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AMRDEC Facilities 2008

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The document provides an overview of the facilities and capabilities of the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development & Engineering Center (AMRDEC).

AMRDEC has facilities located in Huntsville, AL, Ft. Eustis, VA, NASA Langley in Hampton, VA, and NASA Ames-Moffett Field in CA for aviation and missile research and development.

Additional facilities at Redstone Arsenal include testing ranges, wind tunnels, and engineering support services.

The U.S.

Army Aviation & Missile

Research, Development & Engineering Center


Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. Review completed by the AMRDEC Public Affairs Office (8/29/07 and FN3275).
2 AMRDEC Facilities 2008 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

1. Introduction ………………………………................................................. 2
2. AMRDEC Facilities ……………………………………………………......... 4
3. Additional Facilities Available at Redstone Arsenal ………………… 22
4. Doing Business with AMRDEC ………………………………………….. 28

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AMRDEC Headquarters, Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, AL

4 AMRDEC Facilities 2008 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.


HQ • Missile R&D
•Aviation & Missile Systems Eng.


Huntsville,ALAL •Aviation & Missile Sustainment
Eng. and Field Support

NASA • Aviation R&D
Huntsville, AL NASALangley
Technology • Aviation Systems Eng.
Directorate, and SOF Support


Directorate • Aviation R&D


AMRDEC plans, manages and conducts research, One of our strengths is rapid prototyping of
exploratory and advanced development, and provides advanced technology equipment in the Prototype
one-stop life cycle engineering, technical, and Integration Facility at Redstone Arsenal and rapid
scientific support for aviation and missile weapon prototyping facilities at Fort Eustis, Virginia. Our
systems and their support systems, UAS platforms, engineers and technicians at these facilities are quick
robotic ground vehicles, and other assigned systems, reaction specialists, who have produced new and
programs and projects. modified equipment for systems that go directly into
use by our customers.
The AMRDEC headquarters are located at Redstone
The Huntsville, Alabama metropolitan area has the
Arsenal, where we have laboratories for innovative
largest concentration of engineers in the United
work on sensors and electronics, propulsion systems,
States. AMRDEC is closely linked to this high
aerodynamic structures, modeling and simulation, life
technology work force through contracts with a
cycle software development, and technical testing.
large array of the 220 companies located in nearby
We also have laboratories at Fort Eustis and Langley,
Cummings Research Park. We also have research
Virginia and Moffett Field, California where Army
and technology agreements in place with many
and NASA aviation facilities, such as instrumented
universities including our local ones, University of
test ranges and wind tunnels, are used for advanced
Alabama in Huntsville and Alabama A & M
rotorcraft technologies to support our role as lead
University. Our Redstone Scientific Information
service for rotorcraft science and technology. Our
Center is the largest Department of Defense library
responsibility in aircraft extends to airworthiness
specializing in aerospace, aviation, engineering, and
release authority for issuing the technical document
missile scientific and technical material.
that provides instructions and limitations for safe
flight of an aircraft system, subsystem, or allied

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AMRDEC is divided into eleven Directorates, nine Aviation Engineering Directorate (AED) - The
of which are located at Redstone Arsenal: Directorate of Aviation Engineering is the Airworthiness
authority for Army developed aircraft and provides matrix
Advanced Science and Technology support to our customers. Our direct customers are the
Directorate (ASTD) - The Advanced Science and Program Executive Office for Aviation Programs
Technology Directorate is the technical staff of the Project/Product Managers (PMs) and the U.S. Army
Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM) Defense
Engineering Center. It is responsible for managing the day- Systems Acquisition PMs. Our ultimate customers are the
to-day operation of AMRDEC Technology Integration, Army aircraft crew, passengers, and maintainers that operate
Advanced Systems Concepts, and Information. the Army aviation systems.

Aeroflightdynamics Directorate (AFDD) - The Engineering Directorate (ED) - The Engineering

Aeroflightdynamics Directorate (AFDD) pioneers the Directorate plans, develops, manages, and conducts
advancement of knowledge and innovative technology in AMCOM programs in the areas of total life cycle system
rotorcraft aeromechanics and human-system integration, engineering, product assurance, test, and evaluation. In order
providing a decisive advantage for Allied forces in any to meet this mission, the Engineering Directorate is home to
Aviation mission worldwide and enhancing U.S. rotorcraft experts in a wide array of technical specialties with access to
competitiveness. It is primarily located at the Ames numerous prototyping laboratories and facilities.
Research Center of the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) at Moffett Field, CA. It also has a Applied Sensors, Guidance, and Electronics
small contingent at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Directorate (ASGE) - The Applied Sensors, Guidance,
Hampton, VA. AFDD’s functions are to: Manage and and Electronics Directorate is a government team of
Execute Mission Programs; Support Near-Term and Long- scientists and engineers that provide the Army unsurpassed
Range R&D Planning and Forecasting; Provide Technical sensor and guidance, navigation, and control (GNC)
Consultation and Support to AMCOM, PM’s, AMC and technologies which help the soldier shape and ensure victory
DA; Liaison with other Government Agencies, Academia, on the battlefields of today and tomorrow.
Industry, and International Organizations; Administer the
Army-NASA Joint Agreement at Ames Research Center. Propulsion and Structures Directorate (P&S) -
The Propulsion and Structures Directorate was established
Aviation Applied Technology Directorate in Oct 1998 by combining the Propulsion Directorate and
(AATD) – AATD’s mission is to transition critical the Structures Directorate of the Missile RDEC. The current
technologies that enhance and sustain Army Aviation as organization provides services in structural, propulsion,
the premiere land force aviation component in the world. warhead and system engineering.
The executing strategy is: (1) develop, demonstrate, and
apply critical technologies that enhance the capability, Software Engineering Directorate (SED) - The
affordability, readiness and safety of DoD aviation Software Engineering Directorate (SED) is a recognized
systems; (2) provide quality and timely engineering leader in supporting the acquisition, research, development,
services and rapid prototyping support to Army Program and sustainment of some of the Nation’s most sophisticated
Executive Offices, US Special Operations Command, and weapon systems. The SED maintains expertise in the
other customers; and (3) support worldwide contingency Army’s prevailing policies and practices on software reuse,
operations through the expedited fabrication, application, software metrics, post deployment software support, process
and support of innovative material solutions. AATD is improvement, computer resource margins analysis, and risk
located at Fort Eustis, Virginia. management. The SED’s risk based approach to performing
Verification and Validation (V &V) is designed to focus on
identified problem areas to ensure effective software

6 AMRDEC Facilities 2008 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

engineering support with minimum cost. Using the
facilities and the numerous tactical hardware and software
laboratories, the SED provides weapon systems with the
highest quality support in the areas of joint interoperability
testing and engineering.

System Simulation and Development

Directorate (SSDD) - SSDD assists in the evaluation
and analysis of new weapon systems, provides technical
and simulation support to all elements of the parent
organization, project managers, and other government
agencies. SSDD also conducts weapon systems research,
exploratory and advanced development and provides
engineering and scientific expertise in the following areas:
aeroballistics, aerodynamics, system performance,
statistical data and error analysis, system simulation,
simulation theory and technology, distributed real-time
simulation, virtual environment simulation, analog/hybrid
computer & interface system, math model verification and
validation techniques, real-time time-critical simulation

Technical Management Directorate (TM) - The

Technical Management Directorate provides collocated
scientific, engineering, and programmatic support to
Project Managers. The Technical Management
Directorate's principal functions are system integration,
system engineering, engineering management, and
software engineering.

