmarks for various industries and their sub-sectors by setting
up data collection systems, establishing benchmark index, installing database, and
establishing the system to disseminate information.

2. Promotion of energy auditing for an industrial energy management; establishment of

standardized energy auditing procedures, energy audit tools and energy management system;
conduct of energy audits for selected industrial sectors; evaluation of the results and impacts
of the auditing program; and development of sustainable follow-up programs for each
industry association.

3. Implementation of a comparative energy rating program; proposed policy intervention

needed, dissemination of information on energy-efficient equipment and energy rating
programs to increase and encourage the use of energy efficient equipment; conduct of policy
support studies; and proposal for an equipment performance testing facility.

4. Dissemination of information on energy efficient practices in industries and technology

applications; establishment of a credible and sustainable website; establishment of an
association of accredited energy specialists, consultants, and technology developers and
providers; and development of an accreditation scheme for energy specialists and ESCOs.

5. Development of a suitable institutional and legal framework for ESCO; development of

institutional arrangements that will promote ESCOs to the industrial sector; and assistance in
making bankable project proposals, business plans, securing financing arrangements, defining
the feasible products and services, and evaluating risks.

6. Identification of potential energy saving technologies that can be applied in Malaysian

industries; establishment of baseline data for each demonstration site; development of
installation and implementation designs/plan for the demonstration site; arrangement of the
financial assistance for each demonstration scheme; monitoring and evaluation of the energy
performance of each demonstration scheme.

7. Evaluation of the typical energy performance of selected local equipment; identification of

potential improvements and new designs for local equipment; training of local equipment
manufactures on high efficiency designs and production technologies; provision of technical
assistance; and provision of funds to eligible equipment design and manufacturing
improvement projects.

8. Training on local banking and financial institutions on financing EE&EC project;

development of the criteria to select demonstration and equipment manufacturing companies
for financial assistance; and selection of demonstration and equipment manufacturing

Objectives of the evaluation

The purpose of the terminal evaluation (or Final Evaluation) of the Malaysia Industrial Energy
Efficiency Improvement Project (MIEEIP) is to review and rate the performance of the project
from the start of the project implementation up to the present. The review will include:

• Evaluating both the progress in project implementation, measured against planned outputs
set forth in the Project Document with latest revision in accordance with rational budget
allocation, and an
• Assessment of the overall impact of the project to the country;
• The evaluation will also identify lessons learned and best practices from the MIEEIP, which
could be applied to future and other on-going projects.

Scope of Evaluation

This evaluation will involve analysis at two levels: on a component-by component level and on
the overall project level. The analyses will include:

Assessment of progress in project implementation

In this context, implementation means the provision of inputs and achievement of outputs as well
as processes of implementation. The project is now is at the end of its project life and as such
progress should be measured against outputs stated in the project document, the inception report
as well as the amendment to the inception report approve by the National Steering Commitee. The
evaluation will focus on such aspects as appropriateness and relevance of work plan, compliance
with the work plan along side with budget allocation; timeliness of disbursements; procurement,
quantity and quality of goods and services created; coordination among different project
stakeholders. Any issue that has impeded or advanced the implementation of the project or any of
its components, including actions taken and resolutions made should be highlighted. Activities to
be continued by the executing agency shall also be recommended. The template below shall
assist the consultant in reviewing the progress.

Activities Budget
Planned Actual As per ProDoc Actual % of Project Budget

Overall, the following assessments shall be carried out:

• Capacity of risk management in overall project implementation and per component level i.e.,
whether the assumptions and risks are well recognized and mitigating measures are
considered throughout implementation.
• Project design, i.e., whether the project design allowed for flexibility in responding to internal
and external changes in the project environment.
• Implementation difficulties, i.e., whether difficulties and barriers, which were not expected at
the start of the project, are identified and the approaches for the solutions are considered and
implemented effectively.
• Project resources, i.e., whether the project components and activities were logically designed
as to content and time frame commensurate with the human and financial resources that were
made available.