Weapons Sciences Directorate (WSD) – WSD’s

mission is to plan, perform, supervise, and review basic
and applied research in the physical, and engineering
sciences. WSD also maintains cognizance of developing
technology in the fundamental sciences and provides broad
based expertise as related to missile, laser, and beam
weaponry. WSD serves as a focal point for the
coordination and development of weapons systems
programs and technology transfer from the many sources
of scientific research to AMCOM weapons systems. It also
serves as a focal point for Command activity with the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
by exercising overall technical and fiscal management of
advanced research programs directed to AMCOM by
DARPA and other DOD agencies.

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8 AMRDEC Facilities 2008 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
7 x 10 Foot Wind Tunnel
AFDD - Joint Research Program Office – NASA Langley, Hampton, VA

This wind tunnel is used for basic and applied research in aeromechanics on
advanced and unique technology rotorcraft. It supports research on advanced
concepts and on problem-solving for current rotorcraft. The test section of this
wind tunnel has a maximum speed capability of 100 knots.

14 x 22 Foot Subsonic Wind Tunnel

AFDD - Joint Research Program Office – NASA Langley, Hampton, VA

The Langley 14x22-Foot Subsonic Tunnel is a closed-circuit, atmospheric tunnel

designed for powered and high-lift configuration testing up to 200 Knots. The test
section can be configured in several ways: fully-closed, slotted, partially-open, or
fully open using its movable walls and ceiling. Rotary wing platform testing
includes: performance, loads, acoustics, and fluid physics. The non-intrusive flow
measurement systems, resident in the facility, greatly complement the data
productivity for complex powered lift configurations. Current model testbeds
include complete rotorcraft experimental platforms of 15% and 25% scale, as well
as an isolated rotor test system for basic flow investigations of interactional

Advanced Prototyping Engineering & Experimentation (APEX)

Laboratories I, II & III
SSDD – Redstone Arsenal, AL

These interconnected simulation facilities provide unique collaboration of force-on-

force, soldier-in-the-loop, hardware-in-the-loop, and engineering level simulations.
The APEX Labs provide two wraparound, out-the-window displays for immersive
soldier-in-the-loop interaction with evolving aviation and missile system designs.
The labs link virtual, live, and constructive models with geographically distributed
participants. Doctrine, tactics, mobility, logistic support, command, control, and
communication, and human reaction are modeled in a synthetic battlefield to allow
rapid turnaround, realistic testing and analysis.

The APEX III Lab provides the central node at the AMRDEC for distributed
simulations (DS). This facility contains ten interconnected application rooms,
permits connection of multiple local area networks, and supports
hardware/software essential in conducting DS exercises (both DIS and HLA). It
houses the Defense Research Engineering Network (DREN) gateway, which
facilitates simultaneous distributed experiments between RDEC labs, TRADOC
Battle Labs, industry participants, and academia. During FY03 System Simulation
and Development Directorate made significant investments in APEX III to
accommodate classified local and distributed simulation events, including
FASTLANE encryption for wide area simulation activities.

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Advanced Simulation Center
SSDD – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The Advanced Simulation Center consists of 10 individual facilities which provide

missile and submunition hardware-in-the-loop simulation capabilities. The
following types of guidance signals are included in the range of capabilities:
microwave radar, millimeter wave radar, imaging and non-imaging infrared,
visible, laser, combinations of radar and infrared signals, and inertial motion.
Target signatures and backgrounds scenarios are radiated from special purpose
signal generators and received and processed by the missile sensors to give real
guidance signals for use in trajectory simulations.

Aerial Targets Laboratory

SSDD – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The Aerial Targets Laboratory provides the capability to integrate and evaluate
components and technologies on existing towed targets. It provides a facility to
design, develop and assess performance of new target configurations. Information
collected in this facility allows development and maintenance of detailed
mathematical representations of flight dynamics of targets for use in high fidelity
simulation. Development and maintenance of system level training hardware and
software for fielded target systems is also performed in this unique facility.

Aero-Optic Evaluation Center (AOEC), Large Energy National

Shock (LENS) Tunnels I & II
SSDD – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The AOEC facility provides world class capability for aero-thermo-chemical, aero-
optics and aero-propulsion testing in the Mach number range from 2.5 to 15 using
the world’s most powerful shock tunnels. The value of the AOEC facility stems
from its capability to duplicate flight conditions experienced by supersonic and
hypersonic vehicles. LENS tunnels can atmospheric conditions between sea level
and 70 km. This ability provides the community an alternative to full scale flight
testing at a fraction of the cost with improved variety and quality of data.

10 AMRDEC Facilities 2008 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

Aerophysics Research Center
P&S – Redstone Arsenal, AL

This facility, operated by the University of Alabama in Huntsville, houses three

two-stage light gas guns capable of launching a variety of projectiles and missile
component simulants at a vast array of targets and impact velocities. Projectiles
weighing up to 8 kilograms have been launched at velocities in excess of 2
kilometers per second, and lighter payloads up to 8 kilometers per second. This
facility can support testing against a variety of targets ranging from space dust
protection to explosive reactive armor (ERA). This facility has extensive data
collection capabilities including radar, thermal, event timing, flash x-ray,
Schelarian and high-speed photography. A full machine-shop supports the facility
with the capability to fabricate all projectiles, targets, and related support

Air Defense Radar Operations Facility

ASGE – Redstone Arsenal, AL

Facility consists of laboratories, experimental test equipment including state-of-the-

art test bed radar, and test ranges. The facilities are used to design, develop, and
test new advanced air defense radars as well as support of existing fielded systems.
Hardware and software laboratory capabilities include development of advanced
radar subsystem hardware and advanced signal processing algorithms with test on
radar hardware. Advanced signal processing and algorithms include composite
tracking with multiple radar platforms to perform data fusion and target

Anechoic Radio Frequency Test Chamber

WSD – Redstone Arsenal, AL

This chamber is used for characterization test of such systems as communications

gear, tanks, radar, missiles, and helicopters. The dimensions of the chamber are
114 feet long, 26 feet high, and 43 feet wide.

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Applied Imagery Lab (AIL)
SED – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The AIL is a center of excellence for integrating COTS imagery into tactical
applications, particularly trainers and system-in-the-loop stimulators for weapon
systems. Lab focuses on providing low-cost, supportable, high-end PC-based
technologies to solve real-time simulation problems. The AIL leverages these PC
products with in-house expertise to provide prototyping, development, integration,
demo, and test.

Army Air and Missile Defense Network Design Facility

SED – Redstone Arsenal, AL

This facility provides JTIDS network designs and platform initialization load files
for all Joint and Army-only tests, exercises, operations, and contingency events in
which Army JTIDS-equipment units participate. The AAMDNDF is the Army's
only JTIDS network design facility. Additionally, the NDF supports Army
platform specific communications subsystem design, analysis, and testing for intra-
Army, Joint, and Allied interoperability on this Joint mandated link. While
routinely providing on-call technical support, the NDF is frequently called on to
provide on-location support for tactical units deployed to field locations for
exercises and contingency missions.

Army Missile Optical Range

WSD – Redstone Arsenal, AL

This range supports laser and LADAR measurements of selected material targets.
This range is a one-of-a-kind, very large aperture (2 meters), compact laser range
capable of illuminating large targets under simulated far-field conditions at short

12 AMRDEC Facilities 2008 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

Automated Infrared Sensor Test Facility (AISTF)
ASGE – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The laboratory includes optical benches, calibrated blackbody sources, target

plates, PC controllers and data recording and reduction hardware and software.
This AISTF provides capability to perform both manual and automated
performance evaluation of infrared seekers and sensors. Measurements include: a
sensor’s modulation transfer function (MTF), removing human subjectivity, and
the measurement of Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference (NETD) and
Minimum Resolvable Temperature Difference (MRTD). The AISTF is used to
establish benchmark performance testing of all infrared sensors/seekers. Support
provided to: (1) Avenger FLIR Upgrades, (2) NLOS-LS PAM, (3) STINGER
Block II, (4) UAV sensor payloads, and (5) Cooled/Uncooled SOA Sensor

Automated Laser Seeker Performance Evaluation System

ASGE – Redstone Arsenal, AL

This facility provides complete open-loop test capability for semi-active laser
(SAL) seekers/sensors operating at 1.064 microns. ALSPES provides
characterizations on prototype/R&D hardware including specification compliance
requirements, functional performance, and active electro-optical countermeasures
(EOCM) susceptibility. The modular equipment/software interface allows
numerous systems to be tested with minimal changeover downtime.