Assessment of project outputs

For both the component and overall project levels, assess:

• Whether the project is implemented in the right direction to achieve the outcomes (i.e., based
on the agreed work plan).
• The significance of the outcomes so far achieved for the country/region.
• Whether the project outputs are produced effectively, efficiently, and in a timely manner
according to the time schedule.
• The quality and credibility of the outputs, as stipulated in the Project Document.
• The project’s contributions to the targeted beneficiaries and their effectiveness.

• How effective and efficient the project funds are utilized, and how the expenditures are
• The credibility of the data used in the project and reliance of the numerical outputs.
• The monitoring and evaluation of the project consultants’ work.
• The quality of the internal monitoring system results.

Assessment of project impact

Since the project at the end of its implementation, the evaluation should assess the below:
• Capacity Development - The effects of the project activities on strengthening the capacities of
the Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (PTM), MEWC and other related stakeholders and the industries.
• Sustainability - Efforts undertaken to ensure that the results of successful projects are
sustained beyond the period of GEF financing will be evaluated, as well as the project’s
existing mechanisms. It is imperative to confirm whether the policy recommended by the
projects are well embedded in the current national policies or future policies.
• Leverage - The project’s effectiveness in leveraging local or other international funds that
would influence larger projects or broader policies to support its goal will be assessed.
• Awareness Raising - The Project’s contribution to raise awareness about energy conservation
and energy efficiency in industries, should be examined, as well as the project’s contribution
to promote policy or advocacy activities and collaboration among the industries.
• Lessons Learned and Best Practices - Both good and bad experiences and lessons learned
from the implementation of the project thus far will be identified and evaluated. There shall
be a document the integration and application of experience from the various components of
the project (holistic approach).
• Operational recommendations - Recommendations will be developed to help the executing
agency and project partners improve its operational and support activities for renewable
energy development in the province in line with GEF priorities. The recommendations would
aim to:
o Help PTM and partners improve the project implementation and to address operational
lapses and gaps;
o Strengthen the work of the PMO and Project Steering/Advisory Committee/s and how the
activities shall sustain under the government’s initiatives;
o Enable UNDP Country Office and UNDP GEF to provide effective support in future (if
o Improve ways to draw, share and document lessons learned and best practices experience
to the various stakeholders; and
o Provide effective operational guidance for effective implementation of the remaining part
of the project and onwards for future project prospect/s.

Evaluation Methodology

The evaluation team will review relevant project documents and reports related to the planned
evaluation and of the GEFs and conduct focused group discussions with the National Project
Director (NPD) on topics and issues that relate to the implementation and impact of the project.
The Evaluators are expected to become well versed as to the objectives, historical developments,
institutional and management mechanisms, project activities and already documented “lessons
learned” of the project. Information will be gathered through document review, group and
individual interviews and site visits. More specifically, the evaluation will be based on the
following sources of information:

Review of documents related to the project such as project document, quarterly and annual
progress reports, other activity/component specific reports and evaluation, if there are any, etc.

• Structured interview with knowledgeable parties, i.e., NPD, Project Staff members, Sub-
Contractors, International/National Consultants, UNDP Country Office Counterparts,
members of the National Steering/Advisory Committee/s, Project Beneficiaries or grantees,
• Site visits to specific projects, if feasible. The site visits should be discussed with the CPC
and the UNDP Country Office.

Prior to visiting the PTM, the evaluation team shall receive all the relevant documents including
at least:
• Project document
• Inception report
• Amendments to the inception report
• Latest Project Implementation Report (2006)
• Internal monitoring results
• Terms of Reference for past consultants’ assignments and summary of the results
• Past audit reports, quarterly reports
• Mid-Term review report
• Pictures of equipment, installations and sites if any
• Newspaper/publication articles

The evaluation team shall meet and interview the following:

• National Project Director
• Chief Project Coordinator
• Finance Officer
• Component Managers (all)
• Relevant officers from the executing agency, MEWC
• UNDP and UNDP GEF officers
• Economic Planning Unit (EPU) officers
• Representative from Energy Commission
• Representative from industrial association (FMM)
• Representative from the financing institution (MIDF)
• Consultants

If necessary, the evaluation team may also interview or visit the following:
• Participating Industries
• Audited facilities
• Equipment suppliers
• Representative from the Energy Service Company (ESCO)
• Demonstration facilities
• Other project partners