Automatic Test Equipment/Test Program Set (ATE/TPS)

Laboratory and Sustainment Support Center
ED – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The ATE/TPS Laboratory consists of a 2,000 square foot integration lab that
houses both engineering development and sustainment functions with tactical and
non-tactical Army standard ATE, Integrated Family of Test Equipment (IFTE). The
lab has 4 electronic and 1 electro-optic tester. The laboratory is also a Huntron
Gold Disk certified development center. The lab also has the ability to develop and
execute test and diagnostics for circuit cards with the VTS-1000. Digital automatic
test vector generation is available through Teradyne LASAR software and
hardware modelers.

The ATE/TPS Sustainment Support Center (SSC) houses subject matter experts for
staging and fielding of Automatic Test Equipment and Test Program Sets. The SSC
uses Commercial Equivalent Equipment (CEE) and Base Shop Test Facilities
(BSTFs) to provide sustainment functions on AMCOM managed weapon system
Test Program Sets (TPS) and Army standard ATE. The SSC currently supports 75
tactical and 13 non-tactical customers with a total of 125 ATEs. The ATE/TPS
SSC is performing RESET of the Army’s 22 tactical Electronic Equipment Test
Facility (EETF). The SSC is authorized as an ATE/TPS minor repair activity.

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Automatic Tracking Evaluation and Development System
ASGE – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The heart of the ATEDS network consists of four SGI Octane computers running
the IRIX operating system and equipped with V12 hardware graphics to support
synthetic image generation. The network also includes over one terabyte of RAID
disk drive space for storing captive flight test data for playing back actual data
through simulations and to support the development of new tracking algorithms.

Aviation Flight Support Facility

AATD - Ft. Eustis, VA

This facility consists of a 75' x 200' hanger with two adjacent helicopter pads
located at Felker Army Airfield on Fort Eustis. A staff of Government and
contractor personnel provide aircraft maintenance and training for the Army's AH-
64, AH-1, UH-60A/L, OH-58D, UH-1 helicopters as well as the C-12 fixed-wing
aircraft. The Flight Projects Office provides test planning, airworthiness support,
and test pilots for experimental flight test projects.

Ballistic Test Facility

AATD - Ft. Eustis, VA

The Ballistic Test Facility is comprised of two outdoor and one indoor test ranges,
which are all instrumented for data acquisition and analysis. Full-size aircraft can
be tested against ammunition to a maximum of thirty millimeter armor-piercing
and high-explosive incendiary ammunition.

Battlefield Automation Lab

SED - Redstone Arsenal

The Battlefield Automation Lab (BAL) conducts research, development, and

engineering in the field of unmanned systems. Strong focus is given to robotics,
remote weapons, and unmanned systems. The BAL in a leader in standardization
for unmanned systems along with developing software to support standards
compliance testing.

14 AMRDEC Facilities 2008 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

CMDS System Integration and IAMD End-to-End Laboratory
ASGE – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The Cruise Missile Defense Systems (CMDS) Project Office is establishing a

secure System Integration Laboratory at the AMRDEC. This lab will contain
tactical Signal and Data Processors (SDP) for the Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile
Defense Elevated Netted Sensor (JLENS) system, along with other tactical and
modeling and simulation (M&S) components. The lab will be utilized to perform
subsystem integration testing, as a risk reduction facility, for pre-test planning and
post-test analysis, to analyze tactical software performance, for Independent
Verification and Validation (IV&V) of software, and for Verification, Validation,
and Accreditation (VV&A) of M&S. Additionally, the lab will be utilized to
prototype system changes and potentially for operator training. This facility will
also contain an End-to-End Digital Simulation in support of the Integrated Air and
Missile Defense (IAMD) Project Office. This will be used to integrate and exercise
digital simulations, providing a means for investigating IAMD requirements and
architecture designs.

Compact Antenna Range

ASGE – Redstone Arsenal, AL

Facility consists of a folded compact antenna range including a computer

controlled three axis position table, parabolic reflector and RF sources for the
measurement of antenna patterns including quantification of the effect of scan and
radomes on the patterns. The range is qualified for RF frequencies form X to W
band, Current sources are the Ka frequency band. This facility has been used to
quantify RF antennas for LONGBOW, PAC-3, and various advanced technology
developments. Additionally the facility includes a Far Field Range that provides a
capability for the laboratory development and test of radars transmitters and
receivers. This facility has been utilized for the development of both Active
Protections Systems and Counter Active Protection Systems and the evaluation of
advanced phased array antennas.

Composite Structures Manufacturing Facility

P&S – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The Composite Structures Manufacturing Facility specializes in the design,

analysis, fabrication and testing of advanced composite structures and materials for
both missile and aviation applications. Composite material processing and
fabrication capabilities include; filament winding, hand lay-up, compression
molding, resin transfer molding, injection molding, vacuum bagging, resin
formulation, autoclave and standard oven curing. Composite structures and
materials testing capabilities include; Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA),
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA),
mechanical property, and hydrostatic burst testing. The Composites Manufacturing
Facility provides AMRDEC engineers with a "hands on" capability in missile and
aviation composites manufacturing from project concept, through fabrication, and
testing. This facility is the Government's principal repository of technical expertise
in this area.

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Computer Training Systems Laboratory
3 ASGE – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The Computer Training Systems Laboratory contains air defense training devices
used by the United States Army and Marines, along with training systems used by
Foreign Military Sales (FMS) customers. The laboratory provides an area for
developing and testing these personal computer (PC) based visual simulation
systems, along with the capability of networking them together in distributed
simulations. The trainers currently located in the facility include the Avenger
Table Top Trainer (TTT), the Stinger Troop Proficiency Trainer (STPT), and the
Avenger Institutional Conduct of Fire Trainer (ICOFT), along with an Instructor
Station computer that can be used for scenario generation and exercise control.

Control Actuation System (CAS) Test Facility

ASGE – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The CAS Test Facility provides capability for development and testing of
pneumatic, hydraulic, electromechanical, and cold gas jet reaction control systems.
Test equipment available for measuring dynamic performance (stall torque, slew
rate, hysteresis, and frequency response) of control systems. Pneumatic, hydraulic,
and electrical power supplies are used to support testing. Electronic diagnostic
equipment oscilloscopes, data recorders, logic analyzers, and frequency response
analyzers. The CAS Facility has equipment for hydrostatic testing pressure vessels
to 40 kpsi and pressurizing pressure vessels to 15 kpsi. The facility contains a six-
component test stand, with instrumentation, for measuring the forces and moments
generated by reaction control systems. The equipment available for measuring
CAS performance consists of a Schlumberger 1250 Frequency Response Analyzer,
Tetronix Digital Oscilloscope, Gateway personal computer, and a custom designed
ATACMS Automated Test Stand that uses Lab View for data collection and
analysis. The Control Actuation System Test Facility supports CKEM, Control
Systems Technology, and ATACMS.

Countermeasure Test Facility

AATD - Ft. Eustis, VA

Turboshaft engine test stand capable of operating at full power in a simulated

aircraft environment to measure acoustic and/or IR radiation and signature.
Instrumentation is capable of 96 pressure channels and 105 temperature channels.
Mobile Aircraft Infrared Measurement System (AIMS) is field deployable and is
used to take full-spectrum IR measurements both at our CTF Facility and remote

16 AMRDEC Facilities 2008 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

Design and Analysis Facility
AATD - Ft. Eustis, VA

Provides engineering design of aircraft components, subsystems and installations

using Pro/E, Anvil 1000, CADKEY 97, AutoCAD 13. Engineering analysis tools
include NISA II and Pro/Mechanica.

Ducted Rocket Test Facility

P&S – Redstone Arsenal, AL

This is the most modern, economical, sub-scale direct connect air facility in the
world and is used for testing ducted rockets and ramjets. Completed in 1995, it
utilizes state-of-the-art computer control to deliver a wide range of airflow rates
and temperatures during a single test run, in effect 'flying' a mission while on the
test stand.

Embedded Processor Laboratory

ASGE – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The Embedded Processor Laboratory provides the means to design, develop,

fabricate, and test embedded computers for missile guidance electronics systems in
support of technology demonstrations and other missile programs. It consists of
equipment and expertise for developing and testing embedded hardware and
software for missile and fire control computer systems. Capabilities include: (1)
Electronic design tools and expertise, Hardware Description Language (HDL)
development, and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) implementation and
simulation tools (2) Printed Circuit Board signal integrity analysis tools (3)
Integrated Development Environments for multiple processors and Code
Generation Tools for development, integration, and test of software (4) Multi-
Channel High Speed Logic Analyzers, High Bandwidth Digital Oscilloscopes, and
Protocol Analyzers to test and troubleshoot electronic assemblies. This laboratory
currently supports several variants of the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System
(GMLRS), the MLRS Trajectory Correction Kit (TCK) program, and M299
launcher software development for Army Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).

Experimental Fabrication Facility

AATD - Ft. Eustis, VA

Provides aviation fabrication support to special operations aircraft residing at Fort

Eustis and other bases in the United States. Support is also provided to AATD for
in-house testing and prototype fabrication of Army aviation initiatives. The
capability exists to produce almost any machined part that would be found in use
on a current Army aircraft. The machinist routinely produced parts with tolerances
of less that 1 thousands of an inch in any configuration.

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Flight Control Technology Laboratory
Aviation Engineering Directorate – Redstone Arsenal, AL

AED has established an effective helicopter flight control technology development

lab targeted at greatly improving the operational capability of existing Army
aircraft. The lab is used to develop and evaluate flight control laws for partial
authority or fly-by-wire control systems. Integrated handling qualities and flight
control system design tools, developed by AFDD, are used to optimize control law
gains and time constants against applicable aircraft handling qualities
specifications. In addition, manned simulation is used in the lab to assess different
control concepts and to evaluate transitions between control law modes.

Flight Research Support Facility

AATD - Ft. Eustis, VA

This facility provides support for research and development flight test and test
support activities. The hangar includes space and equipment needed for aircraft
maintenance, modification, instrumentation, quality control, ground support
equipment, and flight planning. Currently, the facility aircraft include manned and
unmanned, fixed and rotary wing vehicles.

GPS Satellite Simulation Facility

ASGE – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The GPS satellite simulation facility consists of a GPS satellite simulator controlled
by either a Silicon Graphics Origin 2000 or PC depending upon unit under test
requirements. These simulators are capable of generating RF for a full satellite
constellation for both military and civilian signals. The GPS simulators are used to
evaluate: (1) total system navigation accuracy, (2) accuracy improvement
enhancements (i.e., Local/Wide Area Differential, Wide Area GPS Enhancement
(WAGE), pseudolites), (3) acquisition and reacquisiton performance, (4) effects of
terrain or body masking, (5) satellite geometry and visibility effects including
antenna gain pattern modeling, (6) effects of vehicle dynamics, (7) effects of
selective availability/anti-spoofing (SA/A-S) operation, (8) inertial navigation
system (INS) aided and unaided performance, and (9) interference (i.e., jamming)
susceptibility. The GPS Test facility consists of three GPS satellite simulators used
to test GPS receiver and integrated GPS/Inertial Navigation System (INS)
hardware over a flight environment. The GPS simulator can be used in conjunction
with a rate table, centrifuge, or vibration table. The GPS Test Facility supports
project office programs including ATACMS, MLRS M270A1 Launcher, GMLRS
as well as technology programs including Point-Hit MLRS, and Netfires. The GPS
test facility has the capability of supporting any evolving weapon system that
utilizes GPS receivers.

18 AMRDEC Facilities 2008 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

Gel Propellant Rheology Facility
P&S – Redstone Arsenal, AL

This facility is used to determine rheological properties of gelled propellants over

the full range of the Army operational temperature limits and for shear rates
equivalent to those imposed on the gels by engine injectors. This information is
required to minimize the volume and weight of gel propulsion systems.

Instrumentation Facility
AATD - Ft. Eustis, VA

Provides instrumentation support for flight tests of prototype weapons systems

using a vast array of airborne sensors, transducers, signal conditioning and
encoding devices, solid state recorders, telemetry transmitters, telemetry receivers,
and decoders. A mobile instrumentation van is maintained to collect, process, and
analyze real-time data at test locations both on-site at Fort Eustis or at live-fire test

Javelin Simulation Center

SSDD – Redstone Arsenal, AL

A world class digital simulation capability for design, analysis, and evaluation of
the Javelin weapon system. Includes the Javelin Integrated Flight Simulation (IFS)
which integrates a six degree-of-freedom simulation with tactical missile code and
high fidelity modeling of real world environments. The IFS executes the closed
loop simulation using missile tactical processors. The lab is the focal point of the
Javelin Integrated Test and Simulation Network that links three other technology
areas within AMRDEC, the Redstone Technical Test center, and the prime

Joint Technology Center/System Integration Laboratory

SED- Redstone Arsenal, AL

JTC/SIL facilitates the rapid transition of technologies and products to users and
developers, and serves as a testbed for future unmanned initiatives. Core
capabilities include system integration & testing, rapid prototyping, system
development, software development, simulation, and architecture development.
Efforts include trainer systems (proficiency, schoolhouse, field, embedded and
portable operator trainers), and rapid prototyping of unmanned systems
components to conduct virtual and live experiments.

Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. AMRDEC Facilities 2008 19

Ka-Band/W-Band Compact Ranges
ASGE – Redstone Arsenal, AL

Compact test ranges have the capability to measure performance of RF antennas

radomes and other millimeter wave devices at the Ka-band spectrum in a 30- by
12- by 10-foot chamber and W-band spectrum in a 9- by 6- by 6-foot chamber.
This capability gives the information needed for missile seeker and sensor
performance predictions, RF device material selection, foreign system exploitation,
and refinement of RF subsystem design. System component evaluations and tests
have included the lower tier air defense system, unmanned aircraft systems, foreign
system exploitation, and missile and submunition improvement programs.

Kiowa Warrior (OH-58D) Scout Helicopter Cockpit Procedures

Trainer with Image Generator (CPTIG) Software Support
Environment (SSE)
SED – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The CPT-IG SSE has the capability to maintain, support and upgrade CPT-IG
Trainer software. The trainers are used at the Army Flight School, Ft. Rucker, AL
to assist in the training of Pilots, Co-pilots and Maintenance Test Personnel in
operational/maintenance procedures of the actual aircraft.