Evaluation Team

The evaluation shall be carried out by an international and a local independent consultant (2
persons). Both shall have the necessary expertise in but not limited to
• Project evaluations especially in UN/UNDP sustainable energy projects
• Familiar with project management framework
• Have involved in managing industries or any industrial energy efficiency projects
• Have sound knowledge in policy and project financing

The local consultant shall assist the international consultant (also the lead consultant) in providing
information on country specific issues such as local laws, institutional arrangements and

• Have tertiary education in engineering, science, business, economics or any development
qualification. Post-graduate or with relevant professional qualification is preferred.
• More than 8 years of working experience in the areas addressed with a good knowledge of the
state-of-the-art approaches and international best practices;
• Prior evaluation experience of similar projects in UNDP programme countries and familiarity
with the specific UNDP GEF monitoring and evaluation requirements;
• Fluency in English

Schedule and Deliverables

• Period: The evaluation is proposed to begin from mid-November 2007 and will last for a
period of three weeks maximum. However, the final schedule will be prepared upon
discussion between UNDP and the implementing agency.
• Presentation of the findings, 1st draft (in point form) : The evaluation team is expected to
present the observation, findings and draft recommendation 2 days before the end for the
period for the purpose of fact-finding and data reconciliation.
• 1st draft of the report: 2 weeks after the end of the evaluation period
• Final Draft: A month after the end of the evaluation period.

The evaluation report will be produced highlighting important observations, analysis of

information and key conclusions including its recommendation/s. The format of the report shall
consist as below:

1. Title Page
2. List of acronyms and abbreviations
3. Table of contents, including list of annexes
4. Executive Summary (max 3 pages)
5. Introduction, Scope, and Purpose of the evaluation
6. Methodology including description of the work conducted and Key questions
7. Annexes
8. Findings and Observation (at component level, at project level, project targets, capacity
9. Budget Utilization (% against actual, component level and project level)
10. Proposed remaining activities if any
11. Recommendations, including, lessons, generalizations, alternatives for sustainability of the
12. Conclusion (max 3 pages)
13. Annexes providing a brief summary of the documents reviewed and persons interviewed with
the description of the key content / conclusions drawn.

Budget, Fee & Remuneration

All the costs incurred for the conduct of the evaluation shall be charged against project funds
allocated for the conduct of such activity according to the standard UNDP rates. The consultancy
is subject to a lump sum payment as per UNDP guidelines, including the consultancy fee, Daily
Subsistence Allowance (DSA) at duty station, and one round trip airfare to and from the duty
station in Kuala Lumpur (international consultant). 50% of the consultancy fee shall be paid upon
signature of the contract while the balance shall be paid upon satisfactory submission of the

Commissioning Process and Communication

The commissioning tasks shall be conducted by the UNDP Kuala Lumpur with the advice of the
executing agency (MEWC) and the implementing agency (PTM) as per following guidelines:

• Draft the terms of reference (TOR) in consultation with key partners and stakeholders.
• Select the evaluator(s) on a competitive basis and through a transparent process in line with
UNDP’s procurement procedure;
• Brief the evaluator(s) on the expectations for the evaluation and on the code of conduct ;
• Review the first draft of the evaluation report and give relevant stakeholders a chance to
provide feed back on factual errors or omissions;
• Disseminate the main evaluation findings, conclusions and recommendations to audiences
internal and external to UNDP

More info at

UNDP Kuala Lumpur will be responsible in engaging the evaluation team and any
communication to said activities shall be forwarded to:

Asfaazam Kasbani
Programme Manager (Energy and Environment)
UNDP Malaysia
Or email to:
Direct Line: +603 2091 5133
fax +603 2095 2870


B.1 Mission schedule and list of people met

22/11 • Arrival of international consultant, Mr. J. van den Akker

• Meeting with stakeholders at EE in Buildings workshop, Cyberjaya
23/11 • Meeting with project team27 and CEO of PTM, Mr. Anuar Abdul
24-25/11 • Report writing
26/11 • Meetings at EPU (Mr. Nik Adnan Abdullah, Deputy Director; Mr.
Kamarul A.B. Mustafa, Assistant Director) and Moh. Azizan B.M.
Fauzi (Asistant Director)
• Meeting at MEWC (Ms. Badriyah Abd Malek, Undersecretary; Moh.
Shaharin Umar, Assistant Secretary)
• Meeting at FMM (Mr. Lew Chin Hoi, Chairman of Energy
Management Committee; Ms. Wan Haslina W. Hussin (Executive,
Energy Utilities & Infrastructure Unit)
27/11 • Meeting with ZET Corporation (Mr. Zulkifli B. Zahari, Managing
• Report writing
28/11 • Meeting with MIDF (Mr. Nik Izani bin N. M, Vice-President and
Head of Sales; Mr. Zulkamar Baharom, Development Finance
• Meeting with Energy Commission
29-30/11 • Attendance at launch of Human Development Report 2007/2008
• Report writing
• Teleconf with Mr. Noel Soriano (UNDP/GEF RTA, Bangkok)
• Discussion with project team members
01/12 • Visit to C7 site, Rotary Technical Services (Mr. Ricky Lim, General
Manager; Mr. Harban Singh, Senior Service Manager
02/12 • Report writing
03/12 • Visit to PASCORP Paper (Mr. Shamsudin B. Abd Rashid, Assistant
General Manager)
04/12 • Visit to HeveaBoard (Mr. S. Ganesan, General Manager)
05/12 • Presentation of preliminary findings and discussion
• Departure of international consultant

Mr. K.S. Kennan (Chief Project Coordinator), Mr. Phubalan Karunakaran (Components 1 and 2), Ms. Meena
Kumar Nair (Components 4 and 5), Mr. Ghazali Talib (Component 6), Mr. Zul Azri Hamidan (Component 6), Mr.
Moh. Ibrahim Bachik (Components 3 and 7), Mr. Abd Malik Atan (Component 8)

B.2 List of reviewed documents

MIEEI-related reports and publications:

EPU (2006)
Ninth Malaysia Development Plan, Chapter 19, by Economic Planning Unit, Prime
Mister’s Office

Lucas (2003
MIEEIP, Mid-Term Evcaluation Report, by Nigel Lucas (Royal Acadamy of

PTM (2003)
Malaysian ESCO Directory; by Pusat Tenaga Malaysia

PTM (2004)
MIEEIP, Interim Report

PTM (2007)
Malaysian Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement Programme, Impact Study; by
Pusat Tenaga Malaysia

PTM (2007b)
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Guidelines for Malaysian Industries, Part I:
Electrical End-Use Equipment, by Pusat Tenaga Malaysia

UNDP (2006)
Achieving Industrial Energy Efficiency in Malaysia; by United Nations Development

ZET (2007)
MIEEIP, Completion Report, by Z. Zahari (Project Director for MIEEIP of ZET-
Fichtner-Econoler-CESI Consortium)

Other materials reviewed

• Project Document of MIEEIP (United Nations Development Programme)

• Quarterly Progress Reports 2001-2007, by MIEEIP as well as other project management
materials, such as Steering Committee minutes of meeting and MIEEIP Hand-Over
reports (2004)
• APR-PIR (2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007), annual project implementation review
reports (by United Nations Development Programme)
• Materials related to the specific project outputs under the eight Components, including
case study materials (only partly reviewed; a full list of project publications is given in
Annex D)
• Websites, and


Component 1 (Energy-Use Benchmarking)

Workshops &Training Courses:

• Energy Conservation Guidelines for Malaysian Industries", (2006)
• "EE Guidelines" attended by JETRO/ECCJ, WG members and PTM (2006);
• Energy Benchmarking Training in the United States;

Seminars & Conferences:

• Industrial Energy Efficiency Technology Demonstration "Improve Productivity and Profits
through Energy Efficiency Initiatives" (2005);

Component 2 (Energy Audit)

Workshops &Training Courses:

• Energy Efficiency Features Training Workshop (2003);
• Energy Management Training Sessions for the Private Sector (2002);
• Energy Management Training Session for the Government Sector (2002);
• Electrical Energy Audit (2002);
• Energy Audit Training Course, by Eco Energy (2000);
• Energy Management Training Course, by Fichtner, Germany (2000);