Large Rotor Test Apparatus

AFDD – Moffett Field, CA

This test apparatus, when combined with the National Full-Scale Aerodynamics
Complex, produces a thorough, full-scale test capability. The Large Rotor Test
Apparatus is able to conduct full-flight envelope tests for full-scale components
with a complete control and drive system.

Larry O. Daniel Prototype Integration Facility (PIF)

ED – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The primary goal of the PIF is to support technology activities in the development,
fabrication, integration, test/qualification of prototype tactical and ground support
systems, subsystems and components. Additionally, the PIF will offer capabilities
that allow for the manufacture and integration of unique, difficult-to-procure, and
low-rate-production items. The PIF consists of a main 60,000 square foot facility
that houses both engineering and manufacturing functions. There is an 11,000
square foot attached high bay that contains two 20-ton bridge style cranes used for
ground and airframe platform integration. The low bay area houses machinery and
tooling used to produce most mechanical and electrical components at the
subsystem level. All engineering and technical data development is contained
within the office area of the PIF. Adjacent to the PIF are facilities specializing in
printed circuit board plating and another for finishing/painting processes. The PIF
also has access to an additional 214,902 square feet of facilities including 3
20 AMRDEC Facilities 2008 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
Laser Countermeasure Laboratory
ASGE – Redstone Arsenal, AL

This state-of-the-art laser/optics facility is used to demonstrate laser

countermeasures to MANPADS using infrared sensors and seekers. Foreign,
domestic, and prototype MANPADS are evaluated with respect to their
susceptibilities to laser and expendable flare countermeasures. Techniques are also
developed and evaluated to harden sensors and seekers to these families of

The laboratory includes optical tables, mid-wave and long-wave IR laser sources, a
blackbody target source, an ultraviolet background source, a flare simulator and
optics to combine all of these, which present a realistic (range scaled) scene to an
IR seeker. The LCML has been employed for (1) development of laser CCM under
Army STO III.WP.2002.02, (2) determination of fundamental laser/detector effects
and interaction, (3) evaluation of tactical, developmental and foreign IR seekers,
(4) pretest simulation of US/UK laser/flare CM field tests, and (6) laser guidance
link experimentation for CKEM.

Laser Guidance Analysis Facility

ASGE – Redstone Arsenal, AL

This facility, which provides for real time, closed loop evaluation of semi-active
laser guidance hardware, has and continues to be instrumental in the development
and life cycle support of such systems as HELLFIRE and Copperhead. It is
currently being utilized in the development and demonstration of new laser
guidance concepts for the Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System.

Life Cycle Software Engineering Center Complex

SED – Redstone Arsenal, AL

294,000 square feet of state-of-the-art workspace, special purpose conferencing and

training facilities. Over 900 employees perform work in an environment that is
host to over 40 Software/ Computer Engineering laboratories, plus adjoining high
bays for tactical equipment operations. The Reconfigurable Tactical Operations
Center Lab provides a baseline environment to support integration tasks. The
theater missile defense commander-in-chief (CINC) coordination cells were
designed and developed here to provide real-time situational awareness for joint
commanders. CINC cells were installed at the U.S. Central Command and the U.S.
Forces Korea with continuing support for training and joint exercises. The Theater
High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) Evaluation Center is an integrated suite of
THADD digital and hardware-in-the-loop simulation to support engineering
analysis and system performance assessments.

Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. AMRDEC Facilities 2008 21

Liquid/Gel Rocket Test Facility
P&S – Redstone Arsenal, AL

This is the most modern, economical sub-scale gel propellant rocket static test
stand in the world. It is used continuously by the Government, Industry, and the
Intelligence community for testing of liquid and gel propellant propulsion systems.
Completed in the late 1990's, it utilizes state-of-the-art computer control to test bi-
propellant, mono-propellant, and hybrid propulsion systems under tactical
conditions that can include mission duty cycles and temperature conditions.

Longbow/Hellfire and Stinger Systems Integration Facility

ASGE – Redstone Arsenal, AL

This facility is used to design and evaluate the integration of launchers and missiles
with aircraft and ground platforms. It provides the capability to assess hardware
and software designs for entire weapon systems and supporting equipment such as
test sets and training missiles. The Longbow/Hellfire and Stinger Systems
Integration Facility currently supports Common Missile, Comanche, Aviation
Rockets and Missiles Project Office, and SHORAD Project Office.

Materials Facility
P&S – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The Materials Facility is located in Building 7103 and contains approximately

17,000 square feet of laboratory space housing state of the art scientific equipment
for materials testing and analysis. The Materials Facility provides support through
consultation, quality verification, materials characterization, failure and chemical
analysis, mechanical and environmental testing, as well as corrosion prevention &
control. The Materials Facility is an invaluable resource for materials support in
metals, ceramics, elastomers, platings, finishes, adhesives, sealants, and lubricants.
The mission of the facility is to support AMCOM PEO/PMs, MSIC, and other
Army needs in the materials area.

MEMS and Nano-Technology Clean Room

ASGE – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The MEMS and Nano-Technology Clean Room is a state-of-the-art, 800 square

foot, Class 1000-capable facility used for development of micro and sub-micro
scale sensors and systems. The clean room contains analysis and test equipment
including a Scanning Electron Microscope and Probe Station. Devices developed
and tested in this facility will be used for inertial and environmental sensor

22 AMRDEC Facilities 2008 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

Microfabrication Laboratory
WSD – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The laboratory includes approximately 1,700 square feet of specialized clean-room

space up to class 100, plus 1500 sq. ft. of clean-room space housing associated
equipment. This area is divided into three separate laboratory areas: mask making
and photolithography, mask aligners and spinners for layering of EO polymer
materials, and micromachining (DRIE, RIE, and Ion milling) and thin-film metals
and dielectric materials deposition. Also, housed in this complex are precision
surface analysis instruments (mechanical and optical surface profilers), a scanning
electron microscope, and a flip-chip bonder.

Modal Analysis and Visualization Equipment

P&S – Redstone Arsenal, AL

This state-of-the-art equipment is used to measure and visualize the vibration

characteristics of military hardware. It features a very large and powerful multi-
channel data acquisition capability for determining structural mode shapes and
natural frequencies. Obtained in 2002, the equipment supports field failure
investigations and development of new military systems.

NASA Vertical Motion Simulator

AFDD – Moffett Field, CA

This facility consists of four interchangeable cabs and computer image generator
visuals on top of the worlds largest amplitude 6 DOF motion base, used to conduct
8-10 simulations a year, including JSF, Comanche, UH-60, Shuttle, and shipboard

Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. AMRDEC Facilities 2008 23

National Full-Scale Aerodynamics Complex (NFAC)
AFDD – Moffett Field, CA

This facility is utilized by research scientists and engineers in the conduct of

advanced research and testing of rotorcraft at full scale. This facility is the world’s
largest wind tunnel consisting to two separate test sections (40’x80’ and 80’x120’)
capable of accommodating aerodynamic testing of articles up to full-scale, at
speeds of up to 250 kts. Although a NASA facility, it is operated by the USAF with
the Army as the principal customer.

Physical Sciences Complex

WSD – Redstone Arsenal, AL

This 88,000 square foot complex is used to investigate basic physical science in
support of missile technology development. It incorporates office space, dedicated
specialized laboratory spaces, a high-bay area, and a laser beam propagation range
with backdrop. The laboratories are equipped with specialized equipment such as
optical tables, isolated and filtered power connections in a variety of
configurations, water, supplies and drains, vacuum/pressurized air connections, and
humidity control. Optical processing and correlator development for automatic
target recognition and cueing occupies 5,400 square feet, including laboratories,
offices, and storage spaces. Integrated and guided-wave optics research occupies
3,200 square feet in three dedicated Class-100 clean rooms. The focus of
laboratory efforts is on micro-electro-mechanical technology for missile navigation
and guidance, photonic bandgap materials for sensor protection, conformal missile
domes, optical interconnects, and chaos control.