Seminars & Conferences:

• Energy Efficiency in Process Industries (2005);

Component 3 (Energy Rating)

Seminars & Conferences:

• The Use of High Efficiency Motors (HEM) in Industries (2007);
• Boiler Best Practice, (2003);
• Seminars for Working Groups on High Efficiency Motors (HEM) and Boiler Best
Practices during 2000-2004 with ST

Component 4 (Energy Efficiency Promotion)

Workshops &Training Courses:

• Study Mission to Canada, India, United States & Denmark;
• An Outline on Industrial Energy Management for University Co-Curriculum (2004);

Seminars & Conferences:

• The Use of High Efficiency Motors (HEM) in Industries " HEM Ensures Improved Efficiency;
• Lower Operating Costs and Increased Profits" (2007);
• Energy Efficiency & Conservation "Lessons Learnt, Challenges Faced & What's Next", 2006;
• Energy Efficiency Case Studies (Series of seminars in Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Sarawak,
• National Convention for Energy Professionals (2005);
• Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency "The Way Forward" (2005);
• Industrial Energy Efficiency Technology Demonstration "Improve Productivity and Profits
through Energy Efficiency Initiatives" (Aug 2005);

• National Convention for Energy Professionals (2003);
• Energy Management (2003);

Component 5 (Energy Service Company (ESCO) Support)

Workshops &Training Courses:

• Study Mission to Canada, India, United States & Denmark
• Business and Financial Planning (2003);
• Energy Engineering Tools Workshop Follow-Up for ESCOs (2003);
• Energy Engineering and Business Tools (2003);
• Industrial Energy Performance Contract (EPC) (2003);
• Business and Financial Planning (2003);
• Energy Engineering and Business Tools (2003);
• Model of ESCO Business Plan and Strategy (2002);
• National ESCO (2002);
• Energy Performance Contract (EPC) (2001);
• ESCO Comprehensive Development (2001);
• ESCO Business Development (2001);
• EPC to MAESCO (2000);
• ESCO Comprehensive Development (2000);
• ESCO Business Development (2000);

Seminars & Conferences:

• 1st Asia ESCO Conference in Bangkok (2005) (sponsored ESCO to attend the conference);
• Promoting the ESCO Concept to Financial Institutions at Financial Institutions Forum (2002):

Component 6 (Energy Technology Demonstration)

Workshops &Training Courses:

• ETDP Information Dissemination Through Workshops (together with Component 4 FMM
Road Shows (2006);

Component 7 (Local Energy Efficient Equipment Manufacturing Support)

Workshops &Training Courses:

• Pump Best Practice (2006);
• Boiler Best Practice (2004/05);
• Business and Financial Planning (2004/05);
• Business and Financial Planning (with assistance of Component 5) (2003);
• Capital Budgeting (2002);

Seminars & Conferences:

• Boiler Best Practice (2003);

Component 8 (Financial Institution Participation)

Workshops &Training Courses:

• Business and Financial Planning (in collaboration with Comp 5&7) (2003)
• International Round Table Discussion of Energy Efficiency and ESCO Financing (2002)

Seminars & Conferences:

• Financial Institutions (2002).



1. Energy Audit Guideline Part – 1st Edition

2. ESCO Directory
3. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Guidelines – Electrical Equipment
4. Boiler Best Practice
5. Achieving Industrial Energy Efficiency in Malaysia by UNDP,GoM & PTM
6. EE assessment in new facilities
7. MIEEIP Newsletter, Issues 1-20
8. MEPA Newsletter,. Issues 1-6
9. Energy Audit Guidelines – 2nd Edition


1. Inception Report September 2000 and June, 2001

2. “Strengthening ESCOs in Malaysia” Survey of Existing Companies, Identification of
Barriers and Recommendations April, 2000
3. Survey on Dissemination Policy of Energy Efficiency Technology in Malaysia
December 2000
4. 54 Audit Reports prepared for 11 industrial sectors between the period 2001-2006 (see
Annex E for a List of Audited Companies)
5. Report;Evaluation of Existing ESCOs April, 2001
6. Amendment to Inception Report February, 2002
7. Market Survey Report (Assessment of Needs of Local Manufacturers In Terms of
Support for Design Capability for Energy Efficient Improvement) July, 2002
8. Policy Studies on Energy Rating Programme. Report August 2002.
9. International ESCO Survey Report- Canada October 2002
10. International ESCO Survey Report- USA October 2002
11. Support to the Development of Credible and Proactive ESCOs in Malaysia – Survey of
ESCOs in Malaysia “ Identification Impacts of the MIEEIP activities to the ESCO
business” December, 2002
12. Input Study on Energy Audit to the Economic Planning Unit January, 2003
13. Investment Grade Audit Report – Heveaboard Berhad April, 2003
14. International ESCO Survey Report- Republic of Korea May 2003
15. Proposal for the Development of the Energy Business Fund , September, 2003
16. Preliminary Report on the Evaluation of Typical Energy Performance of Selected
Locally Produced Industrial Equipment February, 2004
17. Evaluation of Typical Energy Performance of Selected Locally Produced Equipment
(Pump, Boiler, Fan & Heat Exchanger) April, 2004
18. Final Report on the ESCO Wrap Up Session April, 2004
19. Investment Grade Audit Report – Felda Vegetable Oil Products August, 2004
20. Investment Grade Audit Report – Tunnel Kiln Upgrade June- August, 2004
21. Investment Grade Audit Report- JG Containers Sdn Bhd September, 2004
22. Operational Procedures & Guides of Energy Efficiency Project Lending Scheme
(January, 2005)
23. A Sub-Sectoral Assessment on Industrial Sector Energy Consumption (A MIEEIP
Audit Finding in Eight Energy Intensive Sub-Sectors) February, 2005
24. Investment Grade Audit Report – Pascorp Paper Industries Berhad October, 2005

25. Report on the Evaluation of Typical Energy Performance of Selected Locally Produced
Industrial Equipment (Boiler , Electric Motor Rewinder & Dryer) October, 2005
26. Investment Grade Audit Report – Apollo Rubber Sdn Bhd November, 2005
27. Final Report of the Energy Use Benchmarking Programme 2006
28. Investment Grade Audit Report – Malayawata Steel Berhad March, 2006
29. Review of ESCO Fast Track Demonstration Projects Implementation April, 2006
30. Proposal For The Implementation Of An ESCO Accreditation Scheme May , 2006
31. Report on the Development of and Energy Efficiency Revolving /Guarantee Fund 2007
32 Proposal to set up EE Revolving Fund (to MEWC)
33. Report on the Review of the Master Energy Services Agreement May 2007
34. Proposal /Strategic Paper on” How to Educate Local Manufacturers to Produce High
Energy Efficient Equipment” Malaysia’s Pump Industry and Energy Efficient Pump
Development and the Challenge – From the Perspective of Pump Manufacturers in
Malaysia January, 2007
35. Proposal Paper on “How to Educate Local Manufacturers to Produce High energy
Efficient” From the Perspective of Fan & Blowers Manufacturers March 2007
36. Malaysian Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement Programme Impact Study (A
Study Conducted To Gauge The General Impact Of The MIEEIP), 2007

Other documents

Minutes of meetings: Monthly progress meetings (various period)

Project Review Committee (various period)
National Steering Committee (various period)
Tender Evaluation Committee (various period)

Tender specifications: Motor test-bed

Boiler demo/training unit

UNDP reports: Quarterly reports

Financial reports

Completion reports: Techno Economists

Zet consortium

Discussion notes (various period)