Platform Integration Laboratory

P&S – Redstone Arsenal, AL

This 10,000 ft2 laboratory provides the capability of the AMRDEC to perform
hardware modifications and platform integration activities to ground and air
weapon systems. This laboratory also develops the AMRDEC LAV test-beds,
which demonstrate emerging missile, launcher and fire control technologies in a
relative environment.

24 AMRDEC Facilities 2008 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

Propellant Aging and Mechanical Properties Facility
P&S – Redstone Arsenal, AL

State-of-the-Art laboratory and remote aging facilities, unique to the Army,

dedicated to characterization and sensitivity testing of energetic materials used in
rocket motors, warheads, and related ordnance devices. Engineering analysis tools
and test equipment to assess solid rocket motor structural integrity and service life
extension, and to perform analytical chemistry evaluations, forensic investigations
on failed hardware, or foreign systems exploitation. Completed in 1988, it meets
DoD's rigorous safety requirements for attended operations, storage, and handling
of hazardous propulsion materials.

Radar Frequency (RF) Technology Facilities

ASGE – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The RF Technology Facilities include a state-of-the-art instrumented microwave

laboratory, a bi-static clutter measurements facility capable of measurements from
X-band through W-band, W-band and Ka-band compact ranges, and a radar
operations facility.

Radar Operations Facility

ASGE - Redstone Arsenal, AL

This facility provides an environment for designing, developing, and testing radar
and radar subsystems. The main building includes rooftop radar operations,
microwave laboratory, high bay, and offices. Other buildings at this facility
include a test tower, radar pad, and experimental radar.

Redstone Aviation Propulsion Test and Research (RAPTR)

AED – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The Redstone Aviation Propulsion Test and Research(RAPTR) Facility is an

advanced, ground level turboshaft engine test facility with capability for test and
evaluation of aircraft turboshaft engines and components. Employing extensive and
accurate instrumentation into a scalable, highly flexible data acquisition and control
system, RAPTR is able to perform single, manually controlled engine operations as
well as complex and repeated test sequences in closed loop. MIL-STD-1553
architecture is incorporated into RAPTR. RAPTR incorporates facility safety
controls that protect personnel as well as test assets.

Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. AMRDEC Facilities 2008 25

Rocketball Test Facility
P&S – Redstone Arsenal, AL

This test facility offers the capability to emulate and measure guided missile radar
cross-section without requiring flight tests of tactical missiles. This facility was
developed in support of vehicle protection systems development efforts.

Rotorcraft Advanced System Concepts Airborne Lab (RASCAL)

AFDD – Moffett Field, CA

RASCAL is a full authority, fly-by-wire, glass cockpit in-flight simulator used for
a wide range of flight control and advanced guidance display work by both the
AMRDEC and NASA. It is the only helicopter in-flight simulator in the US.

Russell Measurement Facility (RMF)

ASGE – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The tower is 329 feet tall with an enclosed, 32x17 foot laboratory at the top
providing a view of surrounding test ranges. One of two elevators serves as a
measurements platform allowing variable lookdown angle capability. Facility
includes: fleet of tactical vehicles, track-mounted vehicle tilt/turn table, office
space, rest facilities, and both single and 3 phase power. Utilized for the
development of visible, IR and RF spectrum sensors/seekers, signature
measurement collection of both air and ground vehicles, etc.

Sensor Signal Processing System (SSPS)

ASGE – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The heart of the SSPS network consists of two realtime ATR systems with
customized 300 Hz. cross correlator engines. This facility consists of a high speed
local area network for implementation, development and assessment of target
acquisition and ATR functionality for fire control and precision strike weapon
applications. The SSPS currently supports NLOS-LS PAM and LAM, the Joint
Attack Munition System (JAMS) Project Office, and other evolving weapon
systems that plan or potentially could make use of an advanced target acquisition

26 AMRDEC Facilities 2008 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

Signature Characterization Facility (SCF)
P&S – Redstone Arsenal, AL

This facility is used to characterize the exhaust plumes of rocket motors. The
facility consists of a static test stand mounted inside an environmental chamber.
Small test motors can be fired under any atmospheric condition of temperature and
humidity, and evaluated as to their exhaust characteristics. These include visible
and infrared flash, visible and infrared smoke attenuation, toxicity, particle
analysis, and mm wave radar absorption.

Small Airbreathing Engine Test Facility

P&S – Redstone Arsenal, AL

This is a modern economical static test facility for the performance evaluation of
small airbreathing engines for both tactical missile and UAV applications. The
facility can accommodate turbojet engines up to the 1000 lbf thrust class and
reciprocating engines up to 150 shp. The facility can accommodate either jet
engines on a thrust stand or shaft engines on a propeller stand. In addition, shaft
engine (turbine or reciprocating) can be evaluated on the dynamometer stand.
Completed in the late 1990's, it utilizes state-of-the-art computer control to test
airbreathing propulsion systems under tactical conditions that can include mission
duty cycles and electrical or shaft power loadings.

Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Facility

AATD - Ft. Eustis, VA

This facility contains sufficient space to assemble and maintain an expendable

drone UAV for research and development purposes. The Small UAV Facility also
can provide avionics and ground support components for the UAV plus
components for smaller radio-controlled model airplanes.

Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Laboratory

SSDD – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Laboratory (SUAVL) is used in research and
development of new technologies applicable to small UAV systems, in component
integration and subsystem insertion, in evaluating existing airframes, components
and subsystems and developing new evaluation and prediction methodologies for
small unmanned aerial systems. The facility also serves as the primary repository
of Small UAV performance and is the basis for future work in small UAV
technologies between RDEC labs, TRADOC Battle Labs, industry, and academia.

Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. AMRDEC Facilities 2008 27

Structural Test Facility
AATD - Ft. Eustis, VA

Provides a wide variety of testing equipment, fixtures and facilities to perform both
unique aviation component testing as well as common types of materials testing
capabilities. The facility includes a rotor blade mid-span fatigue test fixture, rotor
blade root-end test fixture, torsional fatigue test machine, Instron and 300 kip
Tinus-Olsen load frame, and a structural backstop which can accommodate a UH-
60 size helicopter.

Supersonic Rocket on a Rope (SROAR)

P&S – Redstone Arsenal, AL

This test facility offers the capability to conduct flight and impact tests of various
missile components up at velocities up to Mach-3 without the complexity and
expense of guided flight tests. This facility utilizes high-tension ropes anchored
near the target to accurately guide the missile to the desired hit-point, and can
support free-flight of the missile off the ropes for coast-phase in-flight testing. A
variety of rocket motors are utilized to replicate the acceleration and velocity
profiles of the tactical system. This facility has been used to conduct impact fuze,
explosive and flechette warhead, and sensor testing under flight-test conditions.

Tactical Systems Integration Laboratory

1 ASGE – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The Tactical Systems Integration Laboratory is used to design and integrate

computer hardware and software and related electronic subsystems for tactical
vehicles. This laboratory consists of hi-bay space within a secured building. The
lab area includes equipment for electronics fabrication and test, as well as a
hardware/software integration test area. The laboratory also includes assets for
collecting, processing, and presenting data from field tests. The hi-bay is equipped
with an overhead crane and 28 Volt vehicle compatible power supply. Current
programs supported include Avenger, Sentinel, SLAMRAAM, and Non Line of
Sight – Launch System (NLOS-LS) Precision Attack Missile (PAM).

Two-Room Blast Characterization Facility and Explosives Test

P&S – Redstone Arsenal, AL

AMRDEC has constructed and is currently doing evaluation of explosives in a two-

room, non-responding structure outside of TA-10. In this facility, novel explosive
charges of up to 15-lbs. are evaluated for blast overpressure and thermal output
within a confined space. The structure, based on a Marine Corp ORD for fire from
enclosure (FFE), is one of only two facilities of its kind in the world. The
dimension of each room is 12x15x7 feet. The primary blast room is layered with
replaceable mild steel. Both rooms are instrumented with an adaptable array of
transducers, thermocouples, and calorimeters. The primary room is also fitted with
a barrel feature for mechanically measuring total impulse.

28 AMRDEC Facilities 2008 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

UH-60 System Integration Laboratory
SED – Redstone Arsenal, AL

This facility provides the equipment and resources to analyze problems reported by
the user, conduct avionics tests, support air-worthiness analysis and certification,
and produce components in conjunction with enhancing the Blackhawk fleet.

Vehicle Antenna Measurement Facility (VAMF)

AATD - Ft. Eustis, VA

The VAMF is used to conduct radio-frequency (RF) characterization of

communication, navigation, and ASE/ECM antennas and sensors test aircraft. The
facility is capable of automated antenna gain pattern measurement and has an
adjustable vehicle rotation system, capable of 360 degree azimuthal rotation to
conduct RF pattern measurement of antennas and sensors located on vehicles up to
40,000 lbs. gross weight and 36 foot wheel base.

Virtual Targets Center (VTC)

SSDD – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The VTC is a joint effort with PEO STRI, PM ITTS TMO to provide signature
management and predictive signature design services. It is organized into three
areas: 1) The Virtual Targets Program, which creates digital geometry target
models. 2) The Target Generation Lab, which generates multiple types of
simulation target models ranging in complexity from low resolution stealth views
such as used by OneSAF to high resolution Hardware-In-the-Loop and predictive
signature codes.3) The Army Model Exchange, which provides a protected website
for the immediate download of thousands of target models.

Warfighter Protection Laboratory (WPL)

SSDD – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The Warfighter Protection Lab is a Government Force Protection and Homeland

Security Test-Bed that partners to solve problems that keep our customers “awake
at night.” Efforts include:

• Exercise Support and Response Analysis: supporting customers in the

development, planning, execution, and analysis of table-top, functional, full-
scale exercises.
• Operations Support: working with Operations Center management to optimize
sensors, infrastructure, tactical hardware systems, and data sets for maximum
Situational Awareness and Decision Support.
• Simulation-Based Training: providing highly realistic simulation-based
training environments.
• Live/Virtual Experimentation: employing traditional simulation techniques to
study emerging technologies related to Force Protection and Homeland
Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. AMRDEC Facilities 2008 29
Weapon System Interoperability Test Facility
SED – Redstone Arsenal, AL

Designed for weapon system software and communication testing, this is the only
facility in the U.S. Government having, in residence, Army deployed tactical air
defense systems, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle C3 assets, and other ground and fire
support weapon and C3 systems. It is regularly used for joint interoperability
certification testing, AWE and field demonstration preparation, and soldier

* General Inquiries May Be Directed to:

Mary Ottman
AMRDEC Director, Strategic Initiatives Office/
AMRDEC Homeland Security Lead
Bldg 5400, S145 Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898

Phone: 256-876-9159
Fax: 256-876-9142

30 AMRDEC Facilities 2008 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.


Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. AMRDEC Facilities 2008 31

32 AMRDEC Facilities 2008 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
Airborne & Field Sensors Facilities
Redstone Technical Test Center (RTTC) – Redstone Arsenal, AL

RTTC facilities include an 800’ x 60’ paved UAV operational area, clear
approach/departure zone, concrete pads furnished with 208VAC, 3 phase,
200 amp power, 20,000 sq ft of climate controlled hanger space, with
machine shop and integration facilities for sensors on fixed and rotary wing
aircraft. Substantial ground sensor testing ranges are available, complete
with range control facilities and a raised 5 meter mound with 18,200 sq ft
work pad, 75’ tower and instrumented trailers. Stabilized airborne
instrumentation platforms are also available, as well as a wide variety of
target and non-target entities. Capabilities for collecting multi-spectral
signatures, ground truthing TSPI information is available, as well as
dispensing and characterizing obscurants for supporting
detection/recognition tests and system-of-systems tests, over varied terrain.
RTTC also has a unique reconfigurable underground 6’ concrete tunnel
facility, with two connecting tunnels measuring 364’ and 100’ in length.

Climatic Environmental Test Facilities

RTTC – Redstone Arsenal, AL

RTTC has an extensive suite of facilities for supporting MIL-STD-810 testing, to

include: Temperature/Altitude, Rapid Decompression, Low/High Temperature,
Temperature Shock, Humidity, Salt Fog, Blowing Rain, Freezing Rain/Ice,
Submersion/Leak, Dust, Blowing Sand, Solar Radiation, Environmental Stress
Screening. Capabilities for supporting climatic specification development and
thermal modeling are also available.

Component and Subsystem Test & Analysis Facilities

RTTC – Redstone Arsenal, AL

RTTC has approximately 140,000 sq ft of lab and high bay facilities to include the
EO Target Acquisition System Evaluation Lab (EOTASEL) and the EO Sensor
Flight Evaluation Lab (EOSFEL) for comprehensive performance testing of
Seekers, and Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition (RSTA)
Sensors. Component facilities also include a complete Metrology Lab, the
Automated Laser Instrumentation System (ALIMS), RF Laboratories, Multi-
Spectral Component Testing, Mechanical, Structural, Kinematics, Fatigue,
Pneumatic, Hydraulic, Cable, Optics, and Electrical/Electronic Test Equipment.

Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. AMRDEC Facilities 2008 33

Dynamic (Shock & Vibration) Test Facilities
RTTC – Redstone Arsenal, AL

RTTC dynamic field test facilities include a Road/Mobility Testing site, as well as a
natural terrain road course. The numerous dynamic laboratory facilities support:
Mechanical and Acoustic Vibration, DOF Motion Replication, Shock, Acceleration,
Acoustics and includes capabilities for Signal Analysis and Structural Modal
Analysis. Capabilities for supporting dynamic specification development are also

Electromagnet Environmental Effects (E3) Facilities

RTTC – Redstone Arsenal, AL

RTTC has full-spectrum facilities for performing MIL-STD-461 and ADS-37A/B

testing: Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) – Operational (EMRO), EMR-Hazards
(EMRH), Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), Hazards of Electromagnetic
Radiation to Ordnance (HERO), Electromagnetic Vulnerability (EMV),
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), Near-and
direct-lightning strikes, Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)/Nuclear, Radar Cross Section
(RCS)/signature, Shielding Effectiveness (SE), and other electromagnetic
safety/hazards and operational electromagnetic testing. Testing capabilities
encompass: noise floor analysis, source/victim, power quality measurement, and
electro-explosive device (EED).