Name Town State
Sabah Forest Industries Sdn Bhd Sipitang Sabah
Anshin Steel Ind. Sdn Bhd Shah Alam Selangor
Sinmah Food Industries Sdn Bhd Masjid Tanah Melaka
Kong Guan Sauce & Food Manufacturing Prai P.Pinang
Co.Sdn Bhd
Koko Malaysia Sdn Bhd Hutan Melintang Perak
Samsung Corning (M) Sdn Bhd Kawasan Perindustrian Tuanku Negeri
Jaafar, Sungai Gadut Sembilan
JG Containers (M) Sdn Bhd Klang Selangor
Malaysian Sheet Glass Berhad Sungai Buloh Selangor
Malaysian Newsprint Industries Sdn Bhd Termeloh Pahang
Tritex Containers Sdn Bhd Beranang Selangor
Sime Inax Sdn Bhd Batang Berjuntai Selangor
Sanitec Johnson Suisse Sdn Bhd Petaling Jaya Selangor
Best Tile Works Sdn Bhd Klang Selangor
Sunway Keramo Sdn Bhd Klang Selangor
Perpa Parquat Sdn Bhd Kuantan Pahang
Heveaboard Sdn Bhd Gemas Negeri
Pesaka Terengganu Bhd Dungun Terengganu
Amsteel Mills Sdn Bhd Klang Selangor
Jayakuik Sdn Bhd Sandakan Sabah
Malayawata Steel Bhd Prai P.Pinang
Rinda Perusahaan Makanan (M) Sdn Bhd /Cipta Seberang Prai Tengah P.Pinang
Foodstuffs (M) Sdn Bhd
Pan Century Edible Oils Sdn Bhd Pasir Gudang Johor
G.B.Industries Sdn Bhd Rembau Negeri
Sun Rubber Industries Sdn Bhd Seremban Negeri
Kumpulan Jebco (M) Sdn Bhd Sungai Buloh Selangor
Glovco Rubber Sdn Bhd Klang Selangor
Anshin Castings Industries Sdn Bhd Shah Alam Selangor
Orna Paper (M) Sdn Bhd Batu Berendam Melaka
Genting Sanyen Industrial Paper Sdn Bhd Banting Selangor
APMC Sdn Bhd (Kanthan Works) Chemor Perak
Tasek Corp.Sdn Bhd Ipoh Perak
APMC Sdn Bhd (Rawang Works) Rawang Selangor
Rubber Thread Ind (M) Sdn Bhd Ipoh Perak
Plaat Rubber (M) Sdn Bhd Bayan Lepas P.Pinang
Samsung Corning (M) Sdn Bhd Seremban Negeri
Golden Clay Industries Sdn Bhd Yong Peng Johor

Name Town State
Sykt.Kia Lim Parit Solong Johor
Cenpak Paper Products (M) Sdn Bhd Senai Johor
CHG Plywood Sdn Bhd Cheras Selangor
Kilang Papan Low Fat Sdn Bhd Hulu Trengganu Terengganu
Fung Keong Rubber Manufactory (M) Sdn Bhd Klang Selangor
Phoenix Rubber Products Sdn Bhd Kuala Ketil Kedah
KYM Industries (M) Sdn Bhd Beranang Selangor
Cargill Palm Products Sdn Bhd Kuantan Pahang
S&P Selekoh Perak
Globalmas Sdn Bhd Kuching Sarawak
Felda Vegetable Oil Kuala Lumpur
Wear Save Malaysia Port Klang West
Penfabric Sdn Bhd –Mill 3 Bayan Lepas Penang
Viscount Plastics (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Bandar Baru Bangi Selangor
Formosa Prosonic Holdings Sdn Bhd Pelabuhan Kelang Selangor
Prym Newey Malaysia Sdn Bhd Tanjung Kling Melaka
Pan Century Oleochemical Sdn Bhd Pasir Gudang Johor
Akso Nobel Oleochemical Sdn Bhd Pasir Gudang Johor
Chung Khong Engineering Trade Sdn. Bhd. Ipoh Perak
Massive Fan Industries Sdn. Bhd. Balakong Selangor
Rotary Technical Services Sdn. Bhd. Kajang Selangor


List of Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) and Agreements (MoAs)


No. Title Date
1 Consultancy Services Agreement for Malaysian Industrial Energy 20th July, 2000
Efficiency Improvement Project (MIIEIP) between Pusat Tenaga
Malaysia and Zet Corporation Sdn Bhd in association with
2 Consultancy Services Agreement for Malaysian Industrial Energy 20th July, 2000
Efficiency Improvement Project (MIIEIP) between Pusat Tenaga
Malaysia and Techno Economist Sdn Bhd in association with
Dansk Energi Management , Danish Technological Institute and
Dansk Energi Analyse
3 Energy Audit Memorandum of Understanding 27th February, 2001
Pusat Tenaga Malaysia and the Cement & Concrete Association of
4 Energy Audit Memorandum of Understanding 27th February, 2001
Pusat Tenaga Malaysia and the Malaysian Rubber Products
Manufacturers’ Association
5 Energy Audit Memorandum of Understanding 27th February, 2001
Pusat Tenaga Malaysia and the Malaysian Timber Industry Board
6 Energy Audit Memorandum of Understanding 27th February, 2001
Pusat Tenaga Malaysia and the Malaysian Iron and Steel Industry
7 Energy Audit Memorandum of Understanding 27th February, 2001
Pusat Tenaga Malaysia and Sinmah Food Industries Sdn Bhd
8 Energy Audit Memorandum of Understanding 27th February, 2001
Pusat Tenaga Malaysia and Malaysian Newsprint Industries Sdn
9 Energy Audit Memorandum of Understanding 27th February, 2001
Pusat Tenaga Malaysia and Malaysian Newsprint Industries Sdn
10 Energy Audit Memorandum of Understanding 27th February, 2001
Pusat Tenaga Malaysia and Sime Inax Sdn Bhd
11 Energy Audit Memorandum of Understanding 27th February, 2001
Pusat Tenaga Malaysia and JG Containers (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
12 Energy Audit Memorandum of Understanding 27th February, 2001
Pusat Tenaga Malaysia and Malaysian Sheet Glass Berhad
13 Energy Audit Memorandum of Understanding 27th February, 2001
Pusat Tenaga Malaysia and Koko Malaysia Sdn Bhd
14 Energy Audit Memorandum of Understanding 27th February, 2001
Pusat Tenaga Malaysia and Samsung Corning (Malaysia ) Sdn
15 Energy Audit Memorandum of Understanding 27th February, 2001
Pusat Tenaga Malaysia and Tritex Containers Sdn Bhd
16 Energy Audit Memorandum of Understanding 27th February, 2001
Pusat Tenaga Malaysia and Kong Guan Sauce & Food Mfg.
Co.Sdn Bhd
17 Energy Audit Memorandum of Understanding 27th February 2001
Pusat Tenaga Malaysia and Sanitec Johnson Suisse Sdn Bhd

18 Energy Audit Memorandum of Understanding 27th February, 2001
Pusat Tenaga Malaysia and Genting Sanyen Industrial Paper Sdn
19 Agreement Between Pusat Tenaga Malaysia and Malaysian 9th May, 2002
Industrial Development Finance Berhad ( Energy Efficiency
Projects Lending Scheme for Energy Service Companies (ESCO)
and Industries for the Energy Technology Demonstration Project)
20 MOUs between PTM and all demo project host sites (8)
21 Master Energy Service Agreement between Mensilin Holdings 7th April, 2003
Sdn Bhd and Heveaboard Sdn Bhd ( For the Implementation of the
Replacement of Oil Fired Thermal Oil Heater to Waste Wood
Fired Thermal Oil Heater Project in the Wood Sector)
22 Memorandum of Understanding Between National Productivity 6th May, 2003
Corporation and Pusat Tenaga Malaysia for the Energy Use
Benchmarking Programme
23 Agreement Between Pusat Tenaga Malaysia and Malaysian 13th May, 2004
Industrial Development Finance Berhad (Appoinment of MIDF as
the Implementing Agency to ensure the success of the Energy
Efficiency Project Lending Scheme for Local Equipment
24 Agreement Between Pusat Tenaga Malaysia and Chun Khong 22nd October, 2004
Engineering Trade Sdn Bhd (Host Site for the Implementation of
the Energy Efficient Equipment Manufacturing Demonstration
Project –Pump)
25 Agreement Between Pusat Tenaga Malaysia and Massive Fan 15th October, 2004
Industries Sdn Bhd (Host Site for the Implementation of the
Energy Efficient Equipment Manufacturing Demonstration Project
–Fan& Blowers)


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