F.B.I.-OMEMS Hazardous Devices School

F.B.I. – U.S. Army – Redstone Arsenal, AL

The Hazardous Devices School began 35 years ago on Redstone Arsenal, and is
managed by the FBI with instructors provided by the Army’s Ordnance Munitions
and Electronics Maintenance School. The school helps Public Safety Bomb
Technicians (PSBT) to become knowledgeable in the detection, diagnosis and
disposal of hazardous devices. They are further trained to collect evidence in
hazardous devices, and present expert witness testimony in court on bombing

Instrumentation Design and Development Facilities

RTTC – Redstone Arsenal, AL

RTTC has facilities for design, development and fabrication of: custom
instrumentation, mobile instrumentation, miniaturized instrumentation, wireless
instrumentation, telemetry, instrumentation integration into ground and airborne
platforms, and other specialized test sets for supporting certified real-time data
acquisition and signal analysis. Mobile data acquisition and analysis facilities are
available to support a multitude of testing, signature collection, and ground truth

34 AMRDEC Facilities 2008 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.


Modeling & Simulation Infrastructure

RTTC – Redstone Arsenal, AL

RTTC has substantial M&S infrastructure, including a High Performance

Computer and Virtual Proving Ground (VPG) resources for: thermal modeling,
finite element analysis, physical simulation, CAD/CAM, multi-body dynamics,
failure analysis, real-time multi-spectral scene generation, atmospheric effects,
sensor effects modeling, as well as system-of-systems M&S and virtual ranges for
creating and inserting 3-D synthetic environments. The Global Modular Army
Node (GMAN) provides an FCS simulation environment for supporting the
integration testing of battle command network systems and system-of-systems

Redstone Scientific Information Center

RSIC – Redstone Arsenal, AL

RSIC, established in 1962, is the World’s Largest Aerospace Scientific Information

Center. Staffed with degreed information professionals with expertise in a variety
of scientific and technical fields, RSIC houses an extensive scientific and technical
collection and provides accurate and timely information and services needed
by researchers and engineers at Redstone Arsenal and the Tennessee Valley. From
hard-to-find historical
documents to the newest technical literature, RSIC provides expert personalized
assistance in answering specific research questions, selecting or recommending
individual information resources, translating documents, making referrals to
outside information sources, and conducting literature searches.

Redstone Arsenal Airfield

Redstone Arsenal Garrison, Redstone Arsenal, AL

In addition to supporting the aircraft assigned to the arsenal, Redstone Army Airfield
serves as a refueling stop for all of the military services. The airfield's runway is
capable of handling a wide spectrum of military aircraft including some of the
world's largest cargo and passenger planes. Among the aircraft which have used the
arsenal's airfield are the C-124 cargo plane; the AO1C Mohawk turboprop
reconnaissance plane; the Air Force's C-5A Galaxy.

Restricted Airspace
RTTC – Redstone Arsenal, AL

Redstone Technical Test Center has restricted airspace up to 30,000 feet ASL.
Airspace encompasses R-2104 (Redstone). Airspace is used extensively for
airborne/UAV testing operations such as acquisition and recognition applications.
Ranges are available up to 13 Km within RSA boundaries and over 29Km available
that may be coordinated with the Huntsville Air Traffic Control. Support personnel
are available for sustained operations.

Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. AMRDEC Facilities 2008 35

Sensors Laboratory Test Facilities
RTTC – Redstone Arsenal, AL

RTTC has extensive laboratory facilities for complete specification/performance

testing of: Laser Rangefinders, Laser Designators, Direct-View Optic Telescopes,
Visible/TV Sensors, Ultraviolet (UV) Sensors, Near-IR Sensors, Mid-Wave IR
Sensors, Long-Wave IR Sensors, RF Sensors, MMW sensors, Microwave Sensors,
as well as Multi-Spectral/Multi-Mode/Multi-Band Sensors. Facilities include
highly unique in-band scene projectors for real-time dynamic stimulation of
reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition sensors to support hardware-in-
the-loop testing.

Urban Test Facilities

RTTC – Redstone Arsenal, AL

RTTC has access to various facilities for use in urban testing applications,
including an agreement with the Hazardous Devices School (HDS): a restricted
access Urban area located on Redstone Arsenal, with paved roads, urban municipal
areas, farm area, strip mall area, residential areas, and commercial areas, which are
instrumented with observation cameras and power. RTTC also has an underground
cave/tunnel facility that can be used for testing sensors in urban tunnel applications.

36 AMRDEC Facilities 2008 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.


* General Inquiries May Be Directed to:

Mary Ottman
AMRDEC Director, Strategic Initiatives Office/
AMRDEC Homeland Security Lead
Bldg 5400, S145 Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898

Phone: 256-876-9159
Fax: 256-876-9142

Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. AMRDEC Facilities 2008 37

38 AMRDEC Facilities 2008 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
AMRDEC is excited to participate in
collaborative efforts with domestic partners, TECHNICAL INDUSTRIAL LIAISON
including state and local governments, OFFICE (TILO)
businesses and universities. Outlined here
The TILO is one of the initial points of entry for those
are a few of the ways that you can work with
seeking to do business with AMRDEC. The TILO
us. manages the Unsolicit-ed Proposal Program. An
unsolicited proposal is any proposal or offer of services
--- TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER --- received that is not the result of a formal advertisement
Technology transfer is a process where Federal for a specific procurement, request for proposal (RFP), or
Government technologies and products developed are request for a quotation (RFQ). The TILO also manages
provided to potential users in a manner that encourages the Unfunded Study Program, and the Army Potential
and accelerates their commercial applications. These Contractor Program. The TILO provides technical
include CRADAs and PLAs, explained below, as well expertise in support of contract opportunities for Small
as Facilities Use Agreements and Cooperative Businesses and Historically Black Colleges/Universities
Agreements/Bailment. and Minority Institutions. CONTACT: Industry
Liaison, Phone: 256-313-2416,

CRADAs are simple, flexible and powerful legal

agreements between Federal and Non-Federal parties to SMALL BUSINESS INNOVATION RESEARCH
collaborate on a common objective. (SBIR)
The SBIR program provides small businesses and
• Share/Exchange personnel, equipment, facilities, research institutions with opportunities to participate in
other resources but no direct Federal funding
government-sponsored research and development. The
• Not subject to Federal Acquisition Regulations or
Program provides seed money for high-tech small
competition in contracting act
business to use in the development of innovative products
• Trade secret information protected from Freedom
of Information Act and technologies. This investment results in a technology,
product, or service that the government can potentially
PATENT LICENSE AGREEMENT (PLA) use, and that the small business or research institution can
commercialize outside the SBIR Program. AVIATION
PLAs license commercial companies to commercially CONTACT: P.J. Jackson, 757-878-5400,
exploit patented government-developed technology.; MISSILE CONTACT:
• The government retains the rights to use the Buddy Thomas, 256-842-9227,
technology for government purposes.
• Royalty fees, legal rights, and other terms and
conditions on the use of the technology are
negotiated by the company and the government BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT (BAA)
• PLAs can be exclusive, partially exclusive, or non- BAAs are open solicitations for proposals. They provide
exclusive. opportunities for funded scientific research to fulfill
identified requirements. AMRDEC posts all BAAs at
CONTACT: Office of Research and Technology Detailed instructions on submitting
Applications (ORTA), 256-876-8743, a proposal are included in the official BAA. *

Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. AMRDEC Facilities 2008 39

AMRDEC provides testing services to private industry,
offering low-cost services, unique testing facilities, highly
rated and experienced staff, state-of-the-art equipment, test
plan development, data analysis and report preparation.*


Memoranda that define general areas of conditional
agreement between two or more parties. The MOA
describes that which one party does is dependent on what
the other party does. MOAs may establish responsibilities
for providing recurring reimbursable support.*


An IAA is the legal instrument used for an interagency
exchange of funds for goods/services between Federal
agencies. *

* General Inquiries May Be Directed to:

Mary Ottman
AMRDEC Director, Strategic Initiatives Office/
AMRDEC Homeland Security Lead
Bldg 5400, S145 Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898

Phone: 256-876-9159
Fax: 256-876-9142

40 AMRDEC Facilities 2008 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.


The U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research,

Development and Engineering Center

Bldg. 5400
Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898

Additional Links/Contacts

The U.S. Army Material Command (AMC)

The U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering

Command (RDECOM)

Redstone Arsenal

Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. AMRDEC Facilities 2008 41

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